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Aviation 2030

Disruption and its implications

for the aviation sector
Thriving on disruption series

Major disruption is promised by a range of

powerful new technologies and public pressure.
Players that turn these trends to their advantage
have the opportunity to reshape the industry.
In this piece, we evaluate the potential for
alternative energy sources, maintenance
robotics, and the return of supersonic. We do
this through the lens of 5 key player types.

Christopher Brown Jono Anderson

KPMG in Ireland KPMG in the US

Global Strategy Group

Kieran O’Brien Charlie Simpson
KPMG International KPMG in Ireland KPMG in the UK
Aviation has long been glamorous, but for some
players in the value chain, it has also often proved to
be unprofitable.

Despite current headwinds, aviation Elsewhere in KPMG’s Mobility 2030

has arguably experienced a golden series,3 we have looked at changes
age: a phase of relatively profitable affecting ground transport, and in
growth, driven especially by ‘Getting Mobility off the ground’4
commercial passengers in developing we considered air-based disruption
markets. The International Air in short-distance travel. In KPMG’s
Transport Association (IATA) forecasts annual Aviation Industry Leaders
that global passenger numbers will Report,5 we look at the ‘traditional’
almost double by 2037, reaching aviation industry’s topical issues.
8.2 billion annually.1 To match that
demand, the aviation industry is In this paper, we focus on select
continuing to raise output to historic issues for traditional aviation, with
highs. In July 2018, Airbus announced that longer-term 2030 lens. In
that over 37,000 new aircraft – valued particular, we consider the disruption
at $5.8 trillion – are required over 20 potential related to developments in:
years.2 With regular retirement of
• Alternative energy sources
older fleet, that equates to a doubling
of the world’s passenger fleet to • Maintenance robotics
more than 48,000 aircraft. • Supersonic engineering

Operators continue to come and go, We do this through the lens of:
but the scaling of profitable models
since the 1990s has sustained longer • OEMs (Original Equipment
than many would have predicted. Manufacturers)
Likewise, aviation finance has grown • Lessors
with fleet scale, dozens of specialist • Operators
lessors now serve a distinct and
• MROs (Maintenance, repair and
global need.
overhaul (organizations))
• Airports
About this report
This report combines insights As leading advisors to the global
from KPMG member firms aviation sector, KPMG professionals
recent and ongoing client present a vision of the aviation
engagement with secondary landscape in 2030 and beyond.
research. We have also included
several client quotations from
sector conversations in late 2019.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

2 Aviation 2030
Disruption radar
The landscape of technologies impacting aviation can be visualized in the format below. Our disruption radar groups
relevant technologies and business models by their relative maturity, as a guide for business leaders to investment
relevance and urgency.

Figure 1: Sector disruption radar with examples (technologies and business models) by illustrative relative maturity

1 st class
Next gen Auto -pilot
Quantum supersonic Project Sunrise
Ticketless boarding
Big data & Hub -to-hub
UltraFan Voice analytics
Electric, hybrid and technology P2C conversion
hydrogen aircraft
Maintenance 3D printing / Premium economy
Flying V Drones ULR
additive manufacturing LCCs
Nascent Sunrise Strategic Table-stakes Mature Sunset
Composite materials Point -to-point
Snakes and beetles Blockchain
(Maintenance Turboprops
Robotics) Artiÿcial
Intelligence (AI) Cybersecurity Fleet renewal
Urban air
mobility Virtual and
Satellite based air
(VTOL / eVTOL) traffic
° surveillance
Reality (VR/AR)
Low-cost long-haul
Shark skin

Unmanned planes

There are many predictions about these and other technologies, with much focus on the technical aspects. Given the
investment horizons in this industry are often 15+ years, it logically follows that which business models are winning or
failing in the 2030s is already being infuenced by decisions today.

Our focus, therefore, is the implications these technologies have on clients’ strategic choices and investment
cases today.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 3
Figure 2: Framework for disruption
Grouping some of the newer, emergent technologies, we identify some big themes for 2030. Using the framework
below, we can explore the implications of each theme by stakeholder.

Key stakeholders / value chain players


Lessors /

Area Examples

Composite materials (e.g. carbon fibre,
aluminium), better aerodynamics (e.g. Flying
Plane design
V), shark skin tech, fleet renewal, quantum
computing to accelerate design testing

Decarbonization Engine efficiency

Engines with higher bypass ratio / ultra high

Alternate sources
Biofuel, electric and hybrid engines
of energy

Big data &

Predictive maintenance using flight data

3D printing
/ additive Aircraft parts, cabin interiors, engine parts

Baggage, retail, distribution, loyalty, maintenance

Blockchain and parts integrity, paperwork, smart contracts
and leases

GATS The Global Aircraft Trading System

Digital Chatbots, airport congestion, airspace

congestion, real time predictive pricing

Maintenance Drones for service scans, ‘snakes and beetles’,

robotics on-board service

Immersive IFE, Rolls Royce ‘Blisk’ for remote


Munich Airport Information Security Hub and

Cyber security
other ongoing R&D projects on cyber security

Voice Technology Siri and Alexa for live updates and check-in

Biometrics Biometric boarding

Speed Engine and aircraft advances

New locations
Vertical take-off and landing (VTOL/eVTOL), MaaS
Access in intra-urban and longer distance, non-airport
pick up

This paper, the first of the Aviation 2030 series, covers the above highlighted areas, considering implications across each
of the 5 stakeholder types. Subsequent papers will address other areas.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

4 Aviation 2030
Alternative sources of energy
Mounting external pressure will not settle for sector’s incremental improvements.
Figure 3: Aviation emissions in context, CO2 per passenger kilometer

Road Passenger [g CO2 /p-km]

Gasoline, diesel, hybrid cars
Gasoline, diesel, hybrid taxis
Coach, bus, rapid transit
2 and 3 wheel motorbike

Passenger rail, metro, tram

Passenger ferry

Passenger aircraft

0 50 100 150 200 250

Direct* CO² Emissions per Distance [gCO²/km]

*The ranges only give an indication of direct vehicle fuel emissions. They exclude indirect emissions arising from vehicle manufacture, infrastructure, etc. included in life-cycle analyses.

Source: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Aviation, as a major greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter,6 faces However, with words meaning ‘the shame of fying’
severe pressure to reduce its environmental impact, entering Swedish, Dutch, German and Danish, it is clear
from both consumers and governments.7 The industry is that aviation will need more than a PR offensive to fourish
committed to cutting CO2 emissions to half 2005 levels as consumer environmentalism grows. Shark skin paint
by 2050.8 A range of technologies promise to help it do so, will soon begin to bring incremental effciency gains
but many of the potential game changers, such as feet through reduced air drag.
electrifcation, still look remote. Aviation will therefore
come under increasing pressure over the next decade. As fgure 4 summarizes, alternative sources of energy,
especially waste-derived biofuels, offer realistic prospects
In part, this demands a better, evidence-based response of emissions cuts in the near-term, and it is no surprise
from the sector. As Figure 3 demonstrates, there is much they are being explored by players such as British
overlap in emission effciency per passenger distance. Airways, Cathay, United and Virgin. Companies like Neste,
More can and should be done to set modern, fuel effcient LanzaTech, and Velocys, which have signed deals with
feets in the context of other means of transport - and operators to provide fuel made from waste products, offer
indeed other aspects of environmental footprint, such as opportunities to cut overall lifecycle GHG by over 50%,
diet, fast fashion or gadget consumerism. There are also without encouraging monocultures or deforestation. But
the positive externalities that fying has brought, like trade these efforts remain small-scale, due to the fragmented
and cross-cultural connections. Do we want to return to a nature of the supply chain and the diffculty of securing
world where only the elite fy again? fuel certifcation and fnance for major production plants.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 5
Figure 4: Well to wake comparison of biofuels versus standard aviation fuel

80 100
93% Biojet GHG emissions
Savings % 90

75% 80
60 70% 69%
Biojet GHG emissions gCO2e/M

54% 60

Savings CO2e%
40 50

46% 40
37% 37% 30

10 18%

0 0
Energy Forestry Forestry Corn Corn Sugar Sugar Oilseed Jatropha Camelina Used
crops residues residues stover cane cane rape, soy cooking oil

Gassiÿcation and Pyrolysis Alcohol to jet DSHC Hydroprocessedesters and fatty acids (HEFA)

Source: Aviation biofuels, Grantham Institute Briefng paper, Imperial College London

Biofuels have the added complexities of a fragmented supply chain (for used cooking oils and forestry residues) and
knock-on effects on food prices (where dedicated crops are used). If operators increase their demand, however,
winning business models will be found.

Traditional biofuels will represent a logistical challenge for the global aviation sector
– is there enough land to cultivate the required crops and how close is that to current
demand? By-products from foodservice and other sectors may be more appealing in
that regard. Initially it is likely to be blended fuel while the supply chains mature. We’re
hugely supportive of using biofuel and will be specifcally supporting that in the future.
On the ground, we’re migrating our vehicles to low emission transmissions and we
have targeted net carbon zero across our entire operations by 2050.
Chief Communications Offcer, a major European airport

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

6 Aviation 2030
Figure 5: Roadmap for emissions reductions in aviation, as projected by the IATA
Emissions assuming no action Aircraft technology (known), operations and infrastructure measures No action

Carbon-neutral growth (CNG) 2020 Biofuels and radically new technologies

Gross emissions trajectory Economic meaures


CO2 emissions

CNG 2020

-50% by 2050

Not to scale

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Source: The International Air Transport Association (IATA)

As Figure 5 summarizes, more radical action becomes Wright Electric and Easyjet have announced plans for a
increasingly important if 2050 goals are to be met. Fleet 180-seat electric aircraft to fy routes of up to 300 miles,
electrifcation promises these greater opportunities - aiming to operate from 2027.11 Zunum Aero, backed by
ultimately, no emissions at point of use. Recognizing the Boeing and JetBlue, is working on hybrid electric aircraft
size of the prize, carrots and sticks are being held out to for regional routes and is looking to fy in the early 2020s.12
operators. Heathrow has recently announced that the There are a host of others, but the challenges for all are
frst electric-hybrid aircraft to be put into service at the alike and many observers think the goal of widespread
airport will be exempt from landing charges for a year.9 all-electric commercial aviation is decades, not years,
The Norwegian government has announced that it wants all away. After Figures 6-7, we list the implications of these
domestic fights to be electric by 2040.10 Many observers technologies for individual stakeholders. Consider,
think even this timeframe is optimistic; challenges abound however, a sector-wide challenge. If ambitious technology
for would-be electric fyers, especially battery power/weight change will take 10-20 years to commercialize, but public
ratios. How can a battery compare with the energy density sentiment does not have that patience, will we see a
of fuel? Nonetheless, a number of startups, some backed resulting investment gap? Could an environmentally-
by major existing players, have tooled up. inspired slowdown in passenger numbers result in
insuffcient industry profts to reinvest back into R&D and
feet upgrades?

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 7
Figure 6: Battery cost and energy density trajectories

Battery cost Battery energy density

Worldwide, $/kWh Watt-hours per litre
1.000 500

800 400

600 300

400 200

200 100

0 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

*includes Tesla gigafactory

Source: The Economist

Can the current trajectory of battery improvements be maintained, or will chemistry get in the way? Novel
solutions under research include using the fuselage itself to become part of a battery’s capacity.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

8 Aviation 2030
Figure 7a: Propulsion electrifcation projects by company type

The plurality of around 200

projects looking at alternative
propulsion are start-ups.
The vast majority of these
will fail - but those that look
31% increasingly like winners
will prompt valuation battles
between OEMs and
Private Equity.


Start-ups & independents

Big aerospace company

Motor manufacturers

Other aerospace company

Figure 7b: Propulsion electrifcation projects by company origin

The vast majority of these

projects and the vast majority
of related R&D spend are in
Europe and North America.
If experience in automotive,
and increasingly in
conventional aviation holds
true, then Asian players may
beneft from second mover
advantage: learning from the
mistakes of others and scaling
46% 47% already viable ideas in large
domestic markets.

Western Europe

NAFTA region

Source: Statista Other

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 9
We consider implications of decarbonization efforts by stakeholder type.

OEMs Operators

• Some fuels will require or enable modifications to • Will face growing pressure to make low carbon pledges,
existing engine designs, as well as new possibilities for and to demonstrate progress towards them. In the
operational efficiency and range.13 short term this is likely to mean a public commitment
• Difficult strategic decisions to be made about R&D to implementing biofuel as part of emissions reduction
priorities between biofuel optimization, electrification, measures.
and incremental improvements of ‘business as usual’ • Face a new safety challenge in the widespread adoption
designs. of batteries, which may pose a different fire hazard to
• Consider partnerships and/or acquisitions to stay abreast that of conventional fuel.
of technological developments in the nascent and • Extensive testing in order to embrace alternate fuel
rapidly-iterating electric market. variants. New fuels’ performance across a range of
• Find further airframe weight reductions to assist metrics must be assessed prior to deployment.14
electrification process. • Choose partners, from a wide range of options, to
• Overcome perception of batteries as prone to fires and deliver biofuel. Negotiate purchase agreements,
unsafe, involving both designing out the risk of fire or specifying volumes and timelines - fuel hedging will not
designing in suitable containment methods. be an option.
• May face new taxes to encourage biofuel adoption,
especially in the EU.15

Lessors • Meanwhile electrification of small vertical take-off and

landing (VTOL) vehicles enables new point-to-point
travel. While initially more likely to displace helicopter,
taxi or ferry journeys, it may also begin to impact
• Market for older, higher-emissions models likely to
premium short-haul flight demand in the 2030s (e.g.
wither as pressure to reduce GHG grows.
Heathrow to Manchester, JFK to Dulles). Operators may
• Strategic decisions on fleet renewal to factor in likely therefore choose to get involved in eVTOL.
operator demand for low-emission models.
• Longevity of new models unlikely to match current fleet,
as the pace of development quickens.

Safety trumps everything in aviation. I believe this and the limitations of current
technologies will dampen the pace for electrification of commercial aircraft. Further
improvements in engine efficiency, sharkskin paint, and some biofuel blending represent
the more likely gains by 2030. Hybrid planes might be the realistic next step after that.
CEO, an aircraft finishing specialist

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

10 Aviation 2030
MROs Airports

• Electric drivetrains, with fewer parts to wear and tear, • Will face pressure to integrate biofuels into existing fuel
are likely to require less overall maintenance and could storage and distribution infrastructure.
shrink the overall engine MRO market. There will be • Potentially have an opportunity to grow traffc by
some compensations, especially in the form of battery establishing a lead in biofuel and/or electric handling
inspection and maintenance. supply and expertise.
• In the short term, likely to experience an uplift in • Getting biofuels cost-effciently to a critical mass of
demand for retrofts, as lessors and operators seek to airports may bring hidden logistical complexity.
optimize legacy feets for new energy sources including
• Will require ground equipment for rapid battery recharge
biofuel, hybrid-electric and fully electric.
to facilitate electric models, including battery cooling
• Will require reskilling of technical workforce to handle technology. This will require new in-house expertise or
new engine designs and technology. supplier relationships.
• With electric planes able to operate from much shorter
runways, airports may fnd that the transition to electric
There is a growing consumer led drive opens up major opportunities to reconfgure their
for greener sustainable travel which current use of space, affecting strategic decisions about
the aviation industry is responding to expansion.
with a commitment to a 50% reduction • Electric planes’ comparatively noiseless performance
in carbon emissions from their 2005 may remove the need for night-time fying restrictions,
opening up the possibility of round-the-clock operations
level. Sustainable aviation fuel such
at airports that are currently restricted.
as aviation biofuels will be key to this
• Similar to the dilemma for operators, point-to-point
ambition. We will support it whatever
eVTOL presents a threat to airport volumes beyond
way we can. As an airport reducing 2030. Some airports may respond by bringing their
our carbon footprint is a central theme capital and operational expertise to city center locations.
of our strategic planning and by next
year we will have achieved our target
of reducing our energy consumption
across the airport campus by one-third
since 2018.
CEO, a regional transatlantic airport group with
MRO investments

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 11
The fourth industrial revolution will impact aviation as
much in after-sales as initial production.

Aircraft maintenance is a major cost On the inspection side, Airbus

line accounting for around 20% of a and others have demonstrated
plane’s operating cost. The process inspection drones which can
is hugely complex and exacting - it perform full external examinations
sees planes taken out of commission of large aircraft.18 Others, such as
for weeks, even months, at a time, New Zealand’s Invert Robotics, and
to be pored over by dozens of Cranfield University, have developed
skilled technicians using specialized crawler drones capable of sticking
equipment. Exacting safety standards to the exterior of a plane, rather
ensure that regular inspection is than flying around it, to perform
paramount and will continue to be so. examinations.19,20

Multiple technologies promise to Other digital technologies are

bring these costs down. Advances in also delivering new efficiencies:
drone technology, robotics, machine Qatar and Rolls-Royce are using
learning, and AI, have huge potential VR to train engineers and thereby
to streamline maintenance schedules reduce the need to remove costly
and processes. assets from circulation for training
purposes;21 Cathay Pacific is just
Examples abound: Rolls-Royce is one airline employing predictive
planning a ‘snake’ robot capable of analytics to anticipate maintenance
winding through the recesses of demands, and Airbus has partnered
an engine for a range of purposes, with Rockwell Collins to include a
including releasing small camera- predictive analytics package on all
enabled ‘beetle’ robots to send new A320s.22,23 The emergence
imagery to technicians;16 Lufthansa of startups such as OneAire
Technik has deployed a robot capable demonstrates the growing interest in
of carrying out crack inspections on the possibility of AI to yield actionable
engine components.17 insights and drive further efficiencies
in the maintenance space.24
See Figure 8 for more examples.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

12 Aviation 2030
Figure 8: The digital race has accelerated across all types of MRO


Honeywell / Aviaso
Honeywell acquired Aviaso to provide fuel efficiency and
Safran emission saving solutions.
Safran launched a new entity, Safran analytics.
This division was tasked with federating all Safran
activities concerning Big data.


Air France KLM Group / Prognos Flydubai and GE launch network insights digital solutions to
Air France KLM’s platform Prognos provides provide Intelligenet Network software for efficient recovery of
predictive maintenance software designed to disruptions across the airline‘s fleet of B737 aircraft.
capture data from aircraft in-flight and on the ground
across available connectivity links.

Airbus Skywise
Skywise is an open data platform developed by Airbus for the
aviation industry providing insights from large amounts of data
to help operators optimize decision-making in maintenance,
Boeing AnalytX engineering and flight operations, and in turn reduce costs.
Boeing AnalytX utilizes Boeing’s expertise with
data-based information to give empowered decision
support to optimize operations and missions.

AAR launched new digital services (PAARTS STORE and
AARive real-time).

Lufthansa Technik / Aviatar

AVIATAR is an independent and open platform for
the aviation industry that combines a variety of
digital products and services for airlines, MROs,
Rolls-Royce / R2 Data Labs
OEMs and lessors in one place.
Rolls-Royce R2 Data labs uses advanced data
analytics, industrial Artificial Intelligence and
machine learning techniques, to develop data
applications that unlock design, manufacturing and
operational efficiencies within Rolls-Royce, whilst
2018 creating new service propositions for customers.

SIA Engineering Company / Safran

SIA partned with Safran to collaborate in the field of
data analytics.
AAR / Airinmar
AIRVOLUTION, a cloud-based solution for
component repairs.

FLYdocs / Safran / SITA / Sky Republic
MRO blockchain alliance to gain greater visibility
over the life cycle of aircraft parts.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 13
Digital-backed preemptive maintenance could save operators billions over the next decade. The level of data obtained
from next generation aircrafts like Boeing 787s, A350s, Bombardier CSeries (now A220), A320neo, B737MAX, B747-
8, A330neo, Embraer E2 Jets and the upcoming B777X means an ever clearer view of each asset’s current health
and capabilities. With CAGR growth of ~32% (see Figure 9), the NexGen feet is expected to save airlines ~US$5 billion
year on year with digitization of MRO over the next decade (see Figure 10).

Figure 9: Air transport feet development by maturity

Maturity CAGR (2017-27) ~35k
NextGen 32.1%
Others -3.1%






2017 2022F 2027F

Ordered ˜eet of next generation aircrafts to be delivered over the next decade


Highlighted aircrafts in teal represent
aircrafts with e-Enabled installed and
having higher digitization capabilities

392 330 330 326 242 150







Source: ICF analysis (excludes turboprops)

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

14 Aviation 2030
Figure 10: Cost reduction from digitization
Digitization could enable airlines to save in excess of US$5 billion per year.

Health monitoring and Fuel cost savings Delay reduction

predictive maintenance
Airline industry savings: Airline industry savings: Airline industry savings:

~US$3.0bn(conservative estimate)
(conservative estimate)
(conservative estimate)

Driven by improved dispatch Continuous fight optimization Improved turnaround process, in-
reliability. No fault found reduction, through live weather updates, speed fight routing optimization.
inventory reduction and improved and altitude optimization.
labor productivity.

Source: KPMG analysis

Figure 11: Data generated from global feet

In 2028, the global feet will generate ~127 exabytes of data (that’s 127 million terabytes or 127 billion gigabytes):

In service ˜eet Total exabytes generated per year

38,000 130

32,000 70

25,000 0
2018 2019F 2020F 2021F 2022F 2023F 2024F 2025F 2026F 2027F 2028F

Source: Oliver Wyman *Forecast beyond 2026 is based on historical trend

Tempering this optimism in technology, however, are a number of practical considerations. Drones, for example, will face
understandable breaks to their deployment in and near hangers within commercial airports. In other areas, like paintwork,
what is technically feasible might not yet be economically attractive.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 15
MROs and operators may face the bulk of risks and opportunities.

OEMs Operators

• Robotization is expected to drive efficiencies throughout • Robotics and VR will reduce the need for technicians to
the manufacturing process, allowing headcount travel physically to locations to carry out inspection and
reductions in a notoriously labor-intensive process. maintenance work, as well as reduce the need for assets
• Strategic partnerships or acquisitions may be needed to to be removed from circulation for training and/or repair.
capitalize on the opportunities offered by robotics, IoT, • Predictive analytics will enable more accurate planning of
data, and analytics. shop visits and their costs, facilitating improved budget
management and reduced maintenance costs.
• Drones can be used to inspect and scan areas of
Lessors potential damage before planes are sent to the shop for
repair, resulting in less downtime.
• Drones and robots together expected to produce step-
• The impact of robotics from a lessor point of view is changes across a range of metrics, including: punctuality,
relatively limited. Predictive analytics and sensor data aircraft downtime, maintenance costs, and safety. At
will help lessors better predict maintenance events and such a rate of change, the rewards for shrewd investment
thus reduce maintenance reserves. in these technologies will be substantial and the penalties
for falling behind the curve could be severe – operators
• Lessors may need to rethink the economically useful life
will face difficult decisions about investment priorities.
of an aircraft as the pace of innovation accelerates – new
depreciation curves will mean rethinking the economics • Trend monitoring will enable lower inventories of parts
of overhauling older planes. as operators are able to predict demand for life-limited
parts more accurately. They will also enable more
efficient scheduling of shop visits, and improved fleet
In the area of paintwork, automation is management.
technically feasible but the economics
don’t yet stack up. Robotics would
Maintenance drones are an interesting
have to become significantly cheaper
development, but in practical terms
to displace the labor cost which
their roll-out will be faster where
is currently required to apply the
maintenance facilities are not adjacent
coatings as part of the overall scope of
to commercial airports. No fly drone
work, and with advancements in the
zones operate at airports for safety
coatings products, the business case
and security reasons. There are many
for automation may actually become
operational risks that still need to be
harder to support.
understood and mitigated in relation
CEO, an aircraft finishing specialist
to drones.
Chief Communications Officer,
a major European airport

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

16 Aviation 2030
Airports MROs

• Robots in a wider sense will impact airport operating • Predictive analytics will enable more accurate planning
models as they adapt to a range of tasks: scanning of shop visits and their costs, facilitating improved
boarding passes, checking bags, delivering baggage to budget management.
planes, assisting lost passengers, and more. They will • Drones and robots likely to allow MRO players to
help airports handle growing passenger numbers by reduce headcounts and time of maintenance tasks,
reducing congestion and increasing alertness to security and increase operating margins in the long term – but
threats. it is more crucial than ever for them to make shrewd
• In terms of maintenance, robots may render existing technology investment calls now.
inspection infrastructure – mechanical stands, inspection • Trend monitoring will enable lower inventories of parts
platforms – obsolete. New infrastructure to support as operators are able to predict demand for life-limited
the deployment of drones and robots for passenger parts more accurately. They will also enable more
management and plane inspection and maintenance will effcient scheduling of shop visits, logistics and feet
be indispensable. management.
• New rules or norms will be needed for the widespread • Cost of technical training should reduce with increasing
deployment of drones and robots at airports, to manage reliance on VR and digital methods instead of live assets.
potential safety concerns and overcome passenger
• Ultimately MROs will need to reshape their business
skepticism (in parallel with more robust means of
model around a new paradigm of condition-based
identifying and neutralizing uninvited drones).
• With less MRO revenue per airplane likely, investments
We see near-term innovation in the will be reliant on overall global feet expansion.

paint chemistry and curing as having

most relevance. Ink printing could Given our track record of innovation at
feature; but who knows, beyond 2030, Shannon and our investment in MRO,
the very need for paintwork may be we keep a keen eye on advances in
overtaken by advances in technology. robotics maintenance.
For example, much as the 787 uses
CEO, a regional transatlantic
electrifed gel to dim its windows, in airport group with MRO investments
time the aircraft surfaces themselves
may be capable of displaying any
pattern required at any given time;
but as the main purpose for painting
an aircraft is corrosion protection, this
would require a signifcant revolution
in the composition of the substrate
materials which I don’t see happening
for quite some time.
CEO, an aircraft fnishing specialist

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 17
Return of supersonics
Concorde is no more, but the lure of supersonic fight remains strong.
A new generation of startups, undaunted by the history of supersonic and building on a range of technological
advancements, are resurrecting the idea of sub-3-hour fights between New York and London. Travel time at supersonic
speed considerably decreases for longer distances (see Figure 12), with Tokyo to London taking ~5 hours instead of ~10

Figure 12: Supersonic range map

Travel distance (nautical miles)

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500
None of the challenges that grounded
Dallas -
Seattle Concorde have gone away:
the noise pollution of sonic booms;
New York - the high costs of developing and
fying supersonic planes; the
New York - emissions profle; the uncertainty
Los Angeles around market appetite. But major
bets are being struck that these
Dubai -
London problems can be engineered away
in the near future, with established
New York -
value chain players (including NASA,
see Figure 13) putting their weight
Dallas - London
behind the ambitious initiatives in
the space.

Rio - New York

Dubai - Tokyo

London - Beijing

Seattle - Beijing

London -
Los Angeles

Beijing -

London -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Travel time (hours)

Passenger plane (hours) Private Jet (hours) Supersonic (hours) Air distance (nm)

Sources: QSTA range map – Lockheed Martin, Travel time calculator – Paramount Business Jet

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

18 Aviation 2030
Figure 13: NASA’s goals for supersonic aircraft development25

Early 2020s 2030-2035

Small Supersonic Airliner Effcient Multi-Mach Aircraft
Design Goals

Cruise speed Mach 1.6 – 1.8 Mach 1.3 – 2.0

Range (nm) 4000 4000 – 5000

Payload (passengers) 35 - 70 100 – 200

Environmental Goals

Sonic Boom 65 – 70 PLdB 65 – 70 PLdB (Low Boom fight)

75 – 80 PLdB (Overwater fight)

Airport Noise 10 EPNdB 10 – 20 EPNdB

Cruise Emissions (Cruise NOx g/kg of <10 <5 & particulate and water vapour
fuel) mitigation

Effciency Goals

Fuel Efficiency (pax-miles per lb of fuel) 3.0 3.5 – 4.5

Source: Machine Design

Aerion, building a supersonic business jet, will be taking Airlines and Virgin Atlantic.27 Spike Aerospace, focused
its engine from GE Aviation and avionics from Honeywell on a luxury 12-seater, says it is in ‘detailed discussions’
Aerospace.26 Boom Supersonic, looking to build a with both Rolls-Royce and GE Aviation about supplying
supersonic 55-seater, has pre-sold 30 planes to Japan engines.28

Figure 14: New breed of supersonic OEMs

BOOM Aerion Supersonic Spike Aerospace

Overture AS2 S-512

Payload (passengers) 55 - 75 8 - 11 18
Cruise speed Mach 2.2 Mach 1.5 Mach 1.6
Range (nm) 4,500 4,200 6,200
Estd. frst fight 2020 2023 2023
Customers Japan Airlines Flexjet Two unnamed customers
Virgin Atlantic

Sources: Boom, Aerion, Spike Aerospace

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 19
The fact that renewed enthusiasm for supersonic is concentrated in business
jets, rather than full scale commercial passenger planes, refects a wider
re-segmentation in the market – with improved economics of private charter
helping the rise in business jet volumes (Figure 15) and with commercial frst
class being cannibalized by business class (Figure 16).

Figure 15: Global business jet numbers forecast, 2008-2023F










2008 2018 2023F

Commercial Large Midsize Light

Source: Jetcraft–5 Year Business aviation market forecast

As a growing transatlantic hub we keep an eye on all

developments in relation to aircraft developments.
However, like any other airport with high runway
utilization, we prioritize large commercial aircraft over
smaller private operators.
Chief Communications Offcer, a major European airport

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

20 Aviation 2030
Figure 16: Reducing demand for first class
The rise of private jets to travel long haul has seen a parallel fall in first class.

First-class seats offered(a) , by route (‘000) First-class seats offered(a), by airlines

2008 2018 2008 2018

% change % change

Dubai-Singapore -23.9 Air China -40.0

London-Singapore -26.8 British Airways -12.7

Singapore-Sydney -34.4 Delta Air Lines -45.0

Mumbai-London -40.0 93.7


Los Angeles-London -40.6 Korean Air -27.3

Hong Kong-London -43.9 Lufthansa -64.0

Singapore Airlines -44.4

Note: (a) For flights longer than 3,000 nautical miles United Airlines -52.6
Source: The Economist

If there is any space in which supersonics can prove their

economic viability then, it is perhaps first in this niche. The aviation industry may have
More generally, proponents of supersonic cite a number underestimated the coming
of reasons to be optimistic about the ‘second wave’ of the environmental backlash. This will
idea: more efficient engines; advances in engine cooling challenge concepts like supersonic
technology facilitating ever-higher speeds (including for anyone beyond a tiny elite as the
hypersonic); advances in material science and biofuels; potential CO2 per mile per passenger
improved understanding of sonic booms and how to
may be difficult to justify.
manage them, and a perceived willingness of passengers
in the higher end of the market to pay a premium for CEO, an aircraft finishing specialist
lower journey times. It remains to be seen whether any
of the entrants into this supersonic race will be able to
deliver on their lofty ambitions, but it is clear that they are
serious about trying, and that all players in the value chain
will need to consider the possible impacts of supersonic
on them.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 21
The implications here are perhaps biggest for OEMs and smaller airports.

OEMs Operators

• Major new design challenges and market opportunities • Establish existence and size of addressable markets,
presented by renewed demand for supersonic jets; against a backdrop of substantial ambiguity concerning
manufacturers will need to push beyond the currently feasibility, routes, costs, and pricing. Assumptions about
possible in order to create engines that can achieve the this will govern asset leasing decisions and build specs.
required velocities whilst also meeting environmental • Operators have a major challenge reconciling supersonic
standards. travel with low carbon pledges, and will need to
• Designing out the sonic boom to facilitate overland understand what environmental performance the public
travel is another major challenge manufacturers will have will be willing to tolerate for increased speed ‘for the
to solve in order to open up the routes envisaged by few’.
supersonic proponents.29 • Lobby regulators to update noise restrictions in order to
• Opportunity to pioneer a new segment in the market pave the way for relatively quieter models to fy.
and steal a march on competitors; breakthroughs in
supersonic technology will facilitate lucrative market
capture. At the same time, manufacturers risk being
distracted from other, perhaps incompatible, strategic
goals, such as environmental harm abatement.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

22 Aviation 2030
Lessors Airports MROs

• Early signals from operators • Likely to face intense pressure • Technicians will need to familiarize
suggest they may be more likely from a range of stakeholders over themselves with a new generation
to own and co-develop than lease noise from supersonics as well as of supersonic aircraft and parts,
these prestige, high-value assets. their environmental impacts. requiring extensive retraining and
• With longer-term stakeholders, • As supersonic aircraft could possibly retooling.
newer Chinese lessors could be signifcantly increase the area • Maintenance contracts for
early adopters of the supersonic around airports exposed to supersonic likely to be more
through wet leases to charter substantial noise pollution, larger, lucrative than for conventional
airlines or even commercial airlines. urban airports in particular may not aircraft, with supersonics requiring
risk their social license to operate, more regular maintenance and
preferring instead expansion of more specialized equipment.
conventional routes.30
• With the business jet emphasis
for new supersonic projects, those
airports most likely to embrace a
return of supersonic are smaller,
dedicated private airfelds or more
out-of-town locations.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 23
The relative golden age of the aviation sector may well
continue – economic recessions notwithstanding –
through 2030.

However, a range of societal Since aviation requires long

pressures and new technologies are investment horizons, given both
set to create signifcant disruption R&D cycles and asset lifespan, it
for incumbents. Thus-far proftable follows that the winning business
business models are likely to be models of the 2030s are already
eclipsed by new models built being determined by today’s
on improvements in robotics, investment choices.
electrifcation, biofuel tech and
supersonic tech. Pressure to digitize, So if the examples of disruption we
to reduce emissions at the same have considered in this paper are not
time as reducing journey times, already on your Board’s radar - they
and to increase aerial access to should be.
congested urban centers, are already
driving innovation throughout the
value chain. All players will need to
take a structured look at the potential
they face for disruption.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

24 Aviation 2030
Sourcing 1. IATA Forecasts Passenger Demand to Double Over 20 Years, IATA, 18
October 2016. (

& notes 2. Current and emerging trends in the aerospace sector, ATKINS. (https://

3. Mobility 2030: Transforming the mobility landscape, KPMG International,

2019. (

4. Getting mobility off the ground, KPMG in the US, 2019. (

5. The Aviation Industry Leaders Report 2018, KPMG in Ireland, 2019. (https://

6. A European Strategy for low-emission mobility, European Commission.


7. ‘Flight shame’ has Swedes rethinking air travel: Passengers are shunning
planes out of guilt over the effects of fying on climate change, Daily
Mail, 10 April 2019. (

8. IATA Forecast Predicts 8.2 billion Air Travelers in 2017, IATA, 24 October
2018. (

9. First electric aircraft at Heathrow won’t pay landing fees for a year, Your
Heathrow, 15 October 2018. (

10. Norway aims for all short-haul fights to be 100% electric by 2040, The
Guardian, 18 January 2018. (

11. EasyJet says it could be fying electric planes within a decade,

The Guardian, 27 September 2017. (

12. Zunum Aero bets on hybrid electric engines for its small commuter
jet, Tech Crunch, 4 October 2018. (

13. Aerion Plans for 100 Percent Biofuel on AS2, AINonline, 4 April 2019.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 25
Sourcing 14. Sustainable Alternative Fuels, Lufthansa Group. (

& notes 15. Jet fuel tax hopes lifted by leaked EU report, Euractiv, 13 May 2019. (https://

16. Rolls-Royce Developing Robotics for Engine Maintenance, MRO Network,

19 July 2018. (

17. Robots Finding Their Place in Aviation Aftermarket, MRO Network, 7 March
2018. (

18. Airbus launches advanced indoor inspection drone to reduce aircraft

inspection times and enhance report quality, Airbus, 10 April 2018. (https://

19. Future tech: robotic repair on the runway, Airport Technology, 6 May 2019.

20. Flying, clinging and crawling - using robots in MRO, Royal Aeronautical
Society, 2 April 2019. (

21. Rolls-Royce and Qatar Airways use Virtual Reality to train engineers,
Rolls Royce, 15 April 2019. (

22. Honeywell To Provide Predictive Maintenance for Cathay Pacifc A330s,

MRO Network, 20 July 2017. (

23. Airbus Unveils New Era of Predictive Maintenance in Paris, Aviation Today,
26 June 2017. (

24. Helping Digital Transformation, OneAire. (


25. NASA’s Quiet Supersonic Technology Project Passes Major Milestone,

NASA, 19 November 2018. (

26. Aerion’s Supersonic AS2 Avionics, Engine Confrmed at NBAA

2018, Aviation Today, 18 October 2018. (

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

26 Aviation 2030
Sourcing 27. Boom wants to build a supersonic jet for mainstream passengers; here’s its
game plan, Tech Crunch, 22 May 2019. (

& notes game-plan/?renderMode=ie11)

28. Spike Aerospace hires Boeing veteran, wins supersonic jet orders and
nears engine deal, Biz Journals, 28 January 2019. (

29. Ibid.

30. The environmental and health impacts of a new generation of

supersonic aircraft could be immense, The International Council on Clean
Transportation, 30 January 2019. (

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

Aviation 2030 27
Christopher Brown Kieran O’Brien About KPMG’s
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