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People v.

Nurfrashir Hashim

Leigh Taritz C. Ganancial


Bernadette Pansacala and Nurfrasir Hashim y Saraban, without having previously

obtained from the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, license or authority
to engage in the recruitment and deployment of overseas workers, did then and there
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, illegally recruit for a promised employment in
Brunei and Malaysia, thus causing and prompting the persons of BBB and AAA to apply
which employment however did not materialize because in truth and in fact, the promised
employment is non- existent, in flagrant violation of the above-mentioned law and
causing damage and prejudice to said complainants. Subsequently, BBB, AAA, CCC,
went abroad but become sex workers or prostitutes. Consequently, Pansacala and
Nurfrasir Hashim were arrested, charged and convicted by the Trial Court of the crime of
illegal recruitment. Payment of damages were likewise ordered. On appeal, the CA
affirmed the findings of trial court however, reduced the award of damages.



Yes. Art. 2219, New Civil Code provides: Moral damages may be recovered in the
following and analogous cases: (1) A criminal offense resulting in physical injuries; (2)

delicts causing physical injuries; (3) Seduction, abduction, rape, or other lascivious acts;
(4) Adultery or concubinage; (5) Illegal or arbitrary detention or arrest; (6) Illegal search;
(7) Libel,

slander or any other form of defamation; (8) Malicious prosecution; (9) Acts mentioned
in Article 309; (10) Acts and actions referred to in Articles 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34,
and 35. The criminal case of Trafficking in Persons as a Prostitute is an analogous case to
the crimes of seduction, abduction, rape, or other lascivious acts. In fact, it is worse. To
be trafficked as a prostitute without one’s consent and to be sexually violated four to five times a
day by different strangers is horrendous and atrocious. There is no doubt that Lolita
experienced physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched
reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, and social humiliation when she was
trafficked as a prostitute in Malaysia. Since the crime of Trafficking in Persons was
aggravated, being committed by a syndicate, the award of exemplary damages is likewise

Whether or not the accused were liable for damages.

Petition granted.

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