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Drug Classification Indication Drug Effect Responsibilities


Generic Classification: Ascorbic acid Adverse/Side effects: Before taking

Name: (vitamin C) is used ascorbic acid, tell
Vitamins to prevent or treat Diarrhea, nausea, your doctor or
Ascorbic low levels of vomiting, abdominal pharmacist if you
Acid + vitamin C in cramps/pain, or heartburn have any allergies.
Zinc people who do not may occur. If any of these This product may
get enough of the effects persist or worsen, contain inactive
Mechanism of vitamin from their tell your doctor or ingredients (such as
Brand Action: pharmacist promptly.
diets. Most people peanut/soy), which
Name: In humans, an who eat a normal A very serious allergic can cause allergic
exogenous diet do not need reaction to this drug is reactions or other
source of extra ascorbic rare. However, seek problems. Talk to
ascorbic acid acid. Low levels of immediate medical your pharmacist for
(vitamin c) is vitamin C can attention if you notice any more details.
required for result in a symptoms of a serious Before using this
Dosage: collagen condition called allergic reaction, vitamin, tell your
formation and scurvy. Scurvy
100 tissue repair. including: rash, doctor or pharmacist
may cause itching/swelling
mg/10 Ascorbic acid your medical
symptoms such as (especially of the
mg per 5 (vitamin c) is history, especially
rash, muscle face/tongue/throat),
mL reversibly of: kidney disease
oxidized to weakness, joint severe dizziness, trouble
Syrup (such as kidney
dehydroascorbic pain, tiredness, or breathing.
tooth loss. stones), a certain
Orally, acid (vitamin c)
enzyme deficiency
once a in the body.
day Contraindication: (G6PD deficiency).
These two
forms of the Known During pregnancy,
vitamin are hypersensitivity to this vitamin has
believed to be
any of its been found to be
important in
oxidation- component. safe when used in
reduction recommended doses.
reactions. The Higher doses should
vitamin is be used during
involved in pregnancy only if
tyrosine clearly needed.
metabolism, Discuss the risks and
conversion of benefits with your
folic acid to doctor.
folinic acid,
carbohydrate This vitamin passes
metabolism, into breast milk and
synthesis of is considered to be
lipids and safe during breast-
proteins, iron feeding when used
metabolism, in recommended
resistance to
doses. Consult your
infections, and
doctor for more
respiration. information.

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