TEST Initial CL 7

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+10 points granted

I. Fill in the blanks with the present/ past forms of the verbs to be or to have, as
a. Hello, Tom! How…….you?
b. I’…..fine, thanks. And you?
c. This….my brother, Daniel. He …..20 years old. He……an expensive car.
d. Last weekend we….at the circus. It….a sunny day and we…..a great time.
e. I…… only a cat but Ana……two. ( 5x3p=15p )

II. A. Put the right article a , an or the :

I am from Seattle, Washington. Seattle is ….( 1 ) city in the United States. It is near the border
of Canada in the north-west corner of the USA. I live in …( 2 ) town called Olympia which is
on the Puget Sound. I live in a house in a street in the countryside. The street is called "Bear
Street" and the house is old - more than 100 years old! I am …. ( 3 ) English teacher at a school
in the center of the town. I like books and taking photographs. I usually have lunch at school. I
usually go home by car. We have all kinds of food in Olympia. I like Italian food very much.
Sometimes, I go to … ( 4 ) Italian restaurant in Seattle.
…… ( 5 ) restaurant is called "Luigi's". Italian food is great! ( 5x3p= 15p )

B. Answer True or False :

a. I live in a town from the USA .

b. The house I live in is not very old.
c. I teach English at a school in the center of the town.
d. I never go home by car.
e. I like Italian food very much. ( 5x4p=20 p )

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense (Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple)

a. Tim ( read)…………. a story every day but now he ( read ) ………….….the newspaper.
b. I usually ( do )…………my homework but at the moment I…………...(read)a book.
c. Yesterday they (go)…………. to the circus. They ( not/ go)…….to school.
d. Susan ( not/ like)…………………. strawberries but Anne ( do)………….
e. I ( miss)………………. the bus yesterday so I (be)………. late for school.
( 5x4p=20 )

IV. Write a story that begins with ” My name is… “(7-8 lines only) ( 20p )
Anul şcolar 2019-2020
Limba engleză
Clasa a VII-a, L 2


Se punctează oricare alte formulări/modalități de rezolvare corectă a cerințelor.
Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu
Nota finală se calculează prin împărţirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.

Partea I ( 50p )

I. a. are B. 1. T
b. ’ m 2. F
c. is, is, has got 3. T
d. were, was, had 4. F
e. have, has 5. T
(15p) ( 20p )

II. A. 1. a
2. a III. a. reads, is reading
3. an b. do, am reading
4. an c. went, did not go
5. the d. does not like, does
( 15 p) e. missed , was
( 20 p )

Partea a II-a (20 de puncte)

10 points for correct grammar structures and connectors

5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
5 points for the general impression
Anul şcolar 2019-2020
Limba engleză
Clasa a VII-a, L 2


Competenţe C1: C2: C3: C4:

corespunzătoare Să extragă Reformularea Să deducă sensul Să scrie relatări
nivelurilor informaţii unor cuvintelor simple ale unor
taxonomice generale şi enunțuri / din context si sa evenimente
Teme/ specifice dintr- rescrierea unor formuleze trecute şi
Conţinuturi/ un text citit în cuvinte conform enunțuri experienţe
Concepte-cheie/ gând unor structuri personale
Unităţi tematice studiate
Copilul şi lumea 20 p
înconjurătoare - dialog (Partea II)
intre prieteni
Verbul to have- 15p
Prezentul simplu (ex. 1)
Trecutul simplu
Articolul hotărât şi 15p 20p
nehotărât. Prezentul ( ex. 2 A, 2 B)
simplu: negativul cu
Pluralul substantivelor; 20p
Adjectivul. Timpuri (ex. 3)
verbale. Vocabular:
obiecte, cuvinte
TOTAL 15 p 35 p 20p 20 p

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