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MH CET Law 2016 - 3 Year

LLB Sample Paper
14. Sample Questions:

High Court shall be in which language?



c) Language of the Bill/Case
d) Both la] and [bl
2. Which of the following is not an eligibility criteriaIn for election as President of India ?
a) Should be citizen of India l
b) Should be at least 35 years of age
c) Should be qualified for election to the House bf the people
d) He should be elected as a member of the House of the People
3. Indian Constitution was enacted and adopted on:
a) 26th January, 1950
b) 26th November, 1949
c) 15th August, 1947
d) 14th August, 1947
Ans: b
4. The President's Rule under Article 356 remains va id in the State for the maximum period of
a) two months
b) five months
c) six months
d) one year
5. The powers of the President of India are
a) beyond the Constitution
b) in accordance with the Constitution
c) In accordance with the Parliament
d) In accordance with the Supreme Court
6. Principle: No legal remedy exists for an injury ca sed by an act, for which one has consented.
Facts: Mr.Ankush, a cricket enthusiast, purchases a ticket to watch the one day international cricket
match benveen India and Australia, organised bf. the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).
As he is absorbed in watching the exploit5 of David Warner, a ball struck for a six by the latter hits
Mr. Ankush on his body and injures him. Mr.Ankush sues BCCI for reimbursement of the medical
bill he paid for treatment of the injury.

a) Mr.Ankush should be compensated as he ased the ticket to get entertainment and nft to get
b) Mr.Ankush would lose as he voluntarily ex hinrself to the risk.
c) BCCI is liable as it did not ensure that t spectators were protected from the risks Qf such
d) None of the above
Ans: b

7. Principle: A minor's agreement is absolutely and not enforceable.

Facts: Mr.Ravi, is a stamp collector. He is
Mr.Santosh, aged 1,6, who agrees in writi
refuses to deliver it to Ravi though he pays
he succeed?
a) Ravi cannot succeed as Mr. Santosh is not lia
b) Ravi can succeed as he has paid Rs.100 for t stamp.
c) Ravi can succeed as Mr.Santosh agreed in wr ng to sell the stamp.
d) None of the above
Ans: a
8. Principle: A person who is usually of sound mind, but occasionally of unsound mind, nfay not
make a contract when he is of unsound mi . A person who is usually of unsound mihd, but
occasionally of sound mind, may make a con when he is of sound mind.
Facts: Mr. Shailesh, a patient in a lunatic as m, is, at intervals, of sound mind. Can Mr.Shailesh
contract at intervals?
a) Yes, because he is a human being.
b) No.
c) Yes, because he is of sound mind during th intervals.
d) None of the above
Ans: c
9. Principle: Every person who commits an in the territory of India shall be guilty within
the meaning of India Penal Code
Facts: Mr.Morris, a citizen of France commits rder in Madras. In this case
a) Mr.Morris, is not guilty because he is not a ci zen of India
b) Mr.Morris is guilty of murder because person whether he is a cifizen of India or not, is
liable if he commits on offence in Inclia.
c) Mr.Morris is liable but he can't be tried in Ind
d) None of the above
Ans: b
10. Principle: Theft amounts to robbery if the for committing theft voluntarily cau$es any
person's death or causes hurt,
Facts: Mr.Prakash pushes Mr.Sharad on his f, and thereafter Mr.Prakash removes Mr.Slrarad's
watch and wallet.
a) Mr.Prakash is guilty of committing robbery he inflicted injuries on Sharad for comr]nitting
b) Mr.Prakash is not guilty of any offence.
c) Mr.Prakash is guilty of theft, not of robbery.
d) None of the above
Ans: a
11 Recently Supreme Court of India directed the Cen to issue notification banning the employnient of
minor children in,.,.., within two months.
a) Factories
b) Hotels
c) Circus

d) None of the above
Ans: c
12. Which of the following NGO was allowed by the preme Court of India in participating in
inquiry against |ustice P. D. Dinakaran?
b) Lawyers Collective
c) Forum for fudicial Accountability
d) None of the above
Ans: c
13 Who among the following is the author of the k "Law and |ustice- An Anthology"?
a) Mr. Arun Shourie
b) Mr.Soli Sorabjee
c) Mr,K.K. Venugopal
d) Mr. F.S. Nariman
Ans: b
1,4. Who among the following is the first sitting fu of the High Court to be faced with a CBI
a) Mr. Justsice P. D. Dinakaran
b) Mr. Justsice Soumithra Sen
c) Mr. fustsice Nirmal Yadav
d) Mr, Justsice Narayana Kurup
Ans: c
15. Withdrawing medical treatment with the d intention of causing the pabient's death
a) Legal Euthanasia
b) MedicalEuthanasia
c) Passive Euthanasia
d) None of the above
Ans: c
16. Who among the following is the not a member of he committee which elects the Central Vigil
a) President of India
b) Prime Minister of India
c) Leader of Opposition
d) Home Minister of India
Ans: a
17. Death sentence can be awarded in
a) Murder Cases only
b) Rare cases only
c) Rarest of rare cases
d) None of the above
Ans: c
18. When a person is remanded to fudicial Custody, shall be sent to
a) Police lock up
b) Jail
c) Protection Home
d) None of the above
Ans: b
19. The starting point of an agreement is
a) Offer
b) Invitation to offer
c) Advertisement
d) Acceptance
Ans: a
20. Reasonable restrictions can be imposed on Funda I Rights by
a) Supreme Court
b) Parliament
c) Executive
d) Any of the above
Ans: b

2't. The temporary release of prisoner is called

a) Parole
b) Amnesty
c) Discharge
d) Pardon
Ans: a
22. Which Constitution Amendment Bill is popul known as Women's Reservation Bill?
a) 101
b) 106
c) 108
d) 102
Ans: c
23. Judiciary in India has declared the year the'Awareness year of female foeticide'.
a) 2007
b) 2008
c) 2009
d) 2010
Ans: a
24. ' A' offers to sell his car to 'B' f or 40,000 f -.'B' a to buy the car of 'A' offering 30,000/- the
'B' amounts to
a) Offer
b) Counter offer
c) Invitation to an offer
d) Standing offer
Ans: b
25. The Council of Ministers is jointly responsible to
a) The Prime Minister
b) The Vice- President
c) President
d) Lok-Sabha
Ans: d
25. Panchayati Rajin India is
a) A hierarchical set up for rural administration
b) A complex system of rural local government
c) The Self government of the villagers in India
d) Village republic in democracy
Ans: a
27. The Supreme Court of India was set up
a) By the Constitution
b) By the Law of Parliament
c) By the Presidential Order
d) None of the above
Ans: a
28. The Consumer Protection Act came in to exis
a) 1.986
b) 1e85
c) 1988
d) 1,ee2
Ans: a

29. What is legal right?

a) Right recognizedby law and capable of bei enforced at law courts
b) Rights recognized by a religion
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
Ans: a
30. If a newspaper published a defamatory article wr tten by'A', who can be sued?
a) Publisher of that newspaper
b) Printer of that newspaper
c) Mr. A only
d) Mr. A, Printer, Publisher and Editor
Ans: d
I The percentage ofearth surface covered by India is
Answer: A

2 Which among the following is /are the major fact responsible for the monsoon type of climate in ndia?

II. Thermal Contrast

III. Upper air circulation
IV.Inter-tropical convergence zone
A. I
B. I &II
3 The present forest area oflndia, according to satellite
A. increasing
B. decreasing
C, static
D. decreasing in open forest area but increasing in closed fi
Answer: B
4 Which State has smallest land area?
A. Goa B. Nagaland C. Sikkim D, Kerala
Answer: A
5 How many States and Union Territories in lndia?
A. 25 States and 7 Union Territories B. 28 States and 7 ion Territories
C. 24 States and 6Union Territories D. None of the a
Answer: B
6 The world's longest river is :

A. Nile
B. Ganges
C. Amazon
D. M ississippi-Missouri

7 Chandragupta I founded the Gupta era in the year:
A.225 A.D.
8.300 A.D.
c.320 A.D.
D. None of the above
Answer: C
8 The word "Jai Hind" was first used by
A. Bankim Chandra Chatteree
B. Ravindra Nath Togore
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: B
9 When, for the first time, was the institution of Public ice Commission for recruitment to Public Servi
India set up?
B. 1932
c. 1935
D. t925
Answer: D
l0 Swaraj as a national demand was first made by:
A. Chittaranjan Das
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Dadabhai Naoroji
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer: C
I I The concept of 'Creamy layer' is associated with :
A. Scheduled Castes
B. Scheduled Tribes
C. Other Backward Classes
D. All the above
Answer: C
l2 For the first time the proclamation of Emergency under icle 352 was made in:
A. 1975
Answer: B
13 What is the main component of biogas and natural gas?
A. Ethane
B. Methane
C. Propane
D. Butane
Answer: B
14 Watt is the unit of ...?
A. Electric Energy
B. Electric Charge
C. Electrical Current
D. Electromotive Force
Answer: C
15 C.V. Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for:
A. Medicine
B. Chemistry
C. Physics
D. None of the above
Answer: C
l6 The National Science Day is celebrated on :
A. January 14
B. February 28
C. March 3l
D. August 27
Answer: B

l7 Which is the largest planet of our solar system?
A. Saturn
B. Jupiter
C. Pluto
D. Neptune
Answer: B
l8 Approximately how many bones are there in the human
A. 106
c. 196
Answer: B
l9 RBI was nationalized in:
A. 1950
B. 1949
c. 1956
D. 1959
Answer: B
20 Security Exchange Board was established in the year:
A. 1989
B. 1988
c. t992
D. 1975
Answer: C
2l The One Rupee currency notes/coins are issued by the
A. Ministry of Finance
Answer: A
22 Which State of India records the highest production of
A. West Bengal
B. Assam
C. Tamilnadu
D. Kerala
Answer: B
23 The concept of Five Year Plans in India was introduced
A. Lord Mountbatten
B. Indira Gandhi
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Lal Bahadur Shastri
Answer: C
24 World Bank provides for-------loans :

A. Long term
B. Short term
D. Medium term
Answer: A
25 The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by:
A. The people
B. Lok Sabha
C. Elected members of the Legislative Assembly
D. Elected members of the Lesislative Council
Answer: C
26The power to decide an election petition is vested in
A. Parliament
B. Supreme Courl
C. High Courts
D. Election Comm issiorr
Answer: C
27 The present Lok Sabha is the:
A. l3*lok Sabha
B. l4slok Sabha
c. ls'hlok sabha
D. l6hl-ok sabha
Answer: D
28 The oath of offrce is administered to the members of council of ministers by:
A. The Governor
B. The Chief Minister
C. Chief Justice of State High Court
D. Speaker of Legislative Assembly
Answer: A

29 The preamble to our constitution provided that India is:

A. a sovereign, socialist , democratic and republic
B. a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic
C. a sovereign republic with a socialist pattem of society
D. a socialist, secular and democratic republic
Answer: B
30 Which amendment lead to the creation of Panchavat
A. 73'd Amendment
B.42nd Amendment
C.74'h Amendment
D.44^ Amendment
Answer: A
3l Which day is celebrated as civil service day?
A. 2l't April
B. 23'" April
C.29th April
D.4'n May
Answer: A
32 Who wins the 2015 IPL t 20 Cup Final
A. Chennai Super Kings
B. Mumbailndians
C. Rajasthan Royals
D. Kolkata Ituight Riders
Answer: B
33 Recently banned Maggi Noodles is the product of whi brand?
A. Nestle
B. Johnson and Johnson
C. Kelloggs
D. Coca Cola
Answer: A
34 International Yoga Day is celebrated on ...
A. l9'n June
B. 21" June
C. 26ih June
D. 30ft June
Answer: B
35 In which city, the former President of lndia APJ Abdul alam died?
A. Guwahati
B. Shillong
C. Kolkata
D. Hyderabad
Answer: B
36 Which Sport person had been awarded Rajiv Gandhi
A. SainaNehwal
B. Sania Mirza
C. Mary Kom
D. Vijender Singh
Answer: B
37 Which State Government in May,20l5 launched,. Beti Betipadhao Scheme?
A. Delhi
B. Haryana
C. Goa
D. Bihar
Answer; B
38 A.R. Rahman appointed as Cultural Ambassador of ....
B. Maldives
C. Mauritius
D. Seyche[es
Answer: D

39 Which Asian country became the first in the world to ve dengue vaccine
B. Thailand
C. Sri-Lanka
D. Philippines
Answer: D
40 The Planning Commission of India renamed as ..
A. NITI Aayog
B. NITI Darshan
C. NITI Mandal
D. None of the Above

l. Doctor : Medicine:; Teacher :..?

a) Class
b) Students
c) Knowledge
d) College
Answer: C : Knowledge
2. Moon:Silver:: ?: Gold
a) Sun
b) Earth
c) Star
d) Planet
Answer: A: Sun
3. House and Rent
a) Labour and Wages
b) Capital and interest
c) Trains and Fairs
d) Allof These
Answer: D: All of These
4. If Bus is coded as 'DWIJ' , how will you code,,
b) rQcv
Answer: C:TQBU
5. According to a Military code, SYSTEM is Sy and NEARER is AENRER. What is the code
Answer: C: CAMNOIT
6. In a certain language CHAMPION is coded as MAIPNO' how is NEGATIVE coded in rhat

7. If LIGHT is coded as'GILTH ' , find the code for RAINY
Answer: A: IARYN

8. Find the odd word

a) King b) Capture c) Army d) Jesus
Answer: B: Canture
9. Writer and poet
a) Poems and songs b) Prose and Poetrry
C) Books and lessons d) Letters and Words
Answer: C: Books and lessons
10. Carpenter and Wood
a) Goldsmith and Gold b) Blacksmith and Iron
C) Engineer and Machiners D) All of these
Answer:D: All of these
In Each Of The Following Questions Two Statements Are iven And These Statements Are Followed Bv TWo
Conclusions Numbered (l) And (2). You Have To Take Given Two Statements To Be True Even If They Seem
To Be At Variance From Commonlv Known Facts. Read : Conclusions And Then Decide Which Of The Given
Conclusions Logically Follows From The Two Given State ts, Disregarding Commonly Known Facts.
I l. Statements: Some Actors Are Singers. All Singers Are Dancers.
Conclusions: l.Some Actors Are Dancers.
2. No Singer Is Actor.
A. Only (l) Conclusion Follows

B. Only (2) Conclusion Follows

C. Either (l) Or (2) Follows

D. (l) Nor (2) Follows

Answer: A : Only (l) Conclusion Follows
12. Statements: All The Windows Are Doors. No Is A Wall.
Conclusions: l.Some Windows Are Walls.
2. No Wall Is A Door.
A. Only (l) Conclusion Follows

B. Only (2) Conclusion Follows

C. Either (l) Or (2) Follows

D. either (l) Nor (2) Follows

Answer: B: Only (2) Conclusion Follows

13. Statements:
L Some Roses Are Flowers.
II. All Thoms Are Flowers.

Conclusions: L All Thorns Being Roses Is A Possibility

II. No Thorn Is A Rose.

(A) If Only Conclusion I Follows

(B) If Only Conclusion II Follows.
(C) If Either Conclusion I Or Conclusion II Follows.
(D) If Neither Conclusion I Nor Conclusion II Follows.
Answer : A: If Only Conclusion I Follows

14. Statements: Some Stones Are Shells.
All Shells Are Pearls.
No Stone Is Fish
l. No Fish Is A Shells.
2. All Shells Being Fish Is A Possibility.
(A) If Only Conclusion I Follows
(B) If Only Conclusion II Follows.
(C) If Either Conclusion I Or Conclusion ll Follows.
(D) If Neither Conclusion I Nor Conclusion II Follows.
Answer : D: If Neither Conclusion I Nor Conclusion II Fo

I 5. Statements:-
All Mobiles Is Tablets.
All Tablets Is Smartphones.
All Smartphones Is Laptops.
All Laptops Is Computers.
I. AllComputers Being Mobiles ls A Possibility.
II.All Tablets Being Computers Is A Possibility.

(A) If Only Conclusion I Follows.

(B) If Only Conclusion Il Follows.
(C) If Either Conclusion I Or II Follows.
(D) If Neither Conclusion I Nor Il Follows.

Answer: A: If Only Conclusion I Follows.

16. Statements:-
Some Apples Are Orange.
Some Orange Are Pineapples.
Some Pineapples Are Not Coconuts.
Some Coconuts Are Black Forests.
I. Some Orange Being Black Forests Is A possibility.
II. Some Pineapples Being Coconuts Is A possibility.
(A) If Only Conclusion I Follows.
(B) If Only Conclusion Il Follows.
(C) If Either Conclusion I Or II Follows.
(D) If Both Conclusions I And II Follow
Answer :D : If Both Conclusions I And II Fol

17. Statement
Some Red Boxes Are Green Boxes.
All Red Boxes Are Yellow Boxes.
Conclusions :

L Some Yellow Boxes Are Green Boxes.

II. All Green Boxes Are Red Boxes.
(A)Only I Can Be True Always
(B) Only II Can Be True Always
(C) Both I And II Can Be True Always
(D) Both I And II Cannot Be True Always
Answer:A : Only I Can Be True Always

18. Statements:
Some Pens Are Keys.
Some Keys Are Locks.

All Locks Are Cards.
No Card Is Paper.
Conclusions: No Lock is Paper.
Some Cards are Keys.
Some Keys are not Paper.
(A) I And II Follow
(B) Only I Follows
(C) Only II Follows
(D) AllFollow
Answer:D: All Follow

19. Statements: All Cups Are Bottles

Some Bottles Are Jugs
No Jug Is Plate
Some Plates Are Tables

Conclusions: I. Some Tables Are Bottles

II. Some Plates Are Cups
III. No Table Is Boftle
IV. Some Jugs Are Cups
A) Only I Follows B) Only Il Fol
C) Only Either II Or III Follows D) Only Ei I Or III Follows
Answer :D : Only Either I Or lll Follows

20. Statements:
AllRings Are Circles.
Atl Squares Are Rings.
No Ellipse ls A Circle.
I. Some Rings Being Ellipses Is A
II. At Least Some Circles Are Squares.
A) If Only Conclusion I Follows.
B) If Only Conclusion II Follows.
C) If Either Conclusion I Or Conclusion II Fol
D) lf Neither Conclusion I Nor Conclusion II Fo
Answer :B: If Onlv Conclusion II Follows.

21. Arrange The Words Given Below In A Mea Sequence.

l. Word 2. Paragraph 3. Sentence

4. Letters 5. Phrase

a) 4, l,5,2,3 b)4, r,3, s,2

c) 4,2,s,1,3 d. 4,1,5,3,2
Answer: D;4,1,5,3,2

22. Which Number Would Replace Underline Mark In Series?

21 5,10, 17r---r37

A)27 B)24

c)26 D) 28

Answer: C:26

23. t821 25 l8 29 33 l8
What Numbers Should Come Next ?

A)43 r8 B) 4t 44

c)37 4l D) 38 4r

Answer: C:37 4l

24. What Will Be The Next Term In?



c)zAC D) PFD

Answer: A: XCK

25. What Will Be The Next Term In?




Answer: A: EQN

26.2, 10,40, 120,

A.)240 B.) 360

c.) 470
D.) 210

Answer: Az 240

27. Find The Wrong Number In The Following Series

6, 1 5,30,75, 1 5 1,37 5,7 50

A) r5r B) 75

D) 750
c) 375

Answer: A: 151

28. Look At The Series 3,3f2,3/4,316... What Num Should Come Next?
A) 3/8 B) 3t12

D) 3/18
Answer: A:3/8

29. 1. Poverty 2. Population 3. Death

4. Unemployment 5. Disease

A) 3,4,2, 5, I
B) 2,4, 1,5,3
c) 2,3,4,5, I
D) 1,2,3,4,5

Answer:B: 2,4, 1,5,3

30.Arrange The Given Words In A Meaningful And Sequence.

l. Shoulder 2. Wrist 3. Elbow 4. Palm 5. Finger
A. 5,4,2,3,1

B, 3,1,4,2,5

c. 3,4,5,2,1

D. 2,4,5,3,1

Answer:A: 5,4,2,3,1

iv) Enelish: (50 Marks)

Instructions: Identify the word that means the same:

L Judicious
a) Foolish
b) Wise
c) Famous
d) Notorious
Ans: b

2. Monotonous
a) Jolly
b) Dull
c) Angry
d) Attractive
Ans: b

3. Zest
a) Hope
b) Enthusiasm
c) Disappointment
d) Anger
Ans: b

4. Wealthy
a) Affluent
b) Beautitul

c) Philanthropist
d) Poor
Ans: a

5. Mercy
a) Cruelty
b) Kindness
c) Punishment
d) Apathy

Ans: b

Instructions: Choose the word which is opposite in in each of the following:

6. Appreciate
a) Praise
b) Criticize
c) Hope
d) Respect
7. Trustworthy
a) Authentic
b) Reliable
c) False
d) Real
Ans: c

8. Prudent
a) Intelligent
b) Imprudent
c) Wise
d) Eminent

Ans: b

9. Famous
a) Well-known
b) Notorious
c) Brilliant
d) Obstinate
10. Hate
a) Dislike
b) Love
c) Sharpen
d) Wish

Instructions: Choose appropriate one word for the fol

I l. Assembly of listeners
a) Inaudible
b) Audience

c) Spectator
d) Visitor

Ans: b

12 Life history written by self

a) Honorary
b) Biography
c) Autobiography
d) Popular
Ans: c

t3 One who is unable to read and write

a) Illiterate
b) Insolvent
c) Indivisible
d) Incredible

Ans: a

t4 A list of books
a) Manuscript
b) Catalogue
c) Linguist
d) Verbose
Ans: b

15. That which is bound to happen

a) Inevitable
b) Cosmopolitan
c) Unanimous
d) Unusual

Ans: a

Instructions: Some idioms given below are commonly used. Choose the correct meaning for each of the

16. Once in the blue moon

a) Once in a week
b) Once in the month
c) Once in the year
d) On rare occasions
Ans: d

17. A cock and bull story

a) A true story
b) A foolish srory
c) A story of animals
d) A story of Gods

Ans: b

18. To give one's ear

a) to ignore
b) to listen carefully
c) to encourage
d) to surrender
19. To bring into light
a) to prove
b) to hide
c) to disclose
d) to conceal
Ans: c

20. Pros and cons

b) loss
c) advantages and disadvantages
d) effects

Ans: c

Instructions: Select the best option in the following sen

21. My friend met me ... ...the railway station.

a) on
b) to
c) at
d) in
Ans: c

22. They prefer coffee .......tea.

a) for
b) over
c) than
d) to
Ans: d

23. Rakesh is superior......:.Shyam in ability.

a) than
b) to
c) over
d) for

Ans: b

24. She is ... .....honest officer.

b) an
c) the
d) none
Ans: b

25. Kashmir is ........Switzerland of India.

b) an

c) the
d) none
Ans: c

26. Every plant ........water.

a) need
b) needs
c) needed
d) has needed
Ans: b

27. The leader as well as the followers .........acce

a) has
b) have
c) is
d) are
Ans: c

28 Ten kilometers ......a long distance.

a) is
b) are
c) were
d) does

Ans: a

29. One should always respect ... ....elders.

a) his
b) her
c) their
d) one's
Ans: d

30. Everyone loves

a) our
b) his
c) their
d) your
Instructions: Read the given passage carefully and the questions:
Technology plays a vital role in making any society Nowadays, the concept of e- and e-
teaching is gaining popularity everywhere. It is a fact that the purpose of education should be to meet the of
variety of learners. At present, information technology transformed the methods, purpose and the of
education worldwide. Hence, Computer proficiency has an important phenomenon for gaining In
global scenario.

3l. Technology makes

a) any school progressive
b) any college progressive
c) any institution progressive

d) any society progressive
Ans: d
32. The concept of ..... is gaining popularity
a) higher education
b) primary education
c) e-learning and e-teaching
d) legal education
Ans: c
JJ. The purpose ofeducation should be
a) to meet the needs of limited leamers
b) to meet the needs of masses

c) to meet the needs of variety of learners

d) to meet the needs of fast learners
Ans: c
34. According to passage, Information Technology transformed
a) Methods and potentialof education
b) area ofeducation

c) views about education

d) attitude towards education

Ans: a
35. The word 'proficiency' in the passage means
a) expertise

b) ignorance

c) unawareness

d) education

Ans: a
Instructions: Pick out the most appropriate word to fill in the blank:

offers a more realistic price.

a) pessimistic
b) ready
c) actual
d) true
Ans: b
37. If they ......, we shall participate in the competit
a) agree
b) disagree
c) forbade
d) correct
Ans: a
38. The questions were too ...... to solve.
a) difficult
b) short
c) inappropriate
d) false
Ans: a
39. The student felt .........when he won the race.
a) overjoyed
b) disgraced

c) humiliated
d) worried
Ans: a
40. Nobody can tolerate such an ......
a) respect
b) insult
c) appreciation
d) importance

Instructions: In each question, a part of sentence is p ted in italics. Below each sentence some
are given which can substitute the italicized part of the Find out the correct answer:
41. Unless he does not submit the proposal, he will be promoted.
a) do not submit
b) submits
c) did not submit
d) no improvement

42. No sooner the teacher came than the lecture
a) does the teacher come
b) did the teacher come
c) comes
d) no improvement

Ans: b

43. They did not went to Chennai.

a) gone
b) does not went
c) go
d) no improvement

Ans: c

44. We are learning German for two months.

a) were learning
b) have been learning
c) have learning
d) no improvement

45. The boy does not helps the poor.
a) do not helps
b) did not helps
c) does not help
d) no improvement

Ans: c

Instructions: In each of the following questions, find the spelt word:

a) Aproched
b) Approached
c) Aprroached
d) Aproached
a) Buisness
b) Business
c) Bussiness
d) Buisiness
Ans: b

a) Argumant
b) Arguement
c) Argument
d) Arrgument
Ans: c

a) Skillfull
b) Skilful
c) Skilfull
d) Skelful

Ans: b

a) Tentetive
b) Tenttative
c) Tentative
d) Tentettive
Ans: c

15. On Line Examination:

A. Details of the On-Line Examination Pattern
a The examination will be conducted on-line ode i.e. on a computer.
a will be provided in English and
The test
a All the questions will have multiple choi Out of the Four options/ answers to the quest only
one will be the correct answer. The candidate has to select the most appropriate answer and ' click'
the alternative which he/she feels appropri . The altemative /option that is clicked on ill be
treated as the answer to that question. Answer to y question will be considered for final eva . Only
when candidate has submitted the answers by cli ing on "Save and Next" or "Mark for Review Next".
The clock has been set at the server and countdown timer at the top right corner of screen
will display the time remaining for you to plete the Examination. When the clock runs the
Examination by defult- candidate is not required subm it hisftrer examination.
The question palette at the right of the shows one of the following statuses of the
questions numbers:

E You have not visited the yet.

E You have not answered the qu

You have answered the uestion.

You have NOT answered the tion but have marked the question for rev


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