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Caravela Beach Resort, Goa

Creating a Holistic Guest Experience

Boasting a 360 degree guest experience, Caravela Beach Resort is a luxury resort
situated in Goa, India. Known for its iconic ocean view rooms, Caravela Beach
Resort recently received a Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor for their truly
remarkable guest experiences.

Caravela Beach Resort partnered with RepUp to create surprisingly delightful
individual experiences and increase revenue through powerful consolidated guest
data. With Experience Cloud, Caravela was able to enhance the guest experience
and streamline operations.

$7000 USD
Increase in revenue
through personalized

Increase in ADR

Average increase
In positive reviews

Increase in Review
The Challenge:

Prior to using Experience Cloud, guest data was fragmented, leading to missed revenue opportunities.
The lack of consolidated data and insights made it hard to identify upsell opportunities at the right time.
Additionally, without an integrated guest experience solution, reaching guests at the right time with
relevant upsells was next to impossible.

The resort also had a hard time keeping track of their reputation, and had no way to benchmark
themselves against competitors, or identify key areas of improvement. The lack of unified data made it
hard to provide end to end experiences in the entire guest journey and get a clear picture of guests’
perceptions of the hotel.

Before & After Experience Cloud:

Positive Reviews Rating

83% 4.5

79% 4

2017 2018 2017 2018

Average 5 point monthly increase in ORM Scores

April June August October December February

2017 2018
The Solution:

Caravela Beach Resort partnered with RepUp and integrated the
Experience Cloud product to bring the entirety of their operations,
communications, reputation management and marketing onto a single
platform. Through detailed reporting on various parameters like
department wise feedback, sentiment reports and comprehensive guest
profiles, Caravela Beach Resort is able to gather crucial insights that helps
create cohesive, consistent and automated flows to help improve brand
NPS. The consolidated guest data also helps them create personalized
guest experiences that translate into realization of incremental revenue.

The in-stay feedback feature allows staff to respond and track guest
requests and complaints from a single platform, helps identify key areas of
guest service that need improvement, and results in fewer bad reviews
posted online. In-depth reports provide insights and recommendations
powered by AI that allows resource maximization and revenue generation.

Increase in average

2018 2017

April June August October December February


Since implementing Experience Cloud, Caravela Beach Resorts has seen additional
revenue of $7000 USD over a year that was made possible through personalized

upsell offers based on comprehensive guest profiles. The increase in the efficiency
and quality of issue resolution led to higher rankings on travel sites, which resulted
in a 5.6% increase in ADR. Since partnering with RepUp, Caravela Beach Resort

has become a 4.5 rated luxury resort on TripAdvisor, and received their

prestigious Certificate of Excellence.

Experience Cloud in-depth reporting also revealed that in 2018, guests that
interacted with parts of the RepUp platform were 80% more likely to write a 4

or 5 star review than guests that did not, during 2017.

The in-depth reporting led to the identification of actionable insights that allowed
them to implement corrective measures at a departmental level, which led to a
59% average increase in positive reviews. Since using the review collection
solution provided within Experience Cloud, Caravela Beach Resorts has seen a
142% increase in review volume and 200% increase in TripAdvisor review


More likely guest

leaves 4 or 5 star
reviews with RepUp

“RepUp has transformed our business at mulXple levels; be it

internal processes, guest communicaXon, service delivery, or
markeXng iniXaXves. It is the most robust and cost effecXve
soluXon you can find to drive your growth and ORM scores"

Prahlad Advani
Director, Advani Hotels

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