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Data Analysis and Dashboards with

Google Data Studio


Ian Littlejohn
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Understanding the Google Sheet Data Set

Setting up the Connection to Google Sheets

Adding a New Data Source
Fields from the Data Source

Creating your First Report

Analyzing Data


Changing the Method of Aggregation

Custom Calculations
Review Custom Calculations with Tables
Comparisons to Previous Periods
The Date Range Filter


Year to Date and Month to Date Calculations

Filtering Scorecards

Formatting the Table
Display Previous Periods
Creating YTD, MTD and Other Time Intelligence

Time Intelligence for Tables

Trend / Time Series Graphs

Changing the Time Frame
Styles and Formatting
Formatting the Axis Page - 1
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Column and Bar Graphs

Stacked Column Graphs
100% Stacked Column Charts
Practical Activity

Pie Graph Visualization

Properties of the Pie Graph

Mapping and Geographical Analysis

Scatterplots with Filters

Creating the Interactive Dashboard and Sharing Page - 2
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Welcome to the Data Analysis and Dashboards with Data Studio course. We are
very excited to teach you how to use Data Studio to analyze the data in your Google
Sheets spreadsheets.
In this course we are going to teach you how to create reports, graphs and
interactive dashboards from your Google Sheets data. We will be using a Sales data
set as an example for the course.
Google Data Studio is still a very new product. Launched in 2016 Data Studio brings
the ease of use, collaboration and sharing that has made Google products so
powerful. Data Studio also runs completely in the cloud which makes any updates
easy to implement and distribute to users.

Understanding the Google Sheet Data Set

The first step is to confirm that your data has been correctly setup in Google Sheets
for analysis, reporting and creation of dashboards.
Your data needs to be setup in the same manner as a database would store data.
This means that data is stored in tables, fields and records.

The following rules should be used for setting up your data source in Google Sheets:
1. Each column is a field - Use a meaningful name for the field
2. Each row is a record i.e. in this case the record is a sales order
3. Do not include any subtotals or grand totals in your data source - just have the
4. Make sure your data types are correct - Text, Numeric and Date Page - 3
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Setting up the Connection to Google Sheets

A connection is required between the Google Sheet and Data Studio.
1. Sign into ​Google Data Studio
2. Select a ​New Report

A new Data Studio report will open.

1. Name the report - ​Sales Dashboard
​ dd a Data Source
2. Select A
3. Select C​ reate a New Data Source Page - 4
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Adding a New Data Source

The New Data Source option will open. Google Data Studio allows you to link to
many different types of Data Sources. In this example we are going to connect to
Google Sheets.
1. Select ​Google Sheets
2. Select ​Shared with Me​ or ​All Items
3. Select the ​Sales Data sheet
4. Select the ​Data ​worksheet

Keep the default options selected and click on ​Connect​. Data Studio will create a
live connection to the Google Sheet.

Fields from the Data Source

A list of fields from the Data Source are displayed. Google Data Studio attempts to
interpret the type of data and also applies a default method of aggregation to
numeric fields. In this case we are going to change two fields.

1. Change ​Order ID​ to ​Text

2. Change O ​ rder Date​ to ​Date - Select (YYYYMMDD)
3. Select ​Add to Report Page - 5
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Creating your First Report

The Data Studio menu system provides access to the different types of visualizations
that you will be using to create reports and dashboards.

The visualizations are displayed on the canvas. The properties for each of the
visualizations are displayed on the right hand side of the canvas. The properties are
divided into Data and Style.
Initially the properties for the canvas are displayed. These are Theme and Layout.
The Layout properties control elements such as the size of the canvas and how you
navigate the dashboard when it is displayed in View mode.
The Theme settings allow you to change the default colours and settings for the

1. Use the ​Rectangle ​tool to create a heading

2. Use the ​Text Tool​ to name the ​Report - Sales Dashboard Page - 6
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Analyzing Data
In this first example we are going to ask some questions of our data. We are going
to use the Table visualization to display the results.
1. Draw the Table visualization on the canvas
2. What is the ​Total Sales​ by ​Region​?
3. What is the ​Total Sales​ by ​Customer Name​?
The Table Properties is opened. Select the Data properties:

Google Data Studio does allow you to use more than one Data Source. In this
course we will be using just one Data Source.
Dimension are the method that we analyze and understand data. Change the
Dimension to Region.
Metrics are the method that understand numeric data. Change the Metric to Sales

More than One Dimension

More than one Dimension can be used in a Table. Select a second Dimension -
Product Category
Sorting the Table
To sort the Table Page - 7
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

1. Click on the ​View ​button

2. Click on the ​Headings ​of the Fields to ​Sort ​the data
More than One Metric
1. Click on the ​Edit ​button
2. Remove the​ Product Category​ field
3. Select the ​Profit ​field in the Metric option
4. Select the ​Order Quantity​ field in the Metric option

Practical Activity
Answer the following questions:
1. Which ​Customer Name​ has the highest ​Sales​?

2. Which ​Customer State​ has the lowest ​Profit​?

3. Which ​Customer Segment​ has the highest ​Shipping Cost​? Page - 8
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Scorecards are useful visualizations for displaying Key Metrics or KPIs (Key
Performance Indicators). The Scorecard only displays one Metric.
1. Delete the ​Tables ​from the canvas
2. Create a ​Scorecard ​visualization
3. Change the ​Metric ​to ​Sales

Style Options for Scorecard

1. Select the ​Style Properties​ option

1. Select ​Compact Numbers - 2 Decimal Places

The Missing Data option is used if there is no data to display. Select either ‘No Data’
or ‘0’ to be displayed.
1. Change the ​Font Color ​to ​Black
2. Select a light blue background color
3. Change the corner radius to 25
Practical Activity
1. Create a new ​Scorecard ​for ​Profit
2. Create a new ​Scorecard ​for ​Shipping Cost
3. Create a new ​Scorecard ​for ​Order Quantity
4. Apply formatting and styles - Use the Arrange options for alignment Page - 9
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Changing the Method of Aggregation

In this exercise we are going to learn how to change the method of aggregation. The
main methods of aggregation are traditionally:
● Sum
● Average
● Max (Highest individual value)
● Min (Lowest individual value)
● Count (Count number of rows)
● Count_Unique (Count unique numbers)
In this exercise we are going to create the following calculations:
1. Average Sales
2. Highest Sale
3. Lowest Sale
4. Number of Transactions
5. Number of Customers
Create a new Scorecard on the canvas and select the Metric. On the Metric select
Create New Metric. The fields from the data source are displayed.

1. Select the ​Sales ​field and click on the ellipses next to the field
2. Select D​ uplicate
3. Select the ​Copy of Sales​ field - Change the name to ​Avg Sales​ and the
aggregation to ​Average
4. Repeat the process and name the field ​Highest Sale​ - use the​ Max
5. Repeat the process again and name the field ​Lowest Sale​ - use the​ Min
6. Click ​Done
7. Create ​3 new Scorecards​ to display the results Page - 10
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Counts and Unique Counts

Another form of aggregation is the ability to Count the number of entries. The Count
aggregation will Count the total number of rows, whereas the Unique Count will
count the number of unique values.
1. Select ​Metric ​and ​Create New Metric
2. Select the ​Order ID​ field and change the method of aggregation to ​Count
3. Rename the new field to ​No of Trans
4. Select the ​Customer ​field and change the method of aggregation to ​Count
5. Change the name of the new ​Customer ​field to ​No of Customers
6. Create two new ​Scorecards

Practical Activity
Create the following fields and display the results using Scorecards::
1. Average Profit
2. Highest Profit
3. Lowest Profit
4. Average Quantity
5. Highest Quantity
6. Lowest Quantity
7. Number of Products Page - 11
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Custom Calculations
Custom calculations allow us to create new calculations and ratios that are not
currently in the data set, but can be calculated from the metrics within the data set.
The first example is a Profit Ratio. The Profit Ratio is calculated by dividing the Total
Profit by the Total Sales. The ratio is displayed as a percentage.
1. Create a ​New Scorecard
2. Create a ​New Metric
3. Create a ​New Calculation ​- Click on the ​+
4. Profit Ratio - Profit / Sales
5. Click on ​Create Field
6. Format as ​Percentage

The new Metric is created. Change the scorecard to display the Profit Ratio.
Practical Activity
Create the following custom calculations and display the results using Scorecards:
1. Average Sales per Customer - Sales / No of Customers
2. Average Profit per Customer - Profit / No of Customers
3. Average Sales per Product - Sales / No of Products
4. Average Profit per Product - Profit / No of Products
5. Create Scorecards for each of the Metrics Page - 12
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Review Custom Calculations with Tables

Custom Calculations can be displayed in all visualizations. In this example we will
be using the Table to display the custom calculation.
Create the following table:
1. Product Category​ in the Dimension
2. Metrics
a. Sales
b. Average Sale
c. Average Sale per Customer
d. Average Sale per Product
e. No of Products

Practical Activity
Please create the following tables and display the results on the canvas:
1. Customer Segment in Dimension
2. Metrics
a. Sales
b. No of Customers
c. Average Sale per Customer
d. Profit Ratio

1. Product Sub Category in Dimension

2. Metrics
a. Profit
b. No of Products
c. Average Profit per Product
d. Average Sale per Customer
e. Profit Ratio Page - 13
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Comparisons to Previous Periods

Scorecards can display a comparison to a previous period. The previous period can
either be relative to the selected time period i.e. If the last week is currently been
shown then the week before the last week will be used for the comparison. If the
Previous Year is selected then the comparison will be against the same week from
the previous year.

The Date Range Filter

The Date Range Filter is used to filter the data to only show a selected date range.

The Date Picker Filter is extremely versatile and provides a large number of options.
For example:
● Between any Date
● Last 7 days
● Last 14 days
● This Month
● Last Month
● This Year
Create a Date Picker Filter and experiment with different date ranges. Please note
that the dates in the data source are fixed so results maybe different to the
screenshots in the training. Also the relative dates such as Last 7 days or 14 days
probably will not have any data to display.
1. Select the ​Sales Scorecard
2. Change to Previous Period Page - 14
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

1. Click on the ​View ​button

​ his Year​ in the ​Date Range Filter
2. Select T

On the Scorecard a calculation is displayed for the percentage increase or decrease

from the previous period. The display of the previous period can be configured in the
Style option.

● The colors representing up and down can be changed

● The number of decimals for the percentage can be configured
● The ‘Show Absolute Change’ will display the actual value change instead of
the percentage
● Hide Comparison Label - The comparison label is not displayed

Practical Activity
Create comparisons for the following Scorecard Metrics
● Profit
● Shipping Cost
● Order Quantity
● No of Transactions
● Average Sales per Customer
● Average Sales per Product
Experiment with ​Show Absolute Change​ and changing the ​Date Picker Filter​. Page - 15
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

The ability to filter data and visualizations is one of the most powerful features of
Data Studio. Filters allow interactive dashboards and reports to be created with
1. Create a ​Filter ​displaying the ​Region ​and the ​Metric Sales
​ iew
2. Click on V

The Style of the filter can be changed. An option also exists to make the Filter
expendable. This means that the content of the Filter will only be displayed if the
user clicks on the Filter. Page - 16
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Practical Activity
Answer the following questions using filters in combination with the Scorecard:
1. Create a filter for the Customer Segment
2. What is the Sales, Profit and Number of Customers for the Consumer
Customer Segment

1. What is the Average Sales per Customer, Number of Products and

Average Profit per Product for the Furniture Product Category

2. What is the Sales, Profit, Average Sales and Average Profit per
Customer for Corporate Customer Segment and the Technology Product

3. What is the Sales, Profit, Number of Transactions and Profit Ratio for the
Bookcases Product Sub Category Page - 17
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Year to Date and Month to Date Calculations

Year to Date, Month to Date and other time intelligence aggregated calculations
provide a lot of key information about the performance of your company.
Please note that due to the time difference the numbers that you see maybe different
to the screenshots in the guide.
1. Create a ​New Page
2. Create a ​Sales ​and ​Profit Scorecard
​ efault Date Range
3. Select the D

1. Select the ​Custom ​option

2. Click on ​All Date Range
​ his Year for Sales​ and ​Profit
3. Select T
Practical Activity
1. Copy and Paste the ​Sales ​and ​Profit Scorecards
2. Select a ​Filter for 1 January 2017 to 31 January 2017
3. Create Scorecards for ​Number of Transactions, Profit Ratio, Number of
Products, Number of Customers, Average Sales per Customer, Average
Profit per Customer
4. Filter to display for​ Last Year
5. Create a Filter for ​Customer Segment​ and ​Product Category Page - 18
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Filtering Scorecards
In certain circumstances you may want to filter the data that appears in the
Scorecard. For example you may want to create Scorecards for each Product
Category Sales.
1. Create ​3 Sales Scorecards
2. Select the ​Filter ​option
3. Click on ​Add a Filter

Create 3 filters - Product Category - Furniture; Product Category - Office

Supplies and Product Category - Technology

The Scorecards will display the Sales value according to the filter that has been
applied. Please note that filters can be saved and used for other visualizations.

Practical Activity
1. Create four Profit Scorecards - create the following filters
a. Customer Segment = Consumer
b. Product Category = Furniture and Customer Segment = Corporate
c. Customer State = New York
d. Region = South and Product Category = Technology Page - 19
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

As we have already seen Tables provide an easy method to display a multitude of
For example we could create a Table that displays the following:
1. Draw a ​Table ​on the canvas
2. Product Category​ as the ​Dimension
3. Metrics
a. Sales
b. Profit
c. Highest Sale
d. Lowest Sale
e. Number of Products
f. Number of Customers
g. Average Sales per Customer
h. Replace the Product Category with Product Sub Category
i. Replace the Product Sub Category with Customer Name

The Data Properties controls the following:

● Rows per Page​ - The number of rows to appear on the first page of the Table
● Sort and Secondary Sort​ - Default method of sorting the Table

Formatting the Table

The Styles Properties can be used to format the Table.
1. Create a new ​Table ​with ​Product Sub Category, Sales, Profit and Profit
Ratio​. Page - 20
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

In the properties options you are able to change styling of the table including Header
colors, fonts, sizes, table colors and alternating colors.
In addition the user can select whether to show the Row numbers and page
pagination controls.
For each column the user is able to select whether to use Compact Numbers and the
level of precision. The user is able to display the Metric as a Number, Bar or

Practical Activity
1. Create a ​Table ​displaying the ​Sales​, ​Profit​, ​Average Sale​, ​Lowest Sale​,
Highest Sale​ and ​Number of Transactions by Customer
2. Use the ​Bar ​to represent the ​Sales ​and ​Profit
3. Use the ​Heatmap ​to represent the ​Average Sale
4. Experiment with ​Style ​options Page - 21
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Display Previous Periods

Tables can display the change from Previous Periods in the same manner that
Scorecards displays the information.
1. Remove the ​Bar ​for ​Sales ​and ​Profit ​- Return to Number - ​Use Compact
2. Select ​Previous Periods​ on the Data Properties
3. Add ​Date Range filter​ to the Dashboard
4. View the ​Table
5. Select ​This Year ​in the ​Date Range filter

The styling for the Up and Down arrow is controlled in the Styles properties. The
values that are displayed can also be changed from percentages to absolute values.

Practical Activity
Create the following Table:
1. Sales, Profit, Average Sales per Product, Profit Ratio by Customer Name
2. Apply the ​Previous Periods​ option
3. Change the ​Previous Period​ to display absolute values
4. Change the ​Styling
5. Experiment with different time periods and filtering options Page - 22
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Creating YTD, MTD and Other Time Intelligence

Tables can also display information for specific time intelligence such as Year to
Date, Quarter to Date and Month to Date.
1. Create a ​Table ​displaying ​Sales ​and ​Profit by Product Category
2. Select the ​Data Properties
3. Select the ​Default Date Range
4. Select ​Custom
5. Select ​This Year
6. Copy and Paste​ the Table twice
7. Configure one ​Table ​to be ​Quarter to Date​ and one to be ​Month to Date Page - 23
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Time Intelligence for Tables

Important management reports will often display information by different formats of
time. Time intelligence can include the following:
● Year
● Year and Quarter
● Year and Month
● Year and Week Number
● Day of the Week
Google Data Studio allows you to easily create time fields from a source date field.
1. Create a ​New Table​ on the canvas
2. Select the ​Dimension ​field
3. Select ​Create New Dimension
4. Copy the ​Order Date​ field
5. Rename the fields and change the Type
a. Year - Year (YYYY)
b. Qtr- Quarter (1,2,3,4)
c. Month - Month (MM)
d. Year and Qtr - YYYYQ
e. Year and Month - YYYYMM
f. WeekNum - ISO Week (ww)
g. WeekDay - Day of the Week
6. Check the ​Type ​and make sure it is correct
7. Create a ​Table ​displaying ​Sales ​and ​Profit by Year and Quarter
8. Change the ​Sort Order​ for ​Year ​and ​Quarter Page - 24
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Practical Activity
Create the following Tables and display on the canvas:
1. Sales and Profit by Year
2. Sales and Profit by Year and Quarter
3. Sales and Profit by Year and Month
4. Sales and Profit by Quarter
5. Sales and Profit by Month
6. Sales and Profit by Year and WeekNum
7. Sales and Profit by Month and WeekDay
8. Sales and Profit by WeekDay Page - 25
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Trend / Time Series Graphs

Google Data Studio offers a number of visualizations that allow the user to gain new
insight and intelligence from your data.
The Time Series graph displays a line graph showing how data changes over time.
Time Series graphs make it easy to view what the overall trend is for the data over a
time period. Trends can be upward, downward, stable or volatile. The addition of a
trendline can often assist with the interpretation of the trend.
The Time Date Dimension is important as it provides the Date field for the display of
the visualization. In this example the Order Date is used for the Time Date
1. Draw a ​Time Series​ graph on the canvas
2. Change the ​Metric ​to ​Sales
3. Draw a ​Date Picker Filter
4. Experiment with different Time Periods

Changing the Time Frame

The time frame that is displayed on the axis of the Time Series graph can be
changed to different options.
1. Select the ​Time Dimension
2. Change the ​Dimension to Month
3. Change the ​Date Filter to This Year Page - 26
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Adding Different Time Intelligence Calculations

Different time intelligence calculations can be created from the Order Date field:
1. Duplicate the​ Order Date
2. Rename the field to ​Year Month
3. Change the ​Type ​to ​Year Month (YYYYMM)
4. Duplicate the ​Order Date​ again
5. Rename the field to ​Year Quarter
6. Change the ​Type ​to ​Year Qtr (YYYYQQ)

Practical Activity
Create the following Time Series visualization with a Filter displaying Region:

1. ​Sales by Year and Month

2. Sales by Year and Quarter

3. Sales by Month

4. Sales by Day of the Week Page - 27
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Styles and Formatting

The styles and formatting options are applied to the Time Series graphs in the same
manner as the other visualizations. Colours, borders, text styles and sizes can all be
changed in the same manner.
1. Create a ​Time Series ​graph displaying Sales
2. Create a ​Date Range filter

1. Experiment with the following:

a. Change from a ​Line Chart ​to a ​Bar Chart
b. Change the ​colours
c. Change back to ​Line graph
d. Select ​Show Points
e. Select ​Data Labels
f. Experiment with different ​Trendlines

The Cumulative time series graph provides a different understanding to your data.
The Cumulative graph will display the running total in the graph.
1. Copy and Paste​ the existing graph
2. Set the new graph to be a ​Cumulative Graph
3. Select the ​Previous Period​ option for both graphs Page - 28
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Formatting the Axis

The formatting for Time Series graphs can be modified.

1. Experiment with removing axis and changing the other options

Practical Activity Page - 29
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Please create the following Time Series Graphs:

1. Average Profit per Customer​ and ​Number of Customers​ has changed over
the following time periods:
a. By Month
b. By Year and Quarter
c. By Year and Month
d. By Week Number Page - 30
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Column and Bar Graphs

Column and Bar graphs are useful for displaying which items are highest and which
are lowest, and how much bigger one item is than the other.
1. Create a Column graph displaying Sales by Customer Segment

Working with More than One Dimension

1. Add the ​Product Category​ as a ​Dimension
2. Remove the ​Single Color​ option in ​Styles
3. Experiment with ​Data Labels

Working with More than One Metric

1. Remove the ​Product Category Dimension
2. Add ​Profit ​as a ​Metric Page - 31
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Stacked Column Graphs

The Stacked Column graph allows you to visualize the combined contribution of a
secondary Dimension or Metric.
The graph displays the combined contribution and the proportion of each of the
secondary Dimension. This makes the Stacked Column graph a really good graph
type to visualize how much the secondary Dimension contributes to the original
1. Create a ​Stacked Column​ graph displaying the ​Customer Segment ​and
Product Category ​with the ​Sales
2. Create a ​Stacked Column​ graph
3. Experiment with ​Customer Segment Sales​ and ​Profit ​in a ​Stacked Column
4. Experiment with a ​Bar graph​ instead of the ​Column graph

1. Experiment with ​Bar graphs Page - 32
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

100% Stacked Column Charts

Another interesting visualization is the 100% Stacked Column / Bar chart. This chart
allows you to visualize the percentage contribution of each item of the series.
This visualization really provides a lot of insight into the percentage contribution of
items and how it changes across different series.
1. Change to ​100% Stacked option

Although this visualization takes a bit of getting used to, you will see that you can
analyze the data through the patterns that are in the visualization.

Practical Activity
Please create the following Column and Bar Graphs:
1. Create a ​Stacked Column​ graph displaying ​Sales ​by ​Year and Product
2. Create a copy of the graph and change to ​100% Stacked Column graph
3. Create a ​Stacked Bar​ displaying ​Sales by Region and Customer Segment
4. Create a copy of the graph and display as a ​100% Stacked Bar
5. Use the ​Customer State​ as a Filter
6. Experiment with different Styles and options Page - 33
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Pie Graph Visualization

The Pie graph is used to display the contribution percentage to the whole. In this
example we are going to show the percentage contribution of Sales for the Customer
1. Select the ​Pie graph​ visualization
2. Select the ​Customer Segment Dimension
3. Select the S​ ales Metric

Properties of the Pie Graph

A number of properties can be changed for the Pie Graph:

Experiment with the Single Color option and change the size of the slices. The
legend can also be changed to the top,right and bottom. Also experiment with the
different labels.

Practical Activity
Create the following Pie Graphs and display on the canvas:
1. Profit by Product Category
2. Profit by Product Sub Category - Create a Filter to display only the
Technology Product Category Page - 34
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Mapping and Geographical Analysis

Mapping and geographical analysis provides a different perspective to data analysis.
In this example we are going to use the Customer State to visualize the Sales Metric.
Google automatically determines that Customer State is within the United States and
shows a map of the different states.
You can use different types of geographic information such as city, country,
continent, longitude and latitude. Google will automatically display the different type
of maps in accordance with the type of information to display.
1. Draw the ​Map ​visualization on the canvas
2. Select the ​Customer State Dimension
3. Select the S​ ales Metric

Data Studio will shade the different customer states in relation to the highest Sales
value. So the Customer State with the highest Sales will have the darkest shade.
The properties for the Map can also be changed. The colors that are used for the
shading of the map can be amended.

Practical Activity
1. Create a ​Map ​displaying the ​Average Profit per Customer by Customer
2. Change the color to ​Green Page - 35
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Scatterplots are great visualizations for displaying correlations between different
Metrics. In this example we are going to review the correlation between Sales and
1. Create the ​Scatterplot ​visualization
2. Change the ​Dimension ​to ​Product Sub Category
3. Change the ​X Metric to Sales
4. Change the ​Y Metric to Profit

The Scatterplot displays a number of interesting pieces of information:

● If ​Sales ​increases, but ​Profit ​does not - this is problematic
● If P​ rofit ​increases, but ​Sales ​does not - this is a good situation
● The normal situation is that ​Sales ​increases and so does ​Profit

● The color of the dots on the Scatterplot can be changed

● If there are only a few data points then show data labels
● Add a trendline - select from None, Linear, Exponential and Polynomial Page - 36
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Scatterplots with Filters

The Scatterplot can be used in conjunction with the Filter to display interesting
insights into your data.
1. Create a ​Scatterplot​ with ​Dimension ​- ​Product Name
2. Create the ​X Metric - Sales
3. Create the ​Y Metric - Profit
4. Create a ​Filters ​for ​Product Category - Furniture, Office Supplies and
5. Copy and Paste​ the Scatterplot twice, apply the filter to each visualization
6. Create a ​Region ​Filter

Practical Activity
1. Create a ​Scatterplot ​displaying the ​Customer Name - Dimension; Metric X
- Average Sales per Customer and Metric Y- Average Profit per
2. Copy and Paste​ the Scatterplot three more times
3. Create ​four filters for Custom Segment - Consumer; Corporate; Small
Business and Home Office
4. Use the​ Product Category as a Filter
5. Experiment with different colors and styles Page - 37
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

Creating the Interactive Dashboard and Sharing

In this exercise please create the following dashboard:

1. Total Sales
2. Total Profit
3. Average Sale per Customer
4. Profit Ratio
Time Series Graphs
1. Default Time Series graph displaying Sales
2. Sales by Month (Show Previous Period)
3. Cumulative Sales by Month (Show previous period)
4. Sales by Day of the Week (Show in Column format)
5. Sales by Week Number
1. Display a Table showing Sales and Profit by Customer State
2. Use a Bar for the Sales and Profit
Column Graph
1. Sales by Customer Segment Page - 38
Data Analysis and Dashboards with Google Data Studio

1. Sales by Customer State
1. Sales and Profit by Product Sub Category
1. Create an expandable filter for Region
2. Create a Date Picker filter
Experiment with different Styles, Borders and Colors. Also experiment with different
Please experiment with Sharing your Dashboard with other users. Page - 39

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