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People of the Philippine Republic, Where have been PEACE? And how do you stand for UNITY?

These are the most plebeian questions that ring a bell in our innermost being.

Amidst the adversity and tribulation our land is facing, PEACE could have been the most inimitable word
unspoken…..the call for UNITY has been a dream unreached.

Gone are days when the universe was enfolding with tranquility and accord, when the well-being and
contentment were the core motive for unity and progress.

Look us at now, see our very self, how do we differ from the savage and brutal animals? What is our
simple edge from them? Apart from living a serene life, we prefer animosity….hatred over passion,
grudges above goodwill, and bitterness rather than warmth. This is how our perspective has changed,
and these changes had corrupted our sound and moral identity and principle.

Ones and for all, let’s behold and contemplate the present scenario of our very region, notice how the
politics is stained with bribery and corruption, mistrust and power struggle, isn’t this the reason of civil
anarchy? Where is peace then?

See the assembly of people who go on strike, those who rise on power to bespeak their ideals, and
those who initiated civic outbreak, social mutiny and rebellion. Can they be considered the procreator of
peace? Never did self-assertion beget peace. Never did offensive aggression result to unity.

What is the outcry of these terrorist attacks? How did the summons of kidnapping, murder, rape, gang
wars affect our senses as individuals? Shall I need to mention broken family affairs and relational

Nevertheless, these social occurrences marked a negative episode in the very flow of our normal life.

From the gigantic social dispute to family dilemma down to our very own self-conflict and confusion,
each account told a legendary anecdote of the GONE PEACE.

However………let us not conclude our existence with bare misery. Apart from all these catastrophic
circumstances and nationwide peace struggle, there is still the tiny spark of HOPE and let us kindle it in
our own special way. Let our tiny voices utter the call of the time, let our fainted hearts beat for its
urgency and let our very self proudly stand out.

The long anticipated PEACE comes from within. It is rooted and left undiscovered in the deepest part of
our being. All we need is a wake up call, a touch, a reminder that we are but sensible, conscious and
judicial individuals, that our very reasons and our commitment marked the identity that we are but

The time is now and the place is here, let everyone of us do our essential part to propagate peace. Let us
start it with our words, our actions, our passion and dedication. Let us initiate peace from our self and
thus making it be perceived and multiplied to others……. Then I would say….. PEACE BEGETS UNITY AND

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