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ENGLISH (Language and Literature)
Class - IX
Maximum Marks: 70 Time: 3 hours

Instructions :
The question paper is divided into Three sections.
Section A : Reading 20 marks
Section B : Writing & Grammar 25 marks
Section C : Literature & Long Reading Text 25 marks


1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 8X1=8 8
A research conducted by SATHI says that it is a misconception that children living on
platforms are abandoned or are from wrecked homes. In reality, most of the children flee
their homes without a thought and cannot retract their actions either because they have no
money or are too frightened to go back. “We rescue 50 children daily from the platforms
across the country Some of these children get lost even as their parents search for them
desperately,” said Anjali, project officer, SATHI.

Life on the platform is not easy. The longer a child lives on the platform, the more he falls
prey to addictions, abuse, petty thefts and odd jobs for survival. There is no place like home
for a child, therefore, in extreme cases of abuse and poverty the organization’s first course of
action is ‘home placement.’

As SATHI’S secretary Pramod Kulkarni says, ‘A child on the platform never grows up, he just
ages. Early intervention not only saves the child from the dangers of platform life but also
makes repatriation easier as the child is more willing to go back home.’ But, it is not an easy
task. The organisation’s staff search the platforms across the country from morning till night.
Children are rescued from the platforms and are placed within the safe limits of the SATHI
shelters. They are counselled and those who are willing to go back home are taken to their
families as soon as possible.

Others who are reluctant to go back home are enrolled in “home orientation camps”. Love,
guidance and care provided, it paves the way for effective development of problem-solving
and social skills needed to build self-esteem and renew family ties. Children addicted to
substance abuse are sent to de-addiction camps.

(a) What has the research conducted by SATHI revealed?

(b) What does the phrase ‘Life on the platform is not easy’ mean?
(c) What is the aim of the organization working for the welfare of these children ?
(d) Which is the most important step in saving the lives of children?
(e) Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘advice’.
(f) After the child is in the safe limits, how is he helped further?
(g) What plans does SATHI have for children who do not want to go back home ?
(h) How are the addicted children helped?

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2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (2x4)+(1x4)=12 12
1. Manufactured goods worth crores of rupees are being imported every year.
There is dearth of food. Our industries are yet in infancy. We need engineers to man
them. We need mechanized farming to increase the output of corn. All this is only
possible if we give a technical turn to our education and if skilled labour is made
available. At present there are very few technical institutions in the country. And the
reason is not far to seek. Most of our young men have a sort of prejudice against all
types of manual labour. They prefer a job in some office to doing work with their
hands. They think that manual labour is degrading. Unemployment, therefore, stares
them in the face. The jobs of clerks in offices too, are limited.

2. Education in arts or crafts will serve a very useful purpose. It will help our
youth to make an independent living. They can set up their own little workshops.
This type of education will also solve the unemployment problem to some extent. We
must, however, guard against one thing. Technical education in order to be of real
use should be based on a good literary education at least up to matriculation standard.
It has been seen that an educated craftsman has better chances of success in life than an
illiterate one.

3. India is rich in mineral resources but most of them have not been tapped. The
government is keen to utilise this wealth. More and more technical institutions are,
therefore, being opened. A large number of technical hands are pouring out of our
universities every year. It is a happy sign of the times but unfortunately our industries
have not been able to absorb this ever-increasing number of technical hands. Already
the number of unemployed technical hands has gone up. It is feared that if some quick
measures are not taken to develop our industries, the government will be forced to
restrict admission to the technical colleges.

4. The work of technical training should go hand in hand with the development
of industries. In this alone lies the real solution of the problem. The government too is
alive to this. It is hoped that more and more factories will be opened in the near future.
It will be a criminal waste of country's intelligence if our young engineers are forced to
migrate to foreign countries only because the country cannot provide them with
proper means of living.

(a) What is the cause of unemployment is India ?

(b) How can education in art and craft help our youth to make an independent
living ?
(c) How can technical education be of real use ?
(d) How can our government stop the migration of country's intelligence to
foreign countries ?
(e) Which word in Para 2 means the same as 'precaution' ?
(f) Find the antonym of the word 'plenty' in Para 1.
(g) Find the antonym of the word 'undeveloped' in Para 3.
(h) Which word in Para 3 means the same as 'limited' ?
3 Junk food is a great health hazard. Still it is greatly liked by today's youth. Using the given 5

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hints and using your own ideas, write an article in about 100-120 words on the topic, 'Say No
to Junk Food'. You are ...........
Hints : obesity, ailments, cost factor, unhealthy, lack of nutritional values.
4 Complete the story with the following beginning in about 150-200 words. Also give it a 10
suitable title.
Shashi made a programme to go to a wild life sanctuary with her friends. They hired a jeep.
When they reached the middle of the forest __________.
5 Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones 3
given below. Write your answers in the answer
sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the entire passage.
Kansai International Airport was opened for business (a)__________ 4th September 1944. It’s
one of the only two artificial (b)___________ visible from space. The (c)__________ is the
Great wall of China.
(a) (i) in (ii) on
(iii) from (iv) by
(b) (i) structures (ii) structure
(iii) structural (iv) structurial
(c) (i) next (ii) first
(iii) other (iv) others
6 The following paragraph has not been edited. One word is missing from each line. Identify 4
the missing word and write it along with the word before and the word after in your
answer sheet.
Word before Missing word Word after
The Prince decided take a e.g. decided to take
world-wide trip visit many (a) ______ ______ ______
foreign lands. He took a (b) ______ ______ ______
large number of servants and (c) ______ ______ ______
slaves, ensure his comfort. (d) ______ ______ ______
7 Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences : 3
e.g. : computer / a/ machine / is / man - made /a /
A computer is a man - made machine.
(1) longest / key / the / space -bar /key board/ the / on /is
(2) the / Preethi / attraction / party / centre / of / was / the /at
(3) cricket / team / England / years / ago / lost /match /the /two/the
Read one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
8 But the same old nightmare came – the butcher with a knife and a rope, who came nearer and nearer, 3
smiling that dreadful smile, while she could not move, could only stand still, crying out, “Grandma!
Grandma!” She woke shivering to see Father beside her bed, a candle in his hand. “What’s the matter
?" he said.
(a) What did the narrator see in her dream ?
(b) What did she see on waking up ?
(c) What does the word ‘nightmare’ mean ?
He hurried towards his parents, his feet obedient to their call, his eyes still lingering on the receding 3
toys. As he came to where they had stopped to wait for him, he could not suppress the desire of his
heart, even though he well knew the old, cold stare of refusal in their eyes.

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(a) Why did the parents stop ?
(b) Why did 'he' suppress his desire ?
(c) What is meant by the word 'lingering' ?
Answer the following questions in about 30 - 40 words.
9a What is the poet of ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree’ longing for ? 2
9b Why did Kezia avoid her father ? 2
9c How did the playwright react when he saw a beautiful sapphire lying on the withered violets? 2
9d What happened to the little boy in the shrine? (The Lost Child) 2
Answer one of the following questions in about 80-100 words.
10 One should not be selfish and greedy. With reference to ‘The legend of Northland’ describe 4
what traits should a person have to serve God’s creation?
God asked the Angel to bring leader heart and the dead bird to his garden of Paradise. How 4
are you inspired to follow their examples ?
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words.
11 Why did the queen order a smaller travelling box for Gulliver ? Describe the box. 10
Write a note on Filmnap, the treasurer in the Lilliputian empire. 10
‘We are but the veriest, sorriest slaves of our stomach!’ Explain it with an example from the 10
novel, ‘Three Men in a Boat’.
“The sight of those notice boards arouses every evil instinct in my nature.” What does the 10
above line reveal about the character of the narrator ?


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