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This body language communicates control, authority, and belief. Standing straight emphasizes

Select one:
a. Arms and hands
b. Eyes
c. Pause
d. Speeech about events
e. Duration
f. Expository speech
g. Articulation
h. Impromptu
i. Appearance

j. Posture

The correct answer is: Posture

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1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Posture Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
In what instance is Tone 4 used

Select one:
a. Larynx
b. Respiratory
c. Vowel length

d. When strong emotions are expressed

e. Aspiration

The correct answer is: When strong emotions are expressed

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answ

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: When strong emotions are expressed Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Consonants that sounds vowel-like. There is no friction made when making the sounds.

Select one:
a. Affricates
b. Lateral

c. Semi-vowels
d. Nasal
e. Dipthongs
f. Bilibial

The correct answer is: Semi-vowels

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Semi-vowels Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Delivering this speech only uses an outline as a guide.

Select one:
a. Formal speech
b. Reading from manuscript
c. Memorized speech

d. Extemporaneous speech

The correct answer is: Extemporaneous speech

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Extemporaneous speech Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This compels the persuasive speaker to be anbiased and free from special interests

Select one:

a. Selflessness
b. Virtues
c. Emotions
d. Values

The correct answer is: Selflessness

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1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Selflessness Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Produced when the air passes through the nose and not the mouth.

Select one:
a. Dipthongs
b. Affricates
c. Semi-vowels
d. Lateral
e. Bilibial

f. Nasal

The correct answer is: Nasal
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1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Nasal Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Speech preparation does not include an in depth research on information you will be using.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'False'.

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1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This speech is delivered by reading a manuscript word-for-word.

Select one:
a. Entertainment speech
b. Extemporaneous speech
c. Persuasive Speech
d. Memorized Speech

e. Reading from manuscript

The correct answer is: Reading from manuscript

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1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Reading from manuscript Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This part of the speech preparation process includes defining your goal.

Select one:
a. Transitions
b. Attention getters

c. Choosing the topic

d. Conclusion

The correct answer is: Choosing the topic

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Choosing the topic Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This speech brings light to things that happened, what is happening, and about to happen to make
audiences more conscious of that is happening or happened in our world

Select one:
a. Impromptu

b. Speeech about events

c. Expository speech
d. Eyes
e. Posture
f. Duration
g. Arms and hands
h. Appearance
i. Articulation
j. Pause

The correct answer is: Speeech about events

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Speeech about events Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This enables the audience to let the information sink in

Select one:
a. Impromptu
b. Duration
c. Appearance
d. Posture
e. Expository speech

f. Pause
g. Arms and hands
h. Articulation
i. Eyes
j. Speeech about events

The correct answer is: Pause

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Pause Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This speech rallies people to either do or not do something.

Select one:
a. Extemporaneous speech
b. Entertainment speech
c. Reading from manuscript
d. Memorized Speech

e. Persuasive Speech

The correct answer is: Persuasive Speech

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Persuasive Speech Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Object, process, event or concept are reasons why this kind of speech is given

Select one:
a. Articulation
b. Eyes
c. Pause
d. Impromptu

e. Expository speech
f. Arms and hands
g. Duration
h. Appearance
i. Posture
j. Speeech about events

The correct answer is: Expository speech

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Expository speech Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
There is no maximum or minimum length of speeches. It will depend on the purpose of the speech
and the event where it will be used.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'True'.
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1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: True Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This allows the speaker to make extraordinary meaning out of the mundane

Select one:

a. Metaphor
b. Analogy
c. Imagery

The correct answer is: Metaphor

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Metaphor Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Communicative competency and Communicative strategies are the same.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'False'.

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This method cannot make use of note cards or manuscripts but it must be delivered word-for-word.

Select one:
a. Reading from manuscript
b. Persuasive Speech
c. Extemporaneous speech

d. Memorized Speech
e. Entertainment speech

The correct answer is: Memorized Speech

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Memorized Speech Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
How spoken words are arranged, alternating from stressed and unstressed elements

Select one:

a. Rhythm
b. Fluency
c. Pitch
d. Enunciation
e. Volume

The correct answer is: Rhythm

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Rhythm Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
[W] = WHY

Select one:

a. Bilibial
b. Semi-vowels
c. Lateral
d. Dipthongs
e. Nasal
f. Affricates

The correct answer is: Bilibial

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Bilibial Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This sound can be created when a stop is combined with a fricative.

Select one:

a. Affricates
b. Bilibial
c. Semi-vowels
d. Lateral
e. Nasal
f. Dipthongs
The correct answer is: Affricates

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Affricates Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Refers to the length of time given to pronounce a vowel sound

Select one:
a. Respiratory
b. When strong emotions are expressed

c. Vowel length
d. Larynx
e. Aspiration

The correct answer is: Vowel length

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Vowel length Answer saved

Step Time Action State

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
According to Anne Miller, this is the core of language that surprises, grabs, informs, and persuades
the readers as mere explanation will not.

Select one:
a. Metaphor

b. Imagery
c. Analogy

The correct answer is: Imagery

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Imagery Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Are created when air is stopped in the center by the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge,
while your breathe passes either one or both side of the tongue.

Select one:
a. Nasal
b. Dipthongs
c. Semi-vowels
d. Bilibial
e. Affricates

f. Lateral

The correct answer is: Affricates

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Lateral Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Casual speech uses slang, jargon, and short sentences.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'True'.

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: True Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Being an effective speaker and communicator is something you inherit.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'False'.

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The final statement should also link back to the Intro.

Select one:

The correct answer is 'True'.

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: True Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
There is only one type of speech and you can use it in all kinds of situations.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'False'.

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
The act of causing people to do or believe in something

Select one:
a. Pathos
b. Negotiation
c. Arguments
d. Evidence

e. Persuasion

The correct answer is: Persuasion

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Persuasion Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The four elements affect our self-concept behavior, attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'True'.

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: True Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
The loudness or softness of a sound.

Select one:
a. Fluency

b. Volume
c. Enunciation
d. Pitch
e. Rhythm

The correct answer is: Volume

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Volume Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
This is the correct articulation of words.

Select one:
a. Rhythm
b. Volume
c. Fluency

d. Enunciation
e. Pitch

The correct answer is: Enunciation

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Enunciation Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This refers to the speaker's credibility

Select one:
a. Logos

b. Ethos
c. Values
d. Pathos

The correct answer is: Ethos

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Ethos Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This is where the voice box is located

Select one:
a. Vowel length
b. Aspiration

c. Larynx
d. When strong emotions are expressed
e. Respiratory

The correct answer is: Larynx

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Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Larynx Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Who said this "A speech has two parts. Necessarily you stae your case, and you prove it"

Select one:
a. Hemingway
b. Vince Rapisura
c. Pythagoras
d. Albert Einstein

e. Aristotle

The correct answer is: Aristotle

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Aristotle Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Too little may make you appear too rigid while too much may be to distracting and to theatrical for
the audience

Select one:

a. Arms and hands

b. Duration
c. Speeech about events
d. Pause
e. Impromptu
f. Posture
g. Eyes
h. Appearance
i. Expository speech
j. Articulation

The correct answer is: Arms and hands

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Arms and hands Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This speech requires preparation and a word-for-word delivery. Speaker can move about freely as
the speaker can not use note cards nor manuscripts.

Select one:
a. Formal speech

b. Memorized speech
c. Reading from manuscript
d. Extemporaneous speech

The correct answer is: Memorized speech

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Memorized speech Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Parts of the Introduction

Select one:
a. Attention, preview, transition to first main point, credibility, first main point
b. Attention getter, over view of main points, preview, transition to first main point, credibility
c. Attention getter, significance, credibility, thesis statement, Review of main points, transition to first
main point
d. Attention getter, significance, credibility, thesis statement, preview, transition to first main


The correct answer is: Attention getter, significance, credibility, thesis statement, preview, transition
to first main point

Make comment or override mark

Response history

Step Time Action S

1 16/10/17, Started N
03:28 a

2 16/10/17, Saved: Attention getter, significance, credibility, thesis statement, preview, A

03:36 transition to first main point
Step Time Action S

3 16/10/17, Attempt finished C

Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
You have to use this to be able to move from one part of a speech to another

Select one:
a. Conclusion

b. Transitions
c. Attention getters
d. Choosing the topic

The correct answer is: Transitions

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Transitions Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Factual persuasive speech is based on the question ____________

Select one:
a. Where
b. Why?
c. Is it true?
d. What's in it for the audience

The correct answer is: Is it true?

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Is it true? Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This element is about creating an individual sound

Select one:
a. Arms and hands
b. Impromptu
c. Appearance
d. Expository speech
e. Posture
f. Speeech about events
g. Duration
h. Pause
i. Eyes

j. Articulation

The correct answer is: Articulation
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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Articulation Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This determines the length of speech.

Select one:
a. Expository speech
b. Speeech about events

c. Duration
d. Arms and hands
e. Appearance
f. Eyes
g. Impromptu
h. Pause
i. Articulation
j. Posture

The correct answer is: Duration

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Step Time Action State

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Duration Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Audience analysis is important when preparing speeches.

Select one:


The correct answer is 'True'.

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: True Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
For compound nouns, where does the stress go?

Select one:
a. Last syllable
b. First syllable
c. Middle syllable
d. Second syllable

The correct answer is: First syllable

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: First syllable Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Casual speech is a form of speech we use when we communicate with people who are very close to

Select one:


The correct answer is 'False'.

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: False Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This element is about the clothes you choose to wear on specific events to convey a particular idea

Select one:
a. Expository speech
b. Duration

c. Appearance
d. Arms and hands
e. Posture
f. Articulation
g. Speeech about events
h. Eyes
i. Pause
j. Impromptu

The correct answer is: Appearance

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Appearance Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
This part of the speech entails reviewing the main points.

Select one:
a. Choosing the topic

b. Conclusion
c. Attention getters
d. Transitions

The correct answer is: Conclusion

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Conclusion Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Name the factors in creating the rhythm of a speech

Select one:
a. no correct answer

b. pitch, volume, enunciation, and fluency

c. pitch, volume, enunciation, and frequency
d. pitch, vocal quality, pronounciation, and frequency

The correct answer is: pitch, volume, enunciation, and fluency

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answ

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: pitch, volume, enunciation, and fluency Answer save

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
These are the windows to our soul. Unconscious movements may work agains the speaker

Select one:
a. Duration
b. Appearance
c. Posture
d. Arms and hands

e. Eyes
f. Speeech about events
g. Expository speech
h. Articulation
i. Impromptu
j. Pause

The correct answer is: Eyes

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Response history
Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Eyes Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
These are created when air is not completely stopped but goes through with a hissing sound.

Select one:

a. Fricatives
b. Bilibial stops
c. No correct answer
d. Alveolar stops

The correct answer is: Fricatives

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Response history

Step Time Action State

1 16/10/17, 03:28 Started Not yet answered

2 16/10/17, 03:36 Saved: Fricatives Answer saved

3 16/10/17, 03:36 Attempt finished Correct

Question 50
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Question text
Sounds produced when two vowels are combined which results to a blended sound within a syllable.

Select one:
a. Dipthongs
b. Bilibial
c. Semi-vowels
d. Affricates
e. Nasal
f. Lateral

The correct answer is: Dipthongs

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