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In the present day scenario life have become fast and hectic that

has resulted into mechanized kind of routine of every individual.

People do not have time for thinking about their own body. Children

are no exception the burden of schooling and tuition and to find their

places in the merit list do not have time to play or exercise. Therefore,

the researcher have taken our study to find out the effect of calisthenic

exercises as well as yogasna on health related physical fitness

component and physiological variables.

The result of the study reveal that their was significant

difference found in the muscular strength (arms) as well as muscular

strength endurance (abdominal) this may be due to the fact that the

children are were in adolescent age were exercises effects are seen

very prominently as well as know that yogic exercises are quite

different then the normal aerobic exercise done in the modern world.

A significant difference were found calisthenic exercise group and the

control group which clearly indicate that calisthenic exercise

definitely improve the muscular strength similar result has been found

in the yogic group and the control group this may again due to the fact

that the children practicing yoga had to repeatedly perform different

asanas that requires hard word from the muscles and hence resulting

into improvement in the muscular strength and endurance of arm and


As for as cardiovascular endurance of the children is concerned

the results revel that their was no significant different found between

the control and the experimental group as discussed earlier the

children were of adolescent age (11 + 15 year) which is age of growth

and hormonal changes, the children in this age have abundance of

energy and can work for long duration of time in the field. Performing

callisthenic exercises or yogasnas was not found to be a detrimental

factor as for as the endurance is concern.

The result of the present study revels that their was a significant

difference found in the flexibility (trunk) of the student as we all

know the calisthenic exercise are a very effective in muscular

development and improving the general co-ordination of the body.

These exercises definitely improves the muscle tone this improvement

of muscle tone and general co-ordination of the calisthenic group

have resulted into better flexibility in comparison to control group.

Similar result were found between the yogic group and the

control group this may again due to the regular practices of various

asanas that require the great demand form the muscles.

Performing asanas require attaining various postures that

improves the flexibility of the children.

The result also shows that, there was no significant difference

ware found the experimental and control group as for as body

composition of the subject is concern. The subject for the study

belongs to Central Hindu Boys School, where local boys of

Varanasi city are admitted these student belonging to middle class and

lower middle class families and hence have similar economic and

environmental background. As discussed earlier the subject were of

adolescent age and having similar backgrounds have similar

physiological characteristics that might have resulted into no

significant difference in the Body Mass Index (BMI) in the children.

The physiological test that were conducted on the subject

reveled that a significant difference were found between the control

and the experimental group this kind of result may be attributed to the

fact that the groups performing yoga and calisthenics exercise had a

positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the subjects than the

control group resulting into better inspiratory reserve volume and

force vital capacity. As for as the expiratory reserve volume as

concern their was no significant difference found between the subject

which can be due to the fact that using computerized spiro-meter was

a bit alien for the young children boys and while expiring their was

loss of expired air at the time of execution.

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