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THE Proprietors trust that the preseJ?.t the fifteenth • Edition of KELLY's

DIRECTORY OF THE CouNTY oF NoRFOLK may be found at least equal in

accuracy to the previous one.

Every parish in the county will again be found to be included in

the book, which, though necessarily above all things a Directory,
still continues in sun1e measure to be a Gazetteer, giving as it does a
topographical account of every Town, Parish, Village and Township, and
descriptions ot the principal buildings and objects of interest. •

Full information as to the County Council; the Hundreds, Unions,

and County Court Districts; the Churches, with the value of the Livings
and the names of the Patrons and Incumbents; the Chief Landowners, with
details as to the Principal Seats ; the Hospitals and Charities, whether
general or local ; the Acreage, Soils and Crops ; the Markets and Fairs;
the 1neans of Conveyance by Railway, etc., will be found in its pages.

The l\Iap of the County has been specially prepared for this Edition.

The Proprietors have again to return their thanks to those Clergymen,

· :\Iagistrates' Clerks, Registrars and other Gentlemen who have assisted their
Agents while collecting the informntion for the present Edition.

The following abbreviations are used in connection with the Postal Information to be found in the book:-
M.O. and T.O. for Money Order and Telegraph Office.

!82. 183 & 184, HIGH HOI.BOllN, LoNDON, W.C •

.September, 1!112.
Abbey,see West Dereham 119 Beckham-East •......... 48 Bradfield ..... ..•.....•... ... 64 Burnham Market......... 78
Acle .............•............. 25 Beckham-West ........•. 48 Brakefield Green, see Burnham Norton.......... 79
Acre Castle . .. . . . ... . .. . .. 87 Bedingham . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . 49 Yaxh un .................. 6o6 Burnham Overy. ... . ... . .. 79
Acre-South & West..... 26 Beechamwell, see Beach- Bramerton ...... ... ... ... ... 64 Burnham Overy Staith,
Alburgh ......... ............ ~6 am well..................... 48 Brampton. ...... ... ... ... ... 65 see Burnham Overy... So
Alby with Thwaite ...... 27 Beeston (or Beeston-next- Brancaster ... ... ............ 65 Burnham Sutton .......... So
Alby Hill, see Alby........ 27 Mileham).................. 50 Brancaster Staith, see Burnham Thorpe ......... So
. Aldborough ............... . J. 27 Beeston Regis.............. 50 Brancaster ............... 65 Burn ham Ulph,see Burn-
Aldeby .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 28 Beeston St. An drew .. .. .. SI Brand is ton . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. 66 ham Market ... ... ... ... 78
Alderford ................... 28 Beeston St. Lawrence ... 51 Brandon ......... !........... 66 Burnham Westgate, see
Alderford Bridge, see Beeston with Little Bit- Brandon Creek, see Little Burnham Market...... 78
Swanington .............. -480 tering, see Beeston ... 50 Ouse ........................ 406 Hnrston ... ... ...... ... . .. ... 81
Aletborpe 28 ; & see Beetley ................... ... 51 Hrandon-Parva ....._.. ,.. 66 Bush Green, see Pulbam
Fakenham ............... 142 Beighton ...... ............... 52 Breccles ......... ............ 67 St. Mary Magdalen ... 415
Alpington .......... ·...... ... 28 Belaugh .... ...... .... .. ... ... 52 Hressingham (or Bris- Bustard's Green, see
Anchor corner, see Little Bell Green, see Wortweli 556 singham).................. 67 Forncctt St. Peter .... 153
Ellingham ................ 139 Bengate, see Worstead ... 556 Brettenham .............. ,.. 68 Butt Lands, see Wells-
Anmer........................ 29 Bergh Apton (or Burgh Bridgham ................... 68 next-the-Sea ............ 534
Antingha.m.................. 29 Apton )..................... 52 Briggate, see Worstead ... 555 Buxton ...... ................. 81
Appleton, see Flitcham ... 151 Berney, see Barney ....... 43 Briggs-West, see Tot- Buxton Heath, see- Hev-
Armingha.ll... ............... 29 BerryHall,seeBarton Turf 46 tenhill ....................... soB ingham .................... IIJO
Ashby St. Mary (near Bessingham, or Bassing- Briningham ................. 68 Bnxton-Lamas,see Buxtn 81
Norwich) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 30 ham . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 53 Brinton . . . . . . ... . . .. . .. .. . ... 68 By laugh ....... .. . ... . .. . .. ... 82
Ashby-with-Oby (near Besthorpe ................... 53 .Brisley........................ 6g Caister,near Yarmouth.. 82
Yarmouth)............... 30 Bexwell ...................... 54 Brissingham (or Bres- Caistor St. Edmund...... 83
Ashill......................... 30 Bickerston (or Bixton), sing ham) ............... 67 Caldecote .......... ........ :. 84
Ashmanhangb .... ......... 31 see Barn ham Broom... 44 Briston .......... ....... ...... 6g California, see Ormesby
Ashwellthorpe ............. 31 Billingford (near East Broadish (or Brockdisb) 70 St. Margaret ............ 404
Ashwicken ............... ... 32 Dereham) .......... ...... 54 Rroads,see Hick ling 190; Callow Green, see Blofield 6o
.Aslacton .................. ... 32 Billingford, otherwise Hoveton ~t. John 208; Ca.lthorpe.. ........... ...... 84
Attleborough ............... 32 Pyrleston (near Diss) 54 Ormesby St. Michael Camping Hill,seeStiffkey 466
Attlebridge.................. 35 Rillockby ................... ,. 55 405; Ranworth 417; Cantley....................... 84
Aylmerton ..... .;.............. 35 Bilney-East & West ..... /' 55 Rock land St.Ma.ry 425; Ca.rbrook .. . ............... 85
Aylsham ....... ,............. 36 Binham (or Binham Rollesby 426; Stalham Carletou-East ............ 85
Babingley .... ............... 40 Abbey) .. .................. 56 462; Snrlingham 473: Carleton Forehoe.......... 86
Baconsthorpe ............... 40 Bintree, or Bintry...... ... 56. South Walsham 52:l; Carleton Rode.............. 86
Bacton ....................... 40 Bircham-Great .......... 57 & Wroxham ............ 558 Carleton St. Peter......... 87
Bacton Green, see Bacton 40 Birch am Newton .. .. .. .. .. 57 Brockdish, see Thorpe Carrow, see Norwich..... 290
BadleyMoor,seeYaxham 6o6 Bircham Tofts ............. 57 Abbotts ................... 497 Castle Acre .................. 87
Bagthorpe ................... 41 Bittering- Magna (or Brockley, set! Worstea.d 551 Castle Hill, see Thetford 490
Bale........................... 41 Great Bittering).. ...... 57 Bromholm, see Bacton... 40 Castle Rising ............... 88
Banham .......·................. 41 Bittering- Parva (or Hrooke........................ 71 Caston ............... ;........ 88
Banningham ............... 42 Little Bitteriug) 58 ; Broc,kville,seeWhittingtn 541 Catfield....................... 8g
Harford • ............ ......... 43 & see Beeston............ 50 Broom Close,seeElmham 139 Catton ........................ 8g
Harmer ...................... · 43 Bittering Street, see Broom Green, see Elm- Catton-N~w,t~eeNorwich 287
Barney (or Berney) ....... 43 Bittering-Magna...... 57 ham ........................ 139 Cawston ..................... go
Barnham Broom .......... 43 Bixley .................. ...... 58 Broomhill, see Weeting ... 532 Central Wingland ......... 91
Barningham-Little, or Bixton (orBickerston),see Broome(formerly Brome) 71 Cess, see Martham ...... 261
Barningham Parva.. ... 44 Barnham Broom ...... 44 Broomsthorpe, see East Chedgrave ................... 91
Barningha.m Norwood, or Black Horse Drove, see Rudham .................. 42~ Choseley ..................... 91
North Barningham..... 44 Little Ouse ............... 4o6 Brumstead(orBrunstea.d) 72 Church End, see Walpole
Barningham Winter, or Blackborough, see Mid- Brundall .................... 72 St. Peter .................. 516
Barningham Town...... 44 dleton ..................... 269 Buckenha.m ........... ...... 73 Church Rnd, see West
Barret Ringstead (or Blakeney, anciently Snit- Buckenham-New ........ 73 Walton ......·............... 527
Ringstead Parva), see terley .................... .. 58 Buckenha.m-Old ......... 74 Claxton ...... ................. 91
Hunstanton ............. 210 Blickling .................. ... 59 Bnckenham Tofts (or l.Jlenchwarton 92; & see
Barroway Drove, see Blofield, 6o; see also Huckenham-Parva).. 75 Nth. &West Lynn 25B & 259
Stow Bardolph .......... 469 Wickbampton ......... 542 Bull Bridge, see Upwell.. 513 Cley-next·the-Sea ......... g:a
Barsham-East ............ 45 Blo'norton. ......... ......... 6r Hunn'fll Bank, see Old Clint Green, see Yaxham 6o6
Ba.rsha.m-N orth.. ......... 45 Bloodtields, see East Huckenham ... ........... 74 Clippesby .......... .... ...... 93
Barsham-West............ 45 Bilney ..................... 55 Buntings, see Methwold 2c7 Cobholm & Cobholm Is-
Barton Bendish ............ 45 Bloodgatc, see South Bunwell ..................... 75 land, see &mthtown,
BartonHroads,seeCatfield 8g Creake ..................... 100 Burgh (or Bnrgh-!lext- Gt. Yarmouth ......... s6g
Barton Turf ................ 46 Bloodsdale, see Drayton. 134 Aylsham)... ........... ... 75 Cockley Cley ............... 93
Barwick ...................... 47 Blue Bell Common, see Burgh-Apton (or Bergh- Cocktborpe .................. 94
Bassingham (or Bes- North Walsham ......... 517 Apton) .................... 52 Colby, or Coleby ......... 94
singham).................. 53 Bluestone, see Cawston... 90 Burgh Parva (or Melton Colegate End, see Pul-
Bastwick, see Repps- Bodham ................ ...... 62 Burgh),seeM'3lton Con- ham St. MaryMagdalen 414
with-Bastwick ......... 422 Bodney ................ ...... 62 stable ..................... 265 Coles lJommon, see Pul-
Bawbnrgh ................... 47 Booton ..................... _. 62 Burgh St. Margaret (or ham St.MaryMagdalen •P4
Bawdeswell.................. 47 Boughton ................... 63 1 Flegg Burgh)............ 76 Colkirk ....................... 94
Bawsey ...................... 48 Bowthorpe .................. 63 Burgh St. Peter (or Colney ........................ 95
Hayfield, see Glandford .. 165 Bracon Ash.................. 63 Wheatacre Burgh) ... 76 Coltisha.ll..................... 95
Beachamwell (or Beech- Bradenham-East&West Bnrlingham St. Andrew 77 Colton ........................ g6
am well .. .... .. ......... ... 48 63 & 64 Burlingham St. Edmnnd 77 Colveston ... ... .... ... . ... ... g6
Beck Hythe, see Over- Bradeston(orBraydeston), Burlingham St. Peter.... 77 Congham..................... g6
strand ..................... 407 see Brundall.... ... .•. . .. 72 1Burn ham Deepdale ..... .. 78 Corpusty ...... ... . ..... . .. .. . 97



Costessey (Cossey)......... 97 East Runton ..•........•... 43I Fritton .•...................... 158 Harleston (or Redenhall)
Coston ... ... ... ... ...... ...... 98 East Ruston ................ 433 Frost Row, see Hingham 195 with Harleston with
Cowholm, see Horning ..• 204 East 8omerton ••........... 458 Fulmodeston & Croxton. 158 part of Mendham ...... 176
Crabbe'sCastle, seeWigh- East Tuddenham ......... 5IO Fundenhall ................. 159 Harling-East, or Market
ton ......................... 545 East Walton ................ 526 Garboldisha.m .............. I 59 Harling ..............•.... 179
Cranwich..................... 98 East Winch ................. 546 Garvestone .................. 160 Harling-West & Middle
Cranworth (or Cran- East Wretham ............. 557 Gasthorpe ................... I6o or Little .................. 180
worth-cum-Letton) ... 98 Easthaugh, see Lyng .... 234 Gatclcy ...................... 160 Harpley ....................... 181
Creake North ... . . .... .. . 99 Eastmoor, see Barton Gatesend, see Tattersett. 484 Hassingham (or Hasing-
Creake South -.···-······ 99 Bendish .. ,.................. 46 Gayton .................... _. z6o barn) ..................... 181
Cressingham-Great ...... 100 Easton ....................... l36 Gayton Thorpe ............. 162 Hautbois-Great·~········ 18I
Cressingham-Little ...... 101 Eat<m, see Norwich ...... 292 Gaywood ..................... 162 Hautbois -Little, see
Crimplesham ............... 101 Eaton, see Sedgeford .... 442 Gciste, see Guist .......... 169 Lamas ..................... 224
Cringleford .................. IOI Eccles ........................ 136 Geldeston ................... I63 Haveringland, or Haver-
Cromer ... . . ..... ... .. . .. . . .. 102 Eccles-by-the-Sea, see Gillingham ............. , .. .. 163 land......................... I 82
Cromwell's Oak, see Hey- Hempstead ........... _, .. 187 Gimingham ............... , 164 Hay Ureen,seeTerrington
don ............................... 190 Edgefield ...................... 137 Gissing ·················"···· 164 St. Clement .... . .-......... 485
Cross Keys, see Walpole Edg-efieldGreen,seeEdge- Glandford-cum-Bayfield. 163 Haynford (or HainFord) 171
St. Andrew ............... 5I5 field ........................ 137 Gnatyngdon, see Sedge- Heacham ..................... 182
Crostwick .................... 108 Edingthorpe ................ 137 ford ........................ 442 Heath (The), see I<'aken-
Crostwight ............ , .. , .. 108 Egmere ............... , ...... 137 GodwiCk-cum-Tittesha.ll. 505 barn ... , .................... 142
Crownthorpe ............... 109 Ellingham ............ - ..•. 138 Gooderston~ ................ 165 Heckingham ................ 183
Croxton ...................... 109 Ellingham-Great •. ··~··· 138 Good luck's Close, see Hedenbam .................. 184
Croxton & Fulmodeston 158 Ellingham-Little ....•.... 139 Swaffham ................ 47 5 lleggatt Street, see Hor-
DaffyGreen, see Scarning 440 Elmerdale, see 1rming- Gorleston, seeGt. Yarmth 569 stead ..................... .J 207
Damgate, see Martham land ........................ 218 Ureat Bircham ............ .57 Heigham,see Norwich ... 292
261 ; & see Acle ......... 25 Elmham (or North Elm- Great Bittering( or Bitter- Heigham-Potter ............ 413
DarrowGrecn,seeDenton IIO ham) ...................... 139 ing Magna) ............... 57 Heigham--South,seeNor-
Den Beck Wood,see Sand- Elsing ........................ 140 Great Cressingham ...... IOO wich ........................ 287
ringham .................. 437 Emneth .....................• 141 Great Dunham (or Dun- Helhoughton ............... 184
Denes, see Yarmouth •... 565 Erpingham .................. 14I ham Magna) ............ 134l Hellesdon, see Norwich ... 291
Denmark Green, see Diss 123 Etling Green, see East Great Ellingham . . ..... ... r38j Hell~sdon (or Hellesden) 184
Denton ....................... 109 Dereham ..•.............. 113 Great Fransham ........•. 156·Hellington .................. 185
Denver ....................... 110 Fair Green,see Middleton 269 Great Hautbois ............ 18I Hemblington ............... 185
Denver Sluice,see.Denver_ 110 Fakenham (or I<'akenham Great Massingham ....... 262 Hempnall.. ................... 185
Deopham &DeophamGrn III Lancaster) ...... , ........ 142 Great Melton (or Melton Hempstead .................. 186
Dereham-East ............ u2 Felbrigg ..................... q6 Magna) ................... 265 Hempstead with Eccles 186
Dereham-West . ...... .•• 119 Felmingham............ .... 147 Great Moulton, or Maul- Hempton...... ... .. . .. . ... ..• 187
Dersingham ........... ~... : 119 Felthorpe .... .-...... ,., ...... 147 ton St. Michael ......... 272 Hempton Green, see
Devil's Dyke, see Beach- Felt well ....................... I48 Gn1at Ormesby, see Hempton .................. 187
am well.................... 48 Felt.well Anchor, see Felt- Ormesby St. Margaret 403 Hems by (or Hemesby ) ... I87
Dickleburgh with Lang- well, 148; & see Little GreatPalgrave,see Sporle 461 Herringby, see Stokesby 468
mere .......•.........•.. ·~ 120 Ouse ....................... 4o6 Great Plumstead . . .. . ... .. 4 t 2 Hethel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 188
Didlington .... ,. . . . .. . .•••.. I21 Fen, see Methwold 267; Great Poring land, see Hethel Thorn, see Hethel I 88
Dilham ...................... 121 Terrington St. Clement l'oringland ............... 413 Hethersett .................. !88
Dillington, see East Dere- 486; Walpole St. Peter Great R •ckheath, see Hevingham .................. 189
ham ....................... 113 515; & West Walton .. 527 Rackheath ............... 417 Heydon ...................... xgo
Diss ............... , ....... --··· 122 Fen End, see Terrington Great Ringstead (or Ring- .ffickling ..................... 190
Dis1 Hey wood, see Diss.. I22 St. John 487 ; also see stead) ..................... 424 Hick ling Broad, see
Ditehingham .........•..... 126 Tilney .St. Lawrence ..• 504 Great Ryburgh (or Ry~ Hickling, 190; & Cat-
Lixon's End, see West Fen (The), see Walpole burgh Magna) ........... 434 field........................ 89
Walton ... ~·~···· .. , ....... 527 St. Peter ............ , •.... 515 Great t:inarehill. ............. 454 Hickling Green & Heatb,
Docking ..................... 127 Ferries across Yare, see Great Snoring .............. 456 see Hickling ........... , 191
'boughton, see Dunton ... 135 Langley, 225" Norton GreatWalsingham(or Olu High Shotesham, see
Downham, see Wymond- Subscourse, 28o; also Walsingham) ... , ........ 524 ~hotesham All Saints ... 450
ham ....................... 56o see Reed ham ............ 4I9 Great Witchingham ...... 549 llighfieldCorner,seeGreat
Uownham (or Downham Ferry across Ouse, see Great Yarmouth ........... 564 Ryburgh .................. 434
Market) ............... , ... 129 King's Lynn ............ 236 Green-South, see East Highgate, see Gaywood ... 162
Downham- West, see Ferstield ............ , ........ 149 Dereham ...............•. 113 Highway, see Walpole St.
Downham (or Down- Field Dalling ................ 149 Gresham .................... I6b Peter, 515 &. West
ham Market) ............ 129 Filby ........................ ISO Gressenhall.. ................ .x66
J Walton ..................... 526
Drayton ...................... I34 Fincham ..................... 150 Grimes Graves, see Weet- Hilborough(or Hilburgh) 191
Dumpling Green, see Fishley ................... ·~ I 5 I ing. _ ....... ·~·........ .. . .. 532 Hilgay . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . ... •. . .. . 191
East Dereham .......... II3 Fishley with Up ton ...... 512 Grimston ..................... 167 Hilhngton ................... 192
Dunham - Great (or Flegg Burgh, see Burgh Griston ....................... 169 Hindolveswn (or Hilder-
Dunham Magna) , .. , .. 134 St. Margaret ............ 76 Grubb's Haven, see Yar- ston) ........................ 193
Dunham-Little .......... 134 Flitcham-with-Appleton. I 51 mouth ..................... 564 Hindringham ............... 193
Dunston ............ ····••··· 135 Flordon ..................... 152 Guestwick .................... I69 Hingham ..................... 194
Dunton-cum-Doughton .. 135 Fodderston, & Fodder- Guist (or Geiste) ......... 169 Hingrave,seeSwannington48o
Earlham & Earlham ston Gap, see Should- Gunthorpe.... ... ... .. . . ..... 170 IIockering .................. 195
Lower, see Norwich ···. 292 ham Thorpe ..... , ....... 452 Gunton ....................... 170 Hockham ..................... 196
Earsham ..................... 135 Fordham ..........•......... : 152 Hackford ..................... I7I Hockham - Little, see
East Harsham ·~····· .. ·•··· 45 Forncett St. Mary ......•. 152 Hackford-next-Reepham, Hockham .................. 196 ·
East Heck ham . ... ... .••... 48 Forncett St. Peter ......... 153 see Reepham ............. 420 Hockwold with Wilton ..• 196
East Hilney ............. ... .. 55 Forncett End, see Forn- Haddiscoe. .. .. .. . . . . ... . . .... 171 Hoe (or Hoo) . ...... .. ... ... 197
East Bradenham. ......... 63 cett St. Peter ............ 153 Hainford (or Haynford) .. 171 Holkham ..................... 197
East Carleton ....... ,..... 85 Foulden (or Fouldon) .... 153 Hales .......................... 172 Holkham Bay & Heath,
East Dereham ............. 1 I..! Fowlmere, see West Hall Green-North, see 197; & New, or Long-
East End, see Wells-next- Wretham ................. 557 East Dereham ........... II3 lands, see Holkham ... 198
the-Sea .................... 533 Foul sham ................... 154 Halvergate .................. 172 Holkham Park, see Burn-
East Harling (or Market Foxley ....................... , 155 Hanworth .................... 173 ham Market............. 78
Harling) .................. 179 Framingham Earl......... 155 Happisburgh ............... 173 Holme Hale ............... 198
East Lexham ............... 227 Framing ham Pigot ....... 15.5 Happisburgh-Lower,see Holme-next Runcton ... 198
East Moor, see Stoke Fransham - Great & Happisburgh ............ 173 Holme-next-the-Sea ...... 19'}
~.,erry ..................... 467 Little .... a...................... 156 Hapton ·············a········· 174 Halt ··•·••a••···-········-····· 199
East Poringland, see Freethorpe .................. 157 Hardingham ............... 174 Holverston(orHoh·estone) 203
Poringland ............ 413 Frenze ........................ 157 Hardley ...................... 175 Homersfield, see Alburgh 27
East Rainham (or Rain- Frenze, see Scale .......... 440 Hardwick .................... 175 Honing ........................ 20;1
ham St. Mary), see Frettenham with Stan- Hardwick, see North Honingham .................. 203
East Haynham .......-. 4I8 ninghall .................. 1.57 Runcton .................. 430 Hoo (or Hoe) ......... .,. .... 197
East Rudham .............. 429 Fring (or Fringe) ......... I58 Hargham ..................... I75 Horning ..................... 204
- .
Horningtoft ......•........... 20 ~ Little Dunham ............ 13 4 Ma.ttishall Heath (or No~t<m ~treet, see Burn·
Horsey ...........•............ 205 Little Ellingham ········· I39 Markshall) ··············· 26o . am sor~on ............ 79
Horsford ..................... 205 Little Fransham ............ 1 59 Mautby ..................... 264 Norton u course ......... 280
Horsha.m St. Faith's & Little Harling, see West Melton Constable (or Mel- Norwich ..................... 281
Newton St. Faith's ... 2<>5 Harling ...... .... .. .. .. .. J80 ton Burgh) ......... -.. ... 264 Nowhere, see Acle......... 25
Horstead with Stanning· Little Hautbois • with- Melton-Great(or Melton Oa.k of Reformation, see
hall .....~ .................. 2o6 Lammas .................. 224 Magna) .................. 265 Hethersett 188 ; & see
Houghton (or Houghton- Little Hockham, see Melton-Little (or Mel- Ryston ..................... 434
in-the-Brake,orHough- Hockham .................. 196 ton Parva) ............... 266 Oby (or Owby),seeAshby
ton-next-Harpley) ...... 207 Little London, see Melton Magna (or Great (near Yarmouth) ...... 30
Houghton-on-the-Hill... 207 Southery, 459; also see Melton) .................. 265 Old Buckenham............ 74
Houghton St. Giles (or Northwold 28o; & see Mendham, see Harlestan 176 Old Walsoken, see Wal-
Houghton-in-the-Da.le) 208 Terrington St.Clement 485 Merton ........................ 266 soken ..................... 525
Hovet.on St. John ......... 208 Little Massingham ......... 263 Methwold .................. 267 Old Wa]!;lingham, see
Hoveton St. Peter ......... 208 Little Me! ton (or Melton Methwold Hythe, see Great W alsingham .. , 524
Howe .......................... 209 Parva) .... _ ............... 266 Methwold ............... 267 Ormesby St.Margaret(or
Humbleyard, see New Little Ormesby, see Mettou ........................ 268 Ormesby - Great)-
Lakenha.m, Norwich ... 292 Ormesby St. Michael... 405 Meyton, see Frettenham 157 with-Scratby ... ~......... 403
Hungate, see Emneth .. .. 14 r Little Ouse .................. 4o6 Middle Drove, see Ter- Ormesby St. Michael (or
Hungry Hill, see Heetley 51 Little Palgrave,see Sporle 46r rington St. John ........ 487 Ormesby-Little) ...... 405
Hunstanton & Hunstan- Little Plumstead ......... 412 Middle Harling, see West Osmondeston, see Scole 440
ton-New ............... 209 Little Poring land, see Harling .................. x8o Oulton ........................ 405
Hunstanton-New(orHun- Poringland ............... 413 Middleton .................. 268 Ouse Little ............... 4o6
stanton St.Edmunds) 2ro Little Rackheath, see Mileham ..................... 269 Outwell ..................... 406
Hunworth .................... 215 Rackheath ............... 417 Mintlyn ..................... 270 Overstr-,md 407; & see
Ickburgh .................... 216 Little Rockland ,see Rock- Morley St. Bot<>lph......... 270 Cromer .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. 103
Illington ..................... 216 land St. Mary ............ 425 Morley St. Peter ......... 270 Overy Staith, see Burn-
Ingham ....................... 217 Little Ryburgh ............ 434 Morningthorpe ............ 271 ham Overy ............ ... 8o
Ingoldisthorpe ............. 217 Little Snarehill ............. 454 Morston ..................... 271 Overy Town, see Burn-
Ingworth ..................... 218 Little Snoring ............... 457 Morton-on-the-Hill ...... 271 ham Overy ............... 8o
Intwood ...................... 218 Little Thornage, see Moulton St. Mary ......... 272 Ovington ..................... ~oB
Irmingland .................. 2r8 'fhornage ................. 496 Moulton St. Michael (or Owby, see Ashby (near
lrstead ........................ 218 Little Walsingham ......... 522 Great Muulton) ......... 272 Yarmouth)............... 30
lslington-cum-Tilney .... 503 Little Waxham, see Mousehold & Mousehold Oxborough_ ................ , 408 ·
Itteringham ................. 219 Horsey ..................... 205 Heath,see Norwich 281-292 Oxnead ..................... 408
Jew's Way,see Brancaster 65 Little Witchingham ...... _-;49 Mulbarton-with- Kening- Oxwick-cum-Pattesley .. , 409
Kelling ........................ 219 Loddon ...................... 229 ham ..................... 272 Oyster Sea, see Hunstan-
Kempston .................... 220 Long Stratt<m ............... 470 Mulbarton Wo.od, see- ton ................... , ... , 209
Ken Hill, see Snettisham 455 Longham ..................... 232 Mulbarton .............. 273 ..... 461
Keningham, see Mulbar- Long lands, see Holkham 198 Mundesley-on-Sea ......... 273 Little, see
ton .......................... 272 Lopham-North & South 232 Mundford ..... _ ........... '274 Sporle-with-Palgrave .. 461
Kenninghall ................ 220 Lopham Gate, see South Mundham .................. 275 Palling ........................ 40.9
Ken wick, see Tilney All Lopham .................. 232 Narburough (or Nar- Panxworth ................... 410
Saints ..................... 503 LowCommon,seeDeophm 1r1 burgh) ..................... 275 Panxwarth with Ran-
Kerdiston, see Reepham 421 Low Shotesham, see Narford ..................... 276 wort,h .................... 417
Keswick ...................... 220 ShoteshamSt. Mary ... 451 Neatishead .................. 276 Paston ........................ HO
Ketteringham ............... 220 Lower Earlham, see Earl- Necton ........................ 276 Pattesley (or Pasley)1~1
Kettlestone .... :, ............ 22'2 ham, Norwich ......... 293 Needham ..................... 277 see Oxwick ...............;._,q.'~
Kett's Oak, see Ryston ... 434 Lower Gresham, see N ettington, see Sedgeford 442 Peddars' (or Pedlars(';;
Kilverstone .................. 222 Gresham .................. 166 New Buckenham ......... 73 Way), 11ee !<'ring ......... 158
Kimberley ................... 222 Lower Happisburgh, see New Catton.see Norwich 287 Pensthorpe .................. 410
King's Lynn, Lynn (or Happisburgh ............ 173 New Common Marsh, see Pentney ..................... 411
Lynn Regis) ............ 235 Lower Hellesdon, see Terrington St. Clement 487 Peterstone, see Holkham 197•
Kirby Bedon ............... 223 Hellesdon ............... 185 New Cut, see West Lynn 258 Peyke's Cross, see Ter-
Kirby Cane .................. 223 Lower Stow-Bedon ......... 46g New Holkham (or Long- rington St. John ...... 487
Kirstead (or Kirstead Lower Weasenham, see_ lands), see Holkham ... 198 Pickenham-North ....... 411
with Langhale) ......... 223 Weasenham St. Peter.. 532 New Hunstanton(or Hun- Pickenham--South ........ 411
Knapton ..................... 224 Lower Wroxham ......... 558 stantOn St. Edmunds) 2ro 'Piumstead (by Holt) ...... 412
Lady's Haven, see Yar- Ludham 233 New Lakenham, see Nor-
. , J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plumstead-Great ......... 41:o1
mouth ....................... 569 Lynford .................... _.... 234 wich ......................... 292 Plumstead--Little ......... 412
Lakenham & Lakenham Lyng ........................ 234 New Walsoken, see Wal- Pockthorpe, ~ee Norwich 290
-New, see Norwich ... 292 LyngEasthaugh,see Lyng 234 soken ...................... 524 Poppylot. see Methwold 267
Lake's End, see Upwell ... 513 Lyngate, see Worstead ... 555 Newton-by-Castle-Acre ... '277 Poringland-Gt.(or East) 413
Lalllall - with - Little Lyngwhite, see Hingham 195 Newton Flotmau ......... 278 Poringland- Little (or
Hautbois ................... 224 Lynn, or Lynn Regis, see Newton St. Faith's, see West), see Poringland 413
Langford ..................... 225 King's Lynn ............ 235 Horsham St. Faith's ... 205 Postwick ..................... 4-13
J.anghale-with-Kirstead. 223 Lynn-North ............ 258 Newton-West ............ 278 Pott Row, see Grimston 168
Langham (or Langham Lynn-West ............... 258 Nordelph(or Northdelph) 278 Potter-Heigham ............ 413
Bishops) ....~............. 225 Lynn---8outh, see King's North Barningham (or Pudding Norton ............ 414
Langley ..................... 225 Lynn ..................... 238 Barningham Norwood) 44 Pulham St.l\'Iary Magda-
Langmere- with- Dick le- Mannington ............... 259 North Barsham ............ 45 len (or Pulham Market) 414
burgh ..................... r2o Marham ..................... 259 North Creake ...... ...... ... 99 Pulham St. Mary the
Larling (or La.rlingford) 226 Market Harling (or East. North Denes, see Yarmth 565 Virgin ..................... 416
Lenwade, see Great Harling) .................. 179 North Elmham ............ 139 Pyrleston, see Billingford
Witchingham ............ 549 Market Hill,seeSwatlham 475 North End,see Yarmouth 567 (near Diss)............... 54
Lessingham .................. 226 Market Street, see Wy- North Green, see Pulham Quarles ..................... 416
Letheringsett ............... 227 mondham ............... 558 St. Mary the Virgin ... 416 Quidenham .................. 416
Letton ........................ 227 Markshall (or Mattishall North· Hall Green, see Rackheath--G-reat&Little 417
Letton, see Cranworth ... 98 Heath) ..................... 260 East Dereham ............ 113 Ranworth- with- Panx-
Lexham-East ............ 227 Marlingford ............... 260 North Lupham,seeLophm 232 worth ..................... 417
Lexham-West ............ 228 Marsh, see Terrington l:lt. North Lynn ............... 258 Raveningham ................p8
Leziate - .................... 228 Clement .................. 485 North Pickenham ......... 4II Raynham-East (or East
Lighthouse Hills, see Marsham ..................... 26o North Pool,see Swa.ffham 474 Rainham, or Rainham
Cromer .................. 102 Mnshland, see Terring- North Quay, ~e Yarmth 566 St. Mary) ............... 418
Limpenhoe .................. 228 ton St. John ........... , 485 North Runcton ............ 430 Raynham ~ South (or
Lingwood .................. 228 Martham ..................... 261 North Tnddenham ......... 510 South Rainham, or
Litcham ..................... 229 Massingham--G-reat ... 262 North Walsham ............ 516 Rainham St. Martin) 419
Little Barningbam......... 44 Massingham-Little ... 263 North Wootton ... , ........ 553 Raynham-West(orWest
Little Bittering (or Bit- Matlaske ..................... 263 Northrepps ... - .............. 279 Rainham, or Rainh!lm
tering Parva) ............ 58 Mattishall .................. 263 Northwold .................. 279 St. Margaret) ............ 419
Little Cressingham .. .. .. 101 Mattisball Burgh ..... .... 264


Raynbam Park, see Hel- Sco-Ruston (or South Stalland, see Deopham ... III Tbrigby ..................... 499
boughton .................. 184 Ruston) .................... 440 Stanficld ............ , ........ 463 Thurgarton .................. 499
Redenhall-with-Harlestn 176 Soole (or Osmondeston) Stanford ..................... 41)4 Thurlton ........,. ............ 500
Redmore ..................... 419 with Frenze & Thorpe Stanhoe ...................... 464 Thurn~ (or Th1rne) ...... 500
Reedham ..................... 419 Parva ..................... 440 Stanninghall with Fret- Thurmng ..................... 500
Reepham ..................... 420 Scottow ......... ~··········· 441 tenham ...... '············ 157 Thursford .................. 501
Reffiy Spring, see Gay- Seoul ton ..................... 441 Stanninghall with Hor- Thurton ..................... 501
wood ..................... 162 Scratby, see Ormesby St. stead ...................... 2o6 Thux.ton (or Thurston) ... 502
Repps-with-Bastwick .... 422 Margaret .................. 403 Starston ..................... 464 Thwaite, see Alby ......... 27
Reymerston ............... 423 Sculthorpe .................. 442 Stibbard ........ , ............ 465 Thwaite All Saints ......... 502
Riddlesworth ............... 423 Sedgeford .................. 442 Stiffkey ...................... 465 Thwaite St. Mary ......... 502
Ridlington ................ ,. 423 Seeche, see King's Lynn 238 Stock ton ..................... 466 Thwaites' Tree, see
Ringland ..................... 423 Seething ..................... 442 Stody ........................ 466 Tivetshall St. Margaret 505
Ringstead (or Gt. Ring- Setch Bridg.seeWormegy 554 Stoke end, see Northwold 280 Tibenham (or Tybenham) 502
stead) ..................... 424 Setchey ..................... 443 Stoke Ferry .................. 466 Tilney All Saints ......... 503
Ringstead Parva (or Shadwell, see Ru!:hford ... 433 Stoke Holy CroS{'! ......... 467 Tilney-cum-Islington ... 503
Barret Ringstead), see Sharrington ............... 443 Stokesby-with-Herringby 468 Tilney St. Lawrence ...... 504
Hunstanton ............ 2ro Shelfanger .................. 443 Stone Bridge, see East Tip's End, see Welney ... 537
Riston (or Ryston) ......... 434 Shelwn ..................... 444 Wretham ............. -. ... 557 Titchwell. .................... 505
Rockland All Samts & Shereford( orSheringford) 444 Stow Bardolph ............ 468 Tittleshall-cum-Godwick 505
St. Andrew's ............ 424 Sheringham ............... 444 Stow Bedon & Stow He- Tivetshall St. Margaret 5o5
Rockland St. Mary ......... 425 Sheringham-Upper ...... 448 don-Lower ............ 469 Tivetshall St. Mary ...... 5o6
Rockland St. Peter ...... 426 Shernborne ................. 449 Stow-Bedon Mere, see Tuft Monks .................. so6
Rollesby ..................... 426 Shimpling- .................. 449 Stow-Bedon .............. 469 Toftrees ..................... 507
Roman Bank,see Walpole Shingham .................. 449 Stow Bridge, see Stow 'fofts-West ............... 507
St. Peter .................. 515 Shipdham .................. 449 Bardolph .................. 469 Toftwood, see East Dare-
Roman Camp, see Ayl- Shirehall Plain, see Holt 199 Stradsett ..................... 470 ham ........................ 113
merton .................. 36 Shotesham All Saints (or Stratton Canal, see Long Tompson (or 'fhompson) 495
Roudham .................. 427 High Shotesham) ...... 450 Stratton .................. 470 Tompson Water, see
Rougham .................. 427 Shotesbam St. Mary (or Stratton-Long ............ 470 Thompson ............... 495
Roughton .................. 428 Low Shotesham) ...... 451 Stratton St. Mary & Topcroft .................... 507
Roxbam ..................... 428 Shouldbam .................. 451 Stratton St. Michael, Tottenhill .................. soB
Roydon (near Diss) ...... 428 Shouldham Thorpe ...... 452 see Long Stratton ...... 471 Tottington .................. 508
Roydon (near Lynn) ...... 429 Shropham ................... 452 Stratton Strawless ........ , 472 Tower End,see Middleton 269
Rudham-East .... : ....... 429 Sidestrand (or Syder- Strnmpshaw ............... 472 Town Green, see Wy-
Rudham-West ............ 430 strand) ..................... 452 S4Irston ..................... 472 mondham ............... 558
Runcton-N orth . ..... . .. 430 Silfield, see 'Yymondham 56o Suffield ..................... 473 Trimingham . .. ...... .... .. soB
Runcton-South ......... 431 Sisland (or S1zeland) ...... 453 Summerfield,see Docking 128 Trowse, see Norwich ...... 281
RW!hall ..................... 431 Skeyton ....................... 453 Sunninghill, see Tborpe Trowse Newton ............ 509
Runham ..................... 431 Sloley ..........~ ............. 453 . St. Andrew ............... 498 Truncb .....•.......••..•..• 5nn -~

Runham Vauxhall, see Smallburgh .................. 454 Surlingham .................. 473 Tuddenham-East ...... 510
Great Yarmouth ...... 570 Smeeth. see Terrington Sustead ..................... 473 Tuddenham-North ..... , sro
Runton (East & West) ... 431 St. John, 487; Wal- Suton, see Wymondham 56o Tunstall ..................... 51I
Rushall ..................... 432 pole St. Peter, 516; Sutton ........................ 474 Tnnstead ..................... 511
Rushford ..................... 433 Walsoken, 525; & West Swaffham .................. 474 Tuttington .................. 5II ............... 433 , W~i?n·············~······· 527 Swa~eld ..................... 478 rfwyford ·········:•·········· 511
Ruston-South (or Sco- Snaremll-Gt. & Little .. 454 Swamsthorpe ............... 479 Tybenham(orT1benham) 502
Ruston) ... . .......... ;. 440 Snett~rton .................. 455 Swannington ............... 48o t!lph,see BurnhamSutton 8o
Ryburgh-Great (or Ry- Snett1sham .................. 455 Swanton Abbot ............ 480 Upgate see Swannington 480
burgh Mag:na) ......... 434 Snit~rley, see Blakeney 58 Swanton Great Wood, see Upper Hellesdon, seeHel-
Hyburgh-Little ......... 434 Snor~ng-G:eat ............ 456 Melton Constable ...... 265 lesdon ..................... 185
Ryston (or Riston) ...... :. 434 Snormg-L1ttle ............ 457 Swanton Morley ............ 481 Upper Sheringham ...... 448
Saddlebow, see Wig:ge~- Somerton-East & West 458 Swanton Novers ............ 481 Upper Weasenham, see
hall St.Mary the V1rgm 544 South Acre .................. 26 Swardeston ................. 482 Weasenbam All Saints 531
Saham Hill, see Sabam South Creake ............... 99 Syderstone .................. 482 Upton with Fishley ...... 512
Toney ..................... 435 8outh Denes, see Yar- Syderstrand, see Side- Upwell, 512 ; see also
Saham Toney ............... 435 mouth ..................... 566 strand ..................... 452 Welney .................. 537
St. Andrew, see Rock- • South Green, see East Tacolneston .................. 482 Vale of Nar,see Migdleton 269
land All Saints ......... 424 Dereharp .................. 113 Tasburgh ..................... 483 Wabourn (or Wey-
St. Chad's Well, see South Green, see Pulham Tatterford .................. 484 bourne) .................. 539
Rushford .................. 433 St. Mary the Virgin ... 416 Tattersett (or Gatesend). 484 Wacton ..................... 514
St. Edmund's Point, see SouthHeighm.seeNorwch 287 Taverham .................. 484 WalborneHope, see Wey-
Hunstanwn ............ 209 South Lopham,seeLophm 232 Telegraph Hill, see Wey- bourne ..................... 539
St. Faith's, see Horsbam South Lynn, see King's bourne .................. 539 Walcot Green, see Diss .. 122
St. Faith's ............... 205 Lynn ..................... 238 Ten Mile Bank, see Hilgay 192 Walcott ..................... 514
St. Lawrence, see South South Pickenham ......... 411 Terrington St. Clement... 484 Wallingwn-with- Thorp-
Walsham .................. 521 South Raynham(orSouth Terrington St. John ...... 486 land ................. : ...... 514
St. Margaret's Well, see Rainham or Rainham Testerton ..................... 487 Walpole Highway, see
Wereham ............... 538 St. Martin) ............... 419 Tharston ..................... 488 Walpole St. Peter ...... 515
St. Mary's, see South South Runcton ............ 431 Thelveton (or Thelton) ... 488 Walpole St. Andrew ...... 514
Walsham .................. 521 South Ruston (or Sco- Themelthorpe ............... 488 Walpole St. Peter ......... 515
St. Miles' Bridge, see Ruston) .................. 440 Thetford ..................... 489 Walsham-North ......... 516
Norwich .................. 284 South WalshamSt. Mary Thirne (or Thurne) ...... 5ox Walsham- South, with
St Thomas a Becket's & St. Lawrence ......... 521 Thompson (or Tompson) 4q5 St.Mary&St.Lawrence .521
Well, see Wymondham 559 South Wootton ............ 554 Thornage ..................... 495 Walsham Heath-North,
Salhouse (Salehouse or Southburgh .................. 458 Thornage - Little, see see North Walsham ... 517
Sallowes) .................. 435 Southery ................... 459 Thornage .................. 496 Walsingham-Great (or
Sail ........................... 436 Southgate,see Snettisham 455 Thornham .................. 496 Old Walsingham) ...... 524
Sa.lthouse .................. 436 Southrepps .................. 459 Thorpe, see Burnham Walsingham (or Little
Sam's Cut, see Methwold Southtown,seeGt.Yarmth 569 Thorpe..................... 8o Walsingham) .............;22
Hythe ..................... 267 Southwood .................. 400 Thorpe (next Haddiscoe) 497 Walsoken & Walsoken-
Sanctuary (The), see Spa Common, see North Thorpe Abbotts ............ 497 New ........................ 524
Moulton St. Michael. .. 272 Walsham .................. 517 Thorpe Hamlet, see Nor- Walsoken Hungate, see
Sandringham ............ 437 Sparham ..................... 46o wich ...................... 293 Walsoken ............... 524
Santon ........................ 43B Spixworth .... : ............. 400 Thorpe1Market ............ 497 Walwn-East ............... 526
Sa:xlingham ............... 438 Spooner Row, see Wy- Thorpe Parva, see Scale 440 Walton-West ............ 526
Saxlingham-Nethergate .. 438 mondham ............... 559 Thorpe St. Andrew (or Warborough Hill, see
Saxlingham-Thorpe ...... 439 Sporle-witb-Palgrave ... 461 Thorpe-next-Norwich) 498 Stiffkey .................. 466
Saxthorpe .................. 439 Spouts Common, see Holt 199 Thorpland,seeWallington 514 Warham All Saints ...... 527
Scarning ..................... 439 Sprowston .................. 461 Three Holes, flee Upwell .. 513 Warham St. Mary ......... 52 7
Stalham . . . ... . . ..... .. ... . . . 462 Threxton . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . ...• 499

Warren (The), see Meth- West Downha~, see Whinburgh (or WhiP.. Witton(nearNorwich) .. , 549
wold ........................ 267 Downham ••. . .. ... ..• .•• 129 bergh) .••..•...•.•.••.••..• 540 Wit ton (near lS"orth Wal-
Wash, see Welney .••..•.•• 537 West Drove, see Walpole Whissonsett •••..••••.••.•• 540 sham) ..................... 550
Waterden ········'"n······· 528 ::;t. Peter .................. 516 White Horse Spa Corn- Wiveton (or Wiverton) ••• 550
Watlington ..•.......••..•..• 528 West End, see Caister .•. 83 mon,see Nth.Walsham 517 Wolferton .................. 550
Wattlefield, seeWymond- West Harling ............... 180 Whitlingbam .... ~ .......... 541 Wolterton .................. 551
ham ........................ 559 West Lexbam ............... 228 Whittington ............... 541 Woodbastwick ............ 551
Watton ..................... 529 West Lynn .................. 258 Whitwell ..................... 420 Wood Dalling ............... 552
Waxbam ..................... 531 West of Nene, see West Wiockhampton ............ 541 Wood Green, see Long
Waxbam- Little, see Walton..................... 527 Wicklewood ............... 542 Stratton .................. 470
Horsey..................... 205 West Newton............... 278 Wickmere ... ..••... ........ 543 Wood N orton •. •.. ......... 552
Wayland (or Wailing) West Poringland. see 'Wiggenhalll;;t. Germans 543 Woodgate, see Swanton
Wood, see Watton ...... 529 Poringland ............... 413 Wiggenhall St. Mary Morley .................. 481
Wea.senham All Saints West Rainham (or Rain- Magdalen ............... 543 Wood Rising ............... 552
(or UpperWea.senham) 531 ham St. Margaret), see.. Wiggenhall St. Ma.ry the Woodton .................. 553
Weasenham St. Peter (or West Raynham ........• 419 Virgin ..............•....•• 544 Wootton-North &South
Lower Weasenham) ... 532 WestRudbam ............ 430 Wiggenhall St. Peter ... 545 553 & 554
Weeting ..................... 532 West.ij,unton, seeRunton 431 Wighton ..................... 545 Wormegay(orWermigey) 554
Welborne ········~·--······• 533 West Somerton ............. 458 Wilby •···~•··· .........._...... , .. A 545 Worstead ................... 554
Wellingham ............... 533 West Tofts .................. 507 Wilton, see Hockwold ••. 196 Worthing ........... "...... 555
Wells-next-the-Sea ...... 533 West Walton ..•.... ..... ... 5;a6 Wimbotsham .•. ... ... ...... 546 Wortwell.. .•.•...........•.•• 555
Welney ..................... 536 West Welney, see Welney 537 Winch-East ....... ,J.. _,.~·· 546' Wramplingham ............ 556
Wendling .................. 537 West Winch ............. ,. 547 Winch-West .. ~--·····--•~ 547 Wreningham ..... , ........ ; 556
Wereham .................. 538 West Wretham ............ 557 Windale Hill,see Gi!Jing- Wretham-East ...........~ 557
Wermigey, see Wor· Westbrook Green,seeDiss 122 ham ........................ ., 1:04 Wretton ......... - ...... , ••• 551
8 . "
megay ..................... 554 Westfield ..................... .53 Winfarthing ,. .............r .547 Wroxham .................. 557
West Acre .................. 26 Weston Longville ..... , ... 538 Winterton .................. 548 Wymondham ........... - •• ~ 558
West Barsham ............ 45 WeRtwick .................. 539 Winterton Ness,see Win- Wymondham Common,
West Beckham ............ 48 Weybourne (or Wa· terton ................... 548 see Hethersett ......... ._ 188
West Bilney ............... 55 bourn) ..................... 539 Wishing Wells, see New Yarmouth (or GreatYar""
West Bradenham ......... 64 Wheatacre All Saints , .. 540 Walsingham ............ ,522 mouth) with Gorleston 564
West Briggs, see Totten- Wheatacre Burgh, see ··• 5491 Yaxham .... .., .................. 6o6
hill ........................ soB Burgh St. Peter......... 76 Witchmgham-Little •.. 549 Yelverton .,, .... ,. ....... 607
West .Q.ereham ............ II9 Withergate, seeWorsteaci 555



With Reference to the Places under which they will be found in this Volume.

YORK COTTAGE, see Sandringham, page 437, His Most Gracious ~jesty King George V.
SANDRINGHAM HOUSE, see Sandringham, page 437, Her Majesty Queen Alexandra.

Aldborougb hall, Mrs. Edward Gay, see Aldborough.... 27 Burnley hall, Charles Wilmot Bedwell esq. see East
Anmer hall, Rear-Admiral Frederick Tvwer Hamilton Somerton ......................................................... 458
a. v. o.. see An mer................................................. 29 Bylaugh park, William Knox D' Arcy esq. see Bylaugh.. 82
Appleton house~ Their Majesties the King (K.G., G.C.:B., Caistor hall, Rev. John W. Corbould-Warren, jun. M.A.
G. C. v.o.) & the Queen of Norway, see Appleton, see Caistor St. Edmund .... ... .. . ... . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..• .... .. 84
Flitcham ..........................•.............................. Carrow house, The Misses Colman, see Norwich •....•... '292
Ashby hall, Robert Thomas Edwin Gilbert esq. J.P. see Castle Rising hall, Lord FarquharP.C., G.c. v.o., D.L., JP.
Ash by St. Mary .................•........•...............•••... see Castle Rising ..•.....•.........•................ 88 II............
Ashwellthorpe hall, The Baroness Berners, see Ashwell- Catton hall, Edward Gurney Buxton esq. B.A., J.P. see
thorpe ....................•....•..................•..•............ Catton .••..•.••...... I ·~·...................
•••••••••••••••••••••••• go
Ashwicken hall, Edmund Cooper Groom esq. see Asb- Cat ton house, Lady Mansel, see Cat ton .................... . go
wicken ............................................................. . 32 Cawston Manor house, James Crompton Cheetham ejq.
.Attleborough lodge, Capt. John Henry Kennedy (late see Ca wston ......................................... I............ go
Royal West Kent Regt. ), see Attleborough ........... . 33 Clippesby hall, Peregrine M. Feeney esq. see Clippesby 93
Bagthorpe hall, Henry Norris Pratt Dugmore esq. B.A., Cockley Cley hall, l''rancis Alien esq. see Cockley Cley.. 94
J. P. see Bagthor-J>e ............................................. . 41 Colne house, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart. G.C.M.G.,
Earmer hall, Capt. Archibald Edward Butter (reserve) v.D., M.A., D.L., J.P. see Cromer ........................ 103
c.M.G~, J.P. see Barmer ..•.....•.....•........................ 43 Colney hall, Hugh Gurney Ba.rclay esq. M.v.o., J.P. see
Barningham hall, Francis Tom Simpson esq. see CblneJr ........... 1 •••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••• 1. •• • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 95
Barningbam Winter ......... 44
I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Coltishall hall, Mrs. Richard Rogers, see Coltishall ... ... 95
Barwick house, Charles Derick Seymour esq. B. A., D. L., Congham hall (unoccupied), see Congham ... ...... ... ... 97
l.P. see Barwick ····~·········~································· 47 Congham house (unoccupied), see Congham ............... 97
Bawdeswell hall (unoccupied), see Bawdeswell.. ........ .. 47 Congbam lodge (unoccupied), see Congham ... ...... ...... 97
Hayfield hall, Sir Alfred Jodrell hart. D.L., l.P. see Costessey hall, Lord Stafford, see Costessey ............... 97
Hayfield, Glandford-cum-Hayfield ...................... .. Cra.nmer hall (unoccupied), see Sculthorpe ............... 442
Beachamwell hall, Mrs. Fielden, see Beachamwell .... .. Cromer hall, Mrs. Bond-Cabbell, see Cromer .............. 103
Beeston hall, John M. Dove esq.see Beeston St. Lawrence Crown Point house, Russell James Colman esq. D.L.,
Beeston Regis hall, Mrs. Cremer, see Beeston Regis ..... . J. P. see Trowse Newton ..................................... 509
Bergh Apton Manor house, Mrs. J. D. Denny, see Denton house, Edwai:d Lee-Warner esq. see Denton ... IIO
Bergh Apton ..................................................... . 52 Den~on lodge, Mrs. R. G. Tootal, see Denton ............ 110
Bessingham Manor house, Edmund Denham Spurrell Dersingham hall, Theodor Jannoch esq. see Dersingham 120
esq. J. P. see Bessingham .. I 53
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••• Didlington hall, Herbert F'ras. Smith esq. see Didlington 121
Blickling hall, The Misses W allace, see Blickling ........ . 59 Ditching ham ball, William Carr esq. lii.A., J .P. see
Blofield hall, William Barker esq. .l.P. see Blofield .... .. 6o Ditching ham ..................... ~·· ..................... ··~··· 127
Blofield house, Robin M. Chamberlin esq. see Blofield ... 6o Ditchingham house, Sir Henry Rider Haggard J.P.
Blo' Norton hall, H. H. Prince Frederick Duleep Singh see Ditchitigham . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . . . . . . . ...... .. . . . 127
M.v.o. see Blo' Norton ...................................... . 61 Docking hall, Walter Colborne Ridley esq. see Docking 128
Bolwick hall, Mrs. Louis Buxton, see Marsh am ........ . 260 Drayton hall, John Henry Fraser Walter esq. J.P. se:
Booton hall, Frederick Richmond esq. see Booton ....... .. 62 Drayton ............................................................ 134
Boyland hall, Lt.-Col. Frederick Arthur Irby J.P. see Drove house,Major the Hon. Gilbert Legh,see 'fhornham 496
Morningthorpe ...........•.............•...•.....•.............. 271 I Dud wick house, Philip Edwd. Sewell esq. J. P. see Buxton 81
Bracon hall, Geo. Augustus Berney esq. see Bracon Ash 63 Dunham lodge, Mrs. Copeman, see Little Dunbam ...... 135
Bradenham hall, Herbert Francis Dupuis esq. see Duns ton hall, Geoffrey Fowell Buxton esq. v. D., D.L., J. P.
West Brad en ham ....................... I ••••••••••••••••••••• see Dunston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 35
Bramerton grange, W. W. R. Eastwood esq. see Earlham hall,RcginaldGurney esq.see Earlham,Norwich 292
Bramerton ........... I I 65
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Earlham lodge, Arthur Francis l\lorse esq. see Earl ham,
Bramerton hall, Henry Blake esq. see Bramerton ....... .. os Norwich ......... ~·· ........ I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 292
Brandiston hall, Rev. John Riley Mee M.A. see Brandiston 66 Earsham hall, Capt. Johu Percy Meade D.L., J.P. see
Braydestone hall, Thomas Slipper esq . .l.P. see Bradeston 73 Earsham .. I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 36
Breccles hall, Hon. Charles Stanhope Melville Bateman- East Bilney hall, Matthew Wilson Hervey esq. J.P. see
Hanbury D.L., J .P. see Breccles ............................. . East Bilney .. I................................................... 55
Brooke hall, Mrs. Holmes, see Brooke ....................... . 70 East hall, Henry Morris Upcher esq. D. L.,J.P. see Feltwell 14~
Brooke house, William Robert Mills esq. see Brooke. ... . 71 East Carleton lodge, Lord Lindley P.c., F.R.s. see East
Broome Place, Edmond A. J. E. M. Tyre! de Poix esq. Carleton ............................................ I •••••••••••• 86
J.P. see Broome ................................................ 71 East Carleton Manor house, Earl of Wilton, see East
Buckenham Tofts hall, Emanuel Maguire & Harry C. Carle ton ................. I ••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 86
.B. Underdown esqrs. see Buckenham Tofts ............ 75 East Winch hall, Sir William John Lancaster J.P. see
Burfield hall, James Alexander Clarke esq. R.N., .l.P. East Winch .......................... I ••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••• 547
see Wymondham .....•.........•.......•. -~I. ....... ... ...... 559 Eccles hall (unoccupied), see Eccles ........................ 136
Eurgh hall, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Roger Allday Kerrison Ellingham hall, William Robert Goulder esq. see Little
(late R.A.) c.M.G., .l.P. see Burgh ........................ ')6 Ellingham ............ ~·· ......................................... .
Burgh house, The Rt. Rev. George Carnac Fisher D. D. Ellingham hall, Lt.-Col. Henry Lockhart Smith n.s.o.
see Burgh St. Margaret . . ... . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . ... . .. . .. 76 see Ellingham ........................ I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Burlingham hall, Henry Randall Burroughes esq . .l.P. Elmham hall (unoccupied), see Elmham ................ ..
see llurling ham St. Peter ..........................•........• 77 Elsing hall, John Highfield Leigh esq. see Ehing ........ .
Burlingham house (unoccupied), see Burlingham St. Felbrigg hall, Robert William Ketton esq. .l.P. see
Andrew ·················•·i••························~············· 77 Felbrigg I •••••••••••••••••••••~· ~· •••••••••••• I •• • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Burnham hall, John Robert Overman esq. seeBurnham Felthorpe ball, Regina.ld Laurence esq. see Felthorpe ...
Market .••.....•.................•.. I 78
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Felt well hall, Edward Cyrill N ewcome esq. ;r. P. see
Jreltlfell .......................•....................................
" -

Feltwelllodge, Reginald Hartley a.~. seeFeltwell ..•..•- 148 Houghton hall, Martyn Thomas kennard esq. see
l<'ield Dalling Ha.ll, Thomas Leslie Nelson esq. see Field Hough ton ......•................................................... 207
Dalling ..................................................... , ... , .. 149 Hoveton hall, Rev. John Hare Be?vQr M. A. see Hoveton
Filby house, Charles Belgrav:e Lncas esq. l.P. see Filby tso St. Peter, 2o8; & Neateshead .............................. 2ii)
Foulden hall, Lady Amherst of Hackney, see Foulden .. 154 Hoveton house, John Calthorpe Blofeld esq. 1. P. see
l"ramingham hall, Jose ph Rayner Brooks esq. see Fram- Hoveton St. John ................................................ 208
ingham ~igot ................................................... 1:55 Hunstanton hall, Hamon le Strange esq. D.L., J.P. see
~'ra.ming ham Manor house,James Henry .Brooke Christie H unsta.nton . .. . .. . .. . . .... . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... 209
esq. see Fmmingham Pigot ................................. 155 Inglethorpe hall; Franci.:; Maltby Bland esq. D.L., l.P.
!<'ring hall, Richard Dusgate Dusgate esq. see Fring ... 158 see Emneth ...................................................... 141
Garboldisham hall, Major George Frederick Molineux- Ingoldisthorpe ball, The Misses Davy, .see lngoldistttorpe 217
Montgomerie J.P. see Garboldisham ................, .... 159 Ingoldisthorpe Manor house, Mrs. Tylden, see Ingoldis-
Garboldisham manor, Owen Robert Dunell esq. l.P. thorpe ............................................................ 217
see Garboldisham ..,~., ............ -- ......................... 159 lntwood hall, Lt.-Col. Clement William Joseph Unthank.
Gateley hall, Claude Lindsay Corry esq. see Gatell"y ... 160 .J.P. see Intwood ................................................ 2r&
Gawdy hall, John Sancroft Holmes esq. M.A., D.L., l.P. Islington hall, .John fquire B9reham esq. see Tilney-
see Harlest<Jn .................................... ~o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 176 cum-Islingt.on ................................................... 50~
Gayton hall, Earl Romney D.L., l.P. see Gayton ........ , 161 Ken hill (New hall), Sir ,F.dward Green bart. D.L., J.P.
Gaywood hall, Richard Ludwig Bagge esq. n.s.o., l.P. see Snettishnm ................................................. 45.'i
see Gaywood .............................................. ..-. ...... 162 Keswick hall, John Henry Gurney eEq. n. L., l.P., F.z.s.
Gelde.ston hall (unoccupied), see Geldeston ............... 163 see Keswick ...................................................... 221
Gillingham hall, John George Kenyon esq. .J.P. -see , Ketteringham park, Sir Maurice Col borne Bmleau hart.
· Gillingham ······························-·················•···• 164 M.A., ».L.~ l.P. see Ketteringham ............................ 218
Gissing hall, Arthur Charles Cooper esq. see Gissing ... 164 Kilverstone hall, Hon. Cecill<' Vavasseur M.A. see
Great Plumstead house, James Henry Stedman esq. I Kilverstone .................................. , .. ·., ............... 22z
l.P. see Great Plumstead ...................................... 412 Kimberley house, Earl of Kimberley ;J.P. see Kimberley 222
Green Lane house. Miss E. A. Holley, seeBooton ........ ~ 62 Kirby Cane hall, John Robert Crisp esq. ·J.P. see Kirby
Gresh3.m hall, Capt. Reginald Crossley Batt 111. v.o., l.P. I Cane ............................................................... 22.J"
see Gresham ... _._, ................................................ 16G Knapton house, Henry Matthew Cooper Robinson esq.
Gressenhall house, Sir George Ralph Leigh Hare bart. I K.A., l.P. see Knapton ....................................... 224-
n. L., .J. P. see Gre.ssenhall ..............., ......... .... ....... 166 Langhale house, George William Danby Palmer-Kerrison
Guntlwrpe hall. David Anderson Shennan esq. see I esq. J.P. see Kirstead .......................................... ~24-·
Gunthorpe ............................................ .-......... 170 Langley hall, 8ir Heginald William Proctor-Beallcb.amp
Gunton park, Col. the Hon. Charles Harbord c.n., I hart: D.L., J.P. see Langley ....... :......................... 6.26
M.v.o., J.P. see Gunton ................,............. , ......... 170 Leet h1ll, Samuel Rebsch esq. see K1rby Cane ............. ~23
H.1.ckford hall, William Robert Collyer esq. r.s.o., M.A., Letton hall, Sir John William Kelk, see Letton ............ 227·
.J. P. see Hack ford, Reepham ................................. 42r Lexham haH, AugllStus Leverton Jessopp esq. see East
Haddiscoe hall, Edgar .Morse esq. see Haddiscoe ......... 171 Lexham ............................................................ 22T
Hanworth hall, Co!. Henry Albert Barclay c.v.o., T.n. I Little Hockham, Henry Thomas Partridge esq. l.P. see
(A.n.c . to the K1ng), D.L., J.P. see Hanworth .1. • • • • • • • 173 Hockham .......................................................... 19li
Hardingha[\). hall, Maj. ":'m. Mordaunt Marsh Edwards I Lynford hall, . Frederick James Osbaldeston Montagu
Y.C.,D.L.,J.P. seeHardingha.m ...................................... ,.74!· esq. I.P. see Lynford ...................... ,. .........~ .......... 2]4.-
Hargham 'hall, Sir Hugh R.eeve.Heevor hart. M.D. see Mannington hall, Charles Sissmore Tomes esq. LL.D.,
Hargham ...................................... - .................... 175j F.R.S. soo Manningt.<Jn ........................................... 239
Haverland hall, Lord De Ramsey D.L., l.P. see Haver- 'Marham L()U5e, Titlnry Villebois Bathurst esq. see
ingland ............................................................ .182 I ~Iarham ........................................................... 25~
Haynford ball, CoL Harry William Rooke R.A.; l.P. Melton Constable hall, Lord Ha~tings l.P. see Melton
(Staffs), see Hainford .................................... ~ ..... Y72 1 Constable ........................................................... 265
Heacham hall, Charles Edward Strachan esq. J.P. see . :Mergate hall, Roberb Wade- Palmcr esq. see Bracon Ash 63
Heacham ._. ............................... ~ ........... " .. '"· ..... '182[.\terton hall, Lo~d Walsingham D.L., .J.P., LL.n.camb.,
Hedenham hall, M1ss Carr, see Hedenham ~ ............... I8-J.I F.R.S. see ~let ton ................................................ 267·
Heggatt hall, Lieut.-Col. Thos. Blak.e-Humfrey J.P. :\Iiddleton ball, John de Pass esq. see Middieton· ......... 269
see Horstead ...................................................... 207 Middleton Tower, John Taylor RJ.msden esq. see
Hellesdon house, John Anstruther Berners esq. J.P. see Middleton ..................................... , ................... 269
HmeUeysdhaon -...W
...a.l·t·e"r"s''c"r' .·m·..g·'..q' ... • ....H
.. e..m
.. s"b·y·... :.·.·.·.·. 185 Mileham B.all, Albert Collison esq. l.P. see Mileham ..•.•• :ro9
He ~ 11 1 8 00 , 187 I Morley hall, John Cyril Crossley esq. see Morley St.
Herringby hall, Charles William Waters esq. l.P. see Peter ............................................................... 270
Stokesby-with-Herringby ........................... , ........ 468 Morningtb.orpe manor, Cecil G. M. Sargent esq. see
Hetbel hall, Capt. Frederic Godfrey .Hird R.N. see Hethel r88 Morningthorpe ................................................. 271., •
Hethersett hall, Mrs. Henry Back, see Hethersett ....... 188 Morton hall, Mrs. C. M. Berney, see Morton ............... 271.
Hethersett Old hall, Mrs. H. C. Ransome, see Hethersett 188 Xarborough hall, Joseph Critehley Martin esq. I.P. see
Hey don hall, J. B, Pope esq. see Heydon .................. 190 Na-rborough ...................................................... 275:
Hilborongh h&ll, Joseph Trueman Mills esq. D.L., l.P. Narboroughhouse, Lieut.-Col. William Herring.J.P. see
see Hilborough ................................................ .191 Narborough .................. . .................................... 275
Hill house, Robert Cra.ig Ackland esq.see Winterton ...... 548 Narford hall, Commander Chdrles Andrew l''ount.a.ine
Hillington hall, Maj. Hon. John Dawnay n.s.o., D.L.,l.P. R.N. see Narfurd ................................................ 276
see HillingWn ..... , ..................................................... . :r92 Necton hall, Hobert Harvey M<J.Son esq. n.L., .J.P. see
Hindringham hall, Gerard J. Hadsley Gosselin eilq. N ect<>n .. . . . . . . . • .. .. . . • •. • .. . . • . . • . . .. . . •. . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . • •• . •• . . • 277 ·
see Hindringham , ................................................. 193 New Buckenham grange, Frank. Henry Loveless Cloud
Hingham hall, Ernest Noel esq. D.L.,l.P. see Hingham .. 19-4 esq. see New Huekenham ...................................... 73'
Hock ham hall, Thomas Baring esq. see Hock ham .. .. .. . I 96 N ortb Runcton lodge, Cap~. Henry Almarus Dig by
Hockwold hall, Frederick Raymond Pelly esq. J.P. see - R.N. (ret.), l.P. see North Runcton ........................ 430
Hockwold-with-Wilton .................. - ...................... 196 S orthreppi! hall, Mrs. Rich d. H. J.Gnrney,see N orthrepps 279
Holkham hall, Earl of Leicester c. M.G., G. c. v.o. (Lord .Northwold lodge, Gilbert James French esq. M.D. see
Lieutenant), see Holkham ................................. 197 ~ orth wold............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 28o

Hollow Hill lodge, The Rev. James Franck .Hright D.D., Norton hall (unoccupied), see Wood Norton ............... 55:1
J.P. soo DiWhingham ............................................. I27 Norwich palace, Rt. Rev. Bertram Polloek D.D., c.v.o.
Holme Hale hall, Mrs. Adlington, see Holme Hale ....... 198 (Lord llishop of Norwieh), see Norwich ............ 283 & 358
Holt hall, John Henry Burcham .Hurcham-Rogers esq. Oak lodge, Archibald Cozens-Hardy esq. see Sprowston 461
l.P. see Holt .............................................. ~ ......... 2CXl Dld Buckenham hall, George LicnelRobinson esq. I.P.
Holt lodge, John George Oddy esq. J.P. see Holt ........ 200 see Old Buckenham............... ...... ........ ................. 74
Honing hall, Edward George Q.ubitt esq. l.P. see Ollands (The), John Anthony Kendrew esq. l.P. see
· Honing ..................................................... , ........ 203 Hackford., Reepham ............................................ 421;,
Honingham hall, The Rt. Hon. Sir Ailwyn Edward Ormeshy hall, t:lir George H. U. Lacon hart. see
Fellowes K.C. v.o., D.L., l.P. 1100 Honingham ............ 203 Ornlesby St. Margaret ........................................ 404
Horsey hall, Lord Lucas & Dingwall, see Horsey~ ...... 205 Ormesby house, Mrs. Fred~ric Kidman, see Ormesby St.
Horsford hall, Commander Edwin Alderson Day R.N. Michael .................................................. ,. ......... ~ 405
see Horsford .,. .. _ .................................................. 205 Old hall, Col. Robert William Edis C.B., v.n.,
Hon;ford manor, Thomas Uarrett-Lennard eBIJ.· n.r.., D.L., J.P. see Ormesby St. Margaret ..................... 404
J.P. see Horsford ·······-·················-········• .............. 205 Oulton hall, Walter Henry BJ!ton esq. l.P. see Oulton ... 405
Horstead hall, The. ];Ion. Lady. Birkbeck, see lfun~tead 207 ~verstrand hal!, Lord Hillingdon, D.L. see Overstrand ... 407

Oxborough hall, Sir Henry Edward Paston-Bedingfeld Stratton manor, Capt. Harold Hugh Francis J.P. see
bart. l.P. see Oxborough .................................... 408 l.A>ng Stratton ...................•...............•.'i ........•..... 470
Oxnead hall (unoccupied), see Oxnead ..................... 409 Stratton Strawless hall, William John Birkbeck esq. D.L.,
Park hill, Major Samuel Hopper Powell, see Middleton 269 .J. P., F.S.A. see Stratton Strawless ........................... 472
Paston hall, John Mack eeq. see Paston ..................... 410 Strumpshaw hall, William Charles Flower Holmes esq.
Pickenbam hall, George William Taylor esq. J.P. see see Strumpsha w .•••••.•••.•••••••••••••...••••••••.••••••.•.••• 47a
&luth Pickenham . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . .. . 41 I Swannington court, Innes Watson esq. M.A., J.P. see
Pinkney hall, Charles Scott-Chad esq. M.A., J.P. see Swannington ..... I . 11 • • I ......... I I.............................. 480
Tatt:erford ....••.•......•.....•••........••.•......•.••.....•.••..• 484 Swannington hall, Ernest E. Higginson esq. see Swann-
Pleasaunce (The), Lady Battersea, see Overstrand ...... 407 ington I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 480
Plumstead hall, Major Delaval Graham L'Estrange Tacolneston 'ball, Major Ernest Wriothesley Denny, see
Astley l.P. see Little Plumstead ........................... 412 Tacolneston .. I . I. I •• I. I ••••••••••• I ••• I I •••• I •••• I •• I •••••• I..... 483
Poringlan.:l house, Martin Birkbeck esq. see Poringland 413 Tasburgh hall, Philip BerneyFicklin esq. J.P.,F.S.A. see
Quebec house (irnoccupied), see East Dereham ......... n2 Tasburgh ....... ~····· ···~··
I I ......................... ••••• ••••••••• 483
Quidenham hall, Earl of Albemarle C.B., K.c.v.o., D.L., Taverham hall, Mrs. Knowles, see Taverham ............ 484
J. P. see Quidenham...... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . 417 Thelveton hall,Sir Edward Mann bart. J.P. see Thelveton 488
Rackheath hall, Sir Edward Paulet Stracey bart. see Thickthorn hall, Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. B. A.,
Rackheath ....••.........•••......•...•....••...•..•.•............• 417 D.L., J.P. see Hethersett ....................................... 188
Rainthorpe hall, Sir Chas. Harvey bart. J. P. see Flordon 152 Thornham cottage Mrs. Ames-Lyde, see Thornbam ... 496
Ranworth hall (unoccupied), see Ranworth with Panx- Thornham hall, George Heading esq. see Thornham ... 496
worth... . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Thornham Manor house, Major Oswald Henry Ames
Raveningham hall, Nicholas Henry Baconesq. D.L., l.P. ;rIP. see Thorn ham .....•........•..........•. I................. 496
see 'Ra veningham .......•.. ,.......... . . . •. . . . •. . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 4I 8 Thorpe Abbotts Place, The Misses Kay, see Brockdish... 70
Raynham hall, Sir Sigismund Neumann bart. see East Thorpe hall, Major Frank Astley Cubitt J.P. see Thorpe
H.aynham .......•.......................................•....•..•. 418 St. An drew ~·· .•............. ~~···~ ........•.•. ~·· .. I~······~·~-. 498
Reymerston hall, Col. Richard Charles Hare c.B. see Tborpe High house, Cecil Wilson esq. see Thorpe St.
Reymers't<>n . •. . . . . . . •.• . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • 423 An drew ......•..... -~···~·····~:-~··············· ···~·~·~······~ 498
Riddlesworth hall, Wm. Needham Longden Champion Thorpland hall, Rev. James Lee-Warner M.A., J.P. see
esq. l.P. see Riddlesworth .........•....•..•.......•......•... 423 Fakenham ..... I •••••••••••••••••••••••• I •••••••••••• I •• I I •••• I. • • • 142
Rippon hall, Major Henry Savill Marsham D.L., J.P. see Threxton house, Thos. Allday Barton esq. see Threxton 499
Hevingham ......................•...........•.............•..... 189 Thurgarton house, Richard James Spurrell esq. see
Rollesby hall, Harry Anderson Brownsword esq. see Thurgarton •.•.....•. I ••••••• I •••••••••••••••••• I •••••• I......... 499
Rollesby •...•..•.•••.....•.••.•..•...•.•.....••..•....•.. , ...•... 426 Thurning hall, James Gay esq. B.A., J.P. see Thurning 501
Rookery (The), Henry Morse Taylor esq. J.P. see Dilham 121 Thursford hall, Chules Scott-Chad esq.J.P.see Thursford 501
Rougham hall, Fredk. Keppel North esq. see Rougham 427 Tuddenham lodge, William L. Boyle esq. M.P. see East
Roydon lodge, Raoul Charles Finch Elsden-Everard Tuddenham ............ ··~······~·············· ··~ ............... sro
esq. J.P. see Roydon (near Lynn) ......................... 429 Twyford hall, Charles Annesley Hamond esq. l.P. see
Runcton hall, Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney K. c. v. o., Twyford ............................................................... 511
v.n., D.L., J.P. see North Runcton ........................ 430 Uphall, Lady Jarvis, see Hillington ........................... 192
Ryston hall, Edwa.rd Roger Murray Pratt esq. J.P. see Wallington hall, James Little Luddington J.P. see
Ryston .............................................................. 434 W allington ..............•..•........•........•... I.............. 5I 4
Saint Mary's hall, Mrs. John Stubley, see Wiggenhall Walsingham abbey, Henry Lee-Warner esq. J.P. see
St. Mary the Virgin . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . •.. . . . .. . 544 Little Walsingham ............................................. 522
~alhouSP hall, Edward Foote Ward esq. M. A., n.L., J.P. Warborough house, Col. John Edmund Groom J.P.
see Salhouse .••.•...••...•....••........•..........••...•........• 436 see Stiffkey .....••. I............................................. 466
Salle park, Woolmer Rudolph Donati White esq. J.P. Watlington hall, Mrs. H. M. Birch, see Watlington ...... s28
see Sall •......•.....•.•...•..•.........•.••....••.................• 436 Wattlefield hall, Edward Francis Routh Clarke esq. see
Saxlingham hall, Stephen Vlasto esq. see Saxlingham- Wymondham............ ... ........ ... ... .. .. ..... ... . .. ... .... ... 559
N ethergate . . •••• . . . . .. . . • ..• •. •. . . . .. •• . •.• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 38 Weasenham, Dowager Countess of Leicester, see
Scole lodge, Richard Wood Crawshay esq. l.l'. see Scole 440 Weasenham All Saints ..•....•..•...•........•...••.......... 532
Scottow hall, Lady Durrant, see Scottow..................... 44 I Weeting hall, Mrs. T. S. Hall, see Weeting................. 532
&-ra.tby hall, Mrs. Nightingale, see Ormesby St.Margaret 404 Wereham hall, Arth. Ja.s. Keeble esq. J.P. see Wereham 538
Sedgeford hall, Holcombe lngleby esq. M.P., J.P. see West Acre High house, Henry Birkbeck esq. see
&dgeford . . . . •• . .. . . . . . . . .. .• . •. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . •. . . . ••. . .. . .. . . . 442 ~rest Acre ...........•........• ··~· ........ -~· ....... -~............ 26
Seething Old hall, Viscount Canterbury M. A., D.L., J.P. West Bilney lodge, Wyrley Edwin George Wyrley-
see Se.ething . . ••. . . •• . . . . . . . •• . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . • 443 Birch esq. J.P. see West Bilney.............................. 55
Sennowe hall, Thomas Albert Cook esq. see Stibbard ... 465 West Harling hall, Sir Edmund Charles Nugent bart.
Shadwell court, John Musker esq. see Rushford ......... 433 D.L., l.P. see West Harling ................................. 180
• Sheringham hall, Henry Morris Upcher esq. F.z.s., D.L., Weston house, Cecil H. Oliverson esq. see Weston
J.P. see Upper Sheringham .................................. 448 Longville ·····················~····························· ·····~ 538
Shotesham park, Robert Fellowes esq. D.L., J.P. see Westwick house, Lieut.-Col. Bernard James Petre J.P.
Shotesham St. Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 I see Westwick ········~·~········~-············~············-···· 539
Shropham hall, Augustus Noel CampbeU Hemsworth White hall (The), Miss E. L. Edwards, see Hardingham 174
esq_. J.P. see Shropham •.•.•..............•.....•.....•...•..• 452 Whitwell hall, Wilfred Arthur Duncombe-Anderson
Sidestrand hall, Sir Samuel Hoare bart. M.A., J.P. see esq. J.P. see WhitweU, Reepham .......................... 420
Sidestrand ...................................................... 452 Winsford hall, Col. Edward Arthur Butler, see Stokesby-
Sloley hall, Reginald James Neville Neville esq .. M.P. with-Herrffigby .................................................. 468
see Sl oley . •. . . . . . . . . • . •. . . . . •. . . •. . . . . . ••• . . • . •. . . . •••. . . . ••. . . . . . 4 53 Witchingham hall, William James Barry esq. see Great
Smallburgh hall, Rev. Fras. Jickling M.A.,J.P.see Small· Witching ham .•............•..................... ··~ .......... ~· 549
burgh .......•.....•............•..........•..•..•..••...•........••• 454 Witton park, Earl of Kimberley J.P. see Witton (near
Snarehill hall, Harold T. M.usker esq. see Snarehill ...... 455 North Walsbam) ..................... ~.·~···········~~-·~~······· 550
Snettisham Old hall (unoccupied), see Snettisham ...... 455 Wiveton hall, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Francis Archibald
Somerton hall, Bernard James Cuddon-Fletcher esq. Watson-Kennedy J.P. see Wiveton ........................ 550
J.P. see West Somerton ........................................ 458 Wolferton Manor house, George Howe Browne ffolkes
South Walsham hall, Major Robert Herbert Heath esq. J.P. see Wolfertctn ............ ·-·····················~··· 551
Jary D.L., J.P. see South Walsham ........................ 522 Wolterton park, Earl of Orford D.L.. J.P. see Wolterton 551
Sparham house, John Edmund Cremer esq. J.P. see Woodbastwick hall, John Cator esq. M.P., J.P. see Wood-
Sparham . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. • .• . . . . . .. . . • . . •. • • . .• .• •. •. . •. •• . .• • 460 ba.stwick ........................................... ··~ ..... I...... 551
Spixworth hall, Lieut.-Col. John William Currie J.P. see Woodhall, Michael Stocks esq. J.P. see Hilgay............. 191
Spix.worth ..•.••....••....••••••.•.••.••••••••.•.•. .•. ,.. ••• .••••• 46o Wood hill, Mrs. Stedman, see Gressenhall......... ..... .... 166
Sprowston hall, Sir Eustace Gurney J.P. see Sprowston 461 Woodrising hall, Waiter Cubitt Crawshay esq. see
Sprowston lodge, Capt. Reginald George Stracey,. see W cxxlrising •••...••• ~··· .•... ~- .••.••....•..•••....•.......••• I.. 553
Sprowston .......................................................... 462 W orstead house, Lieut. -Col. \\' illiam John Rous, see
Stanfield hall, Major Leslie Fletcher, see Wymondham 559 W ors' .....•.. I •••••••••••• I ••••••••••••••••••••••• I........... SS 5
Starston Place, Alfred Taylor esq. J.P see Starston ...... 465 Wretham hall, Saxton William Ambrose Noble esq. see
Stoke hall, Geoffrey Birkbeck esq. see Stoke Holy Cross 467 West "\\-" retham ...............•.•...... ~·· ···~·· ··~ ........ I ••• 557
Stow hall, Lt. -Col. Sir Thomas Leigh Hare bart. M. v .a., Wroxhall hall, Capt. S. W. Trafford, see Wroxham ... 558
D.L., J.P. Stow Bardolph .................................... 469 Wroxha.m house, Lieut.-Col. Stephen Flockton Charles,
Stradsett hall, Capt. Sir Alfred Thomas Bagge. bart.
see Wroxham ············································~··~··· 558
R.N~ (ret.), D.L., l.P. see Stradsett ........................ 470 Yarrow ball. Lieut.-Col. Alfred Victor St. John White
J.P. see Bintr~e ••••••••••••••·••••••·•••··•••·••···••• .......•• s6


AKESTE.R W. R., Dyer & cleaner ................ .. 36 CHAMBERLINS LTD., Silk mercers, mantle &
ALLIANCE ASSURASCE CO. LTD ............. .. I costume makers ......................................... . 58
AMOS H., Seed merchant ............................... . 77 CHAPMAN W. & CO., Tailors & outfitters ......... 12
ANGEL HOTEL (BURY ST. EDMUNDS) ........ . 17 CHASER. G., Boarding establishment............... 34
ARNOLDS, Drapers & house furnishers ........... . 79 CHATEAU & CO., Furniture removers ............. ~. 82
AUSTIN & CO., Coal & coke merchants ...... ,..... 20 CLOWE L., Restaurant ..................................... . 54
AUSTIN MOTOR CO. LTD., Motor cer builders &c 57 COCKSEDGE & CO., Scale & weight ma.nufac.
BAILY, G R UNDY & BA.RRETT LIMITED, Elec- turers & iron buildings contractors ............ 48 & 53
trical & mechanical engineers ... ...... ... ... ...... .. • 20 COLLINS E., Wherry, yacht & motor launl!h owner 77
BAR~ARDS LIMITED, Galvanized wire netting, COLMAN H. P. & CO., Wholesale & retail iron-
iron gate & fencing manufacturers ............ ... Facing mongers....................................................... 74
commencement of Norfolk COOPER J., Pastrycook & refreshment contractor 37
BARTLETT & CO., roys, games & fancy goods dlrs 36 CORN ELL & CORN ELL LIMITED, Chemists &
BARWELL R. N., Butcher.............................. 17 oil & color men ................................ ,............ 38
BEDINGFIELD G. & SON, F1brous plaster mnfrs 35 COUNTY FIRE OFFICE LIMITED ............ •• 1
BELCHER A. E. & CO., Auctioneers, valuers, CROMER .STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LIMITED... 3o
removal & storage contractors ... ... ......... ......... 37 CRUSO & WILKIN, Auctioneers, Yaluers & estate
BELL HOTEL (BURY) (W. WHITEWICK)...... 17 agents ..................................................... .
BELL HOTEL (THETFORD) ........................ 76 CURSON & BELL, Auctioneers, valuers & estate
BENNE TT H. 0., Accountant & auditor ........... . 73 agents ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 56
BENN ETT J. R. & SONS, Builders & contractors, DALE P. T., Auctioneer, valuer & estate agent .... .. 35
decorators &~ ............................................ . 29 DAVIS B., China, glass & earthenware dealer ...... 49
BILES H. C., Surveyor, estate & insurance agent ..• 9 DOUBLEDAY & CO., Gingerbeer & mineral water
BOBY R. & G. BROS. & CHAPMAN LIMITED, manufacture:rs ... . . . . . . ... ..• ... ..• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 34
Coal & coke merchants ... ............... ............... 11 DRAKE F. W., Temperance hotel & restaurant ... 10
BOSTON G., c:'abinet maker, upholsterer & re- DUKE & OCKENDEN LIMITED, Artesian well
moval contractor ..................... ,.. .. . .•. ... . . . .••... 69 engineers &c ... ..................................•......... 7
BOUSFIELD W. H., Quantity surveyor & estate DUNCAN V. G., Artificial teeth makers .......... .. S5
agent ................................................ ,........ 70 EASTERN COUNTIES TROUT FISHERY (J.
BOWER J., Baker & confectioner...................... 32 H. H. KEND . .t\..LL-) ............ , ................... ,...... 57
BOWERS & BARR LTD., Electrical engineers ... 78 ENGLAND J. S., Boarding establishment ........... . 84
BOWHILL & ELLIOTT, Boot & shoe makers...... 73 FAKE W. & G., Artesian well borers .............. . 59
BOYCE C., Coal & coke merchant ................... .. 17 FISK & CO., Builders, decorators & san'i.ta.ry engnrs 39
BRADLEY F. W. LTD., Artificial teeth ma.nufrs. 29 upholsterers, dress & mantle makers , . ..... . ..... .. 38
BRYAN CORCORAN LIMITED, Engineers & FRESTON F., Carter, contractor & furniture
millwrights .... ,.. ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 7 remover & storer.... .. . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .. ... .. . ... 39
BULLARD & SONS LIMITED, Brewers, wine & FR~WER & MO~S, Monumental ma.t10ns ......... 49
spirit merchants &c....................................... 6o FRIEND & CO., Joinery manufacturers, shop
BURY FREE PRESS, Newspaper .................... . 11 fittei"'S &c ......... , .. ... ... ... . .. . .• .. . .•. . . • ... ... ...... ... 49
BURY & NORWICH POST, Newspaper ........... . 18
CALEY I. W. &CO.LTD.,Silkmercers&shawlmen 61 18
CA"MBRIDGE AUTOMOBILE & ENGINEEH- GARNHAM F. H. & SON, General smiths & engnrs. so
ING CO. LIMITED, Automobile engineers ...... 22 GARRARD P. B. & CO., Wine & spirit merchants 40
JOUR....~AL, Newspaper ................................ . 23 GLANFIELD E. A., Auctioneer & valuer............ 85
CAMBRIDGE DAILY NEWS, Newspaper ........ . 23 GLANFIELD W. A., House, estate & insur&nce agt 85
CAMB!.iiDGE WOOD CO., .Timber merchants, GODDARD F. H., Monumental mason ............. .. 13
moulding manufacturers &c .......................... . 26 GOD WIN C. E., Hotel ................................... . so
EXPRESS ............................................... . 23 GRAIN A. T. & SONS, Auctioneers, surveyors &c. 26
CARTER MRS. & MISS, Boarding establishment 54 GRAY C. E. & SON, Auctioneers, valuers, snr-
CENTRAL LAUNDRY, Shirt & collar dressers &c 9 veyors, house & estate agent.s .. .. . .. .. .... .. ••. . .. ... 30


GRAY & PALMER, Ironmongers, gasfitters, MACINTOSH A. & SONS LIMITED, Ironmongers
engineers &c... .•. ... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . .. . . . ..• . . . . . . . . . 83 & iron & brass founders &c .......................... .
GREEN H., Printer, stationer & bookseller . .. . . . ..• 76 MANN, EGERTON & CO. LIMITED, Motor car
GRIFFIN HOTEL (S. A. DIG BY).................. 16 & electrical engineers ................................... .
GROU~DS F. & SON, Auctioneers & valuers...... 57 MANTHORPE R. & CO. LIMITED, Coal & coke
l' •
GUEST & CHRIMES, Brass founders .......... ;. L1... 86 ~ merchants .••... .•• ..• .... . . . .•• .•• . .. . . . ..• .•. .. . ... ... . . . . . .
+ 42
HAI.LS W. & S., Butchers ........................... .. . ~3
MARI{HAM W., Antiques, china & fine arts dealer 43
HARDING A. C .• rP~umher;;:painter· & dee'Ol'fl.l'1n' .•.
, ) I
HARDWICKE J. E., Hair prepa~attDn mapufactr. 18 E. & f. RQGERS) ...................................... . 31
HARPER & OLt\rER, Corsetfmam±factur~rs ..... . i6 MlLLS C. & CO., Iron & brass founrlers ........... . 53
HART & SONS, Yacht & b<>at builders ........... . 7° MILLS S. M., Auctioneer, estate ;tgent, surveyor &
HARVEY A. J., Heating engineer, plumber &c .. , SI valuer •••.••••...• '"' ...................... ~-.~~~ .................. . 74
• •
HAWKES P., Artificial teeth manufacturer ....... .. 27 MORGAN & BUCKINGHAM, Architects, sur-
HEADING F., Engineer & haulage C')ntractor .... .. 34 veyors, valuers & estate a~ent.s ...................... . 75
HEAL J., .Fish,,game & poultry .deH-ler ~ .... ........ . 13 NORFOLK BROADS YACHTING CO. LTD ... . 66
HIG~ l-~.Bill poster:~ adv~rtjsing agent ........... . 84 NORFOLK CHRONICLE, Newspaper .............. . 66
H_QB~O.U:~ij:. J. & SOX,; J)redging contr;J.Ctors....... 61 NORTH· BRITISH & MERCANTILE INSUR-
HOC~~~&: .$P.N, Auetio:naers, valuers, acc.ountants, ANC~ CO .................: .. ~ ....•...................... 3
.surveY.qrs ~c ..• iJ~~ ,••t-··-·· ....•......... ,. ·-·• ....•. ... ~ .. •.. 30 NORTON MRS. E., Boarding establishment......... 78
HOW:ARQ. A: S., .. U:p_b.ols.terer, cabinet maker, NORWICH MERCURY, Newspaper.................. 67
house furni~h~r &a ...... _. ............................... ,. . .-... 70 NORWICH & NORFOLK TRADERS' ASSOOIA-
-HOWE~ Ea Brick ~~nuf~tllrer .. l~.-............. ~..·--• 62 TlON ..•..•.....•............ "1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

HOWES &.SONS, ·builder~;~-~ motor engnrs. <62 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE
HOWLETr W. & SON, 1\:[u,sic;,t.~ instl'u~€n,t. .dealers 63 SOCI.I!.:TY LIMITED .... .Inside~ Outside Back Gvver
HUNr J., D!!-.i.t:ymQ.p_, b<;t_ket: -~ :t"estaumt(,)nr ....... .. 41 NORWICH UNION LIFE O.I:<FICE ...... , .. ...... Facing
HUI~N D. & SO~S, Ro~ ~ack; -tentJ, waterproof ins1:de Front Cover
clot!} & sail mao'.lfacturers.. ...... ~--· ................. .. 63 NUNN, HINNELL & CLARK, Analytical & dis-
T., Fnrnitur.e removers& starers ... 24 I peQsing chomists ~·· .............................................. . 18
IPSWJCH TRADERS' SOCIETY, Trnd~ enquiry NUNN .J. F., Aucti{)neer, valuer & estate agent .. . 19
· 'agents
.. -. r I
.-. .......::. ..•........... , ..•.... J. ••• ~.· ••••••••••••••••• 41 ·NUNN T.~ SON, Valners,estate agents,account-
auts &. insurance bro,kers .............................. . SI
JAN.NOCH T.'; Horticulturalist & nurseryman...... 33
E>LIY"E~ & SON. Grocers, tea dealers & pro-visio~
.TECKELLS W. T., Sail, awning, tent & co"er makr 54 •

JENKINS S. r:, Motor engineer & jobmaster ... ... 14 mercha.f:\tij .. ~~.,,.,,_, .... ·····"'·····--········~············· ..• 19
OLLI.NG:J:QN & SON, Nurseryn1en & florists ....... 19
JEWHURST W. S., Ilottse & estate agent &c ..... . 4[ .
ORTON J. & CO., Ironmongers, oil.& color mer-
JEWSON & SONS, TittJ.her merchants,.slatEltS &c .. . 64
chants &. range manufacturers ........................ . 44
J(HINSTON J. C., Sack & bai? contractor .. .... ... 24
OSBOHN MISS A., Nursing home .................. t •• 33
KELLY'S TIIREC'l'OR!ES l..'.i'D.", Printers & pub- PAGE G. W.; Insurance agent .......................... . 57
,li:;hers & 11rinters & publishers of the Post Office PAY NE, BUSSEY &.CO., Coach builders & motor
-"London, County & Trades Dieoctories &c ........ Fucing •
engineers .... , .................... ~ ............................... .
-· · Back Cover~ pages 7, 55 ~ 75
KENT J. R., Coach, cart & van builder &c .. T... ;.. 42 .BlatQ merchants ...........~ ............................... . 86
KERRIDGI<~ A. E., Draper.............................. 84 PETJ,'ITT C,,. Pkture fram~ maker,. moulding

KING C.! ~~nitary engi~eer. .. : ........... , ............... . 64 importer &c ...... ,. ..•..•....... , .............. "......, ...... . 8o
KING & HARPER, Motor specialists & automobile PHILLIPS E. M., Ecclesiastical & art embroiderer 27
eng1 neers ................................................... . 21 PHCEXIX ASSURANCE CO, LIMITED............ 4
KING T. C. R. & SONS, Sanitary engineers, POP~ .A. & CO., Scout outfitters, export clothiers
-dreorators &c ........•..•.................... .1•••••••••••• 74 & wholesale warehousemen ... ... Faczng J1£ap nf Suffolk
. . . \V.
. .
.. .
Furniture manufacturers, ~RATT G., Draper ............................................. u• 85
blind & bedding makers &c ......................... .. 65 P~OUDFOOT J. E., Monumental mason & sculptor 55
LAMRERT.S.ll. &. CO., :Motor car & cycle agents 74 PROVINCIAL DYEING & CLEANING CO.,
u LA:UORNA" SCHOOL .FOR GIRLS (i\IIS) Dyer~ & cleaners .. ".. ., .............. ·" . ~. •.. . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . 51
KIDN ER)-·~ ............................... .; ................. . 54 PUDNEY C. C. & CO., Electrical engineers &c... 14
LAW REVEE.SlO~ARY .DTELtEST SOCIETY RAMPLlNG S., Surgical appliances manufacturer 27
LIMITED-~·-·~····--········································ 3 RAMSAY BROTHERS, Fellmongers, hide mer·
LKADE~HALL PRESS. LDIIl'ED, '' Fixol" chants, leather dressers &c ............................ .. 7I.
-paste manufacturers ..•.....•..•....................•. , .... 77 RAMSEY W., Joiner, cfl.binet maker &c ........... . 35
~EIGHTON HOUSE ~CHOOL (CROMER) .... .. 32 RAND ELL MRS., Boarding establishment ....... .. 32
LONDON .ASSURANCE . .......... , .................... .. 2 RANSO.MES, SIMS & JEF.FERIES LIMITED, \


. .
FIRE . I~SURANCE ~ Agricultural machinery manufacturers ... .•. .... Faci:n.g
CO..................................... Inside Front Cover
1 •••••• ••• commencement of Suffolk Trades Sectio76
LOWESTOFT . .STEAM LAU~DRY CO~IPA..NY RAN SON A., Stock & share broker ...... ·-· ... ... ... 43
. UMITED I........... .......... ....... I.... I...............
54 RA:NSONS LIMITED, Timber merchant!:! & slate

LYNY ADVERTISER, Newspaper ................. . 55 Importers ............ ,1 ..................... .~ .••••••.••••.• ,.
LYNN NEWS & COUNTY PRESS, Newspaper s6 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURA~C.E .............. . 4
McCOWAN D.,, Tailor, breeches maker & general RUTTER A. SONS & CO., Estat~ agllnts, auc- J

outfitter ..•.....• -~·· ..................... -~· ... ·······.··........

• •
83 tioneers & valuers ..•...... ~··· ..... I •• , 28
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I•
SAHA)! COLLEGE (NORFOLK) .................... . 76 TAYLOR C., Refreshment contractor, wine &
ST. JOHN H. G. LIMITED, Motor engineers, job- spirit merchant &c ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 19
masters & accessories dealers .......................... . 8o TAYLOR G. & CO., Estate 'lgents & valuers ...... 75
ST. :\fiCHAEL'S COLLEGE (BURY ST. TAYLOR G. & SON, Surgical mechanicians ...... 72
EDMUND$) ········~·······-··"'·······,........... ,., ......... . 15 TEMPEST C, E., Stock & share broker ..... •. ..... 52
SAWYER & DYER, Engineers ..................... ~. 55 LIMil'ED, Heating engineers &c...................... 6
SAYERS F. H., Photographer ....................... . 85 TREVOR, PAGE & CO., Cabinet makers &
t;EAG ER R., Provision preserver &c ............ ; .... . 44 upholsterers . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
SEALES MRS., Boarding establishment .......... .. 32 WALKER A., Boarding establishment ...... ...... ... 3 I
SEARLES & WILTON, Plumbers & sanitary WARREN P'. R., Builder & contractor ... ... ... ...... 20

er gin 9ers .................................................. . 53 W ATKINS E., Lime, plaster & cement merchant... 53
SENDALL J. & CO., Horticultural builders & WEBB & SON (COMBS) LIMITED, Tanners,
heating engineers ................. , ....................... .. 28 currie1·s &c . .. ... ... ... ... . . . . .. ... . . . .. . ... ... ... . .. . .. ... 75
SHALDERS C. E., Motor job master &~ ........... . 85 WELTON C., Boarding establiE~hment .. . ... ... ..• ... 86
SINGLETON E. S., Undertaker & funeral carriage WERNER MRS. & MISS, School ...... ... .. . .. .. .. ... 34

propr1eW:r .................. ..,. .......... ·- ..................... . 45 1 WEST W., Sanitary engineer, decorator &c......... 86
SMALLE Y C. 1 Ophthalmic optician ................. . 45 I WHILLIER'S MUSIC STORES ...... ... ...... ...... 52
S:\IITH & DANIELS, Cutlers, electro plater.:; & WHITMORE & CO. LLYr:rTED, Wine merchants
tool merchants ................................................ . 52 & distillery agents ... ... ... ...... ... .. . .. .. . ....... ... ... 29
SMITH G. & SONS, Yacht owners & agents ..... . 78 WIGG W. E. & SONS, Domestic machinery mnfrs. 9
SMITH G. D. & SON, Cab & motor proprietors .. . 35 WILKINSON & CO., Builders, contractors,
SMITH W. G. & CO., Horticultural engineers & sanitary engineers &c.................................... 77
builders ..................................................... . 15 WILLCOX W. H. & CO. LIMITED, Engineers'
S:MITHDALE r. & SONS, Engineers & millwrights ~ stores & mill furnishers ............................... .. 6
SPELMAN MESSRS., Auctioneers, valuers, sur- WILLIAMS MRS. E. R., Boarding establishment 31
veyors, estate & land !).gents . ~· ....................... . 68 WILLS D. H., Fell monger & hide m'erchant......... 72
SPURLIN\}S & ,HE~PSO~. Auctioneers, valuers ;wiNKWORTH & WINKWORTH, Architects,
& estat(3 agents ·~· , ..... ,,., .. ~- ......... ,,. ............ - ..... , engineers, surveyors & estate agents ... ... ... .... .. 48
STACE G., Ladies' tailor & f1,1rrier .....••..•.•.•....... 30 ~OODROW & RUDD MISSES, Teachers of music 73
STAl\DlERS & SQ~. House furnishers, removal WOODWARD C., Watch & clock maker .... .'... .. . 48
contractors & estate agents ..•...•... , ............... . 46 WOOLNOUGH F., Engineer ........................... 68
STANBRIDG E T, C., Mo~u]\lental sculptor .... .. 28 WRIGHT MRS. F., Boarding establishment .. ~... 81
STASLEY BROTHERS, Monumental masons .... .. 85 WYRLEY-BIRCU MISS~ Nurses' home ........... ..
STEARN A. & SON, Builders, decorators &c .... .. 47 YARMOUTH INDEPENDENT & EASTERN
SUN FIRE OFFICE,., ............ , ..................... .. 5 COUNTIES HERALD, Newspaper ............... 81
SWA~N H. & A. BROS. LIMITED, Brick & YARMOUTl:I MERCURY,"Newspaper ............. :. 82
drain pipe manufacturers & general contractors )"OUNGS E. & CO., 'Engineers, iron & brass
& lime burners ·········•···-·········P'......... ~-"'1····,22 & 25 founders &c .. . . . . . . . ... ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... 33
TALBOT & CO. LTD.,Mineral water manufactrs... 47 YOUNGS J. & SON, Builders, contractors &
: nnclertakers .... ... ... ... . . .. ... ... ... . .. .... ... .... .. . . . . ... .... 69



ASSURANCE. Artesian well engineers :-

Artificial limb manufacturers:-
S. RAMP LING ..................................... r ••• 27
CIETY LIMITED ................................ . 3 G.TAYLOR&SON ................................. /2
LONDON ASSURANCE .....•..•.................• 2
LONDON & LANCASHIRE FIRE INSUR- Artificial teeth manufacturers:-
ANCE CO ..................... ..• Inside Front Covr:r F. W. BRADLEY .LIMITED ..........•.......... 29
NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE IN- V. G. DUN CAN .... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... .... ... ... ... 55
SURANCE CO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... 3 P. HAWKES .................. ......... ............ ... 27
NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE Artists' sundriesmen :-
SOCIETY LTD .... Inside ~ Outside Rack Cover BAB~TLETT & CO ... ... ... ... ... . . .. .. ... ... ... ...... 36
Inside Front Cover Asbestos goods manufacturers : -
ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE............ 4 Auctioneers : -
SUN FIRE OFFICE ... ... ... .•. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 BELCHER & CO ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 37
OR USO & WILKIN ··- ... ... ..• ... ..• .•• ... ... ... ... S6
CURSO~ & BELL..................................... 56
Accountants : - P. T. DALE .......................................... \ 35
HOCKEY & SO.N ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ..... .... 30 E. A. GLANFIELD ........•......... ............ ... 85
NORWICH & NORFOLK TRADERS ASSOC. 71 A. T. GRAIN & SONS ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26
T. NUNN & SON ......... ....... ... ...... ............ 51 C. E. GRAY & SON ....... ...,...... ... ............... 30
Accountant & auditor:- F. GROUNDS & SON e·· ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57
H. 0. BENNETT ... ............... . ............... 73 HOCKEY & SON ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... 30
Advertising 11gent : -
sI M. MILLS . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . i4
J. F. NUNN ... ... ... ...... ............ ... ... ...... ...... 19
J. HIGH ......... ............ ......... ... ...... ......... 84
A. RUTTER, SONS & CO........................... 28
Aerated water manufacturers:- MESSRS. SPELMAN ........................... ... 68
TALBOT & CO. LIMITED ... ... ... ... ... ... ..•... 47 SPURLINGS & HEMPSON ...... ... ... ... ... ... 46
Agent-motor car:- Automobile engineers:-
S. J. J.ESKINS ...................................... . AUSTIN MOTOR CO. LIMITED ... ... ... ... ... 57
Agricultural auctioneers & valuers:- CAMBRIDGE AUTOMOBILE & ENGI-
CURS ON & BELL .................................... . NEERING CO. LIMITED ...... ... ... ... ... ... 22
HOWES & SONS ................................... . 62
Agricultural implement manufacturers:-
KING & HARPER ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... .. ... ... ... 21
E. YOUNGS & CO .................. ...... ... ....... 33
MANN, EGERTON & CO. LIMITED ......... 65
Agricultural machinery manufacturers:- PAYNE, BUSSEY & CO........................... 67
commencement of Suffolk Trades Section
W. S. JEWHCRST ... . . . ... ... ... .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. . .. 41
"Air lift" pumping plant manufacturers:-
DUKE & OCKENDE~ LIMITED .............. . 7
J. BO,VER ............... ......... ...... ...... ...... ... 32
Analytical chemists:-
Baker & confectioner:-
NUNN, HINNELL & CLARK ................. . 18
J. HUNT .............................. ··~ ... ... ... ... ... 41
Antique dealer :-
, Bedding manufacturers:-
W. J.\'IA RKHA M ...................................... .
43 W. KING LIMITED................................. 65
Apartments : - TREVOR, PAGE & CO •.•.......•.......... ...... 72
MRS. RAND ELL ................................... . 32
Bellhangers : -
A. WALKER ......................................... . 31
GRAY & PALMER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... 83
C. WELTON ......................................... . 86
Architects:- Bellhangers electric &c. : -
MORGAl~ & BUCKINGHAM..................... 75 A. MACINTOSH & SONS LIMITED............ 25
A. RUTTER, SONS & CO ... ..•... ... ... ... ... ... 28 Belt manufacturers-surgical : -
WINKWORTH & WINKWORTH ... ... .•. ... ••• 48 HARPER & OLIVER ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26
Artesian well borers:- Billposter : -
W. & G. FAKE . .. ... . . . . .. .. . ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . . . 59 J. HIGH ............................. I • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • 84
• •


Blind makers : - Camping out equipment contractors:-

W. KING LIMITED................................. 65 A. POPE & CO ........... ....... Facing Map of Suffolk
~arding establishments:- Cardboard dealer:-
::\-IRS. & MISS CARTER ......... ..... .... .•• .. .. •. 54 C. PET1,ITT ........... , ····- ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 8o
R. G .. C RASE .......................................... . 34 Carpet & linoleum warehousemen:-
L. CLOWE ............................................. . 54 ARNOLDS ......... -·· ... .... ... ... ... ... ......... ....... 79
J. S. ENGLAND ...................................... . 84 Carriage proprietors : -
MRS. E. NORTON ........... : .................... . 78 E. S. SINGLETON ...... ............ ... ... ......... 45
W . .RAMSEY . . ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... ...... ... ... ... G. D. SMITH & SON .................... ............ . 35
MRS. RAND ELL ................................... . 32 Cart & van builder : -
1\-IRS. SE ALES ....................................... . 32 J. R. KENT ........................................... I. 42
A. WALKER ...... ... ... ... ......... ......... ......... 31 Cart & wagon cloth manufacturers:-
C. WELTON ......................................... .,. 86 D. HURN & SONS ......................... ,.............. 63
MRS. E. R. WILLIAMS .................. ...... ... 31 J. C. JOHNSTO~ ... ........................ ......... 24
MRS. 1<,. WRIG HT.................................... 81 Cartage contractors:-
Boat builders: H. & A. SWANN BROTHERS LIMITED 22 ~ 25
HART & SONS ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... . ........ ... ... 70 Carters & contractors : -
Boat & yacht builder : - C. BO YCE . . . . . . . . .. . ... ... . . . . .. . . . ... ... . . . .•. . . . . . . 17
E. COLLINS ........................................... · 77 CHATEAU & CO. ·····~··· ··- ........................ 82
Boiler makers : - F. FRESTO~ ......... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... .... ... 39

T. SMITHDALE & SONS .......................... . 8 E. HO,VES .......................................... . 62
E. YOU~GS & CO ................................... . 33 Caterers : -
Bookbinder : - F. W. DRAKE ............................... ......... 10
H. GREEN ... ...... ......... ............... ...... ...... 76 C. TAYLOR ... ...................... .............. .. 19
Bookseller : - Caterer & pastry cook:-
H. GREEN ............................................ . 76 J. COOPER ...... ·-.................................... 37
Boot & shoe makers : - Cattle shed, hay barn & granary manufacturers:-
BOWHILL & ELLIOTT .......................... . 73 COCKSEDG E & CO ........................... 48 ~ 53
Brassfounders : - Cement merchants : -
GUEST & CHRIMES ...... ......... ... ......... ... 86 G. BEDINGFIELD & SON .......... ,.... ...... 35
C. MILLS & CO. ... ... .... ... ... ... . .. .... ... . .. . .. ... 53 E. WATKINS. .. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53
T. SMITHDALE & SONS ........................ 8 Chandelier manufacturers . -
E. YOUNGS & CO.................................... 33 GUEST & CHRIMES ......... .•.... ............... 86
Braziers:- Chemists:-
GRAY & PALMER ................................. 83 CORNELL & CORNELL LIMITED ... ... ... ... 38
Breeches maker:- NUNN, HUNNELL & CLARK ............... ..• 18
D. McCOWAN ... ..• ............... ... . . ... ...... .•• 8J China, glass & etJ.rthenware dealers:-
Brewers:- B. DA VIS ... ····································· ..... ··· 49
BULLARD & SO~S LIMITED ... ... ...... ...... 6o Cinematograph entertainers:-
Brick manufacturers:- BOWERS & BARR LIMITED ..... .... ... .... . . 78
E. HOWES .................. ..................... ...... 62 Clothiers-export : -
H. & A. SWAN~ BROTHERS LIMITED 22 ~ 25 A. POPE & CO .... ............. Facing Map of Suffolk
Builders & contractors:- Clothiers-wholesale : -
J. R. BENNETT & SONS ...... ........• ......... 29 CHAMBERLIN'S LIMITED ... ... ... . ....... ... 58
Fl~K & CO ...... ·- ............ ·-···· ... ...... .... ... ... 39 Coach bnilders : -
H. G. FROST.......................................... 18 HOWES & SONS ... ... ...... ............ ... ... ... ... 62
A. STEARN & SON ... ............ ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 J. R KENT ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42
F. It \V ARREN ... ... .... .......... .... ...... ... ... ... 20 PAYNE, BUSSEY & CO ....... ;................... 67
WILKINSOS & CO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 Coal merchants:-
J. YOU.NGS & SON ................................. . 6g J. HOBROUGH & SON........................... 61
Builders' merchants : - Coal & coke merchants : -
H. & A. SWANN BROTHERS LIMITED 22 ~ 25 AUSTIN & CO ............... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... 20
E. WATKINS... ......... ... ... ..•... .......•.......... 53 R. & G. BOBY BROS. & CHAPM.A.N LTD.... 11
Business transfer agents:- C. BOYC E ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... I 7
c·URSON & BELL..................................... 56 CHATEAU & CO ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 82

T. NUNN & SON .... ·• .. •..... •••• .......... •• ... ••• 5 I MANTHORPE R. & CO. LIMITED..... ...... 42
Butchers:- Confectioner : -

R. N. BARWELL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 J. BO\VER ... ... ... ... .... ... ...... ................ ... ... 32
W. & S. HALIB .... ... ... ... ......... ... ...... ... ...... 83 Contractors : -
Cab proprietors:- T. C. R. KING & SONS ... ... ... ..• ......... ... ... 74
G. D. SMITH & SOY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 A. POPE & CO .................. Facing Map of Suffolk
Cabinet makers : - Comtructional engineers:-
G. BOSTON............................................. 69 COCKSEDGE & CO .......................... 48 cf 53
A. S. HOW ARD ... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... . .... 70 Conveying machinery manufacturers:-:
W. R. 4..MSEY
. . ......... ... . .... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 35 SAWYER & DYER ... ... ... .... ... . . . ... ... ... ... ... 55
TREVOR, PAGE & CO. ..•...... ......... ......... 72 Cooking range manufacturers:-
""'"T ILKINSON & eo ... ... ... ... ... .... ... .. ... ... ... 77 1 J. oR,.ro~ & eo .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .......... .. ... ... 44

Corsetieres : - • Elastic stocking manufacturers:- .
HARP ER & OLIVER .................. ··~··· .... .. 26 S. RAMP ~ING ...... "'' ............ ·•· ,.~··· ., ......... .
Costumiers:- • G. TAYLOR & SO~ ............................... .
HARPER & OLIVER .'.....·........ ~ .......... ..... ! 26 Electric light & power contractors:~
Crane manufacturers : -
~lectric lighting contractors : -
SAWYER & DYER ........................ .. : ..... : .55
C. C. PUDNEY & CO .......... , .................. .
Curriers :- • ·
Electric lighting iustrtllation contract0rs : -
WEBB & SON (COMBS) Lll\HTED .......... .. 75
Cutlery manufacturers : -
' . . . ' . BOWERS & BARR LIMITED ... ... .•. •.. ... .... 78
Electric plant manufactuers :~ ,
S)IITH&DANIELS ..............~- ....... ,._ ... 52
. C. C. PU DNEY & CO .•...... q ••.•••••.•• · - ••• 14
Cycle & motor accessories dealers : -
Electrical accessories dealers : -~
KING & HARP ER ......... ~·· ........ .' ........... . 21
• • • ' BAILY, GH.UNDY. & BARRETT LTD ...... 20
Cyder growers & manufacturers:- 1
_ , l Electrical engineers.:-..
Dairyman~- ••

• • BOWERS & BARR LIMITED.................. 78
J. HUNT ....................................... ,.......... 4t . MANN, EGERTON & CO LIMITED......... 6S
Decorators:- C. C. PUDNEY & CO ... ...... ... ..• ... ... ... ... 14
J. R. BENNETT & SONS ... ; ........... ... ~ .... J 29 Electra platers : -
FISK & CO .......... ··- ....... , ___ ....... _ ........... ·-··· .. . 39 SMITH & DANIELS ... ..• ... .. ... ..• ... ... ... ... 52
A. C. HARDING .. . ... ... ... . ...... ... ... .... .... . . . .. . 40 Elevating machinery manufacturers:~
T. C. R. KING & SONS ........................·. 74 SAWYER & DYER ...... , .................................. . 55
W. RAMSEY ... --············ ......................... . 35 Engineers:-
SEARLES & WILTON ......................... .. 53 . . BA!LY~ GRUNDY & BARRETT LIMITED 20
A. STEAHN & SON ..................... _........... 41 BRYAN CORCORAN LIMITED ............. .. 7
TREVOR, PAGE & CO .. _ ................. ~- ..... 72 , CAMBRIDGE AUTOMOBILE & ENGI-
W. \VEST ..........i •••• - ••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .; • • • • • • • • • • • • 86 NEERING CO. LIMITED..................... 22
WILKINSON & CO -· ............................ .. 77 DUKE & OCKENDE ~ LIMiTED .......... . 7
Depositories :- • F. B. GARNHAM & SON ......... ·-,............ so
A. S. HO WARD ................................ , .... . 70 ' F. HF~ADING ............................................. .. 34
Diaphragm pump manufacturers:-- · • ·· SAWYER & DYER .............................. ... 55
& SONS ... ... ............ ......
Dining room propriet01• : - W. E. WIGG & SONS ..... , .. , ... ... ... ... .... .. 9
L. CLOWE ... ... ....... ...... ... .......... ... ... ... ...... 54 WINKWORTH & WINKWORTH ... ... ... ... 48
• • I ~"'. WOOLNO UG H ................................... . 68
Distillery agents : -
E. YOUNGS & CO ............... ,.................. . 33
WHITMORE & CO. LnHTED ... ...... ......... 2 9
, Engineers-ag~icultura.l:-
Dolls, toys & games dealers:- ·
BARTLETT & CO ......... :.: ................... ..
.. commencement of Suffolk Trades 8ectio1b
Domestic machinery manufacturers :~ Engineers--electrical : -
W. E. WI<iG & SONS ..................... , ...... 9 GRAY .& PALMER ..................... ...... .. ... 83
Drain pipe manufactarers:-
' ' . . Engineers-hot wa~er :.-
H. & A. SWA~N BROTHERS LTD ...... 22 & 25
GRAY & PALMER ... .................. ............ 83
• I '
EngineerS: stores & mill furnishers :-
ARNOLDS .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... 19
W. H .. WILLCOX & CO. LIMITED ....... .. 6
. CHAMBERLlNS LIMITED ... ...... ... ... ...... s8
Engravers :T- . •
. FOOTMAN, PRETTY & CO ... ... ... ..•... ... ... 3 s
GRAY & PALMER ............................... - 83
A .. E. KERRIDG E ........ , ......... h • • . • •.··• . . . . . . . . 84
Enquiry agents : -
G. PRATT ································-!'··· ·•·····~· 85 NORWICH &

Drapers', grocers' &c. valuers:-
ASSOCIATION .................................. .. 71
A. POPE & CO ............ ...Ji'aci11,q ..:flrfap of Suffolk
Fancy goods dealers:-
Dredging contractors:- . ,
J. HOBROUGII & SON ..............·............. 61 llARTLETT & CO ........... : ................... .
Dress makers : - H. GREEN ........................ :................... .
I. W. CALE Y & CO. LIMITED............... 61 .Fellmongers : -
FOOTMAN, PRETTY & CO..................... 38 RAMSAY BROTHERS .................. -...... .. 71
G. STACE ........................................ ,. ... 30 D. H. WILLS ... .......... ~. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 72
Dyers & cleane!s : - Fibrous plaster manufacturers:--
W. R. AKESTER .. . .. . ... ...... ...... ... . .. ... ... . .. 36 G. BEDINGEIELD & SON ... ...... ...... ...... 35
CENTRAL LAUNDRy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... g Fme art dealer:-
PROVINCIAL DYEING & CLEANING CO 51 C. PETTITT .............................. ..• ...... ... 8o
Dynamo manufacturer:- Fine art (old masters) dealer :-
F. WOOLNOUG H.................................... 68 W. MARKHAM... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 43

Ecclesiastical & art embroiderer:-- Fire extinguishing apparatus manufacturers :-
E. M. PHILLIPS ... ...... ... ............ .•. ... ...... 27 GUEST & CHRD1ES ......... ............... ...... 86
- .
Ecclesi~tical mason:- Fire-lighter manufacturers:-

F. H. GODDARD ... ......... ... ............... ... .... 13 CAMBRIDGE WOOD CO ............ ,.. ......... 26

Firewood merchants : - Glaziers:- •
CAMBRIDGE WOOD CO " .. ...................... A. C. HA.RD:;rNG... ... ...................... .•• ••.•••••• 40
Fish, game & poultry dealer:-- T. C. R. KING & SONS ..• ···-·· ... -· ......• .. 74
J. HEAL .r•K••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,..••&••••••••••~ IJ W. WEST .............. -............. -........................... 86
Flag & bunting manufacturers:- Goldsmith : -
D. HUR'N & SOYS ... ... ... ... .... .
... ... ...... •.. ... 63 C; WOODWARD....................................... 48

Florists : - Granite & marble masons : -
T. JANNOCH... ... ... ................................. 33 FREWER & MOSS ... ............ ......... ....... ... 49
OLLINGTO:-i & SON ...... :...................... .
Ig Grinding & sifting machinery manufa~turers : -
French polishe·r : - ·
BRY AN CORCORA~ LIMITED ................. . 7
W. RAM SE Y ...................................·.. ··· ··· 35 G
Funeral carriage proprietor : -
OLIVER & SON' ..............•...... _. ....• , .. - ....•.. 19
E. S. SING LErroN ......................... ,...... . 4 5 Grocers', drapers' & allied trades' v~luers : -

Funeral furnishers : - T. NUNN & SON ...................................... . 51
J. R. BENNETT & SO~-s" ..................... .. 2
9 Haberdashers:- t
W. RAMSEY ............... 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35 CHAMBERLINS LIMITED ........ - .......... ..
Furnishin~ ironmongers : -
. . Hair preparation manufacturer;-
J. ORTON & CO .. , ..................................... . 44 J. E, H.,t\..RDWICKE ....... , ..................... , .. . 18
Furniture manufacturers:- Ham. & bacon curer :·- • •
W. KING LIMI.rED ............................... R .. SEAG ER ................. ,. ............... ······ .............. ··· 44
Furniture removers:- HarJ.ware merchants;~
C. BOYCE ,. ....•.................•.....•..•....... ,.~~ .. 17 J. OR TON & CO ............... ~ .... ··· ... ··· ··· ··· ... 44
. &.. CO ~-················· .................... . 82 Haulage contractors :-
P. T. DAL!!: ..•..............•........................ 35 F. HEADING ........................ ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 34
.FOOTMAN, PRETTY & CO .................... . 38 H. & A. SW ANN BROTHERS LlMITED 22 & 25
TREVOR, PAGE_& CO ........................... .. 72 Hay, corn & straw dealers:-
Furniture removers & starers:-- F. FRESTON .............. (...... ~.................... . . 39
A. E BELCHER & CO ...... ... ...... ...... .... ..
. ...
37 Heating apparatus manufacturers:--
F. FRESTON .......................................... . 39 BARNARDS LIMITED ...... Facin,q commencem1nt
W. T. ILLSLEY ................................... . 24 of .J..Yorjolk
STAMMERS & SON ............................... .. 6
4 Heating engineers : -
Furniture removers & warehousemen : - BAILY, GRUNDY & BARRETT LIMITED.. 20
1 W. RING LlM.ITED ........ : ... .. : ... .......... .. A. J. HARVEY ... ···'····· .......................... . 51
Furniture warehousemen:-·

J. SEND ALL & CO .., ............ ···j·· ........... . 28
FOOT~IAN, PHETTY & CO ....... "' ....... ' ..... . THA:MES BANK (BLACKFRIARS) JRON
. .
............................ , .. .. ·.CO. LIMI1,ED · ............................ -· ....... . 6
Furrier :,- Hide & ~>kin merchants:~
G. S-l,AC 1~ . . . . . . . . . .•. . . . . .. . . ....................... ., .... .

30 RAMS AY BROTHERS ............................. . 71
Galvanized wire netting manufacturers : - D . H.WILLS ........... : ................................. 72
B~RNARDS LIMITED ...... Facing commencement Horticultural builders:-
of Norfolk J. SENDALL& CO ................................. 28
W. G. SMITH & CO .... :............................ 15
Garden fur.niture & requisite manufacturers : -
Horticultural engineers:-
BARNARDS LIMiTED ...... Facing commencement
W. G. SMITH & CO ......... ...... ...... ... ......... 15
of Norfolk
Horticulturall'equisite manufacturers:-
Garden vase manufacturer::;:-
G. BEDING FIELD & SO.N ... ... ... .... ...... ... ... 35
CO. LIMITED............................................ 6
Gas burner manufacturers:-
Horticulturalist : -
GUEST & CHRIMES ., .......................... .. 86
T. JANNOCH ............................................. 33
Gasfitters : -
Hot water engineers : -
GRAY & PALMER ............................. - .. .
83 A. MACINTOSH & SONS LI:MtTEb...... ... ... 25
A. J. HARVEY ............................................ . 51
Hot water fitter:-
A. MACINTOSH & SO.N:3 LIMITED ....... ..
2S A. C. HARDING ... ... .... ....... .•. .. ... • ... .•. ... .•. 40
Gas & hot water engineers:--
WILKINSON & CO .........................., ... ,.. 77
ANGEL (BURY ST. EDMUNDS) ... ... ... ... ... 17
Gas retort manufacturers : - BELL (THETFORD) .................. -- ......... 76
THAMES Bfu.~K (BLACKFRIARS) IRON BELL(W. WHlTEWICK) ........................ 17
CO. LIMITED ......................... :'............. 6 GRIFFIN (S. A. DIG BY)........................... 16
Gauge glass manufacturers:- MARLBOROUGH HOUSE (MISSES 1\L E.
w. u. wn.r.cox & eo. LIMITED ... ...... ... 6 -
& I. ROG ERS) . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . ... . .•• ... . . . .•. . .. . .. . 31
Ginger beer & ale ma.nufacturers : - SAVOY (P. ROGERS) .................. ... ...... ... 84
DOUBLEDAY & CO ... ... ...... . .. . .. ... ... .•. .•. 34 STATION-IPSWICH (C. E. GODWI~) - ... 50
Ginger beer brewers;- Hotel-temperance:-
TALBOT & CO • +'
TIMITED ......... , .... , ••••••••• 47 L. CLO,VE .....................• , ......... ··· ··• ··jlll······ 54

House f~ishers : - Jeweller:-
ARNOLDS ... ... .•. ... ... .•. .•. ... ... •.. ... ... ... ... ... 79 C. WOODWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . •. •. . ••• . . • . .. 48
G. BOSTON .......•..................................... 69 Jobmaster : -
CHAMBERLINS LIMITED .................... . 58 E.S.SINGLETON .................... , ............ 45
FOOTMAN, PRETTY & CO ................... .. 38
A. S. HOW ARD ... ... .... ..... ... ... .•.... ... ... .•. ... 70
w. R.AMSE y ......... w. RAMSEY .. I... ........ .... .............. .......... 35
I I. I •••••••••••••••••••••• I •••• I.
STAMMERS & SON ............................... .. 46 Joinery manufacturers : -
FRIEND & C 0 .................•..... , . . . ... ..... ... ... 49
House, land & estate agents :-
·wlLKINSON&CO ................................ . 77
H. C. BILES ....... , ......... -··············· ........ . 9
'V. H. BOUSFIELD .........................•....... 1 .. 0 Juvenile outfitters : -
CR"GSO & WILKIN .............................. .. 56 W. CHAPMAN & CO I 0 0 0 I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 o o I 0 0 I 0 I I 0 o 12

CUHSON & BELL .................................. .. 5 6 Ladies' tailoTil : -

P. T. DALE ............................................ . 35 W. CHAPMAN & CO o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o I 0 0 0 0 I • I I o o o 0 0 0 o o o 12

W. ...4... GLAN Fl E LD ................................. . 8S G.STACE ....•..........•............................ 30

A. T. GRAIN & SONS ............................ . 26 Lamp column manufacturers:-
C. E. GHAY & SON ............................... .. 30 THAMES BANK (BLACKFRIARS) IIWN
HOCKEY & SO~ ... ........ .... .... . . . . . .. .... ... ... 3o CO. LIMITED .................................... -~· 6
W, S. JEWHURST ............... ............ ... ... 41 Lamp manufacturers : -
S. M. MILLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 74 GUEST & CHRIMES ................. , ............ 86
MORGAN & BUCKINGHAM..................... 75
Laundries : -
J. F. NUNN......... ...... ... ... ...... ........• ... ... ... 19
CENTRAL (BURY ST. EDMUNDS)............ 9
T. N UNN & SON ... ... . .. ... . . . ... . .. ... ..• ... . . . . . . 5 I
A. POPE & CO ............ ...... Facing Map of Sttffulk
A. RUTTER, SClNS & CO........................... 28
MESSRS. SPELMAN ... .............. .... ... ... .. . 68 Lawn mower manufacturers : -
SPURLINGS & HEMPSON ... ...... ... ... ......... 40 RA.NSOMES, SIMS & JEFFERIES LTD ... Facing
STAM:\IERS & SON ... ... . .. ... . . . .•. . . . ... ..• ...... 46 commencement of Suffolk Trades Sectior1
G.TAYLOR&CO ................................. 75 Lead & glass merchants:-
A. STEARN & SON ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47
WI.NKWORTH & WI~KWORTH ...... ...... 48
• Leather belting manufacturers: -
Income tax repayment agency : -
H. 0. BENNETT ... ... . ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 73 W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LIMITED ........... . 6
Leather dressers : -
Insurance agents:-
RAMSAY BROTHERS.............................. 71
H. C. BILES ......................................... . 9
Leather merchants : -
W. A. G LAN .r""I ELD ......................•.....•...• 85
WEBB & SO~ (COMBS) LIMITED ......... 75 •
W. 8. JEWHURST ......... ··~ ..•............... ~·· 41
Lifts & hoists manufacturers:-
G. W. PAGE ........................ ·········~·· ... ... 57 SAWYER&DYER ................................. 55
A. POPE & CO .................. Facing Map of Suffolk
1 Lightermen:-
Insurance brokers : -
J. HOBROUGH & SO~ ............ ... ... ...... ... 61
J. F. NUNN ...............•.•..•..................... 19
T. NUNN & SO~ ..............•............ ··~ ..... . 51 Lime burners:-
H. & A. SW ANN BROS. LIMITED .••... 22 & 25
Ironfounders : -
COCKSEDGE & CO ........................ 4 8 & 53 Lime manufacturer :- -
C. MILLS & CO....................................... 53 E. WA1,KINS... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53
T. SMITHDALE & SONS ............ ... ......... 8 Locksmiths : -
W. E. WIGG & SONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . ... ... 9 GRAY & PAL~ER ................................. 83
E. YOUNGS & CO.................. .. ...... ...... ... 33 Machine band manufacturers:-
Ironmongers:- WEBB & SON (COMBS) LIMITED ...... ... 75
HI p. c 0 L MAN & c 0 ...•.•..•....•••.• I.. ......... 74 Mantle & costume makers : -
GRA.Y & PALMER ............................... 83 CHAl\IBERLINS LIMITED....................... 58
A. 1\fACINTOSH & SONS LIMITED ............ · 25 Map publisher :-
J. OR TON & CO....................................... 44 H. li-RE EN ........................... ·................... 76
Iron & brass founders : - Marble mason:-
A. MACI~TOSH & SONS LIMITED ... ... ... 25
F. H. GODDARD ... ········· ····················· ... IJ
Iron buildings contractors : - Marble, stone & grdnite mason:-
COCKSEDGE & CO .......................... -48 & 53 T. C. STANBRIDGE ............ ... ............ ... 28
Iron gate & fencing manufacturers:- Marquee manufacturer:-
BARNARDS LIMITED ..... Facing commencement J. c. JOHNsrrox ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... 24
of Norfolk l\feat preserver:--
Iron merchants :- R. SEAGER .............................. -·~~········· 44
J. ORTON & CO....................................... 44
Iron pipe manufacturers : - Medical & maternity home:-
THAMES BANK (BLACKFRIARS) IRON MISS A. OSBOR~ ... ..... ... . . ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... 33
CO. LIMI1,ED ... ... ... ... ... . ..... ... ... . . . . .. ... 6 Milliners :-
Italian warehousemen:- I. W. CALEY & CO. LIMITED............... 61
OLIVER&SON ....................................... 19 G. STACE .•..................•... ~·· ... ... ... ... .•. ... 30

Millwrights : - Motor jobmasters : -
BRYAN CORCORAN LIMITED ••••••••••••••• 7 C. E. SHALIJERS ......... ............ ............ 85
T. SMITHDALE & SONS .................. ,.... . 8 H. G. ST. JOHN LIMITED..................... 8o

E. YOUNGS & CO ... ................ ... ...... ...... 33 Motor launch & boat owner:-
Mineral water manufacturers:- E. COLLINS ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .......... 77
BULLARD & SONS LIMITED ... ... ... ...... 6o Motor repairers : -
DOUBLEDA Y & SON ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 CAMBRIDGE AUTOMt1BILE & EN-
NlJ NN, IIIN~ELL & CLARK ................. . 18 GINEERING CO. LIMITED.................. 22
TALBOT & CO. LIMITED ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Motor vehicle builders:-
Modellers-Plaster:- AFSTIN MOTOR CO. LL~ITED......... ...... 57
G. BEDINGFIELD & SON ....................... . 35 Mouldings impo-rter:-
Monumental masons:- C. PETTITT ... . . .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8o
FREWER & MOSS................................. 49 Moulding manufacturers : -
F. H. GODDARD ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 CAMBRIDGE WOOD CO ... ......... ...... ...... 26
~- E. PROUD FOOT ... ... ......... ...... ... ......... 55 FRIEND & CO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 49
T. C. STANBRIDGE... .............................. 28 Mount cutter :-
STANLEY BROTHERS........................... 85 C. P ETTITT ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8o
Monumental sculptor:- Music teachers:-
T. C. STANBRIDGE ........................ _.... ... 28 MISSES WOODROW & RUDD............ ...... 73
Motor accessories dealers:- Music & musical instrument warehouse:-
AUSTIN MOTOR CO. LIMITED ...... ...... 57 WHILLIER'S MUSIC STORES ... ... ... ... ... 52
S. J. JENKINS ... ...................... -~~· ........... . I4 MmJical instrument dealers:-
S. H. LAMBERT & CO .......................... . 74 W. HOWLETT & SON ___ ....................... 63
PA YNE, BUSSEY & CO ....................... . 67 Newspapers:-
H. G. ST. JOHN LIMITED ... .................. 8o BURY FREE PRESS ............................. . I I
Motor boat owners : - BURY & NORWICH POST .................... . I2
G. SMITH & SONS................................. 78 CAMBRIDGE CHRONICLE & UNIVER-
Motor boots & leggings manufacturers:- SITY JOURNAL ... ... ...... ......... ... ... ... ... 23
BOWHILL & ELLIOTT ...... ...... ... .... .. ...... 73 CAMBRIDGE DAILY NEWS .................. 23
HOWES & SONS ... ... ...... ... ...... ...... ...... ... 62 EXPRESS ............... """ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23
PAYNE, BUSSEY & CO ........................ 67 LYNN ADVERTISER.............................. 55
Motor car & cycle agents :-- LYNN NEWS & COUNTY PRESS......... .. 56
S. H. LAMBERT & CO........................... 74 NORFOLK CHRONICLE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 66
Motor car & cycle experts:- NORWICH ME I.{QURY ..................... ...... 67
KING & HARPER ... ... ... ... ... ... .•. ... ... ... ... 21 YARl\fOlJTH INDEPENDENT& EAST ~RN
Motor car engineers & agents:- COUNTIES HERALD .......... -............... 81
MANN, EGERTON & CO. LIMITED ...... 65 YARMOUTH MERCURY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 82
Motor & carriage livery makers:- Nurserymen:-
W. CHAPMAN & CO ......... ............... ...... 12 'l'. JANNOCH ..................... ........... ......... 33
Motor consult.antB : - OLLINGTON & SON ......... ............... ...... 19
KING & HARPER ................................. 21 Nurses' home:-
Motor & cycle accessories dealer : - MISS WYRLEY-BIRCH... ... ......... ... ... ... ... 16
C. E. SHALDERS ................................. 85 Nursing home:-
Motor engineers :..:_ MISS A. OSBORN ... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... ... 33
CAMBRIDGE AUTOMOBILE & EN- Nursing association : -
GINEERING. CO. LIMITED.................. 22 MISS WYRLEY-BIRCH..................... ...... 16
H OWES & SONS ................................... . 62 Oil & color men : -
S. J. JEN KI~S...... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 14 CORN ELL & CORNELL LIMITED ...... ... 3g
H. G. ST. JOHN LIMITED ......... ...... ... ... 8o Oil & color merchants:-
Motor garages :- J. ORTON & CO .................. ...... ............. 44
AUSTIN MOTOR CO. LIMITED ............ 57 A. STEARN & SON................................. 47
. . CO.
. . LIMITED ................ .. 22 W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LIMITED ........... . 6
HOW ES & SONS ................................... . 62 Ophthalmic optician:-
KING & HARPER ............ ... ..... .... ... ... ... 2 I C. SMALLKY ... ......... ................ ... ... ... ... ... 45
P.AYNE, BUSSEY & CO ........................ 67 Outfitters:-
H. G. ST. JOHN LIMITED..................... 8o W. CHAPMAN & CO ... ......... ...... ... ...... ... 12
C. E. SHALDERS ... ... ...... ... ...... ............ 85 D. McCOWAN ·······-····----········· ........... 83
Motor jobmasters : - Packing case makers.:-
CAMBRIDGE AUTOMOBILE & EN. FRIEND & CO ..................... ··-··· .......... ·- 49
GINEERING CO. LIMITED ............... ,- 22 RANSONS LIMITED .............................. 71
L. FULCHER ...... '"'"'\"''"'" ........................... . 18 Painters & decorators:-
HOWES & SONS .................................... . 62 A . C. HARDL~G ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ...... ... ... . . . 40
S. J. JENKINS ... ...................................... . 14 • TRE VOR, PAGE & CO........................... . 72
PAYNE, .BUSSEY & CO ..................... .. 67 Paperh11.nger : -
G. D. SMITH. & SON .............................. . 35 A. C. HARDING ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... .... ... ... ... 40


Paste manufacturers:- Removal & storage contractors : -
LEA.DENHA.LL PRESS LIMITED ........... . 77 F, FRESTON ............... . :. ....................... . 39
Photographic acc&ssories dealers:- W. T. ILLSLEY ...................................... . 24
NUNN, HINNELL & CLARK ................. . 18 , W. KING LIMITED . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Photographer : - STAMMERS & SON ................................. · 46
F. II. SAYERS ...................................... . s5 Rent & debt collectors:-
Pianoforte dealers : - NORWICH & NORFOLK TRADERS' ASSO-
W. HOW LETT & SON ............................. . CIATION ............................................ . ]I
Picture frame makers:-
SAVOY (P. ROGERS) .............................. 84
BARTLETT & CO ...................................• 36
C. P ETTITT ........................ ·~· '''""''"'·······~ So
J. BOWER ............................................ . 32
Pile driving contractors:- ·
F.W.DRAKE .. ,~, ................................... . 10
J. JIOBROUGH & SON........................... 61
J. HlTNT ............... ......... ......... .... ...... ... ... 41
Plaster manufacturers:- Reversionary interest society:-
G. BEDING FIELD & SON . . . ... ... ..• ......... 35 LAW REVERSIONAR Y INTEREST SO·
Plaster merchant:- CIETY LIMITED ................................ .
E. WATKil\S ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ··· ······ 53 Roadmaking materials merchant:-
Pllite glas~ impurLer :- E. \V AT KINS... ... ..... .. ........ ... ... ... .. . ... ... .. 53
C. PET:r'lTT ... ... .•. ...... ........................ ... So Rope manufacturers:-
Plumbers:- D. HURN & SONS ...... ...... ... ... ............ ... 63

A. C. HARDING ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... 40 Rope, line & twins manuf<J.cturer : -
.ti.. J. HARV EY............................. ............. 51 J. C. JOH~STO:N ...... .............................. 24
T. C. R. KING & SONS ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... 74 Rot-proof cloth manufacturers:-
A.. MACINTOSH & SONS LIMITED ......... 25 D. HUR~ & SONS · ... ......... ......... ... ...... ... 63
SEARLES & WILT ON ... ... ... . . .... .. .. ... ... 53 Sack & bag contractor:-
WILKL.~::>UN & CO ...... ...... ... ... ...... ......... 77 J. C. JOHNSTON ·......... ... ... ... ....... . ... ...... 24
Pork butchers : - Sack & bag manufacturers: -
GOODING lHWTHER~ ... ...... ...... ............ so D. HURN & SONS ...... ... ... ... ............... ... 63
Portable building contractors : - Sail makers:-
W. G. ElM1TH & CO ....... ~......................... 15 D. HURN & SONS.................................... 63
Printer:- ·w. T. JECKELLS.................................... 54
H. GREEN ..... . __ ................... ~ ...... ., ........... . '"6 Sand & gravel merchants:-

Printers & publisher::;:- · H.&· A. SW ANN BROTHERS LIMITED 22 & 25

Sand pit owner:-
E.HO\VES ............................................. 62
publishers of the Post Office London, County •
Sanitary eugineers : -
& Trd.des Directories &c ..................... ... JJ'acing
FISK & CO .......... ,. ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... 39
Back Cover~· pages 7, 55 & 75
C. KING ............................................... . 64
Provision merchants:-
T. C. R. KING & SONS .......................... . 74
OLIVER & SON ................................... . 19
SEARLES & WILTON ............................ . 53
Provision preserver : -
A. STEARN & SON .... . .... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 47
R. SEAGER ............................................ 44
,V. WEST ............................................. . 86
Pump manufacturers:- WILKINSON & CO ................................ . 77
DUKE & OCKE.NDEN LL.'\UTED ...........• 7 Sausage manufacturers:-
"\V. & G. FAKE ... ···············~·········-···· ... ·• 59 GOODING BROTHERS ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... so
T. Sl\IITHDALE & SONS ...................... .. 8 R. SEAGER...... ...... ..................... ............ 44
W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LIMITED ....... .. 6 Saw mill proprietors:-
Pumping machinery manufacturers:- CAMBRIDGE WOOD CO........................... 26
F. W 0 0 LN 0 U G H ... ............................., .... , . 68 JEWSON & SON~ ................................... . 64
Pumping plant manufacturers:- J. R. KENT .................................. -~· ...... ~·· 42
DUKE & OCKENDEN LIMITED .•..•....... 7 RANSONS LIMITED ... ... ... ... .......... .. ... ... 71
Quantity surveyor : - Scale & weight manufacturers : -
\V., H, BOUSFIELD "............................... . 70 eocKSEDG E & CO ............................... 48 & 53
Quarry owners : - Schools:-
I . IMIT ED ............................. I ••• • •• ••• ••• 86 "LAMORNA'' (GIRLS) (MISSKIDNER) ... 54
Refreshment contractors : - LEIGHTON HOUSE (CROMER)... ... ......•.• 32
J. .BO \V ER .. I·-··-· ............ _...... "Ill ••• •• • • • • • • • .. • • 3Z SAHAM COLLEGE (NOH.FOLK)......... ...... 76
J. COOPER............................................... 37 ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE (GIRLS) (BURY
C. TAYLOlt. ...... ......... ..... ...... ............... 19 ~ST. EDMlJNDS) ... ·····~············ ................ 15
Removal contractors:- MRS. & MISS W ERN ER... . .... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... 34
A . .E. BELCH EH & CO .......................... , 37 Scout oatfitters wholesale & export:-
G. .BOSTON ......................... ····~···············~ 69 A. POPE & eo .........•.. .•• Facing Map of Suffolk
C. . .BOYCE -·-·· ... -··· ................................ . 17 Sculptors :-
p. T. lJAI~E I •• •• I I •••••••• ••••••••••••••••• I ••••• I ••• ••• 35 .FREWER & MOSS .. ....... ... . . ... .•. ... ... . . •... 49
!\.. S .. HO\V ARD .... ... ... ... ..• ... .•• ..•... ... .•• ..• .. . zo J. E. PROUD~~OT ................................ . 55
XX ill
Seed grower & merchant:- Surveyors:-
H. AM03... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... 77 H. C.. BILES .................. ·····················-· 9
Seed potato merchant:- W. H. EOUSFIELD ... ..• ..• ... •.. ..• ...... •..... 70
H. A~OS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... . . . ... ... ... ... 77 A. T. GRAIN & SONS ................ ~................. 26
Shirt & collar dressers:- C. E. GRAY & SON ............. ""·········· . . ··-· 30
CENTRAL LA_UNDRY ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 9 HO_CKEY & SON ... ~-·.............................. 30
LOWESTOFT STEAM L.\UNDRY CO. LTD. 54 S. M. MILIB ...... ···~·· ............................... 74
MORGAN & BUCKINGHAM..................... 75
Shop fitters:-
J. F. NUNN ....... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 19
FISK & CO ................•. -~···· ·····t>--· .......... ..• 39
A. RUTTER, SONS & CO .....•. -............... 28
WILKI~SON & CO................................. 77
MESSRS. SPELMAN •.• ... ..• .•• •.. ..• .. ..• ... ... 68
Shop front builders:-
WL.~KWORTH & WINKWORTH •.•..•.....• 18
FRIEND & CO ... ... .... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 49
Shop- & office fitters:-
W. CHAPMAN & CO.............................. 12
FRIEND & CO ............................. , ......... 49
D. McCOWAN .......................................... 83
Rign & facia manufacturers : - Tanners:--
FRIEND & CO ..................... ~~~· ....... ··t .•. •..... 49 WEEg & SON (COMBS) LIMITED............ 75
Sign writer : - Tea dealers : -
,V. WEST ... ......... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ 86 OLIVER & SON .•. ...... ... ........................ 19
Silk mercers : - Teachers of music: -
I. W. CALEY & CO. LIMITED ............. .-.... 61 MISSES WOODROW & RUDD ... .•....... ... ... 73
CHA:MBERLINS LIMITED ..................... 58 Temperance hotels : -
G. STACE ... ... . .. ... .. .... ........ ......... .... ... ... 30 BELL (W. WHITE WICK) •••••••••••••••••••••
Sil vcrsmith : - F_ W. DRAKE -·-····-···· ......................... ,. 10
C. WOODWARD....................................... 48 SAVOY (P. ROGERS)...... .••..•.....• .•.•.. .••..• 84
Slate merchants:- Tent & marquee manufacturers:-
PE~- YR-ORSEDD SLATE QUARRY CO. D. HURN & SONS ..................•.. ··~········· 63
LDIIT ED ..................... ··~-- .•. ... ..• ... ..• 86 Tent & tarpaulin manufacturers:- .
RANSO~m LIMITED ..• ... ... ... ......... .••...... 71 W. T. JEC1\::ELIB............... ......... ... ....... ... 54
Slate quarry owners:- J. C. JOHNSTON .................................... 24
LI::::\:[!TED ................................ .,..... ... 86 CHATEAU & CO. .... .................................. .... 82
Slating contractoril : - Timber merciJ.ants : -
JEWSON & SONS.................................... 64 J. R. I\::E~T ............................. ,.... ............ 42
Smiths -General:- RAN SONS Lli'\iiTED ... ... . ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... 71
F. B. GARNHAM & SON ... ... ... ... ..•.. ....... 50 Timber merchants & importers:-
Spectacles maker : - CAMBRIDGE WOOD CO ... . .. . .. ... ..• ... ... ... 26
c. SMALLEY ................................... I...... 45 JE WSON & SONS ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .. . ... ... . .. ... 64
Stack cloth manufacturers : - Tool merchants : -
D. HURN & SONS .••..• ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 SMITH & DANIELS ........................... ·- 52
Stationer :- Traction engine manufacturers:-
H. GREEN ....•...................... ...... ............ 76 RANSOMES, SIMS & JEFFERIES LTD ..• Facing
Steam carpet beater : - comm~ncement nf Suffolk Trades Section

'V. R. AKE.STER ................................... . 36 Trade enquiry agents:-

" Stickphast " paste manufacturers : - IPSWICH TRADERS' SOCIETY............... 41
LEADENHALL PRESS LIMITED............ 77 Tro11t fishery:- -
Stock & share brokers : - EASTERN COUNTIES (J. H. H. KENDA.LL) 57
A. RA~SON •.. -········ ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ...... 43 Truss manufacturers:-
C. E. TEMPEST ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 52 S. RAM.PLING ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27
Stone masons :- G. TAYLOR & SON ................................. 72
FREWER & MOSS ........................••......• 49 Tube well drivers:-
F. H. GODDARD .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 W. & G. FAI{E ... ... ................................... 59
Stone, IDJ.rble & granite masons:- Undertakers:-
STANLEY BROTHERS ........•.......••..•...... 85 J. R. BENNETI & SONS ........................ 29
Sto>e & range manufacturers:- I. W. CALEY & CO. I.IMfrED.................. 61
BAR~ARDS LIMITED ... ... B'acing commencement E. S. SINGLETON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45
of Norfolk WILKINSON & CO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 77
Surgical appliance manufacturers:- J. YOUNGS & SON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6g
HARP ER & 0 LIVER ... ... ..• ... •.• ... ... ... •.. ..• 26 Upholsterers:-
S. RAMPLING ... ... ... ... ... ............ ......... ... 27 G. BOSTON............................................. 6g
Surgical belt manufact.urer : - FOOTMAN, PRETTY & CO ..................... 38
S. RAMPLING ...... ...... ........................ ... 27 A. S. HOW ARD .. ,, .. -······· .........•• ..•.•....... 70
Surgica-l mechanicians : - W. RAMSEY .......................................... 35
G. TAYLOR & SON ..•.•.... ..•.••...... ... .•. ... .•• 72 TREVOR, PAGE & CO •.• •••.•• ..•••• ............ 72


Valuers:- W a.tch & clock maker:-
A. E. BELCHER & CO ... ........ ...... ... ... ... 37 C. WOODWARD ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 48
CRUSO & WILKIN ...... ... ... ... .... .. ... ...... ... s6 \Veighing machine manufacturers:-
CU RSON & BELL.................................... 56 COCKSEDGE & CO .............................. .J8 & 53
P. T. DALE............................................. 35 Well borers : -
E. A. GLANFIELD ............... ............... ... 85 T. C. n. KING & SONS.............................. 74
A. T. GRAIN & SONS .................... , ........• 26 Well sinkers:-
C. E. GRAY & SON ................................. 30 W.&G.FAKE ...................................... 59
F. GROUNDS & SON ... ......... ............ ... ... 57 Windmill pump manufacturers:-
HOCKEY & SO.N . .. ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... . . ..... ... 30 DUKE & OCKENDEN LDIITED............... 7
S. M. MILLS ........................................._... . 74 Wine & spirit merchants :-
MORGAN & BUCKINGHA~I .................... . 75 BULLARD & SONS LIMITED ......... ...... ... 6o
J. F. NU~~ ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 P. B. GARRARD & CO.............................. 40
T. NUNN & SOY .............................. .... ... 51 C. TAYLOR............ ............... ...... ... ...... ... 19
A. RUTTER, SONS & CO ... ...... ...... ...... ... 28 WHITMORE & CO. LIMITED ....... ;.... ...... 29
MESSRS. SPEL...~N .... .. . . . . .. . . . ... ... ... ... ... 68 Wire netting manufacturers:-
SPURLINGS & HEMP SON ... ... ... ... ... ... ..• 46 BARNARDS LIMITED ... ... Ji'acino commencement u

G. TAYLOR &·00......... ... ... ... ...... ... ......... 75 of Norfolk

Ventilating & sanitary enginee1·s : - Wire weavers:-
7 I I • I I I • I I I I I I

Water meter manufacturers:- Wood workers:-

GUEST & CHRIMES ... ... ...... .................. 86 FRIEND & CO ........................ ··· ... ······ ... 49
Wool merchants : -
Waterproof coat manufacturer:-
J. C. JOHNS1,0N........ ......... ......... ... ...... ... 24
RA.MSA Y BROTHERS ...... ... . .. . .. . .. ... . . . . .. 71
WEBB &SON (COMBS) LIMITED............ 75
Waterproof cloth manufacturers:-
D. H. WILLS.......................................... 72
D. HURN & SONS ................................... . 6
3 Yacht builders & owners:-
Warehousemen:- E. COLLINS ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... 77
A. POPE & CO .......... ....... Facing 1l1ap of Suffolk HA_RT & SONS ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... ... ... 70
Washing & wringing machine manufacturers : - NORFOLK ~ROADS YACHTI~G CO. LTD 66
W. E. WIGG & SONS ..................... ......... 9 G. SMITH & SONS . . .... ... . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . ... 78

I •

. '

By His Majesty's Royal Warrant.

Gate and Railing Makers to

His Majesty King George V.
Inventors and Original Makers of Galvanized
Wire Netting. Oldest and Largest Makers
in the World. Patentees and Sole Makers
of Mixed Mesh Wire Netting.

Makers of the Celebrated Country Parson's

Slow Corn bustion Grates. Made in all styles
and colours to suit present=day tastes.

Artistic & Original Tile Stabbing a Speciality.

Catalogues on application.

Hot Water Heating Engineers. Sole District

Agents for Gould's Patent Accelerated System.

Domestic Supply Apparatus to Baths and

Lavatories on most approved principles.
Schemes and Estimates free .

.. (jJ Garden Requisite Specialists. Pergolas,

Arches, Espaliers, Fruit Enclosures, &c., &c.
Catalogues Free.

Telegrams: BARNARDS, NORWICH. Telephone 82 Norwich.

ron - ORWICH
NOBFOI.K is a seacoast county, in the East of England, and dam, constructed near Hunt's sluice for the Feltwell
on the shores of the North Sea, close to the Great Wash : and Methwold drainage commissioners and opened in
it took its name from the East English settlers, who 1884: from these works about 100 tons of water per
called their people in these parts the "North folk," q~inute can be pumped into the river Ouse. At Ten
now Norfolk, and in the southern parts of their king- Mile Eank is an engine erected in 1842 for the Little-
dom "S<Juth folk," now Suffo~. The county is of an port and Downham drainage commissioners, working in
_egg shape, the ends lying east and west; the northern connection with one nine miles distant, in the Isle of
half being bounded by the Wash and the North Sea, Ely~ these together drain 30,ooo acres; the wheel is
and the southern half abutting on the county of Suffolk, 43ft. rin. in diameter, and contains 50 ladles, with an
with a small part to the west joining Cambridgeshire. average dip of ~t. emptying the water into the River
The boundary between Norfolk and Suffolk is the river Ouse at the rate of about 130 tons a minute; and at
Waveney, from its mouth at Yarmouth, south-westerly, Denver is a sluice, in connection with the Hundred Feet
to near its spring, and then by the Thet, or Little river, to carry off the flood waters from Boo.oco acres
Ouse, flowing north-westerly. From Cambridgeshire, of land; this sluice is under the joint control of the
Norfolk is divided by the Nene. The greatest length is South Level commissioners and the Denver Sluire com-
67 miles and the greatest breadth 43· The area is missioners. \Visbech, the port for the extreme western
I,315,o64 acres, the boundary having been altered by portion of this county, is in Cambridgeshire, on the :Nene,
the addition, for administrative purposes, of Gorleston, on the border of Norfolk; Lynn, on the Great Ouse
!rom Suffolk, with 2,166 acres, and 1,817 from Welney, and the navigable Nar, close to the Wash, is the
Cambs., and the transfer of 1,925 acres, part of Central great port for the western parts of the county and of
Wingland, to Lincolnshire, ·and 23 acres of Erandon all the neighbouring fen lands. The interior of the
to Suffolk; it is the fourth shire in .size, Yorkshire, county is intersected by spreading streams, which water
Lincolnshire and Devonshire being larger. The popula- a wide district and flow to the sea at Yarmouth, where
tion was in r8or, 273,479; in r8n, 291,947; in r821, in former times was a great estuary, now filled up.
344,368 j in 1831, 390,<i54 j in 1841 1 412,664 j in 185 I, These rivers are the Bure, the Ant, the Wensum, passing
44~,714 j in 1861, 434,798 j in 1871, 438,656 j in 1881, Norwich, the Yare and the Waveney; near the sea they
444,749; in-1891, 468,287; and in 1901, 476,553. of which expand into large pools, called broads or mares, forming
the males were 228,429, females, 248,124. Number of excellent preserves for fishin.g and being a peculiar charac-
house in 1901, inhabited, no,sso; uninhabited, 9,040; teristic of this county. In the south-west the county is
building, 716. watered by the Thet, the Little Ouse and the Wissey,
feeders of the Great Ouse. About a mile eai!t of South
The population in 19II of the county and county
Lopham, in the fen or low lands, is Lopham Gate, where
borD'llghs of Norwich and Great Yarmouth was 499,116,
there are two springs, from which flow the Little Ouse
viz. :-Males, 241,159; females, 257,957- and Waveney; the former takes a course through That-
Norfolk seems to have been first occupied by an Iberian ford, Brandon and Lynn, and the latter flows to Yar-
race, afterwards by Eritons, and then by Eelgi; in mouth, and both divide the counties of Norfolk and
Cresar's time it was held by the powerful tribe of the Suffolk. Tbe northern shore has no rivers. Hunstan-
Iceni, who were finally subdued by the Ro:ltl.ans; after- ton, Eurnham, Elakeney, Cley, Cromer and Well1 are
wards it was settled by several commonwealths of the small ports, fishing towns or bathing places; there are
East English, who seemed to have been -of the same also landin!l and shipping places at Erancaster Staith,
clans or tribes as thos& who settled in Middlesex and Mundesley, and some other places for the local supply,
Surrey. and the shore is thickly set with fishing stations. Yar-
mouth is one of the chief towns in England for the
The duchy of Norfolk has for a long time been held herring and other fisheries, which are carried on all
by the powerful house of Howard, who descend from along the Norfolk coast. Yarmouth is a. popular bathing
the -several ancient princes who have inherited the earl- place and the port of the manufacturing district of Nor-
dom and duchy. The Duke of Norfolk .still exercises a wich. Lowestoft harbour, in Suffolk, serves the south-
peculiar and permanent jurisdiction over his large eastern corner of the county.
domains in this county, and appoints two coroners fur
his liberties. The names of the Norfolk rivers the Ouse, the N ene,
the Nar, the Thet, the Glaven, the Thnrn, the Eure,
The county is very level, containing no permanent the Yare, the Waveney, the Wensum, the Exe, the Ant
elevations, while the coast only rises into cliffs of any -are mostly Euskardian or Iberian, while those of the
height at Hnnstanton and Cromer. Chalk forms the towns and hamlets are English, except in the east, where
foundation of nearly the whole county, but except in they are generally Danish, the population being largely
the west it is conred by beds of clay so that it can only mixed with the latter race, and the dialect differing from
be reached in deep wells and borings. that of the other English by the frequent adoption of
Danish words, accents and pronunciation.
On the west, the Cambridgeshire border is very low,
and much of the land is fen, belonging to the Eedford The Great Ouse, Nene, Wissey, Little Ouse and Nar
Level This part is watered by the Great Ouse and are navigable, as are also the Yare, Bure, Ant, Thorn,
the Nene, and is drained by many fen dykes. In the Wensum and Waveney. There are no canal works of
parish of Hilgay, near Downbam, is a pumping station importance, except the dykes in the fens.

In the North Sea the flood tide wave enters from the The mineral productions of Norfolk, a.ocording to the
Atlantic Ocean between the coast of Norway and the "Mines and Quarries General Report and Statistics
British Isles, and pll.'!sing through various channels enters for 1gro, Part Ill. Output," consist of chalk, of which
the Pentland Firth, on quitting which it divides into u,887 tons was raised in 19ro; chert and flint, 6,829
two branches, of which the western swells along the tons; brick clay, 21,848 tons; gravel and sand, 78,566
Scottish and English coasts, making high water in t{)ns, and sandstone, 1,638 tons.
all their rivers and harbours successively until it arrives
The produce nf Norfolk consists of wheat and other
in the Thames. Near the Norfolk and Suffolk '!Oasts cereal>i, fruit and cider, turnips, mangold-wurtzel, flax,
the streams of tide run nearly parallel to the shore: seeds; horses, oxen, sheep, pigs, rabbits, turkeys, game
off \Veils the flood runs to the eastward till 9 o'clock,
and butter. The fisheries are of vast importance:
or three hours af.ter high water on the shore; 4 miles mackerel, cod, ~oles, turbot, lobsters and crabs are
off Cromer, .and the sa~e distance off Hasborongh,
caught, but the herring fishery is that for which this
the flood stream runs alongshore to the southward till county is famous, Yarmouth being the head quarters,
IOh. 15m. or lh. 45m. before high water at Harwich, having a large fleet of smacks engaged, the number of
and the ebb in a contrary direction. At 2! miles oil boats rPgistered under Part IV. of the "Merchant Ship-
Lowestoft the flood stream continues to run to the
ping Act, 1894," at Lynn, in 1906, being 167 of 1,465
S.S. W. till I h. 30m. before high water at Harwich, and
tonnage, employing 383 hands, and at Yarmouth, 442
at Orfordness till about high water at Harwich ; the
of 7·552, employing 2,451 bands, and the produce is
flood setting W.S.W. and the ebb E.KE. about one-fifth of the entire take in the kingdom, the
numbers being reckoned by "lasts," each "last" com·
Time of High Water at Full and Change Days at the prising ro,ooo herrings, the season for which is from
principal places on the Coast of Norfolk, arranged September to end of November; many persons are em-
according to the apparent progress of the Tide Wave, ployed on shore in the curing of this fish for the supply
with the rise of the tide at N eaps and Springs.* of distant markets. The manufactures are bombazine,
- silk crape, silk, woollen and linen fabrics, gloves, boots
Rise. and shoes (principally at Norwich), coarse pottery and
High WatRr tobacco pipes. The exports of most of these are large.
Place. Full & Change. There is also some shipbuilding.
Springs. Nenps.
Railways.-The Great Eastern railway serves the larger
portion of the county, its main line from Ely, entering
h. m. ft. ft. the county a little south <.Jf Brandon, passes by Thet·
Lynn Deep. Long Sand ••• 6 0 23 16! ford, Roudham .!unction, Wymondham, Norwich (Thorpe
., Lynn Hoad • • • 23! station), Brundall and Acle to Yarmouth direct; from
., Lynn ••• ••• 22~ Brundall is a line to Reedham, where it branches to
We:l~ Bar ••• ••• •• • •• 6 20 18 Yarmouth to the north-east and Lowestoft to the south-
Wtll.s ••• ••• ••• • •• • •• 7 0 12 east; from Thetford is a branch line to Watton, Swaff-
Blakeney Bar ••• ••• ••• 6 30 I5 ham and Lynn to Dereham on the Wymondham and
lllakeney ••• ••• ••• ••• 9 Wells section; from Wyndham is a branch through
Cley ••• • •• ••• ••• • •• 5~ De re ham and Fa ken ham to Wells. Besides the main
Cromer ••• ••• • •• ••• • •• 7 0 14! II line already mentioned three other branches enter from
Leman Shoal ••• ••• • •• 6 0 the south, viz., from Bury St. Edmunds to Thetford,
Ower • •• . -. • •• 6 30 Ipswich via Haughley direct to Norwich, and Ipswich
Hammond" Knoll 40 via Beccles to Yarmouth, and these two latter lines are
Winterton Ness ...
• •• 7
h 25 7! 6±
connected by that from Tivetshall junction to Lowes-
toft, and the main line is connected with that from
Yarmouth Roads ••• ••• 9 IS b 4~
, Haven, Brush ••• si 4i Haughley by a short branch from Wymondham to
Bridge .. . ••• 5 4 Forncett. From the Norwich terminus a line goes north
" to Cromer, throwing off a branch at Wroxham through
- -
A.ylsham to the Wells line; a line from East De re ham
* By the rise of the tide is meant its vertical rise above to Swaffham connects the Wymondham and Rondham
the mean low-water mark level of spring tides. branch lines and another line from Ely entering the
county at Hilgay, Downham (with a branch to Stoke
The climate of Norfolk is on the average decidedly Ferry), passes through Lynn, Heacham (with a branch
dry. Observations uf the amount of rainfall are taken to Huristanton) to Burnham Market and Wells, where
.at over so stations in the county, about 35 of which it connects with the East Dereham and Fakenham
belong to an organization under the management of Mr. line, having previously connected with Wisbech at
Arthur W. Preston F.R.Met.Soc. of Norwich. The Magdalen road.
average rainfall may be taken at 23~ inches yearly, i.e. Tlie Midland and Great Northern joint railway (late
2,350 tons of rain-water on every acre in the county in the Eastern and Midlands railway) had its terminus at
the course of an ordinary year. The average rainfall for the Beach ttation, Yarmouth, but the line is now con-
the whole of England is about 36 inches yearly. In tinned through Gorle11ton to Lowestoft : this railway com-
1878, however, the rainfall at Norwich was 31~ inches, pany was originally formed by the amalgamation of the
or 35 per cent. above the average. The cold, dry Lvnn and Fakenham, Yarmouth and North Norfolk,
easterly winds which blow in winter and spring form Midland and Eastern, Peterborough, Wisbech and Sutton
a marked feature in the meteorology of Norfolk. They and Yarmouth Union Companies; the lines coming
owe their nature to the great extent of land-the plains from Pet€rborough run from Walpole St. Andrew on
of North Germany and Russia which these winds have the west border (with a branch to Lvnn •
from South
passed over before coming to this country, their brief Lynn station) through Hillington, Fakenham, Melton
pJ.ssage over the North Sea not having been sufficient Constable, Aylsham, North Walsham and Caister to Yar-
to mitigate their piercing character. There can be no mouth and LowPstoft, and include the line from Nor-
doubt but that the extensive planting of trees, which wich to Melton Constable, affording a direct communi-
has been a marked feature in the cultivation of Norfolk cation to London and the Midland and N ortbern
during the last decade, will exercise a favourable in- counties, via Peterborough. From Melton Constable is
fluence on the climate, both in increasing the rainfall a loop line through Sheringham, Cromer and Mnndes-
and diminishing the evil effects of cold winds. ley-on-Sea to North Walsham. The celebrated Norfolk
Broads are easily accessible by this railway.
The soil of Norfolk is of a very varied character ; that
of the north and west may be said to be sandy, while Norfolk is in the South Eastern circuit; tht~ county
luams and clays predominate in the centre and east. If and assize town is Norwich; quarter sessions are holden
ldt in a natural condition, much of the ground would at Norwich, and by adjournment also at Swaffham. Nor-
be poor and light; but the Norfolk farmers have long wich, Yarmouth, Lynn and Thetford have separate courts
been famous for their skill in agriculture, and by mixing of quarter sessions, and the county is divided into 25
the soils, by digging clays and marls, and adding the:ie petty sessional divisions.
t•J the sandy soils, together with a lilieral use of manure, Norfolk includE's the county of the city of Norwich, and
they have rendered this county among the most fertile cont,ains 700 civil parishes, and is in the province of Canter-
and fruitful in England. The Norfolk system of hus- bury, diocese of Norwich, except the parish of Emneth,
bandry is the four-course, i.e. wheat, then root crop, which is in Ely, divided into the archdeaconries of Lynn,
then barley, then clover or mixed seed ley : on the heavy Norfolk and Norwich. Lynn archdeaconry is sub-divided
land the crop of barley every eighth year is followPd int{) the rural deaneries of South Brisley, Burnham, North
by beans or peas, then wheat, and so on, so that the Cranwich, South Cranwich, Finoham (Eastern and
· hay crop comes once in eight years. Western divisions), Heacham, Lynn (Marshland), Lynn
(Norfolk), Thetford, Toftrees and Walsingham. Norfolk Ingworlh Skeyton
archdeaconry is sub-divided into the rural deaneries of Irmingland Stratton Strawless
Breccles, Brooke (Ea.stern and Western divisions), Dep- Itteringbam Swanton Abbot
wade, Hingham (Forehoe and Mitford divisions), Humble- Lamas with Little Hautbois Themelthorpe
yard, Redenhall and Rockland (North and South divi- Mannington Thnrning
sions). Norwich archdeaconry is sub-divided into the Marsh am Tuttington
rural deaneries of Blofield, Flegg, Holt, Ingworth (North Oulton Whitwell
and South divisions), Norwich, Repps, Sparbam, Taver- Oxnead Wick mere
bam and Waxham (Happing and Tunstead divisions). Reepham-with-Kendiston Wolterton
Sail Wood Dalling
This county is remarkable for the number of churches Saxthorpe Wood Norton
that have entirely disappeared or are in more or less Scottow
ruinous condition; of these we herewith give a list, Workhouse in the parish of .Aylsham.
and particulars will be found under each place : -
.Alprington, Anthingham, .Ashby near Yarmouth, Attle- BLOFIELD UNION•
borough, Babingley, Barwick, Barton Bendish, Bawsey, Acle Moulton
Hayfield, East Beckham, Beeston St . .Andrew, Billockby, Reighton Plumstead (Great)
Bowthorpe, Buckenham Tofts, Burgh near Yarmouth, Blofield Plumstead (Little)
Burnham Sutton, Caldecote, East Carlet{)n, Cley-next- llrnndall Post wick
Sea. Oolveston, Little Cressingham, Ecclss-by-Sea, Eg- Buckenham, or Buckenham Ran worth -with-Panxworth
mere, Flitcbam, Foulden, Garboldisham, Gasthorpe, Gil- :Ferry Reed ham
lingham. Glandford, Hackford-next-Reepham, Hargham, Rurlinu-ham St . .Andrew South wood
Hautbois, Hindolveswn, Holverstone, Irmingland, Kes- Hurlingham St. Edmund Strumpshaw
wick, Letton, Leziatte, Lynford. Lynn (North), Manning- Rurlingham St. Peter Thorpe·next-N orwich
ton, Markshall, Mintlyn, Oby near Yarmouth, Ormesby, Cantley 'fun stall
Overstrand, Pattesley, Pensthorpe, Pudding Norton, Freethorpe 1Tpton with Fishley
Quarles, Raynh11m West, Ringstead Parva, Rockland St. Halvergate Walsham (South)
Margaret, Roudham, Roxham, Ryburgh (Little), Saxling- Hassingbam Wickbampton
ham Thorpe, Shotesham, Somerton East, Stiffkey, Hemblington Wit ton
Sturston, Testerton, Thorpe Parva, Tunstall, Wallin~rton, Limpenhoe Wood bastwick
Waxbam, Weeting, Whitlingham, Wolterton, Wretham Lingwood
West. Workhouse in the parish of Lingwood.
The municipal boroughs are:- DEPW ADE UNION.
19rr population.
Alburgh Needham
Norwich City (County Borough)..... 12I,478 Pulham St. Mary Magdalene
.Ash wellthorpe
Great Yarmouth (County Borough) 55,905 Aslacton Pulham St. Mary the Virgin
King's Lynn ............................... . 20,201
Hillingford Redenball-with-Harleston
Thetford .................................... . 4.778 Bressingham Roydon
Other towns are .Aylsham, population in rgn, 2,627; Hrockdish Rush all
Cromer, 4,073; East Derebam, 5,729; Diss, 3,769; Hun well Scole
Tiownham, 2,497; Fakenham, 3,181; Swaffham, 3-,234; Burston Shelfanger
North Walsham, 4,254; Wells-next-Sea, 2,565; Wymond- Carleton Rode Shelton
ham, 4•794· Denkon Shimpling
Dickleburgh Stars ton
The population of the parliamentary borough!! in I9II Diss Stratton St. Marv
was :-King's Lynn and Great Yarmouth same as Ears ham
Stratton St. Michael
municipal; Norwich, u9,o~n- Fersfield Tacolneston

The registration districts are:- Forncett St. i\1ary Tasburgb

Forncett St. Peter Tharston
------------------------------------------------ Fritton Thelveton
No. Name. Acres. Pop. 1911. Fund en hall Thorpe .Abbotts
Gissing Tibenham
Hapton Tivetshall St. Margaret
Hard wick 'fivetshall St. Mary
219 Great Yarmouth ...... 3.554 55,285 \\'acton
~.,I egg .................... .
220 29,035 I0,549 Win farthing
Smallburgh ........... . 66,883 Morningthorpe
221 17,678 Wortwell
Erpingha!ll ............. .. Moulton St. Michael
222 64,157 24,586
223 Aylsl1am ............... . 6g,34I 17,344 Workhouse in the parish of Pulham St. Mary
224 St. Faith's .............. . 49·933 Io,8o7 Magdalene.
225 Norwich .................. . 7·896 121,478 DOCKING UNION.
226 Fore hoe ................... . 38,528 II,383
An mer Docking
227 Hen stead ................ . 42·380 10,285
Bagthorpe Fring
!228 Blofield .................. . 45·785 12,159
Harmer Heacham
229 Loddon ..................... . 6o,273 12,550
Barwick Holme-next-the-Sea
230 Depwade ........ ........... . 83,416 2'·3,702
Bircham (Great) Hough ton
\\"'avland ......... ......... .
Mitford .................. .
Bircham Newton
Walsmgham .......... .. 82,666
Bircbam Tufts Hunstant.on (New)
2 33 19,8I5
Hrancaster I ngoldisthorpe
2 34 D~king ................... . 88,450 I9,453
Freebridge Lynn .... .. Hroomsthorpe Ring!'tead
2 35 75· 0 75 na, ro'l
Hurnham DPepdale R url ham (East)
236 King's Lynn .......... .. 4·705 21,136
Burnham Market Rndham (West)
237 Downhatn .............. . 82,933 18,024
Burnham Norton Sedgeford
238 Swaffham .............. . 82,148 1o,8o5 Shernborne
Burnham 0\'"ery
239 Thetford .............. .. 138,729 20,700 Snettisham
Burnham t:iutton
-------------------------------------------- Hurnham Thnrpe Stanhoe
Burnham Westgate Syderstone
The following is a hst of the unions, with the places con- Choseley Thorn ham
tained in each :-- Creake (North) Titchwell
AYLSRAM UNION. Creake 1 South) Waterden
Alby-with-Thwaite Col by Dersingham
Aylsham Coltishall lVorkhouse in the parish of Docking.
Banningham Corpnsty
Barningham Little Erpingham
Belaugh Foul sham Barton Bendish Dnwnham (West)
Blickling Guestwick "" Bexwell Fincham
Brampton Hackford-by-Reepbain Hough ton J<'nrcl ham
Burgh-next-Aylsham Hautoois (Great) Crimplesham Hilgay
Buxton Hevingham Uen\·er Marham
Calthorpe Heydon De re ha m ( We!lt) Hoxham
Cawston Hiudolveston Downham Runct.on Holme

Runcton (South) Welney HENSTEAD UNION.

Ryston Welney (West) Arming hall Markshall,or Mattishall Heath
Should ham Wereham Bixley Melton (Great)
Shouldham Thorpe Wiggenhall St. German Bracon Ash Melton (Little)
Southery Wiggenhall St.Mary Magdalen Bramerton Mulbarton
Stoke Ferry WiggenhallSt. Mary the Virgin Caistor St. Edmund Newton Flotman
Stow Bardolph Wiggenhall St. Peter Carleton (East) Poringland
Stradsett Wimbotsham Colney Rockland St. Mary
Tottenhill Wormegay Cringleford Saxlingham Nethergate
Wallington-with-Thorpland Wretton Duns ton Saxlingham Thorpe
Watlingt.on Flordon Shotesham All Saints
Workhouse in the parish of Downham Market. Framingham Earl Shotesham St. Mary
Framingham Pigot Stoke Holy Cross
ERPIXGHAM UNION. Hetbel Surlingham
Aldborough Knapton Hethersett Swainsthorpe
Antingham Letheringsett Holverston Swardeston
Aylmerton Matlask Intwood Trowse-with-Newton
Baconsthorpe Metton Keswick Wbitlingham
Barningham Norwood Mundesley Ketteringham Wreningham
Earning ham Winter or Town N orthrepps Kirby Bedon
Beckham (East) Overstrand Workhouse in the parish of Awainsthorp&.
Beckham (West) Plumstead
Beeston Regis Roughton KING'S LYNN UNION,
Bessingham Runton King's Lynn (St. Margaret) West Lynn
Bodham Salthouse South Lynn
Briston Sherirurbam Workhouse in the parish of South Lynn.
Cley-next-the-Sea Sheringham (Upper)
Cromer Sidestrand LonDON & CLAVERING UNION,
Edgefield Southrepps Aldeby Howe
Felbrigg Stody Alpington Kirby Cane
Gimingham Suffield Ashby Kirstead
Glandford with Hayfield Sustead Bedingham Langley
Gresham Thornage Brooke Loddon
Gunton Thorpe l\Iarket Broome Mundham
Banworth Thurgarton Burgh Apton or BerghApton Norton Subcourse
Hempstead Trimingham Burgh St. Peter Raveningham
Bolt Trunch Carleton St. Peter Seething
Bunworth Weybourne Chedgrave Sisland
Kelling Claxton Stockton
Workhou11e in the parish of West Beckham. Ditchingham Thorpe-next-Baddiscoe
Ellingham Thurlton
A~hby-with-Oby Repps-with· Bastwick Gillingham Thwaite
Billockby Rollesby Haddiscoe Toft Monks
Burgh St. Margaret Runham Hales Topcroft
Caister-next-Yarmouth Rimham Vauxhall (Great Hardley Wheatacre
Clippesby Yarmouth County Borough) Heckingham Woodton
Filby 8omerton (East) Hedenham Yelverton
Ht:msby Somerton (West) Hellington
Martham Stokesby-with-Herringby Workhouse in the parish of Heckingham.
Mautby Thurne
Ormesby St. Margaret-with- Thrigby MITFORD & LAUNDITCH UNION.
Scratby Winterton Bawdeswell Litcham
Ormesby St. Michael • .Heeston-with-Bittering Longham
Workhouse in the parish of Rollesby. Beetley Lyng
Billingford Mattishall
Bilney (East) Mattishall Burgh
Bintree Mileham
Barford Hackford Brisley Oxwick-with-Pattesley
Barnham }jroom Hingham Bylaugh Reymerston
Bawburgh Kimberley Colkirk Rougbam
Bowthorpe Marlingford Cranworth Seaming
Brandon Parva Morley St. Botolph Dereham (East) Shipdham
Carleton Forehoe Morley St. Peter Dunham (Great) Southburgh
Col ton Run hall Dnnham (Little) Sparham
Costessey or Cossey Welborne Elmham (North) Stanfield
Cost on Wicklewood Elsing Swanton Morley
Crownthorpe Wramplingham Foxley Thuxton
Deopham Wymondham Fransham (Great) Tittleshall
East on Fransham (Little) Tuddenham (East)
Workhouse in the parish of Wicklewood. Garveston Tuddenham (North)
Gateley Twyford
Gressenhall Weasenham All Saints
Acre (West) Massingham (Great) Guist Weasenham St. Peters
Ashwicken Massingham (Little) Hardingham Wellingham
Babingley Middleton Hockering Wendling
Bilney (West) Mintlyn Hoe Westfield
Bawsev •
Newton (West) Horningtoft Whinburgh
Castle Arre · Pentney Kempstone Whissonsett
Castle Rising Roydon Letton Wood Rising
Congham R uncton (North) Lexbam (East) Worthing
Flitcham-with-Appleton Sandringham Lexham (West) Yaxham
Gayton Setchey Workhouse in the parish of Gressenhall
Gayton Thorpe Walton (East)
Grimston '''inch (West) Norwich Parish.
Harpley Wolferton
Hillington Wootton (North) ST. F AlTH'S UNION.
Leziate W ootton (South) Alderford Boo ton
Lynn (North) Attlebridge Brandiston
Workhouse in the parish of Gayton. · Beeston St. Andrew Cat ton
• Crostwick Morton-on-the-Hill Cockthorpe Raynham (West), or Rainbam
Drayton Rackheath Dunton-cum-Doughton St. Margaret
Felthorpe Ringland Egmere Ryburgh (Great)
Frettenham Salhouse Fakenham Ryburgh (Little) .
Hainford Spixworth Field Dalling Saxlingham
Haveringland Sprowston Fulmodeston-cum-Croxton Sculthorpe
Hellesdon Swannington Gunthorpe Sharrington
Honingham Taverham Helhoughton Shereford
Horsford W eston Longville Hempton Snoring (Great)
Horsham St. Faith-with- Witchingham (Great) Hindringham Snoring (Little)
Newton St. Faith Witchingham (Little) Holkham Stibbard
Horstead with Stanninghall Wroxham Houghton St. Giles, or Stiffkey
Workhouse in the parish of Horsham St. Faith-with- Houghton-in-the-Hole Swanton Novers
Newton St. Faith. Kettlestone Tatterford
Langham Tattersett
Melton Constable Testerton
.Ashmanhaugh Lessingham Morston Thursford
Bacton Ludham Pensthorpe Toftrees
Barton Turf Neatishcad Pudding Norton Walsingham (Great)
Beeston St. Lawrence Palling-near-the-Sea Quarles Walsingham (Little)
Bradfield Paston Raynham (East), or Hain- Warham .All Saints
Brumstead Potter Heigbam ham St. Mary Warham St. Mary
Catfield Ridlington Raynham (South), or Rain-Wells-next-the-Sea
Crostwight Ruston (East) ham St. Martin Wighton
Dilham Sco-Ruston, or South Ruston Wiveton
Edingthorpe Sloley Workhouse in the parish of Great Snoring.
Felmingbam Small burgh
Happisburgh Stalham W AYLAND UNION,
Hempstead with Eccles Sntton .Attleborough Larling
Hickling Swafield Ban ham Merton
Honing Tunstead Besthorpe Ovington
Horning Walcott llreckles Qui den ham
Horsey -next-the-Sea Walsham (North) Buckenham (Old) Rockland All Saints & St.
Hoveton St. John Waxham Buckenham (New) Andrew
Hoveton St. Peter Westwick Carbrooke Rockland St. Peter
Ingham Wit ton Cas ton Roudham
Irstead Worstead Eccles Seoul ton
Workhouse in the parish of Smallburgh. Ellingham (Great) Shropham
Ellingham (Little) Snetterton
Griston Stow Bedon
.Ashill Houghton-on-the-Hill Hargham Thompson
Beechamwell Ickburgh Hockham Tottington
Bodney Langford Illington Watton
Bradenham (East) Narborough Kenninghall Wilby
Bradenham (West) Narford Workhouse in the parish of Rockland .All Saints .t
Buckenham Tofts,or Bucken- Necton St . .Andrew.
ham Parva. Newton-by-Castleacre
Caldecote Oxborough YARMOUTH.
Cockley Cley Pickenham (North) Great Yarmouth & Gorleston County Borough
Colveston Pickenham (South)
Cressingham (Great) Saham Toney The following is a list of the hundreds, with the placea
Cressingham (Little) Shingham coutained in each :
Didlington Southacre Hundred of Blofield :-Blofield, Bradeston, Brundall,
Foulden Sporle-with-Palgrave Buckenham, Burlingham St. .Andrew, Burlingham St.
Gooderstone Stanford Edmund. Burlingham St. Peter, Cantley, Freethorpe,
Hilborough Swaffbam Great Plumstead, Hasingham, Limpenhoe, Lingwood,
Holme Hale Threxton Little Plumstead, Postwick, Southwood, Strumpshaw,
Workhouse in the parish of Swaffham. Tborpe St. Andrew (Thorpe-next-Norwich), Witton.
Hundred of Brothercross :-Burnham Deepdale, Burn-
ham Norton, Burnham Overy, Burnham Sutton-cnm-
Norfolk:- Burnham Ulph, Burnham Thorpe, Burnbam Wsstga.te,
Blo' Norton Methwold North Creake, South Creake, Waterden.
Brettenham Mundford Hundred of Clackclose :-Barton Bendish, Beechamwell,
Bridgham Northwold Bexwell, Boughton, Crimplesham, Denver, Downham
Cranwich Riddlesworth .Market, Fincham, Fordham, Hilgay, Holme-next-Runc-
Croxton Rushford ton, Marham, Outwell, Hedmore, Roxham, Ryston,
Felt well San ton Shingham, Shouldham, Shouldham Thorpe, South Rune-
Feltwell Anchor Snarehill {Great & Little) ton, Southery, Stoke Ferry, Stow Bardolph, Stradsett,
Garboldisham Sturston . Tottenbill, Upwell, Wallington-cum-Thorpland, Watling-
Gasthorpe Thetford St. Cuthbert ton, Welney, Wereham, West Dereham, Wimbotsham,
Harling (East) Thetford St. Mary . Wormegay, Wretton.
Harling (West) Thetford St. Peter Hundred of Cla.vering :-Aldeby, Brooke, Burgh .Apton,
Hockwold-cum-Wilton Tofts (West) Burgh St. Peter, Ellingham, Geldeston, Gillingham, Had-
Kilverstone Weeting with Bromehill discue, Hales, Heckingham, Howe, Kirby Cane, Norton
Lopham (North) Wretham (East) Subcourse, Raveningham, Stacton, Thorpe-next-Haddis-
Lopbam (South) Wretham (West) coe, Thurlton. Toft Monks, Wheatacre All Saints.
Lynford Hundred of Depwade :-Ashwellthorpe, .Aslacton. Bun-
Suffolk:- well, Ca.rleton Rode, Forncett St. Mary, Forncett St.
Peter, Fritton, Fundenhall, Great Moolton, Hapton, Hard-
Barnham Honington wick, Hempnal. Morningthorpe, Shelton, Stratton St.
Earning ham Hop ton :\lary, Stratt()D St. Michael, Tacolnestone, Tasburgh,
Brand on Knettishall Tharston, Tibenham, Wacton.
Coney W eston Market W eston Hundred of Diss :-Bressingham, Burston,Dickleburgh,
Euston ~anton Downham
Diss, Fersfield, Frenze, Gissing; Roydon, Scole, Shelfanger
Fakenham Magna Sa piston Shimpling, Thelveton (oT Thelton), Thorpe Parva, Tivets:
Hepworth Thelnetham hall St. Margaret, Tivetshall St. Mary, Winfarthing.
Workhouse in the parish of St. Mary, Thetford. Hundred of Earsham :-Alburgh, Billingford, Brock-
WAL~INGHAM UNION. dish, Denton, Earsbam, Needham, Pnlham St. Mary
Alethorpe llarsham (West) l\Iagdalen (or Pulham Market), Pulham St. Mary-the-
Hale l~inham \irgin, Redenhall with Harleston, Rushall, Starston,
Barney lllakeney Thorpe Abbotts, WortwelL
Barsham (East) Briningham Hundred of North Erping-ham :-Aidborough, Anting-
Barsham (North) l~rinton ham, .Aylmerton, Barningham Norwood, Barningham

Town (or Barningham Winter), Beeston Regis, Bes.sing- Hundred of Rapping :-Brumstead, Catfield, East Bus-
bam, Cromer, East Beckham, Fellbrigg, Gimingham, ton, Happisburgh (or Hasbro'), Hempstead, Hickling,
Gre.sham, Gunton, Hanworth, Knapton, Ma~lask, Metton, Hornsey-next-the-Sea, Ingbam, Lessingham, Palling-near-
Mundesley, Northrepps, Overstrand, Plumstead, Rough- the-Sea, Potter Heigbam, Stalbam, Sntton, Walcott,
ton, Runton, Sheringham, Sidestrand, Southrepps, Suf- Waxham.
field, Sustead, Thorpe Market, Thurgarton, Trimingham, Hundred of Henstead :-.Arrningball, Bixley, Bremer-
Trunch. ton, Caistor St. Edmund, Framingham Earl, Framing-
Hundred of South Erpingham :-Alby, Aylsham. ham Pigot, Holverstone, Kirby Bedon, Poringland, Rock-
Baconsthorpe, Banningham, Banningham Parv.a, Belaugh, land St. Mary, Saxlingham Nethergate, Saxlingham
Blickling, Booton, Brampton, Burgh, Buxton, Calthorpe, Thorpe, Shotesham All ~aints, Shotesham, Stoke Holy
Ca.wston, Colby, Coltishall, Corpnsty, Erpingham, Haut- Cross, Surlingham, Trowse Newton, Whitlingham, Yel-
bois Magna, Hevingham, Heydon, Ingworth, Irmingland, verton.
Iuteringham, Lammas with Little Hautbois, Manning- Hundred of Halt :-Bale (or Bathley), Hayfield, Blake-
ton, Ma.rsham, Oulton, Oxnead, Saxthorpe, Scottow, ney, Bodham, Briningham, Brinton, Briston, Clay-next-
Skeyton, Stratum Strawless, Swanton Abbott, Tbwaite, the-Sea, Edgefield, Glanford, Gunthorpe, Hempstead,
Tuttington, West Beckham, Wickmere, Woltertl'n. Halt, Hunworth, Kelling, Langham, Letheringsett, Mel-
Hundred of Eynsford :-Alderford, Bawdeswell, Billing- ton Cunsta ble-with-Burgh Parva, Morston, Salthouse,
ford, Bintree, Brandiston, Bylaugh, Elsing, Foulsham, Saxlingham, Sharrington, Study, Swanton Novers, Shorn-
Foxley, Great Witchingham, Gue!j.twick, Guist, Hackford- c~ge, \Yeybourne, Wiveton.
by-Reepham, Haveringland, Hindolveston, Kerdiston, Hundred of Launditcb :-Beeston All Saints, Beetley,
Little Witcbingham, Lyng, Morton-on-the-Hill, Reepham, Brisley, Colkirk, East Bilney, East Dereham (part of),
Hmgland, Sail, Sparham, Swannington, Thelmelthorpe, ~ast Lexbam, Gateley, Great Dunbam, Great Fransham,
Thurning, Twyford, Weston Longville, Whitwell, Wood Gressenhall, Hoe, Horningtoft, Kempston, Litcham, Little
Dalling, Wood Norton. Bittering, Little Dunham, Little Fransham, Longbam,
Hundred of East Flegg :-Caister-next-Yarmoutb, Mileham, North Elmbam, Oxwick, Pattesley, Rougbam,
Filby, Mautby, Ormesby St. Margaret, Ormesby St. Seaming, Stanfield, Swanton Morley, Tittleshall, Weasen-
Micbael, Runham, Scratby, Stokesby-with-Herringby, ham All Saints. Weasenham St. Peter, Wellingham, Wend-
Thrigby. ling, West Lexbam, Whissonsett, Worthing.
Hundred of West Flegg :-.Ashby, Billockby, Burgh St. Hundred of Loddon :-Alpington, Ash by, Bedingbam,
1\Iargaret, Clippesby, East Somerton, Hemsby, Martham, Broome, Carleton St. Peter, Chedgrave, Claxton, Ditching·
Oby, Repps-with-Bastwicl{, Bollesby, Thurne, West ham, Hardley, Hedenham, Hellington, Kirstead, Langley,
Somerton, Winterton. Loddon, Mundham, Seething, Sisla.nd, Turton, Thwaite
Hundred of Forehoe :-Barford, Burnham Broom, Haw- St. Mary, Topcroft, Woodton.
burgh, Bowthorpe, Brandon Parva, Carleton Forehoe, Col- Hundred of Mitford :-Cranworth, East Dereham (pad
ton, Costessey or Cossey, Coston, Crowntborpe, Deop- of), East Tuddenham, Garvestune, Hardingham, Hocker-
bam, Easton, Hackford, Hingham, Honingham, Kimber- ing, Letton, Mattishall, Mattisball Burgh, North Tudden-
ley, Marlingford, Morley St. Botolph, Morley St. Peter, ham, Reymerston, Shipdham, South Burgh, Thuxton,
Runhall, Welborne, Wicklewood, Wramplingham, Wy- Westfield, Whinberg, Wood Rising, Yaxbam.
tnondbam. Hundred of Sbropbam: -.Attleborough, Besthorpe,
Hundred of Free bridge Lynn :-.Anmer, .Ashwicken, Brettenham, Bridgham, East Wretham, Eccles, Great
Babingley, Bawsey, Castle .Acre, Castle Rising, Congbam, Ellingham, Hargham, Hockbam, Illington, Kilverstone,
DPrsingham, East Walton, East Winch, Flitcham-cum- Lnrling, New Buckenham, Old Bnckenham, Rockland and
Appleton, Gayton, Gayton Thorpe, Gaywood, Great Mass- St. Andrew, Roudham, Shropham, Snetterton, West
ingham, Grimston, Harpley, Hillington, Leziate, Little Wretham, Wilby.
Massingbam, Miridleton, Mintlyn, North Runcton, North Hundred of Smithdon :-Barwick, Bircham Newton,
Wootton, Peutley, Roydon, Sandringham, Setchey, South Bircham Tofts, Brancaster, Docking, Fring, Greai
Wootton, West Bilney, West Newton, West Winch, West Bircham, Great Ringstead, Heacbam, Holme-next-the-
.AcrP, Wolferton. Sea. Hunstanton, New Hunstanton, Ingoldisthorpe, Sedge-
Hundred of Freebridge Marsh Land :--Clenchwarton, ford, Shernborne, Snettisham, Stanhoe, Thornham,
F.mneth, Islington, St. Edmund (North Lynn), St. Peter Titchwell.
(West L~nn), Terrington St. Clement, Terrington St. Hundred of Taverbam :-.A.ttlebridge, Beeston St . .An-
John, Tilney .All Saints, Tilney St. Lawrence, Walpole St. drew, Catton, Crostwick, Drayton, Felthorpe, Frettenham,
Peter, Walsoken, West Walton. Wiggenhall St. Germans, Hainford, Hellesdon (part of), Horsford, Horsham St.
Wiggenball St. Mary Magdalen, Wiggenhall St. Mary- Faith, Horstead-with-Stanninghall, Newton St. Faith,
thfl-Virg-in. Wiggenhall St. Peter. RRckheath, Salhouse, Spixwortb, Sprowston, Taverbam,
Hundred of Galll'W :-Ba1,rthorpe, Harmer, Brooms- \Vrnxha1n.
thorpe, Dunton-cnm-Doughton, East Barsham, East Hundred of Tunstead :-Ashmanhaugh, Bacton, Bar·
Rainham (or Rainham •St. Mary). East Rudbam, Faken- ton Tnrf, Beeston St. Lawrence, Bradfield, Crostwi!!'ht,
ham (or Fakenham Lancaster), Fulmodeston-cum-Crox- nilham, F.dingthorpe, Felmingbam, Honing, Homing,
tor., Great Ryburgb. Helhooghron, Hempton, Kettle!'tone, HovPton St ..John, Hoveton St. Peter, Irstearl, Lndham,
Little Ryburgh, Little Snoring, New Houghton, North N ea ti~head, North W alsham, Pas ton, Ridlingtun, Sco-
Barsham, Pensthorpe, Pudding Norton, Scnlthorpe, Rn!~ ton (or South Ruston), Sloley, Smallburgb, Swa.field,
Sht>reford, South Rainbam (or Rainbam St. Martin), Tnnstearl, Westwick. Witton. Worstead.
Stibbard, Syderstone, Tatterford, Tattersett, Testerton, Hnndred of Walsbam :-Acle, Beighton, Fishley, Hal-
Toftrees, West Bar sham, West Rain ham (or Rainham verg-ate, Hemblington, Moulton, Ranwortb-with-Panx-
St. Margaret), West Rudham. worth, Reeriham, South Walsham St. Lawrence, South
Hundred of North Greenboe :-Barney, Binham, Cock- Wnlsbam St. Mary, Tunstall, Upton, Wickbampton,
thoJ"Tl~. Egmere, Field Dalling-, Great Snoring, Great Wal- W oodbastwick.
siug-ham, Hindringham, Holkbam, Houghton-in-the- Hundred of Wavland
. :-Ashill, Breckles, Carbrooke,
Dale. Little Walsing-ham, Stiffkey, Thursford, Warham Casion, Griston, Hockham, Little Ellingham, Merton,
.!11 Saints,Warham St.Mary, Wells-next-the-Sea,Wighton. Ovington, Rockland St. Peter, Saham Toney, Scoulton,
Hundred of South Greenhoe :-Bodney, Caldecot, Cock- Stow-Bedon, Thompson, Threxton, Tottington, Watton.
ley-Cley, Diddington, East Bradenham, Foulden, GoorlPr- Norwich City and County of the City :-Norwich, Great Cressingham, Hilhornng"h, Holme H~le, parish.
HnnQ"hton-orf-tbe-Hill, Langford, Little Cressingham. Borough of King's Lynn :-All Saints, South Lynn,
Narbnrgh, Narford, Necton, Newtnn-by-Castleacre, North Kin!!'s Lvnn St. Margaret.
Pickenham, Oxborough, South Pickenham, Sonthacre, Borough of Thetford :-Thetfortl St. Cuthbert, Thet-
Sporle-witb-Palgrave, Swaffham, ·we~t Bradenham. ' ford St. Marv. Thetford St. Peter.
Hundred of Grimsbne :-Bur'kenham near Toft~ (or Borough of Great Yarmouth :-Great Yarmouth.
Buckenh'lm Parva). Colveston. Cranwick, Croxton. FPlt-
well. Hockwould-cum-Wilton, Ickburgh, Lynford, Meth- --
wold, Mundford, Northwold, Santon, Stanford, Sturston, The Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norwich, founded
WPetinl!. We!~t Tofts. in 1770, was rebuilt in part on the old site in 1882,
Huncired of Guiltcross :-Banbam, Blo' Nnrton. F.a~t the first stone being laid by His late Majesty Kin.~
Harling-, Garboldisham, Gasthorpe, KenninQ"hall. North Edward VII. then Prince of Wales, 17 June, 1879; the
Lophnm. Quiddenham, Riddlesworth, South Lopham. building is of red brick with white stone dressings, in a
We"'t Harlin!!. modified form of the Queen Anne style, and was erected
Hunrlred of Hamhlevord•
:-Bracon .A!Ib, Cnlnev.

Crin- at a total cost, including furnishing, of about £57,116:
gleforrl. Dunston, East Carlton, Flordon. Hethel, Hetber- it is on the pavilion system, the plan following the form
sett, lntwood. Keswick, KetterinJ!ham, Marks hall. M elton of the letter H, the administrative block bPing in thP
Magna, Melton ParvR. Mulbarton. Newton Flotman. CPntre, facing St. Stephen's road: the out-patienb'
S wa i n~>t horpe. Swardeston, Wreningham. department is entirely ·distinct, in the old north-east
wing, which has been further adapted for the purposes added in I899 and I9oo; an Infirmary was added in
of the anatomical museum and electro-therapeutic 1903 and a swimming bath in I904; attached is a large
department: the building was opened by T.R.H. the courtyard and in the centre is a large playground,
Duke and Duchess of Connaught, 20 August, I883: the besides which there is also a covered-in playground:
King Edward VII. wards for septic cases were added .in the boys are taught shoe-making, tailoring, carpentry
I-gog, the foundation stone being laid hy His late and farming and agricultural duties, 5 acres being for
Majesty: attached is a chapel in the Gothic style. this purpose under cultivation: the school is controlled
Sir P. Eade M.D.Lond., F.R.C.P.Lond. consulting by a committee. The boys attend the parish church.
physician; Samuel J. Barton M.D., M.Ch.Dub. Fred W. .Alfred Ba bington, governor; Mrs. L. Babington, matron;
llurton-Fanning M.D.Camb., F.R.U.P.Lond. and Sydney Miss E. Lloyd, assistant matron; William Cox, school-
Herbert Long M.D.Camb. physicians; Arthur John master; Mrs. Cox, schoolmistress.
Cleveland M.D.Lond., M.R.C.P.Lond. assistant physician The Norfolk County Lunatic .Asylum is at Thorpe, near
and medical officer in charge of electro-therapeutic Norwich, and was erected in I 814; it consists of two
department; Michael Beverley M.D.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. principal ranges of buildings: the old asylum, in white
and Haynes Sparrow Robinson M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting brick, has undergone extensive structural alterations,
surgeons; Samuel Herbert Burton M.B.Lond., F.R.C.S. and it contains about I6 wards for the reception and
Eng. and Hamilton ..hhley Ballance M.D., M.S.Lond., treatment of the various forms of mental disease, 6oo
F.R.C.S.Eng. surgeons; Ernest William Everett beds for women patients only. The new asylum, built
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Athelstan Jasper Blaxland of red brick, was opened in I88o and enlarged in I903,
M.B., M.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. and and is for men patients only, its various wards holding
.Toseph Burfield M.B., B.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. assistant 450: the asylum being a county establishment is
surgeons; Herbert John Starling M.D.Lond., D.P.H. managed by the asylum committee of the Norfolk County
Ca.mb., M.R.C.S.Eng. and Henry Watson M.B., Ch.B. Council, of which John Pipe esq. i~ the chairman and
Aberd. anffisthetists; George Percival Charles Claridge Peter Hansell esq. the clerk; the committee meets at
M.B., B.S.Lond. pathologist and bacteriologist; Henry the asylum on the first Thursday in each month. The
Freeman White L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental surgeon; asylum staff consists of the medical superintendent,
Harry Cecil Rutherford Darling M.B., B.S.Lond., David George Thomson M.D., C.M.Edin. ; senior assist-
"M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. resid1mt surgical officer; ant medical officer, John Spencer Law M.B., C.M.Edin.;
Robert Francis Preston Cory M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. junior assistant medical officer, Thomas .Aloysius Flynn
Land. house physician ; H. P. Mallett, dispenser; Frank L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. ; chaplain, Rev. Bt>nnet Symons
Gidley Hazell, sec. ; Rev. John Huxley M . .A. chaplain. Ram; steward, Thomas E. Parry; matron, Miss Mary
The Leicester Nurses' Home, connected with the Hamar; head attendant, Charles E. Fox.
a hove-named hospital, was erected for the nursing staff The Royal Naval Hospital (Lunatic Asylum), at Grt>at
and private nurses of the Hospital, by the late the Right Yarmouth, is situated at the southern extremity of the
Hon.· the 2nd Earl of Leicester K.G. who gave £2o,ooo town; the inmates consist of 45 officers and I 18 seamen
for its construction and endowment; it adjoins the and marines; George Thomas Broatch R.N., M.B.. C.M.,
Hospital on the south, and wa.s opened in I903. L.M.Edin. fleet surgeon in charge; George Eric Hamil-
The Norfolk and Norwich Eye Infirmary, in Pottergate ton M.B., B.Ch.Aberd. surgeon, R.N.; Rev. Dallas G.
street, Norwich, was opened in I822, and during the Brooks B.A. chaplain; Thomas Isaac Johnson, clerk.
year I9II there were I,290 cases under treatment, I41 His Majesty's Prison, Prison road, Norwich, was
of these being in-patients. The income for the year erected in 1887, when the prisoners were transferred
was £66o ss. while the expenditure amounted to £692. from Norwich Castle; Major V. A. M. Fowler,
Haynes Sparrow Robinson M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting governor; Rev. Reginald Waiter Lon!!ley B.A. chaplain;
;:urgeon; Samuel Herbert Eurton M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S. Hubert John Starling- M.D.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng-.,
Eng., C. Jeffery Muriel L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.Camb. surgeon; S. C. Davies,
.mrgeons; Arthur Greene M.A., M.D., B.Ch., B.A.O. storekeeper; Miss Brodie, matron ; George Brown, chief
Dub., F.R.C.S.Irel. assistant surgeon; S. N. Berry, warder.
sec.; Miss M. Whitehouse, matron.
The West Norfolk and Lynn Hospital, near the London P .ARLIAME~T ARY REPRESENT .A TION OF
road, King's Lynn, first established in Dec. 1834, now NORFOLK.
occupies a spacious building of ~bite brick, erected at Norfolk formerly returned six members in three divi-
a cost of more than £3,ooo, and in 1847 two wings sions, but under the provisions of the "Redistribution of
were added, and a separate ward for contagious cases Seats Act, 1885," it now sends six members from six
was erected in I877 as a memorial of the late Rev. divisions.
John Freeman, the biographer of Kirby the entomo- No. I, the North Western Division, consists of the se~­
logist. In 19II a further addition was made bv the sional divisions of Freebridge Lynn, Freebridge Marsh-
e1 ection of a new central entrance staircase, a ward and land, Gt!llow & Smithdun & Brothercross & the muni-
two covered balconies, at a cost of £2,ooo, as a memorial cipal borough of King's Lvnn
to His late Majesty King Edward VII.; an oak arc~dy No. 2, the South Western Division, comprises the ses-
has been presented by Sir Somerville A. Gurney sional divisions of Clackclose, Grimshoe, South Green-
K.C.V.O. on the pedestal of which is a white marble hoe & Wayland & so much of the municipal borough
bust of His late Majesty King Edward VII. present!'d of Thetford as is situate in the county of Nor folk
by Mrs. Ramsden, of Middleton Towers. The hospital No. 3, the Northern Division, comprises the sessional
will now hold 6o patients, and is supported by voluntarv division of EYnsford, Holt, North Erpingham, North
contributions. The Earl of Leicester C.M.G., G.C.V.O. Greenhoe & South Erpingham, except so much as is
president; G. F. A. Cresswell esq. tn'asurer; Henry comprised in Division No. 4
CJlthrop Allinson M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting surgeon; No. 4- the Eastern Division, comprises the sessional
William Bracken bury Wedgwood L.R.C.P.Lond.,"\f.R.C.S. divisions of Blofield & Walsh8III, East & West Fle!!'g-,
Eng. and James Renorden Kingdom B.A.Carnb., TavPrham & Tunstead & Happin!!', so much of the
L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. physicians; George R. municipal borough of Great Yarmouth as is in the
Chadwick M.D.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. and Charles TPrt:us county of Norfolk. & the parishes of Belauqh, Ooltis-
MacLean Plowright B . .A., M.B., B.C.Camb., M.R.O.S. hall. Great Hautbois, Lamas with Little Hautbois,
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons; S. A. T. Coxon L.D.S. Scottow & Swanton .Abbot in South Erpingham ses-
lrel. surgeon-dentist; Henry Joseph Keane ·M.A., M.D., sional di,,ision
R. Ch.Dub. house surgeon; Charles Barstow, hon. finan- No. 5· the Mid Division, comprises the sessional divisions
cial sec. ; H. M. Howard, assistant sec. ; Rev. Charles of Forehoe, Guiltcross & Shropham & Milford & Laun-
Edward Stanley Thomas, chaplain; Miss Swain, matron. ditch
The Buxton-Norfolk Industrial School stands in the No. 6, the Southern Division, comprises the sessional
parish of Marsham, but a.djoining the parish of Buxton: divisions of Depwade, Diss, Earsham, Loddon & Cla-
it was founded in I852 by John Wright esq. Sir Edward vering & Swainsthorpe
North Buxton hart. M.P. and George Kett and John Under the provisions of the above-mentioned Act,
Henry Gurney esqrs. for the voluntary reformation nf King's Lynn lost one member & Yarmouth was created
boys or young men who had been confined in Norwich a borou<7h to return one member.
Castle: it was taken over by Government and ccrtifiPd "'
far criminals in 1855, but since June, I894, has been MEMBERS OF P .ARLI.AMENT FOR THE COUNTY.
carried on as an Industrial School and certified to r!'ceiYI' Eastern Division: Sir Robert John Price M.R.C.S.Eng.,
<)6 boys. The school and land is the property of P. E. J.P. The Thatched Cottage, Wroxham, Norwich; & 6
Sewell esq. of Dud wick House, Buxton, who is aho the Sussex mam•ions, Sussex place S W & National Liberal
corresponding manager and treasurer. The building is club S W, London
of Ted briek, and inclurlPs apartments for thl' governor Mid Division: William Lewis Boyle esq. Tuddenham
and schoolmaster and rooms for the officers. and ll nPw lodge. East Tuddenham. East Dereham; & Constitu-
school room, workshop, play shed and dormitory w!'re tional club, London W C

Northern Division: Noel Edward Buxton esq. M:.A.. Infantry.

War lies, Waltham Abbey; Colne cottage, Cromer; 5th & 6th Battalions Norfolk Regiment
& 2 Prince's gate S W & National Liberal club S W, Army Service Corps.
London Norfolk & Suffolk Brigade Co
North Western Division: Edward G. Bemmerde esq. ·
Royal Army Medical Corps.
K.C. 12 Hallam street, Portland place, London W 2nd East .Anglian Field Ambulance
Southern Division: Arthur Wellesley Soames esq. 18
Park crescent, Portland place W & United University YEOMANRY.
& Reform clubs S W, London Included in the Eastern Mounted Brigade.
South Western Division: Richard Winfrey esq. J.P. Head Quarters, The Old School house, Lexden,
Flaxwell, Austin street, Hunstanton-on-Sea; & Colchester.
National Liberal club S W, London · Norfolk (The King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry;
MILITARY. head quarters, Cattle Market street, Norwich; Corn.
Norfolk is included in the Eastern Command, and forms manding, Lieut.-Col. H . .A. Barclay C.V.O., A..D.C.;
part of No. 9 Grouped Regimental District. Adjutant, Capt. the Hun. R. N. D. Ryder (8th
Head Quarters, Warley, Essex.; Quarter Master, Hon. Lieut. J. A.. Sayer;
Norwich is the depot of the Regimental District No. 9, Medical Officer, Surg.-Major J. F. Gordon-Dill M.D.;
which is composed of the ISt & 2nd Battalions of the Chaplain, Rev. F. A.. S. ffolkes M.V.O., B.A.. (T.F.);
:Norfolk Regiment (9th Foot) & the 3rd Special Reserve Regimental Sergeant-Major, George Hudgell
Battalion. For full particulars, see page 298 Squadrons :-A, Major A.. R. Buxton, commanding;
Capt. G. T. Bullard, second in command, Cattle
.ARTILLERY. Market street, Norwich; B, Major A. F. Morse, com-
No. 4 Depot Royal Garrison .Artillery; head quarters, manding; Capt. J. F. Barclay, second in command,
South Denes, Great Yarmouth; Commanding, Major Grammar School road, ~orth Walsham; C, Major C.
R. H. M. McCulloch D.S.O.; District Officer, Lieut. D. Seymour, ·commanding; Capt. Lord Hastings,
G. C. Spinks; Quarter-Master, T. A.rmstrong second in command, Fakenham; D; Major C. F. Gur-
ney, commanding; Lieut. H . .A. Birkbeck, second in
TERRITORIAL FORCE. command, King's Lynn
Norfolk Territorial Force Association.
President, Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G., A..D.C. rst EAST ANGLIA.N BRIGADE ROYAL FIELD
4th Battn. Norf. Regt. (Lord Lieut) ARTILLERY.
Chairman, Major Right Hon. Sir A.. E.. Fellowes Head Quarters, Old Militia Barracks, Surrey street,
K.C.V.O., D.L. late 3rd Battn. Norf. Regt Norwich; Commanding, Lt.-Col. R. E. A. Le Mottee
Vice-Chairman, Lt.-Col. G. F. Buxton D.L., V.D. late R.A. ; Orderly Officer, ;
Norf. Yeo Adjutant, Capt. D. H. K. Hunter; Medical Officer,
MILITARY MEMBERS. Capt. J. C. R. Robinson R.A..M.C. (T.F)
Col. the Earl of Albemarle C.B., K.C.V.O., A.D.C., rst Norfolk Battery; head quarters, Nelson road, Great
V.D. 5th Battn. Norf. Regt Yarmouth; M!Ijor P. Wiltshire, commanding
Col. H. A.. Barclay C.V.O., A.D.C., T.D. Norf. Yeo 2nd Norfolk Battery; head quarters, Surrey street,
Major G. Y. Bettinson, Unattached List (T.F) Norwich; Major G. W. Daynes, commanding
Lt.-Col. G. F. Buxton V.D. late major Norf. Yea. (Vice- 3rd ~orfolk Battery; head quarters, Norwich; Major
Chairman) S. G . .Allen, commanding
Major Right Hon. Sir A.. E. Fellowes K.C.V.O., D.L. rst East Anglian Ammunition Column; head quarters,
late 3rd Battn. Norf. Regt. (Chairman) Norwich
Maj!X' C. F. Gurney, Norf. Yeo
Col. S. G. Hill V.D. late 1st Vol. Battn. Norf. Regt
Col. H. E. Hyde V.D. late 3rd Vol. Battn. Norf. Regt Head Quarters, 18a, Prince of Wales road, Norwich.
Lt.-Col. R. E. A. Le Mottee, rst East .Anglian Brigade The Brigade comprises the
R.F.A. 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, ~orwich
Col. Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G., A.D.C. 4th 5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, East Dereham
Battn. Norf. Regt. (President) 4th Battalion Suffolk Regiment, Ipswich
Capt. J. C. Miller, Unattached List (T.F) 5th Battalion Suffolk Regiment, Bury St. Edmunds
Major E. Mornement T.D. 4th Battn. Norf. Regt Commander, Col. R. Bayard C.B
Col. H. T. S. Patteson D.L., V.D. 6th Battn. Norf. Regt Brigade-Major, G. F. Molyneux-Montgomerie
Lt.-Col. B. J. Petre, 5th Battn. Norf. Regt 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment; head quarters, Drill
Lt.-Col. B. H. L. Prior, 6th Battn. Norf. Regt hall, Chapelfield road, Norwich. Staff :-Command-
Major C. D. Seymour D.L. Norf. Yea ing, Lieut.-Col. J. H. Harvey D.S.O.: Majors, E.
Lt.-Col. J. H. Stacy, 2nd East A.nglian Field Ambulance, Mornement T.D. & F. G. W. Wood; Instructor of
R . .A.l\LC. (T.F) Musketry, Capt. W. H. M. Andrews; Adjutant, Capt.
Major A. W. Thomas T.D. 5th Battn. Norf. Regt F. R. Day (Norfolk Regiment); Quarter Master, Hon.
Lieut. R. W. Moore; Medical Officer, Lieut. J. H.
Owens R.A..M.C. (T.F.); Chaplains, Rev. E. W. Hardy
County Council. (T.F.) & Rev. C. Manning M.A. (T.F)
Major A.. F. Evans-Lombe, ret. pay (reserve of officers) Companies :-A, S. D. Page; B, Capt. W. H. M.
Earl of Kimberley D.L., J.P .Andrews & C, Capt. H. R. Rudd, Chapelfield road,
County Boroughs. Norwich; D, Lieut. S. H. W. Coxon, Crown hotel,
G. ::vl. Chamberlin esq. (Norwich) Crown street, Diss; E, Capt. H. C. Long, Attle-
C. S. Orde esq. (Great Yarmouth) borough, East Harling & Hingham; F, Capt. Henry
L. J. Tillett esq. J .P. (~ orwich} R. Fletcher, Town Green, Wymondham; G (part of),
CO-OPTED MEMBERS. H. R. Holmes, Guildhall, Thetford; H, Capt.
Major G.D.L'E . .Astley,late North Somerset Imperial Yea R. T. E. Gilbert, Thorpe
Major W. H. Besant, ret. pay (reserve of officers) 5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment; head quarters, Quebec
J. H. Bugden esq. J.P street, Dereham; Staff :--Commanding, Lt.-Col. P. J.
C. Burrell esq. J.P PetTie; Second in Command, Lt.-Col. & Hon. Col.
G. Cleverly esq. J .P . T. P. Angell V.D.; Major, A. W. Thomas T.D.; In-
R. J. Colman esq. D.L., J .P structor of Musketry, Lieut. E. R. Cubitt; Adjutant,
Lord Cranworth Capt. A. E. M. Ward (Norfolk Regiment); Quarter
F. J. Crotch esq. J.P Master, Hon. Major A. Smith V.D. ; Chaplain, Rev,
LiPu t. -Col. H. F. W. Eden, A.. Motor Res A.. R. H. Grant M.A.. (T. F)
Col. R. C. Hare C.B. ret. pay Companies :-A, Capt. G. M. Beloe, Nelson street,
G. Jewson esq. J.P King's Lynn; B, Lieut. S. A. Coxon, Downham
Maj.-Gen. R. Upcher C.B., D.S.O. ret. pay C, Capt. H. E. Rowell, Halt road, Fakenham & Capt.
Capt. G. G. Woodwark, Territorial Force Reserve T. W. Purdy, Pound road, Aylsham & Crown hotel,
Secretary, Capt. C. C. 0. Gascoigne (reserve of officers), Wells; D, Capt. W. J. Barton, Quebec street, Dere-
21 Tom bland, Norwich. T A. "Territorial, Norwich'' ham & Castleacre street, Swaffham ; E, Capt. F. R.
Beck M.V.O. Sandringham; F, Capt. H. N. Bridg-
Units .Administered by the .Association. water, Central road, Cromer & detachments at Sher-
Yeomanry. ingham, Halt & Melton Constable; G, Capt. L. J.
Norfolk Brown, York road, Great Yarmouth, Capt. H. E.
Royal Artillery. Holmes & H, Capt. T. B. Hall, York road, Great
rst East .inglian Brigade & three Norfolk Batteries R.F.A Yarmouth & detachment (Lt. E. R. Cubitt, corn.),
rst East Anglian Ammunition Column North W alsham
6th (Cyclist) Battalion Norfolk Regiment; bead quarters, ARMY SERVICE CORPS.
Cattle Market street, Norwich. Staff :-Commanding, East Anglian Division, Norfolk & Suffolk Bri~rade Co.
Lieut.-Col. B. H. L. Prior; Major, F. S. Ayre; .Ad- Transport & Supply Column; head quarters, Tuesday
jutant, Capt. F. Higson (~orfolk Regiment); Quarter Market street, King's Lynn; Capt. E. R. Hawkins.
Master, Hon. Lieut. E. W. V. Moss; Chaplain, Rev. commanding
Companies :-A, Capt. W. E. Salter, Cattle Market ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. '
street, Norwich; B, Capt. S. R. Woodger, York road, Head quarters, Bethell street, Norwich; Commanding,
Great Yarmouth; C, Lieut. A. E. Coulter, King's Lieut. -Col. J. H. Stacy ; Transport Officer, Hon.
Lynn; D, Lieut. M. A. Trotter, Station road, Thet- Lieut. E. J. Edwards; Quarter Master, Hon. Lieut.
ford; E, Capt. H. S. Dewing, Bolt road, Fakenham R. S. Mason; Chaplain, Rev. J. C. Titcombe (T.F)
& Crown hotel, Wells; F, Lieut. E. Peck Philpott, OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS.
Ditchingham; G, Lieut. G. W. Barnham, Watton; Contingent of the Junior Division.
H, Capt. S. T. Tunbridge, Cattle Market street, Nor- Gresham's School, Holt, J. C. Miller & W. F. Bushell,
wich & York road, Great Yarmouth captains. Two companies, Infantry


~orfolk. North-West Norfolk.
President, Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G. Holtham District Commissioner, Major C. D. Seymour, Barwick
hall, Norwich house, Stanhoe, King's Lynn
County Commissioner, Col. the Earl of Albemarle Great Yarmouth.
K.C.V.O., C.B., A.D.S. Quidenham ball District Commissioner, C. Addison-Williams esq.
Assistant County Commissioner & Hon. County Secre- Koolunga, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
tary, Col. H . .A. Barclay C.V.O., A.D.C. Hanwortb
hall, Norwich King's Lynn.
Norwich. District Commissioner, Major R. L. Bagge D.S.O., J.P.
District Commissioner, Col. S. Garerd Hill, Parkside, Gaywood hall, near King's Lynn
Unthank road, Norwich South-East.
Assistant District Commissioner, C. Stratford esq. 20 District Commissioner, Major Leslie Fletcher, Stanfield
London Street chambers, Norwich ball, near Wymondham
~ orth-East Norfolk.
District Commissioner, Col. S. F. Charles, Wroxham South-West.
house, Norwich District Commissioner (vacant)

SCHOOL INSPECTION. Harleston, corn market on wednesday

H.M. Inspector for Public Elementary Schools, .A. M. Ea~t Hurling, sheep sales first thursday in July, prin-
Moore, 70 ·Bracondale, Norwich cip1lly for lambs; one in April for hog gets; market
H.M. Inspector for Secondary Schools &:; Pupil Teacher day, tuesd1_1y
Centres, II. J. R. Murray, 58 Bateman st. Cambridge Heacham, fa_Ir, Jun~ 2o
.A.~sistant Inspector, w. E. Grimshaw, Hunstanton Hempton, faus, Wh1t t~esday & Novem~nn: 22, for cattle
Sub-Inspectors, G. Johnson, The Firs, Gaywood road, I ~ the fir~t wednesday m September, pnnc1pally for sheep
King's Lynn; J. H. Tench, Ivy bank, Aylsham road, Hilgay, fair,_ May I
Norwich & A. Key, 11 The Crescent, Norwich Hmgham, faus for cattle & pleasure, March 7 & October
2; market day, tuesday
INSPECTORS OF F.AC'i'ORIES. Hockwold, fair, July 25
Halt, fairs, chiefly for stock, April 25, November 25
No. 7 or Norwich District. & the following days ; market day for corn, wednesday
Comprising Norfolk, Cambridgeshire & part of Suffolk, Ingham, fair for cattle & stock on Trinity monday
viz. the Unions of Mutford & Lotbingland & Wangford Kenninghall, market for cattle & poultry every monday
Inspector in Charge, T. C. Taylor, 14 Rampant Horse King's Lynn, a pleasure fair -commencing on St. Valen-
street, Norwich · tine's day & lasting for B fortnight & cattle fairs on
Other Inspector, C. E. Whitelaw, 14 Rampant Horse the second monday in April & November, the former
street, Norwich principally for sheep; market day, tuesday & saturday
Assistant Inspector, David Kerr Loddon, pleasure fair, the first monday after Nov. 22
Long Stratton, stock sale every alternate tuesday
CHA~fBER OF COMMERCE. Ludham. fair on tbursday & friday after Trinity snnday,

Norwich (Incorporated), G. M. Chamberlin esq. presl- chiefly for pleasure
dent; Charles Larking, sec. Commercial chambers, Methwold, fair for cattle, April 23 ; market for cattle
9 Red Lion street, N orwicb & corn, monday
.Xurthwolct, fair, November 30 & following day
CH..!~IBER OF AGRICULTURE. ~ orwich, fairs for horses & cattle on the day before Good
Nor folk, J ames Brown Forrester, sec. 32 Prince of Wales friday & for pleasure at Easter & Christmas ; market
road, N orwicb days wednesday & saturday, the latter for corn &
cattle; also a skin market on Wednesday
FAIRS & MARKETS. Sonthrepps, cattle fair, on the tuesday fortnight after
Aldborough, stock fair, June 21st & 22nd, unless 21st Whit sunday
fall on saturday or sunday, in which event it is held Stoke Ferry, pleasure fair December 6, & for hiring ser-
on the following monday & tuesday vants on the thursday before Old Michaelmas day
Attleborongh, fairs occasionally; market day, thursday Stow Bardolph, fair for cattle on the Saturday after
Aylsbam, fairs, March 23, last tuesday in September Whitsuntide
Binham, fair, July 26 Swaffbam, fairs, second wednesday in May, third wed-
Briston, fair, May 26 & a wake on the day after Old nesday in July & the first wednesday in November
Michaelmas day for cattle & sheep; market day, saturday
Castleacre, fairs, May I & August 5, for toys Thetford, market day, saturday •
East Dereham, fairs, thursday before July 6, & Septem- j TJpwell, fairs, June 29 & 30
her 29; market day, friday 1 North Walsham, market day, thursday, chiefly for cattle
Diss, market day, friday & corn
Downha.m Market, fairs, March I & for three following \\"alsin[!ham (Little), fairs, second monday after Whit
days, for horses & cattle, first friday in May & the monday & statute fairs on the friday before & after
second friday in November & for hiring servants, on Micbaelmas day
the saturday fortnight before & the saturday after Old Watton. market day. wednesday
Michaelmas day; market day, friday 'Vells-nPxt-the-Sea, fair on Shrove tuesday
Fakenham, fairs, Whit tuesday, first week in September Worstead, fairs on May 12 & 13
& ~ovember 22, principally for cattle; market day for 'Vymondham, fairs, February 14, May 17, for cattle &
corn & cattle, thursday Octoher 12, for pleasure: market day, friday
Feltwell, fair, November 20 Great Yarmouth, fairs on Shrove monday & tuesday AI
Foulsham, fair for cattle & pleasure, first tuesday in May friday & saturday after Easter: I.Ttarket days, wednes-
Hackford (Reepham), fair, June 29 & 30 for stock & day & !;aturday
horses; cattle market, wednesday
12 1\0RFOLK . (KELLY'S

The following table shows the acreage under each kind of crop, and the number of horses, eattle, sheep and pigs in
the County of Norfolk, as taken from the Agricultural Returns, I9II : -


"'rheat .................................................. . 138,366 Horses for agriculture and brood mares ..... . 46,854
Barley .................................................. . I69,826 Stallions ................................... .............. . 40I
Oats ............ ........................................... . 77·733 Unbroken horses, 1 year and above ........... . II,699
Rye ....................................................... . 4.395 , , under I year ................. . 4-978
Bea.ns .................................................... . l4o50I Other horses ............................................... . 3,908
Peas ............. .............................................. . Io,ooi Cows and Heifers : -
Pota t.oes .................................................. . I2,566 In milk ............................................. . 27,628
Turnips .. -.................................................. . II0,774 In calf, but not in milk ...................... .. 9,120
Man gold .................................................... . 56,243 Other cat.tle :-Two years and above ........... . 4Io3I4
Cabbage ................................................ . I,969 , , One year and under two ...••• 32,562
Kohl-Rabi ................................................ . 445 ,, ,, Under I year .................... . 28,320
Rape ....................................................... . 786 Ewes kept for breeding .......................... . I73,239
V etches .......................................................... . 4·572 Other sheep, I year and above ................. . 105,043
Lucerne ................................................ . 2,294 Ditto, under I year ................................. . 22I ,305
Buckwheat ............................................ . . 569 Sows kept for breeding .......................... . I4·S88
Other crops (including 287 of carrots) ........ . 6,I32 Other pigs .............................................. . 102,608
Apples .......................................................... . 3,627
Pears ...................................................... . I7I
Cherries ............................................ . 53
Plums ................................................. : 544
Others, including mixed orchards ...•....• I,297
Small Frmt : -
Strawberries ............................. __ ..... . I,799
Rasp berries ............................................ . 909
Currants and Uoo~eberries ................. . Io994
Others, including- mixed areas .............. . I,382
Clover, Sainfoin and Grasses : -
For Hav •
......................................... . I32, I8I
Not for Hay ...................................... . 26,882
Permanent pasture : - .
For Hay .......................................... . 53. I 53
Not for Hay ........................................... . 233, I I I •
Mountain and heath Jand used for grazing .. . 4 2,843
Bare ~,allo'v ........... ~ ....... , ...................... . 4,6go
Woods, Coppice and Plantation~ .............. . 59,123
- -- - -
Agricultural Holdin~ :-
Above 1 and under 5 acres •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Abo\·e 5 and under so acres ............................................................................ 5,718

Above so and under 3ou acres ..................................................... .... .................... 3,572
A bo,·e 300 ~cres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 903

'fotal............................................................................................ 13,739

Total ~reage of the county ........................ ........................... ......... ............ I,315,o64

l.tateable , . . alue ........................................................................................ ... £2,402,335

S'l'AGHOUNDS. Dunston (r9 to 20 in. Stud Book Harriers) (r8 couples),
No.rwich (22 couples), John Ernest Cooke esq. master & H. Beard esq. master, secretary & huntsman; C.
huntsman; George David Gowing esq. sec.; Bertram Leach, whip; kennels, Upper Stoke, Norwich; hunting
Harmer & W. Sturman, whips; kennels, Brooke, Nor- days, tues. & fri
wich; hunting days, mon. & thurs Norfolk North (2o in. Stud Book Harriers) (25 couples),
~A. P. Robinson & G. I. Bullard esgrs. masters &
Foxum:Nns. huntsmen; H. N. Bridgwater esq. hon. sec.; G.
Norfolk West (45 couples), Capt. John Francis Champion Andrews, kennel huntsman; kennels, Hanworth Com-
lLV.O. master & huntsman; Sir Somerville A. Gurney mon; hunting days, tues. & fri
K.C.V.O. & Capt. Campbell, secs.; A. Johnson, kennel
huntsman & rst whip; F. Badham, 2nd whip; kennels,
Rougham, Swafibam; hunting days, mon. wed. & fri BEAGLES.
HARRIERS. Mr. Birkbeck's (14, in. Stud Book Beagles) (r5 couples),
Downham (2I in. Stud Book Harriers) (r5 couples), H. A. Birkbeck esq. master, sec. & huntsman; F.
.Albert E. H. Birch esq. J .P. master; Harry R. B. 1
J. Knight esq. whip; kennels, East Walton, King's
Wayman esq. sec.; F. Billen, huntsman; J. Hawkins, Lvnn
whip; kennels, Tottenhill, King's Lynn; hunting days,
wed. & sat I


Local Government Act, I888, sr & 52 Vict. c. 41.
Under the above Act, Norfolk (except the county The coroners for the county are elected by the County
boroughs of Norwich and Great Yarmouth) is a Council, and the clerk of the peace appointed by the
separate and distinct administrative county (sec. standing joint committee, and may be removed by
46-1b), governed by a County Council, consisting of them (sec. 83-2).
I8 aldermen and 57 councillors. The clerk of the peace for the county is ihe clerk of
The chairman, by virtue of hia office, is a justice of the h Co "I ( )
peace for the county, without qualification (sec. 46). t e County unci sec. 83-I ·
The police for the county is under the control of a stand- The admirustrative businEss formerly transacted by
ing joint committee of the Quarter Sessions and the the justices ia transacted by the County Council.
County Council,appointed as therein mentioned (sec. g).
Meet at Norwich, 1st Sat. in Jan. April, July & Oct.
Chairman-John Sancroft Holmes J.P. Gawdy hall, Harleston, Norfolk.
Vice-Chairman-Earl of Kimberley, Witton park, North Wah,ham.

Retire in 1913· Retire in 1916.

Fellowes Rt. Hon. Sir ~~ilwyn Edward P.C., K.C.V.O., Bugden John Henry J .P. Suffield, Aylsham
J.P. Honingham hall, Norwich Colman Russell James D.L., J.P. Crown Point, Norwich
Hyde Col. Hy. Elwin V.D.,J.P.Moorgate ho.Ea. Dereham Copeman Alfred George J.P. Dunham lodge, Little
Johnson William J.P. Bentinck farm, Terrington St. Dunham, Swaffham
Clements. King's Lynn Holmes John Sancroft J.P. Gawdy . hall, Harleston
le Strange Hamon D.L., J.P. Hunstanton hall,Hunstantn King Robert J.P. 76 Grove road, Norwich
Millington Frederick Handel J .P. Mill house, Thetford Lee-Warner Henry J.P. The Paddocks, Swaffham
Nugent Sir Edmund Charles hart. D.L., J.P. West Mason Robert Harvey D.L., J.P. Necton hall, Necton
Harling hall, Thetford Sapwell Benjamin Beckham, Sankence, .Aylsham
Oldman Stephen J.P. Fern house, Earls street, Thetford TJpcher Henry Morris D.L., J.P. Sheringham hall,
Phillips Thomas, Shipdham, Thetford Sheringham
Waters Henry James, Ambleside, Thorpe road, Norwich

Electoral Division. Names & Addres~es. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses.
Acle .•................ Benj. Chas. Sntton, Freethorpe, Norwich Hunstanton ........ . John William Beeton, Rockla.nd, Glebe
Attleborough ...... Robert J essup, Borough Common, avenue,New Hunstanton, King'sLynn
Attleborough King's Lynn : -
Aylsharn ............ Charles John Littlewood, Whitwell hall, Middle Ward ... Reginald Oliver Ridley, St. Ma.rgaret's,
Skeyton, Norwich King's Lynu
Blofield ..•.•....... Delaval Graham L'Estraoge Astley J.F. North Ward ..... . Edwin Dunn, Tuesday Market place,
Little Plumstead hall, Norwich King's Lynn
Bunwell .....••..... William Bowles Colman, Kendal lodge, South Ward .....• John Bardell,Goodwin's rd.King's Lynn
Carleton Rode, Attleborough Lite ham ............ . Albert Collison J.P. Mileham hall,
Burnharn.... .. ... ... D,miel Sear le, Hurnham Market, King's Swaffham
. Loddon ...... ......... . William Carr M.A., J.P. Ditchingham
Buxton ............... Lt. -Col. Edmund Roger Allday Kerrison hall, Bungay
RA., C.M.G., J.P. 67 Mill Hill road, Mattishall ••••••••• Edward Henry •
Evans-LombeJ.P. Thick-
Norwich thorn, Hethersett, Norwich
Cromer ............... Daniel Davison J. P. Woodford house, Melton Constable.. Waiter Towler, Edgefield, Melton
Jetty street, Cromer Constable
Dereham ..•......... Thomas Cranmer, East DPreham Mundford .....•.•.... John Banham Mitchell, Oxborough,
Diss .................. Thomas Keppel J. P. Scole house, Scole Stoke Ferry
Ditchingham ...... Nicholaq Henry Hacon n. L., .r. P. Raven- Reepham .......... . Benjamin Edmonds Wyand, Great
ing ham hall, Norwich. Witchingham, Norwich
Docking ............ Herbert A. Day, 82 Newmarket road, Sabam Toney ..... . William Benj. Taylor, Wa.tton, Thetford
Norwich St. Faith's : -
Downham -····· ... Lt.-Col. ~ir Thomas Leigh Hare bart. Eastern ..•...... Sir Eustace Gurney J. P. Sprowston hall,
M.v.o., J.P. Stow hall, Downham Norwich
Market Western ........• Thomas Barrett-Lennard J.P. Norwich
Elmham ............ Sir George Ralph Leigh Hare hart. D.L., road, Horsford, ~orwich
J.P. Gressenhall hous~. East Dereham Shipdham ......... Maj. Alexander Francis Evans-Lombe
Fakenham ......... AlgernonOigby M.A.Hightield,Fakenharn J.P. Catton house, Norwich
I<'eltwell ............ Henry Edward Sparke Upcher B.A., J. P. North Smallburgh George Pilgrim, Edingthorpe, North
.East hall, Feltwell, Hrandon Wal.sham
Fincham ...........• Albert Edwa.rd Henry Birch B.A., J.P. South Smallburgh Georl?e Frederick Boddy, Beech farm,
Watlington hall, Downharn Market Ludharn, Yarmouth
East I<"legg ......... Charles William Waters J.P. Herringby Southrepps .•....... Ernest George Owles, Gimingham hall,
hall, Stokesby, Great Yarmouth North Walsham
West Flegg ........• Herbert Wilson Jeary, Martharn, Gt. Stratton ..........•. Horace Henry Goldsmith, Pulham St.
Yarmouth Mary Magdaleu, Harleston
FreebridgeLynn:- · Swaffham ......... James Geo•·ge Culling J. P. London st.
North ............ Charles Dewar J.P. Great Massingham Swaffham
Abbey, King's Lynn Terrington ......... Watson Failes J. P. The Limes, Tilney
South ............ George .Edwards, Wensum house, St. Lawrence, King's Lynn
Hempton, Fakenham Thetford ..•.....•... Arthur Gayford Cronshey, Wereham
East Guiltcross ... Cohn Hateman, Connaught rd.At.tleboro' house, White Hart street, Thetford
West Guiltcross ... Edwd.Mornement,EastHarling,Thetford Upwell .............•. NathanBoothJ.P.Outwellhouse,Wisbech
Harleston ............ Alfd. Taylor J. P.Starston Place,Harleston North Walsham ... The .Earl of Kimberley J. P. Witton park,
Henstead ............ Richd. Harrison Denny J. P. Manor Farm North Walsha.m
. house, Framingham Pigot, Norwich Walsingham ...... Neale Florence Reginald Rippingall J.P.
Hilgay ............... Edward Roger ~Iurray Pratt B.A., J.P. Manor cottage, Langham. Blakeney
Rvston hall, Down ham Market Walsoken ........... Rev_ John Young, Rectory, Walsoken,
Hingharn . ········-· George William Thompson, Mill house, Wisbech
Marlingford, Norwich Watton ......•....... Wm. Whalebelly J.P. Watton, Thetford
Holt ........•......... Lord Hastings J. P. Melt<m Constable Wells ..•..•.••.... -.... Herbert. Augustine Dewing, Mill holl9e,
park, Melton Constable Wells-next-Sea
Humbleyard ...... George William Rackham, Hill house, Wymondham ...... William Rernad Fryer J.P. Browick
Hethel, Norwich hall, W ymondham


Name. Electoral Division., Name. Electoral Division.

Astley D. G. L'E. J.P ............ Blofield · llareLieut. -Col. Sit T. L.
H~con N. H. J.P ... ,. ........ _..... , D1tchingham bart. M.-y.o., J.P ........... ~...- Downham
Bardell J ........................... King'e Lynn (South Ward) Hastings Lord J.F ........ ~ ...... Holt
Barrett-Lennard T. J.P ......... Western ~t. Faith's Jeary H. \V ........................ West Flegg
Ba.teman Colin ..................... East Guiltcross Jessup R .. ,............. , .. , .. , ....... Attleborough
Beeton J. W ........................ Hunstanton Keppel T. J.P ..................... Diss
Birch A. E. H. B.A., J.P ......... Fincham Kerrison Lt.-Col. .E. R. A. R.A.,
Boddy G. F ........................ South Smallburgh c.M.G., ;J.P ..................... Buxton
Booth N. J.'P .•·................... ~, Upwell Kimberley Earl of,"J.P .•••.• , • .,. North Walsham
Carr W. M.A.., l.P .................. Loddon Littlewood C. J ....... ~···· .. •····• Aylsham
Collison A. J.P ..................... Litcham Mitchell J. B ......... ,.ro·····•·•·• Mundford
Colman W. B ...................... Runwell I Mornement E ..................... West Guiltcross
Cranmer T .......................... Dereham Owles E .............................. Southrepps
Cronshey A. G-: ............. .'...... Thetford Pilgrim G ........................... North Smallburgh,
Culling J. G. ;r.P .................. Swaffham Pratt E. R. M. B.A., J.J' ......... Hilgay
Davison D. J.P ..................... Cromer Rackham G. W .................. Humbleyard
Day H. A. ........................... Docking Ridley R. 0 ........................ King's Lynn (Middle Ward)
Denny R. H. J.P .................. Henstead Rippingall N. F. H. J.P ......... Walsingham
Dewar Charles J.~ ............... Freebridge Lynn (North) Searle D ........................... Burnham
Dewing H. A ........... ! ......... Wells Sutton B. C ......................... Acle
Digby- A. iJ.P ........................ Fakenham Taylor A. J.P ......_...... ,; ...... Harleston
Dunn E .............................. King's Lynn (North Ward) Taylor W. B ...................... ,. Sahlim Tooey
Edwards G ............ 1 . . . . . . . . . . Freebridge Lynn (South) Thompson G. W ................... Hingharn
Evans-Lombe Maj. A. F. J.P ... Shipdham Towler W ............................ Melton Constable
Evans-Lombe E. H. oJ.P ......... Mattishall Upcher H. E. S. B.A.~ J.P ...... Feltwell
Failes W. oJ.F ..................... Terrington Waters C. W. J.P.................. East Flegg
Fryer W. B. J.P .................. Wymondham Whalebelly W. J.P ............... Watton
Goldsmith H. H ................... Stratton Wyand B. E ........................ Reepham
Gurney Sir E. J.P ............... Eastern St. Faith's Young Rev. J ...................... Walsok.en
Hare Sir Cf. R. L. bart. D.L., J.P Elmharn

~ierk to the County Council, G. Christopher Davies, The Reginald Bland Wayman M.A. Bridg~ street, Down--
Shire house, Norwich ham; deputy, W. J. Hynen, Nelson house, Downham;
Deputy Clerk,. Olerk of the Diseases of Animals Com- Thetford district, Odden Fredc. Read, High st. Milden-
mittee & Old Age Pensions Cdmmittee, Hugh Ohristo- hall; deputy, Geo. Odden Read, White Hart st.Thetford
pher Davies, The Shire house, Norwich High Constables.-West 'Flegg, Robert Kidman esq.
County Treasurer, Geoffrey F. Buxton, The Bank, Repps, Norwich; East Flegg, Knights Francis Daniel
Norwich esq. Stokesby, Norwich
County Analysts, Francis Sutton F.C.S., F.I.C. & W, Inspectors of Weights & Measures.-Central Norfolk,
Lincolne Sutton F.I.C. Redwell street, Norwich John Ryley, 17 Norwich road, East Dereham; East
Medical Officer of Health, James Thomas Charles Nash Norfolk, A. Robinson, 24 Princes street, Norwich;
M.D., C.M.Edin., D.P.H.Camb. The Shire ho.use, West Norfolk, William Bertrand Barry, Gaywood rd.
Norwich · King's Lynn
County Accountant, H. C. Bolingbroke, The Shire house, District Surveyors, with Districts.-Acle, Reginald
.Norwich George Ooates, Acle, Norwich; Aylsham, Donalcl
County Surveyor, Thomaf! Hind Blumer Heslop M.Inst. Henry Steward C.E., M.R.San.Inst. Oawston road,
C.E~ The Shire house, Norwich Aylsham; Castleacre, Robert Gibson, Gayton, King' I.!
Lyllill; Dereham, David J ohnson, South Green, East
Education Staff : - Dereham; Docking, James Kennedy, Docking; Down-
Secretary Education Committee, Thomas A. Cox, The ham, W. A. Rogerson, Downham Market; Harling
Shire house, Norwich East, William W. Glad well, Diss; Loddon, John S.
Assistant Secretary, A. E. Ikin B.Sc., LL.B. The Shire Cooke, Loddon, Norwich; Marshland, Robert Nelson,
house, Norwich . Magdalen road, W atlington, Downham Market ; W al-
Assistant Medical Officers, Niel Campbell M.B., O.M. singham, D. Spields, Sculthorpe road, Fakenham;
Glas., D.P.H.R.O.P.S.Eng. David James McLeish Watton, Thomas Brown, The Firs, Ashill, Thetford;
M.A., M.D., Ch. B. Glas., D.P .H. Edin. & Glas. & Ores- Wymondham, Alexander Fowler, Vicar street, Wy-
well Burrows M.A. 1 M.D., B.O.Camb. The Shire house, mondham
Building Inspector, C. W. Bullen, The Shire house, Veterinary Inspectors under the "Diseases of Animals
Norwich Acts," with their Districts ;-No. :1, Harry Vincent
County Inspector, .A. E. Deeks, The Shire house,Norwich Low M.R.C.V.'S. I~ St. Giles street, Norwich; No.
:;~, William Shipley, jun. F.R.O.V.S. 28 Southtowtl
road, Great Yarmouth; No. 3, George King Wake
Lady Inspector of Midwives, Miss F. M. Bernard-Boyce 'M.R.C.V.S. 5~ Norwich str~t, East Dereham; No. 4•
M.R.B.N.A., L.O.S.Assoc. The Shire house, Norwich Miles Augustu!l Baker M.R.O.V.S. Church farm,
Estate .Agent & Assistant Clerk to the Small lloldings & Emneth, Wisbech; No. 5, Edward Margarson
Allotments Committee, D. C. Barnard B.A., lL.E., M.R.C.V.S. Market place, Swaffham; No. 6, Bernard
P.A.S.I. The Shire house, Norwich William Blomfield M.R.O.V.S. West house, Watton,
Coroners for the County.-Norwich district, Henry Read Thetford; No. J, Gordon Mclntyre, Loddon, Norwich;
Culley, 12 Bank street, Norwich; deputy, Charles No. 8, Arthur Roll M.R.C.V.S. New Buckenham,
Blackwell Foster, ~ Upper King street, Norwich; Attleborough; No. g, George Grigson M.R.C.V.S.
West Norfolk district, Robert Alfred Wilkin, King London road, Downham Market j No. ID, Malcolm Bray
-street, King's Lynn; deputy, John Samuel B. Glasier, M.R.C.V.S. Manor house, Docking, King's Lynn; No.
King street, Kmg's Lynn ; the Liberty of the Duchy II, Thomas Edward Barcham M.R.C.V.S. Paston,
of Lancaster, Waiter May Barton, Guildhall, Dere- North Walsham; No. u, Daniel Elmer Rattee
ham; deputies, Walte~ John Rarton & Charles M.B.C.V.S. Fundenhall, Norwich; No. 13, John
Thomas Barton, Guildhall, East Dereham; the Duke .Buckingham M.R.C.V.S. The Limes, Harleston; No.
of Norfolk's Liberty, Henry Edwin Garrod, Mount 14, Jeffrey Arthur Griffiths M.R.C.V.S. Hill house,
street, Diss; Guy Edward Knightley Burne, Mount Feltwell, Brandon; No. 15, John Hammond, sen.
street, Diss (joint coroners); deputy, Roland Henry M.R.O.V.S. Bale, Melton Constable;. No. 16, Wilfred
Bouchier Wilson, Mount street, Diss; the Liberty of Waters M.R.C.V.S. Blofield, Norwich; No. 17, Thomas
Sir Thomas Leigh Hare bart. comprising ~he whole of Edward Auger M.B.C.V.S. Cock street, Wyrnond-
the Hundred of Clackclose, & also Coroner for the ham; No. 18, F .. Bertie Oden Taylor M.R. C. V. S.
Liberty of Charles Watson Townley esq. comprising Reepham, Norwich; No. rg, Willia.m J. T. Bower
the whole of the Half Hundred of Clackclose, Harry M.R.C.V.S. East Rudham, King's Lynn


THE EARL OF LEICESTER G.C. V.O., C. M. G. Holkham hall, Wells; & 67 Grosvenor street, London W.


COLOl'iEL HE~RY ELWI~ HYDE, V.D. :Woorgate house, East Dereham.
WILLIAM CARR Esq. M.A. Ditchingham hall, Bungay.
HAl\ION le STRANGE Esq. The Hall, Old Hunstanton.

Marked thus • are also Deputy Lieutenants.

Adair Capt. Sir Frederick Edward Shafto bart. Flixton - Brett George esq. Quebec street, East Dereham
hall, Bungay Brown John Percival esq. Crimplesham hall, Downham
*.Albemarle Earl of K.C.V.O., C.B. Quidenham hall, Bryant Robert .Aldrich esq. Mount street, Diss
Attleborough; & 39 Belgrave square, London S W Bugden John Henry esq. Elm farm, Suffield, Aylsham
Alexander John Edmund, 30 College road, Norwich Bulwer William Dering Earle esq. Heydon, Norwich
Alien Richard esq. The Chestnuts, Wiggenhall, St. Burrell Charles, jun. esq. Shrublands, Thetford
Germans, Lynn Burroughes Henry Randall esq.Burlingham hall,Norwich
.A.mes Maj. Oswald Hy. Manor ho. Thornham,King's Lynn Bury Viscount, Quidenham, Attleborough
Anger stein John Richard J ulius esq. Holbrook house, Buscall Robert Henley esq. Manor llouse, Griston, Wat-
VVincanton, Somerset ton, Thetford
• Ashburton Lord, The Grange, N orthington, Alresford, Buxton Edward Gurney esq. B.A. Catton hall, Old
Hants Catton, Norwich
Astley Delaval Graharn L'Estrange esq. Plumstead hall, Buxton Geuffrey Fowell esq. V.D. Dunston hall, Norwich
Norwich Buxton Right Hon. Sydney Charles M.P. 5 Buckingham
*Bacon Nicholas Henry esq. Raveningham hall, Norwich gate, London S W
*Bagge Sir Alfred Thomas hart. (late R.N. ), Stradsett *Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. G.C.M.G., V.D.
hall, Downham Market Warlies, Waltham Abbey, Essex
Bagge Major Richard Ludwig D.S.O. Gaywood hall, Buxton ·waiter Louis esq. Marsham, Norwich
King's Lynn Cadogan Earl K.G., P.C. Culford hall, Bury St. Ed-
Bailey Arthur Anthony William esq. Wramplingham munds ; & Chelsea house, Cadogan place, London SW
hall, Wymondham Cannell George Waiter esq. Hardley, Norwich
Barclay Francis Hubert esq. The Warren, Cromer *Canterbury Viscount, Brooke house, Brooke, Norwich
*Barclay Col. Henry Albert C.V.O., A.JD.C. Hanworth Carr William esq. M.A. (chairman of quarter sessions),
hall, Norwich Ditchingham hall, Bungay
Barclay Hugh Gurney esq. M.V.O. Colney hall, Norwich Carter Jn. Burroughes esq. Manor ho.Northwold, Brandn
Barrett-Lennard Thomas esq. Horsford manor. Norwich Cator John esq. M.P. Woodbastwick hall, Norwich
Bar~y Wilham James esq. Witchingham hall, Norwich Champion William Needham Longden esq. Riddlesworth
Bay ne J ames Ern est esq hall, Thetford
Beauchamp Sir Edward bart. M.P. Elderton lodge, Clarke James .Alexander esq. Burfield hall, Wymondham
Gunton, Norwich; & 26 Grosvenor place, London SW Clowes Fras. esq. The Hall, Button, Stalham, Norwich
Beauchamp Sir Reginald Proctor bart. Langley park, Uockett John esq. The Chestnuts, Walsoken, Wisbech
Norwich Cohen Nigel Heathcote esq. The Lodge, Burnham,
*Bedingfeld Sir Henry Edward Paston- hart. Oxborough Norton, King's Lynn
hall, Stoke Ferry Coke Viscount, Sowley, Lymington, Rants .
Bennett John Rose e~q. Ashville, Downharn MarkE!t Uollison Albert esq. The Hall. Mileham, Swaffham
*Bignold Chas. Arth. Bathurst esq. Eaton hall, Norwich Collison William Thomas esq. East Bilney, Swaffham
Birch Albert Edward Henry esq. Watlington hall, Down- Collyer William R. esq. I.S.O. Hackford hall, Reepham,
ham Market Norwich
Bircham Samuel esq. Moor house, Reepham *Colman Russell Jarnes esq. Crown Point, Norwich
*Birkheck William John esq. Stratton Strawless hall, Copeman Alfred George esq. Dunham lodge, Swaffbam
Norwich Corbould-Warren Rev. John Warren LL.M. Tacolnestou
Birrell Rt. Hon. Augustine K.C., M.P. The Pig:htle, Old hall, Norwich
Sheriugham; & 70 Elm Park road, London SW Cozens-Hardy .Arthnr Wrigley esq. Cley hall, Cley
Blake W illiam Reitland esq. Billingford hall, North Cozens-Hardy Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Hardy P.C. (chair-
Elmham, Elmham man of Quarter SessioiU!), Letheringsett hall, Holt
Blake-Humfrey Lt.-Col. Thomas, Heggatt hall, Horstead, *Cranw>orth Lord, Grundisburgh, Woodbridge, Suffolk
Norwich Crawshay Richard Wood esq. Scole lodge, Scole
Bland Francis Maltby esq. Inglethorpe manor, Emneth, Cremer John Edmund esq.Sparham house,near Norwich
Wisbech Cremer WyndhamCremer esq.Sheringham ho.Sheringhm
Blofeld .John Calthorpe esq. Iloveton house, Wroxham Crisp John Edwin esq. Homefield, Beccles
Blofeld Rev. Robert Singleton M.A. Rectory, Sparham, Crisp John Robert esq. Kirby Cane hall. Bungay
Norwich Crossley Rt. Hon. Sir Savile Brinton hart. P.C., M.V.O.
*Boileau. Sir Maurice Colborne bart. Ketteringham Somerleyton hall, Lowestoft
park, Wymondham Cubitt Edward George esq. Honing hall, Norwich
Boileau Major Raymond Frederic, The Grange, Funden- Cubitt Major Frank .Astley, Thorpe hall, Norwich
hall, Norwich Cuddon-Fletcher Bernard James esq. Somerton hall,
Bolton Waiter Henry esq. Oulton hall, Aylsham Great Yarmouth
Booth Nathan esq. Outwell house, Wisbech Culling James George esq. London street, Swaffham
Bowden-Smith Frederic Herbert esq. Vere lodge, South Currie Lt . ..Col. John Wm. Evington place, Ashford,Kent
Raynham, Fakenham Curson George Robins 0 n esq. Hempton grove, Fakenharn
Bmndreth Rev. Henry, Dicklebnrgh, Scale Custance Col. Fredc. Hambleton C.B. Weston, Norwich
Daniel Thomas Brow ne Francis esq. Woodlands, Gres- Hardcastle Joseph ~\lfred esq. 54 Queensgate ter. London
senhall, Dereham * Sir George Ralph Leigh hart. Gressenhall house,
Darby Rev. George Dereham
Dashwood Robert esq. Geldeston, Beccles *Hare Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas Leigh hart. M.V.O. Stow
Davy John Davy Wright esq. The Gables, South hall, near Downham
W ootton, King's Lynn - Hargreaves John Reginald esq. D1·inkstone park, Bury
Davison Daniel e.sq. Woodford house, Jetty st. Cromer St. Edmunds
Dawbarn Edmand esq. Tolcarne, Boston sq. Hunstanton Barker William esq. Blofield hall, Norwich
Dawson Col. .Algernon Cecil, Manor ho. Catton, Norwich Hart Rev. Hy. Chichele B . .A. Rectory, Cranwich,Mundfrd
De Chair Rev. Canon Frederick Blackett M ...l. 128 New- Harvey Cui. Sir Charles bal"t. Rainthorpe hall, Norwich
market road, Norwich Harvey Rev. Edward Douglas Lennox M.A. Heeding-
Denny Richard Harrison e_sq. Manor Farm house, Fram- wood, Horsham, Sussex
ingham Pigot, ~orwich Harvey Lt.-Col. John Robert D.S.O. Holmwood, Thorpe
de Poix Edmond .Albert J oseph Edouard Marie Tyrel Hamlet, Norwich
esq. Broome Place, near Bungay Hastings Lord, Melton Constable hall, Melton Con-
Dewar Charles esq. Gt. Massingham abbey, King's Lynn stable; & 22 Rutland court, Kensington rd.London SW
Dewing Richard William esq. The Laurels, Norwich rd. Hawkins Edwd. Cresar esq. Shelton hall, Long Stratton
Fakenham Helsham Gustavus esq. Junior Carlton club, London SW
Digby Capt. Henry .Almarus R.N. North Runcton lodge, Hemsworth .Augustus Noel Campbell esq. Shropham
.1\:ing's Lynn hall, Thetford
Donovan .Alexander esq. Carbrooke hall, Thetford Herring Lt.-Col. Wm. Narborough house, near Swaffham
Dugmore Hy.Norris Pratt esq.Hagthorpe hall,King'sLynn Hervey Matthew Wilson esq. East Bilney hall, Dereham
Dunell Owen Robert esq. Garboldisham manor, East Hewitt Charles Young esq. Eastmoor, Barton Bendish,
Harling, Thetford Stoke Ferrv•
*Edis Col. Robert William C.B. The Old hall, Grea.t Hicks Rev. William Henry
Ormesby, Yarmo!lth Hoare Sir Samuel hart. Sidestrand hall, near Cromer
*Edwards Major William Mm·daunt Marsh V.O. Har- Hoare Samuel John Gurney esq. M.P. Sidestrand hall,
dingham hall, Attleborough ne-ar Cromer; & 59 Draycott place, London .S W
Elsden-Everard Raoul Charles Finch esq. Congham Hollway-Calthrop Henry Calthrop esq. Stanhoe grange,
hall, King's Lynn King's Lynn
Elwes Robert Hamond Arthur esq. Little Congham, Holmes Gervas esq
King's Lynn Holmes John Sancroft esq. Gawdy hall, Harleston
English .Arthur William esq. Walsoken home, Wisbech Holmes Commander Thomas R.N. Junior United Service
Evans-Lombe Major .Alex. Francis, Catton ho. Norwich club, London SW
*EYans-Lombe Edward Henry esfl. Thickthorn, Norwich Hughes David Watkin esq. Market place, Wymoudbam
E'·erard Col. Hugh Edmund Elsdea, North WoottDn Hunt Waiter Freeman esq
lod"e~ '
. Hurnard Hamilton Hawtrey esq. Gurney's manor,
Failes Wahon esq. The Limes, Tilney St. Lawrence, Hingham, Attleborough
King's Lynn Hyde Col. Henry Elwin V.D. (chairman of Quarter
Feilden Col. Henry Wemyss C.B. Roppynden, Burwash, Sessions), Moorgate house, Dereham
Etchingham, Sussex Ingleby Holcombe esq. M . .A., M.P. Sedgeford hall,
Fellowes Rt. Hon. Sir .Ailwyn Edward P.C., K.C.V.O. King's Lynn
Honingham hall, Norwich lrby Lt.-Col. Fredk. Arthur, Boyland hall,Long Stratton
Fellowe1 Charles .Arthur esq. B . .A. Ranger's lodge, Jarvis Lt.-Col. Alexander Weston C.M.G., M.V.O. 36
Charlhury, Oxfordshire Upper GrosYenor street, London W
Fellowes Edward John esq. 129 Ebury st. London SW *J&.ry Major Robert Herbert Heath, The Hall, South
*Fellowes Robert esq. Shotesham park, Norwich Walsham St. Mary, Norwich
Fellows Rev. Spencer, Rectory, Pulham St. Mary Mag- Jerningham Stafford Henry esq. Costessey hall, Norwich
dalen, Harle.ston Jessup Robert esq. Borough farm, Attleborough
ffolkes Rev. Francis Arthur Stanley -B.A. Rectory, Hil- Jickling Rev. Francis M.A. Smallburgh hall, Norwich
lington, King's Lynn *Jodrell Sir Alfred bart. Bayfield hall, HoU
ffolke<~ George Howe Browne esq. Manor house,Wolferton, J ohnson William esq. Bentinck farm, Terrington St.
King's Lynn ClemPnts, King's Lynn ·
Ficklin Philip Berney esq. Tasburgh hall, Norwich Jones Major Champion
F1 ancis Capt. Harold Hugh, Manor house,Long Stratton Jones Sir Lawrence Jn. bt. Athenreum club, London SW
Frere John Tudor esq. B ..A. The Friarage, Roydon, Diss Kemp Sir Kenneth Hagar hart. The Close, Norwich
Fryer John Richardson esq Kendrew John Anthony esq. The Ollands, Reepham,
Fryer William Bernard esq. Browick hall, Wymondham Norwich
Fulton Sir Forrest K.C., LL.B. 'l'he Cottage,Sheringham Kennedy Lieut.-Col. Thomas Francis .Archibald Watson-,
Garnctt Herbert esq. Middleton, King's Lynn Wiveton hall, Cley
Gay James esq. Thurning hall, East Dereham Kenyan John George esq. Gillingham ha.ll, Beccles
Gaymer John esq. Birchwood, North Walsham Keppel Bertram William Arnold esq.Lexham hall,Swaffhm
Gedge Rev. John Denny B . .A. The Rectory, felham road, Keppel Col. Edward George, The Grange, Sprowston,
Gravesend, Kent Norwich
Gilbert Col. Herbert Henry B.A. Branksome, Lyndhurst Keppel Thomas esq. Scale house, Scale
road, Lowestoft Keppt:n Major William George, Old Buckenham grange,
Gilbert Robert Thomas Edwin esq. Ashby hall, Norwich .Attleborough
Gordan James Alexander esq. L.R.C.P.Edin. The Manor Kerrison Lt.-Col. Edmund Roger Allday R.A. (retired),
house, Ludharn, Great Yarmouth · C.M.G. 76 'Mill Hill road, Norwich
Green Sir Edwd. bart. Ken Hill,Snettisham,King's Lynn Ketton Ro·bert William esq. Felbrigg hall, Norwich
Green Harry Priestley esq. Caistor hall, Norwich Kimberley Earl of, Witton park, North Walsham; & 37
G re gory Step hen esq. Tilney .All Saints, King's Lynn & 38 St. James' place, London SW
Groom Col. John Edmund, Warborough house, Stiffkey, King Robert esq. 76 Grove road, Norwich
Wells, Norfolk Knight Edward esq. Keswick Old hall, Norwich
Gurney Sir Eustace, Sprowston hall, Norwich Ladell Henry Richard esq. Ivy cottage, North Walsham
Gurney Gerard Hudson esq. Keswick hall, Norwich La Fontaine James Stephen Edward esq. 149 Newmarket
*Gurney John Henry esq. Keswick ball, Norwich road, Norwich
Gurney Robert esq. Ingham Old hall, Stalham Lawson Oharles esq
*Gurney Sir Somerville Arthur K.C.V.O., V.D. North Lee-Warner Henry esq. The Paddocks, Swaffham
Runcton hall, Lynn Lee Warner Henry esq. Walsim;ham abbey, Walsingham
Haclier George John esq. The Grange, Ormesby, Great Lee-Warner Rev. Jas. M ..A. Tborpland hall, Fakenham
Ya •·n1 cm th Leicester Earl of G.C.V.O., C.M.G. (Lord Lieut.), Balk-
Haggard Sir Henry Rider, Ditchingham house, Bungay ham hall, Wells; & 67 Grosvenor street, London W
Ha[!!!ard Sir William Henrv• Doveton K.C.M.G., C.B. Le Neve Foster Bernard esq. Hillside.Dor1nans Pk.Surrey
Bradenham hall, Thetford *le Strang£1 Hamon esq. (chairman of Quarter Sessions),
H ~mond Ch:1s. Annesley esq. Twyford hall, East Dereham Hunstanton hall, Hunstanton
Hamond Thomas Astley Horace esq. The .Abbey, West *le Strange Roland esq. Hunstanton hall, Hunstanton
.\ere, Swaffham Lindley Lord P.C. The Lodge, Earl Carleton, Norwich
Hanbury Hon. Charles Stanhope Melville Ba trman, Lindley Maj.-Gen. Hon. John Edward, The Lodge, East
Breccles, Attleborough Carleton, Norwich
Harbord Col. Hon. Chas. C.B., M.V.O.Gunton pk.Norwch Longe Col. Francis Bacon R.E., C.B. Junior Unitrd
Harbord Philip esq. Bulmer Tye, Sudbury j Service club, London S W
Looker William esq. Margaretta house, Clenchwarton, Sewell John William esq. Saxlingham lodge, Norwich
Kmg'11 Lynn Sewell Philip Edward esq. Dudwick cottage, Buxton
Lucas Chades Belgrave esq. Filby house, near Great *Seymour Charles Derick esq. B.A. Barwick house, Stan-
Yarmouth hoe, King's Lynn
Mack Hugh Paston esq. Northwold lodge, Brandon Shepheard Philip Candler esq. Aylsbam
Mack Thumas esq. Naval & Military club, London W Sheringham Hubert Valentine esq. Sth. Creake,Faknhm
Mackenzie Edward Philippe esq. Downham hall, Bran- Slippoo- Thomas esq. Braydeston hall, Norwich
don, Suffolk Sly John William!l esq. Bexwell house, Downharn Market
Mahon Wm. Barford esq. Swiss vil. Docking,King's Lynn Smith George Frederick esq . .Staithe street, Wells
Malcolm Sir James William hart. Tostock Place, near *Smith Hy. esq. Luxor lodge, Elsworthy rd. London :NW
Bury St. Edmunds Smith Rev. Reginald M.A. Vicarage, Walpole St
Mallins Henry esq. M.B . .Khyber house, Watton,Thetford Andrew, Wisbech
Mann Sir Edward hart. Thelvehm hall, Scole Smith Wm. Rayson esq. Elmhurst,Redenhall rd.Harlestiii
Mann Rubert Campbell esq. V.D. Wainford house, Ditch- Spurrell Edmund Denham esq. Manor house, Bessing
ingham, Bungay ham, Norwich
Manning Rev. Charles Upwood M.A. Rectory, Diss Spurrell John Thomas esq. Horsford, Norwich
Marcun J uhn esq Stedman James Hy. esq. Gt. Plnmstead house, Norwich
• Mars ham Majur Henry Savill. Rippon hall, Having- Steward John Henry esq. East Car le ton manor, Mul-
ham, ~orwich barton, Norwich
Martin J ust>ph Critchley esq. Narborough hall,Swaffham Steward Reginald esq. B.A. Old hall, Norwich
*.Masun Rubert Harvey esq. Necwn ball, Swaffham Stocks Michael esq. Woodhall, Hilgay, Downham
Memle Capt. John Percy, Earsbam ball, Bungay Strachan Charles Heacham hall, King's Lynn
Meredith William Appleton esq. F.R.C.S. Little Massing-*Suffield Lord G.C.V.O., K.C.B.. P.C. Harbord ihonse.
ham manor, King's Lynn Cromer; & 4 -Manchester square, London W
Mills J USl ph Trueman esq. Stockgrove,Leighton BuzzardSuttou Benj. Chas. esq. Manor farm, Freethorpe,Norwch
& Clermont lodge, B:rnndon Tacon Richard Charles esq. B.A. Rectory, Rollesby,
Montgomerie- Major George Frederick Molineaux-, Gar- Great Yarmouth
baldisb.J.m hall, The1:ford Tacon Rev. Richard John M.A. Rectory, Rollesby, Great
Montgomery Henry Greville esq. M.P. The Lodge, Hac- Yarmouth
ton. North W alsham Ta.con Sir Thomas Henry, Red house, Eye, Suffolk
Morrice Frederick Lancelot Hamilton esq. Brampton Taylor Alfred esq. Starston Place, near Harleston
hall, Wangford, Suffolk Taylor l''rancis esq. Mount street, Diss
'*Morris Sydney esq Taylor George William esq. Pickenham hall, Swaffham
Mott John Stanley e.sq. B'<lrningham hall, Norwich Taylor Henry Morse esq. The Rookery, Dilham, Norwich
Ne 1\ come Edward Cyrill esq. Felt well hall, Brandon Temple-Lynes Charles Johnson esq. Blakeney
Ne""digate Major-Gen. H. R. L., C.B. Aylsham Thursby Rev. Harvey William Gustavus M.A. Burgh
Newling William Alfred esq. Boyce Bridge, Outwell rd. Apton, Norwich
WiRbech Tillett Louis John esq. Old Catton, Norwich
Noel Ernest esq. Hingham hall, Hingham, Attleborough *Townshend Marquis, 78 Avenue road, Regent's park,.
Noel Admiral of the Fleet Sir Gerard Henry Uchtred London N W
K.C.B., K.C.M.G. The Moat, Fincham, Downham Trafford William Henry esq ,
Norris William Edward esq. Wood Norton, Dereham •Tuck George Hustler esq. 3B Bracondale, Norwich

*Nugent Sir Edmund Charles bart. West Harling hall, Underdown Harry Charles Baillie esq. Buckenham Toft•
Thetford hall, Muudford
Nugent Col. George Colborne M.V.O. West Harling hall, Unthank Lt.-Col. Clement Willia:::n Joseph,Intwood hall.
Thetford Norwich
Oduy John George esq. The Lodge, Halt Upcher Henry Edward Sparke esq. B..i. East hall, Felt-
O.dman Stephen esq. Fern house, Thetford well, Bra.ndon
Ollard WHliam Ludlam esq. Bellevue house,Ilkley,Yorks *UI>cher Henry Morris esq. East hall, Feltwell, Brandon
*Orlord Earl of, Wolterton park, Erpingham, Norwich Vincent Sir William bart. D'Abernon Chase, Leather-
Page John Henry esq. Cliff terrace, Hunstanton head, Surrey
Palmar William Hurry esq. Ormesby St. Margaret, Walker Edwin esq. Field Dalling, Halt
Great Yarmouth Walker George esq. Melbourne house, North Walsham
Palmer-Kerrison George William Danby- esq. Langhall, *Walsingham Lord, Merton hall, Thetford
Kirstead, N orVfich Waiter Cyril Harry esq. Drayton Old ho.Drayton,Nonrch
Parsons Wm. Baldock esq. Brendort, Tenison uv.Cambrdg Waiter Jn. Hy. Fraser esq. Drayton hall, near Norwich
l'urtrin!?" H~nry Thomas esq. Furze moor, Little Hock- *V\'ard Edwd. Foote esq. M.A. Salhouse hall, nr.Norwich
ham. ThPtfnrrl Waters Charles William esq. Herringby hall, StokeabJ.
Pattes 'll F· ank Eugene esq. Gt. Hautbois ha. Norwich Great Yarmouth
Patteson Col. Henrv Tyrwhitt Staniforth .V.D. Beeston Waters Henry James esq . .!.mbleside, Thor.e_e rd.Norwich
St . .\ndrew hall, Norwich Waters W illiam George esq. 7 Mansfield street, Par'""
P11ttrick Lt.-Col. Wm. Homefielis rd. New Hunstanton land plac~. London W
Pear•e Rev Hv. Thornton, 33 Evelyn gdns. London S W Watson Innes esq. M.A. Swannington court, Nonrich
PPtre J,ieut.-Col. Bernard Jas. Westwick, near Norwich Whalebelly William esq. Watton
Pig'lt Rev. Hugh Whtte Lieut.-Col. Alfred Victor St. John, Yarrow hall.
Pi!!"tt Sir Thns. Digby K.C B. The Lodge, Sheringham near Elmham
Pratt Edward Roger Murray esq. B..!.. Ryston hall, Whitta Albert esq. Methwold, Stoke Ferry
Downham Market Wilson George Rowland Holt esq. B.A. The Hill hou!fe.,
1'ricP Sir RobPrt John M.P. The Thatched house, Wrox- Rickinghall, Suffolk
• ham, Norwich; & 6 Sussex mansions, Sussex place, Winfrey Richard esq. M.P. Flaxwell, Austin stree~
L"ndon ~ W Hunstanton
l'riolea:~ William Louis St. Julien esq. Pen-y-lan, Winter J ames John esq. Drayton lodge, Norwich
Cardiganshire Wodehouse Lord, Witton park, North Walsham
n,.., ',.'n} (' nt Ch11q. JHmes. Saham ha.ll.Watton.Thetfra
Wodehouse Hon. Philip, Witt{)n park, North Walsham
Read George esq. The Manor ho. Wereham, Stoke Ferry Wnod John Mountford esq. Houghton, King's Lynn
Reed Lancelot esq. Elm, Isle of Ely Woodgates Rev. James Richard, Depden, Suffolk
•!{..>PvP ~imm~< P"'ll· BranC'a!<ter hall, Lynn Wright John Newcome esq. Balsam Fields, Terringtou
llhoade3 Willonghby W. esq. Longlands, Holkham St. Clements, King's Lynn
Ripping-all Neale Florence Reginald esq. Langham, Wright William esq. Upton, Acle, Norwich
Blak~>ney Wyrley-Birch Wyrley Edwin George esq. West BilDPf
·Robinson Henry Matthew Cooper esq. M.A. Knapton lndge, King's Lynn
house, North Walsham Yallop Henry Jacob esq. Broad street, Harleston
Robinson Lionel G!'O. esq.Old Buckenham hall,Attleboro' Youell Herbert Willuughby esq. Caister-on-Sea, Grmt
Rcgers John Hurrv Burcham esq. Holt hall, Halt Yarmouth
Romnev Earl of, Gayton ball. King's Lynn
Rvan Sir Geralrl Hemminlrton, Hintlesham hall, Ipswich The Mayors of King's Lynn & Thetford k the chairmPa.
Salter William Herbert esq. Attleborough for the time being, of all Urban & Rura,J. District
S<~pwell Benj Beckham esq. B.A.,M.B. Sankence,Aylshm Councils, are ex-officio magistrates
Scott-Chad C'has. esq. M.A. Thursford hall, Briningham

Clerk of the Peace, George Christopher Davies, Shire house, Norwich.


The following are Deputy Lieutenants only.

Bentinc.k Henry .Aldenburg esq. B.A.. India, Bovey Hansell Peter Edwa.rd esq. The Plantation, Wroxham,
Trace..-, Devon Norwich
Chambe.rlin Alexander Robert esq. The Grove, Norwich Manners-Button Hon. Henry Frederick Walpole
Chamberlin George Moore esq. St. Catherine's close, Paul Joseph John Dawson esq. Eaton grove, Norwich
Norwich Pigott Sir Paynton M.V.O. Bracondale hall, Norwich
Ch·olmondeley Marquess of, Cholmondeley castle, Mal- Taylor Fred. Oddin esq. St. Ethelbert's, Norwich
pas, Cheshire Wilson Sir Frederick William, The Dale~ Scarning
Dunbar-Buller Charles William esq. 15 Upper Grosvenor
street, London W
Clerk to the Lieutenancy, Arthur E. W. Tower, Holkham, Well!!.



Chief Constable, Major Egbert Napier.

Chief Clerk, Superintendent Edward S. Woodeson.


Superintendent, Isaiah Fuller, .A.cle. Superintendent, Welcome W. Basham, North Walsbam.
Stations.-Acle, *Blofield, Burgh St. Margaret, Caister,
Cantley, Filby, Freethorpe, Lingwood, Martham, Stations.-North Walsham, Bacton, tCromer, Hickling-,
Ormesby St. Margaret, Plumstead (Little), Reedham Ludham, Mundesley, Neatishead, Roughton, Ruston
& Walsham (South) (East), Repps {Sor;:th), *Stalham & W or stead


Supt.rir.tendent, Francis Southgate, Aylsham.
Superintendent, Jan:es W. Lockett D.C.C. Norwich_
Stations. Aylsham, Bawdeswell, Buxton, Cawston, Colby,
*Ooltishall, Corpusty, Foulsham, Hevingham, Hindol- Stations.-Norwich, Bawburgh, Caister St. Edmunds,
vestone, Itteringham, *Reepham, Ringland, Swanton Catton,. Costessey, Cringleford, Drayton, Frettenham,
Abbot & Witchingham (Great) Horsham St. Faith's, *Sprowston, Thorpe St. An-
drew's, *Trowse & Wroxham
Superintendent, Waiter Ray, East Dereham. PULHAM DIVISION.
Stations. *East Dereham, Elmham (North), Fransham Superintendent, Thomas Bentham, Harleston.
(Great), Gressenhall, Hardingham, *Litcham, 'Mattis-
hall, ,Shipdham, Swanton Morley, Weasenham St. Stations.-Harleston, .Aldburgh, Bressingham, Brock-
Peter, Whinburgh & Whissonsett dish, Bunwell, Dickleburgh, tDiss, Earsham, Forncett
St. Peter, Gissing, Hempnall, *Long Stratton, Pul-
DOCKING DIVISION_ ham Market & Tasburgh
Superintendent, Esau Lewis, Dersingham.
Ststion~.-Dersingham, Castleacre, Castle Rising, *Dock- SW.AFFHAM DIVISION.
ing, Flitcham, Gayton, Grimstone, Heacham, tHun- Superintendent, George Flint, Swaffham.
st-anton (New), Massingham (Great), *Newt{)n (West),
Snettisham, Thornham & Winch (East) Stations. - *Swaffham, Beechax'nwell, Cressingham
(Great), Feltwell, Gooderstone, Hockw{)ld-cum-Welton,
DOWNH.AJ.\1 DIVISION. *Methwold, Mundford, Narborough, Necton, North-
Superintendent, John Sands, Downham. wold, Sporle, West Tofts & Weeting
Stations.-Downham, Dereham (West), Fincham, Hil-
gay, Nordelph, Outwell, Shouldham, Southery, *Stoke TERRINGTON DIVISION.
J-''erry, Stow Bardolph, Upwell, Watlington, Welney &
West Welney Supt. John Bowles, Terrington St. Clement, nr. Lynn.
Stations.-Terrington St. Clement, Emneth, Gaywood
HARLING DIVISION_ (near Lynn), Lynn (West), Terrington St. John, Wal-
Superintendent, Ronald G. Powell, East Harling. pole St . .Andrew, Walpole St. Peter, *Walsoken (New).
Stations.-East Harling, *Attleborough, Banham, Buck- Walsoken (Old), Wa.lton Smeeth, Wiggenhall St. Ger-
enham (New), Carbrooke, Caston, Cro:xton, Garboldis- man, Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen & Winch (West)
ham, Hockham, Kenninghall, North Lopham, Rock- 't

land All Saints, Saham Toney, tThetford Bor{)ugh & W ALSINGHAM DIVISION.
Superintendent, George Harvey, Walsingham.
Stations.-Walsingham (Little), Binham, Burnham Mar-
Superintendent, Henry T. Lord, Holt. ket, Creake (South), tFakenham, Field Dalling, Rayn-
Stations.-Holt, Aldborough, Baconsthorpe, Blakeney, ham (West), Rudham (East), Ryburgh (Great).
Briston, Gresham, *Lower Sheringham & Thornage Syderstone, Thursford & *Wells

Inspector, Waiter Maries, Loddon.
Stations.-Loddon, *Brooke, Chedgrave, Ditchingham, Superintendent, Robert Dunn, Wymondham.
Gillingham All Saints, Haddiscoe, N orton Subcourse, Stations.-*Wymondha.m, .Ashwellthorpe, Barford, Burn-
Poringland, Rockland, Saxlingham Nethergate, Shot- ham Broom, Hethersett, Hingham, Honingbam, :Mul-
tesham All Saints & Woodton barton & Wicklewood

*Sergeants' Stations.
t Inspectors' Stations.

Appointed by letters patent under the GI eat SeaJ 26th February, r87o, for carrying out the provision.a of the
Act entitled The Land Drainage Act 1861 & the Act 23 Henry VIII. cap. 5·
Duke of Portland K.G., P.C F. M. B. Bland esq Hamon le St.range esq
Marquess of Cbolmondeley J\'athan Booth e1q Roland le Strange esq
Earl of Ancaster P.C Richard Buckworth esq William Looker esq
Earl of Leicester K.G R. C. Coulton esq 1Jobn Lewia Marriott esq
The Rt. Rev. Bishop of Norwich Alg-ernon Cubitt esq 'R. C. Monson esq
Lord Peckover of Wisbech John William Davy esq IFrederick Henry Partridge esq
Sir A tired T. Bagge bart Roual Chas.Finch Elsden-Everard esq i William Pattrick esq
Sir William Hovell Browne ffolkes bart Arthur English esq Edward Roger Murray Pratt esq
The Recorder of King's Lynn Watson Failes esq Col. T. J. Seppings
The Mayor of King's Lynn George Howe Browne ffolkes esq Charles Watson Townley esq
The Recorder of Thetford ::lomerville Arthur Gumey esq Henry Morris Upcher esq
The Mayor of Thetford Thomas .A. H. Hamond esq I F. Valentine esq
Thomas .Alien esq Sir Thomas Leigh Hare hart ' Rev. Francis .Arthur S. ffolkes B.A
Major Charles William Archdale Roberl Henry Household esq Rev. Arthur John Groom B.A
Capt. R. L. Bagge D.S.O Charles Alfred Howard esq Rev . .Alfred Legge M.A
Henry A. Bentinck esq George Huddlestone esq Rev. Reginald Smith M.A
A. E. H. Birch eMq Peter Huddlestone esq IRev. Charles Francis Townley M.A
W. E. G. Wyrley-Bircb esq Nicholas Goddard Jackson esq
Clerk to the Commissioners, W. D. Ward, King's Lynn.
Deputy Clerk, H. W. Ward, King's Lynn.

Commonly known as the Sea Breach Commissioners.)
For the hundreds· of Blofield, Clavering, North Erpingham, South Erpingham, East Flegg, West Flegg, Rapping,
Henstead, Loddon, Taverha.m, Tunstea.d & Walsham, in the county of Norfolk.

Lord Snffield Edward Henry Evans Lombe esq I Charles William Waters esq
Robert Fellowes esq Admiral Charles Compton Rising R.N Joseph Edmund Carter Wood esq
William Henry Trafford esq George Hustler Tuck esq The Right Hon. The Earl of Rosebery -
Major Francis Astley Cubitt The Right Hon. Sir Sa vile Brinton K. G
Bernard James Cuddon Fletcher esq Crossley hart. P.C The Right Hon. The Earl of Orford
Robert Harvey Mason esq Nicholas Henry Bacon esq The Right Hon. The Earl of Winterton _
Geo. Wm.Danby Palmer-Kerrison esq John Edwin Crisp esq Thtl Right Rev. Bishop Fisher D.D
John William Rose esq Col.Frederic Hambleton Custance C.B Col. Robert William Edis C.B
Thomas Slipper esq Colonel Bernard James Petre Major William Mordaunt Marshr
Sir Reginald William Proctor Beau- Rev. Maurice Charles Hilton Bird Edwards V.O
champ hart Rev. Francis Jickling Capt. Charles Annesley Hamond
John Wilson Gilbert esq The Right Hon. The Earl of Kimberley Robert George Bagsha.w esq
Robert Howard Gillett esq Louis John Tillett esq • John Mayes Bond esq
Charles Helgrave Lucas esq George Waters Beck esq William Hracey esq
Robert Arthur Rising esq John Calthorpe Blofeld esq Edward Cadge esq
George Hudson Barber esq Thomas Browne Francis Daniel esq Mortimer Cecil Elwell esq
Henry Blake esq Robert Thomas Edwin Gilbert esq Edward Foote Ward esq
Henry Randall Burroughes esq 'Sir Eustace Gurney Samuel Hewitt Robert Kidman esq
John Cator esq Robert Gurney esq Edwin Thomas Learner esq
Rev. Arthur Adam Taylor Crosse 1
Capt. Charles Maurice Jickling William Marriott esq
Edward George Cubitt esq Thomas Kidner esq Arthur Stimpson esq
Col. Herbert Henry Gilbert William Pemberton Molint!UX esq Henry Spencer Vade-Walpole esq
Major Robert Herbert Heath Jary Hugh William Reeves esq Samuel Wright esq

Clerks to the Commissioners, Foster, Calvert & Marriott, solicitors, Norwich.

Treasurers, Messrs. Barclay & Company Limited, Norwich.


Members of the Committee.
Chairman, Hamon le Strange, Hunstanton hall, Norfolk.
Vice-Chairman, J. M. Simpson, Boston.
John Bee, W ainfieet R 0. Ridley, St. Margaret's place, King's Lynn
George Bristow, King's Lynn N. Rippingall, Manor cottage, Langham Halt
Matthew Chase, sen. North End, King's Lynn W. R. Sadler, King"s Lynn
J. W. Davy, Great Carlton, Louth J. E. Shaw, Mablethorpe
W. Dennis, jun. Sutton Bridge W. T. Small, Bargate lodge, Boston
H . ..!. Dewing, Wells J osiah Spooner, Blakeney
Sir W. H. B. ffolkes, Hillington hall, Norfolk W. Stringer, Skirbeck Quarter, Bo~ton
The Ro>v. F. Freshney M ...!. Withcall rectory, Louth T. C. Tunnard-Moore, Stafford house, Boston
F. C. Grantham, The Hall, Skegness G. W. Wilkin, Cromer
H. Grice, Lower Sheringham H. M. Upcher, Sheringham hall. Cromer
G. Hall. Spalding W. Watson, Wells
Sir T. L. Hare hart. Stow Hall, Norfolk Rev. J. Young, Walsoken, near Wisbech
H. R. Johnson, North view, Sheringham
T. Kitwood, Boston Clerk to the Committee, W. D .• Ward, King"s Lynn
J _ Lockwood, Gladstone villa, Boston Deputy Clerk, H. W. Ward, King's Lynn
R. W. }lillington, The Elm~, Skirbeck, Boston Inspector, H. Donnison. Boston
J. S. Moody. Treasurer, Sir Somerville A. Gurney, King's Lynn


(Revised to 1904.)
NATURAL HISTORY AND SciENTIFIC SoCIETIES. 1845. Munford, Rev. G.--Submerged Forest at Hunstanton.
Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society; the Castle Gentleman's Magazine.
Museum, Norwich. Transactions. 1851. Trimmer, J.-Generalizations respecting the Erratic
Norfolk and Norwich Archroological Society; Library, Tertiaries of Norfolk. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vii.
Guildhall, Norwich : Norfolk A rchceology. p. 19.
1856. Bunbury, C. J.-Draining a Mere, near Wretham
MUSEUMS. Hall. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xii. p. 355.
King's Lynn Museum. 1858. Trimmer, J.-On the Boulder Clays of Gorleston
The Castle Museum, Norwich. Cliffs. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xi v. p. 171.
1860. Prestwich, Prof. J.-London Clay in a Well-boring at
PUBLICATIONS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Yarmouth. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xvi. p. 449.
Books or "Memoirs."-Geology of the Fenland, by Skmchly, 1864. Gunn, Rev. J.---Sketch of the Geology of Norfolk.
36s. 6d.; Manufacture of Gun-flints (at Brandon, &c.), by 1864. Seeley, Prof. H.-On the Hunstanton Red Rock.
Skertchly, 16s. ; Geology of the Country Round Norwich, J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xx. p. 327.
by H. B. Woodward, 7s.; Pliocene Deposits of Britain, by 1866. Fisher, Rev. 0.-Relation of the Norwich Crag to the
C. Reid, 5s. 6d., and Vertebrata Thereof, by E. T. Newton, Chillesford Clay. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii. p.
4s.; Cretaceous Rocks, by A. J. Jukes-Browne, Vol. I., 19, and vol. xxiii. p. 175.
Gault &c., 9s.; II. Lower and Middle Chalk, 10s.; Upper 1867. Harmer, F. W.-A Third Boulder Clay in Norfolk.
Chalk, 10s.; Middle and Upper Oolitic Rocks, by H. B. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii. p. 87.
Woodward, 7s. 6d.; Vertebrata' of Forest Bed, by E. T. 1868. Dawkins, W. Boyd.-New Deer from Norwich Crag.
Newton, 7s. 6d. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiv. p. 516.
Geological Survey (Colour~) Maps: "Old Series"; one 1869. Grantham, R. B.-The Broads of East Norfolk.
inch to the mile: with descriptive Books or "Memoirs"; J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv. p. 258.
Sht>ets, 50 N.W., Diss, &c., with Memoir, by F. J. Bennett; 1869. Flower, J. W.-Flint Implements in the Drift. Journ.
50 N.E., Harleston, &c., with Memoir, by W. Whitaker; Geol. Soc., vol. xxv. pp. 272, 449.
51 N.E.,Mildenhall, Thetford, Fordham, &c., by W. Whitaker; 1869. Wood, S. V., and Harmer, F. W.-Intraglacial Ero-
. 65, King's Lynn, Downham Market, &c., with· Memoir, by swn, near Norwich. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv.
.W. Whitaker; 66 N.E., Norwich, Felthorpe, &c., with pp. 259, 445 .
~ Memoir, by H. B. Woodward; 66 S.E., Loddon, Beccles, 1869. Wiltshire, Rev. T.-On the Red Chalk of Hunstanton.
Bungay, with Memoir, by H. B. Woodward,· 66 S.W.,. Wy- Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxv. p. 185.
mondbam, Watton, &c., with Memoir, by F. J. Bennett; 1870. Gunn, Rev. J.-Position of the Forest Bed and
• 66 N.W., East Dereham, &c., with Mcmoir, by J. H. Blake; Chillesford Clay. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi.
67 N., and 67 S., Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, with 1871. Prestwich, Prof.. J .-On the Crag. J ourn. Geol. Soc.,
. Memoir, by J. H. Blake; 68 E., Coast from Sheringham to vol. xxvii. pp. 115, 325, 452 .
Eccles, with Memoir, by C. Reid; 68 S.W., Ho it, Fakenham, 1871. Wood, S. V., and Harmer, F. W.-Outline of the
- &c., and 68 N.W., Weybourne to Wells, with Memoir, by Geology of the Upper Tertiaries of East Anglia.
_-~H. B. Woodward; 69, The Wash, Hunstanton, &c., with Palooontographical Society's vol. 1871.
~lemoir, by W. Wh£taker. All these maps are included in 1877. Wood, S. V., and Harmer, F. W.-Later Tertiary
the Geological Sur ;rey Index Map, sheet 9 (price 2s. 6d. ). Geology of East Anglia. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol.
See also the Horizontal Sertion, No. 127 (price 5s.), which xxxiii. p. 74.
shows all the strata ia. the coast cliffs from Happisburgh, by 1877. Reid, C.-Modern Denudation in Norfolk. Geol.
Cromer w Weybourne. The local agents for the Survey are Mag., vol. xiv. p. 136.
.Jarrold and Sons (Norwich and Yarmouth), and Thew and 1877. Belt, Thos.-First Stages of the Glacial Period in
. :Son (King's Lynn). · Norfolk and Suffolk. Geol. Mag., vol. xiv. p. 156.
1877. Norkln, H.-The Forest Bed of East Norfolk. Geol.
IMPORTANT WORKS OR PAPERS ON LOCAL GEOLOGY. Mag., vol. xiv. pp. 320, 335 (Rev. J. Gunn), and
.1824. Taylor, R. C.-On the Crag Strata, at Bramerton, 432 (B. S. Breese).
near Norwich. Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd series, vol. 1877. Reid, C.-Reds between the Chalk and Lower Boulder
i. p. 371. Clay, at Cromer. Geol. Mag., vol. xiv. p. 300.
1824. Taylor, R. C.-..Qn the Alluvial Strata and Chalk of 1878. Harmer, F. W.-Testimony of the Rocks in Norfolk.
N orfollr. and Suff0lk. Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd series, Hamilton, Adams and Co.
vol. i. p. 37 4. 1879. Newton, K T.-Fossil Tortoise from Mundesley.
1826. Taylor, R. C.-Notice of Fossil Timbr,r, on the Norfolk Geol. Mag., vol. xvi. p. 304.
coast. Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd series, vol. ii. p. 327. 1880. Fisher, Rev. 0.-0n the Cromer Cliffs. Geol. Mag. 1
1829. Woodward, S. P.--On some remarkable Fossil Re- vol. xvii. p. 147.
mains fow1d near Cromer. Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. 1880. Reid, C.-The Glacial Deposits of Cromer. Geol.
i. p. 93. Mag., vol. xvii. p. 55.
1833. Woodward, Samuel.-Outline of the Geology of 1880. Woodward, H. B.-Address to the Norwich Geological
Norfolk. Society. Geol. Mag., vol. xvii. p. 72.
1834, Taylor, Jno.-Strata in a Well at Diss. Trans. Geol. 1880. Reid, C.--Clas">ification of Pliocene and Pleistocene
Soc., series 2, vol. v. p. 137 ; Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. Beds. Geol. Mag., p. 548.
ii. p. 93. 1886. Newton, E. T.-Cetacea of the Norfolk" Forest-Bed."
1836. Fitch, R.-Mastodon Tooth in the Crag at Tborpe. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii. p. 316.
Pro c. Geol. Soc., vol. ii. p. 417. 1887. Savin, A. C.-Guide to the Geology of Cromer, &c.
1837. Clarke, Rev. W. B.-Physical Relations of Suffolk 8vo., Norwich.
with Norfolk and Essex. Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd 1887. Browne, A. J. Jukes-, and Hill, W.-Lower Part of
series, vol. v. p. 359 ; Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. ii. p. Upper Cretaceous Series in West Suffolk and
528. Norfolk. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii.
1838. Mitcbell, Dr. J.-On the Drift. Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. p. 544.
iii. p. 3. 1890. Prestwich, Prof. J.-Westleton Beds of Norfolk, &c.
1839. Gunn, Rev. J.-On Paramoudras, and on the Drift. Quart. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xlvi. pp. 84, 120, 155.
Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii. p. 170. 1891. Gunn, Jno. Cromer Forest Bed, &c. Memorials of
1839. Lyell, Sir C.-On the Relative Ages of the Crag J no. Gunn, 8vo., Norwich.
Deposits. Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii. p. 126. 1892. Gregory, Prof. J. W.-Physical Features of the Nor-
1840. Lyell, Sir C.-On the Drift and Associated Freshwater folk Broads. Natural Science, vol. i. p. 347.
Deposits Comprising the Mud Cliffs of Eastern 1893. Madsen, V.---Scandinavian Boulders at Cromer.
Norfolk. Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii. p. 171. Quart. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. xlix. p. 114.
1840. Trimmer, J.-On the Drift between Lynn and Wells. 1896. Wardle, T.-Geology of Cromer. Journ. N. Stafford.
Proc. Geol. Soc., vol. iii. p. 185. F. Club ..
1841. Lyell, Sir C.-Fossil Fishes of Munde.sley. Proc. 1896. Salter, A. E.-" Pebbly Gravel" from Goring Gap to
Geol Soc., vol. iii. p. 362. the Norfolk Coast. Proc. Geol Assoc., vol. xiv.
1844. Trimmer, J.-On the Drift between Weybourne and p. 389.
Happisburgh. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. i. p. 218. 1896-1900. Harmer, F. W.-Pliocene Deposits. Quart.
1844. Trimmer, J.-On Pipes in the Chalk. JouriL Geol. J ourn. Geol. Soc., vol. lii. p. 748, and vol. lvi.
Soc., vol. i. p. 300. p. 705.
· 1897. Harrison, W. J.-A Bibliography of Norfolk Glacio- which run from Hunstanton and Burnham Westgate south-
logy, including the Cromer Cliffs, with the Forest wards by Swaffham to Thetford ; ea3t of this line the chalk
Bed Series. Glacialists' Mag. stretches right acros3 to the North Sea, but is so covered
1897. Abbott, W. J. L.-Worked Flints from Cromer Forest over by later deposits as to be rarely vi:;ible at the surface,
Bed. Natural Science, vol. x. p. 89. except at a few points in the valleys of the principal rivers.
19()1, Hughes, Prof. T. McK.-On a Late Pleistocene Deposit The watershed of the county lies nearly in the centre, along
containing Mammoth. Nature, vol. lxv. p. 67. a line passing from Brancaster thrrm~h Litl.'harn, Der~harn,
1901. Woodward, H. B.-Geology of Norfolk (with a chapter Hingham and Attleborough t.o L'Jpharn Ford, where the
on the Paheontology, by R. L. Lydekker, and on Waveney and Little Ouse rise within a few yards of each
Early Man, by G. Clinch). The Victoria County other and then flow in diamet,rically oppo'lite direct.i'lns.
History of Norfolk, vol. i. The roch of Norfolk fall natumlly into two divi'lion'l : the
1902. Harmer, F. W.-Later Tertiary History of East first include3 those of great age, w!1ich form what we may
Anglia. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xvii. p. 416. call the solid geology of the county; these have a general
easterly dip, so that the olle3t rock~ crop out or rise to the
Fossils of Norfolk. See the publications of the Pal<E-
surface on the west .side of the connty; the second divi5ion
ontographical Societ.y, includin~ the Crag Mollusca, comprises all those surface accumulatiom, whether of glacial,
by Searles V. Wood, esq. (sen.) ; Cretaceous Corals,
alluvial or marine origin, which lie upon the older beds (from
by Prof. Duncan; Echinoderms, by Prof. Forbes
which they are separated by a'1. im:nense interval of time)
and Dr. Wright; Foraminifera, by Prof. Rupert
in an unccmformable and irregular manner.
Jones and Mr. Brady, &c. &c.
As an introductory text-book explaining not only the Drvrsro:o; I.-THE "S:lLID GEoLOGY"; OR RlilGULARLY
strata of Nor folk, but also their relation~ to those STRATIFIED ROCKS OF NORFOLK.
of the United Kingdom generally, w'e may be per- TnE OoLITIC Fom.B.TION.-On the south-east side of
mitted to mention Harrison's Textbook of Geology, King's Lynn and running southwards past Watlington to
fifth edition, Rlackie & Son, 19::>3, price 3s. 6d. Downham Market and Southrey we have a narrow strip of
The strata of Norfolk have long be~n the subject of dili- Kimmeridge Clay; this is the Oaktree Clay of William Smith,
gent investigation by local workers. Mr. Samuel Woodward who noticed that oak'! grew remarkably well upon it ; it is
published an excellent" Outline of the Geology of Norfolk," a tenacious dark-coloured clay, with layers of septaria
in 1833, and before his time Mr. R. C. Taylor (1822-27) had (limestane nodule3), which is dug for brick-making, but
done good work at the Crag and Cliff sections. In the exposure3 are scanty in thi'l neighbourhood; its fossils ar6"
Journal of the Geological Society we have since had excellent marine shells, such as Ostrea deltoidea and Ammonites biplex..
papers on the Red Chalk of Hunstanton, by the Rev. T. while near Downham Market it yielded a unique specimen of
Wiltshire, and on the Crag, by Professors Prestwich, Boyd a ganoid fi<>h (Caturus suchoides), now in the British Mu<>eum:
Dawkins and Messrs. Whitaker, Gunn, F. W. Harmer, the dipping eastwardly the Kimmeridge Clay passes undet""
Rev. 0. Fisher &c. Mr. Searles V. Wood's account of the newer strata, and was probably reached at a. depth of 'Z:4il
Crag Mollusca, published by the Palreontographical Society, feet in a deep well-boring at Holkham : but before we reach
in which every species i:l figured, was a grand contribution, the east coast it is absent, having thinned out or been
while for the same Society Profes'lor Duncan has described denuded, as the deep boring at Harwich showed no t.rac&
the Corah, Professor Forbes the Echinoderms, Professor of it. The Purbeck and Portland beds, which rest up:m the·
Busk the Polyzoa, and Rupert J one3 and Brady the Fora- Kimmeridge Clay in the south of England, are here ab9ent.
minifera. Mr. S. V. Wood, jun. as;;isted by Mr. F. W. TnE LoWER CRETACEous FoRMATION.-The Wealden_
Harmer, has described the Glacial Depoilits with a skill strata being also absent, the Low~ Greensand of Norfolk
and care which are worthy of the highest praise, and among reposes directly on the Kimmeridge Clay; it is locally termed
other workers we may mention Messrs. Trimmer, Rose, A. Carstone, a word which may be derived from" Quernstone,' ..
E. Salter, Flower, Norton, Breese and Sir Jno. Evans. as some hard stony beds were formerly m~ed to make the·
In the Norwich Castle Museum there is a splendid collec- querns or stone hand-mills in which our ancestors ground
tion of local fossils, and the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' their corn. This Low~ Greensand con~ists of alternatin~
Society, and the Archreological Society, have done and are beds of red and white sand and sandstone about 70 feet in
doing good work. thickness : it forms the lowet. portion of Hun;;ta.nton Cliff,
It is, however, to the Government Geological Survey that where it is of a yellow tint above and dark-brown below,
we look for a full and decisive account of the rocks of any loose and sandy and full of small pebbles: near the base is
part of England. The officers of the Survey, however, a line of nodule'! containing Ammonites deshayseii, Perna
began their work some 70 years ago in the south-west of mulleti cfc:. From this point the sand:Jtone can be traced
England and in Wales, and continued to advance eastwards, southward by Snettisham, Sandringham, and Castle Ri:Jing
until during the years 1875-1884 they succeeded in mapping to Downham Market, West Dereham, and Hilgay. The
the whole of the strata which comtitute the county of hard beds are used for building purposes, and the white·-
Nor folk. The geological map of Norfolk, on the scale of sands in the manufacture of glaB. At one place there is a .
one inch to one mile, which they have prepared, together seam of fullers' earth. The Lower Greensand forms a dis-
with the memoirs published to describe the county, have set trict of heaths, commons, and warrens, rising to an elevation..
at rest many vexed questiom and form a noble contribution of about 120 feet. Fossils are scarce ; but such marine shells--
to the science of Geology. Mr. S. B. J. Skertchly has written as Perna mulleti and Trigonia scapha do occur.
an excellent account of the" Fenland," together with a most UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMA.TIO:o; : TIIE GAULT (AND RBD-
interesting memoir on the gun-flint manufacture at Brandon, CHAT.K).-One of the most attractive geological sect.ions on
whilst other valuable books or " memoirs" have been issued the coast of England is exhibited in Hunstanton Cliff: its-
by Messrs. W. Whitaker, Clement Reid, Horace B. Wood- base formed of Carstone we have just described: upon
ward, W. H. Pennilli!', A. J. Jukes-Browne, F. J. Bennett the yellow sands which constitute the top of this division-
and J. H. Blake. A complete list of the survey publications there rests a band of bright " Red Chalk," four feet thick,
is given above. above which, forming the top of the cliff, comes the White
.As a resident of a county, one-half of whose outline is Chalk 40 feet thick : the extreme height of the section is only
encompassed by the sea, the geologist dwelling in Norfolk 60 feet, but as all the bed'! slope or dip to the north and east
enjoys a great advantage; indeed, but for the fine sections at an angle of about two degrees, a much greater thicknesi
of the glacial deposits exposed in· the cliff>~ it is almost of strata~~ visible than if they were all horizontal. The bed
certain that these puzzling beds could never have been of Red Chalk, as it has been named, has attracted much
satisfactorily examined or understood. The coast-line un- attention : it is full of fos3ils-Belemnites minimus, Spongia
dulates both in height and outline: King's Lynn (St. John's (or Siphrmia), parado.xica, hiplic:ata, Ammonites
church) is 16 feet above. the sea, Holkham (church) 94 feet, auritus, and about 50 other speci~s, of which two BtJ1.1.rgu.e
Cromer Lighthouse 248 feet, Cromer Church 68 feet, tic:rinus ru,gosus and Terebratula c~piU'lJ.a-are in England
Mundesley (church) 115 feet, Trimingham (church) 195 confined to this deposit. Thi'l red beJ can be realily traced
feet, Hasborough (church) 70 feet and Winterton Lighthouse for 8 miles southwards to near Sandri~ham ; a little
61 feet. further south, near Flitcham, a red clay was found to under-
The surface of the county i~ flat and slightly undulating: lie the white chalk, and further sout.h still a stiff blue dd.y-
along a line across the centre from west to east the Ord- the well-known. Gault-ha.d taken the'l of thid rel clay.
nance Survey levelling gave the followin~ heights :-Wal- Thus the Gault and the Red Chalk would seem to be of the
soken (church) 13 feet, West Bilney 54 feet, Swaffham same age, and thi.i impre&iion is coaflrmoo by a study of the
(church) 238 feet, East Dereham (church) 165 feet, Hock- fossih, which are to a large extent c.>mmon to both forma-
ering (church} 163 feet, Norwich Castle 111 feet, St. Mary's tions: the colour is no objection, but rather tends to confirm
Church 18 feet, and Great Yarmouth (St. Peter's Church) this opinion : analyses by Mr. David Forbes showed that
23 feet. The highest point in Norfolk is only 350 feet above ordinary Gault contained nearly 6 per cent. of protoxide of
sea-leveL · iron, while the Red Chalk contained almost exactly the same
Taking a. general view we find, on the extreme west, a amount of peroxide of iron : now the former salt of iron
portion of the Fen district, extending from Welncy, Felt- readily change.s into the latter, as we see when the Blue Gault
well, and Hilgay fens northwards to the Wash; then comes Clay is burnt into red bricks; the change is brought about
a gently rising slope leading up to a line of low chalk hills, by the simple addition of oxygen.
It is possible that the upper portion of the Red Chalk may · lamp-shell T!!rebratulina lata, and the sea-urchin Hotaster
represent the Upp!!r Greensand of the southern counties 1 pnus.
(which is otherwise wanting in Norfolk), and this is a point The Upper Chalk or Soft White Chalk with many Flints.-

to which the attention of local geologists may well be directed This division comes on to the eastward of that last described
M its proof or disproof must rest mainly on extensive collec- and forms the great bulk of the formation: in the Norwich
tions of fossils made with great care and with special reference boring it was found w attain the great thickness of 940 feet,
to the exact position in the bed in which they occur. In and at Holkham (where the upper portion has been denuded)
the Holkham boring, after pas.~ing through 20 feet of gravel 519 feet; it yields a large supply of good but hard water.
and 635 of chalk, the Red Chalk was found to be 8 feet thick, 1 The dip of the Upper Chalk is to the eastwards, about 48
and to rest on 10 feet of " Blue Gault," so that here the red feet per mile, or half a degree. The lower part of this clivi-
bed would seem to represent the upper part of the Gault sion is exposed at Brancaster, Docking, Lexham, Litcham,
only. From Flitcham the Gault can be traced southwards Swaffham and Thetford; the texture of it is more compact
by Gayton, West Bilney and Shouldham to Wretton west of : and the flints fewer than in higher beds. At its base is a
Rtoke FPrry. Its thickness increases from 20 feet at Roydon hard layer called the Chalk Rock; which has, however, been

to 60 feet near Stoke Ferry. A layer of" coprolites" occurs :noted at one point only (west of Swaffham), where it was
at tl:e base, and this was formerly worked at "\Vest Dere- one foot thick. As we pass eastwards we find numerous
ham. chalk-pits at Wells, Holt, Coltishall, Horstead, Whitting-
At Norwich the Carrowboring showed 12 feet of alluvium, ham, Postwick, Trimingham, Trowse, &c. The flints mark
then 1,042 feet of Chalk, 6 feet of 11 Upper Greensand" the stratification well, and are usually arranged in horizontal
and 36 feet of Gault, in which the boring stopped : the layers about fi>e feet apart. On the origin of flint, Mr. S.
stratum termed 11 Upper Greensand" may, however, only Woodward makes some acute remarks in the Geology of
have been an upper sandy division of the Gault. Norfolk, which, as we have already mentioned, he published
THE CHALK.-This well-known rock is shown on an in 1833. He 'nites :-" The fact of the regular parallelism
ordinary geological map as forming a larger proportion of · and stratification of the flinty nodules is, we conceive, a
Norfolk than of any other English county, constituting, sufficient refutation· of their animal origin; added to which
indeed, a broad expanse extending from north to south for there is not a greater number of organic remains to be found
40 miles, by from 24 toRO mileR in breadth from west to east; in the flinty stratum than is seen distributed in the adjoini~
yet the portion of the county of which it is the actual surface bed of Chalk. . . . . In accounting for the different
1S comparatively small: tbis arises from the fact that in appearance of the Chalk formation in its upper and lower
-truch maps the Drift-M the glacial deposits are termed beds, we venture to advance it as our opinion, that, the whole
-is not shown, and the Drift lies thickly upon the chalk being deposited in one homogeneous mass, in which about
'in this county. Every person is familiar with the appear- 12 per cent. of silex was equally distributed, the lower part
.ance of ordinary white chalk : it is a soft white earthy . . . . began to consolidate ere any arrangement of
'limestone nearly pure carbonate of lime in fact, which the the siliceous particles could take place, wbilst in the upper
-microscope shows to be largely composed of the tiny part these particles, by chemical attraction, congregated
·shells of foraminifera: these are minute animals, occupying themselves into the nodular and tubular forms under which
,a very low place in the scale of creation-mere specks of they appear." In several quarries near Norwich, as that
jelly to look at-which construct for themselves a calcareous famous one at Horstead figured and described by Sir Charles
-covering or shell: they seem to live chiefly near the surface Lyell, and at Trowse, immense pear-shaped flints, from two
·of the open sea and at a considerable distance from land, to five feet in length and half as much in breadth, are found,
Many sounding.~ of late years have shown that the bed of the several often occu'tring one above the other; for these Dr.
North Atlantic and other portions of the ocean floor are corn- Buckland imported the name Pflramoudra, an Irish word
·posed of a whitish ooze formed of the shells of forams which , meaning "sea-pear," which is usoo for similar mMses occurring
·have sunk to the bottom after the death of the inhabitant: in the chalk near Belfast: they are often hollow, and seem to
·in this manner the chalk was probably formed, and the period have been formed by the accumulation of flint round decay-
required for the accumulation of this deposit, having a thick- ing gigantic sponges. Of shells, the commonest specieg,
ness in N<lrfolk of more than 1,000 feet, must have been of near Norwich, are T!!rebratula carnea and Rhynchonella
·immense duration. Three principal divisions can be made plicatilis. At Bishop's Bridge fine specimens of a great
·out in the chalk of this disk'ict. They all run or " strike" rPptilc-thc M osasaurus-have been met with, but these
nearly due north and south, while they have a gentle easterly are usually so decayed that only the teeth can be extracted.
~· dip" of about one degree. The result of this is that the 1

Remains of Diodon anceps, a Lacertilian reptile allied to


lowest beds of the Chalk are found most to the west- Mosasaurus, have been obtained by Mr. T. G. Bayfield, at
running from Hunstanton by Stoke Ferry to Brandon and Lollard's Pit, Norwich. But the very highest beds of chalk
Mildenhall, while the highest chalky strata lie about 500 known in Norfolk arc those which occur at Trimingham,
·feet below the surface at Yarmouth-as proved by a deep and which contain fossil sponges in the flints, only fo,md
boring there. Plsewhere in the coarse flint-gravel which caps l\Iousehold
The Low!!r Chalk of Norfolk is not, where exposed to the Heath."-(Woodward.) This Trimingham Chalk contains
'Surface, more than about 60 feet in thickness ; but it appears such fossils as Ostrea lunata, Belemnitella mUCTonata, and
"to thicken when followed eastwards, so as to exceed 100 feet Terebratulina qracil1:s, and is probably the highest (i.e., the
in the deep borings at Holkham and at Norwich. Two sub- latest-formed) Engl.;sh chalk.
·divisions are recognised in this Lower Chalk, viz., the Chalk In many sections the upper 5 to 20 feet of the chalk
:Marl at the base, and the Hard Chalk above. appears to be re-arranged, mixed up with clay and sand,
The Chalk Marl.-In the Hunstanton Cliff Section about and containing broken flints with pebbles of quartzite, &c.:
'four feet of a greyish white limestone is seen to rest on the the beds beneath, too, are often tilted and disturbed : these

Jf'ed band; this white bed is the chalk mar!: it is only about , appearances aro due to the passage of glaciers over the sur-
four feet in thickness, and in the lower part we find the I face, as will be described further on. To the same cause may
same branching sponge which occurs in the Red Chalk; the ! be attributed the absence of the escarpments and of the
upper portion is full of the fragments of a shell called I no- rounded and rolling "downs" so characteristic of the chalk
eeramus; some large ammonites (of which the best known of the South of England, a region to which the glacial ice did
is A mmonitn varians) also occur in it. not extend.
The Hard Chalk.-This forms the upper portion of Hun- TERTIARY PERIOD.-An interval of time, whose duration
stanton Cliff. Passing inland, we can follow it by means of mtL<>t have been great indeed, elapsed after the formation

quarries through Snettisham, Gayton, Marham, Narborough, ; of the chalk before any fresh deposits were laid down in
Wbittington and Stoke FPrry h> Feltwcll and Hockwold- , this area: the best proof of tbis great interregnum is found
cum-Wilton: it is much used in western Norfolk, together I in the entire change of life which took place in this interval.
with carstone, for the construction of cottages and farm I In the strata we are now about to describe not one fossil is
buildings; many carvings and monuments for the interior I identically the same as those which occur in the older beds:
of churches have also been executed in it. No flints occur . tbis point then is selected by geologists as a. great line of
in this Lower Chalk, which includes a very hard band called ' demarcation; the chalk is assigned to the Secondary Period,
the Totternhoe Stone, and is of a greyish-white tint through- : and the beds which test upon it to the Tertiary.
out: its thickness in the deep boring executed by Mather 1 EoCENE FoRMATION.-The presence of beds of this age
and Platt for Messrs. Colman, at Norwich, was found to be 'in Norfolk was not suspected until the cores brought up
102 feet, and in the Holkham boring 116 feet. Of fossils from a deep well-boring at Great Yarmouth in 1840 (for Sir
it has yielded bones of a large saurian-Ichthyosaurus : E. I.acon & Co.) were examined many years later by Pro-
eampylodon-and two ammonites-Ammonites p!!ramplus · fessor Prestwich, together with the Rev. John Gunn and Mr.
and A.. austenii-large species about two feet in diameter. I Rose; the boring passed first through 50 feet of blown sand,
The Middle Chalk.-This division of the White Chalk is then through 120 feet of recent estuarine deposits: at a
about 250 feet in thickness, and has a bard band named the depth of 170 feet a light-brown clay with numerous con·
1\Ielbaurn Rock (traces of which are seen at Shernbome, and cretions was found, and proved to be 310 feet thick ; this,
south-east of Heacham). The base of the Middle Chalk runs though no fossils were brought up, Professor Prestwich
north and south from Hockwold-cum-Wilton to Narford and states is undoubted London Clay; beneath it came 46 feet
Gaytonthorpe: it includes bands and nodules of flint, and of Woolwich and Reading Beds: the chalk was found at a
also such fossils as the large sllell Inoceramus mytiloides, the depth of 526 feet and pierced to a depth of 57 feet. These
Eocene beds are nowhere exposed at the surface in Norfolk, Messrs. C. B. Rose, Owles, .d. C. Savin, Steward and ~ash..
and they probably occur only in the extreme east of the M'<lny fine tusks of the mammoth, mea.ruring from six to nine
county beneath Yarmouth, &c., covered over ::md concealed feet along the curve, have been dredged up from the Knole
by newer deposits. Sand, off Hasborough. :Miss Gurney's collection and that
Pr..IOCENE FmmATION.-In the neighbourhood of Nor- of the Rev. J. Gunn are now in the Norwich Museum.
wich, and along a narrow strip on the north side of the river LowER GLACIAL BEDs.-If-with many geologists-we
Waveney, near Bungay, we 8ee resting on the chalk some relegate the Weybourne Crag and Cromer Forest Bed to the
beds of sand, clay and shingle, not more than 30 feet in Pliocene, then the Pleist.ocene Formation in Norfolk will
thickness, and often containing seams or banks of shells: begin with the Leda myalis bed (so named from its most im-
these beds are termed the NQT'ID'ick Crag (crag is derived portant fossil shell), which consists of loamy sand and gravel
from the Celtic creggan, a shell, the beds being often so shelly 15 feet in thickness, and is found only on the coast, west of
as to be used for improving land) : they were first well Cromer. Many of its fossils are of Northern or even Arctit:
described by Mr. E. Charlesworth in 1835, and the names species showing the oncoming of the cold which produced
MammaliferoUJ Crag and Fluv·io-marin~ Crag have also the" Great Ice Age." Still higher-at Beeston, Mundesley,
been applied to them. In Suffolk and Essex beds called Red and near Bacton-we have the Arctic Freshwater Bed ~clays
Crag and Coralline Crag also occur, which WPre deposited and loams 1 to 4 feet thick) in which Dr. A. Nathorst,
(the latter at all events) before the time of the Norwich Crag, in 1872, discovered the Arctic willow, the dwarf Arctic
although the Norfolk series may perhaps be coPval with the birch, and certain mosses which now only live within the
upper part of the Red Crag of Suffolk : in the large chalk- Arctic circle. Next in the Lower Boulder Clay or Cromer
pits near Norwich, as at Trowse, Wh1tlingham, Thorpe Till we have a series, about 200 feet thick, showing an un-
Limekiln, Horstead, Coltishall, and at Bramerton and Post- doubted glacial origin : it is a. greyish clay, containing
wick Grove, the Norwich Crag is well exposed : here, rest- rounded and scratched stones, such as chalk, flint, blue basalt,
ing on the chalk, can be seen the " stone-bed," showing pink granite, &c.; some of the boulders can be identified
:an eroded surface of chalk, bored by Pholas, on which lie with rocks which occur in Scandinavia-•mch as the rhom·
{arge flints, upon and between which are 11'1any bones of large ben-porphyr: then we have the COJttorted Drift, a yellowish,
mammals, as Mastodon arve-rnensis, Elephas meridionalis, loamy and gravelly deposit, remarkable for .the way in which
the Horse, Stag, Ox, Beaver, &c. : above comes the l"'orwich it is seen to be bent or •• contorted" by some force acting
Crag proper-laminated clay, sand and shingle, with here after its deposition: it contains enormol:IS was~es of chalk,
and there patches of shells ; the commonPst species are some of which mea">ure hundreds c.f feet in length : the con·
Tellina obliqua, M actra ovalis, Purpura lapillus, &c. Rest- tortions and included masse3 are believed to be due
ing on the Norwich Crag, of which they may be regarded to the pressure -of the ice of a great glacier moving slowly
as a sub-division, we find the Chillesford Beds-sands and southwards. A few marine shells occur, among which
clays about 5 or 10 feet thick, containing such shells as Tellina balthica is recognizable. These Lower Glacial lled'l
A.starte borealis, Tellina lata, &c. A fine section of thE' stretch inland and cover the surface of a considerable area in
Chillesford Beds is exposed in a brick pit near Aldeby and the north-east of Norfolk, as far south as the course of the
about four miles from Beccles: this pit has been carefully Yare and W ensum, to Ludham, Tumtead, Plumstead and
searched by Messrs. Dowson and Crowfoot, who have ob- llamlington. They are dug for bricks at Norwich.
tained more than 70 species of mollusks from it. Altogether MIDDLE GLACIAL BEos.-These are sands which were
111 species have been obtained from the Norwich Crag formerly thought to mark a comparatively warm or" inter-
proper, 24 of which are land or fresh water forms, and there glacial" period, but which are more probably due to local con-
11.l'e 18 extinct species ; from the Chille.sford Beds 87 species ditions, being merely an " episode" : they are from 15 to 70
have been obtained, 14 of which are not known as living. feet thick, and occupy large areas, cropping out from beneath
All the above Pliocene beds were probably deposited in a the chalky boulder clay. Shells have been found at Billock-
~hallow sea, the coast-line of which lay some few miles west
by, 8 miles north-west of Yarmouth, in a thin shelly seam,
<>f Norwich, and near or in the estuary of a large river. The about 4 or 5 feet below the top of the sand.
shells show a gradual change of climate, the Mediterranean
iorms met with in the lower strata gradually disappearing, UPPER GLACIAL BEDS.-The well-known Great Chalky
:and those of colder seas taking their place. The Norwich Boulder Clay spreads over the centre, south, and south-
'Crag with its associated beds forms all the " solid geology" west of Norfolk: its extreme thickness here is 130 feet: it is
of the surface of Norfolk eastward of a. line drawn roughly a stiff bluish clay, quite unstratified and containing fmg-
from Cromer to Norwich and thence to Harleston; but it is ments of chalk of all sizes, together with a heterogeneous
much covered over and concealed by the drift and other collection of rocks and fossils, derived from almost every for-
11urface deposits. Although only 30 feet thick near Norwich mation: it appears to have been in part formed beneath,
the series thickens to over 100 feet at Beccles, and 150 feet in part pushed before, and in part carried within and upon
beneath Yarmouth. the ice of a. great glacier advancing from the north. The
broads and meres, so distinctive of this county, are small
DIVISION H.-THE DRIFT A:'ll"D OTHER SUPERFICIAL BEDS sheets of water, some of which occupy basins scooped out by
OF NORFOLK, ice-action, while others are due to the action of rivers.
QUATERNARY PERIOD.-The PLEISTOCENB FORl\B.TION in- Hill, Plateau or Flood Gravels.-These are coarse gravels,
-cludes all the deposits connected with the last glacial period; which seem to have been formed by floods resulting from
()f these Norfolk presents a series more complete than i..'l to the melting of great glaciers : the " cannon-shot" gravel
be met with in any other part of the British Isles. In a few of Mousehold Heath is a good example : this is mainly com-
places on the coast we see the PRE-GLACIAL BEDS exposed, posed of large much-battered flints, with quartz and quartzite
as at Cromer, Runton and Weybourne: these include the pebbles. The Glacial Deposits of Norfolk contain no truly
(;romer Forest Bed, which can be traced from Runton by contemporaneous foSiils ; but of fossils knocked out of or
(;romer and Hasbro to Kessingland in Suffolk, a distance of derived from pre-existin~ strata they include so many that
about 40 miles. At low water, or after heavy storms, the good collections may be, and indeed have been, mada by
-stumps of trees may be seen on the beach embedded in diligent workers.
laminated clays and sands; cones of Scotch fir and spruce PosT-GLACIAL DEP03ITS : -
are common, with bones of such large mammals as Elepkas
<mtiquus, Hippopotamus, Rhinoceros, many species of deer,
V alley Gravels.-N umerous beds, or very different a~es,
are included under this term : some belong to a syste:n of
.&c.: it is now generally considered that these bones were rivers, which flowed nearly at right angles to those of the
washed out of some older deposit, and Mr. C. Reid's researches
have shown that the trees did not grow on the spot where present day: these beds have yielded many flint imple-
we now see them. This Forest Bed is in all probability an
~stuarine deposit, marking a part of the ancient course of
In the Cliffs at Mundesley there is a.n old filled-up ri>er-
the river Rhine, at a time when the bed of the present North bed, which has yielded remains of a tortoise (Emys lutaria).
Sea was a low plain through which the stream pursued its Blown Sand forms the " Marram Hills," or " M~als,"
devious way. The W eybourne Crag is found only in the between Winterton and Hasborough, and they alsJ extend
corth of Norfolk, and is slightly older than the Forest Bed, from Brancaster to Wells: these constitute a natural barrier
which it can be seen to underlie on the coast~ it contains against the sea, and are kept up with great care.
Tellina balthica, a characteristic glacial shell. Both the The Fen-Beds.-The gravelly beds between Brandon aad
Weybourne Crag and the Forest Bed are often regarded as Huckwold-cum-Wilton, and the Nar Valley clays, which
the top of the Pliocene Formation, and they have, indeed, extend from Watlington to Narford, seem to be the olJest
many claims to be classed with the Norwich Crag. Fossi- of the Fen deposits : the peat of Hilgay Fen comes next ;
lized remains of large mammals have been obtained in and, as we follow this northwards, we find it become~
1arge numbers by the fishermen who with their nets sweep interstratified with a marine deposit of silt, which forrru
the shallow floor of the German Ocean : of these the late the land between Downham Market and Walsoken north-
Rev. James Layton formed a magnificent collection, which wards to the Wash. This Fen district is the " Mar~hland "
;s now in the British Museum : it is stated that he had at of Norfolk; and, in its flat surface, its remarkable drainage
one time as many as 600 grinders of the elephant in his pos- system, buried forests, &c. has many points of interest all
se.<~'>i.on. Fine collections have also been made by the late its own. Of the former condition of this region, ::\Ir.
Miss Gurney, of North Repps, the Rev. John Gunn and Skertcbly has given us a striking picture.-" Great wero3

exist._.d which received the surplus watt:-rs; and, surrounded the windows broken, and is in a very unsafe condition, and
with reed-brakes, such as even now the country produces should another gale occur now much of the village will go.
witl.1 surpassing beauty, afforded shelter to myriads of wild Mr. Upcher informs me that he reckons his loss of land
birds, which found abundant food in the waters. Dank during the past sixty years to be thirty acres at the vPry
morasses, covered with sedge and rush and flags, abounded least."
.on the peat lands, and the cushion-clumps of sedge (Carex PREHISTORIC MAN.-Of the comparatively rough flint
paniculata) afforded a hazardous foothold w the nimble implements which belon~ to the older or Palawlithic clivi-
wayfarer. On these morasses, and on the firmPr, or rathPr 1 sion of the Stone Age, many specimens havP hePn found

drier soil, grass attained a rank luxuriance ; and here the ' in the old river-gravels along thP vaiiPy of the Little Ouse,
cattle grazed, and throve wondrously. But in winter, at Lopham Ford, Shrub Hill near Feltwell, White Hill and
nearly all the peat-land was drowned, or as the old fen-men Red Bill near Thetford, Bromehill near Wet>ting, Ash
say, 'surrounded,' and then the hardy inhabitants went Wicken, Aylmerton, King's Lynn, South Wootton, Runwn..
from island to island in small boats, or travPlled quickly Whitehill, &c. : these pal~olithic flint implements were
over the smooth ice. The border-land was clothed with chipped into shape but never polished; they are either
forest growth; and, seawards of the timber-trees, clumps pointed or oval in form, and the average size is from 5 to 7
of willow and sallow gave shelter to the wild-boar and the , inches long and 2 to 4 broad. Of the later or N eolithic
wolf. On the silt-lands the lower portions were surrounded: Stone Age numerous specimens of celts (axe-heads), arrow-
in winter, and often far into tbe summer; and East and heads, flakes, &c. have been found on or nPar the surf11ce,
West Fens (and especially the former), almost always pre- or in barrows at Attleborough, Aylsham, CrnmPr, Necton,

sented a lake-like appearance. The soil was fertile; the· North Walsham, Pentney, Sporle near_Swaffham, Norwich.
watms, the woods, and the air were tenanted with game. Hilgay FPn, Harleston, Hunst.anton, Trimingham, &c.
Famine could never be known, for the land literally over- In the mere.~ at Wretham, 5 miles north of Thetford, traces
flowc d with food, and, as a consequence, the people dcgene- of undoubted lake-dwPllings were met wi1h; t.lipse have
rated into a thriftless race, whose only strong passion was been described by Professor A. Newton and Sir C. Bunbury.

a love of freedom." The Neolithic tools are of delicate and varied shapPs,

Now all this is changed ; the great works which have and often bPar marks of rubbing or polishing. The flints.
been carried on, almost without intermission, from the of which these t.ools are almost invariahly composed, were

time of Cbarle~ I. to the present day, have so drained the. of course obtained from the chalk, and at a place called

Front view of r.ore, with Flakes replace~, showing the points of percu~s10n. The central mass of flint, from which no more
flakes can be struck, is called the core •

land, that 1n dry years (as 1874) there is a positive lack of " Grimcs' Graves," in the parish of Weeting, about 3 milf's
water. north-east of Brandon, it seems probable that we have pil&
Den'tlddtion of the Coast.-Tbe coast of Norfolk, Pspecially sunk by these old l\"eolithic workers for the purpose of
where it risPs into cliffs of any hPight, has suffered greatly obtaining ll1is mnterial. One of the pits here was rxplored
from the action of the sea, combined with that of land- by Canon Greenwell in 1870 : he found some of the old
springs: the sea, hy dashing against1 the base of the clifTs, tools-picks formed of deer horn-which in one place bad
using as m.issiles the fallen stones, rapidly undermines them, been buried underneath a falling of the chalk. " The day's
when the upper part falls in and is swept away by the work over, the men had laid down each Iris tool, ready for
waves : the springs flowing along the junction of p~>rvious the ne,xt day's work ; meanwhile the roof had fallen in, and
beds (sands) with impervious ones (clays) loosen the adhesion the picks bad never been recovPred. . • . . It was a
of the beds and the upper part slides down on to the beach : most impressive sight, and one nPvPr to be forgotten, to
in this way the whole coast is receding at the ra1e of pPrhaps look, after a lapse, it may be of ;1,000 years, upon a piece
one yard per annum. " Since the Conquest the villages of of work unfinished, with the tools vf the workmen slill lying
Shipden, Keswick, ClarP, Wimpwell, Eccles, and Ness, or where they had been placed so many centuries before.'•
the greater part of them, have been washed away. The These picks still retained, under their chalky incrustation,
ren:ains of Eccles Church are still to be seen, buried as it the impressions of the workmen's fingers. Altogether, in his
were within the l\Iarram Hills." (S. Taylor.) The last fine work on The Ancient Stone lmplt•ments of Grtat Britai'll,
fragment of this church-its tower-was destroyed by a Sir Jno. Evans cites elPven localities in Norfolk whe1e
storm in January, 1895. A letter by Mr. C. RPid in the Pala>olithic implements, and forty-eight localities where
.. Geological Magazine," thus describes the damage done by NenlithiC" implement~ have been found.
thf' storm of January 30th, 1877: "I have examined the There is no passage from the Pala'olithic to the N eolitbie
coast from Hasborough to beyond Sberringbam, and the period ; thP two stand distinctly apart, with no li11ks between
damage done is marvellous. Probably the loss of land along them: this great gap has been accounted for by Prof.
the whole line of coast mentioned may be p.stimated at a Geikie, Mr. Skertcbly, and other eminent gPologists, by the
yard. At the life-boat gap at Bacton the amount that supposition that thP Glacial Period intervened and drove
has gone is 15 yards, and a strip of about that width is man out of this country to warmer climes: the men who made
missing as far as the Walcot gap (three furlongs). . . . . and used the Pala'olithic implements were Pre-glacial, or
The n1ost serious loss is at Lower Sberringham ; thPre Mr. Early Glacial, the llleolitbic men were Post-glacial. For
Upehcr has lost two acres ; nearly all the sea-wall has been the present, however, we must be content to regard this as
swept nway ; none of the gangways are left; a cottage and a suggestion.
a shed have fallen into the sea, the inn on the cliffs has had w. JERO:ME HARRJSON, F.G.S.
ACLE is a parish and small town, with a station on the manual fire engine, which is the only efficient one nearer
Norwich and Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern J:,ail- than Norwich or Yarmouth. A market was formerly
way, and is 8~ miles west from Yarmouth by a road cut held here, but it has long been obsolete. The fairs
through the marshes in 1833 (which ~hortened the distance have also been abolished. Weekly cattle sales are held
by 3! miles), 11 ea!C't from Norwich and 126 p-om London, here on Thursdays. There is a small charity for the
in the Eastern division of the county, Blofield and Walsham benefit of the poor, derived from a piece of land now
pet,ty sessional division, Walsham bunched, Blofield unien, producing £4 yearly, ros. of which goes to the rector.
Norwich county court c,listrict, rural dermery of Blofield The late Mr. George England left a sum of money, the
anri archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich; the navigable interest thereof, amounting to £24 16s. annually, to be
river Bure flows on the east of the parish and is here distributed in coals and ·blankets every Christmas to the
crossed by a bridge. Richard II. granted the town exemp- poor of the parish. Mrs. Marion Stammers in 1904
tion from all tolls and suits of shire and hundred, with left a sum of £2oo for the poor of the parish of Acle;
other immunities, but these privileges have now ceased the interest is distributed by the rector in coals &c.
to be of any value. The church of St. Edmund, chiefly Here are the remains of Weybridge Priory, founded by
erected in the qth century, is an edifice of flint and Roger Bigod, 5th Earl of Norfolk of that name, in the
stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north and south time of Edward L for canons of the Augustinian order,
porches and a circular embattled western tower, with and dedicated to St. Marv.•
The Hon. Mrs. Anstruther-
octagonal belfry stage, containing 5 bells : the stained Gough-Calthorpe, who is lady of the manor, and the
east window is a memorial to William Roberts Last Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the principal land-
esq. d. 186], and there is a mural monument to owners. The soil is good mixed; subsoil, sand, clay and
Benjamin Heath Baker, d_ 1872, erected by his family; brick earth. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
in the chancel is a marble monument to the late The area is 3,531 acres, a large portion of which is
Jeremiah Berry, gent. d. Oct. 31st, 1767; there are marsh land, 3 of water, 49 of tidal water and 13:a of
several brasses, including one in the chancel to the foreshore; rateable value, [.6,955; the population in
Rev. R. W. Kennion M.A_ rector 1858-94, one to the 19n was 942·
late Rev_ Thmnas Stones, a former rector, d. January
19th, 1627o and another to John Swane, d. 1534 and Nowhere, formerly extra-parochial, is now annexed ,to
William and Anne Gay, d. 1505: the font, which dates this parish, under the provisions of the Assessment Ad
from 1410, must originally have been very handsome, of 1862.
four of the carved figures on it represent the four Evan-
gelists, it also bears the following inscription, "Orate pro DAMG.ATE is a hamlet in this parish.
anima bus qui hunc font em in honore dei fecerunt, fecit Sexton, William Holmes.
A- D. MCCCCX " ; the chalice and paten date from 166o,
the former having the letters " T. C." and the words, Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Ruth Laight, sub-post-
"Acle Saynt Edmund, 166o," inscribed on it: there re- mistress. Letters arrive from Norwich, per mail cart,
mains also an ancient screen : the south porch was at 5·45 a.m. & I & 5 p.m. by train; dispatched a~
restored in 1896 at a cost of [.w5: during 1904 and IJ.4o a.m. & 4.40 & 7·5 p.m.; sundays, 4.40 p.m
1907 the church was restored at a cost of £I,ooo, and Wall Letter Boxes.-Damgate, cleared at a.m. &
a new organ erected at a cost of [.3oo, and a small 4.30 p_m. ; no sunday collection; Railway station.
vestry re-opened : in 1912 the interior was renovated at cleared at 12.5 & 7.30 p.m. ; no sunday collection
a cost of £5oo, and in the _course of the work a piscina County Police Station, Isaiah Fuller, superintendent; J
and a low Ride window were discovered in the south sergeant & 13 constables
wall of the chancel; the church affords 320 sittings. Volunteer Fire Brigade, George Furrence, -supt
The register dates from the year 1664. The living is a
rectory, net yearly value £650, including 11 acres of Overseer, Tallis .A vis
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Hon. Mrs. Public Elementary School (mixed), under ~ managers.
Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, and held since 1894 by the Rev. R. R. Young M.A. (chairman), for about 200
Rev. Robert Raven Young M.A. of Trinity College, Cam- children; average attendance, 143; Tallis Avis, master
bridge, and rural dean of Blofield_ The rectory house Railwav Station, Arthur Aldis, station master
is pleasantly situated on a slight elevation facing the Omnib~s from Queen's hotel &i Bridge hotel meets aU
Norwich road, and close to the church. There is a trains & conveys ;passengers to the adjacent villages &
Wesleyan chapel and a Primitive Methodist chapel built fishing gr~mnds
in 1883 to seat 100 persons. The parish room was erected Carrier to N orwich.-Ernest William George, wed. &
in r88o, at a cost of about £3oo. The town has one sat. returning same day

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Back Herbert Hatfield M.B.Lond., Disney Ann Bessey (Mrs.),apartments,
Back Alfred Hy_ "M.A., L.R.C.P_Edin M.R.C.S.Eng_ surgeon, & medical Crossway&
Back Herbt. Hatfield M.B., M.R.C.S. officer of health, Blofield & Ayl- Disney George Frederick, insurance
Eng sham Rural Districts agent, Crossways
Barr John M.R-C-V.S Barclay & Company Ltd.(sub-branch), East Anglian Bacon Curing Co. Ltd.
Coates Reginald George bankers (G. S. Hunt, clerk in ham & bacon curers
Coleman George Drury charge), open thurs. 2 to 4.30 Ea~tick John Waiter, boat builder
Davie Miss p.m.; draw on head office, 54 Lom- Ellis Arthur, thatcher & basket ma
Elliot Edward bard street, London E U Faulke Charlotte (Miss), farmer
English Miss, '1\he Whymm Barnaby Albt. Jn. tailor & hair drssr Furrence George, bricklayer
Goulder Ro bert Barr Jn. M.R.C_V.S.veterinary surgn Gallant George, farm steward to S1.
. Grimson George Bowling Club (S. W. Richmond, sec_ Wright esq
Hayes Miss & treasurer) George Dennis, wheelwright
Hill Rev_ Abraham (Primitive Metho- Capital & Counties Bank Ltd_ (sub- George Ernest William, carrier
dist), The Manse branch), open thurs. 2 to 4.30 George Harriet ·(Mr;!_), pork butcher
Humphrey C'harles Benjamin p.m. ; draw on ·head office, 39 George Tom, Bridge hotel, & coal
Marshall Charles William Threadneedle street, London E C merchant & boat owner; sailing.
Pearce William Capon Harry Thomas, relieving & rowing & fishing boats for hire
Poll William Sheppard, Willowdene vaccination officer for Eastern dis- Gilling J_ & H. coal merchants
Rudd Ernest Robert trict & registrar of births & deaths Griffin Elizabeth (Mrs-), apartments
Smithdale Albert for the South Walsham sub-district Griffin James, plumber
Smithdale Arthur E Carter Sarah (Mrs.), apartments Grim son George, farmer & landownet
Smithdale Harry Carter Waiter, fa1"lller Holmes Charles & Sons, nurserymen
Smithdale Mrs Chapman Albert Graham, farmer & flower & fruit growers
Watts Mrs. Ivy cottage Chapman Edmund John, grazier Hubbard James, pork butcher
Wilkinson Charles W. The Elms Coates Reginald! George, district sur- Ives William, cowkeeper
W omersley WiUiam veyor to County Council for Acle J eary George, butcher
Young Rev. Robert Raven M.A. district 'Knott James, insurance agent
(rector -& rural dean), Rectory Coman Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker Laight William, grocer &ic. Post office
COMMKRCIA.I._ Coman William, plumber Liberal Association (FrankHolmes,l'iec)
Annis Ernest, fruiterer Conservative Association (Tallis Avis, Maddison, Miles & Maddison, auctnrs
Avis Tall is, schoolmaster & overseer sec) Moy Thomas, coal merchant
Back Alfred Hy. M.A.Camb.,M_R.C_S. Daniels Albert Edward, builder & Palm er John, baker
Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon, & wheelwright Poll William Sheppard, pharmacen-
medical officer & public vaccinator Daniels George, farmer tical chemist
for Eastern district, Blofield union Deeks Charles William, boot maker Rice Edmund, farmer

Richmond Samuel W. Queen's Head Smithdale Thomas & Sons, ~ngineers, Watts 8arah Ann (Mrs.), beer retailr
hotel, commercial &; posting house ; millwrights & iron & brass foun- White Henry, farmer
good accommodation for visitors ; ders, The Iron works. See ad- Wilkerson John, blacksmith
good bowling green; C.T.C. head vertisement Womersley William, solicitor & com-
quarters ; within easy distance of Smithdale Arthur E. oil merchant missioner for oat.hs
river & broads Sutton William, boot maker ' Working Men's Institute (Jas. Knott,
Rix G. H. & Son, grocers Thomp~un George, house furnisher hon. sec)
Rix William, saddler & harness ma Utting Waiter. stone mason Wright James Wm. King's Head inn
Sandell William Richard, grocer Walker Edward Frank, farmer Wroxham Mi1ls Ltd. millers (stores)
Smith George C. Hermitage inn \Vaters Ernest, farmer Youngs John, carter
CASTLE ACRE, seep. 87.
SOUTH ACRE is a parish in a pleasant valley watered Thomas Daubeny B. A. of Magdalen College, Oxford.
by the river Nar, 4 miles north from Swaffham station on This manor originally belonged to the Harsick family :
the Great Eastern railway, in the South Western division in the latter part of the r6th century it was sold by
of the county, South Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional Sir Edmund Bell, descended on the female side from
division, Swaffham union and county court district, rura) Sir Roger Harsick, to Edward Barkham esq. father of
deanery of Cranwich (north division), archdeaconry of Sir Edward Barkham, lord mayor of London 1621, and
Lynn and diocese of .Norwich. 'l'he church of St. George afterwards belonged to the Richardson family, of Hon-
is an ancient edifice of flint and stone in the Early Eng- ingham, Barons Cramond in Scotland, through the
lish style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of three marriage of Henry, 3rd baron, with Frances (Napie.r),
bays, north aisle, north poreh and an embattled western relict of Sir Edward Barkham kt. : Elizabeth, only sister
tower containing 3 bells: the windows in the north aisle and· heir of William (Richardson), 4th Baron Cramond,
·have been restored by .A. C. Fountaine esq. : a part of married in August, 1735, William Jermy esq. of Bayfield
the old oak roof was restored in 19II at a cost of £230 : Hall, and afterwards sold Southacre Hall, the last remain-
in the church are brasses to Sir John and Lady Harsick, ing po):"tion of the great Cramond property in Norfolk, to
dated 1584, and to Thomas Leman, 1534: there are also Sir .Andrew Fountaine kt. of Salle, warden of the Mint.
undated monuments to Sir Edward Barkham kt. lord Commander Charles Andrew Fountaine R.N. of Narford
mayor <Jf London in 162r, to his relict Frances (Napier), Hall, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
afterwards the wife of Henry (Richardson), 3rd Baron soil is sand and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The
Cramond, buried here 19 Nov. 1706, and to Sir Eudo chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips, rye and oats.
Harsicke, dating from about 1248 : the chancel retains The area is 2,5o6 aC'res of land and 6 of water; rate-
a piscina with shelf, and there is a large stone font with able value, £1,n3; the population in 1901 was 106.
a raised oak cover: the communion plate was presented
Letters through Swaffham arrive at 7 a.m. & 4 p.m.
by Lady Jane Barkham in r642: there are 130 sittings, Castle Acre is the nearest money order & telegraph
II8 being free. The register dates from the year zs6r.
office, half a mile distant
The living .is a rectory, net yearly value £340, including
44, acrew of glebe, with residence, in the gift of H. Birk- Wall Letter Box cleared at 6.45 p.m. & 9·55 a.m. !!un
beck, esq. and held since 1904 by the Rev. Edmund The children of this place attend the school at Castle Acre
Daubeny ReT Edmund Thomas B.A. Beth Edward, farmer, Hall farm Haylett John, farm bailiff to Edward
The Rectory Gayford Gerald, estate agent to Com- Betts esq. Hall farm
mander Charles Andrew Fountaine

WEST ACRE is a parish and vilhtge lying in a deep Augustinian order, as a cell to the abbey of Lewes: at
valley on the north side of the river Nar, 3 miles north- its dissolution there were 17 canons and revenues esti-
east from Narboruugh station on the Lynn and Dereham mated at £z6o. West Acre High House, the property
section of the Great Eastern railway and 5 north-west a:ud residence of Henry Birkbeck esq. lord of the manor
from Swaffham, in the North Western division of the and principal landowner, is a mansion of grey brick in
county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional divi- the Italian style, situated on an eminence in an exten-
sion and union, and Swaffham countv •
court district and sive park, and· commanding fine views of the surround-
in the rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of ing country. The soil is sandy and clay ; subsoil, chalk.
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of All The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and oats.
Saints is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, The area is 3,567 acres of land and 12 of water; rateable
consisting of chancel, na>e, transept, north porch and value, [2,114; the population in 1grr was 400.
embattled western tower containing one bell: the Parish Clerk, Fred Scalpher.
communion plate was presented by a member of the
Earkha.rn family, then residing at South Acre, in 1762 : Post ~ T. Office. John Softley, sub-postmaster. Letters
there are 176 sittings, 168 being free. The register dates through Swaffham arrive at 7 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. ;
from the year 1668. The living is a vicarage, net yearly dispatched at 8.10 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. i on sunday at
value £31, in the g-ift of Henry Birkbeck esq. and held a.m. Castle Acre, 3 miles distant, is the nearest
t!ince rgrr by the Rev. Lionel Gardner Titley ~lf.A. of monev •
order office
Pembroke College, Cambridge. Here is a Methodist Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), built in
chapel, built in r887. Near the church are the ruins 1876, for 104 children; average attendance, mixed 53•
of the priory of St. Marv and jJl Saints, founded in the infants. 20; Jacob Ethclwald Brown, master; Mrs.
reign of William I by Ralph de Toni, for canons of the Marion Brown, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ladle James,flour dealer & pork butchr
Eirkbeck Henry, West Acre High ho COMMERCIAL. Lewis Alfred, farmer, Soigne farm
FTyer Thomas, Mill house rn 1a by Charles, shopkeeper Middleton J oseph, steward t{) Henry
Hamond Thomas Astley Horace J.P. Fuller Henry, farmer Birkbeck ·esq .
The Abbey GaYton ~ills Co. millers Softly Robert & John, blacksmiths
'Titley Rev. Lionel Gardner M.A. Hamcmd Nicholas, estate agent t() Wilson Olifford Eldred, farmer, War-
(vicar), Custhorpe house Henry Birkbeck esq ren & Abbev farms

ALBURGH is a parish and straggling but pleasant bras~ inscribed to the Rev. Charles William Lohr B.A.
village seated on a be.ight, r mile north from the Homers- rE'ctnr here r 871-97 : the lower part of the old screen,
field station on the 'Vaveney Valley section of the Great which displays some interesting "gesso" work, has
Eastern railway, which is in this parish, 3; miles north- been repaired, and made the foundation of a new
east from Harleston, 5 west from Bungav and the navig- reredos in memory of the Rev. C. W. Lohr: the church
able Waveney, and 104 from London, in the Southern was thoroughly restored iu 1876 at a cost of £r,340,
division of the county, Earsham hundred and petty ses- from plans by R. M. Phipson esq. F.S.A. and affords 200
sional division, union, Harleston county court sittings. The register dates from the year 1540. The
district, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of living is a rectory. net yearly value £335, including 5
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of .All a.C'res of glebe and residence, in the gift of St. John's
Saints is a structure of flint and stone, mainly in the CollPge, Cambridge, and held since H)OO by the Rev.
Perpendicular style, though portions are Early .Eng- Alfred Pal!an ~LA. of that college. The Congre-
lish: it consists of chancel, nave, south porch and an goationalist3 have a small meeting room here. A cottage
embattled western tower with four light pinnacles con- library is open during the winter months. The charities
taining 8 bells, rchung in 1908 : in the chancel are include one averaging from £32 to £so annually, derived
memorial windows to Malcolm George Lohr, d. 31 Dec. from the rent of allotment land, consisting of 13a. rr. 2op.
r872; and to Barnabas Bond, d. 23 Dec. 1872; and a awarded under the Enclosure Act of r8or(p Geo. Ill.)
to the poor of .A.lburgh and Wortwell, and is distributed Post k Telegraph Office.-Miss Elizabeth Taylor, sub-
in coals: there is also a town estate, producing about postmistress. Letters are received from Harleston at
£100 yearly, originally bequeathed to keep the town 7.10 a.m. &i 2.30 p.m. for callers; dispatched at 11.55
armour in repair, but now applied towards the payment a.m. & 5.50 p.m. ; no sunday delivery. Denton is
of the church expenses and coal for the poor. The land the nearest monev• order office
belongs to several freeholders. The parish lies in four Wall Letter Box, Homersfield Railway Station, cleared
manors, viz. :-Holbrook Hall, of which John Sancroft at 6.15 p.m. week days only. Pillar Letter Box,
Holmes esq. of Gawdy Hall, Harleston, is lord; Top- Cherry Tree corner, cleared at u noon & 5·55 p.m.
croft with Denton, of which Henry Edwin Garrod esq. week days only
of Diss, is lord; the Rectory Manor and Den ton Rectory Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1847 ~
Manor. The soil is rich loam. The chief crops are enlarged in r872 & again in r8<}6, for roB children;
wheat, barley and turnips. The area is r,585 acres; average attendance, 76; .lrden Hipper, master
rateable vaJue, £2,049; the population in I9II was 449· Homersfield Railway Station, Harry Jarrett Clark, sta-
tion master
PRIVATE RESIDEKTS. Carman Sydney Herbert, farmer 1 Reeve Herbert, farmer & poultry
Lohr Miss, Tudor house Chambers Lewis Daniel & Jack Stan-1 breeder, Station farm
Pagan Rev. Alfred M ..A. (rector), ley, farmers, Holbrook hill Smith Edward, boot & shoe maker
Rectory Cox John, farmer & corn & coal mer- Sporle Saml. & Jas. frmrs.Manor f'"'n"'n
Rackham Mrs. Blofield house chant & insurance agent 'I Taylor Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper,
Springfield Thos. Osborn, .Alburgh ho Cox William, coach builder, wheel- Post office
wright, farmer & landowner Watson Edward, assistant overseer &;
Fairhead Frederick, shoe maker 1 clerk to Parish Council, beer retlr.
COMMERCIAL. Flaxman Jas. l<'order,frmr.Church fm · & shopkeeper
Barber .A.nnie Elizh. (Miss), grocer Flaxman James William, farmer, Red Woods, Sadd, Moore & Co. Ltd. flour,
Barrett John, farmer • House farm seed & cake merchants ; depot,
Barrett Waiter, farmer, Stoney lane Freestone ..A.rthur, Kin!;'s Head P.H 1 Homersfield railway station
Borrett .A.rthur, beer retailer Love Edward, cowkeeper Wright Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer &
Brock & Olley, dress makers Miles Percy William, farmer, White ho landowner, Msat farm
Brooks Georgey blacksmith Millett Jonathan, thatcher & farmer I Wright Wm. farmer, Ivy House farm
Butcher John, shoe maker Mobbs Walter, bricklayer
ALBY, with Thwaite, is a parish and scattered village, Orford is lord of the manor; Col. H. ~<\.. Barclay C. V.O.,
7 miles north-west from North Walsham station and 4 ..A..D.C. of Hanworth Hall, Herbert Cook esq. of Thwaite
west from Gunton station, both on the Norwich and and Jonas Walpole esq. of Erpingham, are the chief
Cromer section of the Great Eastern railway, 5 north landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The
from ..A.ylsham and the navigable Bure, and 6 south from chief crops are wheat, turnips and barley, also pasture
Cromer, in the Northern division of the county, North land. The area of the civil parish is 1,437 acres; :rete-
Erpingham petty sessional division, South Erpingham able value, £r,852; the population in 1901 of .A.lby with
hundred, .A.ylsham union and county court district, rural Thwaite was civil 399, ecclesiastical 254, and in rgu,
deanery of Ingworth, North division, and archdeaconry civil 404.
and diocese of Norwich. This parish was united to the Parish Clerk, H. Gidney.
parish of Thwaite .A.ll Saints, March 25th, 1884, for civil
purposes, but for ecclesiastical purposes remains a sepa- Letters through Norwich, vi!\ Hanworth, arrive at 7
rate parish. The church of St. Ethelbert is an edifice of a. m. Wall Letter Box, .A.lby Hill, cleared at II-40
cut flint and stone in the Early English style, and con- a.m. & 11.25 a.m. July to Sept. & 6.15 p.m.; no col-
sists of chancel, nave, south porch and a. western tower lection on sundays. Hanworth is the nearest money
containing a clock and one bell: the church was repaired order & telegraph office, 2 miles distant
and partly re-seated in 1889, and now affords 160 sittings. Public Elementary School, .A.lby Hill (mixed), erected
The register dates from the year 15~ B. The living is a in 1907, for 230 children; average attendance, r6o ;
rectory, net yearly value £1o7, including 14 acres of J. M. Hulls, master; Miss Perks, assistant mistress.
glebe with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Orford, The children from .A.ldborough, Hanworth, Thurgarton
and held since 19rr by the Rev. Alfred Hastings Evered, & the elder children from Thwaite and Albr also
who i11 also rector of Thwaite .All Saints. The Earl of attend this school
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Robertson dlr .Alby Hill fm
Evered Rev . .A.lfred Hastings (rector), Hewitt Clifford George, farmer, Rooke Charles Hy. Horse Shoes P.H

Manor House farm vv-alpole J onas, farmer
Norris William, .A.lby hall Pearson Charles, market gardener
ALDBOROUGH is a parish and considerable village, borough Hall, and held since 1910 by the Rev. Granville
chiefly around an extensive green, 6 miles north from William Borlase M ..A.. of Exeter College, Oxford. Here
.A.ylsham stations on the Great Eastern railway & Mid- is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The Temperance Hall,
land and Great Northern joint railway, and 7 south-west erected in 1884, is a structure of brick, and will seat
from Cromer, in the Northern division of the county, 300 persons. In 1go6 a Gospel Hall was erected, in
North Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, which the Plymouth Brethren hold their 11ervices.
Erpingham union, Halt county court district, rural Messrs. Barclay and Company Limited, bankers, have a
deanery of Repps and archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- sub-branch here. .A. stock fair is held here on the 21st
wich. The river Bure, which is navigable up to .A.yls- and 22nd of June, unless the 2rst falls on Saturday or
ham, runs near the parish. The church of St. Mary the Sunday, in which event it is held on the following Mon-
Virgin is an ancient building of flint, with stone dress- day and Tuesday. .A.ldborongh Hall, the seat of Mrs.
ings, in the Early Perpendicular style, consisting- of Edward Gay, the principal landowner and lady of the

chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a turret manor of .A.ldborough, is a fine building standin~ in its
f:'rected in Igo6, at a cost of £2oo, and containing one own grounds, and dating from 1636 : the front part was
bell : the stained east window is a memorial to the Rev. rebuilt in 1816. .A.ldborough is partly in the manor of
J. G. Nelson, rector, d. r882, erected at a cost of £roo: Hanworth, of -which Lord Suffield P.C., G.C. V. 0.,
there are several tablets to the Gay family, dating from K.C.B., V.D. is lord. The soil is mixed; subsoil, prin-
1792, and a brass to .A.nne Herward, wife of Robert Her- cipally brick earth, though some of it is gravel; it is
ward, ob. rst January, 1485, besides two brass effigies, farmed on the four-course, or Norfolk system. The
one of a knight in armour and the other a civilian in fur- area is 795 acres; rateable value, £1,424; the popula-
lined robe and carrying a dagger: under the font, there tion in 191I was 346.
is the matrix of a missing brass, and an inscription ror- Post, ~- 0. & T. Office.-Walter Chestney, sub-post-
responding to the vacant space to Richard Ricards esq. master. 'Letters are received through Norwich; arrive
1492 (or 3); another recorded brass, dated 1427, is either at 6.15 a.m. & 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at n.2o a.m.
lost or hidden under the floor of a gallery: the rood & 7 p.m. ; no delivery Qn sunday
stairs, two piscinre and sedilia and a stoup remain:
the church was restored in 1849 at a cost of £750. The children of this parish attend the school at Alby
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is Hill
a. rectory, net yearly value £r36, with residence and 25 Carrier.-Robert Massingham calls here every wed. &
acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. E. Gay, of Aid- sat. on his way to Aylsham & Norwich
Borlase Rev. Granville William M . .A. COMMERCIAL. Barclay & Comp~nyLtd.(s'nb-branch),
(rector), Rectory A.ldborough Temperance Hall (James bankers, ope:p. on thurs. from ro to
Gay Mrs. Edvvard • .A.ldborough hall Witham, sec) r; draw on head office, 54 Lombard
Spurrell William Dewing Bacon Robert, wheelwright street, London E C

Bone & Co. grocers Dunham John, farmer Spurrell Wm. Dewing M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Bone Jas.farmr. & landownr.Manor ho Fish James William, motor car & L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon,
Catchpole Albert, chimney sweep cycle agent & repairer medical officer & public vaccinator,
Chapman Arthur, currier Flood William, Black Boys P.H 2nd district, Aylsham union & Aid-
Chapman Charlotte (Mrs.), baker Forster Alfred, builder borough district, Erpingham union
Colman Alfred J ames, watch maker Gay Edmund, farmer Suffiing John, assistant overseer for
Cooke Thomas Carter, miller (water Johnson Eleanor (Miss), milliner Aldborough & Thurgarton
& steam) & corn & seed merchant Knights Alfred, plumber & glazier Tudman Thos. Robert, Red Lion P.H
Cooper Robert, boot repairer Lewell Joshua John, saddler Watson Benjamin Burgess, shopkeepr
Day Bertie, grocer Metcalfe George William, baker Witham Fredk. registered blacksmith,
Dewing William Clowes, ironmonger Neale Waiter, gardener to Mrs. Gay agricultural implement repairer,
Dunham Frederick, farm bailiff to Pentney Arnold, blacksmith threshing machine proprietor &
Mr. William Dunham Robins Harry, butcher carting contractor
Spurgeon William T. butcher Witham James, refreshment rooms
ALDEBY is a considerable village and parish in the founded here in the reign of Henry I. by Agnes, the
vale of the Waveney and on the borders of Suffolk, with a wife of Robert de Rye, for monks of the Benedictine
station I ! miles north from the village on the Beccles order and dedicated to St. Marv- : the remains now
and Yarmouth ~ectwn of the Great Eastern railway, I I form part of the Priory Farm premises. The trustees
miles south-west of Yarm<mth and 4 north-east from of Ampton School, Suffolk, who are lords of the manor,
Beccles, in the Southern division of the county, Claver~ the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who arG lords of the
ing hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional divi~ Priory manor, King's College, Cambridge, Miss Lark~
sion and union, Beccles county court district, rural man, Charles William Dunbar-Buller esq. of Donaghadee,
deanery of Brooke (eastern division), archdeaconry of eo. Down, and James Gowing esq. of The Hall, Wheat-
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. acre All Saints, are the chief landowners. The soil is
Mary is a structure of flint with stone dressings, in loam and sand ; subsoil, sand and clay, and in some parts
the Early English style, consisting of chancel with aisle, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, hay
nave, north transept and an embattled central tower and roots. The area is 3,o8o acres of land, 3 of water,
containing 4 bells : the west doorway is a fine specimen 22 of tidal water and 6 of foreshore ; rateable value, -
of Norman work, and there is an early font in good pre- £3,996; the population in 19II was 588.
servation, a piscina and two sedilia: the old windows Parish Clerk, James Futter.
were renewed and the church re-seated in 188o at a cost Post & Telegraph Office. Joseph Kent, sub-postmaster.
of about £7oo, and it now affords 200 sitt.ings. The Letters arrive from Beccles at 6.55 & 11.3o a.m.;
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a
dispatched at 12.45 & 5.30 p.m.; n<J sunday delivery.
vicarage, net yearly value £289, including 2 acres of Toft Monks is the nearest money order office
glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich,
Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 1.10 & 5·45
and held since 1906 by the Rev. Herbert Muir M.A. of
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, who is also rector
of Wheatacre All Saints. The Ecclesiastical Commis- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1840 &
sioners are impropriators of the rectorial tithes, com- enlarged in 18gB, for 150 children; average attendance,
muted for £735 yearly. The fuel allotment of 24 acres 1o6; Geurge L. Keep, master
is let on an average for £34 a year, which is dis~ Railway Station, Frederick T. Blythe, station master &
tributed in coal among the poor. .A small priory was goods agent
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Egg-ett William, assistant overseer for Mickelburgh William Blandon, far-
Banham John Butcher, Waterheath Aldeby, Burgh ~t. Peter & Wheat- mer, Aldeby liome
Muir Rev. Herbert M.A. (vicar), acre Mills Frederick C. grocer & draper
Vicarage Eves Robert, farm bailiff to Mr. Muttitt AlfrPd William, carpenter &
Palmer Ernest, The Priorv Samuel A. Banns The Tun~ P.H
· Gaze William Mitohell, farmer, The Nash Frank Saml. farmer, The Grov~
COMMERCIAL. Grange farm Nicke:.- John, carpenter, Lily lane
Aldred James, farm bailiff to Thos. Gowing Fredk. Wm. market gardener Sheldmke Thomas, poultry dealer
Livingstone Ashford esq. Priory frm Gowing William, shopkeeper 1
Taylor Charles, farmer, The Oaklands
Alexander, farm bailiff t<J Mr. Grimmer George, oowkeeper I Turner Alfred, Dun Cow P.H
William M. Gaze Grimmer Robert, carpenter j Weaver Benj. Fredk. market gardenr
Algar Alfred, cowkeeper Kent Joseph,shopkeeper & cowkeeper, Wright Austin, farmer, College farm
Algar Charles, farmer, Common farm Post office & Sutton farm
Burroughs George, coal agent Mickelburgh Pascoe William, farmer,
Crowfoot Wm. mrkt. grdnr. Mill ha I Aldeby hall & Water heath farm
ALDERFORD is a parish and village 1 mile north £150, with 13~ acres of glebe and residence, in the
from Attlebridge station, 3 miles south from Reepham gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held
station and 1! east from Lenwade station, all on the since 1905 by the Rev. Reginald John Corke, of St.
Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 8 north- Bees. William James Barry esq. of Great Witchingham
west from Norwich and 6~ south-west from Aylsham, Hall, is the chief landowner and lord of the man-or.
in the Northern division of the county, hundred and The soil is mixed ; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief
petty sessional divi~ion of Eynsford, St. Faith's union, crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is
Aylaham county court district, rural deanery of Sparham 443 acres; assessable value, £349; the population in
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of 19II was 55·
St. John Baptist is a small but ancient building of flint,
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave The Post Office for this place is at the adjoining village or
and south porch and western tower, with pinnacles, con- Swannington, which see

taining one bell: there are 6o sittings. The register The children of this place attend the school at Attlebridge
dates from the year 1713. The living- is a rectory, with or Lenwade
the vicarage of Attlebridge annexed, joint net yearly valnP
Corke Rev. Reginald John (rector), Bucking-ham Herbert Howard, farmrr j Farrow George, Bell P.H
Rectory . D:mn George, farmer Gray Edvrard, farmer, Church farm
ALETHORPE. formerly extra-parochial. is now a manor, and Hugh Kirkham esq. cf Terrington, is the
parish, consisting of one farm, ~~ miles north~east from principal landowner. The land is cultivated on the
Fakenbam st.ations on the Great Eastern and Midland u~ual four-course shift. The soil is various ; subsoil,
and Great Northern joint railways, in the North Western clayey. The area is 243 acres; rateable value, £223;
division of the county, Gallow hundred and petty ses- the population in 19II was 5·
sional division, Walsingham union and county court dis-
trict. TbP living is annexeri to that of Fakenham. Sir Letters from Fakenham, the nearest money order & tele-
Lawrence John Jones bart. of Cranmer Hall, is lord of tht> g-raph office, arrive at 7· 15 a. m
Chapman Edmund Crowe, farmer
ALPINGTON is a village and parish 4~ miles south- division and union, Norwich countv court district. rural
east from Trowse st~tion on the Wvmondham
. and Nor~ deanerv of Brooks (western divis.ion), archdeaconry of
wich section of t.he Great Eastern railway, and 6 south~ Norfolk and diocP!ile of Norwich. TbA church disappeared
east from Norwich, in the Southern divi!;ion of the ponnty. centuries ago. The register dates from the year I559·
Loddon hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Yelver~

tan from an early period, joint net yearly value [,242, The area is 539 acres; rateable value, £895 ; the popu-
including 16 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift lation in 19II was 136.
of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1907 by the Rev. Letters through Norwich, via Bergh Apton, arrive at
Arthur Leonard Harrison M.A. of New College, Oxford, 7.30 a.m. & dispatched thereto at 5 p.m. Brooks is
who resides at Yelverton rectory. The town land con- the nearest money order & telegraph office, about 2
sists of ga. 3r. producing now (1912) {,21 ws. annually, miles distant
which sum is spent on fuel. Edward Southwell Trafford
esq. of Wroxham Hall, is lord of the manor and principal
Public Elementary School, enlarged in 1907, for 72
landowner. Tht> soil is sand and loamy; subwil, various. children; average attendance, so; Miss Eva Lennard,
The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. mistress
Kent Edwa.rd, Alpington hall Brown George, market gardener Press Herbert, farmer
CO:YMERCIAL. I Dodman Jas. thrashing machine ownr Redgrave Ell en (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Aldis Waiter, market gardener Ellis William, market gardener Redgrave Leonard, builder
Bilham Walt. Wheel of Fortune P.H Ritching Hora.ce Wm. market gardnr Smith Samuel, farmer
Bloomfield Harriet (Mrs.), farmer Kent E. & Sons, farmers, Alpington Weeding Fredk. market gardener
Bloomfield Henry, market gardener 1 hall
ANMER is a J)'arish and village 4 miles east from church affords 100 sittings. The register dates from the
Dersingbam station on the Lynn and Hunstanton section year 1674. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
of the Great Eastern railway, 3 north from Hillington £170, including 6g acres of glebe, in the gift of The
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, King, and held since 1912 by the Rev. William Campbell
and 9 north-east from Lynn, in the North Western divi- Water.; M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. There is a
sion of the county, Freebridge Lynn hundred and petty Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in 1904 by His late
sessional division, Docking union, Lynn county court dis- Majesty King Edward VII. who also erected a village
trict, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of club room in :rgog. The King is lord of the manor and
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The village is supplied sole landowner. Anmer Hall, an ancient mansion in a
with water from a tower erected in 1902 by His late park of about 300 acres, is the seat of Rear-Admiral F.
Majesty King Edward VII. The church of St. Mary, T. Hamilton C.V.O. The soil is light; subsoil, chalk.
in the park, is an ancient building of flint and stone in The crops are on the four-course system. The area is
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south 1,448 acres; rateable value, £843; the population in
chapel, porch and an embattled western tower containing I9II was :152.
2 bells: th~ whole building was restored in r88o under
Parish Clerk, Robert Nudds•.
the direction of Mr. W. 0. Milne, architect, of London:
in rgo6 the church was reseated and the chapel refitted, Post Office.~Harry Steel Griffin, sub-postmaster. Let-
at the expense of His late Majesty King Edward VII. ters through Lynn, arrive at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at
and Rear-_\dmiral F. T. Hamilton C.V.O.: the reredos in
5.40 p.m. .Flitcham is the nearest money order office
the chapel is a memorial to Admiral of the Fleet the
& Hillington, 3 miles distant, the nearest telegraph
Hon. Sir Henry Keppel G.C.B., O.M. who died 17 Jan. office
1904: there are wood screens, a piscina and stairs lead-
ing to the rood loft: in the chancel are monuments, and Public Elementary School (mixed), erectoo in 1873• for
in the side chapel inscribed stones and mural tablets to so children; average attendance, 40; Mrs. Mary Ann
the Coldham Iamilv •
: the west window is stained ; the Riches, mistress
Hamilton Rear-Admiral Fredk. Tower Fryatt James, farm bailiff to Mr. Village Club Room (Boaz Curson,
C.V.O. Anmer hall William Frederick Marshall, Lynn steward)
Waters Rev. William Campbell M.A. Riches Daniel, builder Walker John, caretaker at Anmer hall
(rector), Anmer cottage Steel Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, & Walker Thomas, gamekeeper to H.M.
Barrett John, blacksmith post office the King
ANTINGHAM is a parish and village, 1 mile IIOuth- stored in rgoo at a cost of [,4oo, and has 174 sittings.
west from Gunton station on the Cromer branch of the The register dates from the year 1676. The living of St.
Great Eastern railway, 3 north from Felmingham sta- Mary is a rectory, with the vicarage of Thorpe Market
tion on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, annexed, joint net yearly value [,3oo, including 42 acres
3 north-west from North Walsham, 7 north-east from of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since
Aylsham, 7 south from Cromer and 17 north from Nor- 1889 by the Rev. Arthur Charles Davies B.A. of St.
wich, in the Northern division of the county, North John's Ccllege, Cambrid~:e. There is a small Primitive
Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, Erping- Methodist chapel. The value of three coombs of wheat,
ham union, North Walsham county court district, rural commonly called "Pond money," is distributed annually
deanery of Repps, and archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- amongst the poor of the parish in the month of October.
wich. The source of the river Ant and the terminus of Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B. who is lord of the
the Dilham and North Walsham canal are both in this manor, and Sir Humphrey Francis De Trafford hart. of
paris<h. There were formerly two churches in the same Hill Crest, Market Harborough, are the principal land-
churchyard, dedicated respectively to St. Mary and St. owners. The soil is light sand; subsoil, gravel. The
Margaret, and said to have been built by two sisters, chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area
after whom they were named: the latter has long been is 1,503 at:res of land and I I of water; rateable value,
in ruins, the tower and part of the nave, now overgrown _£"1,g8r; the population in 19I1 was 198.
with ivy, alone remaining. The rectory of St. Margaret Parish Clerk, Henry Whitwood.
has been annexed to the vicarage of North Walsham. St.
Mary's C"hurch is an ancient structure of flint, in the Letter Box cleared at 7-IS a.m. & 6 p.m. Letters
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch through North Wa.lsham arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 6 p.rn.
and an embattled western tower containing one bell: North Walsham is the nearest money order & tele-
there is a memorial window to Mrs. Dolphin, erected in graph office, 3 miles distant
r868 by her relatives, and another erected in 18gr to the
Rev. John Dolphin B.A. rector 183o-8g: the church was The children of this place attend the school at South-
restored and reseated with oak in 1865 and further re- repps
PBIVATE RESIDENTS. Daniel John, carpenter Empson Waiter, farmer
Davies Rev. Arthur Charles B.A. Daniels William, farmer Horsfield Edwd. Darby, bone crusher,
(rector), Rectory Drnry Robert, farmer Antingham Bone mills
Haynes Herbert, Church Farm house Dyball John, steward to Mr. E. H. Starling Lewis Samuel, farmer, Ant-
COMMERCIAL. Green ingham hall
Bowman James, Barge P.H Empson George, farmer Watson Mary (Mrs.), farmer
APPLETON is a. decayed parish aliinining Flitcham. which see.
ARMINGHALL is a parish, 2 miles south from style, and consists of chancel, nave, 11outh porch and an
Trowse station on the Wymondham and Norwich sectim. embattled western tower containing one bell; it was re-
of the Great Eastern railway and 2~ south-by-east fron• stored in 1876 at a oost of [,920, and affords 100 sittings.
Norwich, in the Southern division of the county, Henstea• The register dates from the year I570. The living is a
hundred and union, Norwich county court district, pett~ 7icarage, net yearly value [,r4o, in the gift of the Dean
sessional division of Swainsthorpe, rural deanery of Brook1 and Chapter of Norwich, and held since 19II by the
(western division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocest· Rev. Gilorge Charles Wallis, who is also vicar {]f Laken-
of Norwich. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a ham, and resides at 10 Brunswick road, Norwich.
building of flint and stone, chiefly in the Early English An old house near the church has the following inscrip-
tion :~"Pray for the soul of Master William Ely, who mixed; subsoiL clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans
caused this to be made into an hospital in the year and barley. The area of the parish is 673 acres, inclu-
1487." A small chapel formerly stood at Belha.ugh, but sive of 22 acres of wood and plantation; rateable value,
iu has long since been demolished. The poor have a £1,576; the population in I9II was 1ru.
rent-charge of [2 from F. Berne and also an allotment Letters through Norwich arrive at 8 a.m. Trowse New-
of 2a. rr. 25p. of land, awarded at the inclosure. The , ton is the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2
Dean and Chapter of Norwich, who are lords of the miles distant
manor and impropria tors of the tithes, and the trustees •

of the late Jeremiah James Colman esq. of Norwich This place is included in the united district of Poring-
(d. r8g8), are the principal landowners. The soil is land; the school is at Framingham Earl
Green Robert, farm bailiff to George Stimpson Arthur, farmer, Bradfield &;
Vincent esq Catfield; & at Reedham, Fretten-
Eastall Herbert, market .gardener ham & Whitwell Hall farms
ASHBY ST. MARY (near Norwich) is a village and William Proctor Beauchamp hart. and Sir C. H. S. Rich
parish, 3 miles .south-west from Buckenham station on hart. and held since r88o by the Rev. Robert Thomas
the Norwich, Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections of the Whitmarsh, who is also rural dean of Brooke (Western
Great Eastern railway, and near the navigable Yare, division) and curate in charge of Thurton. The poor's
7~ south-east from Norwich and 3~ north-west from allotment consists of about 6 acres, let at [12 yearly.
Loddon, in the Southern division of the county, Loddon Sir Charles Henry Stuart Rich bart. of The Castle.
hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division Devizes, is lord of the manor. The principal landowners
and union, county court district of Norwich, rural are R. T. E. Gilbert esq. J.P. Mrs. G. W. Winter, of
deanery of Brooke (Western division), archdeaconry of Lydney House, Swaffham, and the Rev. J. J. Woolsey
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. M.A. rector of Cosheston, Pembroke. The soil is light
Mary is an ancient structure of flint in the Early sandy; subsoil, sand and brick earth. The chief crops
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch are wheat, oats and barley, and market garden produce.
and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells: The area is 503 acres; rateable value, [83o; the popu-
the south porch is a fine specimen of Norman work: the lation in rgii was 174.
church was 'restored in 1849, and in 1903 the chancel Sexton, Lewis Davey.
was new-roofed and repaired: during the progress
of the work an ancient aumbry was discovered in the Wall Letter Box cleared at 12.25 p.m. (12.15 p.m. July
north wall: the church has 120 sittings. The register to Sept.) & 3-SO p.m. week days only. Letters through
dates from the year 1620 • The living is a recto-ry, Norwich, via Thurton, arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 4 p.m.
annexed to that of Carleton, joint net yearly value The nearest money order Dffice is at Bergh Apton &
[230, including 33 acres of glebe, with residence, telegraph office is at Loddon, 3~ miles distant
erected in 1858, in the alternate gift of Sir Reginald The children of this parish attend the school at Thurton
Gilbert Robert Thomas Edwin J.P. Chambers Benjamin, farmer, market Hoddy John, jun. horse slaughterer
Ash by hall gardener, fruit grower, pig breeder Hoddy John, horse & cattle dealer &
Shreeve Benjamin & poultry farmer farmer
Stacker Rev. Samuel B. (Baptist) Chapman Frederick George, miller Hurrell George, farmer, market gar-
Whitmarsh Rev. Robt. Thos. Rectory (wind & steam) dener; fruit grower & coal dealer
Winter Col. Bertram Everard, The Cotton Robert Major, farmer Hurry William, boot maker
Lodge Fisher Geo. Basey, farmer, Hill farm Osborne William, farmer
Forder William, market gardener Reeve Christmas, market gardener
Frost Giles, market gardener Smith J ames, market gardener
Carver James, farmer Gunns Frank, gardener to the Rev. Watkinson John Henry, market grdnr
Carver Robert Wm. market gardener R. T. Whitmarsh W-hiles Charles, market gardener
ASHBY-WITH-OBY (near Yarmouth) form a wich and Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern rail-
united parish, 2 miles south-south-west from Potter Heig- way. The church has all but disappeared, but in r882,
ham station on the Midland and Great Northern joint on making an excavation in the churchyard, the Rev. W.
railway, 10 north-west from Yarmouth and 15 north-east C. Davie M.A. then rector, came upon the foundations of
from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, in- the old church and the remains of an encaustic tiled
corporated hundreds of East and West Flegg, petty ses- floor; the inhabitants attend the church at Thnrne. The
sional division of Flegg, Great Yarmouth county court rent of 2a. 2r. 3op. of land, amounting to £5 yearly, is
district, rural deanery of Fle~g and arcbdeaconry and distributed;- two-thirds being assigned to the poor and
diocese of Norwich. The ancient church of St. Mary one-third to the church. Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk
has long gone to decay. The living is consolidated with {1234-70), was lord of this manor. Thoma.s Alfred Rising
those of Thurne and Oby, joint net yearly value £318, esq. of Ormesby St. Margaret, who is lord of the manor
with 22 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Nor- of Thurne, with Ashby and Oby, and the trustees of
wich, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Roger .Mackenzie Samuel Nightingale esq. who are lords of the manor of
Boys ~LA. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, who resides Oby with Thurne, Thomas Rising esq. of Rollesby,
at Oby. £so of the income is paid to the vicar of Tun- and Mrs. Kidman, of Ormesby St. Michael, are the
stall. The land of Ashby is occupied in one farm by principal landowners.
William Pemberton .Molineux esq. The soil is mixed;
subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and Letters through Great Yarmouth arrive at 8.30 a.m.
barley. The area of Ashby-with-Oby is 1 , 394 acres of Burgh St. Margaret is the nearest telegraph & money
land, 2 of water and 17 of tidal water; assessable value, order office, about 2 miles distant
£1,174; the population in rgn was 103. Wall Letter Box, Harrison's field, cleared at 4-30 p.m.
week days only
OBY (or Owby) is 3 miles south-west from Martham Assistant Overseer, George Addy, Repps
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway,
and 4; from Acle station on the Nor- The children of this place attend the school at Thurne
COMMERCIAL. Smith Samuel, farmer, & farm bailiff
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cooke Arthur, farmer to exors. of S. Nightingale esq. ;
Boys Rev. Rog-er Mackenzie l\LA. Davey William. carpenter & at Thurne
(rector), The Rectory Molineux William Pemberton, farmer Thurtle Robt. A. farmer,Boundary ha
Molineux ·wm. Pemberton, Astby hall & overseer, Hall farm Wiseman .Alfred B. (exors. of),
farmers, Manor house
ASHILL is a parish and village, on the road from was erected in I 867 : the nave and chancel are divided
Swaffham to Watton, 3 miles north-west from Watton sta- by a carved oak screen : the church was restored, the
tion and 2~ south from Holme Hale station, both on the aisle roof renewed, and that of the nave repaired in
Swaffham and Thetford section of the Great Eastern rail- 1867, at the sole cost of the Rev. Bartholomew Edwards
way, and 5 south-east from Swaffham, in the South West- M.A. late rector: there are 310 sittings. The register
ern division of the county, hundred and petty sessional dates from the year I539· The living is a. rectory, net
division of Wayland, Swaffham union and county court yearly value £540, including 47 acres of glebe and resi-
district, rural deanery of Breccles, archdeaconry of Nor- dence, in the gift of Major William Mordaunt iMarsh
folk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Nicho- Edwards V.C. of Hardingham Hall, and held since 1908
las is a building of flint in the Gothic style, consisting of by the Rev. Henry Barham Johnson M.A. of Corpus
chancel, nave with clerestory, south aisle, south porch Christi College, Cambridge. There is a Primitive
and a low western tower containing 6 bells : an or~an Methodist cha~. The poor have 43 acres as common
land, and 29 acres, producing about £16 yearly, for 7-35 a_m_ & 3 p.m.; dispatched at 10.40 a.m. & 5.40
coals; and the church land, 3a. 10p. let for £I 2s. 6d. p.m.; sundavs, IO.:Jo a.m. South Pickenham, 2
The Earl of Leicester is lord of the manor of Panworth miles distant, is the nearest telegraph office
Hall, and Lady Amherst of Hackney, lady of the manor Wall Letter Dox, opposite the rectory, cleared at 10.50
of Uphall. The principal landowners are the Earl of
a. m. & 5-50 p.m. week days; sundays, 9·35 a.m
Leicester G.C.V.O., C.'M.G. :Mrs. Ward and J. T. Rams-
den esq. The soil is a light loam and clay, with sub- Schools.
soil of clav and chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
barley, oat~ and turnips, with some la.nd in pasture. Public Elementary (mixed), erected by a former rector
The area is 3 , 030 acres; rateable value, £ 3, 277 ; the in 1848, for mo children; average attendance, 70;
population in 1911 was 539 _ William Dartmouth Sykes, master
Parish Clerk, Josiah Binks. Infants', erected in 1876 by a former rector, the Rev_
Post & M. 0. Office.-Ernest J. Dunnett, sub-post- B. Edwards, for 6o children; average attendance, 35;
master. Letters received through Thetford arrive at Mrs. W. D. Sykes, mistress
Brown Thomas, The Fir~ :Catchpole James, farmer Pickering Robert, farmer, The Moat
Johnson Rev. Henry Btlrham M . .A.. Cator Charles, farmer Rasher Samuel, farmer
(rector), Rect<Jry _ Codling Waiter William, baker Saunden George, farmer
Pickering Robert Dennis Robert, beer retailer Saunders John, farmer
Stallard Rev. Joseph Orlando :M . .A.. Drake Tyrrill, farmer, Ashill lodge Savory Edward, farm bailiff to Miss
Old hall Elgar Charles, farmer, Church farm Betts
COMMERCIAL. Flatt Charles Henry, farmer Scott Arthur, butcher
Allcock Thomas, wheelwright Garner Thomas, carpenter Scott Herbert Swithin, thrashing ma-
Backhouse Alice Clara (Miss), district· Howard Robert William, Crown inn chine owner & carman
nursrl Nelson Henry, farmer Scott James, farmer
Betts Carolina (Miss), farmer, Pan- Nelson Herbert, White Hart P.H Scott William John,farmer & thrash-
worth hall 1
Odd Fellows' Lodge ( , ing machine owner
Binks J osiah, blacksmith sec.), Crown inn Sykes ·wm. Dartmouth, asst. overseer
Boyce Charle~ Wesley, farmer I Oldfield Erne:>t, brick maker & lime Thompson William Baker, grocer
Brown Thomas, surveyor of Watton merchant Wells Alfred, carter
District to Norfolk County Council, Oldfield James, farmer
The Fin j
ASHMANHA UGH is a parish, 2 miles north-east acres of glebe and residence, erected in 1865, in th&
from Wroxham station on the East Norfolk section of the gift of Sir J. Preston bart. and held since 1898 by the
Great Eastern railway, 7 ilouth-east from North Walsham Rev. Charles Gaudern W:yche. The charities amount
and 10 north-east from :Yorwich, in the Eastern diviswn to about £23 yearly, which sum is distributed annually
of the county, Tunstead and Rapping petty sessional diVI· in coal to the cottagers. Sir J acob Preston bart. is
sion, Tunstead hundred, Smallburgh union, North Wals- lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is
bam county court district, rural deanery of Waxham mixed; subsoil, sand and graveL The chief crops are
('l'unstead division) and arcbdcaconry and diocese of wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area is 665 acres;
Norwich. 'l'be church of St. Swithin is a small but rateable value, £701 ; the population in 191 r was 109.
ancient building of flint and stone, consisting of chancel, Parish Clerk, John :Bird.
nave, south porch and a round western tower containing
one bell: the tower was rebuilt and the fabric repaired Letter Box cleared at 7 a.m. k 3-45 p.m. Letters
in r849• and again restored in I867: the church contains through Nor"""ich, via Neatishead, arrive at 7-30 a.m_
an ancient tomb, dated rsgr, to the memory of Honor The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
Bacon: there are 120 sittings. The register dates from Neatishead
the year 1562. The living is a vicarage, consolidated Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r868, for
with the rectory of the adjoining parish of Beeston St. 40 children; avera~e attendance, 36; Mrs. Alice S.
Lawrence, joint net yearly value £2oo, including 78 Chamberlain, mistress
Wyche Rev. Chas. Gaudern, Rectory Bowman WaltPr, farmer 1 Youngs Shadrach, farmer & land-
COMMERCIAL. Mason Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, owner, Park farm

Bowman Charles, farmer Hall farm 1

ASHWELLTHORPE is a village and parish, with a glebe and residence, in the gift of the :Baroness Berners.
station It miles east on the Wymondham and Forncett and held since r8g6 by the Rev. Ernest Scott Fardell
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 3! south-east M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, hon. canon of
from Wymondham, in the Southern division of the county, ~orwich and rural dean of Depwade, who reside& at
Depwade hundred, petty sessional division and union, Wreningham. Ashwellthorpe Hall, the property and
Wymondham county court district, rural deanery of Dep- residence of the Baroness Berners, who is lady of the
wade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. manor and principal landowner, is a handsome Eliza-
The church of All Saints is an ancient building of flint in bethan mansion. The chief crops are wheat and barley,
the Early English style, consisting of chancel with side hay and roots. The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The
chapel, nave, south porc'h with parvise, and an em- a.rea is 1,007 acres; rateable value, £1,587; the popula-
battled western tower containing 5 bells : there _are tion in rgii """as 35r.
piscin~£ in the chancel, nave and chapel, and the porch
Verger, Thomas Hilditch Royle.
retains a holy water .stoup : in the church is a tomb with Sexton, Arthur Hunt.
recumbent effigies to Sir Edmund de Thorpe kt. and Joan
his wife (c. 1446); he was envoy from Henry V. to the Post Office.-~iss Susannah E. Whiteha.nd, sub-post-
Duke of :Burgundy, and was slain at the siege of Lover's mistress. Letters from Norwich arrive at 6. ro a.m.
Castle, in Normandy, but was buried here: in the north & 2.40 p.m. & are dispatched at ro.Io a.m. & 6.10
chapel are five stained windows, with the arms of the p.m. ; no sunday delivery. Wreningham is the nearest
Thorpe, Eourchier, Knyvet and Wilson families, and a money order office & 'l'acolneston the nearest tele-
brass to Jane (Bourchier), daughter of John, 2nd baron graph office
Berners, and wife of Edmund Knyvet esq. of Ashwell-
Public Elementary (Church of England) School (mixed),
thorpe, who died February 17, 1561 ; there are tablets
established in 184r, & enlarged in r895, for 160 children;
to Knyvet Wilson, died 1706, and to Mary his wife, who average attendance, 6o; :Mrs . .A.nnie M. Boyle, mistress
died 1772, and some modern memorials to the Wilson
Railwav Station, Samuel Clarke, station master
family: the font, given by Lady Knyvet about 166o, is
octagonal .. with carved shields bearing the ar~s of the
Carriers to Norwich.-Smith, from Forncett, passes
Knyvet family. The register dates from the year 1558 .• through, wed. & sat. ; Herbert Breeze, from Bunwell,
The living is a rectory, with that of Wreningham an- wed. & sat.; John Olley, of New Duckenham, wed. &
nexed, joint net yearly value £450, including 91 acres of sat. ; Barnard, from Hopton, tues. & fri
Berners Baroness, Ashwellthorpe hall Bolton John, boot & shoe maker Coleman Benjamin, grocer
Locke Ho race, Woodlands Bothway Harry, farmer, Hall farm Dnnthorne Bertram Peter, farmer,
Randell Rev. Ernest William Matthew Bothway Wm. Edwin,farmer,Canal ha Wood farm
Carey M.A. (curate) Brol'ne Edward, farmer Hale Samuel. farmer & overseer, Yew
Bunn John, carpenter & wheehnight Tree farm
COMMBRCIAL. Burgess Horace, black!'mith Herwin Mark, King's Head P.H
Bateman George, grocer & baker Chapman James William, gardener to Marshal! Mary Ann (Mn.), coal mer-
Bilham James, blacksmith " Baroness Berners ch·ant, Railway station
Maye'l William, wheelwright Shearing Sarah Ann (Mrs.), market Wellman James, White Horse P.H
Moore Jane Carr (Mrs.), farmer, gardener Whitehand Susannah Elizabeth(Mis~)•
Church farm Spratt Amelia (Mrs.), farmer stationer, Post office i
Bushmore James, market gardener Spratt Robert, farmer Whitham Edwd. Geo. insurance agl}~
Shearing Arthur, farmer, Peel farm
ASHWICKEN is a parish, rl miles north from East Cooper Groom esq. who owns the greater part of the
Winch station on the Lynn and Dereham section of the parish, is pleasantly situated in parklike grounds of
Great Eastern railway and 5 east from Lynn, in the about 100 acres, fairly well timbered; the Hall was re-
North Western division of the county, hundred, petty stored and modernized in r856. The remainder of the
sessional division and union of Freebridge Lynn, county parish, together with Glosthorpe Manor House, is the
court district of Lynn, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), property of Col. John Edmund Groom, of Warborough
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The House, Stiffkey. The soil is mixed and the subsoil
church of All Saints is a small but ancient structure of carr-stone and clav, and is very much improved by
flint and stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch cultivation. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
and a western tower containing one bell: a stained win- roots. The area is 1,336 acres; rateable value, £974;
dow was erected by aubscription in 1879• in memory the population in rgn was 100.
of the Rev. John Freeman, rector here from x84:1, and Parish Clerk, William Lambert
there are two marble monuments to the late John and
tn~ 9~;o~~\ !n~~~~:~ist~: ~~s.o~. r~~e~orsoa':,s ~~~~t:~ Letter~
through Lynn, viA East Winch, arrive at 8.30 a.m
the present rector, and in 19 o4 an organ was provided: Wall Letter Box, cleared at 7· 15 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. week
the ehurch affords x5o sittings. The register, which days only. The nearest money order & telegraph
is very imperfEct, dates from about 1700 . The living offices are at Gayton & East Winch, each about 2~
is a rectory, consolidated with that of Leziate, joint miles distant
net yearly value £363, including 13 acres of glebe, with Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1858, for
residence, in the gift of and held since 1d77 by the 6o children, belonging to the parishes of .Ashwicken &
Rev . .Arthur John Groom B..A. of Trinity College, Cam- Leziate is now disused & a new school was erected in
bridge, and diocesan inspector of schools, who is also 19rr, for Bo children; average attendance, 45; Miss
rector of Bawsey. .Ashwicken Hall, the seat of Edmund Gertrude Owen, mistress
Groom Rev. Arth. John B.A. Rectory COMM~RClAL. Groom Edmund Cooper, landowner,
Groom Edmund Cooper, Ashwicken Crow John, farm bailiff to E. C. Ashwicken hall
hall Groom esq Hunter Frederick Charles, farmer,
Hawse Mrs. Swiss cottage Glosthorpe Manor house
ASLACTON is a village and parish 2 miles north-west Reed M.A. of Durham University. Here is a Wesleyan
from Tivetshall station and 2 south-west from Forncett chapel, built in 1834. Le Neve's charity, of £r yearly,
station on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great is for bread; and there is an allotment of 17~ acres,
Eastern railway, 6 north-west from Harleston and 8 commonly known as "Big and Little Fen," let yearly to
south from Wyrnondham, in the Southern division of the highest bidder, the rents being given to the poor
the county, Depwade hundred, ptltty sessional division and in coal. There are three manors in this parish: Mrs.
ur.ion, Wymondham county court district, rural deanery Buxton owns .Aslacton Prior manor ; the trustees of the
of Depwade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of late W. H. Cole esq. of West Woodhay, Berks (d. x88g),
Norwich. The church of St. Michael is an ancient edifice are lords of the others: Mrs. Buxton and Hostes' trus-
of stone and flint, principally Norman, and consists of tees are the principal landowners. The soil is clay;
chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and a round subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
embattled western tower of reputed Saxon date contain- beans. The area is 1,2o6 acres; rateable value, £1,329;
ing 5 bells: in the chancel is a stained window erected in the population in 191 1 was 2 8o.
1867, and on the north side a memorial window to Agnes
Utting Copeman, d. 1869: the roofs of the nave and Sexton, George Womack.
aisle and the windows were restored, and the bells re-
paired and re-hung, in 1 89 9 -90 , at a cost of over £ 400 : Post Office.-Miss IIannah Howlett, sub-postmistress.
the church affords 130 Rittings. The register dates from Letters arrive from Long Stratton at a.m. & s.20
the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value p.m. & are dispatched at 8.35 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. ; no
£39 ros. including 30 acres of glebe, and £37• being the sunday delivery. Forncett St. Peter is the marest
interest on £Boo raised in xs 94 to augment the living, money order & Tivetshall the nearest telegraph office
with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, Public Elementary School, built in r85o, for 72 children;
and held since 1gu by the Rev. Waiter Livingstone average attendance, 62; Miss Eliza Ohapman, mistress
Long Miss, Lime Tree house Colchester John Robert, farmer, Howlett Hannah (Miss), shopkeeper,
Reed Rev. Waiter Livingstone M ..A. Aslacton grange Post office
(vicar), Vicarage Cole Alfred, farmer i Howlett Hardinge, farm&r
Everett Edward Barney, Bell inn I Howlett Hubert, farmer
Finch Arthur Henry, farmer I King JamPs, farmer
Aldridge Herbert, carpenter Fox Frederick, farmer I Lloyd Henry, boot maker
Betts Helen (Mrs.), farmer Herne .Anna Maria (Mrs.), farmer Lloyd William, blacksmith
Bird Fredk. Jas. market gardener Herring William Samuel, miller 1 Perfitt John HPnry, farmer
(wind & steam) I Skillings William, farmer

ATTLEBOROUGH is a small market town and 13th century to the Mortimers, to the Chaunticlers of
parish, on the road from Thetford to Wymondham, w1tb the 14th century, and to the Dudley Ryder family,
a station on the Thetford and Norwich section of the 1708: Sir William de Mortimer was the founder in
Great Eastern railway, head of a county court district, 93 the 13th century of the chapel on the south side of
miles by road and ro6i by rail from London, 15 south- the tower, that on the north side being erected by
west from Norwich, 5~ south-west from Wymondham :md Thomas Chaunticler in the following century: in the
[4 north-east from Thetford, in the Mid division of the nave is a stone with an inscription to Capt. John Gibbs,
county, Guiltcross nnd Shropham petty sessional division, a noted sportsman, d. October 22, 1695, aged 48 : the
Wayland union, hundred of Shropham, rural deanery of western screen was formerly placed before the three
Hockland (north division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and arches opening from the nave into Mortimer'11 and
diocese of Norwich. The water supply is derived from Chaunticler's chapels : it is of large size and elaborate
private wells, and gas is supplied by a private company. workmanship, and was removed to the west end of the
The church of St. Mary, a noble building of stone, in church in 1845: the Chaunticler chapel and a portion
the Norman and Early English styles, was once cruciform, of the nave were restored in 1899: a. bell is rung
with a central tower and spire; the spire, however, fell, daily at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. : the roof of the nave, a
destroying the chancel, which has never been rebuilt; work of the 15th century, was completely restored in
-and the church now consists of clerestoried nave of five rgo8 : a new organ was provided in 1905 at a cost of
bays, aisles, two chapels, north porch and an embattled £65o: there are 6oo sittings. The register dates from
tower at the east end of the nave, with a parapet of red the year 1552. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
brick, and containing a clock and 6 bells : the interior £7oo, with 17 acres of glebe and residence, in the g-ift
was repaired and reseated in 1844, and in 1902 choir of and hPld since 1897 by the Rev. Maxwell Frederick
stalls were provided : there are two stained windows ; Webb Th.Assoc.K.C.L. and surrogate. The Church hall,
and several hand!lome monuments and tablets of the in Connaught road, was erected in 1904, for 300 persons.
rsth century to the Radcliffe family, others of the Here i~ a Baptist chapel, erected in 1825, with 350
sittings. The Wesleyan chapel, in the Station road, formerly produced £30 yearly, but now only about
erected in 1872 at a cost of about £1,ooo, is of red £r4 yearly, which sum is appropriated partly to prizes,
brick with stone dressings, and will seat about 400 drill and exhibitions for poor children, and £2 I2S.
persons. There is also a Primitive Methodist chapel. a year given to six poor widows in bread every Sunday;
.A_ cemetery of 7~ acres, with a mortuary chapel, was Sir F. Biekley's, the proceeds of &ix acres of land, and
formed in I885, at a cost of about £r,2oo, and is now Andrew Beeder's, the proceeds of 2a. 3r. 23p. both given
under the control of a Burial Comm1ttee of nine mem- to the poor of the parish; and the rent of the fuel allot-
hers. The chantry of the Holy Cross, once existing here, ment, comprising 57a. 2r. which is given in money; the
was attached to a college of five canons, founded here by rent of ua. 3r. 14p. of land has also been left for beauti-
Sir Robert de Mortimer in the reign of Henry IV. fying the church, and the rent of Ill.. 2r. 32p. for ringing
The Town Hall, erected by a limited liability campany, the morning and evening bell. Attleborough Lodge is
at a cost of £r,ooo, and opened in August, I863, is a the residence of Capt. John Henry Kennedy. The
structure of white brick. The Police Station was erected principal landowners are Sir William Bowyer-Smijth
in Igo2 at a cost of £2,ooo, and comprises a residence for bart. who is lord of the manor, Sir Hugh Reeve Beevor
the sergeant in charge, three cells and exercise yard. bart. lM.D. of Hargham Hall, Thomas Browne Francis
The market is on Thursday, and fairs are also occasiDn- Daniel esq. of Gressenhall, and George Shepherd esq.
ally held here. The Factory and stores of Messrs. The soil is gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
William Gaymer and Son Limited, the old established 1 barley, oats, wheat and roots. The area is 5,409 acres;
Norfolk cider growers and merchants, adjoin the railway 1 rateable value, £I3,I86; the population in I9II was .
station heril. Here is a branch of Messrs. Barclay's ' 2,5I3.
Bank. The charities include Nerford's, the rent of cer- \
tain lands, left for educating six poor children, which . Verger, John Hewitt,


Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic E. D. Office.-William 7.30 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 a.m.; El11ngham road, ro.3_r:
Page, postmaster a.m. & 8.55 p.m.; Foundry hill, 10.45 a.m. & 8.30
Hours of Business.-For sale of stamps, post cards, news- p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 p.m.; Ellingham road, cleared
paper wrappers, stamped & registered letter envelopes weeks days Io a.m. & 8.55 p.m.; sundays, 8.55 p.m.;
& for registration of letters & delivery of letters to Attleborough hills, I0.30 a. m. & g. IO p.m.; sundays,
• callers & for the receipt of inland, colonial & foreign g.IO p.m
parcels, week days, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 a.m.
to ro a.m. For money order, savings bank, insurance PUBLIC ESTABLISJHME~'TS.
& annuity business, & issue of inland revenue licenses .Attleborough Town Hall Limited, W. R. Greenland, sec
(except on sunday, Good Friday & Christmas Day & Cemetery, William Richard Greenland, clerk & registrat:~
other occasional days, respecting which special notice to burials committee
is given), week days, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For the sale CJunty Police Station, George Boyce, sergeant, & ~
& payment of postal orders, week days, 8 a.m. to 8 consti'<.~ble
p.m. For telegraph business, week days, 8 a.m. to Volunteer Fire Brigade, Harry Smith, captain, & 8 mew--
8 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 to Io a.m. Savings bank, .Attleborough & Watton County Court, His Honor Jarneii'·-
deposits & withdrawals, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Mulligan K.C. judge; William Richard Greenland.
registrar & high bailiff; Walter John .Amis, chief
DISPATCH OF LETTER MAILS. clerk. The County Court is usually held monthly at
.A.ttleborongh, except March & July, when it is held
Norwich, Bungay, Dereham, Diss, Eye, Fakenham, Great at Watton. The district comprise-s the following
YarmGuth, Harleston, Scale, Wymondham, Cromer, places :-Attleborough, Banham, Be.sthorpe, Breccles,
North Walsham & Lowestoft, I a.m.; registered 8 Bridgham, Buckenham (New), Buckenham (Old), Car-
p.m. previous night brook, Caston, Eccles, Ellingham (GreaJt), Ellingha.m
Banham, Bunwell, Carleton Rode, Eccles, New Bucken- (Little), Griston, Ha.rgbam, Harling (East), Harling
ham, Old Buckenham & Quidenham &c. 3.50 a.m.; (West), Hockham (Great), Hockham (Little), Tilington.
registered 8 p.m. previous IJ!ight Kenninghall, Larling, MertDn, Ovington, Quidenha!I4
Oaston, Great Ellingham, Hardingham, Hingham, Little Rockland All Saints, Rockland Saint .A.ndrew, Rock-
Ellingham, Rockland All Saints, Runhall &c. 4.20 a.m land Saint Peter, Rondham, Scoulton, Shropham...
*Besthorpe, a.m Snetterton, Stow Bedon, Thompson, Tottington, Wat--
For" *London, London East & South Norfolk, Cambridge ton & Wilby
& all parts, II.IO a.m. (registered until II a.m.); Far Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in thatt~
*Norwich & all parts, 12.5 p.rn. (registered until 11.55 of Norwich, Harry Pearce Gould, 8 Upper King st •.
a.m.); *Caston, Great & Little Ellingham, Rockland Norwich, official receiver
All Saints & Stow Beden, 12.5 p.m. (regi8tered until Certified Bailiff, appointed under the "Law of Distress-
11.55 p.m.); Besthorpe, Hardingham & Hingham, Amendment Act," Waiter John.. .Amis, .Attleborough
12.15 p.m. (registered 12.5 p.m.); *Old Buckenham,
New Buckenham, Banham & Bnnwell &c. 12.35 p.m. TERRITORIAL FORCE.
(registered until I2.25 p.m.) ; * London, Norwich & 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (E Co. ), Capt. Herb 3rt~
North, South & West of England, *Eccles, Quiden- Charles Long; Color-Sergt.-Instructor W. Munnings
ham &c. 2.20 p.m. (registered until p.m.);
*Norwich & towns in Suffolk & Essex, 5.30 p.m. PUBLIIO O!FFICERS.
(registered until 5.20 p.rn.); Old Buckenham, 6.20 Certifying Factory Surgeon, George Sydney Keeling;
p.m. (registered 6.10 p.m.); London & all parts, Io B.A., M.D., B.C.Camb. The Pines, Connaught road
p.m. (registered until 8 p.rn) Clerk to th~ Parish Council, Wm. Richard Greenland
* These mails are not made up on sundays. Collector of Bates & Taxes, Arth. Andrews, Hargham rd!
Medical Officer & Public Va.ccinator, Attleborongh Dis-
Parcels are dispatched at rr.IO a.m. & I2.5, I2.15, 12.35,
trict, Wayland Union, George Sydney Keeling B.A.,...
2.2o, 5.30 & 9 p.m
'~I.D., B.C.Camb., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The·
Pines, Connaught road
Medical Officer of Health for the Wayland & Swafiham
Deliveryby Delivery to Rural Districts, Edmund F. BGse L.R.C.P. College
postman callers Hill house, Queen's square
Letter & Parcel Mails. begins at begins at BBgistrar of Births & Deaths & Believing Officer for the·
From-All parts ........................ 1· o a.m. 7· oa.m Attleborough District of the Wayland Union, Roberto
London&:. all parts ............ 10.45 a. m. 10.408.ID Manning, London road
London & all parts ............. 12.45 p.m. 12.15 p.m Town Criers, John Wright & James Poll
London, Eastern Counties, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Midlands & South of Eng-
land . ... ... . .. ... ... ..... .. . .. ... 6. 30 p. m. 6.45 p. m St. Mary's Church, Rev. Maxwell Frederick Weh&
F.B.G.S., A.K.C.L. rector; Rev. Harold Henderson
On sunday there is only one delivery by postman, 7 a..m Burgess M.A. curate; 8 & I I a.m. & .3-15 & 6.30 p.m. ;
Wall Letter Boxes.-Le Grice's corner, cleared week days wed. & fri. 8.30 a.m
at 8 & 10.45 a.m. & I, 5 & 8.45 p.m.; sundays, 8.45 Baptist; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & toes. 7.30 p.m
p.m.; Station, cleared week days at ro & n a.m. & r, Primitive Methodist; I I a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
5 & 8.45 p.m.; sundays, 8.40 p.m.; Haverscroft, Wesleyan Methodist, Rev. William James Pearce; 10.45
cleared week days at 9.25 a.m. & 8.zo p.m..; snndays, a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
8.20 p.m.; Kent house, 7·45 & ro.4o a.L.J.. & 1.15 & Salvation Army; 7.30 &; I I a. m. & 3 k 7 p.m
Public Elementary School, erected in 1840, & enlarged in Railway Station, Frederick Hillier, station master
1895, for r6o boys, 140 girls & roo infants; average
attendance, II6 boys, nB girls & g8 infants; George Carriers to Norwich. John Henry Clabburn, wed. & sat.
Welton, master; Miss Alice Mary Ounsworth, & Thomas W. Potter, wed. & sat
mistress; Miss Bessie Howlett, infants' mistress

Walford William, Connaught road Butcher James, farmer, Hill common
Walker Mrs. F. E. Rackerby house, Butler John Bellars, grocer & draper,
.Alliban Miss, Stoneleigh, London rd London road Church street
Allison Ernest, Connaught road Warner Rev. Joseph Pearce M.A. Dyfords Charles Watson, corn mer-
Amis Waiter John, The Beeches Somerville chant, see Tyrrell & Byfords
Andrews Arthur, Hargham road Watling George Robt. Hargham rd Caley William, bill poster, High stree•
.A.tmore John William, Evergreens Watson Alfred, Connaught road Capes Fdk. Jn. Crown P.H. & farmer
Bacon Horace Henry, The Laurels Watson Walt. Geo.Kent ho.London rd Carlton John, farmer·& horse dealer
Barnard David, The Ferns, London rd Webb Rev. Maxweil Fredk. Th.Assoc. Cemetery (Wm. Richard Greenland,
Bateman Colin, Connaught road K.C.L., F.R.G.S. (rector, & surra- clerk & registrar to the Burials
Boast Hy. A. Mill house, Hargham rd gate), The Rectory Committee)
Bone Miss, Connaught road Welton George, School house Childerhouse Fredk. dealer in horses,
Brooks Melancthon William Henry Wick John Park, Station road Shrub house
Lombe, Point cottage Willetts Rev. Samuel, Mow Cop, Clabburn John Hy. carrier, High st
Burcham William E. London road London road Clarke J ames Palmer, baker & con-
Burgess Rev. Harold Henderson M.A. Willson John, Blakeney ho.Hargham rd fectioner {speciality: pure whole
(curate) COMMERCIAL.
meal bread), Station road
-Vhaplin Harry Willie Sidney, Bowden' Cockmg William, boot & shoe maker,
villa, Connaught road Early closing day, Wednesday. Queen's square
·{Jhilderhouse Frederick, Shrub house Adams Waiter William, fruiterer, Cooperson James, watch & clock ma
Cloud Arthur 'l'homas, Point house Queen's square County Court (His Honor James
'Coleman Miss, Westward, London rd Allen L. E. & Son, tailors, High st Mulligan K.C. judge; William
Cooke Miss, High street Amis Walt-er John, accountant, & Richard Greenland, registrar &
Cowles Miss, Connaught road bailiff appointed for ~evying dis- high bailiff)
·Crowe Miss, Glebe view tresses, London road Cross James, butcher & fruiterer,
-nun Edward William, Wilstleigh, Andrews Arthur, merchant & commis- Exchange straet
London road sion agent, agent to the Royal Fire Dickerson Benj. news agt. Church st
Durrant Mrs. St.Elmo, Connaught rd & Life Insurance Co. & to Norwich Dixon Thos. Wm. farmer, Hill corn
Dutton Aug. Fir lodge, Station road & London Accident Insurance Dodman John Edward, chimney
Eastland Mrs. W. Twyford,London rd Association, assistant overseer & sweep, Griffin lane
Gaymer William, The Pleasaunce collector of rates, Hargham road Dorman Edward Joseph, hair dressr.
Greenland Wm. Richd. London road A.nglo-American Oil Co. Limited, oil High street
Rebgin Mrs. London road merchants, Railway station Dring Septimus, farmer, Wood farm
Houchen Mrs. Oakleigh,Connaught rd Attleborough Gas Co. Limited (A. L. Dunnett Arthur, carter, Chapel road
Humphrey Theophilus J. The Shrub- Griffith, sec. ; W. Heal, manager), Dunnett Herbert, baker, Exchange st
lands, Station road Queen's road Dye Chas. baker & confectnr.London rd
Hurrell William, Connaught road Attleborough Liberal Club(H. Neave, Eastland Thos. Nix, chemist, High st
Jacob Col. Herbert Bruce, Estcourt hon. sec.), Connaught road . Edwards George, saddler, Church st
..J"arman Mrs. Station road Attleborough Town Hall Limited (W . Ettridge Arthur, farmer, West Carr
_..J" ary Mrs. Queen's square R. Greenland, sec) Everett M ell and Geo. beer retailer,
.Tefisup Robert J ..P. Borough farm Ayton Esther (Ml'S.),wardrobe dealer, London road
-.Jones Arth. Wansbrough B.A., LL.B. Hargham road Everett Rebecca (Mrs.), carter,
Sherborne, Norwich road Ayton Jas. (Mrs.), horse slaughterer Chapel road
Keeling George Sydney B.A., M.D., Bacon Jas. & Sons, auctioneers, valuers Farrow Herbert James, grocer, Con-
B.C.Camb. The Pines,Oonnaught rd & estat-e agents; weekly sales: naught road
Kennedy Capt. John Hy. (late Royal Norwich, sat. ; Lynn, tues. & Dere- Fisher-lulia A.(Miss),china& glass dlt
West Kent Regt.), Attleborough lo ham, fri Fitch Alice M. (Mrs.), stationer,
Ketteringham Miss, Connaught lodge Bacon Horace Henry (firm, Bacon Queen's square
Ketteringham Mrs. Connaught road James & Sons), auctioneer, agent Fitt Percy A. clothier, Queen's sq_
Lack Robt. 2 Dale villas, London rd to the Norwich Union Fire Office, Fo.ulsham Chas. Cock inn,& corn mer
Lee Frank Hy. Belle Vue, London rd the Norwich & London Accident Fox Chas. painter & plumber, High st
Le Grice Charles, Town farm Insurance Association & General Frost J n. N ewRailway tavrn. Station rd
Lewis Samuel Robert, iBowden villa, Hailstorm Insurance Society Gapp Elizh. (Mrs.), frmr.Bridge frm
Connaught road Baker Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, New Garrad Arthur, White Lodge P.H.
Ling William Stannard, Bank house North road London road
Livingston Wm. The Firs, Norwich rd Baker Wm. farmer, Crows Hall farm Gaymer William & Son Ltd.
Long Arth. Jas. Lyndhurst,London rd Barclay & Company Limited(branch), cyder manufacturers; offices &
Long Herbert Charles, Connaught rd bankers (William Stannard Ling, works adjoining the railway sta-
Lovett Mrs. Tenby villa, Station road manager); open ro to 4 p.m.; tion (T N 4 Attleborough); Lon-
Mann Frank Thomas, Hazelwood thurs. to ~ p.m. & sat. 1 p.m. ; don offices, 16g-no High street,
Norman David, Norwich road draw on head office, 54 Lombard Shoreditch E~ Telegraphic ad-
l' William, Queen's square . street, London E C dresses, "Gaymers, Attleborough"
l'ayne William J. J. Station road Barker Chas. horse clipper,London rd or "Lidless, London." See ad-
l'earce Rev. William Jas. (Wesleyan), Barker Edwd. Jas. frmr. Station frm vertis,ement
W eslev villa, Station road Barnard Geo. hurdle ma. London rd Gladden Esther (Mrs.), frrrir.Ling fm
l'eters George, West Carr Barnard Geo. Richd. buildr. High st Grant Charles, farmer, West Carr
Petley Charles, Norwich road l:lernard Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, Greenland William Richard (fi"'rrn"".
"Rose Edmund Frederick, College-Hill High street Houchen, Houchen, Greenland &
house, Queen's square BarrettJ Ambrose Charles, market Sword), solicitor & commissioner
Rudd Henry Reginald Kingston, gardener, London road for oaths & registrar & high bailiff
Halford house Bayes James Edwd. grocer,London I'd of the Watton & Attleborough
Safford Mrs. Clifton villa Beales Henry Geo. thrashing machine county court & clerk to ,the Parish
Salter William Herbert J.P. The Hall owner, New North road Council & Burials Committee
Silcock Frederick, Hawthornden, Boast Henry Arthur, corn merchant, Hammond Philip, butcher & farmer
London road New mill Harrison Anthony John, builder,
Simpson Miss,The Cottage,London rd Bourne George E. Oddfellow,; P.H. decorator & undertaker; all build-
Smith Mrs. Carlton ho.Connaught rd Exchange ~treet ing materials kept in stock; newest
~te:ff William, Shrublands, London rd Brooke Melancthon William Henry designs in paperhangings from the
'l'aylor Mrs. Connaught road Lombe, solicitor & commissioner to principal London houses can be had
Thornhill Hy. Thos. Attleborough lo administer oaths at the shortest notice; pattern
Turner Bertram W. Fen ton house, Brooke Tom, cabinet maker, High st books sent on application, Station
Queen's road Buckle Waiter, coal merchant Road works
Turner Misses, The Croft, Station rd Bugg Albert Edward, pork butcher, Hewitt Matthew Stubbs, carpenter,
Turner William, Connaught- road Han~ham road London road
Tvrrell Mrs. E. Lyndhurst,London rd Burcham William E. cattle dealer, Hicks Henry William, assistant insur-
Tyrrell Wilfred Rice Baly, Oatlands, London road ance superintendent, Queen's road
Station road Burlingham James, farmer, Fen st Hill John Raynes, farmer,Grangtl frm


Hinchley William H. boot maker, Maclaren Duncan, tailor, Exchange l!t Shorten Wm. Bear P.H. Queen's rd
Connaught road Mann Joseph, farm bailiff to T. B. Smith F. & Co. cycle & motor agents
Houchen, Houchen, Greenland & Daniel esq. Haverscroft farm & repairers ; garage; vacuum &
Sword, solicitors (T N 13); & at Manning Robert, registrar of births & all motor oils supplied; agents for
Feltwell, Mildenhall, Thetford & deaths, relieving & vaccination all leading cars & cycles, London rd
Watton officer, Attleborough sub-district, Smith Edward Victor, commercial
Houchen John, solicitor & commis- Wayland union, & agent for the traveller, Connaught road
sioner for oaths, see Houchen, Royal Insurance Co. London road Smith Ernest E. motor engiqeer;
Honchen, Greenland & Sword Moore William, farmer, Boro' farm repairs & accessories ; motors for
Howard Charles, jobmaS'ter, Con- :Vlunnings Col.-Sergt. W. drill in- hire ; any make of car or cycle
naught road structor E Co. 4th Territorial Force supplied ; tyres &c. London Road
Howes John, farmer, West Carr Battalion Norfolk Regiment motor garage
Hubbard Chas. farmer, Butterfly hall :\Ivhill Kat~ (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, Smith Ha.rry, builder & contractor &;
Hurrell Charles W. Angel hotel High street dealer in building materials; esti-
International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. Neal Wm. Geo. frmr. Hill common mates furnished, High street
(branch), Church street Neave Hy. comsn. agt. n Queen's rd Smith William Waiter, hair dresser,
.Jessup Jsph.Jn.farmer,Chestnut farm Nobbs Francis, Station hotel; horses, Church street
.Jessup Robert, farmer, Borough farm motors, traps, broughams & wag- Sparrow Charles, beer retailer
.J ohnson Brothers, photographers, gonettes for hire; posting & Stebbings William & Son,ironmongen
Exchange street excellent -stabling; accommodation Sword Alexander Bruce Denistoun,
.J ohnson Horace Cornelius, engineer, for commercials & motorists ; all solicitor (firm, Houchen, Houchen,
Church street trains met Greenland & Sword)
.Johnson Jas. fishmonger, Exchange st Osborne Alfd. H. saddler,Exchange st Territorial Force, 4th Battalion Nor-
Keeling George Sydney B.A., M. D., Page William, postmaster folk Regiment (E Co.) (Capt.Herbt.
B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Parsons Edwd.butchr.Connaught plain Charles Long; Col.-Sergt. W.
Land. physician & surgeon, & Petley Charles, farmer, Norwich road Munnings, instructor)
medical & vaccination offi-cer to the Pilgrim Maurice, farmer Tillott Ann a (Mrs.), Royal hotel
..A.ttleborough district, Wayland Plumstead Frederic George Edward, Trenfield Thomas Squires, nursery-
union, certifying factory surgeon chemist, Church street man, The Vineyards
& rnedical officer to the workhouse, Poll J ame-s, boot repairer Tufts Henry, farmer, Leys farm
The Pines, Connaught rd. T N 2 Pollard Wm.Robert, house furnisher, Turner .£ne as ( exoTs. of), farmers,
Kerrison Robert John, watch maker Exchange street Swangey farm '
Key William, farmer Ponder Thos. Tefr>ih. rms. London rd Turner Chas. Wm. Old Railway tavrn
King Wallace Ltd. house furnishers, Potter Frederick, farmer, West Carr Turner Thomas, taxidermist
Exchange street Potter Thomas Wm. carrier, High st Tyrrell & Byfords, corn, coal,
Lambert & Son, carriage builders, Reeve Jeremiah, blcksmth.London rd cake & sood. merchants & barley
motor agents & repairers; & at Riches Brothers, butchers, Church st buyers; agents for Odams & Fisons
Thetford & Brandon Riches Charles, farmer, Hargham rd Manures (T N I I Attleborough);
Large John W. baker, High street Rose Edmund Frederick L.R.C.P., & at Watton
Lawrence Je;;.se William, boot maker, L.M.S.S.A.Lond_ physician & sur- Wales George, baker & confectioner,
Exchange street geon; medical officer of health Church street
Le Grice & Son, grocers & drapers, for the Way land & Swaffham Wailer Edward E. Griffin family &
High street Rural Districts & district medical commercial hotel ; garage
Lewis Samuel ·Robert, clerk to the officer of Post office, College-Hill Warren Saml.blacksmith,Hargham rd
Old Buckenbam Parish Council & house, Queen's square. T N 7 Warren Samuel Wm.draper & grocer,
assistant overseer for Old Bucken- Rudd Henry Reginald, organist of Exchange street
ham, Rookery hou,;e, Connaught rd Quidenbam parish church, Hal- Watling Geo. Robt. carriage builder
Lincoln Frederick Charles, farmer, ford house Wells Waiter, painter, New North rd
Cyprus house Salter, Simpson & Sons, auctioneers, Wick John Park & Son, coal, cake &
Lincoln John, Royal Oak P.H. West valuers & land & estate agents. salt merchants, millers, corn
Carr 'I' N 9 crushers, seed & manure mer-
Ling William Stannard, manager of Salter William Herbert, farmer, The chants & insurance agents, Station
Barclay & Company Ltd. branch Hall farm. T N 8 Wigby Arthur, farmer, West Carr
bank, Queen's square Segger Geo. Edgar, baker, High st Winch Robert Jn. printer & news agt Mann & Co. maltsters, corn Self Jas. Alfd.grocer & draper,High st Woodrow Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner,
cru~hers, dealers in corn, coal, Self Wm. Leonard, farmr. Hill corn Exchange tJtreet
coke, seeds & oil cakes; manufac- Shaw Robert, beer rlltailer,London rd Woor David, wheelwright
turers of pig meal & lamb food & Sb~arhod William Morton, drapery, Wright John, painter
manure merchants, Station (T N millinery, outfitting & boots, Ex- Wright William, farmer
5); & at Watton change street Youngs George & Son, monumental
Long Robt. nurseryman, Hargham rd Sheldrake Wm. carpntr. Hargham rd & general masons ; estimates on
Loveday Nathan, agricultural imple- Shepherd George, farmer, Fen fa.rm application
ment maker, Hill foundry Shingles Waiter Percy Laws, dairy- Youngs Frederick William, confec-
Lusher Jas.hurdle ma.White Horse la man, Queen's square tioner, Exchange street
Mace Waiter, boot maker, Queen"s Shorten Reginald Waiter, agricultural
square (branch) engineer, Queen's roa.d.
ATTLEBRIDGE is a parish and village, on the river St. Bees, who resides at Alderford. John Digby Mills
Wen.sum, over which there is a. bridge of one arch, with a esq. J.P. is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, soil is light loam; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief
and is 8 miles north-west from Norwich, 4 south-east crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is
from Reepbam and nB from London, in the Eastern divi- 1,297 acres of land and 6 of water; assessable value,
sion of the county, Taverham hundred and petty sessional £646; the population in :rgn was 73·
division, St. Faith's union, county court district. of Nor-
wich, rural deanery uf Sparharn and archdeaconry a.nd Letters arrive from Norwich by the Reepbam mail cart at
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a 5-15 a..m. & s.o p.m. from Lenwade, & are delivered
small build~ng of flint in the Early English and Perpen- about 7 a.m. & 5-5 p.m. for callers; dispatched at 5-55
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, noo-th aisle, a.m. &; 6 p.m. Great Witchingham is the nearest
south poroh, with an embattled westilrn tower, partly money order & telegraph office, about 3 miles distant.
covered with ivy, and containing one bell : the interior The post office for this place is in the adjQining village
was restored in 1864, and affords 150 sittings. The of Morton-on-the-Hill
register dates from the year 1712. The living is a
vicarage, consolidated with the rectory of ..A.lderford, Public Elementary School (mixed), which serves also for
joint net yea.rly value £150, with 13~ acres of glebe, Morton-on-the-Hill, erected in 1872, for 32 children;
in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and average attendance, ~o; Miss Bird, mistress
held since 1905 by the Rev. Reginald John Corke, of Railway Station, Fredk. George Bateman, station master

Malthouse farm
I ·
Harrison Matthew Henry, farmer, Howard John, farmer, Old Hall farm Spinks William, farm bailiff to
Robert J. Arthurton esq
AYLMERTON is a parish on the road from Holt to in the Northern division of the county, North Erpingham
Cromer, about 2 miles west-south-west from Cromer hundred and plrtty sessional division., Erpingham union.
stations on the Great Ea.stern and the Midland and Great Bolt oounty court; district, rural deanery of Repps and
Northern joint railways and m from North Walsham, archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich.. The church(}( St.

John the Baptist is a building of flint in the Perpendicular I the parish of Aylmert<Jn, is a piece of ground commonly
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and s.n known as "the Rcman Camp," and close to this spo1.
embattled round tower of the 13th century containing are hollows called "the leech pits." Upon the cross
one bell: the tower was restored and the bell re-·hung roads in this parish, about three-quarters of a mila
in 1912: the old oak rood-screen and a chancel rail from the church, stands an ancient stone cross, supposed
with poppy heads remain, as well as sedilia and a to have been a station for pilgrims between the abbeys
piscina: the building was partly restored in 186s, and of Walsingham and Beeston, and recently restored br
fully restored by the present rector in 1876: there are parishioners. Robert William Ketton esq. of Felbrigg-
three memorial windows : over the porch is a parvise, Hall, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil
still in excellent preservation, and on the north side is a light loam; subsGil, brick earth. The chief crops
are the ruins of a chantry chapel: the altar table of are wheat, turnips, barley and pasture land. The area is
carved oak is a memorial to Miss Gertrude Ketton: 1,697 acres; rateable value, £1,4S8; the population iu
the church affords ISo sittings. The register dates 1gn was 244-
fr?'m the year 16g6. The living ~s .a discharged rectory, Sexton Albert Hall.
w1th that of Runton annexed, ]Omt net yearly value '
£333, with re·sidence (rebuilt and enlarged in 1879) Post Office.-Mrs. Robert Gotts, sub-postmistress. Let-
and 62 acres of glebe, viz., 42 in .Aylmerton and 20 ters are received through Norwich, via Roughton;
in Runton, in the gift of R. W. Ketton esq. and held deliveries, 7·4S a.m. & p.m.; d~spatches, IL4o.
since 1A72 by the Rev. William Woodward Mills M.~-\. a.m. & 6.s p.m. ; no sunday delivery. Gresh:lm is.
of Wadham College, Oxford:, and rural dean of Repps. the nearest money order & telegraph office
Here is a Free Methodist chapel, built in 1887. The
views of the ·ocoon from the high grounds are exceedingly Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1875• at a cosi
fine, and the surrounding scenery is picture~que. of £1,27S• for 108 children; average attendance, go;
On the hills separating this parish from Runton, in Samuel Thomas Groom, master
Carter John, Breck lodge Covell Anna Maria (Miss), farmer Medler William, grocer
Mills Rev. William Woodward M.A. Emery Charles, blacksmith Moy Henry, farm bailiff to Mrs. Moy
(rector, & ruul dean), Rectory Gotts Robert, Post office Moy Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Shipway Robert Bruce J ally Lydia Page (Mrs.), farmer, Pank & Riches, saw mills
COMMERCIAL. Church farm Scott Robert H. farmer
Bird George, farmer Marling John, gamekeeper to R. W. Shipway Robt. Bruce, frmr.Laurel fm
Eingham Frank Scarle, Roman Camp Ketton esq. J.P Smith George, farmer
P.H Massingham Benjamin, grocer
A YLSHAM, mentioned in Domesday as "Elesham," is then lay impropriator of the parish, and the Dowager-
a market and union town, head of a county court dis- Lady Suffield: the old organ was presented by the Rev.
trict and parish, on the banks of the river Bure, which is E. T. Yates, who also contributed to the restoration of
navigable hence to Yarmouth, having a station on the the church in 1852: but a new organ was provided in
Great Eastern railway and another on the Midland and rgii at a cost of £7oo: the pulpit dates from about 16oo:
Great Northern joint railway, and is 12 miles north from the eagle lectern is modern : there were once several:
Norwich, 7 west from North Wah;ham and I2S~ from chantries in this church, one of which was founded 8 July,
London, in the Northern division of the county, South IS34• by Robert Jannys, who also founded the Free
Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, rural School : the Communion plate includes a chalice and
deanery of Ingworth (South Division) and archdeaconry paten of 1SGJ, besides other pieces of later date : in a
and dioce-se of ~orwich. The town is lighted with gas recess in the churchyard is the grave of Humphrey Rep-
supplied by the .Aylsham Gas Co. Limited; there is no ton, the celebrated landscape gardener, who died 24
water supply except from wells. The church of St. March, 1818: there are aso sittings. The register date~
Michael is a building of flint in the Decorated and Per- from the year r6S3· The living is a vicarage, net yearly
pendicular styles, and was. erected c. 1380 by John of value £290, including S acres of glebe, with residence~
Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, the court of whose duchy was in the gift of the Dean dnd Chapter of Canterbury, and
once held in this town; it consists of chancel with aisles held! since 1888 by the Rev. John Gurney Hoare M.A.. of
and vestry, clerestoried nave of six bays, aisles, tran- Trinity College, Cambridge, hon. canon of Norwich, rural
septs, south porch, with parvise, and an embattled western dean of Ingworth (Southern division), and surrogate.
tower with crocketed pinnacle!! and a small spire, and The Ecclesiastical Commissioners hold the larger portion
containing a clock and 10 bells, re-hung, and the belfry uf the great tithes. .A mission ;room was built in I8go~
repaired, in 1890, at a cost of {,285: the chancel rE-tains on ground adjoining the churchyard, at a cost of £400~
three sedilia. and a double piscina., and there are also by the late Mr. B. Cook. There is a small Catholic
piscinre in the south aisle and the south transept: the church in White Hart street. The Baptist chapel is in
font is enriched with has-reliefs of the emblems of the White Hart street; it was founded in 1791, and has sit-
four Evangelists, the instruments of the Passion, and tings for 4So persons: there is a Primitive Methodist
the arms of the Duke of Lancaster, with other armorial chapel on the Cawston road, a Wesleyan Methodist chapel
insignia: of the rood screen. erected in rso7, principally in White Hart street, a Reformed Wesleyan chapel in
at the cost of Thomas Wymer, worsted weaver, only Millgate and a Gospel hall on the Cawston road; adjoin-
the lower part now remains, and is adorned with ing Mr. Philip Shepheard's residence is a Catholic chapel,
painted figures of apostles and martyrs, and has an in which services are held occasionally. The Cemetery,
inscription in Latin to Thomas Wymer and J oan and of two acres, formed in r8SS at a cost of £6oo, was
.Agnes his wives : the remains of the former arcading enlarged in 1900 by the addition of 1~ acres, and is
of the screen now incorporated in the reredos, under the control of the Parish CounciL The Town
constructed out of carved wood from various. parts of Hall, in the Market place, now the property of the-
the church: the tomb of Wymer, with brass effigy town, is a structure of red brick, and ha.s a reading-
in shroud, and the date ISOJ, is in the church: here room and literary institute attached. A fire brigade is
is also a brass, with effigies as skeletons in shrouds, maintained here. Fairs are held yearly on March 23rd.
to Richard Howard, citizen and sheriff of Norwich, and last Tuesday in September. Cressey's charity of
who, in 1488, built the church porch, and died 13 Jan. £31 6s. yearly is given in doles, and is under the control
149Q, and to Cecilia, his wife: there are other brasses of the Parish Oouncil. Abbots Hall, erected in 16ro by
to Thomas Tylson B.A. rector, c. 1490, with effigy in a member of the Wood family, and now the property
almuce and scrolls; and to Robert Farman and and residence of Philip Candler Shepheard esq. J.P.
Katherine, his wife, c. 1490, and there are effigies of a stands on the site of the ancient rnoated residence.
man and his wife much worn : the church also contains The Manor House, on the Norwich road, the property
monuments to the families of Jermy, Drake, Wrench, and residence of Major H. J. Bowman, was built in
Norgate and Rushburgh, and there is a monument, 1608 by Bishop John Jegon, of Norwich, who died in
soml'what mutilated, 1A:l John Jegon S.T.P. Bishop of the house in 1617 : it contains some very fine old oak.
Norwich from r6o2, who died 13 March, 1617: the east There are four manors, .A.ylsham Lancaster manor be-
window, the tracery of which has been restored, is longing to the Marquess of Lothian; the Vicarage
decorated with stwined gla!!s, placed in 1842-3, and repre- manor, belonging to the vicar; Sexton's n1anor, com-
senting apostles, with various devices, and the armorial monly c-alled "Aylsham Wood," the property of the
bearings of the Hobarts, Earls of Buckinghamshire, those trustees of the late Thomas Copeman esq.; and Bolwick
of the See of Norwich, impaling Stanley, the duchy of manor, belonging to W. S. Calvert esq. The principal
Lancaster, and others : there is another stained window landowners are the Marquess of Lothian, Thomas Woods
to ffight former vicars, and one containing some beautiful Purdy esq. Mrs. Louis Buxton, of Bolwick, Philip Cand-
speciml'ns of old glass, inserted at the expense m the ler Shepheard esq. Col. Benjamin Beckham Sapwell,.
late Rev. E. T. Yate!l, a former vicar, together with the the Rev. William James Stracey-Clitherow, of so Port-
armorial bearings of his family, and of S. Pitman e!!q. land place, London W, the trustees of the Rev. Roberf>
Alfred Rackham M.A. (d. 1903), and Col. E. R. A. parish was 2,627, including 12 officers & 137 inmates
Xerrison R . .A., C.M.G. of Burgh Hall, and a few smaller in the workhouse.
owners. The area is 4,305 acres of land and 25 of water; Parish Clerk and Sexton of Cemetery, George Neale,
rateable value, £n,488; in 1911 the population of the Town hall.
Post, ~I. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- TERRITORIAL FORCE.
Harcourt Augustus McCreedy, postmaster. Deliveries Aylsham Detachment 5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment.
at 7 & 10.3-0 a.m. & 3 (callers only) & 5-45 p.m.; dis- (C Co. ), Pound road; Capt. T. W. Purdy; Sergt.·
patches at 4.50 & 9·35 a.m. & 12.15, 2.20, 5.40 & 7·45 Instructor, Thomas Davis
p.m.; sundays, delivery, 7 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m .AYLSHAM UNION.
Wall Letter Boxes.-Millgate street, cleared 8.30 & I1.30
Board days, tuesday, fortnightly, at the Union work•
a. m. & 5· ro & 7.40 p.m. week days only; Cawston
road, cleared 8.20 & II.45 a.m. & 4-45 & 7.25 p.m. house at A vlsham.

week days & 8.30 a. m. sundays; Cromer road, cleared The Union includes the following parishes :-.!.lby-with-
at 8.15 & 11 a.m. & 5·5 & 7·45 p.m. week days & 8 Thwaite, AyLsham, Banningharn, Bamingham Parva,
a.m. sundays Belaugh, Blickling, Brampton, Burgh, Buxton, Cal-

Ba.ilway Station (G.E.R. ), cleared 9.5o a. m. & I2.Jo, thorpe, Cawston, Colby, Coltishall, Cklrpw;ty, Erping-
5.50 & 8.10 p.m. week days only ham, Foulsham, Guestwick, Hackford-by-Reepham,
Hautbois Magna, Hevingham, Heydon, Hindolveston,
J"USTICES OF THE PK\CE FOR SOUTH ERPINGH_\M Ingworth, Irmingland, Itteringham, Lamma.s-with-Lit-
PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. tle Hautbois, Mannington, Marsham, Oulton, Oxnead,
Ma.rsham Major Henry Savill D.L. Rippon hall, Heving-
• Reepham-with-Kerdistone, Sall, Saxthorpe, Scottow,
Skeyton, Stratton Strawless, Swanton .Abbot, Themel-
ham, N orwlCh, chairman thorpe, Thurning, Tuttington, Whitwell, Wickmere,
llirkbeck William John esq. D.L. StrattQn Strawles~ Wolterton, Wood Dalling & Wood Norton. The popu-
hall, Norwich
lation of the union in 19II was 17,346; area, 69,34I
Bolton Waiter Henry esq. Oulton hall, .Aylsham acres; rateable value in 1912, £go,527
Buxton Walter Louis esq. Bolwick hall,Marsham,Norwch Chairman, William Case, Tuttington, Aylsham
Kerrison Col. Edmund Roger Allday, Burgh hall,.Aylshm Clerk w the Guardians, Henry Jame~ Gidney, Old Bank
Orford Earl of D.L. Wolterton park, Erpingham,Norwch house, .Aylsham
Patteson Frank Eugene esq. Great Hautbois ho. Norwich Assistant Clerk, Edmund Dennis Browne, Burgh road,
Sapwell Col. Benjamin Beckham V.D. Sankence, .Aylshm Aylsham
.Sewell Philip Edwd. esq. Dudwick ho. Buxton, Norwich Treasurer, Henry Birkl>eck. Barclay's Bank Ltd . .Aylsham
Shepheard Philip Candler esq. Abbots ·hall, Aylsham Reli'lving & Vaccination Officers, Buxton district, Fredk.
The chairman, for the time being, of the .Aylsham Rural W. C. Roe, Cawston road, .Aylsham; Eynsford district,
District Council, is an ex-officio justice of the peace Edward Robert Le Neve, Reepham
Clerk to the Justices, Thomas Woods Purdy B . .A. MPdical Officers & Public Vaooinators, 1st district, Edwd.
!lolicitor, .Aylsham. Verdon Perry M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.~nd. Reepham;
.Petty Sessions are held at the TQwn hall every other 2nd district, William Dewing Spurrell L.R.C.P.Lond.,
tuesday at I r. The following places are included in the M.R.C. S.Eng. Alborough; 3rd district, Wm. Herbert
petty sessional division; -Alby-with-Thwaite, .Aylsham, L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Foulsham; 4th district,
Banningbam, Barningham Parva, Belaugh, Blickling, Frederick Little M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. The Orchards,
Booton, Brampton, Burgh-next-.Aylsham, Buxton, Cal- Aylsham; 5th district, Herbert George Berry M.R.C.S.
thorpe, Cawswn, Colby, Coltishall, Corpusty, Erping- Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Reepham; 6th district, .Augustus
ham, Hautbois Magna, Hevingham, Heydon, Ingworth, Charles Morton M.R.C.S.Eng. The Beeches, .Aylsham;
lrmingland, Jt.teringham, Lammas -with- Hautbois 7th district, Bemard Duncan Zorapore Wright
Parva, Mannington, :Ma.rsham, Oulton, Oxnead, Sax- M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Colti~hall
thorpe, Scottow, Skeyton, Stratton Strawles·s, SwiinWn The Workhouse, erected in 1849. is a structure of red
Abbot, Tuttington, Wickmere & Wolterton brick, in the Elizabethan style, erected to hold 619
inmates; Rev. Thomas Barnes, chaplain; Augustus
A YLSHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Charles Morton, medical officer; George .lames God-
Meets at the Workhouse, on tuesdays alternately, a\ frey, master; Mrs. Godfrey, matron
Chairman, WHliam Case, Tuttington, ..\ylsham Superintendent Registrar, Henry James Gidney, Old
Clerk, Henry James Gidney, Old Bank house, .Aylsham Bank house, .Aylsham
Treasurer Hy.Birkbeck, Barclay & Company Ltd.Aylshm Deputy Superintend'ent Registrar, Edmund Dennis
Medical Officer of Health, Herbert Hatfield Back M.B. Browne, Burgh road, .Aylsham
Land., M.R.C.S.Eng . .Acle, Norwich Re"'istrars of Births & Deaths, Eynsford sub-district,
Inspector of Nuisances, James Weatherbed C.R.S.I. Caw- "
Edward Robert Le Neve, Reepham; deputy, Florence
~ton road Le Neve, Reepham; Buxton sub-district, Frederick
Surveyor of Highways, Leonard J. Preston, Buxton road W. C. Roe, Cawston road, .Aylsham; deputy, Harry F.
Proudfoot, Market place, .Aylsham
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Registrar of Marriages, Harry F. Proudfoot, Market
Cemetery, Henry J ames Gidney, clerk pl. Aylsham; deputy, Harry W. Marjaram, .Aylsham
County Court, held at the Town ball bi-monthly, His PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Honor James Mulligan K.C. judge; Hy. Jas. Gidney, Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Thomas Woods
registrar & high bailiff. The district comprises the fol- Purdy, Market place
lowing parishes :-Alby-with-Thwaite, Aylsham, Alder- Clerk tQ the Navigation Commissioners, Thomas Wood!
ford, Banningham, Barningham Parva, Belaugh, Blick- Purdy, Market place
ling, Brampton, Booton, Burgh, Brandiston, Buxton, .Asseswr & Collector af the King's Taxes, Harry Waiter
Calthorpe, Cawston, Colby, Coltishall, Corpusty, Erping- Marjoram, Burgh road
tJam, Foulsham, Guestwick, Hackford, Hautbois Magna, School .Attendance Officer, Arth. Jn. Blades, Cawston rd
Haveringland, Hevingham, Heydon, Hindolveston, fug- Town Crier, Harry F. Proudfoot, Market place
worth, 1rmingland, Itteringham, Lammas-with-Haut-
bois Parva, Mannington, Marsham, Oulton, Oxnead, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Reepham-with-Kerdistone, Sall, Saxthorpe, Scottow, St. Micha.el's Church, Rev. Canon John Gurney Roan~
Skeyton, StrattQn Strawless, Swanton Abbot, Swaning- M . .A. vicar & surrogate; Rev. Charles Waters M ..A.,
tQn, Themelthorpe, Thurning, Tuttington, Whitwell, LL.M. curate; 8 & 10.45 a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.;
Wickmere, Witchingham (Great), Witchingham wed. 7 p.m. ; fri. 8 a. m. ; saints' days, 12 noon
(Little), Wood Dalling, Wood Norton & Wolterton Catholic, mass occasionally at the chapel adjoining Mr.
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that Philip Shepheard"s residence
of Norwich; Harry Pearce Gould, 8 Upper King st. Catholic, White Hart street; mass 1st thurs. in month
Norwich, official receiver 8.30 a.m
Count.y Police Station, Blickling road, Francis SQuth- Baptist, White Hart street. Rev. John Read; 10.45
gate, superintendent; 2 sergeants & 15 constables a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; man. 8 p.m
Gas Company, Robert L. Roe, sec.; George Taylor, Primitive Methodist, Cawston road, Rev . .Joshua Biggs;
manager, Mill gate I I a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7-~o p.m
Pari5h Council, Ha.rry F. Proudfoot, clerk W esll"ya.n Methodist, White Hart street (Norwich, North
Town li~tll, Market place, Harry F. Proudfoot, sec.; Walsham & Cromer Mission) (various); 1;0.45 a.m. &;
George Neale, keeper 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

Wesleyan Reform, 'Mill gate street, Rev. John Hay hoe; Public Elementary, erected in r848, for 130 boys, 130
2.30 & 6.30 p.m. & no morning service; man. 7.30 p.m girls & rm infants; average attendance, 130 boys, 130
Salvation Army, Hungate street; 7.30 & II a. m. & 3 girls & roB infants; Geoffrey Hill, master; Miss A. M.
& 6.30 p.m. ; mon. 11hurs. fri. & sat. 8 p.m Dunthorne, mistress; Mrs. E. J. Dester, infants' mist.
Gospel Hail, Cawston road; 10.45 a.m. & 3 & 6.30
p.m. ; tues. & thurs. 8 p.m RAILWAY STATIONS.
Aylsham (Gt. Ea.stern), Arth. Wm. Finch, station mast
Aylsham Town (Midland & Great Northern Joint Rail-
way), Thomas J. Turbett, station master
A free school was founded here in 1517 by Robert
Jannys, mayor of I'lorwich in that year, & endowed CARRIER.
·with £10 from the funds of King Edward VI.'s hos- Norwich-March, from Town lane, man. wed. fri. &.
pital at Norwich, but it is now merged in the Council sat. at g a. m. returning from ' Duke's Palace.' R or-
school wich, at 4·45 p.m

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Green Philip, Oakfield road Partridge J ames Daniel, Oakfield rd
Jlarclay Joseph Francis, The Old hall Grigson Rev. Edward B.A. West Purdy Thos. Woods B.A. Millgate h()
Barker Mrs. Whit€ Hart street lodge, Blickling road Quantrell Colin T. Church terrace
Barker Thomas Edmund, Oakfield rd Hayhoe Rev. Jn. (Wesleyan Reform), Rayson Frederick, Cawston road
Barnwell Charles Henry, St.Michael's Cawston road Read Rev, Jn.(Baptist),White Hart st.
villas, Cawston road Hill Geoffrey, Edgefield, Town lane Roe Robert Leonard, Oakfield road
Biggs Rev. Joshua (Primitive Metho- Hoare Rev. Canon John Gurney M.A. Ray Alfred, Gothic house,Hungate si
dist), The Manse, Burgh road (vicar, rural dean & surrogate) Sapwell Col.Benjamin Beckham V.D.,
Boffee William John, The Lodge, Howlett Mrs. White Hart street J.P. Sankence, Cawston road

Oakfield road Ingate Arnold, Cromer road Sapwell Benjamin Beckham JUn.
Bond James F. Fernleigh,Blickling rd Ingate Lewis, Oak cottage,Cromer rd B.A., LL.B., M.B., B.O. The
Boulderson Arthur, Woodgate, Caw- Ireland Miss, Heydon road Grange, Crorner road
ston road Ivens Mrs. Cromer road Sayers Mrs. Cromer road
Bowman Major Henry James (late Ives Mrs. Market place Sewell Bertram, Heydon.road
95th Derbyshire Regiment), The Jowlings Mrs. Cromer road Shepheard Miss Charlotte Cr.ndler.
Manor house, Norwich road Kelly John, Burgh road White Hart street
Browne Edmund Dennis, Burgh road Larkworthy Falconer, Bayfield house, Shepheard Miss E. A. White Hart si
Bruce Stanley W. Commercial ro!!.d White Hart street Shepheard Philip Candler J.P .Abbot's
Bullock Mrs. Pinfold street Last Robert Samuel, Pinfold street hall
Bullock Stanley, Millgate street Le Neve Charles Gay, Hungate st Shreeve }drs. Commercial road
Clark Mrs. James, Commercial road Little Fredk.The Orchards,Norwich rd Smith Mrs. Richard, Market place
elements Mrs. Red Lion street Lyon-Campbell Col. Charles Albert Soame Mrs. St. Michael's villas, Caw-
Oonnold Miss, Woodbine vil.Cromer rd (late R.E. ), Sankence lodge, Caw- ston road
Cook Miss, Church terrace ston road Soundy Samuel Martin, Bushey,
Cooper William Charles Payne, Bank Marjoram Harry Walter, St. An- Cromer road
house, Market place drew's villa, Burgh road Starling Wm. Fredk. White Hart st
Day Rev. Theodore Henry Crossman Meadows Col. Evelyn Philip, St. Stoner Edward Thomas, Burgh road
B.A. J'aradise house Micbael's villas, Cawston road Sutton Mrs. Cawston r<Jad
Edwards Mrs. Burgh road Meadows Rev. Robert Rust M.A. Talbot Bertram William C. The Dell.
Flood Mrs. Church terrace Hevdon

road Heydon road
George Alfred R. Burgh road Meadows Miss, Burgh road Tuddenham John Henry, Burgh road
Gidney Henry Jas. Old Bank house Miller Herbert, Church terrace Tuttle Mrs. Church terrace
Gilbert Mrs. Clement, Cromer road Morton Angustus Chas. The Beeches Tuttle Walter Edward, Bankfield.
Gillett John Howard, Burgh road \iorton Miss, Burgh road Commercial road
Gillman Mrs. St. Michael's vill11.1, Newstead Rev. Edmund Starling, Walne Jas. Geo. Elgin ho. Burgh rd
Cawston road Pound road Ward Robert H. Burgh road
Gooch James, Yew Tree house Nott Walter, Cawston r<Jad Waters Rev. Charles LL.M., M.A_·
Gordon Mrs. Cromer road Page Alfred, Pound road (curate)
Goulder Mrs. The Manor house of the Page Henry, Hill house, Heydon road Wood Mrs. Burgh road
Duchy of Lancaster Palmer Mrs. Market place Woods Mrs. Oakfield road

Bruce Stanley W. auctioneer & estate agent; agent for'
Bagshaw's manures, half-inch & dust bones, nitrate of
Early closing day, Wednesday. soda, fish & other salts, Bank street & dealer in
Ancient Order of Fmesters, Court Pride of .Aylsham modern & antique furniture, Red Lion street
(Samuel Gotts, sec.), Market place . Buckingham Frank Edward Ph.C. chemist, Red Lion st
.Applegate Lydia (Mrs.), temperance hotel, Red Lion st Bullock Stanley, miller (water), Millgate
Atkins James Henry, carpenter, wheelwright & under- Oarr Edward, sewing machine agent, Fairleigh terrace
taker, Millgate street Cemetery (Henry James Gidney, clerk)
Aylsham Gas Co. Limited (Robert L. Roe, sec.; Geo. Chamberlin Sarah & Emily (Misses), ladies' school, Th&
Taylor, manager) Beeches, Cawston road
Aylsham Town Hall (Harry F. Proudfoot, sec.; George Clarke Ernest, Anchor P.H. Millgate street
Neale, hall keeper), Market place Clarke George Probert, ironmonger, Market place
Bailey Sidney, pork butcher, White Hart street Clarke Martha Fuller (Mrs.), baker, Chm-ch hill
Balls Edwd.Chas. Unicorn P.H. & fishmongr.Hungate st Coleman Frederick L. photographer, Red Lion street
B:uclay, Pallett & Co. Limited, millers (steam) & coal, Caller R. & Sons Limited, corn & coal merchants, Greai
coke, corn, flour & seed merchants, Dunkirk roller Eastern station; & at Norwich
mills; & at Railway station, Cawston, Norwich Constable Daisy (Miss), dress maker, Commercial road
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers (William Charles Cooper William Charles Payne, bank (branch) manager
Payne Cooper, manager) ; open 10 to 4, except sat. 9 to Barclay & Company Limited, Bank house,Market pl
to 12.30, Market place; draw on head office, 54 County Court (His Honor James Mulligan K.C. judge;
Lombard street, London E C Hy. Jas. Gidney, registrar & high bailiff), Town hall
Barker Thomas E. ironmonger, Red Lion street Cripps William, greengrocer, Millgate street
Barnard Eugenie (Mrs.), New inn, Red Lion street Cross & Co. corn, cake, coal, seed & manure merchants.
Barnwell Charles Henry, stationer, Market place Great Eastern station
Beck Ellen (Mrs.), smith & machinist, Burgh road Dale Rose Emma (Miss), tobacconist, Red Lion street
Bexfield J a ne (Mrs.), grocer, Red Lion street Daniels Thomas Flaxman, farmer, Millgate street
Blackstone William Henry, ha:Ur dresser, White Hart st Davis SerfZt. Thomas, drill instructor to C Co. stb
Blades Arthur John,school attendance officer,Cawston rd Territorial Force Battalion Norfolk Regt. Pound road
Bland Fred, Ship P.H. White Hart street Dester Joseph Dester, chemist, Market place
Blofield William, butcher & farmer, Red Lion street Dewing Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, Commercial road
Bloom Mildred (Miss), dress maker, Pound road Dixon James John, cycle dealer, Red Lion street
Brady & Pert, plumbers, Church hill Doidge David, beer retailer, Cawston road
Breese James Thomas, tailor, Red Lion street Ducker Samuel, carpenter, JVheelwright, shoeing &
Browne Edmund Dennis, deputy superintendent regis- general smith & agricultural implement maker & re--
trar & assistant clerk to union, Burgh road pairer, White Hart street
Ducker William, grocer, Millgate street I Partridge Daniel, butcher & farmer, Red :Lion street
Durrell George, farmer, West End lodge, Blickling road Pashley Ernest, Black Boys commercial hotel, whole-
Durrell Sidney, farmer, Drabblegate sale & retail cider merchant &c.; posting house,
Emsden Herbert Thomas, beer retailer, Hungate street Market place. T N 3 Aylsham
Ewing John, fruiterer, Red Lion street Pask & Sons, tailors & breeches makers, Red Lion st
Field Wm. monumental & general mason, Burgh road Poll Henry, fanner, Cawston road
Finch Con stance & Mand(Misses) ,fancy statnrs.RedLion st Postle Mary Ann (Mrs.) & Ern est, beer retailers &
Fowler William, apartments, Burgh road bakers, Hungate street
Frankland Richard (Mrs.), ironmonger, Hun gate street Preston Leonard J. hi~.rhway surveyor to the Rural
Frostick John, jobbing ga.rdener, Peterson's road District Council, Buxton road
Gidney Henry James, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & Pretty George, grocer & draper, Red Lion street
for taking acknowledgments of married women, clerk Proudfoot Harry F. assistant overseer & elerk to the
to the guardians & assessment committee of Ayhham Parish Council, registrar of marriages for Aylsham
union, to Aylsham Rural District Council & to the district & deputy registrar of births & deaths for the
burial authority, & superintendent registrar of Ayl- Buxton sub-district & sec. to North Walsham &
sham district, registrar & high bailiff of County Court, Aylsham Agricultural Association & assistant over-
Old Bank house seer for Cawston, Market place
· Gladman William, draper & grocer, Cromer road Pumphrey Albert Charles, beer retailer, Dunkirk
Gooch James, farmer, Hungate Street farm Purdy & Holley, solicitors, Market place
Gostling Henry, farmer, Buxton road Purdy Thomas Woods B.A. solicitor & commissioner for
Gotts Samuel, confectioner, & parcel agent to the G-reat oaths (firm, Pnrdy & Holley), clerk to the justices, to
Eastern Railway, Market place "the Navigation Commissioners & to the Commissioners
Goulder John (exors. of the late), farmers, & agents for of Taxes, Market place
Law's manures, The Manor house of the Duchy of I Reading Room & Library (H. J. Gidney, president;.
Lancaster E. D. Browne, hon. sec.), Market place
Grix Henry, boot maker, Town lane Rich George (late of Ship hotel, 'Mundesley), Dog com-
Grix· Robert, farmer, Rackham's farm, Burgh road mercial hotel & railway refreshment rooms, & job-
Hall Charles, stone & monumental mason, Hillgate st master, Norwich road
Hall Frederick, farmer, The Spa Riseborough Mary Ann (Miss), aparts. Commercial road
Hall Miles, Red Lion hotel, Red Lion street Robb William, travelling draper, Commercial road
Hill Frank, teacher of music & org-anist at parish Roe Frederick W. C. relieving & vaccination officer for
church, Oakfield road Buxton district, Aylsham union & registrar of births &
Holley Edward, solicitor & commissioner for oaths (firm, deaths for Buxton sub-district, Cawston road
Purdy & Holley) Rogers Samuel, market gardener, Buxton road
Homer Frederick R.S.S. blacksmith, Cawston road Roofe Dora (Mrs.), tobacconist, White Hart street
Howe Florence (Miss), parish nurse, Cromer road Rought William, gardener, Gawston road
Hubbard & Son, plumbers, painters & paperhangers, Rout Frederick Richard, boot & shoe maker, Market pl
Red Lion street Sapwell Col. Benjamin Beckham V.D., J.P. landov;ner &
Ingate Lewis & Son, coach builders, Cromell' road farmer, Sankence, Oawston road
International Tea Co.'s Stores, tea dealers, Red Lion st Sapwell Benjamin Beckham, jun. B.A., LL.B .. M.B.,
Jackson John Loal, farmer, Woodgate farm, Cawston rd B.C.Cantab.physician & surgn.The Grange, Cromer rd"
Jarvis James, boot maker & shopkeeper, Hungate stref.'t Sayer William John, insurance agent, Buxton road
Jex George, shopkeeper, Hungate street Shepheard Philip Candler J.P., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.,
Keymer James, carpenter, Hungate street surgeon, Abbot's hall
Lancaster Arthur, insurance agent, Fairleigh terrace Shreeve Henry H. dealer in corn, coal, flour & 1JOllards,.
Larke Hephzibah (Mrs.), confectioner, Red Lion street Millgate street & Midland & Great Northern station
Larke William Robert, outfitter & tailor, Red Lion street Slipper Richard Stanley James, farmer, Stonegate
Larter Robert, boot repairer, Hungate street Soame Charles, farmer, The Spa
Last Robert Samuel, wholesale & retail ironmonger, Stackwood Arthur George, carpenter, Hungate street
agricultural implement agent, oil & calor merchant, Stearman Sophia (Miss), dress maker, Hungate street
gasfitter & bellhanger, Market place Stevens Arth. threshing machine prop!'. Commercial rd
Laxen Albert Richard, saddler &c. Market place Stevens Richard, threshing machine propr. Cawston rd
Laxen Horace, baker & confectioner, Red Lion street Steward Donald Hy. C.E., M.R.S.I. main road surveyor
Lee Herbert, farm bailiff to Col. B. B. Sapwell J.P to the County Council for Aylsham dist. Cawston rd
Literary Institution (H. J. Gidney, president; E. D. Steward Horace Lindley, grocer, Norwich road
Browne, hon. sec.), Market place Stoner Edward Thomas, watch maker, jeweller & cycl~
Little F~rederick M.R. C. S.Eng., L. S.A. surgeon, & medi- agent, Red Lion street
cal officer & public vaccinator 4th district, Aylsbam Sutton & Co. carriers (W. R. Larke, agent), Red Lion st
union, The Orchards, Norwich road Sutton Hector, farmer, Bure Valley farm, Burgh road
Lomax Samuel, bukher, Red Lion street Sutton Jesse, farmer, Spratts Green farm, Burgh road
Loveday Henry, butcher, Red Lion street Swann Stanley, greengrocer, Hungate street
McCreedy Harcourt Augustus, postmaster, Market place Talbot Bertram William Chetv;ynd, land steward to the-
Ma~h Arthur John, carrier, Town lane Marquis of Lothian D.L. The Dell, Heydon road
Marjoram Harry Waiter, assessor & collector of taxes, Territorial Force Battalion (5th) Norfolk Regiment (G
deputy registrar of marriages, newspaper correspon- Co. Aylsham detachment; Capt. T. W. Purdy ~ Sergt.
dent, St. Andrew's, Burgh road T·homas Davis, drill instructor), Pound road
Martin Waiter John, blacksmith, Millgate street Tuddenham Frances M. (Mrs.), butcher, Cawston road
Meale Harvey, draper & grocer, Millgate street & baker, Tuddenham .John Henry, builder, contractor. brick-
White Hart street layer, plasterer, undertaker & cabinet maker, Burgh rd
Miller A. boot & shoe maker, Market place Tuddenham Sidney, insurance agent, Hungate street
Miller Thomas, apartments, The Limes, Burgh road , Turner Benjamin, painter, Hungate street
Morley Daniel, jobbing gardener, Peterson's road Tuttle Arthur George, fruit grower, Millgate street
Morton Augnstus Charles M.R.O.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon, Underwood Henry William, hair dresser, Red Lion street.
& medical officer & public vaccinator 6th district & Vincent Henry, tailor, White Hart street
workhouse, .A.ylsham union, The Beeches. TN2Aylsham Wade Harry, cycle agent, Pinfold street
May George, boot & shoe maker, Market place Wade Walter, builder, Pinfold street
Neale George, bricklayer, Cawston road Ward & George, family grocers, provision merchants &
Needham Walter, picture frame maker, White Hart st drapers & wine & spirit & ale & stout merchants,
Nicholls Stanley, butcher, Millgate street Market place
North Walsham & Aylsham Agricultural Association Ward William, farmer, Frogshall farm, Cawston road
(Harry I<'. Proudfoot, sec.), Market place Warne Charles Henry, farmer, The Spa
Norton Robert A. insur. agent, Unicorn yard, Hungate st Warner .A.rthur, gamekeeper to J. C. Cheetham esq.
Oakley George James, baker, Cawston road Dole house, Cawston road
Odd Fellows (M. U. I. 0. 0. F.), Marquis of Lothian Waters Prederick Charles, farmer, The Spa farm
lodge (R. L. Roe, sec.), meets at the Black Boys hotel Weatherbed James C.R.S.I. inspector of nuisances to
Oliver George, Stone Masons' Arms P.H. Millgate street the Rural District Council, Cawston road
Orton Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Stonegate White Alfd. Smith, saddler & harness ma. Red Lion s~
Overed James Wm. veterinary surgn. Commercial road Williamson Alfred, boot maker, Crome.r road
Page Henry, wholesale & retail tea dealer & grocer, William.son Herbert James, Cross Keys P.H.Red Lion st
wine, spirit & ale merchant, ~eneral draper & out- Winterborn George, millwright, Cawston road
fitter & china & glass dealer, Market place & Hungate Winterborn Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cawston rd
street ; & at Sheringham . W oodhouse John, fishmonger, White Hart street

BABINGLEY is a parish on the Babingley river, • age of Appleton, joint net yearly value [249, with 38
miles south-east from Wolferton station on the Lynn and acre~ of glebe and residence, in the gift of His Majesty
Jiunstanton section of the Great Eastern railway, and 5~ the King, and held since rgr2 by the Rev . .Arthur Row-
north-norlh-east. from Lynn, in the North Western divi- land Harry Grant M.A. of Oxford University, and
sion of the county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty domestic chaplain to H.M. the King, who resides at
sessional division and union, county court district of Sandringham. Whalley Farm House, in this parish,
Lynn, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of was :fitted out by H.~L Queen .Alexandra as a hospital
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Felix for soldiers wounded in the South .African war, I90I-
is an ancient building of stone in the Decorated style, 1902. His Majesty the King owns the whole of the
oonsisting of nave, small south aisle, south porch and land and is lord of the manor. The soil is partly
an embattled western tower: the chancel, which is in sand; the parts under cultivation are some light and
:ruins, retains the remains of a Norman sedile, and the peaty and some alluvial; subsoil, clay. The land is
walls, now covered with ivy, are supposed to occupy the partly in pasture and partly cropped upon the four-
site where the first Christian church was erected in course system. The area is 86r acres; rat!lable value,
East .Anglia, by St. Felix, the Burgundian, on hi!' land- £597; the population in 19II was 92.
ing here about .A.D. 6oo: in 1894-5 a new iron church Letters received through Lynn, via Castle Rising, arrive
with a thatched roof was erected at the cost of His late at 5.30 a.m.; dispatched at 7 p.m. Castle Rising &
Majesty King Edward VII. then Prince of Wales. The Wolferton are the nearest money order & telegraph
r<~gisters date from the year 1662, but they are missing offices
between 1773 and r812. The living is a rectory, annexed The children of this place attend the schools at West
to that of Sandringham and West Newton and the vicar- Newton & Wolferton, about 2 miles distant
Betts Edward William, farmer, Babingley hall

BACONSTHORPE is a parish about 3 miles were ori~rinally in the windows of the old Hall. The
south-east from Holt station on the eastern section registers date from r6g2, the earlier ones having been
(Melton Constable and Cromer branch) of the Midland destroyed in the burning of the rectory shortly before
and Great Northern joint railway and 7 south-west from that time. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
Oromer, in the Northern division of the county, South [22o, including 30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
Erpingham hundred, North Erpingham petty sessional gift of John Stanley Matt esq. and held since 1909 by
division, Erpingham union, Halt county court district, the Rev. Herbert Milnes Walker M . .A. of Clare College,
zural deanery of Ingworth (north division) and arch- Cambridge. The United Methodist chapel, formerly
.-deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Wesleyan, was built in 1844. .A sum of £s, bequeathed
~·:Mary consists of chancel, nave with north and south by Thomas Newman in 1698, is distributed among the
. nisles and a tower containin~.r a clock, one large bell poor yearly on Easter Monday by the rector and church-
- and 8 tubular bells, erected in 1892 at a cost of about wardens. John Sta.nley Matt esq. of 4 Curzon street,
£2oo: the church is chiefly of the Decorated period, London W, is lord of the manor and chief landowner.
· with Perpendicular windows : in the chancel is a piscina The soil is chiefly light; subsoil, marl, brick-earth and
- and credence, and on the north side a richly decorated sand. The chief crops are wheat, turnips and barley
Easter sBpulchre : in 1739 a portion of the tower fell and there is some pasture land. The area is r,365
_,rand destroyed the roof at the west end of the nave and acres; rateable value, [1,632; the population in I9II
the font; these were restored in 1779 at ·a cost bf was 300.
£6oo: in 186g the church was restored at a cost of Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-FrPderic Merton Webb, sub-
£1,3oo, and again in 1gro over [1,ooo was spent in postmaster. Letters from Bolt arrive at 7.40 a.m. &
.. entirely re-roofing with oak the nave and aisles: in the 4.20 p.m.; dispatched at g. rs a. m. & 4.25 p.m.; no
church is a monument to Sir William Heydon and his post on sundays. Telegraph office is open from 8 to
wife (1593), and there are brasses in memory of Alice 1 ro a.m. on sundays ·
·Heydon (1479), Sir John Heydon (155o), Sir Christopher Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r8r6 for
.Heydon (1579), his wife, Lady .Anne (r56r), and Dame this parish & the adjoining parish of Hempstead; the
Ann Dodge (1642): in the clerestory windows of the school will hold 137 children; average attendance, 85;
chancel are the Heydon arms and quarterings, which William Crarey, master
Sowerby Arthur Lichfield Cletheroe Arthur E.frmr.OldHall fm Seaman GeorQ"e William, farmer
Walker Rev. Herbert Milnes M . .A. Cletheroe Stphn. frmr.Chestnut frm Silence Alfred James, carpenter
(rect.Qr), Eectory Cooper James West, Jolly Farmers Smith Hv. Ma~lan. farmer, Manor frm
inn, & farmer Thaxter Jsph. shpkpr. & vermin killer
COMMERCIAL. King Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Underwood William Morgan & John
' Daconllthorpe Reading Room (Frederic Neale John William, builder Godfrev, farmers, Manor house
M. Webb, hon. sec) Newstead Benjamin, farmer Webb Frederic Merton, grocer &
· 1Jeeton John W. blacksmith Nurse Ebenezer, market gardener draper & sub-postmaster

:..JJACTON is a large parish on the sea coast, comprising Norman; chapter house, the east end of the Early
- the hamlets of Bacton Green and Bromholm, 3 miles English refe-ct{)ry, the common house, late 15th century,
:·south from Mundesley station, 4' miles north-east from and the gate house, which is Transition Norman, with
: N<Jrth Walsbam station on the Great Eastern railwav• and Perpendicular additions. Shrimps, herrings and other
. "Midland and Great Northern joint railway and n south- fish are caught off this coast. The Earl of Kimberley,
. east from Cromer, in the Eastern division of the county, who is lord of the manor and impropriato;r of the great
-Tnnstead and Rapping petty sessional division, Tun;;tead tithes, the trustees of the late William Cubitt esq. E. M.
''hundred, union of Smallburgh, North Walsham county Stone esq. and John Maris Collings esq. the prin-
.court district, rural deanery of Waxham (Tunstead divi- cipal landowners. The soil is a good mixed loam. The
tlion) and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is
church of St. Andrew, standing on an eminence, is a 1,122 acres of land and 95 of foreshore; rateable value,
building of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch [3,o66. The population in rgrr was 473· By the
11nd an embattled western tower containing 5 bells: the " Divided Parishes .Act " a detached part of this parish
church was thoroughly restored in r847, at an expem!l! was amalgamated with Edingthorpe in r885.
of about £Boo, and in 1895 the roof was restored at ·a Bromholm is a mile south-east.
cost of £25, raised by local subscription: in rgn the
toVIer and the western window were restored at a cost of Parish Clerk, James Marshal!.
£roo : there are 250 sittings. The register dates from Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-George Webster, sub-post-
the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly master. Letters through North Wabham, arrive at
value £140, with 29 acres of glebe and residence, in the a.m. & 4.40 p.m. (July, August & Sept. arrive
gift of the Earl of Kimberley, and held since 1873 by 3.40 p.m.); dispatched at a.m. & 4.40 & 5·45
the Rev. Thomas Warner Moeran B..A. of Trinity Col- p.m.; sundays, arrive 8.30 a.m. (callers only); dis-
lege, Dublin. Here is a Baptist chapel, erecte~in r822. patched 9·45 a.m
In 1836 and 1845 the sea made consider~ble encroaeh- Coastguard Station, William Higgins, chief officer, & 4
ments on this coast. Near Keswick are the ruins of men
Bromholm Priory, founded in 1113 by W. Glanville for Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 186o. for
monks of the Cluniac order, and dedicated to the Holy 100 children; average attendance, 85 ; Miss Edith
Sepulchre and .SS. Mary and Andrew; it was at first a Scott, mistress. The Earl of Kimberley has given a.
cell of Castleacre, but was made independent in r298; site for the erection of a new school to provide a.
the church was 194 feet in length and had a famous larg~r accommodation than the existing one
rood ; the remains include the north transept, Tramition Carrier.-.Arthur .Abiga:I, every sat. to Norwich
PBIVATE RESIDENTS. Staveley Miss, Demerara villa Felstead William, cycle agent
.Armstrong Miss Storey William M. Leicester house Fletcher Herbert Joseph, grocer
Baines Capt. L. The Croft Thurston Charles 0. Westward Ho Gotts Marshall, builder & contractor;
Blewitt Wm. Francis, Laburnam ho Wilier Miss repairs & drainage work carried
Collings John Maris, Ba.cton hall Winton Edward, Red house out; estimates free, Homecot
Collings Mrs. Bacton hall Harris John, carpenter
. k
C osens F re d enc COMMERCIAL.
Harvey Margaret (Mrs.), boarding
Cubitt .Arnold, The Grange Abigail Arthur, farmer house, Edenhall
Cubitt Wm. Partridge, Bacton abbey Blewitt William Francis M.R.C.S. Hedge Ernest, insurance agent, as-
Darnell Philip, Battle court Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & sistant overseer, clerk to the Parish
Dixon Mrs. Eden lodge surgeon, & Admiralty surgeon Council & sec. to the Girling Lodge
Frarey Alfred, Sandhoe Blogg Henry, carpenter (Manchester Unity of Oddfellows)
Gee William Coke, Holme cottage Brady James, farmer, jobmaster, Marshall Robert, grocer .
Gotts Misses, Beaufront carting contractor, & Duke of Edin- Money H. & E. (Misses), grocers
Mack Arthur P. Manor house burgh P.H Pilgrim John George, farmer
Martin Mrs Burrell Thomas, baker Proudfoot Richard Francis, butcher
Moeran Rev.Thos.Warner B.A.(vicar) Collings John Maris, farmer & land- Reynolds Eliza (Mrs.), fishmonger
Montgomery H. Greville J.P. The owner Searles Ernest George, Ship inn
Lodge Cubitt & Gooch, threshing machine Seeley Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher
Plummer John owners, Bacton Abbey Steward Alfred, King's Arms P.H
Potts George W. Redcot Cubitt William Partridge, farmer, Tuck William, carpenter
Procter Arthur, Doescroft Bacton Abbey & l:i-rangB farm Webster George, grocer, draper, boot
Shepbeard Miss Daniels John, farm bailiff to Wm. & shoe warehouse, patent medicine
Smith Mrs. Eacton house Forster esq vendor, & fancy repository, &
Staden Georjl"e Decker Robert, fruiterer methylated spirit vendor, Post off
BAGTHORPE is a parish and village 4~ miles south- £212, with 10 acres of glebe and residence, in the alter-
east from Docking station, on the Lynn and Wells section nate gift of H. N. P. Dugmore esq. B.A., J.P. and Mrs.
of the Great Eastern railway, S north from Rudham sta- Kerslake, and held since rgo8 by the Rev. James David
tion on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 9 Home. There is a charity of £10o, invested in £2! per
west-by-north from Fakenham and 7 south-west from cent. Consols, the interest of which is given in money.
Burnham Market, in the North Western division of the Bagthmpe Hall, a fine red brick mansion, standing in
county, Gallow hundred and petty sessional division, well-wooded grounds, and enlarged and restored in 1875,
Docking union, Little Walsingham county court district, is the property and residence of Henry Norris Pratt
rnrnl deanery of Eurnham, archdeaconry of Lynn and Dugmore esq. E.A., J.P. who is lord of the manor and
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary, rebuilt chief landowner. The soil is light and sandy; subsoil,
about 1Bs6, is a small structure of flint, with stone dress- principally ~rravel. The crops are on the four-course
ings, in the Pointed style, consisting of chancel, nave, system. The area is 75S acres; rateable value, £396;
small north porch, vestry, and a turret over the chancel the population in I9II was 84.
arch containing 2 bells: the east window is stained: Letter Box cleared at 8.4S a.m. & 5.2s p.m. week days
there is a very large and ancient font, three sides of & 8.45 a.m. sundays. Letters are received through
which are rough and unhewn; the remaining side is Lynn, via Great Bircham; delivered at 8 a. m. & S
ornamented with a circle and interlacing cable work: p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
the church affords 70 sittings. The register dates from Syderstone, about 2! miles distant
the year IS62. The living is a rectory, with the The children of this place attend the school at Great
vicarage of Harmer annexed, joint net yearly value Bircham •
Dug-more Henry· Norris Pratt E.A., Cook Frederick, gardener to H. N. P.
J.P. Hagthorpe hall Dugmore esq. B.A., J.P
Home Rev. James David (rector),The Crow John William, farm bailiff to
Rectory William B. Sands esq
BALE is a parish 2 miles north-east from Thursford and held since 1912 by the Rev. Francis George
station on the King's Lynn and Melton Constable section Oliphant. The rectory is a good mansion of brick,
of the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, about and was erected in 1872. Here was formerly a chapel
8 north-east from Fakenham and S west from lilolt, in the dedicated to St. Botolph. Charities amounting to £7
Northern division of the county, Holt hundred and petty annually are distributed to the poor of the parish in
sessional division, Walsingham union and county court blankets. Sir Lawrence John Jones bart. of Gran-
district, rural deanery of Holt and archdeaconry and dio- mer Hall, is lord of the manor and chief landowner.
cese of Norwich. The church of All Saints is an edifice The soil is mixed; subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief
of flint, with stone dressings, in the La-ter English and crops are wheat and turnips. The area is r,o&; acres;
Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north tran- rateable value, £1,184; the population in 19n was 241.
sept, south porch and an embattled west.ern tower con- Sexton, John Greaves.
taining s bells, re-hung, and two re-cast, in 1903, at •
a cost of £ 1so: the window on the south side of the Post Office.-Herbert W. Long, sub-postmaster. Letters
chancel is filled with ancient stained glass and in the through Melton Constable, the delivery of which corn-
chancel is a piscina; a new reredos was provided in 1894 mences at 8 a.m. & S·S p.m.; dispatched at 10.30
at a cost of £95; the church was repaired and repewed a.m. & 5.10 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 8 a.m.; dis-
in 1 863- 4 , and has rso sittings. The register dates patched at g.3o a.m. Field Dalling, 2 miles distant,
from the year 15 3 8. The living is a discharged rec- is the nearest money order & telegraph office
tory, annexed to that of Gunthorpe, net yearly value The children of this place attend the schools at Gunthorpe
£319, with 44 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift & Field Dalling
of the trustees of the late Henry Howyer Sparke esq. ·
Hammond John, sen. Manor farm Hammond John, sen. M.R.C.V.S. Long Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Hammond John, "jun. Church house veterinary surgeon, inspector under Pygall Fred, farmer
Oliphant Rev. Francis Geo. (rector), the Contagions Diseases (Animals) Riches Wm. Horace,farmer,Hall farm
Rectory 1 Act, & farmer. Manor farm Salter Arthur, Oak inn
Hammond John, jun. M.R.C.V.S. Sands'William, farmer, Glebe farm
veterinary surgeon, Church house Spooner James Claude, fartner &
Eennell Robert, farm bailiff to John Lake Agnes (Mrs.), shopkeeper landowner •
Hammond esq. Clip Street farm Long Herbt. W. blacksmith, Post off
EANHAM is a picturesque village and parish on the nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower
road from Attleborough to Diss, 6 mile1 north-west from with spire containing 6 bells : there are two stained win-
Diss station on the Ipswich and Norwich section, 3~ east- dows, erected in 1877 to the wife and son of the late Rev.
by-south from Eccles Road station on the Thetford and F. G. Fardsll: the pulpit is of carved oak: in the
Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 south chancel is an ancient wooden effigy of Sir Hugh
from Attleborough, in the Mid division of the county, Bardolph, the reputed founder of this church. and on
Guiltcross and Sbropham petty sessional division, Guilt- the floor of the nave a small brass to Dame Elizabeth
cross, Wayla.nd union, Attleborough county court Wastneys: the interior was restored in 1865 and re-
district, rural deanery of Rockland (north division), arch- seated with open benches at the cost of the Rev. George
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church Fardell M.A. late rector (rBs6-(}6), and now affords soo
of St. Mary the Virgin is a beautiful structure of flint in sittings. The register dates from the year IS58, and is
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, clerestoned in excellent preservation. The living is a rectory, net
yearly value [664, including 30 acres of glebe and called "Gawdy's donation; " the above amounts are given
residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held yearly to the poor of the parish in coals and calico : th9
since 1898 by the Rev. Robert Jones M.A. of Balliol church lands produce £44 1os. yearly for the repair of
College, Oxford. About half a mile west of the town is the church. A. H. Taylor esq. of Pinebanks Tower,
a cemetery of I~ acre!i of land, given by a former 'l'horpe, who is lord of the manor, the Earl of A.lbemarle
rector as an addition to the churchyard, and containing K.C.V.O., C.B., M.V.O. the Duke of Norfolk E.M., K.G.
a mortuary chapel. Here are Wesleyan and Primitive Messrs. Edmund Baker, Josiah Fisher and G. F.
Methodist chapels. The Institute and Reading Room, Hargreaves and Lionel George Robinson esq. J.P. are
for parochial use and entertainments, is a structure of the principal landowners. The land is of mixed soil;
red brick with stone facings, and will seat 260 people. subsoil, gravel, clay and marl. The chief crops are
The Reading Room is opened nightly. About tlJ.ree- wheat, barley and oats. The area is 3,994 acres; rate-
quarters of a mile west of the town are manufactories of able value, £4,282; the population in I9II was 999-
bricks, tiles and chimney pots, the clay obtained in this Parish Clerk, George A. Chapman.
locality being eminently adapted for the purpose. Cider
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Charlotte Saunders, sub-
has been manufactured here for a considerable period,
postmistress. Letters received from Attlebor<mgh at
and is now largely made by the firm of R. Rout and
Son (lately incorporated with A.. J. Caley and Son Ltd.), 5.20 a.m. & 3-40 p.m.; dispatched at 9·45 a.m. & 7-50
who have been established here since 1856. Charities.- p.m.; sundays, dispatched at 7.50 p.m
Wall Letter Bo:x:es.-Church green, cleared at 9.50 a.m.
the "town lands," consisting of about 3 acres in
& 7.50 p.m.; sundays, 7-5D a.m.; Hunts corner,
Banham Heath, produce £6 yearly, and the fuel allot-
cleared week days only at 7·40 a.m. & 6.40 p.m
ment about £16 12s. yearly; there is also an estate
Pillar Letter Box, Heath, cleared week days only at 6.25p.m
in Kenninghall Park common containing go acres, with
farm buildings, producing over £7o yearly; a piece of Public Elementary School, built in I878, for 220 children;
land called "Bidwell's gift," producing [3 15s. yearly; average attendance, 167; Leonard Wm. Leader, master
and £1 yearly, being a charge on another piece of land Police Station, Frederick Wm. Moore, police constable
Fincham Miss, Orchard house I Gibson Thos. Brickmakers' ArmsP.H Rout Richard & Son. cider manu-
How Mrs Goose Charles Leonard, farmer facturers (incorporated with A.. J.
Jones Rev. Robert M.A.. The Rectory Grant James, farmer Caley & Son Limited) (T N 10
Lane Mrs. Potash farm Green A.rthur, farmer Quidenham) (gold medal & 10 first
Oldfield Robert, Russell lodge Hardy Peregrine, farmer prizes awarded at !lath & West of
Rout Frederick Richard, The Cideries Hazelwood Edgar, cyc1e agent England & Royal Agricultural
Tilley Leslie Howard, The Rosary How Jas. Watson, farmer,The Haugh Shows; grand prix Franco-British
COMMERCIAL. Humphrey Alfred, builder Exh. 1908) ; London office, 41 Old
Agnew William, brick & tile maker Humphrey Elizabeth (Miss), shopkpr Bond street W
Balls Thomas, farmer Hunt Frederick, farmer Rout Frederick Richard, cider manu-
Barker Arthur John, farmer Hurrell William, blacksmith &c facturer, see Rout Richard & Son
Barker Wm. miller (wind & steam) Institute & Reading Room (H. Race, Rout George Laban, Horseshoe P.H
Beverly Michael Silch, farmer hon. sec) Saunders Charlotte (Mrs.), grocer,
Black burn J ames, farmer Jackson George, Kina'8 Head P.H Post office
Dowen George, Crown P.H Jex-Blake Frances (Mrs.), farmer, Saunders James, butcher
Bowen Thomas, wheelwright Church farm Saunders James E. farmer
Brewster William, farmer Kernp Ro bert, shopkeeper Saunders William Henry, farmer
Brown Thomas, farmer Kettle Alfred Emanuel, plumber Skedge Edwd. Wm. Greyhound P.H
Bye Burton & Son, plumbers Land George H. E. farmer, Hall frm Smith Benj. miller (wind & steam)
Chapman George A.. blacksmith Leverett Waiter, farmer Smith Elizh. (Mrs.), draper & grocr
Collett Frank, insurance agent Lighton Alfred, shoe maker Spurling Edward, wheelwright ·
Copeman Robert, boot maker Loome Thos. Edward, Red Lion P.H Stone James, farmer
Cracknell William,plumber & glazier, Ludkin William Hy. farmer, builder Strachan Archibald Macdonald,butchr
& assistant overseer & clerk to the & contractor & brick & tile maker, Taylor Henry & Co. buildeTS, con-
Parish Council white & red facing & moulded tractors & english & foreign
Edwards Thomas Robert, saddler bricks, tiles & drain pipes made to timber merchants; estab. over a
Ellis Waiter, farmer order century
Ellis William, farmer Martin Thomas, farmer Taylor Herbert, bricklayer
Fisher Josiah & Son, farmers, beam, Moore George M. cider dealer Turner Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
scale, machine & weight makers & Parrott John, farmer, Wash farm Turvey J ames, farmer
weight adjusters Patrick Robert, coal dealer & farmer Wake A.rthur, poultry dealer
Foulger Martin, farmer,Limekiln frm Pilgrim Charles, farmer Wake Edward George, farmer
Frost John, baker Powell Robert H. farmer,Potash farm Wells Mary Ann (Miss), ladies' 11chool
Gaskin William J. beer retailer Ribbons Charles, coal dlr. & fruiterer Witham Herbert William, farmer

BANNINGHAM is a parish and sc14ttered village, 2~ I by the Rev. John Bourton, of St. Bees. The poor hav~
miles north-east from A.ylsham station on the East Norfolk £5 yearly from land left by the Rev. S. Wanley, and
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 2 north-east one acre called "the Labourers' pightle." Capt.
from Aylsbam Town station on the Midland and Great Reginald Cossley Batt M. V.O. of Gresham ·Hall, is lord
Northern joint railway and 5 west from North Walsham, of the manor. The principal landowners are Alfred
in the Northern division of the county, South Erpingham George Copeman esq. of Little Dunham, A.. J. Cubitt
hundred and petty sessional division, A.ylsham union and esq. of Thorpe, and the trustees of the late Benjamin
county court district, rural deanery of Ingworth (north Cook esq. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. Tbre chief
divi11ion), and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 938
church of St. Botolph is an ancient building of flint in the acres; rateable value, £1,231; the population in 1911
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north was 2 IS.
porch and an embattled western tower, which now con- Parish Clerk, Jeremiah Helsdon.
tains only one bell, the other two having been sold in
r8o8 to defray the expense of re-leading the nave: the Post Office.-Mrs. Harriet Harmer, sub-postmistress.
church was re-seated at the expense of the late George Letters through A.ylsham arrive at 6.45 a.m. & 3-30
Copeman esq. of Little Dunbam Lodge: the windows r-m.; dispatched at 8.5o a.m. & 4·5o p.m. on week
oontai1!. remains of ancient stained glass: there are 2oo days only; no sunday delivery. A.ylsham, :l miles
1 ittings. The register dates from the year 1709 . The distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
living is a rectory, n€t yearly value £ 250 , with 17 acres Wall Letter Box, Church corner, cleared at 9 a.m. & 5
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees of p.m. week days only
the late Rev. W . .A.. Willis M.A. and held since 1907 The children attend the school at Coleby
Bourton Rev. Jn. (rector), Rectory [ Eastoe William, farmer & cattle dealr Riseborough Jas. farmr. Neeches frm
Elden Philip, farmer, Highbury farm Roofe Edward, farmer, _Ringer's farm
Alien W1lham, farmer, Home farm j Elden Theresa(Mrs.),frmr.Church fm i Roofe Robert, blacksm1th
Argent William Herbert, Crown P.H Frostick William, farmer
1 'Roofe Thomas, farmer, Laurels farm
Atkinson George, farmer , Harmer Joseph, farmer Roofe Thomas William, farmer,Holly
Batley William, farmer · Laskey Waiter, shopkeeper farm (letters through Ingworth,
Bramble William, farmer Neave John, farmer, Mill house Norwich)
Case Philip, farmer & valuer, Ban-: New stead Benjamin, farmer Williamson William, Bridge inn
ningham hall Plume Edward, horse trainer
BARFORD is a village and parish, bounded on the [220, including 65 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
north and north-east by the river Yare, 5 miles north-by- Rev. CharlPs Elrington Browne, and held since 1goB by
west from Wymondham station on the Thetford and Nor- the Rev. Edward Frederic Cavalier M ..A. of St. John's
wich section of the Great Eastern railway, and 7 west-by- College, Cambridge, who is also rector of Wrampling-
south from Norwich, in the Mid division of the county, ham, where he resides. Here is a Primitive Methodisl
Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division and union, Nor- chapel. Charities amounting to about £2o yearly are
wich county court district, rural deanery of Hingham, given to the poor in coals and bread. Lord Sta:ffor~
Forehoe division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of who is lord of the manor of Costessey, and Sir Enstace
Norwich. The church of St. Botolph is a small edifice of Gurney J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil
flint and rubble, originally Early English, but afterwards is various; subsoil, sandy. The chief crops are wheat,.
repaired in the Perpendicular and other styles, and consists barley, peas and turnips. The area is r,o83- acres;
of chancel, nave, south porch and a plain western tower rateable value, £1,375; the population in 19II was 282.
containing 3 bells: there is an aumbry and a piscina be- Parish Clerk, Charles King.
hind the reredos; at the east end of the nave are two Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Florence Duckfield.
altars, that on the north side being St. Nicholas's and that sub-p•Jstmistress. Letters from Wymondham arrive
on the south side St. Mary's: in 18gr, the pulpit and at 7 . 45 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; dispatched at 8.45 a.m. &;
altar were raised and the church generally refitted by _10 p.m
the present patron, who was rector of the parish r8gr- Wall Box cleared at 8 _50 a.m. & _ p.m. week days
I<jo8, and in 1903 the church, including the t<Jwer, was d 1' 75
restored and re-dscorated at a cost of about £go, and only i no sunday e Ivery
further repairs were made in rgo6: it now affords Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r877, en-
120 sittings. The register dates from the year larged 1897, for 86 children; average attendance, 62;
1700. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Frederick Duckfield, ~aster
Bennell Robert George, baker, shop- Hubbard James, farmer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. keeper, grocer, assistant overseer & I Pearson William, farmer
Barker George, Ard-na-lee clerk to Parish Council Pratt Joseph, farmer
Cushen Capt. Edwin William, Old Blythe Edwd. farmer, Mudwall farm Sandford Alfred Thomas, Cock inn
hall ; & Grosvenor club, London W Brand William, market gardener Sewell Frederick, farmer
Osborne Frederick, Grantham house Burton Clement, market gardener Sutton William, farmer, Manor fal"Ul
Coe William, farmer, Sayer's farm j Thon1pson Wm. farmer, Church farm
Cole Frederick Vincent, ha~ker Tidnam Herbert, King's Head P.H
Aldis Jarnes, market gardener Folkard Frederick, farmer I Wilson Sarah (Mrs.), farmr. Hill frm
Andrews Wm. bricklayer & farmer Hipperson Arthur, farmer
BARMER is a parish, 4 miles south-east from Docking I gift of Mrs. Kerslake and H. N. P. Dugmore esq. B.A.,
station on the King's Lynn and Wells section of the Great J.P. and held since r885 by the Rev. James David
Eastern railway, and 8 north-west-by-west from Faken- Home, who resides at Bagthorpe. Mrs. Kerslake is lady
barn, in the North-Western division of the county, Gallow of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is light;

hundred and petty sessional division, Docking union, · subsoil, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
Little Walsingham county court district, rural deanery barley, <Jats and roots. The area is 1,483 acres; rate-
of_ Burnham, archdeaconry of_ Lyn!l and diocese. o~ No:- 1 able value, £7r6; the population in 191 r was 52.
Wich. The of All Samt_s ~s a small buildmg m Letters through Lynn. Syderstone is the nearest money
t.he Ea;ly Enghsh style, cons1stm~. of chancel, nave, order &.. telegraph office, about 1, miles distant. Wall
north a1sl_e, _and a round to_wer contammg one bell; there Letter Box, cleared at 8. 30 a.m. & 5. 4 ~ p.m.; sun-
are roo s1ttmgs. The regtster dates from the year 1824. ' days 8 a m :J
The living is a vicarage, with the rectory of Bagthorpe ' · 30 ·
aLnexed, joint net yearly value £2r2, in the alternate The children of this place attend the Syderstone school
Butter Capt. Archibald Edward COMMERCB.L. Flatten Phi lip, farm bailiff to A. J.
(reserve) C.M.G., J.P. Barmer hall Hallam William,gamekeeper to Capt. Martin esq
A. E. Butter C.M.G., J.P Reynolds Dennis, gardener to Capt.
Martin Arth. Jn. farmer, Farm house A. E. Butter C.M.G .• J.P
BARNEY (or Berney) is a parish and village three of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Here is a Free
quarters of a mile from Thursford station on the King's ~fethodist chapel, erected in 1844. Bricks, tiles and
Lynn and Fakenham section of the Midland and Great pots are made in this neighbourhood; the quality of
Northern joint railway, and 6 miles north-east from the material for this purpose found here is very
Fakenham, in the Northern division of the county, North superior. The rents of one cottage and one acre of
Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional division, Walsing- land are applied in relief of the poor rates, and the
ham union and county court district, rural deanery rent of four acres, allotted at the enclosure in 181r,
of Walsingham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of to the relief of the highway rates. Lord Hastings is
Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a building of flint, lord of the manor, the tenure of which is by " smoek-
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, hold; " he also is the principal landowner: the other
south porch, transept and an embattled western tower landowners are Mr. J. B. Elgar and Mrs. Elizabeth
containing one bell: in the transept are monuments to Butler. The soil is mixed, with a S'llbsoil chiefly of
Mary Reeve, d. r83o; Ann, wife of the Rev. John Lloyd, brick-earth and clay. The crops are wheat, oats.
late vicar of Hindolveston, d. 1805; and to George barley and turnips. Tho area is 1,408 a.cres; rateable
Fhillippo and Margaret, his wife, d. 1846: in r8go the value, £1,438: the population in rgn was 254.
church was restored at a cost of £390, and now affords Post O.ffice.-Robert Thomas Dodman, sub-postmaster.
120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. Letters through, arrive at 7.25 a.m. & 3.20
The living 1s a vicarage, net yearly value about £94, p.m. to callers; dispatched at g.2o a.m. & 5.20 p.m.;.
including 40 acres of glebe, with residence, built in 1848, no sunday delivery. Swanton Novers, 3 miles distant.
in the gift of Lord Hastings, who is the lay impropriator,' is the nearest money order & telegraph office
and held since 1881 by the Rev. Dashwood Pratt B.A. 'l.'he children of this place attend the school at Fulmodeston
Pratt Rev. Dashwood B.A. (vicar), Dodman Robert Thomas, carpenter, Mason William, farm baili:ff to M. A_
Vicarage Post office 1 Baker esq
Butler Mrs. Barney lodge Elgar Jn. Butler, farmer & landowner Matthews Thos. Hy. farmer, Wood fm
Gent James, blacksmith Seppings William, butcher
Gunton Brothers, brick makers Sharpen Henry, Lodge farm
Baker Miles Augustus, frmr. Old hall Hill James, farmer Temple John, Bell P.H
Brasnett Archibald Rowing, grocer & Jones Jonathan, cycle dealer Towell :Matthew, Plough P.H
draper & general provision merchant Tuck J ames, farmer
BARNHAM BROOM is a. village and parish, 3 miles style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an
north from Kimberley station and 3 east-by-north from embattled. western tower with pinnacles, containing 5
Hardingham station, both on the Wells, Dereham and bells: it was thoroughly repaired and reseated in r8sr.
Wymondham section of the Great Eastern railway, and 5 chiefly nt the ex pens~ of the late Rev_ Ed ward Gurdon.
north-west from Wymondham, in ths Mid division of the some time rector here. d. 1873: an organ was afterwards
county, Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division and presented by Mrs. Anne Wodehouse and the late Mrs.
unic.n, Wymondham county court district, rural deanery Frederica Gurdon, wife of the Rev. E. Gurdon: there ar&
of Hingham, Forehoe division, archdeaconry of Norfolk 280 sittings, 120 being free. The register dates from the
and diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. Peter and year r63o. The living is a rectory, with the rectory
Paul is an edifice of flint and stone in the Perpendicular of Eixton and the vicarage of Kimberley annexed, joint;

net yearly value £429• including 92 acres of glebe and Post & M. 0. Office. John William Pease, sub-post-
residence, in the gift of the Earl of Kimberley, and held master. Letters received through Wymondham,
since 1887 by the Rev. John Edward Parker Bartlett, of arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 2.15 p.m. & dispatched at 10.45
St. Bees. The fuel a.llotment of 19 acres is let at £13, a.m. & 6.35 p.m. Runhall, r~ miles distant, is the
which sum is given to the poor in coals. The Earl of nearest telegraph office
Kimberley, who is lord of the manor, and the Norwich Wall Letter Box.-Pockthorpe, cleared at a.m. &
Charity Trustees are the principal landowners. The soil 6.40 p.m. week days only
is of a mixed nature; subsoil, brick-earth. The chief
-crops wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area is Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1841, for
I ,778 acres of land and 10 of water; rateable value, roo children; average attendance, 49; Miss Annie
£2,241; the population in 19II was 348. Hardy, mistress
Sexton, Robert Buck. Carl"'ier to Norwich.~J ohn Norton, passes through, wed.
Bickerston or ,Bixton is a decayed parish, now con- & sat
sidered a part of Barnham Broom.
Bartlett Rev. John Edward Parker Breeze .Tn. Wm. farmer, Grove farm Knights George, wheelwright

(rector), Rectory Corley Harry, shopkeeper

Lawrence Frederick, insurance agent
Gayford Charles Daynes William, farmer Lincoln Percy, farmer
Wrigglesworth Miss, The Oaks Davey Jn. Reeve, farmer, Manor farm M•vhill William Robert, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Fisher Geo.Ephraim,grocer & draper Tofts Ernest John, farmer & cattle.
Arkle Harry, Three Horse Shoes P.H Flood Fredk. farmr. Bickerston farm dealer, Rust's Green farm
Barker Thomas, farmer Harrold John & John Frederick, far- Walker .Arth. farmer & asst. overseer
Barnard Arthur, Bell inn mers, Middle farm Wat-ers Wm. Robt. frmr. Rectory frm
Betts Herbert Charles, miller (water) Harrold Ernest, farmer, Old Hall fm
& farmer · Harvey Harry, farmer
LITTLE :BARNINGHAM (or Barningham Parva) affords 140 sittings. The register dates from the year
is a parish and village 3 miles from Corpusty station on 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £139,
the Melton Constable and Yarmouth section of the Mid- in the gift of the Earl of Orford, and held since 1910
land and Great Northern joint railway, 7 north-west from by the Rev. George Crane. Here is a United Metho-
.Aylsham and 6 south-south-east from Halt, in the dist chapel, built in r86o. The Earl of Orford, who
Northern division of the county, North Erpingham petty is lord of the manor, John Stanley Mott esq. of 4
sessional division, South Erpingham hundred, .Aylsham Curzon street, Mayfair, London W, and Mr. W. G.
union and county court district, rural deanery of Ing- Lee are chief landowners. The soil is light; subsoil,
worth (north division) and archdeaconry and diocese of chiefly sand. The chief crops are wheat, turnips,
Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a building of barley and grass. The area is r,251 acres; rateable
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, value, £962; the population in rgn was r8g .
.south porch and an embattled western tower, restored
in rgo8, and containing one bell: the chancel was Letters through Norwich, by messenger, from Aid-
thoroughly restored in r87B-9, and the ruined vestry borough, arrive about 8 a.m. Wa.ll Letter Box cleared
~ebuilt on a larger · scale ; the remaining portion of at 8.30 a.m. & 3·35 p.m.; no post on sundays.
the church was restored and reseated in r8g6, when Plumstead, r mile distant, is the nearest money order
a new pulpit (given by the Earl of Orford), n£>w office & Wickmere, 2 miles distant, the nearest tele-
prayer desk and font cover were provided, and the nave graph office
roof renewed and covered with Broseley tiles from
designs by Mr. H. J. Green, architect, of Norwich; the This parish is under the Barningham United -school Dis-
whole cost of restoration being £r,ooo: the church trict; the school house is ·in Matlaske parish
Crane Rev. George (rector) Lee William George, farmer & land- Lubbock James William, farmer
COMMERCIAL. owner, Ferndale farm & Green Sutton Herbert, farmer, Church farm
Grout William, farmer farm; & at Mannington ThaxtPr Joseph Robert, shopkeeper
:BARNINGHAM NORWOOD (or North Earning- 65 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. The
ham) is a parish about 4~ miles east-by-south from Bolt living i::l a rectory, net yearly value £IIS, including 14
iltatiun on the Midland and Great Northern :oint rail- acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Captain
way, in the Northern division of the county, North Erping- Reginald Cossley Batt M. V.O. and held since 1910 by
barn hundred and petty sessional division, Erpingham the Rev. William Sherwin Cleather, who is also rector
union, Holt county court district, rural deanery of Repps, of, and resides at Barningham Winter. The soil is
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The chiefly heavy loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
church of St. Peter is an ancient buildin~ of flint, with are wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area is 836
~tone dressings, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of acres; rateable value, £662; the population in rgu
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch, and an embattled was 51.
western tower containing one bell: there are three manu- Letters through Norwich, by messenger, from Hanworth,
ments to Sir Austin Palgrave knt. d. 1720, and members arrive about 8.30 a.m. Wall Letter Box, near the
of his family: the whole church was thoroughly restored church, cleared at 9 a.m. & 5-I5 p.m. week days only.
in ll'flg3, when the nave and north aisle were new-roofed The nearest money order & telegraph offices are at
Bnd one of the west windows was reopened at a total cost Aldborcmgh & Hanworth, about 3 miles distant
!lf £s6o, in 1895 the porch was restored and new chancel The parish is under the Gresham United School Dis-
ltiUJ.s and a lectern provided at a cost of £120: there are trict; the school house is in Gresham parish
~ George, farmer, Hall farm; ! Burton Elliott, gamekeeper to Capt. Wright James, farmer; resides at
resides at .Aylmerton Batt West Beckham
Gillam Robert Edward, farmer
:BARNINGHAM WINTER (or Barningham Town) woods and plantations extending into Matlaske parish:
is a parish about 4 miles east-south-east from Halt sta- the house was enlarged, and the south or garden
tion on the Midland snd Great Northern joint railway, 7 front altered, in r8o7, under the direction of Mr.
south-south-west from Cromer and 8 north-north-west Hnmphrey Repton, architect, bnt the west or entrance
.from Aylsham, in the Northern division of the county, front, a fine example of the time of James I. in which
North Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, the double dormer is a peculiar feature, remains in its
Erpingham union, Bolt county court district, rural original state: the drawing room is a good specimen
deanery of Repps, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of the Elizabethan style. In the reign of Edward Ill.
()f Norwich. The church of St. Peter, which stands in the lordship of this parish was held by the Winters,
the park, is a buildi_ng of in mixed styles, consisting hence its name of " Barningham Winter: " in the
of chancel, which has been restored, south porch and latter part of the reign of Elizabeth it was possessed
tower, but the two latter are now in ruins and covered by the Pastons, and the olde-r house, which stood on
with ivy: there are 130 sittings. The register dates from the lower site, being pulled down, Sir Edward Paston
the year 1702. The living is a rectory, net yearly value knt. in r6r2, built the present mansion: about 1756
£go, with residence and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift Thomas Paston, fifth in descent from the above Sir
of John Stanley Mott esq. and held since 1910 by the Edward Paston, sold the property tu William Russell, a
Rev. William Sherwin Cleather, who is alS<J rector of London merchant, from whom it passed into the hands
Ilarningham Norwood. Barningham Hall, the property of Thomas Lane esq. and he, in 1785, sold it to Thomas
of John Stanley Matt esq. and occupied by Francis Verlue Matt esq. great-grandfather of the present ownPr.
Tom Simpson esq. is a spacious mansion in the Tudor John Stanley Mott esq. of 4 Curzon street, Mayfair,
l'!tyle, standing in an extensive park and with fine London W, is lord of the manor and principal land-
owner. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The chief Letters through Norwich, via Aldborough, except those
crops are wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area for the Rectory, which are through East Dereham, via
is 871 acres; rateable value, £950; the population in Bolt. Baconsthorpe is the nearest money order &
19II was no. By the Divided !Parishes Act a detached telegraph office, about r! miles distant
part of Bessingham was amalgamated with this parish The Public Elementary School for the united distl"'ict of
in 1884. Barningham Winter, Little Barningham, Matlaske &
Parish Clerk, Henry Bumfrey. Plumstea.d-·by-Holt is in Matlaske parish
Cle:1ther Rev. Wm. Sherwin (rector), Blake .Alfred, head gamekeeper to Everett Robert Henry. farmer
Rectory (letters through Dereham) F. T. Simpson esq Shepheard William, farm bailiff to J.
Simpson FrancisTom,Barningham hall Dun ham John, farmer S. Matt esq

EAST BARSHA:M is a parish on the south-west bank incredulus." Anno 1637. "Da tua dum tua sunt poM
of the river Stiffkey, about 3~ miles north from Faken- mortem tunc tua non sunt : " thet~e cottages having
ham stations on the Great Eastern and Midland and Great become rninous were pulled down, the site sold and the
Northern joint railways, in the North Western division of proceeds devoted to charitable purposes; the plate is
!Jhe county, hundred and petty sessional division of Gal- still preserved by the trustees of the charity. East
low, Walsingham union and oounty court district, rural Barsham Hall, erected in the latter part of the reign
deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Henry VII. and fmmerly the seat of the Cal-
of Norwich. The church of All Saints is a small building thorpe family, is a fine example of a brick mansion of
('.f flint, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel and the Tudor period, and its towers and turrets are in a
nave, north porch and a turret containing one bell: of good state of preservation: it is now occupied by Mr.
tJhe old tower only the base now remains and serves as 8 John Everitt, farmer. Lord Hastings is lord of the
porch: in the ohurch is a monument erected by James manor and principal landowner. The soil is various;
Calthorpe esq. to Mary, his wife, daughter of Robert subsoil, chalk and gravel. The crops are wheat, barley,
Brooke, alderman of London, ob. 12 May, 1640, and to roots and grass. The area is 1,194 acres; rateable
four of their children, ob. 1627-37: there are 150 sittings. value, £1,og8; the population in 19II was 139.
The register dates from the year 1549· The living is 8 Parish Clerk, John Yaxley.
vicarage, with the rectory of Little Snoring annexed, joint
net yearly value £492, including 6 aCTe!il of glebe here and Post Office. ~rs. Rebecca Shephard, sub-postmistress.
6o at Snoring, with residence, in the gift of Lord Hastings, Letters through Walsingham, arrive at 7 a_m_
and is at present (1912) vacant. Here is a Primitive Letter Box cleared at 8.30 a..m. & 5 p.m. week days;
Methodist chapel. In 1636 two cottages were left by the sundays, 8.30 a.m. Walsingha.m, ~ miles distant, i~t
Calthorpe family for the poor of the parish, in one of .the nearest money order & telegraph office
which was a brass plate, inscribed: "Boni si quid habeo Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1876, for
a Deo sumpsi non a me prresumpsi, nee in eo quod jam 100 children ; average attendance, Bo ; Miss Lucy
donavit ingratus nee in eo quod ad hue non donavit Emms, mistress
Everitt Jn. farmr. East Barsham hall I Reem~a Henry, White Horse P.H

NORTH BARSHAM is a parish, ~~

miles south- the gift of the Earl of Orford, and held since 1895
west from Walsingham station on the Wells and Dere- by the Rev. Edward Haversham Whall M.A. of
ham section of the Great Eastern railway and about Emmanuel College, Cambridge: 6~ acres of glebe lie
4 north from Fakenham, in the North Western division in the parish of Houghton-in-the-Dale. Mr. John
of the county, Gallow hundred and petty sessional Herring, formerly of this parish, who died 26 Dec_
division, Walsingham union and county court district, 1885, at Esher, Surrey, bequeathed the sum of £1oo to
rural deanery of Burnham, archdea.conry of Lynn, and the poor of the parish of North Barsham, to be distri-
diocese of Norwich. The church of .A.ll Saints is a. buted yearly by the rector and churchwardens. The
building of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of Earl of Orford is lord of the manor, and James Keith
chanoel, nave and a westem bell-cote containing one esq. of the Manor House, Castle Acre, is the principal
bell : in the church i~ a monument to Philip Russell landowner. The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The
esq. dated 1617: the chancel was partly restored in crops are wheat, turnips, barley and pasture land. The
r865 by the Rev. John Clitheroe Platten M.A. rector area is 1,025 acres, rateable value, £737; .the popu-
from 1843, and the windows filled with stained glass: lation in 191 r was 75.
the restoration was completed in 1898, and in 1911 the Parish Clerk, William Bright.
nave was restored and reroofed and refioored : there Letters through Walsingham, which is the nearest
are 70 sittings, 30 being free. The register dates money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7 a.m. &
from the year r558. The living is a rectory, net yearly 4.30 p.m. Wall Box cleared at 9·5 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.;
value £216, with residence and 20 acres of glebe, in sundays, 9·5 a.m
Stimpson Mrs. Church house / Whall Rev. Edward Haversham M.A. Keith James Archibald, farmer
Rectory l
WEST BARSHAM is a parish in a valley, 2! miles from the year I554· The living is a vicarage, net yearly
south from Walsingham sta.tion on the Wells and Dereham value £140, including 8 acres of glebe, in the 8,ift of
section of the Great Eastern railway and about 3~ miles the widow of the late Lieut.-Col. C. M. Baldel"!!, and
north-by-w~~ from Fakenham, in the North Western divi- is at pre!lent (1912) vacant. The trustees of the late
sion of the oounty, hundred and petty sesllional division of Lieut. -Col. Charles Modey Balders, of Summerhill,
Gallow, W a.lsingham union and county court district, Sandown, Isle of Wight, are lords of the manor and •
rural deanery of Burnham. archdeaconry of Lynn and the principal landowners. The soil is various; ~bsoil,
diocese of Norwich. The church (name unknown) is a clayey. The crops are wheat, turnips, barley and grass.
building of stone in the Gothic style, with some portions The area is 1,582 acres; rateable value, £r,OI2; the
of Saxon and Norman date, and consisting of chancel, nave, population in I91I was roi.
south porch and a western bell-cote containing one bell: the
tower has long since disappeared : a memorial window Letter Box cleared at 8.50 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; sundays,
was pla.ced in the chancel by his parents, in r868, to 8.50 a.m. Letters through Walsingham, which is the
William Henry Balders, lieut. rBth Hussars and second nearest· money order & telegraph office, arrive at 8
son of Lieut.-Gen. C. W. Morley Balders C.B. (d. 1875) a.m. & 4·45 p.m
and Lady Katherine .Anne (Hare), his wife: there is
another memorial window placed by one of the family in The children of this place attend the school at East
1893: the chnrch affords 70 sittings. The register dates Barsham
Smith John Thistleton, farmer

BARTON BENDISH is a parish and village, 4 miles stone, mainly in the Decorated style, and consists of chan-
north from Stoke Ferry station, which is the terminal sta- cel, nave, south porch and an embattled western tower
tion of a branch of the Great Eastem railway, and is 8 with pinnacles, containing a clock and 5 bells : the f'ront
miles east from Downham Market, in the South Western of the porch is adorned wi-th shields and crosses of St.
division of the county, Clackclose hundred and petty ses- A.ndrew wrought in stone, and has a niche with a mutilated
sional division, Downham union and county court district, effigy of a. saint: the dom way is a. fine apecimen of Late
rural deanery of Fincham (east division), archdeaconry Norman work: the nave roof was renewed in plrun open
of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St_ An- timber work and raised to the original pitch in r868:
drew is a finely-proportioned structure of flint and free- two Norman windows in the north side of the nave, and

one other of late date, have been filled with stained glass : church was pulled down in the summer of 1787, and part
the staircase to the rood-loft is perfect, and a niche is of its materials used for the repair of St. Mary's, but
partially visible behind the pulpit: an oak screen separates the greater part of the material was taken to make a
the tower from the nave and the east wall of the chancel road: its three large and ancient bells were sold at
below the window is lined with oak panelling: some of the the same time. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in
open benches date from 1623 : in the external south wall 1875, and there is also a Wesleyan chapel at Eastmoor.
of the chancel are traces of a low-side window: a few relics The poor's allotment lands are now let for £r9 and £3
<Jf the ancient pavement of the church remain within the respectively. This place was anciently a seat of the
sacrarium : there are 150 sittings, roo being free. The Berney family, who became possessors of the manor by
register dates from the year r6gs. The living is 11 purchase from the Hare family, afterwards Earls of
rectory, annexed in 1885 to those of St. Mary and All Listowel, in the reign of Charles II. : the present Hall
Saints, previously consolidated in 1785, joint net yearly incorporates part of the old mansion, and was restored
value £2oo, including 6ro acres of glebe, with residence, in 1856 and some new work added in the Elizabethan
1·ebuilt in r866, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor and style; it is now occ:upied by Mr. Abraham Rutterford,
the trustees of Sir Henry Hanson Berney bart. LL.B. farmer. Sir Thomas Reedham Berney hart. of The
.alternately, and held since r8B5 (St. Mary and All Rallies, Bracknell, Berks, is lord of the manor and
Saints since r865) by the Rev. Stephen Gooch Read prin~ipal landowner. In the hamlet of Eastmoor there
M. A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The church was anciently a chapel, dedicated to St. John the
of St. Mary, dating from about the same period as that Baptist, the patronage of which was vested in the
of St. Andrew, consists of chancel, nave, vestry and a Abbot of Dereham, but at the dissolution of monastic
stone belfry erected in 1871 in memory of Sir Hanson houses it was conveTted into a farmhouse, and scarcely
and Lady Berney and containing one bell: in t4e modern a vestige now remains. The soil is chalk, subsoil,
western gable is a fine Norman arch, once forming the clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, roots and
nodh doorway to All Saints church in this parish, and seeds. The area is 4,123 acres; rateable value, £2,303;
above it is a stained window, erected in r858 in memory the population in rgu was 419.
of M. A. Read: on the south wall of the nave are the Parish Clerk, David Jackson.
remains of a mediceval painting, perhaps representing
St. Catherine, and on the splay of the south doorway is Post Office. James Horn, sub-postmaster. Letters
a crowned head of the 15th century : in the south vrall through Stoke Ferry, arrive at 8.45 a.m.; dispat-ched
of the chancel is a priest's doorway, with an exterior at 4.10 p.m. (no delivery on sundays). Fincham, 3
canopy: on the north side of the chancel is a flat stone, miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
believed to have originally covered the remains of Waiter office
Bald win, rector of this church A.D. 1349: there are roo
sittings, 6o being free. The register dates from the year Wall Box cleared at p.m. week days only
1726. A little to lihe south-west of St. Andrew's church Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1875• for
formerly stood the church of All Saints, described in go children ; average attendance, 68 ; Miss Ellen
Elomefield's History of Norfolk as a venerable pile: this J er rim, mistress

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hewitt Charles Young, farmer & auc- Rutterford Abraham, farmer, Avenue
Hewitt Charles Young J.P tioneer & threshing machine owner, & Barton Bendish Hall farms
Read Rev. Stephen Gooch M.A. (rec- Eastmoor Rutterford Waiter Hubert, farm
tor), St. Mary's rectory Horn James, blacksmith, Post office bailiff to exors. of Sir Henry H.
COMMERCIAL. Oxbury Thomas, boot repairer Berney hart. LL.B
Blaxter George, cattle dlr. Eastmoor Pealing J ann. boot repr. & in sur. agt Stratton John Geo. & Sons, farmers,
"Grief Robert James, chimney sweep Riches Robert, shopkeeper Abbey & Smeeth farms
Harding Robert, farmer Rum ball William, plumber & glazier Watts John, Spread Eagle P.H

BARTON TURF is a parish and village, 4 miles north- Here are 30 acres of allotment land, fron'). which
east from Wroxham station on the North Walsham branch the poor cut fuel. In 1877 John Francis, of Slough,
of the Great Eastern railway, and about the same distance Bucks, a native of Barton Turf, bequeathed to the vicar
south-west from Stalham station on the Midland and and churchwardens and overseers for the time being the
Great Northern joint railway, 7 south-east from North sum of £r,loo in Consols, the interest to be devoted
Walsham and u north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern partly to the repair of the graves of his family, [12 for
division of the rounty, Tunstead and Rapping petty ses- coals, a like amount for clothing and the remainder in
sional division, Tunstead hundred, Smallburgh union, bread for the poor; and by a second bequest of £750 he
North Walsham county court district, rural deanery of gave to the vicar an annual sum of £1 for preaching a
Waxham (Rapping diviaion), archdeaconry of Norfolk sermon on each 15th Sunday after Trinity and a like
and diocese of Norwich. The navigable river Ant opens amount to the clerk; the remaining interest is applied to
out in this parish into a " broad " or wide expanse of educational purposes. Sir Jacob Preston bart. who is
water. The church of St. Michael is a fine building of lcrd of the manor, and the Rev. FPancis Jickling M. A.
flint and stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of of Smallburgh Hall, are the principal landowners. The
chancel, nave, north porch and a lofty embattled western Corporation of Norwich have a small estate or manor
tower, with pinnacles and rontaining 3 bells: the church he1'e called "Berry Hall." The soil is mixed; subsoil,
was restored internally in 1890 at a cost of £7oo: the lower sand, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats
panels of the rood screen are embellished with very fine and barley. The acreage is 1,'599, including about rBo
and well-preserved paintings of St. Appolonia, St. Citha, of wood and water; rateable value, £r,687; the popu-
St. Barbara and the Heavenly Hierarchy, and another lation in rgu was 297.
screen in the south aisle bears representations of Henry
VI. St. Edward, St. Edmund and St. Olave: the stained Post Office.-Frederic William Bailey, sub-postmaster.
west window was inserted in r889 by John Francis as a Letters received from Norwich by mail cart, via
memorial to members of his family : in St. Thomali' Neatishead, are delivered at 7.25 a.m. & 4.10 p.m.
chapel are two brasses recording its erection by Thomas (partial); dispatched at 7.20 a.m. &; 4·5 p.m.; no
Amys in 1495 ; there are other bra.sses to J obn ldewyn, sunday delivery or dispatch. Neatishead, 2 miles dis-
a former vicar, ob. 1497, and to Andree Emmesson, dated tant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
r4B8, and a fine ·mural tablet to Anthony Norris, of this
Wall Letter Box, Penny gate, cleared at 7.40 a.m. &
place, an industrious antiquary, who made valuable MS.
collections, in 28 volumes, relating to Norfolk, now in 4 p.m
the possession of Waiter Rye esq.; he died 13 Aug. 1785: Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in rBss by
there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year the late Sir J. H. Preston hart. & the Misses Preston,
1558. The living is a vicarage, with the rectory of & enlarged in 1895 at a cost of £2oo, given by Miss
lrstead annexed, joint net yearly value £285, including Louisa. Preston, for 84 children; average attendance,
34 acres of glebe and residence, built in 1885, in the 45 ; , mistress
gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since r883 Carrier to Norwich.-Oliver Shepherd, to 'Waggon &
by the Rev. John Gough Poole, Theo.Assoc. of King's Horses,' Tombland, at 8 a.m. on man: wed. & sat. re-
College, London, and chaplain of Smallburgh union. turning same days at 4.30 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Cox Frederick Salmon, coal dealer
Crosskill Charles Robert,Rose cottag-e ]Jailey Fredc. Wm. grocer, Post office Cox George, marshman
Galpin Arthur, Bamn Broad lodge Chapman Samuel J. corn & flour dlr Cox Joseph Salmon, blacksmith
Poole Rev. John Gough Theo.Assoc. Clethero Robert. farmer, Hall farm Daniels George, farmer, Storey's farm
K.O.L. Vicarage Coman James, plumber & glazier Drake David, farmer, Berry hall
Preston Sir Jacob bart. Barton hall Cox Bros. boat builder~, The Staithe Haylett James, basket maker
Hewitt William, marshman Starling Hnmphrey, thatcher Watts Henry, jun. wheelwright & tax
Loveday Robert, grocer Walpole Phrebe (Mrs.), farmer collector
Shepherd Oliver, carrier Watts Henry, shopkeeper Wright Catherine (Mrs.), farmer
Smith Henry, farm bailiff to Mr. Yaxley Horace, beer· ret. The Staithe
William R. Mack
13ARWICK is a parish 2~ miles oost from Docking sta- M.A. of Merton College, Oxford, and rural dean of
tion on the West Norfolk section of the Great Eastern Heacham, who resides at Stanhoe. Barwick House is
railway, and 5 west-south-west from Burnham Market, in the seat of Charles Derick Seymour esq. B.A., D.L., J.P.
the North Western division of the county, Smithdon hun- The principal landowners are C. D. Seymour and John
dred, Smithdon and Brothercross petty sessional division, Savory esqrs. The soil is of a ~ood mixed character;
Docking union, Little Walsingham county court district, subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
rural deanery of Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn .and roots and seeds. The area is 1,302 acres; rateable
diocese of Norwich. The church formerly stood in the value, £I,o6o; the population in 1911 was 44·
grounds of Barwick House, and the foundations may still Letters through Lynn arrive at 8 a.m. & 2.30 p.m.
be traced. The parishioners attend Stanhoe church. The Stanhoe is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
living is a discharged vicarage, united to the rectory of
about 1 mile distant
Stanhoc, joint net yearly value [340, including 19 acres
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Seymour, Wall Letter Box, cleared at 4-55 p.m. week days only
and held since 1902 by the Rev. Raymond Charles Black The children of this place attend the school at Stanhoe
Seymour Charles Derick B.A., D.L., Chestney James, stud groom to C. D. Welch Herbert Charles, gardener to
J .P. Barwick house Seymour esq. B.A., D.L., J.P Q. D. Seymour esq. D.L., J.P
Bloy Harry, farm bailiff to C. Savory Savory Clement, farmer, Great Bar- Woods Waiter, gamekeeper to C.
esq wick farm · Savory esq
BA WBURGH is a small parish and village, on the erected in 1866. To the north of the church, on the
river Yare, 4 miles north-west from Hethersett station Rectory farm, is St. Walstan's well, supposed to possess
on the Thetford and Norwich section of the Great extraordinary healing virtues, and large numbers of
Eastern railway, and 5 west from Norwich, in the Mid , persons used at one time to visit it in the course of
division of the county, Forehoe hundred, petty sessional I the year for the cure of scrofulous diseases. Bawburgh
division and union, county court district of Norwich, Hall, the property of Lord· Stafford, is occupied as a
rural deanery of Hingham, Forehoe division, archdea- [ farmhouse. Lord. Stafford, who is lord of the manor,
conry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church the Dean and Chapter of Norwich and Lieut.-Col.
of St. Mary and St. Walstan is a small but ancient build- Clement William Joseph Unthank, of Intwood Hall, are
ing of stone, c~efiy in the Perpendicular style, and the chief landowners. The soil is various, but mostly
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a Saxon jlight; subsoil the same. The chief crops are wheat,
western tower containing one bell; the upper part of barley, turnips and hay. The area is 1,411 acres of land
the tower was long ago demolished and replaced by a and 10 of water; rateable value, .£1,395; the population
low conical roof, covered with red tiles: there are in rgn was 348.
several ancient brasses, one of which bears the date Parish Clerk, John Osborne.
1483: in 1908 an organ was provided at a cost of £rso:
the chancel retains sedilia and a piscina, and there is I Post Office.-David William Child, sub-postmaster.
some ancient glass and a fine carved screen: the latter
Letters through Norwich arrive at 7 a.m. & 5-Io
was restored in 1go8 by C. E. Noverre esq. J.'P.: the p.m.; dispatched at 7.15 a.m. & 5.15 p.m. week days.,
chancel -and porch were restored :in 1879, and in 1905 only. Costessey is the nearest telegraph & money
the tower was also restored: there are 180 sittings. order office
The register dates from the year 1555. The living is a
vicarage, net yearly value £r4o, with 20 acres of glebe Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1876, at a
and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of I cost of .£I,ooo, & enlarged in 1905, for go children;
Norwich, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Gabriel Young, average attendance, 72; Frederick Jackson, master;
of St. Aidan's. The Primitive Methodist chapel was Mrs. Jackson, mistress
Child David William, miller (water), Sparrow James, farmer, Church farm
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bawburgh mill & baker & grocer & Tallowin Sydney Frederick, farmer,
Noverre Charles Edwin J.P.(London), assistant overseer, Post office Lodge farm
Hillside Davey William, bricklayer Thurston James William, market gar-
Young Rev. Gabriel (vicar), Vicarage Harvey Francis George, butcher dener, Hingham road (letters
Kiddle Albert, Cock P.H through Little Melton, Norwich)
COMMERCIA I. Pollington George, shoe maker Tufts Henry Wm. farmer, Hill farm
Brown Robert, grocer Porrett Reynolds, butcher Wailer James, King's Head P.H
Brown William, shopkeeper Porrett Sydney Gib son, farmer, Baw- Wildee Mary B. (Mrs.), farmer, Baw-
Chenery, blacksmith burgh hall burgh villa
:BA WDESWELL is a village and parish, on the road Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. D.L., J.P. of Thick-
from Aylsham to Lynn, 3 miles south-east from Foulsham thorn, Hethersett, Norwich, who is lord of the manor,
!'tation on ~he East Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern and C. H. L. Stoughton esq. of Great Chesterford,
railway, about the same distance west from Whitwell and Essex, are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed;
Reepbam station on the Melton Constable and Norwich subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
branch of the Midland and Great Northern joint railway roots, barley and hay. The area is 1,200 acres; rat-e-
and 7 north-east from Dereham, in the Northern division able value, £r,666; the population in 1911 was 384.
of the county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional divi- Sexton, William Parke.
sion, Mitford and Launditch union, East Dereham county
court district, rural deanery of Sparham and archdea- Post & M. 0. Oflice.-Mrs. Sarah Catton, sub-post-
conry and diocese of Norwich. The church of .All Saints mistrPSB. Letters received from East Dereham at 5.40
is a small and plain edifice of Hint and brick, rebuilt in a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched 'lit 10 ·55 a.m. & 6.3o
I845• and consists of chancel, nave and aisles, south porch p.m. week days only. Billingford, 2 miles distant, ill
and a belfry containing one bell: there are 300 sittings. the nearest telegraph office
The register dates from the year 1557 . The living is a Wall Letter Box, near the Bell inn, cleared II.5 a.m. &
rectory, net yearly value :f.Igo, with residence and one 6.4o p.m.; sundays, 6.4o p.m
acre of glebe, in the gift of the Bil!hop of Norwich, and The Public Elementary School, erected in 1875 for Haw-
held since 1894 by the Rev. Matthew Bower M.A. of deswell, Bylaugh & Foxley, at the sole expense of the
Corpus Christi Colleg-e, Cambridge. There are Wes- late Rev. Henry Lombe, of Bylaugh Park, is a building
leyan, Primitive Methodist and Plymouth Brethren of red brick with the name of the founder in front &
chapels. A small charity of .£r yoorly is distributed in the motto, "Propositi tenax"; the school is supported
"bread twice a year; and two charities, amounting in part by an endowment con!ri.sting of about 16 acres
unitedly to .£24 yearly, are distributed in coals; there of land & a cottage in the parish of Foxley & will hold
is also an educational charity of £10o, producing 125 children; avPrage attendance, 108; Hector Percy
£2 1gs. 4d. yearly. Bawdeswell Hall, a mansion of red Jones, master; Mrs. Jones, girls' mistress; Misl!
brick, in the Elizabethan style, is now (1912) unoccupied. Gaze, infants' mistr_!;ss •
Bower Rev. Matthew M.A. Rectory Breese Matthew, farmer Eglington Sml.Sewell, farmer,Park fm
Gilbey Mrs Bugdale James, beer retailer Elsden Jane (Miss), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Catton Sarah(Mrs.),grocer &c.Post off Elsden John, blacksmith
Baker Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Cole Benjamin, farmer Gaff Jacob, farmer

Guymer George, carpenter & joiner Meale David,assistant overseer & frmr Taylor Alfred Christmas, Ram P.H
Hatley Waiter, beer retailer 1
Neale Robins, baker Walker William, fa.rmer
Howard James, boot repairer Pratt William, farmer Whitesides Robt. baker & shopkeepeJo<
Hudson Thomas, butcher : Pnmfrey William, farmer, Hall farm Whitesides Wm. saddler & harness m.,.,
J ohnson Frederick, farmer Smith James, Bell inn Woodhouse Samuel J. assistant ovel't!
Juice James, farmer, Maytree & Fox- Springall William, bricklayer seer for Foulsham, Guist, Twyford,t..
leyside farms Street Edward, grocer & registrar of Themelthorpe & Wood Norton $
Lane John, boot repairer I births & deaths for sub-district of clerk to Foulsham & Guist Parish
Mann Robert, farmer Bawdeswell, Mitford & Launditch Councils & agent to the Royal lllio!

unwn surance Co
BAWSEY is a parish, 2' miles east-by-north from Cambridge, who is also vicar of and resides at Ash...,
Lynn, with a station, called Gayton Road, on the Lynn wicken. Capt. R. L. Bagge D.S.O., J.P. is lord of thw
and Cromer section of the Midland and Great Northern manor and chief landowner. The soil is clay and sand;.
joint railway, in the North Western division of the county, · subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley1
hundred, petty sesswnal division and union of Freebridge and turnips. The area is 1,029 acres; rateable valu~
Lynn, Lynn county court district, rural deanery of Lynn £844; the population in xgn was 75·
(Norfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich.
The church of St. J a.mes has long been in ruins, but Letters through Lynn, which is the nearest money order
!!Brvice is periodically held in a barn. The ~egister & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a.m
begins in 1540, and is continued down to 1773, when The children of this place attend the schools at Ash•
it ceases. The living is a sinecure rectory, net yearly wicken & Gaywood
value £so, in the gift of Capt. Richard Ludwig Bagge
D.S.O., J.P. of Gaywood Hall, and held since 1902 by Railway Station, Gayton road, .Arthur Youngman, sta-
the Rev . .Arthur John Groom B ..A. of Trinity College, tion master
Bradfield Ernest Jn.frmr.Church frm
Gilding William, Sand Boy P.H
I Woollard James, gamekeeper to Capt.
R. L. Bagge D.S.O., J.P
BAYFIELD, see Glandford.
BEAC1IAIMIWELL (variously spelt in old documents, ties are distributed annually among the poor. John Mot-
·• Bilchamwell," "Bychamwell" and" Beechamwell ") is a teux esq. left in 1791 £100 £3 per Cents. the interest to
parish and village, 5 miles south-west from Swaffham be expended by the rector and churchwarden on the first
station, 5 south from Narborough station, both on the Sunday in February every year. A sum of £wo, being
Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway, the purchase-money of 2 acres of land, formerly belong-
and IIo& from London, in the South Western division of ing to this parish, has been invested by the Charity Corn-
the county, South Greenhoe petty sessional division, missioners in the £3 per Cent. Consols for the benefit
Clackclose hundred, Swaffham union and county court of the poor; both charities are distributed in bread on
district, rural deanery of Finch am (eastern division), the first Sunday in February. ln this parish, ou the
arahdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The western side, is a remarkable earthwork, called the
churches of All Saints and St. John in this parish are "Devil's Dyke," extending from Narborough to Calde-
now picturesque ruins. The church of St. Mary is a cott, a distance of about 9 miles. Roman coins, pottery
small building of flint and stone, in the Early English and human remains have been discovered on the glebe
style, consisting of chancel, nave with thatched roof, land. Beachamwell Hall, the seat of :Mrs. Fielden, was
south aisle, north porch, and an ancient round western destroyed by fire in 1903, but was rebuilt in 1904· The
tower containing a clock and 2 bells : in the chancel are trustees of Joshua Fielden esq. (d. 1892) are lords of
brasses of two rectors of the 15th century, one being to the manor and own all the land in the parish. The
Jabes Ha.milton, ob. 1430; the other inscription is miss- soil is light and sandy, and the subsoil is chalk and
ing: in 1896 the church was cleaned and recoloured and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
a new east window inserted as a memorial to Joshua The area is 3,996 acres; rateable value, £I,SI8; the
Fielden esq. : the communion plate includes two ancient population in 19II was 278.
patens and two chalices dated 1568: there are x8o sittings. Parish Clerk, George Alexander.
The register dates from the year 1558. The living is a
rectory, with those of Beachamwell St. John, Beacham- Post & T. Office.-Miss Florence Rix, sub-postmistress.
well All Saints and Shingham annexed, joint net yearly Letters received through Swaffham, arrive at 7·5 a.m.
value £26o, including u6 acres of glebe, with two resi- & 3.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9-IS a.m. & 5·45 p.m. &
dences, in the alternate gift of the Lord Chancellor and on sundays at 8.20 a.m. Swaffham, 5 miles distant,
the trustees of Joshua Fielden esq. the latter having the is the nearest money order office
right of the next presentation, and held since 1893 by the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r835, &
Rev. Robert Cubitt Nightingale. The livings were united enlarged in 1875, at a cost of £231, for 79 children;
by Order in Council, December 3oth, 1878. A few chari· average attendance, 70; , mistress
Fielden Mrs. Beachamwell hall Fuller Harry, farmer Osborn Fred, baker
Mason George Gooch George, gamekeeper to L. Rix Florence (Miss), shopkpr. Post off
Nightingale Rev. Robt. Cubitt, Retry Hannen esq Rix Hora£!e, farmer
Storey Philip Hovell Nathaniel James, Coopers' Storey John, Philip & Stephen,
COMMERCIAL. Arms P.H farmers, Malthouse farm
Barkham William, baker Mason George, farmer, St. John's fm •
EAST BECKHAM is a parish, about 4! miles west- Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held since 1888 by
by-south from Cromer terminal station, on the Midland the Rev. Edward Catmur Jervis M.A. of St. Peter's
and Great Northern joint railway, and about 2~ south College, Cambridge, chaplain of Erpingham Union Work-
from Sheringham station on the same line and 5 east house, who resides at West Beckham. Here is an
from Halt, in the Northern division of the county, North iron mission room. The poor's land produces £2 yearly.
Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, Erping- Capt. Reginald Cossley Batt M.V.O. is lord of the
ham union, Bolt county court district, rural deanery of manors of East Beckham, Isaac and Marriotts and sole
Ingworth (north division) and archdeaconry and diocese landowner. The soil is light loam; subsoil, chalk, sand
of Norwich. By an Order in Council dated May 3rd, and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, turnips and
r888, this parish was united to West Beckham for eoole- barley and some pasture land. The area is 790 acres,
siastica.l purposes. The church of St. Helen, which had nearly all arable land; rateable value, £555; the popu-
been for over 200 years in a ruinous condition, was pulled lation in 19II was 66.
down in 1890 and its materials used in the erection of Letters through Norwich, via Gresham, arrive at ro
the new church at West Beckbam, which the inhabitants a. m. Gresham is the nearest money order & Shering-
now attend. The living is a perpetual curacy annexed to ham the telegraph office, about 3 miles distant
the vical"age of West Beckham, joint net yearly value
£139, including xo acres of glebe, in the gift of the The children attend the school at Gresham
Bird George & William, farmers, East Drane Donald, far"IIler, Manor farm Ransome Herbert, farm bailiff to
Beckhrun hall Larwood Robert, boot repairer Donald Drane esq
Crowe Bros. farmers, The Valley farm Wright John, farmer,The Abbey farm
WEST BECKHAM is a parish, about 6 miles west and 12 north-west from North Walsham, in the Northern
from Cromer station on the Great Eutern railway, about division of the county, North Erpingham petty sessional
2 south from Sheringham Btation on the Midland and division, South Erpingham hundred, Erpingham union,
Great Northern joint railway, about 3~ east from Holt Holt county court district, rural deanery of Ingworth
Kelling, Knapton, Letheringsett, Matlask, Metton:
(north division) and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich.,
The parishes of West and East Beck.ham were united for Northrepps, Overstrand, Plumstead,
Boughton, Runton, Salthouse, Sheringham, Shering-
ecclesiastical purposes by Order in Council dated May
ham (Upper), Sidestrand, Southrepps, Stody, Suffield,
3rd, 1888. The old church of All Saints, a building of
Snstead, Thornage, Thorpe Market, Thurgarton, Trim-
the Early English period, was pulled down in 18go, and
ingham, Trunch & Weybourne. The population of the
its materials, as well as those of the ruined church of
union in Igii was 24,584; area, 64,157 acres; rate-
East Beckham, used in the erection of the church of St.
Helen and All Saints, consecrated Oct. 1891; this build-
able value, Lady Day, 1912, £153,798
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. Hugh H.
ing is chiefly of flint and stone, and occupies a Bite on
Scales Fullagar M.A. Rectory, Hunworth, Melton Con-
the high road between the two parishes, presented by
the late Rev. John Gunton: the church, built on thestable
ground plan of the old church of East Beckham, is in the
Treasurer, Edward Gurney Buxton, Norwich
~arly Decorated style, and consists of chancel, nave,
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Thos.
south porch and a western bell-cot containing one bell,
Ling, Northrepps
removed from the former church: the chancel arch and
Collectors to the Guardians & Believing Officers, Holt
south porch formed part of East Beckham church, as district, Goorge W. Ne"Wberry, Cromer road, Holt;
well as the stonework of several of the windows : the cost,
Southrepps district, Harry Buxton, Station rd. Cromer
amounting to ,£"1,345, was raised by subscription: there
Vaccination Officers, Cromer district, Harry Buxton &.
are 124 sittings. The register dates from the year .r689.
Holt district, Charles William Jex
The living is a vicarage with the perpetual curacy of
Medical Officers, Aldborough district, William Dewing:
East Beckham annexed, joint net yearly value £139, Spurrell L.R.C.P.Lond. Aldborough; Briston district,.
including 10 acres of glebe ; patrons, the Dean andJohn T. Skrimshire M.D. Holt; Cley district, Alfred"
Chapter of Norwich, and held since 1888 by the Rev.Reginald Kay B.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.O.P.Lond •.
Edward Catmur Jervis M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cley-next-the-.Sea; Cromet & Northrepps districts...,.,
Cambridge, and chaplain of Erpingham Workhouse; theRobert Grant M.D., C.M.Edin. Ruthven, Cabbell road,
vicarage, which adjoins the church, "Was erected in 1903
CromPr; Holt district, Robert Turner Hales 'M. D., _
at a cost of £1,6oo. The to"Wn lands produce £f:l. Ios.
C. M. Norwich road, Halt; Mundesley district, ..Uex-
yearly, which sum is distributed in coals. George
ander Wortley Quait M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. St ..
Thatcher esq. solicitor, of Fern Bank, Liverpool road,
Brannocks, Mundesley; Shering-ham district, Walter-
Kingston Hill, Surrey, is lord of the manor, and Capt.
John Ernely Sumpter M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.C.P.Lond_
Beginald Cossley Batt M.V.O., .J.P. of Gresham Hall,
Sheringham; Southrepps district,John Shepheard B.A.r
and James Reynolds esq. are the principal landowners.
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.C.P.Lond. Cromer :road, North
The soil is mixed ; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are
wheat, turnips, barley and some land in pasture. The
Public Vaccinators, Aldborough district, Wm. Dewing
area is 766 acres; l'at.eable value, £1,045; the population
Spurrell L.R.C.P.Lond. Aldborough; Cley district,
in I9II was 322, including the officers and inmates in
Alfred Reginald Kay B.A., M.B.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Erpingham Union workhouse. By the "Divided
Lond. Cley-next-ths-Sea; Halt & Briston districts._
Parishes Act," a detached part of this parish, known as
Robert Turner Hales M.D., C. M. Holt; Mundesle.y:·
Emery's Farm, was added -to Bndham in 1882. district, Alexander Wortley Quait M.R.C.S.Eng...
Letter Box at Chestnut farm, cleared at 9.30 a.m. &L.R.C.P.Lond. Mundesley; Northrepps & Cromer·
districts, Robert Grant M.D. Ruthven, Cabbell road,
3.30 p.m. ; no collection on sundays. Letters through
Cromer; Sheringham district, Waiter John Ernely
Halt arrive at g.30 a.m. Holt is the nearest money
order & telegraph office, about 3 miles distant Sumpter M.B.C. S.Eng., L. B.C.P .Lond. Sheringham ;,
Southrepps district, John Shepheard B.A., M.R.O.S.
EBPINGHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Eng., L.B.C.P.Lond. Cromer road, North Walsham
Meets at the Workhouse fortnightly. The workhouse, a building of flint & brick, was erected
in 1851, but p~rtly destroyed on ut April, 1888. The
Chairman, Alderman J. H. Bugden chapel of the Holy Trinity, a building of red &
Clerk, Thomas Ling, Northrepps white brick with stone dressings, was erected in 1868, _
Treasurer, Edward Gurney Buxton, Nor"Wich & consists of apsidal chancel, nave & "Western hellcat<:-
Medical Officer of Health,
there are 120 sittings: the Rev. Ed"Ward Catmur ·
Surveyor, Bobert Mann Jervis M.A. chaplain; Robert Turner Hales M.D. ot ·
Sanitary Inspector, Alexander Robert, Tuddenham, Holt, medical officer; Waiter Emery, master; Mr~.
Mary Emery, matron; the children at the union house-
ERPINGHAM UNION. attend the school at Gresha.m
Board day, every alternate m{mday at the West Beck- ERPINGHAM: REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
ham workhouse at II.IS a.m. Superintendent Registrar, Thomas Ling, Northrepps;
The union comprises the following places :-Aldborough, deputy. Cecil Ling, Northrepps
Antingham, Aylmerton, Baconsthorpe, Barningham Registrars of Births & Deaths, Cromer sub-district,
Norwood, Barningham Winter, Beckham (East), Harry Buxton, Station road, Cromer; Sheringham
Beckham (West), Beeston Regis, Bessingham,Bodham, sub-district, George W. Newberry, Cromer rd. HoW
Briston, Cley-next-the-Sea, Cromer, Edgefield, Fel- Registr!lrs of Marriages, Ambrose Horatio Fox, West
brigg, Gimingham, Glandford-cum-Bayfield, Gresham, street, Cromer; deputy, .!rthur Thomas Jeary, 11
Gnnton, Hanworth, Hetnpstead Holt, Halt, Hunworth, Garden street, Cromer
Jervis Rev. Edwd. CatmurM.A.(vicar) Emery Waiter, master Erpingham Webster Herbert Benjamin, Fighting
Union house (letters via Gresham, Cocks P.H
COMMERCIAL. Norwich) Wells George, farm bailiff to Mrs_
Gray Arthur, blacksmith Bird, The Lower farm
Bird Kate Hobbs (Mrs.), farmer, The Howell William, urmer Wright James, farmer & landowner ..
Manor farm & Lower farm Payne George, farmer, Avenue farm Chestnut farm
BEDINGHAM is a parish, 4 miles north-west from in 16os, were buried Robert Bruce and John his son: the-
Earsham station, on the Waveney Valley branch of the chancel is divided from the nave by a screen : there are·
Great Eastern railway, 5 north-west from Bungay and two piscinre, and an ancient font : the organ was erected
11 south from Norwich, in the Southern division of the in 1883: there are 16o sittings. The register dates from
county, Loddon hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty the year I555· The living ia a vicarage, net yearly value·
sessional division and union, Bungay and Beccles county £ns, with 25 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
court district, rural deanery o1 Brooke (eastern division), Lieut.-Col. C, W. J. Unthank, on the nomination of the
archdeaconry of N orlolk and diocese of Norwich. The Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1893 by the Rev.
church of St. Andrew is a large and ancient building Lewis Morgan, of the Royal University of Ireland. The-
of rubble in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan- poor have £6 15s. rent yearly from land, left by W.
cer, with north and south chapels (formerly used by the Purser; a sum {)f money left by Thomas Stone, now £so,.
hamlets of Woodton and Topcroft), aisles, south porch is invested in Consols, one half of the income being ex-
and an embattled western tower with circular base and pended in bread for the poor and the other half given
octagonal upper story, containing 5 bells: there are mural to the vicar to preach a sermon on Good Friday.
tablets to Maria (Mynus), wife of Henry Stone, I6JS, and Gooch's charity consists of £105 invested in Consols.
to other members of this family; and also to Thomas the income of which is distributed in bread on Christ-
Cowper, a former vicar, 1725 ; in the church is a stone mas Day. The right of a "going" on Bungay Common,
under which is said to be buried the heart of one of the purchased by Mary Button, yields about 3os. and
family of Brews or Bruce, who, dying beyond the 11ea, this sum is distributed in bread to the poor on Good
desired it to be brought and interred here, where also, Friday. The town land consist11 of 23a. 3r. let for

about £15, which sum ~ applied to the service of the Post Office.-Mrs. Anna Ilertha Skinner, sub-postmis,
church. Lieut.-Ool. Clement William Joseph Unthank, tress. Letters through Bungay arrive at 7· 15 a.m.
of Intwood Hall, is lord of the manor and principal land- Letter B<Jx cleared ab 4.40 p.m. week days only.
own!'r, The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The Woodton is the nearest money order & Hempnall, 3
chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, peas and turnips. miles distant, the nearest telegraph office
:The area is 1,366 acres; rateable value, £1,317; the Letter Ilox, Iledingham Green, cleared at 4·35 p.m.
population in 19II was 245. week days only
Sexton, George Norman. The children of this parish attend the school at Woodton
Morgan Rev. Lewis, Vicarage Bloomfield Joseph Henry, farmer Gooch John, thatcher
Bond Alfred, farmer Quantrill William, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Bond Russell, farmer Roper William, farmer
Alexander Geo. farmer, Rookery farm Cannell Carlos, farmer Skinner Frederick, farmer
Banham May Annie (Mrs.) (exors. of), Cheney Frederick, farmer Skinner William, farmer
farmers Disney Arthur Bobert, fa,.,rm-ner, Priory Tipplt.~ Waldegrave, farmer
..Bloomfield J sph. TriplePlea P. H. &frmr farm
:BEECHAMWELL, see Beachamwell.
:EEESTON (or Beeston-next-Mileham) is a large and perches, let for £12 1os.; the rector's dole of £I;
,pleasant viJlage standing on high ground, 2 miles north Huke's charity, £5 for the poor and to the rector £r
from the Fransham station on the Lynn branch of the for preaching a Good Friday sermon; Halcott's charity
·Great Eastern railway and 7 west from Dereham, in the of £2 Bs. for bread, to be distributed every Sunday;
Mid division of the county, Launditch hundred, Mitford Alee's charity of £1 12s. given away in bread~ Gooch's
.and Launditch petty sessional division and union, Dere.- charity (1634), ranging from £2 1:6s. to £4 Ss. and
rbam county court district, rural deanery of South Brisley, given to the poor in money; a fuel allotment of 20
.archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich; it is acres, rented at £24, and the Clay Pit allotment, let 11.t
purely agricultural, with the houses very much scattered. £r 6s. which sum is distributed in coals. Henry
For civil purposes it is united with Bittering Parva, which Edward Paine esq. is lord of the manor. Mr. Henry
is ecclesiastically a separate paTisb, the civil parish being Rivett is the principal landowner. The soil is light
'!known as Beeston with Little Bittering. The church of loam and day; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief
St. Mary is a building of flint -w:ith stone dressings, in crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area of
the Early Decorated style, consisting of chancel with Beeston-with-Bittering is 2,497 acres of land and 5 of
chapel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, north porch, water; rateable value, [2,242; the population of the
and an embattled western tower with spire, containing civil parish in Ign was 374, and 345 in the ecclesiasti-
one bell: the tower was struck by lightning and burnt cal parish in 1901.
down in May, 1872, but rebuilt in 1873: in the chureh Parish Clerk, Waiter Jude.
is a finely carved screen : there are 200 sittings. The
register dates from the year 1538. The living is 8 rec- Post Office.-Mrs. Frances Mary Claxton, sub-post-
tory, net yearly value £ 307 , including 21 acres of glebe, mistress. Letters arrive through Swaffham at 7.30
with residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. a.m. & 5-30 p.m.; dispat~ed at 10.45 a.m. & 5-55
John Swaffield Orton, and held since 189 5 by the Rev. p.m. ; sundays, g. 15 a.m. Mile ham is the nearest
Thomas Willis Butler Bartlett, of St. Bees, who is also money order office & Litcham, 2 miles distant, the
vicar of Kempston. The rectory house, formerly sur- nearest telegraph office. Wall Letter Box, cleared at
rounded by a moat, which has been filled in on one side, 12.45 & 5·45 p.m. & 9.25 a.m. sundays -
was burnt down in the reign of James I. and rebuilt on Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1879, at a
the same site. Here is a United Methodist chapel. cost of [85o, for g6 children; average attendance, 58;
The charities include the church land of 8 acres 15 Mrs. E. A. Catton, mistress
Bartlett Rev. Thomas Willis Butler, Claxton Robert, farmer Rivett Fred, farmer
Rectory Claxton William, farmer Rivett Henry. farmer & landowner
Blow George, Herne cottage Culley John, farmer Roberson Alfred, farmer (postal ad-
Dowling Edward Downs Emma (Mr13. ), grocer dress, Mileham, Swaffham)
Fryer Edward, farmer, Hulver hill Scott John Bryan, farmer
COMMERCIAL, Herrell William, farm bailiff to Mr. Sculpher John Frederick, farmer,
-Archer James, farmer, Bell hall Miles C. Baker1 Crossway farm (letters address
Archer Sam, farmer Holman George Palmer, farmer Mileham, Swaffham)
Bolton Edward, farmer, New farm Holman Robert Palmer, farmer Smith Albert William, Bell P.H
Euscall Charles, farmer Jude Waiter, blacJI_smith Starling Jas. farmer (postal address,
Claxton .Arthur, bla-eksmith Lovick Frederick, Ploughshare P.H Litcham, Swaffham)
•.Claxton Bertie, farmer Mitchell William Saunders, farmer Warner Albert, farmer
· Claxton H~nry, castrator Rivett Albert Harry, farmer Yull Waiter, Holkham Arms P.H
:BEESTON REGIS is a parish on the seashore, one the Mead: the west end of the church and part of the
"'llile south-east from Sheringham station on the Midland chapter house are the only portions now remaining;
and Great Northern joint railway, about 3 miles west- the church when perfect was cruciform and 141
north-west flrom Cromer station on the Great Eastern feet in length, but had no aisles. J3eeston Regis Hall
'"railway, and 12 north from North Walsham, in the is the seat of Mrs. Cremer. Wyndham Cremer Cremer
Northern division of the county, North Erpingbam esq. of Sheringham, is lord of the manor of Oby and
-hundred and petty sessional division, Erpingham union, Thirne. The trust-ees of the late Benjamin Bond Bond·
liolt county court district, rural deanery of Repps and Cabbell esq. (died 1892) are lords of the manor of
.:archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of Beeston. W. Cremer Cremer esq. and Sir Samuel
All Saints is a building of flint with stone dressings, Hoare hart. of Cliff House, Cromer, are the principal
·chiefly in the Decorated style, and consists of chancel, landowners. The soil is principally sand. The crops
nave, aisles, north and south porches (the north porch are the usual cereals.
'forming a. vestry) and a western tow(lr containing one By Local Government Board Order No. 42,599, which
bell: the church has a fine roof, and there are some came into operation October I, 1901, part of Beeston
remains of a painted screen behind the communion Regis civil parish was taken to form the newly-constituted
table: the church was thoroughly restored in 1867, and civil parish and Urban District of Sheringham. The
a new pulpit, reading desk and font presented by the area of the old parish was 833 acres of land, 2 of
late Thomas Wyndham Cremer esq. of Beeston Regis water and 79 of foreshore; rateable value, £780; the
Hall (d. 1894), t{) whom the stained east window has population in 1911 was 8<; in the civil parish, and in
bsen erected as a memorial: the church was also re- the ecclesiastical parish in 1901, 338.
seated in 1867, by Gurney Hoare esq. and in 1892 the Parish Clerk, Frank Mortimer.
chancel was re-seated with oaken benches. The register
dates from ths year 1743 . The living is a rectory, net Post & M. 0. & Public Telephone Call Office, Beeston
yearly value £ 139 , with residence, in the gift of the road.-Mrs Flora G. Hudson, ·sub-postmistress.
Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Lett-ers through Sheringham, Norfolk. Box cleared
Henry Colson Fitch M.A. of Pembroke College, Cam- at 5·45• 9·45 & 11.30 a.m. & 2 -30, 3·45 (Oct. to
bridg-e. The rectory house was erected in r869 on a site June), 4-45 (July to Sept.), 6.I5 (Oct. to 14th July)
near the church. The poor have £22 from Hooke's and & 6.45 p.m. ( 15th July to 3oth Sept.) i sundays, 545
othPr charities for fuel. In a. picturesque dale in this p.m. Church street, Sheringham, is the nearest
paril'h are the remains of Beeston Priory, founded in the telegraph office
reig-n of King John by Lady Isabella Cressey for canons The children of this place attend the school at Sharing-
of the Augustinian order, and dedicated to St. Mary in ham
Chamberlin Arth. Wm. Beeston gro j FieldSamuel, farmer
Cremer Mrs. Beeston Regis hall COMMERCIAL, . Hudson Flora G. (Mrs.), grocer
Ell is Mrs. Catherine, W oodside Applegate James Hamblet, overseer Reynolds Jas. farmer, Abbey farm
Fitch Rev. Henry C<llson M.A. Rectry Bishop Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Sayer Charles George,carman & frmr
:BEESTON ST. ANDREW is a village and parish, resides at Sprowston. Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard
2~ miles west from Salhouse station on the Norwich and hart. of Belhus Park, Essex, is lord of the- manor.
Cromer section of the Great Eastern railway and 3~ The chief part of the land belongs to the trustees of
north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the the late Rev. Cecil Mills M.A. (d. 1908), and the Barnes
county, Taverham hundred and petty sessional division, trustees. The soil is light and mixed; l!ubsoil, sand.
St. Faith's nnion and Norwich county court district. rural The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The
deanery of Taverham and archdeaconry and diocese of area is 63S acres; assessable value, £695; the popula-
Norwich. There is no church; a thorn bnsh is planted tion in 1911 was 82.
"here the foundations remain, and service used to be Letters through Non ich arrive at IJ a. m. Wall Lette!'
held on the spot once in the year. The living is a sine- Box cleared 5.50 & 9 p.m.; sundays, 9 p.m. Old
cure rectory, net yearly value £95• with I acre of glebe, Catton, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order l!c
in the gift of Sir Eustace Gurney M.A. of Sprowston telegraph office
Hall, and held since 1910 by the Rev. Archibald Reith The children of .this parish attend the Hchools at Orostwick
M.A. of Glasgow University, who is also vicar of and & Rackheath
Patteson Col. Henry Tyrwhitt Stani- Howes Thomas, gardener to Col. H. 1 Tallowin Arthnr 'H. farmer
forth D.L., J.P., V.D. The Hall T. S. Patteson D.L., J.P., V.D Tallowin Sidney, farmer (letters
Goymer John, gamekeeper to Sir E. Radford Sidney Francis, farmer (let- through Crostwick)
P. Stracey bart ters through Rackheath)

DEESTON ST. LAWRENCE is a parish, 3 miles 1 park, which possesses all the natural advantages of
north-east from Wroxham station on the East Norfolk 1 Vlood and water: it was formerly the residence of the
section of the G~reat Eastern railway, 3~ south-west ancient family of Preston, who originally came from
from Stalham station on the Midland and Great a village of that name in the county of Suffolk: the
Northern joint railway, 6 south-east from North Walsham family distinguished themselves as Royalists in the
and I I north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern divi- Civil war. and Jacob Preston esq. of Beeston, one of
sion of the county, Tunstead and Rapping petty ses- the four gentlemen appointed to wait upon Charles l.
sional division, Tunstead hundred, Smallburgh union, dur~ his imprisonment, was the favourite servant of
North Walsham county court district, rural deanery hi11 illustrious maste1", who, as a last tribute of affection,
of Waxham (Tunstead division) and archdeaconry and I presented him, when upon the scaffold~ with an emerald
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Lawrence is ring. Sir Ja.cob Preston bart. the Rev. Franci!l Jickling
an ancient building of flint and stone, consisting of M.A. of Smallburgh Hall, and Capt. Charles M.· Jick-
chancel, nave, 110uth porch and a round western tower ling are the principal landownen. The soil is vai"ious;
containing one bell~ in the church are many manu- subMil, sand and clay. The chief crop!! are wheat, oah
ments of the Preston family, and the communion plate and barley. The area. is 514 acres of land and 9 of
.:Jf silver gilt belonging to the chrurch is :remarkably water; rateable value, £673; the population in 1911
bandsume: there are 120 sittings. The register dates wall 34·
from February, 1558. The living is a rectory, with Parish Clerk John Bird.
the vicarage of Ashmanhaugh annexed, joint net yearly '
value £ 200 , including a 4 acres of glebe, with residence, Letters through Norwich, via Neatishead, arrive by mail
in the gift of Sir J. Preston bart. and held since 1a9 a by cart at 5.30 a.m. & dispatched at 5 p.m. Neatishead
the Rev. Charles Gaudern Wyche, who resides at Ashman- is the nearest money m:der & telegraph office, about
baugh. Beeston Hall, the property of Sir J. Preston hart. half a mile distant
and the residence of John M. Dove esq. is a mansion The children of this parish attend t1chool at Ashman•
in the Domestic Gothic style, standing in an extensive haugh
Dove John M. Beeston hall I Arthurton Robert, farmer I Harmer James, farmer
.BEETLEY is a parish, about 3 miles north-by-west the benefit of the poor inhabitants of BeetleY: ali' a
from Dereham and 3 south-west from North Elmbam rental of £6 and· under; Farrar's charity of £1 12s.
station on the Wells and Dereham section of the Great being a rent-charge on land, is distributed at Christ-
Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the county, mas to certain old people elected by the trustees. The
Launditch hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty 11es- rent-eharge on Turn farm, amounting to £7. 311. 4d.
sional division and union, East Dereham county court yearly, is expended in distrilmting loaves of bread every
district, rural deanery" of South Brisley, archdeaconry year to the poor. Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. of
of Lynn and diocess of Norwich. The church of St. Thickthorn, Hethersett, who is lord of the manor, Earl
Mary Magdalene is a small and plain building of flint, Sondes and the trustees {)f the late Mr. James Coker
with stone dressings, in the Early English style, con- are the chief landowners. The soil is mixed, portions
sisting of chancel, nave, south poreh and a massive inclining to heavy; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief
western tower, restored in 1911 at a cost of [235, and crcps are oats, wheat, barley and turnips. The area
containing ~'i bells: the chancel retains a beautifully is 2,121 acres; rateable value. £1,772; the population
carved but much mutilated piscina of white stone; in 19II was 318.
the chancel and nave were repaired in 1875, and in Post Office.-Ernest J. n. Groom, sub-postmaster.
1899 the chancel was thoroughly restored. new roofed, Letters through Dereham arrive at 7.3 0 & II.30 a.m.
re-seated, and floored, a new reredos being given, at (callers only); dispatched at 7 . 35 & u.5o a.m, & 6. 4 5
a eost of £7o, by Miss Easton, of Newcastle-on-Tyne: p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 7 . 20 a..m. & dispatched at
the nave was re-seated with open benches during the II. 40 a.m. Gressenhall, 3 miles distant, is the
year 1895, and a new roof was put on in 1902: there nearest money order & telegraph office
are now 120 sittings. The register dates from the year Wall Letter Box, Tarn House corner, cleared at 7. 4 5
I547· The a rectory, annexed to that of East a..m. & 7.'.1.0 p.m.; sun d ays, 7.20 p.m
Bilney, joint net yearly value £440, including 52 acres Wall Letter Box. Chapel corner. cleared at 7 &; 10 . 40
<Tift of Lieut.-Col. G. W.
of g-lebe and residence, in the .,- a.m. & 6 ·45 p.m.; sun d ays, II-45 a.m
Bird and Raymond ·Bicknell esq. and held since Igo8 by
the Rev. Norman Leslie Bicknell M.A. of Christ Church, Public Elementary School for Beetley & East Bilney,
Oxfmd, who resides at East Bilney. Here is a. Primi- Hungry Hill, for 130 children; average attendance,
tive Methodist chapel. The decayed parish of Bitterin~ n6; Francis Barkham Gale, master; Mrs. Louisa
~Iagna was divided many years ago between this parish Gale, mistress; Miss Irene Maud Shreeve, infants'
and Gressenhall, two-thirds being added to Beetley and mistress
the remainder to Gressenhall. There is a fuel allotment Clerk to the Parish Council & Tax Collector. Charles
of 20 acres, awarded at the time of the enclosure for Grix, East Bilney

Boatwright Waiter E. New inn Luck Thomas, boot maker
Farrow Geo. (Mrs.), farmer,Lodge fm Oliver Jn. Robt. frmr. High House fm
Atthow Jennison, farmer & coal d~alr Gapp Sarah (Mrs.). farmer Overson Robert, baker
Barker Robert, Punch Bowl P.H Groom Ernest J. H. grocer, Post off Robinson George, farmer. Bog farm
BPckett Herbert Failes, farmer, Hall Hewett Ernest, baker Boos Jacob, farmer
farm Hubbard Arthnr John,mrkt. gardener Scales Alfd. Ern est. frmr .OldHall fm
Bird William, farmer Kirk William f~Bl" Watts Williarrt, beer retailer

EEIGHTON is 8 parish and village 2 miles south- including Io acres of glebe, with residence, built by
WP.!it from Acle station and x! miles east from Ling- t,he Rev. T. L. Fellowes, in the gift of Robert Fellowe»
wood station, on the Norwich and Yarmouth branch esq. and held since 1899 by the Rev. Ralph William
of the Great Eastern railway, ro west from Yarmouth N evill M.A. of Keble College, Oxford, who is also, by
and I I east from Norwich, in the Eastern division of dispensation from the Archbishop of Canterbury, vicar
the county, Blofield and Walsham petty sessional divi- of Moulton St. Mary. There is a Primitive Methodis'
sion, Walsham hundred, Blofield union, Norwich county chapel, erected in 1862. The poor'8 allotment of Cj
court district, rural deanery of Blofield and archdea- acres produces about £r7 yearly. Robel't Fellowes esq.
conry and diocese of Norwich. '!'he church of AJI of Shutesham Park, is lord of the manor. The prin-
Saints is a. handsome edifice of flint in the Decorated cipal landowners are Thomas Henry Burroughes esq.
style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of four of Ketton Cottage, Stamford, the •:rustees of the late
bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western Henry N. Burroughes, Magdalen College, Oxford, and
tower with pinnacles containing one bell : it was re- the trustees of the late Mr. Daniel Gillett. The soil is
stored in 1847, at a cost of about j,2,ooo, by the Rev. mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats
T. L. Fellowes, then rector, fitted with open seats, and barley. The area it 1,029 acres; assessable value.
and the chancel windows filled with stained glas11 ; £r,12I; the population in 19II "\>as 207.
there are memorial windows to Oyrus Gillett, d. 1848, Parish Clerk, Alfred Barker.
and Sarah his wife, d. 1876, a.nd to Maria Gillett, their
daughter, d. 1853; the east window is a memorial to Post Office.-Miss Florence Sharman, sub-postmistress.
the Rev. Robert Burroughes, 8 former rector; the Letters through Norwich, via Ade, arrive at 7.25
font is Norman, and there is an ancient oaken chest: a.m. & (to callers) 4·35 p.m.; dispatched 3·45 p.m.;
in r8go tha upper storey of the tower was raised and no sunday delivery. Acle, 2 miles distant, is th~
the pinnacles surmounted by some stone figures of th!l nearest money order & telegraph office
Evangelists; and since r88r various other restorations Public Elementary School (mixed) (under 6 managers;
have been made, at a !COst of £662: there are 344 Rev. R. W. Nevill M.A. chairman), erected in r857.
sittings, all free. The register dates from the year by the Rev. T. L. J<'ellowes, for 56 children; average
1509. The living is a rectory, net yearly value [229, attendance, about 45; Mrs. H. Chapman, mistress
Nevill Rev. Ralph Wm. M.A. Rectory Harrison Ellen (Mn. ), farmer Shearing Arthur, shopkeeper
Roberson Miss, Beighton house Key Albert, blacksmith Wright John, farmer
COMMERCIAL. London Timothy Chas. Nelson tavern Wright Samuel Robert, farmer
Qooper William, farmer, Coxhill farm Sanderson Henry, farmer
BELAUGH is a parish and compact village occupying Buck, of Queen's College, Birmingham. The Rectory
au elevated position on lihe summit a.nd sides of an accli- house was repaired and enlarged in r883 and again in
vity, ri.sing from the left bank of the river Bure, ana lS I 1910. A sum of money, left in r8o8 for the repairs
mile west from Wroxham Junction station on the Norwich of the church, and invested in the Funds, produces
and Cromer section of the Great Eastern railway and 8~ £2o yearly. There is a charity of £7 yearly, invested
north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the in the Funds, for the benefit of the poor. The Trafford
county, South Erpingham hundred a.nd petty sessional family are lords of the manor and chief landowners_
division, Aylsham union and county court district, rural The sDil is sand and -gravel; subsoil, marl. The chief
deanery of Ingworth and archdeaconry and diocese of crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 848
Norwich. The church of St. Peter, situated on the sum- acres of land and 30 of water; rateable value, £r,o62;
mit of a hill, is a building of flint, in the Gothic style, the population in 19n was r6r.
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and Letter Box cleared at 12 _ , _20 & . p.m. & 8 a.m_
5 3 7 55
a western tower with four pinnacle;; containing 3 bells: sundays. Letters received from Norwich, via Hoveton,
the church retains a handsome .screen and an ancient arrive at 8 a.m. & 3.20 p.m. The nearest money
font: the organ was erected in 1886 and enlarged in order & telegraph office is at Wroxham, about 1 ~
1894 and 1904: therd are So sittings. The register dates miles distant
from the year 1538. The livmg is a. rectory, net yearly
value £r25, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop oi Public Elementary School (mixed), for 30 children; ave:r-
Norwich, and held since 1882 by the Rev. George Peter age attendance, 29; Miss E. T. Fox, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Minchin Henry Arbuthnot Fennell,
Buck Rev. George Peter, Rectory Belaugh lodge COMMERCIAL.
Eyre George, Bure cottage Ninham Henry W. J. The Gables Ives Charles, farmer
.Herring Percy Le Strange, Croft ho Ninham Mrs Ives Charles, jun. farmer
Howlett Horace, The Grange Piper Frank, Sunny 'Haigh Press Brothers, boat builders
Imray J oseph Middle ton, Hill crest Pollard Miss, Belaugh house Rise borough Charles, shopkeeper
BERGH APTON (or Burgh Apton) is a parish and r898, at a cost of £loo, by Miss Thursby, who also had
widely scattered village, 5 miles south-by-west from some beautiful mural decorations executed in the chancel
Buckenham station on the Norwich, Yarmouth and in r899, and in 1902 restored the porch and built a new
Lowestoft sections of the Great Eastern railway, 7~ choir vestry, at a cost of £357: a silver-gilt jewelled
south-east from Norwich and 3~ north-west from Lod- chalice and paten were presented by Mrs. William Ford
don, in the Southern division of the county, Clavering Thursby in 1899, in memory of her husband: a new
hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division organ was provided in 1900, at a cost of £400: there
and union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery are 360 sittings. The register dates from the year
of Brooke (Western division), archdeaconry of Norfolk 1556. The living is a rectory, with that of Holverston
and diocese of Norwich. The parish is bounded on the annexed, joint net yearly value £320, including 47
south by the river Chet. The church of SS. Peter and acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held
Paul is an ancient cruciform structure of flint and since r8cJ7 by the Rev_ Harvey William Gustavu:s
stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, 'l'hursby M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford, and J.P. fo.r
nave, transepts, north porch, now serving as a vestry, Norfolk. The ancient church of St. Martin, former!~·
south porch and a lofty embattled western tower con- existing here, was removed in 1834. There is a villag-e
taining a clock and 6 bells; the clock was presented by reading room, supplied with books and periodicals.
Lady .A.melia Pelham in 1838: the chancel was reseated The poor's land comists of 22 acres, let for £r2 13S.
in r865 at the expense of the rector: the east window (less tithes), which sum is distributed annually in coals.
is stained, and there are some memorial windows, in- A sum of £2,500, invested in the Norwich Diocesau
eluding one pla-ced in 1867 to Clara Thursby, others Trust Fund, was given in 1901 by Mrs. W. F. Thursb~·.
erected in r885 and one erected in 1893 to the Rev. the interest to be used in maintaining a parish nursP.
William FOl"d Thursby LL.B. rector 1864-93: the font, Washingford Manor House, now occupied as a farm
dating from the 13th century, is finely carved: in the house by Mr. Matthew Harrison, is surrounded by :1
church are several monuments to the Cooke family from lawn, thickly studded with oak and other trees-
1766 to 1843, and tablets to the Rev. Neville Waiter, a Bergh Apton Manor House, a handsome modern edific~
former rector, who d. r8o2, and to his wife, d. 18r2; of white brick, the property of James Christy esq. i;;
besides ot.her monuments to Robert Conoid, 47 years the residence of Mrs. J. D. Denny. The parish contain~
rector, d. 1715, and to Richard French, 45 years rector, two manors, Bergh Apton and Washingford, of whirl-r
d. 1764, and bras~es to Violet Georgina, daughter of R. H. Denny esq. of Framingham, and T. Denny Cooke
Graham Manners-Sutton esq. d. 1874, and Graham esq. are joint lords. The trustees of the late Rev. R. G.
Edward Henry Manners-Sutton, d. 1888: the church was Denny M.A. (d. r89o), Viscount Canterbury, Sir
restored and rsseated in I88I, when a handsome oak Reginald William Proctor Beauchamp hart. of Langley
pulpit and reading-desk were introduced at the expens~ Hall, J ames Christy esq. of Framing ham, and the Rev_
of the rector and his friends: the roof was repaired in H W. G. Thursby M.A., J.P. are the principal land-
owner~. The soil is light mixed; subsoil, sand and Brooke, j miles distant, is the nearest telegraph
gravel, with. some clay. The chief crops are wheat, office. Wall Letter Box, at White Lodge, cleared at
oats and barley, market garden produce and fruit, 4.20 p.m. (not sundays)
especially cherries. The area is 1,989 acres; rateable
value; £ 2 , 322 ; the population in rgn was 424 _ Public Elementary School (mixed). erected in 1836, &
Parish Clerk, William Stephen Lovd. enlarged in 1905, at a cost of £400, for 125 children;
Post & M. 0. Officc.-Mrs. Annie McPherson, sub-post- average attendance, 56; Miss Anna Beatrice Horrex,
mistress. Letters arrive from Norwich, delivered at mistress
6.30 a.m. & 4 p.m.; S'Undays, 8 a.m. (callers only) ; Carriers to Norwich, from Loddon, pass through mon.
dispatched at II.I5 a.m. & S p.m.; sundays, 5 p.m. wed. fri. & sat
Curtis Saml. Wm. farmer, White lo Leeder Edmund Albert,farmer, assist-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Drake William, gamekeeper to W. R. ant overseer, clerk to Parish Council
Bruce John Knight, The Cottage Mills esq & collector of King's taxes, Valley
Claxton Donald, The Hollies Dunt Robert Henry, blacksmith farm
.Denny Mrs. J. D. Manor house Ellis Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, Beech Lovewell David, shopkeeper
Harrison Matthew, Washingford farm (postal address, Thurton, Mayhew Charles, market gardener
Manor house Norwich) ~orman Henry, fatmer, Town farm
NorgatP Charles Edwd. Holly lodge Farrow Horace, market gardener Preston Fred, beer retailer
Thursby Rev. Harvey William Gusta- Farrow James, farmer, Mere farm Reading Room (J. Read, sec)
vus M.A., J.P. Rectory Girling Jabez, market gardener Redgrave Maurice Anron & Son, bldrs
COMMERCIAL. Harrison Mark, farmer & dairyman, Rope Aaron, farmer & market gardnr
Alexander Charles, farmer The Hall Sturman Henry Wm. market gardnr
Brinn John Raven, market gardener Harrison Matthew, farmer, Washing- Vincent Arthur,carpenter & whlwrght
(postal address, Thnrton, Norwich) ford Manor house Wall Leonard, market gardener
Brown Robert, farmer, Street farm Holman vVilliam, market gardener Westrop Jonathan Wilfred, farmer
Burgess Bros. farmers, Hillside farm Keeler John, rr.a.rket gardener (postal Wright George, shopkeeper
Burroug-hs Daniel, farmer,Bussey bdg address, Thurton) Wright Harry, boot maker
Carver Edwd. Geo. market gardener King H. A. & Co. oil &c. merchants Wright William, farmer
BESSINGHAM (or Bassingham) is a parish a miles
through the park, and attached to the house is a con-
north from Aylsham, 6 south-we-st from Crome.r, 6 north-
servatory; there are ah!o extensive shrubberies and
west from Gunton station on the Norwich and Cromer pleasure and kitchen gardens, the latter containing a
section c;>f the Great Eastern railway, 6 east-south-east
piduresque summer-house overlooking the road, with a
from Holt station on the Midland and Great Northern spired turret and stained windows. E. Denham Spurrell
joint railway and 9 from North Walsham, in the Northern
esq. J.P. is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
division of the county, union of Erpingham, hundred and
In the north-west part of the parish, on the estate, is
petty sessional division of Cromer, county court district
a mound surrounded by a moat; it was probably a
. of Halt, rural deanery of Repps, and archdea.conry andRoman encampment, a. quantity of Roman pottery
diocese of Norwich. The church of St.. Andrew, after having- been dug up on the site in 1870: the whole
br.ving been for many years in a very dilapidated condi·
now forms a. considerable plantation. The soil is
tion, was restored in 1869, and is a.n edifice of stone,
various, but chiefly brick earth and marl: the surface
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave,
is undulating and picturesque, being much wooded. The
south porch, and a round 'embattled western tower con-chief crops are wheat, turnip9, barley and J!TilSS. The
taining 2 bells : the communion plate includes a silver
area is 495 acres, of which 330 are arable and the rest
chalice dated I567: there are IOO sattings. The register
pasture; rateable value, £784; the population in I9II
dates from the year 1536. The living is n discharged was 141 in the civil and 1.'14 in the ecclesiastical parish
rectory, net yearly value £wo, with 33 acres of glebe in rgor. By the "Divided Parishes Act" a. deta.ched part
and residence, in the gift of the University of Oxford,
of this parish was amalgamated with Darningham
and held since 1896 by the Rev. Edward Howard Taylor Winter in r!l84.
B.A. and L.Th. of Durham University and M.A. of St. L tt Bo d t ._
Peter's College, Cambridge; who is also vicar of and e erd x llc1eat;e a 9·3° a.m. cu 5 ·45 p.m.; no
"d s t d Th e M anor H ouse, th e res1"dence
res1 es at us ea .
sun ay co ec wn. Letters through Norwich arri'l'"e
t 8 Th t d ._ t I h
· ·
0 f E . D en h am S purre11 esq. J . P . 1s a manswn o
fa d .30 a.m. e neares money or er "" e egrap
re · t G h b t ~ il d" t t
bnck, · the Tu d or sty 1e, erecte d m
1n · 1B7o, and s1tuated
· (; 1ce 1s a res am ' a ou 1~ m es 1s an
in a park of about roo acre~; a small stream meanders The children of this place _attend the school at Greshnm
COMMERCIAL. \Eglington Jn.Cooper, Horse S'hoesP.H
PRIVATE RI<;SIDENTS. Barney Robert Benj.farmr.Manor frm Rawlings Mary Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr
Spurrell Edmund Den ham J .P. Bessingham Bowling Club (Joseph i Thaxter George, farmer
Manor house Cox, sec) Witham Freder·ick, blacksmith
Spurrell Flaxman C. J. The Den Dunham John, farmer
:BE STHOR:PE is a p=ish and scattered village, I mile is now the property and residence of Mrs. Bryant: the
north-east from Attleborough station on the Thetford and house underwent considerable alterations in 1881: the
Wymondham section of the Great Eastern railway, in the inclosing walls of an old tilting ground here are still
Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and Shropham standing. There is a fuel allotment of 15 acres, let at
petty sessional division, Wayland union, Shropbam £5 yearly. Henry Edwin Garrod esq. of Mount stret>t.,
hundred, Attleborough county- court district, rural dean- Diss, is lord of the manor. The land is generally frPe-
ery of Rockland (North Division), a;rchdeaconry of Nor- hold, in the occupation of various owners. Mrs. Brynnt,
folk and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints Miss Bauly, of Kenninghall, Mrs. Emily Peto, Willinm
is a cruciform building of Hint, in the Decorated style, Black esq. and the trustees of James Clarke esq. are the
and consists of chancel, nave, tra.nsepts, south porch principal landawners. The sm:t is cla.y; subsoil, clay.
and a lofty western tower containing 5 bells: there is a The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 2.191
fine monument of white marble to members of the Drury acres; rateable value, £3,945; the population in I9II
family and a. memorial window to th., Rev. Edward was 523.
Banister, vicar 1857-80: the church was partly restored Sext{)n, William Cook. •
in r876, and the work completed in 1883, and has 200
sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The liv- Post Office, Mill road.-Mrs. Cathe;ine Nelson, sub-
ing is a vicarage, net yearly value £177, with 33 acres of postlnistress. Letters through Attleborough, arrivP at
glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Utton Browne 6.15 a. m. & i.m p.m.; dispatched at II-45 a.m. k 8
and trustees, and held since 1903 by the Rev. Vincent p.m.; no sunday delivery. Attleborough, 2 miles
William Saulez B.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. distant, is the nearest money order k telegraph cffice
Besthorpe Hall, a mansion of red brick, erected in 1590, Wall Letter Box, Turnpike. cleared 6.35 p.m. week days
was originally the seat of Sir William Drury, whose only
ar:ms, toget~er with those of the Needhams, Earls and Pillar Letter Box, The Limes, cleared a.m. & . 10
V1scounts Kilmorey, appear over the east front; before p m week days only 7 7
1771. it became the property of the Earl of Winterton. by · ·
purchase from William, sth Lord Byron, and Elizabeth I Public Elementary School (mixed), for 93 children;
bis wife, in whose possession it remained until 1879; ili average attendance, 70; Miss ¥. V. Capon, mistress
. Horace Edward, The Cottaae
e Saulez Rev. Vincent Wm. B.A. (vicar) COVVKBCIAL.
Bryant Mn. Besthorpe hall Utton-Browne Mn. Vicarage Brook.a James, farmer, Stubley fRrm
Clarke Misses, Old hall Brown Albert (Mrs.). farmer,The Carr

Brown John, farmer Larkman Jas. &; Son, iron & brass 1 Riseborougb William, farmer
Butler Frederick, grocer &; draper founders & agricultural implement Scott Thomas, farm bailiff to W. B,
Clarke Charles, farmer & landowner, makers & general agents Colman esq
The Limes Lester Wm. miller (wind & steam) Sewell William, farmer, The Carr
Cushing Henry, faimer, The Carr Lincoln Alfred William, farmer, Smith Chas. Alfd. shpkpr. & blcksmtb
Dordery Henry Augustus, farmer Rookery farm Smith Edward, farmer
Downes Robt. cycle agnt. Norwich rd Lord Thomas, farrher, The Carr Thompson Henry, farmer
Downes Robert, farmer, Decoy farm Moore Henry, farmer Turner William Henry, farmer &.
Edwards Sl. Compasses P.H.& carpntr Musson Edward, farmer mail contractor, Walnut farm
Garner John, Fox &; Hounds P.H Pooley Joseph John, builder, well· Warren John Joseph Edwin, farmer &
Hardy James, farmer sinker, contractor, house decorator landowner
Howlett Wm. beer retlr. Norwich rd & shopkeeper; all parts of the Wilkinson Hedley, farmer, Mayfielri
Johnson James, farmer building trade executed [

EEXWELL is a parish on the road from Downbam to placed at the cost of the Rev. James Henchman Clubbe,.
Swaffham and Brandon, r! miles east from Downham late rector, 1874-90: there are 6o sittings. The registsr
Market station on the Ely and Lynn section of the Grea.t dates from the year 1558 and is in excellent preserva-
Ea.stern railway, in the South Western division of the tion. The living is a. discharged rectory, net yearly
county, Clackclo3e hundred and petty sessional division, value [:J32, with 40 acres of glebe and residence, in the
Downham union and county court district, rural deanery gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1911 by
nf Fineham (East Division), archdeaconry of Lynn and the Rev. Charles Wilton Prangley. Edward Roger
dioce11e of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a build· Murray Pratt esq. of Ryston Hall, who is lord of the
ing of rag-stone, in the Norman and Early English styles, manor, and William Henry Brown esq. of Crimplesham
and coru;ists of chancel, nave, south porch and a round Hall, are the principal landowners. The soil is good
tower surmounted by an octagonal belfry of the Perpen- loam; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are
diculBJ" period, containing I bell: the pulpit, designed wheat and barley, on the four-course system, The area
and executed by W. Lawrie, of Downham Market, is of is r, r8a acres; rateable value, £1,355; the population
Caen stone, in the Early English style, and adorned with in 19II was 77·
a figure in Italian alabaster of our Lord bearing His Parish Clerk, Goorge Sawyer.
eross: there BJ"e memorials to Gregory Bexwell, 1641;
Gregory Bexwell, jun. z6 49 ; Henry Bexwell, 1654 ; Letters through Downham, the nearest money order &
Francis Batchcroft, 16s8; and to the Rev. Francis Hun- telegraph office, arrive at 7 a.m. & 1 p.m. Letter
gerford Daubeny, rector from 1g14, d. 1g29 ; in 1 8 78 a. Box cleared at 10.50 a.m. & 7.10 p.m.; sundays,
memorial window wa·s erected in the east end to the Rev. 11.3o a.m
Edward John Howman M.A. rector from 1831, at the The children of this place attend the schools at Crimple-
cost of the family, a new reredos being at the same time sham &; Denver ·
Goodwyn Edwin Davies, Manor house Brownlow Samuel, farmer, Stone Hill Howlett George Uriah, farmer
Prangley Rev. Charles Wilton(rector), farm Vine Alice J. (Miss), farmer
:DILLINGFORD (near East Dereham) is a parish and hospital for poor travellers, founded by William dff
village occupying the east side of the vale of the Wensnrn, Be~ in ths time of Henry Ill. and dedicated to St.
1! miles east from North Elmham station on the Dereham Thomas of Canterbury: the house is entirely surrounded
and Wells section of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 by a moat in excellent preservation, and the gardPns
miles north from Dereham, in the Northern division of retain an ancient box fence 20 feet wide and 40 yards
the county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional division, long. Billingford Hall, the property of W. R. Collyer
Mitford and Launditch union, Dereham county court esq. of Ha,:::kford Hall, is now the residence of William
district, rural deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry and Ht-itland Blake esq. J.P. The Earl of Leicester
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is a build- G.G. V .0. is lord of tb.e manor and principal land-
ing of Hint, in the Early English style, consisting of owner. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, gravel
chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, south and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots.
porch and an octagonal embattled western tower con- The area is 1,804 acres of land and I I of water;
taining one bell : there is a piscina in the chancel and rateable value, £1,469; the population in 1911 was
one in the north aisle, and at the south doorway is a 293·
mutilated holy-water stoup: the church affords 200 Parish Clerk James Woods.
sittings. The register dates ·from the year 1813. The
living is a rectory, net yearly value £ 240 , including 15 Post & Telegraph Office.-Frederick Charles Roberts~
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Earl sub-postmaster. Letters through Elmham arrive at
of Leicester, and held since 1900 by the Rev. John 7· 15 a.m. & 1· 15 p.m.; dispatched at 8.45 a.m. &.
Griffin Lambert M.A. of Selwyn College, Cambridge, 6.30 p.m.; no sunday delivery. Elmham, 2 miles
and chaplain of Gressenhall union. There is a Primi- distant, is the nearest money order office
tive Methodist chapel, built in 1908. The fuel allot- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1875 at a
ment of ssa. Ir. I8p. is let for £?i5 yearly, High cost of about £200, enlarged in 1895 at a cost of
House is built on the site of a barrow, in which a £130, for Bo children; average attendance 44; Mrs.
Roman urn was found. Beck Hall was anciently a Charlotte Tombling, mistress '
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Mayes Frederick John, Billingford Howard James, shoe maker
· High house Hudson Robert, farmer, Beck hall
Blake 1-Villiam Heitland J.P. Billing- Johnson William, Bell inn
ford hall COMMERCIAL. Jordan George, Three Tuns P.H
Hudson John Peter, The Lodge Bales &; Son, mMket gardeners Mayes Frederick John, farmer, Bil-
Hudson Miss, East End house Dack Jesse, blacksmith lingford High house
Hudson Robert, Beck hall Davey Geo. Brightmore; assist. oversr Parfitt Ernest, market gardener
Lambert Rev. John Griffin M.A. Francis Edward, baker Roberts Charles, farmer
(rector, chaplain of Gressenhall Howard Elvina (Mrs.), thrashing ma- Roberts Frederick Charles, grocer
workhouse), Rectory chine proprietor Watson Charles, farmer
EILLINGFORD, otherwise Pyrle11ton (near Diss), is . M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. There- is a charity of
a parish and straggling village, on the north sidB of the ' £2 yearly value for bread. George Halt Wilson esq. who
Waveney, on the borders of Suffolk, 3 miles east from ~ is lord of the manor, and Sir Edward Mann bart. J.P. are
Diss station on the Great Eastern railway, m the Southern ' the principal landowners. The soil is light and heavy
division of the county, Earsham hundred and petty ses- , land, mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crop:>
sional division, Depwade union, Harleston county court are wheat, barley and roots, in usual proportions. The
district, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of area is 1,041 acres; rateable value, [r,o14; the popula·
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. tion in 19n was r85.
Loonard is an ancient building of flint in the Early Post Office.-William Amos Gardner, sub-postmaster.
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch Letters through Scale delivered at 6.30 & 10.30
and a. low western tower containing one bell; the whole a.m. (callers only); dispatched 9·40 a.m. &; 7.10 p.m.;
fabric was thoroughly restored in 1881 and has 120 sundays, 6.30 a.m.; dispatched, 11.5 a.m. Scale is
sittings. The register dates from the year 1640. The the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2 miles
living is a. rectory, with that of Little Thorpe annexed, distant
joint net yearly value [.2oo, including 32 acres of glebe Pillar Letter Box, Upper Common, cleared at 7-30 a.rn.
and residBnce, in the gift of George Holt Wilson esq. &; 6.40 p.m
and held since 1908 by the Rev. Godfrey Thomas Bent The children of this place attend the school at Scale
Bent Rev. Godfrey Thomas M.A. (rec- Crawshay Richard Wood, miller (wind rlowerdew Edgar Frank, farmer, The
tor), Rectory & water) Grove
Elsden Mrs Fitch Thos. Sydney, farmer, The Corn Gardner Wm.A.blacksmith, & post oft
COMMERCIAL. Flowerdew Arthur John Blomfield, Groom & Symonds, maltsters
Bar tram John & Alfred, farmers farmer, The Hall Feake Rosa (Miss), Three Horse-
! shoes P.H
BILLOCKBY is a parish 2! miles from ..icle station £429, in the gift of and held !lince 18gB by the Right
on the Norwich and Yarmouth section of the Groo.t Rev. George Carnae Fisher D.D. of Brasenose College,
Eastern railway, 3! south-west from Martham station Oxford, who resides at Burgh St. Margaret. The poor's
and 6 west from Ormesby station, both on the Midland allotment of 4 acres produces about £1-:J yearly, which
and Great Northern joint railway, r4 north-east from is distributed in coals. Tht~ Rt. Rev. George Carnac
Norwich and B! north-west from Yarmouth, in the Fisher D.D. rector of Burgh St. Margaret, is lord of
Eastern division of the county, the incorporated hun- the manor and the principal hmdowner. The soil is
dreds, petty sessional division and incorporation of East mixed; subsoil, sand and clay. The chief crops are
and West Flegg, Great Yarmouth county court district, the usual cereals. The area is 3r:/J acres ; assessable
rural deanery of Flegg and archdeaconry and diocese of value, £390; the population in I9II was 85.
Norwich. The church of .All Sa·ints, struck by lightning Parish Oerk, Jonathan Pulford.
and burnt down many years ago, is now for the most
part in a ruinous condition and overgrown with ivy, with Letters through Yarmouth arrive at 7.30 a.m. Burgh
the exception of the chan<!el, which was restored 11bout St. Margaret is the nearest money order & telegraph
1872: there is one bell and about <;o sittings. The office, about I mile distant
register dates from the year r8r3. The living is a rectory, The children of this place -&.ttend the Bchool at Burgh
annexed to Burgh St. Margaret, joint net yearly value St. Margaret
Culley Charles, farmer, The Hall
I Gowing John, farm bailiff to Mr. C., Greenacre Thomas R. farmer
Cullcy, The Hall Linford William George, farmer
EAST BILNEY is a village and parish 3 miles west have been the scene of an engagement dul'inl!' the
from North Elmham station on the Dereham and Wells Civil War: spurs, sword hilts and other srticles have
section of the Great Eastern railway and 5 north-west been found here. Thomas Bilney, a native of this
from Dert>ham, in the Mid division of the county, Laun- parish, educated at Cambridge and subsequently a hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty -sessional clerk in holy orders, was burnt at Norwich as a.
division and union, East Dereham county court district, heretic, 19 .August, 1531, and his ashes, brought by
rural deanery of South Brisley, archdeaconry of Lynn the parishioners and buried in an urn in the church,.
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a yard, were so found by the present clerk in digging a
small building of flint with stone dressings, in the Early grave; the cottal!'e in which he lived still exists, and
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch possesses a curiously wrought ceiling of black wood.
and a western tower, the original upper stage of which East Bilney Hall, the property of .,and occupied by
was destroyed during Ket's rebellion in 1549, but in Matthew Wilson Hervey esq. J.P. is a. spacious man~
1906 the tower was restored and heightened, and con- sion of white brick, erected by W. T. Collisonee~q. in
tains one bell : over the porch is a parvise, in which 1867: there is some ornamental water {)n the north
a library was formerly kept: the remains of a building aide, inclosed by plantations, within which considerable
on the south side, supposed to have been a chapel, were remains of foundations have been discovered, constructed
rebuilt in 18 8() and converted into an organ chamber; of bricks of a peculiar shape and make; the site was
in 1883 a new chancel was built in memory of the Rev. formerly inclosed by a moat, now filled np. Sir George
Henry Collison, rector, 1833-81, by his widow. and a Ralph Leigh Hare bart. of Gressenhall House, is lord
stained window placed at the east end by his surviving of the mano11. The principal lando .. ner is Matthew
daughters; in 1&85 a memorial window was erected to Wilson Hervey esq. J.P. The soil in some parts is of a
Thomas Bilney, the martyr, mentioned hereafter, and light nature, and in others large quantities of excellent
there are several others; the church affords 8o sittings. brick-earth are found. Some of the finest malting barley
The register dates from the year 1547. The living is a is grown here. The area is 557 acres, of which about 40
rectory, with that of Beetley annexed, joint net yearly acres are plantation; rateable value, £713; the popula-
value £440, including 52 acres of glebe, with residence, tion in 19II was 149·
in the gift of Lieut.-Col. G. W. Bird and Raymond Post Office. .Mrs. Amelia Muffett, 8 ub-postmistress-
Bicknell esq. and held since rgo8 by the Rev. Norman· Letters are received at 7 . 10 a.m. & 12 .25 p.m. from
Leslie Bicknell M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. The Dereham; dispatched at 10 a. m. & 6.25 p.m. Brisley.
rectory house was built in 1840 by the Rev. Henry 2 miles north, is the nearest telegraph office & Gres-
Qollison, a former rector. In 1838 Rebecca Pearce built Renhall, 3 miles south, is the nearest money order
almshouses for three poor aged couples of the hundred office
of Launditch, and W. Pearce esq. endowed these with a Pillar Letter Box, at Almshouses, cleared at ro a.m. &
rent-charge of £6o a year, charged on land at St. Paul's, 6 ·35 p.m.; sun d ays, II-3 a.m
Shadwell, London; the land has been sold, and the
purchase money invested and now ( 1912 ) produces Council School, for the parishes of East Bilney & Beetley,
£70 yearly. Close by thP. church is a piece of land, is on Hungry Hill
named in the parish map "Bloodfields," and said to Tax Collector. -Charles Grix
Bicknell Rev. Norman Leslie M.A. Franklin John, farmer Mitchell William Henry, farm bailiff
(rector), Rectory Grix Charles, farmer, assistant over- to W. Nicholson esq
;Hervey Matthew Wilson J.P. East seer, clerk to Parish Council & tax Mobbs Arthur, higgler
Bilney hall 'collector Rudrum Harry, g-ardener to M. W.
Jarrott George Benj. Horseshoes P.H Hervey !lsq
COMMERCIAL. King John, farmer . Ward William, boot maker
Creed Alfred, farmer King William, farmer . Wright William, Swan P .H
WEST BILNEY is a village and parish, r! miles south- situated in a well-timbered park, surrounded by ex-
east of East Winch station on the Lynn and Norwich line of tensive plantations and drivet!- The mansion was en-
the Great Eastern railway, and 7 east-south-east_ from larged and restored iiL 1go8, and the grounds beautifully
Lynn, in the North \Vestern division of the county, Free- laid ontl. Th~ trustees of the late Herbert Tallent esq.
bridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional division, union who are lordtt vf the manor, and W. E. G. Wyrley-Birch
and county court district, rural deanery and archdeaconry esq. J.P _ are -the principal landowners. The soil is
of Lynn (Norfolk), and diocese of Norwich. The church of sand, loam and a little clay;-, subsoil, gravel and sand.
St. Cecilia is a small but ancient structure of flint and The chief crops are wheat, oats, turnips and hay. The
~tone, in the Perpendicular 11tyle, consisting of nave and area is 2,387 acres; rateable. valu~ £1,607; the popu-
an embattled western tower containing one bell: in 1881 Iation in 19n was 192.
the church was reseated, the east end enclosed by a rail- Parish Clerk, Henry Curl.
ing, and ref!.oored, so as to form a pro-chancel, and a new Letters through Lynn arrive at 8. 30 a.m. The neare•'
pulpit, reading desk and lectern provided at a cost of money order offi.c~ & telegraph station is at East Winch,
£wo: there are 120 sittings. The register dates from I! miles distant
the year 1562_ The living is a vicarage, net yearly value ,
Wall ~ett€r Bo~. near the church, cleared at 9.40 a.m.
£51, including 13 acres of glebe, in the gift of Lieut.- & 6 p.m. week days only
CoL William Herring, of Narborough House, and held
1iince 1go8 by the Rev. Alfred John Knight, ~ho is also The children attend l!chool at Pentney
vicar- of and resides at Pentney. We!it Bilney Lodge, Carrier~~llunter, h-om Pentney, pa8.!!eJ1 through t.ues-
the seat of W. E. G. Wyrley-B.irch esq. J.P. is pleasantly · & aat ·

COMMERCIAL. Darling Samuel, farm bailiff to
Hell S. J. k Co. The Norfolk Game Watson Failes esq. Ivy lodge
Tallent Mrs. Manor house farm, game food manufacturers & Forbes William, farm bailiff to W. E.
Wyrley-Birch "\V. E. G., J.P. West game farmers G. Wyrley-Birch esq
Bilney lodge Bell Samuel, game farm, The Beeches Hammond Rd. general smith & gro
BINHAM (or Binham Abbey) is a parish and large former is obsolete but the latter is still held on the
village, 5 miles north-east from Walsingham and 5 south- 26th July. Part of the ancient market cros11 still re-
east-by-east from Wells station on the Great Eastern rail- mains. The annual rents of a. public house and 27a. 3r.
way, in the Northern division of the county, North Green- 23p. of land are devoted to apprenticing the children
hoe hundred and petty sessional division, Walsingbam of the poor, the distribution of coals and other charitable
union and county court district, rural deanery of Walsing- purposes: there are also two cottages for the occu-
ham, archdeaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Norwich. The pation of deserving people, rent free. The Benedictine
church of St. Mary, formerly that of the priory, was priory of the Blessed Virgin, of Binham, was founded
originally a stately crucifmm edifice with a massive tower; by Peter de Valoines, a nephew of William the Con-
the choir, which was used only by the monks, was de- queror, before 1093-7, and was dedicated as above in
stroyed at the suppression of the priory in 1540; the nave, 1107, and at the same date made a cell of St. Albans
originally of nine bays, with triforium and clerestory, now Abbey: of the frater and chapter house slight remains
consists of seven onlv,
- the two easternmost, which formed still exist. In the second year of King John th(l patronage
part of the monks' choir, having been destroyed with it; was claimed by Robert Lord Fitzwalter, who besieged it
the existing portion still, as in ancient times, serves as the in order to reinstate Thomas the prior, who had been de-
parish church, and there is a llmall western bell-cot con- posed by the Prior of St. Albans, but the 11iege wali success-
t3ining one bell : the Perpendicular font, an ancient and fully raised by forces sent by King John for its defence :
much mutilated work, is ornamented on the ~xterior with on its dissolution in 31 Henry VIII. (1539-40) there were
carved representations of the Seven Sacraments and the 7 monks, and revenues valued at £150, equivalent to
Tzinity, figures of saints in niches occupying the lower about £3,000 in the present day; soon after it was granted
panels : there are also remains of an ancient and richly- to Thomas Paston e11q. fifth son of Sir William Paston
"'1.1luminated screen, with figures of saints : the lower part knight, and is now the property of Thomas Bryan Clarke-
. of the wall conatituting the east end, is the Norman wall Thornbill esq. of Rusbton Hall, Kettering, who is lord
. fJf partition between the church of the monks and that of of the manor and principal landowner; the tenure in
•the parish: the south aisle disappeared at an early date, the manor is by " smockhold," that is, the wife
, and some of its windows were transferred to the triforium possesses an equal claim in the copyhold with her hus-
openings and to the Norman arches: the north aisle wat~ band and retains her claim in th6 event of his dying
.i'emoved during the last century, and of the transepts and intestate. The soil is light; subsoil, marl. The chief
. choir only fragments are now atanding: the west front, crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 2,293
. a grand and wonderful example of Early English, wa'· acres; rateable value, £2,284; the population in 19II
the work of Prior Richard de Parco (1226-44) and but was 446.
·'for the detailed account given by Matthew Paris wouln Parish Clerk, George Hooke .
.certainly be regarded as of mush later date: the church
--was ne•-roofed in 1903 at a co~t of £r,3oo, and is now Post & M. 0. Office.-~iss Maria Fox, sub-postmistress.
(1912) undergoing further rPstoration: there are 300 Letters are received through Wighton at 6.40 a.m. &
. 11ittings. The register dates from the year 1559- The 5.25 p.m. & dispatcbr.d at 7-55 a.m. & 5-55 p.m.; no
· Jiving is a vicarage, net yearly value £103, with 34 acres sunday delivery or dispatch. Field Dalling, 2 miles
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Nor- distant, is the nearest telegraph office
wich, and held since 19II by the Rev. Lancelot Reginald
Moore M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. A Primitive Public Elementa-ry School (mi.~ed), erected in 1878, for
Methodist chapel was erected in 1868. Henry I. gave 70 children; a class room for infants has been added;
this place a charter for a market and a fair; the average attendance, 84; Owen Potter, bead master
Blade .Tobn, The Cottage Fox Samuel, accountant & farmer,clerk Mas~ingham Richard, boot repairer
Case James Philip, Abbey farm to Bale, Hindringham, Field Dall- Melton Robert, baker
- _Moore Rev. Lancelot Reginald M.A. ing, Binham, Langham, Brinton, Neale Arthur Thomas, baker
!vicar), Vicarage Briningham & Morston Parish Read Arthur, King-'s Arms P.H
Councils, & assistant overseer for Reading Room (J.S.Grange, bon. sec)
.. COMMERCIAL. Rix William, pig- dealer
Bale, Hunworth, Stody, Saxling-
· 1Bunnett J ames, farmer, W estga.te ham & Sharrington Rye Geo. farm bailiff to J.P. Case esq
··Case James Philip, farmer, Abbey farm Grange John Suggett, builder Sillis Robert, Chequers P.H
•·,.Curson John, shopkeeper Harris Ernest Fountaine, farmer Smith John, beer retailer
Farrow Brothers, grocers Hooke George, parish clerk & tailor Spalding Jacob, gamekeeper to W. E.
><rox Maria (Miss), grocer & draper, Howell Arthur, butcher Horne esq
Post office Lake John, farmer Youngman George, shopkeeper
Lake Thomas, blacksmith

~INTREE, nr Bintry, is a parish on the river Wensnm, purposes and the other half in providing fuel for the poor;
half a mile south from Foulsham station on the Aylsham 2nd, The Fuel Allotments Trust, to be given in coals to the
·branch and 2 miles east from the County School station on settled inhabitant& holding less than £5 yearly; 3rd, The
the Dereham branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 8 Poor Houseli Trust; this trust at present is in abeyance,
iJouth-east from Fakenham, in the Northern division of !!ome of its land having become incapable of identification.
the county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional division, Yarrow Hall, the residence of Lieut.-Col. Alfred Victor
Mitford and Launditch union, East Dereham county court St. John White J.P. is a mansion of yellow brick,
dio;trict, rural deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry and j pleasantly situated about 2 miles from the main road
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Swithin is an ' and overlooking the river Wensum. The Earl of
IJTlcient structure of flint in the Decorated style of the I Leicester G.C.V.O. who is lord of the manor of Hast-
14th century, consisting of chancel, nave, aisle, south ings Byntre, purchased by Lord Chief Justice Coke in
porch, south transept and a western tower containing 3 16o8, in consideration of £625; Lord Hastings, William
bells: there is a Norman piscina, discovered in 1903: John Stone and John Field esqrs. are the chief land-
the stained east window is a memorial to Elizabeth owners. There is also another manor in this parish
(Wallis), wife first of Lord James Nugent Eoyle Bernardo styled Bintry, belonging to Christ's College, Cambridge.
Townshend, capt. R.N., K.C.B. who die-d 28th June, The soil is mixed, light and sandy; subsoil, sandy and
1842, and afterwards of Capt. W. H. Henderson R.N., clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and
C.B. who died in 1855: this lady died 15th July, 1873: some land in pasture. The area is 1,470 acres of land
the chancel was rebuilt in 1Bo6, and the whole church re- and 8 of water; rateable value, £1,614; and the popu-
'paved and re~eated in 186<; : the nave was re-roofed lation in I9II was 6o3.
in 1903: there are 200 sittings. The register dates Parish Clerk, John Butters.
from the year 1686. The living is a rectory, consoli- Post Office.-William Chapman, sub-postmaster. Letters
dated with that of Tbemelthorpe, joint net yearly through East Dereham arrive at 6.5 a.m. & 12.50
value [328, with 32 acres of glebe and residence, in the p.m.; dispatched: at 11.25 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sundays,
gift of Lord Hastings, and held since 1Bg8 by the Rev. arrive at 6.5 a. m. & dispatched at 6. 15 p.m. Fouls-
Joseph Erown Hewetson M ..A.. of Queen's College, Oxford. ham, I mile distant, is the nearest money order &
There is a Primitive Methodist chapel. In the parish are telegraph office
three charitable trusts: the first is a trust now jointly Public Elementary School (mixed), built. in 1879• at a
admini11tered by the Ohnrch authorities and the Pari11h cost of £4oo, for 66 children; average attendance, 41;
Council, half of the income being devoted to Church John E. Watson, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hipkin Horace, wheelwright
Field .T ohn, Fairlawn COMMERCIAL. Holmes Stephen, Half Moon P.H
Hall Robert C. Manor house Baker Chas. gardener to Lieut.-Col. Prior George, bricklayer
Hewetson Rev, Joseph Brown M.A. A. V. St. John White J.P. Yarrow Sayer Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Rectory cottage (letters through Elmham) Seaman & Son,millers (water),Bintree
Stone William John, Yarrow farm Barber Ernest, farmer mill; & at North Elmham
(letters & telegrams through Elm- Bulter William Isaac, grocer Smith George Ezra, farmer
ham) Field John, farmer & landowner Stone William John, farmer, Yarrow
White Lieut.-Col. Alfred Victor St. Galley William, farmer farm (letters through Elmham)
John J .P. Yarrow hall (letters & Hall Rt. C. farmer, Manor House frm Wright Henry, butcher
telegrams through Elmham) Harvey Frederick, Royal Oak P.H
GREAT BIRCHAM is a village and parish, 3! mile11 £roo, the interest to be given in coal to the inmates
south from Docking station, on the Lynn and Wells section of the almshouses. George, 2nd Marquess of Chol-
of the Great Eastern railway, 5 north from Massingham mondeley, in 1869, erected almshouses here, for four old
station on the Midland and Great Northem joint railway, in women. The Marquess of Cholmondeley P.C. is lord of
the North Western division of the county, Smithdon hun- the manor and principal landowner. The .soil is of a
dred, Smithdon and Brothercross petty sessional division, fair, light, mixed character; subsoil, clay and chalk.
Docking union, Little Walsingham county court district. The crops are on the four-course system. The area is
rural deanery of Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn and 3,780 acres; rateable value, £1,762; the population in
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a building I9II was 366.
of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, Sexton, Robert Bone.
nave, aisles, north porch and a noble west em tower con-
taining 5 b11lls: the chancel was restored in 185o, a window Post Office. John Bales, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
in the Perpendicular style inserted, the communion rail8 through King's Lynn & are delivered at 7 a.m. & 3
renewed and an organ erected ; the stained west window i~ p. m. ; sundays, 7 a.rn. ; box closes, week days at 9·35
a memorial to G. R. Hammond esq. : the communion table a.m. & S-55 p.rn.; sundays, 3 p.m. Docking, 3l miles
dates from 1640: in 1896 a marble tablet was placed in the distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
church by the parishioners and old scholars in memory of Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 9·45 a.m.
John and Harriet Layland, for over 40 years master and & 5-45 p.m. & 3 p.m. sundays
mistress of the school, and there is another tablet to the
same family: the church affords 400 sittings. The regis- Public Elementary School, erected in 1842, & 11ince en-
ter dates from the year 1657. The living is a recwry. ~a~~:~esfo~ dr~atb~~~h::l,s B~c~~~n~~w~~~. ~~t~:.
net yearly value £.po, including 73 acres of glebe, with R
i"esidence, in the gift of three trustees, and held since Tofts & Bagthorpe; average attendance, Jl3; · R.
rgoo by the Rev. Alexander Wheatcroft B.A. of Corpus Ruscoe, master
Christi College, Cambridge. Here is a Primitive Metho- Carriers to Lynn.-Robert Bone & Fleetwood Colman,
dist chapel, built in 1871. Miss Kitton left the sum of tues. & fri
Wheatcroft Rev. Alexander B.A. The Hopking William Waiter, insurance Mason Louis Reeve, King's Head inn
Rectory agent, district surveyor (Western Sheldrak Robert, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. division), Docking Rural District Sheldrake John, shoe maker
Bees ton John Dunn, grocer Council, as-siSitant overseer & clerk Stebbings Ephraim, farm bailiff to E.
Beeston John Dnnn, jun. coal dealer to Parish Council W. Wilson esq. Heath & Town frms
Bone Robert, carrier Howard William Alfred, miller (wind) Strangleman Richd.carpenter & joiner
Colman Noah, blacksmith & baker Wharton Herbert Edgar, farmer &
Colman Fleetwood, carrier Howell Robert, pork butcher estate agent to C. D. Seymour esq.
Hopking William Clement (exors. of), Larg-e Henry, farm bailiff to H. E. B.A., J.P. Church farm
farmers, Moor farm Wharton esq •

BIRCHAM N""EWTON is a small village and parish, held since 1894 by the Rev. John Church Francis Hare
2! miles south from Docking station, on the Lynn and M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The Marquess of Chol-
Wells section of the Great Eastern railway, 15 north-east mondeley iP.C. is lord of the manor and sole landowner.
from Lynn, and 7! south-west from Burnham Market, in The soil is of a mixed character ; subsoil, clay and chalk.
the North Western division of the county, Smithdon The chief crops are on the four-course shift. The area
hundred, Smithdon and Brothercross petty aessional divi- is 1,168 acres; rateable value, £546; the population in
sion, Docking union, Little Walsingham county court dis- 1911 was 87.
trict, rural deanery of Heacbam, archdeaconry of Lynn Parish Clerk, Edward Jacob Osborne.
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a
small but ancient building of flint, in the Perpendicular Letters are received through Lynn, via Great Bircham,
style, consisting of chancel, nave and an embattled western at 8.3o a. m. & through Docking at 2.15 p.m. Dock-
tower containing one bell: the church affords 6o sittings. ing is the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2~
The register dates from the year 1744· The living is a miles distant. Box closes 9·So a.m. & 6 p.m.; sun-
rectory, with that of Bircham Tofts annexed, joint net days, 3 p.m
yearly value £292, including 82 acres of glebe, with resi- The children of this place attend the school at Great
dence, in the gift of the Marquess of Cholmondeley, and Bircham
Hare Rev. John Church Francis M.A.j MaUhews Frederick John, farmer, 1Matthews Robert, farmer, Hall farm
Rectory Ohurch farm
:BIRCHAM TOFTS is a village and parish, 31 miles ! Exeter College, Oxford, who resides at Bircham Newton.
south from Docking station on the Lynn and Wells section The Marquess of Cholmondeley P.C. is lord of the
of the Great Eastern railway and 7~ south-west from manor and sole landowner. Three almshouses were
Burnham Market, in the North Westem division of the erected here in 1869 by George, 2nd Marquess, for three
county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and Brothercross old women. The soil is of a light mixed character;
petty sessional division, Docking union, Little Walsing- subsoil, clay and chalk. The chief crops are generally
ham county court district, rural deanery of Heacham, on the four-course system. The area. is 1,5o8 acres;
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church rateable value, £613; the population in 19II was nB.
of St. Andrew is a. small but ancient edifice of stone, in Parish Clerk Edward Jacob Osborne
the Perpendicular style, consisting of nave and a low ' ·
western tower containing one bell: the roof under the Letters are received through Lynn. The nearest money
tower wa.s restored in 1 8 95: there are 100 sittings. The order & telegraph office is at Docking, 3l miles distant
register dates from the year 1715 , The living is a rec- Wall Letter Box, cleared at g a.m. & 5.30 p.m. ; sun-
tory, united to that of Bircham Newton, joint net yearly days, 9 a.m
value £292, including 82 acres of glebe and residence, in The children of this place attend the &ehool at Great
the gift of the 'Marquess of Cholmondeley, and held since Bircham
1894 by the Rev. John Church Francis Hare M . .A. of Carrier to Lynn.-Mrs. Mary E. Taylor, tues. & fri
COMMERCIAL. Taylor Emest George, basket maker Wharton Arthur Phillip, farmer, Pond
Howling George, farm bailiff to A. P. & assistant overseer House & Lower farms
Wharton esq Taylor Mary E_ (Mrs.), carrier
BITTERING MAGNA (or Great Bitterin!;) was for- tains a ft>w cottages: the parish was divided between
merly a parish lying between the parishes of Beetley and the adjoining parishes, two-thirds of it being added to
Gressenhall, and adjoining the latter village is a locality Beetley and the remainder to Gressenhall.
which still bears the name of Bittering Street, and con-

BITTERING PARVA (or Little Bittering) is a vil- stones, each about 6! feet long : there are 100 sittings.
lage and parish 3 miles north from the Wendling station The register dates from the year f733· The living is a
on the Lynn branch of the Great Eastern railway and 5 rectory, net yearly value £7o, induding 45 acres of glebe,
north-west from Dereham, in the Mid division of the' in the gift of Mrs. Wilberforce, a.nd held sine& 1904 by
county, Launditch hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty the Rev. Reginald William Wilberforce M.A. of Trinity
sessional division and union, East Dereham county court College, Cambridge. The site of the old Manor House,
district, rural deanery of South Brisley, archdeaconry of a little distance west of the church, is surrounded by
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. For civil purposes Little a. moat. Mrs. Wilberforce is lady of the manor and sole
Bittering is united with the adjoining parish of Beeston landowner. The soil is loam and gravel. The chief
and known as Beeston with Little Bittering, but they are crops are· wheat, barley and roots. The area and rate-
ecclesiastically separate parishes. The church of St. Peter able value are included in that of Beeston; the popu-
is a small building of flint and rubble in the Early English lation in 1901 was 44·
atyle, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a Letters received from East Dereham arrive at 8 a.m,
western bell-turret containing one bell: the reading desk Gressenhall is the nearest post, money order & tele-
and manorial pew have Jacobean panelling : the chancel graph office, about 2~ miles distant
retains a pi~cina and sedilia: the font is Norman and of Pillar Letter Box, cleared at 7·45 a.m. & 5·45 p.m
~:ircular form: against the wall are two coped coffin The children attend the school at Longharn
Wilberforce Rev. Reginald William M.A. (vicar), The Hall I Wharton Frederick Samuel, farmer

BIXLEY is a parish and pretty village, standing on an living is a rectory, with that of Framingham ~arl
eminence, on the high road from Norwich to Bungay, annexed, joint net yearly value £250, including 46 acres
about 3 miles south-east from Norwich, in the Southern of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. C. Turner, and
division of the county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional divi- held since 1887 by the Rev . .Alfred Edward ~~lston, who
11ion, hundred and union of Henstead, Norwich county r·esides at Framingham Earl. Bixley Hall, the property
court district, rural deanery of Brooke (western division), of Russell James Colman esq. is now (1912) unoccupied.
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The The Earl of Rosebery K.G., K.T., P.C. who is lord of
church of St. Wandregesilus, erected ~n 1868 on the site the manor, and Russell James Colman esq. of Crown
of the ancient church of the same name, built in I272, Point, Norwich, are the sole landowners. The soil
is a small edifice of flint with stone facings in the Gothic is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, a vestry I barley and beans. The area is 66J acres; rateable
on the north side and an ancient embattled western tower value, £1,245; the population in 19II was 158.
containing one bell : there are various mural monuments Sexton, Albert Bracey. I
to the lamily of Ward, from 1530 to 1762, and to the · . .
P nmross f il Ea 1 f Ro b th t · d Letters through Norwich arnve at 7 a.m. The nearest
am y, r s o se ery, 1771: e s a1ne d & t 1 h ffi · t T b t
t · d
eas w1n ow was th "ft · 8
e g1 , 1n I 77• o f th M" M t"
e " 1sses " ar m, money or
.1 d" t t er e egrap o ce 1s a rowse, a ou 1
· a memona
an d th ere 1s · 1 w1n· d ow to J ane H.1c k·s, d . r 857, m1 e 1s an
and a fine rood screen of oak: the church affords roe· j Thechildren of th_is place attend the schools at Trowse
sittings. The register dates from the year IS6I. The Newton & Frammgham Earl
Besant Major Waiter H. The Lodge CO~MERCIAL Spruce John, farmer ·
Gerhardt Madame Limmer Jame11 H. farmer Stimpson Arthur, farmer
Grix Mrs. Garden house Shaw .Arthur, estate agent
BLAKENEY (anciently called Snitterley) is a small the arms of the sees of Thetford and Norwich, and in a
coast town and parish, 5~ miles north-north-west from panel on the western buttress of the south aisle are the
Holt station on the Midland and Great Northern joint emblems of the Passion: the church, with the exception
railway, 8 east from Wells, 26 north-north-west from Nor- of the chancel, was entirely restored in 1883-7, under the
wich and 124 from London, in the Northern division of the superintendence of Mr. Herbert J. Green, architect, at a
county, Bolt hundred, petty sessional division and county cost of over £6,ooo, given mainly by Lord Calthorpe and
court district, Walsingham union, rural deanery of Holt the parishioners, the tower and outer walls being refaced
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. Blakeney har- and the interior refurnished with elaborately carved oak
bour is well situated for sheltering small vessels, and was benches : the pulpit, a. memorial to Charles and Hannab
improved under an .Act of Parliament obtained in I8I7, Stewart Temple-Lynes, was presented by their children in
so that vessels of ISO tons burden can approach the quay ; r886: the lectern and reading desk were the gift of the
spring tides rise between 9 and 10 feet. This was for- Tillard family : the ancient font has been raised on a. new
merly a port called Blakeney and Cley, the jurisdiction of octagonal stone ba.~e : there are soo sittings : the chan-
which extended 30 miles along the coast from Mor~ton cel is now (1912) undergoing restoration at a cost of
on the west to Bacton Coal Gap on the east; but in r88o about £z,ooo. The register dates from the year I538.
it was made a part of the port of Lynn, where also The living is a rectory, united to those of Little Lang-
is the custom house. Very .few vessels are now (1912) ham, Glandford and Coc];thorpe, joint net yearly value
employed, and the coasting trade, once considerable, [390, including 100 acres of glebe, with residence, in
has rapidly declined. Henry Ill. granted a market, the gift of the Hon . .Mrs . .Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe,
and in the 31st of Ed~ard Ill. a statute was passed ani held since rgo6 by the Rev. David Lee Lee-Elliott
regulating the fish trade, which was then carried on M.A, of Cambridge University. There is a Wesleyan
to a considerable extent, and attracted a great number Methodist chapel and a Primitiye :Methodist chapel, built
of Dutch merchants, several of whom fixed their residence in 1850. Charities formerly producing £g yearly, but
in the town. The church of St. Kicholas, standing on an now considerably depreciated, are distributed in fuel
eminence a little to the south of the town, about II5 feet and clothing. Blakeney Church Men's Club, a building
above the level of the sea, is a handsome and spacious of brick and stone, erected in rgog, contains reading,
edifice of flint and stone in the Early and Later English billiard and recreation rooms ; and in the parish are
styles, consistin~r of cha.ncel, clerestoried nave of six golf links of nine holes. The trade is chiefly in coal,
bays, aisles, north porch and a lofty embattled western timber and deals, oil-cake and manure; the exports are
tower, about 104 feet in h!'ight, forming a conspicuous mostly corn. Here are some remains, consisting prin-
landmark, with bold angle buttresses and pinnacles cipally of . several fine arches, of an ancient monastery
and containing one bell; and there is also a small of Carrnelites, or White Friars, founded by John Stormer
beacon tower or turret at the north-east angle of the in I2(jO, · in which John de Baconthorpe, a learned
chancel, which is generally believed to have been med divine and acute metaphysician, became a friar and
for displaying a light or beacon for the guidance of ultimately Provincial of the English Carmelites ; he was
mariners : the chancel, a. work of beautiful proportiom born here, and died in London in 1340. Claudius James
and delicate workmanship, is all that now remains of the Ash esq. is lord of the manor and the chief landowner.
Early English church; the roof is exquisitely grained in The soil is mixed, chiefly of a sandy nature. The area
stone, with moulded ribs and carved bosses : the east is 1,432 acres of land, 8 of water, 130 of tidal water
window is Early Decorated, and on the north side are and gro of foreshore; rateable value, [2,r86; the
three stone sedilia: the chancel also retains an Easter population in rgr r was 708.
sepulchre, founder's tomb and aumbries : the rood screen
remains in situ, with the rood door on the north side: Post, "M. 0. & T. Office. Joshua Cook Parker, sub-post-
the nave, with its aisles, and the tower were re-erected in ma~ter. Letters should have Norfolk added. Delivery
the rsth century, and are worthy examples of the Perpen- commences at 7 a. m. & I.25 p.m,_ week days; dis-
dicular style: the oak roof of the nave is a fine example patches, 10.10 a. m. & 5.30 p.m.; sundays, delivered
of hammer-beam construction with curved braces, and at 7 a.m. & dispatched 5.30 p.m~ Wall Box, West-
spandrels filled in with beautiful and intricate fret-work gate street, cleared 4.30 p.m. week da-ys only
tracery : the north and south buttresses of the tower bear
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Yedical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Blakeney District,
Harbour Co. C. J. Temple-Lynes, clerk; Charles Long, Walsingham union, Alfred Reginald Kay M.R.C.S.
harbour master Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Manor house
Odd l''ellows (Manchester Unity), Francis Kerrison, sec
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent A Committee of 6 managers was formed Oct. 1st, 1903,
Society, C. J. Temple-Lynes J.P. hon. representative for Hlukeney & Wiveton School District; The Rector,
hon. correspondent; I. W. Tuck, Warham, Wells,
PUBLIC OFFICERS. attendance officer
.;\ssistant Overseer & Clerk to Parish Council, .llfred Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1825, & en~
Thomas Ralph Steadman, Glandford larged in 1894, at a cost of £soo, for :z6o children;
Coxswain of Life Boat, George Long average attendance, 150; Frederick J. Bolton Aston,
Ha,.rbour Master, Charles Long master; Miss Mary Bertha Hodges, mistress

Barclay & Company Ltd.bankers(sub- Mack William Hannant, carpenter
branch to Halt) (Hamilton Richard Mallett Agnes (Mrs.), butcher
Alien John William, Allendune Tylcr, manager; attends tucsday Mitchell Joseph, master mariner
Ash Claudius James from ro to r2); draw on head Nurse George (Mrs.), apartments.
Bass Mrs. Rectory office, 54 Lombard st. London E C Uarlton house
Grout Mrs. Charles William Bean William, miller (wind) Nurse William Henry, boot maker
Hawkins James Blakeney Church Men's Club (Rev. Oliver George, fisherman
Hill Augustus, Red house F. Jarvis B.A. hon. sec) Page & Turner, corn merchants
Jarvis Rev. Frederic B.A. (curate), Blakeney & Cley Golf Club (C. J. Parker Joshua Cook, grocer & draper,
The Rectory Temple-Lynes J.P. sec) news agent & sub-postmaster
Kay Alfred Reginald, Manor house Blakeney Harbour Co. (C. J. Temple- Pitcher William, insuranC8 agent
Lee-Elliott Rev. David Lee M.A. Lynes J.P. clerk) Pye Herbert, cab propriPtor
(rector), Rectory Bond Ethel (Mrs.), dress maker Reynolds Charles, butcher
Lincoln Benjamin Bond James Ezra, cycle agent Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Nurse Mrs Bond William Ezra, Ship inn (Blakeney branch) (C. J. Temple-
Page Mrs Brown Anthony (Mrs.), beer retailer Lynes J.P. hon. sec)
Pearson John Henry, Greencroft Butters Robert John, master mariner Russell Charles Joseph, baker
Robins Mrs Cobon .John, jobmaster Russell William Robert, baker
Stearman Albert John Coe Elkanah Rd. Calthorpe Arms P.H Sands Edward, fisherman
Temple-Lynes Charles Johnson J.P. Curl Benjarnin John, beer retailer Shipwrecked (The) Fishermen &
Marsh house Eg-gleton Samuel Waiter, fish dealer Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society
Temple-Lynes Miss, Marsh house Hill Augustus, coal merchant (C. J. Temple-Lynes J.P. hon. local
Turner Edward Clifford, Sunnyside Hill Rowland Edgar, butcher agent)
Turner Ellis Holliday Jacob Edward, boot maker Shorting Emmerson, builder & contrctr
Vince Mrs J ohnson John, fisherman & pilot Smith J ames Curry, .blacksmith
Wailer William Kay Alfred Reginald M.R.C.S.Eng., Stanford Arthur, draper & grocer
L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & medical Stangroom Ernestt A. grocer & draper
officer & public vaccinator Cley Starling Bodham,farmer & landowner,
district, Erpingham union & sur- Priory farm
Alcock Alfred, carpenter geon & agent to the Admiralty, & Starling William, carpenter
Alien Ernest, blacksmith medical officer & public vaccinator Temple-Lynes Charles Johnson, clerk
Alien Waiter Robert, carpenter, joiner for Blakeney district, Walsingham to the Harbour Co. ; sec. to Golf
& wheelwright union, Manor house Club ; hon. local agent, The Ship-
Baines Edward Mun-ell, fisherman King William E. beer retailer wrecked Fishermen & Mariners'
Baines John Murrell, fisherman Lee James William, fisherman Royal BPnevolent Society & Royal
Baines William, fisherman Long Charles, harbour master Alfred Merchant Seamen's Imtitu-
Balding Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Long George, coxswain of lifeboat & tion & hon. local sec. to Royal
Balding Robert John, ship carpenter fisherman National Lifeboat Institution
Bambridge George William, grocer Long James, fisherman Vurley Sarah Ann (Mrs.), White
Bambridge Jos€ph, fisherman Lynn Jas. Rush, aparts. Rose Hill ha Horse hotel
BLICKLING is a parish and village about 2 miles The register dates from the year I559· The living is a
north-west from Aylsham station on the Great Eastern rectory, consolidated with Erpingham, joint net yearly
railway, and the same distance west from Aylsham Town value £450, including 32 acres of glebe, with residence,
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, in the gift of the Marquess of Lothian, and held since
in the Northern division of the county, South Erpingham r868 by the Rev. William Riddell Parr M.A. of Merton
hundred and petty sessional division, Aylsham union and College, Oxford. The manor was one of those belong-
county court district, rural deanery of Ingworth (north ing to King Harold II. and had great privileges ; part
division) and archdea.conry and diocese of Norwich. The of it was attached to the see of Norwich, whose bishops
church of St. Andrew, which stands on an eminence near had a palace here: in the latter end of the rsth century
the Hall, is an ancient building of stone in the Perpendi- this manor belonged to Sir William Boleyn, whose son,
cula.r style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south Sir Thomas Boleyn, was in 1526 advanced to the title of
porch and a western tower: in the church are inscrip· Viscount Rochford and in 1529 created Earl of Wiltshire,
tions to former lords of the manor, together with honours conferred upon him by reason Df Henry VIII.'s
numerous brasses, the earliest being a bust of a civilian, courtship of his daughter Anne Boleyn, afterwards queen:
c. 1360: there is a very large brass with marginal in- subsequently the estate was purchased by Sir Henry
scription to Sir Nicholas Dagworth, lord of the manor, Hobart kt. and bart. Lord Chief Justice of the Court of
1401; and one to Roger Felthorp, 1454, and Cecilie his Common Pleas (r613-25), whose son, in 1019, built the
wife, with figures of 16 children standing before their pre11ent stately mansion. Sir- John Hobart, 3rd baronet,
parents: other brasses commemorate Cecilie, sister to was knight of the shire for Norfolk in the last three
Gooffrey Boleyn, lord of the manor, 1458; Anna, daughter Parliaments called by King Charles II. and had the honour
of William Boleyn esq. 1479; Isabella (Boleyn), wife of of a visit from the king, together with his queen, at his
William Cheyne, of the Isle of Sheppey, 1485; and .Anne seat, in 1671, when his majesty knighted Henry Hobart,
(a Wade), 2nd wife of Thomas Asteley esq. of Melton the eldest son. In some ancient poetry the following
Constable, 1512, with twins: there are brass inscriptions distich is extant:-
only to Agnes (Appleyerd), wife of Robert Phileppes, and
" Blickling two Monarchs and two Queens have seen,
oo William Raynald, 1414; John Cok, 1503; John Catys, One King fetched thence, another brought, a Queen."
John Barker and Geoffrey Appleyard, and a monument to
John William Robert, 7th Marquess of Lothian, who died Sir John Hobart, 5th baronet, was created Baron Hobart
at Blickling Hall, 14 Nov. 1841: in the chancel is a of Blickling, 28th May, 1728, and advanced to the Earldom
memorial window to Caroline Ann, Dowager Lady of Buckinghamshire, 5th September, 1746: Ha.rriet, or
Snffield, d. 27 Oct. 1850: and in 1878 a mflnument, Henrietta, daughter of J obn, 2nd Earl of Buckingham-
executed by G. F. Watts R.A. was erected by Constance, shire, married, in I7o3, William, 6th Marquess of Lothian.
Marchioness of Lothian, to her husband, William Schom- Blickling Hall, the property of the Marquess of
berg Robert, 8th Marquess, d. 4th July, I87o, to whom a Lothian, and the residence of the Misses Wallace,
msmorial window was also erected by the parishioners : is quadrangular in plan with two open court~ in
the church was restored in 1878, under the direction of the centre and a square turret surmounted by a
the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. at the sole cost of Con- vane at each angle of the building : the clock tower
stance, late Marchioness of Lothian, when the present Dver the entrance was added at a later date: the
porch and tower were erected: there are rBo sittings. entrance from the court in front, formed by the offices

and sta.bles, is .by a. bridge of two arches crossing 1 remains of John, Earl of Buckinghamshire, and his two
a moat, and on each side of the bridge, upon a wives, Mary .Anne (Drury) and Caroline (Conolly); in the
pedestal, is the figure of a bull, the Hobart crest, park is a fine piece of water, in the form of a crescent,
11upporting a. shield of the arms of the family : the general extending about a mile in length and 400 yards at its
aspect of t'he Hall, with its turrets, curiously formed greatest breadth: the plea.<iure gardens, about a mile in
gables, bridge and moat, conveys an admir:1ble idea of the circumference, have on three sides a. terrace commanding
domestic buildings of the Jacobean age: the library con- a pleasing though confined landscape, in which the ad-
t.ains over I2,ooo volumes, including some rare books and jacent town of .Aylsham forms a. principal feature. On
-manuscripts; and in the house are numerous family por- the estate is kept a small herd of original English wild
traits and various ancient and modern pictures of con- cattle, white with black ears. The Marquess of
Biderable value, including two portraits, by Gainsborough, Lothian is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The
and statues in oak of Queen .Anne Boleyn and Queen Eliza- soil is sand and gravel ; subsoil, gravel. The chief
beth: some magnificent specimens of ancient tapestry crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is
adorn the walls of the various rooms, one of which, repre- 2,126 acres; rateable value, £1,994; the population in
senting Peter the Great o.f Russia on horseback, was I9II was 297.
presented to John, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire, by the Parish Clerk .Albert Poll.
Empress Catherine of Russia, upon t·he occasion of his '
mission as ambassador to the Russian Court: the park and Letter Box cleared at 9· ID a.m. & 5· IO p.m
gardens, surrounding three sides of the Hall, comprise Letters through .Aylsham delivered about 7 a.m. & 3·30
about 6oo acres; the park is well stocked with deer, and p.m. .Aylsham is the nearest money order & tele-
is nearly divided by a wood of old forest trees, consisting graph office, about 2 miles distant
of about IBo acres: the oonduit and statues, which Public Elementary School (mixed), built, with teacher's
formerly adorned the platform of the gardens at Oxnead house, in I868, at the cost of the late William, 8th
Hall., are preserved here: and there is also a pyramidal Marquess of L<Jthian, for no children; average at-
mauso1enm with a base 45 feet square, in which are thf:l tendance, 65; Mrs. Sarah George, mistress
COMMERCIAL. Howes John Dyball, farmer,Silvergate
Case Thos.Hy. farmer, Flash Pit farm Jackson James, boot maker
Case Thomas Henry, Flash Pit farm Cobb Eli, Buckinghamshire .Arms P.H Jenny Ed>mrd, gamekeeper to M.
Parr Rev. William Riddell M ..A. Edwards Jas. Nelson, farmr. Mill frm Falcon esq
(rector), Rectory Golf Club (Rev. W. R. Parr, The Kiddle Eliza (Mrs.), farmer,Moorgate
Savill-Onley Major Frederick Savill, Rectory, hon. sec) Oclee Herbert George, head gardener
Blickling lodge Goulder John Lee, farmer, Park farm to the Marquis of Lothian
Wallace The Misses, Blickling hall Horner Frederick, blacbmith Poll .Albert, carpenter, Silvergate
BLOFIET.D is a. parish on the road from Norwich to & 4·45 p.m. Blofield, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
Yarmouth, the head of a union, It miles from Brundall money order & telegraph office
t1tation on the Norwich and Yarmouth section of the Great Wail Letter Boxes, near Church, cleared at 12.40, 4·5 &
Eastern railway, 7 miles east from Norwich and II9~ from 8.45 p.m.; no sunday collection; Callow green, cleared
London, in the Blofield and Walsha.m petty sessional divi- at 6.20 a.m. & S·S p.m. ; no sunday collection; & near
t1i.on, Blofield hundred, Norwich county court district, Blofield hall, cleared at 3·35 p.m. ; no sunday collec-
rnral deanery of Blofield, archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- tion
wich. The church of St . .Andrew is a fine building of
flint, with stone, in the Gothic style of the rsth OOUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR BLOFIELD & WA.L-
century, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch SHA.M PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
and a. lofty embattled western tower, with four statues as Gilbert Lieut.-Col. Herbert Henry, Branksome, Lowes.
pinnacles, and containing 6 bells: there are several monu- toft, chairman
ments, including one of marble, with small kneeling A.stley Major Delaval Graham L'Estrange, Plumstead
figures, to a. member of the Paston family, attached to hall, Norwic~
the Court of HBnry VIII. : the octagonal stone font, a Burroughes Hy. Randall esq. Burlingham hall, Norwich
work apparently of great antiquity, is adorned with sculp- Cator John esq. Woodbastwick hall, Norwich
tures, representing scenes in the life of Our Saviour, but Cubitt Maj. Frank .Astley, The Hall, Thorpe St. A.ndrew,
1s much defaced: the church was restored in r 878, and Norwich
again in 1908, at a cost of £r,o2o: there are 400 Fellowes Charles .Arthur esq. Ranger's lodge, Charl-
J!ittings, 300 being free. The register dates from the bury, Oxon
year I545· The living is a rectory, net yearly value Barker William esq. The Hall, Blofield, Norwich
. £6oo, including 59 acres of glebe, with residence, in Harvev •
Lieut.-Ool. John Robert D.S.O. Holmwood,
the gift of Caius College, Cambridge, and held since Thorpe St. A.ndrew, Norwich
1912 by the Rev. .Arthur Stuart Duncan J ones M ..A. Jary Maj. Robt.Herbrt.Heath, South Walsham, Norwich
(fellow) of that college. Here is a Mission Hall, and at Slipper Thomas esq. Braydeston hall, near Norwich
the Heath a Primitive Methodist chapel. The reading Stedman James Hy. esq. The Hall, Gt. Plumstead,Norwcb
and parish room was presented to the parish in 1897 by Sutton Benj am in Charles esq. Freethorpe, Norwich
Philip Steward esq. in commemoration of the Diamond Tuck George Hustler esq. 38 Bracondale, Norwich
Jubilee of Queen Victoria. The Rev. Mr. Reeve, Waters Henry James esq. A.mbleside, Thorpe rd.Norwich
a former rector of this parish, gave a house, situated Wright William esq. Upton hall, Norwich
near the church, and £ro a year, to be paid to a The chairman, for the time being, of the Blo-field Rural
schoolmaster; he also gave three different benefactions, District Council is an ex-officio magistrate
amounting to £6 7s. to be paid yearly in bread and Clerk to the Magistrate~;~, John Empson Toplis Pollard,
clothing to poor widows belonging to this parish. These 17 Prince of Wales road, Norwich
charities are now administered under a new scheme The foH.owing parishes are included in the Petty Sessional
framed by the Charity Commissioners. The charities division :-.Acle, Beighton, Blofield, Brundall, Bucken·
for distribution amount to £4o yearly, and there i!! ham, Burl.ingham St. A.ndrew, Burlingham St.Edmund,
also a fuel allotment of 37 acres let in portiom of Burlingham St. Peter, Cantley, Freetho:rpe, Halvergate,
one acre each, under the "Allotment E-xtension Hassingham, Hemblington, Limpenhoe, Lingwood,
Act," at £1 7s. per acre. Blofield house is the resi- Moulton, Plumstead Great, Plumstead Little, Post-
dence of Robin M. Chamberlin esq. Henry Randall wick, Ranworth-with-Panxworth. Reooha.m, Southwood,
Burroughes esq. of Burlingham Hall, who is lord of Strumpshaw, Thorpe St . .Andrew, Tunstall, Upton-with-
the manor, William Rarker esq. J.P. of Blofield Hall Fishley, Walsham South St. Ma:ry, Walsham South St.
and Major Robert Herbert Heath Jary, of Bitteswell Lawrence, Wickhampton, Witton & Woodbastwick
Hall, Leicestershire, are the principal landowners. The Petty Sessions are held at the Court house every alter-
soil is good mixed ; subsoil, brick-earth, clay and sand. nate monday at ro a.m
The chief crops are the usual cereals and roots. The
area is 2,321 acres; rateable value, £5,n6; the popu-
lation in I9II WaS I, 105.
Meets at Board Room, Lingwood, fortnightly.
Sexton, Randall Ward.
Chairman, Major Frank A.stley Cubitt, Th{}rpe Hall,Nrwch
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Martha Tuck, sub-post- Clerk, Herbert Henchman Cole, 12 Bank street, Norwich
mistress. Letters received from Norwich at 5 a.m. & Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Norwich
2.20 & 6.15 p.m.; dispatched at 12.30 a.m. & 5·35 & Medical Officer of Health, Herbert Hatfield Back M.B.
8.30 p.m Lond. A.cle, Norwich
Post Office, Blofield Corner. John Farman Rix, sub- Surveyor, J. C. Waters, .Acle, Norwich
postmaster. Letters through Norwich, via Blofield, Sanitary Inspector, Claude King, 20 Castle meadow,
arrive at 7 a.m. & 4.50 p.m.; dispatched at 6.40 a.m. . Norwich
BLOFIELD UNION. Edin. Blofield; Thorpe district, Archibald David!!on
Board day, alternate tuesdays, at 10.30 a.m. in the Board M.D., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Thorpe St.
Room at Lingwood. .An drew, Norwich
The union comprises the following places :-Acle, Beigh- Workhouse, I.ingwood, a building of brick, erected in
ton, Blofield, Brundall-with-Bradeston, Buckenbam, 1837, to hold 248 inmates; John Ernest Want, master;
Burlingham St. Andrew, Burlingham St. Edmund, Mrs. Want, matron; Rev. William Henry Hinder,
Burlingham St. Peter, Cantley, Freethorpe, Halver- chaplain; John Douglas McKelvie M.D. medic11l officer
gate, Hassingham, Hemblington, Limpenhoe, Ling- BLOFIELD REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
wood, Moulton, Plumstead Great, Plumstead Little, Superintendent Registrar, H. H. Cole, 12 Bank street,
Postwick, Ranworth-with-Panxworth, Reedham, South- Norwich; deputy, John Gedge, Blofield
wood, Strumpshaw, Thorpe St. Andrew, Tunstall, Registrars of Births &i Deaths, Blofield sub-district, Frdc.
Upton-with-Fishley, Walsham South, Wickhampton, William Browne, Blofield; South Walsham sub-district,
Witton & Woodbastwick. The population of the union Harry Thoma!! Capon, Acle
in 19II was 12 •12 5; area, 45,967 acres; rateable value, Registrar of 'Marriages, Frederic William Browne, Blo-
Lady Day, 19 12 • £B7,63o; assessable value, £68,578 field; deputy, George William Tuck, Blofield
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Major Frank Astley
Cubitt, Thorpe hall, Norwich Public Elementary Schools.
Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment C(liDmittee, H. H. Blofield (mixed &i infants), erected m x877, for 177
Cole, 12 Bank street, Norwich children; average attendance, 151; George Mower,
Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Norwich master; Miss Martha Mower, infants' mistress
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Eastern district, Harry Hemblington (mixed & infants), erected in I877., &
Thomas Capon, Acle; Western district, Frederic enlarged in r889 to hold 148 children; average attl!'nd-
William Browne, Blofield ance, roo; William Nelson Foreman, master; Miss .A.
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Acle district, Alfred Daynes, Miss G. Earl & Miss E . .Andrews, assistants
H. Back M.A., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. Acle; Carriers from Acle &i South Walsharn pas!! through to
Blofield district, John Douglas McKelvie M.D., Ch.B. Norwich man. wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blofield Reading Room(H.G. Trett,sec) Morgan Henry, market gardener
Bacon Charles William, Rose villa Bloomfield Jas. Rufus, market gardnr Norgate Frdk.Jn.frmr.Mousehold frm
Bowman John Bustin, The Paddock Bone Geo. beer retailr.Blofield corner Parker John, poulterer
Chamberlin Robin M. BlofiPld house Browne Frederic William, relieving & Plumb George William, Globe inn
Creed Rev. Ernest .Augustus Butson vaccination officer, Western district_. Prentice Arth.fruit growr.Garden frm
Th.A.K.C. (curate) & registrar of births & deaths Blo- Read Horace Postle, market gardener
Day Mrs. Charles field sub-district & registrar of mar- Read Wa1ter, tailor
Fox Rev. Samuel Aston, The Manse riages for Blofield union Reeve Edward, jobmaster
Geater Mrs. The Willows Bulley John Robert, market gardener Reynolds Joshua, farmer, Malletts farm
Gilbert Mrs. Edward, Ferniburst Bully Charles, pork butcher Richmond Geo. Hy. market gardener
Harker William J.P. Blofield hall Capps George, boot & shoe maker Rix John Farman, shopkeeper, Post
J ones . Rev. Arthur Stuart Duncan Chapman William, saddler office, Blofield corner
M.A. (rector), Rectory Cracknell Robert, Fox & Hounds P.H Rogers William,miller (wind),Mill rd
Kendrick John, Manor house Dye Robert, farmer Rope S. & W. market gardeners
Lynes James Day, The Laurels Easter .Arthur, blacksmith Rushmere Robert, farm bailiff to
MoKelvie John Douglas M.D Edrich Harry, farmer Benjamin Sutton esq. J.P
Mills Robert, Elm cottage Ellis Edward, bricklayer Sadler Alfred, grocer
Palmer Miss, Whit~ house Fayers Herbert William, grocer &c Sayer Daniel, rat catcher
Parry William John, Tresco Ferra John J oseph, lamp & oil dealer Staple ton Thomas, insurance agent
Pells Mrs. The Cedars Freestone & Betts, fruit growers, Blo- Sutton Eenjamin Charles, farmer
Prentice Mrs. Garden farm field corner Symond Fredk.Wm.Bird-in-Hand P.H
Reeve Joseph E. Turrett house Gedge John, builder & contractor & Taylor Herbert, coal merchant
Royal Mrs deputy supt. registrar Tuck George W. stationer & deputy
Sedgwick Jn.Stphn. M.A.The Rookery Hard .Anne Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper registrar of marriages & assistant
Smith Miss, Dove cottage Kahler Henry John C. grocer overseer for Blofield union
Steward Philip, The Elms Key Elijab, carpenter & wheelwright Waters Wilfrid M.R.C.V.S. veterinary
Stockings The Misses Key William Henry (late Slipper in.spector under the "Contagious
Tomkins Mrs. The Croft Thomas G.), agricultural engineer, Diseases (Animals) Act" for Nor-
White Henry Heathcote M.D importer & merchant&motor enginr folk County Council, Blofield sub-
COMMERCIAL. Loynes Frederick, boot & shoe repr district
Bacon James, shopkeeper Lynes James Day, wine & spirirt dlr Webb Victor, Two Friends P.H
Bagshaw Geo. Robt.farmer,Manor frm McKelvie John Douglas M.D., Ch.B. White Henry Heathcote B.A., M.D.,
Bailey John Henry, boot & shoe ma Edin. physician & surgeon, medical B.Ch., B.A.O. physician & surgeon,
Ban ton Elizabeth (Mrs.), Swan inn officer & public vaccinator Blofield West lodge
Benn!IWalter,carpenter & wheelwright district & medical officer to the Wilson Benjamin, farm bailiff to
Betts Leonard William, fruit grower, workhouse, The Shrubbery Thomas Slipper esq
see Freestone & Betts Merrison George, farmer, Baybridge Woodcock James, plumber &c
Blofield & District Horticultural Mitchell Harry J. tailor Woodrow John, blacksmith
Society (J. A. 0. Newcater. sec) Moorby Saml. John, King's Head P.H Young James, butcher
BLO'NORTON is a village and parish, near the allotment of 25 acres is for the poor. There are 12 acres
borders of Suffolk, 7 miles south-east from Harling of town land, the rent of which is applied to the repair
Road station on the Thetford and Wymondham section of the church &c. Blo'Norton Hall, the seat of the
of the Great Eastern railway and 7 west from Diss, Brampton family for many years, is an ancient mansion
in the Mid division of the county, pet-ty sessional division of the 16th century, and is nearly surrounded by a
of Guiltcross, Thetford union, hundred of Guiltcross, moat; it is now the residence of H. H. Prince Frederick
county court district of Diss, rural deanery of Rock- Duleep Singh M.V.O. John Wilgress Goldson esq who
land (south divi!lion), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese is lord of the manor, Charles J. Pearson esq. of Diss,
of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a plain building and John E. Nunn esq. of Garboldisham, are the
of flint, with stone dressings, in the Early English style, . principal landowners. The land is of mixed soil; sub-
consisting of chancel, nave, aisle, north porch and an soil, chiefly gravel, and about 28 acres of fen land.
embattled western tower containing 6 bells: in 1879 ri.t The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area
was repaired and repewed and a 11tained east window is 1,142 acres; rateable value, £1,239; the population
inserted by the Goldson family: there are 200 sittings. in I9II was 279.
The register dates from the year 1562. The living is a Acting Sexton, George Rodwell.
rectory, net yearly value £150, with :m acres of glebe Letters through Thetford arrive at 8 a.m. &i 6.30 p.m.
and residence, in the gift of John Wilgress Goldson esq. Garboldisham, Norfolk, about 2 miles distant, is the
and held since 1903 by the Rev. Charles LLoyd Norris nearest money {)rder &i telegraph office. Letter Box
M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. A new rectory cleared at 7.40 a.m. k 6.30 p.m. ; sundays, g a.m
house was built in 188g, from designs of Mr. H. J. Public Elementary School, for 6o children; average at-
Green, architect, of Norwich. Here was anciently tendance, 56; , mistress
another church, dedicated to St. Ma.rgaret. The fuel Carrier to Diss.-Petch, fri
Duleep Singh H.H. Prince Frederick Eaton George COMMERCIAL.
M.V.O. Elo' Norton hall; & White's Norris Rev. Charles LLoyd M.A. (rec- Ashford Charles, beer retailer
club, London S W tor), Rectory Austin Cecil, farmer

Blizzard Charles, shopkeeper Goddard Garnet, farmer P~arson Reginald, farmer, Blo' Nor-
Bowell J oseph George, farmer Lanham Nels.on B.farmer,Church frm ton house
Chenery J ames, farme-r Margleston Edward, farmer Rodwell Robert, farmer
(;henery James, jun. farmer Page Frederick, fanner Rust Geo. Rd. Crown & .Anchor P.H
Crowe Samuel Edgar Notley, farmer Vincent !.lphonso Nevile, farmer
BODHAM is a very scattered parish, 3 miles ea!'t from tain ten beds, a dining and rec:reation hall and
Bolt station on the eastern section of the Midland and nurses' sitting-rooms and bedrooms. The heath was in-
Great Northern joint railway, and 7 west from Cromer, closed in t 8o8. J obn Stanley Matt esq. is lord of the
in the Northern division of the county, Holt hundred, manor and principal landowner, and there are also
petty sessional division and county court district, Erping· several small owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel
ham union, rural deanery of Holt and archdeaconry and and clay. T·he chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley
diocese of Norwich. The river Glaven has its source in and some land in pasture. The area is 1,720 acres;
this parish. The church of .All Saints is an edifice in the rateable value, £I,gg8; the population in rgii was 300.
Later English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south '
By the Divided Parishes Act a detached part of West
porch and an embattled western tower containing one Beckham, known as Emery's Farm, was transfe1"red to
bell; there are mural monuments to the Rev. Robert Bodham in r882.
Norris M.A. d. 1832; Rose, his wife, died 1805, and
Rachel .Ann, his daughter, d. 1807, and a memorial to Parish Clerk, William Pentney.
Susannah, wife of Admiral Charles S. J. Hawtayne and
daughter of Rev. R. Norris, d. I8S8: the stained east Post Office.-Robert Gamble Payne, sub-postmaster.
wi~ow i>: a memorial to the wife of the Rev.•Tohn Letters from Holt arrive at 8.15 a.m, & (foi" callers
Anthony Partridge, rector from 1840, and was presented only) 3· 2 5 p.m.; dispatched at 9·35 a.m. & 3· 20
in 1859: in 1893-4 the church was thoroughly restored p.m. week days only. Baconsthorpe, 2! miles dis-
at a cost of £ 900 : 8 new organ was provided in tgn : tant, is the nearest money order .:& telegraph office
there are 260 sittings, 230 being free. The register Pillar Letter Box, Lower Bodham, cleared at 3·45 p.m.
dates from the year IJ08. The living is a discharged week days only
rect{)ry, net yearly value [270, with 12 acres of glebe A Committee of 6 managers was formed Oct. 1, 1903,
and residence, in the gift of John Stanley Mott esq. and for the parishes of West Beckham. & Bodham; 0. F.
held since 1909 by the Rev. Benjamin Reed B..A. Df Bailey, Sheringham, clerk to the managers & attend-
London University. The United Methodist chapel here ance officer
was built in 1866, and will seat IW. .A. Children's Public Elementary School for both parishes (mixed), built
Sanatorium for the treatmoot of phthisis was opened in 1877, at a cost of [1,158, & enlarged in 1gro, for
here in Igo6; a new building is now (1912) in course of 130 children; average attendance, 84; James Porter,
erection and will comprise four wards, each to con- master
Reed Rev. Benjamin I! . .A, (rector), visiting medical officer; Thomas i Payne Robert Gamble, shopkeeper &
Rectory H. Wyatt M.V.O. 68 Denison house, sub-postmaster
Vauxhall Bridge road, London SE, Reynolds James, farmer, Rookery farm
COMMERCIAL. hon. sec. ; Miss Rumball, matron) Riseborough Alfred, farmer
Beeton Jn. Wm. farmer,Church farm Culley Benjamin, farmer, Manor frm Riseborough Herbt. Barnes,machinis1t
Children's Sanatorium for the Treat- Hylton Edward, farmer Sayer Charles, farmer
ment of Phthisis (Frederick Wm. Keeler Benjamin, carter Sayer Charles Henry, Red Hart inn
Burton-Fanning M.D., F.R.C.P. & Keeler John, farmer & carter Smith Arthur, gamekeeper to F. T.
F. J. Wethered M.D., F.R.C.P. Larner William Helsdon, farmer Simpson esq
· Lond. hon. consulting physicians; Nurse James, farmer Thirtle Robert, farmer
John F. Skrimshire B.U.Cantab. Payne George, farmer
BODNEY is a parish 8 miles south from Swaffham sta- net yearly value [4oo, with 53 acres of glebe, in
tion and 9 miles from Watton station, both on the Lynn the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 18go
and Thetford section of the Great Eastern railway, in the by the Rev. Ernest Haseltine M.A. of Corpus Christi
South Western division of the county, Swaffham union College, Cambridge, who resides at Great Cressingham.
and county court district, hundred and petty sessional Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel erected in x88S·
division of South Greenhoe, rural deanery of Cranwich Bodney Hall, at the time of the French Revolution in
(North division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of 1792, was lent by the Tasburgh family, its then owners,
Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a small but ancient to a community of French nuns, several of whom are
fabric of flint and pebbles, in the F..arly English style. buried in the churchyard on the north side. Harry
consisting of chancel, nave, and a turret containing J Charles Baillie Underdown esq. of Buckenham Hall, is
bell: some remains of the Saxon period are visible in lord of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is
the buttress at the north-east angle; the church was sandy; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are
thoroughly restored in r882-3 by the late Lord .Amherst wheat, barley, oats, turnips fmd pasture. The area is
of Hackney, under the direction of Mr. Chester Cheston, 2,621 acres; rateable value, [788; the population in
architect, of London; an ancient consecration cross, a rgr r was ro5.
pi.~cina and sedilia, and the staircase to the rood loft Parish Clerk, George Sayer.
were discovered during the progress of the work: Letters through Hilborough arrive at 7.30 a. m, The
the church affords 50 sittings. The register dates nearest money order & telegraph office is at Mundford,
from the year I7S4· The living is a discharged rec- 4 miles distant
tory, ~nnexed to that of Great Cressingham 1 joint The children of this parish attend school at Hilborough
Flatt William, farm bailiff to E. 'M. & H. C. I!. Underdown esqrs ·

BOOTON is a village and parish, 1 mile south-east plain building of red brick. Green· Lane House is the
from Reepham station on the East Norfolk branch of the residence of Miss E . .A.. Holley. Fountain P. Elwin esq.
Great Eastern railway, 2 north-east from Wbitwell and of I!ooton Manor, is lord of the manor and chief land-
Reepham station on the Midland and Great Northern joint owner, and Edward Green esq. of North Walsham,
railway, 11 north-west from Norwich and 6 south-west Edward Barrett esq. and Frederic Lubbock esq. Df
from .Aylsham, in the Northern division of the county, Sevenoaks, are also landowners in this parish. The soil
South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, is sand and loam; subsoil, sand and clay. The chief
St. Faith's union, .Aylsham county court district, rural crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is
deanery of Ingworth (south division), and archdeaconry 1,079 acres; assessable value, [949; the population in
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Michael and rgn was 210.
All .Angels is a building of flint with stone dressings, in Parish Clerk, John Parker.
the Geometrical style, consisting of chancel, nave, north Post Office.-Mrs. Martha Flatman, sub-postmistress.
porch and western towers : all the windows are stained : Letters received through Norwich at 5.40 a..m. &
in the chancel is a monument to Peter Elwin esq. who 4.25 p.m. ; dispatched at 3.40 & 6.55 p.m. Reepham
died in 1798 : the church has been gradually rebuilt is the nearest money order & telegraph office, x!
between 1875 and 1900 and now affords 230 sittings. miles distant, for part of the parish, &; Cawston, I~
The register dates from the year r56o. The living is a mile11 di~tant, for the remainder
rectory, net yearly value [r5o, including 23 acres of W::t.ll Letter Boxes.-Near the Church, cleared at 4
glebe and residence, in the gift of Fountain P. Elwin p.m. & at Brandiston Common, at 4.20 p.m
t(Sq. and held since rgo8 by the Rev. John Harry Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r8g7, for SB
Buchanan M ..A.. Df Edinburgh University. Booton Hall, children; average attendance, 62; ThDmas Davenport,
the residence of Frederick Richmond esq. is a large and master; Mrs. Davenport, mistress·
PIUVATE RESIDENTS. Woodhouse-Lovick Frederick,TheOaks' Gibson John, King's Head P.H
Buchanan Rev. John Harry M.A.. COMMERCIAL. Graver James, carpen1er
(rectDr), The Rectory Barrett Edward, farmer & assistant Howard Horace, farmer, Town farm
Elwm Fountain P. The Manor overseer, Furze Lane farm Long Thomas, shopkeeper
Holley Miss, Green Lane house Everett George Edwin, farm bailiff to Richmond Fredk. frmr. Booton Hall fm
Richmond Frederick, Booton hall Edward H. Green esq. The Grove
BOUGHTON is a village and parish 1! miles north style. In the centre of the village is a large pool of
from Stoke Ferry terminal station of a branch of the clear water. Sir Henry Edward Paston-Bedingfield bart.
Great Eastern railway and 7 miles east from Downh&m of Oxburgh Hall, who is lord of the manor, and Richard
Market, in the South Western division of the county, Harwin esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is
Clackclose hundred and petty sessional division, Down- of a varied description, one half being strong clay
ham union and county court district, rural deanery of land; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
Fincham (east division), archdeaoonry of Lynn and and turnips. The area is 1,353 acres; rateable value,
diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints, rebuilt, £2,188; the population in 1911 was 210.
with the exception of the tower, in 1872, at a cost of Sexton, John Veal.
about £I,ooo, is an edifice of stone in the Early Eng-
lish and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, Post Office.-William English, sub-postmaster. Letters
south porch and an embattled western tower with through Stoke Ferry arrive at 7· 15 a.m_ & dispatched
pinnacles and containing 3 bells: there are 150 sit- 5 · 15 p.m. ; no sun day delivery. Stoke Ferry, 2 miles
tings. The register dates from the year 1729 . The distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
living is a discharged rectory, net yearly value [3oo, Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1879 &
with 27 acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the rebuilt in 1888, at the sole charge of Mr. Richard
late Sir William Hovell Browne ffolkes hart. of Billing- Harwin, for Bo children; average attendance,- 38 ;
ton Hall, and held since 1902 by the Rev. George Gar- Miss Alice Wellam, mistress
nons Bird M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. The Wesleyan The old school building of 1879, att&ched to the Wes-
ehapel, erected in 187I, is a building in the Gothic leyan chapel, is now used as a sunday f!chool
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Daintree George Ekins, farmer Steward Frederick James, farmer,
Bird Rev. Geo. Uarnons M.A. (rector) Freeman Samuel Gateley, farmer Kippers farm
Harwin Richard, The Poplars Lambert Jeremiah, beer retailer Wilson Thomas Henry, farm bailiff to
COMMERCIAL. Proctor Stafford Joseph, farmer R. Harwin esq
Clarke Waiter, fishmonger Sherwood Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer
BOWTHORPE is a parish on the river Yare, about Park, Yorks, is lady of the rr.anor and principal land-
3! miles west from Norwich, in the Mid division of the owner. The soil is light and sandy; subsoil, mixed.
county, Forehoe hundred, petty session31 division and The chief crops are of the usual kind. The area is 644
union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery of acres; rateable yalue, £326; the population in I9II
Humbleyard, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of i was 63.
Norwich. Of the church of St. Michael the ruined walls L tt th h ,..T · h Th t d &
· h h h dh b ll d · t e ers roug "-' orw1c . e neares money or er
on I v rem am : t e c urc yar as een wa e m to prey en t 1 h 0 ffi · t c t 2
·1 d· t t
desecration. The living, formerly a donative, was, under e egrap ce IS a os essey, mi es lS an
the "Benefices Act, 1Bg8," consolidated with the vicarage The children of this place attend the school at Earlham
of Earlham. Mrs. Frederick Bacon Frank, of Campsall
. Cook Robins, farmer, Bowthorpe hall
:BRACON ASH is a village and parish 3 miles north- , and of Norm¥! extraction, settled in this county prior
west from Flordon station on the Ipswich and Norwich to the Conquest, and gave their n3me both to the manor
section and 2~ north from Ashwellthorpe station on the and parish of Berney, in West Norfolk. Mergate Hall,
Wymondham and Forncett branch of the Great Eastern the property of Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp hart. of The
railway, 6 south-west from Norwich and 4~ east from Close, Norwich, is an !Jncient mansion, approached by
Wymondham, ip the Southern division of the county, a fine avenue of oaks, and held by him of the manor
Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Humbleyard bun- of Bracon Ash by the payment of a free nmt; this pro-
dred, Henstead union, county court district of Norwich, perty came into the Kemp family in 1470 by the
rural deanery of Humbleyard, archdeaconry of Norfolk marriage of Robert KE.>mp with Elizabeth, daughter of
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Nicholas is a John A.ppleyard, then the owner of the parish; it is now
emall building of flint, stone and brick, consisting of chan- (1912) occupied by Robert Wade Palmer esq. George
eel, nave, south aisle, north FJOrch and a bell-cote con- .Augustus Berney esq. and Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp are
taining one bell: the chancel is Decorated and the nave chief landowners. The soil is various from clay to
and aisle Perpendicular: there are 200 sittings. The sand ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
register dates from the year 1563. The living is a rec- and roots. The area is 983 acres of land and 6 of
tory, net yearly value £195, in the gift of the trustees water; rateable value, £1,391; the population in J9II
of the late .Augustus Berney esq. and held since 1897 was 269.
by the Rev. Mark Robinson M.A. of Corpus Christi Parish Clerk, George Blunden.
College, Cambridge. There is a Church Sunday school,
the property of George Augustus Berney esq. which is Post Office.-Arthur Henry Watling, sub-postmaster.
also used a;; a parish reading room. Edward, ISt Baron Letters through Norwich, received about 5·45 a.m. &
· · Band Lord A hChancellor
p k in 1778,. was born. here 2 p.m. ""
.._ d'1spa t ch e d at 10.55 a.m. ""
.._ 6 ·55 p.m.; sun-
m 1732. racon s ar , 264 acres m extent, 1s one days, dispatched at 6. 55 p.m. Mulbarton, 1 mile
of the most ancient in Norfolk, and pays to the rector distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
a modus of £5, the commuted value of a buck and doe,
in lieu of all tithes. Bracon Hall, standing in the park, Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1877, to
is a modern mansion of brick, on the site of a much hold 70 children; average attendance, 64; Miss Nellie
older building, where Queen Elizabeth is said to have Burrage, mistress·
visited; it is the seat of George Augustus Berney esq. Carriers to Norwich.-Herbert Breeze, from BunweU,
who is lord of the manor, which includes Hethel p8iSses through wed. & sat.; Smith, from Forncett,
Jernynghams, lying contiguous to it, in the parish of wed. & sat.; John Olley, from New Buckenham, on
Hetbel. The family of Berney, one of great antiquity wed. & sat.; Barnard, from Hopton, on tues. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Newton Flotman, Hall farm (letwrs Myhill Frederick William, saddle &
Berney George Augustus, Bracon hall through Mulbarton, Norwich) harness maker
Corbould-Warren Edwd. Bracon lodge Chambers Charles George, steward Stackyard William, gardener to Mr.
Hardingham William Henry to Mr. R. G. Lincoln E. Morse
Palmer Robert Wade, Mergate hall Dunham J_ W. dairyman Stubbings v'harles, Rhopkeeper
Bobinson Rev. Mark M.A. (recwr) Mallett James, carpenter Watling Arthur Henry, grocer & baker
Slack Thomas, The Woodlands . Middleton Arthur, market gardener Westgate Alien Charles, farmer, ~
COMMERCIAL. Morse Ernest, fruit & rose grower & market reporter to the Board of
Brown Frederick, farmer & assistant horticulturist, The Vineyards Agriculture & Fisheries, Mergate
overseer for Bracon Ash, Flordon & 1 Hall farm
EAST BRADENHAM is a village and parish, 3~ I sional division, Swaffham union and county court dis-
miles south from Wendling station on the Lynn and trict, rural deanery of North Cranwich, archdeaconry of
Dereham section of the Great E8iStern railway, and 7 Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary
tmuth-west from Dereham, in the South Western division is a structure of flint in varioWI styles, consisting of
of the eounty, South Greenboe hundred and petty seB- chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and an embattled


western tower with pinnacles, containing a clock and one esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is loam and
bell; the tower was restored in 1893 at a cost of £r,ooo, clay; subsoil, clay. The {;hief crops are wheat, barley
by the Rev. W. R. Eaton B.A. rector I8gi-g: the stained and turnips. The area is 2,384 acres; rateable valuep
ea~t window was erected in IB49 at the expense of the £r,g6o; in rgn the population "as 275.
patron: there are 200 sittings, ISO being free. 1he Parish Clerk, Elijah Fawkes.
register dates from the 1ear I695· The living is a rec- Post Office.-George William Hart, sub-postmaster.
tory, net yearly vulue £rgo, with residence, in the gift Letters through Thetford arrive at 6.40 a.m. & 6.30
of Mrs. Adlington, and held since I899 by the Rev. p.m. (for callers only) & dispatched at 6.25 a.m. &
Edward Whyle M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cam- 6.iS p.m.; sundays, arrive at 5.4o a.m. & dispatched
bridge. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The 9·45 a.m. West Bradenham is the nearest money
poor have £r ros. yearly in fuel: the rent of allotments, order office & telegraph offtce is at Shipdham, about
£3 yearly, goes towards the maintenance of the church. 2~ miles distant .
Randolph Clarke-Thornhill esq. who is lord of the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r86I, en.
manor, the trustees of the late Henry Smith Adl~ngton larged in r884, for 78 children; average attendancep
esq. of Holme Hale Hall (d. 1893), and Henry Rivitt 6r ~ Miss Eva Crown, mistress ,
Whyle Rev. Edward M.A. Rectory Gapp Charles, farmer Lister Holly, Lord Nelson P.H
Garwood Walter William, farmer Nicholls Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Goring Chas. Harvey, frmr. Manor ho Reeve George, blacksmith
Carter Robert William, shopkeeper Goring W alt. farmer, Huntingfield hall' Thacker Jn. Henry, farmer & cattle db
Frost Arthur, farm bailiff to Henry Larwood Harriett (Mrs. ),farmer,Brick j Watson Shelah, horse slaughterer
Rivitt esq. Leys farm Kiln farm Wheales John, carpenter & builder
WEST BRADENHAM is a village and parish 3 miles common, which money is distributed in coal to the poo:r
south from Wendling station on the Lynn and Dereham according to the discretion of the trustees. Bradenham
section of the Great Eastern railway, 7 from Swaffham Hall, the property of Sir William Henry Doveton Hag-
and 6 south-west from Dereham, in the South Western gard K.C.M.G., C.B. and now occupied by Herbert
division of the county, South Greenhoe hundred and petty Francis Dupuis esq. was built in 1772, and is a mansion
sessional division, Swaftbam union and county court dis- of red brick, well situated and standing on one of the
trict, rural deanery of North Cranwich, archdeaoonry of highest spots in the county, surrounded by extensive
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. 'l'he church of St. Andrew plantations of old growth. Bradenbam Wood, close by
is an ancient edifice of flint, of Perpendicular and Early it, is a well-known meet of the Norfolk foxhounds. Sir
English styles, comprising chancel, nave, aisles, south W. H. D. Haggard K.C.M.G. who is lord of the manor
porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, of West Bradenham, and the trustees of the late Henry
containing clock ,and 2 bells: there are three stained Smith Adlington esq. of Holme Hale Hall (d. I893) are
windows at the west end of the nave, and one in the chan- the chief landowners. The soil is loam and clay; sub-
eel to members of the Haggard family; in the chancel is soil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
an inscribed stone to Thomas Gayley (a former rector barley and turnips. The area is 1,702 acres; rateable
here), to whose ancestors the manor was granted at the value, [,1,654; the population in 19II wa~ 272.
Conquest by William Earl de Warrenne of Castle Acre: Parish Clerk, Ernest Tennant.
an organ was given by the late Col. Mason, of Necton
Hall: the church was restored in I8S7• and the chancel Post & M. 0. Office. Mrs. Emma Louisa Mitchell, sub-
has been repaired by the EccletSiastical Commissioners: postmistress. Letters n~ceived through Thetford,
there are 200 sittings, 154 being free. The register dates arrive at 7· ro a.m. & 6.~s p.m. (callers only) & dill-
from the year 1520. The living is a vicarage, net yearly patched at 7· IS a.m. & 6 p.m. ; sundays, dispatch'ld
value £Iso, including 7~ acres of glebe, with tesidence, at 9-50 a.m. Telegr~ph office at Necton, 3 miles dis-
in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held !!ince 1899 tant
by the Rev. John Wynne-Davies B. A. of St. David's Col- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected, with teacher's
lege, Lampeter. The great tithes belong to the Eccle- house, in r8S3· at a cost of [,I,35o, on a site presented
sia.stical Commissioners. There are two trusts, which by William Haggard esq. for 70 children; average atr
together produce an income of about £35 a year, arising tendance, 66; Mis!! Elizabeth Ostler, mistress
from cottages and land, granted at the inclosure of the
Dupuis Herbert Fras. Bradenham ball Coe George, farmer Nichols Frederick, wheelwright
Wynne-Davies Rev. John B.A. (vicar) Coppen Robert, farmer Palmer Me.urice Wheals, carpenter &
• •
Dewing Charles, farmer, Manor farm JOmer
COMMERCIAL. Griffin Hannah Maria (Mrs.), shopkpr Pooley Alfred, farmer
Bailey Philip, frmr. Bokenham manor J arvis J esse, farmer Robertson J a.mes, bricklayer
Barrett Edward, farmer Jerry William, farmer Rump Emma (Mrs.), farmer
Basham John, farmer Loads John, farmer, High farm Thacker Robert, pork butcher
.Brown Waiter, Maid!! Head P.H Matthews Charles, farmer Tubby Abra.ham, farmer
Burton Francis, farmer, Bridge farm Mendham Benj amin, blacksmith Vout Howard, grocer & draper
· Can ham John, bricklayer Mendham David, farmer
BRADESTON, see Brnndall.
BRADFIELD is a parish I! miles south-by-east from resides at Swafield. The Congregational chapel, said to
Gunton t!tation on the Cromer branch of the Great have been originally built about r65o, wa~ rebuilt in r872.
Eastern railway, 2! north-west from North Walsham, 5 The North Walsham and Dilham canal runs through this
south-east from Cromer and 17 from Norwich, in the parish to Antingham. Sir Humphrey Francis de
Eastern division of the county, Tnnstead and Rapping Trafford ba.rt. of Hill Crest, Market Harborongh, is
petty sessional division, Turutead hundred, Smallburgh lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil
union, Norwich oounty court district, rural deanery of is mixed light sand; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops
Waxham (Tunstead division), archdeaconry of Norfolk are wheat, oats, barley and beans. The area is 748
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Giles is an acres of land and I I of watBr; rateable value, £r;!3;
ancient building of flint, in the Norman style, oon.sisting the population in rgn was 166.
of ohancel, nave, south porch .and a western tower con- Parish Clerk, Edward Paul.
taining I bell: it was newly roofed and restored in IB64, Post Office.-Miss Frances Ann Knight, sub-postmistress.
and affords ISO sitting!!. The register dates from the Letters throng~ North W'alsham arrive at 8. ro a.m. &
year 1725. The living is a rectory, net yearly value 5-So p.m. Letter Box cleared at 8.5 a.m. & 5·45
£126, including 11, acres of glebe, with residence, in the p.m. Southrepps, 2! miles distant, is the nearest
gift of Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B. and held money order & telegraph office. There is no sunday
~ince rgo~ by the Rev. Frooerick \Simpson Thew M.A. of post
Oavendish College, Cambridge, who i!! also rector of and The children of this parish attend school at Southrepps
Giles Henry, Bradfield hall Fowle William R. blacksmith Knight Frances Ann & Susan(Misses),
Lamb Misses, The Rectory Gibbons William Robert, farmer shopkeepers, Post office
Horsfield Edward Darby, farmer, arti- Sayer William, wheelwright & coach
COMMERCIAL. ficial manure manufacturer & bone builder & coach & general painter
Bell Durrant, farmer crusher, Pond farm Suffolk James, cowkeeper
BRAMERTON is a parish in a beautiful position on sional division, Henstead hundred and union, Norwich
the river Yare, 3 miles south-east from Trowse station county court distriot, rural deanery of Brooke (western
on the Wymondham and Yarmouth section of the Great divisioll),archdeaconry of Norfolk ·and diocese of Norwich.
Eastern railway, and 4-! south-east from Norwich, in the The church of 1St. Peter, rebuilt in 146:.~, is an ancient
Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe petty ses- structure of flint and stone, in the Early English style,
consisting of chancel, nave, transept, south porch, a large former owner. Bramerton Grange, the property of James
vestry and a western tower with pinnacles containing one A. Christie esq. and at present or:cupied by W. W.
bell: there are several memorial windows to the Blake R. Eastwood esq. is an ancient mansion of brick and
family, and a marble tablet to Ernest England: the stone in the Elizabethan style, beautifully aituated in a
credence table bears a memorial brass inscribed to Ernest small park facing an avenue of oaks, andJ has a very fine
England, who died 25th Feb. 1895: the church was re- old oak staircase. Hill House is the property of and
stored, reseated and new roofed in 1866 at a cost of about occupied by Charles Edward Hardyman esq. There are
[4oo, and in 1896 a new organ was provided: the church no manorial rights. The principal landowners are Henry
affords 140 sittings. The register dates from the year Blake esq. Frank Price esq. and James A. Christie esq.
l56o. The living is a rectory, net yearly value [,r6o, The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
including 25 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift wheat, barley, turnips &c. The area is 731 acres of rich
crf Robert Fellowes esq. of Shotesham Park, Norwich, land; rateable value, £1,478 ; the population in 19II
and held since 1898 by the Rev. Thomas Fraser Lloyd. was 212.
The commons were inclosed in 1852, when two acres Post & Telegraph Office.-Clement Woodrow Cooke,
were allotted to the poor, divided into eight garden plots, 1mb-postmaster. · Letters arrive from Norwich by cycle
for which the tenants pay a small sum ; two acres of post, via Trowse, at 6.40 a.m. & 2.30 p.m.; sundays,
ground also were allotted for recreation ground; The 6 40 a.m.; dispatched at 11.55 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.;
parish has £r 13s. 4d. every year for apprentice fees, sundays, 10.20 a.m. Trowse, 4 miles distant, is the
and £1 yearly for the poor, from Cock's charity. Bram- nearest money order office
erton Hall, the seat of the Corys from about I400 to Wall Letter Box, cleared at II.5o a.m. & 5.10 p.m.; sun-
about I?{io, now occupied by Henry Blake esq. is a man- days, ro. 15 a.m
sion of brick partly rebuilt by the late John Blake esq. The children of this parish attend the school at KirbJ
about I824, and completed in 1870 by J. J. Blake esq. Iledon
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Rudd Mrs. The Bungalow Hayes John, market gardener
Ileckett Lieut.-Col. John Robert, The Shortt Capt.Alex.Graham,The Red ho Knight Henry, Woods End inn
Lodge COMMERCIAL. Mace Henry, market gardener
Blake Henry, Bramerton hall Abbott Waiter, farm bailiff to Capt. Nobbs Waiter, market gardener
Day William, W oodside house Shortt Parker Robt. Jas. blcksmth. & crpntr
Eastwood W. W. R.Bramerton grange Chilvers Arthur John, farm bailiff to Purfitt Brothers, farmers
Hardyman Oharles Edwd. Hill house William W. Cook esq Reeve Daniel, market gardener &
Lloyd Rev. Thos. Fraser, The Rectory Cooke Clement Woodrow, market fruit grower
Price Frank, The Gables gardener, fruit grower, & post office
llRAMPTON is a village and parish on the navigable erected in 1898. Roman coins and urns have been found
river Ilure, 2! miles south from Aylsham station and r! here at different times. Brampton Hall, an ancient
miles north-west from Iluxt<Jn Lammas station, both on building now converted into a farmhouse, belongs t<J
the EBist Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern railway, Philip Edward Sewell esq. of Dudwick House, Buxton,
and 3! south from Aylsham Town station on Lhe Midland who is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil
and Great Northern joint railway, in the Northern divi- is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are
sion of the county, South Erpingham hundred and petty wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is 527 acres,
sessional division, Aylsbam union and county court dis- of which 16 are common; rateable value, £770; the
trict, rural deanery of Ingworth (South division) and population in 19II was r6g.
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. . .
Peter, on ri.sing ground, is an ancient building of stone, ParLSh Clerk, Waiter Bucham.
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Post Office. James Helsdon, sub-postmaster. Letterll
aisles, south porch, vestry and a small tower, round at through Norwich 7 a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched 11.55
the base, with an octagonal embattled belfry stage con- a.m. & 5.15 p.m. week days only. No sunday de-
taining one bell: there are rro sittings. The register livery. Telegraph & money order office is at Buxton,
dates from the year I73I. The living is a. rectory, net
I mile distant
yeady value £no, including 10 acre-s of glebe, with
residence, in the gift of Major Henry Savill Marsham, Public Elementary School (infants), in oonnection with
of Rippon Hall, and held since I91I by the Rev. Victor the Buxton school, for 34 children; average :J.ttend-
Christian Albert FitzHugh. The parish room here was ance, IS; Mrs. Jane Marsham, mistress
Stone James Edward, farm bailiff to
Herbert Sutton esq
Fitz-Hugh Rev. Victor Christian Albt. Hammond Burrell,frmr.Brampton hall Thirkettle Charles, blacksmith
(rector), Rectory Helsdon Jas. shopkpr.& sub-postmstr Vincent Ernest Edward, well sinker,
Hammond Burrell, Brampton hall Seaman Geo. Wm. Maid's Head P.H pump maker, carpenter & farmer
:BRANCASTER is a parish and considerable village (1912) nearly 700 members. The Dormy House Club,
on the bay of its name and on a creek of the German in the village, is a similar building, in connection
Ocean, 4, miles west-north-west from Burnham Market with the golf club, and was erected in 1893 by Holcombe
station on the Lynn and Wells· section of the Great Ingleby esq. for the members of the golf club. A Read-
Eastern railway, 7 east from Hunstanton and 22! north- ing Room and Institute was built in I905 for the benefit
east from Lynn, in the North Western divi-sion of the of the parish and neighbourhood by Mr. and Mrs.
county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and IlrotherCToss Simms Reeve. There are almshouses here for four poor
petty sessional division, Docking union, Fakenham county women, founded about 1597 by Robert Smith and hi3
court district, rural deanery of Heacham, archdeaoonry sister. Here was the Roman station Branodunum.
of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary garrisoned by the Dalmatian cavalry under a general
,is a building of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting designated Gaunt of the Saxon Shore: the castle and
of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, south porch and a entrenchments occupied about six acres of ground above
fine embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing the marsh, where part of the ditch and a small frag-
a clock, given in I907 as a memorial to the late Mrs. ment of wall are visible on the north side. A Roman
E. S. Daubeney, and one bell: in 1904 the nave was road, called •• the Jews'-way," passed from Brancaster
reseated with carved oak benches by the members of along the coast to the Roman station at Caister-next-
the Royal West Norfolk Golf Club, and in 1908 the Yarmouth. Many objects of antiquity have been found
e! window was filled with stained glass, also in a.t different periods. Brancaster Hall, the residence of
memory of Mrs. Daubeney: an organ was provided in Simms Reeve esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and
1912, partly by public subscription and partly by W. H. principal landowner, is a fine mansion, commanding an
Game esq. in memory of his father and mother: there extensive view of the German Ocean. The soil is mixed.
are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. but generally light; subsoil, marl and gravel. The chief
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £450, with crops are wheat, barley, oats and root8. The area is
residence and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. 3,522 acres of land, including Boo acres of salt marsh anri
'Simms Reeve, and held since 1903 by the Rev. Edmund common, 30 of tidal water and 773 of foreshore; rateable
Seymour Daubeney B.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. value, [4,o68; the population, including Brancaster
Rere is a Primitive Methodist chapel. built in 1864, and Staith, in 191 I was 994·
"there is another at Brancaster Staith, built in 1865.
The Royal West Norfolk Golf Club was formed in 1892; BRANCASTER STAITH is a straggling village in this
Simms Reeve esq. D.L., J.P. president; excellent links parish, about 1! milBS east from the church, with :~
have been laid out on the common near Ilrancaster Primitive Methodist chapel. Here is a harbour for ships
Beach: the club house, a building of Carr stone and of 250 tons and a coastguard station.
red brick, stand.'! near the links, and there are now Parish Clerk, John Softley.

Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Samuel John Jacobs, sub- Wall Letter Box, The Green, cleared at 8 a.rn. & 3
postmaster. Letters arrive through Lynn, by mail p.m.; sundays, no collection
cart, & are delivered at 7·45 a.m. & via Hunstanton Coast Guard Station, Brancaster Staith, J oseph Davis,.
2.40 p.m.; sunday, 7.40 a.m. ; dispatched (via Hun- chief officer
stanton) at 9 a.m. & 4.25 p.m. ; sunday, 4.25 p.m Life Boat Station, Brancaster, Wm. H. Loose, ~o:xswain.
Post & M. 0. Office, Brancaster Staith.--Charles Wm.
Southerland, sub-postmaster. Letters through Lynn, Schools.
by mail-cart, delivered at 7.25 a.m. & via Hunstanton, Non-provided free school fur boys, founded by B.obert
2 40 p.m. ; sun day, 7.25 a.m. ; dispatched at 9 a.m. Smith & his sister, about 1593, & now under the manage.
(via Snettisham) & 4.20 p.m.; sunday, 4.20 p.m. ment of truSltees; the school will hold So boys ; average-
Brancaster is the nearest telegraph office, 2 miles dis- attendance, 57; Dennis William Burton, head master
tant Public Elementary School (girls & infants), erected in
Wall Letter Box, Dormy house, cleared at 8 a.rn. & 3 186o & enlarged in r894 & 19II, for 130 children r
p.m.; sundays, no collection average attendance, 71 ; Mrs. Street, bead mistress
BRAN CASTER. Jacobs Samuel John (Mrs.), apart- Blackburn Willie Jn. assst. overseer
Boughey Maj.-Gen.John,Beechcroft ho ments, The Hermitage Chestney Albert, apartments
Dale Sir James B. bart. D.L., J.P. King Tom, professional to the Royal Clarke James, blacksmith
Brancaster house West Norfolk Golf Club Edwards Albert, coal dealer
Daubeney Rev. Edmund Seymour B.A. Lane William, farm bailiff to F. H. Everitt James, fisherman .
(rector), Rectory Ringer esq. Field house Howard Thomas Lewis, bricklayer
Game W illiam Henry Large Charles, carter King Edward L. butcher
Hannaford Guy Petchley Edward Fox, wheelwright Large Thomas W. beer retailer
Jones George Edwards, Garthmyle Petchey J ames, farmer Loo-se Ernest, fisherman
Pechell Capt.Wm.Kerr, Saltingsgarth Powell J. E. C. & Co. engineers 1 Loose Henry, sen. fisherman
Reeve Simms D.L., J.P. Brancaster agricultural implement makers, Loose Henry, jun. fisherman
hall cart, van & wagon builders, Loose William Henry, fisherman
Ringer Fredk. Herbert, Field house machinists, motor engineers, general McCreedy Alex. aparts. Lothian villa
Sutherland Elijah, The Rest smiths & iron & brass founders Mullard George Edward, surveyor for
COMMERCIAL. Powell Emily (Miss), dress maker the Eastern divir;ion of Docking
Barmstone &phia (Miss), dress makr Ringe.r Frederick Herbert, farmer, Rural District
Brancaster Institute & Reading Room Field house Page & Turner, coal merchants
(Alexander McCreedy, sec) Royal West Norfolk Golf Club (E. A. Parnell Robert, farm bailiff to Mr-.
Brancaster Village Golf Club (Saml. Pawle, sec) George Southerland
J<ilin Jaoobs, aec. & treasurer) Sadler Vincent Richard, baker Snelling Edward F. cycle agent
Bugdale Robert, baker Smith Robert, blacksmith Southerland Charles William, grocer.
Dormy House Qub (Miss A. Peters, Sporne Henry B. & John, farmers & po-st office, Woodthorpe villa
manageress) Tennant Edward, Lifeboat inn Southerland George, farmer
Duffield Herbert Stanleyt grocer Ward George, hair dresser Southerland Henry S. shopkeeper

Edwards Fred, farm bailiff to G. A. Woodbine Charles, ~oot & shoe maker Southerland Isaac, fisherman
Caller esq. Manor farm Wording ham Frede-tick, Ship inn Southerland John Wm. fisherman
Eggett Adam, beer retailer Wright Robert, farmer Southerland Richard, fisherman
Fidd am an Frank, farmer SoutherlandJ William, fisherman
Helsden Henry William, butcher BRANCASTER STAITH. Thompson Richard J. carpenter
Howlett William, shopkeeper Birch Mrs Winterbone Em est (Mrs.), dress mkr
Jacobs Samuel John, circulating Jamieson George C.M.G. Staith ho Winterbone Isaac, fisherman
library, Post office COMMERCIAL. Wright Wm. Fras. Jolly Sailor P.H
Billing Frank, White Horse P.H

BRANDISTON is a village and parish 2 miles south Baveringland. Gurney's charity of £25 yearly supports
from Cawston station on the Aylsham branch of the Great four almshouses. Brandiston Hall, the property and
Ea.stern railway, 3 north frum Attlebridge s-tation on the residence of the Rev. John Riley Mee M.A. is a mansion
Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 10 north-west of red brick in the Jacobean style, erected in 1647 and
from Norwich and 6 .south-west from Aylsha.m, in the considerably enlarged in 1875, and containing a good
Northern division of the county, Eynsford hundred and deal of ancient carved oak. The President and Fellows
petty sessional division, St. Faith's union, Aylsham county of Magdalen College, Oxford, are lords of the manor.
court district, rural d€anery of Sparham and arch- Lord de Ramsey, E. Green esq. and Fountain P. Elwin
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. esq. of Bouton Mano~, are the chief landowners. The
~icholas is a small building of flint in the Perpendicular soil is loamy and mixed; subsoil, clay and sand. The
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, vestry, chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area
and a. low. round western tower containing one bell: the is 776 aares; assessable value, £644; the population in
tower was rebuilt, together with a new vestry, jn 18go, , :r9II was 137.
at a cost of £180; the windows contain some- ancient I t
stained glass: the church wa.s restored by a f~Jrmer in- I ette:t- Box _cleared at a.m. & 4·3o p.m: I sundays &
· 18 o, an d a ff or=
cum b en t rn _,_ 8o Sl"tt"rngs. Th e regrs
· t ers bank
N . holidays,
h b 10.25 a.m. .Letters rece1ved& through
date from the year 1610, but are not complete. The orwrc • Y foot post, arnve at 8 a. m. 2 P ·m.

living is a rectorv, net yearly value £I6r, with ro~ acres The nearest money order~ teleg_raph offices at Oaw·
of glebe, in the gift of Lord de Ramsey, and held since ston & Reepham, 2 & 3 mrles drstant; t!)legraph office
1900 by the Rev. James Ernest Pease B . .A. of Pembroke at Cawston

College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of and resides ut I rhe children of the parish attend the school at Booton
Mee Rev. John Riley M.A. Brandis- COMMERCIAL. 1 Howard Wm. Arth. frmr. Church frm
ton hall Baxter Robert, machine proprietor I Perowne John, farmer, Guton hall
Seeley Mi!!IS, The Grange
BRANDON, a parish, formerly partly in this oounty, is now entirely in Suffolk.

with a scattered population, 2'

BRANDON PARVA is a parish, on the rivea- Yare,
miles north fa.'om Hard-.
two new windows placed in the south wall of the nave.
at a cost of about £300: it was further restored and

tion of the Great Eastern railway and 5'

ingham station on the Dereham and Wymoudham sec-
from Wymondham, in the Mid division of the county,
reseated in 1867, and in rgo8 a stained! east wiiCdow
wa~ presented by the rector and friends: in 1910 a
mahogany tablet with a list of rectors from the year
Forehoe hundred and petty sessional division and union, i rgg to the present time, was placed in the church by
Wymondham county- court distriot, rural deanery of the rector: there are rso sittings. The register datei
Hingham, Forehoe division, archdeaconry of Norfolk from the year 1694. The living is a rectory, net yearly
and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints is value £2oo, including 14 acres of glebe, with residence,.'
an edifice of flint, in the Perpendicular style, consist- in the gift of trustees, and held since 1904 by the Rev.
ing of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled Philip Norton, of London University. Warner's charity
western tower containing one bell, recast and rehnng Of £10 yearly, left in 1702, is for distribution l the fuel
in 1893 at the sole cost of Mrs. Gwyn : the chancel allotment of 10 acres produces on an average £B tos.
retains a piscina, and there are tablets, with arms, which is given to the poor;. Abigail Costwel in 1691J left
to John Warner, gent. 1702, and John Tidd, gent. 1758, a sum of [1, the yearly rent-charge on Hill House farm.
and an ancient brass; the church was repaired in for educating poor children. John Dring and' Arthul'
J.S6o, when it was new roofed, the porch rebuilt and Dixon-Sutton esqrs. are chief landowners, and the latter
is lord of the manor. The .soil is various; subsoil, Runhall the nearest telegraph office, about :r mile dis-.
brick earth. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips tant. Letter Box, near the Manor house, cleared at
and hay. The area is I,cos acres; rateable value, 9·"'S a.m. & 6.25 p.m. week days only; near the
£949; the population in I9II was 15I. Elementary school, cleared at 9· IS a. m. & 6. IS p.m.
week daJS only
Parish Clerk, James Pallant.
Public Elementary School (mixed), built in .1883, at a
Letters arrive through Wymondham at about 9 a.m. cost of [3o5, for so childTen; average attendance, 30;..
Barnham Broom is the nearest money order office & Miss Sarah Elizabeth Faircloth, mistress
Greenwood Charles, farmer & poultry
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. farmer & assistant overseer, Bill
Marked thus t receive their letters House farm
Dixon-Sutton Arthur, Monk's hall through Dereham. tGricks Frank, farmer
Dring Alfred John Chapman, Dairy Dixon-Sutton Arthur, farmer & land- Holley Charles, carpenter, Jlainter &
house owner, Monk's hall decorator, Manor hom;e
Norton Rev. Philip (rector), Rectory Dring Alfred John Chapman, farmer, tNorton John, carrier & farmer,.
Dairy House farm Orchard farm
BRECCLES is a village and parish about It miles arms and crest, to Sir William Hewyt kt. ob. 1667:
south from Stow Bedon station on the Swaffham and the organ, prO'Vided in I904 at a cost of about £2oo.
Thetford section of the Great Eastern railway and 5 was the gift of the Hon. C. S. M. Eateman-Hanburyand
south-east from Watton, in the South Western division friends: the church affords about I30 sittings. The-
of the county, Wayland hundred and petty sessional register dates from the year 1538. The living is a.
division and union, Watton and Attleborough county perpetual curacy, united to the vicarage of Stow Berlon,,
court district, rural deanery of Breccles, archdeaconry net yearly value £32, including 2r! acres of glebe, ill<.
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. the gift of the Hon. C. S. M. Batcman-Hanbury D.L.,
Margaret is a building of flint, in the Early English J.P. and held since Igro _by the Rev. Michael Power-
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, who is also rector of-
round western tower, with octagonal belfry stage, con· and resides at- Stow Bedon. Brecdes Hall, a mansion
taining 2 bells, and was restored in I862: the fine of the ISth century, is the property and residence of-
Norman font is ornamented on one side with figures the Hon. Charles Stanhope Melville Bateman-Hanbury
of the four Evangelists, and there is also a good Nor- D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and sole landowner:
man arch ; the chancel retains a piscina, and the the house, which has been completely restored by 'th&.
doorway and steps to the rood loft are in good pre- present owner, contains a panelled hall and severaL_
servation: the chancel and nave are divided by a panelled roo:rps, some tapestry, three octagonal stair-
handsome carved tJak !lcreen, with an hour glass : the cases and many fine pictures ; there is also a domestic .
pulpit is of carved oak and the open oak benches have chapel. The soil is sand and gravel; subsoil, gravel
carved poppy heads : in the chancel is a memorial and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
slab of black marble, with the arms of Webb impaling turnips. The area is I,644 acres; rateable value,;.
Richardson, to John Webb esq. ob. I6S8, and Mary, £I,II9; the population in I9II was I<>4.
his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas Richardson kt. of Parish Clerk, Sam Butcher.
lioningham, ob. I626: there is also fastened, as it
were, to this slab, by a strap and buckle, cut in the Letters through Attleborough arrive at 8 a..m. The-
stone, a srn all oval of black marble with the words nearest money order & telegraph office is at Great
" Stat ut Vixit Erecta," which covers the grave of Hockham, about 1 mile distant
Ursula (Webb), wife of Sir William Hewyt At. who Public Elementary School (infants), maintained by the
was. by her own desire, buried in an upright position, Hon. C. S. M. Bateman-Hanbury, for 20 children;
ob. 1658: adjoining is a slab of black marble, with average attendance, 3; Miss Martha Banham, mistres~t-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Williams Mrs t Fuller Arthur Edward, farme-x:
BatPman-Hanbury Hon. Charles Stan- COMMERCIAL. Goddard Robert, farmer
hope .Melville D.L., J.P. Breccles Brown Frank, farmer, The Grange Prewer George, farmer
hall; & Bachelors' & New clubs W, Dixon Everett George, farmer, White
London Lodge farm 1

ERESSINGHAM (or Brissingham) is a parish and lege, Cambridge. There are Primitive Methodist, W"es---
long straggling village on the borders of Suffolk, and on leyan and Baptist chapels here. Mrs. Elizabeth Barker's
the river Waveney, 3 miles north-west from Diss sta.- chMity of £12 yearly is distributed equally between
tion on the Great Eastern railway, in the Southern the Sunday and Public Elementary schools. Welham'~
division of the county, Diss hundred, petty sessional charity of £2 yearly is for bread, and the poor have
division and county court district, Depwade union, an allotment of 24 acres. Bressingham Hall is ;,he
rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of NDI"folk property and residence of Herbert King Finch esq.
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. John the The rector is lord of the rectorial manor. The Duke
Baptist, rebuilt in I527, is an edifice of flint and of Norfolk K.G. the trustees of the late Harrison Alien
stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, esq. H. K. Finch esq. and Mr. Henry Gardiner Hart
clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and a lofty em- are the principal landowners. The land is of a mixed
battled western tower with pinnacle!! and containing 5 soil; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
bells: the roof, pulpit, reading-desk and pews are of wheat and barley. 'rhe area is 2,421 acres; rateable
oak, elaborately carved: the east window contains three value, £2,842; and the population in tgn was 504.
fragments of ancient stained glass, and there are Sexton, George Howard.
several marble monuments to the family of Thomas Post Office.-George Howard, sub-po 8 tmaster. Letter•
Martin, the antiquary, and author of a "History of through Diss arrive at 7 . IS a.m. & I p.m. ; dis-
the Town of Thetford: " in the north aisle is a patched 12 • 10 & p.m. week days only. Diss, 3
memorial window, inserted at the expense of the late miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
Robert Newson Bunn, to his father, who resided in oftice
this parish upwards of 40 years : another stained Pillar Letter Box, Bressingham Common, cleared 6. IS
window has been erected by Mrs. Huson: there are p.m. week days only
250 sittings, of which r64 are free. The register dates
from the year ISSg. The living is a rectory, net yearly Public Elementary School (mixed), buillt in 1878, at a
value £ 435 , including 30 acres of glebe, with residence, cost of £8so, for xoo children; average attendance~
in the gift of Mrs. T. H. Nock, and held since Igo8 by 79; George Edward Jolly, master
the Rev. Thomas Arthur Nock M.A. of Pembroke CoJ- Carrier.-Bond, to Diss, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Mrs. farmer Everett Ernest, farmer
Arnies Richard Henry, Lodge farm Bond Solomon, carrier Flatman Ernest, jobbing gardener
Burroughes Herbert Ernest, Ivy villa Brame George, farmer Gedney James John, farmer
Finoh Herbert King,Bressingham hall Bryant Oharles, farmer Goodchild Alfred, frmr. iBoyland hall
Fisher James King, The Lime!! Burronghes Herbert Ernest, miller Hall Herbt. Ledger, frmr. Common
Hart Henry Gardiner, The Grange (wind & steam) • Hall John, farmer
Nock Rev. Thomas Arthur M.A. Cook Geo. Arth. W. Chequers P.H Hart Henry Gardiner, farmer & land-
(rector), Rectory Criek Louisa E. (MTS.), & Sons,frmrs owner, The Grange
Y oungma.n Mrs. Ivy lodge Crowfoot George, draper Ho skin!! J ames, farmer
COMMERCIAl., Denny Charles, farmer, Common Howard George, shopkeeper, Post off
Amies Richard Henry, farmer & land- Downing William, hurdle maker Kent Elizh.M.(Mrs.),shpkpr. Commn.
owner, Lodge farm Elwood Jas. beer ret. & asst. overseer Leeder Fredllrick, blacksmith

Long Robert, miller (wind) Pearce Herbert, farmer Smith James, builder
Loveless Harry James, farrier & cas- Pearce Horace, blacksmith Styles George, fanner & butcher
trator Pearce Waiter, farmer Styles John Vi7 harton, farmer
Orford, farmer, Poplar farm Pownall Cuthbert Stephen, farmer, Turner Charles Thomao;, farm bailiff
Orford Geo. farmer,Walnut Tree frm Common to I<'redk. Le Grice esq. Wood farm
Page Joseph, farmer, Common Self Jabez, fowl dealer Tvler John. farmer
Pearce Albert, carpenter Shepherd Charles, farmer Wade Frederick, farmer, The Poplars
Pearce Frank Lewis, grocer Smith George, farmer,Three Gate fm Womack Edward Reeve, farmer
:BRETTENHAM is a pa.rish and village, connected Order in Council with the adjoining benefice of Rush ford,
with Rushford by a bridge over the river Thet, 4 miles joint net yearly value £II5, including 20 acres of glebe,
easb from Thetford station on the Great Eastern railway, in the gift of John Musker esq. and held since 1885 by
in the Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and the Rev. Thomas Robinson B.A. of Wadham College,
Shropham petty sessional division, Thetford union and Oxford, who resides at Rushford. John Musker esq. of
county court district, Sba-opham hundred, rural deanery Shadwell Court, Rushford, is lord of the manor and sole
of Rockland (South division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and landowner. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil, clay.
diocese of Norwich. The original church, together with The chief crops are wheat and barley. The population
the rectory house, were destroyed by fire, about the in I9Il was 85, comprising a few cottages and one farm
latter part of the I7th century. The present church of of 1,983 acres of land and 23 of water; rateable value,
St. Andrew, built in I852 at the expense of the £gsB~
Dowager Lady Buxton, is a small and beautiful edifice Parish Clerk, Alfred Lebbon.
of stone, in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, Wall Letter Box cleared at _20 a.m. & _ p.m. week
nave, transepts, vestry, south porch and a western d & d 7 75
tower containing 5 bells : the church was thoroughly ays II..5 a.m. sun ays
restored and st81ined windows added by John Musker esq. Letters recerved from Thetford, the nearest money order
& telegraph office, about 8 a. m.
in I903: there are IBo sittings. The register dates from
the year I777· The living is a rectory, consolidated by The children of this place attend Rushford school
Popham Benjamin Francis, :Brettenham manor
BRIDGHAM is a parish and village in the vale of chapel. Risley's and Gawdy"s charities of about £g
the river Thet, 2 miles south-west from Harling Road yearly are distributed in coals. John :Musker esq. of
station on the Gxeat Eastern railway and 6 east-by- Shadwell Court, Thetford, who is lord of the manor,
north from Thetford, in the Mid division of the county, Mrs. Myhill and Thomas Banyard Colman esq. are the
Gniltcross and Shropham petty sessional division, principal landowners. The soil is sandy; subsoil, chalk
Shropham hundred, Thetford union, Attleborough county and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, rye and
court district, rural deanery of Rockland (South divi- turnips. In 191 r the parish contained 254 inhabitants,
sion), archdeaCQnry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. chiefly employed in husbandry, and comprised 2,721
The church of St. Mary ~ a large edifice of brick a.nd acres of fertile land and 13 of water; rateable value,
stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, £2,398. There are large heaths containing rabbit warrens.
nave, a. fins Norman south porch, and a belfry contain- Post Office.-Mrs. Harriett Cutter, sub-postmistress.
ing one bell: the church was new roofed in 1877 and Letters from Thetford; deliveries of letters commence
reseated in I'886 at a cost of £so, and has 120 sittings. at 7.30 a. m. & 6. rs p.m. on week days; sundays,
The register dates from the year I558. The living is 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 7.2o a.m. & 6.5 p.m. & on
a. rectory, net yearly value £2oo, including 15 acres sundays at 11.5 a.m. East Harling, 2! miles distant,
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chcm- is the nearest money order & telegraph office
cellar, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Henry Wilfrid fublic Elementary SchJol, enlarged in r894, for 74
:Blunt M. A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge, who is children; average attendance, 54; Miss Sarah Eli:.:a-
also vicar of Roudham. There is a small Wesleyan beth Benson, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Colman Thos.Banyard,frmr.:\-Ianor fm I :Marshall Frederick James,farm bailiff
Blunt Rev. Henry Wilfrid M.A .. Cutter Augustus, blacksmith to P. Musker esq
(rector), Rectory I Davy David, carpenter Stammers Hy. Red Lion P.H. & farmr
Colman Thomas Banyard, Manor frm F~rr Arthur Wm. farmer, The Grove Tuck George, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. LIVOCk John, grocer, farmer &
Cole Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker landowner
BRINING HAM is a parish I mile north from Melt on On the south side of the parish is a fine tower, called
Constable station on the Midland and Great Northern "Belle Vue," belonging to Lord Hastings, and command-
joint railway, 4 south-west from Halt, 9 north-east from ing extensive views. The Marquess of Lothian and
Fakenha-m and 14 south-west from Cromer, in the Lord Hastings hold the manors, and the land is
Nol"thern division of the county, Halt hundred and petty divided among several owners. The soil is mixed
sessional division, Walsingham union and county court loam; sub9oil, partly shingle. The chief crops are
district, rural deanery of Holt and arohdeaconry and wheat, turnips, barley and some pasture land. The
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Maurice is an area is 1,224 acres; rateable value, £r,s6B; the popu-
t!difice in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, con- lation in r9rr was 220.
-sisting ef chancel, nave and a tower at the south-west Parish Clerk, Augustus Ives.
"angle of the nave containing one bell; the lower stage
..of the tower forms a porch: the stained west window is Pest Oflice.-Mrs. Ellen Maria Turner, sub-postmis-
a memorial to Capt. S. H. Brereton, ob. r899, and !Jhe tress. Letters through M:elton Constable arrive at
SC'uth window is to C . .A.tkinson esq. ob. I896: there 6.15 a.m. & 4·35 p.m. (to callers only); dispatched
.:are ISO sittings. The church was restored in I896. at 7.40 a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 6.r5
The register dates from the year 1709· The living is a a.m. (to callers only from 9 to 10 a.m.); dispatched
vicarage, net yearly value £86, with residence and one at 10-40 a.m. Melton Constable, r! miles distant, is
acre of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. S. H. Brereton, a.nd the nearest money order & telegraph office
· held since 1900 by the Rev. Herbert John Foyster. The children of this parish attend Brinton school •
PRIVATE" RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Jones :Benjarnin Henry, apartments
· Brereton Mrs. S. H. Briningoham ho Beane Henry, farmer, Belle Vue Oliver Richard, White Horse inn
· Foyster Rev. Herbert Jn. Vicarage Everitt James, market gardener Starkings John Edmnnd, farm bailiff
· Westcott Albert, Holmlea Groom Jesse Colman, f!lhopkeeper to Mrs. S. H. Brereton
:BRINTON is a pleasant village and parish, 2 miles doorway projecting into this newly-added portion, but
north from Melton Constable junction station on the now built up, can be faintly traced: in the Early
Eastern section of the Midland and Great Northern joint English period tJhe walls were again raised by 4 feet
-railway, 3! west-south-west from Holt, 9 north-east from 3 inches, the building extended 21 feet westward, the
Fakenham and I3 west from Cromer, in the Northern junction being masked by the east wall of the present
. division of the county, Halt hundred, petty sessional divi- south porch: a north aisle and porch (now removed)
--sion and county court district, Walsingha.m union, rural and a transept were added, probably with wooden
-deanery of Halt and archdeaconry and diocei!C of Nor- arcading separating thi9 aisle from the nave: a window
wich. The church of St. Andrew consists of chan~l.'l, and two Early English buttres,ssss still remain, and
·nave, north aisle, transept, south porch and a western from the faint indications of a beaten clay floor it is
tower containing one bell: the edifice dates from the inferred that a circular tower was then added; but, if so,
"Saxon pe:riod, when it was a small building with walls it was replaced by the present square tower in the tran-
only 7 feet high: in the Norman period the walls were ~ition period from Decoraterl to Perpendicular: a~ain
heightened about 3 feet, and a semicircular headed the walls were elevated by 6~ feet and the present stone
arcading built between the nave, aisle and transept, Pe.r- Hastings, and held since 1894 by the Rev. Joseph Kaye,
pendicnlar windows int~erted, and a little Early English of St. Bees, who resides at Thornage. The United
image of St. Andrew, cross in band, placed over the tran- Methodist chapel here was built in 1858. _/;2 is
sept window, where it still remains, having been plastered distributed yearly from Roger's charity. .A portion of
np for the sake of pre1ervation during the troublous times the shaft of a cross, once standing on the plain west of
of the 17th century: the church was restored soon after the church, now protects the angle of a building hard
the Reformation, under the direction of John Skye, by. Lord Hastings is lord of the manor; the land is
then rector, when the present simple but handsome roof divided among several owners. The soil is light; sub-
and poppy-head benches were added; a portion of the soil, mixed, and farmed on the four-course Norfolk
chancel was probably at this time reduced, the shorten- system. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
ing being indicated (as at ninham and Bessingham) by area is 629 acres ; rateable value, £895 ; and the
a square-headed east window, filled with stained Munich population in 1911 was 109.
glass in 1873 by Henry Page esq. in memory of his father,
when the church was generally repaired, the clearing Post Office.-Mrs. Amelia Rayner, sub-postmistress.
of the walls disclosing various Scripture texts written up Letters received through Melt on Constable at 6. 25
in obedience to the canons of 1604: there is a capacious a.m. & 4-45 p.m.; dispatched at 5-30 p.m.; sundays,
water stoup and the head of a Transition Norman pedestal arrive at 6.25 a.m.; dispatched at 10.30 a.m.
piscina, at one time divided and userl for quoining a Melton Constable, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
buttress, and a carved cak chest, the gift of Mrs. telegraph & money order office
Brereton : two stained windows were presented by
the late Rev. R. B. Brereton and the parishioners re- The School District comprises the parishes of Briniug-
spectively: there is also a memorial window to Cuthbert ham, Brinton, Sharrington & Thornage; Rev. J. Kaye ...
St. .Aubyn Brereton, d. 1895: there are 120 sittings. Rectory, 'l'hornage, correspondent ; I. W. Tuck, \V ar-~
The register dates from the year 1547- The living is a ham, attendance officer
discharged rectory, annexed to that of Thornage, joint Council School (mixed), built in 1876, at a cost of~
net yearly value £"250, with 56 acres of glebe in £ 1,7oo, for 148 children; average attendance, 140 ;-_
the two parishes, and residence, in the gift of Lord Samuel William Thwaites, head master

Page Frederick, wholewle grocer & ..
soap boiler
Brereton Mrs. Barwick, Brinton cot Gaskin William, shopkeeper Rayner Thomas, shoe maker
Brereton Mrs. Cuthbert, Brinton hall Long Herbert;;;mith; attends Rice Hy. Kiddell, farmer, Manor fnrm.,
Hall Mrs. James, Brookwood house from Bale on fridavs

Thwaites Samuel W. master of Coun-
Marriott William, The Grange Outlaw .Alfred William, Thatched cil school & assessor & collector of-
Page Frederick · House P.H King's taxes, School house
:BRISLEY is a p~d~h. 3 miles west from North Elm- bridge, and held since 1891 by the Rev. William Henry
ham station on the Wells and Dereham section of the Lowe M ..A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. The poor'so
Great Eastern railway and 6 north-by-west from Dereham, land of 4 acres is let in allotments at £6 each, the
in the Mid division of the county, Launditch hundred, rents are applied to the relief of the poor's rates. Earl'
Mitford and Launditch petty sessional division and union, 1 Sondes is lord of the manor, and Robert Henry Butler· ·
East- Dereham county court district, rural deanery of esq. is the principal landowner. The soil is light loam;
Nort)l Brisley and Toftrees, archdeaconry of Lynn and subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat •.
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Bartholomew is barley and turnips. The area is 1,209 acres, includin~
a building of flint with stone dressings in the Gothic common, roads &c. in which are 18r acres; rateable-
style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of five bays, value, £1,373; the population in 1911 was 333·
aisles, north porch and a lofty embattled western tower Parish Clerk John Prior.
with pinnacles, containinQ' 4 bells: the stained east '
window was erected in 1855 by the Rev. John Smith Post & Telegraph Office.-Mrs. Emma Houghton, sub-
B.D. rector 185r-gr, in memory of his first wife: in the postmistress. Letters through Elmham, arrive at 7
chancel are two brasses dated 1531, and also a piscina a.m. ; dispatched at 8.55 a.m. & 6-40 p.m. & on
and sedilia, all in good preservation: the rood screen sundays at g. 15 a. m. Elmham, 3 miles distant, is the
bears traces of colour, and some remains of paintings nearest money order office
have been exposed on the south wall: there are 305 Letter Box, near School, cleared at 8.45 a. m. & 6.30
sittings. The register dates from the year 16g8. The p.m.; sundays, 9· 1o a.m.
living is a rectory. with the vicarage of Gateley annexed, Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in
joint net yearly value £240, including 30 acres of g-lebe, r844, &:; enlarged in 1908, for 114 childrPTJ. ;_ averag_e J
with residence, in the gift of Christ's College, Cam- attendance, 96; Harold Player, ma13ter
Butler Robert Henry Bidewell Robert J. farmer Johnson Robert, farmer
Lowe Rev. Wm. By. M ..A. Rectory Buddy Bernard, builder Middleton Robert, shopkeeper-
Smith Mrs. Rose cottage Broady Herbert, butcher Moore Henry, cowkeeper
COMMERCIAL . Bunn William, farm bailiff to W. G. Olley Edward, Bell P.H
.Andrews Henry William, grocer, Fulcher esq Palmer .Arthur, blacksmith
draper & outfitter, ironmonger & Claxton John, Lion P.H Prior Ellen (Mrs.), farmer
hardware dealer, The Stores Green Charles Henry, farmer Reyner William G. plumber
Baker Bloy, farmer Howling Matthew, farmer Tuck J esse, coal dealer &; farmer ·

BRISTON is a small town and parish, near one of the is a vicarage, attached to Burgh Parva, net yearly
sources of the river Bure, 1~ miles east from the Melton value £260, including 37 acres of glebe, with residence,
Constable junction station on the Midland and Great in the gift of Lord Hastings, and held since 1912 by
Northern joint railway and 4, south-by-west from Bolt, the Rev. John Hill Wooster M . .A. of Merton College,
in the Northern division of the county, Holt hundred, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel, founded in
petty sessional division and county court district, Erping- r652, and seating xoo persons, with a lecture hall,
ham union, rural deanery of Bolt and archdeaconry and seating 250 persons; the United Methodist chapel, built
diocese of Norwich. Burgh Parva was transferred in in 1866, was blown down by the memorable gale of
1907, for ecclesiastical purposes, from Melton Constable March 24, 1895; the We8leyan chapel, built in 1Bn,
to Briston: the church of St. Mary is in ruins, only the has 300 sittings; and there is a Primitive Methodist
tower and portion of the walls remaining: a temporary chapel, erected in 1832 and enlarged in 1891, to bold 300
iron church was erected in 1903. The church of. All persons. A fair is held on the 26th May, also a large
Saints is a building in the Decorated and Perpendicular cattle sale on the last Thursday in May, and a wake on
styles, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry and a western I the day after Old Michaelmas day. The trustees of
turret containing one bell: there was formerly a round the late Thomas Copeman e~q. of Aylsham, are
tower, but in 1785, under a faculty obtained for alter- lords of the manors of Briston Hall, Melliors and
ing and restcring the church, it was demolished, having Chossells, J. H. Holly esq. lord of the manor of Mikel-
decayed and become unsafe : the chancel is divided from hall and Loundall, and Lord Hastings is lord of the
the nave by a screen presented in 1875 by the Rev. manor of Thornage-ex-parte-Briston and the principal
Charles Norris B . .A.. vicar from 1855 to 1893, in memory landowner. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The
of his father: a new oak pulpit has been erected, and chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley and pasture land.
the -churrh resested with open oak benches affording 350 The area is 2,968 acres of land and 7 of water; rate-
sittings: a two manual organ with pneumatic action able value, [4,492; the population in 1911 was 1,392.
was erected in 1909· The register dates from the year By the "Divided Parishes Act" two detached parts of
168g, and that of Burgh Parva from I559· The living Stody were amalgamated with this parish in 1884.

Post & M. 0. Office.-Thomas Woodcock, sub-post- Wall Letter Box, Edgefield road, cleared at 10.45 a.m.
master. Letters arrive from Melton O<mstable, & 5.30 p.m. week days only·
delivered at 7 a.m. & 12.45 & 4.50 p.m.; dispatched Police Station, Charles E. Howell, constable
at 10.55 a.m. & 5·35 p.m. No post on sundays. The Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1848 &
nearest telegraph office is at Melton Constable, Ii several times enlarged, for the children of the parishes
miles distant of Briston & '!'burning: the s-chool will hold 320 chil-
Wall Letter Box, opposit-e the saddler's, cleared at I I dren; average attendance, 277; an infants' room, to
a.m. & 5-4_~ p.m. week days only accommodate 107, was added in 1900; Thomas Rep-
Wall Letter Box, near Primitive Methodist chapel, worth Robinson, master; Mrs. T. H. Robinson, infants'
cleared at 5.15 p.m. week days only mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. : Empson Ezra, beer retailer Sands Geo. Edwd. farmer, Manor frm
Deane Rev. Cyril B.A. (curate of All' Fish George Fredk. Half Moon P.H Sands Thomas, jun. farmer
Saints'), Devonshire house Hewitt George Cecil, Chequers inn Shingler William John, market gar-
Plumb Jamea Thomas, Clarence ho Ives Joseph, steam miller dener, The Nurseries
Prouton Rev. Jarnes (Prim. Meth) J ackson Frederick, shopkeeper Smith Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Shellabear Rev. Herbert Wm. A.T.S. Jones Geo. Peter, farmer, Holly frm Steel Arthur, butcher
(Oongregatjonal), The Manse Loynes Eva (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stroulger Herbert, baker
Wooster Rev. John Hill M.A. (vicar), Margeson Edward, farmer Tann Arthur, farmer
Vicarage Mas<>ingham Frank, farmer Twiddy James, coal merchant, see
COMMERCIAL. Massingham James, cowkeeper Attoe & Twiddy
A.ttoe & Twiddy, coal merchants Melton Constable Co-operative So- Wailer William, watch maker
Bambridge Joseph & Edmund, brick- ciety Limited Ward Henry Youngman, boot repr
layel'S Neale George William, farmer Webber George F. draper
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers Norton William, poultry dealer Wilkinson John Thain, blacksmith
(sub-branch to Holt) (H. R. Tyler, Pease Louisa (Mrs.), baker Williams Alfred, beer retaileT
manager, attends on wed. from ro Pegg Phillis (Miss), apartments Willia.mson Arthur William, farmer
to Iz); draw on head office, 54 Pells Nathaniel Arthur,miller (water) Williamson Edmund, farmer
Lomhard street, London E C & farmer, Watermere Williamson Herbert Stimp.son, farmer
Barsted Ho:rntio, farmer Perry William, poultry dealer Williamson John, farmer
Brown Sa.rah Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Piloh Henry, butcher Wood;.:ock John Gresham, seed
Button Philip, boot repairer Poynts John, saddler merchant (agricultural); seeds
Cletheroe Frederick J ames, carpenter Raby Emma. (Mrs.), farmer specially Te-cleaned ; wine &
Oletheroe William John, shopkeeper Ramm Herbert, blacksmith spirit merchant, & agent for
Cletheroe Waiter Henry, carpenter Reynolds Augusta (Mrs.), grocer Mackinder's l::.mb food & feeding
Cable William George, blacksmith Reynolds Samuel, farmer . eakes
Craske Stephen Thomas, farrier Reynolds Sydney A. cycle agent Woodcock 'l'hos. grocer, & post offic6
Culley Harbord, grocer Roberts Herbt. Jas. assistant overseer Yull John, nursery & seeds man
.Eggleton James, Horse Shoe inn Rudd Robert John, farmer
BBOCKDISH (or Broadish) is a parish and pretty vil- 1 r9o6 by the Rev. Wilson Woodhouse White M.A. of
lage on the banks of the Waveney, 4 miles south-west from I Selwyn College, Cambridge. Here is a United Metho-
Harleston station and 4 south from Pulham St. Mary sta- ' dist chapel, erected in r86o. The church lands of
tion, both on the Waveney Valley section of the Great i 7a. rr. 24p. left in 1433 by John tBacon, are let for
Eastern railway, and 6 east from Diss, in the Southern £ro ros. In the 17th century an old lady lost her way
division of the county, Earsham hundred and petty ses- in the marshes,· but was saved by hearing the church
sional division, Depwade union, county court district of bells, and as a thank offering bequeathed 3 acres of land
Harleston, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of i to the glebe. Sherwood's <Jharity of 6s. 8d. yearly, out
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. Peter I of land at Hoxne, is distributed to the poor by the
and Paul is an ancient structure of flint with stone Brockdish Parish Council. The river Waveney affords
dressings, in the Early English style, consisting of chan- good sport to anglers, especially between Brockdish and
eel, nave, south aisle, . south porch and an embattled Bungay, where roach, dace and perch are abundant,
western tower containing 6 bells: the tower was rebuilt and very fine pike are also taken occasionally. The
in r864 in place of the earlier tower, a structure of Misses Kay are owners of 'l'horpe Abbotts ·Place, a
Norman date: the whole of the windows are stained, handsome mansion with extensive grounds. Brockdish
the east window being a memorial to Hannah Kay, d. Hall is said to be the house in which occurred the
1869, and there are two other memorial windows, placed tragedy of "The Mistlet()e Bough." There are two
in 1900, to the late Rev. George France M.A. rector manors, Brockdish Hall and Brockdish Earl, but no
1842-93, and his wife, and one to the Rev. Joseph Henry , copy holders. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and
White M.A. rector r893-1905: there are piscin~ in the ! gravel. The· chief crops are wheat, barley, peas and
chancel and south aisle r the benches have handsomely beans. The area is r,o84 acres of land and 8 of water;
carved poppy heads: the ancient painted rood screen rateable value, £ r,66o; the population in 1911 was 363.
was restored about 1900 by the Misses Eva and Marion By the "Divided Parishes Act" a deta-ched part of this
Kay, in memory of their father, the late Right Hon. ! parish was amalgamated with Thorpe Abbotts in r885.
Sir Edward Kay kt. P.C. Lord Justice of Appeal, who I

died in 1897_, and Mary his wife, d. r88g: tr~ces of , Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Mary Emma Robinson,
color were . discovered
· th on the
h h roof and walls
· · t
lt t theb su b -pos t m1s · d f ram s co 1e a t
· t ress. L e tt ers are receive
res t ora t 10n : 1n e c urc 1s an ancien a ar om . &
o f P urb ec k mar bl e t o S1r . R"1ch ar d T en d nng,
. w h o d"1e d , 8 & k
d a.m.; ddispatched at 8.55 a. m. 5·45 p.m.
at the end of the 15th century, and there are tablets wee- ays; sun ays, 9·5° a.m
to the Rev. Waiter Worth, late rector of this parish and Police Station, Frederick Bone, constable
of Thorpe Abbotts, d. 29 March, 1755; to Thomas Cotton, 1
p u bl"1c El emen t ary S c h oo 1 ( m!Xe
· d) ; th e b u ild"mg, f01'-
d . 30 D ec. 1778 ; nn d to th e R ev. R o b ert L awrence, a
. mer 1v th e vill age wor kh ouse, was b oug ht b y su b scnp- ·
f ormer rec to r, d . 30 D ec. 1739: par t of t h e commumon t"wn ·& a d ap t e d t o 1"t s presen t use In
· I 843• & en 1arge d
p Ia t e d a t es f rom th e 17·
th cen t ury: th e w h oI e ch urc h wa11
66 d h · · · r 897; J"t w1.11 h old 96 c h"ld
1n 1 ren; average a tt en d ance,
I t 1 to d
comp e e y re~ re In 18 5- , an 6 as 240 Bittmgs.
Th · t d te fr th Th li · . 81 ; F e1IX. Alf d E
mmer on, mas er;
t M
e reg:ts er a 11 om 6
e year IS 2. ~ vrng ~s a Emmerton mistress
rectory, net yearly value £2oo, together w1th 25 acres . ' .
of glebe and residence, erected in 1844, in the gift of Carrier to Harleston.-Edward Locke, daily
G. F. France esq. M . .A.. of Sevenoaks, and held since ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Knights Robert, shoe maker
1Cattermole John, Greyhound P.H
Brundle Mrs. Gresham house Chilvers Waiter A. carpenter & as- Lambert James Macdonald, farmer,

Kay Misses, Thorpe Abbotts ·Place si!ltant overseer Valley

Mayhew David, Sunnyside Cracknell Percy William, organist & Lawn William, boot maker
Walne Miss, The Grange teacher of music, Shingle house Locke Edward, farmer & carrier
Walne Mrs. The Grange CriB{> Frederick, farmer, Hall farm Majoram Henry, chimney sweeper
White Rev. Wilson Woodhouse M.A. Etheridge John; shoe maker
I Martin Edward, farm bailiff to
(rector), The Rectory i I<'isher Fredk. farmer, Highgate farn1 Frederick Porter esq.Red House fm
COMMERCIAL. I Goodwin James, King's Head P.H Parson!! Thomas, farmer
Ereese John, farmer, & farm bailiff' Hart Lovack H. grocer & draper Reeve Thomas, poultry &c. dealer
• to the Misses Kay, White house

Hineil Herbert, thatcher j Riches Daniel Marsh, baker

Bullingham Alfred, butcher Kemp Charles, builder
Bobinson Mary Emma (Mrs.), grocer, fo1' the One & .All seeds & ferti- Strange Fdk. A.rth.whlwtght.Crowhall
draper, ironmonger & earthenware lisers, Pa.;t office Walne Alfred Thomas, farmer, The
& patent medicine dealer & agent St-ammers Frank, blacksmith Grove
BROOKE is a parish and pleasant village, 6 miles Brooke Hall, the property and residencs of Mrs. Holmes,
south-by-east from Trowse station on the Norwich and is a large mansion in the Italian style, built in t830,
Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern railway, 5 west and is pleasantly situated in the midst of a beautiful
from Loddon, 7 south from Norwich and 7 north from park of 200 acres, thickly studded with oak and other
Bangay, in the Southern division of the county, Claver- trees, and containing a fine piece of water, Brooke
ing hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional House, a mansion in the Victorian style, and the
division and union, Norwich county court district, rural property of Viscount Canterbury, is the residence of
deanery of Brooke (Western division), archdeaconry of William Robert Mills esq. and stands in a large, well-
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. wooded park of over 200 acres. Robert Fellowes esq.
Peter is an ancient building of flint with stone dress- of Shotesha.m, is lord of the manor and Mrs. Holmea
ings, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, impropriator of the great tithes, commuted at £390·
nave, north aisle, south porch and a round western The Holmes family have been lay rectors since 1571.
tower, restored in 1908, and containing 6 bells which Viscount Canterbury is the principal landowner. The
were rehung in 1910: the font is of pre-Reformation manor was given by William the Norman to the
date, and bears representations of the seven sacra- Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds, and the abbots obtained
ments: a brass eagle lectern was presented by the for it a. market and fair, now obsolete. The soil ia
parishioners in 18gB,_ at a cost of £35: an oak reredos mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are
was erected in 19II: the church was restored in 184g, wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2,144 acres of land
-and has 350 sittings. The earliest register dates from and 9 of water; rateable value, £2,990; th~ population
the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly in 1911 was 6os.
"V"alue £r8o, including 4 acres of glebe and residence, Sexton, Arthur Sturman. ·
in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1905 Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office .
. by the Rev. George Savage M.A. of Caius College, -Miss Elizabeth Ann Yallop, sub-postmistress.
Cambridge. A Church Mission room was opened by Letters from Norwich ara delivered at 6.30. a.m. & 3
the vicar at High Green in 18g8. There is a Baptist & .30 p.m. & dispatched at _50 & 11 a.m. & . 25 p.m
5 4 5
chapel, built in I83I. The town lands comprise 43a. 3r. Wall Letter Boxes, Church, cleared at 5 p.m. week days
1n the parish, and Pevers Farm, in Kirstead, of 53a. 2r. only; High green, cleared at a.m. & S p.m. &
together let for about £75 yearly, which sum is applied d W lb 7 d
to the maintenance of the church and school. The sun ays, 7·45 a.m.: e eck, cleare at 7-45 a.m. &
sundays, 7·45 a.m.; Welbeck farm, cleared at n.x5
fuel allotment is 5 acres, let for £r2 15s. which is dis- & d
t n "b u ted In
. coa1s amongs t th e poor, w h o h ave al so some a.m. 4·35 p.m.; sun ays, 7·45 a.m
small allowances left by J. Kerrison, J. Fowle and Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1838, en·
William Brereton esqrs. The kennels of the Norwich larged r8g3; !H!hool remodelled & infants' school added
stag hounds are situated here; J. E. Cooke esq. is the in I9Io, for go children; average attendance, so
master: Wymondham, Dereham and Norwich are con- mixed & 3.~ infants; George Henry Johnson, master;
venient pla.ces for hunting visitors. The custom of Miss Ethel M. Johnson, infants' mistress; clerk to the
holding a Harvest Festival or Thanksgiving, now univer- school managers, George Frederick Fisher, Hales
~ally adopted, was originated in this parish in 1853. Carriers to Bungay & Norwich pass through daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chittock J abez, farmer Howes George, grocer-
Anderson Mrs. Welbeck house Copling Richard & Son, builders, con- Howe.s William Edward & Scms,
Brigham Misses, High Green house tractors, undertakers, registered ca.strators, Dial house
Cooke John .Ernest M.S.H. Brooke lo plumbers, glaziers & painters, gas Hupoon Albert E. builder
Gillett George Edward, The Rallies & hot water fitters, writers, grainers Hupton Edgar Job, farmer,Old house
Holmes Mrs. Brooke hall & gilders, paper & bell hangers, Hupton Harriet (Miss), dress maker
Mills William Robert, Brooke house house & church decorators, pump Hupton Henry, farmer
Savage Rev. George M.A. (vicar), mas. & well sinkers; & at Loddon Hupton Richard, carpenter
Vicarage Eagling Edgar, King's Head hotel Kent James Samuel, jobbing gardenr
Tidnam William, Bay c<Jttage Ellis Frederick, market gardener Lynes James, farmer, Mill farm
Walthew -Mrs. P.orch house Evans Matthew, head gardener to Middleton Frederick, blacksmith
Williams Henry, The Cottage William Robert Mills esq Middleton George, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Ewing Charles, market gardener Moore Joehua (exors. of), farmers
Baldry Charles Fred, market gardnr Gillett George Edward M.R.C.S.Eng., Norwich Stag Hounds (Jo-hn Ernes~
Barham Geo. Hy. farmr. Littlebecks L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & medical Cooke, master)
Beckett .Alfred, job master & farmer officer & publio vaccinator, No. 3 ParfitJt Cecil Robert, beer retailer
Beckett Samuel, farm bailiff to Mrs. district, Loddon & Clavering union, Parfitt John William, farmer
Holmes The Hollies Parfitt Rose (Mrs.), butcher- ·
Brooke Village Club (Rev. George Gillingwater Waiter, head game- Rix William John, grocer & draper
Savage M.A. vice-president) keeper to W. R. Mills esq Spurgeon William, 'harness maker
Bullen Robert, boot maker HaggitJh Charles, tailor Utting Charles, wheelwright
Burgess Brothers, farmers, Welbeck Hemblen Harry, head gardener to Utting Waiter, grocer
& Hall farms Mrs. Holmes White Stafford, grocer
Burroughs Frederick, farmer Howard George Henry,assistant over- Wright George, farmer, High green
Calthorpe Fredk. farmer, Wood farm seer & clerk t-o Parish Council Yallop Richar-d F. farmer
BROOME (formerly Brome) is a parish and widely about 19 acres, are let every three years; the "goings"
-scattered village, the church of which is a·bout 1! miles on the Fuel Allotments are let yearly; and these, together
north-west from Ellingham station and about r! miles with £701 os. 7d. invested in £2l] per Cent. Consols and
uorth-east from Ditchingham station on the 'Vaveney £120 12s. sd. derived from the sale of one acre of allot-
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2 miles north- ment land to the Great Eastern Railway Company and
~ast from Bungay and 14 south from Norwich, in the invested in the same, produce altogether about £59 ss. 8d.
Southern division of the county, Loddon hundred, Loddon yearly; by an order of the Chal'ity Commissioners, dated
~md Clavering petty sessional division and union, Bungay 21st June, 1878, it was ordered that the charities be vested
and Beccles county court district, rural deanery of Brooke in trustees and hereafter mentioned as one charity, under
-eastern division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of the designation of the" Broome Parochial Trust," and the
Norwich. The church of St. Michael is an ancient build- income, after payment of £3 3s. a. year to a clerk, be
ing of flint and rubble, in the Early Gothic style, consi11t- divided as follows :-One-fourth for the repairs of the
ing of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled bridge and other pan>chial objects; one-fourth for the
western tower containing 5 bells: it was thoroughly re- repairs and other use!! of the parish church; one-fourth
paired and re-seated in 1866 and 1867, and in 1891 the towards education; and one-fourth for the general pur--
former thatched roof was replaced by tiles : in the nave poses of the poor ; under the provisions of the " Local
are seven funeral hatchments, fi,ve of these, of the 17th Government Act, t8g5," the maintenance of the bridge
<:entury, being to the Fowle family: the chancel retains was taken over by the Council, and this portion of the
fine sedilia. and piscina, and has a beautifully carved oak Trust fund is now equallv divided under the othel'
reredos, the gift of Mrs. de Poix in 1891. The register three heads; the trustees are the rector, Edmond Tyrel
dates from the yea!' 1538. The living is a rectory, net de Poix esq. J.P. William Charles Crowfoot esq. six
income £I6o, with 37~ acres of glebe and residence, in members elected by the Parish Council and the church-
the gift of Lady De Saumarez, .and held since 1896 by wardens for the time being; Henry J. Smith, secretary.
the Rev. George Atkinson Crossle M.A. of Mngdalene Broome Place, the property and residence of Edmond
College. Cambridge. The Town Lands, consisting of Tyrel de Poix esq. J.P. is a Jacobean mansion, standing
on a slight em'inence, in grounds of considerable extent, Letters throngh Bungay arrive at 7 a.. m. & 2 p.m. Ditch-
with a good prospect. Lord De Saumarez, of Shrub- ingham is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
land Park, Suffolk, "Who is lord of the manor, the distant I mile
Duke of Norfolk K.G. Edmond Tyrel de Poix esq. J.P. Wall Letter Boxes near the Artichoke inn, cleared ai
William Carr esq. and Lieut.-Col. Henry Lockhart 12.25 & 6.25 p.m. week days & Sundays, 10.30 a.m.
Smith D.S.O. of Ellingham, are the principal land- Ivy farm, cleared at 12.15 & 6.15 p.m. week days;
owners. The soil is light and gravelly; subsoil, gravel. sundays, 10.25 a.m
The chief crops are barley, wheat and turnips. Th~ Pnblic Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in
area is 1,452 acres of land and 7 of water; rateable r873, at a cost of about £I,roo, & infants' room 1\n-
value, £2,072; the population in I9II was 470. larged in 1891 & again in rgrr, for 103 children;
Pnish Clerk, George Lawn. average attendance,7o; Mrs. Ellen Ro~ers, mistress
• COMMERCIAL • Payne Thomas, farm steward t()
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barclay, Perkins & Co. Limited (R. Edrnond Tyrel de Poix esq. J.P
Bull Miss C. Mann, manager), maltsters; & Rackham George, gamekeeper to
Crossle Rev. George Atkinson M ..A.. & at Bungay, Ditchingham & Met- Edmond Tyrel de Poix esq. J.P
(rector), Rectory tingham Shulver Henry, farmer, Broome ho
Crowfoot William Charles, Heath ho Orowfoot Wm. Chas. farmer, Heath ho Smith Thomas, gardener to Edmond'
de Poix Edmond A. J. E. M. Tyre! Eastaugh William, Artichoke inn Tyrel de Poix esq. J. P
J.P. BrooiDe Place Gooch W alter, grocer Walker W. D. & A. E. Ltd. maltsters
Sibley TiiDothy Edwd.Elizabethan ho Harrod Edward, fish curer Walker William, beer retailer
~immons Samuel, W oodford cottage Kent Charles, builder & contractor Walpole Ernest, florist
Synge Mrs. Broome lodge Lawes William, cowkeeper Ward George, market gardener
Wenn Miss, Broome cottage Leeks George, Tuns P.H Waterman Thomas, farmer, Oaklands.
Wharton Albert, farmer
:BROOMSTHORPE, see East Rudham.

BRUMSTEAD (or Brunstead) is a parish, I mile north yearly value £ r62, including 22 acres of glebe and resi-
froiD Stalham station on the Midland and Great Northern dence, in the gift of Mrs. Ives, of Calthorpe, and held
juint railway, 15 miles north-east .from Norwich and 7 since r887 by the Rev. Maurice Charles Hilton Bird M.A. from North Walsham, in the Eastern division of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The trustees of the late
of the county, Tunstead and Rapping petty sessional Robert Ives esq. of Calthorpe, are lords of the manor
division, Smallborough union, Rapping hundred, North and the principal landowners. The soil is strong, stiff
Walsham county court district, rural deanery of Waxham land; subsoil, clay, sand and gravel. The chief crops
(Rapping division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 797 acres~
wich. The church of St. Peter is a small building of rateable value, £r,I27; the population in rgu was 122-
flint and stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch,
and an embattled western tower containing one bell: it Parish Clerk, John Thaine.
was re-seated and restored in 1866, and in 1875 the
chancel was restored at a. cost of £ 5 oo, and a stained east Letters arrive 7 a.m. through Norwich, via Stalham,
window presented by George Durrant esq. of Norwich, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
at a cost of £ uo: in the chancel are mural tablets to 1 mile dista.'lt. Letter Box, nea.r The Hall, cleared
various members of the Comyn and Durrant families: at 12 ·50 & 4·5° p.m. Oct. to June & 1.2o & 5.40 p.m_
the church affords 100 sittings. The register dates from July to. Sept. week days only
the year 1562. The living is a discharged rectory, net The children of this place attend the school at StalhaiD
Bird Rev. Manrice Oharles Hilton M . .A Ellis James, farm bailiff to Mr. Gladden George R. jun. farmer-.
Onslow Mis!! Armine Ladbrooke Grange farm
Batchelor John, farmel', The Hall Faulke Hannah(Mr!l.),landownr.& frmJ Peggs Benj. farmer, Orchard farm

ER UNDALL is a village and parish l!!tanding on a con- "RR.A.DESTON (or Braydeston), formerly a parish and
siderable eminence north of the river Yare, with a station village, is 6 miles east from ~orwich, in the Eastern divi-
on the Norwich and Yarmouth line of the Great Eastern sion of the county, Blofield and Walsham petty sessional
railway, n9l miles from London, 6! east from Norwich division, Blofield hundred and union, Norwich county
anJ q from Yarmouth, in the Eastern division of the court district, rural deanery of Blofield and archdeaconry
county, Blofield and Walsham petty sessional division, and diocese of Norwich. The Brundall station on the
Blofield hundred and union, Norwich county court dis- Norwich and Yarmouth branch of the Great Eastern rail-
trict, rural deanery of Blofield and archdeaconry and dio- way is here. The church of St. Michael, which stands
cese of Norwich. By an order of the Local Govern- half a mile north-east of the village, is a building in a
ment Board, dated 14th Dec. r883, Bradeston is amal- plain style, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and
gamated with Brundall for all civil purposes, but Brundall a western tower of flint containin~ one bell: the soutb
is ecclesiastically united to Witton and Bradeston to wall retains traces of Saxon work, and in the chance]
Strumpshaw. The church of St. Lawrence is a small is ~ brass to Osbert, son of John Berney, of Reedham.
building of stone in the Early First and Second Pointed who was wounded at the siege of Caister Castle in
styles, consisting of nave, with an interesting western 1469: the north wall of the tower retains a curioulf
turret containing one bell : the font, a curions structure fireplace, and there are tablets to the Drake and Frost
covered with lead, is supposed to date from the 13th families : the interior "Was re-seated with oak benches
century: a new pulpit was provided in 1900: the stained in 1874 by Mrs. T. W. Gilbert, late of Bradeston Hall,
east window is a memorial to the late A. M. Chamber- in memory of her husband, and various repairs were
lin: the west window is a memorial to the Rev. J. effected at the same time, at a cost of about £400: in
S. Green M.A. late rector r854-98: a new organ was 1905 the east end of the church was restored and a
given by the present rector in 1901 : there are tablets mosaic flooring laid down in part of the chancel and a
to the Routh and Cubitt families: the church was gable cross erected : there are 120 sittings. The regis.-
restored and a north aisle and vestry built in 1900 at ter dates from the year 1731. The living is a rectory,
a cost of £8oo: it affords so sittings. The earliest consolidated with Strumpshaw, joint net yearly Talue
register dates from 1563. The living is a rectory, con- £36o, including so acres of glebe and residence, in the
l!olidated with that of Witton, joint net yearly value gift of Walter M. Barton esq. and held since 1891 by
£277, with 2r! acres of glebe and residence, in the the Rev. _Ufred John Barton B.A. of St. Peter's College,
gift of A.. R. Chamberlin esq. of Norwich, and held Cambridge, who resides at Strumpshaw. Thomas
since 1Bq8 by the Rev. Charles Mar shall Cham berlin Slipper esq. J.P. is the principal landowner. The soil
M ..A.. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, who resides at Witton. is mixed; subsoil, ·sand and brick earth. The chief
There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel here, and a crops are whPat, barley and oats.
Mission hall, in which the Church Sunday school is
held, and which is also used by the Working Men's Brundall Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office, Brade-
Club. The chief landowner is William Coleman esq. ston.-Mrs. Hettie Merrison, postmistress. Letters
The soil is mixed; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are through Norwich arrive at 6.50 a.m. & 2 p.m. k al>
wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area is 1,oro 6 p.m. for callers; dispatched at 1.30, 6.30 & g.3o
acres of land, 2 of water and 22 of tidal water; rate- p.m.; sunday collection, 9.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box.
able value, £4,529; the population in 19n was 490. near Bradeston villa, cleared Oct. to June r.rr1 p.m.

Julv to Sept. 1.5 p.m. & 6.r5 & g.r5 p.m. week days
The school is at Strumpshaw onl~. There is also a box at Railway station, cleared


Station, William Frederick Miles, station master at 1.25, 6.35 & 9·35 p.m
BRUNDAIJ•• Read Horace P. farmer Meire Waiter H. Verne house
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Read Isaac W. market gardener Prior Lieut.-Col. Bernard Hy. Leathes
Bennett Henry William, Avoca. Whitmore Cecil Chas. market gardnr Roberson Miss, Bradeston villa
Coleman William, Riverscourt Searls Clifton Meggitt, Highfield
Easter Fred, Field hons& BRADESTON. Slipper Thomas J.P. Braydeston hall
Ffiske Henry, Holm close PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Theobald Harold
Long Robert, The Lodge Burrell George Elden, The Shrubbery Wallace Thomas, Glenview
Maddison Mrs. Belle vue Carder Miss Waters Frank
Marshal! Mrs. Inglebank Culley Fred S. J esmond Whitbread Wm. Josselyn, Bradestn.vil
Mitchell Bertrand John, Riverdale Cullyer Frederick John
Palmer William Loyal, Oaklands Daynes Gilbert William, River view COMMERCIAL.
Budd Frederick, Old Rectory house Daynes John Wm. Crook, River view Baxter Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Taylor Mrs. Frederick, The Maples Dyer Thomas Birch M.D. Darenth Dingle .Arthur Samuel, White Horse
Tuck Arthur, The Nook Ewing Robert, Bonair hotel; accommodation for boarders;
Walker A. Ern est, Kenmare Fitch Mrs. Bradeston house luncheons, dinners, teas &c. ; good
Wheeler Rev. Robert Charles M.A. Fuller Samuel, Bradeston cottage stabling. T N z5 Brundall
Enfield house Hill Charles Bexfield, Hillside Gowing Robert, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Hotblack Geo. Snelling, Shiels Court Key Zackary, farmer
Broom Charles John, boat builder Hutcherson Sidney Alfred, The Long John, butcher
Brundall & District Golf Club (C. E. Thatched house McKelvie Robert M.D., L.R.C.S.Edin.
Mason, sec) Large John, The Homestead physician & surgeon
Chaston Richard Jamee, Ram inn :\fcKelvie Robert M.D Merrison Hettie (Mrs.), shopkeeper.
Merrison Arthur John, Yare hotel Mann Mrs. Clovelly Post office
Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants Marshall George Fredk. Illawarra Smith Ernest Edward, cycle agent
(Edward Arthur Futter, agent) Mason Philip Henry, Uplands West William, carpenter
BUCKENHAM is a parish and village, with a sta- common is let for about £8 a year, which sum is distri-
tion on the Norwich, Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections butf>d among the cottagers. The knightly family of
of the Great Eastern railway, 8 miles east from Norwich, Godsalve were lords of the manor till after the reign of
13 west from Yarmouth and 122! from London, in the Henry VIII. and their arms may still be seen on the
Eastern division of the county, in the Blofield and Wals- carved wainscot nf the old Hall, which is now a farm-
ham petty sessional division, Blofield hundred and union, house. Sir Reginald William Proctor Beauchamp hart.
Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Blofield, of Langley Hall, Norwich, is lord of the manor and sole
archdeaconry of Norwich and diocese of Norwich. There landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The-
is a ferry from this place over the river Yare to chief crops are wheat, barley and oats; the marshes ar&
Carleton St. Peter. The church of St. Nicholas is an used for grazing, and constitute about one-half th&
ancient structure of flint with stone dressings, in the parish. The area is 918 acres of land, 10 of water and
Norman style, consisting of chancel and nave, and an 14 of tidal water; rateable value, £1,514; the popula-
octagonal embattled western tower containing one bell: tion in 19II was 77·
the font exhibits various emblematical figures: the east Parish Clerk, William Patterson.
window is stained: the church was extensively repaired
at different periods at the expense of the Rev. Thomas Wall Letter Box at Railway station cleared at 1.25
W. H. Beauchamp, rector here 1827-63: there are 126 {July to Oct. r.zo) & 3-Z5 & 9·45 p.m. & on snnday&
sittings. The register dates from the year 1780. The at 7.40 a.m. Letters through Norwich arrive at 8.30
living is a rectory, with that of Hassingham St. Mary a. m. & 3.30 p. m. The nearest money order & tel&-
annexed, joint net yearly value £170, including 27 ~res graph office is at Brundall, 2i miles distant
of glebe here and 7 at Hassingham, with residence, in Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1873, f()l"
the gift of Sir Reginald William Proctor Beauchamp 54 children; average attendance, 30; Miss Mary Ann
hart. and held since 1871 by the Rev. George Elwin Stanley, mistress
B..!.. of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Buckenham Railway Station, Ernest Wm. Marshall, station master
Elwin Rev. George B.A. (rector), Rectory breeder &
Church Charles, farmer, Old hall I Wright Edward, farmer,
White House farm
horse overseer,.

NEW BUCKENHAM is a parish and small town, 8 William Barber, and rebuilt in 1861 at the expense of
miles north-west from Diss, 15 south-west from Norwich the late Messrs. H. and J. J. Turner. They are occu-
and 4~ south-east from Attleborough station on the That- pied by four old women. There is a parish hvuse in two
ford and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, in occupations, and also a Parish Room, built by the Rev.
the ! division of the county, Guiltcross and Shropham F. R. Cocks M . .A.. vicar r8q6-IC)Io. In the Market
petty sessional division, Shropham hundred, Wayland place stands a cross, adDrned with interesting carving&
union, county court district of Attleborough, rural deanery of shields of arms. The Grange is the residence of
of Rockland (North division), archdeaconry of Norfolk Frank Henry Loveless Cloud esq. Arthur Tallent
and diocese of Norwich. The town consists of several Clowes esq. is lord of the manors vf Buckenham Burgh
small but compactly arranged streets, and is on the road and Buckenham Leet : the manor of Buckenham Priory
from Norwich to Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk. The was granted bv John Eldred in the years 1617 and
church of St. Martin is a noble structure of flint with r6z7 to trustees upon trust to pay the income to the
stone dressings, in the Late Perpendicular style, con- minister of the p~rish for the time being, and the
sisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, lords of that manor are the present trustees. Reginald
south porch and an embattled western tower with four Clowes esq. is steward of the manor. Miss E. iM.
pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells : the nave was Godfrey is the principal landowner. The soil is mixell
restored at the expense of the late John Gall esq. and and very fertile; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
the church reseated with open benches in 1879 and in wheat, barlev and roots. The area is 360 acres, of
1895 the chancel was restored, a stained east window which q8 are common; rateable value, £1,171; the-
erected a.t a cost of £2oo, as a memorial to John Gall esq. population in 1gu was 487.
and another to H. F. Howard esq. of New Buckenham:
a reredos was erected in 1909 : there are 4z8 sittings. Parish Clerk, James Robins
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Charles Percy Camm, sub-
l"icarage, net yearly value £zoo, with residence, in the postmaster. Letters received from .A.ttleborough att
gift of the parishioners, and held since rgro by the 7· I.') a. m. & z.3o p.m. & dispatched at 9·35 a. m. & 7·5
\ Rev. .Arthur Harold Bolderston, of St. Aidan's. The p.m.; sunday, 7·5 p.m
Wesleyan Methodist chapel was rebuilt in L884 and a Fire Station, Capt. R. Clowtl'! ' · ·
school room added, and there is also a Primitive Metho-
dist chapel. The burial ground of half an acre, pro- Public Elementary School, built in 1849 as a National
vided and laid out in 18gi at a cost of £zoo, is now School by the R.Pv. F. S. Bevan M . .A.. late rector of
under the control of the Parish Council. Fairs were Carlton Bode; enlarged in 1912; average attendanc~
held the last Thursday in May and November zznd for 120; Herbert Kenworthy, Il''lster
cattle, but for business purposes are now practically Carriers to Norwich. John Olley, wed. & sat. k Bar-
extinct. Here are almshouses, founded about 1681 by nard, tues. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Olowes Reginald Arnold Fred, shopkeeper
Bolderst•Jn Rev. Arthur Harold(vicar), Godfrey Miss, The Rookery Baxter Frederick, saddler
Vicarage Howard Wilfred, St. Mary'a Brown Albert William, jobmaster &;
Cloud Frank Hy. Loveless, TheGrangP COMMERCIAL. assistant overseer
C:owea Arthur Tallent Aldis Charles, carpenter

Bull en ,; ohn, farm bailiff to Mis~ Coleman Jame~ wardrobe dealer ! Howard Wilfred L.R.C.P.Edin .•
Godfrey, The Lodge I Cnnningham Rt. wakh -& clock makel! M.R.O. 3.Eng. l>urgeon, & medical
Camm Chas. Percy, chemist, Post off Davy Daniel Egbert, grocer, draper &d officer & public .... !lccinator, Bucken-
Cemetery (Arthur Tallent Clowes,clerk Davy Harry, tailor ham di-strict, Wayland union & No.
to the burial authority) Drane R. & J. importers of foreign 3 district, Depwade union
Chatten Robert G. King's Head P.H wines & spirits & ale & stout bottled Bawling Jonathan, chimney sweep
Claxton Walt. Mitchel,grocer&draper (Robert Simpson, manager) MaggsWalt.collar,saddler & harness ma
Cloud Frank Henry Loveless M.R.C.S. Fisher J oseph, farmer & carter Olley John, farmer & carrier
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician 1& Fox Brothers, cycle & motor agents! Powell Robert H. farmer & butcher; &
surgeon, The Grange & repairers; depot for " Stars," at Banbam
Clowes A. T. & Son, solicitors "New Hudsons," " Swifts " & Read Frederick Wm. cabinet maker
Clowes Arthur Tallent (firm, A. T. "Royal Enfields; " motor spirit, oil Reevs Arthur, blacksmith
Clowes & Son), solicitor & com- & grease ; & at Forncett St. Peter Riches Peter, butcher & fruiterer &
missioner & perpetual commissnr. Godfrey Ellen Maud (Miss), farmer, ham & 'bacon curer
for oaths, clerk to the magistrates The Rookery Robins Jas.shoe maker & parish clerk
of Guiltcros!t & Shropham divi- Harryman Sybil (Miss), dress maker Symonds Wm. J. H. fishmonger
sion, clerk to the New Buckenham Harryman Thomas William, grocer Tallowin Ernest Albert, ironmonger
burial authority & fire & life in- Hall Arthur M.R.C.V.S. veterinary Tombling Horace, George hotel
surance agent surgeon, & veterinary inspector Tooley W illiam, farmer
Clowes Reginald, solicitor, & steward under the " Diseases of Animals Wake Charles, chimney sweeper ·
of the manor of New Buckenham Act" for the County Council Wake Harry, chimey sweeper
priory, see A. T. Clowes & Son Hall Lanham, b~er & oorn factor Websdale Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Woodrow Charles, White Horse P.H
OLD BUCKENHAM is a village and parish, these adjoin the remains of the Priory now occupied as a
pleasantly situated on the road from Attleborough to farm house, in the occupation of Harold A. Mawby esq.
Diss, 3 miles north-east from Eccles Road station and 3 The Priory was founded by William de Albini the
aonth-by-east from Attleborongh station, both on the younger, earl of Arundel and Sussex, in II46, for Augus-
'l'hetford and Norwich section of the Great Eastern rail- tine canons, and dedicated to S.S. Mary and James;
way, in the Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and on its dissolution there were I I canons and revenues
Shropham petty sessional division, Shropham hundred, estimated at £w8. Old Buckenham Hall, the seat of
Wayland union, Attleborough county court district, Lionel George Robinson esq. J.P. is a Jacobean man-
rural deanery of Rockland (northern division), arch- sion, with Tudor windows of dressed Yorkshire stone,
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church and was rebuilt in 1907 : the west wing was added in
of All .Saints is a plain but ancient thatched structure rgw, and the east wing in Igii. The gardens are laid
of flint, with stone dressings, in the Early English style, ~ut in a formal style, and there is a fine park. The
and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, Hall contains a very fine collection of old pictures and
south porch and an octagonal western tower containing furniture. The Grange is the property and residence
6 bells : the east window is stained and a window in the vf Major William Georg'e Keppel J.P. Lionel George
nave retains fragments of stained glass bearing the arms Robinson esq. J.P. is lord of the manor. The principal
of the Knevet family, Old Buckenham Priory, and others; land·owners are L. G. Robinson esq. Sir William Bowyer-
there are also several memorial windows, including one Smijth bart. th~ trustees of the late Mrs. R. J. Girling,
-placed in Dec. xBgr, to ihe Rev. Thomas Fulcher B.A. Mr. C. E. Simpson, the trustees of Mr. William Bird, G.
vicar :rBso-8'8, and his wife: the church will ileat 400 A. and C. T. Caller esqrs. and the trustees of the late J.
persons. The register dates from the year r56o. The J. Colman esq. of Norwich (d. r898). The soil is strong
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, including loam with the exception of the west and south sides of
25 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of trus- the parish, which are light and mixed soils; subsoil,
tees, and held since 1901 by the Rev. Henry Ander- clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat and barley.
son, of St. Aidan's. The Baptist chapel was rebuilt and The area is 5,024 acres; rateable value, [5,r,78; the
enlarged in 1857, and further improved in r883; there population in I9II was I ,o76.
i~ also a Primitive Methodist chapel. The late Robert
Parish Clerk, Henry Kemp.
Cocks esq. founded, in x86o, ten almshouses for married
and single poor born in this parish; each tenant receives •
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-William Allington, sub-post-
£ro a year, paid quarterly, and one ton of coal yearly. master. Letters from Attleborough are delivered at
There are charity lands consisting of II7 acres, producing
6 a.m. & 1.30 & 7·5 p.m. & dispatched at ro.2o a.m.
-an income of about £64 annually, which is dist'ributed & 8.5 p.m.; sunday, 8.5 a.m
:at Christmas in clothing and coal. The church lands
produce £12 yearly. A common, or green of about 40 Pillar Letter Box, Puddle Dock, cleared week days at
acres forms the centre of this village, which is owned 10.30 a.m. & 8.20 p.m.; sunday, 8.20 a.m
by thirty four proprietors. A line of earthworks, com- Wall Letter Box, Fen street, cleared week days at 8
'IIlonly called "Bunn's Bank," and evidently a Roman a.m. & 7· I5 p.m. ; sun days, 7· r 5 a.m
work, has been discovered running through a farm here. Public Elementary School (mixed), with an endowment
William de Albini, a follower of the Conqueror, received of £25, built in r865 by the late Robert Cocks esq. &
a. grant of the lordship of Bokenbam, to be holden by the supported by a voluntary rate; the schools will hold
service of being butler (" pincerna ") to the kings of n6 mixed & 65 infants; average attendance, nB
England on the da.y of their coronation, and here he built mixed & 43 infants; John Curtis Trinder, master;
a castle. of which the moat and earthworks remain: Miss A~nes Trinder, infants' mistress
• Barber Edward Cave, farm bailiff to Hardy Charles, farmer, Hill house
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. the exors. of W. J. Burgess esq. Holl Alice (Mrs.), White Horse P.H
Anderson Rev. Henry, Vicarage W oodhall farm J essup George, jun. farmer
Derisley Henry,Old Buckenham house Barnard Robt. farmer, Hargham rd Johnson Geo.Page,farmer, Bury'.s hall
Dunham Rev. Joseph (Baptist),Attle- Bird George, farmer J oyce Maurice, farmer, Fen Street
borough road Bowles Richard, farmer, Hill house Kemp Hy. wheelwright & carpenter
Grunwell Miss, The Abbey Bowles William John, farmer Large Henry, farmer
Keppel Maj. Wm.Geo. J.P. The Grange Briggs John Henry<, farmer Le Good Susannah (Mrs.), dress makr
MacLaren Archibald Campbell, The Chapman Wm. blacksmith & wheelwght Loveday Elisba & Sons, iron & brass
Manor Oranness Herbert James, shopkeeper founders & machinists & steam
Powell Mrs. Sunnyside Dade Horace, Sun inn, & blacksmith thrashing machine proprietors;
Robinson Lionel George J.P. Old Derisley Harry, farmer, Old Bucken- seed drawing a speciality
Buckenham hall ham house Loveday David A. ; excellent accom-
Robson Charles, The Cottage Dunnett Arthur,pork butcher & shpkpi modation for cyclists; good
Simpson Charles Edwd. Shrublands Frost J n. grocer, baker & confectioner stabling, Crown hotel
Tingey Charles, Dingley Dell Garnham George, farm bailiff to H. Lm·eday Harry, baker & confectioner
Williams Misses, Sunnyside west Derisley esq Loveday Horatio Solomon, farmer &
Gedge John, bricklayer stl.'am thrashing mac?ine proprietor,
r;ee Fred, g-rocer & draper contractor for sawmg by steam
Airey J ames H. watch maker Girling Richard John (exors. of), power, Mill farm
Aldis William, fanner farmers, Park farm Loveday John, farmer
Allam Robert, pork butcher Gooderh:J.m John, miller, corn, flour Macro Herbt.Jn.bricklyr.Hargham rd
Allington William. shopkpr. Post off & offal merchant(wind & oil engine) Mallows Albert, farmer
Baldwin Samuel Charles, farmer, Mill Green Alexis Kistruck, farmer, St. Mawby Harold A. farmer, Park &
farm Andrew's Hall farm Abbey farm~
Myhill Geo. beer ret. & pork butcher Robson Charles, head gamekeeper to Temple George, farmer
Naylor William, farm bailiff to John Lionel G. Robinson esq. J.P. The Turner J ames, shoe maker
Ayres esq Oottagll Walpole William, head gardener to
Nobbs William,Jolly Sportsman P.H. Saunders William, farmer Lionel G. Robin son esq. J. P
Fen street & thatcher, The Green Shardalow J ames, farmer Ward Thomas, farmer
Parish Horace Waiter, farmer Simpson Charles Edward, auctioneer & Westgate Albert, farmer,Castle farm
Parish, carpenter farmer, The Shrublands Whitehand William, farmer
Patrick Harry, coal dealer Smith Charles Fred, horse dealer Wigby Frederick, farmer, Carr farm
Prentice William, farmer Sparrow Edgar Frederick, blacksmith Wilton Charles, farmer & landowner
Randall Eber, farmer & machinist & cycle agent ; mowers, Working Men's Club & Reading Rooms
Raynor Robert, farmer reapers, binders repaired ; mill (Rev. Henry Anderson, sec)
bill making '<~ speciality
BUCKENHAM TOFTS {or Buckenham Parva) is a ing in a picturesque park, through which flows the
11mall parish <Jn the river Wissey, 6 miles north-east from river Wissey. Emannel M. Underdown esq. K.C. is lord
Brandon railway station, in the South-Western division of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is light
of the county, Grimshoe hundred and petty sessional loam; the subsoil is chalk and gravel. The chief crops
division, Swaffham union, Swaffham county court dis- are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 653 acres
trict, rural deanery of Cranwich (south division), arch- of land and 13 of water; rateable value, [,320; the
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The chUTch population in rgn was 54·
of St. Andrew has long since disappeared; the inhabitants Letters arrive 7.30 a. m. & 7 p.m. through Mundford,
attend the churches of West Tofts, Ickborough and Lang- which is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
ford. Duckenham Tofts Hall, formerly known as Buck- about It miles distant. Letters should have Norfolk
enham House, the property and residence of Emanuel added 1

:Maguire Underdown esq. K.C. is a large mansion, stand- The children of this place attend the school at Ickborough
Underdown Emanuel Maguire K. C ·j L'nderdown
Harry Charles Baillie J .P./ Ste~art Donald, gamekeeper to E.
Buckenham Tofts hall Buckenham Tofts hall J M. Underdown esq. :1)::.0

BUNWELL. is a parish and irregularly built village, Tockenham Manof', Swindon, Wilts, is lady of the manor
on the road from Norwich to Bury St. Edmunds, 4 miles and principal landowner, and there is ~ small manor
west from Forncett station on the Ipswich and Norwich called Beauchamp-in-Bunwell belop.ging to the Rev.
line of the Great Eastern railway and 5 south-east from James Stoughton. The soil is various; subsoil, clay.
Attleborough, in the Southern division of the county, The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area
Depwade hundred and union, petty sessional division of. is 2,495 acres; rateable value, £3,41.1 ; the population in
Long Stratton, Wymondham county court district, rural rgii was 771. 1
deanery of Depwade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese Parish Clerk, Mrs. Potter.
of Norwich. The church of St. Michael is a structure Sexton, Oliver Hinchley.
of flint and stone in the Early Perpendicular style, con-
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled Post & M. 0. Office. Jonathan Corston, sub-postmaster.
western tower containing 6 bells: the choir stalls, eagle Letters are received through Attleborough, arrive -at
lectern and altar rails are of finely carved oak: the 7·5 a.m. & 3·45 p.m. & dispatched at g. 15 a.m. & 6.50
carved pulpit was presented by Lady .Buxton: the p.m.; no sunday delivery. Letter Box cleared at 6.35
church was restored and reseated in rBgo at a cost of p.m. Carleton Rode, r! miles d1stant, is the nearest
about £I,oOa: the roof on the north side was Testored telegraph office
in rgo5, and on the south side in rgo7: the porch and Wall Letter Boxes.-Bunwell hill, cleared at 8.15 a.m.
church tower were. restored in rgoB : there are 250 & 5·55 p.m. week days only; Little Green, cleared at
sittings. The register dates from the year 155r. The 8.10 a. m. & 6.5 p.m. week days only; Low Common,
living is a rectory, net income £450, with 52 acres cleared at 5.30 p.m
of glebe and residence, in the 2"ift of 'Mrs. Buxton, Pillar Letter Box, Great Green, cleared at 8.20 a.m. &
and held since rBgr by the Rev. John Adolphus Liddell 6.20 p.m
Fellowes, of Exeter College, Oxfordt There is a
parish room, built at a cost of £130. The Primitive Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 187g, for 238
Methodist chapel, an edifice <Jf red brick, was built in children; average attendance, 187; William Norton
1876. The poor have an allotment of 17 acres, the ~\ger, master
rents of which are distributed in fuel. Mrs. Buxton, of Carrier to Norwich.-Herbert Breeze, wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Corston Jonathan~ grocer & draper, Newman John, assistant overseer &
Post office. 1 collector of taxes
Barnard Miss Dayne Jesse & Robert, farmers Newman Joseph, grocer & draper
Fellowes Rev. John Adolphus Liddell, Dixon George, Queen's Head P.H Ostler Henry, painter & paperhanger
• Feakes Hannah (Mrs.), Prince of Palm er J ames, farmer, Eagle farm
Smith El don J ames Wales P.H Rackham ElijahEdwd.frmr.Valley fm
Francis Hy. thrashing machine propr Ramm Cornelius, pork butcher
Francis John, farmer Revell Horace, farmer
Aldridge Herbt. Chas.grocer & drapr Godfr€y George,Crown & Anchor P.H Reynolds Jacob, farmer
Arnold John, farmer Hales William, farmer Ringer liobert, farmer
Baker Daniel, insurance agent Hammond Arthur, farmer Scarfe Waiter, farmer
Balls Nathan George, wheelwright Hardyman Arthur, farmer Self Horace, larmer
Barker Frdk.wheelwright & blcksmth Hardyman J ames, farmer Sheldrake Isaac, thrashing machine
Brown Ann (Mrs.), farmer Hinchley Percy, farmer proprietor
Brown John, farmer Howes James, farmer Smith Eldon James, farmer, builder;
Brown Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer Howlett Rushmer, farm bailiff t{) contractor & steam join~ry works
Running Frederick, farmer Gerrard Buxton esq. Banyards hall Smith Geo. Wm. Gates,watch maker
Buxton Gerrard, farmer, Banyard's Howlett Samuel, grocer & draper Smith John, pork butcher
Hall farm Humphreys George, beer retailer Smith Robert, farmer
Catchpole Waiter, carpenter & joiner J ackson Gabriel, shopkeeper Smith Robert Isaac, farmer
Chandler Arthur C. bricklayer Jackson Walter, farmer Smith Robert Isaac, jun. farmer
Chandler Miles, bricklayer · Johnson Lambert,whlwrght. & carpntr Stapley Joseph, farmer
Chapman Jas. Alfd. farmr.Green fnn Kett J ames Frederick, farmer Stimpson John, farmer
Chapman Thomas,farmer,Tolgate frm Mears Horace, thrashin~ machine Whyatt James, farmer
Cbapman William, farmer proprietor I Woodcock Henry. farmer
Chilvers Albt. G. Farriers' Arms P.H Moll Arthur George, farmer W or ton John, baker
BURGH (or Burgh-next-Aylsham) is a village and sisting of chancel, with north chapel~ modern. nave and
parish on the navigable Bure, over which there is a bridge north porch, and a Perpendicular -western tower con-
of one arch, 2 miles south-east from Aylsham station on taining one bell: the chancel, restored in 1878~ is one of
the East Norfolk branch of ths Great Eastern railway, peculiar beauty and interest, the upper stage having a
11.nd 11 north from N ox wich, in the Northern division of continuous range of beautiful lancets, arcaded on the
ths county, South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional inside, and the lower stage a continuous arcading above
division, Aylsbam union and county court district, rural a stone seat : on the north wall similar arcading occurs,
deanery of Ingworth (south division) and archdeaconry together with a very fine Early English archway, open-
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is an ing into a north chapel; these features were pro-
edifice of flint. and stone in the Early English style, con- nounced by Sir Gilbert Scott to be of the finest character,


and probably of the same date with the work of St. Col. Edmund Roger Allday Kerrison (late R..A..), C.M.G.F
Hugh, at Lincoln, circa 1200; the whole was carefully J.P. is a modern man!lion of red brick with storr8'
restored in 1878, chiefly through the liberality of the dressings. Mr. Lawrence Burr, who is lord of the
late Rev. Edrnund Telfer Yates M.A. rector r873-9, manor, and Lieut.-Col. E. R. A. Kerrison, are the prin-
and in 1888 the nave was partially restored and a new cipal landowners. The soil is sand and loam; subsoilF
chancel arch erected, and in 1903 the nave was fully chalky. The chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and
restored and refitted: there are roo sittings. The re- hay. The area is 8o6 acres of land and 10 of water;
gister dates from the year 1563. The living is a rec- rateable value, £r,HJI; the population in 19II was 223.
tory, net yearly value £r5o, including 12! acres of Post Office. William Saunders, sub-postmaster. Letter&
glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since r 879 through .A.ylsham are delivered at 8 a.m. & 4.50
by the Rev. Thomas Barnes, of the Royal University of p.m.; dispatched at 7·55 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. on week
Ireland, who is also chaplain of Aylsham union. Here days only. .A.ylsham is the nearest money order &
is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in r868. From telegraph office
the various urns and coint- which have been found in Public Elementary School (mixed), for 74 children;
this vicinity, it is supposed to have been a Roman sta- average attendance, 46; Miss Emily Farrow, mis-
tion. Burgh Hall, the property and residence of Lieut.- tress; Miss Helsdon, infants' mistress
Barnes Rev. Thomas, Rectory Ives Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Hilder Godfrey, The Mill house COMMERCIAL. Learner EdwinThos.farmr. Manor frm
Kent Rev. Frank Newton B.A. (vicar Burr Lawrence, brick & tile maker Quadling Robert, farm bailiff to Wm.
of Scottow), The Beeches Goodson Samuel, Fighting Cocks P.H Case esq. Burgh Hall farm
Kerrison Lt. -Col. Edmund Roger Grix Charles, farmer Saunders Wm.shpkpr.& sub-postmstr
Allday (late R.A.) C.M.G., J.P.; Grix J ames Thomas, miller (water) Thirkettle Charles, blacksmith
& Army & Navy club, London S W Ives George, farmer

:BURGH APTON, see &rgh .A.pton.

:BURGH ST. MARGARET (commonly called Flegg is also rector of Billockby, and resides at Burgh House.
Burgh) is now a parish, 3 miles soutjl-west from Mart- a mansion of brick, standing in well-wooded grounds.
ham station and 4 west from Ormesby station on the There is a Wesleyan cilapel, built in 184r, and a Primi-
Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 15 north-east tive Methodist chapel, built in 1853. The charities in-
from Norwich and 7, north-west from Yarmouth, in the clude lands allotted to the poor at the enclosure in
Eastern division of the county, incorporated hundreds, 1804, and comprising 146a. 3r. 4P· of which 40a. Ir. 2op.
petty sessional division and incorporation of East and are let for about £7o yearly. and the remainder being
West Flegg, county court district of Great Yarmouth, left for the cutting of fuel and reeds, but the cot-
rural deanery of Flegg and archdeaconry and diocese of tagers are also allowed to turn stock upon it; the rent
Norwich. The old church of St. Mary, with the excep- of this land is distributed in coal: Wymer's charity
tion of a small portion of the tower, which is still stand- of 11 acres produces £30 yearly. Charles Belgrave Lucas
ing in the centre of a field, has disappeared. The esq. of Filby House, and the rector are lords of the manor
church of St. Margaret, erected about the middle of the of Burgh. St. Mary or Burgh Vaux manor, the rector
14th century, is a structure of flint chiefly in the being lord of the manor of Burgh St. Margaret and the
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, principal landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay.
nave, and an embattled western tower containing a clock The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
and 3 bells: but the fabric also incorporates an enriched 1,587 acres of land, II3 of water and 13 of tidal water;
Late Norman doorway: a memorial has been placed in assessable value, £2,370; the population in 1911 was
the church to the Rev. Charles John Lucas M.A. rector 613.
1862-g-6: in 1876 the church was thoroughly restored Parish Clerk, H. Whitehand.
and reseated, chiefly at the expense of the Rev. C. J. Assistant Overseer, Edgar Crane.
Lucas M . .A.. : the tower was repaired by the present
rector in 1goo, and at the same time the bells were Post, M. 0. & T. Office (Fleggburgh).-Robert Tooke.
re-hung and a new clock provided: the reredos of white sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth
alabaster was erected by Bishop Carnac Fisher D.D. in at 6.15 a.m.; delivery commences at 7 a.m. & 4.30
memory of his father: a brass lectern was presented in p.m. part delivery & for callers; dispatched at II-40
1900 : there are sittings for 250 persons. The registers a.m. & 6.30 p.m
date only from r813, the earlier books having been
destroyed in the fire which occurred at the parsonage Public Elementary School (mixed) (under 6 managers;
in that year. The living is a consolidated rectory, joint The Rt. Rev. George C. Fisher D.D. chairman; Rev.
net yearly value £ 429 , including 22 ~ acres of glebe, Peter Cyril Brown, correspondent), erected in r866, &
with residence, in the gift of and held since 1898 by the enlarged in 1902, for r8o children; average attend-
Right Rev. George Carnac Fisher D.D. of Brasenose ance, 164; Ernest F. Frost, master
College, Oxford, late Suffragan Bishop of Ipswich, who Police, William Green, constable
J.P., F.S ..A.. president; G. J. Reading Room (John Woodrow, hon.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ha-cker esq. J.P. treasurer; Rev. sec)
Brown Rev. Peter C'yril (curate) W. J. Karran M . .A.. hon. sec.; Rev. Reynolds George, market gardener
Fisher The Rt. Rev. George Carnac P. G. Brown, district sec. ; Mrs. Rose Chas. Durrant, market gardener
D.D. (rector), Burgh house Green, nurse) Royden William M.R.C.S.Eng .•

William M.A. Broad house Green William (trustee of the late), L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & medica)
COMMERCIAL. wheelwright officer of health to Flegg Rural
Barwood Jas. farmer & cattle dealer Greenacre Charles, farmer District Council & medical officer &·
Barwood Page James, farmer Harbord Paul, blacksmith public vaccinator for No. 3 dis-
Church John, market gardener Hood Leonard T. King's Arms P.H trict of East & West Flegg Incor-
Cogger James Thomas, farm bailiff Howes Charles, market gardener poration & workhouse medica)
to Rt. Rev. G. C. Fisher D.D Howes James, farmer officer, Broad house
Copeland George, market gardener Independent Order of Oddfellows Shreeve Frederick, market gardener
Crane Edgar, boot & shoe maker & (East Anglian Unity, No. 24) Shreeve Fredk. jun. market gardener
assistant overseer (Edgar Crane, sec) Skinner .A.rthur, farmer, Manor farm
Crow James, market gardener Jeary William, bricklayer Trett John Nudd, painter & house
Curtis Lambert, market gardener Lawn Charles, market gardener decorator, plumber, glazier, paper-
Curtis William, farmer 1hyhew Edward, miller & grocer hanger &c.; established 187z;
Debbage Aaron, farmer Myhill SaJJluel, farmer estimates given
Debbage Waiter, marsh farmer Newman John Robert, farmer Turner William, market gardener
Eves Edward, gamekeeper to Rt. Rev. Nichols George, marsh farmer Ward Edward, jun. market gardener
G. C. Fisher D.D Nicker son J ames, market gardener Woodrow John, gardener to Rt. Rev.
Eves Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper Poynts Geo. Thomas, beer retailer G. C. Fisher D.D
Flegg District Nursing Association Read James,market gardener & cartr Youngs Charles, market gardener
(Col. R. W. Edis C.B., V.D., D.L., Youngs James, farmer
:BURGH ST. PETER (or Wheatacre Burgh) is a Yarmouth, in the Southern division of the county,Claver-
village and parish on the river Waveney, and on the ing hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional divi-
borders of Suffolk, 3 miles ea~t-south-east from .A.ldeby sion and union, Bungay and Beccles county court dis-
station, 2~ north-east from Carlton Colville station by trict, rural deanery of Brooke, eastern division, arch-
ferry on the Lowestoft section of the Great Eastern deaconrv•
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church
railway, 6~ north from Beccles and 12 south-west from of St. ,Mary, situated at the eastern extremity of the
parish, is an ancient edifice of flint, with a thatched roof John Henry Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, :Xorvrich,
and stone dressings, in the Early English style, con- Messrs. J. W. Brooke, of Lcwesto~t. and George Riches, of
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western Loddon, and Charles Mallett esq. are the principal land-
tower of brick containing one bell : the church was owners, and there are also other smaller proprietors.
thoroughly restored, new windows inserted, and the in- The ·soil i1 mixed, part being strong and the other part
terior re-seated in I88o, and now affords I I3 sittings. light land; subsoil, clay and light sand. The chief
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a crops are wheat, barley, roots and hay. The area is
rectory, net yearly value [,220, including IS acres of r,g5r acres, about I,roo acres being marsh land, 38 of
glebe and residence, in the gift of the trustees of the tidal water and 55 of foreshore ; the rateable value is
late Rev. William Boycott B.A. and held since r8gg by {,2,905; the population in rgu was 314.
the Rev. Vincent Radenhurst Leeding. The Mission Sexton, George Greengras11.
chapel of the Good Shepherd, in the village, is used
alternately with the parish church during the winter Post Office.-Mrs. Lucy Ward, sub-postmistress. Letters
months. Here is a small Primitive Methodist chapel, by foot pest arrive from Beccles at 7·35 a.m. & I2.3o
and a Wesleyan chapel, enlarged in I835· and seating p.m. Letter Box cleared at 12-30 & 4-50 p.m.; no
about 200 . The fuel allotment of I 3 acres is let on an sunday delivery. Toft is the nearest money order office
average for [, 11 yearly, which is distributed in coal & Aldeby, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph office
among. the poor. Near the church stands the small The children of this parish attend the school at
remaining portion of the ruins of the priory of St. John. Wheatacre
Gowing Geoffrey P. The Shrublands Cooper George, marshman & cowkpr Jeffries & Clarke, millers (wind &
Leeding Rev. Vincent Radenhurst Dack John, farm bailiff to James steam) & farmers
(rector), Rectory Gowing esq. New buildings Miles Robert, coal dealer
Morris Mrs. Norfolk villa Flint William, blacksmith Miles Thomas, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. Gibbs George, King's Head P.H Morris .Alfred, grocer & draper
Bailey Fred, farmer, Marsh farm Gowing Geoffrey P. farmer, The Tripp Benjamin, farmer, Chun;h frm
Banns George S. farmer, Beech farm Shrublands Tripp Daniel, market gardener
Barrett Charles Beamish, builder Harvey Frank, Waveney hotel; an Tripp Ernest, carpenter
Bennett George, farm bailiff to Mr. ideal spot for boating & picnic Tripp GP.orge, markP.t gardener
A. Wright, Hill farm parties ; good fishing & shooting Tripp William, shoe maker
Brevrstow Edmund, farmer,Staithe rd Hewett John, farmer, Staithe road Wigg Hamilton Edwd.frmr.Hall farm
BURLINGHA:M ST. ANDREW is a parish Peter annexed, joint net yearly value /,280, including 22
and scattered village on the road from Norwich to Yar- Acres of ~le be, with residence, in the gift of Henry
mouth, r~ miles north from Lingwood station on the Randall Burroughes esq. and held since r893- by the Rev.
Great Eastern branch to Yarmouth via Acle, and 8 east Charles John Rolfe B . .A. of .All Souls College, Oxford.
from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, Hurlingham House, the property of Majoi R. H. H.
Blofield and Walsham petty sessional division, Blofield Jary, of Bitteswell, Leicestershire, is now (1912) un-
hundred and union, Norwich county court district, rural occupied. Henry Randall Burroughes esq. who is lord
deane-ry of Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- of the manor, and Maj. R. H. H. Jary are the chief
wich. The church of St . .Andrew is a structure of flint landowners. The soil is good mixed; subsoil, chalk,
in the Gothic style of the ISth century, consisting of a stone and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
chancel, nave, south porch, north aisle and a fine em- roots. The area is 753 acres; rateable value, {,I,3oo;
battled western tower containing 3 be.lls: the nave has a the population in Igr_I was 179.
good carved roof and there !lire remains of a handsome Parish Clerk, John Daniels.
carved oak rood screen, with paintings of SS. Thomas of
Canterbury and Edward the Confessor, S. Benedict, Post, M. 0. & T. Office.--Charles William Farman, sub-
S. Withburga, S. John the Baptist and others: there was postmaster. Letters from Norwich arrive at 5.20 a.m.
f3rmerly in the church a hexagonal wooden stand, & 1.30 & 5·5 p.m.; dispatched at 11.40 a.m. & 5.20 &
curiously ornamented with paintings of the early 15th 7-5 p.m .
century; the church was restored in 18 7 6, and affords Wall Letter Box cleared II.25 a.m. & 4.50 & 6.40 p.m. ;
I3'> sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. sunday, 6.45 p.m
The living is a rectory, with that of Burlingham St. The children of this parish attend the school at Lingwood
Rolfe Rev. Chas. John B.A. Rectory Bunn James, bla.cksmith King Bernard, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Farman Charles William, wheel- Mattocks Robert, farmer, Green farm
Bond Goorge, farmer, Poplar farm wright, Post office Youngs Arthur Robert, Home farm
BURLINGHAM ST. EDMUND is a parish ad- unappropriated. The register dates from the year 1566.
joining the Lingwood station on the line from Norwich The living is a rectory, witli the perpetual curacy of Ling-
to Yarmouth viA Acle and is 9 miles east of Norwiah, in wood annexed, net yearly value £230, including 31
the Eastern division of the county, Blofield and Walsham acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since 1909 by the
petty sessional division, Blofield hundred and union, Nor- Rev. William Henry Hinder, who is also chaplain of
wicll county court district, :rnral deanery of Blofield and Blofield union, and resides at Lingwood. Henry Randall
archdeaconry and diocese uf Norwich. The church of St. Burroughes esq. of Burlingham Hall, is lord of the
Ed.mund is a small but ancient buildiug of flint, with manor and sole landowner. The soil is good mixed;
stone dressings and a thatched roof, in a plain Norman subsoil, sand. The chief crops are wheat and barley.
style, CQnsistin.g of chancel, nave, south porch and an The area is 657 acres; rateable value, £785; the popu-
embattled tower containing 3 bells: the ancient 15th cen- lation in rgn was Bo.
tury pulpit is panelled and enriched with painted stars Sexton Jonathan Scott
and flowers, tracery and a cresting : it also retains an ' ·
hour-glass stand: there are a few interesting frescoes, in- Letters through Norwich, via North Burlingham (which
eluding one of late 14th century date, on the .south wall is the nearest mom~y order office), arrive at 5.20 a.m
. of the chancel, portraying the murder of Thomas a Becket: Wall Letter Box at the Union gates, Lingwood, cleared
the rood screen, of the 15th century, has powdered panels, a t 7 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. ; sun d ays a t 9 .55 a . m . Bur -
tracery and crestings: under the communion table is a ling ham St. Andrew is the nearest telegraph office,
vault, the stone covering of which is inscribed to William about 2 ! miles distant
Smith Clerke; it also bears a. representation of the chalice
and wafer, and has a Latin inscription: the church was Wall Letter Box, cleared at 7 a. m. & 6.50 p.m.; no
restored in 1887, largely at the cost of the trustee& of the collection on snndays
late H. N. Burroughes esq. and has 100 sitting&, 50 being The children of this place attend the school at Lingwood
Crowe George Frederick, farmer & Edrich Harry, farmer, Church farm /Youngs .Alfred John, farmer
traction engine owner, Manor farm Rant Frederick William, farmer
BURLINGHAM ST. PETER is a pa.rish on the the sole expense of the late <Mrs. Burroughes, of Bur-
rood from Norwich to Yarmouth, r! miles north-east from lingham Hall, and reopened in Sept. IB74: there are
Lingwood 11tation on the Great Eastern branch to Yar- I30 sittings. The register dates from the year I560.
mouth via Acle, and 9 east from Norwich, in the Eastern The living is a rectory, annexed to Burlingham St.
division of the county, Blofield and Walsbam petty Andrew, joint net yearly value £280, including 22 acre<:~
sessional division, Blofield hundred and union, Norwiah of glebe and residence, in the gift of H. R. Burroughes
county court district, rural deanery of Blofield and arch- esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Charles John Rolfe
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. B.A. of .!.ll Souls College, Oxford, who resides at Bur-
Peter is a. building of flint with stone dressings, in the lingham St. Andrew. Burlin~bam Hall, which stands
Gothic style of the 15th century, consisting of chan- within a well-wooded park, is the property and resi-
cel, nave and south porch : the church was restored at dence of Henry Randall Burroughes esq. J.P. lord of

the manor and chief landowner. The soil is good Letters through Norwich, arrive at 5.20 a.m.; North
mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, Burlingham is the nearest money order & telegraph
barley, oats and roots. The area is 410 a-cres; rateable office, fro.m which place letters are dispatched at n.40
value, £7r6; the population in '19II was 6g. a.m. & 5.20 & 7·5 p.m
Parish Clerk, John Daniels. The children of this place attend Lingwood school
Burroughes Henry Randall J.P. Bur- Barratt Wm.Percy,farmr.Lodge farm Redgment Herbert W. farmer
lingham hall Havis Thomas, gamekeeper to H. D.
Barclay esq
BURNH AM DEEPDALE is a parish and small Rev. E. K. Kerslake (d. 1910), and held since 1910 by'
village near the German Ocean, sheltered on the south the Rev . .Albert Augustus Lintern B.A., B.Sc. of London
by a range of well-wooded hills, 2~ miles north-west from University. The trustees of the late Henry Blyth esq.
Burnham Market railway statwn, on the Lynn and Wells are lords of the roar.or. The chief landowner is William
section of the Great Eastern railway, in the North Marshall esq. of North Lynn. The soil is generally
Western division of the county, Brothercross hundred, light; sub~oil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are
Smithdon and Brothercross petty sessional division, Dock- wheat, barley, turnips and grasses. The area is 1,048
ing union, Little Walsingham county C()urt district, rural acres, of which about 250 acres are marsh, inclosed
deanery of Burnham, arcbdeaconry of Lynn and diocese from the sea, and 10 of water and 27 of foreshore; rate-
of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is an ancient struc- able value, £82o; the population in rgu was 8o.
ture of flint, in the Norman style, consisting of chancel,
Deputy Parish Clerk, George Cottrell.
nave, north aisle and a round western tower containing
one bell; there ara five memorial windows, and a font of
Letter Box cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 4.10 p.m.; sunday&
Saxon date, with carved figures on tha outside, represent- 4· xo p.m. Letters received through King's Lynn.
ing the twelve month~ of the year; the church was re- Brancaster Staith is the nearest money order & Bran-
stored in 18,35, and reseated with oak in x8g8; it has caster the nearest telegraph office,about I mile distant.
since been restored and now affords 225 sittings. The
register dates from the year I539· The living is a School (mixed), erected in 1874, and enlarged in 1897,
rectory, net yearly value £I70, with residence and 33 for 84 children; average attendance, 66; :Miss Frances
acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the late Rungary, mistress
Lintern Rev. Albert Augustus B.A., Ebdale William, gamekeeper to E.
B.Sc. (rector), The Rectory COMMERCIAL. Martelli esq
Cook Harry Austin, farmer Riches Maria (Mrs.), Plough coffee ho
BURNHAM MARKET is a small town for the most is easily obtained; a stream of water occasionally iswes
part in the parish of Burn ham W estgate, and practically from under the chalk: formation, and flows from the
including the parishes of Burnham Sutton and Burn- park through the town. Crops of turnips, mangold
ham Ulph, and has a statwn on the West Norfolk June- wurtzel, barley and wheat are raised, and large supplies
tion (Great Eastern) railway, 2~ miles south-by-west of fat cattle and sheep are sent to London. The area of
from the harbour and the fine and extensive sea-sands Burnham Westgate parish is 3,078 acres; rateable value,
of Burnham Overy Staith, 123, miles from London by £4,243; the population of the parish in 19II was 937·
rail, 24, north-east-by-north from Lynn by rail, ID Parish Clerk, James Hendry.
north-west from Fakenham, 7 west from Wells-by-the- Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Armine Herring Habberton,.
Sea, 36 north-west from Norwich by road; the parish sub-postmaster. Letters through Lynn delivered at
is in the North Western · hd division
d Bof the
h county, Brother- 7.20 a.m. & 1.50 p.m. (th urs. 4.40 p.m. ) ; sun d ay, 7.20
cross h und re d , S m1t on an rot ercross petty ses- ; dispatched week days, 10 am. & 2 . 50 , 4 .45 &;
sional division, Docking union, Littla Walsingham
t t d . t · t 1 d f B h h 5.10 p.m.; sunday, 1.50 p.m
coun y cour lB nc , rura eanery o urn am, arc - Wall Letter lloxes.-At the railway station cleared at.
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The town is B
1 tl t d · all h It d f th 9·45 a. m. & 4.40 p.m. ; sundays, 9· Io a.m. & at ar-
very p easan y sea e :rn a v ey s e e,re rom e sea, row cottages cleared at 9 .45 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; sundays.
in a rich agricultural district, on the old road from Lynn
t<> Wells-by-the-Sea; a rivulet running between it and a.m
Burnham Overy falls into the harbour. The church of St. Fire Engine Station, Back street; keys at George W.
Mary the Virgin is a building of flint with stone dressings, Hudson, Market place & Robert Oughton, Burnham
in the Early English and Decorated styles, consisting of station
chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and an em- PUBLIC OFFICERS.
battled western tower containing a clock and 4 bells ; the Admiralty Surg-eon & Agent, Burnham District, Samuel
battlements of the tower are ornamented with the cipher M. Hamill B.A., M.D., M.Ch
M, indicating the dedication of the church, and figures Assistant Overseer & Collector of Taxes, George William
representing miscellaneous subjects from Holy Writ and Hudson
history, dating from the rsth century: several of the Excise & Old· Age Pension Officer, William Henry White
windows have been filled with !!tained glas!l as me- Registrar of Births & Deaths & Vaccination Officer for
morials : the interior was restored in 1879 and affords the Burnham Sub-District & Relieving Officer Eastern
350 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. District, Docking Union & Collector to the Guardians,
The living is a rectory, conliisting of a mediety uf the Charles Ernest Abberley
rector;r of Burnham Westgate, with medieties of the Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator Burnham District,
rectonea of Burnham Norton and Burnham Ulph annexed, Docking Union, MedicaL Officer to the Board of
joint net yearly value £240, with :ror acres of glebe and Education & General Post Office & Certifying Factory
residence, in the gift of Christ's College, Cambridge, and Surgeon, Samuel M. Hamill B.A., M.D., M.Ch
held since rgo3 by the Rev. Thomas Felton Falkner Surveyor for the Eastern Division of Docking Rural Dis-
M.A. of that college, and D.S.O.: the other mediety of trict, George Edward Mullard, Brancaster Staithe
Burnham Westgate, together with rg acres of land in Town Crier, Wilson Forster
that parish, also belongs to the College. Here is a Con- Police, Oscar Carter, acting sergeant
gregational chapel, built in r8o7, with 300 sittings; a
Primitive Methodist chapel, with 170 sittings, and a PLACES OF WORSIDP, with times of Services.
preaching-room for tha Brethren. The charities, left St. Mary the Virgin, Rev. Thomas Felton Falkner M ..A.,
chiefly for educational and church purposes, are now in D.S.O. rector; rr a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m
the hands of the Charity Trustees. The Oddfellows Congregational, Rev. Victor Ernest Watson; to.45
hold their meetings at the Hoste Arms hotel. A market a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
is held every alternate Monday in the Haste Arms hotel Primitive Methodist; 2.30 & 6 p.m
yard and is well attended. The principal hotel is the
Haste Arms. In the neighbo\LI'hood are Holkham Park, Burnham Westgate Council School, erected, with
the ruins of Creake Abbey and Norton Priory, and teachers' residences, in x837 & enlarged in 1893; the
Burnham Thorpe, the birthplace of Lord Nelson. Burn- school will hold 36o children~ average attendance,
ham Hall, formerly the seat of the late Sir Roger Martin 91 boys, 87 girls & 6g infants; James Randall May,
bart. (a title extinct before r859), is now occupied by master; Mrs. E. Downes, mistress; Miss M. Oallender,
John Robert Overman esq. who, with the Earl of Or- infants' mistress; Waiter H. Dines, school attendance
ford, is joint lord of the manor. Henry Calthorp Holl- officer, Snettisham
way-Calthorp esq. of Stanhoe Park, W. F. Marshall Under the Act of I<J03• an Education Committee of six
esq. of North Lynn, and John Robert Overman esq. m~~onagers has been formed; Danl. Sear le, correspondent
of Burnham Hall, are the chief landowners. The hills
o!l the north of the valley are chiefly of chalk, while Railway Station (G. E. R.), Herbert William Moore, sta-
those to the snnth have strata of marl and gravel, and tion master; authorised carrier to the G. E. Railway
the valley is a mass of flint-stone gravel, in which water Co. Henry F. Hillen, Burnham Sutton . ...

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bower Robert, draper & grocer Love Herbert M.B., B.S.Lond .•
Bates Mrs Brown Charles, traction engine owner L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. phy-
Cook Benjamin, Sussex farm (postal Ca ble Elizabeth (Mrs.), plumber sician & surgeon
address, Brancaster Staith, King's Chapman Thomas Dawson, beer retlr Martin .Arthur John, farmer, Cradle
Lynn) Clamp Waiter, photographer Hall farm
Fa.lkner Rev. Thomas Felton D.S.O., Claxton James Ephraim, cycle agent Men's Institute (E. W. Walker, hon_
M.A. (rector), Rectory · Clayton Wm. & Sons, greengrocers sec)
Hamill Samuel M., B.A., M.D. Burn- Codman James, w~lwright Mitcheley Maud Florence (Miss).
ham house C',ook Benjamin, farmer, Sussex farm dress maker
Love Herbert M.B., B.S.Lond (letters should be addressed Sussex Moodie James Hamilton, newspaper
Martin Misses, Cradle hall farm, Brancaster Staith, King's reporter, insurance & commission
Overman John Robert, Burnham ball Lynn) agent; agent to Norwich Union
Oxley Mrs. Bolton house Coppin John, farm bailiff to J. H. Fire & Life Office & agent to
Reeve Miss, Cobham house Brown esq. Gallow Hill farm Ocean Accident Corporation,Moodie
Sharman Robert William Dack George, outfitter cottage •
Smith William Dix Clara (Mrs.), laundress Moor house Herbert, bricklayer
Watson Rev. Victor Ernest (Cong) Drake Josiah, pork butcher & bacon Moorhouse Waiter, butcher
curer, Front street Norman Ernest Frederick, insur.
Witton Mrs
Fitch Bertram, cycle agent Frederick, builder
Forster Wilson,bill poster & town crier Nurse Thomas William, baker
Geagen Stephen, farmer, Crow Hall Ofield John R. Victoria P.H
Early closing day, Wednesday. farm Overman Jn.Robt.frmr.Burnham hall
Abberley Charles Ernest, :relieving Geagen William Henry, coal merchnt Oughton Ada (Miss), dress maker
officer, Eastern district, & regis- Gooderson Frederick M.R.O.Y.S. Phillippo Zacharias Jas. watch make~
trar of births & deaths & relieving veterinary surgeon Platten Minnie & Emma (Misses).
officer No. I Burn ham sub-district, Gray Allan, travelling draper dress makers
Docking union & collector to the Grint William, farm bailiff to A. J. Playford Alfred John, baker
guardians Martin esq. Cradle Hall farm Purdy George, farm bailiff to Col. Jn.
Acock Charles Fredk. boot &c. dealer Habberton Armine Herring, .saddler E. Groom, Friars Thorn farm
Acock Thomas William, photographer & harness maker, Post office Pyle Sidney, insurance agent
Allen Elizh. Annie (Miss), dress mkr Habberton Elsie Marion (Mrs. ),millnr Riches Charles Waiter, baker
Allen Henry Joseph, boot maker, see Hall Thomas George, fried fish dlr Rifle Club (H. Love M.B. hon. sec)
Baldry & Allen Hall William, hardware dealer Ray George William, grocer, Front
Audus Sarah (Miss), private school Hamill Samuel M., B.A., M.D., M.Ch. street & fancy repository, Market pl
Baldry & Alien, boot makers R.U.I. physician & surgeon, medi- Roy Henry, marine store dealer
Barclay & Company Limited (sub- cal officer & public vaccinato:r, Roy Obadiah, fruit grower
branch from Wells), bankers (Alan Burnham district, Docking union, Satchell Frederick, ironmonger
Quartly Watson, manager); open & Admiralty surgeon & agent; Saunders John, Rose & Crown inn
monday & friday, 12 noon to 3 medical officer to the Board of Scholey Jn. M.P.S. chemist & dmggs~
p.m. ; draw on head office, 54 Education & General Post Office & Searle Daniel, draper
Lombard street, London E C certifying factory surgeon, Burn- Sutton H. & Son, iron founders
Barker George, Black Horse P.H ham house Taylor William, boot repairer
Barker Waiter Frederick, butcher, Hammond Herbert Henry, baker Tweedy Philip Henry, boot repairer
Market place & farmer, Hawkers hl Hawes James, shopkeeper White Gilbert, chemist & druggist
Beaver Alfred S. monumental mason Hendry James, tinman & brazier White William Henry, excise & old
& carver, grave memorials in Hendry William, chimney sweeper age pension officer
stone, slate, marble & gr8.T!ite & Hudson George William, saddler & Wilson .Arthur Robert, butcher
memorial brasses ; builders' stone harness maker & assistant overseer Winearls Ernest, watch maker
work supplied & tax collector Witton John Robert, wheelwright
Beaver John Robert Ernest, building International Tea Company's Stores Womack Mary .Ann -(Mrs.), Haste
material dealer Limited Arms hotel
Belding Eleanor (Miss), tailoress Kendall Augustus, blacksmith
Belding Margaret (Miss), dress maker Lane William, painter (For other names, see Burnham
Boughton .Arthnr, hair dresser Sutton.)
BURNHAM NORTON is a parish comprising a vil- D.S.O. (late Chaplain to the Forces), and rector of
lage, called N orton Street, half a mile from the church, I! Burnham Westgate, and the other to that of Burn-
miles north-by-east from Bnrnham Market, in the North ham Sutton, joint net yearly value £310, and at.
Western division of the county, Brothercross hundred, present (19I2) vacant. Divine service is conducted
Smithdon and llrothercross petty sessional division, Dock- by the rectors alternately. There are 32 acres
ing union, Little Walsingham county court district, rural of glebe, and the commutation rent-charge is £262.
deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Four acres of land have been set apart for the ·
Norwich. The church of St. Margaret, conspicuously repairs of the church. There are some remains here oi
placed on a hill fronting the sea, is a fine strut.:ture of flint a Carmelite friary, founded in I24I by Sir R. de Hemen-
with stone dressings, in the Perpendicular style, consisting hale, and the gateway has been restored. The Earl
of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a lofty round of Oriord is lord of the manor, and the principal land-
western tower of very ancient date containing one bell: owner. The arable land is of a good light quality, and
the pulpit, which has been carefully restored, is produces excellent crops of wheat, barley, oats, turnips,
adorned with paintings of the four Doctors of the mangold wurtzel, grass and seeds; the substratum iB
Church-Saints Augustine, Ambrose, Gregory and chalk. The area is 2,320 acres of land, 8 of water, 29
J erome together with the portraits of John Goldale of tidal water and 1,121 of foreshore; rateable value,.
and Katharine his wife, who gave it: there is also an £1,242; the population in -J9II was I03·
ancient screen with figures now nearly obliterated: the Parish Clerk, William Lane.
font, an early work, is of stone plainly carved: on the
floor of the south aisle are memorials of the family of Letten through Lynn, via Burnham Market at 8.30 a.m_
the late Lord Chancellor Thurlow: in I89o the church & 2 p.m.; sunday, 8.30 a.m. Burnham Market is the-
was reseated at a cost of £130, and now affords 200 nearest money order & telegraph office, Ii miles dis-
sittings. The register dates from the year I559· The tant. Wall Letter Box cleared 9·I5 a.m. & 3·45 p.m. _
rectory consists of two medieties, one annexed to the week days; sundays, 8-45 a.m
rectory of Burnham Westgate, joint net yearly value
£240, and held since I903 by the Rev. Thomas Felton This place is included in the Burnham Westgate School
Falkner M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge and District. The children attend the schools there
COMMERCIAL. Cook Harrv• A. farmer
Barnes JMeph, bricklayer Drewry William, farm bailiff t()
Cohen NigelHeathcote .T.P.The Lodge Burgess William .Tames, gardener to H:ury Austin Cook esq. Norton
Francis Mrs. Norton Hall farm N. H. Cohen esq. J.P Hall farm
Howson .Alfd. Horsfall, Lechmere cot Claxton Robert John, farmer Kirk Frederick John, beer retailer
HURNHAM OVERY is a parish and small seaport, west from Wells, 23 from Lynn and 120 from Londonp
including the pleasant village d Overy Struth, 1 mile in the North Western division of the county, Brothercross
east-by-north from Burnham Market station on the Lynn hundred, Smithdon and Brothercross petty sessional divi-
and Wells section of the Great Eastern railway, 6 miles sion, Docking union, Little Walsingham county court


district, rural deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Lynn, land, 12 of water, 15 of tidal water and 268 of fore-
a11d diocese of Norwich. Overy Town (as it is called) shore; rateable value, [2,597; the population in I9II
and the parish church are on the road from Lynn to Wells was 484.
and near a !'.mall rivulet, which rises at South Creake
and falls into the sea at Burnham Overy Staith. The BURNH.A....i'\1 OVERY STAITH is a pleasant village,
clmrch uf St. Clement, situated on an eminence, is an about a mile from the parish church; the harbour is
edifice in the Norman style, consisting of chancel (restored navigable for vessels of 250 tons up to the Staith. The
by the late Earl of Orford, as lay impropriator, in 1835), Primitive Methodist chapel is a small structure of flint
nave, large south porch and an embattled central tower, and brick, erected in r86o. The extensive sands here
with turret, and containing one bell ; there are 250 are firm and safe, and the sandhills abound in rabbits.
sittings. The register dates from the year 1653· The Pari~h Clerk, Henry Belding.
living is a \-:icarage, annexed, with medieties of the Post Office, Overy Staith. James Vincent Riches, sub-
rectories of Burnham Ulph, and Burnham Norton, to the postmaster. Letters through Lynn, via Burnham
rectory of Burnham Sutton, joint net yearly value [310, Market, delivery a.m. & 3.20 p.m.; sunday, 9
with 18 acres of glebe and residence in the gift of the a.m.; dispatched at 9.20 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.; sunday, 9
Lord Chancellor, and at present (1912) vacant: the a.m. Burnham Market, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
Earl of Orford is the lay impropriator. Near the money order & telegraph office
church are the remains of an ancient cross. Exten-
sive meadows in this and the adjoining parishes Wall Letter Box at Overy Town, cleared at 9-45 a.m.
of Holkham and Norton have been reclaimed from the & 4·45 p.m.; sunday, 9.20 a.m
sea by embankments. The Earl of Orford, who is lord of Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent
the manor, and the Earl of Leicester C.M.G., G.C.V.O., Society, Capt. R. Woodget, hon. representative
J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil is of a fair Public Element-ary School (mixed), built in 1875, at a
mixed character; subsoil, chiefly chalk. The chief crop;~ cost of £8oo, enlarged in rgr1, fol\ 120 children;
are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 2,014 acres of average attendance, ro6; Miss Mildred Cole, mistress

BURNH.A..M OVERY. Kendall Benjamin Wm. blacksmith Bell Rosa .Annie (Miss), beer retailer
Ray Philip, miller (steam & water) Moore Benjamin, chimney sweeper
Porritt William Love, Zetland Raven John, Ship inn
Savory John, Mill house BUR~HAM OVERY STAITH.
Riches J ames, grocer, & post office
Hudson Miss Riches William Henry, coal dealer
COMMERCIAL. Mack Miss Rumbles Richard, coal dealer
Belding Henry Richard, plumber Mackie Rev.AugustineC.,B.D. (curate) Satchell Frederick, farmer
Coe William, farmer, Church farm Palmer Mrs Smith James Edward,farmer,Marsh bo
Crooks Thomas Benjamin, gardener Riedore Lieut. Percy R.N. Staith ho Stoker John, harbour master &
Everitt Sidney, miller (wind, water & Webb Henry, Scotts fisherman
steam) Wiseman Miss, Staith lodge Woodget Edgar, shopkeeper
Farrow Thomas, beer retailer COMliERCIAL. W oodget Richard, master mariner
Hildyard Christopher, Ostrich inn Baker Douglas, farmer, Marsh farm
BURNHA.M SUTTON is a small parish, forming in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and at present
part of the town of Burnham Market, in the North (1912) vacant. The Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1828, is
Western division of the county, Brothercross hundred, a plain structure of brick. The Earl of Orford, who i~
Smithdon and Brothercro~s petty sessional division, lord of the manor, and the Earl of Leicester C.:M.G.,
Docking union, Little Walsingham county. court dis- G. C.V. 0., J.P. are chief landowners. The soil is
trict, rural deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Lynn, generally light and well cultivated; subsoil, chalk. The
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Albert has long chief crops are wheat, barley, grass, turnips and man·
been in ruins, and is covered with ivy, but the parishioners gold wurtzel. The area is 1,473 acres; rateable value,
are entitled to sittings in the church of Burnham Ulph, £1,578; the population in 19II was 411.
of which the rector of Burnham Sutton is joint rector
with the rector of Burnham Westgate. The church Parish Clerk, John Robert Witton.
of All Saints, Burnham Ulph, is an ancient structure
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel Letter Box, Burnham 'Market station, cleared at 9·45
(restored in 187g), nave, south porch and a western turret a.m. & 4.40 p.m.; sundays, a.m. Letters re-
containing one bell: in 1892 the nave was re-seated, the- ceived through Ly1_1n, via Burnham Market, arrive at
gallery removed- and new heating apparatus provided: 7.20 a.m. & r.5o p.m.; sunday, 7.20 a.m. Burnham
there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the yea:r Market is the nearest money order & telegraph office
1653· The living is a rectory, with medieties of the The children of this place attend the schools at Burnham
rectories of Burnham illph and Burnham Norton, together Westgate
with the vicarage of Burnham Overy annexed, joint net
yearly value [310, with 47 acres of glebe and residence, Carrier to G. E. R.-Henry Foster Hillen
Dewing Mrs Cook Robins, farmer, Muckleton farm Mann John, plumber &c
Moodie Mrs. Moodie cottage Franklin Ernest, bricklayer Neave Alfred James, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Gent John William, carpenter Vincent Woods John, carpenter
Brown John Henry, farmer, Crabbe Hillen & Sons, blacksmiths Wright Charles John, butcher
hall Hillen Henry Foster, carrier to G.E.R Wright Robert, Lord Nelson P.H

BURNHAM THORPE is a village and parish, a mile others to members of the families of the late and
ea!'t·by-south from Burnham Market ~tation, on the Great present rectors: there is also a memorial to Philip
Eastern railway, 5 miles west from Wells and 8~ from Cornwaleys, ob. 30 December, 168o: and to William
Fakenham in the North Westen1 division of the county, Hest Everard A.M. son of the Rev. Daniel Everard, d.
Hrothercross hundred, Smithdun and Brothercross petty Nov. 1847; in the chancel is a brass, with effigy in
se~Ssional division, ,Docking union, Little Walsingham armour wearing a .collar of SS. to Sir William Calthorpe
county court district, rural deanery of Burnham, arch- kt. lord of the manor and patron of the church, ob.
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of 1420, above the figure is a ,canopy with shields and
.All Saint~ is an edifice in the Perpendicular style, con- figures of birds holding scrolls, the whole surrounded
sisting of chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled western by a marginal inscription somewhat mutilated: the
tower containing one bell: the oak lectern, placed in the church was repaired in 1842, and partially restored in
r:hurch in 1886 as a memorial to Lord Nelson, was cun- r8g2-5, at a cost of [5,ooo, when a south aisle was
a;tructed from a portion of H.M.S. "Victory," presented added and a new roof provided; the church affords 250

the Lords of the .Admirnltv •
in 1881: the inscribed sittings. The register dates from the ,year I559· The
plates also formed part of the famous ship, and were given living is a rectory, net yearly value [420, including 30
with the wood: a pulpit was given to the church by acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. and
Sir William John Lancaster, kt. in 1905: a bust of the Rev. H. M. Eliott-Drake Briscoe M.A. and held
Nelson was also erected in 1905 by the London Society since 1900 by the Rev. Henry Meyrick Eliott-Drake
of East Anglians, to commemorate the centenary of Briscoe M.A. of Jesus College, Oxford and rural dean
the battle of Trafalgar: an altar was erected in I9II of Burnham. The Primitive Methodist chapel here
in memory of all those who fell at Trafalgar: in the was erected in r864, and seats 120 persons. Burnharn
ehurch are marble tablets inscribed to the Rev. Thorpe is celebrated as having been the birthplace, 29th
Edmund Nelson A.M. 46 years rector of Burnham Sept. 1758, of the distinguished hero, Admiral Viscount
Thorpe and father of Lord Nelson, d. 26 April, r8o2, Nelson, Duke of Bronte, whose father was at that time
and to Edmund his son, d. 12 December, 1789, besides rector of this place and of Burnham Sutton. The
Memorial Hall was erected in 1891, at a cost of [556, as Parish Clerk, Henry Ernest Putter.
a tribute ,to the memory of Lord Nelson, and is a Post Office.-Frederick Stimpson, sub-postmaster.
structurE> of red brick and flint, from designs by Mr.
Letters received through Lynn, via Burnham Market,
Waiter F. Cave, architect, of London; it contains a hall
by foot post, arrive at 7.20 a.m. & 2.15 p.m. & on
so feet long by 18 feet wide, with attached offices, and thursdays at 4-55 p.m.; sundays, 7.20 a.m. ; dis-
is ~urmounted by a copper bell turret. In the rectory
patched at 9· xo a.m. & 4· 5 p.m. ; sundays, 8.35 a.m.
groun•is there is a pond formed by Nelson himself,
Burnham Market, I mile distant, is the nearest
assisted by a man called Williamson, and the present
money order & telegraph office
rector has collected various relics of the hero. The Earl
of Orford is lord of the manor and chief landowner. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1872, for
The soil is vf a mixed light character; subsoil, chalk 8o children; average attendance, so; endowed with
and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and £4o yearly, with house; , mistress
roots. The area is 2,359 acres of land and 5 of water;
rateable value, £1,943; population in 1911, 294.
Benstead Ephraim Grint Lydia (Mrs.), grocer Southerland Clement Valentine,
Briscoe Rev. Henry Meyrick Eliott- Hooker William H. Lord Nelson P.H farmer, Whitehall
Drake M.A. (rector, rural dean of Howard John William, farmer, East Stimpson Benjamin, pork butcher
Burnham), Rectory End farm ; & at Thursford Stimpson Fredk. R.S.S. blacksmith
Tingey Mrs. The Lodge Huggins Fred, blacksmith Stubbs Ismay, farmer, Manor farm
COMMERCIAL. J ohnson Her bert, farm bailiff to T. Taylor James, farm bailiff to Mr.
Curry Adam, carpenter B. Ringer esq. Ivy house Joseph Ward, Leith House farm
Curry Edward, sub-agent to the Earl Nelson Memorial Hall Wolsey Fredk. William, gamekeeper
of Orford to Messrs. Fellowes & Morgan
BURNHA:M WESTGATE, see Bumham Market.
BURSTON is a "Village and parish and station on the Kenneth Hagar Kemp bart. of The Upper Close,
Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great Eastern rail- Norwich, Sir Edward Mann bart. of Thelveton Hall, and
way, 2f miles north-by-east from Diss and gB! from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the principal land-
London, in the Southern division of the county, Diss owners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief
hundred, petty sessional division and county court dis- crops are wheat, barley, beans, turnips and mangold
trict, Depwade union, rural deanery of Redenhall, arch- wurtzel. The area is 1,466 acres; rateable value,
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The £r,g6r; the population in rgii was 314.
church of St. Mary the Virgin is a small building of Parish Clerk, William Ling.
flint, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, Post Office.-Arthur Boulton, sub-postmaster. Letters

nave, south porch and a western turret containing one arrive from Diss at 6.45 a.m. & 1.45 p.m. (callers
bell: the tower fell in 1753: the porch was rebuilt and only); dispatched at 10.55 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. ; sun-
the roof repaired at a cost of about [300: the church days, arrive at 6.30 a. m.; dispatched at 9-40 a.m.
affords rso sittings. The register dates from the year Diss is the nearest money order office; telegraph
1656. Th6 living is a rectory, net yearly value [360, office at Railway station, with delivery on station
including 54 acres of glebe and re-sidence, in the gift premises only; this office is closed on sundays; the
of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1911 by nearest telegraph office for delivery is at Diss, 2!
the Rev. Charles Tucker Eland. There is a Primitive miles distant
Methodist chapel here. There are charities of I Wall Letter Box at railway station cleared 6.35 p.m. week

£z xos. yearly for the poor. In this parish is the days only
manor of Winfarthing, belonging to the Earl of Albe- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1875• at a
marle C.B., K.C.V.O., M.V.O., V.D.: Heywood Hall cost, with master's house, of £Bso, & enlarged in 1895
manor, belonging to the trustees of the late Charles at a further cost of [140, for go children; average at-
Laytan esq. ; and Brockdish HaU and Mildenhall manor, tendance, 73; Mrs. A. K. Higdon, mistress
the property of Francis Bradley Bradley-Birt esq. Sir Railway Station, George Jessup Norman, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cole Alfred & Sons, farmers, Mano1· J ohnson Alfd. farmer, Manor Ho.frm
Eland Rev. Charles Tucker (rector), farm; & at Heywood hall, Diss & Ling Harry, boot maker
Rectory Winfarthing Ling William, farmer
Eldridge J ames Henry, Burst on hall Davey John, farmer Miller Henry G. farmer
Fisher Charles King, farmer Porcher John Thomas, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Fisher John King, farmer Prentice Benjamin, farmer
Bolton Arthur Valentine, farmer Ford Arthur, wheelwright Prentice Richard, cowkeeper
Boulton Arthur, grocer, & post office Ford Robert, farmer Smith William & Son, millers, coal,
Burdett Leslie, farmer Gill J ames, grocer corn & seed mers. Rail way station
Carter William Dixon, farmer Goddard Eustace, Crown P.H Sutton Adam, farmer
Carter Wm. Eaton, farmr.Crown frm Hucklesby & Sons, millers (wind & Wright Henry, wheelwright
oil), Burston mills
BUXTON is a parish and pleasant village on the navi· tory, originated by the late John Wright esq. is situated
gable river Bure with a station, called Buxton-Lamas, on in and described undeT Marsham. The charities include
the East Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 Sir John Picto's, partly invested in cottages and land,
miles south-east from Aylsham and 8 north from Norwich, and producing about £go yearly, which sum is dis-
in the Northern division of the county, South Erpingham tributed in coals and blankets; a· sum of £soo, left in
hundred and petty sessional division, Aylsham union and x693 by Thomas Bulwer, then of Buxton, and invested
county court district, rural deanery of Ingworth (south in 4r! acres of land adjoining Aylsham, now commands
division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The a rental of about £so for the vicar of Buxton, if
church of St. Andrew is an ancient structure of flint, in resident, and if not, then for the benefit of the poor;
the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aislBS, there are several acres of land, upon which there is a
north and wuth porches and an embattled western tower, yearly charge of £13 :r3s. 4d. for the benefit of 20
containing a clock and 6 bells: the tower and other parts of the oldest poor; and also the yearly interest of £no
of the church were rebuilt from the ground in 188I-2, for ten widows, left by the late Mr. Pearce: the Bulwer
and there are several .stained windows: the communion and Picto charities are now administered undeT the
plate includes an ancient chalice and paten and s new ser- provision of a new scheme framed by the Charity Corn-
vice presented to the church in 1-858 : the church affords missioners. Dudwick House, Rituated in a pleasant
about 350 sittings. The register dates from the year lawn, partly surrounded by trees and shrubs, is the
1640. The living is a vicarage, OOnS()lidated with the property and residence of Philip Edward Sewell esq.
rectory of Oxnead, joint net yearly value [350, includin!!' J.P. The old Hall fell into ruins, and, coming into
about roo acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of possession of Philip Edward Sewell e<sq. has been taken
Sir Edward Paulet Stracey bart. and held since 1908 down. There are two manors. Sir Edward Paulet
by the Rev. Richard Henry Oakley Bankes. The corn- Stracey bart. of Rackheath Park, who is lord of th<>
mutation value of the great tithes is £246. Three manor of Buxton Levishaw, P. E. Sewell esq. -who is
church trustees, umder the Church Rate Abolition Jord of the manor of Buxton-with-the-Members, and
Act, have been appointed 6.Ild hold £735 £4 per cent. W. J. Birkbeck esq. of Stratton Strawless Hall, are the
stock g-iven by the Rev. William James Stracey M.A. chief landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel
vicar, 18_';5-go, for the maintenance of the church, church- and clay. The chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and
yard and the services. TheTe is a Baptist chapel in hay. The area is r,3o5 acres of land and 11 of watPr;
Buxton Lamas, founded in 17g6, but not now in use, rateable value, [2,434; the population in 1911 was 48o.
and a Mission room in the village. Buxton Reforma- : . Sexton, William James Digby.

Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Emma Woods, sub-post- class-rooms & outbuildings have since been added: the
mistress. Letters from Norwich arrive at 5.30 a.m. school is now under one management; aveTage at-
& at 3 p.m.; dispatched at 12.20, 5-45 & 7·55 p.m tendance, 140; John Capper, master
Wall Letter Boxes, neoar the mill, cleared at 8. 20 a. m. Public Elementary School (infants), erected in 1855, for
& 4.15 & 8.15 p.m. week days only; & near the church, 6o children ; average attendance, 25 ; Miss J. Thomas,
cleared at 8.20 a.m. & 4.25 & 8 p.m. week days only mistress
Public Elementary School for the four parishes of Buxton,
Lamas, Oxnead & Brampton, originally founded by the R.1ilway Station (Buxton Lamas), John William Blades,
late John Wright esq. formerly of this parish, who left station master
[,1,ooo in Consols for the support of a school in Bux- Carrier to Norwich.-William Gostling passes through to
ton for the children of the poor, & in 1833 'the trustees the "Waggon & Horses" on wed. & sat. returning
of the qharity erected a schoolroom, to which two same evening
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clark Daniel, shoe maker Radford Louis Edge, farmer, Dud-
Bankes Rev. Richard Henry Oakley Caller R. & Sons Ltd. corn & coal wick farm
(vicar), Vicarage merchantg; & at Norwich Richardscm. Samuel, cycle agent
Bourne James Makeham, Sunnymead Daniels Geo.Herbt.farmr.Skulk's crnr Riches John Thomas, farmer
Candler Horace Ralph, The White ho Forster Geo. Wm. draper & grocer Rust William & Sons, machinists
Hutton Edgar William, Birds Place Freeman Charles, butcher Sapey John, farm bailiff to Charles
Russell Misses Havis George, gamekeeper to Sir E. G. Gowing esq
Sewell Miss, Dudwick cottage P. Stracey bart Taylor George, farmer
Sewell Fhilip Edwd. J.P. Dudwick ho Herne Albt. E. S. farmer, Home frm Watts Christmas, shopkeeper
Smith Miss Howlings Robert, Crown P.H White Alfred Smith, saddler & har-
COMMERCIA!,. Ives Hannah (Mrs.) & Geo. farmers ness maker
Arnold Lake, farmer, Hill farm Lambert Andrew, market gardener Woodhouse Beno Claude, Black Lion
Benton Maurice Henry, representative Lane Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker P.H. & jobmaster; good accommo-
for William Colchester & Co.'s Ling & Co. Ltd. millers (water), corn, dation for V"i~itors ; assistant over-
(Ipswich) Gold Medal fertilizers, coal, cake, seed & salt mers. Bux- seer & clerk to the Parish Council
The Glen ton roller mills; & at Coltishall Woods Arthur, carter
Burton Edward, bricklayer Miller Thomas, blacksmith Woods Carlton R. saddler
Catchpole Geo. By. corn & coal dlr Newbitt Fredk. commercial traveller Woods Emma (Mrs.), grocer, Post off
BYLAUGH is a picturesque parish on the north bank D.L., J.P. of Thickthorn, Norwich, is now occupied by
of the river Wensum, 3~ miles south-east from North W. K. D'Arcy esq.: the mansion, designed by the late
Elmham station on the Wells and Dereham section of Charles Barry esq. stands in a park of about r,ooo
the Great Eastern railway, and 5 north-east fl'om Dere- a~res, and was erected in accordance with the will of
ham, in the Northern division of the county, Eynsford the late Sir John Lombe hart. (d. 27 May, 18r7).
hundred and petty sessional division, Mitford and Laun- E. H. Evans-Lombe esq. is lord of the manor and
ditch union, East Dereham county court district, rural principal landowner. The soil is light loam and clay;
deanery of Sparham, archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat.
wich. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, enlarged and barley and turnips. The area is 1,577 acres of land
thoroughly repaired in 1810, by the late Sir John Lombe and 13 of water; rateable value, £964; the population
bart. (d. 27th May, 1Br7), is a small edifice of flint with in 19II was 70.
white stone dressings, in the Perpendicular style, con-
sisting of chancel, nave, transepts and a western tower Parish Clerk, Thomas Ward.
with circular base and hexagonal belfry containing one
bell: there are So sittings. The living is a vicarage, net Letters received through East Dereham ·arrive at 9
yearly value £25, in the gift of E. H. Evans-Lombe a.m. Swanton Morley is the nearest money order &
esq. and held since 1907 by the Rev. George Roberi: telegraph office, about 2 miles distant
Berney Hall M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, The children of the place attend the school at Bawdes-
who is also rector of and resides at Foxley. Bylaugh well, erected by the late Rev. Henry Lombe (d. 1878),
Park, the property of Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. for the parishes of Bawdeswell, Foxley & Bylaugh
D'Arcy William Knox, Eylaugh park Crouch Arth. Saml. farmer, Park frm Sharplin Samuel & Sons, farmers,
_ Booton George S. head gardener to Keeler William, head gamekeeper to Old Hall farm
Wi!liam Knox D'Arcy e.sq William Knox D'Arcy esq
CAISTER is a large and widely scattered parish on ducing about £roo yearly for fuel. In 1907 a sum

Nc-rthern joint railway, and is 2'

the sea coast, with a station on the Midland and Great
miles north from Yar-
mouth, in the Eastern division of the county, incorporated
of £soo was left by the late H. G. Jalland esq. for the
benefit of the poor of the parish. Here is a coast-
guard station, with an officer and five men, and also
L u..."l.dreds, petty sessional division and incorporation of a company of 40 beachmen, or !'alvagers, who have charge
:East and We~t Flegg, county court district of Great of the lifeboats belonging to the Royal National Institu.-
Yarmouth, rural deanery of Flegg, archdeaconry and dio- tion, and a Board of Trade Rocket Life Saving apparatus,
cese of Norwich. There were anciently two churches the ofiicer of the Coastguard station being in charge,
here, but of the church of St. Edmund only part of the Caister takes its name from a Roman 11tation, once exist~
tower is now ~.tanding. The church of the Holy Trinity ing here, all traces of which have, however, been nearly
is an ancient building of stone in the Early English and obliterated by the plough. About 1 mile from the town
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south are the :ruins of Caister Castle, originally inclosing a
porch and o. lofty embattled western tower containing one ~:pace of 6 acres, and built by Sir John Fastolff K.G. who
bell: in 1903 a stained east window was .erected at 8 was born here, and who, during the English regency in
cost of about £3oo, in memory of the nine men who lost France, t!ignalized himself by acts of bravery during 8
their live!! in the Caister lifeboat disaster in Nov. 1901: lengthened campaign, especially at Harfleur (22 Sept.
the church was thoroughly restored in r894, at a cost of 1415), Agincourt (24 Oct. 1415), and Verneuil (28 .Aug.
£8oo: there are about 400 sittings. The register dates 1424). He received the Garter for his share in taking
from the year 1563. The living is a rectory, net yearly Granville, and participated in the capture of the Duke of
value ,£550, including 3 acres of glebe, with residence, Alem:;on at Verneuil: after his return to Caister he per-
in the gift of and held since 1908 by the Rev. Thomas formed many acts of charity, founded several religions
Fairfax Uphill Robson M.A. of Clare College, Cam- hc.nses and was o. great benefactor to the poor. The
bridge. The Wesleyan chapel was ereded in 1886, and castle wa.s twice besieged, and the only portions now
there is also 8 Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in standing are 8 lofty round tower B.nd part of the north
1865. A cemetery of I acre was formed in 1879, and is and west walls: it appears to have been of great extent,
now under the control of the Parish Council. In 1902 and was entered by a drawbridge crossing a moat, sup-
a marble monument was erected to the Caister lifeboat posed to have extended to the sea by means of 8 creek_
men previously referred to; it consists of a representa- Near the castle are the remains of the college of St.
tion of a. broken mast, around which are anchors, a Margaret, faunded by Sir John Fastolff in 1459, for seven
sail, ships' ropes and oars. The Manor House Hotel is priests and seven poor folk, on the previous foundation
situated close to the sea and golf links. The Caister of a. free chapel attachad to the manor house, in the
Golf links were laid out in 1897 and have a course of reig-n of Edward I. and dedicated to the Holy Trinity
18 holes; there is a club house attached. The Great and St. John the Baptist. The manor and castle afterwards
Yarmouth Golf Club also have an 18-hole course in came into the pos.session of the Paston family, of Oxnea.d,
this parish, with a club house attached. Several best known from their publi;;hed correspondence of the
charities have been left for the benefit of the poor, 1.5th century, called "The Paston Letters," re-edited by
who have also the poor's allotment of 17 acres, pro- Mr. James Gai.rdner in 1872-5. The castle, formerly in
the possession of the Gurney family, is now the property 10.30 a.m. & I, 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; sundays, 7.15
and residence of John Mayes Bond esq. Mrs. Clowes is a.m.; Yarmouth road, cleared at 10.35 a.m. & x.5, 3
lady of the manor, but the land is the property of a & 6.35 p.m
number of freeholders. The soil is loamy ; subsoil, red Coast Guard Station, Waiter Williams, officer in charge
sand. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
parish comprises 2,826 acres of land and 2 of water, 8 A board of managers consisting of 11ix members was
of tidal water and 59 of foreshore; assessable value, formed March, 1904; 4 elected by County authority
£7,208; the population in xgii was 1,938. & 2 by Parish Council. The appointment takes place
Parish Clerk, George Wright. triennially
Public Elementary School, built in x8]6, & enlarged in
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-George Papworth, sub-post- 1895• for about 400 children; average attendance, 340;
master. Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth at 5.30 Cubitt Henry Beevor, master; Mrs. G. Fagg, infants'
a.m. ; delivery commences at 7 a.m. & 2.20 p.m. & mistress; a new school for infants is now (1912) being
are dispatched at 10.40 a.m. & 1.10, 3.40 & 6.55 p.m.; built for 200 children
sundays, 6-55 p.m
Wall Letter Boxes, West Caister, cleared at 8 a.m. & 6 Police Station, E. Frederick Crane, sergeant
p.m.; sundays, B; Railway station, cleared at Railway Station, Joseph Meal, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Chase John C. builder Keywood Florence (Mrs.), shopkeeper.·
Banes Mrs. Belvedere Chase Robert Thos. chimney sweeper Kittle Ernest, farmer
Barnes Sydney, 3 .Ambrose villas Daniel William, farmer Kittle George English, farmer
Bond John Mayes, Caister castle Davey .Ashley Howell, boot maker Kittle Jas. market grdnr. West end-
Bond Miss, The White house Durrant Samuel Kittle, wheelwright Lawrence George, basket maker
Boning Edward, Glebe house Dyball Humphrey, shopkeeper Mann Henry Thomas, fish curer
Boning Jn.Thornton,Hill ho.West end Edmonds Frederick, landscape gardnr Mann Martha (Mrs.), grocer & draper-
Bracey Misses, 4 .Ambrose villas Edmonds Martin, market gardener, Manor House Hotel. T A "Manorial,
Brown Mrs. Swiss cottage West end Caister-on-Sea;" T N 108 Gt. Yar-
Brovme Mrs. Sunny Brae Edmonds Samuel, market gardener, mouth (MissSophiaE.Brice,mngrss)
Carter Col. Harry Molyneux C.B. West end Miller John, boot maker
The Old hall Edmonds Thomas Crane, market gar- Nicholson Ernest Charles, plumber
Case William, Fransham house dener, West end Papworth George, stationer; a large
Cockayne James, The Chase · Fagg Karl Geo. commercial traveller, variety of picture post cards of
Duberly James Grey, The Cannons, Norfolk terrace local views, tobacconist & news
West End Farman George B. builder agent, & post office ·
Gedge John Hy. Barnes, Storm croft Flegg District Nursing .Associati.m Parker Charles, farmer
Gedge Waiter James, Central house (Col. R W. Edis C.B., V.D., J.P., Parker George Frederick, boot maker·
Gedge Wm. English, Garfield villa F.S . .A. president; G. J. Hacker Pearson Jonathan, market gardener
Hall Thomas Batt, Keewatin esq. J.P. treas.; Rev. W. J. Karran Plummer Brothers, boat owners
Hardwick Mrs. 5 Norfolk terrace M ..A. hon. sec.; H. E. Kerridge Post Office Wireless Station (.Albert-
Humphrey Thomas esq. district sec.; Nurse Fox, nurse) Francis Searle, officer in charge),,
J all and Mrs. The Old Rectory Frosdick J oseph, grocer Pretoria villa
Jay John, Rose villa Gardner lsabel (.\'llss), fancy draper, Powley Benjamin, carrier
Jay Robert, 2 .Ambrose villas Gay William James, market gardener Rational Sick & Burial Association.
Jordan Wm. Crauford, Mazagan ho Gazeley Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper (H. E. Trett, sec)
Kerridge Henry English, Westholme George .Aaron, master mariner Read William, baker
Kerridge Mrs. Old Hill house George Waiter S. saddler Reynolds Charles, trap owner. T N 5
Morton Henry Browne, The Cottage Great Yarmouth Cemetery (James Caister
Osborne Rev. William .Alexander B.A. Ingram, supt) Robinson Herbt. Fulcher, hair dresser·
Clifidene Great Yarmouth Golf Club, Beach Royal National Life Boat Institution1
Powley James, Erith house house. T N 222 Great Yarmouth (branch) (John Samuel Haylett, ut
Robson Rev. Thomas Fairfax Uphill Great Yarmouth Industrial Go-opera- coxswain; Edward Bullock, 2nd
M . .A. (rector) tive Society Limited (branch) coxswain)
Robson Albert, York cottage Green Lilian Rebecca (Mrs.), grocer Russell James Ruthen,market gardnr
tibalder~ Mrs. Bulysses Hannant .Arthur, farmer Ruthen James, cowkee~r
Stokoe Thomas Percy Bannant John, farmer & dairyman Shingles Geo. (Mrs.), market garden:r
Webb Mrs. Wentworth house Harris John, farm bailiff to John Smith Robert B. butcher
Wigg Mrs Maycs Bond esq. White house Southgate Waiter, Greengate P.H
Youell Herbt.WilloughbyJ.P.Dene ho Harriss bldr.& whlwrght Sparrow grdnr.West enD"
COMMERCIAL. Haylett Cath.Sarah (Mrs.),shopkeepr Squires James, farm bailiff to Mrs. T .
.Alcock Henry Charles, coal merchant Haylett George, boat owner W. Daniels
.Alien George, cycle agent Haylett John Samuel, Ship inn Trett Harry E. assessor & collector
Bargewell Edward, pork butcher Haylett Waiter, boat owner of taxes & insurance agent
"Bensley William Bultitude,jobmaster. Holland Cecil, professional golfer to Tubby .Adelaide (Miss), apartments
T N 7 Caister Caister club Tubby Elizabeth (Mrs.), market gar-
Best Thomas, boot maker Holland Clifford John, profassional dener, West end
Bishop James, watch & clock maker golfer to Great Yarmouth club, Tubby James, farmer, West end
Blyth Saml. Spatchet, market. ~ardnr Beach house Tubby John, market gardnr.West end
Boake Basil M.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P. Hollis .Arthur, corn & flour merchant Tubby John Wm. market gardener
physician & surgeon (surgery only) Horth Waiter, dairyman Tubby Samuel, market gardener
Bond John Mayes, farmer, Caister Howard Robert, pork butcher Tubby gardenr.West end
Castle farm Howes John, farmer Utting P. L. (Mrs.), teacher of music
Brown Robert (Mrs.), boat owner Humphrey Charles Burton, shoeing & Utting Percy Leonard, mon. mason
Buck John, market gardener general smith, Talana house Vincent George Wm. grocer & draper
Bullock Benjamin, market gardener Humphrey Frederick, greengrocer Watlow John, market gardener
Buston George. butcher Jackman Edward, refreshment rooms Watson George, farm bailiff to J. M.
Caister Golf Club (Edwd.B.Read, sec) Tohnson Frederick Groom, beer retlr Bond esq
Case William M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. Jones Jesse David, shopkeeper Webster Fredk. Geo. frmr. & hay dlr
surgeon, Fransham hou!!e .Jose Joseph Henry, tailor Wri~ht .Anna (Mrs.),refreshment rms
Chase R. F. & Sons, builders Julier Wait. Fredk. King's .Arms P.H Wright Henry Albert, farmer, Nova
Chase James John, builder Kerridge Herbert Samuel, shopkeeper Scotia farm
CAISTOR ST. EDMUND is a parish and small porch and an embattled western tower containing 3
scattered village, on the river Tas, 4 miles north from bells : the font, a rich specimen of Perpendicular work,
Swainsthorpe station on the lpswi~ and Norwich line of is in a fine state of preservation: there are 120 sittings.
the Great Eastern railway and 2! south from Norwich, The register dates from the year 1565. The living is a
in the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe rectory, with Markshall annexed, joint net yearly value
petty sessional division. Henstead hundred and union, [339, with 11 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Brooke of the Rev. J. W. Corbould-Warren jun. M.A. and
(western division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese held since xB8x by the Rev. Anthony South Morse B.A.
of Norwich. The church of St. Edmund is a small build- of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Charities:-
ing of flint with stone dressings, in the Early English M NI. Harriet Dashwood left bv will, xBBo, the &um
and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north of £I,ooo in Consols, th~ interest of which, amounting
to about £27, is given away every Christmas to the (A.D. 54), was picked up in a turnip field in the parish
poor in clothing; Harriet Louisa Warren left by her of Marksllall in 1844. The camp is an open encamp-
will, proved in r854, £2oo in Consols, the interest to n1ent lining 32 acres ; large portions of the ancient
be distributed by the rector every Christmas in clothing Roman walls remain in a g-ood state of preservation.
to poor widows belonging to the consolidated parishes of Ca.istor Hall, the se-dt of the Rev. J. W. Corbould-
Caistor and Markshall; Thomas Neal, 1597, left 3s. 4d. to Warren, jun. M.A. is a plain mansion of white brick.
be distributed a~ Christmas; Thomas Pettus, in r6I8, The Rev. J. W. Corbould-Warren M.A. is lord of the
left £5 10s. to be given away in bread to six poor manor and the principal landowner. The soil is mixed;
people of this place; and William Middleton, in 1647, subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
left 3s. 4d. to be distributed to the poor at Christmas ; turnips. The area is 1,064 acres of land and 6 of
there is also a fuel allotment of 24 acres, the rent of water; rateable value, £1,399; the population in I9II
which, £20, is distributed in coal. Caistor is supposed was 138.
to have been the capital of the Iceni, a Belgic tribe,
a.nd was by the Romans called " Venta Icenorum." It Parish Clerk, John Cogman.
was long a Roman camp or station (Castra), whence Post Office. James William March, sub-postmasteT.
the East En~,!lish, on their conquest of the country, Letters arrive from Norwich at 4.30 a.m. & at 2 p.m.
called it Caistor. Many Roman antiquities and coins for callers only; dispatched ~ 4.30 a. m. 12 noon &
of various emperors, from Nero to the time of the 6. 35 p.m. Trowse is the nearest money order office
Lower Empire, but principally of CDnstantine (A.D. & Stoke Holy Cross, 2 miles distant, the nearest tele-
306), have been found here, including some 30 silver graph office
coin~!, discovered in a field in 1895; about I838 the
bronze figure of a satyr, and another object shaped like This place is included. in the United School district of
a foot, were met with and are preserved at Norwich. Poringland. The central ~chool is at Framingham
A coin of pure gold, bearing a fine impression of Nero Earl & the nearest at Stoke Holy Cross
Corbould-Warren Rev. John W. jun. COMMERCIAL. Harvey Reginald, gamekeeper to the
M.A. Caistor hall Cogman John, blacksmith Rev. J. W. Corbould-Warren, jun.
Gurney Cecil, Old hall Dowe Robert J. farmer & as>essCJr & M.A
_Morse Rev. Anthony South B.A. collector of taxes March Jas. Wm. shopkpr. & post off
(rector), Rectory Oliver Henry, farmer
.CALDECOTE is a parish, 3! miles north-east from M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, who is also rector
·£.toke Ferry station on the Downham and Stoke Ferry of Oxborough-with-Foulden and resides at Oxborough.
'!branch of the Greab Eastern railway and 6 south-west Sir Henry Edward Paston-Bedingfeld bart. of Oxborough
1r(Jm Swaffham station on the Lynn and Dereham Hall, is lord of the manor and sole owner and occupier
section of the line, in the South Western division of of the land. The soil is light; subsoil, chalk. The
,the county, .South Greenhoe hundred and petty ses- chief crops arB' wheat, barley and turnips. The area is
sional division, Swaffham union and county court dis- 707 acres; rateable value, [246; the population in 19or
trict, rural deanery of South Cranwich, archdea.conry was 30, and in 191r, 44·
.of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. There was formerly a
,church here dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the site, Letters through Stoke Ferry; the nearest money order
-surrounded by some very fine elms, can still be traced. office is at Be-achamwell & telegraph office at Ox-
·The living is a sinecure rectory, net yearly value £4, in borough, about I~ miles distant
:the gift of 'Sir H. E. Paston-Bedingfeld bart. and held The children of this place attend the school at Gooder-
:I!Ince 1906 (as sequestrator) by the Rev. Waiter Coombe stone

Bnrton Jacob, farm steward to William Johnson esq

OALTHORPE is a parish and village, 4 miles north of the war tax in former times ; the rent is now in-
from Aylsham 1tation on the East Norfolk section of the vested, and applied at the discretion of the vicar and
Great Eastern railway and 3 north from Aylsham town churchwardens. The Earl of Orford is lord of the manor
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, and chief landowner; he also owns the great tithes. The
in the N:orthern division of the county, South Erping- soil is loam; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
ibam hundred and petty sessional division, Aylsham union ~urnips, barley and bay. The area is 1,091 acres; rate-
:and county district, rural deanery of Ingworth (north able value, £1,240; in rgn the population was 183.
-division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The Parish Clerk, Waiter Davidson.
church of St. Margaret is a plain but ancient edifice of Letters through Norwich, via Hanworth, delivered about
·atone, consisting of chancel, nave and a western tower
7 a.m. Wall Letter Box, at Church, cleared at 8.10
containing one bell: there are 130 sittings. 'l'be rAgister
a.m. & 7· Io p.m. Aylsham & Ran worth are the
dates from the year 1544. The living is a vicarage, net nearest money order offices & Aldborough is the
yearly value [I27, including 24 acres of glebe, with resi·
nearest telegraph office, about ·2 miles distant
deuce, in the gift of the Trust~es of the Great Hospital,
Norwich, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Moritz Kauf- The children of this place attend the schools at Wick-
~mann M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, who is also rector mere & Erpingbam
~of and resides at Ingworth. The town lands consist of Carrier to & from Norwich.~Henry Newstead, sat. to
. I4 acres, given by unknown donors, for the payment the "Woolpack," St. George's plain
·Tves Mrs .. Manor house Ives Robt. (exors.of),frmrs.Manor fm Money William,farmer, Fingwood farm
Burgess J ames, iron founder Lambert Mary (Miss). shopkeeper (letters via Itteringham)
Cooper Waiter .A.rthur, wheelwright Money Charles, farmer (letters via N ewsteari Henry, !:!arrier & farmer
Duffield Edith (Mrs.), Saracen's Head Wickmere) Shach:cloth Henry Cbapman, farmer


CANTLEY is a parish on the navigable river Yare, Anglo-Netherland Sugar Corporation Limited. The
across which is a ferry, with a station on the Norwich, charities, amounting to about £38 yearly, are derived
Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections of the Great Eastern from r8a. 2r. 30p. of land. Lieut.-Col. Herbert H.
railway, IO miles east from Norwich, 10 west from Gilbert, of Lowestoft, is lord of the manor, and H. K.
Yarmouth, 5 north from Loddon and 122~ from Bond esq. and the Anglo-N etherland Sugar Corporation
Lf)ndon, in the Eastern division of the county, Blofield Limited are the chief landowners. The soil is light
!md Walsham petty sessional division, Blofield hundred mixed ; subsoil, sand and clay. The chief crops are
and union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery wheat, oats, barley and roots. Theo area is 1,846 acres
of Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. of land and 27 of tidal water; rateable value, [3,480;
The church of St. Margaret is a building of flint in the population in 19II was 259.
the Norman and Perpendicular styles, consisting ot Parish Clerk, J ames J ackson. ·
chancel, nave and a fine Pmbattled western tower con- Post Office.-Mrs. Harriet Sales, sub-postmistress.
taining one bell: there are 28o sittings. The registeT Letters through Norwich arrive at 8 a.m. & 2.30
dates from the year 1559. The living is a rectory, net p.m. (callers only); dispatched at 12.55 (July to
yearly value £z4o, including 44 acres of glebe, with Oct. 12.45) & 5·45 p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 9 a.m. ;
residence, in the gift of the Church AssociatioiL dispatched at 8 a.m. Freethorpe is the nearest
Trust, and held since 1908 by the Rev. William money order office; the telegraph office is at the
George Rolston. A factory is now (I912) being erected Railway station for collection & Freethorpe for
here, which, when opened, will be used for the manu- delivery of telegrams; the Railway station telegraph
facture of sugar from beet; it is the property of the office is closed on sundays
Pillar Letter Box, Manor corner, cleared at 10.20 a..m. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r87r, for
& 5-55 p.m.; sundays, 8.10 a.m so children; average attendance, 43 ; Miss Alice Lee,
Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 1.20 (July mistress
to Oct. 1.1o) & 6.25 p.m. week days only Police Constable, William Mackerell
Railway Station, Ernest Wm. Marshall, station master
COMMERCIAL. Pearce Charles, market gardener
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Anglo-Netherland Sugar Cor- Peart Thos. William, Red House P.H
Alhm Thomas Howes poration Ltd. (Max Martens, Sales Thomas,agricultural implement
Bund Henry Kendall, Manor house manager), beet sugar manufactrs maker, shoeins- & general smith
Cadmau Mrs. The Laurels Collins Benj. jun. farmer,Glebe farm Symonds Arthur Robert, Cock P.H.
Collins Benjamin, The Bungalow Crowe George, farm bailiff to H. K. jobmaster, & apartments
Goudwin Miss, Highfield Bond esq. Manor farm Thompson Arthur George, grocer
Holmes Frederick W alter, Ferndale Curtis Lambert Rd.farmer,Marsh fm Watts Albt. carpenter & wheelwright
Kinder Miss, The Grange Farrow George, farmer, Ollands Woods & Newstead, yacht builders
Martens Max Goodrum George Stephen, farmer Wright James Waiter, farm bailiff to
Rolston Rev. William Geo. (rector), Kent Thomas, farmer, The Oaks the Anglo-N etherland Sugar Cor-
Rectory Newstead John, yacht builder, see poration Ltd. Grange farm
Woods & Newstead Youngs Alfred, wheelwright
CARBROOX (in Domesday "Kereboke" is a parish tion, called Carbrooke Parva, belonging to a comman-
and village, 2 miles north-ea1t from Watton station on the dery or preceptory of Knights Templars, foundert here
Thetford and Swaffham section of the Great Eastern rail- by Roger, Earl of Clare, who died in 1173 ; it after-
way and 9 north-west from Attleborough. in the South wards belonged to the Knights Hospitallers of St. John
Western division of the county, Wayland hundred, petty of Jerusalem, and was sometimes called the Priory of
sessional division and union, Attleborough and Watton St. John of Jerusalem, but comm{)nly the Commander:y
county court district, rural deanery of Breccles, archdea- of Kerbrooke: it was endowed with numerous farms.
conry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of and vassals, and at the Dissolution, when there were·
SS. Peter and Paul is a very fine edifice of flint, in the 16 knights, its revenues were valued at £65 2s. gd.
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of five The poor have £2 yearly and the rent of 56 acres,.
bays, with clerestory, aisles, north and south porches and amounting to about £54 ros. yearly, for coals. The
an embattled western tower containing 5 bells : the nave church lands are let for about [25 a year, which sum
is separated from the chancel by a beautiful screen of is appropriated towards the repairs of the church. Sir
carved oak: the door to the rood-loft remains, and the William Robert Clayton hart. of 29 Great Cumberland
chancel retains sedilia : the north and south windows were place, London W, who is lord of the manor, R. H.
rt-glazed in r871, at a cost of [1oo: the hammer beam Buscall esq. J.P. of St. Mildred's, Lawrie Park road,
rc·of, of carved oak, is a fine example of its kind : the Sydenham, London, John Leonard Wace esq. of Wood"
pulpit ia of modem carved oak, and there are open oak Farm, and Matthew Murrell esq. are the chief land-
benches with carved poppy heads : over the north porch owners. The soil is part heavy and part light clay;.
is a parvise in which are several pieces of armour: in the subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are roots,..
chancel are the tombs of Roger de Clare, the founder of wheat and barley. The area is 3,129 acres; rateable
the church, and his mother: the east window was filled value, [3,145; the population in 19II was 545·
with stained glass in 19II by E. C. H. Bennet esq. of Sexton, Gilbert Murrell.
Rukeles Hall, in memory of his eldest child, Mrs.
Chamberlain: in the church are preserved several old Post Office.-William Murrell, sub-postmaster. LetteTs
books, including the Paraphrasis of Erasmus on the are re<:eived through Thetford; arrive at 7·5 a. m. &
New Testament, and also eight pages of a Benedictine 6.5 p.m.; dispatched at 6.5o a.m. & 6.15 p.m. on
Antiphonal, c. 1300: there are 400 sittings. The week days & 9· ro a. m. on sundays. W at ton, 2! miles
rPgiirter dates from the year 1543. The living is a distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
discharged vicarage, net yearly value £r8o, including
13 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Pillar Letter Box, Caston road, cleared, week days at
John Kinnersly Taylor M.A. rector of Irthlingborough, 7.30 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; sundays at 8.45 a.m
N orthants, and held since 1903 by the Rev. Frederick Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1846 &.
Eugene Perrin M ..A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. enlarged in 1873 and again in rgoo, & will now ac-
Here is a. Primitive Methodist chapel. There was commodate 105 children; average attendance, 95 ;
anciently another church here, in an exempt jurisdic- Miss Holden, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clarke Matthew, farmer Murrell Robt. blacksmith & carpntr
Burgess Joseph, Carbrooke villa Coleman William, blacksmith Murrell William, carpenter k flour
Buscall Robert Henley J.P Dixon Frederick, insurance agent dealer & sub-postmaster
Donovan Alex. J.P. Carbrooke hall Eagling William, farmer Myhill Alfred, farmer, Green farm
Elgar Mrs. Elthorne Godfrey Fred, baker Playle William, farmer
Mann Mrs. White hall Gunston William, farmer Potter Frederick Henry, farmer
Murrell Harry, Southmoor Harvey William, farmer Rose Samuel, beer retailer
Murrell Matthew, ·white house Haylock James, farmer Saunders John Thompson, farmer,
Murrell Mrs Haylock John, hawker & shopkeeper Broadmoor
Perrin Rev. Frederic!-- Eugene M.A. Hunton & Son, agricultural imple- Tolman Alfred, farmer, Hall farm
(vicar), Vicarage ment makers Wace Leonard John, farmer & land-
Wace Leonard John, Wood farm Johnson John, Crown inn owner
COMMERCIAL.. Jolly Henry, beer retailer Walker Charles, farmer, Low farm
Bowden George, farm bailiff to L. J. Middleton Alfd. farmer, Grape farm Walker Ethel (Miss), draper
Wace esq. Lower farm Minns Herbert .Teremiah,miller (wind Ward Ja.mes, White Hart P.H
Buck John, shoe maker & steam) & farmer Warner Harry, butcher
Bullen Daniel, farmer, Broadmoor Murrell Matthew, carpenter, builder, Wright Denis, farmer, Manor farm
Bullen John, farmer farmer & landowner Wyer Isaac, fishmonger
EAST CARLETON is a parish an!l scattered village to have been added to the original structure, acce><s
ri miles south-by-east from Hethersett station, on the thereto being obtained by making three rough arches in
Thetford and Norwich line, 3 west from Swainsthorpe the thick wall of the nave: at the restoration in 1881
station on the Diss and Norwich section of the Great this wall was removed and replaced by three arches on
Eastern railway, 4 east from Wymondham and 5! south- piers, and the roof raised to its original height, tl.te
west-by-south from Norwich, in the Southern division interior reseated with open benches and a new east
of the county, Swainsthorpe petty 11essional division, window inserted: in the chancel is a tablet to Peter
Hnmbleyard hundred, Henstead union, Norwich county Coppin, 48 years rector, who died in 1728, and on lihrl
court district, rural deanery of Humbleyard, archdeaconry south wall of the nave is a tablet with armoria1s w
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. East Carleton an- Acou.rt Dod esq. d. 1783, and to Elizabeth, his wife, a.
ciently formed two pari11hes and had two churches, but 1773: the chancel retains a piscina and sedilia: the church
the church of St. Peter fell into decay in the 16th was thoroughly restored in 1881 at a cost of £7oo: a
century: that of St. Mary is a small building of flint and new organ and choir stalls were provided in 19II at a
rubble, consisting of small chancel, nave, north aisle and cost of £130: there are xso sittings. The register date!!
a.a embattled western tower, with a wooden !!pire, con- from the year I559· The living consists of the consoli-
taining one bell: in 1895 the tower was entirely rebuilt in dated rectories of St. Peter and St. Mary, net yearly
flint and heightened by the addition of about 12 feet. at value £xg6, including 41! acres of glebe. with residence,
a cost of [1oo raised by subscription: the aisle appear• erected in r88o at a cost of [1,44o, in the gift of Johu
Henry Steward esq. J.P. and held since I9IO by the gravel. The chief crops arc wheat, barley, turnips and
Rev. Edward Harold Johnston B..A. of Trinity Hall, hay. The area is r,226 acres; rateablt~ value, ,[1,96r;
Cambridge. John Henry Steward esq. J.P. is lord of the population in 19II was 291.
the manor of Carlton-late-Townshends, and the Norwich Parish Clerk, John Thrower.
Charity Trustees are the lords of the manor of East
Carleton-with-Hethel. J. H. Steward esq. Sir Maurice Let,ters through Norwich, via Mulbarton, arrive about
C. Boileau bart. of Ketteringram Park, and Lord Lind- 7·3° a.m. & 2.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 7·30
ley P.C. are the principal landowners. The Manor a.m. & 6. 2 0 p.m. week days & 7-30 a.m. t>undays.
House, the property of John Henry Steward esq. J.P. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Mul-
of Gowthorpe "\fanor, and tile re'lidence of t.he Earl of barton, about I mile distant
Wilton, is a mansion of white brick and stone, pleasantly Wall Letter Box, North farm, cleared 7 a.m. & 6 p.m.
~ituated in a finely timbered park of I20 acres. East week days & 7 a.m. sundays
Carleton Lodge, the property and residence of Lord Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r886, at a
Lindley P.C. is situated in pleasant grounds of about C<Jst of £2oo, for 6o children; average attendance,
70 acres. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay and 45 ; Mrs. May Well!!, mistress
Lindley Lord P.C., J.P. East CarletonfBrown James, head gamekeeper to· Thrower Jo-hn, boot maker, parish
lodge; & Athenreum club S W, the Earl of Wilton clerk, assistant overseer for East
London Chadwick Cyril Victor,market gardnr Carleton, Hethel & Swardes.ton &
Wilton Earl of, The Manor house; & Emms William, market gardener sec. to the Mulbarton Lodge 375 r,
Carlton & Royal Automobile clubs, Fairman Saml. farmer & pork butcher Oddfellows, Manchester Unity
London S W Goward George, travelling farrier Tooley George, head gardener to Lord
Johnston Rev. Edward Harold B.A. instructor to the Berkshire Educa-1 Lindley P.C
(rector), Rectory tion Committee Turner Ernest William, fruit, flower
COMMERCIAL. Hill James Wm. farmer, Lodge fa•rm & tomato grower
Bailey .Arthur, butcher & farmer King Jeffries, farmr. Curzon Hall frm Wadsley Thomas, farmer, White ho

Bailey Frederick, shopkeeper King Louis James, farmer, North fm 1 Wilkinson Erne<Jt & Wm. farmers
Bailey Samuel, market gardener Lovett James Frederick, gardener I Wilkinson Edmund, wheelwright
Baldwin Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Manor jl Morter .Alfred Cecil, fruit & tomato Woolmer George Herbert, head gar-
farm grower dener to the Earl of Wilton
CARLETON FOREHOE is a village and parish 2 of the Earl of Kimberley, and held since 1909 by the
miles north-east from Kimberley station on the Wymond- Rev. Earnest Mansfield Feast M ..A. of Hatfield Hall,
ham and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway Durham. £5, the produce of fen land, is given to the
and 3 north-west from Wymondham, in the Mid division poor in coal. The Earl of Kimberley is lord of the
of the county, Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division manor and sole landowner. The soil is various; subsoil,
and union, county court district of Wymondham, rural gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and
deanery of Hingham (Forehoe division), archdeaconry of hay. The area is 734 acres; rateable value, £739; the
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. population in I9II was 134.
Mary is a , s~all edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular Sexton, George Bales.
style, comustrng of chancel, nave, south porch and a
western tower, with pinnacles, containing one bell: the Letters through Wymondham arrive at 7.30 a.m. Wall
stained east window is a memorial to the Rev. Philip Letter Box, near the school, cleared at a.m. &
George Bartlett B. .A. and Margaret, his wife,. and was 7·5 p.m. week days; sundays, g a.m. Barn ham Broom
presented by their children at Easter, rBBs; the church is the nearest money order office. Barford, 2 miles
was repaired and repewed in r839, when an organ and distant, is the nearest telegraph office
gallery were erected: in 1876 the church was again re- Public Elementary School (junior mixed), erected, with
seated, and has now rso sittings~ The regiilter dates mistress's residence, in 183o, & enlarged in 1878, for
from the year 1699. The living is a rectory, with Crown- 42 children; average attendance, 20; Mrs. Mary .Ann
thorpe annexed, joint net yearly value about £2Io, Yeomans, mistress; senior children attend the nearest
including 146 acres of glebe 11nd residence, in the gift schools in the neighbourhood
Feast Rev. Earnest Mansfield M . .A. Hadingham Hedley, estate carpenter Parker Robert Edward, land agent
Rectory to the Earl of Kimberley to the Earl of Kimberley
Bowles Waiter, farmer & rate col- Kimberley Estates Office (Robert Rolfe John, farmer, Church farm
lector, Glebe farm Edward Parke·r, land agent) Yeomans Frederick Arthur, gardener
CARLETON RODE is an extensive parish and scat- sons. In 1844 a collection of British implements was
tered village, 4 miles north-west from Tivetshall station found here. The parish lands are :-Fuel land, 42
on the Ipswich and Norwich line of the Great Eastern rail- acres, producing £5 I yearly; town land, 13 acres, pro-
way and 5 south-east from Attleborough, in the Southern ducing £20 yearly; church land, IS acres, producing
divi11ion of the county, Depwade hundred, petty session a] [, 22 rss. 6d. ; surveyors' land, 20 acres, producing
division and nnion, county rourt district of Wymondham, £23 4s. Mrs. Bnxton is lady of the manor. The prin-
nual deanery of Depwade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and cipal landowners are Mrs. Bryant, of Besthorpe Hall, the
diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints is a. struc- Rev. James Landy Brown M.A. of The Grove, Chapel
ture of flint in the Perpendicular style, and consists of Field, Norwich, and H. Hotson esq. The soil is clayey
chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, south porchloam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
and a.n embattled western tower with pinnacle• containing and beans. The area is 2,695 acres; rateable value,
one bell: there is a. piscina in each aisle and a double £3,654; the population in rgii was 666.
piscina and 8 consecration crosses in the chancel, which Parish Clerk, John Brown.
also contains a mural monument, erected by the Rev. Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Frederick William Tricker,
Frooerick Stephen Bevan, rector from r822, to the memory sub-postmaster. Letters through Attleborough arrive
of his wife, who died in 1848: the church was re-seated at 6.50 a.m. & 2.20 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. &
and restored between the years 1877 and 1883, at a cost 6.50 p.m. week days only
of about £ I,ooo, and affords 370 sittings. The register
dates from the year 1s6o. The living is a rectory, nei Public Elementary School, erected in 1821 & enlarged by
yearly value £soo, including 49 acres of glebe, with resi- the late rector in 1872, for rso children; average
dence, in the gift of Mrs. Buxton, and held since 1895 attendance, 97; John Smith, master; Mrs. E. M.
by the Rev . .Arthur James Back M . .A. of Caius College, Smith, infants' mistress
Cambridge. Here is a Baptist chapel, seating soo per- Carrier to Norwich.-Herbert Breeze, wed. & sat
Back Rev . .Arthur Jas. M.A. (t'tlctor), Brown John, farmer Emms John, Farriers' Arms P.H
The Rectory Brown Waiter William, farmer Frost Charles, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Brown William Horace, farmer Fro!"t Waiter, baker
.Ashfield Arthur, farmer, Rod lane Chaney Robert, farmer Goodru.m Robert Z. carpenter,
Austin Joseph, fowl dealer Chapman James (exors. of), farmers, builder, painter, glazier & under-
Balls Ellis, farmer Old hall taker; established 25 years
Ballt! GeOTge, wheelwright Chatten James, farmer Goodrum William, farmer
Betney Henry, farmer, The .Ashes Chatten Jas. Frederick, Plough P.H Hassack Wm. Herbert, boot maker
Breeze Herbert, farmer & carrier Coleman Arthur, farmer Hilton Herbert, farmer & carrier
Briggs-Jacob (Mrs.), farmer Colman Wm.Bowles,farmer,Kendal lo Hinchley Charles, farmer
Briggs Robert, 'farmer Day Alfred Charles, farmer Johmon Jas. farmr. Pullyns planting
Brown Ernest, farmer Edwards Perry, farmer Jolly Herbert, f~Srmer
Brown Horace, farmer Emms Henry, fowl dealer Large Waiter, farmer
Leeder Ro bert, farmer Reeve George, blacksmith Tricker Frederick William, grocer, &ri
Levell Thomas, Adam & Eve P .H Ringer Robert, boot maker post offi{!S
Lockwood Charles, baker Scott J oseph, farmer Tricker Herbert E. assistant overseer
Long Brothers, millers (wind & oil Seadon Victoria (Mrs.), farmer & clerk to the Parish Council
engine) Smith Fredk. farmer & horse dealer Turner Thomas, farmer
Mears Horace, thrashing machine Smith Harry, miller (wind & steam) Tye Arthur, farmer
owner Soame Henry, shoeing- smith Warnes Robert, farmer
Palmer John, shopkeeper Standley Frederick Wm. shopkeeper Wilier Richd. farmer, Telegraph frm
Rackham Elijah George, egg merchnt Stevenson Isaac, farmeJr Wilson Henry, Plough P.H
Reeder David, farmer
CARLETON ST. PETER i~ a parish and village, 2~ Proctor-Beauchamp hart. and Sir C. H_ S. Rich hart.
miles south from Buckenham statiorf on the Norwich, alternat~ly, and held since 188o by the Rev. Roberl;
Yarmouth and Lowestoft section of the Great Eastern Thomas Whitmarsh, who is also rural dean of Brook&
railway, 3 north-north-west from Loddon and 8 south- (Western division) and curate in charge of Thurton, and
east from Norwich, in the Southern division of the resides at Ashby St. Mary, near Norwich. Sir Reginald
county, Loddon hundred and Loddon and Clavering William Proctor-Beauchamp bart. D.L., J.P. of Langley
petty sessional division and union, Norwich county Park, is lord of the manor and principal landiowner.
court district, rural deanery of Brooke (western divi- The Ferry House, a large modern structure of red
!!ion). archdeaconry ~f Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. brick, situated on the Yare, is largely resorted to by
Here is a ferry across the river Yare, three-quarters of visitors during the summer months. The soil is lighD
a mile from the Buckenham station. The church of mixed; subsoil, sand beds. The chief crops are wheat,
St. Peter is an ancient structure of flint in the Early oats and barley. The area is 786 acre&; rateable value,
English style, consisting of chancel, D¥e, south por~h /,go4; the po{lulation in 19II was 6g.
and an embattled western tower containing 4 bells: Sexton, Lewis Davey, Ashton St. Mary.
the church was thoroughly restored in 1849, and again
in 1897• at a cost of /,3oo; during the l'estoratiou the Letters received through Norwich, via Thurton; arrin
site of an ancient Easter sepulchre, with mural inscrip- about 9 a.m. The nearest post & money order offica
tions from the Geneva version of the New Testament, is at Thurton, 1! miles distant. Loddon is the nearest
1557, was discovered: the church affords 100 sittings. telegraph office, miles distant
The register dates from the year 1544. The living is a 3
rectory, consolidated with that of .Ashby, joint net The children of this parish attend the school at Claxton
yearly value /,230, including 33 acres of glebe and resi· Carriers from Hardley t-o Norwich pass through. mon.
dence, in the alternate gift of Sir Reginald William wed. & ~at
Howard Arthur William, farmer Parker Charles, market gardener .t
Hubbard William, Ferry House P.H. fruit grower; potatoes, cabbagee,
Bloom William, farmer (postal address, Loddon, Norwich) onions, lettuces & strawberries
Carr Charles, market gardener Wright Bernard, farmer, Hall farm
CASTLE ACRE is a village and parish on the river human bones with fragments of iron, brass and bona
Nar, 4! miles north from 1Swaffham station on the ornaments: the extent of ground in which these urns
Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Eastern rail. were found, and the large number deposited, indicated
way, in the North Western division of the county, that the cemetery must have been used by a community
Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional division and which occupied this district for a considerable time,
union, Swaffham county court district, Lynn (Norfolk} probably several generations, and the latest date that
rural deanery and archdeaconry and Norwich diocese_ can be reasonably assigned to these crematory buriab
The Nar abounds with trout, but is· not navigable at is the 7th century of the present era. Hffi"e was for-
this point. The church of St. James is a structure of merly a Cluniac priory, founded in 1085 by William
flint, .in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, de Warrenne, Earl of Surrey, as a cell to the priory
consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of five bays. of Lewes, but made ind-ependent 47 Edw. Ill. (1373-4);
aisles, transept, north porch and an embattled western the Late Norman west front is in good preservation
tower with pinnacles, containing a clock and 5 bells: and has a recessed doorway and arcaded walls on either
of the oak rood screen, the panelling, painted with side the frame of a Perpendicular window ~ on the
tracery and figures of saints, still remains : the hexa- south-west is a. Transitional Norman tower, and there
gonal pulpit is also panelledi and painted like the are remains of the Norman chapter house and of a
screen: the c;hurch was restored in 1875, and has 550 staircase leading to the dormitory, and on the west side
sittings. The register dates from about 1598, but is of the garth is a Perpendicular chapel and cellaraga
very imperfect till the year 1673· The living is s with rooms over: at its dissolution there were 10
-vicarage, annexed to that of Newton by Castle Acre, canons and revenues estimated at /,296. The Earl of
joint net yearly value /,245, with 6! acres of glebe Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.U. is lord of the manor, lay
and residence, in the gift of the Earl of Leicester impropriator and chief landowner. The soil is light
G.C.V.O., C.M.G. who has two turns, and the Bishop sandy loam; the subsoil is chalk. The chief crops are
of Norwich, who has one turn, and held since 18go by wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 3,246 acres of
the Rev. John Thomas Powell. There are Baptist, land and 14 of water; ratilable value, /,4,052; the
Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. The charities population in I9II was I,os6.
are of /,2 ws. yearly value. Fairs are held on the 1st Parish Clerk, Robert Addi.son.
of May and th·3 5th of August, for toys. Here are
extensive remains of early British and Roman earth works, Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office_
besides the ruins of a castle, supposed to be of Sa:xou -Mrs. Elizabeth Nicholds, sub-postmistress. LetteN
and Norman date. In the autumn of 18gi some excava- through Swaffham arrive at 5.17 a.m & 3· 17 p.m_ k
tions on an ancient cemetery, Oil'" the farm now held by are dispatched at g.15 a.m. & 7·35 p.m
Mr. Keith, at the western limi tof this parish, were
carried out at the expense of Henry Willett esq of Public Elementary School, built in 1873 (for the parishes
Brighton, under the direction of the Rev_ Dr_ Jessopp of Castle Acre, South Acre & Newton), for 349 children;
F _S.A. rector of Scarning, and resulted in the finding average attendance, 270; (vacant), master; Miss
Bertha Tuck, infants' mistress
.of nearly 100 urns more or less perfect, in an area of
about half an acre: the urns were very rude in pattern Carriers.-Charles E<.~gle, to Swaffham, daily ; Martin
and of extremely coarse pottery, and contained charred Eagle, to Lynn, tues. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS, • Barrett Augnstus, grocer & draper Gree~s George, saddler
Benstead Frederick, Rising Sun P.H Hannant Frederick, cycle agent
Bloom Miss Clarke Thomas Walter, beer retailer Highe Alfred, builder
Highe Francis G. The Grove Eagle Charles, Ship P.H. & carrier Howard James, shoe maker
Hopkins Mrs_ The Grove Eaj;!le Martin, carrier Howard Waiter, farmer
Hudson Thos_ Moore, The Lower ho Elvin Henry & Sons, Pgricultural en- Jennings Thomas, A.lbert Victor P.H
Keith Edward Charles, The Wicken -gineers, agricultural implement Jennings William, coal dealer
Porter George Cardwell · agents & threshing machine proprs Joplin Robert George. hair dresser
Powell Rev. Jn. Thos_(vicar),Vicarage Elvard Thomas, beer retailer Keith Edward Charles, farmer,
Everington Wm. farmer, Lodge farm Wicken farm
COMMERCIAL- Fisher Christopher, blacksmith Keith J ames, farmer,. Manor farm
Areher James T. insurance agent Gaze Richard, Ostrich P.H Lone- Frederick, baker
Atmore J ames, farmer Greef William, cycle agent Middleditch Charles, farm bailiff to
Bayford Henry, blacksmith Green & Kerridge, butchers Edward Charles Keith esq

:Mi.ddleditch Henry, farm bailili t{) Porter George Cardwell L.R.C.P. & S. Taylor Caleb, farmer
J ames Keith esq Irel. physician & surgeon, medical Taylor Fdk. baker & collector of taxes
:Minns George, butcher officer Castle Acre district, Free- Thurlow Thomas, pig dealer
Mobbs George (Mrs.), farmer bridge Lynn union Tipple George, chimney sweeper
Moy Ernest, baker Prior J ames, pig dealer Utting John, grocer & pork butcher
Moy Frederick, baker Ricketts Arthur, grocer Watling Fanny (Miss), dress make:r
Moy Herbert, grocer Raper George, carpenter Whiskerd Elijah, carpenter
Neave Robert, horse breaker Ruse John & Son, saddlers Whiskerd Jabez, bricklayer
Nicholds Elizabeth (Mrs.), stationer, Savage Henry, grocer Williamson William, beer Tetailer
Post office Simms Benjamin, boot & shoe maker Woodhouse John Thos. insur. agent
Spencer Jas. blacksmith & whlwrght Wright Charles, farmer
Stapleton George, coal dealer
CASTLE RISING is a parish on the Babingley r1ver, of Northampton, in !614, for a governess and 12 poor
and the road from King's Lynn tu Hunstanwn, 2 miles spinsters or widows of Castle Rising, North Wootton
east from North Wootton station on the Lynn and Hun- and Roydon: the income exceeds £330 yearly, and
stan ton section of the Great Eastern railway and about each inmate receives 6s·. per week, besides clothing,
2 north-east from Grimston Road station on the Midland coals and medical attendance: the rectors of Castle
and Great Northern joint railway and 4~ north-north-east Rising and North Wootton; Raoul Charles Finch Elsden
fl'um Lynn, in the North Western division of the county, Everard esq. of Roydon Lodge, Roydon; the lord of the
Lyun Freebridge hundred, petty sessional division and manor and the representatives of the Parish Council,
uniun, Lynn county court district, rural deanery of Lynn two for Castle Rising, one for ~ orth W ootton and one
(~orfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich; for Roydon. are the trustees; the charter, which is
it was anciently a seaport and town of some importance, preserved, has the Great Seal of England affixed. The
returning two members to Parliament, and its mayor took Earl of Northampton also founded another charity, by
precedence of all other mayors in the count.y; bnt having which two poor inhabitants receive a pension of £26
long since been deserted by the sea, the town fell into yearly. A reading and recreation room with lending
decay, the market and fair became obsolete, the borough library attached was erected in 18gB in commemoration
was disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832 (2 and 3 of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria: the building
Will. IV. c. 45), and the corporation abolished by the is of red brick, well furnished and supplied with papers.
Municipal Act of 1835 (5 and 6 Will. IV. c. 76). The periodicals and books. Castle Rising Hall, a mansion of
church of St. Lawrence is a cruciform structure in the brick, and the property of Capt. Charles Alfred Howard.
N orrnan and Early English styles, consisting of chancel, is now rented as a shooting-box by Lord Farquhar P.C .•
nave, south transept, south porch and a central tower G.C.V.O. of 7 Grosvenor square, London W. The
with saddle-back roof containing a clock and one bell; the Castle, part uf the keep of which remains, was built by
• church was restored in 18·44, and the chancel further William de Albini, Earl of A.rundel, in n76: the
renovated in 1857 : in 18'83 additional repairs were effected, remains of ·a Saxon church have been found within the
the transept enlarged, the porch rebuilt and a new organ earthworks and traces of Roman and British occupation
erected, at a total cost of £3,ooo : in the same year a have also been met on the same site. Isabella, daughter
memorial window was inserted in the south transept by of Philip the Fair, king of France, and queen of Edward
Lady Audley J ane Charlotte (Townshend) Bull er in IL was impnsoned here from the end of Nov. 1330,
memory of her first husband, the Hon. GI"eville during- her widowhood, and died in the castle 22nd
'l'heophilus Howard, 2nd son of Charles .John, Earl of August, 1358. An ancient cross, in good pres.ervation,
Suffolk and Berkshire, who died 28 July, 188o: the stands on the site of the market place. Capt. Charles
central rower, which at the beginning of the century A. Howard is lord of the manor and sole landowner.
was square and1 embattled, has been twice altered, bul The soil is chiefly sand and loam; subsoil, gravel. The
retains some fine triforium a.rches with a gallery: in chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is
the chancel is a brass to the Rev. Charles Waiter Bagot, 2,123 acres of land an cl 13 of water; rateable value.
4th son of Hon. Richard Bagot, Bishop of Bath and [2,023; the population in rgn wa~ 268.
Wells, 38 years rector here and chancellor of the diocese Parish Clerk, John Edrward Smith.
of Bath and Wells, who died Sept. 10th, 1884: the
stained east window is a memorial to Frances c. BHgot, Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.
died Oct. 1 gth, 1840 : on the north wall is a monumcn t ~Miss Annie Greene, sub-postmistress. London &
to Fulk Greville Howard, 2 nd son of Baron Templeton, other letters are received through Lynn by mail cart;
d. March 4th, 1846: i:here are no windows on the north arrive at 4-45 & Io. rs a. m. & dispatched at ro. 20 a.m.
side of the church: the font is Norman: the churrh & 7 p.m.; sundays, arrive 4-45 a.m. & dispatched at
affords 267 sittings: at the entrance to the churchyard 7 p.m
is a handsome lych gate, erected in 1879 to the memory Assistant Overseer & Clerk to the Parish Council, William
of the Hon. Mary Charlotte Henrietta Greville Howard. Thomas Ewer
d. 7th May, 1872. The register dates from the year Police Constable, Ely Everett
1573, and there is a list of rectors from 1302. Thr Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1Br5, fo-:r

living is a rectory, with that of :8oydon annexed, joint r65 children; average attendance, 36; Miss Esther
net yearly value £320, including 21 acres of glebe and Minnie .Ashton, mistress
residence, in the gift of Capt. Charles A. Howard and
held since 1'891 by the Rev. Herbert Edward Thur~hy. CHrriers to & from Lynn pass through the parish tues.
Trinity Hospital was founded by Henry Howard, Earl thurs. fri. & sat
Beck Arthur C. Mill house Castle Rising Reading & Recreation Lam b2rt J o~eph, keeper of the castle
Fnrquhar Lord P.C., G.C.V.O. Castle Rooms & Lending Library (Joseph Nurse Charles, carter & corn dealer
Rising hall; & 7 Grosvenor sq W Plowright, sec) Plowright J oseph, estate carpenter
& Marlborough club S W & Turf Cater William, blacksmith Smith Alfred William, painter
club W, London Ewer Rosemary (Miss), shopkeeper Smith George William, carpenter
Hollis Capt. Hu!!h, Broughton house Ewer William Thomas, coal dealer Smith John Edward, carpenter &
Howard Capt. Charles Alfred Failes William Christopher, farmer, parish clerk
Thursby Rev. Herbert Edwarrl Ca~tle farm; & at North Woothm Smith Rebecca (~Irs.), cowkeeper
(rector), Rectory Green Wm. Chas. Black Horse P.H Trinity Hospital (John Edwd. Smith,
COMMERCIAL. Knight Fernley, farmer & miller [ clerk ; Miss Mary Hill, matrcm)
Brooke Hannah (Mi·ss), district nurse (water), Lodge
CASTON is a village and parish ~~ miles north from hase of the rood screen is still preserved: in the chancel
Stow Bedon station on the King's Lynn and Thetford are two miserere stalls, and in the south. wall of the
line of the Great Eastern railway, 3~ soutJh-east from nave and chancel are piscinoo: the chancel retains a
Watton and 6i north-west from .Attleborough, in the handsome brass candelabrum, originally presented by
South Western division of the county, Wayland hundred. one of the Stuart kings to Cheshunt church : iH
petty sessional division and union, .Attleborough and the north wall of the nave is the casing of a tomb, pro-
Wat.ton county court district, rural deanery of Breccles, bably of Sir John de Cas ton, founder of the church :
lll"f'hrieaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The over the north porch is a parvise: the whole structure
church of the Holy Cross il.l a large and noble building was restored from r852 to 1'854, and the chancel was re-
of flint in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, con- stored and filled with stained glass windows in 1853 by
sistin~ of chancel, nave, north porch and a western tower the late Rev. Waiter John Partridge M.A. rector 185o-86:
C'lntaining a clock and 6 bells, re-bung in 1907, when there are 200 sittings, 100 being free. The register dates
the tower was new-roofed: the pulpit is Jacobean: from the year I539· The living is a rectory, net yearlT
the benches are of carved oak with poppy heads, and the value £368, including 52 acres of glebe, with resid~ncJ,
in the gift of and held since r886 by the Rev. Walter • area is 1,570 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable value,
Henry Partridge B.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge, and £1,929; the population in 19II was 422.
rural dean of Breccles and 'fhetford. Here is u Primitive Sexton, Edward Banham.
Methodist chapel, erected in 1878. Dover's charity of Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-John Murrell, sub-postmaster.
£26 xgs. 8d. yearly, founded in 1855, is derived from Letters from Attleborough arrive at 7.20 a.m. & 3.20
£r,ooo Consols, bequeathed" to the Rector of Caston for p.m. (for callers); dispatched at g.x5 a.m. & 6.25
the time being," in trust for the parish school. The p.m. week days; sundays at 9.30 a.m
church farmhouse was formerly a refectory house for pil- Wall Letter Box, opposite Black Horse P.H. cleared 5.40
grims going from Thetford to the Augustinian monastery p.m. week days only
of Walsingham, where there was a famous shrine of the Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1839, for
Virgin. Sir William Bowyer-Smijth hart. who is 'lord 8o children; average attendance, 67; Miss Edith M.
of the manor, and the trustees of the rector are the Bennett, mistress; Miss Kate Bennett, asst. mistress
principal landowners. The soil is mixed; !mbl!oil, clay. Carrier to Norwich.-George Purdy, wed. & sat. return-
The chief crops are wheat, barley, seeds and roots. The ing same day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Banham Robert (Mrs.), fowl dealer Macro Abraham, farmer
Green Mrs. Curatage Barnard John, farmer Murfet Bertha (Mrs.), farmer, Caston
Mnrfet Mrs. Ca.ston hall Barnard William, farmer hall
Partridge Rev. Waiter Henry B.A. 1 Chapman Arthur, blacksmith Osborne & Son, saddlers
(rector & rural dean), The Rectory, Cooke Mary Ann (Mrs.),Red Lion P.H Osborne Harry, saddler (Osborne &;
Sheringham Col. Arth. Wm.Flaxmoor' Downs George, fowl dealer Son), & assistant overseer
COMMERCIAL. Drake Charles, farmer & cattle dealer Peeke-Vout William, builder, con-
Allen Arthur, farm bailiff to G. W. Goddard George, farmer tractor, sanitary engineer, plumber
Barnham esq. Chas~ farm Gooch Edwd. fowl dealer & carpenter & church & hous_e decorator
Askew Alfred, farmer & cattle dealer, Kenny Edward, farmer Self James, fowl dealer
Bridge farm Knights William, builder, contractor, Smith Frederick, Duke's Head P.H
Bales William, beer retailer house decorator & undertaker Sturman Alfred, beer retailer
Balls William, fowl dealer Knott Benjamin, miller (wind) Tricker Mary Ann (Mrs.), baker
Bambridge Emma. (Miss), shopkeeper Larwood Henry James, farmer Wyer Frederick, miller (petrol) &;
Banbam Alfred, carriage builder Long George, farmer farmer
Banham George, farmer 1
Ludkin Horace, baker Yeomans Elijah, builder & contractor
CATFIELD is a parish and village near the navigabl~ Hudson Barber esq. Arthur Neave esq. Mr. Edward
3.nt, with a station on the Midland and Great Northern Bordman and Mr. William Wenn. The heath land is
joint railway, 14 miles north-east from Norwich and 12 let and the proceeds are applied for the benefit of the
south-east from North Walsham, in the Eastern division poor. The soil is good mixed ; subsoil, sand, gravel
of the county, Tunstead and Rapping petty sessional and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
division, Rapping hundred, Smallburgh union, North turnips. The area is 2,225 acres of land and 236 of
Walsham county court district, rural deanery of Wa:xham water; rateable value, £2,9II; the population in 19II
(Happing division), archdeaconry and diocese of Nor-_ was 525.
wich. The parish, which includes parts of Hickling and
Parish Clerk, Augustus Edward Myhill.
Barton Broads, is large and t·he houses are much ocat-
tered. The church of All Saints is an ancient structure Post, M_ 0. & T. Office.-Hugh W. Wightman, sub-
of flint and stone in the Decorated style, consisting of
postmaster. Letter~ arrive from Great Yarmouth;
chancel, nave, aisle.s, south porch and an embattled
delivered 8 a.m. & 2.40 p.m. ; dispatched at 12.45 &;
western tower containing 5 bells: a carved oak screen
~epa.rates the chancel and nave : the seats were I c-
5·45 p.m. (x.s & 6.5o p.m. July, August & Septem-
ber); no sunday delivery or dispatch
arranged in 1852, the nave was new-roofed in 1864, and
in 19o6 the tower was restored: there are 395 sittings, Letter Box at the Staithe, cleared at B. 15 a. m. & 5.30
of which 2oo are free. The register dates from the p.m. (6.30 p.m. July to September) & Wood street,
year 1559. The living is a rectory, net yearly value at 9.15 a.m. & 3·35 p.m
£370, including 18 acres of glebe and residence, in the Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1853, &
gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1903 by enlarged in 1Bg6, for 104 children; average attend-
the Rev. William _Langley Bobbins. Here is a small ance, 70; Mrs. C. Eagle, mistress
Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1838. The prin- Railway Station (Midland & Great Northern Joint).
cipal landown~rs are Captain Charles Maurice Jickling, William Munson, master
of Smallburgh, who is lord of the manor, George
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clow Frederick, apartments
I Neave Arthur, farmer, High house
Barber William Cordwell Charles Henry,credit draper Newholme Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer
Case Mr01. The Limes Crown Commercial hotel (John Pert James Wm. grocer, Wood st
Dawson Frederick B. The Lodge Robert Rudd, proprietor); good Pollard Frank William, blacksmith
Gladden Edward, Catfield hall acc0mmodation for travellers. Rational Sick & Burial Society (JIUIIeB
McJ annett Mrs Dawson Robert. Greensmith, farmer, Ale:x. McJ annett, sec)
Neave Arthur, Bleak hous1l Wood o;treet Read Isaac Wm. market gardener
Richardo; William Davis White house Deary Charles, farmer Riches William R. farmer
Robbins Rev. William 'Langley (rec- Drake Henry E. farmer Rudd Edna Maria. (Miss), farmer.
tor) Rectory I Eagle Charles A. cycle agent Heath farm
' Emmerson Richard, shoe maker Sloper William, farm bailiff to Geo.
COMMERCIAL.. Flatt Robert, farmer, Yew Side farm Hud.;;on Barber esq
Baldwin John, bricklayer Harvey Percy Geo. farmer.Grove frm Smith Daniel, farmer
Barber George Hudson, farmer & Knapp Richard, mole catcher Spink Robert Henry, baker, clerk to
manager for Sewers Commissioners Lawn John, gamekeeper to ,Capt. Parish Council&; assistant overseer
(Eastern division) for the county Charles Maurice Jickling Strike John, jobbing gardener
of Norfolk Moore William, farm bailiff to E. Thurgat.e Waiter. blacksmith
Barker James, farmer Gladden esq. The Hall farm Wenn William, farmer
Beevor Robert Geo. White Horse P.H Myhill Augustus Edward, carpenter Wightman Hugh W. grocer, Post off
Blaxell George, carpenter My hill Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Wilkins George Francis, farmer
Bla:xell Waiter, coal dealer The Heath Wright Waiter, farmer, Sharp 11treet
Borrett John, blacksmith , Neave Alfred H. farmer Youngs Alfred, farmer

CATTON is a picturesque village and parish about 2 I are memorial windows to Augusta Hart, who died in
miles north from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the r8 47; Richard Hart, 39 years vicar of this parish,
county, Taverham hundred and petty sessional division, 1836~75• d. x881; C. H. Chamberlin, d. 1873; Ernma.
St. Faith's union, Norwich county court district, rural Rosetta Chamberlin; Gilbert J. Hart, d. r854, and
deanery of Taverham, archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- Charles C. Hart, d. 1851, and a memorial window and
wich, and forms a suburb of Norwich. The church of mural tablet to various members of th~ Bignold family:
St. Margaret is a structure of flint and stone in the Early in the transept is a large marble monument to Bussy,
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, &outb d. 1719 and Mary his wife, d. 1739; and there is also
aisle and south porch: the ancient embattled western a fine monument in the Gtlthic style, exhibited at the
tower, with a circular base, is Norman with a perpendi- Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London, in 1851, to T. G.
cular octagonal belfry storey, containing one bell: there Adams esq. his wife and son: there is a carved oak

pedestal Tudor pulpit bearing the. date 1537; on it are ~er:t;ny esq. and died ir. London .Aug. 1751. The soil
empanelled the arms of the guilds of the city of Nor- Is hght and !landy; subsoil, gravel, clay and limestone.
wich: the church was enlarged and restored in r85o-2 The chief crops are of the usual kind, and large quan-
at a cost of nearly £ r,ooo, and has 300 sittings: at the tities of cucnm bers and tomatoes are also cultivated
entrance to the churchyard is a handsome lych gate. under glass. The area is 764 acres ; assessable value,
The register dates from the year r688. The living is a £3,017; the population in rgp was 634.
vicarage, net income [250, with 4 acres of glebe and In 1907 part of Catton was added to the City and
residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Nor- County borough of Norwich.
wich, and held since I9II by the Rev. Alan Dalby M.A. Pari8h Clerk, Herbert Plowman.
of Trinity College, Cam bridge. The Iron Church
Mission hall in Rackham's road was opened in 1894. Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
There are several bequests for the poor. The charities Old Catton.-Mrs. Hannah Harrowven, postmistress.
amount to about £2o yearly. Catton Hall, the seat of Letters arrive by mail cart from Norwich at 3·55 &
Edward Gurney Buxton esq. J.P. is a modern mansion, II .40 a.m. & 3· 15 p.m. & are dispatched at IO a.m.
standing in a picturesque and well-wooded park con- & 1.40, 6.5 & 9· 15 p.m. ; sundays, 6 & 9· 15 p.m
taining a small herd of deer. Catton House, the seat of Post Office Telephone Exchange, Miss Olwen Ward, clerk
Lady Manse!, is a mantrion of brick, plastered, in the in charge
Italian style, pleasantly seated on a hill surrounded by
Wall Letter Boxes.-Near 'Maid's Head,' cleared at 8 &
a park of 36 acres, containing good flower gardens and
1r.45 a.m. & 5.30 & 8.20 p.m.; sundays, 5·35 p.m.
some fine trees. The Dean and Chapter of Norwich are
Church street, cleared at 6.45 & n.5o a.m. & 5.25 &
lords of the manor. Edward Gurney Buxton esq. J.P.
8. ro p.m.; sundays, 5.25 p.m
and Frank Gowing esq. of Lower Hellesdon, are the
principal landowners. William (Richardson), 4th and Public Elementary School, with reading-room, erected iu
last Baron Cramond, of Honingham, died here 28 July, 1874, at the sole expense of the late S. Gurney Buxton
1735, and was buried at East Walton. Elizabeth, his esq. for 130 children; average attendance, II5; Miss
only sister and heiress, married, in Aug. 1735, William M. L. Collin, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Read William, The Oaks Cunnell Thomas Arthur, lime burner
Alexander Henry, The Old house Reeve Edmund, The Grange, Old (postal address, Old Catton, N or 4

Bunting W alter, The Beeches Cat ton wich): works, Eaton

Buxton Edward Gurney B.A., J.P. Steward Mrs. Donald Dack Waiter, Wheelwright
Catton hall Steward Russell Godfrey, The Firs Fox Charles Henry, head gardener to
Carter Henry, Tha Elms Tillett Louis John J. P Lady ::\fansel
Chevalier William H. C.,M ..A. Wood- Whitchurch Mrs. Gurney, Norman la Goldson James, farm bailiff to Frank
ville house r Gowing esq
Cunnell Mrs I COM'MERCIA.L. Harrowven Hannah (Mrs.), st.ationer,
Dalby Rev. Alau M ..A. (vicar), The Arthurton Robert, baker & post office
Vicarage Badcock Archibald, blacksmith Howeld Henry, boot & shoe maker
Dawson Col. Algernon Ce<:il J.P. Barnes Edward George, wheelwright Marshall Arthur Francis, fruit growr
Manor house Bidwell Wm. farm bailiff to Sidney Moore Charles, market gardener
Finch .Alfred, The Red house . Tallowin ilsq Morgan Thomas, fruit grower
Garriek Rev. Canon James Percy Burton Frederick (Mrs.), shopkeeper Old Catton Provident; & Friendly
M ..A. Merlewood Clarke Robert, grocer Society (A. Quantrell, sec)
Gascoigne Capt. Charles C.O. ThB Cullum Emma (Mrs.), Maid's Head Orsborn Mark, bricklayer
Wa.rran P.H Palmer John, butcher
Hanning-Lee Col. Wm. Gardenhurst CunnellCharles,manufacturer of bricks Pitcher John, Woodman P.H
Howlett William Robt. C. Eastwood & tiles (Hoffman's patent) ; postal Plowmau Herbert, saddler
Lubbock Misses address, Old Catton, Norwich; Shorten Arthur, farmer, Old Catton
Manse! Lady, Catton house works, Old Catton & Upper Hel- Wrench George Emery, brick maker,
Marsh William, White house lesdon Lodge lane
CA WSTON is a parish and large village, with a sta· Buckinghamshire. Cawston Manor was a member of
tion on the East Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern the Duchy of Lancaster, but exempted from the juris-
railway, and Bluestone station, on the Midland Great diction of this Duchy by John of Gaunt, Duke of Lan-
Northern joint railway, is at the northern boundary of caster, in token wpereof a brazen gauntlet is carried
t!he parish, 2 miles north-by-east from the village; 1t is before the lord of the manor, or his steward, when
12 miles north-by-west from Narwich, 4 south-west from they hold a court here. The manor house is a modern
Aylsham and 127 from London, in the NorthBrn division building in the Elizabethan style, surrounded by about
of the county, South Erpingham hundred and petty ses- 120 acres of gardens and woodland. J ames Crompton
sional division, Aylsham union and county court district, Cheetham esq. who is lord of the manor, William Dering
rural deanery of Ingworth (South division) and arch- Earle Bulwer esq. J .P. of Heydon, and Lord de Ramsey
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; sub-
Agnes is a noble building of stone in the PerpBndicular soil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, roots,
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south barley and hay. The area is 4,343 acres of land and
porches, a chapel for daily service and a massive western 18 of water; rateable value, [4,603; the population in
tower containing 6 bells: a handsome rood screen I9II "'l'f!\S J ,023.
divides the nave and chan-cel, and in the latter is some Parish Clerk, Charles N eale.
stained glass: the nave has a hammer beam roof, Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Charles Edgar Rivett, sub-
which, with the roof of the south aisle, was restored postma.ster. Letters are received through Norwich
in 1911-12, at a cost of about £r,8oo: there are 400 at 6.10 a.m. & 12.45 p.m.; dispatched 12.10, 3·55 &
sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The 7·50 p.m.; sundays, delivered at 7 a.m. ; dispatched
living is a rectory, net yearly value about £6oo, with 3-55 p.m
12 acrPs of glebe and residence, in the gift of Pem-
broke College, Cambridge, and held since. 1905 by the Wall Letter Boxes.-.At Eastgate, cleared at 8 a. m. &
Rev. Theodore Henry Marsh M ..i. of that college. 4.10 p.m.; sundays, Io a.m.; Southgate, cleared at 9
There are Wesleyan, Reformed and Primitive Metho- a.m. & 2 & 7-45 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m.; near Rat
dist chapels. A cemetery of If acres was formed in Catcher inn, cleared at 7.50 a.m. & 4.15 p.m.; sun-
1904 at t-he cost of £34Cl. The poor have n6 acres of days, 10. ro a.m. & B:uestone station, cleared at 3
land fo.r fuel, and on this land is a rifle range used by p.m. week days only
the .Aylsham territorials. On the bowling green, at the Public Elementary School (mixed) ; the school house
Woodrow inn, are two trees regarded as curiosities, since was built at the expense of the late W. E. Lytton
not only every branch but every twig of these bears Bulwer esq. D.L., J.P. in 1874, & since enlarged, &
leaves of three different kinds of trees-namely, oak, will hold 200 children; average attendance, 155 ;.
beech and hornbeam. Near the same inn, on the Nor- Archie Chaffey, master; Mrs. Chaffey, mistress
wich road, stands a small stone pillar. erected on the . Railway Stations.
spot where Sir Henry Hobart bart. and M.P. for Nor- Cawston (G. E. Ry.), .Arthur Rumpr station master
folk, fell in a duel with swords, 21 Aug. r6g-8, with Mr. Bluestone (M. & Q-. N. joint), Chas, Moy, station master
Oliver Le Neve, who fought with his left hand; Sir
Henry, who was buried at; Blickling, the family seat, Carrier to & from Norwich.-Kybird, mon. wed. & sat.
was the father of Sir John Hobart hart. first Earl of puts np at 'Wool Pack,' Norwich
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. JCheetham Jas. Crompton, The Manorj Marsh Rev.Theodore Hy.M.A.Rectory
Ilrash Misses house . ~iaude Miss
Easton William, jun. coal dlr. Eastgate Phillippo Geo. farmer, Crowhall farm
Farrow J ames ( exors. of), farmers, Pitche!"s Thomas, boot &l shoe maker
.Alien Robert, boot & shoe maker W oodrow farm Pull Frank, baker
Austin James, farmer, Beerhouse frm Gaff Thomas, tea dealer Reading Room & Library (.Archie
Barclay, Pallett & Co. Limited, corn Gaskins John, King's Head P.H Chaffer, sec)
& coal merchant,;;; depot, Railway Godfrey William, farmer, Southgate Rivett Charles Edgar, grocer, draper,
station Green Saml. Kerridge, btchr. & frmr boot & shoe factor, ironmonger &
Bartle Elijah, Woodrow P.H Hamrnond Thomas, grocer & draper wine & spirit merchant, Post office
Brash James, farmer, Manor farm Hardy Samuel, farmer, Quebec farm Russell Thomas, buteher & farmer
Brett Elden C. chimney sweeper (letters through Haverland) Sawyer George, head gardener to
Bush Williarn Arthur, engineer, Howard Mars hall Dennis, builder, James C. Cheetham esq
agricultural implement agent & well sinker, brick maker & black- Smith Frederick, farmer, Church farm
repairer, wheelwright & motor & smith Stackwood William, miller (wind),
coach builder & painter Howe John, farmer, Hill house Southgate
Carman Charlotte Elizabeth (Miss), J Pal'y Ro bert, tailor Stearman Wm. (Mrs.), frmr.Eastgate
dress maker Keeler Robert, mole catcher Thrower Alfred, Bell P.H
Carpenter Elizabeth (Mrs.), shpkpr Knights William, beer retailer Tuddenham John, farmer, Eastgate
Carter Horatio, fruit grower Kybird John, carter Vout Robert, farmer
Clarke Edward, farmer, Eastgate Kybird Robert, carrier & jobmaster Wade Wallace, watch maker
Cooke Edward Harold, farmer, Long Robert, baker & shopkeeper Watts Daniel John, Lamb P.H
Dockings farm .\Ianthorpe Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Friend- Wells J ames, farm bailiff to J. C.
Dack Henry, farmer, Botany Bay ship P.H. Eastgate Cheetham esq
(postal address·, Man;ham,Norwich) Medler Alexander, farmer White Alfred! Smith, saddler
Derin~ Brothers, bakers Moy Thomas LtdJ. coal merchants Williams Thomas Eglington, farmer,
Easton Thos. Wm. farmer, Eastgate Office William, farmer Malthouse farm
Easton Wm. Rat Catcher P.H.Eastgte Ottway Martha (Mrs.), blacksmith Wilson William, butcher & farmer
CENTRAL WINGLAND, formerly partly in Norfolk, is now wholly in Lincolnshire, and particulars will
be found in Kelly's Directory of that county.
CHEDGRAVE is a parish and village on the nortb W. Proctor-Beauchamp hart. and held since 1901 by the
bank of the river Ohet, adjoining Loddon, 5 miles south~ Rev. Richard FitzThomas Fleming M.A. of Trinity Col~
east from Buckenham station on the Norwich, Ya.r~ lege, Dublin, who is also vicar of Langley Sir Reginald
mouth and Lowe·stoft sections of the Great Eastern rail~ William Proctor-Beauchamp hart. of Langley Park, who
way and ro south-east from Norwich, in the Southern is lord of the manor, the Master of St. Peter's College,
division of the county, Loddon hundred and Loddon Cambridge, for the time being, and J. Wilson Gilbert
and Glavering petty sessional division and union, county esq. of Cringleford, are the chief landowners. The soil
court district of Beccles and Bun gay, . rural deanery is mixed; subsoil, sand, gravel and: clay. The chief
of Brooke (Eastern division), archdea.conry of Norfolk crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,448
and diocese of Norwich. 'I'he church of All Saints is acr-es of land, g of wate.r and r8 of tidal water; rateable
a small but ancient structure in the Norman .~tyle, value, [2,II3; the population in I9II was 326.
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and an eastern Parish Clerk, Harry Balls. Loddon.
tower covered with thatch and containing one bell: its
windows display some rich stained glass, brought by Letters, received through Norwich, arrive at 7 a.m. &
a former Lady Proctor Beauchamp from Rouen Cathe- 1 & 5 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 10.40 a.m. &
dral, after the French Revolution in 1797, and the 3-50 & 8 p.m. sundays excepted. Loddon is the
arches of the doorways ~e fine specimens of Norman ne!ll"est money order & telegraph office
work: restorations were effected in the chancel in 1872, Police Constable, George Gray
at a cost of £r4o: a porch has been erected to the Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1856, for
late Gen. John Barrett, of H. M. Indian army, and 70 children; average attendance, 28 ; Miss Peake,
the church reseated with oak benches : there are now mistress
150 sittings. The ll'egister dates from the year rsor. •

The living is a rectory, net yearly value £154, with Conveyance.-G. E. R. Co. motor omnibns thrice daily
4 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Sir R. to Norwich
Fleming Rev. Richard FitzThomas Cliapman Wm. jun. poultry farmer Dyball Alfred (exors. of), farmers,
M.A. (rector), Rectory Clemence Waiter Charles, baker, Langley Hall farm
Garratt Lewis Edward, Manor house pastrycook, ,confectioner, refresh- Ellis Anna (MN!.), aparts. Vine cot
Sutton Richard, Chedgrave lodge ment caterer, grocer & tea dealer, Fuller James, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. china dealer & dealer in corn, offals Hoddy Edgar, wheelwright
Balls Charles (exors. of), farmers & meals, The Hygienic Steam Lynes George Thomas, farm bailiff
Breeze Brothers, wheelwrights Bakery to L. E. Gatratt esq. Manor Houss
Burgess Henry, watch maker Cole JamEs, cycle agent farm
Cannell & Sons, seed growers & mer- Cooper Alfred Geo. White Horse hotel Ringwood Herbert,commercial travllr
chants, head warehouses & offices; Crisp Charles, bricklayer
1 Youngman Wm. James, in~ur. agent
& at Loddon & Norwich l Dennington Herbert, market gardener
CHOSELEY is a parish, formerly extra-parochial, 3 I the rector of that place has an acre of land here.
miles north-by-west from Docking station on the Lynn The land in the parish, consisting of 678 acres, is the
and Wells section of the Great Eastern railway llnd 6 property of Holcombe Ingleby esq. of Sedgeford Hall,
west from Burnham Market, in the North Western divi- and is farmed by Mr. Cyril Burgis. The soil is chalky;
sion of the county, Docking- union, Smithdon and subsoil, chiefly chalk; rateable value, £273 ; thB popu-
Brothercross petty sessional division and county court lation in 19II was 40.
district of Little Walsingham. The· inhabitants have Letter3 are received thr011gh Lynn, via Docking, which
the privilege of attending Titchwell church, for which is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Burgis Cyril, farmer, Choseley farm
CLAXTON is a village and parish 2 miles south now existing dates from the yrar 1747. The living is
from Buckenham station on the Norwich, Yarmouth and a vica.rage, now in sequestration, net yearly value £5o,
Lowestoft sections of the Great Eastern railway, 4 north- including 6 acres of land lying in Bracon .!.sh, in the
west from Loddon and 7 east from Norwich, in thP gift of Sir C. H. Stuart Rich hart.: the Rev. John
Southern division of the county, Loddon ·hundred, Loddon Priest Miller, vicar of Surling~arn, has been curate in
and- Clavering petty sessional division and union, ~or- charge since 1894. Here is a Baptist chapel, founded
wich county court district, rural deanery of Brooke in 1750, with a burial ground. The poor's land consists
(Western division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of 6a. 3r. producing £7 Ios. yearly, the glebe of 311.. 2r.
of Norwich. The church of St . .Andrew is an edifice of and there is a town estate of 5 acres for the repairs
flint in a debased style, consisting of chancel, nave, south of the church. A market and fair were anciently held
porch and a western tower containing 3 bells: the here. Near the manor house are the ruins of an earlier
chancel, rebuilt in 1867, by the trustees of Sir Charles castellated mansion. Sir Charles Henry Stnart Rich
H. Stuart Rich bart. (then a minor), contains an in- tart. of the Castle, Devizes, Wilt!!, who is lord of the
teresting tomb with in11cription, to the Gawdy family, manor, and Robert Thomas Edwin Gilbert esq. of .Ashby
dated 1620, and a tablet to the Rev. Stephen Webster, f Hall, are the principal landowners. The soil ii a mixed
a former rector, who died in r837: there are roo :;it- loam; subsoil, gravel, with marshes adjoining the river
tings. The early registers have been lost; the earlie~t , Yare. The chief crops are wheat, barley end roots.

The area is 1,CXJ7 acres of land and 9 of tidal water; Wall Letter Box cleared at 12.35 (July to Sept. 12.25) &
rateable value, £1,195; the population in 19II was 168. 3.40 p.m. week days only
Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 19II, for
Parish Clerk, Mark Fuller 6o children; average attendance, 40; Mrs. Fannie E.
Letters through Norwich via Thurton arrive at 8 a.m. Line, mistress. Clerk to the School Managers, George
& 3.30 p.m. Ber-gh .Apton is the nearest money order Frederick Fisher, Bales
& Bramsrton the nearest telegraph office, 3~ miles Carriers from Hardley to Norwich pass through on mon.
distant wed. & sat
Lewthwaite Mrs. The Grange Ellis William, blacksmith I Goddard Martin Neslen, farmer, The
Mack Mrs. Manor house Farman Robert, Folly inn, & basket Beeches
COMMERCIAL. maker & reed thatcher Goodwin Thomas,farm bailiff to Nelson
Carman Thomas George, farmer Farrow Edward, market gardener, Hylton Hayward esq
Catchpole William, shopkeeper cowkeeper, fruit grower, pig Hunter William, shopkeeper
Chapman Frederick George, miller breeder, poultry farmer &c Lanham Arthur, market gardener
(wind & steam) Fuller Mark, carpenter & wheelwrght Witham Herbert, market gardener
CLENCHWARTON is a village and parish, with a rington, Miss Esther Tipple and William Looker esq.
~tation on tlte Lynn and Sutton Bridge branch of the J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil is strong
Midland and Great Northern joint railway, and is 2 clay; subsoil, loamy. The chief crops are wheat, oats.
miles west from Lynn by ferry and 3 by road, in the beans and peas, and some land in pasture. The area
Nurth Western division of the county, hundred and petty is 2,497 acres of land, 3 of water, 19 of tidal water
se~sional division of Freebridge Marshland, union of and 12 of foreshore; rateable value, £5,4o6; the popu-
Wisbecb, county court district of Lynn, rural deanery of lation in 19u was 628. By the Divided Parishes Act
Lynn (Marshland), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese parts of this parish were amalgamated with West
of Norwich. The church of St. Margaret is an ancient Lynn.
building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting Parish Clerk, William Patterson.
of chancel. nave, south porch and an embattled western
tower containing 5 bells: in 1912 all the bells were Post Office.-Miss Maud Tipple, sub-postmistress. Let-
rehung, and one of them was recast: there are three ters arrive from Lynn at 6.35 a. m. & 1.15 p.m. (for
stained windows and a font of carved stone, erected callers only); dispatched at 10.15 a.m. & 6.40 p.m.;
in 1853: the church was re-seated in r856, the porch no sun day delivery or dispatch. West Lynn is the
restDred in r86r, and t·he east end rebuilt in 1864: nearest money order office & King's Lynn the nearest
there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the telegraph office
year 1720. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Wall Box, near School, cleared at 10.20 a.m. &i 6.45
£295, including 28 acres of glebe, with residence, in p.m. week days only
the gift of Mrs. E. S. Harris, of Clenchwarton, and Wall Box, Tilney aross roads, cleared at 10.5 a.m. &
held since 1902 by the Rev. John Philip Sidney Harris 6.3_1 p.m. week days only
B. .A. of Clare College, Cambridge. There are United Public Elementary School, erected, with master's resi-
Methodist and Primitive Methodist chapels; the latter, dence adjoining, in 1895 at a cost of about £2,6oo,
erected in 1881, has ICXJ sit.tings. The charities from plans furnished by Mr. H. J. Green, architect,
amount to £7 yearly, and are spent in providing coal of Norwich & Lynn, for r8o children; average attend-
and other relief for the poor. The salt marshes of this ance, 137; Frederick William Giles, master; Samuel
parish extend to the Wash, between Terrington and Dye, attendance officer; Rev. J. P. S. Harris B..!. is
North Lynn. The Islington Lodge estate, which extends correspondent; W. Looker esq. J.P. chairman of com-
into this parish, was reclaimed from land formerly part mittee of management
of the bed of the river Ouse, and purchased in 1850 by the
late owner, W. D. Harding esq. of Islington, in this Railway Station, Zacchaeus Goodale, station master
county, from the Eau Brink Commissioners. Capt. R. Carriers to Lynn-Bunnett, of Terrington, passes through
L Ba.gge D.S.O. of Gaywood Hall, Lynn, Sir William tues. thurs. & sat. & Carte!', from Te.rrington, on tues.
Everard B. ffolkes bart. Hugh Kerkham esq. of Ter- & fri
(:Marked thus * letters via Tilney.) Butter Henry John, fanner, -Kemps- Goss Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Hoe
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. bridge farm farm
Butter Thos. William, farmer, Clock Hammond Robert Clarke, farmer
~Harding Miss, Islington lodge
Case farm Howard John, farm bailiff to H.
Harris Rev. John Philip Sidney B.A. Coleshill Alfd. Herbert, beer retailer, Kirkham esq
(rector), The Rectm·y St. John's Fen end (letters via Ter- J ackson Ro bert, blacksmith
*Hawkins Mrs. Islington lodge rington St. John, Wisbech) Kitteringham Claude, farmer,Smeeth
Ingram .Arthur Bettison, The Elms Collison Edmund, farmer Lane Susan (Mrs.), Black Horse P.H
Looker William J.P. Margaretta ho Collison William, farmer, assistant over- Lane William, coal dealer
Rutter Stanfield John, Banklands seer & clerk to Parish Council, East Looker Wm. landowner,Margaretta ho
Stevenson Miss, Wildfield house .Anglian farm Patterson William, parish clerk
Tipple Miss, The Poplars Croot Hugh Robt. frmr. Manor farm Robinson Geo. farmer, Church farm
Welton John R *Eg-gett William,farm bailiff to Chas. *Rose Fredk. gardnr. to Miss Harding
Brown esq. Pullover farm Studd Joseph B. market gardener
COMMERCIAL. Tipple Esther (Miss), farmer & land-
Fox: Robert, farmer, White house
Barnes John, wholesale potato dealer Gent John, farmer, Marsh farm owner, '£he Poplars & Waterloo frms
Batterham Jas. Nathnl.frmr.Porch ho Goss & Son, agricultural implement Tipple Maud (Miss), shopkeeper, &i
Boon Saml. beer retailer & blacksmith manufacturers post <Jffice
Bowden Obadiah, farmer Warnes Wm. Wilson, Victory P.H
CLEY -NEXT-THE-SEA is a coast town and parish John Y slington, ob. 1429, and in the south aisle is a.
on the river Glaven, 4 miles north-north-west from Holt fine brass with effigies in shrouds and seven out of nine
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, scrolls inscribed "now tbus" : to John Symonds, mer-
1 east from Blakeney, 10 east from Wells and 12 west chant, ob. 1508, and .Agnes his wife, ob. 1512, with eight
from Cromer, in the Northern division of the county, Holt children: there are also brasses with effigies to a civilian,
hnndred, petty sessional division and county court dis- c. q6o, his wife and six eons; Henricus Barn . . . .
trict, Erpingham union, rural deanery of Halt and arch- priest, Robert Tayllar, ob. 14 Jan. 1578; this brass is a
dPRconry and diocese of Norwich. The town is lighted palimpsest, and exhibits on the reverse side two pieces
with oil by the Parish Council. The harbour here i~ of canopy work of late design, probably Flemish: there
both narrow and shallow, and forms in its course to the is also one to Thomas Greve, ob. 1613: in the church-
""a a iunction with the Blakeney channel: the custom yard is the altar tomb of Captain John Grieve, who
l1unse for this and the neighbouring ports is now removed assisted Sir Cloudesley Shovel in bnrning the ships in
to Lynn. The church of St. Margaret is a noble struc- the port of Tripoli, in Barbary, in 1676: the font is B
ture of flint with stone dressings, in the Decorated style, curious and beautifully sculptured work of the 13th
consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, north and century, representing the !!even sacraments of the
south porehes and an embattled tower, supposed to Catholic Church; the finely carved oak pulpit dates from
have been built in the reign of Henry VI. and con- r6n; in the !lacrarium under the present communion
taining one bell : the transept is in ruins : the table is an ancient stone altar slab, bearing upon it the
west porch was restored in 1911 in memory of usual fi>e consecration crosses : in the chancel are si:x
the late Mrs. Cozens-Hardy: in the church are olrl oak seats with carved misereres : the .roofs of both
several old tombs and brasses, among which, in aisles have been restored at a cost of £2,000 : the church
the north aisle, is a brass with effigy of a priest to was further restored in 1904, and afford!! 200 sitting:>.
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is patched at IO.!ID a. m. & 5.20 p.m. week days;
a. rectory, net yearly value £250, with 20 acres of glebe days, arrive 6.10 a.m.; dispatched at 5.20 p.m
and residence, in the gift of and held since 18g8 by Wall Letter Box, Church, cleared at 10.30 a.m. & 4
the Rev. Everett James Bishop M.A. of Christ's p.m. week days only
College, Cambridge. The United Methodist chapel was
built in 1839; the Primitive Methodist chapel (formerly PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
a cottage) was converted to its present purpose about Cley Institute, Rev. E. J. Bishop M.A. hon. sec
1837· The Institute, ere-cted in 1907, comprises read- Cley Volunteer Life Saving Apparatus Company (25
ing, billiard and concert rooms. In qo6 James, son of men), Frank Whatley, chief boatman, & 1 man with
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, being on a to a life saving apparatus, No. 113
France, was driven by stress of weather on to this coast,
Public Hall, erected in 1896, will seat 200, H. N.
and detained by the mariners of Cley, who sent him
Parker, proprietor
prisoner to London. .Arthur Wrigley Cozens-Hardy esq.
J.P. of Cley Hall, who is lord of the manor, and Fraucis
Williarn Monement esq. are the chief landowners. The An Education Committee of 6 managers was formed
soil is light; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are of Oct. 1st, 1903; C. F. Bailey, Sheringham, clerk &
the four-course system. The area is 2,08 3 acres of land, attendance officer.
8 of water, n of tidal water and 102 of foreshore; Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 186o, at a
l'ateable value, £3,333; the population in I9II was 769. cost of £7oo, as a. British school & opened 1875 a~ a
Sexton, William Weston. Board school for 125 children, & enlarged in 1896 to
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Beatrice Mary Hudson, hold 166 children (& now, 1912, about to be enlarged,
sub-postmistress. (Letters should have Norfolk for ICJo); average attendance, 178; Frederick Ernest
added.) Arrive at 6. w a. m. & 12.50 p.m. ; dis- Daines, master; Mrs. Florence Daines, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barclay & Company Ltd. bankers (sub- Hudson BeatriceMary(Miss),stationer,
branc'h to Halt) (Hamilton R.Tyler, fancy repository & sub-postmistress
Allen Miss, Glaven house manager), attends on tues. from x Lee George, farmer
Bishop Rev. Everett Jas.M.A.Rectory to 3; draw on head office, 54 Lom- Leeder Robert John, butcher
Enrronghes Stephen Barnabas, The bard street, London E C Long Wm. boot repairer, Homer cot
Gables Bastard John, painter Lown William, farmer
Catling Mrs. The Cot Bastard Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress ma Mann William, jun. jobbing builder
Clark John J. Manor house Bolton Herbert James, Goorge family Massingham Geo.Edmund, blacksmth
Cozens-Hardy Arthur Wrigley J.P. & commercial hotel; good accom- Neale Sidney, baker & confectioner,
Cley hall · modation for motorist·s & cyclists; corn & flour dealer
Digby Algernon head quarters C. T.C Newton William Ernest, overseer &
Fox Mn. Maori Pah Brett Howard,carpenter & wheelwrght clerk to Parish Council, Ye Olde
Lewis Mrs. Umgeni Brundle Albert Edwd. frmr. Old hall Custom house
Macleod Miss, The Knoll Burroughes Brothers, bakers Ottaway Edgar, Swallows P.H
Mann Lewis Burronghs Stephen Barnabas, agent Pashley Frederick, painter & decoratr
Monement Francis William,The Green to Lieut.-Col. T. F. A. Watson Pashley Henry Nash, taxidermist
Randall Wilham Kennedy J.P. & farmer Pinchen Jeannette (Mrs.),apartments,
Ridley William R Clamp Henry, carpenter to A. W. Surbiton cottage
Stangroom Ernest A. London house Cozens-Hardy esq. J.P Pinchen Bobt. Jas. fowler & fisherman
Starling- Mrs. Ivy bank Claxton Henry, boot repairer Podmore Henry, carpenter
Sumpter Mrs Cley Institute (Rev. E. J. Bishop Public Hall (H. N. Parker, proprietor)
Taylor Robert, Umvoti M.A. hon. sec) Ramm Edward, trap propriewr
Coe John & Sons, basket makers Stangroom Ernest A. grocer, draper
Foulger Horace, farmer, Swans lodge & wine merchant, auctioneer, trade
Francis George Henry, hair dresser valuer & estate agent
Alien Ephraim, farmer, thrashing Gathercole Benjamin, gardener to Stangroom James, earthenware dealPr
machine owner & steam haulage A. W. Cozens-Hardy esq. J.P Starr George, grocer & draper
contractor, Green farm Gibbs William, master mariner Temple Henry, blacksmith
Alien Robert, farmer, Newgate farm Golding Ma:rv Jane Honoria & Ellen Watts Anna (Mrs.), Fishmonger-.'
.Anderson John Thomas, apartments, Frances (Misses), apartments, Bean Arms hotel
Bradwell lodge Rivage house West Alfred, gamekeeper to A. W.
Baines Fredk. Wm. King's Head P.H Grimes Jn. & Hubert,market gardnrs Cozens-Hardy esq. J.P
CLIPPESBY is a parish extending to the river Bure and the tower raised 6o feet; and in 1891 the chancel
Rnd is 3 miles south-west from the Martham station on was exquisitely painted and decorated at the expense of
tho Midland and Great Northern joint railway, and 3! John Parkimon Hall esq. of Yarmouth: there are 100
east-by-north from Acle station on the Norwich and sittings. The register dates from the year 1732. The
Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern railway, 15 north- living is a rectory, net yearly value £150, including 3
east from Norwich and 9 north-west from Yarmouth, in acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of G. L. Turner
t.he Eastern division of the county, incorporated hundred, esq. and held since 1897 by the Rev. Alfred William
petty sessional division and incorporation of East Lovely Rivett, who is also a surrogate. Clippesby Hall,
and West Flegg, county court district of Yarmouth, the residence of Peregrine M. Feeney esq. is a mansion
rural deanery of Flegg and archdeaconry and diocese of white brick, standing on rising ground, with corn-
of Norwich. The chnr~h of St. Peter is an ancient build- manding prospects over a. large extent of country.
ing of stone in the Norman and Early English styles, George Lewis Turner esq. of 13 Chester terrace,
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and .an embattled Regent's Park, London N W, is the chief landowner.
western tower with an octagonal belfry stage, containing The soil is light loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
one bell: in the church are two ancient brasses, one are wheat, oats and barley. The area is about 867
of which, to a member of the Clippesby family, is dated acres;. assessable value, £815; the population in 1911
r 'i94: the other, to the Palling-e family, is dated 1508 : waH 138.
there is also a fragment of a palimpse~t brass, dug np in Assistant Overseer, George .A.ddy, Repps.
the garden of the old rectory, and now in the church
chest, and exhibits on the obverse part an inscription Letter Box cleared at 5.30 p.m. & on sunday~ at ID a.m.
including the words: "Anima Johannis H." and is Letters through Yarmouth arrive at 8 a. m. Burgh St.
po.s-sibly the brass to John Heron, rector 1472 , noted by Margaret (Fleggbnrgh) is the nearest telegraph &
Blomefield; the reverse has a portion of a.nother in- money order office, about 1! miles distant
scription, of about the same date: two good Norman The children of this place attend the school at Burgh St.
doorways still exist: in 1875 the church was restored, Margaret & Thurne
Feeney Pt>regrine M. Clippesby hall COMMERCIAL. Debbage Benjamin, market gardener
Rivett Rev. Alf. William Lovely Bland Robert, market gardener Hudson Thomas, market gardener
(rector & surrogate) Cooke Edward, farm bailiff to T. Smith Frederick, parish clerk & gar-
Turner George Lewis, jun. South ho Cooke esq dener to Rev. A. W. L. Rivett
COCKLEY CLEY is a parish 4 uu1es south-west from and diocese of Norwich. The village consists of a fe"'!
Swatiham station on the Lynn and Thetford section of detached houses. The church of All Sainte is an anc~nt
the Great Eastern railway, in the South Western division edifice of flint and alone in the Early English style, con-
of the county, South Greenhoe hundred and petty ses- sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, I!Outh porch and a round
sional division, Swaffham union and county conrt district, embattled western tower containing one bell: there are
rural deanery of North Granwich, archdea.conry of Lynn, 250 sitting!!. The register dates from the year 1731.

The living is a rectory, net yearly value £175, with The chief crops are barley, turnips 6.Ild pasture. The
residence, in the gift of Francis All en esq. and held area is 4,427 acres, one-third of which is 'heath and 5
since 1910 by the Rev. Herbert Pole M.A. of Oxford of water; rateable value, £r,r86; and the population in
University. The charities include Yorker's, Bagge's dole I9II was 246.
and some others, amounting in all to about £21 yearly, Post & Telegraph Office.-~rs. Arthar Root, sub-post~
principaJly for fuel. Cockley Cley Hall, the seat of mistress. Letters arrive from Swaffham at 7.25 a.m.
Francis Alien esq. and erected in 187o-1, is a large & 6.5 p.m. & dispatched at 7.25 a.m. & 6 p.m.;
mansion of red brick with stone facings in the Italian sundays at 7.20 a.m. Swaffham, 4 miles distant, is
style. and stand.;; in a well-wooded park, containing a the nearest money order office
fine lake. Francis Allen esq. is lord of the manor and Public Elementary School (mixed), for 35 children;
principal landowner. '!'he soil is sandy; ·sub.-wil, loam. average !ittendance, 33; Miss Harriett Ward, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Jones Arthur Robert, blacksmith
Alien Francis, Cockley Cley hall Carter Alfred, farm bailiff to Francis Root Arthur (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Pole Rev. Herbert M.A. (rector), The Allen esq post office
Rectory de Rungary Robert, Cock P.H

COCKTHORPE is a village and parish about 5 miles since rgo6 by the Rev. David Lee Lee-Elliott M.A. of
east-south-east from Wells and 5 north-east from Walsing- Cambridge University, who resides at Blakeney. Cock-
bam stations on the Lynn and Dereham section of the thorpe was the birthplace of three distinguished admirals
Great Eastern railway, in the Northern division of the of the 17th century, viz. Sir Cloudesley Shovel in r65o,
county, North Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional Sir John, Narborough, who entered the navy in 1664,
division, Walsingham union and county court district, and Sir Christopher Minns. Here are some remains of
rural deanery of Walsingham, archdeaconry of Lynn and l\ once magnificent residence, last occupied by John
diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints, which is Calthorpe esq. an ancestor of the present Lord Cal-
chiefly in the Early English style, consists of a. long thorpe. James Case esq. is sole landowner. The
chancel, nave, south aisle, .south porch and a tower con- soil is mixed; subsoil, marl and clay. The chief crops
taining one bell : in the south aisle are ancient monu- are barley, wheat and turnips. The area is 552 acres;
ments and brasses to Sir John Calthrope, knight, ob. r6I5, rateable value, £374; in rgrr the population was 67.
and Dame Barbara, his wife, ob. 1639: the seats are
Parish Clerk, Henry Billett.
carved with the date 1642: the church was repaired in
1839, and again in 1908, and has 8o sittings. The Letter Box cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 4-45 p.m. Letters
register dates from the year 156o. The living is a t.hrough Wells arrive at 8 a.m. & 4-45 p.m. Stiffkey
rectory, annexed with the perpetual curacy of Glandford is the nearest money order & telegraph office, about
to the !'ectory of Elakent-y, joint net yearly value £390, ~~ mile-s distant
including roo acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift
of the Hon. Mrs. Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, and held The children of this place attend the schools at Langham
Case James, farmer, Seaview & Gostling John, farm bailiff to J ames Sillett Hy. gardener to Jas. Case esq
Manor House farm! ; & at Little Case esq

COLBY (or Coleby) is a parish and village 3! miles of Mrs. S. E. Robinson, and held sinc3 1907 by the
north-east from Aylsham station on the East Norfolk Rev. Alexander Wintle Blan<:h. There are a Wesleyan
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 3 miles north chapel, erected in 1846, and restored in 189r, and a

from Aylsham Town station on the Midland and Great ' Reformed Wesleyan chapel, built in 1905. Richard
Northern joint railway, in the Northern division of the
Sm•lling, of Col by, yeoman, left £1 to be distributed
county, South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional 1
among the aged poor every Christmas Day, and £1 ros.
division, Aylsham union and county court district, rural every Eao8ter Day to clothe four poor children of the
parish, and charged two close~ of his land in the north

deanery of Ingworth (North division) and archdeaconry

and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Giles is of fidd of Colbv to secure the payment of the legacies.
flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, Capt. Reginald Cossley Batt M. V.O. of Gresham Hall,
nave, south porch and a western tower rontaining one 1
who is lord of the manor, Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O.,
bell: over the porch is a priest's room : the north K. C.B., V .D. and the trustees of the late Richard H. J.
aisle was removed in t4e last century, and some Gurney esq. F.S.A. of Northrepps Hall (d. IB99), are
brasses and other memorials were then transferred to the principal landowners. The c;oil is mixed; subsoil,
the floor of the nave: the east window is filled with gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
ancient stained glass collected by t·he Rev. George barley. The area is I,I:2I acres; rateable value,
Coleby, rector from 18~2 to 1842, who aho presented the £1,473; the population in I9II was 285.
altar piece : the font is an exception~lly fine example of 1
Parish Clerk, George William Eastoe.
15th century work: there are memonal marble tablets to
the Colby and Roper families, and to the Rev. Edward Letter Box cleared at 4·30 P:m. week days only_ Let-
Maynard Goslett D.D. rector (r8 7o-8 9 ): the church ters throu$'h Ayl'Yham, arr1ve at 6.45 a.m. & 5 p.m.
plate includes a paten of the 15 th century and one of Aylsham 1s the .neare~t money order & telegraph
Elizabethan date: the church was reseated and otherwise office, about 3 mlles d1stant

improved in 1890, and the gallery removed in 1896, and Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 188o, & en-
now affords about rso sittings. The register dates from larged in 1896, for 223 children; average attendance,
the year 1552, and there is a list of rectors from 1314. 170; Henry · Colegate, master; Mrs. Anna Colegate,
The living is a discharged rectory, net yearly value mistress. This school provides for the children of

[220, with 7 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift Banningham, J<'elmingbam & Suffield
Blanch Rev . .A.lexa_nder Wintle (rector), Hall William John, farmer Mann Arthur, pork butcher
Rectory Harmer Benjamin, collector of taxes, Pratt Richd. Robt. farmer, Hall farm
COMMERCIAL. assistant ov8rseer & clerk to the Pratt Wm. R. farmer, Manor farm
Barrett Ed ward, farmer Parish Council Reynolds Ambrose Obadiah, mole
Barrett William, farmer Harmer Harriet (Mrs.), tobacconist & catcher
Corner Arthur, farmer provision merchant Sarsby Charles, farmer
Daniels John, farmer Jordan Henry, farmer, Pegg's farm

COLKIRK is a parish and village seated on a height, years rector of this parish, who died N~vember 28th,
and commands a fine prospect, about 2 miles south from r815, and to Catherine, his wife, who died March 19th.
Fakenham station on the Wells and Dereham section of the 1793: there are several stained windows, and the church
Great Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the county, affords 255 sittings. The register dates from the year
Launditch hundred, union and petty sessional division of 1538. The living is a rectory, consolidated in 1883 with
Mitford and Launditch, county court district of East Dere- Oxwick, joint net yearly value [449, including 81 acres
ha.m, rural deanery of Toftrees with North Brisley, arch- of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the trustees of
deaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Norwich. The church the late Rev. W. M. Hoare, and held since 19I2 by
of St. Mary the Virgin is a _..mall and plain building of the Rev. Arthur Robertson Hoare B.A.Cantab. There
flint, in the Gothic style. consisting of chancel, nave, is a Primitive Methodist chapel here. The charities
north aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower amount to £45 yearly, principally for fuel. The
captaining 5 bells: in the church are memorials to Marquess Townshend is lord of the manor and principal
Nichola.s Timperley, ob. 1664; William Timperley, ob. landowner. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay. The chief
z56o; Ann Barker, ob. 1662; Thomas Martin M. A. 46 crops are wheat, turnips and barley. The area is 1,564
acres; rateable value, £ r ,ofn; the population in 19n Fakenham, 3 miles di.stant, iE the nearest money order
was 409. & telegraph office
Parish Clerk, Edward Goodman.
Post Office.-Mrs. Ann Sparrow, sub-postmistres-s. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1847• &
Letters through Fa.kenibam arrive at 6.30 a. m. & 5-45 enlarged in 1895, for 118 children; average attendance,
p.m. ; dispatched at 5·45 p.m. week days only. 81; Arthur B. .Adhimar, master
PRIVATE RESIDE~Ts. Crane James, farm bailiff to T. Ward Green John, farmer
Beck Misses & Son Hall Harry, vermin destroyer
Chambers Miss, The Cottage Dawson Art-hur C. farmer Harper Arthur G. carpenter
Jee .Alfred Morland, Colkirk house Dunn William, boot & shoe maker Nelson George, builder & contractor
Overton Peter Raven Fakenham Co-operative Society Ltd. Nobes John, Crown P.H
Wharton ~rthur, Colkirk hall (Henry G. Johnson, sec) Toll Phoebe (Miss), farmer
COMMERCIAL. Goggs Thomas Richard, farmer; res. Wharton .Arthur, farmer, Colkirk hall
Bailey Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper :Fakenham Wright Matt.hew,beer ret.& blcksmtb
COLNEY is a parish, pleasantly seated on a height near The living is a rectory, net yearly value {,170, with
the river Yare, on the road from Norwich tu Watton, 2 residence, in the gift of Hugh Gurney Barclay esq. J.P.
miles south from Hellesdon station on the Midland and of Colney Hall, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Thomas
Great Northern joint railway and 3 west from Norwich, Temple Brown B.A. of Trinity College, Oxford, who
in the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe is also vicar of Earlham with Bowthorpe. The Parish
petty sessional division, hundred of Humbleyard, union room was erected at the joint expense of the late John
of Henstead (Humbleyard sub-division), county court Gurney esq. and the Rev. W. N. Ripley, rector I88S-
district of Norwich, rural deanery of Humbleyard, 1899. Colney Hall, the residence of Hugh Gurney Bar-
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. clay esq. M.V.O., J.P. is 11 mansion standing on the
The church of St . .Andrew is a small and plain build- summit of a hill and commanding an extensive view,
ing of flint, in the Perpendicular style, C(.nsisting of embracing some magnificent scenery. H. G. Earclay esq.
chancel, nave, south porch and a round western tower con- is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil
taining 2 bells: there are two memorial windows, erected is light and sandy; subsoil, marl, clay and gravel. The
in 1875, to Joseph Scott esq. D.L. and four inserted in chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The
the chancel in 1900 in memory of the late Mrs. H. G. area is 950 acres, in three farms; rateable value,
Barclay: the church was restored in 1886, at an expense £1,041; the population in I9II was 164.
of £r,ooo, and the chancel refitted under the direction Parish Clerk, Alfred H. Bone.
of Mr. H. J. Green, architect, of Norwich, as a Post Office.-Alfred H. E:me, sub-postmaster. Letters
memorial to the Rev. John Hervey Payne B.A.. late are delivered from Norwich at 6 a.m. & 5.20 p.m.;
rector (1849-84), who died in 1885: the stained east dispatched at 1.5 & 6.25 p.m.; sunday, dispatched 6.25
window is a memorial to the Rev. J oseph John Gurney p.m. Eaton, 3 miles distant, is the nearest money
M . .A. of Old Lakenham Hall, and vicar of St. John de order & telegraph office
.Sepulchre, Norwich (1876-90), who died in 1Bgo: there The children of this parish attend the Elementary school
are 120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1741. at Little Melton
Henning Charles, gamekeeper to H.
COMMERCIAL. G . E arc 1ay esq. M . V . 0 . , J . p
Bone Alfred H. blacksmith & parish Holmes Edward, farm bailiff to Wm.
Barclay Hug-h Gurney M.V.O., J.P. clerk. Post office Makens esq
Colney hall Eastwick John Plowright, farm bailiff Makens William, farmer
Brown Rev. Thomas Temple B.A. to H. G. Barclay esq. M.V.O., J.P Wilson John Strange, agent for the
(rector of Colney & vicar of Earl- Heaton James, head gardener to H. Norwich Union Yire & Life offices.
ham-with-Bowthorpe), Rectory G. Barclay esq. M.V.O., J.P The Old Hall
COLTISHALL is a parish and small town on the high centre of the village, and commands a fine view of the
road between Norwich and North Walsham, and on the left surrounding country, including the river Bure. The
bank of the river Bure, with a station on the branch of the Master and Fellows of King'& College, Cambridge, who are
East Norfolk Western Extension railwav from Wroxham to lord~ of the manor, Mrs. Richard Rogers, Mrs. Yalcon
Aylsham, 7 miles north from Norwich, in the Eastern and H. R. Burroughes esq. of Burlingham Hall, are the
division of the county, South Erpingbam hundred and chief landowners. The soil is sand and gravel; sub-
petty sessional division, Aylsham union and county court soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
district, rural deanery of Ingworth (South division) and turnips. The area is I,IBI acres of land and 9 of
archdea.conry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. water; rateable value, £3,996; the population in 19IX
John the Baptist is a building of flint, in the Early English was 984.
shle, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch, Parish Clerk, Robert Starling.
arid an embattled western towar, nearly 70 feet high, con-
taining a clock, presented in 1877 by R . .A. Gorell esq. Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office.-A.lfred Edward
and 6 bells: the east doorway and battlements of the Roy, sub-postmaster. Letters through Norwich arrive
tower are curiously enriched with rude figures: the at 6.30 a.m. & 2.35 p.m. week days; sundays, 6.30
ancient 2creen was restored at the expense of W. H. a.m. & are dispatched thereto at 12.30, s.xo & 8.20
Hackblock esq.: there is a memorial window to Mrs. p.m.; sundays, 5.10 & 8.20 p.m
Kemp, late of the Manor House: the organ was pro- Wall Letter Box, near the" King's Head," cleared at 9.15
v:ded in 1865: the church was restored in 1865 by a.m. & 4-15 & 8 p.m. ; sun days, 8.45 a.m
subscription, at a cost of £goo, the cost of repairing Wall Letter Box, Station, cleared at 12.45 (r2.30 July
the chancel being defrayed by the Rev. Joseph Thackeray to Sept.), 3.15 & 8 p.m.; sundays, 7.30 p.m
M.A. late rector (1846-Bo): a vestry was added in 1877,
at the joint expense of R. .A. Gorell esq. and the PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENT3.
rector: there are 400 sittings, 100 being free. The
register dat-es from the year 155 8. The living is a
Aylsham Navigation Co. • collector o[
tonnage dues

consolidated in x88o with that of Great Haut- Cottage Hospital, Bernard Duncan Zorapore Wright
bois, joint net yearly value £381, with 37 acres of M.R.C.S.Eng.; L.R.C.P.Lond. & Wilfrid Ashwell
glebe, in the gift of Mrs. Frances Girling, and held .Aldred M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officers;
since 1907 by the Rev. Philip Henry Girling B.A. of Miss M. Garbutt, matron
Pembroke College, Cambridge. The Church room ~as Reading & Mutual Improvement 'Society, Major C. W.
erected in 1910 at a cost of £300. There are Wesleyan .A..rchdale, president; Mr. R . .A... W. Sayer, hon. sec. &
1md United Methodist chapels. The only charitable treasurer
·bequest is one by John Ohapman, merchant, in 1718, Fire Brigade, Charles Wells. superintendent, & 16 men
of £Io yearly for the education of 10 poor boys, Public Elementary School, erected by 1mbscription in x845.
augmented by a further donation of about £ro x6s. 8 assisted by 8 parliamentary grant, & enlarged in r878,
year, left in xBxs by Dr. Charles Grape, formerly rector to hold 230 children; average attendance, 225; John
of Coltishall ; these charitie!! are now at the disposal of the George Walton, master; Mrs . .A. Balls, infants' mist
Education .Authorities. There are extensive malting
houses, and a considerable trade is carried on in malt Railwav •
Station, Edward William Jackson, station mast
and corn. Excellent fishing and yachting can be ob- Carriers to Norwich.-George Marsh, to the 'Wagon &
tained in the neighbourhood. Henry Ill. in 1231 Horses,' Tombland, mon. wed. & sat. 9 8.m. returns
granted a charter to the town, conferring several privi- ~ame days; Henry William Jeffries, to the 'Duke's
leges on the inhabitants. Coltishall Hall, the seat of Palace,' Duke strPl't, mon. wed. & sat. 9 a.m. returns
Mrs. Richard Rogers, is a handsome mansion, near the same davs •
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brockwa.y Jn. Sha.dwell, tomato growr Page Ernest J. taitor
A.rchdale Maj. Chas. Wells, Grove bo Child Fred Robert, baker Pike Robert J. fishmonger
Barber John, Melbourne house , Church William, head gardener to Platten Leslie, Whft~ Horse hotel
Buchanan Miss, Wood end ' Mrs. Rogers Reading & Mutuatt-lmprovement Sn-
Collison Edgar Henry, Manor house Coltishall Cottage Hospital (Bernard ciety (Major "Q, W. Archdale,
Cubitt Capt.Chas. Percy, Coltishall bo Duncan Zorapore WTight M.R.C.S. president; R. A. W. Sayer, bun.
Eldred Edward John Henry, Holly Io 1 Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & Wilfrid sec. & treasurer)
Eversley William, White house Ashwell Aldred M.R.C.S.Eng., Rice Robert, harness maker
Gill Miss, Coltishall mead L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officers; Roberts Leonard Archie, King's HeJd
Girling Rev. Philip Henry B.A. (rec- Miss M. Garbutt, matron) P.H
tor), Rectllry Coman Emma&Marion (Misses),grocrs Rays' Stores, drap~rs & grocers
Gorell Miss, The Old hall. Ccman Frederick Arthur, sanitary Rudling Lucy (Miss), apartments
Harper Wm. Henry, The Woodlands plumber&general decorator. TN 199 Smith Alfred, fishmonger
Hilder George, The Limes Earl Uriah, blacksmith Smithdale Williarrt, New inn
Playfotd Mrs. Glebe house Falcon & Birkbeck, land agents Starling Robert, decorative painter
Rogers Mrs. Richard, Coltishall hall Fletcher Samuel, hair dresser Stibbons William, butcher
Sayer Richard Alban William Goodson Henry, Rising Sun P.H Stubbs Harry James, beer retailer
Williams Thomas, Westbourne house Harmer John Joshua, tailor Taylor William, farmer
Wright Bernard Duncan Zorapore Harmer Robert, boot maker Thrower Alfred Richard, blacksmith
Harper William H. insurance agent Vout Waiter George, builder
COMMERCIAL. Hook Robert, wheelwright Ward Albert George, builder
.!dams Charles, watch maker Hudson Henry, baker Watling R. S. & Son, maltsters
Alien -& Hunter, boat builders Hunt Peter George, Anchor P.H Wilson Willie Bane, insurance agent
Alien Emma (Mrs.), grocer Hunter James, boat builder, see Alien Wright & Aldred, surgeons
Ayhham Navigation Co. ( & Hunter Wright Bernard Duncan Zorapore
, collector of tonnage dues) Jeoffries Henry William, carrier M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm,
Barclay & Company Ltd.bankers (sub- Ling & Co. Ltd. corn, coal, cake, seed Wright & Aldred), surgeon, medical
branch to Aylsham), open tues. & salt merchants, Staithe granaries officer & public vaccinator, 7th
10.30 to I. 30; draw on head & G. E. Ry. station; office, Bux- district, Aylsham union & medical
office, 54 Lombard st. London E C ton mill, Norwich officer of health to Smallburgh
Birkbeck Christopher Robert, laud Marsh George, carrier Rural Disbrict
agent, see Falcon & Birkbeck Nicholson Margaret (Mrs.), farmer Wright Edward George,cycle repair£>r
Bond Robert, harness maker Page Arthur, accountant Wright Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper
COLTON is a village and parish bounded on the south by a stained east window was pres-ented in 1900 by Mrs.
the river Yare, 4! miles north-east from Kimberley station Ficklin and Mr. Travers Daveney in memory of many
on the Dereham and Wymondham line of the Great generations of the Daveney family from I500 to I9oo:
Eastern railway, 6! north-west from Wymondham and 8 there are 150 sittings. The register dates from the
west from Norwich, in the Mid division of the county, year 1543. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
Forehoe hundrl).d, petty sessional division and union, £219, including so acres of glebe, with residence, in
Norwich county court dlstrict, rural deanery of Hingham, the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held eince 1892 by the
ForehoB division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Rev. Herbert Sydenham Clarke M.A. of Trinity College,
Norwich. The church oi St. Andrew is a small building of Cambridge: the rectory house was built in I875, at a ccst
flint, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, uf £r,ooo. The late John Daveney esq. left £550 in £3
north porch a.nd an embattled western tower containing 3 per Cent~. the interest ot which should be applied in &ld
bells: the chancel and nave are divided by a screen, neatly of a salary to the organist. The fuel allotment of ro
carved,and the seats have handsomely carved poppy heads: acres produc£>s £9 yearly, which is given to the poor in
inside th~ south door is a holy w11ter stoup: the pulpit was coals. This place is in the manor of Costessy, of which
presented in 1877 by C. Sug-den esq. the brass lectern was Lord Stafford is lord. G. F. Blake esq. of The
given a.nd the chancel reseated by the Rev. Henry White- Chantry, Norwich, and E. B. Burstall esq. are the
lock Turner M.A. late rector (1877·92): in the chancel are chief landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, chiefly
tablets to Rev. Henry Rix A.M. d. July 24, I728; a.nd to clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, hay, turnips
Emily Georgina, wife of Maxwell Julius Blacker A.M. and and mangold. The area is 920 acres; rateable value,
her four children, who were all buried in one gruve at £985; in 19II the population was r88.
Brompton, Middlesex, June 24th and July 2nd, 1858: at Parish Clerk, John Minns.
th~ .north end of tJhe nave is a monument with arms to Post Office.-Arthur Bulley sub- ostmaster. Letters
Phil1p Pooley gent. 17I5 ; and them are tablets tQ Mrs. .
received from N orw1ch . ' 5-45P a.m. & 5·5 p.m.;
Eli za b eth B rowne (d . 1741 ) ; H enry D aveney (d . 177I ) an d d"1spa t c h ed a t 5·4:l~ a.m. & 5-S p.m. H onmg · h am 1s
· th e
. ·r H D M
S r..sanna h h 1s Wl e ; enry aveney, ayor o f 'l'hn+f
or m· t d & t 1 h ffi
I 639 a.n d m· I 6 47 (d. 166 2) an d D oro th y hi s Wl"fe, on d t_o neares
, . , money or er e egrap
. o .ce . ~
Jerem1ah Ive!l J.P., M.A., F.R.S. (d. 1 s29 ) and Anne bJs Pubhc Elementary Schoo_I (miXed), bmlt m r8.)5, at a
wife: the interior of tJhEl church was thoroughly repaired cost of £250, for 50 ch1ldren; average attendance, 36,;
in 1ss 2 and the windows filled. with stained glass, & PB:rtly SU_Pported. by £2 fro~ the Rev: Henry R1x s
and in r855 the gallery was enlarged and a new organ chanty; M1ss Anme Mary Wh1tmell, m1stress
erected at a cost of £250, defrayed by the late John Carrier~ to N orwich.-Elijah J ohnson, on wed. & sat. ;
Daveney esq. : in r89o the basement of the tower James Curson, from Ea.s·t Tuddenham, pa,sses through
was new-floored, panelled and converted into a vestry: on wed. & sat
Clarke Rev. Herbert Sydenham M.A. Dunnell Ernest Arthur, farm steward Johnson Elijah, carrier
Rectory to Gerard Blake esq Madders Henry, shopkeeper
Dunnell Harrv.

blacksmith Middleton David, farm bailiff to Wm .
COMMERCIAL. Dunnell John Henry, horse hoe manu· Lack e'q
Bird Henrv• John, farmer,Manor farm facturer & beer retailer \ Partrick Frederick, Negro's Head P.H
Eulley Arthur, carpenter, Post office Earl Elijah, farmer 'Sayer Last, farmer
COLVESTON is a parish 6 miles north from Brandon r888 by the Rev. Henry Chichele Hart B ..A.. of Corpus
station on the Ely and Thetfol'd section of the Great Cbristi College, Cambridge, and rural dean of Cranwich
Eastern railway, and 10 south-by-west from Swaffham, in (!>outh division), who resides at Cranwich. Herbert
the South Western division of tihe county, hundred and Francis Smith esq. of Didlington Hall, is lord of the
petty sessional division of Grimshoe, union and county manor and principal landowner. The soil is light
court district of Swaffham, rural deanery of Cranwich sandy; subsoil, chalk and sand. The chief crops are
(south division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of rye, barley and turnips. The area is 862 acres ; rate·
Norwich. The church of the Virgin Mary has been fur able value, £300; the population in rgii was 34·
years dilapidated, and little more than the foundation is Letters through Mundford by foot post at 7·45 a.m.
now visible. The living is a rectory, consolidated with Mundford is the nea-..·est money order & telegraph
that of Oranwich and the vicarage of Didlingwn, joint office, about 2 miles distant
net yearly value £240, including II4 acres of glebe. in
the gift of Herbert Francis Smith esq. and held since The children of this place attend the school at Ickburgh
Williamson George, fanner, Colveston farm
CONGHAM: is a village and parish r mile east-by- North Western division of the county, Freebridge Lynn
north from Grimston Road station and r! south from hundred, petty sessional division and union, Lynn county
Hillington station on the Midland and Great Northern court district, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), arch-
joint railway, and 7 east-north-east from Lynn, in the deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church
of St. .Andrew is an ancient building of stone and flint, in Mrs. Dawnay, of Hillington Hall, are the principal land·
the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave and owners. The soil is light sand; subsoil, chalk. The
an embattled western tower containing one bell : in the chief crops are wheat, turnips, mangold wurtzel and
nave is a mural monument to Jacob Lubbock (d. 1787), some land in pasture. The area is 2,8g6 acres; rateable
and the chancel retains an Early English piscina; the value, £2,149; the IXJpulation in H}1I was 253.
stained east window is a memorial to four members ol Parish Clerk, Robert Henry Smith.
the Elwes family, I878-82: the church affords us sit-
tings. The register of baptisms and burials dates from Post Office.-Mrs. Martha Overton, sub-postmistress.
1580; marriages 158x. The living is a consolidated reo- Letters through Lynn, via Hillington, arrive at 6.20
tory, net yearly income £340· with 35 acres of glebe aud o.. 12.30 p.m.; d"1spa t c h e d a t 12.20 o.
a.m. o. o.. 6 .20 p.m.;
l'esidence, in the gift of Mrs. Kersley, and held sin~e sundays at 12 _50 p.m. Hillington & Grirnston, about
1B93 by the Rev. Stewart Raper Kersley M ..A. of the 2 miles distant, are the nearest money order & tela-
University of Oxford. The poor have the interest of £10 graph offices
left by J()hn Bailey in I712. Sir Henry Spelman, the
famous antiquary, was born here in rs6 2 . Congham Hall Wall Letter Box, corner of Lynn lane, cleared at 10.45
is the property of Ra<ml Charles Finch Elsden-Evenud a.m. & 6.r5 p.m.; sundays at 12 ·45 p.m
esq. J.P. of Roydon Lodge, Roydon. Congham House Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r844, for
is the property of Mrs. Elwes, who is lady of the 8o children; average attendance, 30; Miss C. Rudd,
m.anor. R. C. F. Elsden-Everard esq. and the Hon. mistress
Elwes Mrs. Little Congham COMMERCIAL. Rennett Thos. Saml. beer ret.& btcht
Elwes Robert Hamond Arthur J.P. Bullen George James, farmer Watson John, farmer
Little Congham i Daborn Frdk.gardener to Congham ho Watts .Albert, head gamekeeper to
Xersley Rev. Stewart Raper M. A. ~Driver William, estate carpenter His Majesty the King
(rector), Rectory I Edge J onathan Ash, farmr. Manor fm
CORPUSTY i11 a village and parish with a station on wer esq. J.P. of Heydon, who is lord of the manor, and
the Midland and Great Northern joint railway from Lynn the trustees of the late Major-Gen. Cecil R. St. John
to Yarmouth, 6 miles north-west from Aylsham, IS Ives, of Moyn's Park (d. r8g6), are the principal land-
north-west from Norwich, in the Northern division of owners, the latter being owners of the rectorial tithes.
the county, South Erpingham hundred and petty ses- The soil is light and sandy; subsvil, sand and gravel.
sional division, .Aylsham union and county court district, The chief crops are wheat, barley, hay and root!!. The
eanery of Ingworth (North division), and arch- area is 1,027 acres; rateable value, £ r,472; the popu-
deacon y and diocese of Norwich. The chure!!: of St. latiol\ in rgn was 449·
Peter is a small building of flint in the Perpendicular Parish Clerk, Henry Platten.
t!tyle, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an Letters through Norwich, delivere-d about 9 a.m. Sax-
embattled western tower, containing one bell: there are thorpe is the nearest money order affice & there is a
120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1656. telegraph office at the Railway station, which is open
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £45, in the from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on week days only. Wall Let-
:gift of Oll. Ives, and held since 1892 by the Rev. John ter Box cleared at 11.15 a.m. & 3·45 p.m. week days
William Walker M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge, only
who is also vicar of and resides at Saxthorpe. There is
a Primitive Methodist chapel here, erected in 185g. Public Elementary School, built in 188 I at a cost of
A baking powder and mineral water manufactory, £r,roo & enlarged in rgo6, for I70 children; average
established here in 1864, is now carried on by Messrs. attendance, rsr; Fred Hough, master; Miss Clara
J. Pinchen and Son, and gives employment to a :Brown, infants' mistress
number of the inhabitants. William Derin~r Earle Bul- Railway Station, Alfred Henry Sayer, 11tation master
Pinchen James, Bloomfield house Fisher Frank Carlyle, miller (water) Miller Ernest, pig dealer
& baker Mountain Charles, grocer
COMMERCIAL. Fowell Susannah (Mrs.), farmer Pinchen J. & Son (under Royal
Butler William, blacksmith Gibbons William Richard, butcher patronage), baking powder
Carr Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Ivy farm Gough William Calls, grocer mineral water manufacturers; & at
Casburn Waiter, farmer, Manor farm Harrison Charles, Horseshoes P.H South Creake
Dodman Martha (Mrs.), Duke's Head Hipperson Samuel, Wheatsheaf P.H Tillott Thos. Aaron, grocer & draper
P.H Jarvis William, market gardener Utting Edward, farmer & butcher &c
Fisher George & Frank, farmers ·& Joice Jn . .Arth.farmer,Lime Kiln frm Vinter J. 0. & Son, coal & coke mers
seed merchants, Holly farm Laxen .Albert Richard, saddler Wil•on Waiter, carpenter & joiner
COS'TESSEY (corrupted into Cossey) is a parish and University. A new vicarage house was erected in Igo2,
"'·illage, pleasantly seated on the river Wensum, and on a commanding site given by the patrons and over-
. consists principally of one street, extending nearly 2 looking the Wensum; the architect was Mr. E. H.
miles, with houses of irregular form, I mile south-west Brooks, of London. The old school, which fell to ruins
from Dravton•
station on the Midland and Great North- between 1870 and rgoo, was rebuilt as a church room
~rn joint railway and 4! north-west from Norwich, in in rgo6. The Catholic church of St. Walstan is a
the ~id division of the countv, •
Forehoe hundred and structure of brick and has some stained windows .
petty sessional division and union, Norwich county I There is & Baptist chapel in the centre of the village,
court district, rural deanery of Hingham, Forehoe divi- also a United Methodist chapeL The only charity is one
:Sion, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. of about £7 yearly value, which is distributed annually
The church of St. Edmund is a large building of flint, on Easter Monday to poor widows and widowers resident
chiefly in the Gothic style of the 13th century, consist- i in the parish. The Parish rooms, completed in ICJ07, in
ing of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled I commemoration of the Coronation of King Edward VII.
-vre.~tern tower, with low wooden spire, containing 5, contain reading and recreation rooms, and a free library
'bells, the hanging framework of which was renewed built by public subscription, to which the chief contribu-
in iron and steel in 1905: the south doorway is Early I tors were Lnrd Stafford and .Andrew Carnegie esq. of
English: in the church is a very handsome Florid ! Skibo Castle, N.B. At the eastern extremity of the
Gothic screen, which has been renovated at the cost of village is a large flour mill, worked by the river Wen-
J. S. Corbett esq. : there are monuments to the Walde- sum. Costessey Hall, the seat of Lord Stafford, who is
-grave family, I658; and to that of Jerningham from lord of the manor and chief landowner, o~~tands in an
1730 to 1773: the church was completely restored in extensive park, close to the nver Wensum; the new
r8go at a cost of £r,soo, the nave being refitted and I Hall, which adjoins the old mansion, is a structure of
furnii!hed with a fine Jacobean pulpit: the chancel was ! red brick, in the Tudor style, erectecl from the designs
restored by the trustees of the Great Hospital, Norwich, of Mr. John Chester Buckler, architect, of Oxford, and
at a cost of about £350, the choir stalls and screens has a tower and richly ornamented chimneys and pin-
bl'ing given by the Rev. Whitwell Elwin B..!.. rector of nacles, and attached is a large domestic chapel, dedi~
Booton I84g-gg, and two new south doors were given by I1 cated to St. Augustine of England, and containing some
E. K. Harvey esq. : the east window, erected in 1898, is I stained windows of early date, brought from Bavaria;
a memorial to the Rev. James W. Evans M . .A. vicar of the Hall, which has a noble appearance, is surrounderl
this parish I845-g6: the communion plate includes a J by plantations and over goo acres of park, containing
paten dating from I492: there are 250 sittings. The some fine timber and an ornamental lake; the house is
register dates from the year 1538. The living is a vicar- enriched with a choice collecti()n of antiquities, and has
age, net yearly value £175, in the gift of the trustees I some fine paintings by old masters. The ROil is chiefly
uf the Great Hospital. at Norwich, and held since 1900 , sand and light loam; subsoil, various. The chief crops
by the Rev. John James Hampson B.A. of London are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The ar~ is 3,031
llcres, inclusive of a eommon of 270 acres, which has Wall Letter Boxes, near Costessey Park, collections ~
been enclosed, and 4 r of water; :rateable value, £3,799; a. m & 5.25 p.m. week days & B a.m. sundays; & near
the population in Ign was s95. Costessey mills, collections 1I. 25 a.m. & 4.20 & 1· 15
Parish Clerk, Albert Barber. p.m. week days; no collection on sundays
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic'~Express Delivery Office Catholic School, erected in 1871, for 200 children & en-
& Telephone Exchange.-Frank Welch, sub-postmaster. larged in 1904 for an additional 6o; average attend-
Letters arrive from Norwich at 4·45 a.m. & r.2o & 5 ance, 170; under the patronage of Lord Stafford~ the-
p.m.) dispatched at n a.m. & 5-45 & 7·5 p.m Sisters of Charity of St. Paul are the teachers
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cannell William, putcher Kett Peter, cattle dealer
Banham Charles J. Woodlands Carr George, farmer Kuppers William, skin merchant
Byrne Rev. Francis (Catholic) Doggett William, shoe maker Ottaway Ernest, baker
Finch Charles Hugh, Costessey house Dunnell Charles, motor engineer Ottaway Frederick John, shopkeeper-
Gunton Frederick Flatman Stephen, shopkeeper Palmer Alfred Edward, builder
Gunton Harry Gregory Saml. John, estate carpenter People's (The) Refreshment House-
Gunton William. Wensnm cottage · to Lord Stafford Association Limited, Falcon inn
Hampson Rev. John James' B.A. Gunton Bros. fan)cy brick makers Pollard William John, miller, see-
(vicar), Vicarage (T N 3 Costessey ·; & Little Plum- Thompson & Pollard
Jerningaam Stafford Henry J.P. Cos- stead, Norwich & West Runton, Public Library & Reading Room
tessey hall; & Boodle's club, Cromer; & at Barney, Guist (Rev. J. J. Hampson B.A. hon. sec).
London s w & Norfolk County Gunton Charles William, builder Randell Albert, grocer
club, N orwicb Gun ton Edward, beer retailer Roberts Thomas, blacksmith
Johnson John James, Glenview Gunton Frederick (Mrs.), shopkeeper Savage Charles, saddler
Pollard William John, River view Gunton Harry,clerk to Parish Council Scott Harry, gamekeeper to J. H_
Price J ames Henry, The Cottage Harris J oseph, farmer, Church farm Price esq
Stafford Lord, Cost€ssey hall Harrison Waiter, registrar of mar- Searles Sidney, White Hart P.H
Taylor Thomas, The Villas riages & insurance agent Thompson & Pollard, millers (water k
Thompson Edwa:rd Geo. St. Louis cot Harvey Charles, shoe maker steam), Costessey mills
Hostler James, chimney 1weeper Tillotson Joseph Henry, Bush P.H
COMMERCIAL. Johnson John James M.R.C.S.Eng., Welch Frank, stationer, & post office-
Banham George, well sinker L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & medical Wells John, painter
Burnett George, -corn merchant officer & public vaccinator, rst dis- Whayman Harry, grocer
Cannell Harry Chas. boot & shoe ma trict, Forehoe union, Glettview
COSTON is a parish on the river Yare, 1 mile east and held since 1897 by the Rev. Frank Edward New M ..A.
from Ha,rdingham stntion on the Wymondham and Wells of St. Peter's, Cambridge, and chaplain of Wicklewoo<J
line of the Great Eastern railway, and 5 north-~est from workhouse. The Rect_ory house was built in rBso at s.
Wymondha.m, in the Mid division of the county, Forehoe cost of £6oo, on a site where formerly stood the reeidence
hundred, petty sessional division and union, connty court of the Catholic 11rchdeacons of Norfolk, and was consider-
district of Wymondham, rural deanery of Hingham, Fore- ably enlarg·ed and restored in r886, by the Rev. A. T _
hoe division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Hodgson B.A. rector r885-go, at a cost of £5oo. Th~
Norwich. The clmrcb of St. Michaelis' an ancient edifice Earl of Kimberley is lord of the manor and principal
of stone in th& Early English style, consisting of chancel, landowner. The soil is various; subsoil, brick-earth-
nave, .south porch, and an embattled western tower con- The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay.
taining one bell: there are remains of the steps leading The area is 355 acres; rateable value, £325; the popu-
to the rood loft1 a good example of a low-side window, Iation in rgii was 37·
now bricked up, &nd an ancient pi<!cina: the organ was Parish Clark, J onathan Neve.
erected a.s a memorial t() C. C. Atkins esq. by his chil-
dren, at a cost of £,go; the church was repaired and re- Pillar I .. etter Box cleared at 5·45 p.m. Letters through:
seated in 1 B5o, and has about So sittings. The register Ha.rdingham, Attleborough, aiTive at 8.15 a.m. & 2. r.:;.
dates from the year r6q 4. The living is a rectory, with p. m. Barnham Broom is the nearest money order
the vicarage of Runhall annexed, joint net yearly value office & Runhall the nearest telegraph office, about Jo
£9o, with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the alternate mila distant
gift of the Bishop of Norwich and the Earl of Kimberley, The children of this place attend the school at Runhall
Collings Waiter Henry, Yareside jBridges Susannah (Mrs.), Coach &/Wace Richd. Waiter, farmer,The HulJ
New Rev.Frank Edwd.M.A.TheRectry Horses P.H

CRANWICH is a parish in a valley on the south stone and the vicarage of Didlington, joint net income-
side of the river- Wjssey. 6 miles north from Brandon £24o, with 19 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
station on the Ely tmd Nbrwich section of the Great of Herl:lert Francis Smith esq. and held since 1888 by
Eastern railway and 3 east of Methwold, in the South the Rev. Henry Chichele Hart B.A. of Corpus Christj
Western division of 'the county, Grimshoe hundred and College, Cambridge, and rural dean of Cranwich (South
petty sessional division, Thetford union and county division). F. J. 0. Montagu esq. of Lynford Hall, Bran-
court district,. rural deanery of Cranwich (South divi- don, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The-
sion), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. Poyntz charity produces £1 yearly. The soil is mo~tly
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is 11 small but sand. with a chalky subsoil. The chief crops are wheat,
ancient building of flint, in the Early English and later barley and turnips. The area is r,824 acres of land ancf
styles, consisting pf chancel, nave, south porch and a 5 of water; rateable value, £671 i the population in
round embattled western tower of very early date, con- 191! was 57·
taining a clock and one bell: the nave is Decorated and
Perpendicular, and the chancel Early English; com- Parish Clerk, John Aspen.
munion Tails of carved oak and oaken benches for the
school children were presented in r88S by the Rev. H. Letters through Mundford, arrive at 8 a.m. Wall Letter
Ray B.A. rector 1s7 6-g 1 : there are 120 sittings, Bo Box cleared at 8 a.m. Mundford is the nearest money
being- free. ',I'he :register dates from the year 1732 . order & telegraph office, about r! miles distant
The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Calve- The children of this place attend Mundford school
Hart Rev. Henry Chichele B.A., J.P. (rector & rural
dean), Rectory .
l Cross Edward, ¥anor farm
CRANWORTH (or Cranworth-cum-Letton) is a vil- · family, of Letton Hall, including Brampton Gurdon esq.
luge and pansh, 4~ miles west from Hardingham station M.P. for Sudbury, who commanded the Suffolk Horse-
on the Dereham and Wymondham section of the Great at Naseby, June 14, 1645, and died in r66g, and to Mary
Ea:~tern railway, 7 north-east from Watton and 6~ south (Polsted), his wife, d. 1679; and Thornhagh Gurdon·,
from Dereham, in the Mid division of the county, Mit- receiver-general of the county of Norfolk, d. 1733, and'
ford and Launditch petty sessional division, Mitford Elizabeth (Cooke ), his wife, d. 1745 : there is also 1t
hundred and union, East Dereham county court district, fine monument to Sir William CookB bart M.P. (Norf.),.
rural dean8Ty of Hingham, Mitford division, arch- d. at Letton in 1708, and one t<> the 1st Baron Cran-
rleaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church ~orth, d. 1902: in the churchyard ar~ buried Bramp·
of St. Mary the Virgin, erected about the middle of the ton Gurdon esq. M.P. (W. Norf.), ·d. '188r and
13th centurv, isa small building of flint and stone in RenriP.tta Susn.nna, his wife, daughter of Lord Colborne,
the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, d. r88o; and also the Rev. Philip Gurdon, rector
aisles. ,north porch and an embattled western tower, (1832-74): the chancel retains a piscina and sedilia:
with spire, containing 3 bells : in the church are several there is a good oak screen and choir stalls of oalt
handsome monuments to various members of the Gurdon handsomely carved: the church was restored in 185z,
nnd in rBgg the porch was rebuilt, in memory of the England, he was raised td the peerage by the title bf
Rev. Canon T. P. Garnier M.A. rector of the parish llaron Cranworth, after the name of his birthplace, bni
1874-96: the church affords 250 sittings. The register dying without issue, July 26th, z868, the title became
dates from the year 1653. The living is a rectory, with extinct in that family, but was revived 28 Jan. 1899 in
the rectories of Letton and Southhurgh annexed, joint favour of Robert Thornhaugh Gurdon, then created
net. yearly value £450, including- 38 acres of glebe with Baron Cranworth, who died 13 Oct. 1902 ~ Lord Gran-
residence, in the gift of Lord Cranworth, and held worth is lr.rd of the manor and principal landowner.
since r8g6 by the Rev. Arthur Tayler Hodgson B.A. of The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
Queens' College, Cambridge. Here is a Primitive Metho- wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,138 acres; rate-
dist chapel. On the church green still stand the village able value, £1,059; the population in rgn was 202.
"stocks," and in good preservation. The poor have £12 Sexkm, Joseph Thurston.
yearly for fuel, derived from land. Dr. Christopher
Sutton, the celebrated author of "Disce Vivere," and Letter Box cleared 8.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; sundays, 9-30
"Disce Mori," and some time incumbent of Woodrising, a.m. Letters through Thetford, via Shipdham, arrive
was rector here in 1623. Robert Monsey Rolfe, son of at 8 a.m. & 4 p.m. Shipdham is the nearest money
the Rev. Edmund Rolfe, some time curate of Oranworth order & telegraph office, about 2' miles distant
and rector of Cockley-Cley, was born in the rectory Public Elementary School (mixed), for II4 children;
house here, December 18th, 1790; being afterwards ap- average attendance, 72; Miss Melinda Smith, mistress;
pointed (December 28th, 1852) Lord High Chancellor of Miss Mabel Smith & Miss V. Aldiss, asst. mistresses
Crafer Thomas, Boater's ball Dendy Daniel, farmer, High house Nichols William, blacksmith
Hodgson Rev. Artb. Tayler B.A.Rectry Edwards William, higgler Nurse William George, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Hagan Rufus, coal merchant Sidell William, blacksmith & fatme:r_•
Bowman Ernest, shopkeeper Ha~l'fln William, laundry Staines Timothy William, farmer
Crafer George, farmer, Church farm Littleproud Alfred, baker Swing~r William, beer retailer
NORTH CREAKE is a parish and village on the road Methodist chapel here was erected in 1876. There ant'-
from Burnbam Market to Fakenham and Lynn, 3 miles four almshouses. founded by Richa.rd Mansuer in 1592•
south-by-east from Burnham Market station on the Lynn and endowed with £4 3s. a year, out of land, now the .
and Wells section of the Great Eastern railway, 7 north- property of Earl Spencer. At the northern extremity
east from Fakenbam and 21 north-east from Lynn, in the of the parish are the ruins of the abbey founded about
North Western division of the county, Brothercross bun- 1226 by Sir Robert de Hereford and Alice his wife for ·
dred, Smitbdon and Brotbercross petty sessional division, canons of the Augustinian order, in place of a hospital
Docking union, Little Walsingham county court district, of St. Bartholomew, and dissolved by Henry VII. and
rural deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Lynn and the estates granted to his mother, the Lady Margaret,
diocese of Norwich; a small rivulet rising at South Countess of Richmond, who transferred them to Christ's.
Creake passes through the parish and falls into the sea College, Cambridge, founded by her in 1505: several ot
at Burnbam Overy Staitb. The church of St. Mary the the arches Rnd piers of the choir arcades are still entire ..
Virgin, near the sout1! end of the village, is a spacioug The Rev. Robert Pearson, father of John Pearson, Bishop.
and handsome building of stone and flint, in the Decorated of Chester, the author of the well-known "Exposition of·
and Perpendicular 11tyles, consisting of chancel, with chan- the Creed," was rect!or here from 1607, and of Gt.
try and vestry, clerestoried nave, north aisle, south porch Snoring from r61o. Many ancient coins, Roman and
and an embattled western tower, bearing a sundial and English, have been found at various periods in th&
containing 6 bells: in the chancel, which dates from 1301, vicinity. Earl Spencer P.C., G.C.V.O., J.P. and the
is an Ea11ter sepulchre, and there is a mural monument Masters and Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge, are
to the Yen. H~nry Batburst (eldest son of Henry Batburst, lorrls of the manors and the principal landowners. The
Bishop of Norwich), rector of this parish 1809-44 and soil is of a light nature, rich and productive; the 1mb-
archdeacon of Norwich, d. 1844: nearly in the centre soil is chiefly chalk. The chief crops are wheat. barley.
of the chancel fi?or is a fine brass, circa. rsoo, wit~ turnips, mangold-wurtzel and seeds. The area is il•7o·z
effigy, under a tnple canopy, of the second founder, Sn· acres; rateable value, £2,949; the population in 'rgn
W. Calthorpe, in academical dress, and holding a model was 545·
of the church ~m his right arm: the hammer-beam roofs Parish Clerk, J ames Smith.
were erected In the 15th century, when the nave was . .
enlarged and the clerestory added: these are richly orna- Post, M. 0. & T. Offic~a-George W1lham Overto~.
mented. especially that of the chancel, which has figures sub-post~aster. Letters through Fakenh_am by ma1I
of winged angels and apostles, the latter bearing on scrolls cart rece1ved at 7.50 a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched at
the articles of the Apostles' Creed in Latin: the nave was 9-55 a.m. (9-35 a. m. Jul_Y, .August & Septe~boo-) &:
re-seated in 1895• and in 1897-B a chancel screen was 5- 2 5 p.m.; no sunday dehvery
erected, the east window and 3 of the chancel windows Wall Letter Box, cleared at 10.5 8.m. & 5.40 p.m.; no.·
filled with stained glass, a carved reredos and font cover sunday collection
provided and the sanctuary repaved in marble: there are Schools.
36o sittings. The register dates from the year 1538.
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £ 750 , with resi- Public Elementary School (boys, girls & infants), erectecf
dence and rBo acres of glebe, in the alternate gift of the in 1849, & rebuilt in I88j, at a cost of £250, & enlarged
Bishop of Norwich and Earl Spencer P.C., G.C.V.O., in 1895 by Earl Spencer; the schools jointly hold 18o
J.P. and held since zgn by the Rev. Canon Henry children; average attendance, 100; John Abel Arnett,
James Lawes .Arnold M.A. of Pembroke College, Cam- master
bridge, and hon. canon of Norwich. The Primitive Carrier to Fakenham.-George Blyth, daily
Arnold Rev. Canon Henry Jas. Lawe~ Clements John, farmer, Hall farm Leeder Henry Samuel, shopkeeper
M_A. (rector), The Rectory Emerson Rubert, farmer, Creake abbey Overton Geo. Wm. grocer, Post office
Rygott Miss, Cross house Everitt Thos. farmer, Shammer farm Pennell Arthur James, beer retailer-
Cheyne Miss, The Chaplain's cottage Hammond Henry, baker Reading Room (James Smith, sec)
Emerson Robert, Creake abbey Hart Herbert Thompson, Jolly Far- Sandell James, carter
Everitt Thomas, Sbammer farm mers inn Sands J ames, bricklayer
Naylor Mrs Hendrv Charles, baker Smalls Josepb, basket maker •
High Edmund, wheelwright Smith James, assistant overseer &;
COMKERCIAL. High William, cycle agent clerk to Parish Council
Adcock Hezekiah, ilhoe maker Borne George Royce, grocer Vincent Robert, farm bailiff to Wm_
Bambridge Martin & George, black- Howell Brothers, blacksmiths, wheel- Hudson e5q
smiths, West st. & farmers, Wrin- wrights, carpenters & undertakers, Walker Sarah B. (Miss), draper
gate & Glebe farms cycle & motor agents & repairers ; Wilson Robert, beer retailer
Blyth George, carrier & at South Creake Wrigbt William. sub-agent t~ Ear)
Christie Archibald Jas. frmr. Slys fm Hudson Wilham, farmer, Cross house Spencer P.C.,G.C.V.O.,J.P. West st
SOUTH CREAKE is a parish and village on the road Norwich. A small rivulet rising here falls into the sea
from Burnham Market to Fakenham and Lynn, 6 miles at Bnrnham Overy Staith_ The church of St. Mary the
north-west from Fakenham, 4 south from Burnham Virgin, situated on a slight eminence, is 8 large and
Market raill'l"ay station on the Lynn and Wells section ancient structure of flint with stone dressings, in the Per-
of the Great Eastern railway, 7 south-west from Wells pendicular styte, and consists of a chancel, nave with clere-
and 21 north-east from Lynn, in the North Western story, aisles, vestry, south porch and 8 western tower
division of the county. Br()thercross hundred, Smithdon containing 5 bells: a few of the windows in the aisletJ
and Brothercross petty sessional division, Docking union, and clerestory are partially filled with ancient stained
Little Walsingham county court district, rural deanery glass: there is an oak rood screen, and a large and
of Burnham, archdeaoonry of Lynn and diocese of massive iron-bound oak chest, lined with cedar ani

having five locks: the font is octagonal and exhibits of I2 acres lets for £ I2 a year, which is given to the
ilome good carving, though much disfigured: the church National school: there is also a fuel allotment of 23
is seated with old oak pews, affording 500 sittings. The acres of land, the rent of which, now about £23 yearly,
register dates from the year I538, and is in a good is expended in coals and distributed to the poor of tbe
state of preservation. The living is a discharged vicar- , parish at Christmas: the present annual value of the
age, net yearly value £270, with I acre of glebe and ' charities is about £Ioo. Acout half 8 mile south-west
residence, in the gift of the Marquess Townshend, and from the church i~ a remarkable Saxon fortification, the
held since I905 by the Rev. John Joseph Scully. The road to which is called " Bloodgate," from a tradition
Congregational chapel is a plain brick building, erected that a great slaughter took place here in a battle between
in 1783, with a small burial ground and a residence for the Saxons and Danes. The Marquess Townshend, who
the minister adjoining; a school room was added in is lord of the manor and impropriator, and the Earl of
x!l94: the Primitive Methodist chapel, opened in I883, is Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G. are the principal land-
of red and white brick, with stone dressings. The Odd owners. The soil is mixed, productive and cultivated;
Fellows' Hall was built in I8gg. Here is the brewery subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
of Messrs. J. Pinchen and Sons, established about 1750. barley, turnips, mangold wurtzel and seeds. The area
Charities :-Isaac Lane, in I675, left £Ioo for the pur· is 4,175 acres; rateable value, £3,638; the population
chase of land, the rent to be expended in the distri- in I9II was 750.
bution of coals during the winter and I6 penny loaves Parish Clerk, Robert Graver.
every Lord's day; the present value is £3I yearly, and
the Sunday dole of bread is still continued; £15 8 Post & M. 0. Offi.ce.-Mrs. Sarah Cartwright, sub-post-
year is expended in coals and other necessaries for mistress. Letters received through Fakenham at 7.25
such of the poor of the parish as are 6o years of a.m. & 4.20 p.m. to callers only & dispatched at 10.10
age, and widows ; Mrs. Elizabeth Pell, daughter of the a.m. ( a.m. July, August & September) & 5-40
aforesaid, left £10o for the purchase of land, the rent of p.m. week days only. The nearest telegraph office is
which was to be expended in like manner; this land at North Creake, I mile distant. Wall LetteT Box
now lets for £Io a year; Mrs. Dorothy W oodhouse, by cleared at IO a.m. (9.45 a.m. July, August & Sept.)
.owill, dated I64o, left 20s. to the minister in consideration & 5-30 p.m. week days only
. .of his preaching two sermons yearly, and 30s. to the poor Public Elementary School (boys, girls & infants), for
rOf the parish, the half to be paid the same days the I62 children; average attendance, I38; Chute
,--sermons are preached ; the present yearly valuP of this Thompson, master
~gift is about 20 guineas, of which 5os. is still paid for
County Police, Frederick BaconL constable •

---the two sermons and th" dole of bread, and the remainder Carrier to Fakenham.-George Blyth, from North Creake.
.. given to the National school fund: the town land charity daily
Edge James, cowkeeper Reading Room (George Leonard
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. English Albert, Rising Sun P.H Whisker, sec)
v·..Belding Davy Turner Griggs Jas.farmr.Leicester Square frm Sheringham Hubert Valentine, farmer
. ,cook George Ringer, Manor farm Hall Charles, Chequers P.H I Skipper James, bricklayer
1Iarrison Francis C. Crompton hall Hammond Algernon Walter, baker Smalls Alfred, carpent~r
Pinchen Colin George Hastings Alfred, tailor Tice Richard, baker
Scully Rev. John Joseph (vicar), Hastings Frederick, beer retailer Tuddenham Edward, fishmonger
Vicarage Hastings Frederick, butcher Vertigan John, beer retailer
Shering-ham Hubert Valentine J.P Howell Brothers, blacksmiths, wheel- Walker Martin, Black Swan inn
Wood Rev. John Caswallon (Cong) wrights, carpenters & undertakers; :waller George, coal dealer
COMMERCIAL. & at North Oreake Wasey Charles, assistant overseer
.Aldis Charles Walter, grocer Keable William, wheelwright Wasey l<'rederick, shopkeeper
Appleton ·Herbert, cycle agent Langley Frank, Fleece inn I Wasey Matthew, boot & shoe maker
Cartwright Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, Langley Isaac, pork butcher Whisker George Butler, blacksmith
draper, clothier & ironmonger, Post Mayes Money, farmer, Morley's farm Whisker George Leonard, Prudential
office . O~dfellows' Hall (Edward Hunt, sec) Assurance agent
Cook Geo. Rmger, farmer, Manor farm I Pmchen J. & Son, brewers & malt-1·

Dewson Robert, beer retailer sters; & at Corpusty ~

.GREAT CRESSINGHA'M is a parish and village on gift of the Lord Chancellor. A large fair was formerly
,the river Wissey, 5 miles west from Watton station and held annually in the glebe lands, from which tlie rector
. .4! south-west from Holme Hale station, both on the received dues, but it was abolished by the Rev. Charles
·rLynn and Thetford line of the Great Eastern railway, and Taylor B.D. rector 185g-8o. Here is a Primitive
, 6 south from Swaffham, in the South Western division Methodist chapel. The fuel allotment of 33 acres is let
.~of the county, South Greenhoe hundred and petty ses- for £3r yearly, which is applied in the purchase of
sional division, Swaffham union and county court district, coals: there are also 8 acres of land let at £ro
rural deanPry of Cranwich (North division), archdeaconry yearly, one half of which is allowed to the cleTk and
.,.,of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. the remainder applied to the repairs of the church.
Michael is a noble building of stone in the Gothic style, An a-ncient building here, of the 15th century, formerly
.. consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, south belonging to the Jenney family, whose crest is on the
, porch and a western tower containing a clock and 3 bells: south front, is now a farmhouse in the occupation of
. there is a window to the wives of the Rev. Charles Taylor George Roxberry and Valentine Stevens Bland.
'B.A. rector (I859·82), to whom there is also a memorial Joseph Trueman Mills esq. of Stock Grove, Leighton
window: t.he tracery of the windows in the north aisle Buzzard is lord of the manor and principal landowner,
. is also filled with stained glass: the chancel and south aisle and G. W. Taylor esq. of South Pickenham, is also !!.
.retain pisciu:ll, and in the porch is a holy water stoup: landowneT. The soil is light and sandy, and the sub-
the mof is of oak, with richly carved heads: there is a soil is chalk and gravel. The chief C"t"Ops are wheat,
carved oak screen, and the font has an oaken canopy: barley and roots. The area is 2,425 acres of land and .
the walls bear tablets to Sarah Lobb, I748; Thomas Lobb, 6 of water; rateable value, £I,704; the population in
1749; the Rev. Edward Chamberlayne M. A. I773, and his rg11 was 340.
wife Elizabeth (Grey), 175I, and there are brasses to Parish Clerk Herbert Morter.
-William Smith, ob. 1596, and Dorothy. his wife, ob. r62q, '
,and to Richard Rysle: the church was re~tored in r86 4. Post <;lffice.-Herbert Morter, sub-postmaster. Letter!!
and the tower m 1883: the interior was partly renovated r~cmved from Thetford at 7-45 a.m. & 2.3o p.m. ;
in I885, and affords 250 sittings. The register dates from dispatched at II- 1 ~ a.m. & 5·55 p.m. & IO a.m. on
the year 1557 . The living is a rectory, with that of snndays. 'Yatton 1s the 1_1eares~ mane! order office
Bodney annexed, joint net yearly value £ 4oo, with 53 & South P1ckenham, 2 m1les distant, 1s the nearest
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord telegraph. office . . .
ChancPllor. !lnrl hPlrl llince r8 9 o hy the Rev. Ernest County Pohce, Wilham Chapman, constable
Heseltine M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Public Elementary School (boys, girls & infants), erected
The advowson formerly belonged to the Bishop of Nor- in I 840 for I IS children ; average attendance, 75 ;
mch, but since the time of Henry VIII. it has been in the J. W. Doodson, master
.Heselt,ine Rev. Ernest M.A. Rectory Rurgess Christopher, blacksmith Nelthorpe Lavinia (Mrs.), shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. d~ Rungary Albt.Edwd.Windmill P.H Newton Frederick, higgler
Archer GeOl"ge, farmer Garrod Barney, farmer Say George William, Fox P.H
:Bacon John, farmer (letters through Garrod John, farmer Sutton Ernest, house thatcher
Hilborough) Matthews Hannah (Mrs.), baker Symonds Wm.Morris,Robin Hood P.H
}Jland George Roxberry & Valentine Moore Martha (~iss), grocer & drapr Tolman William Aldiss, farmer
Steven!'!, farmers Nelthorpe John, wheelwright
LITTLE CRESSINGHAM is a village and parish dates from the year 1681. The living is a discharged
3! miles west from Watton station on the Lynn and rectory, net yearly value £2oo, with residence, in the
Thetford line of the Great Eastern railway, and 7 gift of J. T. Mills esq. and held since I9II by the Rev.
south-by-east from Swaffham, in the South Western George Todd M.A. of Cambridge University. There is
division of the county, Swaffham union and county a W esleyan chapel here. The fuel allotment for the
court district, South Greenhoe hundred and petty ses- poor is 23 acres in extent. Joseph Trueman Mills esq.
sional division, rural deanery of Cranwich (North divi- of Leighton Buzzard, is lord of the manor and sole
sion), archdeaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Norwich. landowner. The soil is light loam; subsoil, chalk.
The church of St. Andrew was formerly a fine building ·The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The
of flint in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, area is r,86r acres of land and 5 of water; rateable
aisle and a western tower, but the lead-covered roof value, [1,453; the population in 19II was 199.
having fallen in and demolished the interior, a faculty Parish Clerk. Robert CarteT.
was granted in 1781 to rebuild one half only of the
structure, and it now consists of chancel, nave with Post Office.-Frederick Tolman, sub-postmaster. Let-
clerestory, aisles, and a turret containing one bell: the ters received through Thetford, via Watton, at 6.50
ruins of the remaining portion are still standing: in a.m. & 2. ro p.m. ; dispatched at u. 35 a. m. & 6. ro
the north wall of the chancel is a piscina, and the door- p.m. & on sundays at ro.2o a.m. Watton iR the
way and steps to the rood loft are well preserved: nearest money order & telegraph office, 3 miles distant
the windows in the south wall of the chapel are
stained: the church is seated with open oak benches, Pillar Box cleared 6.3o p.m. week days only
those in the chancel having carved poppy heads: tbe Public Elementary (Endowed) School (mixed), founded\
font is of Caen stone: in the south aisle is a monu- & erected by William Farrar in 1816, for 70 children,
ment to William Henry (Fortescue), 1st and only Eal'l & supported principally by J. T. Mills esq. D.L., J.P.
of Clermont, a former owner of this place, died go but has an endowment of about £8 yearly; average-
September, 18o6: there are 200 fittings. The register attendance, 39; Mrs. Rose F. Waters, mistress
Todd Rev. Geo. M.A. (rector),Rectory Harr"ls Arthur, farmer, Hopton hou~e Partridge John, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Hewson Henry Vincent, farmer, Low Powley Peter, tobacconist
Bensley J ames, tobacconist Common farm Sturman Harry, gamekeeper to J. T.
Bugdale William, farmer Jennings .Allan, assistant overseer Mills esq
Freestone Horace, miller (wind & Laird Saml.gardnr. to J. T. Mills esq Tolman John, White Horse P.H ..'
water) "Middleton William, farmer blacksmith & farmer
CRIMPLESHAM is a village and pmrish at the Pryde, of St. Bees. To the poor are allotted 12 acrel"
junction of the roads frJm Swaffham and Brandon to of land, producing an average rental of £r2 a year,
Downbam, 3 miles east from Downbam station on the which is distributed yearly in coals. The principal
Lynn and Ely line of the Great Eastern railway, in landowneTs are Sir A. T. Bagge bart. of Stradsett, and
the South Western division of the county, in Clackclose W. H. Brown esq. The soil is mostly strong clay of
hundred and petty sessional division, Downham union excellent quality; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
and county court district, rural deanery of Fincham crops are wheat, barley, beans and oats. The areJ. is
(East division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of 1,635 acres; rateable value, £1,842; the population in
Norwich. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is an rgu was 231. 0

edifice of flint and stone in the Decorated style, con- Parish Clerk, Harry Mason.
sisting of chancel, nave and embattled western tower,
containing 5 bells: it was restored, new roofed and Post Office.-Mrs. Maria Mason, sub-postmistress. Let-
re-floored in r897 by public subscription, the Dean and ters from Downham arrive at 7·35 a.m. & I. 15 p.m. &
Chapter of Norwich and the late John Grant Morris dispatched at I0-40 a.m. & p.m. & on sundays at
esq. at a cost of upwards of £6oo: there are 300 11.25 a. m. Downham, 3 miles distant, is the nearest
sittings. The register dates from the year rs6o. The money order & telegraph office
living is a vicarage, with that of Stradsett, annexed inPublic Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1885, by
1878, joint net yearly value £250, including 25 acres the late Sir William Ragge bart. D.L., J.P., M.P. &
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of enlarged by Sir A. T. Bagge bart. for roo childreu;.
Norwich, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Andrew average attendance, 79; Alfred E. G. Laws, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS.- COMMERCIAL. 1 Sayers Robert, overseer & farmer
Brown John Percival J.P. Crimples- Brown W. H. & Sons, farmers, Crim- Smith James, blacksmith
ham hall plesham hall Smith Thomas, farmer
Pryde Rev. Andrew (vicar of Crimple- Bunkhall Henry, shopkeeper Stebbing John, land steward toW. H ..
sham & Stradsett), Vicarage Carlton Charles, Nag's Head P.H 1 Brown & Sons, Manor farm
Rawling Walter, Red Hart P.H
CRINGLEFORD is a parish and village on the road members of the Patteson family at a cost of £soo. On
from Norwich to Newmarket, and the river Yare, the riveT Yare is a large corn-mill dating from the
over which is a stone bridge of two arches, built in 12th century. This place was almost entirely con-
r78o, and connecting this place with Eaton, and is sumed by fire in Queen Elizabeth's reign, and an Act
about 3 miles south-west from Victoria station, Nor- was passed for its rebuilding in 158L The trnRtees of
wich, which is the nearest railway station ; it is in St. Heolen's Hospital, Norwich, who are lords of the
the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe petty manor, Hugh G. Barclay esq. of Colney, Doughty's
sessional division, Hnmbleyard hundred, Henstead union, Hospital, Norwich, John H. Gurney esq. of Keswick
:Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Hum- Hall, F. W. Harmer esq. J. W. Gilbert esq. and the
bleyard, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor- trustees of the late Henry Staniforth Patteson eosq. are
wich. The church of St. Peter is a. building of flint in the principal landowners. The soil is of a light sandy
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, nature; subsoil, sandy. The crops are mostly barley
south a1sle, north porch and an embattled westEYn and roots. The area is 997 acres of land and 9 of
tower containing 3 bells : the fabric incorporates several water; rateable value, £2,332; the population in r9II
works of Saxon date, and has a low-side window: during was 288.
the years I899-1905 the church was restored at a cost Wall Letter Box, near the Church, cleared (week days
of £2,ooo: there are 200 sittings. The register dates only) at 12.45 p.m. & 5·45 p.m. Letters through
from the year rsss. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Norwich, via Eaton, arrive at 6.30 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.
value £ 15o, in the gift of the trustees of St. Helen's Eaton is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Hospital, Norwich, and held since r897 by the Rev. (adjacent)
Thomas Smith Cogswell, Assoc. of King's College, Lon-
don. The vicarage is an enlargement of the "Priest's Trust School (boys & girls), erected in 1858, for 120
Chamber," which dates from 1257. Here is a Working children; average attendance, 8g; .Arthur Thomas
Men's Club and Reading Room, erected in 19II by Taylor, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harmer Frederic William F.G.S. Le Grys George Robert & Son,
Appelbe Col. Edward Benjamin C.B. Oakland house farmers & machinists, American
Cringleford grove I Harmer Thos. Bertrand, Oakland ho farm ; & at Heveningham, Sax-
Barber Edward Henry Keppel Rev. George B.A. (rector of mundham, S'ufiolk
Cairns Mrs. Hill grove Intwood), Cringleford hall Le Grys George,farmer, The Meadows
Cogs well Rev. Thomas Smith A.K.C.L. COMliiERCIAL. Miles John Gardiner, relieving officer
(vicar) Flogdell Henry John, faMrmmer to Henstead union
Fletcher Henry Rivers . Folwell & Morse, farmers, N ewfound Mills Edgar Lewis, nurseryman
Gilbert John Wilson, Cringleford ldg 1 farm

Morse Arthur farm£>r, see Folwell & Reynolds Robt. Edwd. market gardnr Watling Robert John, miller (steam
Morse Taylor Edward Thrower, builder, & water) & corn & flour merchant,
Reading Room & Club (Arthur Thos. wheelwrig-ht & blacksmith Cringleford roller mills. TA" Wat·
Taylor, sec) ling, Cringleford ; " T N 61 Eaton

CROMER is a seaside resort and bathing place on the Cabbell esq. of Cromer Hall (d. 1892), to J. Bond-
northern coast' of the shire, and a town md pariilh, with a Cabbell esq. (d. 1878), the Rev. Frederick Fitch M.A.
terminal station of a branch of the Great Eailtern railway \"icar 18 52-96, and to the children of Sydney Gedge
from Norwich, another terminal station near the beach esq. M.A., M.P. and a handsome brass eagle lectern
on the Midland and Great Northern joint (formerly the has been presented by an unknown donor: a new organ,
Eastern and Midland) railway, and a third belonging to costing about £1,6oo was provided in 1897: in 1886 the
the Great Eastern and Midland and Great Northern tower was restored at a cost of £I,365, and in 1887-9 the
joint railway from Cromer to Mundesley, with sta- chancel, which had long been in a ruinous condition, was
tions also at Overstrand and Trimingham, Cromer, and re-built on the original foundations at a cost of about
is about 10 miles east-north-east from Halt, 9 north- [7,86r, including a vestry, the work being carried ont
north-west from North Wal5ham, 11 north-by-east from under the direction of the late Sir .Artbur Blomfield
Aylsham, 22 north from Norwich and I30 from London, M.A., A.R.A.: the register dates from the year I68g.
in the Northern division of the county, North Erping- The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £170, includ-
ham hundred and petty sessional division, Erpingham ing 25 acres of glebe in the parish of .Soutbrepps, with
union, Halt county court district, rural deanery of Repp3 residence, in the gift of Sir T. F. Buxton bart. G.C.M.G.
and archdeaconrv •
and diocese of Norwich. This place and others, and held since 1905 by the Rev. William
gives the title of earl to the Baring family. The town Frederic Tucker Hamilton M.A. of Trinity College,
is picturesquely seated on the cliffs, which rise to a •
Cambndge, and surrogate. •
considerable height above the beach, and is sheltered The Catholic church, erected in 1896 on the Over-
on three sides by an amphitheatre of hills, partly strand road, at the foot of the Lighthouse cliffs, ·and
covered with wood; it has at different times suffered dedicated to Our Lady of Refuge, is a small structure
from the incursions of the sea, which in the time of red brick with stone dressings in the Perpendicular
of Henry IV. (1399-1413) swallowed up the town of style, from designs by Mr. George Sberrin, of London:
Shipden, in which parish Cromer was then situated : in there are 100 sittings: a presbytery was added in 1904.
r825 and r832 large portions of the cliff fell into the sea The Wesleyan chapel, at the corner of Holt road,
so as to endanger the lighthouse, and in 1845 the jetty erected in 1910, has 400 sittings; the United Methodist
was washed away and other damage done, but in the chapel, in Prince of Wales' road, was built in IB9o, and
same year an Act of Parliament (8 and 9 Vict. c. 20) will seat 264; both are of red brick and cut flint, with
was obtained for the purpose of raising money to build stone dressings. The BaptU.t chapel, erected in 1gor,
a new jetty and breakwaters, and also to erect a sea will seat 280 persons. The two cemeteries, on the Halt
wall extending along the whole front of the west end of road, are under the' control of the Urban District
the town, with an esplanade for the use of visitors; and Council.
theile works were eventually completed at an expense of The Town Hall, in Prince of Wales' road, erected in
about £7,ooo. In 1894 a wall and esplanade were con- rBgo by a Limited Company, from designs by Mr. G .. R.
structed at the foot of the ·East Cliffs, and in I 895 new Skipper F.R.I.B.A. of Norwich, at a cost, including
approaches were made opposite the Jetty. A band stand site, of £2,ooo, is a structure of red brick, the frontages
was also ere~ted, the total cost amounting to upVI"ards of .being relieved by ornamental brickwork and a band of
£4,300. The jetty having been damaged by a storm in panels, containing shields of arms of persons of dis-
1897 was taken down and in 1899 an extension of powers was tinction and families connected with the locality. The
obtained by a special .Act, authorising the construction of building contains a public hall 72ft. ·by 43ft. 6in.
a pier 183 yards in length, at a cost of £u,ooo, and a capable of holding 750 persons, with a stage, 25ft. by
~ontinuation of the Promenade at a cost of £34,ooo. 15ft. 6in. retiring rooms and a separate entrance, and
The town was once incorporated, a privilege long since at the other end is a gallery; in the vestibule are cloak
lost; of late it has been controlled by a Local Board, but rooms and on the first floor are reading and recreation
under the provisions of the "Local Government .Act, rooms, now occupied by the Conservative Association.
1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), it is now governed by an The Lecture Hall, Cross street, erected in r8g1 by
Urban District Council, and on Jan. 1st, I8g6, the Suffield public subscription, at a total cost, including site,
Park portion of the adjoining parish of Overstrand was building and fittings, of £667 13s. for the use of the
added to the District by order of the Connty Council, Cromer Band Df Hope, and vested in trustees, is an
confirmed by a Local Government Board Order dated rst edifice of red brick, and comprises a large ball 5oft. by
Jan. 1896. The Council consists of 15 members, 12 of 29ft. seating from 250 to 300 persons.
whom are elected 'for the Cromer ward and 3 for the The Royal Cromer Golf Club was instituted in 1887,
Suffield Park ward. Water of excellent quality is obtained and numbers about 400 members. His late Majesty
by borings in the chalk; additional works were com- King Edward VII. who was patron, presented a band·
pleted in 1892, and included a duplicate well and bead- some silver challenge cup, which is competed for
ing& with pumps and machinery; a reservoir, with a annually by the members. The Links are situated on
titorage capacity of 6oo,ooo gallons, was completed in the Lighthouse hills, half a mile to the east of the
r8g6, and in the following year the Suffi.eld Park dis- town, and are bounded by lofty cliffs affol'ding mag~
trict was also supplied from a water tower erected near nificent vie"Ws, both of the sea and of the well-wooded
the Great Eastern railway station, the whole being the and hilly country inland; the course consists of I 8
property of the Cromer Water Company Limited, formed boles; the greens are composed of excellent turf and
in I875· The town is lighted partly with gas from works are very firm, and theo plav is very varied. The land
near the boundary of the parish of Runton and adjoining is the property of Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B.
the Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway line, the who is president of the club.
property of the Cromer Gas and Coke Company Limited, 'rhe Workmen and Fishermen's Reading Room~ in
formed in 1874, and incorporated by special .Act of Parlia- Chapel street (formerly a. chapel), was opened for its
ment in r8g8, as "The Cromer Gas Company," and partly present purpose. in 189I, the building having been
by electricity from works in Central road, under tbP acquired by public subscriptions and vested in trustees
control of the Urban District Council. The seweragf for the benefit of the town; connected with it is a
of the town is treated under the septic tank system. library of 200 volumes: the vicar is president.
The church of SS. Peter and Paul is a fine building of Cromer has several comfortable and well-appointed
cut flint with stone dressings, in the Perpendicular style, hotels, including the " Grand," the "Red Lion" and
and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of five bays, the "West Cliff,'' all the property of a company, the
aisles, north and sonth porches and a noble embattled " Hotel de Paris,'' the Royal Links Hotel, standing in
western tower, 150 feet in height, with crocketed pin- its own grounds of 7 acres, adjoining the golf links,
nacle& and containing a clock and 6 bells: the wbolP and the Marlborough House Hotel, situate on West
edifice was originally ornamented with sculptured "Work. Cliff. There are also several well-appointed private
the western entrance being particularly fine : the north hotels and boarding houses, and there are many apart-
porch was restond in 1'868: the font is a. copy of a ment houses ; the beach has a fine firm sand and level
beautiful one in Yaxham church, in this county; the surface, and thus afford~ a delightful promenade
stained west window is a memorial to Charles Buxton ~everal miles in length: bathing machines are available
esq. M.P. who died August 3oth, I 875: the stained east on the heach and warm baths can be had in the town.
window was presented by the Herring family, and The population are chiefly emploved in the crab,
memorial windows have been placed to the late B. Bond- herring, cod, whiting and lobster fisheries. Ships are
continually seen passing on the North Sea. but the rentrance. The building .i& Rl'raDged in the form of the
coast being extremely dangerous, therre are five lights letter L; the south section contains the living rooms,
between this and Yarmouth. In r868, a lifeboat, with and the east section the dining room, kitchen and
a boat house and slipway, was presented to the town offices, all of which are on the ground floor, all the bed
by the late Benjamin Bond-Cabbell esq. at a cost of rooms being on the first floor. In a detached building
upwards of £2,ooo. A short distance from the town, on the north side is an isolation "urd with offices com-
in that portion of Overstra.nd which was added to plete, and there is also a room fitted up for such of the
Crome<r in r8g6, is a lighthouse, 52 feet in height and nurses as may require change of air. The home will
275 above the level of the sea, crowned with a lantern accommodate 30 patients. The site, building, and com-
-containing 14 incandescent gas burneN!, in finely-plated plete equipment were the gift of the late B. Edgington
reflectors, which revolve upon an upright axis once in Fletcher esq. of Marlingford Hall, Norwich, and the
-two minutes, giving two bright flashes during each home was endowed by the 2nd Earl of Leicester K.G.
revolution, i.e. one flash ·every minute; each burner, (d. 1909). The town lands, of 13 acres, produce £24
-with 14 reflectoN!, 7,ooo candle power each, visible at a ros. yearly, which is distributed to poor widows.
-distance of 23 miles. Cromer Hall, the seat of Mrs. Boud-Cabbell, is a fine·
The Cromcr Cottage Hospital, Louden lane, estab- mansion of stone, in the Gothic style, erected. . by the
lished in 1867, was removed in r888 to the present late George Thomas Wyndham esq. and pnrcha.sed in
~uilding, the gift of the late Mr. G. W. Collison, a 1852 by the late Benjamin Bond-Cabbell esq.! it con-
native of Cromer, who also bequeathed to the institu- sist!! of a central block, with tower and two wings, and
-tion a. sum of £soo; the hospital, designed for the was begun in r827, but was partially burnt down before
Telief of the poor of Cromer and neighbourhood, is under it wa11 finished in 1820. Colne House. is the residence
"the management of a committee of 21 ladies with the of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton bart. G.C.M.G.; V.D.,
-vicar as chairman, treasurer and visitor; it is supported M.A., D.L., J.P.
by voluntary contributions, small weekly payments being
The trustees of the late B. Bond-Cabbell esq. are lords
made by the patients; the number of in-patients
of the manor ~nd the principal landowners. The area
-admitted during the year ending Sept. 3oth, 19II, was is r,o6:;z acres of land and 86 of tidal water and fore-
r6r; there are no out-patients. The Fletcher Convales- shore; rateable value, £36,562; the population in r89r
>een5 Home of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital stands
was 2,329, in 1901 3,781 and in 19II was 4,073 in the
.on a fine site of three acres, within view of the sea, and civil parish and Urban District, and 3,124 in the eccle-
:close to the Great Eastern railway station. The build-
siastical parish.
ing is of red brick with stone dressings, in the Domes-
tic Gothic style, from designs by Messrs. Boardman The population of the wards in 191 r was :--Cromer,
-and Son, architects, of Norwich, and has a tower on the 3,124; Snffield Park, 949·
-east side, the lower stage of which forms thP main Parish Clerk, John .A.. Clarke.


Post {Head) Office, at which business of all kinds is Birrell The- Rt. Hon. Augustine K.C., M.iP. The Pightle,
transa.cted.--James W. Waiter, postmaster, Church Sheringham
street. Hours of attendance for telegraph busines~ Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. G.C.M.G., V.D., D.L-
irom 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on week days; from rst June Warlies, Waltham Abbey
to September 3oth, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; on sunday 8 Hoare Sir Samuel bart. Sidestrand hall, Oromer
to ro a.m. & 5 to 6 p.m. from rst of June to Sept. 30 Fulton Sir Forrest K.C. The Cottage, Sheringham
Pigott Sir Thomas Digby C.B. The Lodge, Sheringham
MAILS DELIVERED. Barclay Francis Hubert esq. The Warren, Cromer
London & Eastern Counties Night; all varts of the Cremer Wyndham Cremer esq. Sheringham house,
United Kingdom & Foreign, 7 a.m Sheringham
London & all parts of England & Scotland, n a.m Davison Daniel esq. Woodford house, Jetty st. Cromer
London, Norwich, 3.20 p.m Gurney John Henry e~q. D,L. Keswick hall, Norwich
London, Ireland, Norwich & Foreign, .1·45 p.m Hoare Samuel John Gurney esq. Sidestrand hall, Cromer
MAILS DISPATCHED. Mott John Stanley esq. 4 Curzon st. Mayfair,London W
Robinson Henry Matthew Cooper esq. Knapton hall,
Local Country Mails.-Sheringham (Upper & Lower),
North W alsham
5 a.m. ; East Runton, Overstrand, Sidestrand &c. Spurrell Edmund Denham esq. Bessingham Manor a.m house, Norwich
Cambridge, Ipswich, Norwich, Nottingham, Peterborough
Upcher Hy.Edwd.Sparke esq.East hall,Feltwell, Brandon
& towns in Midland Counties, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Upcher Hy. Morris esq. D.L.East hall, Feltwell, Brandon
London, 7.25 a.m The chairmen for the time being of the Cromer and
2nd Day Mail-London, Norwich, South of England & Sheringham Urban District Councils are ex-officio
Continent, 9.30 a.m justices
'Bheringham & Upper Sheringham, West Runton, 1o.5o Clerk to the Justices, Edward Morgan Hansell, soli•
a. m citor, Church street, Cromer
Overstrand & Sidestrand, 11.20 a.m Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Cromer, fort-
East Rnnton, 11.40 a.m nightly, on mondays, at II a.m. The places in the
North Mail-Peterborough, Midlands, Ireland & Scot- petty sessional division are :-.A.ldborough, Antingham,
land, u.55 a.m .A.ylmerton, Baconsthorpe, Barningham N orwood, Bar-
3rd Day Mail-London, Ipswich, Norwich & all parts of ningham Winter, Beckham East, Beckham West, Bees-
United Kingdom & Foreign, 12.25 p.m ton Regis, Bessingham, Cromer, Felbrigg, Gimingham,
Ipswich, Norwich & principal towns in Norfolk & Suf- Gresham, Gunton Hanworth, Knupton, Matluske, Met-
folk, 2 p.m.; Aylsham, 3·45 p.m ton, Mundesley, North Repps, Overstrand, Plumstead,
'London (fol" connAction with midnight mails), Ipswich, Roughton, Runton, Sheringham, Sheringham (Upper),
Norwich, East Essex, East Norfolk, East Suffolk, Mid- Sidestrand, South Reppii!. Suffield, Sustead, Thorpe
land & North, 4·.'ia p.m Market, Thurgarton, Trimingham & Trunch
Sheringham & West Runton, 6 p.m
Overstrand & East Runton, 6.20 p.m URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
:Night Mail all parts of United Kingdom & Foreign, Meetings take place on the second monday in the month
7·30 p.m at 6 p.m. at the offices, West street.
Sunday. Members.
'Sheringham, 5 a.m.; East & West Runton, 6.20 a.m .All retire in April, 1913.
Night Mail all parts of United Kingdom & Foreign, Chairman, Francis Hubert Barclay J.P,
7-IS p.m Vice-Chairman, Daniel Davison J.P.
'Town Sub-Po!lt & M. 0. Offices:- Cromer Ward.
29 Prince of Wales road.-Miss Matilda Stevenson, Francis Hubert Barclay J.P Capt. Gerald Lindsay
sub-postmistress James Bower Palmes D.S.O
Su:ffield Park (Salisbury road).-Mrs. Matilda Craske, James W. W. K. Curtis William Porter
sub-postmistress. Telegrams are dispatched but not Daniel Davison Alfred C. Savin
delivered from this office Frederick Lansele Elrnes Edward Trollor
Ketton Robt. Wm. esq. Felbrigg hall, Norwich, chairman Suffield Park Ward.
Suffield Lord P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B., V.D., D.L. Har- George Baxter
bord house, Cromer Samuel Girling
George H. Mancer

Officia1s. Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Cromer & North-

Cle 1 k, J ames King Frost, Council offices, West street repps Districts, Erpingham Union, Robert Grant M.D.
Treasurer, E. Gurney Buxton, Norwich Ruthven, Cabbell road
Medical Officer of Health, Robt. Curzon Molison Colvin- Registrar of Births & Death~. H. Buxton, 53 Station rd
Smith M.B. Mount street Registrar of Marriages for North Erpingham Sub-Di~
Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, Robert Croome, trict, Ambrose Horatio Fox, West street
West street Town Crier, James Mack, I7 Mount street
Collector, Stanley Thomas Ling, West street PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Serviceff.
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. SS. Peter & Paul Church, Rev. William Frederic Tucker
Cemeteries, Halt road, J. K. Frost, clerk to the U. D. Hamilton M.A. vicar & surrogate; Rev. Leonard
Council, Council offices, West f;treet Gethen M. A.. curate; holy communion, 8; service,.
I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m.; saints' days, &
Cottage Hospit~l, Louden lane, Hamilton .A.shley Bal-
lance M.D. consulting surgeon (on mon. 2 to 4 p.m.; a.m
· fri. I.I5 to 2.45 p.m.); H. C. Dent M.R.C.S.Eng., Our Lady of Refuge (Catholic), Overstrand road, Rev_
L.S . .A.., R. C. M. Colvin-Smith M.B., B.C., M.R.C.S. Harold S. Squirrell; on sundays during May & June,.
Eng., L.B.C.P.Lond. .A.rthur Burton M.D., B.S., holy communion at 8.30 a.m.; mass IL30 a.m.; during
L.R.C.P.Lond. & M.R.C.S.Eng. & Robert Grant M.D. July, August & September, mass 8.30 a.m. & 11.3c:>
medical officers; A.. West Walker M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., a.m. ; during winter months the mass on sundays il!l
L.D. S. ban. dental surgeon; George Bishop, financial at I0.30 a.m. & benediction after mass
sec. & collector; Miss G. Lambert, matron Baptist, Rev. James Campbell Lee; 11 a.m. & 6.3c:>
Eire Brigade, J. K. Frost, captain; engine house, p.m. ; man. & wed. 8 p.m
Canada road; alarm bell outside Station ; keys kept United Methodist (Halt Circuit), Rev. William Thomp-
at Frederick Crisp's; White Horse P.H, West street son Barraclough; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 8 p.m
Fletcher Convalescent Home for the Norwich & Norfolk Wesleyan Methodist (Norwich,North Walsham & Cromel'"
Hospital, Norwich road, Miss Edith A.. Noar, matron Mission), Rev. Ernest D. Green M . .A.; I I a.m. &.
Lighthouse, Paul Curnow, principal keeper 6.30 p.m
Police Station, William Pile, inspector St. Martin's Hall, Suffield park (in connection with
• •
Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Cromer station. Chnst Church, Overstrand), Rev. Lawrence Cartel'"
, hon. sec Carr M.A. rector; 11 a.m. (children's service) & 6.30
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent p.m.; tues. 8 p.m. gospel service; thurs. 8 p.m.
Society, George Bishop R.N. Bond street, hon. repre- devotional meeting
sentative SCHOOLS.
Town Hall, Prince of Wales' road, J. K. Frost, sec The Cromer Exhibition Foundation for boys attending
Cromer elementary day schools, established in I8g6,.
TERRITORIAL FORCE. comprises a sum of £75, derived from gifts, together
sth Battalion, NOTfolk Regiment (F Company),.A.rmoury, with Read's charity, amounting to [85, & provides
Central road; Capt. Havard N. Bridgewater; Color- exhibitions of about £w for four years
Sergt.-Imtructor Samuel Parker, drill instructor Public Elementary School, Bond street, erected in I8g6,
PUBLIC OFFICERS. for 200 boys, 200 girls & 250 infant!!; average attend-
ance, 176 boys, IBo girls & IBo infants; Frank James
Admir&lty Surgeon, .Arthur Burton M.D., B.C.Camb .. Emms A.C.P. master; Miss Frances Mary Ryde, girls'
F.R.C.S.Edin. Stenson, Norwich road mistress; Miss Louisa Tilney, infants' mistress
Assessor & Collector of the King's Taxes, .Alfred Edward
Salter, Hillside Railway Stations
Chief Officer of the Coastguard & Life Saving .Apparatus, Cromer Beach, Midlana & Great Northern joint, Setb
No. 105, John C. May, East cliff Bastow, station master
Clerk to the Oromer Protection Commissioners, Edward Great Eastern, Charles Waiter Barton, station master
Morgan Hansell, Church street Omnibuses from the principal hotels to meet every train
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Peter Edward Ran- There is a motor coach service between Sheringham,.
sell, Church street Cromer & Mundesley-on-Sea

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Davison Daniel J.P. Woodford house. Jarvis Miss, I Shrublands,Norwich rd
Badham Miss,Links cot.Northrepps rd Jetty street J eff5>ock Mrs. I2 Cliff avenue
Barclay Francis Hubert J.P. ThP Dent Herbt. Crowley, Yerbury,Cliff av Kefr_ W. J. 25 Cliff avenue
Warren; & atOld hall,Woodbastwck Durnham James & Lady Agnes, The Kitchen James Edward, Shipbourne,.
Barclay Miss, Herne close Grange, Cliff avenue Vicarage road
Barclay Robert, The Grove English Laurence Wm. 2 St.Mary's rd Lamb Benj. Elim lodge, Alfred road
Barraclough Rev. William Thompson Fearn Charles, 2 Park road Lavland-Barratt

Sir Francis hart.
(United Methodist), I2 .Alfred road Fernie Capt. Ralph, 33 McDonald ·rd M.P., D.L., J.P. Red house; & 6~
Bentley Cuthbert W. 29 :McDonald rd Fish Frank, Redbourne, Norwich road Cadogan square S W & Reform
Bond-Oabbell Mrs. Cromer hall Fitch Miss, I6 Cliff avenue club, London SW
Bryde-Hayward Mrs. Leighton ho. Fox Mark L. Glenedin, Norwich road Lee Rev. James Campbell (Baptist),.
St. Mary's road Fox Mrs. 44 Cabbell road Salisbury road
Bullock Frank, 17 McDonald road Foxall Miss, Shamrock villa, Hall rd Lewis Mrs. 6 The Crescent, East cliff
I! urn Major Henry Pelham, Cliff Frost JRmPs Kin~?. II Gliff avt>nnP Ling Ralph M. Havelock house
house, Overstrand road Garnier Rev. Edward S., M . .A. I Limmer Hartnall J. I Brecondaler
Burn George Wilson, I St. Margaret'~ Park road, Suffield park Overstrand road
terrace, Norwich road Gethen Rev. Leonard M ..A.. (curate), Locker-Lampson Mrs. New Haven crt.
Burton Alfred, 5 Park road 8 St. Mary's road Norwich road
Burton .A.rth.M.D. Stenson,N orwich rd Green Rev. Ernest D., M . .A. (Wes- Lockwood Hammond George, .A.ldwick
Butler Mrs. The Leylands, Cliff aven leyan), 4 Vicarage road cottage, Hall road
Buxton Sir Thomas Fowell bart. Girling Saml. Links lo.N ortprepps rd Lovelace J ames. Kingswear, Cliff av
G.C.M.G., V.D., M . .A.., D.L., J.P. Gower Mrs. 17 Vicarage road Mace Herbert, Hanover ho.Church sq
Colne house Grant Robt.M.D. Ruthven, Cabbell rd Mclnnes Edwd. Glaremount, {Jliff av
Buxton John Hy. J.P., D.L. Upton ho Green J. Mackay, Overstrand road Ma:rriott Charles, IS St. Mary's road
Buxton Noel Edward M.P. Colne Grimwood Mrs. 44 St. Mary'M road \Iichell Hy. B. Eastbury, Cliff aven
cottage ; & 2 Prince's gate & Hamilton Rev. ·wm. Frederic Tucke-1 More Mrs. Links place
Reform & National Liberal clubs, M ..A.. (vicar & surrogate), Thr More Robert, The Cottage, Cliff aven
London SW Vicarage Mount Hy. •
Herbt. Bank ho.Church st
Caley Frederick W. Hilburgh, North- Hamilton Robert Hy.27 McDonald rd Os born Miss, Norwich road
repps road Hansell Edward Morgan, Prior bank. Palmer Mrs. Danby, West lawn,
Cayley Mrs. 4 Park road Cliff avenue Cliff avenue
Clephan Miss, Leighton house, St. Harrison Edwd. The Ferns, Vicarage rd Palmes Capt. Gerald Lindsay D.S.O.
Mary's road Hoare Douro, North lodge, East cliff Rome farm
Colvin-Smith Robert Curzon Molison, Hoare Francis R. The Weylands. Payne Wm. Fredk. 12 St. Mary's road
Mount street Overstrand road Pearce Miss C.H.Oakleigh,Norwich rd
Coman William, I Chesterfield villas Hoare Miss, North cottage, East cliff Pearson Charles Wm. I Beach road
Cooper Mrs. Fanny, St. Mary's road Hoare Mrs. Robert Gurney, Egmere. Pearson Mrs. Ormsby ho.Cliff avenue
Coulson Mrs. 18 .Alfred road Overstrand road Priest Mrs. 27 Alfred road
Crisp Mrs. 35 Prince of Wales road Hudson George Bradford, 6 Park rd Rudd S. Bentley, St. Katherine's,
Croome Bobert, I6 Alfred road Jackson Hugh, The Ronry Bernard road
Rust Henry, Warwick ha. High street Stock Major Herbert,25 St. Mary's rdl Thornton H. M. Lawn cottage,Hallrd
& The Grey house, Cromwell road Suffield Col. Lord P.C., G.C.V.O., Walker .A.rthur West, Corner house.
Rust Miss, St. Olaves, 31 Vicarage rd K.C.B., V.D., D.L., J.P. Harbord Norwich road
Sadler Charles .Arthur, Trent cottage house; & Marlborough club S W, Wigg Mayes, Bank house, Tucker st
Salter .A.lbert Edward, Hillside London Wilkinson Mrs. J. I4 St. Mary's road
Sandford Mrs. 14 Mount street Swann Mrs. 29 Alfred road Winter H. Gordon M . .A..Cantab. Suf-
Smith Vernon, The Patch, Norwich rd Taylor Miss Esther, 24 Cabbell road field Park school
Squirrell Rev. Harold S. (Catholic), Taylor J . .A.rthur, 22 Cliff avenue Woolnough William,Woodville, North-
Presbytery, Overstrand road Taylor William Thomas I.S.O. The repps road
Stirling Capt. Chas. 13 Cliff avenue Hutch, Ciomwell road

COMMERCIAL. Boyles Wm. (Mrs.), apartments, .Aston ho. 33 Cab bell rd

Early closing day, Thursday. Briggs James J. & Co. jewellers, 1 Church street
Abbeyville Boarding Establishment (Mrs. E. R. Briggs Alice (Mr~.), apartment~, 23 St. Mary's road
Williams, proprietress), Cabbell road. See adver- Briggs .A.lice (Mrs.), fancy reposit{)ry, Church square
tisement British Industries (G. L. Palmer, manager), fancy goods
Abbs :Miss Honor, apartments, IO Jetty street dealers, Hamilton road
Alien Geo. & Mary (Miss), fishmongers, 67 Church street Bryant Herbert, aparts. 3 Chesterfield villas, Halt road
.Alien Henry, fisherman, 4 Chesterfield cottages Bryant Sarah (Mrs.), a parts. Windsor ho. Cadogan rd
Alien James, apartments, 8 Mount street Bryde-Hayward (.Vlrs.) & Clephan .Annette (Miss).
All en John, fisherman, IO Chesterfield cottages boarding house & private school for girls, Leighton
Alien Mahel (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Cabbell road house, St. Mary's road. See advertisement
Allen Nellie (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Cadogan road Bullen .Arth. Herbrt. pianoforte & music wareho. m Bond n
Alien Robert James, apartments, 8 East cliff Bullen Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Chesterfield villas
Alien Waiter, fisherman, IS Chesterfield cottages Bullen Herbert, builder, Central road
Alien William, fisherman, 6 Surrey street Bullen Matilda (Mrs.), aparts. Cantley house, Alfred rd
Amendt Henry Christian Thomas, refreshment rooms, Bultitude Rosa (Mrs.), apartments, 5 St. Margaret's ter
G. E. Railway station Burgin J. M. (Mrs.), apartments, 4 The Crescent
.A.mies Jemima (Mrs.), apartments, 25 .Alfred road Burn William John, fruiterer, Church street
Amis S. & J. fly proprietors, Bond street Burrows Eustace Herbert, refreshment rooms, M. & G. N_
Amis .A.nnie (Mrs.), greengrocer & butcher, 17 & rg joint railway station
West street Burrows Richard, steward Cromer club, Cliff avenue
Amis Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, I I Prince of Wales rd Burton The Misses, furnished , apartments, Eversley,
Amis Charles, Wellington P.H. New st. & Garden street Prince of Wales road
Am is J ames, j obmaster, Oross street Burton .Alfred, assistant sec. to the Royal Cromer Golf
Anderson Wm. furniture dealer, Osborne ho. New street Club, 5 Park road, Snffield park
Archer William Henry, manager Gas Co. Newstead lane Burton .Arthur M.D., B.C.Camb., F.R.C.S.Edin.,
Ashley Jane (Mrs.), apartments, Park villa, Hall road L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. (firm, Dent & Bnrton).
Auckland Harold, motor garage, Canada road physician & surgeon, & Admiralty surgeon, Stenson.
Aveston Ellen E. (Mrs.), aparts. St . .A.ndrew's, Mount st Norwich road
Aveston Thomas c;Mrs. ), apartments, 7 Cab bell road Burton Hannah (Mrs.), apartments,37 Prince of Wales rd
Bacon Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Vicarage road Burton Mary (Mrs. ),apartments,Crofton ho.Hamilton rd
Bacon Harry (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Prince of Wales road Butterfield Gulielmus, .Albion hotel. Church street
Bacon Harry T. grocer, see Payne & Bacon Buxton Harry, registrar of births & deaths for Cr.omer
Bacon Thomas (Mr·s.), apartments, 22 Cabbell road sub-district & relieving & vaccination officer & collector
Bagshaw .A.rthur, journalist, district representative of to guardians for Cromer district of Erpingham union
the "Cromer & North Walsham Post," Church street & inspector under the "Children's .Act," 53 Station rd
Baker & Co. furniture dealers, West street Camping Anna Bell (Miss), apartments, The Croft
Baker Dora (Miss), apartments, 14 Garden street Cannell Isaac, butcher, 30 Garden street
Baker Emma Louisa (Miss), baker, Bond street Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Henry
Baker George, beer retailer, 29 Garden street Herbert Mount, manager), Church street; draw on
Baker William Porter (Mrs.). Ship inn, Church square head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C
Baldwin Sarah (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 33 Prince of Cemeteries (J. K. Frost, clerk), Holt road
Wales road "' Chambers William John, printer, West street
Balls Anna (Mrs.), apartments, 4 M~rine viis. West cliff Chapman Edith (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Bernard road
Balls Harold (Mrs.), apartments, 34 Cab bell road Cheverton William & Thomas, printers, 7 Bond street
Balls Minnie (Mrs.), apartments, Cliff side, The Gangway & The .Arcade, Church street
Banham .Annie (Miss), apartments, Norfolk house, Cheverton Thomas P. apartments, 7 Bond street
Hamilton road Cheverton William (Mrs.), apartments, 10 St. Mary's rd
Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (Mayes CLilds Charles, apartments, Chesterfield lodge
Wigg,manager) (open 10 to 4, except sat. to r),Tucker Childs Frank, apartments, 6 Chesterfield villas
street; draw on bead office, 54 Lombard st.London EO Chown Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 25 Beinard road
Barker Arthur, apartments, 35 Cabbell road Churchyard Waiter, apartments, 3 & 4 West parade
Barker William, refreshment rooms, High street Clarke George Henry, fancy repository, Church street &.
Barnsley James, music seller, 7 New street I Mount street
Barrie Sophie (Mrs.), dress maker, 29 Cliff road Clarke J . .A. (Mrs.), Shelley boarding ho. Cadogan road
Barritt Charles Waiter, journalist, 7 Church street Clarke John .A. tobacconist, 40 Church street
Battson Frank, news agent, Church street Clarke Robert William, apartments, Cambridge houser
Baxter George. commission agent, II5 Mill road East cliff & Imperial private hotel, Church street
Baxter Wm. Ernest, grocer,7 Station rd. & 105 Mill rd Claxton Henry, boot maker, Garden street
Beasy .A.lice (Mrs.), apartments, Fazeley, Cabbell road Clephan .Annette (Miss), boarding house & private schooi
Beasy .Ann (Mrs.), apartment~. Gordon house, West st for girls (Bryde-Hayward (Mrs.) & Clephan .A.nnett6'
Beasy Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 36 Cab bell road (Miss), Leighton house, St. Mary's road. Sea ad-
Beck .Austin, cycle agent, Church street vertisement
Bessey & Palmer Ltd. coal merchants, 7 Hamilton road Cobbald Sidney (Mrs.), apartments, 29 Cabbell road
Bessingham Dairy (.A.rthur Rayner, manager).9 Mount st Cockady Robert, apartments, r Gangway
Billham Robt. basket maker & posting estab.6Hamilton rd Colvin-Smith Robert Curzon Molison M.B., B.C.Camb.,
Bird Frank, butcher, West street M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, &;
Bishop George, financial sec. & collector Cromer Cottage medical officer of health Cromer U.D.C. Mount street
hospital, Bond street Corn ben Edith (Mrs.), apartments, Melbourne house,
Blogg Fred (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Alfred road West cliff
Blogg Harry, fisherman, 17 Chesterfield cottages Conservative & Unionist Association (William P. Baker.
Blundell Amy (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Cab bell road hon. sec.), Church square
Blyth~ .Austin (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Bernard road Convent of Perpetual Adoration, boarding & day school
Boswell Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Alfred road for young ladies (Sister Mary Dominigue, principal)
Bouttell Harry James, cabinet maker, 17 Garden street Cook Gilbert, boarding house, Lyndhurst, Alfred road
Bower James, baker & confectioner; first-class refresh- Cooke Sarah (Miss), apartments, I Vicarage road
ment rooms with every accommodation for visitors, Cooper Bessie & Mary Ann (Misses), drapers, 4 & 5
Steam bakery & restaurant, Church street (T N 155 Brook street
Cromer) ; branch. Garden street; furnished private Cooper Robert, farmer, Overstrand road
apartments with home comforts, Fern house, Church Copeman John Henry, King's Head P.H. High street
street. See advertisement

CQttage Hospital (Hamilton .A.shley Ballance M.D., M.S. Francis Samuel G. cab proprietor, I;) Bernard road
Lond., F.RO.S.Eng. consulting surgeon r Herbert Frost James King, clerk to Urb~ District Council,
.Orowley Dent M.R.O.S.Eng., L.S ..A. Robert Ourzon Council offices, West street
Molison Oolvin-Smith M.B., B.O., M.R.O.S.Eng., Gant F. (Miss), board & residence; also apartments
L.RO.P.Lond . .Arthur Burton M.D., B.O., L.R.O.P. facing sea; well recommended, Canon house, West cliff
Lond. & M.R.O.S.Eng. & Robert Grant M.D. medical Gee DanL (Mrs.), apartments, Evington ho. Cadogan rd
officers ; George Bishop, financial sec. & collector ; Gee Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Mount street
Miss G. Lambert, matron), Louden lane Gibbs Edith D.(Miss), boarding house,Iselham,West cliff
Cotton Frederick, china &c. dealer, 8 West street Girling & Smith, builders, Cross street ·
Cotton Robert, apartments, Oolne lodge, Louden road Girls' Friendly Society Home of Rest (Mrs. Ann E_
Covell .Alice (Mrs.), apartments, Belvoir, Connaught rd Cleton, matron)
Cox Charles, fisherman, 2 Surrey street Godfrey John, apartments, 3 Vicarage road
Cox William, fishmonger, Church street Gordon Albert E. draper, Xew street
Cracknell Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, Hamilton road Grand Hotel (Miss E. A.. Wood, manageress), West cliff
Crane, Warner & Wilkins, plumbers, Cambridge street Grant Robert M.D. physician & surgeon, & medical
Crane .Annie A. (Miss), apartments, Cliff brow, West cliff officer & public vaccinator for Cromer & NorthreppB
Crane .Arthur John, apartments, 6 Mount street districts of Erpingham union, Ruthven, Cabbell road
Crane Edith (Mrs.), apartments,Earl's Oolne,Oadogan rd Gray ·william, stew!l.rd Cromer & District Conservative
Craske Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Post office, Salisbury & Unionist Working Men's Club Limited, Canada rd
road, Suffield park Gray 'William C. apartments, 17 Bernard road
Crawford Lindsay, apartments, 39 Cab bell road Great Eastern Railway (town booking & enquiry offices)
Crisp Fred, White Horse inn, West street (William Coman, manager), 3 Bond street
Cromer Band of Hope (Mr . .A. E. Salter M.O.P. hon. Green Charlotte (:\1rs. ), apartments, 16 Cab bell road
sec. & treasurer), Lecture hall Green Ern est (Mrs.), boarding house, Clevedon house,
Cromer Bowling Club (A. E. Salter, hon. ~c.), Hillside Prince of Wales road
Cromar Club (R. U. M. Oolvin-Smith ~LB. sec.),Cliff av Green J. Mackay, private ~School, Overstrand road
Cromer Co-operative Society Limited (Stephen James Guy Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 21 .Alfred road
Reeve, manager), Prince of Wales road Bales John Baseley Tooke, solicitor, notary public & com-
Cromer & District Conservative & Unionist Working missioner for oaths (firm, Hansells & Bales)
Men's Club Limited (Wm. Gray, steward), Canada rd Hamey A. M. (Miss), apartments, 6 St. Margaret's ter-
Cromer Electricity Supply, Central road race, Norwich road
Cromer Fire Brigade (J. K. Frost, captain); engine llannant Mary W. (Mrs.), fruiterer, 24 Church street
house, Canada road • Hansell Ed ward Morgan, solicitor & commissioner for
Cromer Football Club (William P. Baker, sec.); head oaths & clerk to the justices & protection co=is-
quarter~, Ship hotel. Church street Rioners (firm, Hansells & Bales), Church street
Cromer Gas Oo. (W. H . .Archer, manager; Peter Edwd. Hansell Peter Edward (firm, Hansclls & Bales), !lolicitor,
Hansell, sec.), Newstead lane; showrooms, Mount st.; commissioner for oaths, perpetual commissioner & clerk
Becretary's office, Church street to the commissioners of taxes & sec. to Gas Co.
Qromer, Sheringham & North Walsham Post (London Church street
& Norwich Press Limited, proprietors & publishers; Hansell Waiter Edward, solicitor & notary public (firm,
published every friday., price Id.), Church street ; & Hansells & Hales), Church street
at North Walsham Hansell William Henry, boot maker, Church street
Cromer Protection Commissioners (Edwd. Morgan Han- Hansells & Bales, solicitors, Church street
~ell, clerk), Church street Hardy Limited, furniture dealers, Church street
Cromer Steam Laundry Co. Limited (Fred S. Oulley, Hardy .Anna (Mrs.), arartments, 33 V:tcarage road
sec.), Cross street. See advertisement Hardy Margery J. (Mrs.), aparts. San Remo, Norwich rd
Cromer Town Hall Co. Limited (J. K. Frost, sec.), Harmer Susanna (Mrs.), apartmts. 2 St. Margaret's ter
Prince of Wales road Harrison Emma (Mrs.), apartments,Melrose ho.East cliff
Croome Robert, surveyor & inspector of nuisances to i Harrison Gertrude (Mrs.), berlin wool repository, 38
the Urban District Council West street Church street
Crotch & Oo. billposters, 19 Bernard road Harrison Isabel (.Miss), apartments, Tucker street
Cubitt & Walker, coal & flour merchants, Midland & Great Harrison Rachael (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Louden road
· Northern Joint Railway station yard Harrold John, apartments, 19 .Alfred road
Cullington Kate (Miss), boarding house, 2 Bond street Hartt Frank C. apartments, 34 St. Mary's road
Curnow Paul, principal keeper Cromer Lighthouse Hastings Herbert, hair dresser, 14 West street
Curtis James, greengrocer, High street & Jetty street Heath Alfred, organist parish church, 22 Alfred road
Darby Wm. (Mrs.), apartments, Waverley, Cadogan rd Hoare William Parker, chemist, Church street
Davies Jame!l & Son, proprietors of bathing machines, 'Hobbs .Arthur, apartments, 9 Alfred road
Swallow cottage, Corner street Holdom Emma (Mrs.), apartmts. 9 Prince of Wales road
Davison Daniel, chemist, 12 Jetty street Holdom William D. painter, Hethersett house
Dawson & Eaton, apartments, 17 Cabbell road Hoop er Elliot (Mrs.), boarding house, Southern bun-
Dennis Frances (Miss), aparts. Edinburgh ho. East cliff galow, Norwich road
Dennis Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, 14 Brook street Horst Ernest, fancy repository, 38 Church street
Dent & Burton, physicians & surgeons, Oliff avenue Hough ton Fredk. (Mrs.), boarding ho. 35 St. Mary's rd
Dent Adelaide (Mrs.), dress maker, 35 Salisbury road Howard Herbert George, butcher, Cliff road
Dent Herbert Crowley M.RO.S.Eng., L.S ..A. (firm, Dent Howe Frederick, hairdresser & tobacconist, 16 Brook at
& Burton), physician & surgeon, Yerbury, Cliff avenue Hudson John B. apartments, 4 St. Mary's road
Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited, 2 West street Hug gins Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 4 .Alfred road
Dowding Oaroline (Miss), apartments, West parade Hunt Fredk. Wm. boot ma. Linkside, Overstrand road
Driver Charles, apartments, Western house, West cliff Hunt Waiter G. hosier, The Arcade, Church street
Dulley David, chemist, Church street International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited (.Alfred Flower-
Dnrrant Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Vicarage road day, manager), Church street
Eaton Susanne (Miss), apartments, see Dawson & Eaton Jarrold & Sons Ltd. fancy repository & library, book-
Edwards Eyre W. proprietor the Ship Electric Laundry, sellers, stationers & news agents, Church street; & at
Church street Norwich, Yarmouth & Sheringham
Emms Frank James, schoolmaster, 32 St. Mary's road Jarvis Messrs. Hotel de Paris & Tucker's Royal hotel,
Everett ·william, mineral water manufacturer, Bond st High straet
Farrow Ellen (Mrs.), boarding house, 6 CabhPll road Jarvis Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 35 Vicarage road
Fenwick Fredk. Samuel, apartments, 41 Cabbell road Jarvis Jane (Mrs.), aparts. St. Bennets, Vicarage road
Fisheries (The) Oo. fishmongers, 31 Garden street Jeary .Arthur Thomas, toy dealer, & deputy registrar
Flaxman Henry, manager Cromer Steam Laundry Co. of marriages for Halt district, II Garden street
Limited, Cross street .Tefferson John William, Belmont private hotel & Alex-
Fletcher OonvalescPnt Home for the Norwich & Norfolk andra mansions, Prince of Wales Toad & Cabbell road
Hospital (Miss Edith A. Noar, matron), Norwich road Jervis Kate (Mrs.), apartments, W oodlyn, Beach road
Ford Edit,h (Mi~s). confectioner, 165 Mill road .Tessop William Edward, baker & confectioner, High street
Fox A. H. Limited, general house furnishers, cabinet Keith Frederick WaltPr Hugh B.A. solicitor & commis-
makers, upholsterers &c. West street; Prince of Wales Rioner for oaths, 21 Garden street
road & Canada road Kemp .Ad a (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Prince of Wales road
Fox Ambrose Horatio. regist-rar of marriages for North Kemp Maud (Mrs.), aparts. 3 Marine villas, West clifY
Erpingham sub-district, West street Kemp Wm. (Mrs.). apartments, High beach, Beach road
Fox Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Cab bell road Kennedy Ann M. (Mrs.), apartments, 30 Cabbell road
Francis 1ames, ironmonger, Church street Kettle William H. jobmaster, I I Station :~:oad

Key Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 4 St. Margaret's ter· earc~G. H. (Miss), girls' boarding· school, Oakleigh,
race, Norwich road Norwich road
Kimm Florence (Mrs.), apartments, Glencoe, Norwich rd earson Charles William, sec. North Norfolk Conserva-
Kimm Robert P. boot maker, r8 Brook st. & West st tive .Association, Town Hall chambers
King Arthur, insurance agent, 6 Jetty street Perkins Wesley, draper, Church street
Kirby Charles R. builder, see Watson & Kirby file William, police inspector, Police station
Lambert Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Alfred road Plowright Misses, apartments, Sandcliff, Macdonald road
Levine Louis, antique dealer, Prince of Wales road forter William G. builder, Halt road
Limmer Hartnall J., & estate agt.Church sq fost Office Telephone Exchange & Public Call Office
Line Joseph, boot maker, see Spalding & Line I (Miss Ethel Gertrude Kett, clerk in charge),Church st
Linford Wm. (Mrs.), a parts. Ha~lemere, Cab bell road Pratt J ames Henry, saddler, Church street
Linford William, cycle agent, West street Prentice Rose (Miss), apartments, 8 Cab bell road
Ling Ralph Michael, chemist & optician, Church street; Press & Noble, apartments, I I Vicarage road
& at Market place, North Walsham Price Thomas, hosier, Church street
Ling Ralph (Mrs.), boarding ho. Havelock ho. Church st fuxley A. lice (Mrs.), apartments, 37 Cab bell road
Ling Stanley Thomas, assistant overseer for Cromer & Puxley Thomas, grocer, 8 Hamilton road
collector to the Cromer Urban District Council, West st Ramm Martha Elizh. (Miss), aparts. 21 Vicarage road
Loader .A. 1f. (Mrs.), Suffield Park hotel Randall Robert Laurence, watch & clock ma. ~~ .Mount st
Loads & Sons, boot & shoe makers, High street & ~andell F. Lim. ironmongers, High street; & at Norwich
drapers, Church street & North Walsham
Loads Martha (Miss), apartments, 14 Cabbell road nandell Agnes (Mrs.), apartments & private boarding
house, Kandahar, Prince of Wales road. See adver-
London Buffet Co. dining- rooms, rB Garden street
London (The) Central Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, Church ilt
Long J ane Helen (Mrs.), milliner, High street
I tisement
Randell Harold Drake, tobacconist, I Garden street
Long Thomas H. confectioner, 25 Church street Ransom Charles, apartments, 21 Bernard road
Love .Alice M. (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Prince of Wales rd Read William Gray (Mrs.), dairy keeper, 63 Church st.
Lovick Arthur William, boot repairer, I I Roseberry rd & .Mill lane, Suffield park
McArthur Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 37 Bernard road Reeve Stephen James, manager Cromer Co-operative
Mace Augustus (Mrs.), antique dealer, 27 Garden street I Socieh-, Prince of Wales road
Mack James, billposter & town crier, 17 Mount street Rogers -~If red John, photographer, Church street
Mack Jans (Mrs.), apartments, 17 Mount street Rogers Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, Prospect ho. Suffield pk Laura S. (Miss), fancy draper, Church street & Rogers Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, r8 St. Mary's road
Mount street Rogers Waiter William, wheelwright, Halt road
Mack Mary (Miss), fancy repository, 5 Church street Rogers William, ironmonger, Church street
Mack Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 21 Macdonald road Rook George, fish mercha-nt, 10 Brook street
Marlborough House Hotel, private & boarding house Rope M aria (Mrs.), apartments, 39 Prince of Wales rd
(M. E. & I. Rog-ers, proprietors), West cliff. See Roper Ernest & Gladys (Miss), fishmongers,36 Church st
advertisement Roper Chrissie (Miss), confectioner, 22 Church street
Marriott Charles, sec. The Royal Cromer Golf Club Rosling Ellen Edith (Miss), aparts. 13 Prince of Wales rd
May John Charles, coast guard officer, 13 Mount street Rounce & Wortley, stationers, Church square
Mayes Robert, apartments, 7 Mount street Rounce Goorge, printer, 4 Chesterfield villas, Halt road
Mayes William, apartments, Wellington house, New st ;Royal Cromer Golf Club (Charles Marriott, sec. ; Alfred
Maynard Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Jetty street Burton, assistant sec)
,Royal Links Hotel (adjoining golf links) (C. H.
Mead Reilly, Red Lion hotel, Brook street
Middleton John, news agent, 6 Brook street I Burkard, m:1nager), East cliff
Miller Ann E. (Mrs.), saddler & harness ma. Church st lRoyal Waiter James, photographer, West street
Miller William John, cycle agent, Overstrand road & Rudduck Martha (Mrs.), apartments, 16 St. Mary's rd
motor garage, Church street Runton (West) Links Hotel & Golf House (proprie-
Minns Harriet (Miss), apartments, 15 Macdonald road tor, C. J. Renwick-Abbs), standing in its own grounds
Mubb!! Martha Edith (Mrs.), apartments, Beacbcroft. 1
at the foot of the Incleboro' hills & commanding
29 Prince of Wales road magnificent Sea & Land views, midway between
Moors .A.nnie (Mrs.) .a parts. 3 St. Margaret's ter. Norwich rd Cromer & Sheringham, close to West Runton station
-Morgan Frederick Henry, dairy, Church street & adjoining the Run"ton Golf Links, one of the
Moulton William, insurance broker, Church street most sporting 18-hole golf courses in Great Britain,
Moulton William (Mrs.), apartments, I I Cabbell road planned by J. H. Taylor (open champion golfer 1894,
Mount Henry Herbert, manager Capital & Counties 1895, tgoo); the first tee & TRth green are in the
Bank Limited, Church street hotel grounds ; total length of links, s,soo yards.
Moy Thomas Limited, coal, coke & general merchants Sunday play allo-ed (with caddies). The hotel,
(R. S. Crichley, agent), Church street which is oommodious & comfortably furnished, con-
Muirhead Albert, hoot repairer, 9 Roseberry road tains coffee, drawing, smoking, social & billiard rooms,
Munday Charles, stationer, Church square & is the only hotel in the district. Station, West
Mutimer & Son, grocers, drapers, outfitters & milliners, Runton within 200 yards of hotel & golf links, Mid.
4• 6, ro & r2 Garden street G. N. Ry. & G. E. Ry. Letters," West Runton Links
Neilson Harriette (Miss),girls' school, J.von ho.Church st Hotel, Cromer ; " Telegrams, " Woodlands, West Run-
Nelson Robson (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Cabbell road ton;" Tel. No. 12 Sheringham
N ewman M. (Mr<~. ), Sea View private hotel & Surrey Rush Wm. J. golf professional & club maker, The Links
House hoarding establishment Rust Benjamin (Mrs.), apartments, 27 St. Mary's road
Noar Edith 1'!.. (Miss), matron Fletcher Convalescent Rusts Limited, grocers & tea dealers,- provision &
Home, Norwich Toad wine & spirit merchants & drapers & milliners &
Noble Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, see Press & Noble gents' outfitters, High street
Nockels Ann (Mrs.). apartments, 23 Mount street Sadler Frederick, butcher, 9 Garden street
Nockels Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 5 Cadogan road St. John's Ambulance Brigade (Cromer Division); head
Nockels Lily (Mrs.), apartments, 28 Cabbell road quarters, Council school, Bond street; (Frank James
North Norfolk Conservative Association (Charles Wm. Emms, first officer), 32 St. Mary's road
Pearson, sec.), Town Hall chambers Salkind Saul, watch maker, Church street
Nurses' Home (The) (Miss Annie Osborn, supt.), Nor- Salmon J oseph, apartments, 27 Vicarage road
wich road. Telegrams, " Nurses, Cromer;" Telephone Salter Alfred Edward, assessor & collector of the King-'s
No. 42. See advertisement taxes & insurance agent &c. Hillside
Osborn Annie (.Miss), The Nurses' Home, Norwich road. Savir1 Alfred C. antique dealer, 23 Church street
See advertisement Scott Annie Marian & Louisa (.Misses), apartments, 17
Padley Henry Madeley, boys' school, 46 St. Mary's road St. Mary's road
Pallett, Barclay & Co. corn merchants. G.E.R.Station yd Scott Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Wave crest,Beach rd
Palm er Elizabeth (Mrs.), Bath hotel, Esplanade Scott James William, greengrocer, 5 Hamilton road
Palmer Louie (Miss), aparts. Leicester house, Jetty st Sea View Private Hotel & Boarding Establishment (Mrs.
Palmer Robert Walpole (exors. of), jobmasters, Brook st M. Newman, proprietress), Church street
Palmer William, apartments, 31 Cabbell road Seales Rester (Mrs.), &pa.rtments & private boarding
Parker Cbarle!' James, butcher, 6 Bond st. & Church st house, The Repose, 5 Viearage road. See adver-
Parker Samuel. sergeant-instructor to F Co. 5th Terri- tisement
torial Battalion Norfolk Regiment, The Armoury, Self Alfred, apartments, 5 Mount street
Central Toad Sergent Brothers, bakers, West street
Payne & Bacon, grocers, Prince of Wales road Sharpen Robert Hedley, veterinary surgeon, Corner st
Payne ~ Son!!, tailors, Church street , Sharp on John, firewood dealer, 153 Mill road

Shingles William, agent for Cromer Hall estate, .Audit Walker George, coal merchant, see Cubitt & Walker
office, Cromer hall Walker Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 2I St. Mary's road
Ship (The) Electric Laundry (Eyre W. Edwards, pro- Wanstall Ellen & Elizabeth (Misses), apartments, I7
prietor), Church street Prince of Wales road
Shipden Social Club (Alfred C. Savin, sec.), Church sq Wanstall Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 6 St. Mary's road
Sidle Elizabeth R. (Mrs.), apartments, I2 Bond street Ward Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 29 Vicarage road
Sillitor Frank Ryland, apartments, 23 Alfred road Warmer Anna (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Mount street
Simona s. &. Co. house, land & estate agents, auc- Warner Emma (Mrs.), aparts. Westgate lo.Macdonald rd
tioneers & valuers, Church street Warner William, plumber, see Crane, Warner & Wilkins
Simons Stanley, house agent &c. (Si mons S. & C.), Water Works (C. U. D. C.) (J. K. Frost, manager)
Church street; res. Hadleigh, Sheringham Watson & Kirby, plumbers, builders, sanitary engineers
Smith J ames & Sons, dyers & cleaners, Church street &c. Cambridge street
Smith W. H. & Son, book sellers, G. E. & Mid. & G. N. Watson .Agnes (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Bernard road
(joint) stations Watson Henry, tailor, 16 Garden street
Smith Ellen E. (Mrs.), apartments, II Alfred road lVatson Thomas, inspector of hackney carriages, I9
Smith Ernest, builder, see Girling & Smith Vicarage road
Smith Fred ('Mrs.), apartments, IS Mount street Watts Bessie (Miss), apartments, Victoria ho. Jetty st
Smith Sydney (Mrs.), apartments, 36 St. Mary's road Watts Selby, fishmonger, 30 Church street
Smith William, insurance agent, I6 Cliff road Watts Susanna (Mrs.), apartments, 7 St. Mary's road
Smith William George, apartments, 6 Alfred road Wells Bernard John, fruiterer, 20 Church street
Spalding & Line, boot makers, Brook street West Cliff Hote1 (Miss A. Coote, manageress), New stree\
Sparkes Robina (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Prince of Wales rd West Mary (Miss) C.M.D. district nurse, Princes His-
Spence Leonard, commercial traveller, 40 St. Mary's rd borough, West street
Spencer & Co. wine & spirit mers. Prince of Wales rd 'Vestrup Ernest Horace, dairyman, Church square
Spencer Henry William, auctioneer, Norwich road White Lily Louisa (Mrs.), apartments, 3B Cahhell road
Spencer Mabel Eleanor (Mrs.), apartments, Dunrobin, Whitfield M. A. (Mrs.), apartments, Fernleigh,Norwich I'd
Norwich road Wigg Mayes, manager Barclay & Co.'s Bank (branch).
Stead & Simpson Ltd. boot & shoe warehouse, West st Tucker street
Stearman Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, IS .Alfred road Wig-ht G. Miller, builder, 10 :Mount street
Stearman George, apartments, I3 Bernard road Wilkin George William, confectioner & bread & biscuit
Stevenson Matilda & Mary Elizabeth (Misses), stationers, baker, Jetty street
& post office, 29 Prince of Wales road Wllkin George William, jobmaster, coach builder &.
Steward Mary (Miss), dress maker, 35 Garden street farrier; coaching & cartage contractor to Mid. & G. N.
Strangleman Annie (:Mrs.), apartments, I9 St Mary's rd railways ; undertaker, carriages of all descriptions on
Sutfleld Park School, preparatory school for thP hire; office, Jetty street; livery & bait stables &.
public schools (H. Gordon Winter M.A. Carob) motor garages at the Overstrand hotel & Wellington
Sutton iMary (Mrs.), apartments, The Haven, Cab bell rd mews, Croft stables & West End stables. Tel. No. 2B
Swann Mary .Ann pt:rs.), pork butcher, 3I Prince of Wilkins William, plumber, see Crane, Warner & Wilkins
Wales road Williams E. R. (Mrs.), Abbeyville boarding establish-
Territorial Battalion (5th) Norfolk Regiment (F Co. ment, Cabbell road. See advertisement
Capt. Havard N. Bridgewater; Sergt.-Inst. Samuel Willins Alfred Ernest, private hotel, Cliftonville
Parker, drill instructor), Armoury, Central road Willis Joseph, boarding house, 15, I7 & 19 Tucker strec\
Thomason .Arthur Brookes L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental sur- Wilson Charles, monumental mason, Halt road
geon, Corner house, Norwich road "' Wilson Clara (Mrs.), apartments, 40 Cabbell road
Trew Florence M. (Miss), manageress Cromer Steam Winter H. Gordon M . .A. Cam b. preparatory school for the
Laundry Co. Limited, Cross street public schools, Suffield Park school
Trollops Louis F. tailor, 20 Salisbury road Workmen's & Fishermen's Reading Room (Rev. William
Trollor Edward, fruiterer, 49 Church street F. T. Hamilton M . .A. president), Chapel street
Turner Clara (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Cab bell road Wortley William Henry Francis, stationer, see Rounce &
United Automobile Services Limited (E. B. Hutchinson, Wortley
manager); garage, Church street Wright Thos. (Mrs.), aparts. Cadogan house,Cadogan rd
Vicary Arthur (Mr!l.), boarding house, Westward Ho ! Young Men's Christian Association (William Atkins.
Prince of Wales road sec.), Church street
Walker .Arthur James, apartments; high class catering, Young .!lien's Christian .Association Bowling Club (Wm.
Dagmar, Cadogan road. See advertisement Cheverton, sec.), Overstrand r(}ad
Walker Arthur West M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.D.S. dental Young Men's Christian Association Cricket Club (Wm.
surgeon, Corner house, Norwich road Moulton, s~.), Overstrand road
CROSTWICK is a parish and village within 2 miles value £n8, including 6 acres of glebe, with residence.
of the navigable river Bure and on the road from Nor- in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since
wich to North Walsham, about 3~ miles south-west r898 by the Rev. George William Hill, of Queen'~ Col-
from Salhouse station on the Norwich and Cromer lege, Birmingham. The town land of 1 acre prodn~es
line of the Great Eastern railway and 4i north-by-east [,1 ss. yearly for fuel. Col. F. B. Longe C.B. William
from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, Henry Trafford esq. and the Rev. W. J. Stracey-Clitherow
Taverham hundred and petty sessional division, St. M.A. of so Portland place, London W, are the lords of
Faith's union, Norwich county court district, rural the manor and the principal landowners. The soil is
deanery of Taverham and archdeaconry and diocese of sand and gravel; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are
Norwich. The houses are fur the most part situated wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area is 7o6 acres;
round a picturesque common of 30 acres. The church assessable value, £sr3; the population in I911 was I53·
of St. Peter is a building of l"ubble in the Perpendi-
cular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and Post Office (in the parish of Horstead). John Spanton.
an embattled western tower with pinna.cles containing sub-postmaster. Letters received from Norwich, arrive
I bell: there are two stained windows, one to Eustace at 6.30 a. m. & S-40 p.m. (to callers only); dispatched
Ark wright and the other to the Rev. Robert Ficklin at 5-35 & 8.45 p.m.; sunda:vs, 5.30 & 8.45 p.m.
B..!. a former rectOII." of the parish in 1804: on thp Coltishall, 3 miles distant, is the nearest money order
south wall is an ancient painting of St. Christopher, and & telegraph office
there are some remains of the rood loft staircase : Public Elementary School (mixed), for 66 children;
the church affords I20 sittings. The register dates flrom average attendance, 47 ; Mrs. L. A. Talbot, mistress
the year IS6o. The living is a rectory, net yearly
Hill Rev. George William, Rectory Somervaille Charles & Robert D.
Snelling Edward, White Horse P.H farmers, Old hall
CROSTWIGHT is a parish, 2 miles north from in I9IO owing to the dangerous condition of the tower
Honing station on the Midland and Great Northern joint 30 feet, of it had to be taken down, the bell re-hung
railway, I6 north-east from Norwich and 3! east from and all the stone-work of the windows repaired at a
North Walsham, in the Eastern division of the county, cost of £217: a screen of carved oak separates the chan-
Tunstead and Rapping petty sessional division, Tun- cel from the nave, and there is an ancient octag<Jnal stone
stead hundred, Smallburgh union, North Walsham font of the Norman period, supported on a massive
county court district, rural deanery of Waxham (Tun- central shaft, encircled by eight smaller ones: in the
&tead division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- chancel are two stone coffin-lids and two brasses, one of
wich. The church <Jf All Saints is a building- of .11tone, which is dated I447: the memorials include two marble
in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, tablets to Jame~ Shepheard, d. I8IO, and to Martin Shep-
south porch and a western tower containing one bell : heard, d. IB4I : in the south porch is a stoup: the
church, which is seated with carved oak benches, was being held by Mrs. Black:, of Highcroft, West Hoathly,
carefully restored in r8g6 at a C<Jst of £r8o, of which Sussex, and the other by Edward George Cubitt esq. of
the patroness contributed £r2o: since r8g7 a new organ, Honing Hall, and these are also the !Jrincipal landowners.
brass lectern, and altar rails have been provided : the The soil is rich mixed; subsoil, sand, gravel and clay.
communion plate is ancient, and bears the arms of the The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area
Le Gros family: the church affords roo sittings. The is 766 acres; rateable value, £557; the population in
register dates from the year r698. The living is a rgu was 83.
rectory, net yearly value £95, including 13! acres of Sexton, Charles Burton.
glebe, with residence, in the gift of G. Wilkinson esq.
and .T. B. T. Hales esq. and held since rgog by the Letters through Norwich, via Worstead, arrive at 8.30
Rev . .Arthur Cyril Norgate. The rectory house has been a.m. & 1.45 p.m. Bacton is the nearest money order
thoroughly repaired at a cost of £ 2 so, at the expense office, about 3 miles distant & Honing the nearest
of a foriDer rector. £r ros. derived from town lands, telegraph office, r! miles distant
is for bread. There are two manors in this parish, one The children of this place attend the school at H<ming
(L~ttersshould be addressed Wor- Gaze Fanny (Mrs.), farmer, Honing prietor & timber haulier, Honing
stead, Norwich.) Hall farm Hall fariD
Norgate Rev. Arthur Cyril (rector), Gaze William Bowyer,. threshing Gladden Frederick W. farmer
Rectory machine & traction engine pro-
CROWNTHORPE is a Tillage and parish, r mile £zro, including 14~ acres of glebe and residence, in the
east from Kimberley station on the Wymondham and gift of the Earl of Kimberley. and held since rgog by
Wells section of the Great Eastern railwav and 2 the Rev. Earnest MansfiPld Feast M.A. of Hatfield Hall,
north-west from Wymondham, in the Mid division of Durham, who resides at Carleton Forehoe. Hendry's
the county, Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division charity of ros. yearly is given to the poor in coals. The
• and union, Wymondham county court district, rural Earl of Kimberley is lord of the · manor and principal
deanery of Hingham (Forehoe division), archdeaconry of landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, brick-earth. The
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The
.Tames is a small edifice of stone and flint, in the area is 714 acres; rateable value, £914; the population
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south in rgrr was 67.
porch and a western tower containing r bell : the
pulpit is of oak with three richly carved panels and Parish Clerk, Harry Buck.
there are memorial tablets to William Buckley, d.
1762, and Hannah, his wife, d. 1786, and to Thomas Post Office.-Robert Breeze, sub-postmaster. Letters
Coningesby Watson, d. r8r3: in 1844 the church was arrive t·hrough Wymondham at 6.5o a.m. & 7·45 p.m. ;
new roofed and fitted with open seats and in r88o dispatched at 8.45 a.m. & 7.40 p.m.; no sunday
was again reseated and the interior thoroughly restored delivery. Wymondham, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
.and it now affords Bo sittings. The register dates from money order & telegraph office
about the year 1700. The living is a rectory, con- The children attend the Elementary School at Wickle·
solidated with Carleton Forehoe, joint net income about wood
Bab bage Sergt.-Maj. Thos.Christopher Wade Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Duberley Arthur Thornton, farmer, Wade Herbert, district road surveyor
White Hall farm & farmer
CROXT·ON is a village and parish on a hill on the and Primitive Methodist chapels. The poor'8 allotment
road from Thetford to Watton, 2 miles north from of 26 acres produces £ro yearly, which is distributed in
Thetford station on the Great Eastern railway, in the coals to the poor. William Dalziel Mackenzie esq. of
South Western division of the county, Thetford union Fawley Court, Henley-on-Thames, who is lord of the
and county court district, Grimshoe hundred and petty manor, and the Hon. Cecil Fisher Vavasseur, of Kilver-
sessional division, rural deanery of Cranwich (south divi- stone Hall, are the chief landowners. The soil is sandy ;
sion), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The subsoil, chalk and clay. The chief crops are oats, bar-
church of All Saints, standing on the side of a hill, ley and roots. The area is 4,5J1 acres of land and 14
is an ancient edifico of flint, in the Decorated and of water; rateable value, £3,437; the population in
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south rgr r was 307.
aisle and a western tower of flint, round at the base,
Parish Clerk, John Woods.
with an octagonal belfry, surmO'O.nted by a spire and con-
taining a clock and one bell: the chancel was rebuilt in
r884 and an organ provided in r892: a memorial window Post & T. Office. James Richard Smith, sub-post-
was erected in 1907 to the Rev. Henry Williams, vicar master. Letters from Thetford received at 3.30 &
here r852-r8gr·. The church affords :zoo sittings. The delivered at 7 a.m. & 1.3o p.m. ; dispatched at 1.35 &
register dates from the year 155 8. The living is a 9.50 p.m. Thetford, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
vicarage, net yearly value £ro_r;. including 28 acres of money order office
glebe, with residence, in the gift of W. D. :Mackenzie Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in rgo8 for
esq. and held since r8g7 by the Rev. Huntley Curtois roo children; average attendance, 57; Miss Mary Gar-
M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. Here are Wesleyan 1 land, mistress
Cronshey Kennet Arthur, Hill house Hammond Arthur, beer retailer Mortimer Geo.jun. farmer,Lodge frm
Onrtoi.s Rev. Hnntley M.A. Vicarage Hardy William, Ilell P.H Scott Hector Young, clerk of works
Meade Richd.John Edwd.Chapel farm Meade Richard John Edward, land to W. D. Mackenzie esq
Sword Alexander Bruce Dennistoun, steward to W. D. Mackenzie esq. Smith Jas. Richd. farmer & post off
Croxton park Estate office Stevenson Robert,farmer, College frm
COMMERCIAL. Mortimer Georga, farmer & dairy- Woods Wa:lter John, blacksmith
Haines John, farm bailiff to W. D. man, licensed dealer in game & live
Mackenzie esq & dead rabbits, Hill farm
· DENTON is a pleasant but scattered village and wife, d. 5 March, r884; the north porch ha-s a stone
p~ish on the Suffolk border of the county, r~ miles ~roined roof and there are piscinre in the chancel and
north-east from Homersfield station on the Waveney both aisles: there are memorial windows to the Sandby
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4~ north- and Umppelby families and tablets to Roboct Rogerson
east from Harleston and 4 south-west from Bungay, M.A. ob. r684; Matthew Postlethwayte, archdeacon of
in the Southern division of the county, Earsham hun- Norfolk and rector of the parish, d. 27 June, 1745;
dred and petty sessional division, Depw-ade union, George Sandby, chancellor of the diocese of Norwich
Harleston county district, rural deanery of Redenhall, and 56 years rector here, d. 24 March, r8o7, and
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The to Catherine Day, d. 1789: there are brasses in the
.church of St. Mary the Virgin is a buildinl! of flint, chancel to Margaret Gedge, ob. 16rg, John Gedge,
with stone dressings, chieflv in the Decorated style. ob. r621, and to Ann, wife of William Goode, a former
consis~ing of spacious chancel, nave, aisles. north porch rector, olr. r64<;: a lych g-ate of ROlid oak was erected
.and a low embattled western tower containin~r a cluck bv the late Archdeacon Bouverie at the entrance to
.and 3 bells: the clock, which strikes the hours and the churchyard: in r868 the nave and aisles were
ehimes the quarters, was erected. in r884 by the Rev. re-floored and reseated throug-hout with open oak
C. Aroxdell St. John Mildmay, late rector, as a memo- benches, the chancel having been restored previously.
rial to the late Ven. William Arundell Bonverie, for- and in 1874 the aisles were roofed in oak covered

merly rector of Denton and archdeacon of Norfolk, d. with lead: in rgrr extensive repairs were made to the
23 August, 1877, and to the Hon. Frances (Sneyd), his fabric: the church now affords 350 sittings.

The ~gister dates from the year 1559 and there tlie pnrchase of ~wo Bibles. Denton Hobse is fhe 11eat
is a book of churchwarden's accounts dating from of Edward Lee-Warner esq. and Denton Lodge the
the reign of Henry VII. The living is a rrectory, residence of Mrs. R. G. Tootal. There are several
net yearly value £46o, including 8o acres of glebe and manors in this parish. The principal landownet is Mrs.
residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of Canterbury Bowyer, of Leamington, Warwickshire. The soil is
(with preference to a fellow or former fellow of Merton strong loam; subsoil, clay. The land near the ehurch
College, Oxford), and held since 1905 by the Rev. and rectory is -sandy. The chief crops are wheat, beans,
William Ernest Bolland M.A. of Merton College, Ox• turnips, beet and barley. The are11 is 2,4g3 acres;
ford: the rectory house and grounds adjoin the church. rateable value, £2,446; the population in 1911 wal! 376..
There is a Congregational chapel, rebuilt in 1821 and
endowed with £25 yearly and a residence for the Parish Clerk, Charles Bevell.
minister; Oook's charity, producing £12 annually, is Post & M. 0. Office. Joseph B. Pawson, sub-post-
for the benefit of poor memboca of the congregation of master. Letters arrive from Harleston at 7 .55 a.m. &;
this chapel. Charities :--John Warner's, of 2os. yearly, 3 _20 p.m. (callers only); dispatched at"'rr. 3o a.m. &
derived from land held by the Boys' Hospital, Nor- 5 _20 p.m.; no post on sundays. Aldburgh, 2 miles
wich, is given to deserving poor widows during the distant, is the nearest telegraph office
first week in November: the Rev. John Porter left I~
acres of land, now ( 1g 12 ) let for £'2, -which is given Pillar Letter Boxes.-Near Rectory, cleared at I 1.30
to the poor in money: certain land at Darrow Green & 5-3° p.m. & Denton Wash, 8.I5 a.m. & 4·I5
(2 acres, 1 rood, 12 perches) left by an unknown donor p.m. week days only
is now (I912) let to Mr. H. Johnson for 45s. yearly, Public Elementary School (mixed), endowed with 71
which sum is likewise distributed: Mrs. Button left acres of land, left for its support by Robe.1.·t Rog-er-
£5o, invested in a " going" on Bungay common, let son, a former rector, which if! let in small ·allot-
yearly by public auction from 24s. to 30s. which sum ments to the poor, & produces about [,8 yearly; the
is given away in bread on Good Friday: Sarah Bed- school was erected in I84o & enlarged in I907, for g6
bank, in 1692, left Ss. yearly out of a meadow, now children; average attendance, 58; Herbert Hitchcox.
in the occupation of Mr. James Revell, farmer, for master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burtt George Brandrith, farmer & Minns William, farmer
Bolland Rev. William Ernest M.A. breeder of pedigree Berkshire pigs Nugus Frederick H. beer 'retailer
(rector), Rectory & shorthorn cattle, Vale farm Pawson Joseph B. grocer & drapeT,
Dunster Mrs. Beck house Crowther Benj. farmer,Pains Hill frm Post office
Lee-Warner Edward, Denton house Dunn Charles, carpenter Pointer Brothers,farmer~. Lodge farm
Mark Rev. Rowland (Congregational), Fairhead Harry, blacksmith Revell Charles, shoe ma.& parish clerk
The Manse J ohnson David, farmer & landowner, Bevell James, "farmer, Chapel farm
Todd Mrs. Grove farm Hill farm ; & Valley farm, South Skinner Alfred, farmer
Tootal Mrs. R. G. Deuton lodge Elmharn St. Margaret, Suffolk Smith Benjamin, carpenter
Johnson Hy. Fredk.farmr.Darrow grn Tidnam Henry Benjamin,apartments,
J ohnson John, carpenter The Cottage .
COMMERCIAL. Le well Job, farmer Tooley Herbert, farmer
Andrew Ernest, farmer, Manor farm Martin Samuel, farmer Walker Erne~t Brooke, shopkeeper
Balls Edgar, farmer , Mayhew George, shoe maker Websdale William, beer retailer
DENVER is a parish and village, on the navigable r8 Nov. r854. The rent of r! acres is given away in
river Ouse and the road from Downbam to Ely, with a bread at Christmas. An annuity of £4 is also given at
station on the Lynil and Ely and Downham · and Stoke the same time to poor widows. There are 45 acres of
Ferry railways, which here form a junction on the Great land, producing an average rental of £6o a year, half
Eastern railway, 86! miles from London, 1 mile south L'f which is applied to the repairs of the church and
from Downham Market, in the South Western division the remainder received by the overseers ; 3 acres of land
of the county, Cla.ckclose hundred and petty sessional belonging to the church are let for £6 yearly. · The
division, Downham union and county court district, rural late John Palrner esq. left £6o8 in Consols, the irrterest
deanery of Fincham (East division), arcbdeaconry of Lynn of which is distributed at Christmas and Lady Day
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is an flmong widows over 6o and men over 70 years of age.
edifice consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south Edward Roger Murray Pratt esq. of Ryston Hall, who
porch and a western tower, in the Early English style, is lord of the manor, William De.ring Earle Bulwe.r
containing a clock placed in r87o and 6 bells : the spire esq. of Heydon, Norwich,. Hugh John Smith esq. and
was blown down 24th March, 1895• and has not been re- the Master and Fellows of Caius College, Carnbridg~.
built; in the chancel is a black marble slab, to Dr. Robert are the chief landowners. The soil is strong an~
Brady, a native of this parish, physician to Charles II. lig-ht clay. and fen-land; subsoil, lower green-sand ana
and James IT. keeper of the public records 1670, reg'ius gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas, hearts
professor of physic at Cambridge, and for 40 ( J66o- and root~. The area is 3,107 acres of land, 37 of
I700) master of Gonville and Caius College, to which he water, 38 of tidal water and 14 of foreshore; rateable
bequeathed all his estata in Denver; he was also M. P. value, £5,504; the population in I9II was 73r.
for Cambridge in the parliaments of x68r and 1685, and Parish Clerk, Arthur Dungay.
wrote a. history of England and other works and died 19
Aug. qoo: herQ also is a memorial window and a brass Denver Sluice.-In I65o The Adventurers made their
tablet, erected by parishioners and friends, to the Rev. famous cut, or Hundred Feet river, running for 21 miles
William Haughton Stokes M.A. 32 years rector, d. 24 from Earith to Danver, and placed a ~luice across tha old
May, 1884: and there are others to the late Mr. George channel (now the Old West river at Earith) to prevent
Wood, for 58 years churchwarden, and to the Rev. Canon the upper parts of the South Level being inundated by-
James Mourant Duport M.A. rector 1884-99: the carved the water coming from the oounties of Bedfo-rd and Hun-
stone font was placed· in 1870: the chancel retains a tingdon. The effect of these works was to throw th~
double piscina of the Decorated period and three sedilia: full force of the flood waters into and almost oompletely
the carved oak lectern was provided in 1907 as a ~ubmerge the lower parts of the South Level at Denver.
memorial to the Rev. Canon St. Vincent Beechey M.A. To remedv• thi!! evil the first Denver sluice was erected
rector 1899-1906 1 the church was restored in 1870, at in 1652, across the Old Ouse just above its junction with
cost of about £I,6oo, when the north aisle was added. the bottom of the Hundred Feet river: the resnlt, owing-
the building new roofed with -oak and reseated at Bj to the silting up of the river both above and below th8"
cost of £10o, defrayed by Mr. John Palmer, of Lynn :J sluice and the treacherous nature of the subsoil, was only
there are 300 sittings. The register dates from th~ partially snccessful, and DBilvnr sluice had to be again
year 1653. The living is a rectory, net yearly valuE'1 rebuilt when it had stood barely a century, and the second
{ ~ )o, including 92 acres of glebe, with residence, iTij sluice also failed in 1821; in 1832 the present structure-
the gift of Caius C<Jllege, Cambridge, and held sine~ was most carefully :md elaborately built from the designs
1906 by the Rev. Goorge Duncan Barry B.D. of Gon- And under the direction of the famous eng-ineer Sir John-
ville and Caius College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan Rennie, to the eastward of the old sluice, the old drainage-
Methodist chapel, erected in I864. A reading room was eyes (•f which may still be seen, though now completely
opened in I903, and is l!Upplied with weekly and daily blocked up. The present sluice consists of three drainage
papers by subscription. Capt. George William Manby eyes, each being I 8 feet wide and carrying " depth of
F .R. S. the inventor of the rocket and other apparatus 13 feet 6 in. on the cills· of each eye, with ordinary navi-
for saving life at sea and also the author of various gation head of water; the ebb and flow of the water being
topographical works, is said to have been born here oontralled by two pairs of leafed doors of immen.~ size.
2"3 Nov. 1765, but Hilgay is also mentioned as his birth- In addition to the drainage doors there is on the east
place: he died at Southtown, near Great Yarmouth, side of the river a huge pen sluice 74 feet long, IB feet
wide and about 24 feet in depth, worked also by 4 pairs Post Office. James Horn, sub-postmaster. Letters
of huge timber leafed doors: there are also on the sea arrive from Downbam at 7 a. m. k 1.10 p. m. & are-
side of the sluice 4 pairs of doors capable of holding a dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & 4·45 & 7.25 p.m.; & on
24 feet rise of tidal water. This !!luice is under dual !!unday dispatched at 11.30 a.m. Downham, 1 mile-
oontrol, the South Level Commissioners being responsible distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
for the ebb doors (those pointing up stream), whilst the Wall Letter Box, Denver Sluice, cleared a.t t).3o a.m.
flood doors (those pointing down stream) and the struc- ·week days; no collection on sundays
ture of the sluice itself are under the charge of the Public Elementary School (mixed), erected by the Rev.
Denver Sluice Commissioners. Some idea of the im-
W. H. Stokes M.A. late rector, & opened May, 1876;.
mense capacity of this sluice for discharging water may it will hold 130 children; average attendancej 106;.
be realized when it is borne in mind that in times of Albert A. Rutter, master
high flood the flood waters of 8oo,ooo acres of land are Railway (Denver Junction) Station, Fredk. Cross, collectr
poured through its openings. Carrier. James Sharpe, to & from Lynn, on tues-
• thurs. & sat
Names marked thus * should be Denver Reading Room (A. A. Butter, Redhead Elizh. B. (Mrs.), tax collectr
addressed Nordelph, Downham. sec) Riches Robert, pig dealer
Names marked thus t should be *Fretwell Wm. farmer, Denver Fen Rodwell Robert, farmer
addressed Salter's Lode, Downham. Garner Harry, far•mer Rush Edward, farmer, Denver Sluice-
Gray J obn, travelling draper Sayers George, beer retailer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Green Jacob, farmer Scarborough James, boot maker
Barry Rev. Geo. Duncan B.D. Rectory Green William, farmer Sharpe Benj. farmer,Denver Common
Humble Stephen, Hill house Harris Thomas Edward, miller (steam Sharpe James, carrier, Sluice road·
Jackson Mrs. Belmont & wind) Smith H. Lindsay, farmer, White-
Smith Hugh John, Denver hall *Hart Charles, farmer, Denver Fen House farm
Valentine Frederick, Crow hall Ha.wes Jason, farmer, Rookery farm Sparks Henry. farmer
Wayman Waiter, Hardwicke house Holiday Behy (Mrs.), beer retailer Spurling George William, farmer,.
Hunt Wait. Jn. f~rmer, Middle Drove Crow Hall farm
COMMERCIAL. J acq ues Frederick, farmer Sutleff John Tburlow, farmer & as-
Beckerton Charles, baker J<Jhnson George, fj!rmer sistant overseer
Bradley Frederick, beer retailer, Kisby William, farmer, Salters Lode Sutleff John, jun. blacksmith
• Denver Sluice *Male Ernest, farmer, Denver Fen *Thorpe William, farmer, Denver Fen
Brighton George, J enyns .(\rms P .H. Merrison Henry, wheelwright tWatts James William, navigation tol)
Denver Sluice Monk Sarah (Mrs.~, grocer collector, Salter's Lode
*Butcher John, farmer, Denver Fen Pearce Robert, beer retailer Wayman Waiter, auctioneer, Hard-
Carter George, farmer *Pepper Thomas, farmer, Denver Fen wicke house
Clark Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer *Porter Harvey, builder, Denver Fen tWest Hugh W. farmer, Salter's Lode-
Cook Isaac, farmer, Silt farm •
Prentice William, shopkeeper \Vootten Joseph, farmer & auctioneer,.
Crabb George, farmer,Tally Moor frm Redhead Bensley Williem, market gar- College farm
Criss Robert, farmer, Downham road dener, The Orchards Wrigbt William Charles, Bell P.H
DEQP,HAM is a parish 2! miles south from Kimber- appropriated for teaching four poor children to read
ley station, 4 north from .Attleborough station on the, and say the church catechism and for an annual
Thetford and Norwi,cb line of the Great Eastern railway, sermon, the minister receiving 10s. the clerk IS. and
and 4 south-west from Wymondham. comprising the each child Bs. the remainder being given in bread tc
small village of Deopbam Green, a mile south-west from the poor. A sum of about [13, arising from 14 acres.
the church. The parish is in the Mid division of the of land, awarded at the incl<Jsure in 1814 in lieu of
county. Foreboe hundred, petty sessional division and common rights, is distributed among the poor in coai
union, Wymondham county court distriet, rural deanery 1 annually. The Earl of Kimberley, the Crown and the-
of Hingbam (Forehoe division), arcbdeaconry of Norfolk Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of the manor,.
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a and the two former are the principal landowners. The-
building of flint and stone in the Perpendicula.r style, 1 soil is marl; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,.
oonsisting of chancel. lofty nave, aisles, south porch and 1 barley, turnips and bay. The area is 1,661 acrell; rate-
an embattled western tower, with octagonal 1mrrets and able value, [2,205; the population in 1911 was 341.
pinnacles, and containing 5 bells: in z864 the chancel Sexton and Verger, John Goward.
was entirely restored and new roofed, and in 1867 the
south aisle w-as restored at a cost of [230: the nave was Post Office.-William Turner, sub-postmaster. Letterso
thoroughly restored and new roofed and new windows in- throug-h Wymondham, arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 5-So-
J~~erted in 1884 at a cost of over [2,000, and the porch 1
p.m. & are dispatched a.t 9.15 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; n()
has also since been restored: there are 28o sittings.l sun day delivery. Morley St. Botolph, 2 miles distant,
The register dates from the year 156o. The living is a I is the nearest money order & telegraph office
vicarage. net yearly value £180, with 20 acres of glebe j
in Shipdham and 6 acres in this parish and residence, in Pillar Letter Box, Low Common, cleared at 8 a.m. &;.
the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and 1 6.15 p.m.; The Green, cleared at g.2o a. m. & 6.4o-
held since 1895 by the Rev. John Samuel Treglown B..A. 1 p.m. week days only
of Downing College, Cambridge, who is also rector of I Public Elementary School (mixed); a corrugated iron
Hackford. The Ecdesiastical Commissioners are im- structure was erected in 1909, for Ioo children ;
propriators of the rectorial tithes. There are two average attendance, 55 ; Mrs. H. E. WhitehO',.
Primitive Methodist chapels, one at Deopbam Green, mistress
erected in 1837, and the other at Low Common. The
Rev. Henry Rix, who died in 1728, left £6o to be invested Carriers from Rockland & Great Ellingham pa!!s through
in land, which producel! a rental of £7 yearly, now to Norwich on wed. & sat
Alien Misses, Crown Farm house Clarke Charles Edwd. miller (wind) Phcenix Arthur, farmer, Low common
Treglown Rev. Jn.Sml. B.A. Vicarage Clarke Edwin, farmer, Mill farm Phcenix Fdk. thrashing machine ownr
Clarke James Edward, farmer Phcenix Waiter Chas. frmr. Stalland'
COMMERCIAL. Gibson Arthur, Half Moon P.H Pitts Philip John Bayes. farmer.
Alien Waiter Charles, farmer, Hall Greenwood Waiter Ernest, wheel- Low common
& Crown farms wright, carpenter, painter & sign Reynolds Thomas, farmer, South hiU
Baker George, farmer, Low common writer & undertaker & shoeing & Riil!!er Urban, farmer
Baldwin William,shopkeeper, assistant general smith, The Green · Sizeland Samuel, farmer
overseer & clerk to the Pa.rish, Hurrell Charles, farmer, Church farm Smith Eldon, shoe maker, The Green
Council, Low common I Hurrell Robert, farmer Smith James Robert, farmer
Barker Fredk. beer ret. Low common Leverett Chas. frmr. Glassbottle frm Turner William, grocer, Post office,.
Barrett Alfd. beer retlr. The Green Lloyd James Edwd. bldr. The Green The Green
Bowman Henrietta (Mrs.), farmer, Lincoln George, farmer Wigby Jn. Lindsay, farmer, Low corn
High elm Nicbolls Ernest, farmer, Low common Woodrow David, farmer. The GrePn
Bush Jn. farmr. & shpkpr. The Green Peacock William Liddelow, farmer, Woolnough Geo. Wm. market gardnr
Clarke Charles, farmer, Low common Pettengills farm, The Green

EAST DEREHAM is a thriving market town and parish, the church consists of nave with apse and aisles, and tower
and the head of a county court district, with a station on with clock and chimes : the windows of the apse are
the Great Eastern railway, which is also the junction of a stained and there is a stained window at the west end ;
branch from Lynn, 127 miles from London by rail and 100 in front of the church is the following memorial inscrip-
by road, 15 west-by-north from Norwich, 12! east-by-north tion, written by the late Dean Stanley :-"This monumeHt
from Swaffham, u north-west from Wymondham and 26i is erected on the site of the house where the beloved poet
east from Lynn, in the Mid division of the county, in the of Olney, William Cowper, spent the last years of his life,
hundred of Mitford, petty 11essiona.l division and union of under the care of faithful friends. He lies buried in the ·
Mitford and Launditch, rural deanery of Hingham (Mit- parish churcb, having here given up his soul to God, April
ford division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of 25th, 18oo.'' Then follow a few lines from "The Task.··
Norwich. There are soo sittings. In 1892 a parsonage -vras pre-
Under the "Local Government Act, I894" (56 & 57 sented by H. C. Wigg esq. of Melbourne, and formerly
Vict. c. 73), the town is governed by an Urban District of this town. This chapel was first founded in 1772.
Council of I2 members, first elected as a Local Board, on The Baptist chapel, High street, was built in I784, and
the constitution of the district in 1877, and is well drained has 400 sittings.
by sewerage works, and lighted with gas from works in The Primitive Methodist chapel, Commercial road.
the Yaxbam road. built in 1863, has 280 sittings.
Waterworks were erected in I8BI, the supply being The Trinity Wesleyan chapel, in Theatre street,
derived from a deep well, sunk at a cost of £4,000. erected in 188o on the site of a previous chapel, is of
Dereham (A. S. "Deor,'' a wild animal, Eng. deer) is a Kentish rag with Bath stone dre<ssings, in the Gothic
~ery ancient place, and is supposed to have been made a style, from designs by Mr. Edward Boardman, archi-
parish by Anna, King of the East Angles from 642 to tect, of Norwich, and was built at a cost, including
654. In the :reign of Queen Elizabeth, July, I581, the schools and minister's house, of £3,500; it has 400
whole town was destroyed by fire and a second fire oc- sittings.
curred July 3, 167o, during the reign of Charles II. by 'fhe Cemetery, of about 5 acres, opened in 186g, contains
which I70 houses were burnt, and property destroyed to two mortuary chapels, and is under the control of a Burial
the value of £1g,soo. Board of nine members. ·
The church of St. Nicholas is an ancient building of stone The Corn Hall, in the Market place, erected in 1856,
in the Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, at a cost of more than £3,ooo, is a structure of red
erected on the site of the conventual chapel, and consists of brick with stone facings, much used by merchants and
chancel, clerestoried nave of ten bays with trifmium farmers transacting business here.
and clerestory, aisles, transepts with eastern chapels The Assembly Rooms, built in 1756, on the site of the old
(dedicated w St. Thomas of Canterbury, St. John the market cross, form a spacious edifice of brick; here the
Eaptist and St. Peter), south or Baton's porch, dating magistrates hold petty sessions for the hundred every
from the reign of Henry VII. with a mutilated holy- l:<'nday, and there is a Reading Room and Institute in the
wateor stoup on each side, and a central lantern tower : ~ame building. The Iteadboroughs are the trustees of the
the detached bell-tower which stands to the south of assembly rooms and other property, and after paying
the church was begun about 15o8, and contains 8 bells : eertain outgoings, the balance, about £6o, is paid over to
the chancel areh retains two twisted shafts of the the Urban Council in reduction of the rates.
Norman period on the west side: the chaneel itself is There are Unionist and Liberal .Associatiom, a cricket
Early English, and was erected about 1250, the tracery club and a dramatic company.
of the 'east window being of much later date; the The fire brigade, formed in 1879• has a station in
chancel retains three sedilia, a double piscina, and also Oowper road ; a steam fire engine was purchased in
an ancient carved Eastern Sepukhre : the west door- 1892, and there is also a manual engine, a fire escape
way, with an ogee-headed niche on either side, the and all the necessary apparatus.
great window over it, and the whole of the north aisle, The position of the town, in the centre of a fertile
except the doorway, are Decorated; the lantern tower, and highly cultivated district, and its distance from any
which is supported on four fine al'ches, the triforium other market of any consequence, causes Dereham to
arcade and clerestory, the transepts, eastern chapels, rank among the best markets of the county. The
the arcades of the nave and the westernmost piers, are market is held on Friday, and is well supplied with corn,
Perpendicular, the remainder being Early English: the live stock and provisions of every description. Fairs
font, erected in q6B, is adorned with carvings of are held in the Market place on the Thursday before
tltone of the seven sacraments of the Catholic church. July 6th and September 29. There are four branch
together with figures of the Apostles : there is a carved banks. East Dereham is the head quarters of the stb
muniment chest of Flemish work, dating from 1501, and Battalion (and D Co.) of the Norfolk Regiment (Terri-
a brass eagle le-ctern ; there we<re formerly several torial Force). The manufactures are principally con-
brasses in the ehurch, three only of which remain in nected with agriculture : there are manufactories of
a perfect state: Cowper, the poet, who died here 25th agricultural steam engines and threshing and other
April, I 8oo, is buried in the church, and there are machines, and iron foundries, coach works, saw mills, a
monuments to him ::.nd ·his relatives, Mrs. Unwin and brewery and maltings.
'Miss Perowne: the east and other windows are stained: The charities for distribution amount to about £400
the pulpit was made from ancient oak taken from the old yearly, and there are 84 acres of fuel allotment.
:vicarage house at Besthorpe: in 1885 the church was The nunnery of SS. Nicholas and Withburga was founded
thoroughly repaired at a cost of £2,300; in the church- hy King .Anna in 650 or by his daughter Withburga in 66o,
yard is the spring said to issue from the spot where the but the firit house was destroyed by the Danes in 974·
bones of St. Withburga were first deposited, and the The Saxon Chronicle records that fifty-five years after the
'ancient arch, from which the water issues, is supposed death of Withburga her body was found all whole and
to be a portion of her tomb: a sum of about £1,ooo uncorrupted as on the day of her interment, and was re-
was expended on the chancel by the Ecclesiastical moved into the church : subsequent writers add that from
Commissioners, on the reversion to them of the great her burial-place in the churchyard issued forth a spring of
tithes, at the decease of the last sinecure rector : the purest water, gifted with many healing virtues : the
there are about I ,200 sittings, s6o being free. The tomb of Withburga having become of great repute for the
register dates from the year 1538. The living is a cure of diseases, the Abbot of Ely became very desirous of
vicarage, with the vicarage of Hoe annexed, joint net getting possession of her body, in order to translate it to
_yearly value [400, including 6o acres of glebe, with Ely, and concerted a scheme for stealing it, which be
Tesidence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held carried into ef!ect that night after a feast which, as lord
of;ince 19II by the Rev. William Hudson Macnaughton- of the town, he gave at his courtleet: this exploit, de-
.J ones M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. scribed a!l "a 11oul-saving robbery," was carried out on
The Mission church, in the Upper Norwich road, erecteo the Bth of July, 974·
in 188o, is a building of stone, consisting of nave, south Banner's Cottages, situated near the parish church of
-porch, and a belfry containing one l>ell, and will seat St. Nicholas, were erected in 1502, and are now th!'
:about rso persons. property of Mr. Waiter Rye, of Nor""ich, by whom they
The " Cowper " Congregational chapel, in the Market were purchased and restored in rgo5 : the front of the
'Place, erected in 1874 at a cost of £3,500, is an erlificP of houses displays some good pargeting of quaint design.
Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings, in the Gothic style, Quebec House, the property of the trustees of tha
from designs by Mr. Edward Boardman, architect, of late Brig. -Gen. William Earle Gascoyne Lytton Bulwer
Norwich, and occupies the site of the house where the poet C.B., V.D., J.P. and at present (1912) unoccupied, a
Cowper spent his last days, the woodwork of the herlronm mile north-west from the town, is a mansion in the
in which he died being preserved and fitted in the vestry' Gothic style, and derives its name from having been
. DEHEHAM • 113
built at the time of the capture of Quebec in 1759; it Dillington is ~ hamlet in this parish, 1 mile north-west.
stands in an extensive lawn, which is well timbered, •
and partly surrounded by plantations. Dumpling Green, 2 miles south-east; Etling Green, Ii
The area of the parish of East Dereham is 5,299 acres miles north-east; North Hall Green, I mile north; South
of land and I4 of water; rateab!e value, £2s,oo5 ; the Green, half a mile, and Toftwood, I mile south, are uther
population of the parish and l'rban District in 1BBI was hamlets.
5,640 i IE9I, 5,524; I go I, 5 ,545, and in I9Ilo 5,729. Sexton, H. G. Seeker.


Post, :M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- I England & Scotland, Colonial & Foreign, by town post-
Waiter Drew, postmaster man & to callers, 10.45 a.m. ; 2nd London Day Mail-
Deliveries commence in Dereham as under :-Letters from King's Lynn, Mattishall, Swanton Morley, Elsing,
. London & all p:uts of England &c. 7 & I0-45 a.m., 2.20 Norwich & Ireland, by town postman & to
& 7·55 p.m callers, 2.20 p.m.; Elmham & Fou.lsham, by town
Dispatch of Mails. postman & to callers, 7·55 p.m.; 3rd London Day
Fakenham, Walsingham, Wells and Wighton, 3-I5 a.m.; Mail-Fakenham, Halt, King's Lynn, Norwich, Ry-
registered until 8.30 p.m.; parcels received at the burgh & Wells, by town postman & to callers, 7-55
counter np to 8.30 p.m. previous evening p.m.; Dereham Rural Posts-Elsing, Great Fransbam,
Dereham District Mail Carts Blakeney, Cley, Elmham, Gressenhall, Hockering, Longham, Mattishall, Seaming,
Guist, Holt, Melton Constable, Swanton Novers, Swanton Morley, Tuddenbam, Wendling, Welborne,
Thornage &c. 3.30 a.m.; Bawdeswell, Bintry, Yaxham &c. by town postman & to callers, 7.40 p.m.;
Foulsham, Foxley, Guestwick, Hindolvestone, Swanton Dereham District Mail Carts-Bawdeswell, Briningham,
Morley, Wood N orton &c. 4.30 a.m.; registered until Blakeney, Cley, Elmham, Guist, Holt &c. by town post-
8.30 p.m. ;_ parcels -r:eceived at the counter up to 8.30 man, 7 a.m. callers, 8 a.m. next morning. On .3un-
p.m. preVIous evenmg days, Christmas Day, Good Friday & Bank Holidays
Dereham Rural Posts-Beetley, East Bilney, Elsing, there is C'nly one delivea-y by town postman, which
Great Fransham, Gressenhall, Hockering, Longham, commences at 7 a.m. No parcels are delivered on
Mattishall, Scarning, Toftwood, Tuddenham, Whis- . sundays
son~ett, Wendl~ng, Welborne, Yaxham &c .. 5·45 a.m.; ! Town Sub-Post Office, High street.-Philip Lines, sub-
registered until 8.30 p.m.; parcels :received at the postmaster; dispatched at 8.Io & I0.20 a.m. & 1
counter up to 8.30 l?.m. previous evenin~ . 3 . 40 & 7 p.m .
Dereham 1st Town Dehve_ry, 6.45 a.m.; regrstered until Town Sub-Post Office, 43 Norwkh road.-Charles Fenn
8.30 p.m.! parcels _rece1ved at the counter up to 8.30 Holman, sub-postmaster; dispatched at 8 & 9·45 a.m.
p.m. prevwus eve:ung. . . & I2.45, 3, 6. 45 & 8.3 0 p.m.; sundays, 7 p.m
1st London Day :Mail-Kmg's Lynn, Norw1ch & Norfolk, Post Office, Toftwood.-Robert Edwards, sub-post-
except Swa~ham, En~land generally, Sco~land & Ire.- maste.r. Dispatch, 8.3 0 a.m. & 6.40 p.m.; letters
land, Colomal & Foreign, 8.40 a.m.; registered until left for callers, 2.1.5 p.m. week days only
8.30 a.m
:md London Day Mail-Fakenham, Holt, Melton Con- COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR PETTY SESSIONAL
stable, Norwich, Walsingham, Wells, Wighton, Nor- DIVISION OF MITFORD & LAUNDITCH.
folk, Essex & Suffolk generally, Io. 25 a. m. ; regisoored
until 10.15 a.m. ; parcels received at the counter up Hyde Col. Henry El win V .D. Moor gate house, Dereham,
to 10. I_::; a.m chairman
Dereham 2nd Town Delivery, 10.45 a.m. registered Cran worth Lord D.L. Grundisburgh, Woodbridge,Suffolk
until 10.20 a.m. ; parcels received at the counter up Hare Sir George Ralph Leigh bart. D.L. Gressenhall
to 10.20 a.m. Elsing, Swanton, Morley & Northall house, East Dereham
Green, day mail at Io.3o a.m. Elmham, Foulsham, Brett George esq. Quebec street, East Dereham
Guist day mail at II.Io a.m.; registered until II Collison A.lbert esq. Mileham hall, Swaffham · ·
a.m.; parcels at counter until II.1o a.m Copeman Alfd. Geo. esq. Little Dunham lodge, Swaffham
3rd London Day :Mail-Cambridge, Cromer, Great Yar- Daniel Thomas Browne Francis esq. Woodlands, Gressen.;
mouth, Lowestoft, Norwich, Swaffham, Principal hall, Dereham
Towns in Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk & Suffolk, Hervey Matthew Wilson esq. East Bilney hall, East
South of England, Colonial & Foreign, I.I5 p.m.; Dereham
registered until I p.m.; parcels received at the White Lieut.-Col. Alfred Victor St. John Yarrow hall,
counter up to I. 15 p.m Bintree, Dereham '·
Mattishall & Yaxham, 2 !?.m. ; registered until Chairmen of the Urban & Rural District'Councils are ex..;
p.m.; parcels received at the counter up to 1.45 p.m Qfficio Justices of the Peace
Dereham 3rd Town Delivery, 2.2o p.m. ; parcels re- Clerk to the Magistrates, Waiter May Barton, Guildhall
ceived at the counter up to 2 p.m Meetings at the Assembly Rooma, East Dereham, every
. 4th London Day· Mail, South, South East of England, frida.y at 11 a.m ·
Colonial & Foreign, in connection with midnight mails The parishes in the Mitford and Launditch petty sessional
from London, Fakenham, Norwich, 3·55 p.m division are :-Cranworth, East Dereham, Garvestone,
North Mail-Midlands & West of England, Ireland, Scot- Hardingham, Hockering, Letton, Mattishall, Mattishall
land & Wales, King's Lynn, Peterborough, 4-20 p.m. ; Burgh, Reymerstone, Shipdham, Sonthbergh, Thuxton,
registered until 4·5 p.m.; parcels· received at thP Tuddenham East, Tuddenham North, Westfield, Whin-
C<mnter up to 4·5 p.m burgh, Woodrising, Ya:xham, Beeston, Beetley, East
Daffy & part of Gressenhall, 5 p.m Bilney, Brisley, Colkirk, Great Dunham, Little Dunham,
Bury St. Edmunds, Cambridge, Ohelmsford, Colchester, North Elmham, Great Fra.nsham, Little Fransham,
I pswieh, Norwich, Essex & Suffolk generally, 5. I<; &. Gateley, Gressenhall, Hoe, Horningtoft, Kempstone,._
6.20 p.m. ; regist61I'ed until 5.15 & 6.5 p.m. ; parcels Eaat Lexham, West Lexham, Litcham, Longham, Mile-
received at the counter up to s. IS & 6. IS p. m ham, Oxwick, Rougham, Scarning, Stanfield, Swanto:o.
King's Lynn, Hull, Leeds, Lincoln, Liverpool, Man- Morley, Tittlesball, Weasenham All Saints, Weasen-
chester, Peterborough, North of England, North ham St. Peter, Wellingham, Wendling, Whissonsett &
Wales & Scotland, 7.15 p.m.; registered until 7 Worthing
p.m.; parcels received at the cannter up to 7 p.m. •
(July to September, dispatched at 6.4S p.m.; parcels URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
received at the counter up to 6.30 p.m) Offices, Theatre street.
Dereham 4th Town Delivery, 8.30 p.m.; registered until Meeting day, 1st wednesday in each month_
7·45 p.m.; parcels received at the counter up to Members.
7-30 p.m Chairman, Arthur Rnston.
London & Eastern Counties, United Kingdom generally, Vice-Chairman, Frederick Vincent_
Colonial & Foreign, 9-I5 p.m.; registered until 8.30
p.m. ; parcels received at the coanter up to 8.30 p.m
~ote.-The Letter Box is always open Charles Thomas Barton
Thomas Cranmer
Retire in April, I913.
Oharles Pearse
Arthur Rnston
.Arrival of Mails.
Town Deliveriess---tcombined Letters & Parcelss--
commence at:-
Thos. Llewellyn Barker
George Brett
Retire in April, 19I4-
John Robert Goshawk
Oharles Robert Gray
London & Eastern Counties Night Mails all parts of Retire in April, 19I5.
United Kingdom, Colonial & Foreign, by town postman Charles Fenn Holman Charles Bernard Skinner
& to callers, 7 a.m.; ut London Day Mail-all parta of George William Pelli I
Frederick Vinoent
• • • • •
ti4· EAST .. DEREHA~ ... NORFOLR.~ • [KELL'Y'S

Clhir, Benj\l.min Herbert Vores, ~7 Church street Coroner for the Liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster in
Treasurer, Ch~~orles Gory, London & Provincial Bank Ltd Norfolk, Walter M. Barton; deputies, Waiter John
Medical Officer of Health, Davy Turner Belding M.R.C.S. Barton & Charles Thomas Barton, Guildhall
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Q~ebec Toad ' County Council District Surveyor for Dereham District,
Surveyor & Inspector 'ot Nuisances, Frederi(!k Leonard David Johnson, South Green
Burch, 2 Theatre street Inspector of Corn Returns, Evelyn Moody, 13 Park road
Manager of Gas & Water Works, H. Kitson, Gas works, Medical Officer of Gressenhall Workhouse, Mitford &
Yaxham road Launditch Union, Victor John Duigan M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Collector to Urban District Council, George. Frederick L.R.C.P.Lond. Beech house, High street
Brown, 12 Elvin road Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, East Dereham Dis-
Collector of Gas Rents, George Frederick Brown, 12 trict, Mitford & Launditch Union & Medical Officer of
Elvin road • Health to Mitford & Launditch Rural Dil!trict Council,
Markets Collector & Inspector, Georgs. Frederick Brown, Davy Turner Belding M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
12 Elvin road 1 Quebec .road
• Registrar of Births & Deaths for East Dereham Sub-
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. District & Marriages for Mitford & Launditch Dis-
trict, .Arthur E. Whitby, 14 Cemetery road; deputy,
Assembly Rooms, Market place, East Dereha.m .Athenamm, Ernest E. Emms, 10 Theatre street
Frederick Gore, sec Sanitary Inspector to Mitford & Launditch Rural Dis-
Cemetery, Cemetery road,, Waiter May Barton, Guild-
trict Council, Bobert Read, Westfield road, Toftwood
hall, clerk to the burial board
Surgeon to the Post Office, John Kitton Howlett B ..A.
Corn Exchange, Market place, Henry Thos. Precious, sec Beechurst, Commercial road
County Cou~t ; office, Quebec road, His Honor J ames
Superintendent Registrar of Mitford & Launditch Dis-
Mulligan K.C'. judge; C. B. Le Grys Norgate, trict, Waiter John Barton, Guildhall; deputy, Charles
registrar & high bailiff; Edward James Coleby,
Thomas ,Barton, Guildhall
clerk; James William Larwood, bailiff. The County
Surveyor to the Mitford & Launditch Rural District
Court is held in the Freemasons' hall, once a
Council, Philip Thomas Brown, King's road
month. The following places are within its juris-
Tax Collector, Francis William Roddick, Wellington :rd
diction :-Bawdeswell, Beeston, Beetley, Billing-
Vaccination Officer, Mitford & Launditch Union, Ernest
ford, Bittering Magna &; Parva, Bilney East, Bintry,
.A. Emms, 16 Theatre street
Brisley, Bylaugh, Colkirk, Cranworth, Dereham East,
Veterinary Inspector under the " Contagious Diseases
.Elmham North, Elsing, Foxley, Fransham Great, Frans- (Animals) Act," for No. 5 District, George King Wake
'ham Little, Garvestone, Gately, Gressenhall, Guist,
M.R.C.V.S. 52 .Norwich street
Hochring, Hoe, Horningtoft, Kempston, Letton, Lit-
Weights &, Measures Office. ,John Ryley, inspector, 17
.cham, Longham, Lyng, Mattishall, Mattishall Burgh.
Mileham, Oxwick with Pattesley, Reymerstone, Norwich road
:Seaming, Shipdham, Southburgh, Sparham, Stanfield, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Swanton Morley, Thuxton, Tittleshall, Tuddenham St. Nicholas Church, Rev. Wm. Hudson Macnaughton-
. Tuddenham North, Twyford, Weasenham All J ones M _ . .A . vwar;
· R ev. J ames F'1tt B . .A . & R ev.
· S amts, Weasenham St. Peter's, Wellingham, Wendling, Ernest Harry Iden-Hart, curates; 8 & II a.m. & 2 . 30 ,
"Westfield, Whinburgh, Whissonsett, Worthing &
Yaxham 3.30
7 p.m. ; d a1·1 y, 9 a. m, ""... d
5·45 p.m.; we . & fn
I I a.m. ; seat 1,200 persons
'F.or Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that St. Withburga Mission Church, Upper Norwich ruad;
of Norwich, Har;rv Pearce Gould, 8 Upper King l!t. 6. 30 p.m.; seat ISO persons .
Norwich, official receiver Baptist, High street, Rev. Herbert George Drake; 10.45
· Certified Bailiff appointed under the "Law of Distress a.m. & 6 .30 p.m.; tues. 7-30 p.m.; seat 400 persons
Amendment Act," Tom Healey Warren, Market place, Cowper Congregational, Market place, Rev. Edward
East Dereham J ohn Q umtrell;
· ID-45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30
County Police Station, 31 Commercial road, Waiter Ray, p.m.; seat 6oo persons
~~p.perintendent, 2 sergeants & 13 constables Primitive Methodist, Commercial road, Rev. Henry R.
- Cus.toms, Excise & Old .Age Pensiong Offices, 13 Park 1 cock ( sup t . ) ; ID-45 a.m. & 6 .30 p.m.; th urs. 7.30
road, Donald Macmillan, surveyor; Evelyn Moody, p.m. ; seat 2 g 0 persons
officer United Methodist, Norwich road, Rev. .Albert Henry
Freemasons Hall, Norwich street, H. J. Barnaby, sec N'1c h o1as.; ID-45 a.m. & 2.30 & 6 .30 p.m
Property & Income Tax Office, Wellington Toad, Francis ,Wesleyan, Theatre street (Mid-Norfolk Mission), Rev.
William Roddick, asse<ssor & collector 1 J oh n D ug d a 1e ( sup t . ) ; 10.45 a.m. & 6 .30 p.m.; we d .
Reading Rooms & .Athenreum, Market place, Frederick 1 8 p.m. ; seat 400 persons
Gore, secretary & librarian ,The Christadelphians' .Assembly Rooms; sun. I I a.m.
StRmp Office, Market place, Waiter Drew, distributor 1 & 6 .30 p.m
lJrban District Council Fire Engine Station, Cowper rd. .Salvation Army Barracks, sunday at 7.30 & 11 a.m. ; 3
H. Kitson, Uas house, Yaxham road, snpt. & I~ men I & 6. 30 p.m. & every evening at 8· p.m. except thurs


_:)th Battalion Norfolk Regiment; orderly room k head- East Dereham Secondary School for Girls, erllcted in
quarters, I Quebec stre<et. Staff :-Lieut.-Col. B. J. i 1912, on the Norwich road, stands in grounds of 4
Petre, commanding; Lieut.-C:ol. & Hon. Col. T. P. I acres & comprises on the ground floor an assembly
Angell V.D. ; A. W. Thomas T.D. major; Capt. A. E. hall & class rooms; on the upper floor, cookery
''M. Ward, adjutant';~ Hon. Major A. Smith V.D. rooms, laboratory, mistresses' room &c.; pupils are
-quartermastel' • . prepared for drawing, needlework & music examina-
'D Company, Capt. W. J, Barton·~ Sergt.-:Major W. H. j tions & for tha Cambridge Local examinations
Adcock, instructor 4 (higher. senior & junior); W. Hervey esq. J.P. chair-
Norfolk N'ational Res em~ Organizing Officer Mid-Nor- man of the governors; .A. E. Whit by, Glerli. to the
folk, Capt. T. C:ranmer governors; Miss .Alix Fisher, head mistress

PUBLIC OFFICERS. London road, erP.cted in I 873, for 200. boys, 200 girls &
Assistant Clerk to the Guardians of Mitford & Laun- 170 infants; average attendance', 134 boys, 145 girls &
ditch Union, .Arthur E. Whitby, 14 Cemetery road no infants; Arthur Edward Tripp, master; Mis!l
Assistant Overseers k Collectors of Poor Rates, Mrs. M. E. Reynolds, mistress ; Miss Rose Beanmont, infants'
Wray & Francis William Boddick, Wellington road mistress
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Davy T¥rner Belding Toftwood Common (mixed), built in rB75, & enlarged
M.R.C.S.Eng., t.ll..O.P.;Lond. Quebec road in 1908, for 152 children; average attendance, 146;
Clerk to Head borough Trustees, C. B. L. N orgate, . Mrs. Clara Lewton-Brain, mistr!l'Ss
Quebec road Etling Green (mixed), built in 1875• for So children;
Clerk to Commissioner• rlC Land & A~sesserl Taxes for ' average attendance, 58 ; Miss May Flood, mistress
the Hundreds of Mitfurd & Launditch, Waiter May The Schools at Toftwood common & Etling green wP.r~>
Barton, Guildhall erected at a cost of £1,300
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee of Theatre street. erected, with residence for a master, in
Mitford &; Launditch Union & to Mitford & Launditch 1
1841, at a cost of about £I,ooo, & is endowed with If"
Rural District Council, Waiter John Barton, Guildhall acre!' of land, awarded at the inclos'llre in I8xs. k
Collector to the Guardians & Believing- Officer for Mit- £r.2oo [?J per Cent. Consols, raised by subscription in ,
fflrd Di~trict, 1viitfor~ & Limnditch l,Jnions, Frederick 1841 : the school was P.nlarg-ed in 189~. & will hr.ld
Laws, 14 Crown 'road • · ' ., 400 -children; ave~age attendance, 390;. Henry llarnahy,
lllaster; l\liss D. Wells, infants' mistress; Science &. Elmham-Nicholls, from the 'Lord Nelson,' m on. -wed.
Art classes are conducted of an evening by t~e head &; fri
master · Elsing-Nailor, from the 'Cock inn,' fri. &; Bowel!, from
' Green Man,' fri
'llailwRy Statlon, Francis Arthur Easton, station mastsr. Fakenham-Mail cart, daily .
Omnibuses from the King's .Arms hotel, Market place Litcham-Mrs. Wisherd, to 'Lord Nelson,' on fri.;
& King's Head hotel, Norwich street, attend the arrival Eastoe, 'Duke's Head,' fri. &; Walker, 'Bull,' fri
& departure of all trains Mattishall Seaman, from 'Cock inn,' fri
:vfileham-Parker, 'Lord Nelson,' fri
OARRIERS TO : Shipdham Rawling, from the 'Bull,' fri
Eillingford-Parfoot, 'Lord Nelson,' fri Stanfield-Parker, from 'Lord Nelson,' fri
Bradenhams Rawling, 'Bull,' fri Swaffham-Robinson, from 'Lord Nelson,' fri
Last Bilney-Parker, 'Lord Nelson,' fri Wymondham-Mail . cart, daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gilbert Alfred, 32 Market place Oakes Harry J. 7 Park road
.Adcock Mrs. I6 Commercial road Goddard .Ambrose, Canterbury house Oldham Mrs. 5 Quebec road
All en John, 22 Theatre street Goodoh!ld George Harry, 33 .Market pl Oliver Miss, r May's ter. London rd
.Anderson Mrs. 4 Park road Goshawk Jn. Robert, The Woodlands, Oliver Mrs. The Dale
Askew Frederick Robert,37 London rd South Green Page Arthur Edmund, I I Quebec rd
Atthow Frederick, Milfield Goude Harry, 6 Elvin road Page Benjamin, 6 Park road
lhgge Mi~s. Summerfield house, Nor- Goulden Miss, 33 Quebec road Page Miss, I I Quebec road
wich road Gower Stanley, 33 Swaffham road Patterson Willia.m, as Commercial rd
"Eainbridge Mrs. Bank ho. Market pl Gray Charles Robert, Norwich street Payne Mrs. 27 QuebP.c road
13all's Thoma.s, Lynton ho. London rd Gray Emest, 43 Theatre street Pearse Charles, Mount Pleasant,
Bambridge Miss, 7 Quebec road Green Edward Charles Anniaon, Quebec road
Barnaby Henry, School ha. Theatre st Shrublands, Norwich street Pearse Mrs. 24 Quebec road
Barton Chas. Thos. The Old Guildhall Green John, Norwich street Peck .Arthur Lacey, 19 Norwich road
'Earton W alter John, 3 Quebec road Green Regina.ld John Evelyn, Moor Pegler Miss, 25 Norwich road
Barton Walter May, Guildhall lodge, Norwich road Pells Arthur George, Park view
Bayfield Miss, 8 Elvin road Griggs Mrs. Ivydene, Quebec road Potter Miss, 2 Elvin .-oad
13ayfield Miss, South green Harrison Mrs. 12 Quebec road Precious Henry Thomas, I6 Elvin rd
:Beaumont Misses, I3 Cemetery road Hart Rev.Ernest Harry !den (curate), Precious Mrs. Cemetery road
"Beck F. W. The Priory, Church st 45 Commercial road Pursey Oba.diah, 20 Elvin road
Belding Davy Turner, Quebec road Hart Miss, 8 Cemetery road Quintrell Rev. Edward John (Congrb..
·Dell Misses, 8 Park road Hemment Layton, 4 Elvin road gation31), Tho Parsonage, St. With-
lJerwick John, 57 Theatre street Hewitt George, 26 Quebec road burga lane
Bid well Arth. Southwell, 37 Quebec rd Hill Edward Robert, 15 Quebec road Ransom Edward Ernest, Millbank,
lJlomfield Mrs. 26 Quebec road Holland Mrs. 13 Elvin road Quebec road
lJlomfield Mrs. 17 Wellington road Hood Walter,Rose villa,39 Norwich rd Ray Miss, South green
Bradley John Page, 10 Quebec l'oad Hopson James, gr Commercial road Ricketts M~. 23 Commercial road
lJraiu John Lewton, The Hollies, Hopson Mrs. St. Nicholas house, 3I Ringwood James, 59 Theatre street
Theatre street Norwich street Rivett Miss, Q Commercial Toad
.Brawn Mrs. 5 Commercial road Horne Robert, Gablehurst, Quebec rd Roots John, The Avenue. South green
Ilrett George J.P. Quebec street Horsley M~. 9 Quebec road Salmond John Chesser, Lawns corner
Ilrown Mrs. 14 Theatre street Howe~ R"lbert, Yaxham road Shellabear Misses, 2 Quebec road
lJurch Fredk.L. Hill crest, Quebec rd Howes William Page, 5 Elvin road Shickle Mrs. 2 Park road
"'Burgess Robert, I3 Quebec road Howlett John Kitton B.A. Beechurst, Skerritt Robert George, '18 Theatre et
Burnett-Read J. W. Bank hou!!e, Commercial road Smith Alfd. Geo. 45 Commercial rd
Norwich street Hubbard Mrs. T. Buxton ho. Elvin rd Smith George Richard, Toftwood
<Jlarke Miss, 8 Theatre street Hum Henry, S High street Smith Norman Charles, Gwer!lylt vils.
Coker Mrs. 126 Norwich road Hyde Col. Henry Elwin V.D., M.A., Cowper road
Cooper Mis!!, 17 Quebec road J.P. (chairman of Quarter Sessions), Stebbings Mrs. 55 Norwich street
Cory Charles, Market place Moorgate house Stephens George Ernest, ro Park rd
Cox Joseph, 63 Norwich street Jewson Herbert, 15 Norwich road Tarry Herbert, rt Cemetery road
-Cranmer Thomas, Canterbury house, Jex William, 9 Park road Teanby G. W. A. Elvin,Elvin rd
Market place Johnson Harry F. 12 Quebec street Thompson ErnestL1J.mbert,28El'Vin rd
Craske Samuel Funnell, 14 Eh·in rd Kerr William Wallace, Market place Tilley John May, 24 Theatre street
(;rook Robert L. 5 Park road Kingston Geo.Roadley, 45 Norwich rd Took George, Church street
Davey Mrs. Withburga cottage Kingston Henry Samuel, 13 High st Tripp Arthur Edward, South green
lJidcock Rev. Henry R. (Primitive Lambert Mrs. 35 Quebec road Utting Charles A. 6 Quebec road
Methodist), 3 Park road Larner Miss, I Commercial road Verner Harry Felix, Whitehall
'Dickens William,York ho. Norwich rd Lawrence Jesse,Cowper ho.Cowper rd Vincent Fred.k. The Hythe, Elvin rd
'Drake Rev. Herbert George (Baptist), Leech Henry, 55 Theatre street Vincent George,The Briar·s, Quebec rd
14 Commercial road Lees John, Mill Hill ho. Quebec road Vincent Miss, Withburga cottage
Dug-dale Rev. J ohu (Wesleya.n Meth. ), Love Mrs. South ~een Vincent Mrs.OI'well ho.53 Norwich 1'~
Trenty house, Theatre street Mack El'llest William, I2 Park road Vores Benj. Herbert, South green
1Juigan Victor John, Beech house, McLean Colin, The Heath Ward Mrs. Cowper road
High street Macmillan Donald, Russell house, Warner James. 6 Commercial road
Easter Mrs. 'I Park road Commercial road Warner Mrs. 49 Norwich road
. Edwardl! Frank, 36 Elvin road Macnaughton-Jones Rev. William Warren Miss, 20 Commercial road
Emms Ernest A. 16 Theatre 11treet Hudson M.A. (vicar), Vicarage Warren Miss, Variety ha. Norwich rd
Empson Albert, Park view Marjoram John, Neatherd road Warren Tom Healy, Bill house
"Empson Mrs. 67 Commercial road Mason Rt. Rushbrook, 29 Quebec road Webb Mrs. 4 Quebec ro11d
'Evans Kybert John, Mountain Ash, Milk Arthur Jas.Crown ho.Norwich rd Wells Mrs. Neatherd moor;
London road Minn Mr~. 25 Quebec road West Mrs. 65 Commercial road
Fayers Thomas, I Bath avenue Mitchell Ernest George, 12 Theatre st Whant Robert, 12 Commercial road
Fisher Edward .A! ex. 47 Norwich road Molton George, South green • Wood Charles George, Dillington hall
Fitt Rev. James B ..A. (curate), 44 Moody Evelyn, 15 Elvin road Wormald Hugh, Heathfield
, London road Nicholas Rev. .Alhert Henry (United Wormald .John, Etting grange
Forby Misses, 51 Norwich road Methodist), Bg Commercial road Wright Edward, Neat herd road
Foster William, Rosedale, Norwich rd Norgate Charles Bladwell Le Grys, Wright John, Neatberd
Gayler Fred J.The Maltings,Neatherd rll Market place
~ldiaa Harry Hlldyard, draper. tailor,
silk mercPJr,
dress maker &c. millinery &; mantles ; carpet ware-
Early closing day, Wednesday I p.m. house; general house furnisher; mourning ware-
~dcock Herbert, Jolly Farmers P.H .. Yaxham road house ~ undertakers & funerals furnished; hearses &
•.A.dcock Sergt.-Major William Henry, instructor to D mourning coaches, ~. -6, I2 & 14 Hig:p. stre!rl>. T N
Co. 5th Batt. Norfolk Regiment (Territorial Force), 1 2 Dereham

Quebec street · Allan Joseph, travelling draper~ I Norwich road

Addis on Wm. school attendance officl'r, 62 Norwich st ~ AUcock rClement James 3 Cock P.H. 30 Norwich street

Alloock Samuel, tobacconist, 8 High street Brunton Jemima (Mrs.), registry office, 2 Church st
Amendt Henry Christian Thomas, refreshment rooms, Brun4.ion Patience (Mrs.), grocer & confectioner, &.
Railway station refreshment rooms, 3 Wellington road
Argent William Henry, sen. plain & ornamental Brunton Waiter, blacksmith, Quebec street
plasterer, expert in cement, 43a, Norwich road Bugdale William, farmer, Swanton road
Argent William Henry, jun. plasterer & modeller; Hullard & Sons Limited. brewers, Railway station yard'
works, 43a, Norwich road; show rooms, 72 Norwich st Bullard James, painter, 93 Commercial road
Askew John William, plumber, 39 .Norwich street Bunting George, grocer, 57 High street
Assembly Rooms (Frederick Gore, sec.; Alfred Pease, Burch Frederick Leonard, surveyor & inspector of
caretaker), Market place nuisances to the Urban District. Council, 2 Theatre st
Bacon James & Sons, auctioneers, Wellington road Burgess George Edmund, blacksmith, Toftwood
Bacon Chas. Wil!'on. comrl. traveller., 21 Commercial rdBurgess Robert, manager National Provincial Bank of
Bales Henry, bricklayer & chimney sweep. Cemetery rd ·England Limited, 3 Market place
Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (George Burnett-Re"ad J. W. manager of Capital & Counties Bank
Harry Goodchild, manager), open 10 to 4; sat. 10 to Limited, Norwich street
I; market day, fri. IO to 6, Market place; draw on Burton Horace, threshiug machine propr. Toftwoud coin
bead office, 54 Lombard street, London E C Burton Philip, fishmonger, 6 Baxter row ·
Barker Frederick, cabinet maker, 2a, Theatre street Burton Waiter, agriculturai engineer; repairer Qf ail
Barker Thomas Llewellyn, agricultural engineer, im- types of engine·s & machinEl'S, 42 London road
plement manufacturer, iron founder, cart, van & Butcher Henry, insurance agent, Toftwood
wagon builder, fence & hurdle maker, poultry house Capital & Counties Bank Limited (J. W. Burnett Read,
builder & timbzr merchant, Market Hill WQrks manager), Norwich street; draw on head office, 39
Barkway Annie (Mrs.), milliner, 20 Norwich road Threadneedle street E C
Barnaby Hy. organist to the parish church, Theatre st Carter Elizabeth M aria (Mrs.), King's Head posting &:.
Barnes Edith Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Cowper road commercial hotel, Norwich street
Barnes George, Rose P.H. Baxter row Cave Herbert Thomas, photographer, 3 & 5 Church st
Barton & Sons, ~olicitors. Guildhall Cemetery (Waiter May Barton, clerk to burial board}
Barton Charles Thomas (Earton & Sons), solicitor & Charles Lennard, Fleece P.H. Norwich street
deput-y sup!'!rintendent registrar & clerk to Old Age Cheetham John Thomas, baker, 6r High street
Pensions Co~ittee, Guildhall Chinery John David, market gardener, Toftwood
Barton Waiter John (firm, Barton & Sons), solicitor, Clark Alfred, farmer, Etling green
clerk to Mitford & Launditch Rural Distrigt Council, Clarke Bertie W illiam, beer retailer, 4I Norwich street
elerk to the guardians & assessment committee & Clutten Alfred Charles, draper, milliner & dress maker
supt. registrar Mitford & Launditch Union, Guildhall 8 & ro, & boot maker I9, Norwich street
Barton Waiter May (firm, Barton & Sons), solicitor, Coleby George, printer, stationer, bookbinder, bookseller.
coroner for the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster in news agent & picture f-rame maker, 30 Market place
Norfolk, clerk to the magistrates, to the burial boardCooper, Norgate & Hood, solicitors, Quebec road
& to commissioners of land & Rssessed taxes for the Cooper George Benjamin, watch maker, 23 High street
hundreds of Mitford & Launditch & clerk to the Cooper-Brown & Co. brewers, maltsters & wine & spirii;
Mitford & Lannditcb Rural District Council, Guildhall meTchants, ale & porter bottlers, Norwich street (T N
Bates Arthur George, baker, 38 Norwich street 34); & at Eaton brewery, Norwich
Bates Thomas William, tailor, Neatherd road Cordle George, tinsmith, 33 High street
Bayfield William, butcher, I Norwich street Corn Exchange (Henry Thomas Precious, sec.), MfLrket p·J
Beck Frederick William, auctionee-r, valuer, land & Cory Charles, manager London Provincial Bank Limited
estate agent; stock 8ales thursday, Fakenham; friday, & treasurer of the East Dereham Urban Distric~
Dereha.m, Church street ; & at Fakenbam Council, Market placer
Balding Davy Turner M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur- Count Frederick William, printer, bookseller, statione-t
geon & physician, medical officer & public vaccinator, & news agent & circulating library, Market place
East Dereham district, Mitford & Launditch union, County Court (His Honor James Mulligan K.C. judge;
medical officer of health for East Dereham Urban Dis- Charles B. Le Grys Norgate, registrar; W. G. Jacomb-
trict Council & Mitford & Launditch Rural District Hood, deputy reg-istrar); office, Quebec road
Council, cPrtifying factory surgeon, surgeon to the Cow ell Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Commercial rd
Yeomanry & Admiralty surgeon, Quebec road Cox George, pianoforte tuner, 45 Quebec street
Bell Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 3I Quebec street Cranmer Ernest, fishmonger, 2 Swaffham road
Beny Jane & Lizzie (Misses), fancy repository,7 High st Cranmer Thomas, auctioneer & valuer, estate agent
Berwick James, boot repairer, Page's yard, Quebec st &c. ; stock sales, Forncett tuesday, Dereham friday.
Betts Robert, pork butcher, 45 Baxter row Market place
Bidwell & Co. brewers (branch office), 5 Quebec street C:ranmer Thomas, pork butcher, 26 Quebec street
Blomfield Edith M. (Mrs.), mineral water manufacturer, Craske J. & Sons, fishmongers, I Wellington road
Wellington road Crowe Henry, egg merchant, 16 Quebec road
Bloy Bensl!~y (Mrs.), corn & flour merchant, 26, 27 & 28Curry William, baker & confectioner, 7 Norwich street
Swaffham road. Customs, Excise & Old Age Pension Offices (Donald
Bloy Howes, currier,- 19 High street Macmillan, surveyor; Evelyn Moody, officer), 13 Park
Blyth Robert, farmer, Pa-rk farm, Neatherd moor road
Blyth Samuel William, blacksmith, 23 Wellington road Dack Thomas, fishmonger, 21 Norwich street
Bond George, cycle dealer, 46 High street Dagless & Guymer, smiths, Cowper road
Bone Jonathan, tinman, brazier & tinplate worker, 23 Dane Frederick, Eagle P.H. Market place
Quebec street Davey Thomas, ferret dealer, Neatherd road
Bonttell Charles, outfitter, 12 Market place Dawson George W. beer retailer, Swanton road
Bowle~ Geo. Greyhound inn & horse dealer, 45 High st Dent John Stephenson, agricultural chemist & drnggist,.
Bowles Richard, Bell P.H. Etling ~reen dealer in photographic materials, 2 Market place
Bradley F. W. Limited, artificial teeth makers, 6 High Dent William, buildm-, 12 King's road
street; attend friday, r. 30 to 4.30 p.m. See adver- Dereham & Fakenham. Times (F. W. Count), Market
tisement place; published friday
Bradley & Utting, wholesale & retail ironmongers & Dodman Richard, chimney ~weeprr, London road
iron & wire fence manufacturers & hot water en- Drew WHltPr, postma~tPr, Market place
gineers, 37 Market place Duigan Victor John M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond, phy-
Brain James Lewton-, inspector of schools for County sician & surg~on, medical officer to the Gressenhall
Council, The Rallies, Theatre street workhouse, Mitford & Launditcb Union, Beech house,
Brenner Max, bazaar, 35 Market place High street
Brett & Son, furniture brokers, 37 Quebec street Dnnn John, greengrocer, 15 Quebec street
Bridcntt Edward, Bull inn, High street Dye Sarah Ca tberine (Mrs.),· servants' registry office, 60<
Brown Arthur, Duke of Wellington P.H. Wellington rd Norwich street
Brown George Frederick, collector to the Urban Dis- Ea~t Dereham Athletic Association (A. S. Bidwell, sec.;.
trict Council, 12 Elvin road H . .T. Oakes, corresponding ~ec. ), 7 Quebec road
Brown George F. Fox & Hounds P.H. London road East Dereham Club (T. H. Warren, hon. se-c.; Robert
Brown Herbert Isaac, boot & shoe maker, 6 Norwich st Burgess, treasurer), Market place
Brown Philip Thomas, surveyor to the Mitford & Laun- East Dereham Cricket Club (C. T. Barton, hon. sec.),.
ditch Rural District Council, King's road Guildhall •
Browne Charles Frederick, butcher, 30 High street East Dereham Football Club (S. T. Brown, hon. sec.),.
Brunton George, builder, 5 London road 7 Norwich road
Brnnton Herbert Waiter, baker & confctnr. I I Quebec st

East Dereham Unionist Association (George Hewitt, Joiner William George, Chequers P.H. Swaffham road
sec.), Market pla:!e Kellas James, travelling draper, 10 Commercial road
Eastmans Limited, butcheors, 5 Norwich street Kelter Arthur George, Green Man P .H. High street
"Eastoe George., farmer, Etling green Kerr William Wallace M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon,
E::~stoe William, George P.H. Market place . Market place
En,;ton Francis Arthur, station master Kerrison Richard Wint~r. butcher, I Church street
Edwards Robt. grocer & prov. dlr. & post office,_ Toftwood Ketteringham Harry, horse & cattle dealer, 62 ~orwich
!l'>~len James, White Lion P.H. 9 Church street road & The Farm, Norwich road
Eke Sidney William, oil hawker, 4I Norwich road King's Arms hotel (People's Refreshment House Associa·
F:mms Ernest A.. deputy registrar of births, deathl'l & tion Limited, general managers ; Herbert Chappell,
marriages &; vaccination officer, Mitford & Launditch manager), Market place
·union & local agent Board of Trade Unemployment Kingston Henry Samuel, grocer, provision, wine, spirit
Insurance, r6 Theatre street & beer merchant, Mid-Norfolk Supply Stores, I I & 13
Ernms Walter J. builder, I7 Swan ton road High street & 2 & 4 Norwich street. T N 17 Dereham
Evans K. J. & Co. Limited, thrashing machine pro- Kirk John, pork butcher, 21 Church street
prietors, London road Kirkham Henry, beer retailer, Yaxham road
"Fanthorpe Hugh Robinson, hay & straw dealer, 40 & 43 Kitson Hy. manager of Gas & Water Works, Yaxham rd
High street Lambert H. cabinet maker, I6 Norwich street
Fanthorpe Robert, Crown P.H. & marine store dealer, Larkman William Samuel, farmer, North Hall green
Church street Larner William & John, builders, 2 Commercial road &
Farrer Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Elvin road brick makers, Crown point
Fire Brigade (Urban District Council), Cowper road Luner Waiter Lewis, builder & contractor, Crown road
.Fisun James & Sons Limited, maltsters, cake, coal & Larwood Jas. William, county court bailiff, 24 Elvin rd
wool merchants & chemical manure & sulphuric acid Lawrence Jesse, coach builder, Wellington road
=anufacturers, Neatheord road; & at Thetford, Lynn Laws Alfred, insurance agent, 18 Swanton road
Whittington & Harling road Laws Frank Frederick, wardrobe dealeT, 5 Swaffham rd
Flatt Harry, shopkeeper, so High street Law!l Frederick, collector to the guardians & relieving &;
Freeman Thos. John, pianoforte tuner &c. so Norwich !!t vaccination officer Mitford & Launditch union, I4
Freemasons Hall (H. J. Barnaby, sec.) .. Norwich street Crown road
Frost George James, plumber, 6o High street Laws .James Bloy, clothier, 26 Norwich street
.Frost William, confectioner, 2 Wellington road La"\"rs James John, tailor, Wellington road
Frost William Robert, butcher, Toftwood common Layley George .John Francis, farmer, Badley moor
Gag-e George. butcher, Toftwood Leech Henry. clothier, Market. place
Gas works (Henry Kitson, manager), Yaxham road Liberal Club (L. M. Peorry, sec. ; Charles Crick,
Gaskin Charle!<, seedsman, Quebec strf>et steward), Theatre street
Gayler Fred J. manager for James Fison & Sons Ltd. Lines Philip, grocer, & post office, Baxter row
N eatherd road London Central Meat Co. Limited, butchers, xB High st
Gilbert Alfred, wine merchant, see Goddard & Gilbert London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (Gharle8
Gilstrap, Earp & Co. agents to Whitbread & Co.Limited, Cory, manager), Market place; draw on head office, 3
maltsters, NeathPrd road Bank buildings E C & Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co.
Girling, Ransom & Prior, solicitors, Quebec street London E C
Goddard & Gilbert, importers of wines & spirits, ale & Long Clement Ford, jobbing gardener,Ig Commercial rd
porter merchants & bottlers, also seed & wool mer- Loynes Frederick, grocer, 1 Cemetery road
chants, Market place . Mack Horace, builder & contractor, 51 Norwich street
"Goodchild George Harry, manager to Barclay & Com- McLean & Wormald, game farmers, Heath
pany's Bank, Market place Macmillan Donald, surveyor of customs & excise ; office,
Gm:v Ernest. hair dresser, 3 Norwich street I3 Park road
Gray Robert. corn, coal, cake, manure, salt & seed Madkins Hy . .Albert, newspaper reporter,26 Swaffham rd
merchant; agent for Ind, Coope & Co. ales & stout, M:1lden Henry Thomas. grocer, 31 Hig-h street
Norwich street (T A " Grain, Dereham ; Telephone I2 Mallet Robert Henry, farmer, Dumpling- green
• Dereham); also at Elmham & Wendling \f·>llPtt Henry. fflr·mer. Waterin!? farm. Yaxham rnad
Greaves George, basket maker, 4 The-atre street M'lthew Francis Edwin, Earl of Leicester P.H.Cowper rd
GuyTiler George, hair dresser, 25 Norwich street 'vf'lVP~
. GPnr(!'e. Red Lion P.H. Chancerv . lane
H3merton Richard, grocer, 7 Church street M a ves William, boot repairer, Toftwood
Harrold Edward James, shopkeeper, 59 High street Mid-Norfolk Unionist .Association (Rt. Hon. Sir .Ailwyn
Harvey "Waiter Herbert, farmer, Mattishall road E. Fellowes K.C.V.O. president; George Hewitt, sec.
llarwood Henry Fredk. boot maker, 39 London road & Rgl'nt), Market place
H1ynes Henry Thomas, cycle dealer, 32 High street Middleton Waiter & Son, saddlers. 10 Wellington road
Head Frederick, beer retailer, London road Milton R'lbert, farmer, North Hall green
Hobbies Limited (with which has bPen incorporated Mitchell John Elliott, baker, I4, IS & 16 Market place
John Green), nurserymen, seedsmen & florists, Nor- Mol ton George, grocer, IS Baxter Tow
folk nurseries Monument F. & G. carpenters, 58 High street
Hobbies Limited, engineers, Railway station Monument James, grocer, 37 Norwich street
Holliday Abram William, beer retailer, 72 Norwich road Monument John W. naturalist, 47 Quebec street
Bolliday Simon, farmer, Dumpling green Monument Nelson, London tavern, Baxter row
Holman Charles Edmund, cycle agent, 40 Market pbce ~lomlT"""Pnt Walter Frederick. tailor & breeches maker,
Holman Charles Fenn, "Shopke·eper, & sub-post office, 43 outfitter & ladies' tailor, 35 Norwich street
Norwich road Moody Evelyn, customs, excise & old age pensions
Hood Waiter George Jacomb, solicitor & deputy regis- officer & inspector of corn returns, I3 Park road
trar of the county court (firm, Cooper, Moorgate & Moore Thomas, bricklayer, 14 Quebec street
Hood), Quebec road :Morris Tn he Sbootin!? Club (G. W. Pells, hon: sec. &
Borne Robert Edwin, draper, Cr-own road trpaqurer), Duke's Head hotel, Quebec str£>et
Hcward Vincent, apartments, 3 Norwich road Mov Thomas Limited. coal merchants, Norwich road
Howlett John Kitton B.A. Camb., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. \fvhill .Tohn. hPPl' l'Ptailer, Etling- grel'n ·
Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glasgow, physician & surgeon, & Naihr Richard & Son. !ilmitb~ &c. 47 Theatre strePt
mPdical officer & public vaccinator, Gressenhall dis- N:1tional Provincial Bank of England Limited (Robert
trict, Mitford & Launditch Union, surgeon to the Post BurgPss, manager), 3 Market place; draw on head
Office & Oddfellows, Beechurst, Commercial road office. 1:; Bishopsl!ate, London E C
Hubbard Robert John, ironmonger, 20 High street. Nelson Miss, shopkeeper, 5 Cowper road
Hudson Robert, mineral water manufactr. 2I Theatre st Newell John. apartments, rr Park road
Hunter Edward, farmer, The Old Hall, Toftwood Ne-wnham Thomas Oliver, inspector to the Royal Societv
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, 8 Market place for the Prevention of Crueltv to Animals, 30 Elvin rd
Isbill Jimmy, Bell P.H. Theatre street Nor{!llte Charles Bladwell LeGrys (firm, Cooper, Nor-
Jarred Robert, butcher, 24 Market place & 3 High street gate & Hood), solicitor. reg-istrar & high bailiff of the
.Jarvis Christopher, brick maker, Norwich road countv court & commissioner to admini!lter oaths &
Jenkins George, confectioner, Market place perpetual commissioner & clerk to Headboroucrh
Jex Roger, general dealer, 19 Wellington road trustees, Quebec road
J"impson Oscar Robert, baker & confectioner, 76 & 78 Oake~ Harry J. tailor, 7 High l!treet
Baxter row Oldfield George, plumber, 3 Q.u<>bec street
Johnson David, district surveyor to the Norfolk County Oldham .Arthur, high-class confectioner. caterer. bread
Council, South green & biscuit baker; awarded 4 silver medals & 7 diplomas
.Tohnson Samuel, coal merchant, Toftwood London E:x:hibitio~s. 4 High !!treet

Olley George, farmer, Wood farm, Toftwood Society for tha Promotion of Christian Knowledge Depot.
Ottaway Harry George, grocer, 24 Norwich street (F. W. Count, agent), Market place
Palmer William, sergt. of police, 31 Commercial road Spelman Edward, farmer, The Dale farm
Parker John Edward, watch maker, g Norwich street Stammers H. C. &; Co. millers; stores, Station yard
Patterson Harry, watch maker, ro High street Stamp U1tice. (Walter Drew, distributor), Market plac&
Peacock Mary (Mrs.), bill poster, 23 Theatre street Stead & Simpson Lim. boot & shoe mas. 31 Market pl
Pearl Life Insurance Co. (Benj. Page, supt:), 6 High st St~ward Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger,s Theatre st
Pease George, painter, 76 Norwich road Sttmp~n Thomas, butcher, dealer in game, farmer &.
Pease Herbert, hair dresser, 23 Market place grazier, 33 Norwich street
Peck Edward, chemist, 21 High street Stringer C. & E. (Misses), ladies' school, Theatre street
Pells George William, Duke's Head hotel, Quebec street Studd George (exors. of), coal mers. 87 Commercial rd
Percival Alfred, stone mason, 7 Cemetery road Talbot Henry James, chimney cleaner,79 Commercial rd.
P~rry _Linus! ~efreshment rooms, 7 Market place Taylor Charles Robert, hair dresser, 5 Market place
Pightlmgo Wilham, Crown P.H. Norwich road Taylor Frederick, Lord Nelson P.H. r High street
Police Station (County) (Waiter Ray, supt.), 31 Corn- Taylor James, china & glas~ dealer, 27 High street
mercial road Tennant Maud E. (Miss), draper, milliner, ladie:o' out-
Powley Waiter, Ramblers' Rest P.H. Toftwood fitter, haberdasher &c. 29 Market place
Pratt Edward, furniture dealer, 15 & r7 Norwich street Territorial Force (5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment)
Pratt George, farmrr, NPatherd moor (Lieut.-Col. B. J. Petre, commanding; Capt. A. E. ~r.
Prior Charles Bolingbroke Leathes, solicitor (firm, Ward, adjutant; D Company, Capt. W. J. J3arton;:
Girling, Ransom & Prior), Quebec street Sergt.-Major W. H. Adcock, instructor)~ Ol'derly:
Property & Income Tax Office (Francis Wm. Roddick, room & head quarters, I Quebec street
BS!Iessor & collector), Wellington road Theatre Royal (H. 1'. Maiden, proprietor), Theatre st
Pursey Obadiah, clothier, IS & 17 High street Thomas Reginald, artificial teeth maker, 21 Market pL
Baby Minnie (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Commercial road Thorpe1 Ernest, pork butcher, 13 Quebec street
Ransom Edward Ernest (firm, Girling, Ransom & Thorpe John, dairyman, 73 Theatre S'treet
Prior), !!Olicitor, Quebec street Thurtle Ernest, fishmonger, 3 Cowper road
Rayner Fredk. Wm. hair drssr. & tobccnst.17 Market pl Tooke John, painter & decorator, 23 Norwich road_
Rayner William, fishmonger, 9 Wellington road Tovell Herbert, hair dresser, 29 High street
Read Robert, sanitary inspector to the Mitford & Tuck Ernest John, Cherry Tree P.H. Theatre street
Launditch Rural District Council, Westfield road, Utting Charles A. ironmonger &c. see Bradley & Utting
Toftwood Vassar Jesse, farmer, Badley moor
Beading RoQms & Athenreum (Frederick Gore, sec. & Vincent Frederick & George, grocers, ironmongers, hard~
librarian), Market place ware dealers & general fa.ctors, 36 Swaffham road
Beeder Mildred (Miss), upholstress, 3 Revenue square Vincent Miss, day school, The Hythe school, Elvin road·
Reeder Robert, travelling draper, 27a, Commercial road Vores Benjamin Herbert, solicitor, commissioner for
· Reynold~ Charles Robert, watch repairer, r Cowper road oaths, & deputy coroner for the liberty of the Duke of
Bicketts Alfred, boot maker, 20 & 22 Norwich street Norfolk in Norfolk & clerk to the Urban District.
Rix Charles (exors. of), engineers, 23 Norwich street Council, 27 Churoh street
Rix Goorge, cycle agent, 25 Norwich street Wacey Edward, boot maker, 37 Becclesgate
Rix Soames E. coal merchant, 6r Commercial road Wade George, butcher & grazier, 39 Quebec street
Robinson Alfred E. chemist, 36 Market place Wake George King M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, &..
Robinson Cephas Arthur, jobmaster, 66 Norwich street inspeotor under the Contagious Disease!! (Animals) Act
Roddick Francis William, assistant overseer & rate & 1 for No. 5 district, 52 Norwich street
tax collector, Wellington road l Ward _Edward Alfred, district su~erintendent to Prn~·
Rogers Alfred, s-hoe maker, 75 Commercial road , I dentml Assurance Co. Gwersylt villas, Cowper road
Rogers William, tomato & cucumber grower & market Warmer Frederick William, sanitary engineer, plumber..
gardener, Enfield house, Toftwood gas &_ hot & cold water fitter, house decorator &c. 4S
Rogers William Charles, tailor, 19 Church street NorwJCh street
Roots J. & Co. engineers, machinists, iron founders I Warnes Elizh. (Mrs.), temperance hotel, 62 :Norwich si
agricultural implement makers, cart & wagon builder~ Warren Francis_, beer retailer, Toftwood •
& english timber merchants Warren Fredenck, Half Moon P.H. Quebec street
Raper Harbord, shopkeeper, 103 B11 xter road Warren Tom Healey, auctioneer, estate agent & valuer,.
Roy Waiter, supt. of county police, 3 r Commro-cial road Market place; & at C?astleacre street, Swaffham
Rays' Stores, grocers, r6 High street Water W arks (Henry Kitson, manager), Gas works
Rudd Charles Leggett, blacksmith, Theatre street Webb Albert, grocer, Market place
Rumble William, Light Horse P.H. & smith, Baxter row Weights & Measures .Office (John Ryley, inspector,) 17
Rush Mrs. farmer. Quebec farm Norwich road
Ruston Arthur, farmer, Rookery, Etling green Welch Margaret (Mrs.), dress maker, 9 Quebec street
Ryley A. P. commission agent, Theatre street Wells Alfred George, hosier, 28 High street •
Ryley John, inspector of weig-hts & measures & under Wells Claude, coach builder, 29 Commercial road
"Food & Drugs Acts" & official sampler "Fertilizers Wells Ernest, coach builder, Baxter row
& Feedin~ Stuffs Acts," 1 7 Norwich road Wells Herbert James, pork butcher, 23 St. Nicholas st
Saunders George, assist. insur. supt. 43 d, Norwich road Wells Jane (Mrs.), ~oyal Standard P.H. 29 Baxte~ row
Seeker Charles James, cooper &c. 5 2 High street Wel:s Mary Ann (M~ss), apartments, 83 _CommerCial rd
Seeker George, Millwrights' Arms P.H. Toftwood commn Whitbread & Oo. Limited, maltsters (Gllstrap, Ea.rp &.
Seeker William, Cattle Market inn, 22 Market place C_o. agents), Neatherd road
Shearing Alfred, fishmonger, 6 Market place Whitby Arthur Edgar, assistant clerk to the Mitford &;
Sheddick John Charles, nurseryman, Quebec road ~aunditch union & registrar of births, deaths & mar-
'Shepperson William, farmer, Etling green riages for Eut DAreham sub-district, 14 Cemetery rd
Shilling James, farmer, Etling green Whiteside William Ernest, jeweller, Norwich street
Shingles Albert J. saddler, rr Market place W~iting John, building surveyor, 43 Commercial road'
Short Robert, baker, 70 High street W~er Horace C~a.rles, florist, I I Norwich street
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited. Market place W~er James Wilham, greengrocer, 13 Norwich street
Skinner Bernard, china. & glass dealer, 28 Norwich st W~er Wallace Hy. market gardener, Littlefields nursery
Smith F. & G. Limited, maltsters & merchants, Railway W~gg A~h:ur Hugh, farmer, Etling green
station (T N 21 Dereham) · & at Great Ryburgh Wells Wigg Wilham Jermyn, farmer, Dumpling green
& Bnrnham ' ' Wilson William, insurance agent, King's road
Smith Charles Rix, builder, contractor & undertaker, Wood Chas. Geo. farmer & cattle salesmn.Dillington hall
Cowper road Woor Ernest Edward, grocer &c. Toftwood
Smith Frederick William, cycle agent & repairer; Wormald Hugh (firm, McLean & Wormald), game
e~ame1ling, Iin_ing & pla~ing a speciality, Market place farmers, The Heath .
Smith George Richard, miller (Bteam & wind) & farmer Wray M. (Mrs.), assistant overseer & rate collector.,
Toftwood ' Welling-ton road
Smith Herbert builder Baxter row Wright Brothers, drapers, 26 High street
Sm~th Lam·a (~fiss), d;ess maker, 2 8 Wellington road Wright. Joseph James, m?tor & cycle agent & repairer,.
Smith Norman Charles, english & foreign timber mer- 3_8 High street & Norwich street .
chant; horizontal, circular & hand !!a wing; every Wnght Thom,as, boo~ &. shoe mak;r ~ outfitter, 9 Hxgh d
description of timber purchased for cash; office, yard You~g Mens Chrxstmn AssociatiOn (George James
& saw mills, G. E. Railway station Mitchell, sec.), 7 Quebec street
Yull Albert, baker & confectioner, 17 Church street

.WEST DEBEHAM i1 a villa.g8 and parish, with a was found in the parish, but is not now worked. Here
station, called "Abbey," on the Downham and Stoke was formerly an abbey of the Premonstratensian orde1'.
Ferry branch of the Great Eastern ruilw11y, and is 4 founded A.D. n88 by Hubert Walter, then Dean of
miles south-east from .Downham, in the South Western York, and afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, who
division of the county, Clackclose hundred and petty was a native of West Dereham; this monastic house was
sessional division, Downham union and ~:ounty court colonized from the abbey of Welbeck, in Notts; but few
district, Tural deanery of Fincha.m (East division), arch- traces of the {)J:iginal abbey are now left~ its revenues
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. There were at th~ time tif the Dissolution were estimated. at
formerly two churches here, St . .Andrew and St. Peter; £252 ..12s. n~d. In the first year of King John, IIgg, a
the latter ceased to be a parish church in 1401 and has charter was granted to the abbot and convent of West
long since disappeared, though its· foundations may still Dereham for a weekly market on Wednesday and an
be traced in the western part of the churchyard, where annual fair for four days, viz., 21st September and
in Igo8 a stone coffin containing remains was found three following days. About 1564 the abbey farm was
within nine inches of the surface. The church of St. held for a time by Thomas Tusser, author of the "Five
Andrew is an edifice chiefly in the Perpendicular style, · Hundreds Points of Good Husbandry;" and Francis
consisting of chancel (restored in r8g5), nave, south Dereham, the kinsman and early lover of Queen
porch, vestry and a massive round western tower of Katherine Howard, who suffered death on her account
ragstone, surmounted by an octagonal turret of brick in 1542, was a member of the ancient family who took
and containing 5 bells: the tower was restored in 1909: their name from this plaP.e, and obtained a. grant of
the south doorway is of Early English character, and the abbey and its surrounding lands: the lands are tithe
has a. well-preserved holy water stoup on the east side: free: the farm and abbey are now the property of Col.
two windpws contain ancient stained glass: in the Frederic Hambleton Custance C. B. of Weoston, Norwich,
church are two monuments to t!he Dereham family, one and are occupied by Thomas Warrington esq. M.A.
of them being an elaborate piece of work in various Edward Roger M~rray Pratt esq. of Ryston Hall, who
coloured marbles, erected at the beginning of the r8th I is lord of the manor, Sir Alfred Thomas Bagge hart. of
century: there is abo a life-sized marble statue off Stradsett Hall, and Col. F. H. Custance are the prin~
Colonel Soame, of West Dereham Grange, d. 17o6, and 1 cipal landowners. The soil is of a mixed character;
a slab with arms to Gregory Lovell esq. d. 1693, who left subsoil, ragstone, sand and clay. The chief crops are
£soo to ~he poor of the parish: there are also marble wheat and barley, The area is 3,341 actes; rateabla
tablets to members of the Stabbing family, 1853-7; value, £3,208; the population in rgii was 442.
the Ro:per family, 1840-44. and to the Catton family, . . .
from 1792 to 1824: the church plate includes a silver Pansh Clerk, Wilham Adams.
flagon given in 17o6 by Mrs. Mary Green, of The
Grange, who also gave money to inclose the communion Post Office.-Mrs. Rachael Barrow, sub-postmistres!!'.
table with rails: the nave wa.s completely restored in Letters arrive from Stoke Ferry at 6.55 a.m. &-.
xgoo, new roofed, refloored and reseated, with other 4·4° p.m.; dispatched at 9 a..m. & 5-45 p.m.; sun-
repairs, at a cost of £gso: there are 200 sittings. The days, arrive at 6.50 a.m.; dispatohed at 9 a.m. Stoke·
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a Feyry, 3! miles distant, is the nearest money order
vicarage, net yearly value £165, including 25 acres & telegraph office
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Wall Letter Boxes.-White Horse inn, cleared at 8.35
Ely, and held since rgoo by the Rev. William Burleigh a.m. & 5. 30 p.m.; sundays, 8.50 a.m.; Statio~
B.A. of Downing College, Cambridge. The vicarage cleared at 5· 15 p.m. ; sundays, 9 a.m
house, which is near the church, waf! erected in 1874·
There are United Methodist and Primitive Methodist Public Ele~entary School (~ixed), erected in I86o, k
chape_ls. The charities amount to about £I3o yearly, enl~~ed m I886, for I20 children; average. attendance,
and are administered under a scheme by the Charity 1
65 • rank .Andrews, master
Commissioners. In 1873 a valuable bed of coprolites 1 Railway Station (called Abbey), Arthur Turner. collector
Denny Alfred, farm bailiff to Hugh Nurse Frederick & Robert. farmers
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. - .Kerkham esq. Grange farm (letters Owen Arthur, gamekeeper to Thomas
Burleigh Rev. William B.A.The Vicrge should be addressed Crimplesham, Warrington esq
Warrington Thomas M.A. West Dere- Downham) Pearman John, farmer
ham abbey Ewen Samuel, farmer Pilgrim Charles, farmer
Fretwell Albert John, farmer Porter Bertha Anll (Miss), assistant
COMMERCIAL. Garner Frederick, farmer overseer, The Rallies
Adams William, carpenter, wheel- Goward Oliver John Godfrey, farrier Shepheard George Walyn, artist~
wright & parish clerk & general smith & coal dealer Orchard house
Barrow Rachael (Mrs.) & Son,grocers, Hailstone Arth. farmer, Hilgay road Staines Henry, beer retailer
Post office Harrison Caroline (Mrs.),lime burner, Steward Henry, farmer, WhiteHall fm
Clarke Robert Valentine, farmer, Lime kiln (letters should be ad- Taylor Richard Oldroyd, farmer~
Church farm dressed Crimplesham, Downham) White House farm
Cook John, farmer, Hilgay road Haylett Robert, farmer To1'1"nsend PercyEdgar,pianoforte tunr
Cook William, farmer Hortonlda&Martha(Misses),dress mas Trower Gilbert, farmer
Dawes Robt. Chas. farmer,Bazil farm Jacobs James, Chequers P.H Walker Alfred, farmer
de Artime Paul, farm manager to Johnson William, boot & shoe repr Walker James, farmer, Willow farm
Thomas Warrington esq. The Old Mason Mark, beer retailer W arrington Thoma!'l M.A. farmer.
Abbey . N!'wling David Butters, farmer. West Dereham Abbey
Manor house Wood Robert, farmer
DERSINGHAM is a village and on the Lynn families, including a brass in the north aisle to one of
and Hunstanton road, half a mile from the station on the the former, dated 1636: and memorials to Mrs. Elizabeth
Lynn and Hunstanton section of the Great Eastern rail- Pell, lady of Bosters Hall manor, Cranworth, d. 1732:
way, 8~ miles north-north-east from Lynn and IO'J from to the Rev. Thoma.'! Kerrich, vicar of this parish, d. I828,
London, in the .North Western division of the county, and Sophia, his wife, d. 1835; the oaken church chest
Freebridge Lynn hundred and petty sessional division, is -very finely carved and the ancient font has a carved
Docking union, Lynn county court district, rural deanery ·oak cover: the church was. thoroughly restored between
of Lynn (Norfolk). archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of 1877 and 1879 at a cost of nearly £6,ooo; the cost of
Norwich. The church of St. Nicholas is a large and the restoration of the nave being defrayed by the lat&
ancient structure of flint and stone. chielly in the Per- Dr., and tha.t uf the chancel by the Ecclesi-
pendicular 8tyle, consisting of chancel, nave with • astical Commi\!!Sioners and by a amm of £6oo raised by
cllirestory, aisles, south porch and an embattled wester'Q sub!!cription: the building was ~tntirely f\'Seated with
tower, with four carved angels in place of pinnacles, and open pe-ws' of wainscot, and a new pulpit and brass
containing 6 bells and a clock, erected at a cost of £:r6o, lectern provided: a new organ chamber and clergy
to commemorat!l the coronation of His late Majesty vBStry were erected on the north side of the chancel in
King Edward VII.: the chancel is lighted by fine win- :r9n, and the south aisle and side chapel have been
dows of the Decorated period, and is divided from the restored: there are 6oo sittings. The :regillter dates
nave by an ancient carved oak screen, with twelve panels, from the year 1653. The living .is a vicarage, n~
JSix of which di~play painted figures, and some of the yearly value £300, and now includes 19 acre~ of glebe.
tracery has been restored : in the south aisle is a piscina some la.ndR having been sold since 1900, with resi-
and in the chancel an altar-tomb to John Pell esq. and dence, in the gift of Mrs. Tyl<\en, of Manor House,
Margaret (Overend) his wife, ob. 5 Feb. I60'J, with two In.goldisthorpe, and held since 1910 by the. .Rev. Robert
effigies in marble: there are also ~everal marble slabs Waiter Michael Lewis M.A. of Corpus Christi College,
and other memorials, mostly to the Pell and Kerrich , Cambridge. The vicarage house, erected in IB77, is
~ ', ...
of carr stone and red brick,· and 11tands on a pleasant carr stone. The crops' are generally on the four-course
elevation. Here are two Wesleyan chapels, built system. The area is 3·573 acres of land and 8 of water;
respectively in r851 and 1891, and a Primitive Metho- rateable value, £6,025; the population in rgii was 1 0 499·
dist chapel, built in 1878. The Foresters' Hall (Court Deputy Parish Clerk, George Lees.
:Motteux, No. 1465), erected on a site given by His
late Majesty King Edward VII. in 1 893 , and opened by Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
H.M. King George V. (then Prince of Wales), Dec. Miss Alice Maud Beckett, sub-postmistress. London
nth, 1893. is a building of carr stone with Bath stone & other letters are received through Lynn by mail
dressings; it ia also used for entertainments &c. : a cart; arrive at S· 10 a.m. ; delivered at 7 & 10.15 a.m.
court is held monthly. The Church Institute was & are dispatched at 10.55 a.m. (direct to London) &
erected in 1912. At the inclosure of the common 75 6.zo & 8 p.m.; sunday delivery, 7 a.m.; disp!ttched
acres of land were reserved for the benefit of ttbe poor. 6.20 p.m
There is a charity of about £21 annual value, arising Wall Letter Boxes.-Box near the Feathers hotel, cleared
from nine acres of land left by Mrs. Pell, and £5 from at 10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; sundays, 7·55 a.m.; at the
land at Snettisham, left by a Mr. Bummer in 173:l; Station, cleared at g.5o a. m. & 5·35 p.m.; sundays,
these amounts are expended in coals, which are dis- 8.10 a.m.; Heath road, cleared 10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.;
tri!:Juted to the poor of the parish. Dersingham Hall, sundays, 7·55 a.m
in the centre of the village, is a large and plain build- Public Elementary School (mixed), enlarged in :::8?S·
ing of carr stone, stuccoed, and now the property and His late Majesty King Edward VII. gave the site, the
residence of Theodor Jannoch esq. The Mill House, a cost of the building being defrayed by Dr. Bellamy;
building of brick and carr stone, erected in the 17th in 1891 the building was further enlarged at a cost of
century and enlarged in 1909, the interior being decorated £ 240 , defrayed by His late Majesty & the chief land-
-with oak panels, is now the residence of Capt. Bryan owners; the schools were again enlarged in 1904 , for
Godfrey-Faussett R.N., C.V.O., C.M.G. The parish 326 children; average attendance, 220; Alfred Firth,
-comprises four manors, viz., Pakenham, Shouldham master; Miss Mabel Tomlin, infants' mistress
Priory, West Hall and Brook Hall, of which His Majesty
'the King is lord of the manor, and Mrs. Tylden lady of Railway Station, Arthur James Chilvers, station master
the manor, and these are also the principal landowners. Carriers to Lynn.-Thomas Wyre & George Mitchell,
'The soil is light mixed; subsoil, principally chalk and tues. thurs. & sat. returning same day
PRIVATK IlESIDENTS. Bird F. J. (Mrs.), butcher Maxey Alfd. William,grooor, & assist-
.A.sker William Bird Isaac David, Alexandra hotel ant overseer, income tax collector &
Balding Mrl!. Rose villa . Bunn James, coal merchant, & agent clerk to the Parish Council. T N 3
:Bartlett Clarence, Southgate for R. Caller & Son11 Melton Edward Henry, fried fish dlr
Brown Capt. J. Coronation villa Ohambers Bros. builders & contractrs Middleton Thomas Henry, shopkeeper
Bryant Ernest, Sandriii.Q"ham road Chambers James Ward William, tern- Mitchell George, carrier
Chambers Jabez, Providence house perance hotel Parker John William & Son, drapers
Cole Robert, The Chestnuts Clayton Chatles, butcher & grocers & boot & shoe warehouse.
Copple James, Park view Clayton William, shopkeeper T N 4
Davidson William Andrew, Maryville Caller R.& Sons Ltd.corn & coal mers.l Playford Herbert G. baker
lJiggle Thomas, Worthams (James Bunn, agent);'& at Norwich Potter William, smith
-·nodman Mrs. Rosedale Cross William, boot repairer Ralph Fredk. photogrphr.Victoria cot
-Dorer Arthur Lawrence,The White ho Dodman George William, blacksmith Ralph Waiter, photographer
Drew Fred, Seaford haven Drew Hy. Jas.saddler & harness ma Reynolds D. & Sons, shopkeepers &
:-.Firth Alfred, The Shrubbery Ducker Alfd. Ernest, carriage bnildr coal dealers
FrePman Miss, Blackheath lodqe Elworthy Harry Fuller, painter Revnolds John Charles, nurseryman,
· 'Godfrey-Faussett Capt. Brya~- R.N., 1Ewer Wm.Jn. music seller & stationr Ro~eneath
O.V.O., C.M.G. (equerry to His Firth Alfred, sc~oolmaf!ter & clerk Riches George & Son, builders & con-
Majesty the King), The Mill house to the Chanty trustees, The 1 tractors. T N 5; Telegrams.
Hall John Effiinch Shrubbery "Riches"
Irven Lie~t. John Paul R.N. Bran- IFitt Matthew James, baker Riches Ernest James, boot repairer
dcnburg house Foresters' Hall (Court Motteu:x, No.IRobinson Edward, chimney sweeper
Jannoch Theodor. The Hall I 146_5) (Rober_t G. Walton, sec) I Rudd Thomas, market gardener
· Xeen Frederick An drew, Mansfield Goodmgs Harnet (Mrs.), apartments: Sayer Charles Hy. White Horse inn
Langley William w. The Oaks Green Emma (Mrs.), dress make: 1Senter. ~annah (Mrs.), shopkeeper.
- Lewis Rev. Robert Michael M.A. Hartley FrederiCk Wm. beer retailer ! & m1llmer
· (vicar), The Vicarage Hudson An_n _(Mrs. ),build~r&whlwrght i Senter. Waiter Read, c~·cle agent &
· Parker William Theodoric Hudson W1lham Henry, ]Obmaster t"epauer & motor engmeer
·Prince Charles Erne~t Ellerslie Jackson James, farmer & dairyman, Sharman John, shopkeeper
- ~ainbow Joseph Ge;rge, The Retrelt Blackheath lodge . . 1 Smith Wm.Hy.farmer, Hill Hous~ faim
Riches George Jan!wch The-odor, horbcultun~t, 1 Standaloft _DIXon, a parts. The W1ll~ws
TRiche!.': George Henrv, Summerdale Lily of the va:ley g~ow~r by spe~Iall Stanton Rlchard Hugh, farmer, Lmg
Smith William Henry, Hill honse warrant to the1r MaJesties the Kmg' hou•e (letters thr_o~gh Anmer) .
.-Stanton Richard Hugh, Ling house & queen A.lexandra. See ad-~ Stapleton J_a~es W1lham, apartments
(letters through An mer) ve_rt•sement. .. . Tans~ey Wllham, _butcher & farmer
··Terrington Dougla!11, Fern villa Jarv~s James Wilham, JUn. confctnr Terr~ngton Fr~~Pnck & S?n, butchen
"Ting-ev Edward, Manor house J~rvis Jas. Wm. se~. baker & farmer· Terr~ngton Re,..mald, stationer
"Tuck "Frederick James, Hill side K~ng George "":"· ha1r dresser T~rrmgton Waiter, shoe maker
Wells Misses, Rose lodge Lmford Fredenck, house decorator . Tmg_ey Edward. farmer, Manor house
Whitehouse Miss, Oak cottage Magness ~hos.Augustus,Dnn Cow P.~ 1 Twa1te Jo~n. Thoma_s, cycle agent
Wilkin Robert A. Wellswill house Ma~by S1r A.lan RPeve M.D. phys1- · Walden W1lham, bmlder
WoJd Mrs. Meck!enburg house c1an & surgeon (branch surgery) Wall~ce A.rth. Coach & Horsps hotel
Wood"~Yard Mrs 1\Iann He_n-z:y, farmer, Heath house Wa:hs Ellen (Mrs.), apartments
Mann Wilha~Henry,Feathers hotel, _Wh1tmore Henry, butcher
COMMERCIAL. farmer & job!uaster i Wyre Thomas, carrier
.A.lderton Herbert Edward, jobmaster. Yaxley William Henry, agent Pruden-
T N 2 J tial Assurance Co
DICKLEBURGH with LANGMERE is a parish an organ was presented, the chancel walls repaired and a
onrl larg-e village, situated on an acclivity, on the road new roof erected, at the cost of the Rev. W. C. Mntbison,
from Ipswich to Norwich, 2 miles east. from Burston a former rector: the stained east window was j!iven bv
station on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great his widow: on the wall of the chancel is a marllle table"t
F.astern railway and 5 north-east from Diss, W the to tlb.e Lady Platers, and there are others to George Lee
Southern division of the county, Diss hundred and petty_ ~>sq. Captain Starkie, LiPut.-Gen. Turner, and one erected
IIP!Isional division, Depwade union, Harleston county court hy hi;. hrothPr officers to Captain Henry Turner, his
district, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of ~nn. whn rlied in the Crimea; th#"church affords 400
~orfolk and diocese of Norwich. The village is partly Qitting!l. The register dates from the vear IS40. The
lighted by electricity. The church of All Saints is a living is a rectory, net -vearly value £s~o. including 120
building of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting acres of glebe. with re~idence. in the gift of Trinity Col-
of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, ~outh porch lege, Cambridge, and held !lince rgoo bY the Rev. John
nnd an embattled western tower containing a clock and Gregory Forbes M.A. of that college. There is a Bap-
~ bell~: in 1867 the old pews were removed and the tist chapel here, erected in 1882. The town lands
1nterior reseated with open oak benches: and in 187o prorluce a net incomt> of about £30, of which three·
. . --
twentietht~ are expended in the purchase of coat and Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
three-twentieths for s'!holastic purposes, the remainder .Arnold .A. Bryant, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
being applied by the churchwardens to the support of from Scale at 7 a.m. & 2.15 p.m.; dispatched at 9.20
the church. The interest of a sum of £x,ooo, left by a.m. & 7· 15 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 7 a.m. ; dis-
the late Mrs. Mathison, is chiefly expended in appren- patched at 11.30 a.m
ticing boys, the remainder being distributed in various Pillar Letter Box cleared at 9 a.m. & 6.40 p.m.; suo-
other charitable objects. The rector for the time being days, 11.15 a.m
is lord of the roctorial manor of Dickleburgh; the land Police Station, Constable Bobert Wm. Turner, in. charge
belongs to 91 different owners. The soil is partly heavy
and partly light; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief Public Elementary School (mixed), erected at a cost of
crops are wheat and barley and some beans. The area £wo, being part of a sum of £soo left by Henry Kent
of Dickleburgh with Langmere is 2,356 acres; rateable for the purpose; the "emainder was invested in Con-
value, £3,259; and the population in 19II was 776. sols & has since been considera.bly increased: in 184:l
a new wing was added & the school was again en-
Langmere is a hamlet or township annexed to Dickle- larged in 1871 & 18BI; the s<"hool is nnder the control
burgh, but locally in Earsham hundred. There is ne of trustees & the Council jointly, & will hold 200
village, but several farmhouses. children; average attendance, 170; Solomon Bye,
Parish Clerk, Waiter Saunders. master; Mrs . .Annie Hart, assistant mistress
DICKLEBUBGH. Evans Henry, harness maker, oversee: '3imonds Rog-er, farmer
Becher Frank G. Manor house & clerk to Parish Council Simpson Frederick, miller (wind)
Etheridge John, Rose cottage Everett .Annie Maria (Miss),dress ma Smith Wm.&Son,millers(steam). TN2
Forbes Rev. Jn. Gregory M.A.Rectry "3-arland .Arthur, farmer,Carlton grove Vyse Charlotte (Mrs.) & Son,farmers
LeGrys Mrs. Lea house G-ibson Bobert George. farmer Wells William,stone & marble mason
Smith Samuel Gibson Ed ward, farmer Wilby Thomas & Sons, butchers
COMMERCIAL • Lawes Gertrude (Mrs.), draper&.grocr Wilton & Son, electrical engineers;
.Aldrich & Bryant, grocers, Post office Le Grys Fredk. farmer, Seamere grn public electric supply; complete
.Alexander Edwin John, farmer, The Le Grys James, farmer electric lighting plants
· Beeches Limmer William, builder, painter <\ Wilton Frank, farmer
Barnes Montagne, shoe maker ·decorator, pump maker, wheel- Wilton Thomas Edmund, tailor &
Black David, frmr. Dicldeburgh hall wright, well sinl;er & artesian well
breeches maker ; wedding & funeral
Brown George, farmer & Crown P .H
borer ; pumps of all kinds fixed & orders promptly executed. Tel.
Bullingham Waiter, poulterer repaired address, "Wilton, Dicklebnrgh"
Catchpole Jas. jun. farmer &; poulterer Macro Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,
Ca ttermole George, King's Head P. H Manor farm & High Common LANGMERE.
Chenery Thos. & Son, brush manufrs Mickleburgh John Samuel, farmer COMMERCIAL.
Cook John Thos. butcher, Langmere Moore Lewis, farmer, Seamere green Baldry Bobert, farmer
Dent .Arthur Osborne, insurance agnt Outlaw ·& Son, butchers ; & at Pul- Brown Robert, farmer
Draper Albert Geo. baker & confctnr ham Market, Pulham St. Mary the Uornford Harry, •
Draper John Charles N. cycle agent Virgin & Harleston Green George, farmer •

Etheridge John, grocer, draper, Pater~on George .T. farmer, Hill farm Moore Bobert J _ farmer, The Lodge
clothier, ironmonger, earthenware, Randle George, blacksmith Saunders .Albert, fa1mer
hardware & general stores Saunders Waiter, photographer Wilby James, farmer
DIDLINGTON is a parish about 7 miles north from Herbert Francis Smith esCJ. and held since 1888 by the

Brandon station on the Ely and Thetford branch and 5 Rev. Henry Chichele Hart B ..A. of Corpus Christi College,
east from Stoke Ferry terminal station of the Great Cambridge, and rural dean of Cranwich (So. Div.), who
Eastern railway, in the South Western division of the resides at Cranwich. There is a charity of £5 yearly
county, petty sessional division and hundred of South for bread to the poor. Didlington Hall, the seat of
Greenhoe, union and county court district of Swaffham, Herbert Francis Smith esq. lord of the manor and sole
rural deanery of Cranwich (South division), archdeaconry [landowner, is a mansion in the Italian style, situated !n
of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. 1 a finely-timbered park of about 1,5oo acres, with a
Michael is a building of stone in the Early English and beautiful sheet of water of nearly so acres in extent,
later styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch dotted with many small islands. The soil is light sandy
and an embatt-led western tower containing 4 bells: the loam; subsoil, chalk and sand. The chief crops are
tower is Perpendicular, the chancel being Early English: wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 1,827 acres of
tbe chancel steps and rails are of white marble and the land and 48 of water; rateable value, £I,OI3; the popu-
fioor of colored marble, and there are several stained lation in 19II was 97·
windows: the church was repaired and reseated at Parish Clerk, 1Villiam Warren.
different periods from 1855 to 1873 by the Amherst · Letters from Brandon, through Northwold, by foot post.
family. The register dates from the yea.r 1717. The l arrive at 8.30 a. m. & Stoke Ferry, 12.30 p.m. by mail
living is a vicarage, consolidated with the rl'ctories ofI! cart. Northwold is the nearest money order & tele-
• Cranwich and Colveston, joint net yearly value £240. graph office, about 1 mile distant
with II4 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of The children of this place attend Foulden school
Smith Herbt. Francis, Didlington hall Hipwell HerbeTt R. sub-agent to Welham Charles, ~amekeeper to
Arkle Thomas, farmer, Home farm Herbert Francis Smith esq. The Herbert Francis Smith esq
Hall George, gardener to Herbert Estate office
Francis Smith esq .
DILHAM is a large and pictmresque village end parish form an ornamental pleasure ground: the whole con-
on the navigable river .Ant, with which is connected the sists of about 25 acres, divided into six islands sur-
Dilham and North Walsham canal, and is 2! miles from rounded by water and connected by ornamental
Worstea.d station on the Cromer section of the Great hridQ"es: pin!\ trees and rhododendrons flrmrish here in
Eastern railway, 2 south from Honing station on the Mid- g-reaLperfection. Capt. Reginald Cossley Batt M.V.O.,
land and Great Northern joint railway, 13 north-east J.P. of Gresham Hall, is lord of the manor. Henry
from Norwich, and 5 south-east from North Walsbam, Morse Taylor esq. J.P., B. C. H. Cannell esq. Lt.-Col.
in the Eastern division of the oonnty, Tunstead and Rap- W. J. Rous, of Worstead. Dr. C. W. Williams, of Small-
ping petty sessional division, Tunstead hundred, Small- burgh, George Walker esq. J.P. of North Walsham, and
burgh union, North Walsham county court district, rural Thomas Percy Borrett esq. of Cransford, are the prin-
deanery of Waxham (Tunste-ad division) ami in the arch- cipal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, sand and
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
Nicholas is an edifice of 'red brick and flint, consisting The are~ is 1,544 acres of land and 29 of water; rateable
of nave and south porch: the nave was rebuilt in 1775 : value, £2,125; the population in I9II was 381.
th~ old tower pulled down and l!"ebuilt about 1836,
Sexton, J ames Read.
collapsed in 1goo: th~e are about 300 sittings, 240 being
free. The register dates from the year 1568. The
Letter Box cleared at 7 & s.10 p.m. week days
living is a vicarage, with that of Honing annexed, joint
only. Letters through Norwich via Warstead, arrive
net yearly value [215, with 19 acrml of glebe and resi-
at about 7 a.m. ; Smallburgh is the nearest post,
dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held
money order & telegraph office .
l!ince 1872 bv the Rev. John Alfred Laurence B.A. of
Emmanuel College, Cambridg-e. The Rookery is the Public ElPmentary School (mixed), erPctPd in 1876 &
residence of Henry Morse Taylor esq. J.P. "The enlarged 1902, for 70 children; average attenrlance~
Islands," the property of Lieut.-Col. W. J. Rous, 58 ; Miss .Alice May, mistres~

Faulke William, farmer, The Oaks

• 1

l>RIVATB RESIDENTS. COHMlmCJAL. : Fiske Jas. vermin killer,' The Lodg~

Cox Edward, Hill house Doughty George, miller (wind) & Grimas Benjamin, shoe maker
Dix Miss, The Lodge assessor &; collector of income tax Hanmmt Herbert, farmer
Heseltine Miss, The Grange & assistant overseer . Hardingham John, grocer
Laurence Rev.Jn. Alfd. B.A.Vicarage Drake Herbert, farmer· 1 Harmer Robert Wm. Cross Kevs P.U
Parr George, Island cottage ' Everett Samuel, farmer, Manor farm' Knights Sl. threshing machine' owner
Taylor Henry Morse J.P. The Rookery Farrow James, farmer ! Page Arthur John, butcher


DISS is a parish and well-built market town and head dist, Primitive Methodist, and United ' :Methodist chapels.
of a county court district, with & station on the Great and a meeting house for the Society of Friends.
Eastern railway, which passes through the parish about The Church hall in Mere street was erected in 18g8
& mile east from the town, 26! miles north from Ipswich, by the late Strand Lincoln Cocks esq. J .P. of the-
24 east from Bury St. Edmnnds, 19 south-west from Uplands, Diss, at a cost of £ 1,ooo, and is used for meet-
Norwich and 941 north-east from London, in the ings connected with church work, lectures and enter-
Southern division of the county, Diss hundred· and petty tainments; a parochial lending library is also main-
sessional division, Depwade union, rural deanery of tained here. The Victoria Hall, formerly the property.
Redenhall, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of No:r- of the late S. L. 1 Cocks esq. has been enlarged by the
wich. The town, separated from Suffolk by the river addition of a reading room for the exclusive use of the
Waveney, stands principally on an acclivity, encompass- members of the Young Men's Friendly Society.
ing a large sheet of water, or mere, of the extent of The Cemetery, on the Heywood road, fmmed at a cos•
nearly 6 acres, the banks of which, laid ont in gardens OJf nearly [3,ooo, comprises 5 acres and has two mortuary
at the rear of the houses, have a pleasant effect when chapels in the Early Perpendicular style, with 'an entrance-
viewed from. the lower part of the town : the mere lodge : it is under the control of a Burial Board of 9
receives all the rain water from the town, and in 1904 members.
an attempt was made to stock it with fish: the overflow The Corn Exchange, in Crown street, was erected in
discharges itself into the Waveney. r854, at the sole cost of the late Thomas Lombe Taylol'
The parish was constituted a Local Government Di.s- esq. of Diss, and is a structure of brick with a lofty stone
trict, 3 Dec. rBso, under the "Public Health Act," r848 portico in the Ionic style, designed and erected by the
(u and 12 Vict. c. 6':!), but under the provisions of the late Mr. George ~tkins, of this town: the ball is 77 by
"Local Government Act,'' r894 (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), it 42 feet, lighted from above by an iron and glass roof, and
is now governed by an Urban district council of nine contains an organ, presented by the late Miss Taylor.
members. for the use of the Diss Sacred Harmonic Society; in
The town is lighted with gas from works on Victoria the ball is a portrait of the late T. L. Taylor esq. painted
road, the property of the Diss Gas Company Limited, by Sir W. Boxall, director of the National Gallery r865~
incorporated in May, 1864, and also by electric light, 74, and purchased by subscription in 1857; adjoining the
supplied by the Suffolk Electricity Supply Company hall is a petty sessions room and a public library and
Limited, of Stowmarket. reading room; the library comprises between 3,000 and
The water supply is derived from works, erected in 4,000 volumes, and is supplied with daily and weekly
1912 at a cost of £8,ooo. The water is pumped from papers and periodicals, it is managed by a committee.
two bores, 4oo feet in depth, 304 feet of which is The Montgomerie Lodge of Freemasons, established
through chalk. The storage tank has a capacity of here in r878, meets at the "KinQ''s Head."
3o,ooo gallons. A weekly market is held on Fridays for corn, cattle. ·
It is ·also well drained, the sewage being treated by sheep and pigs, toll free: the corn market is well attendAd
irrigation, pumped upon land situated in the parish of by merchants and farmers; important stock sale~ are-
Palgrave, Suffolk. also held weekly alternately at the Crown Hotel yard and
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large structure the "Saracen's Head" yard, and are well attended.
uf cut flints, in the Perpendicular style, consisting· of There are branches here of Messrs. Barclay and Cam-
chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, north and south pany Limited and the London and Provincial Bank
porches and a fine embattled western tower containing a Limited. In the town are abo several maltings.
clock and 8 bells: the bells were cast in 1832, by Mr. Here is an extensive agricultural implement mann-
William Dobson, of Downham: the reredos, presented by factory and iron and brass foundry carried on by Messrs.
the rector in 1869, is of Caen stone, inlajd with coloured E. Youngs & Co. which gives employment to a great
marbles and ornamented with bosses of spar and gold number of men in the district.
and the emblems of the four Evangelists in alabaster, The Police Station in Roydon road was erected in 1905.
and has a black marhle and gold mo~aic cross in the SBveral sick and benefit clubs have been established
centre : the chancel walls within the .sacrarium are in the town.
panelled in oak, with diapel'ad devices in gold and colours : .An almshouse, pleasantly situated near the Victoria
the stained east window is a memorial to the Rev. Wm. road, at the entran.::e to the town, with pleasure ground
M-anning, 46 years rector (r811-57); another was erected and garden attached, has rooms for thirteen aged couples
in 1864 to Mrs. Manning and there are several more, all or widows.
being memorials : the stone font with its oak cover, and The town estate of 97 &cres, at Framlingham, in Suffolk.
the oaken pulpit, reading desk and lectern, all executed formerly produced £347 gross, bnt now hardly
in the town. were erected in 1858: there are several manu- realizes the sum payable to the churchwardens: the ne1
ments, and a full-length portrait of the Rev. William income is applied under a scheme settled by the Charity
Manning M.A., mentioned above, who died in 1857; 1t Ccmmissioners in 1873, as follows: £go to the church-
was presented by the inhabitants, and is placed in the wardens of Diss for repairs to the church anr1 their
vestry; the nave and aisles underwent cnnsiderable general expenses, and the residue to the Urban Distric1
repair in 185o, at a cost of £r,7oo; the chancel was Council. for the use and benefit. of the inhahit.Rntll.
restored nnd extended to its original length in 1857, Charities of £55 yearly value are distribute-0,, principally
the work being C'lrried out under the direction of Mr. in fuel.
AnQ'U~tu~> E. Browne, architect, of London, and a native Francis Taylor e.sq. J.P. who is lord of the mRnor,
of Diss; in 1877 the interior of the chancel was fitted Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp bart. of 71 The Close, Nor-
with oak choir stalls. and the floor repaved and the walls wich, and Sir Edward Mann bart. of Thelveton Hall, are
decorated with painting, a new organ erected in the north the principal landowners.
chapel ancl the western tzallery removed, at a total cost The area. is 3,661 acres of land and 13 of water; rateable
of about £Boo: a carved oak chancel screen was added value, £r4,903; the population in rgii was 3,769.
in 1908 in memory of Mr. Stroud Cocks: there are 750 Westbrook Green, 1! miles- north, and Walcot Green.
sittings. The register dates from the year 1551. The three quarters of a. mile north-by-east. are hamlets.
living is a rectory, net yearly value £4oo, including I I .At Diss Heywood, 2! miles north, is a chapel-school.
acres of glebe and house, in the gift of Miss E. K. erected in 1865, at a cost of about £Boo, now used on
Manning, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Charles Sundays for divine service. 1
Upwood Manning M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, A Friends' Mis!lion ·Room was erected here in I9D+
and surrogate. at a C'O~t of [105, and is used for service on Sundays.
Here is a Baptist chapel, founded in 1788: the present and lectures and entertainments during the week.
edifice was built in 186o, and has 6r;o sittine-~>: therll i~ The Earl of Albemarle C.B., K.C.V.O,, M.V.O;, V.D.
also a Congregational chapel, erected in 1837, which of Quidenham Park, is lord of the manor pf Diss Hey~
seats 200 persons; a Unitarian chapel, erected in 1822, wood.
to replace the one founded in 1697, Wesleyan Metho- ' Parish Clerk, William Henry Harrison.


Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office I court: Aspall, Bedingfield, Blo' Norton, ' Botesdaie.
&i local office for the Unemployment Fund (Board of i Eraiseworth, Bressingham, Brome, Brockford, Burgate.
Trade) Unemployment Insurance. James C~ Barting- Burston, Denham, Diss, Diss Heywood, Eye, Fersfield,
ton, postmaster. Letters delive~ed at 7 & 9 a.m. & ! Frenze, Garboldisham, Gislingham, Gissing, Hinder-
I & 6.30 p.m clay, Ho:xne, North Lopham, South Lopham, Melli!!; · ·
First day mail to London 9.0 a.m.; second day mail to Oakley, Oecoid, Palgrave, Redgrave, Redlingfield,
London' & Ipswich, Ia.2o a.m. ; first day to Nor- Rickinghall Superior, Rickinghall Inferior, Rishangles,
wich & Norfolk generally, II-45 a.m.; third day mail Roydon, Scole, Shelfanger, Shimpling, Stoke Ash,
for or through London & Ipsw1ch, I2 noon; fourth I Stradbroke, Stuston, Thelveton, Thorndon, Thoruham
day mail for or through London & Ipswich, 3.30 Magna, Thornham Parva, Thorpe Abboth, Thrandes-
p.m. ; letters &c. for Norwich & Scale, 5.20 p.m. ; ton, Thwaite, Wetheringsett, Wickham-Skeith, Wi~
general night mail to all parts of the United Kingdom farthing, Wortham & Yaxley
& foreign, 9 p.m. ; letters to Bungay, Eye, Harleston, l•'or Bankruptcy purposes thi~ court is included in that ot
Brockdish, Dickleborough & Scole, 2 a.m. Local Ipswich, Frederick Messent, 36 Princes street, Ipswich.
County mails, Botesdale, Hepworth, Hinderclay, Pal- official receiver
grave, Redgrave, Rickinghall, Wattisfield, Wortham, Certified Bailiff appointed under the "Law of Distress
4·45 s.m.; Bressingham, Burston, Fersfield, Gissing, Amendment Act " :-Clement Gaze, Crown street, Diss
Roydon, Shelfanger, Winfarthing, 5·55 a.m.; Bates- County Police Station, Roydon road, Inspector Charles
dale, Palgrave, Redgrave, Rickinghall, Wortham, James & l;J constables
12.55 p.m. ; Roydon, Bressingham, Fersfield, Shelf- Customs, Excise & Old Age Pensions Office, Mere street.
anger, Winfarthing, I2·55 p.m. On sunday letters are Charles William Gaiger & Edward Daniel MacMahon.
delivered at 7 a.m. & dispatched 2, 4·45 & 5·55 a.m. officers
& 9 p.m Fire Brigade, Market hill, Charles Day Moye, supt
Telephone Call Office open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days ;
8.30 a.m. to IO a.m. sundays TERRITORIAL FORCE.
Money orders are granted & paid from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (D Co.); head
snnday excepted. Telegraph office open from 8 a.m. quarters, Denmark street, Lieut. S. H. N. Coxon;
to 8 p.m.; s:undays, 8.30 to ra a.m Rev. C. U. Manning M.A. acting chaplain; Calor-
Sergeant Thomas Stubbs, drill instructor
Town Sub-Post &i M. 0. Office, Victoria road.-Miss
Kate C. Randall, sub-postmistress.-Box closes at 8, PUBLIC OFFICERS.
9·45 & 10.45 a.m. & 2 & 8 p.m. ; sundays, nil Collector of Taxes, Thomas M. Pullen, Mount street
Town, Sub-Post & M. 0. Office, Denmark Green.- Clerk to the Commi!lsioners of Taxes,Henry Edwin Garrod.
W. W. Burrows, sub-postmaster. Box closes at 8, Mount street; assistant clerk, Stephen Newson •
9·45 &; I I. I5 a. m. & 2.30 & 8.15 p.m. j DO SUnday .hsistant Overseer, Alfred C<Joper, Market place
collection Certifying Factory Surgeon, A1·thur L. Vaughan
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The Cottage, Victoria rd
Joint Coroners for the Liberties of the Duke of Norfolk
Meet at Mrs. Bou~hen's Room, Market place, at in Norfolk & Suffolk, Henry Edwin Garrod & Guy
wednesday in the month at 7.30 p.m. Edward Knightley Burne, Mount street
Q Members. Medical Officer & Public Vaccinatnr, gth District, Dep-
.All retire in April, 1913. wade Union, Arthu;r L. Vaughan M.R.C.S.Eng .•
Chairman, Clement Gaze. L.R.C.P.Lond. The Cottage, Victoria road
Joseph Pearson Albright FrPdk. Wm.DanielHammond Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 5th District, Dep-
Robert Aldrich Bryant Waiter Spink wade Union, Hugh Meredith Speirs M.D., Ch.B.Edin.
Henry Thomas Chinnery Arthur Tyrrell The Cedars
Frederick Henry Di11by One vacancy Registrar of Marriages, William S. Lusher, Oali:dale.
Clerk, Henry Ormiston Lyns, Market place Gissing Common
Treasurer, Wm. M. Thomas, London. & Provincial Bank Registrar of Births & Deaths & Vaccination Officer, Diss
Medical Officer of Health, Hugh Meredith Speirs 1\I.D., Sub-District & Relieving Officer, Diss District, Dep-
Ch.B.Edin wade Union, William S. Lusher, Oakdale, Gissing
Surveyor of Highways & Superintendent of Water Works,
Alfred Cooper, Market place
Inspector of Nuisances & Collector of Rates, Thomas
l PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
William Metcalfe Parish Church, St. Nicholas street, Rev. Charles
I Upwood Manning M. A. rector & surrogate; Rev.
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR DISS PETTY Charles William Peck M.A. (curate); 10.45 a.m.
SESSIONAL DIVISION. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; 8 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. daily •...... 750
Frere John Tudor esq. The Friarage, Roydon, Diss, Friends' Meeting House, Church street, 10.45 a.m.
(chairman) & 6.30 p.m.: thurs. 7.30 p.m .....•..•..........•........ 200
Bryant Robert A. esq. Mount street, Diss . Roman Catholic Church, served from Norwich;
Crawshay Richard Wood esq. Scale lodge, Scale 1 alternate sundays at IO a.m .•......•... , .......•.....•.
Keppel Thomas ll~'q. Scole house, Scale 1 Baptist, Denmark street, Rev. George Worfolk
Mann Sir Edward hart. Thelveum hall, Scale I Campbell; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7.30 p.m 650
Tacon Sir Thomas Henry, Red ~ouse, Eye i Congregational, Mere street, Rev. C. Armstrong
Taylor Francis esq. Mount street, Diss Sales; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m ...... 450
Wilson George Roland Halt esq. The Hill house, Rick- Primitive Methodist, Mount street, Rev. Henry Ben-
inghall, Suffolk nett; 2.30 & 6. 30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p. m ............ IOO
The Chairman. for the time being, of Dis!l Urhan Dis- ' Unitarian, Park fields, Rev. William Rirks; 1 I a. m 300
trict Council, is an ex-officio magistrate United Methodist, Park corner, Rev. James Gough
Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry Edwin Garrod,Mount st Williams; 10.3a a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon, & wed.
Petty Sessions are held at the Corn hall every second & 8 p.m .............................................. ~............... 450
fourth wednesday at I I a.m. The following places are Wesleyan Methodist, Victoria road. Rev. George
included in the Petty Sessional division :-Bressingham, Jame11 Ayre B.A.;. 10.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; wed.
Eurston, Diss, Dickleburgh, Fersfield, Gissing, Roydon, 8 p.m .................... ~···•·---·-- ............................ 420
Scole, Shelfanger, Shimpling, Thelveton. Tivetshall St. SCHOOLS.
Mary, Tivetsbsll St. Margaret, Winfarthing, Frenze & ~

Thorpe Parva r
The Secondary School. in Shelfanger road, erected in
1909 on a site presented by Francis Taylor esq. J.P.
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. is a building of red brick & stone, & will hold 8o
Cem11tery, Eeywood road, Henry Ormi10ton Lyus, Market children; J. A. Harrison B.Sc. head master; Stephen
place, clerk to the burial board ; William M. Thomas, Newson, clerk to the governors
treasurer Public Elementary, erected in x86o, enlarged in 1874•
Corn Exchange, Waiter Burrow!l, !lP.Cretary, St. Nicholas st in I895 & again in 1909• for 48o children; avemg&
County Court, His Honor Eugh Eardley-Wilmot, judg-e; attendance, 350; J. H. Cushing. master; Miss I. D,
Donald ·Charles Warnes, Eye, registrar & high bailiff; Brown, mistress; Mis!l S. La,w, infants' mistr~ss
Harry F. Smith, Castle street, Eye, bailiff. The Public Elementary (mixed), built in 1862 &: enlarged in
county court is held every month in the Corn hall 187I, for 220 children; average attendance, I5o:
at I I a.m. & the sessions are held alternately at William Balls, master. Infants' department;- average
Eye : the following places are in the district of the attendance, 49 ; Mrs. Hann, head mi!!tress

CARRIERS to:- ·Scale Pettitt, 'Ship,' fri. at 4 p.m

Blo' Norton & Garboldisham-.----Taylor, from' Cherry Tree,' Thelnetbam-Cleares, 'Greyhound,' fri. 6 p.m
fri. 3 p.m Winfartbing-Munford, from 'Two Brewers,' every tues.
Bressingham-Lewis, Crown street; daily, II a. m & fri. at 1 p.m
Garboldisham-Kent, from 'Half Moon,' fri Wortham-Bartram, 'Cherry Tree,' fri. 4 p.m. & Mum-
Hopton-Petch, from 'Greyhound,' fri ford, 'Cherry Tree,' fri. 4 p.m
Hmme Whitton, from 'Greyhound,' tues. & fri. at 4 p.m Newspaper-" Diss Express & Norfolk & Suffolk Journal,"
Kenninghall Clarke, from 'Two Brewers,' fri. at 4 p.m published every friday by exors. of Edward Ab bott,
North Lopham--Charles Holden, 'Cherry Tree,' fri. 5 Mere street
p.m. ; Yates, 'Cherry Tree,' fri. 4 p.m
Redgrave Arnold, from 'Half Moon,' fri Railway Station, Robert Gillingwater, station master.
Rickinghall-Harvey, ' Cherry Tree,' fri. 3 p.m Omnibuses meet. the trains
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ChaseMr8.Buckingham ho.Victoria rd Newson Stephen, St. Marie's terrace
Adams .Mrs. Fairbank, Denmark st Chenery Mrs. Hillside, Roydon road Nobbs Alfred Albert, Victoria ruad
Alden .Arth. 3 The Terrace, Mount st ()lutten Wm. Waveney ho.Victoria rd Orford Mrs. Rochester house, Shel-
Aldis Jesse Geo.Maple vil.Denmark st Cobb Mrs. S. St. Marie's terrace fanger road
Aldrich Leslie, Linden ho.Denmark st Collins Thomas Charles, Market hill Palmer John Chavman, Sbelfanger rd
Aldricb Miss, Market square Cooper Alfred, Market place Palmer Misses, Denmark street
Aldricb Robert, Victoria road Copping Arth.The Limes,Denmark st Peck Rev.Charles Wm. M.A. (curate),
Ayre Rev. George James B . .A.. (Wes- Cracknell William, Church street Mount street
leyan Methodist), Victoria road Cullum James, Victoria road Perfitt Richard, Ivydene, The Entry
Ilaker Mrs. The Nunnery,Denmark st Dendy Miss,Melbourne ho.Victoria rd Pil;:e Mrs. W. U. Fairlight,Victoria rd
Balls Wm. The Chase, Heywood road Earl George Edward, Mere street Potter Edward A. Church street
Base John Henry, Victoria road Fisher Miss King, Roydon road Quadling Mrs. Victoria road
Beckett Albert Henry, Willow Brae, Gaiger Cbas.Wm. Millfield,Roydon I'd Riches Mrs. Illinois villa, Victoria rd
Victoria road Garrod Hy.Edwin,Tbe Grove,Mount st Roughton Rev. Francis Arthur M.A.
Bennett Rev.Henry (Primitive Metho- Gaze Clement, Denmark street Oak lodge, Denmark street
dist), 2 .A.lbion villas Hann Fred, 1 The Terrace, Mount st Rougbt{)n Rev. Francis Henry B..A..
Bibby William Robert, Roydon road Harrison John Ansted B.Sc. The Oak lodge, Denmark street
Bird John, Park house, Mere street j Hostel, Denmark street Rumsey Misses, Limescot, Sunnyside
Bird Mrs. Mount street Harwood Mrs. Victoria road Sales Rev. C. Armstrong (Congrega-
Birks Rev. William F.R.A.S. (Uni- IIenson Charles, Heywood tional), Walcot road
tarian), Oxford house, Victoria rd Heygate Mrs. The Wilderness Scolding Geo. Waveney ho. Mere st
Bobby Mrs. Roydon road Hopgood Charles W. Victoria road Scutts Mrs. Church street
Bobby Mrs. A. G. The Chase, Hey- House Samuel George, Victoria road Sharman Miss, Mount street
wood road Hcrwe Miss, Uplands Simpson William Taylor, Victoria rd
Brig-den Frank, Shelfang-er road IIucklesby Albert Henry J.P. Rose- Speirs Hugh Meredith M.D.Edin.The
Brown Frederick Charles M. Swiss dale, Victoria road Cedars
cottage, Victoria road J ames Percy, Shelf anger road Squire J abez, Walcot road
Bryant Ernest Dixon, Shelfanger rd Jeffery Arthur Harold, Trenance, Studd John, 1 Park villas,Denmark st
Bn·ant Herbert Samuel, 2 The Ter- Mount street Symonds John C. Walcot
race, Mount street Jolly Thomas, Roydon road Taylor Francis J.P. Mount street
Bryant Mrs. Ventnor bo. Sunnyside Jones Herbert William, Walcot road Thomas 'Villiam Moore, Market place
Bryant Robert Aldrich J.P. Mount st Laycock James Edward, Walcot road Thynne Mrs. Denmark street
Buckle Sidney William, Roydon road Leeks Samuel, Mount street Tyrrell Arth. Brewery ho. Fair green
Burne Guy Edward Knightly, West Loveless Mrs. Roydon road Vaugban Artbur L., L.R.C.P.Lond.
End house, Victoria road Lusher Frank,Albion villa,Victoria rd The Cottage, Victoria road
Burrows Walt.2 Park vils.Denmark st Lusher Frederick, 3 Park villas Ward Misses,Houghton
Button John, Salisbury house, Vie- Lvus Henry Ormiston, Market place Wass Mrs. Danmark street
toria road McTurk James, Victoria road Watson Benjamin Philip, Mount st John, Walcot hall Manning Rev. Charles Upwood M . .A. Whitrod Henry Frederic, 4 Park vils
Cadge Mr.~. Elm villa. Roydon road (rector & surrogate), Rectory Williams Rev. James Gough (United
Campbell Rev. George Worfolk (Bap- Mendham Fredk. Cater, Victoria rd Methodist), Mount street
tist), Roydon road Moore Mrs.W. G. Grove cot.Mount st Wright Waiter, Brunswick house,
Chambers Mrs. Victoria road Morley William James, Mount street Victoria road
Chaplyn Albert, Victoria road · Murray-Downton Mrs. Hall hills
COMMERCU.L. Bobby Henry & Sons, tailors, outfitters, hosiers, hatters
Early closing day, Tuesday. & clothiers, Market square. T N 7 P. 0
Abbott Edward, printer & stationer & fancy repository. Bobby Alfred George, draper, St. Nicbolas street
Mere street Bobby Arnold, fancy repository, Market hill
Albright Joseph P. ironmonger, St. Nicholas street Bobby John J. ladies' tailor, St. Nicbolas street
Aldrich & Bryant, grocers, St. Nicholas street. T N 4 Booty Ann Howes (Mrs.), farmer, He_vwood
Aldrich John & Co. ironmongers, plumbers, bot water I Bougben J ane (Mrs.), coal agent, Market place
fitters, electricians, decorators & glaziers, oil & calor Boyce William, fish dealer, Mere street

men, Market place; estab. 1832. T N 5 P.O I Brady Thomas W. builder, Victoria road
Alrlricb Ernest, antique dealer, Denmark street 1
Rrame Edwin, farmer, Darrow Wood farm, Shelfanger rd
Alexander Alfred, farm bailiff to Messrs. Alfred Cole Rrame Ellen .Ada (Mrs.), stationer, Mere street.
& Sons, Heywood Brand Henry John, beer retailer, Walcot green
Alger William, dairyman, Heywood road 1 Briggs William, boot maker, Denmark street
Ancient Order of Foresters "Waveney Valley" Court Brighton .A.rthur, baker, Mount street
No. 3434 (J. Maling, sec.), St. Nicholas street . British Petroleum Co. Ltd. oil mers. Railway station
.Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. oil mers. Railway station I B!'own Edward, Rampant Horse P.H. Heywood
Anness Frederick, butcher, Victoria road Brown Harriet (Miss), baker & confectioner, Mere street
Anne8s Walter, butcher, St. Nicholas street Rrown .Tames, farmer, Heywood
Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (Thomas Hryant Robert .Aldricb, grocer, see Aldrich & Brv8.Ilt
Charles Collins, manager) (open to to 4 except sat. · Buckingham Ernest H., A.R.I.B.A. arcbitect,see Morgan
to I; market day, fri. ro to 5-3o), Market hill; draw & Buckingham
on head office, -~4 Lombard street, London E C B;tckle Georg-e Lambert, baker. Denmark green
Barfoot Charles, beer retailer, Mere street Buckle Henry, poultry dealer, Victoria road
Barkham William Henry F. upholsterer, Market place Bullen James, beer retailer k grocer, Shelfhanger road
Bartrum Albert, carpenter, Church street I Bullock Walt-er, cooper, Denmark street
Bayles C. W. & Nunn, tailors, Park road I Burdett Maria (Mrs.). farmer, Heywood
Beales .Adam, beer retailer, Victoria road I Burne Guy Edward Knightley (firm, Garrod & Burne),
Beales Richard, butcher, Mission road solicitor, & joint coroner for the Liberties of the Duke
Beckett & Co. corn merchants, Railway station. T N ro of Norfolk in Norfolk & Suffolk. Mount street
Belfield R. S. & Co. drapers, St. Nicholas street Burrage E. S. (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, Mere street
Bethell John, harness maker, Chapel street Burrows Waiter William, shopkeeper, & post office,
Bird Robert Harry, furniture broker, Denmark street Denmark green
Bishop & Son, boot & shoe makers, Market place Bury St. Edmunds Sanitary Laundry (H. Thwaites, pro-
Blackburn Arthur,assistant insurance supt. Shelfan!rer rd prietor) ; receiving office, St. Nichola!! street
Blowers Susan (Miss), shopkeeper, Denmark green" Butler Robt. greengr.ocer, Mere st. & florist, Church st
Button J. & W. E. roller millers & corn & coal mer- Froude Ernest Henry, posting establishment, livery &i
chants, Victoria road; & roller mills,Weybread,Suffolk bait stables; vehicles of every description on hire at
Carter Adelaide, Deborah & Ellen (Misses), farmers, shortest notice; weddings, funerals; a 'bus or cab
Wolsev farm meets all trains; charge-s most reasonable, Victoria rd

Carter Albert, farmer, Burston road Gaiger Chas. Wm. customs & excise officer, Mere stree'
Cemetery (H. 0. Lyus, clerk to the burial board), Hey- Gardiner Emma (Miss), dress maker, Caxton cottage
wood road Garnham Bros, boot & shoe makers, St. Nicholas street
Chaplyn Albert &i Co. coal, corn, cake & manure mer- Garrod & Burne, solicitors, Mount street
chants, millers & farmers, furniture removers & cart- Garrod Henry Edwin (firm, Garrod & _Bur ne), solicitor,_
ing contractors & brick makers, Victoria road (T N clerk to commissioners of taxes, joint coroner for the
8) & corn dealers, St. Nicholas street liberties of the Duke of Norfolk in Norfolk & Suffolk.
Cbaplyn William Frederick, farmer, Victoria road clerk to the magistrates & solicitor & secretary to the
Chase Bros. roller millers (steam & wind), Victoria road Diss Gas Co. Mount street -
Chase Reginald George, Court boarding establishment, Garwood Charles, shopkeeper, Dellmark street
Victoria road. See advertisement Garwood Charles, jun. insurance agent, Denmark stree\
Chenery Wm. Rampling, coal & coke mer. Victoria road Garwood James, Greyhound P.H. St. Nicholas street
Cbinnery George, farmer, Heywoo<i Gathergood James Alfred, shopkeeper, Denmark street
Chinnery Henry Thomas, Saracen's Head inn; good ac- Gaze Thomas William & Son, auctioneers, valuers,
commodation for commercial gentlemen, motorists lz estate agent-s & general insurance agents, Crown st.
cyclists; bowling green & good stabling; also garage, T N 13 P.O
Mount street Gaze Clement, farmer, Brewery farm
Chuck Robert, Cherry Tree inn, Roydon road Gillman Anna Charlotte (Mrs.), watch maker, Merest
Cole Alfred & Sons, farmers, Heywood hall & dairy Gipson Frederick, White Hart P.H. Victoria road
farmers, Heywood Glan:field A. J. (Mrs.), draper, Shelfanger road
Caller R. & Sons Limited, coal merchants, Railway Golding Victor, baker, Church street
station; & at Norwich Gostling & Co. ohemists & druggis~. photographic
Collins Thomas Charles, manager of Barclay's Bank ; materials dealers, cattle medicine manufacturers &
mineral water manufacturers, Market hill & Crown
agent for Norwich Union Fire & Life, Railway Passen-
street; oil & calor men, St. Nicholas street
gerli', Scottish Widows' & Imperial Accident Insurance Go.stling Edward, bricklayer, Roydon road
Cos. Market hill Groom & Symonds, maltsters, Victoria road & Billingford
Colville The Misses & Bensop, ladies' school, Entry Hall Edward Richard, Star P.H. Market placs
house, Church street Hammond Frederick, boot & shoe maker, Mere street
Cook Frederick, carpenter, Chapel street Hammond Frederick William Daniel, cycle & motor
Cook Frederick Thomas, Ship P.H. Mere street agent, Old Corn hall, Market place (T N 15): one of
Cook John Owen, groc:er, Denmark green the largest stocks in the Eastern counties
Cooper Alfred, S'Urveyor of highways, supt. of the water- Hanco:x: Ernest Richard, insurance supt. Mere street
works & assistant overseer, Market place Hannant William, Beehive P.H. Denmark 11treet
Copping Jesse, boot maker, Denmark street Harold George William, grocer, Denmark street
C-orn Exchange (Waiter Burrows, sec.), St. Nicbolas st Harrison John Ansted B.Sc. head master Secondary
Cornell William, harness maker, Denmark street school, Shelfanger road
Cory Albert Charles, saddler, Church hill Harrison Wm. Hy. cabinet ma. & parish clerk, Chapel st.
County Court (His Honor H. Eardley-Wilmot, judge; Hart Abel, beer retailer, St. Nicbolas street
Donald Charles Warnes, Eye, registrar & high bailiff), Harvey John William, hardware dealer, Market place
Corn hall Haxe.ll Owen, fowl deabr, Palford house
Cracknell & Son, outfitters, St. Nicholas street Hayward Richard Cornish, blacksmith, Chapel street
CroW'n Hotel, family, commercial, posting; garage Hemstock Arthur, teacher of music, Mere street
(E. Slade, proprietor), St. Nicbolas street Hern George (Mrs.), farmer, Heywood
Cullum Emma (Mrs.), Denmark Arms P.H. Denmark st Hewitt Samuel, farmer, Victoria road
Cnllum William, farmer, Heywood Hilton S. & Sons, boot makers, Mere street
Cupiss Francis Limited, manufacturers of Cupiss' con- Hopgood Obarles W. clothier & outfitter, Mere street
stitution balls for horses, The Wilderness. T N 11 Hop""ood Thomas Alien, coffee tavern, St. Nicholas st
Cushing- James, farmer, Heywood Hou~e Samuel George, reporter, Victoria road
Cuthbert {The) Stores (Youngs, Crawshay & Youngs Hucklesby Frank Eli,•farmer, Burston road .
Limited), wine & spirit importers & ale & stout agent~ Humpbrey Emily Florence (Miss), fancy repository &
(George Scolding, manager), Mere street glass & china dealer, Mere street
Dade William, nurseryman, Denmark street Hurren Charle.s, fruiterer, St. Nicholas street
Dent Frederick, farmer, Walcot green International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, Mere street
Derislev Charles, Half Moon P.H. St. Nicbolas street Kemp Alfred, painter, Denmark street
Digby "Frederick Henry, fishmonger, St. Nicbolas street Kerry Waiter, fruiterer, Park road
Diss Co-operative Society Limited, Victoria road Kino William, White Horse P.H. Market place
Diss Express & Norfolk & Suffolk Journal (exors. of King's Head Hotel (George S. Pearse, proprietor),
Edward Ab bott, publishers; published fridays),Mere st family, commercial & posting; billiards; motor
Diss Gas Co. Ltd. (Waiter Burrows, managing director; garage ; 'bus meets all trains, Mere street. T N 16
Henry E. Garrod, sec.), Victoria road Lacon E. & Co. Limited, brewers, maltsters & wine &:i
Dis-s Public Library & Reading Room (George Henry spirit mer_chants, Upper Brewery stores (T N 9); &
Smith, sec.), Corn ·ball at Falcon brewery, Yarmouth
Diss Public Weighing Machine (Frederick Thomas Cook, Lacy William, butcher, Mertl street
collector), Mere street Lait Charles John, coach builder, Mere street
Diss Secondary School (J. Ansted Harrison B.Sc. head Lake Elijab, farmer, Shelfanger road
master; Stephen Newson, clerk to the goevrnors), Larter E1.ekiel, boot maker, Mount street
Shelfanger road Leathers William, pig dealer, Victoria road
Diss Social Club Ernest Bryant, sec.), St. Nicholas street Leeks George & Co. matting manufacturers, Sunnyside
Doggett Frederick, Rai.Jway tavern, Victoria road Lines William Amos, hair dresser, Mere street
Double Alice (Miss), dress maker, Chapel street Livock & Moss, watch makers, Mere street
Double John, tobacconist, Mere street Land Merrymind, fowl dealer, Heywood road
Donbleday & Co. lemonade, mineral water &:i soda London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (William
water manufacturers, Denmark street. T N 14. See Moore Thomas, manager), Market place; draw on
advertisement head office, 3 Bank buildings E C & Glyn, Mills,
Downe Horace F., M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, Victoria rd Currie & Co. London
Dring George, draper, Market place Lush Alfred, draper, St. Nicholas street
Durrant Emily Elizabeth (Miss), confectioner, Mere street Lusher Brothers, printers, Mere street. T N 17
Ea.stmanll Limited, butchers, Market hill Lyus Geo. & Sons. solicitors, Market place ..
Easto Harry,fishmngr.Mere st.& fried fish dlr.Denmark st Lyus Henrv Ormiston (firm, Lyus G. & Sons), sohc1tor,
Esling H. & M_ ('IIhe Misses), ladies' school, Denmark st commissfoner for oaths &; clerk to the Urban District
Farrow Henry Thomas, beer retailer, Victoria road Council & burial board, Market place
Fisher Martha (Miss), dress m11ker, 4 Sunnyside MacMabon Edwd. Danl. customs & excise officer,Mere st
Flahmm John, painter & decorator, Church street McQueen Alexander, credit draper, Mere street
Ford Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Mount street Maling John & Sons, pianoforte, music., stationery k sew-
Fcnlser Mabel Ellen (Miss), dress maker, Mere street ing machine warehouse & photographic materials dealeu,
Fowell, Woolsey & Thorold, solicitors & commissioners Crown street
for oaths (attend fridays), Roydon road Marjoram Daniel, chimney sweeper, Mission road
Freethy Alice (MTs.), tea rooms, Shelfanger road Markwell Charles, bricklayer, Denmark street

Markwell Harry, basket maker. & perambulator factor, Smith Arthur Harbord, builder, Church street
··Mere street Sore William H. Bell P.H. Market place
Mason Charles & Co. timber merchants, Victoria road Souter John, Sun P.H. Mere street
May G. & Son, jewellers, Mere street Southgate Edith M. (Mrs.), Dolphin P.H. Church st
Messenger David Albert, pork butcher, Denmark street Sparham Kate & Eva (Misses), dress mas. Roydon road
Moody J oseph, Two BrewBrs P .H. St. Nicholas street Speirs Hugh Meredith M.D., Oh.B.Edin. physician &
Moore John, willow mBrchant, Victoria road sur·geon, medical officer & public vaccinator st'h dis-
Morgan & Buckingham, architect;; & surveyors, Mere st. trict, Depwade union & medical officer to Diss Urban
' (T N 6); & at 1 Upper King streBt, Norwich District Council & medical officer to the Diss hospital,
Morley E. M. (Miss), dre.ils maker, Victgria road The Cedars. T N 21
Morley James, commission agent, Victoria road Spink Charles ..Alfred, butcher, Denmark street
Morley William James, furniture dealer, Mount street Spink Frederick, insurance agent, Denmark street
Moss George, watch maker, see Livock & Moss Spink Waiter, butcher, game & poultry dealer, St. Nicho-
N t>wbold Edwin, draper, Market hill laB s.treet & butcher, Market
Newson Stephen, clerk to the governors of the Squire Jane (Mrs.), Red Lion l'.H, Victoria road
s_econdary school & to the Old Age Pensions Sub-com- Stannard Thomas E. coal & coke mer. Victoria road
mittee, St. Maries terrace Stead & Simpson Ltd. boot & shoe manufrs. Mere stre~
Nice T. & Co. cycle agents, Market place Stevens M. A. & Sons, boot makers, Mount street
Nobbs .Alfred .Albert, brewers' traveller, Victoria road Stubb!l CoL-Sergt. Thomas, drill instructor to D Co.
Nunn & Sons, bill posters, Shelfanger road 4th Territorial Battalion Norfolk Regt, Denmark st
NursB Alfred E. hosierv •
manufaoturer, tailor & out- Studd Henry John, hair dresser, Denma1·k street
fitter; ladies' costumes a speciality, Mere street Studd John, brush maker, Denmark street
NursB Marcus Geo. stone & marble mason, Victoria rd Styles A. J. reporter, Mere street
Offord Fredk. .A.. baker & corn chandler, Victoria road Suffolk Electricity Supply Company Ltd. Shelfanger rd
Osborne Stanley C. builder, Denmark street Symonds John, auctioneer, valuer, estate agent & sur-
Palmer John Chapman, patent medicine vendor, Mere st veyor, Diss
Pearse George S. King's Head hotel, Mere street & Symonds John, maltster, see Groom & Symonds
photographic studios, Victoria road Taylor Edith (Mrs.), fancy repository, Mere street
P.erfitt Richard F. ecclesiastical & monumental mason & Taylor John D. watch maker, Mere street .
.stone carver, Victoria road; & at Castle street, Eye, Territorial Force 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (D
Suffolk (
Co. Lieut. S, H. N. Coxon; Color-Sergt. Thomas
1'erry Harry, painter, Sunnyside Stubbs, drill instructor); head quarters, Denmark Mt
1'etts Eliza (Mrs.), china dealer, St. Nicholas street The Court Boarding Establishment (R. G. Chase, pro-
Philpot Flornce. (Miss),hardware dlr.Mere st. & Mount st prietor), Victoria road. See advertisement .
Pike .John Chaplyn, auctioneer, land, house & estate Thomas William Moore, manager of thB London & Pro-
appraiser & valuer, Mere st. ; & Stuston place, Scale vincial Bank Limited, treasurer to the Urban District
Pike John Samuel, motor engineer; garage; repairs & Council & burial board, Market place
vulcanizing by the H. F. process; cars for hire, St. Tibbenham Stanley, fa;mer, Walcot green
Nicholas street. T N 4 · Tillett Charles Edward, assist. supt. Prudential Assur-
"Potter Edward A. grocer & provision mer. :Market place ance Co. Mount street
"Potter William Henry, fishmonger, Denmark green Tipple David, grocer, Mere street
l'retty William & Som Ltd. stay manufrs. Heywood rd Tonge .A.lbert, painter, Victoria road
"Pretty Ellen (Miss), confectioner, Market place Tonge B. (Miss), dress maker, Victoria road
1'rBtty Robert, blacksmith, Denmark street Trudgill Charles, pig dealer, Victoria road
Pullen Thomas M. collector of taxes, Mount street Vaughan Ar·thur L., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Rackham Charle~, baker, Shelfanger road physician · & surgeon, & medical officer & public
Randall Kate Ellen (Miss), groaer, Post office,Victoria rd vaccina tor gth district, Depwade union & certifying
:Rayner Frank, clothier, St. Nicholas street factory surgeon, Diss district, The Cottage, Victoria
Read Elizabeth (Mn.), midwife, Mission road road. T N 23 ·
Refuge Assurance Co. Limited (district office) (William Vincent W alter Howe, tailor, St. Nicholas street
Bennett, supt. ), St. Maries terrace, Victoria road WarnB William & Charles, farmers, Beywood
Rout William, pork butcher, pig dealer & beer retailer, Watson Paris White & Sons Limited, coach builders,
Heywood • Victoria road. T N 22
"Rumsby Charles, shopkeeper, Victoria road Weaver Edward, confectioner, Mere street
Rums1by William, boot maker, Mount street Webb & Co. butchers, Market place.
.Sandy William .A.lbert, builder & farmer. Hill house, Webster Charles, beer retaile,r, Railway Btation
Heywood; & ut Shelfanger Williams James Newton, watch & clock maker, St.
Saunders Herbert, hair dressBr, St. Nicholas litreet Nicholas street
Saunders Mary C. C. (Miss), dress maker, Mere street Woodcock Emily & Hannah (Misses), shopkprs. Victoria rd
Saunders Solomon, carpenter, Sunnyside Woodrow George, apartments, Roydon road
Scolding .A.. & E. (Misses), milliners, Mere street Woods Mark, jobbing gardener, Denmark .green
Scolding George E. grocer, Mere street Woodward James, Cock P.H. Denmark street
~sears Herbert Rayson L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental sur- Wright Leonard, earthenware dealer, Mission road
geon (friday), Market place Wright Walter, farmer, Walcot green
Seppings William Thomas, draper & grocer, Victoria rd Wright William .A.. builder, Victoria road
Sexton Henry, farmer, Heywood, Di~s Yorke Bertram R. solicitor, Market hill
Sharp Ernest Albert, draper & milliner, agent for Youngs, Crawshay & Youngs Limited, brewers & wine
.A.chille Serre, dyers & cleaners & the Pearl Laundry, & spirit merchants (.A.rthur Tyrrell, manager), Crown
~orwich; depot for Weingarten's corsets, Waterloo ho brewery stores & at Crown brewery, Norwich
'Shipp Charles, boot maker, Church street Youngs E. & Co. engineers, iron & brass founders, boiler
Short William, tailor, Denmark street makers, millwrights & machinists, agents & makers
'Simonds Edith (Miss), boarding house~ I Sunnyside of every description of agricultural implements,
'Slade Ernest, Crown hotel, family & commercial; bath Waveney iron works & Swootman foundry, Victoria
& billiard rooms; bowling green; posting estab- road (T N 24); depots at Norwich, Harleston, Forn-
lishment ; weddings & funerals furnished; 'bus cett. Framleigh & Bury St. Edmunds. See adver-
, meets all trains; garage; appointed hotel A.C. U tisement
~mith Harry & Son, farmers, Walcot green
DITCHINGHAM i11 a parish and widely scattered vil- gard, son of Sir H. R. Haggard: the stained east
lage, with a station on the Waveney Valley branch of the window is a memorial to Major Samuel Ives Sutton and
Great Eastern railway, near Dungay, Suffolk, separated therB if~ another to Oolonel George Wilson: the aisle
from it by the river Waveney, which is here crossed by an and vestry were added to the church in 1'873• and the
·iron bridge: it is 13 miles south-east from Norwich, in the chancel roof and the figures Tepresenting the Apostles
'Southern division of the county, Loddon hundred, Loddon and Evangelists on the panels on eaoh side of the altar
and Clavering petty sessional division and union, Bungay wl'\re painted in 1862-3 by the late MI"'l. Scudemore,
:and Beccles county court di11trict, rural deanery of Brooks, mother of the present rector, Md- the chancel was
-eastern division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of thoroughly restored in 188o: there are 260 sittings. The
Norwich. The church of St. Mary, standing on a height, register dates from the year I559· The living is a rec-
\s a building of flint with stone dressings, in the Perpen- tory, net yearly value [36r, with 32 acres of glebe and
-dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south residence, in the gift of and held ~ince r88r by the Rev.
porch, and an embattled western tower, with four Jo'bn Charles Scndamore M ..A.. of St. John's College, Ox-
crocketeti pinnacles, containing 6 'bells and a clock, ford. ..All Hall'ows' churoh, erected in 1865 as a. chapel
presented as a memorial to .A.rthnt John Rider Hag- of ease, is a f.Illall building of flint with stone dress-
ings in t.he Early English style, consisting of chancel The Town lands charity for the church and poer
and nave and a turret containing one bell; there are amounts to about £wo :vearly.
about r8o sittings. A. cemetery oi I! acres was form~d Ditchingham Hall, a stately mansion, standing in a
in r879, and has a closed lych-gate, which is used as a beautiful park, thickly studded with fine oak and other
mortuary chapel; the cemetery is under the control of trees, is the property and residence of William Carr
the Paril:!h Council. esq. M.A., J.P. Ditchingham House is the property
· The House of Mercy, instituted in I854 at Shipmeadow, and residence of Sir Henry Rider Haggard J .P. Hollow
.and opened here in I858, in connection with the Church Hill is the residence of the Rev. Jame.> Franck Bright
Penitentiary Association, is under the care of the l!i.Bter- D.D., J.P. Tindall Hall, now CDnverted into a farm-
hood. of All Hallows', and has for its object the reception house, belongs to Lord De Sanmarez, of Shrubland
of penitent women from all parts of England; the hous~e Park, Suffolk. In this parish are the manors of Ditch-
ill a large cruciform building available for 30 inmate!!, ingham and Pirnhow, of which tihe Duke of Norfolk
and includes a small chapel, forming the eastern wm K.G. and William Carr e.sq. are respectively lords.
<1f the cross. The 11isters have also a " Oommunity Lord De Saumarez, W. Carr esq. and Sir Henry Rider
House" adjoining, built of red brick, in a simple style. Haggard are the principal landowners. The soil is
froiiJ, designs by Mr. A.ugustua Frere F .R.I.B.A. architect, light loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
Qf London. In I887 a new wing wall erected as o memorial wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 2,095 acres of
to the Rev. William Edward Scudamore, the first warden, land and 21 of water; rateable value, [4,742; the popu-
who died in 188I: this building, called "Holy Cros. lation in 1901 was I 1 I37• including 26 officers and
House,'' is intended for an order of penitents who desire inmates in All Hallows Hospital.
to consecrate the remainder of their lives to pious workt.,
and will conveniently hold I2 inmates: in I895 a chape. Parish Clerk, J. B. Brown.
, was built from Mr. Frere's design in memory of Mothtn,
Lavinia, the late foundress. Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-A.rthur James Woods, sub·
All HallDws' Home, founded in 1:867, is a school and postmaster. Letters through Bungay arrive at 6.30
orphanage for girls of the better classes who have lo11t & ID-5 a.m. & 2.15 p.m.; sundays, 6.30 a.m.; dis-
one or both parents; they are admitted at any age above patched at 10.25 a.m. & I2.3o & 5.40 p.m.; sundays,
3 and under 13, and 11. limited number of boarders, who 9·45 a.m
are not orphans, are also received ; the house will hold 30. Wall Letter Boxes.-Hollow hill, cleared at 10. IS a.rn.
Girls of good character of the lower classes are also & 12.5 & 5.30 p.m.; sundays, 9.40 p.m.; Railway sta-
l"eceived into a separate cottage, in the same grounds, tion, cleared at 12.35 & 6.35 p.m. ; sundays, 10.40
~or industrial training as domestic se1 >ants. . a.m.; Norwich road, cleared at 5.15 p.m.; sundays,
A.ll Hallows' Counbry Hospital is capable of holding 20 9·30 a.m
patients, who are admitted by subscriber's ticket or on
a small weekly payment: the hospital is managed by Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1840, &
a board nominated by the CDmmunity. A mission house enlarged in I872 & IB97• for 225 children; average at-
wa.s erected in I888, and is used for parochial meetings tendance, 153; Robert James Hamilton, master
&c. All these institutions are under the care of the Railway Station, Alfred James Bilham, station ma·ster
Sisters of the All Hallows' Communitv, •
who also own
All Hallows' farm. Carriers pass through from Bungay to Norwich
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baldry John, cowkeeper, Mill house Longrigg John Dixon, farm bailiff to
Baldry Reginald, boot repairer Sir Henry Rider Haggard J .P
Bevan Commander Lambton Loraine Barber Welcome Charles Frost, baker Martin Harry, farmer
R.N. Hillside house & miller (wind) Morriss Herbert, builder & contractor
Bright Rev. James Franck D.D., J.P. Barclay, Perkins & Co. Limited (R. & insurance agent, Cross roads
Hollow Hill lodge C. Mann, manager), maltsters; Morton John, Falcon inn
Butler James George, The Chestnuts London ales & stouts; Wainford Pigney John, shopKeeper
Carr Wm. M.A..,J.P.Ditchingham hall maltings; & Mettingham, Broome Poll Charles Rerbert, farmer, Old
Frere Rev. Herbert B.A. (warden of & Bungay Hall & The Town farms
.All Hallows' Community) Bird Charles, beer retailer Quantrill Francis, boot maker
Grice A.rthur E Bird Edward, shopkeeper Ramus James, cowkeeper & assistant
Haggard Sir Henry Rider J.P. Ditch- Brothers William, cowkeeper overseer & cl11rk to Parish Council,
ingham house Cemetery (James Ramus, clerk to the burial board & Feoffees
Long Mrs. The Grove burial authority) Rutter J. & Co. maltsters
Mann Robert Campbell V.D., J.P. ChaTlish Alice (Mrs.), dress maker Rynd Denys Fearon, farmr. Hall farm
· Wainford house •
Crowfoot & Co. brewers of home- Sampson Edward W. Duke of YorkP .H
Millett Miss, The Cottage brewed ales & stout, Ditchingham Self Laura (Mrs.), dress makBT
Scudamore Rev. John Charles M.A.. brewery Territorial Force Battalion (6th) Nor-
(rectDr), Rectory Ouddon Char:es, corn mer. & maltster folk Regiment (Cyclists) (F Co.)
Tunney John Robt. Wm. The Elms Ditchingham Cricket Club (Rev. J. (Lieut. C. P. Philpott ; Sergt.-Inst.
Turner Charles Montague, The Lodge C. Scudamore, sec) A.rthnr Hall,drill instructor),Bridge
Walker Reginald Hope, The Limes Ditchingham Football Club (R. J. street, Bungay
Hamilton, sec) Thrower Robert, blacksmith
• Edmunds John, shopkeeper Todd J ames, marine store dealer
Abbotts William, gamekeeper to Wm. Francis Charles, farmer, Tindall hall Tyrrell ·Jane (Miss), dress maker
Carr esq. J.P Green W. & S. coaeh buil<ters Underwood William, cowkeeper
.All Hallows Community House (under High James, wheelwright Village C'lub (Walter Boulter, sec)
Mother Superior & Sisters <Jf .All Hood Herbert, plumber Walker W. D. & A.. E. Ltd.maltsters,
· Hallows; Rev. Herbert Frere B. A.. Hunting Wm. blacksmith, Hollow hill corn, coal & cake mers.Railway stn
warden) James Edward, s~n. hawker Williams Ambrose,carpntr.Norwich rd
All Hallows Country Hospital Johnson Samuel, bricklayer Woods Arthnr Jas.stationer,Post office
All Hallows Home for Girls Johnson Saml. cowkeeper, Station rd Woods James, cycle agent
A.ppleton William, farmer .Lambert James, jobmaster Woolterton George, cowkeeper
DOCKING is a pariBh and union town, pleasantly Mrs. Henley; a man is in attendance to draw the
situated on the old road from Lynn to Wells, on the water, which is sold at a farthing 8 pail. The well
highest point of Norfolk, with a station on the West at the F..ast end was sunk in r85I. The church of St.
Norfolk section of thi! Great Eas-tern railway from Lynn Mary is 8 bnilding of flint with stone dressings, in
to Wells, 6 miles 11outh-west from Burnham Market, the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave,
13 west from Wells. 12 north-west from Fakenbam, 'north aisle, organ chamber, south porch and an em-
17 north-east from Lvnn and 117! from London, in battled western tower containing one bell and a clock,
the North Western
. division of the countv,. Smithdon dedicated by the parishiont>rs to commemorate the
!,lundred, Smithdon and Brothercross petty sessionHl Coronation of King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra,
division, Little Walsingham county court. district. rural · .Aug. 9, 1902, and five bells added in 19I0 as a.
.qe!lnery of Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn and dio- 1 memorial to the late Rev. Hugh James Hare M . .A .
~est>o of Norwich. This place wa.s formery called Dry • vicar 1873-19<>9: an altar. dated 1638, is to be seen
Docking-. frnm the g-reat t;carcity i>f water that pre- under the belfry: there are several monuments to the
vailed here. but deep wells now supply the in- Hare familv. and the 9tain{>d west window is a memorial
'babitant.~ with excellent water of icy coldness. The to Mrs. B.- Hare, rlli.other of the present vicar, who died
Town Well, in the centre of the pari~h, !llld under the I in 1887; another memorial window WillS erected in 1892
control of the parish council, was Bunk in 1760, tD I to Mr. W. Crookham, 33 years organist and sc.h~ol
the depth of about g37 feet, at the eole expense of master: the stone pulpit is a memorial to Mrs. New-
bould : the lectern,. of carved oak, was presented m Strachan Charles Edward E*lq. Heacham hall, Lynn
n'l82 by the Misse:i! Chadwick, of Tunbridge Wells, in The chairmen of the New Hunstanton Urban District.
memory of Mrs. H. E. the ancient font 'i.IJ adorned Council & Docking ,Rural District Council, for the-
with many carved figures, but much mutilated: the time being, are ex-oili.cio justices of the peace
ohurch was new roofed in r875, and additions made, Clerk to the Justic~ G. Whitby, Hunstanton
at a. cost of over £4,ooo, and now affords 65o sit-
tings. The register dates from tihe year 155 8. The Petty Se8sions are helq at the Sessions house, Docking,
living is a. discharged vicarage, gross yearly . value the last monday in every month at r r a. m. & at the
Council hall, New Hnnstanton, on t·he second monday
£419, with 45 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
in each month at 10.30 a.m. The following places are
of the Provost and Fellows of Eton College, on the
included in the petty sessional division :-Barwick,
nomination of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since Bircham Great, Birobam Newton, Biraham Tofts, Bran-
1909 by the Rev. James Amiraux Fletcher B.A. of caster, Bul"'ltbam Deepdale, Burnb!lm Norton, Burnbam
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, surrogate· and Sutton & Uiph, Burnham Overy, Burnham Westgate;
chaplain of. Docking union. The great tithes are .Buruham• Thorpe, North & South Creake, Ohoseley,-
commuted at [1,II4. The Wesleyan chapel is of red Docking, Fring, Heaoh:1m, Holme-next-the-Sea., Hun-
brick, and was erected in 1821 ; the Primitive Methodist stanton, New Hunsta'lton, Ingoldisthorpe, Ringstead,
chapel, also of brick faced with cement, was erected in Sedgeford, .Shernbonrne, Snettisham, Stanhoe, Thorn-
1836, and has 350 sittings. A Police Station, of white ham, Titchwell & Waterden
brick, was erected here in 1854, a.t a cost of £ 1,2oo, and
contains a. residence for a superintendent, and two well- Police Station, Esau Lewis, supt. & 2 constables
ventilated cells; a sessions room was added in 1874
at the expense of the county. The Literary Institute, DOCKING RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
erected in 1869, is of flint wil!h red brick drE*!sings,
and ill supplied with daily and weekly papers and ' Meets at the Workhouse on every alternate wednesday,
periodicals. The village stocks, discovered by Mr. at 1.30 p.m.
W. B. Mahon in r8g8, buried in the lock-up, were
at his expense restored and set up alongside the Chairman, Lionel Rodwell, East Rudham, King's Lynn ·
Town Well. The common was inclosed in 1861 , Clerk, John Arnold Stoughton, solicitor, Fakenham
acres being reserved for recreation and 41 for allot- Medical Officer of Health, Berners George Sumpte:r
ments. The Ha.ll, the property of J. H. Montague M.B., M.R.C.S.Eng. Hunstanton
Hare esq. and at present occupied by Waiter C<>lborne Treasurer,. Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney, Barclay's
Ridley esq. was built in r612 by John Hare, and re- , Bank, Kmg's Lynn . . . . . .
stored and added to about rBsB; it is surrounded by Surveyors,. Western divisiOn, V':1l!1~m Waiter Hopkmg.

a park and pleasure grounds. Sir William Everard 1

Great Bucham & East~rn divisiOn, George Edward
Browne ffolke.s bart. of Hillington Ha.Ll, who is lord of Mullard, Bran?aster Staith, Lynn .
the manor, JO'hn Hugh Montague Hare esq. M.A. of Inspector of Nmsances, James Morris, Heacham
Eton College, and Charles Derick Seymour esq. of
Barwick House, are the principal landowners. The soil DOCKING UNION.
is of a light sandy nature; su!J.s.oil, principa.lly gravel or Board da c e
1 alternate wcdnesday 8 t ..
flint. The crops are wheat, barley, turnips, mangold- 1 Y v ry u.3o a.m. a.
wurtzel and seed~. The aT')B is 6,378 acres; rateable I the Workhouse.
value, [6,o9o; the population in in 19n was 1,237· The union comprises the following parishes: ..:\.nmer,
Sexton, Samuel Sporne. Bagthorpe, Barmer, Barwick, Bircham (Great),
Bircham Newton, Bircham Tofts, Brancaster, Brooms-
SUMMERFIELD (anciently Southmere) is a parish ~~ thorpe, Burnham Deep dale, Burnham N orton, Burnham
miles north-west fi'om Docking, with which it is con- Overy, Burnham Sutton, Burnham 'l'horpe, Burnham
nected for poor law purposes; it cr>ntains upwa;:-d;; of We01tgate, Choseley, Creake (North), Creake (South).
1,200 acres, the property of J obn Hugh Montague Hare Dersingham, Docking, Fring, Heacham, Holme-next-
esq. M.A. of Eton College, and is farmed by Mr. T. F. the-Sea, Houghton, Hunstanton, Hunstanton (New).
Ringer. Here is an iron mission room erected in 1910. Ingoldsthorpe, Ringstead, Rudham (East), Rudham
The foundations of the church once existing here can 1
(W-est), Sedgeford, Shernborne, Snettisham, Stanhoe.
still be traced. The living is a sinecure rectory, ! Syderstone, Thornham, Titchwell & Waterden. The
annexed to Sedgeford, joint net yearly value [365, in I
area of the union is 88,450 acres; rateable value at
the· gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich and Eton Lady Day, 1912, £ro9,888; the population in rgn
College alternately, and held since Jgoo by the Rev. was 19,452
Francis Johnson Tu~k M.A. of King's College, Cambridge, Chairman, Rev. William .Albert Noyle, Titchwell, King's
who resides at Sedgeford. Lynn ·
Treasurer, Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney, Barclay's.
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-·Walter Ovcrton, sub-post- Bank, King's Lynn
master. Letters received through King's Lynn, de- Clerk to the Guardians, J . .A. Stoughton, Fakenham
livered at 7 a. m. & 1.25 p.m. ; dispatched at IO. IS Relieving Officers, Eastern district, Charles Ernest .Ab-
a.m. (r.3o p.m. to Bircham) & 5-35 p.m. on week barley, Burnham Market, King's Lynn; Western dis-
days; sundays, delivered at 7. a.m. ; dispatched at trict, Waiter Heugh, Snettisham, King's Lynn
2.40 p.rn Vaccination Officers, the Registrars of Births & Deaths
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Burnham district,
Wall Letter Boxes.-Grove Farm wall, cleared at ro Samuel M. Hamill B.A., M.D. Burnham Market,King's
a.m. & 4.40 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m.; Station, cleared Lynn; Docking district, George Bales Parry L.R.C.P.
at 10.30 a.m. & 5· 10 p.m.; sundays, 7·30 a. m.; Station Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. Docking; Rudham district, Sir
road, cleared at 10.25 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; ~undays. Alan Reeve Manby M.V.O., M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng. East
7.30 a.m Rudham; Snettisham district, Thomas Ernest Earl
Roddis M.B.. C.M. Snettisham, King's Lynn
The Workhouse, erected in 1836, at a cost. of abou5
£g,ooo, is an extensive brick builcing, about a mile
BROTHERCROSS PETTY SESSIONAL D1VISION. west from the church, & will hold 250 inmates;
le Strange Hamon esq. D.L. Hunstanton hall, Hun- Albert James Challinor, master; Mrs. Margaret
stanton, chairman Challinor, matron; Rev. James Amiraux Fletcher
Ames Major Oswald H. Thornham, King's Lynn B.A. chaplain; George Hales Parry. L.R.C.P.Edin .•
Cohen Nigel H. esq. The Lodge, Burnham Norton, Lynn M.R.C.S.EnQ". medical officer
Dawbarn Edmund esq. Tolcarne, Hunstanton The children attend the school at Docking
Green Sir Edward ba.rt. Ken Hill, King's Lynn
Hollway-Calthrop Henry Calthrop esq. Stanhoe grange, DOCKING REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
King's Lynn
Ingleby Holcombe esq. M.P. Sedgeford hall, King's Lynn Superintendent Registrar, Geurge Whitby, Hunstanton
le Strange Roland esq. D.L. The Hall, Hunstanton Registr!lrs of Births & Deaths, Burnham sub-district.
Lawson Charles esq. Heacham, King's Lynn Charles Ernest Abberley, Burnham Market, King's
Mahon William Barford esq. Swiss villa, Docking, Lynn Lynn; deputy, George W. Hudson, Burham Market.
Page John H. esq. 2 Cliff terrace, Hunstanton King's Lynn; Snettisham sub-district, Waiter Heugh,
Pattrick Lt.-Col. William, Homefields road, Hnnstanton Snettisham: deputy, Mrs. C. M. Heugh
Reeve Simms esq. D.L. Brancaster hall, King's Lynn Re!!'istrar of Marriages, William James Tidd, Docking,
Seymonr Charles Derick esq. Barwick house,King's Lynn King's Lynn; deputy, Harry Tidd, Stanhoe, King's
Siheringham Hubert Valentine esq. South Creak~>. Lvnn

Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in infants' mistress. The ;;choolmaster's house, situated
the year x86o, & enlarged in x873, for 220 children; in its own grounds near the school, is a neat build-
average attendance, ISO boys & girls & 67 infants; ing of flint with red brick dressings. Waiter H.
James .Almond Parker Butter .A..L.C.M. master; Mrs. Dines, Snettisham, attendance officer
H. Rutter, Miss E. Bray, Miss H. Long & Miss R. Railway Station, Thos. V. Barnard Goff, station master
Seppings, assistant mistresses; Miss E. Hammond, Carrier to Lynn-William Playford, tues
.PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Derisley J ames ( e:xors. of), farmers, Meek James, farm bailiff to Hubert
Booth Rev. William (Primitive Meth) East End farm Groom esq. Sunderland farm
Bray Malcolm, Manor house Dyke Fred, King William P.H Oliver Henry (Mrs.) ( exors. of), far-
Ea.les Miss, Ivy lodge Emerson Thomas, Plough inn mers, North End farm
Fletcher Rev. James .Amiraux B . .A. Flegg Isaac, saddler & harness maker Oliver William, farmer, High house
(vicar, surrogate, & chaplain to the J.<'ryatt Edward, farm bailiff to W. Overton Robert, plumber
workhouse), Vicarage W. Ringer esq. Lugden hill Overton Waiter, watch ma.Post office
Green Rev. Geo. Herbt. (Prim. Meth) Giddings Waiter, greengrocer Parry George Hales L.R.C.P .Edin.,
Groom Hubert, Sunderland farm Giles T. W. & Sons, earthenware & L.M., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician &
Hammond Mrs. Ivy lodge china dealers surgeon, medical officer & public
Hare Mrs. Holland house Goodwin Charles, gamekeeper to C. vaccinator, Docking district, &
Mahon Wm. Barford J.P. Swiss villa D. Seymour esq. B ..A., J.P med-ical officer, Workhouse •
Masters Miss Goodwin Harold Herbert, boot & Peck John, insurance agent
Parry Gemge Bales shoe maker Platten Geo. Walker, coal merchant
Hidley Waiter Colborne, The Hall Goodwin Hugh .A.lbert, carpenter, Playford .Alfred John, baker
Ringer Thos. Frederick, Summerfield builder & farmer, & estate agent to Playford Herbert Wm. shopkeeper
J. H. M. Hare esq Plavford

William, carrier
COMMERCIAL. Groom Hubert,farmer,Sunderland fro Raines Robert Frederick, baker
Early closing day, Thursday I p.m. Haver~>on .Arthur, beer retailer Riches George Waiter, baker
.Arter Horace, pork butcher Haythornthwaite William M.P.S. Ringer Thomas Frederick, farmer,
Hayfield Charles, butcher chemist Summerfield farm (letters, Summer·
Bennett .A.. T. grocer, draper, clothier Horne Herbert H. outfitter field, King's Lynn)
& outfitter ; & at Stanhoe Howell George, wheelwright Searle Daniel, draper
Bennett James, blacksmith Hunter William, blacksmith Sheldrake W illiam, brick layer
Bircham & Stoughton, solicitors James George William, Railway inn Smith .Arthur Alexander, coach
(attend IO to I, mondays) Jones Robert William, news agent builder, painter, paperhanger &
Bird George, market gardener Kennedy J ames, County Council sur- house decorator & wheelwright
Bond .Albert Edward, shopkeeper veyor for Docking district Smith Earl Cecil Alexander,cycle agt
Bowling Club (James .A. P. Butter, Lawson Frank, grocer Sporne Samuel, bricklayer
sec. & treasurer) Lewis Esau, !!upt. of police Stoughton John A.rnold, solicitor
Boyden Alfred, shopkeeper Literary Institute (J . .A. P. Butter, (firm, Bircham & Stoughton);
Bray Malculm M.R.U.V.S. veterinary sec) attends 10 to I mondays
surgeon, & veterinary inspector Lynn William, farmer Tidd Frank, photographer
under the "Contagious Diseases Mahon William Barford J.P. assistant Tidd William James, pork butcher &
(Animals) Act" for No. 12 district, overseer & clerk to Parish Council, registrar of marriages
Manor house Swiss villa • W agg George, shopkeeper
Burgis Richard, farmer, North farm Marsters Chas.W.corn & oil cake mer Wagg Hannah (Mrs.), baker
Cornish J arnes, boot & shoe umker Mason John, greengrocer Wallier George F. Hare inn, family &
Cri8p Stephen, beer retailer Mason William Oliver, farm bailiff to commercial ; posting in all its
Crisp Thomas, farmer, Grove farm E. C. Groom esq branches
Curry John, wheelwright Masters Frederick, butcher Ward Frederick, practical tailor

DOWNHA.M (or Downham Market) is a market and window was discovered, built up in the wall behind
union town, parish, and the head of a county court dis- the chancel arch, on the north side : the figures of
trict, with a station on the Lynn and Ely section of the the saints and angels in the roof, which had been left
Great Eastern railway and a branch line to Stoke Ferry, in a mutilated state . by Cromwell's soldiers, were re-
88 miles from London, s<;q west from Norwich, IS! north stored in accordance with the ori!l"inal designs in I8gg:
from Ely and 11 south from Lynn, in the South Western in 1876 the arms of the ancient family of Bardolph and
division of the oonnty, Clackclose hundred and petty ses- those of Ramsey .Abbey, formerly on 4ihe church, were
sional division, rural deanery of Fincham (Eastern divi- carved in st<Jne and replaced, the arms of the sees of
sion), archdeaconry of Lynn and diOcese of Norwich. By Canterbury and Norwich and those of Sir Thomas Leigh
Order of the County Council, Downham was, in I8g6, Hnre bart. the present lord of the manor, being added:
divided into two parishes, the rural part called Downham the curious old font has been repaired and re-set : the
West, 11.nd the Urban. Downham Market. The town is church was repaired in 1855 at a cost of £7oo, and
seated on the eastern acclivity of the vale of the navigable affords 700 sittings, 200 being free. The register dates
river Ouse, over which and the neighbuuring country is from the year I55I. The living is a discharged rectory,
a fine uninterrupted view; the river is here crossed by net yearly value £3oo, tog-ether with 29 acres of glebe,
an iron lattice girder bridge with two piers, erected at with residence, in the gift of Miss Franks, and held
a total cost of £3,500, from designs by Mr. David Oldfi.eld since 1qo8 by the Rev. Edward Pountney Gough M . .A. of
C.E. and opened 9 Feb. 1879· Keble College, Oxford, and chaplain of Downham union.
Under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, The Baptist chapel, in the London road, founded in
1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), the town is governed 18oo, has sittings for 325 persons, and there are also
by an Urban District Council. The town is lighted with Wesleyan, Strict Baptist and Primitive Methodist
gas from works near the railway station, the property of chapels. The United Methodist chapel, in Bridge street,
the Downham Gas and Coke Company Limited, formed erected in 1859, seats about 260 persons. The Wesleyan
in 1840. The church of St. Edmund is an ancient pile, Methodist chapel, in Lynn road, was thoroughly re-
originally Norma11, but rebuilt in the Early English period, paired and two vestries built in r864, and in 1876 a
and since extensively altered: it now consists of chancel, new organ loft was added ; in I903 a new organ was
nave, aisles, south porch and a low embattled western provided and the choir seats extended, at a cost of
tower of carr or rag stone, with buttresses and quoins of [2oo: there are 450 sittings; the schoolroom was re-
freestone, surmounted by a. slender spire, which with the built in 1895· .A Cemetery of 2 acres, with two
tower, was restored in 18g6, at a cost of £340: in the mortuary chapels, was formed in 1856, at a cost of
tower are 8 bells, rehung in r8g6: in 1884 a !ltone reredos about £I,6oo, and in I884 was enlarged by the addition
was erected and the chancel floor relaid, and in I886 a of 2! acres, at a cost of [soo: it is under the control
stone statuette of St. Edmund the Martvr •
was set in a of a joint Committee appointed by the Urban District
niche over the entrance to the south porch and a brass Council and the Parish Council for Down ham West.
lectern placed in the church, both at the cost of the late The Town Hall, erected in I887-8, at a cost of
Mr. Henry Oakes: the stained east window was placed £1.730, occupies a site facing the Market place anrl
in 1873 by J. Wortley esq. of Skeyton. and there are Bridge street, and is a structure of white and moulded
several memorial and other stained windows, erected brick, relieved by brown carr-stone panels in the Renais-
dnring the period I8q6-Ioo6: during the building of sance style, from designs by Mr. J. J. Johnson _\.R.I.B ..A
the new organ chamber in 1873 an original Norman architect, of London: it comprises a large hall. 74 by 33


feet,· with a platform, which can be extended for stage mental trees and .American plants, roses &c. : the in-
plays, the Hall being duly licensed : a corn exchange, habitants, by permission of the proprietors, are allowed
reading, committee and retiring rooms, lavatories and to use the nurseries as a promenade during the summer
offices: the hall will seat soo persons: a balcony, months. In the town are two good hotels, the Crown
seating 15o, was added in 1897 at a cost of £200: the hotel, in the Market place, and the Castle hotel, High
Hall is under the control of a board of 12 directors. street, both old-established and well-appointed houses.
The Conservative Club, opened 8 Aug. 189o, occupies There are charities of about £86 yearly value, for dis-
premises in the Market place. The Liberal Club is in tribution in fuel, clothing and provisions : this amount;
Bridge street. includes a sum of £66, being the proportion assigned to
Three large fairs for horses and cattle are held yearly, this parish from the Hundred Acres charity, the incom&
Winnold fair on or about March xst and the three follow- derived from which 1s equally divided between the pariahea
ing days, and other fairs on the first Friday in May and of Wimbotsham, Stow and Downham; there is also 9
the second Friday in November; and Statute fairs for sum of about £20 from the Batchcroft charity, and con-
the hiring of servants are held on the Saturday fort- sisting of the rent of land; and there are other estates,
night before and the Saturday after Old Michaelmas the produce of which is applied in keeping the church
Day, but they are now nothing more than pleasure fairs. in repair and :q1-aintaining the bridge · over the river
The market is held every Friday in the Market square, Ouse.
where stands a clock tower, presented to the town by
James Scott esq. in 1878: it is in the Gothic style, from Sir Thomas Leigh Hare hart. of Stow Hall, and Ed ward
the designs of Mr. William Cunliffe, of London; the Roger Murray Pratt esq. of Ryston Hall, who are the
main and lower portions are octagonal, with a rectangu- lords of the several manors, Edward Hyde esq. the
lar clock chamber above, presenting four illuminated trustees of the late Harry Wayman and the trustees
dials, lighted automatically: the roof of the tower is of the late J oseph Kemp are the chief landowners.
relieved by tracery and surmounted by a vane. The area of Downham Market Parish is 1,oo3 acres;
The County Police Station, in Church road, has rateable value, [n,149; the population in 19II was
detention cells and a charge room. 2,497, including 9 officers and 75 inmates in the work-
Here is an extensive roller flour mill, owned by Mr. F. house.
A. Bird; large malt-houses, belonging to T. H. Wenn The area of Downham West parish is 1,788 acres of
and Co.; and a brewery. The American nurseries of land, 6 of water, 38 of tidal water and 17 of foreshore;
Messrs. Bird and Vallan.ce, near the railway station, rateable value, [2,537; the population in I9II was 420.
cover 29 R«<"es, well stocked with fruit, forest and orna- Sexton, George Neal, Lynn road.


Post, M. 0., T. k Telephone Call Office.-John Henry Officers of the Urban District Council.
Shaw, postmaster, High street. Letters from London Clerk, Harry Reginald Bland Wayman, Bridge street
arrive at 3 a.m. k p.m.; dispatched at Treasurer, Sir S. Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O. banker,Lynn
9·45 & n.25 a.m. & 3, 5.20 & 9.20 p.m.; box closes Medi-cal Officer of Health, George Frederick Cross M.B .•
9·45 & 11.25 a.m. & 5.20 & 9 p.m. Letters received B. S. High street
till 9· ro p.m. with an additional halfpenny stamp. Surveyor, James Marriott Jackson, The Chambers, Lon-
Sundays, g p.m don road
Town Sub-Post Office, Railway road.-Christopher W. Sanitary Inspector, George Rayner .A.R.S.I. Bridge st
Parke, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched at II.I5 Collector, George Rayner, Bridge street·
a.m. & 12. 15, 4.40 & 8 p.m. (week days only) Inspector of Lodging Houses & Inspector under th~
Wall Letter Boxes, in various parts of the town, cleared Petroleum Act, Superintendent .Arthur Hugh Proctor
about three or four times daily Collector of Stallages, George N eal, Lynn road
:Postal Telephone Service Call Office, Bridge street
OLACKCLOSE. For places in the division see Stoke Ferry, p. 467.
Meetings held at the Council schools monthly.
Bagge Sir .Alfred Thomas hart. D.L., R.N. Stradsett
hall, Downham Chairman, Er. Oldman esq. J.P. Fern house, Earl's st.
Bennett John Rose e~q. Ashville, Downham Market 1
Birch Albert Edward Hy. esq. Watlington hall,Downham 'Vice-Chairman, J. B. Mitchell, Oxborough, Stoke Ferry
Booth Nathan esq. Outwell house, Wisbe-ch Clerk, F. J. Glasscock, jun. High street
Brown John Pe:rcival esq.Crimplesham hall,Crimplesha:n DOWNHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
Hare Sir Thomas Leigh bart. D.L. Stow hall, Downham Meets at the Workhouse, monthly, on the same days M
Hofi Henry esq. Shouldham Thorpe, Downham the Board of Guardians.
Pratt Edward Roier Mnrray esq. Ryston hall, Downham Chairman, Henry Hoff, Shouldharn Thorpe
Read George esq. Manor house, Were ham, Stoke Ferry Clerk, Harry Reginald Bland Wayman, Bridge street
Sly John Williams csq. Bexwell house, Downham Treasurer, Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O.Lynn
St{)cks Michael esq. Woodhall, Hilgay, Downham Medical Officer uf Health, George Frederick Cross M.B.,
The Chairmen of the Urban & Rural District Councils, B. S. High street
for the time being, are ex-officio Justices of the Peace. i Sur;eyor, John S. Parrot~, Lond~n road
Clerk to the Magistrates, Harry Reginald Bland Way- Samtary InspectQI", S. -chfford R1gg F .R. S.I
man, Bridge street. 1

Petty Sessions are held at the Court house every alternate ! PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
monday, except Bank Holidays, at I I a.m. Parishes in :Cemetery, Harry Reginald Bland Wayrnan, Bridge st.
petty sessional division: -Barton Bendish, Bexwell, ! cle-rk to the joint committee; William John Hynert-
Boughton, Crimplesham, Denver, Dereham West, Bridge street, registrar; George Neal, curator
Downham Market, Downham West, Fincham, Fordham, County Court, London road, His Honour Jas. Mulligan

Hilgay Holme, Marham, Outwell, Roxham, Runcton I K.C. judge; Harry Reginald Bland Wayman, registrar
South, Ryston, Shouldbam, Sbouldbam Thorpe, South· 1 & high bailiff; 'l'hos. Hugh Pink, clerk & assistant
ery, Stoke Ferry, Stow Bardolph, Stradsett, Tottenhill, bailiff. The County Court district comprises the
Up well, Wallington-cum-Thorpland, Watlington, Welney, following places :-Barton-Bendish, Bexwell, Bough-
West Welney, Wereham, Wimbotsham, Wormegay & ton, Crimplesham, Denver, Dereham West, Downham
Wretton Market, Downham West, Finch am, Fordham, Holme-
next-Runcton, Hilgay, Roxham, Runcton South,
DOWNH.AM MARKE1' URBAN DISTRICT OOUNCll... Ryston, Shouldham, Shouldham Thorpe, Southery 1
Offices, London road; mee1;ings the first tuesday in every Stoke Ferry, Stow Eardolph, Stradsett, Tottenhill,
month; place of meeting, Town ball. Wallington-cum-Thorpland, Watlington, Wereham,
Wiggenhall St. Peter, Wimbotsham, Wormegay,
.A.ll retire April, 1914. Wretton, Welney & West Welney
Chairman-.Allix B. Laxon. For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that
Vicc-Chairman--Frederick Spinks. of King's Lynn; Harry Pearce GDuld, office, 8 Upper
Herbert E. Hayfield W. H. Ray King street, Norwich, official receiver
John Rose Bennett Edward H. Shackle Certificated Bailiff appointed under the "Law of Distress
Harry Gates Robe-rt Samuel Smith Amendment .Act," Thomas Hugh Pink, London road
Lancelot G. Hawkins Robert Samuel Smith, jun CO'Unty Police Station, Church road, John Sands, super-
Samuel Howard .Abram Valiance intendent, & 2 constables
Frederick Lan.kfer A.lfred John Warren Fire Engine Station, Bexwell road, Bobert Edward.
Henry Moore Thomas H. Wenn Harper, captain ·
John Stephen Parrott Healey Wilson Stamp Office, John Henry Shaw, Post office


5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (B Company), Lieut. Certifying Factory Surgeon, Edward Garneys Wales·
S. A. Coxon, in command; Sergt.-Major W. Ford, M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb. High street
drill instructor Clerk to the Commissioners of Income & Land Taxes
DOWNHAM UNION. for the Division of Clackclose, James M. Jackson, The
The union comprises the following parishes, viz. :-Bar- Chambers, London road
ton-Bendish, Bexwell, Boughton, Crimplesham, Den- Coroner for the Hundred & Half. Hundred of Clackclose.
ver, Downham Market, Downham West, Fincham,Ford- Harry Reginald Bland Wayman, Bridge street
ham, Hilgay, Holme-next-Runcton, Marham, Roxham, ~ssessor & Collector of Taxes & Collector of Poor's Rate~
Runcton (South), Ryston, Shouldham, Shouldham & Assistant Oversee:r for Downham Parish, George Ray·
Thorpe, Southery, Stoke Ferry, Stow Bardolph, Strad- ner, Bridge street
sett, '£ottenhill, Wallington-cnm-Thorpland, Watling- Veterinary Surgeon under the Contag-ious Diseases (Ani-
ton, Welney, West Welney, Wereham, West Dereham, mals) Act, No. 11 district, George Grigson M.R.C.V.S.
Wiggenhall St. German, Wiggenhall St. Mary Mag· London road
dalen, Wiggenhall St. Mary-the-Virgin, Wiggenhall St. Town Crier, George Neal, Lynn road
Peter, Wimbotsham, Wormegay & Wretton. The popu-
lation of the union in I9I I was I8,o24; area, 82,933 PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services.
oores; rateable value at Lady Day, IQI2, £n6,952
Board day, alternate fridays, at 11, at the workhouse St. Edmund's Church, Rev. Edward Pcmntney Gouga
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Henry Hoff, M.A. rector; Rev. J. Jarvis, curate; 8 & I I a.m.
Shouldham Thorpe & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m.; wed. & fri. 12!
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Harry noon ; saints' days, special
Reginald Bland Wayman, Bridge street Baptist, London road, Rev. Samuel Howard; 10.45 a. m._
Treasurer, Sir Somerville Arthnr Gurney K. C.V.O. Lynn & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Downham distrid, Primitive Methodist, London l"oad, 10.30
Edward Walker, London road, Downham; Wiggenhall a.m. &6.3op.m.; wed. 7·3op.m. Rev. Jn. William--
district, Harry Fendley, Watlington, Down ham Market Primitive Methodist, Salter's Lode, 2.30 son Whittaker
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Downham district, & 6.30 pm. ; tburs. 7.30 p.m.
George Frederick Cross M.B., B.S. Athol house, Down- United Methodist, Bridge street, Rev. William R •.
ham Market ; Finch am district, G. Blake Mass on M. D. Dawson; 10.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7·45 p.m
Fincbam; Hilgay district, Edward Garneys Wales Wesleyan Methodist, Lynn road, Rev. Alfred G ..
M.R.C.S.Eng. Downham; Stoke Ferry district, Henry Haughton; I0.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Frederick Steele L.R. C.P .Land. Swke Ferry; Nmth Friends' Meeting House, Bridge st. ; sundays, 6.30 p.m _
Welney district, James G. Burgess, Upwell; South Salvation Army Barracks, Church road; I l a.m. & 3 &.
Welney & Soutbery district, J. F. Glenfield Martin 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 8 p. m
M.B., B.Ch. Littleport; Wiggenhall district, Thomas
Makin. Draper L.R.C.P.Lond. Watlington PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
The Workhouse is a spacious building of brick &; rag Paradise lane, erected in I87r, at a co~t of £3,044, ex-
stone, on rising ground, at the entrance of the town clusive of £300 given for the site, for 280 children &
from the London road, & will bold I53 inmates; Rev. 200 infants ; average attendance, I30 boys, 156 girls ..
Edward Pountney Gough M.A. chaplain; Edward & I55 infants'. Enoch Priest, master; mistress
Garneys Wales, medical officer; William Clark, (vacant); Miss Anna Wildridge, infants' mistress
master; Mrs. Harriett Clark, matron Salter's Lode (mixed), built in I883, for the hamlet of
DOWl!lHAM REGISTRATION DISTIDCT. Salter's Lode, in the parishes of Downham Market &
Denver, the latter parish being a contributory dis-
Superintendent Registrar, Harry Reginald Bland Way- trict ; the school will hold 84 children ; average.
man, Bridge street, Downham; deputy, Thomas Hugh attendance, so; Miss Marion Lauder, mistress
Pink, London road
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Downbam sub-district, Great Eastern Railway Station (East Anglian branch}r .
Edward A. Walker, London road, Downham; deputy, William Fred Griggs, station master. Omnibuse!t--
John Stephen Parrott, Downbam; Fincham sub-dis- from the Crown & Castle hotels, to meet every train_
trict, H. F. Steele, Stoke Ferry; deputy, William
J oseph Smith, Swke Ferry; Wiggenhall sub-district, Carriers to : -
Harry Fendley, Watlington, Downham Market; Hilgay-Sharpe & Son, wed. & fri
deputy, Carter Fendley, Watlington • London-Sutton & Oo. Bridge st.; Harry Gates, agent ·
Registrar of Marriages, Wm. Thomas Canham, Church Lynn--Sharpe & Son, tues. thurs. & sat
road, Downham; deputy, Arthur Hugh Proctor, Lon- Shouldham-Batterham, fri
don road Southery & Hilgay-William Buckenham, fri
Hayden Wait. John,Bank bo.Bridge st Shaw James Henry, Bexwell road.:
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Haylett Robert, Bridge street Sheldrake William, Railway roB&
Andrews Mrs. J ames, Bexwell road Howard Rev. SI. (Baptist),Bexwell rd Sly John W., J.P. Bexwell road
Andrews Mrs. William, Bexwell road Hughes Miss, Lion house, Lynn road Smith Geo. Cynthia :ho. Railway rd
Barber Mrs. London road Hyner Wm. Jn. Nelson •ho. Bridge st Smith Miss, Lynn road
Bell John, Lynn road Jackson Jas. Marriott, The Chambers, Smith Mrs. Bexwell road
Bennett John Rose J.P. Ashville London road Smith Robt.Saml.Hytbe ho. Bridge rd
Casebow Mrs. Union terrace Johnson Miss, Union terrace Smith Robert Samuel, jun. The
Clarke Capt. A. E. Stanley M. V.O. Laxon Matthew Bradwell, Bexwell rd Laurels, Railway road
The Towers; & Carlton & Marl- Long John Hulman, Hill house South Wm. Fairfield ho. Howdale rd
borough clubs, London Long John Vince, Salamanca house Southwell Leonard George, Sunny-
Collins John William, Chestnut villa. Mace Miss, Bexwell road side, London road
Cross George Fredk. M.B. High st Mase Edwd. H. Fairbolme,Bexwell rd Spencer Mrs. London road
.Dawson Rev. William R. (United Morton Mrs. Lynn road Spinks Fredk. Pleasant house, Hex-
Methodist), Bexwell road Nightingale Mrs.WP~tfield,Bexwell rd well rd.& Cosy cottage,Whittington
Ducklin David, Bexwell road Offley Goddard, London road Taylor Oscar J (}hn, Ryston end
Dudley Thornton, Bexwell road Owen Miss, Lynn road Valiance Abram, Bridge street
Goodchild Mrs. London road Parrott John Stephen, London road Wales Edward Garneys M.A., M.R
Gough Rev. Edward Pountney M.A. PinkThos.Hugh,Orchard ho.London rd High street
(rector), Rectory Pope William, The Retreat, Lynn rd Wales Miss, The Firs, Lynn road
Green Miss, Lynn road Proctor William S. Lynn road Wales Thomas Garneys, High stree'
Green Misses, The Hollies Rawlings William Kirk, Sun. hill Warne Mrs. The Green
Grigson George, London road Ray Herbert, Holly house Watson James, Homeleigb,London rd
Halliday John Thomas, Union terrace Ray Mrs. Brooklands, Railway road Wayman Gerald E. Prospect villa,
Halli well V ern on Harcourt, The Rayner George, The Green Bexwell road
Howdale Read Miss, White lb. on se W ayman Harry Reginald Bland, Clack-
Haughton Rev . .Alfred G. (Wesleyan Rogers Miss, Bungalow, Lynu road close, Lynn road
Methodist), Bexwell road Scott Waiter, The Green Wenn Thomas Hoown, Dial house _
Hawkins Chas. The Rosary,Bexwell rd Shackle Edwd. Harrison, Laburnurn Whittaker Rev. John Williamson
Hawkins Lancelot G. Lynn road house, Railway road (Primitive Methodist), London road
COMMERCIAL. Alflatt Mary (Miss), milliner, Bridge street
Early closing day, Wednesday, I p.m. Alflatt Matthew, builder, London road
Adams Charles Lambert, Live & Let Live inn,London rd .lllen Edward, beer retailer, Lynn road
~ORFOLK g:it:

Arnold Mary .Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Bridge street Dungay Harry, beer retailer, Railway road
Ashby F. w. ,Limited, builders & contractors, Bex- Dye Frederick, hair dresser, Bridge street
well road Eastmans Limited, butchers, Bridge street
Balls Richard Gerald, hair dresser Emery Ellen Limited, costumiers & millinery specialists,
Barber .Amos, tin plate worker, Bridge street ladies' outfitters, carpet factors & general drapers,
Barclay & Company Limited (with which is incor- Bridge street. Telephone 2 Downham
porated Gurney's, Birkbeck, Barclay, Buxton & Cress- English Noah, chiwney sweeper, Bridge road
. well), bankers (Waiter John Hayden, manager), open English William, chimney sweeper, Lynn road
• 10 tD 3 except sat. to I ; market day, fri. 10 to 5, Eyles George Frederick, artificial teeth maker (fridays,
Bridge street; draw on head office, 34 Lam bard st. at Mr. Way's), High street
London E C F'la tman Charles, builder, Bridge road
Bayfield Herbert Edward, butcher, Bridge street Flatman John Charles, builder, Bridge street
Beart C. & Co. -corn merchants, Bridge street Ford Sergt.-Major W. drill instructor to B Co. 5th
Beckerton John Thomas, general dealer, Bridge road Territorial Force Battalion Norfolk Regiment
Bell Sarah Ann (Mrs.), fancy draper, Bridge street Fore111an J ames, farmer, SaLter's Lode
_Bell William, watch maker, Bridge street Freeman Ernest 0. butC'her, Bridge street
_Bennett John Lee & Son, corn, cake, seed & coal mers Fretwell Leonard, confectioner, Lynn road
Bennett R. S. & Co. ironmongers, High street Gage Sarah (Miss), dress maker, Church road
Bennett Jn.Rose,farmer,Tile farm,Fen rd.& Bridge farm Gaminara Sarah (Mrs.), butcher, Lynn road
Bennett Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, London road Garner Harry, farmer, Salter's Lode
Bennett William, farmer, Ouse bank Gates Harry, agent w the Prudential .Assurwce Co. &
Betts John, Rampant Horse P.H. High street agent for Sutton & Co. carriers, Bridge street
. . Bird F. A. (tradmg as F. & A. Bird), millers & corn Gaunt Frederick, hair dresser, Bridge street
merchants, Eagle Roller mills; & at Roller mills, Lynn Gaunt Waiter, brazier & tinrnan, Paradise road
.~Bird &. Valiance, seed growers & nurserymen, Ameri- Gent Robert B. mail contractor, Paradise road
can nurseries, near Railway station; seed shop & Giscard William 81. watch rna. & furniture brkr. High st
warehouse, Bridge street. Telegrams, " Vallance, Glassc~ FrtJderick, saddler, High street
Downham;" Tel. No. 3 Downham Gooderson .Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Lynn road
,Bowman Lydia Mary (Mrs.), saddler, Market place Gorbould Ebenezer, beer retailer, Market place
.Bradley F. W. Limited, artificial teeth manufacturers, Green Eliza Jane & Matilda (Misses), ladies' boarding &
-High street; attendS/ fridays, 12 to 4.30. See day school, The Hollies, Bridge street
advertisement Grigson George M.R.C. V.S. veterinary surgeon &
lBl'ighton Robert, shopkeeper, London road veterinary inspecwr under the Contagious Diseases
lhown William, beer retailer, Salter's Lode (Animals) Act for Nu. I I district, London road
Browne Harry, fishmonger & dealer in game, Bridge l!t Gromett Sarah (Mrs.), fishmonger, Bridge sl,reet
Bunkall Benjamin J oseph, saddler, Bridge street Gromett Thomas, coal dealer, Victoria street
Burton J. & Sons (branch), provision dlrs. High street Halls William, White Hart P.II. Bridge street
:Bussens & Parkins, ironmongers, High street Hammond Ernest, tinplate worker, Bexwell road
• Canham Wm. Th()mas, registrar of marriages, Church rd Harcourt George, butcher, Railway road
~ Carter Fanny (Mrs.), Bull P. H. High street Harper Charles, builder, The Howdale
..Casey Benjamin, cattle dealer, The Green Harper Robert Edward, Chequers inn, Lynn road
-.jCash & Co. boot & shoe manufacturers. Market place Hartley George, greengrocer, Bridge street
..Castle Hotel (John Henry Richards, proprietor), High Harvey Robert, tailor, Paradise road
street. Tel. No. 23 Harvey William, outfitter & leather merchant, Bridge st
., Cemetery (Harry Reginald Bland Wayman, clerk to the Hawkins Charles & Sons, auctioneers, valuers, land
joint burial committee; William JohnHyner,registrar) & estate & insurance agents, & agents for the Wood
, ·Chadwick & Co. photographers, Market place Hall, Oxborough, Feltwell, Cockley Cley & Bagthorpe
.....Chapman .Arthur Robert, law costs draughtsman, estates, Lynn road; & Bank chambers, King's Lynn
Coronation ter:race Hayden Waiter John, manager at Messrs. Barclay & Co.'s
·-Dhilver Herbert, tobacconist, High street Bank & agent for .Alliance Fire & Life .Assurance Co. &
Clark William, master of workhouse, London road No-rwich & London Accident Insurance Uo. & Imperial
Cole Sydney E. Crown family & commercial hotel, Aocident Insurance Co. Limited (live stock &c.),
Market place Bridge street
, Colllns John William, auctioneer, valuer, builders' Haylett Robert George, dairyman, Bridge street
surveyor, builder, contractor, timber & stone mer- Haylett WilliaUI., painter, Ryston End
chant, monumental mason, plumber, plasterer & Haylock Charles, baker, Paradise road
undertaker (hearse proprietor), agent for Sun Fire & Haylock George Edward, confectioner, Bridge street
Life Office, Commercial Union Fire, Scottish Widows' Hewing Clarinda (Mrs.), Railway P.H. Railway road
Life Association, Norwich Accident Co. & Boiler In- Hilgay Bridge Co. Limited (H. R. B. Wa.yman, sec.),
surance Co. ; also Union Castle Steam Ship Co. Rail- Ryston End
way road Howard Mary Jane (Mrs.), butcher, Railway road
County Court (His Honor James Mulligan K.C. judge; Howe .!da & Evelyn (Misses), fancy repository, High st
Harry Reginald Bland Wayman, registrar & high Hunter John, boot maker, Lynn road
bailiff; Thomas Hugh Pink, clerk & assistant bailiff), Hyner William John, solicitor, & deputy coroner for
London road the Hundred & Half Hundred of Clackclose, Nelson
..Cros~ George Frederick M.B. & B.S. surgeon, & medical house, Bridge street
-officer of health tD the Urban & Rural District International Tea Co's. (Stores) Limited, provision
Councils, medical officer & vaccinator, Downham dis- dealers, High street
trict, & medical officer to Post Office, High street Jackson Alexander, greengrocer, Bridge street
..-Crovvn Hotel, commercial & family, & posting house, Jackson .Alfred, carriage proprietor, Priory road
motor garage; good fishing & shooting in the neigh- Ja~kson Claughton C. cycle agent, Market place
bourhood (Sydney E. Cole, proprietor), Market place, Jackson James Marriott. incorporated accountant & secre-
opposite Town Hall tary to Prin{!ess Royal lodge, Oddfellows, clerk to in-
' Curson & Bell, auctioneers, Bridge street come & land tax commissioners for the division of
Dent William, baker, Railway road Clackclose, steward of the manors of Bexwell, East Hall
~ Dixon William, cabinet maker, Paradise road in Denver, Riston, Timworth in West Dereham & West
Downham & Clackclose Oonservative Club (Arthur Hugh Hall in Denver, clerk to the Downham Market Bridge-
Proctor, sec.), Market place reeves, surveyor to the 'Crban District Council, sec.
Downham Ga~ & Coke Co. Lim. (John S. Parrott, sec. Town Hall Co. Limited & public auditor under the
· & manager), London road Friendly Societies .Act, The Chambers, London road
Down ham Liberal' Club (Frank Roberts, hon. sec.), James William, farmer, Salter's Lode
Bridge street Johnson Harry, builder, Lynn road
Downham Market Gazette (T. R. Smith, agent; pub- Jones Herbert William, farmer, Bridge road
lished hiday), High street Kemish Edith Blanche & Bertha Eliza (Misses), tracher~
Pownham Market News (Lynn News & County Press Co. of music, London road
Limited, printers & publishers; published on friday) Kemp .Abraham, farmer, Salter's Lode
J)ownham Market Town Hall Co. Limited (James M. Kerry Chas. iron & tin plate worker, Bridge .st.&; Porter •t
Jackson, sec.; W. J. Hayden, treas.), Market place King .Arthur, miller (wind), Salter"s Lode
"Drew .Agnes (Mrs.), laundry, Lynn road King George H. farmer, The Green
Oudley Thornton, potato & fruit merchant, Bexwell King John Henry, beer retailer, Market place
road Langman John Lee, painter, plumber & decorator. High st
Dungay George (Mrs.), beer retailer, Railway road Langman William Booth, corn & flour merchant,High st
Lankfer Frederick Charles, baker & confctnr. Railway rd
Laxon Allix Barker, grocer, High street Sanctuary Robert, boot repairer, Paradise road -
Leavis Harold Bailicux, cycle agent, Lynn road Sands John, superintendent of police, Church road · ··
Lewis Frank, farmer, Slaw farm Scarnell. Wood &. Co. mm, cake & coal merchants,
Lock Ell en (Miss), bookseller & stationer, High street Bridge road & Station granaries. T N 14 Downharn
London Central Meat Co. Limited, butchers, High st Shaw John Henry, postmaster & stamp distributor,
London & Provincial Bank Limited (George Wm. Page, High street
manager) ; head office, 3 Bank buildings, London E C; Sketcher Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, Railway road
draw on Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. 67 Lombard street, Sly John Williams, baker &c. High street
London E 0 Smith Harry George, chemist & druggist, High street
Long Amos A. decorator, Lynn road Smith Henry, basket maker, Bridge street
Long J ames Henry, painter, Church road Smith Robert Samuel, agent to Life Assurance of Scot-
Long John H. (Mrs.), dress maker, Church road land, Bridge road
Long John Vince, builder, contractor & monumental Smith Thomas Russell, grocer, Market place
mason, London road Southwell & Co. wheelwrights, Bridge road
Lyon Adam & Son, confectioners, Market place Spinks Frederick, clerk to Wretton & Wereham Parish
Marchant & Mason, ironmongers, High street Councils, agent for National Provident Life, Norwich
Markham Mary (Miss), boarding school, Bridge street Union Fire & Life Insurance Co. Norwich Accident
Martin Gertrude Elizabeth (Mrs.), outfitter, High st Assurance Co. & Imperial Live Stock Assurance Co_
Mason John, Swan P.H. High street Pleasant house, Bexwell road
Mason Robert Henry, ironmonger, see Marchant & Mason Stannard Richard, baker, Lynn road
Mastin Harold, confectioner, High street Stevenson Charles Thomas, grocer, Bridge street
Mellor Wilfrid Arnold, solicitor & clerk to Stoke Ferry Steward John, boot repairer, Church road
drainage commissioners, High street Stocking Claud Thomas, pork butcher, Bridge street
Mills, Ra\Niings &. Co. (successors to William Pope Sutton & Co. carriers (Harry Gates, ag-ent), Bridge str~efl
& Sons), valuers to the drapery, outfitting, clothing, Talbot George, farmer, Downham bridge
furnishing, grocery & allied trades & assessors of Tatt Henry, farmer, Downham West
fire claims, High street Taylor John, baker, Railway road
Mills Elijah Eyre, boot maker, High street Territorial Force Battalion (5th) Norfolk Regiment (B ·
Mills Harry, hair dresser, Market place Co. Lieut. S. A. Coxon; Sergt.-Ma.jor W. Ford, drill
Moore Henry, tailor, Lynn road instructor)
Moore HerbeTt Frederick, butcher, Bridge street Thacker John, beer retailer, Bridge road
Moore John, beer retailer, Railway road Thorne John Woolmer, general & fancy draper, High st
Murrell William, Coffee Pot P .H. High street Thorne J. W. (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, High street & .
Neal George, bill poster, town crier, curator to Ceme- Paradise road
tery & collector of Stallages, Lynn road Thorpe .A.rthur, farmer, Downham West
N ewell Henry John, painter, Priory road Thrower George, farmer, Downham bridge
Newell, Zaccheus Daniel, motor engineer, Bridge street Thrower William, farmer, Salter's Lode
Nickerson Albert, blacksmith, Priory road Tiffen William, farmer, Salter's Lode
Nurse Wm. & Son, tailors & woollen drapers, Bridge st Tiler Herbert, draper, Market place
Nurse Lucy (Miss), dress maker, Paradise road Tombleson William, builder, Bridge street
Olley Frederick Palmer, insurance agent, Railway road Trudgett Frederick, insurance agent, Fairfield road-
Osborne William, farmer, Ouse bank Utting Charles, watch maker, Bridge street
Page Thomas, temperance hotel, Bridge street Valiance Abram, seedsman, see Bird & Valiance.
Parke Christopher William, stationer, & post office, Vawser Harry, clothier, Bridge street
Railway road Veni Jacob, farmer, Salter's Lode
Parkins Harold Elliot, ironmonger,see Bussens & Parkins Vince John Orviss, carriage builder, Market place __
Parrott John Stephen, deputy registrar of births & Wales Edward Garneys M ..A..,M.B., B.C.Camb.,M.R.C.S. ·
deaths for Downham sub-district, & district surveyor Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & medical officer of ·
of Rural District Council, London road Downham union, public vaccinator 1st district Down-
Pell Fa.nny (Mrs.), beer retailer, Bridge road ham union & certifying factory surgeon & medical
Phillips & Co. brewers, St. Edmund's brewery officer to the workhouse, High street
Pike Frederick, horse dealer, Bexwell road Wales Thomas Garneys M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon,
Pink Thomas Hugh, certificated bailift appointed under High street '
the Law of Distress Amendment Act, & deputy super- Walker Edward .A.. relieving & vaccination officer for
intendent registrar, Orchard house, London road Downham district & registrar of births & deaths for
Pope Frederick, shopkeeper, Railway road Downham sub-district, London road
Pope William, contractor, Globe -vrorks Walton Brothers, tailors & outfitters, Bridge street
Preston Edward, carpenter, London road Warner Robert Oliver, grocer, Bridge street
Preston J a ne (Mrs.), temperance coffee house, Bridge st Warren -~lfred John, butcher, High street
Proctor .!.rthur Hugh, deputy registrar of marriages, Wa11h William Philip, outfitter, High street '
London road Wahon Chas. & Wm. mineral water manufrs. Church rcf_:
Proctor Ernest A. chemist, Bridge street Watson George, farmer, Wisbech road
Raby Frederick, boot maker, Bridge street Watson Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Salter's Lode
Raby Herbert, stationer, Bridge street Watson James, academy, Homeleigh, London road
Ransom Herbert, cycle agent, Lynn road Wa.tson Royal, printer, stationer & news agent, accountr
Rawlings William K. valuer, see Mills, Rawlings & Co book manufacturer & bookbinder & agent for Americaw
Rayner George .A..R.S.I., F ..A. ..A.. associated accountant, Line Steamship Co. Limited, Bridge street ,
sanitary surveyor & land, house & estate & insurance Watts George .A.lbert, engineer, Bridge road
agent, assessor & collector of taxes, collector & sani- Watts John, farmer, Downham West
tary inspector for Downham Urban District Council, Watts John William, shopkeeper, Bridge road
assistant overseer & collector Downham, Downham Watts William, Bridge H<mse inn, Bridge road
West & Fordham, collector of taxes Downha.m, Down- Way Frederick Charles, watch maker, High street
ham West, Upwell, Outwell & Welney (Norfolk), clerk Way Rose (Mrs.), registry office for servants & insurance
to Downham West Parish Council, clerk to the charity agent, High street
trustees, public auditor under the Friendly Societies Wayman Harry Reginald Bland (firm, Reed & Wayman).
-~et & Industrial Societies -~et, Bridge street solicitor & clerk to the justices for the hundred of
Reed Harry, house furnisher, Railway road Clackdose, registrar & high bailiff to county court,
Reed James Henry, shopkeeper, Railway road coroner for the hundred & half hundred of Clack-
Reed & Wayman, solicitors, Bridge street close, clerk to the Rural District Council, clerk to
Richards Herbert Minton, confectioner, Cannon square the Downham Urban District Council, & to Down-
Richard& John Henry, family & commercial hotel, ham & Downham West Joint Burial Committee &
wine & spirit merchant; posting in all its branches; Polver Fen Drainage Commis~ioners, clerk to the
motor car for hire; garage, Castle hotel, High street. Downham Fen & Ouse Bank Commissioners, 4th &
Tel. No. 23 5th districts, the General Fen Drainage & the Hilgay
Richard son Agnes (:Mrs.), dress maker, Bexwell road Great West Fen Commissioners, clerk to guardians &
Rigg S. Clifford, sanitary inspector to the Rural Dis- asses!'ment committl'e of Downham union, supt. regis-
trict Council, London rO&d trar of Downham district, steward of the manors of
Roberts Frank, ronfectioner, Bridgo street Terrington, Crirnplesham & Southery, steward of the
Rowe Frederic Baker, printer & stationer, Bridge street manors of West Dereham & Curples in West Dereham
Russell Albert, greengrocer, Lynn road & sec. to Hilgay Bridge- Co. Limited, Bridge street
Russell Herbert. hay & straw merchant, Railway road Wayman Waiter, auctioneer & estate agent, Market place
Russell Oscar, fish merchant, Lynn road Wells Alice & Caroline (Misses), dress mas. London rd

Wells Sophia. '(Mrs.), plumber, Lynn road Wilson James, outfitter, Market place
Wenn T. H. & Co. maltsters, Railway road; & at Saf- Wing James, farmer, Salter's Lode

fron Walden, Essex & Bury St. Edmunds \Vootton Joseph, auctioneer, estate, house & msurance
Wer~ham Gravel Co. Limited (John L. Parrott, sec.), agent, London road
Londnn road Wright William, beer retailer, Lynn road
Whitehead Thomas Cave, butcher, Bridge street Wyer Robert, cartel", Priory road
Wilkinson Harry, pork butcher, Railway road Young Henry, boot maker, Bridge street
Wilson Healey, coal & corn merchant, Bennett street
DRA YTON is a compact and pleasant village in the vale and poor widows. In the parish is a field, called
of the rivbr Wensum and on the road from Norwich to " Bloodsdale," where tradition says a great battle was
Fakenham, with a station o:ri. the Midland and Great fought; and in the village by the wayside stands a
Northern jnint railway, about 4! miles north-west from pillar restored in 1879· There are Baptist and United
Norwich station on the Great Eastern line, 117! from Methodist chapels, and a reading room, the property of
London, in the Eastern division of the county, Taverham J. J. Winter esq. J.P. used by the Young Men's Club,
hundred and petty sessional division, union of St. Faith, the Parish Council, the Sunday school, and for meetings
Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Taverham generally. Drayton Hall is the residence of John
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church Henry Fraser Waiter esq. J.P. The Bishop of Norwich
of St. Margaret is a building of flint, in the Transitional is lord of the manor; James John Winter esq. J.P. and
De~orated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, J. ~- F. Waiter esq. J.P. are the principal landowners.
vestry, and a modern embattled western tower contain- The soil is sandy; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief
ing 3 bells: the chancel was rebuilt in 1866, and in crops are wheat, oats, barley a.nd turnips. The area i.s
1908 the nave was restored and a new aisle added. The 1,342 acres of land and I I of water; assessable value,
-stained east window was presented in 1872, and there £2,183; the population in I9II was 514.
are memorial windows to the late James Winter esq. Post, 'M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office &
his wife, and Maud Lavinia, wife of Col. H. B. Winter: Telephone Exchange. James Hall, sub-postmaster.
there are 300 sittings. The registers date from the Letters arrive from Norwich by the Reepham mail
year 1558. The living is a rectory, consolidated with cart at 4.40 a.m.; bicycle at u.4o a.m. & 4 p.m. &
that of Hellesdon, net yearly value £490, with 24 acres dispatched at 11.50 a.m. & 5·45 & 7·35 p.m. & 5·45
<tf glebe at Dmyton and 27 at Hellesdon, and residence, p.m. on sundays
in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1904
by the Rev. Arthnr John Spencer M.A. of Trinity College, Public Elementary School (boys, girls & infants), erected
'Cambridge, hon. canon of Norwich, proctor in convoca- in 1859 & since enlarged, for 94 children; average
tion, rural dean of Taverham, and surrogate. The rents of attendance, 85 ; Thomas Batter bee, head master; Miss
Rose Harrod & Miss Daisy Ward, mistresses
so a~res of land here belong to the poor, and there are 2
acres, the rent of which is received by the church- Railway Station, Midland & Great Northern joint railway,
·wardens, and divided bet~een the church for repairs Robert W. Bailey, station master
Hall Jame~, farmet,butcher & grocer,
Post office
Foster Charles Blackwell Ancient Order of Foresters, Court Hall Reginald, Cock P .H
Howard Mrs. J. Mill house "Pride of Drayton," No. 3,649 Hurn Thomas, Red Lion P.H
Lawson Mrs. De Burgh (Harry Thomas March, sec) Land James Herbert, baker
Lloyd Waiter, Glen view Barrett James, boot maker Mann Matthew Thomas; builder
Raikes Ernest Barkley, The Old lodge Bell Ern est Hew, carpenter Mars ton J ames, farmer
Spencer Rev. Canon Arth. John M.A. Bidwell Samuel, farmer Martin James, poulterer
(rector, rural dean & surrogate), Bone George B. farmer Munford William, blacksmith
The Rectory Bunn Ernest William, farmer Nicholson Arnold,commercial travellr
'Tyler William Codling Perry Nicholas, blacksmith Norris Edgar, shopkeeper
Wainwright Samuel, Drayton wood Cousins J ames, farm bailiff to J. H. Orris Alfred, farmer
Walter Cyril Harry J.P. Drayton Old F. Waiter esq. J.P Reading Room (J. J. Winter esq.
house George Alfred, sen. fish merchant J.P. president) •
Waiter Jn.Hy.Fraser J.P.Drayton hall George Alfred, jun. boot & shoe makr Ribbons John, coal agent
Whalley George Edward, Stonycroft Girling J. & H. coal merchants, Rail- 1 Seely Elizabeth Sarah (Mrs.), grocer
Winter James John J.P. Drayton lo way Station yard Vinter J. 0. & Son, coal & coke mer-
Hall George, horse slaughterer chants (George B. Bone, agent)
GREAT DUNHAM (or Dunham Magna) is a parish Mary have been discovered in the garden of the rectory
and ancient village of detached houses, 1 mile north-east house. The poor have the benefit of a charity of £5
from Dunham station on the Lynn and Dereham section . yearly, under the will of Dalton Chamberlayne esq. dated
of the Great Eastern railway, 6 north-east from Swaff- r8o8, and of £1 12s. yearly, under the will of William
ham and 117! from London, in the Mid division of the j Allee esq. left in 1629 and now derived from the estate
county, Launditch hundred, .Mitford and Launditch petty of Mr. Jessopp, East Lexham; besides these there is the

sessional division and union, Swaffham county court rent of the poor's lands, of 33~ acres; the total amount
district, rural deanery of South- Brisley, archdeaconry of is distributed in coal. Robert Harvey Mason esq. of
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew. Necton Hall, is lord of the manor. The principal land-
is an ancient structure of flint, with sDme portions of, owners are Miss Emma Jane Chamberlayne, and H. A.
reputed Saxon date, and consists of chancel, nave, south Trotter esq. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay and gault.
porch and an embattled central tower containing 2 bells: The chief crops are wheat, barley, hay and turnips.
in the chancel is a brass to Henry Bastard, gent. lord of The area is 2,023 acres; rateable value, [1,901; th!l
the manor, who died 23 Aug. 1624: the font and piscina population in 1911 was 364.
are curious: the church was restored in r885, at a cost
of [1,ooo, under the direction of W. 0. Milne esq.a.rehi- Post Office.-Edgar Siggers, sub-postmaster. Letters
tect : there are about 170 sittings. The register dates arrive here from Swaffham by mail cart at 5·45 a.m.
from the year 1539. The living is a rectory, net yearly & 3·So p.m. & are dispatched at 11.25 a.m. & 7 p.m.;
value [322, including 41 acres of glebe, with residence, & on sundays at 7.15 p.m. Litcham, 2 miles rlistant,
in the gift of R. H. Mason esq. of Necton Hall, and held is the nearest money order & telegraph office
since 1875 by the Rev. John Blake-Humfrey M.A. of
Trinity College, Cambridge, and hon. canon of Norwich. Wall Letter Box cleared 8 a.m. & 6.5o p.m
Here are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. A Public Elementary S-chool (mixed), average attendance,
Roman altar and remains of the destroyed church of St. 55 ; Lewis Lloyd, master
Humfrey Rev. Canon John Blake Collinson Charles Edward, farmer I
Regester James, baker
-M.A. Rectory Dack George, Three Horse Shoes P.H Regester William, farmer
Trotter Henry A Dawes Fred, farmBT Rix Frederick, farmer
Divers Osborne, farmer Roe Augustus, miller (wind & steam)
COMIIERCIAt.. Howard Arthur, farmer Siggers Edgar, shopkeeper,Post office
Bambridge John F.carpenter & joiner Jaggs Geurge, farmer & cattle dealer Wailer John, builder
Chamberlayne Emma Jane (Miss), Keeley William, 'blacksmith Warnes Jabez, farmer
farmer, The Hall Large Robert, &hopkeeper Whales Peter, farmer, Rookery
Clarke Worley, farmer Rawling Arthur Waiter, shoe maker Whales Robert, farmer
LITTLE DUNHAM is a village and parish with 11 ham and ~ west from Dereham, in the Mid division of
station on the Lynn and Dereham section of the Great the county, hundred of Launditch, Mitford and Laun-
:Eastern railway, and is 4 miles north-east from Swafl.. ditch petty sessional division and union, Swaffham·
county court cJ ist.~ict, rural deanerv of South Brisley~ was for a. short period the residence of the poet Cowper,
archdeacnnry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The and is now in the occupation of Mrs_ Copeman. The
church of St. Margaret is an ancient building of ston~ trustees of the late George Copeman, who are lords of
covered with ivy, consisting of chancel, nave of three the manor, and Charles H. Lar2"e and Richard Dusgate
bays, north aisle, south porch and a western tower conr esq. are the principal landowners. The soil i1 clay;
taining one bell: the chancel was restored and th!l subsoil, the same. The chief crops are wheat, barley
.stained east window inserted by the rec.tor in 1868, and and turnips. The area is r,85r acres; rateable value,
in 1886 a memorial window was placed to Edwar~ £2,og6; the population in rgn was 255.
Humphrey Hare (d. 1885), eldest son of the Rev. E. M. Pa~:ish Sexton, Charles Barrett.
Rare M ..A. rector 1866-1goo: in 1862 the church was
Testored, a new roof placed on the north aisle, and the Post Office.-Oliver Henry Hazlewood, sub-postmaster.
i.nt.Prior reseated, and there are now 168 sittings. The Letters arrive from Swaffham by mail cart at 5-30
Tegister dates from the year 1562. The living is a rec- a.m. & 3.40 p.m. & are dispatched at 11.45 a.m. & 7.25
-tory, net yearly value £375, including 24 acres of glebe,
with residence, in the gift of trustees, and held since order & Sporle,
graph office
p.m. Necton, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money
miles distant, is the nearest tele-
1goo by the Rev. John Hunt B.A. of Trinity College,
Tiublin. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1872, for
r844. The poor have some charities amounting to be- 6o children; average attendance, 34; Miss Sarah
tween £2o and £3o yearly, including the rent of fuel Blainir~, mistress
:allotmeut of 34 acres. Dunham Lodge, built in 1785, Railway Station, James William Andrews, station master
Tallent Richard Marner,Old Manor ho Newman Edward C. Grown P.H
coMMERCIAL. Southgate Charles, blacksmith
Andrews Miss Bowes James,farmer,CannisterHall fm Tallent Richard Marner, farmer,
Copeman Alfred Geo. J.P. Dunham lo Clarke Brothers, sheep dressers Manor farm
Copeman Mrs. Dunham lodge Critoph Marshall William, baker Thompson Waiter, boot maker
Durrant Mrs Hazlewood Oliver Hy. grocer, Post Whales Peter, farmer & cattle dealer,
Hunt Rev. John B.A. (rector), Rectry Hurn Thomas William, Swan P.H Dairy farm
DUNSTON is a parish on the river Tas, r~ miles north- Church, Oxford, who is also rector of and resides at
east from Swainsthorpe station, on the Ipswich and Nor- Newton Flotman. Dunston Hall, now the residence of
wich section of the Great Eastern railway, and 4 miles Geoffrey Fowell Buxton esq. V.D., D.L., J.P. is a
-south from Norwich, in the Southern division of the mansion of brick in the Elizabethan style, standing in
county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Humble- an extensive and well-wooded park, ~nd is the property
yard hundred, Henstead union, Norwich county court of Fortescue Waiter Kellett Long esq. B.A. lord of
district, rural deanery of Hum bleyard, archdeaconry of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is mixed·;
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley
Remigius is a small building of :flint, chiefly in the Early and turnips. The area is 626 acres; rateable value,
Decorated style, consisting of chancel and nave and an £1,067; the population in 19II was g8.
embattled tower with pinnacles, containing 3 bells: in Letters through Norwich, viA. Stoke Holy Cross, arrive
the chancel is a brass with effigies to Clere Talbot and at 7 a.m. & p.m. The nearest money order office
his two wives, ob. 1649, and there are two handsome is at Mulbarton & telegraph office at Stoke Holy Cross,
marble monuments of the Long family, dated 1750 and about 1 mile distant
1757, and an oak screen of Perpendicular date: the
church affords 130 sittings. The register dates from Wall Letter Box, near Dunston Hall gate, cleared at
the year I537· The living is a vicarage, net yearly 5-30 & 7·45 p.m. WE*lk days only
value £30, in the gift of the Crown, and held since r884 The children of this place attend the school at Swains-
by the Rev. Ernest Henry Kellett Long M.A. of Christ thorpe
Buxton Geoffrey Fowell V.D., D.L., J.P. Dunston hall Shepheard John, 2"amekeeper to G. F. Buxton esq.
Long-Sutton Miss, Dunston lodge V.D., D.L., J.P
"Hewer Ernest, head gardener to G. F. Buxton esq. V.D.,
D.L., J.P •
DUNTON-oum-DOUGHTON is a puish and very church affords 100 sittings. The register dates from the
:Small village, on the river Wensum, over which there year 1784. The living is a consolidated vicarage, net
are two iron bridges, and is 3 miles west from Faken- yearly value £r5o, including 4 acres of glebe, with resi-
ham station on the Great Eastern railway, and 2 miles dence, in gift of the Lord .Chancellor, and held since
north from Raynham Park station on the Midland and 1910 by the Rev. Albert Henry Bancroft L.Div. of St.
Great Northern joint railway, in the North Western David's College, Lampeter. The EaTl of Leicester
division of the county, Gallow hundred and petty ses- G.C.V.O., C.M.G., J.P. who is lord of the manor, and
llional division, Walsin.gham union and county court the Marquess Townshend are the sole landowners. The
district, rural deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Lynn soil is a light loam; subsoil, marl. The chief crops are
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is a wheat, barley and roots. The area is 1,747 acres; rate-
building of cut flint, in the Gothic 11tyle, consisting of able value, £r,I4I; the population in 19II was 173.
chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower con- Sexton, Waiter Chaplain. •
taining one bell: there are several stained windows, Letters rectlived through Fakenham, which is the ·nearest
three of which are memorials: BOrne old stone altar money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.20 a.m.
rails were replaced in the church, 1st May, 1902: the & 5 p.m.; dispatched at 7.20 a.m. & 5 p.m
Bancroft Rev. Albert Henry L.Div.\ COMMERCIAL. j Tingey John Thomas, farmer
(vicar), Vicarage Long Edward W.farmer & auctioneer .
EARSH AM is a scattered village and parish, separated ' example of the Perpendicular period and is carved with
froin Suffolk by the river Waveney, with a station ()n representations of the seven sacraments in fair preserva-
the Waveney Valley branch of the Great Eastern rail- tion: the chancel was restored in 18go, under the direc-
way, and is one Inile west from Bun gay and u2! from tion of Mr. A. H. Skip worth, architect, the flooring
London by rail, in the Southern division of the county, being re laid and the interior refitted in carved oak: a
Earsham hundred and petty sessional division, Dep- 1 reredos, painted and gilded, was also- erected, and the
wade union, county court district of Harleston, rural organ removed into the chancel from the gallery, at a
deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of Norfolk and total cost of £450: an oak eagle lectern, brass altar
diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints, standing furniture, prayer books &c. were presented at the same
on the site of an early encampinent of oval form, is time: during the restoration a fine piscina. of the early
an ancient edifice of flint and rubble, in the Perpendi- 14th century and sedilia, all in good preservation, were
cul&r style, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch, discovered blocked up in the south wall of the sane-
vestry (formerly the south porch), and an embattled tuary: there are 250 sittings. The register dates from
western tower with wooden spire containing 3 bells: the the year 1559. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
roofs are of oak, that of the chancel being a hammer- £345. including 46 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
beam roof: the stained east window was erected by gift of Capt. J. P. Meade, and held since 1910 by the
the Rev. William P~ckham Goode M. A. rector r855-B3. Rev. George Flint Seaton M, A. of Corpus Christi College,
who also presented the organ: in the nave is a memori~ Cambridge. The fuel allotment -consist& of 5 acres and
window, placed by :Mrs. Alien, late of Earsham Lodge, lets for £16, which snm is distributed in coal: the Town
to Sir William Wyndham Dalling bart. of Earsham Estate has been apportioned: by the Charity Commis-
Hall, and his daughter, and there are other 11tained si•mers between the chnrch and the parish, the former
windows: the church plate includes a chalice, dated having about 17 acres and the latter about 5 acres, the
1567, paten 17':1.7, and flagon 1621: the font is a good rent of which goes towal!da repairs to the ':!'own House:

· the income of the Wyndham Dalling Charity, formerly is 3,102 acres of land and 26 of water; rateable value.
;trising from £soo Consol!l, but now consisting of au [,3,870; the population in rgn was 6o3.
i-westment of £301 in Railway Stock, producing £IS IS. Parish Clerk, Henry Howell.
cts well as £21 from the Earsham Hall Estate, is distri-
buted amongst various parochial clubs, and also in gifts Post Office.--James Joseph Emery, postmaster. Letters
cf coal, and £ 4 from Bransby's charity is also dis- through Bungay, arrive at 6.30 a. m. & 2.10 p.m. ; dis-
. tributed in coals. Earsham Hall, the property and resi- patched at 1.5 & 5·55 p.m.; no delivery or dispatch
Jence of Capt. John Percy Meade D.L., J.P. is a fine on sunday. Bungay, I mile distant, is the nearesi
mansion of .red brick, pleasantly situated in a park of money order & telegraph office
nearly 200 acres; in the grounds is a museum, contain- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1876 &
ing many interesting relics from all parts of the globe. enlarged in r884, chiefly with the gift of £soo from
Capt. J. P. Meade is lord of the manor of Dub bells and Mrs. Dalling; it will hold I50 children; average a\-
chief landowner. . The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. tendance, 97; !.rthur J. Ranson, master
The chief crops are beans. wheat and barley. The area Railway Station, David John Ireland, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ... Bedwell Charles, farmer Minns Frederick, farmer
Maddle Miss, The Avenue Badwell Christopher, wheelwright Minns William, farmer
Meade Capt. John Percy D.L., J.P. Bedwell George, builder Needham Frederick, farm bailiff to
Earsham hall ; & Army & Navy & Button Thomas, farmer Capt. Meade
Carlton clubs, London S W Cheney Fred, farmer Nobbs Alfred Edward, farmer (postal
Morris James Clarke Charles, farmer, Wash farm address, Denton, Harleston)
Ripley William Ernest, Earsham la (postal address, Denton, Harleston) Pflnlis Arth. Hy. farmr. Up.Green fm
Sea~on Rev. Geo. Flint M.A. Rectory Emery Jas. Joseph, grocer, & post off Revell Joseph,farmer (postal address.
Smith Austin Cook, The Elms Flat-man Matilda (:Mrs.), dress maker Den ton, Harleston)
COMMERCIAL. Gower Arthur, farmer Snelling Frederick J. farmer
Andrews Henry, gardener to Capt. J. Hadingham Herbert William, farmer Sones Frederick, shopkeeper
P. Meade D.L., J.P Holland Arthur J. farmer, Church & Threadgold James, beer retailer
Banham John, 'blacksmith Glebe farms Todd Alfred R. farmer, Earsham pk
Bavfield Wm. gamekeeper to Captain Jordan William, farmer Trudg-ill Walter, Duke's Head P.H
J. P. Meade D.L., J.P. Hall farm Marston Charles, miller (water & Walhr James, farmer
Beckett Maria (Mrs.), farmer steam), corn & coal mPrchant &c. Wooltorton Robert John, Buck P.H
Bedwell Benjamin, tailor Earsham mill; also at Bungay Wright Arthur Nichols, shopkeeper
EASTON is a village and parish on the road from 1 the late John Vassar esq. Easton was the birthplace of
Dereham to Norwich, about 4 miles south-west from A.dam de Easton, a cardinal and a prelate of great
Drayton station on the Midland and Great Northern learning, who flourished in the reign of Richard II., A.D.
joint railway, 6 west-by-north from Norwich and IO I385. Lord Stafford is lord of the manor, 'Mrs. Berney,
east from Dereham, in the Mid division of the countv, •
of Morton-on-the-Hill, and Joseph John Dawson Paul
L Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division and union, esq. D.L., J.P. of Norwich, are the principal land-
. Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Ring- owners. The soil is light· and flinty, subsoil, gravel.
ham (Forehoe division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips.
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is a build- The area is r,538 acres of land and 7 of water; rateable
ing of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, value, £1,484; the population in Igri was 238.
south porch and a western turret containing one bell: Parish Clerk, George Nelson.
the tower fell in I77B: there are marble mural tablets
··to Ambrose Mears, ob. 1712; Philip Vincent, ob. 1724; Post Office.-Edmund .Alfred Blvthe, sub-postmaster_
and to Capt. Thomas F. E. Knox, IBth Hussars, d. Letters received from Norwich by mail cart at 5.20
1885: the chancel was resta·red in 1883 at a cost of a.rn. & from Honingham at 5.25 p.IIL (to be called
marly £5oo, under the direction of Mr. R. :MakilwainP for) week days; sundays, s.20 a. m. ; dispatched at
Phipson F.S.A. architect, of Norwich, when the external 5.20 a.m. & 5.25 p.m.; sundays, 5.20 a.m. Honing-
walls were refaced with flint and stone and a new h:~.m, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order &;
c'lping and cross of stone added to the eastern gable, telegraph office ·
the floor of the chancel relaid, new oak stalls and a Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in IB57, for
lectern set up and a new chancel arch built. The re- 6o children; average attendance, 35 ; Mrs. Edrnund
gister dates from the year I67C)· The living is a vicar- Alfred Bh·the,

age, net yearly value £10o, with 27 acres of glebe and Carriers pass through Easton on wed. & sat. from Hon-
. residence, erected in r883, in the gift of Robert Fellowes ingham, Mattishall, East Tuddenham & Shipdham, to
esq D.L., J.P. and held since IB82 by the Rev. Warrenne Norwich; & on the same days from Bolton to Marling-
James Blake. There is a Methodist chapel, erected by ford

Blake Rev. Warrenne James (vicar), Dickason Horace, farmer Mack Cornelius, land steward to R.
The Vicarage
Parker Robert Edwar(i, Easton hall
Harrowven Henry, farmer I
E. Parker esq
Holman Frederick, gamekeeper to J. Oswick David, market gardener
J. D. Paul esq. D.L., J.P Parker Robert Edward, farmer, Hall
COMMERCIAL. Hook Richard, shopkeeper & Model farms
Bridges Robert John, Dog P.H Knights James, farmer, Hill farm Pease Ro bert, cycle repairer
Clarke Thomas, assistant overseer Sutton HoraceJ ames,farmr.Lodge frm
EATON is a parish forming part of the city of Norwich.
ECCLES is a parish on the north bank of the river ham College, Oxford. Eccles Hall, an ancient mansion,
Thet, half a mile south from the Eccles Road station standing in a park of about 6o acres, is now (rgi2) un-
on the Thetford and Wymondham section of the Great occupied. The Earl of Albemarle K.C.V.O., C.B. aTid
Eastern railway, 4 south from Attltborough and 103 Sir Hugh Reeve Beevor bart. M.D. of Hargham Hall, are
from London, in the Mid division of the county, Guilt- chief lan\lowners: the latter is lord of the manor. The
cross and Shropham petty sessional division, Wayland soil is gravel; subsoil, clay and chalk. The chief crops
union, Shropham hundred, Attleborough county court are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,767 acres of
district, rural deanery of Rockland (north division), land and 6 of water; rateable value, £3,466; the popu·
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The lation in I9II was IgB.
church of St. Mary is an ancient structure of flint
11nd stucco, in the Early English style, consisting of Post Office.-Henry George Rix, sub-postmaster. Letteh
chancel, nave, north porch and a round embattled received through Attleborough at 6.15 a. m. & 3.20
western tower containing 3 bells : the stained east p.m.; sundays, 6.IS a.m.; dispatched at 12 nDon &
window is a memorial to the Rev. Richard Lubbock, 7· 10 p.m. ; sundays, 7· ro p.m. Quidenbam, 2 miles
rector 1837-76, d. 1876: a new organ Will! provided distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
· in December, r894; the nave of the ehnrch was par-
tiRlly restored in r885, at an expense of £soo, when
Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1907 for the
parishe!~ of Eccles, W! & Hargham: it will hold
the whole interior was reseatad with open bencbe!l:
there are 150 sittings. The register dates from the 105 children; average attendance, so; the school is
year 1675· The living is a rectory, net yearly value endowed with £Io by the late Sir T. B. Beevor bart.;
£r6o, with residence. including 2 acres of glebe, in the Miss Ethel Herring, mistress
gift of Hertford College, Oxford, and held since rgo6 Railway Station,, Thomas Arthur Saward, station master
· by the Rev. Charle8 Thomas Mourilyan M.A. of Wad- & goods agent ·
Edmnnds, King's Lynn & Diss corn
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. exchanges; & wine cellars, New
Drane R. &. J. corn, coal, cake & Buckenham. T N 9 Quidenham
Drane James manure merchants & importers of Drane R. & J. Railway tavern & Sta-
Drane Robert foreign wines & spirits; ale &; stout tion farm
:Mourilyan Rev. Charles Thomas M.A. bottlers ; buyers of corn & seed, any Patrick J ames, farm bailiff to Earl of
(rector), Rectory station G. E. R. ; Eccles station ; Albemarle K.C.V.O. Manor farm
stands at Norwich, Bury St. Rix George Henry, carpenter
ECCLES-BY-THE-SEA, see Hempstead.
EDGEFIEI.D is a parish on the road from Norwich to The charities include the Poor's Fuel Allotment, of so
Halt, 3~ miles east-north-east from Melt on Constable acres of land, the rent of which is expended annually in
junction station, and about 3 south from Halt station, coal; also £2 ros. left by Simon Woodrow-ros. for
both on the Eastern section of the Midland and Great beautifying the church, and /,2 to be expended among
Northern joint railway, and 12 south-south-west from five poor widows. ·· The Marquess of Lothian, John
Cromer, in the Northern division of the· county, Holt Marcon esq. and .John Tudor Frere esq. of Roydon
petty sessional division, hundred and county court Hall, who are lords of the manor of Edgefield with
district, Erpingham union, rural deanery of Halt and Ellingham and Edgefield Bacon, are the principal land-
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of owners, and there are also some smaller owners. The
SS. Peter and PauJ, with the exception of the octagonal soil is light mixed; subsoil, gravel and sand. The chief
tower and south porch, has been pulled down. The crops are wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area
new church, erected in a central part of the parish, is •
2,482 acres; rateable value, £2,161; the population
at a cost of more than £r,8oo, and in part with the m 19n was 477·
- materials of the former structure, is a large building Post & M. 0. Office, Edgefield Green. John Henry
of flint, rubble and freestone, in the Early English style, Burton, sub-postmaster. Letters received through
con~isting of chancel, nave, aisles and north porch, and Melton Constable delivered at 8.45 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.
a tower ut the north-east angle, erected in 19o8, and (callers only); dispatched 10.25 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; no
containing one bell : the chancel is separated from the sunday delivery. The nearest telegraph office is at
nave by an ancient carved screen, and the lady chapel Baconsthorpe, 3 miles distant. No postal business on
is also inclosed by screen work: there are 250 sittings. sunday!l
1.he register dates from the year 1653. The living is a Wall Letter Box, Ramsgate street, cleared at 10.15 a. m.
rectory, net yearly value £270, with r6 acres of glebe & 5-15 p.m. week days only
and residence, in the gift of John Mar con esq. and held Correspondent to School Managers & Attendance Officerr
since 1876 by the Rev. Waiter HubeTt Marcon M.A. F. Bailey, Sheringham
of St. .Alban Hall, Oxford, and rural dean of Halt. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1897, for
Here is an iron mission room, opened in 1908. The 133 children; average attendance, 95; H. C. Lines.
Primitive Methodist chapel, rebuilt in r883, seats r5o. master
Hole Frank Binford, The Mount Dagless Geo. shupkeepr. Ramsgate st Preston Sarah (Mrs.), grocer
Marcon Rev. Waiter Hubert M.A. Dagless Robert,carpenter,Ramsgate st Sand·s Thomas, sen. farmer
(rector & rural dean), Rectory Dennis Anna Elizh. (Miss), dress ma Slaughter Thomas Herbert, farmer
Graveling Thomas Charles, farmer Stratton Frank, farmer, Mount farm
COMMERCIAL. Hagen John Arthur, farmer, Sunnyside Taylor William E. farmer, Hall farm
Allen William, farmer Hagen William, farmer, Old Hall frm Temple Jas. farmer, Ramsgate house
Bames Richard Thomas, assistant Jacobs John, poultry dealer Temple William, farmer & landowner.
overseer & clerk to Parish Council Jones Charles & George, farmers Manor house
Bnrton John Hy. grocer, Post office King Alfred, blacksmith Thornton Adam, boot maker
Chapman James, farmer Neal Thomas Everett, farmer Thurtle Charles B. White Horse P.H
Dagless Charles, farmer Olley John William, fishmonger Towler Walter, builder
Dagless Ernest, farmer Palmer Charles Edward, horse dealer W oolsey Ho race William, carpenter
Dagless George, Frere .Arms P.H Peck Henry Augustus, flour dealer Wright Stanley, farmer

EDINGTHORPE is a parish near the coast, with Hall, is lord of the manor. The Earl of Kimberley and
houses much scattered, and is 2 miles from the navigable John Maris Collings esq. of Bacton, are the principal
Ant, 3~ north-Past from North Walsham stations, on the landowners. The soil is fine mixed; subsoil, sand and
Midland and Great Northern joint and Great Eastern gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.·
railways, and 19 north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern The area is 1,204 acres, of which 425 acres belong to the
division of the county, Tunstead and Rapping petty ses- ecclesiastical parish of Baeton; ratooble value, £1,II4;
sional division, hundred of Tunstead, Smallburgh union, the population in 1911 was r87. By Local Government
North Walsham county court district, rural deanery of Board Order, IJ,028, 8th April, r884, a part of the
Waxham (Tunstead division), archdeaconry and diocese of parish known as the Wood Farm and Cottages was
Norwich. The church of All Saints is a small and very added from Bacton, for civil purposes only.
ancient building of flint, partly in the Early Decorated Parish Sexton, George Spinks.
lltyle, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a round
western tower with octagonal belfry stage containing 2 Post Office. Mrs. Harriet Pestell. sub-postmistress.
bells: there is an ancient carved screen, which separates Letter Box cleared at 11.10 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. Letters
the chancel from the nave : the whole church is much through North Walsham arrive at 7 a.m. & 2.45 p.m.
dilapidated and urgently needs restoration: there are at July to September; other months, 3·45 p.m.; there
present 120 sittings. The register dates from the year is no sunday post. Bacton, 2 miles distant, is the
1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £r5o, in- nearest money order & telegraph office
cluding 18 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r878, for
thl' Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1903 by the Rev. 100 children; average attendance, 65 ; Miss Lummis,
Harvey Muriel, of St. Bees. John Mack esq. of Paston mistress
Muriel Rev. Harvey, Rectory Harvey J onathan, cow keeper Pilgrim George, farmer, The Heath
Pestell Charles Reginald, carpenter & & Green farms
C.:OMMERCIAL. assistant overseer Plnm[jlv Charles, farmer

Collings John Maris, farmer Pes tell Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Watts Waiter James, farmer, Bacton
Emery George, farmer, The Hall sub-postmistress Wood farm
Wither·s John, farmer

E G ME RE is a parish consisting of one farm and a few a!! a. barn by Sir Nicholas Bacon, of Stiffkey, Lord Keeper
cottages, 2 miles west from Walsingham station on the of the Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth, but is now en-
Wells and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway, closed and preserved. The registers are included in
in the Northern division of the county, North Greenhoe those of Little Walsingbam. The living is a rectory,
hundred and petty Bessional division, Walsingham union, united with Waterden to the vicarage of Holkham, joint
Little Walsingham county court district, rural deanery of net -yearly value £280, including 18 acres of glebe and
Walsingham and archdeaconry of Lynn, and diocese of residence, in the gift of the Earl of Leicester G.C. V.O.,
Norwich. The church of St. Edmund has long been C.M.G., J.P. the sole landowner, and held since rgoo
dilapidated, but is still an interesting ivy-clad ruin, its by the Rev. Edward Cleveraux Chaytor M.A. of St.
remains consisting only of the tower with it1 newel stair- John's College, Cambridge, who resides at Holkham.
case and portions of the walls of the nave; it; was used The soil is rich loam, and in a high state of cultivatiqn.

farmed by Mr. James Archibald Keith. The chief crops Letter11 through Walsingham, the nearest money order
are wheat, barley, turnips and oats. The area is r,251 & telegraph office, 2 miles distant
acres; rateable value, [1,049; the population in 19II The children of this place attend the school at Wal-
was 97, singham
Goddick Herbert, gamekeeper to the Earl of Leicester r Keith James Archibald, farmer
G.O.V.O., O.M.G., J.P . ·
ELLINGHAM is a village and parish, separated from ;lbout £4o yearly, arising from the rent of the Town
Suffolk by the River Waveney, with a station on the Lands and other properties, which amount is distributed
Waveney Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2! rearly in coals. The remainder of the inoome is assigned
miles north-east from Bungay and 113 from London by to various parish expenses, and t<Jwards the' repairs of
rail, in the Southern division of the county, Clavering the church. There is also an annuity of 20s. left by one
hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division Packard, in 1822, and distributed in bread. Ellingham
and union, Bungay and Beccles county court district,rural Hall, a modern mansion situated in the midst of a pie-
deanery of Brooke(Eastern division),archdeaconry of Nor- turesque park, is the seat of Lieut.-Ool. Henry Lock-
folk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary hart Smith D.S.O. who is lord of the manor and prin- ·
is a building of flint and rubble erected in the 12th cen- cipal landownOO'. The soil is mixed clay :md sand; sub-
tury, and consists of chancel, nave, south aisles, south soil, clay, gravel and sand. The chief crops are barley,
porch, and an embattled western tower containing 5 bells, wheat, turnips and hay. The area is 1,380 acres of
Qne of which is dated 1596: the chancel retains a piscina, land, 12 of water and 2 of tidal water; rateable value,
and at the west end is a good painting, representing "The [r,849; thl;l population in I9II was 286.
Angel liberating St. Peter: " the stained east window
was the gift of the Rev. Robert Cartwright B.A. rector Post Office. Frederick Barber, sub-postmaster. Letten
1843-82, and there .are some memorial windows: on the arrive from Bungay about 6.30 a.m. & :~.20 p.m. &
aorth wall of the nave is a figure of the head of a bishop dispatched at 12.5 & 6 p.m. ; sundays, arrive 7 a.m.
and a pastoral staff, both much mutilated: the interior & dispatched ro. IO a.m. Ditching ham, 2 miles diRtant,
was thoroughly repaired in 1868, and again in 1900, when is the nearest money order & telegraph office
the chancel was re-paved, and a heating apparatus pro· Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 12.5 & 6
vided: there are 200 sittings, 6o being free. The register p.m.; sunday, a.m
dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, net Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r865, for
yearly value £zo8, with 72 acres of glebe and resi- 104 children; avOO'age attendance, 51 ; Miss Alice
dence, in the gift of Mrs. Haydock, of Southport, and Giles, mistress
held since 1897 by the Rev. William Gerald Aston B.A. of
St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. The poor have Railway Station, James Bishop, foreman in charge
Aston Rev. Wm. Gerald B.A. Rectry Buck James, farmer Snowling Edward, farmer
Smith Lt.-Col.Henry Lockhart D.S.O. Chapman Laurence Christmas, farmr Spalding William, market gardener
, Ellingham hall Clarlt. Edwin, miller (steam) Stannard William, farm bailiff to Mr.
Smith Miss, Ellingham house Olifford Jn. Tho~. farmer, Manor frm Charles Tills ·
Colman James, Lock House P.H Thrower John, gamekeeper to Lt.-
COMMERCIAL. Culley Harry, White Horse P.H Col. Henry Lockhart Smith
Appleton Waiter, farmer Fulcher James, cowkeeper Walker W. D. & A. E. Limited (E.
Barber Frederick, blacksmith Girling Alfred Edward, farmer G. Youngman, manager), Elling-
Brown Frederick A. florist & builder J ordan Clifford, farmer ham patent roller mills
Brown Lucy (Miss), dress maker Penn .Alfd. EaU, farmer, Church farm Watson Peter, head gardener to Lt.-
Brown Thomas, ·Shopkeeper & assist- Pumfrey James, Bird-in-Hand inn Col. Henry Lockhart Smith
ant overseer Rogers Frederick, sexton
GREAT ELLINGHAM is a village and parish about acres, producing £57 17s. 6d. yearly. ' A Foresters'
3 miles north-west from Attleborough station on the lodge, having about 100 members, holds its meetings
Norwich and Thetford section of the Great Eastern rail- here. The Working Men's Social Club meets :in the
way, in the Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and parish room. Lord Walsingham is lord of the Bury
Shropham petty sessional division, Shropham hundred, Hall manor, and Alfred Taylor esq. of Starston Place,
Wayland union, Attleborough county court dist,rict, rural near Harleston, of the other two manors. The prin-
deanery of Rockland (North division), archdeaconry of cipal landowners are Lord Walsingha:;:n, Mrs. G. T.
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. James Tyrrell, of The Wilderness, Thetford, Sir William Bowyer-
is a spacious building of flint, with stone dressings, in Smijth hart. and Henry Norton esq. The soil is variou~;
ths Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
of four bays, aisles, north porch .and an embattled western and roots. The area is 2,756 acres; rateable value,
tower with spire, containing .'i bells, re-hung in 1900: £3,289; the population in 19rr was 6rr.
ths church was refl.oored, reseated, repaued and fur- Pa1ish Clerk, Robert Barnard Lebbell .
. nished in 1905 at a cost of £670: there are soo sittings.
The register dates from the year roq. The living is a Post & M. 0. Office.-William Wilkins, sub-postmaster.
vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Little Ellingham, Lertters from Attleborough arrive at 4.20 a.m. & 12.45
joint net yearly value £4oo, including 39 acres of glebe, p.m.; dispatched at 6 a.m. & 9·5 p.m. Rockland All
in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since Saints & Aitleborough are the nearest telegraph
Y909 by the Rev. George Martins MacDermott M.A. of offices, 3 miles distant
Durham University, who resides at Little Ellingham.
The vicarage house was built in 1 g02 on a. site, with a Public Elementary School (mixed & infants'), built in
cottage, given by Lord Walsingham. The Baptist 1896 from designs by Mr. H. J. Green, architect, of
chapel, founded here in 16 99 and rebuilt in 1 924 , is of Norwich, at a cost of nearly £3,000. It will hold 196
red brick with stone dressings, and will seat about 300 children; average attendance, 120; John Alfred Field,
persons. There' is also a Primitive Methodist chapel. master; Mrs. Annis Field, infants' mistress
. The poor have the benefit of a fuel allotment of 52 Carrier to Norwich.-George Purdy, wed. & sat
Higgins Rev. William (Baptist) Ducker James, shopkeeper Lister Philip Fredk. farmer, Rose frm
' Russell Rev. George William (curate) Fox William, fishmonger Long Herbert, farmer
Foresters' Lodge (No. 2179) Neave Herbert Jsph. grocer & drapeT
·COMMERCIAL. Goldsmith Edwd.Prince of WalesP.H Neeve Frederick William, grocer,
Barlow Goo.farmer & assistant oversr Harbour John, farmer draper, milliner, outfitter & dress
Beales Jacob, Chequers P.H Harper William, farmer maker & general supply stores
1Jeales Robt.shopkeeper & shoe maker Harvey Arthur, farmer, Haw Hill frm Nurse Henry, farm bailiff to Mr. J.
Eush William Arthur, farmer & cattle Houchen James, carpenter R. Mann
dealer, Rookery farm Jackson William, farmer Palgrave Edward, Crown P.H
Carter Josiah, thrashing machine Jude Basil, farmer Partridge Benjamin, farmer
owner, miller & farmer Jude Charles, farmer, Walnut farm Pilgrim Thomas, farmer
Clarke Alfd. Wm. frmr. ,Portwoud fm Jude Goorge W. jun. farmer Purdy Goorge, carrier
Clarke-Barker Waiter, farmer Key GeOTge, farmer Purkis8 Henry, farmer ·
. Coo:per J oseph, farmer Kytbird William Robert, wheelwright Reynolds William Buchan, castrator
Dixon John, farmer Lebbell Herbert Barnard, blacksmith Rivett Fred, poultry dealer
Dove Ellis Albert, farmer Lebbell William Robert, carpenter Sadd James, farmer
Downes John, farmer, Cottage farm Leeder Jame,s, farmer Saunders Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress ma
Downes Wm. farmer, Bury hall Lincoln Allan, farmer, Cemetery frm Saunders George, carpenter, builder
Drummond David, farmer, The Hall! Lincoln George, farmer, Bow street & undertaker; joinery a •peciality
Saunders Herbert, farmer, Bow street ~Varren Henry, harness maker 1 Wilson Charles, farmer
Sewell Arthur, Queen's Head P.H West William, landowner , Working Men's Social Club (John
Sizeland George, farmer, Penhill frm Wigby Obadiah, farmer Field, ban. sec)
Ward Robert, farm bailiff to Jame~ Wilkins Bertie Lewis, butcher Wright Robert, farmer
Bacon & Sons, Hill house . Wilkins William, grocer, Post office
LITTLE ELLINGHAM is a village and parish, 5 the property and r!lflidence of William Robert Goulder
mile11 north-west from Attleborough station on the Great esq. is a. modern mansion in the Italian style, built in
Eastern railway, in the Western division of the county~ 1855, and standing in park-like grounds, with an estate
Wayland hundred and union, petty sessional division of over 500 acres. The tru~tees of the late Thomas
of \Yattun, Attleburuugll cuumy court district, rural Manby Colgrav& esq. are lords of the manor, and
d8anery of Breccles, 4lrchdeaconry of Norfolk, and diocese William Robert Goulder esq. and John Cottenham
of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is a small building Tingey esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is
of flint, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, clayey loam; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops
nave and a tower on the south side of the aisle containing are wheat, barley, hay and turnips. The area is 1,539
one bell: there are four stained windows: the font, of acres; rateable value, £1,317; the population in 1911
porphyry, was presented in 1869 by Miss Corsellis: the was 259.
nave was destroyed and the chancel considerably injured
by tire on Sunday, December 1st, 1867; the former was Sexton, William Taylor.
rebuilt by sub!!cription and the chancel repaired at the
expense of the rector: there are 216 sittings. The Post & M. 0. Office.-George Walker, sub-postmaster.
register dates from the year 1649. The living is Letters through Attleborough arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 2
a rectory, with the vicarage of Great Ellingham p.m.; dispatched at 7.10 p.m. Rockland All Saints,
annexed, joint net yearly value £4oo, including 39 2! miles distant, is the nearest telegraph office
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop Wall Letter Box, Anchor corner, cleared week days only
of Norwich and held since 1909 by the Rev. George at 7.15 p.m
Martius MacDermott M.A. of Durham University. Here
is a small Primitive Methodist chapel. The poor's allot- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1871 at a
ment of 40 acre<s produces £n Ios. yearly; and the cost of £3oo, for 75 children; average attendance,
town lands of 21 acres produce £21. Ellingham Hall, 53; Miss F. E. Bunting, mi~tress
Goulder William Robert, Ellingham Doubleday Joshua, farmer Riddle Joseph, farm bailiff to W. R.
hall Eagling William Johnson, farmer, Goulder esq
MacDermott Rev. George Martins White Lodge farm Robbins Herbert, head gardener to
M.A. (rector), Rectory . Groom Arth. shopkeeper & assistant W. R. Goulder esq
overseer Skitmore Jeremiah, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Harvey Walpole Arthur, farmer Skitmore William, farmer
- Beales Henry, farmer Houchin Robert, blacksmith Starr Alfred, blacksmith
Clarke Arthur, farmer Hnggins Jsmes Daniel, farmer Walker George, boot & shoe maker,
Dixon William, Crown P.H Lebbell James, farmer Post office
ELM.HAM (or North Elmham) is a village and parish, ;;billing each. In the nign of Richard II. (t387) Bishop
with a station on the Dereham and Wells section of the H. de Spencer obtained a licence to embattle his manor
Great Eastern railway, 5 miles north from East Dereham house at Elmham, the site of which, since 1867, has
and 111 from London, in the Mid division of the county, been excavated, when numerous relics were met with.
Launditch hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty sessional In a part of the parish called ~·Broom Close" a great
division and union, East Dereham county court district. number of Saxon burial urns, and Roman coins have
rural deanery of South Brisley, archdeaconry of Lynn and been found. Elmham Hall, the property of Earl Sondes,
diocese of Norwich. Elmham was the seat of a bishopric was built in 1727, and is a mansion of red brick stand-
from 673 to 870, but after the death of St. Humbert, ing in a park of 300 acres, well timbered with oak and
xoth Bishop of Elmham, the see remained vacant untli1 containing a lake of about 7 acres: the plantations are
955, when it was united with that of Dunwich, and so stocked with game and the park contains a herd of
continued till ro75, both sees being in 1091 merged ia fallow deer: the estate has acquired considerable repu-
/ that of Norwich, Herbert Losinga. abbot of Ramsey and tation for its herd of Norfolk red polled cattle, which
lord chancellor, becoming the first bishop. The church have been kept here for upwards of a century. Ear]
of St. Mary the Virgin is a large building of flint with Sondes is the lord of the manor of Nowers, and the Dean
stone dressings in the Transition Norman, Early and Chapter of Norwich are lords of the other manor.
English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting The Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G., J.P. and Earl
of chancel with side chapels, clerestoried nave of six bays, Sondes are the principal landowners. The soil is loam
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower with and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
pinnacles containing a clock and 8 bells: there are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area is 4,707 acres
marble monumentfi in the chancel to Richard Milles esq. of land and 36 of water; rateable value, [,5,752; the
whose only daughter and heiress, Mary Elizabeth, married population in I9II was 919.
Lewis Thomas, 2nd Baron Sondes; and to Richard Warner Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Robert Kerrison, sub-post-
1 esq. who was lord of the manor, and built Elmham Hall, master. Lett~rrs, which should have Norfolk added,
and died in 1757: the stained east window is a memorial arrive at 4· 15 a.m. & 12 noon; delivered at 6 a. m. &
to George John, 4th Baron Sondes, d. 17 Dec. 1874,: 12.15 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & I-5 & 7.20 p.m
there are four other memorial windows, and the aisle Wall Letter Boxes.-Railway station, cleared 9 & 11.30
windows contain fragments of ancient stained glass: the a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; County School station, cleared at
side chapels are separated from the chancel by oak 6.20 a. m. & 6.40 p.m. week days only; Broom Green,
screens delicately carTed: a portion of the rood screen cleared at 7· 15 a.m. & 6.25 p.m. week days only;
with paintings on the panels, discovered' during the Church End, cleared at 9· 5 a.m. & H~. 30 & 6.55 p.m. ;
restoration lying with its face to the earth and serving Billingford Bridge, 8.50 a.m. & 6.35 p.m. week days
, as a flooring for several pews, ha!! been replaced in ib! only
original position: the church was thoroughly restored The Watts Naval Training School, situated here, stands
in 1882, chiefly at the cost of the Rev. Augustus George on the summit of a hill near the river Wensum, sur-
Legge M ..!.. late vicar, r867-94, the original carved pulpit rounded by 54 acres of land in this & Bintry
of 1626 replaced, the chancel furnished with carved oak parishes, a quarter of a mile from County School
stalls and the church re-seated with oak benches, the station on the Great Eastern railway: it was origi-
ends of which are of ancient date: there are 500 sittings, nally the Norfolk Connty School, & the foundation
250 being free. The register dates from the year 1538. stone was laid on Easter Monday, 1873, by His late
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £240, with 8 Majesty King Edward Vll. then Prince of Wales, the
acre!! of glebe and residence, in the gift of Earl Sondes, school being opened in 1874, bnt it was closed in
and held since 1898 by the Rev. Ernest Horace Townsend July, 1895, & in June, rgox was re-established by the
1\I.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. Here is a Con- late E. H. Watts esq. as an additional home for the
gregational chapel erected in 1824, with 170 sittings, and orphan & destitute boys underr the charge of the late
two Primitive Methodist chapels. The church lands of Dr. T. J. Barnardo, & was opened informally 9 March,
So acres are let at [,63 yearly. There is fuel allotment 1903. The cost of furnishing the institution for 320
of 45 acres, let at about [,2o yearly, and charities of £8 boys & the necessary staff was entirely defrayed by
yearly value for distribution as follows: Gooch's charity Fenwick S. Watts esq. in memory of his father, & the
given in sums of ss. each to the largest distressed school was formally opened by the Earl of Leicester
families in the parish; Peter Johnson's charity distri· G.C.V.O., C. M. G. then Viscount Coke, April 17th,
buted in bread ; Shettle's charity for eight widows at 1go6. The buildings are in the Domefltic Gothic
3s. 4d. each and Cullen's charity for five old men at one stvle,

& consist of a central hall, school room, dining


hall, library, class rooms & dormitories, together Publiu Elementary School (mixed), rebuilt in 1873 at a
with a head master's residence: the chapel, erected in rost of about £700, and endowed with lands of aboui
I 883, & consecrated 16 Oct. in that year, is an edifice £14 yearly value; the school will hold 212 children;
of Bath stone, in the Early English style; the pulpit, average attendance, r6o; William Guy, master ·
of Stoke stone, is a memorial to the late B. Watson
t>sq. & there is a lectern of oak: the chapel seats 2.~o Railway Stations.
boys. Capt. Harry H. Stileman R.N. supt.; J. B. North Elmham, William J. Hood. station master
Love M.A. head master; Rev. Basil C. Pownall M.A. County School, Waiter Tallent, station master
resident chaplain & correspondent; Mrs. Biggs,matron Carrier :-Pleasance Nichol, to Dereham, moo. wed. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cordy Edith (Miss), confectioner North Elm ham Cricket Club (Phili~
Blower Mrs. The Paddock Craske & Son, fishmongers J. Pye, hon. sec)
Bradfield Henry Day Ellen (Miss), grocer North Elmham & District Horticultural
Kerrison Frank Winter East Dereham District of the Manches· Society (John Rook, sec)
Mace :\irs ter Unity, Oddfellows Friendly So- North Elmham Miniature Rifle Club
Love J. B., M.A.. (head master), ciety, "Loyal Milles Lodge," (F. W. Kerrison, hon. sec)
Watts Naval Training School (Frederick Wilby, sec) Pease 'rhomas, farmer, Spong farm
Middleton Charles Wiley Fenn Frank Mansell, farmr.Broom grn Rackham Arthur Richd.M.R.C.S.Eng .•
Norton Miss Fulcher William Glaister, farmer, & L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon & med.officeT
Pearce Miss land steward to Earl Sondes & public vaccinator, North Elmham
Pownall Rev. Basil C., M.A. (chap- Gay Henry, coach builder district, Mitford & Launditch union,
lain), Watts' Naval Training School Goffen Frederick, butcher & medical officer to Watts' Naval
Rackham A.rthur Richard Gray Robert, coal &c. mer. Statio11 Training- Uollege
Ray John Norman Reynolds Grummett Alfred John, fish merchnt Reading Rooms (Wa.:t. J. Futter,librn)
Stileman Capt.Harry H., R.N. (supt.), Hampton Francis George, photo- Riches Georgina (Mrs.), farmer
Watts' Naval Training School grapher, assistant overseer & clerk Rix William George, plumber
Townsend Rev. Ernest Horace M.A. to the Parish Council Rook John, grocer & draper
. Vicarage Hewett Richard, saddler Scott Alfred, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Hopson Sidney, farmer, Silverstone Seaman & Son, millers
Adams William, butcher Howard Edward, farmer,Grange farm Senter Ha.rriet (Mrs.), farmer
A.dderson Fdk. Chas.King's Head P.B Howell George, farmer, Broom green Stone William John, farmer
Anderson Alfred, boot maker Howlett Frederick, farmer Tombling Horace, Railway tavern
Anderson Henry, cycle agent Jeckell Frank, farmer Tombling Jacob, carpenter •
Babbage William Henry, registrar of Jeckell William, farmer Tuddenham Arthur, farmer, Old hall
births & deaths for North Elmham Johnson & Sons, farmers, Foxburrow Tye Thomas Wm. grocer & drape:r
sub-district farm Watts Naval Training School, in con-
Baldwin Robert John, draper Kerrison Robert, grocer & sub-post- nection with the National In-
Bone John Frederick, coach buildeT master corporated Waifs' Association (Dr.
Bradfield Christmas, pork butcher Lake Rebecca (Mrs.), baker & confr Barnardo's &mes) (Capt. Harry
Bunn George, farmer, Black Hills frm Low Alfred, farmer H. Stileman R.N. supt. ; J. B.
Clark Brightmer, farmer Matsell William, beer retailer Love M. A.. head master; Rev. Basil
Clark -lamBS, farmer Melonie William, Railway tavern C. Pownall M.A. chaplain & corre-
Clark Lucretia (Mrs.), farmer Milk George, miller (water), Worth- spondent; Mrs. Biggs, matron)
Clarke Goorga William, George & ing mill Wells R. & Co. saddlers
Dragon P.H Myhill Geo~.~ge, shoe maker Willby Frederick, bricklayer
Clarke Thomas Henry, farmer Neal Brothers, builders & contractors Williamson David, farmer
Coppen Royal, farmer Nicholson John & Frederick, farmers Willimont. John & George, coal mers
ELSING is a straggling village and parish on the south register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory,
side of the river Wensum, 5~ miles east-north-east from net yearly value £2oo, including 16 acres of glebe, with
Dereham station on the Wymondham and Wells section residence, m the gift of the Misses Clarendon-Hyde, and
of the Great Eastern railway, and about the same dis- held since 1900 by the Rev. Henry A.rthur Spencer
tance south-west from Lenwade station on the Midland A.twood. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. A
and Great Northern 'oint railway, in the_Northern divi- Reading room was opened in 1903. The church lands of
~irm of the county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional 24 acres produce £25 yearly. Charities of £8 yearly
division, Mitford and Launditch union, Dereham county value are distributed in money. Elsing Hall, the pro-
Cl>Urt district, rural deanery of Sparham and arch- perty of the Misses Clarendon-Hyde, is a very fine and
dPaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church, dedicated interesting moated mansion, of Late Perpendicular date,
about 1323 to St. Mary, is a fine building of flint of the the north front being of rubble and freestone and the
Decorated period, consisting of chancel, nave, sacristy, south front of half-timbered work: the entrance hall with
north and south porches and an embattled western tower, its porch and the chapel are principal ancient features:
with pinnacles, containing 5 bells: in the chancel is a the windows of the remaining portion have been restored:
fine and elaborate, though mutilated brass to Sir Hugh the porch bears the anns of Hastings and Foliot quarterly
de Hastings, founder, in 1347, of the church; one of the (Margery, daughter of Richard Foliot, having married
missing figures from this brass, viz. that of Roger, hefore 1330 Hugh de Hastings, a younger son of John,
Lord Grey, of Rnthyn, was in rgo6 discovered by Mr. Lord Bergavmmy), impaling Morley; it is now (1912)
Albert Hartshmne F.S.A.. in the Fitzwilliam Museum, at occupied by John Highfield Leigh esq. The Misses
Cambridge: this figure has since been restored to its Clarendon-Hyde, of Elsing Manor, who are ladies of the
original place,_ and the brass secu~ely fixed a.nd manor, and Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. D.L., J.P.
tected by foldmg doors, by the Society of Anhquanes, of Thickthorn, Norwich, are the principal landowners.
of London: in the nave, which is of unusual width. The soil is mixed, part light, part heavy; subsoil, same.
stands an octagonal font, also of the Decorated period The principal crops are barley and wheat. The area is
and of very good design:. its canopy, once of rare 1,552 acres of land and 13 of water; Tateable value,
beauty, is some':'"hat later m date than. the font, and £r,754; the population in 19II was 320.
has a central spue, supported on traceried panels and Parish Clerl- Frederick Kendall
pinnacled buttresses, the panels still bearing traces of ~. ·
rolour and gilding; considerable remains of a. rich· screen Post Office.-Henry Love, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
also exist: the chancel retains a piscina and sedilia and through East Dereham at 8 a.m. & 12.15 p.m. & are
thPre i~ a holy water ~toup at the north door: the organ dispatched at 12 noon & 5· 55 p.m.; sundays at I0.$5
was presented in 1902 by w. L. Boyle esq. M.P. and a.m. Swanton Morley is the nearest money order &
Mrs. Boyle: two windows in the chancel have been filled telegraph office, 3 miles distant
·with 14th century glass, found in the church in 1901: Mill Pillar Box, cleared at 5·45 p.m.; sundays, 9·45
a memorial brass wa~ erected in the chancel in IqJo to a.m.; Hall box, cleared at I2.1o & 6.15 p.m.; sun-
the memory of Catherine, the widow of the Rev. G. D. days, 8 a.m
Atwood, rector. of Hinton, Northants: there are also Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1876, at a
memorials to the Brown and Green families: the church cost of £46o, for Bo children; average attendance, 73;
was restored in 1866, and affords 200 sittings. The Miss Longbottom, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bmhell William, builder, contractor,
A.twood Rev. Henry A.rthur Spencer, COMMERCIAL. well sinker & pump maker
Rect<Jry Andrews Herbert George, blacksmith Crane Ezekiel, farmer
Cla:J:endon-Hyde Missc~, Elsing manor Barrett Samuel Clark, farmer Crane Henry, shopkeeper
Leigh John Highfield, Elsing hall Rowes William John, shopkeeper Green Edgar, farmer, Green farm
Thackeray Capt. Hy. Jas.The Cottage Buckingham William, farmer Hudson John Peter, farmer
Kendall Ernest, Mermaid P.H Miniature Rifle Club (H. Love, Sharpin & Sons, millers (water) &
Kent Susan Jane (Miss), shopkeeper hon. sec) farmers; & at Railway station,
Love Henry, shoe maker, & Post offiCe Pratt H01-ace, farmer Reepham
Mason James Thomas, farmer Reading Room (J. Emerson, sec) Turner Jn. frmr. Three Bridges farm
Meachen Frederick, farmer Wire Alfred Herbert, farmer
EMNETH is a straggling village and parish on the well Trafford, of Wroxham Hall, Norwich, and Lord
navigable Nene, about I mile south from the Emneth Peckover, of Bank House, Wisbech. The soil is loam;
Road station on the Wisbech and Lynn section of the subsoil, clay. The chief crops are fruit, market garden
Great Eastern railway, 3 miles east-south-east from produce and wheat; there is also much pasturage
Wisbech and g8! miles from London, in the North ground. The area is 3,550 acres; rateable value,
Western division of the county, Freebridge Marshland £g,78S; the population in 1911 was I,o82.
hundred and petty sessional division, Wisbech union and Sexton, John Wright.
county court district, rural deanery of Wisbech and
under the peculiar archidiaconal jurisdiction of the Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-William Thomas Racey, sub-
Bishop of Ely. The church of St. Edmund is an ancient postmaster. Letters arrive from Wisbech at 4· IS a. m.
lmilding of stone in the Norman, Early English and & I p.m. ; dispatched at m.s a.m. & 8. IS p.m. ;
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried sundays, dispatched at B. IS p.m. ; no delivery on
nave, aisles, south porch and a large embattled western sun days
tower containing 5 bells: the interior was restored in Letter Boxes.-Near the Church, cleared week days at
1866, and has 400 sittings, 220 of which are free. The IO.IO a.m. & 8.20 p.m.; sundays, 8.20 p.m.; Railway
register dates from the year I586. The living is a station, cleared week days only at 6.30 a. m. & 6. IO
vicarage, net yearly value £230, including 1l acres of p.m.; Collett's Bridge, cleared at 7.15 a.m. & 7-IS
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Ely, p.m.; sundays at 8.I5 p.m.; Hollycroft, cleared at
and held since Igog by the Rev. Alfred Arthur Hancock 9·4S a.m. & 8. Io p.m.; sundays, 8.35 p.m.; Hungate,
M.A., B.D. of University College, Durham. are cleared at 8-45 a.m. & 7.25 p.m. week days only
also W esleyan and United Methodist chapels here, both
erected in I854; a new Primitive Methodist chapel,- with The boys of this parish are entitled to attend the En-
250 sittings, was erected in 1911 at a cost of £720; the dowed school at Elm, in Cambridge
old chapel is now used as a schoolroom. Inglethorpe Public Elementary School, erected in I86o, for Io8
Hall is the seat of Francis Maltby Bland esq. D.L., J.P. children; average attendance, g6; Miss Hilda J ohnson,
Capt. Herbert Charles Metcalfe, of Glastonbury, Somer- mistress
set, is lord of the manors of Hagbeach and Inglethorpe.
The principal landowners are Lieut.-Col. Edward South- Railway Station, Louis William Spriggs, station master
Marked thus t letters should be Goodger Anthony, farmer Robb Emily (Mrs.), farmer
addressed Elm, Wisbech. tGray W. & Co. bakers tRobb Waiter James, farmer, Elm
Ma1·ked thus * letters should be Gray Christopher, fruit grower High road
addressed Outwell, Wisbech. Greaves William tRobbins Charles Emett, inspector of
*Green Christopher, farmer nuisances South district, Wisbech
tBland Francis Maltby D.L., J.P. tGreen Tom, tailor, Silt road Rural District Council, poor rate
Inglethorpe hall Gromett John, jun. farmer collector for Elm & Emneth ;
tCarrette Edward William tHandley Hugh, market gardene:r assistant overseer for West W alton
Handley John Thomas, farmer & Walsoken & assessor & collector
tCooper Fredk. Holmes, Holmesdale
of King's taxes for West Walton,
Hancock Rev. Alfred Arthur M.A., Hardy Harry J ames, beer retailer
Harvey Emma (Mrs.), market gardnr The Laurels, Elm High road
B.D. (vicar), The Vicarage *Rowe Edward Hunter, farmer, Traf-
Herbert George, fanner, Emneth Fen
Racey William, Hagbeach
ford house
tRobb Waiter Jas. Lansdowne house Herbert Joseph, farmer, Emneth Fen
Hunt John, Swan inn, & fruit grower Rowe Herbert Hunter, fruit grower
Snushall Mrs. Hollycroft
Hunter Josiah & Son, fruit growers, Rowe James Hunter, fruit grower
tWilkinson Mrs. Marvil villa
Hungate house tSharp Robert, fruit grower, York ho
t W ilk in son William A Hunter Josiah, farmer, Hungate ho Sharp Robert L. farmer
CO:MMERCIAL. Burst Thomas C. fruit grower Sharp Thomas (Mrs.), fruit grower
t Ayers Henry Garrard, fruit grower, timage Arthur, farmr. Oxburgh hall Shipley John, market gardener
Nether by .Jackson Joseph, rope maker Sleightholme Waiter, boot maker
Bailey William Cole, farmer, Banyer Lines Arthur George, bricklayer South Robert, fruit grower, Hungate
hall *Luck William D. fruit grower, The Ta2g William John, jun. fruit grower
Baker Miles Augustus, farmer & Woodlands Thompson John, beer retailer
veterinary inspector under the Lynn John, farmer tTosney Edward Mark Queen,laundry
" Contagious Diseases (Animals) *Merrison William, fruit grower Utteridge Joseph, chimney sweeper
Act" for No. 6 district, Church frm ~etcalf John, fruit grower Wadsley Wm. M. farmer,The Grange
Banks John & Son, farmers & carpntrs t~obes Caroline (Miss), milliner, Ward Thos. farmr. Emneth, Hungate
Bassett Jn. Wm. blacksmith,Hungate Edith cottage Waterfield Robert, fruit grower
Bliss Thomas, farmer, Poppylots farm Oldfield Thomas, beer retlr. Hungate tWatson John, grocer
Booth William Smart, fruit grower tOverland Herbert, beer retailer,Col- t W elbourne William, Blacksmiths'
Bow(\rs John, market gardener lett's Bridge Arms inn
Brockman Jn. wheelwright & carpntr *Overland Wm. John, farmer, Dial ho Wells Abraham, fruit grower
Rrown Henry, sen. cowkeeper Parlett Henry, blacksmith, Hungate tWilkinson & Co. builders & con-
Butcher Richard Bland, blacksmith Parlett Harry, beer retailer tractors, painters & house decorators,
Carr Thomas, farmer Quince Frederick, market gardener plumbers & glaziers, shop & office
Chamberlin Elijah, fruit grower Racey Arthur Edwin, fruit grower, fitters, hot water engineers & fitters,
Claxton Henry, fruit grower Rose dale sanitary engineers & undertakers
Coales Sel wyn, fruit grower Racey Ernest, fruit grower, Common- Wilkinson William A. insurance agent
Cobb George, farmer wealth Wilson Albert, fruit grower, Marsh-
tCrofts Henry, fruit grower Racey Jas.Fdk. miller (wind & steam) land house, Emneth Pen
tCrofts Robert W. builder Racey Waiter Hy. fruit grower, asst. Windley Thomas, wheelwright
Dawson Thomas. fruit g-rower overseer & clerk to Parish Council Wright John, carpenter & sexton
Digg-le R"o bert, shopkeeper, Hun gate Racey William Thomas, grocer &
Donbleday Frederick, fruit grower sub-postmaster
ERPINGHAM is a parish and village (from whence the church was new roofed in I842, and renewed at the
the name of this and adjoining hundred was derived), 3! cost of the late Dowager Lady Snffield: a restoration
miles north from Aylsham station on the East Norfolk was effected in 1899: there are 275 sittings. The re-
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2~ north from Ayls- gister dates from the year I559· The living is a rectory,
ham Town station on the Midland and Great Northern consolidated with that of Blickling, joint net yearly value
iuint railway, and 7 west from North Walsham, in the £45o, including 32 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
~orthern division of the county, South Erpingham petty gift of the Marquess of Lothian, and held since Igo6 by
sessional division, Aylsham union and county court dis- the Rev. William Riddell Parr M.A. of Merton College,
trirt. rnral deanery of Ingworth (north division) and Oxford, who resides at Blickling. Here is a Reformed
-.-rchnPaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of Methodist chapel. Part of the parish is in the Earl of
St. Mary is a noble pile of stone and flint in the Early Orford's manor; the remainder was formerly held by a
English style. consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, family of its own name, one of whom was Sir Thomas
south porch and a western tower containing 4 bells : de Erpingham K.G. a chivalrou11 knight who accom·
panied J obn, Duke of Lancaster, throughout the Spanish The chief crops are wheat, oats and hay. The area is
wars of 1399, and those of Henry IV. and V. and is 1,400 acres; rateable value, £2,008; the population in
frequently mentioned by Shakespeare in Henry V. (Act I9II was 367. -
iv. Scene i.) as one of the English leaders at Agincourt; Parish Clerk, Frederick Buller.
he was also a large benefactor to Norwich, and erected
there, about 1420, the gateway standing immediately Post Office.-Benjamin Bastard, sub-postmaster. Letters
before the west front of the cathedral·, upon which his through Norwich by mail cart, arrive <J.bout 6 a.m. &
arms and those of his two wives are carved, together 'il..3o p.m. for callers only; dispatched at 4-30 & 7·5
with the word "thenk," on scrolls. The Marquess ot p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph offices are
Lothian, who is lord of the manor, Harry Littlewood, at Hanworth & .Aldborougb, 3 miles distant
Frederick D. Ives, Robert Ives and Jonas Walpole Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r862, &
esqrs. are the principal landowners; there are also a since enlarged, for go children; average attendance,
few small holders. The soil is loam; subsoil, red sand. 77; Miss G. Jermy, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barrett Josiah, farmer Lambert George, farmer
Ives Frederick Durrant, The Grange Bastard Benj .carpenter & wheelwright, Lee Alfred, market gardener
Ives Robert, Erpingham house Post office Leeves George, poultry dealer
Johnson Benjamin Beck Sophia (Mrs.)j farmer Pointer Samuel, farm bailiff to H.
Littlewood Harry M.Sc., F.R.C.S. Dmio;~ George, farmer Littlewood esq. The Lodge Iarm
Eng. (senior surgeon to the Leeds Dunham George, farmer (letters through Ingworth,Norwich)
Infirmary), Erpingham lodge(letters Dunn Major, farmer, & Spread Eagle Walpole Jonas, bay, corn & timber
through Ingworth, Norwich) P.H i merchant, farmer & landowner; &.
Thompson Mrs. The Limes Fox James B. farmer at Thwaite All Saints
Walpole Jonas, Holmstead Hall Jane (Mrs.), grocer & draper Williamson Charles, market gardener
Williamson Miss, Ash house Howard Emma (Mrs.), King's Head Witham Edward Palmer, miller
Worsley Mrs. The Rectory P.H (water & oil) & farmer; & at Ing~
COMMERCIAL. Ives Fdk. Durrant, ~rmr. & landowner worth mill
Bales Frederick, fishmonger Ives Robert, farmer & landowner Witham Stephen, blacksmith
FAKENHAM (otherwise Fakenham-Lanca!ter) is a sittings; the old chapel is now used as a Sunday school:
small well-built market town and parish, with two sta- there is also a meeting place for the Plymouth Brethren
tions, one on the Wymondham and Wells branch of the and Salvation Army Barracks. The Cemetery, situated
Great Eastern railway, the other on the Midland and in the northern part of the town, is 4 acres in extent,
Great Northern joint line, 139 miles by rail from London, and contains a mortuary chapel: it is under the control
12! north from Dereham, 33£ north-""~>est from Norwich, of 'the Parish Council. The Corn Hall, in the Market
38! north-east from Lynn and 16 north from S""~>affham, place, erected in 1855, at a cost of £4,CO'J, is a structure
in the North Western division of the county, Gallow of brick with stone dressings, and contains a spacious
hundred and petty sessional division, 1-Valsingbam union corn exchange and assembly rooms. The Young Men's
and county court district, rural deanery of Burnham, Christian Association, in Norwich street, has (1912)
arcbdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The town, about 195 members. The Cattle Market, near Bridge
which stands in a rich and fertile district, is pleasantly street, was constructed in 1857, and is the property of
seated on a •declivity north of the river Wensum, here a 'limited company. The market for corn and cattle is
crossed by a brick bridge of three arches, built in 1833. on Thursday, and is well supplied. Weekly sales of
The town is lighted with gas from works on the south stock are held in the market by Messrs. Long and Son.
side uf the river, the property of a company. The water Three fairs, on Whit-Tuesday, the first week in Sep:.
supply is derived from private wells. The church of tember, and on November 22nd, principally for cattle,
SS. Peter and Paul is a structure of flint, chiefly in the are held on Hempton Green, about one-third of a mile
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north from the town. There are four banks. Here are some
porch and lofty embattled tower of the Perpendicular maltings, and the printing works of Messrs. Miller, Son
period containing a clock and 8 bells: on each side of and Co. Limited, and on the Wensum is a large flour
the west window is a canopied niche, and above are mill. Fakenbam is the head quarters of C Squadron
symbols representing the initial letters of the Duchy The King's Own Royal Regiment Norfolk Yeomanry,
of Lancaster: the sedilia are fine examples of the Transi- C Co. of the sth and E Co. of the 6th (Cyclist) Terri-
tional style from Decorated to Perpendicular: the octago- torial Battalions Norfolk Regiment. Among the provi-
nal Perpendicular font is adorned with emblems repre- dent institutions of the town are several Friendly
senting the four Evangelists, the Trinity and the Passion : Societies, including Foresters and Odd Fellows of the
the lectern, presented by Mrs. Damant in 1887, at a cost Manchester Unity. The Nurses' Home, in Oak street.
of £r2o, is a memorial to her husband, Thomas William supplies hospital-trained nurses to rich and poor.
Damant esq. F.R.C.S.E. d. 1876: in r864 the church Charities :-Miss Ann Harrison bequeathed, in 1794, the
was thoroughly restored, the restoration of the chancel sum of £r,666 13s. 4d. in Consols, to which Mr. Peck-
being carried out at t;be cost of the Rev. Michael Angelo over added £333 6s. 8d. ; the available annual sum is
Atkinson M.A. rector r859-87, who furnished it with new now £so, which is distributed in blankets and widows'
stalls and erected a carved :reredos of Caen stone: in mites and in part applied to educational purposes.
r89o and r8gr, by the bequest of Mrs. Damant, the belfry Lady Townshend's charity now produces £r7 yearly,
was refitted; the ·bells rehung (one also being recast); which is applied to apprenticing fatherless or motherless
and the east window of the south aisle restored and filled children and the distribution of coal to the deserving
with stained glass: two new stained windows were pre- poor. Sheldrake's charity produces £1'il. ws. yearly, and
sented in rgoz-4: the old chapel, forming the east end Salmon's ~ift of three acres Gf land yields £4 ros. a
of the south aisle and dedicated to St. Thoma!! of Can- ysar. Wortley's charity of £r a year is paid by Caiu!f
terbury, restored as a chapel for daily service; snd the College, Cambridg-e. Tborpland Hall, the property and
old organ renovated and enlarged; the total cost was re!!idence of the Rev. J ames Lee- Warner M.A. is 2 miles
over £ r,soo, of which £r3o was given by subscription: in north of Fakenham, on the borders of the parish, in the
r89g-rgoo the tower was completely repaired at a total cost valley of the Stiffkey, and is remarkable for the singular
of about £soo, raised by public subscription: there are beauty of its chimneys, on which the utmost pains
742 ~ittings. The register dates from the year 1720. have been expended, as well as for the fine architectural
The living is a rectory, with Alethorpe annexed, joint net details of the front porch. The manor belonged in the
yearly value £s8o, with 8r acres of glebe and residence, 16th century to the family of Fermor, from whom, by
in the gift of Trinity College, Cambridge, and held since marriage, it passed with East Barsbam into the posses-
1907 by the Rev. William Irwin M.A. of Trinity College. eion of the Calthorpes, but in 1790 the estate was trans-
Dublin. The Church Mission room, on the Heath, ferred from this family to others, and after several
erected in r885, at a cost of £6o, is an iron building and changes of ownership was bought in r842 by the Rev.
will seat So people. The Catholic church, in Wells road, H. J. Lee-Warner M . .A.. bon. canon of Norwich, and a
dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua, wal! partly ereC!ted distinguished archreologist, ·who died here in r885, and
in 1908. The Wesleyan Methodist chapel, in Oak street, whose eldest son is the present owner. Sir Lawrence
erected in 1Bg2, at a cost of £1,818, is an edifice of red John Jones hart. of Cranmer Hall, is lord of the manor.
brick, and has school rooms underneath; there are 350 and courts leet and baron are held annually. The chief
sittings: the Congregational chapel, in N orwicb road, landed proprietors are Lord Hastings, the Rev. J ames
erected in r895 at a cost, including site, of £r,35o, Lee Warner M.A., J.P. and Mrs. G. A. Watsan. The
is a structure of brick and stone in the Gothic style. area is 2,223 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable
and affords 330 sittings: the Baptist chapel, erected value in 1912, £r4,108 j the population of the parish
in r8or and rebuilt in 186g, will seat 350 persons: in 1911 was 3,181 in the civil and 2,912 in the ecclesias-
the l'dmitive Methodist chapel, in Oak street, was tical parish in rgor, which includes the formerly extra
erected in rgro at a cost of £2,500; there are 450 parochial place of Alethorpe. •




Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Market place.-Thomas Ernest (Great), Ryburgh (Little), Sculthorpe, Sharrington,
Pengelley, postmaster Shereford, Snoring (Great), Snoring (Little), Stib-
The head office is open on sundays, Christmas day & bard, Swanton Novers, Tatterford, Tattersett, Tester-
Good Friday for sale of postage stamps, registration ton, Thursford, Tittleshall-cum-Godwick, Toftress,.
of letters & telegraph business from 8.30 to 10 a.m. Walsingham (Great), Walsingham (Little)~ Weasen-
On Bank holidays to noon for money order, savings ham .All Saints, Weasenham St. Peter, Wellingham,
bank & postal order business Whissonsett & Wood N orton
Mails made up on week days :-Letters, 4·30 1 6, 7.20, Meetings are held at Mr . .A. Digby's office, Market
8.45· 9·55· 1I.4o & 1I.5o a.m.; 1.5o,, 3·15, 3·45· place on the last friday in each month.
4, 5-50 & 7·45 p.m. Sundays: 4·30 1 6 & 7 a.m. & 7·45 Chairman, ..A. Digby, Market place
Clerk, W. J. Smith
Parcels :-----7, 9·55· n-40 & n.5o a.m.;, 2.5o, 3.2o,
3·45• 4, 5-50 & 7·45 p.m. No dispatch on sundays
Cemetery, Herbert S. Priest, clerk; John Tuttle, keeper
Hours of Delivery. Corn Hall, Market place, Robert John Sidney, sec.; John
MAILS RECEIVED. William Smith, hall keeper
County Court, Corn hall, Ilis Honor Jas. Mulligan K.C.
Week Days. To Callers. By Postmen. judge; Algernon Digby M.A. (Oxon.), registrar & high
bailiff; R1chard Cowburn, assistant registrar. The
courts are held at the Corn hall, Fakenham, except.
three courts during the year, which are held at Little
Night mail, all parts............ 8 a.m. 8 a.m. W alsingham ; the distnct comprises the following
1st London day mail, all"') places :-Alethorpe, Bale, Barney, Barsham (East), Bar-
parts of England, East, J sham (North), Barsham (West), Binharo, Briningbam,
South & West Raynham, Barwick, Bircham (Great), Bircham NeW,;on, Bircham
~:;~~~gt~~ie G~~~nr~h~ ~ IO a.m.
Io a.m. Tofts, Brancaster, Bagthorpe, Barmer, Broomsthorpe,
Burnham Westgate, Burnham Sutton, Burnham Norton,
Great Snoring, Little Burnham Thorpe, Burnham Overy, Burnham Deepdale.
Snoring, Kettlestoue & Cockthorpe, Creake (North), Creake (South), Dunton,
CoJkirk .... ..................... J Docking, Egmere, Fakenham, Field Dalling, Fulmo·
2nd London day mail, Nor-! deston-with-Croxton, Fring, Gunthorpe, Helhoughton.
wich, Dereham, Yar- I Hempton, Hindringham, Holkham, Boughton-in-the-
mouth, Lowestoft, Cro- > 3 p.m. 3 p.m.
mer, Wells, Walsingham j
& King's Lynn ............. ..
Dale, Houghton (New), Kettlestone, Pensthorpe, Pud-
ding Norton, Raynbam (East), Raynbam (South).
Raynharn (West), Ryburgh (Great), Ryburgh (Little).
Norwich & Dereham.... ........ 5· 15 p.m. 7 p.m. Rudham (East), Rudham (West), Sculthorpe, Shar-
3rd London day mail, North rington, Shereford, Snoring (Great), Snoring (Little).
& Midland Counties, 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Stibbard, Stiffkey, Swanton Novers, Syderstone, Stan-
King's Lynn ... -.......... . hoe, Tattersett, Testerton, Thursford, Toftrees, Tatter-
Local rural posts .............. . 6.50 p.m. 7 p.m. ford, Thornbam, Titchwell, Waterden, Walsingham
Local country posts ........... . 7.50 p.m. 8. IS p.m.
(Great), Walsingham (Little), Warham, Wells-next-
Relief night mail, London } 7 a.m. 7 a.m.
nxt. morning nxt. morning the-Sea & Wighton
& Norwich ................. .
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in tha~
.. Sundays.
of Norwich, Harry Pearce Gould, 8 Upper King street •
Norwich, official receiver
Certified Bailiff, appointed under the "Law of Distress
Night mail, all partB ........... . 7 a. m. 7 a.m. Amendment Act," Richard Cowburn,Little Walsinghm
---------------~-------------- County Police Station, Gladstone road (this is a branch
of the Walsingham division of the county constabu-
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR GALLOW PETTY lary); Waiter Slater, inspector, & ~ constables
SESSIONAL DIVISION. Volunteer Fire Brigade, Engine house, Hall Staithe;
Curson Geo.Robinson esq.The Grove, Hempton,Fakenhm G. E. Waterson, chief officer, & 12 men; the keys are
Dewing Richard William esq. Norwich road, Fakenham kept at the chief officer's
Hamond Chas . .Annesley esq. Twyford hall,East D6reham
Jones Sir Lawrence John hart. M.A. Cranmer hall, TERRITORIAL FORCE.
· Fakenham
Norfolk (The King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry.
Lee Warner Rev. James M.A. Thorpland hall, Fakenham C Squadron, Major C. D. Seymour, commanding;
Seymour Charles D. esq. Barwick house, King's Lynn Capt. Lord Hastings, second in command; Squad . ..-
The Chairman, for the time being, of the Docking
Sergt.-Major William Stonehouse, drill instructor.
Rural District Council, is an ex-officio magistrate
Olerk to the Magistrates, Algernon Digby M.A. (Oxon.), Holt road
5th Territorial Battalion Nor folk Regiment (C Co. ).
Market place Armoury, Holt road; Capt. Herbert Ellis Rowell;
Petty Sessions are held at the O>rn hall the last monday
every month at II a.m. The place!! in the division Color-Sergt. Frank Harris, drill instructor
6th Territorial Battalion (Cyclist) Norfolk Regiment (E
are :-Alethorpe, Bagthorpe, Barmer, Barsham (East),
Barsha.m (North), Baraham (West), JJroomsthorpe, Co.), Armoury, Holt road, Capt. Sidney Dewing;
Color-Sergt. Edmund Scotchmer, drill in11tructor
Dunton, Fakenham, Fulmodeston-cum-Croxton, Hel-
houghton, Hempton, Houghton, Kettlestone, Pens-
thorpe, Pudding Norton, Raynham (East), Raynham PUBLIC OFFICERS.
(South), Raynham (West), Rudham (East), Rudham
(West), Ryburgh (Great), Ryburgh (Little), Scul- Assessor & Collector of Taxes, George Bales, Selwyn ho.
thorpe, Shereford, Snoring (Little), Stibbard, Syder- Sculthorpe road
stone, Tatterford, Tattersett, Testerton & Toftrees Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, Herbert S.
Priest, Oak street
FAKENHAM SUB-COMMITTEE (No. n) OF NOR- Certifying Factory Surgeon, Howard Francis Warner
M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The
The following places are included in the area of the Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, Richard Cowburn, Little
Sub-Committee's district :-Alethorpe, Bale, Barney, Walsingham
Barsham (East), Barsham (North), Barsham (West), Clerk to the Guardians & .Assessment. Committee of
Briningham, Brinton, Bri11ton, Broomsthorpe, Colkirk, Docking, to Docking Rural District Council & Superin-
Dunton-cum-Doughton, Fakenham, Fulmodestone- tendent Registrar of Walsingham District, John Arnold
~roxton, Gateley, Gunthorpe, Helhoughton, Hemp- Stoughton, Bridge street
ton, Hindolvestone, Hindringham, Horningtoft, Clerk to the Guardians of Walsingbam Union, Robert
Houghton-le-Dale, Kettlestone, Melton Constable, Symonds Butcher, Swan street
Oxwick-cum-Pattesley, Pensthorpe, Pudding N orlon, Clerk to the Parish Council, Herbert S. Priest, Oak st
Raynham (East), Raynham (South), Raynham (West), County Council District Road Surveyor for Walsingbam
Rougham, Rudharn (East), Rudham (West), Ryburgh District, David Shields, Sculthorpe road

Customs & Excise Officer & Inspector of Corn Returns, Plymouth Brethren (Gospel Hall), White Horse street ;
Harold Eggington, Queen's road _ 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; fri. 8 p.m.; seat 150
District Surveyor, Fakenham District, Walsingham Primitive Methodist, Oak street, Rev. Thomas Vaughan;
Rural District, Robert Cannan, The Heath 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m. ; seat 450
Income Tax Collector, George Bales, Selwyn house,Scul- Salvation Army Barracks, Oak street; I I a.m. & 6.30
thorpe road p.m. ; daily, 8 p.m
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Walsingham Wesleyan Methodist, Oak street, Rev. Charles Swann;
Union, Raynham District, Howard Francis Warner ID.3D a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7·3D p.m.; seat 300
M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The Mission Room, The Heath, 6.30 p.m.; seat 8o
Square; Fakenham District, Ed ward W atson Palin
Oak street Norwich road (boys, girls & infants), erected in 1844, &
Medical Officer of Health, W alsingham Rural District, rebuilt in 1886, for 398 children; average attendance,
William Fisher M.B., B.C.Camb. Wells road 95 boys, 94 girls & 57 infants; Frederick Charles
Superintendent Registrar, Walsingham Union, John Carter, master; Miss Florence J ohnson, mistress;
Arnold Stoughton, Bridge street Miss Marion Plato, infants' mistress
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Fakenham District, W al- School hill (boys), erected in 1846, for 150 children;
singham Union, Albert George Utting, Oak street; average attendance, 140; Frank Samuel Wigg, master
deputy, Miss Rose Utting, Sculthorpe road, Wells road (girls), erected in 1848, for II9 children;
Relieving & Vaccination Officer, Fakenham District, average attendance, 131; Miss S. Bryant, mistress
Walsingham Union, Charles Copland, Queen's road Wells road (infants), erected in 1848, for 107 children;
Registrar of Marriages, Walsingham Union, Robert John average attendance, 83; Miss Laura Ada Munford,
Sidney, Hill terrace miiitresil
Sanitary Inspector & Building Surveyor, Walsingham New schools' are now (1912) in course of erection
Rural District Council; William 0. Humphery, Jl\or-
wich street
Stamp Distributor, Thomas Ernest ·Pengelley, Post office RAILWAY STATIONS.
Great Eastern, John William Stone, station master
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Midland & Great Northern Joint, William Edward Smith,
St. Peter's Church, Rev. William Irwin M.A. rector; station master
8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; seat 742 'Bus from the Crown hotel meets trains at both stations
Baptist, Swan street, Rev. Arthur John Kellam; 10.45
a.m. & 6.30 p.rn.; fri. 8 p.m. ; seat 350 Carrier1 to :
Catholic, Wells road, Rev. Herbert William Gray; Creake Blythe, from the 1 Bell,' man. tues. thurs. fri.
ID a.m. mass; 6.3D p.m. devotions & benediction; & sat
daily mass, 7.30 a.m. ; devotions & benediction, wed. Docking-Playford, from the 1 Bell,' every thurs
7.30 p.m. ; holidays of obligation, mass, 7 a.m Rudham-May, from the 1 Star,' thurs
Congregational, Norwich road, Rev. Waiter Sydney Syderstone Playford, from the 1 Bell,' every thurs
Whiting; w.45 a. m. & 6.3D p.m.; tues. 8 p.m.; \Veasenham-Artis, from 'Bell,' thurs
seat 330 Whissonsett-Nelson, from the 1 Bull,' thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Finlayson Alexander, Market place Phillips William S. Frohawk house,
Aldiss Wm. Jas ..Bellevue, Norwich rd Fisher Wm. H., M.B., B.C. Wells rd Norwich road
Andrews Frank, Fern bank, Wells rd Fulcher Mrs. Sculthorpe road Pope Mrs. Greenway road
Andrews Richard Bernard, Market sq Garrod Wm. Red house, Norwich rd Pope Ratcliffe, Manor house
Baker W illiam, Fairlea, Norwich rd Garrood Miss, Wells road Sand!!! Thomas, Barons hall
Baldwin Mrs. The Heath Goggs Thomas Richard, Grove house Scearfe Capt. Edward, Ivydene, Nor-
Bales George, Selwyn house, Scul- Gray Rev. Herbert Wm. (Catholic), wich road
thorpe road Catholic Presbytery, Wells road Sidney Mrs. Herbert W.. Mayfield,
Barnard Mrs. Wells road Harrison Richard, Oak street Norwich road
Bassham 1Benn, Cygnet ho. Swan st Hayhoe William, Norwich road Smith ~Iiss, Wells road
'Hayfield George Smith, The Heath Heyhoe Horace J. Woodstock house, Smith Norman, Heath villa
Bennett Ernest Alfred, Norwich road Norwich road Southgate S. Vincent, The Limes,
Brewster Miss, Queen's road Howlett Miss, Queen's road !Bridge street
Butcher Robert Symonds, The Heath Hutchinson Hy. A.R.C.O. Queen's rd Stoughton Jn. Arnold, Sculthorpe rd
Cadge Robert Henry, Queen's road Irwin Rev. William M.A. (rector), Swann Rev. Chas. (Wes.), Queen's rd
Case Miss L. B. Nelson road Rectorv,

Oak street Syder Mrs. Oakdene, Oak street
Chapman Philip lJ. Hillside Keith Miss, Oak street Tingey George Thos. Thorpland lodge
Cbapman Thos.Kendall, Whits Horse st Kellam Rev. Arthur John (Baptist), Turner Mrs. Halt road
Charter Wm. Goodchild, The Heath Swan street Tuthill Miss, Hannington house, Nor-
Collett Miss, Queen's road Lake Mrs. Doone house, Norwich rd wich road
Davis Henry Robt. Chas. Meadow bo Lee-Warner Rev. James M.A., J.P. Tuthill Misses, Sculthorpe road
Denton William Benjamin, Rose villas, Thorpland hall Utting Reginald Arthur, Queen'• road
Gladstone road Miller William Osborne, Beeleigh, Utting Richard, Sculthorpe road
Dewing Horace John, Hill house Norwich road Vaughao Rev. Thomas (Primitive
Dewing Richard William J.P. The Overman Hugb, Market place Methodist), Oak street
Laurels, Norwich road Page George Woodward, Bank house, Wade Mrs. May villa, The Heath
Dewing Sidney, Norwich road Market place '\Varner Howard Francis, The Square
Digby Algernon M.A. Highfield Palin Edwd.Watson M.A.,M.B. Oak st Watt Alexander, Market square
Dods Miss, St. Maries, Wells road Parker John William, Beach house, Whiting Rev. Walter Sydney (Con-
Ecclestone Arthur W. The Hollies, Nelson road gregational), Sunset view
Norwich road Pengelley Thomas Ernest, Dalesford Willimont Howlett Robt. Queen's rd
Elliott Charles John, Oakleigh house, house, Norwich road W oodhouse Daniel Wm. Brooklyn,
Norwich road Norwich road
COMMERCIAL. Baker J oseph & Son, ironmongers, Norwich street
Early closing day, Wednesday. Bales George, assessor & collector of taxes & sec. to the
Abbs Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, Oak street Fakenham Gas & Coke Co. Limited, Selwyn house,
Albert Institute & Reading Room (Henry Andrews, ban. Sculthorpe road
sec.), Market place Barclay & Company Limited (branch) bankers (C. D.
Aldiss Wm.J:~.s.draper, Market pl. & clothier, Norwich st Seymour, local director; G. W. Page, manager) (open
Allison Pally (Mrs.), greengrocer, Norwich road ID to 4, except sat. to 1; market day, thurs. 10 to
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court King Arthur) (J. 5.30), 'Market place; draw on head office, 54 Lombard
Tuttle, sec) street, London E C
Andrews Frank, solicitor & commissioner (firm, Gates, Barker Henry Thomas, picture frame maker, Norwich rd
Butcher & Andrews), Swan street Barnes Geo!'lge, fruite1er & beer retailer, :Market place
Andrews Henry, shopkeeper, Lichfield street Barnes Theodore, Sun P .H. Norwich street
Andrews Richard Bernard, manager London & Provincial Barnett Frederick Herbert, blacksmith, Hall Staithe
.Bank Limited, treasurer to the Parish Council & agent Barnett Frederick William, ornithologist, Greenway rd
for the Scottish Widow01' Fund, Norwich Union & Barrett Ella (Mrs.), tobacconist, Bridge street
C<>mmercial Union Insurance Cos. Market square Baxter & Son, motor engineers, Bolt road
Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. Great Eastern Railway etn Ba:xter & Co. ironmongers, Market place
Applegate Herbert, photographer, Norwich road Ba:xter Henry, beer retailer, Bolt road
Beck Frederick William, auctioneer, Norwich street Fakenham Friendly Society (C. Ashmore, sec.), Bell
Bee John M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeoa, Market square P.H. Norwich road
Bell Robert William, auctioneer, see Curson & Bell Fakenham Gas & Coke Co. Limited (George Bales, sec.),
Bell Samuel (Mrs.), dress maker, Wells road Hempton road
Bennett Ernest Alfred, hay, straw & forage merchant, Fakenbam Golf Club (R. S. Butcher, bon. sec.), Swan
Norwich road (Telegrams, "Bennett, Fakenham ''); street; club house & links, Hempton
& stand 26, Corn hall, Norwich Fakenham Literary, Field & Camera Club (J. C. Holton,
Bircham & Stoughton, solicitors, Bridge street ban. sec.), Bridge street
Bone Ernest, cycle agent, Norwich street Fakenham Miniature Rifle Club (H. S. Priest, hon.sec.),
Bone May (Miss), photographer, Norwich road Oak street
Bone Richard H. watch & clock maker, Norwich street Fakenham Nurses' Home Limited (Miss M. R. Keith,
Boor Robert Francis, Royal Oak P.H. Oak street lady supt.), Oak street. T A "Nurses, Fakenham"
Bowles Henry, draper, Market square & Bridge street Farrow John, beer retailer, Norwich road
Bowman William J. advertising contractor, Norwich st Feaks Edward U. confectioner, Market place
Bradfield Ernest W.debt collector & insur.agt.Queen's rd Finla)fson Alexander, ladies' & gentlemen's tailor;
Bradley F. W. Ltd. artificial teeth manufrs. Market pl.; livery & breeches specialist, Market place
attend thursday 12 to 4 p.m. See advertisement Fire Brigade Engine House (Volunteer), Hall Staitbe
Bradnum George, gasfitter, Bridge street Fisher I. W. & Sons, builders, Nelson road
Brenner Max, bazaar, Market place Fisher & Palin, surgeons, Wells road & Oak street
British Petroleum Co. Limited, G. E. Railway station Fisher William Henry M.A., M.B., B.C.Camb. surgeon
Brodie Wm. Thos. assist. insurance supt. Queen's road (firm, Fisher & Pal in), & medical officer of health
Bussey Charles Clifford, grocer, Norwich street Walsingbam Rural District, Wells road
Butcher Robert Symonds, solicitor & clerk to guardians of Flegg James,agent to Sutton & Co.carriers,Sculthorpe nl
Walsingham union (firm, Cates, Butcher & Andrews), Fox James Robert, sewing machine agent, Oak street
Swan street Galer Sidney Gerald, beer retailer, Bridge street
Cunnan Robert, surv~yor for Walsingham Rural Dis- Gant Stephen, baker, Norwich street
trict Council, The Heath Gate~ Herbert, leather cutter, Oak street
Capital & Counties Bank Limited (The) (sub-agency Goggs Thos. Richard, flour & corn merchant, Bridge st
to East Dereham branch) (J. W. Burnett Read, man- Gower & Reeder, saddlers, Norwich road
ager), open mon. 12.30 to 2; thurs. 12.30 to 4·45• Nor- llrave Charles William, boot maker, Queen's road
wich st. ; head office, 39 Threadneedle st. London E C Graves Waiter (Mrs.), fancy draper, Norwich street
Cates, Butcher & Andrews, solicitors, Swan street Greene, King & Sons Limited, brewers & mineral water
Cemetery (Herbert S. Priest, clerk; John Tuttle, keepr) manufacturers (Roger Hazell, local manager); .
Chapman Edward Joshua, butcher, Norwich street breweries, Bury St. Edmunds
Chapman Pbilip D. fellmonger, wool merchant & cattle Harris Color-Sergt. Frank, drill instructor to C Co.
salesman, Hillside. Telegrams, " Philip Chapman, sth Terr. Force Battn. Norfolk Regiment, Armoury, ..
Fakenham" Halt road
Chilvers William, beer retailer, Wells road Harrison Frank, stoneJ mason, Nelson road
Churchman Thomas, refreshment rooms, street Harrison Richard, house, land & estate agent, Oak st
Clarke Clyde W. wheelwright, Scultborpe road Hastings Emily (Mrs.), confectioner, Norwich street
Clears Lydia (Mrs.), Star P.H. Oak street Hastings Frederick, butcher, Norwich street
Calls George, fishmonger, Bridge street Hawes Alfred, boot maker, Bridge street
Cook George Dennis, saddler, Norwich street Heyboe Horace J. chemist, Market place
Cooke James, carpenter, undertaker, joiner & wheel- Hilton Bertie William, grocer, Norwich street
wright, Halt road Hobson John, butcher, Norwich streC't
Cnpland Charles, relieving & vaccination officer Faken- Holtby Eleonora (Mrs.), dress maker, Halt road'
ham district, Walsingbam union, Queen's road Bolton .J obn Charles, chemist, Bridge street
Corn Hall Co. (Robert John Sidney, sec.; John William Horsley Horace Wacey, blacksmith, Oak street
Smith, ball keeper), Market place Howell Charles, nurseryman, Halt road
Cornish John Henry (e:xtx. of), a~cultnral implement Huddleston Frederick, grocer, Oak street
manufacturer, Cattle market; & at Old Walsingbam Humpbery William 0. sanitary inspector & building-
& Wells surveyor, Walsingbam Rural District Council, Nor-
County Court (His Honor James Mnlligan K.C. judge; wich street
.A.lgernon Digby M.A. registrar & high bailiff; held at Hutcbinson Henry A.R.C.O. organist & teacher of music,
Fakenbam & Little Walsingham Queen's road
Croft Alice (Miss), dress maker, Cattle Market street Independent Order of Oddfellows (Friend-in-Need Lodge)
Crown Hotel (The) (family & commercial) ; official (H. Croft, sec)
appointment Royal Automobile Club; 'fishing, Independent Order of Recbabites (E. Powell, sec)
golflng & shooting parties catered for; applica- International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, Market place
tions for tariff, address H. J. Shipp. Telegrams, Johnson Charles, Bull P.H. Bridge street
" Crown Hotel, Fakenham " J ohnson Eleanor (Mrs.), servants' registry office, Oak st.
Curson & Bell, auctioneers, Norwich road J ohnson Richard James, tobacconist, Oak street
Davis Bros. wine & spirit merchants, Post Office street Kendall & King, tailors, Market place
Dennis Charlotte (Mrs.), confectioner, Oak street Kenny & Co. lambs' food manufacturers, oil cake, manure·
Dereham & Fakenham Times (Norwich Mercury Co. corn, cool k coke merchants, G. E. Railway station
publishers; published friday),Market pl. & Norwich st Kerrison Stalbam, butcher, Oak street
Dewing & Kersle)f Limited, millers (steam, wind & Kerrison William, horse dealer, Bridge street
water) & corn & seed merchants, Fakenbam mills & King Leonard, tailor, see Kendall & King
Railway station; & at Hempton & Wells-next-the-Sea Large William, farmer & coal merchant, Wells road
Dewing R. W. & Co. maltsters, G. E. Railway station Layzell Arthur A. district supt. Pearl Life Assurance
Digby AlgeT:rfon M.A. (firm, Watson, Digby & Pope), Co. Queen's road
solicitor & commissioner for oaths & registrar of Wal- London Dental Institute (H. Wolf, manager), Oak street
singbam county court & clerk to Gallow & North (thursdays)
Greenboe magistrates, Market place London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch)
Dorer Adelbert Francis, watch maker, Norwich street (Richard Bernard Andrews, manager), Market square;
Drewell Jonathan, farmer, Scultborpe road draw on head office, 3 Bank buildings, London E C &
Drewell Robert Warner, hair dresser, Bridge street Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. London E C
Drewell Thoma~, bird & animal preserver, Holt road Long John & Son, anctioneers, Norwich street
Duffy Sarah (Mrs.), fisbmonger, Norwich road Love Alfred, tailor, Oak street
Dunthorne R. & Sons, dairymen Loynes E. B. & Son, solicitors & commissioners for oaths.
Eagling Ernest, baker, Bridge street Market square
Eagling John, Lord Nelson P.H. Nelson road Loynes Edward Bunting, solicitor, see Loynea E. B. & Son
Eastmans Limited, butchers, Bridge street Loynes Herbert Edward, solicitor, see Loynes E. B.& Son
Ecclestone & Son, tailors, Market place Mackley Thomas J oseph & Herbert Edwin, dentists, at
Eg-gington Harold, cuE;toms & excise officer & inspector J. C. Bolton's, chemist, Bridge street (first thursday
of corn returns, Queen's road in the month)
Eke Louisa (Miss), fancy d,·aper, Oak street Massingham Lewis F. well sinker, The Heath
Elliott Chas. J. wholesale & family grocer, tea & coffee MilPs William Frederick, boot & shoe maker, Market pi
merchant, Market place Millar Peter, draper, clothier & outfitter, Woodspring,
Fakenbam Cattle :Market Co. Limited (Harold Willby Eridge street
Smith, sec) Miller 1 Son & Co. Limited, printen & publishers &
Fakenham Co-operative Society Limited, Bridge stree~ binders; bookwork & directoriel'l a speciality, Norwich n
Miller Frederick W. stationer, Norwich street Sidney Ro bert John, registrar of marriages & sec. to the
Miller Willia.m Os borne, china, glass &c. wareho.Norwich st Corn Hall Co, Hill terrace
Moore Henry & John, bakers, Nelson road & confec- Slater Waiter, county police inspector, Gladstone road
tioner~, Market place Smith Harold Willby, farmer, & sec. to Fakenham
Moore Mary (Mr!l.), dress maker, Queen's road Cattle Market Co. Limited, The Heath
Mustill Herbert William, insurance supt. Queen's road Smith John William, hall keeper, Corn hall, Market pi
National Provincial Bank of England Limited (agency) Smith Willby, accountant, Wells road
(R. Burgess, manager; open on thursdays from 12.15 Smith William Edward, station master, Midland & Great
to 4·45), Markert place; draw on head office, 15 Northern joint railway, Sandy hill
Rishopsgate, London E C Southgate Robert, farmer, The Heath
Needs James, builder, Queen's road Southgate S. "V-incent, motor engineer, Oak street
Newman & Son, stationers, Norwich street Stead & Simpson Lim. boot & shoe warehouse,Norwich st
Newson William, hair dresser, Bridge street Stewardson & Co. printers & stationers, Market place
Norfolk (The King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry Stone John William, station master, Great Eastern
(C Squadron, Major C. D. Seymour, commanding; Railway station
Capt. Lord Hastings, second in command; Squadron Stonehouse Squadron Sergt.-Major William, drill in-
Sergt.-Major William Stonehouse, drill instructor), structor C Squadron, King's Own Royal Regiment,
Holt road Nurfolk Yeomanry, Halt road
Oakford W. & F. ironmongers, Norwich street Stoughton John Arnold (firm, Bircham & Stoughton), soli-
Owles Henry William (Mrs.), Red Lion hotel, Market pl citor & commissioner for oaths, clerk to the guardians
Page G. W. manager of Barclay & Company's Bank, & assessment committee of Docking union, clerk to
Market place Docking Rural District Council & supt. registrar of
Palin Edward Wats.m M.A., M.B., B.Ch.Oxon., M.R.C.S. Walsingham district, Bridge street; & at Docking
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon (firm, Fisher & Palin), Sutton & Co. carriers (James Flegg, agent), Sculthorpe rd
& medical officer & public vaccinator Fakenham dis- Territorial Force Battalion (5th Norfolk Regiment (C
trict, Walsingham union & Colkirk district, iMitford & Co. Capt. Herbert Ellis Rowell; Color-SeTgt. Frank
Launditch union, Oak street Harris, drill instructor); 6th (Cyclist) Battalion (E
Parker Nicholas, watch maker, Bridge street Co. ), Capt. Sidney Dewing; Color-Sergt. Edmund
Parker Robert, watch jobber, Swan street Scotchmer, ·drill instructor), Armoury, Halt road
Parker William, watch & clock maker, White Horse si Thomp~on E. & A. (Misses), ladies' outfitters,Norwich st
Pearson Percy W. insurance agent, Oak street Tilson Dora (Miss), dress makeT, White Horse street
Pennell Percy, beer retailer, The Heath Tingey George Thomas, farmer, Thorpland lodge
Perowne Bernard C. farmer, Water house Toll William, tinsmith, Queen's road
,Piercy A.rthur William, grocer, Oak street Tuck George, baker, Oak street
Piercy Elijah, blacksmith, Nelson road Tuthill Charles, builder, Wells road
Pope Ratcliffe, solic:itor (firm, Watson, Digby & Pope), Tuthill Charles S., .A..I.S.E. sanitary engineer, Wells rd
Market place Tuthill Emily (Miss), private school, Hannington house,
Powell John William, saddler, Oak street Norwich road
· Pratt Sampson, nurseryman, White Horse street· Utting Brothers, tailors & boot makers, Market place
Priest Herbert S. clerk to the parish council & the Utting .A.lbert George, registrar of births & deaths
cemetery, assistant overseer & rate collector, Oak st Fakenham district, Oak street
Priest William, registered plumber, house decorator, Utting Reginald .A.. deputy supt. registrar, Walsingham
sig-n writer & paperhangings dealer, Oak street union, Queen's road
Purdy Herbert, temperance hotel, Bridge street Utting Rose (Miss), deputy registrar of births & deaths,
Rational Association Friendly Society (R. L. Cooper,sec) Scul thorpe road
·Read win John Thomas, saddler, Bridge street Wainwright J oseph, musical instrument dlr. Market pi
ReedeT A.rthur, saddler, see Gower & Reeder Wakefie<ld Lavender W. blacksmith, see Wright & Wake-
Reeder Charles Wbittred, tailor, Swan ~treet field
RichJrdson Ernest, bill poster, Norwich road Walford Frank, Rampant Horse P.H. Queen's road
Richadson Ernest, horse slaughterer, Oattle Market st Warner Howard Francis M.B., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.
Richardson George (Mrs.), dress maker, Halt road Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.S.A.Lond. surgeon, & medical
Richardson Richard, Bell P.H. Norwich road officer & public vaccinator, Raynham district, Wal!'ling-
Riches Finley George, tailor, Oak streert ham union & certifying factory surgeon, The Square
Rix Oliver & Co. engineers, iron & brass founders, Warters William, coach builder, Wells road
agricultural implement manufacturers & thrashing Waterson George, carpenter & market toll collector,
machine proprietors; & at Sculthorpe Norwich road
Rix Arthur Foule, saddler, Post Office street Waterson George, jun. tobacconist, Norwich road
RobPrts Robert J. plumber, Queen's road Watson, Digby & Pope,· solicitors & commissioners to
Ruffles Geo. Thos. greengro. Oak st. & confr. Bridge st administer oaths, Market place
Rush Edgar, monumental mason, Norwich road Watt Alexander, high-class outfitter; agent for Bur-
St. Anthony's Club (E. J. Goading, hon. sec.), Ha yes la berrys & Tress & Co. Market square
Scotchmer Color-Sergt. Edmund, drill instructor E Co. White John, jeweller, Oak street & house furnisher,
6th (Cyclist) Terr. Force Battn. Norfolk Regiment, Market place
Armourv, Holt road Willimont Alfred, insurance agent, Wells road
Seppings Frerlerick Arthur, carpenter, Halt road 1Vithers Arthur E. wardrobe dealer, Quaker's lane
Shears Frederick, Great Eastern inn, Norwich road Wright & Wakefield, blacksmiths, Bridge street
Sherlngham & Overman, wool, seed & wine & apirit Wright William & Son, seed merchants, Wells road
merchants, Market square Wright Charles, horse breaker, Queen's road
Shields David, County Council district road surveyor, Wright Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Swan street
Walsingham district, Sculthorpe road Young Men's Ohristian Association (W. J. Bowman,
Shipp Harry J. see The Crown hotel general sec.), Norwich street •

"FELBRIGG is a. parish about 3 miles south-west Bohemia, ob. 1416: the effigy of the knight carries a
from Cromer railwav• stations on the Great Eastern banner, and that of the lady is clad in a mantle;
and Midland and Great Northern joint railways, and above rises 8 canopy, and there are shields of arms
10 north-west from North Walsham, in the Northern and a fetterlock badge: there is also a brass, with
division of the county, North Erpingham hundred and effigies, to Symon de Felbrig, c. 1351, his wife Alice,
petty sessional division, Erpingham union, Halt county buried at Harling, and to Roger da Felbrig, buried
court district, rural deanery of Repps and archdeaconry in Prnssia, c. 1380, and his wife Elizabeth, with an
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Margaret. inscription in Norman French: there are other brasses
picturesquely situated in the park, is a building of to a lady, c. 1480; Thomas, third son of Sir Edmund
flint with stone dressings, in the Perpendicular style. Windham, with effigy in armour, ob. 1599; and to
con!!isting of chancel, nave, north and south porche~ Jane, wife successively of John Pope esq. of Wroxton,
rmd an embattled western tower containing one bell: Oxon, and of Humphrey Coningsby esq. ob. 16o8 ; this
in the church is a beautifully executed monument by brass was placed by Sir John Windham : thA founda-
NnUekens, to the Right Hon. Willi:otm Windham, fl tions of the ancient vestry on the north side of the
distinguished statesman, d. 3 June, IBio: on a largP chancel still remain: there are 100 sittings. Th@ rP-
mnrhle slab in the nave is a fine sepulchral bras!". gister dates from the year 1700. The living is 8 rec.
with effigy, in complete armour, to Sir Simnn d" tory. with that of Metton annexed, joint net yearly
Felhry!!gl', Knight of the Garter and standarrl bearer valne £274, including 76! acres of glebe attached to
1io Richard 1I. ob. 1443, and to his first wife, Ma~r­ Metton, with residence, in the gift of R. W. Ketton
garet, dBnghWl" 'Of Primislana, Duke of Te!!Chen, in esq. and held since 18gB by the Rev. Thomas South
.J:~ggM.A.. of Christ's College, Cambridge, who resides By Local Government Board Order No. 44,367, which
at Metton. Felbrigg Hall, the seat of Robert William came into operation Oct. 1, 1904, part of Felbrigg civil
Ketton esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor and chief pari111J, without any population, was transferred to Cromer
landowner, IS a spaciou:~ and handsome mansion in the c1vil parish.
Early Tudor style, standing on a commanding height Wall Letter Box, The Green,cleared at 12.45 & P-35 p.m
in a well-wooded park of 700 acres. The soil is a rich Letters through Norwich arrive at 8 Cromer is
loam, with a subsoil of red sand. The chief crops are the nearest money order' & telegraph office, 3 miles
wheat, oats and hay. The area is 1,557 acres; rate- distant
able value, [r,343; the population in rgii was 181. The children attend school at Aylmerton
Bee W. Marshall, East Ella I Lewis Arthur F. The Oaks Ward Frederick, gamekeeper to R.
Collier Godfrey William, Loofree i Durrant George Herbert, farm bailiff W. Ketton esq
Ketton Robt. Wm. J.P. Felbrigg hall to Isaac Cannell esq Wr:ight John, farmer, Park farm
FELMINGHAM is a parish with station on the Bishop of Norwich, has been held since 1912 by the
Midland and Great Northern joint railway from Lynn Rev. Ernest Arthur Milne M.A. of Keble College, Ox-
to Yarmouth, 2! miles west-south-west from North ford: the rectory is endowed with ons-fourth of the
Walsham, 5 east from Aylsham and 13 from Norwich, rectorial tithe; the remaining three-fourths are in the
in the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead and hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. There is a
Happing petty sessional division, hundred of Tunstead, Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1882. In 1844
union of Smallburgh, North Walsham county court some Roman antiquities were found here. Felmingham
district, rural deanery of Waxham '(Tunstead division), Hall is in the occupation of Mr. George H. Plnmbly,
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of farmer. Col. the Hon. Charles Harbord C.B .• M.V.O.
St. Andrew is an edifice rebuilt of red brick, with of Gunton Park, is lord of Rugg's Hall manor, The
the exception of the tower, in 1742, in the Georgian principal landowners are CoL the Hon. Cha~. a:arbord,
style, consisting of nave and a Perpendicular western William Postle esq. A. G. Copeman esq. of Little
tower of flint, supported by buttresses and containing Dunham, Major Preston Jermy Gwyn and Mr. Philip
f> ht-ll~: in the church are several brasses, some of which Charles Plumbly, of Suttington. The soil is loamy;
are palitnpsest: of these, cme now fixed to the wall bean . subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
an inscription to Ursula Wychekynggam, c. 1530: the I oats and barley. The area is 1,8g6 acres; rateable

r:;oo; another bears on the obverse an inscription to Parish Clerk, Charles Brady.
Rnhert Moone, _ob. 24 May, rsgr : the.- _rev~rse displays Post Office.-Mrs. Harriet Lucy Spinks, sub-post-
the centre portiOn of the fi~re of a Pt:Iest m ma~s vest- I mistress. Letters through North Walsham, arrive at
ments, c. r45o-6o; there are m all five brasses which are m & p m (J 1 A t & s t mb
affixed to the western wall of the nave: during the heavy 7·
10 8
· · ) &3 ·a? ·th d \y, ugus & ep e er,
5. p.md_- t; nto
gales of r8g4-5, the roofs of the nave and tower were .3od" lspNa crthe Wa hg a.m. 1
... d d th th b tt f th t d sun ay e Ivery. o 1 am, 2"2" m1 1ell IS an ,
,.,·stroye , an e sou u ress o e ower an part · th t d & t 1 h ffi
nf the churchyard wall blown down: the whole has"since IS . e neares money or er . e egra~ ~ ce
twen repaired: there are 250 sittings. The register dates Pubhc Elementary School (_rmxed), built m 1879 at a
from the year 1754 . There were formerly two benefices cost of £,2,ooo, for 173 children; average atte?dance,
in this parish, a rectory and a vicarage. These were I2o; H~nry Colegate, master; Mrs. Anna Mana Cole-
consolidated by an Order in Council, dated Nov. 17th, gate, miStress
IQII; the joint living, net yearly value £230, including I Railway Station (Midland & Great Northern), Frederick
26 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Coupland, station master 1

Milne Rev. Erne-st M.A. Daniels George, farmer

Arthur Plumblv• Herbt. farmer, auctioneer &
(vicar), Vicarage l:Tri mes George, farmer valuer, estate agt.& cattle salesman,
Hall Waiter, farmer Ruggs hall ; & Market place &
Howard Herbert, pork butcher Auction ma.rt, Yarmouth road,
COMMERCIAL. North Walsham
• Murrell George, farmer, The Grange
AUen William, fruit grower 'Painter Clark William, farmer Plumbly Philip Charles, farmer, Fel-
Atltins William, blacksmith Pallett Waiter William, farmer mingham farm
Blyth Arthur, Llacksmith Plumby George H. farmer, Felming- Rayner Alfred Charles, farmer, The
Bnrton Thomas Wm. (Mrs.}, farmer ham hall Meadows
Buxton Hany Sidney, King's Head Whistler John, farmer
P.H Wortley John (exors. of), farmers
FELTHORPE is a parish and widely scattered vi!- the church. The fuel allotment of 46 acres produces
lage, 5 miles south-east from Cawston station on the about £w yearly. Felthorpe Hall, the property and
Ea~t Norfolk section of the Great Eastern railway, 3 residence of Reginald Laursnce esq. stands a short
north-east from Attlebridge, and about the same dis- distance north of the Norwich road, and is tmr-
tance north from Drayton station on the Midland and rounded by plantations. There are four manors. three
Great Northern joint railway and 7 north-north-west belonging respectively to Lord Stafford, the Bishop 'Of
f~om Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, Norwich and Lord De Ramsey (who owns the manor
Taverham hundred and petty . sessional division, St. of Russells), the fourth being the Rectory manor. Lord
Faith's union, Norwich county court district, rural De Ramsey, Samuel Gurney Bu.xton esq. of Catton Hall,
deanery of Taverham and archdeaconry and diocese of and W. J. Birkbeck esq. of Stratton Strawless Hall, are
Norwich. The church of St. Margaret is a structure the principal landowners. The soil is sandy; subsoil,
<>f flint, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch sand. The chief crops are wheat. roots, barley and hay.
and a western tower containing one bell: the stained The area is lil,314 acres; assessable value, £,1,307; the
Past window was inserted in 1878 by Major James J. population in 1911 was 3'56.
Bourchier J.P. (d. 1886) in memory of his brother, Col. Parish Sexton, Robert J. Thompson.
Cl.aude T. Bonrchier, and there are several other stained
~indows erected by the late Major Bourchier, who also Post Office.-RobeTt J. Thompson, sub-postmaster.
l"Ppaved the church at his sole expense; the stone reredos Letters through Norwich arrive at 8.15 a.m. & 4
-w~s erected to his memory: the church has been p.m.; dispatched at 4 p.m. week days only. Hors-
Pnlarg-ed and partly rebuilt, and was thoroughly re- ford is the nearest money or<ier office & Haverland, 1
~bred in 1878 : there are 200 sittings, 130 being free mile distant, the nearest telegraph office
a'1d unappropriated. The register dates from the year Wall Letter Box, at Wades Foundry, cleared at 3.30
r715. The living is a rectory. net yearly value L170, p.m. week days only
includin!! 23 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
nf the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1902 by the Public Elementary School (mixed), built by Lord Ds
RPv. John Thomas Hendley, of St. Aidan's. Here is a Ramsey in 1846, for 84 children; average attendance,
Baptist chapel, erected in IB3r and affording I7lil sit- 82; Miss Harriett Monle, mistreSB
tings. Brereton's charity of £4o yearly is applied in Carriers to N orwich.-Robe~ J, Thompson, sat. ;
payments to almswomen, the poor, and to the repair of 1 Sparkes, mon. tues. wed. fr1. & sat
HPndlev Rev. John Thomas, Rectory 'Burton Waiter Charles, farmer,BreJ. Nicholson 1ohn, Church farm
Lanrence Reginald, Felthorpe hall farm (letters through Hevingham) Pigg William, farmer,Yew Tree (arm
COMMERCIAL. Gostling Jas. H. Mariners' Arms P.B Thompson Robert J. grocer, carrier,
Ashfield William, farmer 'Hawet~ Henry, farmer, Mill farm sexton & sub-postmaster
Barrett Ernest Wm. frmr. Spring fm 1 Lawes George, farmer Vincent Arthur, gamekeeper to S. a..
Barrett F'rancis, farmer . Medler William, farmer Buxton esq

Wade Clark, agricultural implement harrows & horse hoes (letters should Watson John, threshing machine
maker & agent, iron founder & be addressed Baverland, Norwich) proprietor
genel'al smith; specialities: ploughs, Waller John, farmer Witard E. et Son, millers (water)
FELTWELL is a parish and larlle village 3 mile~ among the poor. The Poor's Common consists of 300
north from Lakenheath station on the Ely and Tl.Jet- acres of fen, on which all such inhabitants of the
ford section of the Great Eastern railway and 6 north- township as are legally settled therein and occupy lands
west from Brandon, in the South Western division or tenements of not more than £ro a year may cut fuel
of the county, Grimshoe hundred and petty sessional under the direction of the lords of the manor, rector,
division, Thetford union and county court district, rurai churchwardens and overseers, who were appointed trus-
deanery of Cranwich (South division), archdeaconry of tees for the management of the common by the In-
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The parishes of St. closure Act, dated 18I3. At the Eastern approach io
Mary and St. Nicholas are now united. '!'he church the village, in the centre of the roadway, is an ancient

of St. :Mary is an edifice in the Decorated style, con- oak tree of immense size, standing on a grassy mound
listing of chancel, nave, aisles, and an embattled or plot eight or ten feet in diameter; an iron railing
western tower with pinnacles and various sculptured has been placed round it in order to preserve the tree.
figurBB and highly wrought ornament, and containing A fair is held on November 2oth. Feltwell Lodge, a
3 bells: the nave is divided from the chancel by a large mansion of brick, in park-like grounds, is occupied
carved oak screen: the chancel retains a piscina and bv Reginald Hartley esq. Feltwell Hall, the seat of
two mural brasses to Margaret Moundeford and Francis Edward C. Newcome esq. J.P. is also of brick. East
Hethe, of Mildenhall: and there are others with effigies, to Hall, the seat of Henry Morris Upcher e!!q. D.L., J.P .•
Francis Moundeford and his two wives and to Osbert F.Z.S. i~ a fine mansion of brick, in the Elizabethan
Moundeford, all of the z6th centnry, besides other style. Edward Cyrill Newcome esq. J.P. is lord of the
braSI!!es to the Newcome family: the east window and chief or capital manor, and of the manor of South Hall;
others are stained, and all were restored about 1900: H. M. Upcher esq. is lord of the manor of Wedlings.
the church was considerably enlarg-ed and · the Spinvills and Duntons; and the Masters and Fellows of
northern arcade rebuilt for the use of the in- Christ's College, Cambridge, are lords of the manor of
habitants of the two parishes, ab(mt 1864, at the sole East Hall; and the above, with R. Hartley esq. are also
expense of the late Rev. Edward Bowyer Sparke :M.A. the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
rector from 1831 : there are 68o sittings, 300 being chalk and .sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
free. and turnips. The area is I3,15r acres of land, one half
The church of St. Nicholas, standing on rising ground, of which is fen, and 27 of water; rateable value, includ-
in the western part of the village, is a much smaller ing Fentwell Fen Farms, £7,871; the population in rgn
and plainer but still ancient structure, the upper part of was 1,347 in the civil and I, 120 in the ecclesiastical
which has been rebuilt with flint, and consists of nave, parish.
south aisle and south porch: the round western tower,
which contained 5 bells, collapsed while undergoing FELTWELL ANCHOR is a parish. The area is 99
repair in z8g8: the church is now used only as a acres of land and 4 of water; rateable value, £IIo; the
mortuary chapel. The earliest register is dated, on population in I9II was 66.
the cover, A.D. 1559. but the first entry is in the year Parish Clerk, John Whitehead.
1562; the first two leaves have evidently been removed
many years. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Agnes Emma Chaplin
£979, including 160 acres of glebe, with residence, in Palmer, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Bran-
the alternate gift of the Lord Chancellor and the don at 4-I5 a.m. & 2.5 p.m.; delivery 7 a.m. & 2.I$
Bi~hop of Norwich, and held since 1912 by the Rev. p.m. ; dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & 8 p.m_ ; sundays,
Colin Arthur Fitzgerald Campbell M.A. of Clare College, 8 p.m
Cambridge. There are Wesleyan and Primitive Metho- Wall Letter Box, Cross hill, cleared at ro.2o a.m. &
dist chapels. The Coronation Hall was erected in 1911 8.5 p.m.; sunday, 8.5 p.m
at the expense of Mr. Barley P. PorteT, and will seat 450 Public Elementary School (mixed), built, with master's
persons. The Moundeford charity of £330 yearly, sub- residence~ in I8xg, by the Moundeford Charity
ject to deductions for drainage rates, is derived from Trustees, & a mistress's residence since added; the
6I2 acres of land; about £83 is applied to the support school will hold 200 children ; average attendance,
of almshouses, and £2o is distributed in clothing, but 130 ; J ames H. Fassnidge, master
owing to the depreciation in the value of land -nothing
Public Elementary School (Infants'), for 100 ; average
has been paid to the school for some years past. There
are eight almshouses, endowed in 1642 by Sir Edward attendance, 79; Miss M!l.ry Elizabeth Knight, infants•
Moundeford kt. and re-erected by the parish in I 819,
besides many minor charities bequeathed by the families Carriers to StokeJ Ferry.-Salmon Brothers, wed.
of Olough, Rawlins and Atmore, which are distributed fri. ; J ohnson, wed. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Banham William, farmer GunstBad Pryer, farmer
Archer Ernest G13orge Barnes Geo. Hy. farmer, Feltwell Fen Harrison Fanny (Mrs.), farmer,
Archer Mr!!. Ro8e cottage Barnes John Wm. farmer, Felt well Fen Feltwell Fen
Campbell Rev. Colin Arthur Fitz- Bell Mary (Mrs.), farmer, FeltwellFen Heading Henry, farmer
gerald M.A. (rector), Rectory Broad water J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hicks l'hilip, beer retailer, West end
Gri:ffiths Jeffrey Arthur, Hill house Brown John, farmer,New Fen district Houchen, Houchen, Greenland &.
Hartley Reginald, Feltwell lodge Capital & Counties Bank Limited (sub- Sword, solicitors
Harwin Francis branch) (late Oakes Bevan & Co.) Howlett Ralph B. Chequers inn
• Marsh Miss, Rectory (Arthur Law, manager, London King Horace Edmund, baker, miller
Newcome Edward Cyrill J.P. Felt- road, Thetford), open mon. only 11 (gas engine), flour & corn merchant
well hall a.m. to 3.30 p.m. ; draw on head & farmer
Parker George office, 39 Threadneedle street, Lon- Lambert Matilda (Miss), shopkeeper
Porter Joseph, Beck house don E C Lambert Salisbury, farmer
Scott George, Shrublande Chaplin Ernest, smith Leonard Cornelius, Wannage farm,
Spencer Mrs Clarke George, farmer, New Fen dist Feltwell Fen
Stallon Lambert Cock Ernest Wm. & Herbert, farmer~ Maggs Herbert, beer retailer
Steward Samuel Cock William, builder Ma.[!gs John Henry,farmer, South Fen
Upcher Henry Edward Sparke J.P. Collett George, shopkeeper Mott James, farmer, Feltwell Anchor
East hall ; & Oxford & Cam bridge Colton William Henry, Oak hotel Neville Ernest James, butcher
club, Pall mall, London S W Coronation Public Hall (Barley P. Nicholson Thomas Archbold Wanless,
Upcher Hy. Morris D.L.,J.P.East hall Porter, proprietor) farmer, Manor farm & Shrubhill
West Miss Curtis Edward, butcher Osier John, beer retailer
Whitmore :Mrs Dalton Fred, farmer, Poppylot Palmer Ernest Edward, builder
Edwards Henry Field, builder Palm er Hesther Laura (Mrs.), dress.
Feetham J ames (Mrs.), farmer ,Bran- maker
Addison Henry, painter & decorator don bank, Feltwell Fen Parker George & Son, grocers
Andrews Thomas, farmer Glover Langman, farmer, Fen Payne Robert & Son, farmers, thrash-
Archer Ernest George :M.R.C.S.Eng., Go::>dwin William, blacksmith ing machine proprs. & blacksmith:;
L. S.A. surgeon, & medical officer, Griffiths Jeffrey Arthur M.R.C.V.S. Payne John Lema!!, surveyor to the-
Feltwell di!!trict, Thetford union veterinary inspector to Norfolk Thetford Rural District Council
Ashton Parke, whitesmith County Council, veterinary surgeon Peacock John Luddington, farmer.
Banham Robert, farmer & insurance agent for live stock. Feltwell Fen
Banham Thomas, farmer Hill house · Pear son Arthur, bricklayer
Porter Barley P. grocer Scarff Thomas, Bell inn Thompson George, farmer, Poppylotte,
Porter Jo~eph, White Plot farm Sier Frederick, grocer Feltwell 1-'en
Porter Thomas, farmer, Grange farm Smith John Thomas, baker Turner John, farmer
Pryor John., farmer Spencer Anna (Miss), assistant over- Upcraft Levi, boot maker
Pry or Violet (Miss), shopkeeper seer & clerk to Parish Council W alden Henry B. shopkeeper
Rice }<'lower, farmer .Spencer Archibald, land steward to Walker Gregory, farmer
Rolfe J ames, farmer the Duchy of Lancaster Walker John William, beer retailer
Rolfe Robert Seppings, cycle agent Spencer Francis, farmer \Yalkar William, farmer, Wannage,
Rolph J-acob, beer retailer Steward John, saddler Feltwell Fen
Rudiand Jonathan, farmer Symonds Alfred George, grocer Wright Leonard, Cock inn
Saint Harry, cycle repairer Theobald Morley, jnn. farmer, Felt-
well Fen
FER,SFIELD is a village and parish, 5 miles north- dining-room of the pre!llent rectory, and stored in the
west from Diss station on the Ipswich and Norwich tithe barn on the site of the present coachhouse: it waa
section of the Great Eastern railway, in the Southern published in 1739-95 and afterwards reprinted in 1805·Io,
division of the county, Diss hundred, petty sessional by Mr. William Miller, of London, in eleven large
division and county court district, Depwade union, volumes. Blomefield was instituted to th~ living 13th
rural deanery of Redenhall, arch deaconry of Norfolk September, 1729, and held it till his death in 1751. The
snd diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew, Duke of Norfolk K.G. is lord of the manor and chief
rebuilt by Sir Robert and William Du Blois, is an landowner. A charity was left by Jeffery Ellingham in
ancient building of flint in the Perpendicular style, 1493 of 4 marks a year and 23 acres of land and a
consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch house, producing £25 yearly, which sum is applied
and a western tower containing one bell : there are towards the repairs of the church. The soil is heavy;
marble monuments to the founders and a marble slab ·subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and barley.
to the Rev. Francis Blomefield B.A. rector here for 23 The area is 1,396 acres; rateable value, £1,272; the
years, who died 15 Jan. 1751: the communion plate population in 1911 was 261.
includes a chalice and paten believed to date from the
time of Queen Elizabeth: there are 170 sittings. The Sexton.•Am brose Crick.
register dates from the year 1565. The living is a rectory, Post Office.-Herbert Arthur Hall, sub-postmaster.
net income £222, including 6o acres of glebe and residence, Letters through Diss, arrive at 8.20 a.m. & 3 p.m. (to
in the gift of Mrs. C. E. Woode, and held since 1912 callprs only); dispatched at II.5o a.m. & 5·45 p.m.
by the Rev. Charles Edward Woode B.A. of Corpus week days only. Kenninghall, 3 miles distant, is the
Christi College, Cambridge. Here is a Primitive nearest money order & telegraph office
Methodist chapel, erected in 189r. Francis Blomefield, Pillar Box, cleared at 5.30 p.m. week days only
the distinguished antiquary, and author of the well-
known "History of Norfolk," was born here 23 July, Public Elementary School, for 6o cbildren ; average
1705: his great work was originally printed in the attendance, 40; Mrs. C. E. Boggis, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brasnett Walt. Thos. farmer,Hall frm Oakley William, farmer
Woodcock Mrs. Algar house Cobbold John, beer retailer Ramsey Alfred, farmer
Woode Rev. Charles Edward B.A. Garland Willie George, farmer Rivett Rosa (Mrs.), fa.rmer
(rector), The Rectory Good.,;win George, farmer Robinson Caleb, farmer & beer retailer
COMMRRCIAL.. Gray Aurelins, farmer Soar William, farmer
Boggis Arthur William, assistant Hoskins Harry, shopkeeper Spurling Charle.~, farmer
overseer & blacksmith Lond Horace, poultry dealer Warby Samuel, farmer
Brasnett .A.rthur Leslie, farmer Newstead Frederick, farmer Websdale Clement, farmer
FIELD DALLING is a parish and scattered village. g·all. There is a United Methodist chapel and a
5 miles west from Holt station and 4 north-north-east Primitive .Methodist chapel, built in 1871. Charities
from Thursford station, ~oth on the Midland and Great of an "average yearly value of £35 are distributed
Northern joint railway, 4 south from Blakeney and 6 <tt Christmas in money to the deserving poor. Field
east from Walsingham, in the Northern division of Dalling Hall, the residence of Thomas Leslie Nelscn
the county, North Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional esq. is a modern mansion of red brick with stone
division, Walsingham union and county court district, dressings, in the Domestic Gothic style, standing in its
rural deanery of Holt and archdeaconry and diocese 1wn grounds and surrounded by tastefully laid ont
of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient ~nrdens and shrubberies and commanding an extensin~
building of flint with stone dressings in the Early dew of both land and sea. John Henry Pearson esq.
English style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, i;~ lord of Saveneys or Mountgrace Manor, and Edwin
north aisle, south porch and an embattled western Walker esq. of the manor of Wolterton and Gibbs. E.
tower containing 5 bells : the interior is seated with Walker esq. is the chief landowner, and there are
open oak benches, some of which are massive and several small owners. The soil is loam; subsoil, chalk
ancient : the stained east window is a. memorial to and brick earth. The crops are chiefly wheat, barley
the Rev. William Upjohn, vicar from 18II, d. 1855: and turnips. The area is 1,632 acres; rateable value,
there are others to R. R. Cobbold, d. 1859 ; Mrs. L. D. £2,r38; the population in 19II was 280.
Hammond, of Bale, d. 18go; W. Walker, d. 1899, and Sexton & Verger, Robert Massingham.
his wife, d. 1902, and to Philip Page and hi11 wife,
d. 1854: there is a crypt under the tower, bnt the Post, 'M. 0. & T. Office. .Tames William Seppings, sub-
entrance to it is now walled up: the restoration of
postmaster. Letters through Bolt arrive at 8.10 &
the church was completed in 1907: the church affords
11.50 a.m. & are dispatched at 9·55 a.m. & 4 p.II,l.
240 sittings, 16o being free. The register dates from • •
No postal busmess on sundays
the year 1538. The living is a discharged vicarage,
net yearly value £107, including 38 acres of glebe A Cl'mmittee of 6 managers was formed in 1875 for
(26 of which are in this parish and 12 in Bodbam ), Field Dalling & Saxlingham School District; I. W.
with residence, standing in grounds of 3 acres, in the Tuck, Warham, clerk & attendance officer
gift of Edwin Walker esq. J.P. and held since 1910 by Council School (mixed), built in 1879, & new class room
the Rev. Henry Charles Hamilton Johnson, of St. added, for 134 children ; average attendance, 93 ;
Augustine's College, Canterbury : the rectorial tithes, Herbert Hacker, master
commuted at £309, are owned by the Misses Rippin-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cop em an Harriett (Mrs.), farmer, Ernest Robert, Jolly Farmero~
Johnson Rev. Henry Chas. Hamilton Little Marsh P.H. & pork butcher
(vicar). Vicarag-e Davidson Georg-e, shopkeeper Seppings Jameil William, grocer ~
Musters George Chaworth, The Old Fox Samuel, farmer draper & sub-postmaster
Vicara"'e Hammond William Herbert, farmer, Walk:!r Wm. Geo. farmer,LittleMar~h
Nelson Thos. Leslie,Ficld Dalling hall Manor farm Wa.terson Anna (Mrs.), dress maker
Walker Miss Loade;; William John & George Wood Thomas Barlow, farmer, Man::r
Wood Thc.s. Barlow, Manor House fm Thomas, carpenters House farm
Long Wieiam, carter Woods John William, farmer, Ash &
COMMERCIAL. :\Iassingham Edmund, blacksmith Eastmoor farms
Bond George,• cowkeeper Neale Arthur Thomas. baker Wright Frederick, farmer & t•attle
Caley Willie Shackcloth, beer retailer Page .Tames, hawker, Little Marsh dealer, Church farm
Cooke Emma (Miss), dress maker Yull John, farmer


FILBY is a parish 2 miles south-west from Ormesby which are sent to London and other towns during the
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, season. Filby was given by William the Conqueror tG
about 6 miles north-west from Yarmouth and 17 north-east Rabell, the engineer officer who had charge of the balistm
from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, in- and other military engines ; the manor was afterw11rds
corporated hundreds, petty sessional division and incor- held by a family of its own name. Filby House, a man-
poration of East and West Flegg, county court distriC-t sion of white brick, is the seat of Charles Belgrave Lucas
of Great Yarmouth, rural deanery of Flegg and arch- esq. J.P. lord of the manor and chief landowner. Th6
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The name, like many soil is a rich loam, extending to a depth of several feet ;
of those in the Flegg district ending m "by," is of Scan- subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
din avian origin. The church of All Saints, situated on and fruit. The area is 1,430 acres, of which about 100
rising ground, overlooking Filby Broad, is a building of are plantations and 107 are occupied by a lake, forming
stone in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, a portion of the system of broads in the neighbour-
north porch and a lofty embattled tower of fine proportions hood; assessable value, £2,223; the population in 1911
,containing 5 bells, rehung in 1886: there are seven stained was 532.
windows, one of which, erected in 1883, together with the Sexton and Parish Clerk, Horace Shreeve.
lectern, form a memorial to Mrs. Lucas, wife of the Rev.
Charles Lucas M.A. rector 1 848-49, to whose memory a Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Walter Simon English, sub-
stained window was also erected in 18go; there are various postmaster. Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth at
monuments to the Lucas family, one of which, executed 5-55 a.m. & 3.30 p.m. & are dispatched at I2.15 &.
by Herrman, of Dresden, to G'barles Lucas esq. who died 6:3o p.m.; sunday dispatch, 6.30 p.m
in 1831, is a fine piece of sculpture; there are others to Wall Letter Box, near King's Head inn, cleared at 12. IS'
Gibson Lucas esq. d. IS Aug. 1790, and t{) Mary Ann Pm. & 6.30 p.m.; Emnday collection, 6.30 p.m
Lucas, his wife, d. 12 Dec. 1774: the fine panelled oak Wall Letter Box, Rectory garden wall, cleared at 12. xs
screen is in part ancient, but the upper portion was added p.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; sunday collection 6.30 p.m
by the late rector in 1886: the church was restored in Public Elementary School, built in 1838, at a cost of
1873 and affords 300 sittings. The register dates from £ 500 & enlarged a.buuli 1877 & again in 1907 &.
the year 1599· The living is a rectory, net yearly value infants' room added in I882; it will hold 135 chil-
about £300, with 17~ acres of glebe, with i'esidence, dren; average attendance, 120 ; William A.rthur
in the gift of Charles B. Lucas esq. and held since Newman, master
1900 by the Rev. Alfred Gray M.A. of University College,
Oxford. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected Board of 6 managers, 4 appointed by County authority &
in 1 ss6, and a Unitarian chapel, built and endowed by 2 by Parish Council; appointment triennially (March
Henry Daniel, in the beginning of the 18th century, as 1907); chairman of managers, Edward Elijah Trett :-
a Presbyterian chapel. The fuel allotment of IO acres clerk & attendance officer, A. E. Thompson
produces £27 yearly. The parish is· famous for its Police, Jacob Scott, police constable
excellent raspberries, many hundred pounds' worth of Carrier to Yarmouth, Robert Culling, wed. & sat

Adams Alfred, Hampden lodge Culling Robt. market grdnr. & carrier Nockolds Robert, market gardener
Gray Rev. Alfred M.A. (rector), The Dady William, market gardener Palmer Albt.Arth. farmer, Craft. farm
Rectory Dixon Alfred, farmer Reading Room (R. Walpole, sec)
Lucas Charles Belgrave J.P.Filby house English Benjamin, market gardener Thurtle Harriet (Mr!!. ), shopkeeper
Nichols Jeremiah, The Cottage English Wait. :Simon, shpkpr.Post off Trett Jn. Michael. farmer,Grange fm
COMMERCIAL. English Wi:Iiam, farmer Turner John, cart & wagon builder~
Allard John, market gardener English Wm. Zaccheus, market grdnr carpenter & undertaker, painter
Bunn W~lliam English, beer retailer Fuller Esther (Mrs.), butcher &c. ; repairs of all kind<>
Chapman Wm. F. butcher & farmer Fuller Henry, market gardener Walpole Robt. boot ma. & mrkt.gdnr
Crow George, market gardener Gaze Nelson, blacksmith Walpole Samuel, market gardener ~
Crow Robert, market gardener Harriss Ann (Mrs.) & Sons, saddler!! fruit grower & merchant & proprietor
Crow Robe.rt, farmer, Heath farm & harnPss makers of Filby Villa tea gardens; good fisb-
(letters through Caister) Hubbard William, market gardener ing & boating
Cuddon Thomas, Fox & Hounds P.H Hunt Charles JohnJ market gardener Ward Edward, market gardener
Culling A. gardener to Rev. A. Gray Knights John, farm bailiff to C. B. Ward Henry, market gardener
M.A Lucas esq. J.P Wright Harry Adam,market gardener
Culling John, market gardener Lack John Robert, aparts. Hollydene Wymer Jacob, m:uket gardener
FINCHAM is a parish and village on the road from Primitive Methodist chapels here. About 54 acres of

Downham to Swaffham, 5 miles north-east from Downbam land, allotted to the poor, produce an average income of
station, Ely and Lynn section of the Great Eastern rail- £40 per annum, which is distributed yearly in coals; the
way, in the South Western division of the county, Clack- poor widows have also a yearly rent-charge of gs. 4d. left,
close hundred and petty sessional division, Downham it is supposed, by the Rev. Thomas Bodham, and t.he
union e.nd county court district, rural deanery of Fincham interest of £23 given by unknown donors; the interes'
(east division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of of [400 given by Thomas Augustus Carter and Margaret
Norwich. The ancient church of St. Michael here was Anne Carter is distributed under their wills on St.
takPn down in 1745. The church of St. Martin is a large Thomas' Day yearly to the aged poor and sick of the
building of flint and stone, in the Perpendicular style, with parish ; there is 9 acres of land belonging to the church~
traces of an earlier structure, and consists of chancel, which produces £10 yearly, to be used by the church-
nave, aisles, south porch and a lofty embattled western wardens for the repair of St. Martin's church. The sale
tc.wer containing a clock and 6 bells: the Norman font , of the town houses, which were built from the ruins of
has a basin 2 feet 7 inches square, and is ornamented i St. Michael's church, realised £298 stock, the interest
with sculptures representing "The Fall of Man," "The · on which produces £4 yearly for the use of the church-
Offerings of the Magi," "The .Birth and Baptism of Our wardens for the repair of St. Martin's church, the re-

Saviour," and figures of John the Baptist, and a bishop, mainder of the interest being used for the relief of the

but some of these are much, defaced: the chancel, re- rates. Fincham Hall, built about the time of Edward IV ..

stored in 1870 by the late Miss Hebgin, has a hagioscope . was formerly the seat of the Finchams, and though fre-
and a memorial window, erected in 1886 by the parish- quently repaired and modernized, ~ome portions still

ioners, w the late Rev. William Blyth M.A. for 40 years retain their ancient character. The village is nearly
recror of this parish: there are several ancient floor stones equally bisected by a deep cha~el called " the Lode
to the Fincbams, but the figures on these are almost Dyke," which is the straightened course of a natural
obliterated. Sir NicholaS" Fincham, who built the vestry, stream flowing from Stradsett through Fincham and
was interred here in 1503: the church was restored and Barton B~ndish, and thence into the river Wissey at
extensively repaired during the incumbency of the Rev. Stoke Ferry. The people of Fincham we"re largely in-
William Blyth M.A.. (1846-86), when several stained win- volved in Kett's rebellion, in 1549, and did much to
dows were erected: the church was again restored in give importance to the movement. Sir Thoma~ Leigh
1910-1 I at a cost of £ II,ooo : there are 300 sittings : the Hare bart. M. V. 0. of Stow Hall, is lord of the manor
churchyard was enlarged in I 864 by a gift of land from of Fincham Hall and other manors in this parish, and
Mr. Hebgin, part impropriator of the tithes. The regis- the trustees of Mr. Calthrop are lords of Fairswell-in-
ter dates from the year 1541. The living is a rectory, net ! Fin.cham. The principal landowners are Sir T. L. Hare
yearly valne £480, with 30 acres of glebe and residence, bart. the trustees of the late Miss Hebgin and the trus-
in the alternate gift of the Lord Chancellor and the repre- tees of the late John Brigham Barsham esq. The soil
sentatives of the Rev. William Blyth M . .i. and held is chalk and rich alluvial; subsoil, clay. The chief
since 1908 by the Rev. Frederic Alliston Chase M ..i. oi crops are wheat and barley. The area is 2,973 acres;
Pembroke College, Cambridge. The rectory house wa.; 1·ateable value, £3,877; the population in 19II was 627.
built in 1624. There are Wesleyan Methodist and Sexton, James Bywater.
Po11t, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Martha. Laws, sub-post• Public Elementary School (mixed), erected iu 1848 &
mistress. Letters received from Downham at 7-30 enlarged in 1875. for I56 children ; average attend-
a.m. & 2.15 p.m.; dispatched at 10.10 a.m. & 6.20 ance, 8g; the school has an endowment of £4 yearly ;
p.m.; on sundays at 10.30 a.m George Day, master; Mrs. Jane Day, infants' mistress
Wall Letter Box, New inn, cleared at 10.15 a.m. & 6.25 Carrier.-Denniss Rowe, to Lynn, tnes. & sat. & Down-
p.m.; sundays, 10.45 a.m ham Market, fri

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Rly Thomas. saddler & harness maker 1 Parker Henry William, poultry dealer
Able John, St. Mary's lodge Bvwater .Albert H. farmer Pealing Leonard, boot maker
Barsham Mrs BYwater James, baker Porter Emanuel, New inn
Bvwater Arthur M. Hillhouse Carter William. farmer, Manor farm Rixx Susannah (Mrs.), plumber &-

Chase Rev. Frederic Alliston M.A. Coleman Harry, bricklayer glazier
(rector), Rec~ry Creasy Benjamin, farmer Roberson Roger, farmer, Black drove
Mason Leonard, Fincham hall Fendick Robert, shoe maker Rowe Denniss, carrier
Masson Geo. Blake- (Major R.A.M.C. Borne Emma (Mrs.), grocer Saunders Wm. E. bricklayer & coal dlr
[T.]), Holly house Kemp Robert, veterinary surgeon Sharp Frederick, farmer
Noel Admiral of the Fleet Sir Gerard Lambert H. & Son, millers (steam) Simpson William, shopkeeper
& bakers Sporne Edward, Swan P.H
Henrv Uchtred K.C.B., K.C.M.G.,
Laws Henry, beer retailer Staines John, carpenter, builder,
J.P. The Moat
Laws James, house deoorator Ha.cksmith, timber merchant,
COMMERCIAL. Laws Robert Henry, tailor undertaker, painter, glazier,
Able William, butcher Mason Leonard, farmer, Hall farm plumber, wheelwright &c. &c.;
Armiger Michael, Crown P.H Ma~son George Blake L.R.C.P. & S. workmanship & material guaranteed
Aylmer George Winearls, farm bailiff & L.M.Edin. physician & surgeon & to be of best quality; estimates
to Miss Hebgin's exors. Playter't> medical officer & public vaccinator, given; & at Stow Bardolph &
hal! Fincham district, Downham union, Stradsett
Bailey .Albert Alfred, carpent€r Major RA.M.C. (T.), Holly house; Stamford John, farmer .
Banyard George, cycle repairer & at Shouldham. Downham Waldon James, coal dealer
Batterham Edward, farmer N ewby Abraham,fn :·mer,Shrubland ho Walker Charles, fishmonger
Bellha.m Henry &bert, butcher New by John, farmer Winter Frederick, grocer
Bellham Robert Ernest, market gdnr Nurse Thomas, bn~cher Wood Charles, baker
Bly Philip William, butcher Palmer William Jam~, farmer Young Frederick J. shopkeeper
FISHLEY is a parish, bounded on the east by the river only from I85S ; previous to that year all entries were
Bure, and united in 1831 with Upt<Jn for parochial pur-
poses; it is I§ miles north from Acle station on the Nor-
wich and Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern railway,
a rectory, net yearly value £n4, with 4,
made in the parish registers of Upton. The living is
acres of glebe
and residence, in the gift of 'Major W. M. M. Edwards,
12 miles east from Norwich and 9 we:>t from Yarmouth, and held since I903 by the Rev. William Douglass Bay-
in the Eastern division of the countv, Blofield and Wal- cott B . .A. of Selwyn College, Cambridge, who resides
sham petty sessional division, Walsham hundred, Blofield at Upton. The rectory house was built by the late
union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Miss Edwards at a cost of £1,6oo. Major William Mar-
Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The daunt Marsh Edwards V.C., D.L., J.P. of Hardingham
church of St. Mary is an ancient structure of flint, in Hall, is the sole landowner. The soil is good mixed;
the Norman and Early English styles, consisting of chan- subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat,
cel, nave, south porch and a round embattled western barley and oats. The area and rateable value are given
tower containing one bell : the tower is supposed to be with Upton ; the population in 190I was IS.
in part the remains of a pre-Norman edifice: the church
was thoroughly restored in 1861 at the cost of the late Letters received from Norwich, viA. Acle. Acle is the
Miss Edwards, of Hardingham, to whom the carved oak nearest money order & telegraph office, 1! miles
lectern is a memorial : the reredos is also a memorial : distant
the church affords 102 sittings. The register dates The children of this place attend Acle school
Bayly Major-Gen. Sir Alfred William Lambert K.C.B.,
C.S.I., D.S.O. Fishley rectory
I Hall John, farmer, Fishley hall
FLITCHAM (anciently Felixbam)-with-APPLE- Post & M. 0. Office. John Evan Gronow,sub-postmaster.
TON is 11 parish and village on the road from Lynn to Letters through Lynn arrive at 5 & II.28 a.m.;
Bumham Market, I mile north from Hillington station dispatched at 1 I. ro a. m. & 6.40 p.m. ; sundays at 3.40
on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 8 p. m. Hillington is the nearest telegraph office .for
miles north-east from Lynn and 108 from London, in Flitcham, I mile distant
the North Western division of the county, Freebridge Flitcham P•1blic Elementary School (mixed), built in
.Lynn hundred, petty sessional division and union, Lynn 1874, & enlarged in 19II by H.M. the King, for II4
county court district, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), children; average attendance, Bo; Miss Marion J ones,
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The mistress
church of the Virgin Mary, originally built about 6oo
A.D. by Bishop Felix, the contemporary of St . .Augus- Carrier to Lynn.-George Linford, tues. & sat
tine, is a structure of rubble in the Norman and Perpen-
.APPLETON is a decayed parish, 8 miles north-east-by-
dicular styles, and consists of nave, south aisle, south
east from Lynn, joined for civil purposes to Flitcham,
porch and an embattled central tower containing one
bell : the south transept is in ruins, ,and the chancel has but- ecclesiastically annexed to the rectory of Babingley.
been taken down to t,he foundation: the church was The church is in ruins, but the churchyard is railed
restored in I881 at the cost of the 2nd Earl of Leicester in, and care is being taken that the building is not
K.G. (d. Igog), then patron and lay rector: the church desecrated, or decay hastened in any way. The living is
was restored in I907 by His late Majesty King Edward a vicarage, yearly value £8 only, in the gift of His
VII. and reseated throughout at his expense: there are Majesty the King, and held since 1912 by the Rev.
200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1771. .A.rthur Rowland Harry Grant M ..A.. of Oxford University,
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £194, includ- and domestic chaplain to H.M. the King, who is also
ing 5 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of rector of and resides at Sandringham. His Majesty
H.M. the King, and held since IgoB by the Rev. Edward the King is sole landowner. The works for supplying
Charles Stephens M.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge. the Sandringham estate with water are in this parish.
Here is a. Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in 1885. Appleton House, on the Sandringham estate, is the resi-
There are remains of a priory founded by Sir Robert dence of T.M. the King and Queen of Norway; the place
lies in a declivitv between Flitcham and West Newlion.
Aiguillon in the reign of Henry Ill. ( 1250) for canons -
Appleton was the seat of the Paston family until 1707,
of the .Augustinian order, and dedicated to St. Mary at
the Well. In the parish is a barrow called " Flitch am when the old castle was burnt to tlm ground, and waa
Burg," on which the hundred court used formerly to be replaced by a farmhouse, which was pulled down in
held. H.M. the King is lord of the manor and principal 1863, and the present residence then built. The area,
landowner. .A part of Hillington park is in this parish. rateable value and population are included with Flitcham
The soil is light; subsoil, chalky. The land is farmed Letters for Appleton through Lynn, via West Newton.
on the four-course system. The area is 4,223 acres; Sandringham is the nearest telegraph office for .Apple·
rateable value, £2,gr8; the population in I9II (includ- ton. ab:Jut I mile distant
ing .Appleton) was 460. The children of this parish attend the school at Wes~
Parish Clerk, William Linford. Newton
T.M. The King &i Queen of Norway, Brereton George, farmer, Flitcham hall! Linford George, carrier & coal dea.lar
- Appleton house Bretten James, grocer &i draper Linford William, parish clerk & clerk
Brereton George, Flitcham hall Cocks Edward, Bell P.H to the Pariah Council
Rtephens Rev. Edward Charles M.A. ClemPnts Arthur, baker Melton Frank, farm bailiff to H.M.
(vicar), Vicarage Creamer Henry Charles, New inn, & The King, A.ppleton
Wilson Eldred W. Flitcham abbey assistant overseer Pat rick J ames, butcher
COMMERCIAL. Gronow David Evan, boot & shoe Wihon Eldred Winteringham, farmr.
Rarrett Richard, estate carpenter maker, Post office Flitcham abbey•
Betts Matthew, boot & shoe mak8r Hubbard Charles Edward, gardener Wilson Richd. farmer, Harpley Dams

Billing John, wheelwright, carpenter & to T.M. The King & Queen of
blacksmith Norway, A.ppleton
FLORD ON is a parish and scattered village, with a very handsome oak panelling and many rare antiquities,
station on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great and is now the residence of Sir Char~s Harvey bart.
Eastern railway, 7! miles south-by-west from Norwich, J.P. ; it also gives its name to a manor, which extends
6 south-east from Wymondham and 106 from London, in into the parish of Tasburgh and Newton Flotman.
the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe petty Flordon Hall, an Elizal:etban house with many curious
sessional division, Humbleyard hundred, Henstead onion, rooms, was- at one time of large dimensions, and is
Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Hnmble- now occupied as a farm house; it· came in 1324 to the
ynrd, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. Kemp family, to whom it still belongs. Sir Kenneth
The Taas stream flows to the east of the parish and forms Hagar Kemp hart. of the Cathedral Close, Norwich,
the boundary on that side. The church of St·. Michael who is lord of the manor of Flordon, and Sir C. Harvey
and All Angels is an ancient edidice of flint and brick, hart. are the chief landowners. The soil is sand and
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a small flint; subsoil, various. The area is 925 acres; rateable
brick turret containing one bell, added in 1873 by the value, £ I,4I3; the population in 19II was I go.
Rev. Gascoigne Frederick Whitaker M.A. a former rector: Sexton, Martin Martin.
the floor of the chancel was relaid by the Rev. James
Liggins Cotton M.A. rector 18S'4-6; the church was Post Office.-Albert Harbour, sub-postmaster. Letters
partially re11tored in 1873, and redecorated in 1895, and through N orwicb received at 8. I5 a.m. & 4.50 p.m.;
in 1908 was new roofed and the chancel and nave dispatched at I2 noon & 7· 15 p.m.; sundays, arrive
thoroughly restored : two ancient windows, believed to be at 8. IS a. m. ; dispatched at 9·4.1 a.m. Tasburgh is
pre-Norman, were also opened and glazed: the church the nearest mDney order office; Mulbarton the nearest
affords ISO sittings. The register dates from the year telegraph office for delivery (3 miles distant), but
IS58. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £1Bo, messages are received at the railway station, which
with residence and 25 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir is closed on sundays
Kenneth Hagar Kemp bart. and held since 1886 by the Wall Letter Box, Flordon station, cleared at 12 ·5· 4·5 &i
Rev. Isaac Easton. Clabburn's charity of £4 13s. 4d. 7.25 p.m. ; sundays, 9.50 a.m
yearly is distributed in bread or fuel. The poor's land
charity, left by an unknown donor, produces £I yearly, Railway Station, Frank Pratt, station master
which is likewise distributed. Raintborpe Hall, an The children of this place attend the schools at Hapton
ancient mansion in this parish, built in 1503, contains & Tasburgh
Colliver Mrs. Hill house Bullen George, fa em er Harbour A.lbert, stationer, Post office
Easton Rev. Isaac (rector), Rectory Carter William S. Black Horse P.H Palmer Jn. Wm. farmer, Orchard frm
Harvey Sir Charles bart. J.P. Rain- Dowe Daniel Henry, Railway tavern Seadon Mary Ann CMrs.), grocer
thorpe hall Duffield William L. miller (steam & Taylor J ames, thatcher & bay trusser
COMMERCIAL. water) Williams William, coal dealer
.Bilham William, head gardener to Gaymer Edward Thomas, farmer,Flor-
. Sir Charles Harvey bart. J.P don hall
:-FORDHAM is a parish and small village on the central chimney, one above the other and communicating
:gable river Wissey, with a station on the Downbam and by a trap door, the approach to the lowermost being by
. Stoke Ferry branch of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles a. narrow shaft from the east attic. Edward Roger
·south from Downham, in the South Western division of MmTay Pratt esq.~ of Ryston Hall, who is lord of the
·the connty, Clackclose hundred and petty sessional divi- manor, and J oseph Martin esq. of Higbfield House,
. sion, Downham union and county court district, rural Littleport, Ely, are the principal landowners. The soil
. 'deanery of Fincbam (East division), archdeaconry of is of a varied description, one part being a strong mixed
'i..ynn and diocese of Norwich. The chur.::h of St. Mary soil and the other light land. The chief crops are grass,
-·is a small building of stone in the- Decorated style, con- wheat, barley and beans. The area is 2,213 acres, half of
i!isting of chancel and nave and a belfry containing one which is fen; rateable value, £2,502; the population in
bell: the chancel appears to have been built in the 13th r911 was 215.
century: there are 120 sittings. The register dates from
·the year ISJ6. The living is a vicarage, united with SPxton, John Palmef.
Roxbam to that of Ryston in I87J, joint net yearly
value £ 210 , including 32 acres of glebe, with residence, Letters from Downbam. The nearest money order &
in th~ gift of th~ Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and telegraph office is at Hilgay, about 1 mile distant
held since I9o6 by the Rev. Thomas Edward Charlton. Letter Box, near Church, cleared at 4.20 & 6.55 p. m. ;
Snore, or Snowre Hall, in this parish, is a manor house, sundays, I I. IO a. m
built about 1651 by Sir Ralph Skipwith. King Charles I. Ryston &i Fordham Public Elementary, formerly the
was probably received here, April 3oth, r646, by Mr. Ryston Estate District School, erected in 1856 for the
Skipwitb, who was aiding his escape from Oxford before united parishes of Fordham, Ryston & Roxbam, for 45
·his surrender to the Scotch army at Newark, May 5th, children; average attendance, 30; Mrs. C. M. Clarke,
r646. The house contains two secret chambers, or mistress
.u Priest-holes," about six feet square, close to the large Railway Station (called Ryston), Chas. Waters, collector
(Charlton Rev. Thomas Edward Bruce Alfred, farmer, Border hou8e gentlemen; good fishing & boating
:(vicar), Vicarage I Leonard Cornelius, farmer, High ho (railway station, Ryston), Cross
Lister Harry Mason, faimer, Church Keys
COMMERCIAL. farm Turner J !IDles, farm bailiff to H. &i
Ambrc!le Geo. farmer, Twelve Acre Thompson Fountain John, farmer; H. Martin esqrs
wood I good accommodation for fishing
FORNCETT ST. MARY is a village and parish on piscina, and there is an ancient font: bhe church was
the river Taas, near the Forncett station on the Ipswich thoroughly restored, new roofed and seated with chairs,
and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, 6~ and the chancel rebuilt in r86g at a cost of £r,roo,
miles south-east from Wymondbam and Io south-west towards which the rect.or gave £Boo, and a new organ
from Norwich, in the Southern division of the county, and organ chamber were added in I884 at a cost of
Depwade hundred, petty sessional division and union, £3oo, defrayed by the rector and his friends: there are
Wymondham county court district, rural deanery of 120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1662.
Depwade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor- This parish, originally united to that of Forncett St.
wicb. The church of St. Mary is a small building of Peter, was separated from it in 1845, but again united
flint with stone dressings, in the Perpendicular style, to it Ang. IS, 1902, by Order in Council, joint net
consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and an embattled yearly value £64o, with 8 acres of 2lebe and residence,
western tower containing 3 bells : the chancel retains a in the gift of St. John's College, Cambridge, and held
since Igo8 by the Rev. Thomas Jackson Bentley B.A. of Post & Telegraph Office.-George Falgate, sub-post-
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, who resides at Forn- master. Letters received through Long Stratton st
cett St. Peter. There is a Pr-imitive Methodist chapel, 7·I5 a.m. & from Norwich at 10.50 a.m. & 4.10 p.m.;
erected in 1884. The trustees of the late Willi11m Henry dispatehed at g.w a.m. & 2.50 &; 6.20 p.m. week days
Cole esq. of West Woodhay House, Newbury, Berks (d. only. The nearest money order office is at Forncett
1889) are lords of the manor. The principal landowners St. Peter
sre Col. Sir Charles Harvey hart. of Rainthorpe Hall; the Wall Letter Box, near Church, cleared at w.s a.m. & ~
Girls' Hospital at Norwich, and Sir Maurice Boile11u hart.
& 6.3s p.m
of Ketteringham Park. The soil is various; subsoil,
various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats :wd Public Elementary School (mixed), built in IBIS, for
beans. The area is 76o acres; rateable value, £I,o26; Ioo children; average attendance, 30; with a small
the population in I9II was 199. endowment; Miss Plow, mistress
Parish Clerk, Henry Drake.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brooks David, farmer Ludkin Hy. Jn. farmer & landowner,
Allen John Brooks William, Lumer Hill farm; & at Forncett St. Peter

Frederick C:oleman .Arthur, eoal dealer Mickelburgh William, blacksmith
Cooper Rev. John Edward M ..A. The f:<'algate Geo. farmer, & pust office Newman Henry Xavier, corn dealer
Rectory Falgate Tbos. jun. ( exors. of), farmrs Salter Alfd. Wm. farmer,ForncC~tt hall
COMMERCIAL. Harwin William Edward, farm~r Spicer Henry Thomas, farmer
Eassingth waighte Jas. assist.overseer Ludkin Edward, f:umer Thurston J n. farmer (letters through
Baxter James, Chequers P.H Hapton, Norwich)
FORNCETT ST. PETER is a village and large chapel, also at Forncett End, is a large structure of
parish, with a station, I mile north-east from the red brick, erected in I86S, and has about 300 sittings.
village, on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the .1 repository sale for cattle is held every Tuesday,
Great Eastem r~ilway, and is 8 miles north from Diss, near the station, by Thomas Cranmer, of East Dere-
7 south-east from Wymondham and 103 from London, in ham. Gen. Sir Robert John Harvey K.C.B., K.T.S. by
the Southern division of the county, Depwade hundred, deed dated January 1st, I853, gave £so, the interest
petty sessional division and union, county court district thereof (now £I ss. yearly) to be given to poor widows
oi Wymondham, rural deanery of Depwade, arch- and single women over 6o years of age, and this
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The Taas sum is so distributed by the churchwardens. This
stream flows through the parish. The church of St. is the chief manor of the honor, liberty, or jurisdiction
Peter is a small edifice of flint with stone dressings, in of the Duke of Norfolk K.G. in this county, which
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, originally included four hundreds and I27 parishes, but
aisles, north porch and a fine round embattled western several of the sub-manors have been sold. .Alfred
tower containing 5 bells: in the church is a curious Clayton Cole esq. of 64 Portland place, London W, is
alabaster tomb of the 15th century, supposed to be that lord of the manor. The principal landowners are Sir
of the- founder of the church, and there are brasses to Maurice Colborne Boileau bart. of Ketteringham Park;
the Baxrer family dated 1484 and 1535: the chancel and Sir Charles Harvey hart. of Rainthorpe Hall; the Very
nerth aisle retain piscime, and there is a holy water Rev. Dr. Jex-Blake, dean of Wells, and Lieut.-Col.
stoup in the porch: the carved poppy heads at the ends Clement William J oseph Unthank, of Lntwood Hall.
of the oak benches are rich specimens of 15th century The soil is clay and good mixed soil; subsoil, clay and
wood carving: there is a memorial window to the Rev. gravel. The chief crops are w beat, barley, beans and
Joseph Bell, formerly curate of this parish, d. I854, peas. The area is I,goi acres; rateable value, £3,496;
besides several others: in the chancel is a memorial in 19II the population was 524.
brass to Charles William, youngest son (d. 26 May, Parish Clerk, Lewis Smith.
1882) of the Rev. William Grieve Wilson M.A. rector
1847-96, and a handsome brass corona has been pre- Post & M. a. Office.-David Fox, sub-postmaster. Let-
sented as a memorial by his late school friends and ters through Long Stratton arrive at 6.40 a.m. & I2.4S
corn panions : the organ was erected in 1873 at a cost of & 7.30 p.m. (letters by the latter two posts are only
£ros: the church was completely restored and reseated partially delivered); dispatched at 9·35 a.m. & 2.25 &
in 1857 at a cost of £1,2oo. half of which was con- 9.20 p.m.; no sunday delivery. Tacolnestone is the
tributed by the Rev. W. G. Wilson M.A. late rector, nearest telegraph office, I mile distant
and has 200 sittings. The register dates from the year Wall Letter Box, at the Railway station, cleared at
1561. The living is a rectory, with Forncctt St. Mary 10.20 a.m. & 3.15 & p.m. week days only
annexed, joint net yearly value £64o, including so acres School.
of glebe and residence, in the gift of St. John's College, Public Elementary (mixed & infants), erected in I848,
Cambridge, and held since 1908 by the Rev. Thomas & enlarged 1894 at a cost of £ 350 by public sub-
Jackson Bentley B ..A.. of Corpus Christi College, Cam- scription, for 86 children; average attendance, 47; the
bridge. St. Edmund's chapel of ease, at Forncett End, school is endowed with £ 12 s. yearly; Miss Rosa M.
built in 1904 at a cost of £6r5o, is a structure of Woods, mistress 4
brick, consisting only of nave and porch, and has
1oo sittings : it is served by the clergy of St. Peter. Police Station, .Albert Bruce, constable
The Baptist chapel, at Forncett End, erected in I?5 4 , Railway Station, .A.lbert Stalley, station master
and restored in 1875, will seat ISO persons, and has Carrier to Norwich.-Walter John Smith, wed. & sat.
a burial ground attached; the Primitive Methodist returning same days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fox Brothers, cycle & motor agents Orris .Alfred, farmer, Corner farm
.Appleyard Rev. Benjamin Fox David, grocer & draper. Post off Palmer Thos: Wm. frmr.Chestnut fm
Bentlev Rev. Thomas Jackson B.A. Frost George, farmer Rush Richard. fishmonger
(rector) ' Girling J. & H. coal merchants, Rail- Scott James, Trowel & Hammer P.H
Cooper Alfred Henry, The Grove way Station yard Self Gharles A. farmer & assistant
Jessop Mrs. Hill house Gostling George, farmer overseer & rate collector, Sandpit fm
Varley Rev. Frank (curate) Greenacre Henry, farmer Smith Bertie Edmund, butcher
Hardesty Herbert, farmer Smith Waiter John, carrier
COMMERCIAL. Humphreys Chellis, bricklayer Tann Frederick, butcher
Alexander Rayner, farmer Humphreys James, baker & confectnr Tann Miles, grocer
Andrews Abraham, farmer Hunt William, poultry dealer Tooke Bertie, farmer
Barrett John, farmer, Bustard's Grn Keeler Lemon, Safety Valve inn, &; Tooley Alice & Minnie (Misses), frmrs
Bean John, farmer jobmaster; vehicles of every Trndgill Edward, thrashing machine
Brown Robert, farmer description owner
Coleman Ann (Mrs.), fat mer Knights George, beer retailer Tyler Frederick. farmer
Cranmer Thomas, auctioneer Lloyd .Arnold, blacksmith Walpole John, farmer
Dunthorne Henry, farmer Ludkin Henry John, miller (steam), Ward John, farmer
Engli~h E . .A. & D. M. grocers farm?r & manure agent Waters John, farmer
English Herbert, farmer Moore William Henry. farmer Watling William, farmer
English Waiter, farmer I Muskett Arthur, market gardener Westgate Charles, horse dealer
FOULDEN (or Fouldon) is a parish and scattered vil- division of the county, South Greenhoe hundred and petty
ln~e. separated from Northwold by the river Wissey, 5! sessional division, Swaffham union and county court dis-
miles t~ast from Stoke Ferry temtinal station on a branch trict. rural deanery of Cranwich (southern division), arch-
of the Great Eastern railway, 8 south-west from Swafi-, deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church
ham and 8 north from Brandon, in the South Western of .All Saints, which atands in the western part of the

village, is a building of flint and stone in the Early property and residence of Lady Arnherst of Hackney-
English style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, north part of the house dates from the Elizabethan period.
and south porches and one side of the ruined tower, to Baroness .Amherst of Hackney is lady of the manor and
which a bell is attached; a portion of the stone newel Her bert- Francis Smith esq. J. P. of Didlington Hall.
staircase which led to the belfry, now in great part over- and J. Truman Mills esq. J.P. of Hilborough Hall, are
hung with ivy, still remains : there are 300 sittings. The the chief landowners. The soil is light and clay; sub-
register dates from the year 1538. The living is a dis- soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
charged vicarage, annexed to the roctory of Oxborough, The area is 3,418 acres; rateable value, £2,o22; the
joint net yearly value £410, including 52 acres of glebe population in 19II was 340.
and residence, in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge, Parish Clerk, William Pointer.
and held 11ince 1906 by the Rev. Waiter Coombe M . .A.
of that college, who is also incumbent of the sinecure Post Office.-William Billman, sub-postmaster. Letters
rectory of Caldecote, and resides at Oxborough; the by mail cart from Brandon at 8. ro a.m. & through
Rev. Rupert Turner, of St. Bees, has been curate in Stoke Ferry, arrive at 3 p.m.; dispatched at 8.45
charge since 1888. There are Wesleyan Methodist and a.m. & 5·45 p.m.; sundays at g.25 a.m. Northwold,
Primitive Methodist chapels. The charities amount to 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele-

about £23 ss. a year for clothing, and every fifth year graph office
the poor have in addition about £2o, derived from land Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1847• & en-
at Old Buckenham, purchased with £6o, left by larged in 1871, & again in rgii at a cost of £2oo, for
Edmund .Atmere, in 1579, for distribution in money to r22 children; average attendance, 78; endowed with
the poor of this parish and the parishes of Brandon, [-;, yearly, left by Burnham Raymond in 1728, for
Feltwell, Northwold and Weeting. .At the inclosure in the free education of 12 poor children; J oseph Gray,
1781, 3o6a. 3r. 29P· were left open to supply pasturage master
and fuel allotments for the poor. Foulden Hall is the Carrier to Swaffham. · James Burton, sat
Amherst of Hackney Lady, Foulden Carter George, shoe repairer Parnell Benjamin, farmer
hall Carter James, farmer, Horrox farm Pointer Charles, farmer
Cecil Lord William, Foulden hall Carter William John, College farm Reynolds Thomas, farmer
Scales Mrs. May villa Chandler Frederick Harvey,blacksmth Symonds George, farmer,Church frm
Dixon Henry, farmer
Turner Rev. Rupert (curate in charge) Twite James, farmer, Fen farm
Dixon William George, farmer Upton .Arthur, farmer
Lynn Joseph, gardener to Lady .Am- Upton John, farmer
Billman Wm. shopkeeper, Post office of Hackney Williamson John Christian, farmer.
Burton James, butcher & carrier Nelson Herbert, farmer Red House farm
Carter Fredk. Geo. White Hart P.H Parnell .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Warner William, Bell P.H

FOULSHAM is a parish with a station on the East The Frost Memorial Hall is a small edifice of brick,
Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern railway and 2 erected in r 897, at a cost of a bout £ 15rJ, al!d is used
miles south-west from Guestwick station, on the Midland as a club room for men. The charities are of tht>
and Great Northern joint railway, 12 west from .Ayl- yearly value of £5I 7s. .A fire brigade is maintained
sham and ng from London, in the Northern division of here, consisting of a superintendent and 12 men. The
the county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional market has been discontinued many years, but a cattle
division, .Aylsham union and county court district, rural and pleasure fair is still held on the first Tuesday in
deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry and diocese of May. Foulsham Old Hall, formerly owned in 1551 by
Norwich. The church of the Holy Innocents is a large the Skippons, was the residence during the Common-
and handsome structure of flint, in the Decorated style, wealth of Major-General Philip Skippon, a famous
consisting of chancel with clere11tory, nave, aisles, tran- Parliamentary commander, and is now occupied by
sept, south porch and a fine Perpendicular embattled Edwin de Grey Seaman esq. Lord Hastings is lord of
western tower with pinnacles, containing a clock and 2 the manor and chief landed proprietor; Rohert John
bells: it was begun in the early part of the 14th cen- Woods Purdy esq. Charles M. Tatham esq. Edwd. H.
lury, completed about 1489 by one of the Lords Morley, Evans-Lornbe esq. of Melton Hall, Charles .Annesley
and restored in 1770, after a fire which destroyed a Hamond esq. of Twyford Hall, and G. L. Rives e•q.
number of houses and left the church in a ruinous are landowners. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil.
condition: in the chancel is a monument to Sir Thoma~ clay and .gravel. The chief crops are wheat, roots,
Hunt knt. ob. 1616, with his effigy in armour, and barley and hay. The parish contains 3,276 statute
figures of his three wives kneeling behind him: therr~ acres; rateable value, £4,821; the population in 191 I
is also a memorial to the Rev. Thomas .Astley LL. B. was_ 922.
a former rector, d. 1743; and a brass to a member of Parish Clerk, George Graver.
the Themelthorpe family, dated I$26: a new oak pulpit
and a stone font were introduced in r887, when a Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Henry Charles Southgate,
further restoration of the church was undertaken, at an sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Dereham at 6.15
estimated cost of £8oo: the restoration of the tower was a.m. & I2.2o p.m.; dispatched at 11.50 a.m. & 6
completed in 1892, but the gale of the 24th March, 1895• . p.m. on week da~8 & ,6 · p.m. on sundays. Post.
having caused serious damage to the tower, the roof of money order & telegraph office open from 8 a.m. to
the nave and three of the clerestorv•
windows, a further 8 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 to IO a.m
restoration became necessary ; two of the windows were Wall Letter Boxes.-Market place, cleared at I 1.25 a. m.
replaced by Mr. Thomas Henry Blyth, and the other & 5·45 p.m.; sundays, II.25 a.m.; Foulsham road.
repairs effected by public subscription. A new organ cleared at 1I.I5 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; sundays, 11.15
was provided in 1912 at a cost of £300. The register a.m. ; Railway station, cleared at 11.30 a.m. & 6.5
of baptisms and burials dates from 1558 to 1686 and p.m. ; mndays, 6.5 p.m
continuously from 1713, and of marriages from 155 8 Fire Brigade, John Henry Groom, superintendent
to 1686 and continuously from 1746. The living is a Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1876 &
rectory, net yearly value £soo, including 22 acres of enlarged in 1907 & 19II, for 244 children; average
glebe, with residence, in the gift of Lord Hastings, attendance, 198; William Edwin Leamy, master
and held since 1897 by the Rev. Evelyn Howard Morton
M ..A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and rural dean Carrier to Norwich.-Robert Palmer, to 'Duke's Palace,'
of Sparham. Here is a Baptist chapel, erected in r8:zo, wed. & sat
affording 350 sittings, and a Primitive Methodist chapel. Railway Station, Robert .Allen, station master
COMMERCIAL. Bushell Herbert Henry, miller (steam
Amiss William, shopkeeper & wind)
Chipperfield Marshall Henry Armour James, travelling draper Capital & Counties Bank Limited
Holley Edward, Westfield Barber Cornelius, shoe maker & baker (branch) (Waiter Cutting, agent);
Jones Rev. Emlyn (Bapt.),The .Ma~e Barber Samuel, boot & shoe maker draw on head office, 39 Thread-
Morton Rev. l<.:velyn Howard M.A. Barclay & Company Limited, bankers needle street, London E C
(rector & rural dean), Rectory (sub-branch) (H. Temple Owen, Cutting Waiter, grocer & draper
Price Mrs· agent) ; open tues. from 10 t() I ; , Dack Benjamin, grocer & draper
Priest Miss draw on head office, 54 Lombard Dack Burrows,hair dresser & tobccnst
Purdy Robert John Woods, Ivy house street, London E C Earl Charles, fish curer & farmer
Saunders James Cas~. Hill house Blyth Guy Maitland, btick & tile ma Egmore Herbert, chimney sweeper
Seaman Edwin de Grey, Old hall Blyth Thomas Henry, builder Emms Harry, farmer, Wade's farm
Woodhouse .Arthur Turner Bowman Elijah George, baker (letters via. Wood Norton)
W olff Ernest Douglas Browne Chas.Edwd.Ye Olde Ship inn Farman Saml.basket maker & thatchr
Fisher I. W. & Sons, builders Maddison Htmry Gildon, pharmacist Sainty Archibald Ernest, butcher
Foulsham Men's Club (C. A. Hamond Massingham Geo. horse slaughterer Scarfe Henry, grocer & draper
esq. presid.ent; Henry Gildon Mad- Mesney Walt.Alex. farmer,Keeling hall Seaman Edwin de Grey, farmer~
dison, hon. sec) Mesney Waiter, farmer, Bates moor cattle dealer & breeder of shire
Frost Memorial Hall (H.G. Maddison, Mitchell Robt. farm bailiff to Edwin horses & hackneys, The Old hall.
hon. sec) de Grey Seaman esq. Manor, Lizard Telegram!S, "Seaman, Foulsham"
Gagen Stephen Mitchell, engineer, & Hall farms South~ate Henry Charles, stationer
agricultural implement repairer & Morley Thomas, greengrocer & sub-postmaster
agent, wheelwright, cart & wagon Myhill John, poultry dealer Stroulger Henry, plumber & painter
builder & wood & iron hurdle ma.&c Myhill Thomas, blacksmith, cart & . Stroulger William, farmer
Groom John Henry, blacksmith wagon builder, thrashing machine Webber Chas. Geo. draper & outfitter
Hairs R. B. (Mrs.), news agent owner, steam sawing & chaff cut- Wilkin Stephen, White Horse P.H
Hudson Saml. farmr. Mill Hill farm ting & timber hauling Wolff Ernest Douglas M.R.C.S.Eng.~
Isbill William, beer retailer Palmer Rt. beer ret. carrier & farmer L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon~
Kelter James, Kin~'s Arms P.H Parker John Edward, watch maker & medical officer & public vaccina-
Kendall Robert John, farmr.High frm Pa.yne Henry, farmer tor 3rd district, Aylsham union
Leamon Philip, saddler Platfoot James Michael, baker Woodhouse Arthur Turner, vet.surgn
Lewi~ Charles, tailor Priest Miss, private school Wright William, Bull inn
Loads John, beer retailer Ringwood Herbt. cycle & motor repr Wright Wm. marine store & coal dlr
Lynn Samuel, farmer, Woodrow farm
FOXLEY is. a village and parish 7 miles north-east Cambridge, and also vicar of Bylaugh. The Primitive
from Dereham, 2 miles from Foulsham station on the Methodist chapel here was erected in I862, and rebuilt
East Norfolk branch and 3 east from North Elmham sta- in r8g8. Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. of Groo'
tion on the Dereham and Wells section of the Great East- Melton Hall, is lord of the manor and principal land-
ern railway, in the Northern division of the county, Eyns- owner. Robert John Woods Purdy esq. of Foulsham,
ford hundred and petty sessional division, Mitford and and the Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G., J.P. ar~
Launditch union, East Dereham county court district, also landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, sand and
rural deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry and diocese gra>el. The chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and
of Norwich. The church of St. Thomas is a building of hay. The area is I,64J acres; rateable value, £1,349;
flint, with dressings, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, the population in I9II was I85.
and consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a fine Parish Clerk, Samuel Scott.
embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing 6 Post Office.-Luther George Meale, sub-postmaster.
bells: the chancel is Early English: there are ISO sit- Letters through Dereham, arrive 7 a.m. & 1.30 p.m. ;
tings. The register dates from the year I7oo. The dispatched 10.35 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. week days only.
living is a rectory, net yearly value £270, including 20 Bawdeswell is the nearest money order office lt
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Edw. Henry Bellingford the nearest telegraph office
Evans-Lombe esq. and held since I9D7 by the Rev. The children of this parish attend the school at Bawdes-
George Robert Berney Hall M.A. of St. Peter's College, well
Bilborough Mn Burrows Frederick, shopkeeper Parfitt .A.rtbur E. market gardener
Hall Rev. George Robert Berney M.A. Green Prince Albert, farmer & assist. Peacock Brothers, farmers,Manor frm
Rectory overseer, Moor farm Purdy Ada Lucy (Miss), music tchr
Lee Robert Flood, Cranefield cottage Howell John Hy. farmer.Chnrch farm Purdy Henry, Chequers P.H. & vac-
COMMERCIAL. Meale & Co. Ltd. grocers & provision cination officer for Bawdeswell dis-
Allwood William II. farmer dealers, drapers, dealers in boots & trict, Mitford & Launditch unions
Blyth Edward, Hare & Hounds P.H shoes. china &c. &c. Post office Purple Robert, farmer
FRAMINGHAM EARL is a village and parish 5 K.G., K.T., P.C. is lord of the manor. The principal
miles south-east from Norwich, 4 miles from Trowse and landowners are James A. Christie esq. of Framingham
s! north-east from Swainsthorpe station on the Great Manor, and William H. E. FitzGerald esq. of Framing- _
Eastern railway, in the Southern division of the county, ham House. The soil is sandy; subsoil, sand, gravel
Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Henstead hundred and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
and union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery turnips. The area is 633 acres; rateable value, £936;
of Brooke (Western division), arrhdeaconry of Norfolk and the population in 19u was 166.
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is an Sexton, George Aldis.
ancient anrl curious structure of flint and stoiJe, in the
Norman and 'Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, Post, T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office .._Miss
nave, north and south porches and a round western tower Anna Chaplin, sub-postmistress. Letters received
containing one bell of the 15th century: there is a from Norwich by mail cart at 4·35 a.m. & 2.15 p.m.;
piscina and a holy-water stoup, and several fine Norman dispatched at 11.4_') a.m. & 5.50 p.m. Trowse is the
arches with rich mouldings: the Jacobean pulpit origin- nearest money order office
ally stood in Sotterley church : a lych-gate has been Public Elementary School, under the Poringland United
erected by Mrs. C. Turner : the church has been repaired District Board, is the property of the rectors of
and reseated and has 70 sittings. The register dates Framing ham Earl & Framing ham Pigot as trustees;
from the year 1721. The living is a rectory, with that it was built in 1840, enlarged in 1874, at a cost of
of Bixley annexed, joint net yearly value under £250, about £6so, & further enlarged in 1882, & again
including 46 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of enlarged in r8qg, at a cost of {,2oo, for 250 children;
Mrs. C. Turner, and held since 18!!7 by the Rev. Alfred uverage attendance, 220; David Parsons, master
Edward Alston. Most of the tithe is exchanged for corn Carriers to & from Norwich pass through daily
rent. Here is a Methodist chapel. The fuel allotment Horse omnibuses from Bungay to Norwich pass through
of 13 acres produces £24 yearly. The Earl of Rosebery mon. wed. fri. & sat. about 9.30 a.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wibon Mrs. Woodcot Critoph Joseph, farmer, Church farm
Alston Rev. Alfred Edward, Rectory COMMERCIAL. Ewing William, market gardener
FitzGerald William Herbert Edward. Bligh Horace, market gardener Howe Frederick, Railway tavern
Framingham house Bligb Samuel, market gardener Osborne Arthur, blacksmith
Turner Mrs. The Hall Blyth George, market gardener O~borne William, cycle agent

FRAMINGHAM PIGOT is a village and parish, 4 tings. The register dates from the year I555. The
miles south-eB>!it from N urwich, in the Southern division living is a rectory, net yearly value £1so, including 25
of the county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
lien stead hundred and union, Norwich county court dis- ~orwich, and held 11ince 1887 by the Rev. Richard Hop-
trict, rural deanery of Brooke (Western division), arch- kins Prowse M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. 'l'he
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church rectory house stands about a quarter of a mile north of
of St. Andrew is an edifice of stone and flint in the Early the church. Here is a Baptist chapel. The land allotted
English style, erected at the sole expense of the late Geo. for the poor consists of about 8 aJ:res, let at £14 yearly.
Henry Christie esq. J.P. (d. 1887), and consists of chan- Framingham Hall is the the seat of Joseph Rayner
cel, nave, south porch and a tower at the north-west Brooks esq. Framingham Manor House, the seat of
angle, with spire 110 feet in height, and containing a James Henry Brooke Christie esq. is a mansion of red
clock and 3 bells : the west window and tho~e in the brick in the Tudor style, in a park of 75 acres. The
chancel are stained, and there are memorial windows to Bishop of Norwich is lord of the manor and J. A.
the late George Henry Christie esq. and to Reginald A. Christie esq. is the principal landowner. The soil is
G. Prow se, son of the present rector: there are ISO sit- sandy ; subsoil, sand, clay and chalk. The crops are

of the usual kind, and there are several market gardens, & the nearest telegraph & telephone offi~ is at
which supply Norwich market with vegetables and Framingham Earl
fruit. The area is 634 acres; rateable value, £I,330; This place is included in the United School district of
the population in I9II was 247· Poringland. The school is at Framingham Earl
Sexton, Moses Frosdick. There is a school-room (for the sunday school only),
which is built on glebe land
Wall Letter Boxes, cleared at 7.50 & 8.5 a.m. & 5.10
& 5·25 p.m. Letters received from Norwich arrive at Carriers to & from Norwich pass through daily
7 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Trowse Motor omnibuses from Loddon to Norwich pass through
·thrice daily
PRTVATE RESIDENTS. Culling Arthur, market gardener ' Riches Robert, Feathers P.H
Brooks J sph.Rayner,Fcamingham hall Fisk Harry, market gardenel"' Smith William Henry, head gardenPr
Christie .fames Archibald,Manor house Ford George, Gull P .H. farmer & rate to J. A. Christie esq
Christie :r ll s. Hy. Brooke, Manor hu collector for Kirby Bedon , South George, market gardener
Denny RiChard Harrison J.P. Manor Frosdick Moses,asst.overseer & se"xton South James, relieving & vaccination

Farm house Hawkes Frederick, marke,t gardener officer & registrar of births &
Preedy Capt. Henry R.N. Framing- Howson Chas. Edwd. market gardenr deaths for Henstead sub-district
ham cottage Johnson John Atkinson, plumber &c South Rosa E. (Mrs.), deputy regis-
Prowse Rev. Richard Hopkins M.A. Mason Levi, market gardener trar of births & deaths for sub-
The Rectory. Nunn William, grocer district of Henstead
COMMERCIAL. Read Mary (~Irs. ), builder , Thurston William, market gardener
A.ldis John, market gardener Read Samuel Bales, carpenter , Tomlinson John, market gardener
Aldis Noah, market gardener Reading Room (Moses Frosdick,[ '1.\ortoise Robert, gamekeeper to J. A.
Barrett Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer caretaker) ' Christie esq

GREAT FRANSHAM is a village and parish with a field, is lord of the manor of Ellinghams. Alfred Bishop
station on the East Anglian section of the Great Eastern esq. and Capt. H. C. Metcalfe are the chief landowners.

and 6'
railway, uBi miles from London, 5~ west from Dere.ham The soil is mixed, and portions stiff; subsoil, clay.
east-north-east from Swaffham, in the Mid division The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and ·hay.
of the county, hundred of Launditch, petty sessional The area is 1,932 acres; rateable value, £2,240; the
division and union of Mitford and Launditch, county population in 19II was 286. . ·
court district of Dereham, rural deanery of South Brisley, Parish Clerk, William Cross.
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The
church of All Saints is an ancient structure of flint in the · Post Office.-Charles Goldsmith, sub-postmaster. Let-
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north ters received from Dereham at 8.I5 a.m. & I p.m.;
purcb aml a western tower, with low spire, containing one dispatched .at IL30 a.m. & 5·35 p.m.; no sunday
bell: there are two ancient brasses: the cb1'irch was delivery. Little Fransham is _the nearest money
restored in 1878 at a cost of about £7oo, and the tower order office & Wendling, 3 miles distant, the nearest
in I904 at a cost of over £2oo : ·there are 16o sittings. telegraph office
The register dU~tes from the year 1558. The living is a Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at Ir.25 a.m.
rectory, net yearly value £320, including 62, acres of & 5·3o p.m
glebe, with residence, in the gift of Magdalene College, Pillar Letter Box, High House corner, cleared at 11.45
Cambridge, and held since r888 by the Rev. George a.m. & 6.w p. m
Preston M.A. and late Fellow of that college. Here is Public Elementary School (mixed), built in I87I, for 66
a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1877. The fuel allotment children; average attendance, 35; Mrs. Lillie Mayes, ·
of 8 acres produces £ w yearly. ·The trustees of the mistress
late J~hn Hudson and the rector anl lords of the
manor , Capt. H. C. Me<tcalfe, of W oolgreaves, Wake- Railway Station, Thomas Newell, station master
Archer Miss, Dan by Boddy George Thomas, farmer Mayes Frederick, farmer
Crane Edward, Alma lodge Burton William & Sons, blacksmiths Mayes Hannah(Mrs.) ,Lord N elsonP. H
Crane Mrs. W. The Firs Burton Frederick, farmer Middleton Leopold Arthur, farmer
Crane Waiter F Catton Robert ( e.x.ors. of), farmers Moore Robt. Raphael, frmr. High grn
Downes Mrs. Curd hall Crane William, timber merchant, Page William, Chequers P.H
Preston Rev. George M.A. Rectory cart & wagon builder, agricultural Stockdale Samuel, farmer
Whartpn Thomas Hall, High house engineer & farmer Tye William, Fox & l:iounds P.H
COMMERCIAL. Goldsmith Charles, grocer, Post office Wharton Thos. Hall, farmer, High ho
Archer Robert John, farmer Han,·in Arth. Jn. farmr. Crowhall frm
LITTLE FRANSHAM is a parish on tb~ road frum Vincent V. Smith M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge,
Dereham to Swaffham, about It miles south-east from hon. canon of Norwich, and surrogate. There is a fuel
Fransham station and 2~ west from Wendling station, allotment of I I acres, let at £I7 yearly. The Old
both on the Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Hall, now occupied as a farmhouse, has evidently been
Eastern railway, 6 west from Dereham and si east-by- a building- of much greater extent than at present.
north from Swaffham, in the Mid division of the county, William Butcher esq. of Norwich, is lord of the manor.
hundred of Launditch, petty sessional division and union The principal landowners are Messrs. E. H. and M. M.
of Mitford and Launditch, county court district of East Griggs and Mr. Charles Dalton Turrall. The soil is
Dereham, rural deanery of South Brisley, archdeaconry mixed, with portions of heavy clay; subsoil, principally
of LYnn

and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, roots and
Mary is an ancient edifice of flint, in the Early English clover. The area is I,o69 acres; rateable vallli,
and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south £1,147; the population in 19II was 175.
porch and a chamber containing one bell: the roof of Parish Clerk, James Johnson Blomfield.
the church was restored in Igo8-g at a cost of £750:
in the church are several mural tablets to the family Post & M. 0. Office.-Alfred Hicks-, sub-postmaster.
of Dickens, from 1789, to Hammond Alpe esq. d. 1767, Letters from East Dereham arrive 7.50 a.m. & I
and to the Rev. · Edward Swatman, 33 years rector p.m.; dispatched at 11.35 a.m. & 5·5 p.m. week day,;
(I8o3-36), d. 1839, and there is an ancient and curious only; no sunday delivery. Wendling is the nearest
font and a piscina: in I8gi the interior of the chancel telegraph office, 2 miles distant
was restored, the flooring relaid and oak choir stalls Wall Le<tter Box, Rectory, cleared at 12.30 & 6 p.m.
and a vestry added: there are I6o sittings. The week days only .
register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rec- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1887, for
tory, net yearly value £ I94, besides 37 acres of glebe 5o children, under the direction of Mr. Herbert Green,
and residence, in the g-ift of trustees of Hertford Col- of Norwich, diocesan surveyor; average attendance,
lege, Oxford, and held since I908 by the Rev. Granville 37; Miss Alice Blamire, mistress
Donaldson Mrs. Rose villa j Crispe Charles, carpenter Mace J ames, blacksmith
Smith Rev. Canon Granville Vincent. Griggs Edward Hampton, farmer, Palmer George, farmer
V., M.A.(rector & surrogate),Rectry The Old hall Pestell Ge{)rge, vermin destroyer
Griggs Money Michell, farmer, The Prior Robert, farmer
Old hall Tye Annie (Mrs.), farmer & builder
Blades Alle.n, Crown P.H Hicks Alfred, cycle agent, Post office Walker Miller Verden, farmer, Ling
Butrton Samuel, farmer Howard James, farmer End & Curds Hall farms
FREETHORPE is a parish and village, 2 miles from sequently to 1896 the late Mr. George England left a
the navigable Yare and 2 north from Reedbam junction sum of money to supply coals and blankets, every
station on the Norwich, Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections Christmas, to the poor of the parishes of Freetborpe
of the Great Eastern railway, 13 south-east from Nor- :md Wickhampton. The late R. H. Vade-Walpole esq.
wich and 9 west from Yarmouth, in the Eastern division erected almshouses here in 1871 for six widows of Free-
of the county, Blofield and Walsham petty sessional thorpe, Wickhampton and Halvergate, each of whom
division, Blofield hundred and union, Great Yarmouth receives- ss. weekly and one ton of coal at Christmas;
county court district, rural deanery of Blofield and ar_ch- and, in 1879, in conjunction with Harriet his wife,
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of .All Mr. Walpole also built in the village a pump house
Saints is an ancient building of stone, in the Norman style, and clock tower. The land chiefly belongs to Henry
consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, nort.h aisle, south Spencer Vade-Walpole esq. of 101 Lexharri Gardens,
porch and a low round western tower with conical roof Kensington, London W. who is Jord of the manor, and
and containing one bell: in the church is a handsome Mrs. M. Almeria Gilbert. The. soil is light mixed ;
marble tablet, surmounted by a bust, to Edward Walpole, subsoil, clay. The chief crops ax:e wheat, oats, barley
d. 1 Oct. 1844, ~sides several other memorials to mem- and roots. The area is 9o6 acres of land, 145 of inland
bers of the Walpole family: the church was thoroughly and 20 of tidal water and III of foreshore; rateable
restored in 1849, and the churchyard enlarged in 1851, value, £1,875; the population in xgu was 380.
at the sole expense of Richard Henry V a de-Walpqle esq. Parish Clerk, Lambert Curtis.
who died x6th March, 1886: the nave and porch were
new-roofed in 1890 at a cost of £r6o: there are 180 Police Constable, Frederick Cordy.
11ittings. The register dates from the year 1758. The Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Charles John Brock, sub-
living is a vicarage, consolidated. with the rectory of postmaster. Letters received through Norwich arrive
Rcedham, joint net yearly value £450, including 128 at 7· 10 a. m. & 2.50 p.m. & dispatched at 7·55 a.m.
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the & 2.4') & 5.30 p.m.; no sunday post. Open sun-
National Church League, and held since 1870 by the days for telegrams from 8.30 to 10 a.m
Rev. Carteret Henry Leathes B ..A. of St. John's College,
Cambridge, who resides at Reedham rectory. In 1912 Wall Letter Box, Lower Green, cleared 7 a.m. & 3 p.m.
week days only
the churchyard was enlarged by the addition of half
an acre of land which was the gift of Mrs. M. .A. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1845, &
. Gilbert. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel here, enlarged by the addition of an infants' schoolroom in
built in 18(/6, to seat about soo. In 1912 B. Sutton 1876; the school will now hold 100 children; average
esq. gave half an acre of land to be used as a. attendance, 8o; Miss Ethel Lester, mistress
burial place for the Primitive Methodists. Sub- Carrier to Norwich. Leonard John Shearing, wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fransham Ge<1rge, market gardener Pegg Ernest Horace, beer retailer
Key Henry, White house Hindes Hy. carpenter & wheelwright Sharman Fred, blacksmith
Mack N cl son Harris, Beaconsfield ho Humpbrey .Alfd. Rampant. Hor·se P.B Sbarman John George, cowkeeper &
Su tton Benj am in Charles J .P. The J ones Waiter Edward, bricklayer overseer
Manor house - Key Henry, farmer, pig dealer, & Shearing Leonard John, grocer,draper
clerk to Parish Council & carrier
COMMERCIAL. KPy Robert, grocer, draper, pork Sutton Benjamin Chas. J.P. butcher,
Brock Charles John, tailor, Post office butcher, flour, corn, offals & pro- government meat contractor, cattle
Brock John, shopkeeper & bricklayer vision dealer &c dealer, farmer & brick, tile & drain
Cater William Ernest, cowkeeper Mack Nelson Harns, farmer pipe maker
Clarke William, insurance agent Moll .Adnah, grocer & draper Youngs Rabert, farmer & coal mer
Cory James William, saddler Pearson Frederick W. boot & shoe ma Youngs William Robert, wheelwright;

FRENZE is a hamlet on the river Frenze, a branch of 1651; baptisms, 1654; marriages, x662. 'l'h: living is
tbo Waveney, which here divides thi!i county from Suffolk, a rectory, net yearly value £77• with 3 acres of glebe,
I mile north-east from Diss station on the Great Eastern and 4! acres of Queen .Anne's bounty land in Denrton, in
railway, in the Southern division of the county, Diss bun- the gift of Sir E. Mann bart. and held since 1904 by the
dred, petty sessional division and county court district, Rev. Marcus Ernest William Johnson, Theol.Assoc.K.C.L.
Depwade union, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry who is also rector of Thelveton. Frenze Hall, an ancient
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. This place, formerly mansion formerly standing here, on the bank of the river
a civil parish, now forms part of that of Scale, but eccle- Frenze, W!Ul some time since demolished and new farm
siastically it is still distinct. The church of St. Andrew, buildings erected on the site by Francis Taylor esq. of
which adjoins the Hall, is a small but ancient building Diss, who is lord of the manor; Sir Edward Mann bart.
of rubble, in the Early English style, consisting of nave, of Thelveton, is the principal landowner. The soil is
south porch and a western belfry containing one bell: mixed, heavy and lig-ht; subsoil, clay and gravel. The
there are brasses to the Blennerhassett family, 1475, who chief crops are wheat, barley and some roots, and
formerly resided here: one of these is a shield, exhibiting pasture land; the population in 19II was 49·
on the obverse the arms of Lowdbam, and on the reverse Sexton, Robert Reeve.
the arms of Blenncrhassett quartering Orton, but un-
finished: this palimpsest was in 1891 lying loose at Frenze Letters through Diss, the neare~t money order & tele-
Hall: the church was carefully restored in 1900, and graph office, arrive at 7 a.m
affords 70 sittings. The register of burials dates from The children of this place attend the school at Scole
Bishop Misses, Frenze house I Gaze Frank Arthur, farmer, Frenze hall; & at Scole
FRETTENHAM, with Stanninghall, is a parish, 3 Edward Birkbeck xst and la!lt bart. (d. 1908), of
miles west from Coltishall station on the East Norfolk Horstead Hall, lords of the manor of Frettenham, and,
branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 north-by-east with Samuel Hewitt Robert Kidman esq. chief land-
from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, owners. The soil is a fine mixed land; subsoil, rich
Taverham hundred and petty sessional division, St. loam. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
Faith's union, Norwich county court district, rural The area is 1,480 acres; assessable value, £1,172; the
deanery of Taverham and arcbdeaconry and diocese of population in 1911 was 223.
Norwich. The church of St. Swithun is an ancient
edifice of flint and stone, in the Gothic style, con!listing MEYTON is a hamlet about 2 miles north-east.
of chancel, rebuilt in 1869, nave, aisles, south porch and Scanninghall, consisting of one farm, is in the civil
an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing parish of Horstead, but for ecclesiastical purposes is
2 bells: the church WB.'! thoroughly restored in xgo6, included in this parish.
when a new pulpit and reading desk and altar were Parish Clerk, William Budrnm.
given by Mrs. William· Cooper, wife of a former in-
cumbent: there are 200 sittings. The register dates Post Office.-Cbarles Garrett, sub-postmaster. Letters
from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, with that received through Norwich, via Cr011twick, arrive a.t 7
of Stanninghall annexed, joint net yearly value £367, a.m. & at 5·35 p.m. (to callers); dispatched at 5·5
-with 21 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of p.m. Coltishall, 3 miles distant, is the nearest money
F. W. Aitkens esq. and held since 1898 by the Rev. order & telegraph office
Robey Rogers White M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Wall Box cleared at 4.50 p.m.; sundays at 8.25 a.m
Cambridge. The common land was inclosed in 1846.
At Stanninghall are the ruins of a church which fell Public Elementary School, hnilt in x875, at a cost of
into decav• in the time of Queen Elizabeth: the one £3oo, for 50 children; average attendance, 43; Miss
farm here belongs to the trustees of tha late Sir Paynter, mistress
Kidman Samuel Hewitt Robert Da.wson Harry, farm bailiff to Arthur Kidman Samuel Hewitt Robert,
Musl\ett Frederick, Garden house Stimpson esq farmer & landowner
\Vatson James, Fern villa. Field George, farmer Martin William, farmer, Meyton hall
White Rev. Robey Rogers M.A. (rec- Field George Wm. market gardener (letters thrQugh Coltishall)
tor), Rectory Garrett Charles, grocer, Post office Money Louis, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Holmes Edward, carpenter, & clerk to Palmer William, market gardener
Buck Benjamin Barrett, agricultural the school managers Radford Edwin & Son, farmers, Beck
engineer Jarvis William, Rose & Crown P.H farm
FRING (or Fringe) is a parish and village in a pleasant the Rev. Alexander James Jones Th.A.K.C. who resides
valley, surrounded by woods, 2! miles south-west from at Shernborne. In a meadow adjoining the church-
Docking station on the Lynn and Wells section of the Great yard are the ruins of some ancient building supposed
Eastern railway, I4 miles from Lynn and 8 to have been a cell belonging to the monastery of
south-west from Burnham Market, in the North Western Norwich. The Peddars' (or Pedlars') Way passes
division of the county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and through the parish. Fring Hall, a fDOdern mansion,
Brothercross petty sessional division, Docking union, situated on an eminence and surrounded
Little Walsingham county court district, rural deanery of with pleasure grounds, is the property and residence of
Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. Richard Dusgate Dusgate esq. who is lord of the manor
The church of All Saints is an ancient structure of flint in and principal lanJowner. The soil is light mixed; sub-
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south soil, chalk, gravel and sand. The land is farmed on
porch and a wBStern tower, containing one bell: the tower the four-course system. The area is r,7II acres; rate-
and north side of the building are covered with ivy: there able value, £r,I47; the population in Igrr was r6g.
i.s a small and ancient west window, and some curious
mural paintings, much obliterated: the interior was Letters received through Lynn via Docking. The nearest
thoroughly restored in I897 at a cost of [350, and a money order & telegraph office is at Docking, 2' miles
carved oak pulpit was presented by R. D. Dusgate distant. Wall Letter Box cleared at 9 a.m & 4-40
esq. ~ the communion cloth and carved oak lectern p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m
were presented by Mrs. Lane: the church affords 120
sittings. The register dates from the year 1671. The Public Elementary School (mixed), built in IB75, by
living is a vicarage, consolidated with that of Shern- Mrs. Locke, for 58 children; average attendance, 29 ;
borne, net yearly value £225, and residence at Shern- Miss !.lice Heathcote, mistress
borne, in the gift of the King, and held since I9I2 by Carrier to Lynn.-William Kemp, tues
Dusgate Richard Dusgate, Fring hall. Kemp William, carrier Mason Thomas Daniel, beer retailer
L~ne William Alma, farmer, White ha Pearmain N<Ja.h, head gardener to R.
COMMERCIAL. I , Laws Edward, farm bailiff to W. A. D. Dusgate esq
Coe Archie, farmer, Church farm \ Lane esq
FRITTON is a parish and pleasant village situated on B 1559. The living is a rectory, net yearly value [18o,
green of about 63! acres and is 4! miles east from Forn- including I7 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
cett station on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the of Commander Thomas Holmes R.N., J.P. and held
Great Eastern railway and u south from Norwich, in since 1901 by the Rev. Leonard Plumptre Howes. In
the Southern division of the county, Depwade hundred the adjoining paris-h of Morningthorpe is a small farm,
and union, petty sessional division of Lon~r Stratton, the profits of which are applied to the repair of the
county court district of Harleston, rural deanery of Dep- church, and in Hempnall are two acres of land, the
wade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. rent of which is applied in providing tools for poor
The church of St. Catharine is a. structure of flint with labourers in this parish. Lieut.-Col. Frederick Arthur
stone dressings in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Irby, of Boyland Hall, Morningthorpe, who is lord of
chancel, JlBVe, south porch, vestry and round embattled the manor, and Commander Thomas Holmes B.N. are
western 'tower, with octagonal belfry, containing 3 bells: the principal landQwners. The soil is various ; subsoil,
in the church is a. fine old screen, the lower panels of clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
which el:hibit some curious paintings of The Four Latin beans. The area is 8g6 acres; rateable value, £r, 135;
Fathers : on the north wall are two frescoes in good the population in r9II was 180.
preservation, representing St. Christopher and St. George Pari~h Clerk, Denis Tyrrell.
and the Dragon: there are two memorial windows, and
in the north wall is a. Norman doorway leading to the Letters through Long Stratton, arrive at 8 a.m. Wall
ve!:try: remains of .the rood loft stairs still exist, and Letter Box cleared at 7·45 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. week
there are two holy water stoups, one inside and the days; sundays at 7-45 a. m. Long Stratton, ·about 2
other outside the porch : the vestry was added in miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
x874, and in 1879 an oak lych-gate was ereoted by Mrs. office
lrby a.s a memorial to her husband, the late Frederick Public Elementary School (mixed), erected, with residenct>
William Irby esq. of Boyland Hall, d. I June, 1877: for mistress, in I854, for the children of this parish
the churoh was partially restored and reseated in I853, & those of Morningthorpe, for 67 children; average
and has 100 sittings. The register dates from the year attendance, 48; Miss !.lice Day, mistress
Howes Rev. Leonard Plumptre,Rectry Buck Waiter, farmer Searle Waiter William, egg merchant
COMMERCIAL. Elsey Henry, Three Nags P.H Smith George William, farmer
Andrew James, gardener to Lt.-Col. Fritton Open Air Colony (Miss Annie Trudgill Francis, farmer
F. A. Irby J.P McCall M.D.Bern., L.R.C.P. & Watling Thomas, carpenter
Betts Frederick Thomas, farmer & L.M.I. medical director) Wilson .fuhn; fowl dealer
thrashing machine owner, The Gooderham Lily (Miss), shopkeeper Winearls Arthnr, farmer
. Grange & Beeches farms
FULMODESTON and CROXTON are united they cover an area of 220 acres, and contain some
parishes and scattered villages. Fulmodeston is 2 miles of the finest fir and pine trees in the kingdom. On
south-east from Thursford station on the Midland and the Manor farm is an iron spring, which is used for
Great Northern joint railway, about 3 north-east from medicinal purposes. The Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O.,
Ryburgh station on the Wells and Dereham section of C.M.G., J.P. is lord of the manor and principal land-
the Great Eastern railway and 5 east from Fakenham, in owner; Lord Hastings also has estates in the parish.
the North Western division of the county, Gallow hundred The soil is a rich strong loam; subsoil, clay. The crops are
and petty sessional division, Walsingham union and wheat, oats, barley, turnips and green crops generally.
county court district, rural deanery of Burnham, arch- The united parishes contain 2,356 statute acres; rate-
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of able value, [I,828; the population in 19II was 300.
St. Mary, clOS€d in I882, is now in ruins. Christ At Croxton, I mile north-west, there are the ruins
church, erected in 1882 at a cost of [2,500, is a building of a thatched church named in honour of St. John the
_of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle and a B!llptist.
earth porch, and affords 200 sittings. The register dates Sexton, William Leach.
from the year 1556. The living is a rectory, joint net Post Office. John Emerson, sub-postmaster. Lebters
yearly value £35I, with 63! acres of glebe and residence through Guist, arrive 7 a.m. & 2.50 p.m. ; dispatched
;n the gift of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and held ro.5 a.m. & 5·35 p.m. No sunday aelivery. Swanron
"lince 18(}8 by the Rev. Edmund Godfray M.A. of that Novers is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
col:ege. There are Primitive Methodist and Baptist 3 miles distant!
chapels here. There is a fuel allotment of nearly 30 acres, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1877, at a
let to Lord Hasting~J for [40 yearly, and other charitie!l cost of £ I,ooo, and enlarged in I907 at a cost of
Qf £4o annual value for clothing. Several woods, situate £450, for 120 children; average attendance, rog ;
in this parish, are the property of the Earl of Leicester : Garibaldi Crowther, master; Mrs. Orowther, mistress
Godfray Rev. Edmund M.A. Rectory Green Matthew, miller (wind), Crox- Howlett Robert, Hastings Arms P.H
ton mill, Croxton Loynes William, oil dealer
COMMERCIAL. Hall John, farmer, Manor farm Sands Thos.frmr.Clipstone ho.Croxtn
Bacon Robert John, farmer Hawes Thomas Henry,grocer & draper To well J ames, beer retailer
Coleman Alfred, farmer Howell Fredl3rick William, farmer, Uttingo Thomas William, farm bailiff

Emerson John, grocer & sub-postmstr Fulmodeston hall to T. Sands esq. Croxton
Gent J ames, .carpenter & wheelwright Howell Horace. farmer

FUNDENHALL is a scattered village and parish 1 manor, and Sir Maurice C. Boileau bart. of Kettering-
mile south from Ashwellthorpe station on the Wymondham ham Park, are the principal landowners. The soil is
and Forncett branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 various; subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops are wheat,
south-east from Wymondham and 9 11outh-west from Nor· barley, hay and roots. The area is 1,394 acres; rateable
wich, in the southern division of the county, Depwade value, £1,523; the population in 1911 was 231.
union, petty sessional division and hundred, Wymondham Verger, Herbert Mayes.
county court district, rural deanery of Depwade, arch-
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church Sexton, Thomas Browne.
of St. ~icholas is an ancient structure of flint, consisting Post Office.-Gilbert Victor Rushbrooke, sub-post-
of chancel, nave, north porch and a massive central tower master. Letters through Norwich arrive about 8
containing 5 bells: the south entrance retains a Norman a.m. & 4· 15 p.m.; dispatched at 8.55 a..m. & 4·55 •
doorway, and in the chancel is a memorial window to p.m. No sunday delivery. Wreningham is the
Mary Elizabeth Barton, d. 6 Nov. 1865; the church was nearest money order office & Tacolnestone, 2 miles
restored in 186g, at a cost of £I,soo, when a pu:pit was distant, the nearest telegraph office
given by the Rev. Robert Sedger M.A. then curate, and Pillar Letter Box, Wymondham road, cleared at 8.50
oak benches put in the nave: the chancel was restored by
a.m. & 5·45 p.m
George Duckett Berney esq. of Morton Hall, patron and
lay impropriator (d. 1887): there are 160 sittings. The Public Elementary (Church of England) School (mixed),
register dates from the year 1559. The living is a per. for 6o children; average attendance, 38; Miss L. G.
petual curacy, net yearly value £125, in the gift of Mrs .. . Field, mistress
C. M. Berney, of Morton, and is at present (1912) vacant.
The Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in r8go, is of red Carriers to Norwich.
brick with stone dressings, and will seat 200 persons •. Smith, from Forv.cett, wed. & sat. ; Herbert Breeze,
There is a fuel allotment of 5 acres, producing about from Bunwell, wed. & sat.; John Olley, from New
£6 yearly, which is distributed to the poor in coals in Buckenham, wed. & sat. ; Barnard, from Hopton,
the winter. The Baroness Berners, who is lady of the tues. & fri
Good John George, The Grange Bunting William, farmer & veterinary inspector under the
Rattee Daniel Elmer Coe John, farmer, Pegg's farm "Contagious Diseases (Animals)
COMMKRCIAL. Harvey Rester (Mrs.), farmer Act 11 for No. 14 district
Attoe Jonathan, farmer, & collector of Huggins George, farmer, Blackball Ringwood James, farmer
rates & taxes, Rectory farm Myhill William, farmer, Grange farm Rushbrooke Gilbert Victor, shopkpr.
Browne Edward, farmer,The Rookery Rattee Daniel Elmer M.R.C.V.S.frmr. Post office
Bunting Bertie, farmer & landowner & veterinary surgeon, Smith Henry, farmer

GAR:BOLDISHAM is a parish and compact village, is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in r8g3. The
lying in a vale, 5 miles south from Harling Road station charities amvunt to between £25 and £3o yearly,
on the Roudham Junction and Wymondham section of arising from lands in this and adjoining parishes, of
the Great Eastern railway and 8 west-by-north from Diss, which sum half is assigned to a general distribution
in the Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and Shrop· fund for the poor, one-fourth for apprenticing or pay-
ham petty sessional division, Guiltcross hundred, Thetford ment of school fees and the remainder towards the
union, Diss county court district, rural deanery of Rock· church expenses. Garboldisham Hall, an ancient
land South, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor- mansion, is the property 11nd residence of Major G. F.
wich. Of the ancient church of All Saints, removed in M.-Montgomerie J.P. who is lord of the manors of
r 734, only the tower now remains. The church of St. Pakenhams-in-Garboldisham and Uphall-in-Garboldis-
John the Baptist is a noble structure of flint in the Per- ham. Garboldisham Manor, a pleasant residence, com-
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave, pleted in 1873 from the designs of George Gilbert
aisles, north porch and a large embattled western towet· Scott esq. F.S.A. archited, is the property and resi-
with pinnacles containing 6 bells: the north porch bear8 dence of Owen Robert Dunell esq. J.P. Major G. F.
several Latin inscriptions : in the aisles are several M.-Montgomerie and C. H. B. Ca.ldwell esq. of The
marble tablets to the Montgomerie family: an organ Cedars, Windlesham, Surrey, are the principal land-
'\las introduced in 1883, and in 1887 the east window owners, and the rector is lord of the Rectory manor.
was filled with stained glass as a memorial to Robert. The land is of mixed soils ; subsoil, chiefly clay and
Temple Frere esq. M.D. who died at Garboldisham Hall gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
in 1886: there is another, erected in 1902, to Cecil T. The area is 2,757 acres; rateable value, £2,887; the
Molineux MontgDmerie esq. : in the chancel is a small population in 19II was 545.
memorial window to a child of the rector, and ther!' SextQn, Waiter Bloomfield.
are several other stained windows: in 1892 the nortt
porch was furnished with wrought iron gates, the gift of Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Edwin Witt{)n, sub-post-
the late Mrs. R. Temple Frere: the church was master. Letters through Thetford, delivered 6 a.m.
thoroughly restored and reseated about 1862, and the nave & 5 p.m.; sundays, 6 a.m.; dispatched at 1.35 &
was reseated in oak in I911, and has 350 sittings, over 7.25 p.m.; 11undays, 6 p.m
200 being free. The register dates from the year r66g.
The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of All Public Elementary Schools (mixed), erected about 1872,
Saints, net yearly value £388, including 49 acres of for 12c:. children ; average attendance, go; Arthur
glebe, with residence, in the gift of Major G. F. M.- Boulton Knight-s, master
Montgomerie, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Charles
Lewis Kennaway M.A of University College, Oxford, Carriers.
and rural dean of North and South Rockland. There Brock, to Diss, fri.; Barnard, to Norwich, wed. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Nunn John Ellis Crowe Edgar, farmer

Doe George & Edward, cycle dealers
Alston James COMMBRCIAL. Garn'ham William, carpenter, & clerk
Cornish Mrs Alston James, farme#';- Uphall farm to iihe Pariah Council
Dunell Owen Robert J.P. Manor ho Bat'Iles Albert E. harness maker Gates Charles Home, farmer
Durrant Henry, Gothic cottage Barnes J esse, bricklayer Green John, head gamekeeper to
Hamilton Miss, The Malting Barrett William, farmer Owen Robert Dunell esq. J.P
Harrison Miss, Red house Beeton Sarah (Mrs.), laundry Napthen Alexander, wheelwri2ht
Kennaway Rev. Charles Lewis M.A. Beeton Thomas, farmer Nunn John Ellis, farme"r" & landown!'r
(rector & rural dean of Rockland), Bloomfield Waiter, "boot & shoe maker Pattimon ChristQpher George, miller
The Rectory Brock Waiter, farmer (wind & steam) & farmer
Lawrence Mrs Bryant William, farmer Pratt St81Jhen, farmer
Montgomerie Major G. F. N.-, J.P. Gbinery Ellen (Mrs.), farmer Randall Robert Jabez, blacksmith
Garboldisham hall Claxton Frederick, Swan P.H Reeve Thos. Wm. but-cher & farmer


Reynolds George, head gardener to Shearing George, ~hopkeepel" W omack Harry, Fox inn ; accommo-
Major G. F. M.- Montgomerie Whiting Sidney, blacksmith dation for cyclists ; jobmaster.
Rose Ernest W. head gardener tr Witton Edwin, grocer, & post ~ffice wheelwright & coach builder &c
Owen Robert Dunell esq. J.P Woods Waiter John, baker
GARVESTONE is a parish and village on the road John .Alpe L.Th. of University College, Durham. Here
from Dereham to Hingham, near Thuxton station on the is a Primitive Methodist chapel. Charitie:o producing
Wymondham and Dereham branch of the Great Eastern £30 yearly are distributed among the poor, and there
railway, 5 miles south from Dereham, in the Mid division is a fuel allotment of 7 acres, let at £8 I os. yearly.
of the county, Mitford hundred, Mitford and Launditch The principal landowners are Edward Henry Evans-
petty sessional division and union, county court district Lombe esq. Mrs. R. W. Pitt and John Marcon esq. J.P.
of Dereham, rural deanery of Hingham, Mitford division, The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich.- The wheat, barley and roots. The area is 823 acres; rate-
church of St. Margaret is ·a building· of stone in the able value, £1,412j the population in 19II was 284.
Early Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Post Office.-Thomas Lane, sub-postmaster. Letters
aisle, north porch and a fine embattled western tower through Attleborough arrive at 8. Io a. m. & at 2.15
containing 6 bells: the organ was presented in 1903 as p.m. to callers only; dispatched 10.5 a.m. & 6.15
a memorial to .Amy Marion Alpe, and in 1908 a p.m. on week days & 9.30 a.m. on sundays. The
memorial window was erected by Mrs. Breitmeyer to nearest money order & telegraph office is at Thuxton.
Harriett Valpy, her mother, and to the Rev. Francis 1 mile distant
Edward Jackson Valpy M.A. rector here 1845-73, and Wall Letter Box, Dereham road, cleared week days at
Eliza, his wife: the church plate includes a chalice, 6.20 p.m.; sundays_ 9-35 a.m
inscribed "The COVP of GARVESTONE :" the church Public Elementary School (mixed), for Garvestone &
affords 200 sittings. The register dates from the year Thuxton, & for a portion of the elder children of Rey-
1538. The living is a rectory, amalgamated with that merston, built in 1876, at a cost of £9oo, for 8o
of Thuxton, joint net yearly value £295, with residence, children; average attendance, 61; Mrs. Emily Howe,
in the gift of and held since 1899 by the Rev. Alfred mistress
A.lpe Rev. Alfred John L.Th. (rector), Blanch George, beer ret. & blacksmith Knights Wm. Jn. King's .Arms P.H
Rectory Bowd~n George, farmer Lane Thomas, grocer, & post. office
Johns-on James Buckingham Robert,White Horse P.H Leeds Horace, farmer
Finch Matthew, farmer Mann John, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Forkes Frederick Wm. blacksmith Rose James Wilson, bout maker
Abel Alfred, butcher Groom Chas. Calver, grocer & draper Saunders George, farmer
Abel Edward, farmer Harrison John, farmer, Lodge farm Saunders Robert, farmer
All en J O'hn, farmer Ho ward William, farmer Smith J ames, farmer
Barber Charles Joseph, grocer Johnson Wm. farmeT, Waterlow farm Steerman Alfred, faMrmmer
GASTHORPE is 8 parish and village, p:easantly 1 of St. Aidans, who re!lides at Riddlesworth. Gawdy's
situated on the borders of Suffolk, 5 miles south from charity of £t yearly is for fuel. William Needham Long-
Harling Road station on the Thetford and Norwich section den Champion esq. of Riddlesworth Hall, is lord of
of the Great Eastern railway and about 7 south-east from 1 the manor and sole landowner. The soil is light loam;
Thetford, in the Mid division of the county, Guiltcross subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are barley, oats, tur-
and Shropham petty sessional division, Guiltcross bun- nips and cinquefoil. The area is 871 acres; rateable
dred, Thetford union and county court district, rural value, £390; the population in 19II. was 70.
deanery of Rockland (south division), archdeaconry of ! •
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The ancient church of ; ~earest P_ost Office a~ Riddlesw?rth. Letters from Thet-
St. Nicholas is now in ruins. The living is 8 rectory, ford, vm Garboldi~ham, arnve at. 7· Io a. m. & 6. IO
consolidated with those of Riddlesworth and Knettishall p.m.; sundays, arnve 7· 10 a.m. ;_ dispatched 9.25 p.m.
(Suffolk), joint net yearly value £ 24 6, including- 6o acres The nearest money ord_er office IS at Ho~ha~ & tele-
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of W. N. L. Champion · graph office at Garbold1sham, about I m1le distant
esq. and held since 1873 by the Rev. John Robinson Wells, The children of this place attend the school at Riddlesworth
Bennett Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Kerry James, farm bailiff to W. N. L., Smith Philander, gamekeeper to W.
Cuttter William Henry, blacksmith Champion esq N. L. Champion e~q. The Cottage
GATELEY is a parish about 2 miles south from Ry- 1 will of a former rector of Brisley, for the benefit of wiJ.ows
burgh station on the Dereham and Wells section of the of rectors of that parish: King's benefaction of £3 yearly
Great Eastern railway, 5~ south-east from Fakenham and is for clothing. Gateley Hall, the property and resi-
8 north-by-west from Dereham, in the Mid division of rlence of Claude Lindsay Carry esq. is said to have
the county, Launditch hundred, Mitford and Launditch been built in 1726, on the site of a former hall
union and petty sessional division, Dereham county court destroyed by fire; the interior is elaborately ornamented
district, rural deanery of Toftrees with North Brisley, with fine plaster work in good preservation. Earl
archdeaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Norwich. The Sondes is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
church of St. Helen is a building of flint in the Decorated soil is mixed, consisting of stiff clay and brick earth,
style, consisting of chancel, nave, north and south porches, with a small portion of light loam and sand. The chief
vestry and an embattled western tower, containing 4 crops are wheat, barley and turn~ps and sol.lle land in
bells: the chancel was rebuilt and a vestry added in 1866 pasture. The area is 1,516 acres; rateable \'alu~.
at the expense of the Rev. John Smith D.D. late vicar, £1,290; the population in 19II was 128.
1851-9I : there are 130 sittings. The register dates from Parish Clerk, Isaac Frost.
the year 1682. The living is a vicarage, annexed to the Letter Box cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. week days.
rectory of Brisley, joint net yearly value £240, including Letters through Elmham, arrive at 8.30 a.m. The
30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Christ's nearest money order office is at Great Ryburgh, about
Co[ege, Cambridge, and held since 1891 by the Rev. 2 miles distant, & telegraph office, Brisley
William Henry Lowe M.A. of that college, who resides at The children of this place attend the schools at Brisley
Brisley. Charities :-A farmhouse here was left by the & Great Ryburgh
Carry Claude Lindsay, Gateley hall CoiTy Claude Lindsay, farmer, Do~ Money, shopkeeper
Case William H. farmer, Manor Gateley hall Hall Henry, farmer
farm & Church House farm Daynes William, farmer
GAYTON is a parish and large village 2l miles north- a memorial to Alexander Simson (1852), and in the chancel
east from East Winch station on the Lynn & Dereham wall are a. sedilia and a piscina and a monument to the
section of the Great Eastern railway. about 3 east from . Rev. Ligonier Tredway, vicar here, r8r2-3o. and rector
Gayton Road station on the Midland and Great Northern of Westwick, 1814-28 (died Dec. 8th, 1830), and to Jane
joint railway. lllld 7 east from Lynn, in the North Gray, his wife: the south aisle retains a piscina and an

Western division of the county, Free bridge Lynn hnn- aumbrey: in r85o the church was restored, reseated, the

dred. petty sessional division and union, Lynn county ! chancel new roofed and three stained windows erected ;
court district, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), arch- ' the organ was presented in 1865 by the Rev. C. T. Jex-
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church Blake M.A. vicar, 1862-7, and in 1893 a pulpit was

in the Trllllsition style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, · A.ubrey Cutting M.A. vicar, 1867-93, and to Theresa
south porch, and a. tower with 11tatues of the four Evan- Anne, his wife, both of whom died in 1893: there are

gelists in place of pinnacles, a pointed roof and vane, : joo sittings. The parish register dates from the year
and contains a clock and 2 bells, being the tenor and . 1702. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £223,
first treble of a peal of five: the stained east window is including 19! acres of glebe, with residence, erected in
DIBEOTOIY.] O.t.Y'l'ON, 181
1863, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held FREEBRIDGE LYNN RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.
since 1893 by the Rev. Francis Thomas Hicks, who is Meetings alternate thursdays, after the conclusion of the
also chaplain of the Freebridge Lynn union. The rectorial Freebridge Lynn guardians' meeting, at the Work-
tithes belong· to the see of Ely, and are let on lease house, Gayton
of lives: they are commuted at £5oo, and will pass to
the Ecclesiastical Olmmissioners on the termination Chairman, John Dun can, of Middleton, King· B Lynn
of the existing life. Here is a Wesleyan chapel and Clerk, Walter Cross, I9 King street, King's Lynn
a 'Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in 1870 and Treasurer, Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O.
enlarged in 1883. The Loyal and Ancient Order of King's Lynn
Shepherds (Friend in Need Lodge) erected here in 18~7 Medical Officer of Health, Charles Stuart Woodwark
a Jubilee Hall, at a cost (inelusive of land) of £390, and M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. GrimstDn
in which their meetings are now held, it will seat 250, Surveyor of Highways, Alfred Frank Culham, Gayton
and is let for public meetings, concerts &c.; F. S. Sanitary Inspector, Louis "'Frederic Beckwith, Gayton
Cross, secretary. The Loyal Albert Victor Lodge of
Oddfellows (M. U.) meets at the Rampant Horse on the
fourth Thursday in the month; Robert John Cnllum, FREEBRIDGE L YNN Ul\"'ION.
iecretary. Charities :-The Rev. Thomas Hopes in 16I6 The union comprises the following parishes : Ashwicken,
left £3 Bs. Bd. yearly, wllich is paid by the rector of Babingley, Bawsey, Bilney (West), Castle Acre, Castle
North Runcton; a sum of 2os. yearly, left by Alexander Rising, Congham, Flitcham, Gaywood, Gayton, Gayton
Simson esq. and another of 10s. yearly left by an un- Thorpe, Grimston, Hai'pley, Hillington, Leziate, Lynn
known donor, are distributed in bread to the poor. At North, Massingham (Great), Massingham (Little),
the Inclosure, in 18n, a fuel allotment of 3oa. xr. 22p. Middleton, Mintlyn, Newton (West), Pentney, Roydon,
was awarded, and is now let with the shooting for £42 Runcton (North), Sandringham, Setchey, Walton (East),
a year, which sum is distributed in coals among those Westacre, Winch (East), Winch (West), Wootton
parishioners whose yearly rent does not exceed £8. (North), Wootton (South) & Woolferton. The area of
The Freebridge Lynn Union House, in this parish, is the union is 75,075 acres; rateable value in 19I2 was
a plain building of carr stone and brick, erected in £77,I34; the population in 19II was I2,I07.
x83o, and will hold 130 inmates: a chapel was added Board day alternate thursdays, at 11.30 a.m. at thlf
in 1907 to the memory of the late clerk, Mr. Aldham, by Board room, Gayton workhouse
his daughter: for particulars of union, see Lynn. A Chairman to the Board of Guardians, John Duncan.
Literary Institute was erected in 19I2 on a site given Middleton, King's Lynn
by the Earl of Romney. The corporation of Lynn in Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Walter
1897 sank two wells and erected a pumping station in Cross, 19 King street, Lynn
this parish, and now over one million gallons of water Treasurer, Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O. Lynn.
are daily pumped into the Bawsey Reservoir, from ft.elieving Officer for the Union, R. H. Maltby, Gayton
which Lynn is supplied; James Sculphur, resident Vaccination Officers, Hillington, Gayton & Castle Rising
engineer. Gayton Hall, the seat of the Earl of sub-districts, same as Registrars of Births & Deaths
Romney J ..P., M.F.H. is a fine modern mansion with ~edical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Castle Acre dis-
beautifully laid-out grounds, surrounded by a park of trict, George Cardwell Porter L.R.C.P. & S.I. Castle
50 acres ; a small rivulet rises in the grounds and flows Acre; Gaywood district, Arthur Gardiner M.B., C.M.
into Lynn harbour. There are two manors, viz.:- Tuesday Market square, King's Lynn; Grimston dis-
Gayton Hall, belonging to the trustee of the late William trict, Charles Stuart Woodwark M.R.C.S.Eng .•
Dapd esq. and Well Hall, to the Earl of Romney. The L.R.C.P.Lond. Grimston; Massingham district, Geo.
prmcipal landowners are the trustee of the late William Dacre Trevor Raper L.R.C.P.Edin. Great Massing-
Dodd esq. the Earl of Romney and the trustees of the ham; Pentney district, Vernon Francis Alien L.R.C.P.
late Herbert Tallent esq. The parish is generally & S.Edin. Eversley house, Swaffham
fertile, of light soil, over chalk, flint, gravel and sand. Collector to the Guardians, Robt. Henry Maltby, Gayton
The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is Workhouse, Gayton, a building of carr stone & brick ..
3,287 acres; rateable value, £3,2I5; the population in built in I836, to hold I3I inmates; Frederick Samuel
19II was 780, including 8 officers and Bo inmates of the Warnes, master; Mrs. Florence Addison Warnes,
Freebridge Lynn Union Workhouse. matron; Rev. Francis Thomas Hicks (vicar of Gay-
Parish Clerk, Cyril Meek. ton), chaplain; Charles Stuart Woodwark M.R.C.S.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Grimston, medical officer
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Frederick Augustus Wanford,
sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from King's Lynn at FREEBRIDGE LYNN REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
7 a.m. & 1.45 p.m.; dispakhed at 10 a.m. & at
p.m.; S'Dnday at 11.35 a.m Superintendent Registrar. Waiter Cross, 19 King street ..
King's Lynn; deputy, Waiter G. Brown, 38 Railway-
Wall Letter Boxes.-Mill end, cleared at 5·35 p.m.; road, King's Lynn
sundays, 1I.IS a.m.; & Lynn road, cleared at 6.I5 Registrars of Births & Deaths, Castle Rising sub-dis-
p.m. ; :sundays, 11.40 a.m trict, Eldred Bunkall, Gaywood; deputy, Mrs. Eliza
Public Elementary Schools (mixed &;. infants), erected in Lunkall, Gaywood; Gayton sub-district, Robert Hy.
185 I on a site given by the late Sir Willoughby Jones Malt by, Gayton; deputy, Mr!i. Eliza Ann Maltby, Gay-
hart. D.L., J.P. & enlarged in I894 & again in 1909, ton; Hillington sub-district, Hugh H. Hammondr
for 1 8o children; average attendance, I70; R. E. Grimston; deputy, Mrs. E. E. Hammond, Grimston
Dann, master; Miss Keziah Meek, infants' mistress Registrar of Marriages, George Arthur Hayes, Park-
Carriers to King's Lynn.-Robert John Cullum, tues. avenue, King's Lynn; deputy, Thomas Westwood,.
thurs. & sat. ; Howard, tues. thurs. & sat Albert avenue, King's Lynn

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Gayton Cricket Club (Arthur F. P. Hill Wm. Jas. beer retailer & shopkpr
Hill, hon. sec) Howard Edward, carrier
Romney Earl of D.L., J.P., M.F.H. Gayton Drum & Fife Band (John J arrett William, farmer
Gayton hall; & Carlton club, Lon- Meek, bandmaster) Jordan Edwin, insurance agent
don S W. . . Gayton Mills Co. millers & bakers, Jubilee Hall (F. S. Cross, 6ec)
Graham Ph1hp, Bndge house corn & artificial manure merchants · Landsell Lewis Archie, groear.
Hicks Rev. Francis Thomas (vicar & & at Westacre ' draper & outfitter & boot & shoe .
chaplain <>f the Freebridge Lynn Gibson Robert, district surveyor to dealer, London house
Workhouse), Vicarage , Norfolk County Council for Castle- Lewis J ames, butcher
Lewis Frank, Mill house · acre d1strict Lingwood Wm. Rampant Horse P.H
T11llent Edwin James, Well ball Goodley Lewis, farmer, Church farm Maltby Robel't Henry, relieving &
Green Alfred, Royal Oak P.H vaccination office.- & collector to
Green Ann (Mrs.), Whit-e Hart P.H the guardians & registrar of birthS'
Beckwith Louis Frederic, inspector of Green Joseph, bricklayer & deaths, Gayton sub-district,
nuisances for the Rural District Hall Augustu,; Leach, grocer Freebridge Lynn union
Council of Freebridge Lynn Hammond Robert Edward Hazel, Mark Benjamin, land steward to E.
Billing Robert, wheelwright shoeing & general smith J. Tallent esq
Burton William, carpenter Higgs William Roland, butcher Matthews Wm. N. frmr. White lodge-
Cross William Stringer, lime burner Hill Arthur F. P. wheelwright & Meek Cyril, parish clerk
Culham Alfred Frank, surveyor of carpenter, cycle agent & dealer & Meek J obn, accountant, & enquiry
highways agent for all the leading makers of agent. for Trade Protection Associa-
Cullum Robert Jolfn, coal merchant cycles & insurance agent tions, Freebridge Lynn district
Dodd Waiter, farmer, Gayton Hall frm Hill William, butcher

Meek Kezia (Miss), ba<Jket & sieve· Plume Albert, gamekeeper to Earl Tallent Edwin Jas. farmer, Well hall
maker & bee hive dealer, .assistant: of Romney Taylor George, blacksmith .
overseer & clerk to the Parish Radford Alfred, market gardener Taylor Joseph Waltham, farmer
Council Rasberry · James, carrier & carter, Thrower Richard Henry, baker
Meek William, timber dealer Winch road Thrower Richard John, carpenter &
Mitchell Charles, gardener to Earl I Renaut Samuel, Crown ·P.H wheelwright, cart, van & waggon
of Romney Rudd Robert, bricklayer builder ; repairs &c
l()ddfellows (Manchester Unity) (Loyal' Scase Henry, aS<Jistant engineer at Wanford Frederick Augustus, grocer,
Albert Victor Lodge) (Robert John pumping station & post office
Cullum, sec.; meets 4th Thursday Sculpher James, engineer at· the W arnes Frederick Samuel, master of
in every month), Rampant Horse pumping station Freebridge Lynn workhouse
~Parka William, farmer Shepherds (Loyal & Ancient Order Wilson Robert, coal dealer
Pat trick W illiam, shopkeeper of) (Friend in Need Lodge) (F. S.
Cross, sec.), Jubilee Hall
GA YTON THORPE is a parish and village 2! miles B.A. of Clare College, Cambridge, who resides at East
.north-east from East Winch station on the Lynn and Walt{)n. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erectad
.Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway and 8 east- in 1902. Henry Birkbeck esq. of Westacre High Rous~,
rby-south from Lynn, in the North Western division of Swaffham; is lord of the manor and chief landowner.
the county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional The soil is light and sandy; subsoil, Band and chalk.
division and union, county court district of Lynn, rural The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips.
deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and The area is 2,359 acres; rateable value, £r,I04; the
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a build- population in rgn was 143-
ing of rubble, in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, Parish Clerk, James Copeman.
nave, south porch and a hexagonal western tower con-
taining one bell : in 1900 the church was restored, entirely Letters through Lynn, via Gayton, arrive at 7.40 a.m.
re-seated and the ancient inner roof uncovered and re- The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
.paired: there are roo sittings. The register dates from · Gayton, about I mile distant
the year 1580. The living is a rectory, to which is
annexed the.. vicarage of East Walton, joint net yearly Wall Box cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 5.25 p.m.; sundays at
·value £224, including half an acre of glebe and resi- 10.55 a.m
. dence, in the gift of M. Birkbeck esq. and held since The children of this parish attend the schools at East
1912 by the Rev. Andrew Rubert Vaughan Daubeney Walton
'Baldrey Henry, farmer Matthews Alfred, favmer, Large farm Youngman Robert, f:umer, Manor
~.Flatman Frederick, foreman brick Welham Charles, head gamekeelJer tn farm; & at Grimston
maker to Henry Birkbeck esq Henry Birkbeck esq
GAY WOOD is a parish and village, partly within the ducing £Io yearly, which is distributed in coal; and
, parliamentary borough of Lynn, to which town it forms a Dr. Thurlyn's charity of £2 2s. expended in the pnr-
• populous eastern suburb, and for ec!clesiastical purposes chase of great coats for old .men. A chalybeate spring,
·includes the hamlet of Highgate, which for civil pur- called " RefHy Spring," is much frequented. The
, poses now forms part of Lynn: it is in the North Western Hospital 'of St. Mary Magdalene was founded in n45 by
division of the county, hundred, petty sessional division Peter the Chaplain (Capellanus), for a prior and twelve
. and union of Fre~bridge Lynn, Lynn county court dis- brothers and sisters; after being some years dissolved,
. trict, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of it was re-founded in the time of J ames I. and rebuilt in
Lynn, and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Faith r64g, with twelve tenements and a. chapel, surrounding a
quadrangle: the revenues amount to about £370 a year,
is a plain cruciform structure, chiefly in the Early English
style, and consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, north and are applied to the support of a reader and eleven
porch, used as a vestry, and a western tower of brick, widows of the age of sixty and upwards, selected from
-containing 6 bells: the fabric retains a Norman doorway the residents of Lynn; the hospital is under the control of
in good preservation: in the western entrance are two old the Charity Trustees, the corporate body of Lynn being
Dutch paintings, one representing Queen Elizabeth at the feoffees. Gaywood Hall is the seat of Richard
Tilbury Fort at the time of the attemptt>d Spanish in- Ludwig Bagge esq. D.S.O., J.P. who is lord of the
vasion, 1588, and the other the Gunpowder Plot, Nov. 5, manor and chief landowner. The soil is in general
I605: there is a small brass in the chancel to Thomas gravelly ; subsoil, graveL The chief crops are wheat,
Hares, the donor of these two pictures, 36 years rector turnips and barley, with a portion of meadow land. The
of this parish, ob. 1632: the church was reseated by Estuary Company inclosed about 300 acres of land in
T. E. Bagge esq. and new heating apparatus provided this parish and that of North Lynn during the year·
·in 1898: in 1908 the chancel was restored and re- 1865- The area is 2,165 acres of land and 8 of water;
•fitted, and an oak reredos ·erected, and in the same rateable value, £7,096; the population of the parish in
·year a vestry, organ chamber and • south chapel wer9 rgn was 1,4II.
'built and the transepts restored~ there are 180 Parish Clerk, Eldred Bunkall. ·
11ittings. The registers date from the year 1562, and
there is also a list of rectors since 1302. The living Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Walter Edtnnnd Fillenham,
ia a rectory, net yearly value £38o, inducting 13' sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from King's Lynn at
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Richard 4· 15 & 9.25 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. & are dispatched at rt
·L. Bagge esq. D.S.O. and held since rgo6 by the Rev. ' a.m. & 1.20, 4·45 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays at 7.30 p.m
Harry Sydney Radcliffe M..A. of Exeter College, Oxford.
The church at HIGHG.ATE, erected in 1879. has 200 sit- Council School (mixed & infants), erected in 1908 for
··tings. A Mission room was built at Highgate in 1895 from 220 children; average attendance, I8o; Kilner
,,plans by Mr. H. J. Green, architect, of Norwich and Lynn. Etchells, master; infants, accommodation 120; aver-
There is a Wesleyan chapel, seating 150 persons, built, age attendance, 70; Miss Edith Hammond, infant!!'
-with school, in 1874, at a cost. of £6oo; and a Primitive mistress; Miss Alice Fendick & Miss Carolina Bunfield,
Methodist chapel, built in rB75- Gaywood Conservative assistant mistresses -
dub room is a corrugated iron building, formerly used
a!! a reading room; the club was established in 1892 and Thfl school is managed by six local managers, under the
'has about 8o members. The charities for distribution control of the County Council; Henry 0. HoW!le, ear-
in kind consist of allotments of nearly 20 acres, pro- respondent & clerk & !!chool attendance officer
Clark Mrs. Carbrook villa Hartley Gordon, Denmark house
Marked thus * receive their letters
C<lbden William Alfred, Stornoway Hayes Thomas West, Braeside
·th.r<Jugh South Wootton, King's Lynn.
Collins Alfred T. Poplar villa Jubey Waiter Henry, The Grove
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Colman A. E. 2 Florence villa Lacy Frederick Charles, Tyne villas
.!.dams Waiter, Starlit Dell Curson Azariah, Victoria road Love John Halbert, Rivoli
Bagge Richard L., D.S.O., J.P. Gay- Driver Thomas, Aldersyde Mehew William Thos. I Florence viis
wood hall Etchells Kilner Nuthall Daniel, Sandringham terrace
Barrett Charles G. Pleasant house Follows Miss, Ro!;;ebery avenue Overton John, Tyne villas
llast~ Ernest, Swiss cottage Frost Alfred, Bungalow Pipe Edgar, 4 Tyne villas
'•'Benson William Pattison, Hornsea vil Frost Miss, Sedgeford villa Radcliffe Rev. Harry Sydney M..!.
'Boyce William Henry Garner Edward, Eosebery avenue (rector), Rectory
lmnfield Mn;_ Field house Goddard George, N orthwold villa Regester Charles Tqomas, St. Kilda
llurn John Claude, Cam villa Green William Edward, Belle vue Rippengill Mrs. Harecroft
· Carr William George, In mere villa Hart Robert Spooner Scaife Alfred

Scaife Alfred Hunting, Ha.rpley cot Bunkall Eldred, registrar of births & Jolly Squad.-Sergt.-Major Geo. drill
Smith Bernard Victor, Arran deaths & vaccination officer, Castle instrucior to D Squadron, The
Smith Charles W. St. Ronans Ri;;ing sub-district King's Own Royal Regiment Nor-
Smyth Sydney Arthur, Sesame Carter Elijah, genl. smith. Spring ter folk Yeomanry
Thompson Harry Cobb Henry Willia~ harness maker Kirkland John, travelling draper
Underwood William, The Beeches Cobden William Alfred, clerk to the Lake Florence (Miss), dress maker
White William Henry, .Margaret villa Parish Council Lusher John, carting contractor
Williams Oliver, Pendrell Copeman Gee. Diamond Jubilee P.H Masters Waiter, grocer & boot dealer
Wiseman Arthur, Lavender terrace Culey Benj. Geo. farmer, Folly farm May Alfd. farmer, Fairstead Mill ho
Wylie .A.ndrew, Tay villa Curtis Richard, tea merchant & as- Murrell George William, cycle agent
si;;tant overseer Playford John George, farmer
Dann George, boot & shoe maker Ramm Frederick, confectioner
Dixon Walter M. master mariner, Riches Frederick, greengrocer
Early closing day, Wednesday. Windarra Richmond Bobert Thomas, cowkeeper,
Alien Edward, farm bailiff to ~rs. Dowdy George, oil dealer Sayers marsh
William H. Andrews, North farm Eglington John Richard, general dlr Seaman Mahalee~ Henry, builder
Andrews John Robert, hair dresser Fillenham Walter Edmund, tailor, & Shallow Robert, baker
Avls Robert Benjamin, coal merchant post office, 8 Spring terrace Simpson Richard, Cock inn
& Ship P.H Finney John Saville, fried fish dealer Smith Charles L .. butcher
Balls Waiter, The Swan P.H Frost Alice Amelia Presswood (Mrs.), Smith Richard, horse dealer
Barrett C. G. & Co. Steam Laundry shopkeeper Smith Sydney Backham, boot maker
& Dye ·works. Telegrams, Gaywood Conservative Club (Richard Smyth Sydney Arthur F.I.S.A.. ac-
"Ba:rrett Dyefs, -Gaywood" . L. Bagge esq. D.S.O. president; countant & company auditor; agent
Bates Hannah (:Miss), market gardnr Kilner Etchells, hon. sec) for Royal, Gresham, General & Sun
Bennifer Alfred, grocer Grange Henry C. coal dealer Fire & Life Offices
*Blade Arton, New inn Grantham Edwin, grocer Sowerby Henry, gardener to B. L.
*Blake John & Sons, wheelwrights Green Philip, plasterer Bagge esq. D.S.O
Backing John, fried fish shop Griffin Robert James, corn merchant Stanton George H. S. corn. traveller
Brown Sarah J. (Mrs.), White Horse Grimes Stephen Edward, farmer Thorington Frank, plumber.
P.H Hine Walter, estate manager for Trollope George, market gardener
Bunkall E. wood turner & manufac- Richard L. Bagge etsq. D. S.O Utteridge Stephen Wm. beer retailer
turer of plumbers' & ironmongers' Hitchborn Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper Whitby Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker
buckets & boxes, coopers, yokes Holmes Abraham, wheelwright Wilkin;;on Henry, clerk
&c. &c Willimont Walter Hy. insur. agent
GELDE STON is a parish and village on the river net yearly· value f I 50, with 32 acres of glebe, with
Waveney and on the borders of Suffolk, with a station on residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held
the Waveney Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, since r9o9 by the Rev. Willia.m Morley Smith M.A. of
2~ miles north-west from Beccles and 6 south-east from University College, Durham. In I893 the old rectory
Loddon, in the Southern division of the county, Clavering house was dilapidated under a faculty .. and the present
hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division house built on a site near the church. The poor's land
and union, Bungay and Beccles county court district, consists of 6! acres, let for [.7 :ros. yearly. Geldeston
rural deanery of Brooke (Eastern division), archdeaconry Hall, a large brick mansion of the I8th centu'ry, stand-'
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. ing in a pleasant and well-wooded park of about 6o
Michael is a building of flint in the Perpendicular style, acres, but now (1912) unoccupied, is the property of
consisting of chancel, na:ve, north transept, south porch Capt. Waiter Fitzgerald Kerrich, who is lord of the
and a :round embattled western tower containing one manor and principal landowner. The soil is light and
bell; the roof of the tower and belfry timbers were sandy, with mixture of clay; subsoil, sand. The chief
renewed in ~886; since I86S oak choi~stalls, brass altar crops are barley, oats, wheat and -peas. The area i.s 842
rails and a carved oak pulpit and lectern have been pre- acres of land and :o of tidal water; rateable value,
sented, amounting in all to over £ISO in value: [,~,752; the population in I9II was 295.
are remains of three piscinre, one ~eing probably of the Sexton, Edward Anguish.
14th century, and an altar stone; the church was restored
in I865, at a cost of [,I,2oo. In I894 a vestry was erected Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Thomas Reuben Sycamore.
by the Kerrich family; the organ was presented in 1898 sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Beccles at 7· 10
by the late Mr. and Mr~. Edwin J. Poyser. The nave & II.4o a.m. & are dispatched at 1.10 & 5-35 p.m
was re-seated in oak in I903, at a cost of [,Iso, to com- Wall Letter Bo:xes.-Geldeston lodge, cleared. a£ I-IS &
memorate the long reign of Her late Majesty Queen 5-45 p. m. & at the Railway station, clearel,l at 1.5 &
Victoria, and also the coronation of King Edward VII.
and in Igo6 the old rood loft staircase was reopened : the 5-30 p.m
church affords I75 sittings: an addition to the church- Church of England School (mixed), erected in· i825, for
yard of 28 perches was consecrated in 1876 and another 82 ~hildren; average attendance, 63 ; Miss L. Arnold,
addition of one rood was consecrated in I9II- The mistress-
register dates from the year I057, and there is a corn- Railway Station, Henry Hammond, station master, who
plete list of rectors from 1307. The living is Q rectory, is also station master at Ellingham
' '
Banham Miss, Dunburgh hill COMHJ!,RCU.L, • Morris Frederick, farmer, Hall farm
Dowson Edward Theodore J.P. The Anguish William, farmer, Penny- Parsons W alter, frmr. Fir Tree farm
Old house cumquick farm Peck Oharles Oliver, farmer, Manor
Dowson Misses, Greenbank Bellward William, market gardener }Jpuse farm "
Har:rison Keith C. Waveney cottage Boggis George Thomas, carpenter .& 'lilaac (exors. of), farmers, The
Kerrich Capt- Waiter Fitzgerald, apiarist TVf .farm
Jacks lodge Codling James, coal merchant Herbert~ beeT l'et. & egg mer
Smith Rev. William Morley M.A. Fisk George, farmer Archibal~ market gardener
(rector), '.fhe Rectory Fisk Wm. cowkeeper & harness maker Sutt<JJI Elijah, shopkeeper
Thornbill Bensley, Geldeston lodge Hart Frederick, farmer Sycarnare Thomas Beuben, grocer &
Tipping Lieut. Henry Thomas Gart- Mallett James, head gardener to dratJer, Post office
side- R.N. Dunburgh house Capt. W. F. Kerrich Turnbull George, Wherry inn
GILLINGH.AJM is a parish and village, I! miles north- restoration effected in I869: there are I8S sittings.
west from Beccles junction station on the Great Easte-rn The register dates from the year 1540. The living is a
railway and I6 miles south-east from Norwich, in the rectory, net yearly value [,340, including 53 acres of
Southern division of· the county, Clavering hundred, glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Dunba"t"-Buller,
Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division and union, •and held since 1903 by the Rev. George Herbert
Beccles county court district, rural deanery of Brooke Thompson, of University College, Durham. The Catholic
(Eastern division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese church, erected by John G. Kenyan esq. J.P. in I8g8,
of Norwich. The church of All Saints is now ruinous, and completed in I903, is an edifice of red brick with
the tower only remaining. The church of St. Mary stone dressings, in the Italian style, and has 120
is a building of flint in the Norman style, consisting sittings. The town lands consist of three tenements
of apsidal chancel, nave, aisles and a tower containing called "the Leet House," Ioa.: or. I:zp. of land, now let
3 bells: the church was enlarged and :repaired .in I858, for [,20 ISS. yearly, and 18a. IT. 35P· let for [34 rss.
under the superintendence of Mr. T. Penrice, architect, a year: the rents are applied partly for charitable pur~
CJf Lowestoft : the south aisle was added and further poses and partly in the service of the church. The
Eden Gift is a bequest uf £><oo left in 1889 by the late Parish Clerk, Henry Foreman.
Mrs. Henry Eden, the interest of which is to be dis- Post Office.-Robert Henry White, sub-postmasoor. Let-
tributed annually to the poor of the parish. Gillingham ters through Beccles arrive at 6.r5 & a.m. & are
Hall, a large mansion built in the reign of J ames I. and dispatched at 1.55 & 6.25 p.m. ; on sundays they
surrounded by beautiful gardens and pleasure grounds,
arrive at 7-40 a.m. & are dispatched at 8.40 a.m.
is now the seat of John George Kenyan esq. J.P.; at- Beccles, r! miles distant, is the nearest money order
tached to the Hall is a Catholic domestic chapel. J. G. & telegraph office
Kenyan esq. who is ~ord of the manor, Capt. Waiter
Fitzgerald Kerrich, of Geldeston, and Mrs. Dunbar- Wall Letter Box, Winston Hall, cleared at I0-45 a.m. &
Buller are the principal landowners. The soil is light 5 p.m. Pillar Letter Box, Windale hill, cleared at 1.20
mould; subsoil, sand. The chief crops are wheat, & 5-40 p.m
barley, peas and beans. The area is 2,031 acres of land, Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1863 at
2 of water, 16 of tidal water; rateable value, £2,282; the cost of the late Mrs. Eden, for roo children ;
the population in I91I was 440. average attendance, SI; Miss Violet Morgan, mistress

Kenyan Jn. Geo. J.P. Gillingham hall Darby Brothers Limited, English & Hemmant Jas. farmer, Winstone hall
'l'hompson Rev. George Herbert (rec- foreign timber & slate merchants, Holmes Harold Edwin, blacksmith
tor), Rectory Waveney steam saw mills Kiddle Robt. Morris, farmr.Rose frq~.
Dowe John Danl. farmer, Village farm Le on Pamela (Mrs.), laundress
COMMERCIAL. Foreman Hy. boot ma. & parish clerk Mills Arthur George, timber mer-
Ashford Thomas Livingstone, farmer, Gillett Hubert C. H. frmr. Ivy farm chant, wheelwright & carpenter
Hill farm Hawes .Alfred, t uilder & contractor ; Peck Charles 0. farmer, Dunboro
Batters James, gardener to John Geo. distempering & general repairs ; Peck William, farmer, Windale hill
Kenyan esq estimates given, The Elms Rackham Arthur, farmer, Lodge farm
Boon Emma Minnie (~irs.),Swan P.H Hawes Ellen J. (Mrs.), frmr.Rose fm Spinks Robert, dairyman
Boon Martin, harness maker Hawes Fred, market gardener T hacker John, farmer & market grdnr
Burgess Jn. Wm. frmr. Upland farm Hawes Jonathan, sen. farmer White Samuel, market gardener
Catholic Truth Society (Gillingham Hawes Jonathan, jun. market grdnr. Woodgate Harry J oh,.. qrocer & drpr
depot) (Mrs. Lane, manageress) Marsh lane
Colman Bros. farmers, Boundary frm

GIMINGHAM is a parish and village, in a valley near designed for the purpose of carrying out the open-air
the coast, on the banks of the river Mun, 2 miles north- treatment of consumptives; the buildings stand in 2-5
west from Mundesley station, 3 north-east from Gun- acres of land on the southern slope of a ridge which
ton station on the Norwich and Cromer section of the runs east and west. Lcrd Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O.,
- Great Eastern railway, 4 north from North Walsham K.C.B. is lord of the principal manor, but the rector
and 6 south-east from Cromer, in the Northern divi- is also lord of a small manor. Sir Thomas Fowell Bu:x-
sion of the county, North Erpingham hundred and petty ton bart. G.G.M.G., V.D. of Colne :louse, Cromer, John
sessional division, Erpingham union, North Walsham Collyer esq. and the rector are the principal land-
county court district, rural deanery of Repps and arch- uwners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay and gravel.
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of All The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and roots. The
Saints is an ancient structure of flint in the Perpendi- area is 1,490 acres of land, 3 of water and 13 of fore-
cular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch aud shore; rateable value, £I ·97I ; and the population in
a low embattled western tower containing 3 bells : there 19I r was 398.
is a brass to the Browning family, dated 1638: the chur!!h
affords r8o sittings. The register dates from the year
Pari~h Clerk, Frederick Bullimore. -
1550. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £285, Post Office.-Mrs. Lucy Blower, sub-postmis~ress. Let-
with 28 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of St. ters through No!j;h Walsham arrive at 7 a.m. & 3
Catharine's College, Cambridge, and held since r8cp by p.m.; d1spatchecr' at ro.4o a.m. & 5-55 p.m.; no
the Rev. Francis Knowles M.A. of St. Catharine's Col- sunday delivery. Trimingham, 2 miles distant, is
lege, Cambridge, and B.D. of Trinity College, Dublin. the nearest money order & telegraph office
A Parish room was erected in r8g6 at a cost of about
£2oo, by Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton hart. for general Wall Letter Box, clearstl at a.m. & 6.5 p.m
public purposes, and it is used by the Church of Eng- "ublic Elementary School (mixed), erected in r834 by
land Men's Society and by the Primitive Methodists for the late Yen. Ralph Blakelock M.A.. rector here I833-92
religious services. The Mundesley Sanatorium, situate & enlarg-ed in r897, & in 1904 by the present rector
I mile from Mundesley station and the same distance & will now hold 8o children; average attendance, 70;
from the sea, was opened 2nd February, r8g9, and was Miss Whittaker, mistress


Chalcraft George B. Hillside Alien J oseph. farmer physician)
J ewson George, Gavelkind Blower Lucy (Mrs.), shpkpr. Post off Oakley Herbert, wheelwright
Johntlon H. A. Sandy Gulls cottage Gaze Egbert Aylmer, jobma.ster Owles Ernest Geo. farmer, Hall farm
Knowles Rev. Francis B.D. (rector), Gaze W alter J ames, miller Parochial Room (Rev. Francis
Rectory Gillam Stephen, farmer, Church farm Knowles B.D. chairman)
Pearson Sidney Vere B.A., M.B. Fox Fre-ierick, farmer Starling Lewis Samuel, farmer
Sanatorium Mundesley Sanatorium (The) (Sidney White John, blacksmith
Sickles Louis, Trimingham house Vere Pearson B.A., M.'B., B.O.,
GISSING is a parish and village, 2 miles north from yearly value {,330, including 87 acres of glebe, with
the Burston and 2 south from Tivetshall stations, both residence, built in 1878, in the gift of Sir Kenneth
on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great Eastern Hagar Kemp bart. and held since 1896 by the Rev.
railway, and 5 north-east from Diss, in the Southern divi- William Ernest Simons Cooper M.A. of Keble College,
sion of the county, Depwade union, Diss hundred, petty Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel. A sum of £4,
wssional division and county court district, rural deanery derived from a freehold cotta[~e and garden left to the
of Redenhall, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of poor of the parish by Edward Smith and Thomas
Norwich. The church of St. ~.Lary is an ancient building Ringer, is divided amongst them annually. Gissing
of flint, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, Hall, the property of Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp bart.
north and south aisles, nave, north porch and a round of The Upper Close, Norwich, is a modern mansion, in
western tower containing 5 bells; there is a fine Norman the Elizabethan style, situated in a well-wooded park,
doorway and the roof is of carved oak : in the chancel and now (rgr2) the residPnce of Arthur Charles Cooper
and north chapel are five very handsome marble monu- esq. Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp bart. who is lord of the
ments, with arms of the Kemp family, one of the date manors of Gissing, Thorpe-with-Dallings and Gis!iing-
of 1612 and one to Sir Robert Kemp kt. created a cum-Dagworth is the principal landowner; the manor
baronet by Charles I. 14 Mar. r64r, and died 20 Aug. and greater part of the parish having been held by the
r647; and a memorial to the Rev. Edward Bowman, Kemp family since 1324; the governors of King Edward
formerly rector of the parish, and to Ann, his wife : the VI. Grammar School and the trustees of Doughty's
interior was thoroughly restored in r876-7, at a cost of Hospital, N orw~ch, are likewise landowners. The soil is
about £r,sr.)Q, and affords r2o sittings. The registers heavy; subsoil, clay and brick earth. The chief crops
were destroyed by fire at the old rectory in 1704, but are wheat, barley, peas and beans. The area is 2,oo5
some fragments, dating from the r6th century, have. acres; rateable value, £2,693; and the population in
since been recovered. The living is a rectory, net rgr1 was 364.

Post & Telegraph Office.-Walter Youngs Denney, sub- Pillar Letter Box, near the church, cleared 10.35 a.m. &
postmaster. Letters arrive from Diss at 7.50 a.m. & 6.5 p.m. week days; sundays, 8.5 a. m
2.20 p.m. (callers only); dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & Public Elementary School, built in 1876, at a cost of
5·55 p.m. The nearest. money order office is at Diss [,r,r2o, for 88 children; average attendance, 62;
Horace Weddall, master; Mrs. Sarah Weddall, mi!ltress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Colman Edwin. farmer of marriages Depwaqe union &
Bannerman Mark Alfred, The R€d. ho Cooper George, boot maker relieving officer Diss district, Dep-
Cogper .Arthur Charles, Gissing hall Denney George Chapman, blacksmith wade union, Oakdale, Gissing
Cooper Rev. William Ernest Simons & farmer Common
M.A. (rector), Rectory Ellis Albert, farmer Mortimer Wm. Foster, Crown P.H
Dennington William, The Gables Gill Herbert, frmr. Hill House farm Norman George, farmer
(postal address, Tivetshall St. Harris Hy. Whitaker, miller (wind & Pope George, farmer
Margaret, Norwich) oil), as,;istant overseer, collector of Porcher John Thomas, wheelwright
W etherall Mrs taxes & clerk to Parish Council Reeve Alfred, Chequers P.H
Hubbard John, farmer Rix George, farmer, Railway farm
COMMERCIAL. J ally John, farm bailiff to John Rust William, farm bailiff to S.
Alger Henry Harry, baker & confctnr Symons esq Warnes, Elm Tree farm
Blyth Frederick, farmer La~t Harry, Horse Shoes P.H Stringer Charles, farmer
Boulton Harry, grocer & draper Lusher William Seagon, registrar of Woods Joel, farmer
Colchester John Wilson, farmer, births & deaths & vaccination Woolsey Jn. Thos. farmer,Grove frm
Poplar farm oilicer D1ss sub-district, registrar
GLAND FORD-CUM-BA YFIELD is a parish in a resides at Blakeney. The tithes have been commuted
well-w0oded vale, watered by the river Glaven, from for a rent-charge of £97; there is a glebe of about 9
which it derives its name, 3l miles north-west from Holt acres. Sir Alfred Jodrell bart. of Hayfield Hall, is lord
station on the Eastern section of the Midland and Great of the manor and owner of the parish. The soil is
Northern joint railway and about I~ south-east from light; subsoil, gravel. The crops are on the four-
Blakeney, in the Northern division of the county, Halt course system. The area of Glandford and Hayfield
hundred, petty sessional division and county court dis- parish is 1,172 acres; the rateable value, £I,II7; the
trict, Erpingham union, rural deanery of Halt alld arch- population in 19II was 133-
dEaconry and diocese of Norwich. The surface of the
Letters through Cley arrive about 7·30 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.
parish is undulating and the higher grounds command
Wall Box cleared at 7·45 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. week days
extensive views over the North Sea. The church of St.
only. The nearest money order & telegraph <Jffice is
Martin, for many years dilapidated and the tower an
at Cley-next-the-Sea, about r~ miles distant
ivyclad ruin, was completely restored in 1900, at the
sole expense of Sir Alfred J odrell bart. as a memorial to The children of this place attend the schools at Blakeney
the late Mrs. Adela Monckton Jodrell, who died 23 Sept. & Cley-next-the-Sea
1Bg6, and is a building of flint and stone, in the Early
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, BAYFIELD is a village, on the river Glaven, about 2i
side chapel, north porch, vestry, organ chamber and a llliles north-west from Halt station on the Eastern section
square embattled tower containing a clock and rz bells, of the :Midland and Great :Sorthern joint railway and 3
provided in 1905: the hammer-beam roof of the nave south from Blakeney h'lrbonr. This was originally a
is supported by figures in niches, and the ends of the parish, but it has been Wlited to Glandford. The church,
beams display . on shields the emblems of the cross; dedicated to St. Margaret and adjoining the Hall, 1s now
and there is a rood screen and beam bearing a figure of ruinous and covered with ivy, and a large cedar tree is
the crucifixion: the floors of the chapel and chancel are growing in the centre of the ruins ; the nearest church
laid with Italian marble: in the chancel are stone is at Letheringsett. The living is a rectory, net yearly
sedilia adorned with a figure of St. Martin, and in the value £rzo, in the gift of Sir Alfred Jodrell bart. and
side chapel is the figure of an angel; both this figure ht>ld since r884 by the Rev. Thomas Firminger Thiselton-
and the font, which is an exact copy of the Walsoken Dyer B.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford, who is non-
font, were carved in Florenc~: all the wood-work, partly resident. The Rev. Everett James Bishop M.A. rector
of oak, but chiefly of cedar, is remarkable for its of Cley, acts as curate in charge. Hayfield Hall, the seat
elaborate carving: there is a tablet to Thomas Cooke, d. of Sir Alfred J odrell hart. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the
~iay 2oth, r88z, and a brass to William Cooke, d. Feb. manor and owns nearly the whole parish, is a plain brick
3rd, r883, erected by the Jodrell family: in r88z tlle mansion, pleasantly situated and commands extensive
churchyard was inclosed with ornamental iron railings views of the country and also of the river Glaven, which
at a cost of .£wo, chiefly defrayed by Sir Alfred Jodrell is here widened and forms a large piece of water. The
bart. J.P. and was then opened to interments, having land, which is in a deep and well-wooded vale of the
remained closed for upwards of 100 years. The register Glaven, is chiefly arable: the surface is undulating and
dates from the year 165r. The living is a rectory, the views from the high grounds are very fine. The
united with Cockthorpe to the rectory of Blakeney, joint area anu rateable value are included with Glandford; in
net yearly value [,3go. ir.cluding roo acres of glebe, and rgor the population was 68.
residence, in the gift of the Hon. :Mrs. Anstruther- •
Gough-Calthorpe, and held since 1906 by the Rev. David Letters through Holt. Cley is the nearest money order
Lee Lee-Elliott M.A. of Cambridge University, who , &; telegraph office, about 2~ miles distant
GLAND FORD. 1 Walker .A.rthur, farmer, Manor farm' COMMERCIAL.
COMMERCIAL. Hudson Geo. farmer, Bayfield lodge
In,;titute & Reading Room (Herbert Rayner John, head gardener to Sir
Albert Woodhouse, hon. sec) BA. YFIELD.
Alfred Jodrell bart. D.L., J.P
Steadman Alfred Thomas Ralph Jodrell Sir .Alfred bart. D.L., J.P. & Stringer William, head gamekeeper
(.Mro.), farmer, Church farm Lauy J a ne, Bayfield hall to Sir Alfred J odrell bart. D.L. ,J.P
GOODERSTONE is a parish and village, 4 mile. value £79, including 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of N eil
north-east from Stoke Ferry terminal station on the McNeill esq. and held since 1891 by the Rev. Stewart
branch of the Great Eastern railway from Downham and Tilney-Bassett M. A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford: the
6 miles south-south-west from Swaffham station on the Rev. Wali11r Coombe M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge,
same line, in the Sauth Western division of the county, and rector of Oxborough, has acted as curate in charge
South Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional division, since rgo6: the rectorial tithes have been commuted at
Swaffham union and county court district, rural deaner~· £250. The Wesleyan chapel here was built in r895.
of Cranwich (south division), archdeaconry of Lynn and There is an allotment of 53 acres, the rent of which
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. George is a is expended in fuel; also four almshouses for widows,
large building of stone, j11 the Early English style, con· repaired from the rent of land left for that purpose. and
sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and ss. a year from Briston's charity, in the hands of trus-
an embattled western tower containing a clock and 3 tees. The manorial rights are nearly extinct. Joseph
bells: several of the windows contain remains of ancient Trueman Mills esq. of Hillborough Hall, Neil McNeill
stained glass and there are three sedilia and a carved esq. and William John Carter esq. are the principal
rood-screen, the lower part of which is panelled and landowners. The soil is sand and loam ; subsoil, chalk.
adorned with painted pictures of the Twelve Apostles The chief crops are wheat, barley, roots and pasture.
and the four Doctors of the church, with archangels The area is 2,791 acres; rateable value, £I,88g; the
above: there are 300 sittings. The register dates from population in 1911 was 296.
the year 1702. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Parish Clerk, Edward Smith.
Post Office.-Miss Louisa Cobbin, sub-postmistress. 1 Wall Letter Box cleared at 5.30 p.m.; no collection on
Letters from Stoke Ferry arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dis- sundavs

patched at 7·35 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; no sunday delivery Pl.blic Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1845 &
of letters. Stoke Ferry, 4 miles distant, is the nearest enlarged in I 875, for go children; average attendance,
money order & Oxborough, I mile distant, the nearest 40; the site was given by Charles Brooke esq. ; Miss
telegraph office Ellen Clifton, mistress
Carter James, jun. farm bailiff to King Thomas William, miller (wind)
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Neil McNeill esq Lambert Agnes (Miss), Swan P.H
Brook:e Miss Carter William John, farmer & land- Lambert Edward, carpenter
Carter Wm. Jn. Rookery Farm house 1 owner, Rookery farm & The Old Mountain Arthur, blacksmith

Garrod Miss farm " Pearce Alfred, boot maker

McNeill Neil, Gooderstone lodge Cobbin Louisa (Miss), grocer,Post off Spink Thomas, gamekeeper to Neil
Warner Acton William Durrant Henry, insurance agent McNeill esq
Faile;, Samuel Jas. frmr. Church frm Warner Acton William, farmer, Crow
COMMERCIAL. Field William, cycle agent farm
Calver Edgar, beer retailer 'George Arthur, wheelwright Warner William, game dealer
Carter James, farmer Bobbins William, farmer \Yhite George, farmer
GORLESTON, see Yarmouth.
GRESHAM is a parish, about 3~ miles south-east is rectangular in plan, with a semicircular projection at
from Sheringham and 5 miles south-west from Cromer each angle, probably the remains of towers or turrets,
stations on the Great Eastern and Midland and Great and is surrounded by a deep fosse. Gresh~m was
Northern joint railways, 6 east from Holt station on the formerly held by a son of Geoffrey Chancer, the father
latter lme and 10 from North Walsham, in the Northern of English poetry, and is supposed to have given its
division of the county, North Erpingham hundred and name to the family of which Sir Thomas Gresham,
petty sessional division, Erpingham union, Holt county founder of the Royal Exchange and of Gresham College,
court district, rural deanery of Repps and archdeaconry London, was a descendant. Gresham Hall, erected
and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints is an 1907-8, the seat of Capt. Reginald Cossley Batt M.V.O.
ancient building of flint with stone dressings, chiefly is a building of red brick in the Tudor style, standing
in the Decorated style, and consisting of chancel, nave, in a park of about so acres, screened on the north and
south porch and a circular embattle~! western tower east by woodlands and commanding extensive views of
containing 2 bells: in the church are some monument:> the neighbouring country and Norwich cathedral.
to #le Spurgin family, dated 1838 and 1857, and to the Robert William Ketton esq. of Felbrigg Hall, is lord of
family. of Arden, dated I 854-7, and a curiously sculp- the manor, and Capt. Reginald Cossley Batt M.V.O. is
tured font with 8 panels, representing the seven sacra- the sole landowner. The surface is hilly, and the soil
ments and the eighth the baptism of Our Lord: on the in the lower grounds is strong and loamy: in the higher
south wall of the chancel is a tablet inscribed to Robert it is a light soil, suitable for turnips and barley. The
Smyth, a former rector, ob. r685, and on the floor of the chief crops are wheat, turnips and barley, and there is
aisle a brass (undated) to James Gatt: the body of the some pasture land. The area is I,319 acres; rateable
church was restored in 1856 and the tower in 1886, value, £r,667; the population in rgii was 388.
and there are sittings for 200: the churchyard was Sexton, Henry Crowe.
enlarged by a quarter of an acre, taken out of the glebe
by the Rev. Arthur Dewing Spurgin B.A. rector r857-gz, Post, M. 0. & Telegraph Office.-Edgar Howlett, sub-
d. 25 Dec. 1892. The register dates from the year 1559. postmaster. Letters through NorVfich, delivered at
The living is a discharged rectory, net _yearly V[t!ue 8.30 a.m. & 5·45 p.m.; dispatched II.I5 a.m. (II a.m.
£245, including 23 acres of glebe, with residence, in the July to September) & 5.40 p.m
gift of H. S. Powell esq. and held since ISJ08 by the
Rev. Franeis Rawson Briggs. There are Free Methodist Pillar Letter Box, Lower Gresham, cleared at II.2j a.m.
and Primitive Methodist chapels. The Gresham Read- ( a.m. July to September) & 5.30 p.m.; no
ing and Recreation Club meets in the old schoolroom, collection on sunday
and has a library of zoo volumes: there are now (rgr2) Public Elementary School ,(mixed), entirely reconstructed
25 members. An iron assembly room to seat 300 per- in r897 at a cost of over [,3,ooo, for r8o children;
sons was erected in rgr2. The foundations remain here average attendance, I2I; Joseph Cox, master; the
of a large castellated building, which Sir Edmund Bacon old National school is used as a reading room & for
obtained licence to crenellate 12 Edward II. (1318): it technical classes &c
Batt Capt. Reginald Cossley M.V.O. Field William, farmer & carter Painter Thomas Henry, carrier
Gresham hall Flogdell Hy.J. wheelwright & carpntr Pyke John Saml. farmer, Castle farm
Briggs Rev. Francis Rawson (rector), GH~ham Brick Yard (Donald Drane, Reading & Recreation Club (Capt.
The Rectory Roughton, agent) Batt -~.V.O. president; Rev. Fras.
Bryde-Hayward Louis, Hill house Gresham Quoits Club (Geo. Green, Rawson Briggs, vice-pre6ident)
Millar Frederick sec) Searles Frank, hardware dealer
COMMERCIAL. Howlett Edgar, grocer, & post office Sharpen Alfred William, carpenter
.Atkins & Matthews, farmers Jordan Thomas, tailor & grocer Sharpen Betsy (Mrs.), farmer
Conservative & Unionist Association Loads John Shepherd, farmer, Old Stibbons Charles, farmer,Windmill fm
(Capt. Batt M.V.O. president; Water Mill farm Tice George, farmer, The, Laurels
Charles Stibbons, sec) :\{ann John Ry. blacksmith & farmer Tyrrell Frederick, farmer
Dunham Wm. jun. farmer,Rectory frn Matthews George, farmer, see Atkins White & Son, painters, Low.Gresham
Emery James, boot & shoe maker & Matthews Wright Wm. John, Chequers P.H
GBESSENHALL is a parish and village pleasantly until lately dated only from the year 1720, but in
situated 3 miles north-west from Dereham station on the March, rgoo, the earlier register, dating from 1538,
Great Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the was recovered, after having been lost for over two
county, Launditch hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty hundred years. The living is a rectory, net yeaTly
sessional division and union, Dereham county court dis- value £380, including 5o! acres of glebe, with residence,
trict, rural deanery of South Brisley, archdeaconry of in the gift of Sir G. R. L. Hare bart. and held since
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary Igo8 by the Rev. Percy Edmund Hall M.A. of Exeter
the Virgin is a large cruciform edifice of flint with stone College, Oxford. In that part of the parish called
dressings, chiefly in the Perpendicular style of the I5th Roughholm there was anciently a chapel, founded by
century, and consists of chancel, clerestoried nave of William de Stuteville, in the rAign of H<mry VIII. and
three bays, aisles, south transept, south porch and a dedicated to St. Nicholas, but long since in ruins. The
central embattled tower containing 5 bells: in the charities, amounting to [,r6 yearly, include the poor's
church are memorials to the le Strange, Vesey, Davy land and Curson's and Wood's charities. The work-
and other families : the stained east window placed in house for the Mitford and Launditch union, situated
I8r9, is a memorial to the wife of a former rector, to in this parish and erected in 1777, is a structure of
whom there is also a memorial window at the west red brick, and in 186o was remodelled at a cost of
end, placed in 1873: in r88o a pulpit of stone and [,2,000. Gressenhall House, the property and residence
alabaster was presented by the Hill family, and an of Sir George Ralph Leigh Hare bart. D.L., J.P. is a
oak eagle lectern was given by the parishioners: the large mansion of brick, and has attached a well-wooded
organ was the g-ift of Mrs. Ward and her family, in park and preserves, containing in all about 85 acres.
memory of the Rev. John Martyn Ward, rector 1873- Wood Hill is the residence of Mrs. Stedman. Sir G.
rgoB: in r88o the church was thoroughly restored R. L. Hare hart. who is lord of the manors of North
throughout 1 anc;J. p.ow affords 2IQ l!ittings. Tpe regi!!ter and .$outh Soken and Roughholm, Mrs. Stedman and
Mr. John Emery Hill are the principal landowners. The Chairman of the Board of Guardians, A. G. Copeman. ·-
soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The Little Dunham lodge, Swaffham
chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The decayed Clerk to the Guardians & Asse11sment Committee, Waiter-
parish of Bittering :Magna was divided many years ago John Barton, Guildhall, East Dereham
between this parish and Beetley, one-third being added Assistant Clerk, Arthur E. Whitby, 14 Cemetery road...
to Gressenhall and the remainder to Beetley. The area East Dereham
is ~,647 acres; rateable value, [3,049; the population Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Norwich
in 1911 was 654, inclusive of 12 officers and 107 inmates Collectors to the Guardians & Relieving Officers :-Elm- -
in Mitford and Launditch union workhouse. ham district, W. H. Babbage, North Elmham; Mit-
Parish Clerk, Thomas Freezer. ford district, Fredk. Laws, 14 Crown rd. Ea. Dereham
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Ella P. Tye, sub-post- Collectors of Poor Rates, Mrs. Wray ~ F. Roddick, -
mistress. Letters arrive from Dereham at 7 a.m. & Wellington road, Dereham
12 noon; dispatched at 8.55 & 11.50 a.m. & 6.10 Vaccination Officers, Frederick Laws, Crown road, East·
p.m. on week days; on sundays, arrive at 7 a.m. & Dereham; W. H. Babbage, North Elmham; Henry:
di~;patched at g.1o a.m Purdy, Foxley & Ernest A. Emms, 16 Theatre street ••
Wall Letter Box, High house, cleared at 7-15 & 11.45 East Dereham
a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 a.m Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators :-Colkirk district;..
Pillar Letter Box, Hall farm, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & Edward Watson Palin M.R.C ..S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
12.25 & 6.35 p.m. ; sundays, g.15 a.m Fakenham; East Dereham district, Davy Turner Beld-
Wall Letter Box, Mill, cleared at 8.45 & I I a.m. & 6.50 ing M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Quebec road, East
p.m. ; sundays, I a. m Dereham; Gressenhall district, John Kitton Howlett.
Public Elementary School (boys & l,!'irls), erected in L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Beechurst, Commercial rd. East.
1842, at the expense of the late John David Hay-Hill Dereham; Fransham district, Richard Nicolson High--
esq. J .P. for I02 children; average attendance, 64; moor M.B.Edin. Litcham; Hardingham district,Ernest.
Miss Gertrude Guthrie Forbes, mistress William James M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Ring-
MITFORD & LAUNDITCH RURAL DISTRICT ham; Litcham district, Richard Nicolson Highmoor·
COUNCIL. M.B.Edin. Litcham; Mattishall district, William Hy.
Meets at the Workhouse, Gressenb.all, on monday Griffith-Williams L.R.C.P. & S.Edin.Mattishall; Nortll'
monthly, alternately at 10 a.m. & 1 p.m. Elmham district, Arthur Richard Rackh&m M.R.C.S.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. Elmham; Shipdham districtp
Chairman, A.G. Copeman, Little Dunham ldg.Swaffham Thomas Gibson M.R.C.S.Eng,, L.R.C.P.Lond. Ship-
Clerk, Waiter John Barton, Guildhall, East Dereham dham; Sparham district, Edward V. Perry M.R.C.S.
Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Norwich Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Reepham
Medical Officer of Health,Davy Turner Belding M.R.C. S. Workhouse, Gressenhall, a structure of brick, available
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Quebec road, East Dereham for 500 inmates; George Storey, master; Rev. Johnn
Surveyor, Philip Thos. Brown, King's road, East DP.rehm G. Lambert M.A. chaplain; Victor John Duigan,
Sanitary Inspector, Robert Read, Westfield road, East M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer; Mrs. Storey, matron.
Board day, alternate mon. at the Workhouse, Gressenhall. Superintendent Registrar, Waiter John Barton, Guild--

The union comprises the following parishes :-Bawdeswell, hall, East Dereham; deputy, Charles Thoma~ Bartonp .
Beeston with Bittering, Beetley, Billingford, Bilney Guildhall, East Dereham
(East), Bintree, Brisley, Bylaugh, Colkirk, Cranworth, Registrars of Births & Deaths :-Bawdeswell sub-di!-
Dereham (East), Dunham (Great), Dunham (Little), trict, Edward Street, Bawdeswell; deputy, E. Payne,.
Elmham (North), Elsing, Foxley, Fransham (Great), Foxley; East Dereham !Ub-district, Arthur E. Whitby,
Fransham (Little), Garvestone, Gateley, Gressenhall, L~ Cemetery road, East Dereham; deputy, Ernest A.
Guist, Hardingham, Hockering, Hoe, Horningtoft, Emms, 16 Theatre street, East Dereham; North Elm-·
Kemp~ton, Letton, Lexham (East), Lexham (We~t), ham sub-district, W. H. Babbage, North Elmham ;.
Litcham, Longham, Lyng, Mattishall, Mattishall Burgh, deputy, Mrs. Bahha2'e, North Elmham; Litcham 1mb-
Mileham, Oxwick with Pattesley, Reymerston, Roug- district, J. P. R. Royle, Litcham; deputy, George-
harn, Scarning, Shipdham, Southburgh, Sparham, G. Wagg, Litcham; Mattishall sub-district, W. H.
Stanfield, Swan ton Morley, Thuxton, Tittleshall, Griffith-Williams, Mattishall; deputy, Mrs. E. G-
Tuddenham (East), Tuddenham (North), Twvford, Williams, Mattishall; Shipdham sub-district, Wm.
Weasenham All Saints, Weasenham St. Peter's, Wel- Henry Tench, Shipdham; deputy, Albert E. Amirsp
lingham, Wendling, Westfield, Whinbergh, Whissort- Shipdham
sett, Woodrising, Worthing, Yaxham. The population Registrar of Marriages, Arthur E. Whitby, I4 Cemetery
in Igii, 24,427; area of the union, w6,gn acres; rate- road, East Dereham; deputy, Ernest A. Emms, rQ..
able value at Lady Day, 1912, .£'128,821 Theatre street, East Dereham
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dunham John, White Swan P.H Long William, farmer
Brown Miss A. M. Elmham road Gapp Herbert William, farmer & Melton John, farmer, High House frm~
Daniel Thomas Drowne Francis J.P. landowner, Bushy common Milk David Wm. frmr. Sparrow farm
Woodlands Gilbert Butler, farmer, Spring farm Myhill James, farmer, Alps
Hall Rev. Percy Edmun.d M.A. (rec- Goward George, beer retailer Oakley Alfred, horse slaughterer
to1·), Manor house Gunton John Percy, farmer, Vale frm Raven Robert, farmer
Hare Sir George Ralph Leigh hart. Barman Geo. wheelwright & farmer Robinson William, farmer
D.L., J.P. Gressenhall house Hill Bertie, steward to Sir George Stammers H. C. & Co. millers
Rix James Ashley, Bushey house Ralph Leigh Hare hart. D.L., J.P. (water & steam), Chapel mills
Stammers Herbt. Chapman, Mill ho Hall farm Storey George, master of workhouse-
Stedman Mrs. Wood hill Hill John Emery, farmer & land- Swann Cornelius Picton, farmer
Ward Mrs. Rectory owner, Park farm Tuck John, vermin destroyer
COMMERCIAL. Holman George, wheelwright Tunney Elizh. (Mrs.), Royal Oak P.H'
Alpe John, cattle dealer Kenny Robert, beer retailer Tye Dennis, farmer, assistant over-
Ayers Henry, farmer Larwood Jesse, farmr. Wood Hill frm seer & tax collector, Union farm
Bunning Robert, blacksmith . Leeds George, farmer Tye Ella Pleasance (Miss), grocer &.
Crown Ell en (Mrs.), farmer 'Linford John William, Three Horse draper, Post- office
Crown John, blacksmith Shoe.~ P.H
GRIMSTON is an extensive parish of scattered houses, window carefully restored at the expense of the Rev--
ri miles east from the Grimston Road station on the Mid- J. Fowler M ..A.. rector I883-1902: a new organ was
land and Great Northern joint railway, Ioo from London also erected at a cost of about £2oo, partly defrayed i
and 7 east from Lynn, in the North Western division of by public subscription; and in 1895-6 the nave roof
the county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional divi- was restored, the whole of the windows re glazed and'
sion aJJ.d union, Lynn county court district, rural deanery a carved oak font-cover presented by the rector and'
of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Mrs. Fowler, in memory of her brother, T. A. Bodley -
Norwich. The church of St. Botolph is a spacious edifice M.A. of Queens' Collel,!'e, Cambridge~ the oak lectern
of flint and stone in the Early English, Decorated and Per- was placed in the church in 1904 in memory of the~
pendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, Rev. John Fowler :\LA. rector 1883-IQ02: there are
transepts, south porch and a lofty embattled western tower soo sittings, 375 being free. In the churchyard is an..
with pinnacles, containing 6 bells and a clock presented iron anvil serving as a headstone to the grave of a de---
by the rector in 1887: there is one stained window: ceased blacksmith. The register dates from the yea:r.-
in 18 Bg the chancel roof was raised to its original pitch 1552. The living is a rectory, net yearly value [3oo~
and the sedilia, two fine niches and the tracery {)f the east arising from 62o acres of glebe, with residence, in the gin'
of the President and fellows of Queen&' College, Cam- Wall Letter Boxes.-Town House corner, cleared 8
bridge, and held since 1902 by the Rev. Alfred Hall a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m.; Jolly Farmers,
Ellaby M.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge. Thl' cleared 9 a.m. & 5·35 p.m.; sundays, g a.m.; Church
rectory house occupies the l!!ite of an ancient manor End, cleared 10.25 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. ; sundays, 12.15
house, and is surrounded by a moat of clear water; it p.m
w11.s rebuilt by a former rector in 1855, but part of the JUS'fiCES OF THE PEACE FOR FREEBRIDGE LYNN
room in which Oliver Cromwell is supposed to have once
11lept still remains. The mi~sion chapel of St. Luke, PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
at Pott Row, was opened on St. Luke's day, 1884; the ffolkes George Howe Browne esq. Manor house, W olfer-
services are conducted by a lay reader. The Wesleyan ton, King's Lynn, chairman
chapel is a building in the Gothic style, erected in 1873• Bagge Major Richard Ludwig D.S.O. Gaywood hall,
at a cost of £soo, and there is a Primitive Methodist King's Lynn
chapel, built in 1876. A Workmen's Club and curate's Davy Major John Davy Wright, The Gables, Sth.Wootton
residence was erected in 1896 at Pott Row, behind the Dewa:!.' Chas. esq. Great Massingham .Abbey, King"s Lynn
mission chapel, by the Rev. J. and Mrs. Fowler, on Digby Capt. Henry Almarus R.N. (ret.), North Runcton
land given by the late Major A. H. S. Elwes, of lodge, King's Lynn
Congham (d. 1907). The Jubilee tower, with spire, ElsdPn-Everard Raoul Charles Finch esq. Congham hall,
and containing a clock with three dials, was erected in King"s Lynn
1897, in commemoration of the Diamond/ Jubilee of Elwes Robert Hamond .Arthur, Congham house, King's
Queen Victoria, the cost being defrayed by public Lynn
flubscription; another clock tower was llrected in Pott Everard Col. Hugh Edmund Elsden, North Wootton
Row durin2' 1904 as a memorial of the coronation lodge, King's Lynn
.Qf His late Majesty King Edward VII. A Police Station, ffolkes Rev. Francis Arthur Stanley B ..A. Hillington
with house for an inspector and one constable, was built rectory, King's Lynn
in 1855, and a petty sessional court house in 1881. Gurnev •
Sir Somerville Arthur K.C.V.O. Runcton hall,
Grimston common was inclosed in 18&]. Three fens, King-'s Lynn
together 190 acres in extent, have been awarded for Meredith William Appleton, Little Massingham manor,
fuel and the feeding of geese, and are let for £3o a King's Lynn
year, wh~~ amount is eq'..lally distributed amongst all Romney Earl of, Gayton hall, King's Lynn
the householders in the parish ; 54 acres of land, let in Wyrley-Birch Wyrley Edwin George e.sq. West Bilney
~mall allotments to the poor at low rents, now (1912) lodge, King's Lynn
Tealise about £35 yearly, which is applied to the repair Clerk to the Justices, John Samuel Bedford Glasier,
of the gates, fences, bridges and drains of the public solicit{)r, King street, King's Lynn
allotments, the surplud being given to the poor rate; Petty Sessions are held at the Court house every 1st &
-the School Trust land brings in about £7o annually, 3rd monday at 11 a.m. except bank holidays, when
of which £I5 is devoted to the maintenance of the they are held on the previous saturday. The follow-
church fabric, and the remainder is expended in prizes ing places are included in the division :-Anmer,
and scholarships for the children who attend the Grim- Askwicken, Babingley, Bawsey, Bilney West, Castle-
ston schools. Mrs. Barnes, wife of a former rector, left acre, Castle Rising, Congham, Dersingham, Flitcham,
£mo in Consols, the interest for coals for 12 poor Gaywood, Hayton, Gayton Thorpe, Grimston, Harpley,
widows and 12 poor men in this parish. There are sand Hillington, Leziate, Massingham Great, Massingham
pit! in the parish. The Marquess of Cholmondeley P.C. Little, Middle ton, Mintlynn, Newton West, Pen tney,
is lord of the manor of Grimston, and the rector is lord Roydon, Runcton North, Sandringham, Setchey, Wal-
of the rectory manor. The principal landowners are the ton East, Westacre, Winch East, Winch West, Woot-
Marquess of Cholmondeley P.C. Robert H . .A. Elwes esq. ton North, Wootton South & Wolferton
of Congham, Sir Everard Browne ffolkes hart. and the
rector, who has land instead of tithes. The soil is Police Station, Gilbert Webb, sergeant, & one constable;
various, mostly light and gravelly and some sand and there are also two parish constables
chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, Assistant Overseer & Clerk to Parish Council, Wm.Worrell
mangold-wurtzel and grass. The area is 4,263 acres;
rateable value, £3,85I; the population in 1911 was I,I97- Public Elementary Schools.
Pott Row is a hamlet r! miles west. Grimston (mixed), built in 1830 & enlarged in 1878 &
Parish Clerk, William Cross. again in 1900, for 134 children; average attendance,
Post, ~L 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Edith Elizabeth Worrell, roo; Hugh Hunten Hammond, master; :Mrs. Emma
sub-postmistress. London & other letters are re- Hammond, assistant mistress
ceived through King's Lynn, arrive at 6. 40 a.m. & 1 Pott Row (mixed), built in 1854 & enlarged in 1883, for
p.m.; sundays, 6. 30 a.m. ; dispatched at 10 . 30 a. m. & r65 children; average attendance, 135; Elton E. 0.
6 p.m.; sundays, r2 noon Wheeler, master
Post Office, Pott Row.-Miss Maud Boldero, sub-post- Railway Station, Grimston Road, Robert James Tudden-
mistress. Letters received from King's Lynn. Box ham, station master·
cleared g.3o a.m. & 5.25 p.m.; sundays, g a.m. Carriers to Lynn.-Cobb, tues. thnrs. & sat. & Jonathan
Grirnston is the nearest money order & telegraph office W. Twite, tues. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Grimston Cricket Club (E. E. 0 •Seaman John, blacksmith, Pott Row
Birch Frank Mildred, The Paddox Wheeler, sec) ! Shephard Wm. retired gamekeeper
Ellaby Rev. Alfred Hall M.A. (rector), Hammond Hug-h Hunten, district sec. SherringhamFrederick,poultry farmer
Rectorv to the West Noifolk Unionist Asso- Smith John Dodman, veterinary surgn
Elw~s MtS@ Violet, Elder farm ciation, & registrar of births & Smith William, Bell inn
Fisher Mrs. H. F deaths for Hillingdon sub-district, Spragg Robert Billings, builder,
Smith John Dodman School house joiner, house decorator, under-
Woodwark Chas. Stuart, The Limes Harrowing .Alfd. butcher, & New inn taker & general contractor· esti-
Hides William James, Prudential As- mates furnished; sanitary ~ork a
COMMERCIAL. surance agent speciality, Pott Row
Austin Waiter, undertaker Horsley Dennis, builder, Pott Row Sycamore John, milk dlr. Pott Row
Balding John Bowles, grocer Howse attendance officer Symonds John, mole catcher
Barnes Jesse Thacker Reeve, farmer Leggett Henry, cattle dealer Taylor ~ary (Miss), blacksmith
Bird Arthur Wm. Queen's Head P.H Linford Harry, harness maker Twite Jonathan William, coal dealer
Bid William, Chequers P.H Mann George, Jolly Farmers' P.H Twite William, shopkeeper, Pott Row
Blake Tom, shopkeeper Neal Hammond, boot maker Walker William F. agricultural &
Boon Henry, farm bailiff to F. Pal- Osborne Stanley, plumber general engineer
mer esq. Tithe farm Phillippo Georgiana(Mrs.),slaughterer Watson Alice (Mrs.), farmer
Case Robert Frederick, Bushel inn Proctor William, farmer Wicks Francis, farmer
Clarke Albert Edward, farmer Rudd Isaac .Kii Geo. farmers, Vong fm Woodwark Charles Stuart M.R.C.S.
Cobb Charles, harness maker Rudd Chas. sen. farmer, Pott Row Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, &
Coe Robert, butcher, Pott Row Rudd Oharles, jun. carter, Pott Row mediCal officer & public vaccinator
Ooe Robt. fish hawker, Cliff-in-Howe Rudd Nathaniel, general dealer for Grimston district of the Free-
Curtis Henry, blacksmith Rudd Samuel, lime burner bridge Lynn union & to the Rural
Elsegood Richard, beer retailer 1 Rudd Wm. baker & sbpkpr. Pott Row District Council, The Limes
foreman William, jun. bricklayer, Rudd William, dealer Worrell William, stationery & fancy
Pott Row Rudd William Henry, thrashing dealer, assistant overseer & clerk to
Francis Albert Edward, beer retailer, , machine owner Parish Council, Post office
Pott Row Saunders Alfred William, grocer Wright Alex. George, cycle dealer
Gray Ernest, grocer, Pott Row . Seaman Alfred, boot maker, Pott Row Youngman Robert William, farmer
GRISTON is a parish and village about 2 miles south- 1906: there are 200 sittings, of which 130 are free.
east from Watton station on the Bury, Thetford and A substantial wall was built round the churchvard •
Swaffham section of the Great Eastern railway, and 8 1898. The register dates from the year r654. The
west-by-north from .Attleborough, in the South Western living is a vicarage, net yearly value ,£r75, including
division of the county, Wayland hundred, petty sessional 14 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the
division and union, Attleborough and Watton county court Bishop of Norwich, and held since 18Br by the Rev.
district, rural deanery of Breccles, archdeaconry of Nor- Henry Andrew B.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The
folk and diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. Peter poor have the interest of £1,ooo, amounting to £27 4s.
and Paul is an ancient building of flint, in the Decorated yearly, left by Miss Barker, of Caston, which is distributed
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north in coals and clothing by the rector and churchwardens ai
porch and an embattled western tower containing a clock their sole discretion. The fuel allotment consists of 61a.
and 5 bells : the following quaint inscription, carved on rr. 12p. now let for £6o yearly; there is also a. small
the front of the font, would seem to indicate that the bread dole of rils. annually. The Ecclesiastical Com-
tower was rebuilt in 1568 :-" _<\n: Do: 1568 was thys n.issioners huld the rectorial tithe, and M£>ssrs. H. G.
8teple tape newe set up to the greate costa of landed Barnham and Son and Mrs. Williams are the chief land-
men: " the stair to the rood-loft remains, and there i!!! owners; there are several smaller landowners. The soil
a fine piscina in the south wall: the nave is separated is mixed, principally gravel and clay; subsoil, clay and
h·om the chancel by a carved oak screen: the pulpit, marl. The chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay.
which has a fine canopy and reading desk, is also of The area is :1,390 acres; rateable value, £r.64r; the
oak, finely carved, and the church is seated with open population in 1911 was 229.
oak benches, the old benches having been converted Parish Clerk, Samuel Chapman.
into stalls for the choir: on the floor within ·the altar
rails are ihree ancient altar slabs, comparatively well Post Office.-Arthur AlderUm, sub-postmaster. Letters
preserved and with their consecration crosses plainly received through Thetford, via Wat.ton, at 8 a.m. &
marked: the stone matrices of many brasses still exist: 6. 30 p.m. (to callers); dispatched at 8 a. m. & 6.30
the church wa~; rebuilt in 1477, and thoroughly restored p.m.; sundays, 8 a.m. Caston is the nearest money
in r844, at a cost of £r,390: some valua'ble 14th century order & telegraph office
stained glass was replaced in one of the south windows .
of the church in 1885 by the late Rev. F. Sutton, of fublic Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1876, for
Brant Broughton, Lincolnshire: a stained east window 6o children; average attendance, ~ 8 ; ~iss Minnie
was inserted in I905, and a new organ provided in Cross, mistress; a new class room was built in 1899
- PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barnard Brothers, farmers Fickling George, farmer
Andrew Rev. Henry B.A. (vicar), Bamham H. G. & Son, auctioneers, Goddard Frederick, farmer
Vicarage valuers & general estate & insurance Knights Horace, carpenter
Barnham Henry George, The Park agents & farmers, Park farm; & Miley Cornelius, beer retailer
Barnham G. w. The Park Watton & Swaffham Playle Frederick, farmer
Furminger Jabez, Park cottage Chapman Samuel, wheelwright Richardson William. farmer
Coughtrey A:fred, timber dealer ' Sadd John W illiam, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Crane Robert Edward, Wagon & Welcher William, farmer
.Alderton Arthur, grocer & corn & I Horses P.H White Alfred, farmer
flour dealer, Post office . Drake George, farmer Woodcock Jonn. & Saml. Geo. frmrs
GUESTWICK is a scattered village and parish, with a esq. J.P. and is at present (1912) vacant. Here is a
station one mile south from the village on the Midland Congregational chapel, founded in r652, and repaired
and Great Northern joint railway and 4 north-west from and partly rebuilt in r84o; attached is a burial ground.
Reepham station on the Great Eastern railway and ro There is a charity of 2os. yearly, which forms the
west from .Avlsham, in the Northern division of the countv, nucleus of a clothing cl:ub. William Dering Earle
Eynsford hundred and petty sessional division, ..iylsham , Bulwer esq. J.P. of Quebec House, East Den•ham, and
union and county court district, rural deanery of Sparham I Heydon Hall, is lord of the manor and chief land-
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church owneT. James Gay esq. of Thurning Hall, Mr. A. G.
of St. Peter is a building of stone in the Early English Gibbs and Lord Hastings have also land in this parish.
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and The soil is clay and loam; subsoil, clay and marl. The
an ancient embattled tower of Hunstanton rock stone, chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area
which formed part of an earlier edifice standing partly is r,664 acres; rateable value, £1,696; the population in
on a different site, this tower occupying a central position rg11 was 194.
between the nave and the choir; it now stands at the
east end of the north aisle, where there are two noble Post Office.-Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, sub-postmistress.
Norman arches: the only remains of ancient glass now Letters received through East Dcrcham arr.;ve at 7
existing are in a small window at the west end of the a. m. & 1.5 p.m. on week days & 7 a. m. sundays;
north aisle: in the church are brasses to John Robertson, dispatched at II.5 a.m. & s.20 p.m. week days &
a former vicar, go4, one to Catherine Everard (nnrlated) 11.5 a.m. sundays. The nearest money order office
and others to Richard Athill, 1505, James Athill (no is at Foulsham; the telegraph office is at the railway
date), who, according to Blomfield, the historian of Nor- station, which is open on week days only
folk, hni!t the north aisle, for many generations the buriat Wall Letter Boxes.-Near the Chapel, cleared rr a.m.
place of the .Athill family, and Geoffrey Stuard, 1547; and & 5· 15 p.m. week days & sundays at I I a.m.; near
monuments to the Bulwer familv from 1616 to 1821: Station, cleared at II.IO a.m. & 5.25 p.m.; sundays,
in rBBo a memorial winnow wa~ Prected to F. R. Gil- 11.10 a.m
bert, a son of the Rev. Richard Gilbert M.A. vicar here
from r86 1 : there are 130 sittings, 7 5 being free. The Public Elementary School (mixed), erected for 61
register dates from the year I558. The living is a children; average attendance, 44; Mrs. E. Hampton,
vicarage, net yearly value £sB, including 22~ acres of mistress
glebe, with residence, in the gift of W. D. E. Bulwer Railway Station, Herbert Youngman, station master
Ireland Edwin Benjamin, Old hall Gndfrey George, farmer Jones Charles, jun. farmer, Abbey &
COMMERCIAL. G-room John H. blacksmith '
Station farms .

Durrant George, farmer Hudson Edward. farmer Low Frank H. poultry farmer
Faircloth Robert. farmer, Avenue frn Ir2land E. B. & M. W. auctioneers. Mitchell Wm.J.builder & wheelwrght
Fenn Frederick. bnilder &c valuers & estate agents; &: Bank Seaman John, farmer
Gibbs Arthur Robert & .Alfred Geo. builuings, Norwich. T.A. "Guest- Ward William Henry, blacksmith
jun. farmers, Church, Salisbury &: wick Station"
Rushmoor farms
GUIST (or Geiste) is a parish, 3! miles north from 1 A.4drew is a plain building of flint in the Gothic style,
North Elmham station on the Dereham and '\Veils sec- consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and
tion. 2 miles north from Fonlsham station on the East a western tower containing one bell: in the church are
Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern railway and 6 south- monuments to William Bulwer, d. 1749; the Rev. William
east from Fakenham, in the Northern division of the Norris, d. 1798; and Susannah, his wife, d. 1803; Judith
county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional division, Norris, d. 18r6; Richard Wiggett, d. 1726; Robert Wig-
Mitford and Launditch union, East Dereham county gett, d. 1697; D.orothy, his wife, d. 1722, and Francis, his
court district, rural deanery of Sparham and 11rchdeaconry daughter, d. 1712: the chancel was rebuilt in 18 86 by
and diocese of Norwich. The village is scattered, and the trustees of the late William Norris esq. a.t a co~t of
pleasantly situated on the banks of the Wensum, over {,300: the church was restored in r8go, under the direc-
which there is a bridge of one arch. The church of St. !;ion of :Mr. Herbert Green, of Norwich, diocesan surveyor,

and now affords 207 sittings. The register dates from mixed; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are
the year 1586. The living is a vicarage, annexed to the wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is 1,681 acres;
rectory of Twyford, joint net yearly value £232, includ- rateable value, £1,567; the population in 1911 was 352.
ing 38 acres of glebe, in the alternate gift of William Parish Clerk, Gabriel Nobes.
Edward Norris esq .. who is lay rector, and the trustees Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Thomas C. Vincent, sub-post-
of the late Rev. J. N. Spurgeon, and held since 1907 by master. Letters (which should have Norfolk added)
the Rev. Frank Whitley Parker M.A. of St. John's Col- arrive at 6 a.m. & I.'30 p.m. & dispatched at 11 a.m.
lege, Cambridge. The poor have a fuel allotment & 7 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 6 a.m. & dispatched 7
assigned at the inclosures in the years 1785 and 1813, p.m
and yielding £42 yearly, and there is a tithe rent- Letter Box, Guist hall, cleared at 7·55 a.m. & 6 p.m.;
charge of 20s. for church and the poor, left by Robert sundays, 6 p.m
Wicks. William Edward Norris esq. of Wood Norton, Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1875, &
who is lord of the manor, Thomas .A. Cook esq. C . .A. endowed by the late Sir Edward Scott, of Penshurst,
Hamond esq. •of Twyford Hall, and John Field esq. of for 113 children; average attendance, 74; Miss Ivy
Bintree, are the principal landowners. The soil is Goodall, mistress
Hay Cecil Thomas Fisher, Guist hall Farrow George, cycle dealer Martin William, builder & farmer
Parker Rev. Frank. Whitley M. A. Fenn Louisa (Miss), farmer Smith Frederick John, Swan inn
(vicar), The Vicarage Gidney James, farmer Tann Frederick, shoe maker & shopkpr
Brundell Arthur, farm bailiff to T. Hall Fredk. farmer, Manor house Vincent Thos. C. grocer, Post office
A. Cook esq I
GUNTHORP.E is a parish and village, in a valley, Oliphant. The Wesleyan chapel was built in I872, and
about I~ miles from Thursford station on the Midland will seat 70 persons. The poor have £1 5s. a year out
and Great Northern joint railway, 5~ south-east from of "Malthouse Pightle," left by Christopher Ringer,
Walsingbam station on the Lynn and Dereham section 1678. and by John Town in 1777. Bread to the value
of the Great Eastern railway, 8 north-north-east from of £r IS. is annually distributed amongst the poor.
Fakenham and 5l west-south-west from Halt, in the Gunthorpe Hall, a mansion of red brick, standing in a
Northern division of the county, Halt petty sessional well-wooded park of about roo acres, containing a lake
division and hundred and Walsingham union and county. of 4 acres, ig the residence of David A. Shennan esq.
court district, rural deanery of Halt and archdeaconry The trustees of the late Henry Bowyer Sparke esq. are
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a lords of the manor and chief landowners. The soil is
fine building of flint in the Early English style, consist- mixed; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
ing of chancel, with organ chamber on the north side, oats, barley and grass. The area is I,I09 acres of land
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower with and 5 of water; rateable value, £r,rg3; the population
pinnacles, containing one bell: the chancel retains a in 19II was 2I5.
sedile and a piscina, and has a reredos : the stained east p · h Cl k W lt R
wm· d ow rs
· a memona · 1 t o H enry A s tl ey S park e, a son o1 ans er , a er owe.
the late rector, who was killed in the cavalry charge at
Balaclava, Crimea, Oct. 25 , 1954 : there are a few mural Post Office.-Mrs. Margaret Kidd, sub-postmistress.
mGnuments, and a beautiful altar-cloth presented by the Letters received through Melton Constable arrive at
late H. B. Sparke esq. of The Hall (d. rqro): the 6.50 a.m. & 4·5o p.m.; dispatched at I0.5o a.m. &
church was thoroughly restored in r863, and the tower 5·5° p.m.; sundays, arrive at 6.5o a. m.; dispatched
at ro a.m. Swanton Novers is the nearest money
and part of the walls again restored in 1904 : there are
now rBo sittings. The register dates from the year I540. order & telegraph office, about r! miles distant
The living is a rectory, with that of Bale annexed, net Public Elementary School (mixed), . built at the sole
yearly value· £319, with 44 acres of glebe and residence, expense of the Rev. Canon J. H. Sparke, rector here
in the gift of the trustees of the late Henry Bowyer 1831, & opened I Jan. r868, for 126 children; average
Sparke esq. and held since I9I2 by the Rev. Francis G. attendance, 6o; Mrs. J ones, mistress
Beane William Cook Donald Johnson, farmer, Mitchell Edward, farmer (resides at
Knights William Rookery farm Thursford)
ShE>nnan Dvd.Anderson,Gunthorpe hall Fenn Frank, head gardener to D. A. Payne Anne (Mrs.), grocer
COMMERCIAL. Shennan esq Payne William, carpenter, wheel-
Banham George, farm bailiff to D. Juby Gibson, farmer, Wood house wright, undertaker & painter
A. Shennan esq ·· Juby Harry Newman, farmer Peck John, farmer
Battle Ernest, head gamekeeper to D. Kidd Margaret (Mrs.), grocer & sub- Smith Herbert Lee, farmer
A. Shennan esq postmistress Smith John Joseph, Cross Keys P.H
GUN TON is a parish in the Nc,rthern division of the closed by balustraded walls and about r8 acres of garden
county, North Erpingham hundred and petty sessional and pleasure grounds: the mansion stands in the centre
division, Erpingham union, county court district of North of a park of about r,ooo acres, portions of which are
Walsham, rural deanery of Repps and archdeaconry and in the parishes of Suffield, Thorpe Market and Ran-
diocese of Norwich, 4! miles south from Cromer and 16 worth: there are six entrance lodges and a picturesque
north from Norwich. Gunton station, 2~ miles east, on drive through the park of nearly 2~ miles; it is sur-
the Norwich and Cromer branch of the Great Eastern rounded with extensive woods and contains two lakes of
railway, is in the parish of Thorpe Market. The church 37i acres and about 25 acres, respectively. The whole
of St . .Andrew, erected in 1769, by Sir William Harbord of the land in the parish is comprised in the park and
K.B. on the site of the ancient church, is a small edifice grounds of Gunton House. The soil is rich sandy loam;
of white brick in the Classic style, consisting of nave only, subsoil, sand and clay; the land is chiefly in pasture.
with a portico supported by six pillars: in 1894 the church The area is 92I acres of land and 22 of water; rateable
was completely restored and the interior rearranged; a value, £r,o4I; the population in 1911 was Bo.
quasi-chancel and sanctuary have been raised on succes- Sexton, Samuel Risebrow.
sive steps, and behind the altar, similarly raised, are Letters received through Norwich arrive at 8 a.m. &; 1.30
plain oak panels : the seats, which are arranged length- & dispatched at I2 noon & 6 p.m. Hanworth is the
wise, facing north and south, afford roo sittings. The nearest money order & telegraph office, about I mile
register dates from the year 1723. The living is a distant. This office is in telephonic communication
rectory, consolidated with the vicarag-e of Hanworth, with Gunton House. Telegrams are received at the
joint net yearly value £143, with 77 acres of glebe, Railway station, & deliverEd on station premises only;
in the gift of Lord Suffield P.C., G.'C.V.O. and held the office is closed on sundays
11ince 1908 by the Rev. Arthur Bicknell Stevenson M.A.. Wall Letter Box, at Railway station, cleared at I2.35
of Bishop's Colle~e, Lennoxville, Quebec, who resides (12.20 July to Sept.), 5·55 & 8.20 p.m.; no collection
at Hanworth. Gunton Park, the property and residence on sundays
of Col. the Hon. Charles Harbord C.B., M.V.O., J.P. was The elder children attend the Council school at Anting-
partly destroyed' by fire in December, r882, and is of ham & the infants go to a private school at Suffield
white brick, in the Italian style, with a terraced front in- Railway Station, Edward Alfred Mallott, station master
Beauchamp Sir Edward bart. M.P., Ashby William, head gamekeeper at Paul H. :Yoel,sub-agent Gunton estate
J.P. Elderron lodge; & 26 Gras- Gunton park Paul William Edward, agent to the
venor place SW & Union club SW, Fisher Percy, farmer, Dairy farm Gunt{)n & Overstrand estates,
London Hummerston Robert, head gardener Estate office, Gunton park
Harbord Col. the Hon. Charles C.B., to Sir Edward Beauchamp bart. Risebrow Samuel, estate blacksmith
M.V.O., J.P. Gunton park; & 47 M.P., J.P Simmonds Alfred G. electrician at
Pont street, London S W Pallett, Barclay & Co. coal & corn Gunton house
Allan Wm:head Gunton pk merchants (depot) Ward John, estate sawyer
HACKFORD is a village and parish, I mile south from register dates from the year 1730. The living is a
Kimberley station on the Wymondham and Dereham rectory, net yearly value [,rso, including 23 acres of
section of the Great Eastern railway, and 4 miles west glebe, in the gift of Lord Cranworth, and held since
from Wymondham, in the Mid division of the county, r9or by the Rev. John Samuel Treglown B.A. of Down-
Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division and union, ing College, Cambridge, who is also vicar of and resides
Wymondham county court district, rural deanery of at Deopham. A church room was built in 1903 at a
Hingham, Forehoe division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and cost of £r6o. The fuel allotment of ID acres produces
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary the Virgin about £8 yearly, which is distributed in coals to the
is a small building of stone in the Early Decorated style, poor. The Earl of Kimberley is lord of the manor
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled and chief landowner. The soil is clay; subsoil, brick
western tower containing a clock and one bell: there are earth. The chief crops are wheat, barley, roots and
remains of a rood loft and traces of mural paintings. and hay. The area is 758 acres; rateable value, [,998; the
in tha porch is a holy-water stoup: the church was population in I9II was r88.
thoroughly repaired and reseated in r867, at the sole cost Letters rec11ived through Attleborough. Letter Box
of the Rev. Martin Baylie Darby, rector r838-8o, who cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 6 p.m. week days only. The
died IS March, r88o; and was further restored and nearest money order & telegraph office is at Wickle-
new roofed in r886, from the designs of Mr. Herbert wood, about I mile distant
Green, of Norwich, architect, and now affords 140 sit- The children of this place attend the school at Wickle-.
tings: the churchyard is entered by a lych gate. The 1 wood

Marked t receive their letters Barstead Richard, farmer Galer William Hy. market gardener
through Wymondham. Buck William Hy. grocer & draper & assistant overseer •
Burgess Arthur, farmer Hesman Amos, coal dealer
COMMERCIAL. tClarke Alfred William Alien, farmer Hesman Frederick, beer retailer
Alien Roger Harry, farmer, The Hill Davey Jarnes Wm. farmer, market tPhoenix Thomas, farmer
& Moat farms gardener & stone & gravel mer- Seville Herbert, farmer
Askew & Galer, road stone & gravel chant, Church farm Turner Robert, Red Lion inn,& farmr
merch•ants Downes James, poultry dealer Turner Sarah (Miss), farmer
Baker Henry, farmer & dealer William, farmer Wood row John, blacksmith

HADDISCOE is a parish and pleasant village, on the about £g annually, which is distributed in coals.
borders of Suffolk, in the vale of the Waveney, with a Messrs. Bagshaw's manure works, standing on the
station on the Ipswich and Yarmouth and the Norwich banks of the river in this parish, maintain an extensive
and Lowestoft sections of the Great Eastern railway, home and foreign trade. Haddiscoe Hall is the property
5 mile11 north from Beccles, s! east-south-east from and residence of Edgar Morse esq. The Manor House,
Loddon, ro west-north-west from Lowestoft and 9 south- the property of Robert George Bagshaw esq. is now
west from Yarmouth, in the Southern division of the occupied by Mr. T. E. Mack as a farm house. .Adjoin-
county, Clavering hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty ing the Hall is a lake surrounded by shrubberies and
sessional division and union, Beccles county court dis- choice trees, amid which are some beautiful and retired
trict, rural deanery of Brooke (Eastern division), arch- walks. R. G. Bagshaw esq. who is lord of the manor,
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The and Edgar M or se esq. are the chief landowners. The
church of St. Mary, standing on an eminence, is an soil is mixed light land; subsoil, loam. The chief
ancient structure of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area,
north aisle, south porch and a round embattled western nearly half being marsh land, is 2,033 acres, 20 of tidal
tower of Early Norman date, containing 5 bells, re-hung water and 24 of foreshore; rateable value, £4,540; the
in rBgo at a cost of [,65: the church was restored in population in I9II was 439·
rB6r, at a cost of nearly £6oo, and in 1908 the roof Parish Clerk, George Gowing (deputy).
was repaired, at a cost of about £,410: there are 200 Post & Telegraph Office.-Oscar Beevor, sub-postmaster.
sittings. The churchyard was enlarged in l897 by the Letters arrive from Norwich, via Loddon, at 8.15
addition of a quarter of an acre of land given by the a.m. & 2.45 p.m. & dispatched at I2.I5 (5 minutes
patrons of the living. The register dates from the earlier July to Sept.) & 2-40 & 5 p.m.; no sunday
year 15.58. The living is a rectory, consolidated with delivery. Letters for Bagshaw's manure works,
that of Toft Monks, joint net yearly value £335, Haddiscoe junction station & 11 Queen's Head,"
including 36 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift through Great Yarmouth. Toft Monks is the nearest
of King's College, Cam bridge, and held since 1902 by money order office
the Rev. Norton George Lawson M.A. of that college, Wall Letter Box, Ra~way station, cleared at 8.30 a.m. &
and diocesan inspector of schools. There is a small 5· ID p.m. week days only
Primitive Methodist chapel here, erected in rB72. The
Feoffee charity, consisting of about 17 acres of marsh Haddi scoe Drainage Commission.~J aco b Elliot Sayer,
land, a gravel pit, and investments in Consols, produces surveyor
about £,40 annually; one third is given to the church, This place is united with Toft Monks for educational
one third to the poor and the residue to general pur- purposes, & the school is situated in that parish
poses. The poor's land of 4a. rr. 37P· now produces Railway Station, William C. Hales, station master
Marked thus t receive their letters Cole William, blacksmith Meen Frederick, assistant overseer &
through Great Yarmouth. Dawson Thomas, market gardener clerk to Parish Council
_ PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Easter Charl.:ls, market gardener Minns Andrew, farmer, White house
Brown John Alfd. Arnesby, White ho Easter Henry Robert, Crown P.H Palmer Alfred Ernest, market gardnr
Lawsun Rev. Norton George M.A. Farman Ambrose, market gardener Patrick Wm. marshman & cowkeep?r
Rectory Farman Benjamin, marshman Peckett John, farmer, Crossway farm
tLeader Frederick l'!axman Marcus, marbt gardener Preston Frederick, market gardener
Morge Edgar, Haddiscoe hall Forder Arthur William, carpenter Prettyman Daniel, market gardener
Garwood James (exors. of), market Prettyman George, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. gardeners Pye Jcseph W. Three Tuns P.H
tBagshaw's Manure Works, chemical tGirling Richard, Queen's Head P.H Reading Room (W. Youngs, sec)
manure manufacturers & bone Gowing George, thatcher & deputy Sayer Jacob Elliot, farmer & surveyor
crushers, Waveney Valley works parish clerk to Haddiscoe Drainage Commission,
Balls Geo. & Son, farmers, Holly frm Gunthorpe George, grocer & draper Burnt House farm
Beevor Edith (;\Irs.), dress maker J ennis George, market gardener Woods John, fruit grower & mrkt.gdnr
Benstead Herbert, harness maker & Kett Samuel, market gardener Youngman William, market gardener
cycle agent Kett William, market gardener Youngs William Thomas, wheelwright
Buck Thos. Wm. market gardener Mack Thos. Edward, farmer,Manor ha & carpenter-
HAINFORD (or Haynford) is a parish and scattered at a cost of about [,1,200, is a plain structure, chiefly
village, 3 miles from Coltishall, 5~ miles west from of flint and brick, consisting of nave and transept, west
Wroxham station on the NOI·wich and Cromer section of porch and a tnrret containing one bell: there are 355
the Great Eastern railway, 6 east from Attlebridge sta- sittings: the tower of the olrl chnrch is still standing,
tion on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway and is used as a mortuary ch'lnPl when there are inter·
and 7 north from Norwich, in the Eastern division of ments in the old churchyard. The register dates from
the county, Taverham hundred and petty sessional divi- the year I556. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
sion, St. Faith's union, Norwich countv court district, £220, including 35 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
rural deanery of Taverham and archdeaconry and diocese g-ift of W. J. Birkbeck esq. J.P. and held since 1898 by
of Norwich. The church of All Saints, erected in 1840 the Rev. James Jeune Barnard M.A. of Christ's College.

Cambridge. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel here. are wheat and barley. The area is 1,796 acres; assess-
The charities, left by T. Bulwer esq. John Sporle and able value, £1,757; the population in rgu was 528.
Mr. Bolts, consist of a perpetual yearly rent charge of Sexton, S. Wooltorton.
£so, payable out of a portion of the Stratton Strawless Post Office.-William .Arnold Roberts, sub-postmaster.
estate. There is also a sum of £3° per annum, which Letters arrive from Norwich, via Newton St. Faith's
.is distributed by the Parish Council as fuel money. A d" h
11 · f h 1 t" H f d & Buxton, at 7.15 a.m. & 5·5 p.m.; 1spatc ed at
sma portiOn o t e popu a IOn are weavers. ayn or _ a.m. & _ p.m. Buxton, 2 ~ miles distant, is
7 15 5 5
Hall, the seat of Col. Harry William Rooke R.A., J.P. the nearest money order & telegraph office
is a modern mansion, pleasantly situated. William
John Birkbeck esq. of Stratton Strawless Hall, who is Wall Letter Box, near the school; collections, 7-40 a.m.
lord of the manor, Col. H. W. Rooke J.P., E. Radford & 4-40 p.m.; sundays, 9·45 a.m
esq. and the rector are the principal landowners. The Public Elementary School (mixed), for qo children;
soil is sand and gravel; subsoil, sand. The chief crops average attendance, II4; William M. Roberts, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blofield William, fa.rmer, Manor farm Radford Edwin & Son, farmers, The
Barnard Rev.James JeuneM.A.Rectry Coleman Charles, shopkeeper Lodge & Warren farms
Chapman .Alfred, Burgate hill Gory James (exors. of), agricultural, Rider Geo. Wm. The Chequers P.H
Fitt Mrs engineers Roberts William Arnold, farmer, &
Radford Edwin, The Lodge Cory Archie James, cycle maker post office
Radford Laurence Daniels George, farmer Tallowin William Arthur, shopkeeper
• J.P. Dn:ffield Emmannel, Wheat~heaf P.H Thaxton Edward, Maid's Head P.H
Rooke C ol. Harry William R . ..-...,
(Staffs), Haynford hall; & Army & Fields Martin, farm bailiff to Col. Watson Richard, farmer
Navy club, London S w H. W. Rooke J.P Watson Thomas. Youngman, farmer,
Golding Robert, farmer Grange farm
COMMERCIAL. Haylett Arthur, machinist WeL.s George, shopkeeper
Ba.nham Rose (Mrs.), shopkeEper Woodcock Zaph, shopkeeper

HALES is a parish and pleasant village, 4~ miles.north joint net yearly value £g6, m the gift of Nich~as Henry
frnm Boccles station on the Ipswich and Yarmouth section Bacon esq. and held since 1905 by the Rev. Henry John
and 4 south-west from Reedham station on the Norwich Ferrall B.A. of 1Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, who
and Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections of the Great East- resides at Heckingham: the impropriate tithes have
ern railway, 2 miles south-east from Loddon, 6 miles been commuted for £204 yearly. There is a Primitive
north-north-east from Bnngay and 12! south-east from Methodist chapel, built in 1gro, with 150 sittings.
Norwich, in the'Southern division of thecounty,Clavering George William Danby Palmer-Kerrison esq. J.P. of
hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional divi- Kirstead, is lord of the manor; Thomas R. West esq.
sion and uninn, Bungay and Beccles county court dis- John Edwin Crisp esq. of Beccles, and Nicholas Henry
trict, rural deanery of Brooke (Easte.rn division), arch- Bacon esq. of Ravening ham Hall, are the principal land-
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church owners. The soil is good mixed; subsoil, sand, clay
of St. Margaret is a small building of flint in the Norman and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
style, consisting of apsidal chancel and nave, both with barley. The area is g86 acres; rateable value, £1,o8g;
thatched roofs, and a round western tower containing 1 the population in I9II was 2Bg.
bell: the north and south entrances are very fine speci- Sexton, Benjamin Lamer.
mens of Norman work: the church was restored in 18g6. Post Office.-Mrs. Amt>lia M. Bane, sub-postmistress.
at a cost of £350, under the direction of Mr. H. J. Green. Letters through Norwich arrive at 7-IO a.m. & 3·45
architect, of Norwich: the chancel was reseaterl in oak p.m. (callers only); dispatched at 6.55 a. m. & 3.40 &
in 1902, at the expense of N. H. Bacon esq.: there arf' 6.40 p.m. on week days only. Loddon, 2 miles dis-
200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1674· The tant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
living is a vicarage, with that of Heckingharn annexed, The children of this place attend the school at Heckingham
Fisher Mrs Brown Samuel, farmer, Church farm Mayhew Arthur, miller (wind &
Hood James Robert & Church Lane farm steam) & farmer
Lusher Christopher Fairhead Frederick James,blacksmith · Preston Jarnes, brick maker
Wellingham John 1 G-oodrum William, farm bailiff to ~Ir. Spurgeon John R. farmer, Bales Grn

COMMERCIAL. J. B. Pryke, Hales Green Stone Benjamin, pork butcher

Bane Ameli a M. (Mrs.), grocer, Post G-ood win Henry, Carpenters' ArmsP . .i::l Tamrnis Free, farmer
office i Jeffrey John William, Garden House Tills .Albert, farmer, Hales Green
Beevor J oseph Clifford, farmer & as- I inn; good stabling accommodation, Tipple Frederick, shopkeeper
sistant overseer & clerk to Beck- bowling green, apartments, fruit. West Thos. Robt. farmer, Hales ha
ingham Parish Council, Cottage i grower &c I
farm, Bales Green I I
HALVERGATE is a parish and village 3t miles joint net yearly value £240, including £so from Ashby-
north from Reedham junction station on the Norwich, with-Oby, 44 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections of the Great of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since r884 by the
Eastern railway, 7 south-west from Great Yarmouth Rev. Harry Dallimore; the rectorial tithes, commuted
and in the Eastern division of the county, Blofield and at £330, are held by the Dean and Chapter of Norwich.
Walsham petty sessional division, Walsham hundred, Blo- Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in r878, at
field union, Great Yarmouth county court district, rural a cost of £550. The poor's allotment of about r6 acres
deanery of Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese of is now let for about £3o, which sum is distributed in
Norwich. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an money yearly; the sum of £5, left by Judith Lambe
ancient edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, con- in 1735, is distributed lo the poor in bread. Robert
si sting of chancel, nave, south porch and a fine em- Fell owes esq. of Shotesham Park, is lord of the manor,
battled western tower 84 feet high, with figu.res of and the trustees of the late Robert H. Gillett esq. J.P.
the four Evangelists in place of pinnacles, and contain- (d. 1912) and of Algernon Charles Fountaine esq.
ing 6 bells: the church contains some interesting (d. 19:J<)), Thomas Kidner esq. and the trustees of the
palimpsest brasses: one of these is the bust of a late Mr. J oseph Houchen Kerry, of Wickhampton, are
tommred monk, with the mutilated incription "ffrater the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
Willms Jernemu" (Yarmouth), c. 1440: the other side clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, hay and roots.
}'resents a small half-effigy, in turban bead-dress, with The parish contains 2,712 acres, I,78o of which are
part of an inscription to Robert Swane and Alicia marsh lands; rateable value, £4,320; the population in
his wife, 154c: the other brass has on the obverse an 19rr was 473·
inscription to Robert Golword and his wife Katherine. Pa.rish Clerk, Arthur Rushbrook.
I 543, and on the reverse an inscription to Elisabeth,
Post Office.-Frank Youngs, sub-postmaster. Letters
wife of Thomas, Lord Scales, c. 1460: this brass is con- through Norwich arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 3-45 p.m.;
sidered to have been brought from Blackburgh Priory, dispatched at 7-15 a. m. & 3·35 p.m.; there is no
the burial place of the Scales family, but as to thP sunday post. Freethorpe is the nearest money order
identity of the lady, there is considerable doubt: the & telegraph office
brass eagle lectern is a memorial to the Rev. .Artlmr
Stanley Ormerod, 31 years vicar of this parish, d. 1884, Public Elementary School (mixed), with teacher's resi-
and was the gift of his family: a new organ was pro- dence, was erected in 1854, & enlarged in Igw-1gii,
vided in Igo6 at a cost of £2oo: the church was for 125 children; average attendance, 95 ; Robert
thoroughly restored in 1874, and affords 250 sittings. R8se, master
The register dates from the year 1550. The living is Carriers to Great Yarmouth.-Frank Youngs & Henry
a discharged vicarage, with that of Tunstall annexed, "\Vaters, jun. sat
FIUVATE RESIDENTS. fence maker, gate & wheelbarrow Hunn Herbert, farm bailiff to Mr. T.
Dallimore Rev. Harry, (vicar), The maker &c Kidner
Vicarage Brown James, marsbman Jermy Waiter, groc~r
Gillett Mrs. The Rookery Carter Frederick, cowkeeper J ones Edward M. builder
Kidner Thomas, Halvergate hall Gillett Robert Howard (exors. of), Knights William, carpenter
Malany Mrs. The Pond farmers & landowners, The Rookery More Robert John, farmer
Waters Henry, Sunnyside Gosling William, overseer & clerk to Mutton Frederick H. cowkeeper &
Parish Council marshman, The Marsh farm
COMMERCIAL. Harper Charles John, carpenter, Mutton Jeremiah, bricklayer
Beck Alfred Wyand, blacksmith & builder, wheelwright, JOiner, Phillipo Mary Ann (Mrs.), cowkeeper
agricultural implement maker undertaker, painter & decorator Reading Room (Arth. Rushbrook,sec)
Beck Benjamin, cowkeeper Harper John, market gardener, cow- Waters Henry, jun. carrier & market
Beck James, bricklayer keeper & fruit grower gardener
Bloom Robert, farmer Harper Robert Alfred, blacksmith Watts Albert Frederick, boot maker
Bradshaw Fredk. Hare & Hounds P.H Harper Robert Charles, Red Lion inn Wright Benj. miller (wind) & baker
Brister Sidney George, wagon & ca.rt High James Thomas, cowkeeper & Wyand Alfred Edmond5, fruit grower
builder, wheelwright, carpenter & n1arshman Youngs Frank, farmer & grocer,
joiner; painting carts a speciality; Post office
HANWORTH 1s a parish and village 3! miles west residence of Col. Henry Albert Barclay C.V.O., A.D.C.,
from Gun ton station on theN orwich and Cromer section of T.D., D.L., J.P. and from an early period to end of
the Great Eastern railway, 5~ north-east from Aylsham the x8th century the residence of the Doughty family,
and 7 north-west from North Walsham, in the Northern was partially burnt down in 16Bo, but rebuilt and the
division of the county, North Erpingham hundred, Cromer present front added in 1686. The entrance hall and
petty sessional division, North Erpingham union, North reception rooms on the ground floor are panelled to the
Walsham county court district, rural deanery of Repps, and ceiling with old oak, and a grand old oak staircase leads
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. to the upper rooms, over the fireplaces of which appears
BartholoiDJlW is a building of flint, with stone dressings, in in bold relief the Doughty arms. The mansion stands in
the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and consists of a !'lingularly beautiful park of 200 acres, containing many
chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch and a western fine specimens of fcrest trees, notably one Spanish
tower, with dwarf pinnacles, containing 5 bells, re-hung chestnut measuring 40 feet in circumference and over
in 1904: the chancel was restored by. Lord Suffield in 300 years old. The Sporrow brook, which is well

r86o, and the interior reseated throughout in oak: the stocked with trout, runs through the lake on the estate.
restoration of the entire building completed in 1895• Lord Suffield G.C. V.O., K. 0. B., P.C. is lord of the
included the decoration of the east wall of the chancel manor and the principal landowner. The soil is deep
with paintings by Mr. Fatten Wilson, and the supply of loam; the subsoil, gravel and chalk. The chief crops
a credence table, litany desk and font cover, all in carved are wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area is 1,329
uak: a new oaken porch door, with inscriptions carved acres of land and 23 of water; rateable value, £1,87o;
on both sides, was also hung, the altar raised and en- the population in 19II was 226.
larged, and the ancient altar stone replaced. The church Parish Clerk, Harry Saul.
affords 230 sittings. The register dates from the year
1721. The living is a vicarage, consolidated with the Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.
rectory of Gunton, joint net yearly value £143, with 77 -Miss Edith Brooks, sub-postmistress. Letters
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Lord Suffield, arrive through Norwich at 7 a.m. & I-55 p.m. (Oct.
and held since 1908 by the Rev. Arthur .Bicknell to June) (r.4o p.m. July to Sept.); box closes at 11.45
Stevenson M.A. of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, Que- a.m. (Oct. to June 11.30 a.m.) (July to Sept. 1.40
bec. The Hanworth fen rent of £1o yearly is distri- p.m.) (Oct. to June 1.25 p.m.) (July to Sept. 4.25
buted in bread and £4 yearly is distributed in coal. The p.m.); sunday delivery, 7 a. m. ; dispatched 4.25 p.m
kennels of the North Norfolk harriers are situated at
Hanworth common; Thomas Os born Springfield esq. Pillar Letter Box at Scotch cottage, cleared at 7 a.m.
Clf Metton, master under a hunt committee ; the pack & 6.35 p.m.; no !.unday collection
hunts twice a week. Hanworth Hall, the property and Children attend the school at Alby Hill
Barclay Col. Hy. Albert C.V.O., T.D., Chapman Miss Edith, Sycamore ho Dunham William, farmer, Hall farm

A.D.C. to the King, D.L., J.P. Stevenson Rev. Arthur Bicknell M.A. Knights Arthur Jabez, farmer
(Commanding "The King's Own (vicar), The Vicarage Knights Edward, farmer

Royal Regiment" Norfolk Yea- Knights James, farmer

manry), Hanworth hall; & Norfolk COMMERCIAL. Mallett George, shopkeeper
County club, Norwich & Cavalry Chapman Richard, builder & farmer Suffiing Sarah (Miss), dress maker
club W, London Church Charles, farmer
HAPPIS:BURGH is a parish and village on the sea- Happisbnr!!h and Crispins, the Norfolk County Council,
coast, 5 miles north and north-east from Stalham and Harry Littlewood esq. H. E. Ringer esq. of Rougham,
Honing stations, both on the Midland and Great Northern and Messrs. William Wenn and Edw. Green are the
joint railway, and 7 east from North Walsham, in the principal landowners. The soil is rich and strong;
Eastern division of the county, Tunstead and Rapping subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
petty sessional division, Rapping hundred, Smallburgh oats and barley. The area is 1,948 acres of land and
union, North Walsham county court district, rural dean- 66 of foreshore; rate::~.ble value, .£3,456; the population
ery of Waxham (Rapping division), and archdeaconry and in I9II was 517.
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary, which Parish Clerk, George Marlow.
stands on a lofty eminence, is an edifice of flint in the Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-David Frederick Ducker, sub-
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, postmaster. Letters arrive from Norwich; deliveries,
south porch and a lofty embattled western tower, uo feet Oct. to June 6.30 a.m. & 3·5 p.m.; July to Sept.
high and containing 5 bells: the stone font bears the 6.30 a.m. & 3.25 p.m.; no sunday delivery; dis-
figures of the four Evangelists and of four angels with patches, Oct. to June rr.1o a.m. & 3.50 p.m.; July
stringed instruments in alternate panels, and is supported to Sept. I I. SO a.m. & 3-SO p.m
by four grotesque figures, the whole finely carved; a Post Office, Lower Happisburgh. James T. Wright,
carved oak screen, in good preservation, separates the sub-postmaster. Letters through Norwich delivered
chancel from the uave: there are 436 sittings. The regis- at 7 a.m. & 2.25 p.m. Oct. to June; 7 a.m. & 2.50
ter dates from tne year 1553. Tbe living is a vicarage, p.m. July to Sept.; no sunday delivery; dispatched
consolidated with Walcott in 1884, joint net yearly value 11.15 a.m. & 3-S~ p.m. Oct. to June; 11.55 a.m. &
£260, with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of 3·55 p.m. July w Sept. Happisburgh is the nearest
the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1895 by the Rev. money order & telegraph office
Robert Aldous Hitchcock M.A. nf Pembroke College, Coastguard Station, John White, petty officer in charge,
Cambridge. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The with 3 men
charities amount to £42 yearly, which is partly distri- Life Saving Apparatus, John White, in charge
buted in kind and otherwise applied to the support of the Lighthouse,J ohn Gentry (principal) & John A very, kprs
schools. Until June, 1883, there were two lighthouses A Lifeboat is stationed here
here, called respectively the "high" and the "low"; but Public Elementary School (boys & girls), erected in I86I,
the light of the lower lighthouse has been discontinued: for 120 children; average attendance, go; Herbert
the remaining lighthouse is 100 feet high, and is lighted James Barnes, master; Miss Bessie Thompson, in-
with incandescent oil from a triple burner; the light fants' mistress
is disappearing once in every half minute for five seconds. Carrier to Norwich.-Leatherdale, for coach which stal'ts
.Bryan Lee Leesmith esq. who is lord of the manor of from 'Maid's Hl.'ad inn,' Stalham, on wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bate-s .Arthur George, miller (wind & Mowle Sydney J. assistant overseer
Andrews Rev. Thomas B ..A. (curate) steam) & clerk to the Parish Council 1

Carter Miss Bloom George, farm bailiff to .A. E. Mowle William, farmer, Willow farm
Cator Mrs. St. Mary Green esq Pilgrim Frederick, farmer
Hensman .Arthur Cason Harriet Martha (Mrs.), beer ret Plummer Kate (Mrs.), farmer
Hitchcock Rev. Robert .Aldous M . .A. Clements Benjamin, Swan hotel; Royal National Lifeboat Institution
(vicar), Vicarage accommodation for visitors; post- Siely Cubitt, farmer
Lamb Rev. James Henry M . .A. Burn- ing done Slipper Benjamin Shipley, farmer,
ham house Cole Frederick, shoe maker Hall farm
Leesmith Bryan Lee, The Manor cot Cubitt Emma D. (Mrs.), Hill House Suffiing George, farm bailiff to Col.
Pearce Reginald B. Bungalow family & commercial hotel & post· Charles Wilkinson
Pinkerton Percy, Red lodge ing house Thompson Herbert, farmer
Todd Herbert Sinclair, Gladhern Ducker David Fredk. grocer, Post off Thompson John, blacksmith
Wilkinson Col. Charles Gibbs .Alfred Goorge, farmer, Hill frm Thompson Wm. Hy. farmr. Manor fm
Gooch Frederick, farmer, Mill farm Whittleton Violet E. (Miss), apart-
COMMERCIAL . . Gooch Wm. threshing machine owner
. ments, Danegate
Amies Robert, butcher Jones Edward, farm bailiff to Wm. Wright James T. grocer, Po<>t office
Ancient Order of Foresters (David Wenn esq. Off farm Wyllie Andrew, farmer
F. Ducker, sec) . :'\iillar John, farmer
HAPTON is a parish and village, 1~ miles west from with a residence for the minister and an attached burial
Flordon station on the Diss and Norwich section, and about ground : the chapel is endowed with the rent of about
the same distance south-east from.Ashwellthorpe station on 121 acres of land in the parish, let for [,165 a year.
the Wymondham and Forncett branch of the Great Eastern The Church Institute was erected in 1893 by the Rev.
railway, 5 south-east from Wymondham and 9 south-west T. Orbell M . .A. vicar 1892-8, and opened by the master of
from Norwich, in the Southern division of the county, Christ's College. The Baroness Berners is lady of the
Depwade hundred, petty sessinnal division and union, manor, and Sir Charles Harvey bart. of Rainthorpe
Wymondham county court district, rural deanery of Dep- Hall, is the chief landowner. The soil is gravel and
wade, archdeaconrv• of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich.; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
The church of St. Margaret is a small but ancient edifice barley and turnips. The area is 700 acres; rateable
of flint stone in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, value, £r,oo6; in 1911 the population was 154·
south porch and an embattled western tower, erected in Parish Clerk (vacant).
1847, and containing one bell: the church retains a Sexton, Samuel Brown.
piscina, a stoup, and an ancient chest; it was restored
in 1869: in 1894 the interior of the church was de- Letters received through Norwich arrive about 9 a.m. &
corated, and a carved oak pulpit was provided in 1906: 6.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 10.5 a.m. & 7
there are roo sittings. The register dates from the year p.m. Forncett St. Mary is the nearest money order
1653. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value {,r2r, & telegraph office
with residence, in the gift of Christ's College, Cam- Public Elementary School (mixed), formerly two cottage!!,
bridge, and held since 1907 by the Rev. .Arthur Cross was adapted to its present purpose in 1898; it will
M..A. of that college. Here is a Presbyterian chapel, hold 84 children; average attendance, 53; Miss
seating 150 persom, and founded in 1741 by Mrs. Gay, :Mildred Boggis, mistress


Goodrum .Alfred, farmer
Gray .Anna Maria (Mrs.), White
Cross Rev. .Arthur M . .A. (vicar), Calver Chas. carpenter & wheelwright Horse P.H •
Vicarage Cross Hy. Ernest, frmr. Hapton hall Ludkin Georga, grocer
Rump Rev. Alfred· (Presbyterian), Dunthorne Henry Norton, farmer, Wilkinson Edmund, shopkeeper
Hapton house Chapel farm Wright James, cattle dealer

HARDINGHAM ill a very scattered parish, with a rounded pY about 51 acres of park land and has very
station 1 mile north-east from the village, on the Wymond- fine garuens and conservatories. The Earl of Kim-
• bam and Dereham branch of the Great Eastern railway, 121 berley is lord of the manors of Flockthorpe and
miles from London and 5~ north-west from Wymondham, Hardingham, and Major William Mordaunt Marsh
in the Mid division of the county, Mitford hundred, Mitford Edwards V.C., D.L., J.P. is the principal landowner_
and Launditch union and petty sessional division, Wy- The soil is clayey; subsoil, brick earth. The chief
mondham county court district, rural deanery of Hingham, crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area
Mitford division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of is 2,418 acres; rateable value, £3.427; the population
Norwich. The church of St. George ilil a building of flint in 1911 was 438.
and stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel,
Parish Clerk, Esau Yeoman&.
nave and an embattled tower on the south side containing '
Post & ~. 0 .. Office.~.Arthnr Riches, snb·postmaster.
one bell; the lower stage of the tower forms the entrance :
the original font, sedilia and piscina remain, the latter
Letters ,received through .Attleborough .arrive about
being of a. peculiar design with intersecting arches: the
· 6.30 a. m. & 2 p.m. t dispatched at g.3o a.m. & 1 & 7
large east window, placed in 1899, is a memorial to the p.m.; sundays, 12 noon. The nearest telegraph office
Edwards family. The church was re-roofed and restored for the village is at Hingham,, about 2 miles distant
in 1906 by the late H. W. B. Edwards esq. at a. cost of from post office, but for Low Green & The Grove the
£x,6oo: there are 250 sittings. The register dates telegraph office is Thuxton, 2 miles distant
from the year 1557. The living is a rectory, net yearly
Pillar Letter Boxes.-.At Station, cleared r.15 & 7 p.m.
value £sm, with residence, in the gift of Clare Col- week days; sundays, 11.30 a.m. & at Dunmore Green,
lege, Cambridge, and held since 1912 by the Rev. cleared 6.10 p.m. week days only
Stephen Cawley Walley M ..A. of Clare College, Cam-
The Edwards Public Elementary School, erected, with
bridge. Here is a frimitive Methodist chapel, erected
master's house, in r 862, at a. cost of £1,300, by the
in 1908. The poor have £2 ros. and the rent of 23 late :Miss Edwards; the school was enlarged in 1883,
acres, let for £25 yearly, which sums are distributed
& in 1892 a clock with bell was erected by the
in coals in the winter_ Hardingham Hall, the seat of
parishioners in memory of the late Miss Edwards ; the
Major William Mordaunt Marsh Edwards V.C., D.L_,
school will hold 124 children ; aV'erage attendance, 95 ;
J.P. erected towards the close of the 17th century, is Thomas Redford, master; Mrs. Elizabeth .Ann Bedford,
a mansion of red brick, and has been much altered mistress
and beautified by the present occupier; it stands in
a park of about 85 acres. The White Hall, the Railway Station, Charles Howard. Smith, station master
Carrier to Norwich.-Robert Cole, on sat
prope..ty and residence of Miss E. L. Edwards, is sur-
COMMERCIAL. Balv G. Gordon (late John Baly &
Alien Lee, miller (water) & farmer; Son), corn, coal & general mer-
Baly Georg-e John dressed poultry & eggs; furnished chant & farmer, Station farm &
Edward01 Major William Mordaunt apartments & good fishing for granaries. 'l' .A "Baly, Runhall"
Marsh V.C., D.L., J.P. Harding- visitors, Hardingham mills Breeze Henry, farmer, Dunmore farm
ham hall Anderson Hy.Richd.blacksmth.Low st Breeze Thos. Richd. farmer, Low st
Edwards Miss E. L. The White hall Andrews George, beer retailer Capps Rebecca (Mrs. ),farmer & land-
Walker Miss, Vine cottage Arthurton William WaitBfl, farmer, owner, Nordelph corner
Wallev Rev. Stephen Cawley M ..A. Mans on Green (letters through I Cbilvers John, Railway hotel P.H
(rector), Rectory Hingham, .Attleborough)
Cole Robert, carrier Harrold Herbert, farmer, Old hall Sculpher G~orge Dennis, frmr.Hall fm
Caller R. & Sons Ltd. coal merchants Jermy Edward, farmer, White Cross Tash Henry, farmer, Manson Green
Cordy Sarah(Mrs.),farmr.Gresham fm Marshall Robert, gardener, Low st (letters through Hingham, .A.ttle-
Cranness Thos. Edwd. boot repairer Quantrill Robert, farmer borough)
Daniels James, farmer, Hill farm Redford Thomas, schoolmaster & Wells Bertie, head gardener to Major
Davis James Wm. estate carpenter, assistant overseer W. M. M. Edwards V.C., D.L., J.P
Hardingham hall Risebrook Thomas William, farmer Yeomans Alfred, shopkeeper
Gayford Frederick, insurance & Sadd William, head gamekeeper to Yeomans Sydney, head gardenar to
general agent & farmer :Major W. M. M. Edwards V.C., Miss E. L. Edwards
Grand Wm. farm steward, Low st D.L., J.P
HARDLEY is a parish about 4 miles south-west from Hale M . .A.. of Oriel College, Oxford, who resides at 41
Buckenham station and 2 south-east (by ferry) from Thorpe road, Norwich. Hardley Hall, an interesting and •

Cantley station, both on the Norwich, Great Yarmouth ancient building, was formerly much larger, and an im-
2, I
and Lowestofll section of the Great Eastern railway,
north-east from Loddon and r south-east from Nor-
wich, and in the Southern division of the county, Lad-
portant county seat; it is now used as a farmhouse,
and is occupied by Mr. Edward Waiter Hayward. Sir
Reginald William Proctor-Beauchamp hart. of Langley
don hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional divi- Hall, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The
sion and union, county court district of Norwich, rural soil is fine mixed; subsoil, sand, gravel and clay. The
deanery of Brooke (Eastern division), archdeaconry of chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. In this parish the Chet is 1,491 acres of land, 8 of water and 17 of tidal water;
falls into the navigable Yare. The church of St . .Margaret rateable value, [,r,871; the population in rgn was 226.
is a building of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting Parish Clerk, George Fish.
of chancel, nave, north porch and a round embattled
western tower containing 3 bells : there are 150 s;ttings. Letters through Norwich arrive at 7.30 a..m. Wall Letter
The register dates from the year 1715. The living is a Box, Avenue farm, cleared at 8 a.m. & 3.15 p.m. week
vicarage, net yearly value {,150, in the gift of the trus- . days only. Loddon is the nearest money order & tele-
tees of the Great Hospital, Norwich (who are the im- graph office, 2~ miles distant
propriators of the rectorial tithes, commuted in r842 for The. children at this place attend the schools at Langley
[328), and held since 1891 by the Rev. William Ford & Chedgrave
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cannell Geo. Wait. farmer, Dairy frm Hayward Edward Waiter, farmer,
Cannell George Waiter J.P Chubbock John. farmer Hardley hall
Hayward Edward Waiter, Hardley hall Cousins Arthur, cowkeeper Lambert Henry, market gardener
Crisp James, boot maker & shopkpr Lutkin Samuel, farmer
COMMEHC~L. Farrow Gsorge, farm bailiff to E. W. Rudrum Samuel, market gardener
Cannell & Sons, seed growers Hayward esq Shephard Sarah Jane (Mrs.), farmer,
Cannell .A.lec Edmund, farmer, asses-) Fish George,cowkeeper & parish clerk Church farm
sor & collector of taxes,Avenue frm Whiting Joshua, blacksmith
HARDWICK is a parish and village, 7 mile~ north-east of Mrs. F. B. Frank, and held since r8Br by the Rev.
from Tivetshall&tation on the Ipswich and Norwich section, Charles Blomfield Smith, of St. Augustine's College,
and 5 north-west from Harlestow station, on the Waveney Canterbury, who resides af; Shelton. Here is a small
section of the Great Ea&tern railway, 13 miles south from Wesleyan chapel, built in 1867. Sir Thomas Richardson,
Norwich and 9 west from Bungay, in the Southern division knighted at Whitehall 25 Mar. r621, Speaker of the House
of the county, Depwade hundred, petty sessional division of Commons, 1620-22, and Lord Chief Justice of the
and union, Harleston county court district, rural deanery Common Pleas 1626, and of the King's Bench in r63r,
of Depwade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of l'ior- was baptised here 3 July, 1569, being the son of Dr. Wil-
wich. The church of St. Margaret is a small but ancient liam Richardson, a clergyman, subsequently of Mulbar-
structure of rubble, consisting of chancel, nave, south . ton; his wife, Elizabeth (Beaumont), and widow of Su
porch and the remains of a round western tower (which John Ashburhham, was created (23 Feb. 1627-8) Baroness
fell down in 1770), containing one bell: a new pulpit and Cramond in Scotland, but the title ia' supposed to have
lectern were set up in 1882: the chancel retains piscina become extinct on the death of William, 5th Baron, 28th
and sedilia, and the stairs leading to the rood-loft and an July, 1735. There was a hospital here, founded before
ancient carved font also remain: in the chancel are two · 12 Edw. III. ( 1338-9), and dedicated to St. Lazarus.
fine altar tombs, with black marble tops and shields of ).[rs. Frederi~k Bacon Frank, of Campsall Hall, .Don-
al'IIls on the front panels, one of which commemorates- caster, is lady of the manor. and chief landowner. The
Sir Peter Gleane bart. an adherent of Charles I. who, soil is heavy, and exceedingly fertile; sutsoil, chiefly
during the civil war, raised and armed two companies of clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, pea.s and
foot, at his own expense, and was M.P. for the city of beans. The area is 887 acres; rateable value, £832;
Norwich and afterwards, in 1678, for the county of Nor- the population in rgn was 211. '
folk; he died in 1694: on the same tomb is an inscription Parish Clerk, John Roberts.
to his wife Penelope (Rodney), ob. 1683; the other tomb
is that of Thomas Gleane esq. eldest son of the above, Post Office.-Mrs. Alice Riches, sub-postmistress.
and Dame Maude his wife, ob. 27 Jan. 1663 ; the church Letters through Long Stratton arrive at 7.30 a.m.;
was restored and reseated in 1882, and has 75 sittings. dispatched at 7.30 a.m. & 6.10 p.m.; no sunday post.
The register dates from the year 15 6o. The living is Long Stratton, 3~ mile!! distant, is the nearest money
a rectory, consolidated with that of Shelton, joint net order & telegraph office
yearly value £320, including 30 acres of glebe, in the gift The children of this place attend the school at Shelton
COMMERCIAL. Clarke William, farmer Rayner Lily (Miss), grocer
Alexander Arthur Richard, farmer & Banner Herbert John, farmer Reeder Esau, farmer & landowner
landowner, Hardwick hall . Ladbrooke Herbt. Rose & Crown P.H Reeder Wm. Arth. builder & carpenter
Alexander Arthur William, farmer Ling John, farmer Vout Waiter W:i-lliam, miller (wind &
Burgess Waiter, blacksmith Ling Robert, farmer steam), Hardwick mill
Byles John Edwd. carpenter & builder Ling Simeon, farmer Ward James William, farmer
HARGHAM is a parish on the road from Attleborough held since rgoo by· the Rev. William Edw11rd Deane
to Thetford, 1 mile north from Eccles Road station on the M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford, who resides at Wilby.
Thetford and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway Hargham Hall, the property and residence of Sir H.
and 3 south-west from .A.ttleborough, in the Mid division of R. Beevor bart. M.D. is a 17th century mansion,
the county, Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional divi- standing in a well-wooded park of about so acres.
sion, Shropham hundred, Wayland union, county court Sir Hugh Reeve Beevor bart. M.D. i~ lord of the manor
district of .A.ttleborough,rural deanery of Rockland (North and principal landowner. The soil is principally lii!'ht
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. gravel; subsoil, gravel and boulder clay. The chief
The church of .A.ll Saints is a small and plain building of crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,223 acres;
flint, in the Early English style, consisting now only of rateable value, £1,743; the population in rgn was 64.
chancel and, which was new roofed and the church .
restored in 1874, at a total cost of about £soo: the old Letters through .A.ttleborongh, the nearest money order
tower, now a ruin, stands apart from the church: there & telegraph office, arrive at 7 a.m
are 6o sittings. The register dates from the year 1561.
The 1i.ving is a rectory, united to that of Wilby, joint net Wall Letter Box, Church, cleared 7·45 p.m. week days &
sun days
yearly value {,225, with 30 acres of glebe and residence,
in the gift of the Rev. John Hare BeeTor M.A. and The children of this parish attend the school at Eccles

COli:MERCU.L. Pape John, farm bailiff to Sir Hugh


Beevor S1r Hugh Re<>ve bart. M. D., Brothers Arthur, gamekeeper to L.

R. Beevor bart. Hall farm
F.R.C.P. Hargham hall Robinson esq Smith Shadrach, farmer, Swangey frm
Howlett George, farmer, South farm
HARLESTON is a market town, on the north bank of designs by Mr. R. M. Phipson F.S.A. architect, of
the river Waveney, and on the borders of Suffolk, and is Norwich, and consists of apsidal chancel nave of four
the head of a county court district, with a station on the bays, aisles and transepts : there are a nun'Iber of stained
Waveney Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, 19 windows, including memorial windows to the late W.
miles south from Norwich, 10 north-east from Diss, and :M. Hazard esq. who died in r883, and to Charles his
99 from London, in the Southern division of the county, brother, d. 1872: the baptistery window was erected
Depwade union, Earsham hundred and petty sessional by Mrs. Hazard and others in 1887: the seats are of
division, parish and rural deanery of Redenhall, arch- handsomely carved oak and the reredos of alabaster :
deaconry of Norfolk and dioce;;e of Norwich. That part there are 430 sittings, half being unappropriated. The
of the parish of Mendham which is in the county of . Congregational chapPl is a structure of red brick, re·
Norfolk was added to Harleston for civil purposes 25 I built in 1886, at a cost of £8oo, on the site of an older
March, 1885. The town is lighted with gas from works chapel, founded in 1706: the chapel is endowed with
erected in 1840 and belonging to Mrs. E. Chappell, and £25 yearly, from a farm at Alburgh, left by James
is supplied with water from springs. The church of St. Whiting of Wortwell, in 1774, and the poor attending
Mary, at Redenhall, about a mile from the town, is an this chapel have also the interest of £100 left by the
edifice, chiefly of flint with stone dressings, in the Gothic late William Hanworth: there are sittings for 450 per-
style, and was rebuilt by Thomas Plantagenet, surnamed sons. The Wesleyan chapel wa~ erected in 18g6. The
"de Brotherton," eldest son of Edward I. and Earl of Corn Hall was erected in 1849: a market for corn is

Norfolk, the chancel being the work of William de l\" en- held every Wednesday, and is well attended; the Hall
port, who was presented to the rectory in I3II, and is is also let for lectures,_ entertainments &c. The sub-
buried here : it consists of chancel, nave, aisles, north scription reading-room, established at the Corn Hall ill
porch and a lofty embattled western tower with pinnacles, 1872, was removed to premises formerly the Old Red
begun in 1460, and containing 8 bells; the tower, m- Lion inn, purchased in 1884 by the late Henry L. Hud-
jured by lightning in 1616, has been braced together; son and vested by him in trustees for its present pur-
subsequently one of the pinnacles was struck by lightning pose : the reading-room is well supplied with the Londo-n
and rebuilt, but was again destroyed from the same and local newspapers and magazines, and has a room
cause on January 21, 1834, and restored anew: the fine for billiards, chess, draughts, cards and other games.
organ was erected in 1841, and there are memorial Repository sales for all kinds of live and dead stock are
windows to the late Ven. Archdeacon Ormerod, rector held on alternatP Wednesdays by Messrs. George
here 1847-74, d. Dec. 2, 1874, and others, and to Mary Durrant and Sons. There is a small hosiery manufac-
Susan his wife; in the north chapel is a handsome tory. The charities ammmt to about £r8 yearly. In
monument with arms to John Wogan, of Gawdy Hall, d. 1871 the Rev. Samuel Titlow, of Norwich, left £8oo
May 31, 1778; Elizabeth his wife and several other mem- in trust to the rectors o-f Redenhall and Starston,
bers of their family: there are also tablets to Thomas the interest to be devoted chiefly to the apprenticing
Penrice; John Kerrich, d. 1757; Simon Kerrich, d. of poor boys of these parishes, four-fifths being allotted
1748; Elizabeth Wogan, d. 1728; Offiey Smith, d. 1777; w the former and t!he remaining fifth to the latter
and to John Oldershaw B.D. sr years archdeacon of Nor- parish. Gawdy Hall, an ancient mansion in the
folk, and rector of this parish, d. Jan. 31, 1847, and .Anne Elizabethan style, pleasantly situated in a well-wooded
his wife : the church was completely restored and l"P.- park and partly surrounded by a moat, is the seat of
seated in r858, and the chancel new roofed in r864, by John San~roft Holmes esq. M.A., D.L., J.P.: the hall
the Ven. Thomas Johnson Ormerod M.A. rector here took its name from the Gawdy family, who formerly
1847-74 and sometime Archdeacon of Suffolk: in 1897 a resided here, and is supposed to have been built by
carved oak reredos and an organ gallery were erected : Sir Thomas Gawdie kt. in the latter part of the 16th
during the progress of this work a beautiful Jacobean century : from the Gawdys it descended to the W ogans,
monument of the Frere family was discovered : there are and since to the present owner, by whom it has been
750 sittings, 375 being unappropriated. The register restored and improved. William Henry Hazard esq. is
dates from the year rssB. The living is a rectory, lord of the manor of Harleston, and J. S. Holmes esq.
annexed to Redenhall, joint net income, £699, with 28 is lord of the manors of Redenhall, Holbrook, other-
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Duke of wise Alburgh, Hawkers and Coldham with Redenhall.
Norfolk K.G. on the nomination of the Bishop of Nor- The principal landowners are J. Sancroft Holmes esq.
wich, and held since 1874 by the Rev. Thomas Thoma- M.A., D.L., J.P. and Sir Frederick Edward S. Adair
son Perowne B.D. late fellow of Corpus Christi College, hart. J.P. The soil is mixed; S'llbsoil, clay. The chief
Cambridge. The chuoch of St. John the Baptist, crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area of Reden-
Broad street, which oocupies a site given by the late hall with Harleston civil parigh is 3,379 acres of land
W. M. Hazard esq. of this town, and was opened 23 and . 13 of water; rateable value, £9,239; the population
June, 1872, is a building of stone and cut flint, in m 1901 was 2,001.
the Decorated style of the time of Edward II. from Parish Clerk & Sexton, William Dowling.
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Offi<:e.- Parcel Mail~.
Mrs. Ellen Maria Brooke, postmistress & stamp dis- London, Norwich & other parts, 9.30 a.m.; Ipswich,
tributor. Office open for the sale of stamps, post Suffolk & Essex, 12.45 p.m.; London, Norwich &c.
cards, newspaper wrappers, stamped & registered 2.10 p.m.; London, Norwich &c. 7.10 p.m.; London
letter envelopes, for registration of letters & other & all parts, 8 p.m
postal packets ; for delivery of letters to callers, fur
the receipt of inland, colonial & foreign parcels & for Arrival of Mails.
the sale & payment of postal orders, week days, 8 Mails from London, Norwich & all other parts (delivery
a.m. to 8 p.m. Sale of postage stamps & registration & to callers), 8 a.m. (sundays included); London &
of letters only 8.30 to 10 a.m. sundays. For money all places through London, 9· 30 a.m. ; London,
order, telegraph, saving~ bank, insurance & annuity Norwich &c. 1.35 p.m.; to callers, 8.30 a.m. S'llndays;
business, issue of inland revenue licenses & receipt London, Norwich, Becclefl & Ipswich, 7· 10 p.m
of express letters & parcels (except on Good Friday, Parcel Mails.
Ohristmas & other occasional days), 8 a.m. to 8
p.m. ; DO business on !mndays; for telegraph business From London & all other parts, 7 & 9.30 a.m.; London
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; ~undays, 8.30 to 10 a.m & all places through London, 1.35 p.m.; London,
Ipswich, Norwich & Bungay, 7.10 p.m
Despatch of Mails. Express letters & parcels received by mails arriving
For Bungay, 9 p.m.; *London, Norwich & other parts, between 8 a.m·. & 8 p.m. are sent out for delivery by
9.30 a.m.; London & parts of Essex, 10.30 a.m.; special messenger immediately on their reaching the
London, London forward, Beccles, Ipswich, Suffolk office
& Essex, 12.45 p.m. ; *London, London forward, Pillar Box, Redenhall road, cleared at 9· IS a.m. & 12.40,
Norwich &ic. 2. ro p.m. ; *London, London forward, 2, 6.55 & 8.15 p.m.; not cleared on sundays
Norwich &c. 7.15 p.m.; London, Norwich & all other Wall Boxes.-London road, cleared at 9·5 a.m. & 12.30,
parts, 7·45 p.m. (sundays, 7.30 p.m.); *London & I.So, 6.40 & 8.5 p.m.; not cleared on sundays; Reden-
all other parts, 8.15 p.m hall (near Yew Tree P.H.) cleared at 6.40 p.m. week
*These mails are not made up on sundays days only
COC~TY MAGISTRATES FOR EARSRAM PETTY For Bankruptcy purposes this court is inclnded in that
SESSIONAL DIVISION. of Ipswich, Frederick Messent, 36 Princes street, Ip1wich,
official receiver
Holmes John Sancroft esq. D.L. Gawdy Hall, Harleston, Corn Hall, Sydney W. Denny, manager
chairman County Police Station, Thoroughfare, Thomas Edward
Adair Capt. Sir Frederick Edward Shafto bart. Flixton Bentham, superintendent
Hall, Bungay, Suffolk Fue Engine Station, John Geo. Prentice, capt. & 14 men
Everson Lieut.-Col. John Anthony V.D. (chairman of Reading Room, W. A1lured, hon. sec. & treasurer
the Depwade Rural District Council), Harleston
Fellows Rev. Spencer, Rectory, Pulham St. Mary Mag- PUBLIC O'FFIOERS.
dalen, Harleston Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes & Bailiff under the
Keppel Thomas esq. Scale house, Scale Law of Distress Amendment Act, Robert Borrett,
Meade Capt. John ,Percy, Earsham Hall, Bungay Pulham Market
Smith William Rayson esq. Elmhurst, Harleston Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates & Taxes, Fredk.
Taylor Alfred esq. Starston Place, Harleston R. Borrett, Pulham Market
Yallop Henry Jacob esq. Harleston ] Certifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer No. 6 Dis-
Clerk to the Magistrates, Wm. Henry Hazard LLB. trict, Depwade Union & Mendham District, Hartis-
Harleston mere Union & Medical Officer of Health, Depwade
Petty Sessions are held at the Corn Hall every third friday at Rural District Council, John Charles Reynolds Robin-
11 a.m. and are also held any friday for indictable son M.R.G.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., F.R.I.P.H. Reden-
offences. The parishes in the petty sessional division hall road
are :-Alburgh, Billingford, Brockdish, Denton, Ears· Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act,
ham, Needham, Pulbam St. Mary the Virgin, Pulham No. 15 district, John Buckingham M.R.C.V.S. The
St. Mary Magdalen, Redenhall-with-Harleston, Rushall. Limes, Redenhall road
Starston, Thorpe Abbots, Langmere & Wortwell Local Agent for Unemployment Fund, Board of Trade
Unemployment Insurance, H. A. Yallop, Suffolk
house, Broad street
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Relieving & Vaccination Officer, Eastern District, &
County Court, His Honor James :Mulligan K.C. judge; Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Stratton
George 0. Lyus, registrar & high bailiff ; District, Depwade Union, William Robert Palmer,
Frederick William Gower, bailiff. A Connty Rose oottage, Mendham lane, Harleston
Court is held here once in two months in the
Corn Exchange. The following parishes are included in SCHOOLS.
the district :-Alburgh, Billingford, Brockdish, Denton, A. sum of money, which now usually amounts to £35
Dickleburgh, Earsham, Flixton, Fritton, Fressingfield, yearly, from the bequest of Mr. John Dove, is paid
Hardwick, Hempnall, Homersfield, Langmere, Mend- by the trustees towards the maintenance of the Ele-
ham, Metfield, Morningthorpe, Needham, Pulham St. mentary schools
Mary-the-Virgin, Pnlham St. Mary Magdalen, Reden- Public Elementary (boys), erected in 1870, & enlarged
hall-with-Harleston, Rushall, Syleham, Shelton, South in 1899, for 101 children; average attendance, about
Elmham All Saints, South Elmham St. Nicholas, South 100; George Os borne, master
Elmham St. Cross, South Elrnham St. James, South Public Elementary (girls & infants), erected in 185o &
Elmham St. Margaret, South Elmham St. Michael, •enlarged in I897 & again in rgog, for 120 girls & go
South Elmham St. 'Peter, Btarston, Stratton St. Mary, infants ; average attendance, 94 girls & 65 infants;
Stratton St. Michael, Tharston, Thorpe Abbots, "Tivet- Miss Sarah Hobson, girls' mistress; Miss Clara.
shall St. Mary, Tivetshall St. Margaret, Weybread, Whiteley, infants' mistress
Withersdale, Wacton, Wingfield & Wortwell Railway Station, Frederick James Borrett,station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. de Sausmarez Lieut. Ronald P., R.N. Mullenger Miss, London road
Aldis Fredk. G. Avonside, London rd Redenhall Oldman Alfred, Albion vil. London rd
Beuns Edmund Thomas, The Firs, Dowson Richard Enfield, 3 Wilder- Osborne George, Needham road
London road ness terrace, London road Pemberton Mrs. Dove house
Blakeley Richd. Lyndhurst,Station rd England Rev. Joseph (curate), Red- Perowne Rev.Thomas Thomason B.D.
Blofeld Rev. Fra.ncis Singleton B.A., bourne, Station road (rector), Rectory, Redenhall
L.Th. (curate), The Villa, Reden- Everson Lt.-Col. John A., V.D Pipe Miss,4 Wilderne~s ter.London rd
hall road Fuller Mrs. Woodrows, Thoroughfare Pratt Thos. The Beeches, London rd
Bond Sl. Wm. The Lodge,Station rd Gardiner Saml. Millersdale, Jay's grn Prentice John George, London road
Buckingham John, The Limes,Reden- Hazard Mrs. Edgehurst, Station road Robinson George, Red ho. London rd
hall road Hazard William Henry LL.B. Caltofts Robinson John Charles Reynolds,
Buckingham Mrs. Hollyhurst, Reden- Hewitson J ames, The Bank Redenhall road
hall road Holmes John Sancroft M.A., D.L., Rutter Mrs. Denmark ho. Station rd
Bugg Henry Ed"'ard, I Wilderness_ J.P. Gawdy hall Sheffield Rev. Alfred Francis Scoones
terrace, London road Hudson Miss, Station road (Congregational), London road
Catchpole Miss, Hope vil. London rd Jeffes Miss,Woodrows ho.Thoroughfre Smith William Rayson J.P. Elmhurst,
Clements James, London road Johnston Miss, Mill ho. Station road Redenhall road
Crisp Miss Anna, Reydon house, Knights Mrs. May villa, London road Stacey William Henry, Station road
Thoroughfare Land Geo. Wm. The Pines,London rd Stebbings George, Bank house
Crisp Miss Louisa, London road Lyus George Ormiston Wade Ernest Wentworth M.D. Tht'
Cubitt Mrs. The Gables, Mendham la MickleburghMrs.YewTree cot.Redenhall Laurel~, London road
Denny Sydney William, Haroldstone, Miles Mrs. The Haven, Station road Winson Ernest A. R. Thoroughfare
Needham road Mount George, Kelvinside, Station rd Yallop Henry Jacob J.P. Broad street
COMMERCIAL. BlakelPy Sidney, draper & outfitter, Thoroughfare
Early closing day, Thursday I p.m. Bond John, musical instrument dealer, Old Market pl
Ablett Samuel, saddler, Thoroughfare Borrett Ernest, bricklayer, London road
Adams Jame.s, laundry, The Common Bradley Annie (Mrs.), Swan hotel, Thoroughfare
A.irey Edwin Charles, hair dresser, Thoroughfare Bradnnm Wm. Samuel, clothier & outfitter, Thoroughfare
Alderton Robert, hair dresser, Thoroughfare Bridge8 John, pork butcher, Broad street
Aldis Thomas, leather seller, Thoroughfare BroC'k William Oliver, agent for the Liverpool, London &
Allured Ellen J. (Mrs.), dress maker, 'l'horoughfare Globe Insurance Co. Jay's Green
Allured Waiter, insurance agent, Station road Buckingham Alfred, carpenter, Bullock's Fair yard
An-cient Order of Foresters (Earl of Waveney court, No. Buckingham John M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon &
4,301) (Frederick G. Aldis, sec) inspector under the "Contagious Diseases (Animals)
Andrews Bertram Marmaduke, chPmist, London road Act," No. 15 district, The Limes, Redenhall road
"Baldry Robert W. Crown inn, Mendham lane Cann Archibald Hume. printer & stationer~ Market place
Barber Alice M. (Mr~. ). dre>=l' ma.Rowland ter.London rd Cann Con.suelo (Miss), girls' & boys' school, London rd
llarclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (George Carman Sydney Herbert, farmer, Pied Bridge farm,
Stebbings, manager); open mon. tues. thurs. & fri. 10 • Red en hall
to 4; wed. to 5.30; sat. 10 to_..i; draw on head office, Catlin~ Harry, butcher, ThorO'Ughfare
54 Lombard street, London E C Ohapman Bnrton, beer retailer, Broad street
Barkway Waiter William. watch maker, London road Chappell E. (Mrs.), ironmonger & !;.i!lfitter. Thorou~hfare
Beckett W. P. farmer, Mendham Chappell Jas. John, painter & plumber, Thoroughfare
Belsham Frederick S. grocer, Thoroughfare Ghilver Mary Jane (Miss), fancy stationer, Thoroughfare
13en1iham Thomas Edward, superintendent of police Chilvers Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Oaklands farm, RPdPnhall

Chilven John, farmer, North Lodge farm, Redenhall London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (James
Churchyard .Arthur E. chemist, Thoroughfare Hewitson, manager); draw on head office, 3 Bank
Cocking Thmnas, jeweller, Market place buildings E 0 & Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. London E 0
Cocking Wm. James, boot & shoe maker, Thoroughfare Lynch Alice (Mrs.), apartments, Ilbery, Station road
Collier H. (Mrs.), district nurse, Lush Bush, Redenhall Lyus George Ormiston, solicitor & commissioner for
Cooper William, estate carpenter to J. Sancroft Holmes oaths & registrar & high bailiff of county court
esq. D.L., J.P. Abbey yard, Redenhall Magpie Family & Commercial Hotel (Mrs. H. Hudson,
Cordwell Walt. accountant, 5 Wilderness ter. London rd proprietress) ; motor garage & cycle accommodation;
Corn Exchange (Sydney W. Denny, manager) posting in all its branches (T A " Magpie, Harles-
County Court (His Honor Jsmes Mnlligan K.C. judge; ton ; '' T N r r ), Market place
George 0. Lyus, registrar & high bailiff) M ann Stanley John, farmer, Redenhall grange
Crisp Frank, hair dresser, Union street Marston Charles, corn & flour merchant, Railway station
Cumming WilHam L. hosiery manufr. Old Market place Martin Harry James, butcher, Market place
Curl Brothers, drapers & outfitters, Thoroughfare Marton Frederick, shopkeeper, Broad street
Ourtis William A. market gardener, Mendham lane Masonic Lodge (Faithful, No. 85) (William Rayson
Dade Henry, grocer & provision dealer. Thoroughfare Smith esq. J .J?. sec.) ; m~eting night, nionday on or
Darby Brothers Limited, timber merchants, Station road before full moon, at the Swan hotel
Davies Henry, bazaar, London road Matthews George (Mrs.), secondhand furniture dealer,
Day Frederick, fiehmonger, Thoroughfare Station road
Denny G. & Sons, ironmongers, Market place Middleton Christopher B. shoe maker, Broad street
Dimmock Joseph Barnard, farmer, Shotford hall, Dove Mov Thomas Limited, coal & corn merchants
House farm, Briar farm & Starston Place farm ; &. Mu.skett Char:es, baker, Broad street
at Rookery farm, M~tfield, Suffolk Norman Jane (Mrs.), Cherry Tree P.H. London road
Drake Harry Edwin, tailor, Broad street NuthaJl Henry Chapman, wine & spirit mer. London ra
Durrant George & Suns, auctioneers & valuers, land Oldman .Alfred, Liberal agent for the Southern Division
& estate agents, Thoroughfare (T N 7) ; & at Beccles of Norfolk, Albion villa, London road
& :Bungay Outlaw & Son, butchers, game dealers & poulterers,
Eastmans Limited, butchers, Market place Thoroughfare; & at Pulham Market ; Pulham St.
Edwards John, baker & confectioner, Thoroughfare Mary & Dickleburgh
Everson John A. wholesale wine, spirit, ale & stout Palmer William Robert, relieving & vaocinatiun offil:~r,
merchant & manufacturer of aerated & mineral waters, Eastern district, & registrar of births, deaths &
& Norfolk cider & importer of foreign mineral waters, marriages, Stratton district, Depwade union, Rose
& insurance agent oottage, Mendham lane
Feaviour :Brothers, coach builders & cycle agents, Parker & Werner, fishmongers, Broad street
Thorcmghfare & London road Pearson Albert, fishmonger, Market place
Fire Engine Station (John George Prentice, captain) Perfitt John Locke, stone & marble mason, London road
Flegg Edward, gamekeeper to J. S. Holmes esq. D.L., Prime Frederick, tinman & brazier, Old Market place
J.P. Gawdy hall Rational Association Friendly Society (Branch r26)(Edwd.
Fowler William, coal merchant, Redenhall road Arthur Borrett, sec.) (Branch 499) (H. Stannard, sec)
Gambrill Emma (Miss), or~anist & teacher of music, Rayner Arthur Frank, builder & contractor, house &
London ro~d • estate agent, undertaker & paperhangings dealer,
Gardiner Sarnuel, rniller, corn, coal, cake, rnanure & Thoroughfare & brick, tile & drain pipe manufacturer,
· seed merchant, Broad street & Jay's Green Baker's Barn
Gardner Robert, Yew Tree P.H. Redenhall Rayner Harry, pork butcher, London road
Gedny Frederick Albert, draper & milliner, Thoroughfare Rayner Tom, builder, London road
Gill Robert, tailor, London road Read Henry William, manure agent, Redenhall road
Goodwin Charlie, farmer, Bethel farm Reading Room (W. H. Hazard esq. president; W.
Goodwin Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Low farm Allured, hon. sec. & treasurer)
Gower Frederick William, Two Brewers P.H. Broad st Reeve Harry, hair dr~er & photographer,Old Market pi
Gowing Charles, colt breaker, London road Reeve Harry Cranfield, confectioner, Union street
Hall Herbert Henry, cabinet maker, Old Market place Rreve Kate ("!\1iss), general fancy repos. Old Market pl
Harleston Accident Club (Rpbert Pipe, sec.), London rd Robertson Will.iam John, grocer, MarkeL place & chinJ.
Harleston Cricket Club (Ernest A. R. Winson, hon. sec) & glass dealert Church street
Harleston & District Association B. P, Boy Scouts (J. Robinson George Frederick, Railway tavern
Sancroft Holmes esq. D.L., J.P. president; Rev. F. Rubinson John Charles Reynolds M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C P.
S. Blofeld, hon, se.c) Land. & F.R.I.P.H. physician & surgeon, medical
Harleston & District Miniature Rifle Club (J. Sancroft officer for N a. 6 district, Depwade Union, & Mend ham
Holmes esq. D.L., J.P. president; Alfred Oldman, district, Hartismere union. & medical officer of health,
hon. sec) Depwade Rural District Council & certifying factory
Harleston Football Club (F. J. Goffin, sec) surgeon, Redenhall road
Harleston Gas Light & Coke Works (Mrs. E. Chappell, Samson John, bacon curer, The Common
proprietress) Scrivener John, insurance agent, Broad street
E:arlest0n Horticultural & Cottagers' Society (H. A. Shreeve Helen (:Miss), teacher of music, London road
Yallop, hon. ~ec) Smith Martha Millicent (Mrs.), saddler & harness makPr.
Harleston Laundry (Miss A. Buckingham, proprietress), London road
Redenhall road Smith Rosa (Mrs.), confectioner, Union street
Harleston Lawn T11nnis Club (Miss M.Stebhings,bon. sec) Spinlove Frederick, grocer, London road
Harleston Provident Medical Society (Waiter Allured, Stanton Catherine Elizabeth (Miss), a parts. Thoroughfare
sec.), Station road Stead & Simpson Limited, boot & shoe makers (.A.r~hur
Hazard & Pratt, solicitors Gidney, manager), Thoroughfare .
Hazard William Henry LL.:B. solicitor & commissioner Stebbings George, manager for Barclay & Company
for oaths, & derk to the magistrates (firm, Hazard & Limited, bankers
Pratt) (T N 8); London office, 146 Upper Thames Titlow Emma Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, London road
street, London E C Toll Frederick George, tobacconist, china & glass dealer
Hewitson James, manager of the London & Provincial & photographer, Thoroughfare
Bank Limited Tooley William James, farmer, Hill farm, Redenhall
Hipperson Henry A. builder & contractor, Redenhall rd Tovell Ri.:hard Oharle~, boot maker, London road
Hudson Henry (Mrs.), Magpie family & commercial Va.liant & Son, watch makers, London road
hotel, Market place Valiant Samuel E. Hope inn, Market place
International Tea Co.'s Stores Limited, provision dealers, Vjncent Mari!l!Il (Mrs.), apartments, London road
Thoroughfare Wade Charles, cooper, Wilson's yard
Jackson Prances Redelpha (Miss),dress ma.Old Market pl Wade ErnetJt Wentworth Y.D., H.Gh., B.A.O.Dubl..
Johnson Washington, tailor, Old Market place L.M. Coombe Hosp. Dubl. physician & surgeon, The
J oh.nston Oharles, cycle agent, London road Laurels, London road
Keeley G. & Sons, plumbers &c. Old Market place , Walker W. D. & A. E. Ltd. maltsters & coal, corn &
Keeley Frank, nurseryman, London road oil cake merchants; & at Bungay
Kemp Hashabish Hardy, blacksmith, Bullock's Fair yard Walpole Alfred NelsOil,. farmer, Anthills, Redenhall
Knights Edward H. engine€r & millwright, London road Ward Henry, carter, Jay's Green
Lawes David, head, gardener to J. Sancroft Holmes esq. Warden Henry, bill po~er, London road
. D.L., J.P. Gawdy hall Warne!!""George, farmer, The Grove & Hill farm, Wey-
Le Gnce Frederick, grocer & draper~ Market place bread, Suffolk
Linder James, The Duke William P.H. Thoroughfare Weigh Bridge (Public), apply Henry Hudson, Magpie htl
London Central Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, Thorou~are Werner Ernest, fishmonger, see Parker & Werner
Wharton Alfred Henry, farmer, Lodge farm Yallop &. Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, decora-
Wbatling Zephaniah, boot repairer, Wilson's yard tors & general furnishers & removal contractors,
Whitaker Walter, farmer, Coldham hall, Redenhall Broad street & Thoroughfare. T N 17
White General Albert, Cardinal's Hat inn, Thoroughfare Yallop H . .A. local agent Unemployment Fund, Board of.
White Mary .Ann (Miss), fanner, Clintergate farm Trade Unemployment Insurance, Suffolk ho. Broad st
White William John farmer, Hill farm Youell .Ada (Mrs.), dress maker, London road J. confectioner, Market place Youngs E. & Co. agricultural implement dealers
Woods Jack, sewing machine agent, ~arket place Youngs .A.rthur William, baker, London road
EAST HARLING (or Market Harling) is a parish and some time afterwards held by Gregory Lovell, ancf on
small market town, situated on an acclivity above the his death by hi8 half-brother, John Lovell: the property
river Thet, with a station called ~' Harling Road" on the subsequently passed to Thomas Wright esq. and thence
Thetford and Norwich section of the Great Eastern rail- descended to his grandson, whu was lord of the manor
way, 1! mile11 north-west from the village, and is 9 miles and patron of thB living in 1736, and the Wright family
north-east from Thetford and rod from London, in the or their representatives coutinued to have interests in this
Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and Shropham parish until about 1822. Mrs. Buxton, of Tockenham
petty sessional division, GuiltcrosSI hundred, Thetford Manor, Wilts, is lady of the manor. The Earl of Albe-
union, Attleborough county court district, rural deanery marle K.C.V.O., C.B., M.V.O., V.D. and Major George
of Rockland (south division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and F. Molineux-Montgomerie, of Garboldisham Hall, Thet- .
diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. Peter and Paul, ford, are the chief landowners. The soil is light loam;
standing on a slight elevation close to the high road, was subsoil, chalk. The chief crops ate wheat, barley and
erected in the 15th century (c. 1449), on the site of an turnips. The area is 2,613 acres; rateable value,
earlier struct'lre, by Sir William Chamberlain kt. and [3,079 ~ the population in 19II was 972.
completed by Sir Robert Wingfield kt.: it is a building of Sexton, Willi'lm Bcnnett.
stonfl in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel with Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Be'JJ.jamin Barnard, sub-post-
north or Jesus and St . .Anne's chapel11, nave, aisles, south master. Letters by mail cart from Tbetford arrive at
porch and a lofty western tower with 12 pinnacles and an 4·3.1 a.m. & 3· 15 p.m. ; delivery commences at 7 a.m.
elegant spire, and containing 6 bells: in St. Mary's or & 3.30 p.m.; dispatched at 2.35 & 7·55 p.m. There
the Harling chapel, at the east end of the south aisle, is one delivery on sundays, comme'Ilcing at 7 a.m.;
which still retains much of its elaborate carving and dispatched at 6.":JO ,_m
ornamental work, was buried John de Herling, c. 1392: Wall Letter Box, Harling Road railway station, 8.3 p.rn ..
here also is an altar tomb, with recumbent mnrble effigies; week days; 6.35 p.m. sundays
to Sir Robert Harling, slain in 1435, during the French '
war, and subsequently interred here, and to his lady; JUSTICES OF THE PE.A.CE FOR GUILTOROSS &·
the tomb is adorned with figures of unicorns and pelicans : SHROPH.A:M PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
on the south side of the chapel is a stately altar tomb of Nugent Sir Edmund Charles bart. D.L. The Hall, WesL
variously coloured marbles, with recumbent effigies, to Harling, Tbetford, chairman
Sir Thomas Invell kt. ob. r6oo, and his wife, ob. 1604, Albemarle Earl of K.C.V.O., C.B., M.V.O., V.D., D.L.
and round the whole an iron grating: in the chancel, Quidenbam park, .Attleborougb
under an arch opening into St . .Anne's chapel, is a tomb, Bury Viscount, Quidenham hall, .A.ttleborougb
surmounted by a fine slab of Purbeck marble, once bearing Champion William Needham Longden esq. Riddlesworth
effigies in brass, to Sir William Chamberlain K.G. corn- ball, Tbetford
mander in France, ob. 1462, and .Anne, daughter of the Du·1ell Owen Robert esq. Garboldisham manor, Thetford
above Sir Robert Herling, his wife, but the brasses have Edwards Major William Mordaunt Mai'Sh V.C., D.L.
long been missing; she afterwards married Sir Robert Hardingham hall, .A.ttleborough
WingfiBld kt. and subsequently became tke third Hemswortb Angustus ~>~oel Campbell esq. Shropbam ball..·
wife of Sir J obn Scrape, fifth Baron Scrape, of Tbetford
Bolton: one side of the tomb displays the arms of Cham- J essup Ro bert esq. .A. ttle toroug h
berlain: there are also other monuments, including a Keppel Major Wilham George, Old Buckenham grange,
number of coffin-shaped tombstones near the chancel door .A.ttleborough
to members of the Rodwell family: the east window is Montgomerie Major George Frederick Molineux·,
fil1ed with ancient glass, previously removed hence to the Garboldisham hall, Tbetford
old hall, but replaced about 1700 by Charles Wrigbt esq. : ~orris Sydney esq. D.L. Wretham hall, Thetford
the church was restored and seated with open benches in Nugent Col. George Col borne M. V.O. West Harling_
1878-79, and affords 400 sitting~: the churchyard was hall, Thetford
enlarged and surrounded by a wall in 1829. The register ' Oldman Stephen esq. Fern house, Thetford
dates from the year I544· The living is a rectory, net Partridge Henry Thus. esq. Little Hockbam, Thetfonf
yearly value £400, with 76 acres of glebe, in the gift of Salter William Herbert esq. The Hall, .Attlehorongh
P. St. J. B. Grigson esq. and Mrs. F. N. Shearme, and Clerk to the Justices, .A.rtbur Tallent Clowes, solicitor,.
held since r-888 by the Rev. Baseley Hales Grigson B.A. New Buckenham
of Corpus Christi College, Cambridjie. There is a Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station, East Har- ·
Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in 1865, on the site ling, every second monday at I I a.m. The following--
of a former chapel, and seating 200 persons,· and the places are included in the Petty Sessional Division:-·
SociPty of Friends has a meeting house, built in 1903, Attleborough, Banham, Besthorpe, Blo' :Xorton, Bret-
witb a burial ground attached. Harling Unionist Club tenham, Bridgham, Buckenham (New), Buckenham
was established in 188g for the working people of this (Old), Ecclei!, Garboldisham, Ga11thorpe, Great Elling-
parish. A short distance north of the town is a lime- ham, Hargham, Harling (East). Harling ("West), Hock-·
kiln. .A market to be held on Tuesdavs and two vearlv ham, Illington, Kenningball, Kilverstone, Larling, Lop--
fairs were granted by Edward IV. in· r474: durin"g th"P· ham (North), Lopham (~outb), Quidenham; Riddles-
18th and earlier part of the last century the market worth, Rockland (.A.ll Samt~ & S~. Andrews). ~ourl-
was well supplied, che-ese, butter and provisions being ham. Rushfor~. Shropham, Snareh1ll (~reat. & L1\tle}..
sold on Cheese hill, and_ in the Market place, the I Snetterto~, W1lby: Wretham (East) & "reth~m (" e«t)'
worsted, yarn and hempen goods manufactured in the County Pohce Station, Ronald Gordon Powell, superin-
locality; the market was theTI largely attended, but tendent, & 2 constables •
rapidly declinE-d after the <:onstruction of the railway TERRITORIAL FORCE.
to N orwicb. The annual fair days, viz. May 4th, the
4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (detachment of E Co.),
first TuPsday after Sept. 12th and Oct. 24th, are now, Capt. H. C. Long, commanding ·
as far as sheep and bullocks are concerned, obsolete.
In the nlace of these there are annual sheep sa1es, one PGBLIC OFFICERS.
on the first Thursday in July, 'Principally for lambs, a Meclir-al Officer & Public Vaccinator, Harling District,
great many being bred in the district around, and another Thetford Union & Hockbam District of Wavland Union.
in April, chiefly for hoggets, a large number of sheep being Waiter Edward Cooper M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond
penned on each occasion. The town lands of 96 acres .A.!>Sessor & Collector of the King's Taxes, Henry Alfred
produce £6o yearly. of which one third is given to Linstead. Garboldisham road
the church, one third towards the support of the A!lsistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, Fredk. Seaken~
pnblic school, and the remainder to the town im-
provement fund: under an order of the Inclosure Com- East Harling Public Elementary (Endowed) School
missioners, £28, the rent of 56 acres of fen land, is laid (mixed), erected in r842, & enlarged in 1893, & will
out in fuel for the poor. Old Harling Hall, a structure of now hold 220 children; average attendance, 185; Alfd.
brick, with an ~mbattled tower, and bnilt by Sir Thomas· James Coldham. ma-ster
Love.Jl kt. was pulled down at the beginning of the last Harling Road Railway Station, William Springall, sta-
century. The manors granted by Henry VII. about tion. master ·
1485, to Sir Thomas Lovell, knighted 1487, 81!.d were Conve~nces meet the g.23 & 9-43 a.m. trains
NO~F,....LK 12*

Caller R. & Sons Ltd. coal & corn Newson W. T. & Sons, builders,
PRIVATE RESIDEN'IS. merchants, Harling Road station ; Cheese hill
llarker Caleb, The Beeches & at ~orwich Norfolk & Norwich Christmas Fat
Cooper Waiter Edward Colman Thomas Banyard, farmer Stock Show Association (Caleb Bar-
Cracknell Mrs. White Hart street Cook Richard Cornish, Bull P.H. ker & Co. secs)
Doe Charles Market place Osborne Alban, farmer, The Hill frm
Grigson Rev. Baseley Hales B. A. (rec- Cooper Waiter Edward M.R.C.S.Eng., Osborne Alban Edwd. saddler, Cheese
tor), East Harling hall L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & sur- hill
Kerridge Waiter W. J. Gallants lane geon, & medical officer & public Page James, shopkeeper, Market place
Markham Stephen Charles, Eccles rd vaccinator for Harling district of Palmer Alfred, coal dealer, Market st
Mornement Major Edward (4th Terri- the Thetford union & Hockham Palmar Fredk. coal dealer, Gallants la
torial Batt. Norfolk Regt) di~trict, Wayland union Pattinson Ohristopher George, coal
Mornement Mn Crook Robert, boot ma. White Hart st & corn merchant & miller
Ray John Norman Charles, White ho Cullingford William, watch & clock Pole Margaret (Miss), private school
t3olly Alfred, White Hart street maker, Market place for girls, West view
Tillott Fredk. William, Eastfield ho Daynes George,shopkpr. White Hart •t Pollard Wllllam Robert, wholesale
Wright Mrs. The Cedars Dixon H. & Son, boot repairers & retail ironmonger, furnishing
East Harling & District Bowling Club warehouseman, oil, calor & paint
COMMERCIAL. (Edwd. A. Fox, hon.sec.),Swan hot! merchant, cycle agent, general
Early closing day, Thursday. Everett Ernest, grocer, Market place smith & agricultural implement re-
Alderton Ernest, thatcher, Kenning- Fox Edward Arth. butcher, Market pl pairer, Market place
hall road Frost Saml. King's Head P.H. Ken- Reeve Thos. Wm. butcher, Cheese hill
..Annison Jas.Nag'sHeadP.H.Market pl ninghall road Richards Philip, chemist & dealer in
llailey Albert William, plumber & Graham Thomas & Son, lime burners photo materials
glazier, King street & School lane Greenwood Matthew Bennett & Son, Royal Norfolk .Agricultural Associa-
'Barclay & Company Ltd.(sub-branch) farmers, Hill House farm tion (C. Barker & Co. secs)
(Charles F. Halls, manager, from Halls William, Trowel & Hammer Rudd Henrv &. Son, builders,
Thetford branch, attends tues. & P .H. White Hart street contractors & decorators ; sanitary
fri. 10.30 till 2) ; draw on head Harding Christopher Hervey, baker, work carried out on up-to-date
office, 54 Lombard st. London E C Cheese hill lines, White Hart street
'Barker Caleb & Co. land agents, sur- Hewett Henry,cycle agt. White Hart st Saul Henry William, butcher, Mar-
veyors & secs. to The Royal Norfolk Hudson Edwd. jobmastr.Mt. Pleasant ket place
Agricultural Association & to the Hunt Jas. chimney sweeper,Cheese hill Seakens Frederick, insurance agent,
Norwich Fat Cattle Show; chief Kerrison Rebecca (Mrs.), carrier to & assistant overseer & colleotor of
office, East Harling, Thetford & on I from railway statn. G.E.R.Cheese hi poor rates for the parishes of East
saturdays at Bank chambers, Lawrence Thomas Clarence, miller Harling, Larling, Roudham & Blo'
Norwich (wind), Kenninghall road Norton, Garboldisham road
"Barker Caleb, agent for the estates of Linstead Henry .Alfred,assessor & col- Skipper Charles Wm. horse breaker,
Sir E. C. Nugent bart. ; Capt. H. lector of the King's taxes, Gar- Gallants lane
S. Adlington's trustees & C. H. B. boldisham road Smith Jn. Baker,grocer,White Hart st
Caldwell esq. ; & (on saturdays) at London & Provincial Bank Limited Swan Family & Commercial Hotel
Bank chambers, Norwich (sub-agency) (W.M.Thomas,mgr.); (Henry Hardy Brown, proprietor),
flarrett William,insurance agent, White· attends every tues. from 3 to 5; Market place
Hart street draw on head office, 7 Bank buildgs. Territorial Force Battalion (4th) Nor-
flateman Edgar, White Hart P.H. E C & Glyu, Mills, Currie & Co. folk Regiment (detachment of E
White Hart street London E C Co.), Capt. H. C. Long, commndng
"Bridges William, shoeing smith, Mornement &. Ray Limited, en-
Towell Harry,hair dresser, Market pl
White Hart street gineers (consulting civil) & sur- Unionist Club (Sir Edmund C. Nugent
'"Brown Henry Hardy, Swan family & I veyors, contractors for dredging bart. D.L., J.P. president; T.
commercial hotel & posting estab- rivers, lakes & canals, lake & re- Sayer, hon. sec)
lishment ; ea tering, good' accommo-',I servoir construction, water supply, Warby John William, grocer, King
dation for cyclists & motors ; bowl- earth works &c. agricultural con- street & Market place
ing green, Market place tractors for steam ploughing, Waring Jsph. shopkpr. White Hart st
Burlingham John, farmer, Fen lane 1 threshing, road rolling &c Williams William, White Lion P.H.
Butters Charles, news agent,Market ~Jl' Nebbett Thomas Harr," 1plumber, Market place
Claxton Frank,rabbit salesman, White! painter, decorator,builder & electric
Hart street I bell fitter, White Hart street

WEST HARLING is a parish in the 1outhern vale of the de Angerville family: about rs64 the estate was pur-
the river Thet, 2! miles south from the Harling Road chased by Bassingbourne Gawdy esq. of Mendham, Suffolk,
station on the Thetford and Norwich section of the Great from whom it descended t.o the family of Berdwell, and
Eastern railway and 7 north-east from Thetford, in the was held by them for many years, and subssquently came
Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and Shropham petty into the possession of Nicholas William (Ridley-Colborne),
sessional division, hundred of Guiltcross, union of Thet- rst baron Colborne, whose seat this was until his death.
ford, Attleborough county court district, rural deanery ~ May, 1854, when the title became extinct. Berdwell
r0f Rockland (south division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and Hall, an embattled mansion af stone, surrounded by a
diocese of Norwich. Middle or Little Harling was united deep moat, formerly occupied the site of the present Hall,
to West Harling in 1433· The church of All Saints, but was pulled down in 1725 by Joshua Draper esq. who
1i'ituated in the park, is an ancient structure of flint, had purchased the West Harling estate from the three
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel with chapel, nieces and heiresses of Sir Bassingbourne Gawdy, 3rd and
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower con- last bart. d. 1723 : the existing Hall, a. mansion of brick,
taining 8 tubular bells, presented by Lady Nugent: in begun about 1725 by Joshua Draper esq. was sold by him
the chapel (now a vestry) were buried several members in 1736 to Richard Gipps esq. who completed the work:
of the Gawdy and Berdwell families, including John the house, which stands in the centre of an extensive and
Gawdy, ob. 29 Nov. 1694: the church was thoroughly beautiful park, watered by the river Thet, is built in part
restored by Sir E. C. Nugent hart. in 1902: the pulpit with the materials of Old Berdwell Hall, and is now the
wa~ thE' gift of Lady Nugent: there are 100 sittings. property and residence of Sir Edmund Charles Nugent
The register dates from the year 1559· The living is a bart. D.L .• J.P. lord of the manor and chief landowner.
rectory, net yearly value £130, including 20 acres of In the park is ths sits, now indicated by a circular plan-
•glebe, with residence, in the gift of Sir Edmund C. tation. of the church of St. Andrew, Middls Harlinsr,
Nrigent bart. and held since 1899 by the Rev. Charle11 rlemoli!:hed in 1543. The soil is ~andy; subsoil. chalk.
Hugh Richardson Harper :M.A. of St. John's College. The chief crops are wheat, rye, barley and oat~. The
Cambridge. The town lands, lying in Banham, and area. is :l· 101 acres of land and 15 of water; rateable value,
given by Margaret, wife of John Gawdy esq. mentioned £944; the population in rgii was 126.
-above, now (rgr2) produce about £4 yearly: other l~nd Parish Clerk, William Oakley, Paper cottages.
given by the same person was sold in 1906 and the Letters from Thetford. vill. East Harling, which i~ thl'l
proceeds vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. nearest money order & telegraph office, about 2 mile11
and now produce £r6 yearly. The money is used rli~tant
1or the support of a medical charity and clothing club. No Letter Box. Letters are delivered about 8 a. m. & 5·30
In the time of the Conqueror there were here p.m. & collected at same times
several !1mall manors held as a berewic of the capital ThP rbildren of this place attend East Harling & Bridgham
-manor of Kenninghall by the Albinis and their successors, schools
Harper Rev. Charles Hugh Richardson COMMEBCIAL. Riches Jeremiah, gamekeeper to Sir E.
M.A. Rectory Barker Noah James, farmer C. Nngent hart
Nugent Sir Edmund Chas. bart. D.L., Hanton George, farm bailiff to Sir Wiggett Arthur, head gardener to Sir
J.P. West Harling hall Edmund Chas. Nugent bt.Paper cot E. C. Nugent hart. Gardeners' cob
Nugent Col. George Colborne M.V.O., Lock Charles & Emma (Miss),farmrs. Wilson Geo. farmer, Stone House frm
J.P. West Harling hall Thorpe farm
HARPLEY is a parish and village, half a mile north repairs of the church, and £22 2s. 3d. for charities,
from Massingham station on the Midland and Great £IB 6s. 8d. of which was left by Mr. Herring, who also
Northern joint railway, 12 miles east-north-east from erected and endowed almshouses in 1B5o for eight old
Lynn and 10 south-west from Fakenham, in the North people, each of whom receives 4s. per week. The-
We~tern division of the county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, Marquess of Cholmondeley P.C. is lord of the manor
petty sessional division and union, county court district of and principal landowner; Nicholas John Raven esq. also-
L_ynn, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of owns about 400 acres. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Law- and chal~- The crops are on the four-course shift. The-
ranee, which stands on an em:inenc~·~s a large structure area is 2,295 acres; rateable value, £2,192; the popula-
of flint and stone, in the Early English and Decorated tion in 19II was 421.
styles, consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, Parish Cl~;rk, Robert Porter.
handsome south porch and an embattled western tower, Post Office.-James Steele, sub-postmaster. Letters-
with pinnacles, containing 5 bells: the south aisle is
battlemented, the south door is carved with figures, and arrive through Lynn at 5·35 a.m. & 1 -50 p.m. ;
there is a rood screen of the I 4th century: the chancel dispatched at I I .so a.m. & 8 p.m. ; sundays, arrive-
was restored in 1878, and a new organ chamber has been 5·35 a. m. ; dispatched 3· IS p.m. Great Massing ham
is the nearest money order office & Honghton, 2.
added: the church is seated with open benches, affording miles distant, the nearest telegraph office
320 sitting9. The register dates from the year 1722.
ThP living is a rectory, net yearly value £ 334 , with 5 4 Wall Letter Box, near Mr. Murfet's farm, cleared at.
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held 11.30 a.m. & 7·45 p.m.; sundays, 2.50 p.m
sir.ce 188o by the Rev. Harry Edward Beck M.A. of Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1907, for
Trinity Hall, Cambridge, who is also vicar of Houghton. 135 children; average attendance, go; the school has
Here is a United Methodist chapel, built in 1873, and an endowment of £Io a year, left by Mr. Herring
a. Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1871. Fourteen above mentioned; James Grieves, masteT; Miss A. L.
acres of lll.nd, let for £14 yearly, have been left for the Grieves & Mrs. A. Blackwood, assistant mistresses
Beck Rev.HarryEdwd.M.A.O:d Rectry 1 Butcher Matthew, seedsman ·& florist Morton Geo. Arth. farmr.Manor house
Beck Miss, The Cottage Claxton Georgina (Miss), shopkeeper Mountain Charles, blacksmith
Morton George Arthur, Manor house Darlow William, Rose & Crown P.H Mountain John G. van & cart builder
Woods Frederick, Harpley hall Fake Clark, farmer, Glebe farm Murfet Joseph Morton, farmer
Fake Edward, baker & farmer Norman Wm.Jn.miller (wind&steam)
ITammond H. H. registrar of births & Simpson Alfred, baker & farmer
Early closing day, Wed. 1 p.m. deaths for Hillington sub-district, Steele J ames, shopkeeper, Post office
Bendall & Son, shopkeepers Free bridge Lynn union; at-tends Woods Frederick, farmer & cattle
Bushnell Frederick, White Lion P.H first sat. in each month dealer, Harpley hall
HASSINGHAM, or Hasingham, is a parish about 1! Buckenham. The tithes have been commuted for £239
miles east from Buckenham station on the Norwich, yearly. The poor's allotment of 14 acres produces about
Yarmouth and Lo~stoft sections of the .Great Eastern £ID 1os. yearly. Sir Reginald William Proctor-Bean-
railway, 9 east-south-east from Norwich and 11 west champ hart. of Langley Park, who is lord of the manor,
from Yarmouth, in the Eastern division of the county, and Lieut.-Cul. Herbert Henry Gilbert, of Lowestoft,
Blofield and W alsham petty sessional division, Blofield are chief landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil,
hundred and union, Norwich county court district, grrvel and sand. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley
rural deanery of Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese and roots. The marshes are used for grazing. The area
of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a small thatched is 570 acres of land, 10 of inland and 4 of tidal water;
edifice of flint in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, rateable value, £8w; the population in 19II was 103.,
nave, south porch and a fine round western tower, Parish Clerk, William Patterson.
with an octagonal belfry surmounted by eight pinnacles,
and containing one bell: the church was re-seated and Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.25 a.m. & 2.55 p.m. ;
decoratPd by the Rev. T. W. H. Beauchamp, rector sundays, 8.40 a.m. Letters through Norwich arrive
from 1827, who died in 1863: theTe are go sittings. about 9 a.m. & 3.30 p.m. in some parts of the parish.
The register dates from the year 1563. The living is a Burlingham is the nearest money ordBt & telegra.yh
rectory, annexed to that of Buckenham, joint net yearly office, 3' miles distant. Telegrams are also dispatched
value £170, including 34 acres of glebe and residence, from Lingwood railway station, but not received for
In the gift of Sir Reginald William Proctor-Beanchamp delivery, on week days only
hart. and held since 1871 by the Rev. George Elwin The children of this place attend the school at Bucken
B. A. of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, who resides at ham
COM:YERCIAL. Crowe Waiter Thomas, farmer, trac- Howes Robert, poultry farmer
Burred Robert Burwood, farmer & ti{)n engine & threshing machine Loades Edward, farmer, Broad farm
horse & cattle breeder,Church farm owner & landowner, Hill house Nash Fred, farme~, Wood~and farm
GREAT HAUTBOIS is a parish and village on the a rectory, annexed to that of Coltishall, net yearly value
navigable Bnre, adjoining Coltishall, with a station at £127, with 12 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
Coltishall and 3 miles north-west from Wroxham !!tation, of Mrs. Frances Girling, and held since 1907 by the-
both on the East Norfolk section of the Great Eastern Rev. Philip Henry Girling B.A. of Pembroke College,
railway and 7 north from Norwich, in the Eastern division Cambridge, who resides at Coltishall. Here was
of the county, South Erpingham hundred and petty ses- formerly a hospital and a castle, of which few traces
sional division, Aylsham union and county court district, now remain. The trustees of thl'! late Sir Edward Birk-
rural deanery of Ingworth (south division) and arch- beck, first and last hart. (d. 1908), are lords of the
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The old church of m!:.nor; Lady Durrant, of Scottow Hall, and the rector
St. Theobald, a mile from the village, and now in ruins, are the chief landowners. The soil is various; subsoil,
is a structure of flint and stone of the Norman and English marl. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
periods, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and The area is 6oo acres of land and 8 of water; rateable
western tower: the chancel has been converted into a value, £998; the population in 19n was 182.
mortuary chapel, but the walls of the nave and south Parish Clerk, Robert Starling.
porch and the circular western tower are still standing.
The church of the Holy Trinity, consecrated in 1a6 4 , is 8 Letters received through Norwich, viJl Coltishall, which u
building of flint with freestone dressings, and consists of the nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at
chancel, nave, aisles, and organ chamber: the nncient font 7 a.m. & 2 ·4° p.m
was removed from the old church: there are 200 l!littings. This parish forms, with that of Coltishall, a nnited school
The register dates from the year 1563. The living is district; the school is at Coltishall
Patteson :Frank E., J.P. Great Haut- Child Harriet (Mrs.), butcher Rays' Stores, ironmongers
bois house · Berne Robert, farmer Smith Charles, beer retailer
COMYERCIAL. Hood Charles, farmer Starling Robert, jun. basket maker
Bilby Charles, cattle dealer Howard Edward John, farmer 1 Tallowin John, farmer



HA VERINGLAND {or Ha~erland) is a parish ~nd inn. Haverland Hall, the seat of Lord De Ramsey
village, 2 miles south of Cawston station and 5 west from D.L., .J.P. is a handsome modern mansion in the Italian
Buxton station, both on the East Norfolk section of the style, standing on the eastern side of a.n extensive park,
Great Eastern railway, 2~ north-by-east from Attlebridge which is well timbered and ornamented by a sheet of
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, water of considerable extent. Lord De Ramsey is lord
9 north-west from Norwich, and I I south-west from North of the manor, impropriator of the tithes and sole land-
Walsham, in the Northern division of the county, Eynsford owner. The soil is sand and loam; subsoil, clay and
hundred and petty sessional division, St. Faith's union, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and
Aylsham county court district, rural deanery of Sparham hay. The area is 2,028 acres of land and 15 of water;
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church flSSessable value, £I,I02; the population in 19~1 was 126.
of St. Peter is a building of flint, consisting of nave,
north aisle, north and south porches and a circular Post & T. Office.-Frederick Wailer, sub-postmaster.
embattled western tower in the Norman style containing Letters received through Norwich at 6.35 a.m. & 2.15
3 bells ; the windows are all stained; the church was p.m.; sundays, 7 a. m.; dispatched at 6.50 a.m. &
rebuilt about I 845 and affords 300 sittings. The register 4·35 p.m. ; sundays, 10.45 a.m. Cawston, 3 miles
dates from the year 1694. The living is a vicarage, net distant, is the nearest money order-office
yearly value £57• including 19 acres of glebe, in the
.gift of Lord De Ramsey, on the nomination of the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1848, for so
Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1906 by the Rev. children; average attendance, 42; Mrs. Amy S. Wade,
James Ernest Pease B.A. of Pembroke College, Cam- mistress
bridge, who is also rector of Brandiston. The stocks Carrier to N orwich.-Kybird passes through from
.formerly in use in this parish for the punishment of Cawston, wed. & sat. to 'Wool Pack,' returning same
offenders are still standing opposite the King's Head day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. King Edward, estate carpenter & as- Savage J ames, head gamekeeper to
De Ramsey Lord D.L., J.P. Haverland! sistant ~;erseer Lord De Ramsey D.L., J.P
hall; & 3 Belgrave sq. London s w ~edler EbJah, farmer, Quake~s farm Terry H. .A. head gardener to Lord
Pease Rev. James Ernest B.A. (vicar) Parfitt Waiter, farmer, Larter s farm De Ramsey D.L., J.P
Radway .Aubrey, land agent to Lord Wilkerson Edward, farmer
COMMERCIAL. De Ramsey D.L., J.P Wilkerson William, King's Head P.H
Howe John, farmer Robinson George, farmer, Abbey frm
HA YNFORD, see Hainford.
HEACHAM is a parish and large village, pleasantly by thB Rev. George Thomas Thompson B.A. of Trinity
situated on the Wash and on a small rivulet, with College, Cambridge. There is a Wesleyan chapel, built
a junction station of the West Norfolk and Lynn and in 1831 and restored 1891, aud a Primitive Methodist
Hunstanton sections of the Great Eastern railway, 12 chapel,_ erected in 1903. The Public Hall, opened in
miles west from Burnbam Market, 13 north-north-east I 898, is an edifice of red brick with stone facings, and
from Lynn, 2 from the pleasant watering place of New will hold 400 persons. The poor's land of 6 acres is let for
Hunstanton and II2 from London, in the North Western £7 yearly, which sum is distributed in coals, as also is a
-division of the county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and charity of 2os. yearly; Rolfe's, producing £13 8s. is for
:Brothercross petty sessional division, Docking union, Lyn11 clothing: the Queen's cottages were erected in 1897
county court district, Heacham rural deanery, arch- as dwellings for 5 pQOI people, 3 by public subscription
deaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Sorwicb. The village and 2 by their kinsmen, and in memory of Arthur N~ville­
.appears in the distance as if embosomed in wood, above Rolfe and Alfred N eville-Rolfe. A fair is held on the
-which peeps the church tower;, jt. has fine. firm sands·, 2oth of June in each year. Here was anciently a
which render sea bathing both safe and agreeable, and Cluniac priory, a cell of Lewes .Abbey and dedicated to St.
the small stream on which it stands abounds in trout. Mary. In 18so, coins of the reigns of Henry I. II. and
"Tho township is now supplied with water by the Urban Ill. were dug up m i.he churchyard. In the vicinity are
District Council of Hunstanton; the tower, containing a several excellent quarries of carr stone, which is used for
tank of storage capacity of 45,ooo gallons of water, was huilding purposes; this stone when .first quarried is soft,
erected in I9II and I912, and five miles of mains were but hardens on exposure to the air. Within the parish
laid down. The church of St. Mary is a noble edifice is a lime stone quarry and a brick works. Heacham Hall,
-of stone and flint, in the Gothic style of the 15th a picturesque mansion of red brick, pleasantly s;t uated,
-century, and exhibits traces of having undergone is the property and residence tJf Charles Edward St rachan
·repeated al~rations: it consists of chancel, nave, aisles, e~q. who is the -principal landowner. Hamon le Strange
south porch, vestry and a central embattled tower esq. of Hunstanton Hall, who is lord of the manor,
containing 2 bells: in the church are brasses to Holcombe Ingleby esq. of Sedgeford Hall, and Caius
"Eustlltius Rolfe, d. 1593; Thomas Hole, d. 1678; to College, Cambridge, are also landowners. The soil is
Mrs. Elsden, of Lynn, d. 1865; three to the Rev. various; the subsoil is chiefly chalk. Tbe chief crops
Strickland Charles Neville Rolfe M.A. of Heacham Hall, are wheat, barley, turnips and mangold "·urtzel, and
and 16 years vicar of this parish, d. 1852, and his two beans on the part next the sea. The all a is 3·574
-wives, who died in 1831 and 1863; to Sapper F. A. acres of land, 6 of water, 4 of tidal water and 1,034 of
Jelly, formerly a member of the church choir, who died foreshore; rateable value, £9,463; the population in
in South .Africa in 1902; an ancient brass, dated I5SI4• 1891 was g8g; in 1901, 1,325, and in 1911, 1,764. In
to the Rolfe family; one with a long inscription in Latin 185I, 225 acres of common were inclosed from the sea.
to Norman Macleod Ferrers D.D. master of Gon\'ille and Parish Clerk, Ge'lrge Playford.
~Caius College, Cambridge, d. 1903, and his son, d. 1881;
to Charles Fawcett Neville Rolfe, d. I869, and his son, Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office.-Mrs. Lilian
d. 1858; an ancient brass effigy let into a stone slab and Mary Jones, sub-postmistress, London and other
·fixed in the west wall and a brass recording the charities letters are received through Lynn by mail cart,
left by Mrs. Catherine Frances Rolfe in 1837: there are arrive at 6 & by train at Io.IS a.m. & 4·35 p.m. &
other memorials to the Rolfe family, 1766-r817; Dorothy are dispatched at 10-40 a.m. & 5-45 p.m.; sundays,
Mary Micbel, d. 1807; to the Elsden family, 1795-1834; arrive at 6 a.m. ; dispatched 5·45 p.m
Ann Ogle, d. 1824; Mary Magdalen Tryon, d. 1780; Wall Letter Boxes.-Malthouse row, cleared 9·45 a..m.
Nicolas Styleman, d. r83o, and Martha Cobb, of Margate, & 5·5 ·p.m.; no sunday collection; Station road,
d. I 819 : built into the wall of the north aisle is a .fine deared 9·45 a.m. & s.20 p.m. ; no sunday collection
'filonnment, with Latin inscription, to Robert Redmayne Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in
1D.L. a mayor of Lynn, d. 1625 : an oak screen divides 1907, for 200 mixed & no infants ; average attend-
·the chancel from the nave, and the font is also of ance, 210 mixed & 97 infants; Frederick Suter,
early date : the windows contain some ancient stained master; Miss M. Utting, infants' mistress
glass, and there are 300 sittings. The register dates Railway Station, William Clarke, station master
-from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Carriers.-Cubitt Patrick & Charles Chapman, to Lynn,
value £170, with 7~ acres of glebe, in the gift of tues. thurs. & sat. ; other carriers pass through for
·Charles Edward Strachan esq. J.P. and held since 1873 Lynn
PBIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Brevett Mrs. Neville road Duffield J. Lionel, Summerhill cot
Bath Miss, Summerhill cottage Brown George B. M. Manor house ffolkes Mrs. Station road
·Beck Miss, Fridham, Station road Campbell Mrs. Summer hill Frory Charles, Primrose house
· Bedingfeld Mrs. Rose cabin Clark Joseph, Hornsea villa Gemmell Miss, The Cabin
"'Black Mi-ss, Church house Clifford Miss, Wilton road Goodall Strickland :M.D. Harlech
Blakeley Mrs. Heacbam house · Coates Daniel John, Drift cottage Gunther Robert, Park house
BJatchford Robert, The ::'ti"ew cottage Day Rev.William Alex. B.A. Grenaun l H:J.d!ey William Sbeldon, Shallcross
Hebblethwaite Rev, .A.lbert B.D. Sea- Carne Frank, draper, Station road & MacCulloch Robert, farmer, Mount
forth house grocer, High street Pleasant farm
Heugh Mrs. Fern house Chadwick & Co. photographers ~ace Trafalgar, photographer
Hill Col. .Toseph Robert, Wilton road Chapirum Alec, fishmonger Mallett Granger, fancy repository
Ives .Mrs. ~eville road Chapman Charles, carrier Margetts Sydney, wine & spirit mer-
Jackson James M.A., D.L., J.P. The Chapman Ephraim,Fox & HoundsP.H chant, High street
Homemead Chapman Mary Howard (Mrs.), Massingham Leeder,West Norfolk hotd
Kay John Dowie, Allendale laundry, Poplars road Masters John Robert,baker,Neville rd
Land Miss, Station road Chapman Thos. William, apartments, Morris .Tames, surveyor & sanitary
Lawson Charles, The Cot Victoria villas, Poplars road inspector to the Rural District
Lewis Alfred Chilvers & Son,nurserymen & florists Council, N eville road
Lowerison Bellerby, Ruskin school 1 Cox Annie & Martha (Misses), apart- Moulam Percv, •
hav• & straw dealer
X eville-Rolfe Chas. Wm. The Windmill ments, The Poplars Newton Geo. Wm. beer retlr. High st
Xeville-Rolfe Mrs. The C<lttage Cross Waiter, farmer, Home farm Nobes Alice (Mrs.), laundress
Oliver Col. Lionel Grant, Summer Crown Frances (Miss), confr. High st Nobes Robert, farmer
hill; & Army & Navy club, Lon- Darby Roht. Geo. greengro.Station rd Nourse James Josiah, bricklayer
don SW Dodman Edmund,grocer,Burnham ho Oddfellows (Mancheste1: Unity)
Patchett Charles Ingamells, Heacham Elliot & Co. furniture & antique dlrs (Princess Royal Lodge, No. 4,7Io)
buttom (letters addressed, Snettis- Evans Albert, painter (James Morris, sec)
ham, Lynn) Fa:yers Wm. Hy. aparts. Station road Parker H. R. (Mr-S.),apartments,Wbit-
Pa trick Ro bert, Poplars road Featherhy Jas. B. plumber,Station rd field house
Pbillips CanonStephen D.D.Station rd Fuller Fred, aparts. Westwood house Parker Harry Rt.grocr.Manchester ho
Pole H. L. de la, N eville road Fuller Thomas, beer retailer " Patchett Chules Ingamells, farmer,
Pollicutt Richd. Henrv, •
Old School ho Gamble M. E. (Miss), Roxburgh Heacham bottom (letters addressed
Pull Reginald, Arcadia, Station road boarding house, Neville rood Snett1sham, Lynn)
Rix John, Ivanhoe Giddings John, apartments Patrick Cubitt, carrier
Rolls William, Glenorchy, Poplars rd Gotts Charles William, baker Perfitt William, grocer & draper
Scritton Edward William, Hawksfold Gosling Herbt. aparts. Chester house Playford BMthers, agents for G-reat
Seaton Horace, Sea view Graver Hy. Neale, butcher,Station rd Eastern Railway
Sevier .Alfred Hvman•
M.B. The Grove Graver Percy G. F. cycle agent Pooley Harriet (Mrs.), apartments
St. c •• cer Miss, Chesnut cottage Groom Saml. boot repairer, Caley rd Pnll Eustace vVm. plumber, glazier &.
Stewart Mrs. Cockburn Heacham Brick & Tile Works (Chas. painter
Strachan Charles Edward J.P. Baney, manager ) Pull Reginald, butcher & insur. agent
Heacham hall Heacham Cricket Club (Fredk. Suter, Rauds Susannah (Mrs.), apartments,
Strachan Wm. Lumden,The Dower lo ban. sec. & treasurer) Portland villas, High street
Strangleman Arthur Heacham Football Club (H. Goddard, Robertson George Long, farmer,Malt-
Thomp1o1on Rev. George Thomas B.A. hon. sec) house farm
(vicar) Heacham Museum & Reference Rolls Chas. ironmonger, agricultural
Thorne Fredk. Gordon, The Willows Library (Frederick Suter, hon. sec) implement agent, china dealer &
Tarry Charles, :Mill ho•1se Hill John Thomas, grocer · oil merchant, Poplars road

Charles Brar.don Lea M.A. Hodgetts John Edward, farmer, Yew Roxburgh Boarding House & Circu-
Holly lodge Tree farm lating Library (M:iss M. E. Gamble,
Wa tson .Mrs. Al wvn, •
N eville road Hook John, carpenter, High street proprietress), N eville road
Wolfe Mrs. The Limes Horn Arthur, grocer, High street Russell Benjamin F-arrow, baker, con-
Howard Agnes (Mrs.),aparts.Fern vils fectioner & assistant overseer
COMMERCIAL. HowardJn.aparts.BPnbro viLWilton rd Salter Chas. Bertram,butcher,High st
Internatwnal Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. Sergeant Thomas, hair dresser
.Alien Mabel (Mrs.), midwife High street Sevier Alfred Hyman M.B., C.M.
Alien Thomas, blacksmith, High st Jarrett James apartments, Bedford Edin. physician, The Grove
Alien Watson, wheehuight, High st villa~. Poplars road Sharpe .Arthur, head gardener to C.
Ames F. & Co.photogrphrs.Station rd Jarvis Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, E. Strac'han esq
Asher Arthur, chimney sweeper Salisbury terrace Spencer Ebenezer Albert, saddler,
Beck Alice (.Miss ),girls' boarding schl Jarvis Waiter, butcher, High street Station road •
Benstead Thomas, beach officer Jary Arthur Ernest, boot ma.High st Spencer George W, baker,High street
Boa m J oseph Ltd. coal merchants Jennings Edward, carpenter &c Taylor John, insur. agent, Statjon, rd
Badger John William, chemist J ewell Elias Ro bert, fruiterer Territorial Battalion (5th) Norfolk
Bone Horatio George, cycle agent Joyce Stepben Matthew, blacksmith Regiment (Deta.chment of B Co.)
Bovrn1an-Woods J ames, apartments, Kemp Lilian Mary (Miss), stationer (Lieut. S. A. T. Coxon, command-

Clapham house & sub-postmistress ing; Color-Sergt. Harry Lynn,drill
Bradfield Thos. china & glass dealer Knight Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartmehts, instruct-or)
Bransby L. M. (Miss), private school, Garner villa Towner Frederick, Wheatsheaf inn
. Lake Miles Senior, carpenter Tuck Wm. aparts. Trenowarth cot
Brasnett Horace Edward, apartments, Leake Frank, commercial traveller, White William W_ T. wheelwright
N eville road Glenview, Poplars road Williams Nathnl. aparts. Thurlow ho
Brasnett John Lewis, farmr.Caley fm Le flay Mary (Mrs. ),aparts. Ferneleigh Wilson James. farmer, Beach farm
Bray Benjamin, farmer Lewis Brothers, monumental masons Witton Thos.Wm.builder & wheelwght
Bray William, coal dealer Lewis Alfd.miller (water),Caley mills Woodbine William., carter
Bray William, hair dresser, High st Lowerison Bellerby,preparatory school Woods Ernest, boot maker
Bridges Ernest Reu, gamekeeper to for girls & boys (boarding only). Wright Fredk. R. S. butcher,High st
C. E. Strachan esq Ru,kin School home \Vright Herbert. grocer & draper
Brown George B. M. farmer, Manor ho Lyon Ernest, apartments, Dora cot

HECKINGHAM is a parish and scattered village on dence, in the gift of Nicholas Henry Bacon e;;q. and
the Chet, 6 miles north-vrest from Beccles station on held since 1905 by the Rev. Henry John FeTrall B.A. of
the Ipsll"ich and Yarmouth sEction, and 3 south-west Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge: the impropriate
from Reedham station on the Norwich and Yarmouth tithes have been commuted at £204 yearly. The poor's
and Lowestoft sections of the Great Eastern railway, 1~ land is 2a. 3r. 3Bp. ; the proceeds, amounting to about
east from Loddon, i11. the Southern division of the £4 ros. yearly, are distributed in coals tD the dB.I1erving
county, Clavering hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty poor of the parish. The Loddon and Clavering Union
sessional division and union, county court district of HDuse, situated in this parish and erected in r764, 'was
Bungay and Beccles, rural deanery of Brooke (Eastern partially destroyed by fire in 1836; for particulars of
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor- union see Loddon. Nicholas Henry Bacon esq. of
wich. The church of St. Gregory is a small structure Raveningham Hall, who is lord of the manor of Dages
of flint with a thatched roof, in the Norman style, with Heckingham, and Thomas Robert West e8q. of
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch with a fine Bales House, are the principal landowners. The soil i11
Norman arch and an octagonal western tower containing mixed; subsoil, sand, brick earth, clay and gTavel. The
one bell: in rgii the church roof was reed thatched at chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is
a cost of about £1oo: the church was reseated in oak in 1,099 acres; rateable value, £1,078; the population in
I Bgg, and p.ow afford~ I30 sittings. The register dates I9II was 2JI, including 8 officers and 74 jnmates in the
from the year I542· The living is a vicarage, anne:xed Loddon Union Workhouse.
to that of Hales, joint net yearly value £g6, with resi- Parish Clerk, Thomas Bexfield_

Wall Letter Box, cleared 8 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. week days Public Elementary School, erected in 1878, at a cost of
only. Letters t.hrough Norwich, arrive 7.40 a.m. [5oo, & enlarged in 1903, for 100 children; average
Loddon is the nearest money order & telegraph office, attendance, 78 ; Miss J essie M. Hoyle, mistress
I~ miles distant Clerk to the school managers, George Frederick Fisher,
I Hales
Ferrall Rev. Henry John B.A. (vicar), Cox Albert Arthur Edward, master Meen George & Frederick, farmers,
Parsonage of Loddon workhouse i Little Church farm
COMMERCIAL. Ford Stephen Edmund, farmer, Oxbury Chas. Hy. egg & butter mer
Burget>s George, farm bailiff to the Beacon farm West Thos. Freston, farmer, Old hall

exors. of N. H. Hayward esq. Hill Galer Charles, farmer & fruit grower Westrup Ho race, farmer, Church farm
farm Rolman Palmer, farmer, High Rouse Woods Saml. gamekeeper to Nicholas
Cook William, boot maker farm I H. Bacon esq. Heckingham Carr
HEDENHAM is a parish and village 2~ miles north- j a year; there are also two cottages, let for £9 1os.
west from Ditchingham station on the Waveney Valley which sum is applied to the use of the parish. Crisp's
section of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles north-west charity, producing about £1 13s. annually, is for ecclesi-
from Bungay and 11 south-east from Norwich, in the astical and educational purposes. On January 7• 1858.
Southern division of the county, Loddon hundred, Loddon in a field near the brickkiln, a discovery of Roman
and Clavering petty sessional division and union, Bungay pottery was made, including two or three urns, one of
cacnty court district, rural deanery of Brooke (Eastern which, interesting in form and containing bones, was
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. saved. Hedenham Hall, an ancient mansion of brick, is
A. small stream flows through this parish. :J'be church now the residence of Miss Carr. William Carr esq. of
of St. 'Mary the Virgin is a building of flint and rubble, Ditchingham Hall, who is lord of the manors of Heden-
chiefly in the Early English and Decorated styles, con- ham and Hedenham Park, and Capt. John Percy Meade,

sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled of Earsbam Hall, are the principal landowners. The

western tower containing 6 bells: the chancel is full of soil is clay, sand and gravel; subsoil, clay. The chief
monuments to the Bedingfield family, dating from 1590, crops are wheat, barley, clover and beans. The area is
and in the nave are several monuments to the Garneys r,8o2 acres; rateable value, [1,530; the population in
family: in 1865 the chancel was new-roofed and a new I9II was 212.
chancel arch built, and in 1885 an organ chamber 1

8Pxton, Frederick Sampson.

was erected and a new organ provided, . t' atth a cost
h Df
h Post Offi ce.-Mrs. S ara- h Ann J u b y, su b -postmistress. ·
a b ou t £ 350, d e f raye d b y su b scnp • t Iond .: e c urc d , L e tt ers from B ungav arnve · a t & 11 a.m. & 3.15
was th - oroug hl y res t ore d an d resea e 1n I 86 2-3, an . k d · d d' t h d t
ati or d s 150 s1 mgs. Th · t d t f th 1 p.m. wee· avs; 7-45 a. m. sun ays; 1spa c e a
e reg1s er a es rom e year & • . d ~ D ·t h' rr
Th 1. . . t t
1 1 £ 1 9.10 a.m. 5·~ p.m., sun avs, 9·1.) a.m. 1 c m,-
I559· e 1vmg 1s a rec orv, ne year y va ue
·me l u d'mg 29 acres of g Ieb e ·an d res1'd ence, m
. th e g"1'ft
2 1n11es
d.· t
1s ant,
1s t 11e · neares t money or d er &
t h ffi
of William Carr esq. of Ditchingham Hall, and held 1
e _egrap 0 ce . . .
since 1g 10 by the Rev. Thomas Herbert Bindley D.D. of . Pubhc Elementary Schoo_I, bUilt m 1874, & enlarged m
Merton College, Oxford, and rural dean of Brooke (East- I 18.98 & I~II, for So ch:ldren; average attendance, 40;:
ern division). The poor's land consists of a farm of Mrss Lomse Embry, mistress
54 acres, in the parish of Hempnall, let for about £35 'Carriers to Norwich & Bungay pass through daily
Bindley Rev. Thomas Herbert D.D. Blyt'h Wm. farmer, Woodhouse farm Freestone Edward, farmer,Tupgate fm
(rector & rural dean), The Rectory Brow'l. James, farmer & overseer, Goodrum Charles (.Mrs.), farmer
Carr Miss, Hedenham hall Hill House farm More William Richard John, farmer
Wallace Miss, The Lodge Brown Jn. Hy. farmer, Old Hall farm & overseer, Willow farm
Clntten George (exors. of). farmers, Porter Robert, cowkeeper
Hill farm Preston James, Mermaid P.H
Barker Ellis, black;;mith Farman Joseph, wheelwright Stone Frederick, farmer, Valley farm
Blyth Arthur Hy. farmer, Wood farm Folkard Jacob (.Mrs.), shopkeeper Utting WilliaJD., farmer
HEIGHAM is a 1-arish forming part of the City of Norwich.
H:ELHOUGHTON is a parish, three quarters of a West Raynham, and a fuel allotment of 20 acres, at
mile south-west from Raynham Park station on the Mid- present let for £10 yearly. The Marquess Townshend
land and Great Northern joint railway, which is in the is lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The
parish, and about ~ miles south-west from Fakenham, soil is of ~rood quality; subsoil, clay, brick-earth and
in the North Western division of the county, Gallow chalk. The land is cultivated on the usual four-course
hundred and petty sessional division, Walsingham union system. The area is 1,687 acres; rateable value,
and county court district, rural deanery {)f North Brisley' £r,sn; the population in 1911 was 326.
and Toftrees, archdeaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Nor- Parish Clerk William Barber.
wich. The church of All Saints is a plain building of . '
flint in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, Post _Office.-Herbert G. Roy, sub-postmaster. Lett~rs
nave and a western tower containing one bell: in 1890 the I arnve fiom Fakenham at 7·4° a.m. & 4·30 p.m.; dis-
church was thoroughly restored and reseated with open pa_tche~ at t8·4_5 a.m. & 5·55 p.m. West Raynham, l

benches and now affords 210 sittings. The register dates mlle d1stano, 1s the nearest money order & telegraph
from the year r540. The living is a vicarage, with that o~ce . .
of South Raynham annexed, joint net yearly value £ 23 5, Wa.l Letter Box, Raynham Park statron, cleared at 9
including 54 acres of glebe and residenee, in the gift of a.~. & 5-15 p.m. week days only . .
the Marquess Townshend, and held since 1905 by the P11bh~ ElementarJ: Schools (boys & mfants), for thrs
Rev. William Henry Johnson M.A. of Hatfield Hall, par1sh &_the panshes of Eas~, West & South Ra:rnham,
Durham, who resides at South Raynham. There is a erected m I857 & enlargJJd m 1~87, fo_r _I20 children;
Primitive Methodist chapel here, rebuilt in 1sso. The averag:e attendance, 64; Fredenck W1lhams, master.
ch 3 rities include a dole of £ 3 6s. Bd. yearly, the gift of The grrls attend the school at West Raynham
Lady Berkeley; a sum of £6 14s. 8d. alternately with Raynham Park Station. Henry Pycraft, station master
Francis Thomas William Burton George, blacksmith Nelson Robert, fishmonger
Young Mrs Butcher John A. farmer, Painswhin Ray Herbert G. grocer & draper &.
Francis Thomas William, farmer general supply stores, Post office
Knight Richard, coal merc'hant Scott J()hn, tailor
Burden Henry, Buck P.H l Matsell Joseph, boot & shoe maker Tuffs Thos. b~er retlr. & pork butchr
HELLESDON (or Hellesden) is a parish and village, has rso sittings. The register dates from the year 1513.
with a station on the Midland and Great Northern joint The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Drayton,
railway, and is about 2 miles north-west from Norwich annual value £7oo, with 53 acres of glebe, in the gift of
and us! !ram London, in the Eastern division of the the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1904 by the
county, Taverham hundred and petty sessional division, Rev. Arthur John Spencer M.A. of Trinity College,
St. Faith's union, Norwich county court district, partly Cambridge, hon. canon of Norwich, proctor in con-
within the county of the city of Norwich, and in the rnral vocation, rural dean of Taverham, and surrogate, who
deanery of Taverham and archdeaconry and diocese of resides at Drayton. The Norwich City Lunatic Asylum,
Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a small building of locally in this parish, is described under Norwich.
llint and stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Here also are the Links of the Royal Norwich Golf
nave, nort·h aisle, south porch and a wooden belfry wit,b Club, formed in 1893; there is a full course of r8
1pire containing one bell: the church was reseated holes, with a ladies' course of 9 holes, and a good Club
throughout in oak, and generally improved in 186g, and house on the ground. The Bishop of Normch is lord
of the manor. Charles Gambling Gowing esq. of the Sexton, Edward Paul.
Manor house; Thomas Arthur Cunnell, of Old Catton, Post Office, Lower Hellesdon.-George Blake, sub-post-
Norwich; John F. Gowing esq. of The Firs, and J. H. master. Letters received throu2"h Norwich & are
Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, are the principal land- delivered at 7· ro a.m. & 12.15 & 3 p. m. ; sundays, 7· ro
owners. The soil is sand and gravel; subsoil, clay, a.m.; & are dispatched at 7.10 a.m. & 12.15 & 5·55
limestone and gravel. The chief crops are of the usual p.m. ; sundays, 5·55 p.m. Upper Hellesdon is, the
kind, viz. wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area is nearest money order & telegraph office
r,r92 acres of land and 6 of water; assessable value,
£3,495; the population in 1911 was 826 for the whole Wall Box, Asylum, cleared at 12.5 & p.m.; sundays.
parish, including 59 officials and their families and 495 5·5° p.m
inmates in the Norwich City Lunatic Asylum. Railway Station, Horace Lon!?, !!tation master
Berners John An<;truther J.P. Belles- Wheeler Francis Darkins M.A., LL.D. Gowing Charles Gambling, farmer,
don house 'Bracondale cottage, Low. Helleosdon Manor house, Upper Hellesdon
Blyth William Thomas, Kolinbeigh, Wortabet James Rashid M.B., C.M. Gowing Frank, farmer, Hill house,
Lower Hellesdon Glas., D.P.H.Edin. & Glas. (assist- Lower Hellesdon
Gowing Charles Gambling, Manor ant medical officer), Norwich City Gowing John F. farmel", The Firs,
house, Upper Hellesdon Lunatic Asylum Upper Hellesdon
Gowing Frank, Hill ho. Low.Hellesdn COMMERCIAL. Read Henry, melon grower
Gowing John F. The Firs, Upper A.dcock & Co. tomato growers, Upper Royal 1\"orwich Golf Club (Campbell
Hellesdon Hellesdon. T A "Adcock, Belles- Steward esq. hon. sec.); offices,
Randall James Johnson, Riverdene, don;" T N 1172 King Street house, Upper King st
Lower Hellesdon Bloom Alfred William, farmer,
Rice David M.D.Brux., D.P.H.Vict., Lower Helleosdon
M.R.C.S.Eng. (resident medical Cunnell Charles, brick & tile manu- (The remainder of narn es in Relies-
supt.).~orwich City Lunatic Asylm facturer, Upper Hellesdon & Old don are now given under Norwich.)
Scott Miss, Hellesdon lodge Catton

HELLtNGTON is a parish and village, 4 miles south are several small bequests for t.he benefit of the poor,
from Buckenham station, on the Norwich and Lowestoft the principal being those of Messrs. Cocks, Seaman and
section of the Great Eastern railway and 6 south-east from Ba.rham. Sir Charles Henry Stuart Rich bart. of Devizes
Norwich, in the Southern division of the county, Loddon Castle, Wiltshire, who i~ lord of the manor, John
hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division Marcon esq. J.P. of Edgefield, Richard H. Denny esq.
and union, county court district of Norwich, rural deanery · of Manor Farm, FrMDingham, Norwich, and Doughty's
of Brooke (Western division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and Hospital, Norwich, are the principal landowners. The
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. John the Baptist . soil is mixed; subsoil, loam. The chief crops are wheat,
is a small building of flint and stone in the Perpendicular barley and roots. The area is 528 acres; rateable value,
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, with a fine £592; the population in rgii was 73·
Norman doorway, and a round western tower containing
one bell: the east window is stained: the church was Letters through Norwich, via Framingham Earl, arrive at
restored by Cyrus Gillett esq. of Holverston Hall, and has 8 a. m. Burgh Apton is the nearest money order office
8o sittings. The register dates from the year IS6 2 . The & Bramerton, about 1 mile distant, is the nearest
living is a rectory, net yearly value £85, including 12 telegraph 'ltation
acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir C. H. Stuart Rich hart Wall Letter Box cleared October to June IL55 a.m. &
and held since 1908 by the Rev. James Kemble Swin- July to September II.45 a.m. & 4 p.m. week days only
burne B.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge, who is The children of this parish attend Rockland St. Mary &
also rector of and resides at Rockland St. Mary. There Claxton schools
~lackE. M. & B. (Misses), farmers,
The Rookery
I Yallop George, market gardener
Yallop James (Mrs.), market gardenr

HEMBLINGTON is a parish and village, 3 miles I and Major Robert Herbert Heath Jary, of Bitteswell
north-east from Brundall station on the Norwich and Yar- Hall, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, and South Walsham,
mouth section of the Great Eastern railway and 8 east- : are the principal landowt!ers. The soil is mixed; sub-
by-north from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots.
county, Blofield and Walsham petty sessional division, The area is 749 acres; assessable value, £72l; the
Walsham hundred, Blofield union, NorwiP-h county court population in 1911 was 190.
district, rural deanery of Blofield and archdeaconrv and p . h Cl k Ed d C
d wcese of N orwic
. h . Th e c h urc h o f .a.1
• '1 S arn
. t s IS
. a -sma11 ans er ' war row e.
buildinO' of rubble in the Gothic style of the rsth century, Letters through Norwich arrive at 7 a.m. & are dispatched
consisti~g of chancel, nave, south porch and round western from Blofield cornt!r, which is the nearest post office, at
tower containing 2 bells: there are 130 sittinO's, The re- 6.40 a. m. & 4-45 p.m. The nearest money order &
gister dates from the year 1561. The living i~ a vicarage. telegraph office is at Blofield, about 2 miles distant
n~t yearly value £73, including 28 acres of g~ebe, in the Wall Letter Box cleared at a.m. & .40 .m.· no
grft of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. There 11 et" d 4 P '
. a ~l1sswn
1s . . roo~ here. Henry Randall Burrou~hes t co I' wn on sun av~ •
esq. of Burlingham Hall, who is lord of the manor, The children attend the Elementary School in Blofield
Cutton Miss Hargrave Arth. Chas. farmer, Hall fm :Mayer Benjamin, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. Jermy James Cutton, plumber &c Neave Waiter, farmer 0

Evans William Henry, thatcher Mas,;ingham Stephen, shoeing & Weston Godfrey William, fazmer
Feek John, wheelwright · general smith Withers William Bussey, bricklayer

HEMPN ALL is a parish and considerable village on son, who died of fever at Jubbulpore, India, 6 _Aug. r863,
the river Taas, 3! miles south-east from Flordon station and a brass tablet to the Rev. George Thomas Hall B.A.
on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great Eastern vicar here 1852-85, who died in 1885, and to six of his
railway, 9 south from Norwich and 7 north-west from children: the interior was thoroughly restored in 1857 at
Bungay, in the Southern division of the county, Depwade a cost of £r,4oo and affords 451 sittings, 323 bemg free.
hundred, petty sessional division and union, Harleston The register dates from the year 1560. The living is a
county court district, rural deanery of Depwade, arch- vicarage, net yearly value /.,220, including 48 acres of
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church glebe, in the gift of trustees, and held since 1904 by
of St. Margaret is an ancient building of flint with stone the Rev. Charles Edward Hignett Wilford. The Wes-
dressings, in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, leyan chapel here, erected in 1839, was rebuilt in 1895
consisting of nave, aisles, south porch, with priest's at a cost of £700; the Primitive Methodist chapel was
chamber over, used as a vestry, and an embattled west- built in r837· The land belonging to the Feoffee trust
ern tower containing 8 tubular bells, added in 1905, is now (1912) let for £8o a year gross rental; the net
and surmounted by a wooden bell-turret containing proceeds are apportioned as follows one fourth to the
a clock and one bell: an organ was provided in 1905 : County School Committee, one fourth to the repairs of
there are inscribed tablPts to the Rev. Robert Rolfe. the church, and the remaining two-fourths to be
B.A. 30 years vicar of this parish, d. 3 Nov. rBso; expended in coals to the poor, by a scheme approved by
Elizabeth, his wife, and two daughters; to the Rev. the Charity Commissioners. The poor's land allotment
Robert Rose Rolfe B.A. son of the above, 7 years produces £22 7s. 6d. yearly, which sum is principally
curate of this parish, d. 19 Aug. 1846; and Harriet applied in aid of the poor rates. Row's charity of ros.
Ann, his widow; and to Henry Robert Rolfe, his eldest yearly, left in 1662, and 3s. 4d. yearly from an unknown

donor, are distributed triennially in bread to the poor at Post, )1. 0. & 'l'. Office.-:March Hazell, sub-postmaster.
Easter. In June, 1854, in a field to the east of the Letters ·arrive from .Xor"ITich & are delivered at 7
church, remains were found of an extensive burying a.m. & 3 p.m. (letters to residents of Herr,pnall
ground of the British and ..inglo-Roman period, contain- Green are only partially delivered by the latter post,
ing cinerary urns, burnt bones and ashes ; the urns but others can have their letters upon calling);
measured 14 inches in diameter, and have been placed dispatched at u.5 a. m. & 5· ro p.m. ; sunday>, dis-
in the Brit,ish Museum. Here is a small cider factory, patched at p.m
established by Capt. Frederick William Crawshay. The
Wall Letter .Box, on The Green, cleared at 8.15 a.m. &
principal landowners are John Stanley Matt esq. of 4
4-40 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m
Curzon street, Mayfair, London W, who is lord of the
manor, Lieut.-Col. F. A... Irby, of .Boyland Hall, Morn- PubLc Elementary School, erected in r847 at a cost of
ingthorpe, Sir R. H. Inglis Palgrave, and tbe trustees £5oo, exclusive of the site, given by the late J. T.
of the late John Hotson esq.; there are also several ~iJtt esll. ~d. r885)&enlargedin1898,for 22ochildren;
small holders. The soil is clay; subsoil. clay and average attendance, r_s6; William :Morgan Roberts,
gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. master
The area is 3,659 acres; rateabl€ value, £3,920; the Police Station, Stephen Culley, acting sergeant
population in 1911 was 792.
Parish Clerk, Henry Bertram. Carrier to Nor-wich.-Henry Venables, on wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Drake Thomas James, farmer, Fair- Rackham Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Crawshay Capt. Frederick William, stead farm Read Samuel, builder
Hempnall house Dunthorne Bros. bakers & grocers 1 Reeder James, farmer, Wood farm
Hall ~rs. Old Manor house Edg-e William, chimney sweeper Richardson Flora & Clara (Misses),
Wilford Rev. Charles Ed-ward Hignett Ellie William, farmer, Lyndhurst dress makers
(vicar), The Villa Fairhead George, farmer , Riches Samuel, farmer
Forder William, farmer Roberts Edwin Thomas, wheelwright
COMMERCIAL. F1 ancis W alter William, shopkeeper Ro berts John, farmer
Alexander Granville Charles, farmer, Frascr Nairn l\f.R C.V.S. veterinary Roberts ~atilda Louisa (Miss),
The Grange surgeon teacher of music, The Hotl.ies
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court, Giddings Claudius Galen, farmer , Roberts Samuel, farmer
Poor Man's Friend) (Henry Buck, Goffin Robert, farmer : Russell Waiter William, saddler
sec.), meets at the Lord Nelson htl Hardy William, farmer. Grange farm Scamell William White, carpenter
Armes Thomas, farmer Hazell Ed ward (Mrs.), dress maker f Sporle Ernest, cow keeper
Barker Ambrose Arthur, farmer Hazell March, shopkeeper, Post office Sporle George John, farmer (letters
Eertram Henry, boot &i shoe maker & Bickling Coby Roberts, shopkeeper through Topcroft)
parish clerk Bowel Fred, farmer , Stammers Jn. Jsph. grocer & draper
Buck Henry, farmer & landowner & Independent Order of Oddfellows, Tweeddale Schreiber, frmr. Grove. fm
sec. to Feofee Truet, Fairstead ho Manchester Unity (The "Loyal Tye Charles, farmer
• Bullen Charles Warm all, watch maker Woodman" lodge) (Wm. W. Scar- Vincent John Ellis, Lord Nelson 1nn
Bullen Edgar J. W. cycle agent nell, sec.), meets at the Lord Nelson Vout Walt.Wm.miller(wind & steam)
Burdett Harry, Queen's Head P.H hotel Warmoll Charles Frederick, farmer
Bussey Joshua, farmer, Manor farm Lansdell Brothers, blacksmiths & landowner, Hill farm
Carver Sidney James, Swan P.H Lask~y Minnie (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wehb-Ware Hugh Robert M.A.Oxon.,
Crawshay Frederick William, cyder Legood Albert, hair dresser L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. phy-
manufr. Hempuall Cyder factory Martins Abraha~ Deacon, farmer, sician & surgeon & medical officer
Cnnningham Robert, farmer & pig dlr Road green & public vaccinator, sth dist. Hen-
Curtis Horace, King's Head P.H "ionrP Isaac, farmer slead union & 7th district, Depwade
Dicker!l()n Henry, farmer & thatcher Nash John, farmer union (surgery)
Do we Rab€rt J ames, farmer New!l()n William, farmer, The Firs Wilson Jo'hn Henry•. beer retailer
HEMPSTEAD is a parish about :a miles south-east oc:nd will seat roo persons. The reading room, formerly
from Halt station on the Eastern section of the Midland used as an infants' school, is a red brick building,
and Great Northern joint railway, and 11 south-west erected in 1877. John Henry Gurney esq. of Keswick
from Cromcr, in the Northern division of the county, Hall, is lord of the manors of Hempstead, Netherall and
Halt hundred, petty sessional division and county court Losehall, and the Marquess of Lothian is the chief lund-
district, Erpingham union, rural deanery of Halt and owner. The soil is light; subsoil, mixed. The cl.Jief
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of All crops are wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area is
Saints is a plain building and consists of nave, south porch 1,767 acres of land and ro of water; rateable value,
and a western tower of brick containing one bell: thr £1,428; the population .in 1911 was 259.
stained east window is a memorial, and was inserted in Parish Clerk~ John Wright.
r8J7{i by the Rev. Charles Louis Budd M.A. vicar 1873-Bg,
who also presented a carved oak reredos and massive Post Office.-Mrs. A. Kemp, sub-postmistress. Letters
brass lectern: there are roo sittings. The register dates from Holt; the delivery of letters & IJarcels com-
from the year r55 8. The living is a discharged vicarage, mences 7.10 a.m. & 4.50 p.m. (callers only); dis-
net yearly value £165, with 23 acres of glebe and resi- patched at g.3o a.m. & 4.50 p.m. No postal business
Oil sundays. The nearest money order offices are at
dence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich,
who are impropriators of the great tithes, and held since Baconsthorpe, Edgefield Green & Bolt. Baconsthorpe
I9II by the Rev. James Bobert Hamilton. The vicarage is the nearest telegraph office, 2. miles distant
house was erected· on the glebe in r876. The Wesleyan The children of this place attend the school in the adjoin-
chapel, built in 1895-6, is of local stone and red brick, ing parish of Baconsthorpe
Hamilton Rev. James Robt. (vicar~ Hage!1 Daniel Wm. frmr. Green farm Scarf! Robert, Hare & Hounds P.H
Morgan J. H. Brownwood Hagen John, farmer, The Hole farm Tatam Oecil G. farmer, Hempstead
Tatam Cecil G. Hempetead hall Hardy Richard, farmer Hall farm
COMMERCIAL. Kemp Adeline (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Tomlin John E. head gamekeeper to
Dixon Edward, White Horse P.H sub-postmistress J. H. Gurney esq
~EMPSTEAD with ECCLES is a parish on the ham, joint net yearly value £370, including 70 acres of
sea-coast, in the Eastern division of the cmmty, Tunstead glebe, with residence, in the gift of King's College,
and Rapping petty sessional divi!&n, hundred of Bap- bridge, and held since 1904 by the Rev. William Mareus
ping, union of Smallburgh, county court district of North Coghlan McAllister M . .A. of Queen's College, Oxford. The
Walsham, rural deanery of Waxham (Happing division). poor have pasture land here and the benefit of sume
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich; the parish anrl small charities. Harry Littlewoad esq. of Leeds, who
Eccles-by-the-Sea have been united. Hempstead villagP is lord of the manor, and Mrs. H. Barber, are the prin-
is 4 miles north-east from Stalham station on the Midland cipal landowners. The soil is good mixed; subsoil, ~and
and Great Northern joint railway, 8 east from North and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
Wahham and rB north-east from Norwich. The church The area is 1,209 acres of land, r of -water and 47 of
ni St. Andrew is an ancient building of flint and stone, foreshore; rateable value, £r,I83; the population in
with a thatched roof, in the Early English style, and 1911 was II3.
consists of chancel, nave, south porch and a low western Letters through Norwich arrive at 7.30 a.m. Stalham
tower containing 3 bells ; it was restored in r 879 and & Happisburgh are the nearest money order offices,
affords 130 sittings. The register dates from the yea:r & Palling is the nearest telegraph office, about 2 miles
'r707. The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Lessing- distant
The children of this place attend school at Lessingham kenny, who is also incumbent of Knocktopher, eo. Kil-
kenny, where he reside!!. The land here came into the
EOCLES-BY-THE-SEA is a village, 5 miles north-east possession of the Lombe family in I668. Edward Henry
from Stalham station on the Midland and Great Northern Evans-Lombe esq. of Tbickthorn, who is lord of the
joint railway and 9 east from North Walsham; it is manor, and G. Wilkinson esq. are the principal land-
united for parochial purposes to Hempstead, and is in owners. The soi! is good mixed; subsoil, sand, gravel
the rural deanery of Waxham (Tunstead division). The and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
church of St. Mary, with the exception of the tower, The area, rateabl\value and population are given with
was destroyed by the sea before r6o5 ; the tower fell Hempstead. .
during the storms of February, 1895· The living is u Letters through Norwich arrive at Lessingham, from
sinecure rect<Jry, net yearly value [41, including ro whence they are delivered, at 7.30 a.m. Stalham &
acres of glebe, in the gift of Edw. Henry Evans-Lombe Happisburgh are .th'8. nearest money order offices &
esq. and held since 1,886 by the Rev. Hugh Humphry5 Happisburgh il> the nearest telegraph office, about 3
B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and canon of Kil- miles distant
Wells Charles Herbert, farmer, The
COMMERCIAL. Manor house
HEMPSTEAD. 'Barber Hannah(.Mrs. ),frmr .Beach frm Wilkins William John, farmer-
Mc.A.llister Rev. Wm. Marcus Coghlan Gales Waiter, farm bailiff to Georg~

.\I..A.. (rector), The Rectory Hudson Barber esq. Heath farm ECCLES-BY-THE-SEA.
Wood .Xeville P. Church farm Lines Justinian Hy. market gardener Clements Fras. Geo.farmer,Manor fm
Pestle J ames, farmer, Castle farm

HEMPTON is a parish adjoining Fakenham, on the on the first Wednesday in September, which is princi-
south bank of the Wensum, in the North Western division pally for !>beep. The links of the Fakenham Golf Club
of the county, Gallow hundred and petty sessional divi- are in this parish. Here was once a priory, founded by
sion, Walsingham union and county court district, rural Roger de St. ~artin in the reign of Henry I. for Augus-
deanery of North Brisley and Toftrees, archdeaconry of tine canons, and dedicated to SS. Mary and Step hen;
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. Fakenham Town station, the revenue at the Dissolution, when there were four
on the Midland and Great Northern joint line, is locally canons only, was estimated at £39 os. 9d. The ~arqness
in this parish. The ruins of the ancient church, Townshend is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
situated in Shereford lane, have long since disappeared. The soil is gravelly; subsoil, brick ea.rth in many parts.
The present church of the Holy Trinity, begun in r855, The Green affords a large amount of pasturage, and the
consists of chancel only, built of stone, in the Early arable land is farmed on the usual Norfolk four-course
English style: a fine reredos was erected in r867, and system. The area is 532 acres, including about 70 acres
all the windows are stained: there are Bo sittings. The of common; rateable value, £I,657; the population in
register dates from the year 1856. The living is a 19II was 489.
vicarage, net yearly value £85, with 4~ acres of glebe Post Office, Hempton Green.-William Utting, sub-post-
and residt"~~.:e, in the gift of the Crown, and held since
master. Letters through Fakenham arrive at 6. IS
1966 by the Rev. George Smallpeice M.A. of St. John"s
a.m. & 3· 15 p.m.; sundays (letters only), 6. IS a.m.
College, Cambridge, who is also incumbent of the
Box cleared at 7·45 & 9·45 a.m. & 7·5 p.m. week days
sinecure rectories of Pensthorpe and Pudding Norton.
only. Fakenham, 1 mile distant, is the nearest money
A charity arising from 4a. 2r. 12p. of land in the
order & telegraph office
pari,;h of Shereford now (rgr2) produces £7 yearly,
which sum is distributed to &uch of the poor a-s have Wall Letter Box, Golf house, cleared at 7·45 a.m. & 7
a settkment in the parish. Hempton Green is cele- p.m. week days only
hrated for the three large cattle fairs which are held The children of this place attend the schools at Fakenham
upon it on Whit Tuesday and 22nd of November, and
FRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dewing & Ker;;ley Limited, millers. Huwes William, cowkeeper
Haker Charles corn & seed merchants; & at Huggins Francis, blacksmith
Banham Clare Fakenham :Meek Edwarrl. cowkeeper
Curson Geo. Robinson J.P.The Grove Edwards George C.C. general sec. National Agricultural Labourers' &
Edward;;; George C.C. Wensum house to the National Agricultural Rural Worker;;;' Union (George
Pike Miss Alice C. Wensum house Labourers' & Rural Workers' Union Edwards C.C. general sec.); regis-
Smallpeice Rev. George :M . .A.. (vicar), & member of the advisory com- tered office, Wensum house. Tele-
Vicarage mittee National Insurance Act, graphic address, "Wensum House,
rgr r, Wensum how;;e Hempton, Fakenham "
COMlllERCIAL. Palmer Edward, chimney sweep
Fakenham Poultry Society Limited
Early closing day, Wednesday I p.m. (H. S. Priest, sec.); egg depot, Pennell Ernest William, coal dealer
Bambridge Waiter Kerreson, King's Railway station Utting Wm. gr{)cer & draper;, Post off
Head P.H I Fisher I. W. & Sons, builders Williamson R. & Son, farmer;;;,A.bbey
Codling John, boot & shoe maker I Gates Edward, shopkeeper farm
Cole Wilson, cowkeeper Goggs Thomas Richard, miller (steam Wright William, cowkeeper
Dennis .Thmes, boot & shoe maker & & water) Yallop .A.rthur Edward, Bell P.H
rate collector Goodwms Arthur Frederick,Buck P.H

HEMSBY (or Hemesby) is a parish on the sea-coast, a single trust; the rents, amounting to over [53, are
with a station on the Midland and Great Northern joint distributed yearly in coals. Hemsby Hall, occupied by
railway, and is 6~ miles north from Yarmouth and 21 Waiter Scrimgeour esq. is a large mansion of red brick
north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the with stone facings, standing in extensive grounds. Mrs
county, incorporated hundreds and petty sessional division Julia Diana Lofthonse, who is lady of the manor, and
of East and West Flegg, county court district of Yar- the trustees of the late Mrs. T. Clowes are the principal
mouth, rural deanery of Flegg and a.rchdeaconry and landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The
diocese of Norwich. '!\he church of St. Ma.ry is a build- chief crops are wheat, barley, oats &c. The area is
ing of stone in tJ:le Perpendicular style, consisting of r,&}o acres of land, 43 of water and 27 of foreshore;
chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western assessable value, £2,894; the population in rgr I was ;- .,_.
tower containing a clock and 3 bells: the greater part of Post. M. O. & T. Office.-Mark Woolston, sub-po:o.t-
the building dates from about the middle of the rsth
century: it was restored in r868 at a cost of about master, Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth at 7·35
£1,200, largely at the expense of Robert Copeman esq. a. m. & 2.2o p.m.; dispatched, Oct. to June Lio & 6
and has 250 sittings. The register dates from about p.m. & July to Sept. 1.3o & 7 .P.m.; delivery on sun-
th e year I556 an d 1s· 1n . ·
· goo d preserva t"Ion. Th e 11v1ng days, 7-40 a.m.; dispatched 7 p.m
is a vicarage, net yearly valul'! £II6. including 25 acres Wall Letter Box at Railway station, cleared 12.45 &; 6 p_m
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Julia The Public Elementary School was opened 5 Jan_ I'J02,
Diana Lofthouse and W. G. B. Copeman esq. and held built to hold =2 children; average attendance, 155;
since 1896 by the Rev. Kemeys Leoline Pearce Church Richard Cobden Jones, master; Mn. Jones, in~ants'
Bagnall-Oakeley M . .A.. of Clare College; Cambridge. Here mistress
is a Congregational chapel, erected in I863, with sittings The School is controlled by a committee of 6 member.s;
for 250 persons, and a Primitive Methodist chapel. An Rev. K. L. P. C. Bagnall-Oakeley M . .A.. ch!;
ancient bequest of land of ro acres and an allotment J osrph Edmonds. correspondent
under the "Commons Inclosure .A.ct," of 15 acres, were Railwav St~tiou, Arthur James Ives, station maste-r
comolidated by the Charity Commissioners in 1873 int<J , Carrier to Yarrnouth.-Richard Gowen, jnn. wed. & ..sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bessey & Palmer Ltd. coal & coke mers Knights George, farmer
A.nson :Miss Blowers Henry, carpenter Lacey Stanley, beer retlr. Newport
Bagnall-Oakeley Rev. Kemeys Leoline Boddy George Frederick, farmer Lingwood Angelina (Miss), grocer
Pearce Church M.A.. (vicar), The Boulton Hy. market gardnr. & florist Myh1ll Robert, farmer, Decoy house
Vicarage · Burton Annie (~rs. ), shopkeeper My hill William Renson, farmer,
Cadoux Rev. Edward Henry (Con- Byatt Horace Charles, farmer Church farm
gregational), Tl,Je Manse Chaney Stephen, market gardener Xichols Albert Elijah, shopkeeper
Clipperton Robert John, Hillcrest Church Robert, farm bailiff to Mr. Nichols George, fish dealer
Cooper George George W. Daniels, Hall farm Nichols Joseph, boot & shoe maker
Daniel .\hsses Cubitt Stephen, pig dealer Nichols Percy Roy, dealer in cycle
Ferrier John A. H. Hemsby cottage Daniel;; George W. farmer accessories
Ferrier Richard F •. E.,F.S ..A.. Hemsby Durrant Fredk. Geo. baker, Mill ho Norton James, market gardener
lodge Durrant George, market gardener Olley George Henry, market gardener
Griffin Miss Edmonds Josep'h, collector of poor Porter Fuller, farmer
Harder Thomas J rates & ~he King's taxes & clerk to Salter John, shopkeeper
Nicholls Noah, Wombwell hom;e Parish Council, & farmer Sexton William, blacksmith
Parry Misses', Hill house Fakes Arthur Johnson, bricklayer Spooner Henry, market gardener
Scrimgeour Waiter, Hemsby hall Fowler William, beer retailer Tenant George, market gardener
Thurgar Wm. Augustus, Eastcroft Fuller Albert, pig dealer Thompson Charles, boot & shoe repr
Winter Harry Fuller George, market gardener Thurtle Albert, Bell inn
Gowen Richard, jun. market gar- Thurtle Elijah, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. dener & carrier Trett Thomas, market gardener
Alien Albt. Edwd. pork btchr. & frmr Harbord George, carpenter Trett Thomas N. painter & house
Alien Clifford, butcher .liarbord Waiter, bricklayer decorator, paperhanger &c
Alien John, butcher King Albert, farmer Tun gate lVilliam, farmer
A.mis Boardman John, insurance agt King Ernest, coal agent Turner Arthur, coal dealer
Beech .Albert Adrian, builder & brick King James, market gardener & frmr Woolston Mark, grocer, Post office
maker I King Leonard, carter & farmer Wyer George •. blacksmith & shopkpr
HETHEL is a parish and village of scattered houses, is pleasantly situated, and surrounded by a moat, which
3 miles south from Hethersett station on the Thetford still remains full of water. Near the church is an ancient
and Norwich section, about 2 north from .Ashwellthorpe thorn tree, known as "Hethel thorn," and said to date
station on the Wymondham and Forncett branch of the from the time of King John. Hethel Hall, the property
Great Eastern railway, 7 south-west-by-south from Nor- of Sir M. C. Boileau bart. of Ketteringham Park, is a
wich and 4 east from Wymondham, in t!he Southern divi- modern mansion, occupying the site of the old Hall,
sion of the county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, pulled down in 1825; it stands in a small park, and i~
Humbleyard hundred, Henstead union, Wymondham occupied by Capt. Frederic Godfrey Bird R.N. Potash
county court district, rural deanery of Humbleyard, arch- Farm House is t·he property of Sir M. C. Boileau bart.
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church and at present held by Mr. William Harmer. John
of All Saints is an ancient building, chiefly of flint and Henry Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, who is lord of the
brick, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, north aisle manor, John Henry Steward esq. of Gowthorpe Manor,
and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, contain- Swardeston, and Sir M. C. Boileau bart. are the prin-
ing one bell: in the porch is a holy-water stoup, and on cipal landowners. The soil is heavy and mixed; sub-
the north side of the chancel is a handsome monument, soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans,
with arms and recumbent effig"es, to Myles Branthwaite, turnips &c. The area is I,443 acres; rateable value,
ob. I612, and his wife; at the side are kneeling figures £1,238; and the population in I91I was I56.
of their three children: there is also a brass to Elizabeth Sexton, William Randall.
Branthwaite, their daughter, ob. I62I, and marble tab-
lets to William Branthwaite, serjeant-at-law, ob. 1729, Ldters from Non-rich, via Bracon Ash, arrive at about
and to Anna Bettina Finch, eldest daughter of Thomas 7 a.m. & 3 p.m. & are dispatched at n a.m. & 6.45
Beevor esq. of Shelford, Cambs. ob. 1780: there are wo p.n1. Letter Box, Hethel Cross roads, cleared at 7
sittings. The register dates from the year 1709. The a. m. & 6. w p.m. week days & 7 a.m. sundays.
living is a rectory, net yearly value £3oo, with 6o acns The nearest money order office is at Wreningham, &
of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held telegraph office at Mulbarton, about 2 miles distant
since 189-t by the Rev. Herbert Henry James Steward The children of this place attend the Council !!chool at
Th. A.ssoc. of King's College, London : the rectory-house Bracon Ash
Steward Rev. Herbert Henry James, Harmer Wm. farmer, Potash farm
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Theo . .Assoc.K.C.L. Rectory ~illard Geo. farmer, Corporation farm
Bird Capt. Frederic Godfrey R.N. COMMERCIAL.

Frederick William, farmer,
Hethel hall; & United Sl'rvice dnh cake, manure & seed merchant &
Myhill Frederick Charles, Church Hammond Harry, thrashing machine cCJl!ector of taxes, The Red house
Farm house proprietor & agricultural enginerr, R:;ckhnm George lVm. farmer, Hill ho
Wood house i RDwe Edgar, farmer, Neal's farm
HETHERSETT is a parish and an extensive and very tory, net yearly value about £495• including 58 acres
pleasant village on the high road from London to Nor- of glebe and residence, in the gift of Caius College,
wich, with a station in Ketteringham parish, I mile south Cambridge, and held since 1903 by the Rev. John Still
from the village, on the Ely and Norwich section of the M.A. of that college, vicar of l(etteringham, hon. canon

London, 4 north-east from Wymondham and 5'

Great Eastern railway, and is 105 miles by road from of Norwich and rural dean of Humbleyard. There is a
south- Wesleyan chapel here, seating about zoo, and a Baptist
west from Norwich, in the Southern division of the chapel. The charities, now consolidated, amount to
county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Humble- [.6o yearly, of which £4o is distributed in clothing and
yard hundred, Henstead union, Norwich county court £2o applied to educational purposes. The "Oak of
district, rurlll deanery of Humbleyard, archdeaconry of Reformation," under which Robert Ket and his followers
~orfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. took a solemn oath to reform the abuses of Church and
Remigius, built about 1350 on the site of an earlier State, in the insurrection of I5-t9• is still standing on
structure, is a plain building of flint in the Late Decor- the high road from Wymondharn to Hethersett. In the
ated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north year r8oo the common and village green were inclosed,
porch snd an embattled western tower with small and the parishioners claimed and obtained part of
wooden spire containing 8 bells: the chancel, which had Wymondham common as being within this parish, on
been in ruins since 1535, was rebuilt in r8g8 : the orgun the ground that they had buried a dead man found
was given by the late Henry Back esq. in 1874: in the upon it after the parish officers had refused to inter
south aisle is an altar-tomb of the 14th century, with him. Thickthorn Hall, a modern residence standing in
effigies, to Sir William Bernak and Alice his wife, and a fine park of about 130 acres, and the property of John
a mural monument with arms to haac Motham, 1703-4. Henry Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, is occupied by
and Elizabeth, his wife, 1699: there is a memorial E. H. Evans-Lombr esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. Hethersett
window to the Rev. Arthur Taylor, formerly vicar of Hall, the seat of l\Irs. Henry Back, is a large modern
Paston, d. 4 Feb. 1881, besides others: the pulpit, of mansion on the south side of the village, near the
"ak, is a memorial to Jeremy Day, rector of this parish, church, seated in a park of about 78 acres. Hethersett
I820-55. d. I Nov. I855: the church was reseated in Old Hall, the seat of Mrs. R. C. Ransome, originally
1857, and has since been restored, and was decorated built about the 15th century, was much enlarged in
in I 874: there are 400 sittings, 240 being free. The 1774, and again in I904, and has a fine avenue of chest-
re2'ister nates from the year 16r6. The living is a rec- nut trees; the estate is 6o acres in pxtent. William
Henry Back esq. who is lord of the ~anor, John Henry Queen's Head, cleared 12. 15, 5-30 & 6.55 p.m. week
Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, and Sir Maurice C. days; sundays, 9 a.m
Boileau bart. of Ketteringham Park, are the principal Schools.
landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, clay. The . . .
chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips, hay and beetroot. Public Eleme~tary (mixed & mfants), erected in 186o,
The area is 2 ,6 95 acres; rateable value, £s,8 42 ; the ! for 127 children; average attendance, 100; Edwin
population in 1gii was 1, 093 . , James Stace, master; Mrs. Alice Elizh. Stace,mistress
Parish Clerk, Samuel Moore. I Public Ele~entary (mixed & infan_ts), erected abont
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Walter Nicholas Buckingham, I 1837• & smce en~arged, for 124 chil~ren; average at-
sub-postmaster. Letters received through Norwich by ' tendance. 65; Miss Rosa Cullnm, mistress
mail cart at 5-30 a.m. & 3·45 p.m. ; dispatched at Railway Station, Charles Harry Chissell, station master
12.35, 5·55 & 6.50 p.m.; on snndays at 5-55 p.nL Carriers to Norwich.-W. Woolner, of Hethersett, wed.
Pillar Letter Boxes, at Orchard Lodge, cleared at 12.5, & sat.; Stubbs, of Wymondbam, passes through man.
5.20 & 7-5 p.m. week days; sundays, 8.I5 a.m.; Jiill 1 wed. fri. & sat.; Mallows, mon. wed. & sat.; Balls,
road, cleared at I2.25 & 6.30 p.m. week days; sun- mon. wed. fri. & sat.; Clabburn & Potter, from
days, g.5o a.m.; Wymondham road, cleared at 11.45 Attleborough, wed. & sat.; Purdy, from Rockland,
a.m. & 4-55 & 6.25 p.m. week days; sundays, 8 a.m.; wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Bennett George, coal dealer I Hickling Herbt.saddler & harness ma
Andrews William H. M. Wood hall Buckingham Frederick Herbert, I Hood Waiter, farmer
Back Mrs. Henry, Hethersett hall artesian well borer & sinker, Hotchin George, farmer,Cantley farm
Back William Henry, Hurn house pumping engineer, wood pump (letters through Eaton)
Bailey Herbert, The Willows maker, builder, plumber & painter Howard Lucy Hannah (Miss),Q,ueen's
Bainbridge Florance .A.nthony, Cedar Buckingham Waiter ~icholas, iron- Head P.H
g1ange monger, Post office Howard Jeremiah, pork butcher
Buckingham Nicholas, The Hollies I Ca lJle .Ann a (Mrs.), beer retailer Livick-Smith J acob,farmer,Lynch grn
Chamberlin Capt. Frederick George, Carter .A.lbert, tailor Lusher John, grocer & draper
Church house Childs Harry Herbert, cycle agent Meek William, King's Head P.H
Deacon G. Edward Childs William Jame.>, boot maker, Miller James Leonard, harness maker
Doggett Frederick William, Hill ho rate collector, assistant overseer &. ~filler· James Leonard,jun.harne.>s ma.
Gaze .A.rthur William, Holly cottage clerk to the Parish Council Moore George, head gardener to Mrs.
Harvey George, Ivy cottage Childs William James, jun. boot & H. Back
Haynes Leonard George, Beulah ho shoe dealer ~Ioore Herbert Millett, farmer, Plane
Bill Mrs. Shrublands Curson John Henry, blacksmith Wood farm
Lombe Edward Henry Evans- B..A.., Cur~;on Robert, builder, contractor, Moore Saml. shoe ma. & parish clerk
D.L., J.P. Thickthorn wheelwright, pump maker & well Neave Ernest, butcher
Mills John H. Orchard lorlge sinker Peele Ernest, farmer, White Hall frm
Raikes Mrs Curson William .A.. butcher Poll Wallace Wm. farmer, Beech gro
Ransome Mrs. R. C. Old hall Dann .A.nn (Mrs.), butcher & farmer Pumfrey Ann (Miss) & Dodman Fdk,
Roberts Mrs. Sunnyside Davy Arthur Charles, cycle agent William, farmers, Station farm
Robertson Mrs Dea~on Geo. Edward M.R.C.S.Eng., Richardson Edward, farmer
Saxby Mrs. T. W. Lauriston L.S . .A.. surgeon, & medical officer Sadd W. J. fruit & poultry farm,
Still Rev. Canon John M . .A.. (rector & public vaccinator, 3rd district, The Berries
& rural dean), Rectory Henstead union. T N I Eaton Sharman Frederick, grocer
Vince Miss Harris Charles, farm bailiff to .A.. J_ Smith Berbert, baker
1 Cubitt esq. Thickthorn farm Smith William, Greyhound P.H
Harrison Edward, farmer tStrudwick Harry, farmer
Marked thus t receive letters through Harvey J. & Co. agricultural imple- Wade William, coach builder
Little Melton. ment makers (speciality, chaff Warman George William, farmer
Aldborough Robert, market gardener engines & horse hoes) & wheel- tWoodrow John, market gardener
Bailey Bros. builders & wheelwrights wrights (Charles Smith, manager) Woolner gdnr. & carrier
Bailey William, grocer & draper Hethersett Cricket Club (Waiter N.
Barham Frederick H. market gardenr Buckingham, hon. sec)
liEVINGHAM is a. parish and widely scattered village school house and 5 acres of land, the proceeds of which
on the road from Norwich to Cromer, 3 miles west from are applied to the clothing of 10 children and the main-
Buxton Lamas station on the East Norfolk section of the tenance of elementary education; Beevor's charity con-
Great Eastern railway, 3~ south from Aylsham and 8 sists of a sum of £wo in Consols, the interest on which
north from Norwich, in the Northern division of the is spent annually in gifts of coal to the poor; there is
county, South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional also a poor's allotment of I46 acres of common land.
division, .A.ylsham union and county court district, rural Rippon Hall, a mansion of brick in the Elizabethan
deanery of Ingworth (South division) and archdeaconry style, is the seat of Major Henry Savill Marsham D.L.,
t!nd diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Botolph is a J.P.: the park attached to it, but about a mile fr(J[Il
large edifice of flint, in the Gothic style, consisting of the mansion and containing I8o acres, was granted in
chancel, nave, south transept, south porch and western 1284 to the Bishops of Norwich, who had a palace h~re,
tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells, re hung in I902 and in IS 18 Henry VIII. gnnted it t<l Sir James Bulleyn,
to commemorate the Coronation of the late King Edward of Biickling, from whom it descended to the Hobarts,
VII. : the font is arcaded and enriched with sculptured afterwards Earls of Buckinghamshire, and was sold by
figures much defaced : a stained window was erected in them to the Marsham family in 16so. Major Henry
188I by the late Rev. Henry Philip Marsham LL.B. of Savill Marsham, who is lord of the manor of Catscum-
Rippon Hall (d. 1892): the church was completely 1e- Cricketots, and Mrs. Buxton, of Bolwick, are the prin-
tored and reseated in I88r, and in r894 the roof of the cipal landowners, and the Rev, C. C. Lanchester M.A.
nave was thoroughly restored, at a cost of £s8o, in Eng- of The Shrublands, Heigham, is lord of the manor of
lish oak, and is an exact reproduction of the original, the Hevingham-with-Marsham. The soil is mixed; sus boil,
work having been carried out under the superintendencl' gravel and sand. The chief crops are wheat, roots,
Df Mr. H. J. Green, architect and diocesan surveyor of barley and hay. The area is 2,881 acres; rateable value,
Norwich; the chestnut tree in front of the south porch £2,831; the population in I9II was 727.
was planted in 1610 and has a girth of I8 feet 9 inches: Parish Clerk, William Vincent.
-the church affords 250 sittings. The register dates from Post & M. 0. Office.-Mrs. Clara Crane, sub-postmis-
-the year r654. The living is a rectory, net yearly value tress. Letters received from Norwich at 4.30 a.m. &
J::,oo, including 33 acres of glebe and residence, in the 3 p.m.; delivery commences at 6 a.m. & 3-20 p.m. ;
gift of Sir Hugh Reeve Beevor bart. and held since I9o8 dispatched at 3 & 5-45 p.m.; sundays, 5-45 p.m. The
by the Rev. Joshua Harold Booth M . .A.. of St. Catharine's nearest teleg-raph office is at Marsham, 2 miles dis-
(;ollege, Cambridge. There is a Mission church in the tant. Wall Letter Box, Westgate, cleared at 6.30 a.m.
Buxton Heath road in which divine service is held evPry & 4 p.m. week days only
·Sunday evening. There are also Wesleyan and Primitive Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r875. at r..
Methodist chapels here. Bulwer's charity, being the in- cost of £6oo. for 140 children; average attendance.
terest on {.858 3s. rd. Consols, is distributed among the 122; James Elston, master; Miss M. Kidd, infants'
poor at Christmas_; Hall's charity consists of the old mistress
Bartlett Miss, Fair view Marsbam Major Henry Savill D.L .. Benton Henry, farmer, Ivy house (let-
BentDn Robert J.P. Ripp:m hall ters through Buxton)
Booth Rev. Joshua Harold M.A. COMMERCIAL. Benton ,TamPs. farmer, Avenue farm
(rector), Rectory !.lien James, coal dealer Benton William, farmer, Heath farm
Bircham Ja~. beer ret. Buxton heath 1 Grief John, farmer, Lodge farm Medler Chas. shopkpr. Buxton heath
Bircham John, market gardener Ha.nnant William, farmer Medler Thomas, shopkpr. Buxton hth
Buck Daniel, grocer & draper Horner Charles, gamekeeper to Major .Wedler ·wal ter, farmer
Bunn Ern est J ames, Sir John Barley- Marsh am ~orton Arthur, poultry dealer
corn P.H Jay William, market gardener Palmer Wm. Robt. builder & farmer
Burton Arth. Danl.farmer,Larkey's fm Kidd Horace John, builder Phil:i ppo J obn Green, farmer
Case William & Thomas Goold, Land William, farmer, Thatched farm Postle Cubitt Siely, baker
farmers, Rippon Hall farm Layton & Horsburgh, market gardnrs Ric;1es Robert, Fox P.H.; the best
Clarke Mires, builder Matthewson James & Son, drapers, stopping place for cyclists from Nor-
Cole John, beer retailer farmers, & steam grinding mills wich to Cromer
Crane Alfred Waiter, blackRmith • Matthewson Elliott, butcher & farmer, Rump John, blacksmith
Ellis John, Shopkeeper 1 Park farm Tallowin SamLJ. farmer,Grange farm
Fox Elijah, farm bailiff to Mr. A. Mayes Frederick, shoe maker Walker Arthur, farm bailiff to Geo.
J. Wood Medler Ernest Albert, pig dealer, Bux- Wood & Son, Woods farm
Gibson Waiter, farmer, Buxton heath l ton heath Wailer Waiter, Marsham Arms P.H
HEYDON is a parish and pleasant village, 2~ miles 1887 to commemo:rate the Jubilee year of the reign of
north fro:n Cawston station on the East Norfolk section Queen Victoria. Heydon Hall, the property of William
of the Great Eastern railway, 2 west-by-north from Dering Earle Bulwer esq. J.P. and residence of J_ E.
Bluestone station on the Midland and Great Northern Pope esq. is a mansion of red brick with stone dressings,
joint railway, 6 west from Aylsham and 14 north-west- erected in the reign of Queen Elizabeth (rS84): on the
by-north from Norwich, in the Northern divisi6n of the stone balustrade which adorns the roof are a number of
county, South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional quaint and curious figures, and above the doors are
division, Aylsham union and county court district, rural various shields of arms : near the hall is a large oak,
deanery of Ingworth (North division), and archdeaconry known as "Cromwell's Oak," the Lord Protector having
and diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. Peter and been a personal friend of Serjeant Erasmus Earle, one
Paul is a stately pile of flint with stone dressings, in of the commissioners who met at Uxbridge in Jan. r64S•
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, to negotiate the matters in dispute between the King
aisles, north and south porches and a lofty embattled and Parliament. William Dering Earle Bulwer esq.
western tower with pinnacles, containing 6 bells, which J .P. is lord of the manor_ The soil is sand and loam;
were re-hung and re-timbred in rgog: in the church subsoil, clay and graveL The chief crops are wheat,
are monuments and brasses to the Dynne, Earle and barley, roots and hay. The area is r,g76 acres of land
Bulwer families, and some stained glass : the nave, and 7 of water; rateable value, [1,744_; the population
chancel and south aisle roofs were thoroughly restored 1n - rgu was 220.
in 1894-S• and the lead recast and relaid under the '

superintendence of Mr. Herbert J. Green, architect, of Sexton, Ed ward N eale_

Norwich: there are ISo sittings, roo being free. The
register dates from the year IS38. The living is a Post Office.-Mrs. Sabina Daverson, sub-postmistress.
rectory, consolidated -.,ith that of Irmingland, joint net Letters received through Norwich at 7-35 a.m. & at
yearly value [3oo, including 25 acres of glebe, with 4-30 p_m_ to callers only; dispatched at 7-25 a.m_ &
residence, in the gift of W. D. E. Bulwer esq. J_p_ 4-25 p.m. week days only. Saxthorpe is the nearest
and held since rgo4 by the Rev. William Griffith Jones money order & telegraph office
M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. The handsome orna- Public Elementary School (miied), built, with residence
mental well on the village green, a structure of red for the mistress, by the late William Earle Lytton
brick with terra cotta dressings, was erected by the Eulwer esq. in I84z, for so children; average attend-
late Brig.-Gen. W. E. G. Lytton Bulwer (d. 1910) in ance, 43; Miss Emma Cockell, mistresss
COMMERCIAL. Manthorp Rosanna (Mrs.), Earle
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Beck Arthur C. estate agent to W. D. Arms P.H
Bulwer Sir Henry Ernest Gascoyne E. Bulwer esq. Estate office Pig-g Elijah, !!racer & draper
G.C.M.G Bramble James, wheelwright Riseborough William, gardener to
Bulwer William Dering Earle J_p Faircloth Chas. farmer, Ollands farm W_ D. E. Bulwer esq. J _p
Bulwer Miss, The Grange Grix Benj _ farmer, Crop ton Ball farm Savage Alfred, farmer ·
Jones Rev. Wm_ Griffith M.A.Rectory Grix George, farmer, Malthouse farm Shreeve Charles, farmer, Park farm
Pope ,J_ B. Beydon hall Howlett Benjamin, farmer, Dairy frm Wright John, head gamekeeper to
Juice John A. lime burner J. B. Pope esq
HICKLING is a large and scattered parish, 3 miles [ annually. A pleasure fair held on the 23rd of April is
north-east from Catfield station on the Midland and now obsolete. The inhabitants are employed in agricul-
Great Northern joint railway, 8 east from Worstead sta- ture or in the neighbouring North Sea fisheries. Hick-
tion on the Norwich and Cram er section of the Great ling Priory was founded by Theobald de Valoins or
Eastern railway, I6 north-west from Yarmouth, 3 south- Valence in n8s, for canons of the order of St. Austin,
east from Stalham and 18 north-west from Norwich, in and dedicated to St. Mary, St. Austin and All Saints:
the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead and Rapping Robert Botyld, alias Wymondham, became the last prior
petty sessional division, Happing hundred, Smallburgb in r5o3, and with three of the canons subscribed to the
uniun, North Walsham county court district, rural deanery King's supremacy in IS34• when the revenues were esti-
of Waxham (Bapping division), and archdeaconry and mated at £I37: the ruins of the priory are gradually
diocese of Norwich. About one-third of the parish may decaying. John Digby Mills esq. B.A. is lord of the
be 11aid to be marsh and common lands; the marsh lands manor and the principal landowner_ The soil is fair
are drained by water mills. Hickling Broad, an expans~ mixed; subsoil, sand and clay. The chief crops are
of water about 700 acres, is used by small craft to com- wheat, oats and barley. The area is 3,948 acres of land
municate with the river Bure. The church Lf St. Mary and 296 of water; rateable value, £s.455; the popula-
is a very fine building of flint and stone, consisting of tion in rgii was 76I in the civil and 721 in the eccle-
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled siastical parish in rgoL
western tower, go feet in height and containing· 5 bells: Parish Clerk, Augustus Myhill.
the nave was thoroughly restored in r87S at a cost of Post, M. 0. & T_ Office. James Turner, sub-postmaster.
£r,87'), and in the following year the chancel was re- Letters arrive from N orwicb, via Stalham, are de-
~tored at a further cost of £S73: in r8go the tower was
livered at 7 a.m. & 4-4S p.m_ (S·45 p.m. July to Sept.
restored, and the bells re-bung, two being recast, at a partial delivery only) ; dispatched at 6.4S a.m_ & 3 &
cost of about £6oo 1 by Major G. N_ Micklethwait in 4·45 p.m. (S·45 p.m. July to Sept.); no delivery or
memory of his brother, who w-as for 40 years vicar of dispatch on sunday. Letter Box, Hiclding hall,
thP parish: there are nearly 500 sittings. The register cleared 7· ro a.m. & 2.50 p.m
dates from the year r6s3- The living is a vicarage, net Letter Box, Hickling Heath, cleared 4-45 p.m. Oct. to
yearly value £270, including I6 acre~> of glebe, situated June & S-45 p.m. July to Septeml Jr
in the parish of Acle, with residence, in the gift of
John Digby Mills esq. B.A. of Bisterne, Hants, and belu Public Elementary School (mixed &. infants), erected in
since I88g by the Rev. Arthur Adam Taylor Crosse RA. I86r, & enlarged in 1874 & I 880, for I6o children;
of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The vicarage house average attendance, rss ; the schrJol has on endowment
was built in rBso by the patron, at a cost of about of £250 left by the Rev. John Wells & invested in
[I,4oo. There are Wesleyan and Primiti'l-·e Methodist Consols; there is a teacher's nsidence, erected & fur-
chapels. The poor's land of 83 acres produces about. nished in r879 at a cost of {,325 ; John Prickett, master
[5o, which is distributed in coals, and the widows' Carrier.-Walter Wallace, to 'Duke's Palace,' Norwich,
acre produces £3; other charities are also distributed wed. & sat. returning at 5 p.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Deary Artbur, thatcher Myhill Lewis, £armer
Crosse Rev. Arthur Adam Taylor B.A. Disney Robert J. farmer, Whinmere Neal George William, farmer, Stubbs
(vicar), Vicarage hall & Hall farms
Edgell Herbert, The Thatched cottage. Dunham Herbert, farmer N ewman John, farmer & landowner,
Elphicke Brett A. Broad house Flatt William ChaTles, coal dealer Priory farm
Ridgway Edward, Red house Fox Peter, butcher N udd Thomas, marsh man for the
Smith Herbert Norman, Hickling ball Gaze John, farmer commissioners of drainage
Gaze Juby, farmer Pullard Robert, blacksmith,The Green
COMMERCIAL. Gibbs Frederick, blacksmith Powles Edward George,Greyhound P.H
Abagail William, shopkeeper Gibbs Herbert Henry, shopkeeper Pratt Henry, Bull inn
Balls William, f.armer Harvey George, gamekeeper to H. N. Sadler Matthew, farmer, Winmere
Beale5 Albert, shopkeeper Smith esq Skipper John, farmer, The Heath
Be ales George, farmer Lambert Bros. bricklayers, builders Taylor Leonard, vermin destroyer
Beales George, jun. apartments & contractors Turner James, grocer, draper,-flour &
Bell J ames, farmer Lambert Frederick, boot maker offal dealer, & general stores, Post
Bilby Frederick Lewis, farmer & Markin Kate E. (Mrs.), butcher office
landowner, Poplar farm Martin John William, grocer Turner Richd.Frank,farmr. The Green
Carpenter Harry, Pleasure Boat inn Myhill Edward, carpenter, builder, Turner William, wheelwright
Ch~pman Arthur H. farrr,~r wheelwright & general contractor, Vincent Robert, vermin dest;royer
Chapman Ernest, farmer, The Heath overseer & collector of rates, taxes Wallace Waiter, carrier
Chapman Josiah, farmer, The Green &c. clerk to Parish Coundl, The Whittleton Leonard, farmer, Heath
Chapman Lewis, farmer Rallies Wright Henry, farmer
Clarke Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Myhill George, farmer Youngs George, farmer, Brightmere
HILBOltOUGH (or Hilburgh) is a parish and village acres of fen land for pasture and a charity of £1 qs.
on tb<> high road frum Brandon to Swaffham, about 7 yearly for clothing. Hilborough Hall, standing near the
miles west from \\'a ttun station on the Bury, Thetford and road side and in the centre of the, is a large
SwafflJam section of the Great Eastern railway and 6 and beautiful mansion, surrounded by plantations and
soutlJ frum Swaiiham, in the :::Iouth Western division of an extensive park, and is the property and residence of
the cum1ty, South Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional Joseph Trueman .Mills esq. J.P., D.L. who is lord of the
division, Swaffham union and county court district, rural manor and sole landowner. The soil is a light loam,
deanery of Cranwich, North division, archdeaconry of Lynn with a subsoil of gravel and chalk. The chief crops
and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints, stand- are wheat, barley and pasture. The number of acres is
ing on a slight acclivity a short distance from The Hall, 3,109; rateable value, £1,676; the population in 1911
is a very ancient edifice, built principally of llint, with was 256.
stone quoins, in the Florid Gothic style, and consists of
chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, south porch and an Parish Clerk, Harry Hubbard.
embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing 5
bells : the clmncel retains piscina and sedilia on the south Post Office (letters should have Norfolk added).-John
side: the church was restored in 1869, and has 2oo C. Stebbings, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive week
sittings, roo being free. 'l'he register dates from the _year days at 2.5 a.m. ; sundays, 2.5 a.m.; dispatched at
1562. The living is a rectory, net yearly value 1,320, p.m. Mundford is the nearest money order office
including 6o acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of & South Pickenham, 4 miles distant, the nearest tele-
J. T . .Mills esq. and held since 1902 by the Rev; George graph office
Bradshaw i\LA. of Downing College, Cambridge. Here Public Elementary School (mixed), for 100 children~
are the ruins of a pilgrims' chapel. The poor have six average attendance, 85; Miss Elizh. H. Rix, mistress
PRIVATE RF.SIDE:STS. Butters James, farmer Garrod Henry, farmer
Bradshaw- Rev. G~orge M.A. Rectory Chapman Samuel, blacksmith Hubbard Harry,wheelwright & parish
Flatt :Miss Cross Ernest Edward, miller (water), clerk
Mills Joseph Trueman D.L., J.P. farmer & assistant overseer Middle ton W illiam Charles, farmer,
Hilborough hall Cross Frank, baker Grange farm
COMMERCIAL. Darling Waiter, head bailiff to J. T. Stebbings William, shopkeeper
Bar ham Waiter, shopkeeper Mills esq Wace Leonard J. farmer
Barrell Jas. Wm.Swan P.H.& farmer Fakes Henry, gamekeeper to J. T.
Buckle J ames, f~trmer Mills esq
HILGA Y is an extensive parish and large village, 3~ ' chapels, two being on the Ten Mile Bank. A dole of 40
miles east from Hilo-ay Fen station on the Ely and Lynn :~ixpenny loaves is distributed on St. Thomas's Day: 168

section and I south from Ryston station on the Downham acres of land, yielding on an average £26o yearly, have
and Stoke Ferry branch of the Great Eastern railway, 4 1 been left fur the _poor; IUld, for the repairs of the churc~,
aouth from Downham and 83~ from London, in the South ,52 acres, producmg a rental of ab_out £8o ~early. A fau
Westem division of the county, hundred and petty ses- tS held here on May 1st. Here 1s an ancient Hall, for-
.sional division of Clackclose, union and county oourt dis· merly one of the seats of the Abbots of R~msey,
trict of Downharn. rural deanery of Fincham (east divi- li? whom the estate ~elonged before. the Dlssolu-
sion), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The twn of that monastery ~ 1537, when It was gr~~ted
river Wissey, a tributary of the Ouse, runs past the by Henry V 11 I. together With the advowson of ~h~ livmg,
village. and the Ouse itself bisects the parish. An iron t~ James ~awe esq. _whose daughter brought 1t. m mar-

bridge crossing the Wissey was erected in r8gg. The r1age to Sir John Willoughby knt. f:om whom It_ passed
church of All Saints is a large building of freestone, con- I to the Wrays ~d Sandersons, IUld, m cou:se of time, by
sistina of chancel nave south aisle and an embattled sale, to Captam G. W. Manby F.R.S. mventor of an
weste;n tower of brick 'containin(7 a clock and 8 bells, apparatus for saving life from shipwreck, and after-
rehung in 1877, at a cost of upwards of £2oo; the chancel wards to ~illiaJ? Jones, forme_rly ~arsha_l of the_ Queen's
and nave are Decorated and the south aisle Perpendicular: Bench_ pnson, m whose family It c~ntm~ed till x878,
the church is approached by a long and fine avenue of when rt was purchased by the late .MaJOr M1chael Stock5,
trees, at each end of which is a handsome oak lych- of Woodhall (d. x8g5); itr is now the 'property of his
gate, erected at a cost of £r6o by Miss Beechey: the son, Michael Stocks esq. J.P. of Woodhall. The pump-
church has been restored and contains 300 sittings. ing station and dam, constructed near Hunt's sluice for
The register dates from the year r583. The living is the Feltwell and Methwold drainage commissioners,
a rectory, net yearly value £6so, including 85~ acres was opened in 1884: from these works about 100 tons o~
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Lord F. Hervey water per minute can be pumped into the river Ouse.
and others, and held since 1900 by the Rev. Joseph At Ten Mile Bank are two powerful centrifugal pumps,
Hooper Maude M.A. of Corpus Christi College, and owned by the Littleport and Downham drainage corn-
fellow of Hertford College, Oxford. A new rectory missioners, working in connection with an engine nine
house was built in 1900. The chapel of St. Mark, miles distant, in the Isle of Ely: these together drain
erected in 1847, is a plain e-difice of brick, consisting 30,000 acres, emptying the water into the river Ouse
of nave only and a turret containing one bell : there at the rate of over 130 tons a minute. Michael Stocks
are 140 sittings. Adjoining is a burial ground of half esq. J.P. of Woodhall, is lord of the manor and the
an acre. Phineas Fletcher, author of the "Purple principal landowner, but there are many smaller holders
Island" (a poem in the style of Spenser) and other poems, The soil consists of upland and fen, the former a rich
was rector here from 1621 and probably till his death clay and gravel, the latter peat with good clay under-
in 1650, but there is no trace of his burial in the register. lying. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
There are two Wesleyan and two Primitive Methodist beans. The area ·is 6,750 acres, of which a large pro-
portion is fen; there is also 66 of water, 6 of tidal Pillar Letter Box, Hilgay railway station, cleared at
water and 3 of foreshore; rateable value, £8,333; the 5 ·45 p.m. week days only
population in 19II was 1,590. Pillar Letter Box, Drove End, cleared at 5.15 p.m
Ten Mile Bank, a hamlet on the Ouse, which is crossed Pillar Letter Box, Woodhall, cleared at 6.15 p.m. & on
by an iron bridge here, is about 2 miles south-west and sunciays, JI.15 a.m
one mile from Hilgay station. · Schools.
Sexton, Alfred Ferguson. Public Elementary (Village), erected in I904• for 170
J>ost, M. 0. & T. Office.-Albert Coulson, sub-post- children; average attendance, 140; Herbert Artbur
master. Letter~ received from Downham at 6-45 a.m. Higgins, master. Infants' school, Miss Holley, bead
& 2 p.m. ; dispatched at 7·35 a.m. & 4· ro & 6.50 mistress
p.m. ; sundays, r I. ro a.m Public Elementary (St. Mark's), Ten Mile Bank, enlarged
J>ost Office, Ten Mile Bank.-James William Stevens, 1895, for r8o children; average attendance, 160;
sub-postmaster. Let:iers arrive from Downbam at 7-5 Henry Edward Elderkin, master
a.m.; dispatched at 6.15 p.m.; no sunday delivery. R<:.ilway Station, Hilgay, A. H. Bloodworth, station
Hilgay is the nearest money order & telegraph office, master, 3t miles from Hilgay village
2 miles distant. Hilgay station is over the 3 miles Railway Station, Ryston, Charles Waters, collector, is I
limit from the telegraph office mile from Hilgay village
HILGAY. Jobnson Herbert George, grocer Bedford George, Jolly Anglers' P.H
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Johnson Robt. George & Dragon P.H Bedford John William, Railway tavern
King Frederick David, saddler & Brundle Frederick, farmer
Beechey Ernest Alfred harness maker : Brundle John, beer retailer
Beecbey Miss
Kisby Ernest, farmer 'Cragg .A.lbert, farmer
Maude Rev.JosephHooper M.A.Rectry Lewenden Charles, head gardener to Driver George William, carpenter
Nesbitt James, High street Michael Stocks esq. J.P Flowers Ernest Alfred & Ralpb,
Proctor J oseph, The Lodge farm Mann John, builder farmers, Hundred Feet bank
Scott Mrs. Vine cottage Mills Spencer George, wheelwright Glover John, farmer
Stocks Michael J.P. Woodhall Morfoot Cook, farmer Hailstone John, farmer
Neal Benjamin, Rose & Crown P.H Hall bailiff to E.Shackles esq
COMMERCIAL, Nesbitt James L.R.G.P. & S.Edin., Hiam Fred, farmer
Ambrose George, farmer L.F.P. & S.Glas. physician & surgn Howlett Artbur, farmer
Anderson John, farmer, Rose hill Osler John, cattle dealer Howlett George, farmer
Ileechey Ernest Alfd. miniature artist Osier William Thomas, baker Howlett Thomas, farmer
Bland Joshua, farm bailiff to Michael Palmer Francisco, threshing machine Howlett William, farmer
Stocks esq. J.P owner .J ohnson Pbilip, farmer
.Carnell Henry Victor, confr. High st Proctor Josepb, farmer & horse Kisby Edwin Parsons, farmer
Case Margaret (Mrs.), farmer breeder, Lodge farm Kisby Ernest A. farmer
Chapman John, carpenter Raby Frederick, boot maker Miller John, beer retailer
Cooke George Alfred, blacksmith Sbipp Herbert, beer retailer Palmer Herbert H. farmer
Coulson Albert, grocer & draper & Taylor Charles, beer retailer Pask J obn, farmer
overseer, Post office Territorial Battalion (5th) Nor folk Porter Alfred, grocer
Coulson Annie (Mrs.), milliner Regiment (Detachment of B Co) Rose Wm. Hy. farmer & landowner
Currie William, butcher Tingay James, farmer Smith Epbraim, farmer
Dearsley George, coal dealer Webster Ernest, Bell P.H Stevens James William, baker &
Dent Isaac, plumber 1& glazier Wbittome George, wheelwright grocer, & post office
Engledow Herbert, farmer Working Men's Institute Stevens William, engineer in charge
·Fenn John, gamekeeper to Michael Engine house, Ten Mile bank
Stocks esq. J.P TEN MILE BANK. Stone Charles, boot maker
.F'irman Lyd_ia (Mrs.), baker & butcher Kelk Rev. Harold (curate), Hawthorr. Turner J ames, farmer
Firth Alfred & Son, grocers & drapers house Walker Florence (Miss), shopkeeper
Firth William Henry, beer retailer Rose William Henry Wallis Ernest, blacksmith
·Flowers Ernest Alfd. frmr.Manor frm I Watson George, farmer
Hi!!e-ins Artbur, insurance agent COMMERCIAL. Watson James, Dog & Duck P.H.
Rowlett John, coal dealer Barker J arvis, carpenter Hundred Feet bank
HILLINGTON is a parish and pleasant village on the by the Rev. R. Hales, rector from I822. which is distri-
Lynn and Fakenham and Wells road, with a &tation on the buted annually to poor widows of good character over
.Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 7 miles north- 6o years of age, bein1:' members of the Established
-east from Lynn, in t1J.e North Western division of the Church. The Hall, the seat of the Hon. Mrs. Dawnay,
county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional division lady of the manor and sole landowner, is a handsome
.and union, county court district of Lynn, rural deanery of and picturesque mansion, erected r627, and was much
Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of enlarged and beautified by the last possessor : it is built
Xorwich. The church of St. Mary is a plain building of of carr stone, with Ketton and sandstone dressings, in
.;;tone, brick and flint, in the Perpendicular style, consist- the Domestic Gothic style, and has extensive gardem
ing of chancel, nave, north chapel and an embattled attached: at the entrance to the park, which extends
·western tower containing one bell: the nave was rebuilt over 2'i_..O acres, are the remains of four ancient crosses:
in 1824: chancel re-roofed and restored in 1892: in the a trout stream flowing through the park expands into
church are some ancient tombs to Sir William Hovel kt. a serpentine lake. The soil is of a light nature; sub-
I6II; Sir Richard Hovel kt. 1653; William Hovel esq. soil, chiefly chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
166q; to the ffolkes family, 1705-73, and to Sir Martin turnips, mangold-wurtzel and pasture. - The area is
il'olkes bart. F.R.S. d. I I Dec. 1821; Sir Wm. Browne, 2,530 acres of land and 9 of water; rateable value,
president of the Royal College of Physicians, 1774, and [2,055; in 1911 the population was 262.
:\fary, his wife, 1763; the Rev. William Atkinson, rector, Parish Clerk, Isaac Codling.
d. 1822; and to Lady West, d. r828: the organ was built
Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.
hy Snetzler, in 1756: there are memorial windows to Sir
-Mrs. Alice Emmerson, sub-postmistress. London &
William John Henry Browne ffolkes bart. d. 22 Mar. 186o,
other letters are received through Lynn, arrive at
and to Martin ffolkes, 1849 : there are 172 sittings, all
heing free. The register dates from the year 1695. The
5 & rr.3o a.m. & are dispatched at 12.30 & 6.55 p.m.;
living is a rectory, net yearly value £298, including 44 on sunday dispatched at 3·55 p.m
'l.cres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Hon. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1855 by
Mrs. John Dawnay, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Sir W. J. H. Browne ffolkes hart. for 6o children;
Francis .Arthur Stanley ffolkes B.A. of Durham Univer- average attendance, so; Miss Edith Foulsbam, mistrss
·sity, and chaplain in ordinary to the King and hon. Railway Station, Thomas Jeffcoat, station master
chaplain to the Norfolk Yeomanry and J.P. for Norfolk.
Calibut's charity consists of about [33 yearly, derived
from land in Grimston, half of which belongs to East Carriers to Lynn.
Walton parish; £r r611. yearly was left by an unknown N obbs, of Harpley, on tues. thurs. & sat. ; Linford, of
donor; and there is the interest of £r56, bequeathed Flitcham, on tues. & sat. & J. Rix, on tues. & sat
ffolkes Rev. Francis Arthur Sta.nlev• COMMERCIAL •
:PRIVATE RESIDENTS. B.A., J.P. (rector & chaplain in Baker George, stud groom
:Dawnay Major Hon. John D.L., J.P. ordinary to the King), Rectory Barber William, farm bailiff to Jas.
Hillington hall; & Wykeham,Yorks Jarvis. Lady, Uphall Stibbon
Bone John, estate bricklayer Emmerson Louisa (Mrs.), Buck inn, Shephard Harry, head gamekeeper
Bl!'ereton Robert, farmer,Ohurch frm. grocer & smith to H. M the King
Codling Isaac, shoe maker & parish elk: Freuer W. S., P.A.S.I. agent for Vinter J. 0. & Son (of Cambridge),
Clark Freeman, The ffolkes Arms htl Maj. Hon. John Dawnay D.L., J.P coal merchants (George I.inford,
Drury George,gardener to Major Hon. Pyecraft John, farm bailiff agent), Railway station
John Dawnay D.L., J.P Rix James, coal merchant Webster Frank, butcher & farmer,

Warren farm
HINDOLVESTON, commonly called Hilderston, is a distribution amount to about £4o yearly. The Ecclesi-
parish and village, with a station on the Midland and astical Commissioners are lords of the manor. Lord
Great Northern joint railway, about 8 miles east from Hastings is owner of the great tithes, and is also chief
Fakenham, 8 south from Bolt and 12.3 from London, in landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and marl.
the Northern divi11ion of the county, Eyusford hundred The chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and some land
and petty sessional division, Aylsham union and county in pasture. The area is 2,540 acres; rateable value,
cwurt district, rural deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry £2,787; the population in 19n was 630.
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. George is a Post Office.-Mrs. Agnes Bowman, sub-postmistress .
.4arge and ancient building of flint in the Perpendicular Letters received through Dereham are delivered at 7
f!tyle, consisting of chancel, with vestry on the south side, k
rth · 1 d t to t · . b ll a. m. & 2 p.m. wee days; sundays, 8.15 a.m. only;
nave, no ws e an awes ern wer con ammg one e , dispatched at 10 _55 a.m. & 4 _50 p.m. week days &
tlut is now ruinous, the tower having collapsed on the 10.25 a.m. sundays. The nearest money order office
afternl)()n of Sunday, 3 1 July, I8gz, and destroyed the is at Swan ton N avers. The telegraph office is at the
greater part of the fabric; the church contained a brass railway station, which is closed on sundays
with effigies to Edmund Hunt, ob. I558, his wife Mar- Wall Letter Box, at railway station, cleared at 8.zo a.m.
garet, ob. 1568, and their ten sons and four daughters.
Divi.J.le service is at present held in a temporary wooden & 4-45 p.m. week days; 9· 20 a.m. on sundays
'lltructure licensed for this purpose in January, 1893 , and Wall Letter Box, near Vicarage, cleared at 8 a.rn. &
Beating 183 persons. The register dates from the year 4·55 p.m. i sundays, 10 ·3° a.m
"~.734· The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [2 4o, Public Elementary School, built in 1889 from designs of
including 44 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mr. H. J. Green, architect, of Norwich, for 16o chil-
the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held since 19w dren; average attendance, 140; Frederick Hockham,
by the Rev. Robert Henry Chaplin M. A. of St. master i Charles Dennis Beane, assistant master; Miss
Catharine's Colle>ge, Cambridge. The old National Maude Crisp, infants' mistress
school is now used as a Church mission room. There Railway Station, Fredk. Geo. Bateman, station master
is a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1838. The charities for County Police, Herbert William Reeve, constable
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Oodling Ernest w. shopkeeper rOlley Geo. & Waiter, farmers (postal
Chaplin Rev. Robert Henry M.A. Oolman Srh.Ann (Mrs.),ChequersP.H! address, Briston, Melton Constable)
(vicar), Vicarage Cooper James, blacksmith Parker Maurice, cycle dealer
Crowe Rev. Arthur Hedley M.A. Davidson Arthur, carpenter Pipes Charles Rumsey, shopkeeper
Durh. (rector of Melton Constable), Drewell James, farmer Pratt Arthur, farmer
Hope house Hall James, farmer Pratt Charles, farmer
Hewitt George C. coal dealer Salkind Beare, watch &c. repairer
COMMERCIAL. Holsey Jonathan, Maid's Head P.H Seaman .Annie Maria (Mra.), dress ma
..Aberdein Alexander Thomas, grocer Jenkins Henry, Red Lion P.H Sharpin William, farmer
Andrews John, farmer Lee Robt. Geo. farmer, Church farm Slaughter Arthur, flour merchant &
Barsted Abraham, farmer Lockett William, carpenter farmer & agent for Keighley's cake,
:Beane Charles Dennis, overseer & Martin James, farmer Beck farm
assistant schoolmaster, The Retreat MaTtin Kate (Miss), cowkeeper Tebble Frederick, gamekeeper to Lord
"Beane Charles Dennis (Mrs.), assist- Neale Robert, farmer Hastings
ant overseer & clerk to Pari~h Oddfellows (M.U.I.O. of) (Loyal Hast- Wiley Ernest, bricklayer for Lord
Council. The Retreat ings Lodge, No. 4,374; meet at the Hastings
Blomfield Frederick, farmer Chequers inn) (Charles D. Beane, Williams William, beer retailer
"Bowman Agnes (Mrs.), baker ,Post off sec.), The Retreat Worship AHred, gamekeeper to Lord
:Browns ell Charles, farmer,N ether gate Hastings
HINDRINGHAM is a large parish and straggling institute was opened in 1911 as a reading and recreation
village 2 miles in length, about z! miles north from room. There is a Wesleyan chapel, and a Primitive
'Thursford station on the Lynn and Fakenham section of Methodist chapel, built in 1845. The charities
the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, and about amount to about £6o yearly. Hindringham Hall, an
-4 mile's east from Walsingham station on the Dereham ancient moated mansion, built about 1560, is the
·and Well~ section of the Great Eastern railway, 7 !!Outh- property and residence of Gerard J. Hadsley Gosselin
oeast from Wells and 7 north-east from Fakenham, in the esq. The Hall, the property of William Goorge Waters
Northern division of the county, North Greenhoe hundred esq. of 7 Mansfield street, London W, is occupied by
and petty sessional division, Walsingham union and county Mr. John Dixon, fanner.. The Dean and Chapter of
-court district, Walsingham rural deanery, Lynn arch- Norwich, who are lords of the manor, the trustees of
-deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. William Sparke, W. G. WateTs esq. G. T. Bottomley
Martin is an ancient building in the Perpendicular esq. and James Coker esq. are the principal land-
'Style, consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles, owners. The soil is heavy loam; !lubsoil, clay. The
"flOuth porch and a lofty embattled western tower con- chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is ,
taining 5 bells : in the chancel is a memorial window 3,393 acres; rateable value, £3,744; the population in
to Richard England, capt. 12th (East Suffolk) Regi- 1911 was 582.
ment, killed at the massacre of Waiaru, New Zealand, Parish Clerk, Thomas Hawes .
.June 17, 1843• and to his father, mother, and only
sister: the window was erected by his brot-her, the late Post & Telegraph Office. James Edward Back, sub-
William England M.D. of Ipswich, in 1862: at the east
postmaster. Letters received from Walsingham at
end of the south aisle is a piscina and a hagioscope :
8.30 a.m. & 4.10 p.m.; dispatched at 12.30 & 5.15
in 1'l7o the chancel was rebuilt, and in :r897 the tower p.m.; sundays, arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at
was repaired and a clock erected: the church now n.2o a.m. The nearest money order office is at
~ffords 400 sittings. The regi.'!ter dates from 1660. Bin ham
"The living is a. vicarage, net income £203, including 21
-acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1845, & en·
and Chapter of Norwich, and held since 1877 by the larged in 1894, at a cost of about £200, for 120 chil-
Rev. Thomas Edward Platten M.A. of Lincoln College, dren; average attendance, 88; Miss Marion Williams,
Oxford, and rural dean of Walsingham. The Church mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Taylor Edward, Field house Chastney William, bricklayer
Bottomley Gerald Turner COMMBRCIAL. Daplyn Harcourt, farmer,Church farm
nixon John, The Hall Back James Edward, grocer & draper, Dixon John, farmer, The Hall
Gosselin Gerard J. Hadsley, Hind- Post office Flood Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer
ringham hall Barnes William, farm bailiff to John Hawes Thomas, carpenter & wheel-
Overman Miss, The Cottage Dixon esq. Godfrey'B hall wright & parish clerk
Platten Rev. Thomas Enward M.A. Bottomley Gerald Turner, fMmer Jarvis Stephen. blacksmith & farmer
(vicar, & rural dean), Vicarage Ho\\ man Blofield, wheelwright, Lower Langley Benjamin, boot repairer
Rnssell William Coleman grel"n Lee Arthur, fa.rmer

Lee Rose (Mrs.). coal dealer Sands :Bessie (Miss), frmr. The Groveo /Taylor Edward, farmer, Field home _
Lingwood Henry, Crown P.H Sands Ernest. farmer /Wall Henry Denny, farmer, Lower grD
Load!~ Lucy (Mrs.), Red Lion p.H, Sands John William, farmer , White Henry,, Duke ·P.H .•
Loyne~ :ij..ob.ert, Falgate P. H Sands R_qber~ J. farmer, Lower green Wright Waiter & Herbert, balers
Lusher Mary ,(Mrs.), shopkeeper Sayer Robert, farmer · Wright Ernest, fBriJle"
Manll Willi;ill\ B. boot repairer Southgate Alfred. wheelwright
RINGHAM is a small market town and parish on the red brick, and will seat 3oo, and there is a Primitive-
road from Norwich to Brandon, 3 miles eouth-west Methodist chapel, erected in r9oo and seating 150. A
from Kimberley and Hardingham stations on the Wy- cemetery of If acres was formed in 188o, and is· under-
mondbam and Dereham section of the Great Eastern rail- the 'control of the churchwardens. Fairland Hall, the
way, {) west from Wymondbam and n6 from London, in property of Mr. T. F. Ayers, is used for concerts ana
the Mid division of the county, Forehoe hundred, petty· entertainments, and will· seat about 2i:o persons. The
sessional ·divisioa a.nd union, Wymondham county court Foresters' Hall, erected in 19oo, will seat about 300
district, rural deanery af Hingham (Forehoe division), persons. The Loyal Wodehouse Lodge of Oddfellows o{
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The the '.Attleborough district, No. 3,66I, Manchester Unity.-
town is lighted with gas by a company formed in 1871. meets here, and has at present (1912) 320 members ana
The church of St. .Andrew. 1,\ noble edifice vf flint stone, a ·capital of [6,363; in connection with this lodge there
is a fine specimen of the Decorated style, consisting of is also a juvenile lodge. The tt Robin Hood, the Pride
chancel, lofty nave of six bays, aisles, south porch, vestry of Hingham" Lodge of the Ancient Order of Foresters~
on the north side, and a. massive western tower containing No. 3,415, also meets here, and has about 296 members-
a clock and 8 bells re,hung in 18gr at a cost of £8o: in and a capital of [2,951, and a juvenile lodge of 28
the chancel is a. stained window containing 15th oemury members. The market day is Tuesday, and the market,
glaas of German manufacture, presented in 1814 by John, which i!! principally for pigs, is held at the Cock inn,.
first Lord Wodehuuse, and there are various others, in- and the poultry market at the "AngeL" Two fairs,.
eluding one to the Bev. Martin Baylie Darby, nea1'ly fifty re-established in 1885 after having been for some time
years rector of the adjoining parish of Hackford, who in abeyance, are held annually for cattle and pleasure-
resided at Hingham, and died March 15th, 188o: on the on March 7th and Oct. 2nd. The fuel _allotment of
north side -nf the chancel is a lofty and highly-wrought 34 acres produces £22 yearly, ~hich is distributed
monument to Thoma~. sth Baron Morley, and Marshal o1 among the resident. p~r .of the parish in coal.'!, and
Ireland, who died in 1435: in the na?e ar~ twe oharities producing about £2o yearly are distributed
~mall and ancient brasses dated respectively 1615 and m hread to the poor. Here is a large lake or mere
1622, but without- any names: there. are memorials to . eovering about 20 acres,: and .abounding .in pike, roach,
Matthew Amyas M.D. I/'29; John Watson M. A. formerly perch and other fish. Hingham Hall, the property of
rector of this parish and Scoulton, d. 1727, and to . ths t.~stees of the late Mrs. Hunter-Musket~, !lnd now
Elizabeth his wife; a brass to Frederick Wodehouse, bccup1ed by Ernest Noel esq. 'D.L.,· J.P. 18' a large
captain R.A. aon of the Hon. and Rev, William Wade· mansion ·of brick, standing in a well.wooded; deme$Re·
house, rector here from I8II, who died at St. George's of about ISo acres. The Earl of Kimberley is lord of
Fort, Bermuda, zs Sept. u8S3• and various inscribed the manor and chief landowner. Hamilton Hawtl'ef
tablets: a new organ was added in 1878 at a cost of Hurnard-oesq.' J.P. is lord of the manor and s-ol!l landL.
[750: in the same yea.r fl massive brass lectern wa.~ uwnM" of Hingham Gurneys. The soil is of 1t 'mixed
given byt.Lady :Mary Currie, and carved oak stalls were· nature; subsoil, clay and brick earth. The _chief crops-
erected in the chancel: the east end of the chartc!ll was are turnips, barley, wheat and mangolds: 'The parish

raised and paved with marble mosaic work in rBBd nnd consists lof 3,664 acres of land and 34 of water; ':rateable-
1882: a new pulpit,. designed by the late Sil" A. valu& £6,284; the population in 1911 1 was ·1,_383.
Blomfield A.R.A. and costing £130, and four stained 11 Parish Clerk, J·ohn Sare. _
windows in the chancel We<re erected in 1887 as a. Post, M~ 0. & T.' Office.-Robert Kingaby, sub-post-
memorial to the Rev. M. W. Currie M. A. : a stained master.· Letters are received from Attleborough at
west window was presented in 1903 by Ernest Noel e~q-' 5-15 a.m. & 1.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9.50 a.m. & s:!s
of The Hall, in memory of Lady' Augusta Noel, hi& p.m. Box closes at 8 p.m. Savings bank ·business.
wife, who di~ in r.go2; and two others 'in 1907 by transacted from 9 a. m. to 8, p.m. ~ money order g ..
Henry Wharton esq. : jn 1872 the church was new , a.m. to 8 p.m
roofed, reseated and restored. at a cost of about [3,300, Wall Box, Gurney's Manor, cleared at 9-55 a. m. &. ~- 10 _
and in 1874 the porch was restored as a memorial to the p.m. ; sundays, 8.10 p.m
Rev. Edward Gm•don, a former rector, who died July illar Box, Manson Green, cleared at .7·5 p.m,. ;w!iek
3rst, 1ll73: in :f8'B6. the- vestry was restored at a cost days & 10.20 ·a.m. sundavs , ,
of [1,ooo, wholly defrayed by the Rev. Maynard W ode· irigham & District Fire Brigade; under the .control' of
house Currie M.A. rector 1873-87: theTe are- 86o the Parish Council; station at the Cpck P .II.; ,Capt
sittings. The- tregister dates from the year 16oL The Willie G. Smith & 11 men
living is a 1'ootbcy, net yearly value £6so, with 25~
acres of glebet !ffid' .I'esidence+ in the gift of the Earl of .l.ingham Grammar Scho~~h, f~~~ded & ~ndowed :!h · 21
Kimberlev, and held since 1887 by ,the Rev. Arthur t1 17
Charles Wodeh{ltis~ lfpcber M. A. of T-rinity College, I by William Parlett esq. is now closed, the funds,
Cambridge, bonJ ~anon of 'Norwich and rural dean of aft et expenses have been paid, being appettiohed als 'ii
Hingham (Forehos- division). Rubert Peck·M.A.. a former p~nMbrt to the late head master; the building- is deed-
rector, levelled the alltar and lowered the whole char1cel P 1 ed bv a private tutor ,
by a foot, and lleing prosecuted in consequence by . fublie Elementary School, opened in 1875, for 75 bflys.
Bishop Wren (1635-8) he fled the kingdom, and went 1 76 girls & rro infants; average attendance, 8B•'bo}'s~
over to New England with many of his parishioners, 85 girls & 70 infants; Edgar Talbot, :master; Miss
who sold their estates, and formed in New England a Beatrice James, mistress; Miss Ada May, infants"
·town and colony of the name of Hingham, where mistress
many of their po 8 terity still remain: Mr. Peck, afteT The school is controlled by 6 managers
ten years' voluntary- banishment, returned here in :1646, Carriers,-To Norwich, Charles Cullyer & Alfred Carter-
and, :resuming his rectory, -died in the year !I656. The Ruffles, tnon. wed. & sat. returning same days; t()
Congregational chapel~ erected in 1836~ is -an edifice of i Wat~on, Alfre~ Carter Ruffles, tues. & sat ' ··
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Upcher Rev, Canon Arthut- miarlei' Ashby John, farmer .
Barnard Mrs Wodehouse M.A. (rector, &; rural Ayers Thomas Francis, grocer
Baugh Arthur W. Old School house dean), Rectory · AytotJ. Alexander, farmer
Oameron Mrs. St. Andrew'l lodge Upche'r Cecil, Rectory Baldin~ Thomas, boot maker
Clarence Mrs. E Upcher Miss, Rusape Baldwin Waiter, plac~smith
Cox Robert Hankinson, Quorn 'house Viall Mrs. Bank house Bales Fredk. Nixon, farmer,Money hls:
Crawshay Miss, The Cottage Watson Christr. B.A. Old School ho Barber Ambrose, insur!lllce ·agent
Elsy Miss E. A Wharton Henry, The Manor house BarbBr William Samuel, shopkeeper-
Hurnard Hamilton Hawtrey J.P. I Barcham John Bobert,. butcher
Gurney's manor · COMMERCIAL. Barclay & Company Lii;XJ.ited . (mb-
James Ernest Winiam Allcock Herbt. farmer, Meeting ho branch to Attleboraugb), bankers-
Lack Thomas Lambert Ancient Ord-er .of Foresters (Robin (W. S. Ling, manager), open on
Melville Bev. Alfd. (Cong-regational) Hood the' Pride of Hingham, No~ tues. & fri. from I0-30 to. 3; draw
Mirrlees Arthur 1 Bear's Farm b,ouse 3415, lodg-e) (Wil1iam Lilley, sec) on head office, 54 Lombard 1 street,
Noel Ernest D.L.,J.P. Hingham. ha11 Andrews Charles, builder. London E C .
Palmer Mr!l. The Admirals Andrews William, builder Barnard John Benjamin 1 farmer

Batson .lane (Mrs.), bill poster liingharn & Disti!ict Liberal Club Rectory' Eowiing (l]l.uh \Charles- -S.
Baugh Arthur W. antique dealer (Horace Hurt, jmL sec) • Campling, sec) ~'
Bilham Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper Ringham Gas Co. Limited (William Rivett Jesse, estate agent, accountant
Blacklrurn Rose (Mrs.), laundress Muffett, sec. & manager) & insurance agent & certified bailiff
Black well John W.m. grocer & draper Holman Palmer, farmer, Frost row under the "Law of DistressA.rnend-
Burt Horace David, baker, Market Howchin Waiter, butcher ment Act·~
place ·& farmer, Manson Green Howes George, fishmonger Rix John William, farmer, agricul-
Bush Horace, farmer, Lyngwhite Howlett Williarn, chimney sweeper tural engineer, ~team plough,
Button Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker Hoy Wm. Geo, watch & clock makr threshing machine, trefoil & clover
Cadge Horace, farmer, Lyngwhite Hubbard Charlotte, M.(Mrs.),stationr seed hulling propr. & steam haulier
Cann Charles Thomas, Unicorn inn James Ernest William M.R.C.S.Eng., Roberts Thomas, farmer
Chilvers Wm. boot maker & hair drssr L.R.U.P.Lond. physician k tmrgeon, Rudderham J. (Mrs.), laundress
Cook Frederick, baker & confectioner & medical officOO" of 2nd district, Ruffles Alfred Carter, carrier
Cooke Herbert, grocer For~hoa union & Hardingbam Sadd Arthur, tailor
Cooper John, shoe make:D parish, Mitford & Launditch union Sadd Charles, poultry dealer
Cooper ·waiter, tailor Jarvis Christopher Edward, shopkpr Sadd Waiter, jobbing gardener
Cooper Williarn, builder King Edward, shoe, maker Sare Williarn Herbert, tailor
Cooper William, wardrobe dealer Kingaby Robert, ginger beer manu- Scase John, farmer, Money Hill farm
Cordy Christopher, builder,contra.ctor, facturer, Post ofl1.ce Sernmence Alfd. butchr.& cattle ~Ur
• · decorator & sanitary plumber · Lack & J ames, sqrgeons Semrnence John, farme-r
Cordy Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer Lack Thomas Lambert M.R.C.S.Eng., Sent Robert William, farmer
Cordy William, farmer L. S.A. surgeon & medical officer of Sent William, farmer, School farm
Cracknell Fdk. S. farmer, Searnere fm health to the Fijrehoe Rural Dis- Sheldrake Jabez, farmer, Elms farrnr
Cullyer Charles, carrier trict Council i Smith Frederick, cycle dealer
Dodrnan & Sons, chimney sweepers Lasl!ey Harriet (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr Smith Willie Gordon, wheelwright
Dowsing Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr Leech H. & Son, grocers & draperS' Starke Isaac, farmer, Lyngwhite
Dunthorne William, farmer Leverett John, farmer Stebbing Clara (Mn. ), apartments
Dutchess Thomas, market gardener Leverett Robert, beer retailer Sturgess Walter C. farmer, Gurney's.
Eagling Edward, Cock: ~nn, & farmer, Leverett Waiter, farmer manor
Old. Mill farm Lilley George, The Ringers P.H Sykes .!.lice (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Eagling Susan (Mrs.), dress maker List ell ~lbert E. baker & corn chandlr Thurston Elir.a (Mrs..), laundress
Eagling Wilfred, .cycle repairer Lister Hy. John, hawker & shopkeeper Tofts Frederick, baker & grocer
Edmonds William Theo. farmer, Col- Lovatt Eleanor (Miss), shopkeeper Tofts Harry Cornelius, builder &-
lege farm Lovatt Laura (Miss), laundress contractot' &t m'ldertaker 7 dealer in
Fairland Hall (Thos. F.Ayers, propr) Middleton John Wesley, saddler english timber; lime, cement &
Fawkes Charles, fishmonger Muffett Williarn, builder, plumber & drain pipes kept in stock at lowest
Feltham Fairman, harness maker glazier & gas engineer & sec. & prices ; drainage work on 1atest
Feltham Frances (Mrs.), dress maker manager Hingham Gas Co. Ltd principles
Feltham Henry, bill poster Murrpll George, iron founder Tubbey Williarn, wheelwright
Foster Alfred, boot maker Newby Geo.threshing machine propr Turner Chas. ironmonger & tobccnst
Frankland George, brazier & cycle rpr Newson Frederick William, insurance Turner Julia (Mrs.), laundress
Frankland Susannah (Mrs.),dress ma agent, accountant & collector of Upcher Cecil, architect
Fysh Hy. watch rna. & antique dlr King"s taxes & assistant overseer Vincent Jesse, farmer, Lodge farm
Gibbs Robert Ellis, carpenter Newton, Pollard & Co. solicitors; & Walker Ronald John, draper
Gooch Albert, blacksmith at Wvrnondharn

Ward George S. farmer, Hall farm
Gricks John, stone & marble mason Norton John, tailor & draper Warren Abigail (Miss), laundress
Grief Henry, farm bailiff to George Oddfellows (Manchester Unity) (Loyal Watson Uhristopher B. A. p,rivate ·
S. Ward esq. Alexandra farm Wodehouse, No. 3661, lodge) (R. tutor, Old School house
Hallock Arthur, carpenter & builder Kingaby, sec) Watt Peter Cheyne, drng, wine, spirit-
Hallock Edwd. carpntr. & cabinet ma Old Curiosity Shop (The) (Arth. & ale merchant, ironmonger Se'
Harris Herbert, farm bailiff to Mend- W. Baugh), antiques, reproductions photographer & agent for W. & A.
barn Thomas Williarnson esq. & decorations Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit mer-
Gurney's Manor farm Oldfield Robert, farrner,Warren farm chants, The Drug Stores
Harris James, farmer, Lyngwhite Orton Alfred, beer retailer Websdale William. Dog inn
Harrod A. F. & Co. publishers Payne Waiter, hair dresser Webster Jarnes, bricklayer
Harwood Herbert, grocer & draper Porrett Albert Edward, blacksmith Whitehand George (Mrs.), laundre~s-
Hatch Fredk. G. solicitor(fri. 12 till 2) Potter Charle!! Williarn, White Hart Whiterod Jesse, farmer, Cutbush farm·
Hatfield Elizabeth (Mrs.), Angel P.H hotel & posting establishment Williamson Mendham Thos. farmer,
Hingham & District Lawn Tennis Potter Lewis George, miller (water & Rectorv & Gurney's Manor farms
Club (A.. Donovan esq. hon. sec) oil), farmer & corn & flour merchnt 1
Wilson Chas. & Sarnl.frrnrs.Lynwhite
Rae Jas. Edgar, draper & outfitter &c Winckles Wm. Thos.miller (wind&gas)

HOCKERING is a parish and village, on the road Rev. Joseph Thomas Kingsmill D.D. of Trinity College,
from East Dereham w Norwich, 6 miles east from Dere- Dublin. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The
bam station on the Wells and Wymondham section of the poor's and town lands produce £3S yearly, £13 Ios. of
Great Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the county, which is expended in coal. Mrs. Berney, of Morton
Mitford hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty sessional Hall, Norwich, is lady of the manor and principal
division and union, East Dereham county court district, landowner. The soil is clay loam ; subsoil, clay. The
rural deanery of Hingham, Mitford division, archdeaconry chief crops are barley, wheat and roots. The area is
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. I ,992 acre'S of land and 7 of water; rateable value.
Michael is a building of flint in the Early English style, £1,910; the population in 19II was 308.
consisting of chancel.. nave, north aisle, .south porch and Sexton, John Hunter.
an embattled western Perpendicular tower with pinnacles,
containing one bell: the interior is fitted with richly Post & M. 0. Office.-Robert Huggins, sub-postmaster_
carved oak seats and has an elaborately carved octagonal Letters arrive from East Dereham at 7.40 a.m. & 5.30
font:· the church was restored in 1856 and again in p.m.; djspatGhed at g. IS & 10.30 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. ;
1895: a new organ was provided in 19II: there are ~oo mndays, a. m. Mattishall is the telegraph office,
sittings. The register dates from the year 1561. The 2 miles distant
living is a rectory, with that of Mattishall Burgh
annexed, net yearly value £38S, including so acres of Public Elemeontary School (mixed), fo.r go children;
glebe here and 20 at Mattishall Burgh, and :residence, average attendance, sB; Mrs. Maud Mack, mistress'
in the gift of Mrs. Berney, and held ~ince 1894 by the Carrier to Norwich.-William Brand, wed. & sat

Kingsrnill Rev. Joseph Thomas D.D. Curson Waiter, farmer Payne Bros. farwers, Overgate farm
Rectory Fish Matthew, farmer, Church farm Perrett Arthur, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Fisher Thomas, butcher Ramrn John, wheelwright & carpentr
Brand Waiter Edward, shopkeeper Hall J arnes Chublock, Victoria inn Richmond James, farmer, Ley!f farm
Brand William, farmer & carrier Huggins Rt. baker & grcr.&c. Post off Rix Frederick, blacksmith
Bush Harvey, farmer, Heath farm Linford Martin, Uock inn Savory Sidney, farwer
Cole Alban, farmer, Park farm Mack Thomas, farmer Utting Thos.Hy.frmr.Yew Tree farm
Curson Robert, farmer

HOCKHAM is a parish and village, pleasantly situate owner, is a comfortable family mansion of red brick,
about ll miles north-east from Wretham and Hockham surrounded by an undulating park of about 100 acres,
station on the W atton and Thetford branch of the Great and now in the occupation of Thoma!l Baring esq. Little
Eastern railway, 8 miles north-east from Thetford and 7 Hockham is the residence of Henry Thomas Partridge
from Attleborough, in the Mid division of the county, es4.. J.P. The soil is of a mixed character; subsoil.
Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional division, Way- clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. fhe
land union, Shropham hundred, Attleborough and Wat- area is 3,467 acres of land and 12 of water; rat.cablc
ton county court district, rural deanery of Rockland value, £2,888; the population in 191I was 523.
(South division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Little Hockham, formerly a separate parish, but now
Norwich. The church of the Holy Trinity, situated in united with Hockham for parochial purposes, lies about
the park, is a graceful building of the Early Decorated one mile south.
period, consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, aisles,
south porch, and a belfry containing one bell: the tower Parish Clerk, William Carman.
fell early in the 18th century: the chancel retains two
low side windows and a beautiful double piscina, and Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Mary Ann Warren, sub·
there is another in the south chapel: in 1892 a new organ postmistress. Letters arrive from Thetford at 8 a.m.
was placed in the church: there are 250 sittings. The & I. 15 p. m. ; dispatched at 10.45 a.m. & 6. IS p.m. ;
sunday~. arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at IO a.m
register dates from the year 1563. The living is a
vicarage, net yearly value £162, including 6 acres of Public Elementary School, built in 1832 & enlarged in
glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held since 1889 1882 at a cost of £2oo; further enlargements & altera-
.by the Rev. John Frederick Spurgin M.A. of St. Mary tions were made in 18q6, from plans by Mr. H. J.
"Hall, Oxford. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel. Green, architect, of Norwich, at a. co~t of £3oo,
"'The fuel allotments of 40 acres produce on an average the school will now hold 152 children; average attend-
£20 yearly for coals. Joseph Ashton, commonly known ance, I30 ; .Allison Smith, master
·as "Tinker Joe," a native of Northamptonshire, resided
-'in this parish for many years and died here at the age of Police Station, William Robert .Aldous, constable
-1:12. Hockham Hall, the property of Henry Thomas Wretham & Hockham Railway Station, Leonard Raney,
:·Partridge esq. who is lord of the manor and chief land- collector
Bullen Charles, farmer Pettitt Charles, farmer
. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Burlingham William, farmer Phrenix H. Thomas, insurapce agent
•Baring Thomas, Hockham hall Bush Charles, carpenter & builder Pinner Robert, shopkeeper & baker
Partridge Henry Thomas J.P. Little Bush Ernest James, butcher Potter Frederick, farmer
Hockham Chenery George, boot maker Reading Room (William Carman, sec)
-8purgin Rev.Jn.Fredk. M.A. Vicarage Drewry George, blacksmith Riches Frederick, coal & corn mer
Edwards Edwd. blacksmith, Wretham Riche~ Leonard John,baker & cycle dlr
COMMERCIAL. Football & Cricket Club (.Allison Southgate Fredk. Arth. Red Lion P.H
_Adams George, market gardener Smith, sec) Tilbrooke John, boot maker
· Adams Edith (Mrs.), grocer & draper Fox Albert, wheelwright & carpenter Tillott E. S. (Miss), builder
Harham Thomas William, farmer Fox Frederick, photographer Wakefield Henry, head gamekeeper to
-Bird .Arthur, thrashing machine pro- Fox Lucy (Mrs.), dress maker Thomas Baring esq
prietor & farmer Ha.wes George, Crown inn Wales George, builder
Blanche George, farm bailiff to T. Kerridge Waiter, farmer Warman Ernest, farmer, Hockham lo
Baring esq Kraushaar Arthur Emil, Eagle P.H Warren l\lary Ann (Mrs.), grocer,Post
Bright Henry, farm bailiff to H. T. Loyal Provident Lodge of Oddfellows offire
Partridge esq (L. J. Riches, sec) West James, farmer
HOCKWOLD·cum-WILT ON is a parish and vil- land consists of 49 acres, 30 acres of which are under cuJ·
·tage, If miles north from Lakenheath station on the Ely tivation and produce about £28 yearly; the remaining
and Thetford section of the Great Eastern railway and rg acres are fen land, useless for the purpose of cultivation,
.-4 miles west from Rrandon ; the parish, formed by the but from which the parishioners can dig turf; there is
union of the contiguous pari:;hes of Hockwold and Wilton, also a bequest of Mr . .!damson, a former rector, which
is in the South Western division of the county, Grimshoe produces about £5 ss. a year, and an annual grant of
·"hundred and petty sessional division, Thetford union and about £I6 provided for by a bequest of the late Mrs.
...county court district, rural deanery of Cranwich (South Newcome. In the centre of the village is an ancient
division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich; stone cross, I5 feet in height, rising from a circular
the Little Ouse, here crossed by a bridge leading to pedestal of brickwork 4 feet high and indosed by iron
"'Lakenheath, anciently indicated at this point the boun- railings. A fair is held here on July 25th. Hockwold
. daries of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk; but, owing Hall, an ancient mansion of brick, dating from the 15th
·to the alteration in the course of the river's bed it does century, the property of Edward Cyrill Newcome esq.
not now accurately define their limits. St. James's J.P. of Thurston Hall, is occupied by Frederick Ray-, Wilton, is an edifice chiefly of fiint with stone mond Pelly esq. J.P. There are two manors, one
dressings, in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, belonging to Edward Cyrill Newcome esq. and the other
• ..consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled to the Master and Fellows of Caius College, Cambridge .
western tower, with lofty stone spire, containing a clock The principal landowners are Edward Cyrill N ewcome
,_.and 6 bells : the chancel is divided from the nave by an esq. Henry :Morris Upcher esq. of Feltwell, and Caius
ancient carved oak screen : a new organ was provided College, Cambridge. The soil is light and sandy; sub-
-in 1910: the church was restored in 1843, and has 270 soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
sittings, 170 being free. The register dates from the turnips, and there is a considerable quantity of fen land.
-year r663. St. Peter's church, Hockwold, is a very The area is 7,6rg acres of land and 52 of water; rateable
plain building of flint with stone dressings in the value, [4,022; the population in 1911 was Bos.
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of Parish Clerk, James Johnson.
chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and a tower at
the south-west angle containing 3 bells: the east window Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss H. E. Pettit, sub-post-
i!l stained: the church was completely restored in 1857, mistress. Letters arrive from Brandon at 4 a.m. &
nnd h~s .260 sittings, r6o being free. Divine service is 1.35 p.m. ; delivery at 7 a.m. & 1.45 p.m. ; sundays,
bP.lrl in each church on alternate sundays. The register 7 a.m.; dispatched at 10.45 a.m. & 8.30 p.m
dflte~ from the year 1658. The living is a rectory with
the vicarage of Wilton annexed, net yearly value [461, Wall Letter Box, Hockwold, cleared at II.Io a.m. &
including- qr acres of g-lebe, with residence, in the gift 8.20 p.m
of thP Master ~nd Fellows of Caiu~ Colleg-e, Cambridge. Public Elementary School (mind & infants), built in
Rn•i bPln QincP rqn1 hv tbP 'R.P.v. Frrdrrick Robert Tennant184-t-, for roo boys & Q"irls & 53 infants; average at-
D.D., B. Se. of that· college. There are Wesleyan and tendance, 86 boys & girls & 40 infants ; Charles Edwd.
Primitive Methodist chapels. The Temperance Hall is Pearce. master; Miss Harriet Eliza Pettitt, infants'
lilt to the vicar for a parish reading room. The charity teacher
COMMERCIAL. Denney Herbert, smith
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Allsop Edg-ar, farm bailiff to Fredk. Dent David, farm bailiff to Mr. J. W.
. Frederick Ravmond
. J.P. Hock- R. Pelly esq. J .P Peacock, Field farm
wold hall Brundle Artbur,farmer, Grange farm Enefer Alfred, farmer
Tennant Rev. Frederick Robert D.D .. Cock Charles, farmer Enefer Frederick, farmer
B. Se. (rector), The Rectory Cossey John, farmer, Hockwold fen Enefer Jame~, Bhoe maker
Cox William, farmer, Fen Enefer Jesse, farmer
Enefer Joseph, farmer Keen Frederick, land steward & farm Ralph Sidney, gardener to Frederick
Enefer Luke, farmer bailiff to Frederick R. Pelly esq.J.P Raymond Pelly esq. J .P
Flack Frederick, farmer Kent Alfred, Red Lion P.H Rickard Frederick Henry, fatmer
Francis Clement, beer retailer Killingwort-h John, shopkeeper Rolph Evans, farmer
Green Harrod, farmer Lamb Aaron,surveyor t-oHockwold fen Rolph Harford, farmer, Fen
Green William Woods, farmer, Fen Mayes Alfred, Ferry Boat P.H Rowell William .Almond, builder
Greenacre Henry, farmer Morley George Robert, bricklayer Savage Frederick, Black Horse P.H
Harrison Granger (Mrs.), farmer,Fen Nicholson Thos. A. W. farmer; Black Smith Rachael (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Harrison William, shopkeeper dyke, White dyke Thompson Ebenezer Charles, farmer,
Hubbard John, grocer Palmer Albert Victor, New inn Manor farm
Johnson Frederick, Anchor P.H Palmer Samuel Alfred, blacksmith Watson Archie E. corn dealer
Johnson Mark, farmer Palmer Thomas, farmer Whistler William, shopkeeper
Johnson Waiter, farmer Peacock John William, farmer &
Keeble George, farmer breeder of pure bred hackney horses
HOE (or Hoo) is a village and parish, 2! miles north ' for cutting fuel. Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. of
from Dereham station on the Great Eastern railway, in Thickthorn, Hethersett, who is lord of the manor,
the Mid division of the county, Launditch hundred, Thomas Grounds esq. and H. Garwood Palmer esq. aNl
Mitford and Lannditch petty sessional division and union, the principal landowners. The soil is light mixed,
Dereham county conrt district, rural deanery of Hing- some portion inclining to heavy ; subsoil, gravel, clay
ham, Mitford division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and dio- and brick earth. The chief crops are barley, wheat and
cese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a small turnips. The area is 1,471 acres; rateable value~
building of flint with st<>ne dressings, in the Early [1,670; the population in 1911 was I37·
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north and Parish Clerk, J ames Butters.
south porches and a low western tower containing one
bell: there are 100 sittings. The register dates from Letter Box cleared at 6.55 &
11.55 a.m. & 7 p.m.' ;;.
the year 1733. The living is a chapelry, consolidated sundays, 11.40 a.m
with the vicarage of East Dereham, joint net yearly value Letters through East Dereham, which is the nearest..
[4oo, including 6o acres of glebe, in the gift of the money order & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a.m
Lord Chancellor, and held since IQII by the Rev.
William Hudson Macnaughton-Jones M.A. of St. Peter's The children of this place attend the schools at Dereham ...
College, Cambridge. Gooch's charity of about £10 1011. & Swanton Morley
yearly is distributed to the poor, who also have 12 acres Assistant Overseer, Dennis Tye, Union farm, Gressenhallt
COMMERCIAL. 1 Palmer Harold Garwood, farmer, Hoe ,
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ayers Waiter, Angel P.H. & farmer Lodge farm
Bagnall George, Hoe hall Bagnall George, farmer,Hoe Hall frm Springall Joseph & Son, brick & tile-...
Palmer Harold Garwoood, Hoe lodge Fox Henry Walter,farmer, Manor frm j makers '
V erel J ulian J. Gorga te hall N orton Cyril, farmer
HOLXHAM is a parish and village on the coast, with Romans, Saxons and Danes. In Edward li. 1s time, tf:oill--
a station on the West Norfolk branch of the Lynn and ham was a. port of some consequence; subsequently, it·,
Hunstanton section of the Great Eastern railway, ri belonged to the Boleyns and the Greshams. In the 17th
miles west from Wells, about s! north-west from Walsing- ::entury, the Coke family (pal'tly by marriage and partly
ham and 127! from London by rail, in the Northern divi- by purchase) acquired the whole of the parish. Thomas
sion of the county, hundred and petty sessional division William Coke esq. M.P. for the county, well-known as
of North Greenhoe, Walsingham union and county court "Coke of Norfolk," and distinguished as the greatest agri-
district, rural deanery of Walsingham, archdeaconry of culturist of his day, succeeded to the estate in 1776, and
Lynn and dwcese of Norwich. Holkham Bay has a very was created Earl of Leicester and Viscount Coke, 12 Aug.
fine firm and safe beach, which is resorted to for bathing 1837, taking the title from the previous creation in 1744•
in the summer months. The church of St .. Withburga which had become extinct in I759 on the death of Thoma•
is situated west of the village and about half a mile from (Coke), nt and only Earl of Leicester of that family.
the Hall, on an artificial mound, supposed to be Saxon, Opposite the north front of the house there is a Corin-
and near a tumUlus in which bones and iron armour have thian column, eNlcted in 1850 by public subscription, .
been fonnd : it is an edifice in the Decorated and Per- to the memory of the Earl. Holkham Hall, the seat of
pendicular styles, repaired in 1767 by the Dowager the Earl of Leicester C.M.G., G.C.V.O. eNlcted in1
Countess of Leicester, at a cost of £1,000, and consists of 1734-60, is one of the finest mansions in the county:
chancel with north and south chapels, nave with clere- the two principal fronts are each 344 feet in length, -
story, aisles, south porch and a lofty embattled tower at with a Corinthian portico on the south side, opposite-
the south-west angle containing 6 bells. In the north
chapel is a beautiful monument, erected in r87r, with a
Ito which is a fountain, consisting of a group of figures
representing St. George and the Dragon, the work of-
recumbent figure in marble, by the late Sir J. E. Boehm Charles Raymond Smith: on each side of the approach·
hart. R.A. of the late Countess of Leicester, who died 21 on the north are figures of a lion and lioness executed'
April, 1870: in the south chapel is a fine monument t-o in bronze, by the late Sir J. E. Boehm hart. R.A. in"'"
John Coke and his wife, and the interior has also a good r 872 : the picture gallery is rich in fine works, par~­
deal of carved oak: in the years 1868-g the church was ticularly in Claudes: the sculpture gallery also contain!<-'
restored and decorated at an expenditure of nearly some celebrated productions: the library, besides books,-
£g,ooo by Juliana, Countess of Leicester: carved oak includes a. very fine collection of manuscripts: the man-
choir stalls were presented in rgog by the Earl of sion stands in an extensive and well-wooded park; the-
Leicester C.M.G., G.C.V.O.: there are 3'iO sittings. park and pleasure grounds are open every Wednesday
The registers date from the year 1542. The living is a during the summer months. The park, which is well
vicarage, with the rectory of Egmere with Waterde'Il stccked with deer and game, contains about 3,200 acres,
annexed, joint net yearly value £280, including I7 of which I,Ioo are wood, and theNl is a. lake, x,o56 yards
acres of glebe, with residence·, in the gift of the Earl of long, frequented by large flocks of water-fowl: the whoie
Leicester C.M.G., G.C.V.O. and held since Igoo by the is inclosed with a wall, erected in r833-g, a.nd within
Rev. Edward Clerevaux Chaytor M.A. of St. John's 20 yards of being 9 miles in extent. Her late Majesty
College, Cambridge. Here aNl almshouses, founded in Queen Victoria, when Princess, visited Holkham in 1835,
1757 by the Countess Dowager of Leicester, at a cost of with her mother the late Duchess of Kent. About the
about £2,300, and endowed with a. sum of £so a year year 166o, 360 acres were inclosed from the sea ; the
charged upon the Holkham estate and an estate con- first Earl of Leicester inclosed 400 more in I722, and
taining 97 acres in the parish of Weasenham St. also reclaimed Holkham Heath, and the second Earl
Pater's: they are occupied by 3 men and 3 women, reclaimed about 700 acres. The south lodge of the park
each of whom has coals, faggots, beddin£!", clothing is approached through a massive triumphal arch of the
and 6s. in money per week. In the village is a beauti- Doric order, Il miles northwards from which is an
ful building in the Swiss cottage style, with a tower, obelisk So feet high, erected in 1729; to !he left is a
erected in 1886 by the Earl of Leicester, at the cost small temple, much admired for its portico. The Earl of
of £1,500 as a reading-room and library for the work- Leicester C.M.G., G.C.V.O. is lord of the manor and
men and labourers on the Holkham estate. Henry Ill. ~ale landowner. Every description of soil exists in the
granted a market and a fair, both now obsolete. Brick parish, from strong clay to blowing sand; subsoil,
and tile making is carried on at Peterstone. In the strong clay, marl, chalk, brick earth, gravel and sand.
marshes, and easily accessible by a road leading from The chief crops aNl wheat, barley, turnips, mangold-
the church lodge, is a large camp, constructed on natural wurtzel and grasses. The area is 4,628 acres; 38 of
features of the soil, and probably used 1mccessively by water, 29 of tidal water and 854 of foreshore; rateable
value, £,5,oi2; the population in xgu was 427. New Post Office, New Holkham.-Henry John Mallett, sub-
Holkham or Longlands is a hamlet at the south end of postmaster. Letters through Wells are delivered at
the parish, about 2 l'lliles south from the Hall. 7·45 a.m. & 1.45 p.m. Box cleared at 7.40 a.m. &
Parish Clerk, Thomas Mann. 4.25 p.m. week days only. North Creake is the
Post Office .......Mrs. Sarah Ann Groom, sub-postmistress. nearest money order & telegraph office
Letters from Wells arrive about 7·35 a.m. & 3·55
Fnblic Elementary School (boys, girls & infants), erected
p.m.; dispatched at 8.55 r1.m. & 5.25 p.m.; sundays,
in !:837, for I2o children; average .attendance, 70;
arrive 7·35 a.m.; dispatched at 8.45 a.m. Wells, ~
miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele- Miss .A.da F. Fair child, mistress
graph office Railway Station, William Woods, foreman in charge
Leicester Earl of C.M.G., G.C.V.O. Ellender Fr!Jderick J. boot maker Paterson Donald, head gardener to
(Lord Lieutenant), Holkham hall; Freezer Samuel, clerk to the Earl, the Earl
& 67 Grosvenor st W; Marlborough clerk to Parish Council & assistant Pedder Martha (Mrs.), aparts. Red ho
club S W & Turf club W, London overseer Peterstone Brick & Tile Works (John
Chaytor Rev. Edward Clerevaux M . .A. Gibbons Chas. gamekeeper to the Earl Ives, manager), brick, tile & horti-
(vicar), Vicarage Hallam .A.rthur, Victoria hotel cultural pottery makers
Doulton Ronald D. The Meal house Jackson John R. H. farm bailiff to Powell Hy. gamekeeper to the Earl
Rhoades Willoughby Westropp J.P. the Earl, Peterstone house Reading Room & Library (.A.. J.
Long lands Julings Isaac, apartments,.A.ncient ho Napier, hon. sec)
Tower .A.rthur E. W Julings Robert Geo. farmer, Hill frm Rhoades Willoughby Westropp J.l'.
COMMERCIAL. Manu Thomas, parish clerk agent to the Earl of Leicester,
Bailey Fredk. electrician to the Earl Munro .A.lex. Hugh, clerk to the Earl Estate offices, Holkham hall
Beeslev •
.A.rthur H. clerk to the Earl Munro Donald, forester to the Earl Sizeland John, assistant engineer to
Blomfield .A.lbt. Miles, frmr. Branthill Munro Hugh, farm bailiff to the Earl, the Earl
Davidson Herbert Alexander, assessor Garden cottage Swain Henry F. clerk of the works
& collector of taxes for Ho:k.ham, Napier Alexander Joseph, librarian Tower .A.rthur E. W. chief clerk. to
Wells, Warham, Cockthorpe & Stiff- to the Earl the Earl of Leicester & clerk to
key; Bagthorpe, Barmer & Syder- lieutenancy
stone, & insurance sgent,Red house
HOL:ME HALE is a parish and v-illage near the river since Igo6 by the Rev. Leonard Bristow Stallard M.A.
Wissey, with a station on the Thetford and Swaffham of Keble College, Oxford. There is a small Wesleyan
section of the Great Eastern railway, 5 miles east-by- Methodist chapel here. The town estate of 46a. rr. 38p.
south from Swaffham, in the South Western division of including the widow's pightle, produces £5o yearly,
the county, South Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional of which mm a moiety is allotted to the school, and £,2
division, Swafiham union and county court district, Cfan- to the widows of the parish, and the maintenance- of
wich rural deanery (north division), archdeaconry of Lynn th? church. The poor's allotment of 24 acres is let to poor
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St . .A.ndrew is a people and the rent returned to them in coals at Christ-
large and ancient building of flint and stone, in the mas. Mrs. AdlingtDn, who resides at the Hall, a modern
Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, mansion, a.nd is lady of th~ manor, and J. T. Ramsden,
north aisles, north porch and embattled western tower are the chief landowners. The rector is the lord of the
cop.taining a clock and 6 bells: the bells· -were rehung rPctorial manor. The soil is sand and clay, and the
in ~9II at a cost of £,229, as a memorial to His late subsoiL' is chalk and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
Majesty King Edward VII. The chancel is divided barley, turnips and pasture. The area is 2,635 acres tJf
from t4e nave by a handsome qth cent. rood screen land and 7 of water; rateable value, £2,565 ; the
of carved oak, and retains a double piscina : there is population in I9II was gor.
also a singlQ one in the north aisle, and a stoup in the Sexton, Thomas. Seeker.
north 'porch: in 1.895 a memorial window was placed Post Office. John Arthurton, sub-postmaster. Lette~s
at a cost of £130 to the late Capt. Henry Smith through Thetford arrive at 7.50 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.';
Adlington, of Holme Hale Hall (d. I893): on the floor dispatched at I2.2'i & 5.2') p.m.; sundays, g.Io a.m.
of the church near the font is a small memorial brass Bradenham is the nearest mortey order office & Necton
to Sir, Edmond llleye, his wife and children. The the nearest telegraph office was restored in 1868, at a cost of about £,659,
and has 200 sitting-s. The register dates from the Public Elementary School (mixed), erected 1908 for 75
year 1538. The Jiving is a rectory, net yearly value children; average attendance, 38; Miss Mabel Wil,cox,
£'J6o, including r;6 acres of glebe and residence, in mistress ·
th.e' gift of Mrs. E. F. Williams, of Norwich, and held Railway Station, Arthur Louis Johns, etation master
Compton Harold .A.rthur, sanitary Payne Charles, Red Lion P.H
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. inspector to Swaffham Rural Dis- Payne James, blacksmith
Adlington Mrs. Holme Hale hall trict Council Pearce George, farmer
Dowie Bobert Chambers, Berrers hall Oopsey James, farmer Reeve Geoi·ge & Waiter, bakerS"
Stallard Rev. Leonard Bristow M.A.' Daines George, Railway tavern Rivett Waiter, farmer
(rector), Rectory Dewing Eliza Maria (Mrs.), farmer Scales Lewis Mark, farmer, Hili farm
Gathercole Jsph. famler, Church farm Spencer Peter, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Harrod William • farmer Swan Jas. assessor & collector of taxes
Arthurton John, shopkeeper,Post office) Eiart George Whitby, shoe maker Thurrell William, farmer
Baker William, farmer Heyhoe .A.nthony, farmer, Erneford ho Youngs Waiter White, saddler
Chapman George, pork butcher Jenness George, Nag's Head P.H
HOLME-NEXT-RVNCTON is a village and parish College, Cambridge. Here is a. Primitive Methodist
Ii miles north from Stow Station, and 2 south-east from chapel. The charities amount to £g yearly. Thomas
the Magd;ilen Road junction station, on the Ely and Lynn Somers Vernon Cocks esq. of Hughenden 1 Bucks, is
section of the Great Eastern railway, and the branch to lord of the manor. Hugh E. Ethelston Peel esq.
Wisbech, and 4 miles north from Downham, in the South of Bryn-y-pys, Ellesmere. Salop, and the Master and
Western division of the county, Clackclose hundred and Fellows of Caius College, Cambridge1 are the chief
petty sessional division, Downham union and county court landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, gravel and
district, rural deanery of Fincham (east division), arch- clay. The- chief crops are wheatr. barley, beans &c. The
deaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Norwich. The church area is ,r,o8g acres of land, 4 of water, 17 of tidal ·water
of St. James is a small building of stone and brick, in and 8 of foreshore; rateable value, £1,338; the popula-
the Early Norman, Early English, Decorated and Per- tion in Igor was 219.
pendicula~ styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch Parish Clerk, .A.rthur William Carter.
and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells: in Post Office.-Geor!Z'e Bligh, sub.postmaster. Letters
1856 a vestrv was added: there is :i memorial window through Downham arrive 7-~5 a.m. & ~-IO p.m.; dis-
to the Rev: E. J. R. Hughes, formerly a curate here, patched lQ. 15 a.m. & 6.5o p.m. Watlington, 1 mile
and on~ ~:rected in 1867 to the Rev. Canon C. D. Wray distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
M.A. rector here 185:r-66: there are 18o sittings. The Wall Letter Box, cleared at Io. 15 a.m. & 6.50 p.m.;
register dates from the year r562. The living is a rec- ~mndays, 10.50 a.m
tory, consolidated with those of South Runcton, and Public Elementary School (mixed), for children of the
Wallington with Thorpland, joint net yearly valpe !.470, pui~hes o{ Holme. South Runcton & Watlington witb
with 30 acres of glebe and residence, in tha gift of Hugh Thorpland, erectPri. in 'l86o. for 120 children; average
~dmund Ethelston Peel esq. and held since 1904 by the I attendance, 73 ~ William GPorge .Barker, ma-ster; Miss
Rev. Philip William Sparling M.A. of Sidney Sussex • , Mayy Baldr0y & :M:is.s A.lice Green, ar,lditional teache~s

.Sparling Rev. Philip William M.A. Boldero Matilda (Mrs.), 'shopkeepet Rolfe George, shopkeeper
(rector), Rectory Burnett John, farmer Stibbon John, cowkeeper
• · Clark Thomas, farmer Warren Waiter, farmer
COliHKRCIAL. Fake J osiah, farmer Woodward Waiter, beer retailer
Eligh Ge(). nurseryman, & post office Freeman William, farmer
BOLME-NEXT-THE-SEA is a village and parish w1nJow is a memorial to the late Matthew Nelson:
iilituated between Hunstanton and Thornham,- on the coast m the church are buried :-Barbara Le Strange, d. 1704;
~oad from Wells to Lynn and in a richly cultivated Hamon Le Strange, d. r7r7; Mary Le Strange, d. 1755 ;
~ountry, 3 mile' north-east from New Hunstanton ter, Mrs. Christian Isabella Le Strange, d. rJS6 and Hamon L~
minal station on the Great Eastern railway, and rS mile$ Strange, d. r76g; various members of the Holley and
.oorth ,from Lynn, in the North Western division of th~ Kelson families a:re also interred here: the communion
· county, . Smithdon. hundred, Smith don and Brother- plate was given by Charles Spelman and bears hi1
~rosa petty sessional division, Docking union, Lynn county arms: the chancel wa.s restored by Mr. Hamon le
.court district, rural· deanery of Heacham, archdeaconry Strange, the lay rector~ in r887 the church was new-
-<lf Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The beach is fine, firm roofed and resea.ted and a new pulpit of Bath stone
and smooth, and the coast is secured against the incur.. erected, the gift of Miss Blyth: there are 300 sittings.
sions of the se~ by 11andhills, called "Meales," and a sea The register dates from the year 1704. The living i•
wall, first erected in r827 and rebuilt in 186o, inclosing a vicarage, net yearly value £139, including 28 acres of
:Some 400 acres of marsh land. The church of St4 glebe and residen{:e, in the gift of the Rev. G. H. Holl~J
Mary the ·Virgin, partly rebuilt by Henry Notyngham B. A. vicar of Runham, and held since 1909 by the Rev .
.ia the reign of Henry IV. (I399-1413), is an ancient Alexander Mackintosh. There is a Primitive Methodist
edifice of flint and stone, mainly in the PerpendiculaJ; chapel, built in 1875· The poor's land consists of
.style, originally consisting of chancel, nave, aisle& and ua. 3 r. gp. the present rent of which, £22, is dis-
an embattled western tower, 8o feet in height, with tributed in coals. There· are six manors viz. Run-
pinnacles and containing 5 bells, dart:ing from r677 to stanton-with-Mustrels; Ringstead-with-Holme; N orthall,
18'68: in r778 the aisles were removed altogether an alias Barnards; Bardolphs in Ringstead and Jlolme, of
with part of the materials the present nave, which ha which Hamon le Strange esq. of Hnnstanton Hall, is
no aisles, was built in 1779: the chancel. retains tripl lord; Holme-next-the-Sea (late Holkhams and Berrys)
:Sedilia and a double piscina : against the south wall o~ and Hoods-in-Holme, of which Reginald H, Blyth esq.
the ehancel, and blocking a. Decorated window, is is lord.. The chief landowners are Hamon le Strange,
peculiar alabaster monument with kneeling effigies t of Hunstanton Hall, Reginald H. Blyth and Thomas
~ichard Stone and Clemens, his wife, seven sons and si Nelson esqrs. The soil is rich and productive; the
.daughters, and is dated 1607: fixed to the chancel arc subsoil is chiefly chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
is· a brass with th-ree rhyming couplets:'-'-" He'rrj barley, turnip5, bean!l and mangold-wurtzel. The area
Notingham and· hys wyffe lyne her yat maden thi~ i~ 1,690 acres of arable and pasture land, 30 of water and
chirche stepull and quere; two vestments and belle~ 549 of foreshore; rateable value, £I,8go; the popula-
they made also. Grist hem sane therfore ffro wo, an tion in 1 gn was 274 .
to bringe her saules to blis of heuen Eayth pater an Sexton, James Robinso'n.
:aue with mylde Steuen ; " the arms and monogram o
Henry Notingham appear on the tower arch: the fon Post & T. Office.--George Fuller, sub-postmaster.
consi&ts ()f a basin of Bath stone, ornamented wit~ Letters are received through King's Lynl!l by mail
tracery and dog-tooth ornament, resting on columns oi cart, arrive at 6.35 a.m. & 2 p.m. & are dispatched
Irish and Devonshire marble, and was erected in rss5 at 9·4° a.m. & 5·5 p.m. Thornham, 2 mile~ distant,
to.. the mem 8 ry of the Rev. John Holley: in the vestrj is the nearest money .order office
is a wa.ter stoup: a new communion table was given Public Elementary School (mixed), controlled · by 6
lby Mr. C. R. Fenwick and a cloth and hangings managers ; i1. will hold 6o children; average attend·
-were presented by Miss Fenwick; the stained wes~ ance, 46; Miss Minnie Snasdel~ mistress
PRIV'ATE RESIDENTS. Wootton William;' George Mowton Sidney, blachmith
"Baylay MN. Brockley cottage COMMERCIAL. Potter .Arthur, fruiterer & greengrocr
llenyon Charles, The Rookery· Bloom field Chas. bathing machine prpr Renant Edwd. farmr. Whitehall farm
lUyth Miss, Kirk gate Blyth Rout. A. farmer, The Manor ho Seapey Alfred William, apartments,
Blyth Robert A The Manor house Bond Alfred, cowkeeper, Laurel villa Redwell
Ellender J ames, Beach house Callaby William Thomas, jobmaster Taylor George, farmer
Eolme Frank, Holme burst Fuller Geo. grocer & draper, Post off Wales Albt. apartments, The Rest
Knight Frederick T. Thurlow cottage Grange Robert William, jun. The Wales John Farthing, jun. builder
Mackintosh Rev. Alexander (vicar), Near farm Wilkins Richard George, wheelwright,
The Vicarage Helsden Henry William, butcher carpenter & joiner; furnished
Nelson Thomas, Holme house Moore Robert, White Hor~e P.H apartments, Vine farm

HOLT is a small market town and parish and the head once had a lofty ~pire, which served as a. landmark:
of a county court district and petty sessional division, in the church are several mural monuments, including
'With a station on the Melton Constable and Cromer branch one to John Holmes, for more than 30 years master
of the Mid. and G. N. joint railway, 23 miles north-north- of the Grammar school and author of a Greek
west from Norwich, 18 north-by-east from Dereham, 12 Grammar; and others to Edmund Hobart and to the
north-east from Fakenham, 9 west-by-south from Cromer Newdegate and. Briggs families: t.he communion table,
.and 123 from London by road, in the Northern division of presented in 1883 by Sir .Alfred Joaren bart. J.P. of Bay-
the county, Erpingham union, Bolt hundred, rural deanery field Hall, in memory of his brother, the late Edward
of Holt and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The Jodrell esq. is of cedar-wood grown on the Bayfield
word " holt," in Saxon, signifies a wood, whence it is estate and olive-wood brought by his late brother from
inferred that the town was surrounded by timber. In Italy: in 1905 a stained window was presented by J.
the reign of Edward the Confessor it was held in royal Rogers esq. and another was given by Sir A. Jodrell
':demesne and after the Conquest the lordship belo1lged to bart. in memory of the Rev. E. Brumell B. D. rector
the family of De Vaux, or De Vallibus. The town, re- 1853-I<}OI : the communion pla.te includes a fiagon, pre-
markable for the purity of its air, is pleasantly situated sented by King George the Sec()nd when Prince of
;on rising ground, in the midst of a fertile district, and Wales; a paten, given by Sir Robert Walpole and one
commands a delightful prospect of the surrounding by Lord Charles Townshend : the fine organ was built
-eountry: in the year 1708 a destructive fire consumed in 1882, at a cost, including organ-chamber. of abou1;
ueaorly every house and building in the town, including £soo: the church was reseated in xE64, under the
the market stalls, and greatly injured the church. The direction of Mr. W. Butterfield, architect, and the chan-
town is paved 1tnd is lighted with gas from works on cel new roofed in 1887 and in rgo7-8 the tower was
:Spouts Common, the property of a limited company completely· restored at a cost of about £8oo: in 1910
-and supplied with water from works erected in 1885 the church was restored at a. cost of £1,350, when an
-and extended in 1gor by the Erpingham Rural Sanitary ancient doorway, a. holy water stoup. a piscina, and
Authority; these include a tower of red brick in the an opening to the rood loft were disclosed : th&
Shirehall Plain, ;;6 feet in height, with a tank holding church affords 350 sittings. Ths register dates from gallons; the to-wn has also been thoroughly . the year 1558. The living is 11 rectory, net yearly value
drained. and the total cost of the waterworks and [330, with 4.5 acres of glebe and residence, '!n the gift
drainage was .over fiO,ooo. The church of St. Andrew of the Master and Fellows of St. John's College, Cam-
is an edifice in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, bridge, and held !Jince- 19og by tht! Rev. Herbert Alfred
c;":IJm;isting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch arul a Kin~ M.A. and formerly scholar of -that college. The
·'west~rn tower containing a clock and two bells~ it Holt burial ground of 3 acres, in the Cley road, was
opened in Sept. rgn, and is under the control of the Girdlestone, an eminent physician and author of seve'V'al
Parish Council. The Wesleyan chapel, built in 1838, medical works, was born here in 1758 and died in 1822.
W'1S restored in 1893 at a cost of £750, and will !eat William Withers esq. who wrote several works on the
25 ::> persons: the Primitive Methodist chapel, built in re:uing and plantinl! of forest trees, was also a native
1872, has 220 sittings. The United Methodist chapel, of Halt. Thomas Cooper, master of the Gnmm:ar
erected in 1862 at a cost of about £2,ooo, is of brick school during part of the 17th century, is said to
and flint in the Gothic style, and affords 400 sittings, have been hanged in front of the school-house for his
The Plymouth Brethren have a meeting house here. adherence to the cause of Charles I. In 18ro the com-
The Literary Institute has a library of over 4,ooo mons and booths that surrounded the town were enclosed
volumes, and is well supported. The bank of Messrs. for cultivation: 120 acres were allotted for the supply of
Barclay and Company Limited, in High street, is a fuel and pasturage to certain householders whose yearly
structure of brick, erected in r8gr by the late firm of rent is under £m, and on the east side, towards Cromer,
Gurneys, Birkbeck, Barclay and Buxton. The market are now handsome and thriving plantations of for~i
for corn is held on Wednesdav, •
and there is a cattle trees, interspersed with dwelling houses. J obn Henry
sale every alternate Friday. The fairs, chiefly for Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, is lord of the manors of
st~ck, are held on April 25th and November 25th and Halt, Halt Bales, and Holt Market. The Fishmongers'
the following days. Bolt Hall, the seat of John H. B. Company are lords of the manor of Halt Pereers. The
Burcham-Rogers esq. J .P. is a brick mansion, in the chief landowners are John H. B. Burcbam-Rogers esq.
Elizabethan style, one mile east of the town, in grounds J.P. and Douglas Cooke Oddy esq. The soil is light and
tastefully laid out and containing a fine piece of water. the land in a high state of cultivation. The area is
Halt Lodge, the seat of John George Oddy esq. J .P. 2,996 acres of land and 13 of water; rateable val'Wl.
and about a mile south of the town, is pleasantly £g,2o6; the population in rgii was 2,I04.
situated in well-wooded grounds of 86 acres. Thomas Parish Clerk. William Nelson.


Post, M. 0. & T. Office (letters should have Norfolk, Fire Engine Station, Norwich road, George W. Bakerp
added).-Alfred Clare, postmaster. Inward mails, superintendent, & 13 men
5·45 & 10 a.m. & 4·5 p.m. (6.2 p.m. local); sundays, Literary Institute, New street, F. T. Hutchens, hon. sec:
5.40 a.m. only. Outward mails (5 .30 a.m. local), Odd Fellows' Hall, Albert st. William Jabez Clarke, s~
8.15 & 11.15 a.m. & 5-IS, S-&<;, 6.20 & 7.20 p.m.; Office of Corn Returns, FeathPTs hotel, Market place
sundays (5.30 a.m. local), 5 ·45 p.m. There are Shire Hall, Shirehall plain, James Fuller, keeper
alterations in times of dispatch in July, August &
Wall Letter Boxes.-Railway station, cleared 9·45 a.m. 5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (Detachment of F Co.);
& 5 & 7 p.m. week days only; near Holt Lodge, Capt. H. N. Bridgwater; Color-Sergt. -Instructor Hall.
cleared 7.15 & 10.45 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; sunday, no drill instructor
Pillar Letter Boxes.-Opposite Gresham School, Cromer PUBLIC OFFICERS.
road, cleared 10 & II s.m. & 5· 15 & 6.45 p.m.; sun- Assistant Overseer, Waiter J. Pye, White Lion street
days, 5 p.m. only; Cromer road, cleared at 10 & Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Frank Andrew~~o.
11. IO a.m. & <;.30 & 7 p.m.; sundays, 5 p.m
Fakenham & Halt
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR HOLT PETTY Customs & Excise Officer, Waiter Gibson Burrowsp
Glenfield, Albert street
SESSIONAL DIVISION. Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths for Bolt Sub-Dis-
Jodrell Sir Alfred bart. D.L. Bayfield ball, Bolt, trict. William Jabez Clarke, New street
chairman Inspector, Infant Lifa Protection Act, George William
Hastings Lord, Melton Comtable Newberry, Cromer road
Burcham-Rogers Jn. Henry Burcham esq. Halt ball, Halt Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Blakeney Districtp
Cozens-Hardy Artbur Wrigley esq. Cley hall, Holt Walsingham Union, Alfred Reginald Kay M.R.C.S.
KE>nnedy Lt.-Col. Thomas Francis Arcbibald Watson-, Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Blakeney
Wiveton hall, Cley, Bolt Medical Officer to Workhouse & Halt District, Erping-
Oddy John George esq. The Lodge, Bolt ham Union, Robert Turner Bales M.D., C.M.Aberd.
Temple-Lynes Charles J ohnson esq. Blakeney, Bolt Norwich road
Clerk to the Magistrates, Frank Andrews, Fakenham Medical Officer, Briston District, Erpingham Union.
& Halt John Fenwick Skrimshire B.C.Camb. Hill house
Petty Sessions are held at the Shire Hall every fourth Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Melton Constable
monday at I I a.m. The following places are included District, Walsing-ham Union, Henry Finch Skrimshir~
m the petty sessional division :-Bale, Blakeney, Bad- B.A.Cantab., M.R.C. S.Eng-., L.R.C .P. Land. Hill house
ham, Briningham, Brinton, Briston, Cley-next-the-Sea, 1 Public Vaccinator, Halt & Briston Districts, Erpingham
Edgefield, Glandford-with-Bayfield, Guntborpe, Hemp- Union, Robert Turner Bales M.D., C.M.Aberd. Nor-
stead, Holt, Hunworth, Kelling, Langham, Letherin15- wich road
sett, Melton Constable with Burgh Parva, Morston, Relieving Officer & Registrar of Births & Deaths for HoU
Salthouse, Saxlingham, Sharrington, Stody, Swanton District of Erpingham Union, George William New-
Novers, Thornage, Weybourne & Wiveton berry, Cromer road; hours of attendance, mon. &;
fri. 3 to 5 p.m.; wed. q a.m. to 1 p.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Road Surveyor for Erpingham Rural District Council,
Concert Ball, New street, Arthur Preston, proprietor Robert Mann, Cromer road
County Court, His Honor James Mulligan K.C. judge; Superintendent of Police, Henry John Lord, Station rd
I George Wilkinson, registrar & high bailiff ;
Henry Bond, bailiff. Court held alternate month11 PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
in the Shire Hall, at 12 noon. The follow· St. Andrew's Church, Rev. Herbert Alfred King M ..A.
·. ing places are within its jurisdiction :-Aid- rector; 8 & 10.45 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
borough, Aylmerton, Baconsthorpe, Barningham Town, Primitive Methodist (Sheringham & Halt Circuit), Rev.
Barningham Norwood, Beckham (East), Beckham .1 ames William Trevvett ; r 1 a. m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ;
(West), Beeston Regis, Be11singham, Blakeney, Bad- thurs. 7.30 p.m
ham, Brinton, Briston, Cley-next-the-Sea, Cromer, United Methodist, Rev. Alfred James Keeley; 10.30
Edgefield, Felbrigg, Glandford-with-Bayfield, Gresham, a.m. & 6.10 p.m
Hempstead, Holt, Hunwortb, Kelling, Langhnm,Lether- Wesleyan Methodist, Rev. George Brown; 10.45 a.m. &
ingsett, Matlaske, Melton Constable-with-Burgh, Met- 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m • •
ton, Morston, Overstrand, Plumstead, Runton, Salt- Salvation Army; sunday, 7 & II a.m. & 3 & 6.45 p.m
house, Saxlingham, Sheringham, Stody, Sustead, Thur-
garton, Thornage, Weybourne & Wiveton SCHOOLS.
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of Gresham's School was founded in r855 by Sir John
Norwich, Harry Pearce Gould, 8 Upper King street, Gresham knt. who appointed the Fishmongers'
Norwich. official receiver Company as estate trustees. The school was estab-
County Police Station, Station road, built in 1855, By. lished on the site of the old Manor house in the
John Lord, superintendent, one sergeant & 10 Market place, where new buildings were erected in
constables r 858-6o. In 1900 the school was entirely re-organised,
Customs & Excise Office, Glenfield, Albert street, WaltPr & in 190:1 new buildings were erected on a site of
Gibson Burrows, officer so acres in the Cromer road at a co1t of £4S,ooo.
These are in a simple Italianized Gothic style, & in- Eccles M.A. l!lecond master; J. Chambre Miller M.A.p
clude a big school, class-rooms & laboratories, sur- A. H. Spiers M.A., D. A. Wynne-Willson M.A., Re..-.
rounding- three sides of a quadrangle, & the head F. G. E. Field M.A. chaplain, E. A. RobertsQn
master's house. There are also four other boarding- M.A., J. H. Foster M.A., Vivian N. Smith, W. F.
houses. The school is administered under a scheme Bushell M.A., H. W. Partridge B.A., L. L. C. Evan~J
of the Board of Education, by 20 governors, viz:- B.A., D. Ll. Hammick B.A. Waiter Greatorey M.A.,
I2 representing- the Fishmongers' Company, r the F.R.C.O., G. R. Thompsou M.A. &; Miss Irene
Lord Bishop of Norwich, 2 the Norfolk County Coun- Statham; medical officer, 0. Kentish Wright B.k.,
cil, r the Erpingham Rural District Council & I the 'M. B., B.C., D.P.H.; Quartermaster-Sergt. Davies
Council of the Senate of the University of Cam- (late R.H.A.) (instructor in carpentry) ; Sergt.-In-
bridge. There are also 3 eo-opted governors. The structor Steer (instructor in drill, swimming &i
clerk to the governors is Sir J. Wrench Towse, Fish- gymnastics)
mongers' Hall E C. Under the new scheme there are
20 Holt Scholarships for boys resident within five PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
miles of the school & 20 County Scholarships tenable
by boarders whose parents or guardians reside in A board of managers of 6 members was formed Oct. IM,
the county of Norfolk. The governors also maintain 1903; 4 appointed by the County Council & 2 by the
three Exhibitions of £6o a year for boy!!! who have Parish Council; C. F. Bailey, Cromer road, Shering-
been not less than two years in the school, tenable ham, correspondent & attendance officer
for not more than three years at any place of higher "New street (mixed), erected in I85I, & enlarged in
education, & the Fishmongers' Company maintain I886, for 250 children; average attendance, I,SO;
ro Scholarships of /,so per annum, with preference Francis Thomas Hntchens, master
to sons of liverymen and freemen of the Company. Norwich road, erected in 1842, for I6I children; average-
The J odrell Prize, being the yearly interest on £2oo attendance, I ro ; Matthew Pearson, master
Consols, is awarded annually for proficiency in Norwich road (infants'), erected in IgiO, for I6o chil-
mathematics. There are now (1912) 210 boys in the dren; average attendance, ro6; Mi~s M. E. Chalkerp
school, Igo being boarders. The staff of the ~chool mistress
is as follows :--G. W. S. Howson M.A. late Scholar Railway Station, Midland & Gre11.t Northern Joint, WI».
of Merton College, Oxford, head master ; J. R. Waiter Whistler, station master
Hales Robert Turner M.D. Norwich rd Preston Arthur, Cromer road
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hammick Dalziel Llewellyn B.A. Preston Miss, St. Andrew's cottage-,.
Baker Misses, The Acacias (assistant master Gresham's schl.), Cromer road
Brown Rev.George (Wesleyan),Hemp- Hanworth house, Tower street Pye Waiter J. Wansbeck
stead road Hart John Henry, The Shrublands Raynham Mrs. Cromer roa<!
Brnmell Rev. Charles M.A. Old Hendrie Alfred Stirling M.B. Stowe Reid Mrs. Douglas,The Limes,High ~t
Thcrnage road house, Cromer road Robertson E. A. (assistant maste:r
Burcham-Rogers Jn. Henry Burcham Howson George William Saul M.A. Gresham's school), The Crossways ..
J.P. Halt hall (head mast-er Gresham'!l school), Cromer road
Bushell W. Foster M.A. (assistant I Cromer road Rush Mrs. Cromer road
master Gresham's school), The Hutchens Francis Thomas,New street Skrimshire Henry Finch B.A. Hill ho
Crossways, C-wmer road Keeley Rev. Alfred James (United Skrimshire Jn. Fenwick B.C. Hill h()
Craske Thomas A. The Yuccas Methodist), Shirehall plain Smith Vivian N. (assistant master-
Craven J. Nowell, Heath house King Rev. Herbert Alfred M.A. (rec- Gresham's school), Hanworth ho_
Culley Harry, High street tor), Rectory Tower street
Eccles James R., M.A. (second mas- Lee William Cooper, Carlton terrace, Spiers Arthur Hood M.A. (mathe-
ter Gresham's school), Woodlands, Cromer road matics master Gresham's school),.
Cromer road Lee-Warner Miss E. J. The Grove The Crossways, Cromer road
Elsden Waiter John, Westward Ho! Leggatt Mrs. The Cedars, Cromer rd Thompson George Ritchie M.A. (asst.
Cromer road Leonard Miss, Staplehurst, Hemp- master Gresham's school), Wesi-
Evans Lionel Lewis C., B.A. (assist. stead road ward Ho! Cromer road
master Gresham's school),Valley ho Miller John Chambre M.A. (master Trevvett Rev. James William (Prim-i-
Field Rev. Francis George Elwes of modern languages Gresham's tive Methodist), Shirehall plain
M.A. (assistant master Gresham's school), Farfield, Cromer road Turner Henry, New street
school), Kenwyn, Cromer road Neal Owen, Meadow side, Cromer road Tyler Hamilton Richard, Bank hous&
Foster J. H., M.A. (assistant master Neale Robert, Briar cottage, New st Watson HiramS.Colwyn ho.Cromer rd
Gresham's school), The Crossways, Oddy Douglas Cooke. Halt lodge Westcott Mrs. Cromer road
Cromer road Oddy John George J.P. Halt lodge Wilkinson Geo. East grove, Cromer rd
Gillam Mrs.Westward Ho! Cromer rd Orford Mrs. High street Wynne-Willson Dallas A.,M.A. (assist.
Greatorex Waiter M.A., F.R.C.O. Partridge Heathfield Waiter B.A. master Gresham's school). Old
(assist. master Gresham's school), (assist. master Gresham's school), School house, Station road
The Crossways, Cromer road School house, Cromer road
COMMERCIAL. Bond Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, Fish hill
Early closing day, Thursday 1 p.m. Boyce Christopher, shopkeeper, Norwich road
-Adam1 Cecilia. (Mrs.), laundress, Albert street Bridgwater Havard Noel, solicitor
Andrews.Frauk (firm, Cates, Butcher & Andrews), l!loli- Brighten Louisa Mary (Miss), dress maker, New stree~
citor, clerk to the magistrates for Holt petty sessional Brock Frederick Wilson, tailor, Market place
division, & to commis~ioners of taxes, & clerk to the Brown Arthnr, hair dresser, Market place
Eleemosynary charity of Ralph Greenaway, Wiveton, Burrell Edith (Miss), scho()l for girls, High street
& to the Cley & Wiveton embankment & drainage Burrell Edward Elden, basket & sieve ma. High street
committee, Market place Burrell R. C. builder, Station road
Baines Frederick, carpenter, Shirehall plain Burroughes Sydney Stephen, corn, coal, manure, hay !\
Baker C. T. Limited, agricultural implement makers & chaff merchant & miller (wind & st€am) & carting
agents, ironmongers & builders' merchants, Market contractor, New street; depot at Station
place & Norwich road Burrcws Waiter Gibson, customs & excise officer, Glen-
Baker Frederick W. grocer & draper, Market place field, Albert street
Barber Matthew Brand, beer retailer, Shire hall plain Butchard Alice Selina (Mrs.), apartments, Mostyn housep
Barclay & Company Limited. bankers (Hamilton Richard Cromer road •
Tyler, manage1:), open daily, Io to 4 except- fri. xo to Butcher Robert Symonds, solicitor, see Cates, Butcher &
:; & sat. 0.30 to I2.3o, High street; draw on head ~\ndrews ·
office, ~4 Lombard street, London E C Byf()rd Henry, furnishing & general ironmonger, tinman,.
Barney Sophia (Miss), aparts. Carlton ter. Cromer road locksmith & general repairer, Shirehall plain
Barningham James, market gardener, Grove lane Case Waiter, butcher, Fish hill
Basham Luke, saddler & harness maker, High street Cates, Butcher & Andrews, solicitors, Market place
Basham Martha (Mis!!), {!lass & china dealer, High street Chapman Annie Maud (Miss), baker, Fish hill
Baxter James, Queen Adelni<le inn, New street Chestney Elijah, painter & gla.zier, The Castle
Bennin~ton Cyril, grocer, Hig-h street Child Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, Peacock lane
Bloom Benjamin, farmer, Pippins Heath (postal address, Clare Alfred, commercial & fancy stationer, bookseller &.
Hunworth, Melton Constable) tobacconist & sub-postmaster, Market place
Bond Henry, l!lolicitor's clerk, bailiff to the county court, Clarke William Jabez, deputy registrar of births ~
insurance & house agent,newspaper reporter,Cromer rd deaths for Halt sub-district, New street
Bond Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Tower street Cooke Harry, horse breaker, Peacock lane
202 •
Cooke John, Bull inn,_ TO-wer street McCormack A1exander, insurance agent, Grove lane
Cooke Mary A. (Mrs.), pork butcher, Tower street McMahon Joseph Bernard, Star P.Ii. Fish hill
Cooper Edwin 'Carter, mineral water manufr. Tower s Mann Robert, road surveyor for Erpingham Rural Dis-
Cooper Emily Ann (Mrs.), Halt steum lam:dry,Tower s trict Council, Cromer road
Copeman Josiah, butcher, Station road J · Morgan's Brewery Co. Limited(Henry Turner, manager),
County Court (His Honor James Mulligan K.C. judge" brewers, maltsters, wine & spirit merchants & aerated •
George Wilkinson, registrar & high .bailiff), Shirehall water manufacturers, High st.; head office at Norwich
County Police Station (Hy. Jn. Lord, supt. ), Station rq Moultcn Herbert B. clothier & boot dealer, High street
Craske Thomas Augustus, chemist & druggist & deald Mundesley & Halt Gas Co. Limited (J. Hallows, man-
in photographic materials & wine & spirit mer.High st ager), Spout common
Cronchen Harry J. boot maker, High street _ Neal Owen, watch maker & cycle agent, Market place
Crowe Frerl.erick Plumbley, jobmaster, Shirehall plain Newberry George William, relieving officer & registrar
Culley Harry, draper, Market place of births & deaths for Halt district, Erpingham union
Customs & Excise Office (Waiter Gibson Burrowsf & collector to the guardians & inspector " Infant Life
officer), Glenfield, Albert street . Protection Act," Cromer road
l>ack Charles Bh:inderfiPld, tobaccomst, Corner house!1 NJcholi!l Thomas Richard, hair dresser, Market place
' Cromer road Oddfellows. Loyal Alexander lodge, No. 3·443 (W. J.
Dady William, sec. Foresters' club, Albert street Clarke, sec.), Oddfellows' hall, Albert street
Dew Martha A. (Mrs.), farmer, Rose cottage, Cley roa Outlaw James, King's Head hotel, High street
Diggens Charles Inkerman, butcher, Tower street Pags & Turner, corn merchants, Railway station
Dix William, head gardener to J. G. Oddy esq. J.P Page Herbert Henry, butcher, Tower street
Ellis John Dennis, farmer, White house, Norwich road Parker Eclmund, gamekeeper to J. H. B. Burcham-
Empson .Ann Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ~-\.lbert street Rogers esq. J.P ·
Empson Herbert, working cutler, High street Payne Alfred, coach builder, New street
Empson Waiter, baker, New street Pearson Matthew, schoolmaster, newspaper correspon-
Farrow John Henry, .Angel inn, Tower street dent & collectol" of taxes, Gresham villas, Cromer road
Feathers Hotel Bowling Club (C. W. Jex, hon. sec) Phillippo Ernest Edwd. watch & clock ma. Shirehall plain
Flood Charles, boot maker, Tower street Plane Josiah, shoe maker, Bull alley
Fox Frederick, chimney sweeper, New street Platten Edward Charles., farmer & road contractor, con-
Fox John William, fishmonger, Tower street tractor for the supply of Halt gravel, stones, silt &
Galloway Alfred, confectioner & tobacconist, High street shingle, Stonepits
Gant Herbert Christopher, beer retailer, Norwich road Preston Arthur, musical instrument dealer & tuner;
Gant J ames, wine merchants' traveller, Shirehall plain proprietor of Holt Concert Hall & house & estate
Gooch Jas. King M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, Market pl agent, New street & Cromer road
Gooch Stephen Leeds, chemist, Market place , Preston Eva (Miss)~ teacher of music, Cromer road
Graveling Harriet (Mrs.), laundress, Norwich road Preston Thomas, photographer & music seller, Market pi
Grrsham's School (George W. S. Howson M.A. head Pye Waiter J. house & estate agent. assistant overseer &
master; J. R. Eccles M.A. second master; for full clerk to Parish Council & Burials Committee, &
list of staff, see page 2or), Cromer road newspaper correspondent, White Lion street
Grout Robert, head gardener to J. H. B. Burcham- Pygall Robert, horse clipper, Norwich road
Rogers esq. J.P Randall Anna M. (Miss), baby linen wareho.Market place
Hales Robert Turner M.D., C.M.Aberd., M.R.C.S.Eng. Randall John Holmes, cycle agent & watch ma. Station rd
surgeon, & medical officer of Holt district & workhouse Ransom Fredk. Spence, boot & .shoe maker, Market place
& public vaccinator Holt & Briston districts, Erping- Reepham Provident Society (Wm. J. Clarke, sec.), New st
ham union, Norwich road Re id Douglas (Mrs.), girls' school, The Limes, High st
Hall John, farmer, Pereers farm Rix Richard, carman, Thornage road ' ·
Harvey Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Tower street Rounce & Wortley, printers & stationers, High street
Hendrie .Alfred' Stirling M.B., Ch.B.Edin. physician & Rush Annie L. (Mrs.), baker & confectioner, High st
surgeon, Stowe house, Cromer road Rush Geo.Bambridge,Feathers commercial htl.Market pl
Halt Burial Ground (W. J. Pye, clerk to the committee); Rush Waiter William, market gardener, Cromer road
office, \Vhite Lion street; ground, Cley road Rush William, builder, Cromer road · ·
Halt Concert Hall (Arthur Preston, proprietor), New st Sapy Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, Fish hill
Bolt Egg & Poultry Supply Co. (F. J. Anderson, man- Searles Annie (Miss\ dress maker, Albert street
ager), Railway station Sears H. Rayson L.D.S.Eng. dentist (attends ISt & 3rd
Halt Garage 8r. Motor Works (Waiter J. Elsden, tuesdays), High strret ··
proprietor); all repairs skilfully executed at moderate Sheppard Ephraim, White Lion hotel, White Lion street
prices; petrol & accessories; cars for hire, Cromer rd Shipp Albert Victor, cycle maker, Shirehall plain
Holt Water Works (.Arnold Burrell, manager); office, Shire Hall (James Fuller, keeper), Shirehall plain
High street; works, Spout common Simmons Frank John, Railway hotel, Station road
Horne Waiter, monumental mason, High street Skrimshire & Gillam, surgeons, Hill house
Howell Matilda & Annie (Misses), apartments, Gresham Skrimshire Henry Finch B.}... Cantab., M.R.C.S.Eng.,
villas, Cromer road L.R.C.'P.Lond. (firm, Skrimshire & Gillam), physician
Intrrnational Tea Co.'s Stores Limited (G. Sparrowi & surgeon, · & medical officer & public · vaccinator
manager), Market place 'Melton Constable district, Walsingham union, Hill ho
J"acob George, general ironmonger, High street Skrimshire John Fenwick :S.C. (firm, , Skrimshire &
J"acobs George, blacksmith. Cromer road Gillam), physician & surgeon, medical offic~r Briston
J"ex Charles William, butcher & vaccination officer,\ , district, Erpingham union & medical officer children's
Shirehall plain sanatorium, Hill house .
Kaberry James Bell, aparts. Archdale ho. Cromer rd Starling Edward Wesley, hardware dealer, Tower st
King Matt, outfitter, New street Starling Frank William, shop'keeper, Albert street
Knowles Charles John, tailor, Market place Territorial Force, sth Battalion Norfolk Regiment (Halt
Lake George Augustus Jas. boot repairer, Norwich roa~ detachment-, F Co.) (Capt. H. N. Bridgwater; Calor-
Lamer Brothers, grocers & drapers, Market place Sergt.-Inst. Hall, drill instructor)
Lee Alfred, wine & spirit dealer, High street ' Tuck James, miller (water), Hempstead mill
i..eggatt William 8r. Son,auctioneers,appraisers Turner Isaac Thomas, blacksmith, Albert street
& land, house & eatate agents, & agents to the Tuthill FredPrick Charles, builder
Guardian Fire & Life Office, White Lion street j Tyler Hamilton Richard, branch manager for ~essrs.
Leggatt Daniel Edward (firm, William Leggatt & Son), Barclay & Company Limited, bankers
auctioneer & insurance agent Vinter J. 0. & Son Limited, coal & coke merchants,
Lewis Charles, grocer, Market place Railway station .
Lewis Robert C. carpenter, Tower street Wailer Herbert, coal merchant, Peacock lane
Lewis Robert Charles, shopkeeper, Station road Wailer John, farmer, Peacock lane
Ling Brothers, motor engineers; garage; every Wailer Will1ani, greengrocer & pork butcher, High st
branch of motor car repairs; first-class cars fm: hire; Wasey Florence (Mrs.), dress maker, New street
agents for Siddeley Deasy cars, Cromer road West Fanny (-~irs. ), a parts. Hanworth house, Tower st
Ling Fred Percy, farmer & machine m;rner, Heath farmi Whistler William Waiter, station mast-er, Cromer road
Lion Hotel Bowling Club (H. ~-\.. Vince, hon. sec.), White Wilkinson George, solicitor,· perpetual commissioner &
Lion botel, White Lion street commissioner to administer oaths in the supreme
Literary Institute (F. T. Hutchens, hon. sec. ; Mrs. court & registrar & high bailiff of the county court,
• Filby, sub-librarian), New street Church street · ·
Lord Henry John, supt. of police, Station road 1 Wilson James, saddler, High street ·
Loynes Yary Ann (Mrs.)(exors. of), blacksmiths,High .stl Wilson William, laundry, Cromer road
Winn Charles Edward, florist & fruiterer, ~ew street Wright Oswald Kentish R.A., M.B., B.C., D.P.H. physi-
· Wortley William Henry Francis, printer &c. see Rounce cian & surgeon, & medical officer to Gresham school,
& Wortley C:romer ,.road
HOLVERSTON (or Holvestone) is a village and Oxford 1 who resides at Burgh-A pton. A small modus 'is
parish 5 miles south-east- by-east from Norwich, in th11 paid in: lieU; of tithes. John Marcon esq. of Edge field, is
'Southern division of the coqnty. Swainsthorpe pett)'j l.ord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is
sessional division, Henstead hundred il.nd union, Nor mixed; subl!oil, loam. The chief cto:ps are wheat, barley
wich county court district, rural deanery of Brook and .roots. The area is 3SS acres; 'rateable 'value, [338 ;
(western division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and dioces the population in rgii was 19.
of Norwich. The church of St. Mary, which stood in Hi
field at a short distance from the Hall, was demolished Letters received through Norwich, delivered at 7.30
some centuries ago, and no part of it now remains. a.m, & 3·45 p.m. The nearest money order office is
The living is a rectory, united to Burgh-Apton, joint net at Brooke & telegraph office at Brarnerton
yearly value £320, with 47 acres of glehe and residence, The children of this place attend the school at Rockland
in the gift of and held since 18gB by the Rev. Harvey St. Mary
William Gustavus Thursby ~-~- of Pembroke College,
Margetts Stepherr Pllarles, horse
slaughterer & marliet gardener
I Perfitt George, farmer, Off farm

HONING is a village and parish on the river Ant, with · is devoted to the expense!! of the ehurcb and the other
a station on the Yarmouth to Lynn section of the Midland moiety to the benefit of the poor. The charities are
and Great Northern joint railway, 2~ miles from War- managed by trustees appointed by the Charity Com-
stead. station on the North Walsham branch of the Great . missioners. Honing Hall, built in 1748 and enlarged in
Eastern railway and 4 .south-east from North Walsham, r87r, is a fine mansion of red brick, standing in a park
i.n the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead and Hap- · of about 100 acres, and is the seat of Edward George
ping petty sessional division, hundred of Tunstead, Small- Cubitt esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor and the prin-

burgh umon, North Walsham county court district, rural cipal landowner. The soil is rich loam 1 with parts light
deanery of Waxham (Tunstead division), archdeaconry sandy; subsoil, sand, clay and small quantities of gravel.
and diocese of Norwich. The river Ant is navigable, and The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips, and
for some miles forms part of the Dilham and North of late years fruit growing has been a .considerable in-
Walsham canal. The church of SS. Peter and Paul, con- dustry. The area is 1,409 acres of land, of which about
spicuously placed on a height, is a structure of flint, 1So are uninclosed, over which then~ are rights of pas-
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western , turage, 6o acres of wood and roof water; rateable value,
tower containing s bells: it was rebuilt in I79S with the £r,g78; the population in 19II was 325.
exception of the tower and the arcades of the nave, which
were then built up and the aisles removed: there are Parish Clerk, the Vicar.
now ISO sittings, so being free. The register dates from Deputy Parish Clerk, William Ducker.
the year 1630. The living is a vicarage, consolidated with Post & Telegraph Office.-Mrs. Mary Ann Riches, sub-
that of Dilham, joint net yearly value £~IS, including postmistress. Letters through Norwich, via Worstead,
rg acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop arrive at 7.10 a.m. & r.Io & 4.50 p.m.; dispatched at
of Norwich, and held since 1872 by the Rev. John Alfred J.Io a.m. & 4-55 p.m. on week days only. Worstead,
Laurence B. A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, who 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order office
resides nt Dilham. There is a ~mall Primitive Methodist
chapel, built in 1883-. There is a village hall, used as Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1B7r, &
a men's club and for parochial ptHposes. Baxter's and enlarged in 1892 & again in 1903, for 82 children;
Husband's charities, arising from land situated in Dilham I average attendance, 73; Mrs. Tricker, mistress
and Tunstead, produce about £34 yearly, half of which I Railway Station (Midland & Great Norther.a joint)
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Buffham Fredk. frmr. & llS'St.overseer Hardinge Cyrill, nurseryman
Calthrop Jas. Sykes, The Manor house Bunting William, blacksmith Jarvis Robert, hurdle-- maker
Cubitt Edward Geo. J.P. Honing hall Cubitt & Walker,merchants & millers Osborne Robert George, basket maker
Gaze Mis!! (steam, wind & water) Riches Mary Ann (Mrs.), refreshment
Felstead William, farmer, Bush farm rooms, Post office
COMMERCIAL. Fletch~r Herbert J oseph, grocer Scott Bertie, grocer
Baccm Samuel, farmer Gedge Albert Chas. farme.11 1 Manor fm Spink Harriet Louisa (Mrs.), Ga:r 4

Bayfield Samuel, farmer Gedge Frederick, farmer deners' Arms P.H

Beck Geo. farmer, Briggate Old hall Green Thomas. farmer Thirtle George, farmer
Brown John, market gardener Hannant William, farmer Wilson Charles Edward, coal merchnt
ll"ONINGHAM is a village and parish on the road 1 Richardson kt. Lord Chief Justice of England, who died
from East Dereham to Norwich, s miles south from Attle- 1 3 March, 1638, and Henry, son of Sir Thomas Richardson
bridge !!tation and 5 from Lenwade station on the Mid- kt. buried 6 Sept. 1663 ~ the church was restored and
land and Great Northern joint railway and 8 miles east reseated in 1897 at the cost of the Right Jlon . .Sir A. E.
from Dereham, in the Mid division of the county. bun- , Fellowes K.C.V.O., D.L., J.P. from the designs of Mr.
dred and petty sessional division of Forehoe, St. Faith's I Herbert Green, of Norwich, diocesan architect: there are
m~ion, Norwich count~ .c?urt district, rural deanery of j I7S s~t~ings_. Th~ register ~ates from_ the year 1561.
Hmgham (Forehoe diVISion), archdeaconry of Norfolk 1 The hvmg IS a discharged VIcarage, with that of East
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew, Tuddenham annexed, joint net yearly value £350, in
ll!ituated one mile east of the village, is a building of ! the gift of the Rt. Hon. Sir A. E. Fellowes K.C. V. 0.,
flint, in the Perpendicular l!!tyle, consisting of chancel, i D.L., J.P. and held since 1909 by the Rev. George Oli.ver
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower, · Crawshaw M.A. of Keble College, Oxford, who resides at
with pinnacles, containing 6 bells; the fifth bell was East Tuddenham. The Du Quesne charity, producing
presented in. IB7B_ by the Rev. w_ C. Ward, an~ the £2 lOS. yearly, is distri_huted as follows: £r lOS. in
organ was g1ven m 187S by Emma (Fellowes), w1fe of bread, ws. to the par1sh clerk and 1os. for books
Henry (Townshend, afterwards Powlett), 3rd Baron Bayn- I for children. The coal charity is a payment by
ing of Foxley, and vicar of Honing-ham, at whose death, 5 I the Right Hon. Sir A. E. Fellowes K.C.V.O., D.L.,
Aug. 1866, this title became extinct: on the south wall J.P. in lieu of fen land, once supplying turf for the
of the chancel is a. monument of black and .whi~e marble, cottagers; the income, about £12 annually, is distri-
with a medallion portrait in armour to Sir Thos, Richard- buted to all the cottagers. The manor of Honing-
son kt, Master of Cramond, ob. 12 March, 1642; on ham was purchased about r6oo of William Barrow esq.
~itber llide are Ionic shaft~. supporting an ornamental by Thomas Richardson esq. afterwards Sir Thomas
scrolled cornice, surmounted by a quartered shield of Richardson kt. Chief Justice of the King's Bench r631,
arms with supporten, C'rest and mantling, and the motto and previously (1620-22) Speaker of the House of
"Virtute acquiritur bonos," below which on either side 1 Commons, at which time be was knighted, and the
are oval shields, inclosed in scroll-work, bearing the im- manor remained in that family until his grandson,
paled arms of his wives Elizabeth (Hewitt) and Mary Thomas, 1st Baron Cramond, sold it to Richard Baylie
(Sandys), and beneath the medallion is an inscription in D.D. president of St. John's College, Oxford, and dean
Latin: here is also a monument with armorial insig-nia of Sarum r63S-67. The barony- of Cramond in Scat-
to Thomas; his son, rst Baron Cramond, ob. 16 May. land, originally granted (23 Feb. 1627) to Elizabeth,
t674. and Anne (Gurney) his wife, ob. 31 Jan. 1677, and wife of the Chief Justice, is supposed to have become
another to Henry, son of the preceding and 2nd Baron extinct on the death (28 July, 1735) of William, 5th
Cramond M.A.Camb. ob. 5 Jan. 17or: in the church baron. The Right Hon. Sir J..ilwvn Edw&rd Fellowes
were also buried Mary, sth daughter of Sir Thomas K.C. V.O., D.L., J.P. reside~ at Honing ham Hall, a

fine old mansion in the Elizabethan style, standing in a & all parts are received at 6 a.m. & 3 p.m. from
well-wooded park of 57 acres. The Right Hon. Sir Norwich; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. & 4.50 p.m
Ailwyn Edward Fellowes K.C.V.O., D.L., J.'P. is lord of Carriers.
the manor and sole landowner. The soil varies from a
stiff clay to a blowing sand. The chief crops are wheat, John Wright, Honingham, to Norwich, wed. & sat
barley and turnips. The area is 2,591 acres of land William Stoke Symonds, from Hockering, passe& through
and 15 of water; assessable value, £1,796; the popula- to Norwich, wed. & sat. returning the same days
tion in 1911 was 338. William Brand, from Hockering, wed. & sat. to Norwich
Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- The children of this place attend the Elementary school
Harry Aldous, sub-postmaster. Letters from London at East Tuddenham
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bartram Waiter, farmer, Honingham Reading Room (Geo. Rowbottom, sec)
Bartram Waiter, Honingham Thorpe Thorpe Richmond Edward, head gamekeepe:r-
Fellowes The Right Hon. Sir Ailwyn Olark Frederick, blacksmith kl the Rt. Hon. Sir Ailwyn Edwd.
Fello~·es K.C. V .0., D.L., J .P
Edward K.C.V.O., D.L., J.P. Hon- Fendick William, miller (water),
ingham hall corn, seed, cake, coal & manure Rowbottom Francis, estate agent to.
merchant & farmer the Right Hon. Sir Ailwyn E.
Finch-Rattan David, Church farm
Fisher Joseph, fa.rmer, cake & :Uellowes K.C.V.O., D.L., J.P. Hall
manure merchant, agent for the farm
COMMERCIAL. British Agricultural Co. Grange fro Seeker John, shopkeeper
Abel Elisha, farmer Grand William, Buck inn Spinks John, farmer
Aldous Harry, butcher, Post office Grief Robert, farmer, Wood farm Woodcock Wm. farmer, Grange farm
HORNING is a parish and village on the navigable· river stone, wit,h angle turrets, still standing among the
Bure, 3! miles east from "\Vroxham station on the Norwich marshes, is a favourite subject with artists: the church
and Cromer section of the Great Eastern railway, 4! from was 270 feet in length: the abbot was mitred, but aa in
Potter Heigham station on the Midland and Great North- 27 Hen. VIII. (1535-6) the abbey was united to the see
ern joint railway and 10 north-east from Norwich, in the of Norwich, in exchange for some episcopal lands, the
Eastern division of the county, Tunstead and Rapping Bishop of Norwich is now also Abbot of St. Benet's-at-
petty sessional division, Tunstead hundred, Smallburgh Holm. There was also a hospital here dependent on the
union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery of abbey and dedicated to St. James: the chapel of the
Waxham (Tunstead division), archdeaconry and diocese hospital still exists, but is now used as a barn, in connec-
of Norwich. The village consists of two streets, long and tion with Homing Hall farm; traces also still remain of
irregularly formed and nearly surrounded by fen or marsh the causeway which united the hospital to the abbey.
land, on which are numerous windmills, constanlly em- The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of the mano1
played in pumping the water from the low lands, which and the principal landowners. The soil is very rich; sub-
at times are completely inundated. The church of St. soil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
Benedict, which stands on a hilly meadow, midway be- The area is 2,529 acres of land, So of water and so of
tween the upper and lower streets of the village, is an tidal water; rateable value, [3,045; the population in
ancient building of flint with stone dressings, in the 1 rgu was 368.
Gothic style of the 13th century and later periods, con- Parish Clerk, Benjamin Grimes.
sisting of nave, south aisle, south porch and a lofty em-
battled western tower, with statues of the four Evangelists Post & Telegraph Office.-Albert Henry Cole, sub-post-
111 pinnacles, and containing one bell : at the east end is master. Letters through Norwich, arrive at 7.25
a mural monument to the Rev. Anthony Barwick, for 56 a.m. & 3.20 p.m. & are dispatched at 12.5 &
years vicar here: the church was restored in 1874, and p.m. week days & 10.30 a.m. sundays. The nearesi
has 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. money order office is at Ludham
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £r76, with 36 Wall Letter Box, near the ' Half :Moon,' cleared at 11.40
acres of glebe and re~idence, in the gift of the Bishop of a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, g.2o a.m
Norwich, and held since rgn by the Rev. Henry Snook
P~blic Elementary School (mixed), built by the Eccle-
Gardner B.A. of London University. There is a Church
siastical Commissioners in 1876, at a cost of £r,o4o,
Mission room in Lower street. The fuel allotments of
& held by the County Council under a lease, for Bo
30 acres produces about £22 yearly. At Cowholm, in
children; average attendance, 70; Miss L. Mackley,
this parish, are the ruins of the Benedictine Abbey of
mistress; S. C. Denmark, Spa Common, North
St. Benet's-at-Holm, or Hulme, founded in 1031 by King
Walsham, clerk to the managers
Cnut the Great, on the site of an earlier foundation de-
stroyed by the Danes in 870; this abbey, being strongly Carriers.-Wallace, from Hickling, passes through to
fortified, held out for some time against William the Norwich, wed. & sat. ; Beevor, from Ludham, wed. &.
Norman, and the gate-house, a structure of brick and sat
Cannell Basil Charles Barman, Beryl Gillard Edward, grocer chant, threshing machine pro-
cottage Grimes Benj amin, market gardener prietoi", general smithing & farmer
Gardner Rev. Henry Snook B.A. Grimes John, boot maker Powley Arthur, New inn; good
(vicar), Vicarage lrrimes Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper accommodation for visitors
Hardy Herbert, Ivy house Grimes Richard, cowkeeper Rowe James, farm bailiff to Mr. G.
Y:mngs Joseph John, Riverside cot Hardy & Lake, dairymen F. Boddy
COMMERCIAL. Holmes John, pork butcher Sims Benjamin, baker
Bloomfield Miles, butcher Keable William, farmer, The Grove Slaughter Sophia(Mrs.),HalfMoon P.H
Bullard & Sons Limited, maltsters Kidman Frederic Charles, farmer, Smith & Powlev, •
boat builders &
Cole Albert Henry, grocer, Poi:l t office Hall farm mechanical engineers
Crowe William Robert, Ferry hotel, & Knights Thomas, farmer Southgate Richard, boat builder
wherry proprieklr; good accommo- Lake Hannah M. (Mrs.), apartments Southgate Violet (Miss), dress make:r
dation for visitors; central for Leeds Thomas, cowkeeper Swan Hot€1 (William Charles Lead-
broads; excellent fishing & shooting Lockett Robert Clarke, reed, rushes, som, manager)
Gedge Martin, wherry owner fodders, hay, straw & chaff mer- Trorey William, builder
HORNINGTOFT is a parish and scattered village, 3 rgog by the Rev. Charles Paulet Cunningham Seagrim
miles north-west from North Elmham station on the Dere- B.A. of Downing College, Cambridge, who resides at
ham anrl Wells section of the Great Eastern railway ahd Whissonsett.. The Primitive Methodist chapel here was
about 5 miles south-by-east from Fakenham, in the Mid erected in 1873. There is a charity of about £6 yeady.
division of the county, Launditch hnndTed, · Mitford and The trustees of the late Richard Hanbury Joseph Gurney
Launditch union and petty sessional division, East Dere- esq. of ~orthrepps Hall (d. 18gg), and the trustees of
, ham county court district, rural deanery of North Bris- the late Matthias Phillippo are the principal landowners.
ley and Toftrees, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The crops are on the
Norwich. The church of St. Edmund is an ancient usual four-course shift. The area is I ,416 acres; rate-
building of flint, in the Early English style, and con- able value; .£1,265; the population in rgu was 229.
sists of chancel, nave and a western turret containing Parish Clerk, Charles List.
one bell : the tower fell in 1796 and has not been re-
built: the font is ancient: the church was thoroughly Letters received throu~h Elmham arrive at 7-30 a.m.
. restored in 1871, and has 150 sittings. The register Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. The
dates from the year 1541. The living is a rectory, nearest money order office is at Whissonsett & tele-
annexed to that of Whissonsett, joint net yearly value graph office at Brisley, about one mile distant
£480, not including 93 acres of glebe and residence, in 'l'he children of this place attend the schools of Bi!!ley
ihe gift of Capt. Charlea Douglas Lane, and held since & Whissonsett
Claxton N oah, beer retailer Mitchell Thomas, farmer

Drew George Edward, builder Monsey Thomas, farmer


Baker Isaac, farmer Drury Richard A. farmer, Manor ho ·Riches Francis, farmer & shopkeeper
Barker Jn. Hurdle P.H. & blacksmith Green Henry, farmer Rivett J ames, farmer
Case Mary (Mrs.), farmer Makins John, farmer Tait William, farmer
HORSEY is a parish and village 4 miles north from built in 1845, is occupied by Lord Lucas and Dingwall.
Martha.m station on the Midland and Great Northern joint The Dowager Viscountess Massereene and Ferrard is
railway, about II north-by-west from Yarmouth and 21 lady of the manor and principal landowner. The soil
aorth-east from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the is mixed; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are
county, Tunstead and Rapping petty sessional division, wheat, oats and barley. The area is I,942 acres of
Rapping hundred, Smallburgh union, Great Yarmouth land, I29 of water, known by the name of Horsey Mere,
county court district, rural deanery of Waxham (Bap- and 73 of foreshore; rateable value, £I,470; the popu-
ping division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. lation in rgu was I57·
This parish was frequently flooded until purchased by
the late Robert Rising, sen. of Horsey Hall, who, by Sexton, Charles Bensley.
repairing the sea bank and draining the marshes, Assistant Overseer, John Henrv• Burton.
brought it to a high state of productiveness ; he also
constructed a road to Somerton, which is of great LITTLE W AXHAM, formerly extra-parochial and an-
advantage to the inhabitants. The church of All Saints nexed to Waxham, is now, under the Divided Parishes
is an ancient building of stone in the Gothic style of the Act, amalgamated with this parish. Bernard James Cud-
l3th century, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch don-Fletcher esq. of Somerton, and Dunans, Argyllshire,
and an embattled tower, round at the base and is lord of the manor and sole landowner.
octagonal above, and containing one bell: on the north
side is a memorial window, erected in 1 s72 to the Rev. Post & Telegraph Office. Mrs. Margaret Goose, sub-
Edward P. Neale M.A. vicar I85 7 . 70 (d. I8 7 r), and in postmistress. Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth at
the chancel three to the Rising family: the finely-carved 8 a.m. & 4.25 p.m. & are dispatched at 9.30 a.m.
rood-screen is a work of the 13th century: the church & 4·45 p.m. & g.25 a.m. on sundays. The nearest
was restored in IB55, at a cost of .f.3oo, and has I20 money order office is at Martham
sittings. The register dates from the year I559· The A board of 6 managers was formed March, 1904 ; 4 founda-
li-ving is a vicarage, net yearly value about £58, and tion managers, 1 appointed by Parish & I by County
47 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Council; , chairman; correspondent,
Dowager Viscountess Massereene and Ferrard, and held C. J. Kirkham, 28 Hall plain, Great YaTmouth
since I9II by the Rev. William Edward Mattinson B.A.
of Trinity College, Dublin. The poor's allotment of Public Elementary School (mixed), built by the late
ga. 3r. gp. awarded at the inclosure in rBI6, is now R. Rising esq. in 1858, & enlarged in I894 by the trus-
(1912) let for £II I2S. 6d. yearly, which sum is distri- tees of Horsey Hall estate, for 50 children; average
buted in coals. Horsey Hall, a mansion of brick, re- attendance, 27; , mistress
Lucas & Dingwall Lord, Hor~;ey hall Bean John, gamekeeper to Lord Lovett Edward, head gardener to
~attimon Rev. William Edward B.A. Lucas & Dingwall Lord & Dingwall
(, Vicarage Burton John Henry, farmer & as- Lovett Sidney, gardener to Lord
COMMERCIAL. sistant ovel'Seer Lucas & Dingwall

Andrews John, Nelson's Head .P.H English George, farmer Myhill William Renson,
Andrews Richard (~rs. ), farmer, Goose Margaret (Mrs.), ahopkeeper, Street faTm
Kerrison farm Post office 1
HORSFORD IS a parish and village, with its houses Grigor's "Arboretum." Horsford Manor is the resi-
widely scattered, on the high road from Norwich to Holt, dence of Thomas Barrett-Lennard esq. D.L., J.P, and
1l miles east from Drayton station on the Midland and Horsford Hall, of Commander Edwin Alderson Day
Great Northern joint railway, and from 4 to 5 miles north- R.N. T. Barrett-Lennard esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord
west from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, of the manoT, J. 1'. Spurrell esq. J.P. Gerard James
Taverham hundred and petty sessional division, St. Faith's Day esq. and W. J. Birkbeck esq. of Stratton Straw less
union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Hall, are the chief landowners. The soil is sand, with
Taverham and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The subsoil of sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
church of All Saints is a low but ancient structure of roots, barley and hay. The area is 4,249 acres, in-
brick and stone, in the Early English style, consisting of eluding a large heath; assessable value, £2,537; the
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and an embattled population in I9II was 7I6.
western tower containing one bell: the north aisle was 'Parish Clerk, William Wade.
restored in I86g: the font is supposed to dat~ from the Post & M. 0. Office.-Mrs. Laura Pye, mb-postmis-
rzth century: the roof of the chancel is thatched, but the tress. Lette:rs arrive from Norwich at 6.40 a.m. &
nave was covered with slates in r88o: there are 190 dispatched u.t 5.15 p.m. ; no delivery on sundays.
~ittings. The register dates from the year I597· The Horsham St. Faith's, It miles distant, is the nearest
living is a vicarage, with that of Horsham St. Faith"s telegraph office
annexed, joint net yearly value £268, including 65 acres Wall Letter Box at the 'Crown,' cleared at S· ro p.m. &i
of glebe, in the gift of J. T. Spurrell esq. J.P. and at the 'Brickmakers' Arms,' at 4.50 p.m.; no sun-
held since Igro by the Rev. Francis Edward Hamond, day collection
wh<J resides at Horsham St. Faith's. Here is a United National (non-provided) School (mixed), erected in r865,
Methodist chapel and a village cl'tl'b. In the parish are , for 170 children; average attendance, x6o; Thomas
the remain!!' of several tumuli. The grounds of Hors- William Miles, master; Miss M. E. Wigger, infants'
ford Hall contain an ancient Scotch pine, mentioned in mistress
Barrett-Lennard Thomas D.L., J.P. Barrett Sidney, butcher King Rosa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Horsford manor Bone Horace, pork butcher Knights James, beer retailer
Day Commander Edwin Alderson Brooks Waiter, butcher Lacey William, farmer
R.N. Horsford hall Bunn Herbert Samuel, builder Laws John & Georg-e, wheelwrights
Gowing Charles T Bunn Jas. Wm. farmer & rate collctr Laws S. (Mrs.), farmer, Lower farm
Spurrell John Thomas J.P. The Cannell Isaac, farmer Laws Samuel Benjamin, Park farm
Vicarage Chapman Edgar, Dog inn March Harry Thomas, wheelwright
COMMERCIAL. Chapman James, coach painter Punchard James, CTown P.H
Andrews Edward, farmer, Lodge frm Chapman Robert, vermin destroyer Pye Laura (MN!.), shopkeeper, &
:Bacon George Samuel, cow keeper Cook "\'Villi am Warner, farmer post office
Barrett Charles, farmer, The Poplars Gilbert Thomas, baking powder Skinner Frederick Wm. beer retailer
:Barrett James, shoe maker manufacturer Smith Cecil, blacksmith
:Barrett Ja.mes Richard, farmer Harrison Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper Village Club (Wm. Lacey, hon. sec)
Barrett Juniper, farmer Howard John Waiter, butcher \Varren John, farmer
Barret.t Richard, farmer King Edwin J. cycle dealer Woodrow Edward, milleT (wind)
HOBSHAM ST. FAITH'S a.nd NEWTON ST. railway, 4 north from Norwich, 7 e.outh from Aylsham,
FAITH'S form a parish in the Eastern division of the and nB! from London. Newton St. Faith's is a mile
county, Taverhrun hundred and petty sessional division, further north, on the direct road to Ayl<!ham from Nor-
St. Faith's union, Norwich county court district, rural wich. The church of St. Mary the Virgin and St. An-
deanery of Taverham and archdeaconry and diocese of drew is an ancient building of flint with stone dre!!sings,
Norwich. Horsham St. Faith's is 3i miles east from ronsisting of chancel. nave, aisles, south porch, and a.
Drayton station on the Midland and Great Northern joint , lufty embattled western tower containing 6 bells: th~

stained east window is a memorial to members of the 1

Surveyor of Highways, .A. Patterson, Grove villas, Catton,
Twining family, and there is a medireval pulpit with Norwich

painted panels, and an ancient font and screen: the church 1

Sanitary Inspector, Thoma~ J. G. Fox, St. Faith's

was restored in 1874, at a cost of over £3,000, of which
Mis_s Twining gave £r,ooo: there are 35? ~itti?gs. . The I ST. F.AITH'S UNION.
register dates from the year r62o. The livmg Is a VIcar- 1 Board day, rr a.m. tuesday, fortnightly at the Union.
age, with tha~ of ~orsford. annexe~, joint net yearly The union of St. Faith comprises the following places:-
value £ 268, With r~sidence, m the gift of J · T: Spurrell Alderford, Attlebridge, Bees ton St. Andrew, Booton,
esq. J.P. and held smce 1910 by the Rev. FranciS Edward B d' t C tt ( t f) C"' stw· k 'n a to '
· a1 h 1 · f St F 'th' kh ran IS on a on par o , IC 1 .ur y Dp
H amon d • w h o IS so c ap ain ° .· · ai s war ouse.
The parsonage house was erected m rB66, at a cost of
Felthor e ' Frettenham
p ' · '

H ' h
S · h' •
. · R b 'lt · BB d Hellesdon, Honmgham, Horsford, ors am t. Fait s.
£ I,ooo.· 1 e IS!!'Ion
Th M
di oom was t dw· thIn I o, an H orstead · h
Wit S tanmng· h a 11 , M or t on-on- tb e- H'll
I •
. ere IS a so a rea ng room, erec e Ill
· w 1 h 1 t H h St
e same year.
F 'th' d
R kh th R' 1 d S lh
ac ea , 1ng an , a ouse, p1xwo
s · rth , sprows t on
Th ere 1s a es. eyan
· cR ape a d orsp am· 't' . ai
M th s d'
an t ( par t of) , .S wamng-· t on, T aver h am, w es t on L ongv1'11 e.
a ,eh urc h M I8Sl0n oom an nmi 1ve e o 1s W't h' h (G t) W't 1 h' h (L'ttl) & w
chapel at Newton St. Faith's. Here was once a I c mg am rea .' c mg am. I . e rox-
. t'1ne pnory,
B ene d IC · f oun d ed Ill
· uos b y R ob ert F't W It ham. The population of the umon m rgor was
1 z
as a ce11 t o th e monas t ery of C one h es, an d d e d ICa e. t ad ter
a 12,5 67;£ area, 49,25 6 acres; ra t ea bl e va1ue, L a d y D ay,
6 3
St. Faith: at i~s dissolution there were seven monks, C;~~~an ~{ f~e Board of Guardians Col. T. E. Green
and revenues estimated at £r62. There was also here a Th L" e W h m ' '
hospital, founded by Ralph de Glanville in the reig~ ~f Clerke to I~es'Gu:~Jia~s & .Assessment Committee, Chas.
Henry II. A market w?s form~rly ~eld he_re, but It 1s Row, 1 Redwell street, Norwich
now obsolete. Horsehair weavrng IS carne?- on_ here. Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Barclay & Company's Bank.
J. T. Spurrell e3q. J.P. of Horsford, Norw1ch, IS lord N . h
of th~ manor and chief landowner: The soil is mixed; Reli~:7;~ Officer George Hog~rth Ged(J'e Horsham St.
subs-oil, marl and clay. The ch1ef crops are wheat, F "th' 8 ' · " '
barley,_ t':rni~s and hay. The area, including Newton MeC:tcal 0:ffi.cers & :Public Vaccinators, Frettenham dis-
St. Faiths,. IS _2·359 acr_es; a_ssessable yalue, £ 2 •75-!t; trict, Wilfred Ash well Aldred M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
the populatwn m I9II, mcluding 6 officials and 75 m- Land. Lanbeevor, Wroxham; Norwich district, Chas_
mates liS the workhouse was 926. Horace Andrews L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. 46 St. Giles st.
Parish Clerk, George Buck. Norwich; St. Faith's district, Robert James Horn
. L.R.C.P.Edin. Gildencroft, Horsham St. Faith's;
Post1 M. 0. & T. Offi?e.-Mrs. ~ana Fox, sub-po_st- Western district, William Henry Griffith-Williams
mistress. Letters arnve. by mail cart from Norwich L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Mattishall; Great Witching ham
at 4 a.m. & 3· 20 p.m.; dispatched at 3· 20 & 6.5 p.m.; district, Edward Verdon Perry L.R.C.P.Lond,.Reepham
sundays, 6.5 p.m The Workhouse, half a mile north-east of the church, &
Post Office, _Newtdn St. Faith's:-Mrs. Sa~ah Furness, erected in r8o5, is a large structure of red brick, capable
sub-p?stm1stress. Letters arnve by ma1l cart from of holding 500 inmates; Mrs. Barker, matron; Rev.
N_orwi<~h at 4· 1~:; a.m. & from Buxton at 5 ·55 p.m. ; Francis Edward Hamond, chaplain; Robert James
dlspatched at 3· I~ & 6 p.m. ; sundays, 6. IS p.m. Horn L.R.C.P.Edin. medical officer The Workhons~
Horsham St. Faith's, 1~ miles distant, is the nearest children attend the Elementary school
money order & telegraph office
Letter Box, Newton, cleared at 3 & 5-50 p.m .Superintendent Registrar, Robert James Horn L.R.C.P.
Edin. Horsham St. Faith's; deputy, Charles Ernesl
ST. FAITH'S RURAL DISTRICT OOUNCIL. Eglington, Horsham St. Faith's
Meets at the Workhouse, thursday, fortnightly. Registrar of Births & Deaths, Eastern & Western dis-
Chairman, Col, Thomas Edward Green, The Limes, tricts, GeGrge Hogarth Gedge, Horsham St. Faith's
Wroxham Uegistrar of Marriages, George Hogarth Gedge, St.
Vice-Chairman, W. W. Cook esq. The .Abbey, St. Faith's Faith's
Clerk, Charles Row, 1 Redwell street, NoTwich
Treasurer, H. :Birkbeck, Barclay & Company's Bank, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1853• & en·
Norwich larged at different periods, for 250 children; average
Medical Officer of Health, Sydney Herbert Long M.D. 37 attendance, r65; H. Leadbeatter, master; Mrs. Lead-
St. Giles street, Norwich beatter, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cook Wm. Warner, farmer, .Abbey fm Hunt Geo. Edgar, Jolly Butchers P.H
Barker Edmund Bobbins, The Lilacs DrakB Waiter & Edward, blacksmiths Pumphrey Sidney, baker
Cook William Warner, The Abbey Eglington & Co. grocers Randall Henry Pestell, provision
Hamond Rev. Francis Edward (vicar, Eglingtou Ernest, deputy superin- dealer, rate collector, assistant
& chaplain to St. Faith's wo.rk~ tendent registrar - oversr. & clerk to theParishCouncil
house), Vicarage Farman Wm. basket ma. Brook cot Randall Herbert Edwin, harness ma
Horn Robert James, Gildencroft Forster Christopher Spanton, farmer Remblents Robert, hurdle maker
Walsh Lt.-Col. John Henry Tull Forster Wm. Sadler, farmer, Newton Reynolds Frank, farmer, Wood farm,.
I.M.S. Heath house Fox John, Crown P.H Newton "
COMMERCIAL. ' Fox Thomas J. G. sanitary inspector Reynolds Fredk. farmer, Elm farm
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court to the R. D. C Slaughter John, chimney sweeper
3530) (William Norgate, sec) Frost Frederick, market gardener Springhall Frederick, blacksmith
:Barker • Edmund Rob bins, , horse Furness Robt. beehive maker,Newton Symonds William, White House P.H
doctor, The Lilacs · · Gedge George Hogarth, registrar of Thrower Geo. John, market gardener
Bilby Waiter, cattle dealer, Ne"ll"ton births, deaths & marriages, Todd Henry, Cross Keys P.H
Bonnick J sph. Rd. Swan P .H. & btchr relieving officer & collector for the Vickers William, boot repairer
Buck GeoTge, builder guardians Woodcock Horace, market gardenerp
llullard Robert, farmer, Newton Go wing John, farmer Newton
Bullard Waiter, farmer Horn Robert James L.R.C.P. & L.M. Woodcock John, beer retailer,Newton
Button George John, shopkeeper Edin. physician & surgeon, & medi- Woodcock Joseph, farmer, Newton
Carter Harry, insurance agent cal officer & public vaccinator, St. Woodcock William, carter & farmer
Chap man Arthur, King's Head P .H Faith's district, & medical officer Wright Robert, farm bailiff to W.
Chapman David T. grocer workhouse & supt. registrar of W. Cook esq
Chapman Walter, grocer, Newton births, deaths & marriages for St.
Clarke George, Crown P.H. Newton Faith's union, Gildencroft

HIQRSTEAD with STANNINGHALL is a parish church of All Saints is a structure of flint in the
and village on the bank of' the navigable Bure, half a Decorated style, consisting of chancel with south chapel,
mile from Coltishall station on the Great Ea11tern rail· nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled western
way and 6 miles north-by-east from Norwich, in the tower containing 3 bells : the roofs are of open tim her
Ea~tern division of the county, hundred and petty se~· work: there are memorial windows to the Rev. Russell
siona1 dlvision of Taverha.m, union of St. Faith's, Norwich Day M.A. rector here r88r-r9o5; to Admiral Sir John
county court district, rural deanery .of Taverbam and Cobbett K.O.B. d. Nov. 1893; to Major Charles R. Day,
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. :By an order which son of the Rev. R. Day M.A. rector r88I-rgo4, and t!J'
came into operation March 25, r885, a detached part Sir Edward Birkbeck, rst and last bart. (d. 1908): the
of Frettenham was amalgamated with this parish. The church was restored and rebuilt in r879, at a cost of
£I,I78, 111nde1' the- superintendence of Mr. R. Makil1 frey J.P. and the Rev. W. J. Stracey-Olithel-0'\V M.A. <tJr~
waine Phipson F. S. A. architect, and has 200 sittings. so Portland place, London W, are the chief landowne\os.
The register dates from·· the year 1558. The living is l'he soil is sand and gravel; s-ubsoil, mar!. The chief
a rectory, net income £350, with 58 acres of glebe and props are wheat, turnips and barle:v. The area hr 2,818
residence, in the gift -of the Provost and ·Fellows of ~cres of lan~ an~ 31 of water; assessable value, £2,347;
King'!O College, Cambridge, and held'- since 190::; by the populatiOn m 19II was 547· ·
the Rev. Vyner Noel Gilbert M.A. of King's College,· '

Cambridge. In this parish, on the river Bure, is a Heggatt . Street is an ancient hamlet, 1 mile south-east_
very large water mill. Between 6 and 7 acres of poor . '
STANNINGHALL is a hamlet in this parish, but for
land are vested in six trustees for the benefit of the
poor of the parish: the land is let in ·small plots to cclesiastical purposes is included with Frettenham.
various tenants, and the rents are expended in coals
at Christmas for the benefit -of the poor. Horstead ~~tter -~ox cleared at 9 a. m. & 3.30 & 7·50 p.m.; sun-
Hall, erect-sd in 1835, is a mansion in the Elizabethan 1 days, 7·4~ p.m
style, pleasantly situ11ted in a dale· on the river Bure, Letters through Norwich, via Coltishall, arrive at 7 a.m_
and the seat of the Hon. Lady Birkbeck. Heggatt & 2.40 p.m. & for Stanninghall, via Crostwick, arrive
Hall, a fine Elizabethan house about a mile from the at 6 a.m. Coltishall (adja.cent) is the nearest money
village, and close to Heggatt Street, is the property of order & telegraph office
and occupied by Lieut.-Col. Thomas Blake-Humfrey
J.P. The Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cam- Public- Elementary School (mixed), built in 1875, &.
bridge, are lords of the manor. The trustees of 'the late enlarged· in· 1909, for 84 children; average attendance,.
Sir Edward Birkbeck bart. Lieut.-Col. T. Blake-Hum- 69 ; Mrs. E. E. Browne, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ' cOMMERCIAL. Mason Edward, farmer, Lodge fann
Berridge Alfred, Fair:field Bald win Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Meale Maude (Mrs.), cycle repairer
Birkbeck Hon. Lady, Horstead hall Benns Denny, farmer Moy Thomas Ltd. coal merchants
Blake-Humfrey Lieut.-Col. Thomas Blythe Edward, boot maker Norgate Edward, builder
J.P. Heggatt hall; & Naval & Mili- Cushion Christopher Edward, assist- Norgats Sarah (Mrs.)~ grocer
tary club, London S W ant overseer & .clerk to the :Parish Notley Wm. Robt. farmer, Stanning-
Falcon Michael, Horstead house Conncil · , . ball (letters through Crostwick)
Freie Misses, Hill house Eke William, farmer - , Read Robert John, miller (water) &
Gilbert Rev. Vyner Noel M.A. (rec- i Yield James, farmer, Heath farm corn & flour mer<Jhant
tor), The Redory Foulger Henry (Mrs.), blacksmith Ringer Geo. Fredk. frmr1 Wood farm
Go ble Mn5. Mill, house I Frost John, veterinary surgeon Span ton John, smith
Grant Mrs. Drummond, Horstead lo 1 Hill James, Recruiting Sergeant P.H 1 Thrower Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer
Hood Charles, Bridge house . Marsh George, farme:c . J Willgriss J ames, farmer
HOUGHTON (or Houghton-in-the-Brake, m Hough- Sir Henry de Walepol was lord of Bouton 35 Edw. I~
ton-next-Harpley) is a parish and village 7 miles south (1306-7) and his son, also Sir Henry, was knight of th&
from Docking station on the Great Eastern railway, and shire for Norfolk in 1316, and lord of Buckenham, Bag-
about 3 north from Massingham station on the Midland thorpe and Hough ton. Houghton Hall, the property of th&
and Great Northern ·joint railway, 14 north-east-by-east ¥arquess of Cholmondeley P.C. and at present occupied
from Lynn and 1o 'VI'est from Fakenham, in .the North by Martyn Thomas Kennard esq. is a mansion of free-
Western division of the county, Gallow hundred and petty stone, with two principal fronts, relieved by cupolas at
sessional division,. Docking union, Little Walsingham of the angles and one front, 450 feet long, is-
county' court district, rural deanery of Burnham, arch- colonnaded throughout: the house was built by Sir
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of No.rwich. The church ef Robert Walpole, first Earl of Orford K.G., K.B. prime
St. Martin, standing in Hough ton Park, is a .structure of minister in the reigns of George I. and George II. and
flint a,nd stone in the Perpendicular .style, and consists some time M.P. for Lyme Regis, from the designs of
of chancel, nav,e, aisles, west porch and a .small embattled Thomas Ripley, architect, and its erootion occupied a.
western tower, with pinnacles, containing one bell : the period of 13 years. The Hall st-ands in a domain of
tower was built by Sir Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford r,4oo a.cres, of which 700 are wood and 700 are park
K.G., K.B. who died March r8, 1745: the church con- and other pasture land surrounded· by beautiful grounds
tain!! monuments to Geoffry Walpole esq. M.P. for Lost- with some :fine old trees. The Marquess of Cholmondeley
withiel, 1714-15, d. l726, and to Catherine (Shorter) wife P.C. is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The
of Sir Robert Walpole~ who died August 20 1 1737: there eoil' is light; the subsoil is marl and chalk. The crops;
is also in the church· a coffin lid Of grey marble with are wheat, oats, turnips, barley, grass, peas and rye.
carved effigy and the date i307, brought to Houghton The area ig 1,564 acres; rateable value, [904; the popu-
from Cokesford priory in. 1522, and believed to represent lation in 19II was 151.
one of the priors of Cokesford; it was l'eplaced in 1855 :
the chancel was :tlestored hi '\:867 by George, 2nd Mar- Deputy Parish Clerk, Edward Chapman.
quess of Cholmondeley P.C. lay rector, when an aumbry Post & Telegraph Office.-Mrs. Susannah Greene, sub~
was discovered, which remains: there are 300 sittings. postmistress. Letters through Lynn IU'I'ive at 7 a.m_
The Tegister dates from about 165o. The living is a & 3.20 p.m.; dispat~hed at n.2o a.m. &; 7.30 p.m.;
vicarage, net yearly value [70, including 4 acres :>f glebe, sundays, arrive at 7 · a.m.; dispatched at 2.35 p.m_
in tl;le gift of the Marquess of Oholmondeley P.C. and East Rudham is the nearest money order office
held since 1888 by the Rev. Harry Edward Beck M.A. of
Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and barrister-at-law, who is also Public Elementary School, erected in r846, for Bo boys.
rector of and resides at Harpley. This place was for many & girls; average attendance, 25 ; Mrs. Grieves, mist
centuries the seat of the de Walepol or Walpole family; Carriers to &; from Lynn frequently pass through
Harrisflon Lionel G. E Cooper Ambrase, gamekeeper to M. Mason John, clerk of works
Kennard Martyn Thomas & (Cora) T. Kennard esq Ramm Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Count-ess of Strafford, Hough ton Houghton Estate Office (John M. Woods Alfred R. farmer, Village frm
hall Wood, estate agent)
HOUGHTON-ON-THE-HILL is a parish consist- residence, in the gift of William Needham Longdon
ing of one farm, 2 miles south-west from Holme Hale Champion esq. of Riddlesworth Hall, Thetford, and held_
station on the Thetford and Swaffham section of the sin~e 1891 by the Rev. Francis Beresford Champion
Great Eastern railway and 4l miles south-east from Swaff- M. A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, and rural dean of
ham, in the South Western division of the county, hun- Cranwich (North division), who resides at North Picken-
dred and petty sessional division of South Greenhoe, ham. George William Taylor esq. of Sauth Pickenham
union and county court district of Swaffham, rural dean- Hall, is lord of the manor and principal landowner_
ery of Cranwich (Northern division), archdeaconry of Lynn The soil is good stiff loam, and the subsoil is chalk.
and diocese of Nor'VI'ich. The church of St. Mary is a The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The
small building in the Decorated style, consisting of chan- area is 6o9 acres; rateable value, £483; the population.

eel, nave and a western tower containing one bell: some In 19II was 4:.1.
ancient windows in the nave, supposed to date from about Letters from Swaffham by foot post arrive about 7-3D-
I02o, and which had long been built up, were re opened a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m. Swaffham is the nearest
and glazed in 188g : the church affords so sittings. The money order office, 4l miles distant, & South PickeR-
register dates from the year 1678. The living is a rec- ham, I! miles distant, the nearest t-elegraph office
tory, consolidated with that of North Pickenham, joint , The children of this place attend the school at North
ne; yearly value £346, including uo acres of glebe and l Pickenham
Yallon Willia.m, farmer
ROUGHTON ST. GILES (or Houghton-in-the-Dale) I905· On the side of the road w Walsingham are the
is a. parish and village on the south-east bank of a ruins of a beautiful little wayside chapel, in the Later
small river, I mile south from Walsingham station on Decorated Transition style of the I4th century, anciently
the Dereham and Wells section of the Great Eastern a resting place for the pilgrims worshipping at the
railway and 4 miles north from Fakenham, in the shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham; here they deposited
Northern division of the county, North Greenhoe hun- their sandals and performed the rest of the journey
dred and petty sessional division, Walsingham union barefoot: it was partly restored, with additions made
and county court district, rural deanery of Walsingham, by Catholics of the Benedictine Order, in 1904. Henry
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The Lee Warner esq. of Walsingham Abbey, is lord of the
church of St. Giles, rebuilt in I879, consists of chancel, manor, principal landowner and lay impropriatDr. The
nave, south porch and a low western tower containing soil is various; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are
3 bells : there are four stained windows and a fine old oats, wheat, turnips, barley and some land in pasture.
illuminated rood screen: the church affords I30 sittings. The area is 992 acres; rateable value, £928; the
The register dates from the year I558- The living is a population in Igrr was I34·
vicarage, annexed to Little or New Walsingham, joint Parish Clerk, William Clarke. •
net yearly value £235, with 3I acres of glebe and
residence, in the gift of Henry Lee Warner esq. and Letter Box cleared at g.2o a.m. & 5-30 p.m.; ~undayl!!,
held since Igo4 by_ the Rev. Edgar Lee Reeves M.A. 9.20 a.m. Letters through Walsingham, delivered
of University College, Oxfmd, who is also vicar of at 7 a.m. & 4 p.m. The nearest money order &
Great Walsingham, and resides at Little Walsingham. telegraph office is at Walsingham, I mile distant
The Rev. Horace Henry Edward Dangerfield B..A.. of The children of this place attend the schools at Barsham
St. Mary Hall, Oxford, has been resident curate since & Walsingham
Dangerfield Rev.Horace Henry Edwd. Clarke Charles William, Buck inn Ellis Matthew, cowkeeper
B.A. (curate of St. Giles) Crafer Henry James, farmer, Canis- Turner Edward Henry, farmer,
Miller Frederick Waters ter hall Manor house
HOVETON ST . .JOHN is a parish and village near Hoveton Little Broad covers about 6o acres. Hoveton
the navigable Bure, 8 miles north-east from Norwich, in House, the seat of John Calthorpe Blofeld esq. J.P. who
the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead hundred, is lord of the manor and chief landowner, is a mansion
Tunstead and Happing petty sessional division, Small- of red brick, situated in an extensive and well-wooded
burgh union, North Walsham county court district, rural lawn, and commands a fine view of the Great Broad,
deanery of W axham (Tun stead division) and archdeaconry which extends over I20 acres, and is close to the Bure .
.and diocese of Norwich. Wroxham station, which is the The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief
junction of the line from Aylsham with the Cromer branch crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,347
()f the Great Eastern railway, is in this parish. The acres of land, 219 of water and 14 of tidal water;
church of St. John is a small but ancient building of rateable value, £2,73I ; the population in 19I I was 334·
flint in the Gothic style of the I5th century, consisting Wroxham Post, M. 0., T .• Telephonic Express Delivery
of chancel, nave, north porch and an embattled western & Telephone Call Office.-Edward John Ward, sub-
tower of brick, containing one bell: the church was re- postmaster. Letters through Norwich delivered at
iltored and reseated in I8go, at a cost of about £4oo, 6.30 a.m. & 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at I2.45, 5·5 &
from plans made by Mr. H. J. Green, architect anri 8.25 p.m. A Wall Letter Box, near the 'Black Horse,'
diocesan surveyor, of Norwich, and now affords 200 sit- is cleared at 12.15 & 7.20 p.m.; snndays & bank
tings. The register dates from the year ID73· The
living is a vicarage, united to that of Hoveton St. Peter, holidays at 5·.1 p.m •
joint net yearly value £220, with 6 acres of glebe an1 This parish is contributory to the Wroxham School
residence, built in I882, in the gift of the Rishop of Nor- Di~trict, sending I member
wich, and held since I907 by the Rev. Vincent William Pub~ic Elementary School (mixed), erected in I886 at
Peake M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Here is an the expense of the late T. C. Blofeld esq. for go
ondenominational mission room. There are four alms- children; average attendance, 45; Miss Ada Mackley,
houses, with gardens, supported by the lord of the manor. mistress ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Attoe Alfred, farmer Nokes Hy. Wm. refreshment room!t
Blofeld John Calthorpe J ..P. Hove- Bond Robert, saddler Norfolk Broads Yachting Co. Limited
ton house Bunn Graham Herbert, yacht builder (Alfred Pegg, manager)
Cla"'{ton Mrs. Fieldhouse Bush John, farmer Pratt Stephen, gardener to J. C.
Griffith Mrs. House of Never Curtis Benjamin, market gardener Blofeld esq. J .P
Hazlerigg Mrs. The Box Daniels James, gamekeeper to J. C. Riches Frank John, baker
Heard Ernest D. Tudor cottage Blofeld esq. J.P Roys' Stores, grocers; & at East
Loynes John, Pioneer house Day William, wheelwright Dereham
Loynes John, jun. We;;;tleigh Drake Charles Williarn, farm bailiff Sacret Stanley J. draper
Mack Philip Paston, Blackhorse broad to J. C. Blofeld esq. J.P Silcock Cubitt, farmer, Church farm
Peake Rev. Vincent William M.A. Filby George, assistant overseer Smith George, Horse Shoes hotel, &
(vicar), Vicarage Ford George, grocer yacht owner & agent. T N 197
Pegg .Alfred, Firdene Fox Wm. Mason, builder & farmer Spalding Alfred, cabinet maker, Vic-
Press Fred Hayes Henry, provi;;ion dealer toria cottages
Reeve George Henry, Primrose Bank Howlett Horace, farmer Spanton George, blacksmith
Rouse William Richard, Upton Hunter William, farmer Ward Edward John, tobacconist &
Sacret Mrs. Killaloo Ives Charles, farmer g-rocer, Post office
Underhill Francis Gowland Ives Waiter, boot maker Wiley Thomas Hall, butcher
Lambert Frdk. Wm. Black Horse P.B Wroxha.m & District Coal Supply Co.
COMMF.RCIAL. Lawn William J ames, cycle agent coal merchants
Atkinson Fred, King's Head hotel Morter Wm. Chas. sedge collar ma
HOVETON ST. PETER is a par1sh of scattered Hoveton Hall, the property of Sir Jacob Preston hart. of
houses, on the Norwich road, I! miles north from Wrox- Barton Hall, and occupied by the Rev. John Hare
ham station on the Norwich and Cromer section of the Beevor ~.A. is a handsome mansion, surrounded by a
GNat Eastern railway and 9 north-east from Norwich, in park of 200 acres, containing an ornamental piece of
the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Tunstead, water, out of which flows a small rivulet, which even-
Tunstead and Rapping petty sessional division, Small- tually falls into the river Bure. Sir J a cob Preston bart.
burgh union, North Walsham county court district, rural is lord of the manor and John William Sewell esq.
deanery of Waxham (Tunstead division), and archdeaconry J.P. of Saxlingham, is the principal landowner. The
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter. soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops
situated to the south-west of Hoveton Park, is a small are wheat, oats and barley. The area is g36 acres of
edifice of brick and stone in the plain style, consisting of land and 9 of water; rateable value, £930; and the
nave, south porch and a western bell-cot containing one population in I9II was 102.
bell: the porch bears the date I624: the church was re-
!leated by subscription in I885, according to designs fur- Letters received through Norwich arrive about 8 a.m.
nished by ;Mr. H. J. Green, architect, of Norwil!h, and The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
bas So sittings. The register dates from the year 1624. Wroxham, in the parish of Hoveton St. John, about 2
The living is a vicarage, annexed to that of Hoveton St. miles distant. Letter Box, near Hoveton Hall, cleared
John, joint net yearly value £220, with 6 acres of glebe, at 12.35 & 5·5 p.m.; sundays, 5·5 p.m
in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since
I907 by the Rev. Vincent William Peake M.A. of St. The children of this parish attend the school at Hove·
Edmund Hall, Oxford, who resides at Hoveton St. John. ton St. John
Beevor Rev. John Hare M ..A. Hove- Ling Benj. farmer, Hall farm (letters Morse Arthur, farmer, Grange farm
ton ball should be addressed Ashmanhaugh,
Gowing Geo. Edwd. farmer, North fm Neatishead, Norwich)
HOWE is a village and parish 5 miles south-east from residence, in the gift Jf Granville Charles Hastings
Trowse station on the main line of the Great Eastern Wheler esq. M.P., D.L., J ..P. of Otterden, Kent, and
railway and 6 south-east from Norwich, in the Southern held since 1905 by the Rev. Percival Hampson Elwiu
division of the county, Clavering hundred, Loddon and Wilder B ..A.. of Pembroke College, Oxford. There is a
Clavering petty sessional division and union, Norwich small charity, left in 1734 by t·be Lady Elizabeth
county court district, rural deanery of Brooke (Western Hastings, ~d another charity of 16s. yearly left by
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk andniocese of Norwich. Ezekiel Scoyles, to be given in bread. The soil is sand
The church of St. Mary is a small but ancient building of and clay; subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are wheat,
flint, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, oats, beans, barley and roots. The area is 790 acres;
nave, south porch and a round Saxon tower containing rateable value, £617; the population in I9II was u8.
one bell: the stained east window was placed by the Rev.
C_ H. Barling, of Brooke, and there is a small stained Letters through Norwich, via Brooke, arrive at 7-SO a.rn
lancet window in the chancel: the staircase to the rood- Brooke is the nearest money order & telegraph office ..
loft remains, and has been repaired : the church was re- about I~ miles distant. Letter Box, Church walL
stored in 1804 at the cost of the Rev. William Tattersall cleared at 9 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.; sundays, 8.30 a.m
B. A. rector (I 840-71 ), and the Rev. John Holmes, of The children of this place attend the school at Brooke
Brooke, and in 1895 was_ entirely new roofed, and affords
75 sittings. The register dates from the year I559· The A parish I'QOID, locally called Lady Hastings School ..
living is a rectory, with that of Little Poringlaud annexed, founded in 1734, was rebuilt by the late rector in..
joint net yearly value £225, with 56 acres of glebe and I88o, is used as a sunday school & men's club
Burgess Benjamin, The Hall I Wilder Rev. Percival Hampson Elwin 1 Burgess Brothers, farmers, Hall farm.
B..A.. (rector), Rectory , Carver William, farmer, Church frm

HUNST.ANTON and NEW HUNST.A.NTON are parishes time of Philip and Mary containing an inventory of"
formed under the "Local Government Act, 1894," out church furniture. The living is a vicarage, with the~
of the old parish of Hunstanton, in the North Western rectory of Ringstead Parva annexed, joint net yearly
division of the county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and value £265, including 6! acres of glebe, with residence,...
Brothercross petty sessional division, Docking union, Lynn in the gift of Hamon le Strange esq. and held since 1893.
county court district, Heacham rural d-eanery, arch- by the Rev. Percy Clifford Stanley M.A. of Trinity Hall,
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. Both parishes Cambridge.
are lighted with gas from works at New Hunstanton, The Oddfellows hold their meetings monthly at the
and supplied with water from a spring at Hunstanton, Neptune Hotel. In Hunstanton there are a number of
both undertakings belonging to the New Hunstanton good hotels, including the le Strange .Arms, the Golf
Urban District Council. Links Hotel, entirely rebuilt in 1904, the Neptune, the-
Sandringham, Golden Lion and Glebe, St. Edmund's.
HUNSTANTON, a parish and village, is a healthfulsea- Private Hotel, the Connaught Private Hotel, and HIJ
bathing place, with terminal station at New Hunstanton, abundance of furnished houses and apartments : there
on a branch from Lynn of the Great Eastern railway, is also a good supply of bathing machines.
about I mile from the old village, 114 miles from Lon- Gibson's charity, consisting of a rent-charge of £23, il'
don, 17 north-by-east from Lynn and 10 west from appropriated equally between the poor and the church.
Burnham Market. The sands extend for 3 miles, and Hunstanton cliff, which rises to a height of about 6o
the bathing is safe and agreeable. The church of St. feet above the beach, is commonly called " St. Edmunds
Mary the Virgin is a noble structure of flint and free- Point," from a tradition that St. Edmund the Martyr
stone, in the Decorated style, and consists of chancel, landed here when he came from Germany to be crowned
clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled King of East Anglia : this cliff exhibits one of the most ·
tower at the west end of the north aisle containing one attractive geological sections on the coast; at the base ·
bell: there is an ancient Norman font, round which a i!l carr stone of dark brown tint below and yellow above ;:
pavement of rich mosaic was laid by the late Henry on this rests a band of bright red,above which, form-
le Strange: the stained east window, a memorial to ing- the top of the cliff, is white chalk: near the highest
the late Henry le Strange Styleman le Strange (d. I 862 ), point of the cliff 'ltands the lighthouse, a. substantiaf"
was erected in 1867 by his wife and children : there is building, completed in 1830 by the Trinity Home, and'·
a stained window in the sout!h aisle, and the south upwards of 50 feet in height; the light E>xhibited is on.
clerestory windows are also filled with stained glass : th~ catoptric principle, and can be seen frum the decks
the chancel contains a very•fine altar tomb with bra<;:~ of ves!ii!ls on dark nights, with a clear atmosphere, at a .
to Sir Roger le Strange, esquire of the body to distance of r6 miles. In a field adjoining the light-·
Henry VII. ob. 15o6, including his effigy in armour, house are the ruins of St. Edmund'!l chapel. The sea
covered with an heraldic tabard, the hands being up- washes against the cliff with great force, but at low ·
lifted with the palms outward; above his head is a water persons may walk along the sands for a distance ·
helmet. with lambrequin and crest, and over all rises an of nearly a mile, to a place called "the Oyster Sea,"·
ela horate triple canopy. supported by pinnacles enrichej where skate, haddocks, codfish, codlings, soles, turbot,
with 8 niches, containing- effigie!l of his ancru~tors, all in plaice, oysters, lobster!!, crabs and shrimps and peri-
heraldic tabards: there is also an inscription to Henry le winkles are taken in abundance. The coast on each side-
Strange, ob. 1485, and Katherine (Drury), his wife; and of the cliff is secured against incursions of the sea .
another to Sir Hamon le Strange bart. ob. 1654, and Dame by sand heaps, called "meaJs."
.A.lice (Stubbs), his wife, ob. 1656: there are other Golf links were formed in 1891 on the Sandhills close-·
memorials to Six Thomas L'Estrange bart. d. Nov. 1751, by the sea and It miles from the railway station, and
and Dame .Ann (Calthorpe), his wife, d. 1742, Sir Henry afford a full course of 18 holes, with a. club-house;
L'Estrange bart. his son, d. 21 Sept. 176o, without issue, the membership is limited to 6oo full paying members;-
when the title became extinct, Charles L'Estrange, d. 25 the new 9-hole golf links were opened in 1912 and are
Aug. 1692, Ann L'Estrange, d. 1647, and Ann L'Estrange, laid out on the top of the cliffs
d. 1663 : there is also a brass to Edmund Grene a.nd There are coastguard and lifeboat stations; the·
Agnes, his wife, c. 1490, and one of a. man in armour, Licensed Victuallers' Association erected a boathouse
c. 1485 : there is also a. brass to Alice le Strange, wife and presented a lifeboat in 1867, which in r887 was·
of Laurence Oli.phant, who died 2 Jan. r886: the porch replaced by a lifeboat of improved construction. The-
was restored in 1864, in memory of the late Henry lifeboat house was rebuilt in rgoo.
le Strange Styleman le Strange, d. 27 July, r862, and Hnnstantou Hall, a. fine mansion, standing in a
in 1894 the 15th century screen, which contains T2 beautifully wooded park, is the seat of Hamon le Strange·
painted panels of the Apostles, was restored and re- esq. D.L., J.P.; in 1853 it was much injured by a
placed at the entrance of the chancel: on the north fire, when the ancient banqueting hall and Pighteen
side is an Easter sepulchre, partly recessed and richly othe~ rooms were destroyed. Ham on le Strang-e esq.
canopied: the church affords 6oo sittings. The registerr is lord of the manor and principal landownPr. The soil
dates from the year 1538, but no entry occurs during is rich learn, and very productive; the subsoil, chalk.
the reign of Queen Mary: there i!l also a terrier of the The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The

Downs, nea.r Great Ring stead, are a delightful il'esort for Golden Lion and Sandringham Hotels, as well as maiJy
picnic parties. residences, all having excellent sea views. At the
The area of Hunstanton is r,8r3 acres of land, 4 of junction of the Greeve Gate and Lynn roads the West
water and 550 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,497; Norfolk Reereation Ground Co. Ltd. have enclosed about
population in I91I was 560. 14! acres for cricket, football, lawn tennis &c. and here
Deputy Parish Clerk, .Albert J. Melton. is now the head quarters of the West Norfolk and Hun-
stanton cricket, hockey and football clubs : there is a
BARRET RINGSTEAD (or Ringstead Parva), now spacious and handsome pavilion. The bathing is both
forming part of the j)arish of Hunstanton, with one safe and good. The Ringstead chalybeate spring, ex-
farm, is 2 mileS' south from Hunstanton terminal sta- tensively recommended by the faculty, is situated on the
tion. Ths church or chapel of St. Andrew is in ruins. Downs within a walk or short drive of the town ; the sur-
The living is a rectory, united to the vicarage of Hun- rounding country affords pleasant drives and walks ; wild
stanton. The farm, which is the property of Hamon le fowl congregate here in great numbers during the winter
Strange esq. is now occupied by 'Mr. William Chadwick months.
Dodman, farmer, who resides at Caley Hall, Old Hun- The Town Hall, opened in r8g6, at a cost of about
_stanton, £2,200, is a building of carr stone with Bath stone

dressings, and contains the offices for the Urban District
NEW HUNSTANTON (or Hunstanton St. Edmund's), Council, as well a.s: a large hall, Bo feet long, suitable
-adjoining Hunstanton, was formed under the "Local fCYr concerts, dramatic performances and other purposes,
-Government Act, r8g4," into a separate parish, and besides an assembly room and & dining hall in the
was governed by a Local Board from March, I892, until basement.
-the formation of the present Urban District CO'Ilncil The General Pos~ Office, in High street, opened in
under the "Local Government Act, I894·" Both the April, I8gg, is a structure of red brick with Bath stom~
ga.s and water undertakings were purchased in 1897 facings.
"by the Urban District Council. The church of St. The Police Station is in James street, and includes
-:Edmund is a building of flint and red chalk with carr a residence for an inspector : petty sessions for Smith·
,stone dressings, in the Decorated style, and consists don and Brothercross petty sessional divisicm are held
of chancel, nave, aisles and a west porch, but there at the Town Hall, Hunstanton, on the second Monday
is no tower or bell : the north aisle, called " the visitors' in each month at 10.30 a.m. and at Docking every
aisle," was erected in I879, at a cost of nearly £"8oo, fourth Monday at 11 a.m. For list of magistrates and
principally contributed by visitors: the east window places in the divisions, see Docking.
-has been partially filled with stained glass by Mr. Tute, The Hunstanton and County Club, occupying spacious
in memory of the Rev. AdolphU!t Wailer M.A. vicar and pleasantly situated premises on the green and over-
r870·9o : there are several memorial windows and a looking the sea, was formed in 1897, and has now (1912)
richly carved oak pulpit, formerly in the choir of Peter- upwards of roo members.
borough cathedral, but removed and -presented to this A srn.all Isolation Hospital of ca.rr stime wa.s erected
church by H. P. Gates esq. J.P. in I892: the church in 1895 by the Urban District Council.
~ords 700 sittings. The register dates from the year The Hunstanton Convalescent Home, for men, ·women
1904. The living is a. perpetual curacy, formed in and children, which stands on an elevated site oi about
1904, net yearly value about £450, in the gift of Hamon 2 acres, close to the Lynn road, and commanding a
le Sbrange esq. J.P. and held since 1912 by the Rev. view of the sea, wa.s first established in June, r872,
Maurice Frederick Bell M.A. of Hertford College, Ox· and now occupies a building of carr stone with red
ford. brick facings and Bath stone sills, opened on EastPr
The Catholic church, in the Sandringham road,. was Monday, I879, by His late Majesty King Edward VII.
built in 1904 and dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual and Queen Alexandra, then Prince and Princess of
Succour and St. Edmund King and Martyr. Here is Wales: this '.institution was designed as a memorial of
a Nonconformist Union chapel, built in 1870, for all thanksgiving for the recovery of King Edward VII. when
-denominations, with 350 sittings. The Wesleyan Metho- Prince of Wales, fro:w his severe illness in 1872; in the
·dist chapel, erected in 11895 at a cost of £r,6oo, is a dining hall is a large portrait in oils presented in 1904
building of carr stone with Ba,th stone dressings, and by subscribers and friends to the late Archdeacon Emery
'has 300 sittings; the old iron .chapel, built in 1889, is of Ely, chairman of the governing body of the house
-now used as a Sunday School. from 1872 to I9o8; there is also a visitors' hall, together
New Hunstanton, now a. well-known and much fre- with rooms for the committee and matron; a wing,
·quented watering-place, occupies one of the most healthy capable of holding 20 patients, was erected in r883; a
sites in the kingdom; the climate is usually dry and new wing to bring up the total beds for men to 40 was
bracing. owing to the scanty rainfall and the absence added in 1910 at the eastern end and a further wing to
of fog, except at very rare intervals, and the air is known bring up the total number of beds for women to 6o was
to be strongly impregnated with ozone ; in spring the added in I9I2 at the western end; there is also a Home
·east wind is lellS keen than in the midland counties : the for children convalescents, containing beds for I2 boys
pier, erected in I87o, and since much improved, is Boo and I2 girls, called the Prince Edward Home, and was
·feet in length, supported on cast-iron columns, resting built in I905; the Home, now available for 100 adult
·on screw piles, and affords a spacious landing-place and an and 24 child patients, is ,supported by voluntary con-
-agreeable promenade, and at the pier head is a spacious tributions and the payment of small sums by the
pavilion for entertainments and concerts l the ~' Mikado" patients; convalescents are received from the Eastern
·Concert Hall was erected in I9I2. In the middle of the and Midland countie!l generally', and from London, nnd
wide triangular green which slopes down to the shore at a wide area beyond. There is also a convalescent home
the southern extremity of the cliff now stands the shaft in Ale:x:andra road for infants.
·of the ancient village cross, removed from its original The area of New Hunstanton, of civil parish and Urban
·site in the old village, and arranged round the green District, is 3I8 acres of land and 136 of foreshore; rate-
are the Town Hall, Hunstanton and County Club, the ab1e value, £20,276; the population in xgn was 2,5ro.
Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, Wall & Pillar Letter Boxes :~Old Hunstanton Church,
Hunstanton.-Charles Herbert White, postmaster. cleared 9.30 a. m. & 12. I5, 3· 15 & 6.30 p.m. (7-45 p.m.
Letters delivered at 7 & 10.45 a. m. & 1. 30 & 6.45 June to September); sundays, 4 p.m. (6 p.m. June to
p.m. 1 wndays, 7 a.m.; dispatched at 8.40 & ro.35 September); Esplanade, cleared 8 & 10 a.m. & 1.3b,
a.m. & 4·5 & .6.5 p.m. & during the months of June, 3·45 & 7 p.m. (8 p.m. June to September); sundays,
July, August & September, I & 9 p.m.; sundays, 5· IS 4.30 p.m. (6.30 p.m. June to September); Glebe
& 7 p.m. (June"to September). Money order & tele- (The), cleared 8 & 9-45 a.m. & r.3o, 3.30 & 7 p.m. (8
graph bminess, 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. week days & tele- p. m. June to September) ; sun days, 4· IS p. m. (6. IS
graph & sale of stamps from 8.30 till 10 a.m. on p.m. June to September); Park road, cle~ued 8 & ro
sun days a.m. &:i 1.30, 3·45 & 7 p.m. (8 p.m. June to Sept.);
sundays, 4.30 p.m. (6.30 p.m. June to September);
Town Sub-Post & M. 0. & Telephone Call Office, North Hunstanton Railway Station, cleared 8 & IO a.m. &
Hunstanton.-Ernest E. Watson, sub-postmaster. 1.30, 3.30 &:i 7 p.m. (8 p.m. June to September);
Letters received through+ Hunstanton, arrive at 8 & sundays, 4.30 p.m. (6.3o p.m. June to September);
11 a.m. & 7 p.m. & are dispj!.tched at 9.30 a.m. & Railway Crossing, ~leared 8 & 10 a.m. & 1.3o, 3.30 &
12.30, '3-IS, 6.45 & 7.30 p.m.; sundays, dispatched 4 7 p.m. (8 p.m. June to September); !Jundays, 4.30
p.m. (October to May) & 6 p.m. (June to September). p.m. (6.30 p.rn. June t() September); Victoria Avenue,
Telegraph office at Hunstantcm; messages received cleared 8 &:i "9·45 a.m. & 1.30, 3.30 & 7 p.m. (8 p.m.
hex:e only June to September); sundays, 4-rs p.m. (6.15 p.m.
June to September)
NEW HUNST.A.NTON URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Collector of Assessed Taxes, George Crosby Lockwood,
Meets at the Town Hall the first friday in every month North Hnnstanton
at 4.15 p.m. Medical Officer of Health for Docking Rural District
Council, Berners Geo. Sumpter M.B.Durh., M.R.C.S.
Members. Eng. Waverley house, Greevegate road, Hunstanton
Chairman, William Hardy. Pier Master, Waiter Bennell, Graigside, Northgate
Vice-Chairman, John Bo"Wman. Superintendent Registrar of the Docking District, George
Retire .April, 1913. Retire .April, 1914. Whitby, Greevegate terrace
Charles Arnold H. Cambridge Barber Town Crier, .A.braham Crown, 5 Roseneath ter.South end
C. Ern est Gray John Bowman •
.John Henry Page James Willoughby PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services .
Retire .April, 1915. St. Edmund's Church, Rev. Maurice Frederick Bell M.A.
William Hardy William D. Ward vicar; Rev. William Sackville Parker M.A. curate;
William .A.ugustus Leach 8, ro & 11 a.m. & 3 &i 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7 or 8 &
9.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Officers. St. Mary's Church, Old Hunstanton, Rev. Percy Clifford
Clerk, John Samuel Bedford Glasier, Nirvana, .Austin st Stanley M. A. vicar; I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Treasurer, G. F. A. Cresswell, Garden house,Hunstanton Catholic Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour &
Medical Officer of Health, Berners George Sumpter M.B. St. Edmund King & Martyr, Sandringham road, Rev.
Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. Waverley house, Greevegate rd
Ernest E. Garnett, priest; 8.15 & 1o.3o a. m. & 6.30
Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, James Cookson Walker, p.m.; mass, mon. wed. & thurs. 8 a.m.; tues. & fri.
Melrose house, Church street 9·30 a.m.; benediction, thurs. 7·30 p.m.; saints' days,
Gas & Water Manager, Walter Eagleton Hart, Town hall mass g.3o a.m
Collector of General District, Gas & WateT Rates, Ernest Catholic Convent Chapel, St. Edmund's House, open to
R- Willoughby, Council offices public; Rev. E. E. Garnett, ·priest; mass, daily
mon. wed. & thurs. 8 a.m. ; tues. & fri. 9.30 a.m
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Union Chapel, Rev. James Amos M.A. I I a.m. & 6.30
Coastguard & Wireless Telegraphy Station, Hunstanton, p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Henry Triscott, chief officer Wesleyan Methodist, Rev. William John Rogers, I I
Fire Brigade, Town hall, W. E. Hart, captain, & 14 men a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
Lifeboat, Hunstanton, John Riches, coxswain in charge
·Lighthouse, Hunstanton, Alfred S. Badcock, keeper SCHOOLS.
Police Station, James street, Hunstanton, William A committee of 6 members was formed Oct. ut, 1903 ;
Samuel Haggar, inspector, & two constables John William Beeton, chairman
Shipwrecked Fishermen &; Mariners' Royal Benevolent New Hunstanton Public Elementary, built in 1874, with
Society; hon. representative, W. J. Bennell, pieT teachers' residence, 111t a cost of £r,7oo, & since twice
master enlarged, at a cost of £r,8oo, for 200 boys & girls
Town Hall, New Hunstanton, J. C. Walker, manager & 100 infants; average attendance, 18o boys & girls
Urban District Isolation Hospital, New Hunstant<Jn, ~ 70 infants; Sidney Edwin Smith, master; Miss
,Berners George Sumpter M.B.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng.; Florence Fielding, infants' mistress
Miss S. Broughton, nurse & caretaker Public Elementary, Hunstanton, was erected in 1841,
& in I9I1 was completely renovated & lobbies added
at a total cost of £4oo, for reo children; average
Admiralty Surgeon & Agent & Certifying Factory Sur- atte'lldance, 95; George Crosby Lockwood, master
goon, Charles Rowan Hamilton Ball M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Railway Station, .Alfred Harris, station master
L.R.C.P.Lond. Minna lodge, The Green
Clerk to the Justices & Commissioners of Taxes fm Smith- Carrier to Great Eastern Railway Co. Robert G. Callaby
don & Brothercross Division, George Whitby, Greeve- Carrier to Lynn & other places between Hunstanton &
gate terrace Lynn, Abraham Crown, tues. & fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gray C. Ernest, proprietor of the Oddfellows (Manchester Unity, Loyal
()adman William Cbadwick, Caley hall le Strange Arms & Golf Links Neptune Lodge, No. 61o6) (G.
Fishwick Tom Silvester, Wood house hotel, also the Glebe hotel, Hun- Crosby Lock-wood, sec)
Hervey .A.lgernon, Church Walk house stanton Oddfellows' Juvenile Society (G.
Howard Misses, Roligbed Hervey Algernon, land agent to Crosby Lockwood, sec)
Eumphrey Benjamin Charles, Lodge Hamon le Strange esq. D.L., J.P. Old Hunswnton Lodge (Mrs. C. E.
farm (letters through New Hun- Church Walk house • Gray, proprietress)
stanton) Holmes Harriett (Miss), shopkeeper O~born R. &; S. oyster planters
.Johnson John Stocks Humphrey Benjamin Charles, farmer, Proudfoot Henry, Victory P.H
le Strange Hamon D.L., J.P. The Hall Lodge farm (letters through New Reading Room (George Crosby Lock·
le Strange Roland D.L., J.P. The Hall Hunstanton) wood, hon. sec)
Lockwo!Xl. George Crosby Hunstanton Golf Club Limited (T. S. Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Robinson Surtees, The Nutshell Fishwick, sec.), The Links (Rev. H. D. Barrett, hon. sec. ;
Stanley Rev.Percy Clifford M.A.Vicrge Johnson John Stocks, farmer John Riches, coxswain in charge)
Watson Henry John, The Cottage Lambert Waiter, apartments, Wood- Smith Alfred, registered shoeing
COMMERCIAL. bine cottage smith & general smith, agricul-
'Badcock Alfred S. lighthouse keeper Aaws Robert William, Neptune hotel, tural implement maker & repairer;
Burgess Alfred Ernest, baker & jobmaster & Park road, Hunstanton
Burlingham Brothers, coach builders le Strange Arms & Golf Link& Watson Ernest E. grocer. Post office.
.Coastguard &; Wireless Telegraphy Hotel (The) (C. Ernest Gray, pro- T N 32
' Station (Henry Triscott, chief prietor) &. The Glebe hotel, Run- Wicks Frederick, head gardener to
officer in charge) ~;tanton. T .A "Links Hotel, Hamon le Strange esq. D.L., J.P.
lJodman William Chadwick, farmer. Hunstanton;" T N raY Hunstanton Hunstanton hall
Caley Hall farm Lockwood George Crosby, assessor & Woods Emily (MI'@.), shopkeeper
l)owdy Henry Thomas, apartments collector of taxes for Old & New Woods James, shoe maker
Dve Walter, beer retailer Hunstanton & assistant overseer & Wright John Robert, gamekeeper to
Fulford George, farm bailiff to clerk to the Parish Council of Old H. G. Salisbury Hughes esq. Park
• Hamon le Strange esq Hnnstanton lodg3 (letters through New Hun-
Golf Links (9 hole course) (Mi~s Melton Albt. Geo. aparts. Ivy cottage stanton)
Gray, sec) Melton John, farmer, Warren farm
PRIVATE Bl!SIDBNTS. Bagge The Misses, Mintlyn house, Bass Miss Ruth, Newport, Greeve-

The Green gate road

Ackland Frederick Tabor J.P. Tarn- Balding Mrs. Thetis, Victoria. avenue Beeton Mrs. Rockland house
' worth house, The Green Balding Mrs. Hurstlea, Valentine rd Bell Rev. Maurice Frederick M.A.
Amos Rev. James M.A. (Union Ball Charles Rowan Hamilton, Minna r (vicar of St. Edmund's), St.
, chapel), Hughende~ Park road lodge, The Green t Edmnnd's vicarage
Archer George, Maisonette.- Grreve- Barber H. Cambridge ~LA. Tha j Brll Robt. Wm. Ascot villa, Hill st
gate road . Glebe house Bellairs Mrs. Sandyland, Austin st
IAttfield liiss,Hermit'sLea,Victoria av Ba.rn~>s Mrs. Sarah Jane, 5 Seagate rd Beloe Edward M. 1 Boston square
Eeresford Richd. Augustus Agincourt Hawkins Mrs . .A~hley house,Westgate Rands Frank A. Victoria buildings,.
M.A. Lydgate house, Cliff parade Hawley Mrs. Flaxwell, Austin ~treet Greevegate road
Bottrill Alfd. Geo. Ivy cot, South end Hayter Mrs. Westwards, Northgate Rawling~ Miss, Homefieldll, Sandring-
Bo_xall William Robert, York cottage, Heygatfl James, Lindley ho. Park rd ham road
~ork avenue . Hill Arthur, Sorrento, Victoria aven Reeding A. W. r8 Victoria avenue
Bris.tow George, Fieldsend, Home- Hinton George William, 4 Glebe aven Rix Mrs. Perivale, G 1ebe avenue
fields road Hob5on Mrs. I7 Victoria avenue Roberts William, Kynance, Glebe av
Brookes Mrs. Woodcroft, Park road Holdcroft Mrs. Sudbrooke Holme, Robinson Walt.TyronP cot.Heachm.rd
Brown Thos. Skopelos, Sandringham A us tin street Robson Henry Gumming, Smallholm
road. T N IS Holmes Mrs. Brandon ho. Avenue rd Rogers Rev. William John (Wesleyan
Brown William H. Petersham,Greeve- Horn Arth. Winfield, St.Edmund's av Methodist), Wesley lodge,Church st
gate road Houldershaw Miss, The Hazard, St. Rm•s William, The Nook, Glebe aven
Bulwer Ml's. Earle, South view, Edmund's avenue Rust Miss, Cairo cottage, Victoria av
Avenue road Howard Miss, Elm ho. Valentine rd Rygate David John, Austin street
Bunting Mrs. Daneholme, Lincoln sq Hud:wn Waiter James, Homer house, Scott Arthur Jn. Martin vil.Austin st
Burkill William Waiter, Glebe villa, Austin street Scott Mrs. Cambo, Lincoln square
Victoria avenue Humphrey Henry, Pembroke,:Northgt Shanks Fredk. Wm. Newland,Park 'rd
Burn Albert, 2·8 Seagate road Humphrey Walter, Vecti;;, York aven Shutes Arth. Bracondale, Boston sq-
Carter Mrs. Ken Hill view,Avenue rd Ibberson Herbert Geo. The Gables, Sj olander C. Victor ,Fridhem,Austin st
Ca.tleugh Richard, Eastwood, Greeve- Northgate Smith Rev. Henry M.A. St. Wini-
gate road Jackson Mrs. Markinch, Northgate frids, Heacham road
Chapman Frank Edward,Tower view, J arrold Miss, 5 Stuart ter. Church st Smith Mrs. Charles Winlove, Alliston
Glebe avenue J ermyn Alfred, Silfield lodge villa, Aushn street
Chatterton Percival Thomas, Cliff J ohnson Alexander, 3 .York avenue Smith Mrs.S. W. Middle ho.Austin st
house, Northgate Johnson Wm. Hy. Vinery ho. Westgte Smith-Smith Mrs. 24 Seagate road
Christie Capt. Henry, 4 Cliff terrace Johnston David, Pier view, Boston sq Smithard Edmund George, I Corn-
Clarke John L. 8 Beaconsfield parade Jones Lewis, Stockbridge ho. ',Yestgte wall terrace, York avenue
Cliffe-J ones George, Roodee, Park rd Juleff David, rg Seagate road Soresby Waiter James, Nunsfield, St.
Clowes Miss, I Sea.gate road Kendrick George, Harpenden house, Edmund's avenue
Coe George Hy. Parkside, Avenue rd Homefialds road Southgate Reginald, Lyncote, St. Ed-
Collier Massey, Brink cot. Glebe av King Mrs. ::; York avenue mund's avenue
Collins Charles W. 6 Beach terrace Kirk Mrs. Mount Stewart, York aven Southwick Mrs. The Hut, Church st
Cook Miss, San Marco, Lincoln street Laxon Mrs. 25 Seagate road Sumpter Berners George M.B. Wave!"-
Cook Miss E. S. Lynfield, Home- Leake Waiter, Boynton house, Sand- ley house, Greevegate road
field 'l road ringham road . Symonds Henry, 23 Victoria avenue
Cooper Alfred, The Bungalow, Lin- Lemmon Wm. Hy. Redmoor,York av Thew Frank Sherwood J.P. The Re-
coln street Lenton Waiter Henry, Elmswood, treat, Lincoln street
Coulton Richd. C.Holiday ho.Park rd Au;;tin street Thompson William, The Pleasaunce.
Coxon Stephen .Arthur T. Clairville, Lewis Lambert, Ardenlea,Heacham rd .Avenue road
Northgate Lock Rev. J. l:l. 2 Boston square Tidnam Misses, 4 York avenue
Crass Mrs. Beechcroft, A venue road Lock William, The Hollies,Avenue rd Toms Rev. Alfred Augustus M ..l .•
Cresswell Geo,. F. A. Garden house, Long Miss, 22 Victoria avenue LL.B. Rokeby, Victoria avenue
Cliff parade Loose Alfd. Addison, Exonia,High st Trufitt Charles Edward, Kinver edge.
Curtis Mrs. Glencoe!, York avenue MacCorquodale John, Maida vale, Crescent road
Davidson Mrs. West hou~e. York av Avenue road Twiss Charles, Somerset ho.Westgate
Daw Mrs. Glenaray, Avenue road McDowell Henry G. Silver Leys, Uyat Rev. Edward M.A. Sydney cot-
Dawbarn Edmund J.P. Tolcarne, Heacham road tage, Northgate
Boston square Macintosh Alexander, r.1 Lincoln sq Underwood John, Homeland, Glebe av
Dawes H. W. Rutland vils. Glebe av Mackinder Frederick D. The Peebles, Vergette Mrs. I Richmond vil. Avenue
Dawes Miss, Hermit's Lea, Victoria av Northgate road
Dorrington Mrs. High mead,Sandring- MacLagan Mrs Inglenook, Lincoln sq Ward Frank, Kew cot. The Crescent
ham road Mahoney Alfred, Neilgherry, York av Ward Hy. Wm. The Poplars, Austin si
Elgood Mrs. Hillburn, York avenue Maris Richard Watson, Porch house, Ward Miss, St. Edmund's avenue
Farmer George, Snettisham house, Church street Ward Miss, York house, Westgate
Hill street Mav• Mrs. Tavistock ho. Avenue road Ward William D. St. Edmund's aven
Fiddian Miss, St. Elm, Lincoln street Meiklebam Mrs. Meldruth lodge, Wardroper Mrs. Kilbreen, Austin st
Finch Henry J. Westwick, Northgate Crescent road Waters Miss Ruth, Deepdene, Avenue
Fishwick Tom Silvester, Glenwood, Mes:oiter M~s. Wavelkellie, Austin st road
Greevegate road M:oore Mrs. Carholme, Lincoln square Watson, St. Edmund's.
Fitt Miss Jane, Cambrian, Glebe av Morton Joseph, Hertford ldg.Austin st Heacham road
Fletcher Miss, Sutton ho. Northgate Oldfield William,Parkfield ldg.Westgte Watson Charles J. The Holm
Flint Mrs. Kingsmede, York avenue Packer Miss. Lindoola, Greevegate rd Watson Mrs. Ingram, The Holm
Floyd William, Sandringham road Page George Wm. 5 Beach terrace Watson T. Ryley, The Shields, St_
Fuller Miss, St. Edmund's cottage, Page John Henry J.P. 2 Cliff terrace Edmund's avenue
Church street Page Murray, The Hut, Church street Weekes Henry Haye,Bank ho.High st
Garnett Rev. E. E. (Catholic), The Parker Rev. William Sackville M.A. Wharton Mrs. Glenberis, St.
Presbytery, Sandringham road (curate of St. Edmund's), Hillside, Edmund's avenue
Gay Mise, Dufferin cot. Austin st Greevegate road Whitsed Samuel, The Nest,Lincoln st
Glasier John Saml. Bedford, Nirvana, Partridge Frederick H. St. Heliers, Wicks Thomas, Walton villa. Hill st
Austin street Austin street Wilkinson Mrs. Conway lo. Glebe av
Grosvenor Mrs. The Crescent PattrickLt.-Col.Wm.J.P.Homefields rd Williams Arth. W. 2 le Strange ter
Gurney Mrs. Beach house Penn Mrs. South lodge,Boston square WilliamsCuthbert, TheCrib,Seagate rei
Hackney Mrs. Rhianva Perkins Mrs. St. Ermyns, Boston sq Willoughby Ernest R 2 Cornwall ter
Hamilton Miss, The Rest, Hill street Pettit Edward Trustrum, St. Mary's, Willoughby Jas. The :Bays, Avt>nue rcf
Hamp8on Leonard, Homestead, Sand- York avenue Wilson L. Gathorne M.A. Westholme,.
ringham road Pilkinton Mrs. 5 Cliff parade Cliff parade
Hardy William, Gaddesby villa, Alex- Platten George Walker, Bramsdale, Wilson Mrs. 6 Cornwall ter. York av
andra road Church street Wing Mrs. Trinity house, Northgate-
Harrison Alan, :Bonerske, York aven Porter Mrs. Burlington cot.Austin st Wright Edward, Sunny side, Greeve-
Hart Waiter Eagleton, Purse villa, Preston Frank, 2 Richmond villa5, gate road ·
Park roatl Avenue road Young Mrs. 3 Seagate road
COMMERCIAL. Alien Alfred, apartments, ro Seagate road
Early closing day, Thursday I p.m. Ambrose William, apartments, Highfield, Homefields rd
Abraham Sarah (Mts. ), boarding house, Sunny nook, Andrews Charles, wine & spirit merchant, 5 Victoria
Avenue road buildings, Greevegate road. T N 2
Adams E. M. (Miss), house agent, Bancroft, York aven Angell Rose (Mrs.), apartments, 3 St. Edmund's terrace-
Adcock Agnes (Mrs.), apartments, Leicester ho.Westgate Appleyard Amy (Mrs.), a parts. Rose villa, Crescent road
Addenbrooke's (Cambridge) Home of Recovery (Charles Archer Eleanor (Mrs.), apartments,Stratton ho. Westgate
R H. Ball M.RC.S.Eng. hon. medical officer; Misl!l Arnold Charlotte (Mrs.), a parts. :tanR'ham cots. Park rd"
Agnes Fo!lter, hon. 1ee. ; Mi81! Sherlock, lady eupt. ), A~tin Alfred, apartments, Hubert villa, Hill street
The Clift' Baker Emily (Mr~.), apartmente, .Alderle,- ho.York aveD
• •


Ilaker Herbert John, grocer, St. Edmund's avenue Crisp Mary Ann & Eliza (Misses), apartments, 2 Greeve·
Eall Charles Rowan Hamilton M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. gate terrace, Greevegate road
Lond. surgeon, & hon. medical officer .Addenbrooke's Crisp Thos. apartments, Mansfield cottage, Church st
Convalescent Home & Admiralty surgeon & agent & Cri!lp William,boot maker,2 Greevegate ter.Greevegate rd
certifying factory surgeon, Minna lodge, The Green. Crown Brothers, dairymen, Wsstgate & Hill street
TN 28 Crown .Abraham, town crier & bill poster, 5 Roseneath
Ball Florence (Mrs.), aparts. Ivy la. St. Edmund's ter terrace, South end
Barber H. Cambridge M.A. preparatory school for Crown A lice (Mrs.), apartmts. 2 Styleman ter.Church a\
the public schools & the Royal Navy, The Glebe Crown Ernest, apartments, Temperleys, Hill street
house. T N 9 Crown Harry, apartments, Brig-y-Don, Victoria avenue
Barclay & Company Limited (branch), bankers (Arthur Crussell Harry, apartments, 3 Belvoir terrace, Westgata
W. Williams, manager), open daily ID to 3, except Curl William, apartments, Fern lea, Church street
tues. m to I; draw on Head office, 54 Lombard st. Curry Thomas Burton, apartments, St. Botolph's, St.
London E C Edmund's avenue
Barkham Sidney Hall, stationer, le Strange terrace; Curtenelle Margt. (Mrs.), aparts. Kingsford, Northgate
High street & Esplanade Curtis June (Miss), apartments, Buckingham ho.We~tgta
Barnes Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, Belt or, Victoria avenue llahbs Chnrles, apartment~ & boat owner, 2 Beach terrace
JJarnes Mary (Miss), boot & shoe maker, le Strange ter Daw William Edward, photogra.phic material dealer,
"Bassett Isaac, refreshment house keeper, Beach terrace lligh street & apartments, Hazeldene, Avenue road
"Batterham John, boarding house, Windsor ha. We-stgate Dawes Theodore E. fruiterer & florist, Esplanade
lJaxter Clara (Miss), apartments, Gao, Park road Deller Gertrude (Miss), boarding ho. Vue ho. Westgate
lJaxter Sarah A. (Mrs.), Canadian house, Avenue road llf'!<bnrou[!'h Sarah (Miss), apartments,St. Kilda,Westgate
Eeeton Alfred Smith, builder, Westg-ate mews & board- Dewsbury Elizh. (Mrs.), a parts. Cranmer ho. Westgate
. ing house, GEmeva house, Westgate Dewsbury Fred Robert, aparts. 2 Carnoustie,Crescent rd
BPeton John William, builder, R<lckland, Glebe avenue Dightam L. (Mrs.), aparts. Clarence house, Westgate
"Bennell Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Craigside, Northgate Dightam Lean, general printer, Westgate
"Bennell Waiter, pier master, Graigside, Northgate Divers Osborne, watch maker, Westgate
"Bennett Frederick Wm. aparts. Grove villa, Hill street Dockerill Herbert, gardener to Ljeut.-Col. Wm. Pattrick
Eeresford Richard Augustus .Agineourt M.A. preparatory Dodman Robert William, apartments, 3 Seagate road
school for boys, Lydg-ate house, Cliff parade Donald~on An drew, fishmonger & fruiterer, High street
l3everley Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Ocean lodge, Dowdy HannHJh (Mrs.), apartments, Olive ha. Sea gate
J ames street Dowdy Robert (Mrs.), aparts. I Ethel ter. Crescent rd.
lHrd John (Mrs.), apartments, Shamrock, Victoria aven nnwning Maria (Mrs.), apartments, Osborne ho.Westgate
"Bishop Waiter, bricklayer, 9 Charlbury bldgs. South end Drake Amelia (Mrs.), apartments,3 Albion ter.Sonth end
"Bloom field Betsy (Mrs.), a parts. 7 Ethel ter.Crescent rd Ducker Ada (Mrs.), aparts. Westgate house, Westgate
Eloomfield Martha (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Roseneath ter- Ducker Walter (Mrs.), aparts. Glaisdale lodge, Westgate
race, South end Ducker William Aloort, cycle agent, Westgate
"Bodger John W. chemist, R<lyal parade, Greevegate rd Ducker Willia,m M. carriage builder, Westgate
Eone May (Miss), photographeT, Pier gate D ,Inn Edwin, hatter, see J om~s & Dunn
Bo"man John, baker & confectioner, le Strange terrace & Dye Harriet M. (Mrs.), a parts. Brockley ho. Wei!tgate
Royal parade, Greevegate road Dye Jamea L. (Mrs.), apartments; highly recom-
Bradley F. W. Limited; artificial teeth manufacturers; mended; unrivalled position, standing high on sea
attends monrlays ID a.m. to 4 p.m. at W. H. Lenton, front, Roehampton, Cliff parade
chemist, le Strange terrace. See advertisement Eastmans Limited, butchers, Westgate
Bree & Davison, boarding house, Britannia ho. Cliff par F.olinc_-rton Annie (Mrs. ),apartments.2 Belvoir ter.Westgte
"Bridges Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 24 Victoria avenue Emmins William Edward, aparts. Dovedale, Crescent rd
British Red Cross Society (Miss Alice Long, sec.), 22 Evans Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 2I Victoria avenue
Victoria avenue Ewer HarriPtt & Edith (Misses), refrshmnt. rms.High st
"Brooke L. & Son, china & glass dealers, High street Fidd~man Elizh. (Mrs.), aparts.Dersingha.m -ril.Austin ~t
"Brooke Benjamin, apartments, 9 Victoria avenue Fitt Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartme'Ilts, :l St. Edmund's ter
Brook eo Kate (Mrs.), a parts. St. Moritz, St.Edmund's av Fletcher Horace (Mrs.), a parts. Humber lodge, .Tame;~ st
"Brown Amelia (Miss), aparts. St. Michael's, Victoria av Fletcher Selina (Mrs.),apartments,Tower Hill ho.Park rd
Brown Caroline (Mrs.), a parts. Dover ha. Homefields rd Forman Edith (Miss), apartments, I I Victoria avenue
"Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, High road, Glebe Foster George William, butcher, Westgate
13uPkingham Palace Private Hotel (Charles Ranshaw, Foster Henrv, apartments, 5 Marine terrace, South end
proprietor), St. Edmund's terrace Foster Priscilla (Mrs. ),aparts.3 Roseneath ter.South end
Budds Margaret & Fanny (Misses), apartments, Glyn- Framingham Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Seoagate
Lea, The Crescent Framingham Harr.v, aparts. Godwiu house, York avenue
Bunting John, beach bailiff, & apartments, Tower Hill Francis Harry, fruiterer, Westgatil
hon~P. Park road J"ranklin Caroline (Mrs.), apartments, Warkworth house,
"Bunting Martin, apartments, Endsleigh, Avenue road ' Victoria avenue
Eunting Waiter Alan, aparts. Wisbech ho. Crescent rd Gane Charles (Mrs.), a parts. Be-aconsfield house, Cliff par
Eurge8s & Co. drapers, High street G-ayler Nephia (Mrs.), apartments, La Havre
"Burgess & Co. fancy goods dealeTs, High street Gent Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Seagate road
Callaby'Ro bert George (Mrs.), apartments, Tabor house Gentle Albt. carpenter & joiner,Bluntisham ho.Northgte
'& Caledonian house, Westgate Gentle Harriett (Mrs.), a parts. Bluntisham ho.N orthgate
Callaby Robert George, agent G. E. Railway Co. & Girls' Friendly Society Home of Rest (Miss Constance
ironmonger, Tabor house, Westgate Knipe, lady superinte-ndent), Freiburg, Avenue road
Carey Edward, apartments, I5 Seoagaw road GlasieT John Samuel Bedford, clerk to the Urban Dis-
Chadwirk John Henry, plumber, Greevel!'ate road trict Council & solicitor, Nirvana, Austin street; &
Cham Elizal1eth (Mrs.), apartments, I Beach terrace · at Lvnn•
Chancellor Mary (Miss), aparts. Lyndewode, Northgate Glebe Hotel (The), good ~ea view & position (C.
Chestney Job, apartments, North view, Victoria avenue Emest Gray, proprietor); also The le Strange Arms
Chilvers & Son, nurserymen, Floretum, Heacham road & Golf Links hotel. Old Hunstanton
Christie A. A. (Mrs.), private boarding house 5 Cliff ter Golden Lion Hotel, open all the year; facing sea.;
Colbert Emma (Mrs.), a parts. 6 Marine ter. South end garden; stabling; garage, with inspection pit; near
Coles Elizabeth (Mrs.), a parts. Beolvedere, Victoria aven g-olf links (Miss Rennison, manageress). Telephone
Cu1man John, apartments, Gurney lodge, Westgate 1:8; telegrams, "Golden Lion Hotel "
Comely Lilla (Mrs.), a parts. Vacuna ho.Sandringham rd Gooby Mary (Miss), aparts. Beetonian villas, SQTlth end
Connaught (The) Private Hotel & Boarding House (Thl' Goss Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, Cora-Lyn, Glebe av
Mis~es Lee, proprietre~ses), Cliff parade Grange James, apartments, Katava, Seagate
Convalescent Home (Bernl'rs George Sumpter M.B .. Grny C. F.rnP~t. proprietor nf the Glt>be hotel, also the
M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer; W. Floyd, hon. sec.; le Strange Arm~ & Golf Links hotel, Old Hunstanton
Miss Traiforos, matron) Gray Susan (Mrs.), aparts. Belle vue, St. Edmund's av
Convalescent Home for Infants (Mother Superior Mary Green Alexander, apartments, Eversley, Church l'!treet
Magdalen, matron), Ale'Xandra road Green Eleanor (Miss), apartments, Avondale ho.Cliff ter
Conk E. R. (Miss). preparatory school for boys, Lynfield. Greenfield Clara (Miss), boarding house, York avenue
Homefields road Griffin Emma (Miss), apartments, Clifton ho. Northgate
Cousins John Thos. a parts. 2 Roseneath ter. South end Grim!lon M. (Miss), private hotel, Alexandra house,
Cox on Step hen Arthur T. dentist, Clairville, N orthg-ate Cliff parade
Crane Mary & Annie (Misses), aparts. St. Faith,York av Groom Helen (Mrs.), tea. rooms, South beach & apart-
Ct:me Agnes (Mrs.), apartments, I2 Victoria avenue ments, Seagate
Groom Pleasance M. (Miss), apartments, Coniston, Laws Robert William, jobmaster; riding & driving
Glebe avenue taught; carriages of every description for hire; brak~
Guy Thomas D. hair dresser & tobacconist, Westgate trips daily, Glebe avenue & Neptune hotel, Old Hun-
Hackney Arthur John (Mrs.), ladies' day & boarding stanton. Telephone 33
school, Rhianva Leach Brothers, builders & contractors, horticultural &.
Hall Arthur Frank, sec. Hunstanton Advancement rustic summer house building a speciality, Steallll
Association, 20 Seaga.te road joinery works, Seagate road
Hall Henry, apartments, Belmont, Crescent road Leach Lionel, apartments, Charmouth house, !venue rdi
Hall Jessie (Miss), apartments, see Porter & Hall Leach Lionel Frederick, fruiterer, Park road .
Hankin Joseph, apartments, Roorkee, Crescent road Leach Wm. Aug. architect,I Carnoustie vils.Crescent r<i.
Hanley Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Church street Lee John Henry, butcher, High street
Hurris Alfred, stll.tion master, G. E. R. station Leesing Lucy (Mrs.), a parts. Sunny ho. Victoria avenue-
Harrison D. (Mrs.), a parts. St. Mary'.s villas, Lincoln st Lesson Mary (Miss), aparts. Ambleside, Victoria avenue-
Harrison David, carpenter & joiner, St. Mary's villas, Leggett William, aparts. 4 Styleman ter. Church street
Lincoln street Lenunon William Henry, hay & corn mer. Church street.
Hart Bessie (Mrs.), aparts. Oxford house, Avenue road Lenton Walter Henry M.P.S. chemist, le Strange terrace-
Hart Lydia (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Church street Lewis Charles (Mrs.), apartments, Solvita, Avenue road
Hart Waiter Eagleton, manager of Urban District Coun- Lister Mary (Miss), aparts. Lynwood, Valentine road
cil water & gas works, Town hall Lock Edwin James, aparts. Laburnum house, Hill street
Hart William, apartments, 8 Church street London Central Meat Co. Ltd. (branch),butchers,High s;
Hartley Leah (Mrs.), boot repr. Hack ford ho. Victoria av London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (George W.
Heath Sarah (Miss), apartments, Kimberley, Avenue rd Page, manager; H. H. Weekes, resident clerk); open
Hendry Samuel, apartments, Zegna, Glebe avenue daily ID to 3; tuesdays, ID to 1, High street; draw
iHeym:m Marie (Mrs.), fancy repository, High street on head office, 3 Bank buildings E C & Glyn, Mills,
Hill Samuel, apartments, 1 Roseneath ter. South end Currie & Co. London E C
Hill Thomas, gmmral ironmonger, High street Lower Ada (Miss), apartments, Restholme, Lincoln st
Hilton Samuel & Sons, boot & !!hoe makers, High street McLean William & Son, fancy repository, Beach place
Hilton Alice {Miss), apartments,3 Stuart's ter.Church st Manning Ethel (Mrs.), a parts. 4 Stuart ter. Church st
Hinds Thomas, apartments, Ocean view, Northgate Margetts Stephen, apartments, Portland house, Westgat&
Hinton George Wm. refreshment rms. The Esplanade Marshall Fanny (Mrs.), aparts.Shaftesbury ho.Northgah~
Hipkins Geo. aparts. Ingoldisthorpe house, Crescent rd Massingham Herbert, apartments, 21 Church street
Hodge11. Waiter, apartments, 1 Albion ter. South ffil.d Matsell Earriet A. (Mrs.), apartments, Cliftonville,High
Hodgetts Sarah (Miss), apartments, facing pier & sea; road, Glebe
good sea view; home comforts; unrivalled position, Matsell Selina (Miss), aparts. Mafeking, Victoria 8"\'eime
Pierpoint house, The Green Matsell William Thomas, saddler, High road, Glebe
Hooks Susan (Mrs.), apartments, Upping ham villa, St. Matthews Frederick, apartments, 6 Church street
Edmund1s avenue Maxwell Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 7 York avenue
Horne George Turner, painter, 16 Church street Merrison Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, see Narborough
Hughes Catherine (Miss), Melville boarding ho.Northgte & Merrison
Hughes Maud (Mrs.), aparts. Arlington ho. Victoria av Mikado Dining Rooms (Leach Bros. proprs. ), l3each nt
Hnnstanton Advancement Association (Hamon le Mikado (The) Hall (Leach Bros. proprs.), Beach read
Strange, patron; William Thompson, president; H. Mitchley Cecil, boat owner, J ames street
Cambridge Barber, chairman; Arthur Frank Hall, hon. Mitchley Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Hill ho. Westgate
sec.), Council chambers Mitchley Sydney, piano tuner, Westgate
Hunstanton & County Club (A. W. Williams, hon. sec.), Madre Muriel (Miss), refreshment rms. 1 Greevegate ter
The Green Morrell Thomas, apartments, Cambridge house,Westgat&
Hunstanton Hockey Club (Miss B. Bristow, sec.), Narhorough & Merrison, apartments, Narborough house~·
Fieldsend Glebe avenue
Hunstanton (St. Christopher's) Home for Waifs & Strays Nash Florence (Mrs.), aparts. Chatsworth ho. Park road
(boys) (Mr~. Beaumont, matron~ Miss Mulford, as- Nelson George, apartments, East Anglia, Crescent road
sistant matron), High road, Glebe' Noble Elizabeth & Alice (Misses), apartments, Elbow
Hum.tanton News (Lynn News & County Press Co. Ltd. house, Victoria avenue
printers & publishers; published tuesday). See Nor ton Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Carnoustie villas.,.
advertisement Crescent road
Hunstanton Pier Co. Ltd. (H. Bradfield, ~ec.); regd. Oakley Gurshon, shopkpr. Charlbury bldgs. South end
office, King's Lynn Owen Arthur Ernest, apartments, 14 Seagate road
Hunstanton Tradesmen's Association (Frank A. Rands, Page George W. manager of the London & Provincial
hon. sec.), 4 Victoria buildings. T N 30 Bank Limitrd, High street
Hunter George, apartments, Brighton house, Westgate Pa.rfrement Edith (Miss), aparts. Ongar ho. Victoria av
Button Ethel (Mrs.), apartments, Clarendon, York av Pari11h Caroline (Mrs.), aparts. Broadway, Glebe avenue-
Ibberson Limited, grocers, Greevegate road. T N 26 Parker John William & Son, grocers & wine & spirit &.
Ibberson Herhert George F .R. I.B.A. architect, The bottled beer merchants, le Strange terrace
Gables, Southgate Parsons Grace (Mrs.), temperance hotel, Westgate
International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. grocers &c. High st Patrick Ann E. (Mrs.), aparts. Chestney ho. Westgate
Jackson Margt. (Mrs.), a parts. Brin-y-Mor, Victoria av Payne Sidney, apartments, 2 Albion terrace, South end
Jermyn & Perry, fancy drapers, Greevegate terrace, Peachey Susan (Miss), apartments, Haslemere,Northgat&
Greeveg-ate road Pierce Charles, apartments, 9 Seagate road
Jermyn & Sons, house furnishers, r Royal Pike Albert Robert, apartments, 1 Victoria avenue
Johnson W. H. & Son, motor & cycle engineers, West- Pitcher Eedley Robert, plumber, 5 Church street
gate; Royal parade & Heacham road. T N 28 Pitcher John Rayner, apartments, The Priory, Northgate-
Johnson Caroline (Mrs.), aparts. Lindum lo. Northgate Platten Alice Eva Mary & Kate (Misse!!), boarding honse,
Jolly Grace (Mrs.), aparts. St. Germains ho. York aven Midbrake house. Greevegate road
J one!~ & Dunn, hatters & hosiers, Post Office bldg!!.High st Flatten George Walker, St. Edmund's dairy & coal
Jones Gracie H. (Miss), aparts. Salis ho. Park road merchant, High street
Jones Lewis, fancy repository & to Westgate Police Station (Wm. Saml. Haggar, inspector), James 1t
Kendall Annie (Miss), Belvoir house,Northgate Porter & Hall Misses, aparts. Bromley ho. Cliff parade
Kendle Mary (Miss), boarding ester,Greevegate rd Porter Joseph Albert, aparts. 4 Albion ter. South end
Kirton Emma Jane (Miss), board residence, Faircot, Pratt Waiter, aparts. 7 Charlbury buildings, South end
Northg-ate Preston Frank Pickering, circulating library, bookseller
Kisby Miriam (Miss), apartments, Hurst, Glebe avenue & stationer, High street & Pier gate
Klein Hannah (Mrs.), apartments,Nelson villa, South end Ralph Frederick, photographer, High road
Lamb Ellen (Miss), aparts. Glan-y-Mor, St.Edmund's av Rands Frank A. butcher, Victoria buildings, Greevegate-
Lamb Gertrude (Miss), milliner, Westgate road. Telephone 30
Lambert & Sons, grocers & wine & spirit merchants, Ra.nds Leonard, apartments, Myrtleberry, Glebe avenue-
fruiterers & ale & stout merchants, Somerset house, Ranger Emma (Miss), dress maker, 15 Church street
Westgate (Telephone 14); & at Snettisham Rawlings Hannah (Miss), ladies' boarding school, Home-
Lambert Alice (Mrs.), apartments, Castor ho. AuBtin st fields, Sandringham road
Lambert Harold, painter, Austin street Reading Room (Preston's) ; newspapers, periodicalsp
Law G. fancy bazaar, le Strange terrace Kelly's Norfolk Directory I9Ill &c. Pier Gate library
Laws Robert (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Victoria avenue Reid Emily Ann Elizabeth, boarding house, King&-'
thorpe, Cliff terrace
Reynolds Daniel,fruiterer & greengrocer,Norfolk ho. Westgi"
Riches John & Arthur, boat owners, Seagate Wagg Phoobe (Mrl!. ), a parts. Dorset house, Park road
Riches Mary E. (Mrs.), apartments, Non V Seag&ts Wagg Thomas, apartments, Khaki villas, Hill street
Ridgers Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Church street Wales Arthur, apartments, I Dundee villas, }>ru-k :>oad
Ringwood Rebecca (Mrs.), apartments, Elm cottage Walker Jame9 Cookson, surveyol' & sanitary inspector to
Rippingale Julia (Miss), apartments,Omdurman cottage, the Hunstanton Urban Di~trict Council, Melrose house,
Victoria avenue Church 8treet
Robinson Allan, house & estate agent, Cliff terrace Walsham E. & .T. (Misses), apartments, Surbiton lodge,
Robinson Ruth B. (Mrs.), apartments, Marlborough Greevegate road
house, Cliff terrace Walton Brothers (branch), tailors, High iltreet
Ray Emma (Miss), refreshment rooms, le Strange terrace Ward Henry William,solicitor k commissioner .for oaths,
Roythorne Wilfred George, Coverack, Crescent road The Poplars, Austin street
Butter Fred, greengrocer, 6 Royal parade & nurseryman, Ward Herbert G. barrister-at-law, St. Edmuud'l! avenue
Heacham road Wardroper Harold (Mrs.), apartmenta, l:OI St. F..dmnnd's
Rygate David John B.A.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. terrace & tea rooms, Th~ Pier 1
Land. surgeon, Austin street Warman Anna (Miss)~ apartments, Palace ho. Westgate
Sadler J ulia (Mrs. ),apartmen ts,Berthastein, Greevegate rd Warnes Robert John, apartments, Sea view, Victoria av
St. Edmund's Club Co. Limited (Frederick Leach, sec.), Watkins Jacob Procter, assistant supt. Prudential Assur-
The Esplanade ance Co. Limited, Bourneville, Crescent. roadrT
St. Edmund'a Private Hotel, standing high, over- WatsDn :Brothers, coal merchants, le Strange terrace
looking pier & beach; excellent cuisine; inclusive Watson Hannah & Rachael (Misses), apartments, Clare-
terms, 2 guineas weekly; for full tariff apply Mrs. mont house, Greevegate road
Stanley Watts, proprietress, High street Wataon lngram A Son F.A.l. auctioneers, house &
Sandringham Hotel, owned & managed by the G. E. estate agents & valuers, publishers of the Hunstanton
Railway Co.; facing sea, adjoining station; motor & N.W,, Norfolk Illustrated Property Register & the
garage; electrically lighted; inspection pits; accumu- Hunstanton Free Town Guide.,. le Strange terrace.
lators recharged. Telegraphic address, H Sands, Hun- Telegrams, "Ingram Watson;" Telephone 2:5
stanton;" Telephone 21 Hunstanton Watson Ann (Mrs.), apartments 1 Stanley ho. Westgate
Seaborne Boxall F. apartments, Austin houl!e, Park.road Watson Elizh. Mary (Miss), ladies' school, Si. Edmund's
Seaborne George, cabinet maker, B Charlbury bldgs. schooL, Heacham road
South end Watsons (Hunstanton) Ltd.mineral water mfrs.Westgate
Sexton William, apartments, 26 Victoria avenue Watts Stanley J. dining & tea rooms, & tobacconist,.
Shanks Fredk. James, insurance agent, ro Crescent road Pier gate
Shanks Reuben, builder & contractor, Park road & Waymark Elizh. Ellen (Mrs.),aparts. Bost{)n Yw.Nthgate-
Chatteris, Cambs. Telegrams, "Shanks u Weekes Henry Haye, resident clerk London & Provincial_
Sharpe Carolina (Mrs.), apartments, Cumberland house, Bank Limited, High street
Sonthgate Weeks Stephen (Mrs.), aparts. Rothesay lo.Greevegate rd'"
Sharpe Hannah Maria (:Miss), cab proprietor, Fern ho. West Norfolk Recreation Ground Co. Limited (W -·
W estgate. T N 22 Humphrey, sec)
Sharpe Harry, apartments, Lynn view, The Crescent Westley Christopher, saddler & harness maker~ Stamford.
Smith Matilda & Harriet (Misses), apartments, Redcliffe house, Church street
house, Northgate Westmoreland William, apartments, Westmoreland villa,
Smith W. H. & Sons, booksellers, Railway book stall Church street
Smith Alfred, registered shoeing smith & general smith, Westwood Elizabeth (Miss), apartments.,. 14 Victoria av
agricultmal implement maker & repairer, Park road Whitby George, clerk to the jn!!ltices & to the commis-
Smith Charles, insurance agent, I I Church street sioners of taxes for Smithdon & Brothercross division.
Smith Emma (Mrs.), apartments, Luton ho. Northgate & superintendent registrar of Docking district
Smith George, apartments, xg Victoria avenue Whiting Fred!ilrick, apartments, 18 Seagate -road
Smith Georgina B. (Mrs.), aparts. Grafton vil. Westgate Whomes J. ',1.', & Co, bakers, High street &; York avenu&-
Smith Lily (Mrs.) Home of Rest (Miss J. Bishop, lady Wicks George Thomas, apartments, Walton villa 1 Hill st
supt.), Ivanhoe, York avenue · Wilderspin Rose (Miss), aparts. Hatfield house, Cliff ter·
Softley Eliza (Mrs.), a parts. 2 Dundee villas, Park road Wiles Wm. boot & shoe maker, Norwich house, Westgat&·
Southgate Frederick, carpenter, High street & apart- Wilkes Robt. Arth. apartments, Rocksand, Victoria aven
ments, Richmond house, Cliff parade Williams Annie Louisa (Miss), aparts. Ashby ho.York av
Southgate Reginald, aparts. Whitstone, St. Edmund's av Williams Artb. W. mngr. of Barclay & Company's Bank
Staines E. (Mr11. ), apartments, Hanmore ha. Austin st Williams Harry, Railway Family & Commercial hotel,
Staines Edward, fishmonger, High street le Strange terrace
Stott Sarah S. (Mrs.), apartments, Gaywood, Park road Williamson Arthur, apartments, 4 Victoria avenue
Street Samuel G. bookseller & stationer, 3 Royal parade Willoughby Ernest R. collector of general district, gas.
Studd Sarah (Mrs.), a parts. Heacham house, Westgate & water rates to the Urban District Council, Council.
Sumpter :Berners George M.B.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. sur- offices
geon, & medical officer of health for Docking Rural Willoughby Robert (Mrs.), aparts. Oakleigh, Northgate
District Council & Hunstanton Urban District Council Willoughby Robert, aparts. Heamoor. Victoria avenue
& medical officer Hunstanton Convalescent Home, Willoughby Waiter, boot ma. 4 Royal par. Greevegate rd
Waverley house, Greevegate road Wilson Albert Jas. aparts. Maxwell vil. St. Edmund's av
Switley John, tailor, Oakland villa, Hill street Wilson John, apartments, 6 Stnart's terrace, Church st
Taylor Fanny (Mrs.), aparts. Caledonian house,Westgate Witaon Lionel Gathorne M.A. preparatory school fori
Taylor Lillie (Mrs.), a parts. Peterboro' house, Cliff par the public schools & Royal Navy; no day boys. West-
Tennis Grounds, St. Edmund's Club grounds, Cliff par holme, Cliff parade
Terrington Eliza (Mrs.),aparts.4Roseneath ter.South end Wilson Samuel J. apartments, Rosslyn, Victoria avenue
Thaxter Arthur, apartments, 4 Seagate road Winc-h Henry & Sons, fishmongers, Station yard
ThDmpson Mary Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, Stellata, Winch Henry (Mrs.), aparts.I & 2 Langham cots.Park rd
Se agate Winch Richard, apartments, 9 Crescent road
Thompson William, aparts. 3 Styleman ter. Church st Winch Stephen, apartments, I Park villas, Crescent road
Thurlow Fredk. Wm. aparts. I Stuart's ter. Church st Winlove Bros. jewellers, le Strange terrace & High st
Town Hall (licensed for concerts & stage plays) (J. 0. Winlove Henry Hammond, baker, le Strange terrace
Walker, manager), Town Hall offices, The Green Winlove Neville, grocer, Crescent road
Trenowath Arthur, draper & hosier, High street Withers Edward, green~ocer, Park road
Tttrnbull Lily (Mn. ), a parts. Silvercross, Crescent rr ad Woods John Thomas, boot maker, Westgate
Turner Annie (Mrs.), aparts. Queensberry, Glebe aven Woods Minnie (Mrs.), nparts. 4 Belvoir terrace, Westgate
Twiss Charles, manager, Somerset house, Westgate Woodward Hannah (Miss), aparts.Chesterfield vil.Hill st
Twiss William, apartments, Lyndenville, Avenue road Wright James Winter, kennel contractor, West street
Underwood John, hair dresser & tobacconist, High st Wyer Matilda (Mrs.), apartments, Car brook, Northgate
Urban District Isolation Hospital (:Berners George Young Men's Christian Association (Alan Bobinson,
Sumpter M.:B.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer; sec.), Avenue road r r
Miss S. Broughton, nurse & caretaker) Youngs John, apartments, Gilmerton, Church street
Wagg .A.gnes (Miss), aparts. Sandringham honse,Park rd
HUNWORTH is a parish on the Glaven, about 3 miles petty sessional division and county court district, Erping-
!!OUth-south-we.'lt from Holt station, and 3 north from ham union, rural deanery of Holt and arebdeaconry and
Melton Constable junction station, both on the Eastern diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Lawrence is an
l!ection of the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, edifice of flint in the Perpendicular style, ·consisting of
in the N.orthern division of thB county, Bolt hundred, chancel, nave, BOuth transept, south porch and m ~m-

battled western tower containing one bell, for many years · 858 acres; rateable value, £658; population in I9II
broken, but recast and rehung in commemoration of was 198. i

the Coronation of His ~a~e Majesty Kin~ Edward VII. : Post Office.-Mrs. Frances Green, sub-1postmistress.
there are about 100 Sl~t~ngs._ The register dates_ from Letters from Melton Constable are delivered at 7. 15
t~e year 1653. The ~1~g 1s a rectory, consohda~ed a.m. ; dispatched at 5 _20 p.m.; no sunday po 8 t.
1 d" that of Stody,
f 1JOmt
b net
· h yearly
"d value . £271,
. m- · th e neares t money or d er offi ce &
Ed g efi eld G reen 1s
? u mg ~9 acres o g e e, wit resi ~nee, bmlt m 1~49• Hoit, 3 miles distant, the nearest telegraph office.
m the gift of the Marquess of Lothian, and held su;ce Wall Letter Box, on The Green cleared week days at
r88r by the Rev. Hugh Scales Fullagar M.A. of Cams p '
College, Cambridge. There is a small Primitive 4·45 .m
Methodist chapel, erected in 18gB. The Marquess of Public Elementary School (mixed), built for this & Stody
Lothian is lord of the manor and principal landowner. parishes about 1849, for 58 children; average attend-
The soil is light; subsoil, gravel and chalk. The chief ance, 51; has an endowment of £6 yearly; Miss
crops .are wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area is Frances Sidle, mistress
Fullagar Rev.Hugh Scales M.A.Rectry' Emery Alice (Miss), shopkeeper Pointen Ernest Geo. farmr. Beck frm
Emery John Kendle, farmer Tice J;Iarry, head gamekeeper to
COHliERCIAL. Graveling Edward, Blue ·Bell P.H Robert Ernest Horsfall esq
Buckle Herbert, farm bailiff to R. E. Kerry William Charles, farm bailiff
Horsfall esq to Mr. Frederick Andrews
ICKBURGH is a parish on the road from Brandon to rst Baron Amherst of Hackney (d. 1909), in pursuance
Swaffham and on the river Wissey, 6 miles north-east of a bequest of Clairfl Eugenie Hortense, daughter of
from Brandon station on the E:y and Thetford section of Hugues Bernard (Maret), Due de Bassano in France and
the Great Eastern railway, in the South Western division widow bf Francis 3rd Lord Ashburton (d. 15 Dec. r882).
of the county, Grimshoe hundred and petty sessional divi- At Rose Cottage is a public reading room, lent by
sion, Swaffham union and county court district, Cran- Herbert Francis Smith e'Sq. for the benefit of the parish-
wich rural deanery (south division), archdeaconry of Lynn ioners of Langford, Buckenham Tofts, Colveston and
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is a Ickburgh, and also for the tradesmen generally em-
building of flint with stone dressings, in the Early English ployed on his estate. The room is supplied with
-Btyle, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and an daily and weekly newspapers, besides various magazines,
-embattled western tower containing a clock and one bell: and is under the superintendence of Mr. Joseph Ollett.
there are brasses to Francis, 3rd Baron Ashburton, d. 6 Herbert Francis Smith esq. of Didlington Hall, is lord of
Sep. 1868, and to Denzil Hugh Baring his second son, who the manor and chief landowner. The soil is light and
died at Nice 26 May, 1866: all the windows are stained and sandy; subsoil, clay. The crops are chiefly barley and
there is a finely carved pulpit: the church, with the turnips. The Rectory and three farmhouses, with a few
exception of the tower, was entirely rebuilt in r865-6, at labourers' cottages, comprise the whole village. The
the expense of Francis, 3rd Baron Ashburton, and has 200 area is 1,601 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable
sittings. The register dates from the year 1740. The value, £675; the population in I9II was 128.
living is a rectory, annexed to that of Langford, joint net Parish Clerk, J oseph OUett.
year\y value £r6o, including 33 acres of glebe, with resi-
dence, in the gift of Baroness Amherst of Hackney, and Letters from Mundford (Sub-Office) arrive at 6.30 a.m .
.held since 1Bgo by the Rev. William Ledwich Mitford & 5 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.25 a.m. & 5-IS
:M.A.. of University College, Durham. A charity of 27 p.m.; sun. 7·5o a.m. Mundford, about 1 mile distant,
-acres of land, bequeathed by the Dingle family to the is the nearest money order & telegraph office
poor inhabitants, is arranged ip allotments of 3 roods Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1851 by the
each and now produces about £m; each allotment, 2nd Baron Ashburton (d. r864) & enlargsd by the
when vacant, being re-let by auction. There are also rst Baron Amherst of Hackney; it will hold Bo child-
four almshouses, erected in 1887, on a site given by the ren; average attendance, 32; Miss H. A. Cull, mist
.Mitford Rev. William Ledwich M.A. COMMERCIAL. I Pepper Alfred, builder
;Rectory Barrell James, farmer, Manor farm Thomp~on William (Mrs.), shopkeepr
Cook .Alfred, farmer Wicks Elijah, farmer

lLLINGTON is a parish and village on the banks of a renewed and the windows restored: a new cross has been •
rivulet, r! miles east from Wretham station on the Swaff- placed on the eastern gable of the chancel, and the west
ham and Thetford line of the Great Eastern railway and doors and the churchyard gates have been renewed in
7 north-east from Thetford, in the Mid division of the oak: the church was reopened after restoration November
county, Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional division, S, I 887, and affords about 70 sittings. The register dates
Shropham hundred, Wayland union, Attleborough county from ~be year 1672. The living is a rectory, net yearly
court district, rural deanery of Rockland (south division), value £go, including 25 acres of glebe, with residence,
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The in the gift of the trustees of B. K. Long esq. and held
church of St. Andrew is a small edifice of flint, in the since rgu by the Rev. John Walton Knight. The
Perpendicular and Early English styles, consisting of i trustees of R. Kellett Long esq. are the sole landowners.
chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western ! The soil is sandy; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are
·tower containing 3 bells of the 16th century: there is 1wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 1,295 acres
an inscription to Sir John Churchman knt. : a new oak of fertile land; rateable value, £542; the population in
roof was placed on the nave in rBBr, the floors relaid rgn was 65
·and thE' walls plastered ; in the course of the work frag- Sexton, George El si e.
ment.s of an alabaster figure were discovered on the
-south-west side of the chancel arch, and two small Wall Letter Box cleared at 6.25 p.m. week days only.
windows were found, one in the north, the other in the Letters through Thetford arrive at 7.30 a.m. East
south wall, and an inscription on stone outside the Wretham is the nearest money order & telegraph
· •church at the north-west angle of the nave; the office, about It
miles distant ,
.. ebancel has since been new roofed with oak, the flooring The children of this place attend school at Hockham
li:night Rev. John . Walton (rector), 1 COMMERCIAL. Oldfield Frederick, farm bailiff to
The Rectory 1Harvey Wm.Rt.frmr.IllingtonHall frm W. R. Harvey esq

~I:NGHAM is a parish and village 2 miles from the effigy to Sir Oliver de ln!lham, Seneschal of Guyl:'!nne in
Navigable Ant, 1! miles east-by-north from Stalham 1325 and who died in 1344: on the side of the tomb was
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, tqe following inscription :
16 from Norwich and 9 south-east from North ,.-
Walsbam, in the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead "Mounsier ®ltber be :Jngbam gfst fCllo
and Happing petty sessional division, Rapping hundred, et IDame Eli3abetb sa compa(lne, que lull ID!eu tle
Smallburgh union, North Walsham county court district, Ies almes, alt mercl2 : "
rural deanery of Waxham (Rapping division), and arch-
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of the the effigy, like that of Sir Roger de Kerdeston a.t Reep-
Holy Trinity, formerly collegiate, is a large and handsome ham, reposes on a bed of stones or pebbles and the position
building of flint, with stone dres11ings, in the Gothic style, is alS'O identical, the right hand bein!! laid on the sword
consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, sonth porch and and the left arm thrown across the right so that the hand
a lofty embattled western tower with pinnacles containini!' touches the pebbles on the right side; the figure is clad
2 bells (one of which is cracked) : under an arch on the in mail, with bascinet and camail ; at the back of the
north side of the chancel is an altar tomb with recumbent arch is a mural paintin·g, now nearly destroyed, represent-
U1g a forest with wild beasts and an archer winding his in the reign of Edward Ill. had two daughters and co-
bugle: at the east end of the south aisle is an altar-tomb, heiresses, the younger of whom. Joan, conveyed lngbam
with sculptured figures of Sir Roger de Bois and Margaret to her second husband, Sir Miles de Staplet{)n, of Bedale, lady; the knight is in complete armour, his head rest- in Yorkshire, who, in the 14th century, founded a chantry
ing on a Saracen's head, coupe, and at his feet is a hound, in the church of lngham with a warden a.nd two priests,
with its paw on a gauntlet; his arms :-argent, two bars in honour of the Holy Trinity: this foundation afterwards
with a canton gules, over all a fillet sable, are yet visible became a priory of friars of the order of the Holy Trinity,
on his surcoat, and his wife's robe is checked with his otherwise known as " Trinitarians " or " Mathurines ":
11.rms and her own; it is remarkable that both figures at the Dissolution there were seven friars and a revenue
wear the mantle of some order, having as a. badge on the estimated at £63 yearly: the priory lands were granted
right shoulder a cross pattee, the upper limb of which was to Sir William Woodbouse, of Waxham, who afterwards
removed to make room for a motto, now illegible; the in- exchanged the priory grange manor, appropriate rectory,
laid brasses in the chancel, which included some of the and lands with William Rugg, Bishop of Norwich, for
richest in the county, were nearly all stolen in rBoo, when the priory of Hickling and o~ber possessions. which are
St. Mary's chapel was pulled down to save the expense still attached to that see: a poruion of the walls of the
of repairing its roof, and the church laid open : but there priory still remain and there was a cloister on the north
srtill remains a singular brass with effigies to Sir Miles side of the church. lngbam Old Hall, the ancient seat of
de Stapleton, founder of the priory, ob. Dec. 4, 1364, and the De Ingbam Stapletons, has been modernized; but
Joan (de Ingham), his wife; the figure of the knight is portions of the cld ball are still standing, and the estate
dad in a bezanted surcoat, over studded armour: in 1889 and ball are now the residence of Rubert Gurney esq.
a brass plate was placed over the vestry door by the late The Manor House and estate, the property of Robert
Lord Beaumont, bearing the names of the leading Gurney esq. are now occupied by R. James esq.
members of his family buried in the church from 1364 to Thomas Rising esq. is lord of the manor. The principal
1466; the chancel was restored in 1876, at the cost of the landowners are Robert Gurney esq. Herbert W. R. Wenn
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and the nave and aisles, at esq. Goorge Waiter Whittleton esq. R. Ives esq. of
a total cost of a:bout £3,000: there are 300 sittings. The Calthorpe, and Francis Clowes esq. J.P. of Sutton Hall,
register dates from the year r8or only, the previous re- Norwich. The soil is good mixed; subsoil, sand, gravel
gisters having been destroyed by fire. The living is a and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
vicarage, net yearly value £r8o, including 23~ acres of The area is r,sr6 acres; rateable value, £2,229; the
glebe, with residence, m the gift of the Bishop of Nor population in 1911 was 388.
wich, and held since rgor by the Rev. Henry William
· Walsh ~i.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. In the parish Parish Clerk, Barnabas Kirby.
are 17 acres of land, now ( 1912) let by auction, and the Po~t Office.-Tbomas Wells, sub-postmaster. Letters
rent given to the poor in money; there is also a charity through Norwich are delivered at 6.30 a.m. & 2.20
of £3 for poor widows, and another called "need money," p.m.; dispatched at 12.5, 4-IS & 4.40 p.m. Oct. to
being the interest on £so invested in Umsols and pro- June & 12.45 & 5.20 p.m. July to September; no post
ducing £r ss. yearly. A fair for cattle and stock is
held annually on Trinity Monday. The lordship of lng-
ham was possessed by a family of the same name, of
telegraph office, r'
on sunday. Stalham is the nearest money order &
miles distant
whom Oliver de Ingbam was living in n83 and John de Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r865 by
[ngham in the reign of Richard I. Sir Oliver de lngbam, the Rev. Isidor Licbtenstein, for 58 children, & en-
great grandson of the last, Senescbal of Gascoigne and largt>d 1904, & will bold 75 children; average attend-
Aquitaine and Lord Warden of the Marches of Guyenne ance, 55 ; Miss Ethel Adcock, mistress
COMMERCIAL. Harris George Thomas, farmer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Allard Eliza (Mrs.), carter Harvey Edward, farmer
Clarke Miss Ames Robert William, farmer Johmon William, jun. farmer
Gladden Edward, The Grove Baker George, Swan P.H Lane Thomas, farmer, Junction farm
Gladden George Robert Cbamherlin Fred Robert, farm bailiff Martin lsaac, farmer
Gladden Misses, The Grove to Misses Gladden ~eave George, farmer & landowner
Gurney Robert J.P. The Old hall Cracknell Alfred, clerk to Parish Park Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer
James Richard, Manor house Councils of lngbam, Lessingham & Pollard Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Rogers Commander Fredk. Seymour Hempstead, & assistant overseer to Sutton Edward, horse slaughterer
R.N. The New ball Brumstead, lngbam, Lessingbam, Wells Thomas, grocer, & post office
Raper John Hempstead & Eccles parishes Wenn Herbert William Roberton,
Taylor William Fletcber, Ivy house Gladden Edward, farmer, Hall farm farmer & landowner, The Grange
Walsh Rev. Hy. Wm. M.A. Vicarage Gladden George Robert, farmer & Wbittleton George Waiter, landowner
Wenn Herbert William Roberton, miller (wind), Mill house & farmer
The Grange Bales George " 7 illiam, carpenter Woolston Aaron, farmer
Whittleton George Waiter Bales William George, blacksmith & W oolston Jeremiah, gamekeeper to R
parish constable Gurney esq
INGOLDISTHORPE is a village and parish, on the the wall records their names, datin.g from 1652 to 1751:
Lynn and Hunstanton road, r mile south-east from Snet- under the west window is a stone slab with three brass
tisbam and :r mile north-east from Dersingham stations effigies of the Rogerson family, dating from r6o8, and
on the Lynn and Hunstanton branch of the Great Eastern one of whom, the Rev. Thomas Rogerson, was rector here:
railway and 10 mDes north-north-east from Lynn, in the in 1876 a memorial window was erected to Capt. J.
North Western division of the county, Smithdon hundred, Davy R.N. and Mrs. Davy, and there are seven other
Smithdon and Brothercross petty sessional division, Dock- stained windows, six of which are memorials to members
ing nnion, Lynn county court district, rural deanery of of the Beckett family; the other wa11 erected to William
Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. Jackson: opposite the south porch stands the shaft of
The parish is watered by a small rivulet called the lngol, an ancient cross: the church was restored in r857-8,
which flows westward to the Wash, and from which the and in 1904 the interior was new-roofed at the expense
village takes its name. The church of St. Michael, which ot the Rev. Dr. Bellamy: there are rBg sittings. The
occupies the site of at least two earlier structures, is a register dates from the year 1760. The living is a rec-
large building of flint and stone in the Early English and tory, net yearly value £228, including 40 acres of glebe,
Perpendicular styles, and consists of chancel, nave with with residence, erected in r858, in the Jtift of the
clerestory, aisles, south porch and an embattled western representatives of the late Rev. William Philip Beckett
tower, containing 3 bells : the chancel is Perpendicular, B. A. of Bedford. Lit,mt.-Col. J. R. Beckett and Charles
but has a Decorated east window and there are windows Brewster esq. and held since 1909 by the Rev. Arthur
of this date in the aisle: the nave is Early English: the Garry Copeman M.A. of Selwyn College, Cambridge.
oldest portion is the tower, which is partly built of The common was enclosed in 1858, 30 acres being set
rubble; the font is Norman, and has some fine carved apart for fuel allotments, 8 acres for cottage gardens
work; the chancel has modern sedilia and the roof beam~ and allotments and 4 acres as a recreation ground. A
&re supported on corbels, enriched with figures of saints church room, containing a library and reading room,
and angels, exe_cuted by the late Mr. W. Brown, of Lynn; was erected in 1910 by Mrs. Tylden as a memorial to
the rood loft staircase exists on the north side of the the late Rev. James ·Bellamy D.D. president of St.
r-hancel arch, but the doorway has been built up; a John's College, Oxford, r87I-I909· On the summit of·
Perpendicular screen of oak separates the nave and chan- the hill stands lngoldisthorpe Hall, a plain oblong man-
eel ; the corbels of the nave roof represent the patriarchs : sion, erected in 1745, and now the 1:esidence of the
and prophets: the south aisle was formerly a chapel, and Misses Davy. The Manor House, a suostantial house of
retains a piscina: within the altar rail are buried several ' red brick with white stone facings, is the seat of Mrs.
members of the Cremer family, and a large brass fixed on Tylden, who is lady of the manor. The Misses Davy

and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, are the principal 'ItJ.lo a.m. & '6.tS p.In., Wall Box, near the church,
landowners. The soil is of a light mixed character ; cleared at 9.30 a.m, & S-$0 p.m. Snettisham, 1 mile.
subsoil, chalk and sandstone, called in the neighbour- distant, is the nearest money ordel" & telegraph office
hood carr stone. The land is farmed chieflv on the
• Public .Elementary School (mixed), built in 1858 & en-
four-course system. The area is I,3go acres; rateable
larged in 1907 at a cost of about £6oo, for Ioo,
value, £z,oz4; and th~ population in r9u was 319. children; average attendance, 63; Charles F. Buck-
Parish Clerk, Thomas Townshend.
Post Office.-William Townshend, sub-postmaster. Lon- ham .A.C.P., F.R.H.S. master
don & other letters are received through Lynn by Carriers pass through the village several times during
mail cart at S-40 & II.S a.m. & are dispatched at the week to & from Lynn
Copeman Rev. .Arthur Garry M . .A. Elyard Herbt. T. farmer,Old Hall frm Johnson Charles, coal dealer
(rector), Rectory Emmerson .Arthur, shopkeeper I Newell Violet (Mrs.), dress maker
Davy Misses, Ingoldisthorpe hall Grant-Morris John,farmer,Manor frm I Newstead Herbert, blacksmith, cycle
Grant-Morri!l John Hodgetts .Albert, farmer, Glebe farm I agent, mechanical engineer & agri-
Inman .Arthur Wilcock, Ea ton house Hodgetts Jn. Thomas, farmer & over-
I cultural implement agent & repr
Tylden Mrs. Manor house seer, Hall farm Spooner Elizabeth (Mrs.), laundress
COMMERCIAL. Ingoldisthorpe Bowling Club (H.New- Townsend Wm. stationer, Post office
.Askham Susan (Mrs.), dress maker stead, sec) Utting WiHiam, fish dealer
Covell William, cowkeeper 1 Inguldisthorpe Village Club (C. F. Wright Edward, beer retailer
Daniels Samuel, Ship inn 1 Buckham, sec)
INGWORTH is a parish and village in the vale of the in the gift of Capt. Reginald Cossley Batt M.V.O. and
river Bure, 2 miles north from .Aylsham station on th€' ~eld since r8g:;a by the Rev. Moritz Kaufmann M ..A. of
East Norfolk section of the Great Eastern railway, and Trinity College, Dublin, who is also vicar of Calthorpe.
I! from .Aylsham Town station on the Midland and tHere is a United Methodist chapel. The Marquess of
Great Northern joint railway and 7 north-west from !Lothian is lord of the manor of Ingworth on the part of
North Walsham, and stands in th~ Northern division !Hoe, and Capt. Reginald Cossley Batt M. V. 0. of Gresham
of the county, South Erpingham hundred and petty ~all, is lord of the manor of Ingworth. The principal
sessional division, Aylsham union and county court Jandowners are the Marquess of Lothian, Frederick D.
district, rural deanery of Ingworth (North division) and ~ve~ esq. of Erpingham, and Harry Littlewood esq. The
archdeaconrv •
and diocese of Norwich. The Bure is here !Soil is sandy; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops
crossed by two bridges, each of a single arch. The are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is sr6 acres
church of St. Lawrence is a small but ancient building f land and 7 of water; rateable value, £741; the
of flint, the chancel and north nave wall of which was opulation in I9II was ISo.
erected in the 13th century and the south ·wall of the Parish Clerk, J ames Fish.
nave and porch in the 15th century: the church con-
sists of chancel, nave, south porch with parvise, and a ost Office. John W. .Am is, sub-postmaster. Letters
turret containing one bell, but formerly had a round received through Norwich, delivered at 6 a.m. & 6
tower, which fell in 1822: there is a very fine Norman p.m. (callers only); dispatched at 2.10 (I5 minutes
arch, and the lower portion of an ancient wood screen earlier from July to October) & 7·40 p.m.; sundays.
remains: the font is a good example of the Perpen- delivered at 6 a.m.; dispakhed at 4·55 p.m. .Ayls-
dicular period: there are ISO sittings. .About r8g6 the ham, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order &
church was new-roofed and the chancel reseated. The telegraph office .
register dates from the year IS58. The living is a rec- The children of this parish attend .Aylsham & Erping~
tory, net yearly value £I2S, including 13 acres of glebe, ham schools

Kaufmann Rev. Moritz M . .A.. (vicar), Beck Robert, farmer Rounce George, farmer
The Firs Davidson George, market gardener Spink Frederick, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Dunham George, farmer Witham Edwd. Palmer,mil1er (water)
Amis John Wm. shopkpr. Post office Pull .1ohn, poultry dealer
INTWOOD is a parish and village pleasantly situated I £260,' including 40! acres of glebe, with residence, in
3 miles east from Hethersett station on the Thetford and the gift of Lieut.-Col. C. W. J. Unthank, and held since
Norwich section of the Great Eastern rail"ay, and 3~ I904 by the Rev. George Keppel B..A. of Corpus Christj
1outh-west from Norwich, in the Southern division of ! College, Cambridge, who resides at Cringleford Hall.
the county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, I Intwood Hall, a modern mansion, the seat of Lieut.-Col.
Humbleyard hundred, Henstead union, Norwich county i Clement William Joseph Unthank J.P. sole freehold
court district, rural deanery of Humbleyard, archdea- I landowner, was rebuilt on the site of a house long oc~
conry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of 1 cupi€'d by Sir Thomas Gresham, who founded the Royal
All Saints is a structure of flint and stone in the Per- 1 Exchange, London, .A.D. I565, in the reign of Queen
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south Elizabeth. The soil is light; subsoil, chalk and brick
porch and an embattled western tower with a circular earth and gravel. Tho chief crops are of the usua]
base and octagonal belfry storey containing S bells: kind. The area is 628 acres; rateable value, £I,413;
the stained east window is a memorial to John Unthank, the population in I9Il was 49·
bar~ in r84:9 and died 1867; ~nd there is a_nother to Parish Clerk William Smith.
Jud1th Manon Unthank, born m 1876 and d1ed 1899: '
the church was thoroughly repaired in I852, at the Letters through Norwich, Vla Eaton, arrive at 7-IS a.m"
expense of the late Joseph Salusbury Muskett and Hud- &
4 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
son Gurney esqrs. and has ISO sittings. The register is at Eaton, about 2 miles distant
dates from the year IS38. The living is a rectory, con-
solidated with that of Keswick, joint net yearly value The children of this place attend the school at Cringleford
Unthank Lieut.-Col. Clement William \ Unthank Misses, White house Page .Albert, farm bailiff to Lieut.-
Joseph J.P. lntwood hall , Col. C. W. J. Unthank J.P
IRMINGLAND is a parish on the Bure, a mile east William D. Earle Bulwer esq. of Heydon, is lord of
from Corpusty station on the Midland and Great North- the manor. Waiter H. Bolton esq. of Oulton Hall,
ern joint railway and si miles west-north-west from and Sir Humphrey Francis de Trafford hart. of Market
Aylsham, in the Northern division of the county, South Harborough, are the principal landowners. The soil is
Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division and mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
Ayl~hmn union and county court district. The ancient wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is 720 acres of
church once standing here was taken down many years land and 6 of water; rateable value, £499; the popu-
sinc!'. The living is a rectory, consolidated with that lation in rgu was 22. •
of Heydon, joint net yearly value £3oo, including 25 Elmerdale is a hamlet I mile north-east.
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of William D. .
Earle Bulwer esq. and held since 1904 by the Rev. Letters through Norwich, via Reepham, delivered about
William Griffith Jones M ..A. of Oriel College, Oxford, 9 a.m.; post box ·at Corpusty. Saxthorpe is the
who resides at Heydon. Of the ancient hall ()nly one nearest money order & Corpusty station is the nearest;
wing now remains, and is occupied as a farmhouse. telegraph office, I mile distant
Sntton John, farmer, Hall farm
IRSTEAD (formerly called Orsteada) is a parish and Great Eastern railway, 9 south-east from :North Wals-
straggling \'"illage on Barton Broad, which is here joined ham and I I north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern
by the navigable river _>\.nt, 4 miles north-west from division of the county, Tunstead and Rapping petty ~es­
Wroxham station on the North Walsham branch of the sional p.ivision, Tunstead hundred, Smallburgh union,
North Walsham county court district, rural deanery of tributed in coals t6 the poor. There were formerly ia
Waxham (Happing division) and archdeaconry and this parish three almshouses, which fell into decay, and
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Michael is a the site, which was in an open field, was set out on the
small building of flint and stone in the Late Decorated inclosure as part of the allotable lands. Irstead Hall was
style with the exception of the aisle, which is Perpen- for many vears the seat of the Horner family, they
dicular; and consists of chancel, nave, south aisle with having acquired it through marriage with Sir Peter
porch and a western tower containing one bell; in the Glean, of Norwich. Sir Jacob Preston bart. of BartoD
chancel i~ a memorial window to William of Wykeham, Hall, near Norwich, who is lord of the manor, Robert
rector of this parish, who died in 1376 : the church was Leonard Beane and Benjamin Cubitt esqrs. are th"
extensively repaired in 1844, and in 1go6 wa~ re-thatched principal landowners. The soil is mi~ed; subsoil, sand,
and generally repaired: there are 18o sittings. The gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
register dates from the year '1538. The living is a rec- barley. The area is r,o69 acres, including r68 of -water;
tory, annexed to the vi~arage of Barton Turf, joint net rateable value, £836; the population in 19II was ug.
yearly value £285, with 13 acres of glebe, and residence, Letters through Neatishead, by mail cart from Norwich,.
in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since arrive at 7 a. m. Wall Letter Box, cleared at 7.30 a. m.
1905 by the Rev. John Gough Poole Theo ..Assoc.K.C.L. & 3A5 p.m. week days only. The nearest money order
and chaplain of Smallburgh union, who resides at & telegraph office is at Neatishead, about I mile
Barton Turf. The allotments for the poor, consisting of distant
39a. 2r. tip. are now let, and the income derived is dis- The children of this parish attend the school at Neatishea(}
COMMERCIAL Sidell John, farmer, Street farm &-
Wells Sidney Russell Mason Herbert, farmer,Old Hall farm Grove farm
Nelson Harriet (Mrs.), farmer Youngs Wm. (Mrs.), frmr. Bisley friD

ISLINGTON • see Tilney-cum-Islington.

ITTERINGHAM is a village and parish, 4 miles Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1861, on Itteringham com-
north-west from Aylsham station on the East Norfolk mon, and a Primitive Methodist chapel in the Wolter-
branch of the Great Eastern railway and 3~ miles from ton road. The Earl of Orford, who is lord of the manor,.
Corpusty and Saxthorpe station on the Midland and Great and the Marquess of Lothian are the chief landowners.
Northern joint railway, in the Northern division of the The soil is sandy and gravel; subsoil, various. Thtt
county, South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional chief crops are wheat, turnips and barley, and some
division, Aylsham union and county court district, rural land in pasture. The area is 1,448 acres of land and 15
deanery of Ingworth (north division), and archdeaconry of water; rateable value, £1,457; the population in 19u
and diocese of Norwich. The village is on the river Bure, was 283.
over which is a bridge of one arch. '!'he church of St. Sexton, Thomas Baxter.
Mary the Virgin is an edifice of flint in the Perpendicular
Post Office.-'Mrs. Deborah Thompson, sub-postmistress_
style, consisting of chancel, nave and a western tower received through Aylsham, delivered at 7.1r>
containing one bell, and has three stained windows :
attached to the church are the ruins of a small chapel~ a.m. & -4 p.m.; dispatched at 8._15 a.m. & 4.10 p.m.;
no sunday post. .Aylsham is the nearest money order
there are roo sittings. The register dates from the year
156o. The living is a rectory, with that of Mannington office & Wickmere, 2 miles distant, the nearest tele-
graph office
annexed, joint net yearly value £r9o, including 24 acres-
of glebe, and residence, in the gift of the Earl of Orford. Public Elementary School {mixed), erected in 1846, &.
and held since 1904 by the Rev. William Barker Hems- enlarged 1875, for 78 children; average attendance~
. worth M ..A.. of Jesus College, Cam bridge. There is a 53; mi~tress (vacant) .

Hawkins George, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Lake Thomas, farmer, Itteringham ho
Hemsworth Rev. Wilham Barker M.A. Bell Waiter Thomas, miller (water) Neale Elijah, baker
Rectory Fairhead Eleanor (Mrs.), grocer Warne William, farmer
Lake Thomas, Itteringham bouse Fowell J ames, farm~r Wilch Sydney Cha.s.Walpole ArmsP.H
Hall Peter, blacksmith Wilkinson Jas. Edwd. frmr.Manor fiD
KELLING is a parish about 3 miles north from Holt This establishment occupies an estate of about 32:
station on the Eastern section of the Midland and Great IJ.cres on the Holt and Cromer road, and about a mile-
Northern joint railway, and 9 west from Cromerf in the east from Bolt, protected on the north, ~ast and west by
Northern division of the county, Bolt hundred, petty woods, and not far from the sea : the situation is dry
sessional division and county court district, Erpingham •nd bracing and favourable to the open-air treatmentr
union, rural deanery of Bolt and archdeaconry and diocese and in the gardens are numerous double shelters.
of Norwich. Tbe church of St. Mary is a building of Henri Wilhelm A. Deterding esq. is lord of the manor
flint with stone dressings in the Later Perpendicular and chief landowner. The soil is light heath; subsoilr
style, and consists of chancel, nave, north transept, gravel and sand. The chief crops are wheat, turnips.
north porch and an embattled western tower containing barley and grass. The area is 2,323 acres of land, for-
one bell : the roof of the nave and north transept was merly including Boo of heath (5oo of which is now under
restored in 1907 and the bell rehung : the south transept cultivation), and 4 of water; rateable value, £2,053;
is in ruins: in 1888 the church was reseated, and an oak the population in rgn was 398.
pulpit erected at a cost of £10o, and it now affords 130 Deputy Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Dix.
sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The
living is a rectory, with that of SaHhouse annexed, Letters through Halt arrive about 7 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.
joint net yearly value £350, with 18 acres of glebe, and Wall Letter Boxes, at Kelling church, cleared at 6.45
residence, in the gift of Mrs. S. L. Mather, and held a.m. & 5 p.m. & in Kelling street, cleared at 7·I5
liiince 1896 by the Rev. William Bramley Sayle Dalhy a.m. & 5-15 p.m.; Kelling lane, cleared mt 10 & n
M.A. (late Exhibitioner), of Corpus Christi College, a.m. & 6.45 p.m. week days only; no snnday post~
Cambridge, and surrogate. Here is a Primitive Metho- Weybourne is the nearest money order & telegraph
dist chapel, seating about 50. A sanatorium, intended office, about 1! miles distant
for consumptive persons unable to pay the high fees Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1876, ~
charged in private institutions, was opened here in 1903, opened in October, 1877, & enlarged in 1899 & 1907;
and has now about 70 beds; the buildings consist of an it will now hold 16o children; average attendance.
administrative block with annexes, containing long dor-- n6; & has master's house & garden attached; Wm_
mitories of one storey, and in the grounds is a chapel. Ridley, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Peterson Rev. Edward Gerald B.A. For!!dick .Alexander, head gamekeeper
Burns Mrs. Heatherwood .Applehill to H. W. A. Deterding esq
Dalby. Rev. William Bramley Sayle Rumball Miss, Bramblewood Foulger Horace, land steward to H.
M.A. (rector & !!urrogate), Rectory Wynne-Willson Lynton Fredk. Auriol W. A. Deterding esq. Kelling farms:
DaltonMaj .Palmer,Kelling sanatorium Kelling Heath Estate Office (Henry
Dt>terding Henri Wilhelm A. Kelling COMMERCIAL. Giles, estate agent)
hall Kelling Heath Stone Pits Limited,.
Meyrick-Jones Rev. Frederic Meyrick Barcham Hy. Banfather, blacksmith stone (whole or broken), gra--rel 1;.
B. A. Home Place Crack William Robert, farmer, War- building sand in any quantity r
Morris John Ignatius Worgan,Kelling borough house estimates & samples free {Henry
sanatorium Duffield Charles, farmer Giles, managing directm"}
Koelling Open Air Sanatorium for Con- Maj. Palmer Dalton, sec. ; Rev. Hy. Sadler Waiter Frederick, farmer
sumptives (F. W. Burton-Fanning Chas. Hamilton Johnson, chaplain) Tillett Ernest, insurance agent, Kel-
.M.D. hon. consulting physician; Morris Jn. Ignatius Worgan M.R.C.S. ling Heath Estate office
J"ohn Ignatius Worgan Morris Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. resident medi- Walpole Waiter Henry, head gardener
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. resi- cal supt. Kelling sanatorium to the Kelling sanatorium
dent medical supt; Miss C. Bobby, Nurse Esther (Mrs.), market gardenr Wordingham Arthur, shopkeeper
matron; H. W. McConnel esq. Pines Ltd. (Mrs. 0. G. Browne, man- Wright .Samuel, Kelling .Arms P.H
Matlaske hall, Norwich, hon. sec. ; ageress), boarding house,The Pines
XEMPSTON is a parish, 2 miles north from the Frans- 1 vicarage, net yearly value £77, including 42 acres of glebe,
ham station on the Lynn and Dereham section of the in the gift of the Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G.
Great Eastern railway and g west from Dereham, in the and held since 1885 by the Rev. Thomas Willis Butler
Mid division of the county, hundred of Launditch, union Bartlett, if St. Bees, who is also rector of and resides
and petty sessional division of Mitford and Launditch, at Beeston-next-Mileham. Col. Wenman Cook is lord of
county court district of Dereham, rural deanery of South the manor, and O>~"ns the whole parish. The soil is
Brisley, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. various; subsoil, clay and gravel. · The chief crops are
The church of St. Paul, a small building of flint with wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 816 acres; rate-
stone dressings in the Early English style, consisting of able value, £495; the population in 19II was 42.
chancel, nave, north porch and a western tower covered Letters through Swaffham arrive at 7.30 a.m. Litcharu
with ivy, is now almost a ruin : it retains an ancient is the nearest money order & telegraph office, about I
font and a piscina, but no services are now held here, mile distant
the inhabitants at present attending- Beeston church.
The register dates from the year 1770. The living is a The children of this place attend the school at Litcham
Frost Thomas, farm bailiff to Henry Rivett esq I Holmes William Edward, farmer, The Lodge
XENNINGHALL is a parish and small market town market for cattle and poultry is held every Monday in
3 miles south-east from Eccles Road station on the Thet- a yard belonging to the Crown hotel toll free. In 1895
ford and \Vvmondham

section of the Great Eastern rail- th<~ 1st and last Earl Egerton of Tatton (d. 1gog)
way, 7 north-west from Diss and 107! from London, in erected here a room for t·he use of parishioners, which
the Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and Shropham is now used as a. club and readin2' room. Kenning-
petty sessional division, Guiltcross hundred, Wayland hall is supposed to have been the seat of Queen Boadicea
union, Attleborough county court district, rural deanery and the East Anglian kings, and some ancient mounds,
of Rockland (South division), archdeaconry of Norfolk supposed to mark the site of the royal castle, are still
and diocese of Norwich. A fine avenue of trees, upwards visible; the park is now converted into a farm called
of a mile in length, leads from Kenninghall to Quidenham. Kenninghall Place, and occupied by Mr. George Daniel
The church of St. Mary, situated on the hill, is a very Spence. The Duke of Norfolk P.C., K.G., G.C.V.O.,
large building, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, and V.D. is lord of the manor, which is an ancient demesne
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and held by service as chief butler at Coronations, and the
an embattled western tower of flint and stone containing Ecclesiastical Commissioners are owners of the Rectory
a .{)lock and 8 bells: the chancel was thoroughly restored manor. The Duke of Norfolk K.G. and the Earl of
in 1874• and the nave in 18go at a cost of about £1,68o: Albemarle C. B., K.C.V.O., M.V.O. V.D. are the chief
there are 360 sittings. The register dates from the year landowners. The land is mixed soil; subsoil, chiefly
1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £240, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
including 1 1 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of oats. The area is 3,658 acres of land and II of water;
the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 191 2 by the Rev. rateable value, £4,317; the population in Igii was 1,173 .
.John William Mattinson M.A. of•Trinity College, Dublin. Sexton, Alfred Gaskin.
The vicarage house, rebuilt in 1879, is pleasantly situated
adjoining the church. There is a Particular Baptist Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Thomas Gibson, sub-post-
chapel, erected in 18 ro, with sittings for 400 person!!. master. Letters through Thetford delivered at 7
also Primitive Methodist and Wesleyan chapels, small a.m. & 4·35 p.m. ; dispatched at I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
burial grounds being attached to the Baptist and Wes- sundays, delivered 7 a.m.; dispatched 11.30 a.m.
leyan chapels; the Wesleyan chapel was built in 1854, Wall Letter Boxes, on the Heath, cleared at 6.10
rebuilt and enlarged about 1B73, and an organ was placed p.m. week days; sundays at 11.10 a. m.; Church st.
in it in 1877. The Eastern Counties Inebriate Re- cleared 8.30 a.m. & p.m. >~"eek days; no collec-
formatory (previously the Guiltcross workhouse) was tion on sundays
opened in rgo4, and is certified for 300. The poor's
land of 51 acres is let for £58 yearly. John Dyer, in Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1872, at a
1828, left in trust 13! acres of land, the Bridewell cost of about £840, & enlarged in 1895 at a further cost
house and cottage with 40 perches of land thereon of £665, for 225 children; average attendance, 142;
Arthur Benjamin Smith, master
situate at Botesdale, Suffolk; the income to be applied
for instruction of children in Kenninghall and Blo Carriers to Norwich.-Olley, man. & thurs.; Barnard,
Norton; the income is about £38 per annum. A wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bloomfield Alfred, farmer Flatt Thomas, farmer
Bloomfield Ann (Mit>s), dress maker Fox William, blacksmith
Adams William David M.A., M.B. The Brown Osmond, farmer Frost Berhe James, Crown hotel,
Cedars Bush Herbert, miller (wind) commercial & posting; motor
Bauly Miss, The Terrace Bussey Ernest Edward, baker garage ; trains met by appoint-
Corke Mrs Butcher Fredk. Wm. grocer & draper ment ; bowling green
Filby John, 1 Penton villas Clarke Elizabeth Ada & Maria (The Fuls'her Jami*J, farmer, The Heath
Holman Mrs. The Wash :\Iisses), farmers Garrett Nathaniel, Royal George P.H
Jolley Mrs. The Grange Clarke Emma Jane (Mrs.), dress m a Gib son Thomas, grocer & draper, &
Mattinson Rev John William M.A. Clarke Robt. Gayford,frmr.Heath frm Post office
. (vicar), Vicarage
Clarke William, fishmonger Goulder Philip,miller (wind & steam)
Morter Wallace, The Limes Clarke Wm. H R. farmer, Grove frm & corn & seed mer. Mount Pleasant
Murton Mis!!, The Butts Claxton David, jun. market gardener Hannant John, farmer
Palmer John Henry Claxton John, Red Lion P. H. assist. Holden Alfred, butcher
'Shepheard Mrs. 2 Penton villas overseer & clerk to Parish Council Holman Arthur, farmer
'Snellin!! Harper C. South view & district surveyor Holman Selina (Mrs.), miller (steam)
Ward Harry. The Butts Couch Jarnes Albert Charles, farmer, Holwill Frank, watch repairer
Kenninghall lodge .Je:x-Blake Frances (Mrs.), farmer
Cox Robert, farmer Jolley Alice M. (Mrs.), baker
Adams William David M.A., M.B., Cracknell William John, farmer Jones .Arthur Wansbrough B . .A.,LL.B.
. C.M.Edin. physician & surgeon, Cross Harry, news agent ~olicitor (firm, Stevens, Miller &
medical officer & public vaccinator Cunning-ham Jonn. White Horse P.H Jones); & at Norwich
Thetford & Wayland nnions & certi- Disney Fredk. W. farmer, Trench frm Mallott .Alfred, builder
fying factory surgeon, The Cedars Ea.•tern Counties Inebriate Reform11- Marshall Charles, cycle agent
Allnm Samuel, farmer tory (David Fleck M.B.,B.Ch. medi- Miller Louis C. solicitor (firm,Stevens,
Anderson .T ohn, greengrocer cal supt.; Rev. John Wm. Mattin- Miller & Jones); & at Norwich
.Avis Elizabeth (Miss), farmer son M.A. chaplain & Miss M. A. Mitson Robert James, boot maker
Ba.ngay Richard, beer retailer Tindale & Miss L. Taylor, joint Moore Charles, Prince of Wales P.H
Beales Amold, jobmaster matrons) Mordey .Alfred, saddler
IHa.ckburn Edgar, farmer Ellis Waiter William, farmer
Morter Wallace, accountant,insurance Pratt John, fishmonger Stevens, Miller & J ones, solicitors, &
agent & press correspondent Pratt Richard, grocer & draper stewards of Kenninghall Rectory
Murton & Turner Guiltcross Agricul- Reading Room (Hugh S. Palmer, sec) manor, Winfarthing, Heywood,Lop-
tural Implement Works, agricul- Rivett John, farmer ham Rectory, West Harling & Bar-
tural implement manufacturers, Rolfe Oscar, tailor ford hall; & at Norwich
agricultural & mechanical engineers, Roofe William, farmer Stevens Waiter George, solicitor, see
iron & brass founders, corn & seed Shepheard Samuel, shopkeeper Stevens, Miller & J ones
drills, hoes, water carts &c. (Harry Smith Aric A. grocer, draper, mil- Stone J ames, !'armer
Ward, principal & manager), Guilt- liner & general outfitter Strachan Archibald Macdonald,butchr
cross iron works. Telegraphic ad- Smith Frederick Lee, farmer Warren Thomas, farmer .
dress, "Murron, Kenninghall" Spence George Daniel, farmer, Ken- Webster Robt. farmr. Fersfield lodge
Outlaw William, shopkeeper ninghall Place Wilson Leonard, farmer, Red house
Oxer Waiter, builder Stanford Henry .A,. coal merchant Wilson William Thomas, watch makr
Pedley William, farmer Steggles Ernest William, farmer Witham John Humphrey, farmer
Wyatt Henry, farmer·
KEBDISTON, aee Reepham.
KESWICK is a parish on the river Yare, 3 miles llouth- opened in 1887. Here is an extensive corn mill, worked
south-west from Norwich, in the Southern division of by the river Yare. Keswick Hall is the residence of
the county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Humble- John Henry Gurney esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord of thP
yard hundred, Henstead union and Norwich county court manor of Intwood-cnm-Keswick and chief landowner.
district. Of the church of All Saints little now remains Keswick Old Hall, an ancient mansion, about 3 mile~
but the round tower, which occupies an elevated site. from the city of Norwich, has been the property of the
In r893 the tower was restored, part of the ruined nave Gurney family over 150 years; it now belongs to
rebuilt for use as a mortuary chapel, undeT the direc- J. H. Gurney esq. and is the residence of Edward
tion of Mr. H. Green, architect, of Norwich, and the Knight esq. J.P. The soil is sandy in places; subsoil.
churchyard surrounded by an iron railing, the cost chalk and mar!. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
of which was defrayed by J. H. Gurney esq.: no barley. The area is 735 acres of land and 6 of water;
regular service had been held in the church since the rateable value, £1,822; the population in 1911 was 152.
year r6o2 until divine service was resumed by the
present rector in 1904. The living is a rectory, con- Post Office.-George Stone, sub-postmaster. Letters r~
solidated with that of Intwood, joint net yearly valu£> ceiv£>rl from all parts through Norwich at 6 a.m. &
[26o, including 40! acres of glebe, with residence, in 1.35 p.m.; dispatched at 11.35 a.m. & 7·35 p.m.;
the gift of Lieut. -Col. C. W. J. Unthank, and held since sunday, 7·35 p.m. Eaton, r! miles distant, is the
1904 by the Rev. George Keppel B ..A. of Corpus Christ~ nearest money order & telegraph office
College, Cambridge, who resides at Cringleford Hall. The children of this place attend the school at Cringleford
The reading room, built by J. H. Gurney esq. was
Cole Hon. Mrs. Keswick lodge Keswick hall Brock Henry Benjamin, miller, Kes-
Gurney Gerard Hudson F.Z.S.,F.E.S., Knight Edward J.P. Keswick Old hall wick mills
J.P. Keswick hall Reading Room (Mrs.Burdett, caretkr)
KETTEBINGHAM is a parish and village, r mile restored and reseated during the period r837-41, and in
south-west from Hethersett station on the Thetford and 1870 the tower, rebuilt in r6o9, was restored and fur-
Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, 3! miles nished with a chiming clock by Sir F. G. Manningham
east from Wymondham and 6 south-west from Norwich, Boileau bart. at a cost of £fno : the church was entirely
in the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe new roofed and repaired in 1908 by f.he Boileau family
petty sessional division, Humbleyard hundred, Henstead at a cost of about £r,5oo; there are 224 sittings, 170
union, Wymondham county court district, rural deanery being free. The register dates from the year 1558, and
of Humbleyard, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of records that during the night of July 2oth, r6o8, the
Norwich. The church of St. Peter is an edifice chiefly of steeple suddenly fell down, but was rebuilt the follow-
flint stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan· ing year. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
eel, nave, north porch, vestry and a western tower sur- £127, including 35 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir
mounted at the angles by two full-sized figures of angels, Maurice C. Boileau hart. and held since 1905 by the
one of St. Peter and one large pinnacle, and containing Rev. John Still M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, hon.
5 bells and a clock, erecte·· m r87o by Sir F. G. Manning ... canon of Norwich, and rural dean of Humbleyard, who is
ham Boileau hart. : the .,.ast window was once entirely also rector of Hethersett, where he resides. Outside the
filled with stained glass to the Grey family, but only a Norwich Lodge gate is a tumulus, and on the road from
few fragments now remain : the chancel retains a piscind Carlton to Hethersett was another, in which fragments of
and the porch a holy-water stoup : the font, richly carved, Roman pottery were found, but this was razed to the
dates from the early part of the r6th century: on the ground about r85o. Ketteringham Park is the property
north side of the chancel is a marble monument, with and residence of Sir Maurice Colborne Boileau bart. M.A.~
firms and kneeling effigies of a man, woman and child, D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor; the mansion is a
and above them the figure of an angel with her child in castellated edifice of the Tudor period, improved and
her, arms, ascending to heaven, erected by Mary, Lady decorated and enlarged by the addition of a spacious hall
Heveningham, in 1678, to herself and children and to her by the late Sir John Peter Boileau hart. who died 9th
husband, William Heveningham, who was one of the March, r86g; it stands in a well-wooded park of 500
judges of Charles I. and surrendered as a regicide in acres, containing extensive pleasure gardens and two
r66o : on the south side is an altar tomb with brasses to small lakes, with a running stream, which joins the river
Tho~as Heveningham, ob. 1499, his wife and children; Yare at Cringleford: in the grounds are the remains of
there are other undated brasses with effigies to John the upper portion of the old west window of Norwich
Colvyle and Richard Wright and one to Lady Grey, ob. Cathedral. In the Hall is a fine collection of arms, armour~
1492: on the same side is a monument to Sir Edward pictures, oak furniture, works of art and curiosities. The
Atkyns kt. Baron of the Exchequer, ob. at Albury Hall, soil is of a mixed nature; subsoil, brick earth and clay;
Herts, r669; to Sir Robert Atkyns K.B. his eldest son, the Hall stands on a gravelly soil, which extPnds over a
sometime M.P. for Evesham, Lord Chief Baron of "the considerable portion of the park. The chief crops are
Exchequer and Speaker of the House of Lords, r68g-g3, wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area is r,6or acres
d. r8 Feb. 1710; to Sir Edward Atkyns kt. his youngest of land and 8 of water; rateable value, £2,699; the
son, also a Baron of the Exchequer, d. Oct. 16g8, and to population in 19II was 16-j.
Sir Robert Atkyns, eldest son of the above Sir Robert Sexton, David Woodrow.
and author of a history of Gloucestershire, d. 29 Oct. 171 r ;
there is another monument, with arms and the figure of a Post Office.-Arthur William Squires, sub-postmaster.
woman weeping, to Edward Atkyns esq. d. 1794• and Letters by foot post from Wymondham arrive at 7
to Wright Edward Atkyns, his only son, d. r8o4: on the a. m.; dispatched at 6.25 & .6.50 p.m. week days;
north wall are brasses with arms to Sir John Peter Boiteau sundays at 9·55 a. m. Hethersett, 2 mile1!! distant.
hart. F.R. S. d. 9 March, 1869, Lady Catherine Sarab is the nearest moner order & telegraph office
(Elliot), his wife, d. 25 June, r862, to John Elliot, their
Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1839. with
eldest son, who died at Dieppe in France, 8 Oct. r86r,
mistress's residence, for 46 children; average attend-
and to Charles Augustus Penrhyn. their 4th son, Iieut.
, .ance, 24; Miss Lucy Collings, mistress.
Rifle Brigade, d. at Malta. of wounds received befom
Sebastopol, I .!.ug. 1855; there sre also several manu- Railway Staiion (Hethe:r!!ett), Charles Harry Chissell.
men~ to the Peach fa~ily ~ the church Wall thorougbl7 atation master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. I Curson Robert, blacksmith
Bennett William, butler to Sir Seaman MaryEllen (Mrs.),manageress
lloileau Sir Maurice Colborne hart.
Maurice C. Boileau hart of dairy, Hall farm
~I..A., )).L., J.P. Ketteringham park
Bradbrook John Wm. head gardener Walker Arthur, farmer, Ivy House fm
Hart Rev.Richd. Gilbert Keppel M ..A. Brewster George, head gamekeeper to j Walker Thos. A. farmer, High Ash fm
(curate), Home farm Sir M. C. Boileau hart
XETTLESTONE is a parish about 3 miles east-north- There is a charity arising from a sum of £soo, in-
east from Fakenham station on the Dereham and Wells vested in Consols, producing £r2 IOS. yearly, and left
section of the Great Eastern and Lynn and Melton by a Mr. Newman, of London, who bad been kindly
Constable line of the Midland and Great Northern joint brought up here a! a poor boy; there are other char~ties
'railways, in the North western division of the county, of £3, left by a former rector named Howes; a sum
Gallow hundred and petty se.ssionaJ division, Walsingham of £I ss. left by a rector of the name of Branthwayte,
union and county court district, rural deanery of Burn- and !Jhree cottages for the aged poor; there is also a
ham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The fuel allotment of 25 acres, of which the Railway took 4
church of .All Saints is a plain but ancient building- of acres, producing in the funds £7 3s. 4d. The prin-
fiint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, cipal landowners are Charles Scott-Ghad esq. of Thurs·
north aisle, north porch and an octagonal tower containing ford Hall, who is lord of the manor, Hugh Kirkham
one bell: the chancel was rebuilt and the church restored esq. of Terrington, and the trustees of the late Edward
in 1&7r, at a cost of £r,7oo, and it now affords 120 Ca~e. The soil is mixed; subsoil, various, gravel, sand
'Sittings. The register dates from the year 1540. The and clay. The land is cultivated on the usual four-
lych-gate was erected in 1907 as a memorial to the course shift. The area is r,Igo acres; rateable value,
Rev. James Cory B.A. rector here I]g6-IB64. The £r,r36; the population in rgu was 220.
living is a rectory, net yearly value £340, including 43 Sexton, WaJter Hill.
-acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Col. Edward Post Office.~Charle8 Cooper, sub-postmaster. Letters
},fontagu, and held since Igr r by the Rev. Frederick arrive through Fakenham at 6.30 a.Ih. & 5 .5o p.m. ;
Arthur Colbatch Share M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. & are dispatched at 6.25 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. i no sunday
"Barbara Schuldam left a benefaction of [2 10s. yearly delivery. Fakenham, 3~ miles distant, is 11he nearest
·for the poor of the parish, which by the will of the mo.ney order & telegraph office
late Francis Schuldam M.D. is paid out of an estate 1'be children of this place attend the Elementary school at
now in the possession of Charles Scott-Chad esq. Little Snoring
.Share Rev. Frederick Arth. Colbatch Colman Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr Lacey Waiter, farmer
M.A. (rector), Rectory Cook Corbett, farmer Reeder Robert, shopkeeper & butcher
• COMMERCIAL. 'Cooper Charles, baker, Post office Wright & Wakefield, blacksmiths
Case Edward, farmer !Hill Edwin, tailor Wright Frederick Wm. Henry,farmer
1XILVERSTONE is a parish, in the vale of the Tbet resides at Thetford. Kilverstone Hall, the property and
river, 2 miles east from Thetford junction station on residence of the Hon. Cecil Vavasseur Fisher M.A.
the Great Eastern railway, in the Mid division of tb~ who is lord of the manor and sole landowner, is a
.county, Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional mansion of flint, situated in an ancient park of 8o acres,
division. Thetford union and .county court district, with a lake 3 acres in extent, and inclosed on the north
hundred of Sbropham, rural deanery of Rockland (south side by a low wall, the entrance being through large
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of ~or- . iron gates west of the Hall: the estate abounds with
wicb. The church of St. Andrew, situated near the game, and is surrounded by extensive woodland,
Hall and erected in the r2th century, is an ancient bounded by the river Thet. The soil is sand and mar!;
~Structure of flint and brick in the Norman style, con- subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are barley, rye, oats
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a round em- and roots. The araa is 11,o39 acres of land and 9 of
:I:Jattled weste.rn tower containing one bell, with the water; rateable value, £r,6o'4; the population in I9II
inscription '(John Draper caste me 1624 :" the church wa~ roo.
was restored and re-seated in rB57, and in 1906-7 was Sexton, William Brundle.
~ompletely restored by the late J. Vavasseur esq. C.B.
st a cost of about [2,ooo: in the south wall is a Letters received 7 a.m. week day! & sundays. Wall
memorial window erected in 1908 to the memory of Letter Box cleared 6.25 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. ; snndays,
Mrs. Vavasseur: there are 75 sittings. The register 11.5 a.m, Letters through Tbetford, the nearest
dates from the year 155 B. The living is a rectory, net money order & telegraph office, 2 miles distant
:yearly value £ r68, in the gift of the Church Patronage
trustees, and held since 1907 by the Rev. John Robert- This place is included in Thetford United School Dis-
son BurtDn M . .A. of Trinity College, Oxford, who trict. The children attend Thetford school
Vavasseur Fisher Hon. Cecil M ..A. I Flatt Walter Wortley, land .steward
Kilverstone hall to the Hon. Cecil Vavasseur Fisher
COMMERCIAL. Purkiss Willia.m, gamekeeper to the
Bradford James, private gardener to Hon. Cecil Vavasseur Fisher
the Hon. Cecil Vavasseur Fisher West William, farmer
· KIMBERT·EY is a parish and village on the road from · cious mansion of brick, with towers at the angles, wa~
Walton to Norwich, with a. station on the Wymondham erected early in the r8th century, and is the seat of the

:and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway, 3 Earl of Kimberley, the representative of the Wodehouse

, miles north-west from Wymondham and II7! miles from and Falstolf families, and is situated in a beautiful park
, London, in the Mid division of the county, hundred, petty I of about 646 acres, 58 of which are in the parish of Carlton
. ">!essi<>nal division and union of Forehoe, county court dis- I Forehoe, 276 in Wymondham (in which the house stands)
trict of Wymondham, rural deanery of Hingham (Forehoe and the rest in Kimberley and Orownthorpe: the park

division), archdeaoonry of Norfolk and diocese ofNorwich. has a fine lake, and is well stocked with deer. This place

"The church of St. Peter is a small building in the Early has since 1866 afforded the title of Earl to the Wodehouse
Decorated style, consiating- of chancel, nave, south porch family, Barons Wodehouse and Earls of Kimberley. The
-and a. western tower with pinnacles and a small spire Earl of Kimberley is lord of the manor and sole land-
1containing 2 bells : in the chancel and nave are a number 1 uwner. The soil is clayey; subsoil, brick earth. The
.of stained windows, two of which contain ancient glass: chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area
the chancel retains a. piscina and a monument with kneel- is 1,540 acres of land and 20 of water; rateable value, figure to Dame Elizabeth Strutt, daughter of Sir £r,862; the population in I9II was I55·
Thomas Wodehouse and wife of Sir Denner Strutt, ob. Parish Clerk, James Kiddle.
5 Nov. 165 I; and there are two bra.sses to the Wade- , Letters through Wymondham arrive at 7·45 a.m. &
house family; by whom the church was repaired and 6.30 p.m. Pillar Letter Box cleared at 7.30 a.m. &
decorated in r835, and in I904 was thoroughly re- 7.10 p.m. & on sundays at 8.4s a.m. Wicklewood, 1~
. stGred at a oost of £2,300. defrayed by the Earl of miles distant, is the nearest money order office &
. Kimberley: it affords r83 sitting!!. The register dates Runhall, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph office
from the year I753· The living is a vicarage, consolidated Public Elementary School (infants), erected in I85o, "for
with Barnham Broom and Bixton, joint net yearly value 25 children; average attendance, 9; & supported by
[429, with 92 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift the Earl of Kimberley; Miss Ma.ry .Ann .Alien, mistress.
of the Earl of Kimberley, and. held since r887 by the The elder children attend the school at Hardingham
Rev. John Edward Parker :Bartlett, of St. Bees, who Railway Station, Gabriel Paynter, 'Station master
resides at Barnham Broom. The poor's allotment of 2 Carriers to Norwich.-Cullyer & Ruffles, from Hingbam.
tlcrPil produce& £4 yearly, which is distributed among pass through Kimberley every mon. wed. & sat. re·-
the poor in fuel. Kimberley House, an. ancient and spa-. . t.urning to Hihgl; · ·, .same .days '
Kimb~rley Earl of J.P. Kimberley Bradley Horace, farmer, Park farm Gayford Charle~ G. corn merchant,
hous~; & 37 & 38 St. J ames' place Buckle Robert, head gamekeeper to Kimberley station
& National Liberal club SW,London the Earl of Kimberley J.P Spinks Alfred, head gardener to the
COMMERCIAL. Cubitt Arthur, farmer, Manor farm Earl of Kimberley J.P
Allen Herbert, farmer, Station farm (letters via Hardingham, Attle- Tolliday Benjamin, blacksmith
Banham Thomas, farmer, The Green borough)
KING'S LYNN, see p. 235.
XIRBY BED ON is a village and parish, bounded on ancient brasses: the church was restored, re-seated
the north-east by the navigable Yare, and comprising and new-roofed, and part of the walls rebuilt, in I876:
the parishes of Kirby lledon St. Andrew and Kirby lledon a n1;1w tower was erected in 1883 and a. new south porch
St. Mary, 2! miles south-east from Trowse station on in I885, the whole restoration costing about £1,400:
the Great Eastern railway and 3 south-east from Norwich, there are I20 sittings. The register dates from the
in the Southern division of the county, Swainthorpe petty year I558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
sessional division, Henstead hundred and union, Norwich £I6o, with 6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
county court district, rural deanery of Brooke (western of and held since I896 by the Rev. Edward Herring
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. Kinder M.A. of Brasenose College, Oxford. The remains
The church of St. Andrew, standing on a height, is 11 of the church of St. Mary, consisting of part of the
building of stone and flint in the Perpendicular style, towers and walls, are now covered with ivy. The old
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled Hall, an ancient mansion, was pulled down in 1842.
western tower containing 3 bells: the tenor bell date~ The County Council, the Norwich Corporation, Russell
from I635, and the smallest bell bears the inscription, James Colman esq. of Crown Point, Norwich, William
,., Hedman Henry Topsell, Ana Dni. I585 ": iu the church Hall esq. and James H. B. Christie esq. of Framin~ham
tlre several monuments to the Brooke family, from 1739 Manor, are the principal landowners. The soil is
to 184o, and one to Francis Oremer, I730; there is also mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
an ancient monument, with sculptured figures of a· man barley, oats and roots. The area is 1,395 acres; rat~­
and woman kneeling at a desk, to Robert Sheppard 'esq. able value, £I,923; the population in I9II was 293·
and Anne, his wife, dated r6oo: in the churchyard is a Letters through ~ orwich arrive at . 30 a.m. & 2 . I5
marble monument, protected by a massive iron railing, p.m. The nearest money order office is at Trowse, 4
to Charles Weston esq. late of Thorpe, who died in 1804; miles distant, & tele~raph office at Bramerton, about
another to the Harvey family, dated I87 2 ; a memorial I mile distant. Rectory Wall Letter Box cleared at
of granite to Sir William Foster bart. d. 2 Dec. 1874, d
an d a monumen t of re d gran1•t e t o th e R ev. .ru:1
n_ h
1p I2.Io & 5.30 p.m.; sun ays, 10.35 a.m
Kinder, late rector I8 75- 94 : there is also a carved Public Elementary School (mixed), for 120 children;
cross, erected to Major and Mrs. FitzGerald, a white average att-endance, 71 ; Miss C. R. Cheyne, mistress
marble cross in memory of Miss Day, and several Carriel"S to Norwich pass through mon. wed. & sat
Hall William, Kirby house Filby John W. farmer, Stud farm Nobbs Edward, shopkeeper
Kinder Rev. Edward Herring M.A. Ford Waiter, market gardener Nobbs Harry, Stracey Arms P.H
Rectory Hill George, butcher Panks John Bran don, .surveyor & in-
Leed,s Frank, farmer spector of nuisances for the 'Hen-
COMMERCIAL. Mitchell William, farmer, The Vale stead Rural District Council
Dix Thomas Henry, farmer .Newstead Joseph, market gardener
XIRBY CANE is a parish and village, r' miles north and will seat 190 persons. The poor have £25 7s. 10d.
from Ellingham station on the "\Yaveney Valley section of yearly for luel from Bonfellow's charity, and £25
the Great Eastern railway, 4 south from Loddon and 3! from the rents of allotments. Kirby Cane Hall, the
north-east from Bungay, in the Southern division of the property and residence of John Robert Crisp esq. J.P. is
county, Clavering hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty an ancient mansion, standing in a commanding position,
·sessional division and union, Bungay county court dis- surrounded by a park. Le et Hill is the property and
trict, rural deanery of Brooke (eastern division), 'arch- residence of Samuel Rebsch esq. John Robert Crisp esq.
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church is lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The
of All Saints is an ancient structure of flint in mixed soil is various, light and heavy; subsoil, mixed clay
styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and sand. The chief crops are wheat, beans and peas.
and a round embattled western towe:r con~aining 5 bells: The araa of the parish is I,5I2 acres, rated at £1,743;
the south doorway is good Norman: there are monumental the population in I9II was 336.
tablets to the Rev. Henry~ sth Baron Berners, d. 26 Feb. Parish Clerk, Joseph Youell.
I85I, and to Elizabeth (Sumpter), his wife, d. I9 Dec. Post Office.-Miss Lucy Flowers, sub-postmistress. Let-
1845; there is al11o & memorial to Elizabeth Catelyne, ob. ters received from Bungay at 7-I5 a.mJ & 2.50 p.m.;
169I: the church affords 200 sittings. The register _dates dispatched at rr.~') a.m. & 5.50 p.m. Geldeston, ~~
from the year I536. The living is a rectory, net yearly miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
value £305, including 71 acres of glebe, with residence, office
in the gift of the Church 'Trust Fund trustees, and Letter Box, near the School, cleared at I1.40 a.m. &
held since I9o8 by the Rev. Samuel William Darwin 5.40 p.m.; sundays, 9·35 a.m·
Fox M.A. of Wadham Oollege, Oxford. The church Public Elementary School (mixed), built by the late Lord
mission room, built in r8g5, in the centre of the Berners & the then rector, for 70 children, & a new
village, at a cost of £250, will seat I20 persons, nnd class room to hold 30 was added in 1895 at a cost of
is licensed by the Bishop for divine service. The £ISO; average attendance, 6.3 ; Miss May Branford,
Wesleyan chapel, built in I849, wa.s enlarged in I 892, mistress
Baker Alfred Waiter I Blaza Alfred John, fri:nr.Lef'lt Hill fm Liggins Alfred, farmer
Crisp Jn. Robert J.P. :Kirby Cane ball Brewster Frederick Fisher, grocer Morris James, farmer, Green farm
Emerson James John, Abbot's manor 1 Crickmore Jarvis, Swan P.H Osborne Albert, assistant overseer
Fox Rev. Samuel William Darwin· Dade John, farm bailiff to A. Wbar- Sadd Mary Ann (Mrs. ),market gardnr
M.A. (rector), Rectory ' ton esq. Dull's farm Stannard George, farm bailiff to Mr.
Leighton Edward Blair, The Green Gardiner William, gardener to J. R Albert Wharton, Hall farm
Rebsch Samuel, Leet hill Crisp esq Stimpson Wm. James, cycle agent
Thorns Gilbert Wilson, Hillside Harvey Claudius, wheelwright Tills Albert, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Hinsley Benj. Geo. farmer, Row farm Warnes Jesse, market gardener
Bailey James, farmer, Home farm Ives Henry, thatcher You ell J o."eph, corn & flour dealer &
Bailey William, farmer, Litchmere Lambert James, gardener to Samuel p!Lrish clerk
Earber Jas. market gardener, The Gn Rebsch esq
XIRSTEAD (or Kirstead-with-Langhale) is B parish lish style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, south porch
and village, 6 miles north from Ditchingham station on and an embattled western tower containing one bell: the
~he Waveney Valley section, and 7 south-east from Trowse chancel and tower were added, a new open roof con-
station on ths Wymondham and Yarmouth section, of the structed and the interior considerably improved, in
~heat Eastern railway and 8 south-east from Norwich, in 1864, and the church now affo!'ds ISO sittings. The
the Southern division of the county, Loddon hundred, register dates from the year 1663. The living is a
Loddon Bnd Clavering petty sessional division und union, rectory, net yearly value £204, including 37 acres of
Bungay .3nd Beccles connty court district, rural deanery g-lebe and residence, in the gift of Caius College, Cam-
of Brooke (West ern division), archdeaeonry of Norfolk and bridge, and held !lince I9IO by the Rev. William
diocese of Norwich. The church of 'St. Margaret ill a Orridge Stutter M.A. of that college. There is a
structure of flint with stone dTessings, in the Early Eng- charity of 2os. yearly, left by Thomas Spooner in 1030.
Langhale House, standing in a park of about so acres, Parish Clerk, William Pitelen.
is the seat of George 'Villiam Danby Palmer-Kerrison
esq. J .P. Kirstead Hall, a mansion of the J a eo bean Letters through Norwich, via Brooke, arrive at 8 a.m.
period, is dated r6r4, and formerly contained some fine Brooke, about half a mile distant, is the nea.rNt money
wood carving; it is now occupied as a farm-house by order & telegraph office
Mrs. John Barmby. Walnut Tree Farm bears the date Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 4·55 p.m. oo
r6I3. Viscount Canterbury, who is lord of the manor, week days only
and G. W. D. Palmer-Kerrison esq. J.P. are the prin- •
cipal landowners. The soil is strong mixed; subsoil, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 190I, at a
gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and cost of £65o, for 72 children; average attendance, 28;
barley. The area is 1,034 acres; rateable value, [1,II4; :Mrs. Eleanor Pye, mistress; Clerk to the School
the population in rgrr was 200. Managers, George Frcderick Fisher Bales
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. ; Barmby John (Mrs.), farmer, Kir- Hansell Henry, farmer
stea.d hall
! Moore Joshua (exors. of), farmers,
Palmer-Kerrison Geo. William Danby Cannell Carlos John Gilbert, farmer, The Glebe
J.P. Langhale house Walnut Tree farm
i Pye Dennis, farmer, assistant overseer
Stutter Rev. William Orridge M.A. ·Carver James, farmer, Pevers farm & clerk to Parish Council
(rector), The Rectory . Channell Charles, farmer , Redgrave Moses Sml. Green Man P.H
Crotch Herbert W. farmr.Kirstead ho Sturman George, farmer
Garrard Waiter Herbert, farmer,Fin- Utting Charles, shopkeeper
Barham George Henry, farmer negate ling I
KN APT ON is a parish, on an eminence, with a station ArmstronQ" Watson D.D. of St. Peter's College, Cam-
on the North Walsham and Mundesley section of the bridge. Hen~ is a Primitive Methodist chapel. Knapton

Great Eastern railway, and also the Midland and Great j House is the residence of Henry Matthew Cooper
Northern Joint railway, and 8 south-east from Cromer, in Robinson esq. M.A., J.P. The Master and Fellows of
the Northern division of the county, hundred and petty St. Peter's College, Cambridge, are lords of the manor of
sessional division of NcHth Erpingham, Erpingham union, Knapton-Bromholm and Green, and Lord Suffield P.G.,
North Walsham county court district, rural deanery of G.C.V.O., K.C.B. of Knapton-Cecils manor. The prin-
Repps, archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The chuTch cipal landowners are H. M. Cooper Robins on esq. the
of SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient building of flint and trustees of the late Henry Atkinson esq. of Cotton,
stone, partly in the Early Decorated style, consisting nf John A. Coleman esq. and the Master and Fellows
chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western of St. Peter's Gollege, Cambridge. The soil is mixed;
tower containing 5 bells.: the roof is ornamented with subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
handsome carved work and ISth century paintings of oats and barley. The area is 1,490 acres; rateable
figures under canopies, angels &c. : there is a fine chancel value, [2,68o; the population in rgn was 346.
screen, at present oak-stained, and its original gates have Sexton, Joseph Steward.
been replaced by others of Jacobean character: the font,
of Purbeck marble, standing upon a bold ascent of steps, Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Sexton, sub-postmistress. Let-
bears the following- singular inscription in Greek, which ter Box cleared at 6.30 & 11.30 a.m. & 6.35 p.m.
can be read either way, "NI'}ON AXOMHMA MH Letters through North Walsham arrive at 6.40 a.m. &.
MOX AN 01/tiN" (Waeh thou, not only my face, but my 3-40 p.m.; sunday, arrive 7 a.m.; cleared at 5.50
transgression): the church was restored in r882, by public p .m. Trunch is the nearest money order office &.
::\fw1 desley, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph
subscription, at a cost of J.,2,2oo, under the direction of
the late G. Gilbert Scott esq. R.A. : there are 7oo office
sittings. The register dates from the year r66o. The Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r8g7, at a
living is a rectory, net income £276, in the gift of cost of about .£ r,3oo, for Bo children; average attend-
Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B. and the Master ance, ~6; Mrs. Selina Cooper, mistress
and Fellows of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, G. E. Ry. & M. & G. ~- Joint R.-John Edward
alternately, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Herbert Bunting, station master
Barcham Herbert, Knapton Old hall Langmaid John Brown, clerk to the
Brocklehurst Ernest, Knapton ball COMMERCIAL. Parish Council
Lambert Ernest J. Kna pton cottage Abbs Frank, farmer Marler George, blacksmith
(letters through )'lundesley) Barcham & Son, auctioneers, valuers, Rudram John Albert, farmer
Robinson Henry · Matthew Cooper house, land & estate agents; & at Small George, carpenter
M.A., J.P. Knapton house North W alsham Swann George, shoe maker
Watson Rev. Herbert Armstrong D.D. Barcham Herbert, auctioneer, valuer Tice William, farmer, Staithen farm
(rector) & estate agent, Knapton Old hall Wallage George, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Woodd-Smith Rev. Bernard Basil Dunnimr . William, farmer Pain, White house
M.A. The Durdans (letters through! Goymour William Chisnal, shopkeepr Watts George, cattle dealer
Mundesley) [ Grimes Rebecca (Miss), grocer Watts Ada Mary (Miss), shopkeeper
LAKENHAM is a parish forming part of the City of Norwich.
LAKE'S END, see Upwell.
LAMAS with LITTLE HAUTBOIS is a parish of Friends, who still use the burial ground. The Hon.
and village delightfullv situated on the navigable Bure, John Birkbeck Lubbock, who is lord of the manor,
one mile east from Buxton Lamas station on the East Philip Edward Sewell esq. of Dudwick House. Buxton,
Norfolk section of the Great Eastern railway, 4~ south- and Sir Edward Paulet Stracey bart. of Rackheath
east from Aylsham and g north-east from Norwich, in Park, are the principal landowners. The soil is sand;
the Eastern division of the county, South Erpingham hun- subsoil, mar!. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
dred and petty sessional division, Aylsham union and turnips. The combined area of ·Lamas and Little
county court district, rural deanery of Ingworth (south Hautbois is 84o acres; rateable value, [r,273; and thP
division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. Here combined population in I9II was 230.
is a bridge of one arch crossing the Bure. The church of Parish Clerk, James Gladden.

St . .Andrew is a building of flint in the Early English Po,o:t Office.-Mrs. Sarah Eleanor Baker, sub-post-
style, consistinQ" of chancel, nave, south porch and a low mistress. Letters through Norwich arrive at 7· 15
embattled western tower containing 4 bells; in the chan- a. m. & 3.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 7. IO a.m. & 4 & g
eel is an Early English piscina: the porch was rebuilt in p.m. week days only. Buxton, 2 miles distant, is the
1878, and in 1887 the church was restored at a cost of money order & telegraph office
£I ,200, under the direction of Mr. H. J. Green, architect, The children of this parish attend the school at BuxtGD
of Norwich, the chancel bei~g rebui~t, the nave new ro_ofed Carrier to Norwich.-William Gostling to the 'Waggon
and refloored and 6 new wmdows mserted. The reg1ster & Horses,' on wed. & sat. returning s~me evening
dates from the year I538. The living is a rectory, con- 1 • . .
salidated with Little Hautbois, net yearly value £r7S· • LITTLE HAUTBOIS 1s a decayed par1sh, on the navJ-
includinO' 36 acres of glebe and residence, in the aift of gable Bure, 2 miles south-west from Buxton Lama~
the Rev~ E. S. P. Mack, and held since I903 by the ~btion and 2 north-~est from Coltishall station: both on
Rev. Erasmus Harpur Goodwin B.A. of Trinity College, t,he East Norfolk section of the Great Eastern r~ulway anrl

Dublin, and hon. chaplain to the King. There is a 8~ north-east from Norwich. The Bishop of Norwich i!l
Wesleyan chapel, formerly the property of the Society tord of the manor. The principal landowners are the Nor-
wich Charity Trustees and Lady Durrant, of Scottow Hall. Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.30 a.m. week days only.
There was formerly a church here, dedicated to St. Mary. Letters through Norwich, via Coltishall, delivered
Little Hautbois Hall, now a farmhouse, is a good exam~ue about 8.15 a.m. Coltishall is the nearest money order
of the Elizabethan Domestic style. &; tele5raph office, 2 miles distant
LAMAS. Bell Pally (Mrs.), dress maker Greenacre George, farmer
Babington Miss Bircham &; Uo. wheelwrights Preston Frederick, farmer
Craigie Adair, Lamas hall Buckingham Arthur Nicholas,farmer, Rayner Thomas, plumber &; glazier
Goodwin Rev. Erasmus Harpur B.A.. The Gables Sexton Arthur Edward, saddler
(rector, & hon. chaplain to the Buckingham William Charles, farmer Tooley Thomas, farmer
King), Rectory · Cooper William, blacksmith
Ling Benjamin, jun. The Firs Ellwood Charles, farmer LITTLE HAUTBOIS.
Bye Walter, Rectory cottage Fielding Alfred, farmer
Stockings Miss, Stakebridge FrancisChristmas,.Anchor of HopeP.H Banister Frank, farmer, Little Haut-
Teasdale Christopher, Bure house Goodson Benjamin, assistant overseer bois hall
COMMBBCIAL. & clerk to the Parish Council Hales John, farmer, Bridge farm
Barber Agatha L. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Gostling William, carrier & farmer King Geo. Adam & Eve P.H. & farmr
Post office Gould William, farmer
LANGFORD is a parish, on the river Wissey, 8 miles ' from the year 1770. The living is a rectory, consoli-
north-east from Brandon station on the Ely and Thetford dated with that of Ickborough, net yearly value [,r61,
section, 8 south-west from Wattcm station on the Swaff- including 33 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift
bam and Roundham_.iunction branch of the Great Eastern of Baroness .Amherst of Hackney, and held since r8go
railway, and 8 soutli from Swaffham, in the South West- by the Rev. William Ledwich Mitford M ..A. of Uni-
ern division of the county, South Greenhoe hundred and versity College, Durham, who resides at Ickborough.
petty sessional division, Swaffham union and county court Henry Francis Smith esq. of Didlington Hall, is lord
district, rural deanery of Cranwich (south division), arch- of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is light
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of loam, with a subsoil of chalk and gravel. The chief
St. Andrew is a building of stone, in the Early English crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch, and a is 1,403 acres of land and 7 of water; rateable value,
turret containing one bell: the chancel retains a piscina [,soB; the population in 19II was 49·
and there is a monument to Sir Jacob Garrard kt. and
hart. alderman and sheriff of London, ob. circ. 1666, and Parish Clerk, J oseph Ollett.
& tablet to Sir James Murray-Pulteney bart. who assumed
the name of Pulteney on his marriage with Henrietta, Letters through Mundford arrive at 9 a. m. The nearest
monev order & telegraph office is at Mundford, aboutl
Countess of Bath in her own right, and died 26 April,
18II : the church was restored in x888 at the expense of 3 miles distant
the late Lord .Amherst of Hackney. The register dates The children of this place attend the school at Ickborough
Bloy Henry, farmer
Cro3s Arthur, farmer
I Dixon Waiter David, farmer, Lang-
ford hall
LANGHAM (or Langham Bishops) is a parish, about 5 1 lig-hts was dedicated in 19II in memory of the late
miles west-north-west from Halt station and 5 north from Florance Thomas Stephen Rippingall: the church
Thursford station, both on the Midland and Great w;.ts restored in 1868, and affords 220 sittings: the
Northern joint railway, 7 south-e.ast from Wells, 2 south- churchyard, which was enlarged in 1885, and again in
south-west from Blakeney, and 6 east from Walsingham, rgro, contains the tomb of Capt. Marryatt. The register
in the Northern division of the county, Halt hundred, dates from the year 1695. The living is a discharged
petty sessional division .and county court district, Wal- vicarage, net yearly value [,uo, including 100 acres of
singha.m union, rural deanery of Holt, and archdeaconry glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
and diocese of Norwich. There were formerly two Norwich, and held since 1909 by the Rev. John Henry
parishes, called respectively Langham Magna and Lang· Toy Th . .A.K.C. Manor Cottage, now the residence of
ham Parva, but the church of the latter is completely Mrs. Gertrude M. Rippingall, stands in nicely wooded
destroyed and its rectory has been consolidated with that grounds commanding exbmsive views; it was formerly
of Cockthorpe and Blakeney. The church of SS . .Andrew the residence of Capt. Marryatt, the celebrated noveli6t,
and Mary is a building of flint with stone dressings, in who wrote most of his works here. Miss Rippingall is
the 15th century style, consisting of chancel, na"Ve, lady of the manor. Neale Florance Reginald Rippingall
south aisles, north porch and a lofty embattled western esq. J .P. and Charles Edwin Ryder esq. are the chief
tower containing a clock and 3 bells : a new pulpit has landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, chalky. The
been erected: the font is of Norman date: there are chief crops are on the four-course system. The area is
brasses to John Andrews, jun. date illegible, and to 1,745 acres; rateable value, [,1,968; the ~pulation in
Robert Barnard, x6o5 : marble tablets to the Frost and 19II was 315.
Rippingall families, 1769-1858; an inscribed stone to Sexton, Jonathan Massingham.
John Palgrave, r6ro, with very fine shield of arms Post Office.-Elijah William Boast, sub-postmaster.
and crest, and a handsome marble tablet to Capt. Letters received from Blakeney arrive at . 35 a.m.
Frederick Marryatt R.N ., C.B., F .R. S. the celebrated .... 6 .... d" t bed t ~ .... 7
1. h · d h h 1 h d" d .A "" . xo p.m. "" 1spa c a 5 ·3;, a.m. "" 4.25 p.m.
nave 1st, w o res1de ere, w ere a so e 1e 2 ug. week days; sundays, arrive at 8. 35 a.m.; dispatched
1848, and to his son Lieut. Frederick Marryatt R.N. at 9 _30 a.m. Field Dalling, 2 miles distant, is tha
who was lost at sea in the "Avenger" in the same nearest money order & telegraph office
year: the stained east window, erected in xSsS. is a
memorial to the Rev. Stephen Frost Rippingall, d. A committee of 6 managers was formed October 1St '
1856: thPre is also a m!lmorial window, designed by the 1903, for Langham, Morston & Cockthorpe; I. w.
late Sir Edward 0. Burne-Jones bart. to Amy, wife of Tuck, Warham, Wells, clerk & attendance officer
Richard Calthrop Coulton, and to Philip Richard, their Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1896 at a
son, both of whom died in May, 1894• and another cost of [,1,400, for 132 children; average attendance,
to S. and E. A. Williams: the west window of three 93 ; Arthur Harry Smith, master
PBIVATB RESIDENTS. To~· Rev. John Hy. Th.A.K.C.(vicar), Larner Brothers, grocers & drapers
Huckwell Joseph James M.A. Grove Vicarage Loads Edmund William, Bell inn
Partridge Miss, The Spinney White James Kemp Massing ham John, head gardener to
Rippingall Neale Florance Reginald N. F. R. Rippingall esq. J.P
J .P. Manor cottage Musk James, carpenter
Rippingall The Misses, The Spinney 1 Boast Elijah William, shopkeeper & Ryder Frederick Budd, farmer, Lang-
Rippingall Mrs. Gertrude M. Manor sub-postmaster ham Hall farm
cottage Clarke Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker Temple Henry, blacksmith
Ryder Charles Edwin Arthur, Lang- Crafer Charles, farmer, Manor farm W oodhouse Ka te (Mrs.), shopkeeper
ham hall Huckwell Jsph. Jas. M.A. frmr.Grove
LANGLEY is a parish and widely scattered village, 3 trict, rural deanery of Brooke (Eastern division), arch-
miles south-east from Buckenham station on the Nor- deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwid.1. Here is a
wich, Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections of the G. E. ferry across the river Yare to Cantley station. The

2 miles north from Loddon and 10 south-east church of St. Michael is an edifice of flint in the
from Norwich, in the Southern division of the county, Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north
hundred of Loddon, Lodd 1n and Clavering petty ses- and south porches and an embattlPd western tower, with
sional division an<t union, Norwich countv• court dis- pinnacles, containing 5 bells: the church was thoroughly
repaired and decorated in 1803 with stained glass, the seat of Sir Reginald William Proctor-Beauchamp
brought from Rouen cathedral at the time of the first bart. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor and sole laud-
French revolution by a former Lady Beauchamp Proctor, owner, is a splendid mansion, erected in 1740, and stand-
at whose cost the restoration was chiefly effected: there ing in a park of Boo acres; it contains many valu~ble.
are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year paintings, statues, busts, and other ~orks of art. The
1695- The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £45, soil is fine mixed; 1mbsoil, sand, gravel and clay. The
including 12 acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir Reginald chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and roots. The area
William Proctor-Beai'Ichamp bart. and held since 1901 is 2,70-8 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable valae,
by the Rev. Richard Fitz Thomas Fleming M.A. of [3,289; the population in 1911 was 289.
Trinity College, Dublin, who is also rector of and resides Parish Clerk, Harry Balls, Luddon.
at Chedgrave. The Wesleyan <:hapel here was erected
in 1892, at a cost of £6oo, and will seat r60. A stone Post Office.-Frederick Chaplin, sub-postmaster. Let-
cross bearing four statues, formerly standing near the ters through Norwich, arrive at 8.45 a.m. & 12.30 &
abbey, has been removed to Langley Park, and now 2.45 p.m.; dispatched at II-5 a.m. & 2.45 & 8.30 p.m.
stands at the point where the four parishes of Langley, week days only. Loddon, 2 miles distant, is the
Chedgrave, Thurton and Carleton-St.-Peter meet. The nearest money order & telegraph office
fuel allotment of 40 acres produces £6o yearly for coals Wall Letter Boxes.-Staithe, cleared at 11 a.m. & 2.40
for the poor. There are almshouses for six poor & 8.25 p.m.; Parkgates, cleared at 10.45 a.m. & 8.5
widows, erected in r861 by the late Sir Thomas W. B. p.m. week days only ~
Proctor-Beauchamp bart. in memory of his parents. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1877, for
Here are the ruins of Langley Abbey, founded ,in the roo children; average attendance, 78 ; there is also a
year II98 by Roger Fitz Roger or Cla.vering, for. PrP- teacher's residence adjoining; Miss.,Lucy Ear le, mist
monstratensian <:anons, and dedicated to St. Mary: the
abbey was colonised from Alnwick and at its dissolution Clerk to the School Managers, George Frederick Fisher,
there were fifteen canons and revenues estimated at Hales
£3r2: the ruins were partly excavated in 1908 under Carriers to Norwich, from Hardley, pass through man.
the direction of the lord of the manor. Langley Hall, wed. & sat
Beauchamp Sir Reginald William Chaplin Frederick, grocer & draper, Hook James, farm bailiff to Sir R. W.
Proctor- bart.D.L. ,J .P .Langley hall Post office Practor-Beauchamp bart. D.L., J.P
Urisp Chas. Stephen, frmr.The Marsh Langley Park Estate Office (Edward
(postal address, Cantley, Norwich) G. Cubitt, agent; Robert James
Beamish James, farmer, Dairy farm Crisp William, farmer, Staithe farm Wordsworth, sub-agent)
Bentley Arthur, head gardener to Sir Cumby John, cowkeeper Mackerel Benjamin, market gardener
R. W. Proctor-Beauchamp hart. Daniels John, farm bailiff to W. G. Moore George, cowkeeper
D.L., J.P Cannell esq Riches William Robinson (exors. of),
Brown George, cowkeeper Frary Samuel, Wherry inn, Staithe farmers, The Poplars
Cannell & Sons, seed growers Hammond Edwin, head gamekeeper Thorpe William, blacksmith
Cannell Fredk. J. farmer,Boundary ho to Sir R. W.Proctor-Beauchamp bart Wright Richd. farmer, Manor house
Cannell Wm. G. farmer, The .Abbey Hemmant Wm. farmer, Grange farm
LANGMERE, see Dickleburgh.
LARLING (or Larlingford) is a parish and scattered stained window: further restorations were carried out
village, 1 mile north from Barling Road station on the in r8g5, when a new organ was provided at a cost of·
Thetford and Norwich section of the Great Eas!lern rail- £roo, and new oak seats for the choir: there are r5o
way and 8 miles north-east from Thetford, in the Mid sittings. The register dates from the year 1678. The
division of the county, Guiltcross and Shropham petty living is a rectory, net yearly value £r7o, including 40
sessional division, hundred of Shropham, Way land union, acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Sir Edmund '
A.ttleborough county court district, rural deanery of Rock- 1 Charles Nugent bart. and held since 1905 by the Rev.
land (South division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese Arthur Ernest Prue B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin.
of Norwich. The church of St. Ethelbert, which stands The Wesleyan chapel here, originally a barn, was con-
in a field a quarter of a mile north from the village, is verted to its present purpose in r88r, and will seat about
an ancient structure in the Norman and Later styles, so people. The fuel allotment of 31 acres produces
consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle and an embattled £r3 ros. Sir Edmund Charles Nugent hart. of the
western rower of flint dating from the qth century and Hall, West Harling, is lord of the manor and the sole
containing 3 bells: the south entrance is a fine specimen landowner. The soil is various; subsoil, various. The
of Norman work: in the church are marble monuments chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
to William Woodley esq. many years lord of the manor, 1,633 acres; rate:~.ble value, [r,221; the population in
d. 30 March, 1807, and to George John Cerjat esq. d. 2 rgrr was qB.
June, 1801: W. the churchyard is buried the Rev. Philip Post Office.-David Kidd, sub-postmaster. Letter!!
Leach, 3.~ years rector of this parish and 12 years rector I received from Thetford at 4.15 & delivered at 6 a.m.;
of East Winch: t·he church was restored in 1867, and an dispakhed at 6 a.m. & 8.15 p.m.; sundays, 6.45 p.m.
ancient altar-stone, discovered under the flooring, was East Harling, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money
replaced in its original position, as well as a stoup at the order & telegraph office
11outh doorway: the tower and bells were restored in 188g Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1879• & en-
at a cost of [230, and & vestry was built in 1890 at a laTged in 1882, at a cost of £250, ag-ain in r8g1 at a
further cost of £150 by the mother and sister of the cost of £97, & a!!ain in 1910, for 70 children; average
Rev. J. B. Atkinson, then Tector, who also presented a attendance, 54; Miss Fanny Louis a Jarred, mistress
· Prue Rev. Arthur Ernest B.A. (rec- Harbour Alfred, farmer Southgate Frederick, Angel P.H
tor), Rectory Harbour Wm. A.lfr~d, farmer,Fen frm Steggles Ernest, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Kidd David, shopkeepr. & post office Steggles Jn. & Sons, frmrs.Manor fm
Edwards Fras. farmer, Barkers farm Kidd Robert, shopkeeper
LES,SINGHAM is a pleasant villag-e and parish near 1904 by the Rev. William Marcus Coghlan McAllister
the sel. coast, 3~ miles north-east from Stalham station on M.A. of Queen's Colleg-e, Oxford, who resides at Hemp-
the Midland and Great Northern joint railway and 8 stead. Here is a Primitive. Methodist chapel. Tb.e
east-by-south from North '\Valsham, in the Eastern divi- poor have the benefit of a few charities of t·he annual
sion of the county, Tunstead and Rapping- petty sessional value of about £ro; there is al!lO an educational charity
division, Rapping hundred, Smallburgh union, North left by a former rector, which is at present applied to
Walsham county court district, rural deanery of Waxham encouraging the regular attendance of children at
(Rapping division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese school. Here was anciently an alien priory for monks
of Norwich. The church of All Saints is an ancient build- of the Benedictine Order, dedicated to All Saints, and
ing of flint and stone, consisting of chancel, south porch, founded by Sir Thomas de Lessingham as a cell to
nave and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells: the abbev of Okebourne, Wilts, whi<:h itsPlf was a cell
the church was thoroughly repaired in 1891 at a cost of to the abbey of Bee in Normandy. At the dissolution
over £5oo, a new roof being placed over the nave, which its revenues were estimated at £44· The Provost and
was reseated with chairs and the porch and tower re- Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, are lords of the
stored, from plans and under the supermtendence of the manor. The land chiefly belongs to H. Litt-lewood esq.
Diocesan Surveyor, Mr. H. Green, of Norwich. The re- of Leeds, and Thomas Warts esq. of Sutron. The soil
~ister dates from the year I_<i58. The living is a rectory, is strong mixed; subsoil, sand, clay and gravel. The
incorporated with that of Hempstead, joint net vearly chief crops are wheat, oats snd barley. The area is
value £370, including- 70 acres of glebe and residence, 641 acres; rateable value, £995; the population in
in. the gift of King's College, Cambridge, and held since Igii was 177.
Post Office.-Benjamin S. Clements, sub-postmaster. miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
Letters from Norwich arrive at 7 a.m. & 2.35 p.m. ; office
July to Sept. 7 a.m. & 2.45 p.m.; dispatched, Oct. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1877, eB· ·
to June, 11.45 a.m. & 4·5 p.m.; July to Sept. 12.25 larged in I897, for 8o children; average attendance,
& 4-5 p.m.; no post on sundays. Happisburgh, 2i 8o; Joseph W. Lager, master
Clement-s Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pestle Waiter, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Dyball· John, carter Plumb~r Alfred John, blacksmith
Barrett Walt. Hy. farmr. Church frm Girling George, Star P.H Reynolds William, butcher & parish
Clements Benj. Saml. grocer, Post off Martin Ell en (Mrs.), farmer constable

LETHERINGSETT is a parish and village pictur- with 25 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
esquely situated in a well-wooded valley of the Glaven, Sir Alfred Jodrell bart. and held sini:e 1912 by the
about 1 mile west from Halt station on the eastern section Rev. William Henry Finlayson Th.A.K.C.L. who is also
of the Midland and Great Northern joinli railway, in the chaplain to Sir Alfred J odrell bart. The Village Hall,
Northern division of the county, Halt htmdred, petty erected in 1910 by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Hardy
sessional division and county court district, Erpingham Cozens-Hardy P.C. (master of the Rolls), is a building
union, rural deanery of Bolt and archdeaconry and of brick and stone, and contains reading, billiard and
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. An drew is a struc- recreation rooms. Here is a Primitive Methodist
ture of flint in the Gothic style of the 13th century, con- chapel, erected in I8g8. Arthur Wrigley Cozens-Hardy
sis~in~ of chancel, nave, aisles, vestry, south porch and a esq. of Cley Hall, Cley-next-the-Sea, who is lord of
round western tower of Norman date containing 3 bells: the manor, and Sir Alfred Jodrell bart. of Bayfield
the font is also Norman: in the chancel is a. memorial Hall, are the chief landowners. The soil is light;
window, erected by the late Mrs. Jodrell, of Bayfield, as subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
a memorial to Capt. Edward Jodrell, 18th Royal Irish" turnips. The area is 8.H acres of land and 5 of water;
Regiment, who died 27 Jan. r868, and a reredos, in rateable value, £1,570; the population in I9II was 254.
white marble and alabaster, has been erected in memory
of the late Mrs. A.. M. Jodrell: there are other Sexton, John Hendry.
memorial windows to the Rev. John Marshal! Webb
M.A. rector 1872-94• and to Capt. Richard Waldy, ·who Post Office.-Walter Turner, sub-postmaster. Letters
was killed at Paardeberg, S. .!.frica: the church 'llas & parcels from Holt; delivery commences at 7 a.m.
restored in 1875 at a cost of nearly £1,2oo, and in 18go & callers can have their letters at 10.40 a.m.; dis-
was new roofed and the porch rebuilt from plans by patched at 10.40 a.m. & 5·5 p.rn. No postal business
the late Mr. W ..Butterfield, architect: it now affnrds on sundays. Holt, I mile distant, is the nearest
210 sittings. The register dates from the year 1653. money order & telegraph office
The living is a discharged rectory, net income £1Bo, 'l'he children of this place attend the school at Halt
Waldy A.1fred Morgans' Brewery Co.Limited (Henry
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Turner, agent), maltster~
Cozens-Hardy Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Sadler Joshua Step hen, farmer
Hardy P.C., J.P. Letheringsett hall Cunningham A.lfd.Jn.King';; Head inn Scott Robert Ehas, miller (water)
Cozens-Hardy Sidney, Glavemide Ellis Hubert, farmer Turner Waiter, blacksmith & sub-
Finlayson Rev. Wm. Hy. Th.A.K.C. Hewitt George, builder & contractor postmaster
(rector, & chaplain to Sir Alfred & farmer Warne Georgc Watts, estate agent to·
Jodrell bart.), Rectory Letheringsett Village Hall (A. Wood- Sir .!.lfred Jodrell bart. Home farm
Frost ~Irs house, hon. sec) Woodhouse Allen,head gardener toRt.
Leaver Mrs Letheringsett Workmen's Institute Hon. Sir Herbt.HardyCozens-Hardy
Packard Mrs. L. M. Hill house (H. Woodhouse, hon. sec) Wright Herbert Alfred, farmer
LETTON is a parish, 4 miles -west from Thuxton sta- worth. Letton Hall is the property of Lord Cranworth
tion on the "\Vymondham and Dereham section of the D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor and owner of
Great Eastern railway and 6 south from Dereham, in the the whole of the parish; the house, which stands
Mid division of the county, Mitfurd and petty within a park of about 200 acres, was designed by
sessional division, Mitford hundred, Mitford union, East Sir John Soane. The soil is part heavy and part light;
Dereham county court district, rural deanery of Hin~­ subsoil, mixed. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
ham (.'\1itford division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and dio- roots and oats. The area is 1,287 acres; rateable value,

cese of Norwich. Of the church of All Saints only the ' £r,164; the populabon in I9II was 105.
foundations now remain; the parishioners attend the
church of the adjoining parish of Cranworth. The re· Letter Box cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; sundays,
C"ister date!! from the year 1653. The living is a rectory, 9.30 a.m. Letters through Thetford, via Shipdham.
Htmexed with Southburgh to that of Cranworth, joint net arrive at 7 a.m. Shipdham is the nearest money
yearly value £450, including 38 acres of glebe and order & telegraph office, about 1~ miles distant
residence, in the gift of Lord Cranworth, and held
since I 8g6 by the Rev. A.rthur T:1.yler Hodgson B.A. The children attend the school at Cranworth for the united
of Queens' College, Cambridge, who resides at Cran- parishes of Letton, Southburgh & Cranworth
C'OMMERCIAL. Mallett James (exors. of), farmer, Sidell Samuel, farmer
Crafer George, farmer, Lower farm Park farm Stebbi11g Charles Frederick, steward
Dredge William, gardener,Letton h:~ll Howland Edward, gamekeeper to Lord to Lord Cranworth
Mallett Hy. farmr.NortonGrove farm Cranworth
EAST LEXHAM is a village and parish, 3 miles Worcester College, Oxford, who resides at Litchrrm.
north from Dunham station on the Lynn and Dereham Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The poor's
section of the Great Eastern railway and 6 north-by-east allotment of 26 acres, let at £21 yearly, is for fuel,
from Swaffham, in the Mid division of the county, Mit- and A.llee's charity of 32s. yearly for bread. Lexham
ford and Launditch petty sessional division and union, Hall, the property and residence of Augustus Leverton
Launditch hundred, Swaffham county court district, rural Jessopp esq. is a well built house, with extensive
deanery of South Brisley, archdeaconry of Lynn and gardens, prettily situated in a well-wooded park of
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a small no acres, through which flows the river Na.r. Au~stus
edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch Leverton Jessopp esq. is lord of the manor and principal
and a round western tower, now covered with ivy and landowner. The soil is light loam, and the subsoil,
containing one bell: in the chancel are three mural tab- gravel and chalk. The chief crops are wheat, bariey
lets to the Keppel family, dating from 1830 to IBSB: the and turnips. The area is 1,225 acres; rateable value,
stained east window is a memorial to Frederick Walpole £ r,o41; the population in 19II was 189.
Keppel, d. IB58, and to Colonel Edward George Walpole
Parish Clerk, A.rthur Banham.
Keppel, d. I 85 9 : on the south side of the chancel are
sedilia. and a piscina: there are Ioo sittings. The register Wall Letter Box, cleared at 7.10 a.m. & 5-55 p.m. ; no
dates from the year I546. The living is a discharged collection on sunday8. Letter& through Swaffham, via
rectory, consolidated with that of Litcham, joint net Litcham, arrive at 7.15 a.m. & 5·35 p.m.; no delivery
yearly value £420, including 4.'5 acres of glebe and on sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph
residence, in the gift of the Rev. C. W. Heald M.A..
offi-ce is at Lit-cham, 2! miles distant
rector of Cbale, Isle of Wight, and the Rev. J. M.
Heald M.A. of Ryde, Isle of Wight, and held sincE> Public Elementary Schoql (mixed), for 58 childrrn;
rgo6 by the Rev. Albert Edward Burton M.A.. of average attendance, 55 ; Mrs. Ellen Balls, mistress
• NOl FOLK 1.1•

Jessopp Augustus Leverton, Lexham Burton Ernest, farmer Osbiston Frank, gamekeeper to A. L.
hall Coward James Dixon, land steward to Jessopp esq
COMMERCIAL. .A.. L. J essopp esq. The Gardens Oldfield William, fish dealer
Belton Samuel Ernest, farmer,Church Hammond Robert, Chequers P.H Simpson Richard, farm~r
farm Middleton J oseph, farmer Wiskard William, shopkeeper
WEST LEXHAM is a parish 4 miles north from glebe and good residence, in the gift of :Mrs. Reaveley,
Dunharn station on the Lynn and Dereham section of the and held since rgro by the Rev. Richard James Lord
Great Eastern railway and si north from Swaffham, in Fox, of St. Aidan's. The poor receive fuel cut annually
the Mid division of the county, Launditch hundred, Mit- from oak stubs, and a dole of £r 12s. is yearly dis-
ford and Launditch union and petty sessional division, tributed in bread. The Earl of Leicester G.O.V.O.,
Swaffham county court district, rural deanery of South C.M. G. is lord of the manor and principal landownPr.
Brisley, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The soil is a light loam; subsoil, chalk and gravel.
The church of St. Nicholas is a small building of stone, in The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and some
the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south land is in pasture. The area is r,r8o acres; rateable
porch and a circular western tower, probably of Saxon value, £532; the population in rgrr was ro4.
date, containing one bell: the church was rebuilt in r88 r Post Office.-Mrs. Emma N. Gree.n, sub-postmistres~.
at the sole expense of the 2nd Earl of Leicester K.G. a Letters through Swaffham, via LitJcham, arrive at 7.25
marble pavement being at the same time laid in the a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; dispatched 7.30 a.m. & 5·45 p.m.
·Chancel and the east window filled with stained glass at week days only; no sunday delivery. Castle Acre, 2
1:he cost of the rector: the church affords 56 sittings. miles di~tant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
"The register dates from the year r689. The living is a office
rectory, net yearly value £r36, exclusive of 58 acres of The children attend the school at East Lexham
-pox Rev. Richd. James Lord (rector), Green Henry, farmer, Glebe farm Walker James, farmer, Hall farm
Rectory Green Emma Naomi (:Wrs.), shop- Yallop RobP.rt, Red Lion P.H
keeper, Post office
· LEZIATE is a scattered parish 2 miles north from College, CfV!lbridge, who is also rector of Bawsey, and
"East Winch station on the Lynn and Dereham section of resides at .Ashwicken. Capt. Richard Ludwig Bagg~
.. the Great Eastern railway, r, east from Gayton Road D.S.O., J.P. of Gaywood Hall, who is lord of the
-11tation on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway manor, ~essrs. Joseph Boam Limited, of Leicester, and
.-and 4! east from Lynn, in the North Western division of Col. John Edmund Groom J.P. of Stiffkey, are the
the county, hundred, petty sessional division and union of chief landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, mostly
Freebridge Lynn, county court district of 'Lynn, rural clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
·-deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and The area is r,48o acres, including 104 acres of rabbit
· diocese of Norwich. Of the charch of All Saints nothing warren and common; rateable value, £r,2r5; the popu-
. now remains but the foundations. A mission church was lation in rgrr was rg6.
erected here in 1876 by subscription, and has roo sittings.
The living is a rectory consolidated with that of Ash- Letters through Lynn arrive at 8 a.m. The nearest
wicken, joint net yearly value £ 36 3 , including 13 acres money order & telegraph office is at Gayton, 2~ miles
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held since distant
1877 by the Rev. Arthur John Groom B..A.. of Trinity The children of this parish attend Ashwicken school
Bettinson Major G. Y. Halt house Greaves Waiter, farmar Robinson John William, farm bailiff
Giles .A.rthur Price James Alfred, beer & wine re- to Joseph Cade esq. Halt farm
COMMERCIAL. tailer, Oak End Rolfe Arth. Hy. farmer, Chilver ho
Boam Joseph Limited, brick makers [ Rasberry Waiter, farmer & land- Rolfe Waiter, farmer
Cade Joseph, farmer, Halt farm owner, East farm, Well Hall lane
:LIMPENHOE is a parish and village near the navig- Dublin. The Parish Room, an iron building, affords Bo
-able river Yare, 1! miles north-east from Cantley station sittings. There is a small Primitive Methodist chapel,
on the Norwich, Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections of the built in rS77. The principal landowners are the Rev.
'"'Great Eastern railway, 10 south-west from Yarmouth, William Charles Emeris M.A. vicar of Burford, Oxon•.
in the Eastern division of the CDunty, petty sessional the trustees of the late Clare Sewell Read esq. (d. 1905),
division of Blofield and Walsham, hundred and union of and Mr. William Wesley Key, of Southwood. The soil
"Blofield, Great Yarmouth countv •
court district, rural is light mixed; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief
deanery of Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is I, 127
wich. The church of St. Botolph is an edifice of flint acres, rated at £r,Br3; the population in rgrr was I 53·
with stone dressings, in the Decorated and Perpendicular By an order which came into operation March 25, 1884,
styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and an a detached part of Southwood was amalgamated with
-embattled western tower containing 2 bells: the south this parish.
doorway, a fine example of Norman work, has been Sexton (vacant) .
. restored: the stained east window was erected in 18gB
•hy the rector, in memory of his father and mother, the Letters tP,rough Reedham, arrive about 8.r5 a.m. &
:Rev. Charles Day, rector of St. Swithin's, Norwich, and 4.30 p.m. Wall Letter Box, Hill house, cleared at
Mrs. Elizabeth Day: the rector also presented a carved 8.30 a. m. & 5 p.m. week days only. Wall Letter Box,
~tone reredos, and the stonework of the pulpit was near church, rleared at 8.20 a.m. & 4·55 p.m. week days
re-carved in r8g8: the church was rebuilt in I88r, and only. Freethorpe is the nearest money order & tele-
has 155 sittings. The register dates from the year graph office, 2 miles distant. Telegrams are also
165 7 . The living is a discharged vicarage, annexed to dispatched from Cantley railway station, but not
the rectory of Southwood, joint net yearly value £rgB, received for deli\·ery, on week days only
including 10 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift Public Elementary School (mixed), erected about r84o,
of the ReV'. Theodore Henry Crossman Day B.A. of & enlarged in 1894• for 6o children; average attend-
Paradise House, .A.ylsham, and held since rgw by the ance, 21; Mrs. llannah Tills, mistress; a house for
Rev. Thomas Housecroft M.A. of Trinity College, the mistress was erected in rBgg
Housecroft Rev. Thomas M.A.(vicar), Brown Martha (Miss), cowkeeper Hewitt James, marshman
Vicarage Carter Elizh.(Mrs.),frmr. Church farm May Arthur William, farmer, Hill ho
May Arthur William, Hill house Carter Henry, grocer & draper Monsey Anna Elizabeth (Mrs.),
COMMERCIAL. Falgate Samuel, farmer farmer, Low farm
Brock Charles Jas. cowkeeper, tailor Field Herbt. Edwd. Old Falcon P.H Shearing .A.lbert, farmer, Marsh farm
& assistant overseer Haylett Robert, cowkeeper
LINGWOOD is a village and parish with a station on The register dates from the year 1566. The living is a
the Norwich and Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern perpetual curacy, annexed to the rectory of Burlingham
railway, 8 miles east from Norwich and r2ri from London, St. Edmund's, joint net yearly value £230, with 31 acres
in the Eastern division of the county, petty ~tessional divi- of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since
sion of Blofield and Walsham, hundred and union of 1909 by the Rev. William Henry Hinder, who is also
Blofield, county court district of Norwich, rural deanery chaplain of Blofield union. Here is a Primitive Metho-
of Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwit:h. The dist chapel, erected 1866. An allotment of land
church of St. Peter is a small but ancient building of awarded to this parish lets for £r5 a year, which sum
stone, in the Later English style, consisting of chancel, is distributed in coals to the poor. The workhouse for
nave, 11outh porch and a western tower containing one Blofield union, in this parish, is a large structure of
bell, and has lately been restored : there are r8o sittings. brick, available for 248 inmates, and adjoining is a
hospital for 20 patients, Rev. William Henry Hinder, Post Office.-Samuel J ones, sub-postmaster. Letters
chaplain (for particulars of the union, see Blofield). through Norwich arrive at 6.I5 a.m. & 1.5 & 4-45
Henry Randal Burroughes esq. of Burlingham Hall, is p.m. ; sundays, 6.15 a.m. ; dispatched 12.5, 4.50 &
lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil 7.25 p.m.; sundays, 10.35 a.m. Burlingham is the
is good mixed; subsoil, sand and brick earth. The nearest money order & telegraph office
chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is Wall Letter Box at the Union House gates, cleared at
668 acres; assessable value, £I ,357; the population in 8.50 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.; sundays at 9·55 a.m
I9II was 495, including I3 officers and 82 inmates in ' Public Elementary School (mixed), belonging to the
Blofield Union Workhouse. By an order which came three Burlinghams & Lingwood, for 162 children, &
into operation :March 25, IB84, a detached part of was enlarged in I9IO, for a further 83 children;
Burlingham St. Edmund was amalgamated with this average attendance, 140; Albert Ferley, master; Mrs.
parish. Ferley, mistress
Sexton, Stephen Canham. Railway Station, William George Belton, station master
PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Beckett Robt. Daniel, assistant oversr, Key Zachary & Elisha, farmers
Andrews Thomas Theodoric,~Ianor ho Beckett William Jas. market gardenr' Lake .Albert Edwd. painter & decoratr
Fuller Ebenezer Brooks ,Henry, market gardener & Mills Charles, grocer
Hinder Rev. William. Henry (vicar), fruit grower : ~Ioy Thomas Limited (E. A. Futter,
' Vicarage Cooper John, farmer I agent), coal & coke merchants
Hood Major Arthur Fuller-Acland, Cooper John William, shopkeeper 'I ~ eave Frank, coal, coke, cake,
Lingwood lodge Edrich Harry, farmer manure, corn & seed merchant,
Neave Frank Edrich William .Archer, farmer poultry breeder & fruit grower.
Pike Robert Osborne Gedge William, shopkeeper Telegraphic address, "Neave,Ling-
Hindes Samuel, thrashing machine & wood station"
COMMERCIAL. traction engine proprietor & farmer Ri:x Barney, King's Head P.H
Bayfield Herbert Richard, market Hindes Thomas, farmer Vincent J 9hn Wm. boot & shoe repr
gardener, fruit grower & florist Hnnn James William, farmer
LITCHAM is a parish 3 miles north-east-by-north from retiring rooms, and will seat 300 persons; it is let for
Dunham station on the Lynn and Dereham section o"f. the entertainments and public meetings. There are United
Great Eastern railway and 8 north-west from Dereham, in l\lethodist and Primitive Me-thodist chapels. There is.
the Mid division of the county, Launditch hundred, Mit- I an almshouse for two aged persons, and the poor have·
ford and Launditch petty sessional division and union, the benefit of several small charities. A portion of the
Dereham county court district, rural deanery of South common has been inclosed, but there are still two.
Brisley, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. spaces of at least 50 acres each left for recreation and
The church of All Saints is a large edifice of flint with i the use of the poor. The residence called "The Priory,.
stone dressings, principally in the Perpendicular style, was formerly a House of Rest for pilgrims. Augustus.
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled west- L. Jessopp esq. J.P. of Lexham Hall, is lord of the
ern tower of brick with pinnacles and COlltaining 6 bells, manor and principal landowner. The soil is various;
rehung in 1894• and a new 6th bell added at a cost of subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are barley,
about £,200: an oak screen of elaborate workmanship. wheat and roots. The area is 1,937 a<:res; rateable-
dating from the early part of the I5th century, and value, £2,480; the population in I9II was 663.
renovated in 1903, separates the nave from the chancel,
in which are several memorials : there are two memorial Parish Clerk, J ames Rallison.

~~e~ ~~~f re-Is~~~eJ~ea~~u~~~

0 ~~~ bs~~~n~s~r~~~hl~e[;~ re:f!~~~r!:a~::ffh';::n~~· ;.~~-pa~:! L;~r:
free. The register dates from the year 1550. The living delivered 6 · 20 a.m. & 4-~ 0 p.m. & dispatched at II. 20.
a.m. & 7 p.m.; sundays, delivered 6.20 ·a.m.; dis-
. is a discharged rectory, consolidated with that of East
Lexham, joint net yearly value £420, including 45 acres patched 7 p.m
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. 0. W. Public Elementary School (boys, girls k infants), built
Heald M.A. rector of Chale, Isle of Wight, and the Rev. in r845, for 172 children; average attendance, 128;
J. M. Heald M.A. of Ryde, Isle of Wight, and Herbert A. Williams, master
held since rgo6 by the Rev. Albert Edward Burton M.A. Carriers. J. Eastoe, T. Walker & Mrs. S. Whiskard
of Worcester College, Oxford. The Oddfellows' Hall, (passes through from East Lexham), to East Dere-
erected in r8qo, is an edifice of brick, with a stage and ham, on fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Collison Herbert, shopkeeper ~itchell "William, wheelwright
Burton Rev. Albert Edward M.A. Copeman William Hicks, saddler & Mobbs William, oil &c. dealer
(rector), Rectory harness maker Odd Fellows' Hall (John Smith, crtkr)
Highmoor Rev. Wilson M.A. (R.N. Crispe George & Sons, carpenters Overton Jacob, hawker
retired) Curtis Herbert, watch maker Ramm George Henry, blacksmith
Highmoor Richard Nicholson M.B Ellis Georgiana E. (Mrs.), New inn Rattenbury Sarah (Mrs.), dress makr-
Hopson Mrs. The Limes Fayers Ernest W. baker Reyner John, plumber, glazier,.
Keppel Henry, The Hall Goodings Herbert, Bull hotel painter & decorator
Makins Rubert, The Priory Highmoor Richard Nicholson M.B., Rowe & Son, cycle agents
Reyner John C.M. physician & surgeon & medical Royle Jas. Patrick, registrar of birth~
COMMERCIAL. officer, Fransham & Litcham dis- & deaths for Litcham sub-district,
A.rcher George, farmer tricts of Mitford & Launditch union Mitford & Launditch union
Barclay & Company Ltd.(sub-branch), Howard Benjamin, basket maker Smith Willie, Green Dragon P.H
wed. I0.3o to 12.30; draw on head Howe Elijah, King's Arms P.H Svmonds
. Robert, boot maker
office, 54 Lombard st. London E C Kerkham Walter H. grocer W agg George, blacksmith
Burrows Davey, carpenter & painter Knock James, bricklayer & coal dealer Walker Thomas, grocer
Burton Abel, machine owner & farmer Litcham Fire Brigade(C. E. Collison, W arnes John, boot repairer
Burton Waiter, cycle dgent captain) Warne.3 William .Abraham, clothier,
Catton George, tailor Makins Robt.& Sons,butchers&farmrs draper, boot factor, grocer & news
CollisDn George, carpenter & assistant Medlock William, baker & confectioner a~ent; earthenware & ironmongery,
overseer 1Mendham Robt.& Son,frmrs.High ha Post office
LODDON is a small market and union town and parish, Trinity is a large structure of flint with stone dressings i1
bounded on the north by the river Chet, 5 miles south the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave wit\
from Buckenham 11tation and the same distance south-west clerestory, aisles, south porch and an embattled western
from Reedham station, both on the Norwich, Yarmouth tower with pinnacles, containing a clock and 8 bells : the
and Lowestoft. sections of the Great Eastern railway, 7 organ was presented by T. Reynolds in 1821: the east
north-west from Beccles, 10 south-east from Norwich, window is stained; and there is an ancient stone font,
15 south-west from Yarmouth and 112 from London, in much defaced: in the south aisle is a curious framed
tJhe Southern division of the county, Loddon and Claver- painting, dating from r4g6, and repre!ienting Sir J ames
ing petty sessional division, hundred of Loddon, county Hobart and his wife kneeling, with views of Loddon church
court district of Bungay and Beccles, rural deane.ry of and St. Olave's bridge and an inscription beneath stating
Brooke (Eastern division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and that Sir James built the church, and his wife the bridge:
dic.cese of Norwich. The town is lighted with gas by a the lower panels of the rood screen are also painted with
company, from works erected in r863, and supplied various scripture subjects: in tbe chancel is a brass to
with water from private wells. The church of the Holy Sir James Hobart kt. ob. 16I5, and Frances his wife, ob.

r66g: in the north aisle is a marble altar-tomb, with a engine there is a. fire engine placed here by the Norwiph
recumbent figure of Lady Williamson, who died in 1684: Union Fire Insurance Society. In the 28th Edward I.
• the church was restored in 1893. chiefly on lihe outside, J. Sea grave obtained for the town a charter for a market,
at a cost of £r,no, and in 1903 the nave and aisles were to be held every Tuesday, fur corn, and a fair for stock
reseated in oak, at the expense of Mrs. Copeman, Edward on Easter Monday, but these have now lapsed; a pleasure
Cadge esq. and his two brothers; the rest of the church fair is held on the first Monday after November 22nd.
was reseated and the floor re-laid by 1mbscription, the total A !!ale of all kinds of stock is held on alternate
C'Ost amounting to about £r,ooo: in 1906 the south Mondays by Messrs. Waters & Son, at the rear of the
porch was restored at a cost of £285; the oak doors of Swan Hotel. The town estate consists of a house and
the porch were made from the benches formerly in the I a farm of 76 acres, the rent of which, amounting to [104
nave: there are 400 sittings. The register dates from yearly, is applied as under: three-sevenths for the repair,
uhe year 1556. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value maintenance and services of the church, two-sevenths for
£284, including 3 acres of glebe, with residence, in the the common burdens of the parish, one-seventh for the
gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1910 by education of the children of the deserving poor and one-
the Rev. George Middleoott Davies M.A. of Corpus seventh for the. benefit of deservii)g poor persons.
Christi College, Cambridge. A parish room, in con- Loddon is in three manors. George William Danby
•ection with the church, was built in r887 at a cost, Palmer-Kerrison esq. of The Priory, Ranworth, is lord
including furnishing, of about £300, and will hold -140 of the manors of Loddon Hall, Loddon Ba.cons and Bales
persom. The Wesleyan chapel was built in 1894 and Hall, the Rev. Frederick William Bussell D.D. of Mund-
will seat 240; the old chapel, built in r835, is now used ham, is lord of Loddon Ingloss and John Wilson Gilbert
as a schoolroom and lecture hall; the Primitive Metho- esq. is lord of Loddon Stubbs. John Robert Crisp esq.
dist chape-l was erected in 1899 at a cost of £r,ooo, of Kirhy Cane Hall. Hungay, and John Wilson Gilbert
:and affords 200 sittings; the previous chapel, built in esq. of Cringleford, Norwich, are the principal land-
1852, is now used as a Sunday school; there is also a owners. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
meeting place here for the Salvation Army. The Town roots, and some land in pasture. The area is 3,0+2
Eall, built in r87o, is a structure of red brick, in the acres of land and 6 of water; rated at £5,361; the
Italian style, used for meetings and entertainments, population in 19II was r,o23.
and will hold 300 persons. An engine house was built Parish Clerk, Ern est John Go ate.
in r85g by the parish, and in addition to the parish Sexwn, William George Finch.


Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.- Surveyor & Inspector of ~uisances, Charles William
Fredtrick Brown, sub-postmaster. Letters are received Pritchard, Loddon I

from Norwich at 6.45 a.m. & 1.30 & 4.20 p.m. ; dis-
patched at 10.25 a.m. & 4-ID & 7.30 p.m.; on sun- LODDON & CLAVERING UNION.
days, letters arrive at 6.45 a.m. & dispatched at 4· ro
p.m . Board day every alternate monday, at 10.30 a.m. at the
Wall Letter Boxes.-South End, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & Workhouse, Heckingham.
2 & 7 p.m.; sunday, 8 ll.m. & East End, cleared 7.30
a.m. & 4 & 7.15 p.m.; sunday, 7·45 a.m The union comprises the following parishes :-Aldeby,
Alpington, Ashby, Bedingham, Bergh Apton, Brooke,
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR LODDON AND Broome, Burgh St. Peter, Carleton St. Peter, Ched-
CLAVERING PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. grave, Claxton, Ditchingham, Ellingham, Geldestpn,
Gillingham, Haddiscoe, Hales, Hardley, Heckinghain,
The senior in attendance takes the chair. Hedenham, Hellington, Howe, Kirby Cane, Kirstead,
'Bacon Nicholas Hy. esq. D.L. Raveningham hall, Norwich Langley, Loddon, Mundham, Norton Subcourse,
Beauchamp Sir Reginald William Proctor- bart. D.L. Raveningham 0 Seething, Sisland, Stockton, Thorpe-
Langley hall, Norwich · next-Haddiscoe, Thurlton, Thurton, Thwaite, Toft
<Jannell George Waiter esq. Hardley, Norwich Monks, Topcroft, Wheatacre All Saints, Woodton &
Carr William esq. Ditchingham hall, Bungay Yelverton. The population of the union in 1911 was
Crisp John Edwin esq. HomefieJd, Ballygate st. Beccles 12,550; area, 60,273 acres; rateable value, Lady Day,
Crisp John Robert esq. Kirby Cane hall, Bungay 1912, £7B,o8g
Denny Richd. Harrison esq. Framing ham Pigot,N orwich Chairman, William B. Easter, Stockton hall, Bungay
d.e Poix Edmond Albert Joseph Edouard Marie Tyrel esq. Clerk to the Guardians, Edward Cadge, Loddon
Broome place, Bungay Treasurer, Henry Birckbeck (Messrs. Barclay & Company
Gilbert Robert Thomas Edwin esq. Ashby hall, Norwich Limited), Norwich
Haggard Sir Henry Rider, Ditchingham house, Bungay Collector & Relieving & Vaccination Officer, Walter
Kenyon John George esq. Gillingham hall, Beccles Nobbs, Loddon
Mann Robert Campbell esq. Wainford house, Ditching- Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. r district,
ham~ Bungay Hugh Paul Helsham M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Palmer-Kerrison George William Danby esq. The PrioTy, Beccles; No. 2 district, Laws on Tait McClintock M.B.,
Ranworth, Norwich Ch.B. Loddon; No. 3 district, George Edward Gillett
Thursby Rev. Harvey William Gustavus M.A. Rectory, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Brooke; No. 4 district,
Bergh Apton, Norwich Gilbert Holland Ransome M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
The chairman, for the time being, of the Loddon and Lond. Bungay
Clavering Rural District Council is an ex-officio justice. Workhouse, Heckingham, a building of red brick, built in
Clerk to the Justices, Edward Cadge, Loddon 1764, to hold 510 inmates; .Albert .Arthur Ed~ard
The area of the Petty Sessional division is the same as Cox, master; Lawson Tait McClintock M.B., Ch.B.
the Loddon union. Courts are held every alternate medical officer; Mrs. Eliza Letitia Cox, matron; Rev.
we.dnesday at the Town Hall, at u a.m Henry John Ferrall B.A. chaplain
County Police Station, Waiter Mariss, inspector; 1
Superintendent Registrar, Edward Cadge, Loddon;
sergeant & I I constables deputy, Willia;n Grimble, Loddon
Town Hall, Edward Cadge, hon. sec Registrar of Births & Deaths, Loddon sub-district, Waiter
Nobbs, Loddon; deputy, Geo. Fredk. Fisher, Loddon
LODDON & CLAVERI~G RURAL DISTRICT COUl\"CIL. Registrar of Marriages, Frederic Waiter Browne, Loddon;
The Parishes in the District are the same as in the deputy, John Thorrold Sidney, Loddon
Council meets at the Loddon Workhouse, Heckingham,
every alternate monday, when the board meeting is Assessor & Collector of King's Taxes, David Pryse
over •
As8istant Overseer, David Pryse Powell
Chairman, William B. Easter, Stockton hall, Bungay Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, Edward Cadge
Officiali. Clerk to Haddiscoe Draina~e Board, to Chet Valley Com-
Clerk, Edward Cadge, Loddon missionef!! of Sewers, Edward Cadge
Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck (Messrs. Barclay &; Company Clerk to Burgh St. Peter & Langley, Chedgrave & l'oft
Limited), Norwich Monks Drainage Boards, Edward Cadge
Medical Officer of Health, Lawson Tait McClintock M.B., Highway Surveyor to County Council, John S. Cooke
Ch.B. :(.oddon
Pu_blio Elementary School, erected i': 1 ss 7 , & enlarged Conveyance.-"'"G.E.R. Co. motor omnibuses thrice daily
m 1881 to bold too boys, 84 gn·ls & 8 1 infants· to Norwich, except sunday
average attendance, 104 boys, 75 girls & 6o infants; ' Carriers to :
Walter Le Masurier, m3ster; Miss Martha Woollis- I Norwich-Thomas Woolner & George Herbert White,
croft, girh' mistress; Mrs. Gerhude V. Browne, j mon. wed. fri. & sat
infants' mistress Yarmouth-George Herbert White, wed. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. th Haddiscoe Drainage Board, the Hodges Stephen Frank, Swan hotel
Barr-Hamilton Mrs Chet Valley commissioners of sewers Huggins William, shopkeeper
Blunderfield David & tha Burgh St. Peter Drainage Jennis Arthur, marshman, Loddon
Blunderfield Mrs Board, & the Langley, Chedgrave & marshes (postal address. Haddis-
Browne Frederic Waiter, Stratton cot Toft Monks Drainage Boards, bon. coe, Great Yarmouth)
Cadge Edward, Bank house sec. to Loddon Gas Consumers' Co. Kemp Rosa M. (Miss), dress maker
Cannell Harry P Limited, to Loddon Town Hall Co. Kemp Wm. Ernest, market gardener
Chapman William Limited & clerk to the Commis- Lack Esther (Miss), shopkeeper
Davies Rev. George Middlecott M.A. sioners of Taxes. T N 6 Langley Park & Loddon District Cot-
(vicrtr), Vicarage Cannell & Sons, mangel, turnip tage Garden Society (E. Cadge &
Ellis MI"s. Em pi re vlllas & garden seed grower& & John Cossey. hon. secs)
Field Charles TitUil merchants (T A " Cannells; " Larder Frederick, chemist
Gilbert Edward B. G. Church grove T N 7); seed farms, Hardley & Leathers Leonard James, farmer,
Greengrass Miss Langley; Norwich warehouse Stubbs green
Grimble William (saturdays only), 7 Farmer's avenue Leman Ernest Spence, grocer, draper,
Hansell Alfred John Cbapman William, jun. wine, spirit, boot & shoe dealer, stationer,
Leman Ernest Spence ale & porter merchant & dealer in earthenware dealer & ironmonger.
Leman Misse<>, Eastholme T N II
corn, flour, pollards, meals, malt
McClintock Lawson Tait M.B. The & hops; agent for Morgan's Brew- Loddon & Clavering Benefit Society
Chestnuts ery Co. Limited; & poultry farmer, (Rowland Herbert Powell, sec)
Pitts William Reginald, The Firs Chedgrave Loddon Gas Consumers' Co. Ltd.
Powell David Pryse, The Rockery Cook John, boot repairer (H. E. Jones, managing director;
Prior Edward Thurlow Cooke John S. highway surveyor to Edward Cadge, hon. sec.; David
Riches Mrs County Council for Loddon district ·Pryse Powell, clerk & collector)
Rodwell John Lyndsay Copeman & Cadge, solicitors (TN 6); Loddon Town Hall Co. Ltd. (Edwd.
Sadd Arthur Charles, The Beeches & at Beccles (friday) & Norwich Cadge, hon. sec)
Sadd Henry Edwin, East hill (saturday) McClintock Lawson Tait M.B., Ch. B.
Sadd Neville George, South End ho Copling Richard & Son, builders, surgeon, & medical officer of health
Shreeve Ed"'d. Fredk. Maltby house contractors, undertakers, regis- to the Loddon & Clavering Rural
Sidney John Thorrold, Bungay road tered plumbers, glaziers & painters, District Council & medical officer
Sparkes Stanley Percival, Morning- gas & hot water fitters, writers, & public vaccinator No. 2 district
ton house grainers & gilders, paper & bell & to the workhouse, Loddon &
Spence Mrs hangers, house & church decora- Clavering union, The Chestnut!>
Summers Frank Weir tors, pump makers & well sinkers Mclntyre Gordon M.R.C.V.S. veter-
Ward Alfred, Bungay road (T N g); & at Brooke. T N .s inary surgeon, & veterinary inspec-
Wharton Albert, Loddon hall Corbyn William Arthur, tailor tor under the "Contagions Disease-s
Crake William, watch maker (Animals) Act" for the County
Do""e Robert, shopkeeper Council
COMMERCIAL. Mallett Last Peter, farmer, Town
Edge George, chimney sweeper
Early closing day. Wednesday. Elden Lewis, builder, contractor, farm & Stubts green
Alexander Richard Chas. Angel P. H brick maker. carpenter, undertaker Mayes James, King's Head P.H.~
Allum Arthur, farmer, Bush farm & ironmonger; building materials, good stabling accommodation
Ancient Order of Foresters (Loyal stoves, ranges, ma.rble, enamelled Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchnts
Beauchamp Court, No. 7,856) (W. & slate mantelpieces &c Napp George, pig dealer
R. Copling, sec) Elden William. cycle maker National Provincial Bank of England
Arms by Leonard, well sinker Ellis Reginald Thomas, hair dresser Limited (sub-branch) (Hammond
Bailey Charles, Fox & Hounds P.H Fish Louisa A. (Mrs. ),l>oot & shoe ma Giles, manager); open mon. 11.45
Barclay & Company Ltd.(sub-branch), Fisher George Frederick, school a.m. to 4 p.m. ; fri. II-45 a.m. to
bankers (William Reginald Pitts, attendance cfficer Loddon & Claver- 12.45 p.m. ; draw on head office,
manager), open ro to 3, except ing district & clerk to the school 15 Bishopsgat~, London E C
wed. IO to I ; mon. ro to 4 & sat. managers for Heckingham, Claxton, Nobbs & Go&.te, general printers; &
ro to II-30; draw on head office, Langley, Norton Subcourse, Thurl- Smallgate street, Becc;les; tele-
54 Lombard street, London E C ton, Wheatacre, Kirstead & Brooke grams, " Goate, Loddon ''
Batchelder Robert, market gardener, & deputy registrar of births & Nobbs Waiter, registrar of births &
Heckingham valley deaths for Loddon sub-district, deaths, relieving & vaccination
Batchelder Samuel John, farmer, Loddon & Clavering union officer & collector to the guardians
Thirkettle farm (postal address, Fiske Bertie Ed ward, blacksmith for the Loddon & Clavering union
Sisland, ::"iorwich) Fodder Samuel, aparts. Bungay road Nockolds Henry, pork butcher
Bishop Cecil George, farmer & horse Ford George, insurance agent Odd Fellows (Independent Order of)
.breeder, Moat farm, Stubbs green Francis John, gardener to Dr. (Manchester Unity Friendly So-
Braddock Jane (Miss), dres11 maker McClintock ciety) (Loyal Feeling Heart Lodge)
Braddock Richard William, cooper &; Galer Albert James, market gardener (Alfd. Jn. Hansell, sec.),Shrnb cot
bill poster Galer George, market gardener, nur- Pallent Baron. market gardener, fruit
Brown Frederick, baker, grocer, con- seryman & fruit grower grower, florist, jobmaster & pig
fectioner, refreshment caterer, corn Garrard John, tailor & furniture brokr breeder, Bungay road
dealer. china, gla:;s & earthenware Goate Ada Jane (Miss), refreshment Peck William, grocer
dealer, stationer & fancy goods rooms Pitts William Reginald,manager sub-
dealer, Post office Goate Ernest John (firm, Nobbs branch Barclay & Company Ltd.
Browne P. W. & Sons, coach builders & Goate), printer, news agent, & bankers
Brovme Albert Edward, saddler correspondent to "Eastern Dail)- Powell David Pryse, assistant overseer
Browne Ed win John, cycle agt. & dlr Press " &c. ; accident, fire & lifP & clerk to Parish Council. assessor
.Browne Frederic Waiter, pianoforte insurance agent & parish clerk & collector of King's taxes,
tuner & registrar of marriages, Godbold Thos. farmer, Hales green government agent for the National
Loddon & Clavering di~trict, Strat- Good-son Charles, boot repairer Unemploylllilnt Insurance Fund &
ton cottage Goodwin Charles, market gardener insurance agent
Bugg George, grocer Gower Arthur, farmer, Hall Green fm Pritchard Charles Willi.lm, surveyor
Cadge Edwd. (firm, Copeman & Cadge), Gower Thomas farmer The Elms of highways. inspector of nuisances
solicitor & commis~ioner for oaths, · farm, Stubbs 'green ' & inspector under the " -Petroleum
clerk to the m~g1strates for. the Great Eastern Railway Co. (George Act " to Loddon & Clavering Rural
Loddon & Clavenng petty sess10nal Schofield manager),motor omnibus District Council
division, clerk to the guardian• & depot ' Pryke James Barnett, grocer
assessment committee, Loddon & Green Lewis Peter, pig dealer Rose John, boot repairer
Clavering union, snperintendent Herwin Sidney George, farmer Rowling George, farmer, markl\., clerk to .the. Loddon _& Hoddy James, estate agent to John ~ardener & fruit grower, South
Clavermg Rural District Council, Wilson Gilbert esq. Street farm End farm
Self Robt. commrcl. travellr. Mill ha Thompson Sarah (Miss), apartments Woods. Saddo Moore A Co.
Sianey John Thorrold, deputy re~is­ Todd Susannah (Mrs.), 1oy dealer ! Llmlted 1 agricultural aeed
trar of marriages, Loddon & Claver- Ward M. & Sons, butchers merchants (first-class large seed
• •
mg unwn Wate,·s & Son, auctioneers, valuers cleaning plant, especially for cl~ver,
Sparkes Marion (Mrs.), preparatory & estate agents (fortnightly cattle suckling & trefoil); wool staplers,
school · sale); office, 30 Cattle :Market st. maltsters & roller flour mills
Spurgeon Percival, farmer, Beech No,·wich (steam); oil cake & barley mer-
Grove farm Wharton .Albert, farmer, Loddon hall chants (T .A "Sadd;" T N r8); &
Sturman Harry, J ally Farmers P .H & Hales hall at Lowestoft; Yarmouth & Homers-
Sutton Thomas, butcher White Geo. Herbt. carrier, The Grove 1
l Woolner Thomas, carrier
LONGHAM is a parish and village on the road from Cambridge. Here is a small Wesleyan chapel, built in
Dereham to Lynn, 2 miles north from Wendling station I 86g, and two cottage alrnshouses for two old married
on the Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Eastern couple~, ur four single women. The Earl of Leicester
railway and 5 west-north-west from Dereham, in the Mid G.C.V.O. is lord of the manor, chief landowner and lay
division of the county, Launditch hundred, Mitford and impropriator. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and
Launditch petty sessional division and union, Dereham gravel. Th.e chief crops are barley, wheat and roots.
county court district, rural deanery of South Brisley, The area is I,335 acres; rateable value, £I,I79; the
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church : population in rgii was 247.
of St. .Andrew is a structure of flint and rubble, in the Per- I Parish Clerk, Henry Thompson.
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch,
vestry and an embattled western tower containing one Post Office.-George Frederisk Head, sub-postmaster.
bell: in 1878 the interior of the church was thoroughly Box cleared at II.40 a.m. & s.3o p.m.; no collection
restored and reseated and a new pulpit erected, and in or delivery on sundays. Letters received through
I8g8 the nave roof was renewed: in Igog a carved oak East Dereham, arrive at 7.10 & II.4o a.m. Gressen-
rnedos was erected, and in rgio the floor of the hall, 2 miles distant, is the neare,t telegraph &
sacrarium was Ielaid with tesselated pavement: there money• order office
are IS3 sittings. The re~ister dates from the year Wall Letter Box, at the Vicarage, cleared at s.2o p.m
IS39· The living is a vicarage, with the rectory of
Wendling annexed, joint net yearly value £IB7, in- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected by the Earl
cluding 66 acres of glebe, and nisidence, in the gift of Leicester in r862, for so children; average attend-
of the Lord Chancellor, and held since I8Qr bv the ance, 46; Miss E. Lilley, mistress
Rev. Louis Henry Ransom M.A. of Pembroke College, Assistant Overseer, Charles Grix, East Bilnev•
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Doy John, coal dealer IKing Robert, painter &c
Kendle Mrs. High house 1

Emers'Jn George John, pork butcher Purple George, fowl dealer


Ransom Rev. Louis Henry M.A. (vicar Goodwins Anthony, Ostrich P.H Stannard Thomas, farm bailiff to Jn.
& rector of Wendling), Vicarage Bead George, farmer Reginald Tingey esq
Tingey John Reginald, Long ham hall Kendle William Fuller, fanner. Syer Herbert, castrator
COMMERCIAL. Holly farm Watling Francis, farmer
Bunn James, farmer, Park farm Killengray Robert, beer retailer Winter Isabella (~r.s.), farmer
LOPHAM is a straggling town, consisting of the two delivery, 7 a.m.; dispatched ro.4S a.m. The nearest
villages and parishes of North and South Lopham, and is 1 telpgraph office is at Kenningball, 2 miles distant
6 miles west-by-north from Diss station on the Ipswich and Wall Box,TheGreen,cleared at 6 p.m.; sunday,1o.3o a. m
Norwich section, and 6 south-east from Harling Road
station on the Thetford and Norwich section of the Great PL'BLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Eastern railway, in the Mid division of the county, Guilt- The o:d National School, now called "the Albert room,"
cross and Shropham petty sessional division, Guiltcross was built, with master's residence, in r87I, at a cost of
hundred, Thetford union, Diss county court district, rural £700, on a site given by Mrs. G. E. Buckenham: it is
deanery of Rockland (south divi!lion ), archdeaconry of now used as a day & sunday school & for lectures,
Norfolk and dtocese of Norwich. The church of St. meetings &c. & has been handed over to the County
Nicholas, North Lopham, is a fine and large edifice, in Council
the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, Council School; average attendance, 128; Thomas
aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower, Bawden, master
principally of flint : the south porch is Norman, and the
outside of the church and the buttresses exhibit manv• The village of SOUTH LOPHAM, in the adjoining
Latin inscriptions: the chancel was thorou!j!'hly restored parish, is a mile south from that of North Lop ham.
in r862, and in I887 the nave and aisles were reseated, The church of St. Andrew is an ancient building of
a.:d part of the tower converted into a vestry: there are flint and stone, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave,
150 sittings. The earliest registers date from the year south aisle, south porch and a fine central ~orman
1558. The livings of :North and South Lopham form a tower, with pinnacles, and containing- a clock and 6
consolidated rectory, joint net yearly value £4oo, includ- bells : traces of a north aisle still remain : the chan-
ing 32 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of St. cel was thoroughly restored in r866 and the fine Norman
John's College, Cam bridge, and held since I 8gg by the arches of the tower thrown open : the rest of the
Rev. Charles J ames Eastwood M.A. of that Colleg-e; the church \'las restored and reseated in 1874, and in I878 an
patrons in this case are bound to present 8 fellow of the organ was obtained: there are 200 sittings. The register
College. There is a small Primitive Methodist chapel dates from the year I5S4· The living is consolidated
and a Wesleyan chapel, with a burial ground. A cemetery ~ith that of North Lopham. There is a small Baptist
of 8 quarter of an acre was formed in 187I, at a cost of chapel. The town lands and church charity are applied
£ISO, but was enlarged by the addition of ! acre in 1902, by the trustees, according to a scheme sanctioned by the
at a cost of £Ioo, and is under the control of the Parish Court of Chancery, to the maintenance of the church and
Council. The town lands and charities are applied schools of South Lopham ; the yearly surplus, a stun
by the trustees according to a scheme framed by equal to one-fourth of the net income, is distributed
the Charity Commissioners in r 870, for the benefit of amongst the poor who have not received parish rel.ief
the most deserving and necessitous poor of the parish and f11r six months previously, one-fourth is assigned to the
for providing rewards for the school children, as well church, and one-half to the Norfolk County Council. The
as for the maintenance and repair of the church. The poor have the benefit of a charity left by William Branch
chief landowners are the Duke of Norfolk P.C., K.G., Elliott es9. and there is a fuel allotment in the fen, con-
G.C.V.O. and Mr. John Ellis Nunn, of Garboldisham, sisting of about 200 acres, of which part is for South Lop-
but there are several smaller owners. Henry Edwin ham and part for North Lopham. Henry Edward Gurrod
Garrod esq. of The Grove, Diss, is lord of the manor. esq. of Diss, is lord of the manor. The principal land-
The land is of mixed and heavv soil; subsoil, clay. owners are the Duke of Norfolk K.G. and Herbert
The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area William Womack esq. The chief crops ara wheat,
is 2,o18 acres; rateable value, £2,176; the population beans, barley and turnips. The land comprises some
of the civil parish in I9II was 6o6, and of the eccle- kindly working loams resting on clay subsoil, and some
siastical district (North and South Lop ham) in I90I, of a heavy kind, all of which are good corn-growing
I,049· lands. .About 8 mile east of South Lopham, in the fen
Parish Clerk, William Mann. or low land~, is Lopham Gate, where there are two
Post & M . . 0. Office, North Lopham.-Simon Peter springs, from which flows the Little Ouse and Waveney;
Ruddock, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through the former takes a course through Thetford, Bramlon
Thetford; delivered at 7 a. m. & 6.20 p.m. (to callers and Lynn, and the latter flows to Yarmouth, and both
only); dispatched at 6.'!5 a.m. & 6.5 p.m. ; sunday divide the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. The area
is 1,954 acres; rateable value, £2,063; the- population in nearest money order office & Garboldisham, 2 miles
19II was 430. . distant, the nearest telegraph office
Parish Clerk, Charles .Algar Keeble. Public Elementary School (mixed), with master's resi-
Postl Office, South Lopham.-Miss Elizabeth S. Sare, dPnce, was erected here in 1863, at a cost of about
sub-postmistress. Letters received through Thetford £Boo, for 120 chiluren; average attendance, 75; the
at 7.10 a.m. & 6.50 p.m.; dispatched at 9-45 a.m. & school is under th& management of four foundation
5·45 p.m.; sunday delivery at 7·35 a. m.; dispatched k two other managers; Marcus K. Bardwell, master;
at 10.30 a.m. & 6.50 p.m. ~orth Lopham is the Mrs. Elizabeth Bardwell, mistress
~ORTH LOPHAM. Rolfe Horace W. farmer Bullock Waiter, farmer
Rolph .Alva, Bell P.H Burroughes Herbert Ernest, farmer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ruddock Simon Pet€r,tailor,& Post off Cox Robert, farmer
Brown .Misses, The Lodge Shaw Miranda (Mrs.), farmer Downes .Archibald William, farmer
Fletcher Mrs Smith Mart ha Ann (Mrs.), Bull P .H Eacock William Frost, farmer
:K ewson Mrs. Rose villa Sally Frederick K. butcher Filby John, farmer
Stevens .Ambrose, thrashing machine Vlatm<Jn John, farmer
COMMKRCIAL. proprietor; contractor for hauling Garland .A.rthur, fowl dealer
.Aves Geo. Edwin, seed mer. & farmr & sawing by steam power; dis- Garnham Wait. H. carpenter & shpkpr
Bak~r James, farmer tance no object; seed drawing a Goddard Jesse, wheelwright
Heales Robt. carpenter & wheelwright spe-ciality, & timber merchant ; Gooch John, fishmonger
Blawers Robert Jas. King's Head P.H latest machinery by Ru.stons, of Grant Joseph, shoe maker
Bowell Frederick William, farmer Lincoln. Estab_ over 40 years Grant Mary .Ann (Miss), baker
Brown Charles ( exors. of), farmers, White .Ann Eliza (Mrs.), baker Grant William, farmer
Lodge farm Whiting Samuel, farmer Hawes Charles, Crown P.H
Bryant & Sharp, grocers Womack Thomas William Horace, Hipkin Thomas, farmer
Buckenham T. W. & J. linen manufrs assistant overseer, clerk to the Hogg John, farmer
Cemetery (Thomas William Horace Parish Councils for North & South Holden .Albert, farmer
Womack, clerk to Parish Council) Lopham, clerk to the North Lop- Holden .Amos, farmer
Ciaydan Robt. L. farmer, Park farm ham burial boa.rd, collector of taxes Holden Henry, farmer
Coe Ellis, boot maker for the united parishes of Bressing- Huggins Charles, farmer
Crook Charles, blacksmith ham & Fersfield, & insurance agent Keeble Charle.s Algar, parish clerk &
Fortis Harry, poulterer Womack Wm. Newson, miller (wind) insurance agent
Foster Joseph P. builder Womack Wm. Wharton, wheelwright Kemp Ethel (.~fiss), shopkeeper
Frost Samuel, harness maker Yea tes J e.s·se, grocer & baker Kerry John, farmer
Gale George William, farmer Land John William, farmer
Good er ham J ames, farmer SOUTH LOPHAM. Long George, farmer
Green Jesse, farmer Pawsey Daniel, sen. farmer
Hazell Frederick, Cherry Tree PH Buckenham Mrs Pitchers William, Wh1te · Horse P.H
H ogg W 1.111am, f armer · Eastwood Rev. Charles James M . .A. p ren t'JCe w-1111am
- & H orace, f armers
Holden .Alfred Ernest, farmer (rector), Rectory Sare Elizh. (Miss), shpkpr. & Post oft
Holden Charles, farmer Lock Mrs Self Barzillai, farmer & potato grower
Holden James, farmer Womack Herbert William, South Styles Harry Prior, farmer
Hurry Horace, farmer Lopham hall Tyler George, farmer
Land George, carpenter COMMERCIAL. Wharton Charles, Chequers P.H
Murton Jo·hn, farmer & linen manufr Betts George, farm bailiff t{) Herbert Witton Leonard, farmer
Reeve Righteous, thatcher William Womack esq Womack Herbert William, farmer &
Reeve Robert, thatcher Bowhill .Albert & Stanley, black,;mths landowner, South Lopham hall
Robin son Thomas, farmer Bow hill J acob, farmer Womack Robert, corn merchant
L UDHAM is a parish and small town, near the the Bishop of Norwich, who converted the Grange into an
navigable Bure, 2 miles south-west from Potter- episcopal dwelling: the greater part was burnt down in
Heigham ~tation on the Midland and Great Northern r6n, but the palace was restored and enlarged by Bishop
joint railway, 13 north-east from Norwich, 13 north- Harsnet, who built a chapel of brick, which, after the
west from Yarmouth and 13 south-east from North bshops ceased to dwell here, was converted in-to a
Walsham, in the Eastern division of the county, Tun- granary, and the remainder of the edifice into a farm-
stead and Rapping petty sessional division, Smallburgh house, now called Ludham Hall. The Bishop of Nor-
union, Tunstead hundred, Norwich county court. dis- wieh is lord of the manor; Thomas Slipper esq. of
trict, rural deanery of Waxharn (Rapping division), Bradeston Hall, Edward Thomas Boardman esq. the
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church truste<ls of .Alfred Neave esq. William Frederick Green.
of St. Catherine is a building of stone and flint, esq. of The Grange, Belaugh, Mrs. Hobson, of Ridling-
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, ton, Mrs. Baldwin and ~irs. F. C. Neave are the chief
clerestoried nave of six bays, aisles, north and south landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, sand and brick
porches, and an embattled western tower containing a earth. The· chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
clock and 5 bells: the chancel, which is separated from The area is 2,993 acres; rateable value, [4,563; ths
the nave by a richly carved screen, was restored in population in 19II was 705.
r861: the interior of the church was thoroughly restored Parish Clerk, ~lfred. Riches.
anrl reseated in r891 at a total cost of about £r,Boo, and Assistant Overs'ler, William Kirby England.
both porches in 1903 by Miss Clark, at a total cost of Post, J\L 0. & T. Office.-John William Dale, sub-pos11·
£47D; there are 325 sittings. The date of the earliest master. Letters received from Yarmouth; delivery
reg-ister is 1583. The living is a vicarage, net yearly at 8.r 5 a.m. & 3 _15 p.m. for callers; dispatched a\
value £2o7, including 27 acres of glebe, with residence, 10 a.m. & 5.25 p.m. & 5-I5 p.m. on sun d ay
in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since Wall Letter Box, Fritton, cleared l!.t 10 . 10 a.m. & 5·3()
1908 by the Rev. George Alfred Branthwaite Boycott. p.m. & 5.40 p.m. en sun d ays
Here is a Baptist chapel, erected in r82r, and seat-
ing 150 persons, and a Wesleyan chapel. About £6o, .A board of 6 managers, formed March, 1904; 4 ap-
less land tax, poor rate, tithe &c. the proceeds of pointed by County Council & 2 by parish authority;
land given at the Indosure and from the sale of James Alexander Gordon J.P. chairman; .A.lber11
town ~roperty, is annually divided among the poor Ernest Thompson, clerk
in coals. The place formerly had both a market and Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1873, at a
a fair, granted by Elizabeth to Bishop Redman; the cost of £ 1,35°• & enlarged r8g2, at s cost of about
market is given up, but the fair is held on the Thur"- £6oo, for 200 children; average attendance, 125;
day aud Friday after Trinity Sunday, chiefly for plea- George Hayhurst, mastPr; Mrs. E . .A. Dale, infants•
sure. This place, after the dissolution of the ab b ey of mistress
St. Bene't-at-the-Hulme or Hulme, near Horning, to Carrier.-~rthur BPevor, to Norwich, mon. wed. & sat.
which the manor belonged, was given by Henry VIII. to returning same day
PRIVATE RESIDEKTS. Canton Frederick .A.rthur Barwood Benjamin, farmer. High h()
Barwood Benjamin, High house Fitz-Hugh Mrs. The Grange Beevor .Arthur, carrier
Bentley .A.rthur W. Riverside Gordon James .A.lex. J.P. :Manor ho Blaxell Charles, farmer
Board man Edward Thomas, How hill Grapes Mrs. The Firs Bond Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Boycott Rev. George .Alfred B1 an- Grapes William, Womack view Brooks Harold Denis, boot & shoe ma.
thwaite (vicar), Thri Vicarage Slipper Armine Hugh, Fritton hou;:;e Brvanton John, boot maker
Brown Misses, The Cottage COMMERCIAL. Bush Henry, "Blacksmith & oarpen~r-
Burt{)n Mrs Baldry A.rthur William, baker Clarke Charles William, shopkeeper
Clowe's Stores, grocers &c cinator & registrar of births & Lincoln Geo. Wm.builder & contractr
Dale Ernest Alma,registered plumber, deaths, Ludham sub-district,"Manor Ludham & District Horticultural So-
& in~pector of nuisances to Small- house ciety (G. Hayhurst, hon. sec)
burgh Rural District Council Grapes William, thatcher Manchester Unity Independent Order
Dale Jacob, builder Green Charles Spurgeon, farmer, of Odd Fellows (branch) (Thomas
Dale John William, builder & sub- Beech farm Middleton, sec)
postmaster Heath William Henry, cowkeeper Mattocks Robert, farmer, The Laur~is
Davey John George, beer retailer Helsdon Henry, farmer (postnl :\-Iattocks William, farmer
England Edwin Wm. Daniel, King's: address, Catfield) Middleton Thomas, insurance agent
Arms P.H. millwright, agricultural' Howell Charles, marshman Newton Ebenezer, corn merchant
& mechanical engineer & speciality, Kittle .AJbert John, farmer Rouse James, fanner, Coldharbour
turbine pump manufacturer Kittle Benjamin, farmer Slaughter Eldred, fish rlealer
England Kirby Edwin, butcher Knights George Samuel, saddler & Slipper Reginald W illiam Armi~e,
Ewles John, marshman harness maker, ironmonger, tar & farmer, Fritton
Gibbs Geoffrey, farmer, Hall Corn- paints & shoemakers' grindery Temple Wiiliam George, Dog inn
_mon f~rm . Lake William, boat builder, apart- Thrower Albert Thomas, shopkeeper
Glbbs RH::hd. frmr. Wh1te Gate farm ments; good accommodation for Thrower Frederick Wm. coal mer
Gordon James Alex. J.P., L.R.C.P. & visitor,s · boats for hire· fishino Woolston Waiter, gamekeeper to E.
S. & L."M.Edin. surgeon & physi- free on 'broads; market gardener
' ~
T. Boardman esq. How hill
cian, & medical officer, public vac- Leath Leonard, boot maker Wright Wm. farmer, Ludham hall
LYNFORD is a parish, 5 miles north-east from Bran- Madonna and child: there are roo sittings. Lynford
don s~ation on the Ely and Thetford section of the Great Hall, the property and residence of Frederick J ames
Eastern railway, 7! north-west from Thetford and 93 Osbaldestone Montagu esq. J.P. is a mansion of red
from London, in the ;:South Western division of the county, brick with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan style,
Grimshoe hundred and petty sessional division, and Thet- approached by a handsome carriage drive; it is situated
ford union and county court district. There was once a in a park, nearly enclosed by wood, and surrounded by
church, but it has lung since u1sappeared: there is no ! ~,ooo acres of common land, covered with gorse, form-
incumbent, and it is reputed t·o b~ extra-parochial for ing an excellent preserve for game, which abound~;~ here.
ecclesiastical purposes. The inhabitants attend the 1 The soil is light sand, and in severe windy weather it

churches at West Tofts and Mundford. The Catholic drifts, though not so much as formerly, every part of
church, erected in 1879, from the designs of Mr. .it which is not heath and wood having been brought
Clutton, architect, at the expense of the lat~ Mrs. into cultivation. F. J. 0. Montagu esq. J.P. is lord

Lyne-Stephens, and dedicated to Our Lady of Consola- / of the manor and principal landowner. The chief crops
tion and St. Stephen, is a building of flint with stone ' are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 1,490 acres
dressings, consisting of nave,. north porch and a small of land and ro of water; rateable value, £sgo; the

turret containing one bell: theTe is a fine st{)ne reredos : population in 191 I was r 15.
and a screen of oak: the church is seated with {)pen : Letters through Mundford, which is the nearest money
carved oak benches: at the entrance is a marble stoup, I order & telegraph office, about r mile distant
and above are two statues, one a standing figure of the I The children of this place attend Mundford school
Dwane Very Rev. Michael (Catholic) Hill Edward, head gardener to Fdk.
• (Canon of Northampton) James 0. ~ontagu esq. J.P
Moni:agu Fredk. James Osl:aldestone Wilkinson James Holder, estate clerk
J.P. (W. R. Yorks), Lynford hall of works
LYNG is a parish and village on the river Wensum, I539· The living is a rectory, net yearly value £361,
4~ miles south-by-west from Reepham station on the including about so acres of glebe, with residence, in
East Norfolk section of th'3 Great Eastern railway, 3 west the gift of Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. and held
from Lenwade station on the Midland and Great North- since rqrz by the Rev. David Frazer A. lien B. A. of
ern joint railway, and 7 north-east from Dereham, in the St. David's College, Lampeter. There is a Primitive
Northern division of the county, Eynsford hundred and Methodist chapel. The charities for distribution amount
petty sessional division, Mitford and Launditch union, to £3 I7S. yearly, and there are 16 acres which supply
Dereham county court district, rural deanery of Sparham fnel for the poor; Leech's charity also ~upplies B. 4d.
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church for mending of bell ropes. In the eastern part of the
of St. Michael is a small building of flint, in the Early pnrish are the ruins of an ancient chapel, dedicated to
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south pon:h and St. Edmund. A fair was formerly held on November
a western tower containing 5 bells, rehung in 1902. The 2oth. Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. of Thickthorn,
church possesses an interesting altar-cloth, 6 feet 9 in. Hethersett, "ho, is lord of the manor, Col. Frederic
by 3 feet 8 in. fashioned out of three different vestments Hambleton Constance, of Weston House, and W. Dann
of the 15th century, viz., two copes of blue and red velvet esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is of a light
respectively, and a third vestment of orange or tawny character; sn bsoil, sand. The area is I ,957 acres of
velvet; the cloth is chiefly made up of the blue cope, i land and 16 of water; rateable value, £1,743; the popu-
which is decorated with conyentional flowers, double- lation in I91I was 452, including Lyng Eastaugh hamlet,

headed eagle!!, cherubim with four and seraphim with I mile east.

!'ix wings, holding scrolls, bearing the inscription

~·:ma glotiam IDeo;" the orphreys of this core, worked Pari~h Clerk, William Pye.

with figures of saints, have been cut ·up to form part of I

the border of the cloth; the other two vestments have Post Office.-J ohn Long, sub-postmaster. Letter~
simply been used for filling in; the material is foreign, through Norwich, received at 7-I5 a. m. & 6 p.m.;
but the embroidery is entirely English: in rgo2 the nave dispatched at 7-20 a. m. & 6 p.m.; no delivery or
of the church was new-roofed and the bells re-hung, at a dispatch on sundays. Great Witchingham, 3 miles
cost of £ 1, 070 : the old chancel was pulled down and distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
a larger one built in 1912 at a cost of about £soo: Public Elementary School (mixed), ereded in r863, for
there are 275 sittings. An addition was made t{) the ID+ children; average attendance, 99; Jas. Willsher,
churchyard in r8g8. The register dates from the year master
Alien Rev. David Frazer B.A.(rector), Cock James Dunnett, grocer
Nicholson George Thomas, farmer,

Rectory Dann William, farmer & landowner, Collin Green farm

Lyng home Reeve John, grocer & draper
COMMERCIAL. : Dann Wilton, frmr. Primrose farm Sewter Edward, farmer & assi-stant
Barrett William John, blacksmith I Dawson Robert Jas. King's Head P.H overseer
Batchelor Elizabeth (Mr.s.), beer retlr I English Lydia & Julia (Misses), far- Symonds Frederick, farmer
Brig-ham William, coal dealer mers, Yew Tree farm Wicks Arth. Ja~. farmer, Easthaugh
Buek Chas. Blake,watch ma.& jeweller Frost Charles, farmer, Primrose grn Wigggr Charles George, Fox &
Cobon Edwd. Jas. farmer, Manor frm. Long Jn. baker & shopkpr. Post officil Hounds P.H
Corner William, farmer, Easthaugh l ~eale Heber, carpenter

KING'S LYNN, Lynn, or Lynn Regis, the chief town in much improved. The harbour is under the control of
West Norfolk, is a parliamentary and municipal borough, the King's Lynn Conservancy Board, and the channel
market and poor law union town, head of a county is now indicated at night by means of compressed gas
court district and the great seaport of all the eastern contained in buoys; this improvement was introduced
lowlands, on the east bank of the Great Ouse, !'.ear its in 1892, at a cost of £s,soo, under the direction of Mr.
junction with the river Nar 2 miles from the Wash, 99 E. J. Silcock, late borough surveyor. There are four
from London by railroad and 98~ by road, 41~ north-east lines of steamers trading between this place and Hull,
from Cambridge, 26~ north-west-by-west from Dereham, Newcastle, Grangemouth, Rotterdam and Hamburg,
I I north from Downham, 26a north from Ely, 48~ west- besides small craft and lighters.
by-north from Norwich, 14~ north-west-by-north from The Alexandra Dock, constructed in 1867-9, from the
Swaffham and rs~ north-east from Wisbech, in the North designs of Mr. Brunlees, and opened by His late Majesty
Western division of the county, petty sessional division King Edward VII. then Prince of Wales, 7 July, 1869,
of Freebridge Marshland, hundred of Freebridge Lynn, is situated at the north end of the town, adjoining the
rural deanery of Lynn Marshland, archdeaconry of Lynn harbour, and comprises about 7 acres of water area;
and diocese of Norwich. the form is an irregular quadrangle, the southern side
King's Lynn is an important terminus of the Great 78o feet in length and the northern 590; small craft.
Eastern and Great Northern railwavs • and the Midland are able to approach near the edge, but for vessels of
and Great Northern joint railway, by which lines it large draught, substantial timber staiths or projecting
has direct communication with London, Cambridge, quays have been constructed, each staith being 32 feet
Ely. Wisbech, Peterborough, Hunstanton, Wells, Nor- long, and there is a continuous covered timber wharf,
wich, Spalding, Grimsby, Hull, York and Doncaster, zso feet long, on the south side, at which steamers
Cromer and Great Yarmouth, and, by way of Cam- load and discharge their cargoes, and at the end of the
bridge, Peterborough and Stamford, with all the prin- dock is a powerful hydraulic lift for the shipment of
cipal towns in the north and west of the kingdom. coal from the Nottinghamshire and Derby.'!hire coal!.ields:
At the period of the Norman Conquest Lynn was al- the dimensions of the entrance lock are: -~idth, ,so
ready a port, with considerable customs and many salt feet; length between gates, 200 feet; depth, 30 feet;
works: in the reign of William Rufus, Bishop Herbert in 1895 additional sheds, fitted with hydraulic lifts &c.
Losinga (ro91-1121) founded the church and priory of were erected capable of storing 7o,ooo quarters of grain.
St. :\Iargaret; and in the time of Henry I. the priory of During the construction of this dock, various interesting
Norwich obtained the grant of a fair to be held at Lynn remains were brought to light, including many tons of
on the feast of St. Margaret, with various other privi- bones of animals extinct in this country-such as the
leges ; in the reign of Henry VIII. all the ecclesiastical wild boar, tiger, elk, wolf, beaver, and others of far
property passed to the Crown, and the name of the greater antiquity, together with examples of Saxon vot-
borough was changed from Lynn Episcopi to Lynn Regis. tery, aml other objects.
During the Civil War Lynn declared for the Royal .A branch railway, three-quarters of a mile in length,
cause, ond in 1643 fortified the town against the attack belonging to the Dock Company, connects the dock with
of Parliamentary troops, under the command of the several railway systems : in 1877 an Act was obtained
the Earl of Manchester : the town was closely besieged authorizing the Dock Company to extend the existing
from August 28 to September 26, when the garrison, dock, by the addition of another basin called the Bentinck
consisting of men, was obliged to surrender: Dock, 1,ooo feet long by 400 feet. wide, connected with
during the siege, on Sunday, 3 Sept. a sixteen pound the old dock by a short canal, and shut· off by a pair of
shot was fired from West Lynn into St. Margaret's lock gates, thereby forming an inner dock, which, with
church, where it did no further harm than to shatter a the surrounding land for the storage of timber and the
pillar into pieces and disperse the congregation: the erection of sheds, covers about 70 acres: thii additional
town ·was afterwards garrisoned by the Parliament, and dock was commenced in r88r, and opened for traffic in
remained in their power till the close of the Civil War. 1884. Hydraulic mains are placed round the whole of
King John visited Lynn in 1205, and on the petition the quays, which are well provided with hydraulic and
of John Grey, Bishop of Norwich (1200-22), that other cranes, both fixed and portable, ranging from 1 to
monarch granted Lynn a charter to be a free borough. 15 tons lifting power; another warehouse was, in 1912,
The borough sent two members to Parliament from the fitted with elevators and creepers worked by hydraulic
26th of Edward I. (1297-8) until the passing of the power, capable of storing- nearly so,ooo quarters of
"Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," when the number gnin. There is also a coal tip at each dock capable of
was reduced to one; it has had no fewer than nineteen shipping 100 .tons per hour. There are altogether in
charters, granted during the reigns of John, Henry III. the Dock Company's premises some 14 miles of sidings,
Edward I. Edward II. Edward III. Henry V. Henry all in connection with the quays; the total acreage of
VIII. Edward VI. Mary, James I. Charles II. and the docks, quays, railways &;c. exceeds 100 acres.
George II. : the first governing charter, which appointed Steamers sail regularly bet~een King's Lynn and
and fixed the municipal corporation, was granted by Grangemouth, Liverpool, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Gothen-
Henry VIII. and the corporation under it consisted of burg and other continental ports.
a mayor, twelve aldermen, eighteen councillors, recorder On the land side, the town is encompassed by a fosse,
and town clerk. The municipal borough now consists formerly defended by a strong embattled wall, flanked
of the parishe.s of St. Margaret and .All Saints or by nine bastions: fragments of this wall still remain, to-
South Lynn: the parliamentary borough includes in gether with the south gate, a fine Gothic structure with
addition part of Gaywood: by the " Municipal Corpora- a lofty pointed archway for caiTiages and two smaller
tions Act of 1835" (5 and 6 William IV. c. 76) the modern posterns for foot passengers.
borough is divided into the north, middle and south The exports are principally corn, sand and coprnlites
wards, and the corporation consists of a mayor, six to Briti~h ports, and coals, machinery, implements and
aldermen and eighteen councillors. The borough has a manufactured goods for the foreign \rarle, and timber.
commission of the peace and a separate court of quarter The total value of the exports of the produce and manu-.
sessions. The borough court for the trial of civil actiom factures of the United Kingdom in 1910, was £no,59o.
has been superseded by the county court; and the court- The imports are principally timber, maize, barley, lin-
leet, formerly held by the corporation as lords of the seed, cotton seed, oil cake and su~ar. -The ~ine trade
manor, has not been held for several years past. here is as ancient as the time of Henry Ill. The value
The port of Lynn, from its position in relation 1o the of the principal articles imported in 1910 was : Maize,
inland navigation connected with it on the one hand, and £142,373; refined sugar, £300,454; oilseed cake,
its free communication with the German Ocean on the £mg,8S8; crude zinc, £33·944; phosphate of lime and
other, is of considerable importance, !'specially in thP rock phosphate, £34,938; pyrites of iron and copper,
corn, timber and coal trades. Under the provisinns of [21,299; timber, £175-505; total value of all imports,
the "Custom~ C:nnsolidation Act. 1853" (16 and I7 Viet. £1,212,408.
~- 107), modified by relimitationil in 1876, thP port is The number of fishing boats registered under Part IV.
defined to extend from Eau Brink Cut (Nor£) to) thP of "The Merchant Shipping Act, r894," as belonging to
Sparrow Gap. the limit of Yarmouth, ann to inclnrle the the port Dec. 31, 19ro, was 178, giving employment to
river Ouse; fi~hing hnat~ anri implement~ helnn!?ing tn the 399 men and boys, and of sailing- and steam vessels,
port to be distinguished by the letters L. N. The harhnnr. registered uTJ.der Part I. of the Act. 46, of 2, -.o4 tom.
formeci in a wirle l'Pach of the Ouse Tiver, is verv rleep. The number of sailing and 3team vessels with cargoes
a no will hold npw;uci~ of wo ve~selll, thp ri~P of t hP tirlP and in ballast, including their repeated voyages, tha\
here being 22 feet : the upper streams are under the care entered the port in 1910 from foreig-n countries was
of the Conservators of the Ouse outfall, ond have been 330, of 132,683 tons, and from British possessions

24, of 6,923 tonnage. The number cleared was 5 British, misereres; and there are some ancient memorials and
of 93 I tons, and 240 foreign, of 73,407 tonnage. curious brasses, one of which, to Robert Braunche,
In the general coasting trade 730 vessels entered, of mayor of Lynn, is a magnificent Flemish work 10 by
7r,o4o tons, and 824 cleared, of 133,852 tonnage. 5 feet, and represents a peacock feast given to Edward
The fisheries include soles, cod and smelt. Vast Ill. by that mayor, who died in 1364; another brass, to
quantities of shrimps, besides mussels and cockles, are Adam de Walsoken, represents the ingathering of an
also sent hence to London and other large towns. orchard. In the south aisle is a memorial window to
There are malthouses and breweries, corn mills, iron John Prescott Blencowe esq.: the chapels adjoining the
and brass foundries, agricultural implement and jam chancel were dedicated to the Trinity and St. Stephen;
manufactories, cork-cutting establishments, machine two chapels on the south side were taken down about
makers and millwrights, seed crushers, coach builders, 1741, and in 1747 the nave and aisles were substan-
brush makers, rope and sail n1akers, steam roundabout tially 1·ebuilt, though in a debased style, but in 1873
manufacturers and motor and motor carriage builders. this part of the church underwent verv extensive altera-
The Red Mount, on the east side of the town, is a tion, at a cost of [,7,000, under the direction of the late
three-storied building, containing on the top st~trey a Sir Gilbert Scott R.A. when the galleries w!,)re removed
chapel, dedicated to " Our Ladye of the Mount," erected and the interior reseated, the chancel being at the sa,me
in 1484; the fan tracery of tha grained roof being very time restGred by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, under
fine: the middle portion of the building was perhaps a the superintendence of Mr. Ewan Christian, architect:
sacristy, and the lower stage, believed to have been built the organ, originally built by Snetzler in 1750, was rebuilt
in the 13th century, comprises another chapel: it was and enlarged in 1895, at a cost of £r,7oo, and includes
formerly much visited by pilgrims on their way to Wal- the first Dulciana stop introduced into this country:
singham, and the double staircase, which enabled devotees there are upwards of 1,200 sittings. The register dates
to pass right through the building without impediment, from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, net
still remains. The building is in charge of a custodian, yearly value £3oo, including 28 acres of glebe, in the
and is open daily. gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held
since 1909 by the Rev. John Co~sham Vawdrey M.A.
The town is about a mile and a half in length, and of Jesus College, Cambridge, and surrogate.
more than half a mile in breadth, and its eastern suburb St. ~icholas', a chapel of ease to St. Margaret's, iB an
contains many villa houses. The old streets and lanes elegant building of stone in the Early Perpendicular style,
are generally narrow, although well paved, but very im- consisting of clerest01·ied chancel and nave, aisles, so1::.~h
portant street improvements were made in 1900 and norch and a south-western tower, with lead-covered
~uLsequently, including the widening of the road at the •
spire, containing a clock and 8 bells: the east window
South gate, and building operations are also progressing is stained. The font, of finely wrought stone, standing
rapidly on the outskirts of the towo ' there are many on a pyramidal flight of steps, was presented by Bishop
excellent shops and good hotels. Nea1· the London road Harsnett in r627: the spire, designed by the late Sir G.
!ll"e public walks, planted with trees and shrubs ; one of Gilbert Scott R.A. was erected by public subscription
these extends from Guanock terrace, at the south end of in r869: the interior was thoroughly restored and re-
the town, to the Red Mount, and from thence along the seated and the gallery removed in 1853. There are
!lite of the town wall, as far as the Railway Station: this about 1,250 sittings.
pleasant promenade l:as a range of lofty lime and chestnut St. John the Evangelist's is an ecclesiastical district,
trees on each side, forming a shady avenue, with recessed formed 17 March, 1846, out of St. Margaret's rnrish. The
seats at convenient distances, one of which was formerly• church, in St. John's terrace, occupying a site given by
tmrrounded by a group of trees called the" Seven Sisters,'' the Corporation, and opened 24th September, 1846, at a
but these, having died, were replaced about r8g6 by a cost of about £5,ooo, is a building of stone in the Early
group of new trees. English style, from designs by Mr. W. Salvin, architect,
The Marshland Iron Bridge, over the river Ouse, con- consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a
necting Lynn with West Lynn, was built by the Ouse belfry containing one bell: the east window is stained: a
Outtall Commissioners, at a cost of £2o,ooo, and opened handsome pulpit and reading desk were presented in r885,
30 July, 1873; it is constructed of wrought-iron lattice as a memorial to Joseph Fras. Cresswell esq_: in :.;88g-go
~irdsrs, and is 500 feet in length between the abutment8, two exterior buttresses were erected at the west end, and
with a roadway 25 feet wide, and is supported upon four two piers in the interior of the church rebuilt at a cost

p1ers. of [5oo; and in 1892 a new organ was erected at a r!Ost
The ferry across the river Ouse belongs to and is of £3oo: -in 1896, being the jubilee of the church, a
controlled by the Corporation. reredos of marble and Caen stone was provided by sub-
The town is lighted by electric light from works at scription, at a cost of £r7o: there are 1,oo8 sittings, Boo
the north end of the town, erected at a cost of £45,ooo, of which are free- The register dates from the year
and belonging to the Corporation. r846. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £225,
The water supply is derived from works the property with residence, in the gift of the llishop of Norwich, and
of the Corporation, the water being obtained from held since 1909 by the Rev. Charles Edward Stanley
three wells sunk at Gayton to depths of roo and no Thomas, chaplain to the West Norfolk and Lynn Hos-
feet, from which the water is pu=ped into a reservoir pital. A Mission Hall of corrugated iron for this
of 1,ooo,ooo gallons capacity at Ashwicken Hill, and parish was erected in r88r in the Railway road, and
thence supplied to the town by gravitation. In 1906 will seat 300 persons.
an extension was made to the waterworks, and the new The Catholic Church, in the London road, dedicated to
plant is now capable of delivering the town supply in St. Mary of the Annunciation, rebuilt in 1897 from a
fifteen hours. A new well, rro feet deep, was also design by \V. Lunn esq. of Great Malvern, is a structure
sunk, a Green's economiser erected, and alterations of Carr stone, with Bath stone dressings, in the Decorat.ed
'fllade to the rising main. The total cost of the water- style of the qth century, consisting of nave and aisle:
1vorks was £42,ooo. a very interesting feature is the restoration here of the
Sewerage works were constructed in r897 and the OIJce most famous shrine of "Our Lady of Walsingham,"
borough divided into four sPparate districts, each a copy of the Holy House of Nazareth, now at Loretto, in
having a separate outfall into the river Ouse. Tidal Italy; the statue, designated by Pope Leo XITI. is
doors are c-onstructed to prPvent the admission of sea modelled from the fig-ure of the Madonna in Santa Maria,
• Wt\ter. Rome, and was carveci at Oberammergau; like the ancient
A new public walk has been constructed between St. shrine it has no light save that of lamps, 15 of which
Iohn's church and Tennyson avenue, and trees planted are continually burning ; there are two candlesticks
'ID either side. from the old shrine at Walsingham, and the altar vases
St. Marg-aret's church, formerly that of the Benedictine are copies of the old pilgrims' water bottles : an annual
priory of SS. Mary Magdalene and Margaret, founded by pilgrimage takes place on the Thursday in Whit week,
Bishop Herbert in noo, is a fine cruciform structure of when the statue is carried in procession to the Old Red
freestone, in the Early En~lish, Early Decorated and Per- Mount: thll llntire cost of the rebuilding was about
pendiculal" styles. and now consists of chancel, with £3,coo, and there are 250 sittings.
chapel, nave, aisles and two western towers 86 feet in There are three Wesleyan chapels: that in Tower street
height and containing 10 hells, two of which were pre- was erected in 1812, at a cost of £4,5oo, and has r,2oo
l!ented in 1887 by William Burkitt esq. : one of the towers sittings; that in the London road, erected in 1862, i11 an
was formerly surmounted by a spire. which. bein~ blown edifice of red brick in the Gothic style, and will seat about
down in 1741, destroyed in its fall the nave and the central 5oo persons. The Wesleyan chapel, in Pilot street,
lantern: the church, though curtailed of its original King's Lynn, opened in November, 1883, is a iitructure of
dimensions, is still a noble pile 240 feet in length and red brick with Bath stone dressings in the Early English
132 feet wide : the chancel, inclosed by screens of style, from designs by Mr. J. A. Hillam, architect, of
exquisitely carved stone, has a peculiar east window, Lynn, and has a spired turret and angle pinnacles : there
and contains a number of carved stalls, several with are sittings for 400 persons, and in the rear are three
class-rooms. The Congregational chapel, New Conduit smoking and games rooms, a refreshment buffet, and
street, built in 1838 at a cost of about £3,000, is an edifice suites of offices: this Association, founded in 1891, has
of brick, and affords about 6oo sittings. The Stepney for its object the improvement of the physical, social,
Baptist chapel, Blackfriars street, erected in 1840-41 at moral, mental and religious welfare of the working classes
a cost of [2,ooo, has been reseated and decorated at an of Lynn, and has a number of sub-branches mainly de-
outlay of £7oo, and will seat Boo persons ; the chapel voted to philanthropic and temperance work : the halls
was first founded in 168g. The Union Baptist chapel, are let for concerts, lectures and other amusements.
Wisbech road, erected in 1856 and rebuilt in 1901, The Post Office, a building of brick with stone facings,
at a cost of about [2,ooo, is a structure of brick in forms a portion of the .A.thenreum building.
the Gothic style, and will seat 350 persons. The The new Public Library building, erected at a cost of
"Cnited Methodist chapel, Railway road, erected in £5,4oo, was given to the town by Mr. Andrew Carnegie,
1852-3 at a cost of about [2,ooo, will seat 6oo persons. and opened by the donor in 1905. The building is in the
The Primitive Methodist chapel, in the London road, Tudor Gothic style, from designs by Mr. H. J. Green,
opened in 1857 at a cost of about [2,ooo, is of brick in architect, and comprises news and magazine rooms,
the Italian style, and affords 850 sittings: a new organ lending library (worked on the open aocess system),
and'- orchestra was erected in 1892 at a cost of £250: reference and other rooms and book stores. Two of
adjoining are large schoolrooms; there is also a small the rooms are so planned that they may be converted
Primitive Methodist chapel at Highgate, erected in 1850 into a lecture ro.1m. The library contains nearly 15,000
and rebuilt in 1883, with go sittings. The Society of volumes, including some rare early printed books and
Friends have a meeting house in New Conduit street, a. few valuable manuscripts. The library is open to all
with a school in the rear, erected in 1889. residents from 9 a.m•. to ro p.m. free of charge, and
The Salvation Armv• barracks, in Wellesle-v• street, persons not residing in the borough may borrow books
were erected in 188o. on paying a small annual subscription. The reading
The Borough Cemetery, in the Hardwick road, covers rooms are open to all visitors free of charge.
about 26 acres vf land, and has two chapels united by The Museum and Art Gallery, in Market street, re-
an archway, over which rises a turret with slated spire: moved from the Athenreum, and now under the control
there is also a mortuary and curator's lodge : the of the Corporation, was formally opened April 14th, 1904.
cemetery is under the control of a Burial Board. The principal room, occupied by the natural history
TIJe Gnihll!all, funmrly tue hall of the Trinity Guild, section, includes the birds and cases presented by the
in 1lJe Satunlay Market place, has a fine Guthic window late J. H. Gurney esq. formerly M.P. for Lynn. The
and a R~Imilll'lauce porch of flint and the Assembly West Norfolk collection of birds occupies a short
Ru•Hus form a part of the building,and by means of foldi..II!! gallery facing the entrance. There are also considerable
duurs are made to form a spacious apartment, 87 fePt geological and entomological collections. The second
lung by 2:z broad and 22 feet in height: adjoining these are room, or Burlingham Art Gallery, is mainly devoted tu
the council and magistrates· room~: a number of full- pictures, but contains besides many curios and exhibit!!
length portraits adorn the walls. At the Guildhall is pre- of local interest, comprising the old ducking-stool, the
served the Red Register of Lynn, said to be the oldest lanthorn formerly carried before the Corporation, a
p::~per book in existence, besides other ancient muniments wooden water main, and Bawsay tiles. Th~ museum is
h•Jonging to the Corporation. The revenue of the Cor- open to the public from 1r.3o to 4.30 daily, free. Mr. C.
poration is about £6,ooo a year. The municipal buildings, T. Page, curator.
which adjoin the Guildhall on the west, were erected in The Greenland Fishery Museum, opened in 1912,
1895-6, and are of brick and Weldon stone faced with occupies an ancient house in Bridge street ; the con-
ron;::h cast and chequered flint work in the G .. thic Re- tents of the muse11m are almost exclusively local
naissance style, from the designs of Messrs. Tree and antiquities such a.s maps, prints, engravings, books,
Price, architects, of London : a wing is connected with tht> coins, medals, badges, tokens &c. ; the museum is
other part by two arches crossing a road way: the ground open from 10 a.m. t,o 6 p.m. in the summer and until
floor contains the various municipal offices, and on the dusk in the winter; admission 6d.; half price on
upper floor at the extreme west end is the council cham-
ber, 41 by 21 feet, and next it the mayor's parlour and •

private room and a. councillors' lobby, and at the north The Lyon Public Baths, on Common Staith quay, opened
end are lavatories and a committee room, opening to the 4th July, 1856, comprise hot and cold salt and fresh
old magistrates' court in the Guildhall, the dimensions water baths, and shower and swimming baths.
of which are about 45 by 15 feet. The Corporation The Pilot and Harbour Master's Office, also on Common
possesses an elegant covered cup of silver, known as Staith quay, and erected in 1863, is a structure of red
King John's cup, double gilt and enamelled, weighing brick, surmounted by an octagonal tower so feet high.
73 ounces, and holding about half a pint, but not of The Coastguard Station is on the east bank of the
earlier date than the 14th century. The state sword river Ouse.
carried before the mayor is reputed to have been The King's Lynn and We!it Norfolk Club, situate in
given to the Corporation by King John, but this is St. Margaret's place, is non-political, and is largely used
quite doubtful, and could at most only refer to the by gentlemen resident in the town and others from the
blade; the hilt and pommel, overlaid with silver and country.
partly gilt, seem to date from about 1425-30, and there The King's Lynn and West Norfolk Conservative Club,
have been additions since the time of Hen. VIII. ( 1528-g), St. J ames' house, St. J ames' street, in the centre- of
as appears by an inscription on the quillons, one side of the town, and the property of a limited company, haa
which has another inscription asserting the sword to attached an extensive lawn, now used as a bowling green,
and adapted for parties and other amusements. The
have been presentea by King John; the scabbard, of
crimson velvet, decorated with the national emblems, club is managed by a committee.
belongs to the 17th century: there is also a large lov- There is also a Working Men's Conservative Club,
ing cup of Nuremberg make, an old corporate seal, as which is the property of a limited company.
well as a mayor's seal, both about the date 1300, and The Liberal Club, Broad street, formerly an old
the mayor's chain, which dates from 1550, and has schoolroom, and converted to its present use in r3g4,
dragon-head links, and as a pendant a shield of the cons~sts of one large room iDntaining billiard, card and
Borough Arms: four silver-g-ilt maces (temp. Queen reading tables.
.A.nne) are also carried before the mayor on all public There are four Bank;;, viz. : Barclay and Company

occaswns. Limited, the London and Provincial Bank Limited, the
Tb.e Corn Exchange, in the Tuesday Market placa, National Provincial Bank of England Limited and the
erected in 1854, is a large structure of brick, with a stone Capital and Counties Bank Limited.
front and glass roof. Three lodges of Oddfellows meet here, and there are
The Custom House, Purfleet quay, erected in r683 as also Freemasons' and Rechabit~s' societies, as well as
an Exchange, and purchased by the Crown in 1715, is several local temperance and religious associations. '
a building of freestone, in the Renaissance style, with a The Church of England Young Men's Society's Rooms,
curious pyramidal roof, from which rises a. small open in Railway road, erected in 1885 at a cost of about £goo,
turret, terminating in a pinnacle at the height of go are of red brick, and comprise reading, billiard,
feet: a statue of Charles II. is placed over the smoking, conversation, class rooms and lecture hall to
en\rance. The amount of revenue collected in 1907 seat 250 per§ons.
was £1o2,ooo. The premises now used by the Young Men's Christian
The Athenreum, in Baxter's plain, erected in 1854, is a Association, in St. James' street, areo of red brick, in
~pacious edifice of red brick, and was purchased in 1899 the Tudor style, and were erected for a Savings Bank
for c;,ooo guineas by the Incorporated King's Lynn For. in r86o, at a cost of about [2,000.
wards Association: the building contains a. large central The Theatre is in St. J ames' street, has seats for
hall, capable of holding over I,ooo persons, and alSD the 1,500 people, and belongs in part to the Corporation,
Blackfriars Hall, capable of holding 250, besides billiard, with otheF shareholders.

Lynn is a great market for cattle, corn and other agri- The monument erected in r8g2, at the corner of London
cultural produce, brought here for shipment: the markets road and Guanock terrace, to Frederick Savage esq. Mayur
are held on Tuesday and Saturday, the former, for corn of Lynn 1889-90, is of Portland stone, and includes a
and cattle, being the principal market; there are three life-size effigy, in municipal robes.
market places, one of which is for live stock only, the A granite drinking fountain was erected in I 885 at thtl
others being respectively known as the Tuesday and Satur- corner of St. John's terrace and St. J ames' road by :\1rs.
Markets; the latter has a market house for butchers, Richards as a memorial to her husband, the late H.ev.
and in the former is the corn exchange and the latter Enoch Valentine Richards M.A. rector of South Wootton
meat, poultry and fish market. In the centre of the from 1872.
Tuesday .Market stands an ornamental column, erected 'l'Le following eminent literary men were natives of
at a cost of about £3oo, defrayed by Mr. John Malam, Lynn, viz. : John Capgrave, an Augustinian friar and
and serving both as a lamp standard and a public sometime provincial of that order in England, who was
fountain : the cattle market adjoins Broad street, and born here :21 April, 1393, and was the author of the
is near the railway terminus, where there are very " Chronicles of England" and other works, and uied ut
· extensive ea ttle and sheep pens ; it is held on Tuesday, Lynn 12 Aug. 1464; Nicholas, or Friar Nicholas, a musi·
and is very largely supplied with sheep and cattle. cian and astronomer, who died in 1360; 1Villiam Sautre,
A pleasure fair, called the .Mart, begins on St. Valen- or Sauter, a \Vickliffite priest, burnt at Smithfield in
tine's Day, and lasts for a fortnight; cattle fairs are qor ; William Gale, an eminent member of the Augus-
held on the second Monday in the months of April and tinian order, ob. 1507; Sir Benj. Keene, ambassador to
November, the former principally for sheep, of which Spain, d. 1757; and W. Whittingham, bookseller, and
over 2o,ooo are sometimes penned. editor of the later volumes of the first edition of the
A very popular combined show takes place generally County History, d. 1818.
on the August Bank Holiday, and is supported by the
Canine Society, Horticultural Society and the various SOUTH LYNN is a parish. The church of All Saints
athletic clubs, and on this occasion the Corporation is an ancient cruciform structure of flint and stone in
make an Annual Inspection and Parade of their horses, the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles,
carts and harness. transepts and a western turret containing one bell : the
The West Norfolk and Lynn Hospital, first established tower fell in 1763 : in 18 6o the church was thoroughly
in Dec. 1834, now occupies a spacious edifice of white repaired and re-seated, and again restored in 1887, when
brick, near the London road, erected at a cost of mure the chancel floor was relaid: there are 650 sittings. 'l'he
than £3,000: in 1847 two new wings were added, and a register dates from the year 1558. The living is a rec-
seRarate ward for contagious cases was erected in 1877 as tory. net yearly value £245, with residence, in the gift
a memorial to the late Rev. John Freeman, the biographer of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since r8g5 by the
of Kirby the entomologist. In rgn a further addition Rev. Arthur Herbert Hayes, of King's College, London,
wa.s made by the erection of a new central entrance and surrogate.
staircase, a ward, and two covered balconies at a cost The mission church of St . .Michael and All Angels,
of £2,ooo, as a memorial to His late .Majesty· King Saddle bow road, consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich,
Edward VII. An oak arcady has been presented by June 24th. 1901, occupies a site given by Sir William
Sir Somerville A. Gurney K.C.V.O. on the pedestal of ffolke,;, 3rd bart. (d. 1912), and with day school cost
which is a white marble bust of His late Majesty, pre- £3,ooo. The church, which is of Carr stone with red
sented by Mrs. Ramsden, of Middleton Tower. The brick drc;;sings, consists of chancel and nave, and has
hospital will hold 6o patients, and is supported by sittings for 4oo persons. It is served by the clergy
voluntary contributions. from All Saints.
Frarningham's Hospital, in the London ;road, founded in . SEECHE is a hamlet of South Lynn, distant 4 miles
1676 by Alderman Framingham, is a structure of brick, ' south. 'l'he school chapel at Saddlebow, erected in r863,
with stone dressings, arranged for twelve inmates, and an is a building of flint and brick, in the Gothic style, con-
attached chapel; a lawn extends in front, and in the rear sisting of chancel, nave, south transept and a western
are small gardens for the almspeople : the hospital has turret containing one bell : the stained east window is a
a revenue of £402 yearly. memorial to John and Mary .Marsters ; this ehapel also
St. James' Hospital, in St. James' road, founded in the serves for the hamlet of Saddlebow, a part of the parish
14th century, and rebuilt in 1772, consists of twelve of Wiggenhall St . .Mary's, the church of which is situated
houses, with a chapel, and has an income of about£ r6g. on the opposite side of the river Ouse, about 3 miles from
The Wesleyan, or Smith's Almshouses, in St. James' tbi<: portion of the parish.
road, for eight poor women above sixty years of age, 'l'he area of South Lynn is 2,375 acres of land, 14 of
were founded and endowed in 1822 by Benjamin Smith water, 48 of tidal water and 21 of foreshore; assessable
esq.; the endowment amounts to about £130 yearly. value, £22,972; the population in rgo1 was 6,542, in-
Backham's Almshouses in Goodwins road, erected in cluding 17 officials and 170 inmates in the workhouse.
1901 by Oscar and Carolina Backham, for five single or
married people. WEST LYNX is a suburb and parish on the west
Elsden's Almshouses, in South Lynn, founded in r8 42, bank of the Ouse, with which there is a communication
for eight persons, have an income of [112 4s. by ferry and a bridge. Gaywood is also a suburban
Valinger's Almshouses, in South Lynn plain, founded parish. The Directory for these suburbs will be found
in IBII by Thomas Valinger, are for four poor women of under separate headings.
South Lynn parish; the yearly endowment is about £34· The area of St. .Margaret parish is 659 acres of land,
Sugar's Almshouses, in Goodwin's road, erected in 1887, 13 of water, 33 of tidal water and 12 foreshore; asses-
and endowed by John Sugar esq. formerly of King's Lynn, able value, £61,222. The population in 1911 was 13,630.
are for six widows. There are also general charities for The area of the municipal and parliamentary borough
dil!1t.ribution. of King's Lynn is 3, roo acres; assessable value, £84,184;
Burkitt's Alrnbhouses, Queen street, contains 12 the population in rgor was 20,288 and in rgrr was
homes, built and endowed in 1909 by William Burkitt, 20,201, comprising North King's Lynn 12,084 and South
of Stubbing- Court, Derbyshire, in memory of his King's Lynn g,o52.
uncle, William Burkitt, of King's Lynn. 'I' he population of the wards in rgor was :-Middle,
Near St. James' street and the Theatre stands a fine 6,272; North, 5,812, and South, 8,II7.
hexagonal tower of Perpendicular date, the only remains The number of electors on the parliamentary register
now existing of a Franciscan or Grey Friary, founded here in rgii-12 was 3,751; on the municipal register in 1911
before 1264 by Thomas de Fellsham. was 4,125 and on the parochial register, 4,651.


Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, .Mails are dispatched at 3.5o, 5.5o, 6.55, 7·45· B.5o, 9.25,
Athenreum buildings.-W. F. Duff, postmaster g.4o, ro.25 & rr.2o a.m. 12 noon & 1.15, 1.30, 2.50,
Hours of business on week days: For sale of stamps, 4.10, 4·55· 5-I5, 6.5, 7.5o, 8.15, 8.30 & g.3o p.m
registration of letters &c. & postal order & parcel post Letters are delivered on week days at 7 & 9.30 a.m. &
business, 7 a. m. to 9 · p.m. ; money order, savings 1.30, 6.15 & 8.2o p.m
Note.-On Christmas Day, Good Friday & Bank Holidays
bank, government stock, annuity & insurance & inland
revenue business, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (to n(lon on bank there is only one delivery
holidays) ; express messenger !lervice & telegraph Sundays-Mails arrive from London & all parts at 2.10
business, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. On sundays, sale of a.m. Deliveries commence at 7 a.m
stamps, registration of letters & telegraph business, Town Sub-Post & M. 0. Offices. Hours of Collection.
8.30 to 10 a.m. & 5 to 6 p.m Alexandra dock (1 & 2 St. Ann's street) (at this office
Post Office Telephones, Bwad street, Richard Mansfield, telegrams can be handed in & telegraph money orders
inspector are issued, but not paid), (u1t) I.I5 a.m. ; (3rd) 10.30
a.m.; (4th) 12.45 p.m.; (5th) 2.I5 p.m.; (6th) 4 Borough Treasurer, G. F. A. Cresswell, The Bank
p.m. i (7th) 4-55 p.m.; (8th) 7·35 p.m.; · (gth) 9 Borough Coroner, Edward Milligen Beloe,New Conduit st
p.m._ Sunday (1st) 1.15 a.m.; (2nd) 8.35 p.m Medical Officer of Health to the Borough & Port Sani-
All' Samts (xst) 1.15 a.m.; (3rd} Io.3o a.m.; (fth) 12-45 tary Authority, James Renorden Kingdon B.A..Camb.,
p.m. ; (sth) 2 p.m.; (6th) 4 p.m. ; (7th) 4. 4 5 p.m. ; M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Town hall.
(8th) 7.30 p.m.; (gth) 8.45 p.Ill. Sunday (1st) LIS Public Analyst, J. West-Knights F.I.C., F.C.S. Cam-
a.m.; (2nd) 8.30 p.m bridge
East gates (u3 Norfolk street) (ISt) 1.15 a.m.; (3rd) Borough Surveyor & Engineer of the Water Works,
ID.3o a.m.; (4th) 12.30 p.m.; (sth) 2 p.m.; (6th) Alfred J. Smith, T~wn hall
3-45 p.m. i (7th) 4·45 p.m.; (8th) 7-15 p.m.; (gth) Borough Accountant, G. H. Anderson
8.30 p.m. Sunday (rst) I.I5 p.m.; (2nd) 8.15 p.m Electrical Engineer, Charles W. Jackson A.M.I.E.E
Secretary Education Committee, H. M. Howard
108 High street (xst) 1.15 a.m.; (3rd) I0.5o a.m. ;(4th)
I p.m.; (sth) 2.25 p.m.; (6th) 4.15 p.m.; (7th) 5 Chief Constable & Inspecto.r of Weights & Measures, }1 etro·
p.m.; (8th) 7.50 p.m.; (gth) 8.50 p.m. Sunday (rst) leum & Explo,.ives & Inspector of Common Lodging
1.15 a.m.~ (znd) 8.50 p.m Houses & Hackney Carriages & Relieving Officer for
North End (rst) 1.15 a.m.; (znd) 8.15 a.m.; (3rd) 10.30 Vagrants, Walter G. Payne 1 Police station
a.m.; (4th) 12.45 p.m.; (5th) 2 p.m.; (6th) 4 p.m.; Port & Harbour Master, Director of Moorings & Collector
(7th) 4.50 p.m.; (8th) 7·35 p.m.; (gth) 8.45 p.m. of Town, Mooring, Estuary & Bar Flat Light Dues,
Sunday (1st) 1.15 a.m.; (2nd) 8.35 p.m Capt. A. E. Holmes, Common Staith quay
Tuesday Market place (Tuesday Market place) (Ist) 1.15 Inspector of ~uisances to the Borough & Port Sanitary
a.m.; (znd) 10.25 a.m . ., (3rd) 12.50 p.m.; (4th) 2.20 Authority,

John William Shaw
p.m.; (5th) 4 p.m.; (6th) 5·5 p.m.; (7th) 7-40 p.m.; Superintendent of the Corn Exchange, Charles Holman,
(8th) 8.40 p.m. Sunday (ISt) 1.15 a.m.; (2nd) 8.40 p.m Norfolk street
South Lynn (53 London road) (1st) 1.15 a.m.; (3rd) 10.30Master of King Edward VII. Grammar School, Rev.
Waiter Boyce M.A., M.V.O
a.m.; (4th) 12.30 p.m. ; (5th) 2 p.m. ; (6th) 3·45 p.m. ;
(7th) 4-30 p.m.; (Bth) 7.3o p.m.; (gth) B-30 p.m. Mayor's Officer, W. G. Lake, South street
Sunday (1st) 1.15 a.m.; (znd) 8.30 p.m Collector of Cattle Market Tolls,Jn.Appleby,g3London rd
Collector of Provision Market Tolls, R. J. Roy
Tennyson avenue (1st) r.15 a.m.; (3rd) 10.45 a.m.; (4th)
12.30 p.m.; (sth) 1.45 p.m.; (6th) 3·45 p.m.; (8th) Collectors of General District Water & Dock Rates, R. L.
7.15 p.m.; (9th) 9 p.m. Sunday (rst) 1.15 a.m.; Gates, H. A. Regester, H. M. Bray & J. Bowen,
(2nd) 8.15 p.m Town hall
Wisbech road (3rd) 10.15 a.m.; (5th) 2.I5 p.m.; (8th) Serjeants-at-Mace, George W. Lake, C. Gore, James
7.15 p.m. Sunday (2nd) 12.40 p.m Williamson & J. Palgrave
Sword-bearer, J. J. Terrington
Parcels are dispatched from the Receiving Offices to the
Head Office (ISt & gth collections excepted & on sun-Town Crier, R. J. Ray, 23 St. James street
days) at the same time as the letters BOROUGH MAGISTRATES.
Rural postmen at 6 a.m., town postmen at 7 a.m. & 1st The Mayor 1
day mail to London at 7·45 a.m Judge of the County Court
The Ist collection on sundays is included in the Burn- .Ackland Frederick Tabor, Tamworth house, The Green,
ham & Hunstanton mails & rural & town postmen's Hunstanton
dispatch Ayre Charles Harris, King street
The znd sunday collection is included in the mails to all
Bardell John, Goodwin's road
parts at ro p.m Rettinson George Young, Halt house, Leziate
MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE BOROUGH. Bristow George, Homefields road, Hunstanton
Chatterton Percival Thomas, Thurlow ho. Goodwin's rd
Holcornbe Ingleby esq, Sedgeford ball, King's Lynn; & Cresswell George F. A. King street
Carlton & Athenamm clubs S W, London Croad Charles William, Railway road
Returning Officer, the Mayor Dunn Edwin, Tuesday Market place
Jermyn Alfred, Bnrleigh house, Goodwin's road
CORPORATION. Miles Frederick John, Athenreum house, Blackfriars st
rgii-12. Miles' William S. V. Stanley house, Littleport street
High Steward, Right Hon. Baron Walsingham, Merton Pattrick Thomas, St. Augustine's priory
hall, Thetford Pattrick William, Homefields road, Hunstanton
Mayor-Councillor Frank Rust Floyd. Ream Alfred, King street
Recorder-Henry St. John D. Raikes, 6 Crown Office Rose George Edward, Eastgates house, Littleport street
row, Temple, London E C Springall Robert French, The Friars
Aldermen. Thew Frank Sherwood, High street
Clerk, Henry William Ward, Tuesday Market place
Retire Nov. 1913. Retire Nov. Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Town Hall every
Richard Green F. J. Carpenter m<Jnday & thursday at I I a.m.
Thomas Pattrick Edwin Dunn
Councillors. The District comprises West Lynn only. The area. is
North Ward. 1,638 acres; the population in 19II was 935
Retire Nov. q12. Council meets at the School room, West Lynn, on the
rst tuesday in January, April, July & October, at 4 p.m.
G. G. Sadler I Lewis Skinne1· Chairman, A. W. Boswell esq. J .P
Retire Nov. 1913.
W. R. Sadler I Robert Taylor Officials.
Retire Nov. I9I4· Clerk, Francis Alfred Bush, Tennyson avenue
E. Green I G. G. Woodwark Treasurer, Sir S. A. Gurney K.C.V.O. Barclay & Com-
Middle Ward. pany's Bank Limited, Lynn
Retire Nov. rgr2. Medical Officer of Health, William Webster M.R.C.S.
G. E. Rose I W. R. Smith Eng. 23 London road
Retire Nov. HJl3· Inspector of Nuisances, Robert Walker, West Lynn
G. J. Curtis I G. Gemmell VICE-CONSULS.
Retire Nov. 1914. A.mtria-Hungary (vacant)
F. R. Flovd
- I R. F. Springall Belgium, John J. Petrie, Amtin street
South Ward. • DPnmark. Nnrwav. Sweden & Spain, William Flexman,
Retire Nov. 1912. King Staith square
I. Bardell l W. H. L. Brown Frauce & Germany, George Graham Woodwark,Tuesday
Retire Nov. IQI3. M ark et place
Thomas BrowE I F. Gath.ergood Netherlands. Henry William Ward, Tuesday Market pi
Retire Nov. 1914. Russia, E. R Woodwark, Tuesday Market place
Auditors, W. J. H Adams & C. Bristow The Mayor or his Deputy.
Officers of the Council. Alien R. St. Germans
Town Clerk & Clerk of the Peace & to the Port Sanitary Birch A. E. H. Watlington hall, King's Lynn
Authority & Burial Board, J. W, Woolstencroft, Town Edwards Charles, Stow
hall Eggett Richard, Saddlebow
Depu~y Town Clerk, Herbert Barrett Ffolkes George, W olferton Manor House
240 7

Goulder William, Wimbotsham • Runction (South), Sandringham, Setchey, Shernborne,

Hare Sir Thomas L. hart. Stow Shouldham, Shouldham Thorpe, Stow Bardolph, Ter-
Heading Robert, Watlington rington St. Clement, Tilney .All Saints, Tilney-cum-
Marston James, St. Mary's Islington, Tilney St. Lawrence, Tottenhill, Wallington-
Procter W. Downham Market cnm-Thorpland, Watlington, Wiggenhall St. Germans,
Riches John, Magdalen Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen, Wiggenhall St. Mary
Sadler G. G. King's Lyon the Virgin, Wiggenhall St. Peter, Winch (East),
T.1ylor Robert, King's Lynn Winch (West), Wimbotsham, Woolferton, Wootton
Clerk to the Commissioners, William David Ward, (North), Wootton (South) and Wormegay
Tuesday Market place Meetings are held at the Clerk's office on the sPcond
tuesday in each month.
Chairman, A. E. H. Birch esq. Watlington hall, Down-
Constituted by 6o & 6r Vie. chap. CXCVI.
ham Market
The Mayor for the time being
Clerk, Waiter Cross, rg King street
Appointed by the Lyon Corporation.
B. C. Brown Lewis Skinner Athenamm, Baxter's plain
F. R. Floyd R. Taylor Borough Cemetery, Hardwick road, J. W. Woolstencroft,
G. Gemmell G. G. Woodwark clerk to the burial board; David Melton, curator
Appointed by the King's Lyon Docks Railway Company. Borough Police Station, Saturday Market place, W. G.
Willi11.m Pattrick I F. Valentine Payne, chief constable; 1 inspector, 5 sergeants & 23
men, 7 of whom are dock police
Appointed by the Board of Trade.
Cattle Market, Paradise fields, J. Appleby, collector
R. F. Springall I A. J. Scott Church of England Young Men's Society, Railway road,
Elected by the Merchants.
Thomas Brown
Benry J. Finch
I Leonard Hampson
George H. Thomas
Rev. A. H. Hayes, president; P. E. Walker &; R.
Knight, hon. secs) .
Coastguard Station, Estuary bank, Waiter Vincent,
Elected by the Shipowners. chief officer
A. L. Tassell Corn Exchange, Tuesday Market place, Chas. Holman,
Appointed by the Select Trustres. collector
Charles H. Ayre Hy. A, Leake County Court Office (Bankruptcy & Admiralty J udica-
Capt. R. L. Bagge D.S.O R. 0. Ridley ture &; District Registry of the High Court of Justice),
B. W. Langley W. R. Smith London road, His Honor James Mulligan K.C. judge;
Frederick Henry Partridge, registrar &; high bailiff;
Clerk &; Solicitor to the Board, W. D. Ward
Albert Edward Lubbock, chief clerk; John Barlow, 8
Barbour &; Pilot Master, Capt. A. E. Holmes
London road, sub-bailiff; the court is held monthly.
liead Meter, W. H. Baxter The County Court House, on the east side of the
Master of Tug "Conservator," James B. Hoare London road, was erected in 1861; it is a plain brick
Master of Tug "Brown," W. Foreman building in the Italian style. The following parishe~
PILOTS. comprise the district :-Anmer, Ashwicken, Babingley,
Bawsey, Bilney West, Castla Rising, Clenchwarton,
Crake George James Potter William
Greenacre Edward
Haines Edward Waiter
Petts Henry
Catton Arthur
Congham, Dersingham, Flitcham, Gaywood, Gaywood-
Highgate, Gayton, Gayton Thorpe, Grimston, Hunstan-
ton, Hardwick, Holme-next-the-Sea, Harpley, Heacham,
Smith J Goodson J
Hillington, Ingoldisthorpe, Lynn West, Lyon North,
Neale Edward
Leziate, Massing ham (Great), Massing ham (Little),
Pilot Mates-A. H. Howard, J ames W. RePd, F. Balls
Middleton, Mintlyn, Newton West, Pentney, Roydon,
& John Edward Barker
Runcton North, Ringstead (Great), Saddlebow, Sand-
Hull Trinity Pilot. ringham, Sedgeford, Setch, Shernborne, Snettisham,
Goodson J oseph Terrington St. Clement, Terrington St. John, Terrington
KING'S LYNN CONSERVANCY BOARD LICENSED Cross Keys, Tilney All Saints, Tilney St. Lawrence, Til-
ney-cum-Islington, Walton (East), Winch (East), Winch
(West), Wolferton, Wootton (North), Wootton (South).
(Established according to seniority.) Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen, Wiggenhall St. Mary
1Villiam Henry Baxter, head meter. the Virgin, Wiggenhall St. Germans & Wingland
Simpson Robert Ollett Henry This Court has also Bankruptcy jurisdiction & for bank-
Langley Edward Cawston Alfred ruptcy purposes includes in addition the County Courts
Cranmer Frederick Easter Waiter of Downharn Market, Swatiham Market, Wisbech &
Bitchcock Frederick Petts Waiter J Holbeach, Harry Pearce Gould, 8 King st. Norwich,
Bitchcock James Drayton William officia I receiver
Fake Alfred Bloye Oswald Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress Amend-
Akers Herbert Harnmond Torn ment Act," Stephen Gregory, Tilney All Saints;
Beaty Francis Taylor Frank George Henry Jarvis, of King's Lynn; Stephen Wm.
Butcher Frederick Gregory, of Tilney & Robert William Bell, of King's
Custom House, Purfleet quay, Henry Genochio, collector
Spooner Robert Ivy Herbert of customs & excise & receiver of wreck; P. Fox,
Nobbs Herbert Wagg Horace C. Webb, J. D. Forbes & R. H. Tilson, officers ; J. E.
Wilmerson William Sutton John Hall, preventive officer; G. Laidman, A. Burton &
KING LYNN'S LOCAL PENSION COMMITTEE. J. H. Stevens, preventive men; C. Wyatt, J. Connell
Meetings are held at the Town hall as and when & E. Widger, watchers
required. Haling Tolls & Corporation Dues Office, 24 King street,
Chairman, The Mayor A. E. Parker, collector
No. r, North Ward Sub-Committee. Eau Brink Cut Toll Office, 24 King street, A. E. Parker,
Chairman, Alderman T. Pattrick J.P collector
No. 2, Middle Ward Sub-Committee. Fire Engine Station, Common Staith quay, J. W. Shaw,
Chairman, Councillor W. R. Smith captain, &; 30 men
No. 3, South Ward Sub-Committee. Harbour Msster's Office, Common Staith quay, Capt.
Chairman, Alderman F. J. Carpenter A. E. Holmes, harbour rr..aster
Clerk to the Committee & Sub-Committees, J. W. Wool- Inland Revenue Office, King Staith square: Tax Depart-
stencroft, Town hall ment--Thomas L. Ducker, surveyor of taxes; F. W.
Rains, C. Siddle & F. Skinner, assistant clerk for
LYNN DISTRICT SUB-COMMITTEE OF NORFOLK King's Lynn & the hundreds of Freabridge Lynn,
LOC.AL PENSION COMMITTEE. Freebridge Marshland, Gallow, Greenhoe North,
The places included in the Sub-Committee's District Greenboe South & Smithdon & Brothercross. Excise
are :-.Anmer, .Ashwicken, Babingley, Bawsey, Bilney Department-J. M. Neale, supervisor; W. G. Carr,
(West), Castle Rising, Clenchwarton, Congham, Der- D. Cruickshank & W. Lawfield, officers of excise.
singham, Flitcham, Gayton, Gayton Thorpe, Gaywood, Valuation Department-C. E. Widdicombe, district
Grim stone, Harpley, Hillington, In!;oldsthorpe, Lezia te, valuer
Lynn (North), Lynn (West), M:assingham (Great), King's Lynn Dock Co.'s Offices, Alexandra dock, Major
Massingham (Little), Middleton, Mintlyn, Newton William Pattrick V.C. chairman; James B. Bond,
(West), Roydon, Ruucton Holme, Runcton (~orth), sec.; William Monkman, general managt>r
LaBour Exchange, New Conduit st,reet, A.. E. Hall, Medical Officers, North district, Charles J ackson L.R. C. P.
clerk in charge Edin., L.F.P.S.Glas. 48 King street; South district,
Meters' Office, Common Staith quay, William Henry William WebRter M.R.C.S.Eng. 23 London road
Baxter, head meter Public Vaccinator, William Webster M.R.C.S.Eng. 23
Museum & Art Gallery, Market st. C. T. Page, curator London road
Museum, Greenland Fishery, Bridge street, J. H. Lewis 1 KIXG'S LYNX REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
curator Superintendent Registrar, Richard Calthrop Coulton, 6
Provision Market, R. J. Ray, collector of tolls King street;
Public Baths, Common Staith quay, Thos Langley, mgr Deputy Superintendent Registrar, E. H. Bradford, Sir
Public Library, H. J. Rennie, librarian & sec Lewis street
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Registrar of Births & Deaths, Horace Hamilton Dow,
Society; hon. representative, Capt. R. Denton, care Tuesday Market place
of J. Bowker & Co. Limited & E. M. Beloe, New Registrar of Marriages, Francis Alfred Bush, Tennyson av
Conduit street Vaccination Officer, G. W. Woodward, Tower street
Theatre, St. James' ;;treet, Herr Pareezer, lessee; Workhouse, Exton's road, is a large brick building, erected
Reginald Pareezer.., resident manager in 1856, at the cost of above £ 12,ooo, to hold 468 in-
Town Hall, Saturday Market place, George W. Lake, mates; the present number of inmates is about I70;
hall keeper a new wing was added in rgo2, at a cost of £4,000;
West Norfolk & Lynn Hospital, London rd. The Earl of the chapel is over the dining room; an infirmary is
Leicester C.M.G., G.C.V.O. president; G. F. A. situated a short distance from the main body of the
building; J. Barnett, master; William Brackenbury
Cresswell, treasurer; Henry Calthrop .Allinson
M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting surgeon; William Bracken- Wedgwood L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. medical
oflicer; Mrs. Barnett, matron
bury Wedgwood L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. &
James Reuorden Kingdon B.A.Camb., L.R.C.P.Lond., NEWSPAPERS. -
M.R. C.S.Eng. physicians; George Richard Chad wick Lynn .Advertiser, Wisbech Constitutional Gazetts & Nor-
M.D.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. & Charles Tertius MacLean folk & Cambridgeshire Herald, published every friday
Plowright B.A., M.B., B.C.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., afternoon by Thew & Son, r, 2, 3 & 4 High street.
L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons; Stephen Arthur Thomas See advertisement
Coxon L.D.S.R.C.S.I. surgeon-dentist; Charles Bris- Lynn News & County Press, published every friday by
tow, Barclay & Company's Bank, King's Lynn, hon. the Lynn News & County Press Co. Limited (Thomas
financial secretary; H. M. Howard, assistant secretary; Diggle, managing editor), Purfleet street. See ad-
Henry Joseph Keane M.A., M.D., B.Ch.Dub. house vertisement
surgeon; Rev. Charles Edward Stanley Thomas, chap-
lain; Miss Swain, matron
Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Georgs Richaru Chadwick
TERRITORI.lL FORCE. M.D. St. Margaret's place
Assessor of Land & Property 'I'ax, Charles Williarn
Norfolk (The King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry
Croad, 39 Railway road
(D Squadron), Major C. F. Gurney, commanding; Certifying Factory Surgeon, Lynn District, Arth. Gardiner
Lieut. H . .A. Birkbeck, second in command; Squad.- C.M., M.B. Tuesday Market square
Sergt.-Major G. J ally, Gaywood road, Lynn, drill in- Clerk to Charity Trustees for the Borough of Lynn,
structor Edward Milligen Beloe, New Conduit street
5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (A. Co.), Armoury, Clerk to the Commissioners of Sewers for Norfolk, to Com- •
Nelson street; Capt. E. M. Beloe; Sergt.-Instructor missioners of Property, Income & Land Tax for Free-
Henry Harwood bridge & Marshland, & Clerk to the River Ouse Haling
~ommissioners, to Ouse Bank Commissioners (rst, 2nd
6th (Cyclist) Battalion Norfolk Regiment (C Co.),
Lieut. A. E. Coulton, commanding; Color-Sergt.-In- & 6th Districts), to the Magdalen Drainage Commis-
structor F. Henderson, drill instructor sioners & King's Lynn Conservancy Board & the Eastern
Sea Fisheries joint committee, William David Ward,
Tuesday Market place
ARMY SERVICE CORPS, NORFOLK & SUFFOLK Clerk to Justices & Commissioners of Land, Income Tax
BRIGADE CO. Tuesday Market place. & Inhabited House Duty for Freebridge Lynn, John
Commanding, Capt. E. R. Hawkins Samuel Bedford Glasier, King street
Sergt.-Major-Instructor C. Holloway Clerk to the Commissioners of Land & Inhabited Hous~
Duty & Income Tax for Borough of King's Lynn, Richd.
C. Coulton, 6 King street
.ALMSHOUSES. Clerk to the Guardians of Freebridge Lynn Union, Walt .
Backham's, Goodwins road, for 5 single or married Cross, I9 King street
people Clerk to the Ouse Outfall Board of Conservators, Harold
Burkitt's, Queen street, contains 12 home~ .Archer, 24 King street, Lynn; & at Ely
Elsden's, Friars street, for 8 persons Clerk to the Nar Valley Drainage Board, Robert Alfred
Framingham's, London road, for 12 persons Wilkin, King street
Gaywood Hospital, Gaywood road, for I2 women Clerk to the King's Lynn Municipal Charity Trustee!l.
St. J ames's, St. J ames' end, for 12 persons Edward Milligen Beloe, New Conduit street
Sugar's, Goodwins road, for 6 widows Clerk to the Select Trustees of Lynn Harbour, E. M.
Valinger's, South Lynn plain, for 4 poor women Beloe, New Conduit street
Collector of Customs & Excise, Henry Genochio, Purfleet
Wesleyan, or Smith's, St. James' road, for 8 poor women
Coroner for the Western Division of the County of Nor-
KING'S LYNN UNION. folk, Robert Alfred Wilkin, King street; deputy, John

The union comprises three parishes, viz. : South Lynn, Samuel B. Glasier, King street
St. Margaret (King's Lynn) & West Lynn, covering Deputy Coroner for the Duchy ot Lancaster, Robert Alfred
an area of 4,705 acres; assessable value, Lady Day, Wilkin, King- street
I9I2, £87,56I; the population in I9II was 21,140 Inspector of Weights & Measures (Western Division of
Board day, alternate fridays at IO a.m. at the Workhouse the County), W. B. Barry, Gaywood road
Lloyd's Agents & Surveyors, Garland & Flexman, King
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, George E. Rose, Staith square
High street, King's Lynn Medical Officer of Health to Freebridge Lynn Rural
Clerk to the Guardians & .Assessment Committee, Richd. District Council,
Calthrop Coulton, 6 King street Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Gaywood District,
Treasurer, Sir Somerville .Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O. Freebridge Lynn Union, Arthur Gardiner M.B., C.M.
North Runcton hall, King's Lynn Tuesday Market square
.Assistant Overseers, Frederick Augustus Curson, New Notary Public, Edward M. Beloe, New Conduit street
Conduit street, Henry .Addison Regester & George Registrar of Marriages for Freebridge Lynn District,
H. Anderson, Town hall, St. Margaret's parish; Jarues George .Arthur Hayes, Park avenue; deputy, Thomas
Crisp, Windsor road, South Lynn parish; Robert W estwood, .Albert avenue
Walker, West Lynn, West Lynn parish Superintendent Registrar of Freebridge Lynn District,
Collector to the Guardians, Horace Hamilton Dow, Waiter Cros!!, rg King street; deputy, Waiter G.
T';lesday Market place Brown, 38 Railway road
Relieving Officer for the Union, Horace Hamilton Dow, Vestry Clerk of South Lynn, Donald Frederick J ackson,
Tuesday Market place Bank chambers. Tuesday Market place

PLACES OF WORSIDP, with times of Services. of tuition fees & to a yearly sum of not more than
St. Margaret's Church, Saturday Market place, Rev. £1o. The governors may also maintain a number of
John Cossham Vawdrey M.A. vicar & surrogate; Rev. Foundation ~;cholarships. There are also the King
John Alfred Goundry & Rev. Arthur Kewley B.A. Ed ward VII. scholarship of £so per annum, tenable
curates; A. E. Rust, clerk; 8 & I I a.m. & 3.30 & for three years; the Queen Alexandra scholarship,
6.30 p.m.; daily celebration, 8 a.m.; fri. 7.30 a.m.; also of £so for three years; the Lancaster scholar-
mattins, man. tues. wed. thnrs. & sat. 10 a.m. ; fri. ship of [30, and the Titley scholarship of £20, each
8 a. m.; evensong, 4 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m tenable for three ·years. H. M. the King also per-
All Saints', South Lynn, Church lane, Rev. Arthur Her- sonally presents a gold medal every year to the head
bert Hayes, rector & surrogate; Rev. Charles Gerard boy. The school is controlled by the Mayor, Alder-
Box B.A. & Henry Lionel Beauford Budge B.A. men & Burgesses of the Borough of King's Lynn,
curates; 8 & I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, Io a.m. & acting by the Town Council, upon the advice of a
7 p.m.; wed. 5 p.m.; holy days, 8 a.m. & 7 p.m committee appointed for the purposes of Part II.
St. John the Evangelist's, St. J ohn'-s terrace, Rev. of the Education Act, 1902. This committee, called
Charles Edward Stanley Thomas, vicar; Rev. Hugh the Higher Education Committee, comprises members
Colin Fraser, curate; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. of the Town Council, County Council, a representa-
7-3o p.m tive nominated by the King, & three representatives
St. Michael & All Angels Mission Church, Saddlebow from the University of Cambridge; Mr. Hamon le
road (served by the clergy of All Saints') Strange, -chairman; H. M. Howard B. A. secretary;
St. Nicholas' Chapel of Ease, St. Ann's street; served by Rev. Waiter Boyce M.A., M.V.O. St. John's Colleg-e,
the clergy of St. Margaret's; J. Oaks, verger; 8 & Cambridge, head master; F. F. Fison M.A. second
I I a.m. & 3.30 & 6.30 p.m.; fri. I I a.m master; G. E. Richards B.Sc., S. Branson B.Sc., A.
St. Mary of the Annunciation (Catholic), London road, Thompson M.A., E. B. Milnes B.A., W. R. Bullmore
Rev. C. Eeles M.R. priest; 8 & I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; (art), F. E. Smith B.A., G. H. Martin & C. M. F.
daily mass, 8.I5 a.m. except tues. 7-30 a.m.; thurs. Reddie (music), assistant masters; Sergt. Henderson,
benediction B-IS p.m drill instructor; Miss Ridlington, matron; C. T.
Seat. MacLean Plowri!!ht B.A., M.B. medical attendant &
Society of Friends' Meeting House, New Conduit G. Stevens, cricket professional
street; ID-45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7-45 p.m ISO The Municipal Technical Institute, near the London road.
Baptist (Stepney), Blackfriars street, Rev. H. & opened Feb. 2nd, r894, by His Majesty the late
Bonser; Io.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m. Boo King Edward VII. then Prince of Wales, was erected
Baptist {Union), Wisboch road, Rev. H. Bonser; at a cost of £s,ooo, & comprises chemical & physical
10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7-30 p.m.......... 350 laboratories, lecture theatre, art rooms, class-rooms,
Congregational, New Conduit street, Rev. Eustace wgrkshops &c. The work of the institute embraces
William Bremner; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. day & evening classes, following courses of instruction
7-45 p.m. . .. ..... .... ... ... .. . .. .. . . ... . . . ... ... .. .. . . .. .... ... 6oo in art, science & technology, & including such sub-
Seat. jects as drawing, painting, designing, chemistry,
Primitive Methodist, London physics, mathematics, engineering, shorthand, book-
road, ro.3o a.m. 2.4s & keeping, typewriting & modern languages. The work
6.go p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m. of the institute is controlled by the Lynn Higher
Primitive Methodist, High- Rev.Herbert Semper Education Committee, & is under the immediate
gate, I I a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; (supt.) & Rev. Hy. diroction of H. M. Howard RA
thurs. 7.30 p.m .............. .. 90 Richard Didcock The West Norfolk & King's Lynn High School for
Primitive Methodist, North Girls, founded in 1887, occupies spacious premises in
End, 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; King street, & extending to the river Ouse, with
thurs. 7.30 p.m................ 106 atta-ched boarding houses for pupils. The school
init-ed Methodist, Railwav• road, Rev. Charles rooms, built in I9o2, were extended in I9I2, & now
Hedley Panter; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. comprise a hall & gymnasium, laboratory, studio &
"'7--IS p.m . ............................... ~ ... ~.................. 6oo ten class rooms. There are a large number of resi-
dent teachers, & a sound intellectual & physical
Wesleyan Methodist, Tower
education is provided for pupils, who are also pre-
6treet, 10.45 a.m. & 6.go
pared for the various public examinations. The
p.m.; man. & thurs. 7 p.m. 1,20)
Rev. J. Woolerton school is governed under a board of education scheme
Wesley-an Methodist, London
(supt.) & Rev. by a council of governors. One governor is nominated
road, m.3o a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; by Queen Alexandra, eight by the County Council.
tues. 7 m pI I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I soo
1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 o 1 1
two by the Borough Council, one by the Senate of
esleyan Methodist, Pilot st.
Cambridge University & six are eo-opted. Further
6.go p.m.; tues. 7p.m........ 400 particulars may be had from the clerk, G. H. Ander-
St. ,John's Mission Hall, Rail way road, I I a.m. & 3 son, Town hall, Lynn
& 7 p.m
Salvation Army Barracks, "\Vellesley street, ro.30 KING'S LYNN HIGHER EDUCATION COMMITTEE.
a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7 p.m .................... .. Boo Needlework & Cookery, Miss Florence Brown, mistress,
Bible Christians' Gospel Hall, Blackfriars street, St. J ames' road
10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
incorporated King's Lynn Forward Association, PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Athenreum, I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m An Education Committee oi IS members has been
Gospel Mission Hall, All Saints' st. (Shepherd's Hall) formed; H. M. Howard B.A. sec.; W. G. Cross, r6
St. J ames' road, attendance officer
St. Margaret's, Grey Friars road, erected in I849, fu:-
rgo boys, r6o girls & I92 infants; average attendance,
The King Edward VII. Grammar School, founded by boys 200, girls rsB & infants 163; w. J. Swift, master;
Thomas Thoresby in or before the reign of Henry Miss J. Hodgkinson, mistress; Miss Ellen Mitchell,
YIII. obtained its present title by the favour of His infants' mistress
late Majesty King Edward VII. The present ouild- All Saints, South Everard street, erected in r8s2, &;
ings, in the Gaywood road, erected in I904-6 from enlarged in r899, for 175 boys, 213 girls & r82 infants;
de:-;igns by Mr. Basil Champneys, arehitoct, at a average attendance, 209 boys, 213 girls & 174 infants;
cost of over £4o,ooo, entirely provided by the G. E. Millard, master; Miss Florence Allarde, mis-
munificence of Sir W. J. Lancaster kt. a former tress; Miss J essie Bennett, infants' mistress
scholar, were opened S Nov. 1906, by His late Majesty Highgate (mixed), for I32 children; average attendance,
King Edward VII. accompanied by H.M. Queen 121; Miss A. Andrews, mistress
Alexandra & T.M. King George V. & Queen Mary St. John's, Albion street, with master's & mistresses'
then Prince & Princess of Wales, & other distin- residences attached, erected 1853, for 2S6 boys, 23o
guished persons. The buildings occupy a site given girls & I33 infants; average attendance, boys 25 r,
by the Corporation & comprise a large central hall, girls 220 & infants 128; Ernest W. Bray, master;
ten class rooms, physical & chemical laboratories, Miss Kate Bray, mistress; Miss Lissie M. Chapman.
lecture rooms, drawing school, workshop & gymnasium, infants' mistress
together with a school house for so boarders. At- St. Mkhael's & All Angels (mixed), for 170 children ;
~ tached are cricket & football fields & 4 fives courts. average attendance, 92; Mrs. E. Morison, mistress
ThPre are now (r9r2) about rso boys, including St. Nicholas (mixed), Pilot street, North end, built m ·
boarders. In addition to the County Council Junior I87o, for 182 boys, I22 girls & II9 infants; average
& Intermediat~ Scholarships which are tenable at attendance, 190 boys, 128 girls & I23 infants; Alfred
this school, there are five Borough scholarships. each "\Vhitehouse, head master; Miss G. Grimes, mistress;
entitling the holder to exemption from the payment Miss M. M. Bury, infants' mistress
LYNN. 243
patholi€ (mixed), Church lane, erected in r8g4, at a cost Harpley--Mace, 'Bird-in-Hand,' Norfolk street, tnes.
of over £r,4oo, to accommodate xso children; aver- thurs. & sat. & Darlow, tues. & sat
age attendance, 6o; Miss Marianne Maher, mistress Hracham-Pattrick, 1 Black Horse,' Chapel street, tnes.
St. James', lllackfri!irs street (Undenominational, late thnrs. & sat. & Chapman, 1 Sun,' Norfolk street, tnes.
British), built in 1843, for 256 boys, 28o girls & 133 thurs. & sat
infants; average attendance, 26o boys, 233o girls & Hilgay Sharpe, ';Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market place,
128 infants; Ernest Coppin, master; Miss Emma tueR. thurs. & sat
Gowing, mistress; Mrs, Jane Dexter, infants' mistress Hillington Linford, ' The Crown,' tues, & sat. & Rix,
St. James' (junior, mixed), erected in Igii, for 28o tues. & sat
children; average attendan~e, 250; Charles H. fooley, Houghton-Mace, 'Bird-in-Hand,' tues. & sat
master Hunstanton-Crown & Co. 'Three Tuns,' Norfolk street,
tues. & fri. & Goddard, ' Bird-in-Hand,' tues. & fri
RAILWAY STATIONS. Inglethorpe-Covell, ' Barley Mow,' Railway road, tnes
Great Eastern, Frederick Wilson, station master; Fredk. Islington-Cassel, 'Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market place,
J. Knight, goods agent tues. & sat.
::\Iidland & Great Northern Joint Railway, John J. Petrie, Leziate Howard, 'Black Horse,' tues. thurs. & sat
traffic manager; J oseph S. Dun bar, accountant; Wm. London-Sutton & Co, (William Blackster, agent), King
~Iarriott C.E. of Melton Constable, engineer & loco. street, daily
supt.; general office, Austin street: Henry G. Blo::x:- Magdalen Blade, ' Three Tuns,' Church street, tues.
ham, station master, Blackfriars road thurs. & sat
Midland, J. W. Peace, agent, Tuesday Market place Marham-Bone, 'Three Tuns,' tues. & sat
.Great Northern, Charles Edward Ward, district agent, Massingham-Caller, 'Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market
Tuesday Market place place, tues. thurs. & sat. ; Dolman, 1 Sun,' Norfolk st.
Omnibuses from the Globe hotel meet all trains tues. & fri. ; Callow, ' Green Dragon,' tues. & fri
Methwold-Crisp, 'Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market place,
WATER OONVEYANCE. tues. thurs. & sat. ; A!qlin, 'Maid's Head,' Tuesday
Market place, tnes. & sat
Grangemouth & HulL-Carron Co. from Alexandra Middleton-Hunter, 'The Grown,' tues. & sat
dock, every tues Narboro'-Hunter, 'The Crown,' tues. & sat
. Hnll & Newcastle-upon-Tyne.-East Coast Steam Ship Northwold-Crisp, 'Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat
Co. Limited, steamers twice a week (wed. & sat.) to · Pentney-Hunter, 'The Crown,' tues. & sat
Hull & once a week (tues.) to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Ringstead-Kemp, 'Maid's Head,' tues
each from Boal quay; Wm. Furley, sec. Boal wharf R~Jydon-Caller, 'Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market place,
Hamburg.-Lynn & Hamburg Steamship Co. Limited, tues. thurs. &. sat
first class steamers every four days; Arthur L. Rudham-Mays, 'Bl~k Horse,' tues. & sat
Tassell, manager, Alexandra dock Runcton Holmes-Sharpe, 'Maid's Head,' tues. tburs.
Lynn & Rotterdam.-Weekly every tues. Sommerfeld & & sat
Thoznas Limited, Market square, Lynn St. Germans---Dastle, ' Three Tuns,' tues
• Sandringham-.Mitchell, 'Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat
CARRIERS. Sedgeford-Rush, ' Green Dragon,' Norfolk street, tues.
With the places they go to & inns they start from, with & Wagg, 'Green Dragon,' tues. & fri
days of departure. Setch-Spratt, ' Three Tuns,' tues. & sat
Bilney-Hunter, 'The Crown,' tues. & sat Shouldham-Rust, 'Three Tuns,' tues. &- sat
Bircham-Bone,' 'Green Drag<Jn,' Norfolk street, tues. & Snetsham-Robinson, '.Bird-in-Hand,' Nor folk street,
fri.; Taylor, 'Bird-in-Hand,' tues. & fri tues. thurs. & sat
Brancaster-Goddard, 'Bird-in-Hand,' tues. & fri Southery-Sharpe, 'Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat
Brandon Crisp, ' Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market place, Stoke Ferry J ohnston, ' Black Horse,' Chapel st. tues.
tues. thurs. & sat , thurs. & sat. ; Crisp, ~Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market
Castle Rising-Rudd, ' Star,' tues. thurs. & sat. & plac~, tues. & sat
Goddard, 'Three Tuns,' tues. & fri Stradsett-Crisp, 'Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat. ;
Castlea.cre Eagle, 'Rummer,' tues. & sat J ohnson, ' Black Horse,' tues. thurs. & sat
Clenchwarton-Bonnett, ' Shakespeare,' King street~ Terrington St. Clement Bonnett, ' Shakespeare,' King
tues. thurs. & sat street, tues. thurs. & sat. ; Carter, ' Maid's Head,'
Conham_._Cobb, ' Bird-in-Hand,' tues. thurs. & sat Tuesday :Market place, tues. & fri
Denver-Sharpe, 1 Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market place, Terrington St. J ohn-Bell, 'Maid's Head,' Tuesday
tues. thu rs. & sat :Market pl. tues.; Young, 'Red Cow,' tues. fri. & sat
Dersingham-Miwhell, 'Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market Thornham-Rumbelow, 'Maid's Head,' tues
place, tu'S. thurs. & sat. ; Rndd, ' Black Horse,' Tilney Young, 'Red Cow,' tues. fri. & sat
Chapel street, tues. thurs. & sat. ; Wire, ' Black Tottenhill-Fowler, ' Swan 1 livery stables, fri.; Sharp,
Horse,' tues. thurs. & sat ' Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat
Docking-Playford, 'Maid's H~ad,' Tuesday Market pl. Watlington-Spratt, 'Three Tuns,' Church .:~t. tues.& sat
tues.; Kemp, ' Green Dragon,' tues. & fri W easenham-Arthurs, ' Black Horse,' tues
Downham-Sharpe, ' Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market pl. Wereham-Crisp, ' Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat
tues. thurs. & sat West Newt<Jn-Mitchell, 'Maid's Head,' tues. thurs.
East Winch-Hunter, 'The Crown,' tues. & sat & sat
Fincham-Rowe, ' Three Tuns,' Church st. tues. & sat West Winch-Sharpe, 'Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat
Flitcham-.Linford, ' The Crown,' tues. & sat. & Rix, Westacre-Eagle, 'Rnmmer,' tues. & sat
tues. & sat Wiggenhall St. Germans Castle, 'Three Tuns,' sat
Fring-Pattengill, ' Maid's Head,' Tuesday Market place Wiggenhall St. Peter's Blade, ' Three Tuns,' Church
tues. & Kemp, ' Black Horse,' tues street, tues. thurs. & sat
Gayton-Rasberry, 'Sun,' Norfolk street, tues.; Howard, Wiggenhall Magdalen-Blade, 'Three Tuns,' Church 11t.
' Horse,' Chapel street, tues. thurs. & sat tues. thurs. & sat
Grimston-Twite, ' Black Horse,' tues. thurs. & sat.; Wisbech-Bell, ' Maid's Head,' Tuesday Markeli pl. tues
Wilkinson, 'Bird-in-Hand,' Norfolk st. tues. & sat Wormegay-Salmon, 'Maid's Head,' tues. thurs. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Andrews Frederick S. 24 Queen st Barfoot Mrs. 2r Valinger's road

.!.dams Percy, Eversleigh, Park aven Andrews Mrs. 24 Queen street Barnard Mrs. Etheldene, Tennyson aY
Adams Ward, Tugela, Tennyson aven Andrews Thomas A. Livingst<Jne villa, Barnard Mrs. 38 South Everard st
Affieck W. J. Richmond house, Gay- Gaywood road Barrett Charles, 37 Friars street
wood road Anthony Thomas Hy. 7 Portland st Barrett Jame!!' Morgan, Vallett,
Akers Thomas William Bradsbaw, 22 Ashford Mrs. 17 Whitefriars road Tennvson avenue
Coronation square Ashling Edward Howard, Lynwood, Harry Wm. Snnnysid.e. Gaywood rd
Aldrich Stanley, St. Mellons, Tenny· Sidney street Bartle Herbert, Glentborne, Good-
son avenue Athey James, Narside, Wisbech road win's road
Alexander Mrs. 8r Nicholao; street Ayre Charles Harris, King street Bassett Joseph M. IO Portland street
Allinson H. C. Stonegate Baker David Moyse, 8 Blackfriars rd Bath Miss, 5 Albion ter. Gaywood rd
:\nderson Arth ur A. 8 York road Baker Mrs. 22 All Saints' street Heart Mrs. 48 London road
Anderson Ernest, W eston ho.Park av Balding Miss, 14 London road Beaver Au;;tin, Annesley,Tennyson av
Anderson Ern est W. N an.zela, Tenny- Bambridge George James, Northgate, Beck Miss, Chapel street
son avenue Park avenue Beecroft Mrs. Tower street
.Anderson George Howard, Fairlight Bardell Jn. Melrose ho. Goodwin's rd Bell Hugh Berks, Queenscote, Gay-
lodge, Goodwin's road Bardell Robert J. I South Everard st wood road

Bell Roberl, 31 Railway road Collinson Thomas, 19 Portland street Fachney Geo. Abbey dale, Tennyson av
Belsham Henry Noel, Kingstaith sq Collison Henry, 10 Valinger's road Faircloth Miss, 108 London road
Bird Arthur .Henjamin, n Portland st Colman Mrs. 46 Railway road Fendick Chas. Ashleigh, Tennyson av
Bird Frederick Aug. St.Margaret's pl Conchie J. R. 95 London road Fenn John Bedwell, Calvert., Tenny-
Bishop Mrs. Mafeking, Tennyson av Cook Harry Morant, Paradise son avenue
Blacklock Mrs. 26 South Everard st Cook Miss, Tuesday Market square Fison F. F., M.A. Grammar school
Blomfield Mrs. 19 London road Coombe William Norman, Ivy house, Fletcher Major Sl. 59 London road
Bloxham Henry, 5 Mount street Exton's road Flexman Wm. Holly lo. Goodwin's rd
Blyth Miss, R~ebery vil.Gaywood rd Coomber Charles, 5 Middleton ter Flood Henry B. 4 Blackfriars street
Boam B. W. Ashleigh, Tennyson aven Cooper Miss, 97 London road Flowers Alfred, Fluelen, Tennyson av
Bolton Robert H. I Goodwin's road Cooper Thomas, Bankside, Ouse Forster Mrs. 33 Valinger's road
Bone George, Dumont, Park avenue Bank avenue Foster J sph. ·P. Ivanhoe, Tennyson a'<:
Bonham Thomas William, Chase vil. Copley Robert Flower, Monument ha. Fox Patrick, 3 Gaywood villas, Gay-
Goodwin's road Norfolk street wood road
Boon William D. 8g London road Coppin Ernest, Fern vil.Goodwin's rd Francis Hy. Park ha. Tennyson av
Boulding Ed ward, 72 London road Couperthwaite J~eph,g St.John's ter Francis John Edward, 4 Mount street
Bowen John, Glencoe, Tennyson aven Couperthwaite Miss, St. John's ter Fraser Rev. Hugh Colin (curate of
Bowker Mrs. 10 Whitefriars road Couperthwaite Waiter Myers, Trey- St. John the Evangelist), St.
Box Rev. Charles G., B.A. (curate of ford, Avenue road Katherine's, Littleport street
All Saints'), 92 London road Crane Miss, 7 Whitefriars road Freeman Miss H. M. 15 Nelson street
Boyce Rev.Walter M.A., M.V.O.(head Cra.nruer Frederick, 9 Albion terrace, Freeman Herbert, !;16 Gaywood road
master of King Edward VII. Gram- Gaywood road Frost William, Jesmond dene, Tenny-
mar school), Gaywood road Cresswell George F. A. King street sun avenue
Bradfield Frederick, 2 Middleton ter Crisp Alfred Henry, Silverdale,Good- Fuller Waiter, 4 Whitefriars road
Bradfield Hy. Grantully ho.Gaywd. rd win's road Furbank Henry Ambrose, I White-
Bradfield Mis.s,Bawsey ldg.Ga.ywood rd Crisp James, Windsor road friars road
Bradfield William Charles, Hamilton Croad Charles William, Railway road Gamble Sydney, Mountfield, Good-
house, Goodwin'!! road Cross Frank, 120 London road win's road
Branson J. C. S., B.Sc. (assistant Crouch Thomas William, Mount Gamble William, Runcton house,
master at Grammar school), Pleasant, Park avenue Goodwin's road
Daveney, Tennyson avenue Cruso Miss, 104 London road Gardiner Arth. Tuesday Market sq
Bray William Henry K. Plym villa, Curson Alex.2 Albion ter.Gaywood rd Garnham Edwd. Tresco, Tennyson av
Tennyson avenue Curson Frederick Augustus, Rosedale Gathergood Mrs. Penarth villas,
Bray Wm. John, Ferndale, Park av villa, Goodwin's road Tennyson avenue
Bremner Rev. Eustace William (Con- Curson Gordon. Rosedale, The Chase Gemmell George, 9 King street
gregational), 20 London road Curson Robert William, Saturday Genochio Hy. Locksley, Tannyson av
Brett Mrs. A. M. 35 Gaywood road Market place Gibbard William, Kinver Edge,
Bridges Aubrey, Goodwin's roa.d Cnrson Thomas Henry, Westcott, Tennyson Toad
Bridges George M., F.R.G.S. The Tennyson avenue Giddens Mrs. 68 London road
Friary, County Court road Curtis Charles, 8 Mount street Giles John Edward, Nina house,
Bristow Charles, Woodleigh villa, Curtis George James, 5 St. John's TennyS<Jn avenue
Good win's road terrace Giles Misses, 33 Broad street
Brook Sydney Robert, Park avenue Curtis George Henry, 24 South Girling William John, Sydney house,
Brown Benjamin James, Algarkirk, Everard street Sidney street
Tennyson avenue Dack George, 2 Mount street Golden William Frederick, 5 York rd
Brown Henry Chas. Ph.D., F.I.C.Yox- Darrington William, Austin street Goodchild Percival, Stoneleigh, Park
ford house, Exton's road Davey Clifford,Claremont,Gaywood rd avenue
Brown Henry Herbert, White Gables, Davison Edward A. St. James' house Goodwin Mrs. Winmay, Park avenue
Wisbech road Davy Alfred, Edale, Tennyson avenue Goodwin Richard Samuel, Sidney st
Brown James, Chase house Davy J. F. Poplars, Sydney street Goodwyn Thomas G. St. Aubyns,
Brown J sph. Stephen,29 V alinger's rd Davy John, The ,Poplars, Sidney st Tennyson avenue
Hrowne Robert T. 4 St. John's terrace Dennick John I. 14 Valinger's road Gosling Hy. Seaman, I Middleton ter
Browns Walt. Geo. Camelot, Park av Dennis Mrs. 17 London road . Gotobed Harry, Dunoon, Park avenue
Budge Rev. Henry Lionel Beauford Dewing Thomas Campbell, Ivydale, Goundry Rev. John Alfred (curate of
JJ.A. (curate of All Saints'), 68 Gaywood road St. Margaret's), Lady Bridge house
London road Dexter George Fred, Kelvin, Tenny- Gowen Horace Charles,Norvice house,
Bulmore William Richard, Derwent, son avenue Park avenue
Tennyson avenue Dickerson Fountain, Cymba, 37 Gay- Gowing Miss, Clovelly, Tennyson aven
Bunkall John D. Tennyson avenue wood road Graham Mrs. Roslin, Avenue road
Bunkall Mrs . .J. T. New Conduit st Didcock Rev. Henry Richard (Primi- Grave Waiter, Denny, Tennyson aven
BurkittWm.Hill ho. Tuesria ,, 1\f ark et pi tive Methodist), Lyndhurst, Tenny- Green Richard, Tower place
Burlingham Samuel S. Holm villa, son avenue Greenwood J. H. K. St. Ann's street
Gaywood road Dollison Mrs. Hollis vil. Gaywood rd Gudgeon John J oseph,King Staith sq
Burn Ernest Edwd. Lynwood,Park av Donaldson Jas. Thorne Lea,Exton's rd Gurney Miss, Bank house, Tuesday
Burton Percy W altham, 3 Mount st Dow A.rthur, St. Heliers, Te'llnyson av Market place
Bush Robert, 43 South Everard street Dow Arthur Graham, 35 London rd Halford Mrs. 37 Broad street
Butcher John, 28 Gaywood road Drew Joseph Hy. 12 Whitefriars rd Hall Arthur Alexander, 10 York road
Bywater William, Ingrow cottage, Docker Tom Langton, 36 Gaywood rd Hall Frank Waiter, 3 York road,
Exton's road Dudding Joseph, Goodwin's road The Chase
Campbell Thos.llessle vil. Gaywood rd Duff William Francis, 29 Gaywood rd Hall William Henry, 9 Valinger's rd
Carnell James Laurie, St. Clair, Dunbar Joseph Swann, Corner house, Halstead Mrs. r8a, Valinger's road
Gaywood road Park avenue Hammond Rev. John, Killingworth,
Carpenter Albert L. Church lane Dye Alfred Claxton, Birtle Dene, Goodwin's Toad
Carpentpr Frederick J. High street Common Staith qm.y Hammond Oswald S. Oswald house,
Carr George Frederick, Laurel villa, Dye Robert, 34 London road Chase estate
Gaywood road Eagleton Ernest Edward, 6 Mount st Ham,;on Joseph, Sidra, Gaywood rd
Case Edward James, Nar house, Eagleton Louis F. The Retreat, Gay· Hancock Harold, Lyndhurst, Good-
Saddlebow road wood road win's road
Catleugh J. Harwood, 30 St. Nicholas Eagleton Misses, 36 Broad street Harbage Mrs. Rose villa, Gaywood rd
terrace, Gaywood road East Kenneth, Littleport street Hardy Benj. Crowland, Gaywood rd
Catling Mrs.Belgrave ho. St.J ohn's ter Eccles James L. 44 Railway road Hardy Robert Ashley, 87 Norfolk st
Chadwick G. R., M.D.St.Margaret's pl Eeles Rev. Charles· M.R. (Catholic), Harrison John William, I4 Albion
Chatterton Percival Thomas, Thur- The Catholic rrectory, London road terrace, Gaywood Toad
low house, Goodwin's road Elam Mrs. Park house, Littleport st Haverson James, Deacon's vale,
Cheal W. H. Crawley, Tennyson aven Elbs Henry, 32 Railway road Sidney street
C'hilds. George John, 22 Black friars st Ellison John Durrant, Houlgate, Hayes Rev. Arthur Herbert (rector &;
Clackson Mrs. 56 London road Park avenue surrogate of All Saints'), Rectory,
Clear William Henry, 7 Mount street English Samuel, 2 Whitefriars road · Goodwin's road
Coateg Daniel J. Gua.nock terrace Evere!Jt William, The Gables, Tenny- Hayes- George .A.rthur, Wollaston.
Coates Mrs. Norfolk viis. Goodwin's rd son avenue Park avenue
Cnleman Thos.Cansdale,St.Nicholas st Fachney Alexander, Ven~, Park aven Hayes George Nelson,15 Valinger's rd
Collinson Robt. Holderness, Sidney st
Hayes Mrs. Trevordale, Gaywood rd Lemmon Mrs. 24 North Everard it Pentney Richard, LitCeport street
Hliyes Wm. Thos. 17 Portland street Lemon Mrs. 62 London road Percival Robert Henry, York villa,
Heseltine Edward Charle'S,The Ferns, Leveritt James, Kettlewell lane Saddlebow road
Avenue road Lewis William Chas. Goodwin's road Permain Thomas, Kensington lodge,
Hignell Frederick Henry, Moyston, Lincoln Jas. Swiss vils. Tennyson aven .Avenue road
Tenny~on avenue Lincoln Miss, Tennyson villa, Gay- Perry C. W. Sunnycote, Gaywood road
Hildon Geo. Wm. 7 St. John's ter wood road Petrie Jno. J. Eskdale, The Chase
Hill Richd. R. Holme vil. WiBbech rd Lindsey Mrs. 106 London road Philcox George .Arthur, Goodwin's rd
Hillen Mrs. 5 Whitefriars road Linforth Oliver James, Felbrigg, Pichon Samuel Gibson, 3 Albion ter-
Hitchcock Arthur, 34 Gaywood road Tenr.yson avenue race, Gaywood road
Hitchcock Ernest, 38 Gaywood road Little John Breyea, 6 St. John's ter Pidgeon .Alfred, 4I London road
Hoar~ Mrs. 4 Middleton terrace Lock William, I8 Broad street Pilgrim Charles Frederick, Mirglip,
Hodd Mrs. 20 Albion ter. Gaywood rd Longman Harold, W oolscot, Ouse Tenny;;on road
Hodd \Vltr. F.Woodstock, Gaywood rd Bank avenue Pilling John, Estuary house
Hodgkinson ueorge, 32 Valinger's rd Looker Rev. William (Wr;;leyan), 33 Pipe Edgar Philip, Church street
Hodson Geo. Redvers, Tennyson av Gaywood road Piper Arthnr Albert, 25 South
Hadson George William, Borderville, Lowe Frederick B. 9 London road Everard street
Sidne•· street Lubbock A. E. 5 Windsor terrace Plowright Charles Tertius Maclean,
Holman Thomas N. t6 Portland street Ludby Mrs.Sbake5pcare vil.Gaywd.rd King street
Holmes Capt. A. E. Landaff, Gay- Lyon .Mrs. St. Nicholas' chambers, Plowright James Horatio,Grey Friars
wood rend St. :Xicholas' street house, Grey Friars
Hopkins Charle~, .Avenue lodge, McCulloch Alexander, r York read Plowright Mrs. Dane lo. Tennyson rd
Tennyson avenue Yiarsters Yirs. 9 Blackfriars road Plowright Mrs. Wisbech road
Horton George, Tyne lodge, Sidney st Martin George Harlowe, Lynton, Point on Frederick John, 10 .Albion
House Geo. Myrtle villa, Gaywood rd Tennyson road terrace, Gaywood road
Howard Alfred William, Glenroyd, Martin Wm. H.Linda ho.Tennyson av Pollock Walt. All Saints', Tennyson av
Tennyson avenue Maule Carteret, IQ.) London road Pooley Chas. Hindhead, Tennyson av
Howard Henry Miles, Norfolk house, Metcalf George, IQ St. James' road Potter, Springfield, Goodwin's rd
Goodwin's road Metcalf William, I7 St. Jame-s' road Potter Misses, I3 Whitefriars road
Howard Joseph, .Newhaven, Gay- Miles Albert, Waverley, Gaywood rd Pratt Miss, 29 Tower street
wood road Mile,; Frederick John, Athenaeum ho. Pratt Misses, u York road
Howard William Edward, Devonshire Blackfriars street Pridgeon Miss, 46 King street
house, Sidney street Miles Svdney W. East Dale, Gay- Pridgeon Mrs. 63 St. J ames' street
Howe-s Robert Valentine, Roseville, wood ~oad Priest Lonis, 31 Gaywood road
Sidney street :\iiles William S. V. Stanley house, Pung Mrs. Exton's road
Humphrey Fred. S. Listergate Littleport street Pycroft Wm. Nicholas, 76 London road
Humphrey Fredericl1, Chapel street Millard Geo. Evelyn, IQ Guanock pl Rain er Stephen J ames, 6 York road
Humphrey Willi:nn James, Marshal! Miller John Sheppard, 13 York road Hamm Henrv. 1 Wisbech road
house, Marshall street Milne.s E. B. Westbury, Chase ayen Ransford Alfred, 24 Gaywood road
Rye Frank, Una, Tennyson avenue Mi,;sion John Thos. rr Melbourne st Rawling Francis Charles, 34 King st
Ives Chas. Theophilus, 6 Portland st M'itchley Jn. W. N orthview, The Chase Read John S. 20 Nelson street
Ives Herbert, 17 Carmelite terrace Mitchley Miss, 39 Friars street Read William, Bryn-y-Mor, Ouse
Ivy Mrs. 8 Albion terrace,Gaywood rd Monkrnan William, St. Ann's Bank avenue
Jack David Samson, Carleton lodge, Monument George, q. York road Ream Alfred, King street
Chase avenue Morley William, Tamworth. house, Reddie Josiah F. 3 Portland street
J ackson Charles, 48 King street Goodwin's fields Regester Charle-s, 63 London road
Jackson Charles Wm. Kettlewell ho Morriss Mrs. 94 London road Regester Henry, 7 Middleton terrace
Jackson Donald Frederick, The Mortimer Alfred, W\rrington house, Remmington Hy. Mill ho.Gaywood rd
Beeches, Avenue road Park avenue Rennie H. J. Kettlewell ·
Jermyn .Alfd. Burleigh ho.Goodwin's rd Moyse Miss, 23 King street Richard Geo. Riversdale, Gaywood rd
Jermyn Bertrand, Northbury, Chase Mussett James Edward, 2I Albion Richards G. E., B.Sc. Grammar schl
avenu~ terrace, Gaywood road Richardson Thomas William, Lock
Jermyn Hubert, Belstead lo.Cha-se av Nash Edward, 2 Bridge street Elms, Loke road
Jewson Mrs. 2Q King street Neale John Manktelow, Findon, Riches Herbert Charles, 9 York rd
Johnson George, The Firs, Gaywood rd Tennvson avenue Ridley R. 0. St. Margaret'a place
Johnson Mis~. I.) Blackfriars street Neale Mrs. Mountain ash,Tenny-son av Ridsdale Mrs. Raynham lodge,
Johnson Percy, Holmleigh, Sidney st Neave Edward, Rossmore, Park aven Tennyson road
Johnson William Henry, I3 Albior1 ~ewman John, 6 London road Riley Harry William, Carlyle house,
terrace, Gaywood road Newton Ro bert, St. John's terrace Park avenue
Johnson Wm. Hy. 19 St. James' st Newton Thos. Westbury, Tennyson av Rippengill Henry, South Lynn plain
Jolly George, Blyth villa,Gaywood rd Nichols Geo. Rose villa, Tennyson av Ritchie Alexander, r6 London road
Jones Wm. Cornwall ho. Gaywood rd .Nunn Mrs. 12 South Everard street Roper Mrs. Tuesday Market place
Keane H. J. We;;t Norfolk & Lynn Offord Miss, g6 London road Rose Geo.E.Eastgates ho.Littleport st
hospital Oldfield Claude C. 66 London road Rowe H. W. 4 .Albion ter.Gaywood rd
Kewley Rev. Arthur B.A. (curate of Oliver James John, 33 Queen street Rowlett Samuel, 5 Gnanock place
St. Margaret's), Goodwin's road Ollett George Wm. 2 Guanock ter Rumbelow John, Hazelhurst, Tenny•
Keyworth Mrs. Sunny Mayes, Good- Ollett J ames. 3'8 Lond~tn road son avenue
_win's road Page Christopher Thos. 23 Queen ~t Rust Miss, 58 Railway road
King Arthur Rubt. Tuesday Market pl Page Dudley S. Bank building;;, Rust Mrs. 45 London road
King Etnest, 7 York road Tuesdav market Butter James, 8 Checker street
K~ng He_r~ert C. Chapel street 1
Page George W. Tuesday Market pl Sackett Sydney, Kettlewell lane
Kmg William J. Tuesday Market pl Page Miss, 37 London road Sadler Ernest, 13 Portland street
Kingdom James R. Nelson street Panter Rev. Charle;; Hedley (United Sadler Wm. R. 11 New Conduit street
Kirk John, Ingleside, Gaywood road ~ethodist), Tennyson avenue Samson Mrs. 25 North Everard street
Knape John, Holmbury, Tennyson av Parker A. E. 16 New road, Gaywood Sconce Waiter, 19 Union street
Knight Fred~rick Joseph, Oakhurst, Parsons James .Ambrose B.A. Sunny- Scott George W. Golden Ball
Tennyson avenue side, The Chase Scott Henry Hammond, The Elms,
Knowles .Arthur William, Colenso. Patrick Arthur Devereux, Elmer W is bech road
Tennyson avenue lodge, Goodwin's road • Scott William, 4 Guanock place
Laird Henry Richard, West view, Patterson Saml.Wellwick ho.Union st Scott William, 29 Queen street
Tennyson avenue Pattrick Thomas, St. Augustine's Seymour Mrs. Ely ho. Avenue road
Lambert Fredk.Goshawk, Tennyson av priory Shafto Thomas, 4 York road
Lane Fred W. rs York road Pattrick Wm. 13 Tuesday Market pl Shaftoe Thomas, 3 Middleton terrace
Langley Benjamin Wm. King street Pattrick Wm. K. 22 Nth. Everard st Shallow George, 7 Stonegate street
Langley Mrs.6 Gaywood vils.Gaywd.rd Paul Miss, 23 North Everard ;;treet Sharpin William., 21 London road
Larwood Geo. James, 32 Gaywood rd Peace John William, Clyde villa, Sheringham Misses, Carisbrook,
Lawn William R. I6 Valinger·s road Sidney stre~t Goodwin's road
Lawrence Harry L.E.St.Margaret's ho Peacock John Samuel, 67 London rd Shore Thomas, 123 London road
Leake Chas. Robt. Clifton ho. King st Peake Thomas, W oodside villas, Skinner Louis, Salisbury villa, Gay-
Leake Herbert Noel, 9 Portland steet Tennvson avennl' wood road
Lemmon Charles Herbert, Heathcroft, Peeps Francis, 64 London road Skrimshire Fenwick, Tennyson aven
Goodwin'• road
Sla.tor Ernest J. Barton house, Tenny- Taylor Mrs. Wisbech road Wardale Mrs. South Everard street
son avenue Taylor Mrs. H. B. Gledholt, Gay- Watson William, 5 London road
Sla.tor Mrs. 9 Guanock place wood road Watts George Wm. I I 1 London road
Smith Alfred John, Guys Cliffe, Gay- Taylor Robert, Norfolk street Websdale William, roo London road
wood road Teare Misses, 3 WhitBfriars road Webster .Alfred, rg Valinger's road
Smith Cecil J ames, Wineric, Park av Tea-sel Wm. sen. 12 Whitefriars ter Webster William, 23 London ro<td.
Smith Edwd. Francis ho. Tennyson av Teed John T. 2 Littleport street Wedgwood Wm. Brackenbury,King st
Smith Ernest Bullen, Ruskin house, Temperton Mrs. 6 Whitefriars road Whitaker Hugh, Waveney, Tenny-
Park avenue Terrington Miss, 6 Stonegate street son avenue
Smith F. E., B.A. Grammar school Thoday Inspector Henry, Keppel st WhitP Edward, 128 London road
Smith Leonard, Alsaglen, Avenue rd Thomas Rev. Charles Edwd. Stanley Whitmore Robert, Clevelands, Tenny-
Smith Robert, r Mount street (vicar of St. John the Evangelist & son road
Smith Robert A. Felixville, Tenny- chaplain to the West Norfolk & Wigg Mrs. Dereham cot. Exton's rd
son road Lynn hospital), St. John'-s vicarage Wildlmr Thoma-s, 99 London road
Smith Robert A. 22 Queen street Thomas George, Brooklyn villa, Wildbur Wm. Thos. 8 All Saints' st
Smith Russell, I Avenue road Goodwin's road Wiles Mrs. 3 London road
Smith Wm. Robert, 27 Queen street Thompson .A., M.A. (aBsistant master Wilkin ~rs. Horace, 33 London road
Smitha.rd Edmund Georgc, Glenvillc, at Grammar school), Gaywood road Wilkin Wait. Hazelwood, Tennyson av
Goodwin's road Thompson John, 17 Railway road Wilkinson Reginald Court, Burnham
Snodgrass Mrs. 88 London road Tliompson, 49 London road house, ~elson street
Sofiey Miss, 74 London road Thompson Miss, 12 Valinger's road Williams Charles Edward, Hazlemere,
Sooby John Henry, Elm Tree house, Thompson Mrs. S. J. Arncliffe cot- Gaywood road
Gaywood road tage, Goodwin's road Williams John, St. Kilda, Park aven
Sparkes Mrs. 3 Union street Tilson Herbert T. r6 Railway road Williams Miss, :-19 Gaywood road
Spinks George W. Malting cottage, Tilson Oswald Loose, 45 Railway rd Williams Mrs. Eroom ho. Avenue rd
'fennysoil avenue Tilson Thomas, r8 Portland street Williamson James, Lime house,
Springall Miss, 24 Railway road Towers Frederick, 5 Portland street Checker street
Springall Oliver, 13 Valinger'e road Tracy Nathaniel, 3 King street Willing Mrs. Kettlewell lane
Springall Robert French, The Friars rlanter Charles D. 6r London road Willson Henry Job, 38 Railway road
Spurge Albert Sydney, Holmsdale, Trenowath Tomson, no High street Wilmot-Sitwell Francis Stanton,
Tennyson avenue- Tucker Cecil John, Atherfield, Tenny- Cha.>e lodge, Goodwin's road
Stacy Thomas, Hatfield cot. Loke rd son avenue Wilson John, 25 Gaywood road
Stanton John Thomas, White house, Tuffs Miss, 15 Albion ter.Gaywood rd Wilson Mrs. r Argyle street
London road Turner Alfred, Gaywood road Winch Wm. Gla;;coed, Tennyson rd
Stephenson Arthur Percy, Gretadale, Twaits Ernest, 21 Sth. Everard et Winearls Horace, 30 Nelson street
The Chase Twiddy George, ro7 London road Winkley Waiter Dinsdale, Ingleton,
Steward Waiter John, 2 York road Vare Mrs. Caroline, so Railway road Tennyson road
Stockings John J. r 8 Blackf riars st Vawdrey Rev. John Cos~ham M.A. Winter Thomas Frederick Hud~on,
Strachan Mrs. 8 King street (vjcar of St. Margaret's & surra- Tollington, Park avenue
Suggctt Dix, 5 Railway road gate in the Diocese of Norwich), Winterton Mrs. Gordon ·villa, Gay-
Suggett Mrs. rr Valinger's road St. Margaret's vicarage, Nelson st wood road
Sutherby William, ro London road Verry Richard, Ruardean, Sidney st Wiss Fdk. St. Edmund's, Park aven
Swann Lister, Woodside, Tennyson av Vickers David Spurr, Guildown, Gay- Witt Mrs. 1 Bridge street
Swann Mrs. Fairlie Yilb, Avenue road wood road Wood Mrs. Woodville, Tennyson av
Swatman Miss., g Wllitefriars road Wagg Benjamin, South Lynn plain ·Woodwark George Graham, Good-
Tash Frederick, Riverside, Ouse Waite William, Lindi-sfarne,Sidney st win's road
Bank avenue Waldt>grave Miss, Norfolk villas, Woollerton Rev. John (Wesleyan), 30
Tassell Arthur L. Sherwood house, Goodwin's road. London road
Goodwin's road Walden Waiter Chas. 6 St. James' rd Woolstencroft J. W. Tennyson aven
'raylor Arthur, 13 Exton's road Wanford Alfred J ames, St. Olaves, Wright Thos. Canwhed, Park avenue
Taylor Edwin, Retreat, Tennyson av Tennyson avenue Yea Erne.:;t, Aliston, Park avenue
Taylor Miss, 4 Union street Ward Mrs. New Haven, Gaywood rd Young John H. The Oaks,Gaywood rd

COMMERCIAL. Allinson Henry Calthrop M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, &

Early closing day, Wednesday. consulting surgeon to West Norfolk & Lynn Hospital,
Abbey Herbert, Norfolk Arms P.H. 23 Norfolk street Stonegate street
Adams Percy, manufadurers' ag·ent, estate & insur- Amendt Hy. Ohristian Thos. refresh. rms. Railway statn
ance agent & buyer of bankrupt & surplus- stocks, Anderson George H. borough accountant & assistant
16 King street overseer St. Margaret's district, Municipal offices;
Adam~ Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 74a, Norfolk street residence, Fairlight lodge, Goodwin's road
.Adams Ward J. H. accountant, & agent for the Roval Anrlerson Thomas, builder, Tennys<Jn avenue
Fire & Life Insurance Co. the London Assurance Ca. Andrews Thomas Henry & Sons, butchers, 121 & 122
& Norwich Union Fire & Life Insurance Societies, 3 High street; '!· St. J ames' street & Diamond strPet
King street Anglo-A.merican Oil Co. Limited (Waiter Wiggett Chap-
Adcock & Scm, tobacconists, 112 High street lin, manager), near Bentinck dock
.Alexander Charles, cycle dealer, South gates Appleby John, co-llector of Cattle market tolls, & agent
Alexander Sarah Ann (Mrs.), tob~cconist, 53 Norfolk st for the Royal Liver Friendly Society & .Atlas In~ur­
Alien, Howard &. Howard, Waterloo house, King's ance CJ. 93 London road
Lynn, Appleton Elizabeth (~iss), fancy draper, 133 Norfolk st
Archer & Archer, solicitors, 24 King street
Archer Geo.manager for W. H. Smith & Son, 23 High st
A.rcber Goodwyn Luddington (firm, Archer & Archer),
solicitor & clerk tn th<> South Level (Ean Brink) Com-
missioners & to the Felt well New Fen Commissioners,
24 King street ; & Market place, Ely
Archer Harold (firm, Archer & Archer), solicitor, & per-
petual commissioner, clerk to the Feltwell New Fen &
By Appointment to By Appointment to South Level (Eau :Brink) Commissioners & DPnver
H. M. King George V. H. M. Queen Alexandra. Sluice drainage commissioners & to the Ouse Outfall
Drapers, dress & mantle makers, milliners, silk mer- Board of Conservators & registrar to the Bedford Level
cers, ladies' & childrt>n's outfitters, mourning ware- Corporation, 24 King street; & Market place, Ely
house &c. 76 & 77 High street, King's Lynn Ashton William Edward, boot maker, 2 Boal street
.Alien Mari<Jn & Maggie (Misses),dress mas. 26 Church st Atmore Edward Alfred, agricultural, dispensing & family
Alien & Neale, chemists & photographic apparatus & chemist; established over 6o years, 4S High street
materials dealers, 55 High street Attwood William F. printer, 42 London road
Allen Alfred, fish curer, Pilot street Ayre Charles Harris, corn & oil cake merchant, King
Alien Edward, haberdasher & general stores,26 Church st street. T N 21
Allen l<'rancis Solomon Thomas, slater, I I Diamond street Bacon J ames & Sons, auction{:ers, Cattle market
Allen Thomas, builder, see Dye & Alien Bagga Wllllam &. Thomas, -brewers, maltsters,
Allfiat William Henry, dairy, 17 North Evt3rard street wholesale spirit deal~rs, mineral water manufacturers
Allfiatt Charles, bricklayer, 2 Checker street & coa>l merchants, King st-l'eet ·
Allfiatt Charles Drake, builder, 18 Windsor road Bagge Alfred Henry, tobacconist, 3 Tower ~treet
Eagge George, beer retailer, 30 Broad street Bingham James, supt. to Prudential Insurance Co. Not·
Bailey George William, Star inn, I2 Norfolk street tingham villa, Tennyson avenue
Baker Elizh. (Mrs.), feather curler, 9 Melbourne st Bird J. C. & Sons, printers, 36a, Norfolk street
Baker Mary Elizh. (Mrs.), fishmonger, 22 Church street Bird Herbert Philip, supt. of cargoes, & apartments,
Baker Sydney, bricklayer, Lake road IS Broad street
Baker Waiter, fried fish dealer, South Lynn plain Bird Philip, master mariner, I4 South Everard street
Balding Lill!ie & Fanny (Mi8ses), temperance hotel, 4I Birteno D. J. picture palace, Broad street
St. J ames' street Blaxill Frederick, tailor, 15 Queen street
Bales Edward, insurance agent, 34 Wisbech road Blazeby John, boot & shoe maker, Littleport street
Ballard Christina (Mrs.), fishmonger, 6o Norfolk street Blogg Arthur Robert, coal merchant, 2I Southgate street
Balls .ilbert, fisherman, r Lansdowne street Blomtield Tom, butcher, 54 London road
Balls George William, fisherman, 22 Lansdowne street Blomfield Wm. Hy. baker & confectioner, 49 Nor.folk st
Balls John, shell fish merchant, 4 Lansdowne street Blott .Eleanor (Mrs.), tobacconist, 128 .Norfolk street
Balls Robert Henry, shopkeeper, I3 North Everard st Bloxham H. G. station master Midland & Great Northern
Barnbridge vVilliam Henry, greengrocer, I7 Tower !Street joint railway station, Blackfriar~ road
Barber Alfred, London Porter House P.H. 78 London rd Blytili Samuel, coal dealer, Highgate
Barber Amelia (Mrs.), draper, 70 Norfolk street Boam Joseph Limited, coal, coke & breeze,
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers (Charles factors, brick manufacturers & glass sand-pit
Bristow, manager), Tuesday Market square; draw on owners, Blackfriars street & Walpole St. Andrew1
head office, 54 Lombard street, Lundun E 0 & Heacham; & at Leicester
Bardell William .A. re-inforced concrete engineer & con- Bocking Edward, news agent, Church street
tractor, Goodwin's road Backing George, Mariners' Compass P.H. Providence st
Barker Joseph, coal dealer & Tilden Smith P.H. Pilo~ st Backing Herbert, gilder, 22 Market street

Barlow John, county court sub-bailiff, 8 London road Backing William, fried fish dealer, IS Windsor road
Barnaby George, fishmonger, 27 Broad street Bolton R. II. & Co. printers, bookbinders, account book;_
Barnard .Arthur, beer retailer, Pilot street maken, manufacturing- stationers & duplicate book.
Barnard James David, Victoria P.H. Estuary road manufacturers, Tower place. T N 200; 'I' A " Bolton,.__
Barnes H. W. & Co. Limited, builders & contractors, Lynn"
carpenters, ioiners, undertakers, plumbers, painters, Bone George Charles, cockle merchant, George street
electric light fitters, greenhouse builders &c. &c. Bona John .J. builder & contractor, plasterer, joiner
Market street & undertaker, asphalter & tar pavior, Phoonix works, .
Barnes & Son, boot makers, 8o High street Blackfriars road
Barnes Geor,Q"P. shopkeeper, 10 Wisbech road Bone Kate (~rs.), confectioner, 2I St. James' road
Barnes Maurice, grindery dealer, I04 Norfolk street Bone Martin, bricklayer, Hextable road
Barnes Wm. cab propr. 36 London rd.& 26 Blackfriars rd Bone Robert, builder, Southgate st. & 3 Whitefriars ter
Barrett: C. G. & Co. Steam Laundry & Dyeing & Bonham Thomas Wllliam, coal, coke, iron & steel
French Cleaning works, Gaywood & I 17 High street factor; scra.p metals, columns, girders, joists &a.
Barrett Charles & Son!'. grocers roo, & confectioners g8, Exton's road, The Chase. Telegrams, "Bonham,
High !'treet & Tower street King's Lynn;" T N 31 King's Lynn
Barrett William, wheelwright, Ferryboat lane Boon Harry Jarrett, shopkeeper, Saddlebow road
Barron Brothers, printers, I6 & I8 King street Boots Cash Chemists (Eastern) Ltd. 43 & 44 High $treet .
Barwood George Hy. Jolly Farmers P.H. Wisbech road Booty A.lbBrt, Bentinck P.H. Lake road
Barry Wm. Bertrand, inspector of weights & measures Booty Alfred, baker, 43 Guanock terrace
for Western division of the county, Gaywood road Booty Jessie (Miss), costumier, 18 St. James' road
Bassbam Luke, house, estate & insurance agent, 3 Haz- Borough Cemetery (J. W. Woolstencroft, clerk to the ·
lett's terrace, Exton's road burial boal'd; David Melton, curator), Hardwick road .
Batch John William, potato merchant, IOI London road Bouch Samuel Andrew, baker, u Wood street
Batterbee & Co. pork butchers, 20 Tower street Bowen Frederick, antique dealer, Purfioot iltreet
Baxter A lice Eliza (~irs. ), greengrocer, I25 Norfolk st Bow en J. colleotor of general district, wate-r & dock:.
Raxter Wm. He"lry, bead meter, Clevedon,Tennyson aven rates, Town hall
Beales Waiter, jobbing gardener, 5 Exton's road Bowers Sarah Jane (Mrs.), dress m a. r6 Coronation B!]l
Beaney Edward, fishmonger, 6g Norfolk street Bowker A. &. J. multsters & corn & cake merchants,....
Beaney Ernest Johnson, Lynn Arms P.H. 55 Norfolk st St. Margaret's place; Nat. Telephone I3 Lynn; Tele--
Bear William James & Son, bakers, 6g & 7I Friars· st. grams, "Bowkers, Merchants, Lynn"
& corn & flour dealers, 29 St. J ames' street & Bowker James & Co. Limited, shipping agents
millers, South Lynn Bradfield Edward William, baker, Highgate
Beaty Geo. blacksmith, St. Nicholas st. & St . .Ann's fort Bradfield Henry, secretary to the King's Lynn & ConntJJ··
Beaty George. stevedore, 43 Railway road Stores Lim. & to the King's Lynn Hotel Co. Lim.
Beaty Jessie (Miss), fried fiSih s'hop, Purfieet street Grantullv house, Gaywood road
Beckett Jame!J Benjamin, representative for the Norfolk. Bradfield William Charles, draper, 51 High street
News Co. Limited, I New Conduit street Bradford E. H. deputy supt. registrar King's Lynn
Beeby Lawrence, immrance agent, 45 St. James' street union, Sir Lewis street
Begley Arthur James, cowkeeper, High gate Bradley F. W. Limited, artificial teeth makers, 57 St.
Begley Hannah Jemima (Mrs.), shopkpr. 31 Setchford la James' street (tuesdays). See advertisement
Belding George Edward, saddler, 22 St. James' street Bray Edwin .Alfd. musical instrument dlr. 2Ia, High s~
Ben S. J. & Co. The Norfolk game farm, game farmers Bray Ernest, carp~nter, 27 South street
& game foud manufrs. Baker lane; & at West Bilney Bray Ernest William, brush maker, 30 Bridge street
Bell John William, Valiant Sailor P.H. Nelson street Bray H. M. collector of general district, water & d01
Bell R. W. auctioneer, see Curson & Bell rates, Tawn hall
Bell Robert, coach & carriage builder, Railway road Breese William, shopkeeper, 21 Oresswell street
Beloe Edward Milligen, solicitor, notary public, commis- Brennen :Ma:x, penny bazaar, 105 High street
sioner for oaths & perpetual commissioner & coroner Bridges G. M. & Son Llmited 1
for the borough, 'Clerk to the Charity trustees & to scenic artists & decorators,
the select trustees & clerk to Sugar's AlmshoUl!e trus-
tees, New Conduit street
Belsham Henry Noel, corn merchant, King Staith square
Bennell Frederick Wm. confectioner, 28 St. James' st
Benne1l George. boot maker, North street Telegrams-
Bennell Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 Checker street Telephone
Bennet~ James, secondhand bookseller, South Clough la " Bridges l<'riarJ
Bennett William Chas. horse slaughterer, I2 Diamond st 189
Best Samuel, draper,· I24 Norfolk street King's Lynn."'
Bettinson George Young, wool & seed merchant, valuer
& estate agent, Purfleet quay. T N 156; T A "Bet-
tinson, Lynn "
Beveridge George, news agent, 22 Wisbech road
Beveridge Peter, carter, 28 Wisbech road By .Appointment to His Majesty the King.
Bigg Alhert Ernest, tailor, 35 Tower street
Bigg Archibald, news agent, North street bazaar & exhibition contractors & proprietor& -<lf S
Bigg Charles, news agent, 23 Baxters plain & news James' hall, The Friary & Waterloo street
agent & coal dealer, Tower street Bridges Gertrude (Miss), dress makers, Loke road
BiHing William Elijah, plumber & glazier, 98 Norfolk st Briffet Marcus & Son, tailors, 3oa, Norfolk street

Brinn Sarah (Mrs.), coffee house, St. Ann's street Cawston & Son, watch & clock makers, 9 St. James'
Bristow & Copley, timber merchants, St. Ann's street street & fancy goods dealers, 8 St. J ames' street
Bristow Charles, agent for the Scottish Widows' Life, Central Hotel & Cafe, commercial & temperance (Harry
A1liance Fire, Norwich Union Fire & Accident Insur- Howard, proprietor), 68 High street
ance companies & manager for Barclay & Company Chadwick George Richlll'd M.D. surgeon, surgeon to the
Limited, bankers, Tuesday Market place West Norfolk & Lynn hospital, surgeon to boruugh
Brittain Edward, shopkeeper, 50 South Clough lane police, admiralty surgeon & agent, St. Margaret's pi
Brittain Frank, fried fish dealer, 29 Providence street Ohadwick John Henry, plumber & painter, 83 High st
Brooke Louisa (Mrs.), china dealer, 140 Norfolk street Chamberlain Edith (Miss), shopkeeper, 45 Friars street
Brooke William Maurice, baker, 37 Chapel street Chamberlain Mary Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 17 Windsor road
Brown Francis George, grocer, 38 St. James' street Chappell Wm. Henry, veterinary surgeon, 8 Railway rd
Brown Frederick, assistant insurance supt. r6 Regent st Chase Matthew, shell fish merchant, Sir Lewis street
Brown Harry, monumental mason, 77 London road Chase Samuel, grocer, 1 I Pilot street
Brown Henry Charles Ph.D., F.I.C. sec. to the We~t Chase William John, boot & shoe dealer, Lake road
NOII"folk Farmers' Manure & Chemical Co. Limited, Chatterton & Co. cake merchants, Valinger's road
Wisbech road Chenery Jas. lock & general smith, .A.lbion st. Railway rd
Brown Leonard, baker, Church street Ohenery James, jun. oyster rooms, Albion street
Brown Walter G. deputy supt. regi,strar of Freebridge Chilvers Charles William, cycle agent, Littleport street
Lynn union, 38 Railway road Chilvers Jacob, boot maker, 32 Blackfriars street
Brown William Henry, builder, Bridge street Chilvers N oah, beer retailer, Purfleet street
Browne Herbert Forby, Rose & Thistle P .H. 15 South Chisholm .Alexander F. Ea~le hotel, large assembly
Clongh lane room for concerts, meetings &c. ; billiards; bottler of
Bruce .Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 9 All Saints' street Reid's stout, Watney's ales & Bass, Norfolk street.
Bruce F. (Miss), manageress of Cozens' hotel, Black- T N 175 King's Lynn
friars road Ohurch of England Young Men's Society (Rev. A. H.
Brunei Wolff, savmg stamp eo. 12 Broad street Hayes, president; P. E. Walker & R. Knight, hon.
Building Material Company, for stoves, ranges, secs.), Railway road
baths, sanitary fittings & Staffordshire goods &c. ; Clarke George, greengrocer, 35 Railway road
speciality: slating fixed complet~; office & warehouses, Clarke George, grocer, 2 Norfolk street
St. J ames' street. Telephone 193 Lynn; Telegrams, Clarke Mahala (Mrs.), apartments, 40 London road
" Slates ' Lvnn " · Clarke Violet (Miss), grocer, Kitchener street
Bull Isaac, grocer, 25 Blackfriars road Claxton Edward, jeweller, 6 Tower street
Bull Isaac, plumber, Blackfriars street Claxton Emily (Miss), milliner, 76 Checker street
Bull John, baker, Pilot street Claxton Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), dining rooms, North street
'Bull Samuel, boot maker, 19 Norfolk street Claxton William, boot maker, 76 Checker street
Bullen Arthur, Queen's Arms P .H. rS London road Claydon Richard, shopkeeper, St. Nicholas street
Bullen Claude, insurance agent, To Union street Clayton Richard, shopkeeper, North street
Bullen Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 8 Tower street Clough Thomas & Son (late J. Y. Potter) (estab-
Bunkle Herbert John, Red Cow P.H. Church street lished 18rz), ·
Bunn J acob, fish merchant, North 8treet
Bnnn 'Dhomas Gunton, fried fish dealer, Loke road
Bunting George, Norfolk Arms P.H. North street
Burgoyne Ernest, hair dresser, 19 Obapel street
Burklt1: W. & S. grain & cake importers, maltsters
& merchants, Lynn docks & harbour; offices, Purfleet
place. Telephone 53; Telegrams, " Burkitt, Lynn"
Burlingham & Errington, tailors, 59 High street
Burlingham Samuel Southall, watch maker,
jeweller, silversmith, sight testing optician & electro
plate & cutlery, 81 High street
Burrell Frederick, traveller, 73 London road
!Jurrell James FrPderick, grocer & baker, & post office,
i & 2 St. Ann street By Appointment to H.M. The King.
Burrell William, butcher, 57 Friars street
prac~ical g~m ~akers; dealers in fishing tackle, lawn
Burton & Son, carmen, 18 Chapel street
tenms, cr1Cketn!-~ goods & cutlery, by the best
Burton T. & Co. chip basket makers, 43 London road
Bmton Frederick Matthew, gunsmith, 7 Purfleet street makers, ammum~10n of. every d~scription, 52 High st
Burton Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 8 Chapel street Coast Guard Stahon (W alter Vmcent, chief officE'r),
Estuary bank
·Bush Francis Alfred, registrar of marriages & clerk to
Lynn Rural District Council, Hatton ho. Tennyson av Coates Daniel John, corn, cake & flour factor &
Bush Wm. Richard, apartments, 17 Blackfriars road grain merchant & coomb sack contractor , hav &
straw merchant & forage contractor, Guanock terrace
Butcher Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Luke road
lJutters J. & Co. financial agents, 21 St. James' road Cockerill Ernest Arthur, earthenware dlr. 137 Norfolk st
Caley Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 St. James' road Cockle William Henry M.P.S., F.S.M.C. chemist &
druggist, optician & photographic apparatus dealer,
tCallaby Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Coronation sq
Capital & Countie~ Bank Ltd. (Arthur Robert King, 70 High street. T N 158
Codrington William, Grey Friars hotel, Blackfriars rd.
local manager), Tuesday Market place; draw on head
T N r88
office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C
Coe Martin, cycle maker, 55 St. J ames' street
Capps Thomas, boot maker, IO South Clough lane
Coker Charles Bromley, hair dresser, 38 All Saints' st
CarnelJ John Laurie A.R.I.B.A. al'Chitect, Paradise par Coller R. & Sons Limited, coal, coke, cake &
Carpenter F. J., trading as La-a & Co. (established
1840 ), brewers & maltsters, wholesale & retail wine,
spirit & bottled beer merchantil & mineral water
manufrs. High st.; & Chevalier brewery, Church lane
Carr George Frederick, solicitor & commissioner for
oaths (firm, Parsons & Carr), King street
Carron Company, ship owners, Alexandra dock
Carter James Robert, draper, 71 London road
Carter Wm. Owen, Royal Standard P.H.County Court rd
Case Edward J. monumental mason, London road Coal merchants by appointment
Cash & Co. bout warehouse, rg & 87 High street To H. M. King George V To H. M. Queen Alexandra.
Castle Albert Edward, boot maker, 3 Broad street
Cater Mary Moore (Mrs.),tchr.of music,rsNewConduit st salt merchants, Blackfriars road, near Railway
Catleugh Richard, tailor, clothier, hatter, hosier, station; & at Norwich; Aylsham; Reepham; Diss;
boot & shoe warehouse & gentlemen's complete out- Thetford; Harling Road; Buxton; Wymondham &
fitter, 14 Norfolk street. Telephone 99 Hardingham; registered offices, St. Stephen's gates,
Catley Charles, poultry dealer, 12 Coronation square Norwich. T A "Caller, King's Lynn; " T N 140
Cattle Market (J. Appleby, collector), Paradise fields Collins Robert Richard, baker, Pilot street
Cat ton Jane (Mrs.), fried fish dealer, Diamond street Collinwn Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, _;6
Catton Lilian (Miss), dress maker, 41 Diamond street Railway road
Catton William Horace, confectioner, & post office, 27 Collison & Son,corn mers.South gates &Athenreum bldgs
Wis bech road Collison Benjamin, butcher, 64 Norfolk street
Collison Cecil H. proprietor of the Gun hotel, opposite Crosskill Thomas Alfred, groc~r, 12 Norfolk street
Post office; assembly room for concerts, meetings & Crow Frederick, boot repairer, 13 Hockham street
club functions; all refreshments of the highest quality. Crowe Henry, wardrobe dealer, 7 Bridge street
T N 134 ; T ..i " Collison, Gun, King's Lynn" Cruickshank John, travelling draper, 6 Guanock place
Colli.son Henry, butcher, 57 Norfolk street Cruso &. Wilkln (established 1804), auctioneers &
Collison Louisa (Mrs.), ~hopkeeper, Church street cattle salesmen, valuers, appraisers, estate & land
Collison Maud (Miss), milliner, 63 Norfolk street agents; offices, Tuesday 1farket place & the Cattle
Collison Robert, coal dealer, Regent street market. Tel. Address, "Cruw; '' Telephone No. 70.
Colman Ernest Edward, arch1tect, 4I Railway road Sea advertisement
Colquhoun Alexandra (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 83 Friars st Culey John Thomas, shopkeeper, 5 Pilot street
Cone hie .J. R., ·~.R. 0. V. S.Lond. veterinary surgeon, Culley Fred S. & Co. accountants, Market square
95 London road Curry's Cycle Co. manufacturers of Curry cycles &
Cook George W. engineer, Purfleet street Curry motor cycles, gramophones & records, 84 High st
Cooper Roller Bearings Co. (The), sole manufacturers of Curry Charles, fruiterer, 104 High street
the Cooper roller bearings for all purposes. T N Curson & Bell, agricultural & g·eneral auctioneers,
25 ; T _-\._ " Bearings, King's Lynn " valuers, business transfer, house, estatil & insurance
Cooper .Steam Digger Company Limited (The), ag-ricul- agents, IJ New Conduit st. See advertisement
tural engineers & manufrs. of the "Cooper" patent Curson Alexander, printer, 4 :Market street
steam diggers. Telephone 25 Lynn; Telegram~, Curson _<\rthur John, tailor, 20 Valinger's road
" Dio-o-ers
eb • Lvnn
• " ·
Curson Bullen, hosier, r8 High street
Cooper Thomas, managing director of the Cooper Steam Curson Frederick Augustus, accountant & assistant
Digger Company Limited overseer St . .Margaret's district, New Conduit street
Coote & Warren Ltd. colliery agent-s (J. J. Oliver, dist. Curston W. & Son, blacksmiths, Church street
manager), South quay; & at St. Ives, Hunts Curtis Daniel Robinson, pork butcher, Littleport street
Copley Robert Flower, timber mer. see Bristow & Copley Curt is George J ames, hard ware dealer, Littleport street
Cork Arthur, baker, 48 Blackfriars street Gushing William, Greyhound P.H. 25 High street
Corn Exchange (Chas. Holrnan, collctr.),Tuesday Custance & Son, tailors, 88 High street
Cosser, Whitfielri & Co. photographers, 6o Higl1 street Custom House (Henry Genochio, collector of customs
Coulton & Son, solicitors, 6 King street & excise & receiver of wreck), Purfieet quay
Coulton Richard Calthrop (firm, Coulton & Son), sGlici- Cutting Robert, boot maker, 12 Windsor road
tor, commissioner for oaths, clerk to the guardians & Daisley Francis H. confectioner, I 13 London road
assessment committee, 8Upt. registrar of King's Lynn Daioley Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 34 Providence street
union, clerk to commissioners of taxes & vestrv• clerk Dales Hugh, commercial traveller, 2 St. John's terrace
St. Margaret's, 6 King street . Daniels Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Sir Lewis streE't
Count Sydney, chemist & druggist, 17 High street. Darrington William, coal merchant, Austin street
T N 152 ; T A " Count, King's Lynn" Davidson John Ernest, grocer, Windsor road
Cuunty Court Office (H~s Honor J ames Mulligan K. C. Davis Albert, grocer, 21 Checker street
judge; Frederick Henry Partridge, registrar & high Davis John, Seven Sisters P.H. Exton's road
bailiff), London road Davy .Alfred Gratton, draper, rg & 20 Norfolk street
Couperthwaite W. M. & Sons, furnishing & general Davy Gertie Ellen (Miss), tobacconist, 37 Norfolk street
ironmongers-wholesale & retail; Davy Matilda (Miss), costumier, 8 St. James' road
Da.vy Samuel, butcher, 105 Norfolk street
Dawber, Townsley & Co. Limited, builders' merchants,
slating & tiling contractors, enamelled slate manu-
• facturers k sanitary ware, 4 Broad street ; & at
Dawson John Robert, Duke of Fife P.H. 5 Saturday
Market place
Dawson William, pork butcher, 112 London road
Day Alfred Joseph, blacksmith, St. Ann's street
By appointment. Daynes George Edward, grocer, 6o London road
Dennick John Iles, coal merchant; offices, Nelson street
hoop, bar, rod & sheet iron, cutlery, electric lamps & Dennis Frederick, baker, 40 King street
fittings, stoves & ranges, oils, paints & colors, Denny Edward, greengrocer, 2 Tower st. & North st
nition, dairy & horticultural requisites, sewing ma- Denton Capt. Richard, master mariner, 13 Carmelite ter
chines &c. &c. 75 High street. Telephone r55; Tele- Drxter Francis Stanley, fried fish shop, I I Bridge street
grams, " Couperthwaite, King's Lynn" Dickerson Frank & Samuel, builders &c. King Staith
Couperthwaite ErnPst, gents' outfitter, Tower street lane & antique dealers, Saturday market
Cousins Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r6 L"nion street Dickerson 'Villie Manhood, coal merchant, 11 London rd
Cowen .Albert Bishop, Alexandra P.H. St . ..inn's street Dickinson Thomas, butcher, Arthur street
Cox J. & Sons, cycle dealers, r8 Railway road Diggle Thomas, editor & manager of the "Lynn News,"
Cox Sarah (~Iiss), teacher of music, 56 Blackfriars l!treet Purfleet street
Cox Thos. Fuller, fried fish dealer, 14 South Clough la Dines Claydon, coal merchant, r2 Union street
Coxgn Stephen Arthur Thomas L.D.S.R.C.S.I. dental Dines Fra.s. Wm. blacksmith, Union st.& 4 Whitefriars ter
:mrgeon, King street, King's Lynn; & at Montagu Dines George A. teacher of music, 48 Railway road
house, Montagu street, London W & Clairville, Hun- Dix Phmbe (Mrs.), shopkeeper, George street
stanto:n Dixon Walter, Honest Lawyer P.H. London road
Cozens• Temperance Commercial & Family Dobson George, provision dealer, 15 Norfolk street
Hotel, stock rooms, billiards; spaciou;;; stabling, Docking Ernest Wm. coal dealer, 31 South Everard st
garage &c. (Miss F. Bruce, manageress), Blackfriars Docking Ernest Wm. hair dresser, 65 Norfolk street
road. Telephone 173 Docking William, fishmonger, 15 To~er street
Cozens George, baker, 31 Norfolk street Dodman A. & Co. Limited, en{!'ineers, iron & brass
Cozens Samuel, hair dresser, Chapel street founders, boiler makers & marine engineers, Highgate
Crake GeorgB J ames, pilot, 9 Checker street works. Telephone 20; Telegrams, "Dodman "
Crane William, baker, 6 Broad street Dodman Edmund, dairy farmer, Bridge farm,Wisbech rd
Cranfield Brothers (of Ipswich), millers (Alfred Giles, Dodson & Co. general engineers, Baker lane
agent); mill, Wellesley street; & office, North Donaldson Martha (Mrs.), fishmonger, 135 & 141 Norfolk
Everard street. T N 71; T A "Cranfields, Lynn " street & Chapel street
Creed Boardman, boot maker, 8 Blackfrian street Danger Thomas William, sail, tent & marquee maker:
Crisp Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, Windsor road tarpaulins, covers, sacks & bags, Tuesday Market pl
Cri~11 Jarnes, assistant overseer for Sonth Lynn district, Dorman _o\rthur Edward, working cutler, 15 Windsor ter
Windsor road Dow Alfd. Edwd. dispensing pharmacist, 59 St.James' st
Crisp Wallace William, chemist, 3 Saturday Market pl Dow Horace Hamilton, registmr of births & deaths,
Croad Chas. Wm. academy, 7 Portland st. & Railway rd collector to the guardians & relievin~:" officer King's
Croad Charles William, assessor of land & property tax, Lynn union, & accountant, Bank buildings, Tuesday
39 Railway road Market place
Crome Henry Rudd, Greenland Fishery P.H. Bridge st Druke Selina (Mrs.), cab proprietor, r Austin street
Crome James Claxton, Victory P.H. Tuesday ~arket pl Drayton Beatrice (Mrs.), milliner, 21 New Conduit st
Cross Waiter, clerk to the Guardians, to the Rural Drew Emily (Miss), dress maker, 2 St. John street
District Council & to the assessment committee & Drew Frederick, boot maker, 5 Broad street
superintendent registrar for Freebridge Lvnn union, Drew Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 11 Chapel street
19 King street Drew Helen Jane (Miss), milliner, Baxter's plain
250 ' LY.SN.
Drew James, master mariner, 27 South Everard streilt Fisher Frank Archibald, clothier, 34 High street
Drew William James, wardrobe dealer, 32 Queen street Fisher Wm. shell fish merchant, Old Bone yard,North st
Ducker Thomas Langton, surveyor of taxes, Kin"' 0 Flson .James & Sons Limited, maltsters & merchants
Staith square & manufacturers of oil of vitriol, manures, bones &c.
Dudgeon Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 17 Exton's road King Staith square; & at Thetford; Harling road,
Dunbabin John Abraham, plumber, 110 London road East Dereham & Whittington, Stoke Ferry
Dunbar Joseph S. accO'Untant in Midland & Great Fison George James, carter, 11 road
Northern Railways Joint Committee office, Austin st Fitness Alfred, baker, Extons road
Dunn Edwin, hatter &c. see Jones & Dunn Fitt Harry, saddler & harness maker, sr St. James' st
Currant &. Wright, land surveyors, valueB, estate & Flanders -~rthur, fishmonger, 7 St. James' road
insurance agents, 24 King stre€t Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd. scotch wool stores, go High st
Dye & Ailen, builders, South Gates yard Fletcher W. & R. Lim·ited, butchers, 99 High street
Dye Alfred C. chief reporter of the "Lynn News," Fletcher Joshua, traveller, 12 York road
Purfleet street , Flexman William, ship broker, see Garland & Flexman,
Dye Arthur Henry, window cleaner, Gaywood road & vice consul for Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Spain,
Dye Emma (Miss), dress maker, 20 Windsor road King Staith square
Eagle Frederick, laundry, Southgate stre€t Floyd Frank R. & CG. corn merchants, Nelson street
EaQ"leton Louis Fountaine, architect, building & Floyd & Son, corn chandler~, 5 High street
quantity surveyor & appraiser, house & estate agent Fordham Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, 3 Birdcage walk
& fire & loss assessor; sanitary work a speciality, Fordham Thomas, baker, South street
King street Foreman Arthur Frederick & Sons, builders, Railway rd
Eagleton Robert, traveller, Ravensdale, Sidney street Foreman Robert, boot repairer, 4 Friars street
Earl Henry, insurance assistant superintendent, 16 Foster & Bird Limited, printers, Paradise parade
South Everard street Foster Edward, Norwich Arms P.H. ro4 Norfolk street
East .Anglian Hotel (Nicholls & Campbell Limited, pro- Foster John Frederick Ba.rtlett, corn mer. 88 Norfolk st
prietors), Blackfriars road Fountaine Albt. slaughterer,6 Middleton ter
East Coast Steam Ship Co. Limited (between Lynn
Fox John, shopkeeper, 4 Windsor road
Fox Perct, coal dealer, 5 Diamond street
&Hull & Newcastle-on-Tyne) (William Furley, sec.);
Francis David, cycle dealer, Pm·fleet street
office, Boal wharf. Telegrams, "Furley, Lynn"
Francis David, tailor, so Blackfriars street
East Gates Bowling Club (Geo. Fuller, sec.), East gates Franklin George William, shopkeeper, Pilot street
East Henry, rope & twine manufacturer, 52 Norfolk st
Franklin William, Reindeer P.H. Highgate
Easter Henry, confectioner, 121 London road Fraeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boo·t & shoe ware-
Easter Henry, french polisher, 55 Norfolk street
house, 47 High stre€t
Easter Waiter, butcher 55. grocer 54, Norfolk street
Freeman W. J. auctioneer, 79 Norfolk street
Easter William F.S.l. (firm, Miles, Son & Easter), Freemasons (Philanthropic Lodge, 107) (Charles E.
auctioneer &c. Broad Street chambBTs Ward, sec.), Duke's Head
Eastern Counties Ice Co. Limited (The), .Albert street Freemasons (West Norfolk Lodge, 3,182) (James Brown,
Eastmans Limited, butchers, 46 London road & 129 sec.), St. Margaret's house, St. Margaret's place
Norfolk street French James Mason, boot maker, 30 King street
Eastoe Henry Percy_. g-rocer, 24 St. J ames' street Fromow Lucy (Mrs.), boarding house, 14 Portland st
Eau Brink Cut Toll Office (A. E. Parker, collector), 24 Frost Thomas Asa, clothier, 23 Railway road
King street Fuller Fred, cycle & motor car agent & dealer &
Ebbens Herbert, Bowling Green P.H. Checker street agent for a.U the leading makers; official repairer to
Edrnonds Sidney, Arms P.H. 122 London rd C. T. C. 103, London road
Edmunds Thomas Waiter, hardware dealer &c. 75 Fuller Waiter, secretary & accountant, 4 Whitefriars rd
Norfolk street Furbank Thomas A. carpenterr, joiner & undertaker;
Edwards & .Son, dairy, 21 All Saints' street & 12 St. funerals furnished i estimates given, 5 Burleigh ter-
James' street race, Austin street
Eglington Ursula Maria (Miss), dress maker, Church st Fysh Alfred, mail <XJntractor, 30 Valinger's road
Eke Albert George, boot maker, 9 Church street Fysh Ebenezer, grocer & prov. dlr. 34 & 35 Valinger'~; rd
Eke Hannah (Mrs.), midwife, Church street Gage Henry, boot maker, 7 Queen street
Ellis Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 1 Coronation square Gait Thomas James, chPmist & optician, 25 Railway road
El3f William. cook & confectioner; caterer for balls, Gamble Harry, Crown P.H. London road
suppers, dinners &. wedding breakfasts; Gardiner Arthur C.M., M.B. surgeon, & medical officer
school parties & clubs kc. by contract. Table linen, & public vaccinator Gaywood di~triet, Free bridge Lynn
cutler3(, urns & all table appointments on union,& certifying factory surgeon,Tuesdav Market sq
hire, 4 Norfolk street. Telephone 148 King's Lynn Gardiner Samuel, shell fish merchant, North street
Ely William, Duke of Connau.g-ht P.H. St. Nicholas st Garland &. Flexman, ship brokers & Lloyds agents,
Elyard H. T. farmer, South Lynn · King Staith square. Telephone 63; Telegrams, "Gar-
Errington Robert George, tailor, see Burlingham & land, King's Lynn "
Ess Susannah (Mrs.), nurse, _') Providence street Gates Robert Love, collector of Q"eneral district, water
Etheridge E. & B. wool & seed merchants, King street & dock rates, Town hall & 52 Blackfriars road
Everard Robert, boot maker, 52 South Everard street Gathercole Charles, builder, I I Union street
Everitt William James, marine store dealer. Surrey st Ga thergood Frederick, coal merchant, 10 Guanock ter
Ewen Ed ward & Son, chimney sweepers, 7 Valinger's rd Gathergood George, insurance agent, 11 Waterloo street
Ewen Ed ward, chirnney sweeper, Valinger's road Gautrey Alfred, shopkeeper, 23 Broad street
Gazley George, outfitter, 120 Norfolk street
E·Nen Jahn, cycle maker, 130 London road
Exley Elizabeth Martha (:~l:rs. ), corn & flour dealer, 127 Gemmell GPorge, outfitter, ng High street
Norfolk street Genochio Henry, •
collector of customs & excise &
Eyles George, artificial teeth manufacturer, 34 Railway receiver of wreck, Purfleet quay
road; & at Downham market (friday) George Alfred Henry, pork butcher, Church street
Fairweather & Son, cGal merchants, Paradise road George Henry, boot ma. 17 All Saints' st. & 13 Union st
Fakes Robert, locksmith, Highgate George Maude Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker,r3 Union st
GeJrge William, inland revenue officer, King Staith sq
Farrow Samuel, Princess Royal P.H. Blackfriars street
Gibb William Muir, tailor, 13 Railway rnad
Farrow Susannah (Mrs.), dining rooms, so Norfolk st
Gibbons Bertha (Mrs.), dress maker, 37 Railway road
Farrow Thomas James, commercial traveller, 13 St.
Gibson Thomas B. bill poster, High street
John's terrace
Giles Lily & Elizh. (Misses), dress mas. I I All Saints' st
Faulkner Mary & .Annie (Misses), dress makers, 18 Giles Alfred, agent for Messrs. Cranfield Brothers, or
London road Ipswich: officP. North Everard street
Fayers &bert William & Son, builders, King Staith sq
Giles Frank, fruiterer & greengrocer, 36 St. J ames' st.
Fayers Edward, picture frame maker, Duke's Head lane
& 55 London road
Fayers R<lbert, joiner, Marshall street Gilson John, fried fish shop, 5 Chapel street
Fayers Bobert Hitchcock, Crystal Palace inn, Railway rd Girton Arthur William, Robin Hood P.H. 21 Union, street
Felgate John G. shopkeeper, Pilot street Glasier John Samuel Bedford. solicitor, commissioner
Finch .Jacob &. HenrY' Young, chemical & artifi~ial for oaths, deputy coroner for Western division of
manure merchants. dealers in linseed & cotton cakes, county of Norfolk & borough of King's Lynn, clerk to
coals &c. Tuesday Market place. Telephone 45 Lynn the rr..agistrates & commissionerl! of taxes for the
Fire Engine Station (J. W. Shaw, captain), Common hundred of Freebrid!!e Lynn & clsrk to Runstanton
Staith quay Urban District Council. Kin~ street; & at Hunstart ton
Gleadhill Mary Ellen (Miss), shpkpr. 16 South Clough la

Globe Hotel (family &. commercial), King street Hammond .A.nn May (Miss), greengrocer, 8 Church st
Hammond Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I7 Coburg street
Hammond James Hy. Live & Let Live P.H. Windsor rd
Hammond Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 Langham st
Hampson Leonard, corn mer. see Gregorys & Hampson
Hampton Sidney, builder, Friars street
Hamson .Toseph_ pawnbroker, ro6 High street
Harbour Master's Office (Capt. A. E. Holmes, harbour
master), Common Staith quay. Telegrams, "Con-
servator, Lynn; " Telephone 77
Harbour .harriett (Mrs.), fruiterer, 36 Bridge street
Hardy Benjamin. ironmonger, :; 8 High street
By Royal Warrant. Hardy William Henry, Bee Hive P.H. Bridge street
Hares Ern est J ames, ironmonger, 147 Norfoll> street
& Market square; centrally situated; posting in all Harkness James Thomas, watch repairer, Purfleet street
branches ; o_mnibus & cabs meet all trains; ample Harper George Wm. bill poster, 6 South En'Iard !'I
a.ocommodatwn for motors; large lock-up garage, in- Harris Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 28 South Encra rd st
. pit &c. ; large bowling green overlookina ~
Harris John Brown, Mker & confectnr. 57 St. Jarnes' st
r1ver; excellent cuisine; moderate tariff. Telephone Harrison & Scrimshaw, field & entrance gate manu-
179; Telegrams, "Globe Hotel, Lynn." Proprietors, factUJ'ers, cattle bins, troughs, ladders & fowl hou~es.
The King's Lynn Hotel Co. Limited & carpenters & joiners, Broad street
Goddard George, clothier, hatter, bespoke tailor, hosie:r Harrison Edward, tailor, 31 Valinger's road
& glover & gentlemen's complete outfitter, 49 High st Harrison Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 12 Tower street
Godden Henry, insurance agent, Radway, Tennyson av Harrison Sarah A.. (:Mrs.), boarding house,98 Londen rd
Godfrey Robeort John, shopkeeper, 32 Austin street Hartley G. M. Limited, milliners, 2ob, High street
Goodson John Henry, pilot, Loke road Hartley Gertrude Mary (Mrs.), baby linen dlr·. 7 High st
Goodson J oseph, jun. Hull Trinity pilot, Pilot street Harwood Henry, sergt. -instructor to .A. Co. sth Battalion
Goodson Mary Ann Elizh. (Miss),fried fish shop.North st Norfolk Regiment (Territorial Force), Nelson street
Goodwin Eli,Stone Masons' .A.rms P.H.293outhEverard st H<J.stings Edward, carman, Austin street
Hawkins Charles &. Sons, auctioneers, cattle sales-
Gordon Henry, shopkeeper, Pilot street
Gore John, dairy farmer, Saddlebow, South Lynn men, estate & land agents, .Michael Stocks' Wood-
Gore William, cyde maker & dealer, 6 Railway road hall estate; Sir Henry Paston-Bedingfeld bart. Ox-
Gosling EdwaTd Ernest, boot repairer, 24 Setchford lane borough. Caldecote & Boughton estates; E. C. New-
Grange Alfred -S. Exchang-e P .H. so King street come, Hockwold & Feltwell estate & Francis .A.llen's
Grange Alfred Stephen, Dock tavern, North street Cockley Cley estate; H. N. Dugmore esq. Bagthorpe
Granger .A.rthur Robert, fried fish shop, 24 Norfolk street estate; Admiral of the Fleet Sir Gerard Noel's
Gray Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, n Tower street .Fincham estate; hold a weekly stock auction in Lynn
Great Northern Railway Co.'s Office (Charles Edward C'attle market; chief ofilce, Bank chambers; & at
Ward, agent Lynn & district), Tuesday Market place; Downham Market
Hawkins Charles & the West Norfolk
.A.lexandra Dock, Lynn Town & Lynn Harbour Sta-
Farmers' Auction Co. Limited, auctioneers;
tions. Telephone 12 Lynn
Green .A.gnes (Miss), dress maker, 18 South Everard st weekly sales for fat & store beast, sheep & pigs in
Green Edward. clothier, 10 Norfolk street tuesday cattle . market (Charles Hawkins, managing
Green Eva (Mrs.), grocer, Hockham street director). Telephone 136; Telegrams, "Hawkins.
Green Har:ry, farmer, Saddlebow, South Lynn King's Lynn; " offices, Bank chambers
Green Rerbert John .A..R.I.B ..A.. architect & diocesan Hawkins Henry Ernest, Fleece P.H. Paradise road
surveyor, Paradise parade Hayes & Porrett, fancy drapers, ro3a, High street
Green Richard, plasterer, 3 Tower place Hayes George .A.rthur, registrar of marriages for Free-
Green Robert, wardrobe dealer, 66 Norfolk street bridge Lynn union, Park avenue
Hayes Jack Capel, plumber, II4 No.rfolk street
Greenacre Edward, pilot, 14 Nelson street
Greene .A.rthur M ..A.., M.D.Dub. ophthalmic surgeon, 11 Hayes James Robert, chemist & druggist, II5 Norfolk
Hayes Walter, hair dresser, I I Broad street
St. John's terra.ce
Greenland Fishery Museum (J. H. Lewis, curator), Hayes William Thomas, cork & brush mnfr. 3 .A.lbert st
Rridge street Heckforrl William .A.rthur, baker, Br Norfolk street
Greenwood J. H. K. & Co. timber merchants, St. Ann's st Heil .A.lbert J ames, bricklayer, 22 South Clough lane
Greenwood Palmer, shopkeeper, Langham street Helier Jane Elizh. C~Iiss), registry office,14 Blackfriars st
Greeves Emma (Mrs.). umbrella repr. 27 St. James' st Hemeter John, manufacturer of all kinds of sausage
Greeves HerbeTt Joseph, Clough Fleet P.H.St. James' rd skins, also tennis ra,cquet, whip & clock gut, High-
Greeves John Stephen, whitesmith, Purfleet street gate works. Telephone 74; Tele-grams, "Hemeter.
Gr~gory Stephen & Son (established a century). aul'-
King's Lynn "
LIOneers, surveyors & estate agents, Tilney .A.ll Saints, Herd man John J ames, outfitter, 17 Chapel !!treet
Herring Samuel, Lady Bridge tavern, Bridge street
King's Lynn; & at Bank chambers, Tuesday Market
Rester Horace, travelle.T, 3 .A.rgyle street
place, Lynn; Whittlesey & Wisbech
Hewitt Robert .A.bel. Scotch Grey P.H. Friars stree~
Gregorys & Hampson, corn & offal merchants, South
Hides .Alfred, news agent, 25 N orful'k street
quay; & Wistech, Sutton Bridge & London. Nat.
Hides John R. greengrocer, u6 Norfolk street
Telephone, 4I Lynn; Telegrams, " Gregorys, King's Higham Robert, mat maker, North End yard
Lvnn" Hildon G. W. china & earthenware dealer, 44 London rd
Griffin Edmund, Custom House P.H. King street Hildon Geo. Wm. oil merchant & agent for British
Griftin Susannah (Mrs.), wig maker, 6 High street Petroleum Co. Limited,
Griffin William, artificial teeth maker, 6 High street
Griffiths .A.lbrrt Edward, boot maker,4 North Everard st
Grimes Het tie (Miss_), boarding house, I St. John's ter
Grimsby Fish Co. fishmongers, 28 London road
Grosert Robert, railway insp.ector, Kenmure, Cornwall Purveyors of To His Majesty

terrace, Saddlebow road
Gudgeon John J. wood carver, King Staith square Motor Spirit King George V.
Gun Hotel (opposite Post offico) (Cecil H. Collison,
Gurneys,Birkbeck,Barclay,Buxton &. Cresswell,
bankers, see Barclay & Company Limited
Haines Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Portland !ltreet By Appointment.
Haines "ralter, pilot, 11 Whitefriars terrace 7 St. John's terrace (Telephone 100) & Harbour oil
Bains William, enginePr, WPllington street stores. Telephone w6 King's Lynn
Hales Charles Henry, Sun P .H. 38 Norfolk street Hildon M. (Mrs.), apartments, Paradise
Baling Tolls & Corporation Dues Office (.A.. E. Parker, Hill Horace George, commercial traveller, Park avenue
collector), 24 Kin·!! street Hilton Stphn.& Sons,boot & shoe wareho.26 & 61High st.
Hall Arthur Henry, draper, 2 London road Hilum John, hair dres.ser. Waterloo street
Hall .A.ugustus, bricklayer, 2 Lansdowne street Hilton John, tobacconist & plasterer, 33 Railway road
"Uall Frank Waiter, dairyman, 8 Guanock terrace Bilton Thomas, fruit merchant., Chapel street
Hall J. (Mrs.), boarding house, 2 Avenue road Hilton Thomas, greengrocer, Saturday Market place
Ha.ll SR rah Ann (Mrs.). Lincoln tavern. Mill Fl!>et ter Hilton William, painter, Littlepoo-t street
Ball Walter, plumber &c. 4 Valinger's road Hinds Harriett (Mrs.), apartments, 25 Queen street

Ripps Limited, clothiers, 42 High street Jermyn Br. Perry, linen drapers, silk mercer!!, carpet
Hirst William Stanley:, watch maker, I44 Norfolk street
Hoan'l J ames BarnPs, master Inariner, r I St. J a.n1es' nl
Hodds Henry, grocer, Pilot street
Hogge & Seppings Limited, brewers, maltsters &
spirit merchants; brewery & office, Setch, King's
Lynn; & at King street, Lynn (on tuesdays)
Holben Eveline (Miss), milliner, I3 Diamond street
By Appointment to H. M. the King.
Holfmd Stephen, boot maker, 62 Norfolk street
Holloway Sergt. -M~jor Charles, instructor :X or folk & warehousemen & undertakers, West Norfolk drapery
Suffolk Brigade Company, Army Service Corps (Terri- establishment, Io, I2, I3, I4, IS & r6 & II4 High st.
torial Force), I PurfiePt place Telephone 6g
Holman Charles, collector of the Corn Exchange, Jermyn Br. Sons, complete house furnishers & ren~oval
Norfolk street contractors, cabinet makers, upholsterers, bedding &
Holman Charles, tobacconist, 30 Norfolk street furniture manufacturers, Io, I2, I3, 14, I5, 16 & I 14
Holman F. J. (.Mrs.), monumental & general mason, High street & Victoria parade. Telephone 69
Monumental works, Railway road J erry George, dairy, 39 Lansdowne street
Holm an Thomas N. coach builder, Market street J ewson Alfred Ern est, photographer, 20 King street
Bolmes Capt. A. E. port, harbour & pilot master & J ohnson Brothers (Dyers) Ltd. cleaners, s3a, High st
collector of port dues, Common Staith quay J ohnson W. H. & Son, automobile engineers, motDr car
Holmes J. inspPctor of postmen, I Eastgate street agents & dealers & cycle makers & agents, St. James'st.
Holroyd Randolph Herbert, Old Town Wall P .H. Wyatt st King's Lynn; & at Hunstanton Telephone 28; Tele-
Home & Colonial Stores Limited (branch). I07 High st grams, '' J ohnson, Motorist, King's Lynn"
liopkin Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Wisbech road. Johnson Arthur, oil & ·calor man, 93 ~orfolk street
Horn Arthur, Shakespeare P.H. King street Johnson Benj. Wade, plumbr. & gastitter, 26 Railway nl
Bcnn John Charles, carpenter, I6 Cresswell street Johnson Ernest Albert, china & glass dlr. 122 Norfolk st
liorsley Samuel, builder, Thomas street J ohnson Frederick, confectioner, r rg Nor folk street
Horton Capt. G .master mariner, Tyne lodge, Chase estate Johnson George, oil & calor man, 6 Norfolk street
Howard Alfred John, The Grampus P.H. Pill)t street Johnson Harry Dexter, Black .Joke P.H. North street
Boward Fredk Charles, greengrocer, 30 Blackfriars st Johnson J. Clement, sack & bag manufactr. King street
Ha-ward Harry, Central hotel & cafp (commercial & J ohnson John ~~ugustus, Duke's Head hotel, Tuesday
temperanee), 68 High street :vlarket square
Howard Thomas, shell fish merchant, 10 Pilot street J ohnson John Henry, coal dealer, George street
Howard Thomas Shaw, Three Tuns P. H. Church street John son Margaret (~irs. ), shopkeeper, rs Pax ton terrace
Howell Wm. John, Carpenters' Arms P.H. 44 Norfolk st J ulmson N ellie (:~'Iiss), dress maker, 46 Sir Lewis ~ii·eet
Hubbard Robert, french polishel!, 23a, Kirbv• street J ohnson William, electrician, 59 Railway road
Huddleston~ Christmas Emanuel, boot & shoe maker. J oily Squadron Sergt. -Major George, drill instructor to
28 Church street D Squadron The King's Own Royal Regiment, ~or­
Euddlestone Thomas Henry, boot maker, 27 Guanock ter folk Yeomanry, Gaywood road
Hudson Herbert, tobacconist, 53 High street Jones & Dunn, hatters, hosirrs, glovers, tailors &
Humphrey Fred S. ship chandler, St. Ann Street gentlemen's outfitters, Tuesday ~Iarket place; & :1.t
stores. Telephone I 84 Hunstanton
Humphrey Wm. James, agent for Steward & Patteson Jones John 'Villiam, picture frame maker,w9 ~orfolk st
Limited, brewers, Norwich ; stores, St. J ames' strt>et .Tones W. G. (~Iiss), baker, 23 Chapel ~;treet
Rumphrey William James.,White Hart P.H.St. James' st Jones rValter Owen, music teacher, I6 North Everard
Bunstanton ~[ineral Water Co. Limited, Queen street street & Bg Norfolk street
Hunstanton Pier Co. (Henry Bradfield, sec.) ; office. J ones William, loan office, Cornwall house, Gaywood rd.
Chapel street Jubey Frederick. boot maker, IO 'Windsor road
Hunt Charles, clerk sergeant, Police station Jnbey Walter Henry, butcher, I Tower street
Hunter Arthur, boot maker, 9 Chapel street Judd Grace (Miss), dress maker, I I Edward street
Ibberson Limited, grocers, 57 High street & I Saturday Judd Walter John, tailor, 9 Windsor terrace
Market place Judge Stephen Henry, district superintendent Pearl Life
Incorporated King's Lynn Forward Association (The) (C. Assurance Co. Limited, 26 Tower street
W. Perry, chairman; H. W. Riley, sec.), Athen~um Keane Henry Joseph M.D. house surgeon West Norfolk
Independent Order of Rechabites (W. White, sec.). k Lynn hospital
Rechabite hall, Coronation square Kendle Henry, Dock P.H. St. Ann's street
Inland Revenue Office; tax department (Thomas Lang· Kendrick George & Son, b~ot makers, 20 Hil!h street
ton Ducker, surveyor of taxes); excise department Kent Henry William, Fountain inn, H!ackfriars street
(J. M. Neale, supervisor); valuation department (C. Kent Horace, The Castle P.H. St. James' road
E. Widdicombe, district valuer), King Stait.h square Kent Jemima (:vlrs. ). Black Horse inn, Chapel street
International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd. grocers, 103 High st Kent J emima (Mrs.), dining rooms, 29 Norfolk street &
Isgate Charles, fried fish sho.p, Church street greengrocer, 27 ~Grfolk street
Ives Thomas & Sons, builders, 22 Friars street; works, Kent John William, Central P. H. Purfieet strePt
South Everard street Kent Willinm, heer retailer, Stonegate street
Ivy Emily (Miss), d'ress maker, 109 London road Kent rVilliam, blacksmith, rq St. J ames' road
Jack David Samson M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, 61 Kidd William. greengrocer, Windsor road
St. James' street Kiddell Alfred, commi8sion agent, New Conduit street
Jackson Arthur, plumber, 5 Windsor road King Edward VII. Grammar School (Rev. Walter Bovce
Ja.ckson Arthur Thomas, chimney sweep, l'nion lane ~LA., M.V.O. head master)
Jackson Charles L.R.C.P.Edin., L.F.P.S.Glas. physician King .Arthur, shopkeeper, North street
& surgeon, & medical officer l'lorth district, Lyan King Arthur Robert, manager Capital & Counties Bank
union, 48 King street Limited, Tuesday Market place
J ackson Charles W., A. M. I.E. E. boroug-h elect.rical King Frank Callaby, Dog & Duck P.H. Pilot street
engineer, Corporation electricity works King William Johnson, w.atch & clock maker, jeweller,
J ackson Donald Frederick, solicitor & commissioner for silversmith & optician, 54 High street
oaths, clerk to the Gaywood Burial Board & sec. & King's Lynn Angling Association (J. E. Mmsett, sec.),
registration agent to the King's Lynn Comervatire & Albion terrace
Unionist Association & clerk to South Lynn vestry, King's Lynn Boy Sccuts (E. A. Sparrow, scoutmaster),
Bank chambers, Tuesday Market place Coronation square
Ja.ckson George, wall paper dealer, 2I Tower street King's Lynn Church Lads' Brigade (A. Hitchcock, sec ) ,
Jackson Harriett (Miss), dress maker, 2 St. James· rd St. Nicholas street
Jackson Robert William, shopkeeper, 3I Tower street King's Lynn Conservative Bowling Club (A. R. King,
J acobs Minnie (Mrs.), dining rooms, 8 Broad street sec.), St. J ames' street
Jaggs Elizabeth (Mrs.), fried fish shop, 2 Broad street King's Lynn Conservative & Unionist Association
J arvis & Morgan, solicitors, Tuesday Market place (Donald F. Jackson, sec. & registration agent), St.
Jarvis William & Son, architects, Paradise parade J ames' house
Jarvis George, hair dresser, 30 Railway road King';;. Lynn Corn Exchange (Charles Holman, col-
Janis George Henry, county court bailiff, I26 London rd lector), Tuesday Market place
Jefferies William Henry, jeweller, 39 Railway road & King's Lynn & County Stores Ltd. grocers & wine &
watch maker, 15 St. James' street spirit dealers, 82 High street
Jeffries Wm. Hy. Duke of Edinburgh P.H. Littleport st King's Lynn Cycling & AthlPtic Club (G. Fuller, hon.
sec.), Albert avenue
King's Lynn & District Canine Society (G. Thomas, Langley .Alfred, coal merchant, 9 Wellesley street
hon. sec.), Market square Langley Clementina (Mrs.), Wool Pack P.H. Tuesday
King's Lynn & District Chess Club (J. W. Sedgley, Market place
sec.), Albert street Langley Harry, cowkeeper, Double row, Highgate
King's Lynn Dock Co. (Major William Pattrick V.C. Langwade Horace Merritin, tobacconist, 6 Chapel street,
chairman; James B. Bond, sec.; William Monkman, Large Ernest, hair dresser, 68a, Nor folk street
general manager) ; offices, .Alexandra dock (Telephone Large George Moore, cabinet maker, 45a, Railway road
49) ; London office, 155 'Bishopsgate E C Large John, greengrocer, Blackfriars road
King's Lynn Electric Theatre 1 Broad street Large John, livery stables, Waterloo street
King's Lynn Electricity Works (Charles W. J ackson, Lavender Rachel (Miss), dress maker, 24 Exton's road
electrical engineer) Laws & Co. brewer3 &c. see Carpenter F. J
King's Lynn Football .Association (Frank Rains, sec.), Laws John David, Prince of Wales P.H. South Gates
I I Whi tefriars terrace Law8 John William Folker, shopkeeper, 14 Eastgate st
King's Lynn Forward .Association (P.S . .A.) (C. W. Perry, Leake Henry & Son Limited, oil cake manufacturer, Oil
president; H. W. Riley, sec.), .Athenamm Cake mills, Baker lane; offices, Queen street. T N
King's Lynn Gas Co. (Edmund George Smithard, man· . ,· T .A " Leake "
22 Lvnn
ager & sec. ; Frederick Henry Partridge, solicitor & Lee William Charles, fishmonger, 5 Windsor road
registrar); works, Wisbech road ; offices & show- Le Grice Brothers, general drapers, 21 & 22 High street
rooms, 20 St. J ames' street; office, Telephone 96 L~man George, grocer & draper, & post office, Loke road
Lynn; works, Telephone 58 Lynn Leman Henry, fish merchant, 20 Pilot street
King's Lynn Globe Bowling Club (J. J. Oliver, sec.), Leman John, Lord Nelson P.H. 28 .Austin street
Queen street Letzer Ethel (Mrs.), dress maker, 120 High street
King's Lynn Horticultural Society (F . .A. Bush, sec) Leveritt Capt. James, master mariner, Ketterwell lane
King's Lynn Hotel Co. Limited, proprietors of the Globe Licensed Victuallers' .Association (.Albert L. Carpenter,
hotel, King street (H. Bradfield, sec) sec.), Church lane
King's Lynn & Hunstanton Operatic Society (C. 0. Lift Albert William, pork butcher, Purfleet street
Billing, sec) Lilley Frederick, commercial traveller, Blackfriars road
King's Lynn Independent Club (Thomas Gibson Bowles, Lincoln Alfred, wheelwright, Littleport street
president; Capt. Graham Woodwark, chairman; Thos. Lincoln Emma (Ml'!l.), grocer, 33 Norfolk street
Blott, sec.; .Alfred Drage, steward), Church street Lincoln J sph. Step hen, antique dlr. Saturday Market pl
King's Lynn Independent Labour Club (John William Linford Thomas, reporter, Ethel terrace
Mills, sec.), Windsor road Linforth Oliver, sec. & registration agent for the North-
King's Lynn Lawn Tennis Club (D. White, sec.), West Norfolk Conservative & Unionist .Association,
Rlackfriars road Unionist chambers, Tuesday Market place
King's Lynn Lying-in Charity (Miss Kate Bulman, Link Florence (Miss), dress maker, 30 Diamond street
sec.), Tower place Linley Thomas, traveller, 8 Middleton terrace
King'• Lynn Municipal Technical Institute (H. M. Lipton Limited, provision dealers, rr High street
Howard B. .A. director & sec.), London road Little Richard Thomas, traveller, 39 London road
King's Lynn Musical Society (G. R. Oswell & G. E . .B.· Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society Ltd. (Sidney
Kendrick, secs) Bew, district manager), 12 St. John's terrace
King's Lynn Town Cricket Clnb (W. F. Hodd, hon, sec.) Loadcs Herber·t, greengrocer, 13 Tower street
King's Lynn United Bowling Club (F. Golden, sec.), Lock William & Son, sanitary, heating & electrical
Exton's road
King's Lynn & West Norfolk Club (Charles Harris Ayre
esq. chairman; Donald F. Jackson esq. hon. sec. &
treas. ; William Durrant, steward), St. Margaret's
place. Telephone 27
King's Lynn & West Norfolk Conservative Club (Ben
W. J ohnson, juil. sec.; Alfred Sturman, steward), St.
J ames' house, St. J ames' street By .Appointment,
King's Lynn & West Norfolk Conservative Club Co. engineers, plumbers & house decorators & geheral
Limited (Henry Bradfield, sec.), St. J ames' house, contractors, 15 & 16 Norfolk street & Broad street.
St. J ames' street Telephone, 107; Telegrams, "Lock, Contractor, Lynn"
King's Lynn & West Nor folk Permanent Benefit Building Lock Stephen Henry, butcher, 17 Norfolk street
Society (C. W. Groad, sec.), 39 Railway road &. 3 Lock William Manning, greengrocer, u8 Norfolk street
King street Locke Charles, George P.H. New Conduit street
King's Lynn & West Norfolk Stallion & Foal Sbo" Logsdail Henry, Lhemist, 53 London road
Society (J. I. Dennick, sec) London Central Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, 136 Norfolk st
King's Lynn Working Men's Club (.!.. Drew, sec.), St London & Provincial Bank Limited (branch) (Geo.
J ames' street
W. Page, manager), Tuesday Market place; draw on
King's Lynn Workin_g- Men's Co-operative Society Ltd.
3 Bank buildings, Lothbury E C & Glyn, Mills, Currie
(Frederick H. Hignell, sec. ; George W. Hudson,
general manager), grocers .tc. Valinger's road & & Co. London E 0
London Tailoring Co. (King's Lynn) Limited (The),
Nor folk street
King's Lynn Young Men's Christian .Association (G. M. ladies' & gentlem1m's tailors, liveries & clerical out-
fit!j &c. (L. E. Harvey, managing director), 85 High st
Bridges, president; J. H. Martin, treas.; W. I. Bray,
hon. sec.; William Gunns, caretaker), St. James' st Love Brothers, tailors, r46 Nor folk street
King's Own Norfolk Yeomanry, see Norfolk (King's Own Lowe .Agnes (.Miss), stationer, & post office,53 London rd
Royal Regiment) Yeomanry Lovve's Restaurant ,& Commercial Hotel (estab-
Kingdon James Renorden M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., B ..A.. lished over Ioo years); good accommodation for com-
Cantab. surgeon & physician to the West Norfolk & •
mercials &c. 3 Norfolk street
Lynn Hospital, & medical officer of health to the Lubbock Fanny & Louisa (Misses), stationers, & post
borough & port sanitary authority, Nelson street office, 37 .All Saints' street
Kirby George, greengrocer, 51 London road Lubbock Arthur, carter, .Austin street
Kirby George, hair dresser, 52 London road Lubbock Fred, horse slaughterer, Austin street
Kirby Grace (Miss), tobacconist, 21 St. James' street Lynn .Advertiser, Wisbech Constitutional Gazette & Nol'-
Kirk John, ladies' & gentlemen's tailors, 67 High street folk & Cambridgeshire Herald (Thew & Son. proprie-
Kirk Robert, boot maker, 72 High street tors & publishers; published friday afternoon), I, ~. 3
Kirman George, sluice keeper to Nar Valley, Wisbech rd & 4 High street. See advertisement
Kitchener Frank, grocer, & post office, 97 Norfolk street Lynn Angling .Association (J. E. Mussett, see.), 21
Knape Edward, builder, Gaywood road .Albion terrace, Gaywood road
Knight Frederick J. Great Eastern Railway goods agent, Lynn & Cambridge Transport Co. (Somerford & Thomas
Blackfria!'s road Limited), Tuesday Market place
Ladyman & Co. grocers & baking powder makers, 39, Lynn District Lying-in-Charity (Miss Kate Bulman,
40 & 41 High street & Tennyson avenue. Telephone 18 sec.), Tower place
Lancaster William, Hulk inn, & carman, Bridge stre11t Lynn Football Club (Frank Rains, sec.), u White-
Lane Fred William, English timber merchant, The Fria n friars terrace
Lane John, shopkeeper, 21 -South Olough lane Lynn & Hamburg Steamship Co. Limited (The)
Langford .Albt. Fredk. commission agt. 22 Valinger's rd (between Lynn & Hamburg) (.Arthur L. Tassell, man-
Langford Emerson, tobacconist, Blackfriars road, & iron- ager), .Alexandra dock. Telephone, 65 Lynn; Tele-
monger, 130 Norfolk stree\ & 131 Chapel street grams, " Steamer, Lynn "
Langley Thomas & Son, gate mannfact'Urers Lynn Lawn Tennis Club (Ernest Cockle, hon. sec)
') -4
Lynn Liberal Club (G. Gemmell, chairman; B. A. Met- Morgans Brewery C.l. Limited, brewers, maltsters,
calf, sec.; F. J. Miles, treas.; Alfred Robinson, wine & spirit merchants & mine1al water manufac-
steward), Broad street turers (H. C, Gowen, manager), Lady Bridge brtlwery
Lynn Museum (C. T. Page, curator), Market street Morley George William, shopkeeper, l7 Wisbech road
Lynn News & County Press (Lynn News & County Press Morris- Annie (Mrs.), pork butcher, IOI Norfolk street
Co. Limited, publishers; published friday), Purfleet st. Morris Frank Miller, florist, South Everard street
See advertisement Morris Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress ma. Tuesday Market pl
Lynn News & County Press Co. Limited, printers & Moult on j ohn, Windsor tavern, Windsor road
publishers, Purfleet street. See advertisement Mumford Frooerick John, inspector for N.S.P.C.C,
Lynn Public Baths (Thomas Langley, manager), Blackfriars road
Common Staith quay Museum & Art Gallery (C. T. Page, curator), Market st
Lynn Swift ·Football Club (Ben Green, sec.), Union lane Musson George, insurance supt. 37 South Everard street
Lynn Volunteer Band (G. Dines, bandmaster), 48 Rail- .Nash ~dward, milliner, 17 St. J ames' street
way road National Provincial Bank of. England Limited (Harry
MacAlister & Skipper, architects, Tuesday Market place Frederick Watson, manager), Tuesday Market place;
McClune James, printer, 3 Market street draw on head office, 15 Bishopgate, London E C
Macdonald Andrew Peter, baker, 3 Windsor road National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Mace Edward, tinsmith, Purfieet street (Frederick John Mumford, ipspector), Malvern,
Mackinder Edwin, cattle food manufacturer, Nelson st. Blackfriars road
(T N 47 Lynn); & at Lincoln Neal Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 24 Wisbech road
McLean J oseph Thomas, traveller, 32 South Everard st N eal Edward, pilot, 4 Checker street
Malby Henry, scale maker, 47 Railway road Neal George, carpenter, 12oa, High street
Mallett William, painter, Valentine house, Valinger's N eal Henry, tailor, 32 Nelson street
road; workshop, St. John street N eale J. M. supervisor of inland revenue, King Staith sq
Malt James, fishmonger, ro Railway road N eale J ames, grocer, 7 Blackfriars street
M ann Alfred J ames, shopkeeper, 2 Lancaster terrace, Nelson Joseph, watch repairer, 35 Chapel street
Portland place Newby Arthur Isaac, commercial traveller, 12 Albion
Manning Alfred, hair dresser, II3 Norfolk street terrace, Gaywood road
Marks & Spencer Ltd. penny bazaar, 57 High street Newham John Charles, iron worker, Robert street &
Marriott Edwin, Portland Arms P.H. Wisbech road Guanock terrace
Marsh Jn. By. organist at St. Nicholas', 4 Portland st Newstead William, shopke-eper, 19 Wisbech road
Marsters Charles W. seedsman, & introducer of Newton Robert, commercial traveller,3 St. John's terrace
French wheats; office, King's Lynn; warehouses, Dock- Nicholas Mary (Miss), servants' registry office, 6 Black-
ing, & seed farm, Saddle bow. Telephone 2X; Tele- friars street
g rams 0 " Corn I Kin<T's
0 L)·nn" Nicholls & Campbell Limited, Fiddaman's hotel, 11 &
Martin James Henry, florist, 66 & 67 High street r2 Norfolk street & East Anglian hotel, Blackfriars rd
Mason Albert Edward, grocer, 7 Railway road Nichols Waiter 0. Lord Napier P.H. r Guanock terrace
Massen Richard, tailor, 26 Lansdowne street Nisbet Capt. James, Sandringham restaurant, Little-
Matsell & Targett, booksellers, King street port street
Mat thews Edwin, sign writer, 27 Blackfriars road Nis bet Emmeline (Miss), cafe, Saturday Market place
Matthews George, blind maker, roo Norfolk street Noble Arthur William, grocer, Chapel street
Mat thews Jane (Miss), dress maker, 8 St. John's terrace Norfolk (The King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry
Maule Carteret, consulting brewer, ID5 London road (D Squadron, Major C. F. Gurney, commanding;
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, 38a, High street Lieut. H. A. Birkbeck, second in command; Squad.-
Mays Henry, master mariner, 20 Whitefriars terrace Sergt.-Major G. Jolly, Gaywood road, drill instructor)
Mears Arthur William, cycle agent, 72 Norfolk street Norfolk & Suffolk Brigade Co., Army Service Corps,
Medd Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, 27 London road Territorial Force (Capt. E. R. Hawkins, commanding;
Medlock Richard, Lattice P.H. Chapel street Sergt. -Major Charles Hollow ay, instructor), Tuesday
Medlock Richard, shopkeeper, 3 Southgate street Market place
Medwell Emma (Miss), dress maker, r8 Albion terrace, Norman George, boot maker, 9 Wisbech road
Gaywood road North-West Conservative & Unionist Association (Capt ..
Medwell James, builder, 3 Railway road R. L. Bagge D.S.O. chairman; C. D. Seymour J.P.
Meek Albert, greengrocer, Loke road treasurer; Oliver Linforth, sec. & registration agent),
Melton Bessie .Adelaide (Mrs.), shopkpr. 76 Norfolk st Unionist chambers, Tuesday Market place. Tele-
Melton Robert William, builder, Portland place phone, 149 ; Telegrams, " Linforth, Lynn "
Mendham Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 15 Union street Norton Henry Herbert, baker, North street
Merrikin Joseph Wm. Earl Grey P.H. Surrey street Norton Walte'r John, poulterer, 58 Norfolk street
:Metcalf Brothers, plumbers &c. King street Nurse Robert John, carver & gilder, 24 High street
Me teal£ Row land .Alfred, chemist, 5 Norfolk s-treet Oakes Arthur Edward, coal dealer 24, & shopkeeper 26,
Meters' Office (William Henry Baxter, head meter), Friars street
Common Staith quay Odd Fellows' Hall (John Palgrave, caretaker),Purfleet st
Middleton Agnes Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 7 Windsor rd Offord Robert James, cutlBr, I I Railway road
Midland Railway Co's. Office (J. W. Peace, agent), O'Hanlon Rachael (Mrs.), photographer, 108 Norfolk st
Tuesday Market place; Alexandra dock & King's Lynn Oliver James John, salt merchant, ship & insurance
harbour, Telephone, 10 Lynn · broker & colliery agent, South quay
Orford Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Blackfriars street
Miles & Son, auctioneers, valuers & estate agents & Orviss Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Union street
stock & share brokers, Broad Street ch~mbers. Tele- Osborne Henry, Shoulder of Mutton P.H. Chapel street
phone, 97; Telegrams, "Miles, Auctioneer, Lynn" Osborne Henry Million, Woolpack P.H. Gaywood road
Mile-s, Son & Easter, estate agents, valuers & auc- Oswell George R. printer, Norfolk street
tioneers ; sales of fat stock, sheep, pigs & agricultural Ouse Rowing Club (William Barrett, sec.), Ferryboat la
produce held weekly; offices, Broad Street chambers; Oxby Richard, inspector for Royal Society for Prevention
& at St. Germans. Telephone, 97 Lynn of Cruelty to Animals, 7 Whitefriars terrace
Miles Frederick John, chemist &c. Tower street Paddy Hannah (Mrs.), greengrocer, North street
Miles Sydney W., F.S.I. auctioneer, see Miles, Son & Page Alfred Edward, shopkPeper, 27 Friars street
Easter Page Dudley S. solicitor, Bank buildings, Tuesday
Mills John William, boot maker, Windsor road market. Telegrams, "Page, Solicitor, King's Lynn"
Mil!'on Chas. Christopher, market gardener, go Norfolk st Page George, Fisherman's Arms, Pilot street
Minister Robert, boot & ~hoe maker, London road Page George W. manager of the London & Provincial
Misson Henry, fishmonger, 28 Norfolk street Bank Limited & insurance agent, Tuesday Market
Mitchell & Connelly, costumiers, 103 High stre-et place. See advertisement
Mitchell Ge:Jrg-e H. coffee tavern, High street & confec- Palmer Wm. Jsph. pharmaceutical chemist, 92 Norfolk st
tioner, 14 Tower street Pamment & Smith, music sellers, 9 High street
Mitchell James, greengrocer, 72 Norfolk street Pamment Adelaide H. (Mrs.), apartments, 17 .Albert st
Monkman William, general manager to the King's Lyn n Pank Alfred, printer, 34 Nor folk street
Docf( Co.; offices, Alexandra dock Pank Alfred Everard, florist & fruiterer, I Windsor road
Moore M. & Co. bakers, 12 Windsor road & 35 St. Pare~zer H. lessee of Ly:'"l.n Theatre, St. J ames' street
James' street Parker Emily Mary (Miss), fancy draper, 39 St.James' st
Moore Leonard Richard, coal merchant, Tennyson avenue Parker Henry, mineral water manufacturer, Tower st
Morgan Henry Robert B.A. solicitor (firm, Jarvi> & Parker Samuel, mast & block maker, 13 Victoria street
Morgan), Tuesday Market place Parlett Jeanette (Mrs.), 1!hopkeeper, 1 Ex tons road
Parr John Samuel, assist. insurance supt. r8 Friars st
Parsons & Carr, solicitors, King street Plowright Sarah Elizh. (Mrs.), aparts. I6 Blackfriars rd
Parsons Jas. Ambrose B.A.Camb. solicitor, commissioner Pointer Bert Thomas, butcher, 26 Norfolk street
for oaths & agent to the Atlas Assurance Co. (firm, Pointer Thomas, butcher, 126 Norfolk street
Parsons & Carr), King street Pond Elizabeth Jane (~lrs.), stationer, 18 Norfolk street
Partridge & Co. solicitors, Chapel st. ; & at Hunstanton Porter Sarah Elizh. (Mrs.), confr. 6 St. James' street
Partridge Frederick Hy. (firm, Partridge & Co. ), solicitor, Potter & Golding, furniture dealers, New Conduit street
commissioner for oaths & registrar & high bailiff of Potter Ernest Bertie, hair dresser, St. Nicholas street
c:ounty court, Chapel street ; & at Hunstanton Potter Frank P.
Patrick Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Burkitt street
Pattingale Charles Joseph, Plough P.H. 14 King street
Pattrick & Thompsons Limited,

By To H. M.

Royal Warrant The King.

manufacturer of gates, troughs, bins, racks, ladders,

stacking stages, shepherls' houses &c., &c., &c.
(awarded silver medals from the principal leading
By Appointment. shows), Purfleet Quay gate works. Telegrams,
" Gates, Lynn "
timber merchants & importers, steam sawing, Potter George Baker, Golden Ball P .H. 4 Tower street
planing & moulding mills, creosote -orks for Potter William George, coal, coke & corn merchant &
preserving -ood & injecting heated creo- carting contractor, Priory & St. Margaret's lane; & at
sote bv•
hydraulic pressure, and drying kiln Shouldham & East Winch station
for rapid seasoning of -ood, Alexandra & Ben- Powell Herbert R. boot maker, 32 St. James' street
tinck docks; offices, Market place. Telephone 36 ; Powley Margaret (Miss), girls' school, 3 r Queen street
telegrams, "Thompsons, Kings Lynn" Pratt John Hy. ironmngr. see Plowright, Pratt & Harbage
Paul R. &. w. Limited, grain importers & merchants & Proctor Charles, house decorator, I9 Southgate street
cattle & lamb food manufacturers; & at Ipswich. Proctor William Henry, coal dealer, South Gates
Telephone, 68 Lynn; Telegrams, "Paul, Lynn" Provision Market (R. J. Boy, collector of tolls)
Payne Waiter Granville, chief constable, inspector of Pryke Palmer, coach builder, 25 Broad street
weights & measures, petroleum & explosives, common Pryor Fred, hair dresser, 46 Blackfriars street
lodging houses & hackney carriages, & relieving officer Pryor Percy, shopkeeper, 12 Bridge street
for vagrants, Police station Public Library (H. T. Rennie, librarian & sec)
Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited (Stephen Henry Judge, Purdy Amy Elizabeth (Miss), photographer, 84 High st
district su pt.), 26 Tower street Rackham William, news agent, SI St. James street
Peating Thomas &. Sons (established r826), -ine Rake Alfred, fish merchant, Birchwood street
& brandy shippers & -hisky blenders; agents Ransom Carolina (Mrs.), Station hotel, South Lynn
for Bass' ale & Guinness' stout; office, 71 High st. ; Ransom Thomas W illiam, carpenter, Union lane
stores, White Lion court ; cellars, King street. Ransome George, boot maker, St. Ann's street
Blendin"" Rayner James, shopkeeper, 24 All Saints' street
,.., Bond (the only one bet-een Hull &.
London), Purfleet quay; & al Wi8bech Rayner John, boot maker, 3 J)ilke stre~t
Peck Eliza (Mrs.), carter, r Bentinck street Rayner Sarah (Mrs.), Queen's Head P.H. 45 High st
Peck Jarnes, milk dealer, 13 Albert street Re::id & "\'Vildbur, general contractors, builders, under-
Pe~ps Harry, master mariner, 4 Argyle street
takers & builders' merchants & government contrac-
PerPival Robert Henry, station master at South Lynn sta- tors; sanitary work a speciality, Nelson street
tion, South Lynn Rechabite Hall (W. White, sec.), Coronation square
Perry Charles Wm. linen draper &c. see Jermyn & Perry Reed &Wayman,solicitors,Market chambers(tuesdays onl})
Petrie Jno. J. traffic manager Midland & Great Northern Reed Arthur Joseph, Union Jack P.H. 13 Queen street
Railway Joint Committee's offices & vice-consul for Reed Thomas Carrington, basket maker, 32 St.James' st
Belg-ium, Austin street Reed William, hair dresser, Church street

Petts Thomas Henry F. pilot, Sir Lewis street Reeder Rebecca (Mrs.), fruiterer, 34 Tower street
Petts Thomas James, boot maker, North street Reeder William, tobacconist, 32 Tower street
Phillippo John, Mariners' Arms P.H. South quay Rees John William, watch maker, 24 Tower street
Phillips Horace, shopkeeper, 3 Valinger's road Reeve Ern est & Son, grindery dealers, ro6 Nor folk street
Pickering W. E. ladies' & gentlemen's tailor, 27 Rail- Reeve Edward, butcher, 6 Saturday Market place
way road R3eve Ernest Charles, butcher, Windsor road
Pickett Harry Eli, shopkeeper, 17 Providence street Regester Henry Addison, assistant overseer for St. Mar-
Picton William, secondhand furniture dealer, 1 Friars garet's & collector of General "\Vater & Dock rates, 7
strePt & South Lynn plain Middleton terrace, Gaywood road
Pidgeon Frederick, ironmonger, II7 London road Regester William Carr, baker, Purfleet street
Pipe l<...cig,H· Philip, Crown P .H. Church street; retail Reid Elizabeth Adelaide (Mrs.), Lynn Volunteer stores,
r Union street
stores, 9 Tower street; brewer & wine & spirit dealer,
Reid Francesco (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, r6 Broad street
3 St. James' street
Pipe Emrna (.Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 South Clough lane Renaut Brothers, builders, 26 London road
Piper Arthur, hair dresser, 2 St. James' st. & Church sl Rey John Albert, credit draper, St. Clair, Park avenue
Piper Fredk. Geo. & Sons, painters, 28 Blackfriars street Reynolds Alfred, boot repairer, 9 Extons road
Reynolds J osiah, fish merchant, North street
Piper J ames, hair dresser, 5 New Conduit street
Reynolds William, photog-rapher, I02 High street
Pishcun Georg-e, purk butcher, 3 North street
Richardson Hephzibah (Miss), fried fish shop, 12 Black-
Pitt Benjamin, Blue Lion P.H. Norfolk street friars street
Playford Ernest Fredk. Hob-in-the-Well P.H. Littlep<:1ri st
Ridout Harry Melton, baker, Sir Lewis street
PloW'right, Pratt & Harbage, wholesale & retail River Plate Meat Co. Ltd. butchers, 7 Norfolk street
furnishing & builders' ironmongers, Rivett Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, Highgate
agricultural implements, horticul- Roberts Charles, hawker, Dilke street
Roberts John, fried fish shop, I02 Norfolk street
tural requisites, lawn mowers & dairy Roberts Waiter, shopkeeper, IS Railway road
appliances ; stove, range & mantel Roberts Walter Carlyle, tailor, costumier & breeches
makers ; bar, rod, sheet iron & paint maker, liveries &c. rora, Hig-h street
merchants, 8 Norfolk street. Tele- Roberts 1Villiam George, shopkeeper, 42 Blackfriars st
Robertson James Chamberlain, tailor, 78 High street
phone, 198 King's Lynn Robinson Alfred, builder, 22 Archdale street
By appointment. Roe Thomas, coal dealer, Whincop street
Plowright Charles Tertius ¥acLean M.B., ·B.O. sur- Rogers George W. wheelwright, Purfleet street
geon, King street Rogers Logan Edward, tailor, 3 Wisbech road
Plowright Cyril H. typewriting office, Tower place Roll Eliz'lbeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, 28 Set eh ford lane
Pbwright Cyril Horatio, news agent, 25 Tower street Roome Edward William, gardener, 71 Norfolk street
Plowright James, cycle agent, Market street


Rose John &. Son. -saddlers & harness makere, brush, Sizen Reginald, reporter, Lake road
carpet, sack & waterproof cover warehouse & portman- Skerrey John J oseph, beer retailer, r Valinger's road
teau m'lker~, 63 & 64 High street; & at Castleacre Skerry Florence (Miss), dress maker, 5 Cromwell ter-
Rose Thomas William, Crown & Mitre P.H. Common race, Southgate street
Staith quay Skerry .Tames, horse dealer, Tennyson avenue
Rose William, fancy draper, 32 Norfolk street Skinner John, rag & metal merchant, Boal quay;
Rowe Thomas, milk dealer, 20 Checker street offices, Surrey street. Telephone Sg; Telegrams.
Rowe Wm. Thos. ~aid's Head inn, Tuesday Market pl "Skinner, Lynn ''
Roy Robert John, bill poster & distributor & proprietor Skipper Frank, Ship inn, Bridge street
of the principal posting stations & hoardings in King's Skipper J. coal merchant, 62 Blackfriars street
Lynn & district, 23 St. J ames' street Skipper Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 36 Railway road
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Slack Harold, insurance supt. Goodwin's road
(Richard Oxby, inspector), 7 Whitefriars terrace Slater Henry, fishmonger, Blackfriars road
Rust & Glmpany, artificial teeth makers, 49 Railway rd Slat or John William & Sons, agricultural implement
Rust Albert Edward, parish clerk of Kings Lynn & agents, Southgate street & Broad street
sexton of St. Margaret's, 20 Queen street Small Herbert, basket maker, 99 Norfolk street
Rust Henry Charles, corn & flour mer. 112 Norfolk st Smalls Henry, basket maker, St. Nicholas street
Ryder & Cros~kill, confectioners, 101 High street Smith Alfred & Son, boot & shoe makers, 138 Norfolk st
Ryder Eliza (Miss), 1 onfectioner, Electric cafe, Broad st Smith Brothers, saddlers, 21 Railway road
Sadler & Son, tailors, 23 Tuesday Market place Smith J ames & Sons, dyers & cleaners, .Arcade, High st
Sadler ..., Woodwark, solicitors, Tuesday Market place Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers (George Archer, mana-
Sadler Elizh. Lydia (Miss), music teacher, 57 Railway rd ger), 23 High straet & (William Gibbard, clerk in
Sadler W illiam Russell, solicitor (firm, Sadler & Wood- charge), bookstall, Railway station
wark), Tuesday Market place Smith W. R. & Co. coal merchants, South quay & 27
St. James' Hall (Geo. M. Bridges & Son Ltd. proprs) Queen street
Sainty John, horse breaker, Black Horse street Smith Albert Edward, cabinet maker, 34 All Saints'
Sainty William, chimney sweeper, 26 Chapel street street; workshop, London road
Salter & Salter, boot warehouse, II3 High street Smith Albert William, insurance supt. Cornwall ter-
Sampher Nora (Miss), fishmonger, 21 Norfolk street race, Saddlebow road
Sampher Thomas Taylor, fish salesman, Chapel street Smith Alfred D.B.O.A., F.S.M.C. watch maker, op-
Sampher Thomas Taylor, fisherman, North street tician, jeweller & silversmith; estab. r87r; 98 High st
Sandringham Restaurant & Hotel (James C. Nisbet,
proprietor), Littleport street Smith .Alfred J. borough surveyor & engineer to the
Sa under son Elizabeth (Mrs.), tailoress, So Norfolk street King's Lynn Water Works, Town hall
Savages Ltd. general engineers, St. Nicholas iron works, Smith Charles, shopkeeper, 4 North street
Alexandra dock. Telephone, 9 Lynn Smith Charles Wlnlove 1
Sawyer Hannah (Mrs.). butcher, 30 St. James' street
Sawyer William Y. fancy draper & milliner, hosier,
glover & ladies' underclothing, r I St. James' street
Sconce Walter & Sons, scenic artists, Chl\fch street
Scott & Son. complete house furnishers,
cabinet makers & upholsterers, bedding manufac-
turers, china, glass & enamelled goods, cork lino
specialists & music & pianoforte dealers, removal
contractors & funeral furnishers (illus-

trated catalogues on application), 91, 92, 93, By Appointment .
94, 95, g6 & 97 High street & I, z & 3 Purfleet street; Confectioner & caterer & wedding cake maker; tables
steam factory, South quay. The largest com- & all requisites on hire for "At Homes," luncheons,
plete house furnishers in the Eastern suppers & wedding parties; catering & refreshment
contractor on any scale, 50 High street
Scott & Son, musical instrument dealers, 42 High street Smith Charlotte Emma Maria (Mrs.), Salisbury Arms
Scott Arthur, shopkeeper, 49 Friars street P.H. 23 Guanock terrace
Scott .Arthur John, commission agent, King Staith sq Smith Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Coronation square
Scott George W. (established 187o), wholesale fruit & Smith Frederick, shopkeeper, 13 Bridge street
potato grower, seed potato specialist, nurseryman, Smith Harper, chartered accountant, Bank buildings,
seedsman, florist & fruit tree grower, Golden Ball Tuesday Market place
fruit farms, South Lynn & St. Mary'ii Smith Harry, clog block maker, r8 Carmelite terrace
Scott Henry Hammond, fruit merchant, Surrey lane Smith Hora~e, me~hanical engineer, 75 London road
Scott John, baker, 123 Norfolk street Smith James, shopkeeper, 41 Lansdowne street
Scott William, grocer, 9 Guanock terrace Smith John Wm. grocer & master mariner,36 All Saints st
Sculpher Charles, boot maker, sr Norfolk street Smith John William, tinsmith, Union lane
Seaman Charles, confectioner, 24 Blackfriars street Smith Sarah (Mrs.), Engineers' tavern, lHackfriars road
Seaman Frederick Charles, hair dresser, St. Ann's street Smith Thos. Hy. M. music seller, see Pamment & Smith
Self John, cabinet maker, 7 Norfolk street Smith Thos.Wm.Duke of Cumberland P.H.86 Norfolk st
Sellis Ernest, King-s Head P .H. Queen street Smith William Christmas, Rose P.H. South ~treet
Sennett Frank, sail maker, King street Smith William Frederick, builder, Albert ter. & Norfolk st
Seppings & Wilkin, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, Smith William Osbert, sail maker, zia, Lansdowne st
King street (Telephone 38); & wed. at Dersingham Smithard Edmund George, manager & secretary of the
Sharman John Thomas, shopkeeper, zg Setchford lane King's Lynn Gas Co. Wisbech road
Sharman William, pork butcher, 35 Broad street
Sharp Caroline (Mrs.),pawnbroker,25&26 New Conduit st Sommerfeld & Thomas l...imited 1 ship brokers &
Sharpin Thomas, Three Crowns P.H. 21 Queen street shipping agents, granite & slag merchants & coal
Sharpin William Main, fruit merchant, Broad street factors, Tuesday Market place. 'relephone 6r ; tele-
Shaw John William, inspector of nuisance to the grams, " Sommerfeld, Lynn"
boroug-h & Port Sanitary Authority Southerland E. Henry & Son, butchers, 4 Norfolk street
Sheen Florence Eliza (Miss), tobacconist, 86a,London rd & 2 ValingeT's road
Sheppardson Saml. chimney swpr. Attos yard, Norfolk st Speed .Alfred, jeweller & watch maker, Sg High street
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent Spinks Alfred, confectioner, 38 Tower street
Society (Capt. Richard Denton, Carmelite terrace, Sporne William, shopkeeper, South street
hon. sec.), The Docks Spragg Alfred James, builder, IO Cresswell street
Shirley Arthur, organist, Blackfriars road Springall Robert French, timber merchant, Bridge street
Sidgwick Thoma.s, cabinet maker, 37 Tower street Stafford Lily (Miss), dress maker, I 8 Setchford lane.
Sillett Frederick, cycle agent, London road Stafford Robert, baker, 17 Setchford lane
Sillis William, .Anchor of Hope P.H. 95 Norfolk street Stanley John, Lord Kelvin P.H. Market street
Simpson Harriet (Mrs.), aparts. 27 Coronation square Stanton J. T. & Co. Ltd. timber mers. St. Ann's fort
Simpson Thomas, beer retailer, 7 Southgate street Star Tea Co. Ltd. (Alfd. Large, manager)~ 37 High st
Simpson William, Plumbers' .Arms, 26 Broad street Starling Catherine (Mrs.), feather curler, r I Stonegate st
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, 9 Norfolk street Stearn Rose & Blanche (Misses), ladies' outfitters, 79
Sizeland George, fried fish shop, Littleport street High street
Stephem10n Herbert J. insurance agent, 3 Norfolk street Townaend Charles, corn, cake & seed merchant,
Stevens Samuel & Son, fishmongers, Blackfriars street
Stevens Ro bert, tobacconist, Church street
Ste'Ward & Patteson Limited, brewers & wine &
spirit merchants (Norwich) (William James Hnmphrey,
agent), St. James' street. Telephone 104 Lynn
Stockdale George Edmund, corn mer. I I St. John's ter
Stolham John, Three Pigeons P.H. 14 St. James' street
Stone George, manager of Curry's Cycle Co. 84 High st
Street Samuel G. musical instrument dealer, 46 High st By Royal Appointment.
Studd Richard Butter, poultry dealer, 39 Tower street nurseryman & seed & bulb grower; fruit, forest &.
Sucker John, coach builder, 21 North Ev!l'rard street ornamental trees &c. 45 Nor folk street ; & at Ford-
Suggett Ellen Mary (Miss), milliner, 35 High l!!treet - ham, Soham, Cambs. Telephone gi ; telegrams,.
Surveyor of Taxes (Thomas Langton Ducker, surveyor), " Charles Townsend, King's Lynn" ·
King Staith square Tracy Nathaniel L.D.S., F.P.S.G. dental surgeon, 3·
Sutherland Ed.ward Henry, butcher, 41 Norfolk street King street. Telephone gB
Sutton & Co. general carriers(Wm. Blackster ,agt. ),King st Trenowath Brothers, general drapers (by Royal Appoint-
Sutton Daniel, grocer, 20 Church street m~nt to the King & Queen Alexandra ), 109 & r IO ·-
Sutton John, boot repairer, I Cromwell terrace High street
Swann Chas. Lister, livery stable propr. 61 St. James' st Trenowath Brothers, house furnishers, 73 & 74 High st·:..
Sydenham John Thos. & Co. timber mers. Bentinck dock 'l'renowath Arthur, dr<~per, 143 Norfolk street
Targett Henry J ames, boarding house, St. Margaret's Troll ope Ge'orge, greengrocer, 96 Norfolk street
house, St. Margaret's place Tungate James, boot maker, 6 Douro street
Targett Percy Sarel (late with Matsell & Targett), fancy Turner Frederick, boot maker, 29 Railway road
& commercial stationer, printer, bookbinder & dealer Turner Frederick Robert, hair dresser, 134 Norfolk st:.~
in fancy goods &c. Tuesday Market post office, 69 Turrell Robert, butcher, 20 Church street
High street '
Twaits Henry, fishmonger, 19 Tower street
Tash Langley & Co. builders, London road
Taylor R. & A. (established 1770), seedsmen, seed &
Tweedy Stephen, baker, Guanock terrace & grocer, sa·
London road
bulb merchants & nurserymen, I42 Norfolk street
Tyler Frank, Rummer P.H. St. James' street
Taylor Richarq & Co. carpenters, SI Friars street; Underwood William, linen draper, 139 Norfolk street
works, South Clough lane
Valentine Arthur George, butcher, r Broad street
Taylor Albert Edward, beer retailer, St. Ann's street
Veal Edward, bricklayer, 17 Valinger's road
Taylor Alfred, pork butcher, 31 Norfolk street
Verry Richard, leather seller, Tower street
Taylor Francis, firewood dealer, Austin street
Taylor Francis, shopkeeper, 67 Norfolk street Vincent Walte'r, chief officer in charge of Coastguard
station, Estuary bank
Taylor Frederick Scott, bookseller & stationer to
His Majesty the King, printer, bookbinder, artists' Vynne & Everett Limited, maltsters & genera~
material & picture postcard dealer; depository of the merchants, corn, oil cake, coal, chemical manures~
Society for Promotinll Christian Knowledge, Post lamb food &c. &c. Athenreum buildings, Lynn; & at
office, roB High street Swaft'ham, Narborough, Snettisharn & Wells..
Taylor L. E. motor car engineer; any make of car Wade Frederick Stockdale, corn merchant, II9 London ;-d·
supplied; repairs, over-hauling, painting &c. 145 Nor- Wadlow Robert & Son, grocer, Lake road
folk street. 'l.'elephone 17; tll'legrams, " Taylor'!! Wadlow Edward Thomas, Crossways P.H. Valinger's road.·
Garage, King's Lynn " Wagg Alfred, shopkeeper, Highgate
Taylor Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 Saddle bow road Wakefield Philip Henry, Albert inn, Albert street
Taylor Reuben, fruiterer, 9 South Lynn plain Wald!l'll Thomas Henry, shoeing smith & farrier & ..
Taylor R<lbert, fruit grower, 142 Norfolk street manufacturer of medicine for horses, cats & doos &.
Terrington Edward Benstead, printer, 10 Broad street proprietor of the Dog's Home, East street "'
Terrington John Joseph, tobacconist, 10 St. James' st Walker Charles William, ironmonger, 8 Windsor road.
Territorial Club (E. Lawn, sec. ; Henry Charles Bays, Walker Francis, hair dresser, 21 Lansdowne street
steward), 32 King street Walker John William, dairy, 7 Portland place
Territorial Force, sth Batt. Norfolk Regiment (A Com- Walker Robert, inspector of nuisances & assistant over-·
pany, Capt. E. M. Beloe; Ser~.-Instructor, Henry seer for West Lynn parish, West Lynn
Harwood; 6th Batt. Norfolk R!l'gt. (Cyclists) (C Com- Walker Robert, traveller, 70 London road
pany, Lieut. Colt on; Color-Sergt. -Instructor F. Wallace William Harry Binckes, dental surgeon, 10 St ..
Henderson, drill instructor); armoury, Nelson street; John's terrace; attends Swaffham every wednesday & _
range, North Wootton Wisbech every saturday
Terry James, hair dresser, ro Tower street Walsh Mark, provision dealer, Church street
Terry Sus an (Mrs.), shopke'eper, 3 St. J ames' road Walton Brothers, ladies' & gentlemen's tailors, clothiers,
Thacker Edwin, Bird-in-Hand P.H. Norfolk street outfitters, hatters, hosiers & glovers &c. &c. 38 High'
Thacker Herbert, greengrocer, r6 Chapel street street & 47 & 49 St. J ames' street ; & at Bridge street.
Theatre ( HPrr Pareezer, lessee), St. J ames' street Downham Market
The'W & Son (estab. r84o), printers & stationers to Wanford Maud (Miss), dress maker, 3 Waterloo street
,H.M. the King, bookbinders, account book makers Ward & Son, fish merchants, Pilot street
&c. ; proprietors & publishers of the "Lynn Advertiser, Ward Chas. Edward, district agent to the Great North-
Wisbech Constitutional Gazette & Norfolk & Cam- ern Railway Co. Tuesday Market place
bridgeshire Herald," I, 2, 3 & 4 High street & Saturday Ward Henry William, solicitor, & clerk to the borough
Market place. See advertisement justices & depnty clerk to the Eastern Sea Fisheries
Thomas Alfred Harry, draper, 7 Tower street joint committee & to the Commissioners of property,.
Thompson Geo. Wm. Stanley Arms P.H. 14 Railway rd income & land tax for Freebridge & Marshland,
Thompson John F.R.H.S. florist, 17 Railway road Tuesday Market place
Thorn James George, confectioner, 23 & 27 Tower street Ward John Samuel, gree'Ilgrocer, 25 St. James' street
& 5 St. J ames' road Ward Louisa Julia (Mrs.), Anchor inn. South Lynn plain
Thorn James John, boot maker, 22 Chapel street Ward Maud (Miss), typewriter, Paradise parade
Thrower Charles Sydney, hair dress!l'r, 21 Broad street Ward William David, solicitor, clerk to the com-
Thrower Stephen Arthur, shoeing smith, Blackfriars Td missioners of sewers for Norfolk, to commissioners of
Tilson Charles, Ferry Boat inn, Ferryboat lanB property, in::;jme & land tax for Free bridge & Marshland,.
Tilson Herbert Thomas M. S.A. architect & surveyor, r6 cle1-:;: to River Ouse Ha ling commissioners, to Ouse
Railway road Bank commissioners (1st, 2nd & 6th districts), to the
Tilson Mary Ann (Mrs.), Railway inn, Blackfriars road Magdalen drainage commissioners, Eastern Sea
Tokelove George Henry, baker, r8 Albert street Fisheries Joint Committee & King's Lynn Conservancy
Tooley William, tailor, Wellington street Board, Tuesday Market place
Tow}er Edgar Joseph, corn. traveller, 27 Valing-er's road Warner Elizabeth (Miss), private school, 12 London road:
Towler Geo. market gardener & farmer,Seeche,Sth.Lynn Water Works (Alfred J. Smith, engineer), Town hall
Towler John Charles, hair dresser, HYJ Norfolk street Watkins Leah (Miss), dress maker, Railway terrace
Towler John Checker, sen. hair dresser, 41 St. James' st Watling Frederick John, hair dresser, 40 Norfolk street
Towler Robert, hair dresser, 102 London road Watson Harry Frederick, manager of the National Pro-
Towlers William, hair dresser, 4 London road vincial Bank of England Limited, Tuesday Market pl
Town Hall (George W. Lake, hall keep!l'r), Saturday Watson Herbert, picture frame maker, 18 Tower street
Market place Watson John, confectioner, 42 Norfolk street
Watson Kate (Miss), dress maker, 17 New Conduit street
Watt James, hair dresser, 86 High street

Watton Henry. poulterer, Tower place Wilkin Robert Alfred (firm, Seppings & Wilkin), solici-
• • 0 ,

Watts & Rowe, general printers, St. James' road tor, coroner for W cstern div1s1on of the county of
Watts Elizabeth M aria (Mrs. ),tobacconist, r6 St.J ames' st Norfolk & deputy coroner for the Duchy of Lancaster
Watts Herbert, stationer 63, & picture frame maker 64, & clerk to Nar Valley drainage board, King street
Railway road . Wilkin Walt.Wagstaff,tailor & woollen drapr.u8 High st
Webb Charles, customs officer, 22 London road Wilkinson Mary & Alice(Misses),shopkeepers,ss Friars st
Webster Willia.m M.R.C.IS.Eng.surgeon,& medical officer Wilkinson Eliza (Mrs.), boot maker, 59 Norfolk street
to Rural District Council & to south district of King's Wilkinson Wm. Brabon, boot & shoe ma. ro Littleport st
Lynn union & public vaccinator, 23 London road Williamson John, butcher, I All Saints' street
Wedgwood Wm. Brackenbury L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. Williamson John, cowkeeper, Ravenshaw's yd. Chapel st
& L.S.A. physician & surgeon, & physician to the Wilmore Alexander, teacher of music, 6 All Saints' st
West Norfolk & Lynn Hospital, & medical officer to Wilson Andrew, shopkeeper, 7 Friars street
the King's Lynn workhouse, King street Wilson Frederick, station master, Great Eastern rail-
Wells J uhn, harness maker, 6 r Nor folk street way station, St. Mabyn, Tennyson avenue
Welton John Randall, complete outfitter, 36 High street Wilson Henry, apartments, 38 Railway road
Wenn's Successors, wine & spirit dealers, 123 High st Wilson J ames, naturalist, 29 Broad street
West Norfolk Farmers' Manure & Chemical Co. Wilson John, dairyman, 15 Providence street
Limited (Henry Charles Brown Ph.D., F.I.C. sec.). Wilson Robert, farmer, Tennyson avenue
Wisbech road Winch Sarah (Mrs.), tobacconist, Gaywood road
West Norfolk & Lynn High School fer Girls, Wink field John Thomas, linoleum dealer, I London road
King street (Miss Harrison, head mistress; & Winkley William & Sons, glovers & gaiter makers, r r5
resident staft' of thirteen certificated & I I6 High street
assistant mistresses, five of whom are W inlove Charles, ea bin et maker, Purfieet street
Graduates); prospectus on application to the Winter Henry, watch maker, 121 Norfolk street
Secretary, G. H. Anderson, Town ball, King's Lynn Winterton Joseph Beeson, carman, 24 Kirby street
West Norfolk & Lynn Hospital (Henry C. Allinson Withers John, shopkeeper, Littleport street
M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting surgeon; W. B. Wedgwood Wittred Frederick Henry, shopkeeper, 12 Railway road
.& J. R. Kingdon, physicians; George R. Cbadwick Wood Joseph William, shopkeeper, 33 Tower street
M.D. & Charles T. M. Plowright M. B. surgeons; S. Wood Waiter Herbert, baker, Baker lane
A. T. Coxon, surgeon-dentist; C. Bristow, Barclay & Woods Alma, mineral water manufacturer, Austin street
-company's Bank Limited, hon. sec. ; H. M. Howard, Woods Henry, cabinet maker, High gate
assistant sec.; Rev. C. E. Stanley Thomas, chaplain; Woods James, insurance agent, 6 Union street
H. J. Keane M. D. house surgeon; Miss Swain, Woods Robert Waiter, Flower Pot P.H. I32 Norfolk st
matron), London road Woods Stephen, milk dealer, Lake road
West Harriet (Miss), shopkeeper, 3I Providence street Woodward George William, vaccination officer & insur-
Westwood Thomas, deputy registrar of marriages for ance agent, 22 Tower street
Free Bridge, Lynn Union, Albert avenue lV oodwark Ern est Reginald, solicitor (firm, Sadler &
Westwood Thomas, shopkeeper, Market street Woodward), Tuesday Market place
Westwood William Henry, stationer, 35 Norfolk street W oodwark George Graham, vice-consul for Germany &
Whit by William, Spread Eagle P .H. Gaywood road France, Tuesday Market place
White & Co. corn chandlers, 129 London road Woolland Alphonso, butcher, Lake road
·white agent, London rd. & Windsor rd Woollard George, butcher, 7 Chapel ~treet
White James M. carpenter, St. Nicholas street Woolstencroft J. W. solicitor, town clerk, clerk of the
·white John, nurseryman, Lake road Peace, clerk to the Sanitary & Port Sanitary Authority
1Vhite Robert, dairyman, rr Setchford lane & Burial Board, Town hall
'White William, coal merchant, Wisbech road Woomes James, watch & clock maker, 13 Guanock ter
White William, collector for King's Lynn Gas Co. Worfolk Waiter, boat & ship builder,The Friars boat yd
Guanock terrace Wright Sergt. Arthur E. 68 Norfolk street
White Capt. Wm. Richardson, dock master,74 Norfolk st Wright Henry, boot maker, 28 King street
Whitehand Frederick Herbert, grocer, 33 All Saints' st Wright James Henry, Barley Mow P.H. Railway road
Whitmore Brothers, builders, W ellesley street Wright Jasper J. photographer, 125 & r26 London road
Whitmore Charles Wm. beer retlr. 23 Coronation square Wright Percival Frank, photographer, 7 Broad street
IWhittaker Henry Samuel, Cattle Market P.H.24 Broad st Wright Robert, jun. dairyman, 2 Providence street
Whittaker William, Spotted Cow P.H. St. James' place Wright William Edward, valuer & land surveyor &c.
·Wickham George C. plumber, ro Blackfriars street (see Durranb & Wright), & agent to the Sun Fire &
·widdicombe C. E. district valuer valuation departmen-t Life Insurance Office, 24 King street
(inland revenue), Tuesday Market plai!e Wright Wm. Lavender, baker, 47 South Everard street
Wildbur Kate (Miss), teacher of music, r6 South street Wyatt Eliza (Miss), dress maker, 4 Exton's road
Wildbur Thos. rope & twine manfr. Wisbech rd. S. Lynn Yate Frederick Alfred, butcher, 103 Norfolk street
Wildbur William Thomas, builder, see Read & Wildbur Yate Thoma~, dining rooms, 43 Norfolk street
Wilkin Horace Waiter M., F.A.I. auctioneer, valuer & •
estate agent, see Cruso & Wilkin
NORTH LYNN is a decayed parish, I mile north-west peas. The area is Boo acres of land, I07 of tidal water
'from Lynn, in the North Western division of the county, and 97 of foreshore; rateable value, £735; the popula-
'Freebridge Marshland hundred and petty sessional divi- tion in I9II was 86. By an Order which came into
-ijion and King's Lynn union and county court district. operation March 25, 1885, a detached part of Clench-
'"The church of St. Edmund has disappeared. The living wartnn, in Wisbech union, was amalgamated with this
,is annexed to that of St. Margaret's, Lynn, at which parish .
.church the inhabitants attend. The Duke of Portland Letters received from Lynn, which is the nearest money
K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O. is lord of the manor and the prin- order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m
cipal landowner. The soil is loam and clay; subsoil, clay The children of this place attend the school at King's
snd silt. The chief crops are wheat, oats, beans and Lynn
Dey David S. Bentinck cottage Marshall William Francis, farmer, The Hall
6 0 UTH L YNN parish forms part of the town of King'1l Lynn.
WEST LYNN is a parish and village, on the west side 1uly, r849, is a memorial to Amelia Walker, of North
of the Great Ouse river, opposite the town of King's Lynn, Lynn: a brass lectern was presented in r89o as a
with which it communicates by a ferry for foot pas- memorial to Giles Walker, of North Lynn: the ancient
sengers, but vehicles cross by the Marshland Iron Bridge, octagonal stone font is carved with representations of the
over the New Cut on the south side of the harbour, a ~even sacraments of the Catholic church: the church
distance to Lynn of nearly 2 miles. West Lynn is in was completely restored in 1904-5• the chancel being
the North Western division of the county, hundred and r;ebuilt, and affords 2oo siUings: the seats are of carved
petty sessional division of Freebridge Marshland, union dak. The regist11r date-s from the year I695· The
and county court district of King's Lynn, rural deanery l~ving is a rectory, net yearly value £3oo, including 30
of Lynn Marshland, archdea.conry of Lynn and diocese of acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of ~iss L. M.
Norwich. The church of St. Peter, erected soon after Townsend, and held 1!ince rgoi by the Rev. Martyn
1271, is a structure of brick and stone in the Late Perpen- Ragland Allnutt. Here is· a Baptist chapel, built in
dicular style, consisting of transepts, nave and an em- 1!844, and a Wesleyan chapel, ereeted in 187o. The
battled western tower, with !!mall lead-covered spire, charities amount to £w a year. The land is all free-
containing one bell: there is a fine brass to Sir Adaw hold. William Looker esq. J.P. Sir William Everard
Outlawe, ob. 1503: the stained e'ast window, erected in \ ~rowne ffolkes bart. the Dean and Chapter of Ely,

.Robert Henry Household esq. and the Ouse Outfall Post & M. 0. Ofiice.-Percy W. Lack, sub-postmaster.
Board are the principal landowners. The soil is loam Letters arrive from Lynn at 6.30 a. m. & 12.30 p.m. r
.and clay; subsoil, clay and silt. The chief crops are dispatched at 10.40 a.m. &i 7 p.m.; no .sunday de-
.cert~als, and pasture and fruit-growing & market livery. Lynn, I mile distant, is the nearest telegraph
,gardening is largely carried on. The area of the parish office •
i.s 1,638 acres of land, 58 of tidal water and 26 of fore-
Wall Letter Box, by Church, cleared at 10.45 a.m. & 7
.shore; rateable value, £5,187; the population in 19II p.m. week days only
was 935· By an Order which came into operation
lYiarch 25, 1885, a detached portion of Clenchwarton, in Council Schools (mixed), built in 190'], for 250 children;
Wisbech union, was amalgamated with this parish. average attendance, qo; Robert Lamb, master
Parish Clerk, George Lack .
.A.llnutt Rev. Martyn Ragland, The Ellis William Allen, bricklayer Merry Joseph,market gdnr.Pulover rd
Rectory Embling John, market gardener Parnell Robert Door,Cherry Tree P.H
Day Joseph, Bentinck cottage Embling Robert, market gardener Self Frederick, Bentinck Arms P.H.
1Iarvey Alfred, White hall Fox Alfred, Freebridge inn & toll collector
Lamb Robert, Sohool house Fox Robert, jun. farmer Spratt George, Swan P.H
Skinner John Gathercole Florence (Miss), dress ma Swift George, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Hildon .Amy (Miss), shopkeeper Thompson Jn. market gardnr & farmr

Baines William, boot repairer Holland David, shopkeeper Walkeor Robert, bricklayer, assistant
Barnes John, farmer Horsley Matthew Thos. chimney swpr overseer, clerk ro Parish Council &
"Beaty Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hut ton .Agnes (Mrs.), coal merchant, sanitary inspector to Rural District
'Blade Robert, Ferry Boat P.H see J ohnson & Button Uouncil
Boswell Albert William, baker J ohnson .Alfred Herbert, beer retailer, Wolfa William, nurseryman &; vine
'Crane Matthew, coal merchant J ohnson & Hut ton, coal merchants 1 grGwer, The Vineyards
Ebbs Harry, hawker Lack Brothers, grocers, & post office Yaxley William, market gardener
MANNINGTON is a parish, 2 miles north-east from ton Park, is lord of the manor and sole landowner.
Corpusty station on the Midland and Great Northern joint The Hall, an ancient and irregular embattled structure
railway and 5 north-west from Aylsham, in the Northern of black flint with stone dressings, dating from the year
division of the county, South Erpingham hundred and 1430, pleasantly situated in 11 small park and surrounded
petty sessional division, .Aylsham union and county court by a moat, is occupied by Charles S. Tomes esq. M . .A.,
district, rural deanery of Ingworth (North division) and F.R.S., LL.D. The soil is light; subsoil, various. The
oarchdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church is in chief crops are wheat, turnips and barley and some
ruins. The living is a discharged rectory, conso-lidated land in pasture. The area is 561 acres; rateable value,
with that of ltteringham, j0int net yearly value £185, £411; the population in 19II was 20.
including 24 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Letters through Norwich, vill. Aylsham, arrive about 8.30
Drford, and held since 1904 by the Rev. William Barker a.m. & 4.30 p.m. The nearest money order office is
Hemsworth M . .A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, who at Saxthorpe, & nearest telegraph office at Wickmere,
oresides at Itteringham. The Earl of Orford, of Waiter- 1! miles distant
'Tomes Charles Sissmore LL.D.,F.R.S. COMMERCIAL. Mills .Arthur, head gardener to C. S.
Mannington hall ; & Welbeck hou5e, Adams James,gamekeeper to the Earl Tomes esq
Wigmore street, London W of Orford Starling .Albert, gamekeeper to C. S.
Lee William George, farmer Tomes esq
MA:ft.HAM is a parish and village, 4 miles south-west; I allotments, consisting of about 140 acres, having been
lfrom Narborough station on the Lynn and Dereham sec- let on long leases to the Wisbech Water Works Co.
tion of the Great Eastern railway, 7 west from Swaffham which has now removed its pumping station from
and 9 north-east from Downham, in the South Western WiggenhaU St. Germans to this parish and erected
<division of the countr, Clackclose hundred and petty works and premises suitable for the purpose of pumping
sessional division, Downham union and county court dis- the splendid fresh water which arises from the springs
trict, rural deanery of Fincham (East division), arch- here to Wisbech March and several villages. There
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church was formerly here a nunnery of the Cistercian order,
of the Holy Trinity is a large building of flint and belonging to Ely .Abbey, founded in 1249 by Maud
-stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel. (de Verdun), wife of John Fitzalan, 5th Earl of .Arundel,
nave, south aisle, south porch and a lofty embattled and dedicated to SS. Mary, Barbara and Edmund the
western tower, with quoins of freestone, and contain- King: at the D;ssolution, when there were ro nuns
ing 6 bells; the tower was thoroughly repaired in 1904 and revenues estimated at £33• it was granted to
.at a cost of upwards of £1oo: about 1844 the church Sir Nicholas and Robert Hare: sume remains of it may
was new roofed and several stained windows erected, b& seen at a farm-house and outbuildings a little west
"flame of which were presented by the late Henry Ville- of the church, and joining the Abbey Farm. Marham
bois esq. of Marham Hall, who died in 1886: in the House, the residence of H. V. Bathurst esq. was princi-
~hurch is an ancient tomb, with recumbent effigies of pally built in 1861. Marham Hall is occupied by Messrs.
native chalk, to John Steward esq. and .Anne (Should- Thomas Brown and Son, the well-known breeders of
ham), his wife, buried here in 1603-4: in 1867 the Cotswold sheep and Red Poll cattle. Sir Thomas l-eigh
whole wall of the nave was restored, and in 1·875 the Hare bart. M.V.O. of The Hall, Stow Bardolph, who
whole of the inter·ior was restflred and Teseated at a is lord of the manor of New Hall and Shouldhams,
cost of £1,500; of this amount £250 was contributed and H. V. Bathurst esq. who is lord of the manor of
by St. John's College, Cambridge, for improvements in Old Hall and We~tacre, are the chief landowners. The
the chancel: there are 200 sittings. The churchyard soil is sand and peat; .subsoil, principally chalk. The
was considerably enlarged in r864 and !!gain in 19II. chief crops are roots, barley, seeds and wheat. The
The register dates from the year 1562. The living is a area is 3,975 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable
vicarage, net yearly value £320, including s6 acres of value, £3.592; the population in 19II was 643.
glebe and residence, in the gift of St. John's College, Parish Clerk, ThO'IDas Gooderson, jun.
Cambridge, and held since 1go6 by the Rev. David Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Bobert Parlett, sub-post-
Lamplugh M.A. of that college. There are Wesleyan master. Letters arrive from Downham at 8 a.m. &
11.nd Primitive Methodist chapels here. In 1799 two 2.45 p.m.; dispatched at 9·45 a.m. & 5.40 p.m. week
Jloor's allotments were awarded under the Inclosure days & 10 a.m. on sundays; sunday delivery 1 8 a.m
Act, containing 200 acres of fen land; in r869-70, by Wall Letter Box, clear11d 5.15 p.m. daily, except sunda)'
aJ s~~:heme of the Charity Commissioners, these allot-
ments were let and the net proceeds distributed in Public Elementary School (mixed), considerably enlarged
coals, but in consequence of the carrying out of the in 1872 & again in 19ro, & now holding 145 "scholars;
Nar Valley drainage scheme the amount available for average attendance, 120; Leonard ThoiDJ?SOn, master
distribution was very considerably reduced. It is Carriers.
now, however (rgr2), larger than at any previous To Lynn.-James Bone, tues. & sat
time in cont~equence of the most extensive of these To Downham.-Mrs_ Sarah Baldry, fri
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. 1 Brown Thomas & Son, farmers &
r:~thnr~t Henry Villebois, Marham ho Able John William, shopkeeper breeders of the well-known CoU!wold
13Plton Herbert William, Manor house Baldry Sarah (Mrs.), carrier sheep, Bed Poll cattle & Shire
Yrnwn Davis. Marbam hall 1
Belton HPrbt. Wm. farmr. Manor fm horses, Hall farm
L:1mplugh Rev. David ~.A. (vicar), Belton Brothers, farmers, Cottage Brown Jacob, Old Bell P.H
'Vicarage farm Caley James Henry, butcher & grocer
Norman Bobert Bone Jttmes, carrier & farmer ~ Carter James Henry, wheelwright

Chapman Wm. Thomas, land steward i Gooderson Thomas, boot maker Oakley Arth. farm bailiff to Leonard
to Henry Villebois Bathurst esq Grey Albert, grocer Mason esq. Eastgate farm
Clark John, farm bailiff to Leonard Harris-on Mary (Mrs.), farmer Parlett Robert, grocer, Post office
Mason esq. Abbey farm Hewing Charlotte (Mrs.), butcher Hamm Fountain, Fox & Hounds P.H
Codlin Thomas, shoe maker Ketteringham Robert, boot maker Shepheard J oseph, baker
Goggles Robert, beer retailer .M.errison William, farmer Smith James, farmer
Coston William, assistant overseer & Morley Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker , Wisbech Waterworks Co. (Frederick
clerk to Parish Council Neave George, blacksmith Bentley, engineer)
Eves Anna Margaretta(Mrs.),beer ret Young John Henry, butcher
MARKSHALL (or Mattishall Heath) is a parish, 3 Morse B.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, who
miles south from Norwich, in the vale of the river Taas, resides at Caistor. The Rev. John Warren Corbould-
in the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe Wanen M.A. of Caistor Hall, is lord of the manor and
petty sessional division, hundred of Hmn bleyard, Hen- lanci.owner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The
stead union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area i~
of Brooke (Western division), archdeaconry of Norfolk 549 acres; rateable value, £963; there are only one
and diocese of Norwich. The church was desecrated in house and eleven cottages; the population in 19II was 52-
I695, but some remains of it are still to be seen. The Letters through Norwich, via Caistor. The neare~t.
living is a rectory, annexted to Caistor St. Edmund, money order & hllegraph office is at Stoke Holy Cross
joint net yearly value £3'39· with n acres of glebe, in This place is included in the United District of Poring·
the gift of the Rev. John Warren Corbould-Warren land. The children attend the school at Stoke Holy
M.A. and held since I881 by the Rev. Anthony South Cross, about 2 miles distant
COMMERCIAL. Alien Marshall, farm bailiff to Thos.
Allen Thomas Philip, farmer Philip Alien esq
MARLINGFORD is a parish and scattered village in tory, net yearly value £Io4, with 35 acres of glebC'
the Yare valley, 51 miles north from Wymondham sta- and residence, in the gift of the executors of the latC'
tion and 5 noTth from Hethersett -station, both on the Benjamin Edgington Fletcher, and held since rgro by
Thetford and Norwich section of the Great Eastern rail- the Rev. Edward Thornton Th.A.K.C. A United Metho-
way, and 6 west-by-south from Norwich, in the Mid dist mission room was opened in 1884. Mary Wright,.
division of the county, Forehoe hundred, petty sessional in 179 8, left the interest on £10 yearly for the poor;.
division and union, Norwich county court district, rural Anne Chandler Greene, in r868, left £soo, the interest
deanery of Hingham (Forehoe division), archdeaconry of which is given yearly to the poor, principally in
of Norfolk and diocese ~f Norwich. The church of St. coals. The executors of the late Benjamin Edgington
Mary the Virgin is a building of flint and rubble in Fletcher esq. J.P., D.L. who are lords of the manor,.
the Decorated and Early English styles, consisting of Edward HB'llry Evans-Lombe esq. of Thickthorn Hall,.
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and an embattled Hethersett, and Mrs. Esther Bird, of East Tuddenham.
western tower containing one bell: the south doorway are chief landowners. The soil is various; subsoil,
is Norman, and there is also a Norman font, restored various. The chief crops are wheat, barley, roots and
by a previous rector, to the memory of two infant hay. The area is 705 acres of land and 12 of water;.
children: the stone pulpit is a memorial to Arthur rateable value, £945; the population in 19II was 253.
Fredk. Vincent, d. 2 April, 1875, and was erected by his By an Order which came into operation March 25, 1885,.
parents, the Rev. Sir Frederick Vincent bart. M . .A. and a detached part of Easton was amalgamated with this
Lady Vincent, in I88r: then~ are two piscinre, and the parish.
staircase formerly leading to the rood-loft has been Parish Clerk, Thomas Fox.
restored, and now gives acces3 to the pulpit: in the
chancel is a marble ta.blet to the Rev. Thomas Greene Post Office.-William Bailey, sub-postmaster. Letters
M.A. 21 years rector of this parish, d. 10 Oct. I 814 ; through Norwich arrive at 6.40 a. m. & 6 p.m.; dis-
and there are other memorials to John Cullyer, 1672, patched at 4·45 p.m.; no sunday delivery. Barford,
Samuel Colby, gent. 1704 _5 , and Elizabeth, his wife, I~ miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele-
1697: in 1893 a memorial was erected to the Rev. Harry graph office
Izod Richards, second son of a previous rector: the Public Elementary School (mixed), with house for the-
church was thoroughly restored in 18Br at a. cost of mistress, erected by Mrs. Green in 1-870, for 6o chil-
over £ 1,ooo, and has 120 sittings. The register dates dren; average attendance, 56; Miss Elizabeth Howes,.
from the year I558. The living is a discharged rec- mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Boast George R. cycle agent "Morter Frederick, blacksmith .
Thornton Rev. Edward Th.A.K.C. Bush James, apartments, Bellevue Newson Hy. head gardener to exors_
(rector), Rectory Carr Edward, Bell P.H of B. E. Fletcher esq
Emmerson Charles, shopkeeper Thompson George William, miller
COMMERCIAL. Hubbard Frederick, farmer (water & steam), Marlingford Rol-
Bird William, cycle repairer Lewin Leonard, farmer, The Old hall ler mills
MARSHAM is a parish and considerable village, on the been confined in Norwich Castle, and in 1855 was taken
road from Aylsham to Norwich, I~ miles south from over by tlote Government and certified for criminals,
Aylsham station on the East Norfolk branch of the Great but since June, 1894, the establishment has been carrie<f
Eastern railway and about 3 from Aylsham Town station on as an Industrial School and is certified to receive
en the Midland and Great Northern joint railway and 10 96 hoys. The school and land is the private property-
north from Norwich, in the Northern division of the of P. E. Sewell esq. of Dudwick House, Buxton, who-
county, South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional is also the corresponding manager and The-
division, Aylsham union and county court district, rural building is of red brick and includes apartments for
deanery of Ingworth (south division), and archdeaconry the governor a.nd schoolmaster and rooms for officers.
and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints is an a.nd a new school room, workshop, play-shed and dormi-
edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of tory were added in 1899 and I900, an infirmary in 1903
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a western tower and a swimming bath in 1904; attached is a large-
containing 8 bells : the font is carved with representations courtyard and in the centre is a large playground,.
of the Sacraments o~ the Catholic church and there is besides which there is also a covered playground : thrr
an ancient painted screen with figures of saints and boys are taught shoemaking, tailoring, farming, car-
confessors: in the chancel are memorial stones to the pentry and agricultural duties, 51 acres being under
Norris and other families, and at the east end is a cultivation; the school is now controlled by a corn-
memorial window to the late C. L. Buxton esq. and Mr!!. mitte~; the boys attend the services at the parisTr
W. D. Bushell: a new organ was provided in rgn at a church. The parish charities amount to £22 10s. 4d.
cost of [220: the church affords 400 sittings. The yearly. There are 181 acres of heath land allotted for
register dates from the year 1538. The living is a rec- fuel. Bolwick Hall, the seat of Mrs. Louis Buxton, is-
tory, net yearly value £240, including 66 acres of glebe, locally in the parish of Aylsham, but for postal pur-·
with residence, built in 1845, in the gift of Mrs. Louis poses is more convB'lliently given here. The Rev. C. U.
Buxton, and held since 1904 by the Rev. William M:<Jc- Lancbester M.A. of The Shrublands, Heigham, is lord'
kenzie Hulbert Wathen. The Primitive Methodist chaprl of the manor. The principal landowners are William
herewa.s erected in 1881. The Buxtvn-Norfolk Industrial Warner Cook esq. of St. Faiths; Major Marsham, of
School, locally in this parish, but adjoining the parish Rippon Hall, and Mrs. Louis Bnxton. The soil is sand
of Buxton, was originally founded in 1852 by John and loam; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops
Wright esq. Sir Edwa.rd North Bnxton hart. M.P. and are wheat, roots, barley. and . .hay. The area of the
George Kett and John Henry Gurney esqrs. for the 1 parish is r,83r acres, about 333 of which are taken up
voluntary reformation of boys or young men "\\ho had by woods and heat~; rateable value £2,137; the popula-
tion in Igii was 651, including the 16 officials and their Public Elementary School (mixed), built about 1850, for
families and gr inmates in the Buxton-N orfolk Industrial ISO ~hildren; average attendance, 108 ; Edwin Orford.
School. master; Miss Orford, mistress
Parish Clerk, Henry Spink. Buxton-N orfolk Indus trial School, ..!.lfred Babingto1!,
governor; Mrs. L. Babington, matron; Miss Lloyd,
Post & T. Office.-Miss Margaret Ann Crane, sub-post- assistant matron; William Cox, !l'Choolmaster; Mrs.
mistress. Letters through Norwich delivered at 6.20 Cox, schoolmistress; James Wm. Pike, shoe maker;
a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched at 2.45 & S-30 p.m. ; sun- James Lusher, cook & baker; tailor (vacant); William
days, delivered at 6.20 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.30 p.m. J eckell, farm bailiff ; Thomas Fright, gardener; John
The nearest money order office is at Aylsham. Wall William Hill, drill instructor
Letter Box, High street, cleared at 8.15 a. m. & 4.30 Carrie.r to Norwioh.-Noah Land, to the 'Flower-in-
p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m Hand,' Pitt street, wed. & sat. returning same evening
(Names marked thus t are in Ayl- Buxton-Norfolk Industrial School tMelton Edward Geo. miller (water),
sham parish.) (Alfred Babington, g"Qvernor; Mrs. Bolwick mill
. L. Babington, matron) (letters via Nichols Noah, farmer & asst.overseer
Buxton) Palmer Frederick, farmer (letters
Babington Alfred, Red house (letters Carr Henry Ernes.t, White Hart P.H through Hevingham)
via Buxton) Coe Charlotte (:MI.M), shopkeeper Peek John T. Ploug'h & Shuttle P.H
Eoddy George Frederick C.C.Bolwick Coe Robert, cattle dealer Penton Albert, farmer
Hall farm Cokerell Albert, farmer Penton Samuel, firewood dealer
Browne Charles Edward, The Grove Cokerell Ethelbert, market gardener Randall Emily (Mrs.) & Victor, frmrs
tBnxton Mrs. Louis, Bolwick !hall Crane Frederick & Edgar, farmers Rivett Case John, gardener to Major
Clutterbuck Waiter Jn. Marsham hall Crane George Waiter, farmer Marsham
Lumb Mrs. The Willows Crane Marg-aret Ann (Miss), statnr. Skipper Robert & Wm. shoe makers
Soame Miss, Oak cottage Post office Skipper Elij ab, farmer
Wathen Rev. William Mackenzie Hul- Crane Thomas, blacksmith & farmer Smith Leonard, farmer
bert, Rectory Crane Thomas Newton, cycle agent Soame George S. motor car manu-
Crawford William, gardener to Mrs. facturer, agent & repairer
COMMERCIAL. Louis Buxton Soame Samuel George, engineer,
Dyke John, farmer boiler maker, general machinist &
Anderson Charles, gardener to W. J. Edwards Thomas, draper, grocer & iron & brass founder; all kinds of
Clutterbuck esq pork butcher agricultural implements ; estab.
t Boddy George Frederick, farmer, "Flood Frederick, farmer I 86o. T A "Mar sham, Aylsham ; "
Bolwick Hall farm Gladden Henry, pig dealer Railway stations, Aylsham
Browne W. & Son, millers & mer- Greenwood Hy. carpenter, Fengate Spink Ed.gar, farmer
chants, The Grove Gurney William Henry, farmer Spink Henry, baker
Browne Charles Edward (firm, W.l Haye' Henry, farmer Steward Robert, builder
Browne & Son), farmer & miller, Jones Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper Walker Herbert, farmer
The Grove \Lake Hammond: (Mrs.), farmer Watts Robt. wheelwright & blacksmth
Land Noah, farmer, Little London
:MARTHAM is a parish and large village delightfully some land in pasture. The area is 2,603 acres of land
11ituated on rising ground above the marshes, with a and 87 of water; assessable value, £4,601; the popula-
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, tion in I9II was 1,26o.
about IO miles north-north-west from Yarmouth, in the Cess, I mile west, and Damgate, x mile east, are ham-
Eastern division of the county, incorporated hundred, lets in this parish.
petty sessional division and incorporation of East and Parish Clerk, George Hayton.
West Flegg, county court district of Great Yarmouth. Post, M. 0. &; T. Office.-Richard J. Goodrich, sub-post-
J'ural deanery of Flegg and archdeaconry and diocese of master. Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth at 6.40
Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a fine structure of a.m. & 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at I0.30 a.m. & I2.S5
Norfolk flint with stone dressings, chiefly in the Ear}~
& 5.40 p.m. ; sundays, 5-40 p.m
Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles. Wall Letter Box, Church yard, cleared IO.I5 a.m. & 5.30
south porch and a lofty embattled western tower of fin.•
p.m.; sundays, S-40 p.m
proportions containing a clock and 6 bells : the chancp]
was rebuilt in IB55 at a cost of nearly £8,ooo, given by Schools.
Mrs. Dawson, subsequently Mrs_ Major Longley, and A. Free School was founded here pursuant to the will of
daughter of the Rev. George Pearse M.A. vicar here Christopher Amis, who left £uo for that purpose in
from December, 1834, as a memorial to her first hus- 1622 ; this sum, with several small donations, was laid
band, the Rev. Jonathan Dawson M . .A.. to whom therp out in purchasing the school house & sa. If. of land.
is a raised altar tomb : the east window is stained, and which were exchanged at the inclosure in IBI2 for 7a.
there are memorial windows to Mrs. Pearse and to her 3r. 7P·: the school has ceased to exist, but the nld
daughter, Mrs. Inigo Jones, besides some curious ancient school house is now let at a rental of £r4 a year, which
glass: the ancient octagonal font bears, in panels, 1
sum is added to the charities. The Creasy, Bowmrm &
sculptured representations of the Seven Sacraments of .A.mis charities were consolidated by the name of thP
the Catholic Church and the Last Judgment: the church "Martham Education Charity," under a. scheme of th""
has been completely restored, and affords 460 sittings. Charity Commissioners issued in I883. By an Order ,,f
About half an acre of glebe land, presented by the vicar, the Charitv Commission, acting under section 7S-2 nf
was added to the churchyard in 18gg. The register the Local Government Act, 1894, in Oct. IB97, that part
dates from the year I558 and is in an excellent state representing the Creasy endowment was declared an
of preservation. The living is a discharged vicarage, ecclesiastical charity, to be called "the Church Educa-
ne~ yearly value £220, including 7 acres of glebe, with tional Charity,"with the vicar & churchwardem as tru!'-
residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Nor- tePs, and the other portions to be called "the General
wich, and held since 1906 by the Rev. Herbert Webster Educational Charity." The funds are applied in gift,.
M. A.. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge: the great tithes of clothing to about 6o children attending the Board
belong to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. Roger school
Gunton, in I170, gave the church to the prior and A. committee of 6 managers was formed March, 1904: 4
convent of Norwich "for the redemption of his soul.'' appointed by County Council & 2 by parish authorit) ;
There are Baptist and Primitive Methodist chapels here. H. W. Jeary, chairman of managers; Albert Erne>t
There are charitable bequests for the benefit of the poor Thompson, correspondent
of the parish; also 78 acres of land which were awarded Public Elementary (mixed), built in I879 at a cost of
at the inclosure in I8I2. The poor's land or fuel charity £56g, & enlarged in 1895 at a further cost of £1,135;
is distributed in coals. William Bracey jun. esq. who for about 308 children; average attendance, 236;
is lord of the manor, and William Gladstone Ulph esq. Benjamin Fathers, master; Miss A. E. Spark, infants'
of Salisbury, are the chief landowners. There are also mistress
Inany small landowners. Martham Broad, several acres Railway Station, Sidney George Diver, station master
in extent, is in the north part of the parish. The soil County Constabulary, P.C. Frederick William Norgate
is mixed; subsoil, clay, loam and gravel. The chief Carrier to Yarmouth.-George Watson, man. wed. &
crops are wheat, barley, oats, fruit and roots, and sat. 5 p.m

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ash Rev. Hy. Ch~s. M.A.Clarence vil Beales Thomas William Lewis,
Aldred Duncan Anderson,The Grange Atkinson Lewis, Martham house Brooklyn house
Alien Mrs. Hill house Bamby Miss, Teck house Bracey Albert Ernest, Morse house

Bracey William, jun. Manor house Clowe's Stores (Benjamin George Lacey George, saddle:r
Cooke William Edward, Columbary, Harwood, manager) Langham Alired, shoeing & gen.smitll
Repps road Cocking George Albert, boot & shoe Larter John, plumber & decorator
Crisp Anthony William & Miss maker, The Green Lowen Jas. shopkeeper & coal deale:r-
Edmonds Mrs. The Green Cooke George Robert, farmer Lown John Moses, market gardener
Halford Mrs. The Firs Cowell John George, thatcher Mace Edgar John, frmr. White
Harm an John, Repps road D~bbage Bros. flour dln.OldSchool ho Manchester Unity of Oddfellow~
Barman Mrs Dove Charles, market gardener (Rising lodge) (U. Rust, jun. sec)
Jeary Mrs. sen. Ivy Holme Drake Fredk. market gardener, Cess Mays Waiter Framingham, builder &.
Jones Mrs. Olive house Dyball Edward Arth. miller (steam), contractor, Repps road
Knights Mrs. Beaufoy villa corn & flour merchant & farmer Myhill Maurice George, farmer
Lawson Rev. William Hy. (Primitive Dyball George Humphrey, farmer, Nichols Charles, shopkeeper
Methodist), The Manse corn merchant & fruit grower, & Nichols Edmund, farmer
Limpus Bernard Henry, Durban cot agent for Geo. Hadfield & Co. Ltd. Nichols Joseph, farmer
Rising Mrs. Sntfield house fertilizers & Thorley's cakes & Ollett George Robert, baker
Rudram Rev. George (Prim. Meth) meals for cattle, The Green Pike Samuel, sail maker, Damgate
Sutton Thomas, The Green Dyball James Albert, farmer, Cess fro Pitchers William, beer retailer
T~rnau PercivalJn.Whitfield,White ho Dyball James Waiter, farmer Pyman Olivia S. (Mrs.), grocer &c
Warren Charles Waiter, The Poplars, Dyball Obadiah 0. farmr. Gibbet hill Rational Sick & Burial Associatioa
Repps road Eastern Star Pr<Jvident Association (George Gymer, sec)
Webster Rev. Hel"lbert M.A. (vicar), (Elijah Jo.bnson, sec) Reeve James, watch maker
The Vicarage Edmonds Thos. Arth.frmr.The Grove Rigg William Arthur, baker
Wilkinson Henry Eteridge Faulke Eliza. P. (Mrs.), registrar of Rorrison Alfred, pigeon dlr. The Grn
Wiseman Arthur,Rectory ho.Repps rd births & deaths for the ·sub-district Rose Frank, market grdnr. Damgat&
Youngs Mrs. Rollesby road of West Flegg & insurance agent Rouse Charl<Jtte (Mrs.), farmer &c
Flegg District Nursing Association Rust Daniel, coal dealr. & machinist
COMMERCIAL. (Col. R. W. Edis C.B., V.D., J.P., Sandell Robt. Jonathan, photographer
Early closing day, Wednesday. F. SA president; G. J. Hacker esq. Say John, market gardener, The Greea
J.P. treasurer; Rev. W. J. Karran Shipley William & Son M.R.C.V.S.
Alcock Hy. Wm.plumber & deoorator M.A. hon. sec. ; A. Wiseman esq. veterinary surgilons
Ball& James Arthur, fruit grower dist. sec. ; Miss A. Sumser, nurse) Sims James, farmer
Bane Wm. &: Arth. farmrs. Damgate Francis Albert Alfred, hair dresser Sta.ckwood Sidney,miller (wind&stm)
Bane Willlam, grocer & provision & Francis Sam, cycle agent Starling Oliver .A.ldred, agricultural
tea merchant, draper, clothier, boot Fryer & Son, family tailors & breeches engineer & implement agent, The
& shoe factor, wine & spirit mer- makers, The Green Green
chant & ag-ent for Ind, Coope & Co. Futter George, bricklayer Steward Charles Edward, farmer
Central Supply stores, The Green Futter Hy. builder & carpenter & joinr Sumser Agnes (Miss),nurse, Kathma.,.
Barclay & Company Ltd.(sub-branch), Futter Robert, King's Arms inn Repps road
bankers, <>pen tues. & fri. I I to 2 Goodrich Richd.J. news agt.&post off Ternau Percival John Whitfield
(sub-branch to Great Yarmouth); Goodrum James, farmer L.R.C.P. & S.I. surgeon,.& medica)
draw <>n head office, 54 Lombard Goose Benjamin, sen. farmer, Cess officer & public vaccinator for-
street, London E C Goose Benj. farmer, Rectory farm Horsey district, Smallburgh union
Beales Thomas Wm. Lewis L.R.C.P. Goose Robert, farmer, Whitegate Thompson Albert Ernest, school
Lond., M.R.U.S.Eng. surgeon, & Gowen George, market gardener attendance officer, Repps rood
medical officer & public vaccinator Grimble George, farmer Thompson David B. oil merchant
to the West Flegg district of East Grimble Harry, farmer , Tooke William, farmer, Thunder hill
& West Flegg incorporation, Brook- Grimes Benj. Geo. boot & shoe maker Tungate William, thatcher
lyn house Grimes George, boot & shoe maker Turner George, farmer, Damgate
Bessey & Palmer Ltd.coal&coke mers Hall Frederick Waiter, insurance Utting George William, beer retailer
Blyth Geo. William, builder,Repps rd agent, Highfield, Repps road Warnes John, market gardener
Bracey William, jun. farmer, fruit Harriss Benjamin, saddler Warnes Wm. Grimson, farmr.Damgte-
merchant & grower wheelwright, Jeary Herbert Wilson, butcher Waterson Fredk. Jas. market gardenr
blacksmith & agent for agricultural Johnson Elijah, boot maker Watlow John, farmer, Cess
implements Johnson John, market gardener Watson Geo. market gdnr. & carrier-
Braddock Edwin, assistant overseer Kirby James Edwin, builder, wheel- Watson George James R. shopkeeper
for Martham & collector of rates & wright & carpenter,shoeing&general Webster Mary Ann (Mrs.), apart-
taxes & clerk to Parish Council; smith, wholesale forage, hay & ments, The Green
a!!ent for Alliance ,Assurance Co.
straw merchant, boat builder & We~t FlPgg Bowling Club (G. H~
Ltd. ; furnished apartmts.Oaklands owner & haulage contractor, Steam Dyball, sec)
Bramble George Edward, shopkeeper chaff & grist· works Wilkinson Henry Etridge M.R.U.V.S~
Bramble Percy Oswald, ironmonger Kirkland William, draper, The Greeu veterinary surgeon
Ohapman Geo. W. butcher & f.armer Knights Charles, farm~r Wiseman John Alfred, farme-r
Chubbock Mark, saddler

GREAT MASSINGHAM is a village and parish on and a fair continued for three days ; it was also the
the road from Lynn to Fakenham, I! miles south from site of a priory of .Austin canons, founded by Nicholas
Massingham station on the Midland and Great N:orthern de Syre before I26o and dedicated to SS. Mary and
joint railway and I2 east-by-north from Lynn, in the North Nicholas. The Marquess of Cholmondeley P.C. who is
Western division of the county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, lord of the manor of Great Massingham, and the Earl
petty sessional division and union, Lynn county court of Leicester G.O.V.O., C.M.G. lord of the manors of
district, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of Monks and Felthams, are the principal landowners. The-
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary soil is light loam; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are-
is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consist- wheat, barley and turnips. The aroo is 4,242 acres;.
ing of chancel, clerestoried nave of five bays, aisles, rateable value, £3,138; the population in I9II was 723.
south porch and an embattled western tower, with Parish Clerk, Charles Cawthorn.
pinnacles, containing a clock and 4 bells: in the south
wall of the chancel are sedilia and a piscina : the Post, M. 0. & T. O:ffi.ce.-William Leverett, sub-post-
church was repaired and reseated in cedar-wood in IB62, master. Letters arrive from King's Lynn at 5-SO a.m.
at a cost of about £2,ooo, and again restored in I 8go & 3.25 p.m.; dispatched at I1.3o a.m. & 8 p.m
at a cost of £250, when the chancel was refl.oored: there
are 350 sittings. The register dates from the year IS6 4 . Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1874, en-
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £6oo, including larged I8gg, for 260 children; average attendance,
g6 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. I70; the school is endowed with £2o yearly irr
Taft, and held since I8g6 by the Rev. Charles Mortimer accordance with the will of Charles Calthorpe<, dated
McAnally M. A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge. There 5 May, I676; Alexander Charles Cracknell, master
are Wesleyan Methodist, United Methodist and Primitive Carriers to Lynn.-Charles Caller, tues. thurs. & sal~
Methodist chapels. This place had anciently a market 7 a.m.; John Dolman, tues. & fri. at 8 a.m
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. McAn·ally Rev. Charles Mortimer COMMERCIAL.
Dewar Charles J.P., C.U. Great Mass- M.A. The Rectory Betts Frederick William, farmer
ingham Abbey Masheter James William Hall Bretten Arthur, carpenter & ioinel."
Freuer Wm. Saml. P.A.S.I., M.L.A.S Trevor-Roper George Dacre Caller Charles, carrier-
Can dwell J oseph, farmer,Leicester ha Hammond H. H. registrar of births & Mason William, Fox & Pheasant P.H
Ooker Edmund Henry, butcher deaths for Hillington sub-district, Morris James, butcher
Coker Charles, shoe maker Freebridge Lynn union; attends Ockley John Lawson, baker & grocr
Dewar Charles J .P. farmer first sa turday in each month Porter .Arthur, Royal Oak P .H
Fake William F. baker Harvey Samuel, Swan inn Riches Finley GeorgE!, tailor
Frener William Samuel P ..A.S.I., Hazel William, grocer Sadler Roberi, farm bailiff to J.
M.L . .A.S. land .agent & valuer, in- Hewer Brothers, farmers Cauldwell esq
surance agent & fire loss assessor, Hudson William, bricklayer Seaman William, baker
& agent for Sir William Everard lfawitt Robert J. grocer & draper Seapey Wilham J. grocer & draper
Browne ffolkes hart. & the Hon. Kidall Charles, saddler Skipper J<Jhn T. boot & shoe maker
Mrs. J. Dawnay Kidall Frederick, beer retailer Softley Jas. carpenter & wheelwrigh\
Fysh Herbert, miller, The Mill Leverett .Arthur, baker Trevor-Roper Georga Dacre,physician
Gedge William, beer retailer Leverett Wm. shopkeeper, Post office & surgeon, medical officer & public
George David, horse breaker McLachlan Colin, farmer vaccinator Massingham district,
Goorge James, vermin killer Masheter Jas. Wm. Hall M.R.O.V.S. Freebridge Lynn union
George John, blacksmith veterinary surgeon West Artbur, wheelwright
Glaswell Brothers, blacksmiths Mason John, plumber & painter Whiting Robert, boot & shoe dealer
LITTLE MASSIN'GHAM is a. parish and village Mrs . .Arthur Elwes, of Congham House, .is lady of the
with a station on the Midland and Great Northern joint manor and chief landowner. The soil is a mixture of
railway, rog! miles from London and 12 north-east from loam and clay; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
Lynn, in the North Western division of the county, Free- oats, barley and turnips. The area is 2,289 acres; rate-
bridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional division and union, able value, [2,085; the population in rgn was 211.
Lynn county court district, rural deanery of Lynn (Nor- Parish Clerk, George Pelgrave.
folk), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich . . Letters received from King's Lynn at 7-.30 a. m. & 3
The church of St . .Andrew is a building of stone in the p.m. ; dispatched at II.30 a. m. & 8. IS p.m. Great
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south Massingham iil the nearest money order & telegraph
porch and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells: office, about I mile distant
in the church is a monument to Sir Charles Mordaunt Wall Letter Box, cleared II,3S a. m. & 8. IS p.m.; sun-
hart. of Little Massingham and Walton D'Evill, eo. War- days, 2.5s p.m
wick, ob. 1648: there are 150 sittings. The register Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared jl.t li-4S a.m.
dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net & 8.30 p.m.; sundays, 3·5 p.m
yearly value [393, including 30 acres of glebe, with resi- The children of this place attend the school at Great
dence, in the gift of and held since 1902 by the Rev. Henry M111ssingham
Lloyd Brereton M ..A. of Cavendish College, Cambridge. Railway Station, Joseph H. Barnett, station master
Birkbeck Mrs. Little Mas.singham ho Rudd .Arthur .Alfred, Hall farm Dewar Charles J.P. farmer, Hall frm
Blackwood Leonard ()live, Red house COMMERCIAL. Dring Richard, farmer, Hill farm
Brereton Rev. Hy. Lloyd M.A.Rectory Blackwood Lsonard Clive, teacher of Gagen Jonathan, ooal mer. Station
Meredith Wm . .Appleton J.P.,F.R.C.S. music, Red house Lewis William, farmer
Little Ma.ssingham manor Clarke .A. E. farmer Mason Elizabeth (Mrs.), Railway inn
MATL.ASXE is a parish about 4! miles north-north- chapel here, seating about so persons. The Rev. George
east from Corpusty station on the Midland and Great Montgomery Norris M.A. ri}Ctor of South Cove, is lord
Northern joint railway, 7 north-north-west from Aylsham of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is a light
and 6 south-east from Holt, in the Northern division of loam; subsoil, brick earth. The chief crops are wheat,
the county, North Erpingham hundred and petty turnips, barley and grass. The parish comprises 476
sessional division, Erpingham union, Halt county court acres; rateable value, £634; the population in 19II was
district and in the rural deanery of Repps, and arch- 149.
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Parish Clerk, John Lubbock.
Peter is a plain edifice of flint in the Perpendicular
style, consisting of nave, south aisle, north and south Post Office.-Mrs . .Annie Mary Leeder, sub-postmistress.
porches (the latter used as a vestry) and a round Letters t.brough Norwich arrive at 7.40 a.m. & 3·35
western tower with octagonal embattled belfry contain- p.Ill.; dispatched at 7· 25 a.m. & 5-So p.Ill. week days
ing one bell: the chancel fell on 19 March, 1726, and only. .Aldborough, 3 miles distant, is the nearest
has not been rebuilt: the roof of the existing building money order office, & Wickmere, 2 miles distant, the
was thoroughly restored in 1871 and the tower in 19o 3 ; nearest telegraph office
there are 130 sittings. The register dates from the Public Elementary School for Barningham united dis-
year I5S8. 'l'he living is a rectory ~nnexed to Plum- trict, in this parish, was opened in 1876, & enlarged
stead, joint net yearly value £2oo, including 50 acres in 1912; it includes a residence for the master & will
of glebe, in the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held 130 children; average attendance, 109; Thomas
held since IB83 by the Rev. Herbert Wynell-Mayow, who H. Wood, master; :Mrs. Wood, mistress; Miss Dann.
resides at Plumstead. There is a United Methodist infants' mistress
McConnel Henry W. Matlaske hall Lee George, farmer, Matlaske Hall & Leeder .Annie Mary (Mrs.)• t~hop-
COMMERCIAL. Gap farms keeper, Post office
Amies Robert, estate carpenter for J. Leeder Brothers, blacksmiths, wheel- Neave William, gardener 'to H. W.
S. Mott esq wrights & farmers; agricultural McConnel esq
Lambert Stepben, farmer implements repaired Ward Robert F. builder
MATTISHALL is a parish and large village, 3 miles :Primitive Methodi8t chapel, erected at a cost of £7oo.
east from Yaxham station on the Wymondham and and the Society of Friends have a meeting :~louse. A
Derebam section of the Great Eastern railway and s cemetery was formed in 1894, at a cost of £26o; it is
aouth-east from Dereham, in the Mid division of the under the control of the Parish Council. The
county, Mitford hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty cl..arities produce about £34 yearly for clothing, and
sessional division and union, Dereham county court dis- there is a fuel allotlllent of 6o acres, let at £so yearly.
trict, rural deanery of Hingham (Mitford division), arch- Mrs. Berney, of Morton Hall, near Norwich, is lady of
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church the manor. The trustees of the lat~ Edward Bowyer
of .All Saints is a large building of flint in the Perpen- Sparke esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is
dicnlar style, consisting of chancel with side chapel, nave, heavy; subsoil, day and brick-earth. The chief crops
aisles, north and south porches and an embattled tower are wheat, barley, bay and roots. The area is 2,316
containing a clock and 6 bells: the fine wooden lectern is acres; rateable value, [3,212; the population in 19II
a copy of that in Sbipdbam church: the church was par- was 738.
tially restored and re-seated with open benches in 1857-8, Parish Clerk, Edwa.rd La.nd.
and was thoroughly restored, with the exception of the ·
tower, in I890-2, at a cost of about £3,600, and memorial Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-George Henry Se&man, sub-
windows erected to Mrs. George Taylor and to Mrs. c. postlllaster. Letters from London & 1111 parts arrive
Mowbray Donne: there are 415 sittings. The register from Dereham at 7 a. m. & 3·45 p.m. Letters are dis•
dates from the year I656. The living is a discharged patched at ~1.45 a.m. & 6.I5 p.m-; stmqays !ft 10.25
vicarage, with the rectory of Pattesley annexed, joint a.m
net yearly value £240, including 6o acres of glebe, with Public Elementary School (mixed & -infants), built in
residence, in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge, and ' I872 & in 188~, for 180 children; average
held since 18cfj by. the Rev. Edward Madoc Madoc M . .A. attendancl', 160; Miss Elizabeth M. Johnson, mistress
of that colleg-e. There is a Congregational chapel, Carriers to Norwich.-William Howes, wed. & ~at. re-
founded in 1865 with sittings for 350 persons, and a turning same days & Willjam Robert Pigney, sat. only

Griffith-Williams Wm.Hy. South grn Fish Ambrose, farmer, Badley moor Howard William, farmer
Madoc Rev. Edward Madoc M.A. Fish Edgar, farmer, Welgate Howes William Raynes, carrier
Vicarage FiHher Isaac, cattle dealer Hov Edward John, watch maker &

Morris Miss, Several house Gay Reginald Sparke, farmer, Malt- assistant overseer
N orton Clement house farm Hoy Edwd.Sussens,farmer& watch m&
:Shepherd Richard Le Fleming,Mill ho Greenwood Martin, farmer Jackson Robert, cycle agent
\Vatson George, The Cedars Griffith-Williams William Henry King Lebbell, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., L.F.P. & Lusher Hetty (Mrs.), market gardenr
Allenden John, farmer S.Glas. surgeon & medical officer & Matthews Chas. farmer, Badley moor
Batson John, Eight Ringers P.H public vaccinator, No. 5 district, Neave James, grocer, draper,outfitter
Beckett Frederick, shoe maker Forehoe union & Mattishall district, & boot dealer
Beckett Thos. Hy. sh()pkpr. & farmer Mitford & Launditch union, & regis- Newton John, farmer
Blanch Herbert, blacksmith trar of births & deaths for Mattis- Norton Frank, grocer & draper
"Burgess Alfred James, baker hall sub-district, Mitford & Laun- Norton Richard, baker
Cann William, Swan inn ditch union & medical officer & pub- Norton William Brown, baker
Cemetery (E. J. Hay, clerk to the lic vaccinator, St. Faith union, Pearce Frederick, farmer
Burial Authority) South green Pigney William Robert, White Horse
Cole Marshall, farmer Gunton Bertie, butcher P.H. & carrier
<.Curtis Geo. !armer ,Kensington house Harris Albert James, farmer Randall Arthur, farmer, South green
Tiobbs Brothers, wheelwrights, black- Harrison Luke Foster, farmer, The Rayner William, wheelwright
smiths, cart, wagon & trolley bldrs Old Hall farm Reeve Frederick William, plumber
Doughty Alfred, George P.H Hewitt James William, butcher Seaman Geo. Hy. stationer, Post off
Drew William, sheep dresser Hewitt Oscar Daniel, but-cher Shepherd Richard Le Fleming M.B.,
Earle WiHiam, farmer & fish dealer Hill Septimus, farmer, Church farm C.M.Edin. surgeon, Mill house
Edwards Edward, saddler Horne Emily Rosa (Miss),haberdasher Tofts Herbert Nicholas, carpenter
Edwards John Sippens, Crown & Horne Frederick Charles, tailm Tofts Nicholas, cattle dlr. & farmer
Anchor P.H Horne Wm. Mann, shpkpr. South grn Turner William, farmer
.Farrow Arth. John, farmer,May farm Howard Deveney, builder, painter & Wire Herhert, farmer
Farrow John, farmer, South ·green undertaker Wyett Frederick William, farmer
MATTISHALL BUR,GH is a parish 3~ miles east- I held since 1894 by the Rev. Joseph Thomas Kingsmill
by-north from Yaxham station on the Wymondham and D.D. of Trinity Q()llege, Dublin, who resides at Hockering.
Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway and 6 east Thornton's charity of {,1o yearly is divided between
from Dereham, in the Mid division of the county, hundred Mattishall and Mattishall Burgh; the fuel allotment of
of Mitford, petty sessional division and union of Mitford 18 acres is let at {,18. Mrs. Berney, of Morton Hall,
1md Launditch, Dereham county court district, rural near Norwich, is lady of the manor. The trustees of the
rleanery of Hingham (Mitford division), archdeaconry of late Edward Bowyer Sparke esq. and Ed;mrd Mann Coe
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed;
is a small building of flint in the Gothic style, consisting subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
of chancel, nave, north transept, SQUth porch and an em- and roots. The area is 623 acres; rateable value, [,664;
aattled western tower with pinnacles containing one bell: the population in 191 r was 144 .
.there are 120 sittings. The register dates from the year . .
_.6 54 . The living ill a rectory, united with that of Rocker- Letters through Dereham. Great Matt1shall 1s the
mg, net yearly value £ 3 85 , including 20 acres of glebe nearest post, money order & telegraph office
1lere and so at Rocketing, in the gift 6f Mrs. Berney, and The children of this place attend the school at Mattisball
COMMERCIAl,. Lusher George, market gardener Reeve Peter, Cross Keys P.H
nBower Geo. Benjamin, insurance agt My hill George, farmer Savory Pal mer, farmer
Coe Edward, farmer Norton Lindoe, farmer Tooley Henry, farmer
Gay Alfred John, farmer Osborne Albert, farmer Woodrow Robt.farmer & wheelwright
Gricks Frederick, farmer,Rookery frm Osborne Charles, farmer
. .
MA UTBY is a parish, near the navigable Bure, 3 miles of Robert Fellowes esq. of Shotesham Park, and held
west from Caister station on the Midland and Great since r8g6 by the Rev. John Norris Dredge B ..A. of
Northern joint railway, and about 5~ north-west from Yar- Trinity College, Dublin. In the parish are a few modern
mouth, in the Eastern division of the county, incorporatled plantations and a small decoy of g acres. Many of the
hundreds, petty sessional division and incorporation of well-known Paston letters (re-edited by Mr. J ames
East and West Flegg, county court district of Great Gairdner in 1872-5) were written from this place;
Yarmouth, rural deanery of Flegg, archdeaconry and Margaret Paston, wife of John Past on, having inherited
diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. Peter and Paul the property from her father, John Mautby. Robert
is a small building of flint in the Early English style, Fellowes esq. of Shotesham Park, is lord of the manor
·-consisting of chancel, nave, SQnth porch and an embattled and sole landowner. The soil is loamy; subsoil, sand
western tower, with a circular base and octagonal belfry and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
-containing one bell: in the south wall of the nave is o The area is 1,926 acres of land, chiefly arable, including
tomb, with cross-legged recumbent effigy in armour, to 26o acres formerly extra-parochial, 9 of water and IQ
.a member of the Mautby familv. formerly lords of the of tidal water; assessable value, £1,894; the population

manor : there is alsn a mural tablet to the Rev. Richard 1n 1911 was 119.
Gay Lncas, a former rector, d. 1771, anrl to Mary, his Deputy Parish Clerk. Alfred Hudson.
wife. d. 176o : the font is octagonal, and has a canopy : Assistant Overseer, Henry J ames W oolston, Ormesby
in 1884 the nave was restored under the superintendence St. Margaret.
'Of Mr. Arthur S. Hewitt A.R.I.B.A. of Yarmouth, when
the south aisle, which had been destroyed, was rebuilt; Letters received through Great Yarmouth arrive at 8
the arcade, previously blocked up, being reopened and a.m. & 5.30 p.m. Filby is the nearest money order &
the interior reseated: in rgo6 the chancel was restored telegraph office
and other alterations made at a cost of £570: there Wall Box, Rectory, cleared at 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; no
are now 100 sittings. The register dates from the year sundav•
1663. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £380, The children of this place atJtend the schools at Runham
including 46~ acres of glebe, with res.idence, in the gift & Filby
Dredge Rev. Jn. Norris B.A. Rectory Benns Stephen, bailiff to Ernest Lacon Lubbock John, farmer, Marsh farm
Alexander Frank Dennis, farm bailiff esq. Hall & Wood farms Ward Harry Edward, boot maker
to H. Browns e11q Browne Henry, farmer, Decoy farm Wharton Wm. farmer, Church farm
MELTON CONSTABLE (or Melton Burgh) is an Peter, in the park, is a small but ancient building of
important junction station on the Midland and Great I Hunstanton stone, in mixed styles, consisting of chan-
Northern joint railway, of the lines to Lynn, Fakenham, I eel, nave, transepts and a low central Norman tower
Norwich, Yarmouth, Halt and Cromer, 8 miles east- containing one bell: the church was restored in 1885 at
north-east from Fakenham, 6 south-west from Halt, 12 the sole expense of the 2oth Baron Hastings, a north
from North Walsham and about 127 from London, in the transept being added to form a vestry; the family pew
Northern division of the county, hundred, petty sessional of Lord Hastings, erected in 1636, is adorned with
division and county court district of Halt, union of Wal- shields of arms; the church was refitted with good
singham, rural deanery of Holt and archdeaconry and carved oak benches, a new oak lectern and a reading
diocese of Norwich. The greater part of the civil desk, and an oak reredos was erect:oed in 1903; there
parish is in the ecclesiastical parish of Burgh Parva, the are monuments to various members of the Astley
hving of which is joined to Briston. The church of St. family: the church affords 100 sittings. The registers
of Melton Comtable date from the year I55I. The Swanston Great Wood, famous as a preserve for wood-
living is a rectory, net yearly value [,u2, including 84 cock shooting, is upon this estate. The stud farm and
acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord Hastings, and held paddocks, which adjoin the park, are -celebrated as the
since I9II by the Rev. .A.rthur Hedley Crowe M . .A. {)f birth-place of the Derby winner "Melton," and the
Durham University, who is also rector of and resides Home farm for its herd. of red polled cattle, Ta.mworth
at Swanton Novers. The ancient church of St. Mary, pigs and a 11tud of shire horses. A lamb sale is held
Burgh Parva, or Melton Burgh, is in ruins; a temporary here annually during the first week in July. Lord
iron church having been recently erected until sufficient Hastings is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The
lunds are in hand to build a permanent structure. soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The ·chief crops are wheat,
The living, which is annexed to Briston, is a rectory, joint oat;;, barley, turnips and grass. The area is 1,698 acres
.net yearly value {,250, in the gift of Lord Hastings, and of land and 24 of water; rateable value, £5,195; the
held since IQI2 by the Rev. John Hill Wooster M . .A. {)f population in 1911 was 1,157·
Merton College, Oxford, who is also vicar of Briston Post, M. 0., T. & Expres~ Delivery Office (letters should
and resides there. The extensive repairing shops and have Norfolk added).-Miss Ellen Linder, sub-post-
_permanent way depot of the Midland and Great Northern mistress. Letters are delivered at 7 a.m. (for callers
joint railway are situated here. The Railway Institute, only at 12.15 p.m.) & 4 p.m.; dispatched at 11.45
opened in I 8q6, and enlarged in IQIZ, for the use a.m. & 5·45 p.m. via Norwich, 6.15 p.m. (motor mail)
of the employPs, comprising reading and billiard via Dereham, 6.45 p.m. via Norwich & at 7·45 p.m. via
rooms, dining and coffee rooms, a library of 2,5oo Peterborough. Sunday, delivered at 7 a.m.; dis-
volumes, and also a large hall for public meetings patched at 6. IS p.m. No postal business on sun days
and entertainments. There is a recreation ground except telegraph from 8.30 to 10 a.m. Wall Letter Box
of 9 acres, leased by the Parish Council from Lord at railway station, cleared at 11.30 a.m. & 5.15 &
Hastings. Melton Constable Hall, the seat of Lord 6 p.m. week days only
Ha~tings, is a rectangular mansion of brick and stone. & Great Northern Joint Railways (locomotive
-to which various additions have been made, including a department), William Marriott, district engineer &
corridor over Ioo feet long, connecting the hall with the locomotive superintendent; A.lbert E. Langley, assi!lt-
wing on the site of the old hall; the house is sur- ant engineer; William Newman, works manager; David
ll"Ounded by elegant terraces, inclosed by ornamental Vickery, permanent way inspector; Edgar George
grounds, and affords a fine v.iew of the large lake; it is Palmer, chief clerk in district engineer's office; Geo .
.situated in an extensive and well-timbered park, which Ratcliff, architect
is stocked with red and fallow deer, being the ;;;
l-Jark in England where the red deer were introduced; A Committee of 6 managers was formed in October,
the various apartments contain a fine collection o! 1903; Arthur G. Newman, corresponding manager;
valuable paintings and porcelain. Melton "ll"as granted I. W. Tuck, Warham, Wells, attendance officer
.by the Norman Conqueror to .A.rfastas, Bishop of Thet- Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in
.ford, of whom it was held by Roger de Lyons, ''l"hose 1896 & enlarged in Igoo & I9o6, for 320 children;
descendant~; assumed the name of Mealton, and some- average attendance, 210 mixed & 88 infants; Alfred
times signed themselves De Constable. from the ufiice Hamer, master; Miss Ellen E. Locke, infants' mistress
which they held under the Bishop; it has now been for Railway Station, Waiter William Copland, station master
centuries the seat of the Astleys, Baron Hastings. '!'be & goods agent
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fuller Ernest, hair dresser Railway Institute (.Arthur Q. New-
Hastings Rt. Hon. Lord J.P. Melton Gascoigne John, farm bailiff to Lord man, sec. ; H. Ellwood, caretaker)
Constable hall; Rachelors' club W; Hastings Ratcliff George, architect to M. & G.
Carlton club S W & Turf club W, Goddard Richard Owen F.A.I. estate N. Joint Railway
London agent to Lord Hastings, The Estate Rose Alfred A. baker, Briston road
Goddard Richard Owen F.A.I. Dairy offices, Melton Constable park Sanitary Committee (H. S. Hayward,
house, Melton Constable park Harvey 'William, farmer, Burgh hall clerk)
COMMERCIAL. Hayward Hezekiah S. assistant over- Shingler William, head gardener to
Allard Frederick, head gamekeeper seer & clerk to Parish Council Lord Hastings
to Lord Hastings, South lodge, Ives Arthur, signal inspector M. & Skrimshire & Gillam, physicians &
Melton Constable park G. N. Railway, 17 Colville road surgeons, Briston road •

Barclay & Company Limited, bankers Joice Geo. Wm. butcher, Gordon rd Skrimshire John Fen wick B.C. (firm,
(sub-branch to Halt) (H. R. Tyler Langley .!lbert E. assistant engineer Skrimshire & Gillam), physician &
attends wed. from I till 3 p.m.), M. & G. N. Joint Railway surgeon, & medical officer Briston
Briston road; draw on head office, Lewis Herbert Fenn, estate plumber district of the Erpingham union,
54 Lombard street, London E C Melton Constab:e Co-operative Society Briston road
Hullard & Sons Ltd. brewers; stores Limited, drapers & provision dealrs. Skrimshira Henry Finch B ..A.Cantab.,
at station; head office, Nor"lfich (E. Tuck, manager), Briston road M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm,
Cheney Thomas, Hastings Arms corn- Melt on Constable Estate Club (W. G. Skrimshire & Gillam), physician &
mercial hot{)} & posting house, Cooper, hon. sec) surgeon, & medical officer & public
Briston road Melton Constable Horticultural So- vaccinator Melton Constable district,
Chilvers Edward Hall, farmer,Culpit's ciety (Rev.Joseph Kaye, hon. sec.); Walsingham union, Briston road
farm show held August Bank holiday Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers,Rail-
Colman Arthur, grocer, Briston road Midland & Great Northern Joint Rail- way station
Colman Robert, park keeper, Melton way Co. (William Marriott, loco- Stolworthy Herbert George, signal
Constable park motive superintendent & engineer) dept. M. & G. N. Ry. 1 Grove rd
Cooper Albert Herbert, clerk of Moy Thomas Limited, coal merchants, Territorial Battalion (5th) Norfolk
works, Melton Constable park Railway station Regiment (Detachment of F Co.
Cooper Herbert William,boot repairer Newman Arthur Q. corresponding Capt. H. N. Bridgwater)
Cooper William G. hall carpenter manager to the day school man- Turbett Alexander Stewart, locomotive
Cooter Arthur Wilfrid, draper agers & sec. to technical classes foreman M. & G. N. Ry.28Melton st
Copland William Waiter, goods agent Nswman William, works manager M. Vickery David, permanent way in-
& station master, 14 Melton street & G. N. Joint Railway spector M. & G. N. Railway
Fisher George William M.P.S.chemist Palmer Edgar G. chief clerk dist. en- Vinter .T. 0. & Son Limited, coal
& artificial teeth maker & dealer in gineer's office, M. & G. N. Joint merchants, Railway station
photographic materials & apparatus Railway, r Melton street J Williamson Henrv• J. forester to Lord
Freeman Arthur Herbert,estate clerk, Pask & Sons, tailors, Briston road Hastings
Menagerie house, Melton Constable Raby Emma (Mrs.), butcher, Bris-
park ton road
GREAT MELTON, or Melton Magna, is a parish ment passed in 17Io, was allowed to fall into decay,
between 3 and 4 miles north-west fr{)m Hethersett sta- the church of St. Mary alone being used ; this church,
tion on the Thetford and Norwich ~ection of the G. E. however, having in turn become much dilapidated, was
railway, 6 west-south-west from Norwich and 4 east- pulled down in 1883, since which All Saints church has
north-P-ast from Wymondham, in the Southern division been rebuilt, a new north transept and vestry being
of the county, Humbleyard hundred, Swainsthorpe petty added at a cost of about {,2,000: the present edifice is a
sessional division, union of Hen stead, Norwi-ch countv• building of flint with stone dressings, chiefly in the
court district, rural deanery of Humbleyard, archdea- Decorated style, and consists of chan-cel, nave, north
conry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. Great Melton transept, south porch and a western tower containing 3
consi~ted of two distinct parishes, St. Mary and All bells: the chancel contains an Early English window~
Saints. consolidated in 1713 in the reign of Quoon Anne. removed from the church of St. Mary: the large east
Both churches stood side by side in one churchyard, but window has been filled with stained glass in memory of
All Saints church, in accordan-ce with an Act of Parlia- the Rev. Charles Eyres M.A. rector r851-77: there are

130 sittings. The register dates from the year I557· I Parish Clerk, William Fox.
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £4 00 • induding Letters through Norwich, via Hethersett, arrive at 7.30
22 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Erlward a.m. Hethersett is the nearest money order & tele-
H. Evans-Lombe esq. of Thickthorn Hall, and held graph office, about 2 miles distant. Letter Boxes,
since 1901 by the Rev. Nigel Wood Paine M.A. of 1 c1eare d at 7.15 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; sun d ays, at
Sch oo,
Trinity College, Cambri d ge.· d Snelling's charity of d 7·45 a.m.; V'll 1
1 age, c eare
d 7·50 a.m. & 6 .10 p.m.; sun-
£ r r7s. 6d. year1y is d enve from a piece of 1an d
situate in Wramplingham, and js distributed to the ays, 9·3° a.m
poor in clothing. The soil is various; subsoil, same. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1852 at
The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley and hay. the sole expense of the late Charles Lombe esq. & en-
The area is 2,514 acres of land and 13 of water; rate- larged in I8g5, for g6 children; average attendance,
able value, £2,483; the population in I9II was 342. 70; Miss Bessie Wigg, mistress
Paine Rev. Nigel Wood M ..A.. (rector), Gowing Edwd.Sayers,frmr.Church fm Ketteringham Frederick, laundry
Rectory Hipperson Thomas William, builder, Lewin Leonard, farmer, Chapel fal'm
COMMERCIAL. contractor & wheelwright & farmer, Norton Samuel, farm steward to
Bloom Edward, farmer, College farm Wramplingham Edward E. Lombe, The Wong
Cannell Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs.), Howard Sidney, farmer Porrett James, farmer, Hall farm
market gardener Hubbard Sidney, bricklayer Porter Robt. Edwd. Green Man P.H
Cross Thomas, farmer, Whiterail frm Hubbard William, market gardener Woods Frederick, farmer
Curson .A.nthony, fal'mer, High House & 6lverseer & clerk to the Parish
farm ~rmcil
LITTLE MELTON, or Melton Parva, is a scattered glebe, with residence, in the gift of Emmanuel College,
parish, about 2 miles north from Hethersett station on Cambridge, and held since I9II by the Rev. Edward
the Thetford and Norwich section of the G. E. railway, 5 Cyrill Sparke Upcher M . .A.. of Trinity College, Cam-
north-east from Wymondham and 4 west-by-south from bridge. Here is a Gospel Mission hall, seating about
Norwich, in the Southern division of the county, 200 persons. The poor's land of 7! acres produces
Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Humbleyard hun- £w ss. yearly, which is distributed among all the
dred, Henstead union, Norwich county court district, cottagers, both agricultural and artisan, in the pro-
rural deanery of Humbleyard, a.rchdeaconry of Norfolk portion of IS. 6d. to adults, 6d. to children and 2s.
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary and to widows and widowers. Mrs. Frank, who is lady
• All Saints is a building of flint in the Perpendicular of the manor, and Edward Henry Evans-Lombe esq. of
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch Thickthorn, Hethersett, are the principal landownel's.
and an embattled western tower containing 3 bells: in The soil is of a mixed nature; subsoil, brick-earth. The
the chancel is a double piscina and two sedilia, and in chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The
the north aisle is another piscina: there is an ancient area is 68r acres; rateable value, £r,r66 ros.; the
Norman font, and a carved chancel screen: in the population in I9II was 29I.
chancel is a black marble tablet, with arms, to Richard Parish Clerk, Samuel Sword.
Skottowe, ob. 1656, and below are several brasses to
Bridget Skottowe, d. 1766; Augustine Skottowe, d. Post Office.-Samuel Sword, sub-postmaster. Letters
r683, and Susannah, his wife, d. r681; Thomas Skot- through Norwich arrive at 5.10 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. &
towe, d. 1758, and Katharine Skottowe, d. 1769; on the are dispatched at I2.45 & 6.5 p,m.; sundays, 6.5 p.m.
south side is a monument of whi·te marble, with arms, Hethersett, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money
to Thomas J ohnson, d. 1714, and Mrs. Mary J ohnson, order & telegraph office
d. IJI6: near the pulpit is an ancient brass to Dorothy
Anguish, ob. r6o4, and to Robert, her son: there are Wall Letter Boxes.-Hethersett road, cleared at I2.5o &
130 sittings. The church was restored in 1896, the 6.Io p.m.; sundays, p.m. & Hingham road,
chancel and nave new roofed, the flooring relaid and cleared 7·45 a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; sundays, 7·45 a.m
the interior reseated by Emmanuel College. The Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r874, at a
register dates from the year 1733. The living is a cost of [750, for 8o children; average attendance, 62;
vicarage, net yearly value £7o, including rg acres of Miss Kate Hall, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cunningham William M. shoe maker Morter George & John, farmers,
Denny George Wright,The Shrubbery & assistant overseer Valley farm
Hill Robert George, Rose villa Diaper Wm.Spencer,frmr.Manor farm Reynolds George, Rose & Crown P.B
Rodwell Henry, Hill house Hill Richard, farmer Ringwood J ames, shoe maker
Upcher Rev.EdwardCyrill Sparke M ..A. Hilling Robert Harris, farmer Rooke Henry, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. Hipperson William, farmer, Elm farm Sparkes Caroline (.Mrs. ),market grdnr
Bailey William, shopkeeper Lack William, farmer, Church farm Sword Samuel, shopkeeper, parish
Bilham Charles, florist, nurseryman & Lynn John, florist clerk, & Post office
market gardener, Vine cottage I W oodgett George, farmer
MENDHAM, a parish formerly partly in this county, is now wholly in Suffolk.
MERTON (anciently called Mere-trme or Mere town) brass, which is made up of fragments is palimpsest;
is a parish on the road from Watton to Thetford, 2 miles there are be~ides the bhmk matrices of many other
south from Watton station on the :Bury, Thetford and brasses: the handsome font canopy of carved oak, exe-
Swaffham. section of the Great Eastern railway, 10 north cuted by Captain Kitto in r843, and presented by the late
from Thetford and 12 north-west from .A.ttleborough, in Lord Walsingham, reaches nearly to the roof, and is a
the South Western division of the county, hundred, petty ccpy of the old cover, which had fallen to decay: in 188j,
sessional division and union of Wayland, county court a carved oak reredos, with a representation of the Last
district of Watton and Attleborongh, rural deanery of Supper, was erected bv Lord and Lady Walsingham, as
Breccles. archdeaconry of Norfolk und diocese of Nor- a memorial to the Rev. George Crabbe B.A. rector of
wich. The church of St. Peter, situated in the park, this parish for 33 years: over the north doorway is a
about 300 yards north-east from the Hall, is a strnc- figure of an angel, erected as a memorial of Mrs. Locke,
ture of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, mother of Lady Walsingham, by her daughter and
north and south porches and a circular Norman western granddaughter: in 1889 a new organ was presented by
towPr containing 3 bells: the chancel and nave arB' Deco- Lady Walsingham: there are I74 sittings. The register
rated. and have windows with elegant tracery: the nave dates from the year 1564. The living is a rectory, net
is divided from the chancel by a carved oak screen, on yearly value £I35, including I6 acres of glebe and resi-
which is an iron bracket for holding an hour glass : the dence, in the gift of Lord Walsingham, and held since
pews are of oak, with carved poppy heads: the chancel 1904 by the Rev. Charles Kent M.A. of Christ's College.
retains a double piscina and graduated sedilia: the door- Cambridge. The rectory house, erected .in 1851 by Lord
way and steps to the rood-loft still remain, and there is Walsingham, is r! miles north-east of the church.
a fine hagioscope: many of the windows are filled with The rents of 5 acres of .town land and 4 cottages are
modern stained glass :there are two very fine brass shields, applied to parochial purposes, and there sre 12 free
with the de Grey quarterings, and tablets to Edmrmd allotments of to rods each for the poor. Merton Hall,
de Grey, ob. I548, and Thomas de Grey, ob. Ij56, and the seat of Lord Walsingham, is a noble mansion of red
his wife Elizabeth, as well as a mutilated brass effigy, brick, in the Jacobean style, built about the year 1613,
with inscription, and one shield out of three to Thomas .on the site of a house which had been in the possession
de Grey esq. 1562, and his two wives .A.nne (Everode) & of the de Grey family since the middle of the 14th
Temperance (Cal'ewe). .A. portion of the inscription is century, and previously of their ancestors by the female
palirnpsest, and exhibits on the reverse the feet of a man line, the Baynards, to whom the property was granted
resting on a lion, c. 1390: it iB probable that the whole at the Conques·t: some portions of the <Jlder buildings
still remain; extensive stabling and a .coachman's house, face (for which purpose there is a clay pit in nearly
from designs by Milne and Hall, architects, of London, every field) the soil has been much improved in the
were erected in x889 or x89o. The house stands in a park past, but ·the practice has been d.iscontinued of late
about 2 miles in length, which, near the mansion, is years. '.fhe parish comprises 1,3SB acres of land and 6
studded with fine timber: the grounds are chiefly of wat~:r; rateable value, £I,337; the population in 1gn
remarkable for the large collection of pines and firs; a was 133.
no'ble oak of great antiquity, which measured 23 feet 4 Parish Clerk, John Buckle
inches in circumference at 6 feet from the ground, fell Letter Box cleared at 6.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. week days
in Jan. I892, and proved to be hollow. The Merton & 9· IS a. m. on sundays. Letter !I through Thetford~
Hall estate comprises the whole village of Merton, with via Watton, which is the nearest money order & tele-
the adjacent villages of Tottington, Sturston, Stanford, graph office, about 2 miles distant
Thompson, and parts of the parishes of Watton, Griston,
Stow Bedon, Caston and Great Ellingham. Lord Wal- Merton Hall is connected with the Estate office & with
singham is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The Watton Post office by government t~lephone
land is generally of a somewhat light character, wi,th a The elder boys of this place attend Watton school, the
marl and clay subsoil; but by bringing clay to the sur- girls attending the school at Thompson

Kent Rev. Charles M.A. (rector),The Menzies Robert, agent t{) Lord Wal-
Rectory singham, Estate office
Walsingham Lord M.A.,LL.D.Camb., Matthews Misses Riddell William, gardener to Lord
F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.E.S., Walsingham
D.L., J.P. Merton hall; & Carlton COMMERCIAL. Stringer John, head gamekeeper to
club S W & Isthmian club W, Brassey Robert, sub-agent to Lord Lord Walsingham
London Walsingham Wade Arthur John & Lewis William,.
Crane J ames, estate office clerk farmers. Broom hill

METHWOLD is a parish and small town on the road of the de Warenne residence, the brick portions having
from Bra.ndon ro Lynn, 4 miles south-west from Stoke served to build the present church. This Jacobean man-
Ferry terminal station on a branch of the Great East~rn sion was formerly the residence of the Peck family, of
railway and 6 north-west from Brandon, in the South Samford Hall, Essex, Wood Felling, Norfolk and Meth-
Western division of the county, Grimshoe hundred and wold, and their arms on a chevron gules, between l
petty sessional division, Thetford union and county -co·urt crosses or, pattees, 2 lances in saltier oppear near the
district, rural deanery of Cranwich (South division), arch- top of the gable carved in stone, and framed in
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church moulded brick work. The Crown, in right of the Duchy
of St. George is an edifice of clunch and freestone, with of Lancaster, is owner of the manor and E. C. Newcome-
a tower of flint and frees tone and consists of chancel, nave, esq. J.P. of Feltwell Hall and A. J. Keeble esq. of
aisles, south porch and a west-ern tower, with a square Wereham Hall, are t.he principal landowners. The soil
lower stage and an octagonal belfry, surmount~d by an is a mixture of fen peat, light loam, sandy and strong
elegant stone spire and containing a clock and 6 bells: the gault; subsoil, chalk and sand. The chief crops are
chancel is Decorated, but has Perpendicular windows : wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 13,34:1
the nave and tower are both Perpendicular, and the latter acres of land and 2g of water; rateable valne, £B,522 ;
retains at its angles the baws of pinnacles : the roof is of the population in I9II was I,325.
the 15th cenJtury, with alternate tie and hammer beams: .
the former are adorned with shields and figures of cherubs, METHWOLD HYTHE, anciently called Ottering-Hythe,.
the latter supported by angels bearing wreaths, crowns or x~ miles west-by-north of the town, is part of the parish
other emblems: the roof of the north aisle has handsomely and!'l of a few farmhouses, ·some cottages, two
moulded principals on grotesque carved corbels: the public-houses and a. small Wesleyan chapel. There ar~
chancel retains a. Decorated piscina and in the north also a considerable number of houses along the Sams
aisle is one of Perpendicular date : an oak rood screen with cut, in the south-west-ern division of the fen, amouruting
a rood loft was placed in the church in rgog by the to a hamlet and generally known as Poppylot (originally
vicar and his two brothers in memory of their parents : spelt Pop lot or Powplot) ; a road, constructed through
there is a brass dated 1367, to Sir Adam de Clifton: this district from Feltwell to Southery, was opened in
the church affords 370 sittings, I20 being free. The r88I.
register dates from the year r683. The living is Parish Clerk and Sexton, Harry Jame,s Boldry.
a discharged vicarage, net yearly value £rRo, with
residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Augustus Carr, sub-post-
held since rgo2 by the Rev. Ernest Edward Matravers master. Letters arrive by mail cart from Brandon at
M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, and 4.40 a.m.; sundays, 4.40 a.m. & from Stoke Ferry at
diocesan inspector of schools. There was once an 3-I5 p.m.; delivered at 7 a.m. & 3.20 p.m.; dis-
older church situated at the edge of the close on patched at 9 30 a.m. & 7-45 p.m.; .sundays, 7·45 p.m.
which still stands the tithe-barn of the Augustinian Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.45 a.m. & 6.40 p.m.;
priory of Brumwell (later Broomhill), founded by Sir sundays, 8.45 a.m. Pillar Letter Box, Stoke road-:
H. de Plaiz, in the reign of King John, and dedicated to 9·45 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wall Letter Box, Hythe, 8.15
SS. Mary andl Thomas, of which various remains have a.m. & 6 p.m. No snnday collection
been disinterred: it was probably the church of the
original Saxon settlement of the Buntings, by which last COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE PETTY
name the lowest part of the village is still known. The SESSIONAL DIVISION OF GRIMSHOE.
Wesleyan chapel, erected in I83I, is an edifice chiefly of Mackenzie Col. Edward Philippe D.L. Downham haH~
flint; the Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in I866, is Brandon, chairman
uf brick and stone. A cemetery of about 4~ acres was Burrell Charles esq. Shrublands, Thetford
opened in May, 1902, 8lt a cost of £450, and is under the Carter John Burroughes esq. Manor house, Northwold
control of the Parish Council. Batchcroft's and other Hart Rev. Henry Chichele B.A. Rectory, Cranwich,.
Chf:rities amount to £3o yearly, and Miss Clough's dole Mundford
to £ ro yearly. There are six almshouses, built in rBBc Hewitt Charles Young esq. Eastmoor, Stoke Ferry
by Mr. W. J. Coote, who left. the rent of one dwelling- Newcome Edward Cyrill esq. Feltwell hall, Brandon
house for keeping them in good repair. A sub-branch of Underdown Harry Charles Baillie esq. Buckenham Torts
the bank of Barclay & Company Limited, at Thetford, is hall, Mundford
open here every Monday. A new county police station Upcher Hy. Edwd. Sparke hall,Feltwell,Brandorr
with court room attached was erected in rgox, and Upcher Hy. Morris esq. D.L. East hall, Feltwell,Bra.ndoa
the petty sessions for the division of Grimshoe, formerly Whitta Albei't esq., Methwold, Brandon
held at Mundford, are now held here. St. George's hall,
erected in IB93, is used for public entertainments, and Clerk to the Magistrates, Robert Sewell, Swaffham
will seat about 500 persons. A flourishing market for . Petty Sessions are held at the County Police station th&
cattle and corn is held here on Mondays and a fair for first tuesday in every month (except October) at n
cattle is held on April 23rd. The Warren, which formerly a.m. The following places are included in the petty
covered 1,5oo acres, is now under cultivation, to the extent ! sessional division :-Buckenham Tofts, Colveston~
of about one-half, the remainder being used as a sheep- Cranwich, Croxton, Feltwell, Ho.ckwold-eum- Wilton~
walk and rabbit warren. Near the north gate of the Ickborough, Lynford, Methwold, Mundford, North-
churchyard is the shell of a Jacobean mamion of three wold, .Santon, Stanford, Sturston, Weeting & West
floors, with an interesting gable built in chequer work of Tofts
red brick, flint, and freestone. The aquare blocks of atone
were evidently cut from the last remnants of the casing County Police Station, Sergeant Edwd. Riches, in cha1'ge
Non-provided Church School, erected in 1858 & since en· Caniers to Brandon (pass through). J. Cri!!p & Son,
larged to hold 200 children; average attendance, 146; from Northwold, man. wed. & fri. & to Lynn on tues.
Robert Edward Melbourn, master; infant school, for thurs. & sat.; Salmon & Johnson, from Stoke Ferry,
90 children ; average attendance, 64; Mrs. Ell en E. mon. wed. & fri
Melbourn, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Catling Henry, draper Lister John, farmer, Fen
Byworth John, Cross Hill house Ca.uston John, insurance agent Manning John, shoe maker
Coote Miss CPmetery (Miss E. Coates, clerk) Melior Wilfrid A. solicitor
de Beaumont-Klein Leopold L. Cler- Chaplin Charles, bill poster Neville Cteorge, farmer, Hill house
mont house Coates John & :;on,carpenters & joinrs Neville John Robert, farmer
Dixon Rev. Herbert (Wesleyan) Coates Edwd. insurance agt. Petch ho Oldman & Sons, auctioneers &c
Flatt Robert Coates Elizabeth (Miss), assistant Orriss Sarah Ann (Mrs. ),dress maker
Mathew Mr~. Thrue Hill house overseer& clerk to the burial board Osier Robert, farmer, Turf fen
Matravers Rev. Ernest Edward M.A.. Coates Elsie (Miss), dress maker Parrott Fdk. Wm. farmer,Brandon rd
(vicar, & diocesan inspector of Cole Richard, farmer~ Hythe Payne R. & Sons, threshing machine
schools), The Vicarage Constable Phillips, farmer, Hythe proprietors
Swain John William Constable-- William John,farmer, Bythe Payne Christopher H. miller C~ind),
'l'heobald JoseEh Last, Red house County · Police Station (Sergeant baker, corn & flour merchant & hay
Whitmore Capt. Geo. F. Glebe house Edward Riches) & stra ;v merchant
Whitmore William Cowlishaw & Sons, ironmongers, cycle Payne Robert, farmer, Clough farm
Whitta Albert J.P agents & implement agents Pearmain Perry, baker
Wortley Mrs Duffield Amos, builder, coach builder, Penson George, cattle dealer
motor car body painter, wheel- Plowright & Sons, agricultural imple-
wright, sign writer, painter & ment makers
COMMERCIAL. decorator Pooley William, Chequers P.H
l.dcock. Theophilus, watch & clock Fendick John Folkes, farmer, Abbey Porter Simon, farm~::r, Hythe
repaner farm, Hythe Redding George, farmer, Fen
Alien Jacob (Mrs.), baker Fison George, boot & shoe maker Rolfe John, umbrella maker
A.mbrose William, carpenter Flatt Charlotte Ann a (Miss), stationer St. George's Hall (Robert K. Good·
Archer Ernest George, surgeon; & at Flogdell J oseph, George Inn hotel, rich, proprietor)
Felt well family & commercial ; posting in Smith Robert, Bell hotel
Aspin Eliza (Mrs.), fishmonger all its branches Speed John, farmer, Fen
Baker Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper Ford George, coal dealer Spinks Frederick, farmer, Hythe
Balaam Frederick, Swan inn Ford William, coal dealer Spinks .J obn William (Mrs.), butcher
Baldry William Ashley, carpenter Fuller & Son, carters Spinks Ma.ria (Mrs.), Cock inn
Barclay & Company Limited (sub- Gathercole J ames, farm bailiff to L. Storey Matt. farmer, Lancaster park
branch), bankers (C. F. Halls, L. de Beaumont-Klein esq Ta.ylor Jacob, farmer
agent); open man. 12 to 3 from Gott Henry, farmer, Fen Thornbill Thomas, farmer & cattle
April I to Oct. 3I & from 12 to 3 Hall John T. traction engine pro- dealer, Willow farm
from Nov. I to March 3I; draw on prietor, threshing machine owner & Thorpe Waiter, farmer
head office,54 Lombard st.LondonEC hay & straw dealer Tborpe William King, farmer
Barker George, baker Harrison Arthur, beer retailer, Hythe Wagg Henry Barrington, farmer
Barrett & Goss, farmers, Fen Harrod Robert, farmer, Hythe Warren Ern est, farmer
Bensley Frederick, farm bailiff to A.. Harrod William, farmer, Mill farm Waterfall Henry, farmer, Fen
J. Keeble esq. Five Mile farm Harrod William, Green Man P.H Waters John W. farmer
Bloomfield Claud, blacksmith Hart Arthur, draper West John Rolfe, chimney sweeper
Blunderfield A.rth. Thos. poultry dlr Height William & James, farmers Whatnell &. Sons (Robert ), drapers
Blyth Robert, shopkeeper Hennells Alexander, marine store dlr Whitta & Sons, auctioneers &
Boldry Evan & Son, blacksmiths Herbert J. A. & E. R. farmers, Old estate agents; valuers to the gro-
Boldry Harry J ames, ironmonger Hall farm cery, drapery & allied trades; cer-
Boldry Thomas Curry, builder Hew-itt Charles Young, auction- tified bailiffs under the "La~ of
Bowers William, antique furniture d!l' eer & estate agent; & at Eastmoor Distress Amendment Act"
Bradley Frederick, farmer, Fen Hopkin Waiter, insurance agent Whitworth Horace Morley, grocer
Brown George, Globe P.H Howes Artbur W. beer retailer Winner J ames, bricklayer
Buttifant Josiah Frederick, chemist Howes Robert, builder Wortley Jabez, farmer, Hythe
Byworth J. Puddick, farmer, Fen Jackson Robt.grocr.& collctr.of taxes Wortley John Robert, farmer, Hythe
Carr Aug-ustus, watch repairer, &. Keeble Artbur James, farmer, Fen Younge 1Yilliam Richard, saddler
Post office Leonard Ernest, farmer
METTON is a parish 3! miles south from Crome:r living is a discharged rectory, consolidated with that of
stations on the Great Eastern and Midland and Great Felbrigg, joint net yearly value £274, with 76 acres of
Northern joint railways, 9 north-west from North Walsham glebe and resictence, in the gift of R. W. Ketton esq. and
and 9 west from Holt, in the Northern division of the held since I898 by the Rev. Thomas South Jagg M.A. of
county, North Erpingbam hundred and petty sessional Christ's College, Cambridge. Col. H. A. Barclay C.V.O.,
division, Erpingham union, Halt county court district, A.D.C. of Hanwortb Hall, and Robert William Ketton
rural deanery of Repps, and archdeaconry and diocese of esq. of Felbrigg Hall, who is lord of the manor, are the
Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a small building chief landowners. The soil is loam, with a subsoil of red
of stone, in the Enrly English style, consisting of chancel, sand. The chief crops are wheat, oats and bay. The
nave and embattled western tower containing 2 bells: area is 671 acres; rateable value, £1,073; the popula-
in the church is a brass to Robel'lt Doughty, ob. 1493, tion in 1911 was 83.
and Matilda, b]s wife, and there is a memorial window.
paintrd by the p,revious rector, to Mr. G. Brown, who Letters through Norwich, via Roughton, arrive at 8 a.m
died in 1866: the tower has a passage through it similaJ
Wall Letter Box cleared at 1r.5o a.m. (July to Sept.) &
to that at Wrotham, in Kent: the piscina remains and 12.5 & 6.35 p.m. The nearest money order office is
the headings of the sedilia, previously built into the
at CromPr & telegraphic office at Aldborougb, 2~ miles
masonry of the wall, have recently been opened: in r8go
the roof was closed in with boarding: there are 120
sittings. The register dates from the year 1738. The The children of this place attend the school at Aylmerton
Bird William, Metton hall I Young Thomas, Hillside
Jagg Rev. Thomas South M.A.Rectory Bird William, farmer, Metton hall
Bumfrey Alfred, farmer
Parsons Isaac, farmer
MIDDLETON is a parish and village, with a station, I! cler'estoried nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled
miles north from the village, on the Lynn and Derebam western 1.ower containing two bells and a memorial clock
11ection of the Great Eastern railway, 4 miles south-south- I erected in r897 by subscription at a cost of £120: the
east from Lynn, in the North Western division of the chancel was restored in 1862, when a stained east window

eounty, hundred, petty sessional division and union of I was presented by E. L. Wood esq. : the west window was
Freebridge Lynn, county court district of Lynn, rural the gift of the late Sir Lewis Wbincop Jarvis kt. who
deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and also presented a cedar-wood pulpit, reading desk and
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is lectern: the stained east window in the north aisle was
an ancient edifice of carr stone and brick in the Early presented in 1897 by the Hon. Mrs. Milles: the com-
English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, munion table was given in I867 as a memorial to certain

members of the Blencowe family: the church wa1 reseated and residence of John Taylor :Ramsden esq. Algernon
in 18Bo at a cost of £3oo; and in 1892 the organ was James Cubitt e.sq. of Sloley Old. Hall, Norwic'h, who is
restored and placed in the chancel and choir stallli erected lord of the manor, the Ecclesiastioo.l Commissioners, J.
at a. cost of £7o; there are piscinre in the chancel and south T. Ramsden esq. and John de Pass esq. are the prin-
aisle : the church affords 400 sittings. The register dates cipal landowners. The soil is post glacial clay and sand,
from the year 1560, and there is also a list of vicars from with a little fen; subooil, carr st<Jne, clay and sand.
the year 1 I<) I. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value The chief crop.s are wheat, barley, oats and turnips.
£220, with residence, in the gift of Alfred Haley esq. of The parish contains 3,045 acres; rateable value, £3,561 ;
Wakefield, Yorkshire, and held since 1908 by the Rev. the population in IQII was 797·
John Bennett Alexander M.A. of Emmanuel College, Blackborougb, 1 mile south, Tower End, I mile north,
Cambridge. Half an acre of ground was added to the and Fair Green, three-quarters of a mile north~ are
churchyard in 1912. The old village cross is preserved hamlets.
in the churchvard.. Three mission rooms have been
Parish Clerk, Levi E. Rummery .
erected in the parish, one at Blackborough in 1892,
another at Fair green in 1894, and the third at Tower Post, M. 0. & T. Office. James Hall, sub-postmaster.
end, in each of which divine service is held. Here is a Letters arrive from King's Lynn at 7 a.m. & 1.5 p.m. ;
small Wesleyan chapel, built in 186o, and a. Primitive dispatched at ro.4o a.m. & 6.5 p.m. ; sundays, arrive
Methodist chapel, erected 1903: the Shepherds' hall was at 6.30 a.m. ; dispatched 12.30 p. m
erected in 1903. Curie's and Hope's charities, of £I 6s. Wall Letter Boxes at Blackborough cleared at 8.45 a.m. &
yearly, are for poor widows. At Blackborough are alms- 5-55 p.m. week days only & at Railway station, cleared
houses for ID poor persons. In the vale of theNar, r mile 9·45 a.m. & 6.25 p.m
south, are the ruins of Blackborough Priory, founded by Assistant Overseer & Clerk to Parish Council, Geo. Howes
Roger Scales, in the time of Henry I. for Benedictine nuns Public Elementary School (mixed), with master"s resi-
and was dedicated to SS. Mary and Catherine; at its dis- dence attached, erected in 1859, & since enlarged in
solution the revenues were estimated at £42. Park Hill is I896 at a cost of £3oo, for IB3 children; average at·
the residence of Major S. H. Powell. Middleton Hall is tendance, r8o; William Joseph Thistle, master; Mrs.
the residence of John de Pass esq. Middleton Tower, re- F. A. Turner, mistress ; Miss L. A. Mitchell, infants'
stored and enlarged in 186o, is a fine castellated mansion mistress
surrounded by a moat full of water, and is the property Railway Station, .Albert Peacock, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Duncan John, farmer, Manor farm Roofe Robert Marchbanks, farmer.
Alexander Rev. John Bennett M.A. Dunn Edrnund, farmer Old Hall farm
(vicar), Vicarage Flood Ro bert, laundry Rudd Henry J. Castle P.H. & coal
de Pass John, Middleton hall Gri.ggs Waiter, shopkpr. Blackboro' dealer, Blackborough
Dunn Edmund, Tower farm Howes George, farmer & butcher, Rummery Levi Ewen, chimney sweep
Powell Major S. H. Park hill assistant overseer, collector of taxes & parish clerk
Ramsden Jn. TaylDr, Middleton tower & clerk to the Parish Council, Russell George Fredk. Arthur, motor
Thompson Mrs Black borough engineer to J. T. Ramsden esq
Wright William Edward, West hall Howes John, grocer & general lltores Strike Francis, gardener to J. T.
COMMERCIAL. Howes Waiter, jun. farmr.Priory frm Rumsden esq
Allflat Frederick, builder, Mitre farm, Howes Waiter John, farmer & land- Rye George, poultry farmer
Blackborough owner, Priory farm, Blackborough Sampher John, smallholder
Bardell Wm. Cross, farmr. Blackboro' Howes Waiter John, miller (steam) & Shawll Patrick, smallholder
Biggadike Charles, Royal Oak P .H baker, Blackborough Springhall William, carpenter
Box Matthew, oil dealer, Blackboro' Lawn George, beer retailer, Fair green Sutterby William, farmer, Mill farm
Brasnett John, farmer, Blackborough Lawn George, jun. carpenter Thistle William Joseph,schoolmaster &
Bray Arthur, Crown inn Lawn Sydney, bailiff to Mr. E. Dunn organist
Chilvers Frederick P. farmer; & at Lawn Robert, farmer, Blackborough Tinker J oseph Alfred, builder
North Runcton Pal mer Jam es ( exors. of), farmers, Warnes George, cowkeeper
Chilvers William Hall, dairy farmer, Black borough Wicks Jn. wheelwright & general smitb
Blackborough Popl J ames, shoe maker Wiles Frederick, gardener to John d~
Downing John, smith, Blackborough Read J onah, grocer, Black borough Pass esq ,
Downing Wm. blacksmith, Tower end Rice Martin, gamekeeper to J. T. Wiles George, grocer ·
Drew John, miller (wind & steam), Ramsden esq Wright William Edward, farmer &.
farmer & baker, Blackborough mills Rollin John, blacksmith,Blackborough landowner, West hall

l!tiiLEHAM is a parish on the road from Lynn to Ayls- the deserving poor; there are other charities amounting
ham, 4~ miles north-east from Fransham station on the to £19 4B. which is spent for church purposes only.
Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway Here are some remains of an ancient castle, tmpposed
and 7 north-west from Dereha.m, in the Mid division of the to have been built by .Alan, son of Flaad, to whom
county, Launditch hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty William I. gave the manor. Mileham was the birthplace
sessional divisiDn and union, Dereham county court dis- in 1549 of Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of the-
trict, rural deanery of South Brisley, archdeaconry of King's Bench, who died at Stoke Pages, Bucks, 3 Sept.
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. JDhn the r634, in the 83rd year of his age, and is buried at
Baptist is an ancient building of flint with stone dressings, Tittleshall in this county, in the church of which there
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave and an is a monument to his memory.
embattled western tnwer with pinnacles containing a clock, Mileham Hall is the residence of Albert Collison esq.
presented by the late Rev. Augu11tus Sutton M.A. rector J.P. lfienry Edward Paine esq. is lord of the manor of
of West Tofts from 1849• and 5 bells, hung in 1878: in Mileham and Beeston, and the Earl of Leicester
the church are several monuments to the families of G.C.V.O., C.M.G. is lord of the manor of Burghwood.
Strange, Barnwell and Davy, dated 1720, 1787 and 18o2, The Earl of Leicester and Major John Davy Wright
and a brass dated 1526, to Christopher Crow and his wife : Davy, of South Wootton, King's Lynn, are the prin-
there is also an ancient lead-work mural tablet to the cipal landowners. The soil is light loam and clay;
memory of Elizabeth Shipman, who lived in the reign subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
of Charles I. : the west window is stained : an organ barley, turnips and hay. The area is 2,873 acres of
was introduced in r883 : there are 350 sittings. The land and 5 of water; rateable value, £2,524; the popu-
register dates from the year 1538. The living is a lation in 191 r was 424.
rectory, net yearly value £454. including rg acres of
glebe, with residPnce, built in I883, in the gift of J. A. Sexton, Henry Barnes.
G. Wales esq. M.A., J.P. and held since 1910 by the Parish Clerk, Edward Bell.
Rev. Henry Blashell Foster M.A. of Clare College, Cam- Post, 'M. 0. & T. Office.-Frederick William Moulton,.
bridge. The charities include allotments of about 3 sub-postmaster. Letters through Swaffham, arrive-
acres let yearly at £5 4s. ; a coal house let at £I, pas- at 6.45 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.50 a.m. &.
ture land of 2 acres let at £7 yearly, Mary Barnwell 6.30 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 6.45 a. m. dispatched at.
charity of £z Ios. being the amount of interest of £roo 6.30 p.m
invested in the Post Office Savings Bank; Thorold's
charity of 3s. 4d. and a New Church charity of £5 per Public Elementary School (mixed), rebuilt, with master's
year for 20 years, commencing in 1894; all the above house, iu 1879• enlarged in 1902, & endowed with 3
charities are expended in coals for the poor; Sarah acres of land, which let for £7 ss. yearly; it will hold
Fowell's charity vf £5 being the rent of land occupied I3B children; average attendance, gB; J. S. Licence.
by Mr. J. W. Barnes, of which £2 1os. is given away in master
t!lonPy and the remainder in bread on Easter Sunday to Tax Collector, Charles Grix, East Bilney

Collison Albert J.P. Mileham hall Daws C. & Baker, builders, Unicorn Leeds Samuel Jas. farmer,Royals frm
Foster Rev. Henry Blashell M . .A. works Moore Samuel, baker
(rector), Rectory Daws Charles, jnn. farmer Moore Wjlliam, farmer & carrier
Daws Charles, Unicorn P.H. manufr. Moulton Frederick William, grocer &
of poultry appliances, assistant draper & sub-postmaster
A.rcher George, farmer, Colley hill overseer & clerk to the Parish Orton John, farmer
Bailey Fredk. farmer, Granston farm Council I Rampley Charles, farmer
Baker .Alfred, wheelwright &c. see Drury Albert Edward, farmer, Burgh- Riches Horace Edward. farmer, Park
Daw8 C. & Baker wood Hall farm farm
. Earnes John William, farmer Easter Frederick, blacksmith Riches Jesse (Mrs.) (exors. of), frmrs
£ell John, bricklayer Futter baac, farmer Thorpe Henry, Castle P.H
Eootman Alfred Ernest, shopkeeper Godel'Son Fredk. Jas. Royal Oak P.H Ward Charles, coal merchant
Butcher William, farmer Hart George, farmer Wilkin John, miller (wind)
{)laxton Waiter, boot maker Kemp John William, farmer
MINTLYN is a decayed parish, 2~ miles east-by-south and sandy. The chief crops are wheat and barley, with
from Lynn, in the North Western division of the county, a portion of meadow. The area is 1,rr4 acres; rate-
Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty ses1ional division and able value, £748; the population in 19II was 39· This
union and Lynn county court district. The ancient parish is reputed to be extra-parochial for ecclesiastical
church of St. Michael is now in ruins, and the inhabitants purposes.
attend Gaywood church. Capt. Richard Ludwig Bagge Letters through Lynn at 7.30 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. The
D.S.O., J.P. of Gaywood Hall, is patron of the ancient nearest money order & telegraph office is at Middleto~
donative of Mintlyn, lord of the manor of Havelesse The children of this place attend the school at Ash-
:in Mintlyn, and sole landowner. The soil is gravel wicken
COMMERCIAL. Bone John Thomas, farm bailiff to Huhbard Ha.rold, gamekeeper to Capt.
Beck .Arthur Evelyn, farmer, The Messrs. Palmer Brothers R. L. Bagge D.S.O., J.P
White house Pahner Brothers, farmers
MORLEY ST. BOTOLPH is a parish and village, 3 ancient building pleasantly situated, is now occupied
miles north from Attleborough station on the Thetford and as a farmhouse. Lord Cranworth is the principal land-
Norwich sootion of the Great Eastern railway and 3~ west- ownPr. The soil is of a mixed nature; subsoil, clay.
-south-west from Wymondham, in the Mid division of the The chief crops are wh~at, barley, hay and turnips.
eounty, Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division and The area is BoB acres; rateable value, £r, 146; the popu-
union, Wymondham county court district, rural deanery lation in rgn was 196 in the civil and 376 in the ec-
()f Hingham, Forehoe division, archdeaconry of Norfolk clesiastical parish. By an Order which came into
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Botolph is a operation March 25th, Ifl85, certain detached parts of
tmilding of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of this parish were amalgamated with Morley St. Peter.
chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled west€rn Parish Clerk, Samuel Smith.
tower, containing a. clock and 3 bells : the nave was re-
stored· in 186 7 by the Rev. Frederick B. De Chair M . .A. Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-William Smith, sub-post-
then curate of the parish and now rector of Spixworth, master. Letters through Wymondham arrive at 7
in memory of his mother and sister! the chancel was a.m. & 4.50 p.m.; dispatched at 9·35 a.m. & 7· 15
rebuilt in 188o, and in 1884 a memorial window was p.m. week days only
erected to the Rev. Charles B~auchamp Cooper M.A. Wall Letter Box, Morley manor, cleared g.30 a.m. & 7
rector from 1832: .there are 200 sittings. The register p.m. week days only
date& from the year I539· The living is a rectory, with Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1847, for
the chapelry of Morley St. Peter annexed, joint net 78 children; average attendance, 63; the school has
yearly value [350, including 49 acres of glebe, with an tmdowment left by the will of Elizabeth Browne,
'l"esidence, in the gift of Mrs. De Chair, and held since late of Colton, amounting to £8 yearly, for the educa-
1912 by the Rev. John .Alfred Percy Douglas-Willan tion&clothing of ten poor childrenof the twoparishes
L. Th. of University College, Durham. Here is ~ Primi- of Morley St. Botolph & St. Peter; Thomas Edward
tive Methodist chapel. There is a fuel allotment of 16 Ormond, master; Mrs. Margaret Ann Ormond,mistress
acres, producing a~ present £zz Ios. yearly, which is Carrier.-Purdy, from Rockland, through Great Elling-
,'!'iven to the poor in coal!!. The Manor House, an ham, passes through to Norwich on wed. & sat
BakE>r Miss, The Nook Carter Herbert, saddler Smith Herbert Percy, cart & waggon
Blofield Herbert Peter, ~lanor house Clarke Charles Edwd. miller (steam) builder, wheelwright, agricultural
Blofield MN. Morley lodge Clarlce Edward, farmer implement maker & blacksmith
Collin Miss, Fir grove Flint William James, thrashing Smith Wm. grocer, draper, & Post off
Douglas-Willan Rev. John .Alfred machine owner Thurlow Harry, farmer
Percy L.Th. (rector), Rectory Lovett William & James, bricklayers Wigby Harry, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Potter Elizh. (MiS<>) & Edgar,farmers Youels Waiter, farmer
1Uofield Herbt. Peter,farmr.Manor ha Pyman Ellis Rix, farmer & overseer
MORLEY ST. PETER is a. parish, with a scat- Old Hall, an ancient structure in the Elizabethan style,
tered population, 2 miles north-west from Spooner Row surrounded by a moat, and form.erly the residence of
1ltation on the Thetford and Norwich section of the Great the Sedley family, is now occupied as a farm house.
Eastern railway, 3~ south-west from Wymondbam and 3 The trustees of the late J. B. Graver-Browne esq. who
north from Attleborough, in the Mid division of the county, are lords of the manor, and John Qyril Crossley esq. are
Forehoe hn.adred, petty ses1ional division and union, Wy- the principal landowners. The soll is various ; subsoil,
.m.ondbam county court district, rural deanery of Hingham, clay and brick earlfu. The chief crops are wheat, barley
IForehoe division, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of and turnip!! and some land in pasture. The area is
Norwich. The church of St. Peter is a. small building of I,OOJ acres; rateable value, [1,384; the population in
mbble, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, 19II was I8o. By an Order whic}J came into operation
nave, south porch and a low western tower containing one March 25th, IBBs, certain detached parts of Morley St.
bell: against the north wall of the nave is a monument to Botolph were amalgamated with this parish.
Martin Sedley e11q. who re~ided at the Old Hall; there are Pari11h Clerk, Samuel Smith.
120 sittings. The register dates from the year 1562. The
Jiving since 1878 is a chapelry, annexed to the rectory of Post Office.-Thoma..s Parfect, suQ-postmaster. Letters
Morley St. Botolph, joint net yearly value £350, includ- through Wymondham arrive at 7.50 a.m. & . 4.20
ing 49 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. De Chair, and p.m.; dispatched at 5.30 a.m. & 6.55 p.m. week days
neld since 19na by the Rev. John Alfred Percy Douglas- & 5.30 a.m. sundays. Morley St. Botolph is the
Willan L.Th. of University College, Durham, who resides nearest money order & telegraph office. Letter Box,
-at Morley St. Botolph. In the parish is a private near Woodlands, cleared 6 p.m. week days only
cricket ground, owned by John Cyril Crossley esq. The children of this place attend the school at Morley
Morley Hall, a modern mansion of white brick, St. Botolph
ple'<!.santly !ituated and surrounded by extensive grounds, Oarrier.--Clabburn, from Attleborough, passes through
is now the residenee of J dhn Cyril Crossley esq. Morley to Norwich, wed. & sat
Crossley John Cyril, Morley hall Barker Philip, farmer Clarke Wm. farmer, .Ash Tree farrn
Rill E. p-ardiner, Morley hall Barnard John, farmer & landowner Dring Thomas Boyce, farmer (letter~~
COMMERCIAL. Canham Charles William, farmer through :Morley St. Botolph,
Adam~ Frederick, apartments, The Catling George, gamekeeper to John Wymondham)
W oocilands ' C. Crossley esq
Eagling Charles, farmer Morley Hall Cricket Club (Thoma!! Warren Charles, farmer & landowner,
Edwards James William, farmer Edward Ormond, sec) Old hall
J alley John, farmer Patrick Robert, farmer Warren Guy, farmer, Old hall
Petley Wait. farmer,Hook Woods frm
MORNINGTHORPE i11 a parish and village, 3i mile!' Ward's charity of £2 yearly is for fuel. The town land
east from Forncett Junction station on the Ipswich and of 23 acres is let for £2I 9s. 6d, yearly, and devoted to
Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway and 11 south church expenses. The rent of four cottages, yielding
from Norwich, in the Southern division of the county, £17 yearly, is devoted to the reduction of the poor
Depwade hundred and union, petty sessional division of rate, and the proceeds of a manor grant near the corn-
Long Stratton, Harleston county courl district, rural mon, let at a rent of £4 Ios. per annum, is distributed
deanery of Depwade, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese in fuel. Lieut.-Uol. Frederick Arthur Irby J.P. is
of Norwich. The church of St. John the Baptist i11 a lord of Boyland manor, and resides at Boyland Hall, a
small building of flint, with stone dressings, in the Per- mansion in the Elizabethan style, built in I57r, and
pendicular and Early English styles, consisting of chancel, situated in a valley about I mile north-east from the
nave, south porch and a round embattled western tower village: it has a large lawn and extensive pleasure
containing 3 bells : on the north side of the chancel i1 a grounds and shrubberies, and above one of the entrances
memorial window to Rear-Admiral the Hon. Frederick is a bust of Queen Elizabeth, removed from Tilbury
Paul Irby C.B. d. 24 .April, 1844; and to Emily Ives House: the grounds are planted with thriving oak, fir
(Drake), his first wife, d. 7 Aug. I8o6; and on the south and other trees, and is watered by the river Taas.
side is another memorial window to Frances (Wrigbt), Morningthorpe Manor, the property of Commander
bis second wife, who died x6th Jan. 1852: in the chancel Thomas Holmes R.N. lord of the manor of Morning-
is a fine altar tomb with arms to the Gamey family, who thorpe is a. mansion of red brick with stepped gables,
formerly resided at Boyland Hall; and monuments to in the Elizabethan style, pleasantly situated near the
Sir William Gostlin kt~ alderman and sheriff of the city church, and is now the residence of Cecil G. M. Sargent
of London, and Margaret, his wife, d. 23 Jan. 1723; and e~q. Lieut.-Col. F. .A. Irby J.iP. and Commander
to Caroline Gostlin, d. I767; there are also several Holmes are the chief landowners. The soil is mixed,
memorials to the Howes family : the chancel retains a and the land very rich; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
piscina, and on the west wall is a fine carving of are wheat, barley and beans. The area is r,oii acres;
the royal arms in oak: the church was restored in r88g rateable value, £ I,283; the population in rgii was 136.
at a total cost of £r,xso, under the supervision of Mr. H.
Green, architect, of Norwich, when a stained east window Verger, William Winearls.
was erected by Mrs. Green in memory of her family :
there is also a memorial window to Mr. and Mrs. Golds- Letters through Long Stratton arrive at 6.50 a.m.
worth: the church affords Ioo sittings. The register Wall Letter Box at Doggett's gate, cleared at 6.40
dates from the year I556- The living is a rectory, net p.m. week days; sundays, 6.30 a.m. Long Stra.tton,
yearly value £-;;no, including 6 acres of glebe and resi- about 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order &
dence, in f!:,he gift of the Lord C'hancellor, 'and held since telegraph office
xgoB by the Rev. Edmund John Treble Tb.A.K.C. The school is combined with that of Fritton

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Treble Rev. Edmund Jn. Th.A.K.C. Self Frank, farmer
Curteis Miss, Shelton lodge (reP-tor), Rectory Tooke .Alfred, blacksmith
Irby Lieut.-Col. Frederick Artbnr Turner Frederick George, farmer
J.P. Boyland hall COMMERCIAL. (pootal address, Tasburgh,Norwich)
Sargent Cecil G. M. Morningthorpe Bullimore Richard, farm bailiff to Westgate Saml. brick maker & farmr
manor Lieut.-Col. F. A. lrby J.P Wittam William, farm bailiff to
Tooth Edwin Doggett Robert, farmer Edwin Tooth esq
MORSTON is a parish about I mile from the sea-beach M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, who resides at Stiffkey.
and 7 east from 'Vells station on the Great Eastern rail- Here is a coastguard station, with a station officer in
way, in t.he Northern division of the county, Bolt hun- charge and five men. Col. Job~ Edmund Groom J.P. is
dred, petty sessional division and county court district, lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is
Walsingbam union, rural deaneries of Walsingham and most part light; subsoil, gravel. The crops are on the
Halt, arcbdeaconries of Lynn and Norwich and diocese four-course system. The parish contains r,694 acres of
of Norwich. The church of All Saints is a building of land, exclusive of a tract of low mars·hes, which are over-
rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, flowed at spring tides, and is intersected by Blakeney
nave with clerestory, aisles, north and south porches anti harbour, 36 of tidal water and 418 of foreshore; rate-
embattled western tower containing one bell: in the chan- able value, £338; the population in I9II was ISI.
cel is a piscina and a brass dated 1596: an ancient Parish Clerk,· George D1ckerson.
screen divides the chancel from the nave, and there Letter Box cleared at 4· IS p.m. Letters received through
is an ancient carved stone font: the church affords 200 Halt, via Blakeney, arrive at 7-45 a. m. & 4-I5 p.m.
sittings. The rl'gister dates from the year 1548. The week days only. The nearest money order & tale-
living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Stiffkey, graph office is at Blakeney, about 2 miles distant;
joint net yearly value £320, with 56 acres of glebe and telegrams can be dispatched from the Coastguard
residence, in the gift of Col. John Edmund Groom J.P. station, but are not delivered
"and held since Igo6 by the Rev. Harold Francis Davidson The children of this place. attend the school at Langham
Wood Miss, Manor house Gray George, TowiU!hend Arms P.H lfemple Henry, Anchor P.H. & agri-
COMMERCIAL. Jarvis Harry, station officer in charge cultural & general smith & job-
Balding William, farmer Coastguard station master
Buck Edward, fowler Olsen Robert, shopkeeper Wood Robert Wrench, farmer
MORTON (or Morton-on-the-Hill) is a parish and Draper' Ro berts, of St. .Aidans. Morton Hall, a fine
village on the river Wensum, I mile south from .Attle- mansion, standing on a rising ground, commanding a
bridge station on the Midland and Great Northern beautiful prospect, is the residence of Mrs. C. M.
joint railway, about 4~ south from Reepham station Beruey, who is lady of the manor and chief landowner.
()ll the East Norfolk section of the Grea.t Eastern rail- The soil is sand and loam; sub~oil. clay and gravel.
way, and 8 north-west from Norwich, in the Northern The chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and hay. The
division of the county, Eynsford hundred and petty area. is r,oog acres; assessable value, £8ro; the popu-
'Sessional division, St. Faith's union, Norwich county lation in xgu was 103.
court district, rural deanery of Sparbam and arch-
-deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Post Office,...._.AJbert Richmond, sub-postmaster. Letters
Margaret, repaired in x865, is a. small but ancient arrive from Norwich by the Reepham mail cart at 5-I5
building of flint in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, a.m, & 5 p.m. from -Lenwade; delivery commences at
nave, south porch and a round western tower, with 7 a.. m. & 5-5 p.m. for callers; box closes for fupatch
octagonal belfry stage and containing 3 bells~ there are at 5-55 s.m. & 6 p-m.; j!lnndays, 5 p.rrt. Letters can
tlo sittings. The register dates from the year I559· The be registered from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The neare3t
Jiving ir~ a discharged rectory, net yearly value [.IDS, money order office is at Weston & telegraph office at
including 15 acres of glebe and residehce 1 in the gift of Great Witchingham 1
Mrs. Berney, and held since 1882 by the R<!v. Thomas The children of this place atteng the school at Attlebridge
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. r COM:MEllCIAL 'Gragory William- head gardener to
Berney Mrs. Morton haU Arthurton Rt. White Horse P.H.& fmr _ ~lr,;. Berney
Roberts Rev. Thomas Draper, Rectory Ga!SkiiJ,s Caroline _(Mrs.), shopkeeper Stimpson Robert, butcher & farmer

MOULTON ST. MARY is a scattered parish 2 he resides. The poor have the benefit of £12 Ios.
miles north from Cantley station on the Norwich, annually, arising from the rent of an allotment of about
Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections of the G. E. rail- 10 acres, awarded them in 1803. Viscountess Massereene
way, 12 east from Norwich and 9 west from Yarm<mth, and Ferrard, who is lady of the manor, Magdalen Col-
in the Eastern division of the county, Blofield and lege, Oxford, and Mr. Denny Wright are the chief
Walsham petty sessional division, Walsham hundred, landowners. The soil is light mixed; subsoil, princi-
Blofield union, Norwich county court district, rural pally clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats &c.
deanery of Blofield and archdeaconry and diocese of The number of acres is 1,039; rateable value, £1,297;
Norwich. The church of St. Mary is an ancient build- the population in Ign was 219.
ing of flint in the Early Norman style, consisting of Parish Clerk, Robert Chapman.
chancel, nave, south porch and a round western tower
containing one bell: the church was restored, reseated Post Office.-Adam W. Collins, sub-postmaster. Let-
and new roofed in 1903 at a cost of £68o : there are ters from Norwich arrive at 6.30 a. m. & 4· IS p.m.
ISO sittings. The register dates from the year ISD9· for callers only; dispatched at 6.20 a. m. & 4·S p.m.;.
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £128, includ- there is no sunday post. Acle, about 2 miles distant,.
ing 33 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Viscountess Massereene and Ferrard, and held since Public E~ementary School (mixed), built in I871, for
1809 by the Rev. Ralph William Nevill M.A. of Keble 41 children; average attendance, 33; Miss Florence
College, Oxford, who is also rector of Beighton, where Bugg, mistress
Gillett Miss, Ash Tree house Du Rose Henry, market gardener; Thirkettle William Robert, farmer,
Wright Denny, Manor hall cucumbei'S, tomatoes & cut flowers fruit grower, carting contractor &c-
Wright Samuel, Morley house Flint George Sidney, Golden Anchor Wright Benjamin, farm bailiff ,to D.
P.H . Wright esq. Halls farm
COMMERCI AI.. . Hovells Matthew, farmer Wright Denny, farmer & landowner,
Chapman Robt. carpenter & parish elk I Hub bard George, farmer, Kennells Manor hall, Ash Tree & Halls frm!f
Collins Adam W. boot & shoe maker, Kerridge Allan, farmer, Grove house Wright Samuel, farmer, Morley ho
Post office Ransome Robert, blacksmith , Wymer Robert Jacob, bricklayer
MOULTON ST. MICHAEL (or Great Moulton) is esq. and held since 1889 by the ~·-~·· Theophilus Dacre
a parish and village 2 miles north from Tivetshall station Chute M.A. of Keble College, Oxford. Here is a !!mall
and 3 south from Forncett station, both on the Ipswich Baptist chapel, erected in 18go. The town land of roa.
and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, and g or I4P· (part in Moulton and part in .A.slacton) produces
south-by-east from Wymondha.m, in the Southern division about £30 yearly, which is divided between the
of the county, Depwade hundred, petty sessional division school, the church and the poor. Samuel Hammond
and union, Wymondham county court district, rural in 1744 left £20, which was lent towards building a
deanery of Depwade, archdeae<Jnry of Norfolk and diocese cottage; the interest, amounting to 2os. yearly,
of Norwich. There were formerly two parishes, called is given to the poor in bread at Christmas. Moulton
respectively Great and Little Moult on, but the church of windmill is believed to be the oldest in Norfolk, bui
the latter, dedicated to All Saints, was demolished in is now disused. The manor is owned jointly by Mrs.
IS70; its site, which is about a mile from the present John Farrow Betts and John Wilson Gilbert esq. The
church, is still called "The Sanctuary." The church of soil is clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
St. Michael is a small building of flint with stone dreas- barley and beans. The area is 1,398 acres; rateable
ings in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, value, £2,133; the population in rgu was 318.
nave, north aisle, south porch and low embattled western Post Office'.-Miss Harriet Ellen Lincoln, sub-post-
tower containing one bell: in 1887 the church was corn- n'istress. Letters through Long Stratton, Norfolk,
pletely restored; a new roof and seveml new windows arrive at 7 _25 a~m. & S· IS p.m. ; no sunday delivery;
were erected, and the interior re-floored and re-seated di~patched at 8_ a.m. & 6. 35 p.m. Long Stratton is
throughout, under the supervision of Mr. H. Green, archi- the nearest money order office & Tivetshall station
tect, of Norwich, and now affords xso sittings: in the (which is closed on sundays), 2 miles distant, the
churchyard is a fine tomb of the 14th century, without nearest telegraph office
inscription ; there is also a stone to a member of the
Wykeham family. The register dates from the year rs6o. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1874· fo!'
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £280, with 20 76 children; average attendance, SI ; Miss A. M. Earl,
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of C. L. Chute mistress
Bett@ Mrs Herne .A.nna Maria (Mrs.), farmer, M ayes Alfred, farmer
Chute R~v. Theophilus Dacre M.A. Bridge farm Perfitt John Henry, farmer
Rectory Herne James Chaney, farmer, Wood- Piltter Oswald, carpenter
Kett Miss row farm Potter Robert, bricklayer
COMMERCIAL. Herne Leonard John, farmer & brick- Sherwood Ernest, farmer & agent
.A.ldrich George, thrashing machine layer, Laburnum farm for Packard's manures & Parry
& traction engine proprietor Herne Walter Jas. farmer, Gore farm cakes. Telegrams, "Sherwood,
Aldrich William, Fox & Hounds P .H Howlett Eliza (Mrs.), farmer Tivetshall"
Bales William, farmer Jolly Horace, thatcher Smith William, farmer
Betts William, farmer Lincoln Harriet Ellen (Miss), shop- Smith William George, farmer
Cole Alfred, farmer keeper, Post office ~
Tunmore William, farmer
Drew Herbert John, New inn Manser George, farmer Werneking George, farmer
Fox Henry, farmer Martin George, farmer Wilson William, farmer
MULBARTON is a pleasant village and parish (with the ir:terior thoroug-hly l"estored and reseated: in 1887
Kenningham), scattered round a green of 47~ acres, I~ a new organ was built at a cost of £125: there are
miles west from Swainsthorpe station on the Ipswich 28;:, sittings. The register dates from the year IS47·
and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, and The living is a rectory, with that of Kenningham
S miles south-west from Norwich, in the Southern annexed, joint net yearly value £4oo, including
division of the county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional 73 acres of glebe., and residence, in the gift of John
division, Humbleyard hundred, Henstead union, Nor- Henry Steward esq. of East Carleton, and held since
wich county court district, rural deanery of Humble- I907 by the Rev. Edward Ewer Ward B.A. of Jesus
yard, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. College, Cambridge. Kenningham has been annexed to
The church of St. Mary Magdalen is an ancient Mulbart<Jn since 1452: the church has long since gone
structure of flint in the Early English style, consisting to decay, and no vestige of it now remains. There is
of chancel, nave, sonth porch and an embattled western a Primitive Methodist chapel here, erected in 1900.
tower containing 6 bells, recast and rehung and a sixth The Benevolence Lod'ge of the Manchester Unity of
bell added in 1904 at a cost of £roo: the chancel and Oddfellows, formed Feb. 3, 1843, consists of about soo
south windows have some stained glass, and there is a members, including juveniles; Mr. John Thrower, of
memorial window, placed in I9o6, to the late Mrs. East Carleton, is secretary. Dr. William Richardson, a
Wingfield, of Mulbarton Hall: the chancel retains a clergyman of this place, and .A.gnes his wife were the
piscina: there are several marble tablets to the Rich parents of Sir Thomas Richardson kt. Lord Chief Jus-
family, 16s1; the family of Turner, 1875; Mrs. Sarah tice of the King's Bench in the reign of Charles I. and
Scargill, ob. 168o; and the Rev. Benjam'in Lany, ob. some time Speaker of the House of Commons, who was
I766; Agnes, wife of Dr. William Richardson, and baptised at Hardwick 3 July, 1569. Rich's charity of
mother of the Lord Chief Justice Richardson, wa3 10 acres produces £2o, which is distributed yearly.
buried here 6 April, IS82: since 1875 the porch has Benjamin Bennett left in r879 £Ioo, the interest to be
been restored and a north aisle and vestry added, and distributed in bread during the winter months. John
Henry Steward esq. of East Carleton, and John Henry Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Frederick William Middleton,
Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, are chief landowners, the sub-postmaster. Letters received from Norwich at
former being lord of the manor. The soil is clay; sub- 5-30 a.m. & 2.10 p.m.; dispatched at 11 a.m. & 7
soil various. The chief crops are of the usual kind. p.m. ; sundays, 7 p.m. only
The area is 1,358 acres of land and 6 of water; rate- Wall Letter Box, Mulbarton Hall, cleared at 7.15 a.m.
able value, £2,401 ; the population in 191 r was 48 r. & 6.40 p.m.; sundays, 7.15 a.m. only
Wall Letter Box, Lower Common, cleared at 6.15 a.m.
& 6.35 p.m.; sundays, 6.15 a.m
MULBARTON WOOD is a hamlet lying between Mul- Public Elementary School (mixoo), erected. in r865, &
barton and Swarde.~ton. enlarged in 1887, for 120 children; average attend-
Parish Clerk, Harry Donald Rix. ance, 91; Waiter Joseph Simmonds, master
PRIVATE RESIDI<;NTS. Draper John Riches (exors. of), Mulbarton Brass Band (John Wasey,
Daplyn Robert William, PaddockS! farmers, Hall farm bandmaster)
Teesdale Charles, The Lodge Dye Edward, builder, timber mer- Mulbarton & District Football Club
Ward Rev. Edward Ewer B.A. chant, beer retailer & wheelwright (Thomas William Betts, hon. see)
(rector), Rectory Dy1:1 Ephraim, boot repairer Reading Room (Percy Daplyn, hon.
White Mrs. Thorpe house Emms William, market gardener sec.), Wingfield hall
Wingfield Lady, Mulbarton hall Eke Everet, black-smith Rix John, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. Fairman Arth.farmer,Malt House frm Simmonds Waiter Joseph A.C.P.
Beare Ernest, news agent Frost Charles J ames, cycle agent assistant overseer & clerk to Parish
Benevolence Lodge of Oddfellows (No. Funnell Herbert, baker & confectioner Council
3751) Manchester Unity (John Goward George, blacksmith Thompson Alfred, miller
Thrower, sec) Hill James William, farmer Tuddenham !lichard William, farmer,
Blake Samuel, butcher Lake Alfred, shoe maker Kenningham
Carver Henry Hewitt, World's End inn Lake Henry, carpenter Wasey John, shopkeeper
Daplyn Robt. Wm. farmer, Paddocks Middleton Frederick William, cycle Watling Arlhur Henry, grocer
Downing Archibald, farmer agent, stationer, & post office
MUNDESLEY-ON -SEA is a parish and rising sea· the church now affords 350 sittings. The register dates
.'lide resort, commanding a fine view of the- North Sea, from about the year 1725, but from that date to 1743
with a station on a branch of the Great Eastern railway it {:Onsists only of loose leaves in a very dilapidated con-
from North Walsham, and also Gn the new line from dition. The living is a rectory, net yearly value {,219,
Cromer, completed ~n 1904 -by the Midland and Gn~at including 3 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift
Northern Joint Railway Co. : it is 8 miles south- of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1896 by the
east from Cromer, 5 north from North Walsham and 17 Rev. Thomas Tegg Harv-ey. The rectory house was
miles from Norwich, in the Northern division of the built in 1891 at a cost of £1,5oo, from designs by Mr.
county, North Erpingham hundred and petty sessional Herbert Green, architect, of Norwich. The Wesleyan
division, Erpinghatn union, North Walsham county court chapel was erected in 18g8, at a cost of about £t,IOO,
d.iRtrict, rural deanery of Repps, and archdeaconry and and has 250 sittings. The Union chapel, erected in
dioce!!e of Norwich. It is much frequented by visitors 185o, has sittings for 400 persons: in rear of it is a
during the summer, having a very fine sandy beach for large school room, erected in 1896. The Mundesley Golf
bathing, and a boat is kept for the protection of bathers. Club have links of 9 holes, with a good club house.
In r899 waterworks were constructed by the Erpingham ' The Coronation Hall was built by Mr. S. A. Randall at
Rural District Council, at a cost of upwards of £s,oCXJ; a cost of about [7oo, including the laying out of a
the water, which is of excellent quality, is eupplied bowling green; the hall will bold 3CXJ peTsons, and is
from an artesian well over 200 feet deep. The place is used for general parochial purposes, public entertain-
lighted with gas from works erected in rgo3, and the ments &c. ; it is, together with the Institute, vested in
-property of a private company. A complete system of a body of trustees. The hotels include The_ Clarence,
drainage and sewage was carried out in 1903. A new The Grand, The Manor House, The Old Ship and The
11ea wall and promenade, about 6oo feet long, with Royal. Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B. is lord
approaches to the beach, was completed in June, 1908, of the manor, John Mack esq. of Paston Hall, G. M.
at a total cost of £r,soo; two groynes have also been Silley esq. and the Rev. Edward Gordon B.A. are the
erected at a cost of [,1,300. The church of All Saints, principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay
situated on a lofty part of the cliff, was originally a fine
and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
structure, but the chancel and tower were allowed to The area. is 599 acres of land and 146 of foreshore; rate-
fall into decay anru became ruinous, so that for over able value, land £417; buildings £6,o8r ; the popula.-
a century the only portion of the fabric available for tion in 19n was 770. ·
divine service was the western half of the nave: during Parish Sexton, Nathan Clarke.
1903-4 a partial restoration was carried out, at an
estimated cost of {,2,ooo, under the direction of Mr. Post, M. 0. & T. Office (letters should have Norfolk
Arthur J. Lacey, architect, of Norwich, this including added).-Norton T. Wak8'lin, sub-postmaster. Letters
the complete restoration of the nave and part of the arrive at 7 & 11.15 a.m. & 4 p.m. (during season, 3
chancel, the erection on the north side of an organ p.m.) ; dispatched at 1 I. 15 a. m. & 4-45 & 6.20 p.m.
chamber, and the renewal of the porch and vestry: the (9-35 a.m. & 7·35 p.m. in season only); sundays,
chancel arch has been restored to its original form, the arrive 8 a.m.; dispatched p.m
design being recovered from fragments of the old arch Coastguard' Station, Frederick William Richardson, chief
discovered during the excavations, and the medireval officer, & 4 men
rood loft has been replaced: the chancel also retain!l The Life-Boat has been removed, but there is a Rocket
-a piscina : the ancient windows both in the nave and Station under the control of the Board of Trade
the chancel have been carefully reconstructed, chiefly
from the many fragments of tracery found on the spot, . Public Elementary Schools.
and reincorporated: a new communion table and rail- Senior (mixed), built in rgoB, for r6o children; aveTage
ings have been provided, and the reredos much im- attendance, 120; Edwin A. Lucas, master
proved and re-adapted : the flooring has been relaid Infants, built in 1876, for roo children; average attend·
throughout. and heating apparatus introduced. In the ance, 35 ; Miss E. Barnes, mistress
course of the work portions of Norman m{)uldings and
Railway Station (G. E. R. & M. & G. N. Joint).-
the remains of a Norman arch leading into the tower
Thomas H. Murrell, station master
wel"e discovered, as well as a stoup, the masonry of
the south doorway, a lancet in the north wall, with a Carrier to North Walsham. John Mason, tues. thurs.
Tecess below it, and various other interesting features : & sat
PR1V ATE RESIDENTS. Farmer J ames Herbert, Fairfield Livermore Ernest H. Maycroft
.A.ppleyard Mrs. 5 Trafalgar terrace Gaze Miss, Snnnyside Loraine Rev. Nevison, Sandhole iodge
Atkinson Miss, The Grange. Geaves Sidney L. Herga MacDonald Rev. J a.mes H. (Baptist),
Bardswell Mrs. Meadow house Gordon Rev. Edward B.A.TheRookery Glencoe
"Bullimore Thotnas, Avondale Harvey Rev. Thus. Tegg (rector),Rectry Mack Hugh Pa.-ton .T.P. East Hill ho
Burt{)n Frank, 10 W ortley terrace Hayward George, Villa Condorcet Milne G. Gordon, Prospect house
Clark Arthur Cyril, Whincliff Ing-e E. Gane, Osborne house Morgan Rev.G. Campbell D.D.(Oong)
{Junliffe Walter Frederick, Baltimore Johnson Ernest, 7 Russell terrace Mor·gan Edward, Northfield
Cutting- James T. Tacoma .Johnson Hy. Fielder, Munde~ley ho Morphew Maj. Augustus, St. Edwards
Tiales John Joseph, St. Cecilia's King- Mrs. St. Winifreds \forris Charles Seymour, Raxawa ho
Dottridge Henry, The Whim ILarter Miss, Brookside Muriel Cecil Jeffrey, I I Russell ter
. . ~ .
• '
~OI·well William (missionary), St. Earl Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 1
2 Newson. & Larter, grocers, drapers &
Celia Ozone villas milliners, Melbourne stores
Orams Edward, Hill top Falgate Ernest, aparts. 3 Katherine vls Newson William Henry, apartments,
Pedder Arthur E. Barmston Frostick George, butchsr Melbourne house
Pollard John E. T. 6 Russell terrace Gaze George Thomas, baker, Marl- Old Ship hotel (Robert William
Power J. Cecil, 5 Russell terrace borough house Cross, proprietor), lamily & cvm-
Preston Theodore Julian, Norfolk ho. Gaze Herbert E. apartments, 7 mercial; sitting & bed rooms o..-er-
Prior Leathes, Corner cottage Katherine villas looking sea; croquet lawn & bowl-
Quait Alexandsr. Wortley, St. Bran- Gaze Waiter James, carpenter ing green; estab. over 100 years-
nocka Golden Robert· Ernest, farmer, Hill fm Perkins Elizabeth (Miss), draper
Riviere Briton R..A. Cliff house Grand hotel (Reilly Mead, propr.), Perry Arthur George, boot maker
Robinson Haynes Sparrow, Sea View Cliftonville Quait Alex. Wortley M.R.C.S.Eng.
house Hayden Herbert Wm. tobacconist & L.R. C.P .Land. physician & sur-
Russell Sidney .Alfred F.S.I. Stoney- Hayward Robert, aparts. Nelson villa g~on & admiralty surgeon & agent,
croft Halt William, ironmonger, High st medical officer & public vaccinator,
Smith Edward, The White cottage Ince Edward George, apartments, 12 Mundesley district, Erpingham
Spencer .Arth. Harold, Devom;hire ho Katherine villas union, St. Brannocks
Starmer Miss, Breezemount Inge E. Gane M.P.S. pharmacist & Randell Sidney Alfred, builder r
Stevens Waiter George, Fair view optician; dealer in photographic Stoneycroft, Russell terrace
Stratton Mrs. The D~ll apparatus & materials Reed Edwd. aprtmnts. I Millstream ter
Taylor Frederick 0. Cliff Browe hes .Ada (Mrs.), boarding house, Reeve William Isaac, apartments
Taylor William, Oakdene The Poplart! Richardson Frederick William, chief
Turner Mrs .. The Cottage J eary Lavinia (Mrs.), apaits. Craiglea coast guard officer
Warren John, Ingleside Johnson George & Son, bathing ma- Royal hotel (Edward James Grayp
Williams Frederick, St. Clere chine proprietors proprietor)
Williams Wm. Herbert, 2 Russell ter Jordan Robert, apartments, Bay cot Shepheard John B.A., M.R.C.S.Eng.,
COMMERCIAL. Kelly Richard, golf professional, 16 L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, & medical
Alien Ethel (Miss), boarding house, Katherine villas officer of health to North Walsham
Briarcliffe Keymer Blanche (Miss), apartments, District Council & medical officer &
Baker W. & G. (Misses), boarding Conroy house public vaccinator for Southrepps
house, Wave Crest Keymer Frederick, fly proprietor district, Erpingham union
Barclay & Company Limited (sub- Kitteringham John, apartments Simons Stanley & Co. house agents
branch), bankers (Robert Thomas Larter Brothers, fly proprietors Bmith E. & S. (Edward Smith
Booty, manager), ·open July, Larter Kate & Edith (Misses), apart- l".S.L & Sidney Smith P.A.S.L)r
August & Sept. on tues. & fri. · ments, r2 Russell terrace auctioneers &c. Cromer road
II.3o to 1.30 p.m.; other months Larter Alfred, clerk to Parish Coun- Sparkes Helen (Miss), apartments, 3
fridays only 11.30 to 1.30 p.m.; cil & assistant overseer, Point ho Russell terrace
draw on head office, 54 Lombard Larter Alfred, jun. grocer, see Spells Isaac, apartments, Towns end
street, London E C Newson & Larter Spurgeon Ell en (Mrs.), butcher
Barker Edward Octavian, insurance Larter Mary (Mrs.), miller (water) Steward Arthur 'Robert, boot & shoe
agent, St. Olave's terrace Larter Wm. aparts. 10 Russell ter merchant ; ties, collars, hosiery
Bell Alfd. Massey, apartments, Croft Lest-er Emma (Miss), dairy &c. ; clothing Teady made & to
cot. & grocer, see Webster & Ball Leverage Sarah Ann (Mrs.),apartmnts measure, High street
Biterlich Edward (Mr~.). boarding Limmer Hartnall J., F.A.I. house Stonestreet Charles, a parts. Cin tra
house, Cliftonville agent &c Thirst James, aparts. Manor road
Blyth Thomas, aparts. 9 Russell ter Lloyd Martha (Miss), apartments, Twigg George, watch maker, High
Bowman John Thomas, apartments, 2 Katherine villas street & apartmentos, 8 Russell ter
Victoria cottages Manor House hotel (Mitis .A. I. Wakelin Norton T. stationer & ageni
Burnett Ernest, baker Beesley, proprietress) for British & Foreign Bible Society,
Carter .Alice (Mrs.), aparts. Quebec Mason .Alfd. Wm. aparts. Russell ter The Mundesley Library, Post officeo
Clarence hotel (A. & M. Powell, pro- Mason John, carrier, St. Olave's ter Wakelin Thomas Lawes, architect &;,
prietors); croquet & tennis lawns; Minns Arthnr Hatnmond, bookseller income tax collector
garage; near golf links ; open all Morto0n William, plumber & Bell, grocers, Graham ho
the year round. Telephone 13 Moy Thoma!l Limited, ooal merchants Williment Robert, builder
Clarke George, farmer Mullen Harriet (Mrs.), farmer & land- Wilson Frederick, Life 'Boot inn;
Clarke J oseph, pork but-cher owner apartments· overlooking the sea;
Clarke Robert, fishmonger Mundesley Circulating Library (Nor- good accommodation for commer-
Coe Henry William, plumber ton T. Wakelin, proprietor) cials ; all goods vf the choice!it
Cooper Benjamin, fruiterer Mundesley Golf Club Co. Limited quality
Coronation Hall (E. A. Lucas, t;ec) (Arthur Robert Steward, sec.; Wilson Harriet (Miss), apartmantillr
Cross Robert William, Old Ship hotel Richard Kelly, professional) Crockenhill
Divers Waiter, farmer, Rookery farm Mundesley & Holt Gas Co. Limited Withers Emily (Mrs.), aparts.High it
Dix Mary .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, (John Hallows, manager) Wood Clara Margaret (Miss), St.
Sea View terrace Mundesley Institute (E. A. Lucas,sec) Margaret's & Tower House board-
Dix William Lee, plumber & glazier Mundesley Waterworks (John Kitter- ing houses
Durrant Chas. apartmnts. May villas ingham, local manager) Woodhouse• Robert, apartments, I!J
Neale Anna (Mrs.), fancy repository Katherine villas
MUNDFORD is a parish and village, situated on the the same vear

a rood screen and choir stalls were added:
London road and southern bank of the river Wissey, 4~ there are 270 sittings, 120 being free. The register
miles north-east fu-om Brandon station on the Ely and 1
dates from the year 16gg. The living is a rectory, net
Thetford section of the Great Eastern railway and 8 north-1 yearly value [134• including 18 acres of glebe and
west from Thetford, in the South Western division of the residence, in the gift of trustees, and held sinc!l 1900
county, Grim~hoe hundred and petty sessional division, by the Rev. John Tongue, Assoc. of King's College,
Thetford union and county court district, rural deanery! London. Here is a small Wesleyan chapel, erected in
of Cranwich (South division), archdeaconry of Lynn andi 1873· A reading room with library was erected in 1go1
. diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Leonard is an by Henry .A. Campbell esq. for the use of the inhabi-
inteTesting building of flint in the Early English style, tants of the village and district. F. J. 0. Montagu esq.
consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a. tower at of Lynford. Hall, is lord of the manor and chief land-
the south-west angle, surmounted by a small spire and owner. The soil is light and sandy; subsoil, chalky.
containing 6 bells, one of which is cracked: in the The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is 2,oso
chancel is a stained window erected by the late Mrs. acre'S of land and 6 of water; rateable value, [986; th~
Lyne-Stephens in 1862, in memory of her husband, and population in 19II was 274.
there is another presented by the late patron, Henry .A. Parish Clerk, Joseph Shinn.
Campbell esq. in 1903, and one, erected in 1906 by Mrs.
Tyrrell, is a. memorial to Miss Chapman: there is also Post, M. 0. & T. Office (letters should have Norfolk
an ancient carved oak screen, which shows traces of added).-Harold Wilfred Tucks, sub-postmaster.
having suffered from fire: the church was thoroughly Letters arrive at 1.30 a.m. & 2 p.m. ; delivered 6.3o-
restored about 189g, a vestry added on the north side a.m. & 2.5 p.m.; dispatched at 10.45 a..m. & 10.50 p.m
of the chancel, & new organ provided and the graveyard Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in x864, &
enlarged and improved: the chancel was restored in opened in x866, for 104 children; average attend-ancer
1912 by ~· J. 0: Montag~ esq. of Lynford Hall, and in , 6o; Charles H. Lutwyche, master
Gutteridge William, Grove houM for commercials, cyclists & private cials, cyclists. & priv~~ part~.:;
Tewart Augustus Charles Robt. The parties; motqr garage & pit & motor garage
Bungalow bowling green Mundford Reading Room & Library
Tongue Rev. John A.K.C.L.TheRectry Dixon George, butcher (C. H. Lutwyche, sec)
COMMERCIAL. Frost George, blacksmith Shinfield George, gardener to Rev.
Arnold William, baker Gasken George, King's Head hotel, & J . T ongue ' .•
Ashley George Edward, Crown hotel undertaker Theobald Jas. farmer, West Hall frrn
Button Ar1:hur Nathaniel, cycle Gentle Frederick, butcher Upton Alice (Mrs.), shpkpr. & coal dlr
agent & repairer ; accessories & JaTratt George Starling, grocer Watson John Shaw, registrar of births
motor spirit kept in stock Johnson Charles, -saddler & deaths & relieving officer fo:r
Cocks Edward John, carpenter J ohnson William, boot maker • Methwold district, Thetford union
Crown hotel (George Edward Ashley, King's Head (Geo. Gasken, propr.); Williams Ambrose John, tailor
proprietor) ; every accommodation every accommodation for commer- Wright Edward, plumber ~ • I

MUNDHAM is a village and parish, 6 miles north from with 90 sittings. The poor's allotment of -:Ja. 2r. is let
Ditchingham station on the Waveney Valley section of at £6; there is also a yearly rent-charge of 29s. ieft
the Great Eastern railway, 2~ west from Loddon and 9~ by Thomas Spooner in 168o, together with ros. left by
south-east from Norwich, in the Southern division of a donor unknown. Here are two manors. Henry Edwin
the county, Loddon hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty Garrod esq. of Mount street, Diss, is lord of the
sessional division and union, county court district of manor of Dicklebnrgh Manclarke's and the trustees of
Eungay and Beccles, rural deanery of Brooke (Eastern the Great Hospital are lords of the manor of St.
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor· Ethelbert. Viscount CantCTbury, Arthur Ernest Powell
wich. The ancient church of St. Ethelbert is now in esq. and Mrs. Clarke are the principal landowners. The
ruins. The church of St. Peter is a small but ancient soil is mixed; subsoil, sand and brick earth, with some
edifice of flint with stone dressings in the Norman style, loam. The chierf crops are wheat, oats and barley. The
consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south· porch and area is :1,562 acres; rateable value, £1,483; the popula-
a lofty embattled western tower with pinnacles contain- tion in 1911 was 234.
ing 3 bells: the south doorway is a good example of
Norman work: a communion table of carved oak and Parish Clerk, Charles Cullingford.
reredos, both the work of Mrs. Hicks, were set up in
1908 : there are 200 sittings. The register dates from Letters from Norwich, via Brooke, arrive at 8.+5
the year 1566. The living is a vicarage, annexed to
Seething, joint net income [250, in the gift of the 's
& 4 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office·
at Loddon, 2~ miles distant. Wall Letter- Box _
cleared at 8. ro a.m. & 4 p.m. week days only
trustees of the Great Hospital, Norwich, and held since
1881 by the Rev. Charles Hocking Hicb, who resides at The children of this place attend the schools at Seething -
Seething. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in I8g""..l, & Loddon
Bussell Rev. Frederick William D.D., Carter Harry, GaTden Hom;e P.H Mitchell Thomas, carpenter
M us. Bac. (vice-principal of Erase- Catchpole George, shopkeeper Norman Saml. farmer, Willow farm·
nose College, Oxford & rector of Cullingford Charles, pork butcher & Old ring Alfred John, farmer, White~
Sisland), Mundham house parish clerk House farm
Edge Alfred, chimney sweep Potter George Joseph, farmer, TheJ·-
COMMERCIAL. Hinde Frederick William, farmer & Grange
Aldis James, blacksmith assistant overseer, The Abbey Tillett Thomas, farmer
Balls Fisher, farmer, The Laurels Hinde Wm. Hall, market gardener Upton Ezra, farmer & miller (windY ·
Balls John. farmer Key Frederick, farmer, Hall farm
NARBOROUGH (or Narburgh) is a parish and vil- annexed, joint net yearly value [391, including 19
lage on the south bank of the river Nar, with a station acres of glebe, with residence, in the g.ift of Mrs.
on the Lynn and Dereham 5ection of the Great Eastern Bright-Betton, and held since 1912 by the Rev. John
railway, 8~ miles east-south-east from Lynn, 5~ north- Robert Crawford, of Trinity College, Dublin. There is
west from Swaffham and 107~ from London, in the a Wesleyan chapel, built by Henry Boyce esq. The
South Western division of the county, South Greenhoe Foresters' Hall, built in 1886, at a cost of £r,Ioo, holds.
hundred and petty sessional division, Swaffham union 200 persons, and is available for public meetings.
and county court district, rural deanery of Cranwich concerts and other entertainments. There are charitie&
(:North division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese o~ amounting to [4o yearly, left in 181o by the Rev.
Norwich. The church of All Saints is a building of Henry Spelman, a former vicar, and other chariti~­
flint in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, con· yielding about £Io annually, and given by various
sisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south donors. A very considerable trade is carried on by the--
porch and an embattled western tower containing one Messrs. Vynne and Everett Limited, as maltsters and·
bell : at the east end of the north wall of the chancel merchants. Traces of a high entrenchment connected·:
, l.s a small ornamented niche in the wall, about 7 with a fosse and rampart may be traced for B miles.
· feet from the ground, and in it is a carved demi-figure Narborough Hall, the seat of Joseph Critchley Martin·
of a lady, about one foot in height, with hands across esq. J.P. lord of the manor, is a noble and ancient-
her breast holding a heart ; on the back of the niche mansion, situated in a well-wooded park; the other·
were the words, "Domina Alethea Narburgh," and on principal landowners are W. Denny esq. the trustees of"
each side the arms of NarbUI1gh; she is said to have the late John S. Hotblack esq. and Henry VilleboiS:
died in 1293 and left instructions for her heart to be Bathurst esq. of Marham House, Downham. The soil
buried here : in the church are several monuments to is sandy; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat.
the Spelman family and others, r60J-76, a memorial barley and turnips. The area is 3,459 acres of land and
window to the father of the Rev. W. E. Alfree M.A. a 13 of water; rateable value, [2,751; the population in
former vicar, d. r8 May, :r856, and to the late He-rbert 191 I was 336.
C. Marriott esq. d. 31 Oct. r864: in the north aisle is Post, M. 0. & T. Office. John George Fanlkner, sub-
a window containing some old glass, including a shield postmaster. Letters arrive from Swa:ffham at 7 a.m.
of the Spelman arms : the chancel retains several
& 2.30 p.m. & are di~patched at 10.30 a.m. & 2.15 &
ancient brasses, and there is one fastened to the tower
· wall which is a palimpsest, exhibiting on the obverse 5-55 p.m.; & on sundays at 8.55 a.m
Wall Letter Box, at the Railway station, cleared at
an inscription to Elizabeth, wife of John Goldingham
9·45 a.m. & 2 & 5·55 p.m.; no collection on sundays
esq. 1556 ; the reverse shows the lower portion of the
figure of a priest in mass vestments, c. 147o-8o, anu a Public Elementary School (mixed) (boys & girls), built
double piscina, and there is a single piscina in the j in r87o, for II2 children; average attendance, 70; als~
north aisle : the church was restored and reseated in a sunday school, partly endowed; Edward Haydon,.
r865, and affords 290 sittings. The register dates from . master; Mrs. Mary Ann Haydon, mistress

the year 1596. The living is a rectory, with Narford Railway Station, Charles Wilby, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Petch Mrs Denny William, farmer, Church frm

Crawford Rev. John Robert (rector), Stevenson Mrs. The Grange Faulkner Jn. Geo. grocer, Post office
Rectory Upcher Edward Berners, Narside Foresters' Hall (Waiter Eagle, keepr)
Gurney Philip, The Cottage 1
Wellingham Charles Horace, Narside Forster Helen (Mrs.), frmr. Hall frm
Herring L1ent.-Col. William J.P. Nar- Garnham George E. Ship inn
borough house Green & Kerridge, butchers
Martin J oseph Critchley J.P. Nar• Bird F. & A. miller (steam) Holman James, g-amekeeper to Joseph
borough hall I Cre-sswell Harry Edward, carpenter Critchley Martin esq

Powley James, blacksmith Vynne &:; Everett Lim. corn, oil cake, head office, Swaffham, also at Athe-
Sherley James, baker coal, chemical manure, lambs' food meum buildings, King's Lynn;
Skipper John, farmer, Chalk farm & general merchants & maltsters; Snettisham & Wells
N ARFORD ia a parish bounded on the north by the situated in a well-timbered park containing a large lake
river Nar, 1! miles north-east from Narborough station of pure spring water, and has been for some generations
on the Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Eastern the seat of the Fountaine family, who came here from
railway and 5 miles north-west from Swaffham, in the Sall during the Protectorate, and to whom there are
South Western division of the county, South Greenhoe several monuments in Sall parish church. Commander
hundred and petty sessional division, Swaffham union Charles .Andrew Fountaine RN. the present owner, is
and county court di'Strict, rural deauery of Cranwich lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is
(north division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of light and sandy, with a gravelly subsoil. The chief
Norwich. The church of St. Mary the Virgiy is an an- crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 2,335

cient building of stone in mixed styles, consisting of acres of land and 62 of water; rateable value, £ r,o85 ;

chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a western tower the population in 19II was 99·
with pinnacles containing one bell: at the present time 1 Parish Clerk, Thomas Reeder.
(1912) the church is closed. The register dates from :
t~et yefaNr 1b596. Thhe_ l_iving is a vicar age£, ann~ed dto , Letters received through Swaffham arrive at 8.30. Nar-
t a 0 1
ar oroug • JOmt net year1Y va 1ue 39 1• me u - borough is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
ing 19 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. Bright-Betton, 1

r' miles distant. Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8.15

and held since 1912 by the Rev. John Robert Crawford,
· ·t y c o11 ege, D u bl"1n, w h o resi"d es a t N ar b uroug h .
o f T nni a. m. & 5.40 p.m. ; sundays, g. r5 a.m
On the hill was formerly a chapel dedicated to St. The children of this place attend the schools of Nar-
Thomas a Becket. Narford Hall is a mansion pleasantly borough & Westacre
Fountaine Commander Chas . .Andrew RN. Narford hall
~NEATIS.HEAD is a parish and village between the commissioners have set out as allotments one piece of

:navigable river Bure and the Ant, 3~ miles north-east land in Neatishead, containing rsa. or. 26p. and two

'from Wroxham station on the Norwich and Cromer pieces of land in Irstead, containing respectively 6a. rr.
:-branch of the Great Eastern railway and ro! north-east and 26a. 3r. 8p. This charity also produces about £25,
;..from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, which is distributed in coals to the poor. It is stated
· Tnnstead and Rapping petty sessional division, hundred that JC~hn Riches, by deed, in 1776 gave land to the poor,
~of Tunstead, Smallburgh union, North Walsham county then producing £r per annum. It is supposed that the
, .-court district, rural deanery of Waxham (Tun:Jtead divi- yearly payment of £r was given for the liberty of in-
~· sion), archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church clcsing some common land, called " the Several," but
, ·of St. Peter is a small but ancient building of flint and nothing has been paid in respect of this since the in-
... 11tone in the Perpendicular style, being only a part of , dosure. Hoveton Hall, standing in a park of about 200
· ;the original structure, a portion of which was taken acres, is the propertv of Sir Jacob Preston bart. and

.• down in IJgo, and the remainder, consisting of little the residence of the Rev. John Hare Beevor M . .A. The

more than the chancel, put into. g_ood repair: manor formerly belonged to the Bishop of Norwich, but

the church had ongmally a tower contammg 3 bells, it is now vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.

but this bein~ also in a dilapidated ~State was_ removed , The principal landowners are Sir Jacob Preston cart. of
at the same _time, the bells put away, and a smgle new Barton Hall, near Norwich, Robert L. Beane, and C. A.

b~ll placed m a c~pola at the west. e~d: a ne_w east Hammond esqrs. The soil is good mixed; subsoil, sand,

~nd~w wa~ added_ m r87o by sub~cnptwn, and m r87o i clay and g-ravel. The chief crops are wheat, oats and
~IX side wmdows m the Pe~pendicular style were p_ut i barley. The area is r, 855 acres, including 1 8 of water;
m by R. Alien esq. of Saxlmgham: there are 200 s1t- rateable value £ 2 5?6 · the population in rgu was 5r8.
tings. The register dates from the year 1676. The : p · h Cle k' J h' F'
. ·
11vmg · ·
IS a vicarage, ne
t year1y va1ue £ 215, me . 1u d"mg 8 ans r , o n ox.
_ racres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Thomas Oscar Easlea, sub-
_of Norwich, and held since 1901 by the Rev Williarn postmaster. Letters arrive from Norwich by mail
:_ Edwards, of St. Bees. The Primitive ~ethodist chapel · cart & are delivered at 6 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.; sundays,
was erected in r868 on a site given by the late Sir 8.30 a.m (to callers only); dispatched at 12.5 p.m.
--.Henry Jacob Preston bart. (d. r897). The Baptist (October to June), a. m. (July to September) &
, chapel, built in I8II, and enlarged in r857, will seat 332 5 p.m. ; sundays, 5 p.m
,Persons. King's Charity.-.At a court held for the manor Wall Letter Box, Hoveton Hall, cleared at 12.35 p.m.
-:..-of Neatishead with Irstead, rgth ~ay, r828, Benjamin ( 12 . 20 p.m. July to September) & 5.20 p.m.; sundays,
,Cubitt, as survivin!!" trustee for the poor and township .20 p.m
.of Neatishead surrendered to the use of himself, Richard
Alien, Henry Bayes, and William Riches, and their heirs, Public Elementary School (mixed), the property of the
two cottages with the appurtenances in Neatishead; trustees of the late Sir J. Preston hart. enlarged in
• one piece of land in Irstead, containing 2a. or. 13 p. r863, for 140 children; average attendance, roo; Hy.
and two pieces in N eatishead containing respectively Wm. Chapman, master; .Mrs. Chapman, infants' mist
ra. or. 8p. and 2a. or. SP- to which premises the said Conveyance to Norwich.-Coach from Stalham 4 through
Benjamin Cubitt, with others, had been admitted 24 th Neatishead, to the' Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, mon.
July, r8 17, in trust for the poor of the parish and town- wed. & sat. returning same' days at 4 p.m
ship of Neatishead, pursuant to the will of King-, Carrier to Norwich..-Oliver Shepherd (from Barton
widow. This charity produces about £25, which is dis- Turf), to 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, mon. wed. &
tributed in coals to the poor. Poor's .Allotment.-The sat. returning at 4-30
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Curson Ernest George, builder & Morter William, market gardener
:Beevor Rev. John Hare M . .A. Hoveton wheelwright Neave Fredrick.Cubitt,frmr.Holly gro
hall (letters through Wroxham) · Duffield Edward James, butcher Neave William John, photographer,
Edwards Rev. William, Vic.uage Dye James, market gardener insurance agent & assistant overseer
Flood Miss, Point house . Easlea Thus. Oscar, grocer,Post office Scarland William, sedge collar maker
.Jolley William 'Easton Fred, saddler & tax collector Shreeve William, farmer
Neave Frederick Cubitt, Holly grove Felstead Edward, gardener to F. C. Slater Francis John, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Neave esq Slater Frank Henry, shoeing, agricul-
_Allard Henry, cowkeeper 1
Gowing Tom S. farmer, Ivy farm tural & general •mith
.Allcock Geo. Edward & Son, saddlers J ones Alfred, market gardener Sutton John, farmer

Blackburn George, farmer Kmg Robert, White Horse P.H Williams Chas. Wellingham M.RC.S .
Callow Harry, farmer & landowner, Ling- William, farmer :Eug., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &
The Oaks Lockett James,miller (wind & steam) surgeon (attends weds)
Chandler Sarah (Miss), dress maker Lubbock Samuel, sedge collar maker Worts Thomas, farmer
Chaplin Richard (Mrs.), beer retailer·. Mace Thomas J. boot maker
NECTON (formerly called Neigbton) is a parish and 1 wich (north division), archdeaconry of L:vnn and diocese
village, 2! miles south from the Dun ham !!tation on the of Norwich. The church of All Saints is a bnilding of
Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel wit.h
and r! north from Holme Hale station on the Swaffbnm chapel of St.. Catherine, clerestoried nave of four bays,
and Thetford section of the same line, 4 east from Swaff- sonth-west or Mason chapel, aisles, vestrie8 and an em-
ham, in the South Western division of the county, South hattled western tower, with pinnacles and fteche. or spire-
Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional division, Swaffbam let, of metal work; the tower was rebuiH in 1864-5• at a
union "-ucJ <!DU"lty collrt district, rural deanery of Cran- cost of about £r,2oo, and contains a clock and 6 bells: the!
tim.ber-framed wof of the church, a work of consider- Commissioners, and which produce about £45 yearly;
able merit, is adorned with ten large figures of angels, this money is divided equally between the church-
carved in oak, and much colouring of the 15th century: warde'Ils, for the church, and the school managers, for
the reredos includes a painting of the " Raising of the school. The village library and reading room was
Lazarus," after Sebastian del Piombo: there are several erected in :r861 by the late Lieut.-Col. Mason, and here
mural tablets and brasses, and twelve of the windows bible classes are held during the winter months.
are filled with stained glass: the south aisle, or chapel Robert Harvey Mason esq. D.L., J.P. is lord of the
of the Holy Trinity,~ retains a piscina, and in St. Cathe- manor and chief landowner, and resides at Necton Hall,
rine's chapel is a single piscina: the pulpit, elaborately a mansion surrounded by a finely-timbered park, which
carved in oak, dates from 1636 : the front of the western has been the property of the Mason family since the
gallery, also of carved oak, is ornamented with figures time of Henry VII. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay.
holding musical instruments: the church affords 325 The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area
sittings. The churchyard was considerably enlarged in is 3,824 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
188g. The register dates from the year 15 58. The [3,749; the population in I9II was 66o.
living is a rectory, net yearly value [4oo, including 26 Parish Clerk, Charles Powley.
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs.
Fovah, and held since 19II by the Rev. Webster William Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Emily Nelson, sub-post-
Whistler M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The mistress. Letters arrive from Swaffham at 7 a.m. &
Young family are the lay impropriators of tithes, 3.40 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 a.m. & 5·55 p.m.;
amounting to £252 yearly. Here is a Baptist chapel, sundays at 8.40 a.m
founded in I785, which will seat 750 persons, also a Public Elementary School, erected, with master's hou~e.
W esleyan Methodist chapel. There are about 135 acre!! in 1866, by Miss Mason, for 150 children; average at-
of land in Great Fransham and Necton, which are tendance, I23; Arthur Charles Stead, master; Mis!l
administered by trustees under a scheme of the Charity Smith, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gage Henry, beer retailer ~elson William, butcher
Bacon Rev. William (Baptist) Green Henry, Good Woman P.H Nelson William, farmer
Borrett The Misses, Fern cottage, Green William, beer retailer Olley George, blacksmith
Church lane Grummett Thomas, grocer & draper Ong David, farmer
Kemp James Gulliver Thomas, gamekeeper to R. Pointer George, farmer
Mason Robffi"t Harvey J.P., D.L. H. Mason esq. D.L., J.P Pratt George, farmer
Necton hall Harpley Burton, farmer Reditt Susan (Mrs.), dress make"I""
Whistler Rev. Webster William M.A. Heyhoe James Lockhart, farmer Rowe Alfred, licensed hawker
(rector), The Rectory Howes William Hailet, horse breeder Shinn Francis Robert, insurance agt
COMMERCIAL. Howlett Haze, baker Steadl Arthur C. organist of t.he parislr
Bane Robert, Three Tuns P.H J uggins John, farm !bailiff to R. H. church
Coker William, farmer Mason esq. D.L., J.P Trollop William, blacksmith
Cooper William, farmer M akins William, farmer, Corbett's lo. Tubby Leonard, farmer
Cox Susannah (Mrs.), frmr. Erne fro Wood farm & High House farm Village Library (Miss Mason, hon. sec}
Ellis Edward, farmer Matthews Charles, farmer Walker George, farmer
Frost Julia (Miss), shopkeeper Men's Club & Reading Room (George Whales Peter, farmer, Mona farm
Fulcher William Glaister, farmer, Sidell, hon. sec) Wortley Jn. (Mrs.),laundress,Hale rd.
Sparham Hall farm M90re Thos. carpenter & wheelwright Youngs Waiter, draper

NEEDHAM is a parish and scattered village, on the parish consists of five manors. The following are the-
banks of the Waveney, I~ miles south-west from Harles- lords and ladies of the manors :-Witchington, Capt.
ton station on the Waveney Valley section of the Great Sir Frederick Edward ShaftG Adair hart. bf Flixton
Eastern railway and 8 miles east from Diss, in the South- Hall, Bungay; Bourts-in-Needham,. Mrs. F. B. Frankr
ern division of the county, Earsham hundred and petty of Campsall Hall, Doncaster; Densons, Mrs. G. A. E.
sessional division, Depwade union, Harleston county Dunbar-Buller, of W oburn, Donaghadee, Belfast, Ire-
court district, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry land; Gunshaws, the trustees of the late William
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Machell esq.; and Seymers, Donald Charles Warnes esq.
· Peter is an ancient building in the Norman style, con- of Bramford Lodge, near Ipswich. Thomas Pratt esq~
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western of Harleston, is the principal landowner. The soil is
tower, round at the base, with an octagonal embattled marshy in the valley but heavy on the high lands ;
belfry above and containing 3 bells: the tower is of stone subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas
and flint and the walls of the church are of brick, with and beans. The area is I,IS7 acres; rateable valuer
stone dressings: in r884 the chancel was restored by the [r,383; the population in I9II was 307.
late Lord Waveney: the oak reading desk was presented Parish Clerk, Henry Holland.
by the Rev. John Galliene Bichard, vicar 1882-B, and his
wife, and some new benches and a harmonium were Post Offi.ce.-Mrs. Sarah Battell, sub-postmistress.
furnished by subscription : there are Ioo sittings. The Letters through Harleston arrive at 7.20 a.m. & 6.55
Tegister dates from the year I643· The living is a p.m. & S'Undays at 7.20 a.m.; dispatched at 8.10 a.m_
vicarage, net annual income £wo, in the gift of Capt. & 7 p.m. ; sundays at 8.10 a.m. Harleston, 2 mileS"
Sir Frederick Ed ward Shafto Ad air hart. and held since distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
I9II by the Rev. Bernard Barton. There is a town Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1873 &
estate, the income of which is applied in gifts of coals enlarged in I8g8. for 82 children; average attendance.
to the poor and in defraying church expense~. The 59; Mrs. A. Knights, mistress

Barton Rev. Bernard (vicar) Compton Waiter George, farmer Smith Thomas, farmer
Clarke Mrs. W elham, Hen stead lodge Drane Waiter, farmer Thornalley Samuel, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Ebbs John, farmer ITooley Charles, farmer, Gunshaws hall
Battell Sarah (Mrs.), shpkpr. Post ofi Fennell H. & Son, horEe trainers West John, fish dealer
Bugg J!'ph. Jn. Fishmongers'ArmsP.H (postal address, Rushall, Scole) White Edwin George, wool buyer,
Butcher Isaac Alfred, farmer, Skeats- Flatman William, boat repairer saddler & harness maker, insurance
mere farm Johnson Robert. bricklayer it general commission agent; ware-
Calton Charles, Red Lion P.H Lines Waiter, farmer, Grove farm house, Eye, Suffolk (attend mons)
Chaplin Charles, farmer, Dole's farm Randall Robert Henry, farmer Whurr Albert, poultry dealer
Cheney William, farmer Rayner Tom, builder Whurr John, general dealer

NEWTON -by-CASTLE ACRE is a parish and bell, and affords 6o sittings. The register dates from
village, 3 miles north-west from Dnnham station on the the latter part of the I 6th cen,tury. The living is a
Lynn and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway vicarage, annexed to that of Castle Acre, joint net
and 4 north-east from Swaffbam, in the South Western yearly value [245, including 6! acres of glebe and
division of the county, South Greenboe hundred and residence, in the alternate patronage of the Earl of
petty sessional division, Swaffham union and county court Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G. who has two turns and
district, rural deanery of Cranwich (north division), arch- the Bishop of Norwich one turn, and held since r8go
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church by the Rev. John Thomas Powell, who resides at Castle
of St. Mary, reputed to date from the time of Edward Acre. The principal landowners are Commander
the Confessor, is a buildin~ of stone, originally cruciform, Charles Andrew Fountaine, of Narford Hall, who is
but the transepts have disappeared; it now consists of lord of the manor, and Edward Wenman Martin esq.
chancel and nave and low central tower containing one of Ridge Hill, Dartmouth. The soil is light loam ;
subsoil, gravel. The chief crop's are wheat, barley, 7 through S"wafiham·r 8:rri.;e lt't a. m·. &4 p.m. ; '
11urnips and pasture. The area is 1,078 acres; rateable dispatched 7 a. m. ·& ·1 p.m. Castle Acre- is. the nearest
value, £621; the population in 19II was 63. · money orde.:t & teltlg·raph office, about 1~ miles distant
Parish Clerk, James Askew. The children of this place attend the school at Castle Acre
Everington Mrs Askew James, farm bailiff to Peter! Chater George, retailer
Whales esq_. Church farm Whales Peter, farmer & cattle dealer

NEWTON FLOTMAN i~ a village and parish, I~ is also vicar of Dunston. The charities attached to New•
miles north-east from Flordon station on the Ipswich ton comprise Pye's gift, an annual charge of £4 upon
and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway and 7 certain lands owned by R. Fellowes esq. and Clabburn's•
uriles south from Norwich, in the Southern division of 2"ift of £173 7s. rod. invested in New 3 per cent. Con-'
the county, Humbleyard hundred, Swainsthorpe petty sols. Fortescue Waiter Kellett Long esq. is lord of
sessional division, Henstead union, Norwich county court the manor. The soil is sand and clay; subsoil, mixed.·1
district, rural deanery of Humbleyard, archdeacor:ry of The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips.:
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary The area is 1,195 acres of land and 5 of water; rateabler
the Virgin is a structure of flint and stone, dating from value, £1,798; the population in 1911 was 240.
1300 to 1500, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch Sexton, Frederick B11nham.
and a fine embattled western rower containing one bell: Post Office.-Arthur Sidney Bond, sub-postmaster.
there is a brass of the Blondeville family with dates from Letters through Norwich, arrive at 6. 45 a.m. & r. 3 o
1490 to 1638 ; the east and . west window!! are
b stained.
£ & 5·5 p.m.; sun d ays, 6 ·45 a.m.; d'1spatc h e d at rr.5o
Thh e c h urc
h h was restore
d d m 1890 at a cost of a out 850, a. Ill. & 5 & 7· IO p.m.; 1lUn d ays, 10.20 a.m. T as b urgh
w en t e nave an chancel were new roofed, several is the nearest money order office & Saxlingham, 1
windows renovated, and the nave reseated, and it now mile distant, the nearest telegraph office
affords rzo sittings .. The register dates from the year
I557· The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Public Elementary School (mixed), enlarged in 1886, for
Swainsthorpe, joint net yearly value £280, excluding 68 75 children; average attendance, 58; Miss Sarah
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of F. W. K. Hastings, mistress
Long esq. and held since r884 by the Rev. Ernest Carriers from ·Long Stratwn to Norwich pass through
Henry Kellett Long M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford, who mon. wed. & sat. at 9.30 a.m. returning same days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Betts Thomas William, farmer, Hun- Gage Richard Thomas•• farmer
Long Rev. Ernest Henry Kellett M . .A. dred Acre farm Gooch Gerard, farmer
(rector), Rectory Bond Arth. Sidney, gr-ocer, office Moore Andrew, market gardener
.\Iurton Charles Henry Brighten Albert Edward, cycle repr Murrell John, farmer, Glebe farm
Saul Henry, The Gables Bri~hten J esse, Maid's Head P.H Reeve Arthur George, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Catchpole George, shopkeeper Smith Elijah, boot repairer
:Bailey Daniel, farmer Funnell Alfred, baker Wilby Arthur, farmer
NEWTON Sf.I'. FAITHS, see Horsham St. Faiths.
WEST NEWTON is a village and parish, 2! miles and prayer book were presented by the lat,e Bishop
east from Wolferton station on the Lynn and Hunstanton of Norwich: a carved oak screen has also been added,
section of the Great Eastern railway, and 3 north from and in rgo8 a new organ chamber was built at the
Grimston Road station on the .Midland and Great cost of His late Majesty King Edward VII. and Queen
Northern joint railway, and 7 north-north-east from Lynn, Alexandra: the chur{:h affords 250 sittings. The
in the North Western division of the county, Freebridge register dates from the year I56o. The living is a
Lynn hundred, petty sessional division and union, county rectory, annexed with that of. Babingley to the rectory
court district of Lynn, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), of Sandringham, joint net yearly value [249, with 37
srchdeaconry . of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of H. M. the
church of SS. ·Peter and Paul is an ancient building of King, and held sine~ 1912 by the Rev. Arthur Rowland
carr stone, in the Late Perpendicular style, consisting of Harry Grant M.A. of Oxford University, and domest.ic
chancel, nave, north aisle, porch and an embattled chaplain to H.M. the King, who resides at Sandring-
western tower, with pinnacles, containing one bell and ham. The Rev. W. K. Gallagher M.A. of Exeter
a -clock with four dials, erected in I907 as a memorial College, Oxford, has been curate in charge since 19I2.
of the services of the Rev. Canon F. A. J. Hervey M.A. The fuel allotment consists of 12 acres. The village
• rector r878-1907: the church was restored in I881, club, for the servants and workmen employed on the
when the north aisle was rebuilt, by His late Majesty Sandringham estate, a building in the Swiss Domestlc
King Edward VII. then Prince of Wales, under the style, was erected in 1873 by His late Majesty King
dire-ction of the late Sir A. W ..Blomfield A.R.A. archi- Edward VII. and H.M. Queen Alexandra, and haS" now
tect, who also presented the carved oak lectern: the about Ioo members. A number of picturesque cottages
stained east window was the gift of the late Christopher were also built in this parish by His late Majesty,
Sykes esq. of Brantingham, and the reredos of tile!! principally for the use of persons employed on his
and mosaic was given by H.R.H. the late Duke of estate at Sandringham: in I9II a large room "as
Albany K.G.: the jewelled altar cross of brass, with erected by H. M. the King for village meetings and
two candlesticks and vases, were presented by the late entertainments. Here is a dairy belonging to H.M. the
German Emperor, Frederick Ill. and the late Empress King. H.M. the King is lord of the manor and sole
Frederick, the alms dish by the late Lord Colville of landowner. The soil is sandy and chalk; subsoil, chalk,
Oulross, and the rich crimson and purple altar carr stone and gravel. The land is cultivated on the
covers by T.R.H. the late Duke and Duchess of Cam- four-course system. The area is I,250 acres; rateable
bridge: the chancel is fi.tted with stalls of carved oak, value, £1,200; the population in 1911 was 326.
the gift of H.R.H. the late Duke of Saxe-Coburg K.G. Parish ·Clerk, Frederick .Morgan.
and the pulpit was the offering of His late Majesty's Post Office.-Mrs. Hannah Bridges, sub-postmistress.
household: the stained west window was erected by Letters through King's Lynn arrive at 5·3S a.m.;
T.R.H. the Prince and Princess Christian, the Duke dispatched at 6.40 p.m. Sandringham, I mile dis-
and Duchess of Connaug-ht, the Princess Lonise (Du-chess tant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
of Argyll) and the Duke of Argyll K.T.: there are Public Elementary School (for the parishes of Sandring-
other stained windows the gifts of H.M. Queen ham, Appleton & Babingley), built in r88r, for 100
Alexandra, the late Grand Duke of Hesse, T. W. children; average attendance, go; J. Waiter Jones,
Evans M.D. and the royal household: H.M. the late schoolmaster
Queen Victoria gave the fine organ, and the Bible Carrier to Wolferton Station, Anthony Knight
Gallagher Rev.William Kilbride M.A. Bridges Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Knight .Anthony, farmer
(curate in charge), The Parsonage Post office Sandringham Club (Color-Sergt. T.
Jones J. Waiter, School house Dodman George William, blacksmith Hodgkins, steward)
Knight Anthony M.V.O Grimes Edmund. carter Smith Thomas, house carpenter at
Stanton Richard William Humphrey Oscar, chauffeur to His Sandringham
Majesty the King
NORDELPH (or Northdelph) is an ecclesiastical: and county ~ourt district, rural deanery of Fin·
parish, fOimed in 1909 from the parishes of Upwell, c~am (western _division), arc~~eaconry of Lynn and

Downham, Denver, Stowe and Outwell; it is 4 miles diOcese of NorwiCh. Holy Tr1mty church, erected by

west from Downham and about the same distance t the Rev. William Gale Townley M.A. in r865, as a
from Upwell. The village is intersected by the chapel of ea!ie to the parish chureh of Upwell, is an
Well creek, over which there is an iron bridge I edifice of brick, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry,
and is in the South Western division of the county, ~outh porch and a turret, containing one bell: the eal\t
Clackclose petty sessional division, Wisbech union I window is stained : there are 250 sittings. The register
dates from the year 1865. The living is a vicarage, . Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Rose Chapman,
net yearly value £350, with residence, in the gift of mistress. Letters through Downham, arrive at
the Rev. Charles Francis Townley M.A. of Trinity a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. ; no sunday delivery
College, Cambridge, and held since 1909 by the Rev.
Edwin Emmanuel Bradford RD. of Exeter College, Public Elementary School (mjxed), erected r87g, ·for
Oxford. There are Wesleyan Methodist and United 109 ·children; enlarged in 1909, for 165 children~
Methodi~t chapels. average attendance, 130; George Henry Harms, master
Eradford Rev. Edwin Emmanuel B.D. Dack Philip, beer retailer Newton Charles, farmer, White house
(vicar), Vicarage Ewell George, groqer Proctor Joseph William, farmer &
COMMERCIAL. Flint George, farmer breeder of shire & hackney horses
13ailey Richard Flour, farmer Foreman J ames, fruit grower & entire horse owner, East Stud fm
Burgess Waiter, farm bailiff to Arth. Fretwell William, ~armer Rose Kenneth, farmer,West Nordelph
H. Worth esq Gilbert John, boot rapairer farm
Butler Horace, blacksmith Grant Read, farmer, Woodhouse farm Smith Albert, farmer
Chapman Mary, Rose & Emma Grounds Agnes (Mrs. ),Chequers P.H Thorpe Albert, farmer
(Misses), grocers, Post office Hartley William, jun. farmer Warner Edwin Chas. grocer, draper,
Chapman Adam, farmer J ohnson Henry T. beer retailer & assistant overseer
Chapman John Oliver, baker Markham Thomas JH. wheelwrighll Whyatt William, shopkeeper
Chapman Mark, butcher Martin Fredk. J as farmer, Old farm
NORTHREPP S is a village and parish, 2 miles south- of John Henry Gurney esq. and occupied by Mrs.
east from Cromer station on the Great Eastern railway, Richard H. J. Gurney, is an Elizabethan mansion,
and 3 from Cromer Beach station on the Midland and with modern additions, standing in a small park. John
Great Northern joint railway, 3 from Cromer town, and Henry Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, Lord Suffield P.C.',
2~ from Gunton station on the Norwich and Cromer G.C.V.O., K.C.B. who is lord of the manor, the trustees
branch of the Great Eastern railway, and 7 north from of the late Benjamin Bond-Cabbell esq. (d. 1892), Sir
North Walsham, in the Northern division of the county, Samuel Hoare bart. of Sidestrand Hall, and the trustees
North Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, of R. H. J. Gurney esq. (d. 1899), are the principal
Erpingham union, North Walsbam county court district, landowners. The soil is light; subsoil, graveL The
rural deanery of Bepps and archdeaconry and diocese of crops are wheat, turnips and barley, and some land in
Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a building of flint pasture. 'l'he area is 2,645 acres; :rateable value,
with stone dressings, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, £3,636; the population in xgu was 564.
eonsisting of clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and Post Office. Mrs. Rachel Wells, sub-postmistress.
-an embattled western tower containing 5 bells: two Letters from Norwich; deliveries, 6.30 a. m. & 2.20
1ancet windows, and some fragments of zigzag moulding p.m.; dispatches at rr.5o a..m. & 1.20, 4 & 7.40 p.m.
'Still remain: the Perpendicular screen, found in a barn, Overstrand, 2 miles distant~ is the nearest money
is now placed at the base of the tower; the upper order & telegraph office
stage, which is modern, is decorated with royal shields Wall Letter Boxe&.-Near the Church, cleared at II-30
of arms, monograms &c. ~ the church was restored in a.m. (n.20 July to Sept.) & 3.20 & 7.15 p.m. & near
1grr to commemorate the coronation of their Majesties the Rectory, 15 minutes earlier; no sunday collection
King George V. and Queen Mary : Sir Thomas Fowell
Euxton bart. who laboured so conspicuously for the Council School (mixed & infants), erecied in :r87g, at a
emancipation of the West Indian slaves, often attended cost of £7oo, for roB children; enlarged rgo2 for 148
this church, and died at Northrepps 19 Feb. 1845: children; average attendance, II2; George Walwyn,
there are 276 sittings. The register dates from the master
:year 1558. The living is a reclory, net yearly value Here is a Sunday school, erected at the sole cost of the
£330, with 13, acres of glebe and residence, in the Rev. Thomas Hay D.D. rector from r8r3; at his death
gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1904 in 1830 he also left an endowment of £r,ooo Consol1
by the Rev. Alan Gwyn Blyth M.A. of Christ's College, for the suppc.rt of the school, to be expended at the

Qambridge. There are reading rooms at Church street discretion of the rector ; there are roo children in
and Cross Dale street. Northrepps Hall, the property attendance
Burton Thomas William, agricultural! dent registrar of Erpingham dis-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. implement maker trict & farmer, The Shrubl-ands
:Barchard Harry George, The Beeches Callow Michael John, farmer, The Reynolds Geo. jun. carter & farmer
Blyth Rev. Alan Gwyn M.A. Rectory Lodge farm Reynolds Lawrence, farmr.Bridge f.,.,rmm
Callow Michael J. The Lodge Cooper James, blacksmith Risebrow Wm. boot maker & repairer
Gurney John Henry, Hill house George James, Foundry Arms P.H Raper George, organist of Sidestrand
Gurney Mrs.Richd.H.J.Northrepps ball Golden Francis, builder, Church st church & tchr. of music, Church st
StQckley CoL Henry Watts (late R Golden George, gamekeeper to Fras. 1 Shepheard George, farm manager to
(Bombay) A.), Northrepps cottage Barclay esq Francis Barclay esq. The Wood
Walwyn George Harrison Herbt. farmer, Skinners fm Storey James, grocer & drapM"
Ling Hy. Charles, farmr. Church frm Walwyn George, schoolmaster

Ling Thomas, clel'k to the guardians Wells Rachel (Mrs.), grocer, Post
Bloom Charles, farmer & assessment committee of Erping- office, Crossdale street
Eurdett William Waiter, gardener to ham union, clerk to Erpingham Youngman John, farm bailiff to Mrs.
J. H. Gurney esq. Hill cottage Hural District Council, superinten-1 Gurney, Laurel farm
NORTHWOLD is a parish and village, on the road from Johnson as a memorial: the church affords 440 sittings.
Thetford to Lynn and on the river Wissey, 3 miles The register dates from about r668. The living is a rec-
i!outh-east from Stoke Ferry terminal !;tation on a tory, net yearly value £338, including 43 acres of glebe
branch of the Great Eastern railway, 7~ north from and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and
Brandon 'and 95 from London, in the South Western held since 19II by the Rev. Nicolas Parker Gepp
division of the county, Grimshoe hundred and petty M.A. of New College, Oxford, and hon. canon of
t~essional division, Thetford union and county court dis- Norwich Cathedral. There are Wesleyan and Primi-
trict, Cranwich rural deanery (south division), arch- tive Methodist chapels. The village hall, erected on
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church the site of the old school, is used for parochial meetings
of St. Andrew is a building, chiefly of flint, in the Per- and entertainments. The reading room was endowed
pendicular and Early English styles, consisting of by the lat13 Mrs. Norman with £soo invested in
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, of the 13th century, Consols. Another library was given by the Rev, Richard
and a western tower dating from c. 1473, with eight Snowdon Smith M.A. rector r873-8o; it comprises 400
pinnacles, containing a clock and 8 bells : the roof of ,.olumes, and is now self-supporting. The almshouses
the nave is of oak, painted and richly gilt and orna- for the poor are 14 in number, four of which are at
mented with figures of angels with extended wings: the disposal of the rector and churchwardens, the
the carved font was given in r882 by the Rev. W. remaining ro being managed by the rector and the
Cowper Johnson, and the very beautiful font cover in trustees appointed by the Parish Council, and were
1887, by "uhe Rev. T. J. Cooper, vicar of Pas ton: in the erected by the late Mrs. Norman, in 1B74• in memory
-chaneel is an Easter sepulchre of the 15th century: the uf her husband, the Rev. Charles Manners Richard
western arch is a fine example of the Perpendicular style: Norman M.A. formerly rector here, and endowed by
the church was rMeated in 1852, and in Oct. 1895 the her with £5oo invested in Consols for keeping them
t~acrarium was enlarged .and "tefloored at the expense in repair. The <'harities inol'Ude Atmere's of about
of the Rev. Claud Cecil Thornton M.A.: the oak lectern £22, recurring every fifth yea1' ; 0a1'ter's of £200
was presented in 1894 by the family of the Rev. W. C. invested in Consol~, for a sewing mistress, and Mrs.

lhidgett Holder's, consisting of 5 acre~ of land, left Sexton, George Warren.
in 1736 for a school master. R. Powle, priest, in 1479 Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-George Tuck, sub-po!tmaster_
lea 40 acres for church repairs, and John Peyrs, priest, Letters arrive from Brandon & are delivered at 7 a.m.
left in 1501 land for charitable purposes ; there are & 2.30 p.m.; sundays, 7 a.m. & arrive from Stoke
other small sums of money left by different persou Ferry at 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched at g.5o a.m. via.
for the benefit of the poor of this parish. A fair is Stoke Ferry & at 7.20 p.m. via Brandon; sunday~.
held yearly on the 3oth November and following day. 7.20 p.m
ln this parish is a large chalk pit. At the Stoke end
c.f the village is an ancient stone cross similar to that Wall Letter Box, Little London, cleared at 9·35 a.m. &
Et Hockwold. The site of the ancient manor held by 6.40 p.m. ; sunday, ro.2o a.. m. Wall Letter Box, by
Hilliam de Hoville in 1347, is in this village, surrounded Church, at 9-40 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; sunday, 10.25 a.m
by a moat. The village has a fire engine, purchased
in 1814. Northwold Lo'dge is the seat of Gilbert James Public Elementary Schools.
French esq. M.D. H. R. C. Partridge esq. of Hockham, l'he Norman School was erected in 1873 on ground given
who is lord of the manor, H. F. Smith esq. of Did- by 0. Carter esq. at the sole expense of the late Mrs.
lington Hall, John Burroughes Carter esq. J.P. of the Norman, wife of the Rev. C. M. R. Norman M.A. at a
~anor House, and Mr. Lorenzo Moore are the principa.l cost of about £r,4oo & endowed by her with £ r,ooo;
landowners. The soil is a mixture of loam, sand, it will hold 140 children; average attendance, 104;
c balk and fen;, chalk. The chief crops are Waiter Percy Coe, master
wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 5,252 acres Infants', for go children; average attendance, 40; sup-
of land and 31 of water; rateable value, £s,o6r; the ported by an endowment of £75 yearly by the late Mrs.
population in I9II (inclusive of Whittington and Little Norman from Consols; this school has also a libmry.
London) was I,I57· The population of the ecclesiastical the gift of the same donor; Miss Bunting, mistress
parish (exclusive of Whittington) in H)OI was 915.
Whittington, a hamlet of this parish, is given under a Carrier.-W. J. Crisp, to Brandon, on mon. wed. & fri.;
separate hooding. to Lynn on tues. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Norwich Union Fire & Life Assur- Kemp Ann (Miss), baker
Andrew Rev. Henry B.A. (curate) ance Society Kemp Arthur, beer retailer
Beales Miss Bovill Philip, painter Leach John, milk dealer, Brookville '
Berwick William, Stravithie Bovill Thomas, ooach builder Lockwood Waiter, butcher
Broadbridge Henry Bovill William John, shopkeeper :'1-[oore Lorenzo, farmer & landowner
Carter Jn. Burroughes J.P. Manor ho Brown Stephen Rowland, Brookville Myhill !<'rank, carpenter
Carter Mrs. William, The Laurels Brown William, butcher Nort:hwold Reading Room & Library
Cooper Alfred, The Mount, Brookville Carr Augustus Frederick, saddler (Rev. Canon N. P. Gepp M.A. pre-
Coulling Mrs. Little London Chamberlain Cha.s. (Mrs.), RedLionP. H sident), Rectory
Davis Alfred, Gwennieville,Brookville Chamberlain Thos.Pulley, Crown P.H Oddfellows' Friendly Society (Loyal
Dye Mrs Chandler Fred Harvey, blacksmith Orphan Friend lodge) (Fred Harvey
Fendick William Clarke Edward, cycle agent Chandler, sec)
French Gilbert James M.D. North- Coman Arthur, George & Dragon P.H Offley Danl. & Michl. millers (water)
wold lodge Crisp Waiter J. carrier Reynolds Ellen (Mrs.), baker
Gall;Jtly Wm. Gloag M.B. The Beeches Dye Frederick George, carpenter Rome Ernest, farmer
Uepp Rev.Canon Nicolas Parker M.A. Dye Waiter & Arthur, bakers Royal J ames, shoe maker
(rector), Rectory Easling Robert John, draper Rumble Robert William, jobmaster
Hill Mrs. Gladstone villa Fendick Fredk. Chas.frmr.& landownr Shipp Robert Everard, farmer ·
Hopkin Philip Freund Hy. fruit grower, Brookville Spinks Ernest John, butcher
Richard son John Thomas, Woodlands, Frostick Edwd. fruit growr.Brookville Starling Alpheus, fruiterer,Brookville
Brookville Galletly William Gloag M.B., C.M. Sutterby George, oowkeeper
Rooke Capt. Clement G. T.Brookville Edin. physician, surgeon, public Thorpe Herbert, baker
Shields Arthur William, Brookville vaccinator, medical officer North- ruck George, basket maker & !!Ub-
Walpole Waiter Robert wold district & Thetford union, postmaster, Post office
Warburton John S. Brookville The Beeches Upton William, shoe maker
Wray Cecil L. Linden cottage Gardner Arth. poulterer, Brookville Village Hall (Henry Bovill, sec)
COMMERCIAL. Goodrich Robert King, fruit grower, Walpole . Waiter
. Robert, solicitor &
Armstrong John Jermyn, baker Brook glen COIDIDlSSIOner
Barber CharleA Alfred, farmer & land- Goose Arthur Henry, bricklayer Warburton John Samuel,fruit grower,
owner, Hall farm Gooobed William, grocer Brookville
Bateman Samuel, pork butcher Gould Edward, bricklayer Warren Thomas James, carpenter
Buvill Henry, auctioneer, valuer & Horne J olm, farmer Watts Thomas (Mrs.), beer retailer
estate agent, assistant overseer, J ohnston George Frederick, poultry Webb Alfred. farmer
collector of taxes, & agent for the farmer, Brookville Wightman H. & Son, grocers
NORTON SUB COURSE is a parish and widely scat- the great tithes. The Primitive Methodist chapel here
tered village, 3 miles south-west from Reed:ham station was erected in r 864 and rebuilt in rgoo. The church land
on the Norwich, Y a.rmouth and Lowestoft sections of the crnsists of 6a. 2r. 3op. ; at the lnclosure Sa. 2r. were
G. E. railway, 3 east from Loddon, 9 north-east from allotted to the poor and are let at an average rent of
Bungay and s! from Be~les, in the Southern division of about £ ro yearly, which sum is distributed in coal!!.
the county, Clavering hundred, Loddon Mid Clavering Nicholas Henry Bacon esq. ii!l lord of the manor and chief
petty ssssional division and union, county court district landowner. The soil is light mixed; subsoil, sand,
of Bungay and Beccles, rural deanery of Brooke (Ea.;;tern g"Tavel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oah and
division), archdeacrmry of Norfolk and dioce-se of Nor- barley. The area is 1,903 acres; rateable value, £2,o75;
wich. There are ferries from t.his place over the river the population in rgrr was 321.
Yare to Reedham. The church of St. Mary is a large
and ancient structure of flint, in the Early English style, Sexton, William Clarke.
consisting of chancel, nave and a round western tower
containing 6 bells, including 2 presented by the present Post, M. 0. & T. Office.~Frederick William Yallop,
vicar in 1893: in r8g8 the church was reseated in sub-postmaster. Letters through Norwich via Loddon
oak, at a cost of about £4oo, chiefly at the expense of arrive at 7-So a.m. & 3-I5 p.m. (callers only); dis-
N. H. Bacon ssq. and the vica.r: the reredos was pre- patched at 7-35 a.m. & 3 & 5.50 p.m.; no sunday
sented by Mrs. Thackeray in r8g8 : there are 243 sit- post
' tings. The register dates fr·om the year rs6r. The Public Elementary School (mixed), with residence for
living is a vicarage, net yearly income £ roo, including . schoolmistress, erected in r 85 6-7 by the late Sir E.
r6 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Nicholas I Bacon bart. & enlarged in 1893 for 8o children; average
Henry Bacon esq. and held since r885 by the Rev. attendance, 50; a class room was added in r894,
Arthur Thomas James Thackeray M.A. of Trinity : chiefly at the expense of N. H. Bacon esq.; Miss
College, Cambridge, and surrogate. Nicholas Henr:; 1 Annie Puxley, mistress; George Frederick Fisher
Bacon esq. of Raveningham Hall, is impropriator of Hales, clerk to the school managers
Roberts James, Norton villa CarveT Arth. Spence, farmer, Firs fro Edwards James, butcher & farmer
Thackeray Rev. Arthur Thomas James Crisp Stephen, market gardener Galer Robert, nurseryman
M.A. (vicar & &nrrogate), Vicarage Cunningham Charle11 Thomas, far· Horn Wm. Freestone, market gardnr
COMMERCIAL. mer, Carr farm Irvine Henry, grocer
l3ullwer Maria Elizh. (Mrs.), grocer Cushion Herbert, Cockatrice inn Kilborne .Alfred George, Swan inn .
Lamb Albert Porter, market gardener Pike Henry, market gardener Wames Wm. market grdnr. & farmer
Mack Edward, farmer, Norton hall Pipe Edwd. Benj. farmr. Church frm Wentworth Willi11m John, assistant
Morl Arthur, market gardener Porter Harry, fanner, Low farm overseer k clerk to Parish Council
Nicholls J on a than, blacksmith Reeve J ames, marshman Westrup Horace, fanner, Highfield
Nursey Harry, farmer Reeve Wm. jun. manhman & cowkpr Yallop Fredk. Wm. boot ma. Post off

NORWICH is a city and county of itself, the seat of a received a new charter from Henry IV. by which it was for
bishop's . see, a municipal county and parliamentary ever to be governed by a mayor and sherilis elected by the
borough, the assize town of the shire, place of election citizens, and thereby became a county of itself. William
and polling place for the Eastern division of the county, Appleyard was the first mayor of Norwich. In 14I3 the
and a union and county court town, with a separate first Corporation was formed, consisting of twenty-four
commission of the peace, and is on the navigable river aldermen and sixty common councillors. The city and
Wensnm, just above the junction with the Yare, with county of the city is now governed by a corporation, con-
stations on the Great Eastern and Midland and Great sisting of a mayor, sixteen aldermen and forty-eight
Northern joint railways, II3' miles from London, 20 west councillors; with a sheriff, under-sheriff, recorder, judge
from Yarmouth, 48! east-by-south from Lynn, 23l: west- of the Guildhall court, town clerk, clerk of the peace.
north-west from Lowestoft, 53! from Ely, 68! from Cam- coroner and other officers. There is a separate com-
bridge, 45! from Ipswich, 62! from Colchester and 43 mission of the peace for the city, holding quarter sessions
from Bury St. Edmunds, in the Blofield and Walsham and daily sessions.
petty sessional division, rural deanery, archdeaconry and By the "Norwich Corporation Act, 1889," the city was
diocese of Norwich. The river Wensum flows through the constituted one parish for all purposes, except ecclesias-
city and is crossed by IO bridges. tical, a.nd divided into I6 wards.
Communication is obtained with the general railway · The city has returned two members to Parliament since
system by the Great Eastern railway, and its branches I298 or earlier.
to Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Lynn, Wells, Hunstanton, North Under the "Local Government Act, 1888," Norwich
Walsham, Mundesley and Cromer: The Midland and Great is declared a county borough for certain purposes of tha~
Northern joint railway also has access to thilil city and Act.
connects it with Cromer and Lynn. At 'l'rowse is a large By the Local Government Board's Provisional Order
and important cattle station, belonging to the Great (No. I3) Confirmation Act, I9o7, dated 28th Aug. 1907.
Eastern Railway Uo. ; on the departure side of the line parts of Catton and Sprowston were added to the city
are I3 lair1t and I9 loading pens, capable of storing 2,000 and county of Norwich.
head of beasts and 4,000 sheep; on the down side are 9 Under an Act of Parliament obtained in I867 a system of
lairs and I3 pens, which will store 1,500 beasts and 3,000 drainage has been completed at a cost of about £Izo,ooo,
sheep : the lairs and pens cover an area of nearly 7 acres : by which the sewage is conveyed to Trowse, where there
a new bridge ovBr the line was built at Trowse in I883. is a pumping station for the irrigation of the sewage farm
The river Yare, falling into the sea at Yarmouth, and the at Whitlingham.
Waveney, connected with the Yare by a cut from Reed- By a Local Act pa~sed in I88g sanction was given· for
• ham to Haddiscoe and with the sea. by Oulton Broad and the re-sewering of the city on ·the s-eparate system, and
Lowestoft harbour, afford two independent channels works for this purpose were completed in I899, at a cost
seawards. of about £I6o,ooo, by Mr. Arthur E. Collins M.Inst.C.E.
Tradition assigns to Norwich an origin of considerable The city is lighted with gas from extensive works at
antiquity: it is said to have been fortified in 575 by Uffa, Bishop bridge and 'St. Martin's at Palace, belonging to
the first king of the East Angles, who built the castle and the British Gas Light Uo. Limited. Water is supplied
made it his residence ; and in 642 Anna, Kin~ of the East by the City of Norwich Waterworks Co. whose pumping
Angles, is reported to have kept his court m the royal station is at Heigham, and the water is distributed by
palace at the Castle. In the time of Alfred the Great it gravitation from storage reservoirs at Lakenham and
was attacked by the Danes, and after its capture is stated Mousehold.
to have become the capital of Guthrum. Under the later A system of electric tramways on the overhead
Saxon kings it had a mint, and the Domesday Survey system, and compri.sing 19m. zfur. Iooyds. of rails,
shows that in the time of Edward the Confessor it was was completed in I900; tJhe power station is in Duke
one of the la.rgest towns in the kingdom, having 1,320 street, amd the total cost was about £33o,ooo.
burgesses. In 1336 a number of Flemish weavers, driven The No1·wich Electricity Co. wa!l established in 1891
out of their country by an inundation, settled here, and under an Act of Parliament, and by a further Act in
greatly improved the worsted and clothing trades: in I56S rgor its property was transferred to the Corporation.
·'a further immigration of artisans took place, in conse- Norwich became the seat of a diocese in I094• when the
quence of the persecutions in the Netherlands. In I348 see was transferred from Thetford (now a suffragan
Norwich suffered 11everely from "The Black Death," which bishopric), and at one time included the entire counties
destroyed a great part of the population. In I549 it was of Norfolk and Suffolk. In I837 the archdeaconry of
the scene of the rebellion beaded by Robert Ket, a tanner Sndbury in the latter county was transferred to the diocese
of Wymondham, who on Aug. I took possession of the of Ely, and the diocese of Norwich now consi~ts of parts
city, but being defeated in an engagement with the Earl of three parishes in Cambridgeshire, the whol.e of Nor-
of Warwick, he was taken and hanged in chains at Nor- folk (with the exception of parts of a few parishes) and
wich Ca~tle. the greater part of Suffolk: it comprises the arch-
During recent years the city has been frequently deaconries of Norwicl'. Norfolk, Lynn and Suffolk and
visited by members of the Royal Family. On the 3rst is included in the province of Canterbury.
October, I866, His late Majesty King Edward VII. and The Cathedral of the Holy 'l'rinity, founded by Bishop
Queen Alexandra, then Prince and Princess of Wales, HBrbert L~inga, in 10~, after the removal of the see from
with H.M. the Queen of Denmark, passed through Thetford, is a stately edifice, principally in the Norman
Norwich to stay for a few days at Cossey Hall; and oJtyle, and invaluab:e as an illustration of the pure Nor-
on June I], r88o, His late Majesty, then Prince of man gronnd plan, which it retains in a manner almost
Wales, laid the foundation stone of the new hospital; nnchanged since its erection. The choir with its aisles
on April I8 in the following year, the late Duke of and chapN.s, the transepts and the lower part of the
Edinburgh and the late Duke of Albany took part in central tower, were completed by the founder, who
the opening of the first National Fisheries Exhibition, carried his work as far as the altar of the Holy Cros~
which led to the holding of the great International (afterwards St. William's) in the nave; Bishop Everard,
Exhibition in London, and for some time H.R.H. the who succeeded him in II2o, continued the nave and
Duke of Connaught, as an officer of Hussars, was a aisles ws.;tward, and in n5o the remains of St. William
resident in the city. In November, 1882, His late the boy saint (crucified by the Jews in 1137• or March
Majesty King Edward VII. was again in Norwich to 10th, 1144), were translated into the chapter house:
open the Agricultural Hall, and in 1900 to open the a fire in 117I damaged the structure, but it was
Jenny Lind Infirmary for Children; on 23rd Oct. 189·h repaired by Bishop Turbe (1146-75), and John of Ox-
the Castle Museum was opened by H.M. King George ford, bishop from 1175, finished the work continued by
V. and Queen Mary, then Duke and D11chess of York. Everard; Bishop Waiter de Sufficld (1243-57) erected
Norwich, as part of the king's demesne, was probably a chapel, dedicated to St. Saviour, at the extreme
governed by an officer of his appointment in 119-h when east end, on the site of the Norman chapel, which he
Richard I. granted the city to the citizens at a fee farm probably demolished; this building-, a rectangular
rent, and gave them leave to choose their own provost. structure of considerable size, 57 by 36 feet, was, how-
In 1223, four bailiffs were substituted for the provost, and ever, removed bv Dean Gardiner in the I 6th century
thia forrn of government continued till 1404, when the city to save the cost of repairs. Violent conflicts between
the monl-s and tha popu]Jtce, which broke out' on placOO. , il'l the- l l;rirorinrh1tOf t'ih~" apo; e at the :extreme
.August I r, 1272, resulted in the partial destruction of end of the cathedral. The transept is without aisles,
the cath~;dral aiJ.d its adjacent buildings, but in 1275 the but has in the north wing the .eastern apsidal chapel
citiz.ens were ordered to pay 3,ooo marks towards its of St. A.nne; the corresponding chapel in the south wing
restontion, and on Advent Sunday, 1278, it was re- has given place to an Early English sacristy, vaulted,
consecrated by Bishop William de Middleton (1278-88) in with an upper chamber; the vaulting bosses of the
the presence of Edward I. and his queen: a spire of wood, transept exhibit, in a series of nearly go sculptures,
covered with lead, erected by Bishop Ralph Walpole in the story of the Nativity, but the work is later than and
1295, and blown down by a terrible storm of wind. inferior to that of the nave; the south wing is finished on
January 15, 1362, wa.s replaced in 1364-9 bY. a DeW Spire the exterio1" with square turrets on either side of the gable,
of stone, finished by Bishop Thomas Percy (1354-70) and arcaded at the summit, and terminating in crocketed pin-
repaired by Bishop \falter Lyhart ( 1445-72) ; the cloisters, nacles. Above the crossing, raised on massive piers, rises
begun by Walpole in 1297, were finished in 1430, the the magnificent tower, the loftiest and richest example of
south walk being the work of Bishop Salmon (1299-1325), a Norman tower in England: it consists of four stages,
who also erected the greater part of the chapter house, three of which are surrounded with arcading, and the
the palace ball, a,nd tihe chapel of St. J obn the Evange- fourth displays a double row of large circles, the upper
list; abou~ t;he middle of the 14th Century two chape-ls, tier being glazed so as to 1ight that stage of the tower;
one on the north side and the other on the south side, the Decorated battlements are adorned with .~hields, and
were erected. about midway between the tran~epts and at the angles aTe square embattled turrets, with crocketed
the side chapels of the apse, openings being cut through spirelets, of the same date as the great octangular spire,
the walls, and Decorated stone arches, supported on which is richly crocketed and capped with an elegant
columns, inserted so as to connect these, like the other finial. The nave, in its simple majesty, is the largest,
chapels, .with the aisles ; St. Andrew's chapel, on thl' grandest, and most. interesting of any in tbis country,
north side, is entirely destroyed, and that on the south but is out of all proporrtion, as regards length, to the
t1ide, the Baucbun chapel, has lost its original character, rest of the fabric; on either side are t~even double bays,
having been altered from the Decorated to the Perpendi- with piers, alternately round and square, supporting an
cular style during the rsth century; considerable altera- open trif<irium, of disproportionate size, the arches of
tions were made in the upper part of the presbytPry i11 which, heavy and circular, are too nearly of a height with
the middle of the 14th century, about which time Bishop those of the arcade below; the windows of the clerestory,
Percy erected the present clerestory. Bishop J ames Gold- each of one light, appear through the centre arch of an
well (1472-99) spent 2,200 marks upon repairs of thP arcading, with three arches in each ·bay; and above these
spire (struck by lightning in rj63), the erection of a spreads a superb vaulting of stone, of Perpendicular date,
chantry chapel and the construction of the vaulting of adorned with 328 elaborately sculptured bosses, illustrat-
the choir, to sustain which he reared a series of flying . ing the history of the world, from the Creation to the
buttresses ; in the middle of the 15th century Bisho;p Doom, which have been admirably described in the fine
Alnwyk built the present west entrance to the nave and work published by Dean Goulburn in 1876. The nave
the large window over it, and his successor. Bishop of the cathedral was restored to its original beauty in 1899
Lyhart, the stone vaulting of the nave; and early in the (as a thank-offering) by Sir 8amuel Hoare hart. and his
16th century the north and 80uth transepts were vaulted wife. Several windows, together with other gifts towards
with stone by Bishop Richard Nix (r5oo-36). the reparation of the cathedral, were provided by Col
The Cathedral, as at present existing, is a cruciform Edward B. Manse!, of Oatton, Dec. 1899; the cloisters
structure, consisting of apsidal chQir of four bay!!, with V'"ere restored in 1900. The south aisle is of uncommon
aisles ~nd lateral chapels; transepts, with an ancient height and has three storeys, with an embattled parapet;
spsidal chantry or sacristy prQjecting eastward from the in the north aisle is a door leading to the greenyard.
northern arm, navs of fourteen bays, and a central tower where there was anciently a preaching cross ; the windows
with spire, 315 feet in total height, and containing 5 bells: of both aisles have been filled with Late tracery. ·
the total length, formerly, with the Lady chapel, 464 feet, The west front, although poss~sing the advantages
i!! now 407 feet, the width, including the aisles, 97 feet, afforded by a surrounding open space and forest trees, is
-and the height to the centre of nave vaulting, 69 feet; wanting in dignity and importance, and consists simply of
the vaulting over the presbytery is 83 feet in height from a gable between two turrets crowned w1th spirelets, while
the floor; the breadth across the transepts 178 feet, and on either side extend the ends of the ai~les, three storevs•
the height of vaulting 73 feet. The choir terminates in height, with embattled parapets, and Norman turrets
eastward in a semicircular apse, which still retains the flanking each angle; the chief entrance is through a re-
double-arched entrance, formerly conducting to the now ce>"sed doorway, with four canopied niches, above which is
destroyed Lady chapel; westward, the choir is continued a rich Perpendicular window of nine trPfoiled light~. filled
two bays into the nave, but the stalls do not reach further in 1854 with stained glass as a memorial to Edward
than the lantern: these, 62 in number, are of oak, in Stanley D.D. bishop of Norwich 1837-49: a small light
the Perpendicular ~tyle, canopied and pinnacled, and have is set in the head of the gable, which terminates in a
curious misericords ~ in the central bay of the apse, upon cross. The cloisters adjoining the cathedral on the south
a small platform, are fragments of the Bishop's throne, sitle, and in pnrt occnpyin!! the angle bet.wPen the nave
and on the pavements and the nearest pillars traces of and south transept. date from I2Q7-14::lO. and are onlv
the three steps which led up to it, according to the Basili- inferior in size to those of Salisbury, being 177 feet in
oCaJl arrangement ; tihe cll'restory is mixed Decorated length on the "'''"est and east sides and 176 on the north
and Perpendicular, a vaulting with elaborate bosses and south, with a height of 15 feet; at the north-east
oovering the central avenue; the windows, each of four angle was a slype, and at the north-west angle the outer
lights, are set between canopied niches; the choir aisles or great parlour, now a choristers' room; in the west
:am continued round the a.pse, forfning an eastern pro- alley are the Early English door of the guest-house and
-cessional path, which opens into two radiating chapels of the lavatories, formed by inclosing arches recessed in the
circular form, each with a semicircular &pse projecting wall. panelled and enriched with carved foliage, while at
eastward: the present Jesus chapel, until the end of the hack arl' narrow r'Rnopied niches, inclosing pedestals:
the 14th century, the chapel of the Martyrs, is on the in t.hP ea;;t alley are the processional door, with radiating
north and St. Luke's on the south, the latter serving· tabernacles, three niches for book aum bries, and the
-also as the parish church of St. Mary in the Marsh, ' beautiful triple entrance to the now destroyed chapter
which originally stood a short distance south-east of house, which projected 8o feet eastward and had a poly-
4:he cathedral, within the precincts, and was destroyed gonal apse; the vaulting of the cloisters is particularly
in 1563; its Perpendicular font now stands in this fim~. nnd has richly-11r'nlptured bosses ; the dark cloister
~hapel: opening from the south choir aisle is the nt the !'rmth-east angle led to the infirmary; three Late
Banchun chapel, a Decorated work now serving as the Norman pillars of its hall, built by Bishop John of Oxford
Consistory Court, and there was a corresponding chapel II75-12oo, still remain; west of the cloisters were the
<Of St. A.ndrew attached to the north choir aisle; cross- guest hall a,nd cellarer's• apartments, and on• the south
ing this aisle is an Early Decorated porch-like gallery, side the refectory and k1tchen. ·
probably the chamber of an anchorite, or a relics chapel, The principal monument<! in the cathedral arA the
and once communicating witb an exterior building, following :~Bis,hop Herbert Losinga, ob. II19, a
called the Sanctuary men's rhamber; the pelican lectern' modern &ltar tomb ere:"!ted in 1682, but now removed;
is Late Decorated ; a rich screen on either side of the Prior W. Walsham, 1218 ; Sir Thomas Erpingham,
~hoir, with niches, canopies, and an open parapet rising 1420, low tomb; Sir Thomas Wyndham, vice-admiral,
to the floor of the triforium, conceals the pillars and ;r421, an altar tomb; Bishop John Wakeryng, 1426;
~i!!les, and the choir screen of Bishop Browns incloses it! Bishop James Gold well, 1499, with canopied effigy;
at the WI'JSt end. The organ, standing on the screen, has Sir John Hobart, attorney-general to ·Henry VII. j
been entirely recunstructed at a cost of over £6,4oo, Bishop Richard Nykke or Nyx, 1536, a flat tomb,
Jflnd contains 5 manuals ll!Ild 78 stops and likewise hcs arched over, with the iron work for the sacring bell
:an "Echa" organ, the gift of Hugh G. Barclay esrj. ·of tlhe chantry chapel; Bishop John Parkhurst, 1575;

Lady ElizabBth Calthorp, 15821 and Chancellor Miles r . St . .A.ndrew, in St . .Andre_w street, rebuilt in. rso6 in an
Spencer, an altar tomb of the x6th century, on wbicL 'enlarged form on the site of the ancient pre-Conquest
the tenants formerly paid their rents ; there is alto '* church, is an edifice of flint and stone in the Perpen-
statue in Uarrara marble, by Chantrey, to Bishop Henry dicular style, consisting of chancel, lofty clerestoried
BaLhurst, who died in 1837· Excavations made in the nave, aisles, north and south porches and a western
uave in 1899 disclosed the grave of Bishop Walter Lyha.rt, tower, g6 feet in height, containing a clock with chimes
ob. 1472, which is immed1ately below the entrance to (erected in 1883) and ro bells: there are monuments to
the choir. l!Creen: the remains of the .Bishop, with por- Sir John Suckling, ob. r6 13, and his wife, and to
tions of episcopal vestments and mitre,· were found, as • Francis Rugg, thrice mayor of Norwich: the chancel
well as a wooden crosier, th& carved head of which was. Iretains scdilia and a credence, and there are several
removed and placed in the chapter museum. The stained windows, including- some ancient glass: some
reredos of the Jesus chapel (1380-1400) has pictures of the ancient brasses still remain: a new organ was
on panel, of the 14th century, in five compartments; provided in 1908; the north aisle and west end were
representing the closing scenes in the life of Our restored in 1895, the stonework to the windows in the
Lord; the head~ are treated in the Italian manner, former repaired and reglazed and replastered internally
and the grouping is bhat of the Siennsse school. lVIany I under the direction of Mr. H. J. Green, diocesan sur-
important internal restorations were carried out b)' veyor: the church plate includes two silver-gilt cups,
Dr. Goulburn, a former dean, in the period from 1871- , dated 1568 and 1617 respectively: the church affords
r882, and a new clock with chimes, presented by Mrs. '7qo sittings: in 1902 a lych gate was erected as a
Goulburn, was placed in the tower. A. large sum of I memorial to the Rev. Canon A.. C. Copeman M.B. d.
money was also spent on extensive repairs to the tawer 1896: the grounds on the north side of the church
and spire internally during the years r884-5· During were laid out at the same time. The register dates
r892 considerable repairs were effected in the choir and from the year 1556. The living is a vicarage, the value
transepts under the direction of lVIr. C. J. Brown, sur- of the fixed endowments being £r8s in land and invest-
veyor to the Dean and- Chapter, and a handsome bras~ ! ments, with residence, in the gift of the parishioners,
lectern was presented by the members of the Cathedral and held since rgog by t'he Rev. George Wallace Briggs
Bible class. The new episcopal throne, erected, et a cost M.A.. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
of about £ r ,ooo, and as a memorial to the Right Rev. St. Augustine's church, in St. Augustine street, is a
and Hun. John Thomas Pelham DD. Bishop of Norwich plain but ancient building of flint in the Perpendicular
1857-93, was uncovered by His . lute Majesty King style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and
Edward VII. then Prince of Wales, in May, 1895; and a~ embattled wP~tern tower of brick containing 3 bells:
in June, r8g6, a marble cenotaph, bearing a recumbent the church was partially restored in r 879 at a cost of
effigy of the bishop, was erected; Mr. J. Forsyth was [.5oo, and underwent further restoration in 1892, when
the sculptor. The stone pulpit in the nave was the also the churchyard was laid out and furnished with
gift of Dean Goulburn, and in the choir is an oak seats: it affords 240 sittings. The register dates from
pulpit, erected as a memorial after his resignation of the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
the dr,anery in r 8 Bg. {,2oo, including 15 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
The Erpingham gate, opposite to the west front of the Dean and Chapter, and held since 1906 by the Rev. John
cathedral, erected between 141I and 1420 by Sir Thomas Herbert Griffiths lVI . .A.. of Queens' College, Cambridge,
Erpingham, is a very early example of the ornamental and vicar of St. Mary's, Coslpny.
Perpendicular flint work peculiar to the eastern counties, St. BPnedict'i church, in St. Benedict's street, is an
and forms a stately structure, with two demi-octangular ancient building of flint, in the Early English style, con-
buttresses profusely sculptured, and has thirty-eight small sisting of chancel, nave, narth aisle, north and south
statues, as well as shields, figures of birds and foliage, · porches and a round tower with octagonal belfry stage
and over the entrance the effigy of the founder, with his containing ~ bells : the church affords 200 sittings. The
motto, "lDenh," i.e. " think " ; the charnel chapel of register dates from the year 1563, but is imperfect. The
St. John the Evangelist, standing obliquely between this living is a vicarage, net yearly value £ r8o, including s6
gate and the cathedral, was built by Bishop Salmon acres of bounty land, in the gift of the parishioners, and ·
about 1316, and consists uf a chapel built over a crypt, held since rBg1 by the Rev. Josiah Wedgwood, of uni-
Wlhich has a double row of columns 14 feet high, and versity College, Durham, and St. A.idans.
many-foiled round windows ; some distance south of St. Edmund's, in Fishergate street, is a small and
these stands St. Ethelbert's or the Court Gate, built lJlain edifice of flint in the Perpendicular style, consist-
by the citizens about 1272, with a hanging or upper ing of chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch and a
chapel of black flint in the De~orated style. western tower containing one bell: the church was
On the north side, next St. Martin's plain, is the Palace restored in 1882, and has sittings for 250 persons. The
or St. Martin's Gate, erected by Bishop A.lnwick, about register of St. Clement's dates from the year 1538,
1430; near it is the Bishop's Palace, a considerable pile, and that of St. Edmund's from 1550. The living is a.
dating from the foundation of the church, and embracing rectory, united in 1882 to that of St. Clement, joint net
almost every subsequent style; very extensive restorations yearly value £113, including 7o! acres of glebe, with
and alterations _were carried out in 185'8-g by Dr. Pelham, residence, in the gift of Caius College, Cambridge, and
a former bishop, under the superintendence of the late held since 19II by the Rev. J oseph Rus!Jell Howden
Mr. Ewan Christian, architect; the private chapel, which B.D. of Londmi. University. St. Clement's, in Colegate
staod a little in advance of the palace eastward, was street, is an ancient structure of flint, with stone dress~
thoroughly restored and refitted during the prelacy of ings, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of
Bishop Hall (1641-61): this chapel suffered much from chancel, nave, and an embattled western tower con-
the hands of the Puritans, who destrayed all the paint- taining 3 bells: in the churchyard, opposite the south
ings, demolished all the stained windows, and stripped door, is the tomb of the parents of Matthew Parker,
and sold the lead from the roof; the present chapel Archbishop of Canterbury (1559-75), who resided here:
was erected on a different site by his successor, Bishop adjoining the west wall is a tomb without any inscription,
Reynulds (1661-76), out of the materials of the former but known as the "Leper's tomb," which, tradition says,
-chapel: in the palace gardens are the remains of the was raised over the remains of a leper: the church was
Palace hall (120 by 6o feet), built about 1319 by Bishop partially restored interna.lly in 18go, with new choir
Salmon, and destroyed during the Civil War, as well as seats from designs by Mr. H. J. Green, of Norwich: there
a. gate-house erected by B~s1hop Salmon. . are sittings for 200 persans. Cookes' .A.lmshouses for
The Chapter Library in the audit room, at the south- 8 poor persons, erected by the benefaction of Thamas and
east angle of the Close, consists of 3,200 volumes for Robert Cookes, in x6g2, were removed in 1892 from Rose
the use of the clergy. lane, in the parish of St. Peter-Permountergate, and were
The parish churches are numerous and all ancient. re-erected in St. Clement's parish.
A.ll Saints', in W estlegate street, is a small building of St. Etheldred's church, in King street, is an ancient
flint, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, ~tructure of flint and brick, in the Norman and Perpen-
nave, north aisle, south porch and a western tower con- dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch
taining 3 bells : the church ha~ a richly-sculptured and a. small western tower, round at the base with an
octagonal font, and there are mural tablets to John Moss, octangular belfry storey containing 4 bells: the Norman
d. 1837; M~. Evans, d. 1856; and to Dr. Evans, d. remains include a fine doorway: in the chancel is ~monu­
1862: there are rso sittings. The register dates from ment to William Johnson, alderman, ob. 16II, with his
t.he year 1573. The living is a rect{)ry, consolidated with effigy in municipal robes, and kneeling fi~res of his wife,
St. Julian's, joint net yearly value £225, with 66 acres son, and three daughters : the monuments and brasses
vf glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the guild of A.ll belonging ta the church of St. Peter, Southgate, taken
Souls', and held since 1~3 by the Rev. Johnstone down in r8 87, were removed here : the nave was restored
Murray M . .A.. of Edinburgh university. In 1883 a in IB82-8::1 at a cost of £goo, and has :150 sittings. The
"portion of the parishes of All Saints and St. Julian I'E'!!ister of baptisms dates from the year r66B ; marriages,
was annexed to St. Etheldred's, and at the same time r677; burials, 1665. The registers of St. Peter's, South-
'a portion of St. Etheldred's was annexed to St. Julian's. gate, dating from 1558, are also now deposi~ed here. The

living is a vicarage, united to St. Peter's, Southgate, living is a vicarage, united to the rectory of St.
joint net yearly value [,2oo, including 8 8~ acres of glebe, Laurence, joint net yearly value £205, including 6g acre~
in the gift of the trustees of the Great Hospital and the of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor for two
Bishop of Norwich alternately, and held since 1894 by turns, and the Dean and Chapter for one turn, and held
the Rev. Edward Burroughes Pearse M.A. of Downing since 1903 by the Rev. Charles Benjamin Pritchard
College, Cambridge. In 1883 a portion of St. Etheldred's Ramsay B.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge.
pa.rish was annexed to St. Julian's, a portion of St. Julian's St. Helen's, in Bishopgate street, now the church of the
being at the !lame time 'Bnnexed to St. Etheldred's, and Great Hospital, is an ancient edifice of flint, in the Perpen-
subsequently St. Etheldred's was united to St. Peter's, dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch.
Southgate, in King street. transepts, cloisters and a Perpendicular western tower
St. George, Colegate, is a large and handsome structure containing one bell: there is a very fine piece of graining
of flint in the Perpendicular style, rebuilt at different m the south transept, representing The Coronation of the
periods, viz. : the tower and nave in 1459; the chancel in Virgin: John Kirkpatrick, the antiquary, who assisted in
1498 ; the north aisle, with the chapel of St. Mary, in compiling Blomfield's History of Norfolk, is buried here:
1505; and the south aisle, with the chapel of St. Peter, the choir of the church has been converted into wards for
in 1513; it consists of chancel, clerestoried nave, aisles, the almswomen, and all that part of the nave and aislea
south porch and a lofty embattled western tower contain- extending from the tower to the south porch is divided
ing a clock and 3 bells : the east window is stained, and into apartments for the men, the intermediate space with
there is much fine oak carving, especially on the reredos, the south chantry being all that is left open for divine
pulpit, sounding board and the spaces between and above service and affording 250 sittings : the church is kept in
the clerestory windows : the monuments include one to repair by the trustees of St. Giles's or the Great Hospital.
John Crome, the founder of the Norwich School of artists, The register dates from the year r678. The living is a
and generally known as " Old Crome," who was born at vicarage, net yearly value, including the chaplaincy of the
Norwich in 1769, and d. 22 April, 1821, and another to Great Hospital, [2o6, with residence, in the gift of the
J ahn Herring esq. mayor in 1799, by the younger Bacon. trustees of the Great or St. Giles' Hospital, and held since
Many of the Norwich mayors and sheriffs are interred 1909 by the Rev. Harry William Koblich, of Magdalen
here. In the chapel of St. Mary is an altar tomb in terra- College, Oxford.
ootta to Robert Jannys, a great benefactor to this parish St . .lames' with Pockthorpe, Cowgate street, is a small
and city; and the north aisle retains a fine brass to but ancient Perpendicular edifice of flint, consisting of
Willi;;.;-, Korwiche, dated 1475, and a piscina: the rood chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled
stair turret still remains on the south side : the church western tower containing one bell: the ancient panelled
is seated "Vith oak benches, affording 6oo sittings. The font is richly ornamented with figures representing the
regi:sLer aates from the year 1538. The living is a vicar- Apostles and Evangelists and eight female saints: there is
ag-e, net yearly value £so. in the gift of the Dean and a mural monument dated 1632 and a brass dated r6r8:
Chapter of Norwich, and held since 1887 by the Rev. a palimpsest brass of 1536, supposed to have come from
William Cooke Matthews, of St. Bees. There are good this church or that of St. Paul, was in 1901 in the
parochial charities for the poor. Strangers' Hall: the church was restored in r885 at a
~t. George's, Tombland, is a large edifice of flint, in the cost of about £soo, and has 240 sittings. The register
Perpendicular style, with portions of older date, and con- dates from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net
sists of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a. fine em- yearly value [250, including 37 acres of glebe, with resi-
battled western tower containing a clock and 5 bells : dence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter, and held
the ea~t window is in memory of Miss Mar ion Holly, since 1904 by the Rev. Charles Edward Osborne Griffitb
d. I 8gB, and there are also memorial windows to Dr. M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford. St. Mary Magda-
Sutton, d. 1846, to Miss Hudson, d. 1867, to the Rev. lene is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1909 from
K. Trimmer B.A. vicar 1842-86, and to Dr. Charles that of St. J ames'. Pockthorpe: the church in Silver
Wil:iams, d. 1907; a fine pulpit and a few ancient road was erected 1902-1903, at a cost of about £3.soo.
monuments, one of which is to the founder of the on a site granted by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners,
Gre1t Hospital: the church was restored in 1883 at a who also contributed [,soo towards the cost of the
cost of about £ r,sGo, and has 220 sittings. The register bu;lding: it is a building of flint with stone dressings,
dates from the year 1538. The living- is a vicarage, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, and
with the rectory of SS. Simon and Jude annexed, joint two western porches. The living is a vicarage, net
net yearly value from roo acres of glebe £6o, in the yearly value [,275, with residence, in the gift of the
gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1895 by Dean and Chapter, and held since rgog by the Rev.
the Rev. Waiter Francis Crewe, who is also a surrogate. Alfred Hitch Ellis B.A. of Ayerst Hall, Cambridge.
St. Giles' church, at the top of St. Giles' street, is a St. John's, Maddermarket, is a building of flint and
building of Hint stone in the Perpendicular style, con- ~tone. in the DPcorated and Perpendicular styles, comist-
;;isting of chancel, lofty nave, aisles, south porch and an ing of nave of three bays, aisles, north and south porches
embattled western tower 120 feet in height, and containing and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, contain-
a clock and 8 bells : there are mural monuments to Adrian ing 6 bells, dated 1782: the north porch is richly grained:
Payne, ob. 1686, Alderman T. Churchman, ob. 1742, Dr. there are some fine brasses to the families of Moneslee
William Offiey, ob. 1767, and to Sir Thomas Churchman, r412, Terry 1520, Marsham 1525 (palimpsest inscription
d. 178 I ; and brasses to Richard Baxter, ob. 1432, and lost), Rugge ISSB, and Suttherton; the last is a
to a member of the Purdaunce family, ob. 1436: the palimpsest brass, having on the obverse an inscription
church was thoroughly restored in 1866-7, at a cos.t of to Nicholas Suttherton, alderman, and mayor of Norwich
over £s,ooo, the chancel being rebuilt at the cost of 1539, ob. 1540; the reverse exhibits the lower portion
the Rev. William Nottige Ripley M.A. vicar 185g-86. The of the right side of the ·figure of a lady in a long flowing
register dates from the year 1538, but for several years gown, with two daughters engraved thereon, at her feet:
fn·m that date the entries are only copies of the originals. another and extraordinary palimpsest brass here is that
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, including of Robert Rugge, alderman, and twice mayor of Norwich,
7' acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean ob. 18 Feb. 1558, with effigies of himself in civic gown,
nnd Chapter, and held since 1893 by the Rev. James Elizabeth his wife, and four sons, l'lhields, scrolls and an
Abhott Lloyd M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. inscription: this brass originally comisted of 14 pieces.
St. Gregory's, in Pottergate street, is a building of flint, some of which are lost: the reverse of the figure of
chiefly in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, Robert Rugge consists of part of a large and early figure
aisles, north and south porches, both grained, and a of an abbot, c. 1320, and that of hil'! wife, of portions of
western tower containing 6 bells : the spire was removed the figure of a priest in mass vestments, c. 1340 : in all,
in the last century: there are a few brass inscriptions of portions of six different brasses were used in making up
the rsth century, and a monument to Sir Francis Bacon this memorial: there is a tablet to Lady Margaret (Aud-
knt.. a judge of the King's Bench in the reign of Charles ley), second wife to Thomas, fourth Duke of Norfolk K.G.
II. d. 22 Aug. 1657. and another to Sir Peter Seaman knt. who was interred here in 1563: in the south aisle are
d. 1715 : the east window is stained, and there is one mural monuments of coloured stone to Nicholas Sutther-
memorial window : at the west end of the north aisle ton, ob. 1540, and to Christapher Sayer, ob. r6oo: the
is a curious painting in distemper, of St. George, a relic church was restored and the monuments renovated in r864
of the ancient guild of St. George, the members of which at a cost of £I,2DO, and has 400 sittings. The register
worshipped in this church: the church, which retains dates from the year 1558. The living is a discharged
an ancient brass eagle lectern, dated 1493, was once a rectory, net yearly value [,us, with 46 acres of glebe and
place of sanctuary or refuge; the sanctuary knocker, the rPsidence, in the gift of New College, Oxford, and held
escutcheon of which is now attached to the vestry door, since r8g8 by the Rev. William Busby M.A. of that
is a qth century work, but the rin~ is lost : the interior college.
and roof were restored in 1861 and 1874, and the tower St. J obn de Sepulchre, at the top of Ber street, is a
and chancel in 1905-6, at a cost of [,qoo, and there are large building of flint, in the Perpendicular style, con-
434 sittings. The register dates from the year 1571. The sisting of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch and 9
lofty western tower containing a clock and 8 bells, re- the chancel, and now partly covered by the choir stalls,
paired and augmented in 1907 : the stained east window is 8 large slab, once bearing 8 shield of arms and inscri~­
is a memorial to the Rev. Samuel Stone, a former tions, of which only four fragments of the marginal por-
vicar: the church was restored in 1866, and the tower in tion, taken from Job xix., vv. 25-6-7, remain: some of
1901, and has 300 sittings. The register dates from the the lost portions, comprising 8 shield and two fragments
year 1559. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value of the marginal inscription, are now at Old Buckenhar&
£120, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Hall, and all these are palinop!lest: the complete brass
Chapter, and held since 1890 by the Rev. George Nicho- commemorated Jane (Bleverhaysset), wife of Sir Philip
las Herbert M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Calthorpe kt. 1550 : the east windows and several others
St. John the Baptist's, Timberhill, in Ber street, is a are stained: the organ was erected in 1863 and reno-
building of flint in the Transitional style from Decorated to vated and enlarged in r887 : the church underwent a
Perpendicular, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south thorough restoration in 1854, and the tower was restored
porch with parvise, two small chapels and a western bell- and raised to its original height in 1874: there are 200
cot of stone containing one bell: the tower fell in 1784: sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. The
the south chapel retains a piscina and a IIJlW piscina and living is a vicarage, net yearly value £r71, including 47
!ledilia have been placed in the chancel : the interior of the acres of glebe, with residence. in the gift of the Bishop
church was restored in 1874 and a considerable portion of of Norwich, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Reginald
the fabric in 1878 : in 188g the nave and chancel were new- Waiter Longley B.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge.
roofed, the roofs of the aisles an<l chapels being at the The vicarage house is close to the church.
same time restored: there are 200 sittings. The register St. Mary the Virgin's, Coslany, St. Mary's plain, is a
dates from the year 1559. The living is a vicarage, net cruciform structure of flint and cement in the Perpendicu•
yearly value £2oo, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter lar style, consisting of chancel, nave (built in 1477), tran-
and held since 1871 by the Rev. Edward Ram Th.A. sept, south porch and an ancient round western tower
King's College, London. containing 6 bells : the south porch has groined vaulting
St. Julian's, in St. Julian's 8illey, King street, is 8 small and a parvise: the pulpit is panelled and dates from the
but ancient building of flint, in the Norman atyle, con- 15th century: the church was restored in 1'892, and
sisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a round em- subsequently closed: it was again restored in 1908 at
battled western tower containing one bell; there are a cost of £2,2oo, and reopened in Dec. 1909.: during
two stained windows : the interior was restored and re- the course of the work four Saxon windows were dis-
seated with open benches in 1871, and affords 120 sit- covered in the tower. The register dates from the year
tings. The register dates from the year 1589. The 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £wo,
living is a rectory, consolidated with that of All Saints, including 48 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift
joint net yearly value £225, with 66 acres of glebe, in of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1907 by the
the gift of the trustees of the Guild of All Souls, and Rev. John Herbert Griffiths M.A. of Queens' College,
held since 1903 by the Rev. Johnstone Murray M.A. of Cambridge, who is also rector of St. Augustine's. The
Edinburgh University. churchyard has been laid out as 8 public garden.
St. Laurence's, in St. Benedict street, rebuilt in q66- The church of St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, which stood in
72, is an edifice of flint with freestone dressings, in the the precincts, about 100 yards south-east of the cathedral,
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, was destroyed in 1563, and the Dean and Chapter then
north and south porchelil and a lofty embattled western granted the parishioners the use of St. Luke's chapel and
tower II2 feet in height and containing 6 bells : there are the aisle of St. John the Baptist, both in the cathedral, for
several ancient brasse11, including one to Geoffrey Langley, the purpose of holding their services and burying their
prior of St. Faith's, c. 1437, and a good open timber roof, dead: and the chapel of St. Luke still continues to be the
and has sittings for 6oo persons. The register dates from church of this parish. The register dates from the year
the year 1559 The living is a rectory, with the vicar- 1591. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £62,
age of St. Gregory annexed, joint net yearly value with 32! acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and
£2o5, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor Chapter, and nominally held since 1912 by the Very
for two turn~ and the Dean and Chapter of Norwich Rev. Henry Charles Beeching D.D. of Balliol College,
for one turn, and held since 1903 by the Rev. Charles Oxford, and D.Litt. of Durham University, dean of
Benjamin Pritchard Ramsay B.A. of Pembroke College, Norwich cathedral.
Cambridge. St. Michael'1 and All Angels', or St. Micbael-at-Coslany,
St. Margaret's church, between Lower Westwick street eommonly called " St. Miles," in Coslany street, is a
and St. Benedict's street, is a building of flint with free- large and ancient building of flint, chiefly in the Perpen- .
stone dressings, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north
chancel, spacious nave, south aisle, north porch, south porch and a lofty embattled western tower containing a
porch with groined roof and parvise, small chapel and an clock and a fine peal of 8 bells : there are two ancient
embattled western tower containing 5 bells, including brasses with effigiea in shrouds, to Henry Scottowe, alder-
three taken from the church of St. Swithin: there is an man, ob. rsrs, and Alicia, his wife, and to Richard
ancient brass to Lady Anne Rede, ob. 1567: the stained Ffrench, four times mayor of Norwich, ob. 1501: and
east window is a memorial to Alfred Robert Arnold esq. there is another to Helen Elizabeth Godfrey, ob. 1630:
and was erected in r885 by his widow: the communion at the end of the south aisle, begun by Gregory Clark,
plate includes a silver chalice and cover, the work of alderman, and finished by his son, who was mayor in 15 r4o
Peter Petersen and dated r567, and a silver-plated flagon is the famous chapel built and endowed by Robert Thorp
given in 1895 by Miss Wenlock, · late matron of the in the reign of Henry VII. the exterior of which is well
Jenny Lind Hospital: the church was completely re- known as furnishing the finest example of flint and stone
stored in 1888, and now affords 350 sittings. The panelled work to be found in this country, and completely
register dates from the year I559· The living is a rec• restored in 1896: the north aisle and chantry chapel uf
tory, with that of St. Swithin annexed, net yearly value St. John the Baptist were built by William Ramsey,
£92, principally derived from I08 acres of glebe, in the mayor in 1502 and 1508, who is buried in the chapel,
gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since rgoB by where there is an altar tomb to his memory: the nave
the Rev. John Edward Bridgeman Sawbridge M.A. of was rebuilt by John and Stephen Staton, in rsu and
University College, Oxford. r512; in 1883 the old altar piece of "The Resurrection,"
St. Martin's-at-Oak, in Oak street, and so called from an by Heim, was removed, the blocked east window opened,
oak tree formerly standing in the churchyard, in which the chancel re-floored and fitted with stalls, and a fine
was placed an image of the Virgin, called " Our Lady in organ erected; and the exterior of the chancel was at thP
the Oak," is an ancient building of flint stone in the same time re-faced with stone and flint panelling in the
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south style of the Thorp chapel and a stained window inserted,
aisle, west porch and an embattled western tower con- the whole cost being defrayed by Sir Harry Bullard kt.
taining 3 bells: the church was re-seated in 1887 and now and his family: in 1888 the church was restored under
affords 420 sittings. The register dates from the ye&I the direction of the late Mr. E. P. Willins, diocesan archi-
1556. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £I 54· tect, at a cost of £6oo: there are 700 sittings, 300 being
including 68 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift of free. The register datea from the year 1558. The living
the Dean and Chapter, and held since 1891 by the Rev. is a rectory, net yearly value £130, including 33 acres of
Robert Middleton, of St. Aidans, who is also rector of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Church Patronage
.St. Michael, Coslany. Society, and held since 1898 by the Rev. Robert Middle-
St. Martin's-at-Palace, in Palace plain, is an ancient ton, of St. Aidan's, who is also vicar of St. Martin's-at-
tltructure of flint and stone, in the Perpendicular style, con- Oak .
.sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch with parvise St. Michael-at-Plea, in Queen street, is an 8ncienll
and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing erucifmm building of flint and stone in the Perpendicular
one bell: the south doorwav - bears the rebus of Bishop style, conl'listing of chancel, nave, transepts, north and
Lyhart, or ie Hert (1446-72), who is supposed to haV6 "onth chapels. dedicated respectively to the Blessed
completed the erection of the church: on the floor of Virgin and St. John, south-west porch and a low em-

battled western tower with pinnacles, containing a clock and containing" a peal of r2 bells : the total length of the
and one bell: there are two brasses to the Fen-er church is 212 feet, breadth 70 feet, and height 6o feet:
family, dated 1605 : the reredos is composed of old panel the columns of the nave with the clerestory windows
paintings of the 14th century, formerly lying loose in the above are si'lgularly light and graceful, and the roofs of
church, some of which formed part of the rood screen; the nave and chancel are good specimens of fan tracery,
all these have been restored, those on the reredos repre-, springing from timber shafts ~upported on corbels: below
senting the Annunciation, the Betrayal, and two of the the sacrarium, which is raised eight steps above the floor
Crucifixion, together with figures of a Bishop, St. ·of the nave, is a passage with a vaulted roof, the greater
Margaret, and an archbishop: another beautiful panel part of the church being built over a crypt adapted to
of the Resurrection is placed in a niche at the back of the rise of the hill, and forming the platform on which
the pulpit, and two more, representing Moses and the church was erected: there are two chapels, that on
Aaron, on the west wall : the organ cost 350 guineas : the south side being the chapel of St. Anne and that
there is a handsome carved stone pulpit, brass lectern on the north the Jesus chapel: at the extreme east
and oak choir stalls, constructed in part of the old wood, end is a sacristy, retaining a piscina, and used of lats
and in 1907 a new oak screen was presented anony- years as a treasury, and here are preserved a number of
mously: the church was completely restored in 1887 and interesting relics, including a portrait of Sir Tho. Brown
re-opened on St. Michael's day in that year: further M.D. and his coffin plate, and some valuable MSS. of
repairs were carried out during 1901-2, and the church the 13th and 14th centuries: the font stands under a
now affords 260 sittings. The register dates from the remarkable canopy of the r5th century, supported by
year I539· The living is a rectory, with that of St. ~illars, and restored in 1887: it was formerly surmounted
Peter, Hungate, annexed since 1905, joint net yearly tJy a richly decorated cover; only one baptistery of a
value £r3o, with 40 acres of glebe and residence, in the similar character-that in Trunch church is to be found
alternate gift of the Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas in Norfolk: near t.he font hangs a piece of Flemish
Barrett Lennard bart. of Belhus Park, Romford, Essex, tapestry, formerly serving as an 'altarpiece, and dating
and Alexander Browne esq. and held since 1895 by the from 1573: the east window is largely filled with old
Rev. Charles William Heathcote Baker B.A.. of Hertford stained glass 1440-Bo, gathered from different windows
College, Oxford, acting chaplain to the forces, and and depicting the infancy and passion of Our Lord
surrogate. and the life of St. Peter, and in I88o another window
St. Michael-at-Thorn, in Ber street, is a small edifice was placed in the chancel in memory of R. Seaman
of flint stone, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consist~ esq. : in the side chapel is a memorial window to the
ing of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled west- Ven. W. Pelham Bum M.A. Archdeacon of Norfolk, and
ern tower with pinnacles, containing one bell: the porch, vicar here I890-190I: the window in the north transept
is Norman: the tower fell 3 Nov. r886, and was rebuilt was the gift in 19II of the late Mrs. Thomas Gillett:
in r887 at a cost. of over f;5oo, under the superintendence there are also two oak screens, presented in memory
of Mr. H. J. Green, architect: the church has been re- of the Rev. Charles Turner M.A. vicar here 1848-78:
stored, and affords 379 The register dates from there is an ancient palimpsest brass, with effigy, to
the year 1562. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value l"eter Rede esq. dated 1568, but in armour of c. 1470,
£2oo, in the gift of the Marquess of Lothian (but by being· a copy, by a local engraver, of an older figure;
lapse the Lord Chancellor), and held since 1910 by the below is an inscription; the reverse of both exhibits
Rev. James Parks M.A. of University College, Oxford. portions of a large and fine Flemish brass of very late
St. Paul's, in St. Paul's square, is a small building of r5th or early 16th century work: there is another to
flint, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Sir Edward James Smith kt. M.D. founder (r7BB) and
apsidal chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a president of the Linnean Society, d. 17 .March, 1828,
low round western tower containing one bell : a palimpsest and several mural monuments, including one to Sir
brass of 1536, supposed to have come from this church Thomas Browne kt. M.D. the author of "Religio
or that of St. James, was in 1901 in the Strangers' Hall: Medici," who was knighted by Charles II. on his visit
the church was restored in I8JO, when the chancel was to Norwich in 1671, and died Oct. 19, r682: a new
added: there are 430 sittings. In r882 the churchyard organ was placed in St. Anne's chapel in 1912, and
was laid out as a. garden, the expenses being paid by the cased with the original organ gallery, rediscovered by
late John Gurney esq. of Sprowston Hall. The registerS Mr. Wallace King in rgii: the communion plate in-
date from the year 1567; and, excepting the oldest, ara cludes a pre-Reformation chalice and cover, a paten
in a. good state of preservation. The living is a vicarage, dated 1568, a superb cup and cover, given in 1633 by
net yearly value £3oo, including 5r acres of glebe, with Sir Peter Gleane kt. mayor of Norwich in 1015, em-
residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter, and held · bossed with a representation of Abigail bringing gift;;
since 1910 by the Rev. James Henry Blackman~ 4 to David; three large silver-gilt flagons and other
mission church for this parish, erected in 1894 ir). silver-gilt vessels: over the pulpit is a picture of
Magdalen road, is now used as a parish hall, and wiV · "Barrabas at the Foot of the Cross," the gift of the
seat 300 person11. 1 artist, Sir William B. Richmond K.C.B., R.A.: portions
St. Peter Hungate, on Elm hill, erected on the site of the exterior of the church were restored in 188 I -2
of a. more ancient church by John Pa.ston and Margarel under the superintendence of the late G. E. Street esq.
his wife, then patrons of the living, and completed in a cost of £15,ooo, and at Christmas, r885, a very
146o, is a. cruciform structure of flint, cmmisting of chan~ fine carved oak reredos was erected: in 1895-6 the tower
eel, nave, transepts, !Iouth porch and a western towet was. restored at a cost of £r,roo, and from 1901 to
containing 2 bells: the east window contains some fine r.go6 the porches were restored and the east end largely
15th century glass, temporarily 'removed, but now rer refaced: the vestries under the St. Anne's chapel were
placed : there is also much old glass in the other built in 1gro: the work of restoration was completed
windows, some of which, however, was wantonly del-· 1908: there are r,ooo sittings, about 400 being free. The-
strayed by stone throwing: the fine nave roof, an registers date from the year 1538, and now (1912)
excellent example of 15th century work, after long l'e• comprise 21 volumes, kept in a chest of the 15tb
maining in a deplorable condition, has been 'Carefully century. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
restored: there aTe two hagioscopes from the tunsepts 1 £36o, including 49 acres of glebe and re!idence, in the
the north and south doors are carved with tracery and gift of the parishioners, and held since 1901 by the.
other ornament, and over the porch is a parvise : i:o Rev. Frederick James Meyrick M.A. of New College.
1871-72 the interior of the church was restored and the Oxford, and :rural dean of Norwich.
nave reseated with chairs, and in 1906-7 'WaS" again St. Peter-Parmentergate,. in King street, is a building
restored at a cost of £Boo, and is now used for occasional of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel.
services : there are sittings for r5o persons. The nave, south porch with parvise, and an embattled western
register dates from the year 16oo. The living is il tower containing 5 bells: there are some ancient stalls ir>
rectory, annexed to that of St. Michael-at-Plea, joint the chancel, which also contains a tomb with recumbent
net yearly value £r3o, including 22 acres of glebe, in effigies to R. Berney esq. and his wife, dated 1623 : 11
the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1902 by. reredos of carved oak, richly decorated and including 11
the Rev. Charles William Heathcote Baker B.A. of Hert- panel picture of "The Last Supper," was erected by the
ford College, Oxford, and surrogate. Rev. William: Hudson M.A. vicar 1873-93. in memory of
St. Peter Mancroft ("magna crofta castelli "). which his wife, and two memorial windows have been placed
stands in the Upper Market place, is the largest and most by the Underwood family, carried out from the designs
magnificent parish church in the city. The original build- of Mr. H. J. Green. architect, of Norwich: the organ
ing was Norman, but was replaced in the 15th century was erected in 1879; a painting on panel, formerly serving
by the present church, which is a splendid example of as an altar-piece, and executed in 1740 by Joseph Brown,
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried a local artist, now hangs over the south door: the Rev.
nave, aisles, north and l!outh porches, and a stately em- Edwa.rd Warnes, rector of Lammas-cum-Hautbois, left
battled western tower over roo feet in height, with four to the church, in the year 1700, his silver baptismal
angle turrets and a b.andsome Heche covered with lead spoon, on the back of which are the letters E. W. 1613,
the date of his birth; on the end of the spoon is fixed In 1899 a new Trust was created, which includes all
a small silver crucifix of early date : there are sittings the charities in the parish.
for 450 persons. The register dates from the year 1538. The following are ecclesiastical parishes:- ·
The living is 8 rectory and vicarage, net yearly value Christ Church, NEW CATTON, is an ecclesiastical
£7o, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter, and held parish, formed July 26, 1842, out of the parish of St.
since 1903 by the Rev. Joseph Simpson Poole M.A. of Clement. The church is a. cruciform building of flin~
Trinity College, Cambridge. stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel.
The ancient church of St. Peter-at-Southgate, a build- nave, transept, western porch and a turret containing
ing of flint and stdhe in the Perpendicular style, after one bell: there are 620 sittings, 437 being free. The
being for some time in a ruinous condition, was taken register dates from the year 1841. The living is a
down, with the exception of a portion of the tower, in vicarage, nPt yearly value £3oo, with residence, in
1887: the bells, monuments, brasses and registers were the gift of the rector of St. Clement's, and held since
removed to the church of St. Etheldreda, and the two 1882 by the Rev. Waiter Samuel Wright M.A. of Corpus
parishes are now consolidated. Christi College, Cambridge.
St. Saviour's, in Magdalen street, is a small but ancient Holy Trinity church, SOUTH HEIGHAM, in the
edifice of flint and stone in the Perpendicular style, con· rural deanery of Humbleyard, was formed as "
sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and embattled district chapelry out of Heigham parish Nov. S•
western tower, and containing a clock and 2 bells : the 1867: the church, in Essex street, erected in r86o
chancel is Decorated: the old south porch, which had and consecrated in 1861, is a cruciform edifice of
been built up for nearly 200 years and used as a baptistery, flint with brick facings, in the Decorated style, con-
was re-opened in 1891 : the stem of the ancient font con- sisting of chancel, nave, transepts and an eastern tower
sists of four shafts resting on lions' heads, and supporting with shing1ed spire containing one bell and a set of
ogee canopies, with pinnacles between: the stonework tubular bells, erected in 1890: in 1866 the central light
of the windows in both aisles has been renewed, and the of the east window was filled with. stained glass, as a
windows re-glazed: there are 300 sittings. The register memorial to Mr. John Ca torn, by his widow : the side
dates from the year 1555. The living is a vicarage, net lights and a window in the transept are memorials to tb.e
yearly value £2oo, with 36! acres of glebe, in the gift daughters of the Rev. John Callis M.A. rector I875-
of the Dean and Chapter, and held since 1909 by the 1909: another memorial window was erected in 1865
Rev. David Washbourne Money M.A. {)f Queens' College, to children of the Rev. George Charles Haste M.A. tben
Cambridge. rector, and there is one to the Bailey family, and some
SS. Simon and Jude's, in Wensum street, is an ancient others: the brass lectern was presented in 1887: there
structure of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of are 1,ooo sittings, half being free. The register dates
chancel, nave, north porch and a low embattled western from the year 1861. The living is a rectory, net yearly
tower containing one bell: there are several ancient and v~lu11 £280, with residence, built in 1869, in the gift
curious monuments here to the Pettus family of Rack- of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1909 by the
heath, in this eounty, who left endowments to the parish, Rev. Arthur Crompton Moore M.A. of Clare College.
including Thomas Pettus, mayor in 1591, ob. 1597; Sir Cambridge.
John Pettus kt. ob. April 9, 1613, and others: in the Holy Trinity Mission Hall and Sunday School, Union
register is an entry showing that four knights, who came street, used as a chapel of ease 1837-67, will seat 300.
to Norwich with the Earl of Warwick in the reign of South Heigham Parochial Hall, in Essex street, built
Edward VI. and were killed in the engagement at Mouse- in 1877, will seat 300 people, and has a. library and
hold, Aug. 27, 1549, with Ket, the Wymondham tanner, class room attached. The Bishop Pelham Memorial
were buried in one grave in the chancel : there are 450 Hall, in Gloucester street, erected in 1896, is a temporary
sittings. The register dates from the year 1539. The iron structure, and also serves as a mission hall.
living is a rectory, consolidated with the vicarage of St. St. Philip's was formed as a district out of the
George's, Tombland. Heigham parish March 31, 1868, and is in the rural
St. Stephen's, in Rampant Horse street, is an edifice deanery bf Humbleyard: the church, on the He'igharn
of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, road, was built in 1871 from designs by Mr. E. Power,
north chapel or chantry, nave, aisles, large north porch architect, of London, and is a structure of flint with
and a tower on the north side containing 3 bells : the stone dressings in the Early French Gothic style, con-
hammer-beam roof is a fine example of open sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south porches
timber-work: there are several brasses, including and a western tower with pinnacles containing a clock
one, with effigy, to Dr. Thomas Cappe, a former and one bell : a brass eagle lectern was placed in the
vicar of this parish, 1446-1530, and another to church June, 1887; there are Boo sittings, 400 being
John Stalon, ob. 1500: there are also two, both free. The register dates from the year 187r. The
with effigies, to Robert Brasyer, mayor in 1410, ob. living is a vicarage, net yearly value £250, with resi-
1435, and Cristiana, his wife; and to Richard, his son, dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held
mayor in 1510, ob. 1513: in the north chapel is the since 1904 by the Rev. Bernard Mahon. St. Philip's
effigy of a lady, c. 1410, to which is attached a later in· Rooms, formerly the temporary church, are now used
l'lcription assigning the figure to Ele or Ede Buttry, as Sunday schools and for parish purposes.
last prioress of Oampsey, Suff. ob. 1546: a reredos was. St. Thomas's is an ecclesiastical parish, also in Humble-
erected in 1857: three of the windows are memorials to yard rural deanery, and was formed in 1884 from the
the Bro wnson family and one to Sir Samuel Bignold, parishes of Holy Trinity and St. Philip's, Heigham:
S'Jme time M.P. for Norwich, d. 1875• erected by his the church, in Earlham road, consecrated in 1888,
daughters in 1885: the east window contain!! a collection is a building of red brick with stone facings, consisting
of ancient glass of fine quality, from the 15th to the< of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a small central
I]th century, and including some large panels removed turret containing one bell: the stained east window wu
from the church of the monastery of Heimbach, in the presented by Col. and Mr. J. J. Winter and the Rev. C.
Rhine province, on its secularisation in 1804: there are, L. Rudd M.A. and curate of St. Philip's, Heigham.
also 8 great number of mural monuments, not less thalli 1869-73: there are 685 sittings, many of which are
6oo persons having been buried under the floor of the free. The register dates from the year 1888. The
church, which was restored in 1858-9, and re-seated with living is a vicarage, net yearly value £290, in the gift
open oak benches, affording 6oo sittings, about 220 of of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1888 by the
which are free. The register dates from the year 1538, Rev. Charles William Claridge. The Parish Room.
and there are churchwardens' accounts from 1567. The opened in 1885, and formerly used as a temporary
living is a. vicarage, net yearly value £250, including church, will seat 300 persons. and class rooms have
28 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the; since been added.
Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held since 1908 by The city of Norwich is now included in the Catholic-
the Rev. Waiter Giles Morgan M.A. of Durham Univer- See of Northampton.
sity. The Catholic church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist,
St. Swithin's, in St. Benedict's street, is an ancient. was begun in T.884 at the expense of the Duke of
building of flint in varioul'! styles, principally Decorated, Norfolk E.M., K.G. and the completed portion opened
now consisting only of chancel, nave and aisles, th8' 29 Aug. 1894: it occupies a commanding site imme-
small embattled tower having been taken down by the diately outside St. Giles gate, and is of swne from
city authorities in 1881: the windows formerly retained designs by the late G. Gilbert Scott, and continued by
fragments of old stained glass: the church was restored J. Old rid Scott esq. and consists of chancel, nave, aisles.
in 1908. The register dates from the year YJOO. Tha transepts, side chapel and a tower.
living is a rectory, annexed to that of St. Margaret's; The Convent of the Sisters of Notre Dame is at St.
which see. The Temple charity of this parish, left in Catherine's hi11, Surrey street, and includes a boarding
1691 to be distributed to the poor in bread and cloth .. and high school for young ladies and preparatory achool
ing, is now very valuable, and constantly increasing. for little boys.

Trinity Presbyterian church, in Theatre street, an portion of the building and the clerestory windows and
enlargement of St. Peter's Hall, opened in 186] and en- oak timber roof exposed. The basement of the Guild-
larged in 1874, is a structure of white brick with Bath hall is occupied by the city police.
stone dressings, in the Lombardo-Gothic style : in the The municipal insignia comprise -a chamberlain's mace,
centre of the front is a large rose window, and at the 3 feet 2 inches in length, made at a cost of 20 marks
south-west corner a square campanile 100 feet in height: (£13 6s. 8d.), about 1551, in which year it was given tG
the church will seat about 750 persons. .A. lecture hall the city by the St. George's Gild; it is formed of seven
was erected in 1888 in rear of the church, and redecorated prisms of rock crystal and glass, mounted in silver-gilt,
in 1904, and 1s used as a Sunday school: it will bold with silver-gilt and crystal knops between ; the head is
about 65o people. crowned and jewelled, and bears the arms of the Tudor
The Jewish Synagogue is in Synagogue street: there is sovereigns, and below it are figures of lions holding
a meeting house for the Society of Friends in Upper Goat shields : there are other maces given by a former Duke of
lane, with 400 sittings, and a Catholic Apostolic church in Norfolk and Sir Robert Walpole; one formerly belonging
Queen street, with wo sittings. to the St. George's Gild; and a sword of state, with a
The Baptist chapel, Unthank road, erected in 1874-5, blade of the 16th century, of Spanish make, bearing· the
at a cost, exclusive of spire, of about £<5,ooo, is an edifice well-known name of Sebastian Hermantez; on the pommel
of Kentish rag with Bath stone dressings, in an Early are two seated figures, and the hilt is inscribed : Ex dono
G<Jthic style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave with fraternitatis Sci Georgii in N orwic<J, An. Dom. 1705 ; the
clerestory, aisles and a tower: in the apse are three stained scabbard is of crimson velvet, with the royal arms and
windows : attached are vestries and lavatories and a school cherubs' heads : the Corporation has also some very
room: the ~;:hapel will seat 65o persons. valuable plate, including a. .splendid silver-gilt laver and
St. Mary's Baptist chapel, St. Mary's plain, founded ewer, presented in 1663 by the Hon. Henry Howard, and a
in r66g, has sittings for Boo. ailver-gilt salt given by Peter Reade.
There are other Baptist chapels in Timber Hill The Shire House, which adjoins the Castle, was erected
(Orford Hill), Gildencroft, Heigham, Pitt street and in 1822: the assizes and quarter .sessions fur the county,
Derebam road. as well as the County Court, are held here. The Hall was
The Princes Street Congregational chapel, erected in enlarged in 1887, when waiting rooms for witnesses and
1819, and considerably enlarged and improved in 1869, is 21 new cells for males and 4 waiting cells for females
a building of white brick in the Classic style, with a pedi- were constructed, and in 1908-9 the building . was
mented fat;ade ; the interior has galleries on three sides extended so as to provide for various departmental
and an apse at the end: there are about I,ooo sittings. offices of the County Council at a cost of £12,233.
The Congregational chapel in Magdalen road was first
erected in 1893: the present structure, built in 1902, at The County Police Station, Castle meadow, is on the
a cost of nearly £6,ooo, will seat about 900. There are north-west of the Shire House.
Congregational chapels in Colegate street (Old Meeting The memorial erected to natives of Norwich and
House), founded in r693, seating 56o persons, and one Norfolk who fell during the war in South Africa stands
in Chapel Field, finished in 1858 at a cost of £2,ooo, near the Shire H9use and facing the Prince of Wales
with 850 sittings. In connection with Old Meeting road, and was erected in 1903, from designs by Messrs.
chapel, six class rooms and a minister's vestry were G. and F. Wade, at a cost of about £1,6oo: the
erected in 1907 at a cost of £630. structure is of Aberdeen granite and Portland stone,
consisting of an oblong base, from which rise four
Princes Street Congregational Lecture hall and Sunday columns carrying a frieze and entablature, and from
6Chools, erected in 1879-80, at a cost, including site, of this spring four scrolls, supporting a. globe, on which
about £r3,ooo, is a structure of white brick, in the Classic stands a bronze figure of Peace, with outspread wings:
t~tyle, containing large infants' school room, mothers' the sides of the monument bear the names of the 300
meeting room, church parlour, class rooms, retiring men to whom it was raised.
rooms, and on the ground floor an assembly or school
room, 62 feet long by 39 feet wide, seating, together In the Haymarket is a bronze-seated effigy of Sir
with an adjoining class room, about 770 persons. Thomas Browne M.D. author of the "Religio Medici,"
born in Cheapside, London, 19 Oct. I6os, and who
There are Primitive Methodist chapels in Cowgate died 19 Oct. 1682, and was buried in the church of
street, Derebam road, Queen's road and Nelson street; St. Peter, Mancroft: the monument was erected in
United Methodist chapels in Calvert street, Cbapelfield 1905.
road and Rosebery road; Wesleyan chapels in Ber
street, Lady's lane and Park lane; a Unitarian chapel St. Andrew's Hall, which stands a little to the west of
in Colegate street, first founded in 1672, erected 1756; the Cathedral, was originally the nave of the conventual
and a Wesleyan Reform chapel in ·Belvoir street. The church of the Black Friars, rebuilt by Sir Thomas Erping-
New Church (Swedenborgian) is in Park lane, and the ham before 1428: it now forms one of the finest Perpen-
Plymouth Brethren have places of worship at Timber dicular halls in the kingdom, being 126 feet long and
hill and Wen sum street. 70 feet wide, seats between 1,7oo a.nd 1,8oo, and is used
for the triennial musical festivals, for civic feasts and
The Salvation Army citadel in St. Giles street was for public assemblies: an organ, by Messrs. Bryceson,
erected in 1892 at a cost, with site, of £4,000, and will
wa~ erected in the hall by public subscription in r88o,
hold r,soo persons.
and the walls are bung with portraits mostly of Norfoll'
The Dutch church, so called from having been leased in celebrities: the chancel or choir of this church, leased
1625 to the Dutch and Flemish residents in this city, in 1625 to Dutch and Flemish refugees, and hence
and now known as Blackfriars hall, consists of the choir called "the Dutch church," but now known as Black-
{)f the church of the Black Friars, the nave of which friars Hall, serves as an adjunct to the hall; a Dutch
is now St. Andrew's Hall and the choir at present service is held in it once a year.
serves as-an annexe, but a service is held in it on the
first Sunday in July in each year by the Dutch com- There are also remains of a Convent of Whitefriars or
munity in Norwich. Carmelites, founded by Philip Fitz Warin, and dedicated
The Norwich cemetery, between Dereham and Earlham to St. Mary, and of the Benedictine Nunnery of SS. Mary
roads, was laid out in 1856, and has an area of 6o acres, and John, at Carrow, founded in II46 by Leyna and
with four mortuary chapals, and is under the tontrol of Leftelina, or by King Ste.phen, and famous as a place of
the Corporation of Norwich, acting as a Burial Board. education fur daughters of the nobility.
The Rosary Cemetery, at Thorpe Hamlet, opened in 1821, The Corn Exchange, the property of the Norwich Corn
and occupying about 12 acres of ground, with one mor- Exchange Co. Limited, built in x86r, in place of the
tuary chapel, is the property of shareholders, and is under previous Exchange, erected in 1826 at a cost of £6,ooo, is
the management of trustees appointed by a deed of a structure of white brick, about 126 feet long by 81 feet
settlement. · wide, covered with a glass and corrugated iron roof sup-
The Guildhall, standing in the north-west angle of the ported by two tiers of iron columns, and contains por-
Market square, is an ancient and irregularly built struc- traits of the founder, John Culley esq. and Thomas
ture chiefly of flint and freestone, with embattled parapets, William Coke esq. for many years M.P. for Norfolk, who
and was erected in the 15th century, the west end being was created Earl of Leicester, 12 Aug. 1837. and died 30
rebuilt in 1568 : it contains portraits of early mayors and June, 1842. The corn market is held on Saturday and
baneiactors, and here also is preserved the sword of the auction sales on Wednesday.
Spanish admiral Don Xavier Francisco Winthuysen, ~ur­ Norwich Castle, situated on a huge artificial mound,
rendered at the battle of Cape St. Vincent, 14th February, was probably founded by one o~ t:qe early East Anglian
1797. and presented to the city by Lord ~elson, whose chieftains, or, as affirmed by some authorities, was the
letter, dated from the "Irresistible," 2oth February, 1797, work of Uffa, first King of the East Angles (575-82), and
accompanies it. The Guildhall was restored in 19o9-I0 1 became a royal castle about 642, when it was the seat of
when the plaster ceiling was removed from the western Anna, 7th King of the East Angles: in 1004 it was
destroyed by Sweyn, King of Denmark, but was rebuilt, and from this room access is -obtained to the keep itself..
probably by Cnut c. 1020, and after a series of vicissi- which is also devoted in part to antiquities, but contains
tudes, was allowed at the close of the 13th century to fall in addition objects illustrative of etBnology, and a col-
into neglect, and the portion now remaining consists only lection of rare books and MSS.-: in the basement is a
of the embattled Norman keep, g6 by 92 feet, and about miscellaneous collection, including a. number of speci-
70 feet high, and from ita elevated position is one of the mens of manacles, gibbet irons, and instruments of
most striking buildings in the city: it was given up to punishment and torture. The buildings also comprise a
the county of Norfolk by George m. in IBos, and the picture gallery, which occupies the entire north block,
grant was confirmed by Ac\ of Parliament in 18o6; it, and a considerable space in which has been allotted tl7
however, long remained a mere shell, its original apart- artists of Norwich and Norfolk; there are also numerous;
ments and roof having been entirely removed: towards portraits of local worthies, and some works by Dutch
the close of the I 8th century a. prison was built within painters. The museum was opened Oct. 23, 1894, by-
its four walls: in 1824 a larger prison, consisting ut T.M. King George V. and Queen Mary, then Duke anlf
several buildings, was erected on the top of the hill Duchess of York.
adjoining the keep, and enclosed by the present embattled
granite wall; the whole of the castle buildings being The Agricultural Hall, at the top of the Prince of Wale•
sunounded by a broad walk commanding good views ot road, opened in 1882 by His late Majesty King Edward
the city: the sides of the hill were also at the same time VII. then Prince of Wales, is an edifice of red ston6-
enclosed and planted with trees and shrubs. The orna- and red brick, from designs by Mr. J. B. Pearce
mental work and facing of the keep were restored at the F.R.l.H.A. of Norwich, and has in front a pediment.
expense o~ the county during the period 1834-9, under adorned with the arms of the city: the basement of the-
the direction of Mr. Anthony Salvin, architect ; the battle- buildings contains a kitchen and dining room; on the-
ments and corbel tables, which had perished, being repro- ground floor are the buffet and ladies' rooms, and thEJ
duced. On the east side of the ancient keep is Bigod's board room, secretary's and other offices ; the main
tower, a projecting structure, about g6 feet by 92 feet, hall is 147 feet in length and g8 feet wide, with pens
built, it is conjectured, by Hugh Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, of wrought iron, all movable: on three sides of the
and supported by buttresses ; it contains a very fine hall are galleries, and cranes are provided on the east
.Norman doorway, forming the origmal grand entr~nce to and west sides for raising exhibits : over the main
the keep: crossmg the now dry fosse or moat, whiCh has entrance and offices is a large room, 48 feet wide,.
been converted into a pleasant garden and furnished with available for public assemblies, and containing a stage::
seats, i:~ an ancient stone bridge of one semi-circular arch, the building is licensed for theatrical and other enter-
40 feet in span, and considered to be of rSaxon date. The tainments, and the assembly room will seat 85o persons ..
Castle was used until August, •r·~B>], as a county gaol, but Strangers Hall is the name of an old fifteenth century
~.litl !Jrisuuers were then transferred to the new pnson, mansion situe1te on Charing Cross half way bet·ween th~
erected un .Muusehold. On the carrying out· of this churches of St. John Maddermarket and St. Gregory.
transfer the castle and the greater part of the ground& The finely carved doorway next tht~ street opt~ns into th~
-w el't', in I 884, purchased by the .!.'4 crrwich Corporation outer courtyard of the house, the entrance to which is.
for the nomina! sum of £4,ooo ; and the keep and by a flight of stone steps and through a richly grained
other buildings within the granite wall have since Perpendicular porch. The banqueting hall, with a.
been converted into a museum for the reception of picturesque staircase leading to the minstrel gallery and
the collections of the Norfolk and Norwich Museum fine kingpost roof and oriel window, u the principal
and others. The keep itself has been new roofed, a apartment of the house, but many of the other rooms.
number of its blocked windows reopened and its interior :ue enriched with carved oak panelling and stone fire-
completely reconstructed: during the progress of the places. On the walls of the various rooms is hung a.
work, the ancient well of the keep, II5 feet deep, was dis- collection of drawings, engravings, etchings, etc. illus-
L'Uvered and still found to afford a good supply of water. trative of old Norwich, many of them the work or
The total cost of converting the keep and its adjacent members of the celebrated Norwich School of Artists ..
buildmgs into a museum, mcluding fittings and cases, while interesting specimens of old English furnitur&-
Wiili about ,£22,ooo, defrayed in part by a gift of £s,ooo
abound through the house: here also is preserved a.
by the late John Gurney esq. and. otherw1se by public palimpsest brass, supposed to have come either from the
subsc1·iption, and the work was carried out from plans by church of St.. J ames, or that of St. Paul, in Norwich::
Mr. E. Boardman F.R.l.B.A. of Norwich. The whole of the obverse has an inscription to Anne, wife of Thomas
the buildings cover an area of about one acre, and are Randolf, 1536; the reverse shows part of a Flemish plate,
arranged along seven sides of an octagon, the eighth, or including part of the face of a lady, wearing a hood and:
suutu-west, s1de being interrupted by the grea~ keep; mantle. Admission 6d. each person.
three uf the principul rooms on the north, east and west
re.spectlve"y, projeet c;.t l'ight angles towards the centre The Theatre Royal, which stands at a short distanca-
of the octagon, and other three, on the north-east, north- from Theatre plain, was erected in 1826 as a thsatre,
west, and south-east, are arranged parallel to these sides, near the site of a former theatre, built in 1757. The.
the whole being connected by corridors, and the open Hippodrome, in St. Giles' street, erected in 1902-3 by
spaces between the interior buildings laid out in grass a syndicate., is a structure in the Renaissance style, from.
lawns and gravelled walks. The entrance hall, paved designs by Mr. W. G. R. Sprague, architect, of London ..
with marble mosaic, contains a number of intere11ting and will seat an audience of 2,ooo persons.
e:J.hibits illustrative of natural history, and near it is the The General Post Office, at the junction of CastlB-:
Corporation Muniment Room, to which have been tran~­ meadow and Prince of Wales road, originally erected by
ferred the valuable MSS. formerly preserved at the the late Sir Robert Harvey hart. in 1865 as a bank, and
Guildhall, and comprising Royal charters, deeds, rolls, opened January rst, 1866, has been used as a post offics'
bound volumes, and many important documents of since r875; it is a building of Bath stone, in the Ita.liaD<
modern date : the British bird room includes the collec- style, from designs by Mr. P. C. Hardwick, architect ..
tion made by the late Mr. Edward Lombe, of Melton, of London, and comprises a large hall for postal, tele-·
near Norwich; ancl in another room is the splendid col- graph and telephone business, postmaster's room and.
lection of raptorial birds, f01med by the late Mr. J. H. offices ; the front is relieved by a portico with eight
Gurney, and representing 403 out of 470 species, and coupled columns of the Ionic order.
opposite the east end of this apartment is a. room in
which large numbers of skins are preserved in cabinets: The Market place is about 6oo feet long and 340 feet-
the third room, on the north-east, is occupied by a. wide, and in the centre stands a bronze statue of the Duk~J
miscellaneous collection of foreign birds, presented by of Wellington; the space is mostly occupied by butchers"
various donors, and the north-west room by reptilia, stalls and a fish, l:utter and vegetable market. Markets,.
mammalia and fishes, and there is also an extensive including a. skin market, are held every Wednesday, and'
collection, partly kept in this room, the remainder being a corn and cattle market every Saturday on the Castle-
~eadow, opposite the Castle. Tombland fair for horses
in the foreign bird room : the western room is devoted
to geology and mineralogy, and the various corridors and cattle, is held on the day before Good Friday and
pleasure fairs are held at Easter and Christmas.
are chiefly filled with portions o( the Natural History col-
lections, including several cases containing specimens of The Norwich Public Library, at the corner of St.
the nests and eggs of both British and foreign birds : the Andrew and Duke streets, is a large and handsomeo
collections of insects are arranged in a gallery above the building, erected at an outlay of £m,ooo and opener]
skin room, and comprise those made by Mr. J. B. Bridg- in 1857 and since considerably enlarged. The building now
man, Mr. Sparshall,· and Mr. Wilkin, besides a. cabinet includes, on the ground floor, three large rooms used
of exotic insects. Between the keep and the geological for the lending and reference departments, and for the-
department is a smaller room specially fitted up to general reading room : the reference library consisting
'iCeive the valuable collection of antiquities presented of 22,000 volumes and ro,ooo pamphlets (including 5,00D
by the !ate Mr. Robert Fitch F.S.A. woo died in 1895; volumes and 11amphlets of a local character), 11.
..collection of 7,ooo local maps, portraits, views &c. and by the Mayor and Corporation of the city, and will hold
the lending library of 2o,ooo volumes~ both open.. every 440 officers and men, including those in man-ied. quarters,
·week day, except Bank Holidays, from xo a.m. to ro and has an attached hol'lpital.
p.m. tpe former having space specially allotted for ~orwich is the head quarters of the Norfolk (The
students: the reading room is open on Sundays from 3 King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry, and of the A
-to 9 p.m. and is open as usual on Bank Holidays Squadron of the Regiment.
(Christmas Day and Good Friday excepted): on the first
·floor are two news rooms, one specially used by women ; The 6th Territorial (Cyclists) Battalion Norfolk ,Regi-
the other contains the city library of r,Boo volnmes, ment have head quarters at Cattle Market street, jointly
-accumulated during the years r6o8 to 1730. The lend- with the Norfolk (King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeo-
. ing library is open ro a. m. to g p.m. each week day, manry.
except Thursday when it closes at r p.m. reference Norwich is also the head quarters of the rst East
library, 9 '8.m. to 10 p.m. daily; reading room, 9 a.m. Anglian Brigade, and the 2nd and 3rd Norfolk Batterie!l
to ro p.m. daily, except Sunday, 3 to 9 p.m.; news and 1st East Anglian Ammunition Cnlumn, Royal Field
-i'ooms, g a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, except Sunday. Artillery.
'The Norfolk and Nol"Wich Library was formed in r86t The Drill hall in ChapPl Field road was opened in
by the union of the Nol"Wich Public Library, founded in r866 by His lat• Majesty King Edward VII. and Queen
1794, and the Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, Ale:xandra, then Prince and Princess of Wales, and js a
ioundea in· r822, and the amalgamated library contained large building of flint and red brick, in the Castellated
upwards of 555,ooo volumes, but both the building and Gothic style, 144 feet long and 62 feet wide: the tower,
"its conoonts were almost entirely destroyed by fir~ which formed part of the old city wall, is now used
Aug. rst, 1Bg8. The Library has since bPen rebuilt nn RS an officers' room. The hall is the head quarters
the same site, and at the present date (rgr2) contains of the 4th Territorial Battalion Norfolk Regiment.
-40,ooo volumes. The annual subscription is £ r 1os.
and are over 6oo subscribers. In the same build- The Norwich and Norfolk Conservative Club occupies
ing are included three other libraries, viz.: that of th!:' nremises in St. Giles' street.
Norwich'Medico-Chirurgical Society, consisting of about The Norfolk Club is in Upper King street, and has
s,ooo volumes of medical and surgical works; the -too members.
library of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, The Royal Norwich Gnlf Club, formed in r893, has
comprising r,5oo volumes, and a small library belonging links and a club house at Hellesdon; there is a full course
· to the Norfolk and N o!"Wich Archreological Society, nf IB holes, and a ladies' course cl 18 hDles; Campbell
· ir.cluding some valuable local manuscripts. Steward esq. Upper King street, hon. sec. ; Miss M.
The local societies fOT the cultivation of music include Cozens-Hardy, Oak Lodge, Sprowston, Norwich, ladies'
·the Nol"Wich Choral Society and the Norwich Philhar- hon. sec
. monic Society. The Norfolk and Norwich musical The Rowing Club of the Nol"Wich C. E. Y. M. S. has
· fet~tival is held triennially in St. Andrew's Hall, under the premises in King street.
·management of a very influential committee. Norwich
has produced several eminent painters. particularly John A Chamber of Agricultme was established in r866.
Crome, familiarlv• known a:s ff Old Crome," who was born Norwich has an extensive trade; the chief manufactures
·here 21 December, !769. ,f the nity are boots and shoes, also crape, gauze, t~ilk
The following Freemasons' lodges hold their meetings •hawLIJ, and worsted Bpinning, giove cloths and
.at 47 St. Giles' street :-Union, No. 52; Social, No. 93; horsehair cloth. There are ~vera.l large foundrie>A ; agri-
Perseverance, No. 213; Cabbell, No. 807; Sincerity, No. ,·ultu.ral implements, portable wood and iron houses,
· ~43; and Walpole, No. 1,5oo. There are also the follow- kennel and poultry appliances, steam boilers, galvanized
ing Cha-pte-rs and Mark Masons Lodges :-Royal George, wire netting, iron fencing, and iron gates are extensively
Cab bell Perseverance, Dlarance, Rose Croix, Cab bell made .here, and the. proximity vf -the city to the rivers
Preceptory, Walpole Mark and Bridgeman Ark Marine-r:>' Wsnsum and affordl! great facility for transport.
'Lodge. There are also paper mills, tanneries, five large
breweries, mustard, starch, mineral wat-er, chocolate
The Nol'wich Mutual Loan Fund Society, established m and confectionery 'Works, malt kilns, coach works, rope,
Feb. 1885, comist~ of a number of -persons who form brush and artificial manure works, and ready-madll
a common fund by monthly .contributions, in 11rder that clothing is largely manufactured, and there are sever-al
·they may obtain sums of money varying from £10 to £so nurseries in the neighbourhood. Good~> are exported
t~pon loan, such loans being made only to membel"S of
chiefly by river to Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. and
the society npon adequate security. At the end of each by rail to London.
·year its entire profits, with a slight exception, are equally
dividsd amonget all the shares, whether borrowed or There are branches of eight banks and a savings bank,
invested; the Society had, up to 31st December, 19II, viz. :-Barclay and Company Limited, whose principal
advanced on loan to ih members the sum of £214,285, bank is in Bank plain, with branches in Magdalen street,
.and there were then 4,168 members holding 10,477 St. Benedict's street and St. Stephen's street; the National
.shares. Offices, 35 Exchange street. Provinci!ll Bank of England Limited, in London street;
the London and Provincial Bank Limited, in London
The Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, at the junction of
street ; the Capital and Counties Bank Limited, in The
"''ombland and Queen street, was founded in r894; the
Walk, Market place; the London City and Midland
premises being altered and adapted to suit their present
Bank Limited, London street, and Farrow's Bank
purpose, and the building was opened 19 Dec. 1895, by
Field-Mar!'lhal Viscount Wolseley P.C., O.M., K.P., Limited, Market place. 'l'he Norfolk and Norwich
·-G.C.B., G.C.M.G. then commander in chief. Savings Bank, Red Lion street, was established in r8r6,
and certified under the Act of 1863; there are now
The Church of England Young Men's Society, founded (rg'r2) 25 1 7oo depositors, and the funds amount to
·in 1847, occupies premises in Or{ord place, and has £8oo,ooo. •
about B5o members. The Junior Institute is in Prince!'l '
·ttreet. The Norwich Union Life Insurance Society's bead office,
in Surrey .street,. occupies the sit~ of Surrey Hous.e, -the
The Young Men's Christian Association, St. Giles' residence in the 16th century of Henry Howard, Earl
·street, was established in 1856, and has now (1912) of Surrey K.G. beheaded in J547! i~ is a building of
over 750 members, including the junior bramch in con- stone; from designs by Messrs. G. J. and F, W. Skipper,
nection with it. architects, of N ol"Wich, consisting of a central portion.
Norwich is within the gth Military District of the relieved by Bix columns. each 30 feet high, suppo.rting
~astern command, the head quarters cf which are at a pedimented entablature, and flanked by projecting wings.
Warley. Norwich is also the depot of Regimental Dis- ~ith balconied windows. . The interi01r has a r.ent;ral ball,
·trict No. 9, the Norfolk Regiment and the head quarters 70 feet square~ wit~ dol;Ilic!U ceiling and 40 monolith
()f the 3rd Battalion (Special Reserve) <Jf the Regiment. columns of marble. 'l'he offices of the acQident branch
are in St. Giles street.
The Cavalry Barracks, at Pockthorpe, built in 1791 and
-occupying the site of the old Manur house, have been en- The Ca.rrow Mustard Wdrks. of Messn. Colman,
larged and form a pile of buildings of red brick, sur- originally at Stoke, were transferred to Norwich about.
rounded by & high wall, inclosing an area of to acres ; they r854, to new premises erected at Carrow, alongside the
will hold soo men of all ranks and about 340 horse!". Wensnm. These premises hav.e since been repeatedly en·
There are also barracks, erected in 1887 on land given by larged until now they have a river frontage, including
-the Corporation, at Mousehold Heath. The depot is about cooperages, lofty factories, workshops and timber yards,
-~ mile and a half due east of Norwich Cathedral, near of about three-quarters of a mile, and give employment
1t.he Plum!Jtead road, on a site preseni:OO. to the War Office to nearly 3,ooo -workpeople. The tin boxes in which the
mustard is sent out are made here. The steam cooper- (known later as Madame Goldscbmidt). The in-patienl
age, saw ..mills and wood box shop are fitted with department was removed from Potte-rgate street in I898
modern machines, including those for nailing boxes to temporary premises pending the erection of a. new
together, and are exceedingly interesting. Other de- building on the present site of about 3 acres, given for
J:artments at Carrow are those for the production of this purpose by the late Mr. J. J. Colm!Ul in memory
l!tarch and corn flour. Adjoining the works is a club of his wife. This building, designed by Mr. E. T.
house containing a concert hall, billiard· room, gym- Boardm:m, architect, towards the cost of which Mr.
nasium, reading, band and dining rooms, and attached Oolman contributed £ro,ooo, ~as opened in 1go6 by
are recreation grounds. His late :Majesty King Edward VII. and Queen .Alex·
At St. Miles' Bridge are the extensive iron works of andra, then Prince and Princess of Wales, and com-
Messrs. Barnards Limited, who are well known as prises an administrative block in the centre, with wards
manufacturers of wire netting, and who are also the on either side on the ground floor; it is fitted with the
patentees and sole makers of the patent mixed mesh newest hospital requirements, and with the annexe built
variety of netting; they are holders of the King's royal in 1907 affords 51 beds. The out-patient department,
warrant as makers of iron gates and railings. which was enlarged and renovated during 1899, remains
in Pottergate street. The number of in-patients in
Messrs. Boulton and Paul Limited, of Rose Lane Works,
19II was 458, '8nd 2,.5!o new -cases and ro,ro7 attend·
,.,are also extensive manufacturers of wire netting Hnd
ances were recorded at the {)Ut-patients' department.
horticultural buildings, and every requisite for tlw l!<ll"" The Infirmary is entirely supported by voluntary sub-
park, kennel, poultry-yard, aviary and stables; also
scriptions, and is managed by a committee of ladies and
makers of petrol and paraffin engines for shipping,
gentlemen appointed by the governor.s. One in-door
lighting and power.
recommertdation is 2"iven for each half-guinea sub-
Messrs. A. J. Calev•
and Son Limited are manufac- !!Cript.ion; no recommendations are required for treat-
turers of mineral waters, cocoa and chocolate, and cvder.• ment in the out-patient department. The president is
The Norfolk County Lunatic Asylum is at Thurpe, under the Lord Mayor.
which place a description will be found. The Norfolk and Norwich Eye Infirmary, in Potter-
The ~orwich City Asylum at Hellesdon, distant about gate 1!treet, was opened in I822, and during the year
3 miles, was erected in 188o at a total cost, including 1911 there were 1,290 cases under treatment, 141 of
.site and furnishing, of about [64,ooo, from the designs these being in-patients. The income for the year was
of :VIr. R. M. Phipson F.R.I.B.A. of Norwich, on the £692 2s. while the expenditure amounted to [748 17s.
block system, and consists of a series of detached build-
ings connected by corridors and surrounded by airing 'I'he Norwich Maternity Charity, founded 1832, is in
courts: the building is available for 477 patients, of St. George street.
whom about roo occupy single rooms, the pther 300 The ~orwich Homoeopathic Dispensary is in Castle
being associated together in dormitories containing meadow; during the year 19n there were about 3,5oo
from 4 to I I and 30 to 44 patients each: there are now patienh.
(r9r2) 473 patients~ in 1881 a mortuary and stables
were built near the entrance lodge, as well as two The Norwich Friendly Societies' Medical Institute, at
11 Lady's- lane, was established in t8p.
semi-detached cottages for the artisans : workshops for
the pursuit of various handicrafts were added, an-d in The Girls' Orphlm Home is in Chapelfield East.
1895 this department was €xtended so as to employ
St. Giles', or the Great Hospital, Bishopgate street,
female upholstresses, and all the clothing needed by
St. Helen's, founded about 1250 by Bishop Waiter de
the patients is now made by themselves : in 1902 a new
dormitory was built, with 30 beds, the ground floor Snffield, wa~ afterwards granted to the Corporation by
Edward VI. as an almshouse, and endowed by Queen
extended so as to hold 26 beds and to supply 5 single
Elizabeth with the confi~cated estates of George Bedman i
rooms, and 8 other bedrooms &c. were provided : in
in 1558, Thomas Codd, mayor, bequeathed v11.rious tene~
1903 additional day rooms were erected for No. 3 ward:
mentA to the hospital, and it has since received m!III1'
in 1905 additions were made to the epileptic and
other benefactions: in r!l-26 and 1829 it was enlarged
chronic wards, providing in the new day rooms and
and now contains t15 aged men, of whom 37 live in
dormitories for 70 patients; the dining hall was also
cottages with their ~ives, and Bo- 'Women, who lire
extended to allow for the increased population of the hoarded and lodged; there is a staff of 13 nurses; the
asylum: attached to the asylum are about so acre,; of income, amounting to about £7,500 a. year, is derive-d
land, the cultivation of which is intrusted to the
from estates in the city and· county and other sources~
patients, under direction, with very satisfactory 1 e,:u:ts;
Mr. Albert E. W. Bacon, master. Tbe Swan pit, at-
David Rice M.D.Brux., M.R.C.S.En;;., L.R.C.P.Lo:tc.,
tached to the Hospital, was restored in 1795, and here
D.P.H.Vict. mperintendent. a bout oo '"'Cygnets are fattened every year and sold at
The Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, founded in I.770. Christmastide.
was rebuilt in part on the old site in 1882, the first st<Jne
Doughty's Hospital, in Calvert street, founded in r687
being laid by His late Majesty King Edward yn. then
by William Doughty, who bequeathed £6,ooo fox its
Prince of Wales, 17th June, 1879; the building is of red erection and endowment and now (I912) under the con~
brick with white .stone dressings, in a modified form of
trol of the ~ orwich Consolidated Charities Trustees,
the Queen Anne style, from designs by Messrs. E.
consists of buildings forming a quadrangle, with a gar-.
Boardman and T. H. Wyatt, architects, of Norwich and
den in the centre, and will hold 24 poor men and 19
London, and was erected at a. total cost, includin~ wonwn, each of whom receives 8s. weekly (which includes
furnishing,. of about £57,n6: it is on the Pavilion the Government old age pension), with coals, light and
t;ystem, the plan following the form of the letter H,
medical attendance and a suit every tw() years: the
the administrative block being in the centre, facing St. hospital was thoroughly restored and some new l::uild-
Stephen's road: the out-patients' department is entirely
ings added in 1869.
distinct, and has been formed in the old north-east
wing, which has been further adapted for the purposes Bethel Hospital, for the insane, in Bethel street, wa.a
of the anatomical museum and electro-therapeutic erected in I713 by Mrs. Mary Chapman, in accordance
department: attached is a chapel in the Gothic style: with the request of her deceased husband, the Re". S.
the new building was opened by T.R.H. the Duke and Chapman, sometime rector of Thorpe St. Andrew, near
Duchess of Connaught, 20 Aug. I883. The King Edward Norwich, Jilld for its endowment she devised all her per-
Vll. wards for septic cases were added 1909, the founda- sonal estate by will to seven trustees; giving to them
tion stone being laid by His late Majesty. the sole management of the hospital: the buildings have
The Leicester Nurses' Home was erected forth!' nursing heen much enlarged and improved from time to #me,
!5taff and private nurses of the Hospital by the Rt. Hon. and will now hold 105 patiPnts; in the committee room
the 2nd Earl of Leicest,er K.G. president of the is a portrait of the foundress : the usual fee is 30s.
Hospital (d. 1909), who gave [2o,ooo for its construe. weekly, but this charge is modified in special circnm.-
tion and endowment: it adjoins the Hospital on the stances ; the room11 are comfortably furnished, a liberal
south side, and was opened in 1903. diet is allowed, and there is ILil ample staff of trained
attendants to look after and wait upon the patients:
The Norwich Dispensary, Madd~rmarket, was founded
attached to the hospital is a tennis ground, with a pavilion,
in r8o4, and dnring the year rgii had 34,059 attend-
erected in 1904. Divine service is held in the house every
ances, 7,189 of these involving consultations at the
Sunday by the vicar of St. Peter's, Mancroft.
Dispensary, and 3,202 receiving visits from the medical
staff. The A..nquish's Hospital School of Housecraft for
The Jenny Lind Infirmary for Sick Children, in Girls, Xew Lakenham, for the maintenance, education
Unthank roa.d, was first established 30 May, 1853, by and training for domestic service of 40 girls, has an
the proc~ds of two concerts given by Mdlle. Jenny Lind income of about £6so from estates and funded property.
NOR~'OLK 1 u•

St. Swithin's Almshouses, in St. Benedict's street, I opened November 4th, IB74, is a cruciform building of
comprise six houses, erected in I903 ; this charity was flint with brick and Bath stone facings, in the French
bequeathed by Edward Temple in 1691 for the poor of Gothic style, consisting of nave, transept and aisle, with
the parish of St. Swithin. spire containing one bell: there are several stained
windows, some of which are memorials: the church
There are a number of minor charities for distribution affords about 400 sittings. A parish room, in Colman
in money and kind. road, was built in 1901. The Congregational chapel
Chapel Field, an ancient archery ground, was converted here, built in 1905, will seat about ISO- The Dean and
by the Corporation in r88o into public pleasure gardens. Chapter of Norwich, who are lords of the manor, and
In the centre is an elaborate iron pavilion, designed by John Henry Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, are the
the late Thomas Jeckyll esq. and exhibited at the Paris principal landowners. Thr soil is light and s1nd:v;
and Philadelphia Exhibitions. The Police and other subsoil, sand and gravel. Tbe crops are of the usual
bands perform here on various evenings during the kind. The area is included in Norwich; the population
season. A portion of the Chapel Field has been inclosed in r8gr was 1,848, and in 1901, 3,152.
as a children's playground, and another portion is Parish Clerk, .Arthur George Bidewell.
occupied by the Drill Hall, already mentioned. Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Ann Reeve, sub-post-
There is a Public Recreation ground in Earlham road. mistress. Letters are delivered from Norwich at ()
a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched at 1.20 & 6.45 p.m
The Woodland plewmre ground, the gift of Mrs. Radford
Prym, was opened in June, 1904.
HEIGHAM is a hamlet within the county of the city of
Mousehold (anciently" Monkshold ") heath, I mile north ~orwich, in the rural deanery of Humr-leyard, and forms
of the city, and comprising an area of about r8o acres, a populous suburb on the north, situated on the river
has been acquired by the Corporation, and laid out as a Wensum. The churcl;l of St. Barthokmew, standing on
recreation ground. the banks of the river Wensum, I mile north-west
Carrow House is the seat of the Misses CoJman. from Norwich market place, is a:J. ancient building of
flint, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel,
The following places are within the city of Norwich nave, south aisle and an embattled western tower with
and the names of the inhabitants are given with pinnacles containing 3 bells : in 1878 the nave, aisle and
Norwich. tower were restored, the old porch and vestry removed and
EARLHAM i~ a village withi.1 the county of the city a north aisle with, organ chamber and vestry erected
of Norwich, in the rural deanery of Hnmbleyard, 2~ miles in mrmory of Joseph Hall D.D. Bishop of Exeter
west from Norwich station and on the river Yare, over (1627"41) and of Norwich from the latter date: he died
which is an old stone bridge of one arch. The church of at Heigham, 8 Sept. 1656, and is supposed to be buried
St. Mary, partly covered with ivy, is a building of flint in the chancel, where there is a mural tablet to his
stone in the Early English iltyle, consisting of chancel, Il'.emory: there are 300 sittings. The register dates
nave, north transept, south porch and an embattled from the year 1570. The living is a rectory, net yearly
western tower containing one bell: the chancel is divided value £270, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop
from the nave by a richly-cnrved oak screen: there is a of Norwich, and held since 1895 by the Rev. David
memorial window to John Gurney esq.: in the chancel i~ Witts Mountfield ~LA. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
a fine and richly-sculptured marble monument to the St. Barnabas is an ecclesiastical parish formed in I907
Bacon family, formerly in St. Giles' church, London, but from Stl. Bartholomerw: the church, in Russell street.
transferred here by Wailer Bacon esq.: the roof was North Heigh<~m, consecrated in January, 1906, is an
covered with lead in 1745 and the interior repaired in edifice of fiint and st{)ne, built in modern Perpendicular
1834: there are 120 sittings. The registe-r dates from style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and baptistry:
the year 1621. The living is a vicarage, consolidated there are soo sittings. The register dates from 1907 ..
with Bowthorpe, net income £7o, in the gift of Mrs. 'fhe living js a vicaragP, net yearly value £2oo, in the
F. B. Frank, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Thomas gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1907 hy
Temple Brown B.A. of Trinity College, Oxford, who is the Rev Charles Compton Lanchester M ..A. of Selwyn
also rector of Oolney. Earlham Hall, the property of College, Cambridge. The Dolphin inn, formerly the
Mrs. F. B. Frank, of Campsall Park, Doncaster, but now residence of Bishop Hall, is an interesting and pic-
occupied by Reginald Gurney esq. stands a little south- turesque building of flint and stone, two storeys in
east of the church and is an old and picturesque height, and has on either side the porch a projecting
mansion, standing in the midst of a park, ornamented bay of three sides, with mullioned windows on each
with trees and plantations. Earlham Hail was the storey.
birthplace, 2 Aug. 1788, of Joseph John Gurney, the LAKESH.AM is a parish within the county of the city
eminent philanthropist, who also died here 4 Jan. I847: of Norwich, and in the rural deanery of Brooke (Western
here also his distinguished sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, r:hvi:;ion), extending 1! miles south, situated on the Yare.
who was born at Bramerton, 21 May, 17Bo, passed a The parish church of St. John and Al,l Saints, I
portion of her life, and died at Ramsgate, 12 Oct. 1845. mile south from the Market place, Norwich, stands on
Earlham Lodge is the residence of Arthur Francis Morse a hill north of the river Yare, and is an ancient building
esq. The principal landowners are Mrs. F. B. Frank, of flint in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel,
of Campsall Park, Doncaster, Yorks, who is lady of nave, south porch and an embattled western tower con-
the manor, and the trustees of the late John Gurney esq. taining 3 bells : the church retains a piscina, and affords
The population of the ecclesiastical parish in 1901 was 293. 200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1568.
Parish Clerk, George W. Clarke. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £u6, in-
Wall Letter Box, opposite Earlham Hall, cleared at 8 a.m. cluding I I acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and
& 6 p.m. ; no sunday collection Chapter, and held since I9I I by the Rev. George
The children of this place g,ttend the Elementary school Charles Wallis, of Trinity College, Toronto, who is also
at Lower Earlham perpetual curate of Arminghall, and resides at Laken-
EATON is a suburb within the county of the r:ity of ham. A temporary church was erected in 1901, in
Norwich, and in the rural deanery of Humbleyard, ex- Grove road, with 300 sittings. Edward Southwell
tending 2 miles south-west and bounded by the Yare, Trafford esq. of Wroxham, is lord of the manor and
and contains a large number of handsome villa resi- the chief landowner. The soil is gravel; subsoil,
dences, occupied by the merchants and trader8 of the city. various. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
The church of St. Andrew is an ancient building of flint area is given with Norwich; the population in Igor
in the Eal'ly English style, consisting of chancel and wa~ 6, rg6.
nave, covered with thatch, north porch and an embattled Sexton, Waltrr Ellis.
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 3 bells: the Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah J acobs, sub-postmistress.
parents of Henry Kirke White, the poet, were interred Letters received from Norwich at 4.15 a.m. & 1.50 &
in this church: t.he stained east window was erected by 4 p.m. ; dispatched at 12.2s & 6.40 p.m. Trowse, 2
William Thomas Bensly esq. LL.D., F.S.A. of Norwich: miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
the chancel retains sedilia and a piscina, and the com- office
munion plate includes a chalice dated 1684: there are NEW LAKENHAM, south of Norwich, is an ecclesias-
150 sittings. A lych gate was erected in I887 by the tical parish, formed Aug. 20, I844, out of the unitra
parishioners in memory of the late Mrs. Pigot. The parishes of Trowse and Lakenham, and in the rural.
register dates from the year 1568. The living is a vicar- deanery of Humbleyard. St. Mark's chur~h is a buildin{f
age, net yearly value £381, including 27 acres of glebe, of flint in the Perpendicular style, consi~ting of chancel,
with residence, in the gift of the Dran and Chapter of and an embattled western tower with pinnaclr~ con-
Norwich, and held !lince I9IO by the Right Rev. taining 3 bells: the wooden lectern is a copy of that in
Nathaniel Temple Hamlyn D.D. of Hatfield Hall, Shipdham church: the chancel windows are stained: the
Durham. Christ Church, erected by subscription, and church was recoloured and decorated in 1887, the·
galleries reduced in size, and a nPw vestry built at a Ecclesiastical Parishes &c. Pop. 1901.
cost of £700 : there are Boo sitting~. The register dates St. 1\'Iartin-at-Palace. ....................................•.... 586
from the year 1844. The living is a vicarage, net yeariy St. J\Iar)'·at-Coslail)'" ....••.•........••.•............. ......... 1,2o8
value £2r5, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and St. :rtiary-in-the-1\larsh ........ , ..•.... ,......................... 451
Chapter, and held since 1900 by the Rev. John Huxley St. Michael-at-Coslany . .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .... ...... ... 647
M.A. of St. John's Colle-ge, Oxford. St. 1\'Iichael-at-Plea* ... ....... ... .•.... .•..... .. ... . .. ••. ..• ..• to6
St. Michael-at-Thorn ........................................ .. 1,400
THORPE HAMLET, a. suburb on the east of Norwich, St. Paul. ........................................................ .. 5·434
was constituted a separate ecdesiastical parish March 9• St. Peter Hungate* ............... , ......................... .. 258
1852, from the civil parish of Old Thorpe, and is in the St. Peter Mancroft ........................................... .. 1 .557
rural deanery of Blofield. The church of St. Matthew, St. Peter-per-Mountergate .................................. . 2,570
erected in 1851 upon land 'given by the Dean and Chapter St. Saviour .................................................... .. 1,180
of Norwich, pn the slope of a hill close by the river St. Stephen .................................................... .. 3,225
Wen sum, is a structure of Kentish 'rag stone, in the Hellesdon St. Mary ................................... , .... .. 953
Norman style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, south Earlham St. Mary with Bowthorpe St. Michael
aisle and a south-west tower, with octagonal broach (part of) ......... , ....................................... .. 231
spire, containing one bell; the lower stage of the tower Eaton St. Andrew ............................................ . 3·152
forms a porch: there are several stained windows, and Heigham, Holy Trinity ..................................... .. 10,956
the church is seated with open benches, affording 400 , St. Bartholomew ................................ . n,s84
ffittings, of which 200 are free. The register dates from , St. Philip ........................................ .. 5,350
the year 1852. The living is a vicarage, net yearly ,, St. Thomas ....................................... .. 5,214
value £310, with residence, built in 1863, in the gift of Lakenham St. Mark ........................................ .. 6,196
the rector of Thorpe St. Andrew, and held since 1903 Liberty of Town Close (Extra Parochial) .............. . 2 99
by the Rev. Evan Charles M organ M.A. of Selwyn Col- I ~ew Catton Christchurch .................................. .. 7·985
~ege, . Cambridge. The church of St. Leonard, at the Thorpe St. Matthewt (including Britannia Barracks) 6,450
JUnctwn of Quebec and Plumstead roads, was erected Trowse St. Andrew with Lakenham St. John the
in 1907 as a chapel of ease to St. Matthew's, and is a Baptist and All Saints t (part of) ................ ..
structure of brick, rough cast and wood, consisting of
chancel, nave and two porches, and will seat :150 per- * On the 12th August, 1902, the ecclesiastical parishes
lions. There is a mission room in Plumstead road in of ~orwich St. Michael-at-Plea and Norwich St. Peter
<>onnection with the church, erected in 1877· A 'beauti- Hungate were united by Order in Council.
ful parish hall, capable of seating soo persons, was
erected some few years ago on a s:i.te between the church t ~ineteen boats were returned as being enumerated on
and the river. The population in 1901 was 6,450. the rivers Yare and Wen sum within the boundary of
The area of the city and county borough of Norwich Norwich County Borough, 16 of which with 11. population
previous to the extension in 1907 was 7,5oo acres of of 24 males and 2 females are included in Thorpe St.
land, 56 of water and 25 of tidal water; the population Matthew ecclesiastical parish, and the remaining 3 with
a population of 5 males and 2 females in Trowse St.
in 1871 was 8o,386; in r881 was 87,842; in r8gr, roo,964;
An drew with Lakenham St. John the Baptist and A:ll
in 1901, 113,922, and in 19II, 121,478. Saints ecclesiastical parish.
Th-~ area of the extended borough is 7,8g6 acres; Included in the total population of the city were : -
rateable value in 19n, £465.368. 37 officials and 770 inmates of the workhouse, 98 officials
Ecclesiastical Parishes &c. Pop. 1901. and their families and 172 patients in the Nor"~>ich and
All Saints with St. Julian .................................. .. 1,962 Norfolk Hospital, 134 in the Isolation Hospital, ng in
St. An drew ..................................................... . soo Bethel Lunatic ~~sylum, 103 in Heigham Hall Private
St. Augustine .................................................... . 2,373 Lunatic Asylum, 434 military and 66 families, servants
St. Benedict ...................................................... . 1,B6s &c. in the Cavalry Barracks, 235 military and 120 ser-
St. Clement wilh St. Edmund ......................... .. 836 vants &c. in Britannia Barraclis, and 123 in H. ::\1:. Prison.
St. Etheldred with St. Peter Southgate ................ .. 1,694 The population of the municipal wards in I9II was:-
St. George Colegate. .............................................. . 1,351 ~o. 1, Conesford, 5,207; No. 2, Ber Street, 7•479; No. 3,
St. George Tombland with St. Simon & St. Jude .. .. 1,o68 Mancroft, 3.041; No. 4, Westwick, 5,418; No. 5, Coslany,
St. Giles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 1•211 6,275; No. 6, Fye Bridge, 6,748; No. 7• Thorpe, 8,703;
St. Helen (including Hospital) ........................... .. 54 1 No. 8, Lakenham, 5,726; No. 9, Town Close, 7,121; No.
St. James-with-Pockthorpe (including Cavalry 10, Eaton, 14,560: No. ri, Nelson, 5,732; No. r2, Earl-
Barracks) •.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . 9·~~~ ham, 7,048; No. 13, Heigham, 7,240; No. 14, Wensum,
'St. John the Baptist. (Madderrnarket) .................. .. 1 6,019; No. 15, Catton, 11,750; and No. 16, Mousehold,
'St. John the Baptist (Sepulchre) ......................... .. 2,732 I 13,411.
.St. John the Baptist (Timberhill) ....................... ..
St. Lawrence with St. Gregory ......................... .. I,~~~ I
The number of electors on the parliamentary registsr
'St. Margaret with St. Swithin ............................ .. in 1912 was 21,73-3. The number of municipal electors
St. Mart-in-at-Oak ............................................ . in 1912 was 24,874.


Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Expre;,s Delivery Office, Prince of Wales road.-James Nathaniel Foot, postmaster.

Bt:SINESS. Week Days.

Sundays, Xmas Day
& Good Friday.

Sa~ruf:r:~~~.~~. ~~~~.~.' ~ ~~~~~~.~:~~-~. -~~ ~~~.~~~. -~~~~~-~: ~ ~~.~.~~:. ~

8.30 a.. m. to 10 a. m. *
.. .. .. .. .. } 7 a. m. to 9 55 p.m.*
6 p.m. to 9·55 p.m. *
Money Order, Inland Revenue Stamps & Licenses, Savings Bank, Govern-} 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.t
ment Stock, Insurance & Annuitv Business .......................................

Tele~raph Money Order Business . ..... ... .. .... ..... ... .......... ......... . ... .... .
8 a.m . to8 p.m.
. .. No
Postal Order Business ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 a.m. to 9·55 p.m.t transacted.
Parcel Post Business ........................................................................ 7 a..m. to 9·55 p.m.
Local Express Messenger Service for Letters & Parcels ........................... Open always.*
Telegraph & Telephone Business ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Open always.* Open always.*

* When the Public Office is closed, Telegrams & Express Letters can be handed in, Stamps purchased, & Telephone
Calls effected at the Night Telegraph Office in King street.
t Up to noon only on Bank Holidays.
N.B.-Persons or firms who desire to receive their Letters or other Postal Packets of any kind in advance of the
mdinary delivery, may have them delivered by special Messenger on payment of the full Express Fee of 3d. per mile as
for one packet, and Id. for every 10 or less number of additional packets beyond the first.
For full particulars apply at Head Office or Market Place Post Office.

Letters for delivery in Norwich can be posted at the Head Office up to 6.3oa.m. for the 7 a.m. delivery, up to
9.30 a.m for the 9-SO a.m. delivery, up to 12.30 p.m. for r2.4S p.m. delivery, up to p.m. for the 2-4.5 p.rn. deli\·ery.
up to 4·45 p.m. for the 4· so p.m. delivery, and up to 7 p.m. for the 7.30 p.m. delivery (suspended on thursdays).
Letters are delivered on week nays to callers at 7, 9· so & 11.30 a.m. & I2.4S. 2, 2.30, 3· IO, 4-so, 5.40 & 7.30 p.m.
Letters are delivered on sunda~·s at 7 a. m. & to callers at 8. :;o a. m.
City deliveries take place at 7 & 9-SO a.m. & 12.4S, 2.4s, 4-SO & 7.30 p.m. (suspended on thursdays).
Letters are dispatched on week days at 1.301 2, ~-4S, 3, .g.3o, 4-"S• S·4S· 6.I5, 7-IS, 8, 8.2o, 9.20, 9-40, 9·So (.1uly 9
to Sept. 30 only), ro.IS, I0.3o (Oct. to July 8 only), 10.4o, 11.40 (Oct. to June only), 11.4o, (July 9 to Sept.
30 only) & II-5S a. m. & I2.2o, 12.45, r, I.3o, 2, 2. IS, 2.30, 3, 3·35• 3·45• 4, 4· IS, s.2_;, S·4S• 6.10, 6.30, 8. 35 & 9.40 p. m.
L~tters are dispatched on sundays at 1.30, 2, 2.45, 3, 3.30, 4· 15, S-45. 6.4s & 7 a. m. & 8.35 & 9.40 p.m.
Parcels are dispatched by all the week day mails except the first eleven.


a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
9 4S IO 30 I2 4S I 30 2 20 4 45 6 15 7 30 8 3S 9 20
t Market Place B. 0 ........... . 12 0 - ~3 3° s 20 6 4S 7 55 9 5 9 3Q
- 3 55 ~8 IS - -
bAdelaide street ................ .. 8 30 9 4S II 45 I IS ~3 0 6 0 07 0 8 0 an o·
bEer street ....................... . 9 0 10 0 li 30 12 IS I 45 ~3 3° 6 30 07 go 8 30 an 30
*bBishopgate street ............. .. 8 4S IQ IS II 30 12 IS I 45 ~3 3° 6 30 07 30 8 3Q an 15
bBull Close road ................. . 8 30 10 0 I I IS I2 0 I 30 ~3 IS 6 IS 07 IS 8 IS au o
bCarlyle road .................... . 8 3Q 9 4S 12 0 I 30 ~3 IS 6 IS (17 IS 8 IS au 15
cCarrow .......................... . 8 4S 9 45 II IS 11 45 I IS 113 0 s 0 6 0 a7 0 8 0 an o
bCowgate street ................. . 8 45 IQ 0 Il IS I2 0 1 30 ~3 IS s 0 6 IS 07 IS 8 IS Oil 0
bDenbigh road ................. . 8 3° 9 45 "II 45 I IS 113 0 6 0 07 0 8 0 ar r 0
bDereham road ................ .. 8 4S IQ 0 I I IS I2 0 I 30 ~ 3 IS 5 0 6 IS Cl7 IS 8 IS an IS
bEagle walk •..................... 9 IS II 30 12 IS I 45 ~ ,.,
" ':lO- s 0 6 rs 7 IS 8 IS II 0
*bGloucester 11treet .............. .. 8
' bHeigham causeway , ......... .. 8 3° 9 4S
45 IQ 0 12 0 I 30 113 IS s 0 b IS 07 IS 8 IS Oil IS
bLeopold road ................... .. 8 30 10 0
l'j 3 T
- 6
6 IS
0 07 0
07 IS
8 IS
0 arr
bMagdalen road ................ .. 9 0 IQ 0
*bMagdalen street ............. .. 9 0 IQ TS
II 30 12 0 I 45 ~3 3° s 0 6 30 07 30 8 'W

arr 30
bMaud streat ................... .. 8 3° Q 4S
IT 30 12 IS I 45 I'] 3 ~0 s 0 6 30 07 30 8 30 arr 30
'tr 45 1 30 ~~ 3 IS 6 IS 07 IS 8 IS Oil IS
bl\'Iousebold .........•....... ~ .... . 8 30 10 10
bNew Catton .................... . 8 45 9 4S
- 12 0 I 30 ~3 l) 6 IS 07 IS 8 IS aii 15
I2 45 I 3Q ~3 15 6 15 07 IS B IS Oil IS
*bNew Lakenham .............. . 8 4S IO 30 IS
bOak street .............•........... 9 0 IQ IS
II 12 IS I 30 ~3 3° 5 0 6 30 07'30 8 30 ar I 15
II 30 12 I 5 I 45 ~ 3 3° s IS 6 30 a7 30 ~ 30 an o
bRupert street .................. .. 8 30 9 45 II IS l i 45 I IS ~3 0 6 0 a7 o 8 0 aii o
*bSt. Andrew's street ........... . 9 IS IQ IS II 30 6 30
bSt. Augustine's ................ .. 8 4S IQ 0
I2 IS I 4S ~3 3° 5 IS a7 30 8 30 oii 30
II IS 12 0 l 3Q ~13 IS -~ 0 6 IS a7 I5 8 IS an IS
bSt. George' s ..................... . 9 0 10 IS I I 30 12 I-.1 6 30 30 8 30 an 30
*bSt. Giles' ......................... . 8 4S IQ 0
I 45 IT 3 3° 5 IS a7
I I IS I2 0 I 45 ~3 30 -
.) 0 6 30 07 30 8 30 an 30
bSt: Margaret's ................ .. 9 0 IQ I.'i I I IS 12 rs I 45 I 3 30 s IS 6 30 Oj 30 F! 30 art 30
bSt. Martin-at-Palace ..... , ... . 9 IS 10 15 II 3Q 30 s o
12 2 0 ~3 4S IS 6 4'i
- 07 45 8 4S ail
bSt. Stephen's ................... .. 9 0 IQ IS I I 30 IS au 3Q
12 2 0 -T3 45 5 1S 6 30 07 30 8 30
bSouthwell road ............... . 8 30 9 30 - II 4S I IS ~3 0 5 0 6 0 a7 o 8 0 au o
bSpencer street ............... .. 8 3° 9 4S II 45 I IS ~3 0 6 0 a7 o 8 0 Oil 0
*bStafford street ................. , 8 45 IO 0 II IS 12 0 I 30 -:3 IS 5 0 6 IS a7 IS 8 IS an 15
bThorpe Hamlet ................. . 8 30 9 4S II 4S I IS IT3 0 6 0 a7 o 8 0 an 0
b1,horpe road .................... . 8 30 TO 30 II IS 12 0 30 I IT 3 IS 5 0 6 IS 07 IS 8 IS an 15
tUpper Hellesdon ............. .. 8 30 9 4S - 1..1 I 4S _ _ 30
I _, ~3 IS 6 IS a7 IS 8 IS an IS
Letters delivered in the City at......... 9 so 12 40 2 4S 4 so 7 o following morn.

Marked thu~
o Telegrams are dispatched, but not delivered & Te!Pgraph Money Orders are issued. but not paid.
t Telegraph & Telegraph Money urder Office.
b Closed at 1 p.m. on thursdays; collections from outside as u,ual. c Clo;ed at 1 p.m. on monday" ; collections from ' ut,;ide a,; usual
t The 7·3o delivery is suspended on thursdu.ys. 'If On Bank Holidays these collection~ only are made.
a On sundays & Bank Hol\days these collections only a1 P. mati".
The Market Place OfficP i~ open from 8 a. m. to g.3o p.m. on week days only.
N".B.-All Town Sub-Offices are closed on Bank: Holidays, & no business is tmn~acted at the Market 'Place B.O.
after 12 noon on thost> days.


Sir Frederick Low K.C. 3 Hare court, Temple E C; sr Conesford '\Vard (.i\'o. 1), Alderman Wild
Sloane gardens S W & Reform club S W Ber Street Wal"d (~0.2), Alderman Jewson
George Henry Roberts esq. 42 Whitehall road, Norwich l\lan<'toft Ward (No. 3), Alderman W. R. C. Howlett
Returning Officer, The Sheriff Westwick Ward (No. 4). Alderman Moore
Coslany Ward (No. s), Alderman Shorten
' Fye Bridge Ward (No. 6 , Aldarman Boardman
COUNCIL OF THE CITY. Thorpe Ward (No. 7), Alderman Curl
rgii-12. Lakenham Ward (No. 8). A.ldRrman G. M. Chamberlin
Lord Mayor-Henry John Copeman esq. Town Close Ward (~o. g), Alderman .A.. G. Howlett
· Deputy Mayor-Alderman Sir Eustace Gurney. Eaton Ward (No. Io), Alderman Sir Eustace Gurney
Recorder-William Ellis Hume-Williams esq. K.C., M.P. Nelson Ward (No. n). Alderman Bagshaw
Earlham Ward (No. 12),
3 Hare CO'Urt, Temple, London E C.
Heigham Ward (No. 13). AJderman Dakin
Sheriff-Charles Storey Gilman esq.
Wensum Ward (No. 14), Alderman Green
Under Sheriff-Leathes Prior esq.
. Catton Ward (No. I5), Alderman Morse
Aldermen. Mousehold Ward (No. r6), Alderman Arthur Jas. Young
Retire in ~oYemhN. I<)I3· Retire in Xovember, rgr6.
George :\I. Chamberlin iLhert George Bagsbaw Councillors.
Arthur Godfery Howlett Henley Curl Ret.ire Retire

William Robert Crow Howlett William Howard Dakin Nov. Nov.
Conesford Ward (No. 1), E:-llPst ·wehsdale ......... 1913
George Jew;;on G-enrge Green
John Turner Hotblack .. 19I2 FrPderick '\Ym. Fitt ... I9I4
John Moore Sir Eustace Gmney (deputY'
Charles Jar'd Horn or .. I913
Edward Wild mayor) Mancroft. Ward (No, 3).
Henry Read Culley .... I9I4
George Henry Morse Ber Street Ward (No. 2). Smith tlou2:hen ......... 1912
William. Shorten Harring-t;on Wyndbam William Joseph Farrow 1913
·alter George SteT"ens Darrell .................. 1912 Thomas Jo•ephMackley Igi 4
Arthur James Young
Retire Retin~
. Nov. Nov. RAVEN ACT.
Westwick Ward (~o. 4)· Ernest )lorsP ............ 1913
n 1 1am "·I
n oore . . . . .. . . .. 19 12 Wm. B:iiley Rutland ... 1914 Russell James Colman esq. George Green esq. G. Jew-
san esq. R. Lee Barber esq. H. Newhouse esq. &i H.
Donald GPorge Fare- . ~elson Ward (Xo. u). L. Clark esq
brother Gaul .......... 1913 Daniel t1ave•S ............ 1912
Francis Curtis HaYers .. 1:914 . FrancisJeromeLamt>ert 1913
Coslany Ward (:So. 5). \ Geo. F1·eleric Udhamo. 1914 BOROUGH COURT OF RECORD.
Jame~ Pansh ............ 19 12 Earlham Ward (No. 12). Guildhall Court.
He,uJ, Rudd ............ 19 13 Henry Elliott Hawes ... 1912 Judge-Ernest E. Wild.
Jas. l'r~dk. Henderson 1914 Alfred William Francis
Fye Bndge Ward (~o. 6). Registrar-A. Wansbrough Jones.
Hagge ..............•.. , 1Qr 3
Alexander :Michael Ro~~> 1912
Rus-1ellGodfreySteward 1914
George Cuhitt ............ 1913 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR THE CITY.
Thomas Edward Howes 19r4 Heigham Ward (No·. 13).
Thorpe Ward (No. 7). Frederick Henry Bas- The Mayor &i .Deputy Mayor.
Edward Jas. Edwards. 1912 singthwaighte . :.... ... 'l9r2 The Recorder-William Ellis Hnme-Williams esq. K.C. 3-
·wm. Robert Tirlman ... 1913 Walter Mace .... _....... 1913 Hare court, Temple, London E C
Chas. Hy. Thompsnn ... 1914 Charles Hugh Finch ... 1914 Bagshaw Robert George esq. 3 l\ewmarket road
Lakenham Ward (Xo. 8). Wensum Ward (No. 14). Barday Hugh Gurney esq. M.V.O., V.D. Colney hall
l<'rederick JosephCrotch 1912 Waiter John Joseph ..... 1912 Beverley Michael esq. M.D. 54 Prince of Wales road
Henry Greenacre ........ 1913 Herbert Ell\d. \'\'• 1913 Bignold Charles Arthur Bathurst esq. D.L. Eaton hall
Frank Jewson ............ 1914 Jolm 'Yililam Lemon ... ,1914 Boardman Edward Thos. esq. Town Close bo. Ipswich rd.
Town Close Ward ( ~ o. 9 ).
Catton Ward (No. rs). Buxton Geoffrey Fowell esq. V.D. Dunston hall, Norwich
E1w •ri Thomas Board-
Herbert John Hannent 1912 Buxton Edward Gurney esq. Catton hall, Old Catton~
man ..................... . 19r2 Norwich
Henry John Cu11ewan.. 1913 George Attoe ............ 1913
W1lfred Sidney Tillett .. 1914 Caley Edward James esq. Pine Banks, Thorpe St.Andrew
Granville John Berney
Chamberlin Alexander Robert esq. The G-rove, Ipswich rd
Duff ..................... 1914 Mousehold Ward (No. r6).
Chamberlin George Moore esq. D.L. 53 All Saints' green.
Eaton \t'ard (~o. w). Walter Robert Smith ... 1912
Clabburn James Wm, esq. Guild ho. Thorpe St. Andrew
Haynes Sparrow Robin- Herbert Phliip Gowen .. 1913 Clark Henry Lewis esq. Royal hotel, Prince of Wales rd
son .............. . .. .... IQI2 Louis John Tillett ....... 1914
Cleverley George esq. ng Dereham road
Caller George .Arthur esq
Officers of the City Council. Colman Russell J ames esq. Crown Point house, Trowse:.
Town Clerk, Clerk to the Visiting Committee of the Nor- Copeman H<mry John esq. III Ne\\market road
wich City Lunatic Asylum, U> the River Yare Com- Cozens-Hardy esq. LL.B. 72 Bracondale
missioners, to the 'Mousehold Heath Conservators & Crotch Frederick Joseph esq. r6 Sussex street
Distress & Education Committees, .A.rnold Henry L-Url Henley e~q. g8 Newmarket road
Miller, Municipal offices, Market place Dakin William Howard esq. 2 Chester pl. Earlham road't
Deputy Town Clerk, P. J. Spalding B.A., LL.M. Muni- Dodson John esq. Bonchurch, Ipswich road
cipal offices, Market place Eade Sir Peter M.D., F.R.C.P.Lond. 68 St. Giles st
Assistant Solicitor, H. Darlow B..A.., LL.B Flowers Henry Z. Thompson esq
City Treasurer, Hugh Gurney Barclay, Bank plain Gee Joseph Thomas esq
Coroner, Richard W. Ladell, Orford place; deputy, Greenfield William Britcher esq. Finklegate
William Nethercote Ladell, Orford place Gilman Charles Storey esq. The Lawns, Christehurch rd'
Clerk of the Peace, John Wilson Gilbert, 14 Upper King st Green George esq. Eaton grange, Unthank road
Clerk to the Justices, William Robert Cooper, Guildhall Haldinstein Alfred esq. Thorpe lodge, 'l'horpe St. Andrew
Judge of the Guildhall Court, E. E. Wild Harmer Frederic William esq. Oakland ho. Cringleford
Registrar of ditto, .A.. Wansbrough Jones Harvey Lieut.-Col. John Robert D.S.O. Holmwood, Stan-
City Engineer, Surveyor & Architect, Arthur E. Collins ley avenue, Thorpe
M.Inst. C .E. Municipal offices, Market place Hill Col. Samuel Garerd V.D. 425 Unthank rd. Norwich.
Assistant, Herbert Sidney Erskine Austin Howlett William Robert C. esq. Catton
Deputy City Engineer, 'Harold Collins A.M.Inst.C.E Jewson George esq. 58 Bracondale
City Electrical Engineer, F. M. Long A.M.Inst.C.E Moore John esq. 151 Ketts hill
Committee Clerk, Joseph James Restieaux .Morse G9orge Henry esq. Beech Hill, Thorpe St. Andrew ·
Curator, Castle Museum, Frank Leney Mulligan His Honor Judge James K.C. ~~ New court.
Resident Medical Superintendent, City Asylum, Hellesdon, Lincoln's inn, London WC
David Rice M.D.Brux., M.RC.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., Paul Joseph John Dawson esq. D.L. 95 Newmarket road
D.P.H.Vict Prior Leathes esq. Thorpe Burst, Thorpe St. Andrew
Medical Officer of Health & Principal School Medical Reeve Simms esq. D.L. 29 Thorpe road
Officer, Harry Cooper Pattin M.A., M.D., B.C., D.P.H. Roberts George Henry esq. M.P. 42 Whitehall roadi
Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Municipal Robinson Haynes Sparrow esq. ng Newmarket road
offices, Market place Smith ·waiter Robert esq. Denmark road
Assistant Medical Officer of Health, W. Leigh Goldie Taylor Frederic Oddin esq. Ethelberts ho. 24 Tombland
F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H Wainwright Samuel esq
Assistant School Medical Officer & Assistant Medical Wild Edward esq. 3 Christchurch road, Eaton
Officer of Health, John Allen M.B., Ch.B.Vict. & Willett Henry esq
D.P.H.Vict Winter James John esq
School Dentist, L. K. ·Percv L.D. S

Surgeon to Police, Robert James Mills M.B., C.M.Aberd., Clerk to the City Justices, Wm. Robt. Cooper,Guildhair.
:5ummoning Officer, Police-Sergt. Edward Doe
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond. 35 Surrey street
City Analyst-, Wm. Lincolne Sutton F.I.C. Redwell st
City Accountant, A. F. Gentry F.S.A.A.Municipal offices
Assistant City Accountant, 0. H. Sleightholme A. S.A.A SESSIO~AL DIVISION.

Citv Oro-anist Edward Bunnett Mus.D.Cantab., F.R.C,O.
"' '
I Grove terrace, Thorpe road
Alexander 1ohn Edmund esq. 30 College road, Norwiclr
Blake-Humfrey Lt.-Col. Thomas, Heggate hall, Horstead,.
Chief Constable, Superintendent of Fire Brigade, Inspector Norwich
of Hackney Carriages, Street Obstructions, Explosives, Bux:ton Edward Gurney esq. Catton hall, .Old Catton..
Weights & :Measures &c. E. F. Winch, Guildhall Norwich
Organiser Higher Education & Principal Technical Cozens-Hardy Theobald esq. Oak ldg. Sprowston,Norwieh..
Institute 1 Hngh Ramage M.A., A.R.C.Sc Cubitt Major Frank Astley, Thorpe hall, Norwich
Organiser Elementary Education, D. 0. Holme Dawson Col. Algernon Cecil, Manor ho. Catton, Norwi~
Honorary Archivist, J. C. Tingey M.A Green Lieut.-Col. Thomas Edward, The Limes, Wrox-
Sanitary Inspector, Inspector of Common Lodging Houses, ham, Norwich
Joseph Brooks, Municipal offices Gurney Sir Eustace, Sprowston hall, Norwi:h
Librarian~ Public Library, George A. Stephen F.L.A Harvey Lt.-Col. John Robert D.S.O. 'Holmwood, Thorpe~
Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals Act, 1894•" Norwich
Harry Vincent Low M.R.C.V.S. St- Gi.les street Keppel Col. Edward George, Sprowston grange. Norwiclir
Collector of Tonnage Due~ G. Mollett, 14 Carrow road La Fontaine James Stephen Edward esq. 149 New-
Clerk of the Cattle Market, Hu~h Beck, Cattle market market road, Norwich
Collector of Proviiiion Market Tolls, Robt.. John Howard, Lennard Thomas Barrett· esq. HCJFsford manor, Norwich
.. Fish mark:e~ • • Longe Cnl. Fras. Bacon C.B. · Sprixworth park, Norwic!U

Patteson Col. Henry Tyrwbitt Staniforth V.D. Beeston POLICE.

St . .Andrew ball, Norwich City.
Price Sir Robert John ~LP. The Thatched house Wrox- Station, Guildhall, Market place.
ham, Norwich '
tlpurrell John Thomas esq. Horsford Chief Constable, Edwin Francis Winch
Trafford Edward Soutbwell esq. Wroxham ball, Norwich Chief Clerk, Ebenezer Harding
W&lte:r Cyril H. esq. Drayton Old house, Norwich The force consists of 146 all told, viz. : 1 superinten-
Waiter John Henry Fraser esq. Drayton house, Norwich dent, 6 inspectors, 17 sergeants & 122 constables
Ward Edward Foote esq. Salbouse ball Norwich County.
Winter James John esq. Drayton lodg~, Norwich Head Quarters Station, Ca~tle meadow.
Clerk to the Magistrates,Wm.ErnestRipley,6 Tombland Chief Constable, Major Egbert Napier
Petty Sessions are held at the Shire ball every saturday at Chief Clerk, Supt. Edward Seymour Wooderon. The
I I a.m. The following places are included ln the petty local force consists of 255 all told
se_ssional division :-Attlebridge, Beeston, Catton, C:rost- NORWICH LOCAL

'Wlck, Drayton, Feltho_rJ?e, Frettenham, Haynford, Hel-
lesdon, Horsham St: Fa1th's, Horsford, Horstead, Rack- 'Meetings are held at the Guildhall when required.
"heath, Salhouse, Spixworth, Sprowston, Taverham & Chairman, The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor (Councillor H ..
Wroxham J. Copeman)
:Norwich A Sub-Committee.
Chairman, Councillor Bagge
Office, 46 Prince of Wales rd. Court held at Shire Hall. ~urwich B Sub-Committee .
.Judge, His Honor James Mulligan K.C. I2 New court, Chairman, ~\lderman Young
Lincoln's inn, London WC ~orwich C Sub-Committee.
Registrar & High Bailiff, Frederick William Cooke M.A Chairman, .ilderman Bagshaw
Chief Olerk, Robert Billing Butolph Clerk to the Committee & Sub-Committees, .! rnold
Bailiff, George Edward Theobald Henry Miller, Guildhall
"The County Court district embraces the following places : SOUTH ~ORWICH LOCAL PENSION Sl"B-COM-
-Acle, Alpington, Anningball, Ashby, Attlebridge, Bar- MITTEE (~o. I7) OF NORFOLK.
oford, .Bawburgh, Beeston Saint A.ndrew, Beighton,Bergh
Apton. Bixley, Blofield, Bowthorpe, Bracon Ash, Bracon- The following parishes are included in the ~ o. I? Dis-
dale, Bradiston, Bramerton, Brooke, Brundall, Bucken- trict :-Alpington, ..irminghall, Ashby St. Mary,
bam, Burlingham Saint A.ndrew, Burlingham Saint Bergh Apton, Bi:xley, Bramerton, Brooke, Caistor St.
Etlmund, Burlingham Saint Peter, Caister Saint Ed- Edmund, Carleton St. Peter, Claxton, Framingham
mund, Cantley, Carleton East, Carleton Saint Peter, E.ul, Framingbam Pigot, Hellington, Holverston,
Carrow, Oatton Old, Catton New, Claxton, Colney, Col- Howe, Kirby Bedon, Poringland, Rockland St. Mary,
ton. Costessey, Cringleford, Crostwick, Drayton, Duns- Surlingbam, Tburton, Trowse Newton, Whitlingham,
ton, Earlham, Easton, Eaton, Felthorpe, Flordon, Fram- Yelverton (under Pension Officer W. H. Norman, Nor-
-illgham Earl, Framingham Pigot, Frettenham, Hayn- wich 2-8); Bracon .ish, Dunston, East Carleton, Flor-
ford. Hardley, Hassingham, Heigham beyond the don, Hapton, Hethel, Markshall, Mulbarton, Newton-
Walle. Hellt>.,dQn, Hemblington, Hether~ett, Hillins;:ton, Flotman, Saxlingham Nethergate, Saxlingham Thorpe,
Holverstone, Honingham, Horsford, Horsham Saint Shottesham .All Saints, Shottesham St. Marv, Stoke
Faith's. Hor>tead, Huwe, Intwood, Keswick, Kirbv Holy Cross, Swainsthorpe, Swardestone, T·as burgh,
Bedon, Lakenham New, Lakenham Old, Langley, Ling- Thuston (under Pension Officer W. Key, Norwich
2-7~; Bawburg-b, Colney, Cringleford, Intwood, Kes-
wo?d• Markshall, Marlingford, Melton (Great), ~{elton
(L1ttle), Morton, Moulton. Mulbarton, Newton Flat- wick, Kettering-ham, Little Melton (under Pension
man. Newton St. Faith"s, 8orwicb, Pan:xworth, Plum- Officer T. F. Sibley, Norwich I-6); Wreningham (under
stead (Great), Plumstead (Little), Pockthorpe, Poring- Per:sion Officer R. T. Iliffe, Wymondham).
lanti (Great), Poringland (Little), Postwick, Re.ckheath. Meetmgs are held at the Shire hall, Norwich, on the
R;wworth, Ringland, Rockland St. Marv, Salhouse, Sa:x- . first saturday in each month at 3-30 p.m.
lingham Nethergate, Saxlingham Tho~e, Shottesham Chauman, R. H. Denny J.P. Framingham, Norwich
All Saints, Shottesham Saint Martin. Sbottesham Saint Clerk, Fredk. William Myhill, The Red house, Hethel
Mary, Sizeland, Spixworth. Sprowston, Stanninghall. NORWICH DISTRESS COMMITTEE.
S~.,ke Holy Crou, Strumpshaw. Snrlingham. Swains-
The Committee, consisting of 30 members, 14 from the
1b,•rpe, SwardPston, Tasburgh. Taverham, Thorpe Ham- Council, ro from the Guardians & 6 from persons ex-
let, Thorpe Saint A.ndrew, Tburton, Trowse, Upton, perienced in the relief of distress, was fo'rmed on I7tb
Walsham ~aint Lawrt>nce, Walsham Saint Mary, Wes- October, I905.
ton. Whitlingham, Witton, Woodbastwick, Wroxham Meetings are he Id at the Guildhall, on the second toes-
& Yelverton day in each month, except May, June, July ~
This Court has also Bankruptcy jurisdiction, & for Bank- .iugll!!t
ruptcy purposes includes in addition the county court Chairman, J. W. Clarke
districts of Attleborough, Aylsham, East Dereham, Clerk, Arnold Henry Miller, Guildhall
Halt, Thetford, North Walsham, Little Walsing-ham &
W~ondha~; Harry Pearce Gould, 8 Upper King st.
officwl rece1ver No. 7, Norwich District.
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Di!!tres!l Office, I4 Rampant Horse street.
Amendment Act," George Edward Theobald, Castle Inspector in Charge, Thomas Crawford Taylor
r~eadow; Cyril George Spalding, estate agent, Elm Other Inspector, Charles Edward Whitelaw
hill; Mark Alfred Lemmon. 35 Exchange street; Assistant Inspector, David Kerr
William Vincent, I I Upper King street; Henry Dar-
wood Long, Stump Cross; Artbur C. W. Barker, 95 PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.
Agricultural Hall, Prince of Wales road, Kenneth H.
St. Giles street! Herbert Roadhouse, Castle meadow;
Fielding, sec
Alfred St~cks V m cent, r I Upper King street ; William
Burial Board; offices, South lodge; cemetery, Earlham
George B1~hop, 6 St. Saviour's lane; Tbos. Wallace,
3 Prince of Wale!! road :road ; North lodge, Bowtborpe road ; .Arnold H. 'Miller,
clerk; James R. Everett, supt. & registrar
Chambers of Commerce, Norwich (Incorporated), Com-
mercial chambers. 9 Red Lion street, G. M. Cham·
JUSTICE. berlin esq. D.L., J.P. president; Chas. Larking, sec
46 Prince of Wales road. City Asylum, Hellesdon (Male & Female Pauper Luna-
tics), David Rice M.D.Brux., M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
District Registrar, Frederick W illiam Cooke M.A L~nd., D.P.H.Vict. resident medical supt.; Arnold H.
M1ller, clerk to the visiting committee Municipal
Corn Exchang-e, Exchange st. Thomas Foxhall, bailiff
OF PROBATE. County Weights & Measures Office (Eastern Division), 24
Comprising the County of Norfolk & City of Norwich. Princes street, A. Robinson, inspector
65 The Close. Fire Brigade & Engine House, Pottergate street, under
the superintendence of the chief constable of the city
Dietrict Registrar, Charles Herbert Wilkinson police; Stanley Shaw, chief engineer
<Jhief Clerk, Benjamin Richard Gvld Watling Fish Market, Market place, Robert Jn. Howard, collector
Guildhall, Sergt. J ames Henry Barton, hall keeper Public Vaccinator, John Herbert Stacy L.R.C.P. & S.
Hippodrome, :::lt. Giles st. Bostock & Fitt, proprietors Edin. 38 St. Giles street
His :\'Iajesty's Prison, Prison road, Ma.j. V. A. M. Fowler, Vaccination Officer, E. D. Bower, Guardians' Offices, St.
governor; Rev. Reginald Waiter Longley B.A. chap- .Andrew street
lain; Hubert John Starling M.D.Lond., ::\LR.C.S.Eng., Workhouse, Bowthorpe road, Heigham, is a handsome
D.P.H.Camb. medical officer; S. C. Davies, store- red brick building, in the Tudor style, about r mile
keeper; Miss Brodie, matron; Geo.Brovm,chief warder north of the city; it was complded in I 859 & I Boo,
Custom & Excise Office, 27 Tombland. Hours, IO a.m. & cost £33,ooo, & will hold 885 inmates; a new in-
to 4 p.m.; thurs. ro a.m. to I p.m. Collector of firmary was erected in Ign & provides for 2I5
Custom & Excise & Distributor of Stamps, David patients; Rev. H. W. Banmann M . .A. chaplain; ~.\rth.
More; Surveyor Ist District, J. Mahony; Surveyor Crook L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officPr; John Thomas
2nd District, J. N. Ward; Principal Clerks, B. J. Tanne.r, master; Georgina Isabella Tanner, matron
Sharkey & J. Abbotson; Clerks, C. _\.. Burden & E. J. Boys' Home, St. Faith's lane, Ernest ~iller, supt.; Mrs.
Howes; Inspector of CQin Returns, F. C. Burton; Florence ~iller, assistant superintendent
Custom, Excise, Old Age Pension & ~ational Insur- Girls' Home, 55 Botolph street, Charles Horace .Andrew
ance Officers, S. Brierley, F. Burton, F. C. Sinclair, L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. medical officer; Miss J. Trollope,
R. A. Murray, T. Lyons, T. F. Sibley, W. Key, W. H. foster mother
Norman & A. A. Ward Receiving Home, 85 Pottergate street, :Mrs. li.atherine
Inland Revenue Department, 28 Tombland, Controller Miller, foster mother
of Stamps Department, C. C. Gallagher, staff Scattered Homes, ro & I2 Constitution hill & St.
officer; Surveyors of Taxes : ~ orwich First George ~b·eet, ~iss Kate Miller, Miss Harriet Ratley &
Survey, W. Brooke; city of ~orwich, hundreds Miss G . .A.• Miller, foster mothers
of Eynsford, Taverham, North Erpingham, South
Erpingham, Tunstead & Rapping, Bolt, Blofield & NORWICH REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
Walsham, in ~orfolk. Norwich Second Survey, E. A.
McNeill; hundrPds of Depwade, Diss, Earsham, Superintendent Rt>gistrar, Francis J. Cooke, St. .Andrew
Guiltcross & Shropham, Launditch, Mitford, Way- street; deputy, Henry Kett, St . .An drew street
land, Forehoe & IIumbleyard, Henstead, in ~orfolk Registrars of Births & Deaths, East Wymer sub-dis-
Judges' Lodgings, 6 The Close trict, Robert Charles Ru~hmer, ·Ig Princes st.; West
Labour Exchange (Board of Trade), 86 Prince of Wales Wymcr sub-district, William Arthur Shorten, I:ll
road, George A. Greig, manager Orford hill
Norfolk Chamber of .Agriculture, 32 Prince of Wales rd. Registrars of )larriages, Frederic Oduin Taylor, I9
J ames Brown Forrester, sec Upper King street & Joseph .Tames Restieaux:, uo
Norfolk & Norwich Library, Guildhall hill, John Quintan. Trinity st.; deputies, .Athelstan Howard Odin Ta.ylor,
librarian & Miss Bowles, assistant I9 "Upper King street & J. E. Restieaux, :Market place
Norfolk & Norwich Incorporated Law Society, I The
Norwich Castle Museum, Castle meadow ; Chairman,
The Lord Mayor; curator, Frank Leney; open daily, ro ~ orfulk & Norwich Hospital, St. Stephen's road, Sir
to 4; tuesday & friday 3d. entrance fee; other days free • Peter Eade M.D.Lond., F.R.C.P.Lond. consulting phy-
Public Library, St . .!.ndrew street, George A. Stephen sician; Samuel J. Barton M.D., M.Ch.Dub. Frederick
F .L.A. librarian W. Burton-Fanning ~.D.Camb., F.R.C.P.Lond. & S.
Rosary Cen1etery, Rosary road, Theodore George Rudd, H. Long M. D. Cam b. physicians; Arthur J. Cleveland
superintendent M.D.Lond., :M.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. assistant
St. Andrew's Hall, St. Andrew's Hall plain, Orlando physician & electro therapeutist; )'L Reverley M. D.
Osborne Snelling, hall keeper Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. & Haynes Sparrow Robinson
~t. Stephen's Parochial Hall, St. Stephen's square
.M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting surgeons; Samuel H. Burton
Shire House, Castle meadow, Alfd. ·wm. "NPlson, ca-rPtkr .M.B., B.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. Donald D. Day M.B.,
Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent B.S.LonQ.., F.R.C.S.Eng. & Hamilton .Ashley Ballance
~I.D., M.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. smgeons; Ernest Wm.
Society, Old Bank buildings, 19 King street, A. H.
Taylor, hon. representative Everett ~.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.C.P.Lond. }l.thelstan Jasper
Stamp Office, 27 Tombland, David .Yioore, distributor Blaxland M.B., M.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. & Joseph
Theatre Royal, ThPatre street, Fred :Margan, proprietor Burfield :M. B., B. S.Lond., F. R.C. S.Eng. assistant sur-
Thorpe Hamlet Parish Hall, St. Matthews rd.River side geons; Hnbert John Starling M.D.Lund., D.P.H.Camb.,
~.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & Henry Watson M.B.,
Ch.B.A.berd. an~sthetists; George Percival Charles
Claridge M.B., B.S.Lond. bacteriologist & patholo-
Board day, alternate Wednesdays. gist; Henry Freeman ·white L.D.S.Eng. dental sur-
The Incorporation of Norwich comprises Norwich civil geon; Harry Cecil Rutherford Darling M. B., B.S.
parish constituted by the " Norwich Corporation Act, Land., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. resident surgical
r8gg." The area is 7,8g6 acres; rateable value, Lady officer; Robert Francis Preston Cory M.R.C.S.Eng.,
Day, rgr2, £465,368 ; the population in rgii was L.R.C.P.Lond. house physician; Rev. John Huxley
12 I·493 ~LA. chaplain; H. P. :Mallett, dispenser; Frank
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, William :Moore, 7 Gidley Hazell, sec
West parade Jenny Lind Infirmary for Children, Unthank road; out-
Treasurer, Henry Birl;beck, Barclay & Company's Bank patients' department, Pottergate street; Sir Peter
Clerk to the Guardians, Edward James Ward Huggins, Eade :M.D.Lond., F.R.C.P.Lond. consulting physician;
Guardians' offices, St. Andrew street Haynes Sparrow Robinson M.R.C.S.Eng. George
Accountant, John Nudd Reginald ~'lastPr ~.R.C.S.Eng., S. H. Burton M.B.,
A.8sistant Clerk, Henry Kett R.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. Cecil Jeffery Mnriel ~'LR.C.S.
Relieving Officers, ISt district. Samuel Sampson' Parker, E:1g., L.R C.P.Lond. & H. Chester ~ance F.R.C.S.
_:; Canhalton road; 2nd district, Ern est ThomaR Smith. Eng. consulting surgeons; Sydney H. Long ~.D. &
4 Somerleyton street; 3rd district, Theophilus ..hthur John Cleveland .M.D.Lond., "M.R.C.P.Lond.
Roshier, 29 St. Martin's road; 4th district, Dowson physicians; Herbert Crosse :M. D., C.M.Edin. & Hugh
Dent, I58 Dereham road; sth district, T. H. Kirk, Whitwell M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons;
Colegate street Joseph Burfield :M.B., B.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng.,
Collectors, rst district, John Albert Mullarkey, ro L.R.C.P.Lond. & B. B. Riviere P.R.C.S.Eng .•
Queen's ro:1d; :2lld district. Herbert Maidstone Cnlyer, L.RC.P.Lond. assistant surgeons; G. P. C. Claridge
Earlham. road; 3rd district, Frank Perry, 7 DPreham M. B., B.S.Lond. pathologist; Bosworth Harcourt, con-
road; 4th district, J ames J enkinson, 148 Queen's rd. ; sulting surgeon-dentist; Benjamin ~- Martin L.D.S.
5th district, Robert Marston .!.rnold, Kingsley rd.; 6th Edin. surgeon-dentist; Miss Lucy M. Muir M. B.,
district, Waiter J ulim; Bnnn, 28 "Mill Hill road Ch. B.Ed1n. rP~ident medical officer; H. Harper Smith,
~Ierlical Officer>'. 1st district, John Herbert Stacv L.R.C.P.
hon. sec.; Miss Florence K. Pratt, matron; Miss
& S. Edin. 38 St. Gile~ street; 2nd district, &bert "Mabel Hunt, sister in charge out-patient department
.Tame~ Mills M.B.. C. M. 35 Surrey street; 3rd dis-
trict. Harrington Wyndham Darrell M.D., C.M. 12 All "Maternity Charity, 1o6 & Io8 St. George street, George
Saint!'' ~rePn; 4th rlistrict, Arthur Crook L.R.C.P. Frederick Odhams L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. con-
Lond. Bo Prince of Wales' road; sth district, Henry sulting surgeon; Charles Horace Andrews L.R.C.P. &
W~t~'ln M.D .• C. M. 2 Earlham road; 6th district. S.Edin . .Alex . .Michael Ross "M.R C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
ChnlP~ HnrncP Anrlrew~ L.R.C.P. & S. Erlin. St. Gile~ Lond. Herbert Edward Taylor !\I.D., B.Ch.Dub. &
~trPPt: 7th district. Gt>orgP FredPrick Odhams M. D. Arthur Crook L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. visiting
flr BPthPi. •trPPt: 8th rli~trict, William Ribton Sp(1wart surgeon; Miss ..\.. Black C.M.B. lady mperintendent
B.A., ~.D. r Neumarket road

Norfolk & Norwich Eye Infirmary, Pottergate street, NORFOLK & SUFFOLK INFANTRY BRIGADE.
Haynes Sparrow Robinson M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. consult- Head Quarters, I8a, Prince of Wales road.
ing surgeon; Samuel Herbert Burton ~.B., B.S. The Brigade comprises the : -
Land., F.R.C.S.Eng. & Cecil Jeffery Muriel L.R.C.P. 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, Norwich
Land., M.R.C.S.Eng-. surgeons; Arthur Greene M.A., 5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, East Dereham
M. D., B.Ch.Dub., F.R.C.S.Irel. assistant surgeon; 4th Battalion Suffolk Regiment, Ipswich
S. N. Berry, sec. ; Miss Whitehouse, matron 5th Battalion Suffolk Regiment, Bury St. Edmunds
Norwich Dispensary, St. John ~addermarket, Neville W. YEOMANRY.
Howlett, hon. sec. ; Sir. P. Eade M.D. & Haynes Spar- Norfolk (King's Own Royal Regiment); head quarters,
row Robinson M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. consulting medical Cattle Market st. Commandmg, Col. II . .A. Barclay
officers; Cecil Jeffery Muriel L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. C.V.O., T.D., A.D:c.; Adjutant, Capt. the Hon. R. D.
Eng. Herbert Crosse M.D., C.M.Edin. Herbel't Ed"l\"d. Ryder (8th Hussars); Quarter-Master, Hon. Lieut. J.
Taylar "M.D., B.Ch.Dub. & Lawrence H. Barfoot Mills A. Sayer; Medical Officer, Surg.-Major J. F. Gordon-
M.B., Ch.B.Edin. medical officers; Robert Hanworth Dill M.D.; Veterinary Officer, Vety.-Lieut. H. P.
Ives A.P.S. resident dispenser .Standley M.R.C.V.S., A.V.C. (T.F.); Chaplain, Rev.
Asylum & School for the Indigent Blind, Magdalen st. F. A. S. ffolkes B.A., M.V.O. (T.F.); Regimental Ser-
The :Q.ight Rev. The Lord Bishop of Norwich, presi- geant-Major, George Hudgell
dent; Henry Carter esq. treasurer; G. F. Odhams A Squadron :-Major .A.. R. Buxton, commanding;
M.D., C.M. hon. surgeon; John B. Clements, super- Capt. G. T. Bullard, second in command; Squadron
intendent & sec. ; Mrs. Clements, matron Sergt. -Major E. Broadley, drill instructor
Bethel Hospital for Lunatics, 37 Bethel street, Saville
James Fielding M.B., B.S.Durh. resident medical 1st EAST, ANGLIAN BRIGADE ROYAL FIELD
supt. ; Miss Ada C. Oxley, matron; F. Hornor, clerk ARTILLERY.
District Visiting Society, I4 Rampant Horse street, the Head Quarters, Old Militia barracks, All Saints' Green;
Lord Mayor for the time being, president; Barclay & Commanding, Lieut.-Col. R. G. A. Le-Mottee; .Ad-
Company Limited, treasurers; H. J. Copeman & Col. jutant, Capt. D. H. K. Hunter; Medica:l Officer, Capt.
S. Garerd Hill, hon. secs.; .A.rthur H. C. Taylor, J. C. R. Robinson R.A.M.C. (T.F)
acting sec 2nd Norfolk Battery; head quarters, Old 'Militia bar-
Doughty's Hospital, Calvert sL. Mrs. R. Oliver, matron racks, All Saints' Green; Major G. W. Daynes, com-
Girls' Orphan Home, IS Chapel Field east, Mrs. Annie manding; Battery Sergt.-Major James Bourne, drill
Forth, matron . instructor
Great Hospital, Bishopga~e st. Albert E. W. Bacon, mast 3.rd Norfolk Battery; head quarters, Old Militia bar-
Homoeopathic Dispensary, 9 Gastle meadow, Eleazer racks, All Saints' Green; Major S. G. Alien, com-
Birch Ruche L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. & William manding; Battery Sergt.-~ajor J. H. Hannant, drill
.Anbrey L. Marriott M.B., Ch.B.Glas. hon. medical instructor
officers; H. J. Copeman, hon. sec Ist East Anglian Ammunition Column; head quarters,
Norwich & Norfolk Charity for Clergymen's Widows & Old 'Militia barracks, All Saints' Green; (vacant), com-
Children, Rev. H. W. Koblich, St. Helen's vicarage, manding; Sergt.-Major J. Hughes, drill instructor
Norwich, treasurer; Camp bell Steward, r5 Upper
King street, registrar; T. F. Wright, land steward, INFANTRY.
Bank street 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment; head quarters, Drill
Norwich Friendly Societies' Mr.dical Institute, I I Lady's hall, Chapel Field road. Staff :-Commanding, Lieut.-
hne, Clement Edwd. Priestley "M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Col. J. R. Harvey )J.S.O.; Majors, E. Mornement & F.
Land. .Arthur Ilenry Priestley M. B., Ch.B. Vict. & G. W. Wood; Instructor of Musketry, Capt. W. H.
Jas. Flock M.B.Irel. medical officers; Jn. Taylor, sec M. Andrews; .Adjutant, Capt. R. F. Day; Quarter-
Norwich Soup & Provident Coal Society, Robert Wenn, Master, Hon. Lieut. R. W. Moore; Medical Officer,
- superintendent, Soup Office yard, Fishergate Lieut. J. R. Owens R ..A.M.C. (T.F.); Chaplains, Rev.
St. Swithin's Almshouses, St. Benedict's street E. W. Hardy (T.F.) & Rev. C. Manning M ..A. (T.F)
Snlrhers' & Sailors' Home (Mrs. E. R. Jump, lady Companies :-.A, Capt. S. D. Page; B, Capt. W. H. M.
~nperintPndent), I Tombland Andrews & C, Capt. R. W. Rudd; Color-Sergt.-In·
structor C. E. "Medlicott & Sergt.-Major W. Hem-
MILITARY. mings, drill instructors
ROYAL ENGINEERS. 6th (Cyclist) Battalion Norfolk Regiment; head quarters,
Cattle Market street. Staff ~-Commandin~r, Lieut.-
Office, Cavalrv Barracks, Mousehold Heath.
• Col. B. H. L. Prior; Major, F. S. Ayre; Adjutant,
Division Officer, Capt. E. J. Bone Capt. F. Higson; Quarter-Master, Hon. Lieut. E. W.
Norwich is included in the Eastern Command. V. Moss; Chaplain, Rev. G. F. Packer (T.F)
Head quarters, Horse Guards, Whitehall, London S W Companies :-A, Capt. W. E. Salter & H, Capt. H. S.
It is also comprised within No. 9 Military District. Tunbridge; Sergt.-Major Charles H. Vincent, instrctr
Hea-d quarters, Warley, Essex.
Regimental District No. g. ARMY MEDICAL CORPS.
The Norfolk Regiment comprises the Ist & 2nd Bat- Head Quarters, Bethel street.
talions (gth Foot) & the 3rd Battalion (Special Re- Commanding, Surgeon-Lieut.-C::ol. J. H. Stacy; Major,
serve) G. B. 'Masson; Captain, J. M. G. Bremner; Quarter-
Depot, Barracks, Mousehold Heath Mast-er, Hon. Lieut. R. S. Masson; Chaplain, Rev.
Commanding Depot, Capt. W. F. L. Gordon J. C. Titcombe (T.F.); Transport Officer, Hon. Lieut.
Norfolk Regiment (3rd) (Special Reserve) Battalion; E. J. Edwards;. Instructor, Sergt.-Major Jas. Connell
head quarters, Britannia barracks, Mousehold; Com-
manding, Lieut.-Col. W. Corrie-Tonge D.S.O.;
Majors, A. ~ Baillie & H. F. Langton; Adjutant,
Lieut. R. D. Marshal!; Quarter-Master, Hon. Capt. He!ld Quarters, Royal Norfolk Veterans' Association, 2
P. Coh{an Clement court, Redwell street.
:Barracks (Cavalry), Pockthorpe, F. Eade, barrack Commandant, Lieut.-Col. Driscoll D.S . .A. late Driscoll's
warden Scouts
-~RMY SERVI,CE CORPS, A Squadron, :Norfolk Command
I I Britannia road. Hon. Squadron Leader, Capt. Viscount Coke, Scots
Commanding, Capt. W. H. Barton Guards
Squadron Leader, Lieut. R. C. 0. Crosskill
TERRITORIAL FORCE. Medical Officer, Lieut. Dartell M.D
Squadron Sergt.-Major & Instructor of Musketry, Sergt.·
Norfolk TPrritorial Force Association. 'Major T. M. Pratt
President, Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G., A.D.C. Sqc.adron Quarter-Master-Ser~t. A. Ed1'1'ards
4th Battn. Norfolk Regt. (Lord Lieutenant)
Chairman, Major Rt. Hon. A. E. Fellowes K.C.V.O., ' COUNTY OFFICIALS.
D.L. late 3rd Battn. Norfolk Regt Clerk of the Peace for the County & to the Norfolk
·Vice-Chairman, Lieut.-Col. G. F. Buxton D.L., V.D. County Council, Geo. Christopher Davies, Shire house
Norfolk Yeomanrv •
Clerk to the Visiting Justices of the County Asylum,
Secretary, Capt. C. C. 0. Gascoigne, 2I Tombland. Thorpe, Peter Edward Hansell, 72 The Close
T A ''Territorial, Norwich" Coroner for the County of Norfolk (Norwich District),
For names- of Members & Units administered, !!ee the Henry Read Culley, r2 Bank street; deputy, Charles
Preliminar-v Section of the Directory. Blackwell Foster, 2 Upper King street
County Accountant, Horace Chas. Bolingbroke, Shire ho 1901 Alfd. Edwd.Humphreys M.A.Stonebridge,Willesden
County Analysts, Francis Sutton F.O.S., F.I.O. &; W. 1902 Wm. Cowper Johnson M.A. Yaxham,East Dereham
Lincolne Sutton F.I.C. 3 Redwell ~treet 1902 Henry James Lawes Arnold M.A. North Creake,
County Surveyor, Thomas Hind Blumer He slop "M. Inst. Fakenham
C.E. Shire house 1902 Michl. Marlow Umfreville Wilkinson M.A.Reepham
Deputy Clerk to the County Council & Clerk to the 1905 John Wakefield Willink ~LA. Birmingham
Diseases of Animals Committee & Old Age Pensions 1906 Richard Abbay M.A. Earl Soha:rn,
Committee, Hugh Christopher Davies, The Shire house 1906 John Still M. A. Hethersett
Estate Agent & Assistant Clerk to the Small Holdings 1907 Andrew J ohnston Hunter M.A. Swan ton Morley
& Allotments Committee, D. C. Barnard B.A., LL.B.~ rgo8 Ernest Scott Fardell M . .A. Wreningham
P.A.S.I. Shire house 1909 Arthur Charles Wodehouse Upcher M.A. Ring ham,
Lady Inspector of Midwives for the County Council, Mis11 Attleborough
F. M. Bernard-Boyce M.R.B.U.A., L.O.S. Shire house 1910 Rowland Vectis Earlier M.A. Henstead Hall,
Medical Officer of Health to the County Council, James Wrentham
Thomas Charles Nash M.D., C.M.Edin., D.P.H.Camb. 1911 Maurice Byles CoweU M.A. Ash Backing, Ipswich
Shire house; Assistants, Neil Camp bell M. B., C.M. 1912 Arthur John Spencer M.A. Drayton
Glas., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng.; David McLeish M.A.6 Minor Canons.
M.D., Ch.B.Glas., D.P.H.Edin. & Glas. Shire house &j Reginald Fleming Rynd M.A., B.D. (Precentor), 56 The
Cresswell Burrows M.A., M.D., B.C.Camb.King's Lynn
Close, Norwich
Veterinary Inspector under the Diseases of Animals Acts William Hesmondhalgh M.A. (Sacrist), 31 The Close,
for No. 1 District, Harry Vincent Low M.~.C.V.S. I:l
St. Giles street
rgo9 Chancellor of the Diocese, The Worshipful Fredk.
Keppel North LL.B. Rougham hall, Swaffham
Acting Under Sheriff for the County, Chas. Blackwell
Foster, 2 Upper King street Bishop's Examining Chaplains.
Chief Constable, Major Egbert Napier, Castle meadow Rev. Waiter Langley Edward Parsons M.A. Roseby,
Clerk to the Justices for the Division of Swainsthorpe & Doncaster
Taverham, Clerk to the Henstead Union & Clerk to the Rev. Henry Craven Ord Lanchester M.A. Sall, Norwich
Commissioners of Taxes for the Henstead District, Rev. Richard Henry Maiden M.A. 44 Hyde terrace,Leeds
William Ernes£ Ripley, 6 Tombland RPv. John Ralph Strickland Taylor M.A. Ridley hall,
Clerk to the Income & Land Tax Commissioners of Cambridge
Norwich City• & Clerk to the Trustees of Great
Ho>~pital Charity, L. K Rolingbroke, 29 Tombland
Bishop's Secretary, Leonard G. Bolingbroke esq. Th&
Clerk to the Trmtees of the Norwich Consolidated Close, Norwich
Charities & the Norwich Town Close Estate Charity, Domestic Chaplain, Rev. T. J. Perowne M.A
Sydney Cozens-Hardy LL.B. Castle chambers, Opie st Registrar of the Diocese, Lf¥onard G. Bolingbroke esq.
Income Tax Assessors & Collectors, Henry Howell Algar, The Close
· Robert Nelson, J esse Cantrell Rouse, John Bishop Principal Apparitor, Mr. F. A. Daines '
Grant & Alfred Waiter Fuller, 29 Tom bland; Francis Pluralities Act Commis!llioners.
Welby Spalding, 8 Elm hill & Robert Crickmore Ell- For bean & Chapter, Canon Nicolal'! Parker Gepp,
wood, rB Haymarket Northwold, Stoke Ferry
Sheriff's Officer, Thomas Wallace, 3 Prince of Wales rd For .A.rchdeaconrv

of Norwich, Canon Arthur John
South Walsham Drainage Commissioners, John Empson Spencer, Rector of Drayton-with-Hellesdon, Norwich
Toplis Pollard, clerk. 17 Prince of Wales T"Oad For Archdeaconry of Norfolk, Rev. Canon Wm. Cowper
Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, Harry Pearce Gould, 8 Johnson, Rector of Yaxham
Upper King street For Archdeaconry of Lynn, Rev. Reginald Smith M.A.
Vicar of Walpole St. Andre'W
THE DIOCESE OF NORWICH. For Archdeaconry of Suffolk, Rev. Henry Woodrooffe
1910 Bi~hop, The Right Rev. Bertram Pollock D.D., Beauchamp M.A. Rector of Copdock
C.V.O. The Palace Surveyors of Ecclesiastical Dilapidations.
Suffragan Bishop. 1885 Herbert John Green esq. 31 Castle meadow,Norwich
1903 The Right Rev. John Philips Allcot Bowers D.D. r885 Edward Fernley Bisshopp esq. Museum st. Ipswich
Bishop of Thetford, The Close r88g Arthur John Lacey esq. 6 Upp~>r King st. ~orwich
Dean. Chapter Clerk, Leanard G. Bolingbroke, The Close
19rr The Very Rev. Henry Charles Beeching D.D., Organist, Frank Bates, Mus.Doc. 6 The Close
D.Litt. The Deanerv• Twenty choristers, eight lay clerks
Coroner for the Liberty of the ,Dean & Chapter, Henry
Archdeacons. Jacob Mills, 69 London street; deputy • .John Empson
1901 ~orfolk, The Ven. Sidney Pelham M.A. 18 Chapel Toplis Pollards, Prince of Wale!! road
field, Norwich
1901 Suffolk, The Ven. Charles D'Aguilar Lawrence M.A. Proctors in Convocation. ·
Bealings g-rove, Woodbridge Proctor for the Archdeaconries of Norwich, Norfolk &
1903 Lynn, The Right Rev. John Philips A. Bowers Lynn, Rev. Canon Arthur John Spencer M.A
D.D. Bishop of Thetford, The Close, Norwich Proctor for the Archd~aconry of Suffolk, Rev. R. V.
1910 Norwich, The Ven. Frederick Brooke Westcott Barker M.A
B.D. The Close, Norwich Proctor for the Dean & Chapter of ~orwich, Rev. Canon
W. Hav• M. H. Aitken M.A
rgoo William Hay Macdowall Hunter Aitken M.A. The Archdeaconrv of ~ orwich.
Close, Norwich •
Bishop's Commissary, Ven. Archdeacon Pelham :\LA.
1909 Fredk. Brooke Westcott B.D. The Close, Norwich Official (vacant)
1909 Claude Hermann Waiter Johns D.Litt. St. Registrar, F. R. Eat on, 15 Upper King_ street
Catherine's College, Cambridge
I9IO Th.:> Right Rev. John Philips Allcot Bowers D.D. Archdeaconn of Norfolk.
Bishop of Thetford, The Close, Norwich Bishop's Commissary, Rev. Canon Owen LL.D
Official (vacant)
, Honorary Canons. Registrar, Thomas William Hansell, 72 The Close
1885 William Tate LL.D. Vicarage, Stradbroke, Wick- Deputy Registnr, J_ B. T. Ha1es, 72 The ChJse
ham Market
:7;892 Frederick Blackett De Chair M.A. 128 Newmarket Archdeaconry of Lynn.
road, Norwich Bishop'!i Commissary, Rev. A. H. Hayes
1893 John Smith Owen LL.D. Wittun, North Walt~ham Official (vacant)
1895 Augustus Jessopp D.D. The Chantry, Norwich Registrar, T. W. Hansell
1898 John Blake-Humfrey M.A. The Redory, Dunham Archdeacon ry .of Suffolk.
Magna, Swaffham Bishop's Commissary, Rev. Canon H. Thompson B.A
1898 Henry Thompson B.A. 68 Mill Hill road, Norwich Official (vacant)
'IBg8 Granville Vincent Vickers Smith ~LA. Little Fran- Regi!itrar, C. R. Steward, Ipswich
sham, East Dereham
'1899 John Gurney Hoare M.A. Aylsham ' Proctors in the Con.sistory Court, F. R. Eaton, 15 Upper
r899 Nicolas Parker Gepp M.A. North-wold, Stoke Ferry King l!ltreet ; Thomas William Hansell, 72 The Close;
r8gg James Percy Garrick M.A. Blofield, Norwich John Baseley Tooke Hales, 72 The Close & Russell
19or Wm. Melville Pigot M.A. St.Mary-le-Tower,lpswch Godfrev,. Steward, 6 Tombland

SURROGATES. St. Benedict (V.), St. Benedict's street; Rev. J osiah

Archdeaconry of Norwich. Wedgwood; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m
St. Clement's (R. ), Colegate street; Rev. Joseph Russell
Rev. C. W. H. Baker, Norwich
Howden B.D.; sunday, 8 & 11 a.m. & 7 p.m
:Rev. R. S. Blofeld, Sparham
St. Edmund (R.), Fishergate; Rev. Joseph Russell
Rev. W. F. Crewe, Norwich
Ho"Wden B.D.; sunday, 7.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Rev. W. B. S. Dalby, Kelling
St. Etheldred (V.), King street; Rev. Edward Bur-
Rev. T. H. C. Day, Aylsham
roughes Pearse M.A. ; 8 & n a.m. & 7 p.m. ; week
Rev. Canon F. B. De Chair, Norwich
days, according to notice
W. P. Eversley esq. M.A. Norwich
St. George's, Colegate (V.), Colegate st.; Rev. William
Rev. W. F. T. Hamilton, Cromer
Cooke .Matthews; u a.m. & 7 p.m. ; saints' days, I I
Rev. W. M. Hobson, Ridlington
Rev. Canon J. Gurney Ho~re, Aylsham a.m
St. George Tombland (V.), Tombland; Rev. Waiter
Rev. H. W. Koblich, East Carleton
Rev. W. T. Moore, Ormesby Francis Urewe; 8 & 11 a. m. & 3.30 & 7 p.m.; daily,
Rev. C. B. Nash, Watton 7- IS & 7·45 a. m. & 5-30 p.m
St. uiles (V.), St. Giles street; Rev. J. A. Lloyd M.A. ;
Rev. A. W. L. Rivett, Clippesby George Jarratt, parish clerk; I I a.m. & 7 p.m
St. Gregory (V.), Potter gate street; Rev. Charles
Archdeaconry of N oriolk.. Benjamin Pritchard Ramsay B.A. ; R. Pummell, parish
Rev. Canon H. J. L. Arnold, North Creake clerk; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. ;. alternate sundays, 8 a.m
Rev. B. G. Barnard-Smith, Culton Colvile St. Helen (V.), Bishopgate street; Rev. Harry William
Rev. S. Fellows, Pulham St. Mary MagdaJ.en Koblich; 10.45 a. m. & 7 p.m.; wed. & fri. 12 noon
Rev. E. S. Gamier, Quidenham St. James (V.) with Pockthorpe, Cowgate street; Rev.
Rev. C. U. Manning, Diss Charles Edward Osborne Griffith M.A.; Rev. John
Rev. Canon J. S. Owen, Witton, North Walsham (Com- Henry Baily, curate ; John Clarke, parish clerk; 8 &
missary) I I a. m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; H.C. 8 a.m.; holy days, 6-45
Rev. A. T. J. Thackeray, Norton Subconrse a.m.; wed. & fri. 10.15 a.m. & 8 p.m
Rev. M. F. Webb, Attleborough St. John Maddermarket (R. ),; Rev.
Rev. C. E. H. Wilford, Hempnall William Busby M.A.; W. Freeman, sexton; 8, 10.15
& II a.m. & 7 p.m.; daily, 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30
Archdeaconry of Lynn. a.m.; thur~. 8 a.m.; fri. 10.15; sat. 7.30 a.m.;
Rev. H. D. Barrett, Hunstanton holy days, 8 a.m
Rev. W. B. S. Dalby, Kellirig St. John the Baptist & All Saints (V.), Lakenham; Rev.
Rev. H. Venn Ellis, Alderton George Charles Wallis; Rev. Ernest Edward John
Rev. Canon H. J. Hare, Docking Martin, curate; I I a.m. & 7 p.m. ; holy communion,
Rev. A. H. Hayes, All Saints, Lynn ISt & 3rd sun. II a.m.; znd & 4th sun. 8 a.m
Rev. W. Irwin, Fakenham St. John de Sepulchre (V.), Ber street; Rev. George
Rev. T. Jervis-Edwards, Downham Market Nicholas Herbert M.A.; I I a.m. & 7 p.m.; children's
Rev. L. B. Radford, Holt service, znd sun. 2.45 p.m. ; H.C. I st, 3rd (8 a.m.) &
Rev. F. Keeling Scott, Swa:ffham sth sun. 8 p.m. & 2nd & 4th, 12.30 p.m.; wed. 8.15
Rev. Canon Granville V. V. Smith, Little Fransharn p.m
Rev. J. P. Watts, Thetford St. John the Baptist, Timber hill (V.), Ber street; Rev.
Rev J. Young, Walsoken Edward Ram Th.A.K.C.L.; James Fenn, par:sh clerk;
8, 10.30 & I I a.m. & 7 p.m.; daily, matins, 7 a.m.;
Archdeaconry of Suffolk holy r;ommunion, 7.30 a.m.; evensong, 6 p.m.; wed.
& sat. 8 p.m
Rev. Canon R. Abbay, Earl Soham
Rev. R. 0. Davies D.D. Kettleburgb St. J ulian (R. ), St. Jnlian's alley, King ,;treet ; Rev.
Rev. R. Denman-Dean, Woodbridge J ohnstone Murray M. A. ; 9 a. m. each sunday .&. 7 p.m.
alternate sundavs
Rev. J. A. Fletcher, Docking •
St. Laurence (R. ), St. Benedict's street; Rev. Charles
Rev. W. E. Fletcher, Ipswich
Brnjamin Pritchard Ramsay B.A..; Mrs. F. H.
Rev. C. M. Gale, Saxmundham
Malster, church attendant; 7 p.m. ; alt. ~un. A a..m
Rev. E. W. Goldsmith, Aldeburgh
St. Luke's District Church, A.ylsham road; Rev. Thomas
Rev. T. Housecroft, Limpenhoe
John Perowne M. A. curate in charge; 11 a. m. & 7
Rev. W. H. E. R. J ervis, Sudbourne
p.m.; wed. 8.15 p.m
Rev. G. Langley, Yarmouth
St. Margaret (R.), St. Benedict's street ; Rev. John
Rev. F. G. Millar, Beccles
Edward Bridgeman Sawbridge M.A.; William Moulam
Rev. E. C. Oaklev, Debenham
• Rix, parish clerk ; 8 & I I a. m. & 7 p .m. ; wed. 7.30
Rev. G. F. Packer, Bungay
Rev. T. F. Pat.erson, East Bergholt
Rev. F. A. Phillips, Gorleston St. Martin-at-Oak (V.), Oak street; Rev. Rober\
Middleton; 11 a. m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Rev. Canon W. M. Pigot, Ipswich
Rev. J. H. Pilkington, Framlingham St. Martin-at-Palace (V.), Palace plain; Rev. Reginald
Waiter Longley B. A. ; J. R. Cushion, parish clerk; 8
Rev. J. F. S. Pritchitt, Eye
~ 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m.; week days, even-
Rev. W. M. Smith, Geldeston
R~v. A. J. Spencer, Drayton
mg prayer, 7.30
Rev. C. H. Sntton, Southwold St. Mary Magdalene's, Silver road; Rev. Alfred Hitch
Rev. Canon W. Tate LL.D. Stradbroke Ellis B.A. ; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ; H.C. saints'
days, 8 a.m
Rev. H. Thompson, Norwich
Rev. A. R. Upcher, Halesworth St. Mary in the :Marsh (V.), St. Luke's Chapel in the
Rev. J. C. Vawdrey, King's Lynn Cathedral; services conducted bv• the minor canons;
Rev. W. H. Williamson, Ipswich 6.15 p.m.; H.C. 8 a.m. Ist sun. in month & saints'
days, 11 a.m
St. Mary the Virgin's (V.), St. Mary's plain; Rev. John
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Herbert Griffiths M.A
Cathedral Church of the Holy & Undivided Trinity; 8 & St. Michael & All Angels' or St. Michael-at-Coslany (R. ),
11 a.m. & 3.30 p.m.; nave service, 7-30 p.m.; daily, Coslany streBt; Rev. Robert ·Middleton; Alfred Lowe,
10 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; sat. 3 p.m parish clerk; I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m
St. Michael-a t-Plea (R. ), Queen street ; Rev. Charles
CHURCHES & EPISCOPAL CHAPELS. William Heathcote Baker B.A.; 8 & ILIS a.m. & 7
(R.) signifies Rectory ; (V.) Vicarage. p.m. ; tues. & thurs. 7.30; daily, Io a.m. & 6 p.m
All Saints (R.), with St. Julian's, Westlegate st.; Rev. St. Michael-at-Thorn (V.), Ber street; Rev. James Parks
Johnstone Murray M . .A. rector; 8 a. m. each sunday & M.A.; Robert .Abbott, sexton; 8 & 11 a.m. & 7 p.m
7 p.m. alternate sundays St. Michael-at-Plea (R. ), Queen street; Rev. Charles
St. Alban's Temporary (V.), Rev. George Chas. Wallis; Blackman; Rev. Henry Maurice Daniels Th.A.K.C.
8 & I I a.m. & 7 p.m curate; William BarkeT, parish clerk; I I a. m.& 7 p.m
St. Andre'W (V.), St. Andrew street; Rev. Geo. Wallace St. Paul's Mission Ohur~h, Magdalen road; servBd by
Briggs M.A. vicar; Rev. William Arthur Briggs M . .A. the clergy of St. Paul's; sunday, 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
curate; Sergt.-Major C. C. Goose, verger; 8 & u a. m. St. Peter Hungate (R. ), Elm hill; Rev. Charles William
& 7 p.m. ; thurs. I I a.m. ; "!!aints' days, 8 a.m Heathcote Baker B . .A. ; used for occasional services
St. Augustine (R.), St. Augustine street; Rev. John &c. ; holy communion last sunday in the month
Herbert Griffiths M ..A.; 8 a.m. 4th sun.; n a.m. &
3 k 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p. m
DlHEC fORY j 1\0RFOLK. ~O.kWICH. 301
St. Peter Mancroft (V.), uppfr Market place; Rev. F. J. Seats.
Meyricli: M.A.; Rev. Hugh Kenneth Johnston Unthank rd.; 10.45 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m 650
Th.A.K.C. curate; Douro Potter, parish cleTk; 8 & I I
a m. &; 3 & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 a..m. & 6 p.m.; saints' Catholic Apostolic, Queen street, Thoma.s Hawkin;
days, 7.30 & n.3o a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. & fri. 12 noon 9·55 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; tues. bhurs. et sat. 4·55
St. Peter Parmentergate (R.), King street; Rev. p.m .•~ wed. & fri. IO a.m ...... ...... ............ ...... roo
J oseyh Simpson Poole M.A. ; Rev. Arthur John Congregational.
Andrews, curate; Hen:cy John Hopper, caretaker; 8 &
I I a..m. & 3 & 7 p.m
Chapelfield (The Chapel-in-the-Field), Rev. Alex-
St. Saviour (V.), Magdalen street; Rev. David Wash- ander J. Pearse M.A.; I0.45 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.;
bourne Money M.A. ; B & I I a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 wed. 7·45 p.m .............................................. Bso
p.m.; fri. Io.3o a.m Eat on, Church lane; 6.45 p.m ............ ............... I So
St. Stephen (V.), Rampant Horse stre-et; Rev. Waiter Magdalen road, Rev. T. Sinclair Phillips; Rev.
Giles Morgan M. A. ; H. Nichols, parish clerk; B & I I Joseph Howard Fry, assistant; II a.m. & 3 &
a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m 6.45 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m .............................. ... 900
Christchurch (V.), New Catton; Rev. Waiter Samuel Princes street, Rev. William Griffith Jenkins B.A.;
Wright M.A.; Rev. Gilbert Francis Hill, curate; I I I0.45 a.m. & 3 & 6.45 p.m.; man. 7.30 p.m...... r,ooo
a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m Old Meeting House, Colegate »treet, Rev. John
Holy Trinity, South Heigham (R.), Essex street; Rev. James Brooker; I0-45 a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; wed.
.Arthur Crompton Moore M.A. ; Rev. Conrad Douglas 8 p. m . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6o
Richard Oakeley Bankes B.A. & Rev. John Frederick Trowse, Rev. John Fulton................................. 30:.
Hughes B.A. curates; John H. Sheppard, parish
clerk; 8 & I I a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; wed. & fri. I I a. m. & Countess of Huntingdon Tabernacle, Bishopgate
wed. 8 p.m. ; fri. I 1.30 a.m. ; saints' days, I I a. m. ; street; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p. m. ; thurs. 7 p.m... 500
H.C. every sunday
St. Andrew's (V.), Eaton; Right Rev. Nathaniel Temple Friends' Meeting House, Upper Goat lane; 10.45
Hamlyn D.D.; Rev. George Herbert Hewison M.A. a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m ...... ..................... 400
Jews' Synagogue, Synagogue street, Rev. Herbert
curate; Arthur Bidewell, sexton; 8 & 11 a. m. & 6.30
p.m Abrahams, rabbi; sat. 9.15 to 10.45 a.m.; fri. 7
St. Barnabas (V.), Russell street, North Heigha.m; Rev. to 7.30 p.m .................................................. .
Charle-s Compton Lanchester M.A. ; Rev. Samuel Latter Day Saints, St. Stephen's street; 2.30 &
6.30 p.m ...................................................... .
Frederick Leighton Green, curate; 8 (H.C.) & 10.30
New Ohurch, Park lane, Rev:. George Waiter Bayn-
a.m. & 2.45 & 7 p.m
St. J3artholomew (R. ), Heigham; Rev. David Witts ham, minister; 10-45 a.m. & 6.45 p.m :........... 120
Mountfield M.A.; James Ransome, parish clerk; 8 & Plymouth Brethren.
I I a.m. & 3.15 & 7 p.m.; tues. & thurs. 7 a.m. & Timber Hill; n a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m ...... 120
8 p.m. daily · Wensum street, u a.m. & 3 i!i.. 7 p.m.; mon. &
St. Leonard's, Ketts hill; served by the clergy of St. thurs. 8 p.m ............... ......................... a ........ .
Matthew's; 7.30 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; fri. 7 a.m
St. Mark (V.), New Lakenham; Rev. John Huxley M.A.; Primitive Methodist.
Rev. George Henry Round-Turner & Rev. Montague Fil'llt Circuit.
Calverley_ Wallis L.Th. curates; 8 & I I a.m. & 3 & 7 Rev. FredeTick Claude Challice
p.m.; daily, 7·30 & 10 a.m. & 8 p.m.; wed. & fri. 11 Queen's road; 10.45 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; tnes.
a.m. & 8 p.m 8 p.m......... ....................................... ............. 750
St. Mary (V.), Earlham; Rev. Thomas Temple Brown Second Circuit.
B.A.; Alfd. H. Bone, parish clerk; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m
St. Matthew (V.), Thorpe Hamlet; Rev. Evan C. Morgan Rev. Alfred Ernest Calvert (supt.) & Rev. G. H.
M . .A.; Rev. George Sumner Hand M.A. curate; J. Smith; Rev. Aaron Smith, supernumerary
Jay, parish clerk; 8 & n a. m. & 3 & 7 p.m.; wed. & Dereham road, IO. 30 a.m. & 5 & 6. 30 p .m. ; thurs.
fri. I I. 30 a. m. ; daily (except wed.), g. 30 a.m. i wed. 7-30 p.m ······················································
6 p.m
Cowgate street, 10.45 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; tues.
7·45 p.m ... ..................... ............ ......... ......... 200
St. Philip, Heigham (V.), Heigbam road; Rev. Bernard
Maha!l; Rev. Robert Jack Hitchcock B.A. curate; D. Nelson street, North Heigham, I0.45 a.m. & 6.30
p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m ..................................... 250
Cullum, parish clerk; 8 & II a. m. & 7 p.m.; daily,
9 or I I a.m. & 7.30 p.m Third Circuit.
St. Swithin (R.), St. Benedict's street; Rev. John Rev. Albert Lowe
Edward Bridgeman Sawbridge M.A. ; 9.30 a.m. choral Scott Memorial, Thorpe road, Thorpe Hamlet,
encharist; 3 p. m. children's service 10.45 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 8 p.m .. .
St. Thomas, Heigham (V.), Earlham road; Rev. Charles Sprowston road, 10-45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m ............ 150
William Claridge; Rev. Harold Priestland B. A. curate; Undenominational.
8 & 10.45 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m
Christ Church, Eaton (V.), Mile End road; Right Rev. Surrey chapel, Surrey street, Rev. David Morrison
Nathaniel Temple Hamlyn D.D. ; I I a.m. & 3.30 & Panton; 10.45 a. m. & 6.45 p.m. ; tues. & thurs.
6.30 p.m.; 7.30 I?·m. alternate wed 7 ·45 p.m ............ ••····••• ••• •••••• •............... ••••••••• I,OOO
St. John the Bapt1st Catholic Church, Unthank road; Unitarian. •
Very Rev. Canon Thomas Fitzgerald M.R. Rev. Henry
G. Hughes & Rev. Hugh Parker, priests; mass, 8, 9.30 Colegate 11treet (Octagon), Rev. Mortimer Rowe
B.A. ; I I a.m. & 6.45 p.m .............................. soo
& I I a.m. ; vespers & benediction, 7 p.m.; mass, sun-
days, 8, 9.30 & I I a..m.; week days, 7.30 et 9 a.m.; United Methodist.
wed. benediction, 8 p.m Seats.
St. George's Catholic Church, Fishergate; Rev. Edward Calv€rt street, I0-45 a.m. & Rev. A. Bromley
Scott; mass, daily 8 a. m. ; sunda.y, 8.30 & 10 a. m. ; 6.45 p. m ........................... . 900 (supt. ); Rev. Frank
confession & benediction, 7 p.m Chapel Field road, 10.45 a. m.& Hanesworth & Rev.
Seats. 6-45 p.m .......... ................ . goo George Langley ;
Trinity Presbyterian Church of England, Theatre Rosebery road, 10.45 a.m. & Rev.W.R. Tungate,
street, Rev. John Paul Glen; II a..m. & 7 p.m.; 6.45 p.m. ........................ . 400 supernumerary
wed. 7.30 p.m................................................... 750
Wesleyan Methodist.
Baptist. Norwich, North Walsham k Cromer Mission.
Dereham road, Rev. Joseph B. Payne; 10.45 a.m. Ber st., 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; l
& 6-45 p.m ··························· ························
Gild en croft (vacant); Io.3o a. m. & 6. 30 p.m ......
wed. 7.30 p.m ................... 400 I Rev. Henry Curnow
Lady's lane, 10.45 a.m. & 6.45 ~ (s~p~.), Rev. C~rles
Orford Hill, Timber Hill (Strict), Rev. Charles A. p.m.; wed. 7 p.m ................ 900 , WIIharn Martm &
Guy; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; man. & thurs. Park lane, 10.45 a.m. & 6.45 I Rev. Henry Fytche
8 p.m...... ...................... .................................. 6oo p.m.; wed. 8 p.m ............... 400)
Pitt street (Providence); 10.45 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. i
wed. 7-45 p.m ................................................ . Wesleyan Reform. Seats.
St. Mary's, St. Mary's plain, Rev. John Glynn Belvoir street, Rev. George E. Stone; 10.45 a. m. &
Edwards B.A.; 10.45 a. m. & 6.45 p.m.; wed. 8 6.30 p.m. ; mon. 8 p.m ................................. ~oo
p.m ...................... ............................ ............. 8()()
Spring road, Rev. G. H. Bebb; II a.m.& 6.45 p.m 500 Salvation .!.rmy Citadel, St. Giles street ............... 1,500
MISSION ROOMS. the original cost was about £14,000. The sitP of xi
Christ Church, Millers lane, 7 p.m.; toes. 8 p.m acres was presented by the Ecclesiastical Commis-
City Mission Room, Cowgate street, 3 & 7 p.m. ; tue~. sioners, & an additional i acre was acquired for
& sat. 8 p.m future extension. The college is intended for 63 resi-
City ~is.; ion Room, 78 Essex street, 3 & 7 p.m. ; tues. dent students, besides the staff: there are now ( 1912)
8 p.m also about 30 day students. The ground floor includes
City Mission, Suffolk street, South Heigham, 3 & 7 a recreation room, lecture halls, science room &
p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m dining hall. The .chapel, de11igned by the late Mr.
Congregational, Old Lakeuham G. F. Bodley R.A. has been dedicated as the Hinds
Eaton Parish Room, Colman road, I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m Howell memorial chapel of ·St. Etheldreda. At the
Friends' Class & .Mission Room, 24 Pottergate street south front are the recreation lawn, tennis courts
Gildencroft Meeting House, St. Martin"s hme & garden. The college is maintained by grants from
Gospel, Dereham road, I I a.m. & 3 & 7 p.m. ~ tues. ~ the Whitehall Board of Education & by voluntary
thurs. 8 p.m contributions. The two dioceses of Norwioh & Ely
Holy Trinity, Union street, 7 p.m. ; tues. 8 p.m have equal rights on the governing body, & the Lord
International Bible Students' Meeting Room,. 41 Ex- Bishop of Norwich is visitor; the secretary, principal
change street; sun. 3 p.m. & 6.45 p.m. i wed. 8 p.m & chaplain ia the Rev. J. Addison Hannah M.A
Memorial Hall, Chantry road, served by the clergy of City of Norwich Technical Institute, in St. George street,
St. Peter Mancroft; tues. 8 p.m was erected in 18gg, from the designs of Mr. Arthur
Philadelphia lane, ~ew Catton, 7 p.m E. C<Jllins, city architect, & Mr. W. Douglas Wiles, at
Priory, St. Stephen's Church lane, 7 p.m.; tues. 7·45 p.m a cost of £22,ooo, exclusive or the site, which was
Rackham road, Catton, 7 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m Corporation property : it is a structure of re-d brick,
Railway, Blackhorse 8treet, 7 p.m with mouldings &c. of Cosseyware, and a portico of
Railway, Prince of Wales road, 7 p.m stone. The School of ..!.Tt is held on the top iioor.
St. Katherine's, Aylsham road, 8 a.m. & 7 p.m The two schools are attended by 8 ro students
St. ~lark's, Trafalgar street The ~orfolk & Norwich School of Cooking ill in Colegate
St. Matthew's, Kett's hill ~treet; imtruction is given in cookery, household
St. Miles', St. Miles' alley management, & also in dressmaking & laundry work,
St. Thomas, Earlham road working in con.nection with the County C<Juncil
South Heigham, Parochial Hall, Essex street Technical Education Committee; Miss Jane Elizabeth
Southwell road, Crow street, New Lakenham Borrett, lady superintendent
The Dean & Chapter's Choir School, The Close, occupies
the angle between the nave of the cathPdral & the
PUBLIC SCHOOLS. western buildings of the cloister; J oseph Henry .Brock-
bank, master
King Edward the Sixth's Grammar School, situated west
of the cathedral, was refounded in 1547, & at first The Blind Asylum & Schools in Magda1en street was
governed by the- mayor & aldermen of the city~ by a founded in 1805 in premisss presented for that purpose
decree of the Court of Chancery in 1858, the school by Thos. Tawell esq. & at fir,yt limited to the reception
was placed under the management of 16 trustees or of the indigent blind of the city of Norwich & county
governors, but in 1886 a new scheme for the adminis- of Norfolk, but In r8o8 the institution was opened to
tration of the school was framed by the Charity the whole kingdom ; new premises were erected in
Commissioners under the provisions of the Endowed r89g-go, in the Jacobean Renaissance style, from deS'igna
Schools Acts : it is now a secondary school, managed bv

Mr. E. Boardman, architect, on the site of the old
by a board of governors, of which Right Hon. James building, at a cost of about £6,ooo, of which amount
Stuart P.C. i.s now chairman: the school room wa.s £2,500 was bequeathed by the late Miss Weston; the
formerly the chapel of a college of Carnary priests, school has been certified under the "Local Government
founded by Bishop Salmon (1299-1305), & consists of Board Act" (25th & 26th Vie. c. 43), & at the close of
four bays, lighted by large traceried windows ; below the year 19II there were in the asylum or on the
is a crypt, with circular cusped openings a11 windows, books 56 inmates; John B. Clements, sec. & superin-
& now used as a gymnasium; on the north are tendent; Mrs. Clements, matron
dormitories, i!tudies, dining hall & library: seven Norman's Endowed School, Cowgate street, founded by
new & modern class rooms were erected in rgo8 at a Alderman Norman in 1723 for tht~ sons of persons
cost of £7,000: there are also three fives courts: at- related to himself or his first wife, & endowed with
tached to the Grammar school are two Parker exhibitions over [1,ooo a year, provides for the education of 85
of [24 & £r8 a year respectively & tenable at Corpu~ scholars. of the founder's kin; the present school was
Chnsti college, Cambridge; there is also an annual erected in 1839, for 85 boys; average attendance, 84;
leaving exhibition of [3o, tenable at the universitills, John William Howes,. master
ur' at such other place of education as may be appro;ted
by the governors : numerous prizes are provided from Convent of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Surrey street
the endowments, Ol' presented by penefactors & are •
awarded yearly at Midsummer: there are no.w (1912) "'COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATION COMMITIEE.
roo boys, including 30 boardsrs: at the Grammar
school many distinguished persons received their edu- Shire house.
cation, & amongst "others Archbishops Parker & Tenison, Secretary,_ ',l'homas A. Cox
the late Sir J arnes Brooke, R~cJ.jah of Sara,wak, & the A!lsistant Secretary,. Alfred E. !kin B.Sc., LL.13
illustrious hero, Horatio Viscount Nelson, ta whose Accountant, G. H. G. More
memory a statue has been placed in the Upper close, Assi~tant Medical Officers, Niel Campbell M.B., C.M.
facing the portico of the school; Rev. William Glas., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng. David James McLeish
Frederick Brown M.A. master; Rev. Henry Johnson M.A., M.D., Ch.B.Glas., D.P.H.Edin. & Glas. &
JI.Sc. William James Blake M.A. Rev. Henry Douglas Cresswell Burrows M.A., M.D., }J.C.Camb
Liddell B.A. Otto Glauert B.A. Frederick Charles Building Inspector, C. W. Bullen
Oakley B.A. James Robert Sanderson B.A. assistant County Inspector, A. E. Deeks
masters; drawing master, Edward Minns; music
master, Frank Bates Muc.Doc. ; Walten E. Han!!ell, NORWICH EDUCATION COMMITT}:E,
clerk to the governors. The Closa
The Middle School of King Edward VI. formerly in St. Guildhall, Norwich.
George str~et, founded in 1547, & reorganised in The Committee consists of 2I members; meetings, man-
1862 by the Master of the Rolls, is in Eaton road, & day week preceding the Council meeting.
under the control of the local education authority; Clerk, Arnold Henry Miller
the building, completed in 191 r, was erected at a Accountant, A. F. Gentry F. S.A.A. city accountant
cost of [3g,ooo, & stands in grounds of 14 acres: Organiser of Higher Edncatir,n, H. Ramage M.A
there are now (1912) nearly 450 boys; William Robert Organiser of Elementary Education, Daniel 0. Holme
Gurley M . .!.. head master, with 22 assistant masters Inspector~ of Elementary Schools, R. F. Betts B. Se. ~
The Norwich & Ely Diocesan Training O>llege for School- John Beattie, Castle chambers, Opie street
mistressss, originally founded in 1839 in the Cathedra.l Cbief Attendance Officer, Joseph W. Wilkinson
close, wu from 1853 till 1892 carried on in St. Geo-rge's Industrial Schools Officer, George Dewing _
plain, when the present exte~sive structure, on College School Attendance Office::-s, Arthur Williams, u6 Hall
road. tletween the Earlham and Unthank roads, was road; Robert Spratt, 4 Trafford road; H. G. Rudd,
Upt!ned. These buildings are from designs by Messrt!. 24 Wingfield road; Walter Grimes, 84 Sprowston rd.;
Oliver & Leeson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Including the W. Spalding, 64 Connaught road & Mr. E. W. Spink!,
adjacent practising schools, for girls & for infants, St. Giles' School house, Chapel Field road
SECONDARY ScHOOLs. Aver- St. John De Sepulchre (junior & infants), Mariners' lane,
age erected in 1862, enlarged in 1891, for o177 juniors &
Accom. attend· 134 infants; average attendance, 122 juniors & 6o
a nee. infants; Miss Preston, mistress; Miss E. M. Randle-
City of Norwich School :- some, infants' mistress
Municipal Secondary, Boys o 4 o o o I • I I I •• I I I 1 o 1
St. Mark's, Hall road, Lakenham, built for 452 boy.,, 221
, , Girls I I I I I I I I I 0 I I I I o o I I 300 girls & 368 infants; average attendance, 369 boys, 201
girls & 314 infants; Joseph Edward Dee, master; Miss
ELEMENTARY PRovniED ScHooLs. M. ~I. Rowling, mistress; Miss K. M. A very, junior
Head Teachers. girls' & infants' mistress
Angel road:- St. Martin-at-Palace (mixed), Bishopgate street, built for
Boys ... ., .......... . B. H. Barber .............. . 143 children; average attendance, 100; Miss J. Laurie,
Infants ........... . ''. , o·lX .......... ..... .
. . l!ISS U. mistress
Avenue road:- St. :\llilr,~· (girls & i;lfants), Oak street, erected in 1872, for
Mixed . ............ . F. J. Smith ............... . r88 gnls & 207 mfants; average attendance, 190 girls
Infants ........... . Miss C. L. Pvle ......... .. & 182 infants; Miss Harriet Dyball, mistress; Miss E.

Bull Close road : - Barking, infants' mistress
Boys ................ R. \\''ehster ........ ........ . St. Peter Mancruft (boys), Chapelfield East, erected in
Girls ... ........... . Miss H. E. Ho well ..... .. r 876, for 146 boys; average attendance, 128 ; W.
Junior mixed ... . :\fiss S. E. RichPs ...... .. Stott, master
Infants .......... .. Mi~s E. -:\1:. C. :->te1·ens .. . St. Petr.r Parmelllterga te, King street (mixed, & infants'
Carrow hill:- school added in 1892), erected in 1865, for 145 chil-
Boys ............... John Olorensbaw ........ . 277 212 dren & 99 infants; average attendance, 124 mixed &
Girls .. .. .. .. .. . .. . Miss E. Limmer ........ . 22":J 205 86 infants; George Ernest Harris master; Mrs.
('olman road:- Lanrie, infants' mistress '
Junior & Infants Miss F. M. Bales ........ . St. Philip, Paragon street, erected in 1872, for 124 bcys,
Crook's place:- 123 girls & 137 infants; average attendance, 126 boys,
Boys ................. E. Pt:"ake ................... . 125 girls & I34 infants; F . .A.lden, master; Miss L.
Girls ..... ~ ...... ::\1iss Urant ............. .. 314 Spratt, mistress; Miss SticklanB., infants' mistress
Junior mixed .... Miss S. Hook ............ .. 277
St. Saviour (mixed & infants), for 259 children & 268
Infants ......... Miss E. Delves ......... .. 2 99 infants; average attendance, 235 mixed & 233 infants;
Earlham, Lower Hellesdon road : - Percival Looker, ma,;ter; Miss S. E. Durance, mistress
Mixed ............ Miss Editb Lain ....... .. Sprowston, for 212 mixed & 130 infants; average at-
Heigham street : - tendance, r56 mixed & 87 infants; T. Delves, master;
Miss Thrower, mistress
BoJrs ... . .. . .. . .. ... H. '\\". Duffin . . . . . . . ... . ..
Girls ............... l\Iiss H. E. Wersebe ....
182 l College Practising, for 156 girls & 143 infants; average
Junior mixed..... do. .... 280 attendance, 162 girls & 103 infants; Miss .A.. R. West,
Infants ............ Miss C. Wit trick .. .... ... 335 mistress; Miss G. E. Teasdel, infants' mistress
Horn's lane : - St. Stephen (girls & infants), Crook's place, erected in
Girls .. • ...... . .. . .. Miss L. E. Burwood .. .. 200 178 r857, fur 273 children; average attendance, 198; Miss
Junior mixed ... :\-Irs. C. J. Halls........... 265 187
I L. Fraser, mistress
Infants ............. Miss L. A.. Olley ......... 234 t Ea ton (mixed), Eat~n hill, for II~ child_ren; average
Nelson street : - ; attEJndance, 82; M1ss G. M. RoddiCk, m1stress
Boys ............... C. Hub bard ............... . 326 I Catholic, Willow lane, formerly the church of the Holy
334 i Apostles, but. since 1896 adapted to its present use,
Girls ................ ~Iiss L. Ringer ............ . 339 347
Junior mixed ... Mi!1S C. R. Plumsted ... .. 369 320 I & hol~ing 536 children ; average attendance, 142 boys,
Infants ............ :Miss H. Oates ........... .. r 241 gnls & 135 infants; F. J. Green, master; the
439 364
Old Meeting, Calvert street : - i Sisters, mistresses

Infants ............. Miss S. J. Terry ..... , ... 197 133
Philadelphia, Aylsham road:- II NEWSPAPERS &c.
Mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss M. Howard . , ..... . 237
Infants ............. Miss S. A. Saville .... .. -
101 129
! Crumer & North Walsham Post, published friday, The
Prospect row:- I London & Norwich Press :Limited, publishers, 7 St.
Giles street
Infants ............ Miss E. Long ............ . IJ4
Quay side:-
Mixed .............. J. H. Goreham ........... . 57 London street
Eastem Evening News, Norfolk News Co •. Limited, pub·
Special.. .......... Miss N. Burdett ........ .
Rosebery road : - lishers, 57 London street
Eastern Weekly Press, published friday for saturday,
Junior mixed .. . Miss E. Hall ............. .. 223 "Norfolk News Co. Limited, 57 London street
St.. Augustine's : -
Norfolk Chronicle & Norwich Gazette, published friday,
Junior boys ....... T. Bloy ..... , .............. . The London & Norwich .Press Limited, publishers, 7
Girls ............... lVIiss ~I. Gray ........... . St. Giles str~et. See adver~isement
J unwr
. g1r . l s ....... IM.1ss S . Austm . .......... ..
Norfolk News, published saturday, Norfolk News Co.
Infants ....... _ ... :Miss E. Stanley ........ . Limited, 57 London street
St. Paul's, St. Paul's opening : - Norfolk Weekly Standard & Argus, The London & Nor·
Infants ............. :Miss A. H. Bugg ....... .. 201
wic~ Pre~s Limited, publisheril, 7 St. Giles stree~
Surrey street : - Norw1ch D1ocesan Gazette, published monthly, Goose &
Bo~·s ............... R. r.,. Co"·in .............. . 335 281
Son, publishers, 19 Rampant Horse street
Girls .. . .. .. .... .. .. Miss KaU! Goldsmith ... 230 224
Norwich Mercury, published wednesday & friday, Norwich
Infants ............ MissEdithSummerscales 225 1 33
Mercury_ Co. Ltd. publishers, 45 London street. See
The '' George '\\'hite" : - advert•sement
Boys ............... Josiah Thorne .......... .. 384 PeoJ?le's Weekly Journal, published friday moming, Nor-
Uirls ............... Miss Mentha Harcourt ... 384 WICh Mercury Co. Ltd. publishers, 45 London street.
Infants .....·........ Miss L. Richardson ...... 338 See advertisement
Thorpe Hamlet : - Thetford & Watton Standard & Post, published friday,
Boys... . . .. . . . . . . . . . F. G. Warren .... ......... . 436 The London & Norwich Press Limited publishers 7
Girls ............... Miss )lary Harcourt ... .. 434 St. Giles street ' '
Infants ............ Miss 1<'. L. Lock .. , ..... . 32 4
Wl'nsurn View:-
M1xed ...... ........ . J. C. Nutchey ........ , ... 37° 339 RAILWAY STATIONS.
Junior ............. Miss M. Benfield ..... , .. . 108 102
Infants ...... .... .. do. Gre_at :_Ea~tern;. office;;, Thorpe station, G~orge Jes8up,
......... 216 223
d1stnct supermtendent of the Northern d18trict; Wm.
H. Hall, district goods manager; J . .A.. Radley, dis-
trict engineer; William Lincoln, gooc:L! agent; Henry
Model, Prince! street (boys), built in r81~, for 270 boys; Wm. Jackson, ;;tation master, Thorpe; B. G. Weston,
average attendance, 271 ; J oseph Holford, master station master. Victoria
Model, St. Andrew street (girls), built for ~29 girls; Trowse, Great Eastern, Frederick George Alien, station.
average attendance, 221;. Miss Kendrick, mistress master
.St. Giles' (girls),. Chapelfield North, erected in 1863, for Midland & Great Northern Joint, City station, Station
177 girls; average attendance, 144; Miss Cartmell, road, William Curson, station master; good1 1tation.•
mistress Heigbam street, E. E. Philpot, agent
r- •
W .ATER CONVEY.A.J..'VCE. Buckenham (New)-Olley, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St.
A.. B. C. Steamo Ship LinP, H. :Ne1"1"house & Co. Limited, Stephen's road, wed. & sat. 4; Barnard, ' Coach-
A. B. C. wharf, King street; goods forwarded daily makets' Arm!l,' St. Stephen's road, tues. & fri. 3
to Yarmouth; a steamer sails twice weeklv from Yar- Buckenham (Old:· -Olley, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St.
• Stephen's roa;i, 'l'l'ed. & sat. 4
mouth to Hull & from Hull to Yarmouth
Bungay-GardinPr, ' Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4
RAILWAY CARRIERS. 6nrg-h .Aylsbam-Brown, 'Elephant,' ~Iagdalen atreBt,
wed. & fri. 3· 30
Pickfords Ltd. 3 Victoria Hall buildings, St. .Andrew Burlingham-Harrison, 'White Lion,' St. Martin'~
street & 2b, Dereham road Palace plain, mon. wed. & sat. 4
Great Central Railway Co. (Frederick Nicholson, district Buxton-Brown, ' Elephant,' Magdalen st. wed. & fri. 3· 30
agent), Opie street Buxton L<J.mas-Goslin. ' Waggon & Horses,' Tombland,
Great Eastern Railway Co. Parcels Office, 4 St. Giles st
'l'l'ed. & sat. 4
Great Western (Ernest A. Cooke, agent, Eastern Caister-Dade, 'King's Arms,' Ber street, wed. & sat. 4
Counties district agent's office), 67 London street Cantley-Shearing, 'Waggon & Horses,' wed. & sat. 4
London & North Western Railway Co. (Georg-e Ovt>rend Carbrooke-Ruffles, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street,
district traffic agent), 53 London street - '
rnon. wed. & sat. 4.30
Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway Receiving Carleton Forehoe-Ruffles, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel
Office, Orford place (E. E. Philpot, agent) street, mon. wed. & sat. 4.30
CONVEY MIC' E. Catfield-Beavor, '"-'aggon & Horses,' Tombland, mun.
wed. & sat. 4; Wallis, 'Duke's Palace,' daily, 4.30
1\Iotor omnibuses between Norwich Victoria station, Trowse Chedgrave White, 'Lamb,' Havmarket, mon. wed. fri.
station, Thurton & Loddon as under :- •
. & sat. 5

~ ;..,· ...,
0 ...; I...,_
• "'"' Coltisball-J efferies, 'Duke's Palace,' m on. wed. & sat .
- -' - ,-

~ c:j Q:l ,....,
:z; en. 'w 8 4· 30 ; Lloyd, ' George,' Haymarket, m on. wed. fri. &
;:;:Jo 0 a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. sat. 4-30; Marsh. 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland,
Norwich Victoria •tatiou .... dep. 8 10 10 35 2 20 4 45 6 40 7 20 man. wed. & sat. 4
Trowse station. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ~
Gull inn (for the Frarniug·
18, 10 4 ~
~ -
.. 8 4 53 6 ~8 7 28
Colt on J ohnson, 'Fountain,' St. Benedict's street, wed.
hams & Bramerton) .... , . , 3 3~ 11 2 2 4~ 5 1 z 7 7 7 47 & sat. 5
Hellington corner (for Bprgh Costessey-Sparkes, 'Crown,' St. Benedict's street, mon.
Apton & Rockland ::,it. wed. fri. & sat. 4; Harmer, 'Cardinal's Cap,' St.
Mary) .. ................... ,., j 48 11 13 2 58 5 ry"
7 18 7 58
-" Benedict's street, wed. & sat. 5
Thurton ....................... ,, 3 5i 11 .z: 5 32.
l 27 b 7
Loddon ...... , . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . arr. ) 15 11 4C 5 58 7 -l5 b z5 Cranworth-Ruffles, ' Coach & Horses,' Bethel street,
I rnon. wed. & sat. 4.30
• :--:,--:.--'-----c.
~..___~ Cringleford-Balls, ' Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Stephen'~
o- ~
00 r-;:: a: Cl!! ........ coad, mon. wed. fri. & sat. 4-30
::E - m"''- Zoo J" 8
am. a m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
Crostwick J efferies, 'Duke's Palace,' mon. wed. & sat.
4.30; Lloyd, 'George,' Haymarket, mon. wed. fri. &

LO<i<lon ........................ dep. (> 401 q 20 1 3 3o 5 10 6 0

Thurton. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . ,.. 6 58 9 .=8 1 18 3 48 5 z8 6 18 sat. 4.30
Hellington corner (for lJergh Dilham-Barber, 'White Horse,' ::\Iagdalen street, wed.
Apton & St:
Macy).................... ,, 7 I 9 47 1 27 3 57 5 37 6 27 & sat. 3
Gull inn (for the FraminOI'- Ditchingham-Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4
hams & rlramerton l . • . • • • ., 7 1 il 9 5~ I 38 4 8 5 48 6 38 Earsham-Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4
Trowse station.............. ,, 1 37 10 l'j 1 57 4 27 6 7 6 57 East Tuddenham-Carson, 'Fountain,' St. Benedict'!l
Norwich Victoria statiou .... arr. 7 45 10 25 2 5 4 35 6 15 7 5 street, werl. & sat. 5; Howes, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel
street, wed. & sat. 4
Easton-Howes, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, wed.
With their Booking Offices & Days & Times of Leaving. Ea ton-Balls, 'Coachmakers' .Arms,' St. Stephen's road,
Acle Harrison, 'White Lion,' St. Martin's Palace plain, man. wed. fri. & sat. 4.30
mon. 1"1"ed. & sat. 4 p.m Ellingham-G:udiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4 ·
Aid borough (Norfolk)-Massingham, 'Duke's Palace/ Erpingham-Massingham, ' Duke's Palace,' Duk~ street,
wed. & sat. 4.30; Olley, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St. "'ed. & sat. 4-30
Stephen's road, wed. & sat. 4 p.m Felthorpe Sparkes, 'Crown,' St. Benedict's street, mon.
Ashwellthorpe Smith, ' Coachmakers' Arms,' St. wed. fri. & sat. 4; Reeve, 'Duke's Palace,' Duke st.

Stephen's road, wed. & sat. 4.30 mon. wed. & sat. 4-30
.Aylmerton-Massingbam,' Duke's Palace,' wed.& sat.4.30 Forncett St. Peter-Smith, 'Coachmakers' Arm~.' St .
.Aylsham-March, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat. 4.30 Stephen's road, mon. wed. & sat. 4.30; Olley, 'Trowel
Bacton-.Abigail, 'Artichoke,' sat. 1.30 & Hammer,' St. Stephen's road, wed. & sat. 4
Banham-Barnard, 'Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Stephen'll Foxley-Palmer, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat. 5
road, tues. & fri. 3; Olley, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St. Framingham Earl-Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Havmarket,
Stephen'!l road, wed. & sat. 4 daily, 4; White, 'Lamb,' mon. wed. fri. & s~t. 5
Barford-Cullyer, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, tues. Freethorpe-Shearing, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland,
"'l"ed. & aat. 5; Ruffles, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel wed. & sat. 4
street, mon. wed. & sat. 4.30 Fressingfield-Castell, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, sat. 12
Barnham Broom-Norton, 'Cock,' St. Giles,' wed. & sat.s Fritton-Gaoch, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St. Stephen's rd.
Barton Turf-Shepperd, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, man. wed. & sat. 4
mon. wsd. & sat. 4 Fundenhall-Smith, 'Coachmakers' .Arms,' St. Stephen"s
Bawburgh-Ruffles, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, road, wed. & sat. 4.30
man. wed. & sat. 4.30 Garboldisham-Barnard, ' Coachmakers' .A.rms,' St.
Bawdeswell-Palmer, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat. 5 Stephen's road, tues. & fri. 3
. Beccles Cousins, 'George,' Haymarket, wed. 1t sat. 4 Great Ellingham-Ruffles, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel
Beckham (East, & West)-Massingham, 'Duke'B Palace,' street, m on. wed. & sat. 4· 30
wed. & sat. 4· 30 Great Melton-Ruffles, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street,
Bedingham-Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4 mon. wed. & sat. 4.30
Bergh Apt~n-White, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, mon. wed. Gresham-Massingham, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat.4.30
fri. & sat. 5 Hackford-Ruffles, ' Coach & Horses,' Bethel street,
Bessingham-Massingham, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat. man. wed. & sat. 4.30
4-30 Hainford-Goslin, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, wed.
BlofiBld-Clare, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tom bland, wed. & & sat. 4
sat. 4; Harrison, ' White Lion,' St. Martin's Palace Halvergate-Shearing, 'Waggon & Horses.' wed. & sat. 4
plain, mon. wed. & sat. 4 Hardingham-Ruffies, ' Coach & Horses,' Bethel street,
Booton-Reeve, ' Duke's Palace,' Duke street, mon. wed. m on. wed. & sat. 4· 30
& sat. 4.30 Hardwick-Gooch, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St. Stephen's
Braconash-Smith, ' Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Stephen's road, mon. wed. & sat. 4
road, wed. & sat. 4.30; Olley, 'Trowel & Hammer,' H~destone Cas tell, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, sat. 12
St. Stephen's road, wed. & sat. 4 Hedenham-Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4
Bramerton-Hewett, 'King's Arms,' Ber street, wed.· Hethersett-Balls. 'Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Stephen's
& sat. 4 road, mon. wed. fri. & sat. 4.30; Mallows, 'White
Brandon Parva-Norton, 'Cock,' St. Giles', wed. & sat. 5 Hart.' St. Peter's street, mon. wed. & sat. 4; Woolner,
Brooks Drake, 'Star & Crown,' Timber hill, mon. wed. 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, wed. & sat. 5
& sat. 4; Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4
Hevingham-Land, 'Flower-in-Hand,' Pitt street, wed. 1 Rockland-Purdy, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St. Stephen's
& sat. 4.30 road, wed. & sat. 4
Hickling-Wallis, 'Duke's Palace,' daily, 4-30 St. Faith's-:March, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat. 4-30;
Hingham-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, Land, 'Flower-in-Hand,' Pitt street, wed. & sat. 4.30
mon. wed. & sat. 4-30 Saxlingham-Dade, 'King':! Arms,' Ber st. wed. & sat. 4
Hockering-Brand, 'Fountain,' St. Benedict's street, Scoulton-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street.
wed. & sat. 5 mon. wed. & sat. 4.30
Hockham-Purdy, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St. Stephen's Seething-Drake, 'Star & Crown,' Timber hill, moo.
road, wed. & sat. 4 wed. & sat. 4; White, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, moo.
Honing-·Wallis, 'Duke's Palace,' daily, 4-30 wed. fri. & sat. 5
Honingham-Wright, 'Fountain,' St. Benedict's street, Shottesham-Bristow, 'White Hart,' Ber st. wed. & sat.4
wed. & sat. 5 Smallburgh-Barber, 'White Horse,' Magdaleo street,
Hopton-Barnard, 'Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Stephen's wed. & sat. 3
road, tues. & fri. 3 South Walsham-Clare, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland.
Horning-Beavor, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, man. wed. & sat. 4
"l'led. & sat. 4 Southburgh-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street,
Horsford-Reeve, 'Duke's Palace,' Duke street, man. man. wed. & sat. 4-30
wed. & sat. 4-30 Sprowston J efferies, 'Duke's Palace,' m on. wed. & sat~
Horstead-Lloyd, ' George,' Haymarket, mon. wed. fri. 4-30
& sat. 4.30 Stalham-Leatherdale, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland.,
Hoveton-Beavor, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tom bland, mon. mon. 11.30 a.m. & wed. & sat. 4
wed. & sat. 4; Wallis, 'Duke's Palace,' daily, 4.30 .Stoke-Bristow; 'White Hart,' Ber street, wed. & sat, 4; _
Ingham-Leatherdale, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, Dade, 'King's Arms,' Ber street, wed. & sat. 4
man. 11.30 a.m. & wed. & sat. 4 Stmdbroke-Castell, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, sat. 12
Kenninghall-Barnard, ' Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Stratton Straw less-March, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. &
Stephen's road, tues. & fri. 3 sat. 4.30; Land, 'Flower-in-Hand,' Pitt street, wed, & ..
Kimberley-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, sat. 4.30
mon. wed. & sat. 4-30 Surlingham-Hewett, 'King's Arms,' Ber street, wed. &
Kirkstead-Drake, ':::ltar & Crown,' Timber hill, man. 5at. 4 .
wed. & sat. 4; Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, 4 Sustead-Massingham, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat. 4.30
Lamas Gosling, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, mon. Sutton-Wallis, 'Duke's Palace,' daily, 4.30
wed. & sat. 4 Swainsthorpe-Gooch, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St.Stephen's.
Little Ellingham-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel st. road, mon. wed. & sat. 4
mon. wed. & sat. 4.30 Swanton.A.bbott-Buck, 'Moon & Stars,' Duke st. sat. 4
Loddon-Cousins, 'George,' Haymarket, wed. & sat. 4.30; Tacolneston-Smith, ' Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Ste- ..
Woolner, 'King's Arms,' Ber street, man. wed. fri. & phen's road, man. wed. & sat. 4.30
sat. 4; White, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, mon. wed. fri. & 'l'horpe St. Andrew's-Harrison, 'White Lion,' St.
sat. 5 Martin's Palace plain, mon. wed. & sat. 4
Long Stratton-Gooch, 'Trowel & Hammer,' St. Ste- Thurgarton-Massingham, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat.
phen's road, mon. wed. & sat. 4 4·3°
Ludham-Beavor, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, man. Thuxton-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, mon.
wed. & sat. 4; Wallis, 'Duke's. Palace,' daily, 4-30 wed. & sat. 4.30
Marsham-March, 'Duke's palace,' wed. & sat. 4.30; Topcroft-Cushion, 'King's Arms,' Ber street, wed. & ,
Land, 'Flower-in-Hand,' Pitt street, wed. & sat. 4.30 sat. 4
Mattishall-Howes, ' Coach & Horses,' Bethel st. wed. & Tuddenham-Howes, ' Coach & Horses,' Bethel,
sat. 4.30; Earl, 'Pope's Head,' St. Peter's street, wed. & sat-. 4
tues. & fri. 12; Pigney, 'Crown,' St. Benedict's st. Tunstead-Barber, 'White Horse,' Magdalen street,
mon. wed. fri. & sat. 4 wed. & sat. 3
~ietton-Massingham, 'Duke's Palace,' wed. & sat. 4.30 Upton-Clare,' Waggon & Horses,' Tombland,wed.& sat.4
Morley-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, mon. Watton-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, moo_ .
wed. & sat. 4.30 • wed. & sat. 4-30
Mulbarton-Smith, 'Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Stcphen's Welborne-Howes, ' Coach & Horse.s,' Bethel street. wed...
road, wfid. & sat. 4.30 3· sat. 4
Mundesley-Burrell, 'White Horse,' :Magdalen street, \Yeston Longville-Clarke, 'Cardinal's Cap,' St. Bene-.
wed. & sat. 4; Raper, 'White Horse,' :Magdalen st. diet's street, sat. 4
mon. wed. & sat. 4 Woodrising-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street,_
Mundham-Drake, ' ~tar & Crown,' Timber hill, mon. man. wed. & sat. 4.30
wed. & sat. 4; White, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, mon. Wooton-Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily
wed. fri. & sat. 5 Wor~tead-Barber, 'White Horse,' Magdalen street, sat.
Neatishead-Shepperd, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tombland, 4; Bun·ell, ' White Horse,' Magdalen street, wed. &
mon. wed. & sat. 4 sat. 4; Raper, '·white Horse,' Magdalen street, mon.
North Walsham-Burrell. 'White Horse,' ~iagdalen st. wed. & sat. 4
wed. & sat. 4; Raper, 'White Horse,' mon. wed. & Wramplingham-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel st ..
sat. 4 mon. wed. & sat. 4-30
Panxworth-Stamford, 'White Lion,' St. Martin's Wrenningham-Smith, 'Coachmakers' Arms,' St. Ste-
Palace plain, wed. & sat. 4 phen's road, wed. & sat. 4.30
Poringland- Drake, " Star & Crown,' Timber hill, mon. Wroxham-ShcppBrd, 'WagQ"on & Horses,' Tombland,
wed. & sat. 4; Gardiner, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, daily, m on. wed. & sat. 4; Barber, 'White Horse,' Mag•.
4; White, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, mon. wed. fri. & sat. 5 dalen street, sat. 2; Beavor, • Waggon & Horses,'
Rackheath-Beavor, 'Waggon & Horses,' Tom bland, Tombland, mon. wed. & sat. 4
mon. wed. & sat. 4 Wymondham-Bloom, 'Trowel & Hammer," St. Ste~
Ranworth-Stamford, 'White Lion,' St. Martin's Palace phen's road, mon. wed. & sat. 4.30; Mallows, 'Whits.
plain, wed. & sat. 4 Hart,' St. Peter's. man. wed. & sat. 4; J.ltlls, 'Coach-
Reepham-Reeve, 'Duke's Palace, Dnke street, man. makers' Arms,' St. Stephen's road, man. wed. fri. &.
wed. & sat. 4.30 sat. 4.30
Reymerston-Ruffies, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, Yaxham-Earl, 'Pope's Head.' St. Peter'!! street, tues. &.
man. wed. & sat. 4.30 fri. 12; Howes, 'Coach & Horses,' Bethel street, wed.
Ringland-Harmer, 'Cardinal's Cap,' St. Benedict's st. & sat. 4
wed. & sat. 5 Yelverton-White, 'Lamb,' Haymarket, mon. wed. fri,
& sat. 5



Adelaide street, 153 Dere- 7 Holden Charles Lenton 45 StarlingHubert John liLD. 12 Robbins Mrs
. ham road to Armes street. [lay vicar J physician 12 RobbinsMissEthel,dressma
WEST SIDE. 9 Ford Miss · 47 Bird Wm. Henry 14 Gunton John Meadows
5 Fisher Mrs.Mary,dress ma I 1 Rpratt Edward Hart, clerk 49 Watson Miss 16 Trackson Mrs
9 Thirtle George Edward, -13 Osborne Walter, com.trav 49 Panton Rev. David Morri- 18 Wegg Mrs
sewing machine agent 15 Houghton Mrs son [Undenominational] 20 Bower Robert Edward
29 Girdlestone Thomas Jacob, 17 Grand Alfred Robert 51 Bird Wltr. E. decorator &c 22 Harwood Campbell,mangr
plasterer 19 Bloomfield Leonard ......... here is Su1-rey st ......... 24 Lawn Frank
33 Todd William, shopkeeper 21 Sexton Charles Edward 53 Chamberlin George Moore 26 Otty Mrs
...... hm·e is West End st ...... 22 Kemp Mrs D.L., J.P 28 Jones Albert
35 Perseverance P.H. William 25 Carter Mrs ...... here is Queen's rd ...... 30 lves M:s .
Handford Campling- 27 Plumstead Fredk. James WEST SIDE. .. .... here t:J Klmberley st .....:
95 Daynes_ Mrs. Harriett 29 Pratt Waiter John, cashier 2 Tuns P.H. Warner Horna- Anchor buildings.
Sophta, shopkeeper · 31 Large Charles, clerk gold S RED LION ST
II1 Fisk John, beer retailer 33 Sheldrnke Frederick Jabez, 4 Scott Wm. french polisher ee REET .
......... here is Nile .'lt ......... milk dealer 10 Ralph Fredk. antique dlr Anchor st. (Pockthorpe)~
151 Cock P.H.ArthurR.Howes 3S ProudfootPerth,solrs'. clrk 12 Darrell Harrington Wynd- from Barrack street.
EAST SID!l:. 37 AbramErnestWm.egg mer ham ~.D., C-!>f: surg~on 12 MorleyChristopher,shpkpr
2 Moss E. W. V, 39 Tann ~Irs 16 Jones Th'llss Em1he Manon, 18 Moore John Chas. plumber
10 Walker Wm.Fdk. boot repr 41 Key l\'Irs school here is Cavalry 1t
!22 Dye Mrs. All:na,fishmonger 43 Dye Art~ur. Slater 18 Coleman Horace Edward ::::::here is
24 Coldham Mtss Mary Ann, ...... here ls f)tajfo1·d st ...... 20 Ram_Rev.Edwd.Th.A.K.c_.L. 40 Ford John, chimney sweep
Mousehol~ st :::·::

shopkeeper 45 Tayl~r Jas. Wm. coal agt [ v1car of ~t.Jobn Bapt1st, 51 Smith Color-Sergt.. F. E.
28 Fenn E~wd. Alfd. shoe ma 67 M_artm Henry, ba_rness rna Tuuber~lllJ. . drill instl·uctor to H Co .
...... here lS West End st ...... Ss DlCkerson Watts,]un. btchr :iO Cannell M1ss :Naomt,school th Territorial Force
30 Ree_d Mrs. Emrr_Ja, butcher 8g Canham ErnestLouis,c!erk 32 Hart Hy. anti.q~e furn. dlr ~attalion Norfolk Regt
32 SmtthJn.Hy.hatrdressr.&c 34 Manchester Umty of Odd-
OxburyThomasKerrison, EAST SIDE. fellows, Angel rd. (New Catton), 135
draper ::.~ Harvey Mrs Jn. R. Barley,prov. c. s Waterloo road to Catton.
34 Tows SuB-PosT & M. 0. 2 Grand Alfred, clerk 42 Long Walter EAST BIDE.
\.. Office 4 Hanwortb William H Blofeld Miss 2 Larkman Mrs. Rosetta,
34A, Aldcn Mark, boot ma. &c 6 Court Mrs 46 Shnckburgh Miss fishmonger
36 Prentice Wm.Jas.plasterer 8 NI_Idd Mrs 48 Barton Samuel J. M. D. 4 Harper Alfd. Geo. boot ma
38 Payne Rev. Jsph. B.[BaptJ 1o Miller Leon~rd, clerk physician 6 Pauling Mrs. Elizh.shpkpr
40 BurtonWalt.J n. upholstrer 12 WhallGeo. ptanoforte tuner ......... here is Surrey st ..~ ...... drsr
78 Ward George P. sbopkpr 14 Peacock Mrs . 1st East Anglian Brigade Fake W. & G. artesian well
98 Catchpole BenjaminHarry, 18 Corbyn M1ss Ameha, dress Royal Field Artillery borers & pump makers.
shopkeeper maker Territorial Force(Barracks) See advertisernant
II4 Watson Walter S.shopkpr 32 Thompson Joseph Wm. (Commanding, Lt.-Col. R. 22 Drake Miss Gertrude Ellen,
house decorator E. ·A. Le Mottee R. F. A. ; milliner
Afghan place(Ne":Catton), 36 Mapes Mrs. Elizh dress ma adjutant, Capt. D. H. K. 40 Richardson Geo. 8hopkpr
St. Clement hill. 38 Hayward Mrs Hunter R. F.A) ...... here is Lon_q row ......
32 MooreJas. Woodhouse,bakr 46 Moore Herbt. S. insur. agt ...... here is Queen's rd ...... 56 Brighton Mrs.Emma,btcbr
34 MillsJn.Gibson,shopkeeper 68 Sherreard Henry E. A.C.I.s. . , Council_ School
62 Pyle John, joiner accou~tant All_ S~mts street, All ...... here u Roseberry st ......
9 WebsterMrs.Jessie,shpkpr ...... he1·e ~s Stafford st ...... Samts green to Ber street. 58 Woodrow Charles Edward,
92 Trett Frank, cabinet makr 1 Shildrake Arthur, baker corn & flour merchant
Alba.ny road, 72 Magdalen G 1 Walter & Son tailors 64 Dingle Henry W. shopkpr
• road to II4 Waterloo road. All Saints' green, Westle- 4 a ey ' 96 Angel Gl\rdens P.H. Fred
I Fake Mrs gate & All Saints' street to All en's 1a. 4 x Newmarket rd. Hill
5 "\\'oodwar:d \Villiam Victor Queen's road. 27 Cook Thomas, bricklayer 98 Nash & Powell,who. confrs
37 H ume David, boot repairer EAST SIDE. Betts Mrs. Eliza, florist ......... here is Sun la ....... .
2 Fiddy Isaac I & 3 Mann Arth.Nathaniel, 122 Pointer Wm. cowkeeper
4 Petre Robert • pawnbroker Alma. ter. I Aylsham road. 130 Pye Ernest, butcher
6 Dyball George u, Bailey Arthur 8 Garner Robert ......... here is MiU hill ....... ...
34 Flowerdew 5 Wilson Daniel ......... here is Wild 1·d ....... ..
54 Ross George A. decorator 9 Collyer D'ArcyBedingfeld, Ampthill street, so Un- WEST SIDE.
solicitor thank road. I Norwich Co-operative So-
Albema.rle road, 93 New- 9 Jarvis & Morgan, solicitors ciety Limited
market rd. toMount Pleasant. I I Sa m bell George, shirt ma souTH SIDE. 7 Bowhill Mrs. H. corset ma
2 Dakin John Howard ...... here is Carters' yard...... 3 Malthe":s tJ!rbed t 17 Southgate Arthur Edward,
4 Smith Frederick Arthur 13 Howe Miss Mary Ann ...... ere lS 0 urn s ...... shopkeeper
6 Diver Mrs 15 Weston Miss 5 Harmer Fredk._Jn.plumbr 31 Denham Philip S. shopkpr
xo Mann Gerald Noel Corn- George Walt. Thos.carpntr 5 ~~~~=~~~s.Ahce,shopkpr ......... here is Eade 1·d ....... ..
wallis Thatched Assembly Rooms 7 ... here is Waterloo pm·k ...
Gould Herry Pearce (Albe- (J. Owen Bond, sec) 9 Watts Miss
. marle) 23 Hovel! Richard Thomas, 11 Betts Ernest Arthur, sec. Arabian Horse yard.
14 Th orpe "·I .u rs pianoforte tuner Foresters' Court See OAK sTREET.
~ 16 Harmer John Alexander 25 Watson Alfred Yeoman 13 Cross Elderton Edwin
x8 Jobnson Thomas George 27 Beesley Benjamin 15 Betts Herbert James Arcade st. Castle Meadow.
Jewson Jn. Wm. (St. Cross) PILLAR LETTER Box I7 Tomlinson Robert H.oworth Brothers, cutlers
, t) 31 S aun d ers eh ar 1es 21 Wilkinson Robert Edwin Holman William, hair drssr
Albe r t rd · (Th orpe H am1e ·
33 Fredman Mrs 23 Turner Charles, clerk 4 Atkins George
4 Abel Mrs. Eleanor, shpkpr 3 s Reuben Elmer 25 Heevor Miss Ellen E.nurse
. 37 Dawson George 27 Taylor William James Archway (,The).
s Alexandra.
p mans1ons.
W • 39 D'mg R'1ch ar d , h ouse agen t 29 Holmes Richard · , clerk See ST. STEPHEN s STREET.
ee RINCE OF ALES ROAD. SuRREY COTTAGE: 31 Maidment William Barret1 Argyle street, King street
Alexandra road, 87 Earl- Printer Mrs. Constance, ser- NORTH SIDE. · to Wilderness.
ham road to Dereham road. vants' registry office ......... her• zs Trory st ......... 14 Robinson MissKate Emma,
WEST SIDE. Kenny Wallace Robert 4 Gedge Miss shopkeeper
I Birch Henry B 6 l\'Iann Miss
3 Blyth Richard Young, 41 Ballame Hamilton Ashley ...... here is Woburn st ...... \Arlingtonla..SxNewmarket
schoolmaster M.D. surgeon 8 Wright William, Salvation road to Mount Pleasant.
5 Williamson l\'Irs 43 Mills Lawrence Hitchen Army adjutant IEuren Hy. Fras. (Grove ho)
... here is Sandringham rd •.. Barfoot lii. B., eh. n .surgn IO Dodd Mrs I Self Alfred C. (Arlington)
Mills Chas.Edwin(Denehurst},Avenue road, 8x Park lane. Dia.mnnd Hand Laundry, I87 Fake Alfred Herbert,
Sampson Harold C. (Enner- NORTH smE. S. E. Butler, propr artesian well borer &c
- dale) 5 Wilde Percy Edwin, travlr 232 Yaxley George William, Randall John, saddler
Wilson Edward (Acacia ho) 7 Brown Miss wheelwright Remblent Fdk. hoop ma
Ringer John Robert (Laburn- 9 Smith Miss Daisy, teacher 234 Hoo~ Frank Herbert, Windmill P.H. Richard
barn house) of music monumental mason Wilson
I I Pye Lewis Gedge Hannent Herbert John, 261 DenningtonWa.ltr.markeli
Armes st. (North Heigham), 13 Minister IIarry Frederick, forced fruit grower • gardener
· 133 Old Palace road. Leeder, clerk (Windmill nurseries) 277 Bradford Henry, laundry
15 Flory Mrs ST.KATHERINE's MrssroN 289 MannJsph.marketgardnr
so_uTH sm_E. 17 Beck Harbord James, Hardy JamesWm. tomato Gaff Herbert Johnson,
...... here u Adelmde st ...... tailors' cutter grower &c tallowmelter(Milecross)
63 Coleman Wm. H. ~mtcher 19 Crignon Henry Bunn Bros. tomato growrs Hannent Herbert John,
......... here ar! Waddtngton <f 21 HantonFrdk.Percy,'>hpkpr forced fruit grower(Mile
1Velson llh ...... •·· ...... here is Pernhroke rd ...... EAST SIDE. Cross nurseries)
I 27h Gr~n~,Albhcrt,bshlopndkeepr ...... here is Cardiff rcl ...... St.Angustine'sCouncilSchools Bone John (White hot:se~
... erf'tS.J.tort
M"ddl to W um er ha kst... ...... h_er~ ts · s wansea r d ............... h ere lS
· Al ma t er......... . 1 e cross mn,
.M.l · Ed war
I 8I 1 e n m. s 0 P pr Council School 1 Humphrey Walter, builder Des borough
1 85 Ch11.pman Alfred, carpntr SOUTH SIDE. '· Bromley Rev. A. [United WALL LETTER Box
NORTH SIDE. ... here is Porter;;.field rd ... Methodist](Epworth ho) Britcher Mrs.Ellen, shop..
56 Marshal! Henry, fishmngr 2 Lewin John George Goffen Edward Robert keeper (Rhoda terrace)
......... here is .Nelson st......... 4 Hines Percy (Greenhills view)
uo Catchpole John, milk dlr 6 Hardwick Gilbert Ernest Plummer Miss (St. Ed- Back of the Inns,
120 Garrard Row land Robin- 24 OvertonGeo. Yaxley,paintr mund's). EAST SIDE.
son, shopkeeper . Peebles David (Khandala) 3 Tuxford & Co. trunk mas
••• here are 1\"orthumberland cj- Avonmouthrd.Junction rd. Pratt Sl. Thos. (Tenerlffe) 5 Adcock & Son, tobacco mfrs
L1ttle Arms sts...... 2 Laws llerbert Freder1"ck · B ux t on r d ...... 7 Clarke Miss, confectr
...... 'r~ere ts
. 3 Simpson Robert Lillig 9 RedRose P.H. Wm.GrixLtd
Ash gro. roo Constitution hl. Aylsham road,continnation S Holmes George I I Hambleton James, frujtr
souTH SIDE. of St. Augustine's street to 7 Ford Mrs ........ .here is Arcade st.. .......
6 Watts Robert Borough boundary. 9 Pitchers Alfred George WEST SIDE.
8 Humphrey Herbt.Jas. bldr WEST SIDE. 13 Morris Arthur Rout John, birmingham k
1.0 Crowe Mrs Humphrey Aaron, corn dlr 15 Armficld Leo, corn. travllr sheffield warehouseman
12 SmithMrs Humphrey Walter,builder 17 Holmes Arthur
16 Barnes Samuel, manager Collier H. & F. game food 19 Pleasants Hough ton Thos Baker's road,St.Augnstine's
t8 Leverett John William, manufacturers ...... here is Patteson rd ...... street to r St. Martin's road.
teacher of music 6A, Widger Mrs. Harriett, 23 Rush .Miss 2 Mouncer Benj. boot repr
20 Edward Mrs shopkeeper 23 Perowne Rev. Thoma!l Jn. 20 Harris George, shopkeepr
22 Middleton Henry M. clerk 6 ~lowers Arthr.Wm.grngro M. A. [curate in charge of 56 Lacey Henry Thos. Philip,
32 Edwards Frederick 8 Flower~ Ar~?r. Wm. bntchr St. Luke's District Ch] shopkeeper ·
34 Bartlett Mrs ...... _he:e ts U m_qfield rd ...... 25 Brock William 43 Lumb Mrs. Ellen, nurse
36 Peak Mrs 14W1lkmsonRt. W. tchr.ofmus 27 Margetts Franci~ Lee in- Bank buildings.
NORTH SIDE. 18 Day Robt. Dennis, managr surance supt '
5 Oakes Herbert 22 Houghton Mrs. Catherine 29 Clarke John
2 4 Cooper Arthur
7 Key Wallace Ernest . 31 Hill Rev. Gilbert Francis Ba.nk chambers.
9 Spink Albert 26 Guyton G~orge Hy. tmlor [curate of Christ Church] •
11 Suddell Arth. cape finisher 28 Everett Mrss 33 McEwen Willia.m See BANK PLAIN.
I3 Mitchell John . 30 CareyWalt.~eo.schl.t_eachr 35 Ward Algernon Alfred :Bank plain.
15 Gathercole Mrs 3 2 Bane ~rederrck ~orns 39 Palmer Benjamin Artbur
17 Gostling Robert Edward ... here u Green Hill.~ rrl ... h . E d d 3 Kidd Hayward T.stationer
34BakerHarryEdwd.schl.tchr ......... ere ts a er ......... here are Redwell cf Queen sts
19 Spurgeon Robert 6 B . W It AI d 4I Joyce Peter 5 Mann, E_O" erton & Co. Ltd.
21 ~mith Benj.N.B.compositr 3 DrJdggsl\tr a Scr hexan er 43 Melton A Ifred Geo clerk ...,
B . . 3 8 a e as. ara · electricalengineers. Sea
3I arm Y b R 0b t
er 'JOmer -to Allt.horpe Richard, foreign 45 Lancum Walter advertisement
correspondent 47 Thirtle Wm. corn. travllr 7 Rackham& Sayer,solicitors ·
Ashby st. 123 Queen's rd. 42 Harvey Rd. Geo. com. trav 49 Thorne Josiah,schoolmastr 9 Osborn & Phillips, tailors
EAST SIDE. 44 England William Gordon 5 1 Hewett Mrs 9 Arnold Harry H. land agt
Smith Albert_Jas. boot ma 46 Cossen John 53 Barrett George Stonor 9 GoldieThos.Inglis,architct
2 ~rgeFrederick,sh?pkeepr 48 Lincoln William Richard, 55 Stevenson Mrs. Dorette 9 GidneyHenry Jas.solicitor
I4 KmgGeo.Clement,msr.~gt assist. supt. Prudential Mande,' court dress ma Prudential Assurance Co.
26 Ingram _'Vm. Fredk. tailor so Lowe Mrs. Hannah c ST. LUKE sDISTRICTCHRCJI Limited,
...... here u Coldwell st ...... 52 Trueman Miss Hannent Herbert John Wm.M.Bnrton,dist.supt
66 B~rnes MissAgnes,shopkpr ...... here is St. Marys rd... ... f~uit grower (Chalk VICTORIA CHAMBERS :
68 Kmg Henry Robert, baker ...... here is JJrayton rd ...... _Farm house) Norwich & Norfolk Traders'
54 Dewing Waiter S. english Kmg Edw~rd VII. P.H. Association (William H.
Ashford street,22 Dereham timber merchant Mrs. Nelhe Carey Sier, manager). see ac:t.-
road to William street. . .. here is St. Mm·tins rd ... Lane Arth. A. sign writer vertisement
EAST SIDE. s6 Hotblack Lombe Atthill Mackley Richard Jacob Burton John Edwd. architect
5 Sayer William Gipson 66 CamplingWalter,news agt (Prospect coLtage) English Lawrence W.solicitor
7 Tillott AlbertEdgar,aparts 1
... here i.~ Ropemakers' row ... Prospect House P.H. James
IS Adlam Joseph John So Bloomfield James Thompson 13 Brahams David, tailor
19A, Smith GeorgeAlfd.Fredkl82 Ribbands Mrs Mackley ~ros.(JacobMack- 15 Preston & Son, solicitors
WEST SIDE. 86 Tyrre!IBrothers,carpenters ley), b 1 r~ merch~nts 17 Spelmans, auctioneers.
22 Doggctt George, tailor 88 Sommerville Mrs ... here ts p~~~adelphta la ... Soe advertisement
26 Gill Thomas Wm. bricklayr go Horth \Valter, plumber 10 9 Reeve _'VIlham, corn mer ... here are Bank st. q Prince
92 Pratt Rt. Bentham, gardnr Council S~ho?l of Wales rd ........ ;
Aspland rd. River Side rd . ... here is Stone rd.<J Pres.~la ... 127 St. Kat.herme s Church ho BANK BUILDINGS : •
SOUTH SIDE. 94 Witard Ephraim, miller & ...... here is Vicarage rd ...... Rack ham Hanworth Edmund
2 Paul William Edward corn merchant 139 Claxton Henry, butcher Burr, solicitor
4 Fuller Happy 96 Gib son John L. E 141 Hough ton Fdk.drug stors Berlitz School of Languages
6 Wills Mrs . 98 Alden Fredk. schoolmaster 143 Hew1tt William, news agt Ireland .E. H.& M. W.auctwnrs
8 Dewhirst George Herbert roo Murton Waiter Samuel 157 Funnell Chas.Hy.boot ma BANK CHAMBERS:
1:0 Debbage William Henry ro6 Abbs Isaac, plumber 163 WoodcockFrederick,grQCr Clowes & Nash, auctioneers
z2 Robins Geo. commcl. trav ro8 Nelson Wm. hair dresser 165 Barnee Wm.Edwd.butchr Salter,Simpson&Sons,anctnrs
14 Betts Wallace E 126 Mills William, draper 167 King Edwin Jn. greengro Bow:e3 Misses Mariun May &
:y6 Stevenson Mrs ...... here is Berners st ...... 169 King Edwin Jn. cycle agt Dora Crecy. type writers
18 Tuck Walt. Geo. corn. trav Towel! George Francis, I73 Capps :\Irs. M:ary Ann, Stevens,Miller&Jones,solicitrs
20 Coe Edgar, corn merchant shopkeeper fish fryer Barker Caleb & Co. land agts
NORTH SIDB. TowN Sun-PoST, l\L 0. PraU James. dairyman Barker Caleb, land steward
~Case Harry & T. Office (Old Saw Mill house) Norfolk & Norwich Christmas
:3. Long Francis Maddison l" 58 Funnell Robert,shopkeepr Pointer Albert,cowkeeper !<'at Stock ShowAssociatiOn
(Aspland house) ...... here is Junption rd ....... (Locksland oottage) C. Barker & Co. secs
NORI''OLK :di.J*
• '

BANK PLAIN-continued. . .. here is Wrestler's yard ••• I29 Webb William, shopkpr 29 Gillingwater Edward Hy..
Royal Norfolk Agricultural 56 Easton Mrs. Elizh.shopkpr 137 Howes Robert, furn. bro railway inspector
Association, 58 Wrestler's P.H. William 139 The Sportsman P.H. 47 Norwich & Norfolk Dis-
c. Barker & Co. secs Dunthorne Albert Edward Temple charged Prisoners' .Aid
6o Nelson Geo. hair dresser ......... here are Seven Stars tJ Society (Rbt.Broom,agt)
Cubitt Owen Cad)'wold (Bank 6o Lane George Albt. sbopkpr Sportsman's 11ards... SOUTH SIDE.
· house) ...... here is Dove .11ard ...... I43 Harwood John, marine 32 'Withers Waiter, carpenter
Barclay & Company Limited, ......... here is Wall la......... store dealer B t E t
bankers (Owen Cadywold 66 Taylor Richard, baker I45 Haylett Mrs. Ellen, baker eaumon P ace, ages · 1 1
Cubitt, manager) ......... here is Silver rd ............ here is White Horse yard ... II Reev.eFredk.A.paper~augr
Barclay Hugb Gurney, city 68 "Windsor Castle P.H.George I47 Ford Jas. chimney sweep I8 Jarv1s Herbt. Hy. pamter
treasurer Taylor 149 Dun Cow P.H. .Hobert Beckhams yard, from
PILLAR LETTER Box . . here is Bi1·d-in-Hand yard.. W. Brundish Cowgate street.
Nuthall & Mason, pharma- Steward & Patteson Lim....... here i.~ Boddy's yard ... ;..
ceutical chemists brewers (Pockthorpe I6I Light Horseman P.H. 8DawesAibt.E~wd.fishmngr
Mason Phihp H. chemis:; brewery) John Moore Bedford st. (St. Andrew's)
Scott Robert Bagge, artist 78 Base Samuel S. (Brewery here~-~ Li,qht !Iorseman yard Exchange st. to London st.'
house) here zs Marquts of Granf1y row NORTH SIDE.
:Bank street, from Bank 82 Nicbols Horace,shopkeeper Moon George, market ...... ... here is School la .........
• plain to Upper King street. 86 The Griffin P.H. William gardener (Marquis of Twiddy Charles painter
NORTH SIDB. F. W~rden Gra~by row) (School lane) '
2 Wright fhomas F. & Son, ...... here 1s Gerrrge yard ...... 171 Marqms of Granby P.H. Daniels Brothers Limited
land agents ...... here is Green yard .•. ... Benjamin Whittaker seed warehouse '
6 Bracey ErnestArthr.solictr I02 & ID;} GirdlestoneArthur, I73 Horse Barracks P.H. Ezra 7 French Horn P.D. Albert
6 Boyce Reginald J. solicitor fishmonger James Newland Edward Horner
Minns J ames, boot repairer . . . . •• here is Anchor st . . . . . . 9 Bussey Thomas Richard
(Wade's court) 104 Clarke Mrs. Louisa, Bathurst road, Clarendon antique fnrniture deale;
8 Cozens Sydney, hair dressr wardrobe dealer road to Grosvenor road. ... entrance to Parsonage sg ...
10 Bank tavern, Mrs. rro Cross Henry, shopkeeper souTH SIDE. 13 Bedford Arms P.H. Fred
Georgina Green rr2 Arnup Mrs.Susan,shpkpr I Campling Mrs Fuller
12 CulleyHenryRead,solicitor II4 LongMrs.~lizh.shopkeepr 3 Kett Walter • rs Currell RamL shopkeeper
I2 Cole Herbert Henchman, rr6 Moun.cerl<rank, bootrepr 5 Wallis Mrs 1 5 Werts Alfred, engraver
solicitor ...... h~e ts Ba~e:'s yar~ ......... here are Clm·endon steps... Pickering H. W. uphol-
12 Riches Edwd.Jn.accountnt IIB Lmcoln Willlam,chimney PILLAR LETTEI< Hox .. sterer( Websdale's court)
14 Havers Daniel, solicitor sweeper 7 Barrett Mrs ... here is W tbsdale's court ...
14 Copeman & Cadge, solictrs I28 Wales Chas. shopkeeper 9 Holmes Alexander Charles I7 Marsham Robt. hair drssr
I6 Beck Edmund &Sons,land ...... htre is The Loke.~ ...... II Bnrley Theodore Legay 19 Nelson tavern, Wil\iam
agents Cavalry Barracks (F. Eade, I3 Thorns Mrs Overton
"Warden) (Pockthorpe) IS Coils Albert George here is Old Po.~t Office yard
Barker's street.
sOUTH SIDE. 24 Mills Jas.Handel,journalist Howes Sta.nley &: Co. Ltd.
5 Moore Mrs. Minnie, ward- 26 Blyth Miss wholesale clothiers (Old
:Barn road, Derebam road robe dealer 28 Elmer Mrs Post Office yard)
to Station road. 7 Ellis Wm. fried fish shop 30 Watford Charles 2I Diggens & Co. house fur-
WEST SIDE. 9 Beehive P. H. John Smith 32 Forster Fredk. Robt. clerk nishers &c
9 Fisher Johnny Benjamin II Campling Wm. grocer 34 LeedsFredk.Chas.manager 23 Latimer Cranmer Ridley,
...... here is Lothian st • .. ... 19 Pearson William, shopkpr NORTH SIDE. hosier
Cushion A. & W. timber mers 21 Bull P.H. Francis Youngs 4 Leamon Mrs ... he1·e i.~ Brirlewell alley ...
...... here is Cooper's yard ...... 29 Hook W1lliam, shopkeeper ...... htre i.~ Neville st ...... lzs & 27 HovellWilliamErnest,
67 Annison Saml. fishmonger 31 BurrageJsph.fried fishshp 8 .Banham William T. clerk basket maker
69 Gilbert Edward Pilling, 35 Bond Mrs. Edith,wardrobe 29 Wild Man P.H. Thos. Fell
furniture dealer dealer Hayfield's yard. 3I Pearson & Sons, cutlers
ggA, Gilbert Edward Filling, 39 Dawson Waiter R. grocer See MAGDALEN STREET. . .. here is St. Andrew's hill ...
jun. sign writer .. .... here is Cou•_qate st ...... _ souTH SIDE .
... here are Baldry's yard ... 41 Lane Benj. confectioner B 1 Rudd Robert G. & Son,
77 ooper A]b t f t .
er ,con ec wner 43 mcen
v· t Ch 1 h k eaconsfie d road, from 15
ar es,s op eepr Magdalen road to Silver road.
wine importers &c
79 Smith Ernest William, ... here is Butcher's yard ... 4 New Corn Exchange P.H.
dining rooms 45 Markham Alfred, ward- SOUTH SIDE. Alfred Theodore Seaman
...... here is Heiyham st ...... robe dealer IO Armes Albert Cremer, ... here is Little London st ...
EAST SIDE. ... here is Niekall's bldgs ... teacher of music 6 Stannard Mrs.Clara, baker
IO Lake Edwd. bird cage ma 69 Tuddenbam Miss Nellie, 48 Blanchtlower Mrs. Eva, 8, IO & I2 Pank A. & Son,
12 Watts George, smith confectioner dress m~ker gas & hot water engin-
l4 WhiteheadWm.H. boot ma 75 CannellMrs.Sarah, butcher 74 John_son MissE\·a,dress m a eers &c
16 Mills Arthur, chimney swp 79 Burrage Arth. S. fishmngr 78 Precwus. H.obert, shopkpr I4 Butcher George F. draper
24 Pink Mrs. Rosa, dress ma Perrement William Robt....... here ts Spencer st ....... ......... here is Swan la ....... ..
56 MetcalfWm.Robt.shoe mfr shopkeeper( Palace yard) 8o Andrews Ernest Charles, I6 Stead & Simpson Limited,
68 Howard John Pond,saddler 85 Booty Edward,greengrocer house painter boot makers
76 FisherGeorge H.tobaccnst ......... here is River la ......... 88 Burton !<'red, boot repairer IB City Exchange Co. (Edw .
...... here is Westwick st ...... 87 Armes Mrs. Ellen,shopkpr 104 WoodhonseHolly,boot rpr J. Green, manager)~
89 RamseyDonald,shopkeeper 1 42 Hogg William, shopkeepr furniture dealers
Barrack street, 45 Peacock 9I Artburton Joseph, butcher NORTH SIDE.
street to Pockthorpe. 93 Havers Frederick, grocer 19 Winch George, shopkeeper Beehive yard.
NORTH SIDE. 97 RamsayGeorge,fishmongr 33 NeveRobt.Chas.bricklayer See ST. MARTIN's PALACE"
ST. PAUL's CHURCH 99 Howman dresser 39MetcalfeMissKat3,masseuse PLAIN .
...... ltere is St. Paul's sq ......... here is Fairman's yard ... 63 Guider Jn. french polisher Bell road, Sprowston road.
18 Page Arthur, shopkeeper I03 RoyallFras. Geo.newsagt ...... he:e is Spencer rd ...... I GuttridgeEdward,butcher
!IJ2 Prince of Wales P.H. ......... here is The Cut .......... 77 Jennmgs John F' ll M' FJ-
Walter 1\larshall PILLAR LE"ITER Box ru Syrnons Mrs. Mary, u er Iss orence,grocer-
d k 4 Rogers Mrs.Ernma,drssma.
....... here is Cmoyate st ...... I05 Cellar House P. H. Arthur r~s ma er 38 Wilde Charles shopkeeper
.,.. Kmg's Head pD. Mrs Sayer I71 Ut.tmg Mrs. Ge1-trude, B . •
""'T •
Elizabeth •
Lemmon •
IQ] Thompson Geo. greengro re f res h men t rooms SI owles Hiram, hair dressr
28 Houghton Fredk. chemist 109 & I02 Girdlestone Arth. • Bels~e road, Plumstead rd.
30 MurtonMrs.Emma,sbpkpr fishmonger Beatrioo ~ad (Thorpeiiam- 2 LiddimanHoraceGeo.grocr-
32 calt on J sp h . b oo t & sh oe ma · D 1'al• yard. .. ....
.. .. .. h ere 1S let), 24 Hill House road.
...... here isRockym·d ...... III WoodrowCharlesEdward, NORTH SIDE. Belvoir street, 7I Earlham
.••.•. here is Nickall'syard...... corn & flour dealer x Green James road to Dereham road •
38 Spals Daniel, fishmonger 1I3 Carter Ambrose Waiter, 3 Scott John Thomas WEST SIDE.
••. here are Say's cJ Steward- saddler 5 Alcraft William I3 Howchin l<'rederick James
son's yards ............ II9 Dnnthorne Samuel, fried 7 Sutherland Alex.Jas. clerk I5 Copsey Charles Samuel
44 Moore Mrs. Ann, shopkpr fish shop rr Course Arthur Henry 35 Cooper'fhos. Wm. bricklayr
48 AustinHy.marinestoredlr ...... here is Dial yard ...... I3 Bentley John 5I Gibson Harry, cowkeeper
... here i.~ Wrestler's yard ... 127 Cutmore Mrs. Mary Ann, I5 Frost Mrs .. .. .. here is Stafford st ......
so Burrows Waiter, baker baker 23 Livock John 79 Watson Elisha, boot maker
105 SmithFrdk.Eaton,plumbr .. , here is Newman's yard ••• 30 Freeman W.&Sons 1 cabinet .• , •.. here is Junction rd ......
IOJ Meachen MissEmily ,d1;ess 95 Sparrow Miss Rose, shopkr makers 44 .Kewton Jeremiah William,
maker 99 Revel! Miss Ethel Alice, 32 Hansell James A. boot repr plumber
:n7 Maines John, shopkeeper draper .•• here is Tmiddy'., court •.. 68 Castleton William Pdls
ug FisherErnest,hairdresser ror Revell Edward, grocer 34 Freeman Wait. hairdrssr . .
EAST SIDE. 103 Church of England Tern- 36 Albert inn, Mrs. Maria Bertle road, VIcarage road.
12 Tinkler George, tailor perance Society Refresh- Coleman x Ribbons Jabez, shopkeeper
BELVOIR STREET WEs- ment Rooms (Andrew 38 George Robert, draper
LEYAN REFORM CHAPJo~L Haines, manager) ... h~re i.~ Flecked Bull yard ... Betohel stree~! St. Peter
& SuNDAY SCHOOL I-I3 Harl Arth.&Wm. irnmgrs 40 Wymer Waiter, fishmongr street to St. G1les street•
...... here is Stafford st ...... II5 JordanAlfd.Jas. tobaccnst 44 Kemp Christopher Wm. SOTTTH SIDE.
64 Ducker Herbert Frostick, 117 Carey Frederick, fried shopkeeper 3 Hevex M>~nufacturing Co.
printer fish dealer 46 Tillett Mrs . .Mary Ann shoe dressings maqufrs
76 Webster Miss Ellen, dress ......... he1·e are Butche1·'s alley SA.LVATIONARMYBARRACKS 5 King's Arms P.H. Louis
maker tj- Scott's yard ......... 59 Nash Mrs. Mary Ann, Field
86 Morley William, coal dlr 121 Manchini Geo. confectnr grindery dealer 7 Flowers Frank J as, printer
North Heigham Cabinet 123 CousinsErnest, hair drssr 52 Boden Peter, furniture dlr 13 Oliver Frank & Co. motor
Works (The), furniture here is Jolly Butchers' yard 54 Page Mrs.MaryAnn, ward- car agents
show rooms 125 Jolly Butchers' P.H. robe dealer 15 Money Mrs. Emily, grocer
u2 Johnson Thos. bricklayer William Day here i.~ Boarded Entry yard ..• ...... here i.~ Lady's lt.J. ........
u4 Welch Mrs 127 Smith Robert, greengrocr 56 Gough Thomas, greengro r7 Old Theatre tavern,Arthur
129 Norwich Meat Co. butchrs 58 & 6o Collins John Conracl, Culyer
Bensley r~ld, 9 8 College 131 Maiden Ernest, confectnr wardrobe dealer 19 Richardson Miss Rose
road to G cbe road. 133 Cordran Robert, baker 62 YeomansHarry,pork btchr 21 Russell Mrs. Isabella,shop-
NO~TH SIDE. ..• hl!re is Bennett's yard ... 64 Waites James, beer retailr keeper
~ Mallett Edward, traveller 135 Hull's Head r.rr. Mrs .... here is Royal Oak ym·d ... 25 England Arthur
SOUTH SIDE. Mary Wilcox 66 Se well Geo. Wm. & Co.gros 27 Cooper John Benjamin,
2 Ba~ter Ern~st, shopkeeper ... here is Bull's Head yard ... 68 High & Betts.hse.furnshrs boot manufacturer
4 Maidment Frank, foreman 13 9 Marcon Mrs. Ann, shpkpr 70 StebbingGeor~eFrederiek, ...... here ill Bell's court ......
Ber street, Timberhill & All 141 Drake Waiter, shopkeeper commission agent 29 Sparkes RobertAlbion,jun.
Saints' streets to Bracondale. 143 Palmer Arthur William, PILI~A.R LETTER Box printer
WEST SIDE. tobacconist ...... here is Horn's la ...... 31 Smith Benjamin
I Hastings Thomas,fruitereT 145 Hansell William Henry, 72 George the I<'ourth P.H. 33 Fielding SavilleJames M.B.
1A, Burridge James, statnr boot & shoe maker Mrs. Susannah Rowley surgeon
3 Patrick Wm. & Son, boot ... here is R'.lssell's yard ... 74 Clarke Mrs.Ernma, grngro 37 Bethcl Hospital (Saville
warehom;e ... here is T:~~rrell's ym·d ... here is George the Fourth yard J ames Fielding M.H. resi-
5 & 7 Patrick Wm. & Son, McEwen Philip Alfred, 76SandellMrs.MaryAnn,btchr dent medical officer)
clothiers chimney sweeper Bo & 82 Snelling& Sons, tallow . .. here is Little Bethel st ...
9 Bakers' Arms P.H. Charles 149 CogmanMiss'3arh.shpkpr chandlers 49 Harconrt James Arthur,
Everett here is Fox o/ Hounds yard 84 Alderson Brothers, boot & professor of music
__ , .... here are Bakers' Arms 153 Fox & Hounds P.H. shoe warehouse 51 Coach & Horses P.H.
cf Avey yards......... Edward Blanchfiower 86 ST. JoHN DE SEPULCHRE Edward Orris
u & 13 Patrick Wm. & Son, 157 Hook Chas. grindery dlr PARISH RooM 53 Whitwell Hug-h, surgeon
clothieTS ...... herei.~ Wright's yard ...... 88 Butchers' Arms P.H. John 55 HiviereBernrd.Beryl,surgn
l5, 17, 19, 21 & 23 Bond Mayfield William, cycle dealr Shred ...... here is Watts' court ..... .
Robert Herne & Sons, N obbs Henry, carpenter 98 & mo Gaffer Tho'l. sewing 57 Nance, 'Vhitwell & Riviere,
' drapers ... here is Foulgar' s yard . . . machine agt. & shopkpr surgeons
... here is Black Swan yard ... r67 Ninham H. C. & Son, I02 Holden Joseph, greengro 59 Nance Hy. Chester, surgn
25 Thorn tavern, Mrs. Eliza- baking powder manufrs 104 Bindley Wm. shoe maker 6r Odhams Geo. Fredk. M.D
beth James ...... here is .Finkelgate ...... m6 & 10H Davey & Co.gros.&c 6r Odhams & Fox, surgeons
27 Marcantonia Giovanni, ST. JoHN DE SEPULCHRE IIO King Archibal:l, marine here i.~ 1\"inha.m'., court : ..

confectioner CHURCH store dealer · ,6IA, Peck & Townshend, cycle


29 Mobbs & Lewis Limited, ......... here are Hayward's o/ WESLEYAN CHAPEL makers
wood last makers Jeckell' s yards ...... II2 Fitt N o:J.h Darby, butcher 63 Burrows & Baker, boot mas
... here is Crawfoot's yard ... 175 & 172 Gurney Albert 114 Folkard Mrs. Florence, 65 Sparkes Robert Albiou
45 Ketteringham Arth.butchr' 1 Victor, cycle dealer shopkeeper L3ar, ~;unsmith
47 Taylor & Son, bakers r77 CannRobt.fried fish dealr II6CannellisaacWebster,drpr 67 Ginn Robert, corn. travllr
49 Freeman Herbt. greengro 179 Gray Edward Courtney, r2o Recrmting Ser'{eJ.nt P.II. NORTH SIDE.
sr Mann Mrs. Elizabeth, fried hair dresser Charles Fuller 2 Mancroft hotel,JesseSneath
fish shop ...... here ill Clarke's yard ...... 122 Harrison Henry, marine 4 Brighty Waiter Arthur,
53 Tillett James, tripe seller r83 Drake Arthur, shopkeepr store dealer fried fish shop
53 Watson Arcbibald Claude, r85 Downes Thos.boot maker ... here i.~ Watson's ym·d ... 6 Home Yeast Co. Limited
tobacconist 193 Snelling Miss Eliza, fish- 124 Dady Henry Jas. butcher 8 Attoe Robt. bart"OW lender
53 Lodge Mrs.Charlotte,confr monger ...... here is Mm·irter's la ...... ro Haistead Arth. tobacconist
55 Briggs Herbert John, horse ...... here is Bracondale ...... 136 Old Fr1ends P.H. Arthur r4 Wheatsheaf P. H. John
collar mllker EAST SIDE. . Parker Eclward Dore
57 Manser William, watch ma 2 Greenacre Henry, saddler r38 Howlett Alfred, greengro r6 Myson Samuel, baker
59 Taylor Clement Overton, 6 White Hai:t P.H. Bertie 140 Smith Albt. Jas. boot ma r8 Elders & Fytfes Limited,
furniture dealer Harry Sneath 144 & 146 Brock Jn. Wm. bakr fruit importers
fir Bean Walt. Hy. tobacconst Dove John, blacksmith 148 Larnder Wm. boot repr r8 Martin HenjaminA.& Son,
63 Bingham Fredk. butcher (White Hart yard) ...... here are Ba.vfield yard<! boot factors "
67 FittS.W.&Co.furn. remvrs 8 King's Arms P.H. Edward Ashbourne st ......... r8 Miller Hubert Alex.sculptr
67B, Laing William, clothier Dugdale 152 Lily tavern, William 20 Howman Mrs. Emma,
]IA, Butcher George, picture 10 Clarke Rohert, cooper Herbert Orford wardrobe dealer
fra1ne maker ... here is C.mnell's co•.trt ... 154 Hempel Wm. fishmonger 22 Sc~.llnws James, engraver
..• here is Rutcatcher' s yard ... r2 Royal Standard P. H. Mrs ....... here is P .. ul"s yard ...... 22 Artis N orris, working
73 Sayer Ephraim, shopkeepr Frances Harriet Love 156 Sacker James, boot makr jeweller
75 Rose Charles Frederiek, ... ... here i.~ llfason's yard...... Butler Jn. Harry (Ber ho) 24 Yonngs Edward Matthew,
" harness maker r6 \Voods Geo. Jas. basket mn 162 Crowe Miss Alice, ~rk boot maker
77 Punchard Isaac, boot ma ...... here is Ma.wn' s court...... butcher 26 Po1d Edmd. leather factor
79 Harvey George, baker 18 :::iouthgate George, confr r68 Thornley William Alfred, Aldridge Ja.mes William,
...... here is Chapel lake •.•. .. Morter Herbert, grocer boot maker packing case maker
~lr HubbaTd Edwd.pork btchr 20 TowN Sun-PosT & M.O. 172 & 175 Gurney Albert (Elazeby's yard)
83 Sargent Mrs. Annie,haber- Office Victor, cycle maker ... ... he1·e isBlazeby' s yard ..... .
dasher 22 Barber Geo. Stephen, tailor ... her~ is Livin_qstone pl ......... here i~ Ja_q's court .... ..
85 Ives Edward Charles, corn 24 Windmill P.H. Mrs. Lydia 174 King's Arms P.H. Arthur 32 Hunt Miss Henrietta,
chandler lla7.ell Nichols dress maker
87 Gidney Mrs. Lonisa, confr ... here is Windmill alley ... ... here is Foulge1·'s opening ... 34 Eglinton William James
••• here is Lock tj- K"Y yard .•. ST.MICHAEL AT THORN CHCH 36 Coachmakers' Arms P.H.
8g Parravani Dominica, fruitr ......... here is Thorn la...... Berners street,Aylsham rd. William Albt. Whortou
-91 Lock & Key P.H. William128 Daniels Mrs.Nellie,nws.agt. 5 Swann Arthr.Robt. builder 38 Nudds Misses Fanny &
Walter "rard 1 . . . . . . !ten: is Lam.b yard ...... XI RoperArchd.Ily. insur. agt Emily, aputments

EETHEL 11TREF.T- <!ontinued. Great Hospital (Albert E. 39 Caplan Abrabam, clothier :Bracondale, Ber street &
40 Savage Mrs.Emma, feather ·w. Bacon, master) •...•. here is Globe yard •.. .•• Queen's road junction tG
cleaner ST. HELEN's CHURCH 'Swvens W. H. & Son, City boundary.
44 East Anglian (2nd) Field 23 Marquis of Granby P.H. printers EAST SIDE.
Ambulance R.A.M.C. Edward Culyer 45 Roberts Richard, boot ma I Richmond Hill tavern
Territorial Force, •.. ... here is Inkerman ter ... .•• 47 Denny George Camp bell, 9 Cartwright Misses
Lieut.-Col.J.H.Stacy, corn. 25 CooperMrs.Emma,shopkpr wardrobe dealer ...... here is Srmth_qate la ......
Hon. Lt. G. J. Edwards, ... ... he1·e is Balaclava ter...... ... lt~re is Fountain yard ••• I I Colman Mrs. Henry
transport officer 33 Goodrick Mrs. Louisa, 49 Allen Arthur, butcher · .... .. h ere ts · carrow r d ......
Hon. Lt. R. S. Mason, shopkeepel' 55 Girls' Home (Miss I. W"ll" F . B
T ]] h ) I~ 1 1ams ranc1s eane~
quartermaster 41 Thurtell Alfre d , carpenter ro ope, foster mot er • Hracondale School for
Sergt.-Major Jas. Connell, Sayer Edwd. Wm. statnr 57 Girling Wm. hair dresser
instructor (head quarters) PosT & M. Oroer Office. 59 Attwell Herbt.Jn. tobccnst Boys. See advertise-
48 Bacon George, baker Tele~rams are ··de- 61 Piggin Harry, fruiterer IS G~:y"~ol.Samuel Martin
.'io Norfolk & l\' orwich Staff of spatched but not de- .•. ... hwreis Sultzt:r's court ......
Hospital Trained Nurses 47 livered from this office Norwich Grape C:o. Lim I7 Day Miss ..
(Miss Thorpe, supt) & telegraph money 63 Armes Isaac, fishmonger 19 Colman Thomas Wllliam
5 6 Gardiner John Albt. tailor orders issued but not 65 Ong Waiter, boot repairer 2 I M_ottram Ja:nes
58 Sutton James, prov. d ealer pa1"d ' 6 7 AI pe J n. A. u b rey,provn. dl r 23 Lmcoln p Chr1stmas
...... h~e is St. Giles ter ...... 77 Goldsworth Mrs. Sarah, 6g Drain Albert Hy. clothier s~LLA~t METTEWR lotx -
60 Percy Leopold K shopkeeper 71 ParishWilliam,ironmonger 25 ewai rs. a ef'
6o_G eorge Mrs ... h ere ts . G old s1mt. h' s bldys .•• 73 B n"tanma . P.H. W a l ter 27 Mower h ..Mrs
L H z
6o Offord Miss Georo-ina G 79 Red Lion P.H. Alfred Cole Howard ...... ere ce ouse a .... -
,. · h · B · h b "d 29 Howlett Arthur
W. art1st ... ... ere ts ts op rt ge...... H b t R G N' h 1
\VALL LETTER Box SOUTH SIDE. WEST SIDE. 3I er er l ~V. eof "stlCJOhnas
2 Townshend Robt. furn. dlr M A l'Jcar o o
...... here is Riqby's court ...... here !s an entrance to the Close
Attoe Geo. & Son,furn.dlrs d~ Se ulch J ·
2 \ \irartogg LWeon ~d.stone masn 8 Edinboro'
64 ClaCrbidg- e George Percivdal
ar1es IILB., B.s.Lon . 0 ve 11
n 1 1am, cooper
Albert James Burrell
P.H. Br6 wn ~iss re
33 w· w Th
35 C ~Gr
surgeon (pathologist & Council School h . C t .e. L''iddl d omas
... e-,·e ts a '1 ..t.' e 11ar ... 37 ox eorge
"' 20 H J d arcour t Alf re d
F d · k 10 L ov1c · kM rs. H ennetta,· · b tc h r 39 Wild ee W'll" 1 ram
G reen
66 Slipper Miss
· h G J 22 or an re erlC
U d h'll R b t _
h · H z , s
..... ere ts . ow ett s cou-rt.. ... 41 pelman Henry Isaac
68 K mg ts eorge ames 24 n er 1 o er D · ls M' A · E Ell" h M
70 Cham hers Arthur J ames, 26 Harris Geor()'e Em est 14· ame lSS _nme · 43 mg aY? r~
.tect 2 8 B d ~:r p
,_ l\I
percy ~ orns
· teacher of mus1c
I6 Townshend Mrs. Maria,
45 Hurley l<redenck
Bunting Charles Arthur-
30 n m.,.,r ercy rd b d I (H'ld h )
Be:xle-..'s.. square. .... tt "''']].
32 1•1o11 e , 1 Jam rnes E t wa
B · kh ro e ea
Mi er ,.,r d C 1H 1 ers am
"' h p All r 8 ne arn ss , 49 ur arry
S ee G RAPES HILL. 34 4' as ert:y an R ]" ••
3 M~ - t
s 'th M'1
greengrocer 5I . ow mg- ll'lrS
Bishop bridge. 8 ~~- K t d 20 Bales Mrs. Ca.roline, furni- 53 Nash Herbert
3 Imsker lSS a e, ress ture dealer 55 Green Miss
See RIVERSIDE ROAD. L ma. P~I 22 ChilversArth.Sl.pork btcbr 57 Grear Edward L
4o SaulnS~ta rls A th 24 Sharp Hy. Geo. news agent Culley Alfred Colman(The-
n· h op .orl
.olS n 'd ge roa d , f rom 42 au bb n ey r ur ...... h ere ts · G nmes · yar d ...... G rove )
Bishop's bridge to Barrack rd. 4~ P 8 a ~r~;tlrs J 30 Charnberlins Limited, Napier Major Egbert (The-
EAST SIDE. 4 C~ynel_ 1 FI,amdkalG~es wholesale clothiers. See Grove)
, 4 8 amp mg re . eorge . d t· t h · K' t 1
1 Howlett Joseph Sydney S 'th w·n· 1 J{ a ver •semen ......... ere 'I.S ma s ........ .
baker '~4 ~t~t M mm ay 36 Edwards & Son, boot & Stuart Right Hon. JamesP.c:~
h •Me ;s ureeds sq 4 Hoff rsW"ll' Sta 1 shoe manufacturers M.A. (Carrow abbey)
••••• • • •• r;il .. "•' 6 6 u am 1 1am
• •• • • • • •• n ey · , ;, ·
21 Duke of York pH Robert All s·d
1 G 38 Kings Arms P.H. Franc1s 'PILLAR LETTER Box
Ramm · ' en nhey t ranger, Rayner Pine Apple inn, Wm. Josepll
A Hipper Chas. hair dresser R corn mere H an .... .. h ere l~·. c,at·vert st ..... . Perry (Trowse M'll~
1 ~ate
21 68
27 HarstonVernon,asst.engnr amsay enry 40 'l'aylor Edward, baker TrowseRailwayS~tion(Frdlt __
29 Tidman Frederick :Bixfield buildings. 42 Duke of Sussex P.H. Geo. Alien, statwn master)
31 Tidman Robert Willia.m Char~es Sparkes Coller R. & Sons Ltd. coal &c.
37 Smith Samuel, bay & corn See RuPERT STREET. .. .... here ts St. George st...... merchants . .
merchant &c 44 PentonE.&Son,leathr.mers .•. here the Rallway crosses •••
••...• herB is Egyptian rd ...... :Black Horse street, 128 46 Hollan~ Joseph, saddler Sewage Pumping Station
WEST inDE Heigham street. .. .... here zs Hodds yard ......
2 6 Nice Charles, b~tcber RAILWAY MISSION HALL 50 Donovan Augustin, gold WEST SIDE.
. · w ]'-~ h k blocker. 8 Laws Isaac, refreshmt.nns
2 8 R 1pp1er a ~.<::r,s op eeper 2 Sw t M k Th
o Goodswan Wm beer retlr Bloomsbury place Rose la. 5 2 Murrell Mrs. Sarah, fancy 4 • war' ar . o~a.s
3 ur L ·B ' draper 26 Moore Fredenck Wilham •
n ALL ETI"ER OX 6 W'mton M rs
N W 't' ffi 54- McEwen S & Sons tailors 28 Turner Frank Percy
44 ea 1e m.recrm mg 0 er 8 Page Thomas William s6 Page Willi~m coffe'e rooms 30 Curtis Misses
46 DellerFredk.Wm. shopkpr 17 Johnson John, mechanical 6o CouzensBartl~ttJas.butcbr 32 Ransome Mrs
engineer 62 The Shuttles P.H. Francis 34 J arrold l\'lrs
Bishopgate street, from 19 Lambert Mrs Widdows 36 Howlett John Godfrey
St. Martin at Palace plain 2 I Fisher Mrs 38 Tuck Geo. Hustler D. L. 1 J. P.
to Bishop bridge. n wth d D (H
emmg · f rd h
o ouse )
Boar's Head yard. 8 ere-
NORTH SIDE . .oo orpe
h roa d' 23 ... .. . ..., h 1!1'e 1s
. Cor t on r d ........ .
1 Cross Mrs. Jane Eleanor, See SuRREY STREET. am roa · 40 Dexter Mrs
lace restorer 26 Calver Arthur, boot repr 42 Harrison John
'-3 Smith MrR Bond street, 284 Dereham rd. 78 Howes John Joseph,monu- 44 Hayfield Miss
7 Holland Henry, plnmber mental mason 46 Mann Arthur Nathaniel
9 G ou ]dIn . g J~~""'ep h , s h op k pr , ,. . SIDE.
EAST . ......... h ere 1s . B on d s t ............... h er~ ts . M'l • t on r d ..... .
1 ver
... here is Goodrum's '!lard ... 2 Gould ~ llham,coal mercht NorwichCemetery(Entrance) 48 Smith Miss de Carle
13 Marshall Arthur Watling, 38 Howlett James (G. B. Kennett, clerk; 50 Steward :Miss
cabinet maker WEST SIDE. James R. Everitt, supt) 52 Colman Hm·ace Palmer
Saul.Arthr. (Tabernacle ho) 47 Pocock Thos. Wm.sbopkpr Norwich Isolation Hospital 54 Huggins Ed wd. Jas. Ward
COUNTESS OF HL"NTINGDON (med. supt. Harry Cooper s6 Sheepshanks Mrs
C HAPEL Botolph st. 68 Magdalen st. p a tt"mM.A.,M.D. ,D. P.H.; res. 5 8 J ewson ('..-eorge
17 Adam & Eve Gardens P.H. EAST SIDE. med. officer, Walwr Leigh 6o Southwell Edwin B
John Andre'ITS 3 & 5 Price Frank, draper M. Goldie I<".R.C.S.Eng., 62 Widdows Frank
Saul A. Limited, timber ...... here ar~ White Horse <.f 1\I.R.C.S.Lond.; matron,Miss 64'Clow Miss
mers. (St. Helen's whrf) Little 1Vhite Horse yards... E. Watkinson) 66 Marshall Robert
Garland Frank(St. Helen's 13 CnllingfordHorace,ragmer Norwich Union (James Thos. 68 Gaze Mrs
house) 23 Whaites Wm. boot repr Tanner, master; Mrs.Geor- 70 Moore Arthur Montague
ST. HELEN's SQUARE: 25 Collins Ernest, fishmongr gillll.Isabe.laTanner,matrn) 72 Cozens-HardySydney LL.B
Koblich Rev. Harry William 27 RogersMrs.Kathleen,shpkr Church & Sabberton, tomato 72 Cozens-Hardy Hasil
(vicar of St. llelen's J ...... here is Cossey's yard...... growers 74 Carrington William
Millard Rev.Frederick Maule ...... here is Chapel yard ...... Church William J. & Co. 76 Howard Harry James
M. A. (retired) 37 Thorne & Howard,nursery tomato growers 78 Harris Richd. cattle dealer
boot manufacturers .Allen A. J.& C. tomato grwrs 8o Palmer Daniel Hotson
Long Capt. William H. B.57 Sewell John Bull Close road, 163 Mag· as Mallett Henry Phillip
(Bracondale woods) 59 Amos Bertie, clerk dalen street. 3I Bunting Mrs. Eliza
63 Clark
.... here is Martineau la .... Waiter Ernest, RIGHT SIDE. 33 Pryke Mrs
... here the Railwm; crosses ... commercial traveller Lusher&; M>J.rsh, malt shovel 3S PoddEdmnnd, boot mall:ufr
111ower Harry Wiliiam, miller. . .• here is Plumstead rd • . . • makers 49 Vardon John Robert, ta1lor
(Trowse mills) 6S Hand Rev. George L. M. A. Council School SI Brigbtwell Arthur
[curate of St. Leonard's] here are Spencer st. q. Silve 1• st. 55 A, Seeley Mrs. El vinCI.,
Branford road, from Sprow- 2 Ri?e Obadiah Handford 53 & 55 Hunt-Cropp Harry & shopkeeper
ston road. • 28 M1tchell Peter Sons, grocers SS Baker Mrs
2 Jepsdn Thomas, grocer 30 Emme~t George 57 Hunt Philip, news agent 57 Allen William Hr. Arthur
4 Harvey John, carpenter .... here ts Plumstead rd ~ ... 61 Barney Herbert William 59 Clark George Ohver
I DonglasRt. Bruce,beerret 58 Wickham Mrs. HaiTiet, hair dres3er '61 Norwich City Mission
general cartel' 6S Manu Mrs.Alice,shopkeepr Shelter
Branksome road, 1,52 New- 85 £aul Danl. Hy. news agnt 63 Hazell William
market road. Bro~ne street (North 103 Cannell Isaac, butcher 67 Hall Cecil, teachr.of music
[No thorougbfa re.] He1gham), :12 _Old Palace ...... here is Steward st ...... EAST SIDE.
2 Havers William Watson road to Goldsm1th street. lOS StangroomSaml.Jn.drapr Io Hollings Arth. boot repr
Ho ward Ed ward, horticul- I West End Retreat P.H. Il7 Dean Jame3, shoe maker 44 Hall Walt.Ernest,carpentr
tural builder Junious Henry Cockram x6g Watlin<> & Alien laundry 72 Pond William, dairyman
L~FT ·SIDE.' Bo Cubitt William, insur. agt
Brtid:twAelldaller,BBedfodrdtst. Brunswick road, 3 New- 14 CullingtonFredk.carpenter 8...... here is Denbigh rd .....
o u . n rew s roa s • k t d x8 Gaze Mr8. Ellen, milliner 2 Gotts Edward Thomas,
E "' mar e roa . 32 Morse Wm. Geo.decorator se h oo l mas t er ..
1 Hovell Wm.Ernest, toy dlr WEST SIDE. so Holsworth MissC. dressma
5 'l'ate Jas.& Co.confectionrs I Page Charles Fountain ...... here is Bull close ...... Calvert street, 29 Colegate
7 Bow hill Thos. boot manfr Morgan Rev. WalterG.M.A. 66 Fitt J ames, carter street to 40 Eotolph street.
WEST SIDE. [vicar] (St. Stephen's Ell'IS Sam. · mereh ant
1 f rmt WEST SIDE.
2 Paul Richd. ham & beef dlr vicarage)
h · rT d 98 Leopard 1'. H. John King I Crisp & Willirnent, boot
4 Claxton William Henry, ...... ere ts n.anover r ...... 6 R W It f
medical l>otanist 5 Butler Henry 10 oper a er, grocer manu acturers
& TowN SuB-PosT & 3 Harris Arthur & Sons,
6 Weeks Edward L. V. 7 Moore Mrs 108 M. 0. Office shoe manufacturers
musical instrument dlr 9 Gough l''rancis John
8 Jordan Alfred, news agent 11 Platten Frederick Edwin I34 Watling Mrs. Mary Ann, 1I Varney William, chair ma
8 Butler Arthur Jn. draper 13 Crowe Frederick Harry shopkeeper Trevor, Page & Co. up-
ll h Sunday School holsterers
8 Cooper Stephen, hair drssr 15 Ha Jos ua Council School
10 Payne Wm. Robert, tailor ·•• ...... here is T1·ix rod ••• ...... .B ll 1 1.:1 St h ' 8 t C 1
12 South Yorkshire Coal Co Ig Kiddle Miss u ane, "'t. ep ens • 15 Dawes bares, painter
14 Hankin Waiter, draper ,21 Birch Waiter I Galey Walter 3 1 Atkins William, sewing
I6 Blake Walter, butcher 1

23 Barnes Harry, builder machine agent

I8 ChurchyardJn.dining rms 23 Barnes Miss Blanche, Burlington buildings. 43 HarveyGeo.A.wardrobe dlr-
20 W esleyan & GeneralAssur- teacher of music See 0RFORD PLACE. ·•· lurre is Golden Dog la ...
ance Soc. (Hy. Garland 25 Brown Mrs. Sarah 45 Goodings Mrs. Maria,.
Shepherd, district supt) 27 Smith l':reorge Burnaby street, Hall road. shopkeeper
22 Fell A. & Co. tailors 31 Watson Henry 1 8 Reed Alfred, shopkeeper 49 Willis Wm. shoe manufr
...... here is Newmarket st...... ... here i:; Baldwin':; yard •••
Brigg street, Haymarket 33 Ed wards Mrs Burton's buildings, 53 Holt William, shoe maker
· to Rampant Horse street. 35 Kerridl!e ~
.Arthur Edward See SOUTHWELL ROAD. 55 Trevor, Page & Co. nphol~
EAST SIDE. 3 7 Feavyer Mrs sterers. s~o advor-
I Linford & Son, watch mas 39 ChapmanErnst.Willie,bakr Bury st. 168 Unthank road. tisoi'Tient
3 PilchR.G. athletic outfitter 4I Coldstream P.H. Mrs. SS Page John & Co. cabinet.
5 Allen Mrs. Elizabeth Audrey Jane Sharpe NORTH smE. makers
Thirza, toy dealer ...... Jw·e is Cambridge st...... 2 Palmer F. E. & Son,chmsts Doughty's Hospital,
7 Xational Cash Registry EAST SIDE. 44 Blake Miss Ethel,dress ma Mrs. R. Oliver, matron
GJ. Limited 2 Larking Charles 82 Edmonds James William, 57 Sutton William
9 & I I N orton Misses E. & A. 4 Cundall Miss • jobbing gardener UNITEDMETHODISTCHAPEL-
baby linen warehouse 6 Hunter Villiers f 8 2 Edmonds Misses Mary & EAST BIDE.
I3 Taylor Herbert hair dressr 8 Purdy Miss Maude, dress makers h . ][, ll' d
13 & 1~ Newby E'dwin Ray 10 Wallis Rev GeorgeCharles 86 Swatman Jas. greengrocer ..... ~. ere l.'l a s yar ·:···•
uin"'brella maker ' BD [vi~r of Lakenham] 98 CopelaCJd ~Iiss Daisy, 1 4 Fis~er. & Co .. (NorWich}
· .· d k Limitei bakmg powder-
WEST SIDE 12 Massmgham J oseph rei's ma er ' ·
·. C. k R l d l h SOUTH SIDE manufacturer!!
. 2 Home & Colomal Stores 14 lar e o an 'schoo tc r z·1 f l M Ell .d I6 & I8 Sing-er Sewing Ma-
Limited 16 Scott Edmund school tchr S P e rs. en, ress ma . - . .
· s 1·
4 Norwwh Meat Co. butchers 18 tar mg n artm as. c er
"·1 .' J 1 k I I Laing Da.vid builder
. ' . d
chme Co. Limited
Cros -kill c R & Sons cork
4 London & Manchester In- 20 Tindall Louis Edwd. clerk 5 Mayes MisS Harnet, ress s · · •
· H''ld "l' maker manufacturers (Calvert
dustr1al Assuraf\Ce Co. <!2 n 1 e ~• 1ss . Street works)
Ltd . (Jn · H arman ' supt) 24 Loades .
Joseph Robert 83 Harmer George, boot repr

22 Qmnton John
6 Goose Frank H. stationer p~an?forte tun~r ......... her~ is Cross la .........
8 Carr & Inge, milliners ...... here .zs B!·un~wick ter...... Butchery (The). 28 & 30 Ramsbottom Bros.
IO Halford Cycle Co. Ltd. 26 Le Gnce Edwd.Cbas.grocr See MARKET PLACE. Ltd. boot manufacturers
cycle accessories dealers 36 Foreman Geo. sole sewer
12 A, Fletcher w. & R. Ltd. Buck's yard. Bnxton road, Aylsbam rd. ... h ere ts · K'tn_q ,s =ea
Tr d l a •••
_ butchers See OAK STREET. socTH SIDE. .J 2 Hovell R. H. & Co. Lim.
12 Sullivan Arthur, confectnr . 2 Bygrave Arthur Wm.clerk hair cloth manufacturers
I4 Boots Cash Chemists Bull close, 49 Cowgate st. 6 Lockwood l\liss M. teacher .. here i.~ Two Brewers yard ..
(Eastern) Limited to 66 Bull Close road. of music 62 Rams bottom Bros. Limited,
Rif'JHT SIDE. NORTH SIDE. boot 1nanufacturers
Britannia rd. Plumstead rd. 7 Fish William, painter I Burton John Hannent ...... here is GTeen's lane ......
I Back Warren Usher SALVATION.ARMYBARRACKS 7 Parish Miss Lillian E. 64 Hope P.H. James Smith
3 Read Georga Bate 27 & 29 ClaphamEverett, bakr teacher of the pianoforte 72 Harvey Clui.rles, machinist .
5 Ramsay .Alfred LEFT SIDE. 23 Hill George Skipper, book- ...... here is Anchm- yard ......
9 Sellers Joel, manager 2 Widdows Mrs. Arm, grngro binder 102 Wiseman Jn. boot maker
...... here is Vincent 1·d ...... IO Hutcbin Jas. boot repairer 35 Green .Arthur Robert
11 Army Service Corps, I2 Russon Leonard, shopkpr 47 Carver William Benjamin, Cambridge street, 10 5
Capt. W. H. Barton 14 Bushell Hy. Benj. shopkpr shoe bow manufacturer Unthank road.
13 Finn Gerald Harry 24 Mountain Geo. fishmonger
37 Daniel WilliamEdwd.clerk 34 Dann Henry, shopkeeper · Caern!U'von road, 124 SOUTH SIDE.
39 Whiteman Samuel Henry 36 Blyth Arthur Rbt. shopkpr Earllmm road. 5 & 7 Davis Miss Elizabeth,
SI Ballard .Arthur, dentists' 38 Bricklayers' Arms P. H. WEST SIDE. nursing home
mechanic Charles Lewis n Porter G. Thompson, insur- 9 Harcourt E. tchr. of music
53 Farrow Ernest 'V alter, here is Bull row.........
1 ......... ance Rl!ent r I Harcourt George Anthony
co:nmercial traveller 40 The Bull P.H. Arthur I7 Eglinton Geo. Percr, clerk 13 Dawson Geo. J. com. trav
55 Thomson James Freeman i Fiddament 23 Grimble Samuel William 15 Trower Robert Wm. clerk

CAMBRIDGE S'IREET contd. 42 Baker Herbert, builder 12 Dodsou John, tea wareho WEST SIDE.
r.7 Calver Miss 44 Rlake James,tailor&draper 13 Fitt Geo. & Son, auctionrs 2 & 4 J ohnson, Burton &
I9 Osbourn Percy 64 Whiles Arthur, gardener 13 Roadhouse Herbert, rent Theobald, ironmongers
2I Wells William Page & debt collector 2 London Dental Institute
23 Hatch Frederick George Carlyle rd.. Cricket Ground 13 Nice George, land agent 2 Rymer Jn. Max,hairdrssr
25 Hubbard Alfred, builder road to Carton road. 14 Proctor Waiter Kyrne ... here is Old .Post Office et ...
27 Dawson Donald R 25 Vanstone Herbert r5 Boots Cash Chemists 6 Batter bee J a mes, tailor
29 Cockrill Mrs 35 Bla1..ey Mrs (Eastern) Limited 8 King's Head P.H. Hy. Cox
31 Walker Robert 16 Baird Jas. & Son, boot mas ...••.... h eTe is IJavry pl .....• •••
33 Wegg Mrs Carrow road, from Bracon- 18 ArtisEdwin, working jewllr 10 Benjamin (Harris) & Son,
35 Boulton Frederic William dale to Thorpe road. 19 Dowson l<"redk. corn. agent wall paper warehouse
37 Taylor Charles RIGHT siDE. 20 King Claude M.R.san.I., Copeman& Sons, who.grcrs
41 Seaman Hayward S I Collins Arthur Elliston F. I.S.E. Consulting sani·
43 Bitton F re d eric · k Q um
· t on ... ... h ere zs · 1 ce .L.I.ouse
rr l a...... t ary engmeer.
· s ee Cathedral street, d 7?. Prince
. ,
45 Hill Sidney Dennis 3 Andrews George Dowson advertisement of Wales roa to St. Faiths
49 DesboroughReginald,clerk 5 Ramage Hugh 21, 22 & 23 Pond Herbert lane.
SI Berry Miss ·Fanny Hens- Council Schools James, boot & shoe ma SOUTH-EAST SIDE.
!owe, teacher of music CatlingJspr. Benj. gro 24 Scott.AugustusF.architect 3 BialeCapt. LawrenceChas.
53 Hindes William 29 TowN Sun-PosT & M. 0. 25 Queen F.B. Henry Lines barrister-at-law
55 Betts Hector Ofiice ······-·· here is Opie st ......... 5 Sawyer Henry Thomas,
57 Smith Fred Weldon ..•...••• here is King st •••....•. OPIE HousE CHAMBERS:- foreman engineer
59 Hart Edmund William Colman J. & J. Lim. mustard Daynes (J. W. C.), Son & .7 Drake .Arthur, apartments
63 Sadler Mrs &c. manufrs. (Carrow wks) Keefe, solicitors 9 Mace Mrs. Alice, aparts
75 Ducker Miss May, teacher .•• here is Carrmv bridge •.. 11 RichesMissLucretia,aparts
of music ...... her~ is Kerrison rd •..••. 13 King Thomas Geo. ararts
77 Tuck Wm . .Arthur, grocer 33 BurroughsGeorge,shopkpr 27 Goodchild Herbt. solicitor 19 Loveday Miss Mary Ann,
.••...••. here is Rupert st ..••••.•• BI Clarence Harbour F.B. 29 Benuett Harry Oscar, arartments
79 Bell Herbert, pork butcher Mrs. Mary Sharman accountant. See ad- 23 Stimpson Misses Agnes &
89 Pilbean Geo. Thos.shupkpr .•• ...... here is Hardy rd... .••••. vertisen"lent Maud, dress makers
127 Bowhill Mrs 83 Bushel! Herbert, baker 29 Bond John Owen,architect 25 Barking Miss Emma,
129 Coen .Albert William, 85 ThouleBs Philip .Archibald 30 Cole John school mistress
photographer 95 WisemanMrs . .Alice,butchr 3I Green Herbert John,archt NORTH-WEST SIDE.
147 Steel Charles W 105 Southall James ... here are Bank plain,Prince 4 Lawrence
149 Canovan Mrs 107 Geldart Miss of Wales 1 ·d. <!"Market av ... Io RiversMrs.MaryAnn,aprts
NORTH SIDE. LEFT SIDE. Norwich Castle & Museum, Harvey Mrs. Fanny, dress
26 Kemp William 2 Beales Francis Isaac Frank Leney, curator maker (Rose cottage)
28 Utting James John 4 Havers Charles Shire House 14 Drackett Mrs. Mary Ann,
30 Philpot Ernest Edward, I4 Mollett George, collector Norfolk County Council, apartments
railway agent of port &c. dues Geo. Christr. Davies, clerk .
32 Bond :Fred .Arthur I4 Constable James John, Davies George Christopher, CathenneWheel opening.
38 Alien ·william Geo. travllr collector of port dues solicitor clerk of the peace See ST. AUGUSTINE'S STREET.
40 Capon William Curtis ... here is Cm-row bridge ... for the 'county & clerk to
44 Primrose William .Alan Carrow Works Club House the Norfolk county council Cattle market.
Rosebe r Y, ha n k Clerk .•• -... h ere 1s· Cl arence r d ···-·· &. secretary to t h e N orwic
· h IThe
\ following are agricul-
46 Pretty George 20 Shimmens Chas. shopkpr Waterworks Co tural implement makllr~.)
-46A, Cutler Thomas 26 Ward Miss Beatrice, dress County Treasurer's Office Ling Brothers
48 Stibbard Alfd. David,clerk maker (Horace Charles Baling- Randell F. Limited
so RimmerHarlanPeden,trav PILLAR LETTER Box broke, county accountant) Key William H
52 Watling Benj. Richd. Gold ...•....• here is Cedar rd .....•... County Surveyor, Thos. Hind Burton Thomas Wm
62 NorwichGnardians'Homes 36 Blackburn Mrs. May, Blumer Heslop M.mst.c.E Roots J. & Co
for the Poor (Miss Rosa news agent N orfolkCountyCouncilEduca-
Ad e l ai·u e E ag1e, f os ter ...... h ere ts · H a1· bour r d ...... tion committee, · Cattle Market st. Golden
mother) AbbottBryantWm.(Lawn ho) Thomas A. Cox. ~ec Ball street to Rose lane.
64 Hines Miss Norfolk CountyCouncil Small 18 & 19 Golden Ball P.H. Wm.
66 Bullard .Arnold Robert Carshalton r~ad (New Holdings Dept. (Dennis Michael Andrews
68 Betts Mrs Lakenham),CncketGround Christopher BurnarJ. B.A., 20 Maggs .Abraham, harness
.70 Beeston Mrs road to Carton road. LL.B., P.A.S.I. council land maker
72 Bird Joseph I Barber Mrs agent 21 Buff Coat P.H. Wm. Lane
78 Spencer Charles 3 Fenn John Arthnr Nash James Thos. Chas. M.D. 22 Vincent W.& Sons,auctnrs
•••.•. ... he·re is Ruperl st... ... ... 5 Parker Samuel Sampson, medical officer of health 22 Ho ward J uhn & Sons, wood
-g6 Munslow William Henry relieving officer Norfolk county council carvers.
Bernard, w~tch maker 7 ~wl Alfred Ern est Twentyman Ed wd. controller ......... her~ z~ Globe la ........ .
I2o Mnskett BllnJ. shopkeeper 9 L1ekert Mrs. Paula of local taxation licenses 23 & 27 Spanl Alexander,
128 Buxton~. J. _fll:rniture dlr 37 Layccx:k Miss Elizabeth Bernard-Boyce Miss Florence moto,r ea~ fa~tor
••••••... _he:e u Trmttyst......... .Anme, dress ~aker M. lady inspr. of midwi\·es 6th._ ~e~1tonal. Ft~rce
130 Wilhams R. J. ~addern, 39 Brady .Alfred fheob1ld, County Police Station (Major (vychst 1_ Battalion Nor-
teacher of music plumber Egbert Napier chief con- folk Regiment,
I36 Earl w~. W~lt. greengro stable; Supt. Edward Sey- Lt.-Col. B.~- L. Prior,
•••...... her~ lS Unwn st ......... Castle chambers. mourWoodeson chief clerk) commandmg
See 0PIE STREET. ' Capt.F.Higson,adjutnt
Camp road, Ketts hill. . Norfolk (King's Own Hoyal
14 Utting Mrs. Gertrude, Castle meadow. Castle street, London street Regiment) Yeomanry
shopkeeper 2 York tavern, Mrs. Sarah to Back of the Inns & Territorial Force,
24 WicksBros. poultry breedrs A nn J oh nson Royal arcade. co.1 H . .A . Barc.ayc.v.o.,

15 Miller Alfd.Herbt.shopkpr 3 Castle hotel, Mrs. Mary E. FAST SIDE. A D. C. commanding

Cannon wharf. Steward 1 Booth & Co. hatters Capt. the Hon. R. N.
• 4 Mobbs James Leonard, 3 Goodwin Mrs.H.L.milliner D. Ryder, adjutant
See KING STHEET. estate agen~ s Bushel! & Co. umbrella mas George Hudgell, regi-
Canterbury place, I5 4 Boyce Ed wd. W. insur. agt 7 PillowMrs.M.refrshmt.rms mental sergt.-major
Heigham street. 4 HentleyChas. bldng.survyr 9 Winter MisRes Ellen.ii.Elsie, 24 Pank A. & Son, agricul-
3 Nicholls Charles,shopkeepr
5 English- Swedish Import art needlework repositry tural implement makers
Co. merchants, I I 'Webber .Arthur, trunk ma 25 Shirehall hotel, Walter
Capps rd. from Denmark rd. R. S. Mason, mangr rs & I7 Quick James William, Moses Gibson
1 .Ames .Albert 5 & 6MasonRH.&Son,tailors wine & brandy importer 26 Chapman Miss .Alice, tem-
6 Morter Fredk. ticket writer 19 Matthews Thomas Elijah, perance hotel
Cardiff rd. x8 Den high road. Morter Frederick, florist hair dresser 27 & 23 Spaul .Alexander,
WEST SIDE. ("Fern kabin) 2I Dipple George Henry & motor car factor
~ IA, Newham Alfd.Jn.butchr ...••• here is Arcade st ••• ... Son, jewellers 29 Ransome Frank
43 Davy Miss Dora, dress ma ......... here is lJavey pl......... Tyce Harry, iron mer. &c 30 Waters & Son,auctionrs.&c
EAST SIDE. • 9 Norwich Homreopathic ......... here i:~ IJavey pl ......... 30 Yorkshire Insurance Co.
Lane Wm. Ju. carpenter Dispensary, Hughes William & Mrs. Jane, Ltd. (John Clayden,
6 Kelf Wm. George, tailor H, J. Copeman, hon. sec fishmongers district representative)
ao Top barn Alex. J.mfrs'. agt I I Bidewell Miss Grace, day 15 Buttolph George Henry, 43 Barnes Mrs
go Stolz Electrophone Co, school jun. firewood dealer 45 Bailey Herhert Frederick
(London) Ltd. acoustic 23 Gunnell George Herbert . .• . .• kere is Salford st . . . . .. ··•·.. hiJI·e is Walpole st •••.••
instrument makers 25 Humphrey Thomas Saml. ..• here is Cross Globe st ... 47 Barber Misses Alice &
31 Lion inn, Frederick Blyth watch maker 12 Lark Mrs. Emma,shopkpr Ellen, ladies' school
32 Eastern Counties Farmers' 27 Pearson Mrs 22 Holmes Mrs. Mary Ann, 49 Manser Mrs
Co-operative Assoc. Ltd WEST SIDE. shopkeeper 53 Curtis George, builder
32 Sparks Miss Ann,dress ma 2 ·woods Percy Chapel Field east Theatre here areUn~on ~-~'!'~eCrescent
34 Roberts&Son,bird presrvrs 4 Shedden Samuel · 'd d 83 York VIlla frammg Home
C l
stroot to hape F1el roa . ("·I M ar tl 1a El"tza b e th
35 Cross & Co. corn merchnts 6 Fenn Mrs lt. rs.
37 Sexton Herbt.jun.fruiterer 10 Lewis Miss 15 Girls' Orphan Home, Cook, matron)
12 Starmer Rev. Henry, dis- Mrs.Annie Forth, matron Ss Pollock Mrs
Catton Grove road, con· trict sec. for British & St. Peter Mancroft Boys' ss Ash ton Fdk. trav
tinuatioD"t>f Angel road. Foreign Bible Society School Standley Harry P. shoeing
...... here ·is Elm Grove la ...... 14 Hensby Herbert Fuller CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH smith
WEST SIDE. 16 Watts Miss Harriet,aparts ...... here is Chantry rd ...... 87 Snowden Arthur Baxter,
1 Hook Samuel John 2oAndersonMrs.Emily,aparts r6 Davy Rev. Thomas Gibson artificial teeth maker
· 3 Sugden Mrs 26 White Alfred. S A.K.C.L UNITED METHODIST CHCH
5 Gallant James 30 Noble Fredk. insurance agt 17 Turner Charles Paston ...... here is Bristol ter ......
, 7 Francis Mrs 31 Lay John James Back Mrs. I Youngs J. & Son, builders
I I Lines Henry J oseph 36 Limmer William Osborn Mrs. 2 The ~ undertakers. Sea
13 Tidman Jeremiah Brown Rev. Jas. Grove advsrtiscnnont
.15 Powley William Robert Chalk Hill rd.RiverSide rd. Landy M. A. ::1 99 Andrew:.William,manager
17 Shields Archibald .A.llan NORTH SIDR. 18 Pelham Ven. Sidney M.A. ...... here are St. Step hen's sq.
'I9 Stevens Mrs I Bishop Mrs [archdeacon of Norfolk] ~Crook's pl.. ....
2I :McEwen Samuel 3 Jeffries Edmund, cattle Shields Frank roi ret
:23 Gaze 1\Irs salesman Edward, 6 The rog Taylor John, tobacconist
2S Thompson William :; Benjamiu David Spencer Mrs. 5 Grnre I I I Harvey Mrs. Elizabeth,
35 Sugden George 7 Drummond Alexander Hodgsun Miss, 4 pork butcher
37 Bultitude James 9 Castle Harry, manager - ....... here is Coburg st.. ....... 113 Cutting Henry Geo.baker
39 Paterson Andrew I r Scolding Fredk. Hy. clerk Chapel Field north, 6
4I Hines Walter Robert 13 Savage Wm. Wylie, clerk Chapel Field rd. to Theatre st. 2 Levine Loui9
43 Hines Mrs I5 Sizer George Duge Horace Edgar, motor 6 Lincoln Alfred Warner,
45 Wills Claude Oliver IS Sizer Miss Ada, dress ma ·
engmeer teeth manufacturer
47 Cochran William Robert 17 Chapman Hy. corn. travllr St. Giles' Girls' School ... here is Chapel Field north ...
Osburne & McLintock, I9 Knowles William 3 W oodhouse Miss Drill Hall 4th Territorial Force
priv.asylum(TheGrove) 23 Rudd Walstan George Harcourt Bosworth Battalion NorfolkRegiment,
McLintock Misses (The 25 Plunkett William 4
5 Archer Mrs Lieut.-Col. J. R. Harvey
Grove) 27 Coombs Ernest Grosvenor 6 Delves Sydney Herbert D.s.o. commanding
EAST SIDE. 29 Reeve George, pla11terer 7 King Mrs F. R. Day, adjutant
~so Walsh Mrs. Ellen, laundry 3I Rumball Alfred, a parts 8 Large John Chapel Field gdns. (entrance)
78 Go wen Harry J osiah Thos SOUTH SIDE. 9 Steward Miss 42 National Society for the
So Hare J ')hn Charles 2 Sa) er Henry Robcrt 9 Wearing Stanley John Prevention of Cruelty to
:82 Purling Jacob Edward 4 Bussens James, clerk 10 French Albert, artist Harper,
•84 Hare Frederick Andrew 6 Cannell Charles Stephen, ... here is Ninham's court ... inspector)
·86 Nicholson Bernard L sanitary inspector 1 1 Chambers Miss 44 Roddick Mrs
83 Nash Frederick William 8 Fisk Frederick Henry ...... hue is Watts coU1·t ...... 52 Ho ward Robert John, toll
ro Fawcett Mrs. Alice 12 Todd John Timothy collector
Cavalry st (Pockthorpe), 14 Park Mrs. Julia, ·aparts I::Z Norwich Permanent Build- 54 Butt-on Mrs
from Ancnor street. 22 Minor John, telegraphist ing Society,J. T. Todd,sec 56 Harbord Arthur Samuel,
How lett Frederick, shopkeepr 24 Storey Edmund,insurance Pym Mrs. Radford (St. estate agent
collector Mary's croft) 58 Dye ~rs .
l Cecil road, Ipswich road. 28 Bailey Frank Howes & Sons, motor car ... he;·e 1s Chapel Field east ...
WEST SIDE. 30 Rennie Ed win, clerk bmlders. See advcr- PILLAR LETTER Box
I Arnold Alfred Gibbs 32 Ives Mrs tiscmcnt 6o Norwich Educational Au-
'3 Farquahar Hugh 34 GriceMrs.MaryElizh.aparts 14 Howes Mrs thority Dental Institute
5 Gillett Richard William 36 Amiss Harry, clerk here are Bethel st.~ Theatre st (Lewis llurrows,caretkr)
7 Havers Mrs ... h e~·e is Chapel Field wst ... 62 Stannard Mtss Eloi;:;e H.
9 Lord Frederick M The Chantry, Theatre st. apartments
13 Fisher Leslie George Blake Aubrey Aston Chapel Field road,St.Giles' 6 4 Winch Edwin Francis
IS Collim1 Harold, deputy Keith, Blake & Co. solicitors street to St. Step hen's street. 66 Pttt James Clare
borough engineer Hill Chas. Rickards, solicitor 3 Stockwell J. 0. & Co. 74 Pooley Miss
"~7 Buckingham Geo. Herbert Oliver Frank business transfer agents 76 White Misses ,
19 Pope Arthur Cecil Meyrick Rev. Fredk. James 3 LeeJ.& C.travellng.draprs 78 Ward Mrs. Rosa, aparts
23 Norman Herbert John M.A. (St. Peter's vicarage) 5 & 7 Nursing Sisters of the 82 Shrubsole William Lewis,
-2S Littleboy Noel Arthur Jessop Hev. Augu9tus D.D Assumption photographer
27 Thorns Sidney John CJ Bower Henry 84 Lower Richard
29 Sears Edmund Chantry court. Bragg John (Sinclair ho) 86 Fraser Mrs. Mary,registry
31 Abbott Edward J. P See THEATRE STREET. I I Cllllds John R. stone mason office for servants
33 Lock Mrs 13 Coxford Miss 90 Fordham Ar~hur George
3S Hoddy William Harvey Cha.ntry road, Chapel IS Wilson Robert James 9.4 Bunn John, apartments
37 Cockrtll Horace William Field east. 17 Fitt Miss g6 Smith Mrs. Emily, aparts
39 Clarke Harry Osborne Caley A. J. & Son Limited, 19 Utting l<'rank "\Vm. printer 98 Duffen Henry Edward
65 Downs Mrs miner-al water manufactrs ...... he~·e is VauxhaAl st ...... roo Stanley Ellis
67 Yallop Robert BeardMrs.Finlay( Mancroft ho) 21 Ward James, parks supt 102 Seaman Samuel, managr
EAST SIDE. Ward Robert Edward 2S Hird Hellewell 104 Bowman Charles
2 Thwaites Frederick George Paten & Co. pattern makers 2SA, Edafb1 Co. patent medi- ro6 Reeve Mrs
so Rowley Al.gernon Memorial Hall cine vendors roB Page Philip
52 Hart Geoffrey 27 Hook Herbert W rro Sutton Mrs.J.H.servants'
54 .A.ldous James Harold Chapel lake, Surrey street Moy Thomas Limited, coal registry office
56 Hall Cbristopher to Ber street. merchants (stables)
ss Newth Sydney SuRREY CHAPEL [Unde- 29 Jeary Fredk. cycle agent Charing cross, from I Duke
6o Fincham Arthur nominational] ... here is Rising Sun. row ... street to St. Benedict's st.
8 Fox .Mrs. Harriet,dress ma 3I & 33 Potter EdmundWode- NORTH SIDE.
Cedar rd. (Thorpe Hamlet), . house Douro,stonemason I Knowles 'Vm.C. tobaccnst
43 Thorpe road. Chapel st. (South Hmgham), ...... here is .11-tiddle raw ...... 3 Herring Henry J ames,
EAST SIDE. Rupert street to Union st. 35 Banyard Mrs pork butcher
x Knight Alfred Ed ward s Duke of Wellington P.H. 37 Turner John Joseph 5 Pooley Henry & Son Ltd.
3 Ashford Mrs Alexander Hyam ·here are Ro.!e ter. 9" El don row scale makers
5 Wright Walt.J.bandmastr ...... here is Manchester Kt ... 39 Rudling Jasper 7 Woodger Alex. fish curer
7 Codd Mis.<~ 7ChapmanMrs.Maria,shpkpr 41 Thomp.;on William Chris· 9, I I & 8 Tyce George, house
9 Eastaugh Mrs 13 Duckett Andrew, boot repr tupher, painter furnisher

CHARING CROSS---<:ontinued. 8 Cracknell Richard 29 Carey Harry, dairyman .•. . .• here is C.'l/p1'11.~ st ~-·'· ..
13 Townshend Mrs. Kate, 10 Boling_broke Horace Chas 55 Howes Arthur A.B.painter 40 Fitt Harry Stephen
carver & gilder ... here ts Church avenue .... 57 Bullard Samuel ......... he·re i.~ C.11prus st.·•• .•••.•
15 Lord Camden P.H. Mrs. PILLAR LETTER Box ...... her8 is Spenur st •••••• 42 Page Albert John
Maria Martha Land Harman George Durant 69 Swann Waltr.L. bricklayer 44 Mountain Robert Alien
••• here is Lord Camdenym·d... (The Cove) 71 Green William 46 Robertson Sedley
17 & 19 & 10, 12 & 14 Havers NuthallEdwin(Lyndhurst) I09 GaytonSydney,oairyman 48 Haylett Mrs
Chas.&Sans,ironmongrs I6 Bond Robert Herne 127 Woods Albt. Geo.shopkpr ...... here is Harford st ......
18 Hunt Edward
...... here is Gooch's yard ...... 147 The Cygnet P.H. William so Wyatt Samuel,cattle dealr
'2I Cooper Saml. bird fancier 20 Preston Arthur Waters John Musk 52 Belson Richard Durrant
23 GilmoreJ n. boot& shoe repr 22 Miller Louis Charles ... ... he1·e is Hospital la ••••••
Ray Henry,french polisher 24 Edwards Rev. John Glynn City chambers. WALL LRTTER Box
(Long lane) B.A. [Baptist] See PRINCE OF WALES ROAD. Reservoir
souTH SIDE. 26 Bignold Mrs. Alfred 88 Pointer Mrs
2 & 4 May & Co. who. grocers 28 Bankes Rev. Comad D. R. City road, Queen's road & go Fitt Albert Edward •

Strangers' Hall 0. B.A. [curate of Holy Bracondale to Sunny hill. 92 Mallett Richard Thomas
Bolingbroke Leonard Geo. Trinity] EAST SIDE. 94 Rose Charles Frederick
(Strangers' hall) 32 Hamond Miss I Merry Waiter Chas. baker 96 Tooley Wm.hay&stra.w dlr
8, 9 & I I Tyce George, house...... here i.~ Unthank rd ......... here 18 Hovell's passage ... ...... heu is Lindley .~t ..... ..
furnisher .. .. .. here is G1·anqe rd .... . . 9 Thorpe Wm. boot & shoe ma Cricketers' Arms P. H. William
m, 12, I4, 17 & rg Havers 48 Richardson David ... here is P_leasant's passa_qe.. Chettleburgh
Chas.& Sons,ironmongrs so Hlazeby Mrs 27 Scales ~rank, pork butcher ...... Railway e1·osses cJ- Long
16 The Pigeon P.H. Alfred 52 Walker Mrs. Charlotte 29ScalesR1?hd.marketgardnr John's hill ...
William Batterby 54 Machin William ...... her_e zs IJoman rd ......
I6A ReasonWm Edwd outfitr 56 Smith Harold Reginald 35 Huggms Herbt. corn. trav Claremont road, I22 New-
• · · 58 Moore George Aldred 37 Wordingham John Leo- market road to Waverley rd.
Charles stre_e~, 28 Dereham ...... he1·e is Henley rd ...... _nard Henry . I Applewhaite Capt. Hanson
road to Wllham street. 6o Walton William Charles 41 D1x Thomas Edwm 3 Smith William Henry
6 Norton Mrs. Annie 62 Wright Frank Egerton VICARAGE: 5 Copeman Charles
28 Browne Hy. Geo. Ambrose 64 Breton Mrs Huxley Rev. ~ohn M.A.. [vicar 7 Tyce Harry
30 Frost Mrs 66 Trump Charles James of ~t. Marks] 9 Master Humphrey Claude
68 LivoC'k Edward Napier Walhs Rev. Montague Cal- I1 Pring·Rowe Rev. Fredk.
Chatham street, Sussex st ....... here is Upland ~·d ...... verley [cu_rate ofSt.Mark's] (organizing sec. Church
Darby A. & H. decorators WE:>T SIDE. .. ....... he,·e zs Cortonrd......... Missionary Society,
SouthgateArth.Edwd.hricklyr Gilman Charles Storey 45 Dee Joseph E diocese of :Xorwich)
GildencroftRecreationGround (The Lawns) 47 Rudd Herbert George 2 Ladell Mrs
3 Wild Edward 49 G~rham Joseph Henry 4 Gates Erne!lt Edward
Cherry lane, 43 Pitt street....... here is Church aven ...... SI W1lson Mrs 6 Smith Robert George
Arnold Jas. & Co. silk mnfrs 7 !<'ox John Hugh 53 Round-Turner Rev.George 16 Sanders John Henry
9 FinC'h Miss Hy.[curate ofSt.Mark's]
Cherry st.(NewLakenham), I I More David 55 Edwards Mrs Clarence road (Thorpe
8o Hall road to South well rd. 13 Seago Francis Bryan 57 Wellington Arth. Wellesley Hamlet), 39 Thorpe road.
I Gibbs Frederick, boot ma 17 Le Pelley Rev. Jean L. M.A Wesley . EAST SIDE.
IS Snowden Alfred, baker 19 Davy Charles Edward 63 Watson A~thur W1sby, I National Society for the
27 Tuck Miss Susan dress ma ...... here is Unthank rd ...... commercml traveller Prevention of Cruelty to
5 Holman Mrs. Ma;tha Ann, ... here is Mornington rd ... 65 Reeder Horace Oldron Children (Robert Wet-
3 shopkeeper SI Marsters John 67 Bradley Frank !_" . ling, inspector)
Palm er Charles, boot repr 53 Barrow John 69 J o!ly Sy~ney W1l ham 3 Beatley Miss
66 Howell Mr~. Emmeline, 55 Day George Frederick 7I 1\'bller Ric~a:rd 5 Cooke Clement Crisp
fishmonger 57 Morley William 73 ~_bbott W1lham 7 Bardwell William
59 Cooke Mrs 75 bsher Charles D 9 Ovcrend George
Chesnut place. ...... here i:1 Muriel rd ...... 77 Smith George I I Barker_ Waiter John is Cricket G1'0und rd ... 13 Dye HerbertJonahSawford
See PALACE STREET. Churchaven.g Mile End rd. 79 Fitt Stephen William 17 'Vills Alfred Charles
Chesnutt's court. Emms WilliamJ.(Avenue ho) 8I Norman-Parsons George 19 Le Fevre William
CHRIST CHURCH 83 Olorenshaw John 2I Elder Thomas Sanderson
See ST. GrLES STREET. 87 FurseAlfred James 23 Le Fevre Mrs
Chester place,6Earlham rd. Church lane (Eaton). 89 Carrington Harry 25 Thrower James
EAST SIDE. 91 Knivett William ~9 Coe Miss
Boyce Reginald John CoNGREGATIONAL CumtcH 93 &ckham William 31 Barber Mrs
(Chester house) Cooper-Brown & Co. brewers ...... here is Juhilu ter ...... 33 Skipper Robert Wilemer
I Butcher Mrs (Eaton brewery) . 95 Marshall William 35 Bannister Miss
2 Dakin William Howard Brown. George
. . H · beer re t al lr 97 Easter Mrs 37 Shinn Arthur Alfred, clerk
3 Broxholme :Mrs Chaplm Wi,Jham, farmer. 99 Easter Samuel 39 Rayner Jas. B. corn. trav
4 Glen Rev. John Paul Cunnell Thomas Arthur, lime IOI Dunham William James 41 Cole Herbert H
[Presbytermn] burner 103 Laycock Henry Charles 45 Rowley Chas.J as. corn. trav
5 Case Mrs WEST siDE.
6 Sawbridge Rev. John Morter George, baker IOS Ransome William Fenn, 47 HewettMissesAlice&Kitty,
Edward Bridgeman M.A. ST. ANDRF.w's CHURCH commercial traveller apartments
[rector ofSt.Margaret's J Gurney Misses ... here areSmith(ield rd.Sunny 49 Kingsman J ames Fredk
7 Jenkins Rev. W. Griffiths Gurney Capt. Lewis Edmond • hill tj' Long John's hill... WEST SIDE.
B.A. [Congregational] WEsT SIDE. 2 Lee Henry
Church street, Haymarket. 2 Thrower Mrs. A. confectnr 4 King Thomas Augustine
Chaste~ street, 69 York st. 2 Browne Chas. T. boot repr ... here is Wheeler's court ... 6 Storey Robert John
~to Gloucester st:eet. Hayd.onWalter,bookbinder 24 Smlth J~s. Saml. builder ••• here is Lower Clarence rd •••
2 N~wton _wal~r R1chard 4 CharlesFredk.commsn.agt ...... _here 1s, Terrace la ......
3 M1les l\'hssAhceE.dress ma ...... here is Theatre st ...... 26 Bnerley Samuel Clarendonroad,IsUnthank
4 Kendall Thos. Richd. Eyre 28 Reeve Mrs road to Bathurst road.
t'i Trollope Oscar, manager Churchill road, from I LAKENHAM TERRACE: WEST SIDE.
8 Corsbie Miss Sprowston road. I Hill Charles Rickards 1 Preston Miss
IO Borrett Robert NORTH SIDE. 2 :Murrell Robert 3 Copeman l<'rederick
12 de Boltz Mrs 2 Osborne Mrs. Esther, 3 Rudd George J. R 5 Hood Miss
16 l\Iuskett Charles William, leather cutter 4 Bales Frederick 7 Rushmer Charles Joshua
insurance agent 4 LoombeA. W. writr.&grainr 5 Woolnough Frank 9 Girling Rl'v. ~orge
18 Paul Arth.Napoleon,plmbr Io Merry Mrs. Ellen, shopkpr 6 Mallett Robert Frederick I I Scarlett Misses Mabel &
28Dayne.s:\lrs.Jane,frd.tishshp 48 Mayhew George 7 Burrell William Beatrice, costumiers
Chr' t h h d N 72 Golding A.lbert, house 8 Cannell Arthnr Edward 13 Crome Miss
18 c urc roa. • ew- furnisher 9 Kenny Robert 13 Hughes Rev. John Fredk.
market, road to Upland road. 74 Head William, bricklayer B.A. [curate of Holy
EAST SIDE. ...... her« is Spencer st ...... ST. MARK's CHURCH Trinity J
2 Thompson Henry SOUTH SIDE. 30 Frost Charles Edward I 5 Larke Henry Edgar
4 Wheeler Mrs 3 Meadows Walter, tailors' 32 Lake Frank 17 Vince Major W11liam
6 Hopper l\Iiss cutter 38 Cooke Ernest 19 Thorn Mrs
21 De Carle Mrs 20 Steward Frederick Albert 69 Crewe Rev. Waiter Francts 26 Smith Mrs. Martha, re-
23 Gray Miss 2.1 HarrisonChas.Frdk.buildr [vicar of St. Gcorge's & freshment rooms
25 Race Charles 22 Barry Miss E. G rector of St. Simon & St. BAPTIST CHAPEl".
27 Brock William Thomas 23 England Wm. coal mer Jude's] 30 Black Boys P.H. William
29 Thompson William 24 Robinson Miss G. L Grammar School (Edward Henry Pearson
31 Denny Alexander 25 ~lartm Thomas, ferryman the Sixth's) ... here is Black Boys yard .••
33 Alexander Miss Mollett Wm. Ernest, boat 70 Brown Rev. WilliamFredk. agt
35 Clowes Mrs builder &c. (Pulls ferry) 1>I.A.(head magter of King 36 British United Shoe Ma-
37 Stratford Wm. Farrow ··• here is b'erry over river ••• Edward the Sixth's chinery Co. Limited
39 Howlett Mrs 26 H(}wes Miss Grammar School) (The ..•... here are St. Georye st. g.
4I Stephen George Arthur 27 Roberts Gerald Cook man S.:hool house) JVater la •••....••.••.••
43 Olley George Hales 28 Terry Miss Erpingham Gate Sr. GEORGE's PLAIN:
45 Isbill Charles Fisher 29 Breese Thos. Scurll Nelson's Statue Howlett & White Limited,
47 Baxter Mrs. M. A 30 Barkley Miss 7I Kewp Sir Kenneth Hagar shoe manufacturers &c
49 West Albion Axtell 3I Hesmondhalgh Rev. Wm. bart. D.L., J".P 48 Claxton & WarrenLimited,
M.A. [minor canon & 72 Hansells & Hales, solicitors hatters' furrie:-s
EASTSIDE. sacrist] 72 Norfolk & Norwich Public 50 Norfolk & Norwich Schooi
2 Shields Charles 31 Norwich ScriptureReaders' House Trust Limited, of Cookery (Miss Jane
4 Mackley Herbert Edwin Society (Rev. Wm. Hes- Walter E. Hansell, sec Elizh.Borrett,lady supt)
6 Gray Mrs mondhalgh M.A.hon.sec) 72 NorfolkArchdeaconryOffice 52 Edwards & Son,shoe mnfrs
8 Arnold Horace Beadon 32 Sutton Francis (T. W. Hansell, notary 54 Plane Walter, shopkeeper
IO Kemp Miss E. Meadows 33 Gtbson Miss pnblic, registrar) 54 Golder John,french polishr
12 Clarke Clifton 34 Ensor Miss 72 Lynn Archdeaconry Office .. he1·e is Moon if Stars yard .•
14 Easter William Hawker 35 Kindel' Mrs (T. W. Hansell, notary .••.•... here is IJuke st .•.. , ...•
I8 Gill Sydney 36 Watts Miss pnblic, registrar) Barnes & Pye,ironfounders
20 Warren Francis George 37 Mason Mrs 73 Sharkey Bernard Joseph 6o Barnes John Samuel
22 Leeds Miss 38 Goldspink Mrs 74 Ho well Miss- Hinds ...... here i~ Grapes yard ...•.•
46 Jodrell Miss 39 Bull Miss 75 Lucas Mrs. R. G 62 Mann Wtlliam, shopkeep~r
48 Gibbon Frank William 40 Rudd Mrs. K 78 Bunting Wru.Carter,printr
so Cossey Miss 4I Flint Mi~s Coach & Horses street, NORTH SIDE.
s~ Oakley Henry Pinson 42 Palmer Mrs Union street,South Heigham. I Howden Rev. Joseph
54 Churchyard James S ...... here is Bishop_qate st...... I Coach & Horses P.H. Russell B.D. [rector]
56 Steel MiQs 43 grdnr Thomas Chippertield 7 Freestone Wm. Warren,jun
sS Stott William 44 Crouch Mrs l i Bennett Henj. shoe maker I I ~abbert<mLouisGeo.plmbr
6o Harc?urt Mrs 45 Swann Mrs.EmmaJ. baker 13 Benson Richard 13 Eyres Fred, manager
62 Atth~ll. Capt. Anthony 46 Mallett Miss .17 Palmer James, shopkeeper 15 Pigg George Woolmer,
Wtlham Xlaunsell M.v.o 47 Wells Mrs. H ...... here i.~ Salford st ....•• painter
64 Youngman Mrs 49 Steward Wm. gate keeper 2I Oakley James, boot repr 17 Freestone W. W. & Son,
66 Banister Miss 50 Otting-Brown Miss ...... here is Manche.~ter st...... grindery dealers
68 Skipper l\lrs 51 Barrett Mrs 2 Humphrev Aaron CoNGREGATIO~AL CHAPEL
70 Clarke William 53 Bolingbroke Mrs Jermyn W. &Sons,buildrs here i.~ Old Meeting House yrl
72 Dicketts Charles John 53 BolingbrokeErnestMichael 42 Jermyn Mrs. W. S . I9A, Sewell & Son, boot &
74 ·watson Ernest lvens 54 Smith William Nixon[lay- 46 Rtce Handford E. bmlder shoe manufacturers
vicar J . Coburg street, St. Step hen's MARTINEAU MEMORIAL
Clarke road, 38Magdalen rG. 55 Thouless Henr~Jla:v-v;car J street to Chapel Field east. SuNDAY SCHOOLS
. . s6 Rynd R~v. Regmald F lem, UNITARIAN CHAPEl".
CongregatiOnal Church ing M.A., B.D. [minor . NO~T~ SIDE. zsFosterGeo.Thos.cabinet m~
Sunday School . , canon & precentor] 8 Se~ton \\tlham,,boot ma 27GrinlingMissEdith,board-
49 MallettFrdk.Chas.ha1rdssr Beeching Very Rev. Henry here ls St. l~tephen s Back st ing house
Charles D. D., D.Litt.(The 22 Bush ~ohn, shop~eeper 29 Hunt Henry Ebenezer,
Clarke's yard. Deanery) 24 Chaphn~ r~.Cla~tssa. baker electrical engineer
See HEIGHAM S'l"REET. WAI,L LETTER Box ...... _h~e ts ~tarlmg rl ...... 31 Linen Thread Co. Limited
Bowers Rt. Rev. John 2 6 Wtlham the Four h P.H. 3I Baxter·s Leather Co. Ltd.
Clifton street (North Heig- Philip!! Alleot D. D. Mrs. Mary Ann Ward leather importers
ham), IOO Old Palace road. [suffragan Bishop of 28 Jarvts James,barrow lendr ...... here is Calvert st ...•••
Thetford, archdeacon of 3 2 Mabbott Cha,o. Hy. uphlstr ...... here i.~ St. Geo1·qe st ....••
Lynn & canon resi· 34 Barker Chrtstph,r.shookpr ST. GEORGE's CHURCH
2 Blaze by J ,seph Hi ram,
dentiary of Norwich] ··· hertJ are Hudson s bld_q.~ •·• ..•... hue is ..~.lfusnole .~t ..... .
shopkeeper 62 Pot~er Charles Legard,
58 Dahse George D ST. GEomm's PLAIN :
59 CNss Fred [sul:Jo.sacrist] vmegar maker 47 Chur..:h of England Young
The Class, from Tom bland. 6o Hrockbank Joseph ,Henry, Cold well road, Hall road to Men's Society Settlement
Ethelbert Gate master of the Dean & A.shby street. (R. W. T. Mace, sec)
1 Norfolk & Norwich Incor- Chapter's Choristers' 49 Harrison G. E. & Son,
porated Law Society, School SOUTH SIDE. marine store dealers
F'. G-. Booty, librarian 61 Lincoln Leonard, builder 1 Campling Samuel Waiter, ... here is Burrell's yard ..•
2 Kennett Mrs ... ... here is Bisho,qa.te st... ... 51 Hook Sl Jn. & Son, tailors
M 1 · L M · r NOli'l'H SIDI<...
· 3 r aca pme- eny aJor Norwteh The Right Rev. 2 Jay Robert. shopkeeper 53 Allison Harry, shopkeeper
Robert Leny Lord .Bishop of (The . . ..... he1·e is Hook's yard .....•
4 Baker Rev. CharlesWilliam Palace) 8 Hnbmson Chas. boot repr 57 Golden StarP.H. Edwd. Bell
Heathcote BA [rectorof 6 2 N "ll M ro8 Yaxley George, shopkpr h . IJ k
· · · evJ rs no 'Vyatt Step hen Leer retlr ··· ··· ··· ere lS u e st ··•···•·•
St. Mtehael at Plea] . Bensly & Rolingbroke, ' 59 Pimm Arthur Robt. grocer
5 Htbburd Rev. Fredenck solicitors Colegate street,2 Magdalen ..• he1·e is St. Miles alley •.•
Clacy M.A Brown CharlesJn. architct street to Oak street.
6 Bates Frank Mus.Doc Hansell Misses souTH SIDE. College roa.d, 189 Unthank
6 Judges' Lodgings Aitken Rev. Wm. Hay ST. CLEMENT'S CHURCH road to road.
7 Wyrley-Birch Mrs Macdowall Hunter M.A • .•• here is St.Clement's nlley... EAST SIDE .
. 8 l<'rere Miss E. Tem~le [canon residentiary J r2, 14 & I6 All Hallows' Pi.g-ot Cuthbert Becher-
9 Cowper-Johnson Mrsses 65 District Probate Registry Mission House & Creche (Temuka)
9 Donne Mrs of His Majesty's High Shave William Palmer, I Algar Mrs
xo Long Frederick Court of Jnstice(Charles brush manufctr. (St. 3 Olley Ralph Hales
I I Money Rev. David Wash- H. Wilkinson, district Clement's brush works) 5 Gallpen Charles Gaunt
bourne lii.A. [vicar of registrar) I8 Phipps & Son, boot findings l. Grim wade William Herbt
St. Saviour's] 66 Hales John Baselev Tooke ma.n11facturers g,JuckinghamHoraceClifford
·12 Beck Edwar~ W 6 7 Wale~· Miss • r8 Hird B. Whitworth Ltd. I I Howlett George
13 C'ockburn Mrss Westcott Ven. Archdeacon advertising specialists .13 Trenerry Mrs
14 Brown Miss Cri eh ton Frederick Hrooke B. D 2o J ewson & Sons, timber 15 Bircham Herbert William
IS Cooke Mrs. W. H Dean & Chapter's Chor- merchants. See ad- I7 Mack Mrs
...... here is St. Faith' !I la...... isters' School (J. H. vertisernent 19 ·ward Arthur William
16 Pelham Miss Brockbank, master) 22 Gibbs & Wailer Limited, 21 Abel Mrs
Y7 Brodrick Mrs CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF lithog-raphers &c 23 Page Fredk. Saml. Deyns
18 Howard John Fisk THE HOLY & UNDIVIDED ... here is Nightingale's yard ..• 25 Fisher James
19 Day Miss TRINITY 124 Dawes Arth. wardrobe dlr 27 Miller Herbert

CoLLEGE ROAD-continued. 235 Greenacre Alfred Ernest 212 Holford Jsph. schoolmstr 28 Lamb Emest Henry
29 Dennis Henjamin 237 Whitfield HoraceEdward 214 Smith James 30 Paget Mrs
33 Roper Charles E 239 James Miss 216 Stevens Miss 32 Crotch Mrs
,3S Uury Charles 241 Haydon Frederick Wm 218 Bailey John Atkinson 34 Hubbard William
37 Larn James Francis 243 Roberts Edgar, commer- 220 Smith Mrs. J. W 36 Hamsbotbam Arth. Albert
39B, Spe)man !<'rank cial traveller 222 Kendrick Miss ...... here is De Caux rd ..... ,
PILLAR LETTER Box 24S Brasnett Frederick 224 Kent Miss 38 Hill George Frederick
39 Sampson Alfred James 247 Peters Frederick William 226 Pa,ton Thos. comcl. trav 42 Sewdl Miss
41 Taylor Pbilip Newton 249 Smith Herbert Geo. clerk 44 Gibbs George Arthur
43 Moore Charles 253 Nicholls Williarn Miles Colman road, Unthank rd. 46 Bransby Geo. schuolma;;tr
45 Aldis Miss E. L WEST SIDE. WEST SIDE. 48 Scott James W
49 Chandler Reginald Arthur 2 Haybow William C Eaton Parish Room so llarham Arthur Edward
51 Lethaby William A 2A, Starling Mrs Council School 52 Betts Robe,r~,llrederick
53 Clarke Alexander Robert 4 Aris John Rouse Wm. refreshment rms ....... he1·e is Sewell rd ......•
55 Harcourt William 6 Vincent Samuel William EAST SIDE. 70 Wick ins Ernest
"S9 Daniels George Fountain 8 Kent Thomas William ..... here is Mornington rd ..... 72 Church Thomas William
61 Brooks John Robt. traveller ro Rix Robert Taylor I Allen Miss 74 Howeld William Henry
63 Squirrell Mrs 12 Smith William Rogers 5 Finch Ernest Wilfred 8o Perry Herbert Thomas
65 Roe William 14 Jackson William 7 Jones William 82 Wallace William
67 Bartlett Herbert, clerk 16 Ducker Frederic Frostick 9 Lansdell Sidney F 84 King Edward
69 Phillips Henry Edward 18 Nunn Mrs .....• here is Mu1·iel rd ...... 88 Hare Mrs
71 Tuck Horace W 20 Stonebridge James Watson n Moore Frederick G. L go Zipfel Andrew
73 Smith Arthur Jas. painter 22 Cox Ernest Valentine 13 Peat James Rule 92 Chapman 0
7S Bartlett William 24 Cavell Mrs IS Nye H. Eustace B 94 Willis Mrs
77 Dorsett Bertram John, 26 Taylor Charles Fisher 17 Clark Thomas J 96 Mallett Benjamin, managr
schoolmaster 28 Daynes AlfredW.journalist 23 Howes Harry Wace ...... h6re is A.~h grove ......
79 Dipple George William 30 Alexander John E. J.P 2S Stockwell Jnhn Oldham RAST SIDE.
'81 Gilbert Mrs 32 Darby Arthur Wellesley ........ here is Upland rd ........ 100 Veal Miss
'83 Mastin Charles Henry 34 Sim Mrs 47 Cooper Wm. P. schoolmstr 102 Rose Mrs
'85 Dennes John, traveller ...... ... heu is Girt on rrl ... ...... 49 Limmer Francis, clerk 104 Robertson Henry
87 Hardy Morris 36 Reeve Ernest Charles 106 Bebb C~eorge
89 Ilcs Vivian, insnr. inspectr 38 Hainty Jame~ E Connaught road, 1g 2 Dere- WALL LETT_ER Box
91 Johns?n R?bert _ 40 Woolvertonl<rankSteward ham rd. to Sandringham rd. ro8 James PerCival
·93 Scoggms l•rederJC 42 Lee Waiter H WES 8 E . r 10 Harrowven Henry
9S Finding Waiter 44 Burden Charlie H G T IDW 1 k · 114 ThetfnrdCharle~, boot ma
97 HeardWilfredBlanchflower 46 Newnam Frank 3 C ag:e ~or~~ m. c er ... here is Constitution walk ...
99 Baker Cecil Granville 48 Daniels Donald A. V 5 Can ~~lteyri 140 Constitution inn, '\Villiam
101 Priest Ebenezer Waiter so Walton Miss 7 Wo_x11 . a Dr "d J Jarmy
l03 S"bl1 ey J
Th omas }<' ranc1s•
52 Bryant G eorge Ar th ur II
1 mmsJohn
Spooner av1 clerkames WEST SIDE. ..
IOS Gree_n ames . 54ChettleburgbJas.Alfd.clerk 21 Daines Joseph' boot maker V on ~ergen Chas. (MonbiJOU)
107 Aldr1dge James W1llmm 58 Howes Ernest John p . Th ' Watlmg John (Clo,·elly)
I l l B ates veorge
R"1ch ar d · Banyar d ,.,
6o ~·1rs
23 ArtertDn
ercy omas
Mrs .
113 Nelson Ernest 62 Talbot George Church ard Mrs ~remer Francis (Rowsley)
115 Blyth Bortrand, clerk 64 Mead way Ed ward 47 H· i'r Ell"10tt 1< ox Herbert James (Ramleh)
·117 llanworth George Bay- 66 Fake William E SS BlawthesJ ehnry d Cardale William (Malabar)
fi e Id S utt on
59 y ClS ua, gar ener
6 8 S utton M rs · 6 A l d w·ll
ng Stroulger Archibald John 70 GreenFredk.Jsph.schlmstr 5 nhg" ~wSt rjj.mmi t 1 Carton road, City road to
1:21 ne mg 11 . Alb er t E t 'V"Ik"
rnes , 72 , 1 mson osep J h ...... ere
D th A th ts a ore s
· t ..... Bracondale.
· school teacher 74 Everett J.Vlrs 95 ea r ur • pam er lA, Pearse Rev. Edward
I23 Silvey Waiter Utting 76 Williams Miss EAST SIDE . HurroughesM.A.[vicar of
... here is Portersjield rd ... 78 Scales W!lliam, clerk 2 Brunton James, tailor St. Etheldred]
4... here is Whitehall rd ..•. 8o Eden Mrs 4 Langham Harry 1 Banham George
ISI Sparkes Charles, builder 82 Banks Charles Hy. clerk IO Wilkins John Waiter ....... here is CarZ.qle
. rd ..... ..
153 Hall Alfred 84 Richmond George Henry 12 Retts John Samuel 3 Catchpole Francis Waiter
157 Coleby James Bennett 86 Dewing George I4 Starr Scott Columbus, ...... he·re is Cm·shalton rd ......
159 Bird Miss 88 Storey John William commercial traveller 7 Lingwood Ezra
t6r Wright Frank go Etheridge Miss 16 Parsons George, clerk 9 Carmichael Robert Clark
163 McQueen Donalrl 92 l\Iansfield Robert Edward 18 Webb Edwd. Thos. modellr
-....... h ere ts · A venue T d ........ 94 J o 11 y H arry R ob er t , c 1erk 24 Withers Geo. harness ma Coslany - k street, k26 'Vest-
I6S Priestland Rev. Harold 96 Nichols Herbert John 321\fcRoberts Fredk. H.clerk WIC street io 0 a street.
[ cm·ate of St Thomas'] g6NicholsMissMildrd.dr;; 34 Howcs .Tas. Baxter, buyer WEST SIDE.
I67 Woo:ls Arthur Henry 98 Morley Alfred, manager 62 Kemp James J Bullard & Sons Limited,
169 Bell Edward William ...... here is Bensley rd ...... ... .. • he1·e is 8tafford st ... ... brewers. See adver-
'"17I Leney Frank 1 oo Deller Miss 64 Spalding '\Villiam Frank, tisement
173 Rant Thomas !<'rank ro 2 Varley David, clerk school attendance officer ... here is St. JI.Iiles lYridge .. .
175 Hamsbottom Geo. Herbt 104 narwood Mrs 66 Potter Fred ...... here i.~ A/Jbs COUTt ..... .
l77 Bevan John 1 c6 Pilch Richard MAUD STREET TowNSuB- 5 drsr
I79 Brittain Williarn Harvey 108 Sha\"e Mrs 78 Po:sT & M.O. Office ... here i.~ Chequer's ym·d ...
x8r Hartley Henry Orford, 17 2 Welton Miss Wilde Mrs. A. E. baker IS Proudfoot WilliamRaJner,
post otfice asst. supt 174 Long Joshua Amiss ......... here is Maud st. ..... ... shopkeeper
1:83 Palmcr John 17 6 Pfob Felix Max 8o Hazell William,shopkeeper 17 Chamberlin Thomas, bird-
I8S Jermy Benjamin James 17 8 Whitehand Jas. traveller 82 Lambert Albert, tailor cage maker
1:87 Hardy George Henry I8o Hasler Herbert 86 Daines MissMaude,teacher here is Wag_gon o/ Horses yard
I8g Burroughes Herbt. Hobert 182 Jeffery Jn. Wm. traveller of music 23 Waggon & Horses P.H.
191 Gibling George 184 Burroughes Percy R George W. Love
193 Page Cubitt Lacy 186 Gaze John William Constitution hill, St. EAST SIDE.
195 Hawkins George James 188 ScrimshawArth.ErnestJn Clement hill, Borough Bullard & Sons Limited,
197 College Annexe 1 rgo G-olden Arthur Robert boundary. brewers (St. Miles bridge).
199 Thouless Henry James 192 Brierley Mrs EAST SIDF:. See advertisement
201 College Annexe Norwich & Ely Diocesan 2 Annison Mrs ... here is St. Miles bridge ..• '
203 Clark Reginald 0 Tr.1.ining College for 4 Uodber Rev. Edwin [Wes] Barnards Limited, wire net-
205 }'earson Harry Robert School Mistresses (Rev. 6 Daniels Rev. Hy. Maurice ting manufacturers(Norfolk
207 Cowles Cyril Robert Itnr- J. A. Hannah !I. A. prin) .A.K.C.L. [curate uf St. Iron Works, St. Miles
ton, ban. sec. Norfolk WALL LETTER Box Paul's] bridge). See advertise-
County I<'ootball As!'octn College Practising School ro & 12 Children's Boarding- ment 'facing com-
207 Norfolk County Football 200 Steward Robert John out Homes mencernent of" Nor-
Association (:3. R. B. 202 Pearce Arthur John, 14 Townshend Edward f"olk
Cowles, sec) commercial traveller rB llurrell William Henry WALL LETTER Box
209 Manning Edward George 204 Hobbis Charles Wilfred 20 Bass ham Ernest Eccleston ... here i.~ Red Lion ym·d ...
2II Campling HerbertHarper,2o6 Norman Waiter Henry 22 Blyth Mrs 26 Red Lion P.H. Sidney
231 EllisonJn.Stphn.Reynolds 208 Broadbridge Geo.Malling 24 Harper Miss Rowbotham
2'13 Loug John Obadiah 210 Wilkinson Chas. Sydney 26 Crotch William . 28 Walker Walt. Wm. aparts


Cotman road(Thorpe Ham- 104 Normington Thomas Hy. 2 Stone-:\'l:rs.Emma,fishmngr Daines Mrs. Agnes Clara,.
let), r 28 Thorpe road. shopkeeper ......... ... here are Essex 4· draper :
2 Geldart Mrs ro6 Freeman Jas. boot repr Shadwell sts ......... .•. 34 T.>wN Sun-PosT & M. 0.
4 Foxwcll Miss ...... here is Ship yard ...... St. Stephen's Girls' School Office .
6 Gardner Fras. Farrington no Crane Geo. pork butcher ...... here is Nicholas st .. .... .... .. here i.~ Swan.~ ea rd ......
8 Ketley Frederick William ...... here i~ Pestell' s yard...... 46 Rush Miss Alice Maud.
10 Jewson Richard
112 Blyth James, shopkeeper Cross lane, 59 St. George dress maker
1 r6 Rod way Alfred, boot rcpr street to Calvert street. so Gay William,boot repairer
r2 Keith Fdk. Walt. Hugh B.A
14 Taylor BernardJn. Howarl 118 Freeman Mrs. Elizabeth, I Franklin Benj. fishmonger 56 Ed wardsMark W. watch ma.
14 Taylor Athelstan Howard fishmonger 3 Newman Geo. shopkeeper
Odin 122 Ward A. & A. boot mnfrs s The Rifleman P.H. Thomas Denma_rk r~. (New Catton),
r6 Beare Mrs here is General Windharn yd Robert Wilson from Junctwn of Magdalen
I24 Fisher Wm. greengrocer 14 Pond Waiter, teacher of road & Constitution hill.
Cotts yard. 126 StibbingsChas.pork btchr music SOUTH SIDE.
See POTTERGATE STRKET. here are Briggs~ B1·adjield yds ...... here is Betts court ...... ........... here are Shepherd's
136 :Fisher Richard, butcher ~Cook's bld_qs ........ .
Cowgate st. 97 Magdalen 138 Butcher Miss L. greengro Cross Globe street, Globe u North John Temple
street to Whitefriars bridge. 144 Harper :Mrs. Eliza. coffee street, South Heigham. Registered Slaughter Hses
EAST SIDE. tavern x 1 Spilling Daniel,shopkeeper 29 Guttridge George Charles
Norman's Endowed Schools 146 Andrews Chas. coal dealr 3IA, PogsonHerbt.tobacconist
... here is Little Bull close ... rs2 Ya~- Factory tavern, Crown road, Prince of Wales 3I Hunt John, butcher
35 Slaughter Geo. shopkeeper Wilh~m ~lane road to King street. Dawes George, decorator
..... •
hel·e 1'"•• L·
ya•1·d • •• .. • ...... here !S i<tshgate•
st ...... I ves W a It . H y. 1ea th er mer (Rose cottages)
. .
. CowGATE STREET SrrNDAY Cow hill, St. Giles street to '35 Bull Miss Jessie, aparts 43 WebbAlbt.E.&Son,pamtrs
tlcHOOLS Pottergate street. 35 Parks Rev. James M.A. PILLAR LETTER Box
43 Plastereril' Arms P.H. I DeVearMiss [vicar of St. Michael-at- NORTH SIDE.
Alfred Ch'lrles Steward Thorn] 6 Lawson Herbert Charles
...... htre is Bull'.~ clo.,e ......
2 Lemmon d S William
'll' J h f · d fi h h 3 Uran :tmue 1 3 6 Banham William James 8 Bye Thomas Wm. manager
45 I mgs sp . rie IS s p Rix Herbert, smith 37 Shaw Henry, jun. tailor I2 M ann W'll' 1 Iam
47 Taylor Alfd. Geo. boot mfr
· H b f
5 Hewett Her ert E war ,
d d3 g Robinson Edward George 22 Yeomans h
· C d
49 eppmgs orace, oot m r furniture remu,'er 39 Market tavern, James R .......... ere ts apps r ........ .
SI Jex Henry, shopkeep~r h . Somerville so Warne3 Geor.g-e A.coal mer
53 Smith J n. boot&sho~ manfr s··· Ge'rle ~spChestnuHtslclow·t ... . •. here is Mas.~ingham rd ...
CITY MrssroN RooM t. 1 es ar,sh a Crown & Angel yard. 6o Alpe Charles, dairyman
55 & <;,7 Gospel Temperance .... W ... il:hl_ere is Cow yarhd .• b...l...See ST. STEPHEN's STREET. Prince of Denmark P.H.
Union, refreshment rms. 16 ramson Jacob, er a st Ernest Humphrey
(W. ~- J~rro~d, pres) Cozens road (Thorpe Ham- Cyprus street, Hall road to ...... here is Gertrude rd ......
...... here B Fwch s yard...... let), Kerrison road, City road. . Derby street, 6:: Tinkler's
63 Mitchell Jas. Wm. shopkpr , . . Ch t A h w b Id ~
... here i.<~ Hartley' s _yard ... Wyatt F rancts, shopkeeper I as ney rt · m. Ul r lane to Heigham street.
2 Thompson Samuel Spink,
... ... htre is Plw:ni.r yard ...... The Crescan t, Chapel Field bricklaver EAST .SIDE.
79 Swan P.H. John Hy. Fitt road. - · r Page Waiter, shopkeeper
9I M auran M rs. S ara h ,s h p k·pr 24 Wr1ght Harry S. shopkeepr 49 C o 11 ms . W m. f urn1-t ure dl r
I Stockings Matthew Bane D b A J h
... heJ·e is Beckham's yard •.• 2 Blyth Miss Davey place, The Walk to 75 er Y rms P.H. o n
95 Rose George, b.tker Castle meadow. Henry Walker
. B k 3 Hutchinson Miss WEST SIDE.
... ... I!ere l8 arrac st · ·• ... 4 N over re Frank William B NORTH smE. El kb
Sr. JAUES' CHURCH 2 ac urn Mrs. Emma,
5 Priestley Clement '2 & 4 Tyler John & ~ons Ltd. shopkeeper
...... heJ·.e i.~ Prim!! ynJYl ...... 6 'Ford Colin boot & slloe ware~ouse 4 Gowing El ward, grocer
III Taylor Geo. Hy. baker 7 Sharman Mri!. Emma, 2A, Step? dssr 22 CcYJ;>er Harry, coal dealer
1I3 Winter Hy. wardrobe dlr a par t men t s 2A, S wam G eo. P110 t ograp h e r St. Barnabas' Parish Room
II9 Barrett Mrs. S. shopkeepr 8 Thompson Benjamin 6 Pike J.G. ~td.confct_nr~_&c 3 g Roe Walt.Jsph. beer ret. &c
...... is PJ·iory yal·d ··· ... 9 Bid well Mrs 8 Stead & Stmpson Ltmtted, 40 Trett John, cabinet maker
12 3 Jolly H·,ttters P.H. ~'m. II Key Arthur M. A boot & shoe warehouse -o Revnolds Horatio Leonard
Samuel Brown 12 H aze11 .<·ran
v k G'dl
1 ey ro H.IC kl'mg &C a~.- ts & c :;, paperhanger
J '
1 3 1 Pea.rson Wm. chair ma. 13 Barber Mrs 12 & 14 Rutland Wm. Bailey, s6CubittAlbt.Edwd.insur.agt
1 33 Kent Hy. Jas. basket ma 14 Duthie H.ev. David Wallace boot d~aler 7 o Kelf William, coal dealer
1 37 Curtis John, shopkeeper tS Cavendish-Browne Miss ......... here zs Castle st ........ .
...... here is Factory yard ...... r6 Johnson Mrs. J. Barham 18 Tyce Harry, ironmonger Dereham road, St. Bene-
ST. JAMES' FACTORY: r7 Whitty Henry Irwine M. A ( ~avey steps) diet's street.
Jarrold & So~s Lt1. printer;; 1 8 Fielding James M.D.vict., SOUTH SIDE. NORTH SIDE.
(Tbe Empire Press) M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P. Jenny Lind P.H. George h•l·e 1·• Barn rd
Caley A. J. & Son Limited, Edin. physician & surgn
Fre erick Wood
......... ~
I Barn
tavern, Herbert
........ .
crJ.cker 1nanufacturers T owN S UB- p osT, M. 0 · & Gocl.frey Cropley
Cricket Ground rd. City rd. •r· Offi ce 3 MorrisWalterWm.cycledlr
I43 Porter Charles, tobaccnst souTH SIDE. 3 Bankrupt Stocks Boot Co Standle.v Harry Percy
I5I Sa1·age Walt. tobacconist Hardingham Erne~t E. 5 Marchesi Erminio, confr 5 h · f
Is3 Kent Hy . Ja "· , basket ma C h 1 M.R.c.v.s. s oemg orge.
grocer apeman & Sons, w o e- 7&9 Bacon&Palmer,]'obmstrs
I5S YoungmanJa~. wrdrbe.dlr 2
CARLYLE Rn. TowN SuB- "ale
" gro
. cers & c 1 I J ames A. & Sons,cycle dlrs
WEST SIDE. PosT & •M. 0. Office 7 Cook Alfd · Wait· brush ma r3 Roe John Jeremiah, tailor
6 Cooke · dressr ...... here is Carlyle 1·d ...... 9 & rr Dakin & Go. tea D d J h
xo KahlerFrdk.Andrcw,baker 4 Riches Robert blenders &c 1
3AB, 0 s~~- ~·In, grotce!
20 St. Paul's tavern, . cars h a lt on r d .. •.. • ••• ...... h f!'T'e 1s
John ... .. . he re ts . cas tl e st ••• .... .. rs GurtonmiSSll
f dTh ary,s
w· atwnert
Cutm?re IO Trollope Mrs Fletcher & Son Lim. whole- 1S ay or os. · 1lOUSe ~g
••• ... here ~s Peacock st ... ... .. .... here is Geoffrey rd ..• ... sale & retail stationers I5A, Harl Herbert Valentme,
22 Hunt J\llisscsl\L&L.shpkprs Smith William George watch maker
24 Bierman Henry basket ma NORTH SIDE. De Ca.ux road, from Con- I7 Porter Thomas Henry;
34 Chamberlin Mrs. Maria, 1 Betts}lissDoro~hy, stitution hill. secondhand fnrn. dealr
dress m,aker u Betts Mrs. Emma,dress ma I I Barker Robt. insur. agent 21 D~ynesJsph.fried ~sh shop
Eastnn Ueorge, grocer 23 Daniels Thos. Wm.shopkpr 13 Miller Fredk. insur. agent 23 N 1chols ~ames, bncklayer
40 TowN Sua-Pmr & l\1.0. 37 Bctt.sMrs.Charlotte,shpkpr ......... here ts Raglan st ........ .
<?ffice here is Lakenham C1·icket grnd Denbigh road, 35 Park la. Lemon John Williarn,
42 MarJor<~.m~ ~wad_, butcher ...... ... here is Norfolk County medical botanist
44 Barrett Ph1hp, tallo: CJ·icket ground...... . NO~TH SIDE. 2S Barnard John N eville.
s6 Mackley Wm.Hy.hmrdrssr I Gowmg\\ engineers' foreman
.8o Read Wm. boot manufr Crome road, Mousehold. soUTH SIDE. 27 Hatch, Bush & Marshall.
82 Howes, Saville & Co. cycle Southall James & Co. Ltd ....... here is Peml1roke rd ...... physicians & surgeons
dealers boot manufacturers 4 Looker John Page, 27 Bush Frank Parkinsou
......... here is Willi.~ si.. ....... IS Harding Saml. insur. agt printers' reader 29 Dyball John Edward
...... here is Barrack st •••.•• .. .... here is Cardiff rd ...... 3I Lee Walter William
gSA, Horsley William George, Crook's pl. Chapel Field rd. I8 Keeler Mrs.Fanny, 33 Podd & Fisher, bmlders
hair dresser White Horse P. H. James 28 PollRobert, window cleaner 33 PoddFdk.C. window cleaur
•. .. .. h er~~ 1s
· B enne tt' s yaru,1 ...... Alb2rt Gooia 32 Fell Thos. Wm. hair dressr·37 Burton Fre:lk. John, fitter

DEREHAM ROAD continued. 199 Broadley Edgar ]94 Fish Mrs 236 Eglington George
39 Morris Geo. householder 201 Bowers Charles Fredk 96 Hollings John Henry 238 Fisher Harry F. news agt
41 Bassingthwaighte George, 205 Gissing John Edwin 98 Thornley William Alfred, Norwich Cemetery
clerk 213 Shalders Miss head clerk •.. ... here is Bowthorpe ,.d .•. , .•
43 Potter Fred, brnsh maker 215 Domville Miss roo Short Robert Earl of Leicester P.H.
••• ..• herB is Orchard st .•.••• 217 Yaxley George 102 Hardiman Mrs Fredk. Walter Francis
47 The Victory P.H. George 219 Artis Thomas 104 AldissAlfd.electrical engr 244 Yallop Louis J. fishmngr
Pinnix 219 Hitchcock Rev. Robert' 108 Robin Hood P.H. Robert 246 Baker Wm. Jas. confectnr
49 Smith Miss Jack B.A. [curate of William Bullard 254 Clarke William, boot ma
53 Fredman Maurice St. Philip's] ...... here is Heigham rd ...•.• 254 Wright Alfd.E.pork btchr
55 Harris Arthur 221 I<'itzpatrick Jas. Matthew 110 May George, grocer 258 Howard William
57 Seppings Edward, butcher 223 Lansdell Mrs 112 Canham Claude Harold, 262 Smith Albt. Hy. manager
•••.•• here is Marvroft !ft ...... PILLAR LETTER Box watch maker 264 Silcock Frederick, clerk
59 Woodcock's Drug Co. Ltd ... here is Northumberland st ... u6 Parker Mrs. Jane, aparts ......... here is Bond st ........ .
61 Caisey Chas.Lambert,tailr Middleton Rev. Robert n8 Smith Wm. w'lod carver Lord Nelson P.H. Randall
63 Reeve John Clavering, [vicar of St. Martin at u8 Smith Miss Maude E. Mann
hair dresser Oak)(St.Michael's retry) teacher of the pianoforte ...... here i.~ Merton rd •••..•
65 Tuddenham Edward, tailor 227 Cross Miss 124 Walpole Mrs WALL LETTER Box
67 CoanHenry Edwd. boot ma 229 Pratt Miss 126 Church Mrs 312 Gushing Horace, tailor
69 Harper Frank, watch ma 231 Heading i\Irs ......... here is Belvoir st ......... 314 Moore Mrs
Telephone Call Office ...... here is Livingstone st ...... 128 Smith Frank, chemist Mace Waiter (Ivy lodge)
71 Ellis Bert, fruiterer 239 Sutton Charles 130 Baker Mrs. Louisa Edith, Webster William Robert
......... here is E:zeter st ......... 249 Barker Thomas Henry milliner (Stone Hill lime works)
73 Norwich Co-operative 255 Barnes Joseph F 132 Newland Wilfred Thos . ............ here is Woodlands
Society Limited ... : ...•• here is Grant st ......... hair dresser Recreation grounds ..... .
PILLAR LETTER Box 257 Phillips Rev. Thomas M.A 134 Saunders Mrs Aspray C.O. M.n.(River view)
75 PresantHy.Herbt.plumber 263 Roe George Edmund, 134A, Riley C. W. & Co. coal Riseborough Wm. G. market
83 ClarkeChas. "\Vm. corn dlr wood carver merchants gardener
85 Tnxford Mrs. householder 269 Smith MissRose,dress ma 136 Want F. G. & Sons, monu- BockenhamJ. W.L.lime burnr
89 Lanbam Miss 273 Ellis Harry, clerk mental mB.!"ons Read Edwd. E. mkt. gardenr
91 Chilvers Jn. Gray, hsehldr 277 Thompson William Wait. 136A, Brighten Mrs ...... herB is Guardian rd ......
93 Morris Mrs insurance agent 138 Want John Henry
95 Dix Gordon ...... here is Hotblack rd ...... 138 Want John Henry & Son, Devonshire street, 56 Old
97 Reynolds Bernard, leather 2 Mansfield Wm. plasterer monumental sculptors Palace rd. to Heigham st.
seller . .. . .. . . . he1·e is TU111er Td. .f ...... here is Glcuf,stone st . .. .•. NORTH SIDE.
99 Roe Mrs.MaryAnn,confctr Waterworks rd ...... 142 Huson Frank, grocer 23 Larwood Walter, bootrepr
ror Burtle Wm. pork butcher Miller Arnold H. (Woodlands) 144 Leith William M. B., c. M. 49 Chittock Walter boot mfr
103 Am!ss Waiter I<'rederick, Greenacre Frlk.tomato growr surgeon . . 57 Albert tavern, E. Jeffries
~air dresser . The Gate Honse P.H. Walt.Coe 146 Heckford ~enry Wilha.m, 77 Edmonds William James,
105 Fisher Fredk. statwner &c SOUTH SIDE. commercml traveller miscellaneous dealer

107 Stores P.H. G~o. Hartill ...... here is Grapes hill ...... 148 Allen Wil_liam Fulcher, 79 Kett Frederick, shopkeeper
• ........ he1·e a1·e llfidland st. cj- 2 LeGrice Joseph Jn.butcher commereial traveller 8s Hubbard ·Frank R.butcher
Gold.~mith st.... .... 2 Lake George Robert, hon. 152 Muskett Arthur,fruiterer SOUTH SIDE.
BAPTIST CHAPEL sec. :Friendly Society ...... here. is A le:randra rd ... ... 26 Rayner Francis shopkeepr
115 Balls Richard, foreman Rational Association 154 Savage Frederick, butchr ...... here is Golds;1ith st ..•••.
117 Whitmore Robert, builder 2A, Low Bros. corn mers 156 Cob bald Horace William, 30 Furze Mrs.Margaret Eliza-
119 Cleverley George . . 2B, Pickfords Ltd. carriers accountant . . beth, shopkeeper
121 Bar~es Edward Wilham GosPEL RooM 158 De~t Dowson, reh~vmg 52 Slaughter John, bricklayer
123 Levme Mrs.S.apartme!lts 4 & 6 Priest & Co. drapers offic~r for North Hmghm 6 4 Holmes William, coal dlr
125 Barber Mrs. Susan Ahce, 8 Parker John, linen draper 160 Prentice Jas. Thos. draper ...... here i.~ Russell st ......
apartments ...... here is Valentine st ...... r62 Primrose William 14 s Drake Francis grocer
127 Green Rev. Saml. Fredk. 10 Reindeer P.H. George 164 Wicks Albert Edward '
LeightonA.K.C.L.[curate Henry Curzon 166 Dunton Charles Alban Dial yard.
of t:lt. Barnabas] 12 Rogers John, muffin baker 168 Berry Mrs See OAK STREET.
129 Bailey ElijahThos.builder ...... here is Golding st ......... here is St. Philip's rd .•.
...... here is Old Palace rd ...... 16 Swiss Cottage P.H. George 170 McDowall JamesThomas, Distillery street, 25 Earl-
l3I Dial P.H. Arth. Hy.Smith Webster brewery traveller ham road to Dereham road.
135 Leveridge Rt.L. builder&c 20 Lucas Miss Emma, a parts 172 Calvert Rev. Alfd.Ernest, WEST SIDE.
137 Smith Frederick William 22 BrennanMrs.Rosa,shopkpr [Primitive Methodist) 13 Wine Coopers' Arms P.H.
139 Ladly Frederick ...... here is Ashford st ...... 174 Cross Benjamin Lorkin James Mitchell
141 Nichols Wilham PRIMITIVEMETHODISTCHAPEL 176 Burton William Matthew ... here is West Pottergate st ...
143 Wool}estonMrs.househldr ...... here is Charles st ...... 178 Barker George 15 AldenMissMinnie,shopkpr
145 Daws Robt.& Son, crpntrs 28 Bidewell Chas. shopkeeper 18o Knowles Mrs 19 King MissLouisa,dress ma
Trust School 44 BerryAlfd.Hy.chimny. swp 182 Endicott J oseph 21 Brad bury E.&Co. plumbers
149 Claremont C. C. surgeon 48 The Distillery P.H.William r84 Titlow Frederick Joseph, 37 Matthews Rev. Wm.Cooke
151 Wade Miss John Golden post office clerk [vicar of St. George's]
PILLAR LErl'ER Box ...... here is IJistillery st ...... 186 McKelvie Mrs. Emma, 39 Harwood Albert
•..••• here is Adelaide !ft ...... so Norwich Uo-operative apartments ...... he1·e is William st .... ..
153 WebsterWm.Rt.jun.bldr Society Limited r88 Smith Frank· 41 Bailey William Thomas,
155 PeaseHarryW.tailors' cttr 54 Aegina Mrs. Charlotte, 1goA, Newman Miss railway guard
i57 Warren John Button dress maker ...... here is Connau_qht rd .••••• 43 Arnold James
159 Edwards Miss 56 ParlettMrs.Emma,drss ma 192A, Motts Frederick 45 Baker Frederick Charles
161 Teasel Edwin Frank,com- 6o BishopErnestWm.hairdrsr rgo Adams Henry Eaton 47 Thompson Harry, tele-
mercial traveller 62 High Joseph, baker 192 Daines Frederick Alden graphist
163 Baker Henry William 64 High Joseph, grocer 194 Nickalls Mrs 49 Barker Ernest H. tailor
165 Hocking Jas. Wm.hsehldr 66 Lord John Rnssell P.H. 196 Pawley Miss 51 Sowter George, plumber
'167 Daniels John William Henry Crickmore 198 Coulson John Henry Pye, 53 Frost Mrs
169 Smith Henry John ......... he1·e is Dou1·o st......... sanitary inspector ..... he1·e is Wymer st ••••••
PublicTelephoneCallOffice 68 Hansom& Smith,news agts 202 Eke Mrs 55 Boast George, butcher
173 Cooper Misses 68A, LeyW.&Co.hardwre.dlrs 204 Fish Wm. lino operator 59 Lincoln Miss Louisa, shop-
175 Nave John, tailors' cutter 70 Yaxley Bros. boot manufrs 2o6 Hague George keeper
179 Abbott Henry Dyball 72 Cotton Mrs. householder 208 Webster Fras. machinist EAST SIDE.
179A, Gaze Harry 74 Gunn HobertHenry, buildr 210 Betts Herbert Valentine 2 Bacon & Palmer, cab propr
•• : .•• here is Nelson st ...... 78 Mobbs Ernest E.insur.supt 212 'l'allant Miss 6 Fish Miss Kate, dyer
181 Scarle Charles 8o Butt.ifant Owen 214 Mallett Henry ••• here are ""-Wandells bldgs ...
183 Farrer-BaynesRev.Harry 82 Mason Chas. Edwd. acctnt 216 Seaman Alfred 22 LittleproudLeonard R.bakr
185 Bush Robert David 84 Laws James Wm. foreman 218 Wright Frederick Morris ... here is West Pottergat~ st ..•
187 Aldred Mrs . 86 Collins Albert Edward, ...... here is Helena rd ...... 24 Saracen's Head P.H. James
189 Lemon John William insurance assist.managr 224 Barber Mrs Russell
191 Knights Mrs 88 Riches Mrs 226 Richardson Harold, clerk 26 Artis Miss Agnes,dress ma
195 Cooke Miss go Dix Herbert 232 Meadows Wm. Hy. clerk 28 Middleton Desmoro
197 Huson Daniel 92 Buston Mrs 234 Gooch Mrs ...... he1·e is William st •••••.

44 Reid Mrs Drayton road, Aylsham rd. '38 Reeve Walter Eal'lham road, St. Giles
......... here is Wigg.~ passage to boundary of City. · 40 Ffolkes Frederick William .road to City boundary.
cj' Watson'.9 vard ......... SOUTH SIDE, 42 ChapmanHerbt. bicycle agt NORTH SIDE.
· 0SBORNE VILLAS: 1Grapes hotel,Edga.rHoward
Doris road, 75 Park lane. 2
Base Mrs Duncan's court. xA, Ferguson William Jas.
. SOUTH SIDE. See MAGDALEN STREET. · 1 teeth manufr
arh'fi c1a
4 Clifton Leo
!Z Turner Frederick George 6 Collier Frederick William 3 George Harry, draper
4 Rudd Mrs 8 Moore Walter Durham st.xsGloucester_st. 3A, May George, grocer
6 Clough George 12 Tully James 2 Wright Harry, grocer S Thorn Chas. carriage bldr
8 Paul Charles Joseph, clerk 14 Gaze James Samuel SA, Thorn Bernard Charles
xo Brown Ernest Alfred,mngr 1 6 Os borne Samuel Eade road, Angel road to Hammond
12 Palmer Herbert 1 8 Neal Arthur Aylsham road. 7A, Fiddymont DanielJames
r8 Alderson John Whitaker, 20 Gates Charles NORTH SIDE. 9 Hankinson-Cox Mrs
clerk 22 Hunt William Alfred 2 Britcher Edwd. bricklayer ...... here is Pm·agon st ......
20 Baker Percival, clerk 32 Parker Wm. bellhanger II Murray George, shopkeepr
2:1 Jones ,Vincent, teacher of Bullimore Thomas (Montrose 36 Hall Edward A. painter 13 Warner Richard
mus1c house) so Sands William, manager 17 Pike J. G. Ltd. bakers
. NORTH SIDE. . WALL LETTER Box 82 Green Wm. Jas. carpenter 19 Buckingham Herb er t
I Davison James Austm ... here is St. Mm·tin's rd ... II4 Edwards Ellis Wm.baker M.R.c.v.s. vet. surgeon
3 Hale Frank Wm. traveller Hannent Herbert John, forced souTH SIDE. Hollis Robert, florist
S Teasdel Frank Leonard fruit grower (Riverside 7 AllisonJn. Wm. boot maker 21 Webber Miss Constance
7 Hale Sidney James nurseries) 19A, Howes & Co. manufrs 23 Bunting l\liss
9 Bessey Herbert Wallace Gowing Charles, farmer 47 Culling Wm. bricklayer PILLAR LETTER Box
II Bussey Bel'tJe Edwd. travlr NORTH SIDE. Sg Thetford Miss Florence, ...... here i8 Distille1'Y st ......
13 Oxbury William KnaptonMiss(BelleVue ho) midwife 25 Harvey Mrs
IS Hewett Hcrbert ~m.cleyk 5 Dawson Jn. carcase butchr III Parker Arthur, shopkeepr 27 Jeckell Miss
17 Gale Geo. Ed wd. litho artist 7 & 9 Pearce P. w. & A. T. 29 Thorntim Christr. Man by
Douro street, 68 Dereham lim: burners , Eagle st. 27 Newmarket rd. 31 Booty Frede;ick Henry
road to \Vest Pottergate st ... here 1S Ropemaker s -row ... Eagle Motor Co. motor 33 Gn~om Lewis _W
29 Ropemakers' Arms P.H. enaineers 37 \Vmsy YrederiCk
WEST 8IDE. Edward Radford Whe:ler Henry plumber 41 Burton Mrs
1 Harvey Hy. boot maker ......... here is Stone rd ......... 42 Colman Walt~r Tawell 43 Boston Waiter Andr:ews
IA, Shepparcl Walt.greengro 67 Jnnes Waiter W. carpenter pianoforte tuner ' 45 surg
3 Grand Fre:lk.Chas. confctr 107 Dunham Edmund L 44 B fi Id C 'l b 'ld 47 Beck Charles Smedley
'5 Harper Geo. fried fish dlr carpenter . T ex e el; 1• m8 h erk 51 Smith Cuthbert B
7 Smith Mrs. Caroline,dairy ...... here is Junction rd ...... rs rumpess en, op pr 53 Hurn Chas. N oel,cyde ma.
I I Roe A_rt~ur,r. d1:a~er Eagle walk, 37 Newmarket 55 Stanley Brothers, drapers
....... _he1 e ~~~ /f yme1 st ........
Duck lane, I IO St. Benedict's road. 57 Carver Harry' grocer
29 Kmght ~eo. _Jsph. m1lk dlr street to Pottergate street. Plumb George Richard Telephone Call Office
...... here ~3 w~llwm st ...... d I Hubbard, stationer ... heJ•e are West Pottergate st.
EAST SIDE. Gayfor Br~thers, PosT OFFICE ~ Heighamrd .......... ..
......... here are Betts yd. cJ- 1° Kett Mrs.Elizh. shopkeepr 7 Christian Geo.Arth. baker 61 Hamilton Rev. Alexander
W'_ymer o/ Williarn s~s ...... . 31 Farrowl\Irs.Wm.gardener Pollack M.A
28 DICkerson Arthur, tmplate Duke st. from ! Ch~rmg 47 Mace Charles 67 Coltman Frank William,
worker cross to St. Mary s plam. district supt. Britannic
EAST SIDE. Earlham. Assurance Co. Ltd
Dove street, Market street 5 Crotch. & N or~ic_h Bill Ma tthews J ohn,farm bailiff to 69 Bush Miss
to Pottergate street. Po~tmg Co. Limited R. Makens & Sons (Earl- 71 Crowfoo~ Thom~s C
EAST SIDE. 7 Dukes Palace P.H. Donald ham rise) ....... h::re ts Belvou· st .....
· Y Ellison Misses, toy dealers Lat~mn . Henderson J ames Frederick 73 Bliss Eakson
3 Johnson Fredk. hair drssr NorwiCh Electnc Tram- (Earlham rise) ~ILLAR LETTER Box
S Randall Herbert E. port- w~ys Co. (power station) All en Arth.Jn. (Gurney lodge) 75 Sexton Alfred G
ma.nteau maker Dukes Palace : PILLAR LETTER Hox 77 French_ Tom L
7 Vine tavern, James Wil- Case & Steward, corn mers . . l ...... here zs Gladstone st ......
r w·1 Lacey & Lincoln Limited ......... here u Gtpsy a ......... Sr Collins Edward Thomas
9 Sol~~r:nl'v~r~YTeresa furrier builders' mers. (Wharf) ' Cham?ers T(Gh?ma\ & Son, 83 Ash John Henry
I I Callis & Eve~ett tahors Barker Wm. Jn. wool mer engmeers Ipsy ane) ...... here is Alexandrard ......
Hurn Daniel & Sons, rope here is Duke's Palace bridge EA.RLHAM RISE: 89, gx & 93 Ha:rrington_ ~
makers ; yachting re- 13 & xs Butler & Hacon, corn 2 Pierson Miss Boobbyer l\'I1sses, ladies
quisites. See adver- merchants 4 Soden Mrs school
tisen1ent Hawes Geo. E.& Sons,bldrs S Coldham John Henry 95 Kett Arthur
DovE STREET CHAMBERS: 23 Moon & Stars P.H. Williaro 6 Motum Edwin James 97 Crackncll Alfred
Morter Charles ticket writer Attoe 7 Hill Frank Wilson 99 Churchyard Mrs
Norwich Cent;al Conserva- ...... here is Colegate st ...... 8 Nunn Charles Richard 99 Bullard Mrs
tive Registration Offices, 35 Greenacre . John Wesley, 9 Gissing Walter 101 Parkinson FredSanderson
Charles Francis Bell, sec _tobaccomst ro Beattie John. 103 Doyle Mrs
National Union of Conserva- 37 Hmdes Edmund James, 11 Southgate Henry Charles 105 Gaze Henry
tive Associations (Eastern insurance agent 107 Shaw Mrs. E. B
Provincial Division-Nor- 39&41 ReadJames,potato mer )!oore William Jas.(Osborne) 109 Wilkin William
folk, Cambs. & Hunts.), 4S Culyer John & Son. leather Moore Fredk. Hy. (Hill crest) I r I Finch William
Chas. W. Pearson, sec dressers Duncan Herbert William (St. 113 Bull Rev. Charles Cary
East Norfolk Conservative & 47 Piggin Job, boot maker Effanie) liS Robins George
Unionist Association (John sx Whiteman Mrs. Martha, Morse Arthur Fras. (Earlham 117 Laws Charles Robert
Joseph Crane M.N.S. sec. dress maker lodge) 119 BassingthwaighteFdk.Hy
& agent) 53 Sexton Saml. Jn. watch ma ST. MARY's CHURCH 121 Riches Wrlliam
Chilvers Horace Nelson, tailor 63 Fiske Leslie agt Gurney Reginald (Earlham 123 O'Malley Mrs
65 drssr hall) 125 Wright Robert D. George
15 Woods Miss Elsie, stationr 67 Cannell Arthur, butcher WALL LETTRR Box 127 Chambers Arthnr John
21 David(Corneille)&Co.mers WEST SIDE. Cross James Ganl Helsden, 129 Franks Robert W
...... here is Lobster la ...... 2 Couzens & Worledge, farmer (Lower Earlham) 131 Mitre tavern, Wm.Utting
carpenters Keable Wm.farmer(Hall frm) Telephone Call Office
Dove Street chambers. Norwich Corporation Elec- Makens Robert&Sons,farmers PILLAR LETTER Box
tricity Works (Francis (Church farm & Heigham ...... here is Edinburgh rd ......
See DovJoJ STREET. Maddison Long, city farm) ST. THOMAs's CnuncH
electrical engineer) '];rust School (Lower Earlhm) St. Thomas's ParishRoom
Dover st. 1 47 Unthank road. here is Duke's Palace bridge Volunteer P.H. James Rope 133 Nicholls Mrs
NORTH SIDE. Butler & Hacon, importers &c (Earlham rise) 135 Duncan Jonathan Wm
...... here is Warwick st ...... HigherGradeMunicipalSchool Hannant Robt.dairy manager 141 Aydon Alfred John
3 Bull George, painter ...... here is Colegate st ...... toR. Makens & Sons 143 Smith Edwin Samuel
WEST SIDE. Reeve Horace George 145 Kent Frederick
2 Wigg Horatio Harry,mngr 36 Reeve Edward G. & Sons, Earlham rise. 147 Stone Rev. George Edwd.
I4 BruffFrdk.H.tchr.of music hot water engineerd &c I See E.ARLHAM. [Wesleyan Reform]

EARLHAM noAD-continned. :.;8 Brown George Citv of Norwich School ...... here is Nm'r"is court .... 1.\
14 9 Sexton Harry ....•• here i.~ Havelock rd ...... (William Robert Gurley 39 Yeomans .A rthur, sewing.
151 Yelf Cecil William roo Page Frederick John M.A. head master) machine dealer
153 Freeman William Henry 102 Cooper Mrs Smith Alfd. markt. gardnr 41 & 43 West William Henry,
155 Mc.Kenzie Samuel 104 Wigg Miss Farrow Wm.markt.gardnr scale maker
157 Stratford Chas. Lawson 106 GreenwoodJsph.Andrews ... here is Wright's court ...
159 Skipper Robert C ... here is Wellington 1·d ... Ea~on ~treet (Eaton),_ con- S·r. SIMON & ST. JunE's
161 Lee John Jonathan II4 Ransome Mrs tmuatwn of Eatou hlll to CHURCH (disused) ,
163 Phillips Henry n6 Crowe Robert Alfred City boundary. WEST SIDE.
165 White Mrs u8 Newby Edward NORTH SIDE. 2 Sheddcn Samuel, draper
167 Canham Alfred William I2::> Coleman John Eaton Dell Bowling Club, 8 Spalding Fraucis Wilby,-
I69 Utting Waiter r22 Case Miss T. J. Taylor, sec estate agent
171 Adams Ernest ·waiter ...... heTe is Caernarvon rd...... 1 Chad wick Frederick,grocer MoNASTERY YARD:
173 Woods Miss r26 Pigg Miss Morse Henry Robertson & Colman, cabinet
175 Andrews Mrs I28 Newcome Mrs 7 Morse D. & C. fruit growers makers (workshops)
177 Whellum Waiter 130 Mussett William Morse Ernest, rose grower Boswell William, antique dlr
179 Culyer Herbrt.Maidstone, I32 Clapham Ernest & horticultrst. (Dell side) Sutton Edward Wm. aerated
rate collector I32 Clapham Miss Julia, 'Morse Robt. Gen. nursery- water manufacturer
r8r Chamberlain Mrs teacher of music man(The Old Nurseries)
183 Duncan William Waiter I34 Nudd John Heeve Mrs. Ann, shopkpr I 2 & 14· Nurse John James,
185 Emms Sidney Edward 138 Sellex Archibald H 21 TowN SuB-PosT, M. 0. & antique furnitme dealer
I87 Dewing Mrs 142 Rowe Mrs T. Office r8 Martin Mrs. Sarah,shopkpr
I8Q_ Burton Frederick 144 Spilling Frederick Wm Eaton Working Men'sClub, .. • .. . h ere u· ])u tt on •s cour t ......
r46 Bower Miss John Smith, hon. sec .. • h ere ts · 0 rown court yard ... ·
H. Miller, clerk; James ...... here is College rd ...... .. ... here is Bluebell1·d ...... 20 , 24 , 2 6, 2 8 & oBullen Henry
R. Everitt, supt) rso Hastings Charles Edward Morse Henry, nurseryman Robt. antique furn.dealr
195 G-edge William 154 Colman Mrs (Westfield n0:rseries) TowLER's COURT:
I97 Hatton Alfred Joseph 156 Levett Harry Holland Fredenck, shopkeepr Chittock A. & Co. boot mnfrs
199 Croydon Percy Hill I 58 Brown Edward Joseph ... here is Bakers Arms yard ... Bowles Saml. boot & shoe mfr
201 George Arthur J I6o Brett Albert Edward 35 Warnes AlbertGeo. boot mu Bush G-eorge wood turner
203 Robertaon Charles :Fredk r62 Best Herbert SOUTH SIDE. Scarlett \Valter Edwin,
205 Hryant Ernest r64 Palmer Henry ~erbert 2 Cellar House P.H. John boot manufacturer
207 Cowl Joh~ I~6 Baldwin John Lmcoln Kirk Lewis Payne Wm. Jas. whitesmith
209 Pal!e Regmald Trevor Ib8 Bate~ Jacob P . 4 Pointin Wm. Jas.blcksmth Scarlett Josiah Charles,
2II Hayes Sydney ...... here t.~ Recreatwn rd ...... 4 PointinFredk. Thos.paintr sole sewer
213 Edwards M~ Bower James Garton (Earl- 6 Bowhill Albert, insur. agt -- .
215 Hoare PerCival Horace ha~ house) ......... hereis Church la ......... 32 Wordingham John,antique
sOUTH SIDE. I8o Bockmg George Stannard Donald, butcher furniture dealer
· ......... here are Chapelfields ~ 182 Rushmer Robert Charles so Stannard John, pig dealer 34 Brett J. & Sons Limited,
Unthank 1·d ......... I84 H_owe~ Mrs 52 Red Lion P.H.Geo.Fairman antique furniture dealrs
CATHOLIC CHURCH r1.16 Nlce George hereistheBaroughboundary ...... here is Roache's caurt .....
2 Watson Henry M.B., ch.B. r88 Edwa:ds Mrs . 3 8 Freeman Wm. hair dresser
surgeon rgo Goss~mg Albert Ernest Edinburgh road, 95 Staf- 40 Turkey Cock P.H. Mrs.
2 ·watson & Watson, surgns 192 Harnson Wm. Herbert ford street to Earlham rd. Emma Brough
Evershed Mrs 196 Cooper Claude Anderson 31 Freeman Geo. nurseryman Ely street, Canterbury pi. :
Cozens-Hardy Fernele\' 198 Fuller Mrs ...... here is Tf"inter rd ...... 21 Feek John, shopkeeper
• 200 Brasnett George Alfred ... here is St. Thomas's rd ... 35 Under wood Wm. shopkpr
......... hereis Chester pl ......... 2o2 Turner Albert George ClaridgeRev.Chas.Wm.[vicar
8 HatchW.KeithM.B.,F.R.c.s. 204 Woodger Mrs of St. Thomas's, Heigham] Es_de~e street, St. ~ugus-
physician & surgeon 206 Darch Henry John (Vicarage) tme s.street to Magpie rd.
8 Hatch, Bush & Marshal!, 208 Spaul Mrs EAST SIDE. 3 FarrowMrs.Edith,shopkpr
physicians & surgeons 2 Hardy Fredk. storekeeper I1 PiggMrs.Ann,sextonessSt.
· H elg
...... h ere 1.~ · h am gro .. ... Eastbourne place. 4 Bea 1es Mrs A ugus •s
38 Wanes Herbert, carpenter See PRINCE OF WALES ROAD. 28 Burlingham Wm.Arth.Sml r8 Parkerson William,painter
40 Grass Vale Dairy Co. (E. 6o Evans William Thomas, so Gant Hy.Millett, insur.agt
H. Barwood, managing Ea ton hill continuation of paperhanger 52 Cupper Mrs.Ellen,shopkpr
direcwr) Newmarket rd. to Ea ton st. 68 Townshend Mrs 55 Payne Walter E. baker
42 Kirby Frank H. boot ma ... here is Sandringham rd ... Edwards & Holmes Ltd.
44 Betts Robert, fishmonger ~ NOR~H SIDE. . boot manufacturers
46 Abbs Fredk. hair dresser ~uttonWm:Lmcolne(Hillcrft) Ella road, St. Leonard's rd.
48 Wones James, confectionr ----:· here ts Poplar aven. ·:--· SOUTH SI~ Essex sti. 8o Unthank road.
so Black Horse P.H. George Chichester Robt. (Eato~ hlll) 6 Mead Theodore Frank, WEST SIDE.
Thomas Smith Morgan Fras. W. W.(Hlll ho) watcli maker r Holme Daniel Oliver
54 Tye Chas. Hy. pork butchr . souTH s.IDE. . . 22 Lumb William Jn. printer 3 Tusting James Goodwin,
56 Metcalf Jsph. F. accountnt Morns F:ecjenc Wllham 6o Collins Alfred builders' merchant
...... here is Mill Hill rd ...... (Myrtlevllle) ( . ) 62 Lord Percy, clerk Tusting J. T. & Sons Ltd-
58 Tooley Robert ~ryan H~rman Val1ey VIeW 76 Dawson Joseph John builders' merchants
6o Cushion William faylor Sldney Johnson NORTH SIDE. 5 Wordingham Mrs
62 Palmer Mrs • 27 Everard William, manager 7 Willins Miss
...... here is Tf'est pa1·ade ...... Eaton road,~~~ :Newm.arket 9 Buxton Mrs
6 4 Page Miss road to IpswiCh road. Elnl Grove lane, Angel 11 Cob bald Thomas Archer
66 Shorten William Arthur, 2 Adcock Robert John road to St. Clement hill. 13 Weston Harry Stanley
registrar of births & 4 Lacey Arthur Wright Re•. Waiter Samuel IS Jermyn George Charles
deaths West Wymer 6 Crick Montagu M.A. [vicar of Christ MooreRev. ArthurCromp-
sub-district 8 Jewson Percy William Church, New Catton] ton M.A. (Hcctory)
68 Oxbrow Alfred 10 Steward Mrs Crow Benjamin (G-rove cot) HOLY TRINITY CHURCH
70 Ringer Mrs r2 Robinson Albert Jlding Wm. (Elm cottage) 19 Pert Erne..'it M
72 Brett J onathan Thos. jun I4 Tyce George . . 21 Barrow Henry
74 Hale Hobcrt Gcorge I6 Kmg Alfred Elm h1ll, 6 Prmees street to 23 Knights Mrs
76 Andersnn Albert R 18 Nash James Thomas Cha8 Wensum street. 25 Curtis Herbert John, clerk
78 Taylor Thomas Crawford 20 Durrant l<'rederick EAST SIDE. 27 Bullen Charles William
8o Canham Robert 22 Drake Daniel 9 Britons' Arms P.H. George 29 Cummings Mrs
......... here is Park la ............... here is Waverley rd .. ... . Gaul 31 Hunt Harry, clerk
82 N ash William Sidney 24 Gal er 1<'. Bertram 9 Palm er Ed wd. ea binet m a 33 Sales Miss
84 Emery James 26 ·Foot James Nathaniel lure is Waggon ~ Harses la 35 Cushine John Robert
86 Brookes Mrs WALL LETTER Bn-x 3,27 ,37 1 20,24,26,28&3oBullen 37 Greenacre George, a parts
88 Taylor Shephard Thomas Paterson Wn1.B. (Parkh ,· Hy.Rbt.antique furn.dlr 39 Cook Alfred Ezer ·
M.B. physician Poock Jorn Alfred (The ~9 Crown P.H. Hezekiah 39 Cook Alfred E. F. engraver
92 Peake Ed ward,schoolmastr Poplars) Strieklancl 41 Plunkett Miss
94 Drane Mrs Mayo Hubert Giles' 35 Corner Mrs. Emma, ward- 45 Saunders Isaac, upholstr
96 Batton l\Irs (Ea1(jn lodge) I robe dealer 47 Cooper Samuel Joseph
49 Pack Miss Jane Exchange chambers. 24, 26 & 27 Chamberlin & Fisherga.te, Fye Bridge
51 Pack William James See ExcHANGE STREET. Smith, wine merchants street to Cowgate street.
53 Ed wards Mrs 26 Chamberlin's Restaurant NORTH SIDE.
55 Page William Exchange street, Market (Chamberlin & Smith, I Bngg Fdk. Jn. leather me-:o
57 Crotch Isaac, tailor place to St. Andrew's st. proprietors) 3 Baxter Harry, marine store
59 Moffitt George EAST SIDE. 28, 30, 32 & 33 Trevor, Page & dealer
...... here is Rupert st ..... 3 Jarrold & Sons Limited, Co. cabinet makers. ..•••• h ere ~s · M·zn t yard ........ .
65 Lincoln Miss Caroline, booksellers See advertisement 13 Barker Arth. hair dresser
dress maker 9 Wilson F. R. & Co. seed 36 Cook Gilbert S. P. tailor 15 Cowell Mrs. Elizh. smith
83 Turner Robert, plumber growers 3 6 Standle,yF. W.&Son,solctrs ... h ere zs · B a1·nar d' s yar d •••
85 Wri~ht Robert, bricklayer I I Vanstone&Roper,ironmgrs 3 8 Kin!! ~ Horatio A. chemist · Bl ac k snn'th'~, '1/ a rd •••
. . . h e1·e zs
89 Cullmgto~ A.lbert Hy.~~r Corn Exchange 4-0 Rogers Moses, prov. dealer 27 Postle Horace, smith
89 Chamkberlms Ltd. cabmet ...... here is BerlfOJ·d .~t ...... ... here is Thoroughfare ytrrrl.-
ma ers · · Exeter st. 73 Dereh am r d · 29 Duke of Marlborough P.ll
N 'I{ b b . kl 25 Churchman W. A. & A. C.
91 ~ orton o ert, ric ayer (branch of tbe Imperial NORTI:I-WES'r SIDE. William Berwick, jun
ng Hans~ll Hen_ry,fishmongr Tobacco Co. of Great I Boycs Chas. And w. tr w. d pr 3 I Pond J ames, fishmonger
121 Bowh1ll M1ss Hannah, Britain & Ireland Ltd.) 31 Read J?hn, boot maker here is Rampant Hor.~eyard
shopkeeper. · . tobacco manufacturers ' ...... here ts JJfan.:-roft st ...... 33 Dickerson George, shopkpr
........ · here t~ Unwn st ......... 25 Cutting Thomas, manager SOUTH-EAST s_IDE. . ... here i.~ Thomp.wn's yard ..•
123 NuddsMiss Clara, 27 Chamberlin & Smith game 2 Osborne Oscar, JUn. pamtr 39 Starling Percival Charles,
129 Dye Georg-e, carpenter food manufacture;s 20 Barker A.lbert, tailor shopkeeper
147 Mar~hamArth~r,shopkpr 3 I Post Offiee tavern, Fred- ...... here i.~ Mancrojt st ............ here is Lon_g's yarrl ..... .
14g Ann~son Wm. f1shmongr crick Spiers .... .. here is Tiger yard ..... .
ISI Anmson Wm. greengrocr 28 30 & 32 Trevor Pa!Te Fair field road, Town close. 4-7 TheTigerP. H.Arth.Gonlder
153 Sutton Mrs. R. wardrobe ' &, Co. cabinet m~ke;:.,_ Butler William James Gooch ... ... here i.~ Peacock st ......
dealer . . Ses advertisement (Arundel) 53 Carter Wm. Arthur, baker
155 Alle1_1~r8. Mmm~,shopkpr ... ... here is Parsonage sq ...... Cooper \Ym. Robt. (MayfieldJ ... hereisStaffoJLifeyard ...
I 57 AddiS On w~. hair dresser 35 Norwich Mutual LoanFund 55 Ma.ggs William,shopkeeper
173 C?oke W1lham,~hopkee~r Society, Farmers avenue, C.1.ttle 57 & 5 9 Bowhill & Co. boot
rn Fiddy Robert HJCk,furm- James B. Chiddick, sec market. manufacturer
ture broker 35 Nor folk & Norwich Chess I Hindes H.&Son,rope mkrs CATHOLIC CHAPEL
r 8I Buttolph Jn. Wm.shopkpr Club (E. Lake, hon. sec:) 2 Ransom~s,Sims & Jefferies 63 Howes Waiter, shopkeeper
I87 Ge~r~e the Fourth P.H. 35 Lemmon Mark Alfred, Limited, agricultural FLEECEYARD: .
W1lham Henry Abbott estate agent implement makers Barnes Henry Edward (exon:r.
189 Gay l<'redk. Hy. boot repr 35 Porter George Thompson 3 Boston George A. house of), cardboard box manufrs
209 Mallett John, shopkeeper & Son, insuranl'.e brokrs furnisher. See ad- Arme~ Wm. packing case dlr
2I9 PresantsJn.;_r~ntr 35 Bowrin~ Pet.roleum Co. vertisement Ha.rper Waiter, boot & shoe
223 Royal Oak P. H. \\ Ilham Ltd. oil manufacturers 4 The Weig-hbridge (Hngh manufacturer
Graver 35 Vince Henry John, painter Beck, clerk of the cattle
. EAST SI~E. . . 39 Randall Charles Williarn & market) 69 Dinner Kitchen for the Poor,
2 Miller Nathamel Wllham Co. boot manufacturers ...... here -i ..; O.~.'JOrne sq ... ... Miss Orfeur, hon. sec
4 Garratt. Mrs. 39 Barlow&CJarke,timbr.mers Boston George A. ho.1se SOUTH SIDE.
6 Franckhn Misses 39 Hudson Eric P. E.· motor furnisher (factory, Os- 2 Barrell Brothers, draper3
8 Cook Alfred Waiter · borne sq 4 W eyer George, butcher
IO Woods Alfred engmeer
39 Murray Alien, servants' 5 Jolly Farmers' inn, Fredk. Norwich StJup & Provident
12 Priestley A. H. M.B registry ottice John Drown Coal Society (Robert
14 Everett Miss C. S p ":1 · A W~nn, supt.)(Soup Office
I6 Palmer IIerbert William 39 ltman n aunce · com- 6 Greenacre Henry, saddler
mercial traveller 7 Cannell & Sons,seed grwrs yard)
SOUTH HEIGHAM PARO- 41 International Bible s~u­ 8 Woods, Sadd, Moore & Co. 20 Gough Fred,cardboard bol':
CHIAL HALL dents' Meeting Room Limited. see :l merchnts maker
I8 Braybrooks Tnos. Pashler 41 Bellairs J. publisher 8 Wigg W. E. & Sons, agri- Norwich Box Co. (Soman's
20 Wordingha~ 1\Iiss . 4-1 West Williarn Henry, cultural implement mas. yard)
22 Laba:nd Frank . weighin5 machine m'lkr See advertisement .. here i.~JollySa11Y!Jer'syar.l.••
24 Jenkms George, pianoforte 41 ~ Holmes & Co. grocers' 8 LawnFrancisTaylor, plm br Porter J ames & 8on,timber
tuner sundriesmen 9 Wicks & S ms Limited, merchants
26 Ottaway Mrs general builders &c 34 Juniper Robert Kerrison,
28 Lyons Thomas WEST SIDE. 10 Ellis William, agricultural coal merchant
go Bagshaw Abraham George Rudd Robert G. & Son, implement maker ...... here is Hansard la ••••••
32 Whayman John wine importers &c rr Brown Alfd.mkt.attendant ST. EoMUND's CHURCH
36 Whayman ~Iiss 2 Rudd Waiter Randall, cot- 12 Bowtell Herbert John, Sexton H.&SonsLirnited, boot
g8 Hewitt John ton merchant butchers' cutler & shoe manufacturers
...... here is Johnson st ...... 2 Breton Miss Helen May,
42 Chilvers George, assist. tea rooms Fellmongers' yard. Fishers, 39 St. Giles'
insurance supt 4 Hughff William, stationer street to Pottergate street.
......... here is Rupert st......... 6 Kemp A. & F. ladies' hair See OAK STREET .
2 Fuller Wm. J. boot rep!"'
56 Ellis Geo. Ernest, grngrcr dressers l!~erry l'Oa.d (Thorpe Ham- Large& Miller, boot mnfrs
66 Delf Henry Wilson ExcHANGE CHAMBERS: Dagdale Arth. shopkeeper
let) River ;:-:,ide rJ.
78 NoRWICH CITY MrssroNR){ Gage Oswald & Co. stock &
II4 Yaxlcy Wm. beer retailr share brokers Montgomerie Mrs. ( Ferryside) Fleeceya.rd .
......... here is Union st ......... Love Percival J. ticket writer
Fink.elgate, Ber street to See FISHJmGATE.
rr6 HannantNathl. Wm. baker
NEW CITY SuNDAY 8 Adcock & Son, tobacco mfrs . Queen's road. Florence rd.ThorpeHamlet.
ScHOOLS ro Hurn Daniel & ~ons, rope 3 MICklelmrgh James H. I5 Reeve Miss Ellen, dress ma
124 Bird George, wood turner manufacturers ; yacht- b0ot maker 4 Crane J oseph John
I30 West John, bricklayer ing requisites. See 7 McEwen Mrs. .Annic, 9
Crook'sPlaceCouncil Schls advertisement chimney sweeper Flower Pot yard.
ISO I<'rost Chas. dyer & cleanr I2 & I4 Alden. Harry Edward u Black Horse i'.H. R1. Blyth See OAK STREET.
19::> Lusher Horace, boot ma F.A.A. accountant 17 UttingCharles, apartments
204 Cocks Hy.Jas. greengrocr 12 & I4 East Anglian Traders' Fountain yard.
Association, Fish market, ~t. Peter's See ST. BENEDICT's STBEET.
Ethel road~ ThorpeHamlet), HarryEdwd.Alden,sec street & Market place.
139 Rosary road. 12 & 14 .Lamoert Geo. L. tailr EAST SIDE. Frogs Ha.lllane, Thorpe rd.
SOUTH SIDE. 12 Legge Mrs. Jane, berlin City Weights & Measures Off South Fredk. cab proprietor
2 Honlt Frederick John wool repository Lo,t Property Office
PRIMITIVE METH. CHAPEL r6 Carter, Steward & Co. wine Annison Wilham,tish salesmn Fye Bridgest. continuation
NORTH SIDE. merchants Baker Hy. Wm. fish salesman of Wensum street.
3 Hamilton Mrs r8 Norman Mrs. Mary Jane, Smith John, fish salesman EAST SIDE.
7 Crisp Miss dining rooms . . Tutlicld J ames, fish salesman 3 Berwick Wm. fried fish dlr
9 Hard wick Jas.Hy. coal agt zo Campbell Edgar, dmmg WE~T SIDR. 5 Barrell Broti.'en, drapers
I I Snowdon Mrs rooms Collector's Office{Robert John ...... here is Fishergate .... -
I3 Simpson Mrs. Mary Ann, 22 ThornsR.E.&Co.ironmngrs Howard, collector J 7 Bugg Fredk. Jn. grindery
apartments ... .•• here is Lobster la ...... Armcs :E'hilip, fish salesman dealer

Jo'vE BRIDGE STREET-con. Glebe road, 203 Unthankrd. Il Bingham Mrs. Caroline, 47 Havers James, baker
I l Isaacson Samuel, furn. bro NORTH SIDE. shopkeeper .•. he1·e is West Pottergate st .••
13 Willatts Benjamin, window 3 Page Ern est Alfd. foreman 13 Smith Sidney, corn dealer- 49 Haselton Geo, hair dresser
"' blind maker 5 Sowels Fredk. bank clerk 15 Bygrave Dennis, boot repr 51 Stearman Mrs
'IS El lis Samuel James,currier 7 Robertson Henry James, 17 l\lidlane Edward, tailor 53 MeekJn.M. travelling drapr
I7 HuwardMrs.Ann,fishmngr schoolmaster 17 Sandle Artbur Henry, ...... here is 1Villiam st ..... .
here is Jack of Newbury yard 9 Gemmer Waiter Frederick manu£acturing chemist ...... here is Gaffer's bldgs ..... .
r9 Jack of Newbury P.H. 11 Bill Frederick Willia.m 2r Museum hotel, James 6r Mills Wm. chimney swpr
James Balls 13 Mann Henry, insur, supt Wilfred Giles 65 Burrows Mrs. Mary Aunt
WEST SIDE, 19 Green Miss ...... hue is Rising Sun la...... umbrella maker
EnglandWilliam, coal mer- 37 Waters Samuel George WEST SIDE. . ..... he1·e is .Fisher's bldgs ......
chant(Fye Bridge wharf) ...... here is Girton rd ...... Golden Ball Stables 67 Whitfield & Wallace, cycle
.E Smit~ Mrs.Emma, hosiery 6 5 Noble Harry, assistant .he1·e is Graut's th01·ough:(a_re. makers
kmtter insurance supt r8 Archer Stanley H. dmmg EAST SIDE.
Cart_er, St~w:ard & Co. 101 Humm Ernest Gladstone, , rooms 8 Jarrett Georg~, parish
w~ne & spint m,ercbants assistant insurance supt 20 Carter John, watch maker ~clerk of St. G!les _ _
.•• here lS St. Clement a alley ... 125 Dewing Arthur c la I2 Neale M1ss Rose, millmer
14 H un t w·u·
Go 1den Dog ne 35 Calvert
r27 Turner George manager d ' 1 mm
Gaffer's yard. . B ens l'ey r d •..... street to Mag alen street r6 Flowerdew Mrs
. .. . .. h ere ts
See ST. BENEDICT's STREET. souTH SIDE. 5 Norton Mrs. Annie, boot. rB Corrick Mrs. Wm. straw
2 Blomfield Ed ward, clerk factor bonnet maker
Garden street, Thorn lane Collins SidneyClarke,clerk 17A, Hardy Wm. carpenter 20 Page Samuel, watch maker
to Horns lane. 4
6 Kemp Edwd.Holmes, clerk 17 FosterGeo. 22 Taylor John
Green Harry Wm. timber 8 Richmond Arthur rg White William & Son, silk 24 Porter Miss
merchant 10 Hall Percy, schoolmaster good_s manufacturers 28 A~drews Wm. insur. agent
6 Cunningham Rd. boot ma SB Alien Henry, painter 21 Camplmg M1ss . 30 P1_cktbor~e James
II8 BunnCharlesGeo builder 23 ScottRev.Edwd.[Cathohc] 32 Riches Miss Hannah Cath-
Gas hill (Thorpe E:amlet), 132 Roberts George · 10 Burgess Wilfrid Lawson erine, teacher of music
Bishop's Bridge road to St. Durrant Philip Robert 12 Throw:er Fred M 34 Daynes Mrs
Leonard's road. 134
13 6 Topham Fred, insur. supt 20 Franc1s Edward Arth. trav 40 Self B~rt, wardrobe dealer
British Gas Light Co.Limited 13 g Lamb John 20 Andrews Rev. Arthur John ...... here ts Potter,qate st ......
(Thos. Glover, engineer & 140 Ling William Hy. travllr [curate of St. Peter Par- 42 Howman Arch1b~ld
manager) 142 Hemsley Samuel B.A. menterg~te] 44 Llo~:d Mrs. ~eatnce, dyer
Ship F.H. Robert Thos. l\Ioore school teacher 22 Daynes James Varna, sole 46 Sprmgall M1ss
144 Woods Walter William sewer 48 T~ylor John Wm. aparts
George yard. Ste:vens Chas.Fredk.&Son, 52 Kmg Mrs. Emma, aparts
See ST. STEPHEN'ssTREET. Globe lane, Cattle Market ironmon!_{ers &c.(works) 54 Jackson Miss
S l <;6 Fox John
G ertrude rd · Sprowston rd . street to co es green. G old"1ng s t . r Dere h am r d . 58 Stebbings Miss
SOUTH BIDE. 23 Quantrill Fredk. shopkpr - WEST SIDE. 6o Watts William George
1 Walker Ernest Frank, gro Hannant William John, I TowN Sus-Pos-r & M. 0. 64 GayfordBrothers,gasfitters
51 Rounce Mrs. Sophia, shop- builder &c.(Prospect ho) Office (Thomas John 66 & 68 BrowneWalterFredk.
keeper Gazely, sub-postmaster) printer
.... .. here ts · R ober t s r d ...... Globe st. (South Reigham), 5 Littell Mrs 70 Baker Mrs. Ellen,news agt
NORTH SIDE. H.upert st. to Union street. 15 Sharpe Benj.Leggett,clerk 74 Hogg Alfred, confectioner
2fTowenl\irs.Harriett,shpkpr ... ... here ·is Manchester st ...... 27 Campling Mrs 76 Porrett William,fishmongr
32 Sneyd John ......... here is Salford st ...... G 0 ld "th 8 t 1 D h G Hill 5 d A 1
66 Read Mrs. Mary Ann, 30 Long Edward, shopkeeper sml · ~7 ere am reen , roa • .3~ Y-
s h op k eeper · c?'ass Gl obe s t ...... road to Devonshire street.
.• • . . . h e-'l"e t.~ sham rd. to St. Martm s rd.
134 StolworthvMrs.Gertrude, I DunhamRussel!C. shopkpr WEST _siDE. . ~Doughty Miss Ellen, dress
d a1ry J
15 B F ed · k sh 0 pkpr 15 Pearce Percival, bncklayer maker
errhy r_ Ker_lc ,· 41 CrawfordOsbornGeo,baker 2 ~orman Mrs. A. A
........ , ere ts tng s sq , •.. .. . . . h . B
Gilden croft, St. A ugus- 21 TuffieldJames beer retailer ...... ere ts rowne st ...... 3 Lubbuck Danl. bricklayer
tine's street. 29 Britcher Edw~rd, beer retlr . EAST Sil?E. , . 6 Maine Stephen Frederick,
2 P1mm Miss Sarah Ehza- draper &c
Recreation Grounds
:Boston George, house fur- Gloucester street, 134 Un- , beth! shopkeepe~ 7 Hansell Alfred James,
thank road. - 46 Fox M1ss Ruth Ehzabeth, cabinet maker
nisher (£actory)
NORTH SIDE. shopkeeper 12 Green Hills P.H. Mrs.
Girton road, 34 College road 15 Swatman Charles, grocer Gordon road, 16s Queen's Hannah Barrett
to Glebe road. ... ... here is 1Ju1·ham rd . .. ... road to Burnaby road. 13 LubbuckDanl.jun.bricklyr
21 TookeMrs.Ann,sbopkeeper
SOUTH SIDE. 17 Andrews Charles, butcher 1 HowlingsJacobHy. shpkpr
3 Miller Wm. Granville, sec 47 Daniels Miss Alice,dress ma 1I Clarke Mrs.Mary, dressma Greyfriar's road, Rose lane
NORTH SIDE. 49 Softley George, coal dealer 2 Lambert Geurge William, to King street.
2 Day John Benjamin 97 Taylur Arthur, painter furniture dealer EAST SIDE.
4 Dannock George 99 BrownClement, stonemasn Weeks & Gay, cabinet mas
BISHOP PELHAllrMEMORIAL Grant street, 255 Dereham 3 Hawes James
Gladstone st. 79 Earlham HALL road, opposite Cemetery. r I Harbord Frank
road to Dereham rmid. . ..... htre u Letcester st ...... 5 Dewber:v Wm. boot repr 13 Howes William
WEST SIDK. 105 Caston George Robert, 55 ChaplinWm.Stephen,baker 15 Taylor Charles George
I Williment James, builder pianoforte tuner 38 Hopkins Fras. G.insur. agt Green Herbert John
...... he1"f3 is Stafford st ...... 107ThompsonMrs.M.grecngro 48 Smith Bert, plumber (Greyfriar's house)
Alexandra tavern, Charles SOUTH SIDE. WEST SIDE.
Aldham Langley 24 Hunt Albt. Jn. insnr. agt Grapes hill, St. Giles st. 2 Sear William Henry
81 Watling Charles Jas. iron ...... here is Chester st ...... WEST_ SIDE. 4 Borne George Arthur
moulder 72 Peake Mrs. Mabel, grocer 3 Tye Mrs. Ehzh. pork btchr 6 Websdale Charles
85 Earl Mrs. Rosetta,shopkpr 74 Cunningham I<'rederick 5 & 7 Thirkettle John Edwd. •
95 Gay Wm. commission agt William, butcher bird dealer Greyhound opening, Mid-
I l l Cbaprnan Miss Ellen, ····'" here is Leicesier st _..... 9 Calver Arthur, bout makr land street.
dress maker 76 Playford Hertie, boot ma 9 Calver Mrs. William, dairy Greyhound P.H. Frederick
JI5 Parnell Jabez C. coal dlr 78 Mower Wra Amos, baker 1I Fisk Henry, greengrocer W. Turner
EAST SIDE. ..• here is Lincoln's yarri .. .
2 Fox Fredk. Cbas. insur.agt Golden Ball street, Ber st....... here is Bexleys sq ...... Grosvenor road, 3 I Un-
4 Lilly Ernest to Cattle Market street. Lincoln Alfd. Geo. chimney thank road.
:;:6 Bennett Mrs. RuthG. dress EAST SIDE. sweeper (r 'Bexleys sq) SOUTH SIDE.
& mantle maker I & 3 Barber Robt. fishmngr 29 Carpenter Miss Laura, 7 Copeman John L
26 Neve Miss F. dress maker ... here is Manning's yard ... dress maker 9 Brennan Mr-s
so Rusbton Miss 5 Jordan Wm. fret worker 33 Canham Frederick A. G. I I Bower Charles John
56 Edwards MindhamSamuel, 7 Howard Ernest, hair drssr insurance agent 13 Codling Miss
llhopkeeper ... here is Woolpack yard ..• 35 & 39A 1 Bnnn Geo. builder 17 Huson Arthur
, ••••• here is Stafford st 4..... StubbsAlfredJas.poulterer 37 \Vebster Wm. Robt. sen xg l<'rancisThomasEvanAlbert
6o Hunt Mrs.Mabel, dress ma (Woolpack yard) 45 Paul Pry P.H. \Valter 21 Coleman George Lovick
70 Kemp George Jas. baker 9 Woolpack P.H. Geo.Squires Dickerson 23 Gates Miss
25 Berry Arthur Gilbert 17 Whitelaw George Guernsey road, 30 Magda- 124 Shaw John
27 Saville Mrs 21 traveller !en road. 126 Loades William
Lacey William Henry & 23 Corbetta Mrs 3 8 Bishup Henry, hon. sec. 128 Gree~ Arthur, insur.supt
Son, fruit & potato mers 25 Day Miss Royal OakBenefitSociety ...... here lS Hughenden rd .•• •••
31 Lacey Herbert Wm. Henry 27 Scrutton Mrs (branch) 130 Halls Herbert llei_Ir:r
33 Cadge l\Irs 29 Scctt Waiter 44 Want Geor()'e insur. agt 132 Butolph Robert Htlling
35 Gayford Miss 31 Greene Mrs 6o Parker Tho~~s foreman 134 WardGeo.commission agt
37 Dut'ndell George William 33 Thirtle John Thomas 59 BrownMrs. Ali~, drss. ma 136 Gooch Alfred John.
39 Willby Miss 35 Hinchliffe Mrs 6 3 Gibbs Robert M. shopkpr 138 Pennymore Fredenck
43 Dennes Charles 37 Ikin Alfred Edward E.Sc • St. Mark's Boys' School
4S Moll Mrs. M 39 McLellan Alexander Guildhall chambers. . ...... here is Hatton. rd .......
;..... here is Bathurst rd _..... 41 Williams Ernest Edgar See ST. PETER's STREET. 148 Hardy Miss Marion,
NORTH SIDE- 43 Turner Wm. corn. travellr dress maker
2 Martin Mrs 45 Thompson Frederick Guildhall hill. rso Rust Edmund
4 Rossi Miss 47 Grinling John See MARKET PLACE. 152 FelgateSamL Wm. managr
6 Hart Miss 49 Robinson Miss Gurney's court. 154 BaldryJas.Reuben,mangr
8 Mayston Richard 53 Cook Thomas See MAGDALEN fSTREET. rs6 Barrett George
10 Bredberg A. William 55 Wilmot Miss rs8 Skipper William
14 HovellMisses 57 Gover Mrs Hallroad(Lakenham),from .•.... here is Walton rd ··~··•
16 Barber Ernest 59 Siely Miss Queen's road. x8o Barber George Stephen
18 Ladly:\Irs.Elizh.apartmnts ST. ALBA'S's TEMPORARY EAST SIDE. Scarlett Brothers, market
20 Boughen Mrs CHURCH 1 ChapmanFrederickJoseph, gardeners
22 Wha.tley Miss ...... her~ is Trafford rd ...... plumber
24 Gaze William 6r TraffordArmsP.H.William I Dodson John, grocer Hanoverrd.5Brnnswick rd.
28 Cooper Mrs Curl 9 Broad water Mrs. Sarah NORTH SIDE.
30 Turner Edwin James 63 Sims Miss Elizabeth, shopkeeper I Bateman Miss
32 Bunting Frederick W 65 Hurn John I lA, Haggith James, boot ma 3 Cork Miss
34 Fuller Arthur J. C 67 Green Joseph Philip 13 Smith John, dairyman 5 Browne James, manager-·
36 Rason Mrs 69 Elliott Thomas Baines ... here is Youell's opening... 7 Hush Percy
38 Woodrow :Miss Josephine, 71 Cooper Hcrbert Nelson 23 ReynoldsCharles, boot ma 9 Jean Mrs
teacher of music 73 Atkinson Miss Rowling Mrs. Mary, II Fell William, manager-
38 Wigston Miss Gwendolen, 75 Bennett travellr stationer 13 Few Charles Chambers.
teacher of music 77 Purcell William H 2S NEw LAKENHAM TowN 15 Rudd Louis Edward
40 Leeds Mrs 79 Lydamore WillieRansome, SuB-POST & M. 0. Office 17 Sexton J sph. schoolmaster'
...... here is Bathurst rd ...... grocer 27 Freemasons' Arms P.H. 19 Howes Chas. I<'rancis, clerk
...... here is Southwell rd...... Ernest Tubby 21 Barnes JamesRbt.carpentr
Grout's thoroughfare, Kinley Joseph, grocer 37 Kett ArthurJohn,cattle dlr · 23 Woods Miss
Timber Hill to Golden Ball st. 8r TowN SuB-PosT & M. 0. 39 Bush James Gapp, rnonu- 25 Palfrey John James,travllr
II Doughty Mrs. M. shopkpr Office mental mason 27 Culley Mrs
r6 Cohen Emannel Lewis, 8s Bush George Charles 41 Shildrake Geo_ greengrocr 33 Clover Harry Chas. clerk
stencil plate cutter 87 Garrard Walter ...... here is Hobart lane ...... 35 Moore John Alfred, com·
8a Hovel! Mrs 43 Webb William baker mercial traveller
Grovei(The). 9~ Seaman Wm. trav. draper 57 SouthwellArm'sP.H.Joseph 37 Pitt,
See BRACONDALE & CHAPEL- 95 Dash wood Arthur Shaw ......... here zs Eagle st ........ .
FIELD EAST. 97 Chaplin William Snelling William, fishmon. SOUTH SIDE.
. 99 Thirkettle William ger (Hawes place) 2 Searles Mrs
Grove avenue, 3 lpsw1ch 101 Palmer Misses Jessie, ...... here is Paradise row...... 4 Sly Mrs
road to Grove road. Alice & Annie, milliners ST. MARK's CHURCH 6 Crafer William Hay how,
2 Crosse Miss 103 Hinde William Hall St. Mark's Schools commercial traveller
4 Barrett Rev_ Geo_ -SJatyer 73 Southgate William Rerbt 8 Cabban James
B. A., D.D NORTH SIDE. ... here are Cyprus o/ Harford ro Ringer Fredk. Wm.grngrQ-
6 Bolingbroke Miss 2 Larkman Mrs sts. o/ Hospital la ...... 12 Playford Misses
8 "'est
" l\:I1'ss 64 Betts Miss
Leeds Herbert W a ter W ork s ( reservOir
· ) 14 Cannell Charles
ro Kay Samuel Ho ward 8 Juler Edward Thomas 87 Hunter Oliver Ambrose 18 Porter Albert John, clerk
12 Holmes Mrs 89 Barrett Ernest Arthur 2o Pearce Mrs
10 Rackham Mrs
14 .Monement Miss 12 K mg
. ht 8 M .••••• here is Lindley st •••... H b d (Th
x6 Light James Moody rs WEST SIDE. ar our roa orpe.
r8 Culley Misses 14 Noble Alfred B 2 Hooper Alfred, stationer Hamlet), Thorpe road.
20 Haughton Mrs ~~ ~~;;o~i;:ederick Charles 4 Bugg George, confectioner Ab bott Bryant Wm. (Lawn ho),
22 Gayford Miss 22 Wild Mrs. Evelyn 6 Hooper_ Wm. furn. dealer Hardy roa.d, Carrow road.
24 Corsbie Samuel 24 PI b W G b 'ld .••••. he1·e zs Chapel alley ......
26 Loads :Mrs urn m. eo. m er x6 Read Frederick boot repr Laurence, Scott & Co. Ltd.
28 Horner Misses 26 Banham George Joseph 18 Loynes Geo.S.&son,grocrs electrical engineers( Gothic
30 Mclntyre Miss 3o Williamson Edward 22 King's Arms P.H. Harry works)
32 Pearse Rev. Alexander 32 ~tubbs Al~red James Crowe
Joseph lii.A. [Cong] 3~ ~over~ Richard Percy ......... here is Halls la ........ . Harford bridge.
34 Algar William Jasper 3 vey eo~ge 24 Youels Bertie, shopkeeper See IPSWICH ROAD.
36 Castle Miss 3 8 Day?-es Mlss 28 Browne Wait. Christr.bldr Harford street, Hall road
38 Challice Rev.Fredk. Claude 4° M
Damels fi Mrs
ld A th ... ... h ere ls
· Coldwe ll r d ...... to City roa d.
[Primitive Methodist] 4 ans e r ur 34 Pond James, boot maker
44 Leggett Mrs 18 Ludlow Mrs. Maria, dress
4o N orgate Gerald . 36 French Arthur, hair drssr
42 Thompson William ...... Itere zs H oward st ••• ··· 52 Goose William, carpenter maker
44 Sewell Mrs so2 ~ea~an ~lfred ...... here is Trafalgm· st ...... Haslip's opening, Midland
46 Read Joseph Edward 5 • tan ey rs 78 Cherry Tree l'.H. Mrs. street.
48 Tadman Mrs 56 Eastha~gh Geo. painter Harriet Ellis 7 Millbank JohnWm.bootma
so Hawes Herbert Henry ....... her~ ts Howard st ...... ...... here is Cherry st ...... 1o Tracey Alfred Jas. bootma
52 Gilbert l\lrs 58 Kmg Isaa~,ho~ decorator 84 Spencer Charles Lewis,
54 Loades Benjamin ......... here u Lewls st......... boot repairer Havelock rd.98Earlham rd.
s6 Hewitt Harry 70 Mallett John, p~rk butcher 90 Carver William WEST SIDE.
Ward Hy. propr 2 Warma.n John r Alien Herbert Geo. tailor
Grove ro~d, juncti?n of St. 72 Brighton E. C. & Co. boot ~ Cannell Edward Stone 3 Allward Thomas Charles,
Stephen s, & lpsw1Ch roads makers .. . roo Malt Hy. Wait. boot ma carriage builder
to Queens road. 74 Surrey mn,W1lhamJoseph 110 Norwich Co-operative 5 Millward Mrs
souTH SIDE. .Macartney Society Limited 7 GurneyMrs.Sarah,dressma
I Barnard Dennis Christr. 76 Km~ Robert ~-P II2 Spelman .A.rthur Howard 9 Rippier Bertram Storey,
B.A., LL.B 78 Yanngton Miss 116 Williams Arthur, school cashier
3 Maddison Alfred °
8 Fry Rev. Jo~eph Howard attendance officer I I Pimm Frederick Talbot
S Starmer .Alfred [Congregat1DnalJ , u8 Bullen Henry 13 Osborne Benjamin
9 Warns Frank 8o Fry Mrs. Ada, ladles schl 120 Martin Rev. Ernest Ed- xs Mason Robert
u Wilkinson Ernest George • ward John f curate of Old 17 Parker Samuel Thomas
13 Drane Jecks Grove terrace. Lakenham] 19 Cra.nage Joseph James
IS Grand Edward George See THORPE ROAD. 122 Mutton William 21 Olby Dennis, insurance agt

HAVELOCK ROAD-continued. 21 & 22 Fox Hugh & Sons,: 59A, Kidman E. mineral water I97 & I99 PearlSanitarySteam
23 Young Ernest Albert birmingham & s:aetfield manufacturer Laundry Co. Ltd. (Miss
25 Phipps Ernest John warehousemen S9A, St. Philip's Men's Social M. ;\iclntosh, managTss)
27 Clough Percy Webster 23 FarrowWm.Josph. saddler Club 2II Earl Mrs.Amelia,shopkpr
29 Gold!lmith Mrs 63 Johnson Herbert ... here is Old Palace rd ...
31 Skingley Mrs Haymarket chambers. 65 Hetts Cecil Jn. school tchr 213 Bakers' Arms P.H. Henry
33 Herd George, naturalist See HAYMARKET. 67 Barnes Mrs. Henrietta, Baldry
6r Canham Mindham, shpkpr dress maker ...... hue is _llface's bldgs ......
EAST SIDE. 69 Edmands Thomas,managr 243 Roper I•'rederick, butcher
2 Lloyd John' ta ilor Heath rd. M (St.· Augustine's),
d 73 p·me h"mg u-.,1rs · .1."r
. .. .. . ... h ere 1s z t
• e son .~ .........
4 Spinks Miss 6 I agpie roa · 79 Wat.son Miss S. A. aparts 271 Pond Alfred, dairyman
6 Points Waiter I Postle Vi'illiam EAST SIDE. ST. HART Ho L o MEw's
8 Priest Miss ......... here is Stacy rd... ... .. . Blyth Ern est Egbert LL. D., CHURCH
ro Munford Mist~ 6r Gibbs Robt.Nelson.shpkpr B.A. (Heigham house) ...... here are Northumberland
12 Howard Jn. Wm. architect 6I Gibbs Miss Elizh.dress ma WALL LETTER Box st. cJ Wtlter Wo;·kHd ......
14 Finch George Frederick 63 Lane James, fish hawker ST. PHII,IP's CHURCH NORTH SIDE.
r6 Ives Herbert E . ... her~ is Clarke rd .... ,. Mahon Rev. Hernard (St. 2 Railway t)tores P.H. James
18 Winteringha.m Robert 75 SillisW~.Lucas,shopkeepr Philip's vicarage) Calver
20 Teasdale James ...... here ts Guemsey rd ...... 46 & 48 Wilkinson William, 4 Newson John, grindery dlr
22 Pearce Herbert Arthur 91 Curtis Mrs. CJara, shopkpr coal merchant Council Schools
28 Todd Sydney Leonard 56 l\Iarshall George, plumber so Reeve Miss 8 Mark W. D. & Rons, hide,
30 Cubitt Cbristopber John 86 Moore Charles, boot makr 52 Wilkinson Joseph William skin, fat & wool brokers
32 WiddowsUriahPhilip,clerk 54 Restieaux Mrs. John ro Shuttles P.H. Robt. Brown
40 Eagleton Bertie Reginald Heathside roa.d (Thorpe 56 El""erettArlhurW.manager 12 Wills DudleyH. hide, skin,
42 Todd Frederick Joseph Hamlet), 144 Thorpe road. . ........ here is Wymer st ... ... salt & wool merchant.
46 Rymer Harry, clerk I Blazeby William Thomas 58 OvensJ.monumental masn See advertisement
48 Cook Henry Edward 2 Alien Frank 6o Mackley Lewis ...... here is Globe yard ......
52 Potter Miss Clara Jane, Culley Mrs Gibson J. T. & Sons, plum- I4 Smith ArthurSaml.shpkpr
teacher of music 4 Keith Thomas H bers (The Loke) r6 Brighton Albt. A. shopkpr
54 Rudd William, bird mer 5 Bransby James William 62 Marshal! Mrs 18 Cullington Mrs. Alice,
Reeve Benj. gardener 64 Grundy Fred shopkeeper
Hawes place. 66 Johnson Orbell E 20 WarmingerA.fried fish dlr
See HALL .ROAD. Heigham grove Earlham 68 ~owes Richard, clerk . .. .... here is Blake's yard ......
Hawkes yard. road. ' 70 f,.allant George Nathamel 24A, Yaxley Geo. bnot
See OAK STREET. Reynolds Wm. wheelwright
Bnllard Eclward (Newham Heigham street, continua- Cushion Brothers, Orchard
:Haymarket, :Market place. house) tion of Westwick street. turning mills
1 Stewarts Limited, clothiers Thorn Clifford(Gayton ho) souTH SIDE. 36 Orchard tavern, Waiter
2 Goose & Son, booksellers 2 Rowe Rev. Mortimer B.A. I Gilmore Geo. Thos. beer ret Ma~on
2 Church of England Tern· [Unitarian] ...... here is Brett's yard...... -'1. & G. N. Jo_int Railways
perance Society 4 My hill Horace, insur. agt ...... he1·e is 1Ve:;ton's sq ... ... Goods Statwn,
2 eh urc h M"ISSJOnary
. S . t 5 HowlingsArth.Hrbt.tradr 5 Woodrow CharlesEdward E. E. Philpott, agent
ocie Y 9 Hunting Daniel Maxwell ' M & G N J R
(depot) corn & flour dealer · · · DINT AIL-
·2 Society for Promoting Macallan Mrs. (The Manse) 7 Ca!'!tleton Geo. grocer &c WAYS' CoA~ DEPOT:
Chnstian .!,{nowledge ~~~~~~I!~~t CJ'~~~~~dar) 9 Kirby Charles, hair dresser RBessfe)~f&hPalmerJLim. coa I mers
(depot) 9A, Kirby Chas. tobacconist oo e ?~as as. coa 1 mer
2 Society for the Propaga- Priest Mrs. (Craster ho) here i.~ Flower-in-Hand yard ~aylor Wil~Iam Jn. co~l I?er
tion of the Gospel in Barnard George Sydney II Duffield George, butcher Sterry J. S. & Co. Limited,
J:<'orei.!n Parts (de]Jot) (The Acacias) 13 l\'Iiddleton Heuj. greengro coal m_er_chants
2 Girls' Friendly Society Paf;b/~7~s)Joseph Gray .Mills James, fishmonger Casey Wilh~m, coal merchant
( depbt) ( 1 Clarke's yard) Lord Mrs.J<. M.~oal merch~nt
2 Mothers' Union (dep0t) 15 KnightsFrederick,baker&c Mapperley Colhery Co. Lim.
2 NorwichDiocesanCalenrlar, Heigham road, Earlham ...... here is Cante1·bu1-ypl...... coal merchat;ts
Goose & Son, publishrs road to Dereham road. 17 Past on Thomas, grocer ~oy Thomas Lnn. coal mers
.3 &. 4 Back's, Limited, wine WEST SIDE. 19 Brown James Hy. draper Fulcher ~e_nry,coal merchant
& spirit merchants I Cooper Thomas BurdettFrederickWilliam Gould "rilham,coal merchant
5 Maypole Dairy Co. Lim 3 Smith Thos. C. dispenser shoeing smith ' H.iley C.,~· & Co. coal mers
Jj Palmcr & Sons,ironmongrs 5 Diggins Charles Dallaway 23 Johnson Miss E. butcher ~~ll~x "1lham Hy. coal mer
7 Neaverson H. confectioner 5 BeiEn Mcllle. Marie, pro- 25 MillsArth.jun.chnnny.swp Girhng J. & II. coal mers
·7 Ox brow Alfred Williarn, fessor of french 27 Crocodile P. H.FrankDyball
eye specialist 7 Scrutton George Herbert .... here is Crocodile yard .... M. & G. N. Joint Railways'
B HowclJs John & Co. mantle 9 BrowncWalt.Fredk.survyr 31 & 33 Seeley Mrs. Elizabeth Cattle Station
makers I I Herring Harry s~lina, coffee rooms ..... . here is Blackhorse st.. ....
9 &: IO Green George, gents' 13 Blyth William Thomas 39 Steward Geo. tripe dresser 128 ColemanMrs.Elzh.shpkpr
& boys' outfitters IS Colman Miss ...... here is Bridges yard ...... 138 Ru!lell Waiter, shopkeepr
Lamb inn, Herbert Geo. I7 Spalding Misses 41 Jones Mrs.Jessie, dress rna 146 Rix Mrs. S. wardrobe dlr
Goffin 19 Denny Donald ...... he1·e is Midland st ...... ...... h~r~ is Railway st ......
11 Roofe James Hy. grocer &c 21 Hahherton Miss 49 Cooper Henry,sen.shopkpr 148 Pratt Mrs. Alice, butcher
HAYMARKET CHAMBERS: 23 Rumball James 63 Stangroom Wm. boot ma 1j6 Upson James,nevs agent
Provident Clothing & Supply 25 Revell Misses L. & C. 65 HardyGeo.Walt.shopkeepr r58 Cottrell R. fried fish dlr
Co. Limited dress makers ...... he-re is Sayer's st ...... Loades Miss Mary
, ........... here are Orford pl. 27 Lamb Mrs 67 Oakes Albt.Edwd. tobccnst
Louisa, draper
<f Brigg st ............ 29 Hudson WilliarnRobt.clerk 69 Moore Charles,hair dresser TowN SuB-PosT & M.
14 London restaurant,Herbert 33 Woods A. pianoforte tuner JI Friends' First-Day School 0. Office
Burbidgc ...... here is Stafford st ...... Coffee Cart Co I62"WarmsleyAlbt.E.bootrep
15 Lipton Lim. provision dlrs 35 Stafford Arms P.H. Samuel 77 Annison Arthur, butcher r66 Pratt Geo. Walt. shopkpr
15 Moore Miss Lilian, flJrist Greenwood ......... here is Derby st ......... ...... here is Barker's st ..... .
PILLAR LETTER Box 37 White Mrs 87 Knott Arthur Jas. coal dlr Brett Henry, tailor (8
15 Hatch Fredk. Geo. solicitr 39 Earle :\:lrs 99 Kemp Mrs. Sarah, ward- Barker's street)
ISPlmyrightArth.H.civ.engnr 41 Roe Mrs robe dealer r68 Singer & Keys, fruiterers
15 Ellwood Robert Crickmore, 43 Harnes Henry I03 Norton William, beer ret ...... here is Paddock st ......
registration officer 45 Wells Mrs ......... here is Russell st ......... r88 ParfittChas.H.wrdrbe.dlr
East Anglian Cinema to- 47 Anderson J oseph & Son, wg Wicks William, hair drssr 190 WormanGeo.Rt.fishmngr
graph Theatres Limited builders Ill Churchyard Chas. buildr 192 Caso George, hair dresser
(Edwd. J. Protheroe,mgr) 49 Parker Leonard, clerk I 13 ArnoldGeo. Wm. fishmngr 198 ChaseHy. Matthew,shpkpr ·
r8 George inn, Arthur Syder 51 Bacon George Herbert Drake Fras. carriage bldr ......... here is Home st .........
......... her~ is Church st ...... 53 Massing ham Rbt. Andrew ...... here is Devonshire rd ...... 200 Sistern Wm. shopkeeper
Page S. D. & Sons Limited, 53 Massingham Misses Mary II5 Black Horse P.H. George PILLAR L]\TTER Box
brush makers & Maude, dress makers Learner 218 Bush James, gTOcer
......... htwe i.~ Hay hl ......... 55 Fair head John, gardener I29 Goreham Jas. shopkeeper ...... here is Raynham st ......
......... here a1·e St. Peter's st. 57 Parker\Vm. travelling drpr I4I Neeve Henry Wm. enginr 220 Lincoln Charles, shoe ma
~ Werrver's la ...... 59 Feek James Hall, architect 145 Jackson Mrs. E. dress ma 226 MarshallHy.Jas.bricklayr
242 Windiate John, baker ... ...... here i.~ Ell a rd ......... NORTH SIDE. I35 Varley Mrs. Jane, shpkpr
... footpath leading to Dolphin 15 Wade Butler Miss (Point house) 151 Moore John
brid,ge <f Dray ton rd ... ...... here is Mm·ion rd ...... AlgarFras. Wm. (Point cot) 151 Hills Lacey Vincent,
. . . . . • here is Pump yard .••... ...... here is Plorence rd ...... Clarke Miss (The Acacias) asse'lsor of fire losses
252 Dolphin P.H. Herbert A. 27 Muskett Mrs Dodson John (Bonchurch) ...... here is Plumstead rd ......
Baker 29 Bennington Arthur, clerk Mills Samuel (The Rallies) AST s DE
•...•. Fer1·y to Hellesdon ..... . Hill's yard. Blake Gerar~ (Close lodge) 2 Wrigh: Geor~e Jas. baker
...... here is Horford st .... .. See ST. GEORGE STREET. Boardman Edward Thomas 22 Rancom Mrs. Elenora
Carey James, boat propr. (Tow~ Close house) midwife '
(The Bungalow) Hobart lane, from Hall rd. Wells Mis_s (Elm lodge} 26 Woods Miss Ethel,dressma.
264 BurmanMissEliza,shpkpr I Fitt Miss ... here ~s Town Close rd ... ST. MATTHEW's MISSION
. . . . . . here is H el• ford st ...... PILLAR LETTER Box R 00 M
284 Baldry Hy. stone mason Holls lane, from 22 Hall rd. Hotblack Henry (The Lawn) M D 'd
300 Gibraltar Gardens P.H. 6o Breame Mrs.Mary,co_al dlr Ireland Maurice William ~...:. ax~:e isaQttelnc rd ......
George Thorne Earl Tungate B. & Co. pamters ~Boytofl: house) ST LEoNARD'S CHURCH
••• here is H eiqham 1vat erin_q ... Lake William, saw mills Wil~ett M1ss (Carlton lodge) ·
302 Clarke Mrs. Maria,shpkpr I7 Spinks Walter, boot repr W~Ite HenryFreeman(Heath- Kimberley st. Trory st. to
WALL LETTER Box field house) Oxforll st. (South Heigham).
.............. here are Dial sq. <j Hall's yard. PILLAR LETTER Box
See OAK STREET. · L· d r2 Rayes Robert, carpenter
l-l01·ton's yard ......... .. .... here ~s tme Tree r ... ... D M' L'J · d
· 1 B Ltd r 8 awson Iss ...... sie, ress ma
3Io Sadd Waiter, shopkeeper Holme's yard. Dame s ros. . nurserymn w·l J R bt 1 be
h · E t d 32 1 son n. o . p urn r
Swan Steam Laundry See WESTWICK STREET. .. ....... er~ 18 ,a on r ......... 13 Stone bridge John tailor
(Frank & Mrs. Mattock, Yallop Robert, market gardnr '
managers) Home st. rg8 Heigham st. Betts Fredk. market gardener King street Prince of Wales
NorwichSteamLaundry & 6 Allmc.m Robert, boot repr ...... here is Marston's la...... road to Bracondale.
Baths Co. Ltd. (William Bowles Jonas & Henry, Steward Camp bell ( Harford
timber merchants EAST BIDE.
Ransom, lessee of baths) hills) 21 Eradley J.<', W. Ltd. arti-
Water Works, Horace street, Walpole st. WALL LETTER Box fi c1a
· 1 t ee th manu f rs
Wm. Harvey Parr,rngr to Vauxhall st. Rump John, market gar d cner H d
(Harford bridge) 2 3 aywtarh Fk. W. & Co.
Helena road, Dereham road Victoria P.H. Samuel Ward wa c ma ers
to Stafford street. Havers Mrs. Sybil, shopkpr. Johnson street (South ...... here is Greyfriar.~ ......
(Rising Sun row) Heigham), Norfolk street 27 & 29 Nag's Head P.H.Mrs.
I Sc~ton Charles Henry Horns lane, Ber street to to Essex street. Hannah Elizabeth Lyall
7 Williment Herbert,pictll're King street. 7 High Miss 31 Hardi~g Mrs.Julia,general
frame maker Larnder Miss Alice, shop- 9 Booty James Robert earner
9 Goldsmith Henry John, keeper (r Prospect pl) 8 Cooke Reginald George 33 King Waiter John, tailor
police officer 32 Fryer :\-rthur, shopkeeper 1o Bond Perci\'al Samuel 35 Harmer Robt. Wm. aparts
17 Rosiher William Council Schools 37A, Wortley Newton,tobcnst
19 Casseretto Francis George . Judge's walk, 163 New- 39 & 41 Wiseman Herbert
21 Barker Waiter Chas. tailor Hospltallane (Ne~ Laken- marketrd. to 396Unthank rd. Walter, butcher
29 S pm· k S J 0 h n W'll'
1 Jam ham),. Hall road. to C1ty road. WEST RIDE. . .......• here is Rose la ••••••.••
37 Cb.ristie Alex. police sergt Anqmsh's Hosplt~l. School of Caller Charles Tarrant(Harts- 43 Watson James Eel ward
39 Cordy John House~raft for Girls, wood) Henry, chemist
43 Bell Geo. Palmer, gasfitter Miss L. Terry, matron Woolsey Godfrey Edward ... here is AllcocJ.s yard •• ~
57 Evans- Ja~. Hy. paperhangr Hotblack road, from Dere- Welling ham (Kirby hom~e) 45 Hicks Mrs. Ethel,fishmngr
67 Clarke Edward, shopkeepr ham road. Paul Frank, (Alverstone) . 27 Barber Frank, boot ma~er
W~ST SIDE_. 2 Mansfield William plasterer Parker Crawford Ewmg 5I Aldous Chnstmas, fned
2 Clarke George, msur. agt h · 6. k 't (Brampton) fish dealer
32 B~iley Harry,_ fore~an 6~-C~-,~ef{~~bt.~.s~ :n ·;;i~~~ EAST BIDE. 53 Aldou_s Christmas, grocer
so Vm~e Wm.prmters oversr r Blythe Arth. Wlt!shopkpr Gill Thomas (O~kdene) ... h"-re 1s }lfurrell's ym·d ...
54 Ca_lhs Alfred Mason Robert ( fhe Cottage) 55 Pye George Frdk.. news agt
56 WII~;on Alf_re~ Howard st. from Grove rd. 57 Boiler Makers' Arms P.H.
62 Clarke RIChard Elijah, H 1 tt&H 1 t 1 b Junction road,Aylsham rd. Charles Fr-edk. Marris
fitt 7 ow e o ga £,p urn rs
gas er 9 Browne ret I ~tatford Harry, supt ....... here i.1 Obys yard ...... •
Helford street, Heigham Corporation works 67 SpinkWalt. boot & shoe ma
street, North Heigham. Hughenden street (New 4 Watker Alfred 69ProctorWm.Hy.furn.brokr
Lakenham), 130 Hall road. .. .... here is Avonmouth st. '.f 79~ Brown Edwd. Wm. baker
Walker & Bennett, laundry Sh l :11'
Eagle Swimming Baths, 27 Wood Walt. tin plate workr . o1·n_c z.JJ est.. .... ...... here is Lane's yard ..... ~
H. Baldry, proprietor 42 Spalding Alfred, shopkeepr 35 Votier ~erbt. msur. agent 9I VincentWalter,beer retailr
53 Skeet Miss 9 3 Aldous Jsph. Jas.fishmngr
Henley road, ss Christ- Ipswich road, from St. A . H . d l
Stephen's road to City Kerrison road (Thorpe 93 GmlssHros,f.whin owkc beatcnhrs.
church rd. to Spelman rd. b d H ) C d 95 reen y. os.por r
KAST SIDE. oun ary. am 1et , 33 ,arrow roa . h . •K t t t
souTH SIDE . ... e1·e zs ~·.L oun erga e s ...
2A, Black Walter ,}eoffrey · 6 Raven Wm.commercl. trav WALL LETTER Box
WEST SIDE. Hout Ju.(Marlborough ho) 22 Hewitt George John en- M B C L'
Forester John Sharman . ' ' organs rewery o. lm ,
I Watson Douglas , . g~neers t.urner 109 Cellar House P.H. Ernest
3 Spratt Alfred d'Oleaga (F a1rholme) 24 SpinksMissEsther ,dre;;sma M
5 MatthewsChas.Burrell,clrk 3 Boston Heorge A
· G rote aven .. .. .. K err1son· ,s yard .
...... here is St. Ann's la ......
7 Glasscock William . .. .. . h e1·e ts
9 Wiggett William Edward M organ S. Anthony (The See Tm1BLAND. r I 1 Lark Mrs.Emma,shopkpr
D1al house) . . 123 Old Harge inn, Charles
Hewltt's villas. Chamberlin Alexander Robert Ketts hill, H1shop Bridge Robinson
See STONE ROAD. D. L., J. P. (The Grove) road to Plumstead road. . .. here i.~ Old Bm·ge yard ...
. Willis Mrs. (Southwell lodge) WEST SIDE. Norwich Ice Co. (Old
Hill House road (Thorpe Bird Geo. Hilton (Ipswich lo) Griffith Rcv.CharlesEdwd. Barge yard)
Hamlet), 135 Rosary rd. .. ....... here i.'l Cecil rd ......... Osborne M.A. [vicar of Gibson Arthur, carter
souTH SIDE. Skipper Fredk.(Sutton lodge) St. James'J (Old Barge yard)
4 Edrich Robert t:lhepherd Poole Re\·. Joseph Simpson 23 Ransome Mrs.Eliza,draper 125A, Haydon Leonard, baker
6 New house Archie M.A. [rector of St. PP-ter, 25 El win Robert Arth. baker 12s Barber Arthnr,fishmongr
8 Pearson John Robert Parmentergat.e] (Ivy ho) 29 Ketts Castle P.H. William 127 Hurcham Harry, butcher
Shepherd Arthur Cunliff Young Jqhn (Woodside) Thomas Ulley 'furner,Barnes & Wright,
(Hill house) Richardson Robert G. market 31 Ostrich inn, AlbertMace cabinet makers (St.
NORTH SIDE. gardener tGlenthurne) 35 Bond Henry, boot repairer Julian's steam cabinet
I Bayliss Miss Maud A. Harbord Hon. Mrs. Harbord 37 DidwellArthur,shopkeeper works)
nursing home (Harford house) . 41 Austin Henry, shopkeeper Barnes Arnold (St.
3 Jay William, club steward ...... here is Tuckswood la ...... 45 Goreham Mrs. Matilda) Julian's house)
5 Craven Mrs BoswellJamesChas.(Pine dell) shopkeeper 131 Green Man P.H. Ml'B. Ann
5 Craven Miss A"'nes :Mary, Lincoln Robt. George, farmer 69A, Tillett Chas. Edwd. btchr Vince
midwife "' (Harford Hall farm) wr Bull Waiter, shopkeeper ... hl'fl'e is Green 1Jfan yard ...
7 Hildyard Misses King of Prnssia P.H. John 103 Melven Samuel Thomas, 133 Websdale Ernest, antique
9 Butterfant Mrs Barrett boot maker dP.aler

KING STREET continued. St. Peter Parinentergate 24 Hamilton Charles Leicester street, 103 York
••. .•. here is .Jiohrou_gh' s la...... Council Schools 26 Wilson Frank street to Onley street.
Wright Charles, boat builder ST. PETER PARMENTER- 28 Gregory William J WEST SIDE.
(Hobrongh's lane) GATE CHURCH 30 Sage Arthur, traveller 2 Dawson James, shopkeepr
.... -- hf!T"t! is The Fm ry ...... 84 Gray dresser 32 Stevenson FrankG.managr 50 Moffittl\IissMartha,millinr
135 Websdale Ernest, grocer Green Thomas, farrier 36 Harper James Thomas ...... here is Gloucester st .•....
l37 Pope Edward John, hay (Raven yard) EAST SIDE. go Andrews Miss Maggie,
& Btra w dealer go Smith William Frederick, Allen Sidney Granger dress mak~r
•••••••••••• hf!T"e is Abbey la . .J- hardware dealer 3 Felce Ernest EAST SIDE.
City mm·tuary ......... ...... hf!T"e is Stepping la ...... 5 Bennett Harry Oscar 1 York tavern,Albert George
Whitbread & Co. Ltd. 92 Steam Packet P.H. Frank Steward Edwin Syder Plane
bottled beer stores Andrews 9 Bertram 63 W"ilbyJamesWm insur.agt
(Abbey lane) 94 agt I I Stevens Mrs 69 Brereton Robt. carpenter
143 Aldous Mrs. Beatrice, 96 Calthorpe Peter Charles, 13 Bradley George William
fishmonger hair dresser IS Jackson William Leonards st. (St . .Augus-
WALL LETTER Box g8 Go?ch Fredk. Wm. slater 1 8 ncer Jonathan Betts tine's), Esdelle street.
145 Green Saml. pork bu~hr ICO Rlley Waiter Alfred . 1 ~ A~IOld Rohert Marston 35 Woods Mrs.Edith,shopkpr
Newhouse H. & Co. Ltm. Morgans BreweryCo.L1m 1 D · g He y
s team s h 1p. owners E astern Co unt1es · M'mera 1 3 T ownm dd M nr Leopold road, 121 New-
167 Mt;Isic House P.H. George Water & .Ale & Porter ~~ B~ett H~;ry market 34° Untbank rd.
Steward BottleExchange & Trade B 11 Alf d 2A, Couzens John, grocer
169 Marshall Ja~~ Joseph Protection Society Ltd. ~~ P~c~~~ing If!rbert Wm ..••.•. here ia Melrose1·d ., .....
r69A, Buston Wdham (G W. Beeston, sec.) W d p H Dix Mrs. Caroline, shopkpr
Youngs, Crawshay & (Old Brewery) 4I ar ercy · manager Hopper William, grocer
Youngs Limited, brewers ......... hr<re is Thorn la ..••••.•. K d M 37 TowN SuB-PosT & M. Q.
~olws1eyd ~ 0 ~. • 3I
a en roa 0 11 ver roa ·
183 Tyrrell George Morgans Brewery Co. Ltd dag- Office
185 Rainbow P.H. Robert 120 Elephant & Castle P.H .•.... here is Waldeck rd ...•.•
Arthur Horne William John Crowe RIGHT SIDE.
191 Steam Packet P.H. & I22A, Aldis RobertElvin, wood 15 G~yet~AlbertA lid. boot m a Lewis 8 ~- from Grove road.
pleasure boat proprietor, turner 31 WICk Fredk. boot mak:r 43 Dent" m.James, greengro
Harry James Brown 122 NelsonGeo.Thos.greengro 33B~ewsterWm.Allen,bmldr 41 Fo~ Mrs.Harriet, shopkpr-
1:93 Allen Henry, fishmonger 124 Bowles Samuel, watch ma 39 Bishop James L. dr~p_er 36 Wmdham .Arms P.H.
••• here is Wickham'.~ yard .••..• here is St. Julian'.~ alley ... 51 E~ston Haylett W1lham, Ern~st Arthu: Ha-ward
195 Catchpole Mrs. Alice, 126 Chettleburgh Wm.shpkpr msurance agent . . .. hm·e ~s Cross 1 rory ~t .••
shopkeeper 128 Till Herbert, tobacconist 81 .Atherton Harry_Edwd. tailr Lime Tree road, New-
197 Wilson Thos. fishmonger 138 Sampson Richd. butcher 13 1 Spelma~Mrs.Ldy, market road to Ipswich rd.
199 Carlton Arthur, upholstr 140 Smith William, haulier ··· ··· here 1s t,pencer st ... ... . d )
R ea d Th omas J.Ma tthews, . .• .. . . . . h ere ·u · .norns
rr za......... 161 Woods Geo · Wm ·plumber Sadd hWm.· Jn. (The Lm ens
r.o · fi ld d
... . . . ere ~s .r alr e r .•• -·
ma lts te r (cannon wh ar f) 142 W a t erman t avern, W a ll ace LEFT SIDE. Mill H J ("'' · fi Id h \
h · Ni · hc G Sh ~ s y. . .1· a1r e ouse;,
•••••• ere u . or~lc orpora- , . e~rge. ~rman 16 Andre~sl\Iiss.A.E.dress ma Cooper Miss (Lime grove) •
twn lard.:··········· ..•• tlr<re ~s H-atuman yard_ •.• 44 CamplmgHy.Jspb.decortr Collyer Mrs. (Gunyah)
231 C. E. Y.M.S. Rown~g ~lub 146 Dav1s Thos. boot repauer 82 Vincent Charles,shopkeepr Havers Daniel (Lime Tree ho)
Cooper R. A. L1_m1ted, 148 But_cherJames,sbopkeepr ...... ·here is Spencer st ...... Beck Miss
wh?lesale confectiOners 154 Ald1s Charles, f~rn. dealr 154 Hornigold Geo. boot repr Cbittock Gilbert Carsey (The
.., he1·e zs Ha(f Moon yard .•• 164 Farrow Geo. han· dre~ser C f~)
Allison Fredk. chimney 16~ .S":oi~h Thomas, ~hop~pr Lady's lane, Bethel street Wal~~; Davidson ·(Inverleith)
swyr. (8 Half.Moon yard) 16a Ship ~~,Ja.s.EdwmBai1ey to Theatre street. Norfolk County Croquet &
243 Wr1ght Jacob, confectnr ......... he1 e~s Shtp yard......... L T · c lb
h · F d 8 T 11 D · WEST SIDE. awn enms u ,
••••••Celerl e lSH erry yar T.h.. .•. I 2 h yrr~ L. ennlis, 5 Oakes Alfred R. H. Denny' hon. sec
249 ar uuse P.H. os. ... ere ts tnco n s court .••
William Nobbs Yonngs, Crawsbay & Youngs 9 Flack James M. B. surgeon
·255 Jolly Maltsters P.H. Limited, brewers II N
· h"" · dl s · t' '
~ orww .l'rlen y ocie ws
Lincoln st. 177 Unt.hank rd.
· l Medical Institute, EAST SIDE.
E win Gibson .....• m·~ is 11-Ianner's a......
h J h T 1
0 n ay or, sec 1 George Mrs
•••••• here is Carrow rd ST.ETHELDRED's CHURCH . . , .
•••··· ..•...... here is Lady's sq......... 7 Crwk }ilss Em1ly,dress ma
CARROW WORKS DrsPRN- ...... hei"B is Rainbow yard...... 1 p D Th 77 D ew Jose h W shopkpr
194 Burdett H ..·.& Son,smiths 7 otter ouro omas, r P ·
SARY J sext.on of St. Peter's 83 Hewett Albert James
C0 Iman Th e .
M tsses rg6 Marris .Arthur Jn. baker S 1
21 Palmer ~<\lfredLewis aparts 95 towers Miss May Li y,
( Carrow house) ...... here is Rayner's yard.,,... ' t h 0f ·
ST. ETHELDREn's & ST. PETER EAST siDE. eac er music
""... here is Bracondal e . •• •. . 97 Avres Geu1·ge James
· SouTHGATE PARISH RooM 8 Att oe "' "·1 rs. El'lZ h · apar1is J
111 Spaul Miss Winifred,
WEST SIDE. . .•...... here is A rqyle st ....•..•. 10 Harvey Robert, chapel kpr teacher of music
32 Cock tavern, Hy. Jn. Guy 206 Winter HarryThos.grocer 12 Day Mrs. Mary, apartmts
34 Dent Michae!Hudson,sadlr 214 Keel & Wherry P.H. WESLI<. YAN CHAPEL (St.
20 Little boy George Henry
36 Briggs John Hy. watch ma William Henry Taylor Peter's)
36 Scoones Douglas Shaw
40 Pearce P. W. & A. T. lime .here is Keel o/ TVherry yard . ... here is Southe1·n's cou1·t ...
burners 216 Rix .Alfred, shopkeeper 58 Harbord Fredk. Jas. plmbr
42 Hams hire- Mrs. Louisa, ..•... here is Southgate la ..... . Ladysmith road. from Lindley street, Hall road
tobacconist .. here is Stuart 1·d. ( Carrow ) •. Silver road. to City road.
44 Guy Mrs.Jane, greengrocr 238 Cable William, shopkeepr 2 Hammond Jn. com.travllr Dix Wm. (Lindley house)
46 Royal Oak P.H. Robert ......... here is Alan rd ........ . 2 Hammond Mrs. Nellie, I Pear Thos. Jas. plumber
Parsons 254 Watts Wm. Hy. shopkpr teacher of music 40 Ramsay Miss Sarah Ann,
so C1arke F'rdk.Robt.corn dlr 266 Pitcher Mrs. l\'lartha, dress maker
••. here is Cattle Market .~t...... shopkeeper Lakenham terrace.
52 & 54 Builders' .Arms P.H. 272 Fuller John, shopkeeper '"'ee CIT"'" ROAD. Ling's court.
H enry S exton ..•.•. h ere lS. W"m kl e' s row ....•. 10 .. See MAGDALE~ STREET.
56 Huuseago Henry Edward ....•• here is Carrow rd ··•·•· Lawson roaci,I45 Magda1en Little Arms street (North
William, draper King Street house. d to R to d Heigham), 184 Armes street.
58 Cocks Waiter Frank, hair . roa • prows n roa ·
. . 2 Hudson William Ernest,
6o Three Tuns P.H. Edwin Kingsley road, from 40 St. 41 ~arker~Irs.Harriet,shpkpr boot & shoe maker
Roberts Blanchflower Stephen's road JI Fountam Mrs. S. shopkpr L"ttl B th 1 t B h 1 t
· ·
•,.... hf!'l·e lS 1 uns yard ... ... [No thorouO'hfare J
· 85 T ayJOr · w· m. J n.coa1 d ea Ier 1 e e , e . s ·49 et. e s .
6 w d k J Ed d 2R dl h W'l]' · Y3 Dawson Mrs.Susa'n sbpkpr I Moll & Eglmton, tailors
"~ Co~ CO~ n. c w c·troc~~ p u. c:rG am ~Jam I05 Cole James, shopkeeper 2 Hubbard John, waiter
a)me 4 Banbes n~ 0l lige ames
-... "ee a rt 0 · 107 Dady Herbert Abraham, 2 Hubba:rd lVlrs. Susanna,
uassere1to, manager 6 ar r "1 arn h . d · t. ffi
S tan dley H arry P . 8 M a rtm s . • Sh th d s
or an c oo 1 h au resser regis r y o ce
M.R.C. v.s. forge 10 Kelf Frederick SOUTH SIDE. ·Little Buck's yard.
68 Pope retlr 14 Grimble William 8 Grant Walter Henry See OAK STREET.
...... here is Szoan yard ...... 16 Linay Mrs ,30 Bangay .Arthur, carpenter
70 Hagg Wm. machinery dlr 18 Baguley Cranfield Scott 42 Elwin Samuel, shopkeeper Little London street, Lon•
72 Hopper llenryJohn,parish 20 Bromwich Albert Joseph 04 Leamon Geo. hoot repairer don street to Bedford street.
clerk to St. Peter's , ........ here is !Vood st .••.•• ..• xoo Riches Wm. beer retailer Stannard Benj. yeast mer
Little Paddock st. (North 53 London & North "\Yestern 40 Baird Jas. & Son, boot mas 12 Day Mrs
Heigham), Paddock street. Railway Co. (Ueorge 42 Fleming, Reid & Co. Lim. 16 L'Estrange Percy Harry
2 Bannister Mrs. Maria, Overend,dist. traffic agt) hosiery &c. stores I 8 Reeder \Villi am
shopkeeper 55 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 44 Johnson Brothers (Dyers) 20 Womersley John
Long Mrs. Ann Maria, Limited Limited, dyers . .
4 shopkeeper 55 Skippe! Fredk. Willemar, 44 Shapley & Co. confectionrs Lower Goat lane, St. G1les
architect 46 North British & Mercantile street to Pottergate street.
Little White Lion yard. 57 Norfolk News Co. Limited, Fire & Life InsuranceCo. EAS'r SIDE.
A. Cozens-Hardy, sec See advertisement x drssr
See Sr. BENEDICT's STREET. 57 Eastern Daily Press (Nor- 46 Railway Passengers' Assur- 3, 5 & 7 Emms Wm. & Sons,
folk News Co. Limited, ance Co. (Alfred Horn, house furnishers &c
Livingstone street, :235 publishers) branch manager) 9 Frost William, paperhang-
Dereham road. 57 Eastern Evening News 48 Boswell Wm. antique dlr ings warehouse
Duke of Connaught P.H. (Norfolk News Co. Lim. 50 Langford's Ltd. confectnrs I I Oak Shades P.H. Waiter
Mrs. Alice Moore publishers) 52 Lambert F. & Son Lim. Hannant
......... here i.~ Speke st ......... 57 Eastern Weekly Press tea merchants 13 Sennitt Ebenezer Charles,
2 Ward Oliver Walter . (Nor folk News Co. Lim. 52 Women's 8ocial & Political provi8ion dealer
James, manager publishers) Union (branch) (.:\'liss I7 Miller Mrs. Elizabeth Ann,
62 Stiles Walter, shopkeeper 57 Norfolk News (Norfolk Margt. West, organizer) fruiterer
,54 Larke Henry, boot repairer News Co.Lim.publishrs) 52 ~orwich Ratepayers'Asso- I9 Gorebam ~frs. Maria, tin-
7 CoplandLeonard,insur.agt 57 Inland Revenue Val~a~ion ci~tion (Robert Burgess plate worker
I Pigg Arthur W. butcher Department (W1lham "\\ebster, hon. sec) 21 BlueBellP.H.Jn.Jas.Vickers
Smith, district valuer) 52 Harbord Arthur Samuel, WEST SIDE.
Lobster lane Pottergate 59 Rayna Carlo Angelo, res- house & estate agent 2 Pearce James Henry, re-
street to Exch~nge street taurant 54 RuddArthur James,fishing freshment rooms
. · 61 Todd Brothers, tailors tackle maker 4 Lambert 1<'. & Son Limited,
~echabJte Hall . 6r Todd Herbert Sinclair 54 Yare & Hure Preservation tobacconists
'Ihor~s RE. & Co. ~ronmngrs 63 Red Lion F.H. Edwd.l\Iann Society, A. J. Rndd, sec 6 Boots Cash Chemists
Cushmg . Horace
T d'' tailor
, C 1 & Ell'10tt , mi·1·1tary
6 5 B ow h"ll ......... 1w·e ts
· 0 ple
· st ......... (E astern ) L"IID. cb em1sts
Premmm ra mg Stamp o boot & shoe makers. 56 Alliance .Assurancef:o.Ltd. 8 Ames Albert, watch maker
Sea advertisement (Hylton Lloyd Giles, ro Nichols Albert Thos. tailor
London street, _Market 67 Great Western Railway district sec) 12 Robinson Josiah William,
place to Bank plam. Eastern Counties District STAMFORD BANK CHAMBRS.: hosier & glover
NORTH SIDE. Agent's Office (Ernest 56 G-resham Life Assurance 14 & r6 L:tmbert F. & Son
3 & 5 Jarrold & Sons Lim. A. Cooke, district agnt) Society Ltd.(Ernest Tin- Limited, tea dealers &c
publishers &c 67 Wailer Fertram Ceeil dall Hamer, branch mgr) 18 East mans Ltd. butchers
7 Smith James & Sons,dyers Egerton, designer 56 Gresham Fire & Accillent I8 New Theatre Stores P.H.
7 Salmon & Gluckstein Lim. 69 Banks & Co. tailors Insurance Society Ltd. Fredk. Wm.l\Iinister,jun
tobacconists 6g Mills & Reeve, solicitors (Ernest Tindall Hamer, 20 makr
7 Skipper Geo. Jn. architect 69 Norfolk &Norwich Triennial branch manager) 22 Griffiths Mrs. Elizh. fruitr
9 Shead Geo. Wm. fancy drpr Musical Festival (Edmd. 56 International Correspond- 24 C', refresh. rms
p London Rubber Co. water- Reeve esq. hon. sec) ence Schools Limited 26 GriffitbsH.&Son,plane mas
proof manufacturers 71 Ellison Jn.Stephen, tobcnst
... here is Little London. st ......... here is Bank plain ...... 58 Bond Wm. & Son, tailors Magdalen road, continua·
I3, I5 & 17 Garland & Sons, SOUTH SIDE. s8 Chittock &Chittock.solctrs tion of Magdalen street to
general drapers 6 Saxone Shoe Co. Limited 6o Hamer Nehemiah, fancv St. Clement's hill.
19 Godfrey & Co. hosiery &c. 8 Hope Brothers Ltd. hosiers draper • EAST SIDE.
warehouse ro London City & Midland 62 Marks,~SpencerLtd.bazaar r Artichoke P.H. Robert
21, 23 & 25 Caley I. W. & Co. Bank Limited (Thomas 64 CamplingAlfd. & Son, dyers Thomas Madgett
Limited, silk mercers. Joseph Taylor,manager) 64 Rackham Thomas Charles 3 & 5 Police Station (Henry
See advertisement ~c Pearl LifeAssuranceCo.Ltd Martelli, solicitor Windsor, inspector in
27 Buckingham & Sons, boot IO Sprake Percy Jeans, solici- 66 Dim mock & Son,printsellrs charge)
manufacturers tor (wed. & sat. only) 68 Clough Geo. watch maker ... hel'e is ilfarlbol'ough rd ...
......... here is Swan la ...... ... ION orwich Charity Organiza· ...... here is Bank plain ...... Sr. PAUL'si.\I!sSIONCHURCH
29 Hullen Wm. R. watch ma tion Society (Jliss M. A. 7 HindeErnestllertram B.A..,
31 Corder John Talwin, Peacock, sec) Long lane. M.B., B.c. physician &
chemist & druggist 12 Roughen Smith, hosier See CHARING CROSS. surgeon (surgery)
33 & 3S Livock &Son,tailors&c 16 Gardiner & Co.mantle mas 9 Kerrison ::\Iiss
35A, Til~esley & Sullivan, t8 Jobnso~! Burton & Theo- Long row (New Catton), 29 I3 Reynoldson Miss
hair dresser.s bald, Ironmongers Waterloo road to Angel rd. ... hel'e is Beacon:jield ra ...
37 Miller & Co. c1gar mers 20 Jacksons Ltd. batters . I5 Tilney Artbur, tailor
39 Ash & \Vard, drapers 2<:> Stratford Claude, solicitor II True ~nton P .. H. Mrs. I7 Thorn William
4I & 43 Bishop Winsor, gold- 22 Stead & Simpson Lim1ted, Harr~et WarmJ.nger I9 Dickers George
smith &c boot warehouse 39 Daley George, bricklayer 2I Swann Wm. Rt. hair drssr
43 Boswell HughJas.stock bro ......... here is Castle st ......... Lord Howe yard. 23 Starling Wm. insur. agent
43 City ClGub (HP.Jc. stetwardd)' 28 DLoddson J&ohpn, B
sec.; eo. . o11 y,s ewr 30 on on ronncm ank1 See ST. BENEDICT's STREET.
23 SDtarltin,~:.\IissEtTbhel,dress ma
un veorge omas
45 Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd. Limited (Frederick Jas. Losinga road (ThorpeHam- 27 Alderton John
Sa~ advertisoment ~hambers, manag~r) let), 66 St, Leonard's road. 29 Ball.s M1~s .
45 Norwich Mercury. See 30 Smiths Harper, mcor- ,. . 3 I Vot1er \\ alt. furmture dlr
advertisement porated accountants Deary \\ ilham, shopkeeper ...... he1·e is Knowsley J'd ......
45 People's Weekly Journal. 30 Smith H. Harper F.s.A.A. L thi t t 1 B d 33 Stanley P.H. Arthur Thos.
See advgrtisement accountant 0 8
an ree • 3 arn r · Towlson
47 & 49 Domestic Bazaar Co. 30 Norfolk G-ravelPitsLtd. (H. to Orchard street. 35 Chittock Arthur
Limited Harper Smith F.S.A.A., . NORTH SIDE. . 37 Fell William, compositor
49A, Liverpool & London & F.C.I.s. sec) 37 W1lson Arth. Wm. bmlder 43 lleaney Miss Flora, teacher
Globe Insurance Co.Ltd. 30 Norwich & District )I aster 39 "Feest Richard, shopkeeper of mu..'iic
(Frank H. Rogers, resi· Builders' Association( H . ......... he1·e is .Napier st.. .... ... 45 Howard Herbert
dent inspector) Harper Smith F.S.A.A., 53 Franklinl\Irs.Ellcn,shopkpr 49 Howlings John, clerk
49A, Central Insurance Co. F.C.I.s. sec) SOU:TH SIDE. 55 Walmsley William Ernest,
Ltd. (Frank H. Rogers, 30 Wroxham Regatta Corn- ......... he1:e lS Raglan_st......... tobacconist
resident inspector) mittee(H.Harper Smith, 42 :\Iar,u~s of }-·o~h1an P.H. 57 Betts Mrs. Harriett, grocer
49A, HaversAlbt.Cha.s.archtct sec) "\\ illmm W ilkmson Crotch Waiter George &
5I Mills S. Mealing F.S.I. 3oSmithHaroldErnst.accntnt Son, modellers (Fibrous
auctioneer & valuer. 32 Coe A. E. & Son, photo- Lower Clarence rd.Thorpe Plaster works)
See advertisement graphers road to Clarence road.. .. .... here i.~ Sprowston rd ......
SI Sillem George, solicitor 34 Allen & Daws, goldsmiths 2 Reeve James WALL LETTER Box.
SI Barwell & Sons, wine mers 36 National Provincial Bank 4 Cubitt Miss 91 Hurrell William
......... here are Bedj01·d st. o/ of England Limited, ...... he1·e is Stracey rd ...... 93 Gallant Leonard, clerk
St. Andrew's hill......... Hammond Giles, m"'r 6 Higgs Wilham l<'rederick 95 Vincent )liss
53 StevensonMissGrace,florist 38 Boots Cash Chemists 8 Hallam John William 97 Merrison l\Irs
53 Goodwyn Hugh,cigar mer (Eastern) Lim. chemists ro Wainwright Tom Edmund ror James 1Irs. Adah, dra er

MAoDALEN ROAD-continued. 5 Bull inn,Saml. Hy. Russell 105 Cat & Fiddle P.H.Leonard 50 Nave Richd. wardrobe dlr
I03 James .A.&Sons,cycle agts 7 Stead & Simpson Lim. James Morris 52 & 52A, Howes Thos.Edwd.
107 Postle George boot dealer3 Public Telephone Call Off boot factor
109 Carlton Daniel 9 Pearce l<'redk. dining rms 107, 109 & III Norwich Co- 54 Attoe Geo.& Son,furn.dlrs
I l l Cook Henry James I I Townshend Robt. furn. dlr operative Society Lim ...... here is Cobb's yard ......
II3 Ward James Norman ... here is Thorouyhfare yard .. Chaplin Albert E. glass & 56 Attoe Geo. & Son,furn.dlrs
IIS Groom Waiter, manager I3 Stone Henry, tool dealer sign writer s8 Miller Mrs. Kate, coffee ho
127 Forster Robert, florist IS Star Tea Co. Lim. grocers ...... here is Zipfel's court...... ... here is Elephant yard ...
133 Neville l''redk. Solomon, I7 Bales Ern est \\'m. saddler I 13 Green John, draper 6o Elephant P. H.George At toe
hair dresser 19 Red Lion P.H. Mrs. Emily 115 Airey Herbt. Jas. corn dlr ... here is Bishops' court ...
145 J<'ieldingThos.beerretailer Ann Horth 117 Hetts Clare, stationer Bowles S. J. & Son, whole-
...... hei·f! i.< Lawson rd ...... 2r Cocks Frederick G. tailor II7A,SextonAlbert Benjamin, sale boot makers
147 Baker Alex. R. W. baker
1 Ling John, draper wheelwright 62 Thompson Charles James,
I49 Collins Charles, taiior 3 } SuB-POsT,M.O.&T.Otlice ug French Wm paperhanger stationer &o
Church Sunday School 25 Loose James '!'ravers, IIgA, Lee&Nickalls, boot mfrs 64 Piggin Joseph,grindery dlr
ST. CLEIIIENT's CHURCH earthenware dealer 121 Singer Sewing Machine 66 Attoe George
WEST SIDE. 27 BurchellJohn,wardrobe dlr Co. Limited 6B Delves Thomas. baker
2 Stanforth Fk. Wm. butcher 29 Horth Thomas, plum!ier I23 Fenn Leonard H. house ...... here is Botol71h st ......
4 Drake Francis 31 WillmottMarten,watch ma decorator 70 Green&WrightLtd.grocers
8 Chaplin Albert Edward GuRNEY's counT: ...... here is New yard ...... 72A, Hood Albert Edward,
10 Smith John HindeErnest Hertram F.R.C.s. I27 Palmer E. E. butcher watch maker
12 Brett Jonathan Thomas Edin. surgeon I :.!9 Garner Fredk. hair drssr 74 Price Frank, draper
14 Ward Mrs Griffiths Hev. John Herbert 131 DuncanWm.Walter,tailor 76 Jones William & Co. boot
I6l<1ogdell Harry Jn. grocer M. A. [rector of St. Augus- 131A, Bond Wm. pbotogrphr & shoe dealers
._ ...... here is Stacy rd......... tine's & '"icar of St. Mary'!', Curtis Benj. bricklayer 78 Tyler John & Sons Ltd.
Tungate Herbert, draper Coslanyl (Duncan's court) boot & shoe dealers
18 TowN SuH-PosT & M.O. .. .... here is Gillings ya1·d ...... 8o Leveton I. & Sons, picture
Office 33 & 35 SturtonJ. A. Limited, 133 River Plate Fresh Meat frame dealers
22 Richardson John Phillip, oil & color men Co. Limited, butchers 82 Howes Jas. Wm. furn. bro-
insurance supt 37 Maypole Dairy Limited 135 White Lion P.H. Mrs. Hurn George, blacksmith
24 Chatten Samuel Charles 39 Clarke Charles, confectnr Emily Randall (White Horse yard)
26 Howard Henry 41 Brett Jonathan & Co.china ... lterf! is White Lion yard ... 84 White Horse P.H. Thomas
28 Pleasants Mrs · & glass dealers 137 Forster Robert, florist Wright
...... here is Guern.~ey rd ............ here is Loose's yard ...... 139 ~egger Mrs. Ellen Sarah, 86 Lord Mrs. Minnie, butchr
30 Young Geo. confectioner 43 Batterbee Waiter & Son, grocer 88 GroomMrs.Jess1eAdelaide,
32 Knights Ebenezer Harper, cloth1ers ...... here i.~ Paradise pl ...... greengrocer
commercial traveller 45 Hepworth J. & Son Lim. 141 WoodsRobert,shopkeeper 90 Blyth S. J. Limited, brush
34 Wootton Albert, insur. agt clothiers 143 Plane Robert, boot repr makers
CoNGREGATIONAl. CHURCH ... here is St. Saviour's la ... 145 DuffieldErnest,fishmongr 92 Frost Frank, greengrocer
...... here is Clarke rd ...... ST. SAVIOUR's CHURCH 147 Gibson Wm. hair dresser 94 Howard Herber~ Hobert,
38 Chalmers Robert Westland 47 Barclay & Co. Limited, ... here is Two Brewers yard... fishmonger
M. B. physician& surgeon bankers (branch) (Wm. 151 Two Brewers P.H. Robt. 96, 98 & 100 Hurrell William,
40 Cohen David Samuel R. Cochrane, manager) Cooper boot manufacturer
48 Mallett Frederick 49 Duncan Arms P.H. Chas. 153 & 155 Levine Louis, ...... here is Minn's cou1·t ......
50 Matthews Herbert,butcher William Eastoe pawnbroker 102 Queen'sArmsP.H. William
...... here is Shipstone rd ...... Bassett Waiter A. chimney I 57 Red Lion P.H. William Spatchett
52 Levell Thomas, monu- sweep ( 2 Ling's court) George Mallett 104 Dawson Thomas, butcher
mental mason ...... here i.~ Liny'.• court ...... ...... hel't! is Garden pl ...... r 10 People's Boot & Clothing
s8BrowneMissAnnie,dress ma SI Queen Victoria P.H. Edwd. I6I Bowtel!Herbt.Jn.ironmgr Co. clothiers
72 Gallant Horace, fruiterer Ellis Harvey 163 Ellis Benj. Harry, frmtr IroA, Lamb Fredk. William,
-····· h1!1'e is Albany rd ___ ... 53 Pearson Saml. pawnbroker I6S Nichols Brothers, bakers brush maker
74 Cullen Fredk. Spencer, 55 Stevens Charles Frederick 167 Zipfel Charles & Sons, ... here is CToss KtJ'!lS yard ...
chemist & Son, ironmongers watch makers 112 MillwardPercy,fncy. bazr
94 Evans l<'redk. Hy. boot ma 57 Shields James, tobacconist I7I Brown Samuel, grocer u8 Butcher George, picture
96 Tyrrell Arthur, builder Lincoln George Dauling, ...... heTe is Bull Close rd...... frame maker
98 Dames Herbert chimney sweeper (Hay- WEST SIDE. 120 Drake EdgarHenry,tailOI"
100 Lndlow Frederick & Son, field's '.·ard) ...... h ere zs o ega t e st ...... I22 Pepper John & Co · Ltd ·
· Cl
carpenters ... here is Bayfield's yard ... 2 Mitchell & Seago, grocers wholesale druggists
104 RichardsonHenryJames, 5g ShrimptonWm.pork btchr 2 Ives Mrs. Ann Pumfrey, 124 Lack Herbert, confectnr
wardrobe dealer 61 Loynes Geo.S.&Son,grocrs boarding house 126 Brundish Herbert Y.
1o6 Brewster Alfd.stone masn ...... here is Fi.~her's court...... 4 Lipton Lim. provision dlrs boot factor
108 Ziphel Ch_arles 63 Vaughan Frdk.photogrphr 8 L 1ttle Walter, hosier 128 Alde~ton .John,pork btchr
no Hatson M1ss 65 Norfolk & Norwich Savings I 2 Kerrison Jas. watch maker ... here z-1 l1eckham' s yard ...
TAYLOR's BUILDINGS: Hank (branch)(Thos. l:i. 14 .JIIichols Jarnes, baker Asylum & School for the
112 Os~>Orne Wm. manag_er Carter, branch cashier) 16 Brenner Max,fancy bazaar Indigent Blind .
II4 Sktpper Mrs. Halhlah, ...... here is A bel's court ...... 18 Davy Henry, wine & spirit 134 Jolly Brewers P.H. Dav1d
shopkeeper 67 & 6g Sutton Hobt.N or man, stores Ambros~ .
~ picture frame maker 2oA, FosterGeo. Thos. furn. dlr I 36 Kelte: Wll~m~, butcher
n6 Pye FreG.k.\\ alt. sh?pkpr 71 Lambert F. & ~on Lim. tea 22 Boots Cash Chemists ...... here ts Bazley s yard ......
n8 Elm tavern, Wm."\-\ at:ers merch:u.ts (Eastern) Lim. chemists 138 Dawson Mrs. Isabella,
I26A, Stanforth Fredk. ""m. 73 Sennitt Ebenezer Charles Roe Arthur & Co. wholesale draper
butcher provi~ion dooler ' cabinet makers r42 HolmesEdward,fishmngr
1 26 Hunt John, butcher 75 Norwich Meat Co.butchers HoltawayEdwd.C.upholstr ...... here is Webb's yard ......
126 Bygrave Albt.Sl.
"]Ch tobccnst 77 Wh'te 1 R ose P.H. .vel
u ·t· 24 Herrman Henry boot mfr 144 Pimm William grocer
le ., ,
1 26 P k Ce
ar er Cl as. grngrcr Alma Holmes 2bA,GuttridgeGeo.Chas. btchr I46 McQueen Hugh,news agt
12 8 Dodso~ John, grocer here is Woolcombers' .Arms yd 26 Bushell& Co. umbrella mas 148 Blyth Alfred, baker
...... here ts Waterloo rd ..._... 28 Wood Arth. Hy. confectnr 150 Reeves Jsph. grindery dlr
130 Blake Alfr~d, tobaccomst 79 G_o~ard John, pork butchr 3o Gallant John, fruiterer ... he1·e is W(litiny's court ...
132 Howa_rd Wm.Amos,baker 81 Blllmg~ Joseph,fishmonger 32 Dodson John, grocer 152 Schofield Frank, butcher
...... here ts Whalebone sq ...... 83 Camplmg M1ssMary,bacon ... here is Golden JJog la ............ he 1·e is Wall la .........
134 Cork Mrs cure; 34 Golden Dog P.H. John Hall I 54 White Swan P.H. Charles
136 Carman Robert,_ sexton 85 & 87 fate James _& Co. 36 Eastmans Ltd. butchers Dunthorn
142 Bnrton Robt. briCklayer whol~sale confectwners 3 8 Andrews SidneyChas.confr
144 Whalebone P.H. George ...... here ts Barnes' yard ...... 40 N orthJn. Temple, tobaccnst Magpie road, St. Augustine's
.Arthur Foreman 89 GroomHy.Arth.corn dealr 40A, AldersonBros.boot& shoe gates to 2 Magdalen road.
gr Win~rHy.l<'rith,shopkeepr warehouse RIGHT SIDE.
MB:gdalen st~et, continua- 93 Watts George, boot maker ... here i.~ Kinq'.~ Head yard... 2 Sparkt~ Edwin, cycle 1epr
twn of Fye Br1dge street. 95 Thorn Arthur,greengrocer 42 King's Head P.H. Chas. 16 Cooper Wilfred Jas.carpnllr
1 Fletcher W. & R. Limited, 97 &9}ReadJas.Lowne,grocr N1xon 26 Alger Robt.Hy.shopkeeper
butchers ...... htH"fl is Cowgate st ...... 44 Smith Richard S1lcock 32 Ward Charles, shopkeeper
3 Fiddament Johu Matthew, 101 & 103 Morris George 46 & 48 Smith & Sons, whole- ...... heu is Catht;rin.e Wheel
pawnbroker & Sons, carriage buildrs sale druggists openmg ........... ~
'34 Magpie P.H, Wm. Robert Market place. 31 British Gas Light Co.Lim. Melrose road, 36 Mile End·
Martin NORTH SIDE. (Thos. Glover, engineer road to Upton road.
s6 ~la.~ke ~rs.Eth~l, shopkpr ··• here is Lower Goat la ••• & manager) 3 Talbot Frederick
72 ai ey enry, oot repr
1\,. ll W'll" d ...... here is Weaver's la ..•.•• 5 Burton Robert John
74 Aldham William, shopkpr 1.0 1 mm, raper
8 2 Bell dressr 2 Guildhall Stores P.H. John WEST SIDE. 7 Booty Charles William
. l Dawson 34 Fulcher Jas. dining rooms 9 Powley Arthur
. .. .•• h ere ts E;;del e st •.. . •• 3 Ch am b erlins Lt d . house 36 SirGarnet Wolseley tavern, 19 H anse'11Thos. G eo. b oo t ma
roo G e dge H orace J as. tailor furnishers. Soo ad- Thomas Trowse 59 Bunn Alfred Donald
104 Moore Robert, shopkeepr _ 37 The Punch House P.H. 6 2 Wall Thomas
I 12 Cubitt Frederi'ck dai·ry M rs Mary A nn Betts
' G vGrt•sement
122 Burrell William, news agt N urlLkD~ANLL ~-ILL: . 38 Half Moon P.H. Charles Merton rd. 304 Dcreham rd.
124 Burrell Wm. shopkeeper • orfo & _orwJCh Librar_y, Stubbs WEST SIDE.
136 Nelson William Horatio John Qumton, sec. & hbrn h · p dd" z I Brookes JosephWhitehead,
' Norfolk & Norwich Archa!o · ·· ··• ere ts u tng a ..... .
hair logical Society (Hev. E. C~ FisShhmotnger(s8' TAhrmBs Pt.Hh. ~y). 33 n:!~~:;e~~~.Anne,sbpkpr
. . Hopper F s A hon sec . or en e u c er)
· · · · · here ts Starl tng rd •. . . •. · · · · . · · ' . .. here is the Fish market .. . EAST SIDE.
33 Hughes Arthur watch ma John Qumton, assist. sec) Bl k p · W"ll" 2 Scarlett Samuel Arthur
· 'h Norfolk&NorwichNaturalists' ac rmce P.H. I Iam . <Y •
......... here ts Heat rd......... , . Duncan Parsons (r The msurance a,ent
6r Shreeve Jn.Hy.S.fishmngr SoCiety (Sydney H. Long Butchery) 4 Scarlett&Smith,houseagts
65 BrightonMrs.Alice, N M.~. ~on. s~) C . . 43 Waterloo P.H. Mrs. Ellen 4 Independent Order of
75 Lubbock Robert, boot & orwi.c MediCa- hmugiCa 1 Wade Rechabites (Norfolk &
shoe maker Socwty, . . . 44 Royal Exchan<Ye PH Robt Suffolk district) ( S. A.
87 WhitingWilliam,painter&c John Qumton, hbranan Hood "' · · · Scarlett, dist. sec)
91 SwannMissSa:ab,dress ~a Municipal Offices (.Arnold 36 Howl~tt ~·red George.
109 Daynes MISS Jess1e, PILLAR LETTER Box Henry Miller, town assi,stant msurance s~pt
dr~s ma~er . 4 ChamberlinsLtd.milliners. clerk; Percy John Spald- 38 & 4° Scarlett Hrbt. E. bldr
1 I I Curt1s BenJ. bncklayer SeG advertisement ing B. A., LL.M. solicitor M. & G. N. Joiat Railway
5 Chamberlins Ltd. drapers & deputy town clerk; Coal depot.
ldanchester street (South &c. Seg advertisg- Arthur E. Collins, city See HEIGHAM STREET
Heigham), Coach & Horses rnent engineer & surveyor ; . '
street to Globe street. ......... here is D()'1Je st ......... Arthur !<'. Gentrv, ac- Mldlad.nd Bt. 107 Dereham
. .. ... ... here i.~ Chapel st.. ....... 6 Ellison George Thomas, countant; Harry Cooper roa to Heigham street .
13 Sexton Wm. shopkeeper tobacconist Pattin 1 medical officer of KORTH smr<;.
24 J enkinson J oseph,carpentr 7 Dean & Palmer, tailors health ; Joseph Brooks, 7 Goddard Wm. ~hoe maker
28 Utting Ernest, rag mer PostOfficeTelephoneOtfices chief sanitary inspector) Bro:wn Alfd. chimney. swp
8 Boston"'alt.boot&shoe ma Norwich Education Corn- .. here ts Greyhound opentn!J.·
Mancroft street, 59 Dere- 9 Rossi Theodore, jeweller mittee (Arnold Henry 2r Buxton Chas. ti_r~wood ~lr
ham road. Rudd Robert Gray & Son, Miller, town clerk! ...... here are Hashp s opemng
WEST SIDE. . wine importers Norwich Distress Corn- cf Derlry st.. ......... .
25 Rudling'fhs.Edwd. bootma ...... here is E:r:change st .... .. mittee (A. H. Miller,clrk) 65 Armes ":ill: a m, fishmonger
27 J<'raser James, travelling ... ..... here is London st......... Guildhall( Court of Record, ......... here lS Sayer's st.. .......
draper &c A. Wansborongh Jones, 99 Roe John, bee~ retailer
41 Mancroft P.H. Mrs. Margt. EAST SIDE. registrar ; William Robt. 103 TyrrellAlfd. 1.mplate wrkr
Jermy THE WALK : Cooper, clerk to the city II5 Bush Mrs. Matilda,shpkpF
......... here is Exeter st ......... 11 Howlett W. & Son, musical justices) . SOUTH SIDE.
43 Ctitheroe & Gray, shpkprs instrument manufactrs. City Poli{;e Station (Edwin 4 Grunwoodltobt.shopkeepr
EAST SIDE. See advertisomcnt J<'raucis Winch, chief r2 Overton Yaxley, whitesmth
2 Boyes Andrew, travelling PILLAR LETTER Box constable& superintndt. Crane. Jam_es Arthur,
draper 12 Hope Bros.Lim. hosiers &c tire brigade ; Ebenezer shoemg sm1th
4 Wiley SI. Hall, sign writer 13 Thorns Sidney Jn. tea dlr Harding, chief clerk) ~ ........ here are ..~.Wanc1·o{t st.~
52 Burrage Arthur,stwpkeepr 14 & r5 Samuel H. jeweller 0TchaTd -~t ..• ......... •
......... here is Exeter st......... Norfolk & Norwich Club Marlborough road, 5 Mag- 98 Thorpe Benjamin Gaffer,
54 BrowneAlfd.Hy.leatherdlr (Capt. Leonard Smith dalen road. halr dresser
Ensor, hon. sec) souTH srnF.. II2 Castle Arthur, shopkeepr
Mariner's lane, Ber street here is Old Post Q_tfice cou1·t 8 Howes JamCB William ......... here is Ely st ....... ....
to King street. Capital & Uounties Bank 14 Walbank \Valstan Mile End rd. ro3Newmarket.
NORTH SIDE. Limited (Sir Kenneth H. 58 Hook Miss Hannah,drss. m a road to Unthank road.
St. John's Schools Kemp bart. & W. T. 6o Jones Joseph, boot maker WEST SIDE.
22 HewettMrs.Rebecca.Agnes, Stallard, joint managrs) 70 Symonds Wm. Jas. builder 4 Wayth Henry William
beer retailer r6 Harman&Gowen,accntnts 72 Ward Waiter Mark,butchr 6 Clarke Robert
24 Besant Mrs.Ellen, shopkpr r8 Va.ndyke&Co.photographrs ...... here is Spencer st ...... 8 Robinson Mrs
......... here is Nelsonpl ......... 19 Bonser's~tores,tea dealers 92 Worley Mrs. Jane,shopkpr 12 Curnow Rev. Henry[Wes]
34 Liddiment John, shopkpr ......... here ts Davey pl......... NORTH SID~. 14 Wilson Hugh Black burn
souTH SIDE. 20 Jenny Lind P.H. George r Martin George Sparks r6 Cross John Matthew
3~Mariner's tavern, Herbert Frederick Wood 45 Nudds Waiter, carpenter 18 Keefe William
Edmund Dunham 20 Parton S. watch maker SI 'rice Richard J. shopkeepr 20 Mobbs Leonard James
...... here is Compass st ...... 21 U?derhill F.R.&Son,grocrs ...... here is Spencer st ...... Hussey & Son, nurserymn
41 Wilch Mrs. Hannah, oaker 21 Liberal Club, 53<'rancis,city mis;;ioner 34 Messent John Bilham
49 Greengrass Geo. bricklayer Wilfrid Tillett, hon. sec 95 Catton Thus. Wm. builder 36 Kirby Hector
22 Lad ells, confectioners &c . .. .. . here is J.Jfelro.~e rd .....,..
Market avenue, Castltj 23 EddingtonAlexander,grocr Ma~qurs of Granby row. 40 West Mrs
meadow to Golden Ball street. 24 Bullen .Benj. watch ma. &c See BARRACK STREET. 42 Giles Hylton Lloyd
I Plough inn, Miss Eliza ...... he~e ts Royal a_rcade •.. ... Matlock rd. 174 Thorpe rd. 44 Buckingham Ernest
J ane Coe 25 Coil m J!'l. Frauc~s _D.B.O.A. (Thorpe hamlet). 46 Bailey Cecil Charles
2 Maggs David, saddler ~ ch~mist & opticmn. I Howard Arthur Samuel 48 ~urn Charles N
3 Wicks & Sons Ltd. general 2.:J Slum~n,& R_ushme~l\:hsses, 3 Scarles Benjamin Edwm so Edwards _Mrs
builders &c. (works) , ladles hair dresser~ . Frost Lonis 52 Green ~1ss
3 Browne Frederick WI!liam 26 faylor Albert C. artificial uA, 9 Cross Charles Bedford ....... here ts JValde~k rd ......
4 A bel Waiter, saddler teeth maker . rs Gissing CecJl 66 Hmc~ley ~rankEdgar, bldr
6 Wigg Edward John & Son 26 Sunnn,cks Henry. hosier 2 Perks Geor!!e A. C 68 Inskipp S1dney
·obmasters ' 27 Curl Edward, draper . "' EAST SIDE.
] Fruiterers' Arms P.H. 8 Chitt?Ck 1\~s I Daniels Charles
Mrs. Mary E. Steward 10 Merriman r:l 3 Clarkson Mrs
Market lane, from Scoles 28 & 29 1\Iase Thomas Arthur, T • 5 Egles Albert G
green. antique furniture dealer IMau~ st. (~o~~h Hmgham), 7 Leman Mrs
NoRWICH CITY MISSION 30 Brazell Henry Robert, 57 St. Phihp s road to Con- 9 Bowles Harold Guy
RooM china & glass warehouse naught road. ... . .. here is Church arJ ......
14 Market tavern, Arthur .•• ... here is 1Vhite Lion st...... I W oodhouse Miss 25 ThoJ"old William Hazel dine
John Lanham ...... here is Haymarket ...... 2 Irwin William, apartmnts Thorold Wm. John Creeny
...... here is Paradise row...... SOUTH SIDE. 4 Pearce James (Melrose)
Fuller Wm. firewood dlr :Farrow's Bank Limited, 8 Hills Harry 27 Barnard Geo. Wm. Girling
32 Graver Frederick,greengro William Crotch, managr ro Webster Robert B 29 Porter James Arthur
Milford rd. 34 .Swansea rd, 42 Howes William, cowkeeper 1...... heTe is- Arlingt011. la ...... !·• here is Old Yeast yam ,,..
Council School (Ride entrance CHRIS'r CHURCH MISSION 30.A, Cotter Henry S r6 Moore William, printer
see Avenue road) ' HALL 30 Nichol!l Mrs x8 Wellington P.H. Henry
43 Bird-in-Hand P.H, Wm. 3:2 Plumbly Thos. corn. trav: Gilbert Taylor
Mill close (Nilw Lakenham). Moss 34 Bracken bury Walt. Jas. sec :z4 to 32 Webster W. C, & Co.
WoodrowCharlesEdwd.miller 59 Blazeby William, shopkpr ...... here is Newmarket st...... boot & shoe manufactrs
,..... here is Eleanrrr rd ....... 65 Dickerson Miss B. shopkpr 36 Mingay Miss ...... here is Tubby' 11 yard ..... .
...... here is Bunkler row ...... 38 Armstrong Geo.Hy.mangr 34 Steward Edward, baker
Mill Hill road, 56 Earlham 77 Patteson Mrs. Mary Ann, 40 Noyes Henry Sebastian 36 Muirhead John, furn. bro
road to Park lane. shopkeeper 42 Cole Miss ........ lure is A re her's yard ......
· WEST SIDE. 79 Turner James, fishmonger 44 Utting Thomas Walter •.• hers is Cock cf House yd •••
Ramsay Rev. Charles I03 Hart Alfred, shopkeeper PILLAR LETTER Box RIGHT BIDE.
Benjamin Pritchard ll.A. ...... here is Afghan pt ...... 46 Doggett Mrs q Atkinson Wm. wardrbe.dlr
(St. Laurenoe's rectory) I04 Wate:rton Walter,shopkp,r 48 Dobson Thomas ... here is St.George'~ alley ...
3 Steward James Reginald II2 Bakers' Arms f·H, Johh so Neale William John I9 Rines Miss
5 Alexander Reynolds Ed wd Parkerson 52 Woodhouse Harry Herbt Langham & Sons, engineers
7 Howes William Joshua M'lt t t f S th 54 Palmer Sidney 27 Howlett & H(llga.te,plmbrs
n Hamilton Henry}''. T 1
on B r~~ ' ~om on - 58 Claw Charles WRIGHT's FOUNDRY YARD:
5r Deucha.l' Miss we roa · 6o Lambert Francis Jerome 'ruffield Geo, Hy.iron founder
53 Stone Miss 44 Fulcher John, greengrocer 62 Wilkinson Miss
57 Easter Mrs. Hannah M t d 64 Williamson Stanley Napier street, 53 Lothiaq
S h J F k onas ery yar · street to Ely street.
59 a.rman ames ran See ELM HILL\1 Monntergate street, King
61 Thompson Alfred t t ·R l WEST SIDE,
"' D unn w·u·
1-'3 1 1am, c 1er k M orn1n · gto n roa d , Ch r1s. t s reeNORTH to ose SIDEawn. Thrower Cornelius Stphn,
65 Taylor James Church road to Colman road. B lt & p 1 : coach builder
67 Dale Wm. Edwd, traveller :z T yce ""'I" n 1ss
' •• ou
•.... on
h(!'J·e is au J oh'll st •.. ... 35 'I' ro wse W a lte r L orenzo,
69 Lacey Mii"S 4 Lowe Robert Percy 38 Orchard tavern, William shopk_eeper .
73 Wood George 6 Le Good Arthur Edwin Henry Rudd ...... here ts Cardtgan st ......
75 Tozer Robert Maitland - 8 Veale Henry Edward 40 Clarke Wm. John, boot ma 37 A~hworth John, baker
79 Fitch-Thorn John IO Paston William s6 Munday Miss Florence, bS R1chardson Geo. shopkpr
j!I Sutton Mrs I~ Heley William A. c dress maker . EAST SIDE. .
83 Warmoll Henry 14 Jenks William 68 Kett Chas.carting contrctr 2 Samty Mrs. Georgma,
83 Warmoll Miss Nina, t6 Philpott J. Peek Cook Clement Crisp, horti- _shopkeeper .
teacher of music x8 Archer James Frederick cultural sundriesman 34 Ltvock Harry,msur. agent
.85 Blaxter Mrs 20 Grant Alexander Thomas souTH SIDE. 54 Canterbury PH. John
a7 Dix. Robert, clerk ~ Killick Arthur Richard Foundry Bridge tavern, Edward Watkins
~9 Fisk Herbert George 24 Johnson Fredk, insur. agt Mrs. Harriet Lefevre 56 W1lkinson William George.,
91 A bel Williarn 26 Foulger Frederick John, Ransons Ltd. timber mers. picture frame maker
J:.AST BIDE. r~~chool teacher See advertisement 72 Parsons Baldwin, shopkpr
::1 Shields Oeorge !<'red 34 Arnold Chas. V, insur. agt ~S Smith Willia.m ., .... herB is Canterbury pl ......
-4 Cooke Artbur 70 Gray Albe~t George Boulton & Paul, engineers
6 Thompson Alfred Chat'les 72 Br1ttan M1ss Trevor Page & Co.cabinet Nelson et. r8I Dereham rd:
8 Abigall Henry 74 Blan<.h Philip mak~rs. see adver- WEST SIDE.
'10 Clark George 76 Abell<'rederick tisement I King Frederick Stephen
l2 Curl Edward 78 Legate Frank General Steam Navigation I I Fuller Miss
'14 Marsden William 8o Townshend Henry Samuel Co Limited ...... her~ is West End, st '>"'•
c6 Dunste:r Miss 86 Stribling John, schoolmstr 39 Wig~ Wm master mariner 21 Nursery tavern, John
.:i Burwood Miss 88 Limmer Frederick George Morgan 3 Brewery eo. Ltd Robert Boyca
20 Fytche Rev, Henry [Wes] M
.ll" Ba ount
p leasant, 83 New- ...... here is Synagogue st ...... 3I Breeze Wm. Ed~d.builder
"li2 T urner \v · 1 mm ssett market "road to Unthank rd. I7 St. Faith's tavern, Oscar 33 Barrett .Alfred Ernest
lil4 Sexton Jesse Henry Farrow 41 Goff Edward M
26 Harclie Thomas WEST SIDE. Mouseh ld h th 4 9 Evans James, b~lder
28 Bunn Waiter Julius, rate :r: Abel William Perowne B. . B 0 k ea · 51 HellawellJohn,fishmonger
collector 3 Gedney Mrs ntanma arrac 8 W k . ~
· N f lk R · t d B tt 63 a efield&Mn,potato mers
<>o Brace Ernest
"' 5 Hemmant..;'ll.frs ' or
1· o (S eglmen · 1 R '~r · ) a a- 6 7R"Ice ...''1.1ssrMa b el""..uay, d rssmar"
3 6 Strin!!"et' Edward Charles 7 Jewson Frank IOn pecm eserve c 'l S h 001
38 Finch~ William, J·un 9 Wilkinson Henry Burdett BenJ"ami·n WI"lli"am, ounc h 1 ·c • t
40 .Aldis Miss Lucy .. , ... here is Albemarle rd...... heath ranger {The Lodge) .... p~~M: ~~~~ Arm~~;;_~~~~;
42 Turner Mrs 31 Park Joseph Mousehold street "~_Pock- _CHAPEL & SuHdaySchool
44 Murre\1 Mrs 33 Grimer Mrs thorpe), from Silver road. hel'e ts St. Bartholomew's close
46 Ketton Miss 35 Barnard Charles
48 Finn Mn 37 Land Capt. Joseph John 20 Jolly Gardeners P.H. , EAs;r ~mE,
... here QTe Cl aren don st eps .• , 3".., Ray ""·lrs ., William Thomas Grayes .18 \'taller Wllham, carpenter
50 Harper Richard 41 Adcock Mrs 74 Dye Miss Hannah, shopkpr .•. , .. ?m:e is West End st .~.....
54 Steele Mrs. Se) by 4 3 Bunn Miss 82 Winter Mrs. Harriet,shpkpr so Wllhment Albert,furmture
56 Barnard Mrs 45 Collin John Francis 84 Robin HoodP.H.Wm.Neave Temm·er
6o Dyer William Francis 47 Daynes Samuel 94 Goodson Geo. shopkeeper 70 Tuddenham Stephen Rice,
62 Greig George Alexander 49 Collinson Robert WJ¥teley 37 Spauls Thomas E.shopkpr cycle agent
64 Langley Rev. George 51 Williams Mrs 57 LusherHrbt.Rb~.bricklayr 8o Moore Edgar, hair dresser
[United Methodist] 53 Thrower Walter James 86 Woods Jacob, shopkeeper
66 B:ird William 55 Vincent Ernest Muriel road, Christ Church ......... here is Nile st .........
68 Thompson Rev, Canon 5? Springall Mrs road to Colman road. 96 Pve William, butcher
Henry B.A 59 Stubings James Henry SOUTH SIDE. .J:o4BarnardMrs.EilaA.shpkpr
70 Phillips Rev. Thos. Sinclair 6r McMillan Anthony I Bradley Rev. Charles Lord Nelson P.H. Levi
[Cong-regational] 63 Newman Mrs. E. J Lister M. .A~, A.~us.s.c.M Anderson ~
72 Hardy William Arthur 65 More George Henry 5 Hunt Robt. Ge<J. msur. agt ......... here is _A nnes st .........
74 Taylor Miss 5 7 Spark Jn. commercial trav 53 Clements F. C I24 Cullum John E. shopkpr
']6 Daws William Stacey 6 9 Coote Emest R 57 Co_lman Thomas Edward, 150 Girling William John,
78 Johnson Perc:v William 75 Eaton Cottage P.H. John msurance agent miscellaneous dea1er
8o Algar Henry Howell Ramsbottom NORTH SIDE. ISO Girling Miss Laura,
82 Deeks Arthur Ernest KAsT SIDE, 8 Miller Arthur Fredk. gro costumier
8 Cunnington Mrs 2 Taylor John 12 Hopkins Charles, boot repr I$S-Dennington.las.F.boot rep
884 Bacon Mrs 4 Alduus Wil1iaiU 72 Robertson Hugb, painter I6o Good wings Walt. shopkpr
90 Fielder Mrs !:! Maddison Miss 88 Clarke T. & Son, boot reprs I go Dye Walter Jas. plumber
92 Walker Mrs IO Diggens Mrs Museum court. 228 Pegg George, builder
94 Calder M~ I2 Thirkettle Misses See ST. ANDREW STREET. 230 Baylis Oscar, insur. ,agt
96 BarneS; Mrs 14 Kent Miss
\. 16 Cunnell D<lnald Muspole street,St.Gcorge's Neville street, 6 Bathurst
Millers .Lane (New Catton), I8 Barcham Miss plain to Pitt street. road ttt Unthank road.
St. Clement hill to Angel rd. 20 Spencer lVIisse~ LEFT SIDE. NORTH !iliDE.
~ Mill, tavern. Ed wd. Votier 22 Shalders 1\lilll! Woolpack P.H.LewisSmith I5 Palmer Montague,traveller
:h Haward Jacob, baker 26 Stratford Bertie Frank 8 Witton S. L.Ltd.boot mfrs 17 RobbFredk.Chas.Cameron
xg Rivett Mrs 89 Vincent William 120 Waters Edgar Northcote rd. from Sprow-
21 Self Edward, clerk 91 Boardman Mrs. Edward ...... here is Clm·emont rd...... ston road.
23 Hudgell George giA, Smith Carle,sen 124 Daws Henry Waterhouse SOUTH SIDE.
SOUTH BIDE. ... he1·e is Albernarle rd ... 126 Reeve George I Thrower Mrs
2 Hill Miss 93 Gilman Lady I28 de Chair Rev. Frederick 3 Balls Geo. boot & shoe ma
4 Turner Herbert Thomas 95 PaulJoseph J. D. D.L., J.P Blackett M.A., J. P. [hon. 5 Smith Frederick Elrington
6 McFarlane Mrs. Charlotte, ... here i.~ Ch1'ist Chu1·ch rd ... canon of Norwich] 7 Eastick Hy. Geo. cashier
dress maker 97 Barton Charles S ...... here is Camberley rd... ... 9 Hagan Robert
B Bessey Arth.Jn. househldr 99 Walkel' John 132 Gwatkins-Graves Edward I I Blazeby Albert
ro Everett Fredk. Geo. clerk 101 Read Robert John .A.rthur 21 Grimble Henry, clerk
12 Hatch Mrs 103 Pratt Mrs 152 Arnold l\Irs 23 Payne Wm. Robert~ tailor
14 Joy William Jn. coal mer ...... here is Mile End ?'d ...... ••• here is Branksome 1'd ... 31 Newman Frederick, tailor
16 Atkinson Alfred Jas. Thos ros Penyston Anthony 154 Hancock John Hallett 37 Gooch Mrs
18 Vincent Charles Henry PILLAR LETTER Box: I 56 Sexton Fred Thornley 39 Utting Edmund
22 Kidd Miss ro5 Sheel Miss 158 tliske William H SS Girling .A.rthur, yacht bldr
24 Alderson Miss 107 Skelton Harry Hamlyn Right Rev. Bishop 57 Rice Arthur, foreman
~6 Sadd Harry 109 Curl Percy N athaniel Temple D. D. ...... here is Spencer st ......
28 Scott Mrs. Holme III Copeman Henry John [vicar of Eaton] (The 59 Edwards Rt. Geo. shopkpr
30 .A.shhurst Lewis, clerk 113 Denison Miss Vicilorage) 61 Turner Albt. V, insur. agt
32 Palmer Harry Percy, II5 Rowley Mrs NORTH SIDE.
school teacher II7 Stro:yan Misses N_ewmarket. st. 31 Bruns- 32 Daniels }'liss Ethel, teach et"
34 King Miss r rg Robinson HaynesSparrow wwk road to l.~:lount Pleasant. of music
36 Kirk Herbert Albert ...... here is Leopold rd ...... 1 Ball Jehn Hy. pattern ma 52A., Trollope Walter Augus·
38 Dashwood Miss 121 Eaton Mrs 41 Smith Edmund, news agt tus, architect
40 Skelton Misses 121 :Eaton Frederic Ray PILLAR LETTER Box .. •.•• here is Spencer st ......
42 Farness William 123 Sennitt Ebenezer Charles ......... hue is York st .........
44 Skipper Mrs 127 Upton Mrs. Rushmer 43 Tann Robt. Jn.shopkeeper Northumberland st. 22:}
46 Taylor Albert Charles 129 Burton Col. Gerard 57 Haggith James, boot repr Dereham rd. to Heigham st.
48 Jex-Blake Miss F. H PILLAR LETTER Box .- .... here is Gloucester st...... EAST SIDE .
......... here is Upton rd .......... 149 Unthank Arms P.H. 3 Fuller Walter, landscape
· Neville street east. 133 Fairbairn Mrs. James Henry Warne gardener
Now included with NEVILLE 135 H ore- R ut h ven Ch ar1es .. : ...... htre is Bury st ......... 13 Chambers Thomas & Son,
STREET. 137 Burton George James 30 ClabburnDavidJn.plumbr engineers

New Mill yard, 98 \Vest- 139 Downe James '86 Blyth Walter, plumber ...... here is IVest End st ......
wick street to Oak street. 141 Chamberlayne l\'lrs ......... here is Hill st ......... 35 Preston Jn.Riches, shopkpr
Corporation Pumping Station 143 Gage Oswall 148 Back Geo. Harry, painter 39 Stewart John, news agent
145 Boswell Hugh r68GreenJas.David,insur.agt 41 Howe Mrs. Helen, ward·
Newmarket road, St. Ste- 147 Mase Thomas .A.rthur robe dealer
phen's roa'd to Eaton hill. q.g La FontaineJas. S. E. J.P Nicholas st. Crook's pl. 83 SportsmanP.H.PeterBeales
NORTH SIDE. IS1 Charter James B.A. boys' 67 Queen Victoria P. H. Herbert 95 HippersonFredk.Robt. bldr
I Spowart Wm. Ribton M.D. school (Belle Vue house) C. Palmer 137 Olley George, fruiterer
physician & surgeon 153 Ames J osiah . 77 Bowtborpe Bros. bakers I39 Gray A~h. Edwd. beer ret.
3 Bagshaw Robert George 163 Ad cock Ernest Damel ......... here is Union st ......... ......... here ts A rmes st.. ..... ..
PILLAR LETTEU Box ...... here is Jud,qe's walk ...... g7 Robinson Jas. Wm. baker 141 Motts John, butcher
...... here is Brunswick rd...... Gaul pona!d (Balfour lo) gg Freeman Hugh, carpenter 195 Mo~ter William, genl. dlr
5 Riley Waiter 173 Dewh1rst Charles Roger 20 ·wallller John, shopkeeper 203 Am1es. Anthony, upholstl"
7 Hawes George .A.lbert 175 Page Mrs g8 Winch Gordon news agent ...... here ts Church close ......
7 A, Mager Willows Brown Richardson(Hazel- ' 221 Smith Albert, shopkeepel.'
9 Abel Ja:mes William dene) . Nile street (North Heig- 23.'i Ives Robert, shopkeeper
11 Jackson Miss 183 Heslop Thomas Hmd B ham), I 13 Adelaide street. 2S3 Dunham Frank, beer ret
13 Goddard Wm. cab propr x8s Seed Edward Albert 3 D ow d'mg J oh n, f urn. dl r Ra WESTJ SIDE. · h 1 k.
IS Horridge Walter I 87 S outh a ll M rs
8 H un t ,••11sses. El.1zab et h & 12 nsome as. pans h 1 c er,
r 7 Smith Wm.Harold,boot ma 195 Santy Ar~hur Henry A. 8
h k of St. Bart o omew s,
19 Long Henry Darwood PrLLAR LRTTER Box gnes, op eepers Heigham ·
21 Howe Thomas Trust ~chool, Eaton Ninham street (New 2oGayfo_rdMr:'.Rose,dres.s ma
23 Tolladay Mrs ...... he1'e lS Unthank 7"d ..... Lakenham), IS Cherry st .... her_e ts Br1ghty's openmg ...
25 Andreazzi :Mrs SOUTH SIDE. to Southwell road. 7 6 Brblgbkty &Mrs. Hebecca,
2 B
7 ox Mrs. Th os. d ress ma 2 G~rnham
" Mrs 9 Pond Wm. boot & shoe ma 130 Lovatt a er Charles
c Elijah
......... here is Eagle st......... 4 Patteson Miss 4 6 BartramWilliam, greengro plasterer '
29 .A.rthur John 6 Burt Thomas G
3 1 Bradfield Robert Emms 8 Bowhl'll Mrs N or f o lk s t . (Sth. H e1g . h am ) . 140 Sparks1 . ~bt A .•.A.rtb.·tshpkpr
:13 Eagle tavern, :Frederick 10 Shave William P ··"·"-- teJ e ts Hnes ~ ...........
Edward Key 12 Edwards Waiter soUTH SIDE. 142 Little John P.n. Henry
Bayley .A.rchibald Robert, Edward Furse
3S Houchen Mrs 14 Stockings Wilson Day whitesmith 142A, Jones Henry, coal dealr
37 Stanley William Wade 16 Grande Mrs I I Sampson Thos. shopkeeper
•••..• here is Eagle waLk ...... 18 Ell wood Miss , .. . .. h ere lS · J,oh nson s·t .. .. .. Nnnn's yard •
39 Pearce Hayward Maddison 20 Jeckells Mrs 27 Norfolk tavern, William See ST . .A.uG"GSTINE's STREET.
41 Giles Hammond 22 Stockings William Fredk James Lawn
...... here is Allen's la ...... 24 Hunt Miss here ; 8 Rupe1·t st
43 CI d ies' schl 26 Hair d J ames W 1'll'1am ...... '" ... • -
, ... h .........
k Oak street continuation or
29 uroom >1 11 mm, s op eepr Coslany st. to St. l\Iartin's rd,
1 '

S d l ·
45 Hotblack John Turner 28 Brown y ney Loc ington 45 Nichols Henry, shopkeeper WEST SIDE.
47 Spalding Francis Willby 30 Hamer Nehemiah 6s NewmanFrdk.B_ y.s_bopkpr 3 Pheasant Cock P.H. Samt
49 Hales George 32 Boardman Jas. Theobald 87 A n d ress F re d enc k (j eorge, "-
sr Pank Abraham 82 Day Herbert Cooper
beer retailer DIAL YARD·
53 Bulmer Thomas PuBLIC TELEPHONR CALL h · U · t ·
......... ere lS mon s ·•• ...... Standley Harry P. ''.R.c. v.s.
55 Tatham l\'lrs h
. "' Cl d
8 9 stu bb s J ames, s h op k eeper shoein~ smith
57 •ratson Mrs
59 Livock Miss
... ere ts 10Wn
84 Mahon Foster
ose r .•• s bb dk w · k
93 tu sFre · m. bnc lyr Tompson, Daines & Son, shoe
61 Page Mrs 86 Waddell Gavin NORTH SIDE. knife makers
63 Ansell MlsS 88 Cooper .A.braham T ......... here is Eagle st.. ....... Tutlield George Henry, flock
6 7 Hammett William Lewis 90 Miller Miss 18 Haney Frank Edwd.tailor manfr.(St.Miles'flock mills)
6g Bayliss 1\-liss 92 Wright Mrs 20 Barney Henry, butcher Trett, Sons & Walpole, up-
7I Brown Mrs g6 Snelling William 0 ...... here is Rupert st ...... holsterers
73 Clar k e "''
.a.· re d enc
· k .. , .. . h ere ts
· L tme
· 1'1·ee r d ...... 28 Latten Miss H. dress ma --
75 Long Herbert g8 Cllrl Henley 66 Swan Mrs. E~len, greengro 7 l<'isher Thomas, butcher
77 Spelman Wm. \Vilton Rix mo Sayer William La timer ... ... here is Tuns yard , .....
79 Young Mrs I02 Daniels Brothers Limited Norman buildjngs. I I Creake Henry, tobacconist
81 .Boultbee Charles Edward (nurseries) See STEPPING LANE. 13 Harris Mrs. Sarah, grocer
....... heJ"e are A1·lington la. t! Football Ground d ... here is Saw ~Will yard ...
.ffiount Pleasant ... ......... here is Eatonrd ......... Norman droa • froln Rosde- Bagshaw G. & R.G.poultrs
Prr..LAR LErTER Box no Howes Stanley berry roa to Pelham roa · 'IS Hot Pressers' Arm.i f.H.
83 Brittain Henry n8 Lees M. }Iackenzie r6 Love John, shopkeeper Thomas Dayne!i )
OAK STREET-continued. 137 Brighten Mrs. :Maria, 136 Lay Frank, patent medi- 148 Alexandra P. H. Frederick
19 & 21 Bagsbaw G. & R. G. dress maker cine dealer William Burcham
paper merchants 139 The Buck P.H. William 140 Fanciers' Arms P.H. Wm. 164 Fish Waiter, hair dresser
23 Nichols Mrs. Lucy Clara, John Jones RobertBurrage 166 CooperBenjamin,shopkpr
coffee house BucK's YARD: ...... here is Angel yard ..•.•. r8o Budrey Wm. C. shopkpr
25 Daynes Thomas & Son, Brighton Fredk. firewood ma 154 PageWm.Benj. fishmongr ... he1·e are Chaprnan's bldgs ..•
boot manufacturers 156 Robb James, tailor 182 Taylor William, shopkpr
... here is Distillery yard ... CareyJas.sen. boat buildr . ......... here is Sus.~ex st ...... ... 202 Carter Henry,fishmonger
Ruymp Robert R. & Son, (Little Buck's yard) 160 Cossey AlfredEdwd. baker 208 Wright William, miscel-
builders' merchants Steward & Patteson Ltd. 166 Wicks John, boot repairer laneous dealer
27 Brett Mrs. May, shopkpr maltings ... here is Osborne's bldgs ..•
•....• here is Reeves' yard .....• 167 Dun Cow P.H. Wm.Smith .•. _.. here is Swan yard ...... Old Post Office court,
31 & 33 Sadd William, baker I]8 Burrage Frederic, fried Market place to Castle street.
35 Thouless Wm. shopkeeper EAST SIDE. fish dealer Thorns Sidney John, tea mer
•••.•• here is Buck's .11ard ...... ST.MICHAEL (CosLANY) CHCH .. ...... here is St. Martin's at The Club House tavern,
37 Blyth Ern est Wm.shopkpr ... hen is St. Miles' alley ••. Oak Wall la...... Wright Goddard J arrett
...•.. here is Unicorn yard ...... 12 Lack William, shopkeeper 184 Piggin Joseph, shopkeepr Walnut Tree Shades P.H.
39 Unicorn P.H. Jn. W. Gray .. here is Eight Ringers yard .. 192 Hutcher Henry, furn. bro Waiter Henry Stanley
43 Jalland Mrs. Louisa 14 Eight Ringers P.H. George ...... here is Bakm·'s rd ..... .
"~ "" ..:rn
· _ue"" ·-~·zz s l a...... Henry 'l'ufficld Old Post Office yard.
•••... h ere lS Old B k f E 1 d t
St. Mary's Parish Room St.Miles'Schools(Council) an O ng an c · See BEDFORD STREET.
49 Holmes Wm. wardrobe dlr ...... here i.~ _l(earce's court...... See QuEEN STREET.
5 I St. Martin's · Ch urch c offee · ·....... h ere u Sun y at' d .•••••••• Onley street, 152 Unthank
House (Alfred Marcus 26 Dady Fredk. J. hair dressr Old Barge }'ard. road to Leicester street.
Coultas, manager) 28 Cadywould Mrs. Elizabeth, See KING STREET. SOUTH siDE.
53 Rose P.H . .Albert Hansell shopkeeper 1 Empson Horatio Geo. gro
55 Neave Edwd. pork butcher 30 Greenland Fi~hery P.H. Old Lakenham. 65 Canham John, builder
5? EglenWilliamFrank baker George Austm . Croft Rev. John Bonham M. A. NORTH siDE .
•••.•. here is Bm·ker's ya~d ... ... here is G1·een_land .Fishery yd. ( C?ld hall) . . 2 Minns ~eginald, baker
Hinde Fras. & Suns Ltd. silk 32 Brown Miss M.baberdashr Davies HughChnstopher( fhe ...... here t.~ Durham st •.•.••
manufrs. (St. Mary's mill) ··•··· here ~s Rudd's yar~ ...... Lodge) 22 ~al~s 1:homas Jn. ~uilder
heu is Queen Caroline .1/ard 34 Bl~th Fredk. Art~. ml mer French Mrs . 64 Elwm George Denms
61 Queen Caroline P.H. James 38 Pomter Mrs. Ahce, pork Hovell Arthur (Willow cot) ·
Utting .butcher . coMMERCIAL. Opie street, Castle meadow
.............. here is Little (/,ueen40 D Jsn~y M rs. H a,tt1e, b.a k er 1 cow k e~per
Bru t o~ Ab e, . to London street .
Cm·oline yaJ·d •••.••.••.•.
.•• here ts St. MaTy s plam .•. Cock mn,. Mrs. Ahce Mana EAST SIDE.
42 Page Christopher Robert, Wildsm1th CAsTLE CHAMBERS:
69 Playfor~ Alfred, baker . shopkeeper CoNGREGATIONAL MISSION RM ~ orwichEducationCommittee
71 Moore .S~mu~l, tobaccomst 44 Howard Christr.H.shopkpr Daynes Fredk.Slater, wood dlr (Daniel Olive'r Holme,
Bloom Franms ~tephen & 46 Rudd William, shopkeeper Fox William, market gardenr organizer of elementary
fl?ns,h?rse hair m~nufrs 48 Bell Waiter, wardrobe dlr JacobsMrs.Sarah,shopkeeper, education)
73 W h1te Lwn P.H. George ···~· here is Gay's yard ... & post-office · Cozens-Hardy & Jewson,
Dancocks . 50 Rudd William, clogger Moyes William Henry, miller solicitors
75 Care:r Joseph Henry Elhs, .S4 PrykeArth.Robt.fishmongr Nash William Arthur, farmer
ha1~ dresser , ..•... here is Dolphin yard ...... Watson George, cattle dealer 3 Hill Saml. Garerd, solicitor
••• here ts Howman s ya1'd ... 56 Hardy Robt. wardrobe dlr 3 Boy Scouts' Association
77 Coulso~ Wm. Pye, shopkpr 58 Florence Edwd.fishmonger Old Palace roa~, 131 Dere- (H. M. Wibrow, hon. sec)
··•••• here tS Hawkes yard ....•. 6o Mills Thos. furniture brkr ham road to Hmgham st. 3 Hill Leunard Garerd,solctr
Cooper W . .A.& Son,hair cloth 62 Hill Robt. Geo. shopkeepr WEST SIDE. 3 Dunham Wm.Jn.architect
manufactrs.(Hawkes yard) ...... here i.~ Ra11ner's yard..... I &3AldenJohn, bootmaker 5 W oolsey & Thorold, solctrs
Sayer William, boat builder ST.MARTIN's AT OAK CHCH 7 LovettWm.Jas. blacksmith 5 Fowell, W oolsey & Thorold,
STifARTIN's AT OAK MISSION .•• here is St. Martin's la .•• 13 Whiting Robert Christo- solicitors
AI.L . . . 70 Jones Dennis, wardrobe dlr pher,, general ?ealer 5 Norwich MutualPlateGlass
•••••• here lS Statwn rd ... .•. Gallant J. & Co. shoe knife .••... here u West End st ..••. Insurance Association
1 Rudd Henry & Son, mas. (ArabianHorse yd) 33 Claxton William, boot ma Limited,
83 1 stationers . here isLittle Arabian Harse yd 49 Claybyn Alfd. P. earpent~r G. E. W. Woolsey, sec
I TowN SuH-PosT& :\1:.0.0 72 Nicholls Hy. fishmonger Mountfield Rev. Dav1d 5 Keith Frederick Waiter
••• here is Little Crown yard ••. 74 Smith Alfred, greengrocer Witts M. A. (St.Bartholo- Hugh B. A. solicitor
91 Jolly Skinners P.H.Edward 78 Downes Robt. shopkeeper J mew's rectory) WEST SIDE.
Brandish 8o Arthurton Rt.Jn.jobmastr 129 Cooke A:lfred F. florist Great Centr-.1l Railway Co.
93 Drake Edward, shopkeeper ... here is OsbcYrne's yard ..• ..•...... here lS A1·mes st .••.••... (Frederick Nicholson,
95 Wilde Jn.Sl.chimney swpr 84 Adcock Mrs. Alice,shopkpr Heigham. Hall Priva~e district agent)
97 Mor~ Charles, shopkeeper 9 o Railway Arms P.H. Alfred ~unat1c Asylum (J. G .
••• here 1s Bath Hause yard ... St angToom GordonMunn M. D. ,F. R.s. E. Orchard street, 45 Dere-
BAPTIST CHAPEL(Gildencroft) Brown John shoe manufr. medi1•al supt) ham road to Midland street.
103 & _12_4 Metcalf George (Fellmongers' yard) :Munn J. G. ~ordon M. D., WEST SIDE.
~dbam, boot maker 96 Burrell Robert Geo. baker F.R.S.E. (He1gham hall) 23 Hastings Albt. debt collctr
••. here ts Ra,qged Sclwol yard.. ... here is Bald win's yard ..• EAST SIDE. 25 Barnes Wm. Robt.. boot m a
105 Key & Castle P.H.William ...... here is Goat yard .••..• 2A, Cooper Henry, fruiterer 29 Scottow John Edward,
Staff I02 Claxton Mrs. Charlotte, 6 Young Henry shopkeeper &c
... here is Key o/ Castle yard... shopkeeper 8 Head Mrs 35 BreamMissEmily,dress ma.
107 Nickalls Arthnr, baker 104 BarkerWm.Robt.shopkpr IOA, TookeMissL.M.dress ma 41 Whitehead WilliamHenry,
rog Holmes Jas. Wm. butcher .••...... here is D,Jg yard ••••...•• 12 DewberyJ ohn, boot manufr boot maker
111 Bush Edwd. gTeengrocer ro6 Golder Wm. Jn. shopkpr 26 Fisher Mrs. A. & Co. fancy 67 Woods William, shopkpr
••• here is Robinson's yard •.. 108 BarkerEdmund, hair drsr drapers 69 Bassingthwaighte Herbert
.•• here is Horton's ya1·d ....•..•• here is Talbot yaTd ....•. 30 Hunt Albert, builder Weston, grocer -
IIS Wilson David, grocer Ely William,jun.chimney ...... here is Brow1!e st ..•... ..•..•... here is Exet~r st ..•..•.••
... here is Saddler's yard .• sweeper (Talbot yard) 32 Tuck Wm. Hy. fried fish dlr 77 Blyth Samr;_el, fishmonger
117 Cornwell Benj.furn.brokr 110 StirkJas.Robt.corn dealer 54 Mitchell William, baker EAST SIDE.
II9 Alien Leonard, shopkpr 112 Holmes Wm. fishmonger ....•. here is Devonshire st...... ...... here i-' Lothian st .•••.•
••• here are Suffolk Arms yard 114 Alien Harry, beer retailer 56 Rainbow P.H. Harry Hale Sp<irkes & Latten, builders
o/ Smith's ym·d...... •••.•• here is Jenkin's la •••••• 58 Bream Miss Alice E. drapr 32 Howlett & Shibley, vheel-
121 Sadd James, tinsmith 120 ThompsonWm.shopkeepr 76 Pyle Mrs.Susan,newsagent wrights
123 Bacon Chas. Wm.shopkpr .•. here is Little Bu,w yard .•• .••.•• here is Langle.l/ st ...... 34 Fulcher Henry, coal dealer
1.27 Alden Edwd. John, baker 122 ThompsonSidney, grngro 78 Hutchin Alfred, butcher 56 Earl of Cardigan P. u.
Flower Pot P.H. William ... here is Old Brew yard .•. go Dickerson Charles,shopkpr Edward William Roll
Brett (Flower Pot yard) 124 & 103 Metcalf George xoo Neave Waiter H. draper Telephone Call Office
EBENEZER MISSION RooM William, boot maker ... ..• here is Clifton st •...••..•... here i.~ Cardigan st .....•
(Flower Pot yard) 126 Tuttle Jas. fried fish dlr 102 Roe Arthur, baker 72 Betts Alfred, greengrocer
131 & 133 Raper Cbas. grocer I30 Hasti!lgsAlfred,shopkeepr II4 DraneGeo.jobbing gardnr
. BrettWilliam,boat builder .•• here is Ro.11al Oak yard ... 134 Brighten John Joseph, Orford chambers.
(Roll's yard) 1
132 RoyalOakP.H.Chas.Brown shopkeeper See 0RFORD PLACE.
Orford hill, White Lion st. Norwich Electric Tramways 37 Augood Charles Albert, 34 Lincoln Alfred Warner
& Back of the Inns. Co. (offices) (Fredk. Wm. wholesale confectioner 36 E'l.rl Mrs
1 Farquhar Hugh, tailor Ketley, general manager) 24 TurnerAlbert,carriage bldr 54 Wales Miss
2 Willson l<' dresser s6 HnlmesRt.Ge,J.Edwd.clerk
2 Willson Mrs. Edith, music
Orwell road, Town close. ,Palace yard. NEW JERUSALF.M CHURCH
warehouse Rroadbent Alfred (Orwell ho) See BARRACK STREET. 66 WordinghamWm.Geo.clrk
here is Castle meadow ••• Davies George Christopher 68 Barker Ernest Frederic~{
Bell hotel (James Downe, (The Laurels) Paragon street, 9 Earlham 70 Willmott David Arthur
proprietor). See ad- .•.... he1·e is Lime Tree rd ..• ••• road to West Pottergate st. 72 Morris Arthur James
vert.isernent 2 King Arthur 74 Wales Herbert Edwa.rd
Osborne villas. 34 HippersonMr-3. J. dress ma 76 Atthill Pierce .'vlaunsell
5 Boston George A. house See DRAYTON ROAD. 34 Hipperson Miss Violet, 78 o:iver William Jas. clerk
furnisher &c. See ad- teacher of music 8o Riches Robcrt, clerk
vertisernent Oxford st. 62 Unthank road. I9 Clark Robert E. painter 82 Ebbs Mrs •
•.. .•• here is 01"[ord st ... .•• EAST SIDE. 2I Betts Tbos. teachr.of music 84 Tenant 'Nilliam Grie-res,
Busron Thomas F. clothier I Adams Henrv •
St. Philip Trust School printers' reader
••••.• here is Timber Hill st...... 3 Keen Mrs 86 Knights Edwin A. V. C. M.
7 Mackley & Bunn, printers 5 Ray Arthur William Park lane, 8o Earl ham road teacher of music
8 Curry Robt. Thos. saddle;.· 7 Self Royal George · to Untbank road. 88 Fell J oseph, boot clicker
8 Can·er Alfred, tailor 9 Miller William John WJ>ST SIDE. _ go Barker George, clerk
8 ~tional Benefit Life & I r Self Waiter Samuel r Fraser Alex:ander ..•.•• here is Mill Hill rd ..••••
Property Assurance Co. I3 Gostling Alfred Taylor 3 Parker Misses
Limited · 15 Self Sidney 5 Kirkham Alfred T Parker ro.l.d, 65 Park lane.
8 Porritt :Miss Maude, oil I7 Hipperson Albert Octavius 7 Carter William George NORTH SIDE.
merchant (office) 19 Prudence Alfred 9 Rupert Mrs I Prizeman Frank
8 Darlow W. Lim. gun ma~ 21 Anderso.n Benjamin II Pitman Maurice A 3 Bowles Misses
9 United Yeast Co. Limited 23 Foulger John William I3 Postle Miss 5 Swynford Richard
m Mahomed llerbert, dental 25 Booty William 15 Reeve Alick, traveller 7 Jarvis Mrs
surgeon 27 Stebbing Edgar S. travllr 17 Johnson Miss E. P 9 Farrow Mrs
n Leveton Isaac, picture 29 Luckett Henry Joseph I9 Willmott Martin I I Leman Walter
frame maker 31 Cantrell Miss 21 Wolf Harry Anthony
••. ... . here are Red Lion st. ~ 33 Brown Mrs 23 Rouse J esse Cantrell SOUTH SIDE.
Orford pl ...... 35 Barker Herbert Alfred 2_3 Wheeler Clifford Raymoud 2 Guy Rcv.Chas.A.[Baptist]
12 Collins & Shorten, india 37 Ponder William 27 Futter Miss 4 Harden Fre:lerick Albert
rubber warehouse 39 Church John Victor Albert 29 Bough en Smith 6 Sparkes B~r~ie, cashier
12 Shorten William A. regis· -F Clarke Arcbibald 33 Woo:irow Miss 8 Harmer Williarn H<~.llett
trar of births & death.'i 43 Alien James Palmer, clerk ..•... here is Denbi,qh rrl ..•... ro Hines Sidney Harry
13 Robinson & Co. chemists 45 Starr Sidney 35A, ThompsrmJ oseph Er,;kine I2 D~etch Percival Stanley,
q. llunt William, secondhand ...... here is Kimbe1·ley st .••..• 3SB, Birtles Wm. Frederick traveller
bookseller WEST SIDE. 37 Cox Misses Winifred & 14 Kett Cb.arles Henry
IS Gosnold Fredk, stationer ......... he-re is Trory st ...... ... Agne3, day school
Livingstone hotel (P. S. 2 Holmes George 39 Hayward Tbos. Cornelius Parson! square, 3) Ex-
Hoyd<1.hl, proprietor) 4 Wayte William Henry 4-I Oury Henry Fredk. cierk change street.
17 TaylorJsph. Walt. herbalist ...... he1·e is Wobum st •••..• 43 Causton Sydney, clerk
8 Ward William 45 Dant John Twiddy Charles, painter
Orford place, Haymarket 10 Shields Mrs 47 Scarfe Miss .....• .•. here is Sch~ol la .••.••.••
to R 3 d Lion street. 12 Bachelor Charles 49 Pearson I<'red:wick Charles
SOUTH SIDE. I4 Salmon Mrs SI Curry Robert Pa.tteson rol.d, 137 Water-
Bagshaw G. & R. G. fish r6 Bell Philip 53 King Arthur Ernest loo road to Aylsham road.
salesmen I6 TitmonsChas.tchr.of music 55 Ayton 'fhomas Edward SOUTH SIDE.
Church of England Young I8 Grant Henry George 57 Dennis Harry James 1 5 Eastick Jamcs William,
Men's Society, 22 Rudkin Mrs 59 Miller Mi~s music teacher
John Bevan, sec 24 Cooper Mrs 6I De wing Miss r6 Ea stick MissEmma, millnr
18 Midland & Great Northern 26 Cbambersl<'rederick James 63 Nelson Robert 6o Gowing Ilerbert E. drap~r
Railway Joint Corn- (Grafton house) 65 Cross Thomas H.obert 3.5 Gook Alfred, boot maker
mittee Office, . ...... here is Parker rd ...... 9 g Tillett Miss Maud, draper
E. E. Philpott, agent Paddock street, rrS Herg- 67 Wicks Horace IOO Creasy Lionel
Curl Brothers Lim. draprs ham street. 6-:J Nutchey Joseph Cowper, NORTH siDE.
NORTH SIDE. 2 Suddell John Hy. sh0pkpr schoolmaster I
3 Bindley Thns. Jas. plumbr
Stewa.rts Limited, clothiers ... here is Little Paddock st ... 71 Potter George 23 Green George, manager
Jackson George, tailor North HeighamCabinetWorks 73 Hal!Edward 45 Copping Ernest L:1ban,
Woods William, bookseller &c (The), wholesale furniture 75 S.!xton H~rber! _Henry asst. insurance supt
0RFORD CHAMBERS: manufacturers ......... here ts Dons rd ....••..• sr Fox John tailor
Ladell Richard William, 77 Butolph Geo.Horace,travlr '
coroner f_o~ the ci~y Palace plain. 79 Cle~heroe Charles,plumber Peacock street Fisher.
Lade~l. Wrlham ~ ethercote, See ST. MARTIN's PALACE 79 CletheroeMissElsieGladys,
gate to Cowgak ttreet.
sohcrtor PLAIN. dress maker
Gladstone Club Co. Lim. WEsLEYAN CHAPEL EAST l>IDE.
W. N. Ladell sec. Palace street, 2r:J Tombland PILLAR LETTER Box 7 & 9 Loveday G. S. & Co.
N orwichPhilharmonic sdciety to St. Martin's Palace plaiu. . ...... .. hel·e i.~ Avenue rd. g· 'rush. collar makers
(W. N. Ladell, hon. sec) I Fitzgerald Geo. boot repr Portersfield rd .••.•. ··· here ts Har_vey's yard ···
Hepworth J. & Son Limited, 3 Blomfield Fredk.Wm.btchr 8r Punchard Arth. fishmongr 31 Edw~rds Elhs 'Ym· baker
clothiers 5 Watts Arthur, baker BaxterHenryJas.(Hillside) ···here ts St. P_aul s avenue ...
BuRLINGTON BUILDINGS: 9 Powley Mrs. M. wardrobe llarwell Edric John Hay- 33 Edwar~s ElhsWm.shopkpr
Stnbbs' Mercantile Offices dealer ward (Evening Hill) ··•· ·· here t.~ Barrack st ••· ···
(Stubbs Limited) 13 Custance Geo. F. shopkpr Downing & Son, builders 47 Cubitt C~arle~, _shopkeepr
Royal Liver Friendly Society, •••... ... here is Piggs la......... EAST SIDE. . .•.••.•• here ts Wdlts st ... ··· ...
H. Hatfield, agent I5 ChurchA.rmyLabourHome 2 Warmoll Mrs WEST SIDE.
Wells Charles, financier (H. A. Day, hon. sec) 4 Fendick Charles ··• here is Webster's cou1·t ...
Norwich Christian Science I7 Gyton Willia.m Robert, 6 Wed~wooi R~v. Josiah I8 Hare John & Sons, who.
Society shopkeeper [vicar of St. B~nedict'sJ cabinet makers
... here is Lamb Inn yard ... Amiss Ry. Wm. stationer to Goug-h Mrs 2o Cowell Sydney, locksmith
4 Smith George (Norwich) ST. MARTIS"-AT-PALACE 12 Oake He"lry B. A 22 Dyke Mrs. Martha, shpkpr
Ltd. corn & flour mers I9 TowN SuB-Po:;r & M.O. 14 Norri:> Willia.m SJ.muel ··· here is St. Saviour's la ..•
2 Ling Thom1s, ironmonger Otlice 1 6 Delf Richard Ja n ~s 44 Mischief tavern, Fran::is
21 Horse Shoas P.H. · Ernest r8 Ge;>rge Wi!liam Ch.ristm'ol.s James Ro~erts
Orford street,Cattle market IIammond 20 High John Sc1m 1 ~1 52 William'l John, wholesale
to Orford hill. · coll ege cour t ...••• 24 Betts J oun
..• .•• h ere lS '- F &rl"JW cabinet maker
Bo5ton George A. house fur- 23 Skipper Charles, shopkpr 26 Betts Mrs 54 Ager George, bric:..layer
nisher &c. See ad- Roshier William & So::1, ..!8 Rudd William
vertisement builders (Chesnut place) p Laynes George S Peaco~k yard.
Boston William, pawnbroker .•• here is Chiddick's court ..• 32 l{cJbinsJn P~rcy Sae RED Lio:-< STREET.

Pelham rd. St. Clement hill. 29 Batson J. fried fish shop NORTH SIDE. . •. . . . h ere z.~
· T en B elll a .•••••
NORTH SIDE. 31 Pert Harry, boot maker ...... here is Belsize rd ...... 97 Rix Herbert
2 Bidewell Misses Grace & ...... here is Pelican yard ...... 58 Armes William Bell, 9 9 Graver Miss Amy, aparts
Katie, preparatory schl BAPTIST _CHAPEL _draughtsman . 101 Pack W. J. & Co. printers
22 Eastoe Waiter John, drapr ...... here zs Che-~·1·y Ut ...... 6o Gilbe_rt John, cashrer 103 Sell.ex Wm. Hy. coal mer
36 Button Samue!Jn.foreman 43 Cherry Tree P.JI. George ... he1·e zs jJfousehold heath ... 103 NorwichWindow &Carpet
42 Lathan James, foreman ' Robert Bussey Heartsease P.H. Thos. Green Cleaning Co
44 Batterbee Waiter 51 Base George & Sons Ltd. . 105BrundellRbt.Jn.cork cuttr
66 Wright Horace, insur. agt hardware merchants Portersfield rd. 81 Park la. II7 Beales Alex. Wm.shopkpr
70 Breeze Mrs.AliceF.plumbr ...... here is Adelaide yard ...... ...... here is A'venue rd ...... ... here is St. Benedict's alley ..
souTH SIDE. 57 Queen Adelaide P.H. Geo. I Palmer William, builder ......... he1·e is Duck la ....... ..
19 Smith Rmr. G. H. [Prim- Leonard Hudson ...... here is Warwick st ...... 131 Bull & Butcher P.H.
itive Methodist] ... here is Adelaide yard ... 47 Mickleburgh Jas. William, George Wright
33 Lincoln Miss Emily, St. Augustine's Sunday shopkeaper souTH SIDE.
teacher of music School 105 Edwards Thos.C.shopkpr ......... here is DO'IJe st ........ .
SI l\Iuskett Henry Robert 65 KirbyJn.Fras. boot manfr ...... here is Whitehall rd...... 6 Read J. J.& Son, plumbers
· . 67 Ralphs A. T.(Norwich)Ltd. 8 Bagley Charles, builder
Pembroke road,Denbrgh rd. boot machinery manfrs Portland street, '159 Un- xo Gall pen Chas.Gaunt,printr
I Garden House tavern 71 RalphF. A.& Co. boot mfrs thank road. Fire Brigade Station &
Mrs. Emily T. Wright ' 73 WatersBertie,fried fish shp EAST SIDE. Engine House (Stanley
n Stribling Mrs. L. dress ma 7S Grapes Mrs. Susannah, I Restieaux John Thompsun Shaw, chief enginee1)
13 Eddy Charles 0. manager shopkeeper 3 ArmesClement ... here i.~ Lo'1l!er Goat la ...
3 3 Larn John, corn. traveller 77 Howard James, greengro 23 Doug!as Miss Adelaide, x8 ThompsonGeo.H. confectr
35 Bestle Mrs 79 Wal~er Jn. boot~ shoe ma dress maker . Wigg E. J. & Son, forge
37 Laws Frank ... here ts Cattermoul s yard ... 59 Fuller Henry, pamter ... her~ is Upper Goat la ...
39 Stebbing Arthur Edward, BI Cullum Robt.Fredk. grocer WEST SIDE. 22 Rudd Geo. tinplate workr
commercial traveller WEST SIDE. 56 Duge Horace Edgar 24 Friends' Class Room &
4I Moore Charles J. G I PILLAR LETTER Box 90 Richer William, g:ocer MISSION RooM
43 Berryman James ... he1·e is St. Mary's alley ... I04 CobyChas. Wm.msur.agt 26 Kemp Miss May, prepara-
SS Roberts Arthur, plumber 8 Carey Albert, confectioner tory school
... herP. is Blakeley's yard ... Pottergate street, M~dder· 30 Ransome Saml. Jas.mangr
Philadelphialane,Aylsham 12 & 14 Mann WilliamCharles, market to Grapes h1ll. 32 &Son, ~obacco mfrs
road to Angel road. boot manufacturer NORTH SIDE. ... here ts Wood Entry yard ...
WEST SIDE. is Cattln·moul's '!lard ... ST. JoH:-or's CHURCH 40 Burrow Mrs. Elizh. aparts
I Mabbutt Edward, shopkpr x6 Tuxford Ernest Willie ... here is St. John's alley ... 42 Aira~hi Louis _
3 Po~nter H~r~rt Wm. baker 1 s Murrell, Brighty & Co. 7 Harvey Ernest Robert, 44 ~arrrs Mrs. Lomsa, aparts
13 W1tard Wllham, butcher coach builders antique furniture dealer 46 Edwards Thos. shopkeeper
IS MarshallJn. Chas.shopkpr 20 Flower-in-Hand P.H. Mrs. 11 Crowe Fk.& Sons, printers ...... here is Fisher's la ......
45 \Vilde George, fishmonger Easton I3 Hough ton Miss Ethel M. 52 Walker John, trav. draper
55 l'\elson William, baker ... he1·e is St. Martin's la ... milliner 54 Curl Brothers Limited,
67 ~ elsonRobt. french polishr 28 Warren LeonardGeo. btchr IS Self Brothers, gasfitters manufacturing clothiers
93 Pratt John, cowkeeper 30 Mascall Richard, 17 Young Vi'omen's Christian 58 & 6o Clarke W.H.H. & Co.
95 Walker Wm. H. shopkpr hair dresser Association (Miss Tessa boot manutacturers
IOI Hudbud Wm. greengro 36 Lake Frederick William, . M. Hussey, sec) JENNY LIND INFIRMARY
103 Goodwin Robt. carpenter paperhanger Ig Emms Wm.Jn.ho.furnishr FOR CHILDREN (out-
PHILADELPHIA MrssroN 38 Robinson Samuel, shopkpr COTT's YARD : patient~' department)
HALL 42 MortimerE. J. lead glazier Hill Geo. Skipper, bookbinder Jenny Lmd Playground
... here is Curson's opening ... 44 Butcher Albert, coffee rms for Children
137 BayesMrs Eleanor,shpkpr 46 Moore Harry, baker 21 Emms Wm. John, draper Rud_d Robert Gray & Son,
I73 Frary~alter,greengrocer 4S Parish Jas. & Son, smiths 23 Morning Star P.H. Waiter wmemerchants
......... here zs Boston ...t ......... 48 Venimore Jas. carpenter George Kelf 92 Alma tavern, Albt. James
189 Lee Ja:mes, shopkeeper ...... here is Gilbert's ya1·d...... ST. GREGORY's CHuRcn: Dixon . .
...... he~·e u Rackhan~ rd ...... 56 Edwards & Son, shoe mfrs ... here is St. Gregory's alley ............ here ts Cow htll ... .... ..
It}l' Earl Claude, shopkeeper ss & 6o Greengrass Harry 25 R,1we Mrs.Louisa,herbalist 94 Cl~rkeMrs.MaryA.shpkpr
WALL LRTTER Box Cutler, builder ...... here is Cook's court ...... 96 Miller Waltr. Jn. boot ma.
EAST SIDE. 6o Greengrass Harry Cutler 27 & 29 Howes Jn.Jsph.buildr 98 St. Giles' Church House
14 Bishop Henry, hawker 62, 64 & 66 Lincoln Robt. boot 35 GriffithsH.&Son,plane mas ·.here are Jessamine cottages ..
I8 B~l~win Miss Rachel,lndry manufacturer ... here is PipeBurners' yard ... too Minns Edwin .
26 Vi hrte Cottage P.H. John 66A, Howlett Arth. Alfd.tailor 43 Smith Robert, shopkeeper 1o2 Jackson Mrs.Eh~h. aparts
Shorten • · 68 Hall Frederick William, ... here is Whiting's yard ... 104 Helsdon Mrs.Ed1th, dress
42 Medler & Son, bricklayers coppersmith 49 Gale Richard, shoemakers' . maker
44 Gibson Robert, laundry 70 St. George's Club & ·work- too.! dealer 106 Watts Mrs. Georgina,
54 Dawson l\liss~ester,millnr ing Girls' Home (Miss SI Queen Victoria P.H. Joseph apartr_nents
6o B~tts 'Wa~tt:r, 1nsur. agent Mary Pescod, matron) Brundell ...... here ts f?opeman st ......
72 Mmns W1lham, shopkeepr 74 Maine S~ephen, tailvr ... here is St. Lawrence la ... 122 Storey Mrsses Gertrude &
96 McNamee Peter, wardrobe 76 Smith Frdc. Wm.tobaccnst 53 Clarke Mrs. Eliza, shopkpr Ad~, dress. makers
dealer 78 Sword John, hair dresser ...... here is Baker's yard...... ... here. z.~ Wellzngton lane ....
100 Gnnn Christr. Jn. builder 8o Sutton William Isaac, 59 Makin .Fredk. Hy. tailor 13 2 Wnght Mrs. Catherme
124 Bunkell John, bricklayer picture frame maker 6I Crowe Alfred Fram~es, shopkeeper
142 Gray Edward, tins~ith 82 Easton Fredk. news agent 63 Garnham Geo. bookbinder ...... here ts Gmpes hill ......
I52 Powley Joseph, flonst 84 Lincoln Miss G. milliner NoRFOLK & NoRWICH EYE Press lane Aylsham road
!62 Betts John, shopkeeper ...... here is Winter's yard...... 1.NFIRMARY(Miss White- w· d l'be "I. •
......... h ere u. A 719e l 1·d ...... ... 86 w·mter sa ml . JUn. . b a k er h ouse, ma t ron ) 20 Itar A rt Wr ham
65 Woodcocks. J. trav.drapr 5 Ousley Frank Balls
Pipe Burners' yard. Plantation (The). ... here is Playford's court ... IO Warren Leonard George
See ST. BENEDICT's STREET & See EARLHA:'If ROAD. 67 Wilding Henry Primrose place.
ST. STEPHEN's STREET. . 73 Kennett Waiter See L'NTHANK ROAD.
. Plumstead road, Ketts hill 77 Cullino- Mrs. Elizabeth
P1tt street, Jli~uspole street to City boundary. St. M:ry Sunday School Primrose road (Thorpe
to St. Augustme s street. SOUTH SIDE. 79 Rix Robert, shoe maker Hamlet), St. Leonard's road.
EAST SIDE. .. .... here is Bri•annia rd ..... 8! Rix: ~illiam . , 4 Playle Mrs. Kate, tailoress
I Bacon Thos. & Co. grocers 19 Skelton William ... here ts Three Kzngs la ...
3 Whip & Nag P.H. 1\Irs. 2 7 Murray William Bell 85 Girls' Receiving Home Primrose street (Thorpe
Harriet Lingley 33 Spalding Franklin George (Norwichlncorporation; Hamlet), St. Leonard's road.
5 Arthe~ton Mrs. Susan 35 Ramsey James Mrs. Katherine :Miller, 5I Turner Mrs. M.L. shopkpr
Emlly, shopkeeper WALL L~TTE~ Box foster ~other) 32 Richardson H. insur. agnt
17 Clabburn Edwin, plumber ......... here zs Pnson rd ........ 89 Cross Abrathar,motor gar-
19 DunnRonald,furn.remover Edwards Edward J. road age & motor engineer Prince of Wales rd. Castle
2I Kirby John Francis contractor & gravel & 91 Saul William meadow to Thorpe road •
...... here is Ely's yard ...... stone merchant 93 Bales Waiter, whitesmith SOUTH SIDE.
27 Harris Mrs. Richanda, II9 Jolley Herbert :Matthew, 93 Bales Frederick William Agricultural Hall,
~Shopkeeper manager toE.J.Edwards,gs Martin Misses K. H. Fielding-, sec
Norfolk & Norwich Agri- 75 Howard Arthur S. house 34 Spain l'l"an Scott L.D.S .... he1·e is Mandell's cou1·t ...
culturalHallCo.Limited, furnisher &c. See ad· Eng. dental surgeon qA, Plowright Wm. Cremer,
K. H. Fielding, sec vcrtisement 36 Hornor Charles Jared,land antique dealer
........ he1·e is Crown rd ........ 77 MarchesiErminio,confctnr agent &c r6 Sutton & Co. carriers,
GE~ERAL PosT OFFICE, RAILWAY MrssroN HALL 38 Fox Herbert James L.D.s. Joseph Jefferies, nmgr
James Nathaniel Foot, 81 Norwich Dairy Supply Co Eng., dental surgeon 18 Spalding Jn. french polshr
postmaster 83 Fredman Alex. confectnr 38 Gritfin John, dentist here is Plumbers Arrns alley
......... here is King st ......... 85 UennisGeo.china&glass dlr 40 Carlton Hotel (The) (Mrs. 20 Turner Albt. carriage bldr
1 Beaufort P.H.Robt.Fulcher 87 Dennis George, grocer J.E.Dennes, proprietrss) ...... here is Mousers yard ......
3 Uirling J. & H. coal mers EASTBOURNE PLACE: 42 Gillett Richard William 22 Brett Reginald Daines,
3 \Vallace Thos.auctionr.&c -4 BaxterMrs.Alice,hair drssr L.n.s.Eng. dentist greengrocer
3 Gunnel! George Herbert, '5 Morris Waiter William 44 Taylor Sidney Johnson 24 Weights &MeasuresOffice,
trade valuer &c ...... here m·e ]ffountergate st. M.B., c.M.Edin. ophthal- A. Robinson, inspector
3 General (The) Traders' cJ Rose la......... mic surgeon 26 Chapman Miss Mabel,
Association, Morris Geo.&Sons,carriage 46 County Court (F. W.Cooke dress maker
Thos. ·wallace, manager & motor car builders M.A. registrar & high ... here is Tombland alley ...
s1\Iann, Egerton& Co. Ltd. Morris Wait. Wm.cycledlr bailiff; Robt.H.Butolph ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH
motor car engineers. 93 Rice 0. H. & Sons, buildra chief clerk) SOUTH SIDE.
See advertisement 95 Chaplin William, butcher 46 High Court of Justice(Dis- 3 Newman Mrs. Fanny,
9 Causton Mrs. E. servants' 97 BuckenhamWm. tobaccnst trict Registry) (F. W. boarding house
registry office 99 Rosati Thomas, fruiterer Cooke M.!., registrar) 5 LowueRd. teacher of music
9 Causton Ebenezcr John, 101 l\'Iatthews William Gibbs, 46 Theobald George Edward, 7 Silby Mrs. Sarah Main,
accountant fishmonger auctioneer & valuer corset maker
11 Davies HughChris.solicitor ro3 Sullivan Arthur, confctnr 4-8 Williams Mrs ...... he1·e is Red well st ......
11 Norwich Corn Exchange ws Raven & Wright, boot & 50 Wright Thomas James CoNGREGATIONAL CHURCH
Co. Limited (Hugh shoe makers M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P. & Lecture Hall
Christophr. Davies, s~c) 107 RiceJethroJobn,news agt r.ond.,F.R.C.s.Edin. srgn 11 Lacey William, baker
IIA, Heck Charles Smedley, 109 Nattrass Mark, eating ho 52 Turner Vivian Eustace 13 Eastern Sports Co. cricket
architect he1·e are Foundry Rrid,qe lild,qs L.D. s.Eng. dentist &c. manufacturers
IIA, Buckingham Claude S. Great Eastern hotel, William 54 Beverley Michael M. n Junior Institute (C. E. Y.
P.A.S.I.architect&survyr Blyth sa Freeston Herbt. yeast mer M. S)
IIA, Crowe Fk. Bowen, auctnr ......... he1·e is Thorpe rd ... ........... .... here is Wales sq......... Model School
IIB, Stone F. A. & Sons,tailrs NORTH SIDE. 6o Norfolk Dairy Farmers' 15 Thorndick & Dawson Bros.
13 Keith & Smith,land agents Royal hotel(Royal Hotel.Nor- Association (The) printers
13 Eastern Counties Shooting wich, Limited) (Henry 62 Pyke Jn. temperance hotel rg Rushmer Robert Charles,
Agency (Kcith & Smith) Lewis Clark, mana!er) 64 Back's Limited, wine & registrar of births &
13 Howes Wm.& Co.Ltd.cycle ... . here is Uppe1· King st . ... spirit m~rchants deaths for East Wymer
factors CITY CHAMBERS: 66 Juler Miss Annie, ladies' .
15 Fuller Mrs. E. M. milliner Commercial Union Assurance hair dresser Pr1son road, Plum stead rd.
15 Hill & Perks, solicitors Co.Limited(Eastern brnch) 68 Lambert S. H. & Co. motor Fiddy Donald A. beer retailer
15 TenantFarmers'Protection Joseph 'Valter J. solicitor &c. agents. See ad- His Majesty's Prison,
.Association Limited, East Anglian General Agency, vertisement Maj. V. A. M.Fowler,govnr
E. E. Peele, sec Wm. H. Thorold, mangr 70 Dunt Mrs.Edwd.costumier Prospect place.
17 Bignold, Pollarcl & Wilson, 72 Duke of Connaught P.JI. See HoRN's LANE.
solicitors 8 Prince of Wales hotel, Samuel Fi~h
17 Norwich Diocesan Trust, Nelson Young Bell ...... here is Cathedml st ...... Quak.era' lane, 47 St. Mar-
John E. T. Pollard, sec 8 Norfolk & Norwich Kennel 74 & 76 Dawson Wm. Thorn- tin's lane.
17 Pilling Chas. E. solicitor Club (Nelson Y. Bell, dick, chemist GILDENCROFTMEETINGHOUSE
17 Norfolk & Norwich Horti- hon. sec) v6 Norwich 1\'urses' Bureau,
culturalSociety, 10 Snelling Wm. tobacconist Wm. Thorndick Daw- Quayside, 21Wensumstreet
Chas.E.Pilling, hon.sec 12 Church & Co. florists son, sec to Bedding lane.
17 Sewell&Brereton,land agts 14 Langley & Co. toy dealers 78 Lowther-Dove Adolphus, Allen Sidney Granger,
19 Levine Reuben, dealer in r6A, Swedish Gymnasium, turkish baths &c corn &c. merchant
antiques MissM.Green, p-:'itlcipal 8o Crook Arth. M.R.C.S.Eng., 5 Waterfield Wm. registered
2I Flanders Fred, cycle depot x6 Hall H. E. &Co.mntor agts L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon lodgin"' house
23 & 25 Albert Commercial r8A, Norfolk & Suffolk In- 84Howes&Sons,carriage bldrs ... here is C~ck <f Pie 11 ard ...
hotel (T. Seago,proprtr) fantry Brigade Terri- 86 Labour Exchange (Board 8 New Star P.H. William
27 Taylor (Garrett) & Co. torial Force (head quar- of Trade) (lieorge A. Walte:r Bloom
estate agents & valuers. ters); commanding, Greig-, manager) Life Buoy & Drag Station
See advertisement Col. R. Bayard n.s.o. ; 88 Wells Harry, agt ......... here is Piggs la ...: ... _
29 Puncher Mrs brigade-major, Major 0". go Chandler George, grocer Municipal &hool
33 Cooper (Nelson) & Cooper, Molyneux-Montgomerte 92 Newhouse H. & Co. Ltd.
land agents &c IBA, Montgomerie Miss M. M. tourisc office Quebec road (Thorpe Ham-
35 Cullingford Mrs artist 94 Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre let), 55 St. Leonard'a road.
37 Hales Mrs r8A., Wilkinson&Co. phtgphrs Co. Limited RIGHT siDE.
39 to 43 Proudford Charles, rB-22 Austin {The) Motor Co. ALEXANDRA MA~srons: 1 Brittain George, baker
Waterloo temperance htl Ltd. motor car mfrs. &c. 5 Read Thomas Matthews 17 Sexton M:rs
45 Holmes' Typewriter Co See advertisement 7 Bond Charles Frederick 21 Vr'illiment Mrs
47 Briault M.L.&H.G.tailors 20 Woodrow (J,) & Rudd(K.) 8 Arnold Harry H 23 Segger Alfred Hitting
49 Drake Fredk. J. temper- (Misses), teachers of ...... here is Primrose rd ......
ance hotel music, "Greyfriars" g5 King T. C. R. & Sons, 25 Harvey Arthur Willie
51 Willmott Bros. cycle agnts music studios. See sanitary engineers &c. 27 Todd Mrs
55 Dye Alfred George, tailor advertisement See advertisement 29 Goffin James, bootmaker
57 Willmott Bros. motor engrs 24 & 26 King (Wall ace) Ltd. .. . ... here is St. Faith's la ... .. .. .... here is Tele!J"aph la ......
59 Curtis Edwd.Geo. tobccnst complete house furnish- Prince of Wales' Palace, pie- Water Works
61 Platten Arthur, fruiterer ers &c. SGe adver- ture theatre, 39 Burrows Bertie, shopkpl'
...... here is St. Vedast st...... tisoment George Bell, manager 45 Cubitt Matthew,hair drssr
63 Howard, Hudson & Co. 28 Rust Caleb Henry, manu- Automobile (The) Association 81 Meadows James, boot repr
electrical engineers mental mason & Motor Union 97 Quebec tavern, Jn. Carter
63A, Ellis 30 Cullington Miss Laura S. Motor (The) Union Insurance ......... here is lVolfe rd ........ .
·65 Marr & Co. phot-ographers dress maker Co. Limited 99 Fiddaman T. J. fishmngr
65A,BayneAlfd.jun.watchma 32 Langfords Ltd. confectnrs :FouNDRY BRIDGE: 103 Watling George, butcher
67 Bland Arthur Charles, 32 Watson & Everitt, solicitrs Norfolk Railway House P.H. Pn"LAR LETTER Box
surgical appliance ma 32 Forrester James Brown, Geo. Francis Sillwood 111 BygraveMrs.G.O.shopkpr
6g Collins' Agency Limited, land agent . LEFT SIDE.
servants' registry office 32 Norfolk Chamber of Agri- Pnnces st. from St. George 2 Bullard Arth schoolmstr
71 Bousfield William Harker, culture, street to Tombland. 4 Hind Frank C
building & quantity J. B. Forrester, sec NORTH SIDE. ... ...... here is Teleg1·aph la. if
surveyor. See ad- 32 SeottWalt.motor specialist 2 King J. & J. Ltd. painters Wolfe rd ........... ~
vertisornent 34 Spain John Sedgewick 4 King George Alfred ro6 Bond J. W.&Sons1 grocers
73 Measures John William, L.D.S.R.c.s.Edin. dental is Elm hill ......... n8 Senior Alid. Hy. wheelwt
ladies' tailor surgeon ST. PETER'S HuNGATR CH 122 ChettleburghJames,cartr

Queen street, from Hank 82 Hilling Miss Amelia,apar 161 KendleMissHarriet,nurse 13 Rosson C. S. & Co.gun mas
plain to Tom bland. 92 Howorth Mrs ...... here is Gordron rd ...... 15 Tacon &Cowell,nurserymn
SOUTH SIDE. 98 Shaw Mrs 169 Pye George Joseph 17 Spot Cash Tailoring Co
1 Bank Plain hotel George 100 Patrick 'Villiam 177 Payne Robert ... here ts Cartwright's court ..•
Gundry White' 104 Jenkinson Arthur James 183 Miller Francis Thomas 19A, Routh Norfolk Unionist
Robertson & Colman 106 Chandler George 18.') BarnesWalt.tchr.ofmusic Association (Christopher
upholsterers ' 108 Holmes Miss 191 Thnrlow Ambrose M. Thornton, agent)
5 Todhouse & Co. military 110 Barley Jo~n RJbert 193 Watling Charles Fredk 19 Goose & Son, printers &c
U.ilors 112 Platten M1sses 195 Larnder George 19 Norwich Diocesan Church
5 Downes Harry & Co. 114 Jackson George
ladies' tailors u6 Reynolds Mrs
'197 Hewett Edwin, printer Committee
205 Nelson William, fruiterer 19 Norwich Diocesan Associ-
7 Forster Waiter, apartmnts n8 Saunders Willi~m R. P. 207 Cricketers'

Rest P. H. ation of Schools

9 Smith RobertGeorge tailor teacher of music j Alfred .s~.owers 19 Norwich Diocesan Gazette
11 Payne Jsph.solicitors''clerk r2o Watkinson Miss Kate,, ......... here z.~ Hall rd ..•...... 19A, Johnson H. A. & Co.
NORTH SIDE. apartments '209 "Woods Thomas, tmplate hard ware factors
ST. MICHAEL AT PLEA 122 Ilarris Mrs. Gertrude M. worker 21 CockrillHoraceWm.millnr
CHURCH • apartments 2II Burrow Fredk. watch ma 23 & 23 Snellings,confctnrs.&c
2 Haldinstein P.& Sons shoe 126 Garnham Mrs 217 Hood Alex. Edwd.outtittr Bunting Arthur & Co. Ltd.
manufacturers ' 128 King Archie ... here is Kensington. 1'ow ... drapers (St. Stephen's
OLIJB.ANK oFENGLAND COURT: 130 Burrow Richard 219 Howe Edward,shopkeeper corner)
Hornor J<"rancis & Son 132 Wright E. R 221 Sommerville Miss Emma,
land a~ents ' 134 Harper Alfred H. T shopkeeper Raven yard.
Barrett Legh stock &share 136 Furness Mrs 223 MillerFras.Thos.fishmngr See KING STREET.
broker ' r38 Hammond ::\-Irs 229 Miller Fras. Thos. butcher Recreation road, 168
Culley Fred. s. & Co. char- 144 Thorns Frank 231 ClarkMrs.R.E.tobacconist Earlham road.
tered accountants r48 Jenkinson Jas. rate collctr 235 Rose tavem,Rchd.Nichols
1 Sutton Arthur D
Norwich Steam Laundry & r5o Barl?w Robert 3 Bullen William Spratt
Baths Co. Limited 154 Aldr1ck Mrs Rackham road, Philadel-
Mason's Laundry Limited 156 Springfiel~ Harmer Wm. phia lane. 5 Pye Harry
Cromer Steam Laundry commercml traveller 9 Bacon MissViolet,dress ma 7 Smith Barry
Co. Limited 158 Bradfield Mrs CATTON MISSION CHURCH C. E. Y. M. S. Recreation
NorfolkBroadsYachtingCo. 16o E_llwood Robert C
Limited boat builders r62 Flddy Horace Raglan street, 23 Dereham Red Lion st. St. Stephen's
(Fred ~·. Culley, sec.). 164 Critten Frank . road to Lothian street. street to Orford place.
Sea advertisement r66 Snowden J n. Chnstopher 5 Clarke Wilbam, bricklayer EAST SIDE.
Yare & Bure Sailing Club l68 Dye Willia~ Parker . 8 Ong Joseph, insur. agent I Peacock P.H. Chas. Noble
Board man Edward & Son, 170 Bullock M1ss Mar10n, ...... here is Peacock yard ..•..•
architects dress maker Railway st. r46 lleigham st. make William, sweep
Norwich Consolidated 172 Bradshaw Mrs. Ellen, Rix William. boot maker (Peacock yard)
Charities(SydneyCozens- hardware dealer 28 Downes John Hy. hawker 3 Coach & Horses P.H. Mrs.
Hardy LL.B. clerk) ......... here are Sur1"e'lf st. St. Mary A. lice Seppings
Bullimore & Bullimore Catherine'splain o/linket .~t Rampant Horse street, Holmes John, shopfitter
chartered accountants ' 194 St. Catherine's New inn, Theatre st.toSt.Stephen's pin. 5 & 7 Norfolk & Norwich
Norwich&Norfolk Temper- Edward Saunders NORTH SIDE. Savings Bank,
ance&GenP.ralPermanent 196 Wilson Orson Boswell, 2 Page George, secondhand Wm. J. Johnson, sec
Benefit BuildinO' Society chemist bookseller CoMMERCIAL CHAMBERS :
b '
Thos.BullimoreF.C.A.sec 2oo James Sydney 4 Adams Robert, tobacconst 9 L'lrking & Larking, accnts
10 Duncan Mrs. Charlotte, 202 BushJames Gapp, manu- 6 King Benjamin Godbold; 9 Norwich Incorporated
fruiterer mental mason emigration agent Chamber of Commerce,
CATHOLICAPOSTOLICCHAPL 204 Howard Leonard, fish- 8 Aldous Albert Richard, Charles Larking, sec
monger secondhand bookseller 9 Legal & General Life
Queen's road. 208 Thompson Wm. Jubilee, 10 NickallsJn.china&glass dlr Assurance Society (Lar-
EAST SIDE. cycle dealer lOA, Elmer Reuben, dairymn king & Larking,res.secs)
2 Curson George 2 IO Mann Mrs. John, draper 12 Saving Stamp Co 9 Norwich Credit Drapers'
6 Whitbread George 2I2 Oakes Ernest, hair dressr 14 Taylor Arth.H.C. com.agt Association,
xo Mullarkey John Albert, 214 Brown Wm. Hy. corn dlr r4 Norfolk & Norwich Trien- Charles Larking, sec
rate collector ·····• here is Alder son's st ••• nial Musical Festival, 9 Norwich & District
12 Mitchell John 216 Woods Henry, baker Arth.H.C.Taylor,asst.sec Butchers' Association,
14 Goodings MissSarah,nurse 218 Varvel_MissLily,dress ma 14 Norfolk & Norwich School Charles Larking, sec
I6 A-ndrews Rbt.Edwd.aparts 230 IIutchmA.lexanderHarry, of Music Limited, 11 Underwood Typewriter Co
r8 Jones Miss watch maker Arthur H. C. Taylor, sec r3 StandleyHarryP.I>I.R.C.v.s.
20 Alden Mrs.Agnes,servants' 232 Yallop Mrs. Alice, fruitr r4 Norwich IIospitals Sunday veterinary surgeon
registry otlice 236 Thorpe Bros. boot makrs &Saturday Funds,Arth. 15 Cricketers' Arms P.H.
24 Cooper George 240 &242 DaveyJn.Alfd.drapr H. C. Taylor, acting sec William Attoe, jun
26 Mannings Mrs 244 Pheasant Cock P.H. Mrs. r4 Dis1rict Visiting Society, rg Jones A. I. & Co. Limited,
28 Yallop Mrs Hannah Miles Arthur H. C. Taylor, tobacconists
32 Hook Benjamin Joseph WEST SIDE. acting sec 21 Alien Sidney, hair dresser
34 Spinks William Victoria Station G.E.R. Goods 14 Sadd & Bacon, solicitors ANLlHOR BUILDINGS :
36 Vickery Mrs Yard r4 H.:M. Inspectors of Fac- 23 Clabburns, solicitors
38 King Charles Builders' Direct Supply Co. tories . & Workshops 23 Counties & General In-
40 Smith Mrs builders' merchants (Thomas C. Taylor,dist. surance Co. Limited
42 Boyce Edward William ......... here is GrO'Ve rd......... inspector; Chas. Edwd. 23 Universal Syndicate (The)
44 Bird Ernest 89 Girling- J. & H. coal mers Whitelaw, inspector & (Harold F. Mair-Clem-
46 Mills George 93 Norwich Co-operative So- Davirl Kerr, assistant ents, manager)
48 Read James Arthur ciety Limited, coal msrs inspector) 23 Post Office Sectional En-
so Spratt James 97 Moy Thos. Lim. coal mers, 14 Sadd &Watson,auctioneers gineers' Office (Fred
.52 Grimble Samuel 111 Head Philip & Son, coal r6 Aldous & Co. picture frame S. Parkinson, engineer)
54 Ward H. Edwd. cab propr merehauts makers
58 Warren Mrs 113 Howard Robert John, ......... hel'e is Brig_q st ......... 25 Orford Arms Commercial
6o Pike M!ss Elizh. aparts wheelwright r6 Rbaw Henry & Co. tailors hotel,Harry Jspb. Ivory
62 Gower Mrs ......... he1·e i.~ Ashby st ......... r8 Fuller & Co. Lim. chemists ...... hel'e is Orford hill .....•
-64 Cork Mrs 125 Gill William Brooke Curl Brothers Lim.drapers WEST SIDE.
66 Howard-Mattock Mrs 127 Stevens 0. W Green George, hosier &c 2 Colmau H. P. & Co. fur-
'68 Lame Dog P.H. Wm.Cooke 129 Long Charles Colman H. P. & Co. whole- nishing ironmongers &c .
•••.••.•• here is Surrey st... ...... PRIMITIVE METHODIST sale & retail iron m on- See advertisement
70 Fowler William, coal mer CHAPEL gers. See advertise- 4 Green George, hosier &c
72 Carrington Mrs r55 Scarles Brothers, builders ment 6 Boughton Harry, fishmgr
74 Gowen Josiah Thomas, Bennett &Dickerson,chair SOUTH SIDE. 8 Lambert 1<'. & Son L1mited,
professor of music makers ST. SrEPHEN'S CHURCH tobacconists
J6 Plummer Henry Payne Robert, coach bldr here is St.Stephen's Church la 10 Olley Justice Norman,
78 Ramsbottom Leonard Shreeve Edward, mineral 11 Cooke James & Son,artists' watch maker
8a Wyatt Arthur water manufacturer colormen .••... here is 01jord pl ..•.••
:Redwell etreet, Bank plain' :a I Hullard Richarcl, horse dlrl I4I Burns William Inglis, 8o Matthews Mrs. William
to Princes street. 22 Casey William commercial traveller Gihbs, fishmonger
I Bullard Arnold Robert, 23 Rowarth Horace Frank Rosary Cemetery, 82 Grix Willi<J.m Limited, re·
hair dresser :l4 Readwin Miss T. G. Rndd, supt freshment rooms
1 Row Charles, solicitor 25 Col by Miss WEST SIDE.
I East Anglian Game Pro- 26 Legge Miss ......... her~ is Rivt!T side ... ... Rose yard.
tection Society, 27 Broad Miss H 6 Savory Wm. piano tuner See ST. AUGUSTINE's STREET.
Charles Row, sec 28 Tench Mrs 8 Mulliner Louis John, c\erk •
2 Scottish Provident Insti- ......... here is Ferry 1·d ......... Morgan Rev. Evan Ch<>rles Rosebery road Angel road
tution, 29 Ramsay John Joseph M.A. (Vicarage) to St Cleme~t's hill
Sydney Rose", local sec 32 Pike James Wm. boot ma ST. MATTHEw's CHURCH · ·
2 Royal Nor folk Veterans' 34 En~ land Wm. ArLh. cashier ... here is St. ~.'Ifatthtw' s rd ... SOUTH SII>E.
Association (Lieut. S. A ....... heJ·e is Lollm·d's rd ...... Norwich Co-operative Society 103 RichardsonAlfred Ernest,
Howard R.E. hon. sec) 39 Gunn Fredk. Limited grocer
...... here is Clement cmo·t.. .... 41 Chapman Edwin, clerk .... hn-e is Chalk Hill rd .... NORTH SIDE.
3 Hunter & I<'ielding auctnrs 54 Recruiting Office (Navy & PILLAR LETTER Box 12 Quin_ton Ernest Herbert,

3 Wheeler l''rancis 'Darken Marines) (Color-Sergt. 82 Rackbam William 2

K ~a~~~bt Ch . t
M.A., LI•. D. private tutor John Miller) 84 Glendenning Mrs 3 umg M 0
· 5 A d M A · h · d
ere zs Rose yar ...... 80 B k NITED ETHODIST HRCH
3 Sutton F. & Co. vetermary 5 n erson rs. nme, ...... M E L
chemists wardrobe dealer 86 Wickham John shopkeepr adr er l'!lk. · mma ·
3 S utton F,ranc1s, . ana l ytiC. al SOUTH EAST SIDE. '·r·Iss (B ar'bary cot )
F.1eld •' M ress
11 tt Jma h er h k
chemist BISHOP BRIDGE: 86A, ·wickhamJohn,hair drssr 9 ah e. . . ~n, 8 op deeper
3 Button William Lincolne, CorporationWeighingMachine 90 SoftleyJames, insur. agent .....L. edJ e tsR orbeman. rta ......
t. 1 h . B. h B .d . h . R t 94 or ose ry vern,
1 ~~-~ op . r1 ge mn, Samuel .... W.. ere zWs _ o ~ary er ......
92 a 11 ace 11 1 tarn
a nHa y 1ca_ c efm1st dl William Thomas C:we
4 & 8 ury treo. urn. r morr1s 1,. . D · d Will" ·
6 City Arms P.H. Mrs. Hobrough James & Son, con- 96 Newman George, builder ro4 :aa;;.c t a~l
Theresa May Watson tractors See adver- roo Wilkinson Wm. hairdrssr 2 8 R me mMa: er Ad
General Assurance Cor- tiaern~nt I02 Marjoram Jsph. shopkpr I Jayner d Isses k a &
porat10n· L"tmtte. d, R amsayBrothers,fel1mongers. ro4 "'h" .. It eJ n. Ed w d -~a b propr 140 Gough enny,Fred ress ma ers
L. C. Besant, res. sec See advertisement 106 Abbott Hy. furmtre. bro
... here is St. Andrew st ... II2 Stone Jas. Wm. greengro Rosemary lane 9 St M '
8 & 4 Bury Geo. furniture dlr Leach & Son, oilmen R 1 K t t t plain ' · ary s
9 Cox Geo. commission agt ose . ane, mg s ree o . ·.
IO Flood Hy. Harford, tailor Ropemaker's row, from Prmce of Wales road. . .. here tS Cm·twnghts yard ...
... ... here is Ch 1LJ·ch alle 11 ••• ... Drayton road sOUTH SIDE. 13 Brett Robt. wardrobe dealr
Mapes Marshall H. w. chapel IQ Powle'' Arth boot ~epairer 3 Lambert Joh~B.photogphr R 13 f s th ll d
keeper .J • 5 Playford Dav1d, baker ow , rom ou we r •
R d ( h IS Fletcher Jas. jun.confectnr I3 Snelling Thomas,fishmngr
Rhod.a terrace. ~sary r .. T orpeHamlet), ...... here is Turner's sq ......
See AYLSHAM ROAD. Bishop bndge to Thorpe rd. Boulton & Paul Limited, Rowingtonroad, Southwell
EAST SIDE. horticultural builders&c. roa.d.
Rising Sun lane, Golden I King's Arms P.H. Alfred (Rose Lane works) WEST SIDE.
Ball street to Scales green. William Bell ...... here is Boultrm st ...... I Saunders Mrs
SOUTH SIDE. 3 Tidman~.~Sons,~ngineers 25 Princess of. Wales P.H. I I Hanton Harry James
I Thorne Harry,hair dresser 5 Row~ Will!am,hair dresser Henry Smith I3 Cnilvers Mrs
3 RandallJas. Wm.greengro 7 Evenmg Gun P.H. James 33 Robertson Hugh, house 21 Inglis Thomas
...... he1·e is Chittock's et...... . Pond decorator 23 Parker George
5 Mann Thos. A.lex. printer City Football Grounds 39 Gooch Geo.Huckle,tobcnst 23 Parker Fredk. insur. agent
7 SadlerMrs.A.pork butcher 13 Read Geo.Gray, cab propr 4I Free Trade P.H. Samuel :lS Blackburn George Fredk
9 Leman William George, 19 Mumford Mrs H. H~rstead 27 Woodrow Charles Edward
wardrobe dealer Thompson H. & Sons Ltd. ... ... here zs St. John st ... ... EAST SIDE.
IS & 1 g Land Frederick, tinplate workers (Chalk 43 Ward Edgar, butcher 2 WhitrodThos.Henry,tailo-r--
shopkeeper &c Hill works) 45 Thompson Mrs. Hannah,
I 7 Lee Henry, baker Sr Norwich City FootballClub apartments Royal araade, 24 The Walk •
...... here is ,_'-,"'Jwl'tens yard...... Ltd. (J.B.Stansfield,sec) 47 Ecclestone Alfred, aparts
2I Anchor P.H. Robert 55 Bas,kell Harry R. grocer 49 CrookArthurM.R.C.S.Eng., I Bullen Benjamin,watch ma
Herbert Barker Sexton James & Son, van L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon I Ranson Albert, tstock &
NORTH SIDE. b m"Id ers ... h eJ·e ts· W at son ' s bldgs ... share broker. See ad~
18 & IS Land Frederick, 59 Jay Joscph, parish clerk 57 Sowter Mrs.Maria,boot ma vertisernent
pamter &c 73 Cocks · M.1ss ...... h ere ts· ueaII l s bldgs ...... 2 Pfob & Krumm,hair drssra
20 Hales Mrs. Sophia, fried 75 Sulivan Alfred 59 Revell John, tailor 2 Boston Waiter, boot maker
fish dealer 77 Spalding. Sons&Co. buildrs 63 The Express Train P.H. 3 Shapley & Co. confectionrs
... heTe is St. LeonaJ·d's rd ... James Gillingwater 4 & 5 TheLouvre,fncy.drprs
Rising Sun row. 79 Johnson Mrs ... here is Bloomsbury pl ... 6 & 7 Hallam John William,
83 Evans Miss 65 Gowen ArthurJohn, baker fine art dealer
See HORACE STREET. 85 Thomas Percival Jas. trav Bostock &Fitt,skating rink 8 Lambert F.& Son Limited,
87 Rix Mrs. Susan ... here is Mountergate st ... tobacconists
River Side road (Tl1orpe 89 Hardy Arthur \Valter NORTH SIDE. 9 & 10 Townsen d u.lilliam
Hamlet), Thorpe road to Rudd Walter Randall (The 2 A. very W. & T. Ltd. scale Charles, hosier
Bishop bridge. Mount) & weighing mactine mas rr Irish & Scottish Linen
NORTH-WEST SIDE. Crook Mrs. (Mount cot) 4 Foyson Robt. B. carpenter Warehouse Co.
I Steward J obn, tailor Crook & \Vest, nurses ... here is Greyfriars rd ... 12 Daniels Bros. Lim.seedsmn
2 William3 Charles (Mount cottage) 28 Slaughter Alfred, shopkpr 13 Serre Achille Ltd.dyers &c
3 Pickford Thomas ... he1·e is IVickham's yard ... 30 Hammond Mrs. Sarah, 14 Shapley & Co tea rooms
4 Parr Mrs. Lilian, registry 95 Wickham Mrs. Laura, greengrocer I4 Telephone Call Office
office for servants beer retailer 36 Cannell Albert, shopkeeper 17A, Public Bicycle Store,
5 Hooper Mrs. Mary, aparts ............ here are Rosary yard ...... he1·e is .lJiaidstone rd...... JohnHy.Pipe,attendnt.
6 Fuller Stephen,apartments o/ Hinde's ter ...... 38 Roberts ~Irs.A.fancy drapr 18 & 19 Hudson Ernest, tailor
...... here is Aspland rd ...... II9 Bugg MissMartha,drssma 44 Broad water Mrs 20 Gal pin Miss Gertrude, toy
8 Cox Thomas Percy I2I Hawkin Rei'. Thomas 48 London R. J. ladies' tailor dealer
9 Yelf Thomas Harry [Catholic Apc.stolicJ so Osborne Miss :\Iary Ann, 21 Gri!'llwade W. H. & Co.
Io Johnson Charles Henry 121 Hawkin Misses Ethel & apartments , piano dealers
...... here is Chalk Hill rd...... Mabel, teachers of music 52 Wigg Ed ward John & Son, Arcade Billiard Rooms,
I 1 Thouless Waiter I23 Riches Miss Alice, a parts livery stable proprietors Wm. J. Lewis, manager
I2 Dawson Harry I25 Royston Mrs Fitt I<'rederick Wm. furni- 22 Adams F. Aylwyn D.B.O.A.
I4 Coils PercyR.comcl.travllr 129 HemplemanWernerJohn, ture remover LOnd. eye specialist
15 Honchin Charles, clerk traveller ...... here is St. Vedast st ...... 23 Brant'fhos. fancy goods dir
16 Kidd Hayward Thompson ...... here is Hill House rd ...... 6o Hewett Wm. insur. agent 24 Arcade Stores P.H. Ernest
18 Jones George 137 Poock Miss Emma Sarah 162 Morris Miss Bullard
... here is St. Matthew's rd ... Constance,tchr.of music'64 B~nks Isaiah Fenth:~m,
I9 Press Edward Kenneth 139 Wilkinson Mrs watch maker Royal Oak yard.
20 Adlam William James ......... here is Ethel rd ......... 74 Downing Charles See ST. AuGUSTINE's STREET,

Rupert st.(SouthHeigham)', 88 Rose tavern, William Briggs Rev1 George Wal~ 69 HowardHy.Edwd.fishmngr
continuation of Vauxhallst. Hollidge lace M. A. ~vicar of St. 6gA, Boyce Bertie Wilfroo,
'lf.o Gloucester street. 88A, Land Bros. corn mers An drew's] tobacconist
souTH-EAST SIDE. . ••.•• her~ is Cambridge st...... Briggs Rev. William 7I Alien George, grocer
1 Delf Frederick Richard & n6 Gurney David, undertakr Arthur M.A. fcurate of 73 Burton Chas. hair dresser
Sons, grocers . r32 Spilling Mrs. M. shirt ma St.. Andrew-'s 75 Tillett James, shopkeeper
IA, Larke R N. clothier . · "4 Clough Mrs.Mary,confctnr WEST SIDE.
IA, Ames l<'redk. watch repr Rlfssell Bt. 8o Devonshire st. Girls' Model School ··'·- ha-e is GiLd en croft ......
~ Scott Sidney Rt.shopkeepr NORTH-WEST SIDE. Electric Theatres (rgoS) ST. AuGUSTINE'~ CauRCH
5 Butcher George, picture I Durrant Robt.Hy. shopkpr Limited, Cinematogaph 22 Easton Thomas, greengro
frame maker I Cossey Albert E.jun. baker Theatre 24 Braxell E. Arthr. watch ma
7 CookH.E.&Son, watch mas 3I Bacon Hy. Wm. brass fndr Pickfords Ltd. earriers 28 BellMrs.Georgina,dressma
9 Jacobs'fhos.C.pOTk butchr 43 PlumsteadMrs.Ann,shopkr (3 Victnria Hall bldgs) · 30 Wine Coopers' Arms P.H.
n BrookBWm.Cooper,draper 8I Oakes Albt.Edwd. shopkpr ... here is Bridewell alley ••· William Cooper
J,iJU'l.JUr~ is Chapel st ........ 1. . s.ou~H-EAST'' SIJ?H- ST. ANJ?REw's CHU'R~H . here is Wine Cooper~' Arms yrd
13 Frost Sydney,coffee rooms 4 Sm1thhedk. Wm.msur.agt ... her~ 1.S St. Andrew I htll,.•. 3:J Easton & Camplmg, prin~rs
19- Witleman. Alfred, chimney ST. BARNABA8 CHURCH 34 Palmer Frank Edwm,
sweep 42 Goodings Mrs. Amelia, St. Andrew's Hall plain. watch maker &c
.u Miidleton Albert, pork shopkeeper. St. Andrew's Hall (Orlando 36 Nichols B_rothers, bakers
butcher- 52 Hamment Ismah, shopk pr Os borne Snelling, hall kpr) ·•• ...... here lS Susse;;c st., ... : ...
23 Middleton Albert,greengro 56 Plumstead Mrs.Ann,ward- Kent Ernesli Alfred B.A. 42 SussexArmsP.H. Fredenck
u7 Markbam Edwd.bair drssr tobe dealer ' soli::itor Samuel ~'htchell
~7A, ScottP.B.&Co.ironmngrs 44 Bartram Fredk. fishmngr
, . L r · Gl b ..J •
. . . . . . 1~4 nt'. 8 ts
Rutla.nd st. 49 York street. St. Andrew's
0 e ,a-r, J.. •• • •• • d hill, from 53 48 Green Mrs. Eliza , ward-
:Q9 D.a.~·nes John, hair dresser 2 ~yball M~:l Lon on street. robe dealer ,
:35 Mdes Emanuel, tnhaccnst I4 l< ulcher George, boot repr EAS1' SIDE. So Leech Henry Geo_. boot ma
-41 RudrumMrs.Jnlia,drssma 'lA, Hall Wm.Herbt.engravr )2 Freeman Wm. hair dresser
·43 Simpson Wm.S. fishmongr St_. Andrew street, Char- I Harcourt Alfred, watch ma 54 Breed George & Son, boot
_45 Miles Miss A. M. groongro mg cro~s to St, An drew's 3 Lock Henry w. tea agent & shoe manufacturers
--49 Dodson John, grocer Hall plam. 5 SpaldingRichd. whitesmith 54 Ed wa~dsli,~r~y,
.:.. ..... here iS' ~-O'T'folk n.~.~-·.. NORTH SIDE. I5 Harm an George, wine & Fran~lS "'Ilham, shoemg
..SI Locomotive 'tavern Frank fublic Library '(George spirit merchant sm1th (Royal Oak yard)
Eall ~, Arthur Step hen F. L.A. WEST siDE. 64 Royal Oak P.H. ,T oseph
.55 Harvey librarian) "•4 & 6 Colman&Co.engra.-rs William Bro~n
57 PrykeA~thr.Geo. fishmngr Corporation Baths, 8 Ea~t Harold, engraver 66 Elseg.oodMrs.Ah~~,butcher
.-•.• JJ hW"e u Sujjolk st
59 Stocks J ames, fishmonger
w.,... Edwin Vickery, supt I~ Wnght Robert P.caretaker -~~ here lS St . .11arttn sat Oak
Norwich Guardians' Office · fVall la . .,. ......
61 Starling Edward, confr (Edward James Ward St. Ann's wharf. Cook John Cyrus, boot
.63 Wilson George, greengrocr . Huggins, clerk) See SYNAGO~UE STREET, & shoe maker
_ ........ here is Esse;;c st...... ... Cooke l''rancis John, super- . ' 68 ST. AuGUSTINE's TowN
• 67 Essex tavern,Ed ward Bush intendent registrar of St. ~ug~stme's street, SuB-PosT & M. 0.
85 Jerrey Samuel Wm. painter births,deaths&marriages contmuatwn of Botolph st. OFFICE
~ 87 C Walker Harry, !'ltationer "Page S.D.& SonsLtd.brush & Pitt street. 70 Parry Mis~ Ada, fruiterer
k ToWN SuB-PosT & M. 0 makers (Museum court) EAST SIDE. 72 Staff of Life P.H. Alfred
.. ag 0FFIC:Jt' Tillett W. H. & Co.solic1wrs r Drake Mrs. Ell en, grocer Lancaster
~..... here is Trinity st ...... Harmer F. W. & Co. manu- 3 Dawson Miss Jane, draper
'9I CQan Stephen, boot & shoe facturing clothiers 5 & 7 Rose P.H.Edwd Clarke St Bartholomew's close,
' maker 25 Wilkinson Mrs. Rebecca, Barker John, shopkeeper l93 Nelson street.
~-· ... h~r~ is Cambridge st...... sewing machine dealer ( 17 Rose yard) !'ORTH SIDE.
xog Sheppard- John Holl, 27 Bliss Ralph Lee,accountant De Carle & Son, manu- r Mottashed Frederick
parish clerk 27 Norwich, Great Yarmouth, facturing chemists 3 Bell Ambrose Winter
••••••••• here i!l Y~:~rk st ......... Lowestoft & District, 9 De Car le Horace Ed ward, 3A, Roberts Thomas William
123 Bo:rce Mrs. E. tobacconist Confectioners' Assoc. pharmacist 5 Brooker Rev. John James
127 Pullen Henry, 'painter: R Lee Bliss, sec r I Cox F. W. & Co.furn." dlrs [Congregational]
J35 MooreGeo.Arthr,hair drsr 27 Butchers' Alliance (The), ...... here is Hindes' yard ...... 7 Chalker Waltcr Cubitt
I45 Base Joseph, shopkeeper R Lee Bliss, manager I5&17ThompsonWm.furn.bro ST. BARTHOLOliiEW'S CHCH
177 Bilham James Hy.butchr 27 Norwich Starr-Bowkett rg Frost Francis, rrreengrocer soUTH SIDE.
I79 Bilham Jas. Hy. greengro Building ~ocieties, ...... here is Nichol's yard...... 2 Norton Thomas Raby
_... .,..heH j$ GlQ'Ucester st.1..... E. A. Betts, sec 2r T?.te JamesHy.confectionr 6 Jones Wm. Hy. Watkin
Stannard Walter, mattress 23 JeffriesWm. Henry,butchr 8 Wilson George
~RTH-WEST SIDE. manufacturer (Stamp 25Kerridge Ellis Herbt.grocer ro Sculpher James Thomas
~ E~h11 Mrs. C. greengrocer Office yard)' 27 Bushel P.H. Mrs. N. Peart 12 Kirk John
'-x2 TlllettWm.R.d.pork butchr 29 Thurtell Wm. greengn~cer ...... here is Bushel ycrrd ...... . ,
14 Mallett ~obt. greengrocer JI Meers William Charles, 3I Sales Mrs. Elizh. news agt S~:BenedlCt s l!ltreet, Char-
. 16 Wall E. p1anoforte t~ner furniture dealer 31 Wilkinson Henry James, mg cross to Dereham road.
IB Rose Ernest Robt.ha!'r dssr 33 Thayne Herbert, boot repr furniture painter NORTH SIDE.
··.2o Black Eagle P.Bj. Charles 35 Thompson Chas.Jas.dentst 33 Briggs Danicl,pork butcher I Mapperley Colliery Co.Lim
hBru~&~··'l' 37 Watson&Kirby,paint~rs &c ...... here is Nunn's yard ...... 5 ~irby Frank, cycle dealer
r>-·• ere IS ~ tl4qtonte7' ·•· 37 Soman A. E.& Co. prmters · Brown John & Walter, 7 Georgc Alfred, draper
22 Elect!-"c Jomery Co. Ltd 39 Pearson Mrs. Harriet,drpr shoe mnfrs. (Nunn's yd) 9 Ecker Lewis&Son,oatfittrs
~26A, Smith Fredk.Jas.butcher ...... here are St. George st. o/ 35 Woods Arthur James, I I Forster Robert, florist
'26 Pearson Mrs. M.J.shopkpr PrinctJ's st ,..... monumental mason 13A Goii Edward M. tailor
.._ :. d souTH SIDE. ··~·.. h ere 1s
. D elp h' s ya1· d .•• .•. I IA,' F'"1tel son G eorge, b·azaar
'28 Gill fhomas ~ Son,buil ers 2 Shrub House P.H. William 37 Ellis William, greengrocer 15 & I2 Brett J & Sons Ltd.
George Nee>e 39 Prince of Wales P.H. house furnishers
28 Ames Thomas, boot maker 4 Wells Thos. & Son, hatters George Wilde rg Cooke A. W. & Son, musi-
30 Duffield Robert, butcher 6 Piper WalterJas. watch ma 41 Jeffries 'Valter Edgar, cal instrument sellers
32 Cripps John, corn dealer ... here is Grirnmei·'s court ... carriage builder ST. LAURENCE CHURCH
34 Page Joseph, fishmonger Bagshaw AbrahamGeorge, ......... here is Esdelle st.. ....... here isSt.Lau1·enceLittle steps
WALL LETTER Box rag merchant 53 Brock Brothers, tailors 2I, 23 & 37 & 30 Moore Wm.
~ ........... here are Cot~e ter. Jl' IO Driver Cha.s.Hy. coffee rms 55 Hall Arthur William,stone draper
Eayle passa,qe ..••.. .•• Hurn Matthew Hy.statnr &c. mason 23A 1 Drake Daniel, mineral
· !;8 Rudd Fredk. Victor,draper TowN Sun-J;>osT & M. 0. 57 Sparks Wm. hair dresser water manufacturer
.(X) Webster George Hy. baker OFFICE. Telegrams 59 Howlett Arthur Alfred, 25 Arthurton ChasWm. tbcmst
..... v JHJre ia N01jolk st ...... despatched, but not pa.strycook 25 lmray Joseph Middleton,
6a Pert Ernest Morgan,grocer I delivered from this 6I Catherine Wheel P.H. artificial teeth maker
u. ·•• here is Suffolk st ..... . office & telegraph Arthur Bangay 27 Mallett Richard, watch ma
•.•...... here is Esse:z st ....... .. . money orders are CATHERINE WHEEL OPENING: 29 Sussams Mrs. Hannah,
74 Gowing Mrs. Bessie Jane, issued, but not paid Balls Robert, fruit mer greengrocer
butchel' ...... here is Exchange st ...... CooperWilfridJas.carpentr 31 Calver Mrs. Alice, baker
.-78 EdwardsMissLily,drss. ma I4A, Nursi\.John James, an- 33 WattsJn.Wm.&Co.butchrs
••• •.. hcre ill Trinity st ...... ti<]ne furniture dealer 6J,65&67Morris&Clarke,drprs ...... htn•.t; is Self's yard .•• ._.
35 Brett (Jonathan)&Co.china her~ is St. Lawrence School yd 14 Richardson Alfred E ST. GEORGE's WHARF:
& glass dealers St. LawrenceSunday Schls 16 Morris Henry Ruymp Robert R. & Son,
here is St. Margar~t• s alley 38 Loynes George Samuel & r8 Batter bee ~ames builders' merchants
ST. MARGARET's CHURCH Son, grocers 20 Harper Miss ST. GEORGE'S BRIDGE
... he1·e is St. }lfargaret's st ... 40 Norwich Meat Co. butchrs 22 Griffin Mrs WHARI!':
37, 21 & 23 & 30 Moore Wm ....... here is G't'igg'.~ yard ...... 24 Thur~le ~rs Porter J ames & Son, timber
draper 42 & 44 UreenGeorge,clothier 26 Martm ~eorge merchants
39 Prentice Miss M. confectnr ... here is Three Kings yard ... 28 Furse Miss
41 White Frank, butcher 46 Three Kings P.H. H.Atkins 30 Butcher _Mrs Marston& Sons,cork cuttrs
4 3 Kidd G~orge, tobacconist ... here is Three Kin_qs lane ... ...... he~e zs Pelham rd .... :· 15 Gimson & Co. (Leicester)
45 Cutting Mrs, Lucy, pork 48 Olley Hrbt.S.tinplate wrkr 34 Cunnmgham Edwd. Le_Wis Limited, boot & shoe
butcher so Holland Mrs. Annie, fish- Sewell Mtsses (South V1ew machinerv manufactrs
47 Wiley Mrs. E. greengrocer monger lodge) . . 17 Staynes (W: H.) & Smi~
here isQueen of Hun,gm·y yard 52, Mace Walter, boot & 6o Brock Thomas Ben].Smtth boot findings manufrd
49 Queen of Hungary P.H. 54 shoe warehouse,& drpr 62 Iverson George _ 19 PlunkettMissAnnie,drssma
Charles Fish & PosT & M. 0. OFFICE 64 Brock Bertram ~.dward 21 Corn Exchange P.H. James
...... here is Reeve's yard ...... 56 (St. Margaret's) ...... here i$ Miller's la ...... Wilson
5I Palm er William, butcher ... here i.~ Little Plough yard ... 65 J ?hnson Richd_.cabinet ma 23SmithErnst. Wm. coffee rms
53 Pow~ll Arth.~y.. ~air drssr sa Plough P.H. Chas.Wm.Earl 74 Btlsborough MISS ~ 25 Marrison H. R. hair dressr
... here u St. Swuhm s alley ......... here is Plou_qh yard ...... 76 Lea_der Charles Ro?._,rt 27 Townshend Edwd. boot dlr
ST. SwrTHIN's CHuRCH St. Swithin's Almshouses 78 Wr:ght James Davld 29 Andrews Bros. chemists
55 Jarvis Henry Thos. draper 6o Ladly John, butcher 8o Wright ~ward James 31 Lambert Edward,gree~
57 Smith Wm. ironmonger 62 Rose Mrs. A.da, news agent 82 Hovel! RIChard B 33 Thompson Geo.Harold,gro
59 Pitts _Geo. Ed~d._ ~utcher 64 White Robert, fishmonger LETTER _Box ...... he1·e is Cole_qate st .... ..
... here ~s St. Suntlnn s ter ... 66 Woods Henry, pork butchr ...... _ here ~ 8. Afghan pl , ........... here is Lowe's yard ..... .
63 Durham Missl.M.eonfctnr 7 o Wilston Carl, boot dealer 84 T1llett Wilham . 43 Rushmer Williain, baker
65 Stag P.H. Mrs. Agnes Bird ...... here is Hindes' yard ...... 86 Pearson ~e_rcy Jullan 45 Skipper Charles, clothier
...... he1·1! is Bee Hive yard ... 72 Douglas Geo. grindery dlr 88 Whall W1lham Powles 49 Fisher Herbert Henry
67 Hee Hive P.H.Samue!Galey 74 BlowerJas.mariuestore dlr 90 ~out Albert Joh~ . SI National Union of Boot &
71 Crown P.II. Wait. Claxton 76 Maypole Dairy Co. Ltd. 9 2 Fiddy Ro?ert William Shoe Operatives (No. I
...... here is Crown yard ...... butter dealers 94 Pearson Samuel branch) (Jas.Mason,sec)
73 Gamble Geo. Hy. pawnbro 78 Ten Bells P.H. Henry 96 Pye Jacub 53 LeamonJosiah,upholsterer
Last Jas. & Co. boot mnfrs George Browne Rowl~nd Hy. nurseryman 55 Trevor, Page & Co. up-

77 Barclay & Company Limi· ...... here is l'en Bell la ... :" ... he_re ts Elm Grov~ lane ... ! holsterers. See adver·
ted, bankers (branch), 8o Newman Chas. tob3.ccomst Denmngton Wm. frmt gro_wer 1 tisement
Edward Crook, mgr 82 Cash Boot Co. boot makers Blac~man ~ev. Jas.Hf"[~Icar 57 Deary Frederick, butcher
79 Hicks Ueorge, fishmonger 84 Herbert E. greengro ?f~t.Paul s](St~Paul 8 VIcrg) ......... here is C1·oss la ........ .
81 Farrow Freder:ck, butcher here is Cardinal's Cap yard Rmger Mrs · 61 Skelton John &Son,hosiery
83 Cannell Frank,pork butchr 86 Cardinal's Cap P.H. Mrs. Crotch Wm_G!'o.(Portsdown) · manufacturers
85 Bald win Miss Sarah, news Louise C. Helps Holmes Hy. N. (Bra1_1kso~e) ... here is King's Head la ...
agent ... htre is A. dam o/ Eve yard ... Edw:ards Walt. (Marwn v~lle) 6 King's Head P.H. Arthur
Folkard Thomas, cabinet 88 Moulton Jn. furniture bro Jump_er Robert Kernson 3 Hipperson
maker (Fountain ~·ard) go Fisher Frederick, picture B ( Wd mdMermerMe) ) 6] Godfrey Miss
· v
...... h ereu.roun amyar d ......
t · f rame ma ker a 1 ryH " rs : ( r ontros b & 69TaylorArthurHenryColby
87 Narracott Valentin~ Lus- 92 Staton John, chemist Atto. enry. une urner I Ecker Hyman tailor
be b k Le h & T l ·1 & assistant overseer 7 '
<> ....,
cornt ·
, a er Th 94 ac1 oo ey, Ol B"d1 we
ll w-1111am, f
arm b a1-11-ff 7 5 Witard
. Herbert Edward •
<>9 ~- oun ,am P. H. omas co or men , . msurdnce ao-ent
Jame~ Gifford ST. BENEDICT's CHURCH to Herbert 8 • ra 11owm esq 77 Lowne Richard, teacher of
here- is St. Benedict's Back la .. here is St. Benedict's alley.. EAST SIDE. music
91 Harconrt Henry, wine & g6 Lemmon Arthur, baker. ...... here is Wallla1~e. ............ here i:J Greens lane ..... . u~ercbant 98 Woodrow Frederick Geo. Yallop Fredk. (Sunnys1de) 93 Stubbs Edward, shopkeepr
......... here !s Barn rd ... ...... coffee rooms Bassham l:lenn Hrnnton (Ivy 1 I I Fish James, boot repairer
souTH SIDE, xoo Fox Edward Stearman, bank) b ... here is Appleton's court •••
hosier & glover Naylor Rev. A.rthur Her ert II9 Butcher Mrs. Ellen, tish-
... here is St. Gregory's alley ... 102 Dunmore Thomas H. corn, Douglas [curate of Sprows- monger
2 The Vine P.H. Jas. D.Plane . & flour merchant ton Church] (Belle Vue) h · A h d
4 Webster Arthur Joseph 104 I<'letcher Jas. confectioner: Cullen I<'redk. S. ( 0 a k !and s) ... ... ere u ne or yar ......
James, be 2 r retailer ... here is White Lion yard ... Frost Clement G. (Oaklands) 12 3 Crown & Anchor P.H.
Giffordllros.shoemanuirs. 106 White Lion P.H. Charles John William Kiddle
(Pipe Buraers' yard) d WEST SIDE .
... here is PipeBurner~' yard... SHEdwarWTuFrner h . d St. Faith'_g lane, Prince of 2, 4 & 6 Festival House P.H.
6 Levine Louis, pawnbroker Io arvey m. ras. air rsr Wales road to Tombland. J H L d
· 1 d he-re is Little White Lion :11ard amea enry a.r ner
... here ts Lord 1 owe yar ... Oll W . 1 k LEFT SIDE. 6 Ellis Benj.Harry, greengro
George Wl. lliam & Sons, ey
.ttl m.wh·tmp L'ate war er d) I B ur t on· F' annmg· F re d ertc · k ·'I 8 S tnt'th 1M.tss Ell en M . f urner
Cllrri. ers(Lord Howe yd) (L 1 e ue wn yar "'"11. h ys1c1an
· · Phi!!'Ips W m. Ironmonger
n 1 !am M. D. p 1 Io
8 Sullivau Arthur,who.confr 110 P imm eh· arDI es, kgrocer l .. . ... h ere u· R ecord e1· r d ...... ~ r2 B roseh e A n t on, h a1r · d resser
Io CoxWlt.&Sons,provsn.dlrs ......... dere h tsM_ uc a .._.... E... 3 Dawson Misses 14 MilesMisscsE.& agts
12 & IS Brett J. & Sons Ltd. II2 Ha! win • ISS Harnet • . .. .... h ere t.S . T.'h e Cl ose ... ... r6 Francts . & C o. fancy g ds .d1 rs
bo use furnishers d ress m a k er T aeon & Co well , nurserymen ... ... h ere lS · R ed L wn· yard ......
11 B E & C ht h
14 Boston Walter, boot ma 4 anger · o.p grp rs RIGHT SIDE. r8 Red L(on P.H. George A.
16 Home& ColonialStoresLim ...... here is Griffin's court...... Bealey
2 Grigson Richard
... held·e is St. LaWWI'ence la ... St. Benedict's Church 4 & 6 Cousins Rob3rtJoseph, 20 Miles Thomas, bird fancier
18 Jor anErnst. agt 11 p tt t t boarding house 2
4 Larke & Bennett, whole-
2o Bullock Fredk. fishmrJn 0o-er at S~ty,B rosd. ~ etrga te s · h le confectioners
h · G ,.f¥! , d o . ene ICt ss ree . 4 Joseph Waiter Jo n sa
...... ere ts a;JJer ~ yar ...... 4 Bagge Alfred Wm. Francis 26 Pond ~nfr
Harv~y H. wood carver Brown Wa!ter, boot rnanufr 6 Calvert Edwin Montagu 28 Woolse~ Ernes~ Wdham,
(Gaffer's yard) 6 Bell c Fmncis electncal engrneer
22 & 24 FieldHerbt.J.greengro St. Clement's alley, ...... hel·e· is Cathedral st . ...... 28 Nursey Miss Alice,registry
... hue is Hannant's yard ... Fye Rridge street. 18 Boys' Home (branch oi office. ,
26 Cooper Geo. dining rooms Leamon Josiah, upholsterer Norwich Union) (Ernest ...... ~ere ts BraY. s yard .. u ..

28 Martins Christopher Bell, Spalding Alfd. french polisher W. Miller, master) 30 Pnest A;lfred Er~est,photo-
butcher Salkind Philip, antique dealer 2 8 Spicer Robert Charles graphtc matenal dealer
Cooke Bartholomew, boot (Church house) ... herde isWSymoJnd's '!(ard. b.'
repairer (Turner's et) 32 Bod y m. as. tmsmit
h · T: , t St. Clement's hill (X ew St. George st. St. An drew's 34 & 36 uunton,Sons &Dyball,
• •• ,.. • ,ere lS& urn
30 21 23 37 MooreWm.drpr
er s cour ... "· catton ), contmua· t.wn o f Hall plain to Botolph st. h l 1 ·
w o esa e 1romnongers
32 Stead. & Rimpson Limited, Magdalen road. . EA.ST siDE. 42 Boston Blacking Co. Lim.
boot warehouEoe WEST SIDE. is&. Andrew' shall... boot findings manufrs
hne is Prince of Wales yard 6 Cole Mrs. Martha, nurse Norwich Technical Institute ... here is Blackfriars bridge ...
3 4 Prince ofW ales P.H. George 12 Beunett A lex. Rd. shopkpr & School of Art (Hugh 46 Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd.
Richard H.ix .,here is Little IVhalebone sq.. Ramage :M.A. px:incipa.l) printers
36 Saunders Harry, boot ma ...... he1·e is Rosebery rd ...... ••• here is Blackfriars bridge ... 48 Crown P.H. James Wailer

ST. G:EORGE sTREET-con. 17 Osborne William Thomas 97 Taylor Mrs. Sambrooke, 82A, Lamb Charles William,
......... here is Water la......... & Co. tobacconists corset maker tobacconist
54 Marston & Co. brush mas 19 & 62 Duncan Albert Kirk, ...... here is Wellington la ...... ...... hn'e is Gunn's ciJurt ..... .
58 CamplingAlfd.& Son, dyers proYisiun dealer 99 Nunn Mrs.BlancheA.fancy 84 & 86 Gunn Thomas Edwd.
Howlett & White Limited, 21 Sullivan Arthur, confectnr draper naturalist
leather merchants 23 Old Black Horse P.H. Wm. IOI Davison Errs. fruiterers go Queen's Head P.H. Arthur
...... here is Colegate st ...... James Eglinton 103 English Josepb, chemist Denny
... hert is St. Geo1·ge's alley.... Hippodrome (Eostock & ...... here is Gmpes hill ...... Norwich High School for
78 & 8o Phipps Constantine Fitt, proprietors} souTH SIDE. Boys (J. G. Chapman,
Waiter, boot&shoe mnfr 27 Swain Mrs.M.photographr 2 DuncanJonathanWm.tailr principal; Thomas Wm.
82 Dowson William, painter 27A, CrykeJohnBarnett,tailor 4 Great Eastern Railway Amold, 2nd resident
88 Utting William, shopkeepr 29 Batterbee Miss Susannah, Parcels Office master) (St. Giles g-ates)
....... here is .Alms lane ....... milliner 6 Wilkinson & Son, leather Arnold Thomas Wiliiarn
go Golden Can P.H. J oseph 29 Stevens FrankHorace, bakr merchants (High School house)
Douse ... here is Freeman's cou1't ... 10 Calver Thomas,boot maker 92 Moy Thomas Limited,coal
92LacoheeFredk.Jn.boot repr 3I 12 Low Harry Vincent, vet- &c. merchant~ ,
Berry Sydney Arthur, 31 Capon Jack Cecil L.D.s. erinary surgeon 94 Chapman Jeremiah George
grocer Eng. dentist 14 Moore & Co. haberdashers (St. Giles house)
94 ST. GEORGE's TowN SuB- 35 Dyball C. & A. E. tailors I6 Curriers' Arms P.H. Arth. 96 Sandford John Edmund
PosT & M. 0. OFFICE 37 Long Sydney Herbert M.D. Green Chaplin, butcher
96 Berry George, brush ma physician 18 Bremner James Morrison 98 Onley Herbert Frederickp
100 English John William & 39 Martin Benjamin M. L.D.s. Gardiner, surgeon tob~cconist
Son, grindery dealers F.din. dentist 20 Parsons-NormanGeo.artist roo St.Giles'Gates Stores P.H_
ro6 & 108 Norwich Matnnity ...... here is Fishe1·'s la ...... 20 Padgett Arthur W. estate Harry ~enning;~
Charity(Miss Amy Black, 41 Norwich Union Fire Insur- agent ... here are ( hapelheld rd. ~
supt) ance Society Limited 22 Francis & Back, solicitors Unthank rd ... ........ .
112 Brown George, shopkeepr (Accident branch), 22 Grand Hotel Cromer Lim St Gil , t
......... here are ,Barrack yard C. S. Gilman, manager 24 GeorgeGeo. Robt. watch m~ · . es. er. 6o Bethel st.
cj- Cossey s court......... F. M. Mahon, supt. mngr ...... here is Tuck' 11 couTt ...... I B1rd MISS
120 Blyth Chas.Arth.carpentr 4I Mahon Foster MacMahon, 26 White Richard & Sons 3 Low Misses
.. hert, is Stonemasons' square.. barrister dental surgeons ' .
124 Clabburn James Willis, 41 Gilman Charles Storey, 2 6 Bryan Humann dental St. Gregorys alley, 25
plumber barrister surgeon ' Pot.ter~ate street to St .
...... here ~s Drake's court ...... 45 Batch JacobPalm~r,dist~ict 28 Gladstone (The) Club, Benedict's street .
... here ts ~te1()(ud's yard... ~anager Norwich Ur:wn William HarveyBrittain, 4 Wilkinson William George,
......... here ·u Cherry la......... Fire Insurance Society hon. sec picture frame maker
qo Skedge Mrs. Mary A. Ltd_. (acciden~ branc~) 2 8 Norwich Central Liberal 5 Holdgate Mrs. Mary Eliza-
coffee rooms 47 No~wwh_ ~asomc AssoCia- .Association(Wm.Harvey beth, tobacconist
r6o Quantril!Mrs. L. shopkpr twn Limited, Brittain, sec. & registra- 6 Covell Mrs. Sophia, baker-
... here is Cherry T1·ee yard... Jas .. Bennett 9oleby, sec tion agent) 7 LastAlfd. Rd. photo~raphv
162 Diggins John,shopkeeper 47 NorwiCh Masomc Club, 3o & 32 Lacey & Lincoln Ltd. 8 Betts Herbert Valentine,
...... here is Burrell'syarcl...... Jas. Bennett Coleby, sec builders' merchants tailor
168 Annison Wm. fish curer 49 Burton Samuel Herbert SALVATION ARMY CITADEL II Morter l\lisses Sarah &
172 FisherVincentSimon,bakr M.B., B.s. surgeon PILLAR LETTER Box Amelia, confectioners
174 Earl Jas. chimney swpr Sr Kett 'Yalter & Son, house 34 :Mortimer's hotel, John 12 Bayne Arthur, watch ma
I76, 178 & 180 PilgrimEdward furmshe~s . . James Fisher ST. GREG,ORY's 9HURCH
Blyth, brush maker 53 Mackley Georg_e Wilham, 3 6 Norwich & Norfolk Con- 22 Seager \\m. hair dresser·
HILL's YARD : surgeon-~entist servative Club (Thomas
Ward Geo. boot manufactr 53 Mackley ~tss May, teacher H. Dunmore, hon. sec) St. Helen·s square.
of mus1c 38 Stacy JohnHerbt. L.R.C.P. See BISHOPGATE STREET_
St. George's alley, St. 53A, Shepherd Mrs. Louisa, surgeon
fancy draper St. James' factory.
George street. 40 Bridgman Mrs See CowGATE STREET.
...... he-l'e is Willow la ...... 42 Muriel Cecil Jeffery, surgn
2 Hardy Jas.Arthur, cabinet 55 Lee Mrs. Louise, court
maker 44 Littleboy Arthur Lindley, St. John Maddermarket,
dress maker dentist Pottergate street to St.
St. George's plain. ST. GILES CHURCH 46 Andrews Charles Horace, Andrew street.
See CoLEGATE sTREET.- ......... he1·e is Cow hill......... surgeon EAST SIDE.
75 Duncan Herbert, hosier 48 Young .Men's Christian I Ironmongers' Arms P.H.
St. George's wharf. 77 Humphris Henry Elliston, Association, Reuben John Ramm
See ST. GEORGE STREET. secondhand bookseller Herbert C. Moore, sec 3 Frost & Barrett, tool
79 Taylor Henry, fishmonger 48 Norwich City Mission, warehouse
St.George'sBridge wharf. 8r SpurgeonMissFanny,dairy F. W. Caley, hon. sec Thorns R.E.& Co.ironmgrs
See ST. GEORGESTREET. 8IA, AndrewsSidneyCharles, 48 Norwich Sunday School 5 Deacon Mrs. Jessie, glove
r:onfectioner Union, maker
St. Giles street, Market 83 Greenbam John Thomas, C. Hubbard, bun. sec 7 & 9 MatLhewsGustave,tailr
place to Earl ham road. hair dresser 52 Burton & Preston,surgeons II RansomeGeo.Jas. watch ma.
NORTH SIDE. 83 Harcourt Miss Emma, ...... here is Rigby's ccttJ't ...... 13 Kidd & Dun ton Ltd. prntrs
... here is Lown Goat la ... milliner 54 Isbill Mrs.Charlotte,statnr IS Golden Lion P.H. Fredericft
I Raven P. H. Art bur Annes ...... he1'e is ]Ifayes court ...... s6 Haggith MissLaura,confctr Charles Tuck
3 Gardiner& Lacey,chemists rJohnson Walter,stationr 58 Cooper Miss Lillian M. 17 & 19 Dennes Chas. & Co.
5 Sunnncks Henry, hosier ST. GILES TowN SuB- milliner Ltd. house furnishers
... heTe is Upper Goat la ... Po~T & l\'I. 0. OFFICE. 6o Arnall Jn.Ashlin,hairdrssr 23 Cossey John, chemist
7 London & Norwich Press Telegrams can be 62 & 19 Duncan Alhert Kirk, WEST SIDH.
Limited (The) 85Ai dispatched but not prO\'ision dealer ... here is St. John's a.lley ...
7 Norfolk Weekly Standard delivered from this 64 Bailey JohnAtkinson,tailor Caxton Press (The),printrs
& Argus office & telegraph 66 Ellis Madame Helen, dress 20 Norwich Dispensary
7 Norfolk Chronicle & Xor- money orders are is- maker 22 Clarke Charles James, pic-
wich Gazette. See ad· l sued but not paid 56A,Bushell&Co.umbrella mas ture frame maker
vertisement 187 Masters Miss Helen Eliza- ......... here is Bethel ~t ......... 24 Labour Party Registration
7 Cromer, Sberingham & beth, fancy draper 68 Eade Sir Peter M .D. physcn Office~,
North Walsbam Post 89 Tillett ma 70 FoxRichardJohnM.n.surgn Walter Rbt. Smith, agt
7 Thetford&WattonStandard 91 Collins Miss Mabel, millinr 72 Kett & Sons, upholsterers
& Post 1
93 King's Head P.H. Cecil ...... here is Hale's court ...... St. John street, Rose lane.
9 Reeve Edward G. & Sons, David Hall 74 Mackley T. J. &. H. E. EAST SIDE.
stove & range makers 'V
95 Barker alter J. confectnr surgeon-dentists 4 Barron Waiter, shopkeeper
IIA, Jeffries Miss Viney Kate, 95 City Dye Works, dyers 74 Mackley Herbert E. L.D.s 42 Tye Arthur,job?ing gardnr
fancy draper 95 Barker & Son, tailors 74 Mackley Thom'!s J so Hall Mrs. Bess1e, ~;hopkpr
13 Rosen John, tailor 95 Barker Arthur Christopher 76 Beeston Arthur E. chemist ..
15 Brant Thos.fancy goods dlr Waiter, house agent 78 Cock P.H. George Barnett St. John s alley, Pottergate
... h"e is ChesnuU's court ... 97 Taylor George & Son, sur- So Pollen & Mase, decorators street to St. John Madder~
Willis Rev. Samuel (2 gical appliance makers ...... },ere is Cock yard ...... market.
CLesnutt's court) I See advertisement 82 Chaplin Richard, news agt SALVATION ABM.Y BARRACK$
St. J'nlian st. Thorn lane. GILDENCROFT MEETING ......... here is Bell ya1·d ... .... .. GUILDHALL CHAMBERS :
z Kabler Wm. George baker HousE 5 Wilkin Arthur,house agent Rartt Harold Edward,
9 Scales John ·H~rbert, 47 Pine Apple P. H. Ebenezer ... here i.~ Bantam'.~ yard •.. advertising specialist
teacher of music Earl · Bennett Saml. accountant
•.. h ere i.~ ot. Ju l ian's a ll ey •.. · Qua k ll1".~ • l a ......
·•···• h ere t~ St.Mary's,Duke street
~7 Engineers' tavern Robert 59 Hipperson Bros. engineers to Oak street. 5 Oliver lt'nmk & Co. whole-
.Betts ' 6z Gallant Mrs. Elizabeth, NORTH sm~o:. sale grocers
earthenware dealer BAPTIST CHAPEL (ST. 7 Bee Hive P.H. Arthur F.
St. Julia.n's alley, King SOUTH SIDE. MARY's) ,. Browne
-street to St. Julian street. Wilkin & Co. steam laun- 7 Lancum Mrs. Charlotte,
Pope's Head P.H. James
ST. JuLIAN's CHURCH dry (City laundry) c10gger Tibbenham
42 Robinson Fredk.shopkeepr ...... here is Rosema1-y la...... 9 Cozens RandaU,hair dressr
St. L"'wrence
"", 5 I St. M ar t"1ns roa d , con t'mu- BAPTIST
G fi h(ZoAR) ... h ere u. B enne tt' s cour t .. .
Pottergate street to St ation of Oak st. t.oAylsham Td. I9 ar&nageB etot.R sb mrtoJngher ... here i.'l 1-Vaunded Hart st .. .
Benedict's street. 25• 27 2 9 re 0
e 0
WEST SIDE. shopkeeper IS Rackham & Co. cattle
4 Sutherland John, painter 26 King's
SI te Arms P.H. Noah ... 1te1.e t.'l
· mar'lne
0 •r · St 01•e ym·d ... medicine mak-ers
GeorgeWm.&Sons,curriers a .r , Coleby Ramuel, currier 17 Wounded Hart P.H.
Swann Harry Frederick, ...... here ts Flille1° s hole...... SOUTH SIDE. Ernest Bultitude
wood turner Thomps_on James,, boat ST. MARY's CHURCH I9 Labour Institute,
7 Gothard Jn. Thos. saw ma proprietor (Fullers hall) ... here is St. Mary·.~ alley ... William Holmes, sec
42 Browr~ Harry, boot repr IR Bowman Hy.Cllas.sbopkpr I9 Tyce Harry, iron mer. &c
St. Laonards road (Thorpe THE'-' ATHRING: ... he 1·e is Ntnobeqins yard ... I9A,CadmanFdk.tinplte. wrkr
Hamlet), from Rosary road. Fros~ Robert, house breaker 24 Sexton Geo. beer retailer 2I Uttmg Mrs. Kate, stay ma
LEFT SIDE. Austm Waiter, carter here is Hen o/ Chickens yard 23 Hardyment's Stores (Geo.
1 Huggins Ernest Edward, H. Scrutton,proprietor),
builder Open Air Swimming Baths St. Mary's road,52Aylsham china &c. warehouse
3 WeeksFras.Albt.hairdrssr I Banham EAST SIDE.
Miss E road to St. alartin's road. ... h ere 1s
. R ackh ams ' cour t ...
RIGHT SIDE 25 Townsbend, Harcourt &
27 R ll~'mp J as. Y or k H owe I tt 3 Smith Edwin Fred ·
2 Light Mrs Son, manufctrng.statnrs
27 R uymp R ob er t J ames 5 Tyrrell Mrs
35 Home G. R. tchr. of music Woodcock John Edward 4 Mitchell Miss Florence, ......... hereis Bethel st.. ...... .
37 Durrant Arth. Jn.boot ma 7 Bayes Sam preparatory school 27 WonesJas.fruit &c.salesmn
-49 Raven ~oht Geo. shopkpr 9 Ward Miss Edith 5 Cle'l"eland Geo. insur. agt 29 Fiddy Robert W. & Co .
...... here ts .kfa~r.l1·n rd ...... 13 Delves Miss 6 titt Arthur C?rn ~erchants
51 Delahunty Phll1pJn.shpkpr St _..w.atth ews r d R"1ver SI"d e 31 B
. I 5 H ogg s·d
1 ney
Wamwnght Saml. who.gro·1
- .... htwe t.'l Gttelph rd ...... Muskett FrederickWilliam
17 Easton · · · 33 rowne Abram, ta1 or
53 Weeks Charl~s,shopkeeper Mrs 2 Catchpole Francis Waiter, ... he1·e is .3fancroft yard ...
55 Wee~s Chas. JUn. decorator 21
Mallett Mis salesman 35 Free Trade inn, James
57 Clandge John W. Lawson h . S -r , d 4 Buck Cl1as.railway inspctr Leonil Cbapman
HurnCornelius(TheClyffe) ;·~·All:~·e~i:.S t.~uary
sr ...... 5 LincolnWm.Alfd.goods agt White Hart hotel, H11rbert
71 Denny Mrs W"l W "''"!!' 6 Burcham Wm.comrcl.trav . Robllrt Fiddv
Wilson Brereton Kynvet 27 1 son a ter 1 lam
7 Sexton Herbert Joseph, EAST sn:>E.
' . ) 29 Roshier Theophilus, reliev-
(st . L ~onar d s prrory ing officer van builder ... her• is the Fish .kfarket ...
- ....... hf3Te ts Ga.~ Jnll ......... Wig~er William Os born
31 Barb-er Mrs
9 Bell William James PILLAR LETTER Box
gr D.1wson Mrs.Martha,shop- 10 Henson A. E. tchr.of music, ST. Pl!:TER's MANCROFT
keeper 35 II KempMrs .HarrietElizabth CHURCH
105 Hawes Waiter, decorator
37 Macklev
B 'd Al
Miss E. fitt 13 French Chas. Turner, clerk here are Htl,'l/ hill cJHayma1· k et
m7 Glover Thomas 39 WraJ Lex. engBme er ThorpeHamlet Parish Hall
' lt
ICJ9 Se gger U "ll. er "''ll"
nl 1am ALL ETTER OX . St . Ph'li1 p ' s road , I70 D ere-
I l l Tadman John Ladbrook St. Martin's Palace plain, St. Miles alley, 59 Colegate ham rd. to Sandrino'ham rd.
II3 Ed wards Edward J 37 Palace street. street. WEST SIDE."'
us Jones Wm. jobbinggrdnr I Pure Tea, Coffee & Cocoa r 'Finch Shadrach, chimney I Wright Miss
RIGHT SIDE. Supply Co. (Samuel J. sweep 3 Edwards George Henry
......... here is Ell a 1·d ...... ... Tallowin, proprietor) ST. MILES' MISSION HALL 5 Francis Mr~
CouNCIL· ScuooLs
:.r · d 3 Overton William, cooper St. Miles' bridge. 7 Bales John
...... ere ts .m anon r ...... Payne, Bussey & Co.motor 9 Daines Henry Benjarnin,
16 Cook John Fredk. butcher engineers. See ad- See CosLANY STREET. teacher of music
22 Gay .John, decorator
ver t·•semen t . St. OliTe road Spencer t 1 I DYb a ll "·I· "' !SS
26 Jubilee tavern, George Sabberton Bros. engmeers ' s · 13 Cushing Misses
Robert Wright (Beddin~s lane) SOUTH SIDE. 15 Heath John
...... here is Florence rd ...... 6 White Lion P.H. Anthony I Burrell Thomas, shopkpr 17 Wittick Horace
2 ,13 Fox John, news agent ~·Rurr?ws "' . NO~TII SIDE. I9 Chiddick Charles John
he1·e are Beatrice cJ QI~el1ec 1·d~ 7 Klrby George Ed ward 4 c>mithMis~Alarge, dre_ss. ma 21 Claybyn Thomas Hastings
30 Cas wall Robert Hadfield 8 Dawson George Arthur 38 Thorpe M1ss Ellen,milhner 23 Sutton Mrs _,
32 Laws G. horse l'llaughterer h · p 1d H Ed 1 k
34 Everard Harrv George ..... ~ tJl"tJ u :lie,; ya • ... _. .. St. Paul's opening, 31 Pea- 5 arvey 2
gar, c er
.1 9 Gayford Mrs. Lucretta, cock street to Church st. 27 Ducker Joseph F
...... here is Teleqraph la ...... dress maker 29 Harvey Alfred Herbert
3'i Be bee Lewis R()bert ro PalmerFras. N athl. managr St. Sayiour's S.:hools 3 I Newton Mrs
4'3 MouSEHOLD TowN SuR- I2 Bakers' Arms P.H. William Council School. • 33 Wick Waiter, insur. clerk
PosT & :\L 0. OFFICE, J'imes Potter Jarrett Fredenc '\\. & Son, 35 Robinson Stephen Henry
Wm. Davey Sampson, ... hete i.q JVhitefriars st ... shoe •nanufactarers 137 Gamble George Henry
sub-postmaster l'orazer's Joinery Co. Ltd. Playford Mrs. E. wardrbe. dlr 39 Crome Miss
...... here i.~ Alhe1·t rd ...... manufactun"ng
. _ ]·oi·ners St. Paul's square, Church 4I P age M rs
64 Gedge l\irs. Harry 18 Bee Hive P.H.Walt. Hardy street to Cowgate street. 43 Walker Miss
- .... heu is Bcrk~r's 1·d ...... Barber Albert Edwd. car- S p , C
66 Bakers' Arms P.H. William · bid ( B h. , d) T. AUL s HURCH ...... here is Sta.fford .~t .......
Huson riag~ r. . ee ne y I Segger Philip, boot manfr 45 Tenant Charles Grieves
...... here u Beehtve yard...... C 1 M' M A 4 7 Turner Mrs
95 Holroyd John ... Chere.di.i&1fB·orld's EndAlah... Jree~ rn~~er ary nn, 49 Claybyn.Thoma.'! Pratt
St. Marga.ret"s street, 37 2 3 upi ow P.H. rt ur H· d M M A 51 Coates Frederick
,S t. Ben ed ict's street to . George
. B. hPaston 13 ar yd
war ro bers.d lary
ea er nn, 53 Broome Mrs
Westwick street. .. .... here u :s opgate st...... 55 Frost Harry
. ST. MARTINs AT PALACE st Peter Southgate lane h · d
8 Hmes Edward, lathe mnfr CHURCH · f d ' ......... ere ts .Afau st ... ......
9 Coleman Edward Amond, Longley H.ev.Reginald W'alter . rom Braco_n a e.. 71 Drake Henry Josiah
builder B A [VI... ~ f ""'t M· rt. _ t· Bolmgbroke Loms Errmgton 73 Hall Mrs
. d
10 Vollbrecht Aug. hair rssr
. .
Palace .....r o "' . aof In
& chaplain H. aM ("::;ou thga te h ouse ) 75
w·tt M
1 on r N

St. Martins lane, 26 ritt prison, NorwichJ(Vicarage) St. Peter's street (1\lan- ~~ g~=~d~~rs. M. A
street to Oak street. St. Ma.ry"s alley, Pitt street {!roft), Upper market. 8r Restieaux Francis X
NORTH SIDE. to St. Mary's plain. WEST SIDE. 83 Miles Mrs
37 Low Bros. corn merchants PILLAR LKTTER Box ...... here i.i St. Gilts st ...... 85 Delf Robert Playford
Cooke'~ AlmshollSes 2 Smith & Carman, brewers Tuwnshend Hy. SI. cigar mer 87 Pond Ar~hur
ST. PHILIP's ROAD-con. 3 Reynolda Mrs. Mary,dairy 27 ChilversMrs.Louisa,aparts 71 Norwich Co-operative-
EAST SIDE. 3 Burgess Mrs 29 Varvel William Society Limited,
2 Claxton Arthur Cooper, 5 Bean Arth. Geo. corn mer 31 Bussey Mrs J. T. Gee, sec
police constable 7 Norman & Beard Limited, 35 Bowd AlfredRobson,aparts 73 Huddlestone Wm. grocer
4 Garland Mrs organ builders 37 Parker :\Irs. Eva, servants' 75 Great Eastern Wine Vaults
6 Clarke George William 9 Coachmakcrs' Arms P.H. registry office P.H. Waiter Cracknell
8 Palmer Elijah Edward Chas. Bulman 39 Kirk by MissAnnElizabeth, ...... here m·e St. Stephen' s rd.
10 Copeland John William 11 Neale MissBessie,confectnr apartments o/ Queen's rd .•••..•••
12 Clark Wm. Geo. journalist I3 Humphreys Miss Maria, 41 Hudson James NORTH SIDB.
14 Phillips John, clerk shopkeeper 43 Stevens Mrs 2 & 4 Arthur & Co.
16 Varden Mrs IS Fitt Cyril Herbt.Christian, 45 Clarke Mrs Limited, drapers
18 BettsArth.Jn.scboolmaster chemist 6 Row & Taylor, chemists
20 Norton .Albert Edward, I ] Roachouse Herbt. furn.dlr EAST SIDE. 6 Norwil'h Nurses' Co-opera.
schoolmas~er 19 Read William, cab propr I6 Stead Mrs tion,
22 Fryer Charles Robert 2I Skoyles Thomas 18 Needham Mrs Miss E. S. Taylor, 10ec
24 Norton Herbert ~amuel 23 Hill Mrs 8 Stead ~ Simpson Limited.
26 Lupson Mrs 25 Trowel & Hammer P.H. St StephPn's street, Ram- boot & shoe warehouse
28 Kemp William, traveller George Corner pant Horse street to St. ro Barclay & Company
30 Cullum David 27 Cracknell Chas.greengrocr Stepben's road. Limited (branch bank)
32 Crisp Mrs 29 Hartley Mrs. Eleanor,cycle SOUTH SIDE. (Hy. Brittain, manager)
34 Sexton Horace Charles dealer IA, Minns Ernest, hair drssr Whittle Artbur Gerald
36 Bunn Mrs ..• here is St. Stephen's sq ..• I Salkind S.pianofrt. wareho (Bank house)
38 Jones Sergt.-Major "ralt.J 31 Townshend Herbert Chas Horsley Cornelius, butcher 10 Board of Conservators of
46 Belle Vue tavern, Samuel PuBLIC TELEPHONE CALL 3 Diver & Son, wine & the Norfolk & Suffolk
Stephen Marsham Box spirit merchants Fisheries,
•....• here is Stafford st .••... 33 Norman Ernest William •••...•.. here is Surrey st...... ... 1
H;y-.BBrittalit~' hon. sec
4 8 T 1"ll ott M rs 35 Hope P H · Hy · Chas · Lo vett Spalding Gerald, sta· ··· !lere zs or we s .court ..•
50 Leech Fredk. city postman WALL LETTER Box tioner &c 12 Bar well & Sons, wme mers
52 Talbot George Norfolk & 9 ST.STEPHEN'sTowNSuB-, LATTER-DAY SAINTS' As ...
54 Waiters Hargrave (R. T. P. Cory L.R.C.P. PosT & M. o. OFFICEj SEMBLY HALL
54 Radford Miss Violet, nurse LonrL, M.R.C.S.Eng. Ellison Misses, tobaccnsts 14 Mace Walter, boo_t wareho
56 Butcher Emest house physician ; H. C. 1 I Rudd Geo. cabinet maker 16 Todd Georg~, hosier
58 Littlewood Horatio H. Darling M. B., B s. 11 Sennitt Ebenezer Charles, 16A, Burrow RIChd._watch ma
6o Mn.bbott Miss Caroline,day resident surgical officer; provlsion dealer I8 Ho~e. & Colomal Stores
school Frank Gidley Hazell~sec) 11 Lambert F.&Son Limited, Limited,, gro_cers
62 Pepper Thomas tea merchants 18 Robertson s, mmeral water
64 Woolnough Robert Wm SOUTH SIDE. 1 · manufacturer' &c
Victoria Railway Station 13 Bush Percy, ha1r dres11er R b t J "
68 Rix TomBI akeley (G.E.R.)(Benjamin Geo. 19 Fletcher W. & R. Limited, 188 &o erBson amMe~ b
70 Everitt Benjamin ur t t t" t ) butchers I 20 renner ax, azaar
2 {;l k G J n es on, s a wn mas er C 1 A J &u L. · d
7 1
ar e eorge ames . Duff, Morgan & Vermont 21 & 23 Weyer Arthnr,draper a ey · · oon !mite •
74 .Armstrong Robert, m- Ltd t 25 Hardy A florist chocolate mfrs. (stores)
. nw or eagtneers · 2 R 0 d Wh"t 1 th Ltd
spect or RSPCA
· · · · (Victoria garage) London Picture Palace Co. o.A, · ge-
1 wor ·
76 Parker George Jamcs Culler R. & Sons Ltd. (reg. (Victoria ball) I cyc~c manufacturers
78 offices), coal merchants Woolnough Frank, electric 22 St~~mgs Matthew Bane
80 Murrell Miss 24 Walker Renton Palmer dynamo & motor maker on, grioci·ers f .
82 Me"achen.dUeorge, clerk 1 · Tr.· •
...•• 1e1·ezsY1cto1·1ast...... (Th e A h
rcway.) 8 ee
24 Neaverson
h ··s .
k" ·'con ectwner
84 S pau l 81 ney l:!ertram 30 Bateman Miss advertisement ... ere 1s toe zn_qs c0'/1.r ..•
86 Norton Miss 32 Shepherd Henry Garland 27 Burn Charles Noel, cycle 26 Stocki~gs &Sons, butchers
~ 34 Mann Miss Aliee dress ma manufacturer ·• ... h~re ts C?ne PoS't alley ..•..•
S la
St. aviours ne, 4.) Mag- ,. . ' . ,;: , C L" 2d Umcorn mn \\'m ~ecker
dalen street to Peacock st 34 F 1sh M1ss Lucy, sh1rt m a 29 ~tar Tea o. 1m. grocers . ! •
· 36 Fitt Cyril Herbert C 31 & 31A, London &Provincial ...... here ts Umcorn al~e.'11··:· •
NORTH SIDE. 38 Watson & Watson, surgns Furnishing Co Send~ll Joh_n NJCholasr
... here is St. Saviour's alley ... 38 Watson WilliamAlex.M.B., 33 Nortoa & Son, tobacconi~;ts smith (Um_corn alley)
19 Hope Brewe11· P.H. Arthur ch.B Aberd. surgeon 35 Warren Mrs. Elizabeth, 30 Maypole Da1ry Co. Ltd.
SaY~ge ' 40 :Meers J ames W pork butcher butter, dealers .
••• ~ere u Hm·per s bldgs . •...••... here is Kingsley 1.d •.•... 37 Read J meph, watch maker 32 Leach & fooley, 01! & oolor
23 Vmce W~: John, cabmet 42 Bond Ernest Charles 39 Boughton Harry, fishmngr ~en
mak~_r~ _Ironmonger ~ 4 Betts Mrs .... hue i.5 Brrnrne's court .... 34 MIChael (Ed ward) & Co.
27 & 29 "'nitmg Hy. decortr s6 Groom Mi~s Kate, milliner 4IA, Hall Alfred, hair dresser butc.hers
SOUTH sm,E. . ss Paul Harry 41 Crown & Angel P.H. Henry ...... here 1s Loyalty cmtr:t .....•
2 Batson Freclk. S.ha1r drssr 60 Ford Robt.pianoforte tuner Alfred Hall 36 Hudson James, statJ_oner
4 ~rverM~s.~arah,dress ma 6 2 Hall Mrs Leonard, a parts CROWN & ANGEL YARD: 138 Per~wne James, frmterer
6 B1~hop \\. G. estatR agent 66 Noller Robert Gnymer Ernest, livery stables 40 C?lher Charles, confectnr
10 Mickleburgh Mrs. Jane, 6 g Cooke Francis J >hn Page William, corn mer 42 Nic~olls. & CA>. {l!"O\"Jsn. dlrs
pork butc~r 70 Scott Thomas John Austin William, cabinet ma he·re tS P~pe Burr~;er's yar~
14 ColkMrs. Ed1thM.greengro 70 Scntt. Harry Cecil architect Perfect & Co. Wicker chatl'"
16 Daine.sM,issLo~is~,shopkpr 72 Wilde Charles ' ~ . . ~frs.(Pipe B~rner's fd)
... he1·e ts (amplzng syard ... Bell William Frederic 43 Foau M1ssAnme,watchma 46 Sm1th Charles I'. chemist
24 Mansfield Daniel, card- 76 "·alker Mrs Rohert 4S Chamberlain Fredk. hosier 48 Hurren Misses Emily &.
board box manufacturer 78 Cobbald Waiter Edgar 45A, l' d_rssr . Beat~ce, fa~cy drapers
32 Lacey Mrs Mary A.shopkpr 49 Andrews S. C. confectwnr ... ... here 1.~ Wades cou1·t ....••
51 Grass Vale Dairy Go Gale William, hlacksmitb 6
St. Stephen's corner. St Stephen's square, 5IA, Duff Capt. Granville (Wade's court)
See RAMPANT HORSE STREET. Chapel Field road. . .• here is Wheatsheafyard .•. so Hughes & Co fishmongers
St. Stephen's plain, I Red. WEST SIDE. Duff, Morgan & \"ermont 52 to 62 & 71 Norwich Co-
l Howard George Frederick, Limited {motor works) operative Society Lim.
win st. to St. Stephen's st.
district sec. Ancient 53 Brett (Jonathan) & Co. J. T. Gee, set'"
~ Deacon Wm. fried fi ;h dlr Order of Foresters china & gktss dealers ...... he1·e is Lock's cou1·t .....•
3 Perowne Arthur, butcher 3 Maris Fred, clerk 55 Brett (Jonathan) & Co. '14 Algar Jabez, butcher
.•.••• here i.~ We.~tlegate st ..... . 5 ChattRn Jo'ln nndbrtakers ...... here is George yard ..•..•
4 Ipswich tavern,Geo. Yallop 7 Graver William 57 Parfoot John, refreshment GEORGE YARD:
5 La.rke Heginald Norman, 9 Taylor Edward Philip rooms Nichols Henry John, upholstr
pawnbroker II Vickers Vincent Charles ...... here is Rose yard •.•... Brighty Robert, wheelwright
6 W oodger Alex. fish curer IIA, Brittain Frederick 5~ The Hose P.H. Waiter
7 Halls Herbert Henry, tailor 15 Reid Mrs. Emily, aparts Spatchett 66 YallopJ.lbt.Andrew,grngro
19 Chapman Frederick 61 NewtonMrs.Alice,fruiterer 70 Bagshaw AbrahamGeorge.
St. Stephen's road, St. St. Stephen'sParocbialHall 63 Dawson Jas. R. news agt fishmonger
Stephen's street to New- Munday Edward, motor 65 Jenkinson & Son, window 72 Trumpet inn, Jas. Waites
market k Ipswich roads. car builder blind makers .••..•... here is Coburg st •....•••
NORTH SIDE. 21 Carter John 67 Smith Miss Elder, milliner 74 Asbworth Frederick,baker
I Eat~tern Ucion Railway 23 Georg~ Miss 69 Bull inn, Elaml. 1''. Hilling ..•... here are St. Stephen's rd.
tavern, Joseph Carver 25 Corrick Robert ......... hereisBullla ......... 9l' Chapel.field rd .....•
St Stephen's Back street, 57 Carter Stanley 40 Ward George Henry, boot Smithfield rd. 105 City rd.
Coburg street. 59 Rose Robert & shoe dealer ~ Cannell Alfred Thomas
Caley A. J. & Son Limited, 61 Goldsmith Geor~e . 48 Kingsmill Misses Ethel &. 15 Bean Alfred George
chocolate manufacturers 63 ToddStanleyAddison,tailor Kate, dress makers 2 6 Manning James Howe~,
(Fleur-de-Lys works) 65 Cork Henry I teacher of music
Howes Wm. Jas. beer retailer 67 Gee 'I om Wm. warehousmn Shire house.
Page Bros. & Co. printers 69 Oakes Albt. Jas.uphlstererl See CASTLE MEADOW. Soman's yard..
71 Beeston \\rilliam James See FISHERGA.TE.
St. Stephen's Church la. 73 Sherratt Mrs.dress maker Shorncli:ft'e street,
NORTH BIDE. Junction ro3.d. Somerleyton street,7o Un-
Rampant Horse street.
2 Barker Arthur Christopher 1 Davies Rev. Da\'id B. A. thank road.
~Nelson Edward, hawker
Waiter [ curate of D rayton &. SOUTH SIDE.
3 Pank J oseph John, gasfi t tr
4 Hipperson Frdk. Robt. bldr Hellesclon & chaplain of 1 Field Mrs
6 Oxbury Thomas Kerrison Norwich City Asylum] 3 Hall Francis Joseph
8 Seymour Mrs 5 Dawes Mrs
St. Swithin's alley, 55 St. 10 Goose Arthur W .Silver road (Pockthorne) 7 Plumstead Miss
Benedict's street to Lower v h M. , r •
Westwick street. I2 ~·renc . ISS from Barrack street to 9 RixMissGertrude,dress ma
..• here is St. Philip' s rd ... Mousehold heath. 55 & 57 Robinson Frederick..
II White Robt. jun. fish curer I4 Pond Arthur M. draper James, grocer
14 Read Robert, shoe manufr r6 Bassmgthwaighte William RJGH'r !>lllE. NORTH smH.
Weston Anchor P.H. George Ashley 2 Botterill William Jessop-
St.Swithin's terrace, West- 18 Bell Mr~ ...... here is The Pl¥ldocks...... 4 Smith Ernest Thomas,_.
wick st. to St. Benedict's st. 2o Larn John. The Cottage P.H. Walt. Moore relieving officer
26 Duftield Mrs. Levina,confr 22 Martin R<H;ert ······her~ is Mousehold st...... 6 Mickleburgh John
26 Edmondsl\ alterBates,clrk 2I Read Christopher, shopkpr 8 Bury Thomas
28 Moll Herbert BAP'I:'IST CHURCH IO Ha'"rod Mrs
St. Swithin's wharf. ~
..•.•. here is Connauynt rd .••.•• ·•• h_ere ts .1uouse
..., h 0 ld _avenue ... I2 Tench ' Robert, boot maker·
See WESTWICK STREET. 30 Rowe Roland Percy, clerk Elhs _Rev. A,lfred Hitch B.A. 54 Bayley Archibald Robert,
32 Gedge Miss [v1car] (St. Mary Magda- h"t "th
St. Thomas road, Edin- 34 Finn Oswald lene vicarage) wh I e~m1Vil ..r.zk t
b h d t C ll S M M C . . . . . . ere lS or; o s •...• •
urg r . o emetery wa . 36 Shingles Ceyphas icT. ~lRYS hAGlDA'LfEhNE(' ·HCH sB Somerleyton tavern, Robt.
NORTH SIDE. 38 Par3ons George ounc_l . oo ( e ... corge ..Alfred Larkman .
I Cripps Mrs 40 Stannard l\lrs White) .
souTH SIDE. 42 Cleverley SvdneyGeo.clerk ......... here ts Volet rd .•••.•..• Soup Office yard.
2 Daniels Thomas Wiiliam 44 Saunders Jii. Geo. travellr: 165 Plat~en Sidney, ~nsur. agt
4 Moll George 46 Dunn Ernest William I I87 Lav1c~ Wm. C. _msur. agt See FISHERGATE.
48 Durrant Mrs h_e,·e 1s Lad:~·smtth rd . .•..•

Norw:ch Ele~tr1c Tramways·Southwell road, G.rove rd._


St. Vedast street, Prince 5o Saunders Miss

of Wales road to Rose Jane. 54 Bowen Mrs . Co. s Termmus to Hall road.
56 .Arnold Mrs Manu Brothers, boot manufrs SOUTH SIDE.
EAST SIDE. 8 T ·te M" I Hall Waiter
I N oonan J n. advertising agt 5 wai s ISS LEFT SIDE.
I National Trade Defence ...... hert i.5 BuU Clo.~e rd...... 3 Clayton Arthul""
Association (Eastern Sayer's st. Heigham st. I2 Mounted Volun~r P.H. 5 Hunt William
Counties District (Hrbt. BAPTIST SUNDAY ScHOOL Thomas Lucas 7 Hunt Henry
eh s. ur d" ) I8A, Graysmark Mrs. Lydia, 9 Banks William Henry
"estgate, 1st. agt Wills G. & S. laundry
. h d J h shopkeeper 11 Nellaon Mrs. Mary, aparts-~
3 JC ar s o n Betts Alfred, wheelwright ·
~ W d "'1. K t t · C Ch h 2o Tate Wm. wardrobe dealer ...... he1·e is Rowington rd •..•• ~
:, ar .u 1ss a e,cos um1er 13 ooper ar1es, s opkeepr
WEST SIDE. ...•.•.•. here is Silver .!t ... ••••• -. 15 Wagstaff Henry
St James' Church Sunday 19 Andrews Mrs
. 4 Drake Cyril School lane. Schools :.13 Wood Frank
6 Buckenham William
See BEDFORD STREE'l'. 34A,HindesLeonard,hoot repr 25 Stammers Robert
48 GaymerErnst. pork butcbr 27 Leveridge Ernest

Salford st. (Sth. Heigham), Scales green, Rising Sun la . ..•.•. here i~ Wood house st ••• ••• 29 Scott William George
Coach&Horses st. to Globe st.
I Howard John, cab propr 5o Bussey Geo:ge,shopkeeper 31 T..anham James Henry
9 Pauling Edgar Thos. baker •••.••••. hm·e are Pro.•pect rd. cj 176 Varley Dav1r1, boot maker 33 Browne Albert Edwardr
16 Berry .Fredk. coal dealer Wilde's yard .•. ••... here is Marlborough rd ... bricklayer
26 William the Fourth P.H. 4 Cox Wm. rope & twine ma g8 Metc~lfeSaml.A.lbt.shpkpr BuRTON's BU~LDINGS:
George Amies 6 LusherMrs.Maria,shopkpr' ... he1·e 1s !feaconsfield rd ... 47 Roebu~k mu, James
. ••. •• here ilJ J.-J ark et la .•.... ; I 12 Brun~1sh !'drs. Hannah Carrmgto~
Sandringham road, 5 Alex- ...... here is ~teppiny la .••... i :\'I arm, milk dealer 49A, Hanse!l W alt.A. hoot ma
and er road to Edinburgh rd. 8 Thouless Clement board- here is Krwwsley rd •..... 49 Baldry William,shopkeepr
1 ••••••

SOUTH SIDE. ing house ' 114 Bell A.lbertEdwd.shopkpr ·········here is Crowe st ........ .
I Hennett Samuel Thomas 14 Palfrey John F.yeast dealr ..•... here are Churchill ~St. ··-······ here is 21 r0111 •• ....~ •••• ~
3 Everett George IS Ketteringham Horace Olave'srds ............ Mansfield Arthur, grocer
5 Curry Richard Thomas horse slaughterer · ' I 52 Cushion Wm. boot maker ·•· ...••• here is I6 ro1o ........ .
7 Bovington Herbert ... ... here is Bedford yard .....• I64 Spaul.s David, fishmonger 53 GoulderMrs. Sarah,n ~~agt.
9 Creamer George ... ... here i~ Globe yu•·d .••••• ...... here H Northc11te rd ...... 55 PortlandArms P.H. Wdham
I I Rivett John Richard 166 & I68 Norwich eo-opera- Broom
13 Summerscales Henry, Se well Clmstitution hl. tive Sodety Ltd. grocers ...... here i11 Portlcmd sq ....... ,
schoolma~:~toc 10 Metcalf Sydney GeorgP, IJO Wi~liaJ?SOn Mrs. Emily, 57 Gowing Mrs. Bes11ie Jane,
IS McEwen John, traveller schoolmaster m1d~1fe . butcher .
r7 Berry Samuel Neave ...... here ts Branford 1·d ...... 6I R1ches Edwm, shopkeeper
I9 Martin Harold J. surveyor Shad well st. Crook's place. IgD Green ~erbt. boot maker ...... ~ere is P01·tland pl ......

21 New house Sidney W d F . fi h i ... ...... here 1s Bell rd ..•...... 63 Smith Edward, baker
23 Chiddick :Frank 3I Alr. ~~- rLanCJsB, ds ,mgr 222 Breeze Misses Edith & ...... .•. here is Milton st .•. ..••••
25 Stratford Ernest Harry 47 r ne 1 ISS ucy · rssma Alice, dress makers bg Snelling Wm. fishmonger
2 Curson Joseph, corn. trav 6 5 Underwood Horace,shpkpr'230 Smith Waiter, carter NORTH SIDE.
7 6 7 W ~rd Saml.Isaac, sho!Jkpr
29 Nelson Halcot,t T 2 Bayne Alfred, boot repairer
31 Tilley Arthur, clerk 99 WmgfieldMrs.E. beer retlr i Silver st. 55 Bull Close rd. Fison Ed ward, maltster
33 Finch Jacob, asst. librarian ~~ ;'~d"Ill Ha;ryd:h~bk~pr I I Cbapman Mrs. H. shopkpr (Victoris maltings)
35 Smith Herbert a ef~n re · ar es, 3 Hea~la~d Mrs. Ellen, 26 P~ummer Charles
37 Hayden Ernest.James,clerk 1
r coa . ~a er midwife 28 Dtckerson Mrs
39 Harcourt William 7° .New Cit) P.~.Mrs.Hannah 17 Taylor Ernest, hair dressr 38 Mutton Al'th.frenc~ polshr
.p Piddington A. A. travellt>r p GdarWthon .Nb ewby_ . ro7 Wil~:~onMrs.Eliza,shopkpr 6o Bold Napier P.H. Alfred
43 Denmark· Arms P.H. 8 4 on m. oot repairer I8 Scott Waiter, tailor
Thomas Howard
Goorge Stephen Tinkler . 44 Warne Joseph, shopkeeper .....• here is Trafalgar st .....•

45 Sexton Miss Shipstone rd. Magdalen rd. 58 Trouse Arthur 1 boot repr 7oMansfieldChas. Wltr.shpkpr
47 Amies Mrs xHilsden Wm.Chas.insur.agt 6o Pearson Wm. chair maker ......... here is 13 row ......... .
49Gasken Edward William 15 Cah·er Charles b4 Woodrow Abraham Wm. 72 HolmesJames, boot maker
51 Haroourt Maurice o Lloyd George Aug. clerk boot repairer 78 Harvey Samuel, saddler
53 Copping Mrs 24 H~lmes Albert, musical 102 ~abler Frederick.Andrew. ·-yr···here i~ Cherry st , ••.••.••
55 Barber Waiter Instrument dealer 1 JUn. baker ,.......•• here u Stoke n,,.,,•.....•

SooTHWELL ROAD-Con.a ... ... here i.~ Hoop er la ...... Kent Alfred J. draper 4 Stone Herbert Henry
82 Duke of Norfolk P.H. 423 NewmanMatthew,shpkpr TowN SuB-PosT & M. 0. 6 Martin Alfred Harry, clerk
George Jermy 427 Anger John, boot repr OFFICE. Telegrams can 8 Skedge Mrs
•••... ••• here ill Caister st. .. .•. .•• Cobb Frederick, grocer be dispatched but not
go Wyatt Geo. cattle dealer 479 SPROWSTONPosT& M.O. 12 delivered from this Stonemasons square, r24
MISSION B.ooM OFFICE office & telegraph St. George street.
... here is Cross Cherry st ... 481 Harrison Wm.Albt.miller money orders are is- 36 Sendall William, bricklayer
9~ Morning Star P. H. William ...... hlfi·e is Windmill rd ..• ... sued but not paid
Aldous 505 trav I4 Luckett Mrs Stracey road (Thorpe Ham-
fH 569 Knox Major Ernest Blake ...... here is Gladstone st ...•.• let), 3 I Thorpe rd. to Lower
s pelman road ,end en1ey ° 22 WilsonAlbt.Edmnd.shpkpr Clarence road.
road to Grange road. NORTJ;l SIDE. . .. ... here is Alexandra rd... .•. 2 Campling George Herbert
I Tnngate B.ev. Wm. Robert Crotc~ "alter George 24 Mower .!<"red, confectioner 4 Hunt Robt. comcl. travellr
[United Methodist] (Pomt house) 36 Fisher Wm. Atton plumbr 6 Scott Mrs
6 Read Arthur Frederick 4 Crotch Waiter George ~ ... here is St. Phili;'s rd ... 10 Aris Charles John
8 Winter Alfred W Son, modellers &c. (Fl- 38 HoodA! ma I2 Baker James
brous plaster works) 60 H F dk w ·
Spencer street, Bull Close IQ Burden Mrs Rosa,furn.dlr howet! ere . r.padmter I4 Beck Mrs Ed d
road to Sp rowston road. """" h 0 ll M
roA, .1.w.c s . rs.
H . tt . .. . . . ere ts -onnaug !t r .••.•• 22 Twentyman
arrie • 68 Edwards CharleS, grocer
EAST SIDE. tobacc?mst 76 Holmes Garnham Henry Suffolk st. (SouthHeigham ),
•.•... here is Wodehrm.~e st ....•. 40 Mudd Miss Ellen,dress ma insurance aaent ' Somerleyton st. to Union st.
15 Phillips Ernest W.shopkpr 48 Low Brothers, corn mers 9 6 Amos ·willi:m Henry, 2 Reynolds Fredk. Rt. baker
4I Hooty_ Jantes, ga11 collector 54 monumental mason 4 Barlow Christmas Hawes,
••• here u MarlboTOU!fh rd .•. S6 HemmmgsRd.fried fish shp 100 ScottowWilliamEdmund, greengrocer
43 Marlborough Arms P.H. 74 Me_tcalf Charles, decorator boot maker 30 Field Miss L. tobacconist
~ewis Geor~e Lock wood 84 Grmles Walte~, school at- ...... her1 is Helena rd ..•.•. so Hawkins Mrs. C. M. bricklyr
63 Elhs Mrs. Ed1e, shopkeepr tendance officer I 14 Towler Richard Thomas I Holmes Arthur Edward,
••..•.... here are Beaconsfield o/ 104 & ro6 PeggArth.greengro •••... here is Winte?· 1·d .•.•••. boot repairer
Knowsley rds .••.••.•. I08 Barber. Arth. warehsemn I 13 ~unn Henry, boot.fllaker

gi Ha~s Albert, miller ······ he:e 19 La1llson rd ·-···· Stamford Bank chambrs. 27 Meachen Fredk.Geo. grocr
W1seman Emanuel shop- I Io Anmsrm John, fishmonger
, I 16 Barker Charles
s ee L ON,DOS" STREET. MISSION RooM (City Mis-
" . • .
8.),. TowNkeeper
SuB-POST & M. 0. n8 Kett Pet_e~Melhsh,butchr
Stamp Otfi.ce yard.
20 Pegg Wllham, b~JCklayer See ST. ANDREW STREET. Culling Wm. furniture dlr
-········· here are Churchill, St. I22 Pat_tersonWaltr.Geo.clerk
Olave's o/ Northcute rds ... here ~s D~nmr;rk openin_q ·•· Stanley avenue (Thorpe Sun lane (New Catton),
WEST SIDE. I54Smith1'h_ssEllen,p_rk.btchr Hamlet), Thorpe hamlet. from 96 Angel road.
2 Harrison Wm. Thos. baker I 58 Lamb Sid~e~·, haird~esser 4 Pye William Magnus
I 4 Waller Waiter, decorator I78 Russell Wllham Br1dges, 6 Perks :Mrs Sunday Schools
26 WebsterMissKate,dress ma r harness maker IO Bavin Mrs 46 Xickalls Waiter, baker
4 8 Moore John, news agent 204 fhom:pson Harry, grocer I 2 Ranson Edward 13 & 14 Yincent A. C. motor
••.•••... here are Marlborouqh ~ ..•..• he1·e t~ P~arce field .•. ..• Utting Step hen William engmeer
Beaconsfield rds. o/ Mill la ...... ~e_r~ lS Stdney row ...... (Bracken brae) Sunny hill, City road.
64 LockMissesEllen&MarLha, 2 7 2 "hitmg Hy. A. shopkpr Harvey Lt.-Col.John Robt. G Ch 1 k
dra ers 284 Norfolk Arms P.H. Harry d reen ) ar es, cow eeper
p H S · h n.s.o., J.P. (Holmwoo )
84 Wailer Edmund Le!!ter, enry m1t
fried fish shop 292 Blanch ~eorge, hay dealr Starling road, Waterloo rd. Surrey gro. from Surrey st .
•••... here is Knowsleyrd .••... .••.•.••. heToe ts Cobb row ..•...... Holmes Bros. boot manufrs Dennington Chas. boot rna
Io4 Leamon Jarnes ·boot ma 298 Poynter \\'m. fishmonger I Copeman Miss
xo6 Ross Richd. w:n.boot ma PRIMITIVE METHODIST Station road, "Westwick st. Head Fredk.cabinet maker
•••.••...••• here are Churchill cJ CHAPE_L . to Oak street. Short John, engineer
Northcote rds ............... here ts Sh1pjieU......... 6 Page Charles, clerk
146 Atmore James 434 Nash Mrs. Hannah, shop- 2 Railway Stores P.H. James 7 Riches Mrs
148 Howell William, clerk keeper Calver
ISO Easton William 4 5 6 B w It
urrows a · eye e agn 1 t Municipal Schools
M"dl d & G t N th S ,
urrey street. St. Stephen s ,
4 66 Allen HarvevJn. J
boot repr J an. t R .1 rea c·tor St
ern s t ree t t o Q ueen · •s roa d &
Spitalfields, Gurney road, 470 Brickmakers' Arms P.H. t;nn ("~~lwl" ay, ICY a- r'inkelgate.
from Barrack street. Arthur Burrows 10n n 1 mm urson,
I Castle
476 Burrage Henn, baker station master) WEST SIDE.
tavern' George B urrows ""' t H u be r t , 3 Da'-' & Blaxland, surgeons
Platten Campling William John DUS ace J
(Th H ·ta ) refreshment rooms 3 Day Donald Douglas
42 Clarke Robert, shopkeeper e ermi ge PILLAR LETTER Box F.R.c.s. surgeon
Sprowston road, froni Mag- Lacey & Lincoln Limited, 5 Bradley - Watson Cecil
dalen road to City boundary. Stacy road,I6 Magdalen rd. building material dealers Hugh L.D.s.Eng. dentist
38 Fune Miss Lily, dress ma Ruymp Hobert R. & Son, Norwich Union Fire Office
SOUTH SIDE. 40 Powley Miss C. dress makr builder-5 1 merchants (Jn. Large,gen. mngr.) .
•..••• here is Branford rd ... •.. See advertisements
•••.••.•• here is Bell rd ....•... Stepping lane, from Scoles inside & outside
I39 Cocks Thomas, tailOT Stafford st. 33 Heigham rd. green. Back Cover
I4I Young Wm. John, baker sourH SIDE. Groom Joseph, shopkeeper II Bigno_ld ~iss
143 Stowers George Gregory I TroryHy.who. confectionr (I Norman buildings) ... hue Is B!_gnultl's court ..•
& Son, builders &c ...... heJ"e is Belvoi1• st ...... 2I Burleighl\ln.Geo.dress ma
149 Marsh George William I I Moat Henry, grocer Stoke street (New Laken- 23 F~ul~er W!lliam , .
I59 Barton Horner, shopkpr I9 Rumsby William & Sons, ham), Cherry street. 25 Girls Fnendly Socrety
I63 Hathaway William boot makers All W"ll" Lodge (Mrs. Carpenter,
193 ArnoldChris.rried fish shp 21 Denny Mrs. Rosa, confctnr 4 en _I !am superintendent)
I95 Thomas Loms, greengro ...... here is Gladstone st .•..•. 1 3 Read Wilham, cattle dlr 7.7 RocheE!eazerBirchL. R.c. P.
here areGertrude st.<fSilver rd 23 Rowe :Fdk. Wm. ho.furnshr I9 Hall Mrs.SarahA.greengro Land., M. n.c.s.'Eng. phy-
St.Magdalen'sChapelWorking ..•... here is Alexandm 1·d ..•... St d A b sician & surgeon
"Men's Club 31 Eastick Frdk.Rt.hairdrssr one roa • Y1s am road 29 Blaxland Athelstan Jasper
•••.•• here is Gilman rd ..••.•..• here is St. Philip's 1"d ••. to Drayton toad. M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.,
22I Campling Robt. lime mer 4 5 Crick PhilipWm.sec.A.O.F RIGHT SIDE. L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon
399 Ellis Ernest, boot & shoe ...... here i.~ Connaught rd... .•• HEWITT's VILLAS : 33 Barwell Miss
manufacturer 79 Wales Arth.ur, tailor Tench John Henry (H.:M. 35 Mills Robert James M.B.,
407BlackhorseP.H.Alfd.Barnes ....•. he 1·e is Edinburgh rd...... sub-inspector of schools) M.s.Aberd., M.R.C.S.Eng.
409 BurrowsArth. Wm.shpkpr II5 Cook Thos. G. insur. agt. (Ivy bank) surgeon
••.••• here is Blackhorse la...... •.. ..• he 1·e is Winter rd ........ 2 Piccioli Giovanni ..• here is All Saint.~• green .•.
419 Hrock Henry B. corn dlr 3 Batterbee Arthur James 37 Burn John & Son, builders
421 AppletonWilliamThomas, NORTH SIDE. 37 Hurn Mrs
wholesale confectioner 2 Cawdron Miss Lottie,aprts I Bacon George Ford 39 Marriott William Anbrey
Howes Edward, builders' 2 Cawdron Miss Mary,nurse 51 Martin Thomas, shopkeepr L. )LB., ch.B.Glas.surgn
merchant. See ad- IO Aldred RobertJohn, baker LEFT SIDE. 4I Alderton George
verti•ernent ' ...... here is Belvoi1• .1t •••••• 2 Bald win Wm. estate agent 45 Salkind Saul
53 & 55 RideoutSister,nursing !92 Thompson ~lrs. Gertrude, The Watering. Home Light Oil Co.
home wardrobe d~aler See ST. MARTINS ROAD. (Station)
57 Wilson Orson Boswell Th tre Parker Herbert, corn &c.
59 l'ooley Thomas R Swan lane, London street ea plain, Theatre st. merchant(Tower wharf)
6r Lickert Mrs to Bedford street. Wise Miss Lacey & Lincoln Limited,
63 Parker Granville Fredk r Alderton's Trimming ~orwich High Schoolfor Girls builders' mers.(Station)
65 King Arthur Warehouse (Girls' Public Day School I Jackson Henry William,
67 Murray Rev. Johnstone 5 Bowhill ~ Co. leather mers Trust Limited) (Miss Ger- station master
M. A. Ed in. [rector of All 2 Dipple George Henry & trude Wise, head mistress) 3 Jessup George
Saints with St. Julian'sl Son, _jewellers . Theatre street, Rampant 5 Radley John Alfred
71 Underhill Mrs. Frederick- 4 Balls Miss Mart ha, statwnr Horse st. to ChapelField north . .•. here is Lower Clarence rd .••
73 Nichols Miss Catherine 6 Blaxell Miss M. conrectnr NORTH SIDE. 7 Morse Francis Arthur
Maude, artist 8 Butcher Geo. F. draper ...... here is Chu1·ch sl ••.... I I Burfteld Joseph M.B., B.s.,
77 HaYward Joseph George Swansea road 34 Denbigh 3;?phr F.R.c.s. surgeon
79 Hickling Robert George road' 7 Pye Arthur Alfred, agent 13 Cleveland Arthur John
81 Nicholson Wm. Augustus · 9 King Mrs. Ann Last, ser- M. D. physician & surgeon
...... hel'e is Queen's rd ...... 2A, Gaymer Mrs. Betsy, vants' registry 15 Culley Henry Read
EAS'P SIDE. butcher ... h ere ~s • •s court ... 17 c hapman Arthur John
· B utcrte1·
, 2A, Gaymer Miss Violet, 11 E\·erett Ernest Wm surgn Duncan
2 Boars Head P.H. Arthur teacher of music
'f WALL LETTER Box I9 Hall William Henry
•. urner 34 Hnmphrey Wm. Hy.baker 13 Yallop Edward, plumber 21 Carman Mrs
lV 1!5'g Edward John & So~, ...... he1·e is 1J1ilford 1·d ... ... Brett John (Chestnut ho) 23 Bra hams David
Head yard) stables (Boar 8 43 Bartram Hrbt.F. boot repr
I5 Pearce· Frederick, shopkpr 25 Salter William Eric
4 Bamard & Cross, solicitors Synagogue st. Mountergate 17 Lamb Leonard 27 Crosskill Charles Robert
Norwich Union Life Insur- street. .. .... here is Lady'.~ la ...... 29 Reeve Simms J.P. barristr
ance Society. See ad- JEws' SYNAGOGL'E 19 Shakespeare tavern, Mrs. 31 Cubitt AlgernonJames
vertisement f'acing M organs Brewery Co. Limited Sarah Mallett ...... here is Stracey rd ......
inside Front Cover maltsters PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL 31A, Darley :\Iisses L. & M.
Norwich (City of) Water ST. ANN'S WHARF : SOUTH SIDE. dress makers
Works Co.'s Offices SabbertonB.&C.motorengnrs 4 Greene Arthur M.A., M D. 3IB, Gooch Thos. Wm. grocer
12 George Mrs. Emily, grocer Anglo-American Oil Co. Lim- ophthalmic surgeon 31c, Mast Arthur Girling
14 HowardJn. Wm.provisn.dlr ited, oil merchants 6 Crosse Herbert, surgeon Holmes
16 Anchor P.H. Mrs. Althea Allsopp Saml.& Sons Limited, 8 Hicks Herbt. Wm. printer 33 Webster William
S. Mars ham brewers Brooks William Thomas 33A, Crow Artb. W. corn. trav
r8 Greene Robert & Son, . Percy (~hantry court) 33B, Belcher Joseph James,
watch makers 2 Cutler Fredk. Wait. painter 1o Sist ern Mtsses Inez l\Iaud & commercial traveller
...... here is Anchor vm·d...... 4 Fuller Jas. boot & shoe ma Ethe~ Annie, dress mas 33C, Alexander Mrs
22 Durrant Harry,cab proprtr M organs Brewery Co. Lim- ...... here .u The Chant1'Y. .•.••• 3SA, Ling Miss
... here is Quantrill's court ... ited,mineral water mnfrs .. _ here ts Theat1·e platn ... PRIMITIVE METIIODh•T
24 f'adamy Thomas, confctnr Fletcher & S?n Lim. CHURCH (Rcott's Me-
30 St. Augustine's Lodge Talbot yard. wholesale stationers moria!)
34 Barton SI. J.M.D. physician See OAK STREET. Theatre Royal_ (Fred 35 Thompson William Alfred,
36 Horsley Alfred L Taylor's buildings. Morgan, propnetor) commercial traveller
... heJ·e is All Saints' green... See MAGDALEN ROAD. 24 Moore Mrs. Eliza, liyery 37 Coates Mrs
38 Butterfant :.\Iiss sta_bles . 39 Lawman William
40 Parsons Harold Walt.tailor Telegraph lane (Thorpe ... he1·e zs Chapel Fzeld east ... ...... here is Clartmce l"d ..... .
46 Surrey tavern, Arthur Hamlet)~ St. Leonard's rd. Thorn lane. Ber street to 41 Hale Rev. William Ford
Vinc~nt Howard Mrs. (The Myrtles) King street. M.A.. [vicar of Hardley]
-a·w_here~,\~urreJ grove ...... Snelling Wm. (Freneda cot) sorTH SIDE. 43 Roberts Misses
4 H Jgg h. I tiaAm h dl Pearson Miss (Holly lodge) 7l\Ioore Wm. Hv. boot ma 45 s_mith George 1\'1 0

52 ump rey aron, ay r ...... h ere zs · Que 1Jec r d ...... I? Freeman John,J cabinet ma 47 N ar boroug h F re d enc k W
54 & 56"IStewar t E rnes t Wm. W'Jl'
& a ar
k Tl th I Jam
the F our th P.H. J as. 25 Ta,·lor Jas. Jn.greengrocer 49 B_arnes-AI _Ire d ,c,o1hery · agnt
1omas,ear en- Ellis G G
... here is Bartholomew st ... 5 1 rant ngson fhomas
ware dealers
...... tere 1S c·•11ape l L ok e...... T emp1e rd . ("'T

cat t on ) , 27 Bartholomew tavern, Her- ...... C hert!Ris0 bHarbour
p rd ......
Surrey StreetCouncil Schls 'Vaterloo.road. bert Atkins 53 urry f.. · com.travlr
58 HammondMrs.Ellen,aprts 3 Copley Walt.lsaac, painter 33 Carpenters' Arms P.H. 55 MullinsFrankEdwd.Calver
... here is Butche1·'s alley ... 69 !<'lint John, colliery agent Albert Louis Spratt 57 ~amsay ~ames
Gun11: William & Son, heraldic 77 Lincoln George, builder 35 Cannell Mrs. Martha, 59 61 _elson MI~s
artists (St. Catherine's cot) shopkeeper Bart?n l\'11ss
Com·ent of Sisters of Notre Ten Bell lane, 95 Pottergate 37 Beck with Geo. E. nndertkr 63 Burhngham Mrs
Dame st. to St. Benedict's street. here aJ"t! 8t. Julian st. '.f alley 65 Southall_ Frederick.
... ... h ere zs· p·zn k ezga t e ...... WEST SIDE. St. Julian's Parish Rooms ...... here
d ts Carrow rd ......
I Mason Alfred Wm. baker NORTH SIDE. 6 9 Hin e Frank Page
5 Dent Mrs. Mary Jane, 2 Duke of Fife P.H. Frank 7I Wood Col. Henry C.B
Sussex street, St. Angus- dress maker Edward Browse 73 Winter Col. Henry Burton
tine street to Oak street. 7 G uyton F re d eric k , tailor 12 Dunn Isaac, shopkeeper 75 W e 11'ms l1
"':I rs
NORTH SIDE. Roberts & Co. printers &c ... here are St. ~Michael'.~ sq. 77 Newhouse Henr:r
13&IsBreedGeo.Wm. boot mfr I9 Barber Geo.chimney swepr Curt is bld,qs. o/ -''~'fiddle sq ... 79 Cooper_ Walter Ueorge
19 Hagg MissEmma,dress ma EAST SIDE. 22 SuttonMrs.Mary A.shpkpr ...... here u Cremoroe la ......
2I Clarke John William,police 2 Hall E. & Co. printers 28 Dockett James, shopkeepr BI Hobrou~_h _James Samuel
conrt missionary 4 & 6 ::\fcQueen William & ... here is Commerce court ... 83 Blyth \\ 1lham
29 Woods Arthur Jas. stone Sons, drapers- 30 Sons of Commerce p H. 85 Thorpe Henry _Albert
mason Clarke W. H. H. & Co. William Goldspink 87 Jolly James Lmg ,
31 Barwick Henry, plumber boot mnfrs. (Willett's et) ......... here is llfarket la ......... 89 Pearso~ .Albe:t James \\m
...... Jw·e is Ea_qle openin_q ...... 14 Trowse Christopher, tailor Goffin Herbert Geo. wheelwrt....... here lS Saltsbury rd ......
35 Spread Eagle P.H. William ......... hen~ are TJ·owse yd. ~ 91 Pank Richard
Drake Browne's court ......... Thorpe ro'!l-d (~horpe H~m- 93 Culley Lionel .
41 HaU & Staff, shoe manufrs let), contmuat10n of Prmce 95 Ashwurth Frank, msur-
53 Metcalf ArthurHy.painter The Archway. of Wales road to City ance inspector
See ST. STEPHES's STREET. boundary. Baker Mrs. E. L
16 Crosskill William & Sons, The Butchery. Great Eastern Railway 101 East End Retreat P.H.
tinplate workers See MARKET PLACE. Station (Thorpe)(George Stephen W. llowen
20 Dixon Irwin Edward The Grove. Jessup, district supt.; Burton~lrs.SarahJane,
22 Winter Samuel See BRACONDALE & CHAPEL- William H. Hall, dis- 10 shopkeeper
24 Barker William FIELD EAST. trict goods manager; 3 Tows SuB-PosT &
26 Scottin Christopher, insur- Henry William Jackson, M. 0. OFFICE
ance agent The Plantation. station master) 121 PalmerSydneyJn. shpkpr
See EA.RLHAM ROAn . Railway Refreshment 129 Hero of the Red&n P.H.
••• ••• .•• here is C1 . oss st ••...••••
-42 Ferris l\Irs.Emma,shopkpr The Walk. Rooms (Henry Castle, Thomas Allsopp
......! is Cltathar11 st ...... See MARKET PLAc•. district mngr.)(Station) ... here is Fl'ogs Halllanl' ...


THORPE RO..lD continued. . ..... here is In.qleby rd ...... 14, 15 & r6 Cnbitt & Sons, 45 Lord Nelson P.H. Charles
NOitTH-EAST sm"E. 214 Mansfield Major Gerald antique furniture dealers Edward Daines
•..•.. here i.~ Riverside rd ...... 2I6 Preston Miss I4, 15 & 16 CubittGeo.auctnr 63 Giles Mrs. Alicej draper
2 Tench Edwin J . .A.R.I.B.A 228 Nix Thomas I7 Waggon & Horses P.H. NORTH SIDE.
arehitect ...... heTe is Telegraph la ..... Thomas Shaldrack 2A, Browne Miss Kate Mary,
4 Molloy J. Austin L.n.s. 230 Chaplin Thomas ...... here are Wa_q_r;oncf Horses draper
dental surgeon 242 Pillow Mrs lane o/ IVensum st...... 8 Seager Frank, hair dresser
6 Abboit John Juseph ...... here is 8tanley aven ...... 19 SextonS. A. motor engnr 10 Clarke Ernest, fishmonger
16 Garrett-TaJlor Mrs 244 Sharpe Miss· 20 Norwich D;strict Nursing 12 White Horse ~.H, R. F.
18 Preston Frederick, physi- ...... here is Harvey la ... .•. Association, Moore
cian & surgeon . Miss A.E.Arnold,matron r6 Baker Mrs. Edith, shopkpr
20 Brett Mi~s May, a parts Tlmber hill Orford hill to ......... here is Palace st ......... 20 Wharton Fredk. bricklayr
22 Dowson Fred Ber street. Erpingham Gate entrance 30 Clarke Frederick William,
52 Forrester James Brown WEST SIDE. to Cathedral close hardware dealer
54 Cousins Chas.Edwd.aparts 5 Newt.on Mrs. F. eonfectnr 2I Norfolk County Association 34 Graves Fredk. E. beer ret
s6 Buckenham Miss PLYMOUTH BRETHREN Territorial Force, 38 Hansell Geo. jun. coal dlr
sB Marston Mrs. Annie Elizh. MKI<:TING Ho_USE . Capt. c. c. o. Gas- lw·e is BackTrafal_qar openin!l
servants' registry office 9 Leabon FrederiCk, clothrer , · coigne, sec ST. MARK's MISSION Roo.M
62 Porter Charles BAPTIST CHAPEL :.!"I National Association for 76 Riches Robert, shopkeeper
6 2 Sisling Mrs 17 Ba~ber Frederick William, Employment of Reserve 82 Holmes Henrv,ha1r dresser
64 Stone Frederick .Ariolphns fishmonger & Discharged Soldiers, 84 Crome Robert, shopkeeper
66 Watson Arthur apartmnts ..... here~-~ Palmer's yard...... Capt. C. C. 0. Gas-
68 Sullivan Arthur 2r Day 1 homas, shoe maker coigne, hon. sec Tra.ft'ord road, Grove road
72 Rukman Thcmas Samuel 23 Leach Mrs. Julia, sh?pkpr 21 l\"'orfolk Patriotic Associa- to Eleanor road.
25 Tho~ps_on Alfred, tailor
74 lVilcox Mrs tion, NORTH SIDE.
7 6 Cooper John Benjaruin ... her:e lS Lwn o/ Castle .11ard... Capt. c. C. 0. Gas- I Lawrence George Henry
78 Herrman Henry· 27 Lwn & Ca~tle P.H. ~y .. Roll coigne, hon. sec 3 Welch Harry
8o Lincoln Mrs 29 Stead & S1mpson Limited, 22 Poock Jn.J.Ifd.surg.·dentst 5 Amos Edward
82 Coach & Horses P.H. Saml. boot & shoe ware~ouse 22 Sears Herbert Rayson, 7 Middleton Thomas
Sullivan 31 Thoms~m Jn. ~- cabmet ma dental surgeon 9 Nobbs Sidney
84 Whin cop Mrs ....•. hertJ u Scott 6 coUl~ ...... 23 Flatt Mrs ... here is Rowingto1~ road ......
86 ThwaitRsFrederick 33 Fordbam &Potter, prcture 24 Taylor Fredc. Oddin D.L., 11 Smith John
88 John"on Miss frame makers J. P S SOUTH SIDEd. h I
90 Lyon~ George Hodgson 35 St. John's Parish Room Ethelbert Gate entrance tAl 4 pratt Richar ' se oo
9 2 Berry Harry 37 'fhirkettle Chas. Boutell, Catil.edral.~lo_se. attendan~ officer
94 Wood Miss cu tl er . . ...... h ere lS s t . .rmt"" k s l tr ...... 6 Gale William
6 West H. Howell 4I &43 Norwich Pawnbrokmg 26 Hrett J. & Sons Limited, B Brooks Mrs
9 · f ur,nt~ure
· d e.a1ers ro Daniels Mrs
98 Clancy Mrs. Laura, aparts Co antique
wo Noller.,William, aparts- Lord N els on PH · · J · A · 27 Cus t oms & 1'-XCise L
.Offi ces 14 Clarke Ernest Albert
DennyJn.Harvey,chmst Horstead 27 Stamp Office (Davrd.More, r6 Sercombe Edward
Io2 TowN Sun-PosT & EAST SIDE. distributor) r8 Parker Horace
l\-1. 0. On·IcE City Repairing Co. smiths 28 Inland Revenue Departmt Victoria Bowhng Green
104 Stevens Walter George Lane William, carpenter 29 Cha.mpion&Busby,auctnrs Lanhotm Jas.Hy. nursrymn
106 Lu~as :Miss Dora, girls' 4 Gardeners' Arms P.H. 29 Bolingbroke Louis Erring- Trinity st. Uqthank road.
sciluol Alfred James Parfitt ton, solicitor WEST SIDE.
112 Hamby Bernard J 6 Browne CharlesFrederick. 29 Purdy & Holley, solicitors 1 .Smith Colvin B. M., M.B.
114 Thornpson Charles H hair dresser (sat. only) nurh. surgeon
n8 Boston William Henry 8 Browne Charles Frederick, 29 Income Tax Assessors & 3 Pond Herbert J
Waters Henry James J.P. fishing tackle dealer Collectors for Norwich 4 Emms Herbert .Arth.tllilor
(.Ambleside) Boston George A. house (Henry Howell Algar, 5 AylmerJn.Peter,
Syder James (Woodside) furnisher (factory) Robert Nelson, Jesse 6 Cooke Miss
120 Stevens Mrs 14 Mounser Wm.Robt. cutler Cantrell Rouse, John
Young John
1:2:.1 Price Frank ..... her~ is Mounser's yard..... Bishop Grant & Alfred 8 Corsbie Lewis Frederick
124 Higson Captain Frank ' 16 ParfittAlfd. Jas. bairdrssr Waiter Fuller) 9 Cadamy Jonathan Henry
PILLAR LETTE.R Box r8PalmerMarshallAlfd.butchr ... here is Urpe1· King st ... IO Kirkpatrick Hobert
Morgan Francis (The 20 Star & Crown P.H. Mrs. I I Simmons Arthur
Cedars) Emma Read Tower wharf. 12 Linford John
I26 Horner Francis ... heJ·e is Star o/ CJ·mon yard... See THORPE ROAD. 13 Parker Clare
128 Nutman John R 22 & 24 Leveridge Brothers, Towler's court.
warehousemen 14 St oc k"mgs H er b er t F' ran k
... . .. here is Cotman rd ..... lw·e i~ GTout's thoroughfare See ELM HILL. . IS Winter John Jas. corn. traY
I Bunnett Edward xus.n. 26 Mitchell Miss Eliz:abeth, Town Close rd. Newmarket 16 Avery Miss
I7 Hill Fredk. Henry, travllr
can tab greengrocer
28 Fox E. J. & Sons, tobrnsts road to Ipswich road. I8 Hill Mrs
30 Alden Wm. Hy. jeweller EAST SIDto:. 19 Drivet· Mrs. W
140 Kendall Alfred 32 Copeman Ja\0. grindery dlr I Morgan Henry R 2o Heritage Miss
142 Topbam Alexander ST. JoHN's CHURCH 2 Copeman Misses 21 Fretwell Miss
162 Pattenden Charles Elliutt, 3 Tomkins John Shaw 22 Griffiths George Percival,
dist. manager Nationa Tombla,nd. 4 Bennett Waiter teacher of music
Provident Institution 1 Soldiers' & Sailors' Home, 5 Lovett Mrs 23 Williams Miss
164 Beatley Bowen Mrs.E.R.Jump,lady supt 6 Cockrill William John 24 Lowne William, corn. trav
...... here i.~ Heathside rd ..... . 2 Plowright Wm. Cremer,
7 Shead George William 25 Clarke Misses
166 Davis Frederick Sydney dealer in antique.'! 8 Warns Mrs 26 Doe James Robt. manager
168 Porter Miss 3 Cuthbert Herbt. privt. hotl 9 Kit ton Miss 27 N esbit Mrs
172 Dunt Mrs Matthews Mrs. Alice, mid- WEST SIDE. 28 Ducker Mrs
174 Barnard James L. N "ife (2 Kerrison's yard) 12 Harclay James Morrison 29 Parker Mrs
. . . . . . lure is M,, tlock rd ..... . 5 Taylor Herbert Edward 13 Sexton Henry \Villiam 30 Purchas. Mrs
176 Steward Mrs B.A., M.D. physician here are Fail:Jieldo/OnL·ell rds 3 1 Mrss
178 Kelly Alfred, corn. tr!lv 6 Ripley Wm.Ernst. solicitor 14 Roofe James 32 Blyth Jabez Jas. enginetr
18o Fitt George 6 Steward Russell Godfrey, 33 (/.oe Mrs
182 Winlove Mrs solicitor Trafalgar street, 6o Hall 34 Amiss btephen Thirkell
184 Cubitt Harry Dennis ...... J,ere is Princes st ...... road to ~outhwell road. 35 Egmore Miss Alice, pre-
186 Quintan .Albert John ST. GEORGX'S CHURCH SOUTH SIDE. paratory school
190 Andrews Charles Percy 7 Tombland Stores P.H. 1 Howard EverittFredk.bakr 36 8nowden Ernest Edward,
192 Mahony John Edward Victor Smith 5 Edwards .Alfred, boot repr c1shier
194 Howard Ernest 8 Lake 1\.lrs.Martha,confctnr 7 Hall Miss Aliee M. dairy 37 Rye George, reporter
196 Bailey Rev. John Henry 9 & 10 Philo J oseph & Son, I I Hall }<'redk. Jn.shopkeeper 38 Lloyd Richard, librarian
[curate of St. James'J saddlers 19 !'"lying Dutchman P.H ......... here is Rupert st ....... .
198 Redgment Gcorge n Pbilo Josevh, portmanteau Harry Munday 43 King Miss Selby, teacher
198 Porritt Miss Maude, oil & maker here are. Girdle~tone' s bldgs of music
grease merchant 1~ Bell Geurge, greengrocer 33 Phillipo Henry, fishmongr 45 Turner John, coal agent
200 Raven MajOT Peter 13 Gray Edward, draper ... here is Leighton' s row ... 49 Watson lsaa.c, Salvation
212 Day Capt. Frank H ... hertJ is Tumbland alley ... 43 DainesGeo.Edwd.greengro Army u.djuiant
lUST smK. Unicorn alley. 29 Bell Miss Mary M. B. surgn 215 Goodcbild Herbert
68 Porter Miss Alice, dress ma See ST. STEPHEN's STREET. 31 Steward Miss 217 Ri:ldelsdell Mrs
81 Reeve Samuel Jas. painwr ...... here i.~ Gros11e/!Ol" rd ..•... 219 Johnson Edward Herbert
87 Groom George, dyer Union street (South Heig- 35 Bozzine Peter .•• hertJ is Christchurch rd .••
go Lowe George, carpenter ham), Chapel Field road. 37 Dawson Mrs 221 Lincoln John
94 Fisher John, shoe maker 39 Skipper George John JENNY LIND INFIRMARY
95 P ren t Ice . M rs. L omsa, . d ress "b WEST SIDE. . 4I Sh'1eIds mrs "'' H)R CHILDREN (MlSlJ .
maker 1 GI s~m ~arryJn.bmr drssr 43 Brown Charles John Florence K. Pratt.
g6 & 97 Hurn Wm. Hy.chmst ... here t~ Coach et Horses st ... 45 Pank Arthur Robert matron)
.. ;...... here is Rup<rt st ......... 11 News,ead Jas. C. boot repr 47 Havers Francis C he · c, z d
8 Hammond George I7 Sheridan Fras. shopkeeper p L . B ...... re lS o man r ... ·•
9 W 'll J J h f ILLAR ETrER ox 291 Forster Samuel Jo•eph
99 Johnson Mrs 19 1 sea n. as. w o.con r -
Gee Joseph Thomas ......... here is Chapel st ......... ......... he1·e is Park la ......... 293 Smith Frederick Jvhn
IOI Baxter Harry Edmund HOLY TRINITY MISSION HALL 79 Park twern, John Money 2 95 Austin Herbert Sidney
103 Doe Sydney James, clerk ...... here is Quantrills sq...... Greenacre Erskine
Io Parker Misses 19A, Roberts Mrs. Alice,shop- 8r Barley HarryAlfd.shoe ma 297 Robertson Percy Frank
4 Fiddamant Arthur
5 keeper 83 Garrett Mrs 299 King Frederick
ro6 Marris Frank, tailor 23 Nunn James, news agent 8S ma 3or Plowright Arthur ff ·
ro Francis Arthur 31 Frank! in Fredk. brick-layeT B7A, Barnes Harry, builder 303 Thomas Mrs
7 Abram Lawrence
g in- 37 Paston Thomas, boot repr 87 Bullard Hy. Joshua, fruitr 305 Gallagher Chas. Connolly
spector of schools ' 41 Cushion. Fr~dk. A.shopkpr 89 S~l~· Thomas W~. en~inr 309 Page Richard :A-lfred
109 DaiueR Edgar, comcl.trav ..... ; here 1s .Z\?J'folk _s~ ...... 9I "Ilkmson P. J. !'ngn~riter 31 r Notley .Fr~derw
rro Restieaux Joseph James, 43 (Tallant~enJ. provlSlon dlr 93 Warne Art~urC: hau.d!sr 313 Pyle M1s~
registrar of marriages ......... here 1-S Suffolk st ...... ••• 95 Chapmanl\'hssEhza,milhnr 3 T 5 Baker M1ss
HoLY TRINITY CHURCH 47 Dady Robt. Wm. hair drssr 97 Margetts Step hen Charles, .3I7 Moore John, builder
1 II Winter Robert Jarnes ......... here is Esse.r st ......... boot maker 319 Haddow Joseph Henry
I 12 Hayler Francis William 55 Kiddle Alfred Bengefield, 99 We<1vers Francis William, 321 Kerry :Miss
I I Sutton Mrs but<:her cycle makpr 323 Hill Leonard Garard
u 3 Southwell Harold 57 John Bull P.H. .Alfred IOI Bunkell David, boot ma 325 Read Frank
Ig4 Haward Mrs Ernest Francis ros Roe Miss Nellie, confctnr 327 Stripling Lewis
- ...... here is Shad well st ...... 107 & rog Norwich Co-opera- 329 Brittain Thoma'.! Bennett
Trix road, Brunswick rd. 63 Moore Alfred, shopkeeper tive Society Limit-ed 33I Barwood Frederick John
17 ...... here is Nicho~a.~ st ............ here i• Rose va.lley ...... 333 Smith Reginald
EAST SIDE. 65 Coleman John, beer retailr rrr Rose Valley tavern, Benj. 3:15 Brooks Joseph
1 Lamb Charles Percival · 69 Brown Geo. window cleanr Wilkinson 337 Street Robert WiHiam
3 Dix Alfred 73 King ArthurAifd.greengro r I3 Bensley William, clerk 345 Hedges Sydney W
5 Boast Albert,_ telegraphist 75 Moore Alfred, pork butchr rrs ~aul Mrs . 347 Botting Frank Charles
7 Canham DaVId,schoolmast 77 Capes Wm. chimney swp ... here are Prim1'ose cots ... 349 Howard Rev. John
9 Burton ~Irs 79 Parnell Mrs. Ellen, nurse CullingWaltr. Wm. jobbing 3.SI Whitelaw Charles Eiwd
II LoombeMrs 8r HillJames, tailor gardener(6 Primrose pl) 36r Row Charles
13 Harmer ~eorge Lovell 83 Huson Alfred, ironmonger r 17 Maris Thomas 363 Roberts Thomas Fredk
15 Lloyd M1ss ...... ke-re is CambJ"iJ._qe st ...... I rg HowardEdwd. wood earn 365 Millns William John
WEST SIDE. EAST SIDE. 121 Pooley Charles Cook, 371 Clarke James Charles
2 Baker Herbert A 2 Reeder retlr dental surgeon 377 Hubbard Charles
4 Himson Mrs 4 Eley Henry, grocer I23 Pullen Benj. Nash, paintr 379 Ruid Arthur James
6 Sayer Ernest, compositor A, Cooper Wait. pork btchr r~s Goreham .Miss 38I Smith Edwin ·
8 Rice William 6 R ayson M r!'l. E mily, grocer 127 Nichols Miss 383 Hewett Arthur Genrg(}
ro H Lindsayd L Miss · .. .. .. .. . he1·e are U.nton · te1·. ':1_.,_ 129 Lowne Wm. Chas. Deacon 385 Russell A.rchi.bald
12 Bar Y Mewis Globe et Nm:folk st.~ ...... 131 Thirkettle WilliamErnest 38 7 Innes John
I<J rowne rs so Brightwell Miss Clara, 133 How<ud Wait. fishmongr 389 King Mrs. Mary
I6 Edwards Mrs h k 135 Amis Henry William 39I Hicks Miss •

I 6 Ed warus
_,J M'ISS El'1zab eth ......... s heJ·e
:Jp eeper
is Essex st .. ...... 137 Savory Misses 393 Levine Reuben
Ann, nurse Nudds.T.R.&Son,boot mkrs 139 agt 395 Warren John William •
I:'! Winter 54 · S 'h ad we ll st .... .. 141 Burrell Allan, painter
.._, . Mrs H E .... .. h ere ts 397 Bullen
B Benjamin
20 ..,,ag1mg arry rnest 60 Betts Chas.furnitnre dealr 143 Hurn WilliamHy.chemst ignold Charles Arthur
' · JV'' hol 145 Brown Ernest William, Bathurst D.L., J.P.
.. .. .. rtere LS zc as st .... .. (E 11)
Trory street, 76 Vauxhall 64 Skipper Joseph, grocer pri,Tate school for boys aton ha
street to r Oxford street. 70 Simp3 on Geo. fishmonger 147 Canham Miss 4 r Coe d.lbert Edward
WEST SIDE. 72 Eades Enos, boot maker here are Dover <ff st.~ 4 I3 And~rson Joseph
......... he1·e is Short st.. ....... 149 GrimmerAlfredGeo.clerk ~5 ~ell r~~~as Henry
2 Fowler Thomas, baker
IO Folk .Alfred, grocer 76 Dixon Noab, wheelwright 151 Wallis Wm. Lnther,clerk 41 ; ppr,c;; ~~s 188
r8 HornsbyFras.Jsph.boot m'l • 153 Kirk by Jn. Wm.insur.agt 41 FO) ,~ H A d
U th k d St G .] 5 R b tt E t 9 uy .urs. . n rew
32 L am b er t M rs n an roa , . 1 es I 5 ams o om rnes 425 H'llC 0 1 S li d
EAST SID~. hill to Newmarket rd. Eaton. 157 JonesJamesGeo.manager ., GI H ~re~ p v.n.,J.P
4 7
7 Mace Mrs WEST SIDR. I59 Cox Sydney J - p owen Ee:lr er_., W 0 j
. x· b l t 159 BlythJohn, gents' outfittr 4 3 I hotter D muu... e-
...... h ere ~s un er ey s ...... ST. JoHN THE BAPTIST h . ·
ouse ouro
9 Kimberley Arms P.H. CATHOLIC CHuRCH ...... ere z,; Pol'tland st ...... 435 Smith H. Har er
Frederick Lemon CATHOLIC RECTORY: 159A, Day James Wm.butchr , , p
B k M' K E & A r6 Wh't 1 J R' hd t 437 Geoghegan George Fre:ik
roe lsses · · · l'"itzgerald Very Hev. Canon IF e. aMs.. w .compos r 439 Hines Ernest Edward
~ 63 BranchlS MISS
M. dress makers
...... he1·e is Woburn st ...... Hughes
Thomas M.R
Rev. Henr'"· G 6
6 5 Rags aw Th rs W'll'
4+3 Barwell Bertram
H o,:lgei Ch ar1es E . (H'Ig h -
Parker Rev. Hugh
1 7 oper omas . I Jam ga te h cuse )
TrowEe Millgate. °
1 6 9 R b erts H Y: H ·piano tuner
173 Olley Just.ICe
BullimoreGranville Have-
BAPTIST CHAPEL lock (Grafton)
3 Bullen Mrs 175 Oakley Elhott Boni John Owen (Eatoo
Tuck's court, 24 St. Giles st. PILLAR LETTER Box ...... here is Lincoln st ...... cottage)
p · L th &~ . . • 5 English Mrs 177 Girdles tone J o!leph E.~ST siDB.
nor ea es ~on, .so ICitors 1 M G C 1 Bl th A h L d
PriorBernardHy.Leathes,solr 7 R.i. .ayh ~Morge 79 Y nt ony ee s 2 The Tuns P.H. Mrs.
Norfolk County Cricket Club, 9 ullc kes rsH G 18I Lewis William John Anna M. Booty
. h u u ac man . . Barham r83 Lindsey Louis 3A, Jeffries Henry
C . ll . L . P rwr, on. sec h ·
Cotman Grahame (Lavengro) M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P. ...... ere zs College rd ...... 3A, TELEPHONKCALL OFFlCB
Lond.physician&surgeon r89 Morpeth Thomas 6 R~stone J ulian. tailor
13 English Lawrence William 191 Cowlin Percv 8 Cannell Miss Ressie H.
Turner's court. •
15 Martin Miss M. L I93 Murton Charles Arthur Catho~ic repository
Se~ ST.'s STREET. .. .... here is Cla1·endon rd ...... 195 Branford M is> 12 proprtt-
T 17 BuckinghamGeo.Somerset 197 Deacle Henry Hicks 14 BunnMr:'!.Alice,cab proptr
wenty- one row (New 19 Wilks Sidney Samuel 201 Chiddick James B r8 Horne Robert, distr~ct
Lakenham), Southwell road. 21 & 23 Harwood Harold H . .... ..... h e1·e zs · Gl eI1e r d .. .. .. .. . sup t . f or th e R ef uge
29 Black Waiter, shopkeeper apartments 207 De Caux John Assurance Co. Limited
31 Bin:lleyWalt. Wm.shopkpr ~ ...... here is Neville si ....... 209 )!organ Benj. Branford 20 Vale Mrs. Clam .
2 Thompson Wm. s!Io~Jkeepr 25 Davies D. 0. S. B.SC. coach 211 Porter MislJ 22 Simpsou William
4 Hare Williarn, fishmong~r 27 l<'rere Miss ~. Hanbury 213 Rutland William Bailey 2{ Batem::m Miss
UNTBANK ROAD-continued. r8o Spelmau Mrs. Rix: FRIENDS' MEETING HousE . . . .. . here is Melrose rd .....•
26 Lloyd Rev. James Atbott 'fodd Sidney (Fair lawn) .••••• he1·e is Pottergate st ••..•• Bunn Alfred D. tomato growr
.M.A. (St. G-iles vicarage) Skelton Harry Russell 5 Golden Wm Jas. whitesmth ...... here is TValdeck rd ..•.•.
28 Eddington Alexander (Beech bank) Lambert F.& Son Limited, 19 Neale Charles
:-40 Young Arthur James ~axton Arthur James tea warehouse 21 Burton Philip Howard
32 Gentry Arthur :Frederick (Gablehurst) x Balls M1ss Ethel, confectnr
34 Cooper Miss Pearson Charles James Valentine street, 8 Dere-
36 Girling Miss R. M. ladres' (The Firs) Upper King street. from ham road to William street.
scbolll x88 Woodhouse Mrs Tom bland to Prince of WEST SIDE.
38 Hinde Charles Fountain I90 Crook Edward Wales road. 1 Jay Mrs. Elizh. aparts
40 Morton Mrs 190 Norwich District Provi- EAST SIDE. 3 Cordery Mrs. Mary Ann,
42 Mase Charles dent Permanent Benefit I Morgan & Buckingham, apartments
44 Boeton Thomas Foulsham Building Freehold Land architects. See ad- 7 Bower Fredk.A. bo.painter
46 Martin Rev. Charles Wm. Society, vertisement 9 Stevenson Mrs
[Wesleyan J ~ Edward Crook, sec 3 Colby R. & Son, printers I I WhallAlfd.pianoforte tunr
-c-8 Baldwin Mrs 192 Cashel Miss 5 Maggs David, harness ma EAST SIDE,
50 Poole Clement Vaughan 194 'fungate Stephen 7 Green & Wright Limited, 2 Norwich & East of England
...... he1·e i.~ A mpthill ,qt ...... 196 Rogers Mrs. J. F wholesale grrcers General Trades Protec-
52 Gardiner William John I98 Ayris Miss 9 Grigson Richard, solicitor tion Society (The),
54 Howitt Sydney Felix 200 Gill Henry' 11 Yincent William & Sons,
C. D. Ward F.A.A. mgr
s6 Coates Miss 202 Corsbie Ernest Benjamin a nctioneers 2 \\'ard Cornelius Daniel
58 Franklin Miss . . . he1·e is Chri.~tchurch 1·d .... II Blyth Ern est Egbert LL. D., F. A. A. accountant, estate
<>o BunJt AleG Charles 210 Smith Miss B. A. solicitor & house agent
<J2 lia-Fwood Arthur W 212 Hale William George I3 Blofield & Burroughes,solrs 4 Ward Cornelius Daniel
<J2A, .Nichols Waiter C 214 Hatch, Bush & :Marshal!, 13 Evel"Sley Williarn Finder 6 HoldenClareWm.rlwy.clrk
......... hel'e is Oxford st......... physicians & surgeons M.A, B.C.L. barrister, & 8 Baker Robert, manager
<J4 Clare Waiter 2I4 Marshal! \Yilliam Burton recorder of Sudbury 10 Grimes Jarnes Henry,
<J6 Clements Capt. George B.A., lii.B., R.c.cantab., 13 BaggeAlfredWm.F. barrstr tailors' foreman
<J8 Mayhew Mrs 1\LR.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. I3 Smith Fredk. agt I2 \Vheeler Ernest, manager
70 Duffield Charles wnd. physician & surgn IS Overbury, Steward &
.•• here is Some1·leyton st ••. 216 Moorhome John Edgar Eaton, solicitors Vauxhall street, Chapel-
72 Moore George Gaze 218 Rose Sydney IS Royal Norwich Golf Club, field road.
74 Goulder Miss 222 Sandford Jn.EdwinCaplin • Campbell Steward, hon. EAST SIDE.
76 Cuddon Philip PILLAR LETTER Box sec. (King Street house)
78 Cushion Alfred ...... he1'e is ]lfile End 1·d •••••• IS Norwich & NorfolkCharity 27 Spear in Hand P.H. Robt.
8o Wells Rev. Mason C 282 Richer Miss for Clergymen's "\Vidows Broom
......... here is Essex st ......... 284 Spink Mrs & Children (Camp bell •..... here is Horace st ......
82 BusbyRev.Wrn.M.A.[rector 28o Palmer 'fhos. Jsph. Mills Steward, registrar) 29 & 2gA, AndersonHenjarr;.in,
of St.John,Maddermrkt] 292 Clare James, clerk Pattin Harry Cooper boot warehouse
· T r~n1
........... h ere1s · ·t"
,., st ....••.•• 294 Chamberlain J:<'. B. mangr IS Williams Hanbury F.A.I. ...... here is u-alpole st ......
IOO Gnnns & Hill, dress mas 298 Betts John Wm. Sydney auctioneer &c 47 The Vauxhall P.H. James
102 Bagshaw Mrs. Emma 304 Mobbs Georgelsaac,piano 15 Wearing Stanley John Henrv Woods
I04 Utting Alfred George tuner A.R.I. B. A. architect 51 Noro-ate John saddler
...... her~ is Cambrid,qe st ...... 310 Tall Luther,. traveller Norfolk. Club, ,. 53 Robi'nson Cb~. boot repr
1oo Meyer Gustavus Edmund 312 Moore Edwi_n Chas. cltrk , MaJor Wm. v m~e, sec 55 WhitmoreL. D. fried fish dlr
108 Rix Mrs 3I4 PearsonHy.Jobbng.grdnr 19 'Iaylorl.O.&Sons,sohcitors 57 Wilston Car] boot dealer
xxo CookeRev.Jas.[WesleyanJ 318 l\Ia~sball J~seph Robert 19 Shipwrecked Fishermen & E s' E
112 Nurse William Selby · 320 Uttmg C.\\ .school teachr ""' .
1uarmers , R oya l Benevo- l w ST LID· . l _e.
S . t (At! 1 ta ......... zere a1·e e1ce£ter p . .,
1en t Oocle'fy
1 r 4 Brown George Arthur 322 Potter Henry, traveller I le hs n TViag's bldgs ......
u6 Bow hill Mrs 340 Moffitt ~redk. 'fhos. clerk H· · ~y or, on. 16 Smith Hy. Wm. tobacconst
I 18 Baynham Rev. GeorgeW. ...... he'!·e zs Leopold rd ~ •..••. representative) 18 Hangar Mrs. Emma, news
[New Church] 366 CullmgfordR?bt.A.tJ.clrk WEST SIDE. agent
120 Miles Mrs 376 Webber. Wilham 2 Foster, Calvert & Marriott, 20 Nice William, hair dre~er
. v k ......... here~.~ Upton 1·d ···-·· ••. solicitors . 22 Hood James, boot repairer
•.•... ... e1·e zs 1 or st ......... Green Geo. (Ea ton grange)
2A, Clark R.O. motor en~mr ...... here is Roland's yard ......
122 Besant M~s White George Ernest
4 The Compasses P.H. "'m. 28 Day James, wheelwright
124 Rust'ell M1ss (Eaton house)
126 JonesJohnHenry M.R.c.s. 382 Lemmon Mark Alfred Beer . .. ....... hereisAlmasq ........
6 ~acey & Upche~,a~chJtects' 32 Marris Waiter, baker
Eng., L.~ ..c.P.LOnd., 384 Abel Thomas Perowne
6 Gresham Pubhshm¥. _Co. 34 Taylor Wm. Jas. plumber
~.P.H. P~.YSICian & srgn 386 Colby Frederick Williarn
(The) (~en:y \hlham 36 Gaze Wm.~\'. photographer
128 L1vock ~award 3 s6A, Smith Miss Constance Ashley,d1strwt managr) 3 s King George Wm.greengro
130 Bugg Miss . 388 Blyth Miss
132 BesantLeonard ~hnstphr 8 Gonld H. ?. & . Son, ...... he1·e i~ Portland pl ......
390 Ca.rver James accountants & auditors 40 Smith Fred, shopkeeper
134 Jeary_& Son, tailors 392 Wills Dndley 8 Gonld Harry Pearce, char- i8 'faylor James, tailor
...... ht,·e iS Gloucester st ...... Cox Thomas Alfred
Brooks & Co. drapers
396 Boswell Samuel Howard
te~e~ ac~oun~ant &I 52 Collins Mrs.Rose,dress ma.
officml receiver m bank- 6 2 Bullard J oshua,greengrocr
136 TowN SuB-PosT & PILLAR LETTER Box ruptcy . 66 Tillett John, boot maker
. M. q. _& T. OF~'ICE ...... hen! is Jud,qe's walk ...... ro Ray Fred H. auctwneer 70 Smith Frederick butcher
140 Tillett WI_lham Beldmg 400 Hacon Edgar Gooch 10 Liverpool Victoria Legal 1

142 Bro~n M1ss . 402 Girling Mrs Friendly Society (Chas. Vicarage road,Aylsham rd.
144 D~n~els Edwm Bayes 40 s Carter Thomas John _Clow, dts~:ict I_Danager) 2 Seeley Thomas Brooks
146 WilhamsJohuHenry,clerk 410 Hudson Ernest Wallace ro L1verpool "\ rctorm Insur- s8 Scott J<'redk. Jas. insur.agt
q8 Abbott John Campbell 4 12 Brett Arthur ance Corpori\tion Ltd.
150 LockwoodThos.carpenter 41 6 Havers Albert Charles (Chas.Clow,dist.mangr) Victoria chambers.
152 Mansfiel~ 'fhos. plasterer 420 Wills George 'Wade \Vrn. cH.rriage buildr See BAKK PLAIN .
......... here u Onley st ......... 4 22 Harmer Mrs 12 Gilbert J. Wil~on& Co.solrs
154 Savory Miss Coe Edward (The Home- 12 Royal Insurance Co. Ltd. Victoria st. St. Stephen's
rs!i Checkland Edwd. printer stead) (Edgar Rice, local mgr) road to Grove roa8..
158 Har:t Arthur Robt. coach Bidewell Arth.Geo.parish ......... lun~e i .., Bank st .•....... EAST SIDE.
p~unter clerk to Eaton church 1 :\filler Mrs
1 60 Points trirnmr Upton road,x31 Xewmarket 2 Riches Edward John
I6 2 Mmister Mrs Upland road, ~hristchurch road to Untbank rt'ad. 3 Watling Mrs
154 Holmes John road to Colm,an road. WEST SIDE. 4 Rogers George William
I66 NnviteCo.fruit wine mfrs Mickleburgh Jas.'Wm. draper Joice William, tomato grower 5 Jenkinson Samuel
168 PalmerF.E.&Son,chmists ~ . A.dcock Edward Oberlin, 6 Creasy Miss
......... here is Bury st ......... Upper Goat lane, 5 ~t.Grles tomato grower &c 7 Bard well Hy. shipping agt
170 Palmer Frank Elijah street to Pottergate street. Church Israel ( Chrysfield) 8 Bindley J olm
••• here is Mount Pleasant ... ••• hel'e is 3fal tlwuse •ya1'd ••• EAST SIDE • 9 Freestone James
Vyall Miss (Eaton villa) 12 Harrison Fdk.Wm.printer 1 Vincent Alfred Stocks r o Lake Horace
l:HshopWinsor (Beechldg) ... lw·e is U"m·nf!1·'syard ... Church & Sabberton, rr Bo"·les Ernest, corn. trav
WALL LETTER Box 14 Eagleton Al'thur Joseph, tomato growers 12 Bonghton Harry .
Mase "'m. Geo. (Fern hl) cycle maker 15 Beales George, manager 13 O'Brien Thomas
14 Salmon Miss Watering (The). Saunders Mrs. Edith, laundry 7 Moore William
1 5 Abbs Miss See ST. MARTINS ROAD. is .Northumberland st... 9 Bullard Ernest
1 6 Fields Mrs. Anne, aparts II Norwich Dadson Nursing
17 Cook Robert William Waterloo rd. (New Catton), Waverley :road,from Eawn Home(Mn!.Drew,matm)
I8 Marshall William I3o .\lagdalen road to St. road. . 13 Botting Mrs
19 Watling Thomas John Augustine's gates. 1 Warnes Robert Jn. Jarv1s 15 Hill Mrs
20 Cox George RIGHT SIDE. 3 McNeill Edward Archibald 17 Burrell Miss
2 x Marshal! Miss I HolmesEdwd.jun.fishmngr rg Warne Henry
22 Richardson Miss 3 Spooner James Websdale's court. 21 Alderson William
23 Patrick William 13 Thompson Edwd. shopkpr See BEDFORD STREET. 23 Morgan Fred
WEST SIDE. .. .... here is Stone's blqgs ...... Wellesley avenue (Thorpe 27 Cupi_ss Miss .
Care Henry (Avon house) 15 Youngs Mrs. Ehzabeth, Hamlet), from Tharpe road. 29 Ross1 Theodore, JUn
Care G. Ltd. last makers boot maker . EAST SIDE.
25 Kett Mrs 17 Dawson ret Harbord Lwnel (Mousehold 2 Boyce & Son, corn merchts
26 Holmes Cecil ......... here is Goose la . , .. .. .. . house) d d . 2 Boyce Thomas W enn
27 Burton George 21 & 23 Barrage Geo. shopkpr Nash Theo ore Ernes~, alry- 8 Goose Agas Henry
28 Wurr Miss 25 Knight Horace, baker man (Mouse hold dauy frm) 10 Sisson Theodore
29 Sabberton George ...... ;:·here is Long J•ow ...... ... Wellington lane, IOI St. 12 Marti~ John McDorrali
30 Coleman Freierick, tailor 31 \hllettLeonard A. shopkpr Giles street to Potter<Tate st 14 LeGrwe Joseph John
31 Vickery Ilarold 41 Harris Mr8. Dora, dress ma "' · x6 Clarke William Thos. Fra!>
32 Hipper Miss 63 Smith lsaac, greengrocer 2 Downes _Mrs.Lucy, grngro rB Dalby Henry Edwin
:J3 Bulman Albert 79 Jackson Mrs. Ellen, fur- ....... h_ere 1 ~ Bell~ yard ...... 20 Theobald Edward St. John
34 Rye Percy niture dealer I 2 G!rlmg I<rederlck,_baker 22 Restieaux Joseph Edward
35 Berry Miss ~ 81 Roofe Thomas, coal dealer 16 "ellmgton P.H. Chfford L. 24 McLeish David James ~LA.,
36 Stockings Mrs '93 Clarke Jas. Arth. shopkpr W. Potter M.D., D. P. H
37 Law Percy I······ here is Traverse st ...... Wellington road 10g Earl- 26 Nokes Alfred
38 Utting Mrs. Sop hi a, a parts 95 Ferra Wm.Aldha.m, shpkpr
1 ham road' 28 LookerPercvl. PageFlowers
39 Osborne John A 131 Folkard John, shopkeeper WEST sm~. 30 Northey Mrs
40 Boultbee Misses ......... here is An_qel rd......... 5 };lmer ~<.:dmund Joseph
... ..• her e t·s p a tt eson r d ..• ··· 7 Watson Mrs West End street, ."I -~
Victoria Hall buildings.' I35 Woods John. 9 Quinton Charles Robert Palace road to North urn-
See ST. ANDREW STREET. 137 Claxton W1lham, butcher I I Sluman Mrs berland street.
139 Laddiman)Irs.E.dress ma 13 Rice Mrs soUTH SIDE.
Vincent roa1., from Plum- 153 f!ayd?n Edward, builder 15 Harvey Jas. corn. traveller ...... her_e is Adelaide .~t ..... .
stead road. 165 ~ alon ~ros. plasterers 17 Williment Geo. Spalding ... here_ ts Haw!hm·ne 1·ow .. .
15 Tuck Miss Effie, dress ma ······ here ts Buxto,n rd ··•··· 19 Kemp Henry B. corn. trav 39 Bassmgthwa1ghte Fredk.
77 Culling Percy F. dairyman 167 Che~tleburgh George 2I Pegg Herbert Saml. paintr !fenry, grocer
173 Vemmo:e Jas. carpenter 2 3 Gross John Edward, clerk 47 St1mpson Mrs. Harriet,
Waddington street (North ......... here .ts !lma t~ ......... 33 Lord Albert, carpenter pork_ butcher..,
Heigham), West End st. St. Augustme s Councll Schls 59 Sparkes Theophilus G. w. 49 Brund_tshMrs. l'.irnma,beer
EAST SIDE. ·LEFT SIDE. tailor retaller
58 Birch William J. painter 4 BurrageWm.Robt.boot ma 6 5 Hunt Ernest agt ... ...... here is .Nelson st ........ .
8o Whittaker Wm. shopkpr 8 Crowe Edward, shopkeepr EAST SIDE. 49A, Kerrison Horace, hair
......... here is A lma sq ......... 66 King Geo. Robt. shopkpr ~resser
WEST SIDE. ............ here m·e Betts' bldgs. 57 Wnght Mrs. Susan, nurse
sr Butters Wm. greengrocer o/ Baker's yard ...... Wensum st. r8 Tombland 73 Yaxley Charles, boot repr
107 Trory Edmund, grocer 16 Florence Geo. fishmonger to Fye Bridge street. 93 LeachGeo.Fredk.insur. agt
24 Goodrum Alfd. Benj. agent. EAST SIDE. NORTH SIDE.
Wade's court. for Singer sewing machns: Maid's Head hotel . .. . . . here is Lan_qley pl ......
See BANK STREET & ST. ...... here is Ternple 1·d ...... 9 Francis David, antique fur- I6 GatesChas.Sydny.shopkpl"

STEPHEN'S STREET. 56 Trory Mrs. Harriett, shop-' niture dealer llurmau Robert, fishmngr-
keeper QA, Hagg Herbt. Rt. printer Prior J<'redk. beer retailer
Waldeck road, Mile End rd. 72 Smith Frederick William, I I Crotch Walter Geo. & Son, ...... here is Adelaide st ......

to Upton road. tobacconist modellers&c. (show rms) 30 Moore Henry R. greengrcr

45 Ha!ford Henry Lowther, 84 Pye Lewis, fried fish dlr 1 I I X orwich Glass Co. Ltd. 36 Carr Mrs. Emily, shopkpr
boot repairer 86 Dunham Harry Frederick, ,. artists in stained glass ... here. is Waddin_qton st ...
52 Reeve Arth. John,coal mer butch~r I3 Flddy~ont Dnl; Jas. drapr 54 Marns ~enry, baker
5 4 Ya::dey Arthur John & ...... here ts Albany rd ...... ! •••.•. here ts Flowers coUJ·t.. ............. here ts Nelson st.. ...... .
Mrs. Elizabeth, drapers \ILLAR LETTER Box ~LYMOUTH BRETHRE~ 6o Be~l William Jul~r, shpkpr

...... here is Leopold rd ...... 88 Edwards Alfred, baker 1

IS Fenn John Arthur, t3.1lor 64 llatley Sydney,
64 Knivett Jas.Arth.insur.agt 106 Saberton Miss Ellen, dress' 17 TownsendS.G pork butchr 72 Pilgrim Ernest, weighing
maker 23 Tilney Mrs. Ellen, tailor machine maker
Walk. (The). 112 Dawson )lrs. Elizh. baker 23A, Haward Edward John,
See MARKET PLA'CE. . ..... here is Shipstone rd ...... hair dresser We~~ Po~tergata street,
r 14 Nickalls ::\lisses Clara & 25 Anderson Bros. boot factrs St. Giles h1ll, Earlham road.
Walpole street, Chapelfield Alice, drapers 25 Newstead Wm. tobacconist NORTH SIDE.
road to Vauxhall street. 120 Holmes George 27 Hagg Chas. Wm. plumber 1 Radical Club, William
WEST SIDE. 122 Shave Frederick Charles ......... here is Quay side......... Kenny, sec
Flatt & Co. bookbinders 128 Dix Vrilliam J WEST SIDE. 15 Turner Mrs.Ellen,shopkpr
... ... here is El don row ......
130 Gibson Wllliam Robert Cubitt George, auctioneer ... here are Leeder's bld_qs.Dap-
138 Gardeners' Arms P.H. 10 Black Horse P.H. Mrs. ling's bldgs. <.f Jay's yard
11 Cage Sidney, builders• mer
William Frederick Roll Lydia Evans 2I Sargeant James, greengro
37 Turner Thomas, painter ...... here is Starling rd ...... Sr. SrMON & ST. JunE 25 Thrower Jas. Geo. grocer
EAST SIDE. 154 Carver Wilham, boot ma CHURCH (disused) ...... here is Lawrence st ......
16 MooreA!fred Thos.shoe ma 160 Dunn H.onald :Frederick, PILLAR LETTER Box 27 Dawson James T. fruiterer
... here is Cud bird' s court ... furniture remover ......... here is Elm hill ......... 31 White Mrs. Leah, fishmngr
34 Butcher Hy. lJhas. painter 172 Bond Fredk. photographr I4 The Grapes P. H.Rack's Ltd ...... here is He1'1-ing J'01C ......
38 Balls John Herbt. shopkpr r82 Gillmore Mrs. Ann, ward- r6 First Day School Coffee 33 Ramm Edward,shopkeepr
42 PaulingEdwinFrank,baker robe dealer Cart Co. coffee house 35 & 37 Wilkins Samuel Robt .
• , .•• here is Magpie rd ...... x8 At toe Miss M. furniture dlr builder
Warwick street, 147 Un- 20 Flage Frederick Charles, 47A, Ottaway Charles E. pack.~
thank road. Waterman"s yard. musical instrument sellr ing case maker
WEST SIDE. See WESTWICK STREE'r. Lacey & Lincoln Lim1ted, 47A, Seaman John, builtier--
......... here is IJover st... ... . . . builders' merchants ...... ... here are Distillery st~•
2 Warwick Arms P.H. John Waterworks road, Dere- 22 Chilvers David, greengrocr cf lJouNA st ......

Burton ham road to Efeigham street. 24 Ribs of Beef P.H. Thomas 79 RiceAlfd. Ernest, plumbe\'
6 Hunt Matthew George Greenacre Frederick, tomato Pratt 83 Smith Herbert Rodwell
34 High Miss Louisa,dress ma grower 85 M:cEwen Samuel
NORTH SIDE. CouNCIL ScHOOL West par. 62 Earlham rd. Lanchester R.ev .. Char!~
3 Phillips Henry, building ....... here is Turner rd ....... WEST SIDE. Compton ll.~, [vicar of
inspector ....... here is Hotblack rd....... 1 Goodchild George Pipe St. Barna.bas} (Th6
:ZQ Chilvers Hy. insur. agent ..... here is Little .J.rms st. ... 3 Tuck Mrs Shrublands)
WEsT PoTTERGATB ST. con . ............ here are Cowling's cf Whitehall road,Portersfield 17 Nichols Willia.m
SOUTH SIDE. Barker's yards ......... road to College road. 6 Quinton Walter,apa.rtmnts
2A, Yallop Fredk. carpenter Read Robert John, miller EAST SIDE. 8 Howlett Fredk. Jn. aparts
4 Newmanl\'IissEdith,shpkpr (City tionr mills) 2 FreestoneHy.Rupert,mangr I2 Hipper Miss Mary ElizaJ
.... he-re are Curtis bldgs. .... 90 New Brewery P.H. Mrs.
4 Fletcher Joseph beth, teacher of music
:14 Sexton Samuel, tailor Selina Watling Darby 6 Gloyn alfred Henry 14 Rotl Miss Cla.ra, apa.rtmnts
14 ~exton MISS Editb, dress 92 l)arby Mrs. SelinaWatling, 8 Bucl~ Frederick William,
maker basket maker assistant insurance supt Wingfield road,r4 Aylsham
... ... here is Paragon Nt ... ... ST. SWITHIN's WHARF : Io Parker Arthur, clerk road to St. Martin's road.
r8 P~ge Edward, boot repr 94 Utting St€phen William, 12 Daniels Frank SOUTH SIDK.
2 6 Hlpperson Samuel, pamter corn merchant q. Wright Waiter 65 Rant James H. baker
......... here are BrO'Ivn's bldgs. r6 Paston Richard Thomas NORTH _SIDE.
c! Bailf1!f's bldgs ......... g6 & 9B King William Fredk. r8 Townshead Leonard Cecil 20 Firth Joseph, buildPr
3° EagleP. H. HoraceCampling grindery dealer 20 Seaman Benjamin 24 Rudd Henry Georgc,school
...... hllTB i~ Nelson yard ...... ... here is New .Mill yard ... 22 Robjent Ernest, clerk attendance officer
3 2 WestPottergate Stores P.B. WALL LETTER Box 24 Tildesley William Henry
Henry Noble Corporation Depot 26 Pearson Frank Clement Winter road, II7 Stafford
...... kers is Betts' court ... ... 2 3 Betts Arthur street to Edinburgh road.
3 8 J ohnson, Burton & Theo- SOUTH SIDE. 0 Lincoln ~rs
bald, tinplate workers I 3 5 9 & rs HaversCbarles 3 EAST SIDE.
48 Larkrnan Charles James, ' '&'son, imnmongers 3 2 Bryden Be_rtram,com. trav 2 King George M. baker
boot maker I9 Brett J. & Sons Limited, 34 Dennes 1\llss 14 'ferry Mrs. Florence,costmr
- ]) unn '.• yard .. .. ..
• .. .. • h ere lS house furnl'shera" 36 BetckettllHorace Hayward, 42 Lockwood Robert William
so Austin G. marine store dlr Bullard&Sons Ltd. mineral C0 ~veC erb tt K t 11 44 Andrews :Frederick
54 water manufacturers 8
3 H ?;{e_ ~~ e H · rave er 46 Claxton Mrs
6o Artis Thomas, grocer h s u • 4° rtttam m. y.secretary ...... here is Stajjord st .....
......... ere arell t. ~.~.argaret s 42 Roberts George Henry M. P 48 Horne Albert, clerk
...... here is Distillery st ...... a ey., st .... .....
Pve's Almshouses .. .... h ere 13 . p ee l yar d .... .. W'ld 1 erness te rrace (St. C ldh WEST JSIDE.
sinith Joseph (Gothic cot) 71 HowardMrs.A.wardrbe.dlr Peter's), Southgate lane to IAL ~ k ~m n. b!Qcer
Bo Claxton James, tailor 73 Brighton Edward, shopkpr Argyle street. 623 Covklc H eJorge, oo repr
••• hllTff are 1V1·ight' s bldgs ... h · p · d 5 oo e
B2 Barnes Mrs ...... tJTe u ~pe yar. .. ... 28 Hood Wm. Hy. boot ma 8 Betts Robert
77 N. & R. Manufacturmg Co. 28 Hood Mrs. Amelia nurse 3
84 Browne Henry George Limited, pill makers '
... here is St. Swithin's alley... Willett's court. Woburn st. (South Heig-
Westlegate street, St. 79 Bygrave Mrs. A. beer,retlr See TEN BELL LANE. ham), Trory st. to Oxford st.
Stephen's plain to All Saints' .•. here is A lefounders ym·d ... w·n· t t G WEST SIDE.
green. 95 Brown Albert, shopkeeper -- ':1-m
1 1 8
ree • 55 rap~s I Wicks Mrs
SOUTH SIDE. ... h er~ tS s
· o~·t . W£'th m · ,S t er ... hill to Douro street. 3 Buttifant Joshua George
z WatlingThos. tin plate wrkr Hale Bros. b?ot ~ shoe_ mnfrs NORTH SIDE. 5 Maidment James
5 Maggs Henry, tailor Coleman & Co. ~1m. WI_ne &c. 7 Stebbings Thomas .. .... here is Ampthill st ......
9 Gurney David, furn. dlr merchants(" mcarms wks) I SA 1 Fransham Mrs. Abigail, 7 Revitt Arthur Hale, ware-
NORTH SIDE. Morgan Brothers, boot & shoe baker houseman
2 Davnes Wm. fried fish dlr manufacturers ...... he1·e is Valentine st ...... 9 J a cobs Frederick

17 Sayer John William 1 I Houlston Ed ward J obn
8 JermyFrederick, whip ma
19 Cubitt Mrs EAST SIDE.
8 Webb Albert, hair dresser White Hart }lard. 21 Mortimer Miss 2 Phillips Mrs. Sophia
10 Palmer Marshall Alfred,
See BER STREEI. .. .... htJTe is Golding st ..... - 4 Alden Arthur, clerk
boot tree & last maker
23 Brooks Albert James 6 Pye Roger
12 Canterbury (The) P.H.
Alfred Scarf£ White Horse yard. 23A, Lack Jas. Wm. boot ma 8 Rudd Ambrose
... .. . htJTe is A shford st ...... roRuddBernard,working tailr
14 Foster's Parcel Express Co. See MAGDALEN STREET.
Lim.(Jn. DeCaux,agent) 27 Rackham Thos. John,clerk
29 Chilvers Miss Wolre road (Thorpe Ham-
14 Globe Parcel ExpressOtfice White Lion street, Market l _e. let), Quebec street.
(John De Caux, agent) 1 ......... here are Char es st. 'J
Pace t o Bar k o f th e I nns. Wing passage I Westgate Herbert Charles
14 Carter, Paterson &Co.Ltd.
NORTH SIDE. 31 Goodrum Mrs.Jane Maria, 3 Walker Waiter Wm. baker
(John De Caux, agent) I Pearks Limited, grocers shopkeeper 2 Bullard Walter Dick,
14 DeCaux Jn.forwarding agt IA, Turner Albert, ~onfectnr AppletonDvd.Louis,grngro schoolmaster
18 Ranson Richard, boot ma 3 Co~nsRandall,ha1r dresser 37
43 Hall Miss Kate, milliner 8 Roberts Mrs. R.H.shopkpr
20 Kemp Arthur, greengrocer
5 ~lhs Sa m, frmt ~erchant ...... here is Distillery st .... .. ·
ALL .SAINTS' CHUBCH 7 FletcherW.&R.Lnn.btchrs ......... here is JJouro st ......... Wood street, from :20
9 Eastern CountiesRubberCo souTH SIDE. Kmgsley road.
Westwick street,. Charirig II & 2 London & Norwich 48 FreeTradetavrn.H.Crotch [No thoroughfare.]
cross to Heigham street. Cycle & Rubber Co ...... here is La-wrence st ...... NORm SIDE.
NORTH SIDE. 13 Back' so Sandringham Arms P.H. 2 Lee George
2I Nash Wm.S.who. stationer IS Back's Ltd. tobaccomsts William Pond 4 Bridge Cyril Gray
Ballard & Sons Limited, 17 Moore William Henry, 54 Walker Alfred house dcrtr 6 Houghton William Stove-
brewers wine & spirit stores 56 Llovd Mrs ' 8 Hanson Abraham
...... here is Coslany st ...... I9& 2I_ ~rix WilliamLimited, s8 Lloyd Merrick Elvin, sta- IQ Mabbott Led ward Brierley
30 Holmes Thomas William, dmmg rooms tioners' assistant I2 Mosby Arthur
newsagent SOUTH SIDE. 6o Maltster manager 14 Knights Cecil William
30 Thomas Rt. wardrobe dlr 2 & I I London & Norwich 66 Inkson propr I6 Norgate Alfred
32 BlythMrs.Ellen,fishmnngr Cycle & Rubber Co 76 & 78 Cooper Hy. coal dlr 18 Retford Thomas Everett
Lacon E. & Co. Limited, 6 Pooley Edward Richard 78A, Bussey Arthur, baker 20 Borrett Alfred Trevitt
brewers (St. Margaret's shoe warehouse ' ...... here is DistilltJTy st ...... 22 Mills Herbert William
brewery) 10 White Lion P.H. Bertie 8o Pond Henry 24 Waters William
soAugoodMrs.Emily,shopkpr Edward Busse:y ......... he1·e is Douro ~t ...... ... 26 Mallows Mrs
52 Walpole Geo. boot repairer 12 ReeveE &Son o-ri'nderv dlrs 28 Green Charles
Clements Francis & Co. N orw1c - h. ur 'h"' C • L-
n are ouse o. 1m
WillisCstreet (St. Paul's), 96 30 Wallis Charles Edward
timber merchants (St. .. owgate street. 32 Goodwin Harry
1Margaret's saw mills) ... here.z~ Back of the Inns... 5 Barker William, parish 34 Osborne Albert Alger
WATERMAN'S YARD: 16 Sulhvan Arthur, confectnr clerk [St. Paul's] SOUTH SIDE.
1 Edwards Arthur, shoe ma 18 Aldous Chas.photograpb_er 10 Aldham MissAnnie shpkpr I Hamilton Miss
<J Lockwood Wm. cabinet ma 18 ~u_rse 9-h~rlP.sllaxter_,ar~Jst ' 3 Culley Basil Warne
20 Gnx" IllJamLtd.Cntenon Willow lane, 53 ~t. Giles Welton Ernest
56 Green Jn. Benj.shopkeeper restaurant street to Cowblll. 7 Griftiths George Stuart
58 Buttle George, fishmonger I MartinMrs.Mary,brdng.ho 9 Slade Miss
Roe George Edmund,wood Whitefr_iars street, ~ 2 St. Catholic Schools n Lewell Mrs. Agnes, aparts
carver (Holmes yard) Martm's Palace plam. I I Potter Mrs I3 A bel \Villiam Bat-zillia
62 Balloon P.H. Wm. Hailey 2 Potter Wm. James, baker 13 Smith Mrs IS Steward Mrs
64 .Parke Joshua Geo. beer ret Io Woods Miss Alice, shopkpr IS Muirhead James 'Valter, I7 Lees William
68 Cowling Mrs. Marie Elise, 14 Chittock Arthur & Co. boot professor of music rg Barnard Frank
baker & shoe manufacturers ... here is BorrO"W' s court .... ::n Town send "rilliam

23 Ribbans Erling rg Dean Mrs. H. fancy draper 63 Cobb Fredk. Wm.manager 40 Hunt ~oah Harry, clerk
27 Deacon Harry 35 Appleton Thos. C. bricklyr 65 Mace Jam~ Allan -1-2 Capon Harry, mariager
29 Gristwood Frank 37 Clarke Wm. Hy.electrician 67 Horth Christmas 44 Gotts John, clerk
57 GibsonJ. T. &Sons,plumbrs ...... here i~ Chester st ...... 46 Lister Alfred John
World's End lane, lg St. 63 Tuxford .ArLhur, salesman 69 Dann Horace Campbell 48 Thaine Charles Wm. clerk
Martin's Palace plain. SOUTH SIDE. 71 LereridgeSidney,wrehsmn so Day William
.li Mills .Alien Gordon 73 Weir Lambert Alfred 52 Cole Fred, traveller
British Gas Light Co. Lim
6 Holmes John, beer retailer 75 Woo:lrow Sidney P 54 Howard Mis!! Ernmeline
... ... here is Porter's yc1rd ., ....
... ... ... here is Douro st ... ...... 77 Sayer Miss Eliza, teacher of musi~
8 Whayman Arthur, shpkpr 87 Blyth Er~.&est W. shopkpr 56 Beard Rev. Henry Ernest
Wounded Hart lane, 15 St. 14 Barber Mrs ......... her~ is Rupert st ......... 58 Ebbadge William
Peter's street, Mancroft. 36 Seaman John, builder 89 Brooks Wm.Cooper,draper 62 Fuller Miss
Reeve Lorenzo & Simms E. 40 Gay Isaac 101 Peek Robert, waiter 64 Ea wards Thomas, tailor
engineers 42 Howchin George, tailor 101 Pe:lk :.\lrs. Sarah,servants' 65 Tu Hen ham William,
Soup Kitchen registry office wheelwright
York street (South Heig- ...... her~ is Leic~ster st ...... 68 Bad:iy John Read, builder
Wrig-ht's Foundry yard. ham), 120 Unthank road. NORTH SIDE. 7J Corner James Edward
See MusPOLE STREET. SOUTH SIDE. 2 Duffin Hy. Wm.schoolmstr 7~ N o::kolds ~ o_hn Baker
1 Flowers Frank James 4 Bolingbroke Miss 8o Morter Wliham, coa~ dealr
7 Andrews George Waiter 6 George Frederick Clark 88 Gooch G~rrarsj W1lham
Wymer street, 53 Distillery 9 Downing Williarn 26 Brow ne John Goldsmith ... ...... here t.~ Rupert st ... .... ..
street to lleigham road. 13 Twiddy Charles 2 g Moon Miss go Brown .i..\'Irs ·
NORTH SIDE. 15 White Mrs 30 Turner Charles Thom'ls 126 ~exton I<'ra'lk
3 Rudling Thomas Edward, 27 Cook Charles William,arti- 32 Harrison Frederick W m 13 5 Cud bard Charles ·
boot maker ficial teeth maker 34 Coldham Harry Oakley
5 Spillings Geo.chimney swp 2~ Hudson John M. clerk 36 Middleton CharlesAugusta Youells op;ming, 27 Hall
17 CadneyFrdk. Geo.shopkpr ...... here is Rutlan:l st ...... James road (L:lkenham).
....... .. he1·e is Douro st .... ..... 6r Gallant Morris, coal mer 38 Tyler Benjamin, clerk Blake Ed win Ernest, blcksmth


Abbott Bryant William, Lawn house, Arnold .Alfred Gibbs, :t Cecil road Bannister Miss, 35 Clarence road,
Harbour road, Thorpe Hamlet Arnold Harry H. 8 Alexandra man- Thorpe Hamlet
Abbott Edward J.P. 31 Cecil road sions, Prince of Wales road Banyard 'Mrs. 35 Chapel Field road
.Abbott Hy. Dyball, 179 Dereham rd Arnold Horace Beadon,8 Clarendon rd Banyard Mrs. 6o College road
Ab bott John J oseph, 6 Thorpe road Arnold Mrs. 152 Newmarket road Barber Ernest, r6 Grosvenor road
Abbott William, 73 City road Arnold Robt. Marston, 19 Kingsley rd Barber George Stephen, I8o Hall rd
Abel Mrs. 21 College road Arnold Thomas William, High School Barber Mrs. 31 Clarence rd. Thorpe
Abel Thos.Perowne, 384 Untbank rd house, St. Giles' strJet Hamlet
Abel Wm. Perowne, 1 Mt. Pleasant Arthur John, 29 Newmarket road Barber Mrs. 35 St. Martins road
Abigall Henry, 8 Mill Hill road Artis Thomas, 219 Dereham road Barber Mrs. 13 The Crescent, Chapel
.Adams Ernest Walt. 171 Earlham rd Ash John Henry, 83 Earlbam road Field road
Adams Henry, 1 Oxford street Ashford Mrs. 3 Cedar rd.ThorpeHmlt Barber William, 6 Kingsley road
Adcock Ernest D. 163 Newmarket rd A.spray Charles Owen M.D. River Barcham Miss, 18 Mount Pleasant
Adcock Mrs. 41 Mount Pleasant view, Dereham road Ban.:lay J ames Morrison, 12 Town
Adcock Robert J ohn,2 Ea ton road A.tkinson Miss, 73 Grove road Close road
Adlam Wm. Jas. 20 River Side road A.tthill Capt. Anthony Wm. Maunsell Bardwell William, 7 Clarence road,
.iitken Rev. William Hay Macdowall M.V.O. 62 Clarendon road Thorpe Hamlet
Hunter M.A. (canon residentiary), .Atthill Pierce Maunsell, 76 Park lane Barham .Arth.Edwd.5oConstitution hi
The Close Austin Herbert Sidney Erskine, 295 Barker .Artbur Ohristopher Waiter, 2
Alderson William, 21 West parade Unthank road Sandringham road
Alderton Gilorge, 41 Surrey street Avey George, 36 Grove road Barker George, 178 Derebam road
.Aldis Miss E. L. 45 College road Aydon Alfred John, 141 Earlham road Barker Waiter John, 11 Clarence rd .
A.ldis Miss L. 40 Mill Hill road Ayris Miss, Ig8 Unthank road Thorpe Hamlet
Aldous William, 4 Mount Pleasant A.yton Thomas Edward, 55 Park lane Barkley Miss, 30 The Close
.Aldred Mrs. 187 Dereham road Back Mrs. I The Grove,ChapelField ea Barnard Charles, 35 Mount Pleasant
Alexander John E., J.P. 30 College rd
Alexander Miss, 33 Clarendon road
Back Warren Usher, r Britannia road
Bagge Alfred William F. 4 St.
Barnard Dennis Christonher B.A.,
LL.B. I Grove road -
Alexander Mrs. 33c, Thorpe road Faith's lane Barnard G. S. The .Acacias, Heigbam
.Alexander ReynoldsEdwd.sMillHill rd Bagsbaw .Abraham Geo. 30 Essex st grove
Algar Fras.Wm. Point cot.Ipswich rd Bagshaw Mrs. 102 Untbank road Barnard George William Girling, 27
.Algar Henry Howell, 8o Mill Hill rd Bagsbaw R. G. 3 Newmarket road Mile End road ·
Algar Mrs. I College road Baguley CranfieldScott,rB Kingsley rd Barnard James L. N. 174 Tborpe rd
Algar William Jasper, 34 Grove aven Bailey Rev. John Henry (curate of Barnard Mrs. 56 Mill Hill road
Alien Arthur Jn. Gurney lo. Earlham St. James'), rg6 Tborpe road Ba.rnes Arnold, St. Julian's house,
.A.llen Frank, 2 Heathside rd. Thorpe Bailey Cecil Charles, 46 Mile End Td King street
Hamlet Bailey Frank, 28 Chalk Hill road Barnes Edward Wm. 121 Derebam rd
Alien Miss, I Colman road Bailey Herbt.Fredk.45 Chapel Field rd Barnes John Samuel, 6o Colegate st
.Alien Mrs. 23 St. Martins road Bailey John .Atkinson, 218 College rd Barnes Joseph F. 255 Dereham road
.Allen Sidney Granger, 3 .Kingsley rd Baird Jas. William, 26 Newmarket rd Barnes Mrs. 43 Chapel Field road
Ames Albert, r Capps road Baker Rev. Charles Wm. Heathcote Barrett Rev. George Slatyer B.A.,D.D.
Ames Josiab, 153 Newmarket road B.A. (rector of St. Michael at Plea (Congregational), 4 Grove avenue
Anderson Albert R. 76 Earlham road & St. Peter, Hun.gate & acting chap- Barrett Mrs. 7 Bathurst road
.Anderson Joseph, 413 Untbank road lain to the forces), 4 The Close Barrett Mrs. 51 The Close
.Andreazzi Mrs. 25 Newmarket road Baker Henry Wm. 163 Dereham road Barrow John, 53 Christcburch road
Andrews Rev . .Artbur John (curate of Baker J ames, 12 Stracey road Barry Miss E. G. 22 The Close
St. Peter, Parmentergate ), 20 Baker Miss, 315 Untbank road Bartlett William, 75 College road
Golden Dog lane Baldrv Mrs. Montros, St. Clement's Barton Charles S. 97 Newmarket rd
Andrews Charles H. 46 St. Giles street bill, New Cat ton Barton Miss, 6r Thorpe road
Andrews Charles Percy,190 Thorpe rd Baldwin John Lincoln,r66 Earlham rd Barton Samuel J., M.D_ 34 Surrey
.Andrews George iDowson,3 Carrow rd Baldwin Mrs. 48 Unthank road street & 48 .All Saints' green
Andrews Mrs. 175 Earlbam road Bales Fredk. 4 Lakenbam te.-r. City rd Barwell Bertram, 443 Unthsnk road
.Annison Mrs. 2 Constitution hill Ballance Hamilton Asbley M.D_, M.S. Barwell Edric J obn Hayward, Even-
.Ansell 'Miss, 63 Newmarket road Lond. 41 .All Saints' green ing hill, Park lane
.Applewhaite Capt Hanson, r Clare- Banham Mrs. 194 Earlbam road Barwell Miss, 33 Surrey street
mont road Barrister Miss, 66 Clarendon road Barwood Fredk. Jn. 331 Unthank rd
Archer Jas. Fredk. 18 Mornington l'd Bankes Rev. Conrad Douglas Richard Base Miss, 20 Grove road
Archer Mrs. 5 Chapel field north 0., B.A. (curate of Holy Trinity), Base Mrs. 2 Os borne villas,Drayton rd
.Aris Charles .John, ro Stracey road 28 Christchurch road Base Saml. S. Brewery bo. Barrack st
Aris J obn, 4 College Toad

Bassham Benn Brunton, Ivy bank, Blackman H. G.Barbam, IIUnthank rd! Bredberg A. William, 10 Grosvenor rd
St. Clement's hill, New Catton Blake Aubrey Aston, The Cbantry i Breese Thomas Scurll, 29 The Close
Bassham Ernest Eccleston, 20 Con- Blake Gerard, Close la. Ipswich road' Bremner James Morrison Gardiner,r8
stitution hill Blaxland Athelstan Jasper M.B. 29 St. Giles street
Bassingthwaighte Frederick Henry, Surrey street Brennan Mrs. 9 Grosvenor ;road
II9 Earlbam road Blazeby Mrs. so Cbristchurch road Breton Mrs. 64 Christchurch road
Batch Jacob P. 168 Earlbam road Blazeby William Thomas, I Heath- Brett Albert Edward, t6o Earlham rd
Bateman Miss, 30 St. Stepben's road side road, Thorpe Hamlet Brett Arthur, 412 Unthank road
Bateman Miss, 24 Unthank road miss Ea.kson, 73 Earlbam road Brett Jonathan Thomas, sen, 12
Bates Frank Mus.Doc. (organist of Blofeld 'Miss, 44 All Saints' green Magdalen road
the cathedral), 6 The Olose Blyth Ernest Egbert LL.D., B.A. Brett Jonathan Thomas, jun. 72
-Batterbee Arthur James, 3 Hewitt's Beigham house, Heigbam road Earlham road
villas, Stone road Blyth Miss, 26 Rathurst road Bridgman Mrs. 40 St. Giles street.
Batterbee James, 18 St. Clement's Blyth Miss, 2 The Crescent, Chapel Brierley Mrs. IQ2 College road
hill, New Catton Field road Brierley Samuel, 26 City road
Batterbee Waiter, 44 Pelbam road Blyth Miss, 388 Unthank road Briggs Rev. George Wallace ~ . .!..
Bavin Mrs. 10 Stanley aven. Tborpe Boardman Edward Thomas,TownClose (vicar of St.Andrew's),St.Andrew st
Hamlet house, Ipswich road; & How hill, Briggs Rev. Wm. Arth. M.A. (curate
Baxter Hy. Jas. Hillside, Park lane Ludbam, Great Yarmouth of St. Andrew's), St. Andrew street
Baxter Mrs. M. A. 47 Clarendon road Boardman James Theobald, 32 New- Brittain Henry, 83 Newmark~>t road

Bayfield M1'ss, 44 Bracondale market road Brittain Thos.Bennett,329Untbank rd

Bayliss Miss, 69 Newmarket road Boardman Mrs. Edward, 91 ~ewmar- Brittain Wm. Harvey, 179 College rd
Baynbam Rev. George W. (New ket road B:-oadbent Alfred, Orwell house, Or-
Church), II8 Untbank road Backing George, 18o Earlbam road well road, Town Close
Beales Francis Isaac, 2 Carrow road Badger Percy Morris,28 Bishopgate st Broadbridge George Mailing, :208 Col-
Beard Rev. Hy. Ernest, 56 York st Bolingbroke Ernest Michael, 53 The lege road
Beard Mrs. Finlay, Mancroft house, Close Broadley Edgar, 199 Dereham road
Ohantry road Baling-broke Horace Charles, 10 Brock Bertram Edwd.64 St.Clement's
Beare Mrs. 16 Cotman road, Thorpe Cbristchurch road hill, New Catton
Hamlet Bolingbroke Leonard Geo. Strangers. Brock Thomas Benjamin Smith, 6o
Beatley Bowen, 164 Thorpe road hall, Cbaring cross St. Clement's hill, New Catton
Beatley Miss, 3 Clarence road, Thorpe Bolingbroke Louis Errington, South- Brock William Thos. 27 Clarendon rd
Hamlet gate house, Bracondale Brockbank Josepb Henry (master of
Beattie John, Io Earlbam rise Bolingbroke Miss, 6 Grove avenue the Dean & Chapter's Choir School),
F~>bee Lewis Rt. 36 St. Leonard's road Bolingbroke Miss, 4 York street 6o The Close
Beck Charles Smedley, 47 Earlham rd Bolingbroke Mrs. 53 The Close Brodrick Mrs. 17 The Close
Beck Edward W. 12 The Close Bond Charles Frederick, 7 Alexandra Bromley Rev. A. (United Methodist),
Beck Miss, Lime Tree road mansions, Prince of Wales road 1 Epworth house, Aylsham road
Beck Mrs. I4 Stracey road Bond Ernest Cbas.42 St. Stephen's rd Bromwich Albt.Joseph, 20 Kingsley rd
Breeching Very Rev. Henry Charles Bond Jn.Owen, Eaton cot.Unthank rd Brooker Rev. John James (Congre-
D.D., D.Litt. The Deanery Bond Robt. Herne, I6 Christcburcb rd gational), 5 St.Bartholomew's close
Bell Ambro~e Winter, 3 St. Bartbo- Bone John, White house, Aylsham rd Brookes Mrs. 86 Earlbam road

lomew's close Booty Frederick H. 31 Earlham road Brooks Joseph, 335 Unthank road
Bell 0. Francis, 6 St. Faith's lane Boston George A. 3 Ipswich :road Brooks William Thomas Percy, Chan-
Bell Ed ward William, 169 College rd Boston T. F. 44 Unthank :road try court, Theatre street
Bell Miss Mary M.B.Lond. 29 Un- Boston Walt. Andrews, 43 Earlham rd Brown Rev. J3!IDes Landy M. A. 3
tbank road Boston William By. n8 Tborpe road The Grove, Chapel Field east
Bell Thomas Henry, 415 Unthank rd Boswell Hugh, 145 Newmarket road Brown Rev. William Frederick M.A.
Bell Wm Fredc. 74 St. Stephen's rd Boswell Jas. Chas. Pine dell,Ipswich rd (head master of King Edwa:rd Vl.'s
Belson Richard Durrant, 52 City road Boswell Saml.Howard,396 Unthank rd Grammar school), The School ha.
Benjamin David, 5 Chalk Hill road Batting Frank Chas. 347 Unthank rd 70 The Close
Bennett Harry Oscar, 7 Kingsley road Batting Mrs. 13 West parade Brown C. J. 43 Unthank road
Bennett Waiter, 4 Town Close road Roughen Mrs. 20 Grosvenor road Brown Edward Joseph,158 Earlbam rd
Bentley John. I3 Beatrice road, Boughen Smith, 29 Park lane Brown George, 98 Earlham road
Thorpe Hamlet Boulttee Chas.Edwd.BrNewmarket rd Brown George Arthur,II{ Unthank rd
Berry Arth. Gilbert, 25 Grosvenor rd Boultbee Misses, 40 Victoria street Brown Miss, 33 Bracondale
Berry Mrs. 168 Dereham road BoultonFrederickWm.35 Cambridge st Brown Miss Crichton, 14 The Close
Besant LeonardCbristr.I32Unthank rd Bower Charles John, I I Grosvenor rd Brown Mrs. 71 Newmarket road
Besant Mrs. 122 Unthank road Bower Henry, 9 Chapel Field road Brown Mrs. go York street
Best Herbert, 162 Earlham road Bower James Garton, Earlham house, Brown Richardson, Hazeldene, Xew-
Betts John Farrow, 24 Park lane EarlhaJ? road market road. ~
Betts Mrs. 26 Park lane Bower M1ss, 146 Earlbam road 1 Brown Syd.Lodmgton,zB Newmarket rd
Betts Mrs. 54 St. Stephen's road Bower Robert Edward, 20 Arnpthill st Browne Henry George Ambrose, 28
Betts Robert Frederick, 52 Consti- Bowers Right Rev. John Philips All- Charles street
tution hill cot D.D. (suffragan Bishop of Thet- Browne John Goldsmith, 26 York st
Bevan John, 177 College road ford, archdeacon of Lynn & canon I Broxholme Mrs. 3 Chester place
Beverley Michael M.D. 54 Prince of residentiary of Norwich), The Close Bryan Hermann,Valley view,Eaton hl
Wales road Bowers Chas. Fredk. 201 Dereham rd Bryant Ernest, 205 Earlham road
Biale Capt. Lawrence Charles, 3 Bow hill Mrs. 8 Newmarket. road Hryant George Arthur, 52 College rd
Cathedral street Bowhill Mrs. u6 Unthank road Buckenham Miss, 56 Thorpe road
Bidwell Mrs. 9 The Crescent, Chapel Bowles Harold Guy, 9 ~ile End road! Buckingham Ernest, 44 Mile End rd
Field road Boyce Reginald John, Chester house, i Buckingham "Geo. Herbt. 17 Cecil rd
Bignold Charles Arthur Bathurst D.L., Chester place Buckingham George Somerset, 17 Un-

J.P. Eaton ball, Untbank road Boyce Thomas Wenn, 2 West parade thank road
BigEold Miss, II Surrey street Bozzine Peter, 35 Unthank road Buckingham Herbert, 19 Earlham rd
Bignold Mrs.Alfd. 26 Christchurch rd Brace Ernest, 30 Mill Hill road Buckingham Horace Clifford, g Col-
:Eilsborough Miss, 74 St. Clement's Bradfield Robert Emms, 31 Newmar- lege road
bill, ~ew Catton ket road Bugg Miss, 130 Unthank road
Birch Waiter, 21 Brunswick road Bradley Rev. Charles Lister M.A., Bull Rev. Chas.Carey, II3 Earlham rd
Bircham Herbert Wm. I5 College rd A.Mus.S.C.M. I Muriel road Bull Miss, 39 The Close
Bird George Hilton, Ipswich lodge, Bradley Frank F. 6J City road I Bollard Edward, Newham house,
Ipswich road Bradley George Wm. I3 Kingsley rd! Heigham grove
Bird Miss, 159 College road Bradley-Watson Cecil Hugh, 5 Sur- Bollard Ernest, 9 West parade
Bird Miss, r St. Giles ter. Bethel st rey street Bullard Mrs. 99 Ea-rlham road
Birtles Wm. Frederick, 35b, Park la Bragg Jn. Sinclair ho.Chapel Field rd Bnllen Benjamin, 397 Unthank road
Bishop Mrs. I Chalk Hill road Brahams David, 23 Thorpe road Bullen Henry, II8 Hall road
Bisho~ Winsor, Beech lodge, Un- Branford Miss, 195 Unthank road Bullen Mrs. 3 Unthank road
than"k mad Bransby James William, 5 Heathf:ide Bullen Wm. Spratt, 3 Recreation rd
Black; W9'ter Geoffrey, 2a, Henley rd road, Tborpe Hamlet Bullimore Granville Bavelock, Graf-
Blac~man Rev. James Henry (vicar Brasnett Frederick, 245 College road ton, Unthank road •
oLSt. Paul's), St. Paul's vicarage, Brasnett Geo. Alfd. 200 Earlham rd Bullimore Rev. Thomas, Montrooe
,Sj. Clement's hill, New Catton Braybrooks Thos. Pashler, r 8 Essex st 1 house, Drayton road
Bulmer Thomas, 53 Newmarket road Caswall Robert Hadfield, 30 St. Cile :\Iiss, 29 Clarence- road, Thorpe
Bultitude James, 37 Catton Grove rd Leonards road Hamlet
Bunn .Alec Charles, 6o Unth!mk road Cavell Mrs. 24 College road Colby Frederick Wm. 386 Unthank rd
Bunn Miss, 43 Mount Pleasant Cavendish-Browne Miss, I5 The Cres- Colby Miss, 25 River Side road
Bunnett Edward Mus.D.Cantab. 1 cent, Chapel Field road Coldham John Henry, 5 Earlham rise
Grove terrace, Thorpe road Chalker Waiter Cubitt, 7 St.Bartholo- Cole Herbert H. 41 Clarence road,
Bunting Charles Arthur, Hildersham, mew's close Thorpe Hamlet
Bracondale Challice Rev. Fredk. Claude (Primi- Cola John, 30 Castle meadow
Bunting Fredk. W. 32 Grosvenor rd tive Methodist), 38 Grove avenue Cole Miss, 42 Mount Pleasant
Bunting Miss, 23 Earlham road Chalmer;: Robert Westland M.B. 38 Coleby James Bennett, 157 College rd
Bur field J oseph, I I Thorpe road 'Magdalen road Coleman Geo. Lovick,2r Grosvenor rd
Burgess Wilfrid Lawson, 10 Golden Chamberlain Mrs. 181 Earlham road Ooleman John, 120 Earlham road
Dog lane Chamberlayne Mrs. I.op Newmarket rd Ooller Charles Tarrant, Hartswood,
Burley TheodoreLe~ay, I I Bathurst rd Chamberlin Alexander Robert D.L., Judges' walk
Burlingham Mrs. 63 Thorpe road J.P. The Grove, Ipswich road Collin Jn. Francis, 45 Mount Pleasant
Burrell Miss, 17 West parade Chamberlin George Moore D.L., J.P. Collins Arthur Elliston, t Carrow rd
Burrell William, 7 Lakenham terrace, 53 All Saints' green Collins Edward Thos. 8r Earlham rd
City road. Chambers _\rthur John, 127 Earlham Collinson Robt. Whiteley, 49 Mount
Burroughes Herbt.Robt. I89 College rd road, Bethel street Pleasant
Burroughes Percy R. 184 College rd Chambers Frederick James, Grafton Cells Albert George, 15 Bathurst rd
Burrow Richard, 130 Queen's road house, 26 Oxford street Collyer Mrs. Gunyah, Lime Tree rd.
Burt Thomas G. 6 Newmarliet road Chambers Miss,u Chapel Field north Town close
Burton Col.Gerard,I29 Newmarket rd Chandler ReginalLl Arth.49 College rd Colman Horace Palmer,:r;2 Bracondale
Burton Frederick, 189 Earlham road Chaplin A.lhel't E. 8 Magdalen road Colman Misses, Garrow house
Burton George Jas.137 Newmarket rd Chaplin, 230 Thorpe road Colman Mrs. 154 Earlham road
Burton Mrs. 41 Earlham road Chaplin Wi!iiam, 97 Grove road Colman Mrs. Henry, I 1 Braeo~dale
Burton Samuel H., M.B. 49 St. Giles Chapman Arthur John Duncan, 17 Colman Thomas Wm. 19 Bracondale
street ; & Overstrand, Cromer Thorpe road Cook Alfred Waiter, 8 Essex street
Bnrton Wm. Matthew, 176 Dereham rd Chapm~!l Jeremiah George, St. Giles Cook Thomas, 53 Grove road
Bnrton-Fanning Fredk. William M.D. house, 94 St. Giles street Cooke Rev. James (Wesleyan), IIe
I St. Faith's lane Chapman 0. 92 Constitution hill Unthank road
Burwood Miss, rfl :Mill Hill road Charter James B.A. Belle Vue house, Cooke Arthur, 4 Mill Hill road
Bury Thomas, 8 Somerleyton street I5I Newmarket road Cooke Clemenl; Cri~p, 5 Clarence rd.
Busby Rev. William M.A. (rector of Chichester Robt. Eaton hill, Eaton hl Thorpe Hamlet
St. John Maddermarket), 82 Un- Chiddick James B. 201 Unthank road Omke Ernest, 38 Citv road
thank road Chittock Gilbert Carsey, The Croft, Cooke Francis Jn. 68 St. Stephen's rd
Bush F. P. 27 Dereham road Lime Tree road Gooke Miss, 195 Dereham road
Bush Robert David, 185 Dereham rd Chittock Miss, 8 Matlock rd. Thorpe Cooke Mrs. 59 Christchurch road
Buston William, I69a, King street Hamlet Cooke ~rs. W. H. 15 The Close
Butcher Ernest, 56 St. Philip's road Church Israel, Chrysfield, Vpton rd Coo~bs Ernest Grosvenor, 27 Chalk
Butcher Mrs. I Chester place Church Thos. Wm.72 Constitution hill H1ll road
Butcher Mrs. 30 St. Clement's hill, Churchyard James S. 54 Clarendon rd Cooper Abraham S. 88 Newmarket rd
~ew Catton Churchyard Mrs. 99 Earlham road Cooper Claude Anderson, rg6 Earl-
Butler Henry, 5 Brunswick road Clapham Erne3t, 132 Earlham road ham road
Butler John Hy. Ber ho. Ber street Clare Waiter, 64 Unthank road Cooper Herbel't Nelson, 71 Grove 1:d
Butler Miss, Point ha. Ipswich road Claremont Constantine Cecil, 149 Cooper Miss, Lime grove, Lime Tree
Butler William James Gooch, Arunciel, Dereham roan road, Town close
Fairfield road, Town close Claridge Rev. Charles William (vicar Cooper Miss, 34 Unthank road
Butterfant Miss, 38 .Surrey street of St. Thomas', Heigbam), Vicar- Cooper Misses, 173 Dereham road
Butterfant Mrs. g Hill House road, age, Edinburgh road Cooper Mrs. 102 Earlham road
Thorpe Hamlet Claridoe George Percival Charles Cooper Mrs. 28 Grosvenor road
Buttifant Owen, 8o Dereham road M. B?, B. S.Lond. 6-J. Bethel street Cooper Waiter George, 79 Thorpe rd
Button :Mrs. 54 Chapel Field road Clark George, ID Miil Hill road Cooper William Robert, Mayfield,Fair-
Buxton Mrs. 9 E-'!sex. street Clark George Oliver,59 Caernarvon rd field road, Town close
Cadamy Jonathan Hy. g Trinity st Clark Harry Osborne, 39 Cecil road Coote Ernest R. <ig Mount Pleasant
Cadge Mrs. 33 Grosvenor road Clark Miss, 43 Newmarket road Oopeman Charles, 5 Claremont road
Calver ""'"iss, 17 Cambridge street Clark RPg-inald 0. 203 College road Copeman Frederick, 3 Clarendon road
Calvert Rev. Alfred Ernest (Primitive Clark Thomas J. r7 Colman road Copeman Henry Newmarket rd
Methodist), I72 Dereham road Clarke Alex. Robt. 53 College road Copeman John L. 7 Grosvenor road
Calvert Edwin Montagu, 6 St. Faith's Clarke Clifton, 12 Clarendon road Copeman Miss, I Surrey grove
lane Clarke Frederick, 73 Newmarket road Copeman Misses, 2 Town Close road
Campling Fredk. Geo. 48 Bishop gate st Clarke Jas. Charl11s, 37I Unthank rd Corbetta Mrs. 23 Grove road
Uampling Geo. Herbt. 2 Stracey road Clarke John, 29 Aylsham road Carder John Talwin, 31 London st
Campling Herbt.Harper,2rrCollege rd Clarke Miss, The Acacias, Ipswich rd Corsbie Ernest Benj. 202 Unthank rd
Campling Miss, 21 Golden Dog lane Clarke Robert, 6 Mile End road Corsbie Lewis Fredk. 8 Trinity st
Carnpling Mrs. r Bathurst road Olarke William, 70 Clarendon road Corsbie Samuel, 24 Grove avenue
Campling William John, The Hermi- Clarke Wm. Thos. Fras. r<i West par Cory Robert Franci~ Preston, Norfolk
tage, Sprowston road Clarkson Mrs. 3 Mile End road & Norwich hospital,St.Stephen's rd
Canham .Alfred Wm. I67 Earlh&m ro Clement;J Capt. Geo. 66 Unthank rd Cossey Miss, 50 Clarendon road
Canbam Robert, So Earlham road Clements F. C. 53 Mnriel road Cotman Grahame, Lavengro, Tuck's
Cannell Alfred Thos. 2 Smithfield rd Cleveland _Arthur John, 13 Thorpe rd court, St. Giles street
Cannell Arthur Edward, 8 Lakenham Cleverley George, ng Dereham road Cotter Henry S. 3oa, Mount Pleasant
terrace, City road Claw Charles, 58 Mount Pleasant Course Arthur Henry, u Beatrice rd.
Capon Edward H. 31 St. Giles street Claw MisS~, 64 Bracondale Thorpe Hamlet
Capon Jack Cecil, 31 St. Giles street Clowes Mrs. 35 Clarendon road Cowl John, 207 Earlham road
Cardale William. Malabar, Constitu- Coates Miss, 56 Unthank road Cowles Cyril Robert Burton, 207 Col~
tion hill Coates Mrs. 37 Thorpe road lege ro,ad
Care Henry, Avon ha. Victoria st Cobbald Thomas Archer, I I Es!!ex et Cowlin Vercy, I9I Unthank road
Carman Mrs. 21 Thorpe road CohhaldWalt.Edgar,78St.Stephen's rd Covvper-Johnson Misses, g The Close
Carmichael Robert Clark, 9 Carton rd Cockburn ~iss, 13 The Close Cox Ernest Valentine, 22 College rd
Carrington Harry, Bg City road Cochran William Robert, 47 Catton Cox George, 37 Bracondale
Carrington William, 74 Bracondale Grove road Cox Thomas Alfred, 394 linthank rd
Carter Thos. Jn. 408 Unthank road Cockrill Horace William, 37 Cecil rd Cox Thomas Percy, 8 River Side road
Carter William George, 7 Park lane Cockrill Mrs. 29 Cambridge street Ooxford Miss, 13 Chapel Field road
Cartwright Misses, 9 Bracondale Cockrill Wm. John, 6 Town Close rd Cozens-Hardy Basil, 72 Bracondale
CarvPr James, 390 Unthank road Cocks Miss, 73 Rosary road, Thorpe Cozem-Hardy Ferneley, The Planll:a-
Case Harry, I Aspland road Harnlet tion, Earlham road
Case Miss, 122 Earlham road Codd ~iss, 7 Cedar rd. Thorpe Hamlt Cozens-Hardy Sydney LL.B. 72 Bra-
Case Mrs. 5 Chester place Codling- M:is~. 13 Grosvenor road condale
Cashel Miss. 192 Unthank road Coe Albert Edward, 411 Unthank rd Cracknell Alfred, 97 Earlham road
Castle Miss, 36 Grove avenue Coe Edward, The Homestead, Un- Cracknell Richard, 8 Chri!ltchurdh rd
thank road, Eaton


Crane Joseph John, 49 Florence road, Davies Rev. Da'vid B..A. (curate of Duthie Rev. David Wallace, 14 The
Thorpe Hamlet Drayton & Hellesdon & chaplain Qf Crescent, Chapel Field road
Creasy Lionel, 100 Patt€son road Norwich Citr asylum), l' Shorn- Dyball John Edwa'rd, 29 Dereham rd
Oremer Francis, Rnwsley, Constitu- cliffe street Dyball Miss, I I St. Philip's road
'tion hill Davies D. 0. S., B.Sc. 25 Unthank "rd Dye Herbert J. S. I3 Clarence road.
Crewe Rev. Waiter Francis (vicar of Davies George Christopher, Thl' Thorpe Hamlet ,
St. George's & rector of St. Simon Laurels, Orwell rd. Town close Dye Mrs. ss Chapel Field road
& St.Jude & surrogate),6gThe Close Davies Hugh Christopher, The Lod~e,. Dyer William Fras. 6o Mill Hill road
Crick Montague, 6 Eaton road Old Lakenham Eade Sir Peter M.D., F.R.C.P.Lond.
Oroft Rev. John Bonham M.A. Old' Davis Fredk. Sydney, 166 Thorpe rd 68 St. Giles street
hall, Old Lakenham Davy Rev. Thomas Gibson A.K.C.L. Eagling Harry Ernest, 20 Trix road
Orome Miss, 13 Clarendon road 16 Chapel field east Earl Mrs. 36 Park lane
Crome Miss, 39 St. ·Philip's road Davy Chas. Edwd.19 Christchurch rd Eastaugh Mrs.gCedar rd.ThorpeHmlt
Crook .Arthur, 8o Prince of Wales rd Daws Henry WaterhouEe, 124 New- Easter W. H. 14 Clarendon road
Crook Edward, 190 Unthank road market road Eaton Fredc. Ray, 121 Newmarket rd
Crook Mrs. Mount cottage, Rosary Daws Wm. Stacey, 76 Mill Hill road Eaton Mrs. I2I Newmarket road
road, Thorpe Hamlet Dawson Donald R. 27 Cambridge st Eddington Alexander, 28 Unthank rd
Cross Benj. Lorkin, 174 Dereham rd Dawson George Arthur, 8 St.Martin's' Edrich Robt. Shepherd, 4 Hill House
Cross Charles Bedford, na, Matlock Palace plain Toad, Thorpe Hamlet
road, Thorpe Hamlet . Dawson Harry, 12 River Side road Edwards Rev. John Glynn B.A. (Bap-
Cross John M. 16 Mile End road. Dawson Misses, 3 St. Faith's lane tist), 24 Christchurch road
Cross Thomas Robert, 65 Park lane Dawson 'Mrs. 37 Unthank road Edwards Edwd.J. II3 St. Leonards rd
Orosse H~rbert M.D. 6 Theatre street Day Capt. Frank R. 212 Thorp!! road Edwards MiS'S, 159 Dereharn road
Crosse Miss, 2 Grove avenue Day Donald Douglas M.R 3 Surrey st Edwards Mrs. 55 City Toad
Crosskill Charles Robert, 27 Thorpe Day Geo. Fredk. 55 Christcburch rd Edwards Mrs. 188 Earlham road
road & Rose cottage, Barton turf, Day Herbert, 82 Newmarket road Edwards Mrs. 213 Earlha'm road
Neatishead, Norwich Day John Benjamin, 2 Girton road Edwards Mrs. so Mile End road
Crotch Mrs. 32 Constitution bill Day Miss, 17 Bracondale Edwards Waiter, Marion ville, St.
Crotch Waiter George, Point house, Day Miss, 19 The Close Clement's hill, New Catton
- Sprowston road Day Miss, 25 Grove road Edwards Waiter, 12 NE)wmarket road
Crotch William, 26 Constitution hill Day Mrs. 12 Lower Clarence road Egles Albert G. S Mile End road
Crotch William George, Portsdown, Daynes Samuel, 47 Mount Pleasant Elder Thomas Sanderson, 2I Clarence
St. Clement's hill, New Catton Deade Henry Hicks, I97 Unthank rd road, Thorpe Hamlet
Crouch Mrs. 44 The Close De Carle Mrs, 21 Clarendon road Ellingham Mrs. 43 Bracondale
Crow Benj. Grove cot. Elm Grove la DeCanx John, 207 Unthank road Elliott Thoma~ Baines, 6g Grove rd
Orowe Fredk. Harry, 13 Brunswick rd de Chair Rev. Fredk_ Blackett M.A., Ellis Rev. Alfreq Hitch B.A. (vicar
Crowe Robert Alfred, 1I6 Earlham rd J.P. (hon. canon of Norwich), 128 of St. Mary Magdalene), St. 'Mary
Crowfoot Thomas C. 7I Earlham rd Newmarket road Magdalene vicarage, Silver road
Croydon Percy Hill, 199 Earlham rd Dee Joseph E. 45 City road Ellison John Stephen Reynolds, 231
Cubitt Algernon James, 31 Thorpe rd Deeks Arthur Ernest, 82 Mill Hill rd College road
Cubitt Harry J)ennis, 184 Thorpe rd Delf Henry Wilson, 66 Essex street Ellwood Miss, r8 Newmarket road
Cubitt Miss, 4 Lower Clarence road Delf Richard Jam~~. r6 Pprk lane Elmer Mrs. 28 Bathurst road
Cubitt O'!en Cad'ywold, Bank house, Delves SydneyHerbt.6Chapel field nth Emery James, 84 Earlham road
Bank plain Denison Miss, II3 Newmarket road Emmett George, 30 Britannia Toad
Cuddon P. 76 Unthank road Dennes Charles, 43 Grosvenor road Em:ns Sidney Edwd. 185 Earlham rd
Cullen Frederick SpEmcer, Oaklands, Dennis Benjamin, 29 College road Emms William J. Avenue house,
St. Clement's hill, New Catton Dennis Harry J ames, 57 P~rk lane Church avenue, Mile End road
Culley Alfred Colman, The Grove, Denny Alex. 3 r Clarendon road Endicott J oseph, 182 Dereham road
Bracondale Denny Mrs. 71 St. Leonards road English Lawrence Wm. 13 Unthank rd
Culley Basil Warne, 3 Wood street Deuchar Miss, sr Mill Hill road English Mrs. S Unthank road
Culley Henry Read, 15 Thorpe road De Year Miss, r Cow hill Ensor 'Miss, 34 The Close
Culley Lionel, 93 Thorpe road Dewhirst Charles Roger, 173 New- Euren Henry Francis, Grove house,
Cnlley Misses, 18 Grove aYenue market road Arlington lane, Newmarket road
Culley. Mrs. 3 Heathside rd. Thorpe Dewing Miss, 6r Park lane Everard Harry Geo.34 St.Leonards rd
hamlet Dewing Mrs. 187 Earlharn road Everard Miss, 8" Newmarket road
Cullingford 'Mrs.35Prir.ce of Wales rd Dexter Mril. 40 Bracondale Everett Ernest Wm. I I Theatre street
Cundall Miss, 4 Brunswick road Dicketts Chas. John, 72 Clarendon rd Everett Miss C. S. 14 Essex street
OnnJ.ell Donald, I6 Mount Pleasant Diggens Mrs. ro Mount Pleasant Evershed Mrs. The Plantation, Earl-
Cunningham Edward Lewis, 34 St. Dipple George William, 79 College rd ham road
Clement's hill, New Catton Diver Mrs. 6 Albemarle road Fairbairn Mrs.Jas. 133 Newmarket rCt
Cunningt-on Mrs. 84 Mill Hill road Dix Gordon, 95 Dereham road Farquahar Hugh, 3 Cecil road
Cupiss 'Miss, 27 West parade Dix Thomas Edwin, 41 City road Farrer-Baynes Rev. }Iarry, 183 Dere-
Curl Edward, 12 Mill Hill road Dix William, Lindley ho_ Lindley st ham road
Curl Henley, 98 Newmarket road Dobson Thomas, 48 Mount Pleasant Felce Ernest,s Kingsley 'road
Curl Harry, 49 Bracondale Dodd Mrs. ro Ampthill ~Street Fendick Charles, 4 Park lane
Curl Percy, rog Newmarket road Dodson John, Bonchurch. Ipswich rd Fenn Mrs 6 Cedar rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Curnow Bev.Henry (Wesleyan Metho- Doggett Mrs. 46 'Mount Pleasant ffiske William H. 158 Newmarket rd
dist), 12 Mile End road Domville Miss, 215 Derebam road Ffolkes Fredk_ William, 40 Duke st
Ourry Robert, 5 I Park lane Donne Mrs. 9 The Close Fiddy Robert Wm. 92 St. Clement's
Cnshing Misses, 13 St. Philip's road Downe James, 139 Newmarket road hill, New Catton
Cushion Alfred, 78 Unthank ~road Downing Charles, 74 Rose lane Fiddymont D. J. 7a, Earlham road
Cushion William, {io Earlham road Dowson F. 22 Thorpe road Field Miss, Barbary cottage, Rosary
Dahse George D. 58 The Close Doyle Mrs. 103 Earlham road road, Thorpe Hamlet
Dakin John Howard, 2 Albemarle rd Drake Daniel, 22 Eaton road Fielding Jamel'! M.D. 18 The Crescent
Dakin William Howard, 2 Chester pi Drane Jecks, I3 Grove road Fielding Saville Jas. M.B.33 Bethel st
Dalby Henry Edwin, 18 West parade Drane Mrs. 94 Earlham road Finch Ernest Wilfred, 5 Colman road
Daniels Rev. Henry Maurice A.K.C.L. Driver Mrs. W. rg Trinity strePt Finch Miss, g Christchurch road
(curate St. Paul's),6 Consotitution hi Drummond Alexander,7 Chalk Hill rd Finch William, III Earlham road
Dan~els Charles, I Mile End rd. Eaton Ducker Fredc. Frostick, 16 College Td Finch William, jun. 38 Mill Hill road
Daniels Donald A. V. 48 College road Duff Capt. Granville, .sm, St. Ste- Finn Gerald Harry, 13 Britannia rd
Daniels Geo. Fountain, 59 College rd phen's street Finn Mrs. 48 Mill Hill road
Daniels Jn. William, 167 Dereham rd Duffen Hy. Edwd. 98 Chapel Field rd Fisher Charles D. 75 City road
Dant John, 45 Park lane Duffield Charles, 70 Unthank road Fisher Herbert Henry,49 St.George st
Darby Arthur W. 32 College road Duncan Herbt.Wm. St.Effanie,Erlhm Fisher James, 25 College road
Darch Henry John, 2o6 Earlham road Duncan Jonathan Wm.135 Earlham rd Fisher Johnny Benjamin, 9 Barn roan
Darling Harry Cecil Rutherford, Nor- Duncan Wm. Waiter, 183 Earlham rd Fisher. Leslie George, 13 Cecil road
folk & Norwich hospital, St. Ste- Dunham William Jas. 101 City road Fitch-Thorn John, 79 Mill Hill road
I hen's road Dunster Miss, 16 Mill Hill road Fitt Albert Edward, go City road
Darrell Harrington Wyndham, 12 AD Dunt Mrs. 172 Thorpe road Fitt Cyril Herbt.C.36 St.Stephen's rd
Saints' green Durndell GeorgeWm.37 Grosvenor rd Fitt George, r8o Thorpe road
Dashwocd .Arthur, 95 Grove road Durrant Frederick, 20 Eaton road Fitt Harry Stephen, 40 City road
Fitt Miss, 17 Chapel Field road

Fitt Stephen William, 79 City road Gibling George, 191 College road Gunnell George Herbert, 23 Cedar
Fitzgerald Very Rev. Canon Thomas Gibion John L. E. g6 Aylsham road road, Thorpe Hamlet
M.R. Catholic rectory, Unthank rd Gibson Miss, 33 The Clof'le Gurley William Robert M.A. (head
Fitzpatrick James Matthew, 22I Dere- Gilbert Mrs. 52 Grove avenue master of City of Norwich school),
ham road Giles Hammond, 41 Newmarket road Eaton road
Flack James M.B. 9 Lady's lane Giles Hylton Lloyd, 42 'Mile End rd Gurney Capt. Lewis Edmond, Church
Flatt Mr~. 23 Tombland Gill Henry, 200 Unthank road lane, Eaton
Flint M1ss, 4I The Cross Gill Sydney, I8 Clarendon road Gurney Misses, Church lane, Eaton
Foot James Nathaniel, 26 Eaton road Gill Thomas, Oakdene, Judge's walk Gurney Reginald,Earlham hall, Erlhm
Ford Colin, 6 The Crescent, Chapel Gillett Richard William, 5 Cecil road Guy Rev. Charles A. (Baptist), 2
Field road Gilman Lady, 93 Newmarket road Parker road
Ford Mrs. 7 Aylsham road Gilman Charles Storey, The Lawns, Gwafkins-Graves Edward Arthur, .132
Fordham Arthur George, go Chapel Christchurch road Newmarket road
Field road GirdlestQne Joseph, 177 Unthank rd Hacon Edgar Gooch, 400 Unthank rd
Forester John Sharman, Fairholme, Girling Rev. George, 9 Clarendon rd Haddow Joseph Hy. 319 Unthank rd
Ipswich road Girling Mrs. 402 Unthank road Hague George, 2o6 Dereham road
Forrester James Brown, 52 Thorpe rd Gissing Cecil, IS Matlock rd. Thorpe Hale Rev. William Ford M.A. (vicar
Forster Samuel Jsph. 29I Unthank .rd Hamlet of Hardley), 4I Thorpe road
Fowler Major V. A. M. (governor of GiS<>ing John Edwin, 205 Dereharn rd Hale Robert George, 74 Earlham rd
H.M. Prison), Governor's house, Gis.sing Waiter, 9 Earlham rise Hale William Geo. 21~ Unthank road
PrisQn road Glen Rev. John Paul (Presbyterian), Hales George, 49 Newmarket road
Fox Herbert James, Ramleh, Consti- 4 Chester place Hales Jn. Basele.y Tooke, 66 TheClose
tuti{)Il hill Glendenning Mrs. 84 Rosary road, Hales Mrs. 37 Prince of Wales road
Fox John Hugh, 7 Christchurch rd Thorpe Hamlet Hall .Alfred, I53 College road
Fox Ricbd. John M.D. 70 St. Giles st Glover Thomas, 107 St. Leonards rd Elall Eqward, 73 Park lane
Foxwell ~fiss, 4 Cotman road, Thorpe Gdber Rev. Edwin (Wesleyan), 4 El"~! Joshua, IS Brunswick road
Hamlet Constitution hill Hall Mrs. 7i St. Philip's road
Fay 'Mrs. H. Andrew, 4I9 Unthank rd Godfrey Miss, 67 St. George street Hall Williarn Henry, 19 Thorpe road
Francis Thomas Evan Albert, I9 Goff Edward M. 41 Nelson street Fiallam John Wm. 8 Low. Clarence rd
Grosvenor road Goffen Edward Robert, GreenhillE Hamby Bernard J. n2 Thorpe road
Francklin Misses, 6 E!!sex street view, .Aylsham road Hamer Nehemiah, 30 Newmarket rd
Franklin Miss, 58 Unthank road Golden Arthur Robel"':, 190 College rd Hamilton Rev. Alexander Pollock M.A..
Franks Robert W. 129 Earlham road Goldie Waiter L. M., F.R.C.S. Nor- 6I Earlham road
Fra.ser Alexander, I Park lane wich Isolation hasp. Bowthorpe rd Hamilton Henry F. T. II Mill Hill rd
Fredman Mrs. 33 All Saints' green Goldspink Mrs. 38 The Close Hamlyn Right Rev. Bishop Nathaniel
Freem:m Wm. Henry, I53 Earlham rd Goodchild Geo. l'ipe, I West parade Temple M.A., L.Th., D.D. (vicar nf
French Mrs. Old Lakenham Goodchild Herbert, 215 Unthank road St. Andrew's & Christ Church,
French Tom L. 77 Earlham road Goose Agas Henry, 8 West parade Eaton),The Vicarage,Newmarket rd
Frere Miss, 27 Unthank road Goose Arthur W. 10 Sandringham rd Hammett Wm. Lewis, 67 Newmrkt.rd
Frere Mi<>s E.Hanbury,45 Untbank rd Gorham Joseph Henry, 49 City road Hamond Miss, 32 Christchurch road
Frere Miss E. Temple, 8 The Close Gossling A.lbt.Ernest, Igo Earlbarn rd Hancock Jn.Hallett,154Newmarket rd
Frost Charles Edward, 30 City road Gough Francis John, 9 Brunswick rd Hand Rev. George S., M.A. (curat~
Frost Clement George, Oaklands, St. Gough Mrs. Io Park lane of St. Matthew's), 65 Britannia rd
Clement's hill, New Catton Gould Harry Pearce, Albemarle, Albe- Hankinson-Cox Mrs. 9 Earlham road
Frost Mrs. 30 Charles street marle road Hannah Rev. Joseph Addison M ..A ..
Fry Rev. Joseph Howard (Congrega- Goulder Miss, 74 Unthank road (principal of Training college),
tional), Bo Grove road Gover Mrs. 57 Grove road College road . T

Fuller Arthur J. C. 34 Gros>enor rd Go wen Henry J osiah Thomas, 78 Cat- Hannent Herbert John, Chalk Farm
Fuller Mrs. 198 Earlham road ton Grove road house, Aylsham road
Purse Miss, 28 St. Clement's hill, Gowen Herbert P. 427 Unthank road Hansell Misses, 63 The Close
New Catton Grand Edward G. 15 Grove road Harbord Hon. Mrs. Harbord, Harford
Futrter Miss, 27 Park lane Grand Samuel, 3 Cow hill house, Ipswich road •

Fytche Rev. Henry (Wesleyan :Metho- Grande Mrs. I6 Newmarket road Harbord Arth. Sl. 56 Chapel Field rd
dist), 20 Mill Hill road Grant Alex. Thos. 20 Mornington rd Harbard Lionel, Mou.sehold house,
Gage Os"'ald, I43 Newmarket road Grant Grigson Thomas, 51 Thorpe rd Wellesley avenue, Thorpe Hamlet
Galer F. Bertram, 24 Eaton road Gray Miss, 23 Clarendon road Harcourt .Alfred, 20 Bishopgate street;
Gallagher Charles Connolly, 305 Un- Gray Mrs. 6 Clarendon road Harcourt Bosworth,4Chapel Field nth
thank road Grear Edward L. 57 Bracondale Harcourt George Anthony, II Cam-
Gallpen Charles Gaunt, 5 College rd Green Rev. Samuel Fredk. Leighto.n bridge street
Gardiner Wm. John, 52 Unthank road A.K.C.L. (curate of St. Barnabas'), Harcourt Mrs. 6o Clarendon road
Gardner Fras. Torrington, 6 Cotman r27 Dereham road . tlarcourt William, 55 College road
road, Thorpe Hamlet Green Geo. Eaton grange,Unthank rd Ha.rdie Thomas, 26 Mill Hill road
Garland Frank, St. Helens house, Green Herbert John, Greyfriar's ho. Hardy Arthur Waiter, 8g Rosary rd.
Biohopgate street Greyfriar's road Thorpe Hamlet
Garnham Mrs. 2 Newmarket road Green Joseph Philip. 67 Grove road Hardy George Henry, 187 College rd
Garratt Mrs. 4 Essex street Green Miss, 55 Bracondale Hardy Williarn Arthur,72 Mill Hill rd
GarViood Arthur W. 62 Unthank road Green Miss, 52 Mile End road Hare Fredk. Andw. 84 Catton Grove- rd
Gates Ern est Edward,4 Claremont rd Greenacre Alfd. Ernest,235 College rd Hare John Chas_ So Catton Grove rd
Gates Miss, 23 Grm;venor road Greene Arth.M.A., M.D. 4 Theatre st Earman George Durant, The Cove,
Gaul Donald, Balfour lo.Newmarket rd Greene Mrs. 3I Grove road Christchu.rch road
G~yford Miss, 35 Grosvenor road Greengns~ Harry Cutler, 6o Pitt st Harmer John Alex. 16 Albemarle rd
Gayford Miss Lucy, 22 Grove avenue Greenwood Joseph Andrews, 106 Earl- Harmer Mrs. 422 Unthank road
Gaze Harry, 17ga, Dereham road ham road Harper Miss, 24 Constitution hill
Gaze Henry, 105 Earlha.m road Greig George Alex. 62 Mill Hill road Harper Miss, 20 St. Clement's hill,
Gaze John William, I86 College road Griffin John, 38 Prince of Wales road New Catt<>n ·
Gaze Mrs. 68 Bracondale Griffin Mrs. 22 St. Clement's hill, Harper Richard, 50 Mill Hill :road
G.1z~ Mrs. 23 Catt.on Grove road New Catton Harris GE>o. Ernest, 26 Bishopgate st
Gaze William, 24 Grosvenor road Griffith Rev. Charles Edwd. Os borne 1 HarriSilll Fredk. Willia.m, 32 York st
Gedge Miss, 4 Ampthill street M.A.. (vicar of St. James' with Harrison John, 42 Bracondale
Gedge William, I95 Earlham road Pockthorpe ), St. James' vicarage, Harrison Wm. Herbt. I92 E11rlham rd
Gedney Mrs. 3 Mount Pleasant • Ketts hill Hart Miss, 6 Grosvenor road
Geldart Miss, I07 Carrow road Griffiths Rev. John Herbert M.A. Harvey Lt.-Col. John Robert D.S.O.,
Geldart Mrs. 2Cotman rd. ThorpeHmlt (rector of St. A.u~ustine's & vicar J.P. Holm wood, Stanley avenue,
Gentry Arthur Fredk. 32 Unthank rd of St. 'Mary's, Coslany), Gurney Thorpe Hamlet
Geoghegan Geo.Fredk.437 Unthank rd court, Magdalen street Harvey Arthur Willie, 25 Quebec rd
Ge:>rgu .Arthur J. :lOI Earlham road Grigson Richard, 2 St. Faith's lane Harvey Mrs. 25 Earlham road
George Frederick Clark, 6 York st_ Grimble William, 14 Kingsley road Hasler Herbert, IBo College road
George Mrs. 6o Bethel street Grim er Mrs. 33 Mount Pleasant Hastings Chas. Edwd. ISO Earlham rd
George Mrs. 1 Lincoln street Grimwade Wm. Herbert, 7 College rd Hatch FrPdk. G. 23 Cambridg-e street
GeJrge Wm. Christmas, 18 Park lane Grinling John, 47 Grove road Hatch W. Keith M.B., F.R.C.S. 8
Gibbon Frank Wm. 48 Clarendou rd Groom Lewis W. 33 Earlham road Earlham road
Gibbs Geo. Arth. 44 Comtitution hill Gulley Col. SI. Martin, 15 Bracondale Hatton Alfred Joseph,I97 Earlham rd
NJHFOLK 23:11=

Hatton Mrs. g6 Earlham road Holmes Arthur, 17 Aylsham road Jackson William, 15 Kingsley road
Haughton Mrs. 20 Grove avenue Holmes George, 5 Aylsham road James Miss, 239 College road
Havers Albert. Chas. 4I6 Unthank rd Holmes George, 2 Oxford street Jarrold Mrs. 34 Bracondale
Havers Charles, 4 Carrow road Holmes Henry Nicholas, Branksome, Jeckell Miss, 27 Earlham road
Havers Daniel, Lime Tree house, St. Clement's hill, New Catton Jeckells "Mrs. 20 Newmarket road
Lime Tree road Holmes Mrs. 12 Grove avenue Jenkins Rev. W. Griffith B.A.. (Con-
Havers Francis C. 47 Unthank road Hood Miss, 5 Clarendon road gregational), 7 Chester place
Havers Mrs. 7 Cecil road Hook Herbert W. 27 Chapel Field rd Jenks William, 14 Mornington road
Havers Wm.Watson, 2 Eranksome rd Hook Saml. Jn. I Catton Grove rd Jermy Benjamin Jas. 185 College rd
Haward Mrs. 115 Trinity street Hopper Miss, 6 Christchurch road Jermyn George Charles, 15 Essex st
Hawes George Albt. 7 Newmarket rd Hore-Ruthven Chas.I35Newmarket rd Jessopp Rev. Augustus D.D. (hon.
Hawes Herbert Henry, so Grove aven Horner Francis, I26 Thorpe road canon of Norwich), The Chantry
Hawkin Rev. Thomas (Catholic Apos- Horner Misses, 28 Grove avenue Jessup George, 3 Thorpe road
tolic),I2I Rosary rd.Thorpe Hamlet Horn or Charles J a red, 36 Prince of Jewson Frank, 7 Mount Pleasant
Hawkins George James, 195 College rd ·wales road Jewson George, 58 Bracondale
Haydon Frederick Wm.24I College rd Horsley Alfred Lane, 36 Surrey street Jewson John William, St. Cross,
Ha yes Sydney, 2I I Earlham road Hotblack H. The Lawn, Ipswich road Albemarle road
Hayhow William C. 2 College road Hotblack John T. 45 Newmarket road Jewson Percy William, 8 Eaton road
Hayler Francis Wm. n2 Trinity st Hotblack Lombe A. 56 Aylsham road Jewson Richard, IO Cotman road,
Haylett Mrs. 48 City road Houchen Mrs. 35 Newmarket road Thorpe Hamlet
Hayward Joseph George, 77 Surrey st Hovell Arthur, Wellow cottage, Old J ex-lllake :Miss F. H. 48 N eville st
H~~oyward Thos. Cornelius, 39 Park la Lakenham J odrell ):[iss, 46 Clarendon road
Hazell Frank Gidley, I2 The Cres- Hovell Misses, 14 Grosvenor road Jobnson Chas. Hy. 10 Rivar Side rd
cent, Chapel Field road Hovell Richard B. 82 St. Clement's .Tohnson Edwd. Herbt.2I9Unthank rd
Hazell Frank Gidley, Norfolk & Nor- hill, New Catton Johnson Miss, I7 Park lane
wich hospital, St. Stephen's road Howard Rev. John, 349 Unthank rd Jobnson Miss, 88 Thorpe road
Hedges Sydney W. 345 Unthank road Ho ward Arthur Samuel, I :M a tlocl> J ohnson Mrs. J. Bar ham, 16 The
Heley William A. C. 12 Mornington rd road, Tborpe Hamlet Crescent, Chapel Field road
Hemman11 Mrs. 5 Mount Pleasant Howard Ernest, 194 Thorpe road Johnson Percy Wm. 78 Mill Hill rd
Henderson James Frederick, Earlham Howard Harry James, 76 Bracondale J ohnson Thos. Geo. I 8 Albemarle rd
rise, Earlbam Howard John Fisk, 18 The Close Jolly Sydney William, 69 City road
Hensby Herbert Fuller, 14 Cedar rd. Howard William, 258 Dereham road Jones John Henry, 126 Unthank road
Thorpe Hamlet Howden Rev. Joseph Russell B.D. Jones William, 7 Colman road
Herbert Rev. George Nicholas M.A. (rector of St. Clement's & St. Ed- Jones William Henry Watkin, 6 St.
(vicar of St. John de Sepulchre), 31 mund's), 1 Colegate street Bartholomew's close
Bracondale Howeld Wm. Hy. 74 Constitution hl Jordan Fredk. 22 Bishop gate street
Eeslop Thos.HindB. I 83N ewmarket rd Huwell Miss Hinds, 74 The Close Joseph Waiter J. 4 St. Faith's lane
Hesmondbalgh Rev. William M.A. Howes Ernest John, 58 College road Juniper Robert Kerrison, Winder-
(minor canon&sacrist),31 The Close Howes Harry Wace, 23 Colman read mere, St. Clement's hill,New Catton
Hewett Albert James, 83 Lincoln st Howes Miss, 26 The Close Kay Samuel Howard, w Grove aven
Hewett Arthur Geo. 383 Unthank rd Howes Mrs. 14 Chapel field north Keefe William, I8 Mile End road
Hewett Mrs. 51 Aylsham road Howes Mrs. 184 Earlham road Keith Frederick Waiter Hugh B.A.
Hewitt Harry, 56 Grove avenue Howes Stanley, II6 Newmarket road 12 Cotman road, Tborpe Hamlet
Hibburd Rev. Frederick Clacy 'M.A. 5 Howes William Joshua, 7 Mill Hill rd Keith Thomas H. 4 Heathside road,
The Close Howitt Sydney F. 54 Unthank road Thorpe Hamlet
Bickling Robert George, 79 Surrey st Howlett Arthur, 29 Bracondale Kelf Frederick, Io Kingsley road
Hicks Miss, 391 Unthank road Howlett George, I I College road Kemp Sir Kenneth Hagar hart. D.L.,
Higgs William Frederick, 6 Lower Howlett John G. 36 Bracondale J.P. 71 The Close ; & The Close,
Clarence road Howlett Mrs. 39 Clarendon road Overstrand, Cromer
High John Samuel, 20 Park lane Hubbard Charles, 377 Unthank road Kemp Miss E. Meadows, 10 Claren-
Higson Capt. Frank, 124 Thorpe road Hubbard Wm. 34 Constitution hill don road
Hill Col. S. Garerd V.D., J.P. 425 Hudson ErnestWallace,4IoUnthank rd Kendall Alfred, qo Thorpe road
Unthank road Hudson James, 4I St. Stephen's sq Kendrick Miss, 222 College road
Hill Rev. Gilbert Francis (curate of Huffam William Stanley, 66 Bishop- Kennett Mrs. 2 The Close
Christ Church), 31 Aylsham road gate street Kenny Robert,9Lakenham ter.City rd
.Hill Charles Rickards, 1 Lakenham Huggins Edwd. Jas. W ard,54 Bracondle Kent Frederick, 145 Earlham road
terrace, City road Hughes Rev. Henry G. (Catholic), Kent Miss, 224 College road
Rill Frank Wilson, 7 Earlham rise Catholic rectory, Unthank road Kent Miss, 14 :Mount Pleasant
Rill Geo". Fredk. 38 Constitution hill Hughes Rev. John Frederick B.A. Kent Thomas William, 8 College road
Hill Leonard Garerd, 323 Unthank rd (curate of Holy Trinity), 13 Claren- Kerry Miss, 321 Unthank road
Hill Mrs. 23 St. Stephen's road don road Ketley Frederick William, 8 Cotm1l'n
Hill Mrs. 15 West parade Hunt Edward, 18 Christchurch road road, Thorpe Hamlet
Bill Sidney Dennis, 45 Cambridge st Hunt Miss, 24 Newmarket road Kett Arthur, 95 Earlham road
Hinchliffe Mrs. 35 Grove r<;>ad Hunter Villiers F. 6 Brunswick road Kett Walter, 3 Bathurst road
Hind Frank C. 4 Quebec road, Thorpe Hunting Daniel Maxwell, 9 Beigham Ketton Miss, 46 Mill Hill road
Hamlet grove Key Arthur M.A. Ir The Crescent,
Hinde Charles F. 38 Unthank road Hurden Charlie, 44 College road Chapel Field road
Hinde Ernest Bertram F.R.C.S. Gur- Hurley Frederick, 45 Dracondale Kidd Hayward Thompson, I6 River
ney's court, Magdalen street Hurn Charles N. 48 Mile End road Side road
'Hinde Frank Page, 69 Thorpe road Hurn Cornelius, The Clyffe, St. Kiddle Miss, 19 Brunswick road
Hinde William H. 103 Grove road Leonards road Killick Arth.Richd. 22 :Mornington rd
Hines Ernest Edward,439 Unthank rd Hurn John, 65 Grove road Kinder Mrs. 35 The Close
Bines Mrs. 43 Catton Grove road Hurn Mrs. 37 Surrey street King Alfred, I6 Eaton road
Hines Percy, 4 .Avenue road Hurrell Wm. Hy. 18 Constitution h) King Arthur, 65 Surrey street
Hines Walt. Rbt. 41 Catton Grove rd Huson Arthur, 17 Grosvenor road King Arthur Ernest, 53 Park lane
Hird Hellewell, 25 Chapel Field road Huson Daniel, I97 Dereham road King Frederick, 299 Unthank road
Hird William, 66 Mill Hill road Hutchinson Miss, 3 The Crescent, King Frederick Stephen, 1 Nelson st
Hitchcock Rev. Robert Jack B..A. Chapel Field road King George Alfred, 4 Princes street
(curate of St. Philip's), 219 Dere- Huxley Rev. John M.A. (vicar of St. King Mrs. 7 Chapel Field north
ham road Mark's, New Lakenham), Vicarage, King Mrs. 389 Unthank road
Roars PercivalHorace,2I5 Earlham rd City road King Robert J.P. 76 Grove road
Hobbis Chas. Wilfred, 204 College rd Ikin Alfd. Edward B.Sc. 37 Grove rd King Thomas .Augustine, 4 Clarence
Hobroug-h James Samuel,81 Thorpe rd Innes John, 387 Unthank road road, Tborpe Hamlet
Hoddy William Harvey, 35 Cecil rd lnskipp Sidney, 68 Mile End road K.ingsman J ames Fredk. 4Q Clarence
Hodges Charles E. Highgate hou~e, Ireland Maurice,Boyton ho.Ipswich rd road, Thorpe Hamlet
Untbank road Ireland Maurice William, Boyton ho. Kirby George Edward, 7 St. Martin':'!
Hodgson Miss, 4 The Grove, Chapel Ipswich road Palace plain
field east Isbill Chas. Fisher, 45 Clarendon rd Kirby Hector, 36 Mile End road
Holden Charles Lenton (lay vicar), 7 Iverson George, 62 St. Clement's hill, Kirk John, 12 St. Bartholomew's else
Alexandra road New Catton Kirkham Alfred T. 5 Park lane
Holme Daniel Oliver, 1 Essex street ;; ackson Henry William, I Thorpe rd Kirkpatrick Ro bert, 10 Trinity street
Holmes Alex. Charles, 9 Bathurst rd Jackson William, 14 College road Kitton ::O.Iiss, 9 Town C~ose road
Knapton Miss, Belle Vue house, Loads Mrs. 26 Grove avenue ~Iartin Mrs. 2 Grosvenor road
Drayton road Lock :Mrs. 33 Cecil road . Mase Charles, 42 Unthank road
Knight .Alfred Edward, I Cedar road, Long Capt. William H. B. Bracon- Mase Thomas A..rthur, I47 New-
Thorpe Hamlet dale woods market road
Knights George James, 68 Bethel st Long Charles, 129 Queen's road Mase Wm. Geo. Fern hill,Unthank rd
Knights Mrs. 19I Dereham road Long Francis Maddison, Aspland ho. Mason Mrs. 37 The Close
Knights Mrs. I2 Grove road Aspland road Mason Robt. TheCottage,Judge's walk
Knowles Mrs. IBo Dereham road Long Frederick, ro The Close Mason Robt. Herbert, Heigham grove
Knox Major Ernest Blake, 569 Sprow- Long Herbert, 75 Newmarket road Massingham Joseph, 12 Brunswick rd
ston road Long John Obadiah, 233 College road Master Humphrey Claude, g Clare-
Koblich Rev. Harry William (vicar Long Joshua Amiss, 174 College rd mont road
of St. Helen's), St. Helen's square, Long Sydney Herbert M.D.Cantab. 37 Matth~ws Rev. William Cooke (vicar
Bishopgate street St. Giles street of St. George's), 37 Distillery street
Lacey .Arthur, 4 Eaton road Long Walter, 42 All Saints' green May George Charles, 7 Unthank road
Lacey Herbt.Wm.Hy.3I Grosvenor rd Longley Rev. Reginald Waiter B.A. Mavhew

Mrs. 68 Unthank road
Lacey Miss, 6g Mill Hill road (vicar of St. 'Martin-at-Palace & Mayo Hubert Giles,Eaton lo.Eaton rd
Ladell Mrs. 2 Claremont road chaplain of H.M. Prison, Norwich), Mayston Richard, 8 Grosvenor road
Ladly Frederick, I39 Dereham road Vicarage, St. Martin's Palace plain Meers Jas. W. 40 St. Stephen's road
La Fontaine James Stephen Edward Looker Percival Page Flowers, 28 Merriman Mrs. IO Matlock road
J.P. 149 Newmarket road West parade Messent John Bilham,34 Mile End rd
Lake Frank, 32 City road Lord Frederick M. 9 Cecij road Meyer Gustavus Edmund, 106 Un-
Lamb Ernest Hy. 28 Constitution hill Lovett Mrs. 5 Town Close road thank road
Lambert F. J. 6o Mount Pleasant Low Misses, 3 St. Giles ter.Bethel st Meyrick Rev. Frederick James M.A.
Lambert Mrs. 32 Trory street Lowe Robert Percy, 4 Mornington rd (vicar), St. Peter's vicarage, Th&
Lanchester Rev. Charles Compton Lower Richard, 84 Chapel Field road Chantry
M ..A. (vicar of St. Barnabas'), The Lawman William, 39 Thorpe road Middleton Rev. Robert (vicar of St_
Shrublands, West Pottergate street Lowne William Charles Deacon, 129 Martin-at-Oak & rector of St.
Land Capt. Joseph Jn.37Mt.Pleasant Unthank road Michael at Coslany), St. Michael's.
Langley Rev. George (United Metho- Loynes George S. 30 Park lane rectory, Dereham road
dist), 64 Mill Hill road Lucas Mrs. R. G. 75 The Close Millard Rev. Frederick Maule M . .A_
Lanham Miss, 89 Dereham road Macallan Mrs. The Manse,Heigham gro St. Helen's square, Bishopgate st
Lansdell .Mrs. 223 Dereham road Macalpine-Leny :Major Robert Leny, Miles Mrs. I20 Unthank road
Lansdell Sidney F. 9 Colman road 3 The Close Miller A..rnold H. Woodlands, Dere-
Larke Henry Edgar, IS Clarendon rd Mace W. Ivy lodge, Dereham road ham road
Larking Charles, 2 Brunswick road McEwen Samuel, 2I Catton Grove rd Miller Francis Thos. 183 Queen's rd
Larn James Francis, 37 College road Machin William, 54 Christchurch rd Miller Herbert, 27 College road
Laurie Mrs. 40 Bishopgate street Mclntyre Miss, 30 Grove avenue Miller Louis Chas.22Christchurch rd"
Laws Charles Robt. II7 Earlham rd Mack Mrs. 17 College road Miller Miss, go Newmarket road
Lay Jn.Jas. 34 Cedar rd. Thorpe Hmlt McKenzie Samuel, I55 Earlham road Miller Miss, 59 Park lane
Laycock Henry Charles, 103 City rd Mackley George W. 53 St. Giles strMt Miller Mrs. 1 Victoria street
Leader Charles Robert, 76 St. Cle- Mackley Herbt.Edwin,4 Clarendon rd Miller Nathaniel William, 2 Essex st-
ment's hill, New Catton Mackley Thomas J. 74 St. Giles street Miller Richard, 71 City road
Leamon ~rs. 4 Bathurst road McLeish David James M.A., M.D., Miller William John, 9 Oxford street
Lee Hy.2 Clarence rd.Thorpe Hamlet D.P.H. 24 West parade Millns William John, 365 Unthank rd
Lee John Jonathan, 161 Earlham road McLellan Alexander, 39 Grove road Mills Charles Edwin, Denehurst, Ar-
Lee W alter H. 42 College road McLintock Misses, The Grove, Catton lington lane
Lee Waiter William, 31 Dereham road Grove road Mills Henry J. Fair field house, Lime
Leeds Herbert, 6 Grove road McMillan Anthony,6r Mount Plea~ant Tree roa..d
Leeds Miss, 22 Clarendon road McNeill Edwd. Archd. 3 Waverley rd Mills Lawrence H. B. 43 All Saints'
Leeds Mrs. 40 Grosvenor road McQueen Donald, I63 College road green
Lees Mungo Mackenzie, uS New- McQueen Wm.TheCedar,Heigham gro Mills Robert James M.B. 35 Surrey
market road Maddison Alfred, 3 Grove road street; & York cottage, Ranworth
Le Fevre William, I9 Clarence road, Maddison Miss, 8 Mount Pleasant Mills Saml. The Hollies, Ipswich rd
Thorpe Hamlet Maggs David, g8 Ketts hill Mingay Miss, 36 Mount Pleasant
Le Good A..rthur Edwin, 6 Morning- Mahomed Herbert, 45 Earlham road Mitchell Peter, 28 Ilritannia road
ton road Mahon Rev. Bernard (vicar of St. Mobbs Leonard Jas. 20 Mile End ra'
Le Grice J oseph John, 14 West par Philip's), Vicarage, Heigham road Moll Mrs. M. 45 Grosvenor road
Leith Wm. M.B.,C.M. I44 Dereham rd Mahon Foster, ·84 Newmarket road Mollett Wm.Ernest, 32 Bishopgate st.
Leman Mrs. 7 'Mile End road Mahony John, I92 Thorpe road Molloy J. Austin, 4 Thorpe road
Lemmon Mark .A.lfd. 382 Unthank rd Maidment William Ilarrett, 31 Monement Miss, I4 Grove avenue
Lemmon William, 2 Cow hill Ampthill street Money Rev. David Washbourne M.A.
Lemon John Wm. IB9 Dereham road Mallett Miss, 46 The Close (vicar of St ..Saviour's),II The Close
Leney Frank, I7I College road Mallett Richard Thomas, 92 City rd Montgcmerie 'Mrs. Ferry side, Ferry-
Le Pelley Rev. Jean L., M.A. I7 Mallett Robert Frederick, 6 Laken- road, Thorpe Hamlet
Christchurch road ham terrace, City road Moon Miss, 28 York street
L'Estrange Percy Harry, 16 Lower Mann .A.rth. Nathaniel, 46 Bracondale Moore Rev. .Arthur Crompton M.A.
Clarence road Mann Gerald Noel Cornwallis, IO (rector of Holy Trinity, South·.
Lethaby William A. sr College road Albemarle road Heigham), Trinity rectory, Essex
Levett Harry, I56 Earlham road Manning Edward Geo. 209 College rd street, South Heigham
Levine Reuben, 393 Unthank road Manser Mrs. 49 Chapel Field road Moor-3 A..rth. Montague, 70 Bracondala•
Le win John George, 2 .A. venue road Mansfield Major Gerald,214 Thorpe rd Moore Charles, 43 College road
Lickert :Mrs. 6I Surrey street Marriott William .Aubrey L., M.B. 39 Moore Fredk. G. L. I I Colman road"
Light J ames l\:1. 16 Grove avenue Surrey street Moore Fredk. Hy. Hill crest, Earlham'
Linay Mrs. I6 Kingsley road Marsden William. I4 Mill Hill road Moore Geo.Aldred,58Christchurch rd
Lincoln Alfred Warner, 34 Park lane Mar shall J ames J oseph, I6g King st Moore George Gaze, 72 Unthank rd
Lincoln Christmas Thos.23 Bracondale Marshall Robert, 66 Bracondale Moore John, ISI Ketts hill. T N 442
Lincoln John, 22I Unthank road Marshall William, 95 City road Moore Mrs. 7 Brunswick road
Linford John, I2 Trinity street Marshall William Burton B . .A.., iM.B. Moore William, 7 West parade
Ling Miss, 35a, Thorpe road 214 Unthank road Moore William Jas. Osborne,Earlham
Littleboy A. L. 44 St. Giles street Marsters John, 51 Christchurch road Moorhouse Jn.Edgar, 216 Unthank rd
Littleboy Noel Arthur, 25 Cecil road Martin Rev. Charles Wm. (Wesleyan More David, I I Christchnrch road
Livock E. 128 Unthank road :Methodist), 46 Unthank road More Geo. Henry, 65 Mount Pleasant
Livock Edward Napier, 68 Christ- Martin Rev. Ernest Edward John Mo~an Rev. Evan Charles M.A.
church road (curate of St. John's, Lakenham), Cantab. (vicar of St. Matthew's),
Livock John, 23 Beatrice rd. Thorpe I2o Hall road Thorpe Hamlet vicarage, Rosary rd.
Hamlet Martin Benjamin Mark L.D.S.Edin. 39 Thorpe Hamlet
Livock Miss, 59 Ne"market road St. Giles street Morgan Rev. Waiter Giles M.A. St.
Lloyd Rev. James Abbott M.A... (vicar Martin George, 26 St. Clement's hill, Stephen's vicarage, Ilrnnswick road
of St. Giles'), St. Giles' vicarage, 26 New Catton Morgan Benj.Branford,2og Unthank rd
Untbank road Martin John McDonald, 1"2 West par Mm·gan Fras. The Cedars, Thorpe rd
Lloy.d Miss, IS Trix road Martin Miss M. L. IS Unthank road :Morgan Fras. W. W. Hill ho.Eaton hl
Loades Benjamin, 5-l Grove avenue :Martin :\iisses, 95 Pottergate r;treet ~!organ Fred, 23 West parade

Morgan Henry R. I Town Close road ~orwich Lord Bishop of (Right Rev. Payne Wm. Jas. 46 Bishopgate st
Morgan S. Anthony, The Dial house, Bertram Pollock D.D., C.V.O.), Pearce Hayward Maddison, 39 New-
Ipswich road The Palace market road
Morley William, 57 Christchurch rd Notl~y Frederic, 3II Unthank road Pearse Rev. Alexander Joseph M.A.
Morpeth Thomas, r89 Unthank road Nott Mrs. 64 Bishopgate street (Congregational), 32 Grove avenue
Morris Arthur J. 72 Park lane Noverre Frank William B. 4 The Cres- Pearse Rev. Edward Burroughes M.A.
Morris Frdc.Wm.Myrtleville,Eaton hl cent, Chapel Field road (vicar of St. Etheldred), ra, Cor-
Morris Henry, 16 St. Clement's hill, Noverra Richard Percy, 34 Grove rd ton road
New Catton Noyes Hy. Sebastian, 40 Mt.Pleasant Pearson Charles James, The Firs,
Morris Mrs. 93 Dereham road Nudd John, 134 Earlham road Vnthank road
Morris Waiter William, 5 EastbournP Nunn Charles Richd. 8 Earlham rise Pearson Frederick Chas 49 Park la
place, Prince of Wales road Nunn Mrs. rB College road Pearson Harry Robert, 205 College rd
Morse Arthur Francis, Earlham lodg~. Nurse William Selby, II2 Unthank rd Pearson John Robert, 8 Hill House
Earlham Nuthall Edwin, Lyndhurst, Christ- road, Thorpe Hamlet
Morse F'rancis A. 7 Thorpe road church road Pearson Miss, Holly lodge, Telegraph
Morton Mrs. 40 Unthank road Nutman John R. 128 Thorpe road lane, Thorpe Hamlet
Moss E. W. V. 2 .A.d elaide street Nye H. Eustace B. 15 Golman road Pearson Mrs. 27 Cedar road, Thorpe
Mottashed Frederick, I St. Bartholo- Oake Henry B.A. 12 Park lane Hamlet
mew's close Oakley Hy. Pinson, 52 Clarendon rd Pearson Percy Julian, 86 St. Cle-
Mottram James, 21 Bracondale Odhams G. F., M.D. 61 Bethel street ment's hill, New Catton
Motts F'rederick, 192a, Dereham road Olding Wm. Elm cot. Elm Grove la Pearson Samuel, 94 St. Clement's
Motnm Edwin James, 6 Earlham rise Oliver Frank, The Chantry hill, New Catton
Mountain Robert Allen, 44 City road Olley George H. 4? Clarendon road Peat James Rule, 13 Colman road
Mountfield Rev. David Witts M.A. Olley Ralph Bales, 3 College road Peebles David, Khandala, Aylsbam rd
(rector), St. Bartholomew's I·ec- Olorenshaw John, 83 City road · Pelham V en. Sidney M.A. (archdeacon
tory, Old Palace road O'Malley Mrs. 123 Earlham road of Norfolk), 18 Chapel Field east
Mower Harry Wm. Trowse,Bracondale Osborn Mrs. 2 The Grove, Chapel Pelham .Miss, r6 The Close
Mower Mrs. 27 Bracondale Field east Penyston Antbony, ro5 Newmarl•et rd
¥ullins Frank Edward Calver, 55 Osborne John .A.. 39 Victoria street Percy Leopold K. 6o Bethel street
Thorpe road , Osbourn Percy, 19 Cambridge street Perks George A. C. 2 Matlock road,
Mumford Mrs. 19 Rosary rd. Thorpe .Jsburne Cecil A.P. The Grove, Cat- Thorpe Hamlet
Hamlet ton Grove road Perks Mrs. 6 Stanley av. TborpeHmlt
Munn J. G. Gordon M.D., F.R.S.E. Oury Charles, 35 College road · Perowne Rev. Thomas John :.\LA.
Heigham hall, Old Palace road Overend George, 9 Clarence road, (curate in charg·e St. Luke's Dis-
"Muriel Cecil J. 42 St. Giles street Thorpe Hamlet trict Church, & domestic chaplain),
J1\furray Rev. Johnstone M.A.Edin. Oxbrow Alfred, 68 Earlham road 23 .Aylsham road
(rect{)r All Saints' with St.Julian's), Page Albert John, 42 City road IPerry Herbt. Thos.8oConstitution hl
67 Surrey l'ltreet Page Charles Fountain,r Brunswick rd Peters Fredk. Wm. 247 College road
·Murrell Mrs. 44 Mill Hill road Page Cubitt Lacy, 193 College road Pfob Felix Max, 176 College road
"Murrell Robt. 2 Lakenham ter.City rd Page Fredk. John, roo Earlham road Phillips Rev. Thomas Sinclair (Con-
Murton Charles Arth.193 Unthank rd Page Fredk. Saml.Deyns,23College rd gregational), 70 Mill 'Hill road
· Muskett Henry Robert, 51 Pelham rd Page John Joseph Gray, The Elms, Phillips Rev. Thomas M.A. 257 Dere-
Mussett William, 130 Earlham road Heigham ·grove ham road
· Mutton William, 122 Hall road Page Miss, 64 Earlha.m road Phillips Henry, 163 Earlham road
Nance Henry Chester, 59 Bethel st Page Mrs. 61 Newmarket road Phillips Henry Edward, 6g College rd
~ Napier Major Egbert, The Grove, Page Mrs. 175 Newmarket road Philpott J. Peek, 16 Mornington road
Bra.condale Page Mrs. 41 St. Philip'11 road Piccioli Giovanni, 2 Hewitt's villas,
Narborough Fredk. W. 47 Tborpe rd Page Reginald Trevor, 209 Earl- Stone road
- Nash F'redk. Wm. 88 Catton Grove rd ham road Pier!!on Miss, ~ Earlham rise
Nash Herbert, 53 Bracondale Page Richard Alfred, 309 Unthank rd · Pigg Miss, 126 Earlham road
· Nash James Thos. Chas. 18 Eaton rd Paget Mrs. 30 Constitution bill Pigot Cuthbert Becher, Ternuka,
- Nash Percy .A.llan, 34 Bishopgate st Palmer Benj. Arthur, 39 Aylsham rd College road
Nash Wm. Sidney, 82 Earlham road Palmer Daniel Hot son, So Bracondale · Pillow Mrs. 242 Tborpe road
Naylor Rev . .A.rthur Herbert Douglas Palmer Frank Elijah, 170 Unthank rd ·Pitchers Alfred George, 9 Aylsham rd
(curate of · Sprowston church), Palmer Henry Herbt. 164 Earlham rd Pitman Maurice .A.. II Park lane
Belle Vue, .St. Clement's hill, New Pal mer Herbert William, r6 Essex st I Platten Frederick Edwin, r I Bruns-
Cat ton Palmer John, 183 College road ~ wick road
~ Neale Wm. Jn. 50 Mount Pleasant Palmer Mrs. 42 The Close PleasantslloughtonThos. 1gAylsham rd
· Nelson Miss, 59 Thorpe road Palmer Mrs. 62 Earlham road Plowrigbt Arthur H. 301 Unthank rd
-Nelson Robert, 63 Park lane Palmer Sidney, 54 Mount Pleasant · Plummer Miss, St. Edmund's, ..!.yl-
-"Nevill Mrs. 62 The Clos'Ol Pank Arthur Robt. 45 Unthank road sham road
""Newby Edward, II8 Earlham road Pank A.braham, 51 Newmarket road Pollock Right Rev. Bertram D.D ..
""Newcome Mrs. 128 Earlham road Pank Richard, 91 Thorpe road C.V.O. (Lord Bishop of Norwich),
Newhouse Archie, 6 Hill House road, Panton Rev. David Morrison, 49 All The Palace 1
Thorpe Hamlet Saints' green Pollock Mrs. 85 Chapel Field road
Newhouse Henry, 77 Thorpe road Parish George James, 4 Kingsley rd Por.d Herbert J. 3 Trinity street
Newman Mrs.E.J. 63 Mount Pleasant Park Joseph, 31 Mount Pleasant 1
Poock Jn. Alfd. The Poplars, Ea ton rd
N ewnam Frank, 46 College road Parker Rev. Hugh, Catholic rectory, Poole Rev. JosPph Simpson M.A. (rec-
Nice George, r86 Earlham road Vnthank road tor of St. Peter, Parmentergate),
Nicholls Mrs. 13-3 Earlham road Parker Clare, I3 Trinity street Ivy house, Ipswich road
Nicholls Wm. Miles, 253 College roll.d Parker Crawford Ewing, Brampton, · Poole ClementVaughan,soUnthank rd
Nichols Miss, 73 Surrey street Judge's walk Pooley Charles Cook R.D.S.Eng. 121
Nichols Mrs. 30 Mount Pleasant Parker Granville Fredk. 63 Surrey st Unthank road
Nichob Waiter C. 62a, Unthank road Parker Misses, 3 Park lane Pooley Th(;mas Richard, 59 Surrey st
Nichols William, 141 Dereham road Parkinson Fred Sanderson, 101 Earl- Pope Arthur Cecil, rg Cecil road
Nichnlson Bernard L.86 CattnnGro.rd ham road Porter Charles, 6o Thorpe road
Nicholson Wm.Augustus,81 Surrey st Parks Rev. James M . .A.. (vicar of St Porter James Arthur, 29 Mile End rd
Nix Thomas, 228 Thorpe road Michael-at-Thorn), 35 Crown road Porter Miss, r68 Thorpe road
Noble Alfred B. 14 Grove road Parr William Harvey, The Lodge, Porter Miss, 211 Unthank road
Nokes Alfred, 26 West parade Hcigbam ~treet Postle Miss, 13 Park lane
Noller Robert, 66 St. Stephen's road Paston William, ro Mornington road Potter Edmund Wodeha.use Douro,
Norgate Alfred, r6 Wood street Paterson And~ew,39 Catton Grove rd 431 Unthank road
Norgate Gerald, 40 Grove avenue Paterson Wm. B. Park bo. Eaton rd Potter George, 71 Park ~ane
Norman ErnestWm.3~ St.Stephen's rd Patteson Miss, 4 Newmarket road Poyton Miss, 417 Unthanl!: road
Norman Herbert John, 23 Cecil road Pattin Harry Cooper, 15 Up. King st Pratt Ernest Walter, Glebehurst,
Norman Waiter Henry,2o6 College rd Paul Frank, Alverstone, .Judge's walk Constitution hill
Norman-Parsons George, 81 City rd Paul Harry, 58 St. Stephen's road Pratt Mrs. 103 Newmarket ·road
Norris William Samuel, 14 Park lane Paul Joseph John Dawson D.L., Pratt Samue-l Thomas, Teneriff~.
Northey Mrs. 30 West parade J.P. 95 Newmarket road Aylsham road
Norton Miss, 86 St. Pbilip's road Paul William Edward, 2 Aspland road Press Edwd.Kenneth,rg River Side rd
Norton Thomas Raby, 2 St. Bartho- Payne Rev. Joseph B. (Baptist), 38 Preston Arthur Waters, :zo Christ-
lomew's close Adelaide street church road
Preston Frederick, r8 Thorpe road Rix Herbert, 97 Pottergate street Saunden Mrs. 1 Rowington road
• Preston Misg, I Clarendon road Rix Mrs. roB Unthank road Saville Mrs. 27 Grosvenor road

Preston Miss, 216 Thorpe road Rix Roberi Taylor, 10 College road Savory Misses, I37 Unthank road
Price Frank, 122 Thorpe road Roberts George Henry .M.P.42 White- Sawbridge Rev. John Edwd. Bridge-
Priest Mrs. Craster ho. Heigham ~;ro hall road, Norwich· man M.A. (rector of St. Margaret's
Priestland Rev. Harold B.A. (curate Roberts Gerald Cookman,27 TheClose with St. Swithin), 6 Chester place
of St. Thomas'), r65 College road Roberts Misses, 43 Thorpe road Sax ton Arthur J ames, Gablehurst,
Prestley .Arth, Hy. M.B. 12 Essex st Roberts Thos. Fredk. 363 Unthank rd Unthank road
Priestley Clement, 5 The Crescent. Roberts Thomas William, 3a, St. Sayer William Gipson, S Ashford st
Chapel Field road Bartholomew's close Sayer Wm.Latimer,IOoNewmarket rd
Primrose William, r62 Dereham roJ~d Robertson Chas.Fredk.2o3Earlham rd Scarfe Miss, 47 Park lane
Pring-Rowe Rev. Fredk. (organizing Robertson Henry,ro4 Constitution hill Scarle Charles, r8r Dereham road
sec. Church Missionary Society,dio- Robertson James, rB St. Stephen's st Scarles Benjamin Edwin, 3 Matlock
cese of Norwich), 11 Claremont; rd Robertson PercyFrank,297Unthank rd road, Thorpe Hamlet ·,
Prizeman Fl'ank, 1 Parker road RobPrtson Sedley, 46 City road Scott Rev. Edward (Catholic), 23
Procter Walt.Kyme, 14Castle meadow Robins George, I IS Earlham road Golden Dog lanEJ
Puncher Mrs. 29 Prince of Wales road Robinson Albert, 12 Eaton road Scott James W. 48 Constitution hill
Puro::ell William H. 77 Grove road Robinson Haynes Sparrow, ug New- Scott Mrs. 6 Stracey road
Purdy Miss, 8 Brunswick road market road Scott Robert Bagge, Bank plain . '
Purling Jacob Edward, ~~ Catton Robinson Miss, 49 Grove road Scott Thos. John, 70 St. Stephen's rd
Grove road · Robinson Miss G. L. 24 The Close Scott W alter, 29 Grove road
Pye Harry, 5 Recreation road Robinson Mrs. 8 Mile End road Scrimshaw Arthur Ernest John, 188
Pye Jacob, g6 St. Clement's hill, New Robinson Percy, 32 Park lane College road '
Cat ton Roche Eleazer B. 27 Surrey street Scrutton Geo. Herbert, 7 Heigham rd
Pye William Magnus, 4 Sronley aven. Roddick Mrs. 44 .Chapel Field road Scrutton Mrs. 27 Grove road
Thorpe Hamle.t Roe William, 65 College road Sculpher James Thomas, 10 St. Bar-
Pyle Miss, 313 Unthank road Rogers Mrs. J. F. Ig6 Unthank road tholomew's close
Pym Mrs. Radford, St. Marfs croft, Roofe James, I4 Town Close road Seago Fras.Bryan, 13 Christchurch rd
Chapel field north Raper Charles E. 33 College road Seaman Alfred, ~I6 Dereham road
Quintan Albert John, r86 Thorpe rd Rose Mrs. 102 Constitution hill Seaman Hayward S. 41 Cs.mbridge st
Quintan John, 22 Calvert street Rot>si Miss, 4 Grosvenor road Searles Mrs. 2 Hanover road
Race Charles, 25 Clarendon road Rossi Theodore, jun. 29 West varade Sears Edmund, 29 Cecil road
Rackham Mrs. ro Grove road Round-Turner Rev. George Henry Seed Edwd. Albert, 185 Newmarket rd
:Rackham William, 82 Rosary road, (curate of St. Mark's, New LakeiJ,- Segger Alfred Bitting, 1013 Quebec rd.
Thorpe Hamlet ham), 53 City road Thorpe Hamlet
Radley John Alfred, 5 Thorpe road Rouse J esse Cantrell, 23 Park lane Segger Waiter William, 109 St.
Ram Rev. Edward Th.A.K.C.L.(vicar Rout Albert John, go St. Clement's Leonards road
of St. John Baptist, Timberhill), hill, New Catton Self Alfred C. Arlington, .Arlington la
20 All Saints' green Rout Jn. Marlborongh ho.Ipswich road Selle% .Archibald H. 138 Earlham rd
Ramage Hugh, 5 Carrow road Row Charles, 361 Unthank road Sennitt Ebenezer Ch1rles, 123 New-
Ram say Rev. Charles Benj. Pritchard Rowe Rev. Mortimer B.A.(Unitarian), market road
B.A. (rector of St. Laurence & vicar 2 Heigham grove Sewell Miss, 42 Constitution hill
of St. Gregory), St. Laurence's rec- Rowe Mrs. 142 Earlham road Sewell Misses, South View lodge, St.
tory, Mill Hill road Rowley Mrs. IIS Newmarket road Clement's hill, New Catton
Ramsay Alfred, 5 Britannia road Row ling Mrs. 5 I Bracondale Sewcll Mrs. 44 GrovP. avenue
Ramsay Henry, 68 Bishopgate street Royston Yrs. 125 Rosarr rd. Thorpe Sexton Alfred G. 75 Earlham road
Ramsay James, 57 Thorpe road Hamlet · Sexton FredTltlornley,Is6 Newmrkt.rd
Ramsay John J. 29 River Side road Rudd Arthur James, 379 Unthank rd Sexton Harry, 149 Earlham road
Ramsbottom Arthur A.lbert, 36 Con- Rudd George James Rushmer, 3 Sexton Henry Wm. 13 Town Close rd
stitution hill Lakenham terrace, City road Sexton Herbert Henry, 75 Park lane
Rams bottom Geo.Herbt. I75College rd Rudd Herbert George, 47 City road Sexton Jesse Henry, 24 Mill Hill rd
B.ansome Mrs. 114 Earlham road Rudd Mrs. Kingston, 40 The Close Sexton Mrs. r7Quebec rd. ThorpeHmlt
Ranson Edward, 12 Stanlcy avenu!J, Rudd Walston Geo. 23 Chalk Hill rd Shalders Miss, 2I3 Dereham road
Thorpe Hamlet · Rudd Waiter Randall, The Mount, Shalders 'Miss, 22 Mount Pleasant
Rant Thomas Frank, 173 College road Ros:uy road, Thorpe Hamlet Sharkey Bernard Joseph,73 The Close
Rason :Mrs. 36 Grosvenor road Rudd William, 2B Park lane Sharpe Mi1o1s, 244 Thorpe road
Raven Major Peter, 200 Thorpe road· Rudderham William, 2 Kingsley road Shave William P. ro Newm1uket road
Ray Mrs. 39 Mount Pleasant , Rudling Jasper, 39 Chapel Field road Shaw John, 124 Hall road
Read Frank, 325 Unthank road Rnpert Mrs. 9 Park lane Shaw Mrs. E. B. ID7 Earlham 1;oad
Read Joseph E. 40 Grove avenue Rush Miss, 23 Aylsham road Shead George Wm 1 7 Town Close rd
Read Robt. John, 101 Newmarket rd Rushmer Chas.Joshua,7 Clarendon rfl Shedden Samuel, 4 Cedar road,
Read Thomas Matthews, 5 Alexandra Rushmer Robt. Chas. r82 Earlham rd Thorpe Hamlet
mansions, Prince of Wales road Russell A. 385 Unthank road Sheel Miss, 105 Newmarket road
Reeder Horace Oldron, 65 City road Russell Miss, 124 Unthank road Sheepshanks Mrs .. so Bracondale
Reeder William,I8 Lower Clarence rd Rust C. H. 28 Prince of Wales road Shrpherd Arthur Cunliff, Hill house,
Reeve Ernest Charles, 36 College road Rutland Wm. Bailey, 213 Unthank rd Hill House road, Thorpe :S:amlet
Reeve George, 126 Newmarket road Ruvmp James York Howlett, 27 St. Shepherd Henry Garland, 32 St.
Reeve llorace George, 34 Duke street Lecmards road Stephen's road
Reeve J ames, 2 Lower Clarence road Ruvmp Robert James, 27 Bt. Shields Charles, 2 Clarendon road
Reeve Mrs. 28 City road Leonards road Shields Frank Edward, 6 The Grove,
Reeve Simms D.L., J.P.2g Thorpe rd Rye Waiter, Rectory cottage,Lammas Chapel field east
Reeve Walter, 38 Duke street Rynd Rev. Reginald Fleming M.A., Shields George Fred, 2 Mill Hill road
Reid Mrs. 44 Distillery street BD. (minor canon & precentor), 56 Shields Mrs. 41 Unthank rqad
Restieaux John Thompson, 1 Port- The Close Shuckburgh Miss,46 All Saints' green
land street Sabberton Mrs. 44 Bishopgate street Siely Miss, 59 Grove road
Resti(\Hux Josepb Ed"ITd. 22 West par Sadd Harry, 26 Neville street Sillem George, Hill house, Forncett
Reuben Elmer, 35 All Saints' green Sadd William John, The Lindens. St. Peter, Long Stratton
Richardson Alfred E. 14 St.Clement's Lime Trre road Sim Mrs. 34 College road .
hill, New Cat toll Sainty James E. 38 College road Simmer Wm.36Cedar rd.ThorpeHmlt
Richardson David, 48 Christchurch rd Sa!kind Saul, 45 Surrey street Simmm,s Arthur, 11 Trinity street
Riches Edward John, 2 Victoria st Salter William Eric, 25 Thorpe road Simp>~on Rt. Lillig, 3 Aylsham road
Riches Mrs. ~ Unthank road Sampson Alfred James, 39 College rd Simpson William Isaac,22Unthank rd
Riches William, I~l Earlham road Sampson .fiarold Charles, Ennerdale, Sims Miss, 63 Grove road
RiddPlsdell Mrs. 2I7 Unthank oroad Arlington lane Sisling Mrs. 62 Thorpe road
Riley Waiter, s· Newmarket road Sanders John Henry, r6 Claremont rd Sisson Theodore, 10 West parade
Riley Walter Alfred, roo King street Sandford John Ed"in Caplin, 222 Skelton Harry, 107 Newmarket road
Ringer John Robert, Laburnnm ho. Unthank road . Skelton Harry Russell, Beech bank,
Arlington lane Santy Art.hur Hy. 195 Nawmarket rd Unthank road
Ringer Mrs. 70 Earlham road Saul Arth. Tabernacle house, Bishop- Skipper Fredk. Sutton lo. Ipswich rd
Ringer Mrs. St. Clement'~J hill, N e'll gate street · Skipper Geo. John, 39 Unthank road
Cat ton Saul Stanley Arthur, 42 Bishopgate st Skipper Mrs. 68 Clarendon road
Riviere Bernard Beryl, 55 Bethel st Saunders Charles, 31 .All Sa.ints' 2'TD Skipper Robert C. 159 Earlham road

Skippe-r Robert Wilemer, 33 Clarence Steward Campbell, Harford hills, Thompson Jsph. Erskine, 35a,Park la
road, Thorpe Hamlet Ipswich road Thompson William, 29 Clarendon rd
Skoyles Thomas, 21 St. Stephen's rd Steward Edwin Syder Bertram, 9 Thompson William, 42 Grove a\·enue
Slipper Miss, 66 Bethel street Kingsley l!"oad Thorn Bernard Charles Hammond, sa.
Sly Mrs. 4 Hanover road Steward Fredk. Albert, 20 The Close Earlham road
Smith Rev G. H. (Primitive Metho- Steward Jas. Regnld. 3 Mill Hill rd Thorn Cli:fford, Gayton ho. Heigham
dist), 19 Pelham road Steward Miss, so Bracondale grove
Smith Colvin B. M. 1 Trinity street Steward 'Miss, g Chapel field north Thorn Mrs. 19 Clarendon road
Smith Cuthbert B. 51 Earlham road Steward :Miss, 31 Unthank road Thorns Mrs. 13 Bathurst road
Smith Edwin, 381 Unthank road Steward Mrs. 10 Eaton road Thorns Sidney John, 27 Cecil road
Smith Edwi~ Fred, 3 St. Martin's rd Steward Mrs. 176 Thorpe road Thornton Christ<Jpher Manby, 29
Smith Edwin Saml. 143 Earlham rd Steward Robert John, 200 College rd Earlham road
Smith Fredk. Arth. 4 Albemarle rd Stewart Mrs. Waiter, 25 Bracondale Thorold William Hazeldine, 25 Mile
Smitll Frederick Jn. 293 Unthank rd Stockings Herbert Frank,14 Trinity st End road, Eaton
Smith George. 77 City road Stockings Matthew Bane, r The Cres- Thorold William John Creenv, •
Smith George M. 45 Thorpe road cent, Chapel Field road rose, Mile End road
Smith H. Harper, 435 Unthank road Stocking,; Wm. Fdk.22 Newmarket rd Thorpe henry Albert, 85 Thorpe road
Smith Harold R~ginald, 56 Christ- Stockings Wilson Day,14 Newmrkt.rd Thorpe Mrs. 14 Albemarle road
church road Stockwdl Jn. Oldham, 25 Colman rd Thouless Hy. (lay vicar) ,55 The Close
Smith Harry, 9 Recreation road Stone Rev. George Edward (Wesleyan Thouless Henry James, 199 College rd
Smith Henry John, x6g Dereham rd Reform), 147 Earlhum road Thouless PhilipArchibald,BsCarrow rd
Smith James, 214 College road Stonebridge James W. 20 College rd Thouless Waiter, IJ River Side road
Smith Joseph de Carle, sen. g1a, Storey Robert John, 6 Clarence road, Thrower Fred 'M. 12 Golden Dog- lane
Newmarket road Thorpe Hamlet Thrower J ames,25 Clarence rd. Thorpe
Smith Miss. 36 Bishopgate street Stott William, 58 Clarendon road Hamlet
Smith Miss, 210 Unthank road Stratford Bertie Frank, 26 Mount Thrower W. J. 53 Mount Pleasant
Smith Miss Constance, 386a, Un- Pleasant Thurtle Mrs. 24 St. Clement"s hill.
thank road StratfordChas.Lawson,157Earlham rd New Catton
Smith Miss de Carle, 48 Bracond11.le Stratford Wm. F. 37 Clarendon road Thwaites Frederick, 86 Thorpe road
Smith Mrs. J. W. 220 College road Street Robert Wm. 337 "Cnthank rd Thwaites Frederick Geo. 2 Cecil road
Smith Richd. Siloock, 44 Magdalen st Stringer Edwd. Chas. 36 Mill Hill rd Tidman Fredk. 29 Bishop Bridge rd
Smith Reginald, 333 Unthank road Stripling Lewis, 327 Unthank road Tidman Robt.Wm.31BishopBridge rd
Smith Robert Geo. 6 Claremont road Stroyan Misses, 117 ~ewmarket road Tillett William, 84 St. Clement's hill.
Smith William, 85 Mountergate st Stuart Right Hon. James P.C., M.A. New Cat·ton
Smith Wm. Henry, 3 Claremont rd Carrow Abbey; & 24 Grosvenor rd. Todd Herbert Sinclair, 61 London
Smith Wm. Kay, 54 Bishopgate st London SW street; & Gladhern, Happisburgh.
Smith William Nixon (lay vicar), 54 Stubbs Alfred James, 32 Grove road Stalham
The Close Stubings James Hy. 59 Mt. Pleasant Todd John T. 12 Chapel Field north
Smith William B. 12 College road Sulivan .Alfred, 75 Rosary rd. Thorpe Todd Mrs. 27 Quebec road, Thorpe
Snelling William, Freneda cottage, Hamlet Hamlet
Telegraph lane, Thorpe Hamlet Sutton Arthur D. 1 Recreation road Todd Sidney, Fairlawn, Unthank rd
Snelling William 0. g6 Newmarket rd Suttun Francis, 32 The Close Tomkins John Shaw, 3 Town Close rd
Soden Mrs. 4 Earlham rise Sutton Mrs. 113 Trinity street Tonkinson Mrs. 99 Thorpe road
Southall Frederick, 65 Thorpe road Sutton William, Lincolne, Hillcroft, Tooley Robert, 58 Earlham road
Southall James. 105 Carrow road EatDn hill Topham Alexander, 142 Thorpe road
~outhall Mrs. 187 Newmarket road Syder James, Woodside, Thorpe road Townshend Edwd. 14 Constitution hill
Southga~ Hy. Chas. 11 Earlham rise Tadman Mrs. 48 Grove avenue Townshend Herbert Charles, 31 St..
Southgate Wm. Herbert, 73 Hall road Tatham Mrs. 55 Newmarket road Stephen's road
Southwell Edwin B. fio Bracondale Taylor Arthur Henry Colby, 69 St. Tozer Robt. Maitland, 75 :Mill Hill rd
Southwell Harold, II4 Trinity street George street Trackson Mrs. 16 Amptbill street
Spain Ivan Scott,34Prince of Wales rd Taylor Athelstan Howard Odin, 14 Trenerry Mrs. r3 College road
Spain John Sedgewick, 34 Prince of Cotman road, Thorpe llamlet Trump Chas. Jas. 66 Cbristchurch rd
Wales road Taylor Bernard John Howard, 14 Tuck George Hustler D.L., J.P.
Spalding Francis Willby, 47 New- man road, Thorpe Hamlet 38 Bracondale
market road Taylor Charles, 37 Cambridge street Tuck Horace W. 71 College road
Spaul 'Mrs. 208 Earlham road Taylor Chas. FisheJ", 26 College road Tuck Mrs. 3 West parade
Spelman Frank, 39b, College road Taylor Frederic Oddin D.L., J.P. Tungate Rev. William Robt. (t;"nited
Spelman Henry lsaac, 41 Bracondale Etbelbert's house, 24 Tombland Methodist), 1 Spelman road
Spelman Mrs. Rix, 180 Unthank road Taylor Herbert Edward B.A., M.D. 5 Tungate Stephen, 194 Unthank road
Spelman William Wilton Rix, 77 New- Tombland Turner Albt. George, 202 Earlham rd
market road Taylor James, 65 Mill Hill road Turner Charles l'aston, 17 Chapel
Spencer Jonn. Betts, 17 Kingsley rd 'faylor John, 2 Mount Pleasant Field east
Spencer Misses, 20 Mount Pleasant Taylor Miss, 74 Mill Hill road Turner Charles Thomas, 30 York st
Spencer Mrs. 5 The Grove, Chapel Taylor Philip Nen-ton, 41 College rd Turner Edwin Jas. 30 Grosvenor rd
Field east Taylor Shephard Thomas M.B. 88 Turner J n. J sph. 37 Chapel Field rd
Spicer Rob~rt Chas. 28 St. Faith's la Earlham road; & Pond cottage, Turner Mrs. 42 Mill Hill road
Spilling Fredk. Wm. 144 Earlham rd West Beck ham, Bolt Turner Vivian Eustace, 52 Prince ol
Spowart William Ribton B.A., M.D. Taylor Sidney Johnson, Eaton hill & Wales road
1 Newmarket .:road 44 Prince of Wales road Turner Wm. Bassett, 22 Mill Hill rd
Springall Mrs. 57 Mount Pleasant Taylor Thos. Crawford,78 Earlham rd Twentyman Edward, 22 Stracey road
Sproul Miss, 417 Unt·hank road Tench John Henry (H. M. sub-in- Twiddy Charles, 13 York street
Squirrell Mrs. 63 College road spector of schools), Ivy bank, Stone Tyce George, 14 Eaton road
Stacy Joha H. 38 St. Giles street road Tyce Harry, 7 Claremont road
Stanley Ellis, roo Chapel Field road Tench Mrs. 28 River Side road Tyce 'Miss, 2 Mornington road
Stanley Wm. Wade,37 Newmarket rd Terry Miss, 28 The Close Tyrrell Dennis, 182 King street
Starling Hubert John M. D. 45 All Thee bald Edwd. St. J ohn,2o West par Tyrrell George, 183 King street
Saints' green Thetford Suffragan Bishop of (Right Underhill Mrs. Fredk. 71 SurrPy st
Starling Mrs. 2a, College road Re"". John fhilips _4llcot Bowers Underhill Robert, 24 Bishopgate street
Starmer Rev. Henry (dis+;rict sec. fur D.D.), The Close Upton Mrs. Rushmer, 127 Newmar-
British & Foreign Bible Society), r2 Thirkettle Misses, 12 Mount Pleasant ket road
Cedar road, Thorpe Hamlet Thirkettle William, 99 Grove road Utting Alfred Geo. ro4 Unthank rd
Starmer Alfred, 5 Grove road Thirkettle Wm.Ernest,131Unthank rd Utting James John, 28 Cambridf.!e 8t
Stearman Mrs. 51 Grapes hill Thirtle John Thomas, 33 Grove road Utting Stephen W. Bracken brae,
Steel Miss, 56 Clarend<Jn road Thomas Mrs. 303 Unthank road Stanley avenue, Thorpe Hamlet
Steele Mrs. Selby, 54 Mill Hill road Thompson Rev. Henry B.A. (hon. Dtting Thos. Walt.44 Monnt Pleasant
Stephen Geo. Arth. 41 Clarendon rd canon of Norwich), 68 Mill Hill rd Utting Waiter, 169 Earlham :road
Stevens Miss, 216 College road Thompson Alfred Chas. 6 ~ill Hill rd Utting-Brown Miss, so The Close
Stevens Mrs. 1 1 King.sley road Thompson Jllenjamin, 8 The Crescent, Vale "Mrs. 20 Unthank roall
Stevens Mrs. 120 Thorpe road Chapel Field road Veal Miss, xoo Constitution hill
Stevens 0. W. 127 Queen's road Thompson Charles H. II4 Thorpe rd Veale Henry Edwd. 8 Morning-ton rd
Stevens Walte·,· George,1o4 Thorpe rd Thompscm Frederick, 45 Grove road Vince Major Wm. 17 Clarendon rd
Stevenson Mrs. 16 .Aspland road Thompson Henry, 2 Christchurch rd Vincent Alfred Stocks, I Upton road
Vincent Ernest, 55 Mount Pleasant Wells Wm. Page, 21 Cambridge st Wills Mrs. 6 Aspland road
Vincent Samuel Wm. 6 College rd Welton 'Miss, 172 College road Wilmot Miss, 55 Grove road
Vincent William, Bg Newmarket road W~u Albion .Axtell, 49 Clarendon rd Wilson Brereton Kynve.t, St.IA>onard's
V on Bergen Charles, :Monbij ou, Con- \Vest Miss, 8 Grove avenue priory, St. Leonards road
stitution hill West Mrs. 40 Mile End road Willion Edwd. Acacia ho.Arlington la
Vyall Miss, Eaton villa, Unthank rd Westcott Ven. Archdeacon Frederick Wilson Geo. 8 St.Bartholomew'!.l close
Waddell Gavin, 86 Newmarket road Brooke B.D. The Close Wilson HughBlackburn,I4l\!il1:'End rd
Wade Miss, rsr Dereham road Westgate Herbert Charles, I W olfe Wilson Mrs. 5r City road
Wainwright Tom Edmund, ro Lower road, Thorpe Hamlet Wilson Orson Boswell, 57 Surrey st
Clarence road Weston Harry Stanley, 13 Essex st Wil<~on Robt. Jas. 15 Chapel l''i~Jd rd
Wales Herbert Edw-ard, 74 Park lane Whall Wm. PoVIles, 88 St. Clement's Wilson Wait. Wm. 27 St. Martin's rd
Waley Miss, 67 The Close hill, New Catton Winch Edwin Francis, 64 Chapel
Walker Davidson, Inverleith, Lime Whatley Miss, 22 Grosvenor road Field road
Tree road Wheeler Clifford Raymond,25 Park la Winlove Mrs. 182 Thorpe road
Walker John, 99 Newmarket road Wheeler Mrs. 4 Christchurch road Winter Col. Hy. Burton,73- Thorpe rd
Walker Mrs. 52 Christchurch road Whellum Waiter, 177 Earlham road Winter Percy, 30 Bishopgate street
Walker Mrs. 92 Mill Hill road W hincop Mrs. 84 Thorpe road Winter Robert James, 111 Trinity st
Walker Mrs. Robt. 76 St.Stephen's rd White George Ernest, Eaton house, Winter Samuel, 22 Sussex &treet
Walker Renton Palmer, 24 St. Ste- Unthank road Winter Thomas, 35 Bracondale
phen's road White Henry Freeman, Heathfield Wise Miss, Theatre plain
Walker Robert, 31 Cambridge street house, Ipswich road Woisy Frederick, 37 Earlham road
Wallis Rev. George Charles (vicar of White Misses, 76 Chapel Field road Wolf Harry Anthony, 21 Park lane
Lakenham & St . .Albans), IO Bruns- White Mrs. 165 Earlham road Womersley Jn. 20 Lower Clarence rd
wick road Whitelaw Chas.Edwd.35r Unthank rd Wood Col. Henry C.B_ 71 Thorpe rd
Wallis Rev. )'fontague Calverley Whitelaw George, I7 Grove road Wood George, 73 Mill Hill road
(curate of St. Mark's, Lakenham), Whiteman Saml. Hy. 39 Britannia rd Woodger Mrs. 204 Earlham road
Vicarage, City road Whitfield HoraceEdwd.237 College rd Woodhouse Harry Herbt.52Mt.Pleasnt
Wallis Mrs. 5 Bathurst road Whittle ..\rthur Gerald, Bank house, Woodhouse Miss, 3 Chapel Field ntb
Walton Miss, so College road St. Stephen's street Woodhouse Miss, 1 Maud street
Walton Wm.Chas.6o Christchurch rd Whitty Henry Irwine M ...i. I7 The Woodhouse Mrs. r88 Unthank road
Want John Henry, 138 Dereham rd Crescent, Chapel Field road Woodrow Miss, 33 Park lane
Ward .Arthur William, 19 College rd Whitwell Hugh M.R.C.S.Eng. 53 Woods Alfred, ro Essex street
Ward Cornelius Daniel, 4 Valentine st Bethel street Woods Arthur Henry, 167 College rd
Ward James~orman,u3 Magdalen rd Wickins Ernest, 70 Constitution hill Woods Miss, 173 Earlham road
Warmoll Mrs. 2 Park lane Wicks .Albert Edward,I64 Dereham rd Woods Percy,2 Cedar rd.ThorpeHmlt
Warne Henry, 19 West parade Wicks Horace, 67 Park lane W oolnough Frank, 5 Lakenham ter-
Warnes Robt.Jn. Jarvis,rWaverley rd Widdows Franli, 62 Bracondale race, City road
Warns Frank, 9 Grove road Wigg Miss, 104 Earlham road Woolsey Godfrey Edward Welling-
Warns Mrs. 8 Town Qose road Wigger Wm.Osborn,31 St.Martin's rd ham, Kirby house, Judge's walk
Warren Francis Geo. 20 Clarendon rd Wilcox Mrs. 74 Thorpe road Woolverton Frank Stewa.rt, 40 College
Warren John Button, 157 Dereham rd Wild Edward, 3 Christchurch road road
Warren .John Wm. 395 Unthank road Wild Mrs. Evelyn, 22 Grove road Wordingham Jn.LeonardHy.37City rd
Waters Edgar, I20 Newmarket road Wilde Charles, 72 St. Stephen's road W ordingham Miss, 20 Essex street
Waters Henry .Tames J.P . .Ambleside, Wilde Miss, 22 Brunswick road Wordingham Mrs. 5 Essex street
Thorpe road Wildee Wm. Green, 39 Bracondale Wright Rev. Waiter Samuel M.A.
Watforrl Charles, 30 Bathurst road Wilkin William, rag Earlham road (vicar of Christ Church, New Cat-
Watling Benj. R. G. 52 Cambridge st Wilkinson Charles Sydney, 210 Col- ton), Vicarage, Elm Grove lane
Watling Jn. Clovelly, Constitution hl lege road ·wright Edward .Tames, 8o St. Cle-
Watson Alfd. Yeoman,25AllSaints' grn Wilkinson Ern est G~orge, r 1 Grove rd ment's hill, New Catton
Watson Douglas, I Henley road Wilkinson Henry, 9 Mt. Pleasant Wright Frank, 161 College road
Watson E. Ivens, 74 Clarendon road Wilkinson Miss, 62 ~1ount Pleasant Wright Frank Egerton, 62 Christ-
Watson H., :-.LB. 2 Earlham road Wilks Sidney Samuel, 19 Unthank rd chnrch road
Watson Miss, 4q .All S:Jints' green Willby Miss, 39 Grosvenor road Wright Jas. David, 78 St. Clement's
Watson Mrs. 57 ~ewmarket road Willett Miss, Carlton la. Ipswich rd hill, New Catton
Watson William .Alexander M.B., Williams Ernest Edgar, 41 Grove rd Wright Miss, 1 St. Philip'a road
Ch.B.A berd. 38 St. Stephen's road Williams FrancisBeane, 13 Bracondale Wright Mrs. 92 Newmarket road
Watts Miss, 36 The Close Williams Mrs. 51 Mount Pleasant Wright Robert D. George, 125 Earl-
Wayte William Henry, 4 Oxford st Williams Mrs. 48 Prince of Wales rd ham road
Waythe Hy. Wm. 4 Mile End road Williamson Edward, 30 Grove road Wright Thomas .Tame-s F.R.C.S.Edin.
Wearing Stanley John, g Chapel Williamson Stanley, 64 Mt. Pleasant so Prince of Wales road
Field north Williment Mrs. 2I Quebec rd. Thorpe Wyrley-Birch Mrs. 7 The Close
WebbPr Miss Constance,21 Earlham rd Hamlet Yallop Frederick, Sunnyside, St.
Webster Wm. Robt. sen.37 Grapes hl Willins Miss, 7 Essex street Clement's hill, New Catton
Wedgwood Rev. Josiah (vicar of St. Willins Mrs. 75 Thorpe road Yarington Milis, 78 Grove road
Benedict's), 6 Park lane Willis Rev. Samuel, 2 Chesnutt'~ Yaxley George, 2I7 Dereham road
We~6 Mrs. 33 Cambridge street court, St. Giles street Yelf Cecil William, 151 Earlham rd
Wellington .Arthur Wellesley Wesley, Willis :Mrs. 94 Constitution hill Yelf Thomas Harry, 9 River Side rd
57 City road Willis Mrs. Southwell lo. Ipswich rd Young .Arthur J. 30 Unthank r~iad
Wells Rev. Mason C. So Unthank rd Willmott David .Arthur, 70 Park lane Young John, 7 Trinity street
Wells .Alfred Charles, I7 ClarPnce rd. Willmott Martin, Ig Park lane Young Jn. Woodside, Ipswich Ioad
Thorpe Hamlet Wills Clande Oliver,45 Catton Gro.rd Young Mrs. 79 Newmarket road
Wella Miss, Elm lodge, Ipswich road Wills D.udley, 392 Unthank road Yor.ngman Mrs. 64 Clarendon t()ad
Wells Mrs. H. 47 The Close Wills George, 420 Unthank road Zipfel .A.ndrew, go Constitution hill


Early closing day, Thursday. Adcock & Son, tobacco & cigar manufacturers, 8 Ex-
A.bbot~on John, principal clerk ~ustoms & excise offices, change street (T N 640) ; branches, 5 Back of the
27 Tombland Inns & 32 Pottergate street
Abbott By. furniture dlr. 106 Rosary rd. Thorpe Hamlet Adcock .Alice (~rs.), shopkeeper, 84 Oak street
Abbott Wm. Hy. George the Fourth P.H. IB7 Essex st A.dcock Edward Oberlin, tomato &c. grower, Upton road
.Ahbs Frl:'derick, hair dres~er, 46 t:arlham road Addison Willia.m, hair dret;ser, 157 Essex street
Abbs Isa~:c, plumber, 106 Aylsham road Aegina Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 54 Dereham road
A bel Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkpr. 4 .Albert rd. ThorpeH:unlet Ager George, bricklayer, 54 Peacock street
Abel Waiter, saddler, 4 Market avenue Agricultural Hall (Kenneth H. Fielding, sec.), Prince of
Abram Ernest William, egg merchant, 37 All:'xandra rd Wales road
.Abram Lawrence, inspector of schools, 108 Trinity st Airey Herbert James, corn dealer, n5 Magdalen street
Adams F. .Aylwyn D.B.O.A.Lond. eye specialist & !lbert Commercial Hotel, five minutes' walk from Railway
optician, 22 Royal arcade station (Thomas Seago, proprietor), 23 & 25 Prince
AdaiiU! Robert, tobacconist, 4 Rampant Horse street of Wales road

Aid en Agnes (Mrs. ),servanh' registry office,2oQueen'll rd A.nderson Levi, Lord Nelson P.H. -Nelson street ~
Alden Edward John, baker, 127 Oak street Andress Fdk. Geo. beer ret. 87 Norfolk st. Sth. Heigham
Alden Harry Edwa.rd F.A.A. accountant & estate agent, Andrews Brothers, wholesale & retail chemists & drug-
~~ & 14 Exchange street gists & manufacturers of the original Norwich ba.king
Alden John, boot & shoe maker, I & 3 Old Palace road & egg powder, 29 St. George street
Alden Mark, boot maker &c. 34a, Adelaide street Andrews Annie Emily (Miss), dress ma. I6 Knowsley rd
Alden Minnie (Miss), shopkeeper, 15 Distillery street Andrews Charle;;, butcher, I7 Gloucester street
Alden William Henry, jeweller, 30 Timber hill Andre~s Charles, coal dealer, 146 Oowgate street
Alderson Brothers, boot & shos warehouse, 4oa, Mag- Andrews Charles Horace L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.E. surgeon.
dalen street & 84 Ber street medical officer No. 6 district, Norwich union, disuict
Alderton John, pork butcher, I28 Magdalen street medical officer & public vaccinator Norwich District St.
Alderton's, trimming warehouse, wholesale & retail Faith's union & surgeon-accoucheur Norwich Maternity
haberdashen, lacemen & wool merchants, I Swan Charity, 46 St. Giles street. T N 272
lane, London street Andrews Ernest Chas. house painter, Bo Beaconsfield rd
Aldham Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, ro Willis street Andrews Frank, Steam Packet P.H. 92 King street
Aldham WiJliam, S'hopk~eper, 74 Magpie road Andrews John, A dam & Eve Gardens P.H. 17 Bishop-
Aldis Charles, furniture dealer, I54 King street gate street
Alrlis Robert Elvin, wood turner, 122a, King street Andrews Maggie (Miss), dress maker, 90 Leicester street
Aldiss Alfred, electrical engineer, 104 Dereham road Andrews Robert Edward, apartments, 16 Queen's road
Aldous & Co. wholesale & retail picture frame manu- Andrews Sidney Charles, confoctioner, 38 Magdalen st. ;
facturers & art dealers, I6 Rampant Horse street 81a, St. Giles street & 49 St. Stephen's street
Aldous Albert Richard, secondhand bookseller, 8 Ram- Andrews William, insurance agent, 28 Grapes hill
pant Horse street Andrews William, manager, 99 Ohapel Field road
.Aldons Beatrice (Mrs.), fishmonger, I43 King street Andrews William Michael, Golden Ball P.H. 18 & I9
Aldous Charles, photographer. I 8 White Lion street Cattle Market street
Aldous Christmas, fried fish dealer 51, & grocer 53, Anger John, boot repairer, 427 Sprowston road
King street Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited, St. Ann's wharf,
Aldous Joseph James, fishmongP-r, 93 King strePt Synagogue street
Aldons William, Morning Star P.H. 92 Southwell road Annison Arthur, butcher, 77 Heigham street
Aldred Robert John, baker, IO Stafford street Anni5on John, fishmonger, IIO Sprowston road
Aldrich Lucy B. (Miss), dress maker, 47 Shadwell st. Annison Samuel, fishmonger, 67 Barn road
Crook's place Annison William, fish salesman, Fish market & fish
Aldridge James William, packing cas£: maker, Blazeby's curer, I68 St. George street &. fishmonger I49· &
yard, Bethel strePt greengrocer IS I, Essex street
Algar Henry Howell, assessor & collector of income tax, Anquish's Hospital School of Housecra.ft for Girls (Miss
29 Tombland L. Terry, matron), Hospital lane, New Lakenham
Algar Jabez, but::her, 64 St. Stephen's street Appleton David Louis, greengrocer, ~7 William street
Alger Robert Henry, shopkeeper, 26 )fagpie road Appleton Thomas Croxen, bricklayer, 35 Wymer street
All Hallows Mission House & Creche (branch of .All Appleton Wm. 'fihos. Wlholesale confr. 421 Sprowston rd
Hallows, Ditchingham) (Sister in charge), 12, 14 & 16 Arcade Billiard Rooms (William J. Lewis, manager),
Colegate street Roval

Alien A. J. & C, tomato growers, Bowthorpe road Archer Stanley H. dining rooms, I 8 Golden Ball street
Alien & Daws, goldsmiths, watch maker~, jewellen, A.rmes Albt. Cremer, tchr. of music, 10 Beaconsfield rd
diamond mounters & dealers in antiquitie.s, 34 London Armes Arthur, The Raven P.H. 1 St. Giles street
street. T N 224 Armes Clement J. commercial traveller, 3 Portland st
Alien Arthur, butcher, 49 Botolph street Armes Ellen (~rs.), shopkeeper, 87 Barrack street
Alien Elizabeth Thirza (Mrs.), toy dealer, 5 Brigg st Armes Isaac, fishmonger, 63 Botolph street
Alien Fredk. Geo. station master, Trowse railway station Armes Philip, fish salesman, Fish market
Alien George, grocer, 71 St. Augustine's street Armes Willi;:un, fishmonger, 65 Midland street
Alien George, laundry, 11ee Watling & Alien Armes Wm. packing case dlr. Fleece yard, Fishergate
All en Harry, beer retailer, I I4 Oak street Armfield Leo, commercial traveller, IS Aylsham road
Alien Harvey John, boot repairer, 466 Spro~ston road Armstrong Robert, inspector R.S.P.O.A. 74St.Philip's rd
All en Henry, fishmonger, I93 King street Arnall Jn., hair drs~r. & tobccst. 6o St. Giles st
Alien Henry, painter, 58 Glebe road Arnold James & Co. silk manufacturers, Cherry la. Pitt st
Alien Herbert George, tailor, I Havelock road .Arnold Charles V. insurance agent, 34 Mornington road
Allefi Leonard, shopkeeper, II9 Oak street • A.rnold Christopher, fried fish shop, I93 Sprowston road
Alien Minnie (:\frs. ), shopkeeper, 155 Essex street Arnold George William, fishmonger, II3 Heigham street
Alien Sidney, hair dresser, 21 Red Lion streot Arnold Harry H. land agent, fire loss assessor, surveyor
Alien Sidney Granger, corn, cake, serd & coal merchant; & auctioneer, 9 Bank plain. T N 552
hay, straw & forage contractor, Quay si:d~ (T.A. Arnold Thomas William, 2nd resident master Norwich
"Alien, Quayside;'' T.N. 7I); branch, B;shopgate High School for boys, High School house, St. Giles st
street. T.N. 4I5 · !rnup Sus an (Mrs.), shopkeeper, n2 Barrack street
Alien William Fulcber, commercial trav. qB Dereham rd Arthertnn Susnn Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, .S Pitt street
Allen William George, traveller, 38 Cambridge street Arthurton Charles Wm. tobacconist, 25 St. Benedict's st
Alliance Assurance Co. Limited (Hylton Lloyd Giles, Arthurtnn Joseph, butcher, gr Barrack street
district sec.), 56 London st. See advertisement Arthurton Rohert John, jobmaster, 8o Oak street
Allison Frederick, chimney sweeper, 8 Half Moon yard, Art is .A !!nes (:Miss), dress maker. 26 Distillery street
King street Artis Edwin, working jeweller, I8 Oast!"' meadow
Allison Harry, shopkeeper, 53 Colegate street Artis ~orris, working jeweller. 22 Bethel street
Allison John William, boot & shoe maker, 7 Eade road Art is Thomas, grocer, 6o W rst Potter!!ate street
Allman Robert, boot repairer, 6 Home st. ~th.Heigham Ash & Ward, drapers, 39 London street
Allsopp Samuel & Sons Limited, brewers, St. Ann's Ashley George, _o\nchol' P.H. Silver road
wharf, Synagogue street Ashlry Henry William, district manager The Gresham
Allsopp Thomas, Hero of the Redan P.H. I29 Thorpe rd Publishing Co. 6 Upper King street
Allthorpe Richard, foreign correspondent, 40 Aylsham rd A~hton FrPderick W. commercial trav.BsOhapel Field rd
Alpe Charles, dairyman, 6o Denmark rd. ~ew Catton Ashworth Frank. district inspector Edinburgh Life As-
Alpe John Aubrey, provision dealer, 67 Botolph street surance Oo. 95 Thorpe road. T N 275
Ambrose David, Jolly Brewers P.H. 134 ~agdalen street Ashworth Frederick, baker, 74 St. Stephen's street
Ames Albert, watch maker, 8 Lower Goat lane !shworth John, baker, :37 Napier street
Arnes Frederick, watch repairer, ra, Rupert street Asylum & School for the Indig-ent Blind, ba~ket & mat
Ames Thomas, boot maker, 28 Rupert street manufacturers (John B. Clements, sec. & supt.;
Amies Anthony, upholsterer, 203 Northumberland st Mrs. Clements, matron), Magdalen street
Amies George, William the Fourth P .H. 26 Salford street Atherton Harry Edward, tailor. 8r Knowsley road
Amiss Bros. window cleaner.s, 93 King street Atkins Harry, Three Kings P.H. 46 St. Benedict's street
Amiss Henry Wm. stationer, & post office, 19 Palace st Atkins Herbert, Bartholomew tavern, 27 Thorn lane
Amiss Waiter Fredk. hair dresser, I03 Dereham road Atkins William, sewing macrune a,gent, 31 Calvert street
Amos William Henry, monumental mason, 96 Stafford st Atkinson William, wardrobe dealer, 11 Muspole street
Anderson Brothers, boot factors, 25 Wensum street Atto Henry, lime burner & assistant cverseer, St.
Anrlerson Joseph & Son, builders, 47 Heigham road Clement's hill, New Catton
AndersoiJ Annie (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 55 River Side rd Attne George & Son, furniture dealers, 54 & 56 Mag-
Andsr.son Benj. boot warehouse, 29 & 29a. Vauxhall st dalen street & .1 Botolph street
Anderson Emily (:Mrs. ),aparts.2oCedar rd. ThorpeHamlet Attoe Elizabeth (:Mrs.), apartments, 8 Lady"~ lane
A.ttoe George, Elephant P.H. 6o Magdalen street Ball!! Robert, fruit merchant, Catherine Wheel opening,
Attoe Maria (Miss), furniture dealer, r8 Wensum street St. Augustine's street
Attoe Robert, barrow lender, 8 Bethel street Bangar Emma (Mrs.), news agent, IB Vauxhall street
A.ttoe Wm. sen. Moon & Stars P.H.& carman, 23Duke st Bangay Arthur, carpenter, 30 Lawson road ,
Attoe Wm. jun, Cricketers' Arms P.H. IS Red Lion st Bangay Arth. Catherine Wheel P.H. 6I St. Augustine's st.
A.ttwell Herbert John, tobacconist, 59 Botolph street Banger Edgar & Co. photographers, 114 St.Benedict's st
Augood Charles A.lbert, wholesale manufacturing con- Bankrupt Stocks Boot Co. 3 Davey place
fectioner & general warehouseman, 37 Palace street Banks & Co. tailors, habit & breeches makers, hatters
A.ugood Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 50 Westwick street & motor outfitters, 6<) London street. T N 358 •
Austin (The) Motor Co. Limited, builders of motor Banks Isaiah Fentham, watch maker, 64 Rose lam~
vehicles; contractors to the .Admiralty & War Office. Bannister ~aria (~rs. ), shopkeeper, 2 Little Paddock
also to the Crown Agents for the Colonies; depOts at street, North Heigham
London, Manchester & Paris, r8-22 Prince of Wales Barber AlicEl & EIIen (Mi~es), ladies' school, 47 Chapel
road; works, Northfield, Birmingham. T A "Austin- Field road
ette;" T N IIS3· See advertisement Barber Albert Edward, carriage builder, Beehive yard,
Austin George, Greenland Fishery P.H. 30 King street St. Martin's Palace plain
Austin George, marine store dlr. so West Pottergate st Barber Arthur, fishmonger, I2S King street
Austin Henry, marine store dealer, 48 Barrack street Barber Frank, boot & shotl maker, 47 King street
Austin Henry, shopkeeper, 41 Ketts hill Barber Frederick William, fishmonger, 17 Timber hill
Austin Waiter, carter, Th~ Watering, St. Martins road Barber George, chimney sweeper, rg Ten Bell lane
Austin William, cabinet maker, Crown & Anoel yard ' Barber George Stephen, tailor, 22 Ber street
St. Stephen's 11treet
Barber Robert, fishmonger, r & 3 Golden Ball street
Automobile (The) Association & Motor Union, Prince of Barber Sman Alice (Mrs.), apartments, 125 Dereham rd
Barclay & Company Limited, bankers; head Norwica
Wales road. T A "Fanum; '' T N S73
Avery W. & T. Limited, scale & weighing machine office (Owen Cadywold Cubitt, manager), . Bank
makers, shop fitters & butchers' cutlers 2 Rose lane plain ; branches (Henry Brittain, manager), IO St.
. '
Aylmer John Peter, msurance agent, 5 Trinity street Stephen's street; (William Robert Cochrane, mgr.J
Back George Harry, painter, 148 Newmarket o:treet 47 Magdalen st. & (Edward Crook, manager) 77 St.
Back William Heary, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Benedict's street; open thurs. 10 to 1; sat. ro to 5;
see Francis & Back other days, 10 to 4 ; draw on head cffice, 54 Lombard
Back's Limited, wine & spirit merchants, 3 & 4 Hay- street, London E C
market; I3 White Lion street & 64 Prince of Wales Barclay Hugh Gurney, city treasurer, Bank plain
road; The Gra.pes P.H. I4 Wensum street & tobacco- Bardwell Henry, shipping agent, 7 Victoria street
nists, IS White Lion street Barker Caleb & Co. land agents, & secs. to the Royal
Bacon & Palmer, jobmasters, 7 & 9 Dereham road & Norfolk .Agricultural Assoc:ation ; chief office, East
cab proprietors &c. 2 Distillery street Harling, Thetford & (on saturdays) at Bank chamlwrs
Bacon Thomas & Co. grocers, I Pitt street Ba1ker & Son, ladies' & gentlemen's tailors, 95 St. Giles
Bacon Charles William, shopkeeper, 123 Oak street street. T N I47
Bacon George, baker, 48 Bethel street Barker Albert, tailor, 20 Exeter street
Bacon Henry William, brass founder, 31 Rmsell street Barker Arthur, hair dresser, 13 Fishergate
Bacon Violet (Miss), dress maker, g Rackham road Barker Arthur Christopher Waiter, house & estate
Bagge Alfred William Francis, barrister-at-law, 13 agent, 9S St. Giles street. T N I47
l:pper King 11tre€t. T N 668 Barker Caleb, agent for the estates of Sir E. C. Nugent
Bagley Charles, builder, 8 Potter gate street hart. ; Capt. H. S. Adlington's trustees & C. H. B.
Bagshavv G. &. R. G. paper, rag, skin & metal mer- Caldwell esq.; chief office, East Harling, Thetford &
chants, game, poultry & fish salesmen, pheasant, (on saturday~) at Bank chambers
game, poultry & dog food manufacturers & corn mer- Barker Christopher, shopkeeper, 34 Coburg street
chants, St. Mile.s & Orford place. T.N. rrr Barker Edmund, hair dresser, 108 Oak street
Bagshaw Abraham Geo. fishmonger, 70 St. Stephen's st Barker Emma L. (Miss), dress maker, 8o Rosebery rd.
Bagshaw Abraham George, rag mer. St. Andrew st St. Clement's hill
Bailey Elijah Thomas, builder, 129 Dereham road Barker Ernest H. tailor, 49 Distillery street
Bailey Henry, boot repairer, 72 Magpie road Barker Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 43 Laws on road
Bailey James Edwin, Ship inn, r68 King street Bar];:er John, shopkpr. 17 Rose yard, St. Augustine's st
Bailey John Atkinson, tailor, 64 St. Giles street Barker Robert, insurance agent, I I De Caux road
Bailey Sydney, jobmaster, 64 Wt~st End street Barker Robert Herbert, .Anchor P.H. 21 Rising Sun lane
Bailey William, Balloon P.H. 62 Westwick street Barker Waiter Charles, t:Lilor, 21 Helena road
Bainbridge Florance Anthony, !!olicitor & commissioner Barker Waiter J. confectioner, 9S St. Giles street
for oaths (firm, :Mills & Reeve), 69 London street Barker William, parish clerk (St. Paul's), S Willis st
Baird James & Son, boot makers, 40 Lond{)n street & 16 Barker "\Yilliam John, wool n:er. Duke's palace, Duke st
Castle meadow; & at Yarmouth & Lowestoft Barker William Robert, shopkeeper, Io4 Oak street
Barley Harry Alfred, shoe maker, 8 I Unthank road
Baker .Ale_xander R. W. baker, I47 Magdalen road
Barley John R. (provincial C.S. Manchester Unity of
Baker Ed1th (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 16 Trafalgar street
Bak~r Ellen (Mrs.), news agent, 70 Grape.:! hill
Oddfello"\'l"s), 34 All Saints' green
Baker Henry, boot maker, see Burrows & Baker Barlow & C_larke, timber merchants, 39 Exchange street
Baker Henry William, fish salesman, Fish market Barlow Chn~tmas Hawes, greengrocer, 4 Suffolk street
Baker Herbert, builder, 42 Cardiff road Barnard & Cross, solicitors & commissioners for oaths,
Baker Herbert A. Dolphin P.H. 252 Heigham street 4 Surrey street
Baker Louisa Edith (Mrs.), milliner, 130 Dereham road Barnard Dennis Christopher B . .A., LL.B., P.A.S.I. coun-
Baker William Ja.mes, confectioner, 246 Dereham road cil land agent small holdings department Norfolk
Balderson Frederick Charles, coal dealer, 66 Shadwell County Council, Shire house, Castle meadow
street, Crook's place Barnard Ell a A. (~rs. ), 8hopkeeper, 104 Nelson street
Baldry Henry, Bakers' Arms P.H. 213, & stone mason Barnard George William B.A. solicitor (firm, Barnard &
284, Heigham street Cross), 4 Surrry street
Baldry William, shopkeeper, 49 Southwell road Barnard George Wiiliam Girling (firm, Barnard & Cross),
Bald win Harriet E. (Miss), dress m a. 12 St.Benedict's st solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 4 Surrey street
Baldwin Rachael (Miss), laundry, r8 Ph1ladelphia lane Barnards Limited, inventors & orioinal makers of
Baldwin Sarah (Miss), news agent, 85 St. Benedict's st galvanized wire netting ; oldest & la~gest makers in
Baldwin William, estate agent, 2 Stone road the world; patentees & sole makers of machine-made
Bales Caroline (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 20 Botolph street galvanized mixed mesh netting. . Established 1826.
Bales Ernest Wm. saddle & harness ma. 17 Magdalen st Pri.ze med~ls-London, ~8SI & IE62; Vienna, I873;
Bales Waiter, whitesmith, 93 Pottergate street Phlladelph1a, 1876; Pans, I878; Hobart, Tasmania,
Ball Frank, Locomotive tavern, sr Rupert stree~ r89S; heating engine€rs & specialists; district
Ball ·John Henry, pattern mbker (see Paten & Co.); licenses for Gould's patent accelerated system·
res. I Newmarket street domestic supply apparatus for baths &c. a speciality;
.Ballance Hamilton Ashley M.D., M.S.Lond., F.R.C.S. makers of gates ~ . railings to H.M. the King by
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, 41 All Saints' oreen royal warrant; ongmal makers of slow combustion
Balls Ethel (Miss), confectioner, I Upper Goat lane stoves & grates; garden requisites; poultry & kennel
Balls Geo. boot & shoe ma. 3 Northcote rd. Sprowston rd appliances, Norfolk iron works, Norwich; & no
Balls James, Jack of Nrwbury P.H ICJ Fye Bridge street Cannon street, London E C. Telegrams, " Barnard!!
Balls John Herbert, shopkeepeP, 38 Walpole street ~orwich" & "Barnards, London;" Telephone, ~
Balls Martha (Miss), stationer, 4 Swan lane Norwich & ~-';28 Bank, London. See advertise-
ment facing commencement of Norfolk
Barnes & Pye, builders & general founders, manufac- Beck Hngh, clerk of the cattle market, The Weigh-
turers of iron gates & palisading, structural iron -work, bridge, 4 Farmers avenue
steel joists, roof principals, iron casements, manhole Beckett Horace Hayward, traveller, 36 'Whitehall road
covers & frames, St. Miles foundry, Colegate street. Beckwith George Edward, undertaker, 37 Thorn lane
T.N. I5I Beer William, The Compasses P .H. 4 Cpper King street
Barnes .A.gnes (Miss), shopkeeper, 66 .A.shby street Beeston Arthur E. chemist, 76 St. Giles street
Barnes Alfred, Black Horse P.H. 407 Sprowston road Beevor Ellen Emma (Miss), nurse, 25 .A.mpthill street
Barnes Alfred, colliery agent, 49 Thorpe road Belcher Joseph Jarnes, commercial travllr. 33b,Thorpe rd
Barnes Arnold, cabinet maker, see 'l'urner, Barnes & Bell Albert Edward, shopkeeper, II4 Silver road
Wright Bell Alfred William, King's .A.rm:o P .H. I Rosary road,
Barnes Blanche (Miss), tchr. of music, 23 Brunswick rd Thorpe Hamlet
Barnes Harry, builder, 23 Brunswick road & 87a, Bell David Thomas, hair dresser, 82 Magpie road
Unthank road. T ~ 646 Bell Ed ward, Golden Star P .H. 57 Colegate street
Barnes Henrietta (Mrs.), dress maker, 67 Heigham road Bell George, greengrocer, 12 Tom bland
BarnP~ Henry Edward (exors. of), cardboard box makers, Bell George Palmer, gasfitter, 43 Helena road
Fleec~ yard, Fishergate Bell Georgina (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 St. Augustine's st
Barnes J a'lles Rnbert, carpenter, 21 Hanover road Bell Herbert, pork butcher, 79 Cambridge street
Barnes \V ·lte:·, teacher of music, 185 Queen's road Bell ~Iary C:~liss) M.B., B.S.Lond. surgn. 29 Unthank rd
Barnes William Edward., butcher, 165 ..\ylsham road Bell :Xelson Young, Prince of Wales hotel, 8 Prince of
Barnes Wm. Robt. boot & shoe maker, 25 Orchard st Wales road
Barnett George, Cock P.H. 78 St. Giles street Bell Waiter, wardrobe dealer, 48 Oak street
Barney Henry, butcher, 20 ~ orfolk st. South Heigham Bell William Juler, 6o West End street
Barney Herbert William, hair dresser, 6r Bull Close rd Bellairs J. publisher, 41 Exchange street
Barracks (for cavalry) (F. Eade, barrack warden), Bellin Marie (Mdlle. ), professor of french, 5 Heigham rd
Pockthorpe Benjamin (Harris) & Son, wall paper wareho. Io Castle st
Barratt Legh, stock & share broker, Queen street. Bennett & Dickerson, who. chair manufrs. Queen's road
T A " Bureau, Norwich;" T N 167 Bennett .A.lex.Rd.shopkpr.12 St.Clement's hl.New Catton
Barrell Bros. drapers, 5 Fye Bridge st. & ~ FishP-rgate Bennett Benjamin, shoe maker, u Coach & Horses street,
Barrett Alfred Ernest, tool merchant,see Frost & Barrett South Heigham
Barrett Hannah (Mrs.), Green Hills P.H. I2 Green Bennett Harry Oscar, accountant & auditor; income tax
Hills road returns prepared for assessments, appeals, Teductions,
Barrett John, King of Prussia P.H. Ipswich road repayments, 29 Castle meadow (T N ro62); k at 66
Barrett Philip, tailor, 44 Cm·fgate street London rd. north, Lowestoft. See advertisement
Barrett Snsannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, II9 Cow gate st Bennett John Harry, commercial traveller, 75 Grove rd
Barrett Waiter, tool merchant, see Frost & Barrett Bennett R. G. (Mrs.), dress & mantle ma.r6Gladstone st
Barron Waiter, shopkeeper, 4 St. John street, Rose lane Bennett Sl. accountnt. Guildhall chmbrs. St. Peter's st
Barton Horner, shopkeeper, 159 Sprowston road Bensly & Bolingbroke, solicitors, The Close. T N 928
Barton Sergt. James Henry, chief Lord Mayor's officer Benson .A.lbert Edward, teacher of singing, ro St.
& hall keeper, Guildhall, Market place Matthew's road
Barton Samuel J., M.D., M.Ch.Dub. physician, 34 Bentley Charles, building surveyor, 4 Castle meadow
Surrey street & 48 All Saints' green Berlitz School of Languages (J.Gossen,mgr.),Bank bldgs
Bartram Frederick, fishmonger, 44 St. Augustine's Et Bernard-Boyce Florence M. (Miss), lady inspector of
Bartram Herbert Fredk. boot repairer, 43 Swansea road midwives, Shire house, Castle meadow
Ba.rtram Wm. greengrocer, 46 Ninham st.New Lakenhm Berry Alfred Henry, chimney sweep, 44 Dereham Toad
BarweU & Sons, wine &; spirit importers & merchants, Berry Fanny Henslowe (Miss), teacher of music, 51
12 St. Stephen's street &; 5I London street; & 19 Cambridge street
Conduit street, Bond street, London W; wine mer- B11-rry Frederick, coal dealer, 16 Salford street & shop-
chants by appointment to the King keeper) 15 Globe street, South Heigham
Barwick Henry, plumber, 31 Sussex street Berry George, brush maker, 96 St. George street
Base George & Sons Limited, hardware merchants, 51 Berry Sydney Arthur, grocer, & post office, 94 St.
Pitt street. T N 338 George street
Base J oseph, shopkeeper, 145 Rupert street Berwick William, fried fish dealer, 3 Fye Bridge street
Bask ell Harry R. grocer, 55 Rosary rd. Thorpe Hamlet Berwick Wm. jun. Duke of Marlboro' P.H. 29 Fisbergate
Bassett Waiter .A.. chimney sweep, 2 Lings court, Besant Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 24 Mariner's lane
Magdalen street Besant Leonard C. resident sec. General Assurance Cor-
Bassingthwaighte Fredk. Henry, grocer, 39 West End st poration Limited, Redwell street
Bassingthwaighte Herbert Weston, grocer, 69 Orchard st Bessey & Palmer Limited, coal merchants, M. & G. N.
Batch Jacob Palmer, district manager :Norwich 'Cnion Joint Railway coal depot, Heigham street
Fire Insurance Society Limited (Accident branch), Bethel Hospital (Samuel J. Barton M.D. consulting phy-
45 St. Giles street. T N 914 sician; Saville James Fielding M. B. resident medical
Batson Fredk. Saml. hair dresser, 2 St. Saviour's lane snpt.; Miss .A.da C. Oxley, matron; F. Hornor, clerk).
Batson J onathan, fried fish dealer, 29 Pitt street 37 Bethel street
Batterbee Waiter & Son, clothiers, 43 Magdalen street Betts Alfred, greengrocer, 72 Orchard street & wheel-
Batterbee James, tailor, 6 Castle street wright, Sayer's street
Battersbee Susannah (Miss), milliner, 29 St. Giles st Betts Charles, furniture dealer, 6o Union street
Battersbee Waiter, printer, see Roberts & Co Betts Charles Edward, hair dresser, 5 Coslany strPet
Battersby Alfred Wm. The Pigeon P.H. 16 Charing cross Betts Charlotte (Mrs.), l!hopkpr. 37 Cricket Ground rd
Ba:xter Alice (Mrs.), hair dresser, 4 Eastbourne place, Betts Clare, stationer, II] Magdalen street
Prince of Wales road Betts Doroth:v (Miss), dress maker, 1 Cricket Ground rd
Baxter Ernest, shopkeeper, 2 Bensley road Betts Eliza (Mrs.), flarist, Allen's lane, Newmarket road
Baxter Harry, marine store dealer, 3 Fishergate Betts Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, I I Cricket Ground rd
Ba:xter's Leather Co. Ltd. leather imptrs. 31 Colegate st Betts Ernest Arthur, sec. Foresters' Court No. 2,753,
Bayes Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 137 Philadelphia lane 1 I ..\mpthill street

Bayes Robert, carpenter, I~ Kimberley street Betts Frederick, market gardener, Ipswich road
Bayley Archibald Robert, whitesmith, 54 Somerleyton Betts Harriett (,Mrs.), grocer, 57 Magdalen road
street & Norfolk street, South Heigham Betts Herbert Valentine, tailor, 8 St. Gregory's alley
Baylis Oscar, insurance agent, 230 Nelson street Betts J obn, shopkeeper, r62 Philadelphia lane
Bayliss 'Maud A. (Miss), nursing home, I Hill Home Betts ~Iary Ann (Mrs.), The Punch House P.H. 37
road, Thorpe H <J.mlet Market place
Bayne Alfred, boot repairer, 2 Southwell road Betts Robert, Engineers' tave.rn, 17 St. Julian street
Bayne Alfred, jun. watch ma. 65a, Prince of Wales road Betts Robert, fishmonger, 44 Earlham road
Bayne Arthur, watch maker, 12 St. Gregory's alley Betts Thomas, teacher of music, 21 Paragon street
Beales Alexander William, shopkpr. H7 Pottergate st Betts "-allace E. house furnisher, see High &; Bl'tts
Beales Peter, Sportsman P.H. 83 Northumberland st Betts Waiter, insurance agent, 6:> Philadelphia lane
Bealey George A. Red Lion P.H. IB St. George street Bevan John, sec. of the Church of England Young
Bean Arthur George, corn merchant, 5 St. Stephen's rd Men's Society, Orford place
Bee.n Waiter Henry, tobacconist, 61 Ber street. Bexfield Cecil, builder, 44 Eagle street, Newmarket rd
Beaney FlGra (Miss), teacher of music, 43 Magdalen rd Biale Lawrence Chas. barrister-at-law, 3 Cathedral st
Beaumont Waiter Robert, news agent, 34 Colegate st Bidewell Grar.e & Katie (Misses), preparatory school, 2
Eeck Edmund & Sons, land & estate agents & valuers, Pelham road, St. Clement's hill
I6 Bank street; & 28 Lincoln road, Peterborough
Beck Chas. Smedley, architect, na, Prince of Wale~ rd
Bidewell Arthur George, parish clerk to Eaton church
- 'Cnthank road .
Bidewell Charles, shopkeeper, 28 Dereham road Blyth Samuel, fishmonger, 77 Orchard street
Bide well Grace (Miss), day school, I I Cedar road, Blyth Walter, plumber, 86 Newmarket street
Thorpe Hamlet Blyth William, Great Eastern hotel, Foundry bridge,
Bid well William, farm bailiff to Herbert Sidney Tallowin Prince of Wales road
esq. St. Clement's hill Blythe Arthur Waiter, shopkeeper, 71 Hotblack road
Bignold, Pollard & Wilson, solicitors & commissioners Board of Conservators of the Norfolk & Suffolk Fisheries
for oaths, 17 Prince of Wales road (Henry Brittain, hon. sec.), 10 St. Stephen's. street
Bilha.m Jas. Hy. butcher 177, & greengro. 179, Rupert st Boardman Ed-ard &. Son, architech & survey<Jrs,
Billham Ephraim Daniel, commercial trav. 21 Grove rd & architects to the Norfolk & Norwich hospital, Queen
Billings Joseph, fishmonger, 81 Magdalen street & fried street. T N 2o6
fish dealer, 45 Cowgate street Boardman Edward Thomas F.R.I.B.A. architect (firro,
Bindley Thomas James, plumber, 13 Patteson road Edward Boardman & Son), Queen street
Bindley Waiter William, shopkeeper, 31 Twenty-one Boast George, butcher, 55 Distillery street
row, New Lakenham Bockenham John W. L. lime burner, Dereham road
Bindley William, shoe maker, 104 Ber street Boddy John Read, builder, 68 York street
Bingham Carolina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I I Golden Ball st Boddy William James, tinsmith, 32 St. George street
Bingham Frederick, butcher, 63 Ber street Boden Peter, furniture dealer, 52 Ber street
Birch William J. painter, ;;8 Waddington street Bolingbroke Horace Charles, county accountant, County
Bird Agnes (Mrs.), Stag P .H. 65 St. Benedict's street Treasurer's office, Shire house, Castle meadow. T N's
Bird George, wood turner, 124 Essex street 995. 996 & 997
Bird Walter E. builder & house decorator, plumber & Bolingbroke Leonard George, solicitor, notary public,
sanitary engineer, painter, glazier, paperhanger & commissioner for oaths, bishop's secreb.ry, chapte~
funeral furnisher, 5 I All Saints' green. T N 502 clerk & registrar of the diocPse (firm, Bensly & Baling-
Bi5hop Ernest William, hair dresser, 6o Dereham road broke), The ~ose
Bishop Henry, hawker, 14 Philadelphia lane Bolingbroke Louis Errington, solicitor, & clerk to the
Bishop Henry, _ hon. sec. Royal O:IJk Benefit Society income & land tax commissioners of Norwich city &
(branch), 38 Guernsey road clerk to Great Hospital Charity, 29 Tombland
Bishop James L. draper, 39 Knowsley road Bond J. W. & Sons, grocers, ro6 Quebec road, Thorpe
Bishop W. G. estate agent, 6 St. Saviour's lane Hamlet
Bishop Winsor, goldsmith, jeweller, silversmith & watch Bond Robert Berne & Suns, general drapers, milliners,
maker, 4I & 43 London street hosiers & mantle warehsemn.15, 17, 19, 21 & 23 Ber st
Black Walt. shopkpr. 29 Twenty-one row,New Lakenham Bond William & Son, ladies' & gentlemen's tailors &
Blackburn Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Derby street habit makers, 58 London street
Blackburn :\'lay (Mrs.), news agent, 36 Carrow road Bond Edith (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 35 Barrack street
Blackman H. G. Barham M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Bond Frederick, photographer, 172 Waterloo road
physician & surgeon, r 1 Un thank road Bond Henry, boot repairer, 35 Ketts hill
Blake Alfred, tobacconist, 130 Magdalen road Bond John Owen, architect, 29 Castle meadow
Blake Aubrey As ton, solicitor (firm, Keith, Blake & Co. ), Bond William, photographer, I31a, Magdalen street
The Chantry, Theatre street Bonser's Stores, grocers, tea & provision dealers & wine
Blake Edwin Ernest, blacksmith, Youells opening,Hall rd & spirit merchants, 19 The Walk, Market pi. T N 105
Blake Ethel (Miss), dress ma. 44 Bury st. Unthank rd Boobbyer L. J. (Miss), ladies' school, see Harrington &
Blake Gerard Frederic M.A. solicitor & commissioner for Boobbyer (Misses)
administering oaths in the Supreme Court (firm, Keith, Booth & Go. hatters, I Castle street
Blake & Co.), The Chantry, Theatre street Boots Cash Chemists (Eastern) Limited, chemists, 38
Blake Henry M . .!. (firm, Keith, Blake & Co.), solicitor, London street; Brigg street; 6 Goat lane; 22 Mag-
perpetual commissioner & commissioner for O'aths, The dalen street & 15 Castle meadow
Chantry, Theatre street Booty Anna M. (Mrs.), The Tuns P.H. 2 Unthank road
Blake James, tailor & draper, 44 Cardiff road Booty Edward, greengrocer, 85 Barrack street
Blake Waiter, butcher, 16 Bridewell alley Booty Frederick George, librarian Nor folk & Norwich
Blake Wm. chimney sweep, Peacock yard, Red Lion st Incorporated Law Society, I The Close
Blanch George, hay dealer, 2g2 Sprowston road Borrett Jane Elizabeth (Miss), lady supt. ~orfolk &
Bla.nchfiower Edward, Fox & Hounds P.H. 153 Ber street Norwich School of Cookery, 50 Colegate street
Blanchflower Edwin Roberts, Three Tuns P.H.6o King st Bostock & Fitt, Hippodrome Music hall, St. Giles street
Blanchfiower Eva (Mrs.), dress m a. 48 Beaconsfield road & skating rink, Rose lane
Bland Arthur Charles, surgical appliance maker,67 Prince Boston Blacking Co. Limited, boot findings manufac-
of Wales road turers, 42 St. George street. T N 965
Blaxell 2\iabel (Miss), confectioner, 6 Swan lane Boston George A. complete house furnisher, removal
Blaxland Athelstan Jasper M.B.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., contractor, cabinet maker & upholsterer, camp specialist
L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon (firm, Day & Bhxland), 29 & baby carriage maker, Orford hill; Or ford street ;
Surrey street - Timber hill & 3 Farmers avenue, Cattle market;
Blaze by J oseph Hi ram, shopkeeper, 2 Clifton street factories, Osborne square & Timber hill (contractor
Blazeby Willia.m, shopkpr. 59 Millers lane, New Catton to H.M. Government). T A "George .Boston, Nor-
Blind Asylum & Schools (John B. Clements, sec. & wich;" T N 408. See advertisement
supt. ), Magdalen street Boston Thomas F. clothier, Orford hill
Bliss Ralph Lee, licensed valuer, business transfer agent, Boston Waiter, boot maker, 8 Market plac0; 2 Royal
public accountant & auditor & assessor of fire losses, arcade & 14 St. Benedict's street
2J St. Andrew street Boston William, pawnbroker, Orford street
lllofield & Burroughes, solicitors, I3 Upper King street. Boswell Hugh James, stock & share broker, 43 London
T N 1086 street. T N 8o5
Blofield John Calthorpe, solicitor (firm, Blofield & Bur- Boswell William, antique dealer, 48 London street &
roughes), I3 Upper King street Monastery yard, Elm hill
Blo~field Frederick William, butcher, 3 Palace street Boughen Smith, hosier, I2 London street. T N 533
Bloom Francis Stephen & Sons, horse hair manufactrs. Boughton Harry, fishmonger, 39 St. Steph~n's street &
Oak street. T N IOI6XI 6 Red Lion street
Bloom William Waiter, New Star P.H. 8 QuaYside Boulton & Paul Ltd. horticultural builders, hot water

Bloomfield James, watch maker, 20 Lower Goat lane engineers, ir:m founders, manufac-
Blower James, marine store dealer, 74 St. Benedict's st turers~ of wire netting, wood & iron
lllyth S J. Limited, wholesale brush makers,9o Magdalen buildings, poultry, kennel & stable
street. 1' N 5 Io appliances, galvanizers &c. ; petroi
Blyth Alfred', baker, 148 Magdalen street & paraffin engines for lighting,
Blyth Arthur Robert, shopkeeper, 36 Bull close pumping, marine purposes &c. ;
Blyth Charles Arthur, carpenter, I20 St. George street fencing, hurdles & entrance gates,
Illyth Ellen (Mrs.), fishmonger, 32 Westwick street water & liquid manure carts, water barrows, garden
IHyth Ernest Egbert LL.D., B.A. solicitor & commis- chairs &c. ; illustrated catalogues free, Rose Lane
sioner for oath!! & perpetual commissioner, & hon. works
sec. Norfolk & Norwich Incorporated Law Society, II Bourne Battery Sergt.-Major James, drill instructor 2nd
Uppl'r King s-treet. Tel. 203 Battery East Anglian Brigade R.F .A. Territorial Force,
Blyth Ernest Wm. shopkpr. 37 Oak st. & 87 York street Old Militia barracks, All Saints' green
Blyth Frederick, Lion inn, 3I Cattle Market street Bousfield William Barker, building & quantity surveyor,
Blyth Frederick Arthur, oil merchant, 34 Oak street house &; estate agent, 7I Prince of Wales road. Tele-
Blyt·h Ja.mes, shopkeeper, II2 Cowgate street phone No. n2r. See advertisement
Blyth John, g-ents' outfitter, I59 Unthank road Bowd Alfred Robson, apartments, 35 St. Stephen's sq.
Blyth Richard, Black Horse P.H. rr Finklegate Bowen Step hen W. East End Retreat P .H. 101 Thorpe rd

Bower Edward Dale, vaccination officer, Guardians' Brett Fredk. Chas. commercial trav. 505 Sprowston rd
offices, St. Andrew street Brett Henry, tailor, 8 ·Barker's street, Heigham street
Bower Fredk. Augustus, house paint€r, 7 Valentine st Brett :May (~iss), apartments, 20 Thorpe road
Bowhill A Elliott, family & military boot & shoe Brett May (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 Oak street
makers; specialite, servants' livery boots & motor Brett Reginald Daines, greengrocer, 22 Princes street
boots & leggings, 65 London street. T N u6. See Brett Robert, wardrobe dealer, I3 Rosemary lane
advertisement Brett Robert Jn. shopkeeper, 25, 27 & 29 St. Marys plain
Bowhill & Co. leather merchants, boot upper manufac- Brett William, boat builder, Rolls yard, Oak street
turers & wholesale & e:xport boot & shoe manufactrs. Brett William, Flower Pot P.H. Flower Pot yard, Oak st
5 Swan lane (T N 598) & 57 & 59 Fishergate Brewster Alfred, stone mason, 106 Magdalen road
Bowhill Albert, insurance agent, 6 Eaton street Brewster William Allen, builder, 33 Knowsley road
Bowhill H. (:Mrs.), corset maker, 7 Angel road Briault M. L. & H. G. tailors, 47 Prince of Wales road
Bowhill Hannah (~iss), shopkeeper, 121 Essex street Brickham Maud (Miss), greengrocer, 18 Botolph street
Bowhill Thomas, boot manufacturer, 7 Bridewell alley Brierley Samuel, customs, excise, old age pensions &
Bowles J onas & Henry, timber merchants, Home street, national insurance officer, 27 Tombland
North Heigham Briggs Daniel, pork butcher, 33 St. Augustine's street
Eowles Marion May & Dora Cret;y (Misses), type writers, Briggs Herbert John, horse collar maker, 55 Ber street
Bank chambers, Bank plain. T N 769 Briggs John Henry, watch maker, 36 King street
Bowles S. J. & Son, wholesale boot makers, Bishop's Brighten John Juseph, shopkeeper, 134 Old Palace road
court, Magdalen street Brighten Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 137 Oak street
Bowles Ernest, commercial traveller, I 1 Victoria street Brighton E. C. & Co. boot makers, 72 Grove road
Bowles Hiram, hair dresser, sr Bell road Brighton Albert Amos, shopkeeper, r6 Heigham street
Bowles Samuel, boot & shoe manufa.turer, Towler's Brighton Alice (~rs.), dress maker, 65 Magpie road
court, Elm hill Brighton Edward, shopkeeper, 73 Westwick street
Bowles Samuel, watch maker, I24 King street Brighton Emma (Mrs.), butcher,s6 Angel rd.New Catton
Bowman Henry Charles, shopkeeper, r8 St. Ma1y's plain Brighton Frederick, firewood maker, Buck's yard, Oak st
BoWTing Petroleum Co. Ltd. oil mfrs. 35 Exchange st Brightwell Clara (Miss), shopkeeper, 5o Union street
Eowtell Herbert John, ironmonger, r6r Magdalen street Brighty George (Mrs.), carriage builder, see Murrell,
& butchers' cutler, 12 Farmers avenue Brighty & Co
Bowthorpe Bros. bakers, 77 Nicholas st. Crook's plare Brighty Rebecca (Mrs.), baker &c. 76 Northumberland st
Box Thomas (Mrs.), dress maker, 27 Newmarket road Brighty Rt. wheelwri;5ht, George yard, St. Stephen's st
Boy Scouts' Association (Col. S. Garerd Hill V.D., J.P. · Brighty Waiter Arthnr, fried fish dealer, 4 Bethel st
district commissioner; Claude Stretford, district Britcher Edward,beer retailer, 29 Globe st. Sth.Heigham
scoutmaster; H. M. Wibrow, hon. sec.); head quar- Britcher Edward, bricklayer, 2 Ea de road
ters for correspondence, 3 Opie street Britcher Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper,Rhoda ter,Aylsham rd
Boyce & Son, corn merchants, 2 West parade British & Foreign Bible Society (Revs. F. W. B. Symons
Boyce Bertie Wilfred, tobacconist, 6ga, St. Augustine's st & J. P. Glen, hon. secs.; Rev. Henry Sta1mer, district
Boyce Edward W. insurance agent, 4 Castle meadow sec.), 12 Cedar road, Thorpe Hamlet
Eoyce Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobaccorrist, 123 Rupert street British Gas Light Company Limited (Thomas Glover, en-
Boyce John Robert, Nursery tavern P.H. 2I Nelson st gineer & manager; Clement George Frost,chief clerk) ;
Eoyce Reginald John, solicitor, 6 Bank street office, 3 r .Market place (T N 163) ; works, Gas hill,
Boyes Andrew, travelling draper, 2 Mancroft street Thorpe Hamlet (T N 3u) & World's End lane, St.
Boyes Chas. Andrew, travelling draper, I Exeter stree' Martin's at Palace. T N I63a
Boys' Home (branch of Norwich union) (Ernest W. British United Shoe Machinery Co. Ltd. 36 Colegate st
Miller, supt.; Mrs. Florence E. Miller, matron & as- Brittain George, baker, I Quebe<! road, Thorpe Hamlet
sistant supt.), I8 St. Faith's lane Brittain Henry, manager of Barclay & Company's Bank
Bracey Ernest Arthur, sJlicitor & commissioner for (St. Stephen's branch), hon. sec. to Board of Con-
oaths & deputy clerk to Norwich guardians, 6 Bank servators of the Norfolk & Suffolk Fisheries & agent
street. Telephone No. 409 for Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society, Io
Bracondale School for Boys (Francis Beane St. Stephen's street
Williams (London University), principal; assisted by Brittain Wm. Harvey, secretary & registration agent
resident & visiting masters), I3 Bracondale. See Norwich Central Liberal Association, 28 St. Giles st
advertisement Broadley Squad. Sergt.-Major E. drill instructor A
Br·adbury E. & Co. plumbers, 21 Distillery street Squadron Norfolk (King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeo-
Eradford Henry, laundry owner &c. 277 Aylsham road manry Territorial Force, C<J. ttle Market street
Eradley F. W. Limited, artificial teeth manufacturers, Broad water Sara.h Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeepr. 9 Hall rd
2I King street. See advertisement Brock Brothers, tailors, 53 St. Augustine's street
Eradley-Watson Cecil Hugh,sSurrey st Brock Kate Elizabeth & Annie Mary (Misses), dre~s
Bradshaw Ellen (Mrs.), hardware dealer, 172 Queen's rd makers, 19 Trory street
Erady Alfred Theobald, plumber, 39 Carshalton road, Brock Henry Benjamin, corn dealer, 419 Sprowston roaa
New Lakenham Brock John William, baker, 144 & 146 Ber street
Brahams David, tailor, I3 Bank plain Brooke William, surveyor of taxes (Norwich Ist Survey),
Brain J. L. county inspector to the County Council 28 Tombland
Education Committee, Shire house Brookes J oseph Whitehead, shopkeeper, t Merton road
Brandish Edward, Jolly Skinners P.H. 91 Oak street Brooks & Co. drapers, & post office, 136 Unthank road
Brant Thomas, fancy jeweller, & art emporium, silver Brooks John Robert, traveller, 6r College road
goods, decorative china & glass ware, fancy g()Ods, Breaks Joseph, chief sanitary inspector & inspector of
perfumery &c. 15 St. Giles st. & 23 Royal arcade common lodging houses, Municipal offices, Market pi
Brazell Ernest Arth. wakh maker, 24 St. Augustine's st Brook~ ~~m. Cooper, draper, 89 York st. & rr Rupert st
Brazell Henry Robert, china & glass merchant & dealer Hroom Robert, agent for Norwich & Norfolk Discharged
(late Spratt & Brazell), 30 The Walk, Market place Prisoners' Aid Society, 47 Beatrice rd. Tborpe Hamlet
Bream Alice E. (Miss), draper, 58 Old Palace road Broom Robert, Spear-in-Hand P .H. 27 Vauxhall street
Bream Emily (Miss), dress maker, 35 Orchard _street Broom William, Portland Arms P .H. 55 South well road
Breame Mary (Mrs.), coal dealer, 6o Holls lane, Hall rd Brosche Anton, hair dresser, 12 St. George street
Breed Geo. & Son, boot & shoe mfrs.54 St.Augustine's st Brough Emma (.\Irs.), Turkey Cock P .H. 40 Elm hill
Breed George William, boot manufactr. 13 & rs Sussex st Brown John & Waiter, shoe manufacturers, Nunns yard,
Breeze Edith & Alice (~Iisses), dress mas. 222 Silver rd St. Augustine's street
Breeze Alice F. (Mrs.), plumber, 70 Pelham road Brown Albert, shopkeeper, 95 Westwick street
Breeze William Edward, builder, 31 Nelson street Brown Alfred, chimney sweeper, Midland street
Bremner James Morrison Gardiner M.B., C.M. surgeon, Brown Alice (~irs. ), dress maker, 59 Guernsey road
r 8 St. Giles street Brown Charles, Royal Oak P.H. 132 Oak street
Brennan Rosa (.\Irs.), shopkeeper, 22 Dereham road Brown Charles John, architect & surveyor to the Norwich
Brenner Max, bazaar, r8 & 20 St. Stephen's street & Education Committee & surveyor to the Dean &
r6 Magdalen street Chapter of Norwich,Cathedral offices,The Close. TN832
Brereton Robert, carpenter, 69 Leicester street Brown Clement, stone & marble mason,gg Gloucester st
Breton Helen May (Miss), tea rooms, 2 Exchange street Brown Edward William, baker, 79, King street
Brett J. & Sons Ltd. house furnishers, I2 & IS St. Brown Ernest William, private school fur boys, 145 Un-
Benedict's street ,& rg Westwick street & antique thank road
furniture dealers, 21i Tombland & 34 Elm hill Brown Fredk. John, Jolly Farmers' inn, 5 Farmers aven
Brett Jonatha"J. & Co. china & glass dealers, 35 St. Brown George, shopkeeper, II2 St. George street
Benedict's street; 53 St. Stepben's street & 41 Mag- Brown George, window cleaner, 69 Union street
dalen street & undertakers, 55 St. Stephen's street
DllU~C'l URY. J NOl{FOLK. NORWICH. l 367
Brown George H. manager t~ Cooper-Brown & Co. Bulman Edward Charles, Coachmakers' Arms P .H. 9
brewers, & beer retailer, Church lane, Eaton St. Stephen'& road ;
Brown Harry, boot repairer, 4~ St. Martin's road Hultitude Ernest, Wounded Hart P.H. 17 St. Peter'il st
Brown Harry James, Steam Packet P.H. & pleasure boM Bunkell David, boot maker, 101 Unthank road
proprietor & ferry, 191 King street Bunkell John, bricklayer, 124 Philadelphia lane
Brown James Henry, draper, 19 Heigbam street Bunn Brothers, tomato growers, Aylsham road
Brown John, boot & shoe manufr. Fellmongers' yd.Oak st Bunn Alfred D. tomato grower, Upton road
Brown Joseph Wm. Royal Oak P.H.64 St. Augustine's st Bunn Alice (Mrs.), cab proprietor, 14 Unthank road
Brown Mary Ann (Miss), haberdasher, 32 Oak street Bunn Chal'les George, builder, rr8 Glebe road
Brown Robert, The Shuttles P .H. 10 Heigham street Bunn George, builder, 35 & 39a, Grapes hill
Brown Samuel, grocer, 171 Magdalen street Bunn John, apartments, 92 Chapel Field rot!.d
Brown Sa:nuel, Jolly Hatters P.H. 123 Cow gate street Bunn "\Valter Ezra, printer, see Mackley & Bunn
Brown Walt. boot manufr. St. Benedict's Church alley Bunn Waiter Julius, rate collector No. 6 district, 28
Brown William Henry,corn & flour dealer,214 Queen's rd Mill Hill road
Browne Abram, tailor, 33 St. Peter's street Bunnett Edward Mus.D.Cantab. professor of music &
Browne Albert Edward, bricklayer, 33 Southwell road organist to the corporation & the nave services in the
Browne Alfred Henry, leather & grindery dealer, 54 cathedral, I Grove terrace, Thorpe :road
Mancroft street Bunting Arthur & Co. Limited, wholesale & retail linen
Browne Annie (Miss), dress maker, 58 Magdalen road & woollen drapers, silk mercers, carpet, cabinet &
Browne .Arthur F. Bee Hive P.H. 7 St. Peter's st.Mancrft manchester warehouseman & boot .& shoe specialists,
Browne Charles Frederick, bail' dresser 6, & fishing St. Stephen's corner, Rampant Horse street & 2 & 4
tackle dealer 8, Timber hill St. Stepben's street
Browne Charles Thomas, boot repairer, 2 Church street, Bunting William Carter, printer, 78 Colegate street
Haymarket Burhidge Herbert, London Restaurant P.H. 14 Haymarkt
Browne Henry Geo. Ten Bells P.H. 78 St. Benedict's st Burcham Fredk. Wm. Alexandra P.H. q8 Old Palace rd
Browne Hy. Herbert, beer retlr. 9 Howard st. Grove rd Burcham llarry, butcher, 127 King street
Browne Kate Mary (Miss), draper, 2a, Trafalgar street Burcham 'Villiam, commercial traveller,6St.Mattbew's rd
Browne Waiter Christopher, builder, 28 Hall road Burchell John, wardrobe dealer, 27 Magdalen street
Browne Waiter Frederick, printer, 66 & 68 Grapes hnl Burden Rosa (Mrs.), furniture dealer, ro Sprowston rd
Browne Waiter Frederick, surveyor, 9 Heigham road Burdett Henry & Son, smiths, 194 King street
Browse Frank Edward, Duke of Fife P.H. 2 Thorn lane Buroett Benjamin William, heath ranger, The Lodge,
Rruff Frederick H. teacher of music, I4 Dover street Monsehold heath
l3rundell Charles, Black Eagle P.H. 20 Rupert street Burdett Fredk. William, shoeing smith, Heigham street
Brundell Joseph, Queen Victoria P.H. 51 Pottergate st Eurfield Jsph.M.B.,B.S., F.R.C.S.Eng.surgn.rrThorpe rd
Brundell Robert John, cork cutter, IOS Pottergate street Burial Board (Arnold H. Miller, clerk); offices, South
Brundish Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer, 49 West End st lodge, Cemetery, Earlham road
Brundish Hannah Maria (Mrs.), milk dlr. II2 Silver rd Burleigh George (Mrs.), dress maker, .2r Surrey street
Brundish Herbert F. boot factor, 126 Magdalen street Burman Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper, 264 Heigham street
Brundish Robert W. Dun Cow P.H. I49 Barrack street Bm·man Henry, bask~tt maker, 24 Cowgate street
Brunton James, tailor, 2 Connaught road Burman Robert, fishmonger, West End street
Bruton Abel, cowkeeper, Old Lakenham Burns Wm.Inglis,com.trav.I41 Rosary rd.Thotpe Hamlet
Bryan Hermann L.D.S.Eng. dental surgn. 26 St.Giles st Burrage .ArthuD, shopkeeper, 52 Mancroft street
Hryden Bertram, traveller, 32 Whitehall 1 • d Burrage Arthur Samuel, fishmonger, 79 Barrack street
Buck Charles, railway inspector, 4 St. M,!' i hew's road Burrage Frederick, fried fish dealer, I78 Oak street
Buck Fredk. Wm. assist. insur. supt. 8 Whitehall road Burrage George, shopkeeper, 2r & 23 Waterloo road
Buckenham Wm. tobacconist, 97 Prince of Wales road Burrage Henry, baker, 476 Sprowston road
Buckingham & Sons, boot & shoe manufacturers: sole Burr age J oseph, fried fish shop, 3 r Barrack street
agents for Willcox & Gibbs & Wanzer sewing machines Bun·age William Robert, boot & shoe ma. 4: Waterloo rd
& the "Dustaw" vacuum cleaner, 27 London street. Barrage William Robert, Fanciers' Arms P.H. 140 Oak st
T N 744 Burrfll Albt. Jas. Edinboro' Castle P.H. 8 Botolph st
Buckingham Claude S., P . .A.S.I. architect & surveyor, Burrell .Allan, painter, I4I Unthank road
na, Prince of Wales road Burrell Robert George, baker, 96 Oak street
Buckingham Ernest H., .A.R.I.B.A. architect &c. (firm, Bnrrell Thomas, shopkeeper, I St. Olive rd. Spencer st
Morgan & Buckingham), I Upper King street. See Burrell Wm. news agt. I22, & sbopkpr. 124, Magpie rd
advertisement Burridge James, stationer, Ia, Ber street
Buckingham Herbt. M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgn. I9Earlham rd Burroughes Charles Fitzpatrick, solicitor (firm, Blofield
Budrey Wm. Christmas, shopkeeper, 180 Old Palace rd & Burroughes), 13 Upper King street
Bugg Frederick J obn, leather merchant, I Fishergate & Burroughs George, sh"opkeeper, 33 Carrow road
grindery dealer, 7 Fye Bridge street. T N 895 Burrow Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 40 Pottergate -st
Bugg George, confecti.:mer, 4 Hall road Burrow Frederick, watch maker, 2II Queen's road
Bugg Martha (Miss),dress ma.II9Rosary rd.ThorpeHamlt Burrow Richard, watch maker, r6a, St. Stepben's street
Builders' Direct Supply Co. builders' mers. Queen's road Burrows .& Baker, boot makers, 63 Bethel street
Bull George, painter, 3 Dover street Burrows Anthony, White Lion P.H. 6 St. Martin's
Bull Jessie (Miss), apartments, 35 Crown road Palace plain
Bull Waiter, shopkeeper, Ior Ketts bill Burrows Arth.Brickmakers' Arms P.H.470 Sprowston rd
l3ullard & Sons Limited, brewers, maltsters, wine & spirit Burrows .Arthur Wm. shopkeeper, 409 Sprowston road
merchants & mineral water· manufacturers, Anchor Burrows Bertie, shopkpr. 39 Quebec rd. 'Ihorpe Hamlet
brewery, St. Miles bridge (T N 5); stores, at Station, Burrows Creswell M.A., M.D., B.O.Camb. assistant
Melton Constable, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Wells & school medical officer to the County Council, Shire ho
Dereham. See advertisement Burrows Enstace Hubert, refreshment rooms, City sta-
Bullard Arnold Robert, hair dres"Ser, r Redwell street tion, Station road
Bullard Ernest, Arcade Stores P.H. 24 Royal arcade Burrows Mary Ann (Mrs.), umbrelllt 'ma. 65 Grapew hill
Bullard Henry Joshua, fruiterer, 87 Unthank road Burrows ·waiter, baker, so Barrack street
Bullard Joshua, greengrocer, 62 Vauxhall street Burrows Waiter, cycle agent, 456 Sprowston road
Bullard Richard, horse rlealer, 21 River Side road Burtle William, pork butcher, IOI Dereham road
Bullard Robt. Wm. Robin Hood P.H. 108 Dereham road Burton & Preston, surgeons, 52 St. Giles street
Bullen Benjamin, watch maker, jeweller, goldsmith & Burton Charles, h1ir dresser, 73 St. Augustine's street
silversmith, I R9yal arcade.& 24 The Walk. T N IY2 Burton Fred, boot repairer, 88 Beaconsfield road
Bullen C. W. building inspector to the County Council Burton Frederick Charles, customs & excise officer &
Education Committee, Shire house inspector of corn rPtnrns, 27 Tombland
Bullen Henry Robert, antique furniture dealer, 25, 27, Burton John, Warwick Arms P.H. 2 Warwick street
37, 20, 24, 26, 28 & 30 Elm hill. T N r ro6X Burton John Edwd.architect, Victoria chmbrs.Bank plain
Bullen W. R. watch maker, 29 Lo11don street Burton Mary piiss), stationer, IS Dereham. l'Oad
Bullimore & Bullimore, chartered accountants, Old Bank Burton Robert, bricklayer, 142 Magdalen road
of England court, Queen street Burton Samuel Herbert M.B., B.S.Lond. surgeon to the
Bullimore Granville Havelock, chartered accountant Norfolk & Norwich hospital, factory Burgeon & medi-
(firm, 'Bullimore & Bullimore), Old Bank of England cal officer of health to Henstead Rural District Coun-
court, Queen street cil, 49 St. Giles street. T N 386
Bullimore Thom'ls, chartered accountant (firm, Bulli- Burtun Sarab Jane(~rs.),shpkpr.& post off.m3Thorpe rd
more & Bullimore), Old Bank of England et. Queen st Burton Thomas W'illiam, agricultural implement maker,
Bullock Frederick, fishmonger, 20 St. Benedict's street Cattle m~rket (saturdays only)
Bullock Marion (Miss), dress maker, 170 Queen's road Burton Waiter John, upholsterer, 40 Adelaide street

Burton-Fanning Frederick William M.D., F.R.C.P. phy- Callis & Everett, ladies' & gentlemen's tailors, breeches
sician & physician to the Norfolk & Norwich hospital, makers &c. I r Dove street
1 St. Faith's lane Caltborpe Peter Charles, hair dresser, 96 King street
Bury George, furniture dealer, 4 & 8 Redwell street Calton J oseph, boot & sbtte maker, 32 Barrack street
Busby Henry Edwin George, auctioneer, see Champion Calver A.lice (Mrs.), baker, 31 St. Benedict's street
& Busby Calver A.rtbur, boot maker, 9 G.rapes hill & boot re-
Bush Edward, Essex tavern, 67 Rupert street pairer, 26 Bowthorpe road '
Bush Edward, greengrocer, III Oak street Calver James, Railway Stores P.H. 2 Heigham street &
Bush Frank Parkinson, surgeon, see Hatch, Bush & 2 Station road
Marshall Calver Thomas, boot & shoe maker, ro St. Giles street
Bush George, wood turner, Towler's court, Elm hill Calver William (Mrs.), dairyman, 9 Grape~ hill
Bush James, grocer, 218 Heigham street Calvert Edwin Monta~u, solicitor & commissioner for
Bush James Gapp, monumental mason, 202 Queen's rd. oaths (firm, Foster, Calvert & Marriott), 2 Up.King st
& 39 Hall road Campbell Edgar, dining rooms, 20 Exchange street
Bush John, shopkeeper, 22 Coburg street Campbell Niel M.B., C.~I.Glas., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng.
Bush Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, us Midland street assistant school medical officer to the County Council,
Bush Percy, "hair dresser, 13 St. Stephen's street Shire house
Bushell k Co. umbrella makers, 5 Castle street; 26 Campling Alfred & Son, dyers & cleaners, 58 St. Gear~
Magdalen street & 66a, St. Giles street street & 64 London street
Bushell Henry Benj amin, shopkeeper, 14 Bull close Oampling Henry Joseph, painter, 44 Knowsley road
Bushell Herbert, baker, 83 Carrow road Campling Horace, Eagle P.H. 30 West Pottergate street
Bussey A.rthur, baker, 78a, William street Campling Mary (:Mi>s), bacon curer, 83 Magdalen street
Bm~ey Bertie Edward, White Lion P.H.IO White Lion st Campling Robert, lime merchant, 22I Sprowston road
Bussey Bertie Edward, commcl. traveller, I I Doris road Campling Samuel Waltsr, butcher, I Coldwell road
Bnssey Charles Reginald, motor engineer, see Payne, Campling Waiter, n~ws agent, 66 A.ylsbam road
Btissey & Co Campling Waiter, printer, see Easton & Campling
Bussey George, shopkeeper, so Silver road Campling William, grocer, I I Barrack street
Bnssey George Robert, Cherry Tree P.H. 43 Pitt street Campling William Handford, Perseverance P .H. 35 Ade-
Bussey Thos. Richd. antique furn. dlr. 9 Bedford street laide street
Butcher Albert, coffee rooms, 44 Pitt street Canham Claude Harold, watch maker, 112 Dereham rd
Butcher Ell en (Mrs.), fishmonger, II9 St. George street Canham Fdk. A.lbt. Geo. insurance agent, 33 Grapes hl
Butcher George, picture frame maker, S Rupert street; Canham John, builder, 6S Onley street, Unthank road
n8 Magdalen street & 7ra, Ber street Canbam Mindbam, shopkeeper, 61 Havelock road
Butcher Geo. F. draper, 8 Swan lane & 14 Bedford street Cann Robert, fried fish dealer, 177 Ber street
Butcher Henry, furniture broker, I92 Oak street Cannell & Sons, seed growers, 7 Farmers avenue
Butcher Henry Charles, painter, 34 Walpole street Cannell Albert, shopkeeper, 36 Rose lane
Butcher James, shopkeeper, 148 King street Cannell .A.rthur, butcher, 67 Duke street
Butcher Lottie (Miss), greengrocer, 138 Cowgate street Cannell Bessie H. (Miss), Catholic repository, 8 Un-
Butchers· Alliance (The) (R. Lee Bliss, manager), 27 St thank road
Andrew street Cannell Charles Stepben, sanitary inspector,6ChalkHill rd
Butler & Bacon, cake importers & corn & seed mer- Cannell Frank, pork butcher, 83 St. Benedict's street
chants, 13 & 15 Duke street (T N 14o); & North quay, Cannell Isaac, butcher, ro3 Bnll Close rnad
Great Yarmouth CannPll Ic~:-c Webster, linen draper, n6 Ber street
Butler & Hacon, importers of butter, eggs. cheese & Cannell ~LI :·;!Ja pirs.), shopkeeper, 3S Thorn lane
lard, Duke street. T N 140 Cannell Naomi (Miss), school, 30 A.ll Saints' green
Butler Arthur John, draper, 8 Bridewell alley Cannell Sarab (.Ylrs. ), butcher, 7S Barrack street
Butler By.Jackson,produce importer, see Butler & Bacon Capes William, chimney sweep, 77 Union street
• Butolph George Borace, traveller, 77 Park lane Capital & Counties Bank Limited (branch) (Sir Kenneth
Butolph Robert Billing, chief clerk to county court, 46 H. Kemp hart. & W. T. Stallard, joint managers),
Prince of Wales road & 132 Hall road I6, I7 & r8 The Walk, Market place; draw on bead
Butters William, greengrocer, 51 Waddington street office, 39 Tbreadneedle street E C
Buttle George, fishmonger, sB Westwick street Caplan Abraham, clothier, 39 Botolph street
Buttolph George Henry, jun. firewood dealer, IS Chapel Capon Edward Herbt. dentist, 31 St. Giles st. T N 924
street, South Heigham Capon Jack Cecil L.D.S.En~. dentist, 31 St. Giles street
Buttolph John William, shopkeeper, I81 Essex street Capps Mary .Ann (:VIrs.), fish fryer, 173 A.ylsham road
Buxton Charles, firewood dealer, 2I Midland street Care G. Limited, last makers, Victoria street
Bnxton Henry James, furniture dealer, 128 Cambridge st Carey A.lbert, confectioner, 8 Pitt street
Bygrave Albert Samuel, tobacconist, 126 Magdalen road Carey Frederick, fried fish dealer, 117 Ber street
Bygrave .A.Iice (Mrs.), beer retailer, 79 Westwick street Carey Harry, dairyman, 29 Churchill road
Bygrave Dennis, boot repairer, IS Golden Ball street Carey Jas. boat proprietor, The Bungalow, Heigham st
Bygrave Gladys 0. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, III Quebec road, Carey James, sen. boat builder, Little Buck's yd. Oak st
Tborpe Hamlet Carey J oseph Henry Ell is, hair dresser, 75 Oak street
Cable William, shopkeeper, 238 King street Carey Nellie (Mrs.), King Edward VII. P.H.A.yhbam rd
Cadamy Thomas, confectioner, 24 Surrey strPet Carlton Hotel (The) (commercial & family) (Mrs.
Cadge Edward, solicitor (firm, Copeman & Cadge), I2 ,J. E. Dennes, proprietress), 40 Prince of Wales road.
Bank street T .A "Carlton Hotel"
Cadman Fredk. tinplate worker, rga,St.Peter's st.Mancrft Carlton A.rthur, upholsterer, 199 King street
Cariney Frederick George, shopkeeper, I7 Wymer street Carman Robert, sexton to New Catton Church, 136
Cadywould Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 Oak street Magdalen road
Cage Sidney, builders' merchant, I I Walpole street Carpenter Laura (Miss), dress maker, 29 Grapes hill
Caisey Charles Lambert, tailor, 61 Dereham road Carr & Inge, millinerg, 8 Brigg street
Ca~ey A. J. &. Son Limited, cho-~olate & cocoo manu- Carr Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 36 West End street
facturers, Fleur de Lys works & cracker manufac- Carriage George, fishmonger, 19 St. Mary's
turers, St. James' works. Tel, 1080; Telegraphic, Carrington James, Roebuck inn, 47 Southwell road
" Chocolate, Norwich " Carrow Works Dispensary (Saville James Fielding ~LB.,
Caley A. J. & Son Limited, manufacturers of mineral B.S.Dnrh. medical officer), Kin~ strPet
water & brewed ginger beer by appointment to His Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited (John De Caux, agent),
Majesty the King, H.M. Queen A.lexandra & the 14 W estlegate street
House of Commons, & cider manufacturers, Chapel Carter, Steward & Co. wine & spirit merchants & im-
Field works. Tel. 1o8o; Telegraphic, "Artesian " porters & ale & 8tout merchants & bottlers, St.
Caley I. W. & Co. Limited, silk mercers to H.M. the Clemenb's, Fye Bridge street (T N 490) & I6 Exchange
Queen; H.M. Queen A.lexandra stre€t. T N 8S8
& H. R.H. Princess Christian,
Carter A.mbrose Waiter, saddler, II_"'l Barrack street
Carter Henry, fishmonger, 202 Old Palace road
court dress & mantle makers. Carter Jn. Quebec tavern, 97 Quebec rd. Thorpe Hamlet
milliners, :::.osiers, glovers & Carter J obn, watch maker, 20 Golden Ball street
ladies' & children's under- Carter Thomas H. branch cashier Norfolk & Norwich
Savings Bank, 65 Magdalen street
clothing warehouse, furrier~
Carter William Arthur, baker, 53 Fishergate
&c. 2 r, 23 & 25 London street. Carver Alfred, tailor, 8 Orford hill
Telegrams, "Caley Company, Xorwicb; Telephnne Carver Harry, grocer, 57 Earlha.m road
No. 269. See adver-tisement
.Carver Joseph, Eastern Union Railway tavern, x St. Chapman Alice (Miss), temperance hotel, 26 Cattle
Stephen'JJ road Market stre.ei
Carver Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 St. Saviour's lane Chapman Edwin, clerk, 41 River Side road
Carver William, boot & shoe maker, 154 Waterloo road Uhapman Eliza. (Miss), milliner, 95 Unthank road
Carver Wm. Benj. shoe bow manufactr, 47 Buxton rd Chapman Ellen (Miss), dress maker, III Gladstone stree'
Case & Steward, corn merchants, importers of linseed, Chapman Ernest Willie, baker, 39 Brunswick road
cotton, rape cakes, kainit, salt &c.; agents for Lawes'
Chapman Frederick Joseph, plumber, 1 Hall road
manures, Duke's palace (T N 83); & at South quay, Chapman Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1 Silver street
Yarmouth. T N 72 Chapman Henry, commercial traveller, I7 Chalk Hill rd
Casey William, coal merchant, M. & G. N. Joint Railway Chapman Herbert, cycle agent, 42 Duke st. T N g~I
coal depot, Heigbam street Ohapman J a.mes Leonil, Free Trade inn, 35 St. Peter's
Cash Boot Co. boot makers, 82 St. Benedict's street street, Mancroft
Caso George, hair dresser, I92 Heigham street Chapman Jeremiah George, principal of Norwich High
Castle Arthur, shopkeeper, II2 Midland street School for Boys, St. Giles house, 94 St. Giles street
Castleton George, grocer & draper, 7 Heigbam street Chapman Mabel (Miss), dress maker, 26 Princes 11treet
Caston Geo. Robt. pianoforte tuner, 105 Gloucester st Ohapman Maria. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Chapel street,
Catchpole Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I95 King street South Heigham
Catchpole Benjamin Harry, shopkeeper, gB Adelaide st Charles Frederick, commission agent, 4 Church 11treet
Catchpole Jn. milk dlr. IIO Armes st. North Heigham Charter Jarnes B.A. boys' school, Belle Vue house, 151
Catling Joseph Benjamin, grocer, baker, & post office, 29 Newmarket road
Carrow road Chase Henry Matthew, shopkeeper, I98 Heigham street
Catton Thomas Wm. shopkeeper, 95 Marlborough road Chastney Arthur William, builder, I Cyprus street
Causton E. (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 9 Prince Chettleburgh Jas. carter, I22 Quebec rd.Thorpe Hamlet
of Wales road Chettleburgh William, Cricketers' Arms P.H. City road
Causton Ebenezer John, accountant,g Prince of Wales rd Chettleburgh William, shopkeeper, I26 King street
Cave William Thomas, Lord Rosebery tavern, 94 Rose- Chiddick James B. sec. Norwich Mutual Loan Fund
bery road, St. Clement's hill Society, 35 Exchange street
Cawdron Lottie (Miss), apartments, 2 Stafford street Childs John R.stone & marble mason,II Chapel Field rd
Cawdron Mary (Miss), nurse, 2 Stafford street Chilvers Arthur Saml. pork butcher, 22 Botolph street
Caxton Press (The), printers (John W. Hardingham, Chilvers David, greengrocer, 22 Wensum street
manager), St. John Maddermarket Chilvers George, assistant insur. supt. 42 Essex street
Central Insurance Co. Limited (Frank H. Rogers, resi- Chilvers Henry, insurance agent, 29 Warwick street
dent inspector), 49a, London street Chilvers Horace Nelson, t-ailor, Dove Street chambers,
Chadwick Frederick, grocer, I Eaton street Dove street
Chalmers Robert Westland M.B., Ch.B. physician & Chilvers Louis a (Mrs.), apartments, 27 St. Stephen's sq
surgeon, 38 Magdall:'n road Cbipperfield Thomas, Coach & Horses P.H. I Coach &
Chamberlain Frederick, hosier, 45 St. Stephen's street Horses street, South Heigham
Chamberlin & Smith, importers of wines & spirit!! & Chittock Arthur & Co. boot & shoe manufacturers, 14
merchants, & agents for W orthington's ales in casks & Whitefriars street & Towle-r's court, Elm hill
bottles, & Rose & Co.'s oatmeal stout in casks & Chittock & Chittock, solicitors, 58 London street
bottles, 24 Exchange street. T A "Cbamberlin Chittock Gilbert Carsey, solicitor & commissioner (firm,
Smith;" T N 88 Chittock & Chittock), 58 London street
Chamberlin & Smith (late James Chamberlin),manu- Chittock Waiter, boot manufacturer, 49 Devonshire st
facturers of pheasants' & poultry food, dog food & meat
Christian Geo. Arth. baker, 7 Eagle walk, Newmarket rd
biscuit for dogs &c. 27 Exchange street. TA " Cham- Church & Sabberton, tomato growers, Upton road &
berlin Smith;'' T N 88 . Bowthorpe road
Chamberlin Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 Cowgate st Church William J. & Co. tomato growers, Bowthorpe rd
Chamberlin Thomas, bird cage maker, 17 Coslany street Church & Co. florists, I2 Prince of Wales road
Chamberlins Limited, silk mercers, wholesale & Church Army Labour Home (H. A. Day, ban. sec.; T.
retail, & woollen drapers, wholesale clothiers & man- Thorne, officer in charge), IS Palace street
Church of England Temperance Society (Rev. E. T.
Edwards, Lowestoft. diocesan organising sel!. ; Goose
& Son, agents), 2 Haymarket
Church of Eng-land Temperance Society, refreshment
rooms (Andrew Ha.ines, manager), I03 Ber street
Church oi England Young Men's Society (patron, the
Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Norwich; president,
Russell J. Colman esq. D.L., J.P. ; hon. warden, The
V en. Archdeacon Westcott ; treasurer, Geoffrey F.
Buxton esq. ; hon. clerical secs. Rev. W. A. Briggs
& Rev. F. J. Meyrick; hon. financial sec. Artbur D.
Sutton; sec. John Bevan), Orford place. T N I48
Church of England Young Men's Society Rowing Club,
23I King street
Church of England Young Men's Society Settlement
(Waiter E. Hansell esq. treasurer; R. W. T. Mace,
sec.), 47 Colegate street
Church Mis~ionary Society (Goose & Son, agents) ;
depot, 2 Hayrnarket
Churchman W. A. & A. C. (branch of the Imperial To-
bacco Co. of Great Britain & Ireland Limited), to-
r:hester warehousemen, family mourning, millinery bacco, cigar & cigarette manufacturers, 25 Exchange
&c. 4 & 5 Market place; & carpet factors, complete street; & at Ipswich
house furnishers, upholsterers, bedding manufacturers Churchyard Charles, builder, 111 Heigham street
& furniture removers, 3 Market place; clothing fac- Churchyard John, dining rooms, I8 Bridewell alley
tory, 30 Botolph street. See advertisement City Analyst (W. Lincolne Sutton F.I.C.), 3 Redwell st
Chambl:'rlin's Restaurant (Chamberlin & Smith, pro- City Asylum (for male & female pauper lunatics), Hel-
prietors), 26 Exchange street lesdon (David Rice M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H.
Chambers Thos. & Son, engineers, Gipsy lane, Earlham resident medical superintendent; .A.rnold H. Miller,
Chambers Arthur John, architect, 70 Bethel ~treet clerk to the visiting committee, Municipal buildings,
Chambers Frederick James, manager of the London & Market place)
Provincial Bank Limited, 30 London street City Club (P. C. Steward, hon. sec. ; George H. Jolly,
Champion & Busby, auctioneers, survevors •
& land & steward), 43 London street. T N 990
estate agents, 29 Tombland. T N 8I5 City Dve Works, 95 St. Giles street
Chandler George, grocer, go Prince of Wales road City Exchangll Co. (Edw. J. Green, manager), furni-
Chtiplin Albert E. sign & glass writer, Magdalen street ture dealers, I8 Bedford street
Chaplin Clarissa (Mrs.), baker, 24 Cobourg street City Police Station (Edwin Francis Winch, chief con-
Chaplin Richard, news agent, 82 St. Giles street stable), Guildhall, Market place
Chaplin William, butcher, Q5 Prince of Wales road City Repairing Co. smiths, Timber hill
Chaplin William, farmer, Church lane, Eaton Clabburn David John, plumber, 30 Newmarket street
Cbaplin Wm. Stephen, baker, 55 Grant st. Dereham rd Clabbum Edwin, plumber &c. I7 Pitt street
Chapman .Alfd. carpenter, x85 Armes st. Nth. Heigham Clabburn James Willis, plumber, 124 St. George street


Clabbnrns, solicitor!! & commissioners for oaths, Anchor Cocks Thomas, tailor, 139 Sprowston road
buildings, 23 Red Lion ~treet Cocks Walter Frank. hair dre~ser, 58 King street
Clancy Laura (.Mrs.), apartments, gB Thorpe road Coo A. E. & Son, photographic artists & photogra_phic
Clapham Everett, baker, 27 & 29 Bull close apparatus & materials; specialists in spectacles oli;.
Clapham Julia (Miss), teacher of music,r32 Earlham rd rimless eye glasses, 32 London street. T N 91
Claremont Constantine Cecil, surgeon, 149 Dereha;n rd Coe Edgar, corn merchant, 20 Aspland road
Claridge George Percival Charles M.B., B.S.Lond. sur- Coe Eliza Jane (Miss), Plough inn, r Market avenue
geon, hon. pathologist & bacteriologist to Norfolk & Coe Waiter, The Gate House P.H. Dereham road
Norwich Hospital, pathologist to Jenny Lind Infirm- Coen Albert William, photographer, 129 Cambridge stree11
ary & bacteriologist to Norfolk & Norwich Eye Coffee Cart Co. (Daniel Ca~seretto, mgr.), 64 King et
Infirmary, 64 Bethel st:reet. T N 648 Cogman Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper, 149 Ber street
Clark Catherine (Miss), ladies' school, 43 Newmarket rd Cohen Emanuel Lewis, stencil plate cutter, 16 Grout's.
Clark Henry Lewis, manager Royal hotel, Prince of thoroughfare, Timber hill
Wales road Col by R. & Son, printers & bookbinders, 3 Upper King sQ.
Clark Reginald Olney, motor engineer, 2a, Up. King st Coldham John Henry, grocer, Ia, Winter road
Clark Robert E. painter, 19 Paragon street Coldham Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, 24 Adelaide st
Clark Rose Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 231 Queen's rd Cole Alfred, Red Lion P.H. 79 Bishopgate street
Clark Walt. Ernest, corn. traveller, 63 Britannia road Cole Fred, traveller, 52 York street
Olark William George, journalist, 12 St. Philip's road Cole Garnet Walter, pork butcher, 54 Sprowston road
Clarke T. & Son, boot repairers, 88 Muriel road Cole Herbert Henchman, solicitor & commissioner for-
Clarke W. H. H. & Co. boot manufacturers, Willett'~ oaths, clerk & superintendent registrar of births ..
court, Ten Bell lane & 58 & 6o Pottergate street. deaths & marriages for the Blofield union & clerk t~
T N II54 the Blofield Rural District Council, 12 Bank street_
Clarke Arthur, draper, see Morris & Clarke T N IOX3
Clarke Charles, confectioner, 39 Magdalen street Colt> James, shopkeeper, 105 Lawson road
Clarke Charles James, picttue frame maker, 22 St. Cole Martha (Mrs.), nurse, 6 St. Clement's hill, New
John Maddermarket Catton
Clarke Charles William, corn dealer, 83 Dereham road Coleby Samuel, currier, St. Mary's plain
Clarke Edward, Rose P.H. 5 & 7 St. Augustine's street Coleman & Co. Limited, wine merchants; manufac-
Clarke Edward, shopkeeper, 67 Helena road turers of "Wincarnis," Wincarnis· works, Westwick st
Clarke Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 53 Potterg11.te street Coleman Edward Amond. builder, 9 St. Margaret's st
Clarke Em m a (Mrs.), greengrocer, 74 Ber street Coleman Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 128 Heigham st
Clarke Ernest, fishmonger. ro Trafalgar street Coleman Frederick, tailor, 30 Victoria street
Clarke Ethel (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56 Magpie road Coleman John, beer retailer, 65 Union street
Clarke Ettie (Miss). confectioner, 7 Back of the Inns Coleman M aria (Mrs.), Albert inn, 36 Ber street
Clarke Freder~ck Robert, corn dealer, 50 King street C0leman Wm. H. butcher, 63 Armes st. North Heigharn
Clarke Fredenck Wm. hardware dealer, 30 Trafalgar st Calk Edith M. (Mrs.), greengrocer, 14 St. Saviour's la
Clarke George, insurance agent, 2 Helena road Caller R. & Sons Ltd. coal, coli..e, cake & salt mer-
Clarke Jarnes Arthur, shopkeeper, 93 Waterloo road
Clarke Jn. Wm. police court missionary, 21 Sussex street
Clarke Louis a (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 104 Barrack st
Clarke Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 302 Heigham street
Clarke Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, I I Gordon road
Clarke Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 94 Pottegate st
Clarke Richard Elijah, gasfitter, 62 Helena road
Clarke Ro bert, cooper, ro Ber street
Clarke !Wbert, shopkeeper, 42 Spitalfields Coal Merchants by Appointment
Clarke Sydney, timber merchant, see Barlow & Clarke
Clarke William, boot make'!", 2'14 Dereham road To H.M. King George V. To H.M. Queen Alexandra...
Clarke William, bricklayer, 5 Raglan street
Clarke William Henry, electrician, 37 Wymer street chants; registered offices, St. Stephcn's gates ;
Clarke William John, boot maker, 40 Mountergate st depots, Victoria & Trowse stations ; & at King's Lynn,.
Claxton & Warren Limited, hatters, furriers, skin & Aylsham, Bu'xton, Diss, Hardingham, Reepham, Thet-
metal merchants, 48 Colegate street. T N 677 ford, Wymondham & Harling Road. T A "Collerp
Claxton Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ro2 Oak street Norwich; T N 171
Claxton Henry, butcher, 139 Aylsham road Collier H. & F. dog biscuits & pheasant & poultry food
Claxton James, tailor, So West Pottergate street manufacturers, Aylsham road
Claxton Waiter, Crown P.H. 71 St. Benedict's street Collier Charles, confectioner, 40 St. Stephen's street
Claxton William, boot maker, 33 Old Palace road Collier Spencer, refreshment rooms, 24 Lower Goat la
Claxton William, butcher, 137 Waterloo road Collin John Francis D.B.O.A. pharmaceutical chemist,.
Claxton William Hy. medical botani,.t, 4 Bridewell alley optician & eye specialist, 25 The Walk, Market place
Claybyn Alfred Pratt, carpenter, 49 Old Palace road Collins & Shorten,india rubber warehouse,r2 Orford hili
Clayden John, district rep. The Yorkshire Insurance Collins' Agency Limited, servants' registry office, 6~
Co. Limited, 30 Cattle Market street. T N 768 Prince of Wales road
ClemPnts Francis & Co. timber merchants & wood wool Collins Albt. Edwd. in sur. assistant mgr. 86 Dereham rd.
n1anufacturers, St. Margaret's saw mills, Westwick st Collins Arthur E., ~Linst.C.E. city engineer, surveyor·
Cletheroe Charles, plumber, 79 Park lane & architect, Municipal offices, Market pl. T N 247
Cletheroe Elsie Gladys (Miss), dress ma. 79 Park lane Collins Charles, tailor, 149 Magda.Ien road
Cleveland Arthur John M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Collins Ernest, fishmonger, 25 Botolph street
Land. physician & surgeon, 13 Thorpe road Collins Harold A.M.I.C.E. deputy engineer (borough),.
Cleveland George, insurance agent, 5 St. Mary's road 15 Cecil road
Clitheroe & Gray, shopkeepers, 43 Mancroft street Collins John Conrad, wardrobe dealer, 58 & 6o Ber street.
Clongh George, watch maker, 68 London street Collins Mabel (Miss), milliner, 91 .St. Giles street
Clough Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 24 St. Andrew street Collins Rose (Mrs.), dress maker, 52 Vauxhall street
Clowes & Nash, auctioneers, valuers, land, estate, Collins William, furniture dealer"' 49 Derby street
house & insurance agents ; quarterly register of Coils Percy R. commercial traveller, 14 River Side road
property to sell & let ; weekly sales of pigs, calves & Collyer D'Arcy Bedingfeld, solicitor & commissioner for
poultry; fortnightly sales of furniture & trade oaths, 9 All Saints' green
stocks; monthly sales of unredeemed pledges; offices, Colrnan H. P. & Co. wholesale & furnishing iron- •
Bank chambers, Bank plain. T N 137 mong2r:;, coach & saddlers' ironmongers, oil, calor,
Coan Henry Edward, boot maker, 67 Dereham road paraffin lamp & lead merchants, Rampant Horse street
Coan Stephen, boot & shoe maker, 91 Rupert street & 2 Red Lion street. See advertisement
Cobb Frederick, grocer, & post office, 479 SproVI'ston rd Colman J. & J. Limited, mustard, starch, corn flour &..
Cobbald Horace William, accountant, rs6 Dereham road laundry blue manufacturers, Carrow works
Coby Charles Wm. insurance agent, 104 Portland st Colman & Co. engravers, 2, 4 & 6 St. Andrew's hill..
Cochrane William Robert, branch manager l3arclay & T N rsYr
Company's Bank, 47 Magdalen street Colman Thomas Edward, insurance agent, 57 MuriPl rd'
Cockram Junious Henr>, West End Retreat P.H. r Colman Thos. Wm. upholsterer,see Robertson &; Colmall'
Browne street · Colman Waiter Tawell, pianoforte tuner, 42 Eagle st_
Qockrill Horace William, milliner &; fancy draper, 21 Newmarket road
Rampant Horse street Coltman Frank William, district supt. Britannic Assur-
Cocks Frederick Gardner, tailor, 21 Magdalen street ance Co. Limited, 67 Earlham· road
Cocks Henry James, greengrocer, 204· Essex street

Corner Emma (Mr!l.), wardrobe dealer, 35 :Elm hill Conick Wm. (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker,IB Grapes hill
Corner Geo. Trowel & Hammer P .H. 25 St. Stephen's rd Cory Robert Francis Preston M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited (Sir Land. house physician Norfolk & Norwich hospital.
Kenneth Kemp hart. district manager), Eastern St. Stephen'a road ;
branch, City chambers, Prince of Wales road Cossey Albert E. jun. baker. 11: Russell street
Constable Jas. Jn. collector of port due1, 14 Carrow rd Cossey Alfred Edward, baker, 160 Oak street
Convent of Sisters of ~otre Dame, & boarding school for Cossey John, chemist, 23- St. John Maddermarket
young ladies, Surrey street • Cottrell Ralph, fried fish dealer, 158 Heigham street
Cook H. E. & Son, watch makers, 7 Rupert street Coulson Jn. Hy. Pye, sanitary inspectr. 198 Dereham rd
Cook Alfred Edward Fisher, engraver, 39 Essex street Coulson William Pye, shopkeeper, 77 Oak street
Cook Alfred Waiter, brush maker, 7 Davey place Counties & General Insurance Co. Limited, Anchor
Cook Charles Wm. artificial teeth maker, 27 York st buildings, 23 Red Lion street
Cook Clement Crisp, horticultural sundriesman, Moun- County Analysts (Francis Sutton F.C.S., F.I.C. & W.
tergate street Lincolne Sutton F.I.C.); offices,3Redwell ~t. T N 758
Cook Gilbert S. P. tailor, 36 Exchange street County Constabulary (Major Egbert Napier, chief con-
Cook John Cyrus, boot & shoe warehouse, & post office, stable; chief clerk, Supt. Edward Seymour Woode-
68 St. Augustine's street son) ; head quarters, County Police station, Castle
Cook John Frederick, butcher, 16 St. Leonards road meadow
Cook Thomas, bricklayer, 27 Alien's la. Newmarket rd County Court (His Honor James Mulligan K. C. judge;
Cook Thomas G. insurance agent, II5 Stafford street Frederick William Cooke M. A. registrar & high bailiff;
Cooke A. W. & Son, musical instrument sellers, I9 St. Robert Billing Butolph, chief clerk), 4-6 Prince of
Benedict's street Wales road
Cooke Jas.& Son, artists' colormen,II Rampant Horse st County of Norfolk (Eastern Division) Weights & Mea-
Cooke .Alfred F. florist, 129 Old Palace road sures Office (.Albert Robinson, inspector), 24 Princes si
Cooke Bartholomew, boot repairer, Turner's court, St. County Treasurer's Office (Horace Charles Bolingbroke~
Benedict's street county accountant), Shire ho. T Nos. 995, 996 & 997
Cooke Corbett K. traveller, 38 Whitehall road Cousins Charles Edward, apartments, 54· Thorpe road
Cooke Francis John, superintendent registrar of births, Cousins Ernest, hair dresser, I23 Ber street
deaths & marriages for Norwich, Registry office, St. Cousins Rt. Jsph. boarding house, 4 & 6 St. Faith's la..
Andrew street Couzens & W or ledge, carpenters, :a Duke street
Cooke Frederick William M . .A. solicitor, district regis- Couzens Bartlett James, butcher, 6o Botolph street
trar of High Court of Justice, registrar & high bailiff Couzens John, grocer, 2a, Leopold road
to County Court, 46 Prince of Wales road Covell Sophia (Mrs.), baker, 6 St. Gregory's alley
Cooke William, Lame Do<T ,.., P.H. 68 Queen's road Cowell Elizabeth (Mrs.), smith, IS Fishergate
Cooke William, shopkeeper, 173 Essex street Cowell Henry James. seedsman, see Tacon & Coweli
Cooke William Robert, hair dresser, 6 Cowgate street Cowell Robert Edward, sign writer, 62 Hotblack road
Cooper (Nelson) & Cooper, land agents, auctioneers, Cowell Sydney, locksmith, 20 Peacock street
valuers & surveyors, 33 Prince of Wales rd. T N 683 Cowles Cyril Robert Burton, bon. sec. Norfolk County
Cooper R. A. >Limited, wholesale & manufacturinoo Football Association, 207 College road
confectioners, Albion works, King st. T .A " Cooper,'"' Cowling Marie Elise (Mrs.), baker, 68 Westwick street
Norwich;" T N 37 Cox F. W. & Co. furniture dealers, 11 St. Augustine's st
Cooper Wm ..Alfd.& Son,hair cloth mfrs.Hawkes yd.Oak st Gox W alter & Sons, provision dealers, 10 St.Benedict' s st
Cooper Albert, confectioner, 77 Barn road Cox Winifred & Agnes (Misses), day school, 37 Park la
Cooper Benjamin, shopkeeper, r65 Old Palace road Cox George, commission agent, 9 Redwell street. TA
Cooper Chas. shopkeeper, I3 Sayer's st. Heigha.m si " Shot, Norwich; " T N r 85
Cooper Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 Bishopgate street Cox Henry, King's Head P.H. 8 Castle street
Cooper George, dining rooms, 26 St. Benedict's street Cox Thomas A. secretary to Norfolk County Council
Cooper H. Nelson, land agent &c. see Nelson Cooper & Education Committee, Shire house
Cooper Cox William, rope & twine maker, 4 Scales green
Cooper Harry, coal dealer, 22 Derby street Cozens Randall, hair dresser, 9 St. Peter's street & l·
Cooper Henry, coal dealer, 76 & 78 William street White Lion street
Cooper Henry, fruiterer, 2a, Old Palace road Cozens Sydney, hair dresser, 8 Bank street
Cooper Henry, sen. shopkeeper, 49 Heigham street Cozens-Hardy & J ewson, solicitors, Castle chbrs. Opie st
Cooper John Benjamin, boot manufactr. 27 Bethel st Cozens-Hardy Basil, solicitor (firm, Cozens-Hardy &i
Cooper Lillian M. (Miss), milliner, 58 St. Giles street Jewson), Castle chambers, Opie street ,
Cooper Robert, Two Brewers P.H. 151 Magdalen !ltreet Cozens-Hardy Sydney LL.B. (firm, Cozens-Hardy & Jaw-
Cooper Robt. Herbt. beer retailer, xor Chapel Field rd son), solicitor, commissioner for oaths & clerk to-
Cooper Samuel, bird fancier, 21 Charing cross Norwich Consolidated Charities, Castle chambers._
Cooper Samuel, Pheasant Cock P.H. 3 Oak street Opie street
Cooper Stephen, hair dresser, 8 Bridewell alley Cracknell Charles, greengrocer, 27 St. Stepben's rQad
Cooper Thomas William, bricklayer, 35 Belvoir r..treet Cracknell Waiter, Great Eastern wine vaults, 75 St_
Cooper W. G., F.I ..A. joint actuary Norwich Union Life Stephen's street
Insurance Society, Surrey street Crafer William Hayhow, corn. travllr. 6 Hanover road
Cooper Waiter, pork butcher, 4a, Union ~treet Crane George, pork butcher, 110 Cowgate street
Cooper Wilfred James, carpenter, r6 Magpie road & Crane James .Arthur, shoeing smith, Midland street
Ca therine Wheel opening, .St. Augustine's street Craven .Agnes Mary (Miss), midwife, 5 Hill House road.
Cooper William, Wine {Joopers' Arms P.H. 30 St. Thorpe Hamlet
Augustine's street Crawford Osborn George, baker, 41 Goldsmith street
Cooper William Robert, solicitor & commissioner to ad- Creake Henry, tobacconist, I I Oak street ·
minister oaths, clerk to the city justices & clerk to Crick Emily (Miss), dress maker, 7 Lincoln street
the justices visiting private asylums, Guildhall Crickmore Hf>nrv,Lord John Russell P.H. 66 Dereham rd
Cooper-Brown & Co. (Charles Pear se, proprietor), brewers Cripps John, corn dealer, 3.2 Rupert street 1

& wine & spirit merchants, Eaton brewery, Church Crisp & Willirnent, boot manufacturers, 1 Calvert st
lane; & at Derebam. T N 2 Eaton Crome Robert, shopkeeper, 84 Trafalgar street
Copeland Daisy (Miss), dress ma.g8 Bury st.Unthank rd Cromer, Sheringham & North W alsham Post (The
Copeman & Cadge, solicitors (sat. only), 12 Bank street London & Norwich Press Limited, proprietors & pub-
Copeman & Sons, wholesale grocers & tea dealers, cheese lishers; published friday), 7 St. Giles street
& butter factors & provision merchants, also agents for Cronwr Steam Laundry Co. Limited (Fred. S. Culley~
Stoke Prior salt works, Davey place & Castle street sec.), Queen street
(T .A "Copemans ;" T N xgr); & Great rtrmouth Crook & West, nurses, Mount cottage, Rosary road.
Copeman James, grindery dealer, 32 Timber hili Thorpe Hamlet
Copland Leonard, insurance agent, 7 Livingstone street Crook .Arthur M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon.
Copley Waiter Isaac, painter, 3 Temple rd. New Catton & medical officer No. 4 district, 8o Prince of Wales
Copping Ernest Laban, assist. insur. agt.45 Patteson rd road & 49 Rose lane
Corbyn Amelia (Miss), dress maker, 18 Alexandra road Crook Edward, bank manager of Barclay & Company
Carder John Talwin, chemist & druggist, 31 London Limited, 77 St. Benedict's street
street. T N 108 Cropley HeTbert Godfrey, Barn tavern, 1 Derebam road
Cordery ~ary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Valentine st Cross & Co. corn, seed, oil cake, manure & coal mer-
Cordran Robert, baker, I33 Ber street chants, 35 Cattle Market st. T A "Crux; " T N 916
Corn Exchange (Thomas Foxhall, bailiff), Exchange st Cross Abiathar, motor engineer; mot{)r cars for hire;
Carnwell Benjamin, fnrniture broker, 117 Oak street repairs by .experienced workmen," Jenny Lind" g-arage,
Corporation Baths (Edwin Vickery, supt. ), St. Andrew st Bg Pottergate street. T A "Taxi, Norwich;" T N 1036
Corporation Weighing Machine, Bishop bridge
Cross Charles Bedford, solicitor & commissioner for Customs & Excise Offices (David More, collector of
oaths (firm, Barnard & Cross), 4 Surrey street customs & excise & distributor of stamps ; B. J.
Cross Fred, sub-sacrist, 59 The Close Sharkey & J. Abbotwn, principal clerks ),27 Tom bland
Cross Henry, shopkeeper, 110 Barrack street Outhbert Herbt. temperance hotel, 3 Tombland. T N 881
Cross James Gaul Helsden, farmer, Lower Earlham Cutler Frederick Waiter, painte-r, 2 Synagogue street
Cross Jane Eleanor (Mrs.), lace restorer, I Bishopgate 11t Cutmore John, .St. Paul's tavern, 20 Co-wgate street
Crosse Herbert M.D. surgeon, & surgeon to Jenny Lind Cntmore Mary Ann (MTI~. ). hakPr, 127 Barrack street
Hospital for Children, 6 Theatre street Cutting Henry Georgl!, baker, 113 Chapel Field road
Crosskill C. R. & Sons incorporated with George Rose Cutting Lucy (Mrs.), pork butcher, 45 St. Benedict's st
& Sons, late St. Stephen's; established 2 centuries), Cutting Thomas, manager, 25 Exchange street
cork importers, merchants & manufactmrers & brewers' Cuyler Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 6 St.. Paul's square
sundriesmen, mop makers &c. ; established 1810, Dady Frederick Jonathan, hair dresser, 26 Oak street
Calvert Street works. T N 954 Dady Henry James, butcher, 124 Ber street
Crosskill Wm. & Sons, tinplate workers, 16 Sussex st Dady Herbert Abraham, hair dresser, 107 Lawson road
Crotch Waiter George &. Son 1 modellers, plasterers Dady Robert William, hair dresser, 47 union street
& decorat{)rs, Fibrous plaster works, Sprowston road Daines Agnes Clara {Mrs.), draper, & post office, 34
(T N 562) & Magdalen road & show rooms, II Wensum Denbigh road ·
street. T N 186 Daines Charles Edward, Lord Nelson P.H.45 Trafalgar st
Crotch & Norwich Bill f>osting Co. Ltd. 5 Duke street Daines Edgar, commercial traveller, 109 Trinity street
.Crotch Herbert, Free Trade tavern, William street Daines George Edward, greengrocer, 43 Trafalgar street
!Crotch Isaac, tailor, 57 Essex street Daines Henry Benj. teacher of music, 9 St. Philip's road
..crotch Wm. mgr. Farrow's Bank Limited, Market place Daines J oseph, boot & shoe maker, 2r Connaught road
"Crow _\rthur W. commercial traveller, 33a, Thorpe rd Daines Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper, I6 St. Saviours lanP
•Crowe Frederick & Sons, printers, 11 Pottergate street Daines Maude (Miss),teacher of music,86 Connaught rd
"Crowe A lice (Miss), pork butcher, I62 Ber street Daines Octavius Frank, shoe knife maker, see Tompson,
~Crowe Edward, shopkeeper, 8 Waterloo road Daines & Son
. Crowe Fredk. Bowen, auctioneer, na, Prince of Wales rd Dakin & Co. tea blenders, packers & proprietors of Dak-
.. Crowe Harry, King's Arms P.H. 22 Hall road Indo Tea, 9 & I r Davey place. Telegrams, "Dakin .
"' CJrowe Wm. John, Elephant & Castle P .H. 120 King st Norwich"; Telephone, 214
~'ubitt & Sons, antique furniture dealers, q, 15 & r6 Dale William Edward, comcl. traveller, 67 Mill Hill road
Tumblnnd Daley George, bricklayer, 39 Long row, Waterloo road
·cubitt Albert Edward, insurance agent, 56 Derby street Dancocks George, White Lion P.H. 73 Oak street
Cubitt Charles, shopkeeper, 47 Peacock street Daniela Brothers Limited £by special appointment
Cubitt Frederick, dairy, 112 Magpie road seedsmen to H.M. King George V. & nurserymen to
Cubitt George, auctioneer, 14, 15 & 16 Tombland & H.M. Queen Alexandra), seed growers, nurserymen &
W ensum street florists. Head office, Royal arcade ; seed warehouses,
• Cubitt Matthew,hair dresser,45Quebec rd. ThorpeHamlet Royal arcade (T A "Daniels, Norwich; " T N 38) &
Cubitt William, insurance agent, 8o Caernarvon road Bedford street; nurseries & seed grounds, Newmarket
Cullen Frederick Spencer, chemist, 74 Magdalen road road (T N 39) & Ipswich road
Culley Fred S. & Co. chartered accountants, Queen st Daniels Alice (Miss), dress maker, 47 Gloucester street
, Culley Fred S. sec. to Norfolk Yachting Co. Limited, Daniels Annie E. (Miss), teacher of Ir.usic, 14 Botolph st
Queen street. See advertisement Daniels Ethel (Miss), teacher of music, 32 Northcote st
.. Culley Henry Read, solicitor, commissioner & coroner foi Daniels Nellie (Mrs.), news agent, 28 Ber street
the county of Norfolk (Norwich district), 12 Bank st Dauiel11 'fboma~ Wm. shopkeeper. 23 Cricket Ground road
!Culling Percy F. dairyman, 77 Vincent road Dann Henry, shopkeeper, 34 Bull close
.;Culling Waiter William, jobbing gardener, 6 Primrose Darby A. & H. decorators, Chatham street
place, Unthank road Darby Selina Watling- (Mrs.), :Xew Brewery P.H. go, &
• Culling William, bricklayer, 47 Eade road basket maker 92, Westwick street
•tCulling William, furniture dealer, 79 Suffolk street Darley Leah & Maud (Misses), dress mas. 31a,Thorpe rd
Cullingford Horace, rag merchant, 13 Botolph street Darling Harry Cecil Rutherford M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S.
Cullington Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 18 Heigham street Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. resident surgical cfficer Norfolk
Cullington Frederick, carpenter &c. 14 Bull Close road & Norwich Hospital, St. Stephen's road
.. Cullington Laura Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 30 Prince Darlow W. Limited, gun makers, 8 Orford bill
of Wales road Darrell Harrington Wyndham M.D., C.M., L.R.C.P.Lond.
!Cull urn John E. shopkeeper, 124 Nelson street !'lnrgeon, medical officer 3rri district Norwich union &
Cullum Ro bert Frederick, grocer, 8 I Pitt street deputy surgeon, Norwich police,surgeon to Odd Fellows'
• Culyer John & Son, leather dressers, 45 Duke street lodges & Independent Order of Foresters, surgeon Nor-
Oulyer Arthur, Old Theatre tavern, 17 Bethel street wich Public Medical Service & surgeon to Railway
· Culyer Edwd. Marquis of Granby P.H. 23 Bishopgate st Officers' & Servants' Society. 12 All Saints' green
Culyer Herbert Maidstone, rate collector 2nd district, Davey & Co. whole'iale & retail grocers, ro6 & 108 Ber st
179 Earlham road Davey John Alfred, draper, 240 & 242 Queen's road
· .Dunnell Thomas Arthur, lime burner, Church la. Eaton David (Corneille) & Co. merchants, 21 Do re street
Cunningham Fredk. William, but-cher, 74 Gloucester st Davies D. 0. S., B.Sc. coach, 25 Unthank road
..Cunningham Richard, boot maker, 6 Garden st.Thorn la Davies George Christopher, solicitor, clerk of the peace
Cupper Ellen (Mrs.),shopkpr.52 Esdelle st.St.-~ugustine'~ for Norfolk & clerk of the Norfolk County Council &
"Curl Brothers Limited, wholesale & retail warehousemen secretary to the Norwich Waterworks Co. Castle
& linen & -woollen drapers & house furnishers, Ram- meadow. T Nos. 995, 996 & 997
pant Horse street; Orford place; & wholesale & Davies Hugh Christopher, solicitor & commissioner for
manufacturing clothiers, Castle works, 54 Pottergate oaths, deputy clerk Norfolk County Council, deputy
street. TA "Curls, Norwich;" T N 261 clerk of peace, clerk to the Diseases of Animals Acts
Curl Eclward, draper, 27 The Walk, ~luket place Committee & to the Old Age Pensions Committee for
Curl William, Trafford Arms P.H. 6r Grove road Norfolk & sec. Norwich Corn Exchange Co. I I Prince
Currell Saqmel, shopkeeper, IS Bedford street of Wales road
Curry Robert P. commercial traveller, 53 Thorpe road Davis Elizabeth(Miss),nursing home,s & 7 Cambridge st
Curry Robert Thos. saddler & harness ma. 8 Orford hill Davis Thomas, boot repairer, 146 King street
Curs on J oseph, commercial traveller, 27 Sandrim;ham rd Davison Brothers, fruiterers, 101 St. Giles street
Curtis Benjamin, bricklayer, 111 Ma.,o-pie rd. & Duncan's Davy Dora (Miss), dress maker, 43 Cardiff road
court, Magdalen street Davy Henry, wine & spirit stores, IB Magdalen street
Ourtis Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 91 Heath road Dawt>s Albert Edward, fishmonger, 8 Beckhams yard,
Curtis Edward Geo. tobacconist, 59 Prince of Wales rd Cowgate street
Curtis George, builder, 53 Chapel Field road Dawes Arthur, wardrobe dealer, 24 Colegate street
Curtis John, shopkeeper, 137 Cowgate street Dawes Charles, painter, 15 Calvert street
Curzon George Henry, Reindeer P.H. IO Dereham road Dawes George, painter & decorator, Rose cottages, Den-
Cushing Horace, tailor, 3-12 Dereham rd. & Lobster lane mark road, New Catton
Cushion A. & W. timber merchants & importers of deah Daws Robert & Son, carpenters, 145 Dereham road
& a large stock of oak, ash, elm &c. in planks &. Daws Henry Waterhouse, goldsmith, see Allen & Daws
boards, St. Benedict's mills, Barn road. 'l' N 663 Dawson Brothers, printers.see Thorndick & Dawson Bras
Cushion Brothers, english t1mber merchants, Orchard Dawson Elizabeth (~rs.), baker, II2 Waterloo road
turning mills, Heigham street Dawson Elizabeth (:\'lrs.), beer retailer, 17 Waterloo rd
Cushion Fr~derick A. shopkeeper, 4I union street Dawson Elsie (Miss), dress maker, 18 Kimberley street
Cushion William, boot maker, I52 Silver road Dawson George Judd, traveller, 13 Cambridge street
Custance George Francis, shopkeeper, 13 Palace street Dawson He~ter (Miss), milliner, _q Philadelphia lane
Dawson Isabella (Mrs.), draper, 138 Magdalen street
Dawson James, shopkeeper, 2 Leicester street, York street Dickerson Henry Juhn, chair manufacturer, see Bennett
Dawsun James R. news agent, 63 St. Stephen's street & Dickerson
Dawson James T. fruiterer, 27 West Pottergate street Dickerson Waiter, Paul Pry P.H. 45 Grapes hill
Dawson .lane (Miss), draper, 3 8t. Augustine's street Dickerson Watts, jun. butcher, 85 Alexandra road
Dawson John, carcase butcher, ~ Dravton
~ . road Didwell Arthur, shopkeeper, 37 Ketts hill
Dawson John, G-uildhaU Stores P.H. :a Market place Diggens & Co. house furnishrrs & removers, carpet
Dawson ~Iartha (.\Irs. ). shopkeeper, 9 c St. Leonards rd warehousemen, sack, bag &; rope manufactnrrrs, stack
Dawson Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, g3 Lawi!on road covers, wagon & cart waterproof covers &; mats &
Dawson Thomas. butcher, I04 Magdalen street mattings, 21 Bedford street. T A "Diggen~. Nor-
Dawson Waiter Renben, grocer, 3g Barrack street wich ; " T N 634 I
Daw!lon Wm. Thorndick,cbemist,74 & 76 Prince of Wales rd Dig gins John, shopkeeper, r6a St. George street
Day & Blaxland, surgeons, 3 Surrey street Dimmock & Son, printsellers & artists' materials &
Day Donald Douglas F.R.C.S., M.B., B.S.Lond. surgeon fancy goods dealers, 66 London street
(firm, Day & Blaxland ), & surgeon Norfolk & Norwich Ding Richard, house agent, 39 All Saints' green
hospital, 3 Surrey street Dingle Henry W. shopkeeper, 64 Angel rd. New Catton
Day J ames, wheelwright, 28 Vauxhall street Dinner Kitchen for the Poor (Miss Orfenr, hon. sec.).
Day James William, butcher, I5ga, Unthank road 6g Fishergate
Day Mary (..\Irs. ), apartments. I2 Lady's lane Dipple George Henry & Son, jewellers, 21 Castle street
Day Thomas, shoe maker, 2r Timber hill & 2 Swan lane
Day William, Jolly Butchers P .H. I25 Ber street Disney Hattie (Mrs.), baker, 40 Oak street
Daynes (J. W. C.), Son & Keefe, solicitors, Opie House District Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Courli.
chambers, Castle meadow. T N 232 of Justice (Charles Herbert Wilkinson, registrar; Benj_
Daynes Thomas & Son, boot manufrs. 25 Oak street Richard Gold Watlihg, chief clerk), 65 The Close
Daynes Alfred W. journalist, 28 College road District Visiting Society (Henry J. Copeman & Col. s_
Daynes Frederick Slater, wood dealer, Old LHkPnham Garerd Hill, hon. secs.; Artbur H. C. Taylor, acting
Daynes Gilbert William, solicitor (firm, J. W. C. Daynes, sec.), 14 Rampant Horse street
Son & Keefe), Opie House chambers, Castle meadow Diver & Son (late Norgate), wine & brandy importers&.
Daynes Harriett S()pbia (Mrs. ),shopkeeper,gs Adelaide st brewers' agents, Surrey corner, 7 St. Stephen·s street
Daynes .Tames Varna, sole sewer, 22 Golrlen Dog lane (Telephone 673); & at Great Yarmouth
Daynes Jane (Mrs.), fried fish dlr. 28 Chester st. York st Dix Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Leopold road
Daynes Jessie (Miss), dress maker, 109 Magpie road Dixon .Albert James, Alma tavern, ga Pottergate street
Daynes John, hair dresser, 29 Rupert street Dixon Noah, wheelwright, 76 Union street
Daynes John William Crook, solicitor & commissioner for Dockett James, shopkeeper, 28 Thorn lane
oaths & solicitor to Norwich Di~trict Building Society Dodson J obn, tea, provision & gT'OCery stores, 28 London
(firm, J. W. C. Daynes, Son & Keefe), Opie House street; branches, I3a, Derebam road; 32 Magdalen
eh ambers, Castle meadow street; I Hall road, Lakenham; 49 Rupert street &;.
Daynes J os€ ph, fried fish dealer, 2I De re ham road 128 Magdalen road; warehouse, I2 Castle meadow
Daynes Thomas, Hot Pressers' Arms P.H. 15 Oak street Doggett George, tailor, 22 .Ashford street
Daynes William, fried fish dealer, 2 Westlegate street Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited, 47 & 49 London street.
Deacon Jessie (Mrs.), leather glove maker, 5 St. John Donovan Augustin, gold blocker, so Botolph street
Maddermarket Dare John Edward, Wheatsheaf P.H. r4 Bethel street
Deacon William, fried fish dealer, 2 .St. Stephen's plain Doughty Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 1 Green Hills road
Dean & Palmer, tailors, 7 ~arket place Doughty Minnie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I I Grout's thorough--
Dean & Chapter's Choristers' School (J. H. Brockbank, fare, Timber hill
master), The Close Doughty's Hospital (Mrs. R. Oliver, matron), Calvert st
Dean Hettie (:\irs.), fancy draper, rg Wymer street Douglas Adelaide (Miss), dress maker, 23 Portland st
Dean James, shoe maker, II7 Bull Close road Dougla.S George, grindery dealer, 72 St. Benedict's street
Deary Frederick, butcher, 57 St. George street Douglas Robert Bruce, beer retailer, I Branford road
Deary William, shopkeeper, Losinga road, Tborpe Hamlet Douse Joseph, Golden Can P.H. go St. George street
Death Arthur, painter, g5 Connaught road Dove John, blacksmith, White Hart yard, Ber street
De Carle & Son, manufacturers of De Carle's solid fruit Dowding John, furniture dealer, 3 Nile street
juices &c. & wholesale druggists. St . .Au~stine's st Downe James, Bell commercial hotel (leading commer--
De Carle Horace Edwd. pharmacist, 9 St. Augustine's st cial house) ; commodious stock rooms ; central posi-
De Caux John, furwurding agent, I4 Westlegate street tion; electric light throughout; 'bus meets trains,..
Deekes A. E. county inspector to the County Council Orford bill. T.N. I3L See advertisement
Education Committee, Shire house Downes Harry & Co. (successors to the ladies' depart-
Deetch Percival Stanley, traveller, I2 Parker road ment of Todhouse & Co.),ladies' tailors & dress makers,.
Delahunty Philip John, shopkeeper, 51 St. Leonards rd 5 Queen street. T.A. ··Costumes, Norwich; "T.N.982:
Delf Frederick Richard & Sons, grocers, I Rupert street Downes John Hy. hawker, 28 Railway st.North Heigham
Deller Frederick William,shopkeeper,46 Bishop Bridge rd Downes Lucy (Mrs.), greengrocer, 2 Wellington lane
Delves Thomas, baker, 68 Magdalen street Downes Robert, shopkeeper, 78 Oak street
Denham Philip S. shopkeeper, 31 Angel rd. New Catton Downes Thomas, boot maker, IB5 Ber street
Dennes Charles & Co. Limited, house furnishers, r7 & Downing & Son, builders, Park lane
19 St. John Maddermarket Dowson Frederick, commission agent, 19 Castle meadow.
Dennes J. E. (Mrs.), Carlton hotel,4o Prince of Wales rd T N IIg
Dennes John, traveller, 85 College road Dowson William, painter, 82 St. George street
Dennington Charles. boot maker, Surrey grove Drackett Mary Ann (:Mrs.), apartments, 14 Cathedral st
Dennington James F. boot repairer, I58 Nelson street Drain Albert Henry, clothier, 69 Botolph street
Dennington Waiter, market gardener, 261 Aylsham road Drake Artbur, apartments, 7 Cathedral street
Dennington William, fruit grower, St. Clement's bill, Drake Arthur, shopkeeper, 183 Ber street
New Catton Drake Daniel, mineral water manufacturer, 23a, St.
Dennis George, china & glass dealer 85, & grocer 87, Benedict's street
Prince of "\\'ales ruad Drake Edgar Henry, tailor, I2o Magdalen street
Denny Artbur, Queen's Head P.H. go St. Giles street Drake Edward, shopkeeper, 93 Oak street
Denny George Campbell, wardrobe dealer, 47 Botolpb st Drake Ellen (Mrs.), grocer, r St. Augustine's street
Denny John Harvey, chemist,& post office,I02 Thorpe rd Drake Francis, grocer. 148 Dev<Jnshire street & carriage
Denny Rosa (Mrs.), confectioner, 2I Stafford street builder, Heigham ~treet
Dent Dowson, relieving officer for North Heigham, 158 Drake Fredk. J. temperance hotel, 49 Prince of Wales rd
Dereham road Drake Gertrude Ellen (~1i~s), milliner, 22 Angel road,
Dent ~ary Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Ten Bell lane New Catton
Dent ~fichael Hudson, saddler, 34 King street Drake Waiter, shopkerper, 14I Ber street
Dent William James, greengrocer, 43 Lewis st. Grove rd Drake William, Spread Eagle P.H. 35 Sussex street
Desborough Edward, Mile Cross inn, Aylsham road Drane George, jobbing gardener, 114 Old Palai:e road
Dewbery Anne (~rs. ). shopkeeper, 33 Merton road Drew J oseph W. shopkeeper, 77 Lincoln street
Dewhery John, buot & shoe manfr. 12 Old Palace roa..l Driver Charles Henry, coffee rooms, ro St. Andrew st
Dewbery William, boot repairer, 5 Grant street Ducker Herbert Fro;;tick, printer, 64 Belvoir street
Dewing Walter Setb, eng"lish timber mer. 54 Aylsbam rd Ducker May (Miss), teacher of music, 75 Cambridge st
Diamond Hand Laundry(S.E.Butler, propr.),.Aylsham rd Duckett Andrew, boot rrpairer. 13 Chapel st.Sth.Heigham
Dickersun .Artb. tin plate worker, 28 Douro st.Dereham rd Duft', Morgan & Vermont t..irnited, motor &
Dickerson Beatrice (Miss),shpkpr.65Millers la.NewCatton eledrical enzjneers & agents for all makes of cars &l
Dickerson Charles, shopkeeper, go Old Palace road accessories, Victoria garage, St. Stephen's road (T .A
Dickerson George, shopkeeper, 33 Fishergate "Garage;" T N 40I) & works, St. Stephen's street

Dnffield Ernest, fishmonger, 145 Magdalen street Eastern Counties Rubber Co. 9 Wbite Lion street
Dufiield George, butcher, I I Heigham street Eastern Counties Shooting Agency (Keith & Smith), 13
Dufiield Levin a (Mrs.), confectiontlr, 26 St. Swithin's ter Prince of Wales road
Duffield Robert, butcher, 30 Rupert street Eastern Daily Press (Norfolk News Co. Limited, pub-
Dugdale Arthur E. shopkeeper, Fishers lane lishers), 57 London street
Dugdale Edward, King's Arms P.H. 8 Ber street Eastern Evening News (Norfolk News Co. Limited), 51
Duge Horace Edgar, motor engineer, Chapel field north London street
Duncan Albert Kirk, provision dlr. 62 & I9 St. Giles st Eastern Sports Co. (A. J. Rudd, manager), cricket,
Duncan Charlotte (~rs. ), fruiterer, IO Queen street tennis &c. manufacturers, 13 Princes street
Duncan Herbert, hosier, 75 St. Giles street Eastern Weekly Press (Norfolk News Co. Limited; pub-
Duncan J on a than William, tailor, 2 St. Giles street lished friday for saturday), 57 LondDn street
Duncan William Waiter, tailor, 131 Magdalen street Eas.tbaugh George, painter, 56 Grove road
Dunham Edmund L. carpenter, I07 Drayton road Eastick Emma (Miss), milliner, 16 Patteson road
Dunham Frank, beer retailer, 253 Northumberland st Eastick Ernest George, news agent, 94 King street
Dunham Harry Frederick, butcher, 86 Waterloo road Ea stick Frederick Robert, hair dresser, 3 I Stafford st
Dunham Herbt.Edmund,Mariners' tavern,39 Mariners' la Eastick James William, music teacher, I6 Patteson road
Dunham Rmsell Chas. shpkpr. I Globe st. Sth.Heigham Eastmans Limited, butchers, I8 Lower Goat lane & 36
Dunham W illiam John, architect, 3 Opie street Magdalen street
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co.Limited,g¥'rince of Wales rd Eastoe Charles W. Duncan Arms P.H. 49 Magdalen street
Dunmore Thos. H. corn & flour mer. I02 St. Benedict's st Eastoe Waiter John, draper, 22 Pelham road
Dunn Isaac, shopkeeper, 12 Thorn lane Easton & Campling, printers, 32 St. Augustine's street
Dunn Ronald, furniture removBT, 19 Pitt st. T N gX3 Easton Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56 Barrack street
Dunn Ronald Fredk. furniture remover, I6o Waterloo rd Easton Frederick, news agent, 82 street
Dunt Edward (Mrs.), costumier, 70 Prince of Wales rd Easton George, grocer, & post office, 40 Cowgate street
Dunthorn Charles, White Swan P.H. I54 Magdalen st Easton Haylett Wm. insurance a-gent, SI Knowsley road
Dunthorne Samuel, fried fish dealer, ng Barrack street Easton Minnie (Mrs.), Flower-in-Hand P.H. 20 Pitt st
Dunthorne William, Wrestlers' P.H. 58 Barrack street Easton Thomas, greengrocer, 22 St. Augustine's street
Dunton Edwin, printer &c. see Kidd & Dunton Limited Ratan Dell Bowling Club (T. J. Taylor, sec.), Eaton st
Durham Isabella Mary (Miss), confr. u3 St. Benedict's st Eaton Working Men's Club (John Smith, hon. sec.),
Durrant Arthur John, boot maker, 37 St. Leonard's rd Eaton street
Durrant Harry, cab proprietor., 22 Surrey street Eaton Frederic Ray (firm, Overbury, Steward & Eaton),
Durrant Robert Henry, shopkeeper, I Russell street solicitor, notary & proctor, registrar of the archdea-
Dyball C. & A. E. tailors, 35 St. Giles street conry of Norwich & commissioner in the supreme courts,
l>yball Frank, Crocodile P.H. 27 Heigham street IS Upper King street
Dyball Horace, wholesale ironmonger, see Gunton, Ecclestone Alfred, apartments, 47 Rose lane
Sons & Dyball Ecker Lewis & Son, outfitters, 9 St. Benedict's street
Dye Alfred George, tailor, 55 Prince of Wales road Ecker Hyman, tailor, 7I St. George street
Dye .Anna (Mrs.), fishmonger, 22 Adelaide street Edafbi Co. patent medicine vendors, 25a,Chapel Field rd
Dye George, carpenter, 129 Essex street Eddington Alexander, grocer, tea dealer & provision mei''-
Dye Hannah (Miss), shopkeeper, 74 Mousehold street chant &c. 23 The Walk, Market place. T N 213
Dye Waiter James, plumber, I90 Nelson street Edmonds Mary & Maude (Misses), dress makers. 82
Dyke Martha (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 22 Peacock street Bury street, Unthank road
Eade Sir Peter M.D., F.R.C. P .Land. physician (retired). Edmonds James Williarn, jobbing gardener, 82 Bury st
Consulting physician to the Norfolk & Norwich Edmonds Wm. Jas. miscellaneous dlr. 77 Devonshire st
hospital & the Jenny Lind Infirmary, 68 St. Giles st Edwards & Holmes Ltd. boot & shoe manfrs. Esdelle st
Eades Enos, boot maker, 72 Union street Edwards & Son, boot & shoe manufacturers, 52 Colegate
Eagle Motor Co. motor engineers,Eagle st.Newmarket rd street (T N 496) ; 56 Pitt street & 36 Botolph street
Eagle Swimming Baths (H. Baldry, proprietor), Helford Edwards Alfred, baker, 88 Waterloo road
street, North Heigham Edwards .Alfred, boot repairer, :; Trafalgar street
Eagleton Arthur Joseph, cycle maker, 14 Upper Goat la Edwards Arth. shoe ma. I Waterman's yd. Westwick st
Earl Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2II Heigbam street Edwards Charles, grocer, 68 Stafford street
Earl Charles William, Plough P.H. 58 St. Benedict's st Edwards Edward J. road contractor, gravel & stone mer-
Earl Claude, shopkeeper, I9I Philadelphia lane chant, Plumstead road
Earl Ebenezer, Pineapple P.H. 47 St. Martins lane Edwards Elizabeth Ann (Miss), nurse~, I6 Trix road
Earl Geo.Thorne,Gibraltar Gardens P.H.3oo Heigham st Edwards Ellis William, baker, 31 & 33 Peacock street &
Earl James, chimney sweep, I74 St. George street I I4 Ea de road
Earl Rosetta (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 85 Gladstone street Edwards Harry, working cutler, 54 St. Augustine's st
Earl William Waiter, greengrocer, I36 Cambridge street Edwards Lily (Miss), dress maker, 78 Rupert street
East Anglian (I st) Brigade Royal Field Artillery, Terri- Edwards Mark W_ watch maker, 56 Denbigh road
torial Force (Lieut.-Col. R. E. A. Le-Mottee R.F ..A. Edwards Mindham Samuel, shopkeoeper, 56 Gladstone st
commanding officer; Capt. D. K. H. Hunter R.F.A. Edwards Robert George, shopkeeper, 59 Northcote road
adjutant ; J oseph Hayward, brigade sergt. -major; Eriwards Thomas, shopkeeper, 46 Pottergate street
Major G. W. Daynes, commanding No. 2; Major S. Edwards Thomas, tailor, 64 York street
G. Alien, No. 3; .Battery Sergt.-Major James Bourne, Edwards Thomas C. shopkeeper, I05 Portersfield road
instructor 2nd battery; Battery Sergt.-Major J. H. Eglen William Frank, baker, 57 Oak street
Hannant, instructor 3rd battery; East Anglian Am- Eglintun Kenneth Wm. M. tailor, see Moll & Eglinton
munition Column, , commanding; Eglinton Wm. James, Old Black Horse P.H.23St.Giles st
Sergt.-Ma.jor J. Hughes, instructor), Old Militia bar- Egmore Alice (Miss), preparatory school, 35 Trinity st
racks, All Saints' green Elders & Fyffes Limited, fruit importers, 18 Bethel st
East Anglian Cinematograph Theatre Ltd. (Edward J. Electric Joinery Co. Limited, 22 Rupert street
Protheroe, manager), Haymarket Electric Theatres (Igo8) Limited, cinematograph
East Anglian (2nd) Field Ambulance R..A.M.C. Terri- theatre, St. Andrew street
torial Force (Lieut.-CoL J. H. Stacy, commanding; Eley HB-'Ilry, grocer, 4 Union street
HorP. Lieut. E. J. Edwards, transport officer; Hon. Elliott Thomas Baines, boot & shoe maker, see Bowhill
Lieut. R. S. Mason, quartermaster; Sergt.-Major Jas. & Elliott
Connell, instructor); head quarters, 44 Bethel street Ellis Bepjamin Harry, fruiterer, I63 Magdalen street &
East Anglian Game Protection Society (CharlPs Row, greengrocer, 6 St. Georg-e street
sec.), I Re dwell street Ellis Bert, fruitereT, 7I Dereham road
East .Anglian General Agency (William H. Tborold, Ellis Carolina (Mrs.), greengrocer, 2 Rupert street
manager), City chambers, Prince of Wales road Ellis Edie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 63 Spencer street
East Anglian Traders' Association (Harry Edward Alden, Ellis Ernest, boot & shoe manufr. 399 Sprowston road
sec.), I2 & I4 Exchange street Ellis Ernest John, news agent, 63a, Prince of Wales rd
East Norfolk Conservative & Unionist Association (John Ellis George Ernest, greengrocer, 56 Essex street
Joseph Crane M.N.S. sec. & agent), Dove Street Ellis Harriet (Mrs._), Uherry Tree P.H. 78 Hall road
chambers, Dove street Ellis Helen (Madame), court dress m a. 66 St. Giles st
East Harold, engraver, 8 St . .Andrew's hm Ellis James, William the Fourth P.H. Telegraph lane,
Eastern Counties Farmers' Co-operative .Association Ltd. Thorpe Hamlet
(William Samson, sec. & treasurer; regd. office, 86 Ellis Sam, fruit merchant, 5 White Lion street
Princes st. Ipswich), 32 Cattle Market street. TN 643 Ellis Samuel, fruit & potato merchant, Bull Close road
Eastern Counties Mineral Water & Ale & Porter Bottle Ellis Samuel James, currier, 15 Fye Bridge street
Exchange & Trade Protection Society Limited (George
W. Beeston, sec.), King Street Old brewery
.Ellis William, agricultural implement manufactnl"er & Fiddy Herbert Robert, White Hart hntel {commercial),
dealer, 10 Farmers avenue (sats. only); & at Thurton jobmaster & funeral carriage proprietor, St. Peter's
Ellis William, fried fish shop, 7 Barrack street street, Mancroft. TA "Fiddy, J obmaster, Norwich; "
:Ellis W illiam, greengrocer, 37 St. Augustine's street TN 6I3
"Ellis Wm. BeTgham, vegetable salesman, Fruit market Fiddy Robert Hick, furniture broker, I77 Essex street •
Ellison Mlilses, toy dealers, I Dove street & tobac- Fiddyrnont Daniel James, linen draper, I3 Wensum st
con1sts, 9 St. Stephen's street Field Herbert J. greengrocer, 2:l & 24 St. Benedict's st
Ellison George Thomas, tobacconist, 6 Market place Field Laurie (Miss), tobacconist, 30 Suffolk street
.Ellison John Step hen, tobacconist, 7I London street Field Louis, Kings' Arms P.H. 5 Bethel street
Ell wood Ro bert Crickmore, registration officer for the Fielding James :M.D.Vict., M.B.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin.
parliamentary & municipal city of Norwich, IS Hay. physician & surgeon, I8 The Crescent, Chapel Field rd
market Fielding Kenneth Hubert, auctnr. see Hunter & Fielding
Elmer Reuben, dairyman, roa, Rampant Horse street Fielding Saville Jas. M.B., B.S.Durh. surgn.33 Bethel st
Elsegood Alice (Mrs.), butcher, 66 St. Augustine's st Fielding Thomas, beer retailer, I45 Magdalen road
Elwin Robert Arthur, baker, 25 Ketts hill Fields Anne (Mrs.), apartments, 16 Victoria street
l';lwin Samuel, shopkeeper, 42 Lawson road Finch Shadrach, chimney sweeper, I St. Miles' alley
Ely William, jun. chimney sweeper, Talbot yard, Oak st Fire Brigade & Engine House (under superintendence of
Emms William & Sons, house furnishers, linen drapers, chief constable of city police), Pottergate street
dress makers &c. & tailors, 3, 5 & 7 Lower Goat lane First Day School Coffee Cart Co. coffee rooms, x6
:Emms HeTbert Arthur, tailor, 4 Trinity street W ensum street
Emms 1Villiam John, house furnisher rg, & draper 2I, Firth J oseph, builder, 20 Wingfield road
Pottergate gtreet Fish Chas. Queen of Hungary P .H. 49 St. B~medict's st
Empson Horatio George, grocer, I Onley st. Unthank rd Fish J ames, boot repairer, I 11 St. George street
:England William, coal merchant, Fye Bridge wharf, Fye Fish ~ate (Miss), dyer, 6 Distillery street
Bridge street (T N 845) & 23 The Close Fish Lucy (Miss), shirt maker, 34 St. Stephen's road
English John Wm. & Son, grindery dlrs. moSt. George st Fish SI. Duke of Connaught P.H. 72 Prince <Jf Wales rd
:English-Swedish Import Co. merchants (R. S. Mason, Fish Waiter, hair dresser, I64 Old Palace YOad
manager), 5 Castle meadow Fish William, painter, 7 Bull close
:English J oseph, chemist, I03 St. Giles street Fi!lhor A. (Mrs.) & Co. fancy drapers, 26 Old Palace rd
..English Lawrence William, solicitor & commissioner for Fisher & Co. (Norwich) Limited, baking & egg powder
oaths, Victoria chambers, Bank plain manufacturers, Calvert street
Evans Frederick Henry,boot & shoe ma. 94 Magdalen rd Fisher Ernest, hair dresser, ng Belvoir street
::Evans James, builder, 49 Nelson street, Dereham road Fisher Fdk. picture frame maker, go St. Benedict's st
Evans James Henry, paperhanger, 57 Helena road Fisher Frederick, stationer, IOS Dereham road
Evans Lydia (Mrs.), Black Horse P .H. Io Wen sum street Fisher Ge:ngeo H. tobacconist, 76 Barn road
Evans William Thomas, paperhanger, 6o Edinburgh road Fisher Harry F. news agent, 238 Dereham road
"Everard William, manager, 27 Ella road Fishe1' John, shoe maker, 94 Trinity street
..Everett Charles, Bakers' Arms P.H. 9 Ber street Fisher John J ames, Mortimer's hotel, 34 St. Giles street
Everett .Ernest William M.RC.S.Eng. surgeon, II Fisher J ohnny B6'Ilj am in, builder, Bee Podd & Fisher
Theatre street Fisher Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Adelaide street
"Ever~tt George, tailor, see Callis & Everett Fisher Richard, butcher, I36 Cowgate street
Everitt Henry Reeve, solicitor, commissioner for oaths, Fisher Thoma!!, butcher, 7 Oak street
patent agent & notary public, see Watson & Everitt Fisher Vincent Simon, baker, I72 St. George street
Erersley William Finder M.A., B.C.L. barrister-at-law Fisher William, greengrocer, I24 Cowgate street
& recorder of Sudbury, I3 Upper King street Fisher Wilham Atton, plumber, 36 Stafford street
Factories & Workshops (H.M. Inspectors of) (Thom!Ul Fisk Henry, greengrocer, 11 Grapes hill
Crawford Taylor, district inspector; Charles Edward Fisk John, beer retailer, I 11 Adelaide street
Whitelaw, inspector; David Kerr, assistant inspector), Fiske Leslie Albt. news agt. 63, & hair drssr. 6s,Duke st
I4 Rampant Horse street Fison Edward, maltster, Victoria maltings, Southwell rd
Fairhead John, gardener, 55 Heigham road Fitelson George, bazaar, na, St. Benedict'-s street
Fairman George, Red Lion P.H. 52 Eaton street Fitt George & Son, auctioneers, 13 Castle meadow
.Fake W. &. G. (late W. E. Fake), artesian well borers Fitt S. W. & Co. furniture removers, 67 Ber street
& tube well drivers, well sinkers & pump makers; Fitt Cyril Herbt. Christian, chemist, IS St. Stephen's rd
all kinds of pumps fixed & repaired (established 1724), Fitt Frederick William, furniture remover, Rose lane &
Angel road, New Catton. See advertisement skating rink, see< Bostock & Fitt
l'"ake Alfred Herbert, artesian well borer, tube well Fitt J arnes, carter, 66 Bull Close road
driver, well sinker & pump maker, pumps fixed & re- Fitt John Henry, Swan P.H. 79 Cowgate street
paired, I87 Aylsham road Fitt Noaa Darby, butcher, II2 Ber street
Farquhar Hugh, tailor, I Orford hill Fitz:gerald George, boot repairer, I Palace street
Farrow Edith (Mrs.), shopkeepeT, 3 Esdelle street Flack James M.B., B.Ch. surgeon, & medical officer
Farrow Ernest Waiter, cam. traveller, 53 Britannia rd, Norwich Friendly Societies' Medical Institute, g
Farrow Frederick, butcher, 8I St. Benedict's street Lady's lane
Farrow George, hair dresser, I64 King- street Flage Fdk. Chas. musical instrument dlr.2o Wensum st
"Farrow Oscar, St. Faith's tavern, I7 Mountergate street Flanders Fred, cycle depot, 2I Prince of Wales road
Farrow William (Mrs.), jobbing gardener, 31 Eagle walk, Flatt & Co. bookbinders, Walpole street
Newmarket road Fleming, Reid & Co. Ltd. hosiery stores, 42 London st
Farrow William, market gardener, Eaton road Fletcher & Son Limited, wholesale & retail stationers,.
Farrow Wm. J sph. saddler & harness ma. 23 Hayrnarket letterpress, lithographic calor printeTs, bookbinders,
Farrow's Bank Limited (William Crotch, manager), die sinkers, relief stampers & account book manufac-
Market pl.; draw on London office,I& 2 Cheapside EC turers, Castle works, Davey place & Theatre street
Fawcett Frank H. hair dresser, I Lower Goat lane l'letcher W. & R. Lim. butchers, 7 White Lion street;
Feek James Hall, architect & surveyor, 59 He-igham rd I Magdalen street ; 19 St. Stephen's street & I2a,
Feek John, shopkeeper, 2I. Ely street Brigg street
• Feest Richard, shopkeeper. 39 Lothian street Fletcher James, confectioner, 104 St. Benedict's street
Fell A. & Co. tailors, 22 Bridewell alley Fletcher James, jun. confectioner, IS Rose lane
Fell Thomas, Wild Man P.H. 29 Bedford street Fletcher's Time Table, Castle works, Davey place &
Fell Thomas William, hair dresser, 32 Denbigh road Theatre 11treet
"Fell William, compositor, 37 Magdalen road Flint John, colliery agent, 69 Temple road
Fenn Edward Alfred, shoe maker, 28 Adelaide street Flogdell Harry John, grocer, x6 Magdalen road
"Fenn John Arthur, tailor, IS Wensum street Flood Henry Harford, tailor, ID Redwell street
Fenn Leonard H. house decorator, 123 Magdalen street Florence Edward, fish dealer, 58 Oak street
Ferguson Wm. Jas. artificial teeth mfr. 1a, Earlham rd Florence George, fi~hmonger, I6 Waterloo road
"Fern> William Aldham, shopkeeper, 95 Waterloo road Flowerdew Frederick, engineer, 34 Albany road
Ferri;t EmmR. (Mn1.). shopkeeper, 42 Sussex street Flowel"'!l Arth. Wm.greengro. 6, & butcher 8,Aylsham rd
'Fiddaman Thomas John, fishmonger, 99 Quebec road, Flowers Frank James, printer, 7 Bethel street
Thorpe hamlet Foad Annie (Miss), watch maker, 43 St. Stephen's street
Fiddament Arthur. The Bull P.H. 40 Bull close Folk Alfn>d, grocer. :ro Trory street
• Fiddament John Matthew, pawnbroker, 3 Ma(J'dalen<"'
st Folkard Florence (Mrs.), shopkeper, 114 Ber street
r Fiddy Robert W. & Co. corn merchants, 29 St. Peter's Folkard John, shopkeeper, I3I Waterloo road
street. Mancroft Folkard Thomas, cabinet maker, Fountain yard, St.
. Fidrly Donald Anthony, beer retailer, Prison road Benedict's Btreet

Foot James Nathaniel, postmaster, Prince of Wales rd Frost Robt. house breaker, The Watering, St.Martin's rei
Ford James, chimney sweep, I47 Barrack street · Frost Sydney, coffee rooms, I3 Rupert street
Ford John, chimney sweep, 40 .Anchor street Frost Wm. paperhangings warehouse, g Lower Goat la.
F11r·d Robert, pianoforte tuner, 6o St. Stephen's road Fry .Ad a (Mrs.), ladies' school, 8o Grove road
Fordham & Potter, picture frame mas. 33 Timber bill Fryer Arthur, shopkeeper, 32 Horns lane
Foreman George, sole sewer, 36 Calvert street Fulcher Geurge, bout repairer, 14 Rutland st. York st
Foreman Geo . .Arthur, Whalebone P.H. I44 Magdalen rd Fulcber Henry, coal dealer, 34 Orchard street & M. &.
Forrester James Brown, land & estate agent, 32 Prince G. N. joint railways coal depot, Heigham street
of Wales road Fulcher J ame!!, dining rooms, 34 Market place
Forster Robert, florist, 137 Magdalen street; I27 Mag- Fulcher John, greengrocer, 44 Milton street
dalen road & I I St. Benedict's street Fulcher Robert. Beaufort P.H. 1 Prince of Wales roacf
Forster Walrer, apartments, 7 Queen street Fuller & Co. Ltd. chemists, IB Rampant Horse street
Foster, Calvert & Marriott, solicitors, & clerks to the Fuller Alfred Walt€r, assessor & collector of income ta~-~
Sea Breach Commissioners, 2 Upper King street · 29 Tombland
Fo~ter Charles Blackwell (firm, Foster, Calvert & Fuller Charles, Recruiting Sergeant P.H. I20 Ber street.
Marriott), solicitor, commissioner for oaths, deputy Fulltlr E. M. (Mrs.), milliner, IS Prince of Wales road
coroner for Nor folk (Norwich district) & acting nnder- Fuller Florence (Miss), grocer, 2 Bell road
o;heriff for the county, 2 Upper King street Fuller Fred, Bedford Arms P .H. 13 Bedford street
Foster George Thomas, cabinet maker, 17 Golden Dog Fuller Henry, painter, 59 Portland street
lane & 25 Colegate street & furniture dealer, 2oa, Fuller J ames, boot & shoe maker, 4 Synagogue street
Magdalen street Fuller John, shopkeeper, 272 King street
Foster's Parcel Express Company Limited (John De Fuller Stephen, apartments, 6 River Side road
Caux. agent), 14 Westlegate street • Fuller Waiter. landscape gardener, 3 Northumberland sll
W'ountain Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 71 Lawson road Fuller William, firewood dealer, Market lane
Fowell, Woolsey & Thorold, solicitors, 5 Opie street Fuller William J. boot repairer, 2 Fishers lane
Fowler Thomas, baker, 2 Trory street Funnell Charles Henry, boot maker, 157 .Aylsham road
Fo•de~· William, coal merchant, 70 Queen's road Funnrll Robert. shopkeeper, 158 .Aylsham roan
Fox E . .T. & Sons. totacconists, 28 Timber hill
Fox Hugh & Sons, wholesale London, Birmingham &
Furse Hy. Edwd. Little John P.H. 142 Northumberland
Furze Lily (:Miss), dress maker, 38 Stacy road
Sheffield warehousemen, cutlers & dealers in haber- Furze Margaret Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. 30 Devonshire st
dashery & small wares, 21 & 22 Haymarket. T N 586 GafTrr Thomas, sewing machine agent 98, & shopkePper
Fnx Edward Stearman, hosier & glover, roo St. Bene- Ioo, Ber street
dict's ~treet Gage Oswald & Co. stock & share brokers, Exchange-
Fox Frederick Charles, insurance agent, 2 Gladstone st chambers. Exchange st. T.N. 382; T . .A. "Consols.
Fox Harriet (Mrs.), dress m a. 8 Chapel loke, Surrey st Norwich"
Fux Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 41 Lewis st. Grove rand Gale Richard, shoe maker~' tool dealer, 49 Pottergate st
Fox Herbert James L.D.S.Eng. dental surgeon, 38 PrincP Gale William, black~mith, Wade's court, St. Stephen's st
of Wales road Galer F. Bertram B..A , F.I.A. assistant sec. to the-
Fox John, news agent, 28 St. Leonard's road Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, Surrey street
Fox John, tailor, 51 l'atteson road Galey \Valter & Son, tailors, 4 .All Saints' street .
Fnx Richard John M.D., D.P.H. surgeon (firm, Odhams Galey Samuel, Bee Hive P.H. 67 St. Benedict's street
& Fox), 70 St. Giles street Gallant J. & Co. shoe knife makers, Arabian Horse yard.
Fox Ruth Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, 46 Goldsmith st 0Hk i<treet
Fox William, market gardener, Old Lakenham Gallant Benjamin, provision dealer, 43 Union street
F yson Robert Burragey carpenter, 4 Rose lane Gallant Elizh. (Mrs.). earthenware dlr. 6r St. Martin's la
Francis & Back, solicitors, 22 St. Giles street, T N 389 Gallant Horace. fruiterer, 72 Magdalen road
Francis & Co. fancy goods dealers, 16 St. George street Gallant John, fruiterer & greengrocer, 30 Magdalen st
Francis Alfred Ernest, John Bull P.H. 57 Union street Gallant Morris, coal merchant, 61 York ~treet
Francis David, antique furniture dealer, 9 Wensum st Gallpen Charles Gaunt, printer & publisher, 10 Potter-
Francis David William, cabinet maker, I04 Rosebery rd gate street. T N 293
Francis Edward Arthur, corn. trav. 20 Golden Dog lane Galpin Gertrude (Miss), toy de3ler, 20 Royal arcade
Francis Fdk. Wait. Earl of Leicester P.H. Dereham rd Gamble Geor<;!e Henry, pawnbroker, 73 St. Benedict's ~t
Francis William, shoeing smith, Royal Oak yard, St. Gant Henry Millett, insurance agent, 50 Esdeile !ltreet
.Augustine's street Ga.rdiner & Lacey, chemists, 3 St. Gile~ street
Franldin Benjamin, fishmonger, 1 Cross lane Ga.rdiner & Co. mantle makers. 16 Lnndnn street
Franklin Ell en (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 53 Lothian street Gardiner John .Albert, tailor, 56 Bethel street
Franklin Frederick, bricklayer, 3I union street Garland & s~ms, ~eneral drapers, 13, IS & I7 London st
Fransharn Abigail (Mrs.), baker. I5a, William street Gan:er Frederick, hair dre~>"er, 129 Magdalen Atreet
Frary Waiter, greengrocer, I73 Philadelphia lane Garnham George, bookbinder, 63 Pottergate street
Fraser Jas. travelling draper,27 Mancroft st.Dereham rd Garrard Rowland Robin~on, !!hopkeeprr. 120 .Atme!l !!tree~
Fraser Mary (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 86 ~ates Charles Sydney, shopkeeper, r6 West End street
Chapel Field road Gaul George, Britons' Arms P.H. 9 Elm hill
Fra.zers' Joinery Co. Limited. manufacturin!! joiners. Gay Frederick Henry, boot repairer, I 89 Essex street
& saw mills, St. Martin's Palace plain. T N 82o Gay John, decoratOI·, see Weeks & Gav
Fredman .Alexander, confectioner. 83 Prince of Wales rd Gay John Henry, cabinet maker, see Weeks & Gay
:Freeman W. & Sons, cabinet makers, 30 Ber street Gay William, boot & ~hoe' rep~irer, so Denbigh road
Freeman Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger, n8 Cow gate st !Tay 1Yilliam, commission agent, QS Gladstone street
Freeman George, nurseryman, 3I Edinburgh road Gayford Brothers, 1:\"a~fitters, 64 Grapes bill & Duck lam~
Freeman Herbert, greengrocer, 49 Ber street Gayfnrd Lucre tin (Mrs.) .dress m a. gSt. M artin'sPalace plain
Freeman Hugh, carpenter, 99 Nicholas st. Crook's place Gayford RaRe (Mrs.), dress ma. 20 Northumberland st
Freeman J ames. boot repairer, 106 Cowgate street Gayford Thomas W. honse agent, ~~ Dereham road
Freeman John, cabinet maker, 17 Thorn lane Gaymer Betsv (:~irs. ), butcher, za, Swansea road
Freeman William, hair dresser, 38 Elm hill Gaymer Ernrrst, pork butcher, 48 Silver road
Freeman William, hair dresser. 52 St. Au~ustine's street Gaymer Violet (Mi~s), teacher of music, 2a, Denbigh rd
Freemasons' Lodges (Union No. 52; Social No. 93; Gayton Sydney, dairyman, 109 Churchill road
Perseverance No. 2I3; Cabbell No. 807; Sincerity :Ko Gaze Ellen (Mrs ), milliner, I8 Bull Close road
Q43; & Walpole No. I,soo); also Chapter & Mark Gaze William W. photographer, 36 Vauxhall street
Mason lodges, Royal George, Cabbell, Perseverance, Gedg-E" Horace Jrmes, tailor, Ioo Magpie road
Clarence, Rose Croix & Cabbell Preceptory with Wal- Gee William Coke, cigar merchant, see Miller k Co
pole Mark & Bridge::nan .Ark Mariners' lodges, 47 St. General (.Accident, Fire & Life) .Assurance Corporation
Giles' street Limited (Eastern Coun'ties branch) (L. C. Besant,
Freeston Herbert, yeast merchant,58 Prince of Wales rd residrnt ~ec.). General cham hers, Re dwell street.
Free stone W. W. & Son, grindery dealers, 17 Colegate st T .A " Gaflac. Norwich ; " T N 414
French Albert. artist, IO Chapel Field north General Post Office (James Nathaniel Foot, postmaster)F
French Arthur, hair dresser, 36 Hall road Prince of Walrs road
French William. paperhang-er &c. IIO Magnalen 11trret G~neral Steam Navig-ation Co. Limited, Mounter gat€ st
Friends' First-Day School Coffee Cart Co. (.Alexander General (The) Traders' .Association (Thomas Wallacer
Eding-ton, sec.), 7I Heigham street manager), 3 Prince of Wales road
Frost & Barrett, tool wareho. 3 St. John Maddermarket Gentry .Arthur F., F.S.A . .A. city accountant, Municipal
Frost Charles, dyer & cleaner, 150 Essex street offices, Market plare
Frost Francis, greengrocer, I9 St. Augustine's street George William & Sons. curriers, St. Lawrence lane,
FroiSt Frank, greengrocer, 92 Magdalen street St. Benedict's street & Lord Howe yd. St. Benedict's st.
George Alfred, draper, 7 St. Benedict's street Cffiddard William, cab proprietor, 13 Newmarket road '
George Emily (Mrs.), groct-r, 12 Surrey street Goddard William, shoe maker, 7 Midland street
George George Robert, watch maker, 24 St. Giles street Godfrey & Co. hand-wrought hO'Siery & knitting & ladies
George Harry, draper & milliner, 3 Earlham road underclothing warehouse, I9 London street
George Robert, linen draper, 38 Ber street Goff Edward M. ladies' & gents' tailor, 13a, St. Bene-
George Waiter Thomas, carpenter, All Saints' green dict's street
Gibbs & Wailer Limited, lithographers, printers, pub- Goft' Herbert .Johnaan, tallow melter, lard refiner, bone
lishers & bookbinders, 22 Colegate street. T N 767 crusher, grease maker, dog, poultry & pheasant
Gibbs Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 61 Heath road greaves manufacturer; engine oil & disinfectants,
Gihbs Fredk. boot & shoe ma. I Cherry st. New La.kenham Mile cross, Aylsham road. TA "Tallow, Norwich"
Gibbs Robert Marston, shopkeeper, 63 Guernsey road Goffin Herhert George, Lamb inn, Hayma.rket & wheel-
Gibbs Robert Nelson, shopkeeper, 6I Heath road wright, Thom lane
Gibson J. T. & Sons, practical church plumbers & cast Goffin James, boot maker, 29 Queb~ rd. Thorpe hamlet
sheet lead manufacturers, 57 Wymer street; works, Golden William James, whitesmith, 5 Upper Goat lane
The Lake, Heigham road Golden William John, The Distillery P.H. 48 Dereham rd
Gibson Arthur, carter, Old Barge yard, King stre·et Golder John, french polisher, 63 Beaconsfield road, Mag-
Gib son Edwin, Jolly Maltsters P .H. 255 King street dalen road & 54 Colegate street
G ibson Harry, cowkeeper, 5 I Belvoir street Golder William John, shopkeeper, 106 Oak street
Gibson Harry John, hair dresser, I Union street Goldie Thomas Inglis, architect, 9 Bank plain
Gil::son Ro bert, laundry, 44 Philadelphia lane Goldie Waiter Leigh Mackinnon F.R.C.S.Eng., M.R.O.S.
Gibson Waiter Moses, wine & spirit merchant, refresh- Land. resident medical officer Norwich Isolation
ment contractor & general caterer; plate & cutlery, Hospital, Bo"l'l"thorpe road
marquees & tents any size up to 100 feet on hire ; Guiding Albert, house furnisher, 72 Churchill road.
balls & dinners catered for, Shirehall hotel, 25 Cattle Sprowston road
Market street Goldspink William, Sons of Commerce P .H. 30 Thorn la
Gibson William, hair dresser, I47 Magdalen street Goldsworth Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 77 Bishop gate si
Gidney Henry James, solicitor (sat. only), 9 Bank plain Gooch Frederiek William, slater, g8 King street
Gidney Louisa (Mrs.), confectioner, 87 Ber street Gooch George Buckle, tobacconist, 39 Rose lane
Gifford Brothers, shoe manufacturers, Pipe Burnen' Gooch Thomas William, grocer, 3rb, Thorpe road
yard, St. Benedict's street Gooda James Albert, White Horse P.H. Crook's place.
Gifford Thos. Jas. Fountain P.H. 8g St. Benedict's st Chapel Field road
GilbeTt J. Wilson & Co. solicitors, 12 Upper King st. Goodchild Herbert, solicitor & commissioner for oath~
TN 587 27 Castle meadow. T N 306
Gilbert Edward Piwng, furniture dealer, 69 Barn road Goodings Ameli a (Mrs.), shopke'eper, 42 Russell street
Gilbert Edwd. Pilling, jun. sign 'Writer, 6ga, Barn road Goodings Maria (~rs.), shopkeeper, 45 Calvert street
Gilbert John, cashier, 6o Plum stead road Goodings Sarah (Miss), nurse, I4 Queen's road
Gilbert John Clifford Wilson, solicitor (firm, J. Wilson Good rick Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 33 Bishop gate st
Gilbert &· Co. ), 12 Upper King street Goodrum Alfred Benjamin, agent for Singer sewing
Gilbert John Wilson, solicitor (firri], J. Wilson Gilbert machines, 24 Waterloo road
& Co.), & clerk of the peace for the city of Norwich. Goodrum Jane Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 31 William st
12 l'"pper King st. ; res. Cringleford lodge, Cringleford Goodson George, shopkeeper, Q4 Mousehold street
Giles Alice (Mr~:~.), draper, 63 Trafalgar street Goodswan William, beer retailer, 30 Bishop's Bridge rd
Gi:es Hammond, manager of the National Provincial Bank Goodwin H. L. (Mrs.), milliner, 3 Castle street
of England Limited (branch), 36 London street Goodwin Robert, carpenter & joiner, 103 Philadelphia b
Giles Henry,land & estate agent,see Garrett Taylor & Co Goodwings Waiter, shopkeeper, r6o Nelson street
Gile~ Hylton Lloyd, district sec. Alliance Assurance Co. Goodwyn Hugh, cigar merchant, 53 London street
Limited, 56 London street Gook Alfred, boot maker, 86 Patteson road
Giles James Wilfred, Museum hotel, 21 Golden Ball st Goose & Son, booksellers, circulating library, printers ..
Gill Thos. & Son, builders. 28 Bixfield bldgs. Rupert st publishers, stationers, bookbinders, engravers, & pro-
Gill Thomas William, bricklaver, •
26 Ashford street prietors of City & County library, 2 Haymarket;;
Gillett Richard William L.D.S.Eng. dentist, 42 Prince printing works & factory, IQ Rampant Horse street
of Wales road Goose Frank H. stationer, 6 Brigg street

Gillingwater Edward Henry, railway inspector, 29 Goose William, carpenter, 52 Hall road
Beatrice road, Thorpe Hamlet Goreham James, shopkeeper, 129 Heigham street
Gillingwater James, The Express Train P.H. 63 Rose lane Goreham Maria (Mrs.), tinplate worker, IQ Low.Goat la
Gillmore Ann ('Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, I82 Waterloo rd Goreham Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 45 Ketts hill
Gilman Charles Storey, barrister-at-law, & manager to Gosnold Frederick, stationer, 15 Orford hill
the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Limited Gospel Temperance Union (W. J. Jarold, president),
(accident branch), 41 St. Giles street refreshment rooms, 55 & 57 Cowgate street
Gilmore George Thomas, beer retailer, I Heigham st Gothard John Thomas, ~aw maker, 7 St. Lawrence lane
Gilmore John, boot & shoe repairer, 23 Charing cross Gough Fred, cardboard box maker, 20 Fishergate
Gim~on & Co. (Leicester) Limited, boot & shoe machinery Gough Thomas, greengrocer, 56 Ber street
manufacturers, 15 St. George street Gould H. P. & Son. accountants & auditors, 8 UppBr
Ginn Ro bert, commercial traveller, 67 Bethel street King street. TA " Goulds, Norwich; " T N 211
Girdlestone Arthur, fishmonger, I02 & IOQ Barrack st Gould Harry Peuce, chartered accountant (firm, H. P.
Girdlestone Thomas Jacob, plasterer, 29 Adelaide street Gould & Son), & official receiver in bankruptcy, 8
Girling J. & H. coal, coke & salt merchants, 3 Prince of Upper King street
Wales road & depots, Victoria station (G. E. R.) ; Gould Russell Pearce, accountant (firm, H. P. Gould
Que-en's road; City (M. & G. N.) & Joint Railways' & Son), 8 Upper King street
coal depot, Heigham street Gould William, coal merchant. 2 Bond street & M. &
Girling Frederick, baker, 12 Wellington lane G. N. Joint Railways' coal depot, Heigham street
Girling- Laura (Miss), costumier, ISO Nelson street Goulder !.rthur, The Tiger P.H. 47 Fishergate
Girling R M. (Miss), ladies' school, 36 Unthank road Goulder Sarah (~rs. ), news agent, 53 South well road
Girling Samuel Henry L. news agent, St, Gregory'~:~ alley Goulding Joseph, shopkeeper, 9 Bishopsgate street
Girling William, hair dresser, 57 Botolph street Goward John, pork butcher, 7Q Magdalen street
Girling Wm. John, miscellaneous dealer, ISO Nelson st Gowen .o\rthur John, baker, 65 Rose lane
Girls• Friendly Society (Goose & Son, agents); depot, Gowen Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 2 Gertrude road:,
2 Havmarket Sprowston roarl.
Girls' Friendly Society Lodge (Mrs. Carpenter, supt. ), Gr1wt>n Herbert P. accountant, see Harman & Gowen
25 Surrey street Gowen Josiah Thos. professor of music, 74 Queen's rd
Girls' Home (Norwich Incorporation) (Miss I. Trollope, Gowing Bessie Jane (Mrs.), butcher, 74 Rupert street
foster-mother), 55 Botolph street & receiving home & ')7 Sonthwell road
(Mrs. Katherine Miller, foster-mother), 85 Potter- Go wing Charles, farmer, Drayton road
g-ate street Gowing Charles Towler, land agent (firm, Sewell &
Girls' Orphan Home (Mrs. Annie Forth, matron), I5 Brereton)
Chapel Field east Gowing Edward. grocer, 4 Derby street
Gladstone (The) Club (William Harvey Brittain, hon. Gowing Hf'rbert E. draper. 6o Patteson road
sec.), 28 St. Giles street c:fowing Wait. John, commercial traveller. I Denbigh rd
Glad stone Club Co. Limited (W. N. Ladell, sec.), Grand Hotel Cromer Limited; registered office, 22 St.
Orford chambers, Orford place Giles ~treet
Globe Parcel Express Office (J. De Caux, agen\), r-t Grand AlbPrt. !'bopkeeper, 127 Armes st. North Heigbam
Westlegate street Grand Frederick Charles, confectioner, 3 Douro street
Grant J ohQ Bishop, assessor & collector. of income ta;L. Grimwood Rol;>~rt, shopkBfP~l!. 4 Midlaqd 1>treet
29 Tornbland · Grinling Edith (Miss), boarding house, 27 Colegate st
Grapes Susannah (Mr~. ), shopkeeper, 75 Pitt street Grix William Ltd. refreshment contractors; marquees,
Grass Vale Dairy Co. 51 St.Stephen's st.& 40 Earlha.m rd tents, plate & cutlery & all requisites on hire, Central
Graver Amy (Miss), apartments, 99 Potter gate street Cafe dining rooms, 19 & 21 White Lion street;
Graver Frederick, greengrocer, 32 Market lane Criterion restaurant, 20 ·white Lion street; New-
Graver William, Royal Oak P .H. 223 Essex street ..-, market cafe, 82 Rose lane & Red Rose P .H. 9 Back of
Graves Frederick E. beer retailer, 34 Trafalgar street the Inns
Graves Wm. Thos. Jolly Gardeners P.H.20 Mousehold st1 Groom George, dyer, 87 Trinity street
Gray .A.rthur Edwd. beer retailer, 139 Northumberland stl Groom Henry .A.rthur, corn dealer, 89 .Magdalen street
Gray Edward, linen draper, 13 Tombland 1 Groom Jessie Adelaide (Mrs.), greengro. BB Magdalen st
Gray Edward, tinsmith, 142 Philadelphia lane Groom Joseph, shopkeeper, 1 Norman bldgs Stepping la
Gray Edward Courtney, hair dresser, 179 Ber street Groom Kate (Miss), milliner, 56 St. Stephen's road
Gray John W. Unicorn P.H. 39 Oak street Groom Waiter, manager, IIS Magdalen road
Gray Lily (Miss), shopkeeper, see Clitheroe & Gray Groom William, ~hopkeeper, 29 Norfolk st.Sth.Heigham
Gray Roland Oliver, hair dresser, 84 King street Guildhall (Sergt. J ames Henry Barton, hall keeper),
Graysmark Lydia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 18a, Silver road Market place
Great Central Railway Co. (Frederick Nicholson, district Gunn William & Son, heraldic artists • St. Catherine's
agent), Opie street cottaga, Surrey street
Great Eastern Railway Co. (George J e.ssup, district Gunn Christopher John, builder, 100 Philadelphia lane
supt. ; William Henry Hall, district goods manager) ; Gunn Fredk. Wm. commercial traveller,39 River Side rd
offices, 'l'horpe station (W. Lincoln, goods agent); Gunn Robert Hy. builder & undertaker. 74 Dereham rd
parcels & booking office, 4 .St. Giles st. ; refreshment Gunn Thomas Edward, naturalist, 84 & 86 St. Giles st
' rooms (Henry Castle, district manager), Thorpe statn Gunnell George Herbert, trade valuer & business
Great Hospital (.A.lbt. E.W. Bacon,master),Bishopgate st transfer agent, 3 Prince of Wales road
Great Western Railway Eastern Counties District Agent's Gunns & Hill, dress makers, lOO· Unthank road
Office (Ernest ..A.. Cooke, district agent), 67 London st Gunton, Sons & Dyball, wholesale ironmongers & im-
Green & Wright Limited, whole;;ale grocers, wine & porters of horticultural glass, 34 & 36 St. George st
spirit merchants & british wine manufacturers, 7 Gurney Albert Victor, cycle dealer, 175 & 172 Ber street
Upper King street & 70 Magdalen street. T N 468 Gurney David, furniture dealer, 9 Westlegate street
Green Arthur, Curriers' Arms P.H. 16 .St. Giles street Gurney David, undertaker, u6 Rupert street
Green .A.rthur, insurance supt. 128 Hall road Gurney Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Havelock road
Green Charles, cowkeeper, Sunny hill Guttridge Edward, butcher, 1 Bell road
Green Eliza ~Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 48 St. Augustine's st Guttridge George Charles, butcher, 26a, Magdalen st
Green George, gentlemen's & ooys' outfitter, hatter, Guy Henry John, Cock tavern, 32 King street
hosier & tailor, Clothing hall, 9 & 10 Haymarket Guy Jane (~Irs.), greengrocer, 44 'King street
(T A "Green, Haymarket, Norwich;" T N 255); Guyett Albert Alfred, boot maker, 15 Knowsley road
Rampant Horse street;. 4 Red Lion tltreet & 42 & 44 Guymer Ernest, livery stables, Crown & .A.ngel yard,
St. Benedict's street St. Stephen's street
Green Georgina (Mrs.), Bank tavern, 10 Bank street Guyton Frederick, tailor, 7 Ten Bell lane
Green Harry William, timber mer. Garden st. Thorn lane Guyton George Henry, tailor, 26 Aylsham road
Green Henry Thomas, pork butcher, 95 King street Gyton William Robert, shopkeeper, I7 Palace street
Green Herbert, boot maker, 190 Silver road Hacon Edgar Gooch, produce importer~ see Butler &
Green Herbert John A.R.I.B . .A.: architect & diocesan sur- Ha con
veyor, 31 Castle meadow; & Paradise par.King's Lynn Hagg Charles Wm. plumber, 27 Wensum st. T N uo7X
Green James David, insurance agent, 168 Newmarket st Hagg Emma (Miss), dress maker, 19 Sussex street
Green John, draper, II3 Magdalen street Hagg Herbert Robert, printer, 9a, Wensnm street
Green John Benjamin, shopkeeper, 56 'lVestwick street Hagg William, machinery dealer, 70 King street
Green Samuel, pork butcher, 145 King street Baggith James, boot & shoe maker, na, Hall road
Green Thomas, farrier, Raven yard, King street Haggith James, boot repairer, 57 Newmarket street
Green Thomas, Heartsease P.H. Plumstead road Haggith Lam·a (Miss), confectioner, 56 St. Giles street
Green William Jarnes, carpenter, 82 Eade road Haistead Art-bur, tobacconLst, 10 Bethel street
Greenacre Frede.rick, tomato grower, Dereharn rood & Haldinstein P. & Sons, shoe manufacturers, 2 Queen st
Waterworks road Hale Brothers, boot & shoe manufacturers, Westwick st
Greenacre George,. apaFtments, 37 Essex street Hale Frank Wm. commercial traveller, 3 Doris road
Greenacre Henry, saddler & harness maker, 2 Ber street Hale Harry, Rainbow P.H. 56 Old Palace road
k 6 Farmers avenue Hales John Daseley Tooke (firm, Hansells & Bales),
Greenacre John Money, Park tavern, 79 Unthank road solicitor & notary public, notary public of consistory
Greenacre John Wesley. tobacconist, 35 Duke street court, deputy registrar of archdeaconry of Norfolk,
Greene Robert & Son, watch makers, r8 Surrey street deputy registrar of Norwich county court & commis-
Greene Arth. M.A., M.D.Dublin, F.R.C.S.Irel. ophthal- sioner to administer oaths in the Supreme court, 72
mic surgeon, & assistant surgeon to Norfolk & Nor- The Close
wich Eye infirmary, 4 Theatre street. T N 840 Hales Sophia (Mrs.), fried fish dlr. 20 Rising Sun lane
Greengrass George, bricklayer, 49 Mariner's lane Hales Thomas John, builder, 22 Onley st. Unthank road
Greengrass Harry Cutler, builder & general contractor, Halford Cycle Co. Ltd. cycle accessories dlrs. Io Brigg st
plumber, painter & house decorator, 58 & 6o Pitt Halford Henry Lo"ther, boot repairer, 45 Waldeck road
street. T N 727 Hall E. & Co. printers, 2 Ten Bell lane
Greenharn John Thomas, hair dresser, 83 St. Giles street Hall H. E. & Co. motor agents; Eastern counties dis-
Greenwood Samuel, Stafford Arms P.H. 35 Heigham rd tributors Flanders k E. M. F. cars, 16 Prince of Wales
Gresham Fire & Accident Insurance Society Ltd. (Ernest road. T .1 " Hall, Engineers ; " T N 528
Tindall Hamer, branch manager), 56 London street Hall & Staff, boot & shoe manufacturers, 41 Sussex street
Gresham Life Assurance Society Limited (Ernest Tindall Hall .Alfred, haL; dresser, 41a, St. Stephen's street
Hamer, branch manager), 56 London .street Hall Alice Maud (Miss), dairy, 7 Trafalgar street
Gresham Publishin~ Co. (The) (Henry William Ashley, Hall .A.rtbur William, stone, marple & moonmental mason,
district manager), 6 Upper King street 55 St. Augu!ltine's street
Greyfriars Music Studio (principals, Miss J osephine Hall Bessie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, so St. John st. Rose la
Woodrow L.R ..A..l\l. & Miss Kingston Rudd A.Mus. Hall Cecil, teacher of music, 67 Caernarvon road
T.C.L.), 20 Prince of Wales road. See advertise- Hall Cecil David, King's Head P .H. 93 St. Giles street
ment Hall Edward A .. painter, 36 Eade road
Grice Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.). aparts. 34 Chalk Hill rd Hall Frederick John, shopkeeper, I I Trafalgar street
Griffin John. dentist, 38 Prince of Wales road Hall Frederick William, coppersmith, 68 Pitt street
Griffiths H. & Son, plane manufacturers, 26 Lower Goal Hall Hy . .A.lfd. Crown & Angel P .H. 41 St. Stephen's st
lane & 35 Pottergate street Hall John, Golden Dog P.H. 34 Magdalen street
Griffiths Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer, 22 Lower Goat lane Hall Kate (Miss), milliner, 43 William street
Griffiths George Percival, teacher of music, 22 Trinity st Hall Leonard (Mrs.), apartments, 62 St. Stephen's road
Grigson Richard, solicitor & commissioner to administer Hall Sarah Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 1.9 Stoke street,
oaths, 9 Upper King street New Lakenha.m
Grimes Walt. school attendance officer,84 ISprowston., rd Hall Waiter Ernest, carpenter, 44 Caernarvon road
Grim5on .A.rthur S. engineer in charge sewage pumping Hall William Henry, district goods manager Great East-
station, Bracondale ern railway, Thorpe station
Grimwade W. H. & Co, piano dealers, 21 Royl\l arcade Hall William Herbert, engraver, Ia, St. A.ndrew's hill

Hal!am John Wm. fine art dealer, picture frame maker, Harmer George, boot repairer, 83 Bury st. Unthank rd
importer of fancy & leather goods, printseller, artistic Harmer Robert Willinm, apartments, 35 King street
stationer, artists' colorman, carver & gilder & mount Farris Ge·rtrude M. (Mrs.), apartments, 122 Queen's rd
cutter &c. & dealer in pictures, 6 & 7 Royal arcade. IIarris Louis a (Mrs.), apartments, 44 Pott.ergate t;treet
T N IOOIX4 Ha.:vper Alfd. Geo. boot maker, 4 Angel rd. New Catton
Halls Herbt. Hy. tailor, 7 St. ·Stephen's plain. T N 8o6 Harper Eliza (Mrs.), coffee tavern, 144 Cowgate street
Hambleton James, fruiterer, I I Back of the Inns Harper Frank, watch maker, 69 Dereham road
Hamer Nehemiah, fancy draper, 6o London street Harper George, fried fish dealer, 5 Douro street
Hamment Isaia.h, shopkeeper, 52 Russell street Harper James, inspector to National Society for the
Hammond Ellen (Ml's.), apartments, 58 Surrey street Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 42 Chapel Field rd
Hammond Ernest, Horse Shoes P.H. 21 Palace street Harper Waiter, boot & shoe mfr. Fleece yd ..Fishergate
Hammond John, commercial travel! er, 2 Ladysmi th road Harrington & Boobbyer Misses, ladies' school, 89, 91 &
Hammond Nellie (Mrs.)., tchr. of music, 2 Ladysmith rd 93 Earlham road
Hammond Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer, 30 Rose lane . Harris Arthur & Sons, boot & shoe manufrs. 3 Calvert st
Hamshire Louisa (Mrs.), tobacconist, 42 King street H arris Dora. (Mrs.), dress maker, 41 Waterloo road
Hankin Waiter, draper, 14 Bridewell alley Harris George, shopkeeper, 20 Baker's road
Hannant Battery Sergt.-Major John H. drill instructor Harris Richa.nda (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 27 Pitt street
3rd Battery rst East .A.nglian Brigade R.F ..A.. Terri- B arris Richard, cattle dealer, 78 Bracondale
torial Force, Old Militia barracks, .All Saints' green Harris Sarah (Mrs.), grocer. 13 Oak street
Hannant Nathaniel William, baker, II6 Essex street Harrison G. E. & Son, marine store dlrs. 49 Colegate st
Hannant Robt. dairy mgr. to R. Makens & Sons,Earlham Harrison Charles Frederick, builder, 21 The Close
Hannant Waiter, Oak Shades P.H. rr Lower Goat lane Harrison Frederick William, printer, bookbinder &c. 12
Hannant William John, builder & contractor, Prospect Upper Goat lane
house, Globe lane. T N 371 Harrison Henry, marine stDre dealer, 122 Ber street
Hannent Herbert J ahn, forced fruit grower, Chalk Farm Harrison William Albert, miller, 481 Sprowston road
house; Mile Cross & Windmill nurseries, Aylsham rd. Harrison Wm. Thos. baker, 2 Spencer st. Magdalen rd
& Rivers1de nurseries, Drayton road. T N 649 Harston Vernon, assistant engineer at Gas works, 27
Hansell Albert, Rose P.H. 53 Oak street Bishop Bridge road
Hansell .Alfred J ames, cabinet maker, 7 Greenhills road Hart .Alfred, shopkeeper, 103 Miller's lane, New Catton
S:ansell Edward Morgan, solicitor & commissioner (firm, Hart Henry, antique furniture dealer, 311 All Saints' grn
Hansells & Hales), 72 The Close; & at Cromer Hartill George, Stores P.H. 107 Dereham ;road
Hansell George, jun. coal dealer, 38 Trafalgar street Hartley Eleanor (Mrs.), cycle dealer, 29 St. Stepben's rd
Hansell Henry, fishmonger, II9 Essex street Hartley Hy. Orford, Post Ofl\ce asst.supt. IBI College rd
Hansell J a.mes A. boot repairer, 32 Ber street Hartt Harold Edward, advertising specialist, Guildhall
Hansell Peter Edward (firm, Hansells & Bales), solicitor, chambers, St. Peter's street, Mancroft
perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledgments of Harvey Arthur Willie, ehief booking clerk, G. E. Rail-
deeds by married women, commissioner to administer way, 2::; Quebec road
oaths in the Supreme court, managing director of the Harvey Charle~, machinist, 72 Calvert street
Norwich branch of the North British & Mercantile Harvey Edward Elli11, Queen Victoria P.H. Magdalen st
Insurance Co. & clerk to the Visiting Justices, Thorpe HaTVey Elizh. (Mrs.), pork butcher, nr Chapel Field rd
.Asylum, 72 The Close; & at Cromer Harvey Ernest Robert, antique furniture dealer, 7
Hansell Thomas George, boot maker, rg Melrose road Pottergate street
• •
Hansell W alter Albt. boot & shoe ma. 49a, South well rd Harvey Fanny (Mrs.), dress m a. Rose cot. Cathedral st
Hansell Waiter Edward. solicitor, notary public, com- Harvey Frank Edwd. tailor, 18 Norfolk st.Sth.Heigham
missioner, & clerk to the governors of King Edward Harvey George, baker, 79 Ber street
l VI. school (firm, Hansells & Bales), 72 The Close. Harv!'y George A. wardrobe dealer, 43 Calvert street
·Hansell William Henry, boot & shoe maker, 145 Ber st Rarvev H. wood carver, Gaffer's vard, St. Benedict's st
Hansells & Hales, solicitors, 2 The Close; & at Cromer Harvey - Henry, boot & shoe maker,- I Douro street
Hanton Frederick Percy, shopkeeper, 21 .Avenue road Harvey James, commercial traveller, 15 Wellington road
Harbord Arthur Samuel, house agent, 52 London st. Harvey John Edward, cabinet maker, 55 Rupert street
& 56 Cha·p!'l Field road Harvey Richard G€'o. comrl. travllr. 42 Aylsbam road
·Harbord Frederick James, plumber, 58 Lincoln street Hf\rvey Samuel, Raddler, 78 Southwell road
Harcourt Alfred, watch maker, I St . .A.ndrew's hill Harvey William Francis, hair drssr. roB St. Benedict's st
Harcourt Emma (Miss), milliner, 83 St. Giles street Harwood Harold H. apartments, 21 & 23 Unthank road
Harcourt Ernest, teacher of music, 9 Cambridge street Harwood John, marine store dealer, I43 Barrack street
Harcourt George .A.nthony, manufacturing stationer, see Haselton George, hair dresser, 49 Grapes hill
Townshend, Harcourt & Son Hastings Albert, debt collector, 21 Orchard street
Harcourt Henry, wine & spirit & cigar merchant, 9I Ha!ltings .Alfred, shopkeeper, I30 Oak street
St. Benedict's street Hastings Thomas, fruiterer, I .Ber street
Harcourt James Arthur, professor of music, 49 Bethel st Hatch. Bush & Marshall, physicians & surgeons, 8
Harding Julia (Mrs.),general carrier,31 King 11t. T~ 143 Earlham road; 27 Dereham road & ~14 Unthank road
Harding Samuel, insurance agent, 15 Crome road Hatch Frederick George, solicitor & commi~sionf'r for
Hardingham Ernest Edward, grocer, & post office, 2 oaths. 15 Hllymflrket '
Cricket Ground road Hatch W. Keith M.B., F.R.C.S. (firm, Hatch, Bush &
Hard wick Jas. Hy. coal agent, 9 Ethel rd. Thorpe Hamlet Marshall), physician & surgeon, 8 Earlham road
Hardy A. florist, 25 St. Stcphen's street Havers Charles & Sons, wholesale & furnishing iron-
Hardy George ·waiter, shopkeeper, 65 Heigham street monger~. oil, calor & glass merchants & hardware
Hardy James Arthur, cabinet maker, 2 St. George's factors & stove makers, ro, 12, 14, 17 & rg Charing
alley, St. George street cross & ironmongsrs, r, 3, 5, 9 & I5 Westwick street.
Hardy James William, t·omato [!rower, Aylsham road T A "Haversack, Norwich;" T N 204
Hardy Marion (Miss), dress maker, 148 Hall road Havers Albert Charles, architect, 49a, London street
Hardy Mary .Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. I3 St. Paul's sq Havers Daniel, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths
Hardy Robert, wardrobe dealer, 56 Oak street in the Snpreme courts & perpetual commissioner, 14
Hardy Bee liive P.H. r8 St. Martin's Palace plain Bank street (T N 335) ; & at 99 High st. Lowestoft.
Hardy William, carpenter, r7a, Golden Dog lane T N rso
Hardyments Stores (George H. Scrutton, proprietor), Havers Frederick, grocer, 93 Barrack street
china, glass & hardware warehouse, 23 St. Peter's st. Havers James, baker, 47 Grapes hill
Mancruft. T A "Hardyments, Norwich;" T N 438 Havers Svbil (Mrs.), shupkpr. Rising Sun row ,Horace st
Hare John & Sons, whQlesale cabinet mas. r8 Peacock 5t Hawarrl Edward John, hair dresser, 23a, Wensum street
Hare Wm. fishmonger, 4 Twenty-one row,New Lakenham Ha"""ard Ernest ~-\rthur, Windham .Arms P.H. 36 Lewis
Harl Arthur & William, ironmongers, II3 Ber street street. -Grove road
Harl Herbert Valentine, watch maker, r5a, Dereham rd Hawes George E. & Sons, builders & contractors, church
Hf!.rman & Gowen, accountants. r6 The Walk,Market pl & scho.)l furniture makers &c. Duke street. T N 387
Harman Geo. wine & spirit mer. IS St. Andrew's hill Hawes Waiter, decorator, ros St. Leonards road
Harmer F. w. & Co. manufactnring clothiers, woollen, Hawkin Ethel & Mabel (Misses), teachers of music, 121
manchester, bradford & sootch warehousemen, hat~. Rosary road, Thorpe Hamlet
caps, fancy hosiery &c. wholesale only; prize medal, Rawkins Charlotte Martha (Mrs.),bricklayer.soSuffolk st
Paris; St. .A.ndrew's steam clothin~ & hosiery works Haydon Edward, builder, 153 Waterloo road
(TA "Harmer;" T N 41); London warehouse, Hr6 Haydon Leonard, baker, 125a, King street
& 127 Wood street, Cheapside E C. T N 4262 City Haydon Waiter, bookbinder, 3 Church si. Haymarket
llarmer ~-\.lice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Ampthill street Raylett Ellen (Mrs.), baker, 145 Barrack street
Harmer Frederick John, plumber, 5 Ampthill street Hayward F. W. & Co. watch makers, 23 King l!treet

Hayward Josep:h., brigade-sergt.-major 1st East .!nglian Hipperson .!rthur, King's Arms P.H. 63 St. George street
Brigade R.F . .!. '!'err. Force, Old Militia. ba Tacks, Hipperson Frederick Robert, builder, 95 Northumberland
All Saints' green street & 4 Sandringham road
Hazell Frank Gidley, sec :Norfdk & Norwich Ho-_ .. 1.,'. Hipper son J ulianna (Mrs.), dress maker, 34 Paragon st
St. Stephen's road Hipperson Samuel, painter, 26 West Pott&gate street
Hazell Lydia (Mrs.), Wind Mill P.H. 24 Ber street H" 1 ·,.erso;J. Violet (.Miss), teacher of music, 34 Paragon st
Hazell William, shopkeeper &c. 8o Connaught road ;itp:t, (Bostock & Fitt, proprs.), St. Gile.i street
Head Philip & Son, coal merchants, 11 I Queen's road Hird .{. 1 :"hitworth Limited, advertising specialists, 18
Head Fred~rick. cabinet maker, Surrey grove Colegata street
Head William, bricklayer, 74 Churchill road His Majesty's Prison, Prison road (Major V. A. M. Fuw-
Headland Ellen (Mrs ), midw1fe, 3 Silver street ler, governor; Rev. Reginald Walter Longley B.A.
Hockford Henry Wm. commercial trav. 146 Dereham rd chaplain; Hubert John Starhng M. D. medical officer;
Heigham Hall Private Lunatic Asylum (J. G. Gordun S. C. Davies, storekeeper ; Miss Brodie, matron;
Mu!lll M.D., F.R.S.E. medical supt.), Old Palace George Brown, chief warder) ·
road, Heigham Hobrough James & Son, steam & hand dredging, pile
Hellawell John, fishmonger, 51 Nelson ~treet driving & lighterage contractors., coal merchants &c.
Helps Louise C. (Mrs.), Cardinal's Cap P .H. 86 St. Bishop bridge, River Side road ; & Dockyard, Thorpe
Benedict's street St. _\ndrew. T N's 319 & 7 Thorpe. See adver-
Helsdon Edith (Mrs.), dress maker, 104 Pottergate st tisement
Hemmings Richard, fried fish dealer, 56 Sprowston road Hogg Alfred, confectioner, 74 Grapes hill
Hemmings Sergt.-Major W. drill instructor to A, B & C Hogg Wm. shopkpr. 142 Beaconsfield rd. Magdalen rd
Cos. 4th Territorial Force Battalion Norfolk Regiment, Holden Josepb, greengrocer, I02 Ber street
Lincoln street Holdgate Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 5 St.
Hempel William, fishmonger, I54 Ber street Gregory's alley
Hempleman ·werner John, commercial traveller, "I!OI9 Holgate Owen, plumber, see Howlett & Holgate
Rosary road, Thorpe Hamlet Holland Annie (Mrs.), fishmonger, so St. Benedict's st
Hepworth J. & Son Limited, clothiers, Orford place & Holland Frederick, shopkeeper, Eaton street
45 Magdalen street Holland Henry, plumber & painter, 7 Bishopgate street
Herd George, naturalist, 33 Havelock road Holland Joseph,saddler & harness maker,46 Botolph street
Herring Henry James, pork butcher, 3 Charing cross Holley Ed ward, solicitor & commissioner fur oaths (firm,
Herrman Henry, boot manufacturer, 24 Magdalen street Purdy & Holley), 29 Tombland (sat. only)
Heslop Thomas Hind Blumer M. Inst. C.E. county sur- Hollidge William, Rose tavern, 88 Rupert ;;treet
veyor & architoct, Shire house. T N's 995, 996 & 997 Railings _c\rthur, boot repairer, ro Caernarvon road
Heugh Ernest John, photographer, 3 Theatre street Hollis Robert, fiurist, Earlham road
Hewett Alice & Kitty (Misses), apartments, 47 Clarence Holman Martha .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 35 Cherry st.
road, Thorpe Hamlet New Lakenham
Hewett Albert J ames, printer, see Raberts & Co Holman William, hair dresser, .Arcade street
Hewett Edwin, printer, I97 Queen's road Holme Daniel Oliver, organizer of elementary education,
Hewett Herbert .Edward, furniture remover, 5 Cow hill Castle chambers, Opie street. T N 254
Hewett Rebecca Ag-nes .(Mrs.), beer retlr. 22 Mariner's la Holmes Bros. boot & shoe manufacturers, Starling road
Hewett William, insurance agent, 6o Rose lane Holmes & Sons (now A. Pank & Son), agricultural
Hewitt George John, engineers' turner, 22 Kerrison implement makers & engineers, drill makers, mill
road, Thorpe Hamlet furnishers, grist mills &c. 24 Cattla Market street
Hewitt William, news agent, 143 Aylsham road Holmes' Typewriter Co. 45 Prince of Wales road
Hickling & Co. news agents, printers, stationers & Holmes & Co. grocers' sundriesmen, ~~! Exchange st
picture frame makers, IO Davey place Holmes .!lbert, musical instrument dlr. 24 Shipstone rd
Hicks Ernest, solicitor to the Norwich Union Life In- Holmes Alexander Charles, goldsmith, see Alien & Daws
surance Society, Surrey street Holmes Arthur Edward, boot repairer, 1 Suffolk street
Hicks Ethel (Mrs.), fishmonger, 45 King street Holmes Bertie Alma, White Rose P.H. 77 Magdalen st
Hicks George, fishmonger, 79 St. Benedict's street Holmes Edward, fishmonger, I42 Magda.len street
Hicks Herbert William, printer, 8 Theatre street Holmes Edward, jun. fishmonger, 1 Waterloo road
High & Betts, house furnishers, 68 Ber street Holmes Garnha.m. Henry, insurance agent, 76 Stafford s~
High Court of Justice (District Registry) (Frederick Wm. Holmes Henry, hair dresser, 82 Trafalgar street
Cooke M. A. district registrar), 46 Prince of Wales rd Holmes James, boot & shoe maker, 72 Southwell road
High J oseph, baker 62, & grocer 64, Dereham road Holmes J ames Williarn, butcher, 109 Oak street
High Louisa (Miss) dress maker, 34 Warwick street Holmes John, beer retailer, 6 Wymer street
Hill & Per.ks, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, 15 Holmes John, shop fitter, Red Lion street
Prince of Wales road Holmes Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper. 22 Chapel si.
Hill Charles Bexfield, solicitor & commissioner for Daths South Heigham
(firm, Hill & Perks) Holmes Thomas William, news agent, 30 Westwick st
Hill Charles Rickards, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Holmes William, coal dealer, 64 Devonshire street
The Chantry,•
Theatre street Holmes William, fishmonger, 112 Oak street
Hill Fred, ~-\ngel Garden P.H. g6 Ang-el rd. New Catton Holmes William, wardrobe dealer, 49 Oak street
Hill Frederick Henry, traveller, 17 Trinitv street Hulswurth Charlotte (Miss), dress ma. so Bull Close rd
Hill George Skipper, bookbinder, 23 Buxton road & Holt William, boot & shoe maker, 53 Calvert street
Cott's yard, Pottergate street Holtaway Edward C. upholsterer, Magdalen street
Hill James, tailor, 8r Union street Home & Colonial Stores Limited, grocers, r8 St. Stephen's
Hill Leonard Garerd, solicitor, 3 Opie street. T N 548 street; I6 St. Benedict's street & 2 Brigg street
Hill Ma.rgaret (Miss), dress maker, see Gunns & Hill Home Light Oil Co. Railway station, Thorpe road
Hill RobeTt George, shopkeeper, 62 Oak street Home Yeast Co. Limited, 6 Bethel street
Hill SamuPl Garerd, solicitor & commissioner, 3 Opie Hood .!lbert Edward, watch maker, 72a, Magdalen st. &
street. T N 548 38 Stafford street
Billing Amelia (~is·s), apartments, 82 Queen's road Hood .Alexander Edward, outfitter, 2I7 Queen's road
Billing SamuPl Francis, Bull inn, 69 St. Stephen's st Hood Amelia (~rs.), nurse, ~8 Wilderness terrace
Hills Lacey Vincent, assessor of fire losses, I5I Ketts hill Hood James, boot repairer, 22 Vauxhall street
Hilsden William CharlPs, insurance agt. I Shipstone rd Huud Robert, Royal Exchange P .H. 44 Market place
Hinchley Frank Edgar, builder, 66 Mile End road Hood William Henrv, •
boot maker, 28 Wilderness terrace
Hinde Francis & Sons Limited. silk manufacturers, St. Hook Samuel John & Son, tailors, 5 I Colegate street
Mary's mill, Oak street Hook Charle$, grindery dealer, 157 Ber street
Hinde Ernest Bertram ll . .!., M B., B.C., F.R.C.S.Edin .• Hook Frank Herbert, monumental mason,234 .!ylsham rd
M.R.C.S .. L.R C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon,Gurney's Hook Hannah (Miss), dress n1aker, 58 Marlborough road
court, Magdalen street & surgP"Y, 7 Magdalen road Hook William, shopkeeper, 29 Barrack street
Hindes H. & Son, rGpe makers, r Farmers avenue Hooper ~\lfred, stationer, 2 Hall road
Hiudes Edmund James, insurance agent, 37 Duke street Hoop er Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 5 River Side road
Hindes Leonard, boot repairer, 34a, Silver road Huuper \r illiam, furniture dealer, 6 Hall road
Hines Edward, lathe manufacturer. 8 St. Marj;!"aret'~ Rt Hope Brothers Limited (William Bassett Turner, man-
Hines Waiter R., A.I.A. head office inspectm to the ager), tailors, outfitters, hosiers & glovers & hatters,
Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, Surrey street 12 The Walk, Market place & 8 London street. T A
Hipper Charles, hair dresser, 21a, Bishop Bridge road "Centiped;" T N 461
Hipper Mary Elizh. (Miss), t.eacher of m11sic, 12 Willow la Hopkins Charles, boot repairer, I2 Muriel road
Hipperson Brothers, engineers, 59 St. l\Iartin's lane Hopkins Francis Garfield, insurance agent, 38 Grant st
Hopper Henry John, parish clerk to St. Peter,Parmentar- Howes Ernest John, clerk Customs & Excise offices, 27
gate, 72 King street Tornbland
Hopper William, grocer, & post office, 37 Leopold road Howes James William, furniture dealer, 82 Magdalen st
Hurnagold Warner, Tuns P.H. 2 All Saints' green Howes John Joseph, builder, 27 & 29 Pottergate street
Horne Geo. Robt. teacher of music, 35 St. Leonards rd & 78 Bowthorpe road
Hmne Robert, supt. Refuge Assurance Co. Limited, 18 Howes John William, master of Norman's Endowed Schl.
Unthank road Cowgate street
Borne Robert Arthur, Rainbow P.H. 185 King street Howes Robert, furniture broker, 137 Barrack street
llorner Albert Edward, French Horn P.H. 7 Bedford st Howe8 Thos. Edwd. boot factor, 52 & sza, Magdalen st
Hornigold George, boot repairer, 154 Knowsley road Howes 'Valter, shopkeeper, 63 Fishergate
Hornor Francis & Son, land agents, surveyors & valuers, Howes Wm. cowkeeper, 42 Millers lane, New Catton
Queen street. TA" Continuity, Norwich;" T N 205 Howes William James, beer ret. St. St~phen's Back st
Hornor Charles Jared, land agent, valuer & chartered Howett Frederick William, painter, 6o Stafford street
surveyor, 36 Prince of Wales road Howlett & Holgate,plumbers, 7 Howard st.k27Muspole st
Hornsby Francis Joseph, boot maker, 18 Trory street Howlett & Shibley, wheelwrights, 32 Orchard street
Horsley Cornelius, butcher, 3 St. StephEm's street Hovvlett W. & Son (established Ioo years), musical
Horsley William George, hair dresser, g8a., Cowgate st instrument manufacturers & importers, music sellers,
Horstead James Arthur, Lord Nelson P.H. Timber hill theatre & concert ticket agents; sole agents Eastern
Hor·stead Samuel H. Free Trade P .H. 41 Rose lane counties for Broad wood's, Brinsmead's, Bechstein's &
Horth Emily Ann (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H. 19 Magdalen st Rogers' pianos, II The Walk, Market place; & at.
Horth '.Dhoma~, plumber &c. 29 Magdalen street Lowestoft. See advertisement
Horth Waiter, plumber, go .Aylsham road Howlett .& White Limited, curriers, leather merchants
Houghton Etbel M. (Miss), milliner, 13 Pottergate street &; boot & shoe manufacturers, Colegate street & St.
Houghton Frederick. chemist & druggist, 28 Barrack st. George street. T A "Howlett;" T N 48
& drug stores, 141 Aylsham road Howlett Alfred, greengrocer, 138 Ber street
Houseago Henry Edward William, draper, 56 King street Howlett Arthur Alfred, pa.strycook, 59 St. Augustine's st
Hovell R. B. & Co. Ltd. hair cloth manufrs.52 Calvert st Howlett Arthur Alfred; tailor, 66a, Pitt street
Hovell Richd. Thos. pianoforte tuner, 23 All Saints' green Howlett Fred George, assist. inmrance supt.36~lerton rd
HQvell William Ernest, ba-sket maker, 25 & 27 Bedford Howlett Frederick, shopkeeper, Cavalry street
street & toy d€aler, I Bridewell aUey Howlett Frederick John, apartments, 8 Willow lane
How,ard, Hudson & Oo. electrical engineers, 63 Prince Howlett Joseph Sydney, baker, 1 Bishops Bridge road
of Wales road Howlings Arthur Herbert, traveller, 5 Heigham grove
Howard John & Sons, wood carvers, 22 Cattle Market st Howlings Jacob Henry, shopkeeper, I Gordon road
Huward Alfred 'rhos. Bold Napier P.H. 6o Southwell rd Bowman Emma (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 20 Bethel street
Howard Alice (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 71 Westwick st Howman George, hair dresser, 99 Barrack street
Howard Ann (Mrs.), fishmonger, 17 Fye Bridge street Hoydahl l'. S. Livings tone hotel, Orford hill. T N 821
Howard Arthur S. house furnisher, household furniture Hubbard Alfred, builder & contractor, 25 Cambridge st
remover, upholsterer, cabinet maker & window blind, Huhbard Edward, pork butcher, 81 Ber street
manufacturer, 75 Prince of Wales Toad. Telegrams, I Hubbard Frank R. butcher, 85 Devonshire street
"Howard's Pantechnicon, Norwich;" Telephone No. Huhbard Susanna (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 2
45. Se~ advertisement Little Bethel street
Howard Chri.stopher Hawes, shopkeeper, 44 Oak street Hudbud William, greengrocer, roi Philadelphia lane
Ho'l'faTd Edgar, Grapes hotel, I Earlham road Huddlestone William, grocer, l3 St. Stephen's street
Howard Edward, horticultural builder, Branksome road Hudgell George, regimenta sergeant-major Norfolk
Howard Emmeline Eliza (Miss), tchr. of music, 54 York st (King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry Territorial
Howard Ernest, hair dresser, 7 Golden Ball street Force, Cattle ;\<Iarket street
Howard Everitt Frederick, baker, I. Trafalgar street Hudson Eric P. E. motor engineer, 39 Exchange street
Howard George Freder}ck, district sec. Ancient Order ot Hudson Ernest, ladies' &; gentlemen's tailtJr, 18 & 19
Foresters, I St. Stephen's square Royal arcade. T N 868
Howard Hy. Edward, fishmonger, 6g St. Augustine's st Hudson George Leonard, Queen Adelaide P.H. 57 Pitt st
Howard Herbert Robert, fishmonger, 94 Magdalen street Hudson James, stationer, 39 St. Stephen's street
Howurd .Jacub, baker, 12 Millers lane, New Catton Hudson Nathaniel, electrical engineer, see Howard,
Howard James, greengrocer, 77 Pitt street Hudson & Co
Howard John, cab proprietor, I Scales green Hudson William Ernest, boot & shoe ma. 2 Lit. Arms st
Howard John Pond, saddler, 68 Barn road Huggins Edward James Ward, clerk to the guardians &
Howard J Qlhn William, architect, 12 Havelock road clerk to the assessment committee, St. Andrew street
Howard .John William, provision dealer, 14 Surrey st Huggins Ernest Edward, builder, I St. Leonards road
How,ud Leonard, fishmonger, 204 Queen's road Huggins Herbert, commercial traveller, 35 City road
Howard Robert John, market toll collector, Fish mar- Hughes William & Jane (Mrs.), fishmongers,!e st
ket; res. 52 Chapel Field road Hughes & Co. fishmongers, so St. Stephen's street
Huward Robert John, wheelwright, II3 Queen's road Hughes Arthur, watch maker, 33 Magpie road
Howard Waiter, Britannia P.H. 73 Botolph street Hughes Battery Sergt.-Major John, drill instructor
Howard Walter, fishmonger, 133 Unthank road Ammunition Column rst East Anglian Brigade R.F.A.
Howard William, boot manufactr. see Thorne & Howard Territorial Force, Old Militia barracks, All Saints" grn
Howard Wm. Amos, baker, r32 Magrialen rd.New Catton I Hughff William, stationer, 4 Exchange street. T ~ 596
Howchin George, tailor, 42 Wymer street Hume David, boot repairer, 37 Albany road
Howe Edward, shopkeeper, 219 Queen's road Hu= Ernest Gladstone, a>:sist. insur. supt. wrGlebe rd
Huwe Helen (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. 41 Northumberland st Humphrey Aaron, hay dealer, 52 Surrey st.& Avlsham rd
Ho~eld William Henry, manager to Snellings, confec- ] Humphrey Ernest, Prince of Denmark P.H. ·Denmark
boners, 23 &_ 25 Rampant Horse street j road, New Catton
Howell Emmehne (Mrs.), fishmonger, 66 Cherry street, Hnmphrey Herbert James, builder, 8 Ash grove
New Lakenham i Humphrey Thos. Sl. watch ma.25 Cedar rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Howells John & Co. mantle makers, 8 Haymarket Humphrey Waiter, builder, Aylsham road
Howes Saville & Co. cycle dealers, 82 Cowgate street Humphrey William Henl'y, baker, 34 Swan~ea road
Howes & Sons,motor car builders & engineers & carriag-e Hnmphreys Maria (Miss), s-hopkpr. I3 St. Stephen's rd
builders (under Royal Patronage); hiring & repairs Hurnphris Henry Elliston, retail & export secondhand
of every description; district agents for Wolseley bookseller; libraries purchased, "Ye Borrow's Head,''
Autocars; any make of car supplied; works & show- 77 St. Giles street
rooms, Chapel Field north & (branch) 84 Prince of Hunt Elizh. & Agnes (Misses), shopkPepers, 8 Nile street
Wales road. T A " Coach, Norwich;" T N 679. See Hunt Maria & Louisa (Misses), shopkprs. 22 Cowgate st
advertisement Hunt Albert, builder, 30 Old Palace road
Howe!l Stanley & Co. Limited, wholesale clothiers, Old , Hunt Albert John, insurance agent, 24 Gloucester street
Post Office yard, Bedford street Hunt Ernest Albert, news agent, 65 Wellington road
Rowe~ Willia.m & Co. Limited, cycle factors, 13 Prince Hunt Henrietta (Miss). dres.; maker, 32 Bethel street
of Wales road Hunt Hy. Ebenezer, electrical engineer, 29 Colegate st
Howes & Co. shoe manufacturers, rga, Eade road Hunt John, butcher, 31 Denmark road, "!'\ew Catton &
Howes Arthur Albert Barco, painter, 55 Churchill road r26 Magdalen roa.d
Howes Arthur R. Cock P.H. 151 Acelaide street Hunt Mabel (:\Irs.), dress maker, 6o Gladstone street
Howes Edward, brick manufarturer, road &-sewer con- Hunt Philip. news agent. 57 Bull Close road
tractor, tar, macadam, gravel &; stone merchant, Hunt Robert, commercial traveller, 4 Stracey road
Sprowston road. T A " Howes, Sprowston, ~ orwich ; ''
T N I I 17. See advertisement •
Hunt Robert George, insurance agent, 5 Muriel road Jarrold & Sons Ltd. publishers, booksellers, stationers
Hunt William, secondhand bookseller, I4 Orford hill by appointment to H.M. King
Hunt-Cropp Harry & Sous,grocers, 53 & 55 Bull Close rd George V. pri14ters, wholesale
Hunter & Fielding, auctioneers, valuers, survevors, •
news agents, artists' colormen.
land & estate agents, 3 Redwell street. T N 780 account book manufacturers,
Hurden Charlie Alien, clerk Customs & Excise offices, advertising agents, bookbinders,
27 Tombland silversmiths, fancy goods im-
Hurn Daniel & Sons, yacht rope, tent & marquee porters, picture dealers & pic-
makers, ropes, twines, sacks, stack cloths, rotproof, ture frame makers, sole agents
sail & awning covers, cocoa matting, netting, wagon, for Ordnance maps, lithographers, relief stampers.
cart & drum covers, celebrated bell ropes for churches, engravers & librarians, 3 .& 5 London street; 3 Ex-
patent braided leather reim, flags of all nations, india change street & The Empire press, Cowgate street
rubber knee aprons, lawn tennis nets; tents & mar- Jarvis & Morgan, solicitors, 9 All Saints' green
quees lent on hire, ro Exchange street (opposite Corn Jarvis Henry Thomas, draper, 55 St. Benedict's street
Exchange) & Dove street. See advertisement Jarvis Herbert Henry, painter, r8 Beaumont pi. Eagle st.
Hurn John & Son, builders, contractors, painters & J arvis J ames, harrow lender, 28 Coburg street
decorators, plumbers & stone masons, 37 Surrey st. Jay Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, r ValentinEl street
T A " Hurn, Builder ; '·' T N 325 Jay Joseph, parish clerk St. Matthew's, 59 Rosary road.
Hurn Charles Noel, cycle manufacturer, agent & dealer Thorpe Hamlet
& dealer in cycle accessories & petrol, 27 St. Ste- Jay Robert, shopkeeper, 2 Coldwell road
phen's street & 53 Earlham road . Jay Wm. club steward, 3 Hill House rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Hurn George, blacksmitlh, White Horse yd. Magdalen st Jeary & Son, tailors, 134 Unthank road
Hurn Matthew Henry, stationer, & post otlice, 12 St. Jeary Frederick. cycle agent, 29 Chapel Field road
Andrew street Jefferies Joseph, manager to Sutton & Co. carriers, r6
Hurn William Henry, chemist, g6 & 97 Trinity street & Princes street
143 Unthank road Jeffery John William, traveller, r82 College road
Hurrell William, boot & shoe manufacturer, g-6, g8 & Jeffries Edmund, cattle salesman, 3 Chalk Hill road
IOO Magdalen street . Jeffries Henry, dairy, 3a, Unthank road
Hurren Emily & Beatrice (Misses), fancy drapers, 48 St. JefJries Herbert E. Albert tavern P.H. 57 Devonshire st
Stephen's street Jeffries Viney Kate (.Miss), fancy draper, rra, St.Giles st
Huson Alfred, ironmonger, 83 Union street J effries ·wait. Edgar,carriaga builder,4I St. Augustinfs st
Huson Frank, grocer, 142 Dereham road Jeffrie1 William Henry, butcher, 23 St. Augustine's st
• Huson William, Bakers' Arms P.H. 66 St. Leonard's rd Jenkins George, pianoforte tuner, 24 Essex street
Hnssey & Son, nurserymen, Mile End road. Eaton Jenkinson & Son, window blind mas. 65 St. Stephen's st
Hutchin Alexander Harry, watch maker, 230 Queen's rd J enkinson J a~. rate collector, No. 4 dist. 148 Queen's rd
Hutchin Alfred, butcher, 78 Old Palace road Jenkinson Joseph, carpenter, 24 Manchester street
Hutchin James, boot repairer, IO Bull close Jennings Harry, St. Giles' Gate Stores P.H. 100 St.
Hyam .Alexander, Duke of Wellington P.H. 5 Chapel st. Giles street
South Heigham Jenny Lind Infirmary for Children (Sir Peter Eade M.D .•
Ikin Alfred E., B.Sc., LL.B. assistant sec. Norfolk F.R.C.P. consulting physician; H. S. Robinson
County Council Ed'Ication Committee, Shire house M.R.C.S., G. R. Master• M.R.C.S., S. H. Burton
Imray J os eph Middleton, artificial teeth maker, 25 St. M.B., F.R.C.S., C. J. Muriel M.R.C.S. & H. Chester
Benedict's street Nance F.R.C.S. consulting surgeons; Sydney H. Long
Income Tax .Assessors & Collectors for Norwich (Henry M.D.Cantab. & .A. J. Cleveland M.D., M.R.C.P.
How ell Algar, Robert Nelson, J esse Cantrell Rouse, physicians; Herbert Crosse M.D., C.M. & Hugh Whit·
John Bishop Grant & .Alfred Waiter Fuller),2gTomblnd well M.R.C.S. surgeons; Joseph Burfield & B. B.
Independent Order of Rechabites (Norfolk & Suffolk Dis- Riviere F.R.C.S. assistant snrgeons; Bosworth Ear-
trict (S. A. Scarlett, district sec.), 4 Merton road court, consulting surgeon-dentist; Benjamin M.
Inge Fanny E. (Miss), milliner, see Carr & Inge Martin L.D.S. surgeon-dentist; G. P. C. Claridge
Ingram William Frederick, tailor, z6 Ashby st.Queen's rd M.B., B.S. pathologist; Miss Lucy M. Muir M.B.,
Inkson Thomas Henry, cab proprietor, 66 William street Ch.B.Edin. resident medical officer; H. Harper Smith.
Inland Revenue Department (William Brooke, surveyor hon. sec.; Miss Florence K. Pratt, matron), Unthank
of taxes, Norwich rst survey; E . .A. McNeill, Norwich road; out-patients' department (Miss Mabel Hunt,
2nd survey), 28 Tombland sister in charge), Potter gate street; bankers, Messrs.
Inland Revenue Valuation Department (William Smith, Barclay & Company Limited
district valuer), 57 London street Jepson Thomas, grocer, 2 Branford road
International Correspondence Schools Ltd. 56 London st Jermy Frederick, whip maker, 8 Westlegate street
Ireland E. B. & M. W. auctioneers, valuen, land & Jermy George, Duke of Norfolk P.H. 82 Southwell road
estate agents; agricultural & other sales; offices, Bank Jermy Margaret (Mrs.), Mancroft P.H. 41 Mancroft st.
buildings; & at Guestwick, East Dereham. T.N. 345 Dereham road
Irish & Scottish Linen Warehouse Co. I I Royal arcade Jermyn William: & Son, builders &c. Coach & Horses
hwin William, apartments, 2 Maud street street, South Heigham
Isaacson Samuel, furniture broker, rr Fye Bridge street Jerrey Samuel William, painter, 85 Rupert street
Isbill Charlotte (MNl.),- stationl'r, 54 St. Giles street J essup Geo. di,;trict supt. G. E. railway, Thorpe station
Ives .Ann Pumfrey (Mrs.), boarding house, 2 Magdalen st Jewson & Sons, timber importers & slating contractors;
Ives Edward Charles, corn chandler, 85 Ber street sawing, planing & moulding mills; specialities,
Ives Robert, shopkeeper, 235 ~orthumberland street creosoted fencing materials, wood block fioorings,
Ives Waiter Henry, leather merchant, Crown road bottle & packing cases, crates &c. ; head office, 20
Ivory Harry Joseph, Orford Arms commercial hotel; Colega te street (Telegrams, "J ewson, Norwich ; '~
the only silver grill in the City, Tramway centre, 25 Telephone No. 13 Norwich); also at Lynn, Yarmouth.
Red Lion street Lowestoft & Lincoln. See advertisement
Jackson Eleanor (Mrs.), dress maker, 145 Heigham st Jewson Frank, solicitor & commissioner for oaths (firm,
J ackson Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 102 Pottergate st Cozens-Hardy & Jewson), Castle chambers, Opie st
Jackson Ellen (~rs.), furniture dealer, 79 Waterloo road .lex Henry. shopkeeper, 51 CowgatEl street
J ackson George, tailor, Orford place Johnson Brothers (Dyers) L1mited, dyers & cleaners.
Jackson Hy. Wm. station master G. E. R. Thorpe statn 44 London street
Jacksons Limited, hatters, 20 London street .Johnson, Burton &. Theobald, ironmongers, stove,
Jacobs Ernest A. marble mason, Suffolk street tile hearth & range fitters, hot water engineers, zinc
Jacobs Sarah (Mrs.), shopkpr. & post office,Old Lakenhm roofers & miUlufacturers of japanned trunks, r8 London
Jacobs Thomas C. pork butcher, 9 Rupert street street & 2 & 4 Castle street
James A. & Sons, cycle dealers, IOI & 103 Magdalen J ohnson H. A. & Co. importers, wholesale hardware
road & I I Dereham road factors & general warehousemen; baskets, statiomry.
James .A.dah (Mrs.), draper, IOI Magdalen road toys & fancy goods, rga, Rampant Horse street
James Elizabeth (Mrs.), Thorn tavern, 25 Ber street Johnson Emma (Miss), butcher, 23 Heigham street
Jarmy Wm. Constitution inn, 140 Constitution hill Johnson Eva (Miss), dress maker, 74 Beaconsfield road'
Jarrett Frederic \V. & Son, boot & 11hoe manufacturers, J ohnson Frederick, hair dresser, 3 Dove street
St. Paul's opening, Peacock street Johnson Frederick,insurance agent,24 Morning-ton street
J arrett George, parish clerk of St. Giles, 8 Grapes hill Johnson John, mechanical enginoor,17 Bloomsbury place
Jarrett Wright Goddard, 'I'he Club House tavern, Old Johnson Rd. cabinet ma. 66 St. Clement's bl.New Catton
Post Office court, Market place Jobnson Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), York tavern,2 Castle meadow
Johnson Thomas, bricklayer, II2 Belvoir street

mimcro:av.] NORFOLK. l'i'ORWICH. 383
Johnson Wait. statnr. & sub-post office, 85a, St. Giles st Kent Ernest Alfred B.A. solicitor & commissione~ for
Johnson William J. sec. Norfolk & Norwich Savings oaths in Supreme court, solicitor to the Norwich 230
Bank, 5 & 7 Red Lion street Starr-Bowkett Building Society, St. Andrew's Hall
Joice Wm. tomato grower, Upton rd. Newmarket road plain ; & at Lowestoft
Jolley Herbert Matthew, manager to E. J. Edwards, ug Kent Henry James, basket maker, 133 & 153 Cowgate st
Plnmstead road Kerr David, H.M. assistant inspector of factories, 14
Jolly George H. steward City club, 43 London street Rampant Horse street
J ones A. I. & Co. Ltd. tobacconists, 19 Red Lion street Kerridge Ellis Herbert, grocer, 25 St . .Augustine's street
Jones William & Ca. boot & shoe warehouse, 76 Kerrison Horace, hair dresser, 49a, West End street
Magdalen street Kerrison James, watch & clock maker, 12 Magdalen stree~
Jones Arthur Wansbrough LL.B. solicitor & registrar of Kett & Sons, upholsterers, 72 St. Giles street
Norwich Guildhall Court of Record (firm, Stevens, Kett Waiter & Son, house furnishers, 51 St. Giles st
Miller & Jones), Bank chambers, Bank plain Kett Arthnr John, cattle dealer, 37 Hall road
J ones Dennis, wardrobe dealer, 70 Oak street Kett Charles, carting contractor, 68 Mountergate street
Jones Emilie Marion (Miss), school, 16 All Saints' green Kett Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ro Duck lane
JonBs Henry, coal dealer, 142a, Northumberland street Kett Frederick, shopkeeper, 79 Devonshire street
Jones Jessie (Mrs.), dress maker, 41 Heil,;ham street Kett Henry, deputy supt. registrar, St . .A.ndrew stree~
Jones John Henry M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H. Kett Peter Mellish, butcher, II8 Sprowston road
physician & surgeon, 126 Unthank road Ketteringham Arthur, butcher, 45 Ber street
Jones Joseph, boot & s,hoe maker, 6o Marlborough road Ketteringham Horace, horse slaughterer, 15 Scales green
J ones Vincent, teacher of music, 22 Doris road Key Frederick Edward, Eagle tavern, 33 Newmarket rd
Jones Waiter W. carpenter & joiner, 67 Drayton road Key W. customs & excise, old age pension!! & national"
Jcnes William, jobbing gardener, II5 St. Leona.rds road insurance officer, 27 Tombland
Jones William John, The Buck P.H. 139 Oak street Key William H. (late Slipper & Co.), agricultural imple-
Jordan Alfred, news agent, 8 Bridewell alley ment maker, Cattle market (sats. only); & Blofield
Jordan Alfred James, tobacconist, II5 Ber street Keys John, fruiterer, see Singer & Keys
Jordan Er nest Wm. news agent, rB St. Benedict's street Kidd & Dun ton Ltd. printers &c. 13 St.J ohn Maddermrki
Jordan William, fret worker, 5 Golden Ball street Kidd George, tobacconist, 43 St. Benedict's 8treet
Joseph Waiter J. solicitor & commissioner for oaths, City Kidd Hayward Thompson, stationer, 3 Bank plain
chambers, Prince of Wales road. T N 457 Kiddle Alfred Bengefield, butcher, 55 Union street
Joy Willia.m John, coal merchant, 14 Neville street Kiddle John Wm. Crown & Anchor P.H. 123 St. George st
Judges' Lodgings, 6 The Close Kidman Ernest, mineral water mannfr. 59a, Heigham rd
Juier Annie (Miss), ladies' hair dresser, 66 Prince of King H. A. & Co. factors in oils, greases, rot & rain
Wales road proof covers &c. ; offices, :Bergh Apton, Norwich
Junior Institute (O.E.Y.M. S.) (V en. Archdeacon Pelham, King J. & J. Limited, house & church decorators.
chairman), Princes s-treet sanitary plumbers & artists in stained glass; makers
Juniper Robert KeTrison, coal merchant, 34 Fishergate of silk banners for trade societies & schools; estab-
Kahler Frederick Andrew, baker, 10 Cowgate street lished 1798; offices & works, 2 Princes street, St.
Kahler Frederick Andrew, jun. baker, 102 Silver street Andrew's (near St. Andrew's hall)
Kahler William George, baker, I St. Julian street King T. C. · R. & Sons, sanitary engineers, house &
Keable William, farmer, Hall farm, Earlham church decorators & general contractors, plumbers &.
Keefe William Edgar, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, glaziers; sole makers of Shalder's patent pumps.
& Liberal registration agent for East Norfolk (firm, artesian well sinkers & borers &c. g6 Prince of Wales
J. W. C. Daynes, Son & Keefe), Opie House chambeTS, road. Tel. add. "Kingson, Norwich;" Tel. No. 146.
Castla meadow See advertisement
Keeler Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 Denbigh road King (Wallace) Limited, complete house furnishers, bed-
Keith, Blake & Co. solicitors & commissioners for ad- ding & furniture manufacturers & picture frame
ministering oaths in the SuprBIDe court, & agents to makers ; removal contractors & warehousemen, 24 &.
the Norwich Union, Law Life & Law Union & Crown 26 Prince of Wales road. T A "Wallace King;" T N
Fire & Life Assurance Companies, stewards of manors 432. See advertisement
& estate agents, The Chantry, Theatre street. T N 6o8 KingAnn Last (Mrs.),servants' registry office,gTheatre s\.
Keith & Smith, land agents, valuers & auctioneers, 13 King Archibald, marim; store dealer, 1 10 Ber street
Prince of Wales road King Arthur Alfred, greerngrocer, 73 Union street
Keith Frederick Waiter Hugh B..A.. solicitor & commis- King Benj. Godbold, emigration agt.6 Rampant Horse st
.sioner for oaths, 5 Opie !!treet ; & at Cromer King Claude M.R.San.I., F.I.S.E. sanitary engineer;
Kelf Waiter George, Morning Star P.H. 23 Pottergate st drains tested & reported upon; plans & estimates
Kelf William, coal dealer, 70 Derby street prepared for new drains or any kind of plumbing
Kelf William George, tailor, 6 Cardiff road work, hot water fittings &c. ; the general condition
Kelly Alfred, commercial traveller, 178 Thorpe road of houses reported upon. N.B.-Only address, 20
Kelter William, butcher, 136 Magdalen street Castle meadow. T N 321. See advertisement
Kemp A.&. F. (estab. 1848), ladies' hair dressers; King Ed win John, greengrocer 167, & cycle agent 16g..
Aylsham road
King Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 52 Grapes hill
King George Clement, insurance agent, 14 Ashby street
King George M. baker, 2 Winter road
King George Robert, shopkeeper, 66 Wellington road
King George William, grengrocer, 38 Vauxhall street
King Henry Robert, baker. 68 Ashby street
King Horatio A_ pharmaceutical chemist & optician, 38.
Exchange street
Kin~ Isaac, hou!'e decorator, 58 Grove road
King John, Leopard P.H. gB Bull Close road
King Louisa (Miss), dress maker, 19 Distillery street
King Selby (~Iiss), teacher of music, 43 Trinity street
King Thomas George, apartments, 13 Cathedral street
King Waiter John, tailor, 33 King street
King William Fredk. grindery dlr. g6 & gB Westwick st
Shampooing rooms for manicure, vibro face & ·King's Own Royal Regiment Norfolk Yeomanry, see Nor
scalp massage; hairwork a speciality; folk (King's Own Royal Regiment) Yeomanry Terri~
toilet requisites, perfumes &c. torial Force
6 Exchange street. Telephone ~o. 857 KingsmillEthel & Kate(Misses),dress mas.48Shipstone rd .
Kemp Arthur, greengrocer, 20 Westlegate street Kinley Joseph, grocer, & post office, 81 Grove road
Kemp Christopher 1Yilliam, shopkeeper, 44 Ber street Kirby Chas. hair dresser 9, & tobacconist ga,Heigham st..
Kemp George James, baker, 70 Gladstone street Kirby Charles Robert, painter, see Watson & Kirby
Kemp Henry B. commercial traveller, rg Wellington road Kirby Frank, cvcle dealer, 5 St. Benedict's street
Kemp May (Miss), preparatory school, 26 Pottergate st Kirby Frank H. boot maker, 42 Earlham road
Kemp Sarah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 99 Heigham st Kirby John Francis, boot manufr. 65 Pitt st. T N 1125
Kemp William, traveller, 28 St. Philip's road Kirkby Ann Elizh. (Miss), aparts. 39 St. Stephen's sq
Kendle Harriet (Miss), nurse, 161 Queen's road Kirkbv Jchn William, imurance agent, 153 Unthank rd
Kent Alfred J. draper, & post office, 12 Stafford street Knigh-t George Joseph, milk dealsr, 29 Douro street
Knight Horace, baker, 25 Waterloo road
Kni~hts Ebenezer Harper, camel. travllr.32 Magdalen rd Langley Charles Aldham, Alexandra. tavern, Gladstone st
Knights Edwin A. V.C.M. teacher of music, 86 Park lane Lanham Arthur John, Market tavern, I4 Market lane
Knights Frederick, baker & grocer, 15 Heigham street Lanham James Henry, nurseryman, Trafford road
Knights Robert Charles, insurance agent, 32 Rosebery Lardner Jas. Hy. Festival House P.H.2,4&6 St.George st
road, St. Clement's hill Large & Miller, hoot & shoe manufacturers, Fishers la.
Knivett James Arthur, insurance agent. 64 Waldeck rd Large Frederick, shopkeeper, 2 Ashby street
Knott Arthur James, coal dealer, 87 Heigham street Large John, general manager Norwich Umon Fire Insur·
Knowles Wm. Christmas, tobacconist, 1 Charing cross ance Society Limited, Surrey street
Krumm August, hair dresser, see Pfob & Krumm Lark Emma (Mrs.), shopkpr. I2 Chapel st. Sth. Heigham
Labour Institute (William Holmes, sec.), I9 St. Peter's stLark Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, u I King street
Labour Party Registration Offices (Waiter Robert Smith, Larke & Bennett, wholesale confectnrs. 24 St. G<!orge st
agent), 24 St. John Maddermarket Larke Henry, boot repairer, 54 Livingstone street
Lacey & Lincoln Limited, builders' merchants & iron- Larke Reginald Norman, pawnbroker, 5 St. Stephen"s
mongers, slate, cement, sanitary appliance & oil & plain & clothier, 1a, Rupert street
calor merchants, 30 & 32 St. Giles street (T A "Lacey Larking & Larking, accountants, Commercial chambers,
Lincoln, Norwich;" T N 170) ; depots, Duke street ; 9 Red Lion street; & at Lowestoft
Wensum street; Midland & G.N. railway, City station Larking Charles (firm, Larking & Larking), incorporated
& G.E. railway, Thorpe station; & brick makers, accountant, & auditor to the Norwich Corporation
Swainsthorpe Commercial chambers, 9 Red Lion st. ; & at Lowestoft
Lacey & Upcher, architects & surveyors, 6 Upper King Larking Rolaud Charles .A..C.A. chartered accountant
street. T N 3 (firm, Larking & L'<irking), Commercial chambers, g
Lacey William Henry & Son, wholesale fruit & potato Red Lion street
merchants, Grosvenor road. T A "Spuds;" T N 757 Larkman Chas.Jas.boot & shoe ma-48 West Pottergate st
Lac2y Arthur John M.S.A. (firm, Lacey & Upcher), Larkman Robert .Alfred, Somerleyton tavern, 58 Somer·
architect & diocesan surveyor, 6 Upper King street leyton street
Lacey Henry Thom'<is Philip, shopkpr. 56 Baker's road Larkman Rosetta (Mrs. ),fishmngr .2 Angel rd.N ewCatton
Lacey Mary A. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32 St. Saviour's lane L11rn John, commercial traveller, 33 Pembroke road
Lacey William, baker, 11 Princes street Larnder Alice (Miss), shopkeeper, r Prospect place,
Lacey William James, chemist, see Gardiner & Lacey HornH lane
Lack Ilerbert, confectioner, 124 Magdalen street Larnder William, boot repairer, 148 Ber street
Lack James William, boot & shoe maker, 23a, William st Larwood Waiter, boot repairer, 23 Devonshire ~treet
Lack William, shopkeeper, I2 Oak street Last James & Co. boot manufacturers, St. Benedict's s~
Lacohee Frederick John, boot repairer, 92 St. George st Last Alfred Richard, photographer, 7 St. Gregory's alley
Lacon E. & Co. Ltd. brewers, St. Margaret's brewery, Latham Donald, Duke's Palace P.H. 7 Duke street
W estwick street La timer Cranmer Ridley, hosier, Bedford street
Laddiman Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, I39 Waterloo road Latten H. (Miss), dress ma. 28 Norfolk st. Sth.Heigham
Ladell Richard William, coroner for the City, Orford Latten William, builder, see Sparkes & Latten
chambers, Orford place Laurence, Scott & Co. Limited, -electrical engineers,
Ladell William Nethercote, solicitor, commissioner for Gothic works, Hardy road
oaths & deputy coroner for the City, Orford chambers, Lavick Wm. Christmas, insurance agent, 187 Silver road
Orford place Lawn Francis Taylor, plumber, 8 Farmers avenue
Ladells, confectioners, pastrycooks, caterers, agents for Lawn William James, Norfolk tavern, 27 Norfolk street,
Cooper-Brown & Co. Eaton brewery & wine & spirit South Heigham
merchants, 22 The Walk, Market place. T N 6o6 Lawrence George, apartments, 4 Cathedral street
Ladly Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 18 Grosvenor road Laws George, horse slaughterer, 32 St. Leonards road
Ladly John, butcher, 6o St. Benedict's street Laws Isaac, refreshment rooms, 8 Bracondale
Laing David, builder, I I Bury street, Untha!lk road Lay Frank. patent medicine dealer, 136 Oak street
Laing William, clothier, 67b, Ber street Laycock Elizabeth Annie (Miss), dress maker, 37 Car-
Lake Edward, bird cage maker, IO Barn road shalton road, New Lakenham
Lake Frederick William, paperhanger, 36 Pitt street Leabon Frederick, clothier, 9 Timber hill
Lake George Robert, hon. sec. Friendly Society Rational Leach & Son, oil & calor men, Riv,er Side road
Association, 2 Dereham road Leach & Tooley, oil, paint, lamp & paperhangings
Lake Martha (Mrs.), confectioner, 8 Tombland dealers & general ironmongers, 32 St. Stephen's
Lake ""Yilliarn, saw mills, Halls lane street & 94 St. Benedict's street
Lamb Charles William, tobacconist, 82a, St. Gile11 street Leach George Fredk. insurance agent, 93 West End st
Lamb Frcderick William, brush maker, IIOa,Magdalen st Leach Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Timber hill
Lamb Sidney, hair dresser, I58 Sprowston road Leamon George, boot repairer, 64 Lawson road
Lambert F. & Son Ltd. tea & coffee specialists, 14 & 16 Leamon James, boot & shoe maker, I04 Spencer street
Lower Goat lane; 52 London street; I I St. Stephen's Leamon J osiah, upholsterer, S3 St. George street, St.
street & 7I Magdalen street; duty paid tea warehouse, Clement's alley, Fye Brid;;e street
Upper Goat lane. T N 257 Learner George, Black Horse P.H. II5 Heigham 8trePt,
LPmbert F . .& Son Limited, wholesale & retail tobacco Lee & Nickalls, boot manufacturers, uga, Magdalen st
& cigar importers, 4 Lower Goat lane; 8 Royal arcade Lee Henry, baker, 17 Rising Sun lane
& 8 Red Lion street Lee James, shopkeeper, I89 Philadelphia lane
loambert S. H. & Co. motor & motor cycle agents; Lee Louise (Mrs.), court dress maker, 55 St.Giles street
sole Norfolk agents for the " Auto" carrier delivery Leech Henry George, boot maker, 50 St. Augustine's st
vans, "Zebra " cars & "Oryx" cars; any make of Lees M. Mackenzie, sec. Norwich Union Life Insurance
motor cycle supplied; accessories a speciality, 68 Insurance Society, Surrey street
Prince of Wales road. T N 488. See advertise- Lefevre Harriet(Mrs. ),FoundryBridge tav.Mountergate st
ment Legal & General Life .Assurance Society (Larking &
Lambert .Albert, tailor, 82 Connaught road Larking, res. sec~.), Commercial chambers, 9 Red
Lambert Edward, greengrocer, 31 St. George street Lion street
Lambert George L. tailor, 12 & 14 Exchange street Legge Jane (Mrs.), berlin wool repository ,12 Exchange st
Lambert George Wm. furniture dealer, 2 Gordon road Le Grice Edward Charles, grocer, 26 Brunswick road
Lambert John B. photographer, 3 Rose lane LeGricf>' J'bseph John, butcher, 2 Dereham road
Lancaster Alfred, Staff of Life P.H. 72 St.Augustine's st Lrith \hlliam M.B., C.M. surgeon, 144 Dereham road
Lancum Charlotte (Mrs.), clogger, 7 St. Marys plain Lema!! Wm. George, wardrobe dealer, 9 Rising Sun la
Land Brothers, corn merchants, 88a, Rupert street Lemmon Arthur, baker, 96 St. Benedict's street
Land Frederick, painter & decorator rB, & 11hopkeeper Lemrnon Elizh. (Mrs.), King's Head P.H. 24 Barrack ~t
15, Hi~ing- Sun lane Lemmon Mark Alfred, estate agent, 35 Exchange street
Land Maria Martha (Mrs.), Lord Carnden P.H. 15 Lemon Frederick, Kimberley Arms P.H. 9 Trory street
Charing cross Lemon John William, medical botanist, Dereham road
Lane Arthur A. sign writer, Aylsham road Leney Frank, curator Norwich Castle Museum, Castle
Lane Benjamin, confectioner, 4I Barrack street meadow
Lane George Albert, shopkeeper, 6o Barrack street LPvell Thomas, monumental mason, 52 Magodalen road
Vme William, Buff Coat P.H. 2I Cattle Market 11treet Leverett John William, teacher of music, I8 Ash grove
Lane William, carpenter, Timber hill Leveridge Brothers, warehousemen, 22 & 24 Timber hill
Lane William John, carpenter, Cardiff road Leveridge Robert L. builder, 135 Dereham road
Langfords Limited, cooks & confectioners, 50 London Leveton I.& Sons, picture frame makers, 8o Mag-d<~len st
street & 32 Prince of WaleR road Leveton Isaac, picture frame maker, rr Orford hill
Langham & Sons, en~;"ineers, Muspole street Levine Louis, pawnbroker, 6 St. BenPdict's st.reet; Ij3
Langley & Co. toy dealers, 14 Prince of Wales road & I55 ~hgdalen street & 2 Chapel Field road
Levine Reuben, dealer in antiques, 19 Prince of Wales rd London Rubber Co. waterproof mannfacturers,IILondon d.
Levine Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 123 Dereham road London Robert J ames, ladies' tailor, 48 Rose mne ·
Le well Agnes (.Mrs.), apartments, I I Wood street Long Ann Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Little Pa.ddock
Lewis Charles, Bricklayers' Arms P .H. ::38 Bull close street, North Heigham
Lewis John Kirk, Cellar House P .H. 2 Ea ton street Long Edward, shopkeeper, 30 Globe st. South He.igham
Ley W. & Co. hardware dealers, 68a, Dereham road Long Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, II4 Barrack tJtreet
Liberal Club (Wilfrid Tillett, hon. sec.), 21 The Walk, Long Francis Maddison A.M.I.C.E. city electrical engi-
Market place neer, Duke street
Liddiman Horace Ge:Jrge, grocer, 2 Belsize road Long Sydney Herbert M.D.Cantab. physician to the Nor-
Liddirueut John, shopkeeper, 34 Mariner's lane folk & Norwich Hospital & to the Jenny Lind Infirmary
Lincoln Alfred George, chimney sweep, I Bexleys sq. for Children, 37 St. Giles street. T N 60']
Grapes hill Loombe Arthur William,writer & grainer\4 Churchill rd
Lincoln Alfred Warner, artificial teeth manufa<:turer, 6 Loose James Travers, earthenware dealer,25 Magdalen st
Chapel Field road · · · Lord Albert, ca.rpenter, 33 Wellington road
Lincoln Carolina (Miss), dre~& maker, 65 "Essex street Lord F. M. (Mrs.), coal merchant, M. & G. N. Joint
Lincoln Charles, boot & shoe maker, 220 Heigham street Rail~ay coal depot, Heigham street
Lincoln Emily (Miss), teacher of music, 33 Pelham road, Lord Minnie (Mrs.), butcher, 86 Magdalen street
St. Clement's hill Ll•uvre (The), fancy drapers, milliners & ladies' &
Lincoln George, builder, 77 Temple road, New Catton children's outfitters, 4 & 5 Royal arcade
Lincoln George Dauling, chimney sweeper,Bayfield's yard, Lovatt Charles Elijah, plasterer, 130 Northumberland st
Magdalen street Love Frances Harriet (Mrs.),Royal Standard P.H.12 Ber st
Lincoln Gertrude (Miss), milliner, 84 Pitt street Love George W. Waggon & Horses P.H. 23 Coslany stree._
Lincoln Leonard, builder, 6r The Close Love John, shopkeeper, r6 Norman road
Lincoln Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper, 59 Distillery street Love Percival J. ticket writer, Exchange chambers, Ex-·
Lincoln Robert, boot manufacturer, 62, 64 & 66 Pitt change tJtreet
street. T N 955 Love day G. S. & Co. rush collar m as. 7 & 9 Peacock st
Lincoln Rt. Geo. farmer, Harford Hall farm, Ipswich rd Loveday Mary Ann (Miss), apartmmts, 1:9 Cathedral str.
Lincoln William, chimney sweeper, n8 Barrack street Lovett Henry Charles, Hope P .li. 35 St. Stephen's road,
Lincoln William, goods manager, Victoria station Lovett William James, blacksmith, 7 Old Palace road
(G. E. R.), St. Stephen's road Lovick George, boot repairer, 23 Winter road
Lincoln Wm.Alfred, railway goods agt.5 St.Matthew's rd Lovick Henrietta (Mrs.), butcher, 10 Botolph street
Lincoln William Richard, assistant superintendent Low Brothers, corn merchants, 37 St. Martins lane (T N.
(Prudential), 48 Aylsham road 1IDBX) ; 2a, Dereham road & 48 Sprowston road
Linen Thread Co. Limited, 31 Colegate street. T A Low Harry Vincent M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, &
" Threaders, Norwich;" T N u64 inspector under the "Diseases of Animals Acts," I2 ·
Line.~ Henry, Queen P.H. 25 Castle meadow St. Giles street
Linford & Son, watch & clock makers, I Brigg street Lowe George, carpenter, go Trinity street
Ling Bros. agricultural implement makers, Cattle mar- Lowne Richard, teacher of music, 5 Princes street & 77 ·
ket (saturdays only) St. George street
Ling John, draper, & post office, 23 Magdalen street Lowne Williarn, commercial traveller, 24 Trinity street;-_
Ling Thomas, ironmonger, 2 Orford place Lowther-Dove Adolphus, turkish bath proprietor,..
Ling William Henry, traveller, 140 Glebe road chiropodist & masseur, 78 Prince of Wales road
Lingley Harriet (Mrs.), Whip & Nag P.H. 3 Pitt street Loynes George Samuel & Son, grocers, 38 St. Benedict's
Lipton Limited, provision dealers, I5 Haymarket & 4 street; 61 Magdalen street & 18 Hall road
Magdalen street Lubbock Robert, hoot & shoe maker, 75 Magpie roau
Little Waiter, hosier, 8 Magdalen t~treet Lubbuck Daniel, bricklayer, 3 Green Hills road
Littleboy Arth.Lindley, dentist,44 St.Giles st. T ~ I063 Lubbuck Daniel, jun. bricklayer, I3 Green Hills roacl
Littleproud Leonard Robert, baker, 22 Distillery street Lucas Dora (Miss), girls' school, 106 Thorpe road
Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. Ltd. (Frank Lucas Emma (Miss), apartments, 20 Dereham road
H. Rogers, resident inspector), 49a, London street Lucas Thomas, Mounted Volunteer P.H. 12 Silver road
Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation Limited (Chas. Ludlow Frederick & Son, carpenters, roo Magdalen road
Clow, district manager), ro Upper King strPet Ludlow Maria (Mrs.). dress maker, IB Harford street
Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society (Chas. Claw, Lumb Ellon (Miss), nurse, 43 Baker's road
district manager), ro Upper King street Lumb William J oh!], printer, 22 Ella road
Livingstone Hotel (P. S. Hoydahl, proprietor), Orford Lusher & Marsh, malt shovel makers, Bull Close road
hill. T N 82I Lus!:tP.r Herbert Robert, bricklayer, 57 Mousehold street
Livock & Son, tailors, hatters, hosiers & shirt makers, Lusher Horace, boot maker, rgo Essex street
33 & 35 London street Lusher Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6 Scales green
Livock Harry, insurance agent, 34 Napier street Lyall Hannah Elizabeth (Mrs.). Nag's Head P.H. 27 & 29--.,
Lloyd Beatrice (Mrs.), dyer & cleaner, 44 Grapes hill King street
Lloyd John, tailor, 2 Havelock road Lydamore Willie Ransome, grocer, 79 Grove road
Loade~ Jsph. Robt. pianoforte tuner, 24 Brunswick road Lynn Archdeaconry Office (T. W. Hansell, notary public,_
Loades Mary Louisa (Miss), draper, & post office, 160 registrar), 72 The Close
Heigham street Lyons Thomr.!!, customs & excise, old age pensions &
Lock Ellen & Martha (Misses),drapers, 64 Spencer street -national insurance officer, 27 Tombland
Lock Henry W. tea agent, 3 St. Andrew's hill Mabbott Caroline (Miss), day school, 6o St. Philip's road-
Lockwood Lewis Geo.MarlboroughArmsP.H.43Spencer st Mabbott Charles Henry, upholsterer, 32 Coburg street
Lockwood M. (Miss), teacher of music, 6 Bnxton road Mabbutt Edward, shopkeeper, x Philadelphia lane
Lockwood Thoma!l, carpenter, ISO Unthank road Macartney William Joseph, Surrey inn, 74 Grove r.,a.l
Lockwood William, cabinet maker, 6 Waterman's yard, McDowall JamesThomas,brewery traveller,I7oDereham rd "":
Westwick street Mace Albert, Ostrich inn, 31 Ketts hill
Lodge Charlotte (Mrs.), confectioner, 53 Ber street Mace Alice (Mrs.), apartment'- 9 Cathedral street
London City & Midland Bank Limited (Thomas Joseph Mace Waiter, draper, hosier & boot & shoe maker, 52,. .
Taylor, manager), Io LondBn street; draw on head 54 & 56 St. Benedict's street & 14 St. Stephen's st. ;
office, 5 Threadneedle street, London E C & at Wymondham & Attleborough
London Dental Institute, 2 Castle street • McEwen S. & Sons, tailors, 54 Botolph street
London & Manchester Industrial Assurance Co. Limited McEwen Annie (Mr11.), chimney sweep, 7 Finkelgate
(John Harman, superintendent), 4 Brigg street McEwen John, commercial traveller, I5 Sandringham rd
London & North Western Railway Co. (George Overend, McEwen Philip Alfd. chimney sweeper, Tyrrells yd.Ber st
district traffic agent), 53 London street McFarlane Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Neville st
London & Norwich Cyde & Rubber Co. 2 & II White McKelvie Emma (Mrs.), apartments, I86 Dereham road
Lion street Mackley Bros. bird mers. (Jacob Mackley), Aylsham rd
London & Norwich Press Limited (The), printers & Mackley & Bnnn. printers, 7 Orford hill
publishers, 7 St. Giles street Mackley T. J. & H. E., L.D.S.Eng. surgeon-dentists, 74
London Picture Palace Co. Victoria hall, St. Stephen's st St. Giles street; & at Mr. Davison's, chemist, Faken-
London & Provin{;ial Bank Limited (branch) (Frederick ham, first thurs. in the month; Bell hotel, 'Ihetford,
James Chambers, manager), 30 London street; head second thurs. in the month; Crown hotel, Watton,
office, 3 Bank buildings, Loth bury E C; London third thnrs. in the month. T N 66o
agents, Glyn, Mills. Currie & Co. Lombard street E C Mackley George Wm. surgeon-dentist, 53 St. Gile:~ st
London & Provincial Furnishing Company, complete Mackley Herbert Edwin L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dentist (firm,
house furnishers, cabinet makers & upholsterers, 3I & . T. J. & H. E. Mackley), 74 St. Giles street
3ra, St. Stephen's street. T N Bgo Mackley May (Miss), teacher of music, 53 St. Giles' st

Mackley Thomas Joseph, dentist (firm, T. J. & H. E. Mark_ W. D. & Sons, hide, skin, fat & wool brokers, 8
Mackley), 74 St. Giles street He1gham street. T N 18; TA. "Mark Skinners"
Mackley William Henry, hair dresser, 56 Cowgate &treet Market ~ollector's Office (Robert John Howard, collec-
McLeish David James M.A., M.D., Ch.B.Glas. assistant tor), Fish market .
school medical officer to the County Council, Shire ho M:arkham Alfred, wardrobe dealer, 45 Barrack street
McLintock Mary H. & Francis (Misses), private asylum, Markham Edward, hair dresser, 27 Rupert street
see Osburne & McLintock Marks & Spencer Limited, bazaar, 62 London street
McNamee Peter, wardrobe dealer, g6 Philadelphia lane Marr & Co. photographers, 65 Prince of Wales road
McNeill E. A. surveyor of taxes (Norwich 2rid survey), Marriott Francis Windsor Parker B.A., LL.B. solicitor
28 Tombland (firm, Foster, Calvert & Marriott), 2 Upper King st
McQueen William & Sons, tailors & drapers, 4 & 6 Marriott William Aubrey L., M.B., Ch.B.Glas. surgeon,
Ten Bell lane. T N 541 39 Surrey street
McQueen Hugh, news agent, 146 Magdalen street Marris Arthur John, baker, 196 King street
Madgett Robert Thomas, Artichoke P.H. I Magdalen rd Marris Chas. Fredk. Boiler Makers' Arms P.H.57 King st
Maggs Abraham, harness maker, 20 Cattle Market street Marris Frank, tailor, Io6 Trinity street
Maggs David, harness maker, 5 Upper King street & 2 Marris Henry, baker, 54 West End street
Market avenue Man-is Waiter, baker, 3rz Vauxhall street
1\laggs Henry, tailor, 5 Westlegate street Marrison Benjamin Robt. hair dresser, 25 St. George st
Maggs William, shopkeeper, 55 Fisliergate Marsh Geo. Wm. malt shovel maker,see Lusher & Marsh
Mahomed Herbert, dental surgeon, 45 Earlham road & Marshall Arth. Watling, cabinet maker,13 Bishopgate st
ro Orford hill MarshalL George, plumber, 56 Heath road
Mahon Foster MacMahon, barrister-at-law, & sub- Marshall Hy. fishmonger, 56 Armes st. North Heigham
manager to the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Marshall Henry James, bricklayer, 226 Heigham street
Limited (accident branch), 41 St. Giles street Marshall John Charles, shopkeeper, r5 Philadelphia lane
Mahony John, surveyor of customs & excise (Ist dis- Mar-shall Walter, Prince of Wales P.H. 22 Barrack street
trict), 27 Tombland Ma.rshall William Burton B.A., M.B., B.C.Cabtab.,'s Head family hotel; established over 500 years. M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon
opposite the Cathedral, Wensum street (firm, Hatch, Bush & Marshall), 214 Unthank road
Maine Stephen, tailor, 74 Pitt street Marsham .Althea So.phia (Mrs.),Anchor·P.H.r6 Surrey st
Maine Stephen Fredk. travelling draper, 6 Green Hills rd Marsham .Arthur, shopkeeper, I47 Essex street
Maines John, shopkeeper, I 17 Belvoir street Marsham Robert, hair dresser, 17 Bedford street
.Makens Robert & Sons, farmers, Church farm & Heigham MarSiham Saml.Stphn. Belle Vue tavern,46 St.Philip's rd
farm, Earlham; res. Colney Marston & Sons, cork cutters, 9 St. George street
¥akin Frederick Henry> tailor, 59 Pottergate street Marston & Co. painting brush ma.s. 54 St. George st
~dalden Ernest. confectioner, I3I Ber street Marston A.nnie Elizabeth (Mrs.), servants' registry
Mallett Edward, traveller, I Bensley road office, 58 Thorpe road
Mallett Frederick Charles, hair dresser, 49 Clarke road Martin Benj. A. & Son, boot & shoe factors, IB Bebhel st
Mallett John, pork butcher, 70 Grove road & shopkpr. Martin Benjamin Mark L.D.S.Edin. dentist, & bon.
209 Essex street dental surgeon to the Jenny Lind Infirmary for Child-
Mallett John, shopkpr. 92 Rosebery rd. St. Clement's hl ren, 39 St. Giles street. T N 636
Mallett Richd. watch & clock ma. 27 St. Benedict's st Martin Harold J. surveyor, rg Sandringham road
Mallett Robert, g-reengrocer, I4 Rupert "treet Martin Henry, harness maker, 67 Alexandra road
Mallett Sarah (Mrs.), Shakespeare P.H. I9 Theatre st Martin Mary (Mrs.), boarding house, I Willow lane
Mallet.t William George, Red Lion P.H. 157 Magdalen st Martin Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I 8 Elm hill
Malt Henry Waiter, boot maker, roo liall road Martin Thomas, ferryman, 25 The Close
:·Manchini George, confectioner, I2I Ber street Martin Thomas, shopkeeper, _<;I Stone road
Mann Brothers, boot & shoe manufacturers, Silver road Mart~n Willi~m Robert, Magpie P.H. ':l& Mag-pie road
..Mann, Egerton & Co. Limited, electrical engineers Martms Ohnstopher Bell, butcher, 28 St. Benedict's st
& eontractors, electric lighting for country houses. Martin's Shorthand SJ:!hool, teacher of shorthand &
heating, motive power, bells & telephones; offic~~ & typewriting & dealer in typewriting machines &
-show rooms, 5 Bank plain (TA "Installation, Nor- supplies, 8 Kingsley road
-wich;" T N 2I7 Norwich); also at Ipswich & Lowestoft. Mascall Ernest Richard, hair dresser, 30 Pitt street
See advertisement Mase Charles, hou~e decorator, see Pullen & Mase
'Mann, Egerton & Co. Limited, motor car engi- Ma~e Thomas Arthur, dealer in pictures, drawings, an-
neers, ag-ents & proprietors; accessories, show rooms, tique & modern silver plate, old prints, furniture,
garage & works, 5 Prince of Wales road. T A china, curios &c. 28 & 29 The Walk, Market place.
"Motors, Norwich;" T N 482 Norwich (3 lines). See T N 508
advertisement Mason Robert H. & Son, tailors & breeches makers, 5
Mann Alice (Miss), dress maker, 34 St. Stephen's road & 6 Castle meadow
Mann Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 65 Bull Close road Masop. Alfred William, baker, I Ten Bell lane
_ Mann Arthur Nathaniel, pawnbrkr. I & 3 All Saints' green Ma~on Charles Edwa.rd, accountant, 82 Dereham road
Mason Philip H. phM'IIlaoeutical chemist & manufac-
Mann Edward, Red Lion P.H. 63 London street turer of toilet specialities, Bank plain
Mann Elizabeth (Mrs.), fried fish dealer, sr Ber street
Mason Waiter, Orchard Tavern P.H. 36 Heigham street
-Mann Ernest, Cellar House P.H. I09 King street
Mason's Laundry Limited (Fred S. Culley,sec.),Queen st
~ann Henry, insurance superintendent, 13 Glebe road
Mann John (Mrs.), draper, 210 Queen-'s road Massingham Mary & Maude (Misses), dress makers, 53
Heigham road
Mann Joseph, market gardener. 289 Aylsham road Masters Helen Elizh_ (Miss), fancy dra.pPA"", 87 St.Giles st
Mann Randall, Lord Nelson P.H. Dereham road
~{ann Thomas Alexander, printer, 5 Risin"" Sun lane
Matthews Alice (Mrs.), midwife, 2 Kerrison's road,
Tom bland
l\'Iann William, shopkeeper, 62 Colegate :treet
Mann_ William Charles, boot manuf~tr. 12 & I4 Pitt st Matthews Gustave, tailor, "7 & 9 St.John Maddermarket
Matthews Herbert, Butcher, so Magdalen road
Mannmg- Jas Howes, teac~r of music, 26 Smithfield rd
Matthews Jn. farm bailiff to R. Makens & Sons,Earlham
Man~"r William, watch maker, 57 Ber street
Matthews Thoma~ Elijah, hair dresser, rg Castle street
Mansfield Arthur, g"Tocer, Southwell road
Matthews Wm.Gibbs. fishmonger,roi Prince of Wales rd
Mansfield Charles Waiter, shopkeeper, 70 Southwell road
Matthews William Gibbs (Mrs.), fishmonger, Bo Rose la.
Mansfield Daniel, cardboard box manfr. 24 St. Saviours la
Mansfield Thomas, plasterer, I52 Unthank road Mauran Sarah (Mrs.),- shopkeeper, gi Cowgate street
Mansfield William, plasterer, 2 Hotblack road May & Co.who. grocers, 2 & 4 Charing cross. T N I88
Mapes Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 36 Alexandra road May Goorge, grocer, no Dereham rdi. & 3a, Earlham rrl
Mapes Marshall H. W. chapel kpr.Church alley,Redwell st Mayes Harriet (Miss), dress ma. 2.1 Bury st. Unthank rd
Mapperley Colliery Co. Limited, coal merchants, I St. Mayfield William, cycle dealer, Wright's yard, Ber street
BPr,eclict's street & M. & G. N. Joint Railway Coal Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, butter dealers, 5 Hay-
depot, Heig-ham street. T N 65 market; ~7 Mag-dalen street; 76 St. Benedict's street
Marcantonio Giovanni, confectioner, 27 Ber street & :<a St. Stephen's street
Marchesi Erminio, confectioner, 77 Prince of Wales road Meachen Emily (Miss), dress maker, 107 Belvoir street
& 5 Davey place Meachen Fredk. Geo. grocr. 27 Suffolk st. Sth.Heigham
Marcon Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 139 Ber street Mead Theodore Frank, watch maker, 6 Ella road
M:>.rgetts Francis Lee, insurance supt. 27 .Aylsham road Meadows Jas. boot repr. 8I Quebec rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Margetts Stephen Charles, boot makE'r. 97 Unthank road Measures John Wm. ladies' tailor,73 Prince of Wales rd
:\[arjoram Edward, butcher, 42 Cowgate ~treet Medler & Son, bricklayers, 42 Philadelphia. lane
Marjoram J sph. shopkpr. ro2 Rosary road, Thorpe Hamlet
Medlicott Color-Sergt.-Instructor C. E. drill instructor Mitchell Florence (Miss), preparatory school 1 4 St..
·to· A, B & C Cos. 4th Territorial Fore~ Battalion Mary's road
Norfolk Regiment, Britannia barracks Mitchell Frederick Samuel, Sussex Arms P.H. 4~ St.
Meek John M. travelling draper, 53 Grapes hill Augustine's street
Neers William Charles, furniture dlr. 31 St. Andrew st ~itchell Jas. Wine Coopers' Arms P.H. 13 Distillery st
Melven Samuel Thomas, boot maker, I03 Ketts hill Mitchell James William, shopkeeper, 63 Cowgate street
Merry Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, IQ Churchill road Mitchell William, baker, 54 Old Palace road
Merry Waiter Charles, baker, I City road :\Ioat Henry, grocer, I I Stafford street
Metcalf Arthur Henry, painter, 53 Sussex street .\iobbs & Lewis Limited, wood last makers, 29 Ber st
::Metcalf Charles, decorator, 74 Sprowston road Mobbs Ernest Edward, insurance supt. 78 Dereham rd
Metcalf George William, boot maker, IQ3 & I24 Oak st Mobbs George, piano tuner, 3Q4 Unthank road
Metcalf Jo8eph Francis, accountant, 56 Earlham road Mobbs James Leonard, estate agent, 4 Castle meadow
Metcalf William Robert, shoe manufacturer, 56 Barn rd Moffitt Martha (Miss), milliner, so Leicester ;;treet
Metcalfe Kate (Miss), masseuse, 39 Beaconsfield road Moll & Eglinton 1 tailors, 1 Little Bethel street
Metcalfe Samuel Albert, shopkeeper, g8 Silver road Moll William, draper, I Market place. T N 38o
Michael (Edward) & Co. butchers. 34 St. Stephen's st Mollett George, collector of Great Yarmouth port & haven
.Mickleburgh James H. boot maker, 3 Finkelgate dues & water bailiff, 14 Carrow road
.Mickleburgh James William, draper, Upland road Mollett Wm. Ernest, boat builder,Pull's ferry, The Close
Mickleburgh James Wm. shopkeeper, n Portersfield rd Molloy J. Austin L.D.S. dental surgeon, 4 Thorpe road
Mickleburgh Jane(Mrs.),pork butcher, IQ St.Saviour's la Money Emily (Mrs.), g-rocer, 15 Bethel street
Middleton .AJbt.pork butcher 21, & greengro.23,Rupert st Montgomerie M.M.(\iiss), artist, I8a,Prince of Wales rd
Middleton Benjamin, greengrocer, 13 Heigham street Moon George, market gardener, Marquis of Granby row,
Middleton Wm. shopkeeper,181 Armes st.North Heigham Barrack street
Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway (Wm. Curson, Moore & Co. wholesale & retail haberdashers, hosiers,
station master), City station, Station road; receiving button factors, trimming sellers, wools, knitting silk!
office, Orford place (E. E. Philpott, agent) ; depot, &c. (only address), 14 St. Giles street. T N 410
Heigham street Moore Alfroo, shopkeeper 63, & pork butcher 75, Union st
Midland & Great Northern Railway Joint Committee Moore Alfred Thomas, shoe maker, r6 Walpole street
(E. E. Philpott, agent); city office, 18 Orford place Moore Alice (Mrs.), Duke of Connaught P.H. Living-
Midlane Edward, tailor, 17 Golden Ball street stone street, Dereham road
Miles Edith & Frances (Misses), news agents, 14 St. Moore .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Barrack street
George street Moore Charles, boot maker, 86 Heath road
Miles A. M. (Miss), greengrocer.- <1~ Rupert street Moore Charles, hair dresser, 6g Heigham street
Miles Alice E. (Miss), dress ma.3 Chester st.York street Moore Edgar, hair dresser, 8o Nelson street
Miles Emmanuel, tob<J.cconist, 35 Rupert street Moore Eliza (Mrs.), livery stables, 24 Theatre street
Miles Hannah (Mrs.), Pheasant Cock P.H.244 Queen's rd Moore George Arthur, hair dresser, 135 Rupert 11treet
Miles Thomas, bird fancier, 20 ~t. Georgs street Moore Harry, baker, 46 Pitt street
Mill bank Jn. Wm. boot ma. 7 Haslip's opening,Midland st Moore H001ry R greengrocer, 30 West End street
Miller & Co. cigar merchants & tobacconists; speciality, l\foore Herbert C. secretary Y.M.C.A. 48 St. Giles !;t
tobaccos of the choicest growths kept in the bulk; Mooro Herbert Sidney, insurance agent, 46 Alexandra rd
established r8r2, 37 London street Moore Jas. Woodhouse, baker, 32 Afghan pl.New Catton
Miller Alfred Herbert, shopkeeper, 15 Camp road Moore John, builder, 317 Unthank road
Miller Arnold Henry, solicitor, town clerk, clerk to the Moore John, Light Horseman P.H. r6r Barrack stteet
visiting committee of the Norwich City Asylum, to the Moore John, news agent, 48 Spencer street
River Yare commis5ioners & to the Mousehold Heath Moo re John, commercial traveller, 35 Hanover rd
conservators & to the Distress & Education Com- Moore John Charles, plumber, 18 Anchor street ·
mittees, Municipal offices, Market place Moo re Lilian (Miss)., florist, 15 Haymarket
Miller Arthur Freder.ick, grocer, 8 Muriel road Moore Minnie (Mrs.). wardrobe dealer, 5 Barrack street
Miller Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), fruiterer, 17 Lower Goat la Moore Reginald F. White Horse P.H. 12 Trafalgar street
Miller Francis Thomas, fishmonger 223, & butcher 229. Moore Robert, shopkeeper, IQ4 Magpie road
Queen's road Moore Robert Thos. Ship P.H. Gas hill, Thorpe hamlet
Miller Frederick. insurance agent, 13 De Caux road Moore Samuel, tobacconist, 71 Oak street
Miller Hubert Alexander, .sculptor, r•8 Bethel street Moore Waiter, The Cottage P.H. Silver road
Miller Kate (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 58 Magdalen street Moore Wm. draper, 21, 23, 37 & 30 St. Benedict's 1t
Miller Louis Charles, solicitor (firm, Stevens, Miller ii Moore William, printer, 16 Muspole street
Jones); & at Kenninghall Moore William Henry, boot maker, 7 Thorn lane
Miller Percy Edgar Frank, boot mfr. see Large & MilleT Moore William Henry, wine & spirit stores, "17 White-
Miller Waiter John, boot maker, g6 Pottergate street Lion street
Mills & Reeve, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, 6g More David, collector of customs & excise & distributor
London s.treet of stamps, 27 Tombland
Mills Artbur, chimnev sweep, 16 Barn road More George H. G. accountant Norfolk County Council
:Wills Arthur, jun. chimney sweep, 25 Heigham street Education Committee, Shire house
Mills Henry Jacob (firm, Mills & Reeve), solicitor & corn· Morgan Bros. boot & shoe manufacturers, Westwick st
missioner for oaths & coroner for the Liberty of thE' Murga.n & Buckingham, architec'ts, surveyors, valuers,
Dean & Chapter, 69 London street estate agents & rating surveyors, 1 Upper King street.
Mills James, fishmonger, r Clarke's yard, Heigham st (T N 195); & at Mere street, Diss. See advertise·
Mills James Handel, journalist. 24 Bathurst road ment
'fiils .Tn. Gibson. shopkeeper, 34 Afghan pl. New Catton Morgan Benjamin Branford F.S.I. architect & surveyor,
Mills Lawrence Hitchen Barfoot M.B .. Ch.B.Edin. sur- valuer, estate agent & rating surveyor, valuer to thB
geon, & medical officer Norwich Dispensary & 2nd assessment committee of the Norwich Incorporation,
district, Hemstead union, 4::1 All Saints' grPen architect & surveyor to the Norwich board of guardians
Mills Robert James M.B., M.S . .Aberd., M.R.C.S.Eng. (firm, Morgan & Buckingham), 1 Upper King street
surgeon, medical officer 2nd district, Norwich union, Morgan Fred, proprietor of Theatre Royal, Theatre st
& surgeon to Norwich city police, 31' Surrey street Morgan Henry R., B.A., L.L.M. solicitor & commissioner
Mills S. Mealing F.S.I. auctioneer, valuer, surveyor&: for oaths {firm, Jarvis & Morgan), 9 All Saints' green
land agent; valuations made for probate, morlgagp Morgans Brewery Co. Limited. brewers, wine & spirit
&c.; a registe.r kept of estatR.s. farms & residences for merchants & mineral water manufacturers, King Street
sale or hire, 51 London st. See advertisement Old brewery & maltsters & mineral water manufac-
Mills Samuel, inspector of waterworks, Surrey street turers, Synagogue stree<t
Mills Thomas, furniture broker, 6o Oak street Morley Christopher, shopkeeper, 12 Anchor street
Mills William, chimney sweeper, 61 Grapes hill Morley William, coal dealer, 86 Belvoir street
Mills William, draper, r26 Aylsham road Morris & Clarke, drapers, 63, 65 & 67 St. Augustine's st
Millward Percy, fancy lmzaar, n2 Mag-dalen street Morris George & Sons, carriage & motor car builders,
Mini~ter Frederick Wilham, jun. New Theatre Stores Prince of Wales road (T N 303) ; works, ror k IQ3
P.H. rB Lower Goat lane Magdalen street
Minister Kate (Miss), dress maker, 38 Bishopgate street Morris Frederic William, chartered accountant (firm, H.
~!inns Ernest, hair dresser. ra, St Stephen's street P. Gould & Son), 8 Upper King street
Minns James, boot repairer, Wade's court, Bank street :\I orris Leonard Jas. Cat & Fiddle P. H. 105 Magdalen S"t
Minns Rel!inald, baker, 2 Onley street, Unthank road ::O.forris Samuel, Bishops Brid~ inn, River Side road
Minm William, shopkeeper, 72 Philadelphia lane Morris Waiter William, cycle dealer, Prince of Wales
Mitchell & Seago, grocers, 2 Magdalen street road & 3 Dereham road
~Iitchell Elizabeth (Miss), greengrocer, 26 Timber hill Morse D. & C. fruit growers, 7 Eaton street
Morse Charles, shopkeeper, 97 Oak street National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil
Morse Ernest, rose grower & horticulturist, Dell side 1 dren (James Harper, impector), 42 Chapel Field road
Eaten street & The Vineyards, Bracon Ash & local office (Robert Welling, inspector), I Clarence-
Morse Henry, r(}!le grower & nurseryman, Westfield nur- road, Thorpe Hamlet
series, Eaton street National Trade Defence Association (Eastern Countie~
Morse• Robert George, nurseryman, The Old nurseries, District) (Herbert Charles Westgate, district agent) ..
Eaton street I St. Vedast street. T N 2I6
Mane William George, decorator, 32 Bull Close road National Union of Boot & Shoe Operatives (No. z
Morter Sarah & Amelia (Misses), confectioners, 11 St. Branch) (James Mason, sec.), SI St. George street
Gregory's alley National Union of Conservative Associations (Eastern
Morter Chas. ticket writer, Dove Street chmbrs. Dove st Provincial Division-Norfolk, Cambs & Hunts) (Chas~
Mortar Frederick, ticket writer 6, & florist Fern Kabin, W. Pearson, sec.), Dove Street chambers, Dove street
Castle meadow Nattrass Mark, eating house, 109 Prince of Wales road
Morter George, baker, Church lane, Eato!l · Nave Richard, wardrobe dealer, so Magdalen street
Morter Herbert, grocer, & post office, 20 Ber street Neale Bessie (Miss), confectioner, u St. Stephen's road
Morter William, coal dealer, 86 York street Neale Rose (Miss), milliner, 12 Grapes hill
Marter Willia.m, general dealer, 195 Northumberland st Neave Edward, pork butcher, 55 Oak street
MortimeT Edwin John, lead glazier, 42 I'itt street Neave Waiter H. draper, Ioo Old Palace road
Moss Wm. Bird-in-Hand P.H. 43 Millers la. New Catton Neave William, Robin Hood P.H. 84 Mousehold street
Mothers' Union (Goose & Son, agents); depot, 2 Hay- Neaverson H. confr. 24 St. Stephen's st. & 7 Haymarke\
market Neeve Henry William, engineer, 14I Heigham street
Motor (The) Union Insurance Co.Ltd.Prince of Wales rd Neave Wm. Geo. Shrub House P.H. 2 St. A.ndrew st
Maulton John, furniture broker, BB St. Benedict's street Nelson Edward, hawker, 2 St. Stephen's €1hurch lane
Mouncer Benjamin, boot repairer, 2 Baker's road Nelson George, hair dresser, 6o Barrack street
Mouncer Frank, boot repairer, 116 Barrack street Nelson George Thomas, greengrocer, 122 King street
Mounser William Robert, cutler, I4 Timber hill Nelson Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 11 Southwell road
Mountain George, fishmonger, 24 Bull close Nelson Robert, asse·ssor & collector of income tax, 2()
Mower Fred, confectioner, 24 Stafford street Tombland
Mower Harry William, miller (water), Trowse mills Nelson Robert, french polisher, 67 Philadelphia lane
Mower William Amos, baker, 78 Gloucester street Nelson William, baker, 55 Philadelphia lane
Mo~ Thomas Limited (Francis Brian Seago, man- Nelson Willia.m, fruiterer, 205 Queen's road
ager), coal & coke merchants, 92 St. Giles st. (T N 57); Nelson William, hair dresser, roB Aylsham road
depots, 97 Queen's road & City station, Heigham st.; Nelson William Horatio, hair dresser, 136 Magpie road
& at Brundall, Lingwood, Harleston, Pulham Market, Nerve Florence (Miss), dress maker, 26 Gladstone street
Tivetshall, Forncett & Swainsthorpe Neve Robert Charles, bricklayer, 33 Beaconsfield road
Moyes William Henry, miller, Old Lakenham Neville Frederick Solomon, hair dresser,133 Magdalen rd
Mudd Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 40 Sprowston road Newby Edwin Ray, umbrella maker, I3 & 15 Brigg st
Muirhea.d James Walter, profesSQr of music,rs Willow la Newby Hannah Garthon (Mrs.), New City P.H. 70
Muirhead John, furniture broker, 36 Muspole street Shadwell street, Crook's place
Mullarkey John Albert, rate collector rst district, IO Newham Alfred John, butcher, Ia, Cardiff road
Queen's road "Yewhouse H. & Co. Ltd. steam ship & lighter owners ..
Munday Edward, motor car builder, St. Stephen's sq water carriers .&c. King street (TA "Accelerated ..
Munday Florence (Miss), dress maker,56 Mountergate st Norwich ; " T N 157 (3 lines) ) ; tourist offices, 92.
Munday Harry, Flying Dutchman P.H. 19 Trafalgar st Prince of Wales road
Munslow Wm. Hy. Bernard, watch ma.g6 Cambridge st N ewland Ezra Jas. Horse Barracks P. H. I73 Barrack st
Muriel Cecil Jeffery M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur- Newland Wilfrid Thomas, hair dresser, 132 Dereham rei
geon, & consulting surgeon to Jenny Lind Infirmary Newma.n Charles, tobacconist, Bo St. Benedict's street
for Sick Children & surgeon to Nor folk & Norwich Newman Edith (Miss), shopkeeper, 4 West Pottergate st
Eye Infirmary, 42 St. Giles street. T N I65 ~ewman Fanny (Mrs.), boarding house, 3 Princes stree\
Murray Allen,registry office for servants,3g Exchange st Newman Frede.rick, tailor, 31 Northcote road
Murray George, shopkeeper, I I Earlham road Newman Fredk.Hy. shopkpr. 65 Norfolk st.Sth.Heigham
Mnrray Robert Henry, customs & excise, old age Newman George, builder, g6 Rosary rd. Thorpe Hamlet
pension & national insurance officer, 27 Tombland Newman George, shopman, 3 Cross lane
Murrell, Brighty & Co. coach builders, 18 Pitt street Newman Matthew, shopkeeper, 423 Sprowston road
Murrell Sarah (Mrs.), fancy draper, 52 Botolph street New8on John, grindery dealer, 4 Heigbam street
Murton Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30 Barrack street Newstead James Charles, boot repairer, n Union street
Musk William John, The Cygnet P.H. I47 Churchill rd Newstead William, tobacconist, 25 Wensum street
Muskett Arthur, fruiterer, 152 Derebam road Newton Alice (Mrs.), fruiterer, 6r St. Step hen's stl'Pet
Mnskett Benjamin, shopkeeper, I2o Cambridge street Newton Florence (Mrs.), confectioner, 5 Timber hill
Muskett Chas. ·wm. insurance agt. r6 Chester st. York st Newton JeTemiah William, plumber, 44 Berners street
Muskett Henry Robert, printer, see Roberts & Co Nice Charle;;, butcher, 26 Bishop Bridge road
Mutton Arthur, french polisher, 38 Southwell road Nice George, land agent, architect, surveyor & valuer,
Myhill Horace, insurance agent, 4 Heigham grove & land steward to John Henry Buxton esq. I3 Castl~t
Myson Samuel, baker, I6 Bethel ~treat meadow
Nance, Whit·well & Riviere, surgeons, 57 Bethel street Nice William, hair dresser, 20 Vauxhall street
Nance Henry Chester F.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon (firm, Nicholls & Co. provision dealers, 42 St. Stephen's street
Nance, Whitwell & RivieTe), & surgeon Jenny Lind Nicholls Charles, sbopkpr. 3 Canterbury pl. Heigbam st
Infirmary for Sick Children, 59 Bethel street Nicholls Harriet (Mrs.), tobacconist, roa, Sprowston rd
Napier Major Egbert, chierf constable of county con- Nicholls Henry, fishmonger, 72 Oak street
stabulary, County Police station, Castle meadow Nichuls Brothers, bakers, 36 St. Augustine's street &.
Narracott Valentine Luscombe, baker,87 St.Benedict's ~t r65 Magdalen street
Nash & Powell, who. confrs. gB Angel road, New Catton Nichols .Albert Thomas, tailor, ro Lower Goat lane
Nash Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 434 Sprowston road Nichols Arthur, King's Arms P .H. 174 Ber street
Nash Herbt. Fredk.auctnr. valuer &c.see Clowes & Na8h Nichols Catherine Maude (Miss), artist, 73 Surrey street
Nash James Thomas Charles M.D., C.M.Edin., D.P.H. Nichols Hy. shopkeeper, 45 Norfolk st. South Heigham
Carnb. medical officer of health Norfolk County Coun- Nichols Hy. Jn. upholsterer,George yard,St.Stephen's st
cil, Shire house, Castle meadow Nichols Horace, shopkeeper, 82 Barrack street
Nash Mary Ann (Mrs.), grindery dealer, so Ber 11treet Nichols J ames, baker, I4 Mag_dalen street
Nash Theodore Ernest, dairyman, Mousehold dairy Nichols James, jobbing bricklayer, 23 Dereham road
farm, W ellesley a.venue, Thorpe Hamlet Nichols Lucy Clara (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 23 Oak street
Nash William Arthur, farmer, Old Lakenham Nichols Mildred (Miss), dress maker, g6 College road
Nash Wm. S~ who. stationer, 2I Westwick st. T N I72 Nichols Richard, Rose tavern, 23S Queen's road
National Association for Employment of Reserve & Dis- Nicholson Frederick, district agent to the Great Centra!
charged Soldiers(Capt. C. C. 0. Gascoigne, hon. sec.), Railway Co. Opie street
2I Tombland Nickalls Clara & Alice (Misses), drapers,u4 Waterloo rd"
National Benefit Life & Property Assurance Co. Ltd. 8 Nickalls Arthur, baker, ID7 Oak street
Orford hill Nickalls James, boot manufacturer, see Lee & Nickall~
National Cash Registry Co. Limited, 7 Brigg street Nickalls John, china & glass dealer, IO Rampant Horse st:
National Provincial Bank of England Limited (branch) ~ickalls Waiter. baker, 46 Sun lane, New Gatton
(Hammond Giles, manager), 36 London street; draw Ninham H. C. & Son, baking powder mas. r67 Ber st
on head office, IS Bishopsgate, London E C Nixon Charles, King's Head P.H. 42 Magdalen tltreet
Nobbs Hy. carpenter & joiner, Wright's yard, Ber st.
Nobbs Thomas William, Cellar House P.H. 249 King st Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society. (Sydney H. Long
Noble Charles, Peacock P.H. 1 Red Lion street M.D. hon. sec. ; John Quinton, assistant sec. & li-
Noble Fredk. insur. agent, 30 Cedar rd. Thorpe hamlet brarian), Guildhall hill
Noble Harry, assistant insurance supt. 65 Glebe road Norfolk & Norwich Public House Trust Ltd. (Walter
Noble Henry, West Pottergate Stores P.H. 32 West E. Hansell, sec.), 72 Thll' Close
Pottergate street Norfolk & Norwich Savings Bank (William J. Johnson,
Noller William, apartments, roo Thorpe road sec. ; open daily), 5 & 7 Red Lion street & branch
Noonan .John, advertising agent, I St. Vedast street r (Thomas H. Carter, branch cashier), 65 Magdalen st
Norfolk Archdeaconry Office (T. W. Hansell, notary Norfolk & Norwich School of Cookery (Miss Jane Elizh.
public, registrar), 72 The' Close Borrett, lady superintendent), so Colegate street
Norfolk Broads Yachting Co. Ltd. boat ow!lers & Norfolk & Norwich School of Music Lim. (A.rthur H. C.
builders (Fred S. Culley, sec.), Queen street. See Taylor, sec.), 14 Rampant Horse street
advertisement Norfolk & Norwich Staff of Hospital Trained Nurses
Norfolk Chamber of Agriculture (James Brown Forrester, (Miss Thorpe, supt. ), so Bethel street. T N 850
sec.), 32 Prince of Wales road Norfolk & Norwich Triennial Musical Festival (Edmnnd
Norfolk Chronicle & Norwich Gaz~tte (published fri.), 7 Reeve esq. hon. sec.), 6g London street ; ( Arthur H.
St. Giles street. See advertisement C. Taylor esq. assistant seQ. ), 14 Rampant Horse st
Norfolk Club (Major Wm. Vince, sec.), Upper King st Norfolk Patriotic Association (Capt. C. C. 0. Gascoigne,
Norfolk County Association Territorial Force (Capt. hon. sec.), 21 Tom bland
C. C. 0. Gascoigne, sec.), 2r Tom bland Norfolk Regiment, 6th Territorial Battalion (Cyclists)
Norfolk County Council (George Christopher Davies, (Lieut.-Col. B. H. L. Prior, commanding; Lieut. &;
clerk), Shire house. T Nos. 995, 996 & 997 Quartermaster, E. W. V. Moss; Charles H. Vincent,
Norfolk County Council Education Committee (Thos. A. sergt.-major); head quarters, Cattle Market street
Cox, sec.; .Alfred E. Ikin B.Sc., LL.B. assistant sec.; Norfolk & Suffolk Infantry Brigade, Territorial Force
George H. G. More, accountant), Shire house. T Nos. (Col. R. Bayard D.S.O. commanding; Major G. F.
995· 996 & 997 Molyneux-Montgomerie, brigade major); head quar-
Norfolk County Council Small Holdings Department ters, 18a, Prince of Wales road
(Dennis Christopher Barnard B.A., LL.B., P.A.S.I. Norfolk Weekly Standard & Argus (The London &
Council land agent), Shire house, Castle meadow Norwich Press Limited, publishers; published fri.),
Norfolk County Cricket Club (C. B. L. Prior, hon. sec.), 7 St. Giles street
Tuck's court, St. Giles street Norgate John, saddler, 51 Vauxhall street
Norfolk County Football .Association (S. R. B. Cowles, Norman & Beard Limited, organ builders, 7 St.Stephen's
sec.), 207 College road · road; London office, 6r Berners street W
Norfolk Dairy Farmers' Association (The), farm produce Norman Mary Jane (Mrs.), dining rooms, 18 Exchange st
merchants, 6o Prince of Wales road; farm, Rackheath Norman W. E. customs & excise, old age pension &
Norfolk G,ravel Pits Ltd. (H. Harper Smith F.S . .A.A., national insurance Dfficer, 27 Tombland
F.C.I. S. director & sec.), 30 London street Normington Thomas Henry, shopkeeper, 104 Cowgate st
Norfolk "King's Own Royal Regiment" Yeomanry, North British & Mercantile Fire & Life Insurance Co.
Territorial Force (Col. H. A. Barclay C.V.O., T.D., in which are vested the shares of the Railway
A.D.C. commanding; Capt. The Hon. R. D. Ryder Passengers' .Assurance Co .. (P. E. Hansell, managing
(8th Hussars), adjutant; George Hudgell, regimental dirB'Ctor; Alfred Horn, branch manager); Norwich
sergt.-major. A Squadron:-Major A.. R. Buxton, branch, 46 London street. TA "Nor brit, Norwich;"
commanding; Capt. G. T. Bollard, socond in com- T N 977· See advertisement
mand; Squadron Sergt.-Major E. Broadley, drill in- North Heigham Cabinet Works (The), wholesale furni-
structor), Cattle Market street ture manufacturers, Paddock street, North Hei~ham
Norfolk News (Norfolk News Co. Limited; published (T N 784) ; furniture show rooms,Belvoir st. T N II40
sat.), 57 London street North John Temple, tobacconist, 40 Magdalen street
Norfolk News Co. Limited (A. Cozens-Hardy, sec.), 57 Norton E. & A. (Misses), baby linen warehouse, 9 & u
London street Brigg street
Norfolk & Norwich Agricultural Hall Co. Limited '(K. N'Orton & Son, tobacconists, 33 St. Stephen's street
H. Fielding, sec. ),Agricultural hall,Prince' of Wales rd N orton A.nnie (Mrs.), boot factor, 5 Golden Dog lane
Norfolk & Norwich Archreological Society (The Rt. Hon N orton Rnbert, bricklayer, 91 Essex street
The Earl of Orford, president; Rev. E. C. Hopper Norton William, beer retailer, 103 Heigham street
F.S.A. hon. sec.; John Quinton, assistant sec.), Guild- Norwich Box Co. fancy box mfrs. So mans yd. Fishergate
hall hill ~orwich Castle Museum (Frank Leney, curator), Castle
Norfolk & Norwich Chess Club (E. Lake, hon. !lee.), 35 meadow
Exehange street Norwich Cemetery (Arnold E. Miller, clerk; James R.
Norfolk & Norwich Christmas Fat Stock Show _\ssocia· Everitt, supt.& registrar),Earlham rd.& Bowthorpe rd
tion (C. Barker & Co. secs.), Bank chambers (satur- Norwich Central Conservative Registration Offices (Chas.
days) ; chief office, East Harling, Thetford Francis Bell, sec.), Dove Street chambers, Dove '!treet
Norfolk & Norwich Club (Capt. Leonard Smith Ensor, Norwich Central Liberal Association (William Harvey
hon. sec.; Cephas Shingles, steward), The Walk, Brittain, ~ec. & re~istration agent), 28 St. Giles st
Market place. T N 904 Norwich Charity Organization Society (Miss M. A.
Norfolk & Norwich Eye Infirmary (Haynes Sparrow Peacock, sec.), 10 London street
Rohinson, hon. consulting surgeon ; Samuel Herbert Norwich Christian Science Society, Burlington build-
Bnrton M. B. & Cecil Jp,ffery Mnriel, surgeons; Arthur ing!', Orford place
GreenS' M . .A. assistant surgeon; S. N. Berry, sec. ; Norwich City Football Club Limited (James B. Stans-
Miss Whitehouse, matron), Pottergate street field. sec.), Sr Rosary road, Thorpe hamlet
Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society (H.M. The King, ~orwich City Mission (F. W. Caley, hon. sec.), 48 St.
patron; Charles E. Pilling, hon. sec.), 17 Prince of Giles strPI"t
Wales road Norwich (City of) School (William Robert Gurley M ..A.
Norfolk & Nor""ich Hospital (Sir Peter F.ade M.D. con- head master), Eaton road
sulting physician; Samuel J. Barton M. D. Fredk. W. Norwich (City of) Water Works Co.; offices, Surrey
Burton-Fanning M. D. & S. H. Long M D. physicians; street (William H. Parr, manager; G. Chr. Davies,
M. Beverley M.D. & Haynes Sparrow Robinson, con- sec.); pumping station, Heigh~ street
~nlting surgeons; S. H. Burton, Donald D. Day & Norwich Consolidated Charities (Sydney Cozens-Hardy
H. A. Ballance, surgeons; .Arthur J. Cleveland M.D. LL.B. clerk), Old Bank of England court, Queen :.t
-assistant physician & electro therapeutist; A. J. Blax- Norwich Co-operative Society Limited (J. T. Gee, ,ec.),
land, J. Burfield & Ernest W. Everett, assistant sur- 52 to 62 & 71 St. Stephen's st. (Telephone No. 176);
geons; Henry F. White, dental surgeon; H. C. R. branches, 107 & 109 Unthank road; 107, 109 & III
narling, resident surgical officer; R. F. P. Cory, house Magdalen street ; so &- 73 Dereham road ; 166 & t63
physician; H. J. Starling M. D. & E. Watson, anres- Silver road; no Hall road, Lakenham; Rosary road,
theti!'!ts; G. P. C. Claridge, bacteriologist & path- Thorpe Hamlet & I Angel road, New Catton; & coal
ologist; Rev. John Huxley M.A. chaplain; H. P. merchants, 9~ Queen's road
Mallett, dispenser ; Frank Gidley Hazell, sec.), St. Norwich Corn Exchange Co. Limited (Hugh Christo}Jher
Stephen's road Davies, sec.), 11 Prince of Wales road
Norfolk & Norwich Incorporated Law Society (Frederick Norwich Corporation Electricity Works(FrancisMaddiscn
George Booty, librarian), I The Close Long. city electrical engineer), Duke street
Norfolk & Norwich Kennel Club (Nelson Y. Bell, hon. Norwich County Croquet & Lawn Tennis Club (R. H.
sec.), 8 Prince of Wales road Denny, hon. sec.), Lime Tree road
Norfolk & Norwich Library (John Quintan, sec. & libra- Yorwich Grape Co. Limited, Botolph street
rian; Miss Bowles, assistant librarian), Guildhall hill


Norwich Credit Drapers' Association (Charles' Larking, Norwich Meat Co. butchers, 4 Brigg street; 129 Ber
sec.), Commercial chambers, 9 Red Lion street street; 75 Magdalen street & 40 St. Benedict's street
Norwich Dadson Nursing Home (Mrs. Drew, mabron), Norwich Medico-Chirurgical Society (John Q~inton~
n West parade librarian), Guildhall hill
iNorwich Dairy Supply Co, 81 Prince of Wales road Norwich Mercury (Norwich Mercury Co. Limited~ pub.
Norwich Diocesan Association of Schools (Rev. Canon wed. & fri.), 45 London st. See advertiaemen~
Fardell & Rev. G. M. MacDermott, hon. clerical secs. ; Norwich Mercury Co. Limited (registered proprieto~
Major F. A. Cubitt & E. T. Dowson esq. hon. of the "Norwich Mercury" & '!People's Week:ry
treasurers), 19 Rampant Horse street ·Journal" & general printers), 45 London street;;
Norwich Diocesan Calendar (Goose & Son, p\lblishers), works, 46 St. George street. See advertisement
2 Haymarket Norwich Mutual Loan Fund Societv (James B. Chiddick,
iNorwich Diocesan Church Committee (A. H. Goose, finan- sec.), 35 Exchange street. T N 1092
cial sec.), 19 Rampant Horse street Norwich Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Asso-
Norwich Diocesan Gazette (Goose & Son, publishers; ciation Ltd. (G. E. W. Woolsey, sec.), 5 Opie street
monthly), 19 Rampant Horse street Norwich & Norfolk Charity for Clergymen's Widow!! &.
Norwich Diocesan Trust (John E. T. Pollard, sec.); Children (Rerv. H. W. Koblich, St. Helen's vicarage,
registere'd office, 17 Prince of Wales road Norwich,· treas.; Camp bell Steward, 15 Upper King
Norwich Dispensary (Sir Peter Eade M.D. & Haynes S. street, registrar; T. F. Wright, land steward),Bank st
Robinson M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. consulting medical Norwich & Norfolk Conservative Club (president, Edmd.
oflicers; Cecil J. :Muriel M.R.C.S. Herbert Crosse Reeve esq.; hon. treasurer, J. J. Dawson Paul esq.
M. D., C.M., H. E. Taylor M. D. & Lawrence H. D.L., J.P.; hon. sec. Thomas H. Dunmore), 36 St.
Barfoot Mills M. B., C.M. medical officers; Neville W. Giles street. T N 370
Howlett, hon. sec.), St. John Maddermarket Norwich & Norfolk Discharged Prisonerst Aid Society
Norwich Distress Committee (A. H. Miller, clerk), (Robert Broom, agent), 47 Beatrice rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Guildhall, Market place N:orwich & :Norfolk' Temperance & Generol Permanent
Norwich & District Butchers' Association (Charles Lark- Benefit Building Society (Thomas Bullimore F. C.A..
ing, sec.), Commercial chambers, 9 Red Lion atreet sec.), Queen street
Norwich & District Master Builders' Association (H. Norwich &. Norfolk Traders' Association (G. F.
Harper Smith F.S.A.A., F.C.I.S.), 30 London street Buxton esq. president; William H. Sier, manager),.
Norwich District Nursing Association (Miss A. E. debts collect.e-d, status enquiries, trusteeships & genera]
Arnold, matron), 20 Tombland accountancy, Victoria chambers, Bank plain. T N 207;
Norwich Pistrict Provident Permanent Benefit Building Telegrams, "Trades, Norwich." See advertise-
Freehold Land Sociaty (Edward Crooli, sec.), 190 ment
Unthank road Norwich Nurses' Bureau (William Thorndick Dawson.
Norwich & East of England General Trades Protection sec.), 76 Prince of Wales road
Society (The) (C. D. Ward F.A.A. manager), ~ Valen- Norwich Nurses' Co-operation (Miss E. S. Taylor, sec.),.
tine street. T N 427 6 St. Stephen's street
Norwich Education Committee (Arnold Henry Miller, Norwich Pawnbroking Co. 41 & 43 Timber hill
town clerk), Municipal offices, Market place & (Daniel Norwich Permanent Building Society (J. T. Todd, sec.)~
Oliver Holme, organizer of elementary education) 12 Chapel Field north
Castle chambers, Opie street. T N 254 Norwich Philharmonic Society (W. N. Ladell, hon.
Norwich Electric Tramways Co. (Frederick Wm. Ketley, sec.), Orford chambers, Orford place
general manager); offices, Orford street; car sheds, Norwich Public Library (George Arthur Step hen F.L.A.
Silver road; power station, Duke street librarian), St. Andrew street. T N 913
!Norwich & Ely Diocesan Training College for School- Norwich Ratepayers' Association (Robert Burges!J'
mistresses (Rev. J. A. Hannah M.A. principal), College Webster, hon. sec.), 52 London street
road, Earlham road · Norwich Scripture Readers' Society (Rev. William
Norwich Friendly Societies' Medical Institute (Clement Hesmondhalgh M. A. hon. sec.), 31 The Close
E. Priestley L.R.C.P. Arthur Henry Priestley M.B. & Norwich Soup & Provid8'11t Coal Society (Robert Wenn ..
James Fhck M_B.Irel. medical officers; John Taylnr, !nlperintendent), Soup Office yard, Fishergate
sec.), I I Lady's lane. T N 452 Norwich Starr-Bowkett Building Societies (3rd, E. A.
Norwich Glass Co. Limited, artists in stained glass, Betts, sec.), St. Andrew street
1 r Wen sum street Norwich Steam Laundry &. Baths Co. Llm.
Norwich Grammar School (Edward the Sixth's) (Rev. (Fred S. Culley, sec.); offices, Queen street; (Mr. &;
William Frederick Brown M.A. head master; for other Mrs. F. Mattock, manager & manageress, -"Swan,,.
masters see list of schools), The Close laundry; Wm. Ransom, lessee of baths), Heigham st
Norwich, Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft & District Confec- Norwich Sunday School Union (C. Hubbard, hon. sec.).
tioners' Association (R. Lee Bliss, sec. ),27 St. An drew st 48 St. Giles street
Norwich Guardians' Office (E. J. W. Huggins, clerk), Norwich Technical Institute (Hugh Ramage M.A. prin-
St. Andrew street cipal), St. George street
Norwich High School for Boys (boarding & day) (J. G. Norwich Union (Thomas Tanner, master; Mrs. Georgin&
Chapman, principal; Thomas William Arnold, second Isabella Tanner, matron), Bowthorpe road
resident master), St. Giles gates Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd.
Norwich High School for Girls (Girls' Public Day (founded 1797) (John Large, general manager), Surrey
School Trust Limited) (Miss Gertrude Wise, head street. TA "Fire, Norwich; " T N 52. See adver-
mistress), Theatre plain tisements inside & outside Back Cover
Norwich Homreopathic Dispensary (E. B. Roche & W. A. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd. (Accident
L. Marriott, medical officers; H. J. Copeman, hon. branch) (C. S. Gilman, manager; F. M. Mahon, sub-
sec.), 9 Castle meadow manager), 4r St. Giles street (T N 101 (2 lines) ) &;
Norwich Hospitals Sunday & Saturday Funds (Arthur (J. P. Batch, district manager) 45 St. Giles street.
H. C. Taylor, acting sec.), 14 Rampant Horse street TN 9r4
Norwich Ice Co. (G. F. Geoghegan, proprietor), Old Norwich Union Life lnaurance Society (estab-
Barge yard, King street. TA "Freezing, Norwich; " lished r8o8) (Davidson Walker F.F.A. general manager-
T N III6 & actuary; M. Mackenzie Lees F .F.A. sec.; W. G.
Norwich IncorporatedeChamber of Commerce (G. M. Cooper F.I.A. joint actuary; Ernest Hicks & John S.
Chamberlin esq. D.L., J.P. president; Charles Lark- Sedgwick, solicitors; F. Bertram Galer B.A., F.I.A.
ing, sec.), Commercial chamcers, 9 Red Lion str8'€t assistant sec.; Waiter R. Hines A.I.A. head office-
Norwich Isolation Hospital (Medical· Superintendent, inspector), Surrey street. See advertisement
Harry Cooper Pattin M.A., M.D., D.P.H.; Re8ident facing inside Front Cover
Medical Officer, Waiter Leigh Mackinnon Guldie Norwich Warehouse Co. Limited, White Lion street.
F.R.C.S.Eng., M.R.C.S.Lond.; Matron, Miss. E. TA "Warehouse, Norwich;" T :N 310
Watkinson), Bowthorpe road - Norwich Window & Carpet Cleaning Co. 103 Potter-
!Norwich Masonic· Association Limited (James Bennett gate street. T N 454
Coleby, sec.), 47 St. Giles street Notts John, butcher, I4I Northumberland street
Norwich Masonic Club (James Bennett Coleby, sec.; N. & R. Manufacturing Co. Ltd. pill mas.77 West wick st)
Frank Woodrow, steward), 47 St. Giles street Nudds Fanny & Emily (:Misses), apartments, :;8 Bethel st.
Norwich Maternity Charity (G. F. Odhams M.D. con- Nudds James Robert & Son, boot makers, 54 Union s-t.'
sulting surgeon ; Charles H. Andrews, A. M. Boss, H. Nudds Clara (Miss), dress maker, 123 Essex street
E. Taylor M. D. & Arthur Crook, visiting surgeons; Nudds Waiter, carpenter, 45 Marlborough road
·James Watson, dispenser; E. I. Watson LL.D. hon. Nunn Blanche A. (Mrs.), fancy draper, 99 St. Giles st
sec.; Miss A. Black C.M.B. lady superintendent), ro6 Nunn Henry, boot maker, 13 Suffolk street
& 108 St. George street Nunn James, news agent, 23 Union street
Nurse Charles Baxter, artist, 18 White Lion street Palmer Chas. boot repr. 43 Cherry st. New Lakenham
Nurse John James, antique furniture dealer, 12 & 14 Palmer E. E. butcher, 127 Magdalen street
Elm hill & 14a, St . .Andrew street Palmer Edward, cabinet maker, I9 Elm bill
Nursey Alice (Miss), registry office, 28 St. George st Palmer Elizabeth (Mrs.), jobma.ster,see Bacon & Palm er
Nursing Sisters of the .As!iumption, 5 & 7 Chapel Field Palmer Fras. Nathnl. mgr. ro St. Martin's Palace plain
road Palmer Frank Edwin, watch ma. &c.34 St . .Augustine's st
Nuthall & Mason, pharmaceutical & operative chemists, Palmer Herbert C. Queen Victoria P.H. 67 Nicholas
Bank plain. T N 301 street, Crook's place
Nuvite Co. fruit wine manufacturers, r66 Unthank rd . Palmer James, shopkeeper, I7 Coach & Horses street,
Oakes .A.lbert Edward, tobacconist, 67 Heigbam street & .South Heigham
8bopkeeper, 81 Russell street Palmer Marshall Alfred, boot tree & last maker, 10
Oakes Ernest, hair dresser, 2I2 Queen's rrad Westlegate street & butcher, 18 Timber hill
Oakley James, boot repairer, 21 Coach & Horses street, Pa.lmer Montague, commercial traveller, 15 Neville st
.South Heigham Palmer Sydney John, shopkeeper, I2I Thorpe road
Oddfellows (Manch_ester Unity) (John ll. Barley, provl. Palmer Thos.Chas. (exors. of), tailors,see Dean & Palmer
c. s.), 34 .All Samts' green Palmer William, builder, I Portersfield road
Orlhams & Fox, surgeons, 6I Bethel street Palm er William, butcher, 5 I St. Benedict's street
Odbams George Frederick M.D. surgeon, & medical Pank A. & Son (successors to Riches & Watts & tll
officer, 7th district & to .Asylum School for Indigent Holmes & Sons), gas, electrical, mechanical &
Blind (firm, Odhams & Fox), 6I Bethel street sanitary engineers, drain testers, plumbers, electric
Offord Georgina E. W. (Miss), artist, 6o Bethel street bell, telephone & gas fitters, medireval & geneJ"al
Olby Dennis, insurance agent, 21 Havelock road metal workers, artesian well borers & church fur-
Oliver Frank & Co. motor car agents, 13 Bethel street ; nishers; contractors -to H.M. Office of Works 1 dis-
office, 5 St. Peter's street trict agents for Crossley's gas & oil engines, 8, Io &
Oliver Frank & Co. wholesale grocers ' provision ' su(J'ar I2 Bedford street & 24 Cattle Market street
b ,
tobacco, fruit & canned goods importers & general Pank J oseph John, gas fitter, 3 St. Stephen's Church la
merchants, 5 St. Peter's street, Mancroft. T A Parfitt Alfred James, Gardeners' Arms P.H. 4• & hair
"Oliver, Merchant, Norwich" dress~r 16, Timber hill
Olley George, fruiterer, 137 Northumberland street Parfitt Charles Henry, wardrobe dealer, 188 Heigham 8t
Olley Herbt. Stephen, tinplate worker,48 St.Benedict's st Parfoot Edward John, hair dresser, 45&, St. Stephen's 15t
Olley Justice Norman, watch maker, Io Red Lion street Parfoot John, refreshment rooms, 57 St. Stephen's stree&
Olley William, tin plate worker, Little 'White Lion yard, Parish James & Son, general smiths, 4B Pitt street
St. Benedict's street Parish Lillian E. (Miss), teacher of the pianoforte, 7
Olley William Thomas, Ketts Castle P.H. 29 Ketts hill Buxton road
Ong Joseph, insurance agent, 8 Raglan street Parish William, ironmonger, 71 Botolph street
Ong Waiter, boot repairer, 65 Botolph street Park Julia (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Chalk Rill road
Onley Herbert Frederick, tobacconist, gB St. Giles st r·arke Joshua GPorge, beer .retailer, 64 Westwick street..
Orford William Herbert, Lily tavern, 152 Ber street Parker Arthur, Old Friends P.H. 136 Ber street
Orris Edwnrd, Coach & Horses P.H. SI Bethel street Parker .Arthur, shopkeeper, I I 1 Ea de road
Osborn & Phillips, tailors, 9 Bank plain Parker Cecil Charles, greengrocer, 126 Magdalen road
Osborne Wm. Tbos. & Co. tobacconists, 17 St. Giles st Parker Eva (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 37 St_
Os borne Esther (~Irs. ), leather cutter, :;a Churchill road StephPn's square
Osborne Mary Ann (Mi8s), apartments, 50 Rose lane Parker Frederick, insurance agent, 23 Rowington road
Usborne Oscar, jun. painter, 2 Exeter st. Dereham road Parker Herbert, corn, seed & manure merchant, Tower·
Oshorne Waiter, commercial traveller, 13 Alexandra rd wharf, Thorpe station. T N 314
Oshurne & McLintock, private asylum, The Grove, Cat- Parker Jane (Mrs.), apartments, n6 Dereham road
ton Grove road Parker John, linen draper, 8 Dereham road
Ottaway Chas.E.packing case ma.47a,West Pottergate st Parker Samuel Sampson, relieving officer, 5 Carshalton
Ovens James, monumental mason, 58 Heigham road road, New Lakenham
Overbury, Steward & Eaton, solicitors, 15 Upper King Parker William, bellhanger, 32 Eade road
street. T .A "Over bury, Norwich;" T N 302 Parker William, travelling draper, 57 Heigham road
Overend George, district traffic agent to L. & N.W.B. Parkerson John, Bakers' .Arms P.H. II2 Millers lane
53 London street Parkerson William, painter, 18 Esdelle street .
Overton George Ya.xley, painter, 24 .Avenue road Parkinson Fred S. engineer, Post Office Sectional En-
Overton William, cooper, 3 St. Martin's Palace plain & . gineers' Office, Anchor buildings, 23 Red Lion street
Bishopgate street ' Parlett Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 56 Dereham road
Overton William, Nelson P.H. I9 Bedford street i Parnell Ell en (Mrs.), nurse, 79 Union street
Overton Yaxley, whitestnith, I2 Midland street Parnell Jabez C. coal dealer, II5 Gladstone street
Oxbrow Alfred William F.R.M.S., F.B.O.A., Parr Lilian (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 4 River
F.S.M.C. eyesight specialist, 7 Haymarket. T N 1Y4 Side road
Oxbury Thomas Kerrison, draper, & post office, 34 Ade- Parr William Harvey, manager City of Norwich Water
laide street-; Dcreham road Works Co. ; offices, Surrey street
Pack W. J. & Co. printers, IOI Pottergate street Pauavani Dominica, fruiterer, Bg Ber street
Padgett Arthur W. estate agent & accountant, 20 .St. Parry .Ada (Miss), fruiterer, 70 St. Augustine's street.
Giles street Parsons Baldwin, shopkeeper, 7':J Napier street
Page Bros. & Co. litho printers, St. Stephen's Back street Parsons Harold Waiter, tailor, 40 ..Surrey street
Pag-e John J. G. & Co. wholesale art cabinet makers, Parsons Robert, Royal Oak P.H. 46 King street
Coslany cabinet works, Calvert st. T A ~·Cabinets, Parsons William Duncan, Black Prince P.H. I The
Norwich;" T N 238 Butchery, Market place
Page S. D. & Sons Limited, brush makers, Haymarket Parsons-N orman George, artist, 20 St. Giles street
& M~seum court, St . .Andrew street. T A "Page, Parton S. watch maker, 20 The Walk, Market place
NorwiCh ; " T N 340 Pas ton Arthur George, Cupid & Bow P .H. 23 St.
Page Arthur, shopkeeper, IS Barrack street Martin's Palace plain
Page Christopher Robert, shopkeeper, 42 Oak street Paston Thomas, boot repairer, 37 Union street
Page Edward, boot repairer, 18 West Pottergate street Paston Thomas, commercial traveller, 226 College road
Page George, secondhand bookseller, 2 Rampant Horse st Paston Thomas, grocer, 17 Heigham street
Page Joseph, fishmonger, 34 Rnpert street Paten & Co. engineers' & foundry pattern makers &.
Page Mary .Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 54 Ber street model makers, Chantry road
Page Samuel, watch maker, 20 Grapes hill Patrick William & Son, boot warehouse 3, & clothiers
Page Waiter, shopkeeper, I Derby street 5, 7• I I & 13, Ber street
Page William, coffee room, 56 Botolph street Patte_nden Charles Elliott, district manager National
Page William, corn merchant, Crown & Angel yard, Provident Institution, 16~ Thorpe rd. T N 25 Thorpe
St. Stephen's street Patteson Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 77 Millers lane,
Page William Benjamin, fishmonger, 154 Oak street New Catton
Palfrey John Firman, yeast dealer. 14 Scales green Pattin Harry Cooper M.A., M,D., D.P.H.Camb. medical
Palfrey John James, traveller, 25 Hanover road officer of health & school medical officer, Municipal
Palmer F. E. & Son, chemists, r6B Unthank roa~ & 2 offices, Market place
Bury street, Unthank road Paul Arthur Napoleon, plumber, IB Chester street
Palmer Jessie, Alice. & .Annie (Misses), milliners, ro1 Paul Daniel Henry, news agent, 85 Bull Close yard
Grove road Paul Richard, ham & beef dealer, 2 Bridewell alley
Palmer & Sons, ironmongers, 6 Haymarket Pauling Edgar Tbos. baker, 9 Salford st. South Heigham
Palmer .Alfred Lewis, apartments, 21 Lady's lane Pauling Edwin Frank, baker, 42 Walpole street ·
Palmer Arthur William, tobacconist, 143 Ber street Pauling Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr. 6 .Angel rd. New Catton
Payne, Bussey & Co. moto!" engineers; repairs, accell- Pilbean George Thomas, shopkeeper, 89 Cambridge st
sories; district agents Millard Le Gui automobiles; Pilch R. G. sports outfitter, 3 Brigg street. T N 984
hire work a speciality; first-class cars, St. Martin's Pilgrim Edward Blyth, brush maker, 176, 178 & 1Ba
Palace plain. T A "Cylinders, Norwich;" T N 447· St. George 11treet
See advertisement Pilgrim ErneEt, weighing machine ma. 72 West End st
Pa~·ne Robert, coach builder, Queen's road Filling Charles E. solicitor, I7 Prince of Wales road
Payne Waiter E. baker, 55 E5delle street (sat. only)
Payne Wm. Jas. whitesmith, Towler's court, Elm hill Pillow Margaret (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 7 Castle st
Payne William Robert, tailor, IO Bridewell alley Pimm Arthur Robert, grocf'r, 59 Colegate street
Payne William Robert, tailor, 23 Northcote road Pimm Charles, grocer, uo St. Benedict's :~treet
Peacock Thomas, market gardener, 43 The Close Pimm Sarah Elizh. (Miss), shopkeeper, 2 Goldsmith st
Peake Edward, schoolmaster, 92 Earlham road Pimm William, grocer, I44 Magdalen street
Peake Mabel (Mrs.), grocer, 72 Gloucester street Pink Rosa (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Barn road
PP<lr Thomas James, plumber, r Lindley street Pinnix George, The Victory P.H. 47 Der~ham road
Pearce P. W. & A. T. lime burners, 40 King street & Piper Waiter James, watch maker, 6 St. Andrew ~treet
7 & 9 Drayton road Pitcher Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 266 King street
p,.1uce Arthur John, commercial travllr. 202 College rd Pitman Maurice A. camel. travllr. 39 Exchange street
Fearce Frederick, dining rooms, 9 Magdalen street Pitts George Edward, butcher, 59 St. Benedict's street
Pearce Frederick, shopkeeper, IS Theatre street Plane Albert George, York tavern, I Leicester street
Pearce Jas. Henry, refreshment room, 2 Lower Goat la Plane James D. The Vine P.H. 2 St. Benedict's street
Pearce Percival, bricklayer, I5 Goldsmith street Plane Robert, boot repairer, I43 Magdalen street
Pearks Limited, grocers, I White Lion street Plane Waiter, shopkeeper, 54 Colegate street
Pe1rl Life Assurance Co. Limited (Ernest A. Brown & Plane William, Yarn Factory -tavern, I52 Cowgate street
0 wen Buttifant, district supts.), m London street Platten Arthur, fruiterer, 6r Prince of Wales road
Pearl Sanitary Steam Laundry Co.' Limited (Miss M. Platten George, Castle tavern, I Spitalfields
Mclntosh, manageress), I97 & 199 Heigham street Platten Sidney, insurance agent, I65 Silver road
"Pear son & Sons, cutlers, 3 I Bedford street Playford Alfred, baker, 69 Onk street
Pear sun Harriet (Mrs.), linen draper, 39 St. Andrew st Playford Bertie, boot maker, 76 Gloucester street
J>earwn Henry, jobbing gardener, 3I4 Unthank road Pluyford David, baker, S Rose lane
Pearmn Minnie J. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Rupert street Playford Edith (Mrs.), wardrobe dlr. St. Paul's opening
Pearsun Samuel, pawnbroker, 53 Magdalen street Playle Kate (Mrs.), tailoress, 4 Primrose road, Thorpe
Pearson Wm. chair maker,6o Silver st. & I3I Cowgate s.t Hamlet
Pea.rson William, shopkeepPr, 19 Barrack street Plowright Arthur H. civil engineer, IS Haymarket
Pearson William Henry, Black Boys P.H. 30 Colegate s.t Plowright William Cremer, dealer in antiques, 2 Tomb-
Peart Nellie (Mrs.), Bushel P.H. 27 St. Augustine's st land & 14a, Princes street
Pease Harry William, tailors' cutter, 155 Dereham rd Plumb George Richard Hubbard, stationer, & post
Peck & Townshand, cycle mnkers. 6Ja, Bethel street office, I Eagle walk, Newmarket' road
Peek Sarah (Mrs.), servants' registry office, Ioi York st Plumb William George, builder, 24 Grove road
·Pegg Arthur, greengrocer, ro4 & 106 Sprowston road Plumbly Thos. commercial traveller, 32 Mt. Pleasant
.Pegg George, builder, 228 Nelson st·reet Plumstead Ann (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer s6, & shop-
Pegg Herbert Samuel, painter, 21 Wellington road keeper 43, Russell street
·Pegg William, bricklayer, I20 Sprowston road Plunkett Annie (Miss), dress maker, 19 St. George st
Penton E. & Son, leather merchants, 44 Botolph street Pocock Thomas William. shopkeeper, 47 Bond street
People's Boot & Clothing Co. clothiers, no Magdalen st Podd & Fisher, builders, 33 Dereham road
People's Weekly Journal (Norwich Mercury Co. Ltd. Podd Edmund, leatbrr factor, 26 Bethel street
publishers; published Iriday morning), 45 London Podd Frederick C. window cleaner, :n Dereham road
street. See advertisement Po.g-wn Herbert, tobacconist, 3ra, Denmark road, New
Pepper John & Co. Limited, wholesale druggists, I22 Cat ton
Magdalen street Pointer Albert, cowkeeper, Lof'ksland cot. Aylsham road
Perfect & Co. wicker chair manufacturers,Pipe' Burner's Pointer Alice (Mrs.), pork butcher, 38 Oak street
yard, St. Stephen's street Pointer Hcrbert William, baker, 3 Philadelphia lane
Perks George Arthur Chater, solicitor & commissioner Pointer William, cowkeeper, 122 Angel road, New Catton
for o1ths (firm, Hill & Perks) Pointin Frederick Thomas, painter, 4 Eat on street
·Perowne Arthur, butcher, 3 St. Stephen's plain Pointin William J ames, blacksmith. 4 Ea ton street
"Perowne Frederick Arthur, watch maker,8s Unthank rd Police Station (Henrv Windsor, inspector in charge), 3
·Perowne James, fruiterer, 38 St. Stephen's street & 5 Magdalen road
Perrement William Robert, jun. hair dreEser, ro Angel Poll Robert, window cleam•r, 28 Denbigh road
road, ~ew Catton Pollard John Empson Toplis (firm, Bignold. Pollard &
"Perrement William Robert, sen. shopkeeper, Palace Wilson), solicitor & commissioner for oaths, clerk to

Barrack street the justices, Blofield & Walsham division, deputy
"Perry William Joseph, Pine Apple inn, Trowse Millgate, coroner for the liberty of the Dean & Chapter, clerk
Bra-:ondale to thr ·South Wahham drainag-e commissioner~ &
Pert Ernest Morgan, grocer, 68 Rupert street sec. of N orwicb DioceSJ.n Trust, 17 Prince of Wales
Pert Harry, boot & shoe maker, 31 Pitt street road ; & at Wyrnondham & Hingham
Pfob & Krumm, hair dressers, 2 Royal arcade Pond Alfred, dairyman, 27I Heigham street
Phillipo Henry, fishmonger, ::r--l Trafalgar street Pond Arthur M. draper, 14 Sandringham road
Phillips Ernest W. shopkeeper, rs Spencer street Pond Herbert James, boot & shoe manufr. 26 St. George
Phillips Henry, building inspector, 3 Warwick street st. & boot & shoe maker, 2r, 22 & 23 Castle meadow
Phillips Henry, tailor, see Osborn & Phillips Pond Jame~. boot & shoe maker, 34 Hall road
Phi!lip~ William, ironmonger, 10 St. George street Pond ·Jas. Evening Gun P.H. 7 Rosary rd.Thorpe H"lllllt
Philo .Toseph & Son, saddlers, 9 & 10 Tombland Pond James, fishmonger, 31 Fisher gate
Philo J oseph, portmanteau maker, 11 Tom bland Pond Waiter, teacher- of musi-c, 14 Cross lane
Phipps & Son, boot findings manufrs. IB Colegate st Pond Wm. boot repairer, 84 Shadwell st. Crook's place
Phipps Constantine Waiter, boot & shoe manufacturer, Pond William, dair~·man, 72 Caernarvon Toad
78 & Bo St. George street Pond William, Sandringham Arms P.H. so William st
Pickering H. W. upholsterer, Websdale's crt.Bedford st Pond Wm. shoe maker, 9 Ninham st. New Lakenham
Pickfo,.ds Ltd. carriers, 3 Victoria Hall buildings, St. Poock Emma Sarah Constance (Miss), teacher of music,
Andrew street & 2b, Dereham road I37 Rosary road, Thorpe Hamlet
Piddin~ton Albt. Augustus, traveller,41 Sandringham rd Poock John Alfred L.D.S.R.C.S.Irel. surgeon-dentist,
Pigg Ann (Mrs.), sextoness of St. Augustine's church, 22 Tombland
1 I Esdelle street, St. Augustine's Pooley Hv. & Son Ltd. scale makers, 5 Charing Cross
Piqg Arthur W. butcher, r Livingstone street Pooley Charles Cook, dental surgeon, I2I Unthank rd
Pigg George Woolmer, painter &c. IS Colegate street Pooley Rdward Richard, shoe warehouilP, 6 White Lion st
Piggin Harry, fruiterer, 6r Eotolpb street Pope Edward John, beer retailer, 6'l King strPet
Piggin Job, boot 1& shoe maker, 47 Duke street Pope Erlward John. hay & ~traw dealer. T37 King street
Piggin Joseph, grindery dealer, 64 Magdalen street Porrett William, fishmonger, 76 Grapes hill
Piggin Joseph, shopkeeper, r84 Oak street Porritt Maude (Miss), oil, grease, cake, coal, fish &
Pike J. G. Ltd. restaurant, confectioners, pastrycooks salt merchant ; sole a"'ent for Native Guano, '98
. & C'lterers, 6 Davey place (T N 714) & bakers, 17 Thorpe road (T N 156 Norwich); office, 8 Orford hill
,'Earlham road & Stand 10, Corn exchange
Pike Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 6o Queen's road Porter George Thompson & Son, district agents to Sun
Pike Jarnes William, boot maker, 32 River Side road Life Office & insurance brokers, 3S Exchange str~et


Porter "amea & Son, mahogany) deal & bent timber Pure Tea, Coffee & Cocoa Supply Co. (Samuel J. 'Tal-
merchants, manufacturers & importers of spokes & lowin. proprietor); sole manufacturers of Colem:m's
wheels, sawing, turning, planing & moulding mills, St. tonic cocoa, St. Martin's Palace plain •

George's Bridge wharf. T A "Porterson;" T N 36 Pye Ernest, ·butcher, I30 Angel road
Porter .Alice (Miss), dress maker, 68 Trinity street Pye Frederick Waiter, shopkeeper, n6 Magdalen rn:td
Porter Charles, tobacconist, 143 Cowgate street Pye George Frederick, news agent, 55 King street
Porter G. Thompson, insurance agent, II Caernarvon rd Pye Jacob, iron founder, see Barnes & Pye
Porter Thos.Hy.secondhand furniture dlr.I7 Dereham rd Pye Lewis, fried fish shop, 84 Waterloo road
Post Office Sectional Engineer's Office (Fred S. Parkin- Pye William, butcher, g6 Nelson street
son, engineer), .Anchor buildings, 23 Red Lion str~et Pyke John, temperance hotel, 62 Prince of Wales road
Postle Horace, smith, 27 Fishergate Pyle Susan (Mrs.), news agent, 76 Old Palace road
Potter Charles Legard, vinegar maker, 62 Coburg :t Quantrill Frederick, shopkeeper, 23 Globe lane
Potter Clara Jane (Miss),teacher of music,52Havelo•~k rd Quantrill Louisa. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r6o St. George at
Potter Clifford L. W. Wellington P.H. I6 Wellington la Quick James William, wine & brandy importer & agent
Potter Douro Thomas, sexton St. Peter's, Mancroft, I7 for Bass' pale & Burton ales, Whitbread's ale & stout
Lady's lane & "Black Seal" Scotch whisky, rs & 17 Castle street
Potter Edmund Wodehouse Douro, stone mason, 3 I & 33 (adjoining London street). T A "Quick, Norwi-:::h ;"
Chapel Field road T N 243
Potter Fred, brush maker, 43 Dereham road Quintan Ernest Herbert, painter, n Rosebery road, St.
Potter Henry, traveller, 322 Unthank road Clement's hill
Potter John, picture frame maker,see Fordham & Potter Quintan Waiter, spartments, 6 Willow lane
Potter William James, Baker's .Arms P.H. I2 St. Rackham & Sayer, solicitors, 7 Bank plain. T N :57
Martin's Palace plain & baker, 2 Whitefriars stre~t Rackham & Co. cattle medicine depot, 15 St. Peter's st
Powell .Arthur, Wholesale confectnr. see Nash & Powell Rackbam Hanworth Edmund Burr, solicitor & commis-
Powell .Arthur Henry, hair dresser, 53 St. Benedict's st sioner to administer oaths, Bank buildings, Bank
Powley .Arthur, boot repairer, 10 Ropemaker's row plain. T N 798
Powley Chrissy (Miss), dress maker, 40 Stacy road Rackham Thomas Charles Martelli, solicitor, 64 London
Powley J oseph, florist, 152 Philadelphia lane street. T N r66
Powley Mary (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 9 Palace str~et Radford Edward, Ropemakers' Arms P.H. 29 Drayton rd
Poynter William, fishmonger, 298 Sprowston road Radford Violet (Miss), nurse, 54 St. Philip's road
Pratt .A.lice (Mrs.), butcher, 148 Heigham street Radical Club (Wm. Kenny, sec.), r West Pottergate st
Pratt George Waiter, shopkeeper, I66 Heigham street Railway Mission Hall, Prince of Wales road
Pratt Jas. dairyman, Old Saw Mill house, Aylsham rd Railway Passengers' .Assurance Co. (the shares of which
Pratt John, cowkeeper, 93 Philadelphia lane are vested in, & the contracts of which are guaran-
Pratt Robert Bentham, jobbing gardener, 92 Aylsham rd teed by, the North British & Mercantile Insurance
Pratt Thomas, Ribs of Beef P.H. 24 Wensum street Co.) (Alfred Horn. branch mgr.) ; Norwich branch,
Precious Robert, shopkeeper, 78 Beaconsfield road 46 London street. T A "Nor brit, Norwich;" T N c:rn
Premium Tradin~ Stamp Oo. Lobster lane Ralph F. A. & Co. boot & shoe manufacturers, 71 Pitt
Prentice James Thomas, draper, 160 Dereham road 11treet. T N IOI6Y5
Prentice Louisa (Mrs.), dress maker, 95 Trinity street Ralph Frederick, antique dealer, IO All Sa.ints' green
Prentice Mary (Miss), co_nfectioner, 39 St. Benedict'!! at Ralph!i .A. T. (Norwich) Ltd. boot machinery manufac-
Prentice William J ames, plasterer, 36 .Adelaide 11traet turers,67 Pitt street. TA" Veldt,~orwich ;'' T N 968
Presant Henry Herbert, plumber, 75 Dereham road Ramm Edward, shopkeeper, 33 West Pottergate street
Presant,s John William, carpenter, 2I9 Essex street Ramm Reuben John, Ironmongers' Arms P.H. I St.
Preston & Son, solicitors, IS Bank plain John Maddermarket ·
Preston Arthur Waters (firm, Preston & Son), solicitor, Ramm Robert, Duka of York P.H. Bishop Bridge road
perpetual commissioner & commissioner t.o ariminister Ramsay Brothers, fellmongers, leather dressers, hide &
•!aths in the Supreme cou1·t, clerk to Upton Dr::.inage wool merchants, Bishop bridge. T N ro2Y. See
Commissioners, I5 Bank plain advert1sement
Preston Frederick M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 1Jhy'li- Rarnsay George, fishmonger, 97 Barrack street
cian & surgeon, 18 Thorpe road Ra.msay .Sarah Ann (Miss), dress maker, 40 Lindley st
Preston John Riches, shopkeeper, 35 Northumberland at Ramsbottom Brothers Ltd. boot & shoe manufacturers,
Price Frank, general draper, 74 Magdalen street & 3 & 28 & 30 & 62 Calvert street
5 Botolph street Ramsbottom John,Eaton Cottage P.H.7:; Mount Pleasant
Priest & Co. drapers, 4 & 6 Dereham road Ramsey Donald, 8hopkeeper, Bg Barrack street
Priest Alfred Ernest, photographic matrrial dealer, 30 Ran eo m Elenora (Mrs.), midwife, 22 Ketts hill
St. George street Randall Chas.Wm.& Co.boot & shoe mfrs.39Exchange st
Priestley Arthur Henry ~LB. m~dical officer Norwich Randall Emily (Mrs.), White Lion P.H. 135 Magdalen st
Friendly Societies' :Medical Institute, I I Lady's lane Randall Herbert E. portmantea~ maker. 5 Dove street
Priestley Clement, medical officer Norwich Friendly Rand all J ames William, greengrocer, 3 Rising Sun lane
Societies' ~edical Institute, I I Lady's lane Randall John. saddler, .Aylsham road
Prince of Wales' Palace, picture theatre ( George Br 11 Randell F. Limited, a~ricultural implement makers,
manager), Prince of Wales road Cattle markPt (satutrlays only)
Printer Constance (Mrs.), servants' registry office, Ransom & Smith, news agents, 63 Dereham road
Surrey cottage, All Saints' green Ransome Eliza (Mrs.), draper, 23 Ketts hill
Prior Leathes & Son, solicitors, Tuck's court, St. GJes Ransome Geo. Jas. watch ma.II St John Maddermarkt
street. T N 350 Ransom!" James, parish clerk of St. Bartbolomew's,
Prior Bernard Henry Leathe!'l, solicitor (firm, Learjes Heigham, 12 Northumberland street, Dereham road
Prior & Son), Tuck's court, St. Giles street Ransome Samuel James, manager, 30 Pottergate street
Prior Frederick, beer retailer, West End street Ransome Wm. Fenn, commercial traveller, I05 City rd
Proctor William Hy. furniture broker, 69 King stn·et Ransomes, Sims & ,Jefferies Limited, agricultural imple-
Prondfoot William Rayner, shopkeeper, IS Coslany st.reet ment makers, 2 Farmers avenue
Proudford Charles, Waterloo Commercial hotel, 3'l to Ranson Albert, stock & share broker, I Royal arcade.
43 Prince of Wales road; three minutes from G. E.R. T N 460. See advertisement
Thorpe station Ranson Richard, bootmaker, 18 Westlegate street
Provident Clothing & Supply Co. Ltd.Haymarket chmbr~ Ransons Limited, timber, mahogany, deal & slate mer·
Prudential .Assurance Co. Limited (W. M. Burton, dis- chants & slaters, Mountergate street (T N 324); &
trict supt. ), Prudential buildings, Bank plain at Southtown, Great Yarmouth. T N 27:-i. See
Pryke Arthur George, fishmonger, 57 Rupert street advertisement
Pryke .Arthnr Robert, fishmonger, 54 Oak street Rant James H. baker, 65 Wingfield road
Pryke John Barnett, ladies' & gentlemen's tllilor & Raven & Wright, boot & shoe makers, 103 Prince of
breeches maker, 27a, St. Giles street Wales road
Public Bicycle Store (.lohn Henry Pipe, attendant), 17a, Raven Robert George, shopkeeper, 49 St. Leonards rd
Royal arcade Raven Wm. corn. trav. 6 Kerrison rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Pullen & Mase, house decorators, Bo St. Giles stre:>t Ray Fred H. auctioneer, valuer & land & estate agent,
Pullen Henry, painter, I27 Rupert street 10 Upper King street. T N 4I7
Punchard .Arthur, fishmonger, 81 Park lane Ray Henry, french polisher, Long lane, Charing cross
Punchard Isaac, boot maker, 77 Ber street Rayna Carlo Angelo, restaurant, 59 London street
Purdy & Holley, solicitors, 29 Tombland (sat. only) Raynpr .Ada & Jenny (~i;;sE>s),dress mas. 128 Rosebery rd
Purdy Thomas Woods; solicitor (firm, Purdy & Hollr·;·) Rayner Francis, King's .Arms P.H. 38 Botolph street
29 Tombland (sat. only) I Rayner Francis, shopkeeper, 26 Di'vonshire street

Rayner James B. commercial traveller, 39 Clarence r.d. Richardson Herbertj insurance agent, 32 Primrose st.
Thorpe Hamlet Thorpe Hamlet
Rayson Emily (Mrs.), grocer, 6 Union o:treet Richardson Jn. Phillip, insur. supt. 22 Magdalen road
Read J. J. & Son, plumbers, 6 Pottergate street Richardson Robert G. market gardener, Glenthorne,
Read Alfred, shopkeeper, 18 Burnaby !treet "f Ipswich road
Read Christopher, shopkeeper, 21 >Silver roa-d Richer William, grocer, 90 Portland street ,
Read Edward Ermst, market gardener, Dereham road Riches Alice (Miss), a parts. 123 Rosary rd. ThorpeHamlet
Read Emma (Mrs.), Star & Crown P.H. 20 Timber hill Riches Edward John, accountant, 12 Bank street
Read Frederick, boot repairer, r6 Hall -road Riches Edwin, shopkeeper, 61 Southweill'oad
Read Geo. Gray, cab propr. 13 Rosary rd.Thorpe Hamlt Riches Hannah Catherine (Miss),music tchr.32 Grapes hl
Read Herbt. Edwd. greengrocer, 84 St. Benedict's street Riches Lucretia (Miss), apartments, I I Cathedral street
Read Jame~, potato merchant, 39- & 41 Duke street Riches Robert, shopkeeper, 76 Trafalgar street
Read James Lowne, grocer, 97 & 99 Magdalen street Riches William, beer retailer, roo Lawson road
Read John, boot maker, 31 Exeter street, Dereham road Rideout Sister, nursing home, 53 & 55 Surrey street
Read Jo!:eph, watch maker, 37 St. Stephen's street Riley C. W. & Co. coal merchants, 134a, Dereham road
Read Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 66 Gertrude road, & M. & G. N. Joint Railways' coal depot, Heigham st
Sprowston road Rimmer Harlan Peden, traveller, 50 Cambridge street
Read Robert, shoe manufacturer, 14 St. Swithin'~ alley Ringer Frederick William, greengrocer, 10 Hanover road
Read Robert John, miller & corn merchant, City flour Ripley William Ernest, solicitor & clerk to the guardians
mills, Westwick street (T ~ 99) ; & at Horstead mills of Henstead union, to magistrates for Swainsthorpe &
(T N 5 Dolhshall); depots, Beccles, Yarmouth & Taverham divisions &i to commissioners of taxes for
Lowestoft Henstead district, 6 Tombland. T N Io48
Read Thomas Matthews, maltster, Cannon wharf, King Rippier Waiter, shopkeeper, 28 Bishops Bridge road
street. T A " Read. Norwich ; " T N 152 Riseborough William G. market gardener, Dereham rd
Read William, boot manufacturer, Bo Cowgate street River Plate Fresh Meat Co. Ltd. butchers,133Magdalen st
Read William, cab proprietor, 19 St. Stephen's road Rivers Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Io Cathedral st
Read Wm. cattle dealer, 13 Stoke st. New Lakenham Riviere Bernard Beryl F.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon (firm,
Reason William Edward, outfitter, 161., Charing cros!'l "K a nee, Whit well & Riviere), 55 Bethel street
Recruiting Office (Navy & Marines) (Color-Sergt. John Rix Alfred, shopkeeper, 216 King street
Miller), 54 River Side road Rix Geo. Rd. Prince of Wales P.H. 34 St. Benedict's st
Red;;tone Julian, tailor, 6 Unthank road Rix Gertrude (Miss), dress maker, 9 Somerleyton streej..
Reed Emma (Mrs.), butcher, 30 Adelaide street Rix Herbert, smith, Cow hill
Reeder Richard Edmund, beer retailer, 2 Union street Rix Robert, shoe maker, 79 Pottergate street
Reeve E. & Son, grindery dealers, 12 White Lion street Rix Susannah (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 146 Heigbam st
Reeve Ed\Nard G. & Sons, bot water engineers, iron- Rix William, boot maker, Railwav st. North Heigham
founders, manufacturers of improved kitchen ranges. Roadhouse Herbert, furniture dealer, 17 St. Stephen's
bellhangers &c. 36 Duke street & 9 St. Giles street. road & rent &; debt collector, 13 Castle meadow
T ..N 300 Robb James, tailor & draper, 156 Oak street
Reeve L. & S. E.engineers,Wounded Hart la.St.Peter'8 st Robbins Ethel (Miss), dress maker, 12 Ampthill street
Reeve Alick, traveller, 15 Park lane Robbins Waiter George, cabinet maker, Vauxhall street
Reeve Ann (Mr!'!. ), shopkeeper, & post office, 21 Ea ton st Roberts & Son, animal & bird preservers, 34 Cattle
Reeve Arthur John, coal merchant, 52 Waldeck road Market street
Reeve Benj. jobbin~ gdnr. Heathside rd. Thorpe Hamlt Roberts & Co. printers, bookbinders & wholesale sta-
Reeve Edmund, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & soli- tioners, Ten Bell lane. T N 750
citor to the Licensed Victuallers Association & to the Roberts Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 19a, Union street
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Nor- Roberts Amelia (Mrs.), fancy draper, 38 Rose lone
wich district) (firm, Mills & Reeve), 6g London street Roberts Arthur, plumber, 55 Pembroke road
RePve Ell en (Miss), dress maker, 15 Florence road, Roberts Edgar, commercial traveller, 243 College road
Thorpe Hamlet Roberts Francis J ames, Mischief tavern, 44 Peacock st
Reeve Frederick Arthur, paperhanger, I I Beaumont Roberts Richard, boot &i shoe maker, 45 Botolph street
place, Eagle street Roberts Rose Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 Wolfe road,
Reeve John Clavering, hair dresser, 63 Dereham road Thorpe Hamlet
Reeve Samuel James, painter, BI Trinity street Roberts Thomas William, printer, see Roberts & Co
Reeve Simms D.L., J.P. barrister, 29 Thorpe road Robertson & Colman, upholsterers, cabinet manu-
Reeve William, corn & seed merchant, 109 Aylsham road facturers, carpet & paperhanging warehousemen, house
Reeves J oseph, grindery dealer, 150 Magdalen street decorators & furniture removers, 3 Queen street; wks.
Reid Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 15 St. Stephen's square Monastery yard. T N 35
RPmhlent Frederick, hoop & hurdle maker, Aylsham road Robertson Hugh, house decorator, 33 Rose lane & 72
Restieaux Joseph Edwaf-d, deputy registrar of marriages, Muriel road
5 ~arket place Robertson James, mineral wa.ter mfr. &c. see Rohertson's
Restieaux Joseph James, registrar of marriages for the Robertson's, mineral water manufacturers, confectioners
Norwich district, I IO Trinity street & refreshment contractors, 18 St. Stepben's stree•-
Revell Lilian &; Charlotte (Misses), dress makers/ 25 T N IOIIX5
Heigham road Robins George, commercial traveller, 12 Aspland road
· Revell Edward, grocer, 101 Ber street Robinson & Co. chemists, 13 Orford hill
Revell Ethel Alice (Miss), draper, 99 Ber street Robinson Albert, inspector of weights & measures for
Revell John, tailor, 59 Rose lane the Eastern division of the county & inspector under
Revex Manufacturing- Co. boot & shoe dressings manu- the Sale of Food & Drugs Act & official sampler under
- facturers, 3 Bethel street the Fertilizer & Feeding Stuffs Act, 24 Princes street
Reynolds ~ernard, leather !leller &c. Q7 Derebam road Robinson Charles, boot repairer, 53 Vauxhall street &
Reynolds Charles, boot maker, 23 Hall road 8 Coldwell road
Reynold~ Frederick Robert, baker, 2 Suffolk street Ro bin!!on Charles, Old Barge inn, 123 King street
Reynolds Horatio Leonard, paperhanger, 50 Derby street Robinson Frederick, shopkeeper, 42 St. Martins lane
Reynolds Mary (Mrs.), dairy, 3 St. Stephen's road Robinson Frederick James, grocer, SS & 57 Somerleyton ~t
Reynolds William, wheelwright, Heigham sh:eet Robinson James Wm. baker, 97 Nicholas st. Crook's pl
Ribbons Jabez, shopkeeper, I Bertie road Robinson Josiah William, hosier, I2 Lower Goat lane
Rice 0. H. & Sons, builders, 93 Prince of Wales road Robinson Kate Emma(:Miss),shopkpr.r4Argyle st.King st
Rice Alfred Ernest, plumber, 7Q West Pottergate street Robin son Samuel, shopkeeper, 38 Pitt street
Rice David M.D., M.R.C.S., D.P.H. resident medical Roche Eleazer Dirch M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.'~ond. phy-
supt. City Asylum, Hellesden sician & surgeon ; bon. medical officer N or"~Tich Homoe()-
Ri~ Edgar, local manager East Anglian branch of the pathic Dispen~ary, 27 Surrey street
Royal Insurance Co. Limited, 12 Upper King street Rodway Alfred, boot repairer, u6 Cowgate street
Rice Handford Ernest, builder, 46 Coach & Horses st. Roe Arthur & Co. who. cabinet makers, Magdalen st
· South Heigham Roe Arthur, baker, 102 Old Palace road
Rice Jethro John, news agent, 107 Prince of Wales road Roe Arthur, draper, I I Douro street
Rice Mabel May (Miss), dress maker, 67 Nelson street Roe Clara (Mi-ss), apartments, 14 Willow lane
Richardson Alfred Ernest, grocer, 103 Rosebery road. Roe Georg-e E. wood carver, 263 Dereham road & Holmes
St. Clement's hill · yard, W estwick street
Richardson George, shopkeeper, 40 Angel rd.New Catton Roe John, beer retailer, 99 Midland street
Richardson George, shopkeeper, 6r; Napier street Roe John Jeremiah, tailor, 13 Dereham road
Richardson Hy. Jas. wardrobe dlr. 104 Magdalen road Roe Mary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, qq Dereham road
Roe Nellie (Miss), confectioner, 105 Unthank road
Roe Waiter Joseph, beer retailer, 38 Derby street Rudd George, cabinet maker, I I St. Stephen'a street
Rogers Emma (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 Bell road Rudd George, tinplate worker. 22 Pottergate street
Rogers Frank H .. resident inspector Liverpool & London Rudd Henry George, school attendance. officer, 24
& Globe Insurance Co. Limited & Central Insurance Wingfield road
Co. Limited, 49a, Lo~don street Rudd Kingston (Miss) T.C.L., L.I.S.M. teacher of
Rogers John, .muffin baker, 12 Dereham road music, see Misses J. Woodrow & K. Rudd
Rogers Kathleeu (.:VIrs. ), shopkeeper, 27 Botolph street r..udd Waiter Randall, cotton & silk waste merchant &;
Rogers Moses, provision dealer, 40 Exchange street yarn &; silk agent, 2 Exchange street. T N 159
Roll Edward William, Earl of Cardigan P.H. 56 Orchard at Rudd \Villiam, bird merchant, 54 Havelock road
Roll Henry, Lion & Castle P.H. 27 Timber hill Rudd William, cloggar, so Oak street
Roll Wm. Fredk. Gardeners' Arms P.H. 138 Waterloo .rd Rudd William, shopkeeper, 46 Oak street
Roofe James Henry, grocer, 11 Haymarket R:1dd William Hy. Orchard tavern, 38 Mountergate st
Roofe Thomas, coal dealer, 81 Waterloo road Rudge- Whit worth Ltd. cycle manufacturers, 2oa, SL
Roofe Thomas James, coal merchant, M. & G. N. Joint Stephen 's street
Railways coal depot, Heigham street Rudling Thomas Edward, boot & shoe maker, 25 Man-
Roots J. & Co. agricultural implement makers, Cattle croft street & 3 Wymer street
market (saturdays only) Rudrum Julia (Mrs.), dress maker, 41 Rupert street
Rope James, Volunteer P.II. Earlbam nse Ruffell Waiter, shopkeeper, 138 Heigham street
Raper Archibald Henry, insurance agent, 11 Berners st Rumball Alfred, apartments, 31 Chalk Hill road
Raper Charles, grocer, 131 & 133 Oak street Rump John, market gardener. Harford brdg. Ipswich rd
Roper Ern est, ironmonger, see Vanstone & Roper Rumsby William & Sons, boot makers, 19 Stafford st
Raper Frederick, butcher, 243 Heigbam street Rush Alice Maud (Miss), dress maker, 46 Denbigh road
Roper Waiter, grocer. m6 Bull Close road Rushmor Gytha (Miss), ladies' hair dresser,. see Sluman
Rosary Cemetery (Theodore George Rudd, supt.), Rosary & Rushmer
road, Thorpe Hamlet Rushmer Robert Charles, registrar of births & deaths
Rosati Thomas, fruiterer, 99 Prince of Wales road for East Wymer, ro Prince!!! street
Rose Ada (Mrs.), news agent &c. 62 St. Benedict's street Rusbmer William, baker, 43 St. George street
Rose Charles Frederick, harness maker, 75 Ber street Russell Isabella (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 21 Bethel street
Rose Ernest Robert, hair dresser, 18 Rupert street Russell James, Saracen's Head P.H. 24 Distillery street
Rose George, baker, 95 Cowgate street s
Russell Samuel Henry, Bull inn, Magdalen street
Rosen John; tailor, 13 St. Giles street , Russell William Bridges, harness ma. 178 Sprowston rd
Roshier Wm. & Son, builders, Chesnut place, Palace st Russon Leonard, shopkeeper, 12 Bull close
Roshier Theophilus, relieving officer, 3rd district, 29 Rust Caleb Hy.monumental mason,28 Prince ofWales rd
St. Martins road Rutland Wm. Bailey, boot dealer, 12 & 14 Davey place
Ross George A. decorator, 54 Albany road Ruymp Robert R. & Son, builders' merchants & slating
Ross Richard William, boot maker, 106 Spencer street & tiling contractors., St. George's wharf, St. Georg~
Rossi Theodore, jeweller, watch maker, silversmith, street; depots, St. Miles' & City stat:Wn, Station rd.
diamond merchant & antique plate dealer, 9 Market T A "Ruymp, Norwich;" T N 221
place. T N ]63 Rye George, reporter, 37 Trinity strel,'lt
Rosson c. s. & Co. gun; rifle & cartridge makers~ 13 Rymer John Max, hair dresser, 2 Castle l!treet
Rampant Horse street. T A "Rossons, gunmakers, Sabberton B. & C. motor engineers, St. Ann's wharf.
Norwich;" T N 317 Synagogue street
Rounce Sophia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 51 Gertrude road, Sabberton Brothen, engineen, millwrights, iron & f>rass
Sprowston road founders, boiler makers & general smiths, St. Martin's
Rouse Jesse Cantrell, assessor & collector of income tax, Palace iron works, Beddings lane. T N 704
29 Tombland · Sabberton Louis George, plumber, I I Colegate street
Rouse William, refreshment rooms, Colman road Saberton Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 106 Waterloo road
Rout John, Birmingham & Sheffield warehouseman, Sacker James, shoe maker, 156 Ber l!treet
Back of the Inn!! Sadd & Bacon, solicitors & commissioners, 14 Rampan\
Row & Taylor, chemist!, 6 St. Stephen's street Horse street. T N 449
Row Charles, solicitor, commissioner for oaths, clerk to Sadd & Watson, auc.tioneers, surveyors & estate agents.
the St. Faith's union, solicitor & sec. to the East 14 Rampant Horse street. T N 765
Anglia.n Game Protection Society, I Redwell street Sadd James, tinsmith, 121 Oak street
Rowbotham Sidney, Red Lion P.H. 26 Westwick street Sadd Waiter, shopkeeper. 310 Heigham street
Rowe Frederick William, house furnisher, 23 Stafford st Sadd William, baker, 31 & 33 Oak street
Rowe Louisa (Mr,;. ), herbalist, 25 Potter gate street Sadd William John (firm, Sadd & Bacon), solicitor k
Rowe William, hair dresser, 5 Rosary rd. Thorpe Hamlet commissioner for oaths, 14 Rampant Horse 11treet
Row land Hy. nurseryman, St. Clement's hl. ·New Catton Sadler Adelaide (Mrs.), pork butcher, 7 Rising Sun lam~
Rowley Charles James, commercial traveller, 45 Clarence Sage Arthur, traveller, 30 Kingslev road
road, Thorpe Hamlet St. Andrew's Hall (Orlando Osborne Snelling, hall
Rowley Eusannah (Mrs.), George the Fourth P.H. 72 keeper), St. Andrew's Hall plain
Ber street St. Augustine's Lodge (Si~ter in charge), 30 Surrey st
Row ling Mary (Mrs.), stationer, & post office, 25 Hall rd St. George's Club & Working- Girls' Home (Miss Mary
Roworth Brothers, cutlers, Arcade street Pescod, matron), 70 Pitt street •
Royal Engineers (Norwich Division) (Colchester District) St. John de Sepulchre Parish Room, 86 Ber street
(Eastern Command), Capt. E. J. Bone D.O,R.E. St. Magdalen's Chapel Working Men's Club (Eustace
Cavalry barracks, Norwich Gurney, lessee), Sprowston road
Royal Hotel (Royal Hotel, Norwich, Limited) (Henry St. Martin"s Church Coffee House (Alfred Marcns.
Lewis Clark, manager), Prince of Wales road Coultas, manager), 5I Oak street
Royal Insurance Co. Limited (Fire, LifB, Accident St. Philip's Men's Social Club (E. Abbott, caretaker)~
& Burglary) (East Anglian branch) (Edgar Rice, local 59a. Heigham road
manager), 12 Upper King street. T N 790 St. Stephen's Parochial Hall, St. Stephen's square
Royal I.iver Friendly Society (H. Hatfield, agent), Bur· Sainty Georgina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, :.1 Napier street
lington buildings, Orford place Sales Elizh. (Mrs.), news agent, 31 St. Augustine's at
Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association (C. Barker & Salkind Phili~, dealer in antiques, Church house, St.
Co. secs.) ; chief offices, East Harling, Thetford & (on Clement's allev•
saturdays) Bank chambers Salkind Saul, pianofm·te warehouse, 1 St. Stephen'B st
Royal Norfolk Veterans' Association (Lieut. S. A. Sallows James, engraver, 22 Bethel street
Howard R.E. hon. sec.), 2 Red well street Salmon & Gluckstein Limited, tobacconist!!, 7 London st
Royal Norwich Golf Club (Campbell Steward esq. hon. Salter, Simpson & Sons, auctioneers, valuers &. estate-
sec.), King Street house, 15 Upper King street; links agents, Bank chambers .
at Hellesdon Sambell George, shirt maker, u All Saints' green
Royall Francis George, news agent, 103 Barrack street Sampson Richard, butcher, 138 King street
Rudd Henry & Son, stationers, & post office, 83 Oak st Sampson Thomas, shopkeeper, I I Norfolk st.Sth.Heighm
Rudd Robert Gray & Son, direct importers of foreign Sampson Wm. Davey, post office, 48 St. Leonards road
wines & brandies kc. general wine & spil'it merchants ; Samuel H. jeweller, 14 & 15 The Walk 1 Market place
offices, Exchange Street corner, Market pl. (T N 159); SandPll Mary Ann (Mrs.), butcher,. 76 Eer street
vaults, Bedford street • Exchange st. & Pottergate st Sandford John Edmund Chaplin, butch'\r, g6 St. Giles s'
Rudd Arthur .James, gun, fishing tackle & athletic Sandle Arthur Henry, manufg. chemist, 17 GoldenBall st
goods maker, 54 London street (T N 667); & 17 Sargeant James, greengrocer, 21 West Pottergate street..
Regent street, Great Yarmouth Sargent Annie (~s. ), haberdasher, 83 Ber sire et.
Rudd Frederick Victor, linen draper, 58 Rupert street

Saul .!.. Limited, mahogany, deal, timber & date, Sewell & Brereton, land agents, valuers & auctioneers,
cement & general builders' merchants & saw mills, 17 Prince of Wales road. Tel. 41 I
St. Helen'a wharf, Bishopgate street Sewell George William & Co. grocers, 66 Ber street
Saunders Edith (Mrs.), laundry, Waterworks road Sewell & Son, boot & shoe manufrs. Iga, Colegate street
Saunders Edwd.St. Co.therine's New inn, 194 Queen's rd Sewell John Wm. land agent (firm, Sewell & Brereton)
Saunders Harry, boot & shoe ma. 36 St. Benedict's 11t Sexton H. & Sons Lim. boot & shoe manufrs. Fishergate
Saunders haac, upholsterer, 45 Essex street Sexton J ames & Son, van & cart builders, Rosary road,
Saunders John George, traveller, 44 Sandringham road Thorpe Hamlet
Saunders William R. P. teacher of music,II8 Queen's rd Sexton .Albert Benjamin, wheelwright, 117a, Magdalen st
Savage Arthur, Hope Brewery P.H. 19 St. Saviour's la Sexton Edith (Miss), dress maker, 14 West Pottergate st
Savage Emma (Mrs.), feather cleaner, 40 Bethel street Sexton George, beer retailer, 24 St. Mary's plain
Savage Frederick, butcher, 154 Dereham road Sexton Henry, Builders' .Arms P.H. 52 & 54 King street
Savage Waiter, tobacconist, 151 Cowgate street Sexton Herbert, jun. fruiterer, 37 Cattle Market street
Saving Stamp Co. 12 Rampant Horse street Sexton Herbert Joseph, van builder (see Sexton & Son);
Savory Wm. pianoforte tuner,6 Rosary rd.ThorpeHamlet res. 7 St. Matthews road
Saxone Shoe Co. Limited, 6 London street Sexton Samuel, tailor, 14 West Pottergate street
Saxton John & Co. rag- & metal merchants, 122 Ber st Sexton Samuel John, watch maker, 53 Duke street
Sayer Arthur, Cellar House P.H. 105 Barrack street Sexton Sydney Arthur, motor engineer, rg Tombland
Sayer Edward Wm.statnr. & post office,47 Bishopgate st Sexton William, boot maker, 8 Coburg street
Sayer Ephraim, shopkeeper, 73 Ber street Sexton William, shopkeeper, 13 Manchester street
Sayer William, boat builder, Hawkes yard, Oak street Shaldrack Thomas, Waggon & Horses P.H. 17 Tombland
Sayer William Latimer, solicitor & commissioner to ad- Shapley & Co. confectioners, 44 London street & 3 Royal
minister oaths & clerk to Thirne Drainage Commis- arcade & tea rooms, 14 Royal arcade
sioners (firm, Rackham & Sayer), Bank plain Sharkey Bernard Joseph, principal clerk customs &
Scales Frank, pork butcher, 27 City road excise offices, 27 Tombland
Scales John Herbert, teacher of music, g St. Julian st Sharman Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 7 The Crescent,
Scales Richard, market gardener, 29 City road Chapel Field road
Scarff Alfred, Canterbury P.H. 12 Westlegate street Sharman Mary (Mrs.),Clarence HarbourP.H.81Carrow rd
Scarles Brothers, builders, 155 Queen's road Sharman Wallace Geo. Waterman tavern, 142 King st
Scarlett Brothers, market gardeners, Hall road Sharp Henry George, news agent, 24 Botolph street
Scarlett M a bel & Beatrice (Misses), costumiers, II Sharpe .Audrey Jane (Mrs.), Coldstream P.H. 41 Bruns-
Clarendon road wick road
Scarlett & Smith, house agents,4 Merton rd.Dereham rd Shave William Palmer, brush manufacturer, St.
Scarlett Herbert E. builder, 38 & 40 Merton road Clement's brush works, Colegate street
Scarlett Josiah Charles, sole sewer, Towler's et. Elm hill Shaw Henry & Co. tailon, 16 Rampant Horse street
Scarlett Samuel Arthur, insurance agent, 2 Merton road Shaw Henry, jun. tailor, 37 Crown road
Scarlett Waltef' Edwin, boot mnfr. Towler's et. Elm hill Shaw Joseph, Southwell .Arms P.H. 57 Hall road
Schofield Frank, butcher, 152 Magdalen street Shaw Stanley, chief engineer Fire Brigade, Station
School of .Art (Waiter Scott A.R.C . .A. head master), house, Pottergete street
City Technical Institute, St. George street Shoa.d George William, fancy draper, hosier, glover
Scott P. B. & Co. ironmongers, 27a, Rupert street & laceman, 9 London street
Scott .August us Frederic, architect, 24 Castle meadow. Shedden Samuel, draper, 2 Elm hill
T N rX5 Sheldrake Fredk. Jabez, milk dealer, 33 Alexandra road
Scott Frederick James, insurance agent, 58 Vicarage rd Shepherd Henry Garland, district supt. Wesleyan &
Scott Harry Cecil, architect, 70 St. Stephen's road General .Assurance Society, 20 Bridewell alley
Scott Robert Bagge, artist, Bank plain Shepherd Louisa (Mrs.), fancy draper, 53a, St. Giles st
Scott Sidney Robert, shopkeeper, 3 Rupert street Sheppard John Hall, parish clerk of Trinity church, rog
Scott Waiter, motor specialist, 3~ Prince of Wales road Rupert street, South Heigham
Scott Waiter, tailor, r8 Silver street Sheppard Walter, greengrocer, ra, Douro street
Scott William, french polisher, 4 .All Saints' green Sheridan Francis, shopkeeper, 17 Union street
Scottin Christopher, insurance a~rent, 26 Sussex street Sherratt Mrs. dress maker, 73 Sandringham road
Scottish Provident Institution (Sydney Rose, local Sherreard Hy. E., A.C.I.S. accountant, 68 .Alexandra rd
sec.), 2 Redwell street Shibley William, wheelwright, see Howlett & Shibley
Scottow John Edward, shopkeeper &c. 29 Orchard st Shields J ames, tobac'!onist, 57 Magdalen street
Scottow Wm. Edmund, boot &:; shoe ma. roo Stafford 11t Shildrake .Arthur, baker, I All Saints' street
Seager Frank, hair dresser, 8 Trafalgar street Shildrake George, greengrocer, 41 Hall road
Seager William, hair dresser, 22 St. Gregory'!! alley Shimmens Charles, shopkeeper, 20 Carrow road
Seago Thomas, .Albert Commercial hotel, 23 & 25 Prince Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent
of Wales road Society (Athelstan H. 0. Taylor, hon. representative
Seaman .Alfred Theodore, New Corn Exchange P.H. 4 for Norwich & district), rg Upper King street
Bedford street Shire House (Alfred William Nelson, caretaker), Castle
Seaman John, builder, 47a, West Pottergate street & meadow
36 Wymer street Short John, engineer, Surrey grove
Seaman William, travelling draper, gr Grove road Shorten Henry, Fishmongers' Arms P.H. 8 The
Sears Herbert Rayson L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental surgeon, Butchery, Market place
22 Tombland Shorten John, White Cotta[!'e P.H. 26 Philadelphia lane
Seeker William, Unicorn inn, 28 St. Stephen's street Shorten William Arthur, india rubber warehouse (see
Sedgwick John S. solicitor to the Norwich Union Life Collins & Shorten) & registrar of births & deaths for
Insurance Society, Surrey street the West Wymer sub-district, Norwich union, 12
Seeley Elizh.Selina(Mrs.),coffee rms.31 & 3:1 Heigbam st Orford hill & 66 Earlham road
Seeley Elvina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 55a, Caernarvon road Shred John, Butchers' .Arms P.H. 88 Ber street
Segger Ellen Sarab (Mrs.), grocer, 139 Mag-dalen street Shreeve Edward, mineral water maker, Queen's road
Segger Philip, boot manufacturer, r St. Paul's square Shreeve John Hy. Steward, fried fish shop,61 Magpie rd
Relf Brothers, gasfitten, 15 Pottergate street Shrimpton William, pork butcher, 59 Magdalen street
Self Bert, wardrobe dealer, 40 Grapes hill Shrubsole Wm. Lewis, photographer, 82 Chapel Fil,lld rd
Sellex William Henry, coal merchant, 103 Potten;ate st. Sibley T. F. customs & excise, old age pension &
& M. & G. N. Joint Railways coal depot, Heigham st. national insurance officer, 27 Tombland
T N 4S4 Sier William Henry, accountant, manager to Norwich &
Send all John Nicholas, whitesmith, Unicorn alley, St. Norfolk Traders' .Association, Victoria chambers, Bank
Stephen's street -plain. T N 207
Sendall William. bricklayer, 36 Stonemason's square Silby Sarah Main (Mrs.), corset maker, 7 Princes street
Senior .Alfred Henry, wheelwright, n8 Quebec road, Sillem George, solicitor (sat. only), sr London street
Thorpe Hamlet Sillett William Robert, news agent, 139 Untbank road
Sennitt Ebenezer Charles, provision dealer, 11 St. Sillis William Lucas, Rhorkeeper, 75 Heath road
Stephen's st. ; 13 Lower Goat lane & 73 Magdalen st Sillwood George Francis, Norfolk Railway House P.H.
Seppings Edward, butcher, 57 Dereham road Foundry bridge, Prince of Wales road
Sepping:s Horace, boot manufacturer, 49 Cowgate street Silvertown India Rubber, Gutta Percha & Tele-
Seppings Mary .Alice (Mrs.), Coach & Horses P.H. 3 Red graph Works Co. Limited i head offices, ro6
Lion !!treet Cannon street, London E C ; works, Silvertown,
Serre .Achille I.imited, dyers &c. 13 Royal arcade London E
Sewag-e Pumping Station (.Arthur S. Grimson, engineer Simpson George, fishmonger, 70 Union street
in charge), Bracondale
Simpson Mary .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 13 Ethel road, Smith John Henry, hair dresser &c. 32 Adelaide street
Thorpe Hamlet Smith Joseph de Carle, wholesale drnggist, see Smith
Simpson William S. fishmonger, 43 Rupert street & Sons
Sinclair Frederick Charles, customs & excise, old age Smith Lewis, Woolpack P.H. Muspole street
pensions & national insurance officer, 27 Tombland Smith Martha (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 26 Colegate st.
Singer & Keys, fruiterers, 168 Heigham street Smith Maude E. (Miss), teacher of the pianoforte, IIB
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited, 16 & 18 Calvert Dereham road
street; show rooms, 55 London st. & 121 Magdalen st Smith Robert, greengrocer, 127 Ber street
Sistern Inez. Maud & Ethel Annie (Misses), dress makers, Smith Robert, shopkeeper, 43 Pottergate street
10 Theatre street Smith Robert George,tailor & habit maker,9 Qneen street.
Sistern William, shopkeeper, 200 Heigham street Smith Rose (Miss), dress maker, 269 Dereham road
Sizer Ada tMiss), dress maker, 15 Chalk Hill road Smith Samuel, hay, corn, chaff,beet & forage contractor,
Skedge Mary A. (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 140 St. George st 37 Bishop Bridge road. Tel. No. 432
Skclton John & Son, hosiery manufacturers, 61 St. Smith Sidney, corn daaler, 1:3 Golden Ball street
George street. T N 999 Smith Waiter, carter, ~30 Silver road
Skipper Charles, clothier, 45 St. George street Smith William, Dun Cow P.H. 167 Oak street
Skipper Charles, shopkeeper, 23 Palace street Smith William, haulier, 140 King street
Skipper Frederick Willemar, architect, 55 London st. Smith William, ironmonger, 57 St. Benedict's street
T N 453 Smith William, wood carver, II8 Dereham road
Skipper George John, architect, 7 London street Smith William Fredk. hardware dealer, go King street
Skipper Hallilah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 114 Magdalen road Smith William Harold, boot maker, 17 Newmarket road
Skipper Joseph, grocer, 64 Union street Smith Wm. Hy. wine merchant,see Chamberlin & Smith
Slater N oah, King's .Arms P.H. 26 St. Martin's road Smiths Harper, incorporated accountants; registered
Slaughter .Alfred, shopkeeper, 28 Rose lane office <Jf the Norfolk Gravel Pits Limited & office of
Slaughter George, shopkeeper, 35 Cowgate street the Norwich & District Master .Builders' Association,
Slaughter John, bricklayer, 52 Devonshire street London & Provincial Bank chambers, 30 London stree~
Sluman & Rushmer (Misses), ladies' hair dressers, 25 Sneath Bertie Harry, White Hart P.H. 6 Iler street
The Walk, Market place Sneath Jesse, Mancroft hotel, 2 Bethel street
Smith & Carman, brewers, 2 St. Mary's alley. TN 1124 Snelling & Sons, tallow chandlers, 8o & 82 Ber street
Smith George (Norwich) Limited, corn & flour Snelling Eliza (Miss), fishmonger, 193 Ber street
merchants, pheasant, poultry & dog food manufac- Snelling Orlando 08borne, hall keeper St. Andrew'~
turers; speciality, " Mealegg 11 poultry laying meal, Hall, St. Andrew's Hall plain
4 Orford place. T N 161 Snelling Thomas, fishmonger, 13 Row, 13 Southwell road
Smith James & Sons, dyers, 7 London street Sm~lling William, fishmonger, 89 Southwell road &>
Smith & Sons, wholesale druggists & manufacturers of Hawes place, Hall road
the "Norfolk" Baking Powder & vinegar makers, 46 & Snelling William, tobacconist, 10 Prince of Wales road
48 Magdalen street. T N 73 Snellings, confectioners, caterers, wine merchants &
Smith Alarge (Miss), dress maker, 4 St. Olive road bride cake manufacturers, 23 & 25 Rampant Horse st
Smith Albert, shopkeeper, 221 Northumberland street Snowden .Alfred, baker, 15 Cherry st. New Lakenham
Smith .Albert James, boot maker, .Ashby street, Queen's Snowden .Arthur Baxter, artificial teeth maker, 87
road & 140 Ber street Chapel Field road
Smith Alfred, greengrocer, 74 Oak street Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Goose &
Smith Alfred, market gardener, Eaton road &m, agents); depot, 2 Haymarket
Smith Arthur Henry, Dial P.H. 131 Dereham road Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parb
Smith Arthur James, painter, 73 College road (Goose & Son, agents); depot, ~ Haymarket
Smith Arthur Samuel, shopkeeper, 14 Heigham street Softley Goorge, coal dealer, 49 Gloucester street
Smith Bert, plumber, 48 G-rant street Softley James, insur. agt. go Rosary rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Smith Carolina (Mrs.), dairy, 7 Douro street Soldiers' & Sailors' Home (Mrs. E. R. Jump, lady supt. ),
Smith Charles F. chemist, 46 St. Stephen's street 1 Tom bland
Smith Colvin B. M., M.B. surgeon, 1 Trinity street Solomon Teresa (Mrs.), furrier, 9 Dove street
Smith Daisy (Miss), teacher of music, 9 .Avenue road Soman .A. E. & Co. letterpress & lithographic printers ..
Smith Edmund, news agent, 41 Newmarket street 37 St . .A.ndrew street". Tel. 814
Smith Edward, baker, 63 Southwell road Somerville Jame.s. R. Market tavern, 39 Crown road
Smith Edwd. Victor, Tombland Stores P.H. 7 Tombland Sommerville Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, 221 Queen's rd"
Smith Elder (Miss), milliner, 67 St. Stephen's street South Norfolk Unionist .Association (Christopher Manby-
Smith Ellen (Miss), pork butcher, r_<;4 Sp1·owston road Thornton, agent), 1ga, Rampant Horse street
Smith Ellen Maria (Miss), furrier, 8 St. George street South Yorkshire Coal Co. coal mers. 12 Bridewell alley
Smith Elllily (Mr8. ), apartlllents, g6 Chapel Field road South Fredk. cab owner, Frogs Hall lane, Thorpe Hamlet.
Smith Emma (Mrs.), hosiery knitter, 6 Fye Bridge st Southall James & Co. Limited, boot manufrs. Crome rd'
Smith Ernest Thomas, relieving officer, 2nd district, 4 Southgate Arthur Edward, bricklayer, Chatham street
Somerleyton street Southgate .Arthur Edwd.shpkpr.17 Angel rd.New Catton
Smith Ernest William, coffee rooms, 23 St. George st. Southgate George, confectioner, 18 Ber street
& dining rooms, 79 Barn road · Sowter Goorge, plumber, 51 Distillery street
Smith Frank M.P.S. chemist, 128 Dereharn road Sowter Maria (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, 57 Rose lane
Smith Fred, shopkeeper, 40 Vauxhall street Spain Ivan Scott L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dental surgeon, 34
Smith Frederic William, tobacconist, 76 Pitt street Prince of Wales road
Smith Frederick, butcher, 70 Vauxhall street Spain John Sedgewick L.D.S.R.C.S.Edin. dental surgoon,
,Smith Frederick Eat on, plumber, 105 Bel voir street 34 Prince of Wales road
Smith Frederick James, butcher, 26a, Rupert street Spalding, Sons & Co. builders, 77 Rosary road, Thorpe-
Smith Frederick William, insurance agent, 4 Russell st Hamlet
Smith Frederick William, law agent, 13 Upper King st Spalding .Alfred, french polisher, St. Clement's alley
Smith Frederick William, news agt. see Ransom & Smith Spalding .Alfred, shopkeeper, 42 Hughenden street
Smith Frederick William, tobacconist, 72 Waterloo road Spalding Francis Wilby, estate agent & assessor &;.
Smith George ThOmas, Black Horse P.H. so Earlham road collector of taxes, 8 Elm hill
Smith H. Harper F.S.A.A., F.C.I.S. incorporated Spalding Gerald, stationer, bbokseller, news agent.
accountant & chartered secretary, clerk to commis- picture postcard dealer, & post office, Surrey corner,
sioners of income tax of Blofield & Taverham divi- St. Stephen's street. T N 63
sions; clerk to visiting committee H.M. Prison & Spalding John, french polisher, 18 Princes street
hon. sec. Jenny Lind Infirmary for Children (firm. Spalding Percy John B..A., LL.M. solicitor & deputy-
Harper Smith8), London & Provincial Bank chambers, town clerk, Municipal offices, Market place
30 London street. Telephone 6o3 Spalding Richard, whitesmith, 5 St. ALdrew's hill
Smith Harold Ernest, accountant, 30 London street Spalding William Frank, school attendance ,officer, 64-
Smith Harry Henry,Norfolk Arms P.H.284 Sprowston rd Cannaught road .
Smith Henry, Princess of Wales P.H. 25 Rose lane Spals Daniel, fishmonger, 38 Barrack street
Smith Henry William, tobacconist, r6 Vauxhall street Spark John, oommercial traveller, 67 MO'llnt Pleasant
Smith Isaac, greengrocer, 63 Waterloo road Sparkes & Latten, builders, Orchard street
Smith James, Hope P.H. 64 Calvert street Sparkes Charles, builder, 151 College road
Smith James Samuel, builder, 24 City road Sparkes Charles, Duke of Sussex P .H. 42 Bot.Jlph 11treet
Smith John, Beehive P.H. 9 Barra~k street Sparkes Rt.Albion,ju:1. printer & bookbinder,2gBethel 11t
Smith John, boot & shoe manufacturer, 53 Cowgate st Spa.rkes Robert .Albion, sen. gunsmith, 65 Bethel street
Smith John, dairyman, 13 Hall road Sparkes Theophilus G. W. tailor, 59 Wellington road
Smith John, fish salesman, Fi!!h market Sparks Albert .Arth. shopkeeper, 140 Northumberland st

Sparks Ann (Miss), dress maker, 32 Cattle Market street Stevens, Miller & J ones, solicitors & commissioners to
Sparks Edwin, cyde repairer, 2 Magpie road administer oaths, Bank chambers, Bank plain ; & at
Sparks William, hair dresser, 57 St. Augustine's street Kenninghall. T N 285
Sparl'OW Rose (Miss), shopkeeper, 95 Ber street Stevens W. H. & Son, printers, Botolph street
Spatchett Waiter, The Rose P.H. 59 St. Stephen's street Stevens Frank Horace, baker, 29 St. Giles street
Spatchett William, Queen's Arms P.H. 102 Magdalen st Stevens Walter Goorge (firm, Stevens, Miller & Jonel!),
Spaul Alex. motor car factor, 23 & 27 Cattle Market st solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Bank chambers,
Spaul Winifred (Miss), teacher of music, nr Lincoln st .Hank plain
Spauls David, fishmonger, 164 Silver road Stevenson Dorette Maude (Mrs.), court dress maker, 55
Spauls Thomas E. shopkeeper, 37 Mousehold street Aylsharn road
.Spelman Lily (Mrs.), dress maker, 131 Knowsley road Stevenson Grace (Miss), florist, 53 London street
Spelman William Wilton Rix, auctioneer (firm, Spel- Stevenson John Thomas, tailor, 6 St. Andrew street
mans), 17 Bank plain Steward & Patteson Limited, brewers, wine & spirit mer-
Spelmans, auctioneers, valuers & land agents, 17 chants & manufacturen of aerawd waters, Pockthorpe
Bank plain (T A "Spelmans, Norwich; " T N 305); & brewery; & at 65 North quay, Yarmouth; Norwich
at Great Yarmouth. See advertisement ale stores, Ipswich; Railway road, Lynn; & at Swa.ff-
Spencer Charles Lewis, boot repairer, 84 Hall road ham
Spiers Frederick, Post Office tavern, 3 r Exchange street Steward Alfred Charles, Plasterers' Arms P.H. 43 Cow-
Spilling Daniel,shpkpr.II Cross Globe st.South Heigham gate street
Spilling Maria (Mrs.), shirt maker, 132 Rupert street Steward Campbell (firm, Overbury, Steward & Eaton),
Spillings George, chimney sweep, 5 Wymer street solicitor & commissioner, & registrar of ihe Clergy
Spink Waiter, boot & shoe maker, 67 King street Widows' Charity, 15 Upper King street
.Spinks Esther (Miss), dress maker, 24 Kerrison road, Steward Edward. baker, :l4 Muspole street
Thorpe Hamlet Steward Fredk. Case-, corn &c. mer. see Case & Steward
Spinks Waiter, boot repairer, 17 Halls lane Steward George, Music House P.H. 167 King street
Spot Cash Tailoring Co. tailors, 17 Rampant Horse st Steward George, tripe dresser, 39 Heigham street
Spowart William Ribton B.A., M.D., L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. Steward John, tailor, I River Side road
physician & surgeon, & medical officer ~o. 3 di'ltrict, Steward Mary Eliza (Mrs.), Castle hotel, 3 Castle
Norwich union, r Newmarket road meadow & Fruiterers' Arms P.H. The Walk. T N 187
Sprake Percy Jeans, solicitor, ro London street (wed. Steward Rus~ell Godfrey, solicitor & commissioner &
& sat. only) proctor of Consistorial Court, Diocese of Norwich &
:Spratt Albert Louis, Carpenters' Arms P.H. 33 Thorn la solicitor to Norwich & Norfolk Traders' Association, 6
Springfield Harmer Wm. com. travllr. 156 Queen's road Tom bland
Spurgeon Fanny (Miss), dairy, Br St. Giles street Steward William, keeper of the Close, 49 The Close
.Sr:ruires George, Wool pack P .H. 9 Golden Ball street Stewart Ernest William & Mark Thomas, earthenware
5tacy John Herbert L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. surgeon, dealers, 54 & 56 Surrey street
& medical officer to No. r district, Norwich union & Stewart John, news agent, 39 ~ orthumberland street
rst district, Henstead union, public vaccinator for Stewart Mary E. (Mrs.), Castle hotel, Castle meadow &
Norwich & lieut.-col. 2nd East Anglian Field Ambu· Fruiterers' Arms P.H. The Walk, Market place
lance, 38 St. Giles street Stewarts Limited, clothiers, r Haymarket & Orford pl
Staff Henry, shoe manufacturer, see Hall & Staff Stibbings Charles, pork butcher, 126 Cowgate street
Staff William, Key & Castle P.H. 105 Oak street Stiles Walter, shopkeeper, 62 Livingstone street
Stafford Harry, supt. corporation works, r Junction road Stimpson Agnes & Maud (Misses), dress makers, 23
Stallard W. T. joint manager to Capital & Counties Cathedral street
Bank Limited, 16, 17 & 18 The Walk, Market place Stimpson Harrie1t (Mrs.), pork butcher, 47 West End st
.3tamp Office (David More, distributor), 27 Tombland Stirk James Robert, corn dealer, no Oak street
Standley F. W. & Son, solicitors, 36 Exchange street Stockings Matthew Bane & Son,grocers,22St.Stephen's st
:Standley Harry P., M.R.C.V.S. veterinary & shoeing Stockings & Sons, butchers, 26 St. Stephen's street
establishments, 13 Red Lion street; 85 Chapel Field Stocks James, fishmonger, 59 Rupert street
road ; Dial yard, Oak street, St. Miles ; 5 Dereham StockwellJ.O.& transfer agts.3ChapelField rd
road & King street Stolworthy Gertrude (Mrs.), dairy, 134 Gertrude road,
Stanforth Fredk. Wm. butcher, :;a & r26a, Magdalen road Sprowston road
Stangroom Alfred, Railway Arms P.H. go Oak street Stolz Electrophone Co. (London) Limited, acoustic in-
.Stangroom Samuel John, draper, 105 Bull Close road strument makers, 3.0 Cattle Market street
Stangroom William, boot & shoe maker, 63 Heigham st Stone F. A. & Sons, tailors, nb, Prince of Wales road
Stanley Brothers, drapers, 55 Earlham road Stone Emma(Mrs.),fishmongr.2Grook's pl.ChapelField rd
Stanley Walter Henry, Walnut Tree Shades P.H. Old Stone Henry, tool dealer, 13 Magdalen street
Post Office court Stone Jas.Wm.greengrocer,n2 Rosary rd.Thorpe Hamlet
Stannard Benjamin, yeast merchant,Little London street Stonebridge John.._ tailm, 13 Kimberley street
Stannard Clara (Mrs.), baker, 6 Bedford street Storey Gertrude & Ada (Misses), dress makers, 122
Stannard Donald, butcher, Eaton street Pottergate street
Stannard Eloise H. (Miss), aparts. 62 Chapel Field roatl Stowers George Gregory & Son, builders &c. 143
Stannard John, pig dealer, 50 Eat on street Sprowston road
Stannard Waiter, mattress manufacturer, Stamp Office Stowers Alfred, Cricketers Rest P.H. 207 Queen's road
yard, St. A._ndrew street Stowers May Lily (Miss), teacher of music, 95 Lincoln st
:Star Tea Company Limited, grocers, 29 St. Stephen"s Strangers' Hall (Leonard G. Bolingbroke, owner),
street & 15 Magdalen street Charing cross
S!arling Edward, confectioner, 6r Rupert street Stratford Claude, solicitor, 20 London street. T N 655
Starling Ethel (Miss), dress maker, 23 Magdalen road Stribling Louie (Mrs.), dress maker, I I Pembroke road
Starling Hubert John M.D.Lond., D.P.H.Camb. physi- Strickland Hezekiah, Crown P.H. 29 Elm hill
cian, hon anresthetist Norfolk & Norwich hospital & Stubbs' Mercantile Offices (Stubbs Limited), Burlington
medical officer H.M. prisons, 45 All Saints' green buildings, Orford place
'Starling Percival Charles, shopkeeper, 39 Fishergate Stubbs Alfred Jas. poulterer, Woolpack yd. Golden Ball st
Starling William,insurance agent (Pearl),23 Magdalen rd Stnbb;, Charles, Half Moon P.H. 38 Market place
Starr Scott Columbus, cam. traveller, 14 Connaught rd Stubbs Edward, shopkeeper, 93 St. George street
Sta ton John, chemist, 92 St. Benedict's street Stubbs Fdk. Wm. bricklayr. 93 Norfolk st. Sth.Heigham
Staynes (W. H.) & Smith, boot findings manufacturers, Stubbs James, shopkpr. 8g Norfolk st. South Heigham
17 St. George street. T N 3-63 Sturton J. A. Ltd. oil & col or men, 33 & 35 Magdalen st
.Stead & Simp!lOn Limited, boot & shoe warehouse, 22 Snddell John Hy. shopkpr. 2 Paddock st. North Heigham
London street; 16 Bedford street; 29 Timber hill; 32 Sullivan Alfred, hair dresser, see Tildesley & Sullivan
St. .Benedict's street; 7 Magdalen street; 8 St. Sullivan Arthur, wholesale confectioner, 8 St. Benedict's
Stephen's street & 8 Davey place street; & retail, 12 Brigg street; 21 St. Giles street;
'Stebbing Arthur Edward, camel. travllr. 39 Pembroke rd r6 White Lion street & 103 Prince of Wales road
Stebbing Edgar Sydney,commercial traveller,270xford st Snllivan Samuel, Coach & Horses P.H. 82 Thorpe road
'Stebbings George Fredk. commission agent, 70 Ber st Sunnucks Henry, hosier, 26 The Walk, Market place &
'Stephen George Arthur F.L . .A.. librarian to the Norwich 5 St. Giles' street
Public Library, St. Andrew street Sussams Hannah (Mrs.), greengrcr. 29 St. Benedict's st
'Stephenson Geon~·e, hair dresser, 2a, Davey plaee Sutherland John, painter, 4 St. Lawrence lane
'Sterry J. S. & Co. Limited, coal merchants, M. G. N. Sutton F. A Co. veterinary & manufacturing chemists;
Join.t Railway coal depot, Heigham street makers of "The Norfolk" remedies for horses, cattle
Steve'Ils Charles Frederick & Son, ironmongers, 55 Mag- & sheep, 3 Redwell street. T N 758
dalen street ; works, Golden Dog lane
Sutton & Co. (J oseph J efferies, manager), carriers, 16 Taylor J ames William, coal agent, 45 Alexandra road
Prince's street Taylor John, tobacconist, I09 Chapel Field road
Sutton Edward William, aerated water manufacturer, Taylor John William, apartments, 48 Grapes hill
Monastery yard, Elm hill Taylor J oseph Waiter, herbalist, 17 Orford hill
Sutton J.<'rancis F.C.S., F.I.C. analytical chemist, public Taylor Richard, baker, 66 Barrack street
analyst for the county of Norfolk & the borough of Taylor Sa.mbrooke (Mrs.), corset & t~urgical belt maker,
Great Yarmouth, County Analyst's office, 3 Redwell st 97 St. Giles street. T N - Xs
Sutton J. H. (Mrs.), servants' registry office, 110 Taylor Shephard Thomas M."li. physician, 88 Earlham rd
Chapel Field road Taylor Sidney Johnson M.B., C.M.Edin. ophthalmic sur-
Sutton James, provision dealer, 58 Bethel street geon, 44 Prince of Wales road
Sutton Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 22 Thorn lane Taylo:r Thomas Crawford, H.M. district inspector of
Sutton Robt.Norman,picture frame ma.67&6g"Magdalen 11t factories, 14 Rampant Horse street
Sutton Rose (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 153 Essex str~t Taylor Thomas J oseph, manager London City & Midland
Sutton William lsaac, picture frame ma. Bo Pitt street Bank Limit€d, IO London street
Sutton William Lincolne F.I.C. analytical chemist, & Taylor William., shopkeeper, rB2 Old :Palace road
public analyst for Norfolk, East & West Suffolk, Nor- Taylor William Henry, Keel &; Wherry P.H. 214 King st
wich, Ipswich & .Bury St. Edmunds, 3 Redwell street. Taylor William James, plumber, 34 Vauxhall street
T N 758 · . Taylor William John, coal dealer, 85 Lawson road
Swain ueorge, photographer, 2a, Davey place Taylor William John, coal merchant, M. & G. N. joint
Swain M. (Mrs.), photographer, 27 St. Giles street railways coal depot, Heigham street
Swan Steam Laundry (Frank & Mrs. Mattock, manageN), Teasel Edwin Frank. commercial traveller, 161 Dereham rd
Heigham street, North Heigham Tee J. & 0. travelling drapers, 3 Chapel Field road
Swan Ell en (Mrs.), greengrcr. 66 Norfolk st. S. Heigham Temple Albt. Edwd. The Sportsman P.H. I39 Barrack st
Swann .A.rthur Robert, builder, 5 Berners street Tenant Farmers' Protection Association Limited (E. E.
Swann Emma J ane (Mrs.), baker, 45 The Close Peele, sec.), 15 Prince of Wales road
Swann Harry Frederick, wood turner, St. Lawrence lane Tenant William Grieves, printers' reader, 84 Park lane
Swann Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 91 Magpie road Tench Edwin J., A.R.I.B.A. architect, & surveyor to
Sw<:um Waiter Lewis, bricklayer, 69 Churchill road the diocese of Ely, 2 Thorpe road
Swann William Robert, hair dresser, 21 Magdalen road T"lnch Robert, boot maker, 12 Somerleyton street
Swatman Charles, grocer, 15 Gloucester street Territorial Force (4th) Battalion Norfolk Regiment
Swatman J ames, greengrocer, 86 Hury s·t. Unthauk rd (Lieut.-Col. J. R. Harvey D.S.O. commanding; Capt.
Swedish Gymnasium (Miss M. Green, principal), 16a, F. R. Day, adjutant; for :Norwich Companies, !lee p.
Prince of Wales :road 298); head quarters, Chapel Field road
Swoish Thomasr shopkeeper, 166 King street Terry Florence (Mrs.), costumier, 14 Winter road
Sword John, hair dresser, 78 Pitt street Thatched Assembly Rooms (J. Owen Bond, sec.), All
Syder Arthur, Georg.e inn, IB Haymarket Saints' green
Symonds William J ames, builder, 70 Marlborough road Thayne Herbert, boot & shoe repairer, 33 St. Andrew st
Symons Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, III Beaconsfield road Theatre Royal (Fnd Morgan, proprietor), Theat-re st
Ta.con & Cowell, nurserymen & seedsmen, 15 Rampant Theobald George Edward, auctioneer & valuer, 46 Prince
Horse street & St. Faith's lane of Wales road & Reymerst{)n
Tall Luther, traveller, 310 Unthank road Thetford & Watton Standard & Post (The London &
Tallowin Samuel Joseph, see Pure Tea, Coffee & Cocoa Norwich Press Limited, publishers; published friday).
Supply Oo 7 St. Giles street .
Tann Robert John, shopkeeper, 43 Newmarket street Thetford Charles, boot maker, n4 Constitution hill
Tate James & Co. wholesale confectioners, 85 & 87 Mag- Thetford Florence (Miss), midwife, Bg Eade road
dalen street ; retail, 5 Bridewell alley Thirkettle Charles Boutell, cutler, 37 Timber hill
Tate J ames Henry, confectioner,21 St. Augustine's street Thirkettle John Edwd. dealer in birds, 5 & 7 Grapes hill
Tate William, wardrobe dealer, 20 Silver road Thirtle George Edward, sewing machine agt.9.A.delaide st
Taylor (Garrett) & Co. land & estate agents & valuers, Thirtle \Villiam, commercial traveller, 47 Aylsham road
27 Prince of Wales road. T A " Estates; " T N 280. Thomas Louis, greengrocer, 195 Sprowston road
See advertisement Thomas Pel'Cival James, commercial traveller, 85 Rosary
Taylor Georgt~ & Son, surgical appliance makers, 97 road, Thorpe Hamlet
St. Giles street. T N sX5. See advertisement Thomas Robert, wardrobe dealer, 30 Westwick street
Taylor I. 0. & Sons, solicitors, Old Bank buildings, 19 Thompson H. & Sons Limited, tinplate workers, Chalk ~
Upper King street. T N 21 Hill works, Rosary road, Thorpe Hamlet
'l.'aylor & Son, bakers, 47 Ber street · Thompson Alfred, tailor, 25 Timber hill
Taylor Albert C. artificial teeth maker, 26 The Walk, Thompsun Charles James, dentist, 35 St. Andrew street
Market place Thompson Ch~ts. Jas. stationer & news agt. 62 Magdalen 11t
Taylor Alfred George, boot manufactr. 47 Cowgate st Thompson Edward, shopkeeper, 13 Waterloo road
Taylor .A.rthur, painter, 97 Gloucester street Thompson George, greengrocer, 107 Barrack street
Taylor .A.rthur H. C. assistant secretary to the Norfolk Thompson George H. confectioner, r8 Pottergate street
& Norwich Triennial Musical Festival, secretary to the Thompson George Harold. grocer, 33 St. George street
Norfolk & Norwich School of Music & acting secretary Thompson Gertrude (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer,92 Sussex st
Norwich Hospitals Sunday & Saturday Funds & Nor- Thompson Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, 45 Rose lane
wich District Visiting Society, commission agent &c. Thompson Harry, .grocer, 204 Sprowston road
14 Rampant Horse street Thompson James, Prospect House P.H. Aylsham road &
Taylor Athelstan Howard Odin, solicitor (firm, I. 0. boat pi'Dprietor, Fuller's hall, St. Martins road
Taylor & Sons) & deputy registrar of marria;ges, Old Thompson Joseph Wm. house decorator,32 .A.lexandra rd
Bank buildings, 19 Upper King street Thompson Martha (Mrs.), greengrocer, 107 Gloucester-st
Taylor Clement Overton, furniture dealer, 59 Ber street Thompson Samuel Spink, bricklayer, 2 Cyprus street
Taylor Edward, baker, 40 Botolph street Thompson Sidney, greengrocer, 122 Oak street
Taylor Ernest, hair dresser, 17 Silver street Thompson Wm. furn. broker, 15 & 17 St. Augustine's st
Taylor Frederic Oddin J.P., D.L. (firm, Taylor I. 0 1:. Thompson William, shopkeeper, 120 Oak street
Sons), solicitor, commissioner for affidavits in ths Su- Thompson William, shopkeilper, 2 Twenty-one row, New
preme court, steward of manors, receiver of estates, Lakenham
f!olicitor to Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, agent Thompson W111..Alfred,commercial traveller,35 Thorpe rd
to Edinburgh, Law Union & Rock & Norwich Union Thompson Wm. Christr. ho.decorator,41 Chapel Field rd
Life Offices, registrar of marriages &c. &c. Old Bank Thompson William Jubilee, cycle dealer, 208 Queen's rd
buildings, 19 Upper King street Thompson William Walter,insurance agt.277 Dereham rd
Taylor Garrett Oddin, land & estate agent (firm, Garrett ThomEon John Freeman, cabinet maker, 31 Timber hill
Tllylor &; Co) Thorn Arthur, greengrocer, 95 Magdalen street
Taylor George, Windsor Castle P.H. 68 Barrack street Thorn Charles, carriage builder, 5 Earlham rd. T N 73
Taylor George Henry, baker, III Oowgate street Thorndick & Dawson Brothers, printers, 15 Princes street
Taylor Henry, fishmonger, 79 St. Giles street Thorne & Howard, nursery boot &; shoe manufacturers~
Taylor Henry Gilbert, Wellington P.H. 18 Muspole street 37 Botolph street
Taylor Herbert, hair dresser, 13 Brigg street Thorne Harry. hair dresser, r Rising Sun lane
Taylor Herbert Edward B..A.., M.D., B.Ch. physician & Thornley William Alfred, boot & shoe maker, I68 Ber st
surgeon, & eurgeon-accoucheur Norwich 'Maternity Thorns B. E. & Co. il'Onmongers, 22 Exchange etreet;
Charitv, 5 Tombland. T N 703 Lobster lane & St. John Maddermarket
Taylor Herbert Edwin, chamist, see Row & Taylor Thorns Sidney John, tea merchant, 13 The Walk, Market
Taylor James, tailor, 48 Vauxhall street place & Old Post Office court
Taylor J ames John, greengrocer, 25 Thorn lane

'fhorold William John Creeny, solicitor & commissioner Trowse Waiter Lorenzo, !'hopkeeEer, 35 Napier street
for oaths (firms, Woolsey & Thorold & Fowell, Woolsey Trumpess .Alien, shopkeeper, 15 Eagle st.Newmarket rd
& Thorold), 5 Opie street Tubby Ernest, Freemasons' Arms P .H. 27 Hall road
Thorpe Brothers.- boot makers, 236 Queen's road Tuck Effie (Miss), dress maker, 15 Vincent road
Thorpe Benjamin Gaffer, hair dresser, gB Midland street Tuck Frdk.Chas.Golden Lion P.H.15 St.JohnMaddermki
Thorpe Ellen (Miss), milliner, 38 St. Olive road Tuck Susan (Miss), dress maker, 27 Cherry street,
Thorpe William, boot & shoe maker, 9 City road New Lakenham
Thouless Clement, boarding house, 8 Scales green Tuck. Walter George, commercial travllr. r8 Aspland rd
Thouless William, shopkeeper, 35 Oak street Tuck William Arthur, grocer, 77 Cambridge street
Thrower Annie (Mrs.), confectioner, 2 City road Tuck William Henry, fried fish dealer, 32 Old Palace rd
Thrower Cornelius Stephen, coach builder, Napier st Tuddenham Edward, tailor, 65 Dereham road
Thrower Jame11 Georg~. grocer & tea dealer, 25 West Tuddenham Nellie (Miss), confectioner, fi9 Barrack st
Pottergatt~ 'ltreet Tuddenham Stephen Rice, cycle agent, 70 Nelson street
Thurgar William Augnstus,tJ.uctioneer,seeCloweil & Nasb Tuffield George Henry, ironfounder, Wright'il Foundry
Thurtell Alfred,· carpenter, 41 Bishopgate street yard, Muspole street; Eight Ringeu P.H. 14 Oak 'lt.
Thurtell William, greengrocer, 29 St. Andrew street & flock manufact'llrer, St. Miles Flock mills
Tibbenham James, Pope's Head P.H. St. Peter's street. Tuffield James, beer retlr. 21 Globe st. South Heigham
Upper market Tuffield J ames, fish salesman, Fish market
Tice Richard J. shopkeeper, 51 Marlborough road Tungate B. & Co. painters, Holls lane
Tidman R. & Sons,engineers,3 Rosary rd. Thorpe Hamlet Tungate Herbert, draper, & post office, 18 Magdalen rd
Tildesley & Sullivan, hair dressers, 35a, London street Turner, Barnes & Wright, wholesale cabinet makers~
Till Herbert, tobacconist, 128 King street upholsterers & bedding manufacturers, St. Julian's
Tillett W. H. & Co. !>olicitors & commissioners for steam cabinet works, King street. T N 139
oaths, St . .Andrew street. T N 9 Twner ·Albert, coach builder, 24 Palace st.& 20 Princes st
Tillett Charles Edward, butcher, 69a, Ketts hill Turner Albert, confectioner, ra, White Lion street
Tillett J ames, shopkeeper, 75 St. Augustine's street Turner Albert Victor, insurance agent, 61 N orthcote rd
Tillett J ames, tripe seller, 53 Ber street Turner Arthur, Boar's Head P.H. 2 Surrey street
Tillett John, shoe maker, 66 Vauxhall street Turner Chas. Edwd.White Lion P.H.ro6 St.Benedict's st
Tillett Louis John J.P. (firm, Tillett W. H. & Co.), Tnrner Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 West Pottergate st
solicitor, commissioner for oaths, St Andrew street Turner Frederick W. Greyhound P.H. Greyhound open-
Tillett Maud (Miss), fancy draper, g8 Patteson road ing, Midland street
Tillett Thomas George, watch maker, 89 St. Giles street Turner James, fishmonger, 79 Miller's lane, New Catton
Tillett Wilfrid S. solicitor & commissioner for oaths Turner John, coal agent, 45 Trinity street
(firm, Tillett W. H. & Co.), St. Andrew street Turner Mary Lavinia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 r Primrose
Tillett William Richard, pork. butcher, 12 Rupert street street, Thorpe Hamlet
Tillott Albert Edgar, apartments, 7 Ashford street Turner Robert, plnmber, 83 Essex street
Tilney Arthur, tailor, 15 Magdalen road Turner Thomas, painter, 37 Walpole street
Tilney Ell en (Mrs.), tailor, 23 Wensufll street Turner Vivian Eustace L.D.S_R_C.S.Eng. dentist, 52
Tinkler George, tailor, 42 Belvoir street Prince of Wales road
Tinkler George Stephen, Denmark. Arms P.H. 43 Sand- Turner William, commercial traveller, 43 Grove road
ringham road Tusting J. T. & Sons Ltd. builders' mers. 3 Essex st
Titmons Charles, teacher of music, 16 Oxford street Tusting James Goodwin, builders' merchant, 3 Essex st
Todd Brothers, tailors, 6r Lond{)n street Tuttle James, fried fish dealer, 126 Oak street
Todd George, hosier r6 St. Stephen's street Tuxford & Co. trunk manufacturers, 3 Back of the Inns
Todd William, shopkeeper, 33 Adelaide street Twentyman Edward, controller of local taxation
Todhouse & Co. military tailors, breeches makers,motor licenses Norfolk County Council, Shire house
clothing &le. Queen street (T A "Todhouse, Norwich;" Twiddy Charles, painter &c. School lane, Bedford street
T N 174); & 23 Sackville street, London W & Parsonage square
Tompson, Daines & Son, shoe knife mas. Dial yd.Oak st Tyce George, house furnisher, 9, I I & 8 Charing cross
Tooke Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 21 Green Hills road Tyce Harry, bar iron & steel merchant, wholesale &
Tooke L. M. (Miss), dress maker, wa, Old Palace road retail ironmonger, saddlers' & coach ironmonger & oil
Tooley Robert, oil, paint &c. dealer (firm, Leach & & color merchant, 19 St. Peter's street, Mancroft;
Tooley), 32 St. Stephen's street & 94 St. Benedict's st Davey steps, r'B Davey place & Castle st. T N 397
Tooley William, hay & straw dealer, g6 City road Tye Arthur, jobbing gardener, 42 St. John st. Rose lane
Topham Alexander J. mnfrs'. agent, 3-0 Cattle Market st Tye Charles Henry, tJOrk butcher, 54 Earlham road
Topham Fred, insurance supt. 136 Glebe road Tye Elizabeth (Mrs.), pork butcher, 3 Grapes hill
Towell George Francis, shopkeeper, & post office, 128 Tyler John & Sons Limited, boot & shoe warehouse,
Aylsham road 2 & 4 Davey place & 78 Magdalen street
Towlson Arthur Thomas, Stanley P.H. 33 Magdalen rd Tyrrell Brothers, carpenters, 86 Aylsham road
Townsend George, seed gr{)wer, Clipsall & Beebor farms_ Tyrrell Alfred, tinpla.te worker, 103 Midland street
T .A " George Townsend, Fordham" Tyrrell Arthur, builder, 96 Magdalen road
Townsend Samuel Gilbert, pork. butcher, 17 Wensum st Underhill F. R. & Son, grocern, 21 The Walk, Market pi
Townsend William Charles, hosier, 9 & IO Royal arcade Underwood Typewriter Co. I I Red Lion street
Townshend, Harcourt & Son, manufacturing stationers, Underwood Horace, shopkpr. 65 Shadwell st. Crook's pl
25 St. Peter's street, Mancroft Underwood, shopkeeper, 3S Ely street
'fownshend Edward, boot & shoe dlr. 27 St. George st United Yeast Co. Limited, 9 Orford hill
Townshend Henry, cycle mak~r, see Peck & Townshend Universal Syndicate (The) (Harold T. Mair-Clements,
Townshend Henry Samuel, crgar merchant, St. Peter's manager), .Anchor buildings, 23 Red Lion street
street; res. 8o Mornington road Upcher Cecil, architect (firm, Lacey & Upcher), 6
Townshend Kate (Mrs.),carver & gilder,r3 Charing cross Upper King street· & at Hingham rect{)ry, Hingham,
Townshend Maria (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 16 Botolph st Attleborough
Townshend Robert, furnitur~ dealer, I I Magdalen street Upson James, news agent, r56 Heigham street
& 2 Botolph street Utting Charles, apartments, 17 Finkelgate
Tracey Alfred James, boot maker, 10 Haslip's opening, Utting Ernest, rag merchant, 28 Manchester street
Midland street Utting Frank William, printer, rg Chapel Field road
Trett, Sons &; Walpole, upholsterers, Dial yard, Oak st Utting Gertrude (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 Camp road &:.
Trett Frank, cabinet maker, 92 Alexandra road refreshment rooms, 171 Beaconsfield road
Trett John, cabinet maker, 40 Derby street Utting James, Queen Caroline P.H. 6r Oak street
Trevor, Page & Co. cabinet makers, upholsterers, Utting Kate (Mrs.), stay maker, 21 St. Peter's street
decorators, carpet factors & wholesale & retail paper Utting Sophia (Mrs.), apartments, 38 Victoria street
hangings factors; temporary rooms & marquees on Utting Stepben William, corn & cake merchant, St.
hire, 28, 30, 32 & 33 Exchange street; 55 St. George Swithin's wharf, 94 Westwick street
street & Mountergate street; factory, Coslany works, Utting William, Mitre tavern P .H. 13 r Earlham road
Calvert street. T A " Trevor; " T N 238. See Utting William, shopkeeper, 88 St. George street
advertisement Valori Brothers, plasterers, 165 Waterloo road
Tmllope Waiter Augustus, architect, 52 a, N orthcote road Vandyke & Co. photographers, rB The Walk, Market
)'ro-ry Edmund, grocer, 107 Waddington street place. T N 1Y3
. 't.toliY Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56 Waterloo road Vanstone & Raper, ironmongers, rr Exchange street
. Trory Henry, wholesale confectioner, 1 Stafiord atreet Vardon John Robert, tailor, 49 Caernarvon road
Trause Arthnr, boot repairer, 58 Silver street Varley David, boot maker, 76 Silver road
Trowse ChristophPT. working tailor, 14 Ten Bell lane Varley Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 135 Ketts hill
Trowse Thomas,Sir Garnet Wolseley tavPrn.36 MRrkPt p 1 Varney William, chair maker, I I CalvPrt street
Yarvel Lily (Miss), dress maker, 218 Queen's road Ward Samuel Isaac, shopkpr. 67 Shadwell st. Crook's pl
Vaughan Frederick, photographer, 63 Magdalen street Ward ·waiter )iark, butcher, 72 Marlborough road
Venimore Jas. carpenter, 173 Waterloo rd. & 48 Pitt st Ward William Waiter, Lock & Key P.H. 91 Ber street
Vickers John James, Blue Bell P.H. 21 Lower Goat lane Warden W illiam F. The Griffin P .H. 86 Barrack t~treet
Victoria Garage, see Duff, Morgan & Vermont Limited. Warminger A.rthur, fried fish dealer, 20 Heigham street
See advertisement Warminger Harriet (Mrs.), True Briton P.H. I I Long
Vince Ami (Mrs.), Green Man P.H. 131 King street row, New Catton
"Vince Henry John, printer, 35 Exchange street Warmoll Nina (Miss), teacher of music, 83 Mill Hill rd
Vince William John, cabinet makers' ironmonger, 23 St. W armsley A.lbert E. boot repairer, 162 Heigham street
Saviours lane Warne Arthur C. hair dresser, 93 Unthank road
Vincent Wllliam & Sons, apctioneers, valuers & Warne Henry, Unthank .Arms P.H. 149 Newmarket st
estate agents, n Upper King street; also at Long Warne Joseph, shopkeeper, 44 Silver street
Stratton. T N 555 . Warnes Albert George, boot maker, 35 Eaton street
Vincent Arthur, Surrey tavern, 46 Surrey street Warner George A. coal mer. so Denmark rd. New Catton
Vincent Arthur Charles, motor engineer, 13 & 14 Sun Warren Elizh. (Mrs.), pork butcher, 35 St. 'Stephen's st
lane, New Catton Warren Leonard George, butcher, 28 Pitt street
Vincent Charles, shopkeeper, 43 Barrack street Warvill Harry, shopkeeper, 28 Shadwell st. Crook's place
\-incent Charles, shopkeeper, 82 Knowsley road Waterfield William,registered lodging house,s Quayside
Vincent Charles H. sergt-.-major 6th Territorial Battalion Watering George Jeremiah,cab proprietor,12 Unthank rd
(Cyclists) Norfolk Regiment, Cattle Market street Waterloo Commercial Hotel, 39 to 43 Prince of Wales rd
Vincent Waiter, beer retailer, 91 King street Waters & Son, auctioneers, valuers, house & estate
VoHbrecht Augustus, hair dresser, ro St. Margaret's st agents, 30 Cattle Market street; stock marts, Loddon,
Votier Edward, Mill tavern P.H. 2 Millers la. NewCatton Acle, Reedham & Long Stratton
Votier Herbert, insurance agent, 35 Junction road Waters Bertie, fried fish dealer, 73 Pitt street
Votier Waiter, furniture dealer, 31 Magdalen road Waters Edgar Robt. auctionr.see Spelmans,17 Bank plain
Wade Ellen (Mrs.), Waterloo P.H. 43 Market place Waters William, Elm tavern, u8 Magdalen road
Wade Herbt.W.oom.trav.15 Hill House rd.Thorpe Hamlet Watkins John Edward, Canterbury P.H. 54 Napier st
Wade William, carriage maker, Upper King street Watkins-on Kate p:Iiss), apartments, 120 Queen's road
Wainwright Samuel, wholesale grocer & provision mer- Watling & Alien, laundry, 169 Bull Close road
chant & hop factor, 31 St. Peter's street. T N 400 Watling George, butcher, 103 Quebec rd. Thovpe Hamlet
Waites James, beer retailer, 64 Ber street Watling Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,134 Bull Close rd
Waites James, Trumpet inn, 72 St. Stephen's street Watling Thomas, tinplate worker, I Westlegate street
Wake:field & Son, .potato merchants, 63 Nelson street Watson & Everitt. solicitors, commissioners for oaths,
Wales Arthur, tailor, 79 Stafford street notaries & patent agents, 32 Prince of Wales road.
Wales Charles, ~hopkeeper, 128 Barrack street T N 313
Walker & Bennett, laundry, Helford st. North Heigham Watson & Kir'by, painters &c. 37 St. Andrew street
Walker Alfred, house decorator, 54 William street Wats-on & Watson, surgeons, 2 Earlham road & 38 St.
Walker Davidson F.F.A. general manager & actuary to Stephen's road
Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, Surrey street Watson Archibald Claude, tobacconist, 53 Ber street
Walker Ernest Frank, grocer,I Gertrude rd.Sprowston rd Watson Arthur, apartments, 66 Thorpe road
Walker Harry, stationer, & post office,B7 & 89 Rupert st Watson Arthur Wisby, commercial traveller, 63 City rd
Walker John, boot & shoe maker, 79 Pitt street Watson Elisha, boot maker, 79 Belvoir street
Walker John, shopkeeper, 20 Nicholas st. Crook's place Watson Ernest Ivens LL.D. (Lond. ), solicitor, commis-
Walker John, travelling draper, 52 Pottergate strem; sioner for oaths, patent agent & notary, see Watson
Walker John Henry, Derby .Arms P.H. 75 Derby street & Everitt
Walker Walter William, apartments, z8 Coslany street Watson George, cattle dealer, Old Lakenham
Walker Waiter Wm. baker, 3 Wolfe rd. Thorpe Hamlet Watson Henry M.B., Ch.B. (firm, Watson & Watson),
Walker William Frederick, boot repairer, 10 Adelaide st surgeon, hon. anresthetist Norfolk & Norwich Hospital
Walker William H. shopkeeper, 95 Philadelp~ lane & medical officer for No. 5 district of Norwich union,
Wall Ernest, pianoforte tuner, 16 Rupert street 2 Earlbam road
'Vallace Thomas, auctioneer & valuer, officer to the Watson James Edward Henry, chemist & druggist, 43
Sheriff of Norfolk & certifir:!ated bailiff, 3 Prince of King !!treet. See advertisement
Wales road. T N 742 Watson Sarah Ann (Miss), a-partments, 79 Heigham rd
Wallace William, cy'cle maker, see Whitfield & Wallace Watson Theresa May (Mrs.), City .Arms P.H.6 Redwell st
Wailer Bertram Cecil Egerton, designer, frJ London et Watson Waiter S. shopkeeper, II4 .Adelaide street
Waller Edmund Lester, fried fish shop, 84 !Spencer st Watson William .Alexander M.B., Ch. B.Aberd. surgeon
Wailer James, Crown P.H. 48 St. George street (firm, Watson & Watson), 38 St. Stephen's road
Wailer Waiter, decorator, 14 Spencer- street Watts John William & Co. butchers, 33 St. Benedict's st
Wailer Waiter, printer, see Gibbs & Wailer Limited Watts .Arthur, bal;.er, 5 Palace street
Wailer William, carpenter, 18 Nelson street Watts George, blacksmith, 12 Barn road
Walmsley William Ernest, tobacconist, 55 Magdalen rd Watts George, boot & shoe maker, 93 Magdalen street
Walpole George, boot repairer, 52 Westwick street Watts Georgina (Mrs.), apartments, ro6 Pottergate st
Walpole Wm. Geo. upholstr. see Trett, Sons & Walpole Watts Harriet (Miss), aparts. 16 Cedar rd.Thorpe Hamlet
Wals'h Ellen (Mrs.), laundry, so Catton Grove road Watts William Henry, shopkl'eper, 254 King street
Walterton Waiter, shopkpr. 104 Millers la. New Catton Wearing Stanley John A.R.LB.A. architect & surveyor,
Want F. G. & Sons,monumental masons,136 Derebam rd 15 Upper King street; & at Lowestoft & Thetford
Want John Henry & Son, monumental sculptors & Weavers Francis William, cycle maker, 99 Unthank road
general masons, I38 Dereham road Webb .Albert Edward & Son, painters, 43 Denmark rd.
Want George, insurance agent, 44 Guernsey road New Catton
Ward Alexander & Alexander, boot mfrs. 122 Cowgate st Webb A.lbert, hair dresser, S Westlegate street
Ward .A . .A. customs & excise, old age pension & national Webb Edward Thomas, modeller, 18 Connaught road
insurance officer, 27 Tombland Webb Willia.m, baker, 43 Hall road
Ward Arthnr William, draper, see Ash & Ward Webb William, shopkeeper, 129 Barrack street
Ward Beatrice (Miss), dress maker, 26 Carrow road Webber Arthur, trunk maker, I I Castle street
Ward Charles, shopkeeper, 32 Magpie road Websdale Ernest,antique dealer 133,& grocer 135,King st
Ward Cornelius Daniel F.A.A. accountant & house & Webster W. C. & Son, boot mfrs. 24 to 32 Muspole st
estate agent, 2 Valentine street W e-bster Arth. J sph. Jas. beer retlr. 4 St. Benedict's st
Ward Edgar, butcher, 43 Rose lane Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 76 Belvoir street
Ward George, boot & shoe mfr. Hills yd. St. George st Webster F'rancis, machinist, 208 Dereham road
Ward George, commission agent, I34 Hall road Web!!ter George, Swiss Cottage P.H. 16 Dereham road
Ward George Henry, boot & shoe dlr. 40 Shipston :road Webster George Henry, baker, 6o Rupert street
Ward George P. shopkeeper, 78 Adelaide street Webster Jessie (Mrs.), shopkpr. 9 Afghan pl.New Catton
Ward Henry Edward, cab proprietor, Grove road Webster Kate (Miss), drl'l!!s maker, 26 Spencer street,
Ward Horace Edward, cab proprietor, 54 Queen's road Magdalen road
Ward J ames, parks supt. 21 Chapel Field road Webster William 'Robert, jnn. builder, 153 Dereham rd
Ward James Norman, surveyor of customs & excise Wet.ster Wiiliam Robert, sen. lime burner, Stone Hill
(2nd district), 27 Tombland lime works, Dereham road
Ward Kate (Miss), costumier, 5 St. Vedast street Weeks & Gay, cabinet makers, Greyfria.r's road
Ward Mary Ann (Mrs.), William the Fourth P.H. z5 Weeks Charles, jun. decorator (see Weeks & Gay), 55
Ooburg street St. Leonards road
Ward Rosa (Mrs.), apartments, 78 Chapel Field road Weeks Charles, shopkeeper, 53 St. Leona.rds road
Ward Saml. Victoria P.H. Horace st. Chapel 'F'ield road Weeks Ed"ll"d.L.V.musical instrument dlr.6Bridewell alley

Woeb Francis .Albert, hair dresser, 3 St. Leonards road Wilde George, Prince of Wales P.H. 39 St.Augustine's st
Weights & Measures Office (City) (Edwin F. Winch, Wilde John Samuel, chimney sweeper, 95 Oak street
inspector), Fishmarket Wilde Percy Edwin, commercial traveller, 5 Avenue rd
Wells Thomas & Son, hatters & cap makers & ladies' Wildsrnith Alice Maria (Mrs.), Cock inn, Old Lak.enham
hattars; specialists in Norwich silks, 4 St. Andrew st Wiley Eleanor (Mrs.), greengrocer, 47 St. Benedict's st
Wella Charles, financier, Burlington buildings, Oxford pl Wiley James William, Vine tavern, 7 Dove street
Werts Alfred, engraver, rs Bedford street Wiley Saml. Hall, sign writer, 4 Mancroft st_Derebam rd
W esleyan & General Assurance Society (Henry Garland Wilkin & Co. steam laundry, City steam lanndry, St.
Shepherd, district superintendent), 20 Bridewell alley Martin's lane
West .Alice (Mrs.), nurse, see Crook & West Wilkin Arthur, house agent, 5 St. Mary'a alley
West John, bricklayer, 130 Essex street Wilkins Saml. Robt. builder, 35 & 37 West Pottergate st
West Wm.Hy.scale ma.41 & 43 Elm hUlt41 Exchange st Wilkinson & Son, leather merchants, saddlers & saddlers'
Westgate Herbert Charles, district agent National Trade & coach ironmongers & whip makers, 6 St. Giles
Defence Association (Eastern Counties district), I St. street. T N 95 I
Vedast street. T N 216 Wilkinson & Co. photographers, 1Ba, Prince of Wales rd
-Weston Benjamin George, station master, Victoria sta- Wilkinson Benjamin, Rose. Valley tavern,11I Unthank rd
tion (G.E.R.), St. Stephen's road Williinson Charles Herbert, district registrar of Probate
Weyer Arthur, linen draper, 21 & 23 St. Stephen's street Court, 6 5 The Close
Wever Georgl', butcher, 4 Fishergate Wilkinson Hy. Jas. furniture paintr. 31 St . .A.ugustin's st
Whaites William, boot repairer, 23 Botolph street Wilkinson Peter Jay, sign writer, 91 Unthank road
Whall Alfred, pianoforte tuner,II Valentine st.Derehm. rd Wilkinson Rebecca (Mrs.), sewing machine dealer, 25
Whall George, pianoforte tuner, 12 Alexandra road St. Andrew street
Wharton Frederick, bricklayer, 20 Trafalgar street Wilkinson Robert W. teacher of music, 14 Aylsham road
Whayman Arthur, shopkeeper. 8 Wymer street Wilkinson William, J11Bl merchant, 46 & 48 Heigbam rd
Wheeler Francis Darken M.A., LL.D. private tutor, 3 Wilkinson dresser,roo Rosary rd.Thorpe Hamlet
Redwell street Wilkinson Wm. Marquis of Lothian P.H. 4>1 Lothian 5t
Wheeler Henry, plumber, decorator & sanitary Wilkinson William George, picture frame maker, 56
l!lpecialist, Eagle street, Newmarket road Napier street & 4 St. Gregory's alley
Whiles Arthur, gardener, 64 Cardiff road Willatts Benjamin, window blind ma. 13 Fye Bridge st
Whitbread & Co. Limited, bottled beer stores, Abbey Willett Leonard Arthur, shopkeeper, 31 Waterloo road
lane, King street. T N 473 Williams Arthur, school attendance officer No. 4 district,
White Richard & Sons, dental surgeons, 26 St. Giles n6 Hall road
street. T N 86 Williams Francis (London University), Bracondale
White William & Son, silk goodB manufrs. Golden Dog la school for boys, 13 Bracondale. See advertisement
White Frank, butcher, 41 St. Benedict's street Williams Hanbury F.A.I. auctioneer, valuer & estate
White Geo. Gundry, Bank Plain hotel,Queen st. TN 341 agent, rs Upper King street. T N 5I6
White Henry Freeman L.D.S.Eng. dental aurgeon, see Williams John, wholesale cabinet maker, 52 Peacock st
White Richard & Sons Williams B. J. Maddern, tchr.of music,130 Cambridge st
White Jn.Edwd. cab propr.ro4 Rosary rd.Thorpe Hamlet Williamson Emily (Mrs.), midwife, 170 Silver road
White Leah (Mrs.), fishmonger, 31 West Pottergate st Williamson Jacob, herbalist, 16 Cow hill
White Robert, jun. fish curer. 11 St. Swithin's alley Williment Albert, furniture remove-r, so Nelson street
White Robert, fishmonger, 64 St. Benedict's street Williment George, boot manfr. see Crisp & Williment
Whitehand J ames, traveller, I7!l Oollege road W:Jliment Herbert, picture frame maker, 7 Helena. road:
Whitehead William Henry, boot & shoe maker, 41 Williment James, builder, 1 Gladstone st. Earlham rd
Orchard street & 14 Harn road Vlillis William, shoe manufacturer, 49 Calvert street
Whitelaw Charles Edward, H.M. inspector of factories, Willmott Brothers, cycle agents 51, & motor engineers-
14 Rampant Horse street 57• Prince of Wales road
Whiteman Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, 51 Duke street Willmott Charles Wm. cycle agent &c.see Willmott Broi!-
Whitfield & Wallace, cycle makers, 67 Grapes hill Willmott i'redk. Arth. cvcle aQ"ent &c. see Willmott Bro11
Whiting Henry, decorator, 27 & 29 'St. Saviours lane Willmott Marten, watch maker, 31 Magdalen street
Whiting Henry Arthur, shopkeeper, 272 Sprowston road Wills G. & S. laundry, Sayer's street
Whiting Robert Christopher, general dlr. 13 Old Palace rd Wills Dudley H. hide, ~kin, salt & wool merchant & fell-
Whiting William, painter, sign writer &c. 87 Magpie rd monger, 12 Heigham street. T N 507; T .A "Wills,
Whitmore Levy David, fried fish dealer, 55 Vauxhall st Tanner." Se~ advertisement
Whitrnore Bobert, builder, II7 Dereham road Willsra John James, wholesale confectioner, 19 Union st
Whitrod Thomas Henry, tailor, 2 Rowington road Willson Edith (Mrs.), music warehouse, 2 Oxford hill
Whittaker Benj. Marquis of Granby P.H, 171 Barrack st Willson Frederick, hair dresser, 2 Orford hill
Whittaker William, shopkeeper, 8o Waddington street Wilson F. R. & Oo. nurserymen & florists, seed growers
Whitwell Hugh M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon & merchants, The Great Eastern seed stores, 9o
(firm, Nance, Whitwell & Riviere) & assistant surgeon Exchange street
to Jenny Lind Infirmary for Sick Children,53 Bethel st Wilson Albert Edmund, shopkeeper, 22 Stafford street
Whorton William Albert, Coachmakers' Arms P.H. 36 Wilson Arthur William, builder, 37 Lothian etreet
Bethel street Wilson Brereton Knyvet, solicitor & commissioner for
Wick Frederick, boot & shoe maker, 31 Knowsley road oaths (firm, Bignold, Pollard & Wilson), 17 Prince of
Wickham Harriet (Mrs.), general carter, 58 Britannia rd Wales road
Wickham John, shupkeeper 86, & hair dresser 86a, Wilson David, grocer, 115 Oak street
Rosary road, Thorpe Hamlet Wilson Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, HYJ Silver street
WickhamLaura(Mrs. ), beer ret. 95Rosary rd. ThorpeHamlet Wilson George, greengro~er, 63 Rupert t~treet
Wicks Brothers, poultry breeders, 24 Camp road Wilson J ames, Corn Exchange P .H. 21 St. George street
Wicks & Sons Limited, general builders, wire workers, Wilson John Robert, plumber, 32 Kimberley street
sieve & screen makers & poultry appliance manufac- Wilson Orson Boswell, chemist, 1g6 QuePn's roarl
turers, 9 Farmers avenue; works, 3 Market ·avenue. Wilscm Richard, Windmill P .H. Aylsham road
T A "Wicks Limited;'' T N 894 Wilson Thomas, fi.shmongrr, 197 King street
Wickl!l John, boot repairer, 166 Oak road Wilson Thomas Robert, Rifleman P.H. 5 Cross lane
Wicks Thomas Henry, builder &c. see Wicks & Sons Ltd Wilston Carl,boot dlr.7o St.Benedict's st.& 57Vauxhall st
Wicks William, hair dresser, 109 Heigham street WinC'h Edwin Francis, chief constable, superintendent of
Widdows Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 2 Bnll close the fire brigade & inspector of explosives, hackney
Widdows Francis, The Shuttles P.H. 62 Botolph street carriages, chief inspector of weights & measures &c.
Widger Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6a, Aylsham rO&d Guildhall
Wigg Edward John & Son, jobmasters, 6 Market a.ven. Winch George, shopkeeper. 19 Beaconsfield road
& 52 Rose lane ; livery stables, Boar's Head yard, Winch Gordon, news agent, 98 Nicholas st. Crook's pl
Surrey street & shoeing forge, Pottergate st. T N 332 Windiate John, baker, 242 Heigha.m street
Wigg W. E. & Sons, agricultural implement manufn. Windsor Henry, inspector of police, 3 & 5 Magdalen rd
8 Farmers avenue (sat. only); worb, Barnby, Beccles Wingfield Eliza (Mr!!.),beer ret.99 Shadwell st.Crook's pl
Wigg William, miU!ter mariner, 39 Mounterga.te street Winsor Bishop, goldsmith &C'- see Bi1hop Winsor
Wigston Gwendolen (Miss),tchr.of music,38Grosvenor rd Winter Ellen & Elsie (Misses), art needlework reposi-
Wilby Jsmes William, immrance agent, 63 Leice~ter st tory, 9 Cas·tle street
Wilch Hannah (Mrs.), baker, 41 Mariner's lane Winter Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 82 Mousehold street
Wilcox Mary (Mrs.), Bull'• Head P. H. 135 Ber 1tTeet Winter Harry Thomas, grocer, 206 King street
Wilde Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.). baker, & post office, 78 Winter Henry, wardrobe dealer, II3 Oowgate 11treet
Connaught road Winter Henry Frith, shopkeeper, 91 Magdalen street
Wilde Charles, l!lbopkeepeT, 38 Bell road Winter John James, commercial traveller, 15 Trinity at
Wilde George, fishmonger, 45 Philadelphia lane Winter Samuel, jun. baker, 86 Pitt street
Wiseman Alfd. chimney swpr. 19 Rupert st. S. Heigham Wright Thomas F. & Son, land agents & 'l!urveyors, 2
Wiseman .Alice (MN. ), butchu, 95 Carrow road Bank street. T N 1058
Wiseman Emanuel, shopkpr. & post office, 85 Spencer st Wright Alfred Edgar, pork butcher, 254 Dereham road
Wiseman Herbert Waiter, butcher, 39 & 41 King street Wright Catherine Frances (Mis-s),shpkpr.132Pottergate at.:
Wi.sBIDan John, boot & shoe maker, 102 01llvert street Wright Charles, boat builder, Hobrough's lane, King st
Witard Ephraim, miller (wind & e·team) & corn & cake Wright Emily T. (Mrs.), Garden House tavern, 1
merchant, Hellesdon & Felthorpe roller mills, 94 Pembroke road
.A.ylsha.m road Wright Fredk. Morris, boot maker, see Raven & Wright
Witard Herbert Edward, insurance agt. 75 St. George st Wright George, baker, 2 Ketts hill
Witard William, butcher, 13 Philadelphia lane Wright George, Bull & Butcher P.H. 131 Pottergate g,t
Withers George, harness maker, 24 Connaught road Wright George Robt. Jubilee tavern, 26 St. Leonards rd
Witton S. L. Ltd. boot & shoe manufctrs. 8 Muspole st Wright Harry, grocer, 2 Durham street
Women's Social & Political Union (branch) (Miss Margt. Wright Harry Sherwood, 11hopkeeper, 24 Cyprus street
West, organizer), 52 London street:. Wright Horace, insurance agent, 66 Pelham road
Wanes Herbert, carpenter, 38 Earlham road Wright Jaoob, confectioner, 243 King street
Wanes James, confectioner, 48 Earlham road & fruit & Wright Ralph Blanchard, land agent (firm, Sewell &
potato salesman, 27 St. Peter's street. T A " Orange, Brereton)
Norwich;" T N 771 Wright Rabert, bricklayer, 85 Essex street
Wood Arthur Henry, confectioner, 28 Magdalen street Wright Robert P. caretaker, 12 St. Andrew'11 hill
Wood George Frederick, Jenny Lind P.H. 20 The Walk, Wright Susan (Mrs.), nurse, 57 West End street
Market place & Jenny Lind l'.H. Davey place Wright Thomas, White Horse P.H. 84 Magdalen street
Wood Walter, tinplate worker, 27 Hughenden road Wright Thomas Henry Gordon, land agent, see Thomas
Woodcock Frederick, grocer, 163 Aylsham road F. Wright & Son
Woodcock John Edward, grocer, 62 King street Wright Thomas James M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.,
Woodcock S. J. travelling draper, 65 Pottergate street F.R.C.S.Edin . .surgeon, so Prince of Wales road
Woodcock's Drug Co. Limited, chemists, 59 Dereham rd Wright William, miscellaneous dealer, 208 Old Palace rd
Wocdeson Supt. Edward Seymour, chief clerk county Wroxham Regatta Committee (H. Harper Smith, hon.
police, County Police station, Castle meadow sec.), 30 London street
Woodger Alex. fish curer, 7 Charing cross & 6 St. W'yatt Francis, shopkeeper, Cozens rd. Thorpe Hamlet
Stephen's plain Wyatt George, cattle dealer, 90 Southwell road
\Yoodhouse Holly, boot repairer, 104 Beaconsfield road Wyatt Samuel, cattle dealer, so City road
Woodhouse Julia Ann (Miss), dress maker, 54 West Wyatt Stephen, b~>er retailer, no Coldwell road
Pot.tergate rlreet Wymer Waiter, fishmonger, 40 Ber street
Woodrow (J.) L.R.A.M. & Rudd (K.) A.Mus.T.C.L. Yallop .A.lbert .A.ndrew, greengrocer, 66 St. Stephen's st
(Misses), teachers of music, Greyfriars music studio, Yallop Alice (Mrs.). fruiterer, 232 Queen's road
20 Prince of Wales road. See advertisement Yallop Edward, plumber, 13 Theatre street
Woodrow Abraham William, boot repairer, 64 Silver 11t Yallop Frederick, carpenter, 2a, hest Puttergate street
Woodrow Charles Edward, corn & flour dealer,s Heigham Yallop George, Ipswich tavern, 4 St. Stephen's plain
street; III Barrack street & s8 Angel rd. New Catton Yallop Louis John, fishmonger. 244 Dereham road
Woodrow Edwd. miller, Mill close, New Lakenham Yallop Robert, market gardener, Ipswich road
Woodrow Fredk. Geo. coffee rooms, gB St. Benedict'e st Yare & Bure Preservation Society (A. J. Rudd, sec.),
Woodrow Josephine (Miss) L.R.A.M. teacher of music, 54 London street
38 Grosvenor road & see Misses J. Woodrow & K.Rudd Yare & Bure Sailing Club (Fred S. Culley, sec.),
Woods, Sadd, Moore & Co. Limited, seed merchants, 8 Queen street
Farmers avenue, Norwich; & at Loddon Yaxley Arth. Jn. & Elizh. (Mrs.), drapers,54 Waldeck rd
Woods Albert George, shopkeeper, 127 Churchill road Ya:xley Brothers, boot & shoe manufrs. 70 Dereham road
Woods Alexander, 'pianoforte tuner, 33 Heigham road Yaxley Charles, boot repairer, 73 West End street
Woods Alice (Miss), shopkeeper, 10 Whitefriars street Ya:xley George, boot & shoe manufactr .. 24a, Heigham st
Woods Arthur James, mnnumental mason, 35 St. Yaxley George, shopkeeper, 108 Coldwell road
Augustine's street & 29 Sussex street Yaxley George William, wheelwright, 232 Aylsham roa<l·
Woods Edith (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 35 Leonards street Ya:xley William, beer retailer, II4 Essex street
Woodt> Elsie (Miss), stationer, 15 Dove street Yeomans Arthur, sewing machine dealer, 39 Elm hill
Woods Ethel (Miss), dress maker, 26 Ketts hill Yeomans Harry, pork butcher, 62 Ber street
Woods George James, basket maker, 16 Ber street Yeomans Wm. S. carpenter, 22 Denmark rd. New Catton
Woods Gtlorge William, plumber, r6r Knowsley road York Villa Training Home (Mrs. Martha. Elizabeth Cook,
Woods Henry, baker, 216 Queen's road matron), 83 Chapel Field road
Woods Henry, pork butcher, 66 St. Benedict's street Yorkshire (The) Insurance Co. Limited (John Clayden,
Woods J acob, -shopkeeper, 86 Nelson street district representative), 30 Cattle Market st. T N 76f
Woods James Henry, The Vauxhall P.H. 47 Vauxhall st Youels Bertie, shopkeeper, 24 Hall road
Woods Robert, shopkeeper, 141 Magdalen street Young Men's Christian Association (Herbert C- ~Ioore
Woods Thomas, tin plate worker, 209 Queen's road sec.), 48 St. Giles street
Woods William, bookseller, stationer & printer, fancy Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Tessa M
~oods &c. Orford place Hussey, sec.), 17 Pottergate street
Woods William, shopkeeper, 67 Orchard street Young Arthur J. hon. sec. Norfolk and Norwich Dis-
WQolnough Frank, electric dynamo & mowr maker & charged Prisoners' Aid Society & hon.sec.of the National
electric light & installation contractor; estimates upon Society for the Prevention of Crue!ty to Children, 30
application; any make of dynamo quoted for lighting Unthank road
sets from 1,o·oo to 1o,ooo watts; pumping sent direct Young George, confectioner, 30 Magdalen road
coupled or belt driven, The Archway, St. Stephen's Young Willia.m John, baker, qr Sprowston read
street. TA "Woolnough, Engineer;" T N 456. See Youngman James, wardrobe dealer, 155 Cowgate street
advertisement Youngs, Craw11bay & Yonngs Limited, brewers, wine &
Woolsey & Thorald, solicitors, 5 Opie street. T N 551 spirit merchants, Crown brewery, Kin~ street (T N
Wodsey Ernest Wm. electrical engineer, 28 St.George st 244); & at Diss
Woolsey Godfrey Edward Wellingham, solicitor & corn- Youngs J. & Son, builder~, contractors, decorators &
missioner for oaths (firms, Woolsey & Thor11ld & underta.kers, Chapel Field road. T N 281. See ad-
Fowell, Woolsey & Thorald), 5 Opie street vertisement
Wootton Albert, insurance agent. 34 Magdalen road Ycungs Edward Matthew, boot maker, 24 Bethel street
Wordage Fr!U!. fishmonger, 31 Shad well st. Crook's pl Youngs Eliza (Ml'!l. ), boot & shoe maker, r5 Waterloo rd
Wordingham John, antique furniture dealer, 32 Elm hill Youngs Francis, Bull P.H. 21 Barrack street
Worley Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 92 Marlborougb road Zipfel Charles & Sons, wateh & clock IDRS.T67Magdalen Rt
Worman George Robert, fishmonger, 190 Heigham street Zipfel Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Bury st. Unth'lnk rrl
Wortley Newton, tobacconist, 370., King street I
OBY, see Ashby.
ORMESBY ST. MARGARET (or Great Ormesby) diocese of Norwich. There were formerly five churches
with SCRAT:BY, is a village and parish, about one mile in the united parishes, three of which-viz . .A.ll Saints,
from the sea, with a station on the Midland and Great at Scratby, St . .Andrew and St. Peter's, between the two
Northem joint railway, 5 miles north-by-west from Yar- Ormesbys-have long been in ruins. The parish church
mouth, in the Eastern division of the county, incorporated of Ormesby St. Margaret is an ancient edifice, flint and
hundreds, petty sesRional divirion and incorporation of stone, in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel,
East a.nd West Flegg, county court district of Great na;ve, north aisle, south porch, vestry and a fine em-
Yarmouth, rural deanery of Flegg and archdeaconry and battled we11tern tower, sur nvmnted by the figures of four

monks in lieu of pinnacles, and containing one bell: the to inclose. There i! a piece of land in Ormesby St.
'church contains brasses and memorials to the family of :\lichael parish now ( 1912) let for £30 per annum,
Clere, including Sir Robert Clere, ob. 1529, and the which sum is di11tributed in coals to the poor. The
Lady Alice Clere, ob. 1538, aunt of Queen Anne Boleyn; Dowager Lady Lacon left a legacy of £x,ooo, the
the figure now representing Lady Alice was originally a interest of which is applied to the relief of the poor
three-quarter effigy of a lady, c. 1440, with horned head- of Ormesby St. Margaret and Scratby. Ormesby Hall,
dress and veil, close-fitting kirtle and a mantle fa~tened the seat of Sir Geor~?e H. U. Lacon hart. is a mansion
across the breast by a cord with tas~els : in her hands she in the Domestic Gothic style, standing in well-wooded
holds a heart, circumscribed with the words, " Erth my grounds. Scratby Hall, the property and residence of
body I give to the on my soule Jhu have m'cy." This Mrs. Nightingale, is a large mansion of red brick,
figure has been altered so as to serve as a. memorial to which has been considerably enlarged, and is sur-
Lady Alice Clere, and had an inscription, now lost, to rounded by a plantation of fine trees. Ormesby Old
that effect: in 1890 it was loose in the church che~t: Hall, a mansion of red brick, i11 the residence of Col.
there are others to the Symonds family and the Homes, Robert W. Edis C.B., V.D., J.P., F.S.A. Charles Bel-
Earls of Home; one, erected in 1884, to Eliza Georgina grave Lucas esq. J .P. of Fil bv House, is lord of the
{Hammet), wife of Sir E. H. K. Lacon bart. d. 31 March, manor. The principal landowners are Sir George
1883; and to Eliza Dixon (Beecroft), dowager Lady H. U. Lacon hart. the trustees of the late Samuel
Lacon, d. 23 April, 1865; and another, dated r884, to Nightingale esq. (d. 1904), and the trustees of the
Mrs. Lacon: there is also a mural monument to Sir E. late Geore-e Morris Beck (d. 1904). The soil is mixed;
H. K. Lacon hart. M.P. d. 6 Sept. 1888: and a memorial subsoil, sand and brick earth. The chief crops are
window to Charles M. Watling R.N. d. 1887. An organ wheat, barley and oats. The population of Ormesby
wa~ presented in 1903 by the late Henry Sidney Hammet St. Margaret (including Scratby) in rgu was 1,232.
Lacon: the church was enlarged in 1867 by the addition The area of the two i11 1,654 acres of land and 3 of
of a north aisle, the old pews and gallery were at the water and 31 of foreshore; assessable value, £4•5 16.
same time removed, the whole area seated with open Parish Clerk, Thomas Westgate.
oak benches, and s pulpit and desk erected, at a. cost of Assismnt Overseer, Henry J ames W oolston.
~£ore than £1,ooo; the chancel was also new roofed and
restored, and a new vestry built, at the expense of the SCRATBY and CALIFORNIA are hamlets in thill
late Sir E. H. K. Lacon hart. M.P. : in 1895 the church parish.
was new roofed at a cost of £100, owing to the severe
gales. It now affords about 370 sittings, of which 224 Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Arthur Yallop, sub-post-
are free. A new church wall and entrance gate and master. Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth at 7.20
eteps were erected in rgo7 . The register dates from a.m. & 2.20 p.m.; dispatched at 10.40 a.m. & 1.10 &
the year 167 5. The living is a vicarage, consolidated 6.10 p.m.; office open from 8.30 to 10 a.m. on sun-
with those of Scratby and Ormesby St. Michael, in the days for callers; dispatched at 7 p.m
.gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, joint net Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared at 9·3o & I I
-yearly value £1g8, including 63 acres of glebe, with a.m. & 5·45 p.m. ; sunday collection at 9.30 a.m
residence, erected in 1867, and held since r8g4 by the Wall Letter Box (Scratby) cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 5-30
Rev. William Thomas Moore M.A. of Emmanuel Col- p.m.; sunday collections at 8.30 a.m
lege, Cambridge, and surrogate. The rectorial tithes, Wall Letter JJox, East End, cleared 8.20 a.m. & 5 p.m.;
now in the hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, sundays, cleared at 8.20 a.m
are commuted at £796. The Wesleyan chapel, erected The School is managed by a board of six, four appointed
in r863 at a cost of £400, is a building in the Gothic by County Council & two by Parish authority; Rev.
lltyle, and there is also a Baptist chapel, a Primitive William Thomas Moore M. A. chairman; A. E.
Methodist chapel at Scratby, built in 1894, and a Thompson, correspondent
Primitive Methodist chapel at Ormesby, enlarged and Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r878 & 188r,
.schools added in 18g8, at a cost of £4oo. The principal & enlarged in 1889 & further enlarged in 1907, for 340
hotel for visitors is the Royal Oak, which has been children; average attendance, 282; Edward A.
rebuilt at a considerable expense; attached is a large Pretheroe, master; Miss E. Fitton, infants' mistress
dining hall and a good bowling green, billiard room
and stabling. The poor of the parish formerly received Police.-Henry John Potter, constable
f!ix chaldrons of coals yearly from Sir E. H. K. Lacon Railway Station, Waiter Whitby, station master
4th bart. (d. r8gg), in consideration of a road and Carriers.-Frederick Gage Palmer & Daniel Powley, to
two pieces of waste land which his family were allowed Yarmouth on mon. wed. & sat. & Fredk. Hodds, sat
PBIVATB RESIDENTS. Beck Stanley, farmer Freeman Charles Ernest, grocer, see
Beck Stanley Bessy & Palmer Ltd. coal merchants, Cooper & Freeman
Boake Basil Railway station Golder William, surveyor of high-
Cornish Ezra, St. John's Boake Basil M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. ways to East & West Flegg Rural
Diggens Edward Henry Land. surgeon & medical officer District Council
Diggens Hugh Percy, Fernside East Flegg district, East & West Gray Frank, Royal Oak hotel; good
D'Olier Isaac James, Mill house Flegg Incorporation accommodation for visitors, motor-
. c 0 1. R 0 b B1' t Will"Iam c . B . , v . D . ,
Ed IS Bracey William, sen. farmer, Scratby ists & commercials ; billiards
J.P., F.S.A. Ormesby Old hall Bradfield Annie (Mrs.), ap&rtments Green Henry, farmer, Scratby
Gidney Alfred, The Elms Bristow Alfd. miller (wind & steam), Green Pamela (Miss), farmr.Scratby
Hacker Geo. John J.P. The Grange Ormesby mill Hewitt Thoma8, farmer, Willow farm
Holmes Charles Brown John James, auctioneer & Hodds Frederick,shopkeeper & carrier,
Johnson John Arthur, Hillmead valuer, grocer & draper California; & coal merchant, Sta-
Keech Rev. John Roper M.A.(curate) Chapman Edmund John, butcher & tion yard
Lacon Sir Geo. H. U. bart. Ormesby grazier Humphrey Frederick, farmer
hall Clipperton Wm. beer ret. & shopkpr Kittle Joseph, farmer & market gar-
Master Rev.Chas.Hy. B.A. Dudley cot Cooper & Freeman, grocers dener, Scratby
Moore Rev. William Thomas M.A. Cory Robert, apartments, Coverside Knights Elijah, farmer, Banns farm
(vicar, & surrogate), The Vicarage Daniels George, farmer Lawson Benj. coal dealer, California
Nighting-ale Mrs. Scratby hall Derry Ernest Waiter, registrar of Leath Robert, builder '&ic. & brick ma
Palmer Harvey, Wakefield, Scratby births & deaths for East Flegg & Metcalfe William Hy. grocer & drap1'
Palmer William Hurry J.P.; k at of marriages for East & West Flegg Mobbs William Benj. beer retailer
Yarmouth sub-districts k relieving officer for Moss Henry, cab proprietor
Rising Thomas Alfred, Manor house East & West Flegg & inquiry agent Moy Thomas Lim. coal & coke mer-
Romero Madame, Roseacre Dove Charles, beer retailer chants ; depot, Station yard
Silcock Joseph, Claremont villa Dyble James, farmer Myhill Sidney, butcher
Smith Mrs Edmonds Albert, farmer, Scratby Neave John, market gardener & frmr
Spurgeon Samuel Edmonds John, farmer, Scratby Nichols Albt. Elijah, boot & shoe ma
Stevens Miss Farman & Simnett, carpenters Nichols John, boot maker
Watling Robert Arthur, The Firs Fleg-g District Nursing Association Nickerson George, florist
Williams Richard, Erin house (Col. R. W. Edis C.B., V.D., J.P., Ollett Edward, baler
Worship Hugh, Ormesby lodge F.S.A. president; G. J. Hacker Ormesby Brick Fields (Robt. Leath,
esq. J.P. treasurer; Rev. W. J. proprietor)
COMMERCIAL. Karran M.A. hon. sec. ; Rev. K. L. Ormesby Men's Institute (J. A.
'Beck Benjamin Wya.nd,coal merchant, P. C. Bagnall-Oakeley M.A. district Johnson, sec)
corn & flour dealer & fruit grower sec.; Mjss Moore, nurse) Ormesby Oak Hotel Bowling Club
& merchant (F. Gray, sec)
Page George, farmer I Sexton William, insurance agent Tungate Frank, farmer
Page W alter, dairyman ! Shrimplin Robert, bnilder Tungate James, farmer, Scratby
Palmer Frederick Gage, carrier & . Simnett Alfred, carpenter, see Far- Varley Charles, blacksmith
market gardener man & Simnett Westgate Thomas, sen. dairy farmer
Poll Charles, baker, & collector & · Simnett Isaac, general & antique dlr W estgate Thomas, gardnr
assessor of King'~ taxes for the. Simnett James, boot maker W estgate William High,house decora-
Ormesby division Smith Jacob, pork butcher tor, Primrose villa
Powley Daniel, carrier Smith James, farmer Wilson Jane (Mrs.), apartments
Rational Sick & Burial Association Smith John, jobbing gardener Woolston Chas. beer retailr.California
(James Simnett, sec) Smith Robert Barnabas, farmer Woolston Henry James, assistan'
Reynolds Henry Holgate, gardener to Spurgeon Ernest, clothier overseer & clerk to Ormesby St.
Mrs. Nightingale, Scra.tby Tennant Mary Ann (Mrs.), market Margaret with Scratby Parish
Royal Oak Hotel (Frank Gray, pro- gardener Council & assistant overseer for
prietor), pleasantly situated, near Thompson Charles, boot maker parish of Mautby
station; good accommodation for Thurtle George,agricultural engineer W oolston W esley Barnes, painter &.
visitors & motorists ; large dining Trett Edward Elijah, farmer, & clerk house decorator
hall to seat 150 ; close to the Broads to Filbv•
Parish Council & tax col- Wright Daniel, farmer, Scratby
& sea ; fine beach & safe bathing ; lector, Greenway Wright Sherman, market gardener
good bowling green & billiards Trett Thomas Wm. corn & flour mer Wallop Arthur, grocer, Post office
O.RMESBY ST. MICHAEL (or Little Ormesby) is a Rev. William Thomas Moore M.A. of Emmanuel Col-
parish, one mile west from Ormesby station on the Mid- lege, Cambridge, and surrogate, who resides at Ormesby
land and Great Northern joint railway, and about 6 miles St. Margaret. An estate in this parish, left by one of
north-north-west from Yarmouth, in the Eastern division the Manning family, produces £41 16s. yearly, for the
of t.he county, incorporated hundreds, petty sessional di- repair of the fabric of the church, and for the benefit
vision and incorporation of East and West Flegg, county of the poor. Ormesby House is the property and resi-
court district of Great Yarmouth, rural deanery of Flegg, dence of Mrs. Frederic Kidman. Charles Belgrave
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Lucas esq. of Filby, is lord of the manor. Sir George-
Michael is a small building of stone, principally in the Ha.worth Ussher Lacon bart. Mrs. Frederic Kidman,
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave and an ~rs. Lofthouse and Mrs. Worship are the principal,
embattled western tower containing 3 bells: there are landowners. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
several monuments to the Upcher and Manning families; oats. The soil is light mixed; subsoil, gravel and
in 1885-6 the church was restored by subscription, and clay. Here is Ormesby Broad, about 100 acres in
the chancel by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, at a extent: it adjoins Rollesby Broad. This parish com-
cost of upwards of £I,ooo, when the roofs of the nave prises 1,oo8 acres of land and 131 of water; assessable
and chancel were renovated, the interior reseated and value, £3,354; the population in 19II was 300.
paved, a new chancel arch and east window erected, and Parish Clerk, George Pulford.
a stone pulpit, presented by Mrs. Worship as a memorial
to Wi:liam Worship esq. and in 1892 a finely carved oak Letters through Great Yarmouth arrive about 7.30 a.m.
reredos was erected to the memory of members of the Wall Box, village, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.;
Worship and Glasspole families: there are 120 sittings. sundays, cleared at 8.15 a.m. ; Wall Letter Box at
The register dates from the year 1563. The living is a the church, cleared at 8 a.m. & 5·45 p.m.; sunday,
vicarage, consolidated with those of Ormesby St. Mar- 8 a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
garet and Scratby, joint net yearly value £198, including is at Ormesby St. Margaret, about 1! miles distant
63 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean The children of this place attend the school at Ormesby
and Chapter of Norwich, and held since 1894 by the St. Margaret
Butt John Charles Benjamin Scarff, resident supt.), Richmond Samuel William, farmer
Cockaday Capt. Geo. Leonard M.V.O. Pumping station Richmond William, farmer & beer re-
Fernlea Humphrey George Robert, farmer tailer & Sportsman pleasure
Kidman Mrs. Frederic, Ormesby ho J ohrison William, farmer grounds ; pleasantly situated on the
Worship Mrs King William Waterloo, fruit grower Broad; facilities for boating & fish-
COMMERCIAL. Knights Herbt. farmr. Caldecott frm ing & picnic parties catered for
Butt John Charles, farmer Lacon E. & Co. Ltd. beer retailers, & Scarff Benjamin, resident supt. to
L,olman J ames Ethelbert, farmer Eel's Foot pleasure & fishing Great Yarmouth \Vater Works Co
Cossey J ames, market gardener grounds; situated on Ormesby Shearing Robert, farmer
Cossey William, market gardener Broad ; boats & fishing tackle for Skoyles William, farmer
Ellis Henry, shopkeeper, cycle agent hire ; waggonette meets all trains ; Thurtle Walter, farmer
& stamp distributor apply proprietors Thurtle William, assistant overseer
Great Yarmouth Water Works Co. Nichols William, market gardener Wrig-ht Hy. William, market gardenr
(Thomas Robinson,engine foreman; Palmer Edwin, market gardener
OULTON is a parish and village 3~ miles north-west the minister, tog-ether with si acres of ground attached.
from Aylsbam station on the East Norfolk branch of the Oulton Hall, the seat of Waiter Henry Bolton esq. J.P.
Great Eastern railway, one mile north from Bluestone is an ancient mansion, pleasantly situated, with a lawn
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway in front, and is nearly surrounded by thrivini!" plan-
and 11 west from North W alsham, in the Northern tations. William D. Earle Bulwer esq. of Heydon,
division of the eounty, South Erpingham hundred and who is lord of the manor, the Marquess of Lothian and
petty sessional division, Aylsham union and county court W. H. Bolton esq. are the chief landowners. The soil
district, rural deanery of Ingworth (north division) and is sandy ; subsoil, sand and clay. The chief crops are
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of wheat, roots, barley and hay. The area is 1,886 acres;
SS. Peter and Paul, which stands over a mile from rateable value, £1,871; the population in 1911 was 331.
the village, is a small but ancient edifice of brick and Parish Clerk, Benjamin Bartle.
stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, Post Office.-Robert Fair bairn, sub-postmaster. Letten
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower
throuQ'"h Aylsham arrive at 6.40 a.m. & 3·35 p.m.;
containing one bell: the church was restored in 1898-g, dispatc;hed, 8-45 a.m. & 4·45 p.m. week days only.
and new oak roofs provided at a cost of over £I,ooo,
Saxthorpe is the nearest money order & telegraph
including a donation of £2oo from the late Marchioness office
of Lothian: there are 150 sittings. The register dates
from the year 1700. The living is a vicarage, net Wall Letter Boxes at Pitman Arms, cleared 7.50 a.m.
yearly value £125, ir:cluding 32 acres of glebe, in the & 4· 15 p.m. week days only & Oulton Hall, cle!lred
gift of ~Irs. B. Hunt, and held since 1896 by the Rev. at 7·35 a.m. & 4 p.m. week days only
Alfred George Arthur Noel Hunt B.A. of Wadham Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1848, for
College, Oxford. Here is a Congregational chapel of 86 children; average attendance, 75 ; Robert William
ancient date, with a graveyard and a residence for English, certificated master ; Mrs. English, mistress
Farrow J ames ( exors. of), farmers.
Bolton Waiter Hv.

J.P. Oulton hall Church farm
Farrow Mrs. James, Church farm Camphl•ll Frank, gamekeeper to W. Farrow Sml. frmr. Meeting House fm
Gay Robert, Manor house H. liolton esq Gathergood Fredk. Wm. beer retailer
Graves ~rs. The Lodge Camp bell William Henry, farmer
Gav• Robert, farmer, Manor house
Hunt Rev. Alfred George Arthur Noel Carman Charles, farmer Howes Samuel, Pitman Arms P.H
B.A. Vicarage FJ.irbairn Rt. draper & grocer,Post off Keeler Thomas, farmer

Kiddell Ja.mes (late Kiddell Bro1. ), Lake Saml. Trueman,farmr. Wood fm! Seaman George Robert, farmer,
agricultural implement maker & Bounce William, gardener to Waiter Green farm & Malt House farm
agent, wheelwright & wagon buildr Henry Bolton esq Shreeve Frederick, farmer, Cherry
Tree farm
LITTLE OUSE is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 12,042 acres; the population in 1901 -was 892, of which
1866 by Order in Council from detached and outlying l 459 are in the Isle of Ely.
portions of the parishes of Hilgay, Feltwell St. Mary and Parish Clerk, Joseph Dewey.
St .. Nicholas, Littlf,port (Cambridge) and the entire Post Office, Brandon Creek.-Richard William Bennett,

parishes of ~eltwell A_nchor a~d Redmere, both formerly sub-postmaster. Letters through Downham arrive
e~tra-paroch1al~ and 1s 4! miles north-north:east frDm B. 10 a.m. ; dispatched 5-45 p.m. ; sundays, arrive B. 10
L1ttleport stat1o~ on the Ely an~ Lynn s_ectwn. of the a.m.; dispatched 10 a.m. Southery, 2 miles distant,
Great Eastern railway and locally ~n Cambndgesh1re, and is the nearest money order & telegraph office
~~- ~outh-east from Downham, I~ the ~o"'?-t_h Western Wall Letter Box (Vicarage), cleared at 5 p.m.; no col-
diVISIOn of the county, petty sesswnal diVISion of Ely, lection on sundays
rural deanery and diocese of Ely and the peculiar archi- .
diaconal jurisdiction of the Bishop of Ely. The Little . P_ubhc Elementary Schools.
Ouse is crossed by a bridge at Brandon Creek near ita Little Ouse (miX_ed), for roo; average attendance, 50;
confluence with the Ouse, and an iron foot-bridge crosaea Robert W. Smith, ~aster
ths same river near the church and 2 miles higher up. Black Hor!~ Drove, (mJxed), for 13°; average attendance,
By order of the Local Government Board Redmere parish about 7° • Henry Durham, master
has been transferred to the Isle of Ely. The church of FELTW EJJ, ANCHOR, formerly extra-parochial, is now
St. John, standing near the south bank of the Little Ouse a parish ; ecclesiastically it belongs to the parish of St.
river, about 2 milss above its confluence with the Great John, Little Ouse, and is situated in the Fens, on the
Ouse, waa built in 1869, at the sole cost of the late Rev. north bank of the Little Ouse, 7 miles west from
Cannn E. B. Sparke, and is a building of firnt with stone Lakenheath railway station on the Ely and Thetford
dressings, in the Early English style, consisting of chan- section of the Great Eastern railway, in the South
eel, nave, vestry, organ chamber and a north-west tower Western division of the county, Grimshoe hundred,
containing a clock and 3 bells: there are 300 sittings. Thetford union and county court district. Edward
The register dates from the year 1867. The living is a Cyrill ~ewcome esq. J.P. is lord of th~ manor and the
vicarage, net yearly value £255, including 83 acres of principal landowner. The soil is peat; subsoil, clay.
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Ely, The chief crops are wheat, beans and oats. The area
and held since 1901 by the Rev. Henry James Hall M. A. is 103 acres; rateable value, £95; the population in
of the University of Edinburgh. Here is a Primitive 1901 was 64.
Methodist chapel. The principal landowners are Edward Letters through Downham Market amve at 9.30 a m.
Cyrill Newcome esq. J.P. and William Luddington esq. Suuthery i~ the nearest money order & telegraph
James Little Luddington esq. of Littleport, Ely, and office, about 4! miles distant
Major Henry Tansley Luddington, of Littleport. The Public Elementary School, erected in r889, for roo chil·
soil is peat and sand; subsoil, clay and gravel. Chief dren; average attendance, 6o; Miss Maud Denmark,
crops, wheat, beans, oats and roots. The area is mistress
LITTLE OUSE. Bell Mary (Mrs.), farmer Peacock Henry Percy, farmer
Hall Rev .. Henry James M.A. Vicarage 1 Bennett Richd. Wm. shopkpr.Post off Theobald Morley, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Brown Jonathan, farmer
A.ttlesey John William, blacksmith Olarke Frederick, farmer FELTWELL ANCHOR.
Barnes George William, wheelwright, Feetharn Jas. C1ark,farmer & lndownr Hills George Henry, Anchor P.H

Brandon creek 1 Graves George, Ship inn, Brandon crk Hills Henry, beer retailer
Barrett Abel, wheelwright ! May DJ.Vid,shopkpr.BlackHorse drove Pendle Robert, farmer
OU'DWELL is a village and civil parish on the parochial purposes, and a sum sufficient to provide
navigable river Nene, which divides the counties of about so stone of bread, distributed annually on the
Norfolk and Cambridge; it is 7 miles west from 6th of January; t.he balance, after making the above

Great Eastern railway, 5'

Downham station on the Ely and Lynn section of the deductions, is paid by ihe trustees to the managen
south-east from Wisbech, in of the public elementary schools. Lynne's charity of
the South Western division of the county, hundred and ga. or. 7P· producing [23, is distributed in flour to
petty sl.'ssional division of Clackclose, union and county poor persons resident in Outwell (Norfolk). A sum
court district of Wisbech, rural deanery of Fincham of £Ioo, paid by the Great Eastern Company for 15
(western division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of perches of land taken from the Isle Side allotments,
~orwich. The steam tramway from Wisbech to Upwell, for the purposes of their tramway from Wisbech to
belonging to the Great Eastern Railway Co. has a Upwell, has been reinvested in the purchase of
station here. For ecclesiastical purposes Outwell is ra. 2r. 15p. of arable land in Upwell. All these charitie1
in Cllmbridgeshire and Norfolk. The church of St. are controlled by a scheme of the Charity Commissioners,
Clement is a building- of stone, in the Decorated and which came int3 force on the 31st January, r88o, with
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried the exception of the [25 for general parochial pur-
nave, aisles, three chapels the Lady or Beaupre chapel, poses, and Lynne's charity, for which a special scheme
the l<'incham chapel, and the Haultoft chapel; the was made by the Ch~rity Commissioners in 1912. Near
last named chapel is now used as a vestry, and was the church once stood a hermitage, dedicated to St.
built by Gilbert Haultoft, a Baron of the Exchequer, Christopher. Outwell possesse! a fire engine, which is
in the reign of Henry VI: in the chapel arc portraits manned by volunteers ; the keys of the engine house
in stone of Gilbert Haultoft and Margaret, his wife- are kept by the Parish Council. The Rev. Charlea
south porch, and a western tower containing a clock Francis Townley M.A.. of Foulbourn, Cambridge, is
with chimes, erected in r887, and 6 bells: the interior lord of the manor. The soil is loam and silt; subsoil,
has been repaired at a cost of about [3,ooo, and affords clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, potatoes and
soo sittings. The register dates from I559· The living fruit. The area is 2,454 acres of land and 40 of water;
is a rectory, net yearly value £4oo, including 20 acres rateable value, £5,457; the population in 1911 was 959
of glebe, with residence, in the g-ift of the Bishop of in the civil parish and r,22o in the ecclesiastical parish
Norwich, and held since I9II by the Rev. Percival in 190I, of which 376 were in Cambs.
Oakley Hill, who is rural dean of West Fincham. Here Verger & Sexton, Thomas H. Booty.
are Wesleyan, United Methodist and Primitive Methodist
chapels. The charities consist of the Town lands and Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Mrs. Lydia Cooper, sub-post-
Town Fen lands (now amalgamated) and Lynne's charity, mistress. Letters arrive from Wisbech at 4·45 a. m. &
left in r8r6: the Town Fen Lands, or Norfolk Side 12 ·20 p.m.; dispatched at 9·35 a.m. & 8 p.m
allotments of 12 acres, are let in half-acres to the
most deserving poor, at rents of 3os. per half-acre: the Public Elementary Schools.
Town Lands of 9 acres are let upon the same terms Mixed, erected in •1854, for 200 children; present
as the Town Fen Lands: the remainder of the town lands accommodation, 156; average attendance, r56;
consist -of 26a. 1md SP· producing a gross rental of £69. Frederick J. All sop, master
The income from these lands is disposed of in the Infants', built in 1865, for 100 children; present accom-
following manner :-£IO to the repair of the fabric of modation, 6o; average attendance, 6o; Mrs. Alice
the parish church; a sum not exceeding £25 for genera] All sop, infants' mistress
Booth Nabhan J.P. Outwell house Newling Edwd. Fordham,Baupre hall
PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Hill Rev. Perciva.l Oakley (rector, & Stafford Mrs
Bond Harry, Glen Mervyn rural dean of West Fincham), The Wardrop Ernest
Bond Henry, Fern house Rectorv


Hinkins Garner, farmer, Mullicourt Robb James, fatmer
COMKllBCIA:r.;, •
prwry Robb John Charles, rope maker
.aistrup .Arthur, watch maker Hobourn Stephen, fruit grower Robb J osiah, dikereeve
Beaton Charlotte (Mrs.), Bridge inn Hall Lewis M.R.C.V.S.L. vet. snrgn Roper Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer
Bond Harry, fruit grower Holman J am68, builder &c Rutter James, fruit grower
Bond Henry & Son, auctioneers, Horn ButterfiBld, farmer Rntter Wm. boot ma. Outwell Isle
valuers, builders & contractors &. Jackson Henry Wade, blacksmith Sharman J ames, butchel'
timber merchants, Fern house Jakent~ George William, farmer Shephard George, farmer
Booth Nathan J.P. farmer J akens Herbert, ~racer Shephard Reginald R. fruit grower
BradlBy George Wm. Red Lion P.H Jakens Thoma.s Yallop, baker Shepherd Thomas (exors. of),saddler•
Brownlow George, farmer J ohnson Arthur, farmer, Ramsey ho & harness makers
Calvert Waiter William, potato mer Kay Frederick, beer retailer Smart James, fruit grower
Carter James, farmer Kingston Wm. Fras. coal &:,. coke mer Smith Frederick, hair dresser
Clark Granville (Miss), shopkeeper Lake Ambrose, coal merchant Smith John Rnshby, farmer
Coates Henry, farmer Liquorice Thomas, farmer Smith Robert Henry, g-rocer
Conway William Fredk. fruit grower Liquorice William, milk seller Smithee John Robert, butcher
Cooper Lydia (Mrs.), grocer & draper Mace John, boot maker Sntton Henry, bricklayer
& sub-postmistress Means John & George, farmera Taylor Gilbert, Crown P.H
Cox Charles Pierce, baker Means Abram, builder Thorpe Ernest P. milk sellel'
Cox William HeTbert, carpenter Means Frederick, farmer Tuck Henry, jun. boot maker
Dack Pbilip, beer retailer (letter,; Means Goorge, monumental mason Tuck John, grocer
through Nordelph, Downham) Means Nicholas, carpenter Tuck Mary J ane (Mrs.), shopkeep•r
Diggle Charles, farmer Moore Wltr. farm bailiff to Newoomb Vincent Harry, chimney swN'P
Diggle William, farmet· Wright esq. Moor's farm Walker J oseph, farmer
Doubleday .Arthur, assistant overseer Mort on J oseph, farmer Ward Harry, farmer
& clerk to Parish Council of Out- Mulley Samuel, potato merchant Wwm John, miller (wind)
well Isle Murfitt Charles, horse breaker Ward Waiter, farmer
Uoubleday John, fatmer Murfitt Harry James, horse breaker Wardrop Ernetit
Doubleday Louis, cattle dealer Murfitt Walter James, farmer Watts William, boot repairPr
Edgson John, milk dealer Naylor William, fruit g-rower - Wells William Henry, fruit grower
Edwards Charles & John, farmers Newling Percy, fruit grower W !'nn Frederick, farmer
Gardner George Hlrry, Swan hotel Palmer Emanuel, thrashing machine Wenn Herbert, assi-stant overseer &;
Goss William, beer retailer owner clerk to Parish Council of Outwell
Hammond Jn. carpntr. & wheelwrght Parsons Harry, boot repairer West JDhn Henry, cycle agent (see
Heanes & West, cycle agents Pepper Arthur, chimney sweeper Heanes & West) & blacksmith
Heaton Richard G. hair dresser Pikett John, shopkeeper Wright R. W. & Sons, saddlers
Racey & Do. coach builders

OVERSTRAND is a parish on the coast, with a of Lady Battersea, is a mansion in the Old English
1:1tation on th'l Norfolk and Suffolk branch of the Great domestic style, close to the sea and commanding exten-
Eastern and Midland and Great Northern joint rail- sive views of the surrounding country; the grounds,
ways, 2 miles south-east from Cromer and 8 from which extend to the seashore, cover an area of 6o to 70
North W alsham, in the Northern division of the conn ty, acres and are well laid out. Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O.,
North Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, K.C.B. is lord of the manor of Gimingham Lan-
Erpingham union, county court district of Halt, rural caster and chief landowner. The soil is a light heath;
deanery of Repps and arch deaconry and diocese of Nor- subsoil, gravel and brick earth. The chief crops are
owich. The parish is bounded on the south by a range of wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area i!l :~go acre11
'hills and on the north by the sea, and a part of it is of land and 124 of foreshore; rateable value, ,(6,014;
'known as "Beck Hythe." The old church was l!lwallowed the population in 1911 was 429 in the civil, and r,o35
up by the sea. in the reign of Richard II. and a new in the ecclesiastical parish in 1901.
church, dedica,ted to St. Martin, was thereupon erected,
buJt ·tills is also now in ruins : Christ Church, erected By Local Government Board Order No. 33•742• dated
and consecrated in r867, is a stone edifice of cut flint and Jan. I, 18g6, part of Overstrand civil parish was added to
stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, Cromer civil parish.
nave, north aisle, south porch and a turret containing one Parish Clerk, John Green. .
bell : there are 200 sil:itingt~. The register dates from thePost, M. 0. &; T. & Telephone Call Office.-GBorge
year ISS 8. The living is a rectory, net yearly value Becket, sub-postmaster. Letten arrive through
.£2oo, with 1 acre of glebe and residence, in the gift of Cromer; deliveries, 7.10 a.m. & 12.30 & 7.20 p.m.;
John Henry Gurney esq. of Keswick Hall, and other sunday, 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 10.15 a.m. & 2.20 &
trustees, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Lawrence 6.15 p.m.; snnday, 10.10 a.m.; office open only for
Carter Carr M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Here telegrams & sale of stamps on sundays from 8.30 till
is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. A sum of £7 yearly, 10 a.m
formerly derived from the poor's land, was distributed
in fuel; but this land was sold in 18g8, and the proceeds Wall Letter Box, near the School, cleared at 10.10 a.m.
invested in Consols, which bring in £31 rss. 4d. per & 6.10 p.m. ; sunday, 10. ro a.m
oannum. Crab, long-shore herring and other fishings are Belfry Public Elementary School (mixed), built by the
carried on. The Cromer lighthouse stands within this late Miss Gurney, in 1830, for 93 children; enlarged in
parish, in which also are the links of the Royal Cromer 1895 & again in 1905, for 160 children; average
Golf Club. The village is much frequented in the attendance, go; the school was endowed by Misa
summer as a seaside resort and bathing place; a large Gurney & the late Hudson Gurney esq. with nearly
number of new houses have recently been built, many ol £mo yearly; Matthew Lambert, master
which are let as lodging houses. The Pleasaunce, the seat Railway Station, William Freeman, station master
Kemp Sir Kenneth Hagar hart. The Barclay & Oompany Limited, bankers
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cbse (sub-branch to Cromer), open fri.
Argent John Thompson, Beck Hythe Law~on De Burgh, Poppyhurst 10 to 1; draw on, head office, 54
cottage Lewis Lady, Danish pavilion Lombard street, London E C
Battersea Lady, The Pleasaunce; & Lyttelton Rev. the Hon. Edward D.D. Beckett & Son, grocers
10 Connaught place, Hyde park, Grangegorman Beckett, Son & Gibson, land, house
London W ~acmillan Sir Frederick Orridge, & estate agents, Post Office hldge
lJoardman Mrs. Edward, Cliff~ide Meadow cottage Bird Thomas Edward, butcher
Carr Rev. Lawrence Carter M.A. The Miller Reginald Waiter, Green lawn Blyth Susannah {Mrs.), apartments, ~
Rectory Milton William Matthew, Cliff brow Gnntou terrace
Carvell George Barron, Mid "ays Player William G. The Change Bowden Edward (Mrs.), apartments,
-<Jodling Thomas Fletcher, Seafield Pullev Mrs. The Croft 4 Gunton terrace
Cork Charles, East dene Rit{!hie Thos. J.P. Overstrand lodge Burn William J. g-reengrocer
Cross Henry, Dane cottage Speyer Sir Edgar bart. Sea Marge Church Herbert (Mrs.), apartments.
<Garnett Col. F. W. Brck Hythe Taylor Fredk. Oddin, 9 Harbord rd IO Guntou terrace
1Hillingdon Lord, The Hall ; & V ernon Church Herbert S. photographer
house, 6 Park place, St. J ames' & COMMERCIAL. Church John (Mrs.), apartments, 5
Carlton, St. James" & Travellers' Balls Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartmentti,j Harbord road
clubs, London Poppy lodge •
Church Thomas (Mrs.), apartments, Green John (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Overstrand hotel (Miso; E. Ward ..
3 Harbord road 1 Gunton terrace manag~ress)
Clare Wilson, aparts. 7 Gunton ter Hardy .Arthur Peregrine, baker
I Paul Herbert, aparts. 6 Gunton ter
Codling John, White Horse inn 1
Harrison Emily (Mrs.), dairy Payne Henry, apartments, Flint ho
Compton John James, farm manager Jermy Maria Louise (Miss), apart- Reynolds Lawrence, jobmaster
to Lady Battersea, Ivy farm I ments, Poppyland Reynolds Robert, fishmonger
Davis Charles, aparts. 12 Gunton ter Lambert M. (Mrs.), aparts.Holme cot Reynolds William, coal dealer
Dennis Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, I Larwood John, boot & shoe maker, II Roberts Ernest A.. plumber, painter
Gunton terrace Gunton terrace & hot water fitter,Dundonald hous~
Dun-ant Chas. aparts. 8 Gunton ter Learner Jas. aparts. Cleesthorpe vil Rogen; Sarah (~'liss), apartments
Dyball Henry, gardener to Over-, Limmer Hartnall Jas. F.A..I. auctnr Ryd~r Miriam (.Mrs.), apartments,
strand hotel Matthews Caroline (Mrs.), apart- 9 Gunton terrace
England William (MNJ.), apartments, ments, 4 Harbord road Savory John Howes, boot maker &
5 Gunton terrace Matthew~ William, chimney sweeper overseer
Green & Sons, jobmasters I Naylor Henry, gardener to Lad) Savory Stephen, boot maker
Battersea Wilkins George G. jobmaster
OVINGTON is a parish and village 1! miles north-east versity, and held from 1912 by the Rev. John Roscoe
from Watt<Jn station on the Bury, Thetford and Swaff- M,.A. of Cambridge University. The Primitive Metho-
ham seP.tion of .the Great Eastern railway, 8 south-east dists have a place of worship here. The fuel allotment
from Swafiham and n nortJh-wes·t from AttleborougJl, of 22 acres is let for £39 yearly. The manor of Oving-
in the South Western division of the county, hundred, ton Bozomes belongs to the University of Cambridge.
petty sess10na.l division and union of Wayland, county and Henry Ed. Garrod esq. of Diss, is lord of
court district, of AtJtleborough and Watton, rural deanery Woodhouse manor. The University of Cambridge is the,
of >Breccles, archde:wxJnry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor- chief landowner. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The
wic.h. The church of St. John the Evangelist is a small chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The parish
building of rubble f!·tone, mainly in the DscoraJted style, contains I,5I7 acres; rateable value, £1,397; the popu-
and consists of chancel and nave and a. western tower lation in 191r was 217. ·
containing one bell : there is a fine Norman door, and Sexton, Herbert Pagtl'.
in the chancel is a piscina: some traces remain of Letter Box cleared at 6.55 p.m. week days, snndays 9·4.5-
the old dedication crosses, in the shape of square a.m. Letters received through Thetford, vi~ Watton,
patches of plaster on the outer walls: the church was arrive at 7-40 a.m. Watton is the nearest money ordel.'
repaired and re-seated in 1867 and affords roo sittings. & telegraph office, ~~ miles dis·tant
The register dates from the year 1654. The living is a Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r87o. for·
rectory, net yearly value £254, including 22 acres of 70 children; average attendance, 40; Miss Elizabeth
glebe, and re!'idence, in the gift of Cambridge Uni- Emma Brooke, mistress
Brandram Samuel Thos. King rr•w Bullcn Edward Joseph, farmer 1 :Moore Charles, farmer
(letters through Sbipdham, Thet- Bu11kall Gordon George, farmer, Col- Page George .Albert, farmer
ford) lege farm Page Thomas, farmer
Roscoe John M.A. (rector), Recto-ry Crafer Geo. farmer; & at Cranworth Stubbings George, blacksmith

Wrigbt Mrs Fickling Barnabas, farmr.& cattle dlr Stubbings James, farmer
Goodrick George, Cock inn Sturman Hash, Crown P.H
COMMERCllL. Hardy Brighten Bevin, farmr.Pitts fm Ward Frederick, farmer
Bowen James, farmer Middleton .Alfred, farmer Ward John, farmer
OXBOROUGH is a parish, seated on the banks of a £ro4, the .principal part of which is derived from 86
small stream running into the navigable Wissey, 7! miles acres, the estate of Thoma.s Hewar, who in 1619 left
south-west from Swaffham staJtion, and 3~ east from Stoke it :in trust, one-third for the repairs of thB church and
Ferry t-erminal station, on the Downham Market and Sroke the remainder for rthe maintenance of the .school and for
Ferry branch of the GreM; Eastern railway, in the South the l'elief of the poor parishioners. In 1252 a market and
Western division of the county, South Greenhoe hundred fair were granted; the fair used to be held on Easter
Rlld petty sessional division, Swaffham union and county Tuesday, but is now extinct. Oxborough Hall, a
court distriot, rural deanery of Cra.nwich south division, castellated mansion of the 15th cenrtury, entirely sur-
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. Oxburgb rounded by a. moat filled with water, contains a few
was a Roman sbtion, an.d is also mentioned in the Domes- good paintings and some curious tapestry, and is the-
day survey. The church of St. John the Evangelist is a seat of Sir Henry Edward Paston-Bedingfeld bart. J.P.
large building of .stone in the Gothic style, consisting of who is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The-
chancel, nave, aisles, north and south porches, and an soil is loam and clay, with a portion of fen land;
emba:tt:ed western tower w}th a remarkably lofty spire subsoil, chalk and clay. The chief crops are wheat,
rebuilt in r877, and containing a clock and 6 bells : in barley and turnips. The area is 2,559 acres of land
the church is an altar-tomb under a ·marble canopy, and 7 of water; rateable value, £1,790; the population
supported on columns of the Corinthian order, to Sir in 19II was 214.
Henry Bedingfeld, knight-marshal and constable of Sexton, Robert White.
the Tower under Queen Mary, ob. 1583: there are 225 Post & T. Office.-Thomas Galloway, sub-postmaster.
sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. The Letters through Stoke Ferry; arrive 7.15 a.m. & 3.40
living is a rectory, with the vicarage of Foulden p.m. (to callers only); dispatched at g.Io a.m. &
annexed, joint net yearly value £410, including 52 p.m. No collection on sunday. Stoke Ferry, 3 miles
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Caius distant, is the nearest money order office
College, Cambridge, and held since 19o6 by the Rev.
Waiter Coombe M.A.. of that college, who is also in- Public Elementary Schools.
cumbent of the· ~inecure rectory of Caldecote. The Free (boys & girls), erected in 1847, from Hewar's charity,
Catholic chapel of the Immaculate Conception and for 5o children; average attendance, 42; :Mrs. Sarah
St. Margaret, built in 1835• is an edifice of rubble, Ann Gilbert, mistress
consisting of nave only, and has roo sittings: there Catholic (mixed), erected in 186o, for Bo children; aver-
is a resident priest. The local charities amount to age attendance, 23; Miss Kate Cobbin, mistress
PIUVATE RESIDENTS. Galloway Isaac, farm steward to Sir
Paston-Bedingfeld Sir Henry Edward COMMERCIAL. H. E. Paston-Bedingfeld hart. J .P
bart. J.P. Oxborough hall; & Carter Wm. Jn. farmer, Church farm Lambert Theophilus Alfred, farmer.
Junior United Service club, London Cater Waiter Henry, farmer Hall farm
SW Challis Thomas, gamekeeper to Sir Lancaster John, farm bailiff to Wm.
Coombe Rev. Waiter M ..A. (rector), H. E. Paston-Bedingfeld hart. J.P John Carter esq. Church farm
Rectory Cobbin Harry, Bedingfeld Arms P.H Peacock John Wllliam, farmer, White-
Hickev •
Rev. Francis Paulinus O.S.B . Coe Harry, head gardener to Sir H. House farm
(Catholic) E. Paston-Bedingfeld bart. J.P Trundle George, farmer
OXNE AD is a parish pleasantly situated on the north division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The
bank of the navigable river Bure, over which there is a church of St. Michael, situated in a retired spot, and
bridge of one arch, r mile north from Buxton station, on almost entirely bidden by a thick surrounding of forest
the East Norfolk branch of the Great Eastern railway, 10 trees, is a small but ancient building of flint in the Early
north from Norwich, and 3 south-east from A.ylsham, in English and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel and
the Northern division of the county, South Erpingham nave under a single roof, north and south porches and a.n
hundred and petty sessional division, Aylsham union and embattled western tower containing one bell: the chancel
county court district, rural deanery of Ingworth (south has a. stepped gable, and the south porch is apparently
of the time of Queen Anne: in the ehurch is a marble ham esq. is but a part of the ancient and noble-
tomb, with alabaster effigy to Clement Pas lion (ob. 1599), mansion which formerly stood here, and which included
a naval commander of the reign of Henry VIII. and sub- a banqueting hall built for the entertainment of Charles.
sequent monarchs, who distinguished hirru>elf in an engage- Il. and containing, it is said, the earliest sash windows.
ment with the French by capturing their admiral, Baron known in England ; the existing portion is of red brick
de BlaquiM-e, whom he detained a prisoner at CaiSJtor with stone dressings, in the picturesque Domestic style
until ran901IIled by 7,000 crowns; there is also a tomb of the Tudor period, with mullioned windows, gabled
to Lady Pa.ston (nee Linds~y) : the communion plate, all porches, and slender octagonal capped turrets at the
of silver-gil,t, is remarkably large and valuable, resembling angles : it was the property and residence of the Earl
in size and shape the pl&te of Norwich cathedral, and of Yarmouth, lord lieutenant of Norfolk, in the reign of
consists of twG large flagons, a large offering dish, chalice, Charles II. and was afterwards sold to Lord Anson, and
and paten, varying in date by the hall marks from 1637· purchased by the late Sir Edward Stracey hart. in I837,
8 to r687-8 : the church was restored in 1891 at a cost and is now the property of Sir Edward Paulet Stracey
of£ 120 and affords over a hundred t~i!Jtings. The register hart. of Backheath Park in this county, who is lord of
dates from the year 1583. The living is a rectory, the manor and sole landowner: in the park are some
annexed to the vicarage of Buxton, joint net yearly ruins, consisting of three arched bays, with a frieze
value £350, in the gift of Sir Edward Paulet Stracey above, in the Renaissance style. The soil is mixed;
hart. and held since 1907 by the Rev. Richard Henry subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat~
Oakley Bankes, who resides at Buxton. root11, barley and hay. The area is 640 acres of fertile-
The Pastons of Oxnead, who took their name from land and 10 of water; rateable value, £753; the popu-
Paston in this county, were a mo.!Jt ancient Norfolk lation in 19n was 72.
family. Sir Roberl PastGn hart. of Pas-ton, w3.6 created Parish Clerk, Charles Nobbs.
by Charle.s 11. (r9 Aug. 1673), baron Paston, of Paston,
and viscount Yarmouth, and subsequently (30 July, 16 79 ) Letters delivered about 8 a.m. Wall Box at the bridge-
Earl of Yarmouth; but the baronetcy as well as all the cleared at I2 noon & 5.25 p.m. Post office at
superior honours became extinct in 1732, on the death Brampton. Buxton is the nearest money order &.
of William, 2nd earl. telegraph office
Oxnead Hall, erected by Clement Paston mentioned The children of this place attend the schools at Bramp-
above, and occupied by Hanworth Edmund Burr Rack- ton & Buxton
(Marked thus t receive their letters tRackham Hanworth Edmund Burr, & Stand r5, Corn Exchange, Nor-
through Buxton, Norwich.) Oxnead hall wich; head office, The Grov~,
(Marked thus * receive their letters COMMERCIAL. Marsham, Norwich
through Aylsham, Norfolk.) Betts Sutton, farmer, Hall farm tives George, farmer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. tBrowne W. & Son, millers (water) *Tallowin .Arthur B. farmer, North
tBell .MTIJ. The Mill house & merchants, Oxnead roller mills 1 farm
OXWICK cum PATTESLEY form a parish 3~ ton, Roughton, are the principal landowners. The soil'
miles south from Fakenham Town station and 3 east from is chiefily a stiff loam ; ~uhsoil, clay. The chief crop!
Raynham Park station, both on the Midland and Great are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is I,os8
Northern joint railway, and 3! from Fakenham station acres; rateable value, with Pattesley, £838; the popnla-
and s! south-west from Byburgh station, both on the tion in 19II was 98.
Dereham and Wells section of the Great Eastern railway, Parish Clerk, Mrs. Greef.
in the Mid division of the county, Launditch hundred, Letters are received through Fakenham at 8.30 a.m.
union and petty sessional division of Mitford and Laun- Whissonsett is the nearest money order & telegraph
ditch, county court dist-rict of East Dereham, rural office, about 2J miles distant
deanery of North Brisley and Toftrees, arch deaconry of
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Saints The children of the parish attend the school at Colkirk
is an ancient building of ilint in the Gothic style, con-
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a turret con- PATTESLEY (or Pasley) is 3! miles south from
taining one bell: there are 86 sittings. The register Fakenham. The church of St. John the Baptist has
dates from the year 1538: there is a list of rectors long disappeared, but fngments of its walls may be .seen
of the parish from the year. 1318. The living is a at the west end of the farmhouse in the occupation ot
rectory, consolidated in r883 with Colkirk, joint net yearly Mr. George Corke. The living is a rectory annexed to
value £449, including 81 acres of glebe, in the gift of the vicarage of Mattishall.
the trustees of the late Rev. W. M. Hoare M.A. and Letters received through Fakenham. Whissonsett is the-
is at present (1912) vacant. The poor's land of 5 acres nearest money order office. West Raynham is the
produces £8 yearly. The Marquess Townshend, who is nearegt telegraph office, 2! miles distant
lord of the manor, and George Bird esq. jun. of Aylmer- The children of this place attend the school at Whissonsett
COMMERCIAL. j Clark John, farm bailiff to George j Corke George, farmer, Pattesl.ey
Callow Cecil, farmer, Oxwick hall Howler esq. Green farm, Oxwick Scott Alfd. farmr. Hill farm, Oxwick
PALLING is a parish and small fishing village on the is good mixed; sub.oi(,.. clay.,i. The chief crops are
sea coast, 4 miles north-east from Stalham station on the wheat, oats and barley. The area is 857 acres of land
Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 10 east from and 3I of foreshore; l'ateable--value, £r,64o; the popu-
Worstead station on the North Walsham branch of the lation in 19II was 366.
Great Eastern railway, I8 north-east fro~ Norwich and Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Sadler.
12 east-by-south from North Walsham, m the Eastern
division of the county, Tunstead and Rapping petty ses- Post & Telegraph Office.-Alfred. Feather, ~ub-post-
!tinnl!l division Happin(J' hundred Smallburgh union master. Letters through Norwich are dehvered at
North Walsha~ county "'court distrlct, rural deanery oi 7.15 a.m. & 5·55. p.m. (partial); July to September
Waxham (Rapping division), and archdeaconry and dio- 6.35 p.m. (partial); dispat<:hed 5- 2 5 a:m. & 4· 15-
cese of Norwich. The church of St. Margaret is a small P·~·; July t~ September 4·55 p.m. There IS no sunday
but ancient buildinO" of flint and stone consisting of delivery or d1spatch. The nearest money order office
chancel, nave, south"'porch and a low embattled western is at Hickling, 3 miles distant .
tower containing one bell: there are 200 sittings. The Wall Letter Box, Coastguard stahon, cleared at 4.10
register dates from the year 16r6. The living is a dis- p.m. (July to September, 4·50 p.m)
charged vicarage, annexed to the rectory of Waxham, Lifeboat Station (2 boats), James Dane, coxswain
joint net yearly value £265, including 2r acres of glebe Coastguard Station, Thomas Er:ridge, petty officer in.
or augmentation land, with residence, in the gift of the charge, & 4 men
Bishop of London, and held since 1897 by the Rev. Alan Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent.
Garway Atkins B.A. of University College, Durham. Society; hon. representative, H.M. Coast Guard officer
ReTe is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in 186o.
The fuel allotment of 14 acres produces £I4 yearly. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1877, for
There are two lifeboats stationed here; also a Board of 120 children; average attendance, 74; Oliver Blake~
Trade rocket life-saving apparatus. Louis J. Tillett master
esq. ~LP. of Catton, is lord of the manor. Sir J. Carriers to Yarmouth.-Albert Crowe, sat. to 'George-
Colman hart. of Gatton Park, Surrey, and George Cubitt & ,Dragon,' 6.30 a.m. returning at 8 p.m. ; Samuel
esq. of Palling, are the principal landowners. The soil Pestell. wed. & sat. returning same day

At kin;; Rev. Alan Garway B.A. CQlOIERCBL. Brown Thos. aparts. r St.George's ter
(vicar), Vicarage Bishop Benjamin, farmer Crowe .llbert, carrier
Cubitt George, The Hall Bishop Thomas George, beer retailer Cubitt George, farmer & landownerr
Randall-J ohnson J ames, Woodbine cot Brown John, boot i:naker The Hall

De.ary Herbert John, Cock P.H Harrison J ames, baker :\Iorley Robert, miller (wind)
Deary Thomas, farmer Hubbard James, apartments, 4 St. Pest ell John, fish curer
Dyball Robert, farmer, Willow farm George's terrace Pestell Samuel, carrier
Ellis Charles, blacksmith Jackson John Thomas, cycle agent Pustle Robert, carpenter
Feather Alfred, grocer, Post office Jones Richard, apartments Reynolds James, apartments
FPather Frederick, fish dealer Knights Samuel, apartment<;, 2 St. Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Grapes Frederick Simon, farmer George's terrace Thompson Frank, farmer
Grape6 Thomas, apartments, 3 St. Larter Harry, carpenter Utting George, shopkeeper
George's terrace Larter Thomas, apartments Young William, butcher
Hales Richard, carpenter
PANXWORTH is a village, 4! miles north from solidated with the vicarage of Woodbastwick, joint net
Brundall station and 3 north from Lingwood station on yearly value [284, including ss acres of glebe and resi~
the Norwich and Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern dence, in the gift of John Caton esq. M.P. of Wood~
railway and 8 north-east from Norwich, in the Eastern bastwick Hall, and held since 1904 by the Rev. Raymond
division of the county, Blofield and Walsham pettv ses- Alured Bond M . .A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, who
sional division, Walsham hundred. Blofield union, Nor- resides at Woodbastwick. Henry Randall Burroughes
wich county court distrid, rural deanery of Blofield and esq. of The Hall, Burlingham St. Peter, is the chief
archdeaconry and diocese u( Norwich; for civil purposes landowner. The soil is a rich loam ; subsoil, marI.
it forma part of Ran worth and is known as Ranworth The chief. crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area
with Panxworth. For upwards of 200 years previous to and rateable value are given with Ran worth; the popu-
1847 there was no church in the parish, a ruined tower lation in I9II was, with Ranworth, 318.
alone marking the spot where the old church had oncl' Sexton, Waiter Thomas Ward.
;stood; the tower was, however, repaired in 1847. and a Letters through Norwich arrive at 7 a.m. & 4.15 p.m.
nave added, at the expense of the late Mrs. H. W. Bur- .A. Wall Letter Box is cleared at 7.20 a.m. & 4.15
roughes, and the church now consists of nave, south p.m.; no sunday collection. South Walsham is the
porch and an embattled western tower containing one nearest money order office & Woodbastwick is the
bell: a new pulpit was provided in 1908: there are sit- nearest telegraph office, about 2 miles distant
tings for 120 persons, no being free. The register The children of this parish attend the public elementary
d:;J.tes from the year 1847. The living is a rectory, con- school at Ranworth
COMMERCIAL. Southgate Robt. Albert, horse trainer Ward .A.aron Edward, Red Lion inn
Daynes Isaac, farmer, Hall farm Spanton Frederick Bailey, thrashing
Raithby Harriet (~rs. ), grocer machine owner
PASTON is a parish on the sea-shore, with a stati011 is <the residence of John Mack esq. who is lord of the

r mile south-west on the Great Eastern and Midland and manor. J. Mack and Thomas Purdy esqrs. are the
Great Northern joint railways, and 9 south-east from principal landowners. The family of Paston, who took
Cromer, in the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead their name from this place, were descended from Wol·
and Happing petty sessional division, hundred of Tun- stan, a knight who came from France with Henry I.
stead, Smallburgh union, North Walsham county court and received a grant of lands here. Sir William PaSJton,
district, rural deanery of Waxham (Tunstead division), of Paston and Oxnead, was created a baronet, 8 June,
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese· of Norwich. The r642, and his son, Sir Robert, was raised to the peer-
church of St. Margaret, situated on rising ground, is a age, 19 Aug. 1673, as Baron Paston of Paston, and
building of stone, in the Early Decorated stvle, consist- ViSJCount Yarmouth, and "as advanced as Earl of Yar-
ing of chancel, south porch and an embattled western muuth, 30 July, 1679, but all these honours became
tower containing 5 bells: in the church is a fine manu- extinct on the death of Sir William, second earl, in
ment, with recumbent effigy, by Nathaniel Stone, to 1732. The famous collection of letters writtRn by or
CatherinA (Knevet), wife of Sir Edmund Paston knt. of to members of this family during the reigns of
Paston, ob. r628 ; the following appears in the sculptor's Henry VI. Edward IV. Richard Ill. and Henry VII.
diary: "In r62g I made a tomb for my lady Paston, uriginally pub-lished by Sir John Fenn in 1787-Bg, were
and !l€t it up at Paston, and was- very extraordinarily reprinted by Charles Knight in r84o, and re-edited by
entertained, and pay'd for it [340 ": here also are in- Mr. James Gairdner for the .A.rber series in 1872-s. Near
terred Sir Edmund Paston knt. ob. 1632; Clement Pas· the church is a very fine thatched barn, which is extra-
ton and Beatrice (de Somerton) his wife; William Pas- ordinary on f..Ccount of the structure of its roof, and

ton, their son, justice of the Court of Common Pleas from was built by Sir William Paston in 1581. The soil is
15 Oct. q2g, died in London 14 Aug. 1444, and liAs mixed; subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops are
buried in Norwich cathedral: the church has been re- , wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,384 acres of land,
dored: the stained window is a memorial to thB I 3 of water and 48 of foreshore; rateable value, [1,763;
late John Mack esq. of Paston Hall, and was erected in the population in rgii was 280.

1891 by his children: an organ was placed in the church Parish Clerk, William Hewitt.
in 1890 at a cost of £r5o: the church affords 180 sit- Post Office.-Mrs. Emma. Lee, sub-postmistress. Letters
tings. The register dates from the year IS36. The through North Walsham, via Knapton, arrive at B.s
living is a vicarage, net yearly value £70, with 3! acres a.m. & 3.10 p.m. during July, Aug. & Sept. & other
of glebe and residence, in the gifrt of John Mack esq. months, 4.10 p.m.; sunday, 8 a.m.; dispatched 8.5
and held since 1910 by the Rev. Francis Edward Rogers a.m. & 6.s p.m.; sunday, S-30 a.m. Mundesley, r~
Thompson M.A. of Oxford University. Here is a Primi- miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
tive Methodist chapel. Sir W. Paston's charity of [13 1 office
yParly is for clothing and fuel. Paston Hall, a mansion ' Railway Station (G. E. & M. & G. N. Joint Railway),
plPasantly situat.Pd in well-wol>ded grounds of 12 acres, I John Edward Bunting, station master

COMMERCIAL. Giay George, builder
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barcham Thos. EdwaTd M.R.C.V.S. Hennessey John, grocer
Cobon George, The Limes veterinary surgeon, & veterinary in· Lee Emma (Mrs.), grocer, Post office
Holmes Misses, Badsworth house spector under the "Diseases of· Livermore Thomas, miller (wind &
Mack John, Paston hall . (.Animal;;) Act" for No. 13 district steam)
Pnrdy Thomas Cobon George, farmer, The Limes · Purdy Thomas, farmer & landowner,
Thompson Rev. Francis Edward farm & Hall farm Green & Heath farms
Rogers M.!.. (vicar), Vicarage Dixon Jas. Wherry inn,Austin bridge Randell Henry, fishmonger
Gaze Philip, farn· er 1
Rudram George, farmer
PATTESLEY, see Oxwick.
PENSTHORPE is a parish on the Wensum, 2 mile> 1 of Hempton, where he resides. Several Roman urns
south-east from Fakenham stations on the Grea.t Eastern and other relics have been dug up here. Hugh Kirk-
and Midland and Great Northern joint railway, in thP ham esq. of Terrington St. Clement, is lord of the
North Western division of the county, Gallow hundrecl manor and sole landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
and petty sessional divi,.ion. Walsingham union and I gravel and clay; the land is cultivated on the usual
county court district, rural deanery of Burnham, arch- four-course shift. The area is 7S3 acres; rateable value,

deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church . £635; the population in I9II was 37·
has long since fallen into ruiru!, and the remains now form Letters through Fakenham, the nearest money order &
a part of some farm buildings. The living is a sinecure telPgraph office, arrive ~ 7· IS a.m. ; mail cart pas sea
rectory, net yearly value £104, in the givt 'Of trustees, at 6 p.m
and held since 1go6 by the Rev. George Smallpeice M.A. Letter Box cleared at 7-IS a.m. & 4·45 p.m. week days
of St. John's College, Cambridge, who is also incumbent only
of the sinecure rectory of Pudding Norton, and vicar The children of this place attend school at Fakenham
Daniel .A.rthur John Bernard, Pensthorpe house
Claxton Charles, farm. bailiff to H. Kirkham esq
l Kirkham Hugh, farmer, Pensthorpe

PENTNEY is a village and scattered parish, five miles ~anons of the order of St. Augustine; the fine gateway
in length and one wide, with a station in the parish called 1s still standing, and between it and the church is the
~arborougb, on the Lynn and Dereham section of the shaft of an elegant wayside cross. In 1468 the Premon-
Great Eastern railway; the village stands on the navigable i!tratensian convent of Wormegay was annexed to thi1
river Nar, and is 6! miles north-west-by-north from priory, the revenues of which at its dissolution were
Swaffham and 8! south-east-by-east from Lynn, in the estimated at £170. The trustees of the late Captam
North Western division of the county, hundred, petty Frederick Rennell Thackeray are lords of the manor of
sessional division and union of Freebridge Lynn, county ' Ashwood and owners of about one-fourth of the land,
court district of Lynn, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), and Henry Birkbeck esq. of Westacre, W. E. G. W.
archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The Ket- Birch esq. of West Bilney Lodge, the trustees of ;J. J.
lam brook, rising in Walton Wood, flows through this : Coulton and Lt.-Col. William Herring, of Narborongh
parish and falls into the Nar. The church of St. Mary House, are t-he other chief landowners; many of the
Magdalen is an ancient 11tructure, mostly of flint, with ,;maller properties are copyhold, fine certain: nearly all
later additions of stone in various styles, and was enlarged . the land is tithe free. The soil is chiefly sand and gravel,
from a small Norman chapel with an apse: it now con- 1 but there is some heavy land. The four-course system
sists of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled 1
of farming prevails; the drainage and water supply are
western tower containing one bell: there are sedilia, good. Area, 2,567 acres; rateable value, ,£2,II8; the
piicina and an aumbry, and the church affords 18o sit- population in 1911 was 406.
tings. The register dates from the year 1730. The living Parish Clerk, James Haverson.
is a vicarage, net yearly value ,£62, including 13 acres
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Lt.-Col. · William Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Os borne, sub-postmistress.
Herring, of Narborough House, and held since 1go8 by Letters arrive from Swaffham at 8 a.m. & 4 p.m.;
the Rev. Alfred John Knight, who is also vicar of West dispatched 10 a.m. & r.5o & 5-40 p.m.; no delivery
Bilney. In 1910 26 acres of glebe land was let out in on sundays. Narborough, 3 miles distant, is tij.e
allotments. The Wesleyan chapel was built in 1882, nearest money order & telegraph office
and there is a small General Baptist chapel. The Town Wall Letter Box, Narborough station, cleared 10.15
estate of so acres (including the fuel allotment, adjoin- a.m. & 2 & 5-55 p.m. & sundays, 8.50 a.m
ing the station), and other charities, producing about Wall Letter Box at New inn cleared at 10.5 a.m. &
£78 yearly, are under the management of the vicar and 1.55 & 5-45 p.m
one chw·chwarden and three trustees appointed by the Public Elementary School (mixed), for Pentney & West
Charity Commissioners, and the funds are distributed Bilney, erected in 1906, for 120 children; average
in coals to the poor and sums of ss. each to 13 attendance, 86; Martin Luther Martin, master; Mrs.
widows. About two milPs west of the chm·ch formerly Sarah Martin, mistress
stood the priory of the Holy Trinity and SS. Mary the Carrier to Lynn.-William Hunter, tues. & sat
Virgin and Mnry Magdalene, founded by R. de Vaux, for Railway Station.-Charles Wilby, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Boatman Frerlerick Charles, fanner, Howlet£ Elizabeth & Hannah (;\'l:isses),
Gonlton Miss, Little Ketlam Stud farm farm11r.1h..t- landowners, Gt. Ketlam
Edwards Mrs. R. Pentney lodge Bunfield Ohas. & Son, Pentney Mill fm Howlett Benj. farmer, Harveststyle
Heywood Richard, Pentney house Coggl~s George, Crown & Thistle P.H Hudson George, cowkeeper
Knight Rev. Alfred John (vicar),' Cunnmgton John Thomas, farmer,' Hunter William 1 farmer & carrier,
Vicarage Church farm Maltkiln farm
Curry George, wheelwright Lambert Henry, farmer
COMMBRCIAL. Curzon Wm. farmer, Falgate farm Osborne Sarah (Mrs.), grocr.Post off
Alflatt Edward Alfred, baker Edwards Timothy, farmer, astlistant Paul .A.melia (Mrs.), farmer, Ashwood
Bailey Robert, farmer overseer & clerk to theParishCouncil Lodge & Abbey farms .
Barber Williarn, farmer 'Elsegood Edgar, Rising Sun P.H Ramm John, New inn, & cattle dlr
Bates David, carpenter IGutteridge George, farmer Rasberry Charles, shopkeeper
Bland Fredk. William the Fourth P.H. Hammond Richard, blacksmith Valentine John, coal dlr. & dairyman
NORTH PICKENHAM is a parish and village, in a Champion M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, and rural
valley, about ri miles west !ram Holme Hale station on dean of Cranwich (North division). There was formerly
the Bury, Thetford and Swaffham section of the Great a hermitage here, with a chapel dedicated to St.

Eastern railway and 3~ south-east from Swaffham, in the Paul. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel. The

South Western division of the county, Swaffham union fue'l allotment of 10 acres produces £ro net yearly,
and county court district, South Greenboe hundred and ' including tithes. In the parish is an ancient barrow.
petty ses1ional division, rural deanery of Cranwich (north George William Taylor esq. of South Pickenham, is lord
division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. llf the manor and principal landowner. The soil i~ light
The church of St. Andrew is a building of flint and stone, loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are whPat, barley
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, north tran- and turnips. The area is 1,615 acres; rateable value,
sept, nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled £1,oo3; the population in 191I was 239.
":estern tower containing a. cl~ck and one bell: ~be nave, Parish Clerk, Jamei Starling.
rusle and chancel were rebUilt m r863: the moamc reredos p 08t Offi M W'll"
E 1 b t · t
is of Italian workmanship: the east window is stained, ce.- rs. ram ag e, su -p?s mrs ress.
and there are two others: the chancel retains a single Letters from by foot post arrive at 6-s~
piscina: the pulpit is of oak, handsomely carved: there a.m. & 5-55 p.m.' drspatched at 6.5o a. m .. & 6 .p.m. •
are 180 sittings. The register datea from the year 1678. ?n sundays 3lt 10 · 20 a.m. Swaffham, 3,. m~les distan~,
The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Hough- Is the nearest money order office & South P1ckenham u
ton-on-the-Hill, joi.nt net yearly value £336, including the nearest telegraph office
no acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of William Public Elementary Sch:xJl (mixed), erected in 1855 &
Needham Longden Champion esq. of Riddlesworth Hall, enlarged in xgo8, for 100 children; average attendance,
and· held since rBg1 by the Rev. Francis Beresford I 75; Miss Beatrice Williams, mistress
Champion Rev. Francis Beresford Bowers George, shopkeeper Rands Frank, Blue Lion P.H
M.A. (rector & rural dean), The ChilvPrs Thomas William, farm bailiff Tolman Wm. Henry, farmer & steam
Rectory to William Johnson esq 1 threshing machine prpr.Meadow fm
Palmer Frederick William, Hill house Palmer Fredk. Wm. farmer, Hill ho Woods Herbert Frederick, carpenter
Wigston Mrs Payne Charles, blacktlmith '
SOUTH PICKENHAM is a parish, about 4 miles from 1740 to 1B27, and memorial windows toE_ T. A.pple-

south-south-eaMi from Swafl'ham station and 2 south-west ! whaite esq. d. 1871, and 'to Mrs. Hay, d. 1881: in rgo6
from Holme Hale station, on the Great Eaatern railway, 1 the church was r!'stored at a. total cost of £1,300: there
in the South Western division of the county, South I are 120 sittings. The register dates from the year I693-
Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional division, Swaffbam I The living is a rectory, net yearly value £215, including
nnion and county court district, rural deanery of Cranwich 53 acres of 2'lebe, with residence, in the gift of George
(north division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of William Taylor esq. and held since rgo6 by the Rev.
:Sorwich. The church of All Saints is a. small building Russell George St . .John Dell Th . .Assoc.K.C.L. Picken-
of fiints, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, I ham Hall, a handsome mansion, beautifully situated in
nave, north porch and a round embattled western tower t an extensive park, is the seat of George William Taylor
with an octagonal upper stage, and containing one bell: I esq. who is lord of the manor and sole !andownl'l". The
there are several monuments to the Chute family, dating soil is sandy and light loam; subsoil, chalk~ The chiel
crops are wheat, barley, oats and pasture. The area is patched at 8.45 a.m. & 5.25 p.m. ; sunday, 9 a.m.
r,BIO acres; rateable value, £r,191; the population in .Ashill is the nearest money order office
1901 was 149· Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1875• for
Post & Telegraph Office.-Arthur James Elliston, sub- 43 children; average attendance, 35; Miss Julia
postmaster. Letters from Swaffham by mounted Stone, mistres-s
messenger arrive about 7·45 a.m. & 4·35 p.m. ; dis-
Dell Rev. Russell George St. John COMMlmCIA.L. Hollis Waiter Dove, frmr. Hall farm
Th.A.K.C. (rector), The Rectory Barrell William Arthur, land ,steward Oate;; Bryan W. Grace, farmer,
Taylor Geo.Wm. J.P.Pickenham hall to George William Taylor esq Manor farm
PL UMSTEAD (by Holt) is a. parish about 4 miles gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and held since 1883 by
south-east from Holt station and 3~ north from Corpusty the Rev. Herbert Wynell-Mayow. The United Method.i~ts
station, both on the Midland and Great Northern joint meet for worship in a room formerly a cottage. John
railway, 8 north from Aylsham station on the Great Stanley Matt esq. of 4 Curzon street, Mayfair, London
Eastern railway and 8! south-west from Cromer, in the W, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil
Northern division of the county, North Erpingham hun- is light; subsoil, various, marl, sand and gravel. The
tired and Cromer petty sessional division, Erpingham chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley, oats, and some
union, Halt county court district, rural deanery of Repps land in pasture. The area is 1,279 acres; rateable
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church value, £8r7; the population in 19II was r&J.
of St. Michaelis an edifice of flint in mixed styles, con- Parish Clerk, John Lub hock.
sisting of chancel, nave, north porch (used as vestry) and Post Office.-Miss Florence Coleby, sub-postmistress.
an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing Letters through Norwich, via .Aldborough, arrive 7·55
one bell: the organ was presented in 1875: the church a. m. & 3·45 p.m.; dispatched at 5.40 p.m. ; no postal
was thoroughly restored in 1873, and has 100 sittings. business on sundays. The nearest money order &
The register dates from the year 1557. The living is s telegraph office is at Baconsthorpe, 2 miles distant
discharged rectory, with Matlaske annexed, joint net This parish is under the Barningham United School
yearly value £2oo, including 11 acres of glebe, in the District. The school house is in Matlaske parish
(Marked thus * letters should be ad- Greenacre Henry, gamekeeper to J. S. Mack Robert Arthur, farmer
dressed Edgefield,Melton Constable.) Matt esq Neale James, farmer
Wynell-Mayow Rev. Herbert (rector) Grout Wm. farmer & miller, The Mill Newstead James Benjamin, clerk to
H:mnant· John, farm bailiff to R. Parish Council & assistant overseer
COMMERCIAL. Mack esq N ewstead Richard, market gardener
Coleby Florence (Miss), shopkeeper, Kett William,hea.d gardener to Frank Pull William, shoe maker
Post office Simpson esq Reynolds George, farmer
Everett Step hen, Cherry Tree P .H .\iack Richard, farmer, Plumstead hall Scarf Thos. pump ma. & well sinker
Fitt Thomas, market gardener Mack Richard, jun. farmer *Shreeve Thomas, farmer, Heath farm
GREAT PLUMS'l'EAD is a parish and village, 2~ tionalists have a place here in which they hold divine
miles east from Whitlingham junction on the Norwich service ; it will seat So persons. There is a fuel allot·
and Yarmouth section, 2! south from Salhouse station on ment of 29 acres, let at £33 yearly. The Earl of Rosebery
the Norwich and Cromer branch, and 2~ from Brundall K.G., K.T., J.P. who is lord of the manor, William
station on the branch to Great Yarmouth of the Great John Birkbeck esq. of Stratton Strawless Hall, Lieut. -Col.
Ea.itern railway, and 5 east from Norwich, in the Eastern Clement William Joseph Unthank, of lntwood Hall, and
division of the county, Blofield and Walsham petty ses- J ames Henry Stedman J .P. of Great p,lumstead House,
sional division, Blofield hundred and union, Norwich are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
county court district, rural deanery of Blofield and arch- loam. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The ~hurch of St. is 1,434 acres; rateable value, £2,457; the population in
Mary is a structure of flint in the Perpendicular style, rgn was 327.
consistin~ of chancel, nave, south porch and a small Sex ton, J onathan Maidstone.
western tower of brick containing one bell : it was re-
stored in 1876, and the nave re-seated in r879, at the Post & 'M. 0. Office.-Leonard Maidstone, sub-post-
expense of William Birk beck esq. ; in December, r 891, it master. Letters arrive from Norwich at 6.30 a.m. &
was destroyed by fire, but was restored in 1892 from 2.4.) p.rn. j dispatched at 5.10 & 9 p.m. j SUndays,
rlesigns and under the superintendence of Mr. Herbert arrive 6.30 a.rn.; dispatched 9 p.m. The nearest
J. Green A.R.I.B.A. architect and diocesan snrvevnr of telegraph office is at Blofield, 3 miles distant

Norwich: in 1894 a new organ was provided. The register Wall Letter Box cleared 8.30 a.m. & 4·55 p.m.; sundays
dates from the year 1558. The living is a. vicarage, net at 8.20 a.m
yearly value £133, including 21 acres of glebe, with resi- Public Elementary School, enlarged in r8gj, for go chil-
dence, erected in 188o, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter dren; average attendance, 72 ; Mrs. Wright, mistress
of Norwich, and held since 1897 by the Rev. Frederick The school is controlled by six managers; Rev. F. W. B.
William Bennett Symons, of St. Aidan's. The Congrega- Svmons,

vicar, chairman
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. King Robert Newman (Mrs.), farmer
Cole Miss Brighton Stephen, market gardener Tate James, market gardener
Jillings Edward, Snnnyside Coe William, farmer Tite Ernest, clerk to Parish Council
Onslow Miss Cooper Robert (Mrs.), dress maker & assistant overseer
Piercy Lieut.-Col. John Morpott, The Cross Frank, farmer Tite James, market gardener
Red house Ellis Edward, Hare inn Vincent Samuel, hawker
Rising :\frs. The Grove George William, wheelwright Walker George, farmer
Stedman James Henry J.P. Great Hardy Robert, farmer. Hall farm \\"aters Charl~s. farmer
Plurnstead house Hicks J ames, market gardener Waters Ralph, farmer
Symons Rev. Frederick William Ben- J ermy Samuel Ellis, blacksmith Whitmore William, market gardener
nett, The Vicarage J ones & BakE}r, market gardeners
LITTLE PL UMSTEAD is a. parish and village, 4 chancel rails were erected by the parish in thanksgiving
miles east-by-north from Whitlingham junction station, 3 for the recm·ery from illness of His late Majesty
south-south-east from Salhouse station, both on the Great King Ed ward VII. when Prince of Wales, in 1872:
Eastern railway, and 6 east from Norwich, in the East-ern there arP 130 sittings. The register dates from
division of the county, Blofield and Walsham petty ses. the year I559· The livin!J is a rectory, net yearly
sional division, Blofield hundred and union, Norwich value £3oo, including 53 acres of glebe, with resi-
county court district, rural deanery of Blofield and arch- dence, in the gift of Mrs. White, and held since 1903
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. by the Rev. Trevor Joseph Hamilton Carson M.A.
Protase and Gervase is a low building of in the of Christ's College, Cambridge. The poor have the rent
Perpendicular style, consisting of nave, south porch and (about £3o) of an allotment of 34 acres, also £3 Ios.
a. round western tower completely covered with ivy and from 2 acres. Plumstead Hall is the seat of Major
containing one bell : the stained east window is a memori!il Delaval G. L'Estrange Astley, and stands in a park of
to Philip and Sophia Stephens, and is dated 1851; there go acres. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners and J.
is a large monument of marble, erected by their children, Cozens Wiley esq. are the principal landowners. The
to the memory of Thomas Penrice, d. r8r6, and Hannah soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. Here are brick and tile
his wife, d. 1829, and there are others to the Rev. William works belonging to Messrs. Gunton Brothers. The chief
Leigh D.D. rector, d. 1788 ; the Rev. Paul Colombine crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,399 acre's;
D.D. rector from 18o8, d. 1821, and his wife, d. 1818, rateable value, £1,749; the population in 19II was 350.
and to the Rev. John Leatherdale, rector, d. 1862: the Parish Clerk, Benjamin Francis.
Post Office.-Phillip George, postmaster. Letters arrive Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 8-45 a.m. & 4·45
from Norwich at 8 a.m. & 4.30 p.m.; dispatched at p.m.; sundays, 8.45 a.m. only
8.30 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. ; sundays, 8.30 a.m. Great 1
Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r864-, &
Plumstead is the nearest money order & Blofield the enlarged in r88r, for 120 children; average attendance~
nearest telegraph office 63 ; Mrs. B. Fulton, mistres&
COMMERCIAL. Stanford Jonathan William, farmer
I"RIVATE RESIDENTS. Andrews Clarke, head gardener to Throwrr George, blacksmith
Astley Major Delaval Graham Major D. G. Astley Wiley Gerald Cozens, farmer, Hall fm
L'Estrange J .P. Plumstead hall Colk Arthur, farmer Wiley Jeremiah Cozens, farmer,
Carson Rev. Trevor Joseph Hamilton Girling Georg-e, farmer, Heath farm Manor house
M.A. (rector), Rectory Gunt<~n Brothers, brick & tile mas Wiley Thomas Hall, butcher
Wiley Jeremiah Cozens, Manor house Rice James, Brick Kilns P.H Youngman Charles, shopkeeper
PORINGLAND is a parish in the Southern division of the rent of which is distributed in coals amongst the
the county, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Hen- poor, who have also an annuity of 2os. bequeathed by J.
11tead union and hundred, Norwich county court district, and E. Skoyles. Poringland House, the residence of
rural deanery of Brooke, western division, archdeaconry Martin Birkbeck esq. is a man~;ion of brick, pleasawtly
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. Great or East Poring- situated on the S<luthern slope of Poringland Hills.
land village is on the road from Norwic'h to Bnngay, 4~ The Earl of Rosebery K.G., K.T., P.C. is lord of the
miles south-east from the former and 3! from Trowse manor. The principal landowners are Martin Birkbeck
Newton station on the Ipswich and Norwich section of esq. and Robert J. Dowe esq. of Caistor St. Edmnnd,
the Great Eastern railway. The church of All Saints and there are several small copyholders. The soil is
is an ancient edifice of flint in the Perpendicular and sand, gravel and clay; subsoil, gravel and clay. The
Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch. chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is
north porch (now a vestry) and a round western tower r,56o acres; rateable value, £r,B26; the population in
with octagonal belfry stage containing one bell: during 1911 was 466.
the period r86r-83 the church was repaired, a new south Sexton, haac Maddis.
porch being added, and the east window, the npper por- Post Office.-Mrs. Hannah T 1
tion of which had been blocked up, was opened and the ay or, sub-postmistress.
tracery restored: a new chancel arch was also erected, Letters t'hrough Norwich arrive at 7·3° a.m. & 3
carved oak pnlpit, reading desk and lectern provided, and p.m. via Framingham Earl; dispatched at II-30 a.m.
the interior walls of the cban~l refaced: the chun:h was & 5 p.m.; no sunday delivery. Brooke is ·the nearest
also reseated, the old carved oak benches with poppy money order office & Framingham Earl the nearest
heads being restored, and it now affords 220 sittings. telegraph office
The register dates from the year I56o. The living is a Pillar Letter Box, opposite Rectory, cleared at 8 a.m. &
rectory, nB!t yearly value £So, exclusive of 17 acres of 4-55 p.m ·
glebe, with residence, in the gift of Martin Birkbeck esq. The school for the united district is at Framing-ham Earl
of Poringland, and held since 1907 by the Rev. Frederic LITTLE (or WEST) PORINGLAND is 6 miles south
Ernest Doughty M ..A.. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. from Norwich. The living is a rectory, consolidated with
At the Inclosure 30 acres were allotted to the parish, that of Howe.
GREAT PORINGLAND. Durrant William, hay trusser Todd John, farmer & beer retailer
Birkbeck Martin, Poringland house Howard Thoma!l, shoe maker Todd Leonard,fal"Iller, The Homestead
Birkbeck Mrs. E. Poringland house Josh Sarah (Mrs.), White Hart P.H Todd Percy Leonard, pig & catJtle dlr
Doughty Rev. Frederic Ernest M.A. Machim William T. Dove P.H Utting John, f1umer
(rector), Rectory Maddis Isaac, market gardener Utting Thomas, painter
Hale Frederick, Ivy cottage Potter Francis, farmer Welley Ja.mes, hurdle & hoop maker
Bilcock Charles Morley Press Robert, coal dealer Wbipps Cornelius Charles, Swan inn
Smith William, grocer Whitmore Ephraim, shoe ma.ker
COMMERCIAL. Spruce Benjamin, farm bailiff to
Bellairs John, market gardener Charles Spruce esq LITTLE PORINGLAND.
Beverley Michael William, farmer Spruce Charles, farmer Potter Edwan.l, farmer
Brooks .Alfred. farmer Taylor Charles, butcher Shorten J ames, farmer
Critoph J o-seph, farmer Taylor Henry, builder & wheelwright Utting Christopher, market gardener
Day George, grocer Todd David, farmer Warnes Ernest, farmer
POSTWICK is a parish and village lying in a pretty register dates from the year 1570. The living is a
vale, 2, miles west from Brundall station and 2 east from rectory, net yearly value £3r4, including about so acres
Whitlingham junction station, both on the Norwich and of g-lebe with residence, in the gift of the Earl of
Yarmouth section of the Great Eastern railway and 4 Rosebery K.G., K.T., P.C. and held since rgio by
east-by-south from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the Rev. William Richmond Beard. A sum of £17
the county, Blofield and Walsham petty sessional division, derived from land is distributed yearly to the poor
Biofield hundred and nnion, Norwich county court dis- in fuel. The Earl of Rosebery K.G., K.T. is lord
trict, rural deanery of Blofield and archdeaconry and of the manor and owner of nearly the whole parish.
diocese of Norwich. The navigable river Yare flows on The soil is mixed. The chief crops are wheat, barley
the south of the parish. The church of All Saints is an and turnips. The area is r,813 acres of land, including
ancient building of flint and stone, in the Early English, a detached marsh near Yarmouth of 346 acres, and 3~
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and consists of chan- of tidal water; rateable value, £3,605; the population
eel, nave, south porch and an embattled western tower in rgu was 340.
standing on high ground and containing a clock and 3 Parish Sexton, Christopher Plummer.
bells: at the west end is a mural bra-ss and a memorial
window to Arc'hibald John, fourth Earl of Rosebery Post Office. John Appleton, sub-postmaster. Letter!
. . , D . C . L . d . 4 M areh , r 86 8 : th e 1yeh gate a t
K . T . , PC arrive from Norwich at 6.30 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. & are
the entrance w the churchyard was presented by the delivered at 7.10 a.m. & to callers at 6.10 p.m.; dis-
fa.mily of Henry Hansell esq. agent to Lord Rosebery: patched at 5·55 p.m. Thorpe St. Andrew, 2~ miles
the church was restored in x866, when the nave was west, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
new-roofed. and a vestry and organ erected: in r868 Public Elementary School (mixed), erected, with honse
the nave was reseated with open benches: the chancel for the mistress, in r867 by the late Earl of Rosebery,
was re-floored and the fittings rearranged in 1895 by the enlarged in 1905, for 98 children; average attendance,
late rector : the church affords 130 sittings. The 67; Miss Langdon, head mistress
Eeard Rev. William Richmond Waters Charles, The Grange Leader James, blacksmith
(rector), The Rectory COMMERCIAL. Riches R. W. & Son, builders, con-
Gray Mrs. The Lodge Appleton John, shopkeeper & farmer, tractors, plnmbers,house decorators
Primrose Hon. Neil James .A.rchibald & post office & funeral furnishers
M.P. Manor house; & 38 Berkeley Culling William, farmer Waters Charles, farmer, The Grange
sq. W & Brooks's .club S W,London.
POTTER-HEIGHAM is a parish and village with a conrt district, rural deanery of Waxham (Happing divi-
station on the Midland and Great Northern joint rail- sion) and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The
way, 11 miles north-west frmn Yarmouth and 15 north- church of St. Nicholas is a building of flint in t'he
east from Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, Gothic style, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of
Tnnstead and Happing petty sessional division, Happing four bays, aisles and a round western tower with an
hundred, Smallbnrgh union, Great Yarmouth county embattled octagonal belfry stage containing 3 bells:
414 POTTER·ElElGBAM, [s:jj.LLY S
~he church was partly restored in 1875 at a cost of the vale of the Bure, and which are navigable for
about £6oo: in 1895 the east window was restored, wherries; rateable value, £3,042; the population in
the floor relaid and the roof and porch restored at 1911 was 411.
a further cost of £so: about the same time two , Parish Clerk, Bertie Edward Bailey.
c~ancel windows were put in, and in 1897 a m~morial Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Samuel Pollard, sub-post-
wm~ow was erected .lio commemo_rate. the D1amond 1 master. Letters through Great Yarmouth; deliveries
Jub1lee of Her late ~a.J_esty Queen VlC~oruJ.: the ch'?-rch 1 commence at 7 _ a. m. & 2 , 30 p.m. for callers; dis-
affords a.:tJOut 250 s1ttmgs. The reg1ster of bap~1sms atched at ro. 3 0 a.m. & 12 _50 & 6 p.m ..1 letters arrive
and bunals dates from the year 1537; marnages, p d t f lle s
Th r · ·
18 · 1 1 r 16 on sun avs a 7.40 a.m. or ea r
~53 ·din e lvmg
fa vllbcarag~t'hnet ~dear Y v~ uteh.t> ifS, ' Wall Letter Bo::ores.-Ohapel Corner, cleared at 8 a.m.
me u g ro acres o g e e, w1
. h f N · h
res1 ence, m
d h ld ·
e g t
b th
1 ._ ~ . v· 1
5 ·4:> p. m. , near 1carage, c e r
a ed at
rs a m ._
. . a.
o f th B
e 1s op o orw1c , an e smce 1911 y
& • d ollection·· near Falgate
Rev. Lewis Meadows White M ..A.. of Trinity College,

2 55
! ·3° 5· p.m. • no sun ay c ._ • •
C am b n'd ge, w h o 1s
· 1 · f R 'th B t · k mn, cleared at ro.25 a.m. & 12.45 "" 5·45 p.m. 1 sun-
a so v1car <l epps w1 as w1c . d B 'd ll 1 d t 8 &
· ·t·1ve M e th od'IS t c h ape1 was b u1'lt 1n
Th e P nm1 · I 86 3, un d ays, 5-55 p.m.; r1 ge wa , c eare a .15 a.m.
will seat about so persons. At the Inclosure in 1803 1 5·45 p.m
nearly 100 acres were allotted to the poor, the rent The .school is ~ontrolled by a ~:JOard of 6 managers, a~-

of which is now about £go yearly. The Bishop of Nor- pmnted .A.p;ril. 1904• ~ appomted b:r County Coun_cil
w:ich is lord of the manor. The chief landowners are & 2 by Par1sh Authonty; Rev. Lew111 Meadows White
the trustees of the Bethel Hospital, Norwich, the Clergy- M ..A.. chairman of managers; .A.lbert Ernest Thomp-
men's Widows' Society, Henry Blake esq. of Bramerton, so~, correspondent . . .
Norwich, Samuel Wright esq. of Moulton, and Mr. Pubhc Elem~nt~ry School (mued), Wlth residence f?r
William C. Balls. 'rhe soil is mixed; subsoil, sand and master, bUilt m 1894, at a cost of [. I,SCX}· for 130 c~il-
clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, fruit and dren; average attendance, 86; Fredenck Goldsm1th,
roots. The area is 2,558 acres, 154 of which are corn- ma.ster
prised in the large broads or ponds on the north 11ide of Railway Station, John Francis, station master
Eerry William E. Rotle croft 1 Balls William C. farmer & landowner Myhill Edward, farmer
Meik Charles Scott, Bower house Bell Waiter Wm. farmer, Bethel farm ~orfolk Broads Yachting Oo. Limited
Merrett George, Belle vue Belson James William, market gardnr (The) (Waiter Woods, manager).
White Rev. Lewis Meadows M.A. Bensley Mary Ann (Mrs.), mrkt.grdnr See advertisement
(vicar), Vicarage Bensley Walter, market giJ'dener I Playford John, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Blaxell John, farmer Pollard Samuel, grocer, Post office
Amis Charles Geo. grocer & beer ret Bristow Alfred, miller (wind) (Wm. Rouse Geo. Edwd. market gardener
Applegate Frederick, farmr Boyce, manager) Shreeve Eliza Jane (Mrs.), farmer,
Applegate George, jun. boat pro- Brooks Francis, farmer Rose farm
prietor, Rose cottage Broaks Frederick Henry, boot maker Slipper .A.rmine Hugh, farmer
Apple gate John, boat proprietor George Walter, blacksmith Sloper Edwa.rd, farm bailiff to W. W.
Applegate Robert,aparts.Causeway cot George Wm. Shepherd, Falgate inn Bell esq
Applega"te Thirza (Miss), apartments, Gibbs Elijah Walter,farmer, Hall frm Smith Harry, motm, sailing & rowing
Riverside Goodwin Charles, market gardener boats for hire, Bridge hotel
Bailey Bertie Edward, parish clerk Grapes Samuel S. carpenter Watts James, shopkeeper
& assistant overseer Grapes Sidney, mot<lr cycle agent Woods Walter (Mrs.), apartments,
Bailey Henry Erown, farmer Huggins Jame.s, market gardener The Laurels
PUDDING NORTON is a small parish about 1! M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, who is also
miles south from Fakenham station on the Dereham sinecure rector of Pensthorpe and vicar of Hempton,
and Wells section of the Great Eastern railway, in the where he resides. Frederic Augustus Morse-Boycott esq.
North Western division of the county, Ga.llow hundre·d is lord of the manor and owner of the entire parish.
and petty sessional division, Walsingham union and The soil is chiefly a rich loam; subsoil, clay; producing
county court district, rural deanery of North Brisley excellent barley, wheat and green crops. The parish
and Toftrees, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Nor- contains 844 statute acres; rateable value, £656; the
wich. The church of St. Margaret fell into ruins many population in rgn was 47·
years ago, but portions of the tower and other parts
of the fabric are still standing. The living is a sinecurl! Letters through Fa.kenham, the nearest money order &
rectory, net yearly value £8, in the gift of .A.. H. Browne telegraph office, ri miles distant
esq. and held since rgo6 by the Rev. George Smallpeice The children of this place attend Colk:irk school
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Long Edward, farmer, see Murton
Davis George Johnson George, farm bailiff to & Long
Mm·ton Herbert, Norton hall Messrs. Murton & Long Murton & Long, farmers, Norton hall
PULHAM ST. MARY MAGDALEN (commonly vided: in 1873 the church was restored and a vestry,
called Pulham Market) is a parish and small town with · new font and pulpit added, and reseated with chairs,
a station on the Waveney Valley branch of the Great at a total cost of £r,8oo, and the chancel has !!inclt
Eastern railway, 15 miles south from Norwich, 4 north- been beautifully decorated; during the restoration a.
by-west from Harleston and 104 from London, in the locker for a processional cross, about 8 feet in height
Southern division of the county, Earsham hundred and by r foot wide, was discovered behind the south
petty sessional division, Depwade union, Harleston county entrance, and has been renovated and furnished with
court _district, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry a new cross : there are 350 sittings. The register dates
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly
Mary Magdalen is an ancient building of flint, with value [4oo, with residence, in the gift of the Crown,
stone dressings, in the Perpendicular and Early Engli~h and held since 1870 by the Rev. Spencer Fellows, of
11tyles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch Magdalene College, Cam bridge, rural dean of Redenhall,
and an western tower containing a clock and chaplain of Depwade union, and surrogate, and J.P. for
8 bells: there piscinre in the chancel and south Norfolk. There is a Wesleyan chapel, and a Primitive
aisle, and near the south door is a holy-water stoup: Methodist chapel at Colegate End. .A. cemetery of 1
part of the roof at the east end of the nave is decorated acre, adjoining the church, was consecrated May rst,
with 14th century paintings of 6 angels, sacred mono- I 186o, and there is a cemetery of about half an acre
grams and other deviCes, restored in 1873: the space for Nonconformists at Coles Common, about r! miles
between thEl roof of the nave and the chancel arch from the church: both are under the control of the
was filled in 1895 with a painting or the Ascension as a Parish Council. The village reading room, built at the
memorial to Mrs. Amelia St. George Turton and her expense of the late John :Fisher esq. commemorates the
grandson, GeraH Meysey Fellows, eldest son of the Rev. Diamond Jubilee of Her late Majesty Queen Vict<lria in
Spencer Fellows·, the present rector: there are memorial 1897; it has a small library, and is supplied with the
windows to the Rev. William Frost B ..A. of Thorpe-next- London and local papers, maga.tines and various games.
Norwich, d. 28 Dec. 1875, and to his widow; and to !. small estate here used to be held by carnage service
Thomas Crawshay Frost, erected in 1912 by his widow, or the blowing of a horn at the opening of the Manor
'besides others to the Oole family, and the church Coqrt. The trustees of the late George Copeman
contains various mural tablets and a number of esq.' are lords of the manor. The principal landowner
ancient and inscribed stones on the floor, one of which is .Alfred Clayton Cole esq. of 64 Portland place, London
is inscribed to Thomas Claxton, r681, and another to W. The soil is heavy; subS<lil, clay. The chief crops
Thomas Palgrave, 1726: in rBgB a new organ was pro- : are wheat, barley,· peas and beans. The area is 2,984


acres; rateable value, £4,258; the population in I9Il Mary, Stratton St. Michael, Tacolnestone, Tasburgh,
was I,ooi, including IS officers and ISO inmates in Dep- Tharston, Thelveton (or Thelton), Thorpe Abbots,
wade union -vrorkhou8e. Tibenham, Tivetshall St. Margaret, Tivetshall St.
Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Roope. Mary, Wacton, Winfarthing & Wortwell. The popula-
Post, :M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Ethel Walker, sub-post- tion of the union in I9II was 23,703; area, 83,416
mistress. Letters arrive through Harleston at 7· IS acres; rateable value, Lady Day, 1912, £I2I,555
a..m. & 2.40 p.m.; dispatched at 11.20 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Chairman of the Board of Guardians, John .A. Everson
sundays, arrive 7-IS a.m.; dispatched 10. a.m. Pillar Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Alben
Letter Boxes, near the Railway station, cleared at E. Scarlett, Union offices, Pulham St. 'Mary Magdalen
n.Io a. m. & 5-.~5 p.m.; sundays at g. 10 a.m.; Cole- Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, at 'Messrs. Barclay & Com-
gate End, .cleared at 8 a. m. & 4 p.m.; sun. 8 p.m pany's Bank Limited, Diss
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Relieving Officers, Western district, William Seagon
Cemetery, Robert Borrett, clerk Lusher, Oakdale, Gissing Common, Diss; Eastern
Cemetery (Nonconformist), Coles Common, Robt. Bor- district, William Robert Palmer, Rose cottage, Mend-
rett, clerk ham lane, Harleston
Fire Engine Station, Wilham Roope, superintendent Vaccination Officers, The Registrars of Births & Deaths
Home of Detention fur Children, George Shepherd, police Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district,
constable in charge C. A. 0. Owens M.D. Long Stratton; No. 2 district,
Gilbert Holland Ransome, Bungay; No. 3 district,
DEPW ADE RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Wilfred Howard L.R.C.P.Edin. New Buckenham; No.
The parishes in the District are the same as in the 4 district, Legge Paulley M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin.
Union, with the exception of Diss. The area is 79,742 South house, Pulham Market; No. 5 district, Hugh
acres; the population in IQII was 19,934· M. Speirs M.D., Ch.B.Edin. Diss; No. 6 district, John
Council meets at the Workhouse on alternate mondays Charles Reynolds Robins-on M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.
Land. Harleston; No. 7 district, Hugh Rober~ 8.
at Io a.m.
Chairman, John A. Everson, Harleston Webb-Ware M.A., L.R.C.P.Lond. & M.R.C.S.Eng.
Saxlingham; No. 8 district, George Lowe M.D., C.~.
Wymondham; No. g district, .Arthur L. Vaugh~
Clerk, Albert Ed ward Scarlett, Union offices, Pulham St.
Mary Magdalen L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. Diss
Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Barclay & Company's Bank The Workhouse, on the Norwich road, is a structure ot
Limited, Diss brick, erected in 1836, & was built to hold 500 inmates,
Medical Officer of Health, John Charles Reynolds Robin- the average number in the house being 200; Rev. s_
son M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Harleston Fellows, chaplain; C. A. 0. Owens M. D. medical
Surveyor, Wm . .A.Read, Stratton St.Mary,Long Stratton officer; llarry George Smith, master; Mrs. Smith,
Assistant, F. Gibbons, Long Stratton matron
Sanitary Inspector, Charles W, White wood, Pulham St. Children's Home, at Long- Stratton, certified for 14
Mary the Virgin children ; Miss Lilian R. Evans, foster mother


Board. day at 10.30 a. m. alternate mondays at the Superintendent Registrar, Albert Edward Scarlett, Union
Pulham workhouse. offices, Pulham St. Mary Magdalen; deputy, Arnold
On March 25th, 1902, the union of Guiltcross was Plumrner, Long Stratton
abolished, the parishes of Bressingham, Fersfield, Ray- Ragistrars of Births li; Deaths Diss, William Seagon
don, Shelfanger & Winfarthing being added to Dep- Lushu·, Oakdale, Giasing Common, Diss; deputy,
wade union Herbert H. Maling-, Diss; Stratton, W. R. Palmer,
The union comprises the following places :-Alburgh, } Harleston; deputy, Thomas R. Potter, Long Stratton
wellthorpe, Aslacton, Billingford, Bressingham, Brock- Registrars of Marriages, A. J. Lusher, Diss; deputy, .Alfd.
dish, Bunwell, Burston, Carlet on Rode, Deuton, Dickle- Cooper, Diss; W. R. Palmer, Harleston ;. deputy,
burgh with Langmere, Diss, Earsbam, Fersfield, Forn- Thomas R. Potter, Long Stratton
CPtt St. Mary, Forncett St. Pet€r, Fritton, Funden-
hall, Gissing, Moulton, Hapton, Hardwick, Hempnall, Non-Provided School (mixed), with master's residence,
Morningthorpe, N eedham, Pulham St. Mary Magdalen, erected in 1852 & enlarged in IQIO, for r8o children;
Pulham St. Mary the Virgin, Redenhall with Harleston, average attendance, 141; Wm. H. Pumfrey, master;
Roydon, Rushall, Scale with Thorpe Parva & Frenze, Miss Catherine Bleet, infants' mistress
Shelfanger, Shelton, Shimpling, Starston, Stratton St. Railway Station, Alfred Ernest Woods, porter in charge

PBIVATE RESIDENTS. r Blackburn Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Hart Albt. Hy. seedsman, White hr:
.Allen Thomas Street & Hill farms 1 Jackson Williarn Vince Barnard,tailor
Borrett Robert Borrett & Son, auctioneers & valuers King William, farmer
Chambers Frederick C Borrett Frederick Robert, assistant. King-Fisher Clare, frmr.Greshaw grn
overseer & clerk to the Parish King-Fishe,. Robt. farmer, Coles Cam
Dolma.n Philip Wm. Julian's farm
Council, & auctioneer & valuer Lait Ida (Miss), private school
Fellows Rev. Spencer J.P. (rector, &
rural dean of Redenhall & surro- Borrett Robert F.S . .A. clerk to the Leggett George, farmer & landowner,
gate & chaplain of the war khouse), commissioner!! of taxes, accountant, Pulham hall
Rectory auctioneer & valuer, public auditor Martin David, shopkpr. Colegate end
Goldsmith Philip unde.r Friendly Societies Act 1Moore James, farmer
Grafton Hugh Herbert, The Limes Boughton James, thatcher More Elizabeth Mary (Mrs.), farmer.
Jenkins Miss Brown George, farmer, Colegate end Seamer farm
'Cemetery (Robert Borrett, clerk) Mullenger Robt. farmer, Colegate end
Kenning Miss
Cemetery (~onconfo:rmist) (Ro bert Out:lavv & Son, butchers, game &
Outlaw John Maidwell, The Beeches
Paulley Legge, South house Borrett, clerk), Coles Common poultry dealers & farmers;
Pearson Rev. Herbert (We-sleyan) Clarke William, farmer branches at Pulham St. Mar:.
Wailer Mrs Coils William, farmer, Bush Green Harleston & Dickleburgh
Cook Henry, builder Paulley Legge M.R.C.S.Eng.,L.R.C.P
Cook Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Edin. physician & aurgeon & med•
Crisp John, saddler cal officer & public vaccinator, N••
Aldrich & Bryant, grocers, drapers & Crisp John Benjamin, farmer 4 district, union, South hl
general outfitters (Frederick C. Dade Hannah (Mrs.), blackt!mith Piercy Henry Robert, boot maker
Chambers, manager) (letters should be · addressed Reading Room (Lewis Blackburn,
Andrews Alfd. Thos. frmr.Coles Corn Wacton, Long Stratton) hon. sec)
Andrew.11 Stphn. Jn.farmr.Manor farm Eastern Counties Building Society Reeve Herbert William, ironmonger
Bailey Alfred, shoe maker (Robert Borrett, agent) & tnnith
:Baker Charles, blacksmith Fickling George, Queen's Head P.H Rix Albert Edward, saddler
Baldry William Herbert Olonzo, Foulger Hubert James, farmer, Roberta Thomas James, fa..,rmmer c\
farmer, North green (potJtal ad- Greshaw green landowner, Bush Green
dress, St.Mary the Virgin) Garrard Geo. Allan, grocer & draper Roope Charles, fruit grower
Barnard Lazarus, farm bailiff to the Goldsmith Horace Henry, farmer & Roope William, builder & contractor,
Rev. Spencer Fellows J.P landowner,. Selwyn iarm maker of open air revolving Bhelten
Barler James (exors. of), farmers Gowing Thomas William, Crown P.H for consnmptivBR, parish ~erk 1:
Baxter William, farmer H~rris Charle1, farmer & landowner 8uperintendent of fire engine .tation
Bean William, farmer Harris James, pig- dlr. Colegoate end Salter Ja8. & Mary Ann (MU!s),f1mn
Biggs Fredk. Wm. farmer, White ho Harris Stepben, fatmer, Rookery farm

~lett Albert Edward, clerk to the , Sillett Fredk.glove maker & hair drssr Stannard John, coal dealer
guardians & assessment committee Smith Helen Lucy (Mrs.), farmer, Wailer George, baker & confectioner
of Depwade union &· clerk to the Moat farm, North Green Wailer Thomas, beer ret. Bush Green
Rural District Council & snpt. Smith James Samuel, farmer, Wier Albert, Falcon P.H
registrar Depwade district, Union Gothic farm Wier Florence (Miss), private school
offices Stannard Edward, farmer Wilson John, farmer
PULHA:M ST. :MARY THE VIRGIN is 8 parish Green. The charities include W. Pennoyer's of £5 yearly,
:and pleasant village, with a station on the Waveney paid out of a farm belonging to the Governors of Christ's
Valley branch of the Great Eastern railway, 3 miles Hospital. By an order of the Charity Commissioners,
north-west from Harleston, in the Southern division of dated Och. 28, 1899, the income of the town lands is
the county, Depwade union, Earsham hundred and divided into two portions, the eccle~iastical and the non-
petty sessional division, county court district of Har- ecclesiastical. From the entire estate, valued at £52 I2S.
leston, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of Nor- per annum, £m 9s. is paid annually to the former. The
folk and diocese of Norwich; a stream, locally known as tuwn lands are let to the poor in allotments of i an acre,
"''The Beck," flows through the parish into the river at a rent of Bs. 6d. each, and the collective rents are
Wa.veney. The church of St. Mary is a building of applied to various parochial purposes. The common land
i>tone and flint, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, con- has been inclosed under an Act of Parliament passed in
sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, vestry, south-west 1838. Here are the extensive maltings of J. Rutter
porch and a lofty embattled western tower containing a and Co. The trustees of the late George Copeman esq.
clock and 8 bells, including two erected in Sept. 1895, are lords of the manor. The principal landowners are
at a cost of £8o: the porch is ornamented with various the Governors of Christ'8 Hospital and Col. S. Patten,
carved work, and on the top are five figures curiously of Clanricarde gardens, London W. The soil is mixed ;
carved: some of the windows retain fragments of ancient subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat,
stained glails, one dating from 1380, and another, called barley, oats, peas, beans and roots. The area is 3,029
the "Apostles'" window, from 1420, besides nine other acres; rateable value, £3,927; the population in I9II
stained windows : in the chancel are double piscinre ancl was 738.
sedilia, and there is a piscina. in the south aisle: there Sexton, Samuel Thomas Riches.
:are tablets to Thomas Inyon M.A. who died March 20. Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss Bertha ElizabethPalmer,
1777, and Margaretta Maria, his wife; and to John sub-postmistress. Letters received through Harleston
"Swann, surgeon, d. Aug. n, 1792 : the organ was pre- arrive at 6.55 a.m. & 2.25 p.m.; dispatched at 11.40
-sented by Miss Bond, in memory of her father, thP Rev. a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, dispatched at Io.Io a.m
Richard Bond M.A. rector from 1858: in 1886-7 the Pillar Letter Boxes.-Near the Baptist chapel, cleared at
~hurch was thoroughly restored, when a. new roof wa~ 6.15 p.m. week days; sunda.ys, 9.30 a. m; Sweeting's
.erected at a. cost of £9oo, 8 vestry added, the western Green, cleared at 8.20 a.m. & 4.50 p.m. week days &
gallery removed and the tower arch opened : the chancel 8 a.m. on sundays; Railway station, 11.30 & 6.10
-screen, which is adorned with paintings of saints, was p.m. week days only
carefully restored, d~corated and regilt, and a new oak Police Station, Charles Thompson, acting sergeant
pulpit and lectern erected, the whole being carried out Pennoyer's Free School (mixed), formerly the St. James
under the direction of Mr. G. F. Bodley .A..R.A., F.S.A. Guild chapel, was endowed in 1670 by William Pennoyer
architect, of London, at a total cost of £5,ooo: there esq. with I-I5th the profits of the manor, for the master
.ai"e 350 sittings. The register dates from the year 1538. of the parish school, but owing to the difficulty in find-
The livinQ" is a rectory, net yearly value £420, with 32 ing the exact amount, it was some years ago exchanged
.acres of glPbe and residence, in the gift of the Crown, for 8 acres of land, on the South green, allotted at the
and held since 1895 by the Rev. Charles Carthew Wake- inclosure to the lord of the manor, & now let for
field M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford. Here is a £n yearly; the school has been enlarged for 126
flaptist chapel, erected in I 843, for 300 persons; attached children; average attendance, I Io; Albert Pleasants,
it! a Sunday school, enlarged in 1899, and a burial master
ground. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel at North Railway Station, Fredk. Waiter Wright, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Daniel, farmer, Rookery farm, Maye·s Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments,
Baxter M:rs. The Retreat South Green Crendahr
"Bennett Col. Adrian, The Grange Brow!l Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Miller Anna Clarissa (Mrs.), apart-
"Brown Miss, The Vine-s North Green ments, Angle villa
·Butcher Miss Canty Jn. Robt. farmer, North Green Mullenger Clarence, blacksmith
Crang Misses, Ingleside Carman Sydney Herbert, farmer, Neave Ernest Gordon, farmer, Ivy ho
Eade William The Hall Outlaw & Son, butchers; &; at Pul-
Forrest Mrs. Harolds CattPrmole Albert Rice, baker ham Market, Harleston &; Dickle-
Leeds Mrs. Brook home Chapman Waiter, shoe maker burgh
O'Shea Miss, Beverley cottage Danby Daniel Isaac, farmer,Church fm Owles Herbert C. farmer, Home farm
Rntter William Gowing, The Fir~ Day Rosina (Mrs.), shopkeeper Palmer Alfred Waiter, reporter
Wakefield Rev. Charles Carthew M.A. Gooderham Francis Job, farmer, Palmer Ellen Mary (Mrs.), grocer
(rector), Rectory Crossingford farm Parka James Wm. farmer, Hill farm
-walne Mrs. St. Mary's Gowing Harry Edward, farmer, Parke William, farmer, The Beeches
North farm Rich e.; Saml. Thos. shopkpr. & sexton
COMMERCIAL. Gowing Thomae, Maid's Head P.H Rutter J. & Co. maltsters; & at
..Adcock Arthur, farmer, South Green Howlett James, beer rtlr. & whlwrght Ditchin.gham
Adcock Frederick, farmer Hurren William J. farmer, Town farm Saunders Robert David, grocer &
Adcock Robert, farmer, Garlic Street Johnson Harry David, farmer, Garlic draper & assistant overseer
Alden John, farmer, North Green Street Thrower Herbert, farmer, North Grn
_Alexander Edwd. David, wheelwright Lawes Jas. Edwd. frmr. Asten's farm Tooke Fredk. pork butcher,Norlh Gn
Baldry William, farmer, North Green Leftley Charle!!, farmer Webb Alfyed, farmer
Bolton Arthur, farmer, North Green Leist Edward, farmer, Kemp's farm Webb Harry, fishmonger
Brice Charles Thomas Pinder, King's Leist Fanny (Miss), dress maker Whitewood Chas. W.sanitary inspctr.
Head P.H Lincoln Thos.farmr. Up. Vannce.s farm Depwade Rural District Council
Brown Charles, shopkeeper Martin Henry, farmer, North Green Youell Henry, bricklayer
QU ARLES is a parish adjoining Holkham, about 4 sole landowner. The soil is a rich light loam, on marl
miles south-west from Wells station on the Great Eastern and gravel; the whole is farmed by Mr. William
railway, in the Northern division of the county, Walsing- Hudson. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
ham union, North Greenhoe hundred and petty sessional turnips. The area is 596 acres; rateable value, £656;
division and Walsingham county court district. It had the population in 19II was 31.
formerly a church, but this was in ruins as lQng ago as Letters received through Wells arrive at 8.30 a.m. &
r570; some traces of ruins, supposed to be the remains 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30 a. m. & 4 p.m. North
of the church, are still discernible near Quarles farm. Creake is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
The Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.M.G., J.P. is the 2! miles distant
Hudson William I . Blyth Henry, farm bailiff to William Hudson esq
QUIDENHAM is a parish and picturesque village in and Shropham petty sesSional division, Guiltcro!l.\l bun-
a valley I! miles south from Eccles Road station and 5~ dred, Wayland union, rural deanery of Rockland (South
south from Attleoorongh station, both on the Thetford division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich.
and Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, and The church of St. Andrew, standing on a slight elevation
10 north-east from Thetford, in the Mid division of the at a short distance west from the Hall, is an edifice
county, county court district of Attleborough, Guiltcross chiefly in the Early English style, consisting of chancel,
DIRICTO~Y ., NOR~·oLK. a.&swo.bTa wiTs PA,xwol\Ta. 417
·nave of four bays, !!outh aisle, north transept and a I was erected in x887, at a cost of £370: imbedded in
western tower of flint and stone, round at the base, with the vestry wall are three Saxon pillars which probably
an octagonal belfry stage and spire containing a clock formed part of the base of an ancient font: the church
and 8 bells; the tenor, weighing x6 cwt. was presented was reseated with open benches about 1857, and hM
in x8gx by Lady Louisa Charteris and Mr. and Lady ISO sittings. The register dates from the year 1538.
Augusta Noel, as a memorial to General George Thomas, The living is a rectorv, with that of Snetterton annexed,
6th Earl of .Albemarle, d. 1891: the south porch is Nor- joint net yearly value" £4oo, including 6o acres of glebe,
man: the chancel retains a piscina and triple sedilia: with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Albemarle,
there is a marble tablet to the Lady Sophia (Keppel), and held since 1883 by the Rev. Edward Southwell
eldest daughter of William Charles, fourth Earl of Albe- Garnier M.A. of University College, Oxford, and surro-
marle, and wife of Sir James Macdonald bart.; she died gate. The high road from the church to Kenninghall,
in 1824; and two others to the Holland family, dated a. mile in length, is lined with thorn and other trees,
1679 and qoo: there is also a memorial window to .Angus- which form an unbroken canopied avenue for the whole
tus Frederick, sth Earl of Albemarle, d. IS March, IBSI; distance. Quidenham Hall, the residence of the Earl
Frances (Steer), his countess, d. x6 May, x86g; William of Albemarle C. B., K.C.V.O. is a large mansion of red
Charles, 4th Earl of .Albemarle, d. 30 Oct. 1849; and to brick, with a portico on the eastern front, supported
Lady Mary (K~ppel), wife of Samuel Charles Whit bread by four lofty circular columns; it stands in a well-
esq. d. 20 Sept. 1884: the stained east window is a timbered park of 320 acres, in the midst of which is
memorial to the Rev. the Hon. Edward Southwell Keppel a barrow, surrounded by lofty Scotch firs: there is also
M. A. rector here and canon of Norwich, d. I Dec. 18B4: in the park a. mere of 7 acres, affording excellent fish-
the reoredos was given in x885 by the Lady Elizabeth iug. The Earl of Albemarle is lord of the manor andt.
Clements, and the altar-cloth by the E:ii,rl of Leitrim: owner of the whole parish. The soil is light; subsoi~ ..
th~ brass eagle lectern was presented in 1885 by the late marl ll.nd clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and,,
EaT! of .AlbffiUarle in memory of Susan (Trotter), late oats. The area is x,x42 acres; rateable value, £r,~oo,;::_­
Coountess of .Albemarle, d. 3 Aug. x885: there are also the population in xgox was 128 and in xgu was 100. ·
memorial brasses to Lady Caroline Gamier, wife of the Sexton, J ames Bunn.
Very Rev. Thomas Garnier, dean of Lincoln, d. May 26, . . .
t8g8; to Lady Augusta Noel, youngest dll.ughter of the Post, M. 0.: T. & Telephomc Express Dehvery Office.-_
lEarl of .Albemarle, d. 31 Jan. 1902; to Admiral of the Robert El,e,. sub-postmaster. Letters thr_ough .Att1e-
Fleet the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel G.C.B., O.M. d. 1 7 borough arnve at 5-4S _a.m. &,4 p.m.; d1spatched at ,
Jan. 1904; and one placed in the -church by the Earl. rx.zs a.m. & 7· 15 p.m., sunda)S, 7· 15 p.m
and Countess of Albemyle in memory uf George Alien Public Elementary School (mixed), for 70 children;
as a recognition of 45 years' fcaithful service: the organ average attendance, 48; Mrs. Marion Collins, mistress
Albemarle Earl of C. B., K.C.V.O., rGarnier Rev. Edward South well M.A. Burroughes Chas. Fitzpatrick,resident
D.L., J.P. Quidenha.m hall; & 3'9 (rector & suiT'Ogate), The Rectory estate agt. to the Earl of Albemarle sq~ .& Guards' 'Club, COJ.DlERCIAL. Eke Robert, blacksmith, Post office
London S W •Blofeld & Burroughes, estate agents Flatt Thos farmr. QuidenhamHall fm
Burroughes Charl-es Fitzpatrick, The to the Ead of .Albemarle, The Hanton Charles J. estate clerk of the Cottage 1
works to the Earl of Albemarle
RACKHEATH., o.riginally two ,puishes called Gt-eat Cambridge. Rackheath Hall, a splendid mansion, en-
and Little, but new a ooasolidated parish and larged and embellished by the late Sir Henry Josias,
small village, is 2 mil!liJ west from Salhouse statiM~ on Stracey hart. stands in the centre of a well-wooded
tho Norwich aad CromElll' branch CJf the Great Eastern park of 2so acres, and is the property and residencs mf
railway ani. 4 mil~ !Hl'rth-east f11om Norwich, in the Sir Edward Paulet Stracey bart. who is lord of U1:e· .
Eastern divisian -ef the oou.nty, Ta~rham hundred. and manor and principal landowner. The soil is sand and!
petty sessional d.i¥ision, St. Faith'iJ llilli.on, Norwich eounty gravel; subsoil, ;;and. The chief crops are wheai,.
cou.;:t dist.rict, l"l:lral deaaery of '.raverham and arch- barley and turnips. The area is 1,992 acres of land and
deaconry and di0eese ei Norwich. The church 4 All 8 of water; assessable value, £1,903; the population in
Saints, which trt:mds in & meadow ~alf a mile fr()ln the xgu was 271.
village, is a imi:l.ding of fli:nt and stone in the Perpen- Sexton, Fred Hudson.
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, Post Office. John William Newstead, sub-postmute:r.
south porch a.D<!I. a westeTK tower containing 3 bells: the Letters arrive from Norwich at 4·5 a. m. & 2.4_s p.m.:
interior of tire ·Church lV.&S restored and reseated with dispatched at S-4o a.m. & 6 p.m. ; sundays; 6 p.m.
oak seats in 1886 at a cost of ,£340; and there are 120 The nearest money order office is at Lower 'Vroxham
sittings, 6o beilll.g free. The register elates from the year & the nearest telegraph office is at Salhouse •
1661. The livi:lllg is a rectory, net y.early value £::1Jl)o, Wall Letter Box, near the School, cleared at a.m.
including 13 al'!res of glebe, with residence, in the gift & 6 p.m. ; sundays, 6 p.m
of Sir Edward Paulet Stracey hart. and held since 1910 Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in rgoB, for
by the Rev. Harry Joseph Adams, of St. John's College, go children; aver.a.ttendance,73 ;Albt . .Archer Eke,mast
.Adams Rev. Harry Josepk (rector), Betts Harry, farmer, Church farm
1 Porter Benjamin, farmer, Dakenham
The Rectory 1
Bough ton Chas.Green Man inn,& frmr Prentice .Albert, farmer
Betts ·Mrs. Harry, The Beeches Dark Reuben, head gardener to Sir Saunders J oseph, gamekeeper to Sir
Stracey Sir Edwa.rd Paulet bart.Rack- Edward Paulet .Stracey bart Edward Paulet Stracey hart
'heath park Head Herbert Jn. farmer,Green farm Symons Arthur, farmer, Hall farm
Arnup William, market gardl"..ler Newstead Jn. Wm. shoe ma. Post off, Thrower James, blacksmith
RAINHAM, see Raynham.
B.ANWORTH WITH PANXWORTH form one scription, c. 1460; the third scroll has on the revers~
parish for civil purposes, althuugh ecclesiastically dis- part of an inscription to -Drye, citizen of Norwich, I5IO.
tinct; Ranworth is 5 miles east from Salhouse station, In 1898 these brasses were loose in the church chest, but
on the Cromer branch, and 5~ north-east fruw Brunda.JJ the stone or casement wruch once held them still re~
station on the Norwich and Yarmouth section of the mains OIJ the floor of the nave. The church affords 140
Great Eastern railway, and 9 nortb-east from .1\"orwich, sittings. The register dates from the year 1559. The
in the Eastern division of the county, Blofield and \Val- living is a vicarage, net yearly value £1so, including u
1ham petty sessional division, Walsham hundred, lllofield acres of glebe. with re.;idence, in the l!'ift of the Bishop
union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery uf of Norwich, and held since 1904 by the Rev. Hawtrey
Blufield and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwieh. TIH J·1mes Enraght M.A. of Oxford University. Ranworth
church of St. Helen is a fine building of flint, in the Gothie Hall, at present (1912) unoccupied, is a. small modern
style of the rsth century, consisting of chancel, nave, mansion with a lawn and extensive shrubberies, and
north porch and an embattled western tower containing overlooks Ranworth Broad, a stretch of water covering
s bcllR: this church contains a magnificently painted and go acres and connected with the river Bure. The
ornamented roud screen, probably unequalled anywhere Priory, situated in the centre of the village, and en-
else in this country; it dates from the 15th century and larged and restored in I87g, is now a farmhouse. John
i;; finely painted on the panels with figures of apostles Cator esq. M.P. of Woodbastwick Hall, is the principal
a1d saints, and on the architectural portions with landowner_ The soil is light mixed; subsoil, gravel and
eia uorate floriated desigm: much ol the ornamental por- sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The
tions is gilt or coloured, and ~ screen is generally in area is 2,23S acres of land, 222 of water and 20 of tidal
good preservation: there is also an ancient and curiously water; rateable value, £2,639; the population in 19II
painted wooden lectern, and three palimpsest scrolls of w&S 318.
brass, having on the obverse, c. 1540, fragments of Parish Cleork, Smith. Jermy.
passages from the Latin Creed; two of the scrolls ex- Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Mallett, sub-postmistress.
hibit on the reverse portions of a fine marginal in- Letters through Norwich arrive at 8.25 a.m. Bo:J:
NORfOLK :1.7

cleared at 3·45 p.m.; no sunday collection. South Public Elementary School (mixed), holds 6o children;
Walsbam is the nearest money order office & Wood- average attendance, 46; Miss Beatrice .Artis, mistress
bastwick, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph office Carrier to Norwich. John Stamford
'Enraght Rev. Hawtrey James M.A. Hood Arthur, farmer (postal address, Starling Sara.h Elizabeth (Mrs.), The
• (vicar), The Vicarage Woorlbastwick, Norwich) Maltsters' inn
Mills Robert James Roofe William, blacksmith Walker W. D. & A. E. ·maltsters
COMMERCIAL. Sexton Samuel, farmer Wharton Waiter, farmer, The Priory
Goose Tho-mas, farmer, Hulver farm Stam£ord J<>hn, oorrier ~

RAVENINGHAM is a parish and scattered village, tury: there are 240 sittings. The register dates from the
4 miles north-east of Beccles station on the Ipswich and year r6rr. The living is a psrpetual curacy, net yearly
Yarmouth section, and 4 south-west from Reedham sta- value £go, and residence (built in r8g2 by, and the
tion on the Norwich, Yarmouth and Lowestoft sections property of the patron), in the gift of N, H. Bacon esq.
of the Great Eastern railway, 3 south-east from Loddon, and held since rgr2 by the Rev. Robert Ernest Sken.e
7 nortb-we:.>-t from Bungay and 13~ south-east from Nor- M . .A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The impropriate
wich. in the Southern division of the county, Clavering tithes have been commuted for £srB ros. 7d. yearly,
hundred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division and belong to N. H. Bacon esq. A college was founded
and union, county court district of Bungay and Beccle~, here in 1350 by Sir John de Norwich, Vice-Admiral of
rural ooanery of Brooke (Eastern division), archdeaconry England, for a master and secular priests and dedicated
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. to SS. Mary and .Andrew; at its dissolution there WeT.e
.Andrew, standing in the park, is a building of stone in 8 canons; the tithes were granted to Sir A. Denny, from
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south whom .the property descended to the Bacon family;.
porch and a round embattled w¥tern tower containing 5 Raveningbam 'Hall, a Georgian mansion of red brick,
bells, two having been aJded ilt r885 and r888 respec- standing in a. park of zoo acres, is the seat of Nicholas
tively by N. H. Bacon esq.: on the chancel floor is a Henry Bacon esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor
brass effigy of Margaret Castyll, d. 148o, and there are and chief landowner. The soiL is mixed; subsoil, brick
also many gravestones to the Cast-ell family dating from earth and sand. The chief c.rops -are wheat, oats and
1593 to 1735: on the south side is a canopy of the 13th barley. The area is ;z,421 acres of land, 2 of water, 14
century, and on both walls are canopied memorials to of tidal water and 3 of foreshore; rateable value £2,570;
the Bacon family, including Sir Edmund Bacon, 8th hart. the population in 1911 was 323.
J. 182o, and his descendants from r8r3 to r885. The Sexton, James Cable.
church was restored in r885 at the expense of the late Post Office.-Walter Charles Warnes, sub-postmaster.
Lady Bacon and Nicholas Henry Bacon esq. when it wa~ Letters through Norwich, arrive at 7.25 a.m. & 3·40
reseated throughout in oak and a stained window in- p. m. (for callers only); dispatched at 7· ro a.m. & 3·35
i!erled by Lady Bacon: it was further restored in 18g8, & 6.25 p.m. week days only. Norton, 1~ miles dis ·
"the total cost, including ths restoration of r885, being up- tant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
-wards of £2,000; the work included a new hammer-beam Wall Letter Hox, Beccles road, cleared at 8.40 &
--{)ak roof, and three new oak stalls for the chancel: a new 6 p.m. week days only
-vestry was also erected at the east end. In r8gg an oak Public Elementary School. with teache-r's house, wa!'l
reredos was presented by Nicholas Henry Bacon esq. built in 1 Bg8, for 84 children, by N. H. Bacon esq. at
The font is a fine specimen of Early English work, and a cost of £r,6oo ; average attendance, 6o; Miss
in the north aisle is a stone coffin lid of the 13th cen- Gertrude Caroline Hoyle, mistress
Baccm Nicho-las Henry D.L., J.P.; Church Henry, head gardener to N. ll. Grice Philip, blacksmith
Raveningham hall; & Carlton & Bacon esq Hoyle Jas. insur. agt. The School ho
Arthur's clubs SW & Naval & Clutt-en Charles, farmer, Brundish frm Mendham John, land agent to N. H.
Military club W, London Cossey John (e:xors. of), farmers, Cot- Bacon esq. & farmer, Hall farm
Bkene- Rev. Robert Ernest M.A. tage farm Mos·s Amo!!!, gamekeeper to N. H.
(perpl'tual curate), The Parsonage Crowe R<>bert. farm bailiff to N, H. Bacon esq
Bacon esq. Wood farm Playfmd Willia.rn, farmer.
CO Mli!I'.R CIAL. Farrow Edmund, farmer & overseer, Read Robt. Russell, farmer, Grove fm
"Benns Goo. marshman & cowkeeper Castell farm Traxon James, marshman
Blyth Thos. farmer. The Syoamores Farrow Edmund, jun. threshing Warnes Walter Charle@, market gar..
Buck Elliss S. farmer, North farm machine owner dener, Post office
Cabl~ James, hurdle maker Farrow Stephen Edmund, farmer & Wharton John, jun. farmer & as~
Cable John, gardener to the Rev. a.ssistant overseer & clerk to Parish sistant overseer for Thurlton,
Robert Ernest Skene Council, College farm Red house
EAST RA YNHAM (or East Rainham or Rainham charity of £5 yearly, the gift of Lady Berkeley, in r617;
St. Mary) is a parish and village, ~~ miles south from a sum -of £6oo, left in July, 1862, by the late rector, is
Raynham Park station on the Midland and Great invested in Consols, and the interest is applied tn
Northern joint railway, and 4 south-south-west from educational pu111ose!!. Raynham Hall, the property oi
Fakenham, in the North Western division of the county, the Marquess Townshend and residence of Sir Sigismund
Gallow hundred and petty sessional division, Walsing- Neumann bart. occupies the site of an ancient moated
ham union and county court district, rural deanery of ball, and is a rectangular mansion of brick and stone,
North Brisley and Toftrees, archdeaconry of Lynn and standing on an eminence, commanding a deli-ghtful view
dioceRe of Norwich. The church of St. Mary, rebuilt at and surrounded by an undulating park, extending over
an outlay of £s,ooo, chiefly defrayed by John Villiers, about Boo acres; it was huilt about r63o for Sir Roger
5th Marquess Townshend, and re-opened in April, r868, Townshend bart. from designs by the famous Inigo
is a building of cut flints, with freestone dressings, in Jones, and contains some very valuable paintings, in•
the Early English and Decorated styles, and consists of eluding the famous picture of "Belisarius," by Salvatol'
chancel, nave, aisles, porches and an embattled western Rosa, presented to the second Viscount by the Margrave
tower with pinnacles containing a clock and 3 b~lls: the of Brandenburg-h. The Marquess Townshend is sols
~hole structure is embattled: in the tower is a l!!tained landowner and lord of the manor. The soil is of good
window, presented by the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Arthur quality. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
Purves Phayre G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., C.B. (d. r885); and turnips. The cottages in the parish of Raynham are-
in the north aisle is a small and peculiar bra!'M!, with all in good condition, the sth Marquess having from
effigy in academical dress, to Robert Godfrey LL.B. a time to time expended many thousand pounds in theii'
former rector, ob. 23 .April, 1522, and another brass to restoration. The parish contains 1,679 acres; rateable
Geurge, son of Roger Townshend esq. c. rsoo; the in- value, .f,I.766: the population in I9It wal!! 139·
terior is seate-d throughout with open benches of carved Parish Clerk, Herhert Southgate.
oak, and affords 'lOO sittings. The register dates from Letter Box cleared at 6.45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. week day~
the year 1539. The living is a rectory, with that of . &; 9-55 a.m. sundays. Letters through Fakenham,
West Rainham annexed, joint net yearly value £524. arrive at 7 a.m. & 6 p.m. West Raynham, about I
including 153 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Marques~ mile distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
Townshend, and held since rgo2 by the Rev. Malcolm ' office
Parker Miller McLean M ..A. of Worcester College, The girls of this pari!h attend the !!Chool at West Rayn~
Oxford. who resides at West Raynham. There is a ham; the boys that at Helhoughton
~eumann Sir Sigismund bart. The Evers-Swindell Lawrence, estate Smith George, gamekeeper to Sir S.
Hall a~ent to Sir S. Neumann bart Neumann bart
COMMERCIAL. Gayford Henry .T ohn. farmer & land Strudwick Harry, gardener to Sir S.
Butcher Arthur Richard (Mrs.), agent to the Marquess Townshend Neumann bart
farmer, Park farm Padgett Henry, blacksmith Tricker Geo-rge Philip, farmer
. 419
SOUTH RA YNHAM (at'> South Rainham or Rain~ 54 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift· of the
ham St. Martin) is a. village and pari!< h. '.2 miles south Marquess Townshend, and held since 1905 by the Rev.
from Raynham Park station on the Midland and G. N. William Henry Johnson M.A. of Hatfield Hall, Durhaml
joint railway and 5 miles south-west-by-south from There is a dole of £3 6s. 8d. the gift of Lady Berkeley.
Fakenham. in the North Western division of the county, The Marquess Townshend is lord of the rnnnor and sole
Gallow hundred and petty sessional division, Walsing- landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, brick ear\h and
~am union and eounty court district, rural deanery of marl. The land is cultivated on the usual four-course
North Brisley and Toftrees and archdeaconry of Lynrt shift. The ar~a is r,a66 acres; rat~able nlue, £923~
and diocese ~rwich. The church of St. Martin is an the population in rgu was u8.
ancient building of stone in the Decorated style, consist- Parish Clerk, Frank Osbiston.
ini of chancel, nave and an embattled western tower
containing one bell: the stained east window is a Post Office.-Alfred Bullock, sub-postmaster. Letters
memorial to Mary, first wife of the Rev. G. J. Ridsdale received through Fakenham, arrive at 7.30 &
M.A. vicar 187r-rgo5, and was erected in r88r by her 6-45 p.m.; dispatched at 6.zo a.m. & 5·35 p.m.; son-
children;. and there is another to Charles De Blaquiere days, arrive at 7·35. a.~. ; dis~atched all 9·4° a. m.
Townshend Ridsdale, a son of the vicar, who died in I West Raynham, I mile distant, 1s the nearest money
1888: thPre are r2o sittings. The register dates from I
order & telegraph office
the year 1740. The living is a vicarage annexe(l tu that r Th·3 girls of this place attend school at West Raynham;.
of Helhoughton, joint net yearly value £255, including the boys that at Helhoughton
Bowden-Smith Frederick Herbt. J.P. Johnson Rev. William llenrv• :M.A. Russell Robert William, farmPr
V ere lodge (vicar), Vicarage Vincent George, poultry dealer
05bif>ton Frank, carpenter & joiner •
WEST RA YNHAM (or West Rainham or Rainham Thomas Dunham Whitakel' LL.D. the celebrated topo ..
St. Margaret) is a parish, 2 miles south from Raynham grapher and antiquary, was born at the old rPctory
Park station on the Midland and Great Northern joint house here. 8 June, I759· The Marquess Townshend
railway and 5 south-west from Fakenham, in the i:; lnrd of the manor and sole landowner. The
North Western division of the county, Gallow hundred soil is heavy ar.d mixed; subsoil, brick earth an•l marl.
and petty sessional division, Walsingham union and The land is cultivated on the usual four-course sbiftoo~
county court dist1ict, rural deanery of North Brisley and Tha parish Clmtains 1,367 acres of land, 25 nf water;
Toftrees, archdeaconry of Lynn, and diocese of Norwich. rateatle value £r,34r; the population in r9II was 272.
The church of St. MargarPt has been many years in Parish Clerk. Berbert :::lonthgate.
ruins: the inhabitants att.Pnd the· church of St. Mary. Post, M. 0. & T. Office.~Miss Sarah Jane Scott, sub.,
at East Raynham. The living is a rectory, consolidated postmistress. Letters received through Fakenham,
with that of East Raynham, joint net yearly value £524, arrive at 7- ro a. m. & 6. ra p.m.; dispatched at 7· ra
including 153 acre~ of glebe, with re~idence, in the gift a.m. & 6. ro p.m.; sundays, arrive 7· 10 a.m. & dis-
nf the Marquess Townshend, and held since 1902 by the patched 9.25 a.m ·
Rev. Malcolm Parker Miller McLean M.A. of Worce!'lter Public Elementary School (girls & infants) for the dis 4

College, Oxford. There is a. Wesleyan chapel here. The trict of East, ~~~est & South Raynham & Helhoughton,
charities include an annual dole of £3 6s. 8d. received out erected by the Marquess Townshend, in r854. ·for 80
•Jf the estate of the Marquess Townshend ; a yearly sum girls & 40 infants; average. attendance, So; Miss Emjly
of £6 r4s. 8d. shared alternately with Helhoughton 'l'mdall, certificated mistress; the boys of this parish
parish; Parker's charity of about [1o yearly and Peter nttenri the school at Helhonghton
tltringer's charity for apprenticing boys. The Rev. Police Station, John Taylor, constable
M cLean Rev, Malcolm Parker Miller) Cla""~:ton William, farm bailiff to T. Parker Thomas & George, bakers
~.A. (rector), Rectory W. Francis esq. Packsfield farm Parker Urban Olley, farmer
Dobin Alfred, Greyhound P.H Scott Sarah Jane (Miss), grocer,
COMMERCIAL. Dyball Ro tert, engineer Post office
Butcher Arth. Richd. (Mrs.), farmer Elgar Ruhert, butcher & farmer ISegon William, boot & shoe maker
Greaves \Villiam, boot & shoe maker
REDENHALL, see Harlest.on.
REDMORE, formerly in this county, has been transferred to Cambridgeshire.
REEDHAM is a parish and village near the borders of held every alternate Tuesday by Messrs. Waters and
Suffolk, with two stations on the Norwich, Yarmouth Son at the rear of the Railway Commercial Hotel.
and Lowestoft sections of the Great Eastern railway, 8 Here are a foundry and brickfield. Reedham Old Hall,
miles south-west-by-west from Yarmouth, 12 south-east the property of Philip Berney Ficklin esq. of Tasburgh
from Norwich, and 120! from London, in the Eastern Hall, is situated near the church ; this estate is noted
division of the county, Blofield and Walsham petty for its heronry, which is considered one of the finest
sessional division, \Yalsham hundred, Blufield union, in the country. Reedham Hall, now the residence of
Great Yarmouth county court district, rural deanery Stanley Kidner e~q. is built on t.he site of an ancient
of Blofield and arch deaconry and diocese of Norwich. castle, a portion of th{l walls and the vaults of which
A branch of the Great Eastern railway, opened May-, are incorporated in the present building. In this parish.
1904, here crosses the river Yare and connects Reedhnm •on the Stimpson estate, there is a heronry. John
with Lowestoft. There is also a ferry here across the William Rose esq. is lord of the manor. Thomas Kidner
Yare. The chUL"ch of St. John the Baptist i~ a build- esq. of HalveTgate, Arthur Stimpson esq. of Arming
ing of flint in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel Hall, Sir Eustace Gurney, of Sprowston Hall, and the
with aisle, nave, north porch and embattled western trustees of the late G. D. Berney esq. of Morton (d.
tower with pinnacles, containing 5 bells: there are r887) are the chief landowners. The soil is light mixed;
several memorials to the Berney family, including a subsoil, sa11d and clay. The chief crops are wheat,
tomb with kneeling effigies to Henry Berney, ob. 1584, barley, oats and hay. The area is 3,321 acres, of which
and two brasses: the church aiiords 250 sittings: in 2,163 are marsh or meadow and the remainder arable,
r895 the churchyard was enlarged by the addition of 31 of water, Bo or tidal water and 24 of foreshore; rate-
half an acre of land adjoining, presented by John able value, £7,032; the population in r9r1 was 825.
William Rose esq. The register of baptisms and burials SPxtcn, Samuel Jame$ Sales.
dates from the year 1758, marriages r?54· The livii1g Overseer & Clerk to Parish Council, Geo. Edwd. Corbyn
is a rectory, with the vicarage of Freethorpe annexed, Post, M. 0. "& T. Office (letters should have Norfolk
joint net yearly value [450, including 128 acres of glebl1, added).-Philip William Browne, sub-postmaster.
with residence, in the gift of the National Church Letters delivered at 7 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched
League, and held since IB7o by the Rev. Carteret Henry at, 5 .so & 9 p.m. w.eek days only; no sunday
Leathes B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. .A delivery of letters. Telegrams are also dispatched
church mission room of iron was erected in r8qg, at the from the Railway station on week days only
cost of the- rector, and has 2oo sittings. Here is a Post Office, Berney .Arms Station.-Thomas John~on.
Primitive Methodist chapel, built in r88r. In rgro a snb-po~tmaster. Letters through Great Yarmouth
domestic training school for children and servants was arrive at 9-I5 a.m.; dispatched 7.30 p.m.; no sunday
established in the parish; it is -supported by voluntary delivery of letters. Reedham, 4 miles distant,. is the
contributions, and a small weekly fee is charged for nearest money order & tele~aph office
each person enterintr the school. This place was one Wall Letter Box, Reedham Hall, cleared at 8.15 a.m. &
of the seats of the kings of .Anglia, and the scene 3- rs p.m. week days only
of the murder of Lothbroch, or Lodbrok, the Dane.
Repo!!itory sales for all kind'S of live and dead stock are
' .
Wall Letter Box Reedham railwav station, cle:Jred ali, 6.20 & 9-30 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 p.m ~ ·
Police Constable, .Albert Steward Reedham forms a Technical centre for education in
cookery, gardening and woodwork; Hallett W. Murfitt.
Public Elementary School (mixed), erected, with residence instructor
for the schoolmaster, in 1871, at a. cost of £930, & Conveyance by Water to Norwich & Yarmouth.-Steam
enlarged in r881 at a cost of £2oo, again enlarged in boats pass daily, summer months only (May to Oct)
1894 at a cost of £loo, for 18o children; average at· Railway Stations.-Reedham, Richard Jesse Read, station
tendance, 150; Hallett William Murfitt, master master; Berney .Arms, Thos. Johnson, station master
(Names marked * postal address Beales Sara.h .Ann (Mrs.), apartments Jones Harry, poultry dlr. Witton <Yrn
Berney Arms Station, Great Yar- Ero~ne Philip Wm. baker, Post office Key John, farm ba*I to Willi:m
mouth.) ~urgess Robert, mal'sh farmer W~Sley Key esq. Oxpit farm
l'TIT\'" ATB l!ESIDE:STS. Cable Frank. decorator Kidner Stanley, farmer, Reedham hall
Brown Frank Chapman _Herbt.Wm. The Eagle P.H King Frederick A. butcher & grocer
Doble Franci!l Carminow, The Firs Conservative Club (Red fern Smith, Liberal Club (Fdk. Howlett, hon. sec)
Evans Miss, ~ill house hon. sec) Mut~en Chas. Jas. farmer, Ferry frm
Hallows Miss, Willow cottage Cooper Edwa.rd, farmer & cattle Mutten Emily .Anna (Mrs.), coal
Harcourt Mrs dealer, Wood farm merchant, Britlae house
Hindle John Cooper Jeremiah, farmer, Holly farm Mutton Benj. Bricl(makers' .Arms P.H
Hindle William Corbyn George Edward, fruit grower, Preston .Arthur Ernest,farm bailiff to
HyltDn William Fredk. Hill crest overseer & clerk to Parish Council Arthur Stimpson esq. Church farm
J ary William Thomas, Hill house Crouch en Herbert, grocer Read Thomas Mat thews, maltster
Jeckells James Wm. The .Anchorage Doble Francis Carminow L.R.C.P. Rredham Dock Go. Ltd. dock owners
Jeffrey .Mr~;. Windsor house Land., M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon Reedha.m Old Hall Domestic Trainin<Y
Johnson Thomas, lv• house Durrant Samuel, new;; agent ~chool (Mis;; Susan Annie Hunt!)~
Kidner Stanle-v, Ree.dham hall Dye Robert John, insurance agent lady supt)
Leathes Rev.· Carteret Henry E.A. Edwards George Hy. Jas. cowkeeper Reeve James, fishmonger
(rector), The Rectory *Farrow John, marshman I Rice Edmund,farm bailiff to Jonathan
Murfitt Hallett Wm. The School ho Forder Geo. beer retailer & ferryman Dawson esq. Grange farm
Norgate Reginald Starling Frosdick Hy. wheelwright & carpentr Rump James G. Railway hotel

Read John J oseph, The ]'\est Ga.rrood Harry, grocer i Sales Samuel J a mE>~, shoe maker
Rogers .Alexander Stuart, The Hove Gooderham Waiter, Ship hotel , Se well Frederick Cla.nde, tailor, out-
Sadd Percy C. The Cottage Gunns Horace, boot repairer ] fitter, grocer, draper & provision
Sutt<Jn Benjamin Harvey Edwd. Jas. Lord ~·Bison P.H 1 me•chant
Whitehead Rev. Edward Ernest Wolff Havlett Ernest, gardener to Stanley, Sewell James Cooper, insurance agent
M.A. Flord<Jn cottage Kidner esq. Hall cottages & assessor & collector of the King's
*Hewitt William, marshman taxes
COMMERCIAL. · dl e J ohn & 8 on, agricultural Stone John, cowkeeper
H 1_n
Early closing da.y, Wednesday. 1mplement makers SuttDn Benjamin Chas. LP. butcher
Able Henry, head gamekeeper to Howard Edward George, fruit, Waters & Son, auctioneers
Stanley Kidner esq chrysanthemum & bulb grower, With-am William, jobbing gardener
Arthurton Henry, blacksmith nurseryman &c
REEPHAM is a small town and parish on the banks Moor House, a mansion of red brick, erected in r89o,
of the Eyn, with a station on the East Norfolk branch of is the residence of Ernest Hudson esq. 1Voolmer
the Grea.t Ea.srtern railway, and is 7! miles west-south-west Rudolph Donati White esq. J.P. of Salle Park, is lord
from .Aylsham, 12 north-west from Norwich, and 126 of the manor and principal landowner. The area of
from London, in the Northe.rn. division of the oounty, Reepham with Kerdiston is 2,497 acres; rateable value,
hundred and pett.y sessional division of Eyn.sford, Aylsham £3,429; the population in 19II was 414.
union and county court district, rural deanery of Sparharn
and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church WHITWELL is a parish to the south of Reepham,
of St. Mary the Virgin is an ancient structnre of flint with a station on the Midland and Great Northern joint
in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisl~. railway, 9 miles west-south-west from Aylsham, 13
south porch and an emba;ttled tower on .the south side, north-west from Norwich and 158 from London by rail,
oontaining 2 bells : in the chancel is a brass with effigies in the Northern division of the county, hundred and
a.nd marginal inscription to Sir William de Kerdiston, ob. petty sessional division of Eynsford, Aylsham union and
1.391, and Cecilia (Bre"\'l"es ), his wife; and there are other county court distr;ct, rm al deanery of Spar ham and
bras5es with inscriptions only to Margaret Camplyn, 1527; archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of
John Jeckes, 1577; Mr. Richard Heyward, r6o8; and St. Michael and All Angels, standing in Reepham
to the Rev. Frederick Field D.D. formerly rectm of the churchyard (which also contained Hackford church,
parish, who was one of the revisers of the Old Testament : previous to its destruction in 1543), is a fine old
under an arch in the north wall of the chancel is the altar ~tructure of flint, with Bath stone dressings, chiefly
tomb of Sir Roger de Kerdeston, ob. 1337: the effigy in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave,
of the knight, which lies on a bed of stones, with the legs south porch and an embattled westem tower in the
cro.,sed, is in armour, the head covered with a ba.scinet, Decorated style, with four pinnacles, and containing 6
from which a. camail descends over the shoulders : the bells and a clock: in the chancel is a memorial tablet
k~ight wear.s a jupon or surcoat and a richly chased belt
to Messenger Monsey, physician at Chelsea Hospital, ob.
with sword and dagger, the right hand is laid on the 26 Dec. 1788, aged 95: the church was restored and re-
sword-hilt and the left arm is thrown across the body, seated in 1894 at a cost of £6oo, and affords 270 sittings.
the hand touching the pebble bed near the right shoulder: The register dates from the year 1584. The living is
the sides of the tomb are arca.ded and have standing a vicarage, with the rectory of Hackford annexed, in
effigies of relatives and children as mourners; the curious the gift of Mrs. Freeman, of High Wycombe, Bucks,
hed of stones on which the knightly figure rests has joint net income £230, with 16 acres of glebe and
been the cause of much perplexity to a!l'tiquaries, by t·esidence, and held since 19II by the Rev. John Bingley
whum variou-s explanations have been offered: an en- Barraclough M .A. of Trinity College, Cambridg-e. The
graving of the tomb appears in "Stothard's Monumental Thomas Enlwer charitie.s, for the two parishes of Hackford
Effigies," and there is a similar tomb a.t Ingham, in this and Whitwell, amount to £28 yearly. The Stephen Leeds
county: the stained east window wa.s given in 1E67 by charin:y, the interest of £5oo, is divided between the
Lhe late Rev. Sir E. R. JodrBli bart. in memory of his de>Serving poor of not less than 65 years of age. Whit-
mother, and there are five others in the chancel, the. gift well Hall, the property of the Springfield trustees, is
of L"ldy Jodrell, and a monument of Italian m<.~rble, erected the residence of W. Duncombe-Anderson esq. J.P.
in 1883, to the memory of the Rev. Sir Eriward B.epps W. R. Collyer esq. I.S.O., J.P. who is lord of the manor,
Jodrell bart. d. 12 Nov. 1882: the chancel was re- and Woolmer Rudolph Donati White esq. of Salle Park,
stored, at the expense of the late Lady Jodrell, by H. J. :ue the principal landowners. The soil is sand and
Green esq. architect, of Norwich: there are 250 sittings. loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
'!'he register dates from the year 1536. The living is a wheat, roots and barley, and some land in pasture.
rectory, with Kerdiston annexed, joint net yearly valne The area is 1,535 acres; rateable value, £2,182; the
£525, including 88 acres of glebe, and residence, in the population in 1901 was 373·
gjft of Trinity College, Cambridge, and held since 1864 HACKFORD-NEXT-REEPHAM is a parish, which in-
by the Rev. Michael Marlow Umfreville Wilkinson M.A. cludes Reepham market place and town. The church,
formerly fellow and assistant tutor of that college, and which stood in Reepham churchyard, was destroyed by
hon. canon of Norwich. .A cemetery of half an acre was fire in 1543 : the parishioners attend Whitwell church.
formed in 1856 for Reepham and Kerdiston, at a cost of The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Whitwell.
£150, and is under the control of a burial board of five Here are Wesleyan Methodist, Primitive Methodist and
members. The charities are of about ~ yearly value. United )lethodist chapels. The charities amount to
about £18 yearly. A cemetery of I, acres was formed I Bawdeswell, Billingford, Bintry, Blicklin~, Booton,
in I856 for Hackford and Whitwell, at a cost of £"2oo, Brampton, Brandistone, Bylaugh, Cawston, Corpusty,
and the Hackford portion is under the control of the Elmham, Elsing, Felthorpe, Foulsham, Foxley, Guest-
Parish Council. The Police Station, in Dereham road, wick, Guist, Hackford, Haveringland, Heydon,
contains magistrates' rooms and offices. In the market Hockerlng, Irmingland, ltteringham, Kerdiston, Lyng,
place is a reading room and library containing about Mannington, Marsham, Mq-tlaske, Mattishall, Mattis-
2,oco volumes. The maiket is held on Wednesday for hall Burgh, Morton, Oulton, Reepham, Ringland, Sall,
cattle, and a fair is held on June 29th and 3oth for Saxthorpe, Sparbam, Swannington, Swanton Morley,
stock and hor\es: a large stock sale is held weekly by Themelthorpe, Thurning, Tuddenham (East), Tudden~
Messrs. E. B. and A. W. Ireland in the New Market ham (North), Twyford, Welborne, Weston, Whitwell,
~01\e ground. Hackford Hall is the property and resi- Wickmore, lVitchingham (Great), Witchingharu
dence of William Robert Collyer esq. I.S.O., J.P. The (Little), Wolterton, Wood Dalling, Worthing
Ollands is the residence of John Anthony Kendrew esq. Meetings are held at Reepham Reading rooms on 3rd
J .P. There are four manors. Mrs. George is lady of the wednesdav •
in each month at I2 o'clock .
manor of Hackford Market, and William John Sadd esq. Chairman, Dr. E. V. Perry
of Norwich, lord of the other three. W. R. Collyer Clerk, Arnold George Beaver, Hackford
esq. of Hackford Hall, and Lieut.-Col. T. Blake-Hum-
frey, of Heggatt Hall, are the principal landowners. PUBLIC EST ..!.BLISHMENTS.
The soil is sand and loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. County Police Station, Hackford, Arth. Green, sergeant,
The chief crops are barley, roots, wheat and hay. The & I constable
area is I,838 acres; rateable value. £2,699; the popula- Hackford .& Whitwell Cemetery, Arnold George Beaver,
tion in rgor was 654. clerk
KERDISTON is" a parish I~ miles north-west. Wool- Reepham & Kerdiston Cemetery, Owen Goddard, clerk
mer Rudolph Donati White esq. J.P .. of Salle Park, who Reading Room & Library, Hackford, Dr. E. V. Perry,
is lord of the manor, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Blake-Hum- treasurer; William Pitcher, sec. & librarian; Edward·
frey, of Heggate Hall, Horstead, Samuel Bircham esq. Gibbs, lwn. collector
J.P. and Messrs. S. W. and H. Bishop are the principal Volunteer Fire Brig.1de, Hackford, Geo. Fisher, captain
landowners. The area is returned conjointly with Hacl{-
ford-next-Reepham. PUBLIC OFFICERS.
Deputy Parish Clerk, Whitwell, John Hawes, Reepham. Assistant Overseer, .Assessor & Collector of Taxes for
Parish Clerk, ~eepham, Owen Goddard. Hackford & Reepham, Arnold George Beaver, Hackford
Post, M. 0. & T. Office, Reepham.-Herbert Rudd, sub- Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, D' Arcy Bedingfeld
postmaster. Letters arrive from Norwich at 5-55 a.m. Collyer, Hackford
& 3 p.m.; dispatched at I2 noon, 5.30 & 7.30 p.m.; ClBTk to Whitwell Parish Council, Fredk. Wm. Freeman
sundays at 4·35 p.m Clerk to the Old Age Pensions Sub-Committee & Local
Wall Letter Boxes, Reepham Moor, cleared at 8.40 a.m. ·Agent to the Board of Trade Unemployment Fund,
4 & 7-IO p.m. daily, except sundays, 8.40 a.m.; Petty- Arnold George Beaver, Hackford
well, 6.45 a.m. & 5·5 p.m.; Reepham station, Inspector of Common Lodging Houses, Arthur Green
a.m. & 3·45 & 7.25 p.m.; sundays, 8.Io a.m.; Whit- Customs & Excise Officer, John Williams, Hackford
well Station, cleared at 9.30 a.m. & 4.40 p.m. on week Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, rst District, .Ayl-
days only sham Union, & Medical Officer, Great Witchingham
District, St. Faith's Union, Edward Verdon Pen}"
8ESSIONAL DIVISION. Registrar of Births & Deaths & Believing & Vaccination
Custance Col. Frederic Hambleton C.B. Weston hall, Officer for the Eynsford District, Aylsham Umon,
\Veston Longueville, Norwich, chairman Edward R. Le Neve, Hllckford
Bircham Samuel esq. Hackford, Norwich Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals
Blake William Heitland esq. Billingford hall, Elmham. Acts" for No. 21 District, F. Bertie Oden Taylor
Blofeld Rev. Robert Singleton M.A. Sparham rectory, . M.R.C.V.S. Reepham
Collyer William Robert esq. I.S.O. Hackford hall f PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Cremer John Edmund esq. Sparham house, Norwich St. Mary Virgin, Reepham, Rev. Canon Michael Marlow
Gay Jame.s esq. Thurning ha.ll, Dereham Umfreville Wilkinson :M.A. rector; 1 I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Hamond Charles Annesley esq. Twyford hall, Dereham St. Michael & All Angels' Church, Hackford & Whit-
Kendrew John Anthony esq. The Ollands, Reepham, well, Rev. John Bingley Barraclough M.A. rector of.
Norwich Hacktord & vicar of Whitwell; I I a.m. & 3 & 6.30
Norris William Edward esq. Wood Norton, Dereham p.m. summer months & I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. in winter,
Watson Innes esq. Swanington court, Norwich Primitive Methodist, Hackford (East Dereham circuit);
White Col. A. V. St. John, Yarrow house, Bintry 10-45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Clerk to the Magistrates, D' Arcy Bedingfeld Collyer. United Methodist, Hackford; 10-45 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Hackford Wesleyan Methodist, Hackford, 10._.5 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Petty Sessions ore held at the Police station, Dereham tues. 8 p.m
road. every third monday at eleven a.m. The places Salvation Armv. various

in the division are :-Alderford, Bawdeswell, Billing- Mission Room (Plymouth Brethren), Towns End, Hack·
ford, Bintry, Brandistone, Bylan:;!h, Elsing, Fonlsham. ford, I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Foxley, Guestwick, Guist, Hackfurd, Haveringland.
Hindolveston. Ker·diston, Lyng, Morton, Reepham, P"CBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.
Ringland, Sail, Sparham, Swannington, Themelthorpe, ' St. Mary, Reepham, erected in 1847, for 6o boys & girls
Thurning, Twyford, Weston, lVhitwell, Witching-ham & 30 infants ; average attendance, so boys & girls &
(Great), "\Yitchingham (Little), Woud Dalliug & Wood 2I infants
Norton Hackford & Whitwell, encted in r86o & rebuilt in I8g4,
.A court for juvenile offenders is held at the office of the for 216 children; average attendance, boys & girls &
clerk to the magistrates on the same days as the infants, 183; William Pitcher, master; Mrs. Pitcher,
petty sessions mistress
LOCAL PENSIO~ COMMITTEE. Great Eastern, Reepham, Harry Youngman,station mstr
The following places are included in the Sub-District:- Midland .& Great Northern (Joint), Whitwell, Robert
Alderford, Attlebridge, Aylsham, Barningham Parva, Charles Bamford, station master

REEPH.!.M. geon & medical ofiicer & public vac-1 Parker J ames, farmer, Moor farm
cinator 5 district, Aylsham uninn Perrv & Berry. surgeons kc
Borld:v Charlotte & Sarab Ann (The Her~d Thom~s MatthPws. maltster
Berry Herbert George MissP-!1<), farmen RPepham & Kerdistrm Cemetery
Eglington Mrs Coller R. & Sons Ltd. coal, corn, cake (Owen Goririard, clerk)
Hudson Ernest. Moor house & salt merchants, Reepham sts- Sharpin & Sons, millers & corn mer-
Owen Temple H. M{)or lodge tion: & at Norwich chants.R'lilway & Elsing mlls
\Vilkinson Rev. Canon Michael Ma.rlow Denis Hv. & Son. chimney swPPper~ Stimpson Edwd. (F. Hurn,manag-er).
Umfreville M.A. (rector), Rectory Dewing Martin Luther, shopkeeper, coal, corn, cakP. manure & pollard
COMMERCIAL. The Moor merchant, G.E.R. station
Early closing day, 'l'hursday. Gillingwake William,farmr.ThP Mror Stoner Edward Thomas. watch maker,
Berry Herbert George (Perry & Berry) Harding-ham Wait. hors!" slnn£!hterer i·'wPllPr & c,·cle IJO'ent
M.R.C. S.E:--.g-., L.R.C.P.Lond. sur- ~a-::'h J::J.. P~a::-1> L:s:J. P.H. The ~:J'l- Ynbm William, shc:-'kp:-. Th"' ~oor
H.A.CKFORD. Freeman Frederick Wm. solicitors' Reepham Minstrel Troupe (F., Hurn,
clerk,& clerk to the Parish Councils hon. sec)
PRIVATE RESIDENTS, of Whitwell & Sparham & tax col- Reepham String Band (F. Burn, hon.
Bircham Samuel J.P. Brewery house lector for Foulsham, Gue~twick, sec)
Bruce Mrs. Hackford house · Themelthorpe, HindolYeston & Riches Leonard Richard, grocer &
Collyer D'Arcy Bedingfeld B.A.,S.C.L Wood Norton provision merchant, china & glass
Collyer William Robert LS.'O., ~LA., Freeston William, coal merchant dealer & wine & spirit merchant
J.P_ Hackford hall; & New Un:ver- Fro~t Harry, grocer & draper Roe Robert, Greyhound P.H
.sity club, London S W Gibbs Edward, ironmonger & seed Rump John .A.. butcher
Eglington Miss, Hackbrd nle merchant, hay, corn & pollard; Self lieorge, plumber l!J glazier
Eglington Miss, The Limes burning oils & methylated spirit .Stoner Edward Thomas, watch maker
Eglington Mrs \.ioddard Owen, florist & market grdnr faylor F. Bertie Oden ~I.R.C.Y.S .
Ken drew John .A.nthony J.P_ The Govrard Geo. George & Dragon P.H veterinary surg-eon & inspector
Ollands Gray Geo. Eglington, boot & shoe ma under the " Diseases of Animals
Le Neve Edward R G-ray Robert, hair dresser Acts" for No. 21 district; & at
Palmer Philip, The Bungalow Hackford & Whitwell Cemetery Weston
Perrv •
Edward Verdou (.A.rnold George Beaver, clerk) Timbers Maria (Miss), laundress
Hall John Ebenezer, saddler,Market p: Vardigans Jacob, gardener
COMMERCIAL Hawes Brothers, carpenters & joinen Watson Frederick, Sun P.H
Alien Robert (late Henry Wm.Allen), Holley Edward, solicitor & commis- White William John, saddler
hand-sewn boot & shoe manufac- sioner for oaths (firm, Purdy &. Williams Jn. customs & excise officer
facturer, Market pl. ; & at Cawston Holley); & at Aylsham & Norwich Wright John (Mrs.), home decorator
Austin Richard Watts, butcher Jarvis Edwa.rd John, farmr. The Vale KERDISTON.
Barber Robert, watch maker Ja.rv~s Walter, farmer, The Vale . Bartle Ahraham {Mrs.), farmer
Barclay & Co. Limited, bankers (sub- Jcnnmgs Percy Thos. fancy repos1try Brown Ge-orcre farmer
branch to Norwich) (H. Temple C. J uby Geo . .A.lfd. tailor & woollen drapr Durrant J am~s' H. farmer
Owen, manager), open mon. & fri. King Wallace Ltd. house furnishers French J W. farm bailiff to Edwin
10 to 3 ; wed. 10 to 4· 30; thurs. Kin~ .William Geor~, King's .Arm~ de Gr~·y Seaman esq. The Oaks &.
10 to 1 ; closed tues. & sat. ; drav family & comml"rcml hotel Kerdiston House farms
on head office, 54 Lombard street, Le Neve Edward R. relieving & vac- Howard Charles William, farmer

'London E C cination officer & registrar of birth~ Howes Robert, farmer

Beaver Arnold overseer, & deaths, Eynsford district, Ayls- Sharpin Fdk. Thos. farmr.Manor frm
assessor & collector of taxes for hum union· :Sharp in John E. farmer
Hackford & Reepham, clerk to Old \Iuttock George, farmer Shreeve John, farmer
Age Pensions Sub-Committee & Overton William Frederick, baker
~ocal agent to Bnard of Trade Un- Page Edward (Mrs.), Cro)'n inn, Si>- WHITWELL.
employment fund Crossways Barraclough Rev. John Bingley fiLA.
Bircham Jesse, chemist & druggist Pask & Sons, high-class tailoring (rector of Hackford & vicar of
Boon .lane (~iss). dress maker establishment, hunting suits & ser· Whitwell), Whitvrell vicarage
Brock Frederick W _ tailor vants' liveries, ladies' riding habits Duncomhe-Anderson W., J.P. Whit-
Cole Isahel (Mrs.). bnker & butcher &c. woollen drapers, hatters & well hall
Collyer D'ArcyBedingfeld B.A., S.C.L hosiers; & at Aylsham, Melton Ebbetts Mrs. Ivy house
solicitor & commissioner fnr oaths, Constable & Lowestoft Hall James
clerk to the magistrates & to the Peck Harry Chas. p-rocr. draper, out- COMMERCIAL-
commissioners of taxes fitter, news agt. & statnr.Market pl Barker Samuel, Foldgate P.H
Dixon James J. cycle maker & mot01 Perry & Berry, surgeons Bark way Edward, frmr. W oodrow frm
car engineer ; motor cars for hire ; Perry Edward Verdon M.R.C.S.Eng., Basham Matthias,farm bailiff to Arth.
& at Aylsha.m L.R.C.P.Loud. (l'erry &, Berry), Stimpson esq. Hall & Leeds fanns
Eglington Sidney Parker, aari- surgeon, & medical officer & public Cremer George Wyndham, farmer,
cultnral engineer, general smith & vacr·inntor for ist district, Aylsham Valley farm
agricultural implement agent, nnion & 'mNlical officer,Great Witch- Eglington Sewell William, farmer
g-eneral & furni!"hing ironmonger & ;ngham district, St. Faith's union&: Frankland James, farmer
tinsmith, machinist, wheelwright & Sparham district, Mitford & Laun- Freeston William, coal merchant
cart & wagon builder; oil engine• ditch union Green John Spaul, farmer
fixed & repaired~ press correspon- Purdy & Holley, solicitors & commis- Hall Waiter, farmer, Jordan green
dent for the district sions for oaths; & at Aylsham & Holmes Robert, farmer
Fishel' George Ephraim, grocer, tea Norwich Howes George F. farmer
dealer & provision merchant, Read T. M. maltster Lane James, farmer
general draper, hatter. outfitter &c Reading Room & Library (Dr. Perry, Pummell Sidney, beer retailer
Ford William John. baker treasurer; William Pitcher, sec. & Starling William, farmer
Fowles Arthur, hair dresser librarian, Edwd.Gibbs,hon.collectr) i Wilton Robert, Star P.H
REPPS, see Nort.hrep-ps and Southrepps. ,
ltEPPS-with-BASTWICK is a parish and ~mall Methodist chapel, erected in IB56, and rebuilt in 1907.
village near the Hickling navigation, ~~ mile,s SQutb from , At the inclosure in I8o8, 19 acres of mars-h land wer"
Potter-Heigham station on the Midland and Great allotted to the poor, The Bridge hotel, close to the
Northern joint railway, 10 mile!l north-west, from Yar- river Thurne, has every accommodation for risitors and
mouth, in the Eastern division of the county, incorporated mutorists~ garage, stabling &c. Edward Henry Evans-
hundreds, petty sessional division, and incorporation of Lombe esq. who is lord of the manor. Mrs. Palm er.
East and We~t Flegg, county court district of Grea.t Yar- of Cromer, and Mr. Julius Starling are the principal
mouth, rural deanery of Fleg,g and archdeacom y and landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The
diocese of Nnrwich. The chnrch of St. Peter, at Repps, chief. .crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
i8 a small edifice of flint ia 'iilm Early English style, con- ~.249 acres of land, 8 of water and x of tidal water;

listing of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled assessable value, £I,433; the population in 19II was
western tower cylindrical at the. ba-se, with an octagonal · 294. . .,
npper st.age and oont.aining 3 bells: the church was Bastwick is a. hamlet half a mile north; here was
partially restored in 188r, and since thoroughly restored formerl,· a church, nuw in ruins.
at a tot::tl cost -of £700, and now affords r2o sittings. Th6 Parish ClerK., Thomas William Wright.
register date.. from th!ll year r_<;63. The living is a vicar-
age. net yearly value £130, including 4 acres of glebe, Post Oflice.-Charles Flowerdew, sub-postmaster. Let-
in the gift of the governors of King Edward VI. Grammar ters from Great Yarmouth arrive at 7-50 a.m. k 4.30
School, Norwich, and held since 19II by the Rev. Lewis p.m. & dispatched at 7.50 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; no
Meadows White M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, sunday delivery. The nearest money order & tele~
who is also vicar of and resides at Potter-Heigham. The graph office is at Potter-Heigham,. I~ miles .south
impropriate tithes, commuted at [4oo, and 33 acres Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1879, at a
flf gl~hP, are' held by the patrons of the living, who pay cost of £3oo, & enlarged in r895, at a cost of £gr., .&
the vicar a stipend of £125 ; £4 is received from glebe again in 1908 for 54 children; average attendance~ 50~
and 12s. tithe rent-charge. Here is a small Primitive Mrs. E. A. Marshall, mistress
Kidman Harry, Grove cottagP Balls James, market gardener Dean Robert, market gardener
Marshal! Herbert Chas. The Hollies Cossey :Maria (Mrs.), White Hart inn Dean Sidney Thomas, blacksmith
COllllERCIAL. Cross Charles J. farmer, Manor ho J Flowerdew Charles, shopkpl'. Post off
Addy Geo. farmer & assist. overseer Dean Harry, farmer Grimble Emily (Mrs.), aparlmenta
Grimble Joshua, market gardener Pratt H ubert, ea ttle dealer, Bastwick & river Thurne ;o garage &c.. &c.
Gunns Horace, market gardener Old Tower (postal address, Potter Heigham)
Johnson Elizabeth (:Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith Harry, Bridge hotel; every Starling- Julius, farmer & landowner,
Kidman Harry, farmer, Bastwick accommodation for visitors & motor· brick mercht. & steam barge owner
Linford William, farmer ists; motor, sailing & rowing boats Thain Joseph, wherry owner
Mitcht>ll J ames, farm steward to the for hire on river;; & broads ; close Wright Thomas ,V. market gardener
exors. of G. :M. Beck, Hall· farm t(} Potter Heigham railway station & parish clel'l~
Neve Ch:~rles, cattle dealer & farmer
REYMERSTON is a parish and village, about I! miles there is also a fuel allotment oi 15 aeres, prollu.:ing _iq..
south-wes·t frum Thuxtou station on the Wymondham and Lo.rd Cranworth, of Grundisburgh, who is -lord of the
Derebam section of the Great Eastern railway, and 5~ manor, and Mrs. Press are the chief landowners. The
suuth from Dereham, in the Mid divisiou of tl.J.s L'OUilt), Hall, a modern 1nansion of brick, standing in well_..
Mitford and Launditcb pelity ses.siunal di\·ision and union, wooded grounds, and the property of Mrs. Press, is
Dereham county court district, rural deanery of Hingham now occupied by Col. R. C. Hare C.B. The soil is
(Mitford division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of mixed; sub~oil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
Norwich. '!'he c!Jun:L uf :5t. l'"ter is a structure ul flint and turnips. The are:1 is r,648 acres; rateable value,
in various styles, dating from the close of the 12th cen- [r,754; the population in I9II was 2S9·
tury, and consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porcll Sexton, J ames Goldhawke.
and a wes·tern tower containing 5 bslls: the ea,st window
is filled with very fine Flemish glass, and the communion Post Office.· John Shirras, sub-postmaster. Letters
rails are also old Flemish work: there are 350 -sitVings, received through Attleborough arrive at 7· 15 a.m. &
200 being free. The register dates from the year IS59· 2.45 p.m. Box cleared at 6.3o p.m. on week days &
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £ 26o, including 9·45 a.. m. on sundays. Thuxton is the nearest money
17 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Loru order & telegraph office, I' miles distant
Cranworth, and held since 1899 by the Rev. Charles Henry Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1844 by
Winter M.A. of Clare Cullege, Cambridge. The church members of the Gurden family, for 40 children; aver-
lands comprise 12~ acres, and produce £rs yearly: the age attendance, r6; Mrs. Alice Mortimer, mistress.
charities amount. to 12~. yparly, viz. ca,ley Pightle ss. and A few of the elder children attend the school at
Mow ling's Dole of 7s. to be spent in coal for the poor; Garvestone
Hare CoL Richard CharL-~s C.B. Rey- 1 Clarke Ellen (Mrs.), Black Horse P.H Hutson Robert, blacksmith
merston hall Clarke John, farmer John son Alfred, painter
Tbeohald George Edward Crane John, farmer Mortlock John, farmer, North Gre~n
Winter Rev. Charles Hy. ~LA.. Rectry Fuller George, farmer, Blackwater Ransome Robert, beer retailer
COMAIERCIAL. Greenwood Matthew, farmer Saunders John, farmer
Beckett John, farmer High Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmPr, Old Shirras John, shopkpr. Post office
Bmwn Joseph Henry, farmer hall & Church farm Spinks William, farmer
Cary Louis, farmer I Houchen Wm. farmer, North Green 1 Theobald George Edward, farmel"
RIDDLESWORTH is a parish on the Little style, standing in a well.wooded park of 176 acres, was
rivsr and un the borders of Suffolk, s miles south from destroyed by fire in IB98, but rebuilt in Igoo in the
Harling Road station on the Thetford and Norwich sedion Classic style, from designs by Mr. H. Green, of Norwich,,
()f the Gre<tt Eastern railway, and 6 east..of The.tford, in aud is the property and residence of William Needham
the Mid division of the connty, Guiltcross and Shropham Longden Champion esq. J .P. lord of the manor and sole·
petty sessional division, Guiltcross hundred, Thetford landowner. The soil is light loam; subsoil, chalky. The-
nni(Jn and county court district, rural deanery of Rock· chief crops are barley and oats. The area is a;,r6T
land (South division), arehdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese acres; rateable value, £648; the population in 19n
of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is an ancient build- was 94·
ing of stone in the Ea-rly English style. consisting of cban- Parish Clerk, Willia.m Tyler.
eel, nave, south porch a.nd an emlmt·tled we,;;tern tower Post Office.-Mrs. Matilda Downing, sub-postmistress.,
containing one bell: there are rso sittings. The register ' Letters received from Thetford, through Garboldis-
dates from the year 1686. The living is a rectory, ham, arrive at 7.1s a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; sundays, arriv~
consolida-ted with thuse of Gasthorpe and Knettishall 7. IS a. m. & dispakhed 9.30 p.m. Hop ton, 3 miles
(Suffolk), joint net yearly value [246, including 6a distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of W. N. L. Wall Letter Box, near the Hall, cleared at 7· IS a.m. &;
Champion esq. and held since r873 by the Rev. John p.m. week days; sundays, 9.20 a.m •
Rohinson Wells, of St. Airians. Riddlt>--BWorth Hall, a fine Public Elementary School (mixed), to hold 30 children~
mansion of white brick with s·tone dressings in the Italian average attendance, 26; :Miss Violet Eowen, mistress
Downing Robert, farm bailiff to W.
PRIY.HE RESI D ENTS. COMMERCIAL. N. L. Champion esq. Riddleswarth
Champion William Needham Longden Butler .Arthur, head gardener to W. farm
J.P. Riddlesworth hall N. L. Champion e.sq Goodingo LacPy Neve, estate agent to
Gpoding Lace:v Neve, The Home farm Cannell Clement, gamekeeper to W. \V. N. L. Champion esq. The Home
Wells Rev. John Robinson, Rectory N. L. Champion esq farm
RIDLINGTON is a parish, 3~ mi;es north-by-ea-st from. the gift of the Earl of Kimberley, and held since 1911
Honinl!' station on the Midland and Grea·t Northern joint by the Rev. Arthur Fitzroy Courtenay Vosper-Thoma~
railway, 4' miles east from North 'V a.! sham, and I4 south· B . .!. of Jesus College, Oxford. The trustees of the late,
east from Cromer, in the eastern division of the county, Mrs. Martin Shepheard are lords of the manor. Edward
Tun.stead and Happing petty sessionn.l division, Tunstead George Cubitt esq. of Honing Hall, and George Williarn..
hundred, Smallburgh union, North Tr"'alsham county court Bush esq. of Walcott, are the principal landowners. The
district, rural deanery of Waxham (Happing division), ~oil is various; subsoil, sartd, gravel and clay. The
archdeaconry and dioces.e of Norwich. The church of St. chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 645-
Peter is a building of flint, consisting of chancel, nave, ~cres; rateable value, [972; the population in I9II was
south porch and an embattled western tower, with figures 223.
of The Four Evangelists serving as pinnadM, and con- Parish Clerk, George Alien.
ta.ining one bell; hunps w~re presenti3d in r885 by the
rector: there is a memorial window to John Webb F~avell, Post Offic!:', Wilton Bridge.--Charles Cole. sub-post·
sov. of the Rev. John Webb Flavell, rector from r8 3 6; master. Letters arrive through North Walsham at
the church was restored in 1884 a.t. a oo.s't of 1,350, and 7·3° a.m. & 2 .10 p.m.; dispatched at 4.15 p.m.; no
in r8 95 three new windows were added at a cost of £ 35 ; sunday delivery. Bacton, 3 miles distant, is the
there are ISO sittings. The register date-s from the year nearest money order & telegraph office
IS57· The living is. a. discharged rectory, net yearly valuP Wall Letter Box, in Ridlington street, cleared at 4
[I2o, including three-quarters of an acre of glebe, in p.m.; no collection on sunday
PRIY.ATE RESIDENTS. Vosper-Thoma:;; Rev . .Arthur Fitzro' Barber Alfred, farmer
OourtenayB..A.(rector),TheWhite he Clements Mary .!nn (Miss), shopkpr
Hobson Rev. William Muskett (vicar Cole Charles, shopkeeper, Post office
of East Ruston & rural dean of COMMERCIAL. l<~ields Henry ~Mrs.), landowner
Waxham & surrogate), Ridlington · Adam.s Charles, farmer , Loads Cubitt, fa1mer
Old rectory Att:Je Alfred, Plough inn I Starling Lewis Samuel, farme?

RINGLAND is a parish pleasantly llituated on the on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway .. and 7
rive::- Wensum, 2~ miles south from .A.ttlebridge station north-west from Norwich, ll:. the Nort3ern divi!iion of. tha
county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional division, 1912 by the Rev. Thomas Plant. The Baptist chapel,
St. Faith's union, Norwich county court district, rural erected in 1889, seats about 2oo persons; a schoolroom
deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry and diocese of adjoins the chapel. The village library is managed by
Norwich. The church of St. Peter is a fine old building the vicar. There are some local charities. Lord
of flint and stone, in the Gothic style of the 15th century, Stafford, who is lord of the manor, and Mrs. Berney,
consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, north and of Morton-on-the-Hill, are the principal landowners. The
80uth aisles, south porch and a lofty embattled western soil is sandy; subsoil, various. The chief crops are
tower containing 5 belli! : here is buried .Angelica, second wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area is 1,230 acres
daughter of Thomas (Richardsun), first baron Cramond of land and 16 of water; assessable value, £951; the
of Honingham; she died 5 Feb. 1716: the nave roof, whi~ population in 19II was 233.
is very elaborate and richly grained, springs from sixteen Parish Clerk, Frank Titlow.
shafts supported upon carved heads, between a series of
Past Office.--Mrs. J. Barber, sub-postmistress. Letters
finely-proportioned clerestory windows : the chancel was
through Norwich, via Drayton, arrive at 8 a.m. & 6.20
restored in 188o, and further repaired in 1901 at a cost
of £200: the church was restor11d in 1887, when the p.m.; dispatched at 8.50 a.m. & 4.20 p.m. ; no sun-
day dispatch or delivery. Drayton, 4 miles distant,
flooring was relaid, the interior re-seated with benches,
is the nearest ::noney order & telegraph office
and part of the tower rebuilt, the whole costing about
£1,800: there are 178 sittings. The register dates from Public Elementary School (mixed) ; school-rooms were
the year 1688, and records the marriage (9 Feb. 1713-14) built in 1873 by the late G. Ducking Berney esq. for
of William (Richardson), 4th baron Cramond, to Elizabeth 120 children; average attendance, 46; Miss Hilda
Daniel, of Norwich. The living is a vicarage. net yearly Tinley, mistress
value £1oo, including 24 acres of glebe and residence, Carrier.=--Herbert Henry Harmer, to Costessey & Nor-
in the- gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held since wich, wed. & sat
Plant Rev. Thos. (vicar), The Vicarge Harrowven George Richard, King of N eve Brothers, farmers
Prussia P.H Norton Edmund James, Swan P.H
COMMERCIAL. Jimby Edward, farmer Plumrner Charles, corn & flour dealr
.A.llison William, laundry Kidd Waiter, market gardener Plum mer J, farmer, Low farm
Cooper Charles, carp!c'nter Long William, farmer, Pitt farm Skeat James, farmer
Hamond Charles Sydney, farmer Medler Waiter, cDwkeeper Village Library
Harmer Herbert HenrY, carrier Neve Richard Ernest, carpenter Water~ Jnmes, carpenter

RINGSTEAD (or Great Ringstead) is a parish nnd are 325 sittings, r8o being free. The register dates from
picturesque village, and is 1~ miles north from Sedgeford the year 1538. The living is a rectory, net yearly value
station on the Hunstanton and West Norfolk section of £45 r, inclllding 142 acres of glebe, with residence, in
the Great Eastern railway, 8 west-by-south from Burnham the gift of Hamon le Strange esq. and held since 1902
M1uket, 2 south-east from Hunstanton, 16 north-by-east by the Rev. Austin le Strange M.A. of Exeter College,
from Lynn and 14 west from Wells, in the North Western Oxford. Here is a Primitive Methodis:t chapel, built in
division of the county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and r867. The charities, under a new scheme of rgo8, were
'Brothercro!!s petty sessional division, Docking union, Lynn amalgamated and produce about £32 16s. annually, which
-county court district, rural deanery of Heaeham, arch- is distributed in the form of coal by four trustees. Hamon
deaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The village le Strmge esq. of Hunstanton Hall, is lord of the manor
is situated near the German Ocean, and is supplied with and chief landowner. The Ringstead· Downs are near
excellent water from wells sunk to u grrat drpth in the this villag;;. The soil is various; subsoil, chalk, gravel
·chalk. There were formerly two parishes, viz., St. Peter's and sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips
.and St. Anclrew's, but in 1771 the churr.h of St. Peter, and mango:ds, with a little grass. The area is 2,753
wit.h the exception of its circular ~orman tnwer. wao~ acres; rateable value, £2,530; the population in 1911
pnllerl down ami the parishes consolidated. The church was 458.
of St. Andrew is an ancient hnilding of "tone and flint, Sexton, Charles Dowdy.
originally in the Decorated style, and consisting of chan- •
cel, nave, so nth porch and a.n ern battled western tower, Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Charles Noon, sub-postmaster.
with short spire, containing a clock 1md one bell: a fine London & other letters through King's Lynn, via
Deeorated pit<cina remains in the chancel: there is also Snettisham, arrive at 6.20 a.m. & 1.35 p.m.; dis-
an ancient brass, with effigy and Latin inscription, let patched at 10.5 a.m. & 5-I5 p.m
into a marble slab: the font is also of early date: there Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1852, .t
are two stained windows a.nd a mural memorial to the en:arged in I 872, for 104 children; average attendance,
Fysh family. of Lynn, 1753-81: the church was enlarged 75; Arthur Shepherd, master; Mrs. Jane S. 0. Shep-
in 1865 by the addition of a north aisle, and the entire herd, infants' mistress
fabric restored at a cost of upwards of .[;3.200: there Carrier to Lynn.-Wm. Kernp, tues. returning same day
Elanchfiower John, Hillside house rlealer, cycle agent & ironmonger, ~fasters John, farmer, Blue Stone &
Gatheroole Williarn, Rose cottage Post {)ffice Serlgerord Road farmR
Hall Ernest Harcourt Grange Bertram J ames, beer retailer Rands Francis, poultry farmer
Hall George 11rrm[!"P .J ilTIIPs, farmer, Ea ~t End fnn Shepherd• Arthur, sch<Jolma8ter,assist-
Kerslake Mrs.Mary Adelaide, TheLodge Hall Alfred & Son, engineer;;, imple- ant overseer, income tax collector &
.le Strange Rev. Austin M . .!. TheRctry nlent agents, brass & iron founders, clerk to the Parish Council
COMMERCIAL. thre>hing machine owners, contrac- Stehbings Ephraim, farmer, see Wil-
"Bartaby Christmas, wheelwright t )rs for cartin~ & hauling by trac- son & Stabbings
{Jhilvers Thoma~, bailiff to George ti·m engine & wagons, & farmers, Wharton llerbert Edgar & Arthur
Sutherland esq Glebe farm Philip, farmers
Clark William, Compasses inn,&frmr Kemp Edward, farmPr \\hurton Raymund, farmer, Courl-
Curl John, bailiff to Mr. Williarn Kern p Williarn, carrier vurd farm
Lewis, Gedding-s farm Kidd John. blacl{~mith & cycle agent Wilson & Stebbin;'s, farmers, ~eats
Ducker Jarnes William (Chas. N<Jon. Lewis William G. F. fa rmPr Ling farm
manager), grocer, draper, chma Linfurd Augustus Waiter, baker
ROCKLAND ALL SAINTS and ST. ANDREW in the county: the church was restored in 1E6o, and
form one civil parish; they are 41 miles west from Attle- has no sittings. The register dates from the year r6g8.
borongh station ou the Thetf.,rd and Nnrwir~h !'Pctinn of The living is a consoiidated r~ctory, net yearly value
the Great Eastern railwav. . in the Mid divi~ion of the /,300, including 32 acres of glebe, with residence, in
county. Guilt.cross ami ShropLarn petty s!'ssional divisinn, the gift of Robert Elliott Thorns esq. and held since
Shropham hundren, \Va~·lanrl nnion. Attlehnrnngh county 1902 by the Rev. Harry Harcourt '!'horns M.A. of
court district, rural deanery of Rockland (North nivision), Corpus Cbristi College, Cambridge. Here is a Primi-
archdeaconry of Norfolk :md dioPese of Norwich. The tive Methodist chapel. There is a fuel allotment of 26
church of St. Andrew has been in rnins for manv years. acrrs, let at about {,2o. The workhcuse of the Way-
The church of All Saints is a small bnilning- of flint, con- land union is in this parish. Sir William Bowyer-
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch ond A we.~tem tower Smijth hart. is lord of the manor and the prin~ipal
containing 5 bells: the Sax on nave is a fine specimen of landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel. The
herring-hone and ashlar work: the chancel is Earlv Per- chief crops are wheat and barley. The area, including
pendicular: the font, a memorial to the late Mrs. ·E. A. Rocldand St. Andrew's, is 1,682 acres; combined rate-
M. Hemsworth, d~ t88o. and t.he rereilns, erected in 1887, able value, £r,684; the population in 1911 was 4o8,
were both the g-ift of the Rev. Addison Browne Hems- including 7 offirers and 86 inmates in Wayland work-
worth, a former rector: in the church is a unique cable housP.
stetch tombstone. said to be the- olde!'t sepulchral s:ah Porish Clerk anrl Sexton, Frederick BlaC"kbnrn.
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-George M. Alien, sub-post- & Wilby. The population of the union in 191 I was
master. Letters through Attleborough arrive at 6 14•4-27; area, 68,774 acres; rateable value at Lady
a.m. & ~ p.m.; dispatched at 9·45 a.m. & 8.35 p.m.; Day, 1912, [82,073-
sundays, 8.35 p.m Chairman, W. J. Eagling, Little Ellingham, Attleboro'
Letter Boxes, Fen street, cleared week days at 7· 15 Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Fredk..
p.m.; sundays, a.m.; Kirk hall, cleared week Robinson, Watton
days at 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 11.30 a.m Treasurer, Edward Gurney Buxton, Norwich
The children attend the school at Rockland St. Peter's Collector to the Guardians, Art-hur A. Gompertz,Watton
W.A.YLAND RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Relieving Officers, Attleborough district, Robert W.
Manning, London road, Attleborough; Watton dis-
The parishes in the District are the same as in the trict, A. Stibbon, High street, Watton
Union. Vaccination Officers, The Registrars of Births & Deaths
Council meets at Board room, Rocklands. Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Attleborough dis-
Chairman, Charles Hovell Colman, Rockland St. Peter, trict, George Sydney Keeling M.D. The Pines, Con-
Attleborough naught road, Attleborough; Buckenham district,
Officials. Wilfred Howard L.RC.P.Edin. New Buckenham;
Clerk, Frederick Robinson, Watton Hockham district, Waiter Edward Cooper M.R.C.S.
Treasurer, Edward Gurney Buxton, Norwich Eng., L.RC.P.Lond. East Harling; Kenninghall dis-
Medical Officer of Health, Edmd.Fredk.Rose L.S.A.Lond trict, William David Adams M.A., M.B., C.M. The
Sanitary Inspector, Arthur Sayer, Rockland St. Peter Cedars. Kenninghall; Watton district, Henry Mallins
M.B., M.Ch. Watton
WAYLAND UNION. The Workhouse, at Rockland All Saints, is a structure of
Board day, every alternate monday at 10 a.m. at th8 union brick, available for 299 inmates; Rev. James Atkinson
On April rst, 1902, the union of Guiltcross was abolished, .Bulman Fleming B.A. chaplain; George Sydney
& the parishes of Banham, Buckenham (Old)~ Bucken- Keeling M.D. medical officer; Henry Frederick Gotts,
ham (New), Eccles, Kenninghall, Quidenham & Wilby master; Mrs. Gertrude Gotts, matron
added to Wayland union
The Union comprises the following places :-Attleborougb, WAYLA"SD REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
Banham, Besthorpe, Breccles, Buckenham (New), Superintendent Registrar, Frederick Robinson, Watton;
Buckenham (Old), Ca.rbrooke, Caston, Eccl'es, Ellingham deputy, Charles Hobinson, Watton
(Great), Ellingham (Little), Griston, Hargham, Hock- Registrars of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Attleborough
ham, Illington, Kenninghall, Larling, Merton, Oving- sub-district, Robert W. Manning, London road, Attle-
ton, Quidenham, Rockland All Saints & St. Andrew, borough; Watton sub-district, Arthur Sayer, Rockland
Rockland St. Peter, Roudham, Scoulton, Shropham, St. Peter; deputy, Henry Frederick Gotts, Rockland
Snetterton, Stow Bedon, Thompson, Tottington, Watton All Saints
PlHVATF: RJ<:SIDENTS. / Cator Joseph, f.a.rmer Lain Wm. carpenter & wheelwright
Benjafield William Barnett M.B. (re- Doubleday George (Mrs.), farmer Langley Arth.J sph. Jolly Dealers P.H
tired), Bletchenden Downes George James, farmer Leech Anna (Miss), farmer
Thorns Rev. Harry Harcourt M.A. Feeke Oscar William,White Hart P.H Lincoln William T. H. miller (wind)
(rector), R~ctory Gathergood Arthur .Stemp, farmer List er Sarah Mrs.), farmer
Gladden John M. farmer, Pound farm Lister William Goorge, farmer
Gotts Henry l''rederick, master of Lock Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Alien George :M. tailor, Post office Wayland Union Wurkhouse & deputy Mann J·ohn &bert, farmer, Kirk hall
Alien Mary Ann (Mrs.), currier registrar of births, deaths & mar- Prockter Sidney Edwd. grocer & drpr
Alien Robert E. ironmonger riages for Watton sub-district Rayner Robert, basket maker
Alien Wilfred, farmer Gray Charles, head gamekeeper toW. Smith John, blacksmith
Baker Robert, farmer B. Benjafield esq. M.B Upston Archie, gravel merchant
Bowles Harry Augustus, farmer Howes Thomas, baker Webster Florence (Mrs.), farmer
ROCKLAND ST. MARY is a parish ~:md so.:att.t'n~.l in 1909, seats about roo. In Rockland Broad all the
village, pleasantly situated, 5 miles south-east from parishioners have a joint right of fishing, the fish
Trowse station on the Ipswich and Norwich section of caught being exclusively for their own use and not for
the Great Eastern railway and ti south-east from Norwich, sale. The fuel allotment of 8 acres produces £ r6 yearly.
in the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe Here are brick fields and market gardens. "The Old
petty s~ssional division, Henstead hundred and union, Hall is the property of Robert Thomas Edwin Gilbert
Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Brooke esq. of Ashby Hall. Sir Charles Henry Stuart Rich
(west-ern division), archdeaconry of N1nfolk and diocese hart. of Devizes Ca~tle, Wilts, is lord of the chief
of Normch. The ivy-covered ruins of the church of &ck- manor, and R. T. E. Gilbert esq. is the ehief land-
land St. Mugaret's, or Little Rockland, stand a few feet owner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, brick earth. The
cast of the existing church in the same churchyard. The chief crops are whea.t, barley anrl roots. The area is
church of St. Mary, standing on a height, is a small but 1,302 acres of Iand, 59 acres of water and 5 of tidal
ancient building of flint, in the Gothic style, consisting water; rateable value, £r,8I5; the population in 19II
of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western was 402.
tower containing 3 bells : the nave was formerly thatched, Parish Clerk, Samuel Ward.
but the church was restored in 1892 at a. cost of over
£soo, the nave being new-roofed with tiles, new stone Post Office.-Mrs. Hannah Beeton, sub-postmistress.
windows added, and the interior re-seated, principally at Letters arrive from Norwich, through Thurton, at
the expense of the late John Hotblack esq. of Norwich: 6.5·5 a.m. & 3.10 p.m.; dispatched at n noon & 3.15
the south porch was also added at the cost of John Hot- p.m. The nearest money order offices are at Brundall
black, jun. esq. to the memory of his wife. The register & Trowse, 5 miles distant, & Bramerton, about r!
dates from 1 656. and for the first fifty years is written in miles distant, is the nearest telegraph office
Latin. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £ 2 85 , Public Elementary School, rebuilt in r887, for 105 chil-
including 32 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of dren; average attendan{;e, IIB; John Osborne, master
John T. Hotblack esq. and held since 1908 by the Rev. Carriers pas11 through thrice weekly
J ame11 Kemble .Swinburne ·B.A. of .Pembroke College, A service of motor omnibuses from Victoria station,
Cambridge, who is also rector of Hellington. Here is Norwich, to Loddon,_ calls at Hellington Corner, about
a Primitive Methodist chapel. The parish hall, erected a mile distant
Swinburne Rev. James Kemble B..A. Dnrrant Charles, market gardener 'Pigney Samuel, market gardener
(rector), Rectory George Edgar, travelling draper &wland William, Star P.H
Gibbs Jas. Geo. farmer, & New inn Rudd George, market gardener
COMMERCLU. Herring Eliza (Mrs.), f.a.rmer Rudram Christopher, market gardnr
Blake Isaac, market gardener Hollidge Waiter, corn dealer Rudram William, market gardener
Blake Waiter, bricklayer Jordan John, saddler Wright Robert C. florist
Carr Fred-erick, market gardener Lacy & Lincoln, brick & tile makers Yallop Ernest, market gardener
Carr Frederick, jun. market gardener Mack John Hayward. farmer Yallop Mark, market gardener
Cooke Hy. Walker, frmr.Old Hall fm Norman Rebecca. (Miss), shopkeeper Young Herbt. Ephraim, market gdnr
Diggins Frederick, market gardener Parker Robert James, carpenter
ROCKLAND BT. PETER is a parish and village, 4~ ing the church and 200 acres, which are in the Shrop-
miles west-by-north from Attleborough station on the ham hundred), Wayland union, Attleborough county
'l'hetford and Norwich 11ection of the Great Eastern rail- court district, rural deanery of Rockland (north divi-
way, in the South Western division of the county, W'!l.y- sion), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich.
hnd petty sessional div:sion, Way land hundred (except- The church of St. Peter is a small but ancient strueture
of flint, with stone dressings, consisting of nave, north various. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats:r
porch and a round western tower containing one bell: The parish contains 1,030 acres; rateable value, .£r,r4r;
the chancel was rebuilt in rgog: there are :aoo sittings. the population in 1911 was 298.
The register dates from the year 1538. The li''ing is a Parish Clerk, John B. Reynolds.
rectory, net yearly value £149, including 23 acres of
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the representatives Letter Boxes, Bell inn, cleared at 6.40 p.m.; sundays,
of the late William Postle esq. and held since r88o by 9·45 a.m.; & Chapel street, cleared 6.45 p.m.; sun-
the Rev. James Atkinson Bulman-Fleming B ..A.. of days, 9.50 a.m. Letters through Attleborough. Let-
Queens' College, Cambridge, and chaplain of Wayland ters arrive at 6.30 a.m. Rockland All Saints is the
Workhouse. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, nearest money order & telegraph office, about. 1 mile
built in rBsg, and seating 300 persons. The fuel distant
allotment of 15 acres is let at £r8 r5s. yearly. Sir Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1875, at a
William Bowyer-Smijth hart. is lord of the manor and cost of about .£400, for 120 children; average attend-
principal landowner. The soil is various; subsoil, ance, 93; Mrs . .A.nnie Lister, mistress
PRIVATE; RESIDENTS. Colman Charles Hovell, farmer, Manor· district of Wayland union, sanitary
House farm inspector for Wayland Rural Dit!-
Bulman-Fleming Rev.J ames .!.tkinson Dove John & Son, bakers & grocers trict Council, tax collector &; assi&t.
B . .A.. Rectory Dove William, farmer overseer
Colman Charles Hovell, Manor house Dutson Alfred R egg dealer Scott Walter, Bell P.H. &; thrashing
Colman Mrs. T. H. Stone lodge Hall John, shopkeeper machine owner; estimates on appli-
Lincoln William T. H. miller (wind) cation; machine~ sent any distance
(letters through Hingham) Sizeland Walter. poultry dealer
.A.ld-en Arthur, farmer Reeve & Hunter, farmer-s Skitmore John, sheep dipper
Brown Fred, farmer (letters through Reynolds Jn.B. farmer & parish clerk Turner "\Yilliam, farmer
Cast.on) Say er .Arth ur, registrar of births, Webster William, farmer
Buttle William, Magpie P.H deaths & marriages for Watton sub-

ROLLES:BY is a parish and village, r! miles south- COUNTY MAGISTRA.TES FOR E.!.ST & WEST FLEGG
w9Srt from Martham .station on the Midland and Great PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION.
Northern joint railway, 17 north-east from Norwich, 8 Tacon Rev. Richard John M ..A.. Rectory, Rollesby, Great
no~h-north-west from Yarmouth, in the Ea.stern division Yarmouth, chairman
of the oounty, incorporated hundreds, petty sessional divi- Cuddon-Fletcher Bernard James esq. Somerton hall,
aion and incorporation of East. and West Flegg, county Great Yarmouth
court district of Great Yarmouth, rural deanery of Flegg Edis Colonel Robert W., C.B., V.D., D.L. Ormesby Old
and archdeaoonry and diocese of Norwich. The church hall, Great Yarmouth
of St. George, standing on rising ground, is an ancient Hacker George J. esq. The Grange, Ormesby St. Mar-
building of in the Early English style, consisting of garet, Great Yarmouth
chancel, clereswried navo of four bays, aisles, n<Jrth porch Lucas Charles Belgrave esq. Filby house, Great Yarmth·
and an octagonal embattled western tower containing 4 Palmer William Hurry esq. South Quay, Gt. Yarmouth
bells: the base of the tower is Norman: in the chancel Tacon Richd. Ghas. esq. Rectory, Rollesby, Gt.Yarmouth
iB a fine ·a.J..!;ar tomb, with recumbent eftigy in ~tone. Waters Charles William esq. Herringby hall, Stokesby,
to Rose Claxton, ob. 1601; and a mural monument, with Great Yarmouth
14 kneeling figures, to Leonard Mapes, ob. 1619; the Youell Herbert Willoughby esq. Caister-on-Sea, Great
chancel was restored and a. .stained east window erected ] Yarmouth
in 1875 by the reDtor, and in r885 further -ret>l:orations The chairman, for the time being, of the East and West!
were. effected nnder the direction of Mr. Arthur_ S. Flegg Rural District Council, is an ex-officio magistrate
Hew1U .A..R.I. B . .A.. of Y a.rmouth, when the nave,. au;le.s Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles B. Diver, 8 South
az:d porch wer~ n~w-roofed, new tracery fixed m the <l uay, Great Yarmouth.
wmdows, the mtenor re-floDred and re-seated, a n~w Petty Sessions held at the workhouse, every alternate
fo~t of ~>tone and Purbeck ma:ble set up, and a memonal tuesday, r. o p.m. The following places are within
~dow erected to the late Lieut.-Gen. Sarel C.B. some the petty sessional division :-A~hby-with-Oby,
t1me governor of the Isle _of Gue~y, at a oost of £85: Billockby, Burgh St. Margaret, Caister, Clippesby, ·
the towe~ was restored m r887: m I899 a ~ew ?rga.n East Somerton, Filby, _Hemsby, Martham, Mautby,
was prov1ded _at the cost- of £300, a~ a, memonaJ. w~ndo:w Ormesby St. Margaret, Ormesby St. Michael, Repps-
placed to ~aJor Charles ~eploe Srmth E~s<Jr,_ who d1ed m with-Bastwick, Rollesby, Runham, Scratby, Stokesby-
1897: dunng .the restorabion of 1885 a mche m the porch, with-Herrino-by Thurne Thrigbv We~t Somerton &i
with some delicate tracery; two wtoups and a hagiosoope, Winterton " ' ' •'
were discovered: there are 28o sittings: in z8g5, a manu~ ·
ment was erected in the church yard to four young fisher- EAST & WES'li' FLEGG RURAL "DISTRICT COUNCIL.
men, who, with two others, were accidentally drowned in ·The< parishes in the District are the same Rs in the
Rollesby Broad, lB Jnly, 1895- The register dates from Incorporation with the exception of Runham Vau'Xhall.
the year 1558, and is in excellent preservation. The The area is 2B,gg I acres; the population in rgn was
living is a. rect.ory, net yearly value £310, with residence, 9,929. 1
in the gift of and held since 1872 by the Rev. Richard Council meets at the Workhouse, Rollesby, ev-ery
John Tacon :M . .A.. of Corpuil Christi College, Cambridge, alternate tuesday.
and J.P. Norfolk. There is a Primitive Methodist Chairman, George Waters Beck, Winterton hall, Win-,
chapel here, erected in r866. The fuel allotment of 23 terton, Great Yarmouth ,
acres is let for £18 yearly. The Union Workhouse for !Vice-Chairman, Herbert Wilsori Jeary, Martham, Great
East and West Flegg Incorporation is situated here: for Yarmouth 1
particulars of union see below. Rollesby' Broad, a. pie- Clerk, Albert Smith, 8 South quay~ Great Yarmouth .l
turesqull sheet of comprising 200 acres, lies Treasurer. Herbert W. You ell, Capital & Counties Bank,
between Filby and Ormesby Broads. Rollesby Hall, the Hall quay, Great Yarmouth
property and seat of Harry .Anderson Brown sword esq. Medical Officer of Health, "William 1loyden "M . .A.. ,L.R. C.P.'
is a mansion of brick, the older portion of which dates L on d ., M . R . C . S . E ng, Fl e,.,g
a B ur gh
from I62o. Mrs. Butt. who is lady of the manor, the 'Surveyor of Highways, Wilriarn Golder, Ormesbv- St:l
Rev. R. .T. Ta{!on M . .A.., J.P. and Harry .A.nderson ' Margaret ·
Brownsword esq. are the principal landowners. The Sanitary Inspector, Alfred W. Hobbs A.R.S.I. Caister ~
chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
1,555 acres of land and r·sB of water; rateable value, EAST & WEST FLEGG I.XCORPOR..!TION.
£~,o 33 ; the population in rgii was 502, including .3 Board daY, everv alternate tnesday, at 11 o'clock at
officers and :17 inmates in East and We~t Flegg Incor- · . the .lVorl;:house, Rolles.hy. ,
porated Workhouse. The incorporation of Flegg (East & \Vest) compr.i.>ea tbw
Parish Clerk, Waiter Miller, sen. folluwiug pluces : -.Ashby-with-Oby, Billockbh Burgh1
St. Margaret, Caister-next- Yarmouth, Clippes_by, Filby,t
l'ost & T. Office.~Samuel .A.rthur Gibbs, sub-post- Hernsby, Martham, Mautbj>, Ormesby St. MaTgaret-l
master. Letters through Great Yarmouth arrive at with-Sc,.atby, Ormesby St. l\lichael, Repps-with-Basb.1
6.30 a.Ill. & delivered at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 9·55 wick, Rollesby, Runham, Runham Vauxhall, Sornerton
a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays the same time. Flegg Burgh (East), Somerton (West), Stokesby-with-Herringby,
is the nearest mane;: order office Thrigby, Thurne. & Winterton. The population of tha.
Wall Letter Box, Low street, cleared at 5.30 p.m. -week incorporation in 1901 wa& g,8o3; area, ~9,035 acres;
· days only rateable value, Lad)' .Day, 1912, £6o,485
D I t(ECTO KY. J N0l{F0LK. J.OUGHAM. 4~7

Chairman, Rev. Richard John Tacon M.A. Rollesby, Workhouse, Rollesby, a building of brick, built in 1777,
Great Yarmouth to hold 400 inmates; Peter Barn et Gory, n1aster; Rev .s
Vice-Chairman, Wm. Bracey, jun. Martham, Gt. Yarmth J N or~;is Dredg-e B.A. chaplain; William Royde~
M.A.Camb., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond . .medical
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Albert officer; Mrs. Eliza J. Johnson, matron
Smith, 8 South quay, Great Yarmouth ·
Treasurer, Herbert W. Youell, The Capital & Counties EAST & WEST FLEGG REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
Bank, Great Yarmouth Superintendent Registrar, .Albert Smith, 8 South quay,
Relieving, Vaccination & Inquiry Officer, East & West Great Yarmouth; deputy, George Frederick Durrant;-
Flegg District, Ernest Waiter Derry, Ormesby St. Preston, 8 South quay, Great Yarmouth
Margaret Registrars of Births & Deaths, East Flegg sub-district,
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 4 distri<:t Ernest Waiter Derry, Ormesby St. Margaret; deputy,.
(parish of Runham-Vauxhall), Robert Wrigley B.A. Charles E. Fncman, OrmPsby St. Margaret; Wesi'
Oxon., :M.R.C.S.Eng-. Burton lodge, R-egent road, Flegg sub-district, Mrs. Eliza P. Faulke, Martham ~
Great Yarmouth; No. I district (East Flegg), Basil deputy, Anthony William Crisp, Martham
Boake M.R.C.S.Eng, L.R.C.P.Lond. Ormesby St. Registrar of Marriages, Ernest Waiter Derry, Ormesbyt
:Margaret ; No. 3 district (West Flegg ), W illiam St. Margaret
Royden M.A.Camb., :M.RC.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Flegg Burgh & No. 2 district (Martham), Thomas Publie Elementary School (mixed), opened in 1844, &
William Lewis Beales M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. enlarged in 1892, for 100 children; ave1age attendance,
Mart ham 75; .Miss Kate Boyce, mistress

PRIVATE IIERIIn:~T~. l Clowes' Stores, grocers ; & at Yar- Miller Waiter, jun. carpenter 1

Brownsword Harry Anderson, Rolles- mouth Mortimer Harriett(Mrs.},market gdnr

Daniels & Howes, farmers ~ ichols J o.seph, farmer ,
by hall
Cantelo Henry Wm. Lily Broad villa Edmonds Benjamin, farmer & marl:et Pig-gin Robert, farmer
Gill Wait. Royes de Bougham, Kowai gardener & assist. overseer & clerli Platten William, bricklayer
Ingram Percy, Broadlands to the Parish Council &; assessor of Rollesby Village Club (Rev. Richard
Kidman Mrs. Cubitt, Taconville taxes John Tacon M.A. president; Albt.l
Silcock Miss Frosdick James, farmer Svdney Coppin. sec)
Silcock Obadiab, The Gran!.!e Gaze George (Mrs.), farmer Rollesby Quoit Club (Arthur Harr'
Tacon Rev. Richarll .Juhn ~.c\.. J.r. Gaze Sidney, farmer Tooke, hon. sec)
Rectory Gibbs Sl. .A.rth. blacksmith, Po;.t off Shreeve John, market gardener
Gilding Alfred, a parts. Barris house Starling Oliver Aldred. farmer
Tacon Richard Chas. J.P. Rectory
Taylor Charles, Belle Yne house Green Cha~. Geo. market gardener Thain George. farmer
Green Edward James, wheelwright Tooka Arth. Harry, Horse & Groomt
Green J oseph, market gardener -
Hayton Edmund, farmer Townend Wm. Edwd. market gardnr
Allard J n. market gardnr. & shopkpr Hewitt William, farmer, Manor farm 1Y oolston Henry Frederick, farmer
Brighton CharlPs. rr ark et gardener How£MJ Wm.frmr. Sfl?. Daniels & RowPs Wright Arthur Wm. market gardener
Chapman Geo. W. farmer, Ball frm Lowne David,. farmer Wymer Edward, farmelf

ROUDHAM is a parish lying in a vale, I! miles east is also rector of and re!!ides at Bridgham. John Muske.r')
from Uoudham ,]miction station on the Thetford and esq. of Shadwell Court, Rushford, is lord o.f the manor
Norwich sedion of the Great Eastern railway, and 6 miles !lnd chief landowner. The soil is light loam; l!Ubsoi.l;r
north-east from Tlu~tford, in th& Mid division.- of the chalk and gravel The chief crops are wheat, barley,
county, Guilkross and Shropham petty sessional division, turnips and rye. The area is a,125 acres; rateable
hundroo of ~hropharn, union of Wayland, Attleboro~b value, [3,039; the population in I9II was 16o.
county court thsu-ict, rural deanery of Rockland (suuth Letters t"rceived through 'l'betford, arrive at 7.30 a.m.
divisiun), an:hdPaconry of Norfolk IUld diocese of Norwich. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at East.
The church of St. Andrew was long since destroyed by Harliug, about. :2~ miles distant-
fire, but the walls and willdows and ,the greater part of Wall Letter Box, at Harling Road station .. cleared at 8.5
the ancient tower still remain: the inhabitants attend p.m. ; mndays 6 35 p.m
Bri,lg-ham church. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
value £59. with 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of John Ruudham Junction Station, Julm Paul, station master
Musker esq. and held since I884 by the Rev. Henry The children of this place attend the schools at Larling
Wilfrid Blunt M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge, wbu & Bridgham
COMMERCIAL. Kent Arthur Robert, Railway inn:
(Roudham need not be added to Colman Thomas Banyard, miller, posting house ; brougham~, -wagJ
names for Harling Road Station.) Harling Road Station gonettes & traps on hire at the-
Mm:ker Percy, Roudham ha!l Fison James & Sons Ltd. maltsters- shortest notice, Harling Road Statn
&;c. Harling Road Station Teat Charles, farmer, Grange farm
ROUGHAM is a pleasant parish and village, 4 miles The register dates from the year I783. The living. is a.
south-east from Massingham .S'tation on the Midland and vicarage, net ye~nly value £198, including 12 acres of
Great Northern joint railway, 8 north from Swaffham sta- glebe·, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Cban"'
tion on the Lynn and Dereham section of the Great cellar, and held since 1910 by the- Rev. Charles Alfred
Eastern railway, and Io south-west from Fakenham, in Pilgrim B.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. 'l'hertr
llhe Mid division of the county, Mitford and Laundit~h is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in 1877- Hera
petty s6Ssic.nal divl.sion. Laundikh hundred, Mitford are the •
KPnneis- of the West Norfolk fox hounds ;:
union, Swaffham county court district, rural deanery of Capt. J. Francis Champion M.V.O. of Manor Ballp-
Nort.h Brisley and Toftree;;, archdeaconry of Lynn, and Swaffham, master, and Arthur J ohnson, first whip;.
diocese of N urwich. The church o'f St:'. Mary i11 a build- King's Lynn, Lit~ham and Fa~u·nham are convenient
in~ of !lint and stone, in the Early English style, con- places for hunting Visitors. l'rederick Keppel North
listing of ohancel wi!Jb. north ais:e, nave, south porch and esq. 'lf Rougham Hall, is lord •1f the manor and principal
an embattled western tower containing a clock and one landowner. The soil is brick earth and clay; subsoil,
bell~ there are several monument.! and brnsse;; to the brick earlh. The chief crop!! are wheat and barley. The
North family from 1710 to 1788, and to the Yelverton area is 2,676 acres; rateable value, [1,823; the popu-
family from 1404 to 1668, and in the chancel ais:e is a lation in 1911 was 304.
floorstone, --.vith the arms of Yelverton impalin{? Richard- Parish Clerk, Richard Edwin Thomas.
s,<m. to Sir William Y elverton bal't. of Rough am, ob. Post, M. 0. & T. 0. & Telephonic Express Delivery
19 July, 1648, and Ur.sula, his wife, daughter of Sir Offi~e.-Riehard Edwin Thomas, sub-postmaster..,
Thomas Richardson kt. Lord Chief Justice of Eng!and, Letters arrive from- Swaffham & are delivered at
ob. 20 March, 1657, as also to Sir Wil:iam Yelvertun hart. 7 a.m. & also- arrive at 3·45 p.m. & dispatched at ~
their only .son, on whose death, 15 November,. 1649, the a.m. & 7-I5 p.m
title became extinct: over the west doorway is a carving Public Elementary School {mixed), .erected hy ths
of the " Crucifixion " : the nave was restored in .1867 and North family in 19Io, foi' ~o .children; averag~
the chancel in I876, and the church affords 23CJ sittings_ attendance, 42 ; Mrs. Florence Bowles, mistres~
I'll IV ATY. 'Xorth Cl1ancellor the Worshipful'1"Pilgrim Rev. Charles Alfred . B. A!

Marsham Maj. Hon. Reginald Bast- Frederick Keppel (barrister-at-law), (vicar), The Vicarage
iugs, Washpits ; & Cavalry club~ Rougham hall ; & 5 Crown Office Ringer Ernest Horace
London W row, Temple. Londun E C J

428 ROUGHAM. NORFOLK. ' K t-..I.L y's

COMMERCIAL. Lambert Charles Henry, Crown P.H Smalley Charles, farm bailiff to W.
Brereton John, farmer, Fincham farm Manning Alfred, shopkeeper Flint esq
Durrant William, gamekeeper to Maj. Postle Guy, blacksmith 1 Thomas Richard Edwin, cycle agent,
Hon. R. H. Marsham Quick Waiter, gamekeeper to the Post office
Flint William, farmer, Washpit farm Worshipful F. K. North Vince William, gardener to Major
Gamble Henry, farmer Rawling Frederick, farmer Hon. R. H. Marsham
Gosling George, land steward to the Ringer Ernest Horace, farmer Winter Albert, farm bailiff to E.H.
Worshipful F. K. North Sheldrake Edward, gardener to the Ringe1· esq
· Hilton James, cowkeeper Worshipful F. K. North
Howell George, farmer
ROUGHTON is a pa.rish and village on the road from total of £rs, which sum is divided among the poor.
Cromer to Norwich, 3 miles north-west from Gunton sta- Lord Suffield P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B. who is lord of the
tion on the Cromer and Norwich section of the Great manor, Col. H. A. Barclay C.V.O., A.D.G. of Hanworth
Eastern railway, 3! south from Cromer Beach station on Hall, the trustees of the late Benjamin J. Bond-Cab bell
lilie Midland and Great Northern joint railway, 7 north- esq. (d. 1892), Robert William Ketton esq. of Felbrigg
west from North Wal.sham, and 6! north-ea~t from Ayls- Hall, and Edmund Denham Spurrell rsq. of Bessingham
ham, in the Northern division of the county, north Erping- Manor, are the chief landowners. The !'.oil is light;
ham hundred and petty sessional division, North Walsham subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, turnips and
counrty court district, EI'pingham union, rural deanery of barley and some land in pasture. The area is 1,785
Repps and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The acres; rateable value, £2,103; the population in I9II
church of St. Mary is a building of flint, with stone dress- was 527.
ings, in the Norman .style, consisting of chancel, nave, Parish Clerk, Leonard Bower.
aisles, north and south porches and a round embattled Post Ofiice.-John Moy, sub-postmaster. Letters re-
western tower with Saxon base containmg 3 bE-Us: the ceived through Norwich, delivered at 7 a.m. & (to
east window is stained, and there is a memorial window callers) at 4.30 p.m. & dispatched at 1.30, 4.15 & 7·5
to Miss Sarah Joy, late of this parish, d. r867; monu- p.m. Hanvvorth, 3 miles distant, is the nearest money
ments to the Flaxman family from q6o, and a fiat stone order & teleg-raph office
to the Hogan family, dated 1727: the church was restored Wall Letter Box, The Grove, cleared at 12.50 (July to
Wld m-seated in r86-t at a cost of about £goo, and afford~ Sept.), 1.5 (Oct. to June) & 6.40 p.m
250 sittings_ The register dates from the year I562. The Wall Letter Box, The ,Boundary farm, cleared at 1
living is a rectory, net year!y value £2oo, witn 32 acres p.m. (12.45 p.m. July to Sept.) & 6.35 p.m
of glebe, and residence, erected in r869, m the gift of the Public Elementary School, rebuilt in 1871, & enlarged
Bishop of Norwich, and held since I8g6 by the Rev. in 1888 & in I895 & again in rgo8, with an income
Alexander James Cooney B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. of about £38 a year derived from 47 acres of land
Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel, enlarged and by Rev. Brown, a former rector of the parish; the
restored at a cost of about £120, and seating ISO per- school will hold r6o children; average attendance,
sons. The charity lands consist of 7 acres, let for £rr 142; Samuel Ellis Baker, master; Mrs. Elizabeth
a year, together with two rent-charges of £4, make a Baker, mistress
Drane Donald, agent to Capt. R. C. Moy Torrens, market gardener
Batt M.V.O. of Gresham Hall, es- Painter Anthony A. New inn
Baker Samuel Ellis tate & land agent, surveyor & Ransome Herbert, farm bailiff to
O>Dney Rev. Alexander James B. A. valuer, Tower house Donald Drane esq
(rector), Rectory .
'Dunham John, farmer, Grove farm Reynolds John Henry, verm1n
Drane Donald, Tower house Dyball Bertie, grocer destroyer, The Heath
Fox .Ada & Bessie (Misses), private Riches Arthur, news agent
COMM:EHCIA.L. nursing home, Roughton mill Roughton Reading Room Slate Club
Bullen Herbert, farmer Fox Robert, farmer, Manor farm (Samuel Ellis Baker, hon. Eec)
Brand Robt. markt. gardnr. TheHeatb Hall George, carpenter, Rose cottage Roughton Working Men's Reading
Ulegson Daniel, farm bailiff to Mr. Harvey Robert, farm bailiff to G. W Room (Clarke J. Wade, sec)
John Wright Wilkin esq Sawyer Waiter Edward, specialist in
Craske Thomas, farmer & carter Jackson Jas.Cook,frmr.Orchard farm sugar heet, Millcroft
Cromer Urban District Isolation Jackson Jas. Leonrd.frmr.Pond farm Wade Clark J. blacksmith
Hospital (R. C. M. Colvin-Smith Kettle & Death, farmers, Heath farm Wells Barney J. market gardener
M.'B. medical supt; Miss Elizh. Knight Richard, farmer Wenn John, carpenter
H. Lapham, matron) May John, farmer, Post office Wright John, farmer
BOXHAM is a parish on the River Wissey, 2~ miles at Fordham. There are traces of a moat, which anciently
south-east from Downham station on the Ely and Lynn encompassed a house called "Walpole Hall," in this
section of the Great Eastern railway, in the South parish, near to which is a pond with a paved bottom.
Western division of the county, Clackclose hundred Edward Roger Murray Pratt esq. of Ryston Hall, is lord
and petty sessional division, Downham union and caunty of the manor and owns the whole of the parish. The
court district, rural deanery of Fincham (eastern divi- soil is clay; subsoil, sand and ragstone. The chief crops
liion), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. are wheat, barley and beans. The area is 6o6 acres,
The church of St. Michael now no longer exists. The divided between three farms; rateable value, £58o; the
living is a vicarage, annexed with that of Ryston to population in 1911 was 55·
thP vicarage of Fordham, May 2(), 1877, joint net yearly
value £210, including 32 acres of glebe, in the gift Letters received through Duwnham. Hilgay is the neares1i
of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held since money order & telegraph office, 1 mile distant
1905 by the Rev. Thomas Edward Charlton, who resides The chL.dren of this pbce attend the !lchool at Fordham
Brooks Charles, farmer Osler Frederick Cook, farmer, Rox-~ Westley George Edward Musk, under
Harnwell Charles, farmer ham farm gamekpr. to E. R. M. Pratt esq.J.P
BOYDON (near Diss) is a parish and village on the also three memorial windows to members of the same
bank of the \Vaveney and on the borders of Suffolk, a family: the church has been prrrt ly restored, and affords
mile and a ha:£ west from Diss station on the Ipswich and rso sittings. The register datt>s from the year 1559·
Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway, in the The hving is a rectory, net yearly value £280, including
Southern division of the county, Diss hundred, petty 46 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of John
sessional division and county court district, Depwade Tudor Frere esq. and held since 1908 by the Rev. Hugh
union, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry of Norfolk Corrie Frere. The charities include the interest of
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Remigius is £goo, £2 15s. per Cents., left by Mrs. M. Blowers;
a structure of flint in the Perpendicular sty:e, consisting and M1ss Susannah Frere's charity of £r3 yearly,
of chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch and a round which is equally divided between the rl'pairing of
embattled tower, with an octagonal belfry surmounted by the church and providing of warm clothing for ths
pinnacles : the south aisle was rebuilt in I 864 by G. E. poor. In the south-east portion of the parish, near to tht:\
Frere esq. and the south porch, erected by the Rev. Tem- town of Diss, there is a brush, mat and matting manufao:•
ple Frere in memory of Temple, his son, who was drowned tory. John Tudor Frere esq. B.A., J.P. is lord of the
at Cambridge while trying to save the life of a fellow m:mors of Gissing Hall and of Roydon Hall with 'Iuft~.
student, has been removed to the east end of the aisle and also chief landowner. Roydon Hall, the property uf
by the chancel and now forms an organ chamber: in J. T. Frere esq. is a mansion standing in extensive
the chancel are monuments to Richard E. Frere, :ieut. grounds, on the road from Dis3 to Thetford, and is
13th foot, who died in the Punjaub, India, 1842; and to now a privat-e school. The soil is mixed; subsoil,
Snsannah Frere. who died at Malta: in the ch:u:cel are ' chiefly g!"avel. The chief c~op9 are 'l"l"hrat, b:u~ey,
turnips and lJeet. The area is 1,371 acres; :tateable at r2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; sundays, Io a.m. Diss, 2 mileB
value, £2,g86; the population in I9II was 6gB. distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
Pillar Box, on the Green, cleared at I2.35 & 6.45 p.m. ;
Sexton, Charles Scott. sunday, zo.I 5 a.m
Post Oflice.-Frederick Madgett, sub-postmaster. Let- Public Elementary School, erected in 18g8, at a cost of
ters received through Dis~, arrive at 7 a.m. & 1.40 £r,375, for 150 children; average attendance, go;
p.m.; sundays, 7 a:m. (to callers only). Box cleared , Fred Hann, master
Frere Rev. Hugh Corrie (rector), Brooke John Stimpson, farmer Osborne Stanley C. builder
Manor house Crick Ernest Frederick, farmer Porcher William, farmer
Frere John Tudor B.A., J.P. The Copping Laban, shopkeeper Potter William Robert, baker
Friarage Finch William, blacksmith Savill Fredk. Wm. farmr. Manor frm
Glass Rev Francis James Welch M.A. Glass Rev. Francis J. Welch M.A. Scales Sarah Jane (Miss), farmer,
Roydon hall school for boys Darrow farm
Hose Charles D.Sc Hayward Ernest Cupper, farmer Self .Alfred, farmer
Marsh Misses, Roydon cottage Howell Dennis, blacksmith Spink Waiter, farmer, assistant over-
Orford Mrs. Rose cottage Martin Solomon, thatcher seer & clerk to Parish Council
Reynolds Miss Mattholi Edward, carpenter Spurling Leonard, farmer
Seaman Miss Mullenger William Vince B. farmer, Steggles FredlcWm. White Hart P.H
COMMERCIAL. Poplars farm Websdale Clement, fanner
Aldrich Brothers Limited, brush, mat Orford Alfred, farmer Wells George, miller (steam)
& matting manufctrs. TN 3 Diss Orford Harry, farmer, Bluepump frm
ROYDON (near Lynn) is a vitage and parish, 6 miles Howard, and held . since 18gr by the Rev. Herbert
east-north-east from Lynn, in the North Western division Edward Thursby, who resides at Castle Rising. Capt.
of the county, Freebridge Lynn hundred, petty sessional Charles A. Howard, of Castle Risi11g, is lord of the
division and union, Lynn county court district, rural manor and chief landowner. The soil is mixed sand
deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry of Lynn and and clay; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are
diocese of Norwich. The Grimston road station on the potatoes, barley, turnips and clover. The area is I,141
Midland and Great Northern joint railway is in this parish. acres; rateable value, £gi2; the population in Ign
The church of All Saints is a small edifice of rubble in the was I74·
N urman !!tyle, t·unsisting of chancel, nave, south porch Parish Clerk, George Smith.
and an embattled westem tower containing one bell: there Letter Box cleared at 8.20 a.m. & 5.15 p.m. Letters
are two Nurman doorwavs on the north and south sides through Lynn, via Hillington, arrive at 8.30 a.m. The
respectively and four stained windows: in 1857 the church nearest money order & telegraph office is at Grimston,
was rebuilt under the rlirect,ion of the late J. E. Street about I mile distant
esq. R.A. and affords 150 sittings. The regi~ter dates
from the year I66I, and there is also a list of rectors from Public Elementary School (mixed), for 50 children; aver-
1308. The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Castle age attendance, 40; Miss Florence Ella Malt by, mist
Rising in r665. joint net yearly value [320, including Railway Station (Grimston road), Robert Ja.mes Tudden-
21 acres of glebe, in the gift of Capt. Charles A. ham, station master
COMMERCIAL. Lake Francis, vermin destroyer
Balderstone Henry, farm bailiff to Lee James, manufacturer of shee-p
Everard Misses, H.oydon lodge William F. Mar shall esq. of Lynn dips & disinfectants, & sheep dip-
Everard Raoul Charles Finch Elsden Balding John, farmer ping contractor
J.P. Roydon lodge Braybrooke Percy Geo. Three Horse Marshall John, farmer
Porter Mrs Shoes P.H Mayes William, Un!on Jack P.H
Porter Capt. M. J Coe Henry Frederick, farmer lTurner Willia..m Henry, Plough P.H
Grey Ernest, grocer Twite Charles Anthony, coal mer
EAST RUDHAM is a parish and village, on the road first founded on the site of the present church by John
from Wells to Lynn, with a station about I mile south Cheney, before II44, for Canons of the Augustinian order,
from tha village, on the Midland a-nd Great Northern joint and dedicated to St. Mary; and translated to its present
railway, 7 miles west from Fakenham, in the North site by W. Cheney, temp. Henry Ill.; at the time of
Western division of the county, Gallow hundred and petty -its dissolution there were nine canons, and the revenues
sessional division, Docking union, Little Walsingham were estimated at £I2I. The Marquess Townshend,
countv• court distriet, rural deanerv••
of Burnham, arch- whJ is lord of the manor, and the Marquess of
deaconrv •
of Lvnn

and diocese of Norwich. The church Cholmondeley P.C. are the principal landowners. The
of St. Mary is a larga lmilding of flint in the Early soil is mixed; subsoil, principally chalk. The chief
English, Decorated and Perpendioular styles, consisting crops are barley, oats and wheat. The area is 3,995
of chancel, lofty clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and acres ; rateable value, £3,042; the population in zgn
an embattled western tower containing 3 bells, and a was 6gr.
clock with four dials, erected in I897, at a cost of over Parish Clerk, Charles Twiddy.
£2oo, in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Ernest Newman Dewing, sub~
late Majesty Queen Victoria: the organ was erected about postmaster. Letters arrive from King's Lynn at 6. 25
18~, at a ~.:ost of £370: the church was rebuilt in I873• a.m. ""o.. 2.50 p.m. ; sun d ays, 6 .2
5 a.m.; b ox c 1eare d at
at cost of £2,500, and in 1903 the church was new- I0.40 a.m. & 7· 5o p. m . ·, sun d ays, 2 p.m
roofed and the organ repaired at a cost of about £230: it Wall Letter Box at station, cleared at 8.r5 p.m. week days
affords soo · sittiugs. The register dates from the year only
1565. The living is a vicarage, with that of West Rud- Public Elementary School (mixed), with residence, built
ham annexed, yearly value £325, w1th residence, in I8 5 o by subscription, at 8 cost of £8oo, & enlarged
in the gift of the Marquess Townshend, who is lay im- in I88 4 , for 250 children; average attendance, I90;
rropriator, and heid ~ince 1896 by the Rev. Hugh John John Joseph Ruscoe, master
Dukinfield Astley M.A., Litt.D. of Trinity College, Railway Station, William Robert Watson, station master
Dublin. There are Primitive Methodist and Wesleyan
chapels. A reading room was erected in x887 by the Carriers to : -
5th Marquess Townshend (d. IBgg). The rents of a fuel Fakenham-A. F. Mays, thurs
allotment. of 20 acres are expended in coals, distributed Lynn-A. F. Mays, tues. & sat
to the poor at Christmas: a sum of £5 was left by a
Lady BerkP!ey about the year 1618 for the relief of l:!ROOMSTHORPE is a parish one mile east from Eas1i
the poor: in I868 Richard De,.,.ing- esq. of Carbrooke, Rudham, containing one farm of 435 acres. Rateable
devised 9 acres of land in trust to the vicar for the time value £327; the population in Igii was 8. There
being: the rent is at present £I5 yearly, of which £5 are traces of an old church. The inhabitants attend
is expended in fuel and £ Io given to the Elementary F~st Rudham church. Charles Scott-Chad esq. of
School. Two fairs formerly held here were abolished in Thursford Hall, is chief landowner. The children attend
I876. Here are the ruins of Coxford or Cokesford Priory, the school at East Rudham.
Astley Rev. Hugh John Dukinfield Rowell Herbert Ellis M.D Bower William J. T., M.R.C.V.S.
M.A., Litt.D. (vicar) COMMERCIAL. veterinary surgeon (by appointment
Bower William J. T to H.M. the King-, Sandringham),
Drage Thomas Brooke Early closing day, Wednesday I p.m. & veterinary inspector under the
Kitton Miss Barclay & Company Ltd. (sub-branch "Diseases of .Animals Acts" for
Manby Sir Alan Reeve M.D., M.V.O to Fakenham), bankers, open fri. IO No. 23 district, & farmer
Mays Miss to I ; draw on head office, 54l Butcher Stagg, jun. Rangers inn ..
Rodwell Lionel J.P. :Manor house Lombard street, London E C

'Coope1' Arth.B. farmer,Coxford abbey the 'household at Sandri11gham & to sician & surgeon, ~ public vaccina-
Dawes Loui~t George, insurance agent H.M. Queen Alexandra, & medical tor Rudham dist. Docking union ;
Dewing Ernest Newman, grocer, officer Rudham district, Docking Seeker Augustus, butcher
Post office union; & at West Newton house. Sewell & Co. grocers
"nrage & Son, corn, 1!tled, wool, wine & Sandringham Shaul Henry, tailor
spirit merchants Newswad Alfred R. cycle agent ·ripple Edward, shoe maker
F..mpson Matthew, beer retailer Osborne Alfred, plumher Tipple Hudson, shopkeeper
Hammond William, carter Parker Robert, tailor Twiddy John & Sons, wheelwrights
Harvey Thomas, ooal dealer Powell Thomas, coal dealer & smiths, agricultural implement
Howard James, baker Powell "\-Villiam, saddler manufadurers & machinists
.Howe Edward, tailor Rsading Room (A. Strangleman, hon. Twiddy Charles, parish clerk
Hudson Chas. (Mrs.), Railway hotel sec) . Vinter J. 0. & Son Limited (of Cam-
Huggins John, watch maker Ringer Thomas Branford. farmer brid"'"'. coal & coke merchants,
Jackson Fredk. income tax collector Rivett George, Crown P.H. Railway station
Kemp John, beer retailer Rix Arthur, beer retailer Wadsley Geo. chemist & druggist
Manby Sir .Alan Reeve M.D., M.V.O. Rodwell Lionel, farmer & landowner, Willimont Ezra, farm bailiff to Chas.
physician & surgeon, phy~ician ex- Manor house Scott-Chad esq. Broomsthorpe
trao:rdinary to H.M. the King & to Rolling George, carpenter Woodard Charle>1, ba],er
H.M. Queen Alexandra, surgeon- Rowell Herbert Ellis M.D.Durh., Woods Horace Edwfl.rd, butcher
apothecary to H.M. the King & L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. phy-
WEST RUDHAM is a parish and village on the road Marquess Townshend, who is lay impropriator, and held
from Wells to Lynn, 2~ miles north from Rudham station since 1896 by the Rev. Hugh John Dukinfield Astley
on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, and 8 M.A., Litt.D. of Trinity Colleg-e, Dublin, who resides at
west from Fakenham, in the North Western division of East Rudham. Here is a U . d Methodist chapel,
the county; Gallow hundred and petty sessional division, erected in r864. Theo Marques~) Townshend and the
Docking union, Little Walsingham -colmty court district, Marquess of Cholmondeley P.C. are lords of the manor
rnral deanery of Burnham, arch deaconry of Lynn and and chief landowners, The soil is of mixed character;
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is an ancient sub11oil, chalk 1 marl and clay. The chief crops are
building of Hint in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, barley and oats. The area is z,gr8 acres; rateable
consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and value, £1,962; the population in rgii was 403.
a low western tower containing 3 bells; two of these, Parish Clerk, Frederick Jackson.
which had long been cracked and disused, were re-cast Letters throug-h King's Lynn via East Rudham arrive
and re-hung about 1903, at a cost of £175: the three Per- at 7 a. m. Wall Letter Boxes, West Rudham & Pock-
pendicular windows on the north side are very remarkable thorpe, cleared week days at a.m. & 7· 15 p.m.
for their size and for the beauty of their tracery: in 1891 & sundays at 2,15 p.m. East Rudham, about I mile
the church was thoroughly restored at .a cost of £1,ooo, distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
from designs by Mr. H. J. Green A.R.I.B.A. of Norwich, Carrier.-Arthur F. Mays, to Lynn, on tues. & sat. &
I!Jld now affords 230 sittings.. The register dates from the Fakenham, on thur@
year 1563. The living is a vicarage, annexed to East The children of this. place attend the school at East
Rudham, joint net yearly value £325, in the gift of the Rudham
Rowell Alfred, The Hall Dawson Henry Ernest. butcher Reynolds John, farmer
Simd~ William John. The Grange Dodman George, chimney sweeper Rowell Alfred, farmer & landowner,
Wood John Mountford J.P Englestown Henry, farmer The Hall
COMMERCIAL. Larwood George, farmer Sands William Jn. farmer, The Grange
Early closing day, Thursday 1 p.m. Leeks Frank. beer retailer Toll Just.ina (Miss), shopkeeper
Baldwin Charles. blacksmith 1 Matsell William, beer retailer Williamson James, shoe maker
Baldwin Malta, 'pork butcher Mays Arthur Fred, farmer & carrier Wilson Edwarrl, farmer
Black James William, shopkPeper Milk William S. Dul•e's Head P.H 1Vood John Mountford, estate agent
BrookR Edmund Charle3, farmer Payne Samuel (Mrs.), blacksmith to the Marquess of Cholmondeley
NORTH :R UNCTON is a parish and village, miles are distributed to the poor in fuel. Runcton Hall, the
south-west from Middleton station on the Lynn and r seat of Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O., J.P. is
Dereham section of the Great E;1stern railway and 3 ~ :l. white brick mansion, situated in pleasant grounds
!outh-south-east from Lynn, in the North Western surrounded by a well~timcered park of about 100 acres:
division of the county, hundred, petty sessional divi- ' a very fine staircase of old oak and .carved mahogany,
sion and union of Freebridge Lynn, Lynn county cnurt. · brought from St. Ann's House, Lynn, formerly the
district, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), archdeaconry residence of the Allen family, was erected in the Hall
CJf Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of All in rSlg8. Thomas Stephen ·whitaker esq. of Everthorpe
Saints is an edifice of carr stone and brick, in the Hall, Yorks, who is lord of the manor, the Hon. Charles
Classic style, consisting of chancel, nave, and a tower S. H. Drummond Willoughby, of 95 Barley street,
with pinnacles and a small spire, containing 3 bells, London W, Reginald Gurney esq. of Earlham Hall,
recast in 1908; figures of the four Evangelists, painted Norwich, and Sir S. A. Gurney K.C.V.O. are the chief
by Lamponi, of Florence, were presented to the church landowners. The soil is a good mixed one ; subsoil,
by Sir S. A. Gurney KC. V. 0. of this parish, in rBgg, principally clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
and placed at the east end, in memory of the late Mr. beans and turnips. The area is 1,454 acres of land and
Daniel Gurney, cf North Runcton Hall: the interior 2 of water; rateable value, [2,129; the population in
was entirely renovated in r887 under the direction 19II was 305.
of Mr, H. J. Green, architect, of Norwich, and in 1894 a Hardwick is a s1uall hamlet, nearly 2 miles north-
new organ chamber and organ were erected at a cost of north-west from North Runcton church and 1 south
£200; in :1901- a painting uf the Hesurrection, also by from Lynn.
Lamponi, was placed in the east window by Sir S. A. Parish Clerk, Alfred William Richardson.
Gurney K.C.V.O.: there are 200 sittings., of which 40 Post & Telegraph Office.-Mrs. Dan Berry, sub-post~
are free. The register dates from the year r563. The mistress. Letters received from King's Lynn, via
living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Hardwick West Winch, are delivered about 8 a.m. & letter box
with Setchey annexed, joint net yearly value £443• cleared at r & 6.55 p.m.; sundays, arrive 8 a.m.;
including 23 acres of glebe, with good residence, in the dispatched at 12-40 p.m. West Winch is the nearest
·Q'ift of Mrs. Steward, and held since rgro by the Rev. money order office
John Carleton Steward Th.A.K.C.: there are 12 acres of Wall Letter Box, Runcton hall, cleared at 1.5 & 7·5
land in West Winch parish producing £2r yearly, and p.m.; sundays, 12.45 p.m
:applied to the maintenance 0f the church. The charities Assistant Overseer, Frederick P. Chilvers, West Winch
amount to about £7 yearly, and consist of Hope's Public Elementary School (mixed), opened in r863, &
donation of £3 6s. 6d. paid by the rector, and the rent enlarged in rBgs-6 at a cost of £350, for 88 children;
.of 2 acres of land, let for £3 ros. yearly, these sums 1 average attendance, 6o; John Vandyke, master
NORTH RUNCTQN_ Steward Rev. Jn. Carleton Th.A.K.C. Frost Henry, farmer, Primrose farm
PRIVA'IB RESIDENTS. (rector), The Rectory Gore Charles, farmer
Digby Captain Henry Almarus R.N., COMMERCIAL. Greenacre Robert, jun. carter
J.P. North Runcton lodge Burke Richard, harness maker Harvey James, gamekeeper to Sir S.
G-urney Sir SomervilleArth.K.C.V.O., Chilvers, frmr.Church fm
A. Gurney K.C.V.O
Y.L., J .P. Runcton hall Chilvers William Percy, coal dealer Pleasant David, head gardener to Sir
Lombard John W. E. ; & Marlborough 1 Drew Charles, beer retailer S. A. Gurney
club, London S W Gamble William, jun. Manor farm Riches John, dairy farmer
Smith 'l;hos. gardener to Capt.Digby I Whitm()re John,1 builder &a HARDWICK.
:r'hm::ston ,Stophen, bricklayer;.., : ~ Wright Jasper J. photographer f Roofe J obn Robert, farmer
SO 0 TH R UNCr:rON is. a. parish and viHage on the 1 Ethelston Peel esq. of Bryn-y-pys, eo. Flint, and Wal-
road from Downham to Lynn, 4 iniles north-by-west from lington Hall, and held since rgo4 by the Rev. Philip ·
Downham station on the Ely and Lynn section of the William Sparling M.A. of Sidney Smse~ College, Cam-
Great Eastern railway and 7 south from Lynn, in the bridge, who resides at Holme. The Master and Fellows
South Western division of the county, Clackclose bun- of Caius College, Cambridge, are lords of the manor
dred and petty sessional division, Downham union and and the principal landowners. The soil is light • ~ub­
county court district, l'Ural deanery of Fincham (east divi- soil, graveL The chief crops are wheat, barley and
sion), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The beans. The area is 832 acres of land and 4 of water;
church of St. Andrew is a small building of stone in the rateable value, [742; the population in I9II was 137-
Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave and a western Sexton George Lambert.
turret containing one bell: there is a fine Norman arch, '
and a tablet to the Peel family: the east window is Letter Bo~ cleared at 3·4° & 6.50 p.m.; sundays,
stained: the church wrul restored in 1a4o, and affords a. m. Letters through Downham. The nearest money
r6o sittings. The register ·dates from the year r_562i.. ordeT & telegraph uffice is at Watlington, about r§
Tht3 living is a rectory, consolidated with Holme and miles distant
Wallington -with Thorpland, join~ net yearly value £450, The children of this parish attend the school at Holme-
with 30 acres of glebe, in the gift of Hugh Edmund next-Runcton
Hawkins Edward R. Lanes Farm ho /1 Fl.att John Joseph, farmer
Britton Admer, farmer Peacock Horace Cambridge, farmer
Sampson "\Villiam, farmer

RUNHALL is a scattered parish, I mile north from commons were inclosed in 1852, and 3 acres of land are
Hardingham station o~ the Wymondham and Dereham let in allotments to labourers. The Earl of Kin;J.berley
section of the G11eat Eastern r.ailway and .6 miles west- is lord of the manor ;1nd chief landowner. The soil is
north·west from Wymondham, in the Mid division of clayey; subsoil, brick earth. The chief crops are whea~
the county, hundred, petty sessional division and union barley, turnip!l and hay i fruit growing is also exten-
of Foreboe, COilllty court distl'ict of Wymondham, rural sively carried on here by Mr. George Charles Brace.
deanery of Hingham, Forehoe division, archdeaconry of The area is 85o acres; rateable value, £I,II3; the
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich: the river Yare forms population in I9II was 187.
the southern boundary of the parish. The church of All Parish Clerk and Sexton, J onathan Neve.
Saints is a small building of flint aJ;~.d stone in the Per-
pendicular style, consisting of a nave and. a round western Po~t & Telegraph Office.-Barnard Benjamin Briggs,
tower containing one bell : the chancel was long since sub-postmaster. Letters through Attleborough, via
destroyed by fire; the. church was partially restored at Hardingham, arrive at 9 a.m. & 3·35 p.m.; dispatched
an expense of £420 jn r87o, and has roo sittings. The at I2.5o & 5.15 p.m. week days only; no sunday
register dates from the year 1597- The living is a vicar- delivery. Thu~ton, about 2 miles distant, . is the
age, annexed to the rectory of Coston, joint net yearly nearest money order office
value £go, with 6 acres of glebe, in the alternate gift Wall Letter Box at the Wood farm, cleared at I &
of the Earl of Kimberley and the Bishop of Norwich, 5.30 p.m. week days only
and held since I897 by the Rev. Frank Edward New Public Elementary School (mixed), for this parish &
M.A. of St. ·Peter's College, Cambridge, chaplain of that of Coston, erected by the 1st Earl of Kimberley,
Wicklewood Workhouse, and resides at Coston. Here in 1861, at a cost of [250, for 75 children; average at-
is a Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in rgo6. The tendance, 37; Miss Mildred Whiting, mistress
~ew Cecil Henry, Mill house Tiraco George Charles, fruit grower, Moy George, farmer •
Beach house Orton Thos. Black Horse P.H. & farmr
COM¥ERCI.AL. Briggs Barnard Benjamin, boot & Pegnall Herbert, farmer
Banham Leonard William, farmer, shoe maker, Post office Savory Edward, shopkeeper
The Wood farm Dawson Edward, farmer Wright Dennis Robt.frmr. Church fm
Kerridge Thomas, farmer
R UNltAM fs a parish on the banks of the navigable distributed in coals. Thomas Alfred Rising esq. of
Bure, 3 miles south-west from Ormesby station on the Ormesby St. Margaret, is lord of the manor. Charles
Midland a.nd Great NortheTn joint railway, 6 miles :from William Waters esq. of Herringby Hall, Robert Fellowes
Acle station, about 7 miles north-west by the old road esq. of Shotesham Park, and Mr. John Charles Fabb are
fronl Ya1w.outh, in. the Eastern division of the county, the principal landowners. The soil is good mixed: sub 4

incorporated hundreds, petty sessional division and soil, light clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
incorporation of East and West Flegg, county court oats, hay &c. The area of the parish is 1,638 acres of
district of Great "fll;rmouth, ;rural deanery of Flegg and land, 37 of tidal water and 217 of foreshore; assessable
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. There is a ferry value £r,g8o; the population in 19II was 304.
here across the river Bure, for foot passengers only, Sexton, George Palm er.
called " Run ham Swim." The church of SS. Peter and
Paul is an ancient building of stone in the Early Post & M. 0. Office.--Mrs. Mahala Jemima Nichols,
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, and an em- postmistress. Letters arrive from Great Yarmouth at
battled western tower with four pinnacles, containing 3 7·S a. m. & 4· IS p.m. (to callers only) & are dispatched
bells: the church was restored from designs by Mr. at 10 ·4° a. m. & S·45 p.m. i no sunday delivery. The
W. A. Morant, of Yarmouth: there are 200 sittings. nearest telegraph office is at Filby, 1! miles distant
The register dates from the year 1538. The living is Public Elementary School (mixed), for this parish &
a vicarage, net yearly value £1go, including 36 acres part of Mautby, built, with teacher's residence, in
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of I854, at a cost of £5I2; it will hold go children;
Norwich, and held since 1905 by the Rev. George Hunt average attendance, 65; Miss Bertha Death, head mist.
Holley B.A.. of Jesus College, Cambridge, who is also The school is controlled by a board of 6 managers, 4 ap-
rector of Thrigby. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners pointed by County AnthoJ"ity & 2 by Pari&h Meeting;
are the lay rectors. Here is a Primitive Methodist Charles William Waters esq. J.P. of Herringby Hall,
chapel, built in 1868 and enlarged in 1902. There is I! chairman of managers & of Parish Meeting
acres of land for poor widows and a poor's allotment of Carrier.-Herbert. Robert Thurtle, to Yarmouth, wed.
27 acres, now (1912) let at about £ss, which sum is & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. J Eng-lish Charley George, Three Horse Howes Jn. & Benj. graziers, Marsh frm

Fabb Mrs. R. W Shoes inn Lawn Charles, farmer

Holley Rev. George Hunt B..!. Fabb John Charles, farmer Nichols Albert Job, market gardenAr
(vicar), Vicarage Frosdick Benjamin, blacksmith, ~hoe- Nichols Job, farmer
COMMERCIAL. ing & general smith; & at Stokes by Nichols John, farmer
BarhPr William, farmer, Bounty farm Gowen Samuel, farmer Palmer Jn. cowkpr. Runham Swim
Brooks Benj. insur.agt.&market gdnr Green Geo. farmer,White Gate farm Rational Association Friendly Society
Browu Jnhn, farmer Henry John, shopkeeper (George Palmer, sec)
Browne Henry John, farm bailiff to Hewett Samuel, farmer Smith William, farmer, Manor farm
J. C. Fabb esq Hill John C. farmer Thurtle Herbt.Rbt.shopkpr.& carrie-r
, RUNHAIM VAUXHAT.L, see Great Yarmouth,
RUNTON is a parish comprising the villages of East railway branch from Lynn and Norwich to Crome-r, ~rbout
and WeiSt Runton, on tbe sea coast, with a station at :z miles west from Cromer and n from North Walsham~
West Runton, on the Midland and Great Northern joint with a station at. West Runton on the Nonricll. ~

Cromer section of the Great Eastern railway. The I and about 20 acres in Holt, the rents of which, and of
parish is in the Northern division of the county, North two cottages, amounting in all to £56 yEmrly, are
Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, Erp- distributed, chiefly in coals: the charity is now managed
ingham union, Holt county court district, rural deanery by trustees under a scheme framed by the Charity Cam-
of Repps and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. missioners in x883; James Kemp, clerk to the trustees.
The scenery of West Runton is highly attractive, and The trustees of the late Benjamin B. Bond-Cabbell esq.
here also is an excellent golf course, open to visitors (d. 1Bgz), Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton hart. of Colne
by tickets obtainable at the Runton Links Hotel. House, Cromer, Wyndham C. Cremer esq. and Capt. R.
The beach at both villages is safe for bathing and for C. Batt M. V.O. (who is lord of the manor of Run ton
children. Furnished houses and apartments are geneTally Hayes) are the principal landowners. The soil is light;
to be had during t.he season, and particulars as to these subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley
may be obtained from the proprietor of the hotel. The and hay. The area is 1,263 acres of land, 5 of tidal
church of the Holy Trinity is an ancient building of flint, water and II7 of foreshore; rateable value, £5.435; the
with stone dressings, in the Early English style, consisting population in xgxx was 907.
of chancel, nave, aisle, eouth porch and an embattled Sexton, Robert Henry Payne.
western tower, wit~ pinna_cles, con~inin~ one be~: there Post, M. 0., T. & Telephone Call Office, East Runton.-
~re som~ good stamed wmdows, mcludmg ~ne mserted William Puxley, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
ID 1911 m memory of Mrs. Forbes Eden: m· 1_886 the Cromer; deliveries, 7 a. m. & 12 _15 & 7 . 5 p.m.; dis-
tower a;nd nave roof were restored, carved chmr stalls patches, 5 . 35 , 7 _20 & I I a.m. & 4 & 7 p.m.; sunday
placed 1~ chancel, a~d a lych gate erected: there dispatch, 8. 5 a.m.; sundav letters to callers only, 8. 30 6oo s1ttmgs. The reg1ster dates from the year 1743. to 10 a m •
The living is a di~c~arged recto ry, consolidate~ with Post, M. ·a. & T. Office, West Runton.-William Payne,
~bat of Aylmerton, ]Omt. net year_y 1 value £333, u;cl_ud- sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Cromer; de-
mg 62 acres of glebe, .m the gift of Robert W~ll~am liveries, 7 . 5 & 1 ~. 25 a.m. & 6. 40 p.m.; dispatches,
Ketton esq. ~nd held smce 1872 by the Rev. Will1am _
5 45 6. & II.S a.m. & . 40 & 6.s p.m
Woodward Mills M.A. of Wadham College, Oxford, and . ' 55 3 . . .
rural dean of Repps, who resides 8 t .Aylmerton. There Public Elementary S_cbool (miXed & mfants), erect.ed m
is a Primitive Methodist chapel at East Runton, and also r852 by t~e late Sir _Edwaxd Nor:h Buxton hart_.' was
a reading room with library both at East and West enlarged m 1858 & m 19II _&_ w1ll bold 250 children;
Runton. The land belonging to the poor, given by average attendance, 150; W1lham Albert Cole, master
unknown donors, comprises about 10 acres in Runton Railway Station, Robert William King, station master

EAST RUNT ON. Newstead Alfred Jas. aparts. Clifden :Edwards John, farmer & carter
Perfect J obn, boot repairer Gunton Bros. brick & tile makers
Goodyear Mrs. William, Da.lkeitb Porritt William, valuer & land agent J ohnson George, golf professional,
Hawker Bertram, Runt-on Old ball Puxley William, grocer, Post office Golf lodge
Mills Wm. Forster, lncleborough ho Reading Room & Library (George King Robert William, station master,
Alfred Lines, sec) Glengariff
Ransmu HPnry, farmer Lake William, apartmts. Queensmere
Abbs Charles, apartments, Buckland Rodwell Rt. laundry,II Windham pk Lines Fredk. Gerald, aparts.Cliff side
cottage, The Green Scottow Arth.Wm. aparts. Sydney bo Martins Fras. Thos. aparts.Tbe Ferns
.Abb.s Charles, jobmaster Skipper Alfred G. Boat P.H Mountier G. E. (M1'8. ), apartments,
Abbs Robert Jas. aparts. Flint house Smith William, apartments,Fernbank HDmfeld house
Beasey Charles, farmer Spalding & Line, boot makers Payne Robert Henry, blacksmith
Bird Frank, fruiterer Thain Benjamin, blacksmith Payne Wm. shopkeeper, Post office
Bird Waiter, wheelwright Weaights Frederick, cycle agent Riches Percy, aparts. St. Margaret's
Cannell Stanley, butcher Wright Jas. apartments, Victoria ho
Runton (West) Links Hotel &
Fox Martha (Mrs.), aparts.Crofton ho
Fulcber .Annie (Miss), aparts. Oak lo golf house (proprietor, C. J. Ren~
Furse David, White Horse P.H. & Abbs James, Cecil house · wick-Abbs), commanding magnifi-
agent for Gt. Eastern Railway Co Barwell Frederick Bacon, Beacon bill cent !lea & land views, close to
Green (J.narles, farmer, Moys farm West Runton station & adjoining
Brookes Arthur Charles, Monksmead the I 8 bole golf course laid out by
Harrison Ernest Last,aparts.Glenrock Chamberlin .Artbur Wm. Beeston gro
Jessop C. (Mrs.), shopkeeper J. H. Taylor; the first tee & 18th
Clark Edward George, Urling green are in the hotel grounds ;
Jolly Leonard, farmer, Manor farm Draycott Miss Gladys, Laburnum cot
Kemp James, rate collector & clerk Forsyth William, Woodrising total length of links, 5,5oo yards.
Letters," West Runton Links Hotel,
to the Parish Council Good hall Cecil N. Trefoil Cromer ; " Telegrams, "Woodlands,
Lines George Alfred, builder & brick Hicks Misses, Tanridgo West Runt<Jn;" Tel. No. 12 Shoring-
& tilo maker Moore Mrs. West Runton house ham. See also entry under Cromer
Lines William Waiter, &partments, Smith William P. gardener to Mrs.
Alexanura house COMMERCIAL.
Abbs Jas. farmer, Incleborough frm Cremer, Church cottages
Luff Alfred, frniterer & greengrocer Snelling Harry, apartments, Seafield
Marling Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 1 .Abbs Thomas, farmer, Pank's farm Thetford William,gamekeeper to H<Jn.
Victoria terrace Chapman .Arthnr, builder
~lartins Frederick, apartments, Cooper Henry, jobmaster, Rose cot J obn Mansfield, Church cottages
Ravens bourne Craske Wm. fishmonger, Hills view Vernon-Harcourt Miss Janet, private
Munday Charles, bookseller Creasey Hy. jobbing gardnr.Links vw school, Rnnton Hill
Neil Henry, joiner, Edgar house Denni.s Robert, farmer, Church farm Wbiston William Thomas, grocer

RUSHALL is a. parish and small village about 2 miles Rev. William Tattersall B.A. d. 1902, and hf"ld since 1Bq8
~HJuth from Pulham St. Mary station and 3 west from by the Rev. John Edward Player. Pheasant's charity.
Harleston station on the Waveney Valley section of the consisting of 7a. rr. of land, let in allotments to the pocr.
Great Eastern railway and 6 north-east from Diss, in the now produces £9 18s. yearly, which 1111m is devoted tn
Southern division of the county, Earsham hundred and church expenses. Rushall Hall, occupied by Mrs. M.
petty sessional division, Depwade union, Harleston county Gleed, farmer, is entirely surrounded by a moat. The
court district, rural deanery of Redenhall, archdeaconry Duke of Norfolk K. G. is lord of the manor. The
of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Trustees of Bethel Hospital, Norwich, are the principal
Yary the Virgin is an edifice of flint with stone dressings landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and gravel.
in the Early English and Decorated styles, consisting of The chief crops are wheat, barley, peas and beans.
chancel, nave, south porch and a round 13th century The arPa is I,IJB acres; rateable value, £x,o38; the
west~>rn tower, with an octagonal belfry, containing one population in 19II was Igo.
bell: the stairs leading to the ancient rood loft remain, and Deputy Parish Clerk, Henry Newby.
are in a perfect state: the chancel, which has two remark-
able lancet windows, has been thoroughly restored and Post Office.-Mrs. Phrebe Peake, sub-postmistress. Let-
npw roofed at the expense of the Master and Fellows of ters through Scale, arrive at 7·45 a.m. & 3· ID p.m. ;
.Emmanuel Colleg-e, Cambridge, who are the impropriators; dispatched at a.m. & 6-45 p.m. week days & 10.45
the remainder of the church was restored in 1878 at a a.m. sundays. Dickleburgh, 2 miles distant, is the
cost of [,760: there are 196 sittings. The register date11 nearest money order & telegraph office
from the year 156o. The living is a discharged vicarage. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 185B, with
nd yearly value £65, including 8~ acres of glebe, with residence for mistress, for so children ; average attend-
re~idence, in the gift of the repre3entative3 of the late ance, 32; Mrs. E. Murray Young, mistress

}'layer Rev. John Edward, VicarageGallant Thos. Wm. shopkpr. & farmr Reeve Ernest, farmer
Gleed Marion(Mrs.),frmr.Rushall hall Saunders Benjamin, drill owner
COMMERCIAL. Murray James, Priory farm Shibley Robert Nelson, farmer
Algar Ernest, cart & van builder, Nobbs William Samuel, farmer Thorpe William, farmer, Lodge farm
wheelwright, blacksmith, under- Peake Phrebe (Mrs.), shpkpr. Post ofl Thurlow Waiter, Half Moon inn
taker, builder & farmer Pymar ErnestWatson,frmr.College fm

RUSHFORD is a parish on the Little Ouse, 4 miles By Local Government Board Order No. 31,938, the
south-east from Thetford station on the Great Eastern Sufiolk portion of Rushford was annexed to Eustcn,
railway, in the Mid division of the county, Guiltcross and Suffolk.
Shropham petty sessional division, Thetford union and Post & Telegraph Office, Rushford.-George Baker, sub-
county court district, hundreds of Guiltcross and Black- postma~ter. Letters through Thetford arrive at 8.15
bourn, partly in Suffolk, rural deanery of Rockland (south a.m. & 2.10 p.m.; sundays, 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at.
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. ro a.m. & 6.25 p.m. ; sundays, 10.25 a.m. Thetford,
The church of St. John the Evangelist, formerly attached 4 miles distant, is the nearest money order office
to the college of St. John the Evangelist, dissolved in
154r, is ~ building of flint, in the Decorated style, with a SHADWELL is a hamlet in· this parish, 1~ miles
thatchecl roof: the only portions of the original church south-east from Rushford. Shadwell Court, the seat of
now existing are the nave and western tuwer, containing John Musker esq. is a modern mansion in the Domestic
a clock anrt 6 bells. The church was restored in 1904 as I Gothic style, standing in the centre of a luxuriantly-
a memc.rial to the late John Henry Musk er, of Shad well wooded park, and takes its name from a celebrated
Court, by his mother. The register dates from the year spring, near the house, called "St. Chad's Well," and
1777· The living, formerly a donative, is now united to once much frequented by pilgrims. The ball i,; panelled
the adjoining- rectory of Brettenham, joint net yearly value and roof~d with carved oak, and the other buildings,
£us, including 20 acres of glebe, in the g-ift of John disposed round a c:1urtyard, include a clock tower: in
Musker esq. and held since r885 by the Rev. Thomas the h0use is a fine collec:tion of stuffed birds, collected
Robinson B.A. of Wadham College, Oxford, who resides, from the estate, which has an area of II,0+4 acres: in
b~ permission of the patron, at Rushford College, there 1900 the hall underwent considerable alterations, nnder
being no rectory house. Jo-hn Musker esq. of Shad well the superintendence of Mr. H. Green, of Norwich.
Court, is lord of the manor and sole landowner. There Parish Clerk, GeJrge Baker.
is a parochial library of 260 volumes, supported by Mrs.
Musker. Here was anciently a college for a warden and Post Oflice, Shadwell.-J ames Rub bard, sub-postmaster.
six fellows, founded by Edmund Gonville, p:riest·, and Letters through Thetford arrive at 7. 45 a.m. ; di•
dedicated to St. John the Evangelist; two ~ides of the patched at 7 p.m.; sundays, I I a.m. Thetford, 4
quadrangle, still existing, are now occupiell as a resi- miles distant, is the nearest money order & Rushford,
dence by the rector; the revenues, ao the Dissolution, r! mile~ distant, the nearest telegraph ofiice
were estimated atJ £85. The soil is sandy; subsoil, Public Elementary School (mixed), for Rushford &.
and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and rye. Brettenham, built by the late Dowager Lady Buxton
The area is 2,223 acres of land and 30 of water; rate- j in 1872, will hold 52 children; average attendance, 44;
able value, [r,2r3; the population in I9II was 145. William Kinch, master
Musker John, Shad well court Grant Robert, farm bailiff to John Strutt Sergeant Walter, estate clerk
Robinson Rev. Thomas B.A. (incum- Musker esq to John Musker -esq. rate collectcr
bent), Rushford college Renders on Alexander, head game- & assistant overseer
Baker George, parish clerk, Post off keeper to John Musker esq

EAST RUSTON is a parish and scattered village near resides at Ridlington. Richard Parson, the celebrated
the sea coast, 3 miles north 'from Stalham station and 3 Greek scholar and professor of Greek at Cambridge
east from Honing station, both on the Midland and University, was born here 25 Dec. 1759, his father
Great Northern joint railway, and 5~ miles east from being then parish clerk. East Ruston Hall is the
North Walsham, in the Eastern division of the county, residence of George Wortley esq. Henry Blake esq. of
Tunstead and Rapping petty sessional division, Rapping Bramerton, Norwich, is lord of the manors of Kerdiston,
hundred, Smallburgh union, North Walsham county Netherhal, East Ruston and Bernells. The Ecclesiastical
court district, rural deanery of Waxham (Rapping divi- Commissioners are lords of the rectorial manor. 1.'he
sion), archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church principal landowners are Mrs. Hobson, W. Wenn esq.
of St. Mary is a building of flint with stone dressings, Lt.-Col. H. E. Dolphin, of Guildford, Surrey, Henry
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, Mcrse Taylor esq. of Dilham, the trustees of the lat8
south aisle, south porch and an embattled western Chas. Le Neve, Miss Waterson and Mrs. Horace Turner.
tower containing one bell: the panels of the chancel The soil is fine rich loam; subsoil, sand, gravel and clay.
screen are embellished with paintings of St. Gregory, The number of acres is 2,503, mostly in tillage, with
St. .A.mbrose, St. Augustine and St. J erome : the font the exception of 300 acres of common land, on which
is enriched with carvings representing the symbols of the poor pasture their cattle and cut fuel; the shoot-
the Evangelists, and was restored in 1884 by Mrs. ing and sporting rights are let annually, and the pro-
Att.hill, in memory of her husband : a new oak reredos ceeds distributed in coal among the poor; rateable
wa!l erected in 1907, at a cost of £1oo: the chancel was value, £3,480; the population in rgii was 642.
restored in 18 87 by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners at Parish Clerk, Edward Gaze.
an outlay of nearly [4oo, and in 1903 was new roofed;
in 1s93 _4 the nave was reseated with open benches, -a Post Office.-Miss Anna Elizabeth Youngman, sub-post-
carved oak pulpit provided, and r.ew windows erected, mistress. Letters through Norwich are cl.Plivered a~
at a co~t of over £3oo: there are 200 sittings: in 1897 7 a. m. & 2 ·35 p.m. July to Sept. 3-5 p.m.; dispatched
a quarter of an acre was added to the churchyard. '!'he at 12 · 15 & 4- 15 p.m. {Oct. to June) & 12 ·45 & 5·5
register dates from the year I554· The living is a p.m. (July to Sept.); there is no sunday post. Stal-
vicarage, net yearly value £ 300 , including 17 ~ acres of ham, 3 miles· distant, is the nearest money order &;
g-lebe, in the gift of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, telegraph office
and held since r88r by the Rev. William Muskett Hob- Public Elementary (Council) SOO.ool (mixed), erect~1 in
son, of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, rural dean 1879, for 204 children; average attendance,125; Walter
of Waxham (Rapping division), and surrogate, who J. Brumbley, master

Ducker James, farmer Plummer Henry Edward, builder

COMArF.RCIAL. Durrell .John, farmer, Church farm Plummer William, farmer
Aims Robert, Butchers' Arms P.H . Dyball Franc-is, farmer Plummer William. ju!l. farmer
Barber Herbert, blacksmith Gooch Frederick, threshing machine Pointer Charles, farmer
Barber Robert, farmer, The Grange proprietor, .A.thills farm & farmer Turner Herbert Waiter, miller (wind
Bell Charles, farmer at Mill farm, Happisburgh & st-eam)
Bell Robert, pork butcher & assistant Lake George, Chequers P.H Turner Horace, farmer, Grove & Old
overseer, Oak villas Pestell Waiter, farmer, Foxhill farm Mill farms
Bn!!!! Edward, farmer Pestell Waiter, farmer, Neaves farm Turner Robt.Geo.miller(wind&steam)
r,ole Bartley, shopkeeper Playford Richard, farmer Wortley George, farmer, Rnston hall
Cole John, farmer Plummer Arthur James, blacksmith Youngman Anna Elizabeth (Miss),
Cn-rtis William, farm bniliff to F. C. Plummer Charies, jun: farmer grocer, Post office
Nean esq.Manor fnn.& Silcocks fm i Plummer George, wheelwright
' ' .
SOUTH RUSTON. now caller! Scn-Rn~tnn.

xu .. ruLK ::s

GREAT RYBURGH (or Ryburgh Magna, formerly Io5g-84: the church affords 308 sittings. The register
spelt ~· Riburrough" and "Riburgh ") 1s a parish and dates flom the year I547· The living is a rectory, with
village on the west bank of the river Wensum, with a the vicarnge of Little Ryburgh annexed, joint net yearly
station on the \Vymondham and Wells branch of the Great value £34I, including 359 acres of glebe, with residence,
Eastern railway, 134 miles from London and 4~ south- in the gift of Charles Meaburn Tatham esq. of Lincoln's
east from Fakenham, in the North Western division of Inn, and held since I9IO by the Rev. Frederick Hugh
the county, Gallow hundred ami petty sessional division, Tatham M ..A. of University College, Durham, who is also
Walsingham union and county court district, rural deanery incumbent of the sinecure rectory of Testerton. Here are
of North Brisley and Toftrees, arcbdeaconry of Lynn and Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels and Salvation
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a Army Barracks. There is an allotment of 29a. or. 13p.
cruciform building of flint, with some Saxon and Norman for th~ benefit of the poor; Morse's charity, of £4 1Bs. 8d.
pOI-tions and insertions of Perpendicular date, consisting yearly, is for blankets. The church land consists of 8a.
of chancel, nav~>- transept, south rorch and a western 2r. and is let at £n ws. a year. Thomas A. Co{)k esq.
tower of Saxon date, round at the base and octangular of Sennowe Hall, is lord of the manor and principal land-, and containing- 6 bells, presented in I89I by the owner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chief
Smith family: the arcades rtre Norman: the stained east crops are wheat, barley andi roots. The parish contains
wmdow was added in IB63. and an organ erected I,565 acres of land and II of water; rateable value.
in I86-t-: a memorial window was erected in I866 £3,644; the population in I9II was 6I2. By dn Order
to Edward Tolver Gwyn esq. of Pensthorpe; and which came into operation March 25th, r886, a detached
several others and a brass eagle lectern were given part of this parish was amalgamated with Stibbard.
in I876 by members of the family of the Rev. Parish Clerk, Henry Brown.
George Edrnund Tatharn M.A. reetor I859-84: the chancel Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Arthur George Stark, sub-
contains a piscina on the north all well as the south side, postmaster. Letters arrive from Fakenham at 7.50
and there is also a piscina and aumbry in the south a.m. & 4·5 p.m. ; sundays (letters only), 8.5 a.m. &
transept: the church was restored in 186o at a cost of are dispatched at a.m. & 4.25 & p.m.; sun-
more than £I,ooo, and in 1891 a south porch was added days, 9.25 a.m
by her husband as a memorial to Mrs. Anne Jacobs Wall Letter Boxes, Highfield corner & Railway station
Smith: in 191 I the orga·n and choir gallP.ry wen~ re- Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r872 &
stored: the chancel is now (19I2) in course of restora- enlarged in rqo2 for 250 children; average attendance,
tion, and a new reredos is being erected as a memorial I6o; Albert Foster, master; Mrs. Foster, infants' mist
to the late Rev. George Edmund Tatham M.A. rector Railway Station, George Harris, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barrett Robert, tailor · Mesney Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Corner William Edward Brnwn Hv. boot maker & parish clerk Pratt Robt. farmer & assist. overseer
Cooke Tyr-ca Colman Richard, Crown P.H Savory Arthur John, farmer, High-
Reding-ton Harry Dodman Horace James, baker field farm
Salisbnrv Mrs
Smith Herbert Edgar. Mill house
Smith Mrs. F. E. Manor house
, Farmers' Foundry Co. Limited (The) Smith F. & G. Limited, maltsters,
(Thomas Cooper, managing direc- millers (ste1.m & water) & cake &
tor), engineers, iron founders, agri- ' general merchants ; & at East
Tatham Rev. FrEderick Hugh M.A.' cultural implement manufacturers Dereham & Wells
(rector), Rectory & g?neral agents Smith Charles, butcher & farmer
cmniERCIAL. Filby John Wm. farmr.Westwood frm Stark G. & Son, grocers & drapers
Early closin~.; day, Wednesday I p.m. Gibbons Arthur, Boar P.H Symonds Thomas, carpenter
Alexandra CofTee Rooms (Mrs. Emily Hall William, beer retailer . Toll Harry, farmer
Turner, manageress) ! Howe Mary Ann (Mrs.), farm9r Toll Louis G. farmer
Barnes Chas. roundabout proprietor i Howe Samuel, beer retailer Trew George Bates, grocer
LITTLE RYBURGH is a parish on the banks of the· Tatham M.A. of University College, Durham, who
river Wensnm, near Ryburgh strttion on the Great Eastern resides at Great Ryburgh. Here is a Primitive Metho-
railway, 3 miles east-south-east from Fakenham, in the dist chapel. The rents of an allotment of I3 acres, let
North Western division of the county, Gallow hundred for £7 yearly, are expended on fuel for the poor.
and petty sessional division, "\Yal;-;ingham union and county Thomas A. Cook esq. who is lord of the manor and
court district, rural deanerr of Burnham, archdeaconry Mr. James Philip Case, are the principal landowners.
of Lynn and dioce,-;e of Norwich. A bridge of one arch, The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
leading to Ryburgh station, cros~es the river Wensum at wheat, barley and oats. The area is 868 acres; rate-
this point. The church of All Saints is now in ruins. able value, £721; the population in 19II was 133.
The registers date from I6S8. but are partly included in p t · f t t L tt th h
th. f G t R h h Tl 1. · · · · os man arr1ves on oo a 8 .40 a.m. e erl! roug
. ose o rea y urg . 1e 1vmg IS ·a ·VIcarage,
t t an- F a k en h am. · Th e neares t pos t , money or d er & t e1egrap h
nexe d t o th e rec t ory o f G rea t R Y lmrg h , JOID ne year1y ffi · t G t R h h b t il d" t t
Value £34I 0 including :l'i9 acres of glebe, with residence, O ce lS a rea y urg ' a OU one m e lS an
in the LYift of Charles Meabnrn Tatham esq. of Lincoln's The children of this place attend the school at Grea~
Inn, and held 11ince 1910 by the Rev. Frederick Hugh Ryburgh
Long William, iarmer Sands William John, farmer; & at
Neale Arthur, farmer West Rudham
Platten Robert S. farmer Slegg Samuel, carpenter

ltYSTON (or Riston) is a parish three-quarters of a register dat~s from the year r687. The living is a
mile north from Hyston station (locally in the parish of vicarage, united with that of Roxham to the vicarage of
Fordham), on the Downham and Stoke Ferrv branch of Fordham, May 29th. 1877, joint net yearly value £210,
the Great Eastern railway, and 2 miles south-by-east from including 32 acres of glebe. and residence, in the gift of
Downham, in the South Western divisicn of the county, the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and held since I905
Clackclose petty sessional division and hundred, union by the Rev. Thomas Edward Charlton, who resides at
and county court district of Downham. rural deanery of Fordham. In this parish, and about 300 yards south
Fincham (Ea~t division),archdenconry of Lynn and diocese of Ryston Hall, stands Kett's Oak, or " the Oak of
of Norwich. The church ~f St. Michaelis a small building Reformation," the meeting place in IS49 of the West
of stm:e,. consisting- of chancPl. nave. !;Outh porch and a Norfolk rebels, vho left Lynn, Downham and Swaff-
western towar, restored in T 85 8 by Edward Roger Pratt ham to join Robert Kett, and thence proceeded to
esq. and containing one bell: in thP church are several Brandon and Norwich. It was a noted tree of large
handsome monuments to the Prntt family. including one dimensions, and is delineated in Sir J onas Moore's map
with an effigv of white mflrhle to .Anne (Monyn!;). wife of the Great Level of the Fens of I665. Ryston Hall,
of f'ir "Rog-Pr Pratt kt. d. I68.t; most of the windows are built in I66o bv Sir Roger Pratt, is the seat of Edward
staineci : the rhnreh wa.~ re-~eatPri with oak henche!t in Roger Murray Pratt esq. B.A., J.P. who is lord of the
1862, and in 1868 t.he -plaster rPiling of the chancel was manor and owns the whole parish; the park extends
taken down anri the original rnof, .;oo vears old, disclo!led over about 300 acres. The soil is of a mixed quality;
and restored, as WE'll as t.wo low-~ide window!~, an anmbrv subsoil, clay and sand. The area is 592 acres; rateable
and a verv heautiful piscina, all discovered during- the value, £798; the population in 1911 was 27.
'Pro!!Tess of the restoration: two curious windows in the Parish Clerk, Henry Robinson.
porch were 11lso rl'novated; the nave was new-roofed in Letters received through Downham, which is the nearest ·
TQOI. tb<> wholP work beinq carried out at the cost of money order & telegraph office, 2 miles distant ·
R R. M. Pratt e!I!'J.; there are roo sittings. The The children of this parish attend the school at Fordham
Pratt Edward Rog-er l\lurrrty B.A .. .T_P. RyRton ball Newel! Charles, gardener to E. R. M. Pratt esq
Cook John, bead g::&mek.eeper tu E. R. M. Pratt esq I
Newell John, estate accountant to E. R. M. Prutt esq
SAHAM TONEY is a parish and village 2 miles north- and United Methodist chapels. Saham College was
west from Watton station on the Bury, Tbetford and founded in 1852 by the late Rev. W. H. Parker M.A. of
Swaffham section of the Great Eastern railway, 9 south- New College, Oxford, then rector of Saham Toney.
west from Dereha.m and 8 south-east from Swaftham, in There are seven almshouses, four for widows and three
the South Western division of the county, Wayland bun- for old and respectable married couples: Hunt's charity
dred and petty sessional division, Swaffham union and of £22 yearly is given in calico and flannel to poor
county court district, rural deanery of Breccles, arch- p:ui,;hioners; the fuel allotment of 86 acres is let for
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The Wissey about £ul yearly, which sum is distributed in coals.
brook flows along the south of the parish, and forms part Near the .centre of the village is a mere of 13 acres,
of the boundary on that side. The church of St. George the property of R. H. Buscall esq. J.P. well stocked
is a handsome edifice uf flint in the Perpendicular style, with fish: eels of a peculiar form are caught here
consisting of chancel, nave of five bays with clerestory, and black bass are bred in the mere. Roman pottery
aisles, vestry, south porch and an embattled western and other antiquities have at various times been
tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells: found in the parish. Henry Edwin Garrod esq. Mount
over the south porch is a parvise : · a fine oak screen, gilt, street, Diss, is lord of the manor of Sa ham Toney,
separates the nave and chancel: in the north and south and the rector uf the rectorial manor, and the Rev.
walls of the chancel and south wall of the nave are piscinre: William Shuckforth Grigson M. A. vicar of Pelynt,
the font is of Bath stone and has a carved oak cover, Cornwall, of the manors of Howards, Harveys and Pages.
dated 1632, and surmounted by a pelican in her piety; The chief landowners are Capt. Charles Jarnes Randolph
the church is for the most part seated with oak benches J.P. the trustees of the Misses Mann, J. H. Gurney
of the 16th century, some of which have carved puppy esq. of Keswick Hall, and Joseph Truernan Mills esq. of
heads and figures of lions: there are others of later dat!J Stockgrove, Leighton Buzzard. The soil is chalk and
also carved: the oak reredos was erected to the memorY• clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley
of the Rev. J. G. K. Mackenzie M.A. rector 18gg-rg1o: and turnips. The area is 4,039 acres of land and 24 of
the stained east window wa.s the gift of the Rev. W. H. water; rateable value, [5,025; the population in rgu,
Parker M.A. rector from 1833, who restored the whole vras 1,031.
building at a considerable expense in 1864: there are Post Office.-Ernest Wheals, sub-postmaster. Letten
brasses to Edward Gaffe, of Threxton, 1612, Anna Sand- received through Thetford at 6.35 a.m.; dispatched at
hill, 1576, Edward Harvey Grigson, 1842, Williarn 1 r. 3 o a.m. & 6.5 0 p.m. week days & 10.15 a.m. sun-
Hooper Parker, 1876, Mary Parker (his mother), 1835, days; no sunday delivery. Watton, 1~ miles distant,
and E~ward Ro}Jert George, IQIO: there are ~ural is the nearest money order & telegraph office ·
memonal tablet~ to Carolus Parrott, 1787, R1chard Po~t Office, Saham Hills.-Richard Jary, sub-postmaster.

Bohun Tomkyns, 1833, former rectors, and to T. Shuck- Letters arrive through Thetford at 7.30 a.m. ; dis-
fort~ and- his wife, and several memori~l windows, in- patched 6.30 p.m.; no collection sundays. Watton is _
cludmg one to the_ l~te John Cas~end1eck esq. : the the nearest money order & telegraph office
church affor~s 500. s~ttm~s. The reg1ster dates from the Wall Letter Box, near Dolphin P.H. cleared week day~~; ,
year 1547. The hvmg 1s a rectory, net yearly value' 1 1. 20 a.m. & 6.25 p.m. & sundavs ro.1o a.m
£720, including 48 acres of glebe, with residence, in 1\ . '
the gift of New College, Oxford, and held since 1 9 1o [ Pubhc Elementary Schools.
by the Rev. Paul Jerome Kirkby M.A. Fellow of that Endowed, erected towards the close of the 17th century- '
college. The advowson, which ancientlv belonged to the & endowed with £3o yearly & a master's house, for
monks of :&men, was seized by Henry V. during the war ho_vs of the parishes of Saham Toney, Threxton &
with France, and subsequently presented by Henry VI. I lVatton; the school will hold go boys; average attend-
to New College, Oxford. Humphrey iPrideaux, dean of 1 ance. 6o; Benjamin Platt, master
Norwich, author of "The Connection of the Old and Girls' & Infants', for 100 children; average attendance,

New Testament with the History of the Jews and j 91; Miss Agnes Briggs, mistress .
Neighbouring Nations," and other works, was rector Infants', for 40 children; average attendance, 32; Miss
here in 1686. There are Wesleyan, Primitive Methodist ~ Mason, mistress
(Marked thus* receive letters through Bullen Joseph, farmer Mace Henry Thos. plumber,painter &c -
Shipdbam.) 'Carter George, coal merchant Mace Robert, miller .
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clarke John James, Dolphin P.H Middleton Alfred, farmer
Downs Mrs Disdle William, carpenter Newton Alfred, poultry dealer
George Sydney S. White house Etberidge George, farmer Newton Arth. assist.overseer & farmer
Hines Rev. Charles Percy B.So., Etheridge James, coal dealer Newton Charles F. farmer, overseer
A.K.C. Saham college Fickling Alfred, blacksmith & assessor & collector of taxes,~
Kirkby Rev. Paul Jerome M.A. Fickling Fredk. farmer, Page's Place Meadow farm
(rector), Rectory Fickling John, farmer Newton Harry, beer retailer
Naylor Henry, Saham cottage I Fickling Martha (Miss), shopkeeper Newton William, higgler
Oldfield Waiter, The Croft Fielding Sydney, Bell inn Newton William Feakes, farmer
Randolph Capt. Charles James J.P. Fox Charles, farmer, Park farm. Page John, farmer
Saham hall French Charles William, farmer *Probyn Howard John, farmer,Saham-
upcher Rev. Harry Berners B.A. Gapp Jas. farmer, Woodbottom farm Weight
Broom hill Garner William E. horse slaughterer Pye Thomas C. beer retailer
Upcher Ronald Berners, Sabam lodge *Hall John, horse breeder, Stud Read Charles, baker
farm, Saham grove Riches Robert, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Harvey Alfd. Ernest, brick & tile ma Roberts Henry, White Horse P.H
Adcock Georg-e, boot maker Harvey Joseph, farmer Rose Philip William, boot maker
Armiger S. A. (Mr:,s. ), beer retailer Hines Rev. Charles P., B.Sc., A.K.C. Royal Liver Friendly Society (Henry
Bald win John, shopkeeper head master, Saham College J. Smith, district manager)
Barton Frederick Sydney, farmer, Roughen Edward, chimney sweeper Saham Colle~e (Rev.Charles P. Hines
'" oodcock cottage Jury Richard, shopkeeper, Post office, B.Sc., A.K.C. head master). See
Brett Isaac, steward to C. J. Ran- Saham Hill advertisement
dolph esq Jennings Henry, farmer,Limekiln frn1 Smith Edward Earle, farmer, Brick-
Bristow Robert, baker Johnson Henry, poultry dealer kiln farm
Bull en Arthur, cattle dealer Lock John, grocer Wheals Ernest, grocer &c. & post off
ST. FAITH, see Horsbam St. Faith.
SALHOUSE (Salehouse or Sallowes) is a parish and chancel to Richard Ward, lieut.-col. East Norfolk militia
village near the river Bure, with a station one mile south- and officer of drag-oons, d. 1799, and others of his family,
west from the village on the East K orfolk branch of the 1784-1821: to Henry and Richard Dalrymple, d. 1784;
Great Eastern railway, 6 miles north-east from Norwich, and to Robert Ward esq. d. 1843, and his wife Lydia, d.
in the Eastern division of the county. Taverham hundred r839: an inscription on brass to Henry Tyllis, c. 1540,
and petty sessional divi;.inn, St. Faith's union, Norwich once here, is now lost ; it was a palimpsest, and had on
county court district, rural deanery of Taverha.m and the reverse another inscription to Rd. Gardener, chaplain,
archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of All c. 1500: there are also memorial windows to Richard and
Saints is a. building of flint with stone dressings chiefly in Elizabeth Ward and to John R. Campling: in the church
the Gothic style of the 13th century, consisting of chancel, are an hourglass stand and two ancient stone coffins :
nave, north aisle, 1outh porch and an embattled western it was entirely restored and a south porch built in 1881
tower, erected in the 15th century and containing 2 bells: at a cost of over £2,000, and has 170 sittings. The
there is also a sanctus bell hung in a screen, restored and register dates from the year 1568. The living is a vicar-
opened in 1895: there are several mural tablets to the age, consolidated with that of Wroxham, joint net yearly
family of Ward, formerly of Walcot, including one in the value {.220, including 14 acres of glebe, with residence,
488 U.LBOt:SE, NOR~"OLK. (KELLY'l'
in the gift of William Henry Trafford esq. and held Park, Edward Foote Ward esq. John Catm esq. M.P. of
sinee I9CYJ by the Rev. William Hewetson M.A. of Woodbastwick Hall, and Edward Southwell Trafford esq.
Worcester College, Oxford. There is a Baptist chapel of W roxham Hall, are the principal landowners. The
and a Wesleyan chapel. Charities:- Mr. Edward soil is of a light, mixed character; subsoil, marl. The
Metyer, in r612, left £2 1os. yearly, which is distributed chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The
every Easter Monday in bread; there is also a yearly area is 2,032 acres of land and 40 of water; rateable
sum of ws. paid by E. F. Ward esq. for one acre of value, £2,550; the population in rgii was 65o.
land on Mousehold Heath, and similarly expended; the Sexton, Arthur Tadman.
town lands of 24a. 4r. 2p. produce about £Jo yearly,
which is expended in fuel; there is also a charity of ss. a Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-SparhaiD Camp, sub-post-
year, left by Mr. Edmund Topcliffe in 1674 and given away master. Letters arrive froiD Norwich at 6.20 a.m. &
in bread on New Year's Day. The Reading Room was 2.2o p.m.; dispatched at 12.5o, 6.5 & 8.25 p.m.;
erected in 1897, on a site presented by E. !<'. Ward esq. sundays, ro. ro a.m
At a distance of 2 miles from the railway station are WaR Letter Box cleared at 12.20, 5.40 & 8 p.m.; sun-
two broads of 20 acres in extent. Salhouse Hall, the day.,, 9·55 a.ID
seat· of Edward Foote Ward esq. D.L., J.P. is a cas- Public Elementary School (mi.'"{ed), erected in 1845• &
tellated brick mansion of the Elizabethan period, since three times enlarged, for r64 children; average
pleasantly situated in a large and well-wooded lawn, attendance, 120; Mr. Newcater, master; Miss M. Legg,
and containing a fine collection of paintings and works Miss E. Reeve, Miss A. Thirkettle & Miss E. Nichol-
of art. Wi1liam Henry Trafford esq. who is lord of the son, assistant mistresses
manor, Sir Edward Paulet Stracey bart. of Rackheath t Railway Station, WilliaiD ThoiDas Smith, station master
Burrage Charles, Homestead Barber ..!nthony, farmer Pendle .John, carpenter
Campling Mrs. Rose cottage Black burn Susannah (Mrs.), Bell inn Read Thomas Frank, farmer & assist-
Clarke John William, Willow bank Browne Noah, poultry dealer ant overseer, Broad fa riD
Hewetson Rev. William M.A. (vicar), C::1mp Sparham, grocer, & post office Reading Room (E. E. Fish, sec)
,ricnrnge Farman Brothers, basket makers, Rose Herbert, blacksmith
Mill~r \Ldter, The Grange reed IDerchants & thatchers Sewell Timothy, farmer
Mottram Alfred, .Broadland cottage Farman & Waters, grocers & bakers Wiley Tholllas Hall, butcher, shop·
"Read Misses E. & L. Broad farm Goodley Tholllas, farmer,Manor farm keeper & farmer
"'Ward Edward Foote M.A., D.L., J.P. Groom William, King's Head P.H Winter Charles, shopkeeper
Salhouse hall Hill Ernest, coal dealer Winter George, coal dealer & farmer
COMMERCIAL. .Teffrie~ Robt. Ha1l, farmer,Old Hall fm Winter James, wheelwright & carpntr
_·Ainsworth .Alfred, land steward to Land Thomas, farmer Woodcock Joshua, friDr.& mrkt.grdnr
E. F. Ward esq Nicholson Henry Goddard, farmer I Wright George, fariDer & bricklayer
· SAJJ, is a village and. parish, I~ miles north from trustees of the late Rev. C. E. Marsh: in I904 some
Reepham station on the East Norfolk branch of the Great repairs were made to the roof of the nave, at the
Eastern railway and 6 south-west from Aylsham, in the expense of the late Major Timothy White, of Salle Park:
Northern division of the county, Eynsford hundred and. :n I910-12 the interior and exterior of the church was
petty sessional division, Aylsham union and county court restored at a cost of over £8,ooo, and a new organ
district, rural deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry and provided at the sole expense of W. R. D. White esq.
diccese of Norwich. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is J.P. of Salle Park: in 1912 three stained glass windows
il. noble building of flint in the Perpendicular style, con- wer~ pre;;ented by ~\lfred J odrell esq. of Bayfield Park,
sisting of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, north and wha also defrayed the cost of the restoration of the
south porches with parvises and turrets, and a lofty em- north tran~ept : the church afiords 300 sittings. The
battled western tower, with pinnacles, containing 6 bells registers date from the year I559· The living is a rec-
· '8nd a clock with two dials, presented in r897 by Maj. tory, net yearly value £340, including 30 acres of glebe,
TimothyWhite in colllmemoration of the Diamond Jubilee with residPnce, in the gift of Pembroke Ccllege, Cam-
.of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria: there are several bridge, and held since I9IO by the Rev. Henry Craven
_,ancient brasses, including one with effigies to Thomas Ord Lanchester M ..!.. of that college. Salle Park is the
Boose, 1441, and Katherina his wife, with figures of eight property and seat of Woolmer Rudolph Donati White
sons and four daughters standing on brackets by their esq. J.P.; the IDansion is a large edifice of red brick,
-parents: another to John Fontayne, 1453, and his wives with stone dressings, in the Elizabethan style, standing
· Alice, J oan and Agnes, with three children, only two effigies in the IDidst of a well-wooded park of 250 acres.
of wives and the inscription of a scroll now remaining ; William Dering Earle Bulwcr J.P. of Hcydon, and W.
and a third, with an effigy in a shroud, to John Brigge, R. D. White esq. J.P. are the lords of the manors of
I4IS, and brass inscriptions to Silllon Boleyn, chaplain, Sail, the latter being the chief landowner. The soil is
1482; Thomas Haglim, chaplain, 1484; MargarM. Calwe, sand and loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The craps are
14•86; Margaret Ryghtwys, 1500; John Ryghtwys, 1504; wheat, roots and barley, and some land in pasture. The
\Villiam Fontayne, rsos; and Margaret, his wife; Henry area is I,867 acres; rateable value, £2,024; the popula-
Hoddys, 1532; and Simou Grene and Helwisa, his wife, tion in I9II was Igz.
q8o: there was also a palimpsest brass with inscription Sexton, Alfred W. Gladden.
to Geoffrey Melman, c. 148o, the reverse showing the
head of a lady with braided hair, resting on a cushion, Pillar Letter Box, Park South lodge, cleared at B a.m. &
!!pparently Flemish work; this was loose ·in the church 2 & 7· 2o p.m.; sundays, 4·I5 p.ID. Wall Letter Box,
cheSit in r8 9 o, a.nd is now missing; two other imcrip- White Horse inn, cleared at 7 a. m. & 4-45 p.ID. week
tions commemorate Peter and Margaret Crome and days only. Letters through Norwich. Beepham is
Catherine Good; the brass of Geoffrey Boleyn, 1440, the nearest money order & telegraph, office, r~ miles
.Alice his wife and ro children is said to be now lost; . distant
there also remains a monument to Erasmus Earle, Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r864, by the
1695: the chancel was restored by the Rev. Charles late Rev. Sir E. R. J odrell bart. for 40 children; aver-
Earle Marsh M. A. in r86J, and again in 1903 by the age attendance, 30; Miss Mildred Annie Parker, IDist
Lanchester Rev. Henry Craven Ord Clarke Fredk. farmer, Cherry Tree fm Mortlock Playford Ray, farmer, Stin-
M.A Dove Robert, gamekeeper to Woolmer ton Hall fariD
White Woolmer Rudolph Donati J.P. B. D. White csq. J.P Sayer Sallluel, head gardener to
Salle park Humphrey ThoiDas Philip, farmer, Woolmer R. D. White esq. J.P
COMMERCIAL. Manor farm Stimpson Edwd. frmr. Moor Hall fm
Barber Elizh. (Mrs.), White Hor~e P .H

Wilson J ames. farmer ,Gatehouse frm

SALTHOUSE is a parish near the ssa.~hore, 4 mile" remainder to the other two pal'ish8.3 before mentioned.
north from Holt station on the Ea!'tern ~ection of the The church of St. Nicholas is a large and lofty building
Midland anrl Great Northern joint ·railway. ID east from of flint, with stone dressings, in the Perpendicular sty1e,
Cromer and 12 west from Wells. in the Norbhern division consisting of ohancel, clerestoried nave, aiBles, north and
of rtbe cuunty, Holt hundred, petty sessional division and south porches, ve~try and an embattled western tower
county court district, Erpingham union, rural deanery of containing one bell: the chureh was resea.ted in 1887 and
Ho1t and archdooconry and dioce8e of Norwich. The sur- severaJ. of the old oak benches with poppy head!! !'till
face of this parish is undulating, and the higher grounds remain, and several portions of the fine rood screen still
command fine sea views: about soo acres of marsh. retain figures, elaborately painted, on the lower panels,
belonging to this and the adjoining pnrishes of Cley and hut of these the faces have at some period been scraped
KeHing, were in rBsr drained and embanked, but about •lway: the stone font is adorned with shielus bearing
1863 the banks were hrokl'n and hn \'e ·:not since been the emblems of the Passion and Evangelistic symbols: a
repaired~ 3j9 acres belong to this parish and the 11tained window was placed at.the east f?nd of the south

aisle in 1878: there are 100 sittings. The register datEll!i mound in the centre, perhaps 6 or 8 feet higher than
from rthe year 1538. The living is a discharged rectory, the embankment: the entrance, as at Beeston, is on the
annexed to that of Kelling, joint net yearly value £350, north side, towards the sea. H. W. A. Deterding esq.
wit.h 18 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. S. L. Mather, of Kelling, is lord of the manor and chief landowner.
and held· since 18(}6 by the Rev. William Bramley Sayle The soil is chiefly light; subsoil, marl. The chief crops
Dalby M.A. (late Exhibitioner), of Corpus Christi Col- are wheat, barley, turnips and grass. The area is
lege, Cambridge, and surrogate, who resides at Kelling. 1,559 acres of land, 15 of water and 31 of foreshore;
Here is a United Methodist chapel, erected in 1891, and rateable value, £1,037; the population in 1911 was 246.
seating about 150. At the inclosure in 1781 the poQl' Deputy Parish Clerk and Sexton, George Cooke.
received three allotments, comprising 349 acres, for fuel Post Office.-Richard Joseph High, sub-postmaster. Let-
and pasturage; one of these, comprising 122 acres, was ters received through Halt, Norfolk, & delivered at
part of Kelling common. There is a rocket life-saving B. 10 a. m. & 6.10 p.m. & dispatched at 6.50 a.m. & 4.40
apparatus. On the extreme east of the heath, adjoining p. m. ; no Sunday post. Cley-next-the-Sea, 2 miles
Kelling parish, is an earthwork, which may be roughly distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
described as a raised bank, much in the form of an old- The children of this place attend the Elementary school
fashioned figure of 6, about 35 paces in diameter, with a I at Kelling
COMMERCIAL. High Henry, farmer IJarvis David, coal dealer
Dack Matthew, poultry dealer High John William, butcher J arvis Georgina (Miss), shopkeeper.·
Dew John, farmer High Richard J oseph, shopkeeper & Pigott Herbert, baker
Graveling Edith Sarah (Mrs.), Dun sub-<postmaster Pigott Robert Spence, cowkeeper
Cow P.H High Ricfard Thomas, assistant over- Ross !vie, farmer, Ivy hall
High Ernest Porter, farmer seer & clerk to Parish Council
SANDRINGHAM is a parish and village, 2 miles white marble, with an inscrip~\on. The register da£es-
east from Wolferl;ou station on rthe Lynn and Hunstanton from the year I557· The living ~s a rectory, with that·
seotion of the Great Eastern railway and about 3 north of Babingley and the vicarage of ,Appleton and rectory.
from Hillington station on the Midland and Great North- of West Newton annexed, joint net yearly value £273.
ern joint railway and 7~ north-by-east from Lynn, in including 20 acres of glebe, with residence in the gift
the North Western division of the county, Freebr1dge of H. M. the King, and held since 1912 by the Rev,.
Lynn hundred, petty sessional division and union, Lynn Arthur Rowland Harry Grant M.A. of Oxford University,
oounty court district, rural deanery of Lynn (Norfolk), and domestic chaplain to H.M. the King. Carr stone
archdeaoonry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church is obtained in the parish and has been used in the
of St. .Mary Magdalene, standing in the grounds of construction of cottages on the estate. The parishes of
Sandringham House, is a small but beautiful struDture Sandringham, Wolferton, Babingley, West Newton and-
in the Perpendicular style, collJSisting of chancel, nave, parts of Appleton and Dersingham, containing between
transepts, north aisle, battlemented south porch and an 7,ooo and 8,ooo acres, were purchased in 1863 by His ·
embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing one late Majesty King Edward VII. when Prince of ·wales,
bell and a clock, with four dials, placed in 1899 as a from the Hon. C. S. Cowper for about £22o,ooo, in·
memorial to the lat~ Christopher Sykes: the chancel addition to which a further 3,ooo acres were added in'
ami eastern window have been adorned and dedicated to 18g6, in the adjoining parishes of Anmer and Shern--
the memory of His late Majesty King Edward VII. by b0urne, and in October, Igro, the Flitcham property
Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, his children and his of 3,2oo acres was purchased. Sandringham House, the
grand-children, his household and servants and by the residence of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, was erected·
tenants and workers upon the estate: in the chancel are in 1870, the old house bPing then entirely removed: the
memorials to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, d. 22 present mansion is of brick with Ketton stone dressings,
Jan. 1gor; to H.R.H. Princess .A.lice (Grand Duchess of in the Elizabethan style, from designs by Mr. A. .T.
Hesse), d. r4 Dec. 1878; to H.R.H. the Duke of .A.lbany Humbert, architect, of London; the main part of the· •
K. G. d. at Cannes 27 Mar. 1884; to H.I.M. Frederick building, with the offices, forming a parallelogram of
Ill. German Emperor, d. 15 June, 1888; to H.R.H. the about 450 feet by 70 feet, with a stone portico, or
Duke of Clarence K.G. d. r4 Jan. 1892; to H.R.H. the covered carriage entrance, on the eastern front: the
Duke of Saxe-Coburg K.G. d. 13 July, 1900; to H.I.M. west side includes the dining and drawing Tooms, with.
the Empress Frederick of Germany, d. 5th Aug. 1901, and libraries adjoining, and on the south side between the·
tJ His late Majesty King Edward VII. d. 6th May, 1910: house and offices a spacious ball room was erected in-.
here are also two panels of terra-cotta, representing the summer of r883, from the designs of R. W. Edis esq.
"The Taldng Down from the Cross" and "The Lift- C. B., D.L., J.P., F.S.A. architect., of London; a corridor-
ing Up of the Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness," and connects the ball room with the remaining portion or
three stained windows erected to H.R.H. Alexander the house, and behind it are telegraph and post offices:
John Charles Albert, infant son of His late Majesty the general style is Elizabethan, freely treated, the ceiling~
King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra, d. 7 April, bobh of the corridor and <the ball room being elaborately
1871, and to Lieut.-Col. George Henry Grey, equerry panelled in the style of the 16th century: the west
to His late Majesty when Prince of Wales, d. n Dec. front was improved in 1904 and the north end of the
1874: there is also a memorial window, presented by house remodelled in 1909: the fitwer gardens and
the 1ot-h Hussars, in memory of H.R.H. the Duke of pleasure grounds, though not very extensive, are taste-
Clarence K.G. d. 14 Jan. 1892, and others to the late fully laid out and interspersed with evergreens and
Rev. \Villiam Lake Onslow M.A., F.R.A.S. formerly venerable oaks: there are also some pieces of water:
naval instructor to .Admiral H.R.H. the Duke of Saxe- the kitchen garden is 15 acres in extent, 7 acres of
Coburg K.G. and sometime rector here, d. 30 Aug. which are within the walls, and form a parallelogram
\ 1877; and to the Rev. George Brown }.foxon, also a with a convenient carriage drive around: the stables are
former rector: the stained windows in the south transept spacious and will hold about forty horses: the park is
were the gift of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria and stocked with deer and the estate abounds with game:
H.R.H. the late Duke of Saxe-Coburg K.G. ; those in the the entrance gates are fine specimens of modern English
north transept were the gift of Frederick Wavmouth iron-work and were presented to His late Majesty King
Gitbs esq. O.R., Q.C., M.A.. formerly tutor to His late Edward VII. by the County on his marriage in 1863.
Majesty King Edward VII. and the royal household, d. Water works were erected in 1878 and a good supply is
1894, and there are others filled with rich Munich obtained from a. chalk spring in Den Beck Wand, the
glass: the organ and pulpit were given by His late yield of which varie~ from 15,ooo to ll5o,ooo gallons in
Majesty King Edward VII. and the brass eagle lectern the 24 hours; the level of this spring is 92 fept above
was selected and presented by H.M. QuePn .Alexandra Ordnance datum, and the water is conveyed through
in commemoration of the recoverv of His late stoneware pipes to the pumping station, whrnce it is
Majesty King Edward VII. when Prince of Wales, pumpPd to a watrr tower conta'ining an iron storage
from his serious iilness in 1871-2: in the nave tank, at a height from the ground of about 6o fret •nd
are suspended the old colours of the Norfolk holding 32,000 ~allons, and from this tank the Hall,
Regiment (9th Foot), aiJd here also are memorial brasses stables and gardens are supplied; a further covered
to the Rev. F. A. J. Hervey C.V.O., M.A. rector 1878- storage tank holding I,ooo,ooo gallons was ex~avated in
!907, and to Mr. Edmund Beck, late estate agent to 1go6. A. complete' electrical plant for lighting purposes
His late Majesty King Edward VII: the church was was installed in IQ03- There is also a dairy. which
restored in 1857 by Lady Harriet Cowper, and again includes a tea-room used by H.M. Quren AlPxandra. and
in 18go by His late Majesty King Edward VII. when a stud farm for the rearing of thoroughbreds. York
the transepts were added and the roof renewed in oak: Cottage is the residence of H.M. the King, who is lord
it now affords about 150 sittings. In the churchyard, near of the manor and sole landowner. The soil is heath,
the east end of the church is the grave of the infant peat and sand, with clay in parts. with a subsoil of the
Prince Alexander, above which is a slab and cross of same; the farm (east end Of the parish), light soil,
• 7

with a subsoil of chalk. The crops are wheat, barley, The telegr-aph office is open from 8 B.m. to midnight on
turnips and seeds, on the four-course system. The area sunday & week days, for the receipt & dispatch of ~le­
is 1,172 acres; rateable value, £1,217; the population in grams addressed to or sent by persons staying at Sand-
1911 was 104. ringham House
Verger, John Crisp. The children of ~his place attend the school at West
Letters through King's Lynn & London. Wall Letter Newton
Boxes, Norwich gates, cleared at 10.40 a.m. & 6 ro
.._ 6 p.m
p.m.; L od ge gates, I0-30 a.m. "" H.'M. Queen .Alexandra's Technical School of ~eedle-
There i~ 8 Post, M. 0. & T. Office at the Hall (letter;; work, for teaching the children of those employed on
should have Norfolk added).-William Henry Mann, the estate, was instituted by H.M. Queen Alexandra
sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 5 & 10 a. m. & 1 in 188g; the girls learn weaving, spinning & needle-
( direct from London) & 6 p.m. (when the court is work; Miss Edith Wolfe, lady superintendent
in residence); dispatched (direct to London) 11 a.m. & There is also a school for instructing the boys in cabinet
6.30 & 8.30 p.m. (when the court is in residence) making, ~arpentering & joinery; B. Burnop, supt
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Mann William Henry, postmaster
His Majesty King George V. York Michie Annie (Miss), housekeeper
cottage • Beck Capt. Frank Reginald M.V.O. Prince Charles Ernest,estate engineer Majesty QueenMary ,York cottage agent to His Majesty the King, Territorial Battalion (5th) Norfolk

Her Majesty Queen .!lexandra, Sand- Sandringham estate office ' Regiment (E Co. Capt. F. R. Beck
ringham house Bland Frederick Wm. head gamekpr M.V.O)
Probyn Genl. the Rt. Hon. Sir Digh- Boughen George William, ~rester Walker Edmund, stud groom
ton Macnaghten V.C., G.C.B., Brunsdon William, kennel keeper Westover William, head coachman
G.C.V.O., G.C.S.I., P.C., I.S.O. Burnop B. superintendent of Her'Wolfe Edith (Miss), lady superinten-
Sandringham house Majesty QueenAlexandra'!! technical dent of Her Majesty Queen Alex-
Beck Capt. Frank Reginald )i.V.O school of woodwork andra's technical school of nPedle-
Grant Rev. Artbur Rowland Harry Cook Thoma~ H. head gardener work
M.A. (rector, & domestic chaplain Mackay J ennie (Mrs.), housekeeper,
to His Majesty the King), Rectory York cottage
SANTON is a parish, on the north side of the Little regi8ter dates from the year 1770. The living is a rec-
Ouse and on the Suffolk border, 3~ mile.s north-west tory, net yearly value £93, in the gift of William Dalziel
fl'om Thetford, and 3 east from Brandon station on the Ely Mackenzie esq. and held since 1887 by the Rev. Michael
B.Ild Norwich section of ·the Great Eastern railway, in the Augustus Gathercole M ..A. of Sidnev Sussex College,
South Western division of the C'Ounty, Grimsboe hundred Cambridge, who is also vicar of Santon Downham, Suffolk,
B.Ild petty sessional division, Thetford union and county where he resides. William Dalziel Mackenzie esq. of Faw-
court district, rural deanery of Cranwicb (South division), I !ey Court, Henley-on-Thames, is lord of the manor and
a.rchdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The clmrclJ sole landowner. The soil is .sandy; subsoil, chalk. The
of All Saints or St. Helen is a small building of flint in chief crops are rye and turnips. The area is I ,5 I 8 acres
the Gothic style, consisting of c!!ancel, nave, north porch of land and 9 of water; rateable value,. £r,oj6; the
and an embattled western tower, squarp at the base, with population in I9II was 46.
an octagonal belfry containing one bell: it was rebuilt in Parish Clerk, Edward Cooper.
1628 from the ruins of a large-r church by Thomas Ban-
croft, as recorded on a black slab on the floor of the nave: Nearest Letter Box i.'i at Santon Downham, Suffolk.
the chancel, including the timber roof, screens and floor Letters thiTough Brandon, the nearest money order &
tiles, originally formed the south transept of West Tofts telegraph office, 3 miles distant
church, rebuilt in 1858, when the old materials were The children of this pla.ce attend the school at Santon
brougbt here: there are 70 sittings, 62 being free. The Downham
Harding Jeremiah, farmer, Santon farm
SAXL.~NG HAM is a parish, about 3; miles west from dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net
Halt statwn and 5 miles north-west from Melton Constable yearly value £298, including 26 acres of glebe, with resi-
station, both on the Midland and Great Northern joint dence, i1\ the gift of Mr. Justice Sir Charles Swinfen
railway, and 7~ east from Walsingham station on the Eady, of 23 Hyde Park gardens, London W, and held
Wymondham and Wells section of the Great Eastern rail- since 1912 by the Rev. William Greening M.A.. of
way, in the Northern division of the county, Halt bun- Christ's College, Cambridge. Woolmer Rudolph Donati
dred, petty sessional division nnd eonnty court district, White esq. of Salle Park, i~ lord of the manor and chief
Walsingham union, rural deanery of Bolt and archdeaconry landowner. The soil' i8 light loam, partly on a chalk
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Margaret is foundation, and farmed on the customary four-course
o.n ancient cruciform building of,fiint with stone dressings :Norfolk system. The area is 1,524 acres; rateable value,
in the Perpenrlicnlar style, consisting of chancel, nave, £I,5IO; the population in 19II was 141.
transept. south porch and a western tower containing Parish Clerk, Edward Hopper.
one bell: in a niche is an effig-y of a daughter of the lady Letters through Halt arrive about 7.30 & 11.30 a. m.;
of Sir Christopher ~eydon, who diPd in I.'i93· flnd there i~ ;no po8t on sundays. Wall Letter Box, near the
also a mural tablet to the Rev. Sheldon Jodrell, 40 years church, cleared at 10.5 a.m. & 4.20 p.m. week days
rector here, rl. 1855: the church was thorough:y restored only. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
in 18(/6 by Sir Alfred Jodrell bart. of Hayfield, at a cost Field Dalling
of about £3,ooo, and affords rso sittings. The register The children of this plare attend the school at Field Dalling
1 COMMERCIAL. Lake Jarnes,· farmer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. · Goold Percy, gamekeeper to Cecil Massingham Edmund, blacksmith
Greening- Rev. William M . .!. (rector) Braithwaite esq Sands Chas. John, farmer, Sidney fm
Hacker Herbert GrPen William Bishop, farmer Winn John, farm bailiff to W. R. D.
Hammond Miss (resides at Warham) White esq. Green farm
SAXLINGHAM-NETHERGATE ·is a parish and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Saxlingham Hall
pleasant village 3 miles east from Flordon station on the is the property of Reginald Steward esq. J.P. and the
Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great Eastern rail- ·residence of Stephen Vlasto esq. Major John Henry
way and 8 south from Norwich, in the Southern division Steward, of the Manor House, East Carleton, is lord of
of the ccmnty, Swainsthorpe petty sessional division, Hen- the manor. Reginald Steward esq. the Steward family
stead hundred and union, Norwich county court district, and Robert Fellowes esq. of Shotesham Park, are the
rural deanery of Brooke (Western division), archdeaconry chief landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, clay.
of Norfolk and diocese of ~orwich. The church of St. The crops are wheat, barley, beans and turnips. The
Mary is a fine building of flint in the Decorated style, area is 1,6r8 acres; ratEable value, £2,298; the
consistin~ of chancel, nave, south _porch and a western population in I9II was 463.
\ower with pinnacles containing a clock and 8 bells: in Parish Clerk, Frederick Read ..
lB67 the church was thoroughly restored, the nave con-
aiderably enlarged and a vestry added: several of the Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephone Call Office.-Horace
window~ contain fragments of old stained glass: the Geo. Sirnmons, sub-postmaster. Letters are received
church affords 300 sittings. The register dates from the from Norwich at 5·3° a.m. & 2 & 5-30 p:m. & are dis-
year 1556. The :iving is a rectory, consolidated with that patched at 11.3° a.m. & 5-40 & 7 p.m.; letters &
of Saxlinogham-Thorpe, joint net yearly value £ 399 , in- parcels arrive at 5-30 p.rn. delivery to callers only;
eluding 27 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of sundays, delivery at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 5·4_o p.m
Mrs. Pitt, of Sa:xlin!?ham-Nethe:rgate, Norfolk, and held Pillar Letter Box, Saxlingham GrPen, cleared at 1 r.25
since J892 by the Rev. Richard Warcup Pitt M.A. of a.m. & 5-30 p.m. week days & 5-30 p.m. sundays

Public Elementary School (mixed), for 130 children; Police Station, Ed"l'l"ard Carter, constable
average attendance, go; Miss Margaret Os borne, Carriers to Norwich.-Ephraim Dade, wed. & sat. &i
> mistress; ~iss Ernily Cashing, infants' mistress V enables pas8es through from Hernpnall, wed. & sat
Brown William George, Southroyd Dade Ozias, farmer Webb-Ware Hugh Robert Sta:well
Muskett George, Steinbruch house Davey William Elijah, beer retailer M.A.Oxon., L.R.C.P.Lond.,M.R.C.S.
Pitt Rev. Richd. Warcup M . .A. Rectry Edwards Oliver, market gardener Eng. physician & · surgeon, &
P1tt Mrs. Rectory Emms James, farmer medical officer & public vaccinator
Sewell Jn. Wm. J.P. Saxlingham ldg English Benj. beer retlr. & overseer No. 7 district, Depwade union &
Steward Reginald J.P. Old hall English George, farmer sth district, Henstead union, &
Vlasto Stephen, Saxlingham hall E"nnnell George, b~ker & corn dealer Shotesham almshouses & medical
Webb-Ware Hugh Robert Stawell .Moor~ Jn. market gardnr. & fruit dlr officer to Swainsthorpe workhouse
M.A. Belcoombe Pechey Frederick, grocer & draper infirmary, Belcoombe
COMMERCIAL. Read Frederick, builder, cariJenter, Wilson Frederick (Mrs.), farmer
Aldis George, shoe maker undertaker & parish clerk Wiseman Eenry, farmer
Aldis Jonathan, blacksmith Sayer Edward, rat catcher & thr~tcltrr Witham James, butcher
Brown William, beer retailer Seaman Joseph, garnekefper to Woodhonse William, gardener to
Buckenham Henry, Carriers' ArmsP.H Stephen Vlasto esq Stephen Vlasto esq
Cole "George, jobbing carpenter Smith John, gardener to Hugh Robt. Wyer Wm. Hy. Prince of Wales P.H
Dade Ephraim, carrier Webb-Ware M.A Yewell William, market gardener
SAXLINGHAM-THORPE is a parish on the river Steward esq. of Saxlingham Hall, the Steward family
Tans and adjoins Saxlingham-Nethergate; the principal and CoL Sir Charles Harvey bart. are the chief land·
part is on the Norwich road, about I~ miles north-east owners. The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief
from F:ordon station on the Ipswich and Norwich section crops are wheat, barley, beans and turnips. The urea
of the Great Eastern railway and 7 south from Norwich, ;s 454 acres; rateable value, £630; the population in .
in the Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe petty -rgn was I3Q- In 18Sz, by a Government Board

sessional division, Henstend hundred and union, Norwich Order, portions of this parish were added to Saxling-
-county court district, rural deanery of Br-ooke (\Vestern ham-Nethergate and p:.ut of that parish added to this,
division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. I so as to form a more regular boundary.
The church of St. Mary is in ruins. The register dates Letters from Norwich through Saxlingham-Nethergate,
from the year 156o. The living is a rectory, consolidated arrive at 6.30 a.m. Saxlingham-Nethergate is the
with that of Saxlingham-Nethergate. There is a Baptist nearest money order & telegraph office, about I mile
chapel here, erected in 1 8o2, and seating 300 persons. distant
John Henry Steward, of the ~ianor House, East Carleton, The children attend the schools at Saxlingham-Nethergate
is lord of the manor. George Feltham esq. Reginald & Newton Flotman
;obb Philip, farmer & grocer Meadc .Arthur Stephen, farmer

COMMERCIAL. Juines Robert, farm~r Palm er J ames Gedge, farmei', Fox

Barnham .Alfred Charles, well sinker Duffield Wm.L.miller (water) & frmr Hole !arm
Bond Ellen (Mrs.), farmer Emms James, farmer, Sallett's farm Thrower George, blachmith
Charlish J oseph, b!'er retailer LacOJy W. H. & Son, market gardnrs ~
SAXTHORPE is a parish and small village, on the I living is a vicarage, net yearly value £ms, including 45
north bank of the Bure, with a station at Corpusty, the acres of glebe, w1th residence, in the gift of Pembroke
adjoining vUage, on the Midland and Great Northern joint College, Cambridge, aud held ~inee I88g by the Rev. John
railway, 6 miles north-west from Aylsham, in the Northern William Walker M.A. of that cu[ege, who is also vicar

division of the county, South Erpiugham hundred and ' of Corpusty. An iron foundry and agricultural implement
petty sessional division, Aylsham union and county court manufactory, estaltlished here in r8oo, is nuw carried on
district, rural deanery of Ingworth (north division), and ; by Ling Brothers, and gives employment to a number of
archdeaconry and. diocese of Norwich. The churr.h of St. i the inhabitants. William Dering Earle Bulwer esq. J.P.
Andrew, which stands on rising ground, a little north o! of Heydon, is lord of the manors of Hall and ~'lickle
the river Bure, is a large building of flint, in the Decorated Hall. The Eul of Orford, D. G. L'Estrange .Astley esq.

style of the beginning of the 15th century, consisting of of Plum stead Hall, and William Dixon esq. are the chief

chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled : landowners. The soil is sandy; subsoil, sand and
western tower containing one bell: the east window is gravel. The. chief crops are wheat, roots, barley and
stained, and there arl;! memorial windows to the sister or , bay. The area is 2,120 acres; rateable value, £1,711;
the Rev. Samuel Ashby, vicar from 1840, d. 1856, and to I the population in I9II was 281.
the Rev. James Harrison Watson M.A'. vicar Ili7g-Bg, d. i Parish Clerk, James Harrison.
I88g; in 1892 the church was almost completely restored i _ _
by voluntary contributions, the repairs of the chancel · Post! M. 0. & T. Office.-.Mrs. Soph1~ Woods_, sub-post-
bein"' undertaken bv Pembroke Colle"'e Cambrid(l'e and m1stress. Letters through Nonnch, dehvered 8.30
a new'"' pulpit has been
• given by Mrs. '"'' '"''
Ashby in memory of a.m. & 3-30 p.m.; d"rspa thdc e at I I a.m. &· 3-40 p.m.
the Rev. Samuel Ashby M.A. vicar from 1840: there are week days only
300 sittings. The register dates from the year I559· The The children of this parish attend school at Corpusty
Walker Rev.John Wm. M.A. Vicarage Eke .A.nna (Mrs.), Castle P.H l founders, implement mnkers &
COMMERCIAL. Everett Stephen, farmer, Lake farm 1
Bateman Alfred James, farmer, Gibbons William Richard, butcher Middleton Robert, fishmonger
builder & contractor '}odfrey Henry, farmer , Vincent James, f<.\rm bailiff to J.
Beane .Alfred, farmer & assistant Lee William Geo. farmer; resides at Dixon e~q- of Hendringham
overseer, Church f-arm Little Barningham Wilson Hannah Mary (Miss),dress ma
Beane Herbert, farmer L;ne- Brothers (established I8oo), woods Sophia (Mrs.), grocer, Post off
Chatten Robert, farmer agricultu ml engineers, iron &; brass 1Wright Theodore, farmer
SCARNING is a parish and village on the road from the church was restored in IB59, rmd in 1894 the tower
Dereham to Swaffham, about 2 miles east from \\'endliug was partially restored, under the superintendence of
station on the Lynn and Dereham section of the Great .\fr. Herbert Green, architect, nf Norwich, the buttresses
Eastern railway and about 2~ west from Dereham, m the 'o the nave entirely rebuilt, and new gates erected to
Mid divi,;ion of the county, Launditch buntlred, .Mitiurd :he churchyard, the whole cost being defrayed by Dr.
and Launditch petty sessional division and union. Dereham .! ugustus J essopp, rector r B79-19II : the church affords
county court distrid, rural deanery of Sonth Rrisley, j)O sittings. The register dates from the year 1538.
archdeaconry of L~·nn and diocese of Norwid1. The !'hurch The living is a rectory, net yearly value £309, including
of SS. Peter and Puul is a ·fine building of stone, in the 14 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Ed ward
Perpendicular style or the middle of the I5th century, and Henry Evaus-Lombe esq. and held since I9I2 by the
eonsists of chancel, nave, chantry chapel, !'Outh porch and Rev. Samuel Bignold. Here is a Congregational chapel,
a massive t>rnbattlt>d tower, containing a clock and 5 beLs: erected in r884, seating 130 persons. The Villag·e Hall,
the stained east windo"l'l", erected in IB45, is a memorial to built at a cost of £3,ooo by Mrs. Caroline Evans, of
th£' Rev. Philip Du Val .A.ufrere, a former rector, and his Wimbledon, Surrey, who als--. endowed it; was
second wife. and there are other stained windows: the rood opened in 1.902 for social gatherings, concerts, lectures
screen is still in a ver.v high state ut presen-atwn, retaining and similar meetings, and will seat 200 people. The
its original gilding mHl colours in a comparatively fresL charities include the Rector's Dole of 3s. 4d.; White
condition, and on the east side at the !loutb corner of th~ Bread Meadow of 3a. 2r. 3P· producing £9 yearly;
flcreen is a sma:l sanetu,_ bell in its original oak frame: {,2 7s. 4d. being the interest on £86 ros. invested in
the chan~el retains a pisl'ina, and in the chnntl')' chapel. Consols; Burroughs's charity of 6s. and an allotment
now used ns a vestry, is anuther piscina and an aumbl')·: of _)11. 3r. producing £9; all these charities are given

away in bread by the trustees. The East Dereham Wall Letter Box, Daffy Green, cleared at 7.15 a.m. &
Manor House Golf Club ha,·e linko here of nine holes. 6.20 p.m. ; sundays, 7 a.m
Edward Henry Evans-Lombe e~q. who is lord of the Free School, founded in 16o4 by William Seckar & en-
manor, and Mrs. Adlington, of Holme Hale Hall, are dowed with 86 acres of land, to which an allotment oJ
the principal landowners. The soil is clay and loam; r6a. 2r. 3P· was added at the inclosure in 1776; a new
subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and school-room, with a house for the master, were erected
turnips. The parish comprises 3,494 acres ; rateable in 185o at a cost of £9oo, & in r885 a class-room was
value, £4,087; the population in rgii was 707. added for 45 infants: in rgro the buildings were
further enlarged & improved for modern requirements :
Sexton, Harry Hurrel.
since r883 the school has been administered under a
Post Office.-Miss Marian Holliday, sub-postmistress. new scheme, by a governing body of 8 persons, of whom
Letters delivered from East Dereham at 6.45 & 11.45 4 are eo-optative & 4 representative; the endowment
a.m.; dispatched at 12.25 & 6.50 p.m.; sundays, now (rgr2) "produces an income of £Ioo yearly, the
arrive at 8 a.m. & dispatched at 8.10 a.m. The master receiving a yearly salary of £I5o, with resi-
nearest money order office is at Dereham & telegraph dence; the school will bold r6z children; average at-
office at Wendling, 2 miles distant tendance, I30; Edward, ISt Baron Thurlow & lord
Wall Letter Box, Scarning bridge, cleared at 12.30 & chancellor I77B-92, & several other eminent men were
6.55 p.m.; sundays, 9· ro a.m educated here during the masterships of the Rev. W.
Pillar Lettrr Box, Scarning road, cleared week days only Potter & the Rev. St. John Priest~ George L. Miller,
at 12.40 & 7 p.m. ; sundays, 9· 15 a.m certificated master

PRIVATE HESIDEN~'S. Burton Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Moody Samuel, seedsman, Podmore
Bignold Rev. Samuel (rer.tor),Rectory Burton Matthew, bricklayer Norton George, farmer
Pitt Mrs. Grove house Burton Patrick, chimney sweeper Reynolds William, farm bailiff to
Russwurm Mrs. The Grange Carhntt Waiter, agent for the Anglo- Walter Wilson esq
Tuck Miss, West Holme American Oil Co. Limited Ringwood John, farmer
Williams Fredk. Ernest, Cranfield ho Culley John, farm bailiff to MP. Robinson William, farmeJ,"
Williams Mrs. The Grange Waiter Goring, Godwins Rogers Em m a (Mrs.), Carpenters'
Wilson Sir Fdk. D.L., J.P. The Dale Culley Maud (Mrs.), laundry Arms P.H
Wilson Waiter, Manor house Curson Jn. Geo. farmer, Daffy Green Stibbard James, farmer, Broadway
Durrant John, farmer, Daffy Green Taylor Henry, New inn
COMMERCIAL. E'lgle Robert, farm bailiff to Sir F. Tilney George William, farmer
Alhson John, farmer Wilson Village Hall (George L. Miller, sec. ;
Andrews Jonathan, farmer East Dereham Manor House Golf David Milk, treasurer)
Bell Thnmas, farmer C.nb (R. Green, hon. sec) Wade Frederick, farmer & butcher,
Bell William, farmer Flood John, farmer, Daffy Green Church farm
Boddy William Walker,wheelwright & Holland Ed ward, beer retailer Wade Waiter R. Black Horse P.H. &
assessor & collector of income tax Jarred Daniel, farmer builder, carpenter & undertaker,
Bone William & Charles, farmers Kernp Ed ward, farmer, Dereham assistant overseer & clerk to Parish
Bone Martha Elizabeth (Mrs.),farmer, Church farm Council
Old hall Lincoln Thomas, farmer, Daffy Green W"ilson Waiter, farmer, Manor house
Brown Ob arles Frederick, farmer Linford Genrge, farmer, Daffy Green Wilson William, farm bailiff to Mr.
Bunting William, farmer, Podmore Milk David, farmer, Park farn S. E. Rix, White house

SCO·RUSTON (or South Ruston) IS a parish Ii miles g-ift of Thomas Mark esq. and held since 1907 by the
north from Cnltisball station tm the \Vroxham and Ayls- Rev. Harry Bubert Heap M.A. of Cambridge University,
ham brnn~h of the Great Eastern rail way, 8~ miles north- who resides at Tunstead. George Randall Johnson esq.
east from Norwich and 5~ suuth from No1th \Valsham, M.A. of Feniton Court, Devon, is impropriator of the
in the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead and Bap- great tithes. Lady Dun·ant, of Scottow Hall, Scottow,
ping petty sessional division, Tunstead hundred, Small- who is lady of the manor, and Mrs. Julia F. Wells, are
burgh union, North Walsham county court district, rural the principal landowners. The soil is light; subsoil,
deanery of Waxham (Tunstead division), archdeaconry sand. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Michael is a of the parish is 498 acres; rateable value, £6g'}; the
small but ancient building of flint in the Decorated style, population in 19II was 105.
consisting of chancel, nave and south porch, and formerly Sexton, William Claxton.
had a tower, the ruins of which, covered with ivy, still Letters through Norwich, via Scottow, arrive at 8 a.m.
remain: there are 110 sittings. Th ~ register dates from & 4 p.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 8.20 a. m. & 4· 15
the year 1678. The living is a d,apelry, conso:.idated p.m. Coltisball is the nearest money order & tele-
. with the vicaritge of Tunstead, joint net yearly value graph office, I! miles distant
[238, including I Ecre of glebe and residence, in the The children of this place attend the school at Tunstead

CO:\IMERCIAL. \ 'Welden William Henry, farmer & Wells Alfred H. farmer, r;tlle Hall

Neale George, shopkeeper thrashing machine & traction engine Wells Julia F. (Mrs.), farmer & land-
Welden Henry A. farmer, Manor frm owner owner, The Hall

SCOLE (or Osmondeston) with Frenze and Thorpe Parva Thelveton Hall. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay and
form a parish in the Southern division uf the county, gravel. The chief crops are wheat and barley. The
Diss h undretl, petty sessional division and count~· court parish, including- Thorpe Parva and Frenze, contains
district, Depwade union, ru'ral deanery of Rerl.enhall, arch- I,579 acres of land and 8 of water; rateable value,
deaconry of Norfolk and diocese of '
Norwich. Srole is a £2,450; the population in 19II was 610. The popula-
pleasaat village on the banks of the river 'Vavl'nl'y and on tion of the ecclesiastical parish of Scale (inclusive of
the bordero of Suffolk, and is I~ miles east from Dis~ Frenze, but exclusive of 'l'horpe Parva) in 1911 was 6Io.
station on the Ipswich. and Norwich section of the Great Sexton, William Scrivener.
Eastern railwav. . The church of St. Andrew is an ancien~
bnilding- of flint in the Early English style, consisting of Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
chancel, nave, south aisle, suuth porch and an em- Scale (letters should have Norfolk added) .--Charles
battled western tower containing one bell: an organ · Scutts, postmaster. London mails arrive at 2.20,
chamber was added in 1907 at a cost of £270: the 3.25 & 8.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. The letters are dis-
stained east window is in memorv of the late W. C. patched by cart to Harleston, Bungay, Eye & Attle-

Curteis e~q. D.Ch. ob. 1894: the church was thorou!!hly borough, & to Dickleburgh, Rushall & Brockdish by
restored and reseated in 1874, and has 250 sitting~. The foot post. The town & district delivery commences
register dates from the year I693· The living is a at 7 & 8.40 a.m. & LIS & 6.45 p.m.; letters are
rectory, net yearly value £I8o, including 8~ acres of dispatched at IO.I5 a.m. & 5-IS & 8.50 p.m. & to
Diss & neighbourhoo-d, 5.15 p.m.; sunday delivery,
glebe and residence', in the gift of Lady Bateman,
7 a.m. ; dispatched 8.50 p.m. Telesrraph office open
and is now (1912) vacant. A reading room was
erected by public subscription in 1908. Scale Lodge, from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. week days & from 8.30 till
the residence of Richard Wood Crawshay esq. J.P. is Io a.m. sundays
pleasantly situated in this parish, on the Norwich road. THOR PE P ARV.A, formerly a small parish, and 3 miles
Dowager-Lady Bateman, oi Brome Hall, Suffolk, and of ea~t of Diss station on the Great Eastern railway, is
Shobden Court, Herefordshire. is lady of the manor. annexed to the parish of Scale for poor law purposes
The principal la.nd~ners are Miss Curteis, R. W. Craw- only. Ecclesiastically it is annexed to the parish of
shay esq. J.P. a:1d Sir Edward Mann hart. J.P. of Billing-ford. Of the ancient church of St. Mary a pari
of the tower is the only portion of the church now stand- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1853 & en-
ing: the inhabitants attend the church at Billingford, larged in r 872, for 160 children ; average attendance,
and the registers are included in those of Billingforrt 137; Richard William Clarke, master; Miss Bines,
George Bolt Wilson esq. of Redgrave Ball, is lord of tllt infants' mistress
manor and chief landowner. Carrier to Diss.-Percy Pettitt, fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bnckle Henry, draper Powley Joseph, baker
Bird Godfrev,

St. Edmund's house Burrell Frederick, insurance agent Pretty William & Co. practical motor
Bloomfield Mrs. Oak villa Constance Lewis, farm bailiff to Rd. car & electrical engineers; garage;
Brigstocke Richard Whish, The Old Wood Crawshay esq. J.P pit with electric light always open,
Rectory Crawshay Richa.rd Wood J.P. farmer, Osmondeston motor works. T N 3
Clark Edward Thomas, High house Scale lodge Pretty Edward, bricklayer
Cmwshay Richd. Wood J.P. Scale ldg Crisp Edgar, fishmonger Ramsbotham Berbert, cowkeeper
Curteis Miss, The Shrubbery Eaton Waiter, wheelwright Rayner Sidney, carpenter
Gedge Eerbert Reames, The Gables Elwood Robert, farmer Reading Room (William Scrivener,
Keppel Thomas J.P., C.C. Scale ha Goodrick George, carpenter sec)
Neave Mrs. The Gothic Elowell Harry, basket maker Reeve Robert, Greyhound P.H
Panks Mrs. Sunnyside Leggett Henry, beer rPtailer Rose Edgar, boot maker
Stafford John J ames, Scale cottage Ling Sidney, White Hart P.H Ruffles Charles, builder
Wilson Roland Hy. Bouchier, Maytield \1allows George, cycle agent Shipp Charles, boot maker
~ ewton George, horse dealer Steggles J ames, farmer
COMMERCIAl., Palmer Edward, King's Head P.B Tipple David, grocer
Bryant John, farm bailiff to Richard Pettitt Alfred, osier grower Webb William, plumber
W. Crawshay esq.J.P.Scole Old hall Pettitt Percy, grocer & carrier Woodcock John .Frederick, blacksmith
SCOTTOW is a parish and scattered village, part of "\Vas awarded to the poor at the inclosure in 1831.
which is on the high road from North Walsham to Nur- The Durrant Lodge of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity,
wich, 2 miles south-west from Worstead station on the nas a meeting hall here near the Ears~ Shoe inn,
Cromer brancf1, 2 miles east of Buxton-Lamas station, erected in 1844 by the late Sir Henry J. Durrant bart.
and 2~ north-west from Coltishall station on the (d. 1875). Scottow Hall, the seat of Ina, Lady Durrant,
East Norfolk section of the Great Eastern railway, who is lady of the manor and principal landowner; is a
4 south from North Walsham and 10 north-east from fine old mansion of brick faced with cement, and stands
Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, Soutll in an extensive and well-wooded park. The soil of this
Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, Ayls- neighbourhood is rich and well cultivated; the subsoil
ham union and county court district, rural deanery of principally brick earth. The area is 2, no acres of land
Ingworth (south division), and archdeaconry and diocese and 16 of water; rateable value, £2,698; the population
of Norwich. The church of All Saints is a building of in I9II was 37I.
flint in the Early English and Perpendicular styles, con- Parish Clerk, William Good wins.
sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a lofty
embattled western tower containing :; bells: the organ Post & M. 0. Office.-Mrs. Mary Eleanor Baldry, sub-
was presented by the late Sir T. B. E. Durrant bart. in postmistress. Letters arrive from Norwich at 5 a.m.
1844, and there is a fine east window: the church affords & 4· 20 p.m. & are dispatched 12.I5, 5 & 8.1o p.m.;
250 sittings. The register dates from the year rssB. sundays, arrive 5 a.m. (callers only 8 to Io a.m.);
The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £Iso, with 14 dispatched 4.50 & 8 p.m. Coltishall, 2 miles distant,
acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of is the nearest telegraph office
Norwich, and held since 1goo by the Rev. Frank Newton Public . .Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1E5g, on
Kent B.A. of Oxford University, who resides at Burgh, land given by Sir H. T. Estridge Durrant hart. for go
near .!yl~ham. A cemetery of half an acre was formed children; average attendance, 75; W. E. Robinson
in 1901; it is under the control of the Parish Council. .A..C.P. master
The impropriated rectorial tithes of Scottow were CarriPrs to Norwich. James Buck, from Swanton Abbot
commuted for £5oo and an allotment of 2ra. 2r. 16p. & Frank Raper, from North Walsham, on wed. & sat
Durrant Ina Lady, Scottow hall Fish Ernest E. farmer Robinson W. E. clerk to the Parish
Scott-Elliot Col. Adam Gibbons Samuel, farmer Council, School house
Gibbons William, farmer Shreeve James, blacksmith
COMMERCIAL. Goodwins Willia.m, carpenter Stamp Charles, boot maker
Betts Walter E. farmer Hazelton George, head gamekeeper to Tooke William James, Three Eorse-
Bullim-ore Ephraim, farmer Lady Durrant shoes P.H
Cemetery (W. E. Robinson, clerk to Lo~'al Durrant Lodge, Manchester i Watts Henry, farmer
the Burial Authority) Unity of Odd Fellows Welden 'Samuel J.farmer,The Laurels
Cutting Charles, farmer Phillippo Thomas, farmer, Grange & ·
Cutting James, farmer Manor farms
SOOULT.()N is a parish and village on the road irom Mark Ulick Weyland esq. surrounds a swampy island,
Watton to Norwich, 4 miles east from "Vatton station on which is the breeding place of innumerable numbers of

the Bury, Thetford and Swaffham section of the Great I the black-headed or laughing gull; these birds con-
Eastern railway and 6 north-west from Attleborough, in ' grega.te here in March and retire in August, and their
the South Western division of the county, hundred, petty eggs are considered very delicious. Capt. Mark Ulick
sessional division and union of 'V;lyland, county court ·weyland, who is lord of the manor, Augustus- Noel
district of Attleborough and Watton, rnral deanery of Campbell Bemsworth esq. of Shropham, Thetford, and
Breccles, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor- R. H. Buscall esq. J.P. are the principal landowners.
wich. The church of the Holy Trinity is an ancient The soil is mixed; subsoil, gravel and clay. The chief
building of flint in the Early English style, consisting of crops are wheat and barley and roots. The parish con-
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a western tower tains 2,192 acres of land and 38 of water; rateable value,
with octagonal belfry, containing 3 bells: the chancel £I,643; in 19II the population was 266.
retains a piscina: in 1885 the interior of the church was Parish Clerk, Percy Munnings Crane.
renovated and the 5teps to the rood loft opened: there Post Office.-Benry Robert Tyrrell. sub-pootmaster.
are 250 sittings, 170 being free. The register dates from Letters throu~h Attleborough, via Hingham, arrive at
the year 1550, but is very imperfect. The living is a 6.50 a.m.; dispatched at 6.5o a.m. & 6.20 p.m. ; no
discharged rectory, net yearly value £326, including 53 delivery or dispatch on sundays. Little Ellingham is
acre!l of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mark Ulick I the nearest money order office & Hingham, 3 miles
Weyland esq. and held since 1897 by the Rev. James distant, the nearest telegraph office
Jones Morgan M . .!. of Jesus Colleg-e, Oxford. Here is Public Elementary School (mixed), ererted in 1840, for
a Primitive Methodist chapel. The fuel allotment of 39 70 children; average attendance, 47; a class room has
acres is let for £20 yearly. Scoulton :Mere, a fine sheet been added for 35 children; Mrs. Priscilla Stall worthy,
of water I~ miles in circumference, the property -of ' mistress
Morgan Rev. James Jones M . .A.Rectry Ca.nnell David, fowl dealer Long Arthur, blacksmith
Clarke Abner, shoe maker Nurse Jeffery, Hemsworth Arms P.H
COMMERCIAL. Crane Percy Munnings, hawker & Nurse William W. farmer
Brasnett Thomas Rowing ( e:xors. of), parish clerk Pease John, shoe maker
farmers, Weyland farm Dixon William, farmer Stallworthy Wm. Francis, carpenter
Bunn Samuel George, farmer, Tol- Durrant Charles Pollard, farmer,Aber- Stobbs Simon Nicholas, frmr. Hall frn
gate farm gavenny farm Tyrrell Henry Robt. shpkpr. Post ofl
SCRATBY, see Ormesby St. :Margaret.

SCULTHORPE is a parish and scattered village on H.J02 hy the Rev. John .Arthur Labouchere M ..A.. of Christ
the river Wensum, about 2 miles north-west from Faken- Church, Oxford. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel
ham stations on the Great Eastern and Midland and and a reading-room for working men. There are four
Great Northern joint railways, in the North ·western almshouses for indigent persons, the gift, in the year
division of the county, Gallow hundred and petty ses- r686, of Francis Beckham, and rebuilt and enlarged by
sional division, 'Valsingham union and county court dis- Catherine Maria, Lady Jones, of Cranmer Hall, in 1859.
trict, rural deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Lynn and The poor have £IO yearly for fuel. In the parish is a
diocese of Norwich. The church of .All Saints is a build- water mill, agricultural implement works and a brass
ing of flint and stone in the Early English style, and iron foundry. Cranmer Hall, the property of Sir
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a fine embattled Lawrence John Jones bart. J.P. is a large and handsome
tower with pinnacles, containing 3 bells : the base mansion, standing in a well-wooded park; it is at
of the tower forms the main entrance to the church: present (1912) unoccupied. Sir L. J. Jones hart. who
several of the windows are stained, and there is a brass is lord' of the manor, Lord Hastings and Charles Scott-
with kneeling effigy to Henry Unton, "cirographorius '' Chad esq. of Thursford Hall, are the chief landowners.
(receiver of fines) of the Court of Common Pleas, oh. The soil is a light loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crop~
1470; another to .John Bnmpton, ob. 152r, and Elizabeth are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 2,009 acres;
his wife and 8 children; and one to John Stebyrd and rateable value, £2,626; the population in I9II was 5oS.
Margaret his wife, of the 15th century, with an inscrip- Sexton, Frank Groom.
tion and shield bearing a hammer surmounted by a Post Office.-Mrs. Hannah Sewter, sub-postmistress.
crown and the letters J.S.: the font is Norman, and Letters arrive through Fakenham at 6.30 a.m. & 3.25
richly carved: the church was enlarged and thoroughly p.m.; dispatched at a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; no
restored in r86o, at the joint expense of the Rev. sunday delivery. Fakenham, 2 miles distant, is the
Herbert Walsingham J ones M ..A.. late rector r 85g-8g, and nearest money order & telegraph office
his brother, the late Sir Willoughby Jones bart. (d. Wall Letter Box, Iron works, cleared at II a.m. & 6.30
r884), and affords 300 sittings. The register commences p.m. week days only
in the year r56r. The living is a rectory, net yearly Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in
value £4oo, with 72 acres of glebe and residence, in the r 840, for 100 children; average attendance, 8o;
gift of Sir Lawrence John J ones hart. and held since W illiam Fawcett, master
Labouchere Rev. Jn . .Arth. ~I.A.Rctry
Horsle:v Lucv (Mrs.), florist Sayer Edward Jn. baker, & clerk to
Rix Oliver Mann Thomas James, grocer the Parish Council & overseer
COMMERCI.H. Owen James, farmer Scnlthorpe Friendly Society (Edmund
.A.rmiger George, chimney sweeper Read Charles, farmer, The Lodge Owen, sec)
.A.rmiger William, beer retailer Reading Room (Rev. J. A.. Sewter Hannah (Mrs.), grocer, &
Bird Edward, general smith Labouchere M.A. chairman) post office
Chapman Edgar, farmer Rix Oliver & Co. engineers, iron & Syder Ernest Frank, cattle salesman,
Gage Herbert, farmer, Manor house brass founders, agricultural imple- The Shrublands
Gidney John, farmer, Home farm ment manufacturers & thrashing Thurston James, ·beer retailer
Green William, beer retailer machine proprietors, Eagle iron Tuck Robert, baker
Harris Richard, farmer & miller works; & at Fakenham Webster John, boot & shoe maker
(water),.The Grange .
SEDGEFORD is a parish and village, with a station 1 i& a. Wesleyan chapel, built in 1830, and a Primitive
half a mile north from the village, on the Hunstanton and Methodist chapel, erected in 1861. Rolfe's charity of
West Norfolk (Great Eastern) junction railway, 13 miles [13 8s. yearly is expended in clothing, and £r4 yearly,
north-north-east from Lynn and ro south-west from the rent of the, fuel allotment of 9 at.:res, in coals for
Burnham Market, in the North Western division of the the poor. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are
county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and Brothercross lords of the manor, Holcombe Ingleby esq. M.P., J.P.
petty sessional division, Docking union, Lynn county of Sedgeford Ball, Hamon Le Strange esq. of Hunstan-
court district, rural deanery of Heacham, archdeaconry of ton Hall, E. Lycett Green esq. of Ken Hill, Snettisham,
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary C. E. Strachan esq. J.P. of Heacham Hall, and Miss Davy,
is an ancient building of stone and flint in the Gothic of Ingoldisthorpe, are chief landowners. The soil is of a
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south chalky nature; the subsoil, principally chalk. The chief
porches, south transept and a round Saxon tower with crops are wheat, barley, turnips, mangolds and some
an octagonal belfry stage, containing 3 bells: in the land in pasture. The area is 4,140 acres; rateable
tower is a memorial window, with inscribed brass plate value, [3,490; the population in r9II was 694·
underne~th, erected ~y some of the pa~ishioners in rE64, Eaton, anciently called Gnatyngdon or Nettington, 1
to Martha Bolt, wlf~ of C.r F. Nevllle-Rolfe ~Eq. ot mile south-west, is a hamlet consisting only of two farms.
Heacham Hall, who d1ed 8Jt Naples, 22 Jan. 1863. there Stoxton John Marshall.
are also two memorial windows to C. F. Neville-Rolfe •'
esq. who died in 1869: the stained east window, erected Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-George Henry Jacobs, ~ub-
in 1902, is a memorial to the Rev. J ames .A.mbrose Ogle postmaster. Lon~on & other letters are rece1v_ed
M . .A. vicar here 1 ss 7 -r 9oo: the church was rPpaired through Lynn, arnve at 5-55 a. m. & r. 15 p.m.; dls-
and reseated in r842, and was restored in r882 at a patched at 10.35 a.m. & 5-45 p.m.; sundays, 5·45 p.m
cost of about £ 2 , 200 , and now affords 350 sittings. Wall Letter Box, North End, cleared at 5.15 p.m
The. register dates· from the year r56o. The living is a Pnblic ElemPntary School, provided by the Norfolk
vicarage, united to the rectory of Southmere, joint net County Council (mixed), built in r838 & enlarged in
yearly value· [365, including 9 acre-s of glebe, with 19II, for zr3 children; average attendance, r6o; Geo.
residence, in the gi~t of the Dean and Chapter of Nor- William Roberts, master
wich and the Provost and Fellows of Eton College Railway Station, C. E. Read, station master
alternately, and held since 1900 by the Rev. Franci~ Carrier.-Edmund Rush, to the 'Green Dragon,' Lynn.
Jo·hnson Tuck M ..A.. of King's College, Cambridge. Here every tues
PRIVATE RJo~SIDENTS. · Coe .A.rchie, farmer, Eaton farm ; )face George Henry, baker
Brown :Murray M. High hou~e · I resides at Fring Margett.s John Henry, painter
Ingleby Holcombe .M ..A., M.P., J.P.[Cox John. The Ploug'1 inn ~ ewstead Herbert, coal dealer
Sedgeford hall; & Carlton & , Crisp William Thomas. builder Parsons Ge~rge, King William inn
.Athemeum clubs. London S 'V Curl Thomas, farmer, Magazine farm Pearman N oah J ames. g-rocer & drapr
Lel!'!!"ett Thomas James, Mill house Dye Samuel, blacksmith Raines Thomas. coal dealer & farmer
le Strange Eric, Ea ton Fisher Charles, coal dealer & farmer Richardson Robert, wheelwright

Shepherd Wm . .Andrews, Cole Green I Hall Alfred, farmer Rush Edmund·, carrier
Tuck Rev. Fras. Johm:on M.A.(vicar) ·Hinds Frederick, farm bailiff to Mr. Softlev James Edward, ·bailiff to Mr.
COMMERCIAL. A.. Hall .A.rchie Coe, Eaton farm
Bedford Harry, bak~r & confectioner Hurrell Henry, gamekeeper to H. Springall Sarah (Mrs.), !;hopkeeper
Binks Brothers, farmers In !!"le by Psq. M ..A.., J .P Utting William, f·armer, Hill farm
Binks William, baker Institute (GPorge H. Jacobs, hon.sec) Wall Robert, grocer & draper
.Brereton Sidney, farmer, Glovers frm Jacobs Geo. Hy. n!"ws agt. Post office Wright Sidnev .A.rthur, butcher
Brown Murray M. farmer, East hall Kendall Jas. Buck inn, & blacksmith W:mn J. head gardener to Holcombe
Brown Thos. J. S. frmr. The Hall fm le Strange Eric, noultrv •
farmer,Eaton Ingleby esq
SEETHING is a parish and pleasant villag-e, 5 mile;; humlred, Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division
.north from Bnngay station on the "\Vareney Valley sec- anri union, county court district of Bungay and Beccles,
tion of the Great Eastern railway and 9 south frnm Nnr- rural dPanery of Brooke (Eastern division), archdeaconry
wich, in the Southern division of the !.'Ountv,

Loddon of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St.
Margaret is a small but ancient building of flint and manor, Viscount Canterbury and Mrs. Crickmore are
stone in the Norman style, consisting of chanct>l, nave, the chief landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, sand
with thatched roof, south porch anrl a round tower con- and clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley.
taining 3 bells : a carved chancel screen, the work of the The area is 1,671 acres; rateable value, £1,709; the
late William Crickmore, of this parish, was erected in population in rgn was 315.
r8g8, and as a memorial to him a new pulpit has since Parish Clerk, John Drake.
been provided: in r8g8 Mrs. Crickmore presented a new Clerk to the PariS'h Council, Rev. Charles H. Hicks.
lectern : a carved oak reredos with tablets bearing the
Ten Commandments, the work of the vicar and Mrs. Post Office.-A.rthur William Godfrey, sub-postmaster.
Letters through ~orwkh,. via Brooke, arrive at 7
Hicks, was erected in 1go8 : there are 200 sittings. ( )
The register dates from the year 1556. The living i~ a a.m. & 4· 20 p.m. callers only ; dispatched at 6.55
vicarage, with that of Mundham annexed, joint net a.m. & 4· 15 p.m. week days only. Brooke is the
nearest money order & telegraph office, 3 miles distant
r: ~~!~esva~?~hf &. ;ea7i~osr;i~~~n~~r~~c~~ew~~fta:! J!~ Wall Letter Box, Seething Lyng, cleared at 6.20 a.m.
2 0

propriators of the great tithes, commuted at £ 4 58 & 4-4° p.m. week days only
yearly, and held since 1 gg 1 by the Rev. Charles Hocking Public Elementary School (mixed), for 120 children;
Hicks. The charities amount to £ 16 yearly. Old Hall, average attendance, Bo; Thomas J arm an, master
Sltanding in a park of about 1oo acres, is the seat of Carrier to Norwich.-John Drake, mon. wed. & sat
Viscount Canterbury M . .A.., D.L .• J.P. Henry Edwin White'i! omnibus from Loddon passes through mon.
Garrod esq. of Mount street, Diss, who is lord of the wed. fri. & sat
PRIVATE UKSIDENTS. Barmby John Spurgeon, farmer, Garrnrd Wa1t. Herbt. Cherry Tree inn
Canterburv Viscount M. A., D. L., J .P. Seet~nng housfl Godfrey .A.rthur William, shopkeeper,
Old hali Beverley Thos. Wm. farmer, ~{ere ho Post office
Crickmore Mrs. The Cottage Chrlie Alfred Burton, blacksmith Hepburn Samuel, farmer
Hicks Rev. Charles Hocking. Vicarage Cow ell John George, thatcher Kettle Samuel Arthur, market gar-
Moore Charles Waiter, The Grove Dickerson William, thatcher dener & breeder of Buff Orpingtons
Whitehead Frederick, White lodg-e Drake J n. frmr. carrier & parish clrk Moore Charles Walter, poultry dealer
Drake Robert, farmer Moore William Joshua, pig dealer
COMMERCIAL. Everett Saml. Chas.vermin destro,·er •
Tidnam nm. wheelwright & shpkpr
Haldry William, market gardener Fristone .A.lice (Mrs.), farmer Tillett Leonard, farmer, Church farm
}3alls Fisher, farmer & butcher · Garrard Jesse, market gardener
SETCHEY is a parish on the road from Lynn to Down- Henry Hoff esq. of Shouldham Thorpe, William Bardell
ham, 4 miles south from Lynn, in the North Western esq. of Lynn, the governors of Framlingham Hospital
division of the county, Fre·~bridge Lynn hundred, petty and the trustees of the late John Morton esq. of West
sessional divii!ion and union, King's Lynn county court Rudham, are the principal landowners. The soil is
district, Lynn (Norfolk) rural deanery, archdeaconry of gravel, sand and clay; subsoil, sand and gravel. The
Lynn and diocese of .Norwich. The river Nar separates chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area
this parish from the parish of Wormegay. The chapel is 788 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value,
erected in r844, un glebe land. by the late Daniel Gurney £955; the population in 19II was 87.
esq. J.P. and licensed for services in 1870, is a small Post Office, Setch.-~Irs. Jane Eliz~beth Lorig, sub-
edifice of Carr stune and brick, consisting of nave only, postmistress. Letters arrive through King's Lynn at
with a bell cote . . containing une bell: it isb fitted
. witb 7 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; d"1spa tch e d ro.3o a. m. & 6 .30
sta ll s, an d h as s1ttmgs for 75 persons. The unal ground p.m. & sun d ays, arrlVe
· 6 .30 a.m. & d"1spat c h e d t2.15
attached was consecrated in r8gg. New gates were pre- p.m. The nearest money order office is at West
sented by Colonel and Miss Seppings in r8g8. The living Winch. The nearest telegraph office is at North
is a rectory annexed to that of l'i"orth Runcton And H~rrl- Runcton, 2 miles
wick, joint net yearly value £443• in the gift of Mrs.
Steward, and held since 19 ro by the Rev. John Carleton Assistant Overseer, Samuel Newell, of West Briggs
Steward Th.A.K.C. who resides at North Runcton. The children of this place attend the school at North
SPtchey is comprised in the manor of North Runcton. Runcton.
COMMERCIAL. Long- George H. field gate manufac- ~ewell Thomas, smallholder
Howling &, Sons, thrashing machine turer, poultry appliance, cattle Seals Edward, smallholder
owners bins & troug-hs & ladder maker, Seals John Henry, Bull P.H
Howling Rd. Greeves, Lynn .A.rmsP.H carpenter, joiner &c Parnell J ames, garde::1er to Colonel
Hunter William, smallholder Long J ane Elizh. (Mrs ), grocer & Seppings
Burn Herbert William, farmer drap!'lr, & post office
· SHARRINGTON is a parish ann village. about 3~ r2o sittings, all free. The register dates from the
miles west-south-west from llolt station and 3 north year 1672. The living- is a dischar!.ied Tectory, net
from 1\Ielton Constable junction station, both on the l\lin- yearly v.1lue £r7o, with r acre of gleb~ and residence,
land and Great l\orthern joint railway, 8 east from [n the gift of Benjamin Wilkinson esq. of Blackburn,
Walsingham and 8 north-eas~ from Fakenham, in U~e md held since 1903 by the Rev. George Buck, of St.
Northern divi~ion of the county, Holt hundred anrl petty Bees. The Wesleyan chapel was erected in r866. Near
sessional division, Walsingham union and county court the church stand the base and part of the shaft of a
district, rural deanery of Bolt and archdeaconry and stone cross. The charities, amounting to about £6 1os.
diocese of Norwich. The church o~ All Saints is an yearly, are for blankets. W. R. D. White esq. of Salle
edifice of flint with stone dressings, in the Early Eng- Park, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
Iish style, consisting of chancel, nave, vestry and a soil is marl; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are
western tower containing one bell, dated 1715 : the lower wheat and barley. The parish comprises 885 acres;
part o~ the tower forms a porch: there were formed~· rateable value, £r,o43; the population in 19II was
north and south aisles: portions of the ancient CRI"Teri 211.
benches still remain, and there are bra-'lses in excellent Letters through Melton Constable, Norfolk, by foot
preservation to Christopher Daubeney, his wife Phillippa, post, arrive at 8 a.m. &, 5 p.m.; sundays, arrive at
five sons and three daughters, 1587; and others to Juhn 8 a.m.; no dispatch on sundays. Wall Letter Box,
Botolff, q86; John Sharington, 1498; and Thomas Daw- Cross roads, cleared 5.30 p.m. week days only.
beney, 1527: the chancel was restored in 188o: the Briningham i~ the nearest money order office & tele-
church was restored in rgo8, at the cost of Sir Alfred graph office at Field Dalling, 2~ miles distant
Jodrell bart. D.L., J.P. of Bayfield Hall: there are The children attend the school at Brinton
Buck Rev. George (rector), Rectory Green William Bishop, farmer, Hallj Sands Robert John, farmer
COMMERCIAL. farm; resides at Warham Turner Charles, farmer
Allison William, fish hawker Lakey Harry, farmer Warnes James, fish hawker
Annigon "\Villiam, Swan inn Pygall Samuel, farmer Wright Frederick William Henry,
Duffield Herbert, Chequers inn Sadler Robert. farmer farmer & horse dlr. Church farm
SHELF ANGER is a parish and village on a height, the Perpendicular and Decorated styles, consisting of chan-
3~ miles north-west from Diss station and 3 west from eel, nave, a curious wooden north porch and an embattled
Burston station, both on the Ipswich and Norwich ser.- western tower containing 5 bell-s: in 1876 the east win ..
tion of the Great Eastern railway, in the Southern divi- dow was filled with stained glass D!' a memorial to A.
sion of the county, Diss hundred, petty sessional division Smith esq. and in 1899 a st-ained window was erected to
and county court district, Depwade union, TUral deanery the Rev. Clement Ogle Blakelock M . .A.. rector, 1863-97:
of Redenhall, archdeaconry of Norfolk and dioC"ese of Nor- the church was restored in r865, and affords 18o sit.
wich. All Saints church is an ancient building of flint, in , tings, 130 being free. The register dates from the

year 1685. The living is a rectory, net yearly value of Norwich, is chalybeate and saline, and its temperature
£344• including 35 acres of glebe, with residence, in indicates the source to be at a depth of about a quartet
the gift of Albert Blakelock esq. of Sheffield, and held of Ill mile: connected with these springs is a drinking
since 1898 by the Rev. William Robert Harris.,;on M.A. fountain, and a plunge bath has also been constructed:
of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. There is a Bap- the water, deprived by a simple process of its mineral
tist chapel, founded in 1765, with sittings for 400 persons, constituents, forms a pure non-medicinal table water.
and a Wesleyan chapel here. Franklin and Dade's charity P<.~rish Clerk, William Welton.
lands are now let in allotments, producing (in 1912) Post Office.-Mrs. Jane Youells, sub-postmistress. Let-
£!4 6s. which is applied for the relief of the poor. ters received through Diss at 7·5 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.
The Duke of Norfolk K.G. who is lord of the manor, (callers only); dispatched at 6.15 p.m.; sundays,
and Mrs. Prince are the chief landowners. The soil is delivery 7·5 a_m.; dispatched at 9-30 a.m. Diss, 3
heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, miles distant, is the nearest money order office &
barley, oats, peas and beans. The area is 1,725 acres; Winfarthing, 2 miles distant, the nearest telegraph
rateable value, £1,686; the population in 191 I was 36o. office
Two valuable mineral springs were discovered here Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1865 by
by A. C. Farring>ton esq. M.R.C.S.E. ; the water, Albert Smith esq. for 120 children; average attendance,
which has been analysed by Professor Attfield, of Lon- 85; Charles Roger O'Dell, master; Mrs. Marie Bixby,
don, Professor Tichborne, of Dublin, and F. Sutton esq. mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baker Sarah Ann (Mrs.), farmer Porcher Harry Crosby, farmer
Annes Mrs Bean James, farmer Sandy Hedley, Cross Keys P.H
Boycott Alfred Edmund Cunning- Brame George Edward, farmer Sandy William Albert, builder; & at
ham, Spa farm Edwards John B. farmer Heywood, Diss
Chapman Thomas, The Cott-age Ellis Waiter Wm. farmer, The Lodge Shulver John, farmer
Harrisson Rev. William Robert M.A. Elsey Philip, farmer, Church farm Spurdens J ames, farmer
Rectory Fickling Samuel, farmer Welton William, florist & ·seedsman
Jarrett Rev_ Amos John (Baptist), Fisher Joseph King, farmer, Westhall Williams Henry, ooal dealer
Rose oottage farm Womack Edward Reeve, farmer,
Woollard George, Regent house Green Timothy, shopkeeper Shelfanger ball
COMMERCIAL. H urrell Fred, blacksmith,& Crown P. H Wright Ernest, wheelwright
Baker Samuel, farmer Pearce Arthur, carpenter
SHELTON is a parish and village, 5 miles south-east also added: there are 200 sittings. The register dates.
from Forncett Junction station on the Ipswich and Nor- from 156o. The living is a rectory, consolidated with
wich section of the Great Eastern railway, 5 north-west that of Hardwick, ioint net value £360, including 30
from Harleston, and 12 south from Norwich, in the HP-res of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. F.
Southern division of the county, Depwade hundred, petty B. Frank, and held since r881 by the Rev. Charles
sessional division and union, Harleston county court dis- Blomfield Smith, of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury
trict, rural deanery of Depwade, archdeaconry of Nor- The widows' rent charity consists of £r yearly, left by
folk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary Danson Futter for rent for two poor widows. Shelton
is an ancient structure of red brick with stone dressings, Hall, formerly the seat of the family of that name, is
in the Perpendicuiar style, consisting of chancel, nave, an ancient mansion surrounded by a moat, and now
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower of occupied by E. C. Hawkins esq. J .P. who is the chief
flint containing one bell: at the east end are three landowner. Commander Thomas Holme.s RN. is lord
stained windows, and an altar tomb of black and white of the manor. The land is fertile and the soil heavy;
marble, with kneeling effigies, to Sir Robert Houghton subsoil, chiefly clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
knt. his son and two wives, but undated: there are oats, peas and beans. The area is 1,292 acres ; rateable
also three stone. altar tombs, with arms and inscriptions, value, £1,337; the population in 1911 was 179.
to the Shelton family, who formerly resided at the Hall: Parish Clerk, John Roberts.
the brass altar cross was presented in memory of Letters through Long Stratton, Norfolk, which is the
Stephen Paul Engleheart M.D. drowned on the s:oast of nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at.
Africa, 29 May, 1885 : the font is ancient and is carved 7-45 a.m
with curious figures: in the roof of the churP.h are great There is a Pillar Box near blacksmith's shop, cleared
numbers of bees which have .swarmed here for over roo 5·-1-5 p.m. week days only
years: in r882 the church was restored and reseated A provided school, consisting of six managers; Rev. C. B.
and a reading desk and lectern provided, at a cost of Smith, chairman; Frederick Starr, correspondent
£200: in IgiO-II the church was reseated with oak Public Elementary School, for 147 children; average
benches, and a new oak pulpit and reading desk were attendance, 86; Miss Cox, mistress
Fletcher .A.rthur, The Firs Burgess Thos. wheelwright & carpentr Knir;hts Robert, farm bailiff to E. C.
Hawkins Edward Ccesar J.P. Shelton Burgess Waiter, blacksmith Hawkins esq. JP
hall Cann Ann (Mrs.) & David William, Ladbrooke James, butcher
Smith Rev. Chas. Blomfield, Rectory farmers :\'eave George, farmer, Manor farm
COMMERCIAL. Fletcber Arthur, farmer Roberts Dennis, farmer
Baxter Ezaniah James, farmer Folkard Henry, farmer Roberts Robert, farmer
Baxter Leonard Frederick, farmer,, Good'Swen 'Maria (Mrs.), farmer Youngs James, farmer
Lime Tree farm 1

Hubbard William, farmer

SHEREFORD (or Sheringford) is a parish on th11 residence, in the gift of the Marquess Townshend,
river Wensum, about li miles west from Fakenham To""n and held since 1910 by the Rev. Frederick Hawker
station, on the Midland and Great Northern joint railway Hughes M. A. of Jesus College, Oxford, who resides at
and 3 west from Fakenham station, on the Wymondbam Toftrees. The Marquess Townshend is lord of the
and Wells section of the Great Eastern railway, in the manor and sole landowner. The soil is various; sub-
North-Western division of the county, Gallow hundred soil, principally sand. The chief crops are wheat,
and petty se~sional division, Walsingham union and barley and roots. The area is 867 acres; rateable
county court district, rural deanery of North Brisley value, £7o2; the population in I9II was 82.
and Toftrees, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Nor- Sexton, James Ducker.
wich. The church of St. Nicholas is a plain building
of flint, in the Norman and Early English styles, COil- Letters through Fakenham, the nearest money order &
sisting of chancel. nave and a round western tower nf ' telegraph office, arrive at 8 a.m. Wall Box, cleared
early date, containing one bell: there are 70 sittings. at 8· I_) a. m. & 6 p.m
The register dates from the year 1721. The living is 3 Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1873• for
rectory, consolidated with the vicarage of Toftrees, by 52 children; average attendance, 40; for the parishes
an Order in Council, dated· November, 18BI, joint net of Dunton-cum-Doughton, Toftrees & Shereford; Miss
yearly value £3oo, including 92 acres of glebe and Elizabeth Champ, mistress
Riches Richard Good'wyn, farmer, Manor farm Sands Wm.Jn_farmer,South
Mill frm.; res. West Rudham
SHERINGHAM is a civil parish and Urban District. from London, 14 north-west from North Walsham and
created, by Local Government Board OrdeT No. 42,599 4 west from Cromer, in the Northern division of the
(which came into operation rst Oct. Igoi), out of parts county, North Erpingbam hundred and petty sessional
of the parishes of Beeston Regis and Sheringham, the d1vision, Erpingham union, Halt county court district,
remainder of the ancient civil parish of Sheringham rural deanery of Repps and archdeaconry and diocese oi
being con-stituted the civil parish of Upper Sheringham. Norwich. The town, sitmated between cliffs, nearly 100
Sheringham has a station on t.he Midland and Great feet a hove the beach, is now much frequented as a seaside

Northern joint railway from Lynn to Cromer, 142 mileE 1 resort,· and on account of the increasing number of
visitors a. large number of privata lodging houses have patches, 7·55 & II.5 a.m. & 12.10,, 6 & 7
been erected; a fine hotel has been opened between the p.m.; sundays, delivery at 8 a.m.; dispatched al;
railway station and the golf links, and another on the 6.30 p.m.; season dispatches (i.e., July, Aug. &
sea front; in 1891 drainage was carried out by the Sept.), g.30 & ro.40 a.m. & 12.30, 3.10 & 7.10 p.m.;
Sheringham Development Company Limited, under the sundays, 7.30 p.m. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
superintendence of W. Marriott esq. C.E. the sewage sundays, 8.30 a.m. to ro a.m
being carried into the sea to the east of the town at an
angle of about 45 degrees from the cliff. The town is URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL.
supplied with gas and water by the Sheringham Gas and
~leetings take place monthly at the Council offices,
Water Company Limited, formed in 1889; the water is
derived from natural springs rising in the hills, one mile Church street.
south, and is collected in a reservoir and conveyed thence Members.
in pipes; the gas works were established in 1892. This All retire in April, 1~13.
place is also a considerable fishing station, having about
75 boats employed in the herring, cod, skate, plaice, Chairman, Fred Edens.
crab, lobster and whelk fisheries; great quantities of all Vice-Chairman, Henry Robert Johnson.
these different kinds are sent to Norwich and London. Sheringham Ward.
The church of St. Peter, a chapel of ease to All
Saints, Upper Sberingbam, was erected in r8g7, from Frederick Steward Hot ham ,J ames R. Swallow
designs by Messrs. St. Aubyn and Wadling, London, at Dyer-Bennet "' Henry Morris Upcher D.L.,
Henry Robert Johnson J.P
a cost of about £8,ooo, and is an edifice of red brick,
faced with flint, with white stone dressings, and consists W. T. Macdonald
of chancel, with organ chamber, nave, aisles, north and Beeston Ward.
south porches, and a western turret containing two George Hawkesley I Benjamih Johnson
bells : there are sittings for about 700 persons. The
Church Mission room, a plain square edifice of brick Officials.
with stone dressings, was erected in r842 by the Upcher Clerk, Edgar Charles Rolfe, Church Street chambers,
family, to whom it still belongs. St. J oseph's Catholic She ring ham
Church, Cromer road, is a building of red brick with Treasurer, H. Gurney Barclay, Barclay & Company's
stone dressings, and consists of sanctuary, nave, two Bank, Norwich
small aisles and two transepts. The reredos was the Medical Officer, John Everard Linnell B.A., M.B., B.C.
work of Signor Tossi: the west window is stained. Camb., D.P.H.R.C.P. & S.Lond. The Point,.A.ugusta st
The United Methodist chapel, in Beeston road, built in Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Frank Hall Smith, Rail·
rR59, will seat about 400 persons; the Primitive Metho- way road, Sheringham
dist chapel, in Station road, lmilt in r882, has also 400 Collector, John Tourle Willis, Cromer rd. Sheringham
sittings, and there are Salvation Army barracks. in
Cremer road, seating 2oo persons. The Public Hall in TERRITORIAL FORCE.
Church street and Station road is let for meetings, 5th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (Detachment of F Co.),
theatricals &c. and will hold about 400 persons. Capt. Havard Noel Bridgwater
The protection of the sea-front here has been a
serious problem, and more than £r8,ooo has already PUBLIC EST .A.BLISHMENTS.
been spent on protective works. There is a coast- Coast Guard,
guard station north-west of the village, with a chief Fire Station, Cremer street, F. Hall Smith, captain
officer and 4 men, a suitable boat house and rocket Public Hall, Church street & Station 'I'Oad
apparatus (No. 323). There are also two lifeboats, the Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent
"Henry Ramey Upcher" and the "\Villiam Bennett," Society, J. J. Nig?tingale, hon. representative
belonging to the Royal National Lifeboat Association.
The Sheringham Golf Club was formed in r8gr; the PUBLIC OFFICERS.
links are situated on the cliffs at a height of more than Admiralty Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator
200 f~t above the sea. The course, r8 holes, is laid out
Sheringham District, Erpingbf!m Union, Waiter John
on undulating turf: a new club house was erected in
Ernely Sumpter M.D., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng.
1912. There is also a. small course for children and
beginners. The Grand Hotel, on the cliffs, opened in
Deputy perk t.o Erpingham Union & Rural District
r8g8, was erected from designs by Mr. H. Green, of Council, John Tourle Willis, Cromer road
Norwich. Henry Morris Upcher esq. D.L., J.P. of Deputy Registrar of Marriages for Sheringham District,
Sheringham Hall, who is lord of the manor, and John Glad en Craske, Ramey house, Augusta street
Wyndham Cremer Cremer esq. M.A.; J.P. of Shering- Sanitary Inspeotor to Erpingham Rural District Council,
ham House, are the chief landowners. The soil is Alexander Robert Tuddenham, Rivington, South street
light; subsoil, gravel. The crops are wheat, turnips,
barley and some pasture land. The area of the civil PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
parish and Urban District is 877 acres; rateable value,
Sheringham, built in rcp6, for 250 boys, :atio girls &
£24,250; the population in rgu was 3,376, viz.:-
220 infants; average attendance, 195 boys, 195 girls
Sheringham Ward, 2,833; Beeston Ward, 543·
& 176 infants; P. Hammond Smith, master; Mrs.
Post, M. 0., T. 0. & Telephonic Express Delivery Jessie Call, giTls' mistress; Mrs . .A. E. Tansley,
Office, Church street (letters should have Norfolk infants' mistress
added).-Fredocick Kemp, sub-postmaster. De- Railway Station (Midland & Great Northern Joint), Frank
liveries, 7' & 10.45 a.m. & 4·45 & 6.45 p.m.; dis· ' Rice, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brock Mrs. Ernest, The Ingle,South st Davidson Mrs. Leap house, Oromer rd
Aloock Miss, Knole h<mse, Cromer rd Brown William, Dunedin,Holwav road Davies Benjamin Grey, Mount Felix.
Alien Miss, Clover lawn, South street Browne Goo. Franklin,Hillside,Holt rd Vincent toad
Alpe J. Fraser, Steep hill, Abbey road Browne Miss M.Crindare cot.East cliff Davis Miss, Natalia, Nelson road
.A.nderson James, Hillcott, Abbey Td Hurling George, Fernlea, Cliff road Denham Miss, Springfield lodge,
Anderson Miss, The Lawn, Morris st Burnett Farie, Nerina, Nelson road Cromer road
Bailly Henry, North lo. North street Calder Misses Portsea, Nelson road Dixon Lt.-Col. Thomas Arthur, New-
Bainbridge Lady, Haddon lodge, Carter Rev. T. Walmsley (Catholic),; h:nds, Alexandra road
Alexandra road The Presbytery. Cromer road · Dobie Miss, Heatherdene, Holway rd
Baker Mrs. C. Mort on, Bees ton Hill Carter Miss, The Bnnker.Alexandra rd Dolphin Corn. George M., R.N. :Main-
lodge, Cliff road Chri;;topherson Kenneth, Bon Air.' sail Haul, St. Nicholas place
Baker Miss Rosamond Mary, White The Boulevard Doublrday Frank, Lee cot. Cromer rd
lodge, Cromer road Clarke Rev. T. S.(United Method:st) Dyball· Frederick Charles, Golf lodge,

Bartram Mrs. The Dovedale,Abbey rd Brook house, Holway road 1 )lontague road
Beeby Mrs. Miramar, Halt road Clarke Chas. The Billows, South st Dyer-Bennet Fredk. Steward Hotham,
Beken Amos, Plurenden, Holwav road Co3tes Mrs. Cahirmone, Holwav road Mon :Plaisir. Holt road
Birrell Rt. Hon. Augustine · M.P., Cook Arth. Bnrton. Hilbre,Hoiway rd; Erlen Lt.-Col.Henry Hamilton Forbes,
K.C., J.P. The Pightle; & 70 Elm Copeman Hy. Jn. Knollside. Cliff rd I Eden bur!!. Cromer road
Park road S W & Athenreum & New Cremer Wyndha.m Cremer M . .A.., J.P.' Ell~s Northcote villa, "Yorris st
University clubs S W, London Sheringham house Evan~ E. F. Northolt. Monta~ue r~
Blyth "'m.· Fair haven, Station road Critchley-Salmonson Fras. Bernard, Farrow ~rs. Thomas A .. Bntanma,
Br.amley Mrs. Braken How, Halt Td The Chalet, Norfolk road Holwav road
Brett John, Barcarolle, South street Cuttin!! James Tate, Le Roi,South st Finch ~iss, Pethgate, Cromer road
Franklin Fredk. Saml.Elcot,Cromer rd Roche Ebenezer Birch, Beaumont ha. Barney William, chimney sweeper,
Fnlton Sir Forrest K.C., LL.B., J.P. Hooks Hill road Wyndham street
The Cottage, Halt road Rogers Miss, ·wood Norton house, Barrows Bros. florists, .Alexandra road
Funnell Richard, Edale, Holway road Holway road Bartram Edith (Miss), apartments,
Gilmour T. Lennox, Dormie cottage, Rolfe Edgar Charles, The Little .A.bbotsford, South street
Cliff road house, Sout-h street Bartram Henry Jas. draper, Church st
Gorringe Miss, Torlea, Hooks Hill rd Royston Mrs. Fanny Louisa, Seaward, Battrick John, wheelwright, Salis-
Goulder Misses, Royston, Holway rd North street bury road
Gray .A.ndrew, Hcmestead, Cliff road Rymer Mrs. Jane E. The Turn, Beckett Meticia (Mrs.), apartments,
Green Miss, Enderley, Beeston road .A.ugusta street Borrowdale, Morris street
Green Robert, Hypatia, Holway road Scott Geo. Robt. Lockerbie, Cromer rd Bermingham Emily (Miss), boarding
Hansell Walter Edward. Pegg's clos~. Simonds Stanley, Hadleigh, .A.lex- house, Glenvar, Holway road
St. Nicholas place andra road Bird .A.rthur, butcher, High street
Hawksley Geo. Nol-ton Lees, Cliff rd Smith Frank Hall, Debdale, .Alex- Bishop Richard John, fishmonger, see
Hazeldine Hugh, Old Manor,Morris st andra road · Brown & Bishop
Heathcote Frank, The Haven,South st Smith Hy. Uplands, Hooks Hill road Bishop Rt. fried fish shp.Wyndham st
Henderson Miss Rester Morris M.B., Soley Evan, Trefor, South street Blackwell Herbert (Mrs.), apart-
Ch.B.Edin. White lodge, Cromer rd Somerset Mrs. 2 Claughbane, The ments, Landrock, Railway road
Hewitt Thomas G. East court,Holt._rd Boulevard Blyth John & Son, builders, Rail-
Holman Ellis, Highmoor, .Abbey road Spurrell Mrs . .A.lwyn, Morris street way road •
Holton ~rs. Helen, Clyffedene, Stedall Horace, Ccrrner ho. Holt road Blyth John (Mrs.), apartments, Fern-
Morris street Stern Gustav, Br{)(}kside, Beeston rd ley villa, Railway road
Horne Rev. Charles Silvester M . .A., Stacker Geor£!e Bertram, Northcroft, Boatman Chas.Hy.insur.agt.Station rd
M.P. The Bluff, Cliff road; & 20 1 Cromer road Boutell Charles, decorator, New road
.Ampthill square, London N W Stopford Mrs. Coldstream, .Abbey rd Brettingham Rt. tailor,Co-operative st
Janion Frank .Austin, Dormy house, Sumpter Waiter John E., M.D. Bridgwater Havard Noel, solicitor,
North ·street Tyne side Station chambers, Railway road
Jefferis Miss, Oak l<Jdge, ~orris street Thorne Rev. Henry ..A.rthur, Berring- Brighten Richd. shopkpr . .Station rd
Johnson Henry Robert, Oaklands, ton, The Boulevard Brooke Dora (Miss), fancy draper,
North street Trendell Rev. George John Wollaston Church street
Kemp.son John Flower, Southfield, ~I. .A.. The Vicarage, Vicarage road Broome Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments,
South street Tuck Capt. .Algernon D. Chancellor Moorlands, Holway road
Kerr John Berwyn, Augusta street cottage, Holwa.y road Broome Susan (Mrs.), boot stores,
Kin~ Lieut. Michael R.N. Southern- Tyler Misses, Kenvic, Hills View road High street
hay, Holway road "Cnderhill Percy .A., M ..A. The Broughton W. jobbing gardener,
King H. D. Spindrift, The Driftway Hazard, Cliff road Beeston common
Laws Henry, Roycroft, Alexandra rd Upcher Miss, Kylemore, Cromer road Brown & Bishop, fishmongers., Co-
Lawson S. William, Hill crest, Hooks Viney John Martin, Don .A.lister, operative street
Hill roa.d.· ..- South street Brown Sydney Ives, prop. Shering-
Lewis George J. G. The Dyl~e. St. Wardleworth Douglas M.B. St. Nicho- ham Sanitary laundry, Cremer sl!
Nicholas place la8 place Buckingham Emma Elizabeth (Mrs.),
Ling ~frs. Lee croft, Cromer road Watkin Mrs. Loudwater, Cliff road apartments, Cossey house, New rd
Linnell John Everard B..A., M.B., Watts Charles, The Bungalow, Water- Burrell W. H. & Co. chemists,High st
B.C.Camb., D.P.H. The Point, , bank road Bushell Frederick Howard, plumber,
.Augusta. street Webb ~arles, .A. veling la. North st Station road
Lodge Col. R. Douglas, Abbey lodge, .W.~Jas. Wm. The Nest. South st Cadman P. chemist, Church street
.Abbey road White Lloyd, Sweetbriers, Holt road Campling Reginald A. hair dresser,
McFarland Capt. Norman, St. Whyte-Mackay Mrs.St.Clair,Morris st High street·
Catherine's, Morris street Willis John Tourle, The Shrubbery, Canty .A.nn (~Irs.), apartments, Kilkee,
McKenzie Douglas, Seaforth,.A.bbey rd Cromer road Cromer road
Magnay Mrs. Mignonette, Hooks Wilson Mrs. Gala, Holway road Capital & Counties Bank Limited
Hill road Woodall Rev. Thomas (Primitive (sub-branch,) (H .. H. Mount, man-
Mansfield Hon. John William :M . .A. Methodist), George street ager), Church st. ; draw on head
Edgebrook, Holway road Woolley Mrs. The Hill, Holway road office, 39 Threadneedle street,
Marsters Miss Constance, Weeting, Woolley Reginald George, The Hill, London E C
Vincent road Holway road Chamberlain Ellen (Miss), shopkpr.
~la~ters George Reginald, South Wortlev William Henry Francis,
I Cremer street
lodge, South street Cono-ham, North street Chap man Hv. J. drug stores, High st
Molyneux St. John Vivian Becmmont, COMMERCIAL. Cheverton William & Thos. printers,
The Close . Early closing day, Thursday. High street
Morgan Fredk. Chantry, Cr-omer rd A.bbs James Joseph, jobbing gardnr. Church Forster William, jobbing
MurrayJohn 0. F. r Cloughbane, The Morris street gardener, New road
Boulevard 1
!.bbs Pamela (Mrs.), apartments, Clarke Mabel (Miss), boarding house,
:Xorton Rev. John (Primitive Metho- house, Cromer road Ye Homesteade, Cliff road
dist). Bourne house, Holway road Adde~son James, hair dresser, Cletheroe Thomas William, carpenter
Nott Samuel, Rose house, Station rd Church street & joiner, Beeston road
.:\'oyes Edward Thomas, . Whinbrae, .A.loock Geo. boot maker, Beeston rd Collings R. (Mrs.), boarding house,
Abbey road Almond F. C. (Miss), preparatory Church street
Olley Ro bert, The Gables, Cliff road school, Chigwe 11, Cromer road · Cooper .Alice (Mrs.), apartments,
Oppenheim E. Phillips, Winnisimmet, Anderson Wm. furniture dlr. High st Scottow villa, The Driftway
Vicarage road .Andrews Emma (Miss), apartments, Cooper Benj. fruiterer, Station road
Orfeur Miss, Mossley ho. Augusta st Glen Erin, Holway road Cooper Obadiah,fisherman,.Augusta st
Packard Mrs. Westerfield, Norfolk rd .Andrews William, china riveter, Cooper Robt. fisherman, Christopher
Page Henry Spencer, Bank ho.High st Wyndham street house, Beeston n>ad
Page Jas. W.The Brambles,Cromer rd .A.rdley James, grocer, Church street Cope Eliza (Miss), boarding house,
Peggs W. J. Woodberry, Cliff road .A.shby Mary (~!rs. ), apartments,Pem- see Warth & Cope
Percival Miss. Southdene, South st I broke lodge, Cliff road Cowell Fredk. dairyman. Station rd
Pigott Sir Thomas Digby C.B., J.P. Bailey Charles, cycle dealer, see Cox David, fisherman, Rosslyn villa,
The Lodg-e Huo-hes & Bailey lleeston road
Powell Major .A.lbert Laurence, :Xor- Baker C. T. Ltd. ironmngrs. High st Cox Richard Ohristopher, fish curer,
manhurst. Hooks Hill road 8nker Martha (Miss), apartments. Dorothy house, Beest<Jn road
Pratt Jn. BPane, Langley dale,Cliff rd Nevada, St. Nicholas place Cox Robt. co·al merchant, Station rd
Prest'On St-anley R. .Ambleside, Morris Bald win Emily (Mrs.), apartments. Cox Robt. Jn. coal mer. Station road
street .Admiral villa, Augusta street Craske Bros. fishermen, .Augusta st
Purchas James, Kirkby, SDuth street Barcham Hannah (Mrs.), apartments. Oraske John Gladen, deputy registrar
Pym Mrs. Radford, St. Luke's cottage. Lono-hborough. New road of marriages for Sheringham dis-
Beach road Barclay & Company Limited, bankers trict, Ramey house, .Augusta. street
Ratchffe Geor!!e. Vale lo. Cromer rd (branch), open daily 10 to 3 ; Craske W. C. (Mrs.), apartments,
Read Ernest .Arnold, Somerset house, saturday 10 to 1 (H. S. Page, man- Sali~bury house, Beeston road
Cromer roarl. ao-er). draw on head~ office - 4 Craske Wm. C. fisherman, Victoria st
Read John Jervis, Queen's oottage, L~mb~rd street. London E C ' -' Craske William T. fish merchant,
St. Nicholas place Barney Herbert \Villiam, tobacconist, Providence house, Victoria streei
High iitreet
Daley Violet (Mrs.), apartments, Holsey Chas. Crown P.H. East cliff :\fack Bessie (Miss), apartments,
Highcliff, Cliff road Houghton Richard, sewing machine Ferndale, Morris street
David·son Florence (:Miss ),apartments, agent, Station road Mallett .Ann Rebecca (Mrs.), shop-
Erpingham house, Cliff road Howard Marie (Mrs.), apartments, keeper, Beeston road
Dormv House Club (Lt.-Col. H. H. .Arundel, Cromer road Marchesi Erminio, refreshment rms .
Forbes Eden, hon. sec.), Edenburg, Howes Herbert William, apartments, High street
Cromer road Windsor house, Cromer road Martins Hannah (Mrs.), apartments,
Dumble .Amelia (Mrs.), apartments. Hudson Flora G. (Mrs.), shopkl.eper, St. .Albans, Cliff road
Sparkenhoe, Morris street Beeston road May Wm.jobbing grdnr . .Alexandra rd
Dumbla Rachel (Mrs.), apartmenis. Hughes & Bailey, cycle agents & Mickleburgh Anna (Mrs.), apart-
Highbury, Morris street jewellers, Hig-h street ments, Endcliffe, Montague road
Dunn Charles, plumber, Cromer road Hunt .Albert, outfitter, Church street Middle ton Ann (Mrs.), apartments,
Dutchman Henry (Mrs.), apartments. Hunt Waiter G. outfitter, Church st Kingsmuir, Morris street
Carlton lodge, Augusta street International Tea Go's Stores Ltd. Middleton Elizabeth (Mrs.), apart-
Eastmans Ltd. butchers~ High street provision dealers (William Reeve, ments, Upton villa, Augusta street
Edis OlivE} (Miss), photographer, rnanager), Church street Milomamba Convalescent Home (Miss
Church street Ives .Annis (Mrs.), coffee ho. High sl H. M. Goldthorp, sister in charge),
Edmonds Martin,dairyman,.Augusta st Ives Edward, carpenter, Glencoe Vincent road
Elliott William, apartments, The house, Holway road Mindham Eliza (Mrs.). apartments,
Dell, Holway road Ives Marion (Mrs.), apartments, Clarendon house, New street
Elmes & Downing, auctioneers, archi- Gordon house, New road Morrison Ellen (Mrs.), apartments,
tects & house agents, Railway road J a rrolu & Sons Limited, stationers, Clifton house, Cliff road
Emery Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Rivu- Station road Myhill Emma (Mrs.), apartments,
• let house, Beeston road Jenman .Annie A. (Mrs.), boarding Terminus villa, Holway road
Emery Geo. Wm. butcher, High st house, Normanton, Morris street Nobbs William, watch & clock maker,
Farmer .Annie & Edith (Misses), J ohnson Benj. builder, The Avenue Cambridge house, Cromer road
boarding ho. Braemar, The Boulevard Johnson Emily (Mrs.), apartments, Noble Mary (Miss), apartments,
Farmers' Federation Limited (J. T. Totterid~e, West cliff .Alexandra road
Willis, sec.) ; registered office, J ohnson Harry, boot maker, High st Norfolk Dairy Farmers' A.s80ciatinn
Cromer road J ohnson Henry Robert, insurance agt. (John Pyke. mana!,!er), High street
Farrow Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, West cliff Olley Elizabeth (Mrs.), Wyndham
Kelvedon, Cliff road Johnson James, apartments, The Arms P.H. & posting establishment
Farrow John, jobbing gardener, Ferns, North street Overton J. J. boot repairer, New road
W yndham street Johnson Martha (Mrs.), apartments, Pag-e Hy. grocer & draper, High st
Farrow Thomas .Arthur (exors. of), Waveney villa, Cliff road Page Henry Spencer, agent for Nor-
coal merchants, Cremer street J ohnson w illiam, fishmonger' Co- wich Union Fire, Norwich &
Felmingham Frank, hair dresser, operative street London .Accident & Norwich Union
Co-operative street Judd George Henry, manager for the Life .Assurance Societies & man-
Fincham John, plumber, Cremer st Shering-ham Gas & Water Co. 4 ager of Barclav & Company's Bank,
Flogdell Fredk. blacksmith,Cremer st Golf villas. Weybourne road Bank house, High street
Ford Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Kennedy Ed!!ar (Mrs.), apartments, Pait Wilfred, insurance agent,
Mostyn, .Augusta street Bintree. South street Loughboroug-h, New road
Foulger Lionel Walter, ironmonger. Kennedv Ethel (Mrs.),aparts.South st Palmer Ethel (Mrs.). apartments,
Station road Ketteringham Alfred, greengrocer, Blenheim htmse, Cliff road
Fryer Ellen (Miss) & Haas Maria Hig-h street Palmer Herbert H. monumental
Salome (Miss), ladies' boarding Knowles Francis Charles, tailor. agent, Station vard
Achool, Drayton house, Nelson road Station road Palmer Mary (Mrs.), apartments,
Fuller Edg-ar, jobbing gardener, Kosflimetzky .Alma (Miss), aprtmnts. Kingswnod, The .Avenue
Waterbank Toad Edal, St. Nicholas place Palmer Robert Walpole, jobmaster,
Fuller Louisa Ellen (Miss), aprtmnts. Lambert William,baker,Wyndham s1. Grand Hotel 10tR bles
Elsing. Cromer road Leach & Phippen Misses, apart- Palmer Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 2
Gidney Beatrioe (Mrs.), apartments, m~>nts, Bella vista, .Alexandra road Laurfll villas. Railway road
Lansdowne house, Waterbank road Leeder Anna Mary (Mrs.), baker, Payne Henry W.tobacconist,Church st
Gilbert Robert, grocer, High street High street Pe!!g Margar~t (Mrs.), apartments,
Giles Isabel (Mu.), apartments, Lewitt P. & Co. iewellers, High street Roscneath, North street
King's Clere, Railway road Lichters John, boarding house, York Peg-g Robert, dairvman, Regis place
Gow .Alfred, teacher of music, Llan- house, Augusta street Pennell Charles Edward, coal mer-
beris, Oromer road Limeburn .Alex. apartments, Holmes· chant. Station Toad
Grand Hotel (Louis Holzinger, rngr) dale, Cromer road Perrv Thomas, boot & shoe maker,
Graveling- Percy ,fruitr. Go-operative st Limmer Hartnall J., F.A.I. house & Wvndham

Gray Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, estate agent, Railway entrance Peters Maria (Mrs.), apartments,
Victoria house, Cromer road Linnell John Everard B.A.., M.B .. Kildare, Railway road
Gray Boland Earle, apartments, Fair- B. C. Cam b., D.P.H.R.C.P. & S. Phippen Amelia (Mlss), apartments,
holme, Church street Land. (firm, Sumpter & Linnell). see Leach & PhiTJpen
Gray Stephen, apartments, Ivy bank, "Physician, & medical officer of Pig-ott Georgina (Mrs.), apartments,
Church street hflalth to the Sheringham Urban Sunnvholme, An!!usta street
Green Charlotte (Miss), apartments, District Council & to the Erping- Pig-ott llann'lh (Mr!l. ). fruitr.High "t
Blenheim, Holway road ham Rural District Council, Tht> Piner David. Dunsta.ble .Arms P.H.
Green J essie (Mrs.), apartments, Point . .Au!,!usta street Cromer road
Burlingham house, Cliff road Little Richard Valentine, fisherman. Pitts Gertrude (Miss). certified nurse,
Grice Brothers, fish mers. East cliff Egmont house, Victoria street Highbury, New road
Grice .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Little Robert D. ships' chandler, Plumpton L. (Mrs.), refreshment
Queensbury, NDrth street Beeston road rooms, The 'Roulevard
Grice John Hv. •
fishermn.Victoria st Loads John S. shopkpr. B~eston road Pr'ltt .Tames Henry, harness maker,
Graver George, apartments, Swanton Loads Wm. blacksmith, Beeston road Station road
house, Holway road Lot:k Mary (Miss), apartments, Laurel Prettv Arthur J. Station hotel, Bail-
Hannah Jas. shopkeeper, Church st villas, Railway road wav rn~n
Hardingham George, apartments, The London Dental Institute (H. Wolf, Price William, dairv, Melbourne road
Dawn, Church street manager), artificial teeth makers, Public Hall, Church st. & Station rd
Hardy Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Station road PulleTJ Mercv (Miss), apartments.
Quebec, Beeston road Long Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Aldwyn, Holway road
Harrison Edith (Miss), tea room11, Olivedale . .Augusta street Pyke John, dining rooms, High street
AU!!Usta street Long Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Cliff Recreation Grounds (W. H. F.
Henderson Hester Morris (Miss) M.B., view, North street Wortlev. hon. sec.). Holt road
Ch.B.Edin. physician, White lodge, Long Sop hi a (Mrs.), apartments, Riches George (Mrs.), ooarding ho.
Cro 'Iler road Ocean view. North street The Burling'ton. West eliff
Herring Martha (Mrs.), apartments, Love Bobert Henry, fisherman, Hazel- Ri!le b11rougb Ernest Henry. g-olf pro-
Elthwaite. Morris street mere. Victoria street fe~sional & rlub maker, Golf links
High Jas. Hy. blcksmth. Crerner st Lown Hy. boat builder. Gremer street Riseb11rou O"h M a rh (Mrs.). apart-
Hill George William, motor enginr. Lusher Wm. & ~on, ha ken, High st ments. Kinsale. Holwav road
Cromer road Macdonald William Pf ·s. ), apart- Robinson John, plumb~r. Station rd
ment;;, Surrey house, Croruer road

Rog-ers Lucy Fanny (Mrs.), aprtmnts. Smith Frank Hall, surveyor & sani- Walton Edward (Mrs.), apartments,
Melrose house, Morris street tary inspector to the Urban District Penrith, Railway road
Rolfe Edgar Charles, solicitor & Council, Council offices, Church st Wardleworth Douglas M.B., Ch.B.
commissioner for oaths & clerk to Smith John Alfred, fishmonger, see Vict. physician & surgeon, St.
the Urban District Council, Church Wildridge & Smith Nicholas place
Street chambers Smith Kate (Miss), apartments, Warth & Cope Misses, apartments,
Rolfe Frances (Mrs.), apartments, Stafford house, North street Selwyn, Augusta street
.Axholme, Holway road Soley Evan, draper, Church street Warth Nora (Miss), apartments, see
Rounce & Wortley, stationers, Springall Herbert, apartments, Ade- Warth & Cope
Church street laide house, Church street Watts Bertram .Adam, hair dresser &
Rusts Limited, drapers, High street StangToom Ern est .A. New street stationer, Church street
Rymer Charles E.cycle agt.Station rd Stead & Simpson Limited, boot Wells John C. fishmonger. High st
Sadler Charles Arthur, ironmonger, dealers, Church street West Christopher, coal mer.Church st
Station road & bazaar, High street Storey Albert, greengro. Wyndham st West Cutty, fisherman, 2 Leicester
Saul Sidney L. butcher, Wyndham st Storey Laura (Mrs.), shopkeeper, villas, Victoria street
Sayer Charles, farmer, Beeston corn Wyndham street West George Christopher, fishmongr.
Scatter Matthew, fisherman, Ivydale, Sumpter & Linnell, physicians & High street
Morris street surgaons West Henry C. fisherman, Hope ha.
Sell Daniel, apartments, Penardine, Snmpter Arthur .A.llan, dentist, Prim- Beeston road
Holway road rose villa, .A.ugnsta street West Henry William, fish merchant,
Sexton .A.nnie (Mrs.), apartments, Snmpter Walter John Ernely M.D., Woodbine house, Cliff road
Clifton house, Holway road L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng., West James L. fishmonger, Station rd
Shepherd Jane (Mrs.), apartments, L.S.A.Lond., Fellow Royal Society West Jn. chimney swpr. Wyndham st
Clenisdale, Cliff road of Medicine, Fellow Med. Soc. West John (Mrs.), apartments,
Sheringham Conservative Association London (firm, Sumpter & Linnell), Kapunda, Church street
& Club (H. M. Upcher esq. pres. ; surgeon & admiralty surgeon, medi- West Richard Whittaker, fisherman,
E. J. Page, sec.; W. H. F. Wort- cal officer & public vaccinatm Ivanhoe, Church street
ley, hon. treas.), .Augusta street Sheringham district, Erpingham West Robert, fisherman, Edinburgh
Sheringham Co-operative Society Lim. union & medical officer to Post house, Beeston road
(J. Page, sec.), Cremer street office, Tyneside West Robt. shoe ma. Co-operative st
Sheringham Fish Supply Co. fish- Sutton & Co. carriers (William We~t Robert Christopher, coal mer-
mongers, High street Price, agent), Melbourne road chant, Westlea, Waterbank road
Sheringham Gas & Water Co. Limited Swallow J ames Richard, apartment<!, Westgate T. W. (Mrs.), boarding
(George Henry Judd, manager), Berlin villa, Church street house, Southlands, South street ·
Weybourne road Tansley Harry H. photographer, Weston James Wm.builder,Church st
Sheringham Golf Club (H. M. Upcher .Augusta street Wildridge & Smith, fishmongers,
esq. J.P. president; E. Phillips Territorial Force Battalion (5th) Nor- W yndham street
Oppenheim, capt. ; F. S. H. Dyer- folk Regiment (Detachment of F Wilkins Elbina E. (Miss), tea rooms,
Bennet, treasurer; F . .A.. Janion, Co. Capt. Havard Noel Bridgwater) Church street
sec) Thirtle Louisa (Miss), apartments, Williamson Philip (Mrs.), apartments,
Sheringham Hotel (The) (F. Edens, Lyngate, Cromer road Holmland, Railway road
manager) Thornton M. L. (Mrs.), apartments, Willis John Tour le, accountant, sec.
Sheringham Sanitary Laundry(Sydney Hillyers, The .Avenue to the Farmers' Federation Ltd.
Ives Brown, proprietor), Cremer st Tice Richard, boot & shoe maker, deputy clerk Erpingham union &
Shibley Dorothy (Mrs.), apartments, Co-operative street Rural District Council & assistant
Belmont house, Waterbank road Tuddenham .Alex. Robt. sanitary in- overseer & collector to the Urban
Silburn John, upholsterer, Station rd ~pector to the Erpingham Rural Dis- District Council, Cromer rd. T N 9
Simons S. & Co. auctioneers, valuers trict Council, Rivington, South st Wilson Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments,
& estate agents, Railway road Underhill Percy A., M ..A. boys' pre- Helvellyn, Morris street
Sirnons Stanley, estate •agent, see S. paratory school,The Hazard,Cliff rd Wilton Mary (Mrs.), apartments,
Simoll.s & Co Waldron Maria (Mrs.), apartments, Frogmore, Augusta street
Slipper James, confectioner, High s1 Kingsmead, Augusta street Winn IV m. Robin HoodP .H.Station rd
Slipper Matthew .A.rthur,Lobster inn. Walker H. H. & Co. P ..A.S.I. archi- Wright Alfred, butcher, High street
High street tects, surveyors, auctioneers & Young George, butcher, Station road
Smith James & Sons, dyers,Church st estate agents, Railway road
UPPER SHERINGHAM is a civil parish, extending there are about 400 sittings. The register dates from
from the sea for upwards of 2 miles inland, and consti- I
the year r67o. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
tuted out of the parish of Sheringham by a Local Govern- £r5o with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of
ment Board Order, No. 42,599, which came into operation Norw'ich, and held since 1909 by the Rev. George
1st October, 1901. It is in the Northern division of the John Wollaston Trendell ~LA. of Christ's College, Cam-
county, North Erpingham hundred and petty sessional bridge. The vicarage house, at Sheringham, was erected
division, Erpingham union, Holt county court district, in 1896, from plans furnished by Mr. H. J. Green, of
rural deanery of Repps, and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich, diocesan surveyor, at a cost, including site, of
Norwich. The surrounding scenery, richly diversified about £ 1,8oo. The poor's allotment land is about 19
with woodland, is in some parts beautifully picturesque : acres in extent, and there are other charities to the

the parish is supplied with excellent water, conveyed amount of £6. Sheringham Hall is a mansion .of white
by pipes from a constant spring to a large reservoir, bri<:k in a well-wooded park and commanding extensive
formed in r814 by the late Abbot Upcher esq. The church sea views, and is the residence of Henry Morris Upcher
of .AU Saints is a building of flint, with stone dressings, in
esq. D.L , J.P. who is lord of the manor and principal
the Early and Later English styles, consisting of chancel, landoPner. The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The
clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and a lofty em- crops are wheat, turnips, barley and some pasture land.
battled western tower, containing 6 bells, the rood screen The area is 1,393 acres of land and 75 of tidal water;
and loft remain: in the chancel is a monument of white rateable value, £r,775; the population in rgu was 307.
marble to Abbot Upcher esq. d. r8rg: a slab inscribed . .
to Waiter Marlow, canon of Notley, and sometime rector, Post Office.-M1ss M_ary Lawn, sub-postm.Istress. Let-
<Jb. 1451 : and memorial windows to the Hon. Mrs. ters ~through Shermgha~, _Norfolk, arnve at 7·5 &
Charlotte Upcher, d. 1857, and to Miss Upcher, daughter 1 r. 1.1 a.m. & . 7· 1 5 p.m.' disp~tched at 1 ~ a. m. & ~
of the late Henrv Ramey Upcher esq. d. r863; there is & . 6.r5 _p.m.' _no sunday dehvery. Shermgham, 14
a brass to John Hook, ob. 1513 , and Magdalene his wife; miles d1st:Int, IS the nearest money order & telegraph
one in the pavement near the south porch to Thomas office
Burgess, ob. 1540: and a monument to Thomas Heath, Public Elementary School (mixed), for about 200 chil-
who was robbed and murdered 4 February, J635: the dren; average attendance, 65; Edward Graham
~ommunion plate includes a chalice of the 16th century: Savage, magter
PluvATE RESIDENTS. I Shepherd James, gamekeeper to Hy.
Dodd Robert Phillip, Ivy house I COlDIEUCLI.L. Morris Upcher esq. D.L., J.P
Foster Char}es W. Gleneden Kemp Frederick. Lion P.H Steward .Tames, jun.frmr.Church fm
Pig-ott Miss, The Old House Pe!!'! Norman, farm bailiff to Henry Thursby HY. Jsph. farmer, Street fm
Schafer Lt. John S._. R.N. The Old! Morris Upcher esq War~v John William, miller (wind &
Cottag-e Pennell Chas. Edwd. frmr. Hw•th fm stPam) &; farmer. The Mill farm
rpcber Henry _Morris F.Z.S .. B.O.U., PykP Erne<:t Edward, blacksmith Wrig-ht Albert Jn. farmer, Mill farm
DJ~., J .P. Sheringham hall '.Rise boroug-h Herbert, farmer
SHERN:BORNE is a. parish and village 2! miles east brass to Sir Thames and Lady Shernborne, temp. Edw.
from Snettisham and 2! from Dersingham stations, both Ill. : the font is ancient, and probably belonged to the
on the Hunstanton and West Norfolk section of the Great original structure: there are 120 sittings: the church-
Eastern railway, and nl north-east-by-north from Lynn, yard is inclosed by a flint and carr stone wall, and well
in the North Western division of the county, Smithdon planted with shrubs and rose-trees. The register dates
hundred, Smithdon and Brothercross petty sessional divi- from the year I747· The living is a vicarage, consolidated
iiion, Docking union, Lynn county court district, rural with that of Fring, joint net yearly value £225, and
deanery of Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese residence, huilt in x88x, in the gift of His Majesty the
of Norrich. The church of SS. Peter and Paul, stated King, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Alexander
to have been the second church founded in East Anglia by J ames J ones Th.A.K.C. There is a fuel allotment of
St. Felix, its apostle (about A.D.' 64o), was entirely re- 16 acres for the poor of the parish. The Master and
built in 1898 on the original foundations, under the 1uper- Fellows of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, who are
iL.tendt>nce of the late Sir Arthur Blomfield kt. A.R.A. lords of the manor, and-H.M. the King are the
and from designs by Mr. H. J. Green, of Norwich, the principal landowners. The soil is rather light; the
diocesan architect, at a cost of over £2,ooo, mostly con- subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
tributed by His late Majesty King Edward VII. then turnips. The area is 1,305 acres; rateable value, £8!0;
Prince of Wales: the church is now a structure of flint the population in 19II was qo.
with stone dressings, in the Early English style, and Parish Clerk, James Ransom.
consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and porch, and Letters . from Lynn, via Ingoldisthorpe, are delivered
a western turret containing one bell: the ancient stone- about 7 a.m. & 5.20 p.m. Snettisham is the nearest
work has been retained in the doorways, windows and money order & telegraph office, 2~ miles distant
areading: the chancel has a wagon-headed roof of oak, Wall Letter Boxes, near the church, cleared at 9 a.m.
with moulded ribs and carved bosses: the piers of the & 5.20 p.m.; Shernborne Hall, cleared at g.Io a.m.
south arcade, which belong to the Decorated period, & 5.30 p.m. week days only
after being walled up for centuries, again divide the Public Elementary School, built in 1876, for thi8 parish &
nave from the south aisle : the oaken pulpit and the tJhe adjoining district of Snettisham Red Barn; it will
communion cloth were the gift of His late Majesty King bold 41 children; average attendance, 33; Miss
Edward VII. : on the chancel wall is a stone slab with a Mitchell, mistress
Bullard Charles Richard, The Hall COMMERCIAL. Lewis Henry, farmer, Coldham farm
Jones Rev. Alex. James Th.A.K.C. Bullard Charles Richd. farmer,Shern- Village Club (C. R. Bullard, hon.
(vicar), The Vicarage borne hall sec.: Mrs. Jane Hooks, caretaker)
SHIMPLING is a parish and village, half a mile by the Rev. Je:ffery Watson Millard M ..A. of Worcester
east from Burston !ltation on the Ipswich and Norwich College, Oxford. Henry Edwards Paine esq. of Chertsey,
section of the Great Eastern railway, 4 north-east Surrey, is lord of the manor. Francis Taylor esq. of
from Diss and 92~ from London, in the Southern division Diss, Sir Edward Mann bart. of Thelveton Hall, and
of the county, Diss hundred, petty sessional division and William Charles Flower Holmes esq. are the prindpal
county court dilltrict, Depwade union, rural deanery of landowners. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay. The
Redenhall, archdeaoonry of Norfolk and diocese of Nor- chief crops are wheat, barley, peas and beans. The
wich. The church of St. George is a. building of flint area is 797 acres; rateable value, £1,007; the popula-
of the 13th century, consisting of chancel, nave, north tion in 19ii was 157.
pGrch and a round western tower, with octagonal belfry Parish Clerk, Thomas Lockwood.
and a small wooden spire, and containing 4 bells: the Letters through Scale, arrive at 8 a.m. & 5-45 p.m.
porch has been rebuilt and flat tiles substituted for the The nearest money order & telegraph office is lt
original leaden roof : the windows retain many frag- Dickle burgh, 1 mile distant. Pillar Letter Box cleared
ments of ancient stained glass: there are 150 sittings. on week days at 8.10 a.m. & 5·55 p.m.; sundays at 8.10
The register dates from the year 1539. The living is a a.m
reotory, net yearly value £rg6, including 31 acres of The children attend the Public Elementary school a.t
glebe, with residence, in the gift '<lf and held since 1854 Burston
COMMERCIAL. Ford Arthur, farmer
Brundle William, horse slaughterer Lin~ Robert, blacksmith •.
Millard Rev. Je:ffery Watson M . .A.. Catchpole Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper Stearn Ernest, farmer, The Place
Rectory Devereux Arthur, farmer Todd William, beer retailer
Piercy Frederick On slow, The Limes Evans Harold . Rix, farmer Wade Richard Roe, farmer
SHINGHAM is a very small parish, 6 miles north- annexed, to which Beachamwell St. Mary and· St. John
east from Stoke Ferry terminal station on the Great were united by Order in Council, dated 3oth December,
Eastern railway and 4~ south-west from Swa:ffbam, in the 1878, joint net yearly value £26o, inclu<Ling n6 acres
South Western division of the county, South Greenhoe of glebe, in the alternate gift of the Lord Chancellor and
petty sessional division, hundred of Clackclose, union the trustees of Joshua Fielden esq. the latter having the
and county court district of Swa:ffham, rural deanery of right of the next presentation, and held since 1893 by the
Fincham (Eastern division), archdeaconry of Lynn and Rev. Robert Cubitt Nightingale, who resides at Beecham-
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Botolph is an well. The trustee!! of the late Joshua Fielden esq. of
ancient building of flint and stone, consisting of chancel Beecbamwell (d. 1892) are lords of the manor and sole
and nave only: the south doorway is a good and well- landowners. The !!Oil is light and sandy; subsoil, chalk
preserved specimen of Early Norman: there is no tower, and gravel., The chief crops are whPat, barley and turnips.
and the single bell, now standing on a wooden frame The area is 934 acres; rateable value, £291; the popu-
O'Utside the church at the west end, is inscribed lation in I9II was 45·
"Thomas N ewman, made me, 1738 : " the chancel, Letter Box cleared at 7 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. ; sundays,
which retains an interesting piscina, was new-roofed 7 a.m
with slates in 1878: the chui'ch had not been used Letters through Swa:ffham arrive at 7 a.m. Beecham-
~or many years, owing to its dilapidated condition well is the nearest money order office & Swa:ffham is
until 1904 when it was rendered fit for divine the nearest telegraph office, 4! miles distant
service. The register dates from the year 1762. The The children of this place attend the school at Beecham-
living is a rectory, with that of Beachamwell All Saints well
Storey John Philip & Stephen, farmers
SHIPDHAM is a parish and large and well-built vil- cuunty, of unusual design and great beauty: the shaft,
lage 4 miles south-west from Yaxham station on the Wy- which rises from a base of three members, resting on
mondbam and Dereham section of the Great Eastern rail- li11ns sejant, is triangular, and consists of three buttresses,
way and 5 llouth-by-west from Dereham, in the Mid clivi- the angles between which are ornamented from the base
sion of the county, Mitford hundred, Mitford and Laun- upwards with a series of quatre-foils : the desk is of
ditch petty sessional division and union, Dereham county a double form, very richly carved : there are six stained
court district, rural deanery of Hingham (Mitford divi- windows, c. ne being a memorial to a former rector: the
sion), archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. church was extensively altered in 1845, and in 1884-7 was
The church of All Saints is a spacious edifice of flint with thoroughly restored, new-roofed and entirely J;:e-seated:
stone facings in the Early English style, consisting of in x88g and 1890 the exterior of the church, with the
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled exception of the tower, was carefully renovated : there
western tower surmounted by a wooden cupola and spire, are 580 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558.
and containin~ a clock and 6 bells : over the porch is a The living is a rectory-, net yearly value £650, including
parvise contruning a. collection of rare books, chiefly on 42 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev.
theology, bequeathed by a former rector: this church George Deans Dundas Watt M.A. of 2 Park road, Forest
possesses one of the finest original wooden lecterns in the i Hill, London SE, and now (1912) vacant. There is a

Congregational chapel, erected in • IB33• seating 3oo water; rateable value, £5,440; the population in rgii
persons, Blso Wesleyan, Primitive and United Metho- was 1,303. '
dist chapels. There is a public cemetery of 2 acres, Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Jamea Willia.m Douse, sub-
with a chapel, opened in r87g, and now controlled by postmaster. Letters arrive by mail cart from Thetford
the Parish Council. A market was established here at 5.25 a.m. & 3 p.m. & are dispatched at 11 a.m. &
in the reign of Henry' Ill. Ly un~ of the Bishops (){ :Ely, 7. 15 p .m . .
who built a hall for the purpose; but the market has ~ng- Post Office, Shipdham West End.-Ernest Edward Steb-
been obsolete. The Town Hall, built in' r875, is now used bing, sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared r r. ro a.m.
as the Oddfellows' Hall. The fuel allotments awarded in i & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 10.20 a.m. Shipdham is the
r8og comprise about 126 acres, producing £75 rss. a ' nearest money order & telegraph office
year, which is distributed among the poor in coals; Mow- , Bullock's Endowed Public Elementary School, buiit in
ling's charity of [,2 ss. Rawling's of ros. and Masters' of i. 1749, & endowed with a farm of 46a. 3r. rBp. let for
£2, are given away in do:ms of rs. each annually. The £47 a year, devised by T. Bullock esq. in 1835; thb
chief landowners are Eton College, King's College, Cam- I school, with residence, was erected in r864 by Mary
bridge, and Mrs. J;ofthouse. The soil is loam and clay; Bullock, a grand-niece of the founder of this benefac-
subsoil, gravel a;'ld clay. _The c_hief. crops are. wheat, f tion! a~ a cost of upwards ~f {,L,ooo, enlarged. in 1875,
barley and turmps. This pansh 1s of considerable; agam m 1893 at a cost of £5oo, for 312 children, &
.extent, covering the space of 5 miles from north-east to' again in 18gg, at a oost of £zoo; average attendance,
south-west. The area is 4,623 acres of land and 1 r of · 23~; Henry Hutchinson, master

Brandram Miss 'Coleman John, farmer Oddfellows (M. G.),Pride of Shipdham
Oox Mrs Ocn: Robert & Son, wheelwrights lod<;e, No. 4585 (E. Martin, ..sec)
Gibson Thomas Craske Robert, farmer Pestell Edward, blacksmith
Goddard Mrs. Park cottage Cursun John, farrner Phillips Thomas, farmer
Goldsmith John Gushing George, builder Rant Charles T. boot maker
Hall Willi~m Gushing Waiter, shopkeeper Rashbrook William, farmer
Howarth Rev. J. Robt. (Oongregatnl) Douse James William, assistant over- Rhodes Thomas William, baker
Lawrence Robert seer & clerk to the Parish Council, · Rivett J ames, farmer, Grange farm;
Stevenson John, Mill road Post office & at Malthouse farm, Horningtoft
Tench William Henry Drnry Reginald Isaac,farmer, Wood fm, Rivett Waiter farmer, Blackmoor rd
Wortley Mrs. 'fhe Laurels Etheridge John beer retailer , Rix Arthur, grdcer
Fuller Charles,' Crown P.H Robinson Charles, beer retailer
Garner Henry, wheelwright Rose Charles, painter
Early closing day, Thursday. Gibson Thos. M.R.O.S·.Eng., L.R.C.P. Rose Edmund, wheelwright
A.bbey William, farmer Lond. surgeon, medical officer & Saunders Percy William, ·butcher
Amiss Albert Ed ward, chemist public vaccinator, Shipdham dis- Saunders Silvester, farmer
Ashby William, farm bailiff to Mr. trict. Mitford & Lannditch union & Seeker William, hair dresser
Charles Wheels Bradenham district of Swaffham Shearing William J. cycle agent
A.shby William, Golden Dog P.H union Skipper Frederick, harness maker
Assembly Rooms (Charles. Grimmer, Goddard James George, threshing Smith Herbert L. grocer
proprilltor) machine owner Stebbing Ernest Edward, grocer,
Atmore Fred, blacksmith Grimmer Charles, grocer & wine & 1 Post office, West End
Baker Alfred .A.rthur, boot repairer spirit merchant Stevenson John M.R.C.V.S. vet.surgn
Baker Ja.mes, King's Head P.H Groom Cecil M. grocer & draper Stubbings John, farmer
Barclay & Company Ltd. bankers (sub- Groom Rosa (Miss), grocer & draper .Tames, farmer
braach to Dereham), open tues. 10 Heyhoe William, farmer Tash Sn~an (Mrs.), baker
to 'I ; draw on head office, 54 Lam- Holman George, grocer Taylor John, farmer
bard street, London E C Howard Charles, farmer Tench William Henry, assessor & col-
Basham Waiter, miller (wind) Hunt James, farmer & butcher A.ector of taxes, registrar of bil"tbs
Bird Charles Harvey, farmer Jarred John, farmer & deaths, Shipdham sub-district
Bowes John, farmer Knott Alb"rt, farmer Tennant AlfrPd, bricklayer
Brown Albert Victor, baker Leonard Oliver, farmer Thacker Matthew, blacksmith
Brown Arnold, builder Lingwood John, farmer & cattle dlr Vince William Carey, farmer
Brown Robert, farmer Lingwood Wm. Waggon & Horses P.B Ward William, White Horse P.H
Bulwer Waiter, tailor List Charles, farmer Warner William, farmer, Old Hall fm
Bungard Edward J. grocer Martin Eleazar, painter Webb George, farmer
Butler Eliza (Mrs.), saddler Middleton .A.rthur, farmer Williamson Robert John, farmer,High
Cemetery (Jas. William Douse, clerk Milk Alfred (Mrs.), farmer House farm
to the Parish Council) Nelson Darsey, builder Wick John, farmer
Ohenery Mary Ann (Mrs.), Royal ~ewby Charles, Cricketers P.H ~ Youngs Fred, cycle agent
Standard P.H Youngs Ro bert, machine owner
SHOTE.SHAM ALL SAINTS (or High Shutesham) Bayspool for schooling six poor children, besides £4 12:1.
is a parish and village 3 miles south-east from Swains- for the poor. This parish, together with that of Shotes-
thorpe station on the Ipswich and Norwich section of the bam St. Mary, had formerly the privilege of sending
Great Eastern railway, and 6 south from Norwich, in the eight poor people to the East Greenwich Hospital, called
Southern division of the county, Swainsthorpe petty ses- the Norfolk Hospital, under the charity of Henry
~ional division, Henstead hundred and union, Norwich Ho ward, Earl of Northampton, left in the reign of
county court district, rural deanery of Brouke (Western James I. but a new scheme for the administration of
division),archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. this charity having been framed by the Charity Com-
The church of All Saints is a building of flint in the Per- missioners, a hospital was erected here in r885 for eight
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch poor men, each of whom receives 12s. a week, with allow-
and an embattled western tower containing 5 bells : the ance for washing, light and fuel, and six others residing
church was re!'ltored in r898-9, when a finely-carved oak in the parish receive ros. weekly; in default of candi-
screen was erected between the nave and chancel, and a dates from Shotesham, vacancies may be filled fro~
carved stone pulpit provided: the windows are said to Castle Rising and Bungay: at the hospital is an excellent
be reproductions to scale from some in Milan Cathedral: reading room for the good of the parish. Robert
a stone vQ.lture, with the inscription "Veni, Emmanuel," Fellowes esq. D.L., J.P. of Shotesham Park, is lord of
was met with during the work of restoration, and has the manor and chief landowner. The soil is sand and
been replaced in its original position on the bell-gable; clay; subsoil, sand, gravel and clay. The chief crops
there- are ._3oo sittings. The register dates from the year are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area. is 1,579
1538. The- living is a vicarage, with that of Shotesham acres; rateable value, £2,o6]; the population in 1911
St. Mary annexed, joint ne~ yearly value [.395, including was 306.
74~ acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Robert
P(}St & Telegraph Office.-George Robert Wicks, sub-
Fellowes eiiq. D.L., ,.J.P. and held since 1897 by the Rev.
postmaster_ Letters arrive by mail eart from Norwich
.Alfred Lyon FeUcnres M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
a.t 6 a.m. & 2.45 p.m. ; sundays, 6 a.m. Letter Box
bridge. l'he United Methodist chapel here was erected
cleared for dispatch at 11.25 a.m. & 5·55 p.m.; son-
in r879, and .h~ m~rble. tablets to the late Henry Birk-
days, 5 ·55 p.m. Saxlingham is the nearest money
beck esq•. Q.l Stoke Holy Cross, r8g5, and to Mn.
order office, 2 miles
. distant
Charlotte Brnce, of the same parish, 1884. The charitie!!
include a su:r;n .of f,rfi)a left by D. Brown in I 884, the Public Elementary School (mixed), built in r874 by Robt.
interest to be given away to- the poor on the first Sunday Fellowes esq. for rr3 ahildren; average a.ttendance,
in each new year, also a sum of £5 a year left for the 84 ; Miss Annie Best, head mistress
paN l;y T. Bransby in 1730, and £3 left in 17II by Eliza Carrier to Norwic~.-Walter Richard Bristow,wed. & sat
Fellowes Rev, Alfr'ed Lyon M.A. The Davy John, carter Pitelen Geo. rarm~er, Malt House frm
Vicarage . Uye Samuel, butcher Rational Association Friendly Society
Webb-Ware Misses, Isefield Farrow William, farm bailiff to R. (No. 375) (William Hunter, sec)
Fellowes esq. Upgate Green farm Reading Room (Rev. A. L. Fellowes
COMMERCIAL. Foulger George William, wheelwright M.A. treasurer; J. H. Smith, !BC)
Bacon Amos Francis, beer retailer Grapes Simon, farmer Smith Albert, farmer
Boast Harry James, blacksmith Hazell Harriet (Mrs.), Crown P.H Tyrrell Waiter, farmer
Bristow Walter Richard, carrier Johnson John Henry, shopkeeper Webb Robert K. builder
Browna Hy. estate agent for Robt. Lawes Alfred, Duke's Head P.H · Whiting Samuel, market gardener
Fello'!"·es esq. D.L.,J.P.Wooton frm Lovewell George, farmer,Little Wood Wicks Geo. Robt. shopkpr. & post off
Carv~r William, farmer, Heath farm & Grove farms
• •
SHOTESHAM ST. MARY (or Low Shote.sham) is of this place share in some of the charities belonging
a parish '2 miles south-east from Swainsthorpe stati~m on to Shotesham All Saints, £5 yearly having been left by
the Ipswich and Norwich section of the Great Eastern T. Bransby in 1730, £20 yearly by Eliza Bayspool in 1711,
railway and 6 miles sou!Jh from Norwich, in the Soutlhern and £so by Miss A. l<'ellowes in 1817, to be invested in £3
division of the county, Swainsthorpe ·petty sessional divi- per Cent. Stock. Shotesham Park is the beautiful seat
sion, Henstead hundroo and uniGn, Norwich county court of Robert Fellowes esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor and •
district, rural deanery of Brooke, western division, arch- sole landownsr; the mansion, a modern building of white
d6llconry of Norfolk and diocess of Norwich. The churches brick, stands in a park of about 400 acres. well wooded,
of· St. Martin and St. Botolph have besn in ruins for through which flows the river Tase. The old hall, 11till
ssveral centuries. The church of .St. Mary is a small standing, is now a farm house. The soil is part clay;
building of flint in .the Perpendicular style, coruisting of . subsoil, clay- and loam. The chief crops are wheat, oats,
'Chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower with barley and roots. The area is 1,955 acres of land and JI
pinnacles, containing one bell, and has a reredos in white of water; rateable value, £2,228; the population in 1911
11tons, with a carving of the " Last Supper" : ths church was 2:13.
was restored in 1881, at the cost of !Wbert Fellowes esq. Lettsrs from Norwich, through Shotesham All Saints,
and further restorations were made in 1903, when the old arrive at 6.30 a.m. Shotesham .All Saints is the
north doorway, which had probably besn block!'d up since nearest tslegraph office, about 1 roils distant & Sax-
the Reformation, was discovered: there are 120 sittings. lingham Nethergate is the nearest money order office
The register dates ·from the year 1687. The Benefice
.of St. Botolph was united to the vicarage of St. Mary Wall Letter Box, cleared at 6.30 & 11.5 a.m. & p.m .
·soon after the Reformation and subsequently the united week days; 5.50 p.m. on sunday
tiving, together with the rectory of St. Martin, were The children of this place attend the school at Shotesham
annexed to Shotesham All Saints, which see. The poor. All Saints
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Davenport John Burton, gamekeeper Hazell Thomas, farmer, Gt. Wood fm
Brain Harvsy, White house to J. Gurney Fowler esq. J.P Oldfield George, farm bailiff to .1¥Jbt.
Fellowes Robert D.L.,J.P. Shotesham Hazell Ernest, farmer, Lathgreen frm Fellowes esq. D.L., J.P
park; & Carlton club, London S. W Hazell Frederick, farmer, Church frm Smith Lewis, gardener to Bobert Fel-
COMMERCIAL. Hazell Herbert, farmer, Fylands farm lowes esq. D.L,, J.P
Aldridge Arth. miller (water. & steam) Hazell Jame~, farmer, Old Hall farm
SHOULDHAM is a parish and pleasant village, 5 miles of the monastery at the Dissolution: there' are no
l!oOuth-east. from Magdalen Road junction station on the remains of the priory left, a farm house now stands on
Ely and Lynn section of the Great Eastern railway, (i the site: this parish was formerly known as Market
north-6llst from Downham and 9 ~outh from Lynn, in Shonldbam, and until quite recently fairs were held on
the South Western division of tiDe county, Clackclose hw:- September 19th and October nth: a church, dedicated
dred and petty sessional division, Downham union ru1d to St. Margaret, ths site of which is about 6oo yard!
oonnty court district, rural deanery of Fincham (t-ast south of the parish church, was standing in 1579, but
division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocess of Norwieh. there are no remains to bs seen. Formerly a noted
The church of All Saints Is a building. of flint and stone, chalybeate spring, called the Silver well, existed here,
in ths Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, and Roman urns and coins have been found near. Lt.-
consisting of chancel, chantry chapel, nave, squth porch Col. Sir Thomas Leigh Hare bart. M.V.O. of Stow Hall,
and an embattled western tower containing 6 bells: there near Down ham, who is lord· of the manor, and Henry
is a marble monument to Thomas Alien esq. d. 1841: Hot! esq. of Shouldham Thorpe, and the trustees of
ths church was restorsd and re-seated in 1870, the cban- Robert Catton are the principal landownsrs. The soil
eel being at the same time rebuilt by the late Sir Thomas is loam and clay; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are
Hare bart. who was p~ttron and lay impropriator, and disd wheat, barley, roots and turnips. The area is 3,965
1.(Nov. 188o: there are 200 sittin15s. The register dates acres; tatsable value, £2,784; the population in 19XI
from the year 1656. The living IS.,!J. vicarage, with that was 513 .
. of Shouldharn Thorpe annexed, tithe joint net yearly Parish Clerk, Robert Bowen.
value £250, including 4 acrss of glebe, with residence, Post & M. 0. Office.-Mrs. A. Hipperson, sub-post-
. in the gift of Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas Lsigh Hare bart. mistress. Letters arrive from Downham at 7.50 a.m.
M.V.O. and held since 1906 by ths Rev. Henry Courtenay & p.m.; sundays, 7.50 a.m.; dispatched at 2.55
Price B . .A. of Worcester College, Oxford. There are & 6.5 p.m.; sunday, dispatched at 10.5 a,m.
· Wesleyan and Primitive Metiliodist chapels. The chari- Fincharn, 2 miles distant, is the nearest telegraph
ties are of £35 yearly value, derived from poor's land and office
fusl allotmsnt. 1 thi5 sum haB, however, been absorbed in Lettsr Box, Three Cross roads, cleared at 10 a.m. & 6
·& drainage scheme, and the tax on tpe land is so high p.m.; sundays at 10.25 a.m
that no rent is available. Here was anciently a priory Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1866, & en-
-of the Gilbertine order, founded in tbs reign of Richard I. larged in 1872, for 200 children; a teacher's residence
by the Earl of Essex, who was buried there: in 1831 was added in 1887; averags attendance, 134 i Henry
several stone coffins and a decayed painted window wers Cuff, master ·
discovered on the site of the ruins: to this priory was Carriers to Downham, James Rust, fri.; Edward Batter-
·attached a large grammar school, which shared the fate ham & James Rust, to Lynn, tnss. & sat
All en Mrs Craft Tebbut, farmer Mass on George Blake L.R.C.P. &; R.
Boyce Waiter William, The .Abbey· Cunnington John Thomas, farmer, Edin. physician & surgeon, & medi-
Brid~e Rev. WilliRm .,. (Primitive Melrose farm cal officer & public vaccinator,
Met.hodist), Niagra house Drake Frank, blacksmith Fincham district, Downham union f-
Lemmon Waiter, Colts hall Drake Olivsr George, blacksmith & at Fincham
Michell James Alfred, Shouldham hall Dye Amy (Mrs.), shopkeeper Plaice Fredk. Rampant Horse P.H
<Price Rev. Henry Courtenay B.A. Dye Harry, Victory P.H. & joiner Plaice Ma.ry (Miss), dress maker
. (vicar), The Vicarage Easton Sydney Herbert, butcher Pointer William, .butcher & farmer
Starke Mrs. The Gables Flatt Joseph Jn. E.farmer,Heath frm Pollard John Henry, baker
COMMERCIAL. Green J ames, shopkeeper, assistant Pollard Zacha.riah, joiner
Bo~en Elizabeth (Mrs.),· shopkeeper overseer & clerk to the Parish Preston Edmund, pork butcher
Box John, gardener to J. A. Council Preston William, King's Arms ·P.H
· Michsll esq Hipperson .Alice (Mrs.), grocer, Post Raby William J. Chequers P.H
Bovca Waiter Wm. farmer, The Abbey office Rust James, carrier
""€lifton George, farmer & assessor & Hipperson Arnold Cecil; cycle agent Starke Catherine Helen· (Mrs.),
collector of King's taxes & dealer . farmer, Th~ Gables
Collison Arthnr, hawker Lemmon Wait. farmer, Colts Hall fm Trundle Henry James, farmer
Cox Frederick John, boot repairer Mace Robert, bricklayer Witherington Archer, machine owner
SHOULDHAM THORPE is a parish and straggling is the small manor of Fodderston, formerly a separate
village, 4 miles south-east from Magdalen Road junction parish with a church, the site of which is in a field
station on the Ely and Lynn sootion of the Great Eastern adjoining FODDERSTON GAP; many skeletons have
railway, 5 north-east from Downham and 8 south from been dug up in an adjacent sand pit. This manor
Lynn, in t-he South Western division of the county, Clack- formerly belonged to the Abbot of Ely, and was sold to
close hundred and petty ses-sional division, Downham the late Sir Thomas Hare by the Dean and Chapter of
union ·and county court district, rurnl deanery of Fine- Ely about 1852. Lt.-Col. Sir Thomas Leigh Hare hart.
barn (east division), archdeaoonry of Lynn and diocese M.V.O. of Stow Hall, who is lord of the manor, Henry
of Norwich. 'Dhe church of tills Virgin Mary is Hoff esq. J.P. and Sir A. T. Bagge hart. of Stradsett
a. small building of s·tone, in tJhe Norman, Decorated and Hall, are the principal landowners. The soil is variable;
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave and an subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat,
open western turret containing 2 bells : the ancient tower barley, marigolds and turnips. The area is 1,449 acres;
fell in 1730: there are 130 sittings. The register dates rateable value, £1,470; the population in rgii was 255.
from the year 1558. The living is a. vicarage, annexed Parish Clerk, Cornelius W at son.
to that of Shouldham All Saints, ~oint net yearly value
£250, including 4 acres of glebe, m the gift of Lt.-Col. Post Qffice.-George Watson, sub-postmaster. Letters
Sir Thomas Leigh Hare bart. M.V.O. and held since from Downham arrive at 8. ro a.m. & 2.20 p.m.; dis-
1go6 by the Rev. Henry Courtenay Price B.A. of patched at 3-l5 & 6.25 p.m. & on sundays at 10.25
Worcester College~ Oxford, who resides at Shouldham. The nearest money order office is at Shouldham
There is a Primitive Methodist chapel here. In the & telegraph office at Fincham, 2 miles distant
parish are brick and tile works. The charities amount Wall Letter Box, Fodderston Gap, cleared at 3.25 &
to £15 yearly, which sum is distributed at Michaelmas 6.30 p.m. ; sundays at 10.30 a.m
to the deserving poor. About a mile north of the village The children of this place attend the school at Shouldham
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bowen George, boot repairer Flatt William Henry Townley,farmer,
Hoff Henry J.P Bowen Wesley, shoe maker & assistant overseer (letters direct
Turner Henry \Yilliam, Manor house Britton John, farmer from Downham)
Drake Frank, blacksmith (att-ends Goss Robert E. beer retailer
COMMERCIAL, thursdays from Shouldham) Hoff Henry J.P. farmer
Alflatt James Henry, brick & tile m a. Easter Thomas, farmer Offiey Hy. Farmer, farmr. North frm
builder & contraetor; & at Stow English Alfred, farmer Turner Henry William, farmer
Bardulph Flatt Maria (Mrs.), Two Brewers Williamson Thomas, gamekeeper to
Batterham William, jun. shopkeeper P.H. Fodderston Gap Sir Thomas L. Hare bart. M.V.O
SHROPHAM is a parish, 3 miles north-west from the poor, is now in the hands of the Parish Council,
Eccles Road and 3 north from Harling Road strutions, both and the proceeds of the fuel allotment of 58 acres, now
on the Thetford and Norwich section, and 3 south-east (1912) amounting to about £5r 15s. are distributed
from Stow Bedon ste.tion on ·the 'Dhetford and Swa.ffham annually among the poor in coals. Shropham Hall, the
line of t-he Great Eastern railway, 5 south-west from property and residence of Augustus Noel Campbell
· Attlti.borough and 10 north-eas,t from Thetford, in rtilie Mid Hemsworth esq. J.P~ is a beautiful modern mansion,
division of the county, Wayland union, Guiltcross and standing in a park of so acres. The principal land-
Shropham petty sessional division, hundxed of Shropham, owners are A. N. C. Hemsworth esq. J.P. the trustees
oounty C<Jlll"t district of Attleborough and Watton, rura.i. of the Great Hospital, Norwich, who are lords of Paken-
deanery of nockland (north division), archdeaoonry of ham's, Bradcar Hall and the Rectory manors in Shrop-
Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. This village gives its ham and F. J. Mann esq. of the Manor House. The soil
name to the hundred, and w~ f<Jrmerly a ·town of some is various; subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat,
importance. The lordship of this hundred ~s held by barley, oats and routs. The area is 2,734 acres uf land
His Highness Prince Frederick V. Duleep Singh M.V.O. and I I of water; rateable value, £2,o86; the population

and carries with it certain peculiar rights. The church m I9II was 322.
of St. Peter is a plain building of flint with stone Acting Parish Clerk, Arthur Hunt.
dressings, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Allen, sub-postmistress. Let-
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and an embattled
ters arrive through Thetford at 7· r5 a. m. & through
western tower containing a clock and 5 berlls: the east Great Hockham at 6.45 p.m. (for callers); dispatched
window is partly filled with stained glass: the north
at 6-45 p.m. ; sunday, 10.30 a.m. Great Hockham is
aisle was festored in 1867, and there are 250 sittings. the nearest money order & telegraph office, 2 miles
The register dates from the year 1723. The living is
a vicarage, with that of Broadcar St. Andrew annexed,
joint net yearly value £r84, including 45~ acres of glebe Pillar Letter Box, Three Horse Shoes, cleared week days
and residence, in the gift of the trustees of the Great at 6.55 p.m. ; sundays, 10.55 a.m
Hospital, Norwich, and held since r 886 by the Rev. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1868, &
Goorge William Watson M.A. of Corpus Christi College, enlarged in r8g6, for g6 children; average attendance,
Cambridge. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel, 70; Mrs. Victoria Ellen Eastaugh, mistress; Mrs. E.
built in r884. The rent of 35a. Ir. 39P· originally left Lawrence, infants' mistress; Miss Daisy Hamblin,
in trust to the vicar, churchwardens and overseers for assistant mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. All en Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, Post off Mann Fairman Joseph, farmer & land-
Bucha.n Miss, Ivy cottage Callaby Henry, gameke€per to The owner, Manor house
Hemsworth Augustus Noel Campbell Hon. Charles S. Hanbury Mills Frank, bricklayer
J.P. Shropham hall Church Obadiah, grO<!er & baker Nottidge John Thomas Ripley,farmer,
Mann Staff-Surgn. Fairman Rackham Clitheroe James, farmer Grange farm
R.N., L.R.C.P.Lond. Manor house Hewson Brothers, farmers Porter GP.orge Turner, farmer, shoe-
Mann Fairman Joseph, Manor house Houchen Edwin, Three Horse Shoes ing & general smith & machinist
Thorpe Rev. William Smyth B.A. P.H Reynolds James, farmer
The Villa Hunt Arthur, bricklayer, & acting Saunders George Benjamin, farmer
Watson Rev. George Wm. M.A.(vicar) parish clerk Sayer & Son, millers (oil engine) &
COMMERCIAL. Mallows Albert, White Horse P.H corn, flour & offal merchants
.Allen Robert, grocer Woolsey William, poultry dealer
SIDESTRAND (or Syderstrand) is a parish on the is a memorial to the late John Gurney Hoare esq. d. r875,
coast, 1 mile east from Trimingham station and 3 miles and to Caxoline, his wife, d. 1878 : tlhe tower of the old
south-east from Cromer stations on the Great Eastern church still stands near the edge of the cliff, over which
and Midland and Great Northern joint railways and part of the churchyard wall has fallen, owing oo the
7 north from North Walsham, in the Northern division slipping down of the face of the cliff. The register dates
of t.he county, North Erpingham hundred and petty from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly
sessional division, Erpingham. union, North Walsham value £83, including 3! acres of glebe, in the gift of
oounty court district, rt:LI'al deanery of Reppe and arch- the Duchy of Lancaster and Sir Samuel Hoare J.P.
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The cllurcll of St. alternately, and held since rgn by the Rev. George
Miohael, rebuilt by Sir Samuel Hoare bart. M.P. and Frederic Sharland B.A. of London University. The St.
consecrated in r881, is an edifice in the Early English Michael's Reading Room has a library of 300 volumes,
style, constructed in part with .the materials of tlbe old and is supported by Lady Hoare. Sir Samuel Hoare
church, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and hart. M.A., J.P. of Sidestrand Hall, is lord of the
a western tower, circular at the base and octagonal manor and the principal landowner. The soil is light,
abovo, and containing 3 bells: the stained east window heath; subsoil, brick earth and gravel. The chief crops
are wheat, turnips, barley and grass. The area is 465 a.m. & I.IO p.m.; dispatched 9·55 a.m. & 5·55 p.m.;
acres of land and 86 of foreshore; rateable value, [928; sunday delivery & dispatch, 9·45 a.m
the population in 1911 was rr4. Wall Letter Box, near the Hall, cleared at ro a.m. &
Parish Clerk, William Henden 6 p.m
Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Mrs. William Henden, sub- The children of this place attend the Overstrand &
postmistress. Letters through Cromer arrive at 8 Trimingham schools
PRIVATE RESIDE:STS. Sharland Rev. George Frederic B..A.. Rudd William, farm bailiff to Sir
Hoare Sir Samuel hart. M.A., J.P. (rector), The Rectory Samuel Hoare bart
Sidestrand hall; & .Athenreum & St. Michael's Chemical Works (Wm.
Carlton clubs S W, London COMMERCIAL. Henden, proprietor)
Hoare Samuel John Gurney J.P. Fox Lee Amis, farmer, Grove farm St. Michael's Reading Room&Library
Sidestrand hall Hewitt John, farmer & overseer (William Henden, sec)
Hoare Miss M. Ivy Farm house Starling John Hy. farmer,Manor frm
SISLAND (or Sizeland) is a village and parish, D.D., Mu!!.Bac. and vice-principal of Brasenose College,
bounded on t·he north by the river Chet, 5 miles south Oxford, who is also rector of Shelland, and resides at
from Buckenham station on bhe Norwich, Yarmouth Mundham. The parish lies in two manors, viz. those
and Lowestoft sections of the Great Eastern railway, of Charles and Brooke; the trustees of the late F. T.
ri -we-st from Loddon and ro south-east from Norwich, Keith esq. are lords of the former, and John S. Holmes
in the Southern division of the county, Loddon hundred, e~q. of Brooke Hall, is lord of the latter. Viscount Can-
Loddon and Clavering petty sessional division and terbury, J. Wilson Gilbert esq. of Cringleford Lodge,
union, Norwich county court district, rural deanery of ~orwich, and Capt. Robert Brooks Clarke, of Stuston,
Brooke (We'ltern division), archdeaconry of Norfolk and Suffolk, are the principal landowners. The soil is light
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a small mixed; subsoil, sand, gravel and clay. The chief crops
but ancient edifice of stone, with a thatched roof, and are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 466 acres,
comists of chancel, nave and a square wooden tower rated at £428; the population in 19II was 73·
containing one bell, and affords 8o sittings: adjoining Parish Clerk, George Gooch.
the church are some ruins of a chapel formerly attached Letters through Norwich, via Brooke, arrive at 8 P.• m.
to the church. The register dates from the year 1584. Wall Letter Box, near The Lodge, cleared at 8 a.m. &
The living is a rectory, net yearly value £wo, including 3-40 p.m. sundays excepted. Loddon is the nearest
17 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and money order & telegraph office, It miles distant
held since 1899 by the Rev. Frederick William BusseL The children attend the school at Loddon
COMMERCIAL. Cracknell Geo. farmer, Poplar farm Kiddle Jsph. Wm. frmr. Washingford
Bickers William, farmer CRrtis Albert, market gardener (postal address,Bergh .A.pton,Nwch)
Blunderfield Hy. Page,frmr.White ho Rnshmer Henry, farmer, The Lodga
SKEYTON is a .scattered parish, 3! miles east from Cambridge. There are Wesleyan and Wesleyan Reform
Eluxton-Lammas station on the East Norfolk section of chapels. The rector is lord of the manor of Skeyton
the Great Eastern railway, 11 north from Norwich, and Rectory and George Leggett esq. of Pulham Hall,
4 south-west from North Walsham, in the Northern Pulham St. Mary Magdalen, is lord of the manor of
divi~ion of the county, South Erpingham hundred and Whitwell Hall. Miss Jex-Blake, of Swanton Hall, George
petty sessional division, .Aylsham union and county court Leggett esq. Mrs. Bush, )fiss Muure, uf Waxham, Mr.
district, rural deanery of Ingworth (South division), arch- Robert Ernest Golden, of Mundesley, and Mr. Lawrence
deaconry and diocese of Norwich. The church of All Burr are the principal landowners. The soil is mixed;
Saints, standing on an eminence, is a building of flint subsoil, sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
with stone dressings, in the Gothic style, consisting of oats, barley and fruit. The area is 1,264 acres; rate-
chanc·el, nave, south porch and a low western tower con· able value, £1,471; the population in rgu was 271.
taining one bell: a new east window was placed in the Parish Clerk, George Doyle.
chnrf'h in 1887 at a cost of about £140: there are 185
Rittings. The register dates from the year 1706. The Letters received from Norwich, via Swanton .Abbott,
living is a rectory, net yearly value £164, including 9~ arrive at 7.30 a.m. Wall Box cleared 4.15 p.m. The
acrl:'s of glebe and residence (besides £15 pe1 Rnnurn nearest money order office is at Swanton .A.bbott & tele-
paid by the trustees of the Rev. F. W. Jex-Blake's graph offices are at Buxton-Lammas & North Walsham
estat-e to the rector of Swanton Abbott), in the gift of Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in I85o, for
Sir Edward P. Stracey bart. and held since 1882 by the rro children; average attendance, 83; Miss Bessie S.
Rev. Robert Edward Gaye M . .A.. of Downing College, N eville, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Farrow John, farmer 'Page Brothers, farmers
Burr Lawrence, Skeyton lodge Fnnnell .John, vermin killer Pilgrim J ames, jun. cattle dealer
Gaye Rev. Robert Edward M. A. (rec- Hylton Keziah (Mrs.), farmer . Plumbly George Luke, farmer
tor), Rectory Kemp J . .A. & Son, brick & tile mas Richardson Arthnr, Goat P.H
Littlewood Charles John,Whitwell ball Littlewood Charles John, farmer,Whit- Sendell Edward, coal dealer
COMMERCIAL. well hall Sutton Harry George, grocer
Beck Isaac ( exors. of), farmers N evard Da.vid, Black Horse P .H Thurston Thomas, farm bailiff to Mr.
Boulter Francis Bloom, fai:mer Newland John, farmer Sutton
Burr Lawrence, fruit grower Nixon Charles, farmer
SLOLEY is a parish and village nut far from the preservation since 1681. The living is a discharged rec-
Norwich rmd North Wal~ham high ro<td, 1 mile south tory, net yearly value £175, including 24 acres of glebe,
from Worstead station on the Cromer branch of the Great and residence, in the. gift of Reginald James Neville
Eastern railway, and 11 miles from Norwich and 5 south Neville esq. M.P. and held since 1898 by the Rev. George
from North Walsbam, in the Eastern division of the Spackman M . .A. of Worcester College, Oxford. .A sum
county, Tunstead and Happing petty sessional division, of about [30, the rent of 17~ acres of land, is distributed
Tunstead hundred, Smallburgh union, North Walsharn among the poor. Reginald James Neville Neville esq.
county court district, rural deanery of Waxham (Tun- M.P. who is lord of the manor, and the Rev. Francis
stead division), and archdeaconry and diocese of Nor- Jickling M ..A. of Smallburgh Hall, are the principalland-
wich. The church of St. Bartholomew is an ancient owners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, sand and gravel.
building of flint, in the Early English style, consisting The chief crops are wheat, turnips, hay and barl11y. The
of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a western area is 718 acres; rateable value, £1,221; the popula-
tower, containing one bell: the stone font bears repre- tion in I9II was 249.
sentations of The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Parish Clerk, Robert Cole.
Church~ in the chancel is a monument to the Rev.
William Gunn B.D. 5 7 years rector, and another to the Letter Box cleared at 12.30 & 2.50 p.m. Letters through
Rev. BPnjamin Cubitt M.A. 11 years rector, d. 2 s April, Norwich, via Coltishall, arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 2.30
1852: there is 8 memorial to the Rev. James White p.m. Worstead is the nearest money order & tele-
M . .A. 35 years rector, d. 9 March, 1 ss 5 : the church was graph office, 2 miles distant
thoroughly repaired in 1841, at a cost of about £Boo, and Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1874 by the
~gain in 1910, at a cost of £goo: there are 250 sittings. Rev. James White M.A. late rector, for 63 children;
'The register dates from the year 1569, and is in excellent average attendance, 56; Miss Margaret Spence, mist
Neville Regin~ld James Neville Y.P. University clubs S W, London; & Spackman Rev. George M.A. (rector)
· Sloley hall i & 25 Eccleston ~quare Hurlin~ham, Wigan COMMERCIAL.
S W; 7 Figtree court, Temple Pigutt John Robert Wilson, Frank- Bambridge Robert, carpenter
E C; Athenreum,Carlton & United fort manor Bircham John, Maid's Head P.H
45.4 SLQLEY. N.ORFULK. [ Kl'.LL~'S

Eke James, .shopkeeper Peake Waiter, farmer Spanton George, shopkeeper'

Nea.v.e Henry, farmer, The Hall farm Pointer George, market gardener Suffiing' William, thatcher
Nockold.o! Thomas, pig dealer Rayner Ernest, blacksmith
SMALLB URGH is a village and parish and head of Surveyor, William L. Lewis, Stalham
a union, 3 miles from Worstead station on the North Sanitary Inspector, Ernest A. Dale, Ludham
Walsham branch of the Great Eastern railway, 2! south-
west from Stalham station on the Midland and Great SM.ALLBURGH UNION.
Northern joint railway, and 5~ south-east from North Board day, every alternate tuesday, at the workhouse,
Walsham, on the navigable river .Ant, which is crossed at ID.30
by Wayford Bridge, connecting this parish with Stalham, The following places are in Smallburgh union :~.Ashman­
in the Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty haugh, Bacton, Barton Turf, Beeston St. Lawrence.
sessional division of Tun stead and Happing, North Bradfield, Brumstead, Catfield, Crostwigbt, Dilham,.
W&lsham county court district, rural deanery of Wax- Edingthorpe, Felmingham, Happisburgh, Hempstead-
ham (Tunstead division), and archdeaconry and diocese with-Eccles, Hickling, Honing, Horning, Horsey-next-
of Norwich. The church of St. Peter, appreached from the-Sea, Hoveton St_ John, Hoveton St, Peter, Ing-.
the Yarmouth road thr<>ugh an avenue of trees, is a small ham, lrstead, Lessingham, Ludham, N eatishead,
but ancient building of flint, brick' and stone, consisting Palling-near-the-Sea, Paston, Potter Heigham, Rid-
of chancel, nave, s<Jut'h porch and a western bell cot, lington, Ruston (East), Sco-Ruston, Sloley, Small-
containing 2 bells: the tower fell in 1677: the chancel burgh, Stalbam, Sutton, Swafield, Tunstead, Walco~t.
was restored in 1885, under the direction of Mr. H. J. Walsham (North), Waxbam, Westwick, Witton,
Green, architect, of Norwich: in 1902 the nave was Worstead. The population of the union in Igrr was
restored to its original length, the roof renewed and 11 17,678; area, 66,883 acres; rateable value, Lady Day,
new bell cot erected for 2 bell!!: the work was carried 1912, £102,452 .
out under the direction of Mr. W. I. Tapper, architect, Chairman of the Board of Guardians, tloi.e Earl of Kim-
London, at a total cost, including one new bell presented berley, Witton park
by the' Rev. F. Jickling M ..A., J.P. the recasting of the Clerk tu the Guardians & .Assessment Committee, Fairfax
old bell and rehanging, of £1,765: the church afford!! Davies, North Walsham ·
200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1562. Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Barclay & Company's Bank.·
'Fhe living is a rectory, net yearly value £250, including Norwich
z1f acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Happing district, .Alfd.
of Norwich, and held since r8g8 by the Rev. James Russell Everett, Stalham; Tunstead district, George Boult
Milne M . .A. of Edinburgh University. There is a Primi- Hewitt, Yarmouth road, North Walsham
tive Methodist chapel in the village. The fuel allotment Mt>dical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Horsey district.
is 43 acres in extent. There are trwo manors in this Percival John Whitfield Ternau L.R.C.P. & S.I. Mart-
parish; Sir Jacob Preston hart. of Barton Hall, near ham; Ludham district, James Alexander Gordon
Norwich, is lord of the ID<mor of Smallburgh, and L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. The Manor, Ludham; North
Capt. Charles Maurice Jickling, of Smallburgh Place, is Walsham district, Sidney Hope Harrison L.R.C.P.
lord of the manor of Smallburgh Catts and principal Lond . .Aylsham road, North Walsham; Smallbnrgh
landowner. Smallburgh Hall is a mansion of white district, Charles Wellingham Williams M.R.C.S.Eng.,
brick, pleasantly situated in extensive grounds, and is L.R.O.P.L•md. Smallburgh; Stalham district, Charles
the residence of the Rev. F. Jickling- M ..A., J.P. The Frederick Rudd M.D.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. Stalham
soil is a rich loam~ subsoil, sand, clay and gravel. The The Workhouse, a structure of brick, will hold 300
chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,278 inmates, Rev. John Gough Poole Th.A.K.C. vicar of
acres of land and u of water; rateable value. £2,05 I ; Barton Turf, chaplain; Charles Wellingham Williams
the population in 19II was 428, including ro officers and M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; William
65 inmates in the workhouse. Exton, master; Mrs. Edith Exton, matron
Parish Clerk, Beniamin La.m bert.
Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Walter Marler Stearman, sub- SM.A.LLBURGH REGISTRATION DISTRICT.
postmaster. Letters received from Norwich at 7 a.m. Superintendenb Registrar, Fairfax Davies. Grammar
& 3·45 1 p.m.; dispatched 6.40 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; School road, North Walsham ; deputy, John Dixon.
.sunday, trrive at 8.30 a.m. to callers only; dispatched Grammar School road, North Walsham
3·25 p.m Registrars of Births & Deaths, LHdham sub-district.
Wall Letter Box, Smallburgh Cross roads, cleared at 4.40 J. .A. Gordon, Ludham; Smallburgh sub-district.
p.m. ; sundays, 4-55 p.m Charles W. Williams M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lorrd.
Smallburgh; Stalham sub-district, .Alfred Everett.
SM.ALLBURGH RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Stalham ; deputy, Henry Lynes, Stalham ; ·North
The parishes in the District are the same as in the Walsham sub-district, George Boult Hewitt, Yarmouth
Uni()n with the exception of North Walsham. The road, North Walsham; deputy, Ernest W. Gregory,
area is 62,627; the population in I9II was 13,424 North Walsham
Council meets at the Union House, Smallburgh, after Registrars of Marriages, .Alfred Everett, ,Stalham ;
each alternate meeting (tuesday) of the Guardians, at deputy. Henry Lynes, Stalham; Ernest W. Gregory.
10.30 a.m. Excelsior house, King's .Arms street, North Walsham;
Chairman, the Earl of Kimberley, Witton park, North deputy, .Arthur Peploe, Brentnall house, North
Walsham Walsham
Clerk, Fairfax Davies, North Walsham Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1855· for
Treasurer, Henry Birkbeck, Norwich 64 children; average .attendance, sr; Mrs. E. Cooper.
Medical Offieer of Health. Bernard Duncan Zorapore mistress
WrightJ M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.l".ond. Coltishall Carrier to Norwich. James Barber, wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bristow John James, cycle agent Pallett, Barcla.y & Co. millers k
Gibbs .Arthur George, The Grange Clfnke Thomas. farm bailiff to thP SPPdsmen, Wayford Bridge
Jickling- C!!pt. Charles Maur:ice, Small- RPv. F. Jickling M ..A., J.P Quincey William, farm bailiff to
burgh Place Colman Waiter, farmer Percy Geo. Harvey esq.Church fm
Jickling Rev.Francis M . .A.,J.P.Small- Cnnk William, farmer. Hrnad fArm Stearman WRiter Marler, grocer &;
burgh hall Cousens" Charles Victor, Wayford draper, & Po~t office
Milne Rev. James Russell M . .A. (rec- Bridge inn, Wayford Bridge Tuck Samuel Primrose, wheelwri~hb
tor), Rectory Drnry Robert Phillippo, farmer Williflms Chas.Wellingham M.R ().S.
Williams Chas.Wellingham M.R.C.S. Durrell Frank Wm. frmr.Manor farm Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., L.S,.A.physi-
Eng., L . R . C . P .L on d . & L ..S . .A George Edward, Union cian & surgeon, & medical
d· officer
ffi of
tavern, & blacksmith the workhouse, me 1ca1 o Ct>r ""
·' COMMERCIAL. Gibbs .Arth. Geo. farmer, The Grange public vl!ccinatot & registrar of
Baldwin Robert, builder Hall Arthur. butcher births ·& deaths. Smallburgh dis-
Baldwin Robt.' Hy. builder. Ivy cot Hatmer Joseph, farmer trict, Smallburgh union
BE>an William, e-ardener to Rev. F. Kidd William, gamekeeper to tht) Rev. Woolston William, farmer
Jickling M.A., J.P F. Jickling • Ya:xley Brothers, builders, Toads grn
Bell John, farmer Marston .Alh;ed Daniel, Crown P.H. ; Yaxley Joseph, farmer, Toads g-reen
Bristow John, plumber &c. clerk to posting in all its branches, trains Yaxley Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
the Parish Council & assist.overseer met to order
GREAT and LITTLE SN AREHILL (formerly cross hundred, Thetford union and county court district,
Pxtra-parochial) form B pari11h on the 110uth and ~st and Guiltcross and Shropham petty se!!sional division,
of Thetford, in the Southern division of the county, Guilt- on the borders of Suffolk. There are many large tumuli

in the neighbourhood, supposed to indicate the site of s barley and turnips. The orea. is 2,141 acres of land and
battle-field, where St. Edmund, King of the East Angles, 14 of water; rateable value, £I,05I i the population, in
wa!l defeated and taken prisoner by the Danes under 19n was 46.
Ivar, who caused him to be fastened to a tree and shot This parish is reputed to be extra-parochial for
to death with arrows, 2oth November, ~70. Snarehill ecclPsiastical purpose~.
Hall, a. modern mansion of brick, I~ miles east of Thet- Thetford Bridge station is in this parish
ford, stands in a fine park, and is the residence, of Harold Letters through Thetford, the nearest money mder &
T. Musker esq. John Musker esq. of Shadwell Court, telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m. by messenger
Rushford, is lord of the manor and sole landowner. The This parish is included in Thetford United School dis.
soil is sandy; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops are rye, trict, & the children attend Thetford school
:\lusker Harold T. Snarehill hall Coote Henry. gamekeeper to George /Wisbey Albert Grimer, farm bailiff
Evans esq to Harold T. Musker esq
SNETTERTON is a parish and irregular village, 2 well Garnier M.A. of University College., Oxford, and
miles north from Eccles Road station on the Thetford and surrogate, who resides at Quidenham; the Rev. Algernon
Norwich section of the Great Eastern railway and 5 south- Ogle Wintle M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge, has been
west from AW.eborough, in the Mid divis.ion of the curate since 1910. There is a Parish room, built by the
county, Guiltcross and Shropham petty se,ssional division, present rector in 1885 at a cost of about £12o. The poor
Shropham hundred, Wayland union, Attleborough county receive £3 a year from the Hall farm, left by an un-
court district, rural deanery of Rockland (south division), k.nown donor. The Earl of Albemarle C.B., M.V.O. who
archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. Here is lord of the manor, and Sir Hugh Reeve Beevor bart.
was anciently a church dedicated to St. Andrew. The M.D. of Hargham Hall, are the principal landowners.
church of All Saints is a structure o~' flint with stone The soil is various; sn bsoil, various. The chief crops
dressings, consisting of chancel, nave, aisle, north and are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 2,193
south porches and a western tower containing 4 bells: the acres of land and 14 of water; rateable value, j,'I,4o4;
chancel, nave and aisle are Perpendicular and the porches the population in 19II was 176.
Early English: the east window is stained and there is Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Hanton. •
also a stained dwindow at .talhe ~B!dst end, thte dgiftt of Jatmesf Post Office.-Mrs. Louisa Carter, sub-postmistress.
R eeve esq. an a memor1 wm ow, erec e a a cos o L tt th h Th tf d · e at 6 &
£10o, to the Rev. the Hon. Edward Southwell Keppel the er~ H rolu: te or arnv Letter-~5 a.r. d
M.A. late rector and canon of Norwich, d. 1 Dec. 188 4 : roug oc' am a 7·.1 5 p.m. ' ox c ~are
th e nave 1s · d.lVl·d e d f ram th e ch ance 1 b y a carve d screen, at 6.5. a.m.
h & 7.15 p.m., sunday,
d 11.5
& t 1 a.m. Qmden-.
h ffi
pam ··t, : th
· t e d an d f!1· . e c h urc h was th orong hl y res t ore d a t ham . 1s .t e nearest money or er e egrap o ce, j
the sole expense of the late rector about 1857 and affords miles distant .
200 sittings. The register dates from the year 1669 . Wall Letter Box, Tnangle, cleared at 7·5 p.m.; sundays,
The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Quiden- Ir._5 a.m . . .
ham, joint net yearly value £400, includin!! 6o acres of Public ~lementary School (mixed), bmlt m 1go8, for
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Albe- 45 ch1ld:en; average attendance, 37; Mrs. Sarah J.
marle, and held since x883 by the Rev. Edward South- Mate, mistress
Wintle Rev. Algernon Ogle M.A. Crook Daniel, builder & wheelwright Nottidge Lewis Ralph, farmer, The
(curate), The Hamed James, farmer Hall farm
Barker Wm. farmer & rate collector Hanton Chas. farmer, North End frm Saunders J<'rederick, farmer
Bugg Charles, farmer Hanton William, carpenter, wheel· Smith Geo.Edwards, frmr.& landownr-
Carter Louis a (Mrs.), grocer,Post off wr:ight & parish clerk Web~ter William, beer ret~iler
SNETTISHAM is a parish and village on the coast M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. Here is B.
road between Hunstanton and Lynn, with a station on Wesleyan chapel, built in rgo8, with 350 sittings, and a.
the Lvnn and Hunstanton section of the Great Eastern Primitive Methodist chapel. There is a fuel allotment
railwa:y, half a mile south-west from the village, which of 17 acres. The Public Hall, erected in 1888, will hold'
is I I miles north-north-east from Lynn and 108£ from 300 persons, l'.nd is let for concerts &c. In the parish
London, in the Nort!h Western division of the county, are chalk-pits, lime-kilns and quarries of carr stone, and-
Smithdon humlred, Smithdon and Brothercross petty pieces of wood are frequently found embedqed at a
sessional division, Docking union, Lynn county court dis- depth of 30 feet from the surface; the carr stone, on
trict, rural deanery of Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn bPing taken from its bed, is soft, but acql1ire!l great
and diocese 6lf Norwich. The church of St. Mary, a large hardne-ss when exposed to the air, and is much used for-
and handsome building of stone and flint in the Decorated building purposes, and great quat~tities have al!lo been
style, was originally cruciform, but the north transept used by the Estuary Company for encasing the Wash
is believed to have been removed about 1597: it now embankments; the artificial rock-work at Sandringham
consists of nave, aisles, south transept, west porch and and other places was also constructed with stone from
an embattled tower, originally central, but now, owing this place. Many objects of antiquity, including a
to the loss of the chancel, at the east end: the lofty spire, number of celts, have been found here at different
part of which wa~ blown down in r8g5, has since been periods. Snettisham Old Hall, the property of Sir-
repaired, and being a conspicuous object for miles around Edward Green hart. J.P. ill a spacious mansion of brick
forms a land mark for vessels at sea: the tower contain1;1 in the Eli2labethan style, but is now (1912) unoccupied.
6 bells: the chancel is in ruins, and only a small portion The New Hall, on Ken Hill, erected for Sir Edward
covered with ivy is now standing: the principal entrance Green hart. from the designs of Mr. J. J. Stevenson.
is through the finely-grained west porch, above which is architect, of London, is a mansion of carr stone, tmr-
a window with tracery in the florid Gothic style, adorned rounded by a park, and commanding extensive views
with richly-stained glass, chiefly the gifl of Mrs. Dora over the Wash, Lincolnshire, and the Sandringham
Hill, and there are three memorial windows, to Jamesina woods. Raman le Strange esq. of Hunstanton Hall, ia
Grant Steward, d. 186r; Anna Maria Bridgwater, wife of lord of the manor, aqd E. Lycett Green esq. J.P. is the
a former vicar, erected in 1861, and to William and chief landowner. The soil is various, but chiefly of a
Elizabeth Wethered, erected in 1903: the curious font good mixed character; sub!loil, principally chalk. The
was restored in 1857• and the monuments include one, chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and mangolds,
with effigy, to Sir Wymond Carye, ob. 1612; a bra!;'S, The area is 5,8r2 acrel!l of land, 16 of water, 37 of tidal
wit-h effigies, to John CremBT, ob. 1610, Anne, his wife, water and 1,342 of foreshore-1 rateable value, £9,1431
and seven chihlren; and a brass effigy of a female, c. the population in rgn was r,440.
r5oo: below the tramPpt are the vaults of the Styleman •
family, by whom this part of the church is kept in repair: SOUTHGATE is a hamlet, three-quarters of a mile.
in the south aisle is a mural monument to Mary (Lycett), south-west from the church. •
wife of Sir Edward Green hart. of Ken Hill, d. 1902 : Parish Clerk, Richard Hipkin.
the church was restored in 1856 at a cost of £1,200, and Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office.-
in r8gg the roofs were restored, the belfry thoroughly Miss Mary F. Ewer, sub-postmistress. Letters from
repaired, and the west window, blown out of its position King's Lynn by mail cart, arrive at 6.30 & 9.50 a.m. ~
in 1897• replaced, the whole at a total t:o~St -of about dispatched at 10.40 a.m. & 6,10 p.m. Money order1
£1,753: the church affords 500 sittings: the churchyard are granted & paid from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. The office
was enlarged, and the added portion consecrated, in i!t open on sundays from 8.30 a.m. till 10 a.m
t879· The registers of marriages, burials and baptisms Wall Letter Boxes, Lynn road, cleared at 10 a.m: & 6.10
all datf' from r682. The living is s vicarage, net yea.Tly p.m. & Railway station, cleared at 9.50 a.m. & 5.25 p.m
value £2oo, derived from 63 acres of glebe, with resi- '•
dence. in the gift of the Chnrch Pastoral Aid Society ' Schools. •

~nd supplemented by the Ecclesiastical _Commissioners, Hall's GrammaT School, fonnned hy Anthoriy Hall in 17o8
f~ond held t~iMe 1910 By' .the Rev, J}sley!Uil7 GM.rlton

• k re-organised in 1875, is now a llecQndary school in

Div. B. under the Board of Education; formerly a boys & girls & 75 infants, & enlarged in 1895 for 20
certain number of foundationeTs were maintained; more children & enlarged again in 1go8 at a cost of
under the new scheme this is abolished, but six En- about £soo; average attendance, 135 boys & girls &
trance scholarships are awarded annually at Christ- 6o infants; the building is of carr stone with Bath
mas; the school is now managed by a body of 12 stone dressings; a suitable house for the master ad-
governors; chairman, Dr. Roddis; the Rev. FredeTick joins the school, & there is a gymnasium, fitted up &;
William Henry Palmer M.A. of Lincoln College, Ox- presented by Sir W. J. Lancaster; Thomas Alfred
ford is the head master, with assistant masters Knight, master; Mrs. T. A.. Knight, mistress
Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), erected in Railway Station, Richard A. Rowe, station master
1875 at a cost (including site) of over £2,ooo, for IS'> Carrier to Lynn.-Robert Robinson, tues. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dixon James, agent for Vynne & Meek Herbert Albert, beer retailer
Archdale George FitzRoy, The Close EvPrett LimitPd Meek John Henry, baker
Arnold Frank, Waveley villas Dodman William, chimney sweeper Meek Robert Wm. fancy repository
Barnard Miss, Park house Doncaster Edward, farmer, Park farm Monument William, Royal hotel
Blundell Miss, Grange cottage Drew Frederick James, carting agent Palmer Thomas, pork bhtche!'
Bridgwater Miss, Sunnyside to G. E. Railway Parsons Hy. farmer, Shepherd's post
Bruce Natban M Dunn William, market gardener Potter Alfred Thomas, blacksmith
Charlton Rev. Ilsley William M.A. El yard Thomas, shoe maker Pro ss er William Henry B. A. Snettis-
(vicar), Vicarage Ewer D. & M. F. stationery & fancy ham Grange school
Charlton Thomas, Summer hill repository Pull William, cattle dealer
Clarke .A.. Routh, Park villa Ewer M. F. (Miss), teacher of music, Reeve Charles, bailiff to Ed ward
Goodale Mrs. Chip villa Chesnut house Donca.ster, Park farm
Green Sir Edward bart.J.P.Ken Hill Farrow Peter, Plough inn, Southgate Robinson Robert, carrier
Green Edward Lycett J.P. Ken Hill Flatt Jacob, jobmaster Roddis Thomas En'lest Earl l\LB.,
Judd Johq Thoma~, Sydenham house Gathergood Charles Edward. Rose & C.M.Edin. physician & surgeon, &
Lamh?rt Arthur Lay, Hnpe house Crown P.H medical officer & public vaccinator,
Lambert Ernest, Sutton lea Gibs on Ester (:Mrs.), dress maker Snettisham district, Docking union,
Lambert Guy, Rose cottage Goodwin John Dennis, boot maker The Rallies
Lambert James, Hill side Grange Charles, horse dr,aler, Coro- Rodwell Waiter, watch maker
Lancaster Miss, The Gables nation villa, Southgate Sampson Alfred, saddler & harness ma
Lemmon George Warwick,Victoria ha Grange May (Miss), dress maker, Sands Henry, gardener to Miss Lan-
Morton Major Arthur, Snettisham ldg Coronation villa, Southgate caster, Southgate
Morton Ellys, Snettisbam lodge Green Frederick, farmer, Southgate Savory Edgar .A.. steward to W. W.
Palmer Rev. Frederick William Henry Hall's Grammar School (Rev. Fredk. West esq. Redbarn farm (letters
M.A. (head master of Hall's Gram- Wm. Hy. Palmer M.A. head master) through Ingoldisthorpe)
mar school) Halls Car Stone Quarrie~ (Arthur L. Shering-ham H. Clifford,frmr.Inmere
Parr Richard, The Bungalow Lambert, manager) Smith Harry, grocer ·& draper
Peek Mi~ses, Bayfield Hammond Arthur, grocer Snelling Jn. Dunn Beeston, plumber
Prosser William Henry B.A. Snettis- Heugh Waiter, registrar of births & Snettisham Public Hall (Guy Lam-
ham grange deaths & vaccination & relieving bert e3q. hon. sec)
Roddis Thomas Ernest Earl M. B. The officer & collector to the guardians Softley George, beer retailer
Rallies for Western district, Docking union Storey Bros. fa.rmers, Paper hall
Ruddock Olive Schofield,Wistaria ho Hipkin Richard,saddler & harness ma Thompson Edward, wheelwright
Rowe James, Welham, Newbridge Hitchcock Edith Harriet (Mrs.), Thompson John Thos. smith & farrier
Sayer Miss, Sunnyside shopkeeper Todd Rohert, baker
Spurgeon George, Buckingham villa Howlett Charles, hair dresser Turner Charles, Compasses inn
Hubbard Ernest, insurance agent Twiddy John, boot maker
COMMERCIAL. Kendall Albert Frederick, farmer Vynne & Everett Limited,corn,oil cake,
Early closing day • Thursday· Kendall George, blacksmith coal, manure & general merchants,
Auker Robert, carter Knight Thomas Alfred, schoolmaster maltsters,manufacturers of chemical
Barclay & Company Limited (sub- & assistant overseer manures & lamb food, Sonthgate;
branch), open mondays & fridays, Lambert & Saris, grocers, drapers & head office at Swaffham; & at Athen·
I I a.m. to 3 p.m. ; draw on head ironmongers, wine & spirit mer- reum buildings, Lynn; Narborougb
office, Lombard street,London E C chants & boot & shoe factors & Wells
Belding John, baker,Newbridge house Large Albert, butcher Walker Waiter J. nurseryman & far-
Benstead Frederick, baker Lemmon Geo. hay & corn merchant mPr, Hexagon house
Badger John William, chemist Lewis Henry & Sons, butchers & frmrs Ward Cornelius, cowkeeper
Brown Annie (Mrs.), apartments, Lincoln Arthur & Son, builders Ward William, boot maker
Southgate Linford John H. baker Warren Waiter, farmer, Lock farm
Brown Wm. cycle agent, Southgate London & Provincial Bank Limited Watkins Samuel, gamekeeper to Sir
Bruce Nathan M. estate agent to Sir (sub-agency to King's Lynn, G. W. Edward Green hart
E. Green hart. Estate office Page, manager), open mondays & Wentford George, beer retailer
Burrell Frederick, beer retailer fridays, I to 4 p.m.; draw on West W. W. farmer, Redbarn farm
Chambers Bros. carpenters & -builders bead office, 7 Bank puildings E C (letters through Ingoldisthorpe)
Chilvers & Sons, builders & contractrs & Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. E C, Whitmore Charles, painter & plumber
Chilvers Joseph,saddler & harness ma London Whitrod John, miller (water)
Clarke Robert, taxidermist Margetts Hy. plumber & paperhanger Woodhouse Annie (Mrs.),shopkeeper,
Cockie George, bead gardener to Sir Mat sell John, builder & shopkeeper Southgoa.te
Edward Green bart Meek & Son, basket makers · Wver

Arthur William, baker John, farmer, Manor farm Meek Arthur, basket xnaker
GREAT SNORING is a parish and village on the river Cambridge, and 'held since 1903 by the Rev. Alfred
Stiffkey and on the road from Fakenham to Wells, and Leedes Hunt M.A. of that college. The rectory house,
about 3! miles north-by-east from Fakenham station on a fine specimen of ornamental brickw01k, was bui:t by
the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, and 2 .Sir Ralph Shelton kt. and considerably enlarged and
south from Walsingham station on the Dereham and Wel:s beautified by a former rector in 1853, and its elaborate
section of the Great Eastern railway, in the Northern south front in part re.itllred. John Pear~on, Bishop of
division of the county, North Greenhoe hundred and petty Chester, 1673-86, and author of the well-known "Ex-
sessional division, Walsingham union and county court position of the Creed," was born here 28 Feb. 1612-3, his
district, rural deanery of Walsingham, archdeaconry of tather. Robert Pearson, being then rector. There is a
Lynn and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary Primitive Methodist chapel. The charities comprise
the Virgin is an ancient building of flint and stone in the Pearson's and West's, the rental of about 7 acres of land.
Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, now (1912) producing £w 15S. which is distributed in
south porch and 8 fine embattled western tower contain- money, and Alvis's of £5 4s. 8d. per annum. Messrs.
ing one bell: the interior retains some stone stalls, several Paine and Brettell, of Chertsey, Surrey, who are lords
monuments, and 8 mural tab!et to the Rev. Christopher of the manor, Henry Lee Warner esq. of Walsingham
Stannard B.D. rector from 1831: the church was restored Abbey, the Rev. James Lee Warner M.A. of Thorpland
in 1898 at a cost of about £Boo, and now affords ::zoo Hall, Fakenham, 11nd the trusllees of the Walsingham
Bitt.ings. The register dates from the year 1560. The School Farm are the principal landowners. The soil i!i
living is a rectory with that of Thursford annexed, joint mixed; subsoil, clay. The land is cultivated on the
net yearly value £315, with 48 acres of glebe and resi- usual four-course system. The area is :x:,638 acres;
dence at each place, in the gift of St. John's College, rateable value, £2,093; fhe population in xgn was 484,


inclusive of the 10 officers and 107 inmates of the ton & Wiveton. The population of the union in 19II
Walsingham Union House. was I9,813; area, 82,666 acres; rateable value, Lady
Parish Clerk, William Francis. Day, 1912, £w7,685
Post Office.-Henry Green, sub-postmaster. Letters are Chairman, James P. Case, Binham, Wighton
received through Fakenham at 7.20 a.m. & 5-15 p.m. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Robt.
to callers. Box closed at 8. ID a.m. & 5.15 p.m. ; no Symonds Butcher, Swan street, Fakenham
sunday delivery. Walsingham, 2 miles distant, is the Treasurer, Sir Somerville Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O.,
nearest money order & telegraph office D.L., J.P. Barclay & Company's Bank Limited, King's
Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1859· for Lvnn

II5 children; average attendance, 74; Harry Green, Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Fakenham district,
master Hedley Charles Copland, Queen's road, Fakenham;
Wells district, Charles W. Watts, Little Walsingham
WALSINGHAM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Relieving Officer, Walsingham district, Charles Ward
The parishes in the District are the same as in the Watts, Halt road, Little Walsingham
Union, with the exception of Wells. The area is Vaccination Officer, Walsing-ham sub-district, Harry
79,996 acres; the population in I9II was 17,248. Cowburn, High street, Little Walsingham
Council meets at the Workhouse, Great Snoring, every Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Blakeney district,
board day at 12 noon. Alfred Reginald Kay M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.
Chairman, James Philip Case Hinham, Wighton Cley; Fakenham district, Edward Watson Palin M.A.,
Officials. M. B., B.C.Oxon. The Oaks, Fakenham; Melton Con-
Clerk, Robert Symonds Butcher, Swan st. Fakenlmm stable district, Henry Finch Skrimshire, Halt; Rayn-
Treasurer, Sir Somerville .Arthur Gurney K.C.V.O., ham district, Howard Francis Warner M.B., B.S.
D.L., J.P. Barclay & Company's Bank Ltd.King's Lynn Lond., M.R.C. S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Market place,
Medical Officer of Health, William Henry Fisher M . .A., Fakenham; Walsingham district, Frederic Herbert
M.B., B.C.Camb. Wells road, Fakenham Sturdee F.R.C.S.Edin., L.R.C.P.Lond. Knight street,
Highway Surveyor, R. Gannan, The Heath, Fakenham Little Walsingham; Wells district, Gordon Calthrop
Sanitary Inspector, William 0. Humphery, Fakenham M.B., B.C.Camb. Burnt street, Wells
Walsingham Union House, a structure of brick, was
WALSINGHAM UNION. erected in 1837 & will hold 200 inmates; Rev.
Board day, alternare wednesdays, 10 a.m. a~ the union Edward Haversham Whall M.A. chaplain; FredPrie
house, Great Snoring. Herbert Sturdee F.R.C.S.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng.,
The Union comprises the following places : -.Alethorpe, L R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; Charles J. Barrett,
Bale or Bathley, Barney, Barsham (East), Barsham master; Mrs. H. E. Barrett, matron; the boys attend
(North), Barsham (West), Binham, Blakeney, Brining- , the ~chool at Great Snoring & the girls that at
ham, Brinton, Cockthorpe, Dunton-cum-Doughton, Eg- Thursford
mere, Fakenham (or Fakenham Lancaster), Field WALSIKGHAM REGISTRATION DISTRICT\
Dalling, Fulmodestone-cum-Croxton, Gunthorpe, Superintendent Registrar, John A. Stoughton, Bridge
Helhoughton, Hempton, Hindringham, Holkham. street, Fakenham; deputy, Reginald A. Utting,
Houghton St. Giles, Kettlestone, Langham, Mel- Queen's road, Fakenham
toll Constable, Morston, Pensthorpe, Pudding Nor- Registrar of Births & Deaths, Fakenham sub-district,
ton, Quarles, Rainham (East) or Raynham St. Mary, Albt. Geo. Utting, Oak st. Fakenham; deputy, Miss Rose
Raynham (South) or RaynhaiiL St. Martin, Rayn- Utting, Sculthorpe rd. Fakenham; Walsingbam sub-
ham (West) or Raynham St. Margaret, Ryburgh district, Harry Cowburn, High st. Little Walsingham;
(Great), Ryburgh (Little), Saxlingham, Sculthorpe, deputy, Ernest A. Banson, High strePt, Little Walsing-
Sharrington, Shereford, Snoring (Great), Snoring ham; Wells sub-district, Charles W. Watts, Bolt rd.
(Little), Stibbard, Stiffkey, Swan ton N overs, Tatter- Little Walsing-ham
ford, Tattersett, Testerton, Thursford. Toftrees, " 7 al- Registrars of Marriages, R. J. Sidney, Hill terrace,
singham (Great), Walsingham (Little), Warham All Fakenham; deputy, George Bales, Sculthorpe road,
Saints, Warham St. Mary, Wells-next-the-Sea, Wigh- Fakenham; William Flaxman, Church plain, Wells
Cuppage Mrs. The Cottage Green Harry, assistant overseer & Perowne Benjflmin Cubitt, farmer
Hunt Rev. Alfred Leedes M.A. (rec- schoolmaster Plane Edward, boot & shoe maker
tor), The Rectory Green Henry, post office, & carpenter Ramm John, blacksmith
Howlett Sampson, van, cart & wagon Rasberry Wait. farmer,Winepark fm
builder, wheelwright & grocer Southgate George, beer retailer
Bushell Wm. thrashing machine ma Kendle Robert, carpenter Southgate Walter, farmer
Cook Frederick, wheelwright Lee Frank, Tuns P.H Tnck Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Cro' s George, shopkeeper Massingham William, well sinker Youngman William, horse trainer
Palmer Robert, shopkeeper

LITTLE SNORING is a pari~h on the road from superintendence of Proiessor T. B. Wood; the farm of
Fakenham to Wells, about 3 miles north-east from Faken- a bout 130 acres is let rent free by Lord Hastings; the
ham stations on the Great Eastern and Midland and Great presictent is I. Sancroft Holmes esq. ; Lord Hastings,
Northern joint railways, in the North Western division of chairman of the executive committee, and J. B.
the cuunty, Gallow hundred and petty sessional divi8ion, Forrester esq. of 32 Prince of Wales road, Norwich,
Walsingham union and county court district, rural hon. secretary. The poor have the rent of Ba. 3r. SP· of
deanery of Burnham, Lynn archdeaconry, and diocese of land, now (1912) let in half-acre allotments, producing
Norwich. The church of St. .Andrew is an edifice in the about £1 ss. per acre, and also 17 acres, let for about
Transition Norman and later styles, consisting of chancel, £5 per year. Lord Hastings, who is lord of the manor,
nave, south porch and a detached round tower at the west Charles Scott-Chad esq. of Thursford Hall, and the
end containing one bell: the porch is of very curious exors. of H. B. Beane are the chief landowners. The
Transition Norman character, with a stilted horseshoe soil is various; subsoil, clay. The land is cultivated on
arch, within which is a pointed arch ornamented with the usual four-course system. The area is 1,528 acres;
r.:igzag work, and under this again a round-headed door- rateable value, £1,299; the population in I9II was 208.
way, with nook shafts and sculptured capitals : the font is
Late Norman, and adorned with carved foliage : there Parish Clerk, James Harvey.
are 200 sittings. The regiswr dates from the year I559·
The living is a rectory, annexed to the vicarage of East Post Office.-Walter Bugdale, sub-postmaster. Letters
Barsham, joint net yearly value £492, including 66 acres received through Fakenham, arrive at 7.25 a.m. &
of glebe, in the gift of Lord Hastings, and now 5·5 p.m.; dispatched at 7.20 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; no
(1912) vacant. Here is a Primitive Methodist sunday delivery. Fakenham, 3t miles distant, is the
chapel. The Norfolk Agricultural Station was instituted nearest money order & telegraph office
in 1 go8 for the purpose of experimental agricultural PuHic Elementary School (mixed), built in 1865, for 83
work, which is carried on in connection with the Cam- children; average attendance, 67; Arthur William
bridge University School of Agriculture, under the Baldwin, master
Barclay Evelyn Hugh, Red house Buckingham George, gamekeeper to Daplyn .Arthur .A. blacksmith &
Capt. .A. E. Butter C.M.G assistant ov~rseer for Alethorpe,
CO)[](BRCIAL. Bugdale J ames, grocer Barney, Kettlestone, Pensthor~e &
Baker Miles Chas. farmr. Manor frm Bushell J oseph, income & land tax Stibbard ; & at Thursford'
Baldwin .Arthur William, school- collPctor Docking William, miller (wind)
master & assistant overseer Case James, farmer Gidney Charles, farmer

Hill Jonathan, beer retailer Parker Arthur, shoe maker Sh~rringham Edwd.farmer,Church fm
~orfolk Agricultural Station (Alfred Reader Stephen, baker & shopkeeper Tnddenl1am Albert, Bell P.H
C. Dawson, resident manager) Rook Jonathan, farmer & pig dealer
EAST SOMERTON is a parish near the coast, 2miles M.A. of Oxford University, who resides at Winterton. ·
north from Hemsby station and 2 miles east-south-east llurnle'y Hall, the residence of Charles Wilmot Bed"W:ell
from Martham station, both on the .Midland and Great esq. is a mansion surrounded by beautiful gardens,
Northern joint railway, about 9 miles north-by-~est plantations and a lawn, and belongs to the trustees of
from Yarmouth, in the Eastern division of the county, the late F. Charsley esq. who are also the sole land-
incorporated hundreds, petty sessional division and in- ownen. The soil is light mixed; subsoil, sand, gravPl
corporation of East and West Flegg, county court district and clay. The chief crops are the usual cereals and
of Yarmouth, rural deanery of Flegg and archdeaconry roots. The ar~ is 798 acres; assessable value, [732;
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary has the population in 1911 was 82.
been for many years in ruin~, the tower and walls, now Letters through Great Yarmouth. The nearest money
covered with ivy, are still standing, and there is a large order & telegraph office is at Winterton,three quarters
tree growing in the midst : the inhabitants attend Win- of a mile distant
terton church. The living is a chapelry, annexed to the
rectory of Winterton, joint net yearly value [3ro, in- This placs is included in the School district of Winterton,
cluding 30 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of & the children attend the school there & at West
and held since r8go by the Rev. William Arthur Green Somerton
Bedwell Charles Wilmot, Burnley ball Rolfe Sidney Arthur, farmer, Manor farm
WEST SOMERTON is a parish, ri miles north-east choir; there are also IS acres of poor's land, bringing in
from Martham station on the Midland and Great Northern about £r8, which is distributed amongst the poor in coal.
joint railway and about 9 miles north-by-west from Yar- Human bones have occasionally been found on the Hall
mouth, in the Eastern division of the county, incorporated estate, and a stone jug and a skeleton were dug up in
hundred:!, petty sessional division and incorporation ef I 844 near the churchyard. Hales, the Norfolk giant,
East and West Flegg, Yarmouth county court district, was born and buried in this parish; his height as stated
rural deanery of Flegg and archdeaconry and diocese of on the tomb was 7 feet 6 inches. Somerton Hall, the
Sorwich. The church of St. Mary is a building of stone, old manor house of Somerton-cum-Butley, stands on an
with a thatched roof, in the Early English and Perpen- eminence, and commands views of the German ocean
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch both on the north and east : some portions of the house,
and a western tower, with a circular basement and oc- which has been much enlarged, are of considerable age.
tagonal belfry stage containing one bell : the church was Bernard James Cuddon-Fletcher esq. J.P. who is lord of
repaired in 1867, when a mural painting of "The Day of the manor, George Hylton Bird esq. and the trustees of
Judgment," about 12 feet long, was discovered between thA late F. Charsley esq. are the principal landowners.
the windows on the south wall of the nave, and other wall The soil is a fine rich loam; subsoil, generally brick
paintings were subsequently discovered on the north wall earth, intersected with veins of sand. The marsh land
of the nave, representing "The Entry int<l Jerusalem," in this parish has been thoroughly drained by a Com-
"The Flagellation," "The Resurrection," and a figure of mission of Sewers under the Local Drainage Act of
St. Christopher: these paintings date from the period I86I; a large portion of the land so drained belongs
1327-77, and have been carefully preserved : in 1878 a to and is farmed by B. J. Cuddon-Fletcher esq. The
very interesting Early English painting of "The Virgin chief crops are wheat, oats, barley &c. T4e area is
and Child," executed on a narrow thick piece of deal, and 1,2or acres of land and 7 of water; assessable value,
suggested to have been part of a rood screen, was found £1,38I; the population in I9II was 2S3·
under the floor of the pulpit: the church has beeD Parish Clerk. E. Turner.
partially restored at a cost of £8oo, under the supervision Post Office.-Elijah Simmons, sub-postmaster. Letters
of Mr. J. T. Bottle, architect, of Yarmouth, and affords received from Great Yarmouth at 7-IS a.m. & 2.45
180 sittings. The register dates from the year 1736. The p.m. & dispatched at 12..30 & s.2o p.m. \fartbam,
living is a rectory, net·yearly value £us, in the gift of 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele-
Sir Waiter John Grove hart. of Sedghill Manor, Wilts, graph office
and held since I9o8 by the Rev. Waiter James Karran Wali Letter Box, Somerton Hall entrance, cleared at
M.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge. The Primitive 8 a.m. & S. rs p.m. week days & at 5. IS p.m. sun days
Methodist chapel here was built in IBS7· Here was once
a ho!<pital for lepers, founded in the reign of Henry II. Chairman of School Committee, D. G. W. Braddo~k;
by Ralph or Ranulph de Glanville, Chief Justiciar of Albert Ernest Thompson, correspondent
England n8o-9o. William Rising's charity of [2 1os. is Public Elementary School, built in 1Bg6 & added to in
divided amongst five widows of the parish and the church I Igo6, for 70 children; Miss Blanche Fiddaman,mistrss
Cuddon-Fletcher Bernard James J.P. Baxter Benjamin, gardener to B. J. Jetton Frank, in charge of pumping
Somerton . hall; & at Dunans, Cuddon-Fletcher esq. J.P station
!rgyll~hire (letters thron~h Colin- Braddock Daniel GeorgeWilson,farmer Knights Edward, farmer
traive) Brown James, farmer, Holmes farm Miller Charles, fruit grower
Karran Rev. Walter James M.A. Chubbock Henry, farmer Moll Isaac, farm bailiff to B. J. Cud-
(rector), Rectory Fleg-g District Nursing Association don·Fletcher esq. J.P
Sturley F. W. Rectory cottage (Col. R. W. Edis C.B., V.D., D.L., Pitchers Charles, Lion P.H
Vernet H. A. The Grange J.P., F.S.A. president; G. J. Powley Noah, farmer
Wedderburn Launcelot William. Hacker esq. J.P. treasurer; Rev. Randall James Bertie Robert, farmer
Walford lodge W. J. Karran M.A. hon. sec) Thain Dionysius, farmer & coal dlr
COMMERCIAL. Willia.m Albert, farmer Va.rley William Edward, blacksmith
Annison Danl.farmer & assist.overseer Howes Arthur, farmer Warts Frank, farmer. Bloodhills
SOUTHBURGH is a parish and village, 3l miles west the t-ower and spire were completed as a memorial to the
from Hardingham station on the Wymondham and Dere- Hon. Mrs. Henrietta Gurdon, who died May 28th, r88o:
ham section of the Great Eastern railway, and 8 south there are 2SO sittings. The register dates from the year
from Dereham, in the Mid division of the county, Mitford 1558. The living is a rectory, annexed with Letton to
hundred, Mitford and Launditch petty sessional division the rectory of Cranwortb, net yearly value £4so, in-
and union, Dereham county court district, rural deanery eluding 38 acres of glebe and residenct>, in the gift of
of Hingham, Mitford division, archdeaconry of Norfolk, Lord Cranworth, and held since 1896 by the Rev. Arthur
and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a Tayler Hodgson B.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge,
building of flint with stone dressings, in the Early English who resides at Cranworth. The churchyard has been
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an em- enlarged by the addition of land given by the 1st Lord
battled western tower with spire containing 2 bells: the Cra.nworth (d. I902) and the present rector. There is a
chancel dates from about 1290 and the nave from 1320: reading room, built about 1876 by the late Canon
there is 8 monument to Brampton Gurdon esq. M.P. for Garnier and the property of the rector for the time
Sudbury, who commanded the Suffolk horse at the battle Qeing. The fp.el allotment of 13 acres is let at {.2o
of Naseby, 14th June, I645, and died in r66g, to Mary yearly. Lord Cranworth, of Grundisburgh, who is ·lord
(Polsted) his wife, d. I679, and to Muriel Gurdon his of the manor, and Capt. Mark ffiick Weyland, of Wood-
mother, daughter of Martin Sedley esq. of Morley: the ea ton, Oxford, are the principal landowners. The soil
church was rebuilt in the years 187~-I882, under the is mixed; ~ubsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat,
direction of Mr. J. A. Reeve, architect and diocesan sur- barley, oats and roots. The area is 1_,249 acres; rate~
vcyor, at a cost approaching ./.s,ooo, the g"reater part of able value, £I,30I; the population jn I9II was 225.
which was contributed, by member.s of the Gurdon family: I

Parish Qlerk, Robert Edward Cobb Rivett. ~ Hingham is the nearest money order ~ telegraph.
Post Office.-Robert Edward Cobb Rivett, sub-post- 1 office, 3 miles distant
master. Box cleared at 7.20 a.m. & 5-45 p.m.; sun- The children of this place attend the school at Gran-
days, arrive 7.30 a.m.; dispatched 9.25 a.m. Letter~ worth for the united parishes of Southburgh, Gran-
through Thetford, 7.30 a.m. & 4· IS p.m. daily. worth & Letton
Cranworth Emily Lady, Red house Freeman Samuel Watson, farmer ~ursey William, farmer, Park farm -
Greaves Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper Reading Room (Rev. A. T. Hodgson,
COMMERCIAL. Hart J ames, farmer l sec)
Barnard Walter, farm~r Howard Fredk. shoe maker & farmer Rivett Robert Edward Cobb, wheel-
Bash am Ro bert, farmer Mason William, farmer wright, Post office
Cullyer George William, farmer Milk George, farmer Skipper J obn, farmer
Darby John Edwd. King's Head P.H Monument Charles Frederick,builder Smith Fred, farmer
Eagling Frederick, farmer Newson Herbert Edward, farmer Thompson Edward, farmer

SOUTHERY is a village and parish on the river Ouse, was built in 1903. Lieut.-Col. Frederick Henry Taylor
5 miles north-east from Littleport station and 3~ south- (late R.A.) is lord of the manor and principal land-
east from Hilgay Fen station on the Lynn and Ely section owner. The soil is of a varied description, one par~
of the Great Eastern railway, 4 south from Ryston station being strong clay land, but the greater portion is a
ou the Downham fmd Stoke Ferry branch of the same line, light black soil; subsoil, principally good clay. The
and 7 south from Downham, in the &luth Western division chief crops are wheat, beans, flax and roots. The aroo
of the county, Clackclose hundred and petty sessional is 3,8o8 acres of land, the greater part of which is fen.
rlivision, Downham union and county court district, rural and 45 of water; rateable value, £4,729; the population

deanery of Fincham (east division), archdeaconry of Lynn m 1gu was I,171. •

and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. :Mary the Parish Clerk, Joshua Cattermole.
Virgin, erected in I8S 8, is an edifice of ragstone with Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Benjamin Edward Porter,
Bath stone dressings, in the Early English style, con- sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Downham at 7· 10
sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle and a western tower a.m.; dispatched at 3·45 & 6.10 p.m. & on sundays at
containing a clock and one bell: the chancel screen of 10.20 a.m
oak, erected in 1902, is a memorial to the Rev. A. E. Wall Letter Boxeli.~Little London,cleared at 5·45 p.m.;
Julius M.A. rector 1855-95: a porch was built in 1904 Decoy Bridge, cleared at 5. IS p .m. week days only, &
as a memorial to Edmund and Katharine Mary Hall, of Southery Ferry, cleared at 6 p.m. ; sun day, 10.15 a.m
Myland, Colchester: the stained east window was pre-
sented by Mr. Robert Sayle, of Cambridge, and there The School is now managed by 6 members appointed
are other stained windows, presented by ·Mr. Dove, l'lf partly by County Council & Parish Council, John L.
Bristol: an organ was erected in 1899 at a cost of £3oo: PPacock, chairman & correspondent
in the church there is a brass plate bearing a list of Public Elementary School (mixed & infants), .with
rectors from the year 1300: the church affords 400 master's house, erected in 1876, for 220 children; en-
sittings. The ruins of the former chur~th are still stand- larged in 18gg, & will now hold 350; extra class rooms
ing. The register dates from the year 1706. The living & a porch were added in rgog; average attendance,
is a rectory, net yearly value £46o, including 104 acres 255; Joseph Stanley, master; Mrs. Effie Stanley, in-
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of and held since fants' mistress. The playground has been greatly
1895 by the Rev. George Clement Maddison Hall M ..!.. improved & new afficPs were built in 1907 .
of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Here are Wesleyan Carrier.-William Bnckenham, to Ely, mon. ,& thurs. ~
and Particular Baptist chapels. The Odd Fellows' Hall to Downham, fri
Ga!lowav lsaac, tool maker Porter Eliza (Mrs.), beer agent &c
H ol man 'G eorge, F erry B oat 1nn
· "
:::;out h Pry f erry
Hall Rev. George Clement Maddison Holman John, farmer Porter Gregory, building surveyor,
M.A. Rectory Holman Thomas, poultry dealer builder & contractor, & clerk to
Peacock John Luddington, Manor ho Jollv Tlwmas, baker Southery Parish Council t& assist-
Wootton Miss, Hill hollile Lac·k George P. farmer ant overseer & insurance agent
Langley John, farmer Porter John Larman, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Lee Goorge, farmer Porter John Thomas, saddler
Arnold Charles, farm~r Legge Levi, horse 11laughterer Porter John William, grocer & drapr
Attlesey George, hrmer . Leonard Sydney, farmer Porter Mary (Miss), dress maker
Attlesey John William, smith I Lister Arthur, baker Porter William Elmer, farmer
Ball .Arthur, White Bell P.H 1 Li!!ter William, farmer Porter Wilo;on, farmer, Litt!e London
Barritt Ezekiel, bricklayer Missen Joseph, mole catcher Proctor Albert, farmer, Little London
Barrow Hugh, farmer Osier Frederick & Son, farmers
1 Reed Daniel, farmer, Vineyards
Barrow John, farmer , Osl"r George, cattle dealer Reeve Hobert, miller (steam & wind}
Barrow William Edward, wheelwright Osler John; farmer
I Register William R. farmer
Bell Porter, farmer I Osier John Wesley, painter & plumbe1 Robertson William Henry, shopkeeper
Bennett Daniel, grocer · Osler Porter, farmer, Campsey Rowell ~~lfrad, farmer
Bennett William, farmer Osler Ro-bert, farmer Sh~rp Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Brighton George. machine owner Osier Thomas Holman, grocer Sheldrick Robert, Blacksmiths' Arms
Brighton Rachel (Mrs.), butcher Palmer Reginald, agricultural m a.
I -
P.H. Little London
Brookes Frederick, farmer r,hine owner Shepherd Herbert, shopkeeper
Bnckenham Thomas, chim..ney sweeper i Payne William, farmer Smith Harry, farmer, Sedge fen
Buckenham William, carrier Peacock Francis J. farmer Spencer HTrry, beer retailer
Butcher John, beer retailer Peacock John Lnddington, farmer, St' ·ling r-;eor!_!e, farmer
But.cher Misses, dress makers Manor house WHlker Williarn, farmer
Cattermnle Joshua, farmer Petch Archibald.Crown & Anchor P.H t Wil!son J. Simms, watch_ maker
Clarke George, shopkeeper Porter Alfred William, wheelwright · Woodley Charles, farmer
l<J.ack James, poultry dealer Porter Benjamin Edward, grocer & Woodruff Willi'l.m, beer retailer ·
Flack Thomas. farmer draper, & post office Wootton JosPph, farmer; res. Wim-
Galley Thos. G. engineer to Feltwell Porter Chas. farmer, Little London butsbam
New Fen district commissioners Porter David Osier, farmer Wyer Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer
SOUTHREPPS is a parish and village, 1 mile north rector I8g2-Igoo, placed by his widow and children: the
from Gunton station on the East Norfolk branch of tile fabric of the chancel was restored by a fanner rector in
Great Eastern railway. 5 north-west from North Walsham 1875: in I897 the church was partially restored, re-
ami s routh-east from Cromer, in the Northern division floored, the nave and chancel reseated throughout, a
of the county, Erpingham union, North "\ValRham county new pulpit, reading desk and carved oak choiF seats for
court district, North Erpingham hundred and petty -ses- the chancel provided, and the fomt restored: new oak
sic.nal divisipn, rural deanery of Repps, and archdeaconry doors for the tower, oarved by the rect<>r's daughter
Rnd diocese of Norwich. The church of St. James is a (:Mrs. G. F. Buxton) in facsimile of the old, were also
hnildip._!! of flint, in the Decorated and Perpendicular erected, the total cost amounting to [.1,200: in 1908
!<tyles. consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a lofty the nave roof was entirely restored, the walls l"e-stuccoed
Pm battled western tower containing ') bells: two stained and the tower strengthened and restored by the Rev. Sir·
window!> have heen placed here on the south side, one by Frederick Sullivan bart. M.A. at a cost of £goo: -there
"rPhnP'fCon Glover. the other by Mr. J. Carter. a-nd there are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year I5S8. ~
is another to the Hnn. and Rev. John Harbord M.A. late The living is 1\ ~ectory, net yearly value- [.350., including>

'1 acres of glebe, with house, in the gift of the Duchy of Parish Clerk, George BakPr.
Lancaster, and held since 1900 by the Rev. Sir Frederick Post, 'M. 0. & T. Office, Upper street.-Frederick Col-
Sullivan bart. M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The man, sub-postmaster. Letters through Norwich, ar-
Wesleyan chapel was erected in 1845, and the Primitive rive at 7.10 a.m. & 3-45 p.m.; sundays, 7.10 a.m.;
Methodist- chapel in 1864. .A cattle fair is held on the dispatched at 11.5o a. m. & 5-15 p.m.; July to Sept.
Tuesday fortnight after Whit-Snnday. Lord Suffi.eld 11.35 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; sunday, ).15 p.m
P.C., G.C.V.O., K.C.B. who is lord of the manor, Sir Letter Box, Lower street, cleared 12.15 & 5.40 p.m
Thomas Fowell Buxton hart. G.C.M.G, J.P. of Colne The children of Antingham, Bradfield, Thorpe Market &
House, Cromer, and Sir Samuel Ho are bart. of Side- Gunton, attend this school
strand, are the principal lan:lowne-rs. The soil is Public Elementary School (mixed), original school built
mixed; subsoil, gravel and sand. 1he chief crops are by Edward, 3rd Lord Suffield, 1826, & enlarged· in
wheat, turnips, grass and barley. The area is 2,091 1877, for 260 children; average attendance, 220;
acres; ratPable value, [.3,200; the population in 1911 William E. Amies, master; Miss Naomi Bent, infant~·
was 829. m is tres!!
SullivanRev. Sir Frederick bart. Cubitt George, farmer, Lodge farm Knights John, market gardener
M.A. Rectory Dix Brown, gamekeeper Knights John, jun. grocer
Drury John, baker
1 Knight!! Thos. grocer & pork butchr
1 ox L ee Am1s,
. blacksmith
. Learner Chas. Herbt. farmer, Hill ha
Barber Laura Louise (Mrs.), grocer Gibbons Albert, vermin killer Lomax \\'alter, farmer
Bartrarn Charles, farmer Golden James, shopkeeper Rovle

John W. Vernon Arms P.H
Bartram J ames William, harness m a Harrison Geo. (Mrs. ),(rmr. The Dams Starling Lewis Samuel, farmer, Lime
Bartram William, farmer,Church farm Harrison Jn. saddler & harness mfr Kiln -farm
Bates Edmund, carpenter · Harrison William, tax collector & Storey Jo_hn. carpenter
B11y~ Richard, g-rocer assistant overseer Temple William, coal dealer
Bird Thomas Edward, butcher , Hewitt Arthur, farmer Turner Arnelia (Mrs.), New inn
Bov.en James, jobbin!! gardener Howes John Hy. farmer & landowner,
Tyler J emima (Mrs. ),farmer, The Hall
Chadwick Arthur, shopkeeper Beechlands Wright Jonathan, boot maker
SOUTHWOOD is a parish, about r~ miles north from N evill, of 45 Charles street, Berkeley square, London
C'antley station on the Norwich, Yarmouth and Lowt's- W, is lady of the manor. The Rev. William Charles
toft sections of the G. E. railway, and g west from Emeris M.A. vicar of Burford, Oxon. and Mr. William
Yarmouth, in the Eastern division of the county, Blo- Wesley Key are chief landowners. The soil is light
field and Walsham petty sessional division, Blofield hun- mixed; subsoil, sand and graveL The chief crops are
dred and union, Great Yarmouth county court district, wheat, b~rley and oats. The area is 481 acres; rate-
Blofield rural deanery, and archdeaconry and diocese of able vain~. [,482; the population in rgr1 was 47- By
Norwich. The church of St. Edmund is now in ruins. an Order, which came into operation ::\iarch 25, 1884, a
The inhabitants attend divine service at Limpenhoe. detached part of this parish amalgamated with
The register dates from the year r675. The living is a Limpenhoe.
discharged rectory, consolidated with the vicarage of
Letters through Norwich, delivered about 8.30 a.m. &
Limpenhoe, joint net yearly value [,rg8, "including ro 2.30 p.m. Freethorpc is the nearest money order &
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Rev. Theodore Henry
telegraph office, about half a mile distant
Crossman Day B.A of Paradi~e House, Aylsham, and
Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8.20 a.m. &; 2.40 p.m. week
held since 1910 by the Rev. Thomas Hou~ecroft M.~\.
of Trinity College, Dublin, who resides at Limpenhoe. . onlv-
The charities amount to £.4 yearly. Lady Dorothy The children of this place attend the school at Limpenhoe
Key William Wesley, farmer & landowner, Hall farm I May Arthnr Marsland, farmer, Oaks farm
SP ARHAM is a parish and village on the rivei< Wen- Robert Singleton Blofeld M.A. of Trinity College, Cam-
rum and the road from Norwich to Fakenham, 2 miles bridge, and J.P. Norf. There are Primitive Methodist and
north-west from Leuwade station on the Midland and United .Methodist chapels. The charities include one of
Great Northern joint railway, 12 north-west from Norwich £.4 yearly and 21 acres allotted to the poor for cutting
and 8 north-east from Dereham, in the Northern division fuel. The rector is lord of the rectorv •
manor. The
of the county, Eynsford hundred and petty sessional divi- Earl of Leicester G.C.V.O., C.'M.G. is lord of the
sion, Mitford and Launditch union, East Dereham county manors of Stewkey Hall, Sparham Hall and Mautebies
court district, rural deanery of Sparham and archdeaconry Hall, and is the principal landowner. The soil is mixed
and diocese of Norwich.- The church of the Virgin Mary and heavy; subs~il, sand and gravel; clay, brick earth
is a larg-e building of flint, with stone dressings, in the and mar! being also found in many places. The chief
Early English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of crops are barley, wheat, roots and some land in pasture.
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an en1battled The area is 1,773 acres of land and 12 of water; rate-
western tower with pinnacles, containing 3 bells : there able value, £1,3.63; the population in 1911 was 245.
is a very interesting screen and some good benches uf Sexton. Georn-e Patter•on.
ancient design, with traceried backs, the latter are not Post Office.-R:chard Parker Cooper, sub-postmaster.
at present in use, but will be restored at a future date: Letters through Norwich arrive at 7·45 a.m. & 5-40
there is also a pre-Reformation p4'llpit and a traceried p.m. & are dispatched at 8.55 a.m. & 5-40 p.m. on
80uth door: the church was partially restored in r88g, week days only. Great Witchingham, 2 miles distant,
from designs prepared by Mr. H. Green, architect and is the nearest telegraph & money order ofiice
diocesan surveyor, of Norwich, and affords rso sittings. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1852, for
The register dates from the year 1573. The living is a 35 children ; full average attendance, 25 ; Mrs. Sarah
rectory, net yearly value [.336, with go acres of glebe and Dack, certificated mistress
residence, in the gift of Edward Henry Evans-Lombe Carrier. Palmer passes through from Foulsham to
esq. of Melton Hall, and held since rBg4 by the Rev. Norwich wed. & sat
William, blacksmith
A Clark Agnes ('Mrs.), jarmer Say er J ames Arthur, farmer, Hall &
Blofeld Rev. Robert Singleton M. ·• Cooper Rd. Parker. grocer, Post officp Church farms
J.P. Rectory Cremer George Wyndham, farmer Trowse Charles W. dealer
Cremer Jn.Edmund J.P. Sparham ha Green Harry, farmer, Manor farm W ~ori bine GeorgP, baker & grocer
Sayer Jamcs Arthur, Sparham hall Guymer Herbert, shopkeeper Woodcock William, Green Man P.H
SPIXW'ORTH is a parish and village, 4!
miles north- Prected in r635, to William anri Alicia Peck: since r8g8
west from Salhouse station on the Cromer branch of the four memorial windows have been added, and there are
Great Eastern railway, and about 4 miles north from brasses dated 15oo, 1509 and 1513 respectively: the font
Norwich, in the Eastern division of the county, Taverham i .. of Norman date: there are 120 sittings. The register
hundred and petty sessional division, St. Faith's uniun, 1
1lates from the year 1551. The living- is a rectory, "net
Norwich county court district, rural deanery of Taver- 1 yearly valu11 £zoo. with 7 acres of glebe and residence,
ham and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. The in the gift of CoL F. B. Lon~e C.B., J.P. and held since
church of St. Peter is a plain structure of rubble, in the • 1910 by the Rev. John Spark Charlton B. A. of Durham
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south University. Spixworth Hall, the property of CoL F. B.
aisle, north and south porches and a small embattled I Longe C.B., J.P. lord of the manor and sole landowner,
tower at the south-west angle containing 2 bells: the i is a hand~ome Elizabethan mansion of red brick, situated
olmrcli "w1l8 t"e-seated in 1872, and has several monuments a quarter of a mile south-west of the church, in a well-
to the Peck and _Longe families •. including a splen~id 1
wo_o~ed park,. and is the res~d~nce of Lieut.-Col. John
marble moonment m the chancel, With recumbent effigies, : W1lham Curne J.P. The sml 1s gravel and sand; sub-
soil, sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnip!i Letters through Norwich, arrive at 7 a.m. & 5 p.m. St.
and hay. The area is 1,234 acres; assessable value, Faith's is the nearest post, money order & telegraph
[r,o32; the population in I9II was 62. office, about 1 mile distant
Parish Clerk, William Burdett.
Charlton Rev. John Spark B.A. COMMERCIAL. Lincoln James Thomas, farm bailiff
(rector), Rectory I;Ioward William, farm bailiff to L:1w- to George D. Gowing
Currie Lieut.-Col. John William J.P. rence Radford Mallett Joshua,farm bailiff to Georgs
Spixworth hall Laws Joseph, blacksmith D. Gowing
SPORLE-with-PALGRA VE is a parish and village, chapel, built in r862, and a Baptist chapel, erectad in
2! miles north-east from Swaffham station on the Lynn 1873. The charities are of the annual value of [.57, and
and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway, in the include £12 yearly, left by St. Matthew Holworthy esq.
South Western division of the county, South Greenhoe in r6o8 for education, and £8o rent of the town land of
hundred and petty sessional division, Swaffham union and 91 acres, allotted tn the poor for fuel. Here was once
county court district, rural deanery of Cranwich (north a Benedictine priory, founded in the reign of Henry I.
division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. as a cell to the abbey of Saumur, and dedicated to St.
The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a large and handsome Mary. The Master, brethren and sisters of S~.
building of stone, in the Early English and Decorated Katharine's Hospital, Regent's Park, London, who are
styles, consisting of chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, the lord~ of the manor, and Sir Reginald William Proctor
aisles and an embattled western tower with pinnacles con- Beauchamp bart. of Langley Park, are the principalland-
taining a clock and 3 bells : there are eight stained win- owners. The soil is various, with a subsoil of clay and
dows: in the south aisle is a piscina and a fresco of the marl. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips
early 15th century, representing the legend of St. and some pasture. The area is 4,168 acres; rateabl&
Katherine of Alexandria: the church has been restored value, [3,714; the population in 19II was 564.
at different periods, and most recently, about 1897-8 at Sexton, Abraham Green.
a cost of £2,ooo, from desigll,ll by Mr. H. Green, diocesan
architect, and now affords 330 sittings. The register Post & T. Office.-Mrs. Mary .Ann Wright, sub-post-
dates from the year 15 6r. The living of Sporle is a mistress. Letters by mail cart from Swaffham, re·
vicarage, with the rectory of Little Palgrave annexed, ceived at 5-I5 a.m. & 3.20 p.m. & dispatched at
joint net yearly value £r7B, in the gift of Eton College, a.m. & 7·45 p.m.; sundays at 7·45 p.m. Swaffham, 3
and held since 1s93 by the Rev. Arthur Alfred Avann miles distant, is the nearest money order office
M.A. of the University of Cambridge. .A new vicarage Public Elementary School (mixed), built in I84I, fop
house was erected in r897 at a cost, including site, of 99 children; average attendance, 75; Miss May Simp-
£ I,ooo. The church of St. Peter, at Little Palgrave, has son, mistress
long since gone to decay. Here is a Primitive Methodist Assessor & Collector of Income Tax, W. S. Lane
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cox Robt. builder, carpenter, joiner Matthews Thomas Stockdale, fartner,
& undertaker The Priory, Palgrave Hall &
Avann .Rev. Arthur Alfred M.A. The
Crowther John Henry, boot maker Church farms Gaskms Charles, farmer Palmer .A.ttwell Lynch, engineer. •
Buxtoi). Richard Gurney, Petygards
Grummett James, grocer & draper, Smith John Joseph, miller (wind)
M>~ tthews Sydney, Palgrave ball
builder, blacksmith, joiner, car- Smith William, farmer
Matthews Thos.Stockdale,The Priory penter, wheelwrig-ht, undertaker, Rtratton Horace, farmer
Rowbotharn Miss hardware & coal dealer & farmer Sturman Arthur, Chequers P.H
Thornton Thomas, W oolferton house Haynes John, Hare & Hounds P.H Thompson Williarn, farmer
Wells Mrs. Great Palgrave house Kipling William Rudyard, surveyor Wells Dennis (exors. of), fa,.,rmmers, Gt.
of highways to Swaffham Rural Palgrave
District Council Wilson George, grocer
Baker Frederick, farm bailiff to R. Lane William Stephen, grocer, out- Wright James, farmer
Dusgate esq fitter, earthenware & hardware Wright James, farm bailiff to T. S.
Buxton Rd. Gurney, frmr. Petygards dealer, draper, poultry farmer & Matthews esq
Child Thomas, farm bailiff to T. S. pork butcher Wright Robert, farm bailiff to Mrs.
Matthews esq Littleproud .John, beer retailer I Wells
SPROWSTON is an extensive parish and very strag- in fuel for the poor. Sprowston Hall, the seat of
gling village, 2 miles north from Norwich, in the Eastern Sir Eustace Gurney J.P. is a fine mansion of red brick,
division of the county, Taverbam hundred and petty ses- rebuilt in I88r, and pleasantly situated on the Wrox-
sional division, St. l<'aith's union, Norwich county court ham road. Sir Eustace Gurney J.P. who is lord of the
district, rural deanery of Taverham and archdeaconry and manor, Archibald Cozens-Hardy esq. Sir Edward Paulet
diocese of Norwich. The church of SS. Mary and Mar- Stracey bart. of Rackheath Park, and Capt. Reginald
garet is an ancient edifice of flint and stone, consisting of , George Stracey are the chief landowners. The soil of
chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled western tower of this parish is extremely light ; subsoil, generally gravel.
brick, with pinnacles and containing 3 bells: the manu- with patches of clay at varying depths, from which
ments include four, now much dilapidated, to the Corbet excellent bricks are made. The chief crops are wheat.
family, dating from I559 to r6r7; others to !·he Mickle- oats, barley and turnips and market garden produce;
thwaits, 1805; one to the Morse family, 1842, and several the area is 2,432 acres; rateable value, [4,g68; tih&
mural tablets, including one in the chancel to Sir Thomas I population in rgrr was 906 .
.A.dams bart. lord mayor of London in 1645, d. 24 Feb. In 1907 part of Sprowston was added to Norwich City
1667: the stained east window was given by Mrs. Rush- and County Borough.
more in I867, and there is a memorial window, erected Sextons Thomas Crane (SS. Marv and Margaret) and
in 1908 to the late Gilbert Hardinge Stracey esq. John Moo~e (St. Cuthbert's). -
d. 1907: the chancel was restored in 1890 by the .
Ecclesiastical Commissioners: there are 300 sittings. The Post & ~- q. Office.-Fred~nck Cobb, sub-postmaster.
register dates from the year 1727 . The living is a vicar- Letter arnve fro"'? Norwich at 3.50 a.m. 12 noon &
age, net yearly value £250, including 17~ acres of glebe, 3·45 p.m. & are dispatc~ed ~t 10 a.~., k 8.40
with residence, erecter! in rB8 2 , in the gift of the Dean p.m. Old Catton, I mile distant, Is the nearest tele-
and Chapter of Norwich, and held since I909 by the graph office
Rev. Archibald Reith M.A. of Glasgow UniverRity, who Letter Boxes.-Wroxham road, cleared at 7.25 a.m. &
is also rector of Beeston St. Andrew. The church of 1.5 & 6 p.m.; sunday, 6.20 p.m.; near Blue Boar
St. Cutbbert, erected in I885, as a chapel of ease to P.H. cleared at 7· 15 a.m. & I & 5-55 p.m.; sunday,
that of SS. Mary and Marga.ret, is an edifice of brick 6. 15 p.m
with stone facings, in the Lancet style, consisting Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 186o by
of nave only and a bell cote for one bell:· it was built Mrs. Arkwright & enlarged in r873 by the late John
at a cost of about £2,300, of which upward8 of £ 1,6oo Gurney esq. & again in 1885, r8gr k 1904; it will now
and the site were given by the late John Gurney e!!q.: hold 460 children; average attendance, 430: Thomas
there are 360 sittings. A sum of [30 yearly is expended Delves, master; Mi!!s Lucy Thrower, infants' mistress.
(Marked thus * lettel'S are delivered Blaxter Gaspard Culling, Egbert ha *Cunnell Mrs
from Old Ca tton.) Bloy Thomas, Ivy bank Dixon Joseph Ellis, Myrtle cottag-e
Bower Edward, Ellendale Foggon Thomas Arthur, Balla.ra.t
Butcher Waiter Whitton Grehan Major Francis Daniel, Stl.
Balls Frank, Thanet house Cooper William, St. Cuthbert's ter Kevins
*Bilby Mrs. Willow place Cox Fred Dalton, Martly house GurneySirEnstace J.P.Sprowston hall
llirk beck, Wood farm l Cozens-Hardy Archibald, Oak lodge Hartcup Mrs. Sprowston court
*Has_e George, Willow place 1 COMMERCIAL. Howes Edward, brick maker,
Hickling .Albemarle Fitzroy, High- *~dcock Edward Oberlin, tomato moulders', brick makers'&. builders'
field house grower, Till's farm sand, also g-ravel, loam, shingle &
Holloway Frederick, Fairview Andrews Charles Horace L.R.C.P. & stone, Old Catton, Sprowston. Sea
Howes Edward S.Edin., L.R.F.P.S.Glas. surgeon advertisement
Hughff William * A.rthurton Ro bert, baker Medler Charles & Son, bricklayers
clay Francis Henry, Church View ho *Barnes Alfred, beer retailer Medler Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Keppel Col. Edward George J.P. Batchelor Waiter, head gardener to Miller George, farm bailiff to Mr.
Sprowston grange Sir Eustace Gurney J.P Isaac Cannell, Grange farm
lamb Hy. Stephen, St.Cuthbert's ter Burrows Margaret (Mrs.), brick ma *Neville' Frederick, forced fruit &
Mann Fred, Daleholme Campling Robert, tomato grower tomato grower & market gardener
Parker E~r~ert, The Old Vicarage 1Catton William, mar~et gardener Norwich Choral Society (F.C.Weston,
Pearce Wilham R. St. Cuthbert's tei '*Cunnell Charles, bnck maker sec.), St. Cuthbert's villa
Redgrave Samuel Curson George, herdsman to Sir *Pendle Harry, builder
Reith Rev. Archibald M.A. (vicar), Eustace Gurney J.P. Hall farm *Reyn<Jlds William Brewster, Royal
The Vicarage Dawson Jacob Hy.farmr.Chureh frm Oak P.H
Sidney Alfred, Shrubland Desborough Jn. Robt. Blue Boar P.H Seppings Herbert, general dealer,
Sidney Frederick, Shrubland Dixon Charles Waiter, farmer Wroxham road
Stracey Capt. Reginald George, Dixon Joseph, jun. farmer Weston Henry Gould, accountant,
Sprowston lodge Dunn A.lbert Henry, tailor assistant overseer & clerk to PaTish
Stracey Mrs. Gilbert, Sprowston lo *Fatter Arthur, insurance agent Council, St. Cuthbert's villa
Turner Rev.Jn, (Baptist), Osmond ho Gowing Geo. David,farmer,White ha Willson Edith (Mrs.), teacher of
Turner Vivian, Osmond house Graver Wm. thrashing machine propr music, St. Cuthbert's terrace
Weston Hy. Gould, St. Cuthbert's vil *Greenacre Francis Alien, tomato gwr Wrench William Edwd. brick maker,
Willson Fredk. Jn. St. Cuthbert's ter H.nvey George, farm bailiff to Sir School lane
Wilson Mrs Eustace Gurney J.P. Wroxham rd Yaxley Arthur Albert, wheelwright
ST ALHAM is a parish and marktlt town, pleasantly 1 settlement here under the 34th section of "The Divided
situated on the high road from North Walsham to Yar- I Parishes and Poor Law Amendment Act, I876" (39 and
mouth, near the navigable Ant, with a station on the Mid- 40 Vict. c. 5I): a !!urn of £ro, left by John Riches in
land and Great Northern joint railway, I~ miles from 1627, was inv~sted in house property, sub!lequently sold
Wayford bridge, 8 jlouth-east from North Walsham, I6 fo:r £8o and the money re-invested in the form of a loan
north-west from Yarmouth and 15 north-east from Nor- towards the erection of the Small burgh workhouse: John
wich, in the Eastern division of the county, Tunstead and : Riches' charity is under the control of the vicar and tru>~­
Happing petty sessional division, Happing hundred, Small- tees appointed by the Parish Council: in I87o, the enact-
burgh union, Walsham county court district, rural deanery ments of the Local Government Board having effected a

of Waxham (Happing division), and archdeaconry and change in the mode of electing the guardians, this sum
diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Mary is a fine was transferred to the vicar and churchwardens for the
1tructure of flint with stone dressings, consisting of chan- time being, and by them invested in Comols, the interest
eel, clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and a western of which now amounts to £2 ss. : in 1634 Thomas
towe1', which has been injured by lightning and contains Smythe, of Stalham, bequeathed an annual sum of £s.
one bell: the chancel was reconstructed in 1827, and in invested in certain properties in the parish now (rgo8)
1886 its roof was raised to the original pitch, the walls, producing £26 yearly, out of which a sum of 13!!. 4d. i!!
floors and windows entirely restored and the east window paid every year to the vicar: these two benefactions
filled with stained glass, at the sole expense of the lay constitute the "Donation Charity," and are administered
rector, George Randall Johnson esq. M ..A..: in r854 by trustees appointed by the Charity Commi!!sioners, for
the nave and aisles were repaired and the church the benefit of the aged and deserving poor: in 17IB
reseated at a cost of £n5 : in r8&4 an organ was Mrs. Catherine Smith left six acres of land, called "The
erected and choir stalls placed in the chancel: in I872 the Long Closes," for the use and benefit of the vicar for
south porch was rebuilt, new floors laid down and the the time being, subject to a half-yearly payment of Bs.
windows in the aisles renovated, at a total cost of [395: at Christmas and Ss. at Easter, for the purchase of
in 1886 the roof of the nave was relaid, a new vestry bread for the poor, and of 4s. to the parish clerk for
ereded, and a stained window in the south aisle inserted keeping clean her monument in the chancel of the
by the vicar to his sister, Catherine Neville White, and church. The parish consists of two manors: Keith,
his motheT, Charlotte White: the east window is also Blake and Co. of Norwich, are lords of the manor of
stained: in 1889 a carved oak reredos was erected: there Linford and Wilds, and George Randall Johnson esq.
is. a brass to the Riches family, dated 1624, and another, of Feniton Court, Devon, is lord of the manor of
with figures of a civilian and his wife, circa q6o: the Stalham Hall and chief impropriator of the rectorial
finely-carved octagonal font, with representations of the tithes, which amount to £363, and are divided amongst
Ap?stles and the Baptism and Crucifixion of our Saviour, eight impropriators. The principal landowners are
restored in 1864; in 1894 the aisles were reseated at a cost Reginald J. N. Neville esq. M.P. of IS St. George's road,
of' £I77 and in 1895 a new cross was placed over the London SW, the trustees of Robert Cooke esq. Mr. John
porch, the whole being carried out at the cost of the vicar: By grave and George Randall J ohnson esq. The soil is
there are 35a.sittings, 200 being free. The register dates fine strong land; subsoil, brick earth, sand and gravel.
from the year 1560. The living is a vicarage, net yearly The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, roots and beans.
value £I55, including 34 acres of glebe, with residence, The acreage is I,773 of land and 27 of water; rateable
in the gift of Reginald J. N. Neville esq. M.P. and value, £4,865; the population in 191I was 958.
~eld since 1912 by the Rev. Rdvrard 'Montagn Plurnptre Sexton, Royal Miller.
)LA. of Clare College, Cambridge. The Church room
js used as a Sunday school and as a library and Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Miss H. E. Furrence, sub-post-
billiard room. The Baptist chapel was first founded mistress. Letters received from Norwich by mail
in I653 ; the building, erected in I 884 , at a cost, in- cart & train; deliveries commence at 7 a. m. & 1.30
eluding site, of [2,ooo, is an edifice of brick, seating p.m. ; 1.55 p.m. July to Sept.; 5-40 p.m. July to
-45 0 persons, and has a Sunday school adjoining; thP Sept. (callers only); dispatched at 10.10 a.m. & 2.5
organ cost about £200; in I895 a manse was erected at p.m. July to Sept.; 2 · 20 Sept. to July; 4·3°• 5-45
a cost of £550! there is also a Wesleyan Methodist & 6.35 p.m. July to Sept. On sundays they are not
chapel. The Town Hall, built in r8SS as a Corn Hall, delivered, but may be called fo1' from 8.30 to 10 a.m. ;
is now the property of the Parish Council, and is dispatched at 4-30 p.m
available for concerts and meetings and also serves as a Town Hall, William W. Eldred, manager
reading room. The Police Station is used as an occa- Police Station; Edwin Roythorne, seTgt. & 5 constables
sional conrthouse. The river Ant affords facilities for
la~ding coal, corn, malt and all kinds of merchandise;
Stalham and Sutton Broads form a sheet of water con- .Admiralty Surgeons & Agents, Ernest Buxton Cutting
m•cted with this river, three-quarters of a mile from M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Haughley house;
south-west to north-east and one mile from west to east: Charles Frederick Rudd M.D.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng
it is mostly overgrown with reeds, but there are two Assistant Overseer & Clerk to the Parish Council,
channels, 1me to Stalham and the other to Sutton. The William W. Eldred
WayfDrd Tenants Limited, at Wayford, is a rural co- Collector of Taxes, .Tohn Palmer, Walcot
paTtnership housing and small-holding society, formed in Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Stalham District,
Igog. The poor's allotment, of over 72 acres, awarded Srnallburgh Union,Charles. Frederick Rudd M.D.DuTb.,
under the Inclosure Act of 1807 (47 George Ill.), is let M.R.C.S.Eng ·
yearly to .several tenants, and the rents are now distri- Registrar of Marriages f~, Smallburgh District, .Alfred
buted in money to such poor persons as have gained a Everett; deputy, Hemy Lynes
Registrar of Births & Deaths for Stalbam District, Alfred Conveyance to Norwich. Leatherdale's coach, from
Everett; deputy, Henry Lynes 'Maid's Head inn,' to 'Wagon & Horses,' Tombland, on
Surveyor to the _Smallburgh Rural District Council, mon. wed. & sat. at 8 a.m. returning same days at
\Villiam L. Lew'is 4 p.m
Watel' Conveyance to & from Great Yarmouth, from
Public Elementary School (mixed), opened in June, 1878, Harry Burton's wharf, also from Mrs. A_ C. Cooke's
enlarged in 1887 & again in 1907, for 230 children; wharf
aVQrage at!Jendance, 170; Harry Divers A.C.P. master;
:Mrs. Margaret Divers, mistress Carrier to Norwich.-Lea.therdale, to 'Wagon &
Railway Station (Midland & Great Northern joint), David Horses,' Tombland, every mon. wed. & sat. & returns
John Morse, station master I the same day at 4 p.m c

PRIVATB RESIDENTS. Cutting Ernest Bu:xton M.R.C.S.Eng., j Lynes Henry, hair dresser & deputy
Bristow Alfred, Mill house L.R.O.P.Lond. surgeon & physi- registrar of births, deaths & mar-
Bristow John, The Hollies- cian & admiralty surgeon & agent, riages for Small burgh district
B~·g-rllve John, Welholme & surgeon to the Trinity Corpora• Manchester Unity of Oddfellows (Hy.
Charleton William Lancelot, Wayford tion, Haughley house Andrews, sec)
Clarke Miss,The Limes,Brumste!ld rd Daniels Thomas .!bbott, manager of Mead George Henry, Swan hotel
Cole Joseph B.The,Staithe rd Messrs. Barclay & Co.'s Bank Meale Mary (Mrs.), butter dealer
Coleman John Ahraham Davison Daniel, apartments Middleton James Gowing M.D.Sunny-
Cooke Edward, The Ball Drake Harriet Alma (Mrs.), draper side house
Croft George Cattell,Bromson cottage. Draper William R. machinist Miles Arth. Albt. cycle agt. High st
Brumstead road Durrell William, farmer, Manor farm Mobbs John Thomas, grocer
Cutting Em est Bu:xtun, Haughley hu East Norfolk Stock Mart Limited Moy Thomas Ltd. coal merchants
Daniels Thomas Abbott, Bank house (Jonathan Howlett, manager & Mutual Improvement Society & Read-
Draper William Riches salesman), stock salesmen, High st ing Room (Arthur Hensman e.sq.
Hensman Arthur, High street Eldred Willia.m W. watch maker, president; W. T. Alcock, sec. ;
.Hobbs Mrs. The Bungalow, Brum· assistant overseer & clerk to Parish George Keeler, treas)
stead road Council & local agent to (Board of Narracott Charles Arthur, baker
Howlett Jonathan I Trade) Labour Exchange Nichols Alma, ironmonger, Walton ho
John Rev-~ David (Baptist),The Manse Everett .Alfred, relieving & vaccina- Olley James, shopkeep~r
Jones Wm. Licinda house, The Green tion officer, collector to the guar- Perf'itt Frederick James, stone,
Juby Mrs. Euneda. house dians for the Rapping district of marble, granite & monumental
l\Iiddleton Hubert J. Sunnyside ho. : Smallburgh union & registrar of maslln
& Royal.A.utomobile club,Londn.SW births, marriages & deaths for S~l- Plummer Ceorge, builder, wheel-
Middleton James Gowing M.D.Sunny- ham district, Brumstead road wright, timber merchant, haulage
' side house; & Royal Automobile Fitch Waiter, draper , & general contractor, Station saw
club, Pall Mall, London S W Flowerday Robt. Wm. gro. The Grn mills
Palmer Mrs. Brnmstead road French Ebenezer, seed agent Randell F. Limited, ironmongers &c
Pell Mrs. Staithe road Gales David, painter Rational Sick & Benefit Association
· Perfitt Mrs. High street Garrett Edward, frmr. Chapelfield fm (Robert William Flowerday, sec)
Plumptre Rev. Edward Montagu B . .A. Green John, boot maker Robertson James M.R.C.V.S. veteri-
(vicar), Vicarage Green Robert, painter nary surgeon, The Green
Pointer Jas. The Laurels, The Green Hall .Alfred J. beet retailer, The Green Rudd Charles Frederick M.D.Durh.,
Robertson James, The Green Harmer, Ruddock & Son, solicitors, M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon,
Rudd Cha.rles Frederick M.D attend mon. & thurs Admiralty surgeon & agent & medi-
Slipper Edward, John's road Harvey Robert, farmer, The Green cal officer & public va.ccinator Stal-
COMMERCIAL. Hensman Arthur, wholesale & re- ham district, Smallburgh union
Alcock Edwin, builder tail grocer, tea dealer & provision Salmon John, rush collar maker, The
.AJlcock George Edwd.& Son, saddlers merchant, draper, dress, millinery Green
& harness makers & mourning warehouse Seago Henry & Son, pork butchers
Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited, The Hovvlett Jonathan. auctioneer, Simpson Ernest Edward, commercial
Staithe valuer, land, house & estate agent traveller, Oakleigh, Brumstead rd
Barclay & Company Ltd.(sub-branch), for Norfolk Broads; & attends Slipper Mildred (Miss), girls' school,
bankers (Thomas Abbott Daniels, Bungay on thursdays York road
manager); open man. wed. thurs. Jackson John Thomas, cycle agent Smith W. H. & Son, news agents,
& fri. 10 to 3; sat. 9 to 12; draw Keeler George, basket maker Station
on head office, 54 Lombard street. Kerry George E. butcher Spanton Edward Hurnphrey, plumber,
London E 0 King Henry Thomas, commercial glazier & painter & decorator
Bates James Le Frank, coach & car- traveller, Pond house Spanton Robert Victor, painter
riage builder, The Green King 'Vallace Limited, ironmongers Stalham & District Conserva~ive
Bilham Ephraim, tailor Knights Thomas, aparts. John's road .Association (Jonathan Howlett, hon.
Bilham Gaze, saddler & harness mkr Labour Exchange (Board of Trade) sec)
Bilham William, boot & shoe maker Stalham & District (William W. Stannard Benjamin, baker
Bradbury Robert, chemist Eldred, local agent) Stimpwn Arthur, watch maker
Bristow Geo. & John, millers (steam) Ladbrooke Armine, farmer, Wel!!t Stimpson George, farmer,The Staithe
Burton Harry, corn & coal merchant, End farm Stilnpson Robert, farmer
miller (wind & oil) & carrier by Lansdell Oliver, insur. agt. John's rd Teasel Sophia (Mrs.), boat builder
water, The Staithe Laurence Edvvard, 'Maid's Head Tooley & Youngs, builders, con-
Burton John, oil & calor merchant, hotel (family & commercial) & tractors, plumbers & house dec01trs
The Staithe posting house; livery & bait stables Town Hall (Wm. W. Eldred, mangr)
Bygrave _Jn. farmer, Welholme farm & lock-up coach house; wine & Turner Waiter, builder, Tha Green
Cattermoul Emily M. (Mrs.), grocer spirit merchant; yachting parties Varley Harriet (Mrs.), farmer
Clarke .Alfred C. greeng-ro. High st catered for; bowling green Walker W. D. & A. E. Ltd.maltsters,
Clarke Louis, builder, Brumstea.d rd Lawrance & Sons, mineral water Wayford Bridge
Collison Arthur, tailor, John's :road manufctrs. (Ernest Lynes, agent) Wayford Tenants Limited (W. L.
Cooke .Ada (Mrs.), coal dealer (depot); i& at Great Yarmouth, Charleton esq. chairman; William
Cooke Edward, farmer, The Ball Beccles & Sa:xmundham Charles Wollaton, sec.), Wayford
Cooke Henry, farmer, Church farm I Leatherdale John, carrier, Staithe rd (letters through Smallburgh)
-Cooke William Henry, correspondent Legg Mark Hugh, Railway hotel Williams Waiter, market g-ardener
for thP. " Eastern Daily Press," Lewis William L. surveyor to thP Williamson Rebecca (Mrs.), laundry
The Limes Smallburgh Rural District Council, Wiseman Helen (Miss), apartments,
Copeman Herbert Edward, butcher John's road ~inerva house, Brumstead road
Cossey Chas. blacksmith, Staithe rd Lubb:>ck Wm. rush horse collar mkr Woods Hannah (Mrs.), draper
Croxton Annie Elizabeth (Miss),dress Lynes Frederick 1 nurseryman Youngs Sidney A. builder, see Tooley
maker, Southwell villas, Staithe rd & Young!!
STANFIELD is .a. parish, 3'
miles west from North
Elmham station on the Dernham and Wells section of the
of South Brisley, archdeacoory of Lynn and diocese of
Norwich. The church of St. Margaret is a structure of
Great' Eastern railway and 6 north-west-by-north from Hint with stone dressings jn the Perpendicular and Early
Dereham, in the Mid division of the county, Launditch English styles, consisting nf chancel, nave, ~outh porch
hundred, Mitfard and Launditch petty sessional division and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, contain-
and union, Dereham eounty- court district, rnral deaneJ"y ing 4 bells: a new east window W'!IS erected in 1864;
there are 100 sittings. The register dates from the year Sexton, Robert Keeley.
1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £I6S, Post Oftice.-Mrs. G. Curtis, sub-postmistress. Letters
with 20 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Rev. through Dereham arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at
T. R. Davies, and held since Igog by the Rev. Daniel g. IS a. m. & 6 p .m. ; sundays, I I a. m. Whissonsett
Da.vies L.Div. A Primitive Methodist chapel was built is the nearest money order office & Brisley, I mile
in I87g. There is a fuel allotment of 8 acres for the distant, the nearest telegraph office
poor, let for £7 ISS. Mrs. M. E. Case is the chief
landowner. The soil is mixed; subsoil, various. The Pillar Letter Box cleared at g.3o a.m. & p.m.;
crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 938 sundavs

at II.IO a.m
acres; rateable value, £gii; the population in 1Qll The children of this place attend the Council Schools at
was I34· Mileham & Brisley
Davies Rev. Daniel L.Div. Rectory Case Thomas Henry, cattle salesman Key James, shopkeeper
Cullyer William, farmer Middleton Elijah, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Dady Austin, baker Minister John, farmer Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Gaze Herbert, Maid's Head P.H Riches Jesse, farmer, Hill farm
& landowner Keeley Robert, blacksmith Woods Wm. H. farmer, Willow grnge
STANFORD is a parish and village on the road from from the year 1754. The living is a vicarage, net yearly
Brandon to Watton and on the south bank of the river value £roo, including 16 acres of glebe, in the gift of
Wissey, 6 miles south-west from Watton station, Thet- the Bishop of Norwich, and held since 1907 by the Rev.
ford and Swaffham section, and 6 north-east from Bran- !.lgernon Frederick Ebsworth M.!.. of St. Peter's College,
don station on the Ely and Thetford section of the Great Cambridge, and also rector of West Tofts, where he
Eastern railway, and g south from Swaffham, in the resides. Lord Walsingham is lord of the manor and
South Western division of the county, hundred and petty principal landowner. The soil is light and sandy; sub-
sessional division of Grimshoe, union and county court soil, marl and chalk, with clay in places. The chief
district of Swaffham, rural deanery of Cranwich (South crops are barley, oats, rye and turnips, and 8 little
division), archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Norwich. wheat. The area is 2,664 acres of land (formerly a
The church of All Saints, a short distance east of the rabbit warren) and 32 of water; rateable value, £8z6;
village, is a structure of flint in the Early English style, the population in rgii was I3I.
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a west- Parish Clerk, Francis Sturgeon.
ern tower, with a circular lower stage and octagonal belfry, Letter Box cleared at 9 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; no delivery or
and containing a clock and one bell: the church was en- dispatch ·on sundays. Letters through Mundford
larged in r852 at a cost of £700, when the north aisle arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Mundford is the nearest
and chancel. then in ruins, were rebuilt and the interior money order & telegraph office, 3~ miles distant
reseated: it now affords 90 sittings. The register dates The children of this place attend the school at Tottington
Baker :Mrs. Rectory I Jolley .Alfred, Cock inn I Spinks Geo. farmer, Stanford Cock fm
STANHOE is a parish and village, with a. station ~~ There is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in I827, and a Primi-
miles north a:: the Lynn and Wells section of the Great tive Methodist chapel, erected in 1892. The Reading
Eastern railway, 4 .south-south-west from Burnham Mar- Room hPre was erected in 1885 by H. C. Hollway-
ket and 120 by rail from London, in the North -Western Calthrop esq. and Mrs. Hollway-Calthrop, in memory of
division of the county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and his mother. Mr. John Wright left 3 acres of land,
Brothercross petty sessional division, Docking union, which the late rector exchanged for 4! acres of glebe,
Little Walsingham county court district, rural deanery and the proceeds are applied to educational purposes.
of Heacham, archdeaconry of Lynn and diocese of Nor- There are remains here of an ancient cross, and in
wich. The church of All Saints is a building of flint in Chapelfield are traces of the buildings of a religious
the Early English and Decorated styles, consisting of house. Stanhoe Hall, the property of Henry Calthrop
chancel, nave, aisles, south. porch and an embattled Hollway-Calthorp esq. and erected about 1720 by Sir
tower at thP south-west angle, containing one bell: Robert '\Valpole, is a mansion of brick, enlarged in
thd tower is now (Iq12) in course of restoration at 1879, and surrounded by well-wooded grounds, and is
an estimated cost of £8o: the entrance is through at present occupied by Neville Paul J odrell esq. Mrs.
th~ base of the tower: the stone font and oak altar- Seymour, of The Cabin, Stanhoe, who is lady of the
rail, pulpit and reading desk were erected in 1853, manor, and Henry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop esq. J.P.
as a memorial to Daniel Everard, formerly rector of this bursar of Eton College, who is lord of the manor of
parish and of Burnham Thorpe, and his wife : there are Marches, are the principal landowners. The soil is
geven stained windows, including one to Lieut.-Col. goo

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