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Theresa’s School of Novaliches 1




We use different products in our everyday lives for various purposes. Thus, we need

to choose what's the best for our budget while we seek for the qualities of the items we

need. Hence, the usefulness and effectiveness of the products can give the buyers

credibility to the business.

Before, consumers do the traditional way of buying products. They directly went to

the market and stores to check the products carefully. The purpose of physical store is

to properly check the items just to make sure that there are no damages in a particular

product and also to make sure that the products that you will be going to buy are in their

best condition. But this method of shopping is way more time consuming for other


However, as the use of technology merged with different types of businesses, the

so-called online shopping gradually rose that it became a rival to the yesterday’s popular

traditional buying. The purpose of online shopping is to help those busy people saving

their time and efforts as the buyer of goods. Even though shopping online is now

common around the world, there are still people who choose to buy products directly in

the market because for them, it is more convenient and also it meets their expectations

to their desired products. Aside from the charges on items the additional payment for

shipping ensuing to be more expensive and examining the products is not applicable.
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2

According to Donna L. Montalda (2019) that there is advantages of using online

shopping and physical shopping. It also shows how convenient to buy through online

and traditional shopping and the perception of the customer of buying online. But is also

shows the disadvantages of buying online and buying physically.

Mr. Pratiksinh Vaghela (2014) stated that online shopping is the process of buying

goods and services from merchants who sell on the Internet. Since the emergence of

the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their products to people who surf

the Internet. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their homes and shop as

they sit in front of the computer Now a day, online shopping has become popular among

people, they have become techno savvy and feel very comfortable in using internet. So

online shopping has becoming a trend that is why it is necessary to make a study on

online shopping usage and perception.

Even though these shopping methods have some similarities, their differences are

rather arguably comparable. These differences led the researchers to study them to

better know which of these shopping methods are more effective and popular among

the students. This study aims to identify which is more convenient between physical

store and online shopping and their efficiency towards purchasing certain products for

the respondents from St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches. The result of this study can

help to prove what is more suitable between these shopping methods.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 3

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in terms of?

a. Physical Store Shopping and;

b. Online Shopping

2. How popular is?

a. Physical Store Shopping and;

b. Online Shopping

3. How often do people shop in?

a. Physical Stores and;

b. Online Stores

4. Is there a significant difference between physical store and online shopping?

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 4

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in a way that the results can help people to better understand

the benefits and disadvantages of online shopping and physical store shopping. It can

also be beneficial in way that the customers may have choices of which of these

shopping means will make them more comfortable. This study also helped to broaden

the perspectives of prospect buyers and customers about how online shopping or

physical store shopping can help them in many ways. This study is significant for it will

benefit the following:

Teachers. The teachers may benefit from this study by determining which has a better

type of shopping when it comes to time it may consume because most of the time,

teachers are busy. This study will provide information regarding which type of shopping

is more efficient and reliable to be used.

Students. This study aims to help busy students in choosing the more convenient way

of shopping. Considering that shopping is a trend nowadays and they have many stores

to choose from, the result from this study may help them to choose their preferred

shopping means wisely.

Professionals. This study may help professionals who are mostly busy with their work

in choosing the most suitable shopping method for them.

Business People. Many businessmen and business woman have a hard time on

choosing a better method of selling their products. Most of them find it difficult to choose

on whether to put up a physical store or to just sell their products online. The result of
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 5

this study may help them to choose whether what of these methods are more popular

and effective nowadays.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as a reference to the study of the future


Researchers. The researchers will benefit from this study by gaining new knowledge

and exploring the importance of consumer’s situation. It will also help the researchers

to evaluate what is more effective and convenient method of shopping.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 6

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study limits its coverage to the Senior High School Academic Track Students of

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches for the School Year 2019-2020. The researchers

used stratified sampling technique for which the students are divided by strands and

sections. The Grade 11 ABM 1 with 34 students, ABM 2 with 31, STEM 1 with 33, STEM

2 with 31, HUMSS 1 with 29, HUMSS 2 with 28, and GAS with 13 students. The Grade

12 ABM with 41 students, STEM with 44, HUMSS with 39, and lastly, the GAS with 15

students. This resulted to the total population of 338. Because of this, the researchers

used Slovin’s formula to get the sample size from the population.

This study covers the different perspectives of students about online shopping and

physical store shopping. This study also talks about which of these shopping methods

are more popular and effective for consumers. This study also tackles the advantages

and disadvantages of both online shopping and physical shopping.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 7



This chapter presents the related theories, studies and literature to support the

study conducted by the researchers entitled “Effectiveness and Popularity of Physical

Store Shopping and Online Shopping Among the Senior High School Academic Track

Students of St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches.”

Relevant Theories

Shopping Continuum Theory (SCT)

Based on Cognitive Continuum Theory (2010), SCT provides depth understanding

of shopping tasks (goal-oriented, experiential-oriented, and search-oriented shopping

task) and interaction of cognitive and affective perceptions toward online stores. It

explains how online consumers cognitively and affectively interact to information and

shopping environments provided by online stores, depending on their shopping task

orientations, and how interaction influences shopping choice. SCT suggests that

consumers have a heuristic decision-making process and tend to make a shopping

choice, which is consistent with their shopping task orientations because decision

making tends to fail into a continuum (Choi, ND).

The exploratory study of Eun-Jung Choi (ND) introduced the SCT which was

grounded by the CCT, which analyzes a person’s cognitive activity and its shift produced
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 8

by task circumstances. It explains how people make decisions in complex, dynamic

information environments (Hammond, 1988,1990,1996).

This theory of Choi explains how people choose certain products in online shopping

context. People are likely to anchor their shopping choices to their shopping tasks, which

are: goal-oriented which means people have purchase intentions for particular products

in online store; experiential-oriented which defined as an intention of recreational

gratification without specific shopping goals and the way of shopper’s shopping choices

rely on the aesthetics of an online store; and search-oriented shopping task which the

shoppers are looking for information about certain products online without an intent or

actual transactions and purchase goal.

This theory will be helpful in supporting the outcome of this study in terms of online

shopping. Because this study focuses mainly on effectiveness and popularity of online

and physical store shopping and that this theory focuses on what affects the behavior

of consumers towards shopping online, this theory helped the researchers to determine

how the shopping tasks are related on how the buyers or consumers buy in online store.

It will then provide help to this study in showing how effective and popular online

shopping is.

Peter Sobota (2014) A "Retailing Theory of Everything" is not something that

marketers and executives should just paste onto the side of their stores or set as #4 on

their list of top priorities. It should be their Holy Grail or it's meaningless. Such a theory

is caused, to combine departments, redesign systems, rethink metrics and reinvent

processes. It mandates being one company in the customer’s eyes.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 9

The Omni channel theory of everything approach.

1. Help customers avoid products that don’t work for them.

2. Educate customers, combining offline and online experiences.

3. Restock and reship product returns in a highly efficient manner.

4. Have a unified inventory and customer database.

5. Share information easily across departments, channels and functional areas.

Launching later this fall is the film The Theory of Everything, presenting Stephen

Hawking's marriage to Jane Wilde and describing how doctors once told the British

scientist he had two years to live. That was in 1965, and Hawking is still alive

today, unlocking the secrets of the universe.

Any problem worth solving is difficult, and the complex world of retailing is no

exception. My bet is that the answer lies in tearing down the walls, even the

ones customers can’t see.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 10

Related Literatures


According to Yaobin Lu (2011), the web has become an opportunity for the marketers

to add value to products and services. The increase in technology provides good

opportunities to the seller to reach the customer in easier and faster way. On the other

hand, there are still many customers that go for purchasing offline so as to examine the

product. While making any purchase decision consumer should know the medium to

purchase whether online shopping or the offline shopping. Innovativeness in new

technology and relative benefit had positive effects on users' intention to transfer usage

from offline to online that offers similar services. Moreover, it also indicated that internet

experience moderates the relationship between relative benefit and consumers'

intention to transfer usage from offline to online shopping.

Building on previous research Dong-Mo Koo and Ji-Hoon Lee (2011) proposed an

interrelationship among dominance, energetic and tense arousal, pleasure and their

impact on intention. From a survey of 406 consumers (217 from offline store customers

and 188 online store users) demonstrated that dominance had a significant positive and

negative effect on both energetic and tense arousal, it has no impact on pleasure and

intention under both offline and online environment; effect of dominance on tense arouse

was not statistically significant in an online shopping environment; both energetic and

tense arousal has a positive and negative impact on pleasure.

While there has been much research on the relationship affecting the shopping style

of the consumers/customers, few researchers have taken the reasons affecting their
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 11

way of shopping into consideration. Koen Pauwels, et al. (2011) found that the product

category and customer segment has a great influence on the offline revenue of the

informational website. The lower online search costs were especially beneficial for

sensory products and for customers distant from store in contrast, customers in a

particular segment reduce their shopping trips, suggesting their online actions partially

substitute for experimental shopping in the physical store. The scale of the internet has

pushed shopping boundaries, and although evidence demonstrates the high street will

never be able to compete with prices, highlighting consumers are always money

conscious, and the range of inventory held by warehouse such as Amazon; evidence

suggests there are many ways the high street can improve; focusing on experience,

customer knowledge and specialism.


According to Lacson and Pasadilla (2015), in the Philippines, e-commerce is mostly

being implemented by major retailers and multinational corporations for bank-to-bank

exchange. A number of Business-to-consumer transactions have emerged through the

years such as auctions, online shopping, and online banking. This new marketing

strategy will not only benefit those big companies but also the small businesses who

cannot afford to advertise their products. Just by creating a website in a very affordable

cost would make the business grow in terms of sales and enhance the company image

as well.

Roberto (2015) stated that Philippine firms have yet to fully tap the potentials of e-

commerce that will help them to compete in domestic and global markets. In the process
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 12

of preparing themselves to conduct e-commerce, these firms will be changing the way

they do business. These changes are expected to have an impact on the welfare of

Philippine workers. Most efforts to measure the economic effects of e-commerce—

including those on workers’ welfare—have focused on the U.S. and Europe, who are

considered to be the leaders in e-commerce. In general, it discusses the changes in the

nature of work from the front to back office is likely within the sectors performing

services Employment demand for these industry, they may be focused away from

agents and blue collared workers, toward higher management and executive staff.

Toral (2016) states that as Filipinos entered the 21st century, local e-commerce

transaction reached Php 1 billion. It shows that there’s at least one billion transaction

sales growth annually. If this trend continues, figures can reach up to Php 20 billion as

more businesses conduct online transactions. If significant economic growth takes place

in the next 10 years, these estimates may even double or triple.

According to Lee (2014), one indisputable benefit of e-commerce is its ability to

reduce transaction costs. For consumers or buyers, this is most likely to take the form

of lower search costs and better information on products and prices. There could be

drastic savings in production and delivery costs of electronic or digital goods as well.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become and will continue to

be an integral part of the day-to-day life of every Filipino across all levels of our society.

The occurrence of communication technology around the world necessitates that

government get on a cohesive and coordinated strategy on how to prepare its citizens

to survive, live and thrive in a digital world. (The Philippine Digital Strategy
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 13

Transformation 2.0: Digital Empowered Nation 2011) The main objective of the paper is

to have a competitive society where everyone has a reliable, affordable and secure

information access in the Philippines.

Related Studies


Chiang and Dholakia (2014) carried out a study in which they examined the purpose

the customer to purchase goods online during their shopping. Mainly there are three

variables in their study those affects the consumer to purchase online or to go offline.

Those are the accessibility features of the shopping sites, the type of the products and

their characteristic, and the actual price of the product. The study revealed that the

accessibility and the convenience of the shopping sites create the intention in the

customer to purchase or not. When there are difficulties faced by a consumer to

purchase online, then the customer switch to the offline shopping for the purchase

behavior and the consumer face difficulty in offline purchasing then they go to the online

purchasing. After relating both the medium of shopping the consumer said that the

online shopping is more convenient for them and gives more satisfaction which inspires

the consumer to purchase online in the internet.

The relation of the study of Chiang and Dholakia (2014) in this study is that because

the researchers want to know which type of shopping is more convenient and effective,

their study backed up the result of our study in terms of how consumers’ experiences

towards physical stores and online stores affects their shopping method.
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 14

According to Pedro Ferreira, Qiwei Han, and João Paulo Costeira (2018), physical

retailers are increasingly trying to understand in-store shopping behavior in order to

increase sales. However, measuring and analyzing shopper behavior at the point of

purchase in physical retailing remains challenging. They implement an in-vivo

randomized field experiment in a physical bookstore. They leveraged video tracking

technologies to monitor how shoppers respond to random book placement, which

induces random search costs. More specifically, they randomized the position of newly

released books on the top of a large table with several rows and columns such that each

book's search cost becomes independent of the book's characteristics. They used

advanced 3D cameras and vision-understanding algorithms that can track human

motions in real-time to overcome the large costs associated to large-scale video data.

The experimental results show that on an average day books placed at the edge of the

table are both picked and taken more often by consumers than books placed in the

center of the table. However, the likelihood of taking a book that was previously picked

is on average similar for books placed at the edge and at the center of the table. In other

words, books at the edge of the table sell more only because they are, on average,

picked more often. Therefore, search costs in our physical setting are essentially

shaping the search decisions of consumers and they are sunk for the purchase

decisions. Armed with this knowledge, the bookstore manager may maximize profit by

placing books with higher margins at the edge of the table.

If we will go back to the relevant theory which is Shopping Continuum Theory, it is

indicated there the experiential-oriented shopping task, which explains that people tend

to shop online because of aesthetics of a certain online shop. In relation to the study of
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 15

Ferreira P., Han Q., Costeira J.P. (2018), the physical arrangement of products may

also contribute towards the attitude of buyers in physical stores.

According to the Journal of Management and Research Volume 2 (2015), Online

shopping is becoming a suitable way to make all your purchases, whether you’re at

home in office, or in a different country. This is especially true for developed countries,

where every store has its website you can buy from. You can easily convey about the

promotions like cash on delivery and special discounts on online purchases. This trend

to shop online with the comfort of your own couch has recently been taken up in the

Asian region as well, especially in Pakistan and India. India seems to have adopted the

trend much faster as compared to Pakistan. They have multiple fashion, furniture and

food websites, along with the commonly known companies, such as Amazon and EBay.

For Pakistan, however, the adoption of such trends has been more difficult. People

usually don’t trust the products being displayed in front of them. As a result, we can’t

expect them to buy online and be satisfied with it. However, the youth of Pakistan is

open-minded and has slowly embraced online shopping, even if it’s ordering food online.

People, in Pakistan, have been victims of scams both online and on mobile applications,

so it’s understandable why they look suspiciously at such an activity. This recent trend

have led researchers to believe that age isn’t the only factor causing the youth to turn

towards online shopping. Other factors are also involved in making online shopping one

of the fastest growing markets in Pakistan, which is greatly helping the IT industry in

Pakistan to flourish. This research study will try to reveal such factors.
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 16

This study of the Journal of Management and Research Volume 2 (2015) focuses on

online shopping. This study helps the researcher to know how online shopping helps

people to easily purchase anything even they are at home and how it affected people

who are using it. Also, it helps the researchers to have a background about how online

shopping became famous in Asian Region, especially in Pakistan. This study is related

to our research because it supports the efficiency and convenience of online shopping.

According to the study of Kaymu (2015) Kaymu releases research on online

shopping. Dhaka (35%), Chittagong (29%), and Gazipur (15%) are the primary zone for

online shopping traffic of Bangladesh. Of the total traffic, new online shopping visitor

stands at 49%, while returning visitor is 51%. 71% of online shoppers have used either

a desktop or a laptop, followed by mobile phone and tablets. Google and Facebook are

primary click-through points for online shoppers. About 69% of the online shoppers use

the Windows operating system for online shopping.

This study from Kaymu (2015) supports the popularity of online shopping by

providing certain statistics. This may help the researchers to have deeper understanding

on how online shopping became a trend nowadays and how online shopping’s popularity

is different from physical store shopping’s popularity.


According to Bernie Cahiles-Magkilat (2014), despite the popularity of online

shopping, physical stores aren’t going anywhere. As long as retailers keep the

experience easy and seamless, consumers will keep shopping in-store. This was

highlighted in a new study conducted by Oracle NetSuite in partnership with Wakefield

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 17

Research and The Retail Doctor, a retail consulting firm created by expert consultant

and business mentor Bob Phibbs, which also showed a huge disconnect between

shopper demands and what retailers in areas spanning the overall retail environment,

social media, personalization and the use of advanced technologies such as chat bots,

artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual reality (VR). The global study involved 1,200

consumers and 400 retail executives.

This mindset correlates with another finding in the study which showed that while

retailers are aware that they don’t have the tools and information needed to meet rapidly

changing customer expectations, the study found that hyped technologies such as AI

and VR are not yet the answer.

The study of Magkilat B.C. (2014) explained that as long as consumers and

customers are satisfied with their experience in physical stores, they will still be choosing

physical store shopping rather than shopping online. This study supports the physical

store shopping in terms of consumer and customer’s perception of physical store

shopping’s effectiveness and convenience.

Iyer and Santiago (2014) found that the population of senior who are more literate,

more knowledgeable and who are more aware of the technology and those who have a

positive behavior towards online shopping and internet are more into online shopping.

But the population of senior who are less aware of the internet and the shopping sites

are less involved in the shopping sites because they do not have a positive attitude

towards online shopping rather they are much more interested in offline shopping and

the seniors who are more involved in the internet uses more online sites for purchasing
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 18

the goods over the internet. The senior which have more knowledge about the internet

and the shopping sites they compare both the shopping i.e. online and offline shopping

for their purchasing of goods. However, their knowledge and the use of internet by them

has no connection with their age and their satisfaction level while purchasing online.

Based on the study of Iyer and Santiago (2014), they found out that people who are

more literate towards technology are more inclined in online shopping, while on the other

hand, people who have less awareness towards technology are also less involved in

online shopping environment.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 19

Conceptual Framework


• Advantages • Obtaining data

and from the • Effectiveness
disadvantages survey of the physical
of physical questionnaires and online
and online shopping in
shopping terms of:
• Statistical tool
• Pros and Cons
• Weighted
• Identifying the • Popularity
popularity of • Often usage of
physical and • Independent
both stores
online T - test
shopping to • Ascertain
the students • Analysis and
• Frequent of
physical and
utilization of accumulated
physical and data
shopping store

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 20


The hypothesis of this study was treated at 5% level of significant. There is no

significant difference between physical store shopping and online shopping.

Definition of Variables

Accumulate. This refers to the data gathered or information. It used to accumulate or

gather data from various literature sources to create precise and valid information.

Aesthetic. Used to described how convenient online shopping is, it is concerned with

beauty or the appreciation of beauty.

Algorithm. It is a set of steps that are followed in order to complete a computer process.

In this research, it was described how advanced 3D cameras and vision understanding

algorithms that can track human motions to monitor how shoppers respond to random

book placement.

Ascertain. Make sure of something or to clarify something. It is used to clarify or verify

how popular the physical store and online shopping among students.

Breach. On this research, it is an act of breaking a law through hacking incidents.

Endorsement. This refers to the the act of publicly saying that you like or use a product

or service in exchange money.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 21

E-commerce. Transaction or business transaction on internet. It is used to describe the

differences between goods and services in the E-Commerce environment compared

with the situation in the traditional shopping environment.

Heuristic. Enabling a person to discover or learn based on experience. It is used to

described if the consumer has a decision making through their experience and tend to

make a shopping choice.

In-vivo. A Latin word literally means in the living. It is used to describe the human.

Retailer. In this research, it is described a person or business that sells goods to a

customer for a specified price.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 22



Methods and Technique of the Study

This study is a quantitative survey research which is used to assess the difference

between physical store and online shopping in terms of their effectiveness and their

popularity. This research used survey questionnaires to gather data from the students,

which are our respondents, to support our subject and our hypothesis. This research is

a purposive process of data gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data about

certain conditions such as insufficient learning materials and facilities, and then

interpretation about such data with the aid of statistical treatment.

Population and Sample of the Study

Because the population of the academic strand students is large, we chose to

take only the sample size of their total population. We used the Slovin’s formula for

taking the sample size of their total population.

Slovin’s Formula is used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population size

(N) and a margin of error (e). Proportion allocation was used to determine the number

of sample size of each grade and section. In addition, stratified sampling technique was

utilizing to get the respondents from different section.

Formula: 𝑛 = 𝑁/(1 + 𝑁𝑒 2 )


n = no. of samples
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 23

N =total population

E = margin of error


Grade 11

ABM 1 34

ABM 2 31

GAS 13

HUMSS 1 29

HUMSS 2 28

STEM 1 33

STEM 2 31


ABM 41

GAS 15






Distribution of the respondents according to their grade and section.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 24

Research Instrument

The instrument used was a researcher made questionnaire checklist to gather the

needed data from the students. The draft of the questionnaire was based on the

statement of the problem of this study and from the curiosities of the researchers. In the

preparation of the instrument, the researchers used critical thinking skills and broad

perception about the topic to formulate the questions formal and proper enough which

are needed in the research instrument to be understandable.

Data Gathering Procedure

The first step done was to ask permission from the principal, Dr. Wilhelmina Tomas,

for us to conduct a survey. After the permission has been secured, the questionnaires

were distributed to the respondents of each section for them to answer the

questionnaire. Only the validated and approved copies were given to the respondents

in order to gather the relevant data. The instruments were retrieved after the

respondents were done answering the questions.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

These formulas are used in the study to interpret the data accumulated effectively:

1. Percentage (%)

Frequency Count and Percentage. This was used to measure the frequency

based on the Likert’s scale.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 25

2. Weighted Mean

This was used to interpret the final average of data from the Likert’s scale.


∑ denotes the sum

w is the weights and

x is the value

3. Independent T-test

This was used to compare the means of two unrelated groups of samples (Physical

Store & Online Shopping)

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 26



This chapter covers the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data obtained

from the survey conducted with the respondents of St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches.

The data gathered were statistically treated and arranged in conformity with the

presentation of research problem presented in Chapter 1.

Part I: Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Store Shopping


Advantages of Physical Store Shopping

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Items are secured in 3.54 VA

proper facilities

2. Availability and/or 3.45 VA

variety of products

3. The availability of 3.50 VA

“return-exchange” policy

4. Personal/ Face to face 3.61 VA

inquiry about the products

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 27

5. Transactions can be 3.34 VA

repeated without shipping charges


Legend:VA – Very Advantageous A – Advantageous

FA – Fairly Advantageous LA – Less Advantageous


Disadvantages of Physical Store Shopping

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Time consuming 2.97 D

2. Less number of stocks per 2.84 D


3. Energy 2.98 D


4. Time restricted 3.20 D

5. Inconvenience in returning 2.76 D

the product


Legend:VD – Very Disadvantageous D – Disadvantageous

FD – Fairly Disadvantageous LD – Less Disadvantageous

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 28

Table 1 shows the advantages of physical store shopping. It is showed that

personal / face to face inquiry about the products is the most advantageous for the

respondents with a weighted mean of 3.61 and a verbal interpretation of “Very


On the other hand, it is denoted that transactions can be repeated without shipping

charges is the least advantageous with a weighted mean of 3.34 and a verbal

interpretation of “Very Advantageous”.

Table 2 shows the disadvantages of physical store shopping. It is showed that

the physical store, being time restricted, is the most disadvantageous with a weighted

mean of 3.20 and a verbal interpretation of “Disadvantageous”.

It is also showed that the inconvenience in returning the product is the least

disadvantageous with a weighted mean of 2.76 with a verbal interpretation of


According to Bernie Cahiles-Magkilat (2014), despite the popularity of online

shopping, physical stores aren’t going anywhere. As long as retailers keep the

experience easy and seamless, consumers will keep shopping in-store.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 29

Part II. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Table 3

Advantages of Online Shopping

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Time-saving 3.46 VA

2. Knowledge about the 3.10 A

effectiveness of the product through

feedback mechanism

3. Mobile Shopping 3.43 VA

4. Effortless shopping 3.42 VA

(e.g. Online Cart)

5. Online store can be accessed 3.44 VA



Legend:VA – Very Advantageous A – Advantageous

FA – Fairly Advantageous LA – Less Advantageous

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 30

Table 4

Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Shipping charges 3.17 D

2. Tangibility of the product 3.20 D

3. Pricing Policy 3.09 D

4. Lack of assurance to the 3.22 D


5. Defectiveness of the products 3.33 VD


Legend:VD – Very Disadvantageous D – Disadvantageous

FD – Fairly Disadvantageous LD – Less Disadvantageous

Table 3 shows the advantages of online shopping. Respondents agreed that being

time-saving is an advantage of online shopping with a weighted mean of 3.46 and a

verbal interpretation of “Very Advantageous”.

On the contrary, some respondents believe that knowledge about the

effectiveness of the product through feedback mechanism is the least advantageous

with a weighted mean of 3.10 and a verbal interpretation of “Advantageous”.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 31

Table 4 shows the disadvantages of online shopping. It is showed that the

defectiveness of the products is the most disadvantageous with a weighted mean of

3.33 and a verbal interpretation of “Very Disadvantageous”.

Furthermore, pricing policy is the least advantageous with a weighted mean of

3.09 and a verbal interpretation of “Disadvantageous”.

According to (Yaobin Lu, 2011), the web has become an opportunity for the

marketers to add value to products and services. The increase in technology provides

good opportunities to the seller to reach the customer in easier and faster way. On the

other hand, there are still many customers that go for purchasing offline so as to examine

the product.
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 32

Part III. Popularity of Physical Store and Online Shopping

Table 5

Popularity of Physical Store Shopping

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Do you shop in physical 3.44 SA


2. Do the members of your 3.32 SA

family shop in physical store?

3. Do you prefer to shop in 3.35 SA

physical store?

4. Does physical store shopping 3.16 A


5. Are you satisfied with your 3.31 SA

physical store shopping experience?


Legend:SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree

D – Disagree SD – Strongly Disagree

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 33

Table 6

Popularity of Online Shopping

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. Do you shop online? 3.17 A

2. Do the members of your 3.12 A

family use online shopping?

3. Do you have online shopping 3.08 A

applications in your phone?

4. Are you satisfied with online 2.89 A


5. Do you prefer to buy in online 2.70 A



Legend:SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree

D – Disagree SD – Strongly Disagree

Table 5 shows the popularity of physical store shopping. Many of the respondents

agreed that they shop in physical stores with a weighted mean of 3.44 and a verbal

interpretation of “Strongly Agree”.

Furthermore, some students believe that physical store shopping is convenient

with a weighted mean of 3.16 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”.

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 34

Table 6 shows the popularity of online shopping. Most of the respondents agreed

that they shop online with a weighted mean of 3.17 and a verbal interpretation of


Some of the students agreed that they prefer to buy in online shops with a

weighted mean of 2.70 and a verbal interpretation of “Agree”.

Chaing and Dholakia (2014) carried out a study in which they examined the

purpose the customer to purchase goods online during their shopping. Mainly there are

three variables in their study those affects the consumer to purchase online or to go

offline. Those are the accessibility features of the shopping sites, the type of the products

and their characteristic, and the actual price of the product. The study revealed that the

accessibility and the convenience of the shopping sites create the intention in the

customer to purchase or not. When there are difficulties faced by a consumer to

purchase online, then the customer switch to the offline shopping for the purchase

behavior and the consumer face difficulty in offline purchasing then they go to the online

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 35

Part IV. Frequency of the Use of Physical Store and Online Shopping

Table 7

Frequency of the Use of Physical Store

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. How often do you visit 3.18 S

physical store?

2. How often do you shop in 3.08 S

physical store?


Table 8

Frequency of the Use of Online Store

Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

1. How often do you visit online 2.89 S


2. How often do you shop in 2.60 S

online store?


St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 36

Table 7 and Table 8 shows the frequency of the use of physical store and online

store. It is evidently shown on the two tables that respondents spend more time in visiting

and shopping on physical store with the weighted mean of 3.18 and 3.08, respectively,

with the verbal interpretation of “Sometimes”.

On the other hand, some of the respondents spend time on visiting and buying in

online store with the weighted mean of 2.89 and 2.60, respectively, with the verbal

interpretation of “Sometimes”.

Based on the study of Iyer and Santiago (2014), they found out that people

who are more literate towards technology are more inclined in online shopping, while on

the other hand, people who have less awareness towards technology are also less

involved in online shopping environment.

Table 9

Result of Independent t-Test

Level of t-Critical Value t-Computed p-Value Decision

Significance Value
5% 2.036933343460 1.1882634665718 0.24347407645672 Reject
1 2 8 Ho

Table 9 shows the result of t-test for online shopping and physical store

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 37




In this chapter, you will see the summary of our entire research paper, findings we

get from the research instruments, conclusions we conclude for every findings we had

and recommendations for respected people that researchers for this research.


Our research entitled Effectiveness and Popularity of Physical Store Shopping and

Online Shopping among the Senior High School Academic Track Students of St.

Theresa’s School of Novaliches. This topic is tackling about the benefits and

disadvantages of physical store shopping and online shopping. It is to examine the

factors influencing the consumer to switch from the offline shopping to online shopping

and online to offline shopping. Also, to help the consumers to choose the most effective

way of shopping and which is more efficient in buying products.


1. The researchers conducted it research in ACADS student. From the data gathered

and presented in the latter chapter the following findings is dawned to answer the

researcher’s problem.
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 38

2. It indicates the advantages of physical store shopping in figure no.1 is "very

advantageous" in verbal interpretation. These are the indicators, secured in proper

facilities, the availability of the certain products, the availability of "return exchange"

policy, personal communication or inquiry about the products, and the transactions that

can be repeated without shipping charges. All of these are the advantages of buying

products when shopping physically. Base on the conducted research the disadvantages

of physical store shopping in figure no.3. The verbal interpretation is "disadvantageous".

The indicators shown the advantages of buying products when you are shopping in

physical store. Time consuming, less number of stocks per store, energy

consuming/demanding, time restricted and inconvenience in returning the products.

3. In figure no.3 the advantages of online shopping. The indicators are time saving,

knowledge about the effectiveness of the product through feedback mechanism, mobile

shipping, effortless shopping examine of this is online cart, online store can be accessed

24/7. The verbal interpretation is "very advantageous" this shown that this is effective to

buy products through online shopping. In figure no.4 the advantages of online shopping

store. The verbal interpretation is "disadvantageous". This indicator shown the

advantages of online shopping when buying products or shopping online and the

common problems that the consumer may encounter. Shipping charges, tangibility of

the product, pricing policy, lack of assurance to the seller, and last is the defectiveness

of the products

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 39

4. It indicates the popularity of physical store shopping in figure no.5 is "strongly agree".

It indicates how often the customer shop physically, if the customer prefers to shop in

physical store, how convenient physical store is, and it is satisfying to shop in physical

store. In figure no. 6 is the popularity of online shopping store. The verbal interpretation

is "agree". The indicators is do the consumer shop online, if the members of the family

shop online, if the consumer have online shopping application.


The physical store shopping possesses the ability to provide its consumers with

testing and trying out the product which online shopping fails to offer. Despite of the

rapid growth of the use of technology among the younger population, the majority of the

consumers in St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches still prefer shopping in physical store.

It is for the reason that many still prefers the social interaction of the buyer and the seller

of the product and the advantage that they can ask questions about the product face-

to-face and get an answer immediately. However, being time restricted and the hassle

to return the product are the disadvantageous.

On the other hand, one of the advantages of shopping online is it is not time

consuming means it saves more time shopping online than shopping in physical store

yet the defects in the product when it’s already received makes it disadvantageous and

the pricing policy that makes the product more pricey than in physical store makes it

more disadvantageous.
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 40

The study also shows that most of the respondents prefer using physical store

shopping than in online shopping for the reason that it is more convenient. Majority of

the surveyed respondents spends more time shopping in physical store shopping than

in online shopping despite of the changes and easier use of technology.

In relation to the above, the study further reveals that there is no significant difference

between consumer purchase style in online and physical store medium of shopping

based on survey questionnaires.


These recommendations are based on the result of conducted research by the

researchers. The following are the statement of the problem including recommendations

from the researchers.

1. It is safer to buy in physical store than online store because in physical store you can

be able to check for the quality of the item you want to buy compared to online store

which you can only see is pictures.

2. In terms of popularity, shopping in physical store stands out. Since it’s popular it

means it has many customers that’s why it’s trustworthy and can give you the best

shopping experience.

3. People often buys in physical store as a result, it is more hassle to pay and you have

to have to fall in line. In order to save time and avoid waiting, it is recommended to buy

in online store.
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 41

4. Despite of the differences and advantages and disadvantages of physical store

shopping and online shopping, still physical store is the people’s choice to buy their

products because it enables them to check on it. Truly the satisfaction is achieve in

physical store because it’s more reliable.


Montalda, D. (2019) “The Pros and Cons of Online Shopping” [Online]

Vaghela, P. (2014) “A Study On Consumer Perception Towards Online Shopping”

[Online] International Journal of Technology Marketing


Sobota, P. (2014) “Retailing Theory of Everything” [Online]

Lu, Y., et al.(2011) "A study on factors that affect users' behavioral intention to transfer

usage from the offline to the online channel." Computers in Human Behavior 27.1 pp-


Koo, M.D., and Lee, J.(2011) "Interrelationships among dominance, energetic and tense

arousal, and pleasure, and differences in their impacts under online vs. offline
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 42

environment." Computers in Human Behavior 27.5 pp- 1740- 1750.

Pauwels, K., et al.(2011) "Does Online Information Drive Offline Revenues?: Only for

Specific Products and Consumer Segments!." Journal of Retailing 87.1 pp 11-17

Chiang and Dholakia (2014) “Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service” Vol. 21, Issue

3. Pp- 364-375.

Lacson and Pasadilla (2015) “Comparative Study of Online and Offline Shopping”

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 43


Appendix 1

Dear Respondents:


We are currently conducting a research entitled “EFFECTIVENESS AND POPULARITY



NOVALICHES” as a requirement of our research subject.

We are glad to inform you that you are chosen to answer this questionnaire. We hope

that you can help us with our study by answering this instrument sincerely and honestly.

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

The Researchers
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 44

Appendix 2
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 45

Appendix 3
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 46


Part I: Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Store Shopping

A. Advantages of Physical Store Shopping

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the chosen observation.

4 2 1
Indicators Very
Fairly Less
Advantageous Advantageous Advantageous

6. Items are secured

in proper facilities

7. Availability and/or
variety of products

8. The availability of

9. Personal/ Face to
face inquiry about the

10. Transactions can

be repeated without
shipping charges
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 47

B. Disadvantages of Physical Store Shopping

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the chosen observation.

4 2 1
Very Fairly Less
Indicators Disadvantageo
Disadvantageo Disadvantageo
us us us

6. Time consuming

7. Less number of
stocks per store

8. Energy

9. Time restricted

10. Inconvenience in
returning the product
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 48

Part II. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

A. Advantages of Online Shopping

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the chosen observation.

4 2 1
Indicators Very
Fairly Less
Advantageous Advantageous Advantageous

6. Time-saving

7. Knowledge
about the
effectiveness of the
product through
8. Mobile Shopping

9. Effortless
(e.g. Online Cart)

10. Online store can

be accessed 24/7
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 49

B. Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the chosen observation.

4 2 1
Indicators Very
Fairly Less
Disadvantageous Disadvantageous Disadvantageous

6. Shipping

7. Tangibility of
the product

8. Pricing Policy

9. Lack of
assurance to the

10. Defectiveness
of the products
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 50

Part III. Popularity of Physical Store and Online Shopping

A. Physical Store

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the chosen observation.

4 1
3 2
Indicators Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

6. Do you shop in
physical store?

7. Do the members of
your family shop in
physical store?

8. Do you prefer to shop

in physical store?

9. Does physical store

shopping convenient?

10. Are you satisfied with

your physical store
shopping experience?
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 51

B. Online Shopping

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the chosen observation.

4 1
3 2
Indicators Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

6. Do you shop online?

7. Do the members of
your family use online

8. Do you have online

shopping applications in
your phone?

9. Are you satisfied with

online shopping?

10. Do you prefer to buy

in online shops?
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 52

Part IV. Frequency of the Use of Physical Store and Online Store

A. Physical Store

Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the chosen observation.

4 3 2 1
Indicators Always Sometimes Rarely Never

3. How often do you

visit physical store?

4. How often do you

shop in physical store?

B. Online Shopping

4 3 2 1
Indicators Always Sometimes Rarely Never

3. How often do you

visit online store?

4. How often do you

shop in online store?
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 53

Curriculum Vitae

Balalitan, Shayne Yee.

Purok 2, Malaria Tala, Caloocan City
[email protected]

Educational attainment Year

Senior Highschool : St.Theresa School of Novaliches 2018-2019
Junior Highschool : Ilog Private Academy 2014-2018
Elementary School : Ilog Elementary School 2010-2014

Special skills and Abilities

Can speak 3 languages (Japanese,English,Filipino), Athletic

Recognition and Rewards

Singer of the year, Grade 9-10

Ms. Trisha Mae Tonon Mr. Rojelyn P. Supera Mr. Ernesto Andres
English Teacher Mathematics Teacher Social Studies Teacher
St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 54

Curriculum Vitae

BAUTISTA, Patricia Angelica B.

11342 Purok 3, Phase 6, Camarin Caloocan City

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018-2020

Junior High School: Mother of Divine Grace Academy 2014-2018

Elementary School: Caloocan North Elementary School 2008-2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English)

Recognition and Rewards

Grade 7-10, with Honors


Ms. Brenda Lou E. De Guia Mr. Ronnie Ramos Mr. Ernesto Andres

English Teacher MAPEH Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 55

Curriculum Vitae

SALAHUDIN, jazmine N.

#Vic street llano del mundo village Caloocan City

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Llano High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Llano Elementary School 2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English)


Mrs.Zenaida T. Guese Mr. Jhon Paul beraquit Mr. Ernesto mitchao

Filipino teacher science teacher social studies teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 56

Curriculum Vitae

SIGNO, Ivan I.

#786 General Luis St. Bagbaguin Caloocan City

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Caybiga High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Bagbaguin Elementary School 2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English), & can play instruments


Mr. Neliza E. Rebulado Mrs. Elizabeth Yasis Mr.Ernesto Andres

English Teacher Mathematics Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 57

Curriculum Vitae

PALLARCA, Alweena Sophia N.

6812 Mayville Subdivision Llano, Caloocan City

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Llano High School 2014 – 2018

Elementary School: Llano Elementary School 2008 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English), Work Ethic

Recognition and Rewards

Grade 11-12, with Honors

Grade 7-10, with Honors


Mr. Edgardo Dela Cruz Mrs. Edita Delos Santos Mr. Ernesto Andres

Values Teacher MAPEH Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 58

Curriculum Vitae

FRANCISCO, Sherwin James G.

#3 General Luis Street Caybiga Caloocan City

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Caybiga High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Caybiga Elementary School 2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English)



Mr. Eduardo Gatchalian Mrs.Neliza Estrada Rebulado Mr. Ernesto Andres

Mathematics Teacher English Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 59

Curriculum Vitae

NARISMA, Quenie Elaiza P.

Bl2 Lot 36 Talisayan St. Maligaya Park B.P.P.P Quezon


[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Lagro High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Maligaya Elementary School 2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English) ,Athletic

Recognition and Rewards

Most Valuable Player in Volleyball – Grade 10 and 11


Ms. Analyn Bandal Ms. Gladys Matias Mr. Ernesto Andres

Mathematics Teacher English Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 60

Curriculum Vitae

AÑASCO, Kristine Jane L.

8491 Purok Laloma Barangay 178 Camarin, Caloocan City

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Camarin High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Camarin D. Elementary School Unit II 2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English)


Ms. Analyn Bandal Ms. Gladys Matias Mr. Ernesto Andres

Mathematics Teacher English Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 61

Curriculum Vitae

LAO, Carl Justine C.

Blk. 6 Lt. 11, Doña Ana Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Sampaguita High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Sampaguita High School

2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English), Mathematically inclined

Recognition and Rewards

Grade 11-12, with Honors

Grade 7-10, with Honors


Mr. Cleo Belandres Mrs. Marygrace Barcelon Mr. Ernesto Andres

Filipino Teacher Mathematics Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 62

Curriculum Vitae

DELA CRUZ, Valerie C.

#25 Mendoza Compound, Jordan Plains, Novaliches, QC.

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Doña Rosario High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Doña Rosario High School 2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English), Artist

Recognition and Rewards

Grade 7-10, with Honors


Mr. Cleo Belandres Mrs. Marygrace Barcelon Mr. Ernesto Andres

Filipino Teacher Mathematics Teacher Social Studies Teacher

St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 63

Curriculum Vitae

SAGABAEN,Rikka aira A.

[email protected]

Educational Attainment Year

Senior High School: St. Theresa’s School of Novaliches 2018 – 2020

Junior High School: Benigno Aquino Jr. High School 2014 – 2017

Elementary School: Gabriela silang Elementary School 2010 – 2014

Special Skills and Abilities

Can speak 2 languages (Filipino, English)


Ms. Mercedes omadto Ms. Lea Devero Mr.Ernesto Andres

English Teacher Mathematics Teacher Social Studies Teacher

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