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The Teaching of the Drama

“With Patches of Many Hues”

Estrella D. Alfon

Administrative routine:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance

 Read the drama entitled “With Patches of Many Hues” by Estrella D. Alfon
 Answer the following questions:
Literal questions:
1. What is the title of the drama?
2. Who is the author of the drama?
3. Where and when did the story happen?
4. Who is the main character in the story?
5. Why did Mario want to stay with his grandmother? Was he right in
staying away from his parents? Support your answer.
6. What were the recent happenings in Mario’s life that made his
parents angry?
7. What were the faults of the parents in dealing with their son?
8. How did the grandmother help in solving the problem of Mario with
his parents?
9. What was the role of Tina in Mario’s reconciliation with his parents?
10. What do the hues in grandmother’s quilt mean in her life? Which
parts in the play reflect these hues?

The Process

III. Intellectual Discussion

Teacher’s Activity Student’s activity

I. Explore
Session One- One Hour

Say: Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am.

Say: How are you today? We are good, Ma’am.

Say: I am so glad to hear that.

Say: Today, we will have a new topic to be

discussed. I am requesting you to
participate actively so that at the end of
the one hour session you will be able to
indicate the meaning of unfamiliar words
using contextual clues
Say: Now, who could state the task you are Ma’am, at the end of the one-hour
expected to do after one-hour class class session, we meaning of
session? unfamiliar words using contextual

Say: Thank you. Yes, Ma’am!

Say: Could you still remember the last time Yes, Ma’am!
you said “I love you” with your parents?

Say: That is nice! We should always show our

love to our parents because we owe our
life to them.

Say: Today we are going to have a very

interesting lesson. Since we are talking
about our love to our parents, our lesson
for today is a drama which express the
characters’ love to their parents.

Say: Have you read the script of the drama Yes, Ma’am!
entitled, “With Patches of Many Hues”?

Say: Good. Since, you already read the drama

entitled “With Patches of Many Hues”,
answer the following activity.

Activity 1

A. Directions: In your own copies,

indicate the meaning of the underlined
word in each in each item that follows.
Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Grandmother’s wholesome attitude

toward life is seen in the serenity of
her face.
a. calmness
b. tension

2. The bed throw is made of clothes with

several hues – red, green, blue.
a. colors
b. trimmings

3. Louisa, a tired-looking woman, shows

inquietude in her movement.
a. uneasiness
b. happiness

4. Nobody appreciates a delinquent

a. diligent
b. belligerent

5. Grandmother rubs less gently on

Mario’s raised skin mark so that
squirms in pain.
a. twist and turns
b. squeaks

Say: You will be given 10 minutes to answer. Students answer the activity.
You may start.
Activity 1

A. Directions: In your own

copies, indicate the
meaning of the underlined
word in each in each item
that follows. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

1. Grandmother’s
wholesome attitude
toward life is seen in the
serenity of her face.
a. calmness
b. tension

2. The bed throw is made

of clothes with several
hues – red, green, blue.
a. colors
b. trimmings

3. Louisa, a tired-looking
woman, shows
inquietude in her
a. uneasiness
b. happiness

4. Nobody appreciates a
delinquent person.
a. diligent
b. belligerent

5. Grandmother rubs less

gently on Mario’s
raised skin mark so
that squirms in pain.
a. twist and turns
b. squeaks

After ten minutes

Say: Okay, class, let’s check your work.

Say: Who could identify the meaning of Ma’am! Serenity means a.

underlined word in sentence number 1? calmness.

Say: Correct. Next, what is the meaning of Ma’am! Hues mean a. colors.
underlined word in sentence number 2?

Say: Very good. Next, how about the meaning Ma’am! Inquietude means a.
of underlined word in sentence number uneasiness.

Say: Correct. Next, we have the word Ma’am! Delinquent means a.

delinquent. What does the word diligent.
delinquent means?

Say: Very good. And finally, what does the Ma’am! Squirms mean a. twist and
underlined word in sentence number 5 turns.

Say: Very good Class, I am glad that you

already know the meaning the unfamiliar

Say: Class, Let us have an activity to

measure how much did you learn from
our lesson today. Get one half sheet of
pad paper and answer this activity.

Activity 2

General objectives: to show ability to

understand the selection
Specific objective: to identify the meaning
of each word using context clues
Item: Understanding
Directions: Identify the meaning of the
unfamiliar words underlined in
each item that follows. Choose
your answer from the list of words
in the box. Write your answers on
the space provided after each
item. 5 points

Twist and turns

Diligent Uneasiness

1. Grandmother rubs less gently on

Mario’s raised skin mark so that he
squirms in pain.

2. The bed throw is made of clothes with

several hues – red, green, blue.

3. Nobody appreciates a delinquent


4. Louisa, a tired-looking woman, shows

inquietude in her movement.

5. Grandmother’s wholesome attitude

toward life is seen in the serenity of
her face.

Say: You will be given 10 minutes to answer.

Say: You may start. Students answer the activity.

After 10 minutes.

Say: Are you done class? Yes, Ma’am.

Say: So please pass your papers forward. Students pass their papers

Say: Thank you class, I enjoyed our

discussion this morning, see you next
II. Firm-up
Session Two – One Hour

Say: Good morning, class. Good morning, ma’am.

Say: Last meeting, we identified the meaning

of the unfamiliar words found in out
reading selection.

Say: Now, let’s see if you still remember the

meaning of the words we unlocked
yesterday. I will say each word and
anyone could raise his/her hand to

Say: Hues Ma’am! Colors.

Say: Inquietude Ma’am! Uneasiness.

Say: Serenity Ma’am! Calmness.

Say: Delinquent Ma’am! Diligent.

Say: Squirms Ma’am! Twist and turns.

Say: Very good! I am glad that you still

remember the meaning of the unfamiliar

Say: Class, this morning we will have an

exciting activity. I am requesting you to
participate actively so that at the end of
the one-hour session you will be able to
use unlocked unfamiliar words in

Say: Class, what are you expected after the Ma’am, at the end of the one-hour
one-hour session? session, we will be able to use
each unlocked unfamiliar word in

Say: Very well said.

Say: You are now going to use each unfamiliar

word in sentences.
Say: Please find your partner whom you
believe you can work well with. Help each
other in using each of the following words
in two sentences.

Say: Write your answers in a half sheet of pad

paper. I will give you 15 minutes to do
your work.

After 15 minutes.

Say: time is up!

Say: It’s your time to present your answer. Ma’am! Good morning Ma’am.
Who would like to volunteer to be the first Good morning classmates these
to present? are the sentence we made out of
the unfamiliar words we unlocked.

1. Serenity
a. The serenity of the
surroundings made him
relaxed and rested.
b. Comfort and
contentment is visible in
the serenity of her face.

2. Hues
a. A painting is a
combination of abstract
b. Several hues were used
to coat their house.

3. Inquietude
a. You’ll know if a person is
problematic because of
his inquietude.
b. Inquietude indicates
that a person is hiding

4. Delinquent
a. Delinquent students are
those who persevere
more in life.
b. Achievers are
delinquent with their
5. Squirms
a. He let her grandmother
massage him, but he
squirms in pain when
she massaged the
sensitive part of his
b. Mario’s body is aching,
but he refused to let it
massaged because for
sure, he would only
squirms out of pain.

Say: Wow! Very good pair 1.

Say: Now let us proceed with the next pair (All pairs have shared their written
and so on. sentences.)

(All pairs are done reporting their written


Say: Very good class. You’ve done great.

Say: So, I think you are ready for our next


Say: Please get one half sheet of pad paper

and answer the following quiz.

Quiz 1

General objectives: to show knowledge in

using unfamiliar words
Specific objectives: To give sentences
using unfamiliar words.
Item: Applying
Directions: Write 1 sentence using the
unfamiliar words that follow.
Write your answer on your
answer sheet. 10 points

1. Serenity

2. Hues
3. Inquietude

4. Delinquent

5. Squirms

Say: You will be given 15 minutes to answer

the quiz.

After 15 minutes.

Say: Class, are you done? Yes, Ma’am

Say: Okay, then pass your papers.

Say: For your assignment, answer the

following questions:

1. What is the title of the drama?

2. Who is the author of the drama?
3. Where and when did the story happen?
4. Who is the main character in the story?

Say: Thank you class for your cooperation in

our discussion this morning. God bless.

II. Firm up
Session Three- One hour

Say: Good morning class, Good morning, Ma’am.

Say: Could you still remember our lesson last Yes, Ma’am.

Say: Very good!

Say: Now, who could recite our last meeting? Ma’am, our lesson last meeting
was all about the unfamiliar words
found in the drama and these are:
1. Serenity
2. Hues
3. Inquietude
4. Delinquent
5. Squirms

Say: Wow! Very well said.

Say: Today, we will have another interesting

lesson. So, please participate actively so
that at the end of one-hour session you
could be able to identify explicitly stated
information from the drama script.

Say: Who could state again our task to do? Ma’am, at the end of one hour
session we be able to identify the
explicitly stated information from
the drama.

Say: Very well said.

Say: Last meeting I give you the literal Yes, Ma’am.

questions to be answered at home. Did
you answer it?

Say: That’s good.

Say: Wow! Very good. Let’s check your work.

Exchange your papers with your seat
mate we are going to answer the literal

Say: 1. What is the title of the drama? Ma’am! The title of the drama is
“With Patches of Many Hues”.

Say: 2. Who is the author of the drama? Ma’am! It was written by Estrella D.

Say: 3. Where and when did the story The story happened in the house
happen? of Lola Tasya, during summer

Say: 4. Who is the main character in the story? Mario is the main character in the
Say: Wow great! I am grateful to know that you
did your assignment well. Now let us
check if much information had retained in
your mind. Get one half sheet of paper.

Quiz 2

General objective: To show ability to

understand the reading selection.
Specific objective: to identify explicitly
stated information in the drama.
Item: Remembering
Directions: Identify explicitly stated
information in the drama “with Patches
of Many Hues” by answering the literal
questions that follows:

1. What is the title of the drama?


2. Who is the author of the drama?


3. Where and when did the story


4. Who is the main character in the


Say: You have 5 minutes to answer.

After 5 minutes.

Say: Are you done class? Yes, ma’am.

Say: Ok, pass your papers forward.

Say: Thank you class for your participation,

Good day and God bless.
III. Deepen
Session Four- One Hour

Say: Good morning class. Last meeting, we

identified explicitly stated information
from the drama “With Patches of Many

Say: Now, let us check if you can still

remember those explicitly information. I
will say the question once and anyone
could raise his/her right hand to answer.

Say: 1. What is the title of the drama? Ma’am! The title of the drama is
“With Patches of Many Hues”.

Say: 2. Who is the author of the drama? Ma’am! It was written by Estrella D.

Say: 3. Where and when did the story The story happened in the house
happen? of Lola Tasya, during summer

Say: Who is the main character in the story? Mario is the main character in the

Say: Very Good, I am very that you could still

remember our lesson. So today we will
have an exciting activity, I am requesting
you to participate actively so that at the
end of the one-hour session you will be
able to make inference.

Say: Who among you could state again our Ma’am! At the end of the lesson we
task to do? could be able to make inference.

Say: Very well said.

Say: But first, let’s divide the class into 5 Students count 1 to 5. 1… 2… 3…
groups by counting-off 1 to 5. 4… 5… and so on.

Say: Meet with your group, then follow my Students meet with their respective
instructions: group and follow teacher’s
1. Form your group according to your instructions.
2. Find a place in this classroom where
you believe you can work comfortably.
3. Choose you leader who will facilitate
your discussion.
4. Choose your secretary who will record
your discussion.
5. Choose a reporter who will orally give
a report about the important matters in
your discussion.
6. Since this subject is English, I would
like you to have your discussion in

Say: What you are going to do this morning is

to answer the following questions:

1. Why do you think Mario wants to stay

with his grandmother?
2. What were the recent happenings in
Mario’s life that made his parents
3. What were the faults of the parents in
dealing with their son?

Say: Everybody should participate in doing the

task assigned you to. Whatever grade
your group gets. I will give you 10
minutes to do your task.

Say: Your time starts now. Students start their discussion.

After 10 minutes

Say: Times up!

Say: Might I request, the group 1 to give their Good morning ma’am. The
report. following are the output of our
1. Why do you think Mario wants
to stay with his grandmother?
Mario wants to stay with his
grandmother’s house because
he wanted to escape from his
parents because he thinks that
his parents hated him.

2. What were the recent

happenings in Mario’s life that
made his parents angry?
Mario’s parents got angry to
him because he didn’t pay his
school fees and he used the
money to treat his friends.

3. What were the faults of the

parents in dealing with their
They have no enough time
for their son, they are both
busy with their businesses
that’s why they forgot that their
son needs attention from them.

Say: Very Good! Next group please. And so (All group representatives have
on. reported their discussion)

(All groups are done reporting their outputs.)

Say: Thank you for a job well done. It is indeed

that Mario doesn’t like to go back with
parents it is because he felt that his
parents hated him so much for what he
did to the money that is intended for his
school fees.

Say: Now, to test your mastery with our

lesson, please get one half sheet of
paper and answer the following activity.

Quiz 3

General objective: to show knowledge in

understanding reading text
Specific objective: to identify the explicitly
information in the drama
Item: Understanding.
Directions: Answer the following questions.
Write your answers on your answer
sheet. 15 points

1. Why do you think Mario wants to stay

with his grandmother?

2. What were the recent happenings in

Mario’s life that made his parents

3. What were the faults of the parents in

dealing with their son?

Say: I’ll give you 15 minute to answer.

After 15 minutes

Say: Are you done class? Yes, ma’am.

Say: Okay, please pass your papers forward.

Say: Thank you and God bless Class.

Session Five - One Hour

Say: Good morning, class.

Say: Who among you here still remember the Ma’am! Last meeting, we made
activity we conducted last meeting? inference.

Say: Any question before we proceed to our None Ma’am!

next lesson?

Say: Very good, I am glad that you understand

our topic last meeting. This morning, we
are going to have another important task
to do; so, please participate so that at the
end of the one-hour class you will be able
to make wise decisions.

Say: Now, Do you still remember your group Yes, ma’am.

last meeting?
Say: Good, now assemble with your group
again and find a place where you can feel
comfortable to work with. Remember, that
the grade your group gets is the same
grade everyone will get.

Say: Are you ready? Yes Ma’am!

Say: I will give you manila paper as well as Students discuss the critical
marker pen for each group so that you questions.
could write your answer there. You have
ten minutes to do your work. Start
discussing now.

Critical questions:

1. How did the grandmother help in solving

the problem of Mario with his parents?

2. What was Tina’s role in Mario’s

reconciliation with his parents?

3. What do the hues in the grandmother’s

quilt mean in her life? Which parts of the
play reflect these hues?
After 10 minutes

Say: Are you done? Yes Ma’am!

Say: Ok, group 1 you may now start. Good morning ma’am, good
morning classmates. This morning
I am going to report our answer on
the critical questions that follow:

1. “How did the grandmother

help in solving the problem
Mario with his parents?”

The grandmother explain to

Mario that he did wrong that’s
why his parents got angry with
him and the grandmother
talked to the parents of Mario
that their son Mario needs an
attention something that
money can’t buy. It is the care,
love and time that Mario’s
needed the most, not the new
shoes even new clothes that
he wanted but the presence of
a parents in his life.

2. What was Tina’s role in Mario’s

reconciliation with his parents?

She encouraged Mario to

do good things to make
change and she encouraged
him to go to school so that his
parents would not be mad at
him anymore.

3. What do the hues in

grandmother’s quilt mean in
her life? Which parts of the
play reflect these hues?

The hues in grandmother’s

quilt means a lot in her life.
Red represents joy, blue
signifies grief, green for hope,
and pink for love.
Every time each character
notice the quilt that the
grandmother was making, they
remembered some of their

Say: Very good, group 1.Now group 2 it’s your (All group reporters have shared
turn. And so on. what they’d discussed.)

(All groups are done reporting what they had


Say: Class, thank you for your cooperation.

Say: Any question before we move on to the None, ma’am.

next activity this morning?

Say: Ok, so, I want you to get a one half sheet

of paper and you to answer individually
the question.

Quiz 4

General objective: To show ability in

understanding the reading text
Specific objective: to make wise decision
Item: Analysing
Directions: Answer the questions below.
Write your answers on your answer
sheet. 15 points.

1. How did the grandmother help in

solving the problem of Mario with his

2. What was Tina’s role in Mario’s

reconciliation with his parents?

3. What do the hues in grandmother’s

quilt mean in her life? Which parts of
the play reflect these hues?

Say: You have 10 minutes to answer. Students answer the quiz.

After 10 minutes.

Say: Ok, times up! Pass your paper forward. Students pass the papers.

Say: Class since we don’t have much enough

time, so let’s end our discussion here.
Good day.

VI. Transfer
Session Six – One Hour

Say: Good morning, class. Good morning, Class

Say: How are you today class? We’re good. Ma’am.

Say: Good to hear that.

Say: This morning we are going to have an

interesting lesson, so I want you to
participate so that at the end of the one-
hour class you could be able to make a

Say: Now, who among you could state again Ma’am, at the end of one- hour
our task to be done? class we could be able to make a

Say: Very well said, class.

Say: I want you to be in your group again
because we are going to have an activity.

Say: Are you know with your group? Yes, ma’am

Say: So, you are going to make a synopsis of

the drama “ With Patches of Many Hues”

Say: I have here a sample copy of a synopsis.

The teacher distributes the copies of synopsis.

With Patches of Many Hues

By Estrella D. Alfon
A Synopsis

“With Patches of Many Hues” is a

drama written by Estrella D. Alfon. It is the
author account about how to solve a family
Mario had a conversation with his
grandmother and he opened to her that
wanted to live with his Lola Tasya,
because he felt that his parents never care
on him; specially, when he did not his
school fee.
He met Tina the daughter of his
mother’s friend. The girl explains him that
he must go to school and the girl tried to
convince her that education is very
Louisa Mario’s mother visited Mario in
her mother’s house, Lola is her mother.
Lola Tasya talked to her,she tried to
convince Louisa that if it is ok to Louisa
Mario will live with her and he discussed to
her that as a parents they should have a
time for their only son Mario.
Yes, they can provide all the needs
their son everything they want they can
buy it, but the time and care of being a
parents is different from money; so, the
grand mother would like to emphasize to
her that money can’t buy anything
specially the love of a parents to her son.
Louisa left the house. She said to her
mother that she will talk to Tirso her
husband about it.
Tirso and Louisa we went back to
Lola Tasya’s house. Tirso explain
everything to his son that he wants Mario
to live again with them and they will start

Say: Now, It’s your turn. I will give you 20

minutes to do your work after that you are
going to report your synopsis.

After 20 minutes

Say: Ok, Class stop writing. Let us proceed to Good morning, ma’am. Here is our
the reporting. synopsis to the drama “With
Patches of Many Hues”

With Patches of Many Hues

By Estrella D. Alfon
A Synopsis

“With Patches of Many Hues”

is a drama written by Estrella D.
Alfon. It is the author account
about how to solve a family

Mario had a conversation

with his grandmother and he
opened to her that wanted to live
with his Lola Tasya, because he
felt that his parents never care
on him; specially, when he did
not his school fee.
He met Tina the daughter of
his mother’s friend. The girl
explains him that he must go to
school and the girl tried to
convince her that education is
very important.
Louisa Mario’s mother visited
Mario in her mother’s house,
Lola is her mother. Lola Tasya
talked to her, she tried to
convince Louisa that if it is ok to
Louisa Mario will live with her
and he discussed to her that as
a parent they should have a time
for their only son Mario.
Yes, they can provide all the
needs their son everything they
want they can buy it, but the time
and care of being a parents is
different from money; so, the
grand mother would like to
emphasize to her that money
can’t buy anything specially the
love of a parents to her son.
Louisa left the house. She
said to her mother that she will
talk to Tirso her husband about
Tirso and Louisa we went
back to Lola Tasya’s house.
Tirso explain everything to his
son that he wants Mario to live
again with them and they will
start again.

Say: Very good, group 1. Now it’s your turn (All group reporters read their
group 2. And so on. group’s synopsis)

(All groups have reported their written

synopsis of the drama)

Say: Class, I am so grateful with your

performance. So keep it up!
Performance. So keep it up! Prepare
yourselves for another activity tomorrow.
Good day and God bless.

Session Seven – One hour

Say: Good morning, class

Say: Last meeting we made a synopsis of the Good morning, ma’am.

drama “With Patches of Many Hues”

Say: Today we will have an individual activity.

Please participate actively so that at the
end of the one-hour class you will be able
to write a synopsis of the drama
Say: Who among you would like to state the Ma’am, at the end of the one-hour
task that you are expected to do after the class session, we will be able to
class session? write a synopsis of the drama

Say: Now, get one whole sheet of pad paper

and write a synopsis of the drama “ With
Patches of Many Hues”

Say: I will give you 40 minutes to do your task.

Your time starts now.

After 40 minutes.

Say: Times up! Stop writing!

Say: Pass your papers.

Say: I hope that you have enjoyed a lot in our

activity this morning. Good day and God

Session Eight – One Hour

Say: Class, last meeting we made a synopsis

of the drama entitled “With Patches of
Many Hues”

Say: Today, we will have a challenging

activity. So I am expecting you to actively
participate so that at the end of the one-
hour class session you will be able to do
the following tasks:

a. To identify the meaning of the

unfamiliar words using contextual
b. To use each unlocked unfamiliar
words in a sentence
c. To identify explicitly stated information
from the text
d. To make inference
e. To make wise decisions
f. To write a synopsis
Say: Who among you would like to state the Ma’am, at the end of the one-hour
tasks that you are expected to do after class session, we will be able to
class session? identify explicitly stated information
from the text, to make inference, to
make wise decisions, and to write
a synopsis.

Say: Very well said.

Say: Class, I am giving you 45 minutes to

answer the following items. Answer it
seriously and avoid cheating. God bless
After 45 minutes.

Say: Times up! Please pass your papers.

Say: For your assignment research about the

elements of a drama that follow:
1. Setting;
2. Characters and their
3. Plot;
4. Theme;
5. Dialogue;
6. Spectacle.
Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________
Year and Section: _________________________________ Score: _______________

I. Drama

General objectives: to show knowledge about the selection

A. Specific objective: to identify the meaning of each word using context clues
Item: Remembering
Directions: Identify the meaning of the word being underlined in the sentence.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 5 points

1. Grandmother’s wholesome attitude toward life is seen in the serenity of

her face.
a. calmness
b. tension

2. The bed throw is made of clothes with several hues – red, green, blue.
a. colors
b. trimmings

3. Louisa, a tired-looking woman, shows inquietude in her movement.

a. uneasiness
b. happiness

4. Nobody appreciates a delinquent person.

a. diligent
b. belligerent

5. Grandmother rubs less gently on Mario’s raised skin mark so that

squirms in pain.
a. twist and turns
b. squeaks

B. Specific objectives: To give sentences using unfamiliar words.

Item: Applying
Directions: Write 1 sentence using the unfamiliar words. Write your answer on
the space provided. 10 points

6. Serenity

7. Hues
8. Inquietude

9. Delinquent

10. Squirms

C. Specific objective: to identify explicitly stated information in the drama

Item: Remembering
Directions: Identify explicitly stated information in the drama “With Patches of
Many Hues” by answering the literal questions that follows. Write
your answers on the space provided for it. 10 points

11. What is the title of the drama?


12. Who is the author of the drama?


13. Where and when did the story happen?


14. Who is the main character in the story?


D. Specific objective: to make inference

Item: Remembering
Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the space
provided. 15 points

15. Why do you think Mario wants to stay with his grandmother?
16. What were the recent happenings in Mario’s life that made his parents

17. What were the faults of the parents in dealing with their son?

E. Specific objective: to make wise decision

Item: Analysing
Directions: Answer the question below write your answers on the space provided
for it. 15 points

18. How did the grandmother help in solving the problem of Mario with his

19. What is Tina’s role in Mario’s reconciliation with his parents?


20. What do the hues in grandmother’s quilt mean in her life? Which parts
in the play reflects these hues?
F. Specific objective: To make a synopsis
Item: Applying
Directions: Write a synopsis of the drama “With patches of Many Hues”. Write
your answer on the space provided below. 20 points

With Patches of many Hues

By Estrella D. Alfon
A Synopsis

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