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18/01/2020 Sophian.

org • Wedding Feast in the Light Wheel: The Round Dance
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Wedding Feast in the Light Wheel: The Round Dance

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Wedding Feast in the Light Wheel: The Round Dance
by Tau Malachi Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:20 am

Wedding Feast in the Light Wheel

Or Ain Sof, the Light of the Infinite, arising from Ain, No-thingness, is the Body of the Primordial
Messiah; all that arises and appears from Ain, the Pleroma and Entirety – the whole universe, is the
Body of the Cosmic Messiah; this Divine Light in you is the Messiah, and you are the Body of the
Indwelling Messiah – the Primordial, Cosmic and Indwelling Messiah is one and the same Light-
presence and Light-power, the light and life of all. Thus, all is the Body of the Messiah, and passing
into death by way of the Holy Cross and being raised up by Supernal Grace, all is uplifted in the
Great Resurrection and Ascension – the Risen Messiah; all, throughout all time (the aeons), is
reintegrated and restored to the Light Continuum (Yahweh). This is the Holy Remembrance of the
Wedding Feast and it is the power of Or Ofan Ha-Kodesh, the Light Wheel of Holiness – the Body of
the Human One of Light, the Anointed of God.

The Sacred Ceremony

Everyone who will participate in the ceremony is asked ahead of time to consider what Direction
they will choose to enter into the Light Wheel, and so all pray and meditate, seeking their
Direction; this will correspond with the Direction they feel is most strongly influencing them at
present in their life, and corresponds to a prayer they will bring to the Sacred Circle for themselves
and for all people sharing the same need.

At the outset of the sacred ceremony everyone finds a place around the Light Wheel, evenly
spacing themselves around the Wheel, but leaving enough room for the leader or holy tzaddik to
pass between them and the outer rim of the Light Wheel.

When the people are gathered at the Light Wheel for the celebration of the Wedding Feast, the
leader or holy tzaddik speaks of this great and holy mystery, and this becomes the contemplation
opening the sacred ceremony.

*Everything that will be need for the sacred ceremony is put in the inner circle on a sacred rug or
blanket that serves as the altar before the ceremony is begun – the altar is oriented to the East.
Likewise, sacred rugs or blankets are laid out in the Quarters of the Light Wheel for the people to
sit on.

With the invocation of this holy contemplation the people are asked to remember and envision the
Spiritual Sun in the hearts and the Divine I Am as their holy crown, and to remember their innate
connection to the Divine and to all that lives within their breath; then a smudging ceremony is
performed, honoring our Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, the Spiritual Sun and Holy Spirit, and
the Divine Powers of the Four Directions, and there is a special honoring of the Bright Morning Star,
the Star of the East, as the Opener of the Way and Light-bearer. This honoring of the Divine Powers
is done outside of the East Gate, and then the leader or tzaddik smudges themselves and the
people, going around the Holy Wheel sunwise.

When this is done, the leader or tzaddik speaks an anointing prayer-invocation, and anoints
themselves, and then anoints the people, calling them to remember their anointing with the
Supernal Chrism, the Light of Shin-Tau (Seth, a mystical name of the Messiah). Again, the leader or
tzaddik passes around the Holy Wheel sunwise as she or he does this. 1/4
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Then, returning to the East Gate, they receive their holy staff from the bearer of the staff, and
also receive their sacred rattle, and they enter into the Light Wheel through the Eastern Direction,
becoming the Opener of the Way, and as they walk the line of the Holy Cross to the Inner Circle
they speak the mystery of the Four Directions, saying, “East is the place of the Bright Morning Star
and the Divine Incarnation; South is the place of the Resurrection and Ascension, and the
outpouring of the Pentecostal Fire; West is the place of the Second Coming and the Apocalypse;
North is the place of New Jerusalem, the Bridal Chamber – heaven and earth are united in the
Bridal Chamber, all uplifted into the Pleroma of Light! Let the people say, ‘Amen.’”

*All respond with “amen.”

Entering into the Inner Circle the leader or tzaddik goes to stand over the Divine Stone facing East,
and they chant the Shema.

Then, they invoke the Name of God, chanting the Divine Names of the Middle Pillar, then the union
of the Pillar of Mercy with the Pillar of Severity – and then Ararita and AGLA; and they give praise
to El Elyon and bless the Holy Name, praying that blessings pour forth from the Supernal Shekinah
upon the people and the land, praying that the Holy One and the Name of the Holy One are
brought into union on the face of this Good Earth.

When this is done, the leader or tzaddik will proclaim, “Let the Wheel of Light be set in motion –
and let us remember the union of Being and Becoming; I Am the Light of the world, the All-In-All,
in this holy song sisters and brothers respond with ‘Amen.’”

*When this is said the people will begin to walk or dance sunwise around the Holy Wheel and the
leader or holy tzaddik will begin to proclaim I Am statements, inferring mysteries of the Human
One of Light, and after every statement the people will proclaim “Amen.” All of these statements
are inspired by the Holy Spirit in the power of the moment; alternatively however, the sacred
Gnostic text from the Round Dance of the Cross may be used. As these proclamations are spoken or
sung the sacred rattle is used; alternatively a drum could be used, or another simple musical
instruments. (If there are musicians in a circle, they might be asked to play at a sacred ceremony
like this.)

At the fruition of this, the leader or tzaddik will call the people to remember their prayers and the
Direction through which the Holy Spirit has called them to enter into Sacred Circle, and she or he
will invite them to the Wedding Feast, inviting them to enter and abide in the Holy Wheel of Light,
the Mystical Body of the Risen Messiah.

*Everyone will continue around the Sacred Circle until they come to the Gate through which they
are called to enter – and they will enter through that Holy Gate of Light and pass sunwise around
the inside of the Outer Circle, walking the Sacred Circle once until they come to the corresponding
Quarter, and there they will take their seat.

Then, when all have entered and are seated, the leader or holy tzaddik will invoke and honor all of
the Powers, opening all of the Gates, and they will make offerings on behalf of the people, those
present and those not present, visible and invisible.

*The order of invocation of the Powers is South, West, East and North, following the descent of the
Supernal Light into the world.

They will offer to the Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother first, and then to the Four Directions;
then they will offer to the Spiritual Sun and Holy Spirit in the Sacred Center, and then to the
Powers of the Celestial Spheres, and then they will make offerings to the Powers of the
Dimensions, represented by the sacred stones of the Holy Cross, and to the Powers of the Eighth
Heaven, represented by the sacred stones of the Outer Circle.

When all of the Gates are opened and all of the Powers are gathered, then they will invite and 2/4
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welcome the Holy Shekinah of Messiah, the Holy Bride.

Then, when the Holy Bride is received, they will speak the great mystery of the bread and wine –
the holy mystery of Messiah Melchizedek; and they will consecrate the bread and wine, and offer
up the bread and wine.

The leader or tzaddik will then inquire of each person why they felt called to enter by the
Direction they have entered, and they will ask them to speak their prayer for themselves and for
the people; once this is begun, merely by catching the gaze of a person the leader or tzaddik will
invoke their sharing.

*During this the leader or holy tzaddik will pick up a sacred feather, or other similar sacred object,
and as each person concludes their speaking they will point it at the person and make a gesture of
uplifting, as though sending the prayer-invocation in ascent to El Elyon, the Divine Most High.

When everyone has spoken their sacred intention and prayer, the leader or holy tzaddik will pray
or speak as inspired by the Holy Spirit in the power of the moment – this often becomes a time of
special teaching, blessing or prophecy; in the fruition they will speak of all prayers, all inmost
heart’s desires, fulfilled in the Light Wheel, in the Mystical Body of the Risen Messiah, and they
will call upon the Holy Remembrance of the Divine I Shall Be in the people.

Then, partaking of the Wedding Feast on behalf of all relations, all prayers become sealed and
fulfilled in this way.

When this is accomplished, all are asked to arise and to worship in the Divine Presence and Power,
giving praise and thanks to the Divine and the Powers, and then all are asked to turn outward,
away from the Sacred Center, to extend the Divine Light and Blessings to the people and the Land.

Then the leader or holy tzaddik blesses the people as light-bearers, healers and peacemakers,
bidding them to walk in beauty and holiness as a sign of spiritual hope before the people in good
times and bad times, and sending them from the Sacred Circle, saying “Go, and take this Holy
Light with you for the people and this Good Earth – go in peace, shalom.”

*The people respond, saying, “Shalom.”

All depart by the Gate they entered, the leader or tzaddik entering first and departing last –
crossing the threshold of the East Gate the leader or holy tzaddik says, “I Am Alef and Tau, the
beginning and the end, the first and the last – amen.” All of the people respond with “amen.”

*Before departing, the leader or holy tzaddik will salute and seal the Gates.

Then the leader or tzaddik proclaims, “As it is spoken, so is it done,” and all of the people will
respond saying, “So is it done, amen.”

Whatever remains of the bread and wine is offered to Earth Mother for all our relations – this
completes the sacred ceremony.

*All sacred objects used in the ceremony will be cleansed when the people have left.

As with virtually all sacred ceremonies given for the Holy Light Wheel, this ceremony may be
adapted to a Circle Cross or other forms of the Sacred Circle; likewise, if it is not possible to
perform it in the great outdoors, then it could be adapted to the indoors – but in one way or
another a clear representation of the Sacred Circle is to be present, otherwise another form of
Wedding Feast can be performed.

This can be a very powerful and ceremonial form of the Wedding Feast – working in the Light
Wheel we follow the instructions of the Mother Spirit and Divine Powers, and at times the Holy
Spirit may move with the holy tzaddik and people, and the spiritual works in the Light Wheel may 3/4
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A good example of this was when Mother Sarah was leading a Light Wheel Wedding Feast and in her
speaking she said, “We must change directions for the people.” When she said this we all felt the
call to different Directions, and with that feeling new prayers and invocations also came – so we all
changed directions and began speaking these prayers and invocations, and it became a very
charismatic movement and somewhat prophetic, as though the Shekinah and Divine Powers took us
up to pray and worship. When we departed, we all knew to depart by the new direction, and so we
did. As the following week passed and we came to Shabbat discourse, we all had some amazing
stories to tell of dreams and visions, and wonders we had witness, all of which we knew flowed
from that sacred ceremony. So, at times, this sacred ceremony can become very fluid and dynamic
when the Holy Spirit begins to move with, in and through it.

Along with the ceremonial quality of this holy rite, it is also know for facilitating deep insights into
oneself and into the mysteries, and often very profound spiritual and mystical experiences
transpire through it – truly, it can prove quite amazing!

It is very common for ceremonies of the Wedding Feast to be performed in a Light Wheel when one
is created and generated – there are many other forms the Wedding Feast can assume in a Light
Wheel, this representing one example.

If we learn how to dream luminous dreams and how to see in the World of the Holy Spirit we can
be given many sacred ceremonies, including different versions of the Wedding Feasts; when
something is shown to us, then we perform it with our people as the Mother Spirit guides us to do.
In this way we act as vehicles and conscious agents of her Divine Grace.

In closing we can share a powerful open secret regarding prayers for the people, for all our
relations: Whenever we have a need it forms a powerful vital link, which means that when we pray
for that need our prayers will be more powerful for the fulfillment of that need among the people
– our needs become like a call to pray for those very same needs shared by others. In other words,
our own needs will reveal special prayers the Divine Mother calls us to pray for the people; seeing
what we need and desire, we know the needs and desires of others, and we know what is good to
give and offer up.

May we be empowered to pray and work wonders for the people and for the glorification of the
Holy One; amen.

Blessings & shalom!

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