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Forward i
Basic Mathematics ii
Weight calculations Section 1
Safe working loads calculations Section 2
Trigonometry Section 3
Centre of gravity calculation – Composite objects Section 4
Centre of gravity calculation – Non-symmetrical Section 5
Sling calculations – Non-symmetrical bridle Section 6
Equalizer beam calculations Section 7
Lifting in water calculations Section 8
Wind Calculations Section 9
Support system (mats) calculation Section 10
Crawler crane imposed loading calculations Section 11
Multi Crane Lifts (Tandam Lifting) Section 12
Multi crane lifts – Head and tail weights Section 13
Risk Assessments Section 14
Legislation and ACOPs Section 15
Types of Lifts in regards to lifting operations Section 16
Selection of Personnel Section 17
The management of lifting operations Section 18
The Planning of Lifting operations Section 19
Method Statements Section 20
Hook Block Calculations Section 21
Glossary Section 22
Index Section 23

This workbook is for guidance only. It and Mammoet Holding BV cannot be held
responsible for any inaccuracy.

All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

database or retrieval system, or published, in any form or by any means,
electronically, mechanically, by photo print. Or recording or otherwise without prior
written permission from Mammoet holdings BV


Since the first crane was used to lift water and building blocks for the
great pyramids by the Egyptians and Leonardo de Vinci innovated
cranes to help build some of the most fabulous cathedrals in Europe,
some one, somewhere had to take charge, supervise and plan these

With the intervention of the 21st century with cranes that are bigger,
taller and stronger. There are more than ever the presents of a
supervisor and planner. Whose sole responsibility is to ensure that the
lifting operation goes to plan?

With current ethos of safety legislation demanding it, there is a

requirement that all lifting operations are carried out by trained and
competent personnel.

Irrespective of your normal job description or duties planning and

supervising a lift is a very important task and therefore the concern for
safety though out the lifting operation is paramount.

We here at Mammoet training department, have devised a compact

reference book for all appointed persons and would be planners of
lifting operations.

We believe many people have had an input into this book, and also
from other sources and we are grateful for there help in devising such a
prolific read and study aid

With this in mind this book is a must for crane operators, supervisors
and appointed persons, and important source of knowledge for riggers
and other people who depend on mobile cranes for there day to day

However the information supplied in here does interface with most

lifting appliances. The core aspect this manual covers is the use of
mobile and crawler cranes.

Basic Mathematics

Symbols and Definitions

+ Plus
- Minus
X Multiply
÷ Divide
% Percentage
. Decimal point
: Ratio
∏ Pi, or 3.14 or 22/7

If you are required to change a fraction into decimals divide top into the

5/8 = .625

To calculate the area of a square, rectangle or circle the simply formula


Square and rectangle are the same.

L x B = m2


4m long x 2m wide = 8m²

2m long x 2m wide =4m²

Area of a circle

∏r2 or
3.14 x diam x diam ÷ 4


3.14x2mx2m = 12.56m²

3.14 x 4mx4m ÷4 = 12.56m²

Weight Calculations

Material Type Weight in kg/m3

Oil 800
Magnesium 1750
Concrete 2440
Brickwork 2000
Water 1000
Steel 7700
Cast Iron 7200
Aluminium 2700
Earth 1600
Paper 1120
Copper 8800
Lead 11200
Soft Wood 600
Hard Wood 800
Greenheart 1200

1000kgs = 1 Tonne 2240lbs = 1 Tonne

NOTE: The figures above represent an average weight which has been
rounded for ease of use. Figures may possibly change due to water
content and composition.

Safe working loads calculations

The importance is to understand the difference between multi legged

chain and single accessories.
Single accessories when paired or multiplied with an internal angle
(alpha) or external angle (Beta) will now have new combined S.W.L

The new combined S.W.L could affect the load weight to be lifted.

For Example:

5te 5te



5te 5te


The reason for this is the relation of the S.W.L of the lifting accessories
and the angle between the slings

Using the chart below it can be explained

0º 0º







Load weight of 1te

Fig 14

The relation between angle and the force applied to the sling is
constant through out the lifting operation. The greater the angle the
more force applied to sling therefore it is of importance that you do not
exceed the recommended maximum sling angle of 90º

Note: specialist applications other angles can be used but a greater

planning is required.


To find out what S.W.L our lifting accessories are now rated at. We take
the safe working load of one accessory if they are all compactable in
S.W.L or the lowest S.W.L if different lifting accessories are being used.


5te S.W.L Nylon round sling x2 used at an angle of 90º

Therefore using our chart (fig 14) we find our force-loading equal to our
angle being used for this example of 90º it is equal to 0.7te per leg
because we will be using 2 round slings the total force loading is equal
to 1.4te.


S.W.L of 1 lifting accessory x Force loading = New S.W.L

5te x 1.4 = 7te

However do not reverse this calculation because you will have a

reduced S.W.L on your required lifting accessories.

Load Weight x Force loading = S.W.L

7te x 0.7te = 4.9te

The answer is now incorrect. This would mean that you could use a
sling with a lower capacity this could be a contributing failing in the
lifting operation.

But we do not always have the ability to lift an object on two points so
therefore three or four could be used.

The formula follows the same format as before the only figure that will
require changing is our force loading.

The principle of the force loading is the multiplying of the force relevant
to the amount of legs in use.

0.7te 1.4te 2.1te


The reason for the similarity in three and four legs is because of equal
weight distribution on each leg and so in these calculations we cannot
guarantee that the weight will be symmetrical throughout the lifting

The formula for calculating with three and four legs it would be as

Still using our 5te round slings and working at 90º the new combined
S.W.L will be

S.W.L of 1 x Force loading = New combined S.W.L

5te x 2.1 =10.5te

It is also important to remember when pairing 2-legged chain in order
to carry out a lifting operation. Before we start our operation we must
check all factors the first is compatibility of our lifting accessories and
also that 2 legged chains are rated at a 2 dimensional angle when
paired up a facilitating a 4 point lift you have a 3 dimensional angle but
only 2 dimensional lifting accessories.

To find our new S.W.L we multiply the S.W.L by a mode factor of 1.5


4.5te S.W.L x 1.5 =6.75te


Solution of right angled triangles



Designate sides a, b and c. then designate opposite angle A, B and C

respectively, angle A opposite the hypotenuse a, is the right angle and
therefore is always a known quantity. The remaining angles B and C
are acute and will always total 90 degrees.

The three angles of a triangle always total 180 degrees. If two of the
variables are known, side lengths or angles, the remaining side lengths
and angles can always be calculated.

Sine B = cosine C
Sine C = cosine B
Tangent B = cotangent C
Tangent C = cotangent B

Sides and/or Angles
Formula for sides and angles to be found
a and b C = √ a² - b² Sin B = a C = 90º - B
a and c
B = √ a² - c² Sin C = a B = 90º - C
b and c
A = √ b² + c² Tan B = c C = 90º - B
C = 90º - B
a and B b = a x Sin B c = a x Cos B
a and C b = a x Cos C c = a x Sin C B = 90º - C

a= b
b and B c = b x cot B C = 90º - B
Sin B
A= b
b and C c = b x Tan C B = 90º - C
Cos C
a= c
c and B c = c x Tan B C = 90º - B
Cos B
a= c
c and C Sin C b = c x Cot C B = 90º - C

To take this a little further:

Some Old Hens – Cackle And Howell – Till Old Age

Sine = Opposite

Cosine = Adjacent

Tangent = Opposite

Logarithms tables or calculators can be used.


Finding the hook and lifting point’s angles for the following:

True sling length


Load Weight = 65te


True Sling Length = 4.8m = 2.4m


√ (2.4²) + (6.2²) = √5.76 +38.44 = √44.2 = 6.6483

Sine of hook angle = 2.4 = 0.3609


Example Cont:

Refer to the natural sines table: look for a number equal to or less than
0.3609 = 0.3600

Read the degrees of the angle in the left-hand column this = 21º. Then
read the minutes of the angle from the top of the 0.3600 column =6’.

The difference between 0.3609 and 0.3600 = 0.0009 ignore the zeros
and look for a figure in the right hand column as near to or greater than
9 =11

Read the additional minutes from the top of the 11 column = 4’

Formula set out as follows:

Sine of Hook angle = 2.4 = 0.3609


0.3609 = 0.3600 = 0.3609

0.3600 = 21º6’
0.0009 = 4’
= 21º10’

Hook angle = 2 x 21º10’ = 42º20’

Lifting point angle = 90º - 21º10’ - 68º50’

Centre of gravity calculations – Composite objects


1. Split the load down into recognisable sections.

2. Identify the weight of each part
Green (W1) Pink (W2) Yellow (W3)
3. Chose a datum


4. Identify the distance from the datum to the centre of each part.



Centre of Gravity (CofG)

(L1 x W1) + (L2 x W2) + (L3 x W3)
(W1 + W2 + W3)



Therefore Green = W1 = 3te

Red = W2 = 2te
Yellow = W3 = 2te

Therefore L1 = 7m
L2 = 36m
L3 = 60m

CofG = (7 x 3) + (36 x 2) + (60 x 2)

3 +2 + 2

Ans = 21 + 72 + 120

Ans = 213 = 30.428 = 30.5 metres from datum


Centre of gravity calculation – Non-symmetrical

= New centre line of lift

Section A (Red) = 8m x 2m x 4m = 64m³

Section B (Green) = 4m x 6m x 4m = 96m³
The load composite is of rolled steel (7929.2 Kg metre cu)

Section A = 50.7te Section B = 76.1te

Therefore divide section B by the combined weight of Section A& B

Section B = 76.1te divided by 126.8te
= Answer 0.600 x 100% = 60%

Draw a line from CofG of Section A to CofG of Section B

Distance between Section A CofG and Section B CofG = 6.2m
The new CofG is now located 60% along this line from CofG
60% x 6.2m = 3.72m

Therefore the new centre line of lift is directly over this point the new combined

Sling Calculations
Non-Symmetrical Bridle


H1 D2



L1 = 7.3M D1 = 4.9M H1 = 5.3M

L2 = 2.5M D2 = 2.1M H2 = 1.5M


Sling A = load x D2 x L1
D2 x H1 + D1 x H2=

13.6 x 2.1 x 7.3

2.1 x 5.3 + 4.9 x 1.5

= 208


Sling B = load x D1 x L2
D2 x H1 + D1 X H2

= 13.6 X 4.9 X 2.5

2.1 X 5.3 + 4.9 X 1.5

= 167


Equaliser Beams Calculations

To ensure that the lifting operations using a equaliser beam is carried out
safely and using two crane we must ensure that, the total capacity of the cranes
must be at least equal to or more than the total weight to be lifted including the
load, lifting beams, rigging, hooks and attachments.


For Example

B = A x (Net Capacity crane 2 – half the beam weight)

(Net Capacity of crane 1 & 2 – beam weight

In most cases the following example will be accurate enough

B = A x (Net Capacity of crane 2)

(Net capacity of cranes 1 & 2



= C x (W + Rigging) + ½ beam


= B x (W + Rigging) + ½ beam




A 4.572m
113.3981te 58.96701t

B =A x (Net Capacity of crane 2 – ½ beam weight)

(Net Capacity of crane 1 & 2 – beam weight)

=4.752m x (58.967te – 0.7255te)

(113.3981te + 58.96701te – 1.451te)

Ans = 1.619m

This is the lift point of the load on the beam

To now determine the load on the cranes




1.619m 3.133m


Load on hook on crane 1

= C x (W + Rigging) + ½ weight of beam


3.133m x (158.757te + 205kg) + 0.7255te


3.133m x 158.962te + 0.7255te


= 104.956te

Load on hook on crane 2

= B x (W + Rigging) + ½ weight of beam


1.619m x (158.757te + 205kg) + 0.7255te


1.619m x 158.962te + 0.7255te



When calculating equalise beam configuration always ensure to

following conditions of lift.

1. Calculate load on each crane separately.

2. Know the location of C of G.
3. Know the weight of the load.
4. Locate lifting points.
5. Establish location of fulcrum.
6. Measurement lines to remain vertical.

Lifting in and out of Water

Above water load on hook = weight of lift

In water load on hook

= weight of lift – weight of displaced water

Weight of displaced water

= Volume of lift x unit weight of water

Unit weight of pure water =999.6 kg/ cu metre

Unit weight of sea water = 1026.5 kg/cu metre


Weight of block

= 1.8m x 1.5m x 1.2m

= 3.24m³x 2370.7 kgs

Ans = 7.68te

A Concrete block

Weight of block in water

= 7.68te – 1.8m x 1.5m x 1.2m x 999.6kgs

Ans =3.23te

Wind Calculations

The wind speed restrictions within lifting operations are a factor that is
overlooked. The wind is an everyday factor that cannot be controlled
but can be managed by proper planning. A majority of cranes have
anemometer and a maximum permissible wind speed for lifting using
this information and calculations we can obtain a more accurate
reading or a permissible wind load.

The wind surface depends on the aerodynamic force coefficient (CF) of

the load. The surface are of a load, which provides wind resistances,
must not be greater than a value set against the lifting capacity.

A set value of 1m² per tonne (10.8ft²/lbs = 1m²/t). If the value of (cf) is
above 1.2 and wind surface, which are larger than 1m² per tonne of the
lifting capacity, the wind surface of the load must be reduced
proportionally. All concerned within the lifting operation must agree this.

Vred = V. √ 1.2
Cf. A

Vred – Reduced permissible wind speed in m/s

V - Max permissible wind speed according to loads charts in m/s
Cf – actual aerodynamics force coefficient in m²/t
A – Actual specific surface area of the load in m²/t


14m/s x √ 1.2
1.5 x 15m² (act load area) = 1.2
10t (act load weight) 2.25

=√0.533 =0.730 = 14 x 0.730 =10.22

New permissible wind speed = 10.22m/s

Support system (mats) calculations

Due to the adverse ground conditions that can occur on site at a lifting
operation. A priority is for the crane to be supported fully through out
the entire operation.

There is a requirement to obtain relevant information on the type of

ground the imposed loading of the crane being used on can withstand;
the ground conditions can be resourced from the principal contractor or
from geo-technical engineer.

The imposed loading relating to the lifting appliances are available from
computer programs from manufactures or from crane hire companies
that you have hired the machine from.

These imposed loading are important factors in the whole operation.

The imposed loads do vary through out the lifting operation so a worst-
case scenario will be implemented.

The imposed loadings variation will be highlighted when the

counterweight is added, when the fly jib is added the boom is raised
and lowered in relation to the radius. Also slewing and variation in load
weight of the load

The Formula we use is:

Imposed loadings = ground bearing pressure (GBP)
Area of mat used

In order to support the crane during the lifting operation a support

system must be in place. The design of this support system can vary in
accordance with designer and input factors and values.

The support system can be made from concrete pad (also reinforced),
timber mats, proprietary mats, steel grillage and piled foundations.

To determine the size and type of mat or foundation required, it is

necessary to make an assessment of the ground bearing capacity.

To make the correct assessment first of all we must obtain the right
information this would first of all the imposed loadings the crane
creates. This can be obtained from the crane hire company and is
freely available or can be calculated using relevant formulas.

See fig15 and fig 16 these are example of information that can be
resourced by the person planning the lifting operation (Appointed
Person). The other information required is the construction of ground
where the crane is going to be position during the lifting operation; this
can be sourced at other location and other geological reference books.

Fig 15

Fig 16

Fig 17 Site investigation report

Reduced Depth Samples / Test
Description / Face Legend Field Records
level (Thick) Depth Type No Test
Tarmacadam 9.3 9.25 (0.05) 0.20 D 1

MADE GROUND: Brown slighty
clayey very sandy gravel with
occasional half to full bricks
present. Gravel is subangular and
subrounded fine to coarse brick,
ash, tarmacadam and concrete.
Occasional coble sized fragments
of tarmac from 0.8m
8.60 0.70
0.80 D 2
MADE GROUND: Dark browm
slightly clayey to locally clayey
slightly gravelly fine to coarse (0.50)
sand. Gravel is subanggular and
subrounded fine to coarse brick,
ash, tarmacdam and concrete
8.10 1.20
MADE GROUND: (Soft) dark
grey sandy organic clay with
occasional rootlets (diameter >
1.50 D 3
5mm). Gravel is subangular fine
to coarse brick and sandstone
7.70 1.60
MADE GROUND: Brown slightly
gravelly fine to coarse sand.
Gravel is subangular fine to
2.00 D 4
coarse brick, concrete and flint
7.10 2.20

(Soft to Firm) brown very sandy

slightly gravelly CLAY with (1.50
ocassional rootlets (diameter > pen) 3.00 D 5
5mm). Gravel is subangular and
subrounded fine to coarse
sandstone and flint

5.60 3.70


 Special attention to ground near surface

Fig 18 Soil description


VERY LOOSE – SPT = 4 Blows / VERY SOFT – Cu = KN/m2


LOOSE – SPT – 4-10 SOFT – Cu = 20-40

Can be loosened with a spade easily. Can be moulded easily by light finger
50mm wooden peg can be easily pressure

MEDIUM = SPT – 10-30 FIRM – Cu = 40-75

Can be excavated with a spade with Can be moulded by finger pressure,
effort however, can be indented by thumb

DENSE = SPT – 30-50 STIFF – Cu = 75-150

Requires a pick for excavation. Cannot be moulded by finger
50mm wooden peg is hard to drive. pressure, however, can be indented
by thumb


SPT = Standard Penetration Test Cu = Undrained (immediate shear


Further information on site investigation practice can be obtained
from standard publications.

Fig 19 Soil Description

FOS = 3.0 used where minimum ground information available
FOS = 2.0 Most site and ground conditions
Now that all the relevant information has been collated we then can
determine the size of our support system or type.

For Example

If the ground bearing pressure is 30tem² and the outrigger loadings for
a crane is 216tem² the two sets do not match and therefore an accident
is inevitable to happen.

So by contacting your hirer or supplier you decide what size of support

you require and are available. Therefore as an example if we take the
outrigger loading of 216tem² and a support mat that is 7.5m², we would
achieve our ground bearing pressure.

216te = 28.80tem²

Ans = 28.80tem² > 30tem²

If our calculations resulted in a imposed loading greater than the

permissible ground bearing pressure the solution would to increase the
size of your support system, but this would only be feasible if you have
space but also take into consideration the pyramid effect of 45 degrees
and distribution of weight over a substantial large area the support mat
will not carry out the task in question.

Crawler Crane imposed loading calculations

A crawler crane works on the same basic principles as a mobile crane

where it needs to be operated on a level surface. The crane itself has
no levelling mechanism (but in some exceptions and customer
requirements it is available).

The imposed loading created by the crawler tracks can be viewed in

several different ways, first of all the loading created and forms a
trapezoids under the tracks depending on the position of the main
boom this will relate to over the front, rear and corner. However if the
main boom is positioned over the side the imposed loading is displaced
along the track base and will be more on the lifting track than the car
body track. This can be equalized out with the use of ballast tray or
derricking ballast.

However the track tipping fulcrum is a key factor to the displacement

and are correctly calculated from the shaft of the first track roller, you
can calculate beyond the first track roller if you plate under the drive
sprocket or idler the thickness of the plate will be specified by the
manufactures in conjunction to the size of the crane. The procedure
described above is called block plating.

Once you have sourced the information from all parties i.e the crane
manufacture, hirer and the principal contractor you the can calculate a
support system that is required for the lifting operation, it is important to
remember when a multi crane lift and the cranes in close proximity the
possibility of a higher imposed loading.

Fig 20 Crawler Crane Loadings

Multi Crane Lifts (Tandem Lifting)

Multi crane lifts are an extremely dangerous and complicated operation

and requires a great deal of planning. Due to the possibility of
overloading one or the other cranes, the S.W.L of each crane may be
reduced by a safety factor.

The safety factor (%) can vary due to condition of lift also environment
which the lifting operation is taking place i.e. petrol-chemical site. The
basic value is 20% but can be more. This helps to take into account
any tendency for ropes to be slightly out of vertical during the lift, or any
dynamic loadings.

When planning such a complex lifting operation the appointed person

should remember the following points.

1. Cranes should be of similar capacities and performance.

2. All movements should be as slow as possible, with no sudden
3. The operating motion speeds of each crane should match.
4. The centre of gravity of the load should be calculated so that the
lifting points can be chosen correctly.
5. Good communications are imperative, with one responsible
person in charge.

Some International standards explain in detail the requirements of

the complex lift.

Note tower cranes should not be used for multiple lifting.

Multi Crane Lifts – Head & Tail Weight Calculations
(Fig 1)

Multi Crane Lifts – Head & Tail Weight Calculations
(Fig 2)


1. Using the centre of gravity as information and calculations we can

reassign the proportions of the load.

Head Tail

L1 L2

= Calculated CofG

Tail weight of the load =
Tail = L1 x Wt

Head weight of load =

Head = L2 x Wt


Head 14.75m Tail

3.25m 11.50m

Load weight = 65te

Example Cont.

Tail = 3.25m x 65te


= 211.25

Ans = 14.32te

Head =11.5m x 65te


Ans = 747.5

Ans = 50.68te



Likelihood (L) X Severity Negligible Slight Moderate High Very High
(S) Negligible Minor injury Injury leading Involving a Multiple deaths
injury, Requiring first to a lost time single death
No absence aid accident or serious
from work treatment injury

Very Unlikely
A freak combination of LOW
factors would be LOW LOW LOW MEDIUM
required for an
accident/incident to
A rare combination of LOW
factors would be LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM
required for an
accident/incident to
Could happen when LOW
additional factors are LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH
presented but
otherwise unlikely to
Not certain to happen LOW
but an additional factor MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH
may result in an
Very Likely
Almost inevitable that MEDIUM
an accident/incident MEDIUM HIGH HIGH HIGH
would result.

LOW RISK May be acceptable; however review task to see if risk

can be reduced further.

MEDIUM Task should only proceed with appropriate

consultation with specialist personnel and safety team. Where
possible the task should be refined to take account of the hazards
involved or the risk should be reduced further prior to task

HIGH Task must not proceed. It should be redefined or

further control measures put in place to reduce risk. The controls
should be re-assessed for adequacy prior to the commencement
of the task.


Likelihood of occurrence (L) = How often could the hazard occur? Consider the
task frequency, duration, method of work, employees involved.

Hazard Severity (S) = How serious would the hazards effect be if realised.
Consider the type of hazard, biological, ergonomic, physical and chemical.

To evaluate the likelihood and severity will produce a Risk Rating (R).

Risk(R) = Likelihood (L) X Severity (S)

The Risk Assessment Matrix provides guidance in determining the risk ratting.
Therefore, if the likelihood of occurrence is possible and the hazard severity is
given as moderate, then the risk rating would be medium.


A common list of

Legislation and Approved Codes of Practice

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Management of Health and Safety at Work 1999
Provision and use of work Equipment Regulations 1998
Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
BS7121 part 1:2006 “Safe use of Cranes”
BS7121 part 2:2003 “Inspection and testing &
BS7121 part 3: “Mobile Cranes (including Crawler
BS7121 part 4: “Lorry Loaders”
BS7121 part 5: “Tower Cranes”
BS ISO 15513: 2000 “Crane-competency requirements for
crane operators, slingers, signallers and assessors
HSE Guidance Note GS39 “Training of crane drivers and

In accordance with today’s legislation it bears the simple phase “that

all lifting operations must be planned and carried out in a safe

Quote from LOLER 98 Regulation 8

(1)Every employer shall ensure that every lifting operation involving

lifting equipment is:

(a)Properly planned by a competent person:

(b)Appropriately supervised:

(c)Carried out in a safe manner

In order to carry out the above mentioned we need to have an

understanding of the basic fundamentals in which lifting operation
should be carried out.

Types of lifts in regards to lifting operations

With reference to BS7121 part 3 Safe uses of cranes Mobile specific

it categorises the types of lift in accordance with the complexity.
These are:
1) Basic Lift
2) Standard Lift
3) Complex Lift

1) Basic Lift:

If the weight of the load(s) can be simply established, and they’re no

hazards or obstructions with in the area of the operation, then the
duties of the appointed person should include the following:

(a)Establishing the weight. This can be by a reliable source of

information done in the way of calculations or weighing the load
in question.

Note: Always allow for inaccuracies when calculating the weight of the

(b)Selection of the crane, based on the weight of the load that

includes the crane hook block and lifting accessories: the
maximum height of lift and the maximum radius required. Also
current test certificates and thorough examination reports
 4 yearly examination reports for the crane.( Customer Req)
 12 monthly certificates for the crane.
 6 monthly certificate for the crane (man riding duties)
 Lifting accessories certificates
 Lifting accessories thorough examination report.

Note: a competent person must carry out all examinations of lifting

equipment and associated accessories.

(c) Consideration of the location of the operation and to take into

account the access and egress of the Lifting appliance (cranage)
and the suitability and stability of the ground in relation to loading
and imposed loadings during the lifting operation.

(d)Ensue a reporting system is in place for both appliances and

(e)The selection of appropriate lifting accessories, this should

include the method of attachment to the load. (Protection of lifting
accessories should be taken into consideration to prevent
damage and unsafe lifting practices).

(f) Briefings of all personnel involved in the lifting operation and

ensure effective communication via a method statement.

(g)Check that if numerous loads are to be lifted over a long period of

time, to ensure that no changes are required to the safe system
of work (method statement).

(h)Ensure that there is a supervisor (crane) to direct personnel and

to carry out the lifting operation in accordance with the method

Note: The appointed person and the crane supervisor should be aware
of the limits of their knowledge and experience concerning lifting
operations and should understand when to seek further advice.

2) Standard Lift

The standard lift is normally coincide with the lifting of persons but
however some aspect must be adhered to in order to complete the
appropriate planning to allow this type of lift to go ahead.

If there are hazards, either within the working area of the crane or the
access and egress route to the working area.

Standard lift does not cover multi crane lift. The person planning the lift
should take into consideration all aspects covered in the basic lift and
in addition the following:

(a)Invest all hazards within the lifting operation area; these could
include the area for erection and dismantling of the crane. This
may come in the form of crawler crane erection and

dismantling or mobile crane fly jib erection or dismantling or a
small luffing fly jib.

(b) Take into account the increased risk involved if the load is
being lifted from a structure, which is at a height above the
cranes set up position.

Note: Other risks may arise if the crane operator is working blind to the
lift and is preparing to inch the load. A common factor called jib
deflection may arise causing:
i) Overload due to an increase of radius
ii) The load not to be lift level or plum
iii) The load can be lifted but cannot be lowered safely or

(c) Appropriate planning in liaison with local authorities to ensure

a safe system is implemented therefore reducing the hazards
within a lifting operation.

(d)The interface and relation your lifting operation has with the
surrounding property and or person’s including the general
public. This should coincide with current legislation and

(3) Complex Lift

If your lifting operation requires more than one crane to lift the load
or the cranes will be using load enhancement attachments (super lift
or maxi lift). Also if the lifting operation is taking place in a location of
exceptional hazards (e.g. at a petrochemical plant) the person
planning the lifting should take into account all the information and
detail, required for the basic lift and standard lift but in addition the
information listed below:

(a)The weight of the load is known.

(b)The lifting points provided on the load are strong enough for
the loads applied.

(c) The proportion of the weight taken by each crane

throughout the whole lifting operation is known accurately
to with in +/-2%.

(d)The cranes are of compatible in lifting characteristics and

safety margins within the RC (rated capacity) of each crane
to allow additional weight transferral from one crane to
another. Also if all factors cannot be accurately evaluated,
an appropriate down rating of the cranes of at least 20%
should be applied.

(e)The lifting operations are set out so that there is no contact

between component parts of the crane(s) and the load.

(f) The method statement includes access, ground suitability

and conditions, erection and a sequence of operations
when the load is being lifted.

(g)Geotechnical information may be required in order to

ascertain where the ground will withstand force applied
during the lifting operation and the close proximity of the
cranes whilst in operation.

(h)The monitoring of the hoist rope during the lifting operation

in order to maintain a vertical lift and level lift.

Now that we have a understanding of the three types of lift that can
be carried out and what detail is required then the next step is to see
how we you are going to carry out your lifting operation

Selection of personnel

(a)The Appointed Person

Definition: An Appointed Person is a person with training,

practical and theoretical knowledge and experience.

When you are selecting and assessing an appointed person

the organisation should consider the variety and complexity of
the lifting operation and all other hazards and problems that
arise. The appointed person should be notified formally in
writing and given the authority to carry out the duties involved.

Note: Different types of lifting operations require different levels of

expertise, training and experience, and that imposes different duties on
the appointed person.

(b)The Roles of Appointed person

The appointed person takes total responsibility for the lifting

operation from conception to completion. He or she also has
the responsibility in the selection, provision and use of suitable
crane(s) and equipment.
He or she is also responsible from when the crane arrives at
the site entrance; for its passage through the site to the
erection position, for the erection of the crane(s), the lift and
the dismantling of the crane(s) and its egress from site.
He or she is responsible for complying with all relevant acts,
regulations and approved codes of practice and producing the
necessary risk assessments and method statements.
He or she is responsible for the selection of all personnel
involved, including determining their competence to complete
designated tasks.
He or she is responsible for ensuring the safety of personnel
not involved in the lifting operation.
He or she is responsible for seeking expert advice where his
or her knowledge may be limited.
He or she is responsible for implementing a safe system of

He or she is responsible for ensuring that the safe system of
work is communicated to all personnel involved, usually done
by the method statement.

Note: The Appointed person may delegate the task of, or a task from
the lifting operations but not the responsibility.

(c) The Crane Supervisor

Definition: A Crane Supervisor is a person who controls the lifting

operation, and ensures that it is carried out in accordance with the
appointed person’s safe system of work.

When selecting and authorising a crane supervisor for your lifting

operations he or she should be able to:

i. Fully conversant with the duties of all personnel involved in

the lifting operation.

ii. Able to give clear, unambiguous instructions to all other

members of the team.

iii. Able to assess the danger to the lifting operation, from

changed circumstances on site, and call a halt to the lifting
operation, if the risks become unacceptable so that the
appointed person can be informed and further instructions
can be sort form the appointed person.

Note: The appointed person does not have to be on site but the
appointed person for that lift must carry out any changes to the lifting

Note: If the crane supervisor is also a crane driver, then he or she
should not operate any crane involved in the lifting operation but

(c)The Roles of the Crane Supervisor.

The crane supervisor should direct and supervise the lifting

He or she should ensure that the lifting operation is carried out
in accordance with the method statement.
He or she should be competent and suitably trained and
should have sufficient experience to carry out his or her
relevant duties.
He or she should have sufficient authority to stop the lifting
operation if they think it is dangerous to proceed.

Note: The appointed person may decide to undertake the duties of the
crane supervisor or delegate the duties to another person with
appropriate expertise for the lifting operation.

(d)The Crane operator

Definition: Person who operates the crane to position loads or

to assemble the crane

(e)The Slinger / Signaller (Banksman)

Definition: Is a person who attaches and detaches the load of

lifting equipment from the crane and the selection of the
correct lifting accessories for the lifting operation. He or she
also is responsible for directing the crane operator to carry out
a safe system of work or lifting operation.

Note: the crane operator and slinger/signaller (banksman) should carry

out his or her role in accordance with local standards and legal
requirements and should be in possession of a certificate or operators
card for this position.

The Management of lifting operations

In order to carry out a good lifting operation a safe system of work

must be established. A system of work applies to individual lifts or a
group of repetitive lifts.

A safe system of work should include the following:

i. Risk assessments.
ii. Planning of the lifting operation.
iii. Preparation of a method statement.
iv. Selection, provision and use of a suitable lifting appliance
and equipment.
v. Preparation of the site (If required).
vi. Provision of properly trained and competent personnel.
vii. Supervision carried out by properly trained and competent
personnel with authority
viii. Ensuring that all test certificates and any other relevant
documents are available.
ix. Preventing the unauthorised use and movement of the
lifting appliances.
x. The consideration of personnel not involved in the lifting

Note: In controlling a lifting operation the provision of an appointed

person does not lessen the legal responsibilities of the employing
organisation for ensuring safety.

Also the appointed person may have other duties and is not
necessarily a direct employee of the employing organisation.

The way in which a safe system of work is communicated is through a

method statement.

The planning of a lifting operation

In order to implement your safe system of work via your method

statement there are information that should be considered:

(f) The load characteristics and the method in which the load
or item is to be lifted.

(g)Selection of lifting appliances for the operation.

(h)The selection of lifting accessories, this should take into

account the weight of accessories on the total load on the
lifting appliances.

(i) The position of the crane(s) and the load before and during
and after the lifting operation.

(j) The site for the lifting operation and the areas of concern
for example proximity hazards, space and the suitability of
the ground or foundations.

(k) The rigging and de-rigging of the crane(s).

(l) Any environmental conditions at the site.

Note: For routine lifting operations an initial lift plan may only be
required once but there is a need to review it occasionally to make sure
that nothing has changed and the lift plan remains valid.

For more complex lifting operations you need to plan the task each
time it is carried out.

Method Statements

Definition: Document produced for or the appointed person to

describe how should carry out, the lifting operation including any
contingency plans if the operation becomes interrupted (e.g.
weather, breakdown etc)

A method statement is away of communicating your safe system of

work, in order to this efficiently and effectively. A method statement is a
step-by-step description of how the lifting operation is going to be
carried out.

When producing your method statement remember how and who is
going to communicate to the lifting operation team, also in some cases
the method statement could have been written several months before
the lifting operation is to take place
Depending on the nature of the lifting operation will have an effect on
the context of your method statement the diverse (complex) the lifting
operation the more information attained in your method statement? The
more routine (basic) the lifting operation the reduced amount of
information required.

When preparing your method statement it should include at least the


(a)The schedule of responsibilities (type of hire, road closure,

base / ground preparation and the isolation of live services).

(b)Full details of the crane(s)

(c) Details of Ancillary equipment.

(d)Details of lifting accessories.

(e)The name of the Appointed person.

(f) The name of the crane supervisor (who may be the

appointed person).

(g)Sequence of operations (site preparation, arrival, erection,

positioning, lifting the load, dismantling and departure).

(h) Tool box talk.

(i) Ground loading.

(j) Wind speeds limitations.

(k) Radio communication (if being used).

(l) Possible drawing.

(m) Risk assessments and any other relevant / reference


Common Hand Signal

Basic Crane Sizing Chart

Lifting Accessories Charts

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Material Single Single Single leg Single Single leg Endless Endless Endless
leg le bask leg halsh in choke basket
in g et bac ed line d 0-90o
lin ch k
e ok hoo
ed ked

Chain 1 0.8 1.4 1 NP NP 1 NP

Wire Rope 1 1 1.4 1 2 NP 1 1.4
Webbing 1 0.8 1.4 NA NP 1 0.8 1.4
Fibre Rope 1 0.8 1.4 1 1.6 1 0.8 1.4
Round sling NA NA NA NA NA 1 0.8 1.4

Flat Web
s and

Assembly Straight Choke Parallel Basket 2-Leg 4-Leg

Mode Basket 90o 0-90o 0-90o
Mode Factor 1.0 0.8 2.0 1.4 1.4 2.0
1.0 Violet 1.0 0.8 2.0 1.4 12.0
1.5 White 1.5 1.2 3.0 2.1 3.0
2.0 Green 2.0 1.6 4.0 2.8 4.0
3.0 Yellow 3.0 2.4 6.0 4.2 6.0
4.0 Grey 4.0 3.2 8.0 5.6 8.0
5.0 Red 5.0 4.0 10.0 7.0 10.0
6.0 Brown 6.0 4.8 12.0 8.4 12.0
8.0 Blue 8.0 6.4 16.0 11.2 16.0
10.0 Orange 10.0 8.0 20.0 14.0 20.0
12.0 Orange 12.0 9.6 24.0 16.8 24.0

Calculation of the required hook block weight

It is important that when carrying out lifting operations the correct hook
block is used, not only in size, shape and capacity but it self weight.

The reason behind this is to maintain tension on our hoisting line and to
not to exceed our parameters set with in our load charts or duty charts.

Explained below is a simple calculation that can be use in order to

ascertain the correct hook block weight.



G = Hook Block weight

L = Boom Length (overall) in metres
M = Hoist Rope weight in kilogram’s per metre
N = Fall of rope / parts of line
F = Factor of safety

Table 1


(MM) (KG/M)
23 2.61
25 3.08
28 3.85
30 4.35
32 5.01
40 7.83

Table 2


1 1.31
2 1.34
3 1.36
4 1.39
5 1.41
6 1.44
7 1.46
8 1.49
9 1.52
10 1.54
11 1.57
12 1.60
13 1.63
14 1.65
15 1.68
16 1.71
17 1.74
18 1.77
19 1.80
20 1.83
21 1.87
22 1.90
23 1.93
24 1.96
25 2.00
26 2.03
27 2.06
28 2.10
29 2.13
30 2.17

The source of basic information we require can come from the

operator’s manual, method statements, lift plans and drawings. For the
information about our hoist rope dimensions and measurements we
can obtain from rope certificates or measure the hoist rope ourselves.

Or our last resort would be the load chart book or even the
manufactures marketing brochure and operator’s manual.

The example we are going to use using the drawing above.

The crawler crane is configured with an overall boom length of 98

metres, the hoist rope diameter is 28mm and has be reeved up with 12
falls of rope.

With the information in table 1 and 2 we can now calculate the



98metres x 3.85 x 12 x 1.60 = 7244 kg

Therefore the hook block weight we would require is 7244kg or 7.2 te.

However some crawler cranes are able to reeved up with 2 hoist lines
on 1 hook block, in order for to achieve the correct weight we also have
calculate using the same formula but with additional information.

Because we are running 2 hoist ropes the formula is a multiply of that




2 x 98metres x 3.85 x 8 x 1.60 = 9658.8 kg

Therefore in this application the hook block weight we would require is

9659kg or 9.7te


A.C.O.Ps 44
Appointed Person 49,50

Basic Lift 45,46
Basic Mathematics 3
Basic sizing chart 56

Calculating Area 3
Centre of Gravity composite 15,16
Centre of Gravity Non-symmetrical 17
Complex Lift 47, 48
Crane Supervisor 50,51
Crawler Crane imposed loading 35
Crawler Crane loading (fig 20) 36

Equaliser Beam Calculations 20,21,22,23
External Triangle rule of thumb 57

Forward 2

Glossary 63

Hand Signals 55
Head and Tail weight calculations 40,41


Legislation 44
Lifting Accessories Chart 56
Lifting In and Out of Water 24,25
LICCON Planner (fig 16) 30

Management of Lifting Operations 52
Method Statements 53,54
Multi Crane Lift 37,38,39

Non-symmetrical Bridle 18,19

Outrigger Loading (fig 15) 29

Planning of Lifting Operations 53

Risk Assessments 42,43

Safe Working Load 6,7,8,9,10
Sin Table 12
Sin Calculation 13,14
Site Investigation Report (fig 17) 31
Soil Description (fig 18,19) 32,33
Standard Lift 46
Support System 27,28,34

Tandem Lifting 37,38,39
Trigonometry 11

Uniform loading 7

Volume Formulas 5

Weight Calculations 4
Wind Calculations 26


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