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A Beginner’s Guide to Home Curing

By: “Rey”
Instagram: @home.charcuterie

About This Booklet 4
Introduction to Meat Curing 6
Setting up your Curing Chamber 12
Introduction to Sausages 15
Grinding The Meat 18
Salting & Flavoring The Meat 20
Stuffing The Sausage 23
“Molding” The Sausage 29
Fermented Sausages 33
Cold Smoking 36
Dry Sausages Projects 38
Whole Muscle Curing 50
What’s Next for Charcuterie? 62

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 3


S ince most of the audience for this manual lives in the United States, one
of the awesomest and also most litigious countries in the world, with
likely the lowest per-capita rate of personal accountability of any nation, I
am obliged to add a disclaimer.

You are about to embark on a journey beset by many dangers to your health
and that of those around you, which may cause you harm and can leave you
permanently injured or kill you and your family in horribly painful ways. You
may (or may not) be taking advice here from me, someone with absolutely
zero, none, zilch, nada, nil in terms of professional (or even remotely semi-
professional) accreditation, training or certifications in any food handling of
any kind. By following (or not following) recommendations here, you and
your close ones acknowledge that you are totally ok with dying a horrible
painful death from making and eating basically raw meat products.

So, is anyone still out there?

About This Booklet

W riting this has been a lot of fun for me which was surprising for
someone that can barely write a text message. I get a few requests per
week through my instagram account @home.charcuterie from people that
would like to get started or that are looking for me to teach them a particular
cure. Instagram is not the right medium for long explanations and I thought
it would be fun for me to write my own ‘how-to’. But please know there are
other great resources out there also, after all I learn from those!

This booklet is intended for those NEW to curing meat and sausages that
would like to start from zero. It covers two of the most popular charcuterie
groups: dry sausages (salamis, chorizos, etc) and whole muscles (loin,
bresaola, prosciutto, etc…). I start by covering the foundation concepts and
techniques required to make different charcuterie and then walk you through
making individual projects that will progressively build up in complexity and
apply techniques from the previous ones. Therefore, I suggest you don’t skip
them, they are in that order for a reason: to ensure you have less frustrations

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 4

and fail attempts, like I did when I started. This is not intended as a “recipe”
book (although it does have recipes) but rather as a technical foundation for
you to create your own recipes or be able to masterfully execute some recipes
you find in different sources. There are tons of great (and bad) recipes out
there, so no need for me to replicate those here. But with this background
and walking through the projects here you would be able to distinguish a
good recipe from a ‘bad’ one and become a “Home Charcuterie Master” as
you complete the projects listed in this booklet.

About Me

M y name is Rey, you probably

found out about this manual
through my Instagram account
@home.charcuterie. I have been
creating and experimenting with
charcuterie at home for years. I live
in Southern California. I was born
and grew up in Latin America, my
family is from Europe and still lives
there (Spain & Germany). I visit
often to enjoy charcuterie from the
“Old World” and find inspiration for
things I would love to create myself.
I don’t consider myself a “master” of
charcuterie, there are plenty of “real”
professionals out there that live
and breathe that title as an exciting
profession. I’m a guy that has been
doing this for a long time as a hobby/
obsession and I think I’m pretty good
when it comes to making charcuterie
at home and I enjoy sharing what I
know about it. I don’t sell charcuterie
or have a store, this is my nights and
weekend hobby. I still have lots to learn and I keep on learning from all
those ‘real’ professionals and other hobbyist out there that are kind enough
to share some of their tips and tricks with me.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 5

Introduction to Meat Curing

C harcuterie is both an art and a science, this would sound like a cliche
usually, but here it really is. The art of charcuterie is in the eyes (or
mouths) of the beholder (or in this case whoever is eating it!). Some people
like more or less salt, some prefer this or the other spice, some like burning
hot spices, others cry in agony with even a little, some like it softer or harder,
some like more texture, other less, some love molds, some are grossed out by
them… that’s the “art” of charcuterie. And just like art can’t please everyone,
you have to find (and make) the ones that please YOU first and foremost.

The science of charcuterie describes some basic rules that need to be followed
in order to separate something edible from a horrible food poisoning and
hospital visit. And if you follow these rules and you LOVE your results,
don’t let anyone tell you did your salami or whole muscle cure “wrong”,
that’s the art. I will highly encourage you to take any constructive advice and
experiment and change your recipes around. I still do. I rarely make the same
recipe twice! There are maybe 2-4 recipies I don’t change much, but most are
always in constant shift and experimentation based on my curiosity, but also
feedback from other charcuterie professional and hobbyist. There is no such
thing in my opinion as a ‘secret perfect recipe’, just like there is no such thing
as a recipe for making a ‘perfect painting’. If you love your art, that’s all that
matters, after all, this booklet is about HOME charcuterie, intended to be for
YOU, your family and friends, not to create compromises in products that
would please the largest number of people. There are plenty of bad as well as
great products in the market today that do that. It’s time for YOU to make

One thing I would suggest is that

you begin by embracing molds and
bacterias as your friends. If you
don’t, it would limit your window of
experiences in this arena. Love the
good bugs and they will love you

Curing meats is easy. And if all

environmental conditions are right,
curing meats is VERY easy. The key in
that statement are the environmental

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 6

conditions, namely temperature and humidity. Technically, the ONLY

ingredient you really need is salt, just salt. All other things are additives to
either enhance the flavor, protect it against pathogens or support the curing
and preservation of the meat. You can make great charcuterie using only salt
and time, and in many places around the world, including Europe, many
traditional charcuterie manufacturers still use only salt with amazing results.

Salt works in curing by drawing moisture out of the meat, thereby helping
it to dry. Salt also protects the meat, since many “bad” bacterias don’t like
to grow in the presence of salt. To cure meats you need to protect them
from pathogens and get them to a level of dryness where they are “shelf
stable”. That happens when the available water (aw) is below a threshold
that bacterias need to grow. Salt helps in both of these thru the process of

The environmental factors are key

in successfully curing meats. It is no
coincidence that some of the best
charcuterie comes from temperate
climates in southern Europe,
especially Italy and Spain. Is not
because those guys were better or
more skilled than their northern
counterparts. They had a natural
environment on their side ideal
for curing and preserving meats.
Unlike today, preserving meats
was a necessity of life, not a fancy
delicatessen. Meat had to last thru the winter and early spring months
and the weather there during those months rarely got below freezing and
humidity, for the most part, stayed relatively high. That Goldilock range is
somewhere around 40F - 60F (4C - 15C) and 60% - 75% Relative Humidity
(RH). Northern or Eastern Europe will be below freezing point at that time
of the year, so meat and sausages will freeze, rather than dry up.

The final key in great charcuterie is the source of this “meat”, namely: the
pig! It is also no coincidence that most of the best cure meats are made from
pork: Prosciutto/Jamon Serrano, Lomo/Lonza, Salamis, Chorizos, etc… You
could technically make these with beef, lamb, goat, etc… (and I have done
so) but the results will not be nearly as tasty as if you do them with pork. The

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key to pork is the pork fat. Different

animals have different types of fats
and these fats have different melting
points. You have probably heard
people saying: “That prosciutto
just melts in my mouth!” and that’s
somewhat true. Pork fat has a melting
point very similar to the temperature
in your mouth. The melting point of
beef and lamb fat is higher so when
you eat it, it just won’t melt. It will
likely feel a little chewy. Many people
like lamb or venison prosciutto and
salamis and there is certainly room in the charcuterie world for those, but I
personally don’t enjoy them as much as a good pork charcuterie. One close
second for me is beef Bresaola. The reason is that this beef cured meat is
made from a lean beef cut (eye of round) with little or no fat on it, so you
don’t get to experience the chewy beef fat.

Pork is the undisputed king in

charcuterie, but not all pork is
created equal. I used to think it
was. In the back of my mind I used
to think it was an exaggeration
when others would spend so much
time talking up heritage breeds like
Berkshire, Mangalitsa, Duroc, etc…
until I actually tried charcuterie with
these. The common “industrialized
pig farming” here is the United States
looks for fast growing low-maintenance pig breeds, typically Yorkshire. They
are also not kept in the best conditions to support healthy growth and they
are usually fed some questionable foods. As such their meat is far inferior in
taste when compared to their well raise pasture counterparts. I’m not saying
you have to make charcuterie only with heritage breeds, I sure don’t, but keep
in mind it will make a huge difference, especially in whole muscle cures.

When we are talking about meat curing in modern times, we need to discuss
the use of curing salts. Not to be confused with regular table salt, and it’s
not a replacement for the regular table salt you will use to cure. Curing salt

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will be added to your sausages or

whole muscle cure. They are there
to reduce the chances of some bad
bugs growing on there (and cause
botulism!) and to enhance the
color of the final product. There
are different names for these things
that are all interchangeable: Curing
Salts, Prague Powder, Instacure, Pink
Salt, etc.. it’s all the same. The very
important differentiation is which
“number”. Curing Salt #1 vs Curing
Salt #2, or Prague Powder #1 vs
Prague Powder #2, etc… lucky there are only two types of curing salt and
the only thing you need to know now is if its #1 or #2.

When you buy bacon or other cured meats, you may see labels saying “No
Nitrites Added”. This is what they are talking about. And here we are walking
into a minefield of controversy, misinformation and strong opinions on all
sides. Typically there are two groups, those that feel if you don’t use curing
salts you are an idiot and those that say if you do, you are and idiot. Makes
sense?. There is plenty of information and misinformation out there so I
will not get into this. I tend to fall somewhere in the middle, not an idiot
I guess. There are plenty of people that don’t use them and historically
people didn’t add this either. Studies that are quoted as having connection
to cancer are often misquoted and taken out of context. On the other hand
preventing botulism sounds like a good thing. I have made charcuterie with
and without and noticed little or no difference. For the purpose of this book,
I would highly suggest that as you start this process you use nitrates/nitrites,
you won’t get cancer or die, at least not right away.

Curing Salt #1
Contains Sodium Nitrite. This will be added typically to meats that will
either be cooked or will be eaten relatively quick. Bacon, Deli Meats...

Curing Salt #2
Contains Sodium Nitrite AND Sodium Nitrate. This will be added to meats
that will be cured over longer time periods. Salami, Chorizo, Prosciutto,

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These both look like pink table salt. Don’t confuse with “Himalayan” salt
which is basically just a pretty-looking table salt. These curing salts are over
90% just regular table salt with a pink colorant added so you won’t confuse it
with table salt. The actual percentage of Nitrite/Nitrate in curing salts is very
small and even then, you will be adding a very small amount of this curing
salt to the overall meat weight. So it’s a very small amount of an already small
amount, which I guess is not a good argument if you are against it: At small
amount of crap on your sausages still sounds horrible. But trust me, just use
them, at least for now. These are NOT interchangeable, so don’t use #2 if you
can’t find #1, or vice versa.

Moving to our next topic: When do

you know your sausages or whole
muscle cures are done and ready
to eat? Well, it’s not a matter of
‘time’, it’s a matter of ‘dryness’. As
you set you meat to dry cure, each
day it will loose some weight due
to evaporation. That’s why it will be
important that you weigh and label
your sausages or whole muscles with
the total weight once you are ready
to hang it up to dry. There is no exact
rule when it’s ‘ready’ but there is a
generally accepted percentage that once your meat has lost 30% of its initial
hanging weight, it’s ready. However, most people I know, including myself,
would prefer a higher weight loss as the favors will intensify and the texture
firm up for a better slice. It is for that reason and also to ensure water activity
is further reduce, that I would recommend you aim for a 40% weight loss. So
for example, if your fresh salami weighed 1000 g on day 1 you will wait until
it has shrunken and weighs around 600 g before ‘harvesting’ and eating it.
Depending on the size of the sausage or whole muscle, the ingredients used
and the curing chamber environment; this could vary, but if you are looking
for an estimate: A medium diameter salami would take approximately 3-4
weeks, a whole muscle coppa/capocollo 2-3 months.

How do I know if my charcuterie is safe to eat? Well, that’s not an easy

thing to answer! Unless you send the meat to a lab to test for all sorts of
horrible things, there is no way to know if it’s 100% safe, that’s the truth,
but that will apply to practically everything you are handed over to eat each

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day. Obviously with curing raw meat there is a much higher risk than with
eating home baked bread, for example. There is no home test you can do
that will give you the ‘green light’ that it will be 100% fool proof safe - even
if you use Ph meters. There is a ‘leap of faith’ that is required with home
charcuterie. However, as long as you follow the steps described here, there is
no reasonable cause to fear. If you or your family are not OK with accepting
this ‘leap of faith’ then home charcuterie is not for you and there will be
nothing wrong with that. It’s a fact people do get food poisoning from eating
‘bad charcuterie’. I found the following statistics online, and we all know, if
it’s online, it’s a true fact.

To put things in perspective for you. In all of the U.S. there are about 20
cases of Botulism (arguably the worst case scenario) reported each year for
“foodborne” contamination. These numbers are not for “Home Charcuterie”
contaminations but inclusive of ALL the food industry in the U.S. I would
assume that most if not all these reported cases are of contaminations in
the broader food industry rather than the ‘home-made’ world. I will also
add that in all the years I have been doing charcuterie, even when I started
making HORRIBLE mistakes, without the benefit of this book, I have never
gotten sick. Likewise, I have never known of any other home charcuterie
hobbyist that has gotten sick.

Follow the common sense rules described here and if you see and smell
things that you dont like, dont eat it! If the sausage you made stinks and
doesn’t look like photos of what you see on the internet for other home
charcuterie people: don’t eat it! If your whole muscle cure just gives off
the stench of death and roadkill: don’t eat it! Use common sense and you
SHOULD be ok, but know there is zero guarantees.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 11

Setting up your Curing Chamber

Required Supplies/Tools/Equipment:
• Refrigerator/Wine Cooler
• Dehumidifier/Dehydrator
• Timers/Controllers (Optional)

R emember when I said dry

curing is easy? And specially
VERY easy when you have the right
environmental conditions? Well it is.
Problem is that we don’t all live in
Southern Europe, and we don’t all
live in a Southern Europe that is stuck
in a perpetual winter/spring season.
And even then, the weather is not
always 100% predictable. Thank God
for refrigeration! Now we can create
the ‘right environmental conditions’
all the time, every time. And here
is the biggest hurdle you need to overcome to be a successful year-around
“Home Charcuterie Master”: you need to get yourself a curing chamber!
Some people can get away without one, but those are either lucky to live in
the right weather and likely are able to just make one or two things, and I
would argue, not very well or can do them just one time of the year. A curing
chamber is key and this is the point that separates the people saying “I would
love to make that” from those that actually will.

There are tons of Do It Yourself instructions on the internet, from the very
simple one to the very sophisticated ones with automatic controllers etc. I
could write hundreds of pages on different options and features, but I won’t.
I will highly encourage you to check blogs and YouTube to see how others
have done their chambers so you can visualize the concept, but I will describe
the bare minimum you need to get started. You can always add more bells
and whistles, but I want to get your started now.

First Option: If you have the space, perhaps in your garage, like me. Buy
an old used refrigerator, one with metal grill shelves where you can hang
your charcuterie from. Glass shelf will not work, but you can get rid of them
and build yourself some wooden/metal beams to hang things from. You will

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remove all the shelves and drawers, except the top shelf which you will use
to hang your meats from. A refrigerator will typically be a very dry place to
do charcuterie. However depending on where you live in the world or the
quality of the fridge, it may actually be too humid. To determine this you
need to get yourself a basic humidity/temperature monitor.

Hook your refrigerator up, set the temperature control on the medium
setting and place a large bowl with a lot of soken wet paper towels. The wet
paper towels will replicate the effect of putting fresh wet meat in the fridge to
dry. Monitor the temperature and humidity over the next 24-48 hours. If the
humidity is below 60% you will need to get yourself a humidifier to increase
the humidity in your chamber. If the humidity is above 80% you need a
dehydrator. On the other hand if you are lucky to see humidity in the 60%-
80%, cautiously skip the humidifier/dehydrator for now until you can better
understand how your chamber behaves. Every chamber behaves differently.
I have had 3 different full size refrigerators over the years in the exact same
place, they all needed different setting and tweaks. I don’t know of anyone
that didn’t need any kind of humidity/dehydrator. Just know you probably
will at some point and monitor your humidity. Once you determine what
you needed, the next step is determine how long you need to have your
dehydrator/dehumidifier running for. Most likely they won’t be running
non-stop. Repeat the wet paper towel experiment again, this time set your
dehydrator/dehumidifier inside at the bottom of your chamber with the
cord running out of the closed door of the fridge.

Your target should be maintaining

a relative humidity of around 60%-
80% and a temperature between
40F - 60F (5C - 15C). Here you have
a few options: 1. You can manually
turn the device on and off until
you get a reading in that range and
MAINTAIN that reading for at least
24 hours to make sure it holds. 2.
You can set a timer to turn on/off
the device a few key times per day
and play with the settings to find the
balance point. 3. You can purchase a
digital humidity and temperature controller and set it to 75%. This controller
will turn on/off your device in a way so as to maintain the correct setting.

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Sounds great in theory, but I have had

frustrations with using an automatic
controller and making things actually
worst, but I may have been unlucky.

Controlling the temperature should

be easier as all refrigerators have a
temperature control. Most likely it would
not indicate the temperature setting, but
rather 1, 2, 3, 4, … or a scale to “colder”.
You do have a thermometer inside now,
so just notice what settings on your
refrigerator produce which specific
temperature and make a note of that or
write it with a sharpie on the refrigerator
controller scale.

Second Option: Another good option

is a wine cooler, you can either buy a new one or a used one. I would
recommend a larger one, something that holds more than 40 bottles, not
the tiny ones. It needs to be large enough to fit your charcuterie and have
space for your dehydrator/dehumidifier. Your steps for setting a wine cooler
would be the same as those described above for a refrigerator.

Once you have a working chamber that you can control and maintain the
desired humidity and temperature you are well on the road to make your
own charcuterie at home!

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 14

Introduction to Sausages

T here are hundreds if not

thousands of different sausages
which makes it overwhelming for
someone starting. If you are one
of the lucky ones and you live or
have traveled to Southern Europe
you may have seen charcuterie
stores counters filled with countless
different sausages. Its overwhelming
to even order, but don’t despair, a
little secret: most of the locals don’t
know most of them either. Most will
know more than the typical non-
european but that’s about it. Even in europe, this is something only the few
truly understand and follow.

There are tons fresh sausages, the ones you cook in your BBQ; there are also
all the different emulsified sausages, those will be your hotdogs, mortadella,
etc. In this book I will focus exclusively on dry sausages. That will narrow
the scope quite a lot, however even within dry sausages, we are talking about
hundreds of different names and types. And so, I will further simplify this
to a point where I could be burned alive for sacrilege by the professional
charcuterie inquisition. If it looks like a salami it is a salami. Period. I’m
choosing the Italian name for it, not out of any bias but just because it’s more
popular, instead of calling it “Dry Sausage” or “Saucisson Sec”, again, for our
purpose here it’s all the same!

You can take the same ground meat you used to make a “salami” then you
add, lets say a lot of fennel and now it’s called a “finocchiona”. You add tons
of smoked paprika and magically it is now called a “chorizo”. You stuff it
in a larger diameter casing and the name changes again, you use a finer or
coarser grind on the meat, the name can change again. You flatten the salami
with some weight now it’s called “sopressata”... you get my point. You can
get technical and throw names out there to impress your friends, but it’s all
basically the same. I don’t mean it all TASTE the same, it sure DOES NOT.
Spice flavors differ, textures differ, etc, and that’s the art behind all those
hundreds of “salamis”. You can find different variations you would like to
do and experiment. Each of those variations and experiments you do, could

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technically have their own name. What i’m trying to get at, is that if you
learn how to make a “salami”, then you already know how to make all the
other ones, since they differ only on the addition of ingredients, the size of
the ground meat, the type of casing you use, etc…

After all, the most frequent question I get from people that want to start
making dry sausages is “How do I make a salami?” So, we will go with that
and introduce variations as we go.

One factor that is considered a standard across all these different types as a
general rule of thumb is a lean meat to fat ratio in most sausages, and that
is: 3:1. You can make a 100% lean sausage, but it will be really hard and dry
and not very enjoyable. The key to most charcuterie is the pork fat. One
common misconception I have encountered in the past is that people think
sausages are made with substandard meat cuts and ‘waste products’. Even
Though that is indeed true of many mass-produced ‘discount’ fresh sausages
you find at your local discount store, this is absolutely not the case for even
a half-decent mass-produced salami. When you prepare your lean meat and
fats for your sausages you will be selecting good dark lean meat pieces from
prime pork cuts, the picnic, Boston butt, ham, etc. I would not recommend
pork loin, but it’s ok if you like to use it.

To do so, buy a large piece of pork meat and deliberately cut out chunks of
lean muscle without fat, sinew, silverskin or tendons. I would suggest you do
this and keep a large ziplock bag in the freezer with all your lean meat. Next,
you need to make sure you deliberately add pork fat into the sausage. The best
fat to add is the back fat, and that is exactly what it sounds like, most pigs will
have a good layer of thick hard fat
on their back, this fat is completely
white and clear of any meat. It cures
very well and adds great flavor to
your sausages. You won’t likely find
backfat on your supermarket shelfs.
This is something you will need to
request from your butcher shop. Any
half-decent butcher shop will know
what backfat is and likely carry some.
Backfat will come usually in ‘sheets’
of different thickness depending on
the breed of the pig. If you can’t find

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backfat, pork belly would be a second option, but I would highly suggest you
try as best as possible to find backfat. As a VERY last resort, you can use the
soft fat you find when you butchered your lean meat, but that fat will give
you unpredictable results. With back fat, you will know every time what you
are going to get once it’s cured.

Throughout years of
experimentations people have come
up with that 3:1 ratio. But like with
most things in this ‘art’ it’s not a rule
written in stone and you can adjust
as you prefer. I usually follow this
ratio with 75% lean muscle meat and
25% backfat. Although, I do love fat,
and some times I will increase the
ratio by adding more. This is where
you will work your preferences later,
but to start, do 75% lean, 25% fat.

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Grinding The Meat

Required Supplies/Tools/Equipment:
• Meat Grinder

T o make sausages at home you got to grind your own meat. Sure, you can
buy ground meat at the butcher’s but you won’t be able to control the lean
meat to fat ratios which are key to making good dry sausages. You can get
a manual grinder, but if you are going to be doing this more than just once
every few months, get an electric one, your hands would appreciate it. Any
basic one will do, usually they will come with a few die options for different
size grinds. I would recommend you work with a medium grind, not too
coarse, not too small. A medium size grind will give you some texture but
won’t be too big that the sausage will break apart once sliced.

Grinding meat for sausages should

be done with the meat semi-frozen
and the fat fully-frozen. The meat
should be stiff that you can cut it into
cubes big enough to fit your grinder.
Some people recommend placing
the metal meat grinder parts in the
freezer overnight. I found this to be
inconvenient and also not necessary.
If the meat is semi-frozen, that is
more than enough. But why all this
talk about freezing things? It’s not

for food safety issues, although that

won’t hurt. We are making dry sausages,
salamis, chorizos, etc… not hotdogs or
mortadella. Dry cured sausages should
have a clear differentiation between meat
and fat particles. If we grind the meat and
fat warm, you run the risk of creating
a meat ‘smear’ or emulsifying the mix
which will not cure well as intended. If
the meat is frozen, the fat will not melt
but rather be cut by the grinder just like
the rest of the meat and show up in the

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sausage as individual particles, and that’s what you want.

Depending on the type and quality of the grinder you have, what type of
meat you are grinding and how much, you may have to stop the grind one or
more times during the grinding process to disassemble the parts and remove
any clogging and entanglements before continuing to grind. Otherwise, you
could run the same risk as above of smearing the meat mix. Keep all the
meat flowing easily out of your grinder and you will be on your way to a
great sausage.

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Salting & Flavoring The Meat

Required Supplies/Tools/Equipment:
• Large Pot or Bowl
• Kitchen Scale with a 0.1 gram precision

A s described in the previous

section about “Introduction to
Meat Curing”, your most important
ingredient will be salt. Everything
else are additives and flavoring, and
with the exception of nitrites/nitrates
(Curing Salts) most of which will be
optional and up to your individual

If you are not comfortable with

the metric system of grams (g) and
kilograms (Kg) this is the time for you
to learn something new. The imperial weight system is just not rational for
easy math and conversions so from now on I will focus primarily on metric
units rather than pounds or ounces but I will introduce some volumetric
equivalents (teaspoons/Teaspoons) for the sake of practicality… You will
need to make sure the scale you purchase can handle 0.1g increments, not
because you need that accuracy to weigh your meat, but because a scale like
this can also be used to measure lesser volumes of spices like 0.2 g of cayenne
pepper, for example.

There is a simple ‘magic rule’ you

should remember from now on:
“3% salt”. The 3% salt refers to the
weight ratio of salt per unit of meat.
For example, if you ground up 1,000
grams of meat or you have a 1,000
gram whole muscle you like to
cure, you will need 30 grams of salt
to safely cure this. 3% of salt by the
weight of the meat. Some people,
including myself, would prefer lower
ratios and less salt, but to start with,

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I would highly recommend you stick

with this ratio and only after you
are more familiar with curing then
venture into lower ones if you prefer
less salty charcuterie, if you like it at
3%, all the better for you!

Some people prefer to mix the salt

and spices with the meat before
grinding, but I think that just makes
a whole lot of mess and also if you are
working with some smaller amounts
of spices, those can get stuck inside
your grinder and just mess up your recipe. So I highly recommend you
grind your meat first, then add the spices to the ground meat.

Most recipes you will find online and even in some popular charcuterie
books will give you amounts in teaspoons or tablespoons. Although these
are “OK” for the most part, I would suggest you start getting used to seen
units in grams or percentages of the total meat. Grams per unit of meat
is a better one, since it’s hard to wrap your head around “0.001% Cayenne
Pepper” and typical home production volumes will rarely get to a point where
percentages of spices will make much sense. You will be ok if you use just the
tablespoons volume measure, after all, charcuterie is an ‘art’ and spices will
fall under that flexible art side of the craft. The issue is that a tablespoon of
coarse sea salt will weight different than fine ground salt. But honestly it will
make little or no difference. However is a good habit to begin forming as you
embark on your charcuterie adventures. If you enjoy working with formulas
in MS Excel, you can keep your recipes there, otherwise I would suggest a
recipies app called “Paprika”. It is what I use and I love it because I can adjust
the sizes of the recipe easily if I’m grinding 500g or 2,000g of meat.

The first and most important thing you need to measure is your salt content.
3% of your total meat weight. So again, if you have 1000g of the meat/fat
mix: measure 30g of salt in a small container, set aside and keep weighing
each dry ingredient separately, and once you double check that you have
the correct weight for your recipe you can mix with the salt in the same
container. Although you can do it in the same container, and reset/tare your
scale to ZERO after adding each new ingredient, I would advise you not to
do so, as there is no “undo” once you mix it if you later realized you made a
By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 21

There are 4 categories of ingredients

you may be adding to your sausages
or whole muscle cures. Your dry
ingredients (salt, curing salt,
oregano, paprika, black pepper,
etc…); your ‘wet’ ingredients (fresh
crushed garlic, tomato paste, etc…);
Your liquid ingredients (red wine,
fermented juice, etc..); and finally
your bacteria starter culture, if you
are fermenting. You should keep all
of these types of ingredients separate
and add them one at a time to the
meat, mix them and add the next
one. So, all your dry ingredients at once, mix, all the wet ingredients, mix, all
the liquid ingredients, etc... If you for example mix the fresh ground garlic
with the other dry spices, all the dry spices will attach to the wet garlic and
create some spice lumps that will not mix well with your meat.

Most of this section has focused on salting and flavoring ground meat for
sausages, but most will apply to whole muscles too. Salting and flavoring
whole muscles is a little different, but not by much. The 3% rule applies here
as well for a salting technique I will cover later called “equilibrium curing”.
In whole muscle cures you will add all your ingredients to your chunk of
meat and rub them well all over, then stick the salted and flavored meat in a
ziplock back in the fridge. More on whole muscle cure in the “Curing Whole
Muscles” section.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 22

Stuffing The Sausage

Required Supplies/Tools/Equipment:
• Sausage Stuffer
• Sausage Casings
• Butcher’s Twine (or similar)
• Sausage Pricker
• Masking Tape (for labeling)
• Metal hooks (for hanging)

T his part may seem

daunting to someone not
familiar with the process but
there really is not much to it,
once you do it, you will quickly
get the handle of it.

Most meat grinders will come

with “sausage stuffer” adaptors.
In my opinion they are all
horrible! Most will smear your
meat and fat, (and because you
worked too hard to avoid smearing your meat while grinding: you don’t
want to ruin it while stuffing). Just toss those adaptors in the trash so you are
not tempted to use them. They may work just fine for making fresh sausages
but they are horrible for dry cured ones.

Purchase a dedicated sausage stuffing equipment. There are many different

kinds, some very basic small and manual ones, then all the way to some huge
electric ones. Buy one that you feel will work best for the volume of sausages
you see yourself doing. I personally have something middle of the road, a 5
lbs standup, manual stuffer. I would love an electric one, but I’m fine with
mine and I don’t think I have ever made 5 lbs of sausage mix at once anyway.

Next, you need to understand about sausage casings, at least the basics. It
can be overwhelming when ordering sausage casings depending where you
find them. You may get more than 100 versions to choose from. There are
‘natural’, that is made from intestines, and ‘synthetic’. Both of these categories
break down into even more categories. Natural will include casings coming

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 23

typically from hogs, beef or sheep and they may be from different segments
of the intestinal tract, “middles”, “bung”, “endcaps”, etc… for now, we will
only focus on the small intestines they will be called just “casings”. Synthetic
will include different material: Collagen, Cellulose, Plastic, etc. Then all of
these will have different diameter options, and different amount options…
you can see, it can get overwhelming… To start with making sausages I will
boil this down to just a few options. Keep in mind, the larger the diameter
the longer they will take to dry and be ready to eat.

Natural Hog Casing: Use for

small to medium diameter sausages.
Any diameter between 32mm-42mm
(1.2in - 1.6in) would be ok. These are
edible, and will dry very naturally
with the sausage. This would be my
first recommendation.

Synthetic Collagen Casing: Use

for medium to very large diameter
sausages. Diameters between 32mm-
60mm (1.2in - 2.3in) are OK for dry
sausages. These are NOT edible, so
you will need to peel these off once your sausages are dry. They are MUCH
easier to work with and your product will be very uniform. They will not
shrink down with the drying process,
so your sausage will look wrinkled.
They are an OK alternative to hog

Hog casings will typically come

in huge tangled bundles mixed
with heavy amounts of salt for
preservation. They will basically last
forever if kept in the refrigerator
covered up well in salt. They may be
a little stinky, that’s OK, they are not
spoiled, and once you stuff and cure
your sausage you will not smell that anymore. One of the first challenges you
may encounter may be untangling one single strand of casing out of all that
bundled mess!

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 24

Once you got one strand out, think about how much meat do you think you
are going to stuff and cut the length of the casing appropriately to fit how
much you got to stuff. Its MUCH better to err on the side of getting too
much casing out. Worst thing that can happen is that you run out of casing
in the middle of trying to stuff the meat! Casings are relatively cheap, by the
foot, so overshoot it. Any leftover casings, you can return to the salt bag and
use later. I would recommend keeping the little leftover pieces in a separate
ziplock bag with plenty of salt in it.

Next you will need to remove the

salt and re-hydrate the casing before
stuffing and let it sit in warm water
for a few minutes. It is for this reason
that I do this step first when getting
ready to make sausages, that way the
casings are ready to be stuff by the
time i’m done grinding and mixing
all ingredients. Rinse of the salt and
use a bowl in the sink under water to
run water inside the casing. They are
“clean” so what you are doing here
is just removing any excess salt and
helping the casing hydrate.

Once you are ready to stuff, find one

of the ends of the casing open the hole
and place the end of the stuffing tube
inside the casing. It will be helpful if
you wet the stuffing tube so the casing
slides easier. Here is the point in this
process when you can start making
all sorts of sexual references… I will
spare you those… Just keep pushing
the casing onto the tube until all the
casing is now around the tube and
the tube opening is clear.

To fill your meat stuffer with your sausage mix, follow your manufacturer’s
instructions. What I would recommend is that you do it in layers. One layer

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 25

of the mix, then pat down to remove

as much air pockets as possible, then
another layer and pat down again,
and so on. So hopefully when you are
done filling your stuffer you will have
the least amount of air pockets inside
the sausage mix. In industrial settings
they will vacuum pack this mix into
the stuffers and that will get rid of all
the air ‘bubbles’. Air (oxygen) is your
enemy here, so you are trying to have a solid compact meat mix as much as

With the tube opening clear start pressing the sausage mix until the meat is
at the tip of the tube. What you are doing here is trying to get most of the
air out from inside your stuffing system. Now with the meat about to come
out of the tube, pull the end of the casing out over the opening to about
3-4 inches and make a knot with the casing. I prefer however just to make
knot using my butcher’s twine since I will be making all these knots with
these strings anyways. At this point lots of people recommend pushing all
the meat out at once into a very large single sausage coil and them splitting
them up into smaller ones. Although that process makes for some awesome
looking sausage coils, I found it to be too unruly and hard to separate later.
Doing it this way I typically would end up with lots of dangling pieces of
casing and having to push the meat around from one side of the casing to the
other. It’s just preference, but here I will describe my prefered way.

Most cases when I do a sausage batch I would end up with about six to eight
10-inch (25 cm) long sausages, so I separate and tie them up one a time as
they come out of the stuffer. To do so, start where we left off above, you are
covering up the stuffing tube with the casing now pull out. Take a 6-inch (15
cm) or so piece of twine, and tie up the end of the casing to close it. VERY
IMPORTANT: to tie up the sausage make a first simple knot closing the
casing. Then, take the leftover dangling piece of casing and fold it over the
first knot. Then finally do a regular double knot on top of the folded piece
of casing. It’s hard to explain in word, but what you are trying to do here is
to get the casing stuck and tangled inside of a knot. If you don’t, no matter
how hard you tie it up. when you hang your sausage to dry, the casing will
schink and with the sausage weight, it will very likely slide out and fall to
the ground leaving just the string hanging when you come back to check on
By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 26

All of that just to tie the first knot!

Now use your sausage pricker and prick a couple holes right on the tip of
the sausage casing. Unlike a balloon, pricking the sausage skin will not rip
and open the whole casing. By doing
this you are creating an air vent to
get more air out of the sausage as you
stuff it. With one hand holding the
casing over the end of the tube, use
your other hand to begin filling your
sausage. The hand that holds the
tube controls how much casing to
release to fill the sausage. Goldilocks
rules apply here, not too little, not
too much. No way this can be well
described here in writing. You
will need to ‘feel’ this and use your

After you have filled the length of sausage you wanted, stop, with your fingers
pinch the casing at the end of the tube and pull about 4 inches (10 cm) extra
of empty casing away from the tube and cut the casing right at the tube
leaving those extra 4 inches (10 cm) of dangling casing with your sausage.

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Before you get too eager to tie this guy up and move on to the next one,
I would recommend more air extraction. Prick your sausage all over the
surface. No need to be shy, just cover it up with little holes. Massage the
sausage meat inside rolling the sausage and pressing it down a little. This
will get even more air out. Once you are done, hold the sausage by the open
dangling casing and carefully push more of the sausage mix towards the tied
up end of the sausage until you have a somewhat shorter sausage than what
you started with. Check for air bubbles, if you find any, prick it and let the
air out.

Now you are ready to “close” this guy. If you did this right, your 4-inch (10
cm) leftover dangling casing is now longer. Meaning that you compacted the
sausage mix inside the casing even more and let more air out. To finish up do
the same double-foldover knot you did on the other end. At this point you
should have a finish stuffed sausage, with some strings coming out on both
ends. Use the strings to create some loops from which to hang the sausage
and keep some strings to tape a piece of marking tape to use as label.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 28

“Molding” The Sausage

Required Supplies/Tools/Equipment:
• Mold Spores (Bactoferm Mold-600, or similar)

T his step is optional, but a highly desired one for those ‘in the know’. I
am talking about adding a mold culture to your sausages as they dry.
There are a few reasons for doing this. Number one, its really cool! Seriously,
however, the functional benefits to adding mold include the protection of
your sausage against other ‘bad’ molds, preventing ‘case hardening” and
enhance flavor.

Bactoferm Mold-600 is the most

popular product name for this. You
will find these mold spores under
this name if you search online for a
retailer that sells it. What you will get
is a little bag filled with Penicillium
Nalgiovense spores. This mold is in
the same family of many other edible
molds you find in cheeses like blue
cheese or Bries. If applied properly
and set under the right conditions,
you will get a nice white ‘bloom’
within a few days if your sausage
is sitting at 65F-75F (18C - 24C) with relatively high humidity. Otherwise
mold may or may not grow completely at lower temperatures.

There are thousands if not millions of all sorts of mold spores naturally in
the air floating around you and your sausages, by introducing billions of
beneficial mold spores right on the sausage, you basically give the beneficial
mold (Penicillium Nalgiovense) a huge head start compare to all other
strange and questionable molds. Once the good mold takes over all the
available real estate there is little chance a bad mold can move in.

The second benefit is in preventing something called ‘case hardening’. The

boogeyman to all home charcuterie beginners! If you setup your chamber
correctly as I described here you should not have any issues with case
hardening, but this is a very common issue for people starting to make
dry sausages. If the sausage is set in a dry environment, the outside of the

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 29

sausage (the casing and surrounding

meat) will dry hard very quickly and
by doing so, it will create a barrier
preventing more moisture from
escaping the sausage and likely lead
to spoilage, it also can harden at the
diameter of the fresh sausage so when
the meat inside keeps drying the
outside will not shrink at the same
rate as the inside. If this happens,
when you slice your sausage you will
see ‘caverns’ or large holes in them,
and sometimes also spoilages or
some nasty colors. The key is SLOW drying, to do that, keep humidity high,
like I described in “Setting up your Curing Chamber”. Mold just adds
another layer of protection. If there is an active live mold growing on the
surface, it will draw moisture out of the sausage and this layer of moisture
will prevent the casing from drying up during those first crucial days/weeks
of the sausage’s life.

The final benefit I will describe is taste, and that is personal. I, like so many
others making and eating charcuterie love the taste of a good mold. I feel
it compliments the sausage with a nice ‘mushroomy’ flavor. Of course this
only really matters if you are eating your casing, so this will be irrelevant for
collagen, hog middles or beef bung casing, etc.

You would normally apply the mold spores to your sausage as soon as they
are done been cased as that will be the ideal time for mold to grow since
the sausage is very humid. Once the sausage is much dryer outside, you
will have limited success introducing a mold culture. There are different
techniques for applying the mold spores. Most of the ones I read about seem
very wasteful to me or intended for a large commercial manufacturer. Such
as dipping the sausage in a water/spore solution, putting in a spray bottle,
‘painting’ the solution with brush.... So I will describe the one I use very
successfully, but feel free to adjust and do something different.

If you are starting with a commercial mold spore like, Bactoferm Mold-600,
you would dilute about ⅛ tsp of the mold powder in about 2 Tablespoons
of chlorine-free water (at room temperature) and set aside for about 10
minutes. This amount should be enough to inculcate about 2-4 sausages.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 30

Keep in mind however this is not an exact science, so the amounts described
here are not a required recipe, just some ‘ballpark’ measurements.

I would call the technique I use “hand painting”. Mix you spore solution
well, then pour about 1 tsp of the solution on one hand, now wet both palms
of your hands with the solutions and ‘wipe off ’ the solution all over a sausage
and repeat until you have touched all parts of the sausage. Then wash your
hands when done. Very little if anything will go to waste like this and I
promised you, you have covered the entire surface with billions of spores,
even if you can’t see it.

Another option is to cross-enaculate your mold from an already moldy

sausage you have made before. Just take the moldy sausage and rub it all
over a fresh new sausage. This is a technique you can also use (with limited
success) if you live in a country with no easy access to mold spores and you
want to start. You can purchase a commercial ‘white mold’ salami (make
sure it is mold, not rice flower or other white nasty stuff like talcum powder)
and rub that white mold sausage over your fresh sausage. I‘ve recommended
this a few times to people overseas and it has worked about half the times.
Keep in mind that that sausage you purchased may have ‘been around’ who
knows where, so you may also grow other non-desired things on them, so as
when feasible, buy mold spores.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 31

One thing to mention here is that mold does not like smoke, so it will not
grow well on smoked sausages (at least not immediately after smoking).
That’s actually one of the benefits of smoking sausages! Also, never smoke
a sausage that has mold on it already, it will be horrible to see some dark
stained dead mold.

What do you do if your sausage has

been attacked by some ugly, green or
black mold? You have a some options.
You can throw them away, which will
be crazy, but you can do that. Or, you
can simply take a wet paper towel
with some diluted vinegar and just
wipe it off and keep on drying as you
normally would. The mold doesn’t
get inside the sausage and ‘spoils’
your meat and with some very rare
exceptions mold is not poisonous,
so you could just eat that nasty mold
and be ‘OK’. So if you find a tiny speck of green mold, don’t freak out. Clean
it up and move on.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 32

Fermented Sausages
Required Supplies/Tools/Equipment:
• Starter Culture (T-SPX, B-CL-007 or other “slow fermenting” starter
culture blend)

T o ferment or not to ferment?

That is the question if you want
to take your charcuterie to the next
level. You don’t have to ferment your
sausages to make a great salami, but
technically it would not be called a
‘salami’ then. Pretty much every dry
sausages you have eaten in the past
was fermented, you may not have
known that, but it was. If you don’t
want to ferment your sausages, you
can skip this step and move your
sausages directly to your cold/humid
curing chamber to begin drying it. Chances are you will get a great dry
sausage, and many times I choose NOT to ferment my dry sausages as I also
enjoy the taste of them like that. I would even recommend you don’t ferment
your first salami so you have a chance to become more familiar with the
process. Keep in mind however you will be missing out on a huge spectrum
of charcuterie if you skip this forever.

Fermentation involves the addition of a lactic acid forming bacteria culture

to your sausage mix. This bacteria will reproduce and in turn eat the natural
sugars in the meat and convert those into lactic acid, thereby raising the
acidity of the sausage. By rising the acidity levels in your sausage it will
further contribute to protecting your sausage against spoilage as most of the
‘bad’ bacterias don’t like to grow in acid environments.

In addition to lactic acid bacteria, the culture you purchase commercially

typically will come with other color and flavor-forming bacterias that have
been selected to do just that, enhance the color and flavor of your sausage.
So by the time you get you eat your sausage, technically billions of other
baterias already ate it first.

As you probably guessed it, there are different types of culture mixes that

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 33

are designed for different effects. There are “fast fermenting” and “slow
fermenting” cultures, and there are different types between those categories.
This book will deal only with slow fermenting cultures which are typical of
Southern European style sausages and describe only two interchangeable
cultures that are more commonly available commercially here in the United
States, Bactoferm T-SPX or B-CL-007. If you learn how to work with either
one, you can always experiment with different ones in the future on your

This culture will come to you as

a powder with billions of these
bacterias in some ‘suspended
animation’. You will mix these with
chlorine-free room-temperature
water and set aside for 10 mins or so.
If you know you are going to ferment
your sausage, I would recommend
you create this water solution early
in the process so the bacteria will be
well ‘hydrated’ by the time you are
ready to mix it with the meat.

Once you mix the solution with your meat and you have finished casing
the sausages they are ready to be fermented. And this is the part that will
go against everything you have learned about meat handling. To start the
fermentation process you need to leave the meat at room temperature for
about 2 days. Yup!

Keep the humidity as high as possible

80%+ and a temperature range of
about 65F - 75F (18C - 24C). Lucky
for us home charcuterie makers, this
is a typical room temperature. If you
however live in a colder or warmer
climate, find places around your
home that will keep this temperature
constant for the 2-day fermentation
period. The biggest challenge here
may be the humidity but that can be
easily overcome by just placing your

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 34

sausages in a plastic bag (100% humidity). The problem here would be your
mold spores (if you added any). Mold will not grow on any surface of the
sausage that is not exposed to air as mold needs oxygen to grow. One trick
to overcome this is to have a small plastic container, just big enough to hang
your sausages inside. Put a wet paper towel at the bottom and hang your
sausages inside the closed box to ferment. This should be enough to ensure
you have a high humidity environment but always measure to make sure
that’s the case and your sausages are not drying.

If you are fermenting, I would highly recommend using a mold culture on the
outside casing, otherwise you may get some strange mold or yeast growing
on it. If that does happen, don’t worry, wipe off and keep fermenting it.

The 2-day range is an optimal time frame for that culture to ‘finish’
fermentation under the temperature and conditions described here, but
that depends on many factors so this again here this is not an exact science
unless you get yourself some food-grade Ph-Meter and check the Ph of
the sausage to decide when the sausage “finished”, meaning: reached the
recommended Ph level of 5.3. This process however means you need to
have a ‘sacrificial’ sausage that you need to cut open in order to measure, so
my recommendation for home charcuterie is to skip the Ph measurement.
Nothing bad will happen if you go 3 days, other than maybe a more intense
acidity flavor and stronger smell. Definitely do not more than 3 days at
65F-75F (18C - 24C).

You may be tempted to counteract the acidity by adding sugar to the sausage
mix. Don’t do it. It will have the opposite effect by basically creating an all-
you-can-eat buffet for the lactic acid bacteria so it will actually reproduce
even more and release even more acidity. If you don’t like the acid taste,
either don’t ferment or ferment for just one day.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 35

Cold Smoking
Required Supplies/Tools/Equipment:
• A-MAZE-N-SMOKER (or any other cold smoke generator)
• Smoke chamber or large box

Cold smoking is an optional step,

but a highly desired one for flavor in
many recipies. Specially for Eastern
and Northern European sausages
and meats. If you remember when
we talked about the ‘pre-refrigeration
age’ in our “Introduction to Meat
Curing”, colder climates could not
just hang their sausages and meats
to dry in the winter months after the
slaughter since the meats will just
freeze instead of dry cure. So people
in these areas needed to create a little
slow-burning fire in their curing
rooms to maintain the temperature
just above freezing. The smoke
generated by this fire was the side
effect of keeping the curing chamber
warm and therefore these regions developed a taste for the ‘smoked’
charcuterie that is more prevalent than in warmer Southern European areas.

To cold smoke, you have to have the ability to generate smoke in a chamber
or box where you will hang your meat that will not heat up. So you can either
channel the smoke from an outside fire into a chamber or I would suggest
you purchase one of the many options out there for cold smoke generators.
I love my A-MAZE-N-SMOKER it so simple and it can produce up to 12
hours of smoke on wood pellets and I'm not getting paid to write this!

Cold smoking is something you do at room temperature, it does not need to

be “cold” but if you live in a warmer climate make sure you do it at night or
when temperatures outside are lower than 75F (23C). Preferably lower if you
can, around 60F (15C). How long you do it is up to you and your preference
(I would recomend like 6-10 hours), so is the type of wood you decide to use.
For wood, I would recommend a softer flavor wood, like Apple or Cherry,

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 36

but that’s your preference too. If you over-smoke or use a strong wood flavor
it could overpower your charcuterie and just feel like you are eating tree sap,
so use moderation first, then adjust to your liking.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 37

Dry Sausages Projects

A fter you had a chance to learn

the curing basics, you setup your
curing chamber and bought the required
equipment you can begin to get your
hands dirty and make your first salami.
I would recommend you start slow and
begin with a non-fermented dry sausage,
get that step right, then move into
fermenting once you are comfortable
with that first step. This whole process
will become second nature to you after
doing just a few sausages.

This section is not intended to be an

exhausting section on how to make
EVERY POSSIBLE dry sausage in the
world. The purpose here is to get you to
understand the process of creation and
set you on the road for you to create your own works of charcuterie ‘art’ as
you move forward. Once you understand the background and have had the
hands-on experience in making these, you should be able to find hundreds
of free dry sausage recipes online and more importantly in my opinion,
begin creating your own to pass down to others.

Sausage Project #1: Sausage Primer - Non-Fermented “Salami”

Salamis are fermented, so technically this is not a salami, however if you
remember from a previous section, “Introduction to Sausages”: if
it looks like a salami, it’s a salami! The key steps you want to learn here
are familiarising yourself with the grinding, measuring and stuffing of
your sausage. And of course drying your salami, but if you setup your
chamber right and you are able to maintain the humidity and temperature
requirement, then this should be easy.

In this very first recipe, you will learn to make what I would call your “salami
base” this would be your ground meat with your prefered meat:fat ratio.
This will be the ‘mother’ of practically most of the different variations of
salamis. You will start with this step to do all your later experimentations or
following most other recipes.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 38

For this recipe I will start you with a smaller batch of sausage, just 500g
(about 1 lb), so you are not too overwhelmed with lots of meat to grind and
other things.

If you skipped over the previous sections on how to grind, stuff sausages etc,
this will be the time to read and/or re-read those!

Start by getting about 3-4 feet (1-1.5m) long casing string and hydrate it as
described in “Stuffing your Sausage”. This will help it be ready later when you
need to do the stuffing.

Get your scale, ingredients and your meat and fat to grind.


For a total of 500 grams of meat.

375 g of lean pork muscle

125 g of pork back fat

15 g table salt (~3 tsp)

1 g curing salt #2 (~¼ tsp)

This could be basically it and if you cure and dry your sausage well, you will
have good tasting non-fermented salami. However it is typical that you will
add some spices to support the flavor, and here is the part that is subjective
to each person. There is no ‘special secret’ recipe that calls from the exact
amount of any flavoring spices. Its mostly up to your own taste. Of course
with some common sense proportions compare to the volume of your meat.
If you absolutely LOVE black pepper, you can probably add one whole
Tablespoon of it to this 500 g of ground meat and love the results, someone
else may hate it. That’s the art! My only suggestion is to not add too many
different spices as each one will add their own volume to the mix and you
can end up with a very high percentage of spices compare to your meat and
all those flavors may likely just get all mixed and hard to distinguish from
each other anyway. Keep it simple until you get the hang of flavoring. So
for this initial project I would suggest just black pepper, a very traditional
ingredient. The proportion of the following ingredients are suggestions, feel

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 39

free to tweak 20% up or down depending on your taste.

4 g ground black pepper (~2 tsp)

5-10 whole peppercorns just for fun, if you enjoy biting into them! If not,

Mix the two types of salts together, then mixing all these ingredients together
as described in the section titled “Salting and Flavoring The Meat” and
follow the casing instructions, label and weigh your sausages and set them
to dry in your curing chamber.

Since these sausages are non-fermented, they will not have the additional
protection that comes with fermentation, therefore I would suggest you set
your curing chamber in the lower temperature part of the spectrum: 40F -
50F (5C - 10C), at least during the first 10 days or so. Keep humidity high at
the usual recommended range (60% - 80%).

Two weeks after take them down and weigh them again and calculate to see
how much weight they have lost. Remember, your target is around 30%-40%
weight lost. At this point, they will likely need more time to dry, so set them
back and continue drying until they are ready. Don’t worry, you don’t HAVE
to eat them all once they reach 30%, the dying speed will slow down and they
should be great for a few weeks thereafter and you can always vacuum seal
them to store them for many more weeks without fear of them over-drying.

Sausage Project #2: The “Real” Salami

Now that you have hopefully
completed and mastered “Sausage
Project #1” You should be ready
to start playing with some bugs!
This project will introduce you to
fermentation. Before your start this
project, I would suggest you read
again the sections “Fermented
Sausages” and “Molding The
Sausage” as a refresher of some of
these concepts.

This project calls for a total meat

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 40

weight double of that of project #1. If you feel that that project was the right
amount of meat for you to work with, you can just half all the propositions

Start by getting about 6-8 feet (2-3m) long casing string and hydrate.
Next, get your starter culture ready (Either T-SPX or B-CL-007) so you can
begin hydrating that as well as your mold spores (Bactoferm Mold-600).


For a total of 1,000 grams (1 Kg, about 2 lbs) of meat.

750 g of lean pork muscle

250 g of pork back fat

30 g table salt (~6 tsp)

2 g curing salt #2 (~½ tsp)

0.2 g of fermenting starter culture, T-SPX or B-CL-007, this amount may

be too small to weigh correctly, if so just use about ¼ tsp. Hydrate in about
2 Tablespoons of room-temperature chlorine-free water. Missing this
measurement by 20% up or down will not be a tragedy. It’s a live bacteria,
it will grow, so don’t stress if you didn’t get the EXACT measurement
right. Set aside to hydrate.

0.1 g of mold spores, Mold-600 or similar, an even more ridiculously

small amount to measure, about ⅛ tsp. Hydrate just like the fermenting
starter culture in about 2 Tablespoons of room-temperature chlorine-free
water. And just like with the starter culture: Don’t worry to be exact. Its
a mold, if conditions are right, it will grow. As long as you are within a
reasonable range as shown here, you will be just fine. Set aside to hydrate.

Those are your “required” ingredients. Now come the fun ones that will
further develop the flavor and uniqueness of your salami. Here I’m listing
ingredients that I use, and are typical of salamis, but feel free to play around
with amounts and substitutions as long as they don’t vary too much from
what’s on this list. At least not for this second project, once you are more
confident in this fermentation process, you can experiment more and find
more unique flavor combinations that you would prefer.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 41

2 g of dry thyme (~1.5 tsp)

4 g of ground black pepper (~2 tsp), plus 10-15 peppercorns for fun!
3 g of ground fennel (~1 tsp), plus some whole fennel seeds for fun!

8 g of fresh crushed garlic (~1.5 tsp), Not the dry kind!

Remember the section “Salting and Flavoring The Meat” to follow the
instructions on the order to mix your ingredients with your ground meat.
Fresh garlic on its own, all other dry ingredients and salts together then
last your fermenting starter culture. MAKE SURE TO NOT MIX IN YOUR
MOLD CULTURE! If you do put it in by mistake is not the end of the world,
nothing will happen but you will not get any mold outside of your sausage.

Mix all your ingredients well and stuff your sausages as you have done before.
Just now as a last step, follow the instructions on “Molding The Sausage”
to add the mold spores.

Once that is done you are ready for your first fermentation! Follow the
instructions on “Fermented Sausages” to set your salamis to ferment
over the next 2-3 days. After that, if you set up your fermenting chamber
correctly, you should see some white mold taking over all your salamis. You
should now move them over to your cold curing chamber. The cold should
slow down the fermentation and eventually stop it once the salamis dry up
more as in sausage project #1.

Sausage Project #3: Spanish Chorizo

As you progress on these project, I
will skip repeating some of the things
I described in the previous ones,
assuming you are already familiar
with them. And just get down to the
uniquenesses about the particular

There are two basic dry sausages that

most people know: the “salami” and
the “chorizo”. The only difference
between these two are the ‘flavoring’
spices. Everything else is basically

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 42

the same. To boil it down to the basics, if you add a ton of paprika powder
to the same recipe in the previous project, it would be called a “Chorizo”.
That’s all.

We will not do that here, that will be pretty boring. I will introduce some
new ingredients and some variations that I like, but like always, feel free to
add yours.

One technique I would like to

introduce is ‘hand-dicing’. You can
either grind all your meat, grind part
of your meat and hand cut the rest
or you can hand cut the whole thing!
The latter would be very exhausting
and also present you with added
challenges as the sausage dries so I
would recommend a mix of the two.
Hand dicing will obviously produce
larger pieces of meat and fat that
will add some interesting texture to
your sausages and it is something
I personally like a lot. Recently, I
offered someone one of my favorite salamis with big chunks of hand-cut fat,
thinking everyone must like this as much as I do, but no, not everyone likes
to bite into a big chunk of pure fat like I do! This is as a reminder that this
is an ‘art’ and not everyone will like your creations. What matters for home
charcuterie is that you and your family do.

Start by getting about 6-8 feet (2-3m) long casing string and hydrate. Next,
get your starter culture ready (Either T-SPX or B-CL-007) so you can begin
hydrating it.


For a total of 1,000 grams (1 Kg, about 2 lbs) of meat.

600 g of lean pork muscle
200 g of pork back fat

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Hand diced to cubes about ½ in (1 cm) in size.

150 g of lean pork muscle
50 g of pork back fat

30 g table salt (~6 tsp)

2 g curing salt #2 (~½ tsp)

0.2 g of fermenting starter culture, T-SPX or B-CL-007, about ¼ tsp.

Hydrate in about 2 Tablespoons of room-temperature chlorine-free water.

Now to the ingredients that will make this into a “Chorizo”. There is a special
kind of paprika called “Pimenton De La Vera” which comes from Spain
and is smoked dried, then ground into a powder. You could use some other
paprika, like Hungarian, Italian or anything else, just keep in mind it will
not taste like a Spanish Chorizo. So “Pimenton De La Vera” is highly
recommended here.

17 g of “sweet” (dulce) smoked Spanish paprika/pimenton (~7 tsp)

2 g of hot (picante) smoked Spanish paprika/pimenton (~1 tsp)
1 g of dry oregano (~1.5 tsp)

15 g of fresh crushed garlic (~3 tsp)

Mix the ingredients in the order described before with the meat (dry ones
together, garlic by itself, fermentation culture, etc…). Case them as usual
and set to ferment. Unlike the salami in the previous project, chorizos are
typically not ‘molded’ so I will skip the step to add mold to the sausage before
fermenting. There is no “chorizo
standard” police that will hunt you
down if you do, so if you liked it,
by all means do add it. I personally
add mold to most of the chorizos I
make. Also one of my prefered ‘non-
standard’ chorizos steps I love is cold
smoking them. Which is a step we
will do in our next project.

If you choose to not add mold, keep

in mind your sausage may grow some
unwanted molds or yeast during the

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 44

2-3 day fermentation process. If they do, don’t worry, just wipe them off with
a paper towel and a vinegar/water solution, and keep fermenting. Once you
move them to the cold curing chamber it should stabilize.

Sausage Project #4: German Mettwurst

In this project we will move up
north to Germany for a classic
sausage called Mettwurst. This
sausage belongs to a category of
sausages call “Spreadable Sausages”,
because they are just that: spreadable
unlike salamis which are sliced.
The techniques we will learn in this
project will include cold smoking,
double grinding and working with
larger diameter synthetic collagen

Fermenting of this sausage is typically done with a “fast fermenting” starter

culture and if you want more authenticity, you can get one and use that one
instead of the “slow fermenting” culture we use here. We will be supporting
the fermentation with some additional sugars (dextrose) to make up.

The key to making a sausage spreadable is fat, lots of fat! Fat will not dry, so
it will not harden like meat as it dries. In the case of Mettwurst, we increase
the fat content to well pass 50%. In addition, this sausage is not set to dry but
can be enjoyed just after a few days so the meat content in it does not have
time to dry and harden.

A fine grind is key to spreadability. For thos who have a high end-industrial
grinder, you can get away with grinding only once on a smaller diameter
grinding plate, for the rest of us, we will need to grind twice on the same
grinder. To do so make sure you keep your meat and fat frozen. You can
grind the meat once, put back in the freezer for 15 minutes and grind it
a second time. What we are trying to avoid here is smearing the fat and
rendering it.

Start by getting some large diameter collagen casing and hydrate. Unlike
natural casing, collagen is much easier to work with, but does not have the

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 45

natural flexibility.
Next, get your starter culture ready (Either T-SPX or B-CL-007) so you can
begin hydrating it.


For a total of 1,000 grams (1 Kg, about 2 lbs) of meat.

200 g of beef (yes, beef!) you can use stew beef sold at the supermarkets.
200 g of lean pork muscle
600 g of pork back fat

40 g table salt (~9 tsp), a little more salt than usual (4%) to enhance flavor
2 g curing salt #1 (~½ tsp), CURING SALT “#1”, NOT “#2”
2 g of dextrose (~1 tsp), if you don’t have dextrose, use about 5 g of sugar
(~1 tsp)

0.2 g of fermenting starter culture, T-SPX or B-CL-007, about ¼ tsp.

Hydrate in about 2 Tablespoons of room-temperature chlorine-free water.

Unlike the other dry cured sausages, a spreadable sausage will need more
spices to bring out the flavors. First, because spreadable sausages are mostly
fat and also because unlike “dry” sausages, which lose almost half their
weight, spreadable sausages don’t get the benefit of concentrating their
flavors as they dry.

1 g of cayenne pepper (~ ⅓ tsp)

5 g of white pepper (~2 tsp)
2 g of allspice (~½ tsp)
2 g of dry garlic powder (~¼ tsp)
1 g of mace powder (~½ tsp)

Mix all spices and salts together with

the meat and case in a large diameter
collagen casing (approximately
60mm - 2.3 inches). Set to ferment
for 2-3 days. The last step will involve
cold smoking the sausages for at least
12 hours (Refer again to the section
called “Cold Smoking”). You can do

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 46

this over a period of a few days during the fermentation stage if needed. Once
fermented and smoked, set to cool in the fridge overnight and it should be
ready to eat the next day over some nice toasted bread.

Sausage Project #5: ‘Nduja

Nduja (pronounced en-DOO-ya)
is an Italian spreadable sausage well
known in the charcuterie world and
as we saw in the previous project,
made up mostly from fat. Nduja
takes the fat level content to an even
higher level with recipes calling
for 80% to 90% of fat! Unlike the
German Mettwurst, ‘Nduja is let
to cure for about 4-6 months. Not
because it needs to loose any weight,
because it won’t, but to further
develop the flavors in the sausage. A
new technique we will learn here will working with larger diameter natural
casing, such as hog middles. Hog middles are part of the large intestine of
the hog. They stink, and look somewhat gross, there is no nice way to put it,
but they make for a great natural breathable casing. If you are totally grossed
out about the idea of working with larger intestine, you can probably use
collagen casings like we used in the previous project, but you will be missing
half the fun.

Start by getting your hog middles hydrated and cleaned up as well as your
fermenting starter culture. You will need about 3-4 feet (about 1 m) of
hog middles, depending on their diameter. Depending how you get your
hog middles they may need a little bit of ‘cleaning’ not from pig poop, but
from pieces of dangling tissue inside of them. To clean them, hydrate them
well and flip them inside out like a sock, then carefully remove any loose
tissue. Anything that doesn’t come off easily, leave it there. Surprisingly,
hog middles may look thick and strong, but they are more fragile than their
thinner counterparts, so removing too much of these tissue will weaken
it even more and make it likely to burst from the pressure when you are
stuffing your sausage.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 47

Just remember that like in the

Mettwurst project, you will need to
grind this fat twice.

I will warn you that before you start

this recipe, make sure you have
enough pepper powder to complete
the recipe because it will require A
LOT. Unlike the Spanish chorizo
that requires smoked paprika.
‘Nduja requires Calabrian pepper
powder. You can use the Spanish
one, probably will taste just as well,
but just won’t be that close to the authentic ones as these pepper are not
smoked liked the Spanish ones.


For a total of 1,000 grams (1 Kg, about 2 lbs) of meat.

800 g of pure back fat.

200 g of lean pork muscle

(Alternatively, you can use softer pork belly fat, if you do so, just use 100%
of this pork belly fat as this fat will likely already contain some little muscle
tissue at about 10%-20%

40 g table salt (~9 tsp), a little more salt than usual to enhance flavor.
2 g curing salt #2 (~½ tsp)

0.2 g of fermenting starter culture, T-SPX or B-CL-007, about ¼ tsp.

Now to the part that is going to make you question if this recipe has a typo.
You will add A LOT of pepper powder.

190 g of “sweet” Calabrian pepper powder. (that’s a lot!)

60 g of “hot” Calabrian pepper powder.

Double grind and mix all the ingredients very well. It will likely take some
time for you to mix all this fat paste with that much dry powder, but don’t

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give up! Once you feel you have mixed this thoroughly you can begin casing
into the hog middles. Be careful to not over pressure them as they do have a
tendency to burst.

Once you have these cased, you will

need to support the weight of this
sausage with some fancy tie up job,
otherwise the casing will separate
at the top of the sausage, introduce
some air, and just not look good. It
will be very difficult to show here
in writing how to do this, but don’t
despair. Just find any video tutorial
on youtube about “meat trussing” or
“tying a roast” and hang the sausage
from the trussing frame. The idea is
to support the weight of the sausage
from all around the sausage, not just from the top closing knot.

Once you supported these, set to ferment for 2-3 days and then move over
to cold smoking for 12-24 hours. The longer the better.

After 24 hours they will have a strong

smoke smell, but don’t worry, since
these will sit now in your curing
chamber for at least 4 months the
smell will go down in time and the
paste inside will absorb it and it will
cure and develop some great texture.
If you are in a rush you can harvest
them after 2 months.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 49

Whole Muscle Curing

I n a way, curing a whole muscle

is easier than making sausages.
There are less steps, but then you
will need to babysit your projects
for a long time. Some dry curing
projects can take longer than a year,
such as Prosciutto, others about a
month, like Lonzino. Therefore, it is
key to have a good curing chamber
setup that will stay consistent for the
duration of your cure.

Perhaps the most famous of the

whole muscle cures here in the U.S. is the Italian Prosciutto, this is what
Spaniards would call Jamon Serrano, it’s big and photogenic. You see a leg
hanging and you can picture what it is: it’s an animal’s leg, a pig in the case.
There is no mystery. On the other hand other whole muscles are a little
harder to figure out. In theory, you can chop off any muscle part of a pig
and cure it, but traditionally, we cure specific muscles pieces such as the loin
muscle, the tenderloin, the neck, the cheeks, the belly and even parts that are
not muscles at all, like the backfat.

The good news is that the process for all of these is basically the same. The
process involves “salting” the whole muscle, rinsing it, and letting it dry. Of
course this is an oversimplification but a realistic one.

There are 2 ways to do the whole

muscle “salting”. One is an inexact
approach to add a lot of salt
randomly to cover all the meat, the
other is called “equilibrium cure”
and it’s based on the same 3% rule we
talked about for sausages. You weight
your muscle piece, let’s say you are
curing a 1,000 g loin muscle, then
you measure 30 g of salt and sprinkle
that all over the meat, massaging and
making sure you got every nook and

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 50

cranny. This is also the time you will

add your nitrites (curing salt) and
any other flavoring spices you want.
Once the muscle is covered in all
the salt and spices you can put it in
a plastic bag or ziplock bag with as
little air as possible inside the bag.
Some people vacuum seal the meat
in a bag, this is a great option if you
have it, but is definitely not required.

This seasoned meat now goes in the

fridge for a few days. You can do
anywhere from 2-4 days per every 1,000g (1Kg) it won’t make much of a
difference. The point is that you want the salt to travel into the muscle and a
few days will be enough. Some people
prefer a much longer salting period
like 2 weeks or so. In my experience
it makes no difference. The meat will
not get “cured more”. If anything
maybe the other spices you added
will transfer more of their flavor, but
that’s hard to say for sure. Either way
is fine. If you used equilibrium cure,
the meat will not get saltier. On the
other hand, if you added tons of salt,
a longer period will mean that more
and more salt will penetrate that

Take the meat in the plastic bag and massage it and flip it over everyday from
outside the bag. After the salting period is done, it’s time to wash it off. The
meat will feel firmer, look a little darker and have a somewhat dull color,
don’t worry. Rinse the meat right under your kitchen faucet and with your
hands clean off any decidual spices left on it. Don’t use soup! Not sure it was
necessary to specify this, but just in case. This is not a wash before surgery
so no need for it to be clean, just rinsed off and use a paper towel to pat dry.

If you like to add more spices, do so at this point so the meat will dry and
absorb more of the flavor from the spices during this time. You could also

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 51

use a large diameter whole muscle casing such as beef bungs, hog ends,
hog bladders, etc. to encase your meat or you can leave it uncased. Similar
to sausages, the casings will protect the whole muscle and prevent it from
over drying. We will skip casing on your first project, but moving forward it
would help that you get used to casing your whole muscles. It will offer you
better results. Unlike in sausages, these casings are intended to be peeled off
and discarded after curing is done.

Hanging a sausage is obvious, you

hang it by the same end where you
tied your knot to close the sausage.
Whole muscles are not as obvious.
Some people use hooks or pass a
string through one ends of the meat
to hang it to dry. I would suggest
you don’t do that for a few reasons.
First, it will stretch your meat and
cure un-even, but also the addition
of a hole into the meat will increase
the likelihood of spoilage bacteria
forming in that cavity and finally,
it just doesn’t look as cool! I would
recommend just watching a few youtube video on how to do some meat
trussing, basically tying up meat.
There are great tutorials that will
show how as it’s very difficult to
describe in writing. But basically
most styles would work. The idea is
to weave a little ‘basket’ around your
meat and hang your meat from that

Just like with sausages, you would

want your whole muscles to cure at
similar temperatures and humidity.
So you don’t need separate chambers
for each. Whole muscles can also suffer from case hardening, where the outside
layer will dry hard too quickly, trapping the humidity inside. Maintaining the
relative humidity at around 60%-80% and a temperature between 40 - 60F
(4C - 15C) is ideal for a slow drying process. Again, just like with sausages,

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 52

your whole muscle cure should be

ready when it has lost about 30%-
40% of its initial hanging weight, not
how long it has spent in the chamber.
Don’t be tempted to ‘age it’ longer, is
not like wine, if your meat loses more
than 50% weight, it will be closer to a
rock than a tasty tender charcuterie.
An exception here would be ‘large’
muscle cures, like Prosciutto, or
Culatellos, those been so large will
retain moisture longer inside and
dry much slower allowing them to
hold well for more that 2 years. Even those however, eventually will dry out
and likely get ruined if they dry longer than 4 years. Therefore typically the
maximum you see in fancy Spanish or Italian delicatessen with some rare
exceptions is 3 years, .

When we talked about measuring flavoring spices weights on sausages, I told

you to not worry much about exact measurements. Well, for whole muscle
cures it feels a little silly for me to add measurements since it’s much less
important here. Honestly, you can even triple the amounts from one version
to another and you will taste little difference if any in the final cure. I know
some people add them to their recipes but I have never kept track of them
since the difference is barely noticeable. In a whole muscle cure, the spices
are applied just to the outside layer of the muscle, litle of any of their flavors
will travel more than just a few millimeters into the meat. So the spices are
there to just flavor the thin outer ring
of the thinly-sliced final charcuterie
and if you look at once slice of cure
muscle, you can see the thin outer
ring makes up an insignificantly
small part of the overall volume.
Whole muscle cures need to stand
up in favor by the actual taste of the
cured meat first, the flavoring spices
are secondary. A well cured and high
quality meat will taste amazing cured
with only salt. This is the case of the
famous prosciutto or jamon serrano.

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 53

They contain nothing but sea salt and are amazing delicatessens.

Whole Muscle Project #1: A Tender Tenderloin

In this first project we will just learn the basic concept to cure a whole
muscle. Many whole muscle cures
call for the muscle to be encased in
a beef bung or similar large diameter
natural casing. A natural casing
around the whole muscle will protect
the meat and support a more even
cure. Tenderloins are very small in
comparison, and casing them will be
an overkill. However, if you want to
case them. I would recommend hog
middles, they are typically around
the same diameter.

Curing a pork tenderloin is my

favorite thing to do. I feel it’s so rewarding in taste per amount of effort put
into it, it’s easy to prepare and quick
to dry and you can find tenderloins
on basically any supermarket shelf.
There is just a little trimming and
clean up you would need to do with
the tenderloin before you begin
curing it. This cleanup involves
carefully removing as much of the
silverskin as possible and cutting a
little off both ends until you end up
with something resembling more
like an even cylinder. Once you have
completed this step, you are ready to
begin curing.

First, weigh your tenderloin since you will be using this measure to calculate
your salt level for your 3% table salt and curing salt equilibrium cure. For
example, if your tenderloin weight 632 g, you would multiply this by 3%
(0.03) to get 18.96 grams of salt, or rounded up to 19 g. Likewise for your
curing salt you would multiply by 0.4% (0.004) to get 2.5 grams of curing

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 54

salt. Therefore, in the following ingredient list, replace the words “MEAT
WEIGHT” by the actual weight of your tenderloin.


For a total of [MEAT WEIGHT] in grams.

[MEAT WEIGHT] * 0.03 = ___ g of table salt

[MEAT WEIGHT] * 0.004 = ___ g of curing salt #2

Apply the salts evenly all over the whole tenderloin and add the flavoring
spices after that.

Sweet Spanish Pimenton/Paprika, enough to cover the whole muscle.

Hot Spanish Pimenton/Paprika, about 1 tsp volume, just sprinkled evenly

Place salted and spiced tenderloin in a ziploc bag with as little air inside as
possible (or vacuum seal it if you want) and put in the fridge for about 3-4
days, massaging and flipping once a day.

After 3-4 days, take out and rinse as described in the “Whole Muscle
Curing” introduction. Pat dry and tie
up the meat using any meat trussing
technique you can find online. Once
it’s ready to hang cover the meat
again with more of the spices you
used during the salting process.
Weigh your meat again, label it with
the weight and date and set in your
curing chamber to slowly dry until it
loses about 30%-40% of its original
weight. A tenderloin should take
about 4 weeks to be ready.

Whole Muscle Project #2: Getting Larger, Capocollo/Coppa and


By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 55

This project will take you into curing a larger muscle that will be best
cased in a natural casing such as a beef bung and will require more meat
trussing or netting to ensure a more
even dryness and cure. Worst case
scenario, you CAN skip casing it
but wont come out as tender. Also,
in an effort not to be too repetitive
with these projects, you can do the
EXACT same steps here with a loin
muscle and make what will be called
a “Lomo” or “Lonza”. Alternatively,
you can use a lean beef eye of round
muscle and make a “Bresaola”. So
consider this project a 3 in 1 project
and follow these instructions here to
make a three of these popular muscle

The Coppa muscle is actually not a clean lean single muscle. Unlike the
tenderloin, this cut is made up of different muscles with fat layers in between
that create a great marbling. The Coppa is a cylindrical cut coming from the
neck of the pig. If you live in the U.S. you are not likely to find this cut sitting
on your supermarket shelf. You have two choices to get this cut, one you buy
a large “Boston Butt” and cut out the Coppa from that. You can find some
instructions online how to separate the coppa from a Boston Butt. Or you
can talk to your local butcher shop and request the cut from them. Perhaps
not with the supermarket meat department guys, but any self-respecting
butcher shop will know what the Coppa is and how to get that for you.

The salting process is the same. Clean up the Coppa and cut any loose pieces
from it to have a nicer more even surface. You will then need to weigh your
Coppa muscle to determine your “MEAT WEIGHT” in grams to use in your
equilibrium cure formulas. Who said math was useless?!

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 56


For a total of [MEAT WEIGHT] in grams.

[MEAT WEIGHT] * 0.03 = ___ g of table salt

[MEAT WEIGHT] * 0.004 = ___ g of curing salt #2

Apply the salts evenly all over the whole Coppa and add the flavoring spices
after that. For spices you can choose whatever you would like. Here are is a

Ground Fennel Seeds, enough to cover the whole muscle.

About 3 tsp of Fresh Crushed Garlic massaged all around the coppa.

Put into ziplock bag (or vacuum seal bag) in the fridge for about 5-7 days,
massaging from outside the bag and flipping once a day. Once salting is
completed, just like on the previous project, take out, rinse and pat dry with
paper towels.

It’s time to case your muscle! At this point you can add more of the same
spices you used during the salting process. But be careful and make sure
you don’t add too much, too much spices and they may interfere with the

bond between the meat and the casing as it dries. To case the meat, you will
be basically putting on the beef bung like a sock over the Coppa. You have
two options to close the casing. You can tie each end like a sausage, or you
can use a trussing butcher needle and twine and sew each end tight around
the meat. I would suggest the latter as it makes a much cleaner piece to cure.

After you have sucessfully cased your meat, it’s time to begin tying it up by

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 57

using the meat trussing techniques you practiced in previous projects. At the
end, your coppa will rest inside a “woven basket”, made up of butcher twine,
as it dries for anywhere between 2-3 months losing, 30%-40% weight.

Whole Muscle Project #3: Big Daddy - Prosciutto/Jamon Serrano

The prosciutto is one of the most recognized charcuterie products out
there. I have cured many whole leg
hams over the years. Contrary to
what most people think as a very
complicated process wrapped in
years of experience and mystery,
Prosciutto in reality is one of the
easiest things to cure. The challenge
is mostly patience and a long term
commitment to “taking care” of your
ham as if it was your “pet” over a
period of more than a year.

To be clear, I have never made a

“prosciutto” and I don’t think I will any time soon. Confused? There are two
main traditions for curing pork ham legs in Europe: the Italian “Prosciutto”
and the Spanish “Jamon Serrano”. Both are just fine and will give you great
results. And given the breed of pork been equal, and curing conditions the
same, the result of the cured meat will be indistinguishable. The quality
arguments between who is best has little to do with the technique and 90%
to do with what “Breed” of pig taste best and what that pig actually ate while
it was alive.

So, what is the difference between the two techniques? Spanish hams are
typically cured “whole” including the foot and part of the hip bone (the aitch
bone) while Italian hams have both of these removed. Additionally, Spanish
hams are cured completely exposed, while Italians add a white paste called
Sugna (made from lard and rice flower) to the exposed muscle area thereby
keeping the ham from drying too much.

What I will describe here is a hybrid of both of these techniques but heavily
leaning more towards the Spanish tradition.

Finding a whole leg that includes the foot is very difficult (at least here in the

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 58

U.S.) so you are starting there on the Italian side (without the foot). When
you purchase a fresh ham leg it will come with the aitch bone attached. If you
continue as an Italian, you would have to cut deep into the leg and remove
the bone and cut a lot of the meat around to level out the exposed hole you
created and expose the “ball” from the femur bone. I personally feel that if
I’m going to go through all the time in curing a whole leg, I want to have as
much cured meat as possible and with the prosciutto you will be cutting off
and reducing the size of your final ham. Additionally, I feel the cut to expose
the ball join could introduce some vulnerability to spoilage on the ham. The
Spanish tradition on the other side keeps more meat on the final ham as well
as reduce the exposure to spoilage with the ball joint cut and the top foot cut.

Therefore my recommendation is to keep the aitch bone and just clean up the
ham edges to remove any overhangs
or lose pieces of meat and fat to create
a smooth surface all around.

Next step will not be a pleasant one.

You need to massage the leg from the
foot all the way down to the main
muscles to squeeze as much blood
as possible from the veins. You may
think your leg has no blood inside,
but I’m sure you will get a lot more
than you imagined was there. Keep
massaging and drying the leg with
a paper towel. This step is important to lower the risk of spoilage. If you
want to get technical: blood has a lower PH level than the rest of the meat.
Spoilage bacterias love low PH environments. By removing as much blood
as possible, you limit the 'bad' bateria's preferred “habitat”.

After trimming edges and bleeding your leg, you are ready to begin the
salting stage, which is similar to what it was done in previous whole muscle
projects. In this project you will ignore what you learned with equilibrium
curing and salt the way it is traditionally done. You will add tons of salt to the
leg, so no need to measure the weight to calculate an exact amount. We will
limit the salting time to ensure the ham does not get “over salted”.

Most of us don’t have a walk-in fridge with huge space to keep the ham leg
in a box covered in salt. To remedy this, you will salt the ham leg inside a tall

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 59

kitchen trash bag. Place the ham inside the bag and begin by taking about ½
tsp curing salt #2 and massaging the curing salt into the top foot cut and the
area around the aitch bone and the rest all around the exposed meat. Once
you are done with the curing salt you can then rub table salt all around the
leg. You don’t need to bury the leg in salt. Just make sure it has enough salt
around the surface of the leg. Typically, about 2-3 cups of salt all around
should be enough.

By now the ham should be inside the bag with salt all around. Close the
bag tightly with a knot trying to get
as much air out as possible and place
in the fridge at around 40F (4C). The
way we will ensure your ham won’t
be too salty would be by limiting the
time it stays there. A good formula to
use is 1 day per 1 Kg (~2 lbs) if your
ham leg is 11 Kg (25 lbs) then you
let it salt for 11 days. Flipping the leg
each day. If you leave it longer, you
run the risk of having a salty ham, which is no problem if you are into that
sort of thing.

After your ham spends the days required salting, you will do what you
normally do with any other whole muscle cure; take it out to rinse and pat
dry with a paper towel. One additional step, to bleed the ham one more time.
By massaging the muscle from the foot down to the bottom to get more
blood out. The salting process would have ‘loosen up’ some more blood. Use
this opportunity to get it out of the
meat. Time to hang out and chill!

You may be tempted to poke a hole

at the top of the leg and pass a string
through. I would advice against it,
for you could be introducing an
opening into the ham for spoilage.
Practice making some strong knots
with a thicker rope to tie the leg at
the top. As a last resort, you could
probably use a strong zip-tie to
attach the foot to a loop of rope, it

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 60

just may not look as cool. Either way,

find a non-destructive way to hang
your ham. Hang it in your chamber
at the lowest temp range of your
chamber, around 40F - 50F (4C -
10C) for the first month. After it, you
can safely change the temperature to
anywhere in the normal spectrum
40F - 60F (5C - 15C). Making sure
you always maintain a high humidity,
preferably around 70%. After the
first 6-8 months, your ham should
be ‘stable’ at room temperature, so if
you so choose, you can continue to
cure outside of your chamber with
a much wider temperature range of
40F - 80F (4C - 30C) However, make
sure that where you hang your ham it will have a relatively high humidity
in the environment of around 60%-80% or your ham will over dry. I would
suggest you borrow something from the Italian tradition and cover up the
exposed area of your ham. You don’t need to do a whole Sugna, a thinner
layer of lard should ensure you don’t lose too much moisture.

Mold (good ones and ‘bad’ ones) are likely to form on your ham basically
all throughout the lifetime of your cure. No worries, you can set yourself a
schedule to remove them once a month with a wet papertower with a water/
vinegar solution. Initially I used to be a ‘mold police’ and remove them as
soon as I saw them, these days I leave them there and clean once every one or
two months. That makes the hams I have at room temperature to be covered
in nasty green mold, which cleans up completely without a trace with a few
wipes of the vinager/water solution.

You can cure a ham like this for anywhere between one or two years. I think
no one will have the patience for three years. If you do, good for you!

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 61

What’s Next for Charcuterie?

I t is my hope that these projects would have taught you enough about dry
curing that you can now venture on your own to learn and research about
other dry sausages and whole muscle cures to further experiment, as well as
to make and share your own creations.

If at any moment you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via
my instagram account @home.charcuterie, I’m happy to help!

By Instagram: @home.charcuterie 62

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