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Jaime Morta, Sr. and Purification Padilla (petitioners) filed two cases for damages with preliminary
injunction against Jaime Occidental, Atty. Mariano Baranda, Jr., and Daniel Coral (respondents).

In their complaint, petitioners alleged that respondents, through instigation of Atty. Baranda gathered
pilinuts, anahaw leaves and coconuts from their respective land. The products were delivered to Atty.
Baranda. They also alleged the respondents destroyed their banana and pineapple plants.

Respondents denied the accusation against them. They claimed that the petitioners were not owners of
the land in question. They alleged that the Torrens title is registered to the father of one Josefina
Opiana-Baraclan. The respondent contended that he was a bona fide tenant of Josefina.

MTC rendered decision in favor of the petitioner.

Respondents appealed to the RTC questioning the MTC’s jurisdiction that the case was cognizable by the
DARAB and not of the MTC. RTC reversed MTC’s ruling and remanded the case to DARAB for it falls
within their exclusive original jurisdiction.

CA affirmed RTC’s ruling.


WON the civil action for damages are tenancy-related and is cognizable by the DARAB and not the trial


No, the case is cognizable by the trial court.

For DARAB to have jurisdiction, there must exist a tenancy relationship between the parties.

The RTC in ruling that the case falls within DARAB, relied on the findings in DARAB that Josefina Opiana-
Baraclan appears to be the lawful owner of the land and Jaime Occidental was her recognized tenant.

However, petitioner Morta claimed that he is the owner of the land. Thus, there is even a dispute as to
who is the rightful owner of the land, Josefina Opiana-Baraclan or petitioner Morta.

The issue of ownership cannot be settled by the DARAB since it is definitely outside its jurisdiction. The
issue of ownership shall be resolved in a separate proceeding before the appropriate trial court between
the claimants thereof.

At any rate, whoever is declared to be the rightful owner of the land, the case cannot be considered as
tenancy-related for it still fails to comply with the other requirements. The case in not between a
landowner and tenant.

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