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High-grade super plasticizer

An ISO 9001:2015 Company

CERAPLAST 300 is a high-grade superplasticizer based on Naphthalene, highly

recommended for increased workability and high early and ultimate strengths of concrete.


 Reduction in water-cement ratio

 Optimization of cement content - cost savings
 Considerably high early Strength
 Increased ultimate strength
 Improved water tightness
 Early removal of form work
 High quality concrete of lower permeability and improved durability
 Suitable for bottom layer of paver blocks and concrete blocks

FUNCTION: Ceraplast 300 increases durability of

concrete structures by facilitating
Ceraplast 300 disperses cement particles construction with the reduced water-
more rapidly in the concrete mix by cement ratio and hence it is ideal for
reducing the surface tension of water and marine / coastal structures, especially in
imparting repelling charges to the ions in tidal zones.
solution. This makes the concrete highly
workable and flowable even at lower Ceraplast 300 when incorporated into the
water-cement ratios, resulting in increased concrete improves the workability of the
strength. concrete without air entrainment due to
its excellent dispersion characteristics and
USES: also imparts coating to the aggregates.
Due to this, internal and external friction
Ceraplast 300 facilitates concrete is reduced and cohesion of concrete is
placement especially where congestion of considerably improved. The uniform
reinforcement occurs and vibration is not dispersion ensures better homogeneity of
easy. the mix and minimizes the risk of
segregation during placement.
Ceraplast 300 is recommended for
producing pumpable concrete and for METHOD OF USE:
ready mixed concrete.
Ceraplast 300 is directly added into the
Ceraplast 300 is highly useful for pre-cast mix at the same time as the gauging water.
concrete constructions and for concrete Reduce water dosages for required
sleepers, electric posts and for pre- consistency.
stressed concrete constructions.

Ceraplast 300 can be used with all types Supply form : Liquid
of Portland cement including blended Colour : Brown
cements and Sulphate resistant cement. Specific gravity : 1.2 + .03
Ceraplast 300 should not be pre-mixed Chloride contents : Nil
with other admixtures. If other
admixtures are to be used on concrete SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE:
containing Ceraplast 300 they have to be
added separately. Ceraplast 300 will not Conforms to ASTM C 494 - 98 Type F
have any deleterious effect on and IS 9103-1999
reinforcing/ pre-stressing elements.
Please contact our technical cell for RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:
further details.
0.3% TO 1.5% Ceraplast 300 by weight
PERMEABILITY: of cement. Maximum dosage may have to
be increased to as high as 3% of cement
Reduced water-cement ratio reduces weight where exceptional early strength is
permeability and improves durability. required. Suitable modifications in the mix
Improved workability facilitates easy design is required in such cases.
placing and good compaction, resulting in
production of impermeable concrete. SHELF LIFE:

COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: Practically unlimited in sealed original

containers. However, it is advisable to use
Substantial reduction in the water content within 12 months from the date of
i.e. 12% - 25% can result in high early manufacturing
compressive strength for a constant
slump. The ultimate compressive strength PACKAGING:
can be enhanced by up to 25% by proper
mix design with Ceraplast 300. 1, 6, 12, 60, 120 and 250 kgs.


Contact with eyes should be avoided. In

case of accidental spillage, eyes should be
washed with generous amount of water
and medical attention should be given

Whilst any information and / or specification contained herein is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate, no
warranty is given or implied in connection with any recommendation or suggestions made by us, our Representatives,
Agents or Distributors, as the conditions of use of any labour involved are beyond our control.

Cera-Chem Private Limited

No. 6, Park Street, Kilpauk Garden Colony, Chennai - 600010
Ph: 044-26441013, 26453498/4792, 26460844
Fax: 044-26446104
[email protected]

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