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Republic of the Philippines

Bankerohan Elementary School

Bankerohan Sur, Montevista, Davao De Oro
S.Y. 2020-2021
Lesson Plan in MATH 1

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the learner’s should be able to:

A. Determine the day or the month using a calendar;

B. Appreciate the importance of days and months you to able to know your day
of birth; and
C. Tells the number of days and months in a year in the right order.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Determining the Day or Month Using a Calendar
References: Elementary Mathematics Grade 1. 2012. Pp. 268-270.
Materials: calendar of the current year, picture
Code: M1ME-Iva-2
Value Focus: Cooperation and Attentiveness
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
The teacher will ask the pupils to recall what was the previous topic
all about. Let the learners to tell or define what is Telling the Months in a
Year in the Right Order. There are twelve months in a year. These months
follow the order: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, and December. The first month is
January and the 12th month is December.
B. Developmental Activities
a. Activity/Motivation:
 The teacher will paste a family picture that celebrating a
birthday at the restaurant on the board.
 Ask the pupils to read it silently then solve it.
Abby’s birthday is on January 24. Her parents plan to celebrate this in a
restaurant on the same day as her birthday.
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. Who is the girl in the picture?
3. What do her parents plan?
4. If January 20 were a Monday, on what day would Abby celebrate her
Instead of September, the teacher should change the month in the
problem to the current month of the year when the lesson is taught.

b. Unlocking of Difficulties:
days dates months

c. Presentation:
Focus on the following target words to unlock their meaning
through the suggested strategies. Teacher present a: “CALENDAR”
1. What day is January 20?
2. How did you know that is a Monday from the calendar?
3. When is the birthday of Abby?
4. What day is her birthday?
5. How did you know that it is Friday?
6. Suppose her parents decided to change the celebration to
January 17, what day will be the celebration?
d. Discussion:
Focus on these ideas:
Emphasize that to determine the day given a date:
1. Locate the given month
2. Locate the given date
3. Locate the day on the same column where the given date is
Suppose the nearest restaurant is only available on
Sundays. What possible dates in January can the
celebration be? (The possible dates are January 11, 19, and
How did you arrive at your answer? (I looked at the Sunday
of January, and they are in the same column as those of
January 11, 19, 26.)
e. Generalization:
Remember these:
 To determine the day of a given date:
Locate the given month.
Locate the given date.
Locate the day on the same column where the given
date is found.

f. Application:
Directions: Encircle the possible date for each day.
Tuesday March 3 March 25 March 16
Monday March 9 March 19 March 27
Friday March 2 March 5 March 13
Wednesday March 14 March 4 March 6
Sunday March 15 March 9 March 3
Thursday March 23 March 17 March 26

IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Ask your five classmates when is their birthday?

Name Birthday Day of the Week


V. Assignment:
Directions: Use the calendar to answer the questions.

1. How many days are in January?

2. What day of the week is January 17?
3. What day of the week is January 29?
4. How many Mondays are in January?
5. How many Wednesday are in January?
Prepared by:

Pre-service Teacher

Checked by:


Master Teacher-1
Republic of the Philippines
Bankerohan Elementary School
Bankerohan Sur, Montevista, Davao De Oro
S.Y. 2020-2021
Lesson Plan in MATH 1

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the learner’s should be able to:

A. Identify time to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks;
B. Appreciate the importance of time you enable to know the difference between
hour and hand minute hand on the clock; and
C. Tells and writes the time by hour, using an analog clock.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Identifying Time to the Hour and Half Hour Using Analog and Digital Clock
References: Elementary Mathematics Grade 1. Pp. 270, 274, 281
Materials: calendar of the current year, picture
Code: M1ME-IVb-3
Value Focus: Cooperation and Attentiveness
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
The teacher will ask the pupils to recall what was the previous topic
all about. Let the learners to tell or define what is Determining the Day or
Month Using a Calendar. To determine the day of a given date first, locate
the given month, second, locate the given date, third, locate the day on
the same column where the given date is found.
B. Developmental Activities
a. Activity/Motivation:
 The teacher will paste a picture of a girl preparing for school on
the board.
 Ask the pupils to read it silently then solve it.

Pamela will go to school an hour from now. If the time now is six
o’clock in the morning, what time will she go to school?
1. Who is the girl in the picture?
2. What is she doing?
3. What time will she go to school?
b. Unlocking of Difficulties:
time minutes second hour

c. Presentation:
Focus on the following target words to unlock their meaning
through the suggested strategies. Teacher present a: “ANALOG
1. How did you get your answer?
2. What do you observe about the clock?
3. Do you know how the clock works so that from 6 o’clock the
time becomes 7 o’clock?

d. Discussion:
Focus on these ideas:
Tell the pupils that clocks come in different designs and
sizes. Show them different clocks or pictures of such. Explain that most
clocks have three hands: hour, minute, and second. Emphasizes that
the short hand is the hour hand, and the long hands are minute hand
and the second hand. Identify which of two hands is the minutes hand
and the second hand. Tell also that in this lesson, the hour hand and
the minute hand will be considered.

Focus on the rotation of the hands of the clock. Emphasize that the
direction of the rotation is clockwise. Highlight that if the minute hand
has rotated from 12 and back to 12, 1 hour has passed. As a result,
the hour hand points to the next number.

e. Generalization:
Remember these:
 Most clocks have three hands: hour, minute, and second.
The short hand is the hour hand, and the long hands are
minute hand and the second hand.
 Clocks have numbers from 1 to 12.
 The rotation of the hands of the clock is clockwise. If the
minute hand has rotated starting from 12 and back to 12, 1
hour has passed.

 In telling time, read the number to where the hour hand

points and add o’clock.
Make sure that the minute hand points to 12.

The time shown in the figure below is nine o’clock.

The time by an hour can be written:

- In words (for example, six o’clock)

- Using numbers (for example, 6 o’clock or 6:00).

f. Application:
Directions: Match the letter of each analog clock to a digital clock
based on the time shown.

A. _______

B. _______
C. ______

D. ______

E. _______

IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Write at the line/blank the correct time on the clock. Write your
answer in your activity notebook.

1. __________ 2. __________ 3. _________

4. _________ 5. _________ 6.__________

7.______________ 8.____________ 9.__________

V. Assignment:
Directions: Draw the hour hand/short hand of the clock and the minute hand/long
hand of the clock to display the following hours. Do this in your
assignment notebook.

1:00 3:00

11:00 12:00

Prepared by:

Pre-service Teacher

Checked by:


Master Teacher-1

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