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Maths is used in everything and anything.

Can you think of playing any game without

Maths in it. See the numbers used in a game are contribution from the Mathematics. Take
a game; for example : Cricket, In it we count runs, we calculate how much runs is needed
in an over( run rate) so as to beat the opponent. Multiplication, Division, Addition,
Subtraction we make use these common things in most of the sports. The graps that
analyse different teams are all from Maths. Averages, Economy rate, Run rates, graphs
for comparison, all require maths. Take any game, atleast you will need to count how
much did one team score. Think of field events also we need to know at how much speed
in average must I run so that I can beat the other run.

Although not always realized, mathematics plays a very important role in sports. Whether
discussing a player’s statistics, a coaches formula for drafting certain players, or even a
judges score for a particular athlete, mathematics are involved. Even concepts such as
the likelihood of a particular athlete or team winning, a mere case of probability, and
maintain equipment are mathematical in nature.

Mathematics is very prevalent in sports, from the most complex of formulas to the
simplest ideas such as betting. In sports such as tennis, when rating athletes, an integral
estimator is used which is based on a players performance in a series of matches over a
certain period of time.

Maths in Horse Racing

If betting on horse races is a sport, then you can use probability as the link to math -- you
need to figure out which horse is likely to win and the payouts are based on probability
also. Even horse racing uses mathematics to rank the horses based on how well the
have performed in previous matches, and these rankings go into determining the value
of a horse when a bet is placed.

Maths in Basketball
Whether they realize it or not, basketball players make use of many geometric concepts
while playing a game. The most basic of these ideas is in the dimensions of the basketball
court. The diameter of the hoop (18 in), the diameter of the ball (9.4 in), the width of the
court (50 ft) and the length from the three point line to the hoop (19 ft) are all standard
measures that must be adhered to in any basketball court. Knowing these measurements
is useful for kids who would like to practice basketball at home without access to a full-
fledged basketball court.

The path the basketball will take once it’s shot comes down to the angle at which it is
shot, the force applied and the height of the player’s arms. When shooting from behind
the free throw line, a smaller angle is necessary to get the ball through the hoop.
However, when making a field throw, a larger angle is called for. When a defender is
trying to block the shot, a higher shot is necessary. In this case, the elbows should be as
close to the face as possible.

Understanding arcs will help determine how best to shoot the ball. Basketball players
understand that throwing the ball right at the basket will not help it go into the hoop. On
the other hand, shooting the ball in an arc will increase its chances of falling through the
hoop. Getting the arc right is important to ensure that the ball does not fall in the wrong

The best height to dribble can also be determined mathematically. When standing in one
place, dribble from a lower height to maintain better control of the ball. When running,
dribbling from the height of your hips will allow you to move faster. To pass the ball while
dribbling, use straighter angles to pass the ball along a greater distance.

Understanding geometry is also important for good defense. This will help predict the
player’s moves, and also determine how to face the player. Facing the player directly will
give the player greater space to move on either side. However, facing the player at an
angle will curb his freedom. Mathematics can also be used to decide how to stand while
going on defense. The more you bend your knees, the quicker you can move. Utilizing
geometry, math in basketball plays a crucial role in the actual playing of the sport.

Maths in Football
Let’s take a football. A football field is 100 meters long and is marked after every 10 yards
in a straight line. In the center comes 50 yards which divide Team 1 from the Team 2. For
calculating distance across the ground, you have to calculate the distance on both sides
of 50-yard line. Lets have an example, If football was kicked by Team A 20-Yard line
towards Team B 35-Yard line, you can easily calculate how long was the kick.

Maths in Cricket
There is no cricket without mathematics. The use of maths in cricket is at every
moment. Batsman strike rate is a number of runs a batsman has made per 100 balls. The
average is calculated as a [number of runs/Number of times a batsman got out].
Measurement is an important technique in cricket like cricket ground should be minimum
of 137.16 of diameter on the square of the pitch where the shortest boundary should be
65 Yards and largest 90 Yards from the centre of the cricket pitch.

The average of a batsman is known by taking the mean sum of his overall batting scores
in his career. The strike rate of a batsman is determined by calculating the ratio of runs
to balls faced. The runs made by the team are counted due to maths. The bowling
economy of a bowler is determined by calculating the runs given by him in an over.
The bowling speed of a bowler is measured by maths.
Golf involves trigonometry as the golfer needs to determine a specific angle to which he
will hit the ball in order for it to reach its final destination. A great snooker player always
analyses the geometry before striking. In pool, you have to line up the ball to hit it in the
right angle. In Baseball, you have to get the angle when hitting the ball. In Soccer there
is something called the upper 90 or lower 90, which is the right angle on the goal. For
every competitive sport there is something called the Score, which is kept throughout the
whole game.

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