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(G.R. No. 172671,April 16, 2009)

Sisters Anita Lozada Slaughter and Peregrina Lozada Saribay were the registered co-owners of 2 lots in
Cebu City.
The sisters, who were based in the United States, sold the lots to their nephew Antonio J.P.
Lozada under a Deed of Sale. Armed with a Special Power of Attorney from Anita, Peregrina went to the
house of their brother, Dr. Antonio Lozada (Dr. Lozada), Dr. Lozada agreed to advance the purchase
price of US$367,000 or P10,000,000 for Antonio, his nephew. The Deed of Sale was later notarized and
authenticated at the Philippine Consul’s Office and new TCTs were issued in the name of Antonio
Pending registration of the deed, petitioner Marissa R. Unchuan caused the annotation of an adverse
claim on the lots. Marissa claimed that Anita donated an undivided share in the lots to her under an
unregistered Deed of DonationAntonio and Anita brought a case against Marissa for quieting of title with
application for preliminary injunction and restraining order. Marissa filed an action to declare the Deed of
Sale void and to cancel the new TCTs.
At the trial, respondents presented a notarized and duly authenticated sworn statement, and a videotape
where Anita denied having donated land in favor of Marissa. In a Decision dated June 9, 1997, RTC
disposed of the consolidated cases, ruling among others that:
1. Plaintiff Antonio J.P. Lozada is declared the absolute owner of the properties in question;
2. Defendant Marissa R. Unchuan is ordered to pay Antonio J.P. Lozada and Anita Lozada damages.
On motion for reconsideration by petitioner, the RTC issued an Order dated April 5, 1999. Said order
declared the Deed of Sale void, ordered the cancellation of the new TCTs in Antonio’s name, and
directed Antonio to pay Marissa damages, P100,000 attorney’s fees and P50,000 for expenses of
Respondents moved for reconsideration. On July 6, 2000, Presiding Judge, the RTC reinstated the
Decision dated June 9, 1997, but with the modification that the award of damages, and attorney’s were
Petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals. On February 23, 2006 the appellate court affirmed with
modification the July 6, 2000 Order of the RTC.

1. Whether or not the deed of donation executed in favor of the petitioner is void.
2. Whether or not videotaped statement is hearsay.


NO. When the law requires that a contract be in some form in order that it may be valid or enforceable, or
that a contract be proved in a certain way, that requirement is absolute and indispensable. Pertinent to
this, the Rules require a party producing a document as genuine which has been altered and appears to
have been altered after its execution, in a part material to the question in dispute, to account for the
alteration. He may show that the alteration was made by another, without his concurrence, or was made
with the consent of the parties affected by it, or was otherwise properly or innocently made, or that the
alteration did not change the meaning or language of the instrument. If he fails to do that, the document
shall, as in this case, not be admissible in evidence.

NO. Evidence is hearsay when its probative force depends, in whole or in part, on the competency and
credibility of some persons other than the witness by whom it is sought to be produced. There are three
reasons for excluding hearsay evidence: (1) absence of cross-examination; (2) absence of demeanor
evidence; and (3) absence of oath. It is a hornbook doctrine that an affidavit is merely hearsay evidence
where its maker did not take the witness stand. Verily, the sworn statement of Anita was of this kind
because she did not appear in court to affirm her averments therein. Yet, a more circumspect
examination of our rules of exclusion will show that they do not cover admissions of a party; the
videotaped statement of Anita appears to belong to this class. Section 26 of Rule 130 provides that "the
act, declaration or omission of a party as to a relevant fact may be given in evidence against him. It has
long been settled that these admissions are admissible even if they are hearsay. Indeed, there is a vital
distinction between admissions against interest and declaration against interest. Admissions against
interest are those made by a party to a litigation or by one in privity with or identified in legal interest with
such party, and are admissible whether or not the declarant is available as a witness. Declaration against
interest are those made by a person who is neither a party nor in privity with a party to the suit, are
secondary evidence and constitute an exception to the hearsay rule. They are admissible only when the
declarant is unavailable as a witness. Thus, a man’s acts, conduct, and declaration, wherever made, if
voluntary, are admissible against him, for the reason that it is fair to presume that they correspond with
the truth, and it is his fault if they do not. However, as a further qualification, object evidence, such as the
videotape in this case, must be authenticated by a special testimony showing that it was a faithful
reproduction. Lacking this, we are constrained to exclude as evidence the videotaped statement of Anita.
Even so, this does not detract from our conclusion concerning petitioner’s failure to prove, by
preponderant evidence, any right to the lands subject of this case.

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