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Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Korngasse 9
35510 Butzbach

July 2010
2 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

“ICI-1 is a well organized introduction to CI, covering the topic from A to Z and providing a clear overview
of the limits and potential of CI.”
Ryuichi Hiratsuka, Siltronic AG, ICI-1

“ICI-1 Competitive Intelligence Basics strengthened my CI knowledge and made it clearer where my future
efforts in CI should be directed. ICI-1 is a workshop that offers extremely interesting topics presented in a
clear and enjoyable way.”
Marco Paone, DaimlerChrysler AG, Competition Research and Analysis, ICI-1

"Exceeded all my expectations ... Real world experiences made all the difference ... I highly recommend
this class ..."
Jim Hawley, Eastman Chemical, ICI-1

"So much more relevant than other CI classes I have attended… The workshop effectively addressed my
specific CI needs and the availability of experienced real world instructors made this workshop a really
great experience!!”
Meghan McLaughlin, The Collaborative Group, ICI-1

"The open forum ... and small class size made all the difference ... The instructors knew first hand what
they were teaching."
Glen Roberts, Siemens, ICI-1

"As opposed to other programs that remain on an abstract level, the workshop "Scenario techniques" (ICI-
22) conveys a very good understanding on how to conduct scenario techniques in a corporate
environment. With the case study, time- and personnel expenditure issues are tackled as well as subtle
pitfalls pointed out in vivid detail. Also very helpful is the use of scenario software. At the end of the day,
one doesn't have the impression of just having listened to interesting theories and abstract examples, but
of actually having learned to apply the methodology and at the same time being able to realistically judge
the effort and potential pitfalls. Mr. Bill has applied scenario techniques several times with clients and
accordingly is a competent moderator."
Claudia Sternberg, Voith, ICI-22

"This is the kind of workshop one would always wish to attend: well versed attendees from all industry
sectors and a really competent faculty leader who offers the beginner an excellent overview, but also
provides specialists with new insights."
Dr. Klaus Marquardt, Wacker Specialties, ICI-1

"The ICI course in Bad Nauheim – that means for me: Interesting and very relevant topics for my work,
expertly and competently demonstrated. Thus, absolutely recommendable! "
Dr. Carsten Deus, Deus Consulting, ICI-5

"I want to congratulate you for your academic review of the topic “Decision Theory/Evidence Based
Reasoning". In order to continue to systematically develop CI in the scope of management theory, I believe
we will increasingly need corresponding (mathematical, statistical and methodical) reviews and tools in the
near future."
Ralf Heffner, BASF AG, ICI-23

"With the ICI workshop "Analysis Methods", one can learn Porter’s theories in a practical and
demonstrative way – thus the know-how can be implemented directly in one’s own business!"
Dr. Andre Stürzenbecher, Schering Germany GmbH, ICI-6

"The workshop informs in a practical way on the dangers that a company can be exposed to through
unknowing or negligent divulging of information. Besides the sensitization for the importance of the
subject-matter, ways and means are shown to recognize these dangers as prospects and to use CI as an
aid for one’s own positioning in the market. Specific procedures quickly help to establish the first steps in
the development of a structured CI."
Gerhard Fraune, CTcon GmbH, ICI-1

"A far from grey theory, this workshop is practically orientated, working with a case study. The independent
developing and presenting of proposed solutions makes this workshop an intensive and entertaining
experience. Interesting discussions and dialogs with the attendees excellently broadens one’s CI-horizon.
The workshop was a complete success and absolutely recommendable due to the professional
competence of Mr. Michaeli."
Andrea Rehm-Dober, SV- Versicherungen, ICI-6

"I very much enjoyed my participation in this workshop - very well organized and valuable networking.
Essence, value and process of CI are a lot clearer to me now. The Dolce is a great place".
Melani Zeller, Marketing Analyst, OMRON Europe B.V., ICI-1
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 3

Get your Competitive Intelligence Certificate on a

part-time basis
Recently, the global competitive environment has
changed radically in all industries. To keep pace
with these changes and to stay one step ahead of
the competition, businesses and individuals collect
and analyze competitive information in increasing
Yet, according to an empirical survey supported by
the Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI)1, 80%
of German (and most likely global as well)
companies don’t conduct competitive analyses at
all, or do so in only a rudimentary way! One reason
for this is the lack of education and training for
professional market and competitive analysts. In a
survey of CI-Professionals2, only 10% of those
Rainer Michaeli questioned specified that they had a formal CI
Director of the Institute for Competitive In- education – nearly 50% of CI Professionals
telligence received their training “on the job”.
Managing Partner The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) was
DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH established in 2004 to provide post-graduate pro-
Board member of SCIP (2003-2005) fessionals specific CI know-how on a part-time ba-
(Society of Competitive Intelligence Profes- sis. The rising demand for our Competitive-Intelli-
sionals) gence-Professional-Certificate confirms the need
College Lecturer for this qualification. Our attendees come from
Competitive Intelligence, many different industry sectors and work in diverse
University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt internal functions (cf. pages 4-5).
In this catalogue, we will like to introduce you to
What is Competitive Intelli- the ICI, its program and its faculty.
“Competitive Intelligence” (CI) is the We hope to welcome you soon, as an attendee of
process of transforming fragmented in- our courses.
formation on companies, industries and
markets into actionable knowledge on
the position, capability and intentions of
market attendees. This know-how is the
basis for strategic and tactical corporate
Rainer Michaeli
planning- and management.

Established knowledge on future market

trends, competitor activities and techno-
logical developments has become the
most important asset of businesses to-
day. Through systematic surveys and
professional analysis of relevant informa-
tion from primary and secondary sources,
a foundation for corporate success can
be laid.
Cf. Michaeli R (2005) Competitive Intelligence, Springer Verlag
Ashton B (2003) New Sources and Methods for Competitive
Intelligence. Presentation SCIP Annual Conference, March 14,
Anaheim, CA

Workshop descriptions ___________________ 11
The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) ____ 4 Exam board ____________________________ 36
Our services ______________________________ 5 Faculty ________________________________ 37
The ICI certificates to become a CI-Professional __ 7 Participation conditions ___________________ 38
Course dates and fees _____________________ 9 Application form _________________________ 49
4 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI)

The Institute for Competitive Intelligence was founded
to provide post-graduate professionals a solid and
flexible CI training program to become a certified CI-
Professional. Our workshops are available in German
and English. We serve three continents, nine countries
and 14 cities. No other organization runs more CI
workshops annually than we do!
Our general principles are uncompromising education quality and intensive, practical-oriented
learning. ICI offers a modular educational program that prepares attendees for the high
demands placed on market and competitive analysts. You can select the certificate program or
choose particular courses according to your interests or requirements. For companies we
prepare individual in-house training.

Your CI career begins here!

Quality and practically orientated learning Flexibility

The Institute’s faculty are renowned experts You decide when to participate in which
with long histories in corporate environments. course. You may begin by choosing to take
All courses can either be completed as part of individual courses according to your availabili-
integrated certificate programs or can be com- ty to begin with and decide to obtain certifica-
pleted as stand-alone classes. The relevance tion later. All courses are independent, and as
and timeliness of all courses are constantly such are valuable assets in their own right.
reviewed by an international advisory board.

Case study methodology for the real Certification

business environment
ICI confirms that its highest certification level
Case studies are the preferred teaching – the Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive
method of all leading business schools. Intelligence (CPCI™) – comprehensively co-
Through case studies, you will not only learn vers the competencies identified by the Socie-
about many industry sectors and methods, but ty of Competitive Intelligence Professionals
also improve on your interpersonal skills. (SCIP) Body of Knowledge (BOK) education
Alumni network
SCIP is the leading global membership orga-
Become part of the unique network of ICI nization dedicating to promoting professsional
alumni. Here experience is shared and net- standards in Competitive Intelligence. The
working opportunities are provided. The alum- BOK program of core competency domains
ni website contains exclusive information on was developed in 2008 to define the core skill
current CI content and a discussion forum. set for CI professionals.

Industry sector Company size

ICI attendees
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 5

Our services
As a leading global CI educational institution, the Institute for Competitive Intelligence offers you
an appropriate range of training:

Certificates & Professional

Certificate programs
ICI has developed seven certificates for highly
qualified professionals to master the core
competencies of the demanding CI profession
and employ them directly in their businesses.
ICI confirms that its highest certification level
(CPCI™) comprehensively covers all competencies of
the SCIP Body of Knowledge. Our lecturers are
practitioners and leading experts in their fields.
They convey proven CI methods and the
corresponding implementation know-how – Certified to comply the rules of Weiter-
knowledge that will make you indispensable to bildung Hessen e.V.
your business.

In-house training programs

ICI offers customised in-house training for
companies. In preparation for the training, a
detailed assessment of the CI demands and
needs of your company will be completed.
Based on the assessment, a customised CI
Our Workshops and the Certificate of
program will be developed, tailored to your
Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence
individual needs.
(CPCI) are approved by the Administra-
Not only the employees of the CI department(s) tive Department of the German Federal
of your company are trained, the program is also Armed Forces.
offered to the internal CI user network, e.g. from (
sales, marketing and R&D. Competent
colleagues with a collective understanding for CI
are a major success factor.
We are members of the following profes-
Single courses sional associations:
Are you already a CI professional and would like
• Society of Competitive Intelligence
to enhance your understanding of specific CI
Professionals (
tools and theories? Then book individual
• Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informati-
courses. We will give you advice on available
onswissenschaft und Informations-
(German society for information
Any questions? science and practice,
If you have questions on the training programs,
please contact Ms. Jaeger:
• International Association for Intelli-
Tel: +49(0)6033 971377 gence Education (
• Deutsches Competitive Intelligence
E-Mail: [email protected]
Forum e.V. (

Attendees according to function Age structure

ICI attendees
6 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Our clients
Due to our excellent trainers and our effective quality management, we are able to meet our cli-
ent’s high expectations perfectly.

Some references
3M ESPE ● Accedo Communications GmbH ● Actelion ● Alcatel-Lucent ● Altana Pharma AG ● AlterVista ● Allied Vision
Technologies GmbH ● AMGEN, Inc. ● Arvato Systems GmbH ● ATC Market Analysis, LLC ● Atos Worldline GmbH ● Axpo
Vertrieb AG ● B.A.D GmbH ● BASF AG ● Bayer Animal Health GmbH ● Bayer CropScience AG ● Bayer Healthcare AG ●
BBE Retail Experts ● BBT Termotechnik GmbH ● BDO Stoy Hayward LLP ● BIOTRONIK GmbH & Co. KG ● BMW Group ●
Bosch Rexroth AG ● BSRIA Limited ● Bundeswehr ● Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH ● Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH ● CAI
SISCO Ltd ● Carglas BeLux ● Carlsberg Breweries A/S ● CAT – Cambridge Antibody Technology ● Carl Zeiss Meditec SAS ●
CGG Veritas ● Cheminova A/S ● Nestlé SAS ● Centocor Inc ● Ciba Lampertheim GmbH ● CMC Markets ● Commerzbank AG
● Collcon ● complexium GmbH ● Control Risks ● Croatian Institute of Technology ● CTcon GmbH ● c. deus consulting ●
Dachser GmbH & Co. KG ● DaimlerChrysler AG ● Dassault Systemes ● DATEV eG ● Degussa Construction Chemicals
GmbH ● Deutsche Bank AG ● Deutsche Lufthansa AG ● Deutsche Telekom AG ● Deutsche Börse Systeme AG ● DFS
Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH ● Diakonisches Werk ● Dolmar GmbH ● Doosan Babcock Energy Limited ● Dow Jones /
STOXX Ltd. ● Deutsche Post World Net Business Consulting GmbH ● Dräger Safety AG & Co.KGaA ● Dresdner Bank AG ●
DSM NBD ● DuPont Performance Coatings ● EADS Deutschland GmbH ● Eastman Chemical Company ● Ecclesiastical In-
surance Office Plc ● Eckart GmbH & Co. KG ● Egypt Foreign Trade Training Centre ● E.ON Ruhrgas AG ● Ernst & Young AG
● Essilor International ● Ethad Etisalat – Mobily ● Eurex Frankfurt AG ● Evonik Degussa GmbH ● Evonik Industries AG ● Fau-
recia Kunststoffe Automobilsysteme GmbH ● Festo AG & Co. KG ● Feinguß Blank GmbH ● Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG ●
Fink Secure Communication GmbH ● FIZ Karlsruhe ● FUCHS PETROLUB AG ● Fujitsu Siemens Computers ● Fraunhofer
Gesellschaft (IFF) ● Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH ● Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH ● Gas Natural Fenosa
● GEA Westfalia Separator GmbH ● General Dynamics AIS ● Germanischer Lloyd AG ● Glen Dimplex Deutschland GmbH ●
GN Resound ● GRENKELEA-SING AG● GRUNDFOS Management A/S ● H. Lundbeck A/S ● Halcrow Group Limited ● Hauni
Maschinen bau AG ● Haupt Pharma AG ● Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG ● Hella KGaA ● Henkel AG & Co. KGaA ● HIMA
Paul Hildebrandt GmbH & Co.KG ● Horváth & Partner GmbH ● HP Enterprise Services ● Hueck & Co ● Huntsman Advanced
Materials ● Hypercom GmbH ● IKK Sachsen-Anhalt ● IMI Norgren GmbH ● Imperial Tobacco Limited ● Infineum UK Ltd ● In-
nofact AG ● infoline s.l.● Intelligit s.a.l. ● Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux ● Intrum Justitia GmbH ● Janssen-Cilag GmbH ● Julius
Bär Investment Funds Services Ltd. ● JohnsonDiversey ● Kemin Health LC ● Kolbenschmidt Pierburg AG ● KWS SAAT AG ●
Lanxess Deutschland GmbH ● LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services ● LILLY FRANCE ● Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Company ● MAC Carpet ● MANFRED FINK Security Consulting ● MAFCO Business Intelligence ● Mager & Partner GmbH ●
MANN+HUMMEL GMBH ● Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH ● medical relations GmbH ● MB-technology GmbH ● McDo-
nalds Ltd. ● Merck KGaA ● Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH ● Michael Hanne Sanierungsberatung ● Mobilkom Austria AG ●
Mobily ● MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH ● MYLLYKOSKI SALES GmbH ● Nestle Nutrition ● Nicomed Deutschland GmbH ●
Northrop Grumman Europe Ltd ● Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG ● Oracle ● OMRON Europe B.V. ● Pfizer Pharma GmbH ●
Philips ● Philip Morris International ● Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG ● Phoenix Solar AG ● Phadia GmbH ● Project Man-
agement Institute, Inc. (PMI) ● PTS München ● PURAC ● Randstad Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG ● Ratiopharm GmbH ●
Rennes International School of Business ● REpower Systems AG ● Research in Motion UK Ltd. ● Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH ●
Robert Bosch GmbH ● Roche Diagnostics ● Rockwell Automation ● RWE Energy AG ● RWE Systems AG ● Sachs Handel
GmbH ● Sandoz GmbH ● Sankyo-Pharma ● Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH ● SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG ● Sara Lee
● Sasol Olefins & Surfactants GmbH ● Sasol Synfuels International ● Saltigo GmbH ● Schering AG ● Schering Detuschland
GmbH ● Schott Consult ● Schunk Dienstleistungsgesellschaft GmbH ● Schroders ● SCHUFA Holding AG ● Serco ● SEW-
Eurodrive ● Shell Global Solutions GmbH ● SICK AG ● Siemens AG ● Siemens Enterprise Communication GmbH & Co. KG ●
Siemens Healthcare ● Siemens VDO Trading GmbH ● Sika Services AG ● Siltronic AG ● Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH ●
Suez Cement ● Stahlgruber Otto Gruber GmbH & Co. KG ● Street One Holding GmbH & Co. KG ● S-Refit AG ● St. Jude Med-
ical ● Suez Cement ● sunrise TDC Switzerland AG ●SVP Deutschland AG ● SV-Versicherungen ● Swarovski AG ● Swisscom
AG ● SWL BKK ● Syngenta Crop Protection AG ● Tecan Trading AG ● TeleAtlas Deutschland GmbH ●Testo AG● Ticona
GmbH ● TJ Research Associates ● TMD Friction Services GmbH ● TNS Infratest Forschung GmbH & Co. KG ● T-Systems
Enterprise Services GmbH ● Tronox Pigments Services GmbH ● TÜV Nord GmbH ● UBS AG ● Uhlmann Pac-Systeme ●
Umicore AG & CO. KG ● Unilever PLC ● Union Asset Management Holding AG ● Universität Paderborn ● Valeo Service Activ-
ity ● ViaSys Healthcare ● Viesmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG ● Voestalpine Stahl ● Voith AG ● VonRoll Deutschland GmbH ●
VR-LEASING AG ● Wacker Specialities ● Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics ● WellPoint Inc. ● White & Case ● ZF Trading
GmbH ●

5 5
4,5 4,5
Attendee's Satisfaction
4 4 Update: June 2010
3,5 3,5
3 3 Evaluation scale:
2,5 2,5 5 = very good ... 1 = very poor
2 2
1,5 1,5 Range best/worst result
1 1 Average
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Median
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 7

ICI’s Certificate Programs

Several surveys of CI among international Participation requirements
companies showed that the number of
companies that value competitive in- Ideally, you should have at least 2 years of
telligence in the present and for the future, work experience and either be employed as
or want to establish a CI department, is a CI professional or aspire to become one.
increasing rapidly. However, the pool of Many of our attendees already work as
qualified hasn’t always kept up with market researchers, in business develop-
demand. The Institute for Competitive ment or as in-house consultants, but with-
Intelligence (ICI) offers a broad range of out having received a specific CI education.
certificate programs to meet this demand. Our certificate programs allow a compre-
hensive expansion of your skills and opens
• Fundamental Certificate in Competi- up new career opportunities.
tive Intelligence - FCCI™
Fundamental certificate for all Competi- Certification
tive Intelligence-related activities
After concluding all courses of the res-
• Certificate in … pective certificate program, you will have
• Competitive Intelligence the option of taking a certification exam.
• Competitive Intelligence • All final exams consist of a written part
Analysis (duration 4 hours)
• Competitive Strategy • The CPCI candidates additionally need
• Competitive Intelligence to prepare a supervised write-up of a
Management competitive intelligence case and take
an additional oral exam.
• Certificate of Proficiency in Competi- • If a candidate fails an exam, he/she can
tive Intelligence - CPCI™ re-sit the exam a further two times.
Comprehensive professional training
leading to the mastery level in Compet- Exemption from workshops
itive Intelligence
If a candidate can prove expertise in a cer-
• Competitive Intelligence Engineer - tain subject area, he/she might be ex-
CIE™ empted from attending the related courses.
FCCI level workshops and additional Make sure that you address this issue prior
Business Intelligence workshops for to enrollment, as your schedule and fees
those working at the interface of Infor- will be adapted accordingly. Note however
mation Technology and Competitive In- that exams will cover all the certificate sub-
telligence jects.
8 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Curriculum Overview
& Prices
Before taking a certification exam, you
need to attend the highlighted workshops.
When booking an entire certification pro-
gram, you will be granted a preferential
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 9

Course dates and fees

(English language workshops)
An early registration discount (5% deduction from total fees) is available for all single course registrations
40 days prior to the actual workshop date.
Individual P
# Fundamental Workshops Lecturer Date Place
fee g.
Fundamental Certificate in Competitive Intelligence - FCCI™ workshops
Sep 9-10, 2010 Philadelphia, USA
Oct 11-12, 2010 Paris, France
ICI- Competitive Intelligence Nov 8-9, 2010 €1090 London, UK
Michaeli 10
1 Basics Workshop Feb 7.-8, 2011 (£875; $1290) London, UK
Feb 24.-25, 2011 Madrid, Spain
May 19.-20, 2011 Paris, France
ICI- Oct 13, 2010 €590 Paris, France
CI Projects Michaeli 13
2 Feb 09, 2011 (£475; $725) London, UK
ICI- Mc Sep 15, 2010 €590 Philadelphia, USA
CI Reporting 14
3 Gonagle Feb 14, 2011 (£475; $725) London, UK
ICI- €1090
CI Secondary Research Weiss Feb 15-16, 2011 London, UK 15
4 (£875; $1290)
ICI- €1150
Primary Research (HUMINT) Muth Feb 17-18, 2011 London, UK 16
5 (£925; $1375)
Sep 13-14, 2010 Philadelphia, USA
ICI- €1090
Fundamental CI Analysis Methods Michaeli Oct 14-15, 2010 Paris, France 17
6 (£875; $1290)
Feb 10-11, 2011 London, UK
Individual P
# Advanced Workshops Lecturer Date Place
fee g.
Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Research workshops
ICI- Prof. €590
Digital Intelligence Nov 12, 10 London, UK 22
25 Grothe (£475; $725)
ICI- Text Mining and Document Mana- €590
Zanasi Nov 11, 10 London, UK 26
29 gement (£475; $725)
ICI- €590
Patents as a Competitive Instrument Motta Nov 10, 10 London, UK 33
35 (£475; $725)
Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Analysis workshops
ICI- €590
Scenario Techniques Dr. Krampe May 24, 2011 Paris, France 19
22 (£475; $725)
ICI- Decision- / Risk- and €590
Michaeli May 26, 2011 Paris, France 20
23 Bayes’ Analysis (£475; $725)
ICI- €590
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis Prof. Jörs May 23, 2011 Paris, France 23
26 (£475; $725)
ICI- €590
Financial Analysis Murphy May 27, 2011 Paris, France 25
28 (£475; $725)
ICI- Establishment and Operation of €590
Dr. Krampe May 25, 2011 Paris, France 30
32 Early Warning Systems (£475; $725)
Certificate in Competitive Strategy workshops
ICI- €590
Analysis of Competitor’s Strategies Michaeli Nov 15, 10 London, UK 18
21 (£475; $725)
ICI- €590
Business War Gaming Michaeli Nov 16, 10 London, UK 27
30 (£475; $725)
ICI- Instruments of Strategic Market €590
Michaeli Nov 17, 10 London, UK 29
31 Analysis (£475; $725)
ICI- Development and Implementation of Prof. €1150
Nov 18-19, 10 London, UK 31
33 Competitive Strategies Tovstiga (£925; $1375)
Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Management workshops
ICI- Design and Operation of an In-house Sep 16-17, 2010 €1150 Philadelphia, USA
Nash 21
24 CI Centre Feb/Mar 28-1,2011 (£925; $1375) Madrid, Spain
ICI- Competitive Technical €590
Russow Mar 2, 2011 Madrid, Spain 24
27 Intelligence (£475; $725)
ICI- Counter Intelligence – Protection €590
Muth Mar 3, 2011 Madrid, Spain 32
34 against Illegal Activities (£475; $725)
ICI- €590
Information Warfare Greiner Mar 4, 2011 Madrid, Spain 34
36 (£475; $725)
Note: Invoices will be issued in the currency of the location’s country according to this price list.
Prices are excl. VAT and subject to change.
Schedule: 9:00 to 18:00 (Meet & Greet from 8:30)
10 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Course dates and fees

(German language workshops)
An early registration discount (5% deduction from total fees) is available for all single course registrations
40 days prior to the actual workshop date.
Individual Pg
# Fundamental Workshops Lecturer Date Place
fee .
Fundamental Certificate in Competitive Intelligence - FCCI™ workshops

Sep 20-21, 10 Berlin, Germany

Basis-Workshop CI (Grundlagen) Michaeli Feb 21-22, 11 1090€ Wien, Österreich 10
Mar 10-11, 11 Bad Nauheim, Germany

CI Projekte Michaeli Sep 22, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 13
ICI- CI-Reporting (Inhalte, Stil,
Wolf Oct 01, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 14
3 Präsentation)
CI-Sekundärrecherchen Bill/Müller Sep 23-24, 10 890€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 15
ICI- Dr. von
Primärrecherchen (HUMINT) Sep 29-30, 10 1150€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 16
5 Groote
ICI- Grundlegende CI-Analyse-
Michaeli Sep 27-28, 10 1090€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 17
6 verfahren
Individual Pg
# Advanced Workshops Lecturer Date Place
fee .
Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Research workshops
Digital Intelligence Prof. Grothe Mar 21, 11 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 22
Textmining Dr. Finkler Mar 23, 11 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 26
Patente als Wettbewerbsinstrument Müller Mar 22, 11 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 33
Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Analysis workshops
Szenariotechniken Bill Oct 26, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 19
ICI- Entscheidungs-/Risiko-/Bayes’sche
Michaeli Oct 27, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 20
23 Analyse
ICI- Psychologie der Intelligence-
Prof. Jörs Oct 28, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 23
26 Analyse
Finanzanalyse Wolf Oct 25, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 25
ICI- Frühwarnsysteme
Dr. Krampe Apr 22, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 30
32 aufbauen und betreiben
Certificate in Competitive Strategy workshops
ICI- Wettbewerberstrategien
Michaeli Mar 14, 11 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 18
21 analysieren
Business War Gaming Michaeli Mar 15, 11 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 27
Strategische Marktanalyse Michaeli Mar 16, 11 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 29
ICI- Wettbewerbsstrategien entwickeln
Michaeli Mar 17-18, 11 1150€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 31
33 und umsetzen
Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Management workshops
ICI- Inhouse CI-Center aufbauen
Pfaffinger Autumn 2011 1150€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 21
24 und betreiben
ICI- Competitive Technical
Russow Nov 02, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 24
27 Intelligence
ICI- Counter Intelligence – Abwehr ille-
Pausch Autumn 2011 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 32
34 galer Maßnahmen
Information Warfare Greiner Oct 29, 10 590€ Bad Nauheim, Germany 34
Note: Invoices will be issued in the currency of the location’s country according to this price list.
Prices are excl. VAT and subject to change.

Schedule: 9:00 to 18:00 (Meet & Greet from 8:30)

Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 11

Competitive Intelligence Basics Workshop (ICI-1)

Achieving competitive advantage through systematic
competitor and market analyses
In times of increasing competition and complex,
fast-moving competitive environments, it is impor-
tant to be one step ahead of the competition. Busi-
nesses have to anticipate the activities of their
competitors when developing their strategic posi-
Competitive analyses are essential to the
successful development of corporate strategy,
conducting anticipatory strategy planning and
gaining a measurable competitive advantage.
Competitive Intelligence, which brings in a
systematic analysis process, adds the decisive
edge to strategy.
This workshop conveys the fundamentals needed
to efficiently conduct research, master information
overload, use analytical tools intelligently, imple-
ment CI as a process in your business and make
strategic decisions with greater certainty.

Workshop foci
• What does Competitive Intelligence signify
The value of Competitive Intelli- for strategic corporate planning?
• How does CI influence the competitive
gence (CI) for your business capacity of the company?
• Ethical and current legal conditions
• Differences between “Competitive Intelli-
gence“ and “market research“
• What do the CI cycle, planning, collection,
analysis and reporting look like in detail?

• How is your business positioned in the mar-

Analysis of one’s own company: ket?
Where are we now and where do • What do you already know about your
competition? Ask for decisive information on
we intend to go? companies, market sectors, products, meth-
ods, technologies, patents, etc.
• How is the competition positioned and how
does it differentiate itself?
12 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

• Make or buy: What can external information

Handling the information over-
service providers accomplish? (information
load and testing data quality broker, consultants, market research
• How to test the quality and credibility of data
• Gaining CI information: observation, primary
research (human intelligence) and secondary
sources (Internet, online databases, print
• Building up and cultivating information net-
works (internal and external)

• Tools and techniques that allow you to com-

Analytical methods to determine plete your daily CI analysis: competitor pro-
the competitive and market filing, competitor portfolios, financial analy-
ses, timeline analysis, Porter’s 5 forces
situation industry structure analysis, SWOT analysis,
• Satisfy the critical information needs of the
decision maker/receiver: editing of informa-
tion and intelligence reporting

• Objective and intelligence demand analysis

Successful implementation of a • Who are the users of intelligence? (when,
CI system in a business what, by what date, how often and in what
• How to implement CI in your organization
(roles, responsibilities, technical implementa-
tion and budgets)
• Solution approaches to develop a Competi-
tive Intelligence Center in your business:
from simple desktop solutions through to
intranet solutions
• Trends, news and solutions of various CI
software providers
• Determining realistic CI success criteria
• How do you secure the know-how of your
own business (counter intelligence)?
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 13

Competitive Intelligence Projects (ICI-2)

For the real world application of CI fundamentals you will work
on a complete CI case study

CI basics are taught in this workshop using a case

study. The CI process steps are practiced and CI
tools and techniques absorbed. With the training
from this course, typical process mistakes are less
likely, because participants gain practical aptitude
in applying CI methods and techniques. Through
team work, interpersonal work techniques are
encouraged and communication experiences

In this workshop you will learn how to use The case study approach is an estab-
CI in practice. Independent preparation lished method, especially in well known
on the case study and the familiarizing and respected business schools.
with the applied analysis techniques is General questions should be clarified in
necessary before the day of the work- advance, so that the day of the workshop
shop can be used intensively.

Workshop foci
• The context of the decision
Definition of the CI requirements • Customer needs

• Determining KITs and KIQs – Key Intelli-

Planning of the CI cycle gence Topics and Questions
• Defining Intelligence goals, definition of a sur-
vey strategy, mapping of sources

• Data collection (raw information from different

Execution of the CI cycle sources and in different formats is provided,
but has to be processed and analyzed)
• Data processing (amongst others considering
as an example a full text researchable data-
• Qualitative CI analyses (competitor profiles,
timeline analysis, SWOT, 5 forces industrial
structure analysis, value chain analysis,
competitive strategy analysis)
• Reporting (presentation of the results to the

• CI-software and its use in support of the CI

Development of a continuous cycle
competitive information system
14 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

CI Reporting (ICI-3)
Content, style, presentation
CI reporting includes compilation of reports that
contain raw and analyzed data for the Intelligence
user. Consequently, the form, content and medium
of the report has to be adjusted based on the
needs of these users. In this workshop, the
essential reports or products of a CI department
are defined, as well as their form and structure
explained. The focus is on the content composition
of the Intelligence reports.
Besides written reports, the importance and
specifics of Intelligence presentations (briefing,
fixed date) are looked at in detail.
An outlook on CI reporting systems and their re-
porting generators rounds off the workshop.

With the help of case studies, the independent compilation of Intelli-

gence reports for different user types is practiced.

Workshop foci
• Who needs what news and how should it be
Demand analysis of the Intelli- formatted?
• Content of Intelligence reports: structure and
gence recipient style elements
• Layout of reports: rules of design and soft-
ware tools
• CI portals with dynamic reports

• Reporting pyramid
Development of CI reporting • Escalation procedures
• Prioritization
• Dissemination of reports (push versus pull)

• Competitor profiles (strategic profiles)

• Situational analyses
Closer examination • Research results
(examples) • Strategic analyses
• Example for reports in CI software tools

Exercises • Independent compilation of reports

Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 15

CI Secondary Research (ICI-4)

Internet, online databases and print media
The most important competence of a CI Resear-
cher is retrieval of relevant data. Even profession-
als tend to act on the next best results given by
search engines like Google. Comprehensive and
thorough results cannot be expected this way.
Learn the principles of CI research from initial de-
termination of the research problem to the pres-
entation of results. The specifics of different infor-
mation media and research strategies are shown
with live demonstrations, reinforced with exercises.
This workshop is geared towards professional re-
searchers, analysts, information brokers and jour-
nalists, who regularly search for market, competi-
tor, financial or technological information.

Workshop foci
• Role of the research process within the com-
Organizing the research process petitive intelligence cycle
• Effective Research: 4 steps: Key Intelligence
topics, Collection Plan, Research, Evaluation

• Internet-Research
Searching the Internet Surface web/Deep Web, structure/size, sta-
tistics, limitations
• Search engines
Professional Research is not How search engines work, comparison of the
most important search engines and meta
surfing the web search engines
(including 50 information re- • Specific search engines
Searching for news, blogs, podcasts, boards
sources) and portals
• Expert search strategies
Generic search strategies, expert search,
searching tools/automated search
• CI-research
Website analysis, watching the competitor,
information reliability

• Searching online databases

Using online databases Research process, hosts, support, costs
• Secondary research sources
patents, market research, statistics, finances,
Resources for the professionals legal information, books, academic papers,
newspapers, people, strategies, mar-
(including resource indices for ket/technology trends
all industries • Resource indices for CI-professionals

• Each research step is carried out with an in-

Case study dustrial competitive research case study
16 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Primary research (ICI-5)

Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Competitive Intelligence is based on many

different types of information. A lot of exclusive
Elicitation techniques information can be obtained through human
sources (HUMINT). In conversation with a new
Experience and relevant research shows that employee who formerly worked for a
in our every-day communication, we are less
competitor, with the collection of available
than optimal in obtaining information. Thus,
special techniques have been developed to
information on competitors in one’s own com-
open up communication channels to gain the pany, or at trade fairs. The opportunities to col-
maximum amount of information in conversa- lect valuable information through communica-
tional situations. tion are manifold.

“Elicitation” is the umbrella term for these How do you structure communication to receive
conversational techniques which allow people the maximum relevant information?
to carry out intensive information exchange in In this course, the fundamentals of advanced
a neutral environment.
communication techniques are explained in
theory as well as practiced hands-on.

During the workshop, video recordings of the attendees in simulated

conversational situations will be made. These recordings will be ana-
lyzed during the training and used as a contributor to the learning

Workshop foci
• Goal-oriented communication to collect infor-
Interview training for Competi- mation
tive Intelligence Professionals • Preparation of an elicitation conversation
• Functionality of interpersonal communication
• Promotional and impeding conditions for
disclosure disposition
• Convincing an interview partner to converse.
The importance of the conversation beginning
to the conversation plan
• Effective methods of the reporter position
• Segmentation of a free report in action se-
• The importance of different question formats
in each conversational phase
• Signals of dishonesty and evasion
• Reporting of HUMINT research
• Analysis of HUMINT research
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 17

Fundamental CI Analysis Methods (ICI-6)

SWOT, industry analysis, profiling, portfolio analysis, analysis
of competing hypothesis (ACH)

In this workshop, the fundamental methods of CI

analysis are taught and practiced with examples.
Command of these analysis techniques is a pre-
requisite for all subsequent "higher-order" ana-
lytical processes. To plan efficient CI projects, it is
necessary to provide the data required for each
analytical tool, and is only possible if one has
acquired at least working knowledge of CI analysis

Workshop foci
Determining one’s own strengths and weak-
SWOT nesses as well as the opportunities and threats
from the competitive environment is by nature
(Strengths/Weaknesses/ Oppor- one of the principal tasks of CI. A great amount of
tunities/Threats) competitive information is to be considered in this
respect. One’s own strategies can be derived
from a SWOT analysis.

The “classic" industrial structure analysis a-

ccording to Michael Porter is the foundation for
5 forces industrial structure
identifying the forces that act upon an industry
analysis/strategic groups, ac- and that influence its future development. The
cording to Michael Porter forces to be considered are: bargaining power of
the suppliers, bargaining power of the buyers,
rivalry among competitors, threats of new
entrants and threats of substitutes. Competitors,
with their activities, can then be classified with a
resultant improved ability to anticipate future

Competitor profiles are the foundation for the

evaluation of competitor potentials and intentions
Competitor profiling in the competitive arena.
Different options of demonstration (tables,
databases, charts) are highlighted. Lastly, the
resulting analyses (e.g. reaction profiles, threat
potential, competitor strategies) are explained
and practiced.
Portfolio Analysis is a concept frequently used to
Portfolio Analysis (BCG Matrix, visualize complex data. Usefulness and limits of
McKinsey Business Screen, etc) several techniques are discussed based on

How to proceed, when at the end of your analysis

several (competing) hypothesis emerge? The
Analysis of competing hypothe- methodology of “analysis of competing
sis (ACH) hypothesis” (ACH) is a structured, rational way
for selecting winning decisions.
18 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Analysis of Competitor Strategies (ICI-21)

The six perspectives of strategy reengineering

The most celebrated of CI analyses is the analysis

of competitor strategies. This workshop looks at
the companies within the competitor peer group
and how to analyze them from six perspectives.
These sub-analyses are then integrated into one
strategy evaluation.
Once competitors’ strategies are known, a
company can develop its strategy accordingly to
achieve long-term competitive advantage.
This therefore enables the company to avoid any
surprises caused through competitors’ activities. In
this way, an understanding of the internal view of
the competitor is built up. It is possible to derive
competitors’ future reactions through reaction
profiles, and build up competitor scenarios and war
gaming, for example.

The participants will carry out a complete competitor analysis on the

basis of a case study.

Workshop foci
• Analysis of company and market similarities
Definition of a peer group • Sources and quality of data

• Diversification
Perspectives of the competitor • Internationalization
• Financial, profit and assets position
strategy analysis
• Capital market performance
• Strategic maneuvering
• Company strategies

Monitoring competitor • Processes for continual analysis of strategic
strategies maneuvers
• Competitor strategy - wikis

• Competitive landscapes
Visualization of competitor • Strategy dice, strategy scorecards
strategies • Maneuver maps

• Determination of a peer group

Case study • Analysis and interpretation of competitor
analysis strategies
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 19

Scenario Techniques (ICI-22)

Scenario Planning, Networked Thinking

”Networked Thinking” has proven itself to have

great value as an efficient analysis method, able to
accommodate complex, unstable market- and
competitive developments. It examines the inter-
dependencies of all relevant market factors and
categorizes them according to importance, active
influence and passive interference. This, produces
a coherent, complete, understandable and
communicable “business model” which can serve
as a basis for strategy development, scenario
development, early warning or business war
Scenario techniques play a central and fun-
damental role among the methods of competitive

Workshop foci
• Overview of long-term prognoses methods
Overview of long-term progno- • Expert-based methods for
• Data acquisition
• Examination of analogies
• Estimating the potential
• Areas of application

• Identification of factors which influence the

Scenario technique: future market environment (for this, different
methods of approach will be considered)
Developing competing future • Selection of key factors from a pool of
perspectives influencing factors (determining relevance)
• Formation of scenarios through the bundling
of key factors
• Selection and preparation of relevant goal
• Deduction of implications of the scenarios for
the question of outcome (e.g. compilation of
• Overview of software for scenario techniques

• Basics of networked thinking

Competitor prognoses through • System dynamic analysis
• Overview of commercial simulation software
multi-parameter models (War
• Realization of simulation projects
Gaming) • Modelling of competitive situations
• Case study: strategy development with a
War Gaming simulator
20 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Decision, Risk and Bayes’ Analysis (ICI-23)

In order to make ideal decisions, you have to be able to
quantify the effects of your decisions and your goal criteria!

Among the many tasks of CI analysts and

managers is support of decision-making and active
involvement in strategic and operative processes.
Good decisions are based on the realistic
assessment of uncertainties and risks, the
identification of one’s own alternatives and
ascertaining the effects on one’s own company.
For the solution of complex decision tasks, with
numerous, reciprocally influencing decision
parameters and non-deterministic consequences,
the structured approach of “decision and risk
analysis” is of high value in practical experience.

Workshop foci
• What are risks and uncertainties?
Fundamentals of risk- and deci- • Monte Carlo simulations
• Impact diagrams and decision trees
sion modelling
• Presentation of results
• Planning and realization of decision analysis

• Probability distributions
Introduction into the fundamen- • Conversion of observations and expert
evaluations into distributions
tals of probability theory and
• Correlations and conditional dependencies
• Approaches to problem structuring
Case study 1: Risk analysis of a • Analysis (Monte Carlo simulation)
• Interpretation of results (risk profile, sensitiv-
product introduction
ity analyses)
• Value of further Intelligence

• Approaches to problem structuring

Case study 2: Investment deci- • Analysis of the decision situation
• Presentation of results: Optimal decision
sion with and without intelli-
strategy for the given risk preference

Forecast on further methods • Open questions and feedback

and final discussion
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 21

Design and Operation of an In-house CI Centre

Tasks, Organization, Software, Staff

A CI centre is the command centre of a company.

Here, enterprise wide information flows in order to
make important decisions in real-time. With such a
centre, a company can improve its
competitiveness in a sustainable way by timely
reaction to market and competitive developments
and by avoiding costly wrong decisions.
To avoid set-backs with the implementation of a CI
centre, consideration has to be given and
optimizations taken into account with resources,
design and implementation.
With a case study, the attendees will compile a
concept for an in-house CI-centre and evaluate the
chances of success for that concept.

Workshop foci
• Lessons learned from experience
Examples of successful CI Cen-
• Information centre or intelligence service
Role and tasks of a CI Centre headquarters – what is the role of a CI Cen-
tre in a company?
• What are the needs of a CI user?
• Determining the “Return-on-Intelligence“

• Centralized vs. decentralized forms of organi-

Forms of organisation sation
• Co-operation with internal departments
• Co-operation networks
• CI cultures in companies
• Strategies to enhance Corporate Intelligence
• The 10 critical success factors for the devel-
opment of a CI Centre
• Steps of implementation for a CI Centre

• Market survey
Software for a CI-Center • Functions and features
• Sample presentation

• Selection
CI staff • Qualification
• Career planning
22 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Digital Intelligence (ICI-25)

Analysis Methods, Community Building, Trends
The analysis of digital communication makes a sig-
nificant contribution towards the generation of mar-
ket and competitor knowledge. The advantage of
the Internet, the quick, seismographic recording of
impulses and opinions, can be directly capitalized
The Internet has since become a marketplace for
opinions, a platform for testing and launching new
trends and an influential component in the competi-
tive arena. Digital communication is important. Be-
cause it is available, because it is growing and be-
cause it influences target groups such as consum-
ers, patients, voters, decision makers, journalists
and activists etc.
The drivers are primarily investigative multipliers, authors of blogs and opinion leaders in net-
works. Digital intelligence describes the search for early signals, patterns and trends in digital
communication. By including and analyzing quantitative and qualitative insights, companies can
seize opportunities and avoid risks.
Topics and target groups are identified from their profiles, problems, positions, statements and
decision-making processes, and followed over time. Sustainable factors for success include the
development of dialog with relevant multipliers as well as suitably designed internal processes
and networks.

• The workshop includes an overview of the current developments in digital communi-
cation (Web 2.0 and Social Media Management), enabling you to professionally
evaluate potential for CI projects.
• The workshop introduces innovative analysis methods, enabling you to identify valu-
able quantitative and qualitative patterns and early signals from the digital noise. You
will become familiar with examples of the SONAR, MONITOR and FOCUS analysis
• You will understand how to systematically analyze communication networks within
and outside of the company. You will discuss the cornerstones of community building
in order to be able to support your own networks.

Workshop foci
• Collective intelligence
Basics • Digital communication
• Introduction: The Shampoo Case

• Searching for information

Areas of analysis • Understanding of content
• (Social) network analysis

• Focus: Development of target groups and

Application scenarios and ex- subject areas
amples • Monitor: Recognition of changes over time
• Sonar: (Early) detection of risks

Recommended courses of ac- • Networks and community building

• From observation to Social Media
tion Management
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 23

Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (ICI-26)

Techniques to avoid mistakes with information collection, -analysis,
-reporting and decision making
Information for CI analysis comes from multiple
sources that have different references and come in
many forms of media, closeness, and familiarity to
the analyst. Credibility, time sequence, and rele-
vance of the information is difficult to determine
directly and changes constantly during the course
of the research. Furthermore, conflicting informa-
tion as well as misinformation is part of the
everyday work of a CI analyst. To be able to ge-
nerate high quality results, despite these potential
cognitive perception mistakes and biases, the CI
analyst has to be able to reliably use preventive
tools and techniques for avoiding mistakes.
If the CI analyst doesn’t arrange for precautionary
measures, an opportunistic information analysis
will result.
In this workshop, pragmatic strategies to prevent
typical Intelligence analysis mistakes will be
described and tested with numerous examples by
the attendees in the exercises.

Workshop foci
• Expectation versus wishful thinking
Perceptional mistakes with in- • Dominance of mindsets
• Dynamics of information perception
formation processing and
• Preconception
• Mistakes with the assessment of evidence
Cognitive biases with data • Mistakes with the perception of cause and ef-
analysis • Mistakes with the estimation of probabilities
• Blind spots

• Deliberate and unconscious manipulation of

Mistakes with Intelligence re- results
porting • Basic principles of reporting

• Why even intelligent people can make blatant

Typical decision making mis- and wrong decisions
takes • Lessons learned from completed CI projects
(feedback and performance measurement)

• Analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH)

Methods to avoid typical Intelli- • Mental tool kits
• Check lists
gence mistakes
24 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Competitive Technical Intelligence (ICI-27)

Technology scouting, assessment and analysis

The goal of Competitive Technical Intelligence

(CTI) is to identify, competitive advantages in the
fields of marketing, product design and research
and development through technological leads.
For this, the development of new technologies is
continuously and systematically monitored and
their effects evaluated. This begins with technology
scouting, where only emerging technological
developments are identified and recorded. This
continues with technology assessment, which
determines the stage of maturity and the potential
of new technologies. The cycle ends with the
strategic analysis of the effects of new
technologies on customers, the business and on
This workshop is the practical application of these
three steps and concludes with the added module
CTI process, where the application in the enter-
prise is discussed. The lecturing of this compara-
tively complex content is supported and loosened
up with live demonstrations and group tasks.

Workshop foci
What technological trends are recognizable?
Technology Scouting • Information sources for technology scouting
(specialized press, research reports from
universities and research establishments,
patent databases, think tanks, conventions,
trade fairs, competitors, etc.)
• Classification of technological trends on the
basis of technical and commercial criteria,
“strong” and “weak” signals, early warning
systems, introduction of suitable structures
• Tools to support scouting, e.g. database
tools, mind mapping – and of course the
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 25

What technologies will decide on market success

in the future?
Technology Assessment • Assessing the potential of new technologies
(What can the technology achieve?): per-
formance parameters, ABC analysis, appli-
cations, substitution potential (technologies),
synergy potential, technology comparisons,
Delphi method
• Description of technological development: life
cycle analyses, s-curves, learning curves,
• Environment analyses, this means the in-
volvement of non-technical influencing fac-
tors on the development of new technologies
(political and social trends)
How can competitive advantages through a tech-
nological lead be achieved?
Strategic Analysis • Assessing the potential of new technologies
(from the view of the enterprise: what oppor-
tunities and risks can result from technolo-
gies?): portfolio analyses, substitution poten-
tial (products), new markets
• Competitive analysis: technological SWOT
analyses, benchmarks, specific (core) com-
petence analyses
• Technological scenarios
• Strategic implications: investment strategy,
segmentation strategy, product development,
performance leadership, synergy strategy,
cooperation strategy

How can a continuous, systematic technology

assessment in a company be implemented?
CTI Process • Analysis: determining goals that can be
achieved with a CTI Process, deriving de-
mands on the process, identification of al-
ready ongoing CTI activities and their inte-
gration into the process
• Design: definition of a preferably efficient
process (trigger, partial processes, activities,
interfaces and roles) that satisfy the demands
as well as the connection with the innovation-
and product lifecycle management process in
the business
• Implementation: procedure to introduce the
CTI process, aspects of change management
(piloting, communication, etc.)
26 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Financial Analysis (ICI-28)

Data source, processing, and interpretation

Financial analysis is the core to any interpretation

of financial reports (P&L, balance sheet, cash flow,
source and application of funds) as well as other
assessments of company viability and operations.
For the most part, key data is used to assure
comparability of companies in an industry or in a
strategic group. Also, the CI analyst carries out
individual company analyses to e.g. assess the
viability of a competitive strategy. Financial
analysis is one of the standard methods of CI

Workshop foci
Besides the large range of publicized company
Data source and -processing data, analysts also have a large number of finan-
cial reports available. If no such data is directly
obtainable, the financial analyst has to conduct
independent, primary research or do selective
calculations (for parts of a company).

The large number of key company data will be

examined in the workshop as regards to their us-
Key data ability with CI analyses and some key figures will
be shown as examples. In this connection, not
only key figures that come from a “balance sheet
analysis” will be taken into account, but also key
figures that are generated for strategic bench-
marks. Established key data models such as the
DuPont key data hierarchy will be explained as
well as software tools for balance sheet analysis.

With a case study, the attendees will carry out a

competitive financial analysis. In doing so, selec-
Interpretation tive calculations will be done and comparisons
will be drawn to other businesses. Finally, prog-
noses will be made on further competitor devel-

Finally, methods will be discussed on how to pre-

sent and archive the results of a financial analysis
Reporting and documentation – a continuous Competitive Intelligence calls for a
professional database with competitive financial
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 27

Text Mining (ICI-29)

Controlling and managing the flood of data

Under the generic term text mining, many different

technologies used to index (unstructured) content
are grouped. On the one hand, these technologies
comprise of term extraction and aggregation as a
basis for semantic indexing, retrieval and
clustering solutions. On the other hand, cat-
egorization of documents, generation of abstracts
to the point of detecting patterns and relationships
between terms through steps of text analysis are
the main aspects. These results can be presented
in a “document warehouse” with methods from the
Semantic Web environment and displayed with
visualization tools.

Workshop foci
• “Information overload“ problem
Basics of text mining for CI ana- • Text mining: Substantial challenges
• Text mining functions:
lysts Text categorization, wrapper applications,
text summary, language identification, topic
clustering, information extraction, text analy-
• Text mining and Competitive Intelligence

• Information freedom law

• Software tools to improve the efficiency of re-
IT support for text mining search
• Displaying analysis methods
• Cost-benefit optimization, aspects of adding
• Information flow diagrams
• Filing system
• Reporting of data, information and facts
• Improving the impact of researched results

• Case study “Implementation of a text mining

Implementation of text mining system”
28 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Business War Gaming (ICI-30)

Explorative strategy development

Business War Gaming (BWG) is used to predict

Business War Gaming possible changes of markets as well as
Business War Gaming (BWG) is a structured, competitor activities and based on this and to
tool-assisted and team-oriented procedure for develop the best possible reactions. With this
strategy development. The fundamental idea analysis, effective strategies with a distinctly
of this method is to test measures derived competitive oriented character can be formed.
from a strategy available or in development, Through BWG, the focus can be changed from
in a realistic context and through the evalua- an internal to an external perception that has
tion of the consequences, draw conclusions
the market and the competitors in view.
on the effectiveness and robustness of the
strategy. In addition, the following goals are tracked with
For this, the attendees take on the roles of BWG.
different market participants. Over a simu-
lated time period of several years, they steer ƒ Gaining a better understanding of the mar-
their businesses in the resulting market envi- ket and of competitive dynamics
ronment of intense competition that is also in- ƒ Developing realistic future scenarios for
fluenced by external developments, such as both market and industry sectors
cyclical influences, crises and singular ƒ Sensitization of the attendees to weak sig-
To determine the effects of the decisions,
nals that are the basis for an early warning
they are analyzed with the help of a simula- system
tor. In the easiest case, it revolves around a ƒ Development of the ability to role play the
body of rules and regulations, on the basis of position of competitors and anticipate their
which a “market team” will assess the effects. actions and reactions
To achieve the most precise simulation of the ƒ Identification and elimination of “blind spots”
companies and their markets as possible, in managers
computer-supported, dynamic business simu-
lations are increasingly used.

Workshop foci
• Goals of BWG
Introduction • Variants of BWG
From the classic business game to the
“multiplayer simulator”

An established basis of information is a re-

Business Intelligence quirement for BWG. This can be achieved with a
market and environment analysis that corres-
ponds with demands.
• The task of securing quality, relevant
information on the company, its strategy,
competitors and customers, is vital for BWG
• Identification of system limits
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 29

• Introduction to Systems Thinking

• Identification of the driving force of growth as
Building of models well as the central market drivers and
resources of businesses in the market
• Determining the most important
interdependencies between businesses and
their customers
• Representation of all influences and their
interdependencies in a networked model
(impact diagram, Causal Loop Diagram)

As with the cockpit of a simulated aeroplane, the

manager of a Management Flight Simulator has
Management flight simulator the entire repertoire of steering options for the
business available. In the flight simulator, the
business and the market also react immediately
to the measures taken.
• Introduction into System Dynamics
• From impact diagrams to a Management
Flight Simulator

With a BWG process, the attendees take on the

Business war gaming roles of different market participants. Over a
simulated time period of several years, they steer
their businesses in the resultant market environ-
ment of intense competition that is also influ-
enced by external developments such as cyclical
influences, crises and singular events.
• Development of: scenarios and possible ex-
ternal shocks
• Preparation of the playbooks: setting, profil-
ing the market and market participants, role
descriptions and strategic levers
• Preparation of the teams (pre-war-briefing):
introduction of the storyline, roles and re-
quirements to the teams, presentation of the
course of events
• BWG: execution of moves, coaching, work-
• Documentation and follow-up: summary,
presentation and discussion of the results,
deduction of strategic consequences, devel-
opment of recommendations for action, de-
termining further action (implementation of
30 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Strategic Market Analysis (ICI-31)

Prognoses, potentials, life cycles, segmentation

Often, the CI analyst is called on to judge the

market potential of new products. For this, market
segments, profit potential, and the competitive
situation has to be known. Similarly, a prognosis of
the future development of these market
parameters is necessary. Results of the strategic
market analysis serve as a basis for the
development of product- and corporate strategies,
scenario planning and benchmarking analyses.
This workshop comprises of a comprehensive
demonstration of significant aspects of strategic
market analysis. The methodical fundamentals are
communicated without the theoretical ballast and
these are then applied directly with real-life case

Workshop foci
Practical exercises Overview and areas of application for strategic
market analysis methods:

The following assessments are conducted with a

case study:

• Product portfolio analysis (BCG, McKinsey)

• Evaluation of the market potential and vacant
segments for a new product
• Determination of market segments and their
• Assessment of the competitive situation
• Design of a product- and customer life cycle

Integration of expert knowledge

• Delphi-interviews
• PERT-estimates

Technology- and market potential analyses

• Trend analyses
• S-curve-analyses

Assessment of future developments (prognoses)

• Extrapolation (time series analysis)
• Regression
• Multi-level-prognoses
• Identification of short-/mid-/long-term trends
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 31

Early Warning Systems (ICI-32)

Establishment and operation of early warning systems

Early warning is the timely identification of potential

risks for a business. Early warning constitutes the
subsequent assessment of this threat. The
application of these functions in a continuous
process is referred to as an early warning system.
The Intelligence fundamentals for the design of
early detection and warning systems will be shown
in this workshop and their implementation in a
business described. With a case study, the
attendees will develop a specific action plan and
build a complete early warning system for a com-

Workshop foci
• “Ansoff” approach to early warning
Theory of weak signals • Analogies from military early warning
• Technological early detection
• Early warning and risk management

• Methods to identify indicators

Identification and applicability of • Calculation of the applicability of an indicator,
specificity and sensitivity
early warning indicators
• Design, cost-benefit optimization, IT-support
Design of early warning systems • Steps of implementation
• Operation and continued performance re-

• Primary and secondary sensors

Sensors • From Business Intelligence to early warning
• Management of an early warning system

• Preparation of an early warning system with

Case study a specific example
32 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Development and Implementation of Dynamic

Competitive Strategies (ICI-33)
Developing competitive strategies today to be successful
How can a company assert itself in dynamic
markets and benefit from competitive advantages
from this environment? The art of successful
strategy development lies within a continuous
build-up of knowledge and the right timing, speed
and sequence, when implementing this strategy.
An optimal strategy for dynamic markets results
from a combination of the achievement of current
objectives and the manoeuvrability potential of the
business. A business strategy has to ensure that
the full current market potential is tapped and that
new products and services are generated at an
early stage.

Workshop foci
• Difference between “dynamic“ and “classical”
The benefits of “dynamic com- competitive strategies
• How do dynamic competitive strategies influ-
petitive strategies” ence the competitiveness of a business?
(Corporate Intelligence)
• Strategic development cycle

• How do you position your business in the

Analysis of your own company market?
• Strength-weakness analysis, analysis of
and its environment: Where do competitive dynamics, competitor profiling,
you stand and in which direction trends and market scenarios
• Visualization of business strategies with strat-
do you want to go? egy maps and balanced scorecards

• How knowledge on markets and competitors

Intelligence – the requirement
can be used when formulating dynamic busi-
ness strategies
• Continuous Competitive Intelligence, identify-
ing and evaluating opportunities and risks

• Tools, techniques: Business War Gaming

Methods to develop dynamic (BWG), real option planning, dynamic sce-
competitive strategies nario planning, early warning
• Formulation of a strategy
• Implementation of strategy with a Balanced
Scorecard (BSC)

• Apply the shown tools and techniques in or-

Case study der to formulate a dynamic competitive strat-
egy for a business. (The case study will be
distributed for individual preparation before
the workshop.)
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 33

Counter Intelligence (ICI-34)

Protection against illegal attacks on your enterprise
Information is a company asset which must be
categorized, quantified, and protected, just as
much as any other asset. The security and protec-
tion of information is a management topic, not a
technical problem. It is about people and proc-
esses. Technology can help to reduce the risks to
your information. Ultimately, it is people who
produce these risks. The majority of information
loss takes place not only within the organization,
but also through suppliers and customers who
have regular access to your information systems.
In this workshop, the fundamental forms of threats
by corporate espionage will be shown and its
defence (Counter Intelligence) will be introduced.

Workshop foci
• Identification and evaluation of information
Identification of threats risks
• Analysis of risks for the business against the
background of already implemented defence
• Monitoring information risks
• Electronic eavesdropping: Eavesdropping of
rooms a reality or fiction?

• Eavesdropping on own employees

Social engineering • Back-door recruitment into a company
• Use of external personnel
• Pretext calls
• Recruitment
• Analysis of weak spots and prevention
• Employee training
• Strategies against Social Engineering

• Attack vectors against data and communica-

IT- and TelCo security
tion networks
• Weak spot analysis: human factor
• Opportunities and limits of technical solutions

Safe communication • Secure and insecure methods of transferring

• Defending against attacks on communication
• Minimizing the risk of communication

• Safe research
The Internet: a threat? • Movement of records and data transfer
• Dealing with harmful software
34 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Patents as a competitive landscaping tool (ICI-35)

How to protect your innovations using intellectual property as
an economic asset

Intellectual property (IP) rights are powerful

economic assets. This workshop will give an
overview over the various types of intellectual
property rights including patents, trade marks,
designs, copyright, and outline strategies for
obtaining the best possible protection for
innovative ideas, for the enforcement of intellectual
property rights and for the economic exploitation of
such rights.
Using a case study, delegates will analyse a
situation of various competitors in an industry and
develop a patent strategy. By practising with real
world patent documents you quickly gain
experience in assessing and analysing patents.

Workshop foci
• Patents
Intellectual property • Trade marks
• Utility models
• Design patents
• Copyright law

• Territoriality / Jurisdiction
Prosecution strategies to pro- • Costs
tect intellectual property • Patent vs. Know-How
• Patent strategies
• Freedom-to-Operate-Analysis
• Scope-of-Protection-Analysis
• Inventing around
• Co-operation
• Licensing

• Litigation strategies
Protection of intellectual prop- • Comparison between the legal systems of
erty Europe and the United States

Patent Investigation • Patent databases

• Search strategies
• Analysis of patent statistics
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 35

Information Warfare (ICI-36)

Information Warfare is used to describe strategic communica-
tion whereby information is understood as a means for chang-
ing opinions on a subject and then effecting changes in beha-

While the concept of public relations is based on

coordinated, two-way communication models, the
simple aim of an information warfare campaign is
to successfully develop ideas and opinions on top-
ics and companies. For the information profes-
sional, this involves identifying and analyzing in-
formation and generating valuable intelligence in
order to discredit competitors through targeted CI
actions in the scope of information operations.
Opinions that are "formed“ by competitors, influ-
ence customers, suppliers and industry experts.
Your company can derive either advantage or dis-
advantage from these circumstances. Your com-
pany’s communication strategy should therefore be
critically reviewed from the perspective of informa-
tion warfare.
The workshop highlights strategies and models for
an intelligence professional’s typical information
warfare tasks. Finally the ethical aspects of infor-
mation warfare are discussed.

Workshop foci
• Introduction to the basics of information
Basics warfare
• Corporate reputation as the target of
information warfare operations
• Possibilities for preventing and defending
against information warfare operations
• Ethical limits of information warfare

Communication Models and • Communication models in company

• Links between strategy and communication
• Information operations as an integral
component of company information

Information warfare • Information operations

• Issues management
• Perception management
• Exposure management

• Concepts for attacking and defending are

Game plan for ”strategy devel- practiced in the workshop, on the basis of a
case study.
opment and information war-
36 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Director of the Institute Advisory Counsel

Rainer Michaeli Prof. Dr. C. S. Fleisher
ICI’s founder Dr. Craig S. Fleisher is Chair of
and Director, Business and Public Affairs and
Managing Professor of Management, Col-
partner “DIE lege of Coastal Georgia, USA
DENK- and Docent, Business Infor-
FABRIK, Advisory Services in mation Management, Tampere
Business and Technology. University of Technology, Finland. He has been
President of the Society of Competitive Intel-
Mr. Michaeli is an aeronautical engineer ligence Professionals (SCIP), inaugural chair of
(Technical University of Brunswick, Germany) the Competitive Intelligence Foundation, Editor
and an MBA (INSEAD, France) by profession. In of the Journal of Competitive Intelligence &
1993 he founded DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, a Management, and is a SCIP Meritorious Award
consultancy that specializes in competitive winner and Fellow. A former MBA director, dean,
intelligence services. Prior to this he worked in area head, and endowed research chair, he is or
various industries in marketing, sales and R&D. has been a member of university faculties in
In 2004 Mr. Michaeli founded the "Institute for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa,
Competitive Intelligence (ICI)". He is a lecturer at Switzerland, and the UK. A recognized global
the University of Darmstadt on “Competitive In- expert who has helped many leading mult-
telligence” and “Competitive Dynamic inational companies and institutions improve
Strategies”. their CI, public affairs, performance measure-
Mr. Michaeli is author and co-author of several ment and/or analysis processes, Craig has
publications covering Competitive Intelligence authored or edited a dozen books and published
topics, his text book “Competitive Intelligence”, scores of refereed papers. He has facilitated
published in 2005, achieved instant acclaim and workshops or keynoted meetings in over three
become a Financial Times Germany Top 3 best- dozen countries, supervised dozens of graduate
seller in 2006. He is a frequent speaker at con- theses, and has received numerous executive
ferences in Europe and the USA. and graduate teaching awards/recognitions.
Rainer Michaeli was an elected member of the
board of SCIP (Society of Competitive In-
telligence Professionals), the global organization Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer
for market and competitive researchers from
Professor for Controlling und
2003 to 2005. In 2003 he received the SCIP
Corporate Management at the
Catalyst award.
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of
ICI-1 Competitive Intelligence Basics Workshop
The main research of Prof. Dr. Schäffer are
ICI-2 Competitive Intelligence Projects (D/E),
controlling instruments, controlling theory, plan-
ICI-6 Fundamentals Competitive Intelligence
ning and control as well as early warning. He is
Analysis (D/E),
one of the authors of the definitive book “Bal-
ICI-21 Analysis of Competitor's Strategies (D/E),
anced Scorecard & Controlling, Implementierung
ICI-23 Decision and Risk Analysis (D/E),
– Nutzen für Manager and Controller”. Further-
ICI-30 Business War Gaming (D/E),
more, he is an author of many articles in jour-
ICI-31 Strategic Market Analysis (D/E),
nals, conference proceedings and trade publica-
ICI-33 Competitive Strategies (D/E)

Sheila Wright
Competitive Intelligence &
Marketing Strategy, De Montfort
University, Leicester, UK
Elected Board member of SCIP
Besides her academic teaching and research
activities, Sheila Wright advises international
firms on introducing and implementing Competi-
tive Intelligence. She often appears as a speaker
at international conventions and has published in
books and journals on her areas of expertise.
She is Regional Editor for the Journal of
Competitive Intelligence & Management and is a
submission reviewer for several leading
European journals. In 2003 she was the recipi-
ent of the Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished
Teaching Award.
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 37

nation of their applicability in the environment of
Thorsten Bill exchange systems and for the coaching of pro-
Consultant and project director jects. He conceived and implemented the in-
at DENKFABRIK, house exchange Competitive Intelligence sys-
Thorsten Bill studied computer tem EXOTIC that is now being operated under
science with majors in systems his supervision. Next to establishing this Com-
integration and operations re- petitive Intelligence service, he accompanies
search. knowledge management activities. Wolfgang
His areas of expertise are balanced scorecard, Finkler is an active member of the Society of
system dynamic analysis, scenario planning and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP)
simulation as well as prognosis- and early and of the “Gesellschaft für Wissensmanage-
warning systems. ment”.
Thorsten Bill publicized articles as author and
co-author in books and specialized press and Workshop: ICI-29 Text Mining (D)
often appears as a guest speaker and as a
workshop instructor at conferences, universities Jens Greiner
and management seminars. Jens Greiner holds a
university degree in manage-
Workshops: ICI-4 Competitive Intelligence ment and economics
Secondary Research (D), (Diplom-Kaufmann) and is a
ICI-22 Scenario Techniques (D) freelance consultant with
focus on security-, crisis-,
Prof. France and stakeholder manage-
Bouthillier ment. He studied economics
Prof. France Bouthillier has and organisation sciences at
been Director of the McGill the University of the German armed forces
School of Information Studies (Bundeswehr) in Munich focussing on
(SIS) in Canada since 2004, international management. As a military officer
where she has been lecturing he held various leading positions, e.g. as
in Business Information, Competitive Intelli- company commander, and instructor roles. In
gence, Information Agency Management, addition, he is specialised as a military target
Financial Management and Information Service group analyst in providing advice on analysis of
Personnel since 1993. She received a Ph.D. psychological approaches and communication
from the University of Toronto, graduated from strategies in the context of target group
the University of Quebec in Education and management. Mr. Greiner advises and supports
Business Administration, and obtained a master different crisis teams mainly of international
in Library and Information Sciences from the companies. In support of (re-)action capabilities
University of Montreal of the crisis management systems he particularly
deals also with the core elements of robust
Working on various consultancy projects Prof. information and communication activities.
Bouthillier has supported public and industrial
institutions and organisations in information ICI-36 Information Warfare (D/E)
analysis and information management issues.
She is a frequent speaker at conferences and
symposia, and contributes to academic Dr. Everhard von
publications on current information management Groote
matters. Team
Workshops: ICI-35 Patents as a Competitive chology
Instrument (E), and
ICI-36 Information Warfare (E) security
Dr. Everhard von Groote worked for 8 years as a
graduate psychologist of the North Rhine-West-
Dr. Wolfgang Finkler phalian police. Focuses of his occupation were
Dr. Finkler is a graduate com- the criminal investigation advanced training, the
puter scientist (University of support and mission escort of special services
Saarbrücken). He was awarded as well as projects on profiling and negotiations.
a doctorate and researched at For several years now he has worked for differ-
the German Research Centre ent international companies in the areas of secu-
for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI rity management and crisis consulting. Dr.
Saarbrücken) on the automated processing of Groote has further training in NLP, in CISM
natural language. Since 1998, Wolfgang Finkler (Critical Incident Stress Management) and is a
has worked for the Deutsche Börse Systems member of SCIP since 2003.
AG, the IT subsidiary of the Deutsche Börse
Group. As Senior Expert he is responsible for Workshop: ICI-5 Primary research (HUMINT) (D)
the evaluation of new technologies, the exami-
38 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

mation technology division, especially for military

Prof. Dr. Martin applications. Dr. Krampe was a long-time mem-
ber of the Coca Cola Retail Research Group as
Grothe well as the Advisory Board of Andersen Con-
Prof. Dr. Martin Grothe works at sulting (Accenture). In 1995, he was founding
the Institute of Electronic Busi- member of the European ECR Board in Brus-
ness, an institute affiliated with sels. He is member of the jury for the German-
the University of Arts Berlin, speaking ECR Awards since 2002. He studied
where the main research is the Social Sciences and received a doctorate from
analysis of virtual communities. Prof. Dr. Grothe the Ruhr University Bochum.
deals with solutions for the goal-oriented man-
agement of high complexity in science and in Workshop: ICI-32 Establishment and Operation
practice. At this, the structured connection of in- of Early Warning Systems
teractive media and analytical methods (“Col- ICI-22 Scenario Techniques (E)
laborative Intelligence”) characterizes his current
Before his current occupation, he was employed
at otelo communications GmbH, I-D Media AG John J. McGonagle, Jr.
and at NetSkill AG. John is the most prolific author on
competitive intelligence, being the
Workshop: ICI-25 Digital Intelligence (D/E) co-author of eight books on
competitive intelligence including
Protecting Your Firm Against
Competitive Intelligence, and
Prof. Dr. Jörs Bottom Line Competitive Intelligence. He has
Prof. Dr. Jörs holds a profes- also served as an expert witness on competitive
sorship for business administra- intelligence. He received the prestigious Fellows
tion with the focuses “Informa- Award in 1998 from SCIP, the Society of
tion Engineering and Manage- Competitive Intelligence Professionals and its
ment”, Information Business Meritorious Award, SCIP’s highest award in
Administration and Controlling t 2007.
the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt. John has presented competitive intelligence
He is also responsible as part of the in-firm ex- workshops, seminars and training sessions on 6
ecutive training of the Deutsche Telekom AG for continents. He was a featured presenter at the
management training, planning techniques, ac- SCIP 1996, 1999 - 2002 and 2004 - 2007
counting/controlling and general business ad- Annual International Conferences.
ministration. John is the book review editor of SCIP’s
Before these activities, Prof. Jörs was also at the Competitive Intelligence Magazine. He also
Metallgesellschaft AG assigned with the tasks of serves as well as a regular columnist for
information management, market and competi- Competitive Intelligence Magazine and as a
tive intelligence and corporate planning. member of the editorial board of the Journal of
Competitive Intelligence and Management
Workshop: ICI-26 Psychology of the Intelligence (JCIM).
Analysis (D/E) John has been an adjunct lecturer at Lehigh
University and Allentown College (now DeSales
University), teaching competitive intelligence (a
Dr. Gerd Krampe course he developed) and business policy, as
Dr. Gerd Krampe was Vice- well as an Assistant Professor at the Kutztown
President and Managing Direc- University’s College of Business.
tor with Korn/Ferry International John holds a B.A. from Yale College (Economics
in Frankfurt until 2004. – Intensive), a J.D. from the University of
Michigan Law School (With Honors), an LL.M.
In the 12 years before that, he from the George Washington University (Urban
was active in the retail sector and lastly Legal Studies – With Highest Honors), and an
responsible for corporate planning, controlling, M.A. from the Wharton School of the University
logistics and information systems as member of of Pennsylvania (Business and Applied
the board of directors for Asko/Metro; at the Economics).
same time he was Speaker of the Board of
Praktiker AG, a leading firm in the home im- Workshops: ICI-3 Competitive Intelligence
provement store industry in Germany. Reporting (E),
Within the Rewe-Leibbrand Group – one of the ICI-34 Counter Intelligence (E)
largest food store chains in Germany – he was
before a member of the executive board respon-
sible for controlling. Before his career in the re-
tail sector, he worked 12 years with the Battelle-
Institute in Frankfurt, amongst others, in the
scenario planning division. In 1980, he had al-
ready developed and implemented strategic
early warning systems for industry and retail. His
last task in management was to lead the infor-
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 39

Intelligence’, commissioned by Gower, was

Milena Motta published late 2004.
Milena Motta has worked for
supporting companies in the Chris has presented numerous training courses
areas of innovation and and workshops on competitive intelligence, the
competitive intelligence since interpretation of accounts, corporate finance,
1982, and in 1985 she started economics, statistics, company law and other
her own business based on topics in a great diversity of public and in-house
her business-to-business market research settings. As well as delivering courses at the
background. London, Manchester and INSEAD business
Today, Milena is Managing Director and owner schools, he has trained on behalf of corporate
of Strategie&Innovazione Srl, a consultancy clients in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and
serving Italian and international companies. She the USA.
has served on the boards of directors of
innovative web companies, in the role of Workshop: ICI-28 Financial Analysis (E)
Marketing and Strategy Advisor.
For more than 20 years Milena has been training
others in the use of patents as a key to Christian Muth
competitive advantage. She has helped Christian
companies turn this technical information into Muth is
knowledge about technology trends and a Senior
competitor activity, and find a proper solution or Consult-
partner for enhancing their company’s innovation ant at
activities. audit and tax advisory firm
Milena spreads her knowledge and usage of CI Ernst & Young, specializing in
tools through managerial training seminars, white-collar crime and intel-
speeches at national and international ligence. Previously he was
conferences and lectures that form part of responsible for the areas of incident, issue and
courses including “Strategic Analysis of reputation management as well as intelligence
Competition” at the post-graduate School of coaching, and he primarily looked after stock-
Management at Bocconi University (Milan). exchange listed companies in competitive and
She founded SCIP Italia in March 1996 and acts exceptional situations in both a freelance
as the SCIP Italia Coordinator, promoting and capacity and also for a German consulting firm.
managing the international association’s local Besides obtaining a degree in Education and
activities. Social Services, he also developed his expertise
In 2009 she received the SCIP Fellows Award during his role as an Officer in military
and before that the SCIP Catalyst Award in intelligence working on various special and
1998. Milena chaired the 2008 and the 2004 teaching assignments, such as the elicitation of
European SCIP Conference and has been information through targeted conversation
involved in many SCIP conference program (HUMINT).
Workshop: ICI-5 Primary research (HUMINT) (E)
Workshop: ICI-35 Patents as a competitive ICI-34 Counter Intelligence (E)
Instrument (E)
Hans-Peter Müller
Christopher Murphy Hans-Peter Müller has a gradu-
Christopher Murphy is a ate degree in library science
director of business consult- and is in charge of the informa-
ancy Ravensbourne Research tion center at the University of
Limited and been engaged in Applied Sciences Koblenz,
competitive intelligence as- where research requests from
signments ranging across the companies, educational and public institutions
whole span of the discipline for are administrated. The focus of his research ac-
the past 17 years. Clients he has worked with tivities are patent and business information. Im-
encompass many public sector and not-for-profit portant working media are online databases, the
organizations and businesses in Western Euro- Internet and print media.
pe, North America, the Middle East and China of At present, Mr. Müller is taking part in a distance
every size from start-ups through to multinational learning course to be qualified as a patent engi-
giants. neer.
Chris studied economics, history and political
science at the University of Hull, Birkbeck Col- Workshops: ICI-4 Competitive Intelligence
lege, London and the London School of Eco- Secondary Research (D)
nomics. ICI-35 Patents as a Competitive Instrument (D)

He is a member of the Society of Competitive

Intelligence Professionals, the World Futures
Society, the UK’s Society of Business Econo-
mists and is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical
Society in London. His book on ‘Competitive
40 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Siemens AG. He has garnered a great deal of

J. Michael Nash experience in the field of information processing
Michael Nash is an indep- and telecommunications in his over 20-year
endent consultant providing career. He worked for enterprises such as
Aviation Market Analysis and Siemens, BMW and Viag Interkom with different
Strategic Business Support for job focuses. Amongst others, his last main task
Winning Competitive Business. was to build up the Competitor Intelligence
Formerly the Assistant Dean department at the Siemens ICN division. In ad-
for Corporate Relations at the University of dition, he works with different research groups.
Mississippi’s School of Engineering, Dr. Nash
recently retired from Lockheed Martin having Workshop: ICI-24 Design and Operation of an
spent over thirty years in the aerospace industry In-house CI Centre (D)
providing Strategic Business Planning and
Market Development in both the domestic and
international markets. Dr. Nash served as a Pro-
Heiko Russow
gram Manager and Senior Engineer at Lockheed Heiko Russow is responsible for
Martin’s Transportation and Security Solutions the IT strategy process within
organization in Rockville, Maryland where he the Lufthansa Passenger Air-
was responsible for strategic market lines (a business unit of Deut-
development including leading the facility’s sche Lufthansa Group). He is in
international Air Traffic Management market and charge of strategic IT program
competitive analysis activities. Earlier he was management, which includes
Strategic Planning Manager for IBM Federal linking activities to Lufthansa‘s
Systems Division in Gaithersburg, Maryland corporate IT strategy and carrying out bench-
prior to its subsequent acquisition by Lockheed marking exercises. Furthermore, Mr. Russow is
Martin. He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Sci- a member of the Technology Innovation Core
ence, is a Registered Professional Engineer, Team of Star Alliance Services GmbH, which is
and is a life member of SCIP. dedicated to identifying innovative uses of new
technologies in airline processes. Previously he
Workshops: ICI-24 Design and Operation of an worked for TIMElabs - a strategic think tank of
In-house CI Centre (E), the Diebold Management Consultancy. As a
ICI-32 Early Warning Systems (E) consultant Mr. Russow focused upon market en-
try strategies, benchmarking, competitor anal-
ysis and strategy development. He was also in-
Karl Pausch volved in analyzing and assessing future trends
Karl Pausch, born in 1966, is within the retail and aviation sectors. Mr.
information systems manager Russow worked as a research analyst at Gemini
and holds the following Consulting, and at Lido GmbH, Lufthansa
certificates in the fields of IT Group, he was Manager of Quality Management
security and IT revision: CISA, and Training. He studied Information and
CISM, CISSP. Having served Knowledge Management at the University of
for 12 years at the German Darmstadt. Since then he has worked as a
Federal Armed Forces with lecturer on “Trendscouting” and “Problem Solv-
national and international assignments, he ing and Knowledge Management”.
dedicated himself to the information technology.
In his position as project manager and Workshop: ICI-27 Competitive Technical
consultant with proficiency in IT security at Intelligence (D/E)
recognized IT enterprises, he dealt with various
facets of electronic information as well as with
their protection. Karl Pausch is managing
director of the Fink Secure Communication
GmbH, whose main focus lies upon counter-
intelligence, especially technical countermea-
sures, information & communication security und
competitive intelligence.

Workshop: ICI-34 Counter Intelligence (D)

Peter Pfaffinger
Peter Pfaffinger is Senior Man-
ager for Strategic Intelligence in
the Siemens Communication
division. The 47 year old from
Munich completed his studies in
computer science/optoelectron-
ics at the University of Applied Sciences Munich.
Furthermore, he pursued a postgraduate degree
in marketing while working full-time. He began
his career in 1981 as a sales engineer in the
company division Communication Networks at
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 41

Prof. Dr. Georg Diana Wolf

Georg Tovstiga, a Canadian Diana Wolf
and German national, is an holds the
Associate Professor in position of
Henley Management Col- Director
lege's School of Growth, Innovation and Enter- Market Intelligence / Economic
prise. He has extensive international experience Research at Tognum AG (formerly Daimler
as management educator, industry practitioner, Chrysler Off-Highway). She is responsible for
author and consultant, with almost 20 years market and competitor analyses, monitoring of
industry management experience, notably in the industry drivers and trends as well as the area of
areas of R&D, innovation and engineering economic research. As a long-standing member
management with Xerox Research (Canada) of SCIP she is also an associate lecturer at a
and Bayer AG (Germany) and ABB (Switzer- number of universities of applied sciences and
land) AG. Prior to joining Henley, George lectures on competitive intelligence at various
consulted for Arthur D. Little (Switzerland) Ltd’s management institutes. She is vice president of
Strategic Growth and Innovation Practice. Deutsch-Schweizerischen Marketingrunde (DS-
Professor Tovstiga's teaching and research MR) - an independent organization that brings
focuses on competitive strategy, and strategic together marketing professionals from Germany
innovation and technology management. and Switzerland.
He has authored numerous papers and book
contributions on these topics; His most recent Workshops: ICI-3 Competitive Intelligence
book “Capabilities for Strategic Advantage; Reporting (D/E),
Leading through Technological Innovation”, co- ICI-28 Financial Analysis (D)
authored with David W. Birchall, was published
by Palgrave Macmillan in 2005. He is a frequent Alessandro Zanasi
speaker at conferences throughout the world. Alessandro Zanasi, advisor of
Professor Tovstiga holds BASc and MSc governments and companies in
degrees in chemical engineering from the Uni- Security and Intelligence topics.
versities of Ottawa (Canada) and Massachusetts Founder of ZANASI Alessandro
(USA), respectively; a docorate in engineering Srl and of Temis SA. Bologna
sciences (Dr sc techn) from the ETH Zurich; he University Professor of
studied business and and economics at the Knowledge Management and Data Mining.
London Business School (UK) and the University Appointed Security Research Advisor of
of Twente (NL), from where he received an European Commission through ESRAB and, in
MBA. 2007, ESRIF membership.
He graduated in Nuclear Engineering (Bologna).
Workshop: ICI-33 Development and Implemen- Then he was Carabinieri Officer at Scientific
tation of Dynamic Competitive Strategies (E) Investigations Center in Rome; IBM Executive in
Italy, Paris (France) and San Jose Lab (USA)
Arthur Weiss leaving as IBM Market Intelligence responsible
Arthur Weiss is a managing in South Europe; META Group analyst.
partner and founder of a con- Frequent speaker or chairman at int’l
sultancy specialising in com- conferences dedicated to intelligence topics.
petitive and marketing intelli- Author of more than 100 publications on
gence, with services including automatic intelligence topics (the most known
research and analysis, training one is the book: “Text Mining and its
and CI strategy consultancy. Previously, he was Applications to Intelligence, CRM and KM”–
the European Marketing Information Manager for 2007, WIT Press).
a blue-chip information services company.
As well as being a specialist in Competitive In- Workshop: ICI-29 Text Mining (E)
telligence strategy, he is also a popular speaker.
In addition, he has written numerous articles and
papers that have been published in a variety of
journals. He teaches the Marketing Research &
Information module for CIM’s Advanced Certifi-
cate in Marketing at Thames Valley University
Arthur Weiss is a member of the Society of
Competitive Intelligence Professionals and a
Chartered Marketer with the UK Chartered In-
stitute of Marketing. Educational achievements
include an MBA (passed with distinction), the
CIM Diploma in Marketing and a B.Sc in Bio-

Workshops: ICI-4 Competitive Intelligence

Secondary Research (E)
42 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Conditions for Venue

participation Bad Nauheim/Frankfurt,
Intensive training Germany
It is part of our philosophy that the workshops
are dialogue-oriented. Your active participation
is required.
Prior to some workshops, you will receive a
questionnaire, where your preferences as re-
gards to the focus of content will be requested.
Case studies will be sent in advance for individ-
ual preparation. In some workshops, a follow-up
is required. In each case, plan a day for prepa-
ration and wrap-up.
Dress: business casual
CI’s main European campus lies within the
Workshop duration DOLCE-conference hotel in Bad-Nau-
The course day begins at 09:00 (meet & greet
from 08:30) and ends at 18:00.
Dolce-Conference-Hotel (at the spa gardens)
Elvis-Presley-Platz 1
Course materials 61231 Bad Nauheim
You will be provided with all workshop docu- Germany
ments as well as further articles, checklists, Tel: +49 (0)6032 3030
case studies and exercises depending on the

Early registration discount Description

This unique venue lies within a 200 ha large
An early registration discount (5% deduction
park in the picturesque city of Bad Nauheim.
from total fees) is available for all single course
Besides the 27 well-equipped conference
registrations 40 days prior to the actual work-
rooms, the only original Art Nouveau theatre in
shop date.
Germany is part of the venue.

Cancellation of individual work- Leisure facilities

shops Fitness room, saunas, steam bath, massage
When submitting a written cancellation up to 4 and other beauty facilities. An ice-skating rink
weeks before the workshop, no fees will be lev- and a nine-hole golf course are in immediate
ied. With later cancellations, fees at 70% of the proximity and the 200 ha large park is inviting
participation fees will be levied. Substitution of for walking and jogging as well as for rowing in
the registered attendee is always possible. the pond. The “Sprudelhof” (bath houses) in the
A postponement of the workshop date will be park belong to the largest complete Art Nou-
announced 3 weeks before the published date veau exhibit in Europe!
at the latest.

Contact Int. Airport Frankfurt: 40km
Institute for Competitive Intelligence GmbH Railway Station Bad Nauheim: 1.3km
Korngasse 9
35510 Butzbach Check the hotel website for details:
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 203 3030 458
Germany & Europe: +49 (0)6033 971 377 Room booking
Accommodation is available directly in Hotel
Fax: +49 (0)6033 971 376 DOLCE at a special rate (reservation code “ICI”)
of 119,- € to 169,-€ (incl. VAT and breakfast),
Email: depending on day and room type or in the Best-
[email protected] Western-Hotel Rosenau (75,- to 115,- € incl.
VAT and breakfast depending on the season),
Steinfurther Straße 1-5,
Telephone: +49 (0) 6032/96460.
Please register at the hotels in time under the
keyword “Institute for Competitive Intelligence”.
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 43

Additional Venues
Cairo, Egypt Chicago (IL), USA

Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino The Westin Chicago Northwest
16 Saray El Gezira street, Zamalek P.O. Box 400 Park Boulevard
33, Itasca, Illinois 60143
Cairo, 11211 Egypt United States
Tel: 20 2 272 83000 Phone: 630-773-400

Description Description
Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino The hotel is built around a beautifully decorated
is located in the heart of Cairo with an exotic twelve story enclosed atrium lobby covered by a
garden setting built around a 19th century vaulted glass skylight ceiling. Set in lushly
palace on an island in the Nile River in down- landscaped grounds, the Westin Chicago
town Cairo, and 15 minutes away from Giza Northwest is an ideal choice whether you're
pyramids, the Egyptian museum is just 5 min- staying with us for business or pleasure. It's lo-
utes away. Cairo Marriott Hotel is surrounded cated close to everything and offers an abun-
by the sights and sounds that makes Cairo dance of comforts and conveniences to enjoy.
the most popular destination in the Middle
East for both business and leisure travellers
and is a perfect base for exploring historic Leisure facilities
Cairo. A PGA Golf Training Center outdoor driving
range, Award Winning Shula’s Steak House
serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, Lounge
Leisure facilities and Atrium Bar for cocktails and light meals. Ex-
In the heart of downtown Cairo, viewing the tensive fitness and sports facilities with compli-
Nile, with six acres of lush, tranquil gardens. mentary indoor pool.
- The biggest Hotel in Cairo with 15 different
outlets, 24 hours F & B service, Mobil Five-
Star Award Arrival
- Royal Historical palace & gardens since Int. Airport O`Hare (ORD): 12 miles
1869, 24 hours Recreational, Spa Facilities & Int. Airport Chicago Midway (MDW): 30 miles
room service. Chicago: 22 miles
- Casino on-site
Details on arrival by car can be found on this
Driving Directions: Limousine service with
meet and assist available 24 Hours daily US nddirections/main.wnt?param=1
$70.00 for Mercedes E.Class, US $90.00 for
Mercedes S.Class (Booking via the hotel with
prior reservation of 24 hours is required). Room booking
There is no shuttle bus service available. For registration, please contact the hotel di-
Travel time: approximately 35 minutes. For rectly!
more Information please visit www.cairo- If you have any questions about the accommo- and dation or journey please call us. We are pleased
to help you.
Room booking
For registration, please contact the hotel di-
rectly! If you have any questions about the
accommodation or journey, please call us.
We shall be happy to be of help.
44 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Additional Venues
London, United Kingdom Madrid, Spain

Velada Madrid Hotel

C/ Alcalá, 476
Euston House 28027 Madrid
24 Eversholt Street Spain
London NW1 1AD Phone: +34 913 75 68 00
Telephone: 0808 172 2411 Fax: +34 913 75 68 05

Description The rooms at the Velada Madrid Hotel are spa-
Euston House is situated opposite Euston rail cious and cosy, and equipped with the best ser-
station. It offers a state-of-the-art, purpose- vices.
built, flexible venue to meet all your training,
corporate meeting and conference needs. A It has a total of 261 rooms (8 suites and 4
wide choice of rooms and flexible setups are adapted for disabled guests, with all kinds of
available. services and amenities for our clients).

Arrival Leisure facilities

Rail: Euston, St. Pancras and King's Cross - Air conditioning
mainline stations - Minibar
Underground: Euston Station: Victoria and - Hairdryer
Northern Lines - High-speed Internet connection
Euston Square Station: Circle, Metropolitan, - Safe deposit box
Hammersmith and City Lines - Direct telephone
King's Cross Station: Victoria, Northern, Cir-
cle, Metropolitan, Hammersmith and City
Lines Arrival
Airport: 3 km.
More Details on arrival can be found on this Juan Carlos I Fair Grounds: 3 km.
website: Train Station: 4 km.
Centre of Madrid: 15 minutes
Details on arrival by car can be found on this
Room booking
Our venue, the London Euston House, does
not offer overnight accommodation. acion.php

Please use the linked document on the

homepage to select and book a nearby hotel Room booking
for your overnight stay (special rates available For registration, please contact the hotel di-
for participants of the ICI workshops). Please rectly!
let us know if we can be of your assistance. If you have any questions about the accommo-
dation or journey please call us. We are pleased
to help you.

Bookings: [email protected]
Business: [email protected]
Management: [email protected]
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 45

Additional Venues

New Orleans (LA), USA Paris, France

Hilton New Orleans Riverside Radisson Blu Hotel, Paris Boulogne

2 Poydras Street 33 avenue Edouard Vaillant
New Orleans, LA 70140 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
United States France
Tel: (504) 561-0500 | 1-800-HILTONS Phone:(+33)1/46 08 85 00

Description Description
In the "center of it all", the newly renovated
The Radisson Blu Hotel, Paris-Boulogne is a
Hilton New Orleans Riverside hotel is directly
contemporary and elegant space. Located in
on the banks of the Mississippi River with
a nestled garden you can enjoy an intimate
easy access to everything New Orleans, Lou-
and relaxing atmosphere. It is conveniently
isiana has to offer.
located near Pac des Princes stadium, the
Roland Garros tennis court and Bois De Bou-
Leisure facilities logne Park. Most of the great sights of Paris
The "Health Club by Hilton" features indoor are close to the hotel with Charles de Gaulle
tennis and racquetball courts, along with all just a half hour drive. The hotel offers 170 de-
new equipment, pilates, spin classes and signer-styled guest rooms including 10 suites.
more. Two outdoor pools provide for a quick
refreshment. The Riverwalk Marketplace
(140+ shops and food outlets) is at the hotel's
Leisure facilities
doorstep, as are Harrah's Casino, the Aquar-
ium of the Americas, the IMAX Theatre, the • Fitness
French Quarter, the Ernest N. Morial Conven- • Guest services
tion Center, The National WWII Museum, the • Free high-speed internet
Arts District, the Louisiana Children's Mu-
• 24-hour dedicated concierge service
seum, and the Riverfront Streetcar.
• 24-hour room service

Louis Armstrong Int'l. Arpt.: 13 miles
New Orleans Lakefront (Private Planes): 10 Arrival
Details on arrival by car can be found on this
Room booking For registration, please contact the hotel di-
hp rectly! If you have any questions about the
accommodation or journey, please call us.
We shall be happy to be of help.
Room booking
For registration, please contact the hotel di-
rectly! If you have any questions about the
accommodation or journey, please call us.
We shall be happy to be of help.
46 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Additional Venues

Philadelphia (PA), USA San José (CA), USA

Best Western Brandywine Valley Inn Dolce Hayes Mansion

1807 Concord Pike 200 Edenvale Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19803 San Jose, CA 95136
United States USA
Phone: 302.656.9436 Phone: 1.408.226.3200

The Brandywine Valley offers visitors an ex- Description
traordinary collection of world-class attrac- Dolce Hayes Mansion, once a lavish private es-
tions and events, along with an array of fine tate, provides the perfect oasis for meetings,
restaurants, distinctive shops and first-rate training programs, teambuilding and special
entertainment. Bookmark this site and return events.
here often to stay informed about our sea-
sonal tourism specials as well as the latest Leisure facilities
updates to our Brandywine Valley Calendar of Every spare moment at Dolce Hayes Mansion
Events. offers opportunities for guests to relax and un-
Leisure facilities wind. Facilities include a fully equipped fitness
LONGWOOD GARDENS is world-famous for center with Nautilus, NordicTrak, Lifecycle and
its gardens, conservatories and spectacular free weights, outdoor pool and soaking tub,
fountain displays. steam and dry saunas, and a full service spa.
WINTERTHUR, An American Country Estate; Sporting types will appreciate the tennis courts,
- See an unsurpassed collection of antiques basketball court, sand volleyball pit, and 20-acre
and Americana, the Campbell's Soup Tureen woodland park with a new playground for
Collection on permanent display, period smaller children. Additionally, our Coyote Creek
rooms, the expansive gardens. Lounge offers billiards and games in a pub at-
Let the Gals take the car and explore the mosphere.
beautiful Brandywine Valley while the hotel
Escalade chauffers the guys to the Dupont Arrival
Country Club, just five minutes from the Inn. From San Jose International Airport (11 Miles)
Strategically located in the middle of the From San Francisco International Airport
United States Mid-Atlantic corridor, we're just (Approx. 1 Hour)
a short ride by auto or train from New York
City and Washington, DC. We're only minutes More Details on arrival can be found on this
from Philadelphia International Airport and website:
even less time from Wilmington's AMTRAK
station. And our Inn is less than a mile from
Interstate 95 via exit 8N, Route 202 North. ap.php
Room booking Room booking
For registration, please contact the hotel di- For registration, please contact the hotel di-
rectly! If you have any questions about the rectly! If you have any questions about the ac-
accommodation or journey, please call us commodation or journey please call us (special
(special rates available for participants of the rates available for participants of the ICI work-
ICI workshops). We shall be happy to be of shops). We are pleased to help you.
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 47

Additional Venues

Sitges/Barcelona, Spain Vienna, Austria

Dolce Sitges Hotel Castle Weikersdorf

Av. Camí de Miralpeix, 12 Schlossgasse 9-11
Sitges 08870, Spain AT-2500 Baden near Vienna
Phone: +34 938 109 000 Austria Tel.: +43 2 252 483 01 - 0
Fax: +43 2 252 483 01 – 150
Reward all the senses with a visit to Dolce Sit-
ges, a breathtaking new expression of Catalo-
nian hospitality on the shores of the Mediterra- Description
nean Sea, just 25 minutes from Barcelona Air- First mention of the castle was as early as 1233.
port and 35 minutes from Barcelona center in In 1971 it went through extensive renovation
the quaint village of Sitges. and was converted into a hotel. The most recent
refurbishment in 2004-2005 has transformed
Hotel Schloss Weikersdorf while retaining its
heritage. Exclusive and refined, it offers all
Leisure facilities modern facilities as well as a spa.
Here, the city’s finest full-service spa — Dolce
Vital Spa — and a state-of-the-art fitness center,
four outdoor pools, an indoor ozonized pool, Leisure Facilities
Finnish sauna, steam room and Jacuzzi — revi- Indoor swimming pool, caddy room, outdoor
talize and energize our guests. All the flavors and indoor tennis courts, Bio und Finnish sau-
and aromas of this celebrated region are cap- nas, bowling alley, spa
tured in three distinctive restaurants and bars,
where culinary masterpieces nourish the appe-
tite, as well as the spirit. Arrival
Railway Station Baden near Vienna: 3km
Int. Airport Wien Schwechat: 33 km
Wiener Lokalbahn (to Vienna): 0.5 km
www.dolce-sitges- Check the hotel website for details:
Room booking chlossweikersdorf/pdf_files/location_de.pdf
Accommodation is available directly in Hotel
DOLCE at a special rate from 193,- € (excl. VAT Room booking
and breakfast) For registration, please contact the hotel di-
rectly! If you have any questions about the ac-
commodation or journey please call us. We are
pleased to help you.
48 Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011

Additional Venues
Zurich, Switzerland


Top of Zurich
8143 Uetilberg
Tel: +41 (0) 44 457 66 66

The hotel UTO KULM on the Uetliberg of Zu-
rich is rich in history and presents itself with
charm and hospitality. In UTO KULM you will
enjoy unforgettable sunrises and sunsets.
And you will spend the night in the most
beautiful rooms or suites with a view of the
Zurich skyline.
Leisure facilities
Steam bath, aroma showers, sauna with view
of the skyline, ice grotto. The Zurich recrea-
tional area Uetilberg is inviting for walking,
jogging and strolling.

Int. airport Zurich-Kloten: 20 km

Zurich main train station: 10km, 21 Min with


Hotel UTO KULM is situated in a car-free rec-

reational area close to the centre of Zurich,
called Uetliberg.
You can park your car in a number of different
locations in Zurich and in the local area - but
your final approach to the hotel will need to
be with the SZU railway, or on foot. If re-
quired, please contact the hotel to arrange a
shuttle service from the terminal SZU station
to the hotel.

Details on arrival by car can be found on this


Room booking
For registration, please contact the hotel di-
rectly!If you have any questions about the ac-
commodation or journey please call us. We
are pleased to help you.
Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) – Autumn 2010 / Spring 2011 49

Return to FAX + 49 (0) 6033 971 376

I wish to attend
ˆ workshop: _______________________ date: _________________________________

ˆ workshop: _______________________ date: _________________________________

ˆ workshop: _______________________ date: _________________________________

An early registration discount (5% deduction from total fees) is available for all single course
registrations 40 days prior to the actual workshop date.

I wish to apply for a certificate program

ˆ Fundamental Certificate in Competitive Intelligence - FCCI™
ˆ Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Research
ˆ Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Analysis
ˆ Certificate in Competitive Strategy
ˆ Certificate in Competitive Intelligence Management
ˆ Certificate of Proficiency in Competitive Intelligence - CPCI™
ˆ Competitive Intelligence Engineer - CIE™

Additional requests
ˆ I’m interested in your in-house-training program.
ˆ I won’t be taking part, but I would like to request information on future dates.
ˆ Please call me back for a personal consultation!

Contact data
Surname: __________________________ First name: ____________________________

Company: __________________________ VAT ID: _____________________________

Function: ___________________________ Department: ___________________________

Street/PO Box: ______________________ Zip code/City: __________________________

Telephone/Fax: ______________________ Email: _____________________________

How did you learn about us?

ˆ Internet search ˆ A colleague/friend ˆ Online ad ˆ Printed ad ˆ Other

Please specify: ______________________

Payment Details
ˆ Payment per invoice
Please send me the payment details
ˆ via Email ˆ via Mail ˆ via Fax to: ______________________________

I accept the terms and conditions for participation for the current

Place, Date: ________________________ Signature: ____________________________

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