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[G.R. No. 157013. July 10, 2003.]


ELECTIONS, HON. ALBERTO ROMULO, in his o cial capacity as
Executive Secretary, and HON. EMILIA T. BONCODIN, Secretary of
the Department of Budget and Management , respondents.

Pete Quirino-Cuadra and Sixto S. Brilliante, Jr. for petitioner.

Henry S. Rojas for Movant-Intervenor.


Petitioner Romulo B. Macalintal, a member of the Philippine Bar, sought to declare

certain provisions of Republic Act No. 9189 entitled, "An Act Providing for A System of
Overseas Absentee Voting by Quali ed Citizens of the Philippines Abroad, Appropriating
Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes" as unconstitutional. Petitioner contended that
Section 5(d) is unconstitutional because it violates Section 1, Article V of the 1987
Constitution which requires that the voter must be a resident in the Philippines for at least
one year and in the place where he proposes to vote for at least six months immediately
preceding an election. Petitioner cited the ruling of the Court in Caasi vs. Court of Appeals
to support his claim. In that case, the Court held that a "green card" holder immigrant to the
United States is deemed to have abandoned his domicile and residence in the Philippines.
The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189.
According to the Court, Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution is an exception to the
residency requirement found in Section 1 of the same Article. Ordinarily, an absentee is not
a resident and vice versa; a person cannot be at the same time, both a resident and an
absentee. However, under existing election laws and the countless pronouncements of the
Court pertaining to elections, an absentee remains attached to his residence in the
Philippines as residence is considered synonymous with domicile. Aware of the
domiciliary legal tie that links an overseas Filipino to his residence in this country, the
framers of the Constitution considered the circumstances that impelled them to require
Congress to establish a system for overseas absentee voting. Thus, Section 2, Article V of
the Constitution came into being to remove any doubt as to the inapplicability of the
residency requirement in Section 1. It is precisely to avoid any problems that could impede
the implementation of its pursuit to enfranchise the largest number of quali ed Filipinos
who are not in the Philippines that the Constitutional Commission explicitly mandated
Congress to provide a system for overseas absentee voting. The Court, however, declared
certain provisions of the law unconstitutional, namely, portions of Secs. 17.1, 19 and 25, as
they trampled on the constitutional mandate of independence of the Commission on
Elections. The Court also upheld Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 with respect only to the
authority given to the COMELEC to proclaim the winning candidates for Senators and
party-list representatives but not as to the power to canvass the votes and proclaim the
winning candidates for President and Vice-President which is lodged with Congress under
Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution. The Court likewise upheld Sec. 5 (d) of the law. It
also declared that pursuant to Sec. 30 of the law the rest of the provision of said law
continues to be in full force and effect.
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PEOPLE. — The Court upholds the right of petitioner to le the present petition. R.A. No.
9189, entitled, "An Act Providing for A System of Overseas Absentee Voting by Quali ed
Citizens of the Philippines Abroad, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes,"
appropriates funds under Section 29 thereof which provides that a supplemental budget
on the General Appropriations Act of the year of its enactment into law shall provide for
the necessary amount to carry out its provisions. Taxpayers, such as herein petitioner, have
the right to restrain o cials from wasting public funds through the enforcement of an
unconstitutional statute. The Court has held that they may assail the validity of a law
appropriating public funds because expenditure of public funds by an o cer of the State
for the purpose of executing an unconstitutional act constitutes a misapplication of such
funds. The challenged provision of law involves a public right that affects a great number
of citizens. The Court has adopted the policy of taking jurisdiction over cases whenever
the petitioner has seriously and convincingly presented an issue of transcendental
signi cance to the Filipino people. This has been explicitly pronounced in Kapatiran ng
mga Naglilingkod sa Pamahalaan ng Pilipinas, Inc. vs. Tan , where the Court held:
Objections to taxpayers' suit for lack of su cient personality standing, or interest are,
however, in the main procedural matters. Considering the importance to the public of the
cases at bar, and in keeping with the Court's duty, under the 1987 Constitution, to
determine whether or not the other branches of government have kept themselves within
the limits of the Constitution and the laws and that they have not abused the discretion
given to them, the Court has brushed aside technicalities of procedure and has taken
cognizance of these petitions. Indeed, in this case, the Court may set aside procedural
rules as the constitutional right of suffrage of a considerable number of Filipinos is
FILIPINOS ABROAD. — As the essence of R.A. No. 9189 is to enfranchise overseas
quali ed Filipinos, it behooves the Court to take a holistic view of the pertinent provisions
of both the Constitution and R.A. No. 9189. It is a basic rule in constitutional construction
that the Constitution should be construed as a whole. In Chiongbian vs. De Leon, the Court
held that a constitutional provision should function to the full extent of its substance and
its terms, not by itself alone, but in conjunction with all other provisions of that great
document. Constitutional provisions are mandatory in character unless, either by express
statement or by necessary implication, a different intention is manifest. The intent of the
Constitution may be drawn primarily from the language of the document itself. Should it be
ambiguous, the Court may consider the intent of is framers through their debates in the
constitutional convention. R.A. No. 9189 was enacted in obeisance to the mandate of the
rst paragraph of Section 2, Article V of the Constitution that Congress shall provide a
system for voting by quali ed Filipinos abroad. It must be stressed that Section 2 does
not provide for the parameters of the exercise of legislative authority in enacting said law.
Hence, in the absence of restrictions, Congress is presumed to have duly exercised its
function as defined in Article VI (The Legislative Department) of the Constitution.

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REQUIREMENT IN SECTION 1. — Ordinarily, an absentee is not a resident and vice versa; a
person cannot be at the same time, both a resident and an absentee. However, under our
election laws and the countless pronouncements of the Court pertaining to elections, an
absentee remains attached to his residence in the Philippines as residence is considered
synonymous with domicile. Aware of the domiciliary legal tie that links an overseas Filipino
to his residence in this country, the framers of the Constitution considered the
circumstances that impelled them to require Congress to establish a system for overseas
absentee voting. Thus, the Constitutional Commission recognized the fact that while
millions of Filipinos reside abroad principally for economic reasons and hence they
contribute in no small measure to the economic uplift of this country, their voices are
marginal insofar as the choice of this country's leaders is concerned. The Constitutional
Commission realized that under the laws then existing and considering the novelty of the
system of absentee voting in this jurisdiction, vesting overseas Filipinos with the right to
vote would spawn constitutional problems especially because the Constitution itself
provides for the residency requirement of voters. Thus, Section 2, Article V of the
Constitution came into being to remove any doubt as to the inapplicability of the residency
requirement in Section 1. It is precisely to avoid any problems that could impede the
implementation of its pursuit to enfranchise the largest number of quali ed Filipinos who
are not in the Philippines that the Constitutional Commission explicitly mandated
Congress to provide a system for overseas absentee voting.
ARTICLE. — It is clear from these discussions of the members of the Constitutional
Commission that they intended to enfranchise as much as possible all Filipino citizens
abroad who have not abandoned their domicile of origin. The Commission even intended
to extend to young Filipinos who reach voting age abroad whose parents' domicile of
origin is in the Philippines, and consider them quali ed as voters for the rst time. It is in
pursuance of that intention that the Commission provided for Section 2 immediately after
the residency requirement of Section 1. By the doctrine of necessary implication in
statutory construction, which may be applied in construing constitutional provisions, the
strategic location of Section 2 indicates that the Constitutional Commission provided for
an exception to the actual residency requirement of Section 1 with respect to quali ed
Filipinos abroad. The same Commission has in effect declared that quali ed Filipinos who
are not in the Philippines may be allowed to vote even though they do not satisfy the
residency requirement in Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. That Section 2 of Article V
of the Constitution is an exception to the residency requirement found in Section 1 of the
same Article was in fact the subject of debate when Senate Bill No. 2104, which became
R.A. No. 9189, was deliberated upon on the Senate floor.
— Section 4 of R.A. No. 9189 provides for the coverage of the absentee voting process.
Which does not require physical residency in the Philippines; and Section 5 of the assailed
law which enumerates those who are disquali ed. As nally approved into law, Section
5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 speci cally disquali es an immigrant or permanent resident who is
"recognized as such in the host country" because immigration or permanent residence in
another country implies renunciation of one's residence in his country of origin. However,
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same Section allows an immigrant and permanent resident abroad to register as voter for
as long as he/she executes an a davit to show that he/she has not abandoned his
domicile in pursuance of the constitutional intent expressed in Sections 1 and 2 of Article
V that "all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disquali ed by law" must be entitled to
exercise the right of suffrage and, that Congress must establish a system for absentee
voting; for otherwise, if actual, physical residence in the Philippines is required, there is no
sense for the framers of the Constitution to mandate Congress to establish a system for
absentee voting. Contrary to the claim of petitioner, the execution of the a davit itself is
not the enabling or enfranchising act. The a davit required in Section 5(d) is not only
proof of the intention of the immigrant or permanent resident to go back and resume
residency in the Philippines, but more signi cantly, it serves as an explicit expression that
he had not in fact abandoned his domicile of origin. Thus, it is not correct to say that the
execution of the a davit under Section 5(d) violates the Constitution that proscribes
"provisional registration or a promise by a voter to perform a condition to be quali ed to
vote in a political exercise." To repeat, the a davit is required of immigrants and
permanent residents abroad because by their status in their host countries, they are
presumed to have relinquished their intent to return to this country; thus, without the
affidavit, the presumption of abandonment of Philippine domicile shall remain.
jurisprudential declaration in Caasi vs. Court of Appeals that green card holders are
disquali ed to run for any elective o ce nds no application to the present case because
t h e Caasi case did not, for obvious reasons, consider the absentee voting rights of
Filipinos who are immigrants and permanent residents in their host countries. In the advent
of The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 or R.A. 9189 , they may still be considered as
a "quali ed citizen of the Philippines abroad" upon ful llment of the requirements of
registration under the new law for the purpose of exercising their right of suffrage. It must
be emphasized that Section 5(d) does not only require an a davit or a promise to "resume
actual physical permanent residence in the Philippines not later than three years from
approval of his/her registration," the Filipinos abroad must also declare that they have not
applied for citizenship in another country. Thus, they must return to the Philippines;
otherwise, their failure to return "shall be cause for the removal" of their names "from the
National Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her permanent disquali cation to vote in
petitioner's claim that Section 5(d) circumvents the Constitution, Congress enacted the
law prescribing a system of overseas absentee voting in compliance with the
constitutional mandate. Such mandate expressly requires that Congress provide a system
o f absentee voting that necessarily presupposes that the "quali ed citizen of the
Philippines abroad" is not physically present in the country. The provisions of Sections 5(d)
and 11 are components of the system of overseas absentee voting established by R.A. No.
9189. The quali ed Filipino abroad who executed the a davit is deemed to have retained
his domicile in the Philippines. He is presumed not to have lost his domicile by his physical
absence from this country. His having become an immigrant or permanent resident of his
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host country does not necessarily imply an abandonment of his intention to return to his
domicile of origin, the Philippines. Therefore, under the law, he must be given the
opportunity to express that he has not actually abandoned his domicile in the Philippines
by executing the affidavit required by Sections 5(d) and 8(c) of the law.
general powers of supervision over COMELEC which is an independent body "except those
speci cally granted by the Constitution," that is, to review its decisions, orders and rulings.
In the same vein, it is not correct to hold that because of its recognized extensive
legislative power to enact election laws, Congress may intrude into the independence of
the COMELEC by exercising supervisory powers over its rule-making authority. By virtue of
Section 19 of R.A. No. 9189, Congress has empowered the COMELEC to "issue the
necessary rules and regulations to effectively implement the provisions of this Act within
sixty days from the effectivity of this Act." This provision of law follows the usual
procedure in drafting rules and regulations to implement a law — the legislature grants an
administrative agency the authority to craft the rules and regulations implementing the law
it has enacted, in recognition of the administrative expertise of that agency in its particular
eld of operation. Once a law is enacted and approved, the legislative function is deemed
accomplished and complete. The legislative function may spring back to Congress relative
to the same law only if that body deems it proper to review, amend and revise the law, but
certainly not to approve, review, revise and amend the IRR of the COMELEC. By vesting
itself with the powers to approve, review, amend, and revise the IRR for The Overseas
Absentee Voting Act of 2003, Congress went beyond the scope of its constitutional
authority. Congress trampled upon the constitutional mandate of independence of the
COMELEC. Under such a situation, the Court is left with no option but to withdraw from its
usual reticence in declaring a provision of law unconstitutional.
phrase, "subject to the approval of the Congressional Oversight Committee" in the rst
sentence of Section 17.1 which empowers the Commission to authorize voting by mail in
not more than three countries for the May, 2004 elections; and the phrase, "only upon
review and approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee" found in the second
paragraph of the same section are unconstitutional as they require review and approval of
voting by mail in any country after the 2004 elections. Congress may not confer upon itself
the authority to approve or disapprove the countries wherein voting by mail shall be
allowed, as determined by the COMELEC pursuant to the conditions provided for in
Section 17.1 of R.A. No. 9189. Otherwise, Congress would overstep the bounds of its
constitutional mandate and intrude into the independence of the COMELEC.
BELLOSILLO , J ., separate concurring opinion:
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suggested by certain quarters that all Filipino citizens who are immigrants and permanent
residents abroad are considered to have abandoned their Philippine domicile and
therefore cannot vote in Philippine elections, since they are not within the constitutional
contemplation of "quali ed Filipinos abroad" who are eligible to vote. In this jurisdiction, it
is well settled that "domicile" and "residence" as used in election laws are synonymous
terms which import not only an intention to reside in a xed place but also personal
presence in that place coupled with conduct indicative of that intention. Domicile is a
question of intention and circumstances. There are three (3) rules that must be observed
in the consideration of circumstances: first, that a man must have a residence or domicile
somewhere; second, domicile is not easily lost, once established it is retained until a new
one is acquired; and third, a man can have but one residence or domicile at a time. The
principal elements of domicile, i.e., physical presence in the locality involved and intention
to adopt it as a domicile, must concur in order to establish a new domicile. No change of
domicile will result if either of these elements is absent. Intention to acquire a domicile
without actual residence in the locality does not result in the acquisition of domicile, nor
does the fact of physical presence without intention. The mere acquisition of an immigrant
or permanent resident status by a Filipino citizen in a foreign country does not ipso jure
result in the automatic severance of his domiciliary link to the Philippines, nor the
acquisition of a new domicile of choice.
diaspora of Filipinos in foreign lands started in the wake of the bludgeoning economic
crisis in the 80's and its resulting acute shortage of employment opportunities. This
phenomenon has continued to the present day as the steadily rising cost of living and
intermittent economic crises — worldwide in their effects — weighed most heavily on the
ordinary Filipino. He does not have much choice: leave or starve. The lure of the proverbial
greener pastures in foreign lands is certainly a potent incentive for an exodus. In most
cases, the decision to migrate is borne out of the dire necessities of life rather than a
conscious desire to abandon the land of birth. Most immigrants and permanent residents
remain bound very strongly by intimate ties of lial, racial, cultural and social relationships
with the Philippines. They travel back periodically to be with their friends and loved ones;
some even own, maintain and manage their properties here; and, they continue to show
keen interest in, and keep themselves abreast with, political and social developments in
the country through the mass media. They make signi cant contributions to the nation,
through their regular dollar remittances that have tremendously shored up our sagging
national economy. In the face of these realities, I am convinced more than ever that actual
and physical residence abroad should not automatically be equated with abandonment of
Philippine domicile. The circumstances enumerated in the immediately preceding
paragraph are valid indicia of animus manendi (intent to remain) and animus revertendi
(intent to return), which should not simply be brushed aside in determining whether the
right to vote should be denied the immigrants and permanent residents. Indeed, there is no
rhyme nor reason to unduly marginalize this class of Filipinos.
DOMICILE. — It is signi cant to stress, however, that Sec. 5, par. (d), of the Absentee
Voting Law in fact disquali es immigrants and permanent residents from voting as a
general rule. This is precisely in recognition of the fact that their status as such may indeed
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be a badge of their intent to abandon their Philippine domicile and settle permanently in
their host country. But at the same time, the legislature provided for a mechanism in the
law for ascertaining real intent: an immigrant or permanent resident who wishes to
exercise his right of suffrage is required as a condition sine qua non to execute an a davit
declaring that he shall resume actual, physical and permanent residence in the Philippines
not later than three (3) years from his registration under the law; and that he has not
applied for citizenship in another country. The law in effect draws a distinction between
two (2) classes of immigrants or permanent residents — those who have renounced their
old domicile in the Philippines, and those who still consider the Philippines as their
domicile of origin. The execution of the a davit is an a rmation on the part of the
immigrant or permanent resident that his stay abroad should not be construed as a
relinquishment of his old domicile.
of the possibility that the immigrant or permanent resident may renege or his undertaking
in the a davit to resume actual, physical and permanent residence in the Philippines. But
the law contains proper and adequate safeguards against the misuse or abuse of this
privilege, i.e., his name will be purged from the National Registry of Absentee Voters and he
will be permanently disquali ed from voting in absentia. As a closing observation, I wish to
emphasize that the absolute disquali cation of Filipino immigrants and permanent
residents, without distinction, from participating in the Philippine electoral process would
invariably result, as in the past, in a massive disenfranchisement of quali ed voters. It
would be self-defeating in the extreme if the Absentee Voting Law would founder on the
rock by reason of an unduly restrictive and decidedly unrealistic interpretation given by the
minority on the residency requirement in the Constitution.
VITUG , J. , separate opinion:
DOUBT ON HIS PREFERRED STATUS. — The law must have recognized that animus
manendi and animus non revertendi, being processes of the mind and incapable of a
de nitive determination, could only be discerned from perceivable circumstances. So also,
Republic Act No. 9189 or the "Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003," disquali es an
"immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such in the host country" to vote
under the Act on the premise that such a circumstance can be a cogent indication of the
holder's intention to abandon his old domicile and establish a new one. But, in much the
same vein, the law acknowledges that the immigrant or permanent resident may still be
quali ed to vote, provided "he executes, upon registration, an a davit prepared for the
purpose by the Commission on Elections declaring that he shall resume actual physical
permanent residence in the Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval of his
registration under (the) Act." The a davit shall additionally con rm that he has not applied
for citizenship in another country. I am convinced that these indicators used by the
legislature are reasonable gauges to establish the intention of the immigrant not to
abandon his Philippine domicile. The fact that he has not relinquished his Philippine
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citizenship should help remove any lingering doubt on his preferred status. After all, the
right of suffrage, now widely considered to be an innate right of every national, is a basic
and perhaps the most outstanding mark of citizenship.
quali ed Filipinos abroad to vote for President, Vice-President, Senators and party-list
representatives. In relation to this, Section 18.5 empowers the Commission on Election to
order the proclamation of winning candidates. Since it is Congress which has been granted
by the Constitution the authority and duty to canvass the votes and proclaim the winning
candidates for president and vice-president, I echo the sentiment of my colleagues that
the power given to COMELEC by Section 18.5 of R.A. 9189 should be understood to be
limited only to the proclamation of winning candidates for the positions of senators and
party-list representatives. The election returns for the positions of president and vice-
president should then be certi ed by the Board of Canvassers to Congress and not to
COMELEC as provided for in Section 18.4 of the Act.
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) composed of Senators and Members of
the House of Representatives, empowered to "review, revise, amend and approve the
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) promulgated by the COMELEC," and to approve
the voting by mail in not more than three (3) countries for the May 2004 elections and in
any country determined by COMELEC. The Court here nds unanimity in holding that
Congress, by vesting itself with the aforesaid powers, has gone beyond the scope of its
constitutional authority. It is a pronouncement that, in my view, can hardly be susceptible
to challenge. The Constitution ordains that constitutional commissions such as the
COMELEC shall be independent. The COMELEC has the constitutional authority to "enforce
and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election" and to
promulgate its rules of procedure. The role therefore of the JCOC must be understood as
being limited only to the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Act
pursuant to the power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation.
PANGANIBAN , J. , separate opinion:
REQUIREMENT. — I believe that, traditionally, the law requires residence because presence
in a certain locality enables a person to know the needs and the problems of that area.
Equally important, it also makes one become acquainted with the candidates — their
quali cations, suitability for a particular o ce and platform of government. Thus, the
fundamental law requires, not just that there be a minimum of one-year residence in the
country, but also that six months of that period be spent in the place where the ballot is to
be cast. Such detailed requirement will hopefully give the voters su cient knowledge
about a speci c town as to help them choose its local o cials wisely, quite apart from
understanding enough of the entire country so as to prepare to vote sagaciously for
national leaders. Although the foregoing discussions were used to justify the residence
requirement vis-a-vis candidates for elective public o ces, I believe that their rationale can
easily and analogically fit the needs of voters as well.
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DESERVE THEIR MANDATE. — The de ning essence of my position is this: in the midst of
the now available e-age communications facilities, actual presence in the Philippines is no
longer indispensable to make discerning Filipinos know the problems of their country and
to decide who among candidates for national positions deserve their mandate. Indeed, the
Information Age has given overseas Filipinos convenient means to inform themselves of
our country's needs, as well as of the suitability of candidates for national o ces. After all,
many of them live abroad, not because they want to abandon their land of birth, but
because they have been constrained to do so by economic, professional, livelihood and
other pressing pursuits. Ineluctably, they remit their hard-earned money to help their
relatives here and their country as a whole. Verily, their easy access to Philippine mass
media keep them constantly aware of happenings in their native country. National dailies
and other periodicals are sold regularly in Filipino enclaves in foreign shores. Several local
and community publications in these areas cater mainly to Filipino expatriates, publishing
news and opinions not only about their alien neighborhoods, but also quite extensively
about their homeland.
RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENT OF SUFFRAGE. — The e-age has opened windows to the
Philippines in a pervasive and thorough manner, such that actual presence in the country is
no longer needed to make an intelligent assessment of whom to vote for as our national
leaders. I make this emphasis on national o cials, because the Absentee Voting Law
allows overseas voting only for President, Vice President, senators and party-list
representatives. This distinction is important, because the information available through
websites and other modern media outlets is addressed mainly to national concerns. To
insist that only those who can demonstrate actual physical residence in the country for one
year — or only those who have complied with the more di cult-to-understand concept of
domicile — would be entitled to vote would be to cling adamantly and unreasonably to a
literal interpretation of the Constitution without regard for its more liberating spirit or
rationale. Such insistence would result in rendering inutile any meaningful effort to accord
suffrage to Filipinos abroad. Such proposition would make the constitutional
interpretation anachronous in the face of the refreshing and pulsating realities of the
world. In my view, it would be thoroughly unreasonable to expect foreign-based Filipinos to
come back here for one year every three years and abandon their jobs just to be able to
comply literally with the residential requirement of suffrage.
CARPIO , J. , concurring opinion:
TO VOTE. — To require absentee voters to comply with the double residency requirement
is to impose an impractical and even an impossible condition to the exercise of the
constitutional right to vote. In the rst place, the second residency requirement of
establishing residence in a locality in the Philippines where the voters propose to vote is
impossible to comply since overseas Filipinos will obviously not vote in any locality in the
Philippines. Imposing the double residency requirement makes the absentee voting an
empty right of overseas Filipinos. Certainly, the wise framers of the Constitution were
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incapable of such absurd scheme.
ABSENTEE VOTER IS A NON-RESIDENT VOTER. — The concept of absentee voting negates
a residency requirement in the country of citizenship of the voter. By de nition, an
absentee voter is a non-resident voter. Obviously, the double residency requirement in
Section 1 of Article V applies only to resident or non-absentee Filipino voters. To impose
the double residency requirement on absentee Filipino voters is an egregious anomaly for
it will require absentee Filipino voters to comply with the same residency requirement
imposed on resident or non-absentee Filipino voters. If absentee Filipino voters are
required to reside in the Philippines just like resident or non-absentee Filipino voters, why
create an absentee voting system for overseas Filipinos in the rst place? Applying the
double residency requirement on absentee voters will render the provision on absentee
voting in Section 2 a surplusage, a constitutional mandate devoid of meaning. Even without
the absentee voting provision in Section 1, Congress can validly enact a law allowing
resident or non-absentee Filipino voters — those who comply with the double residency
requirement — to vote abroad in Philippine embassies or consulates. There is no
constitutional prohibition on registered Filipino voters who comply with the double
residency requirement to cast their ballots at a Philippine embassy or consulate abroad
where they happen to be on election day. If the absentee voting system in Section 2 were
for the bene t only of resident or non-absentee Filipinos, then there would be no need to
provide for it in the Constitution.
REQUIREMENT. — The framers of the 1987 Constitution speci cally introduced the
absentee voting provision in Section 2 precisely to enfranchise overseas Filipinos who do
not comply with the double residency requirement in Section 1. Without the absentee
voting provision in Section 2, Congress could not validly enact a law enfranchising
overseas Filipinos who do not comply with the double residency requirement. As
succinctly explained by Commissioner Christian Monsod during the deliberations in the
Constitutional Commission. The framers of the Constitution intended the absentee voting
provision as an exception to the double residency requirement.
PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP. — The question of how a Filipino, who has become a permanent
resident or immigrant in a foreign country, may reacquire his domicile or residence in the
Philippines is a matter for ordinary legislation. The reacquisition of the Philippine domicile
or residence that a Filipino had lost is within the power of Congress to legislate. The
Constitution does not de ne what domicile or residence means. There is also no
constitutional prohibition against the enactment of legislation prescribing the
reacquisition of domicile or residence in the Philippines, just as there is no constitutional
prohibition against the enactment of legislation prescribing the reacquisition of Philippine
citizenship. Thus, RA No. 8171 allows a former natural-born Filipino who became a
foreigner to reacquire Philippine citizenship by ling a simpli ed administrative petition
and taking an oath of allegiance to the Philippines. Section 5(d) of RA No. 9189, which
prescribes the reacquisition of residence by a Filipino through the execution of an a davit
stating he is resuming residence in the Philippines, is similarly well within the power of
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Congress to enact and is thus constitutional. cdasiajur


of suffrage is the cornerstone of a representative government like that established in the
1987 Constitution. A representative government is legitimate when those represented
elect their representatives in government. The consent of the governed is what stamps
legitimacy on those who govern. This consent is expressed through the right of suffrage. It
is a precious right for which many have fought and died so that others may freely exercise
it. A government that denies such right on imsy or meaningless grounds does so at its
peril. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the Philippines is a
signatory, requires the Philippines to respect the people's right of suffrage " without
unreasonable restrictions." The Philippines is duty bound under international law to comply
in good faith with its treaty obligations under the Covenant. To require overseas Filipinos
to return to the Philippines twice within 12 months so they may vote abroad as absentee
voters is plainly an unreasonable restriction outlawed by the Covenant. When the framers
of the Constitution introduced absentee voting in Section 2 of Article V, they were aware of
the country's obligations under the Covenant. In their discussions on the death penalty,
human rights and the Bill of Rights, the framers of the Constitution often referred to the
country's obligations under the Covenant. It is inconceivable that the framers intended
overseas Filipinos to comply with the double residency requirement, an unreasonable
restriction that would patently violate Article 25 of the Covenant and practically negate the
overseas Filipinos' right of suffrage.
CARPIO MORALES , J. , separate opinion:
a davit executed in accordance with Section 5(d) of R.A. 9189 by a Filipino immigrant or
permanent resident of another country expressing his intent to resume physical permanent
residence in the Philippines is an eloquent proof of his intention not to abandon his
domicile of origin in the Philippines. It is a statement under oath of what a Filipino seeks to
do for the future of his membership in a political community. Why should this a davit be
discredited on the mere speculation that the immigrant might not ful ll his undertaking to
return to the Philippines for good? If Filipinos who are temporarily residing in foreign
countries are accorded full faith and credit as to their domiciliary ties no matter how
inde nite their absence from the Philippines, what more in the case of Filipino immigrants
who have formally declared their intent to settle in their homeland? While he may have
stayed on a more or less permanent basis in the host country which conferred on him the
status of an immigrant and may be animated with all the desire to remain there, until and
unless a Filipino immigrant had categorically expressed by words or by deeds his intent to
no longer return to his domicile of origin, no conclusion can be reached as to a change in
domicile from one of origin to one of choice, hence, the old domicile subsists. For at the
core of every Filipino immigrant's being is the fact of his Philippine citizenship. He is, after
all, still a Filipino.
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domicile must be completely perfected by a concurrence of the factum of removal to a
new locality, the animus to remain there, and abandonment of and intent not to return to
the former domicile, for if there is a purpose to return, whether secret or open, no loss or
change of domicile will result. Two types of Filipino immigrants must then be
distinguished. The rst, a Filipino who has opted not to execute the required a davit under
Section 5(d) of R.A. 9189, is clearly disquali ed to exercise suffrage for he has manifested
t h e animus non revertendi with respect to his domicile in the Philippines, thereby
effectuating his acquisition of a new domicile. The second, a Filipino who declares his wish
to be reunited with his homeland has, without doubt, shown that his residence of origin
remained unchanged and so he is entitled to vote under the Overseas Absentee Voting
Law. Therefore, until that opportunity to execute the a davit has been totally foregone by
a Filipino immigrant, in the absence of any conclusive evidence of his acquisition of a new
domicile, the Filipino immigrant's domicile of origin is intact, his presence abroad and his
desire to remain therein notwithstanding.
AZCUNA , J. , concurring opinion:
CAN BE WITHOUT A DOMICILE AT ANYTIME. — Petitioner contends that Filipinos who
establish permanent residence abroad have thereby abandoned their Philippine domicile
of origin and replaced it with a domicile of choice in a foreign country. This may indeed be
true, but with the execution of the a davit provided for under Section 5 (d)
aforementioned, the a ant expressly states an abandonment of said domicile of choice.
The legal effect of this expression is to revive the domicile of origin. For unlike a domicile
of choice, which requires both intention and physical presence to be established or
maintained, the domicile of origin can be revived by an intention properly expressed. Thus,
the abandonment of the present domicile of choice, by the execution of the a davit,
operates to revive the domicile of origin to replace it, because of the principle that no
person can be without a domicile at any time.
domicile is abandoned, the native domicile is reacquired. When a person abandons his
domicile of choice, his domicile of origin immediately reverts and remains until a new
domicile of choice is established. On the abandonment of a domicile of choice, the
domicile of origin immediately reverts, without regard to any de nite intent to return to
such original domicile, provided there is a de nite intent nally to abandon the acquired
domicile of choice. Through the execution of the a davit, the a ant does the operative
act that makes said a ant once more a Philippine domiciliary. The requirement of
resuming actual physical presence within three (3) years is only a test of such intention,
but is not needed to effect the change or reversion of domicile. If the a ant does not
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resume the residence physically within said period, then the intent expressed in the
a davit is defective and the law will deem it inoperative, thereby allowing removal of
affiant's name from the National Registry of Absentee Voters.
PUNO , J. , concurring and dissenting opinion:
the members of the Constitutional Commission to apply the residence requirements to
absentee voters is evident from its deliberations. They precisely used the phrase
"QUALIFIED FILIPINOS ABROAD" to stress that the absentee voter must have all the
quali cations in Section 1, Article VI of the Constitution. In the course of the deliberations,
Fr. Bernas perceived a problem that may arise from the meaning of the second residence
requirement on the place of registration and voting. As noted, a quali ed voter normally
registers and votes in the place where he is domiciled or has resided for six months. Fr.
Bernas feared that the second residence requirement may pose a constitutional obstacle
to absentee voting "unless the vote of the person who is absent is a vote which will be
considered as cast in the place of his domicile." Following the observation of Father
Bernas and to obviate the constitutional problem, the members of the Constitutional
Commission then discussed the system of registration of quali ed Filipinos abroad who
will be allowed to vote. It was agreed that their registration abroad would be considered
as registration in a particular locality in the Philippines where he is domiciled, and the vote
cast abroad would be considered cast in that particular locality. It is crystal clear from the
deliberations, that the majority erred in ruling that Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution
dispensed with the residence requirements provided under Section 1 of the same Article.
Romualdez-Marcos v. COMELEC , we ruled that domicile of origin is not easily lost. To
successfully effect a change of domicile, one must demonstrate an actual removal or an
actual change of domicile; a bona de intention of abandoning the former place of
residence and establishing a new one; and acts which correspond with purpose. This
change of domicile is effected by a Filipino who becomes an "immigrant" or a "permanent
resident" of a foreign country. Thus, we held in Caasi v. Court of Appeals , viz: Miguel's
application for immigrant status and permanent residence in the U.S. and his possession
of a green card attesting to such status are conclusive proof that he is a permanent
resident of the U.S. despite his occasional visits to the Philippines. The waiver of such
immigrant status should be as indubitable as his application for it. Absent clear evidence
that he made an irrevocable waiver of that status or that he surrendered his green card to
the appropriate U.S. authorities before he ran for mayor. . . The doctrine in Caasi is by no
means new. Our election laws have continuously regarded "immigrants" or "permanent
residents" of a foreign country to have lost their domiciles in the Philippines and hence are
not quali ed to run for public o ce. There is no reason not to apply the Caasi ruling in
disputes involving the quali cation of voters . In essence, both cases concern ful llment of
the residence requirements. Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 itself reinforces the
applicability of the Caasi doctrine. As observed by the majority, Rep. Act No. 9189
disquali es an immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such in another
country "because immigration or permanent residence in another country implies
renunciation of one's residence in his country of origin."

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submit that the majority ruling on the nature of the a davit to be executed by an
"immigrant" or a "permanent resident" is inconsistent. On one hand, it theorizes that the act
"serves as an explicit expression that he had not in fact abandoned his domicile of origin."
This concedes that while an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident" has acquired a new
domicile in a foreign country by virtue of his status as such, Rep. Act No. 9189 would
consider him not to have abandoned his domicile in the Philippines. On the other hand, the
majority also theorizes that the a davit constitutes an "express waiver of his status as an
immigrant or permanent resident," and upon ful llment of the requirements of registration,
"he may still be considered as a 'quali ed citizen of the Philippines abroad' for purposes of
exercising his right of suffrage." This presupposes that the "immigrant" or "permanent
resident" abandoned his domicile in the Philippines, but seeks to reacquire this domicile by
the execution of the a davit. The rst theory is untenable . Its inevitable result would be
the establishment of two domiciles, i.e., domicile in the Philippines and domicile in a
foreign country where he is considered an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident." This
ruling will contravene the principle in private international law that a person can be
domiciled only in one place at a given time. The second theory is equally untenable. A
person who has abandoned his domicile of origin by establishing a domicile of choice
cannot just revert back to his domicile of origin. He must satisfy the same requisites for
acquiring a new domicile, i.e., an actual removal or an actual change of domicile; a bona
fide intention of abandoning the former place of residence and establishing a new one; and
acts which correspond with the purpose. An existing domicile cannot be lost by
abandonment alone, even if there is an intent to acquire a new one; the existing domicile
continues until a new one is in fact gained. To abandon domicile, a person must choose a
new domicile, actually reside in the place chosen, and intend that it be the principal and
permanent residence. That is, there can be no change of domicile without the concurrence
of act and intent.
submit that the a davit merely proves the intent to return but not the other requisites for
reacquiring the domicile of origin. Intent, which is not coupled with actual physical transfer,
is not su cient either to abandon the former domicile or to establish a new domicile.
Thus, the view that domicile could be established as soon as the old is abandoned even
though the person has not yet arrived at the new domicile, has not been accepted. To
stress, the burden of establishing a change in domicile is upon the party who asserts it. A
person's declarations as to what he considers his home, residence, or domicile are
generally admissible "as evidence of his attitude of mind." However, whatever the context,
"their accuracy is suspect because of their self-serving nature, particularly when they are
made to achieve some legal objective." In the case at bar, the burden rests on an
"immigrant" or a "permanent resident" to prove that he has abandoned his domicile in the
foreign country and reestablished his domicile in the Philippines. A self-serving a davit
will not su ce, especially when what is at stake is a very important privilege as the right of
suffrage. I respectfully submit that what makes the intent expressed in the a davit
effective and operative is the ful llment of the promise to return to the Philippines.
Physical presence is not a mere test of intent but the "principal con rming evidence of the
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intention of the person." Until such promise is ful lled, he continues to be a domiciliary of
another country. Until then, he does not possess the necessary requisites and therefore,
cannot be considered a qualified voter.
imposed by Rep. Act No. 9189 to an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident" who does not
ful ll his promise to return to the Philippines is the removal of his name from the National
Registry of Absentee Voters and his permanent disquali cation to vote in absentia. But his
vote would be counted and accorded the same weight as that cast by bona de quali ed
Filipino voters. I respectfully submit that this scheme diminishes the value of the right of
suffrage as it dilutes the right of quali ed voters to the proportionate value of their votes .
The one person, one vote principle is sacrosanct in a republican form of government. The
challenged provision which allows the value of the valid votes of quali ed voters to be
diminished by the invalid votes of disquali ed voters violates the sovereignty of our
people. The validation by the majority of this unconstitutional provision may result in the
anomaly where the highest public o cials of our land will owe their election to
"immigrants" or "permanent residents" who failed to ful ll their promise to return to our
country or who repudiated their domicile here.
REPRESENTATIVES. — On its face, Section 18.5 of Rep. Act No. 9189 appears to be
repugnant to Section 4, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution. It gives the impression that
Congress abdicated to COMELEC its constitutional duty to canvass and proclaim the
winning candidates for President and Vice-President. I agree with the majority that the
impugned provision should be given a reasonable interpretation that would save it from a
constitutional in rmity. To be sure, Congress could have not allowed the COMELEC to
exercise a power exclusively bestowed upon it by the Constitution. Thus, Section 18.5 of
Rep. Act No. 9189 empowering the COMELEC to proclaim the winning candidates should
be construed as limited to the positions of Senators and party-list representatives.
powers of our government into three categories, legislative, executive, and judicial.
Although not "hermetically sealed" from one another, the powers of the three branches are
functionally identi able. In this respect, legislative power is generally exercised in the
enactment of the law; executive power, in its execution; and judicial power, in its
interpretation. In the absence of speci c provision in the Constitution, it is fundamental
under the principle of separation of powers that one branch cannot exercise or share the
power of the other. In addition, our Constitution created other o ces aside from the
executive, the legislative and the judiciary and de ned their powers and prerogatives.
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Among these bodies especially created by the Constitution itself is the COMELEC. The
COMELEC occupies a distinct place in our scheme of government. As the constitutional
body charged with the administration of our election laws, it is endowed with
independence in the exercise of some of its powers and the discharge of its
responsibilities. The power to promulgate rules and regulations in order to administer our
election laws belongs to this category of powers as this has been vested exclusively by the
1987 Constitution to the COMELEC. It cannot be trenched upon by Congress in the
exercise of its oversight powers.
THE GOVERNMENT. — I join the majority in holding that Section 17.1 of Rep. Act No. 9189
is unconstitutional for it allows Congress to negate the exclusive power of the COMELEC
to administer and enforce election laws and regulations granted by the Constitution itself.
This is not to maintain that the Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated by the
COMELEC, or the system it devised to implement voting by mail cannot be challenged. If
they are illegal or constitute grave abuse of discretion, the courts can strike them down in
an appropriate case. This power is vested to the courts under Section 1, Article VIII of the
Constitution de ning the scope of judicial power, and more speci cally under Section 5,
Article VIII empowering this Court to review, revise, reverse, modify or a rm on appeal or
certiorari, "all cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or
executive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance,
or regulation is in question." Again, this power is exclusive and is not meant to be shared by
any other branch or agency of the government.
YNARES-SANTIAGO , J. , concurring and dissenting opinion:
OF THE SAME ARTICLE. — I am constrained to dissent from the majority opinion because
R.A. 9189 grants the right of suffrage to a category of voters who do not possess the
constitutional requirement of residence. These are men and women who are still Filipino
citizens but who have voluntarily and unambiguously chosen actual, physical, and
permanent residence in a foreign country. In other words, the questioned law allows non-
residents to vote. As phrased, Section 5 (d) of R.A. 9189 grants to Filipinos who are
immigrants or permanent residents of another country, and who are considered as such by
their host country, the option to exercise their right of suffrage. Proponents of R.A. 9189
are trying to construe Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution as a proviso which expands
and enlarges the scope of the preceding section. They overlook the fact that while Section
2 provides a system for absentee voting, any absentee who votes must rst meet the
qualifications found in Section 1 of the same article.
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CITIZENSHIP, AGE AND RESIDENCE. — As stated by the petitioner, if the framers of the
Constitution intended to make Section 2 of Article V a proviso or exception to its rst
section, they should have added it to the latter. The Constitution does not make the
absentee voting provision a mere proviso of the rst section on residence quali cations.
Together with the system which secures the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot, the
provision on absentee voting is an entirely distinct and separate section which allows only
those quali ed under Section 1 to take advantage of the privilege under Section 2. The
o ce of a proviso is to limit the application of a section or provision or to qualify or
restrain its generality. However, a proviso may also enlarge what otherwise is a phrase of
limited import had there been no proviso qualifying it. Since the provision on absentee
voting in R.A. 9189 neither limits nor enlarges a provision of which it is a part, the phrase
"qualified Filipinos abroad" can be interpreted only to mean that those who are quali ed to
vote under the preceding section may become absentee voters. They must possess on
election day the constitutional requirements as to citizenship, age and residence.
ARTICLE. — It is submitted that a valid and very real distinction exists between either of
these two groups of Filipinos, on the one hand, and those Filipinos who are permanent
residents or immigrants in their host countries, on the other. The key difference lies in the
change of permanent residence or lack thereof, for the framers of our Constitution clearly
intended that Filipinos who had taken up permanent residence in their host countries
would be excluded from the bene ts of absentee voting. No other interpretation can be
supported by the records at hand. It is clear that the Constitutional Commission did not
intend to make absentee voters an exception to the general rule on residence in the
exercise of the right of suffrage. We do not agree with the majority's belief that the
position of Article V, Section 2 of the Constitution is indicative of an intent to make it
appear to be an exception to the residence requirement provided for in the section
immediately preceding it. As earlier stated, Section 2 is not a proviso of Section 1. It is
patent from the excerpts of the deliberations by members of the constitutional
commissions that the Commissioners took pains to ensure that the reasoning behind
Article V, Section 2 of the Constitution would not be misunderstood. They never intended
to accord a special status nor give special consideration to Filipinos who have become
permanent residents of their host countries. These necessarily include immigrants.
differ from the conclusion in the majority opinion which states that an absentee remains
attached to his residence in the Philippines because "residence" is synonymous with
"domicile." "Absentee" has to be quali ed. It refers only to those people residing abroad
whose intent to return home and forsake the foreign country is clear. It cannot refer to
immigrants. A mere promise to return home within three years from voting is no proof of
intent to return to a permanent residence. The sanction for its enforcement is so feeble
that the promise will be an empty one. As earlier stated, an immigrant gives up many
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things, including the right or opportunity of voting in the Philippines, when he moves with
his family abroad. A sanction of future disenfranchisement would not bother him in the
least bit. In the meantime, the immigrant vote in closely contested cases may have elected
the President, a Senator or a Congressman. Unquali ed voters will have swung the
elections. In the same way that a counterfeit coin drives away or results in the hoarding of
genuine or good coins, the votes of non-qualified persons will not only weaken or nullify the
value of the good votes but may make an election itself sham and meaningless.
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ , J. , concurring and dissenting opinion:
has more than one domicile at a time. A Filipino immigrant, by his permanent residency in
the host country, loses the Philippines as his domicile. He cannot reacquire it by the mere
act of executing an a davit expressing his intention to return to the Philippines at some
future time. Residence for voting is not wholly a question of intention, but it is a question of
fact and intention. Unless his intention is forti ed by the concurrent act of reestablishing
the Philippines as his domicile, he cannot be considered a quali ed voter under the
Philippine Constitution.
UNCONSTITUTIONALITY". — There is no dispute that the 1987 Constitution denies to
Filipino immigrants the right of suffrage. The Framers had no choice, they had to maintain
consistency among the provisions of the Constitution. Section 1, Article V prescribes
residency in the Philippines as one of the quali cations for the exercise of the right of
suffrage. Initially, this was perceived as an obstacle to the incorporation of the
constitutional provision requiring Congress to provide for a system of absentee voting by
"quali ed Filipinos abroad." However, the Framers resorted to the legal connotation of the
term "residence." They emphasized that "residence" is to be understood not in its common
acceptance as referring to "dwelling" or "habitation," but rather to "domicile" or "legal
residence," that is, the " place where a party actually or constructively has his permanent
home, where he, no matter where he may be found at any given time, eventually intends to
return and remain." Thus, as long as the Filipino abroad maintains his domicile in the
Philippines, he is considered a quali ed voter under the Constitution. Signi cantly, at the
early stage of the deliberation, the Framers made it clear that the term "quali ed Filipinos
abroad" refers only to those whose presence in the foreign country is only "temporary" and
whose domicile is still the Philippines — thus, de nitely excluding immigrants or
permanent residents of a foreign country. Let me quote the Records of the Constitutional
Commission. The intention of the Framers to limit the phrase "quali ed Filipinos abroad" to
Filipinos temporarily residing abroad is clear and unmistakable. Therefore, a law, such as
R.A. No. 9189, which expands the meaning as to include those otherwise not covered
(such as Filipino immigrants or permanent residents of foreign countries), through the
mere imposition of certain requirements, "risks a declaration of unconstitutionality."
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Mere declaration that he intends to resume actual physical permanent residence in the
Philippines does not have the effect of conferring upon the immigrant the necessary
quali cation of "residency" here. To reiterate, residence for voting is not wholly a question
of intention, it is a question of fact and intention. A voter's statements, declarations, or
testimony with respect to his intention is not controlling, but must be taken in connection
with his acts and conduct. Hence, the right to vote in a certain place or precinct requires
the occurrence of two things, the act of residing coupled with the intention to do so. In
order to constitute a residence for voting purposes, there must be the intention to reside
there for voting purposes, and that intention must be accompanied by acts of living,
dwelling, lodging, or residing reasonably su cient to establish that it is the real and actual
residence of the voter. To rule that a sworn declaration of intention is su cient to acquire
a voting residence is to establish a bad precedent considering that voters can choose the
place where they want to vote simply by swearing that they intend to permanently reside
majority rules that the a davit required in Section 5 (d) "serves as an explicit expression
that the immigrant had not in fact abandoned his domicile of origin." Again, I cannot
subscribe to this view. An immigrant's plain declaration of his intention cannot prevail over
the actual facts surrounding his residency. Conduct has greater evidential value than a
declaration. The fact that a person obtains an immigrant's visa, and not a visitor's or
tourist's visa, plainly shows that his entrance in the foreign country is for a permanent
purpose. Indeed, declarations are always subject to the in rmity of any self-serving
declaration and may be contradicted by inconsistent acts. When in conflict with the facts, a
declared intention to acquire a domicile (or to maintain the domicile of origin) has little
weight. Besides, to admit the immigrant's representation that he has not abandoned his
Philippine domicile despite his immigrant status is to tolerate what we proscribed in Caasi
vs. Court of Appeals, thus: "In other words, he would have this Court believe that he applied
for immigration to the U.S. under false pretenses; that all this time he only had one foot in
the United States but kept his other foot in the Philippines. Even if that were true, this Court
will not allow itself to be a party to his duplicity by permitting him to bene t from it and
giving him the best of both worlds so to speak." Honoring our countrymen's sworn
declarations to resume permanent residency in the Philippines, notwithstanding their
immigrant status and the host country's continuous recognition of them as such, does not
speak well of Filipino values. In effect, it encourages duplicitous or deceptive conduct
among our countrymen. We should not allow such acts to be done behind the host
country's back.
Another ground why I cannot join the majority is the great probability that the assailed
provision may only be an avenue for election fraud. Reality wise, our country is yet to
achieve a truly clean and honest election. To grant the right of suffrage to the vast number
of immigrants in foreign countries where we cannot enforce our laws with the same
e cacy as within our territory, is to endanger our citizens' constitutional right to an
unde led suffrage. Paramount in the preservation of the principles of democratic
government is the observance of precautionary requirements designed to insure the
sanctity of the ballot. Consequently, it is imperative that our elections are not tainted with
fraud. This cannot be achieved unless we impose stricter terms on the grant of the right of
suffrage to absentee citizens. Signi cantly, the only sanction imposed by Section 5(d)
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upon an immigrant who fails to perform his promise to resume permanent residency in the
Philippines within the prescribed period is that his name will be stricken from the National
Registry of Absentee Voters and he will be permanently disquali ed to vote in absentia.
What a punishment for someone who made a mockery of the election process! This
punitive measure is virtually meaningless. It cannot undo the result of an election nor can it
discipline or daunt immigrant voters.
6 . ID.; ID.; ID.; SECTION 5 (d) OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9189 IS
be stressed that where the Constitution xes the quali cations of voters, these
quali cations cannot be increased, diminished or changed by legislative enactment, unless
the power to do so is expressly granted, or necessarily implied. The inclusion of the
residency requirement in the Constitution is not without reason. It constitutes an invaluable
protection against fraud and further affords some surety that the elector has in fact
become a member of the community and that, as such, he has a common interest in all
matters pertaining to its government, and is therefore more likely to exercise his right
intelligently. The speci cation in the Constitution is an implied prohibition against
interference. It is not competent for Congress to diminish or alter such quali cation.
Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 is unconstitutional for it diminishes the "residency
requirement" of the Constitution by including within the phrase "quali ed Filipinos abroad"
immigrants and permanent residents of foreign countries. It de es the clear intent of the
Constitution to limit the application of the absentee voting law to Filipinos who are
"temporarily abroad." Thus, as statutes which purport to modify constitutionally xed
qualifications are void, so must Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 suffer the same fate.
CALLEJO , SR. , J. , concurring and dissenting opinion:
Article V which prescribes the quali cations of voters as to citizenship, age and residence
is clear and unambiguous. On the other hand, Section 2 of the same article authorizes
Congress to provide a system to facilitate absentee voting by quali ed Filipinos abroad. I
do not subscribe to the view that Section 2 was intended by the framers to be an
exception to the residence quali cation requirement prescribed in the section immediately
preceding it. Basic is the rule in statutory construction that the Constitution should be
construed in such a manner as to give effect to each and every part of the entire
instrument. Courts should lean in favor of a construction that will harmonize every
provision of the Constitution rather than one which raises con ict between its provisions,
or render inutile any portion thereof. Section 2 can and must be construed to contemplate
within its terms the enfranchisement only of Filipinos who possess all the prerequisite
qualifications specified under Section 1, but who are abroad and cannot exercise their right
to vote in the Philippines on the day of the election. Even from a cursory examination of the
proceedings of the Constitutional Commission which drafted the 1987 Constitution, the
foregoing intendment is made crystal clear. IDcTEA


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legal purposes, there is a clear distinction between "residence" and "domicile." "Residence"
means living in a particular locality, and simply requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in
a given place, while, "domicile" means living in that locality with intent to make it a xed and
permanent home. "Residence" denotes that a person dwells in a given place but "domicile"
is a person's legal home, or a place where the law presumes a person has the intention of
permanently residing although he may be absent from it. "Domicile" then is a matter of
intention while "residence" is a physical fact. Hence, a person may have two places of
"residence" but only one "domicile." "Residence," however, for the purpose of voting, is to be
understood not in its common acceptation as referring to "dwelling" or "habitation," but
rather to "domicile" or legal residence, that is, "the place where a party actually or
constructively has his permanent home, where he, no matter where he may be found at any
given time, eventually intends to return and remain (animus manendi)." In determining a
person's "residence" for voting purposes, the following rules are well-established: (a) A
person must have a residence or domicile somewhere; (b) Where once established, it
remains until a new one is acquired; and (c) A person can have but one domicile at a time.
PERMANENTLY IN HIS HOST COUNTRY. — Clearly, for voting purposes, one cannot have a
residence or be domiciled in two places at the same time, for the right to vote in a certain
place or precinct requires the concurrence of two things: the act of residing coupled with
the intention to do so. Accordingly, in order to work a change residence for voting, there
must be an actual removal, an actual change of domicile, corresponding with a bona de
intention of abandoning the former place of residence and establishing a new one. Hence,
an absence for months or even years, if all the while the party intended it as a mere
temporary arrangement, to be followed by a resumption of his former residence, will not
be an abandonment of such residence or deprive him of his right to vote thereat, the test
being the presence or absence of the animus revertendi. Such is the case overseas Filipino
workers who, on account of the nature or exigencies of their work, fail to be physically
present for some time in the Philippines but are not deemed to have abandoned their
Philippine domicile by virtue of their intent to resume residency in the Philippines upon the
termination their employment contracts. However, the same cannot be said of Filipinos
who, while maintaining their Filipino citizenship, have in the meantime acquired the status
of immigrants or permanent residents of their respective host countries. An immigrant, as
de ned in law, is a person who removes into a country for the purpose of permanent
residence. Therefore, a Filipino "immigrant" or "permanent resident," as the very
designation of his status clearly implies, is a Filipino who has abandoned his Philippine
residence or domicile, with the intention of residing permanently in his host country.
Thenceforward, he acquires a new residence in his host country and is deemed to have
abandoned his Philippine domicile. It has been held that where a voter abandons his
residence in a state and acquires one in another state, although he afterward changes his
intention and returns, he cannot again vote in the state of his former residence or domicile
until he has regained his residence by remaining in the jurisdiction for the statutory period.
due respect to the majority, I do not subscribe to the view that the execution of the
a davit required under Section 5 (d) is eloquent proof of the fact that the Filipino
immigrant has not abandoned his Philippine domicile, as evinced by his intention to go
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back and resume residency in the Philippines, which thus entitles him to exercise the right
of suffrage pursuant to the constitutional intent expressed in Section 2, in relation to
Section 1, Article V of our Constitution. The majority view, I humbly submit, is non-sequitur
for it is well-entrenched that while intention is an important factor to be considered in
determining whether or not a residence has been acquired, intention alone is insu cient to
establish a residence for voting purposes. Hence, a mere intention to remove, not
consummated, can neither forfeit the party's old domicile nor enable him to acquire a new
one. And the fact that a person intends to remove at a future time does not of itself defeat
his residence before the actually does remove.
EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE OF THE CONSTITUTION. — I believe that the provision is
violative of the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution. While it allows a Filipino
permanently residing in a foreign country to vote on the mere pledge that he will again
permanently reside in this country within three years from his voting in the elections, a
Filipino permanently residing in the Philippines but for less than one year or, in the place
where he proposes to vote, for less than six months is not allowed to vote. The voter
classi cation sought to be effected by Section 5(d) does not rest on substantial
distinctions for it unduly favors and extends the privilege of the elective franchise to
Filipino citizens who do not in any way comply with the residency requirement prescribed
by our Constitution, while withholding the same privilege to those who are and have been
permanent residents of the Philippines, albeit not in the locality or precinct where they
intend to vote.
CONSTITUTIONALITY. — It is clear from the Article VII, Section 4, paragraph 4 of the 1987
Constitution that the power to canvass the votes of the electorate for president and vice-
president is lodged with Congress. This includes, by express mandate of the Constitution,
the duty to proclaim the winning candidates in such election. As pointed out in the majority
opinion the phrase proclamation of winning candidates used in the assailed statute is a
sweeping statement, which thus includes even the winning candidates for the presidency
and vice-presidency. Following a basic principle in statutory construction, generali dictum
genaliter est interpretandum (a general statement is understood in a general sense), the
said phrase cannot be construed otherwise. To uphold the assailed provision of Rep. Act
No. 9189 would in effect be sanctioning the grant of a power to the COMELEC, which
under the Constitution, is expressly vested in Congress; it would validate a course of
conduct that the fundamental law of the land expressly forbids.



Before the Court is a petition for certiorari and prohibition led by Romulo B.
Macalintal, a member of the Philippine Bar, seeking a declaration that certain provisions of
Republic Act No. 9189 (The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 ) 1 suffer from
constitutional in rmity. Claiming that he has actual and material legal interest in the
subject matter of this case in seeing to it that public funds are properly and lawfully used
and appropriated, petitioner filed the instant petition as a taxpayer and as a lawyer.

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The Court upholds the right of petitioner to file the present petition.
R.A. No. 9189, entitled, "An Act Providing for A System of Overseas Absentee Voting
by Quali ed Citizens of the Philippines Abroad, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for
Other Purposes," appropriates funds under Section 29 thereof which provides that a
supplemental budget on the General Appropriations Act of the year of its enactment into
law shall provide for the necessary amount to carry out its provisions. Taxpayers, such as
herein petitioner, have the right to restrain o cials from wasting public funds through the
enforcement of an unconstitutional statute. 2 The Court has held that they may assail the
validity of a law appropriating public funds 3 because expenditure of public funds by an
o cer of the State for the purpose of executing an unconstitutional act constitutes a
misapplication of such funds. 4
The challenged provision of law involves a public right that affects a great number of
citizens. The Court has adopted the policy of taking jurisdiction over cases whenever the
petitioner has seriously and convincingly presented an issue of transcendental significance
to the Filipino people. This has been explicitly pronounced in Kapatiran ng mga
Naglilingkod sa Pamahalaan ng Pilipinas, Inc. vs. Tan, 5 where the Court held:
Objections to taxpayers' suit for lack of su cient personality standing, or
interest are, however, in the main procedural matters. Considering the importance
to the public of the cases at bar, and in keeping with the Court's duty, under the
1987 Constitution, to determine whether or not the other branches of government
have kept themselves within the limits of the Constitution and the laws and that
they have not abused the discretion given to them, the Court has brushed aside
technicalities of procedure and has taken cognizance of these petitions. 6

Indeed, in this case, the Court may set aside procedural rules as the constitutional right
of suffrage of a considerable number of Filipinos is involved.
The question of propriety of the instant petition which may appear to be visited by
the vice of prematurity as there are no ongoing proceedings in any tribunal, board or
before a government o cial exercising judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial functions as
required by Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, dims in light of the importance of the
constitutional issues raised by the petitioner. In Tañada vs. Angara, 7 the Court held:
In seeking to nullify an act of the Philippine Senate on the ground that it
contravenes the Constitution, the petition no doubt raises a justiciable
controversy. Where an action of the legislative branch is seriously alleged to have
infringed the Constitution, it becomes not only the right but in fact the duty of the
judiciary to settle the dispute. "The question thus posed is judicial rather than
political. The duty (to adjudicate) remains to assure that the supremacy of the
Constitution is upheld." Once a "controversy as to the application or interpretation
of constitutional provision is raised before this Court (as in the instant case), it
becomes a legal issue which the Court is bound by constitutional mandate to

In another case of paramount impact to the Filipino people, it has been expressed that
it is illogical to await the adverse consequences of the law in order to consider the
controversy actual and ripe for judicial resolution. 8 In yet another case, the Court said
. . . despite the inhibitions pressing upon the Court when confronted with
constitutional issues, it will not hesitate to declare a law or act invalid when it is
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convinced that this must be done. In arriving at this conclusion, its only criterion
will be the Constitution and God as its conscience gives it in the light to probe its
meaning and discover its purpose. Personal motives and political considerations
are irrelevancies that cannot in uence its decisions. Blandishment is as
ineffectual as intimidation, for all the awesome power of the Congress and
Executive, the Court will not hesitate "to make the hammer fall heavily," where the
acts of these departments, or of any o cial, betray the people's will as expressed
in the Constitution . . . 9

The need to consider the constitutional issues raised before the Court is further
buttressed by the fact that it is now more than fteen years since the rati cation of the
1987 Constitution requiring Congress to provide a system for absentee voting by quali ed
Filipinos abroad. Thus, strong reasons of public policy demand that the Court resolves the
instant petition 10 and determine whether Congress has acted within the limits of the
Constitution or if it had gravely abused the discretion entrusted to it. 11
The petitioner raises three principal questions:
A. Does Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 allowing the registration of
voters who are immigrants or permanent residents in other countries by their mere
act of executing an a davit expressing their intention to return to the Philippines,
violate the residency requirement in Section 1 of Article V of the Constitution?
B. Does Section 18.5 of the same law empowering the COMELEC to
proclaim the winning candidates for national offices and party list representatives
including the President and the Vice-President violate the constitutional mandate
under Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution that the winning candidates for
President and the Vice-President shall be proclaimed as winners by Congress?
C . May Congress, through the Joint Congressional Oversight
Committee created in Section 25 of Rep. Act No. 9189, exercise the power to
review, revise, amend, and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations that
the Commission on Elections shall promulgate without violating the
independence of the COMELEC under Section 1, Article IX-A of the Constitution?

The Court will resolve the questions in seriatim.

A. Does Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 violate Section 1, Article V of the 1987
Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines?
Section 5(d) provides:
Sec. 5. Disqualifications. — The following shall be disquali ed from
voting under this Act:

xxx xxx xxx

d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such in
the host country, unless he/she executes, upon registration, an a davit prepared
for the purpose by the Commission declaring that he/she shall resume actual
physical permanent residence in the Philippines not later than three (3) years from
approval of his/her registration under this Act. Such a davit shall also state that
he/she has not applied for citizenship in another country. Failure to return shall be
cause for the removal of the name of the immigrant or permanent resident from
the National Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her permanent disquali cation
to vote in absentia.
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Petitioner posits that Section 5(d) is unconstitutional because it violates Section 1,
Article V of the 1987 Constitution which requires that the voter must be a resident in
the Philippines for at least one year and in the place where he proposes to vote for at
least six months immediately preceding an election. Petitioner cites the ruling of the
Court in Caasi vs. Court of Appeals 12 to support his claim. In that case, the Court held
that a "green card" holder immigrant to the United States is deemed to have abandoned
his domicile and residence in the Philippines.
Petitioner further argues that Section 1, Article V of the Constitution does not allow
provisional registration or a promise by a voter to perform a condition to be quali ed to
vote in a political exercise; 13 that the legislature should not be allowed to circumvent the
requirement of the Constitution on the right of suffrage by providing a condition thereon
which in effect amends or alters the aforesaid residence requirement to qualify a Filipino
abroad to vote. 14 He claims that the right of suffrage should not be granted to anyone
who, on the date of the election, does not possess the quali cations provided for by
Section 1, Article V of the Constitution.
Respondent COMELEC refrained from commenting on this issue. 15
In compliance with the Resolution of the Court, the Solicitor General led his
comment for all public respondents. He contraposes that the constitutional challenge to
Section 5(d) must fail because of the absence of clear and unmistakable showing that said
provision of law is repugnant to the Constitution. He stresses: All laws are presumed to be
constitutional; by the doctrine of separation of powers, a department of government owes
a becoming respect for the acts of the other two departments; all laws are presumed to
have adhered to constitutional limitations; the legislature intended to enact a valid,
sensible, and just law.
In addition, the Solicitor General points out that Section 1, Article V of the
Constitution is a verbatim reproduction of those provided for in the 1935 and the 1973
Constitutions. Thus, he cites Co vs. Electoral Tribunal of the House of Representatives 16
wherein the Court held that the term "residence" has been understood to be synonymous
with "domicile" under both Constitutions. He further argues that a person can have only one
"domicile" but he can have two residences, one permanent (the domicile) and the other
temporary; 17 and that the de nition and meaning given to the term residence likewise
applies to absentee voters. Invoking Romualdez-Marcos vs. COMELEC 1 8 which reiterates
the Court's ruling in Faypon vs. Quirino, 19 the Solicitor General maintains that Filipinos who
are immigrants or permanent residents abroad may have in fact never abandoned their
Philippine domicile. 20
Taking issue with the petitioner's contention that "green card" holders are
considered to have abandoned their Philippine domicile, the Solicitor General suggests
that the Court may have to discard its ruling in Caasi vs. Court of Appeals 21 in so far as it
relates to immigrants and permanent residents in foreign countries who have executed
and submitted their a davits conformably with Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189. He
maintains that through the execution of the requisite a davits, the Congress of the
Philippines with the concurrence of the President of the Republic had in fact given these
immigrants and permanent residents the opportunity, pursuant to Section 2, Article V of
the Constitution, to manifest that they had in fact never abandoned their Philippine
domicile; that indubitably, they would have formally and categorically expressed the
requisite intentions, i.e., "animus manendi" and "animus revertendi"; that Filipino immigrants
and permanent residents abroad possess the unquestionable right to exercise the right of
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suffrage under Section 1, Article V of the Constitution upon approval of their registration,
conformably with R.A. No. 9189. 22
The seed of the present controversy is the interpretation that is given to the phrase,
"qualified citizens of the Philippines abroad" as it appears in R.A. No. 9189, to wit:
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. — It is the prime duty of the State to
provide a system of honest and orderly overseas absentee voting that upholds the
secrecy and sanctity of the ballot. Towards this end, the State ensures equal
opportunity to all quali ed citizens of the Philippines abroad in the exercise of
this fundamental right.
SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. — For purposes of this Act:
a) "Absentee Voting" refers to the process by which quali ed citizens
of the Philippines abroad, exercise their right to vote;
. . . (Italics supplied)
f) "Overseas Absentee Voter" refers to a citizen of the Philippines who
is quali ed to register and vote under this Act, not otherwise disquali ed by law,
who is abroad on the day of elections. (Italics supplied)
SEC. 4. Coverage. — All citizens of the Philippines abroad, who are not
otherwise disquali ed by law , at least eighteen (18) years of age on the day of
elections, may vote for president, vice-president, senators and party-list
representatives. (Italics supplied)

in relation to Sections 1 and 2, Article V of the Constitution which read:

SEC. 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines
not otherwise disquali ed by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who
shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein
they propose to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election.
No literacy, property, or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the
exercise of suffrage.
SEC. 2. The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy
and sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by quali ed
Filipinos abroad.
. . . (Italics supplied)

Section 1, Article V of the Constitution speci cally provides that suffrage may be
exercised by (1) all citizens of the Philippines, (2) not otherwise disquali ed by law, (3) at
least eighteen years of age, (4) who are residents in the Philippines for at least one year
and in the place where they propose to vote for at least six months immediately preceding
the election. Under Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189, one of those disquali ed from voting is
an immigrant or permanent resident who is recognized as such in the host country unless
he/she executes an a davit declaring that he/she shall resume actual physical permanent
residence in the Philippines not later than three years from approval of his/her registration
under said Act.
Petitioner questions the rightness of the mere act of execution of an a davit to
qualify the Filipinos abroad who are immigrants or permanent residents, to vote. He
focuses solely on Section 1, Article V of the Constitution in ascribing constitutional
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in rmity to Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189, totally ignoring the provisions of Section 2
empowering Congress to provide a system for absentee voting by quali ed Filipinos
A simple, cursory reading of Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 may indeed give the
impression that it contravenes Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. Filipino immigrants
and permanent residents overseas are perceived as having left and abandoned the
Philippines to live permanently in their host countries and therefore, a provision in the law
enfranchising those who do not possess the residency requirement of the Constitution by
the mere act of executing an a davit expressing their intent to return to the Philippines
within a given period, risks a declaration of unconstitutionality. However, the risk is more
apparent than real.
The Constitution is the fundamental and paramount law of the nation to which all
other laws must conform and in accordance with which all private rights must be
determined and all public authority administered. 23 Laws that do not conform to the
Constitution shall be stricken down for being unconstitutional.
Generally, however, all laws are presumed to be constitutional. In Peralta vs.
COMELEC, the Court said:
. . . An act of the legislature, approved by the executive, is presumed to be
within constitutional limitations. The responsibility of upholding the Constitution
rests not on the courts alone but on the legislature as well. The question of the
validity of every statute is rst determined by the legislative department of the
government itself. 24

Thus, presumption of constitutionality of a law must be overcome convincingly:

. . . To declare a law unconstitutional, the repugnancy of that law to the
Constitution must be clear and unequivocal, for even if a law is aimed at the
attainment of some public good, no infringement of constitutional rights is
allowed. To strike down a law there must be a clear showing that what the
fundamental law condemns or prohibits, the statute allows it to be done. 25

As the essence of R.A. No. 9189 is to enfranchise overseas quali ed Filipinos, it

behooves the Court to take a holistic view of the pertinent provisions of both the
Constitution and R.A. No. 9189. It is a basic rule in constitutional construction that the
Constitution should be construed as a whole. In Chiongbian vs. De Leon, 26 the Court held
that a constitutional provision should function to the full extent of its substance and its
terms, not by itself alone, but in conjunction with all other provisions of that great
document. Constitutional provisions are mandatory in character unless, either by express
statement or by necessary implication, a different intention is manifest. 27 The intent of the
Constitution may be drawn primarily from the language of the document itself. Should it be
ambiguous, the Court may consider the intent of its framers through their debates in the
constitutional convention. 28
R.A. No. 9189 was enacted in obeisance to the mandate of the rst paragraph of
Section 2, Article V of the Constitution that Congress shall provide a system for voting by
quali ed Filipinos abroad. It must be stressed that Section 2 does not provide for the
parameters of the exercise of legislative authority in enacting said law. Hence, in the
absence of restrictions, Congress is presumed to have duly exercised its function as
defined in Article VI (The Legislative Department) of the Constitution.

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To put matters in their right perspective, it is necessary to dwell rst on the
signi cance of absentee voting. The concept of absentee voting is relatively new. It is
viewed thus:
The method of absentee voting has been said to be completely separable
and distinct from the regular system of voting, and to be a new and different
manner of voting from that previously known, and an exception to the customary
and usual manner of voting. The right of absentee and disabled voters to cast
their ballots at an election is purely statutory; absentee voting was unknown to,
and not recognized at, the common law.
Absentee voting is an outgrowth of modern social and economic
conditions devised to accommodate those engaged in military or civil life whose
duties make it impracticable for them to attend their polling places on the day of
election, and the privilege of absentee voting may ow from constitutional
provisions or be conferred by statutes, existing in some jurisdictions, which
provide in varying terms for the casting and reception of ballots by soldiers and
sailors or other quali ed voters absent on election day from the district or precinct
of their residence.
Such statutes are regarded as conferring a privilege and not a right, or an
absolute right. When the legislature chooses to grant the right by statute, it must
operate with equality among all the class to which it is granted; but statutes of
this nature may be limited in their application to particular types of elections. The
statutes should be construed in the light of any constitutional provisions
affecting registration and elections, and with due regard to their texts prior to
amendment and to predecessor statutes and the decisions thereunder; they
should also be construed in the light of the circumstances under which they were
enacted; and so as to carry out the objects thereof, if this can be done without
doing violence to their provisions and mandates. Further, in passing on statutes
regulating absentee voting, the court should look to the whole and every part of
the election laws, the intent of the entire plan, and reasons and spirit of their
adoption, and try to give effect to every portion thereof. 29 (Italics supplied)
Ordinarily, an absentee is not a resident and vice versa; a person cannot be at the
same time, both a resident and an absentee. 30 However, under our election laws and the
countless pronouncements of the Court pertaining to elections, an absentee remains
attached to his residence in the Philippines as residence is considered synonymous with
In Romualdez-Marcos, 31 the Court enunciated:
Article 50 of the Civil Code decrees that "[f]or the exercise of civil rights and
the ful llment of civil obligations, the domicile of natural persons is their place of
habitual residence." In Ong vs. Republic, this court took the concept of domicile to
mean an individual's "permanent home," "a place to which, whenever absent for
business or for pleasure, one intends to return, and depends on facts and
circumstances in the sense that they disclose intent." Based on the foregoing,
domicile includes the twin elements of "the fact of residing or physical presence
in a xed place" and animus manendi, or the intention of returning there
Residence, in its ordinary conception, implies the factual relationship of an
individual to a certain place. It is the physical presence of a person in a given
area, community or country. The essential distinction between residence and
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domicile in law is that residence involves the intent to leave when the purpose for
which the resident has taken up his abode ends. One may seek a place for
purposes such as pleasure, business, or health. If a person's intent be to remain, it
becomes his domicile; if his intent is to leave as soon as his purpose is
established it is residence. It is thus, quite perfectly normal for an individual to
have different residences in various places. However, a person can only have a
single domicile, unless, for various reasons, he successfully abandons his
domicile in favor of another domicile of choice. In Uytengsu vs. Republic, we laid
this distinction quite clearly:
"There is a difference between domicile and residence. 'Residence' is
used to indicate a place of abode, whether permanent or temporary;
'domicile' denotes a xed permanent residence to which, when absent, one
has the intention of returning. A man may have a residence in one place
and a domicile in another. Residence is not domicile, but domicile is
residence coupled with the intention to remain for an unlimited time. A
man can have but one domicile for the same purpose at any time, but he
may have numerous places of residence. His place of residence is
generally his place of domicile, but it is not by any means necessarily so
since no length of residence without intention of remaining will constitute
For political purposes the concepts of residence and domicile are dictated
by the peculiar criteria of political laws. As these concepts have evolved in our
election law, what has clearly and unequivocally emerged is the fact
that residence for election purposes is used synonymously with
domicile . 32 (Emphasis and italics supplied)
Aware of the domiciliary legal tie that links an overseas Filipino to his residence in
this country, the framers of the Constitution considered the circumstances that impelled
them to require Congress to establish a system for overseas absentee voting, thus:
MR. OPLE. With respect to Section 1, it is not clear whether the right of
suffrage, which here has a residential restriction, is not denied to citizens
temporarily residing or working abroad. Based on the statistics of several
government agencies, there ought to be about two million such Filipinos at this
time. Commissioner Bernas had earlier pointed out that these provisions are really
lifted from the two previous Constitutions of 1935 and 1973, with the exception of
the last paragraph. They could not therefore have foreseen at that time the
phenomenon now described as the Filipino labor force explosion overseas.

According to government data, there are now about 600,000 contract

workers and employees, and although the major portions of these expatriate
communities of workers are to be found in the Middle East, they are scattered in
177 countries in the world.

In a previous hearing of the Committee on Constitutional Commissions

and Agencies, the Chairman of the Commission on Elections, Ramon Felipe, said
that there was no insuperable obstacle to making effective the right of suffrage
for Filipinos overseas. Those who have adhered to their Filipino citizenship
notwithstanding strong temptations are exposed to embrace a more convenient
foreign citizenship. And those who on their own or under pressure of economic
necessity here, nd that they have to detach themselves from their families to
work in other countries with de nite tenures of employment. Many of them are on
contract employment for one, two, or three years. They have no intention of
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changing their residence on a permanent basis, but are technically disquali ed
from exercising the right of suffrage in their countries of destination by the
residential requirement in Section 1 which says:
Suffrage shall be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines
not otherwise disqualified by law, who are eighteen years of age or
over, and who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one
year and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at least six
months preceding the election.
I, therefore, ask the Committee whether at the proper time they might
entertain an amendment that will make this exercise of the right to vote abroad
for Filipino citizens an effective, rather than merely a nominal right under this
proposed Constitution.
FR. BERNAS. Certainly, the Committee will consider that. But more than
just saying that, I would like to make a comment on the meaning of "residence" in
the Constitution because I think it is a concept that has been discussed in various
decisions of the Supreme Court, particularly in the case of Faypon vs. Quirino, a
1954 case which dealt precisely with the meaning of "residence" in the Election
Law. Allow me to quote:
A citizen may leave the place of his birth to look for greener
pastures, as the saying goes, to improve his lot and that, of course,
includes study in other places, practice of his avocation,
reengaging in business. When an election is to be held, the citizen
who left his birthplace to improve his lot may decide to return to
his native town, to cast his ballot, but for professional or business
reasons, or for any other reason, he may not absent himself from
the place of his professional or business activities.

So, they are here registered as voters as he has the

quali cations to be one, and is not willing to give up or lose the
opportunity to choose the o cials who are to run the government
especially in national elections. Despite such registration, the
animus revertendi to his home, to his domicile or residence of
origin has not forsaken him.

This may be the explanation why the registration of a voter in a place other
than his residence of origin has not been deemed su cient to consider
abandonment or loss of such residence of origin.
In other words, "residence" in this provision refers to two residence
quali cations: "residence" in the Philippines and "residence" in the place where he
will vote. As far as residence in the Philippines is concerned, the word "residence"
means domicile, but as far as residence in the place where he will actually cast
his ballot is concerned, the meaning seems to be different. He could have a
domicile somewhere else and yet he is a resident of a place for six months and he
is allowed to vote there. So that there may be serious constitutional obstacles to
absentee voting, unless the vote of the person who is absent is a vote which will
be considered as cast in the place of his domicile.
Thank you for citing the jurisprudence.

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It gives me scant comfort thinking of about two million Filipinos who
should enjoy the right of suffrage, at least a substantial segment of these
overseas Filipino communities. The Committee, of course, is aware that when this
Article of the Constitution explicitly and unequivocally extends the right of
effective suffrage to Filipinos abroad, this will call for a logistical exercise of
global proportions. In effect, this will require budgetary and administrative
commitments on the part of the Philippine government, mainly through the
COMELEC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and perhaps, a more extensive
elaboration of this mechanism that will be put in place to make effective the right
to vote. Therefore, seeking shelter in some wise jurisprudence of the past
may not be su cient to meet the demands of the right of suffrage for
Filipinos abroad that I have mentioned. But I want to thank the Committee for
saying that an amendment to this effect may be entertained at the proper time. . .
. 33 (Emphasis and Italics Supplied)

Thus, the Constitutional Commission recognized the fact that while millions of
Filipinos reside abroad principally for economic reasons and hence they contribute in no
small measure to the economic uplift of this country, their voices are marginal insofar as
the choice of this country's leaders is concerned.
The Constitutional Commission realized that under the laws then existing and
considering the novelty of the system of absentee voting in this jurisdiction, vesting
overseas Filipinos with the right to vote would spawn constitutional problems especially
because the Constitution itself provides for the residency requirement of voters:
Before I act on that, may I inquire from Commissioner Monsod if the term
"absentee voting" also includes transient voting; meaning, those who are, let us
say, studying in Manila need not go back to their places of registration, for
instance, in Mindanao, to cast their votes.
I think our provision is for absentee voting by Filipinos abroad.

How about those people who cannot go back to the places where they are
MR. MONSOD. Under the present Election Code, there are provisions for
allowing students and military people who are temporarily in another place to
register and vote. I believe that those situations can be covered by the Omnibus
Election Code. The reason we want absentee voting to be in the
Constitution as a mandate to the legislature is that there could be
inconsistency on the residence rule if it is just a question of legislation
by Congress . So, by allowing it and saying that this is possible, then
legislation can take care of the rest . 34 (Emphasis and Italics supplied)
Thus, Section 2, Article V of the Constitution came into being to remove any doubt as to
the inapplicability of the residency requirement in Section 1. It is precisely to avoid any
problems that could impede the implementation of its pursuit to enfranchise the
largest number of quali ed Filipinos who are not in the Philippines that the
Constitutional Commission explicitly mandated Congress to provide a system for
overseas absentee voting.
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The discussion of the Constitutional Commission on the effect of the residency
requirement prescribed by Section 1, Article V of the Constitution on the proposed system
of absentee voting for qualified Filipinos abroad is enlightening:
May I just be recognized for a clari cation. There are certain quali cations
for the exercise of the right of suffrage like having resided in the Philippines for at
least one year and in the place where they propose to vote for at least six months
preceding the elections. What is the effect of these mandatory requirements on
the matter of the exercise of the right of suffrage by the absentee voters like
Filipinos abroad?
THE PRESIDENT. Would Commissioner Monsod care to answer?

MR. MONSOD. I believe the answer was already given by Commissioner

Bernas, that the domicile requirements as well as the quali cations and
disqualifications would be the same.

THE PRESIDENT. Are we leaving it to the legislature to devise the system?

FR. BERNAS. I think there is a very legitimate problem raised there.

MR. BENGZON. I believe Commissioner Suarez is clarified.

FR. BERNAS. But I think it should be further clari ed with regard to the
residence requirement or the place where they vote in practice; the understanding
is that it is exible. For instance, one might be a resident of Naga or domiciled
therein, but he satis es the requirement of residence in Manila, so he is able to
vote in Manila.
MR. TINGSON. Madam President, may I then suggest to the Committee to
change the word "Filipinos" to QUALIFIED FILIPINO VOTERS. Instead of "VOTING
Committee wants QUALIFIED VOTERS LIVING ABROAD, would that not satisfy the
THE PRESIDENT. What does Commissioner Monsod say?
MR. MONSOD. Madam President, I think I would accept the phrase
"QUALIFIED FILIPINOS ABROAD" because "QUALIFIED" would assume that he has
the qualifications and none of the disqualifications to vote.
MR. TINGSON. That is right. So does the Committee accept?


THE PRESIDENT. Does the Committee accept the amendment?
MR. REGALADO. Madam President.

THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Regalado is recognized.

MR. REGALADO. When Commissioner Bengzon asked me to read my
proposed amendment, I speci cally stated that the National Assembly shall
prescribe a system which will enable quali ed citizens, temporarily absent from
the Philippines, to vote. According to Commissioner Monsod, the use of the
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phrase "absentee voting" already took that into account as its meaning. That is
referring to qualified Filipino citizens temporarily abroad.

MR. MONSOD. Yes, we accepted that. I would like to say that with respect
to registration we will leave it up to the legislative assembly, for example, to
require where the registration is. If it is, say, members of the diplomatic corps who
may be continuously abroad for a long time, perhaps, there can be a system of
registration in the embassies. However, we do not like to preempt the legislative
THE PRESIDENT. Just to clarify, Commissioner Monsod's amendment is
only to provide a system.


THE PRESIDENT. The Commissioner is not stating here that he wants new
qualifications for these absentee voters.
MR. MONSOD. That is right. They must have the quali cations and none
of the disqualifications.
THE PRESIDENT. It is just to devise a system by which they can vote.

MR. MONSOD. That is right, Madam President. 3 5 (Italics supplied)

Clearly therefrom, the intent of the Constitutional Commission is to entrust to

Congress the responsibility of devising a system of absentee voting. The quali cations of
voters as stated in Section 1 shall remain except for the residency requirement. This is in
fact the reason why the Constitutional Commission opted for the term quali ed Filipinos
abroad with respect to the system of absentee voting that Congress should draw up. As
stressed by Commissioner Monsod, by the use of the adjective quali ed with respect to
Filipinos abroad, the assumption is that they have the "quali cations and none of the
disqualifications to vote." In fine-tuning the provision on absentee voting, the Constitutional
Commission discussed how the system should work:
MR. SUAREZ. For clari cation purposes, we just want to state for the
record that in the case of quali ed Filipino citizens residing abroad and exercising
their right of suffrage, they can cast their votes for the candidates in the place
where they were registered to vote in the Philippines. So as to avoid any
complications, for example, if they are registered in Angeles City, they could not
vote for a mayor in Naga City.
In other words, if that quali ed voter is registered in Angeles City, then he
can vote only for the local and national candidates in Angeles City. I just want to
make that clear for the record.
MR. REGALADO. Madam President.

THE PRESIDENT. What does Commissioner Regalado say?

MR. REGALADO. I just want to make a note on the statement of
Commissioner Suarez that this envisions Filipinos residing abroad. The
understanding in the amendment is that the Filipino is temporarily abroad. He
may not be actually residing abroad; he may just be there on a business trip. It
just so happens that the day before the elections he has to y to the United
States, so he could not cast his vote. He is temporarily abroad, but not residing
there. He stays in a hotel for two days and comes back. This is not limited only to
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Filipinos temporarily residing abroad. But as long as he is temporarily abroad on
the date of the elections, then he can fall within the prescription of Congress in
that situation.
MR. SUAREZ. I thank the Commissioner for his further clari cation.
Precisely, we need this clarification on record.
MR. MONSOD. Madam President, to clarify what we mean by "temporarily
abroad," it need not be on very short trips . One can be abroad on a treaty traders
visa. Therefore, when we talk about registration, it is possible that his residence is
in Angeles and he would be able to vote for the candidates in Angeles, but
Congress or the Assembly may provide the procedure for registration, like listing
one's name, in a registry list in the embassy abroad. That is still possible under
the system.

FR. BERNAS. Madam President, just one clari cation if Commissioner

Monsod agrees with this.
Suppose we have a situation of a child of a diplomatic o cer who reaches
the voting age while living abroad and he has never registered here. Where will he
register? Will he be a registered voter of a certain locality in the Philippines?
MR. MONSOD. Yes, it is possible that the system will enable that child to
comply with the registration requirements in an embassy in the United States and
his name is then entered in the o cial registration book in Angeles City, for
FR. BERNAS. In other words, he is not a registered voter of Los Angeles, but
a registered voter of a locality here.
MR. MONSOD. That is right. He does not have to come home to the
Philippines to comply with the registration procedure here.

FR. BERNAS. So, he does not have to come home.

MR. BENGZON. Madam President, the Floor Leader wishes to inquire if
there are more clarifications needed from the body.
Also, the Floor Leader is happy to announce that there are no more
registered Commissioners to propose amendments. So I move that we close the
period of amendments. 36 (Emphasis and Italics supplied)

It is clear from these discussions of the members of the Constitutional Commission

that they intended to enfranchise as much as possible all Filipino citizens abroad who have
not abandoned their domicile of origin. The Commission even intended to extend to young
Filipinos who reach voting age abroad whose parents' domicile of origin is in the
Philippines, and consider them qualified as voters for the first time.
It is in pursuance of that intention that the Commission provided for Section 2
immediately after the residency requirement of Section 1. By the doctrine of necessary
implication in statutory construction, which may be applied in construing constitutional
provisions, 37 the strategic location of Section 2 indicates that the Constitutional
Commission provided for an exception to the actual residency requirement of Section 1
with respect to quali ed Filipinos abroad. The same Commission has in effect declared
that quali ed Filipinos who are not in the Philippines may be allowed to vote even though
they do not satisfy the residency requirement in Section 1, Article V of the Constitution.
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That Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution is an exception to the residency
requirement found in Section 1 of the same Article was in fact the subject of debate when
Senate Bill No. 2104, which became R.A. No. 9189, was deliberated upon on the Senate
floor, thus:
Senator Arroyo. Mr. President, this bill should be looked into in relation to
the constitutional provisions. I think the sponsor and I would agree that the
Constitution is supreme in any statute that we may enact.
Let me read Section 1, Article V, of the Constitution entitled, "Suffrage." It
Section 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the
Philippines not otherwise disquali ed by law, who are at least
eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in the
Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein they
propose to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the
Now, Mr. President, the Constitution says, "who shall have resided in the
Philippines." They are permanent immigrants. They have changed residence so
they are barred under the Constitution. This is why I asked whether this committee
amendment which in fact does not alter the original text of the bill will have any
effect on this?
Senator Angara. Good question, Mr. President. And this has been asked in
various fora. This is in compliance with the Constitution. One, the interpretation
here of "residence" is synonymous with "domicile."
As the gentleman and I know, Mr. President, "domicile" is the intent to
return to one's home . And the fact that a Filipino may have been physically
absent from the Philippines and may be physically a resident of the United States,
for example, but has a clear intent to return to the Philippines, will make him
qualified as a resident of the Philippines under this law.
This is consistent, Mr. President, with the constitutional mandate that we –
that Congress – must provide a franchise to overseas Filipinos.

If we read the Constitution and the suffrage principle literally as

demanding physical presence, then there is no way we can provide for offshore
voting to our offshore kababayan, Mr. President.
Senator Arroyo. Mr. President, when the Constitution says, in Section 2 of
Article V, it reads: "The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy
and sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by quali ed
Filipinos abroad."
The key to this whole exercise, Mr. President, is "quali ed." In other words,
anything that we may do or say in granting our compatriots abroad must be
anchored on the proposition that they are quali ed. Absent the quali cation, they
cannot vote. And "residents" (sic) is a qualification.
I will lose votes here from permanent residents so-called "green-card
holders," but the Constitution is the Constitution. We cannot compromise on this.
The Senate cannot be a party to something that would affect or impair the
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Look at what the Constitution says — "In the place wherein they propose to
vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election."
Mr. President, all of us here have run (sic) for office.
I live in Makati. My neighbor is Pateros where Senator Cayetano lives. We
are separated only by a creek. But one who votes in Makati cannot vote in Pateros
unless he resides in Pateros for six months. That is how restrictive our
Constitution is. I am not talking even about the Election Code. I am talking about
the Constitution.
As I have said, if a voter in Makati would want to vote in Pateros, yes, he
may do so. But he must do so, make the transfer six months before the election,
otherwise, he is not qualified to vote.

That is why I am raising this point because I think we have a fundamental

difference here.
Senator Angara. It is a good point to raise, Mr. President. But it is a point
already well-debated even in the constitutional commission of 1986. And the
reason Section 2 of Article V was placed immediately after the six-month/one-
year residency requirement is to demonstrate unmistakably that Section 2 which
authorizes absentee voting is an exception to the six-month/one-year residency
requirement. That is the first principle, Mr. President, that one must remember.
The second reason, Mr. President, is that under our jurisprudence — and I
think this is so well-entrenched that one need not argue about it — "residency" has
been interpreted as synonymous with "domicile."
But the third more practical reason, Mr. President, is, if we follow the
interpretation of the gentleman, then it is legally and constitutionally impossible
to give a franchise to vote to overseas Filipinos who do not physically live in the
country, which is quite ridiculous because that is exactly the whole point of this
exercise — to enfranchise them and empower them to vote. 38 (Emphasis and
italics supplied)

Accordingly, Section 4 of R.A. No. 9189 provides for the coverage of the absentee
voting process, to wit:
SEC. 4. Coverage. — All citizens of the Philippines abroad, who are not
otherwise disquali ed by law, at least eighteen (18) years of age on the day of
elections, may vote for president, vice-president, senators and party-list

which does not require physical residency in the Philippines; and Section 5 of the
assailed law which enumerates those who are disqualified, to wit:
SEC. 5. Disqualifications. — The following shall be disquali ed from voting
under this Act:

a) Those who have lost their Filipino citizenship in accordance with

Philippine laws;
b) Those who have expressly renounced their Philippine citizenship
and who have pledged allegiance to a foreign country;
c) Those who have committed and are convicted in a nal judgment
by a court or tribunal of an offense punishable by imprisonment of not less than
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one (1) year, including those who have committed and been found guilty of
Disloyalty as de ned under Article 137 of the Revised Penal Code, such disability
not having been removed by plenary pardon or amnesty: Provided, however, That
any person disquali ed to vote under this subsection shall automatically acquire
the right to vote upon expiration of ve (5) years after service of sentence;
Provided, further, That the Commission may take cognizance of nal judgments
issued by foreign courts or tribunals only on the basis of reciprocity and subject
to the formalities and processes prescribed by the Rules of Court on execution of
d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such in
the host country, unless he/she executes, upon registration, an a davit prepared
for the purpose by the Commission declaring that he/she shall resume actual
physical permanent residence in the Philippines not later than three (3) years from
approval of his/her registration under this Act. Such a davit shall also state that
he/she has not applied for citizenship in another country. Failure to return shall be
cause for the removal of the name of the immigrant or permanent resident from
the National Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her permanent disquali cation
to vote in absentia.

e) Any citizen of the Philippines abroad previously declared insane or

incompetent by competent authority in the Philippines or abroad, as veri ed by
the Philippine embassies, consulates or foreign service establishments
concerned, unless such competent authority subsequently certi es that such
person is no longer insane or incompetent.

As finally approved into law, Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 specifically disqualifies an
immigrant or permanent resident who is "recognized as such in the host country" because
immigration or permanent residence in another country implies renunciation of one's
residence in his country of origin. However, same Section allows an immigrant and
permanent resident abroad to register as voter for as long as he/she executes an a davit
to show that he/she has not abandoned his domicile in pursuance of the constitutional
intent expressed in Sections 1 and 2 of Article V that "all citizens of the Philippines not
otherwise disquali ed by law" must be entitled to exercise the right of suffrage and, that
Congress must establish a system for absentee voting; for otherwise, if actual, physical
residence in the Philippines is required, there is no sense for the framers of the
Constitution to mandate Congress to establish a system for absentee voting. AISHcD

Contrary to the claim of petitioner, the execution of the a davit itself is not the
enabling or enfranchising act. The a davit required in Section 5(d) is not only proof of the
intention of the immigrant or permanent resident to go back and resume residency in the
Philippines, but more signi cantly, it serves as an explicit expression that he had not in fact
abandoned his domicile of origin. Thus, it is not correct to say that the execution of the
a davit under Section 5(d) violates the Constitution that proscribes "provisional
registration or a promise by a voter to perform a condition to be quali ed to vote in a
political exercise."
To repeat, the a davit is required of immigrants and permanent residents abroad
because by their status in their host countries, they are presumed to have relinquished
their intent to return to this country; thus, without the a davit, the presumption of
abandonment of Philippine domicile shall remain.
Further perusal of the transcripts of the Senate proceedings discloses another
reason why the Senate required the execution of said a davit. It wanted the a ant to
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exercise the option to return or to express his intention to return to his domicile of origin
and not to preempt that choice by legislation. Thus:
Senator Villar. Yes, we are going back.
It states that: "For Filipino immigrants and those who have acquired
permanent resident status abroad," a requirement for the registration is the
submission of "a Sworn Declaration of Intent to Return duly sworn before any
Philippine embassy or consulate official authorized to administer oath. . . "
Mr. President, may we know the rationale of this provision? Is the purpose
of this Sworn Declaration to include only those who have the intention of
returning to be quali ed to exercise the right of suffrage? What if the Filipino
immigrant has no purpose of returning? Is he automatically disbarred from
exercising this right to suffrage?
Senator Angara. The rationale for this, Mr. President, is that we want to be
expansive and all-inclusive in this law. That as long as he is a Filipino, no matter
whether he is a green-card holder in the U.S. or not, he will be authorized to vote.
But if he is already a green-card holder, that means he has acquired permanent
residency in the United States, then he must indicate an intention to return. This is
what makes for the de nition of "domicile." And to acquire the vote, we thought
that we would require the immigrants and the green-card holders . . . Mr.
President, the three administration senators are leaving, maybe we may ask for a
vote [Laughter].
Senator Villar. For a merienda, Mr. President.
Senator Angara. Mr. President, going back to the business at hand. The
rationale for the requirement that an immigrant or a green-card holder should le
an a davit that he will go back to the Philippines is that, if he is already an
immigrant or a green-card holder, that means he may not return to the country any
more and that contradicts the definition of "domicile" under the law.

But what we are trying to do here, Mr. President, is really provide

the choice to the voter . The voter, after consulting his lawyer or after
deliberation within the family, may decide “No, I think we are risking our
permanent status in the United States if we le an a davit that we want to go
back." But we want to give him the opportunity to make that decision.
We do not want to make that decision for him . 39 (Emphasis and italics

The jurisprudential declaration in Caasi vs. Court of Appeals that green card holders
are disquali ed to run for any elective o ce nds no application to the present case
because the Caasi case did not, for obvious reasons, consider the absentee voting rights
of Filipinos who are immigrants and permanent residents in their host countries.
In the advent of The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 or R.A. 9189 , they may
still be considered as a "quali ed citizen of the Philippines abroad" upon ful llment of the
requirements of registration under the new law for the purpose of exercising their right of
It must be emphasized that Section 5(d) does not only require an a davit or a
promise to "resume actual physical permanent residence in the Philippines not later than
three years from approval of his/her registration," the Filipinos abroad must also declare
that they have not applied for citizenship in another country. Thus, they must return to the
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Philippines; otherwise, their failure to return "shall be cause for the removal" of their names
"from the National Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her permanent disquali cation to
vote in absentia."
Thus, Congress crafted a process of registration by which a Filipino voter
permanently residing abroad who is at least eighteen years old, not otherwise disquali ed
by law, who has not relinquished Philippine citizenship and who has not actually
abandoned his/her intentions to return to his/her domicile of origin, the Philippines, is
allowed to register and vote in the Philippine embassy, consulate or other foreign service
establishments of the place which has jurisdiction over the country where he/she has
indicated his/her address for purposes of the elections, while providing for safeguards to
a clean election.
Thus, Section 11 of R.A. No. 9189 provides:
SEC. 11. Procedure for Application to Vote in Absentia. —
11.1. Every quali ed citizen of the Philippines abroad whose application
for registration has been approved, including those previously registered under
Republic Act No. 8189, shall, in every national election, le with the o cer of the
embassy, consulate or other foreign service establishment authorized by the
Commission, a sworn written application to vote in a form prescribed by the
Commission. The authorized o cer of such embassy, consulate or other foreign
service establishment shall transmit to the Commission the said application to
vote within ve (5) days from receipt thereof. The application form shall be
accomplished in triplicate and submitted together with the photocopy of his/her
overseas absentee voter certificate of registration.
11.2. Every application to vote in absentia may be done personally at, or by
mail to, the embassy, consulate or foreign service establishment, which has
jurisdiction over the country where he/she has indicated his/her address for
purposes of the elections.
11.3. Consular and diplomatic services rendered in connection with the
overseas absentee voting processes shall be made available at no cost to the
overseas absentee voter.

Contrary to petitioner's claim that Section 5(d) circumvents the Constitution,

Congress enacted the law prescribing a system of overseas absentee voting in
compliance with the constitutional mandate. Such mandate expressly requires that
Congress provide a system of absentee voting that necessarily presupposes that the
"quali ed citizen of the Philippines abroad" is not physically present in the country. The
provisions of Sections 5(d) and 11 are components of the system of overseas absentee
voting established by R.A. No. 9189. The quali ed Filipino abroad who executed the
a davit is deemed to have retained his domicile in the Philippines. He is presumed not to
have lost his domicile by his physical absence from this country. His having become an
immigrant or permanent resident of his host country does not necessarily imply an
abandonment of his intention to return to his domicile of origin, the Philippines. Therefore,
under the law, he must be given the opportunity to express that he has not actually
abandoned his domicile in the Philippines by executing the a davit required by Sections
5(d) and 8(c) of the law.
Petitioner's speculative apprehension that the implementation of Section 5(d) would
affect the credibility of the elections is insigni cant as what is important is to ensure that
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all those who possess the quali cations to vote on the date of the election are given the
opportunity and permitted to freely do so. The COMELEC and the Department of Foreign
Affairs have enough resources and talents to ensure the integrity and credibility of any
election conducted pursuant to R.A. No. 9189.
As to the eventuality that the Filipino abroad would renege on his undertaking to
return to the Philippines, the penalty of perpetual disenfranchisement provided for by
Section 5(d) would su ce to serve as deterrence to non-compliance with his/her
undertaking under the affidavit.
Petitioner argues that should a sizable number of "immigrants" renege on their
promise to return, the result of the elections would be affected and could even be a ground
to contest the proclamation of the winning candidates and cause further confusion and
doubt on the integrity of the results of the election. Indeed, the probability that after an
immigrant has exercised the right to vote, he shall opt to remain in his host country beyond
the third year from the execution of the a davit, is not farfetched. However, it is not for
this Court to determine the wisdom of a legislative exercise. As expressed in Tañada vs.
Tuvera, 40 the Court is not called upon to rule on the wisdom of the law or to repeal it or
modify it if we find it impractical.
Congress itself was conscious of said probability and in fact, it has addressed the
expected problem. Section 5(d) itself provides for a deterrence which is that the Filipino
who fails to return as promised stands to lose his right of suffrage. Under Section 9,
should a registered overseas absentee voter fail to vote for two consecutive national
elections, his name may be ordered removed from the National Registry of Overseas
Absentee Voters.
Other serious legal questions that may be raised would be: what happens to the
votes cast by the quali ed voters abroad who were not able to return within three years as
promised? What is the effect on the votes cast by the non-returnees in favor of the winning
candidates? The votes cast by quali ed Filipinos abroad who failed to return within three
years shall not be invalidated because they were quali ed to vote on the date of the
elections, but their failure to return shall be cause for the removal of the names of the
immigrants or permanent residents from the National Registry of Absentee Voters and
their permanent disqualification to vote in absentia.
In ne, considering the underlying intent of the Constitution, the Court does not nd
Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 as constitutionally defective.
B. Is Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 in relation to Section 4 of the same Act in
contravention of Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution?
Section 4 of R.A. No. 9189 provides that the overseas absentee voter may vote for
president, vice-president, senators and party-list representatives.
Section 18.5 of the same Act provides:
SEC. 18. On-Site Counting and Canvassing. —

xxx xxx xxx

18.5 The canvass of votes shall not cause the delay of the proclamation of
a winning candidate if the outcome of the election will not be affected by the
results thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commission is empowered to
order the proclamation of winning candidates despite the fact that the scheduled
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election has not taken place in a particular country or countries, if the holding of
elections therein has been rendered impossible by events, factors and
circumstances peculiar to such country or countries, in which events, factors and
circumstances are beyond the control or in uence of the Commission. (Italics

Petitioner claims that the provision of Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 empowering
the COMELEC to order the proclamation of winning candidates insofar as it affects the
canvass of votes and proclamation of winning candidates for president and vice-president,
is unconstitutional because it violates the following provisions of paragraph 4, Section 4 of
Article VII of the Constitution:
SEC. 4. . . .

The returns of every election for President and Vice-President, duly certi ed
by the board of canvassers of each province or city, shall be transmitted to the
Congress, directed to the President of the Senate. Upon receipt of the certi cates
of canvass, the President of the Senate shall, not later than thirty days after the
day of the election, open all the certi cates in the presence of the Senate and the
House of Representatives in joint public session, and the Congress, upon
determination of the authenticity and due execution thereof in the manner
provided by law, canvass the votes.
The person having the highest number of votes shall be proclaimed
elected, but in case two or more shall have an equal and highest number of votes,
one of them shall forthwith be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the
Members of both Houses of the Congress, voting separately.
The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the canvassing of the

xxx xxx xxx

which gives to Congress the duty to canvass the votes and proclaim the winning
candidates for president and vice-president.

The Solicitor General asserts that this provision must be harmonized with paragraph
4, Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution and should be taken to mean that COMELEC can
only proclaim the winning Senators and party-list representatives but not the President and
Vice-President. 41
Respondent COMELEC has no comment on the matter.
Indeed, the phrase, proclamation of winning candidates, in Section 18.5 of R.A. No.
9189 is far too sweeping that it necessarily includes the proclamation of the winning
candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidency.
Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 appears to be repugnant to Section 4, Article VII of the
Constitution only insofar as said Section totally disregarded the authority given to
Congress by the Constitution to proclaim the winning candidates for the positions of
president and vice-president.
In addition, the Court notes that Section 18.4 of the law, to wit:
18.4. . . . Immediately upon the completion of the canvass, the chairman of
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the Special Board of Canvassers shall transmit via facsimile, electronic mail, or
any other means of transmission equally safe and reliable the Certi cates of
Canvass and the Statements of Votes to the Commission, . . . [Italics supplied]

clashes with paragraph 4, Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution which provides that
the returns of every election for President and Vice-President shall be certi ed by the
board of canvassers to Congress.
Congress could not have allowed the COMELEC to usurp a power that
constitutionally belongs to it or, as aptly stated by petitioner, to encroach "on the power of
Congress to canvass the votes for president and vice-president and the power to proclaim
the winners for the said positions." The provisions of the Constitution as the fundamental
law of the land should be read as part of The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 and
hence, the canvassing of the votes and the proclamation of the winning candidates for
president and vice-president for the entire nation must remain in the hands of Congress.
C. Are Sections 19 and 25 of R.A. No. 9189 in violation of Section 1, Article IX-A of
the Constitution?
Petitioner avers that Sections 19 and 25 of R.A. No. 9189 violate Article IX-A
(Common Provisions) of the Constitution, to wit:
Section 1. The Constitutional Commissions, which shall be independent,
are the Civil Service Commission, the Commission on Elections, and the
Commission on Audit. (Italics supplied)

He submits that the creation of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee with the
power to review, revise, amend and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations
promulgated by the COMELEC, R.A. No. 9189 intrudes into the independence of the
COMELEC which, as a constitutional body, is not under the control of either the
executive or legislative departments of government; that only the COMELEC itself can
promulgate rules and regulations which may be changed or revised only by the majority
of its members; and that should the rules promulgated by the COMELEC violate any
law, it is the Court that has the power to review the same via the petition of any
interested party, including the legislators.
It is only on this question that respondent COMELEC submitted its Comment. It
agrees with the petitioner that Sections 19 and 25 of R.A. No. 9189 are unconstitutional.
Like the petitioner, respondent COMELEC anchors its claim of unconstitutionality of said
Sections upon Section 1, Article IX-A of the Constitution providing for the independence of
the constitutional commissions such as the COMELEC. It asserts that its power to
formulate rules and regulations has been upheld in Gallardo vs. Tabamo, Jr. 42 where this
Court held that the power of the COMELEC to formulate rules and regulations is implicit in
its power to implement regulations under Section 2(1) of Article IX-C 43 of the
Constitution. COMELEC joins the petitioner in asserting that as an independent
constitutional body, it may not be subject to interference by any government
instrumentality and that only this Court may review COMELEC rules and only in cases of
grave abuse of discretion.
The COMELEC adds, however, that another provision, vis-à-vis its rule-making power,
to wit:
SEC. 17. Voting by Mail. —
17.1. For the May, 2004 elections, the Commission shall authorize voting
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by mail in not more than three (3) countries, subject to the approval of the
Congressional Oversight Committee. Voting by mail may be allowed in countries
that satisfy the following conditions:
a) Where the mailing system is fairly well-developed and secure
to prevent occasion for fraud;
b) Where there exists a technically established identi cation
system that would preclude multiple or proxy voting; and
c) Where the system of reception and custody of mailed ballots
in the embassies, consulates and other foreign service establishments
concerned are adequate and well-secured.

Thereafter, voting by mail in any country shall be allowed only upon review
and approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee.
xxx xxx xxx (Italics supplied)

is likewise unconstitutional as it violates Section 1, Article IX-A mandating the

independence of constitutional commissions.
The Solicitor General takes exception to his prefatory statement that the
constitutional challenge must fail and agrees with the petitioner that Sections 19 and 25
are invalid and unconstitutional on the ground that there is nothing in Article VI of the
Constitution on Legislative Department that would as much as imply that Congress has
concurrent power to enforce and administer election laws with the COMELEC; and by the
principles of exclusio unius est exclusio alterius and expressum facit cessare tacitum, the
constitutionally enumerated powers of Congress circumscribe its authority to the
exclusion of all others.
The parties are unanimous in claiming that Sections 19, 25 and portions of Section
17.1 are unconstitutional. Thus, there is no actual issue forged on this question raised by
However, the Court nds it expedient to expound on the role of Congress through
the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) vis-à-vis the independence of the
COMELEC, as a constitutional body.
R.A. No. 9189 created the JCOC, as follows:
SEC. 25. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee. — A Joint
Congressional Oversight Committee is hereby created, composed of the Chairman
of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Amendments, Revision of Codes and
Laws, and seven (7) other Senators designated by the Senate President, and the
Chairman of the House Committee on Suffrage and Electoral Reforms, and seven
(7) other Members of the House of Representatives designated by the Speaker of
the House of Representatives: Provided, That, of the seven (7) members to be
designated by each House of Congress, four (4) should come from the majority
and the remaining three (3) from the minority.
The Joint Congressional Oversight Committee shall have the power to
monitor and evaluate the implementation of this Act. It shall review, revise, amend
and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated by the
Commission. (Italics supplied)
SEC. 19. Authority of the Commission to Promulgate Rules. — The
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Commission shall issue the necessary rules and regulations to effectively
implement the provisions of this Act within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of
this Act. The Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be submitted to the Joint
Congressional Oversight Committee created by virtue of this Act for prior
xxx xxx xxx (Italics supplied)

Composed of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, the Joint

Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) is a purely legislative body. There is no
question that the authority of Congress to "monitor and evaluate the implementation" of
R.A. No. 9189 is geared towards possible amendments or revision of the law itself and
thus, may be performed in aid of its legislation.
However, aside from its monitoring and evaluation functions, R.A. No. 9189 gives to
the JCOC the following functions: (a) to "review, revise, amend and approve the
Implementing Rules and Regulations" (IRR) promulgated by the COMELEC [Sections 25
and 19]; and (b) subject to the approval of the JCOC [Section 17.1], the voting by mail in
not more than three countries for the May 2004 elections and in any country determined by
The ambit of legislative power under Article VI of the Constitution is circumscribed
by other constitutional provisions. One such provision is Section 1 of Article IX-A of the
1987 Constitution ordaining that constitutional commissions such as the COMELEC shall
be "independent."
Interpreting Section 1, Article X of the 1935 Constitution providing that there shall
be an independent COMELEC, the Court has held that "[w]hatever may be the nature of the
functions of the Commission on Elections, the fact is that the framers of the Constitution
wanted it to be independent from the other departments of the Government." 44 In an
earlier case, the Court elucidated:
The Commission on Elections is a constitutional body. It is intended to
play a distinct and important part in our scheme of government. In the discharge
of its functions, it should not be hampered with restrictions that would be fully
warranted in the case of a less responsible organization. The Commission may
err, so may this court also. It should be allowed considerable latitude in devising
means and methods that will insure the accomplishment of the great objective for
which it was created — free, orderly and honest elections. We may not agree fully
with its choice of means, but unless these are clearly illegal or constitute gross
abuse of discretion, this court should not interfere. Politics is a practical matter,
and political questions must be dealt with realistically – not from the standpoint
of pure theory. The Commission on Elections, because of its fact- nding facilities,
its contacts with political strategists, and its knowledge derived from actual
experience in dealing with political controversies, is in a peculiarly advantageous
position to decide complex political questions. 45 (Italics supplied)

The Court has no general powers of supervision over COMELEC which is an

independent body "except those speci cally granted by the Constitution," that is, to
review its decisions, orders and rulings. 46 In the same vein, it is not correct to hold that
because of its recognized extensive legislative power to enact election laws, Congress
may intrude into the independence of the COMELEC by exercising supervisory powers
over its rule-making authority.

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By virtue of Section 19 of R.A. No. 9189, Congress has empowered the COMELEC to
"issue the necessary rules and regulations to effectively implement the provisions of this
Act within sixty days from the effectivity of this Act." This provision of law follows the
usual procedure in drafting rules and regulations to implement a law – the legislature
grants an administrative agency the authority to craft the rules and regulations
implementing the law it has enacted, in recognition of the administrative expertise of that
agency in its particular eld of operation. 47 Once a law is enacted and approved, the
legislative function is deemed accomplished and complete. The legislative function may
spring back to Congress relative to the same law only if that body deems it proper to
review, amend and revise the law, but certainly not to approve, review, revise and amend
the IRR of the COMELEC.
By vesting itself with the powers to approve, review, amend, and revise the IRR for
The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003, Congress went beyond the scope of its
constitutional authority. Congress trampled upon the constitutional mandate of
independence of the COMELEC. Under such a situation, the Court is left with no option but
to withdraw from its usual reticence in declaring a provision of law unconstitutional.
The second sentence of the rst paragraph of Section 19 stating that "[t]he
Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be submitted to the Joint Congressional
Oversight Committee created by virtue of this Act for prior approval," and the second
sentence of the second paragraph of Section 25 stating that "[i]t shall review, revise,
amend and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated by the
Commission," whereby Congress, in both provisions, arrogates unto itself a function not
speci cally vested by the Constitution, should be stricken out of the subject statute for
constitutional in rmity. Both provisions brazenly violate the mandate on the independence
of the COMELEC.
Similarly, the phrase, "subject to the approval of the Congressional Oversight
Committee" in the rst sentence of Section 17.1 which empowers the Commission to
authorize voting by mail in not more than three countries for the May, 2004 elections; and
the phrase, "only upon review and approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight
Committee" found in the second paragraph of the same section are unconstitutional as
they require review and approval of voting by mail in any country after the 2004 elections.
Congress may not confer upon itself the authority to approve or disapprove the countries
wherein voting by mail shall be allowed, as determined by the COMELEC pursuant to the
conditions provided for in Section 17.1 of R.A. No. 9189. 48 Otherwise, Congress would
overstep the bounds of its constitutional mandate and intrude into the independence of
During the deliberations, all the members of the Court agreed to adopt the separate
opinion of Justice Reynato S. Puno as part of the ponencia on the unconstitutionality of
Sections 17.1, 19 and 25 of R.A. No. 9189 insofar as they relate to the creation of and the
powers given to the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee.
WHEREFORE, the petition is partly GRANTED. The following portions of R.A. No.
9189 are declared VOID for being UNCONSTITUTIONAL:
a) The phrase in the rst sentence of the rst paragraph of Section 17.1, to wit:
"subject to the approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee;"
b) The portion of the last paragraph of Section 17.1, to wit: "only upon review
and approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee;"
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c) The second sentence of the rst paragraph of Section 19, to wit: " The
Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be submitted to the Joint Congressional
Oversight Committee created by virtue of this Act for prior approval;" and
d) The second sentence in the second paragraph of Section 25, to wit: "It shall
review, revise, amend and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated
by the Commission" of the same law;
for being repugnant to Section 1, Article IX-A of the Constitution mandating the
independence of constitutional commission, such as COMELEC.
The constitutionality of Section 18.5 of R.A. No. 9189 is UPHELD with respect only
to the authority given to the COMELEC to proclaim the winning candidates for the Senators
and party-list representatives but not as to the power to canvass the votes and proclaim
the winning candidates for President and Vice-President which is lodged with Congress
under Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution.
The constitutionality of Section 5(d) is UPHELD.
Pursuant to Section 30 of R.A. No. 9189, the rest of the provisions of said law
continues to be in full force and effect.
Davide, Jr., C.J. and Corona, JJ., concur.
Bellosillo, J., see concurring opinion.
Vitug and Panganiban, JJ., see separate opinion.
Carpio, Carpio Morales and Azcuna, JJ., see concurring opinion.
Puno, Ynares-Santiago and Callejo, Sr., JJ., see concurring and dissenting opinion.
Sandoval-Gutierrez, J., is on o cial leave and left her concurring and dissenting
Tinga, J., took no part.
Quisumbing, J., is on leave.

Separate Opinions
BELLOSILLO , J.: concurring

The concept of absentee voting exudes an arresting charm of novelty and

importance. For the rst time in our checkered political history, we are expanding the
frontiers of our electoral process — warily treading into a veritable terra incognita. The
Absentee Voting Law 1 empowers citizens, hitherto outside the reaches of the ballot, to
assert their sovereign will and dictate the national destiny. It caters to their fundamental
yearning for some measure of participation in the process of reaching fateful decisions for
their country, although they may be at some distant shores.
I concur with the collective wisdom of the majority. I wish however to express my
views on the pivotal issue of whether Sec. 5, par. (d), of the Absentee Voting Law —
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allowing the registration of voters who are immigrants or permanent residents in other
countries by their mere act of executing an a davit expressing their intention to return to
the Philippines — violates the residency requirement in Sec. 1, Art. V, 1987 Constitution.
The fundamental law mandates —

Section 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not

otherwise disquali ed by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who
shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein
they propose to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election.
No literacy, property or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the
exercise of suffrage.
Section 2. The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy
and sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by quali ed
Filipinos abroad . . . . (italics supplied).
On the other hand, Sec. 5, par. (d), of the Absentee Voting Law, the restless
battleground of passionate advocacy, provides —
Sec. 5. Disquali cations. — The following shall be disquali ed from voting
under this Act: . . . d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as
such in the host country, unless he/she executes, upon registration, an a davit
prepared for the purpose by the Commission declaring that he/she shall resume
actual physical permanent residence in the Philippines not later than three (3)
years from approval of his/her registration under this Act. Such a davit shall
also state that he/she has not applied for citizenship in another country. Failure
to return shall be cause for the removal of the name of the immigrant or
permanent resident from the National Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her
permanent disqualification to vote in absentia (italics supplied).

It has been suggested by certain quarters that all Filipino citizens who are
immigrants and permanent residents abroad are considered to have abandoned their
Philippine domicile and therefore cannot vote in Philippine elections, since they are not
within the constitutional contemplation of "quali ed Filipinos abroad" who are eligible to
In this jurisdiction, it is well settled that "domicile" and "residence" as used in election
laws are synonymous terms which import not only an intention to reside in a xed place
but also personal presence in that place coupled with conduct indicative of that intention. 2
Domicile is a question of intention and circumstances. There are three (3) rules that must
be observed in the consideration of circumstances: first, that a man must have a residence
or domicile somewhere; second, domicile is not easily lost, once established it is retained
until a new one is acquired; and third, a man can have but one residence or domicile at a
time. 3 The principal elements of domicile, i.e., physical presence in the locality involved
and intention to adopt it as a domicile, must concur in order to establish a new domicile.
No change of domicile will result if either of these elements is absent. Intention to acquire
a domicile without actual residence in the locality does not result in the acquisition of
domicile, nor does the fact of physical presence without intention. 4
The mere acquisition of an immigrant or permanent resident status by a Filipino
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citizen in a foreign country does not ipso jure result in the automatic severance of his
domiciliary link to the Philippines, nor the acquisition of a new domicile of choice.
Different jurisdictions vary in their legal characterization of the terms immigrant and
permanent resident, with dissimilar requirements, conditions and restrictions for the
acquisition and maintenance of those statuses. Territories with conservative policies on
immigration tend to be restrictive and exclusive, especially on matters relating to
residency (or domiciliary); while more open societies tend to be liberal and inclusive.
To illustrate: In the United States, an overwhelming majority of our compatriots are
now enjoying the rights and privileges of permanent residents and immigrants. The U.S.
Immigration and Nationality Act de nes the term permanent as "a relationship of
continuing and lasting nature, as distinguished from temporary, but a relationship may be
permanent even though it is one that may be dissolved eventually at the instance either of
the United States or of the individual, in accordance with law;" 5 and residence as "a place
of general abode; and the place of general abode of a person means his principal, actual
dwelling place in fact, without regard to intent." 6
Thus, considering that intent is not necessary in establishing permanent residency in
the U.S., it is entirely possible for a Filipino citizen to be a permanent resident in the U.S.,
i.e., the U.S. may be his general place of abode, "his principal, actual dwelling place in fact,"
for an inde nite period of time, without however abandoning his Philippine domicile to
which he intends to return later.
Immigrants, on the other hand, have been loosely de ned as referring to "every alien
in the United States, except an alien who is within one of the non-immigrant aliens
enumerated in the Immigration and Nationality Act of the United States. " 7 They are
classi ed into the non-quota immigrants and the quota immigrants. The quota immigrants
may fall in either of two (2) categories: the family-based preferences and the employment-
based preferences.
Particularly interesting is the last mentioned category, the employment-based
preferences. These immigrants are conferred the status as such on the basis of their
occupational skills and the employment demands in the host country. To this class
belongs the professionals, investors, managers and executives, skilled workers, health
workers, professors and researchers. Many Filipino citizens fall under this category, and
most of them opt for immigrant status solely for the purpose of securing permanent
employment in the U.S., and intend to return to the Philippines after their purpose is
The diaspora of Filipinos in foreign lands started in the wake of the bludgeoning
economic crisis in the 80's and its resulting acute shortage of employment opportunities.
This phenomenon has continued to the present day as the steadily rising cost of living and
intermittent economic crises — worldwide in their effects — weighed most heavily on the
ordinary Filipino. He does not have much choice: leave or starve. The lure of the proverbial
greener pastures in foreign lands is certainly a potent incentive for an exodus.
In most cases, the decision to migrate is borne out of the dire necessities of life
rather than a conscious desire to abandon the land of birth. Most immigrants and
permanent residents remain bound very strongly by intimate ties of filial, racial, cultural and
social relationships with the Philippines. They travel back periodically to be with their
friends and loved ones; some even own, maintain and manage their properties here; and,
they continue to show keen interest in, and keep themselves abreast with, political and
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social developments in the country through the mass media. They make signi cant
contributions to the nation, through their regular dollar remittances that have tremendously
shored up our sagging national economy.
In the face of these realities, I am convinced more than ever that actual and physical
residence abroad should not automatically be equated with abandonment of Philippine
domicile. The circumstances enumerated in the immediately preceding paragraph are valid
indicia of animus manendi (intent to remain) and animus revertendi (intent to return), which
should not simply be brushed aside in determining whether the right to vote should be
denied the immigrants and permanent residents. Indeed, there is no rhyme nor reason to
unduly marginalize this class of Filipinos.
It is significant to stress, however, that Sec. 5, par. (d), of the Absentee Voting Law in
fact disqualifies immigrants and permanent residents from voting as a general rule. This is
precisely in recognition of the fact that their status as such may indeed be a badge of their
intent to abandon their Philippine domicile and settle permanently in their host country. But
at the same time, the legislature provided for a mechanism in the law for ascertaining real
intent: an immigrant or permanent resident who wishes to exercise his right of suffrage is
required as a condition sine qua non to execute an a davit declaring that he shall resume
actual, physical and permanent residence in the Philippines not later than three (3) years
from his registration under the law; and that he has not applied for citizenship in another
The law in effect draws a distinction between two (2) classes of immigrants or
permanent residents — those who have renounced their old domicile in the Philippines, and
those who still consider the Philippines as their domicile of origin. The execution of the
a davit is an a rmation on the part of the immigrant or permanent resident that his stay
abroad should not be construed as a relinquishment of his old domicile.
I am not unaware of the possibility that the immigrant or permanent resident may
renege on his undertaking in the a davit to resume actual, physical and permanent
residence in the Philippines. But the law contains proper and adequate safeguards against
the misuse or abuse of this privilege, i.e., his name will be purged from the National
Registry of Absentee Voters and he will be permanently disquali ed from voting in
As a closing observation, I wish to emphasize that the absolute disquali cation of
Filipino immigrants and permanent residents, without distinction, from participating in the
Philippine electoral process would invariably result, as in the past, in a massive
disenfranchisement of quali ed voters. It would be self-defeating in the extreme if the
Absentee Voting Law would founder on the rock by reason of an unduly restrictive and
decidedly unrealistic interpretation given by the minority on the residency requirement in
the Constitution.
I vote to sustain the constitutionality of Sec. 5, par. (d), of RA 9189, and on the other
hand, to declare unconstitutional Sec. 18.5 of the same law insofar as it authorizes
COMELEC to proclaim the winning candidates for President and Vice-President it being
clearly violative of Sec. 4, Art. VII, of the Constitution, as well as Secs. 17.1, 19 and 25 of RA
9189 insofar as they subject COMELEC implementing rules and regulations to review and
approval by the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee for being likewise violative of
Sec. 1, Art. IX-A of the Constitution.

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Indeed, the mandate of the Constitution is explicit — one must be a resident in order
to vote in the country's elections. 1 But, equally compelling is its other provision that
directs Congress to adopt a system that would allow absentee voting by quali ed Filipinos
abroad. 2 The deliberations by members of the Constitutional Commission on the subject
are instructive. 3
"MR. SUAREZ. May I just be recognized for a clari cation. There are certain
quali cations for the exercise of the right of suffrage like having resided in the
Philippines for at least one year and in the place where they propose to vote for at
least six months preceding the elections. What is the effect of these mandatory
requirements on the matter of the exercise of the right of suffrage by the absentee
voters like Filipinos abroad?
"THE PRESIDENT. Would Commissioner Monsod care to answer?

"MR. MONSOD. I believe the answer was already given by Commissioner

Bernas, that the domicile requirements as well as the quali cations and
disqualifications would be the same.
"THE PRESIDENT. Are we leaving it to the legislature to devise the system?
"FR. BERNAS. I think there is a very legitimate problem raised there.
"MR. BENGZON. I believe Commissioner Suarez is clarified.
"FR. BERNAS. But I think it should be further clari ed with regard to the
residence requirement or the place where they vote in practice, the understanding
is that it is exible. For instance, one might be a resident of Naga or domiciled
therein, but he satis es the requirement of residence in Manila, so he is able to
vote in Manila.
MR. TINGSON. Madam President, may I suggest to the Committee to
change the word 'Filipinos' to QUALIFIED FILIPINO VOTERS. Instead of 'VOTING
Committee wants QUALIFIED VOTERS LIVING ABROAD, would that not satisfy the
"THE PRESIDENT. What does Commissioner Monsod say?
"MR. MONSOD. Madam President, I think I would accept the phrase
'QUALIFIED FILIPINOS ABROAD' because 'QUALIFIED' would assume that he has
the qualifications and none of the disqualifications to vote.

"MR. TINGSON. That is right. So does the Committee accept?

"THE PRESIDENT. Does the Committee accept the amendment?
"MR. REGALADO. Madam President.
"THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Regalado is recognized.
"MR. REGALADO. When Commissioner Bengzon asked me to read my
proposed amendment, I speci cally stated that the National Assembly shall
prescribe a system which will enable quali ed citizens, temporarily absent from
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the Philippines, to vote. According to Commissioner Monsod, the use of the
phrase "absentee voting" already took into account as its meaning. That is
referring to qualified Filipino citizens temporarily abroad.
"MR. MONSOD. Yes, we accepted that. I would like to say that with respect
to registration we will leave it up to the legislative assembly, for example, to
require where the registration is. If it is, say, members of the diplomatic corps who
may be continuously abroad for a long time, perhaps, there can be a system of
registration in the embassies. However, we do not like to preempt the legislative

"THE PRESIDENT. Just to clarify, Commissioner Monsod's amendment is

only to provide a system.
"THE PRESIDENT . The Commissioner is not stating here that he wants new
qualifications for these absentee voters.
"MR. MONSOD . That is right. They must have the quali cations and none
of the disqualifications.
"THE PRESIDENT. It is just to devise a system by which they can vote.
"MR. MONSOD. That is right, Madam President." (italics supplied)

In election cases, the Court, more than once, has treated residence and domicile as
being synonymous terms. In Romualdez vs. Regional Trial Court of Tacloban , 4 this
Court has said:
"The term 'residence' as used in the election law is synonymous with
'domicile,' which imports not only an intention to reside in a xed place but also
personal presence in that place, coupled with conduct indicative of such intention.
'Domicile' denotes a xed permanent residence to which when absent for
business or pleasure, or for like reasons, one intends to return. . . . Residence thus
acquired, however, may be lost by adopting another choice of domicile. In order, in
turn, to acquire a new domicile by choice, there must concur (1) residence or
bodily presence in the new locality, (2) an intention to remain there, and (3) an
intention to abandon the old domicile. In other words, there must basically be
animus manendi coupled with animus non revertendi. The purpose to remain in or
at the domicile of choice must be for an inde nite period of time; the change of
residence must be voluntary; and the residence at the place chosen for the new
domicile must be actual."

The instant controversy primarily revolves on the issue of whether or not an

immigrant or a permanent resident in another country should be considered to have lost
his status as a Philippine resident and must thus be barred from participating in the
national elections. It is well to recall that, in acquiring a new domicile, there must be a
concurrence of animus manendi and animus non revertendi. Intention is always crucial.
Thus, the Court, in Romualdez vs. Regional Trial Court of Tacloban 5 and Romualdez-
Marcos vs. Commission on Elections (COMELEC), 6 has delved in detail into the intention
of the parties to determine the question of domicile.
It is to be conceded that for quite sometime now, economic crises have forced
millions of Filipinos to leave their homes to work and live in foreign shores. To most, it has
not been a decision to uproot themselves, let alone completely sever their ties, from the
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country of birth. It is not at all farfetched for emigrating countrymen, when conditions
warrant, to get right back home. I am not prepared to say that their immigrant status
abroad is necessarily proof of an intention to discard and to abandon the domicile of
Caasi vs. Court of Appeals, 7 disqualifying a "green card holder" (an immigrant of the
United States) from running for a local public o ce, was predicated on Section 68 of the
Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines. This law disallows any person who is a
permanent resident of, or an immigrant to, a foreign country to run for an elective public
o ce, unless he shall have "waived his status as permanent resident or immigrant of a
foreign country in accordance with the residence requirement provided for in the election
laws." No such express disquali cation, however, exists for the exercise of the right to
vote. The reason for the disquali cation with respect to elective o cials, I take it,
proceeds from an assumption that "resident aliens of a foreign country are incapable of
such entire devotion to the interest and welfare of their homeland for, with one eye on their
public duties here, they must keep another eye on their duties under the laws of the foreign
country of their choice in order to preserve their status as permanent residents thereof." 8
The danger does not hold true with respect to immigrants abroad who would simply be
discharging their right and duty to cast a vote for their candidate of choice.
The law must have recognized that animus manendi and animus non revertendi,
being processes of the mind and incapable of a de nitive determination, could only be
discerned from perceivable circumstances. So also, Republic Act No. 9189 or the
"Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003," disquali es an "immigrant or a permanent
resident who is recognized as such in the host country" to vote under the Act 9 on the
premise that such a circumstance can be a cogent indication of the holder's intention to
abandon his old domicile and establish a new one. But, in much the same vein, the law
acknowledges that the immigrant or permanent resident may still be quali ed to vote,
provided "he executes, upon registration, an a davit prepared for the purpose by the
Commission on Elections declaring that he shall resume actual physical permanent
residence in the Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval of his registration
under (the) Act." The a davit shall additionally con rm that he has not applied for
citizenship in another country." 10 I am convinced that these indicators used by the
legislature are reasonable gauges to establish the intention of the immigrant not to
abandon his Philippine domicile. The fact that he has not relinquished his Philippine
citizenship should help remove any lingering doubt on his preferred status. After all, the
right of suffrage, now widely considered to be an innate right of every national, is a basic
and perhaps the most outstanding mark of citizenship.
Section 4 of the Act allows all quali ed Filipinos abroad to vote for President, Vice-
President, Senators and party-list representatives. In relation to this, Section 18.5
empowers the Commission on Election to order the proclamation of winning candidates.
11 Since it is Congress which has been granted by the Constitution 12 the authority and
duty to canvass the votes and proclaim the winning candidates for president and vice-
president, I echo the sentiment of my colleagues that the power given to COMELEC by
Section 18.5 of R.A. 9189 should be understood to be limited only to the proclamation of
winning candidates for the positions of senators and party-list representatives. The
election returns for the positions of president and vice-president should then be certi ed
by the Board of Canvassers to Congress and not to COMELEC as provided for in Section
18.4 of the Act. 1 3
R.A. 9189 creates a Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC) composed of
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Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, empowered to "review, revise,
amend and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) promulgated by the
COMELEC," 14 and to approve the voting by mail in not more than three (3) countries for
the May 2004 elections and in any country determined by COMELEC. 15 The Court here
nds unanimity in holding that Congress, by vesting itself with the aforesaid powers, has
gone beyond the scope of its constitutional authority. It is a pronouncement that, in my
view, can hardly be susceptible to challenge. The Constitution ordains that constitutional
commissions such as the COMELEC shall be independent. 16 The COMELEC has the
constitutional authority to "enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the
conduct of an election" 17 and to promulgate its rules of procedure. 18 The role therefore
of the JCOC must be understood as being limited only to the monitoring and evaluation of
the implementation of the Act 1 9 pursuant to the power of Congress to conduct inquiries in
aid of legislation. 2 0
In view whereof, I vote to uphold the constitutionality of Republic Act No. 9189
allowing absentee voting in the manner expressed therein, but that, as regards Sections
17.1, 19 and 25, I share the unanimous conclusion reached by my colleagues declaring
portions thereof as being unconstitutional.


"Constitutions are designed to meet not only the vagaries of contemporary

events. They should be interpreted to cover even future and unknown
circumstances. It is to the credit of its drafters that a Constitution can withstand
the assaults of bigots and in dels, but at the same time bend with the refreshing
winds of change necessitated by unfolding events." 1

The deliberations on this case have been blessed with extensive and exhaustive
discussions by the Justices. The ponencia itself as well as the separate, the concurring
and the dissenting opinions ably written by my esteemed colleagues scrutinized its many
aspects and rami cations. Their thoroughness and scholarship helped distill the issues
and enabled the Court to arrive at an informed judgment.
It is quite clear that there is unanimity of opinion in declaring unconstitutional those
portions of RA 9189 (1) granting Congress oversight powers over the Comelec
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR); and (2) giving Comelec authority to proclaim
presidential and vice-presidential winners — a power expressly lodged in Congress by the
Obviously, however, there is diversity of opinion on the question of whether Filipinos,
who have become permanent foreign residents, may be allowed to vote after executing an
affidavit showing an intent to reside in the Philippines within three years therefrom.
I will no longer belabor the penetrating legal pros and contras discussed by the
justices in connection with this important issue. Let me just add one more point in favor of
the constitutionality of the aforementioned provision in Section 5(d) of RA 9189. 2 It is a
point that is borne, not of strict legalese, but of practical common sense that even lay
persons will understand. 3 The Information Age has shrunk the world, enabled Filipinos
abroad to keep abreast with current events in our country, and thus empowered them to
be able to vote wisely for our national leaders.
of Voters
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Let me start my explanation of my position by recalling that our Constitution 4
requires voters to possess, on the day of the election, a minimum of three qualities or
attributes relating to (1) citizenship, (2) age and (3) residence. In addition, our fundamental
law says that the citizen must "not otherwise be disqualified by law" from voting.
On the rst , only those who owe allegiance to a country have the right to select its
leaders and determine its destiny. This is a worldwide phenomenon. Thus, only Filipinos
may vote in the Philippines; aliens cannot. By the same token, only Americans may vote in
America, 5 and only Indians may vote in India. 6
The second quali cation, age, assures that only those who have reached the natural
mental maturity are enfranchised to choose independently and sensibly. Hence, only those
who have reached 18, the age of majority, are allowed to vote; only those capacitated by
the law to enter into binding obligations and contracts 7 are allowed to elect the persons
who would make and execute the law.
On the third, residence of at least one year in the Philippines — of which six months
must be in the place where the ballot is cast — is required of voters. In our case today, this
residence requirement is the crux or centerpoint. I respectfully submit that to understand
how to interpret this quali cation in relation to the Overseas Absentee Voting Law, it is
necessary to inquire into the reason for requiring it as a condition for suffrage. Why does
the Constitution insist on residence as a prerequisite to voting?
Reason for
Residence Requirement
I believe that, traditionally, the law requires residence 8 because presence in a
certain locality enables a person to know the needs and the problems of that area. Equally
important, it also makes one become acquainted with the candidates — their
qualifications, suitability for a particular office and platform of government.
Thus, the fundamental law requires, not just that there be a minimum of one-year
residence in the country, but also that six months of that period be spent in the place
where the ballot is to be cast. Such detailed requirement will hopefully give the voters
su cient knowledge about a speci c town as to help them choose its local o cials
wisely, quite apart from understanding enough of the entire country so as to prepare to
vote sagaciously for national leaders.
The Supreme Court had occasions to discuss this common-sense reason for the
residence requirement, in this wise:
"We stress that the residence requirement is rooted in the desire that
o cials of districts or localities be acquainted not only with the metes and
bounds of their constituencies but, more important, with the constituents
themselves — their needs, di culties, aspirations, potentials for growth and
development, and all matters vital to their common welfare. The requisite period
would give candidates the opportunity to be familiar with their desired
constituencies, and likewise for the electorate to evaluate the former's
qualifications and fitness for the offices they seek." 9
"[T]he purpose of the residency requirement [is] to ensure that the person
elected is familiar with the needs and problems of his constituency[.]" 10

Although the foregoing discussions were used to justify the residence requirement
vis-à-vis candidates for elective public o ces, I believe that their rationale can easily and
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analogically fit the needs of voters as well.
The Essence
of My Opinion
The de ning essence of my position is this: in the midst of the now available e-age
communications facilities, actual presence in the Philippines is no longer indispensable to
make discerning Filipinos know the problems of their country and to decide who among
candidates for national positions deserve their mandate.
Indeed, the Information Age has given overseas Filipinos convenient means to
inform themselves of our country's needs, as well as of the suitability of candidates for
national o ces. After all, many of them live abroad, not because they want to abandon
their land of birth, but because they have been constrained to do so by economic,
professional, livelihood and other pressing pursuits. Ineluctably, they remit their hard-
earned money to help their relatives here and their country as a whole.
Verily, their easy access to Philippine mass media keep them constantly aware of
happenings in their native country. National dailies and other periodicals are sold regularly
in Filipino enclaves in foreign shores. Several local and community publications in these
areas cater mainly to Filipino expatriates, publishing news and opinions not only about
their alien neighborhoods, but also quite extensively about their homeland. 11
So, too, Philippine news and magazine-type broadcasts are available to overseas
Filipinos on a daily basis over cable television, giving them the feeling and the and
intellectual status of being home. Interactive TV talk shows are now routinely participated
in via long distance phones and cell phone text messages by people everywhere. Even
more conveniently available are the websites of major dailies. Whatever news and views
they print locally are instantly accessible everywhere on earth via the Internet.
Truly, the e-age has opened windows to the Philippines in a pervasive and thorough
manner, such that actual presence in the country is no longer needed to make an intelligent
assessment of whom to vote for as our national leaders.
I make this emphasis on national o cials, because the Absentee Voting Law allows
overseas voting only for President, Vice President, senators and party-list representatives.
12 This distinction is important, because the information available through websites and
other modern media outlets is addressed mainly to national concerns.
To insist that only those who can demonstrate actual physical residence in the
country for one year — or only those who complied with the more di cult-to-understand
concept of domicile — would be entitled to vote would be to cling adamantly and
unreasonably to a literal interpretation of the Constitution without regard for its more
liberating spirit or rationale. Such insistence would result in rendering inutile any
meaningful effort to accord suffrage to Filipinos abroad. 1 3 Such proposition would make
the constitutional interpretation anachronous in the face of the refreshing and pulsating
realities of the world. In my view, it would be thoroughly unreasonable to expect foreign-
based Filipinos to come back here for one year every three years and abandon their jobs
just to be able to comply literally with the residential requirement of suffrage.
On the other hand, the advances of science and technology — especially in the elds
of computerization, miniaturization, digitization, satellite communications and ber optics
— has so expanded the capabilities of our brothers and sisters abroad as to enable them
to understand our national needs, without having to sit back and stay here for one
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continuous year. They are now able to help us bridge those needs, not only by remitting
their hard-earned currency, but also by assisting locally based Filipinos to choose national
leaders who will steer the country in the perilous new paths of development and peace.
In sum, I respectfully submit that physical presence in the country is no longer
indispensable to arm Filipinos abroad with su cient information to enable them to vote
intelligently. The advent of the Information Age and the globalization of knowledge have
empowered them to know enough about the Philippines to enable them to choose our
national o cials prudently and, in the process, to have a signi cant voice in the
governance of the country they love and cherish.
I maintain that the constitutional provision on voter residence — like every other law
— must be interpreted "not by the letter that killeth but by the spirit that giveth life." As
heralded by the quotation from Tañada v. Angara cited at the opening of this Opinion, our
Constitution should be construed so it may "bend with the refreshing winds of change
necessitated by unfolding events."
Finally, may I stress that when the reason for the law is accomplished, then the law
itself is ful lled. Since the law requiring residence is accomplished by the globalization of
information, then the law itself is ful lled. It is time to empower our overseas brothers and
sisters to participate more actively in nation building by allowing them to help elect our
national leaders.
WHEREFORE, I vote to uphold the constitutionality of Section 5 (d) of RA 9189. I also
vote to declare as unconstitutional portions of Section 18.5 thereof insofar as they
authorize Comelec to proclaim presidential and vice-presidential winners; and of Sections
17.1, 19 and 25 insofar as they subject to congressional oversight, review and approval the
implementation of voting by mail and the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Comelec.

CARPIO , J.: concurring

The case before this Court is historic and momentous. Historic because the right of
suffrage, which through the centuries painstakingly evolved into universal right, 1 stands at
the crossroads in this country. Should the right of suffrage continue its march forward and
reach overseas Filipinos, or should this Court turn back this historic march here at our
Momentous because the core issue is the enfranchisement or disenfranchisement
of some 7 million overseas Filipinos. The annual contribution of these overseas Filipinos to
the national economy, in terms of hard-earned foreign exchange remitted through the
banking system, equals almost 50 percent of the country's national budget. 2 The total
remittances, recorded and unrecorded, of overseas Filipinos may even reach 18 percent of
GNP, almost the same percentage that agriculture at 20 percent contributes to the GNP. 3
The nation has hailed the overseas Filipinos as the modern-day heroes and saviors
of the economy. Their blood, toil, tears and sweat have propped up the Philippine peso
through all the recurring nancial crises that have battered the nation. Although scattered
in foreign lands across the globe, these overseas Filipinos keep abreast with
developments in the Philippines through the Internet, 4 cable and satellite TV, and even
In recognition of the immense contribution of overseas Filipinos to the nation, the
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framers of the 1987 Constitution introduced the absentee voting system, novel in this
country, purposely to enfranchise the overseas Filipinos. Commissioner Blas Ople, the
former Minister of Labor who started deploying abroad large numbers of Filipino workers,
triggered the introduction of the absentee voting with this discourse during the
deliberations of the Constitutional Commission:
MR. OPLE: . . .
In a previous hearing of the Committee on Constitutional Commissions
and Agencies, the Chairman of the Commission on Elections, Ramon Felipe, said
that there was no insuperable obstacle to making effective the right of suffrage
for Filipinos overseas. Those who have adhered to their Filipino citizenship
notwithstanding strong temptations are exposed to embrace a more convenient
foreign citizenship. And those who on their own or under pressure of economic
necessity here, nd that they have to detach themselves from their families to
work in other countries with de nite tenures of employment. Many of them are on
contract employment for one, two, or three years. They have no intention of
changing their residence on a permanent basis, but are technically disquali ed
from exercising the right of suffrage to their countries of destination by the
residential requirement in Section 1 which says:
Suffrage shall be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not
otherwise disquali ed by law, who are eighteen years of age or over, and
who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the
place wherein they propose to vote for at least six months preceding the

I, therefore, ask the Committee whether at the proper time they might
entertain an amendment that will make this exercise of the right to vote abroad
for Filipino citizens an effective, rather than merely a nominal right under this
proposed Constitution.
xxx xxx xxx
It gives me scant comfort thinking of about two million Filipinos who
should enjoy the right of suffrage, at least a substantial segment of these
overseas Filipino communities. The Committee, of course, is aware that when this
Article of the Constitution explicitly and unequivocally extends the right of
effective suffrage to Filipinos abroad, this will call for a logistical exercise of
global proportions. In effect, this will require budgetary and administrative
commitments on the part of the Philippine government, mainly through the
COMELEC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and perhaps, a more extensive
elaboration of this mechanism that will be put in place to make effective the right
to vote. Therefore, seeking shelter in some wise jurisprudence of the past
may not be su cient to meet the demands of the right of suffrage for
Filipinos abroad that I have mentioned. But I want to thank the
Committee for saying that an amendment to this effect may be
entertained at the proper time . 5 (Emphasis and italics supplied)
From the start, the framers of the Constitution knew that the absentee voting
system for overseas Filipinos would have to be an exception to the double residency
requirement in Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. This was the basic premise for
introducing an express provision on absentee voting in the Constitution. Unless there is
such an exception in the Constitution itself, overseas Filipinos could never vote as
absentee voters in view of the double residency requirement in Section 1. Because of this
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double residency requirement, Congress could not enfranchise through ordinary legislation
overseas Filipinos who do not comply with the double residency requirement.
Thus, the framers of the Constitution, by an overwhelming vote of 28 in favor and
only one against, approved Section 2, Article V of the Constitution, as follows:
SEC. 2. The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy and
sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by quali ed
Filipinos abroad. (Italics supplied)
After sixteen long years of debates, Congress nally enacted RA No. 9189 (the
Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003), precisely to implement the constitutional
mandate to enfranchise overseas Filipinos. Petitioner now asks the Court to strike down
this law as unconstitutional mainly because it enfranchises overseas Filipinos who do not
comply with the double residency requirement in Section 1, Article V of the 1987
Constitution, as follows:
SEC. 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not
otherwise disquali ed by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who
shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein
they propose to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election.
No literacy, property, or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the
exercise of suffrage. (Italics supplied)

Like the 1973 Constitution, Section 1, Article V of the 1987 Constitution imposes a
double residency requirement before a Filipino 18 years or over may exercise the right to
vote, namely: (1) one year residence in the Philippines; and (2) six months residence in the
locality in the Philippines where he proposes to vote.
The threshold issue is whether overseas Filipinos should comply with the double
residency requirement in Section 1 of Article V to vote under the absentee voting system in
Section 2 of the same Article. Stated another way, the issue is whether overseas Filipinos,
many of whom are not registered voters in the Philippines, should come home twice to the
Philippines just so they could vote in a foreign country as absentee Filipino voters. The rst
time they should come home is one year before the elections to establish residence in the
Philippines. The second time is six months before the elections to establish residence in
the locality in the Philippines where they propose to vote.
Did the framers of the 1987 Constitution intend to in ict on overseas Filipinos such
a burdensome requirement as an essential feature of the absentee voting system in
Section 2 of Article V? To require absentee voters to comply with the double residency
requirement is to impose an impractical and even an impossible condition to the exercise
of the constitutional right to vote. In the rst place, the second residency requirement of
establishing residence in a locality in the Philippines where the voters propose to vote is
impossible to comply since overseas Filipinos will obviously not vote in any locality in the
Philippines. Imposing the double residency requirement makes the absentee voting an
empty right of overseas Filipinos. Certainly, the wise framers of the Constitution were
incapable of such absurd scheme.
If the framers of the Constitution did not intend such an absurd requirement, should
this Court now impose such absurdity on overseas Filipinos? How many overseas Filipinos
would comply with the double residency requirement just to vote in Presidential and
Senatorial elections? How much will overseas Filipinos spend just to come home twice
within 12 months just so they could vote when they go back abroad?
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The concept of absentee voting negates a residency requirement in the country of
citizenship of the voter. By de nition, an absentee voter is a non-resident voter. Obviously,
the double residency requirement in Section 1 of Article V applies only to resident or non-
absentee Filipino voters. To impose the double residency requirement on absentee Filipino
voters is an egregious anomaly for it will require absentee Filipino voters to comply with
the same residency requirement imposed on resident or non-absentee Filipino voters. If
absentee Filipino voters are required to reside in the Philippines just like resident or non-
absentee Filipino voters, why create an absentee voting system for overseas Filipinos in
the rst place? Applying the double residency requirement on absentee voters will render
the provision on absentee voting in Section 2 a surplusage, a constitutional mandate
devoid of meaning.
Even without the absentee voting provision in Section 1, Congress can validly enact
a law allowing resident or non-absentee Filipino voters — those who comply with the
double residency requirement — to vote abroad in Philippine embassies or consulates.
There is no constitutional prohibition on registered Filipino voters who comply with the
double residency requirement to cast their ballots at a Philippine embassy or consulate
abroad where they happen to be on election day. If the absentee voting system in Section
2 were for the bene t only of resident or non-absentee Filipinos, then there would be no
need to provide for it in the Constitution.
The framers of the 1987 Constitution speci cally introduced the absentee voting
provision in Section 2 precisely to enfranchise overseas Filipinos who do not comply with
the double residency requirement in Section 1. Without the absentee voting provision in
Section 2, Congress could not validly enact a law enfranchising overseas Filipinos who do
not comply with the double residency requirement. As succinctly explained by
Commissioner Christian Monsod during the deliberations in the Constitutional
MR. MONSOD: . . . The reason we want absentee voting to be in the
Constitution as a mandate to the legislature is that there could be inconsistency
on the residence rule if it is just a question of legislation by Congress. So, by
allowing it and saying that this is possible, then legislation can take care of the
rest. 6
Evidently, the framers of the Constitution intended the absentee voting provision as an
exception to the double residency requirement.
The question of how a Filipino, who has become a permanent resident or immigrant
in a foreign country, may reacquire his domicile or residence in the Philippines is a matter
for ordinary legislation. The reacquisition of the Philippine domicile or residence that a
Filipino had lost is within the power of Congress to legislate. The Constitution does not
de ne what domicile or residence means. There is also no constitutional prohibition
against the enactment of legislation prescribing the reacquisition of domicile or residence
in the Philippines, just as there is no constitutional prohibition against the enactment of
legislation prescribing the reacquisition of Philippine citizenship.
Thus, RA No. 8171 7 allows a former natural-born Filipino who became a foreigner to
reacquire Philippine citizenship by ling a simpli ed administrative petition and taking an
oath of allegiance to the Philippines. Section 5(d) of RA No. 9189, which prescribes the
reacquisition of residence by a Filipino through the execution of an a davit stating he is
resuming residence in the Philippines, is similarly well within the power of Congress to
enact and is thus constitutional.
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While the absentee voting system is new in this country, it is well established in
other countries. In the United States, all U.S. citizens 18 years or over who reside outside
the United States during an election are eligible to vote as absentee voters. 8 The trend in
the United States is to allow "no-excuse" absentee voting, 9 that is, a quali ed or registered
voter may avail of absentee voting for any reason. Absentee voting is understood in other
jurisdictions as voting by a quali ed or registered voter without anyresidency requirement.
In the present case, petitioner wants a double residency requirement imposed on absentee
Filipino voters.
The right of suffrage is the cornerstone of a representative government like that
established in the 1987 Constitution. A representative government is legitimate when
those represented elect their representatives in government. The consent of the governed
is what stamps legitimacy on those who govern. This consent is expressed through the
right of suffrage. It is a precious right for which many have fought and died so that others
may freely exercise it. A government that denies such right on imsy or meaningless
grounds does so at its peril.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the Philippines is a
signatory, requires the Philippines to respect the people's right of suffrage " without
unreasonable restrictions." Thus, Article 25 of the Covenant provides:
Article 25. Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without
any of the distinctions mentioned in Article 2 and without unreasonable
(a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through
freely chosen representatives;
(b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall
be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot,
guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors;
xxx xxx xxx. (Emphasis and italics supplied)

The Philippines is duty bound under international law to comply in good faith with its
treaty obligations under the Covenant. To require overseas Filipinos to return to the
Philippines twice within 12 months so they may vote abroad as absentee voters is plainly
an unreasonable restriction outlawed by the Covenant.
When the framers of the Constitution introduced absentee voting in Section 2 of
Article V, they were aware of the country's obligations under the Covenant. In their
discussions on the death penalty, human rights and the Bill of Rights, the framers of the
Constitution often referred to the country's obligations under the Covenant. 10 It is
inconceivable that the framers intended overseas Filipinos to comply with the double
residency requirement, an unreasonable restriction that would patently violate Article 25 of
the Covenant and practically negate the overseas Filipinos' right of suffrage.
There are some 40 countries in the world, including our Asean neighbors Indonesia
and Thailand, which grant their overseas citizens the right to vote while residing abroad. 11
The inexorable direction of history is to bestow on every person the right to vote wherever
he may be in this global village. Modern technology and telecommunications are making
this happen even now. 1 2 Those who insist on the double residency requirement as an
essential condition for absentee voting by overseas Filipinos are turning back in vain the
clock of history.
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The framers of the Constitution expressly mandated Congress to enact an absentee
voting law to enfranchise overseas Filipinos. Congress has enacted such a law after a long
and di cult struggle by overseas Filipinos who patiently waited for 16 years for the
enactment of the law. That struggle is now part of the world history of the evolution of the
right of suffrage as a universal right. No frivolous, absurd or impractical conditions should
stand in the way of enfranchising overseas Filipinos whose contribution to the national
economy is immeasurable.
Like the framers of the 1987 Constitution and the members of Congress, I vote to
enfranchise our 7 million overseas Filipinos. This is an explicit constitutional mandate that
the Court, like Congress, must honor and respect. I therefore concur entirely with the
ponencia of Justice Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez.

CARPIO MORALES , J.: concurring

In the assault against the validity of certain provisions of the newly enacted Republic
Act No. 9189 or The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003, the pivotal issue centers on
the constitutionality of the grant, under Section 5(d) of the law, of voting rights to Filipino
immigrants or permanent residents in foreign countries, conditioned on their execution of
an a davit declaring that they shall resume actual physical permanent residence in the
Philippines within three years from the approval of their registration as absentee voters.
The controversy arises because the Constitution prescribes, among other
requirements for the exercise of suffrage, that a Filipino citizen must have resided in the
Philippines for at least one year and in the place where he is to vote for at least six months
immediately preceding the election. 1
Residence for purposes of ascertaining the right to vote and be voted for in public
o ce has been jurisprudentially interpreted to mean domicile which is an individual's
permanent home or the place to which, whenever absent for business or pleasure, one
intends to return, the domicile of a person being dependent on facts and circumstances
disclosing intent. 2
While there is no question that Filipinos who are temporarily abroad for various
reasons are still quali ed to vote for they still retain their domicile in the Philippines,
immigrants are generally deemed to be permanent settlers of the country where they are
such, 3 thereby giving rise to the conclusion that they have relocated their domicile
Republic Act No. 9189 was passed by mandate of the Constitution that "The
Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well
as a system for absentee voting by quali ed Filipinos abroad" 4 but this did not exempt the
mechanics for absentee voting from the reach of the basic requirements imposed by the
Constitution on suffrage. It is clear from the deliberations of the members of the
Constitutional Commission that their intent was to limit absentee voting to Filipinos
abroad who have all the quali cations and none of the disquali cations of a voter,
including the residency requirement.
A Filipino who is or has already become an immigrant or permanent resident in
another country can, I am convinced, by a mere sworn undertaking to return to the
Philippines for the purpose of establishing permanent residence here within the statutorily
xed three-year period, be allowed by law to vote in Philippine elections without
transgressing the rules laid down by the Constitution on suffrage. For a Filipino immigrant
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or permanent resident of a foreign country unquestionably has the Philippines as his
domicile of origin, that which he acquires at birth and is the domicile of his parents or of
the person or persons upon whom he was legally dependent at the time of his birth. 5 A
domicile, once acquired, whether by origin or choice, continues until a new domicile is
actually acquired. 6 And to acquire a new domicile by choice, the following must concur:
(1) residence or bodily presence in the new locality; (2) an intention to remain there
(animus manendi); and (3) an intention to abandon the old domicile (animus non
revertendi). 7
It is my view that the a davit executed in accordance with Section 5(d) of R.A. 9189
by a Filipino immigrant or permanent resident of another country expressing his intent to
resume physical permanent residence in the Philippines is an eloquent proof of his
intention not to abandon his domicile of origin in the Philippines. It is a statement under
oath of what a Filipino seeks to do for the future of his membership in a political
community. Why should this a davit be discredited on the mere speculation that the
immigrant might not ful ll his undertaking to return to the Philippines for good? If Filipinos
who are temporarily residing in foreign countries are accorded full faith and credit as to
their domiciliary ties no matter how inde nite their absence from the Philippines, what
more in the case of Filipino immigrants who have formally declared their intent to settle in
their homeland?
While he may have stayed on a more or less permanent basis in the host country
which conferred on him the status of an immigrant and may be animated with all the desire
to remain there, until and unless a Filipino immigrant had categorically expressed by words
or by deeds his intent to no longer return to his domicile of origin, no conclusion can be
reached as to a change in domicile from one of origin to one of choice, hence, the old
domicile subsists. For at the core of every Filipino immigrant's being is the fact of his
Philippine citizenship. He is, after all, still a Filipino.
The acquisition of a new domicile must be completely perfected by a concurrence
of the factum of removal to a new locality, the animus to remain there, and abandonment
of and intent not to return to the former domicile, for if there is a purpose to return,
whether secret or open, no loss or change of domicile will result. 8
Two types of Filipino immigrants must then be distinguished. The rst, a Filipino
who has opted not to execute the required a davit under Section 5(d) of R.A. 9189, is
clearly disquali ed to exercise suffrage for he has manifested the animus non revertendi
with respect to his domicile in the Philippines, thereby effectuating his acquisition of a new
domicile. The second, a Filipino who declares his wish to be reunited with his homeland
has, without doubt, shown that his residence of origin remained unchanged and so he is
entitled to vote under the Overseas Absentee Voting Law. Therefore, until that opportunity
to execute the a davit has been totally foregone by a Filipino immigrant, in the absence of
any conclusive evidence of his acquisition of a new domicile, the Filipino immigrant's
domicile of origin is intact, his presence abroad and his desire to remain therein
I, therefore, vote in favor of the constitutionality of Section 5(d) of R.A. 9189. I vote
to declare as unconstitutional parts of Section 18.5 of the subject law insofar as they
authorize COMELEC to proclaim presidential and vice-presidential winners; and of
Sections 17.1, 19 and 25 insofar as they are subject to congressional oversight, review and
approval the implementation of voting by mail and the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of COMELEC.
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AZCUNA , J.: concurring

I concur with the ponencia, but wish to state an additional basis to sustain Section 5
(d) of Republic Act No. 9189, which provides:
Sec. 5. Disqualifications. — The following shall be disquali ed from voting
under this Act:
xxx xxx xxx
d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such in
the host country, unless he/she executes, upon registration, an
a davit prepared for the purpose by the Commission declaring that
he/she shall resume actual physical permanent residence in the
Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval of his/her
registration under this Act. Such a davit shall also state that
he/she has not applied for citizenship in another country. Failure to
return shall be cause for the removal of the name of the immigrant
or permanent resident from the National Registry of Absentee Voters
and his/her permanent disqualification to vote in absentia.

Petitioner contends that Filipinos who establish permanent residence abroad have
thereby abandoned their Philippine domicile of origin and replaced it with a domicile of
choice in a foreign country. This may indeed be true, but with the execution of the a davit
provided for under Section 5 (d) aforementioned, the a ant expressly states an
abandonment of said domicile of choice. The legal effect of this expression is to revive the
domicile of origin. For unlike a domicile of choice, which requires both intention and
physical presence to be established or maintained, the domicile of origin can be revived by
an intention properly expressed. Thus, the abandonment of the present domicile of choice,
by the execution of the a davit, operates to revive the domicile of origin to replace it,
because of the principle that no person can be without a domicile at any time.
The moment a foreign domicile is abandoned, the native domicile is reacquired. 1
When a person abandons his domicile of choice, his domicile of origin immediately
reverts and remains until a new domicile of choice is established. 2
On the abandonment of a domicile of choice, the domicile of origin immediately
reverts, without regard to any de nite intent to return to such original domicile, provided
there is a definite intent finally to abandon the acquired domicile of choice. 3
Through the execution of the a davit, the a ant does the operative act that makes
said a ant once more a Philippine domiciliary. The requirement of resuming actual
physical presence within three (3) years is only a test of such intention, but is not needed
to effect the change or reversion of domicile. If the a ant does not resume the residence
physically within said period, then the intent expressed in the a davit is defective and the
law will deem it inoperative, thereby allowing removal of a ant's name from the National
Registry of Absentee Voters.

PUNO , J.: concurring and dissenting

With all due respect, I would like to offer my humble views on the constitutional
issues presented by the petitioner, viz:
A. Does Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 allowing the registration of
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voters who are immigrants or permanent residents in other countries
by their mere act of executing an a davit expressing their intention to
return to the Philippines, violate the residency requirement in Section
1 of Article IV of the Constitution?
B. Does Section 18.5 of the same law empowering the COMELEC to
proclaim the winning candidates for national o ces and party-list
representatives including the President and the Vice-President violate
the constitutional mandate under Section 4, Article VII of the
Constitution that the winning candidates for President and Vice-
President shall be proclaimed as winners by Congress?
C . May Congress, through the Joint Congressional Oversight
Committee created in Section 25 of Rep. Act No. 9189, exercise the
power to review, revise, amend, and approve the Implementing Rules
and Regulations that the Commission on Elections shall promulgate
without violating the independence of the COMELEC under Section 1,
Article IX-A of the Constitution?
To start off, let me stress the signi cance of the case at bar. Rep. Act No. 9189, 1
otherwise known as "The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003" is a historic attempt to
translate to reality a long awaited dream: the enfranchisement of millions of overseas
Filipinos. Undoubtedly, the efforts of Congress to give esh to Section 2, Article V of the
1987 Constitution mandating it to devise "a system for absentee voting for quali ed
Filipinos abroad," deserves the highest commendation. However, Rep. Act No. 9189 poses
far reaching constitutional issues that merit more than an invocation of abstract legal
principles or a simplistic construction of the Constitution. For one, the petition affects the
value of the right of suffrage, a right that is the cornerstone of our democratic government.
It is the responsibility of this Court to strike a balance between the need to expand the
right of suffrage in favor of those who cannot exercise it and the need to prevent the
dilution of the right of suffrage of those already exercising it. For another, the petition
compels this Court to de ne the extent and the limits of Congress' oversight powers or
legislative veto over "subordinate legislations" or the rules and regulations promulgated by
administrative agencies of government. Undoubtedly, this oversight power is
indispensable for Congress to discharge its broad power to legislate. Thus, it again
behooves this Court to draw the precise parameters of the oversight power sought to be
exercised by Congress to preserve the delicate balance of powers allocated to the
different branches of our government in the Constitution. AcSHCD

Prescinding from these premises, let me discuss the issues in seriatim.

Does section 5 (d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 violate Section 1, Article V of the 1987
Petitioner submits that Section 5, par. (d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 is unconstitutional
for it allows immigrants or permanent residents of foreign countries to vote for President,
Vice-President, Senators, and party-list representatives by mere execution of an a davit
stating that: (a) he shall resume actual, physical, permanent residence in the Philippines
not later than three (3) years from approval of his registration; and (b) that he has not
applied for citizenship in another country, viz:

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Sec. 5. Disqualifications. — The following shall be disquali ed from voting
under this Act.
xxx xxx xxx
(d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such
in the host country, unless he/she executes, upon registration, an a davit
prepared for the purpose by the Commission declaring that he/she shall resume
actual physical permanent residence in the Philippines not later than three (3)
years from approval of his/her registration under this Act. Such a davit shall
also state that he/she has not applied for citizenship in another country. Failure
to return shall be cause for the removal of the name of the immigrant or
permanent resident front the National Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her
permanent disqualification to vote in absentia. (italics ours)
Petitioner also contends that section 2, Article V of the 1987 Constitution 2 limits
the authority of Congress to provide a system for absentee voting to those Filipinos who
a r e temporarily absentin the Philippines but otherwise satisfy the requirements under
Section 1 thereof, including the one year residence in the Philippines and six months
residence in the place where they propose to vote. 3
Citing our ruling in Caasi v. Court of Appeals, 4 the petitioner avers that a Filipino who
is an acknowledged immigrant or permanent resident of a foreign country does not
possess the necessary residence requirements as he is deemed to have already
abandoned his domicile in the Philippines. He alleges that the challenged provision
amends or alters the residence requirements by granting "conditional" residence
quali cation to an immigrant or permanent resident or through the execution of an
affidavit. 5
T h e majority, thru our esteemed colleague, Madam Justice Martinez, rules that
Section 2, Article V of the 1987 Constitution mandating Congress to devise a system for
overseas absentee voting operates as an exception to the residence requirements as the
members of the Constitutional Commission manifested a clear intent "to enfranchise as
much as possible all Filipino citizens abroad who have not abandoned their domicile of
origin," viz: 6
By the doctrine of necessary implication in statutory construction, which
may be applied in construing constitutional provisions, the strategic location of
Section 2 indicates that the Constitutional Commission provided for an exception
to the actual residency requirement of Section 1 with respect to quali ed Filipinos
abroad. The same Commission has in effect declared that quali ed Filipinos who
are not in the Philippines may be allowed to vote even though they do not satisfy
residency requirement in Section 1, Article V of the Constitution. 7 (italics ours)

The majority further holds that if actual physical residence in the Philippines is
required, "there is no sense for the framers of the Constitution to mandate Congress to
establish a system for absentee voting." 8
The majority a rms our ruling in Caasi v. Court of Appeals 9 that an immigrant or
permanent resident of a foreign country is deemed to have relinquished his residence in
his country of origin. However, it rules that this presumption is overturned by the execution
of the affidavit required under the challenged provision of Rep. Act No. 9189. Allegedly, the
a davit is an explicit expression that an immigrant or permanent resident has not
relinquished his domicile in the Philippines, to wit:
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Contrary to the claim of petitioner, the execution of the affidavit itself is not
the enabling or enfranchising act. The affidavit required in Section 5(d) is not only
proof of the intention of the immigrant or permanent resident to go back and
resume residence in the Philippines, but more signi cantly, it serves as an explicit
expression that he had not in fact abandoned his domicile of origin. Thus, it is not
correct to say that the execution of the a davit under Section 5(d) violates the
Constitution that proscribes "provisional registration or a promise by a voter to
perform a condition to be qualified to vote in a political exercise."
To repeat, the affidavit is required of immigrants and permanent residents
abroad because by their status in their host countries, they are presumed to have
relinquished their intent to return to this country; thus, without the a davit, the
presumption of abandonment of Philippine domicile shall remain. 10 (italics
The majority further rules that "the act of the immigrant or permanent resident in
executing an a davit pursuant to Section 5(d) may be considered as an express waiver of
his status as an immigrant or permanent resident." Thus, the majority concludes that
Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 is not unconstitutional.
With all due respect, I disagree with the majority. But before discussing the reasons
for my dissent, let me put the issue in its proper historical perspective.
Suffrage is an attribute of citizenship 11 and is ancillary to the principle of
republicanism enshrined in Section 1, Article II of the 1987 Constitution. 12 The right of
suffrage, however, is not absolute. No political system in the whole world has literally
practiced "universal" suffrage, even among its citizens. 13 The scarlet history of the right of
suffrage shows that restrictions have always been imposed on its exercise.
In England, for instance, suffrage originated as a political privilege granted to land
owners by the monarchs. 14 The grant arose from the theory that in the formation of the
state, the people agreed to surrender to the King all political sovereignty. In return, the King
extended suffrage to the freeholders as a vested right. The origin and character of
suffrage in England is chronicled by Chief Justice Holt in Ashby v. White, et al., 15 viz:
The election of knights belongs to the freeholders of the counties, and it is
an original right vested in and inseparable from the freehold, and can be no more
severed from the freehold than the freehold itself can be taken away. Before the
statute of 8 Hen. 6, ch. 7, any man that had a freehold, though never so small, had
a right of voting; but by that statute the right of election is con ned to such
persons as have lands or tenements to the yearly value of forty shillings at least,
because, as the statute says, of the tumults and disorders which happened at
elections by the excessive and outrageous number of electors; but still the right of
election is an original incident to and inseparable from freehold. As for citizens
and burgesses, they depend on the same rights as the knights of shires differ only
as to the tenure; but the right and manner of their election is on the same
foundation. 16

The economic theory of suffrage is also evident in the early history of the United
States. The 1787 U.S. Constitution, as originally adopted, did not expressly provide the
right to vote. 17 The States were left to determine who should have the right to vote in
national as well as local elections. Most States restricted the right of suffrage to white
males over twenty-one years of age with a certain amount of property. 18 Other States also
required religious, 19 literacy, and moral qualifications. 20
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Some legal scholars, however, contend that the right of suffrage is presumed from
the provision of the Constitution guaranteeing each state a "republican form of
government." 21 Veering away from the economic theory of suffrage prevalent in England,
these scholars argue that in forming the state, the people did not give up all their sovereign
powers but merely delegated the exercise of these powers to some chosen
representatives. The right of suffrage is one of these delegated powers, viz:
The people, in their original sovereign character are the fountainhead of
governmental authority, and all the powers necessary to be exercised in the
continued administration of a representative government originated and are
delegated by exertion of their sovereign will. These propositions, founded on
necessity, and illustrated by long continued practice, have become the received
doctrines of the American people . . . The people, in clothing a citizen with the
elective franchise for the purpose of securing a consistent and perpetual
administration of the government they ordain, charge him with the performance
of a duty in the nature of a public trust, and in that respect constitute him a
representative of the whole people. This duty requires that the privilege thus
bestowed should be exercised, not exclusively for the bene t of the citizen or
class of citizens professing it, but in good faith and with an intelligent zeal for the
general benefit and welfare of the State . . . 22

As a privilege delegated by the people, a citizen acquires no indefeasible right to the

continuous exercise or enjoyment of the right of suffrage. "The people of the State, in the
exercise of their sovereign power, may disqualify, suspend or entirely withdraw it from any
citizen or class of them, providing always that representation of the people, the essential
characteristics of a republican government, be not disregarded or abandoned." 23
Following the shift in its theoretical basis, the right of suffrage was extended to
broader classes of citizens. In 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment was enacted prohibiting the
federal government and the states from discriminating on the basis of "race, color or
previous conditions of servitude." In 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment was rati ed
providing that the right of citizens to vote "shall not be denied or abridged by the United
States or by any State on account of sex." In 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment was
adopted providing that the right of any citizen to vote for President, Vice-President or
members of Congress "shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State,
by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax." In 1971, the Twenty-sixth Amendment
was passed providing that the right of any citizen eighteen years or older to vote "shall not
be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age."
In our jurisdiction, the right of suffrage has evolved from a mere statutory right to a
constitutional right. Our rst election law was Act No. 1582, which took effect on January
15, 1907. We had no elections during the Spanish occupation of the country.
Like its foreign counterparts, the quali cations for the exercise of the right of
suffrage set in Section 14 of Act No. 1582 were elitist and gender-biased. The right of
suffrage was limited to male citizens twenty-three years of age or over with legal
residence for a period of six months immediately preceding the election in the municipality
in which they exercise the right of suffrage. Women were not allowed to vote for they were
regarded as mere extensions of the personality of their husbands or fathers, and that they
were not t to participate in the affairs of government. 24 But even then, not all male
citizens were deemed to possess signi cant interests in election and the ability to make
intelligent choices. Thus, only those falling under any of the following three classes were
allowed to vote: (a) those who, prior to the August 13, 1898, held o ce of municipal
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captain, governadorcillo, alcalde, lieutenant, cabeza de barangay, or member of any
ayuntamiento; (b) those who own real property with the value of five hundred pesos or who
annually pay thirty pesos or more of the established taxes; or (c) those who speak, read
and write English or Spanish.
But apart from possessing the necessary quali cations, a voter must not suffer
from any disquali cation. We elaborated the reasons for setting disquali cations for the
exercise of the right of suffrage in People v. Corral, 25 viz:
The modern conception of suffrage is that voting is a function of
government. The right to vote is not a natural right but it is a right created by law.
Suffrage is a privilege granted by the State to such persons or classes as are
most likely to exercise it for the public good. In the early stages of the evolution of
the representative system of government, the exercise of the right of suffrage was
limited to a small portion of the inhabitants. But with the spread of democratic
ideas, the enjoyment of the franchise in the modern states has come to embrace
the mass of the adult male population. For reasons of public policy, certain
classes of persons are excluded from the franchise. Among the generally
excluded classes are minors, idiots, paupers, and convicts.
The right of the State to deprive persons of the right of suffrage by reason
of their having been convicted of crime, is beyond question. "The manifest
purpose of such restrictions upon this right is to preserve the purity of elections.
The presumption is that one rendered infamous by conviction of felony, or other
base offenses indicative of moral turpitude, is un t to exercise the privilege of
suffrage or to hold o ce. The exclusion must for this reason be adjudged a mere
disquali cation, imposed for protection and not for punishment, the withholding
of a privilege and not the denial of a personal right." 26

On November 9, 1933, the Philippine Legislature enacted Act No. 4122 extending
the right of suffrage to Filipino women starting January 1, 1935. However, before they
could exercise their new right, the 1935 Constitution was adopted, once again, limiting the
right of suffrage to male citizens, viz:
Suffrage may be exercised by male citizens of the Philippines not
otherwise disquali ed by law, who are twenty-one years of age or over and are
able to read and write, and who shall have resided in the Philippines for one year
and in the municipality wherein they propose to vote for at least six months
preceding the election. The National Assembly shall extend the right of suffrage
to women, if in a plebiscite which shall be held for that purpose within two years
after the adoption of this Constitution, not less than three hundred thousand
women possessing the necessary quali cations shall vote a rmatively on the

During the deliberations of the Constitutional Convention, it was conceded that

Filipino women were capable of exercising the right of suffrage. Their right, however, was
opposed on the following grounds: (1) there was no popular demand for suffrage by
Filipino women themselves; (2) woman suffrage would only disrupt family unity; and (3) it
would plunge women into the quagmire of politics, dragging them from the pedestal of
honor in which they had theretofore been placed. 27 Thus, in its report to the President of
the Convention on September 24, 1934, the Committee on Suffrage said:
The committee refrains from stating in this report the reasons on which it
bases its decision to withdraw the right of suffrage from the women and will
merely say that the principal idea in the minds of the members not in favor of
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extending suffrage to women was that the sweet womanliness of the Philippine
women should be projected from political strife and passion in order that sweet
home may not lose any of its sweetness. 28

The proponents of woman suffrage in reply argued that it would be unfair to deprive
Filipino women of the right of suffrage already granted to them by the legislature without
giving them the chance to prove whether they deserved it or not. They also submitted that
the right would make them more interested in the management of the affairs of
government and that "it was necessary as a matter of justice to extend the frontiers of our
democracy to our women who had labored hard side by side with our men for the
progress and development of the country." 29 In a last ditch attempt to save the cause of
woman suffrage, women leaders distributed a petition to individual delegates that reads:
We, the undersigned, duly elected representatives of women who believe in
the justice and wisdom of the enfranchisement of the Filipino women, protest
most solemnly against women being deprived of the vote in the Constitution of
the Commonwealth and against any change in the existent Law, No. 4112,
passed by the Ninth Philippine Legislature on November ninth, 1933, and signed
by Governor-General Frank Murphy on December seventh, 1934.
We call the attention of the Constitutional Assembly and the Legislature to
the plea for liberty made before the Congress and the President of United States
for thirty-seven years by the Filipinos; a plea based on the fact that we are a
liberty-loving people equipped and capable of self-government. Such government
cannot exist "half-slave and half-free." The women of this Christian land, serene in
the knowledge that in peace or war they have never failed their men or their
country, in this crucial hour of the realization of the sacri ce and devotion of the
years, insist upon their political recognition and their share in the triumph of the
cause of liberty.

It is not a matter of plebiscite nor speci c numbers. It is a right earned,

deserved and therefore claimed. It is not a matter of sex. In a democratic
government all quali ed citizens, men and women alike, can and should make
their valuable contribution in deciding what their community will undertake to do
through its government, by what means, and through what officials.

Under the law women suffer penalties, are summoned before the courts by
law — laws they have had no voice in making — and pay taxes. "Taxation without
representation is tyranny" and more so in 1934 than in 1776.
So con dent of the unalterable righteousness of this cause, to you,
gentlemen of the Constitutional Assembly, we appeal for justice believing and
knowing that our cause is a just one, and that our rights have been won thru years
of sacri ce, devotion and service to our common cause — the cause of men and
women alike — the welfare and progress of our native land — the Philippines. 30

In the end, a compromise was reached limiting the right of suffrage to male citizens
and leaving the issue of women suffrage for the women to decide. In the plebiscite held on
April 30, 1937, more than three hundred thousand women voted for woman suffrage.
Thenceforth, Filipino women were allowed to vote, thus, paving the way for women
participation in the government.
To broaden the mass base of voters, the 1935 Constitution lowered the age
requirement from 23 years to 21 years. The literacy requirement was also relaxed. It is to
be noted that from the opening days of the Convention, there was a prevalent sentiment
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among the delegates to bar illiterates from exercising the right of suffrage. It was
proposed that only those who can read and write English, Spanish, or other local dialects
should be allowed to vote. This proposal was defeated for the drafters felt that while the
ability to read and write was necessary, 31 the speci cation of any language or dialect
would be discriminatory against the Mohammedans:
It is discriminatory against a respectable minority of the population of the
Philippines. It would serve to discriminate against the Mohammedan population
of the Philippines for which I am one of the humble representatives. It is the
opinion of this Convention, I think, to emancipate, to enfranchise our backward
elements, especially the Mohammedan population. And you would like to curtail
that right and that privilege by inserting a provision that only those who can read
and write either English, Spanish, or any of the local dialects shall be allowed to
vote. This amendment would preclude the Mohammedans because their Arabic
writing is not included under local dialects. Because when you say, local dialects,
you refer to the dialect and not to the system of writing. The system of writing is
either Arabic or Roman. In view of this fact, Mr. President, I hope that you will be
liberal and tolerant enough to reject this proposed amendment because it is
unnecessary and because it is discriminatory. 32

Furthermore, the 1935 Constitution removed the property quali cations under Act
No. 1582. We explained the reason for this removal in Maquera v. Borra, 33 viz:
. . . property quali cations are inconsistent with the nature and essence of
the republican system ordained in our constitution and the principle of social
justice underlying the same, for said political system is premised upon the tenet
that sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates
from them, and this, in turn, implies necessarily that the right to vote and to be
voted for shall not be dependent upon the wealth of the individual concerned,
whereas social justice presupposes equal opportunity for all, rich and poor alike,
and that, accordingly, no person shall by reason of poverty, be denied the chance
to be elected to the public office. . . 34

In sum, the 1935 Constitution gave a constitutional status to the right of suffrage.
Thus, suffrage is not anymore a privilege granted by the legislature, but a right granted by
the sovereign people to a de nite portion of the population possessing certain
quali cations. To be sure, the right of suffrage was still subject to regulation by the
legislature but only in accordance with the terms of the Constitution. SDHETI

The march towards liberalization of the right of suffrage continued with the 1973
Constitution. The literacy requirement was removed while the age bar was further lowered
from 21 years to 18 years. Thus, Section 1, Article VI of the 1973 Constitution reads:
Section 1. Suffrage shall be exercised by citizens of the Philippines not
otherwise disquali ed by law, who are eighteen years of age or over, and who
shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein
they propose to vote for at least six months preceding the election. No literacy,
property or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of
suffrage. The National Assembly shall provide a system for the purpose of
securing the secrecy and sanctity of the vote. (italics ours)
The rationale for these changes was expressed in the Explanatory Note of
Resolution No. 03 of the Committee on Suffrage and Electoral Reforms, viz:
In keeping with the trend for the broadening of the electoral base already
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begun with the lowering of the voting age to 18 and in keeping with the
committee's desire to continue the alienation and exclusion of millions of citizens
from the political system and from participation in the political life in the country,
the requirement of literacy for voting has been eliminated. It is noted that there are
very few countries left in the world where literacy remains a condition for voting.
There is no Southeast Asian country that imposes this requirement. The United
States Supreme Court only a few months ago declared unconstitutional any state
law that would continue to impose this requirement for voting.
Although there were more resolutions submitted proposing the increase of
educational requirements for voting than those advocating the elimination of the
literacy requirement, the committee felt that favoring the elimination of the
requirement would be more in keeping with its objective and that of the
Constitutional Convention encouraging popular participation and equalizing the
privileges and rights of the people. . .
According to the Bureau of Census and Statistics, the projection for the
population of the Philippines over 18 years old for 1970 is 17,659,000. Of this,
12,384,000 are considered literates. However, the same Bureau admitted that
there is no real scienti c literacy test in counting literates. All that is done is to ask
each member of the population the question whether he is able to read and write
and to take his answer at its face value.
These circumstances plus the well-known practice in all elections in which
political leaders spend their time in the barrios showing the prospective voters to
write the name of the candidates instead of explaining the political issues to
them, strengthened the conviction of the committee that present literacy
requirement is more of a joke, and worse, a deterrent to intelligent discussions of
the issues. Finally, the committee took note of the convincing argument that the
requirement to read and write was written into our constitution at a time when the
only medium of information was the printed word and even the public meetings
were not as large and successful because of the absence of amplifying
equipment. It is a fact that today the vast majority of the population learn about
national matters much more from the audio-visual media, namely, radio and
television, and public meetings have become much more effective since the
advent of amplifying equipment.

In addition, the 1973 Constitution provided that no property or other substantive

requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage.
The 1987 Constitution further liberalized the right of suffrage. For the rst time , it
required Congress to provide a system for absentee voting by quali ed Filipinos abroad
and to design a procedure for the disabled and the illiterates to vote without assistance
from other persons. Be that as it may, four quali cations existing since the 1935
Constitution were retained: (1) Filipino citizenship; (2) age; (3) one year residence in the
Philippines; and (4) six months residence in the place where the voter proposes to vote.
The wisdom of these four quali cations has not been questioned at any given time in the
history of our suffrage. It is easy to see the reason. Suffrage is a political right appertaining
to citizenship . Each individual quali ed to vote is a particle of popular sovereignty, hence,
the right of suffrage cannot be extended to non-citizens. As an attribute of citizenship,
suffrage is reserved exclusively to Filipinos whose allegiance to the country is undivided. 35
It is also conceded that the right of suffrage can be exercised only by persons of a
certain age. Nobody could doubt the reason for preventing minors from taking part in the
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political exercise. Voting is an act of choice and involves prescience. It requires not only a
familiarity of political realities but also the maturity to make reasoned choices out of these
realities. 36
But citizenship and age requirements are not enough. For the vote to be more
meaningful as an expression of sovereignty, the voter must possess more than a passing
acquaintance with the problems and prospects of the country. Thus, residence is imposed
as a quali cation "to exclude a stranger and a newcomer, unacquainted with the conditions
and needs of the community and not identi ed with the latter." 37 The residence
requirement is also necessary for administrative purposes such as the preparation of
accurate list of voters. 38
I now come to the case at bar. The first issue is whether Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No.
9189 extending the right of suffrage to Filipinos who are "immigrants" or "permanent
residents" of foreign countries is unconstitutional. To resolve this issue, the following need
to be addressed: (1) whether Section 2, Article V of the Constitution dispenses with the
residence requirements prescribed in Section 1 thereof; (2) whether an "immigrant" or a
"permanent resident" satis es the residence requirements; (3) whether the execution of an
a davit is su cient proof of non-abandonment of residence in the Philippines; and (4)
whether the system provided in Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 will dilute the right of
suffrage of other Filipino voters who possess the full residence quali cations under
Section 1, Article VI of the Constitution.
(1) Whether Section 2 of Article V dispenses with the residence
requirements prescribed in Section 1 of the same Article.
Section 1, Article V of the 1987 Constitution prescribes two residence
quali cations: (a) one year residence in the Philippines; and (2) six months residence in the
locality where the voter proposes to vote.
In its ordinary conception, residence connotes the actual relationship of an individual
to a speci c place. To be a resident, physical presence of a person in a given area,
community or country is required. 39 Even before the adoption of the 1935 Constitution,
jurisprudence has equated the rst residence requirement (one year residence in the
Philippines) with domicile or legal residence. 40 Domicile in turn has been de ned as an
individual's permanent home or "the place to which, whenever absent for business or for
pleasure, one intends to return, and depends on facts and circumstances in the sense that
they disclose intent." 41 The domicile of a person is determined by the concurrence of the
following elements: (1) the fact of residing or physical presence in a xed place; and (2)
animus manendi, or the intention of returning there permanently. 42 The mere absence of
an individual from his permanent residence without the intention to abandon it does not
result in a loss or change of domicile. 43
The second residence requirement (six months residence in the place the voter
proposes to vote) refers to either the voter's domicile or to his temporary residence. 44 A
voter who is domiciled in a particular locality but has resided for six months in another
locality may register and vote in either locality, but not in both. To be sure, a person
ful lling the rst residence requirement also ful lls the second so long as the voter
registers in his established domicile. The second residence requirement is relevant for two
purposes: (1) the determination of the place where the voter will register, and (2) the
determination of the place where the voter will vote. It ought to be noted that as a general
rule, a person should register and vote in the place where he has established his domicile
or the place where he has resided for six months.
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The intent of the members of the Constitutional Commission to apply the residence
requirements to absentee voters is evident from its deliberations. They precisely used the
phrase "QUALIFIED FILIPINOS ABROAD" to stress that the absentee voter must have all the
qualifications in Section 1, Article VI of the Constitution, viz:
MR. SUAREZ. May I just be recognized for a clari cation. There are certain
quali cations for the exercise of the right of suffrage like having resided in the
Philippines for at least one year and in the place where they propose to vote for at
least six months preceding the elections. What is the effect of these mandatory
requirements on the matter of the exercise of the right of suffrage by the absentee
voters like Filipinos abroad?
THE PRESIDENT. Would Commissioner Monsod care to answer?
MR. MONSOD. I believe the answer was already given by Commissioner
Bernas, that the domicile requirements as well as the quali cations and
disqualifications would be the same.
THE PRESIDENT. Are we leaving it to the legislature to devise the system?
FR. BERNAS. I think there is a very legitimate problem raised there.
MR. BENGZON. I believe Commissioner Suarez is clarified.

FR. BERNAS. But I think it should be further clari ed with regard to the
residence requirement or the place where they vote in practice; the understanding
is that it is exible. For instance, one might be a resident of Naga or domiciled
therein, but he satis es the requirement of residence in Manila, so he is able to
vote in Manila.

MR. TINGSON. Madam President, may I suggest to the Committee to

change the word "Filipinos" to QUALIFIED FILIPINO VOTERS. Instead of "VOTING
Committee wants QUALIFIED VOTERS LIVING ABROAD, would that not satisfy the

THE PRESIDENT. What does Commissioner Monsod say?

MR. MONSOD. Madam President, I think I would accept the phrase
"QUALIFIED FILIPINOS ABROAD" because "QUALIFIED" would assume that he has
the qualifications and none of the disqualifications to vote.
MR. TINGSON. That is right. So does the Committee accept?
THE PRESIDENT. Does the Committee accept the amendment?
MR. REGALADO. Madam President.
THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Regalado is recognized.

MR. REGALADO. When Commissioner Bengzon asked me to read my

proposed amendment, I speci cally stated that the National Assembly shall
prescribe a system which will enable quali ed citizens, temporarily absent from
the Philippines, to vote. According to Commissioner Monsod, the use of the
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phrase "absentee voting" already took into account as its meaning. That is
referring to qualified Filipino citizens temporarily abroad.
MR. MONSOD. Yes, we accepted that. I would like to say that with respect
to registration we will leave it up to the legislative assembly, for example, to
require where the registration is. If it is, say, members of the diplomatic corps who
may be continuously abroad for a long time, perhaps, there can be a system of
registration in the embassies. However, we do not like to preempt the legislative
THE PRESIDENT. Just to clarify, Commissioner Monsod's amendment is
only to provide a system.

THE PRESIDENT. The Commissioner is not stating here that he wants new
qualifications for these absentee voters.
MR. MONSOD. That is right. They must have the quali cations and none
of the disqualifications.
THE PRESIDENT. It is just to devise a system by which they can vote.
MR. MONSOD. That is right, Madam President. 45

In the course of the deliberations, Fr. Bernas perceived a problem that may arise
from the meaning of the second residence requirement on the place of registration and
voting. As noted, a quali ed voter normally registers and votes in the place where he is
domiciled or has resided for six months. Fr. Bernas feared that the second residence
requirement may pose a constitutional obstacle to absentee voting "unless the vote of the
person who is absent is a vote which will be considered as cast in the place of his
domicile," viz:
MR. OPLE. With respect to Section 1, it is not clear whether the right of
suffrage, which here has a residential restriction, is not denied to citizens
temporarily residing or working abroad. Based on the statistics of the government
agencies, there ought to be about two million such Filipinos at this time.
Commissioner Bernas had earlier pointed out that these provisions are really lifted
from the two previous Constitutions of 1935 and 1973, with the exception of the
last paragraph. They could not therefore have foreseen at that time the
phenomenon now described as the Filipino labor force explosion overseas.
According to government data, there are now about 600,000 contract
workers and employees, and although the major portions of these expatriate
communities of workers are found in the Middle East, they are scattered in 177
countries in the world.
In previous hearings of the Committee on Constitutional Commissions and
Agencies, the Chairman of the Commission on Elections, Ramon Felipe, said that
there was no insuperable obstacle to making effective the right of suffrage for
Filipinos overseas. Those who have adhered to their Filipino citizenship
notwithstanding strong temptations are exposed to embrace a more convenient
foreign citizenship. And those who on their own or under pressure of economic
necessity here, nd that they have detached themselves from their families to
work in other countries with de nite tenures of employment. Many of them are on
contract employment for one, two, or three years. They have no intention of
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changing their residence on a permanent basis, but are technically disquali ed
from exercising the right of suffrage in their countries of destination by residential
requirement in Section 1 . . .
xxx xxx xxx

I, therefore, ask the Committee whether at the proper time, they might
entertain an amendment that will make this exercise of the right to vote abroad
for Filipino citizens an effective, rather than merely a nominal right under this
proposed Constitution.
FR. BERNAS. Certainly, the Committee will consider that. But more than
just saying that, I would like to make a comment on the meaning of "residence" in
the Constitution because I think it is a concept that has been discussed in various
decisions of the Supreme Court, particularly in the case of Faypon vs. Quirino, a
1954 case which dealt precisely with the meaning of "residence" in the Election
Law. . .

xxx xxx xxx

In other words, "residence" in this provision refers to two residence
quali cations: "residence" in the Philippines and "residence" in the place where he
will vote. As far as the residence in the Philippines is concerned, the word
"residence" means domicile, but as far as residence where he will actually cast his
ballot is concerned, the meaning seems to be different. He could have a domicile
somewhere else and yet he is allowed to vote there. So that there may be serious
constitutional obstacles to absentee voting, unless the vote of the person who is
absent is a vote which will be considered as cast in the place of his domicile. 46
(italics supplied)

Following the observation of Father Bernas and to obviate the constitutional

problem, the members of the Constitutional Commission then discussed the system of
registration of quali ed Filipinos abroad who will be allowed to vote. It was agreed that
their registration abroad would be considered as registration in a particular locality in the
Philippines where he is domiciled, and the vote cast abroad would be considered cast in
that particular locality, to wit:
MR. REGALADO. I just want to make a note on the statement of
Commissioner Suarez that this envisions Filipinos residing abroad. The
understanding in the amendment is that the Filipino is temporarily abroad. He
may or may not be actually residing abroad; he may just be there on a business
trip. It just so happens that the day before the elections he has to y to the United
States, so that he could not cast his vote. He is temporarily abroad but not
residing there. He stays in a hotel for two days and comes back. This is not
limited only to Filipinos temporarily residing abroad. But as long as he is
temporarily abroad on the date of the elections, then he can fall within the
prescription of Congress in that situation.
MR. SUAREZ. I thank the Commissioner for his further clari cation.
Precisely, we need this clarification on record.
MR. MONSOD. Madam President, to clarify what we mean by "temporarily
abroad," it need not be on very short trips. One can be abroad on a treaty traders
visa. Therefore, when we talk about registration, it is possible that his residence is
in Angeles and he would be able to vote for the candidates in Angeles, but
Congress or the Assembly may provide the procedure for registration, like listing
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one's name, in a registry list in the embassy abroad. That is still possible under
this system.

FR. BERNAS. Madam President, just one clari cation if Commissioner

Monsod agrees with this.
Suppose we have a situation of a child of a diplomatic o cer who reaches
the voting age while living abroad and he has never registered here. Where will he
register? Will he be a registered voter of a certain locality in the Philippines?
MR. MONSOD. Yes, it is possible that the system will enable that child to
comply with the registration requirements in an embassy in the United States and
his name is then entered in the o cial registration book in Angeles City, for
FR. BERNAS. In other words, he is not a registered voter of Los Angeles, but
a registered voter of a locality here.
MR. MONSOD. That is right. He does not have to come home to the
Philippines to comply with the registration procedure here.

FR. BERNAS. So, he does not have to come home. 47 (italics ours)

It is crystal clear from the foregoing deliberations, that the majority erred in ruling
that Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution dispensed with the residence requirements
provided under Section 1 of the same Article.
(2) Whether an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident" of a foreign
country has lost his domicile in the Philippines.
The next question is whether an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident" of a foreign
country has abandoned his domicile in the Philippines. I respectfully submit that he has.
There are three classes of domicile, namely: domicile of origin, domicile of choice,
and domicile by operation of law. At any given point, a person can only have one domicile.
Domicile of origin is acquired by every person at birth and continues until replaced
by the acquisition of another domicile. More speci cally, it is the domicile of the child's
parents or of the persons upon whom the child is legally dependent at birth. Although also
referred to as domicile of birth, domicile of origin is actually the domicile of one's parents
at the time of birth and may not necessarily be the actual place of one's birth. 48 Domicile
of choice is a domicile chosen by a person to replace his or her former domicile. An adult
may change domicile at will. The choice involves an exercise of free will and presumes
legal capacity to make a choice. While intention is a principal feature on domicile of choice,
a mere intention without the fact of actual presence in the locality cannot bring about the
acquisition of a new domicile. Domicile of choice generally consists of a bodily presence in
a particular locality and a concurrent intent to remain there permanently or at least
indefinitely. 49 Domicile by operation of law is a domicile that the law attributes to a person
independent of a person's residence or intention. It applies to infants, incompetents, and
other persons under disabilities that prevent them from acquiring a domicile of choice. 50
In Romualdez-Marcos v. COMELEC , 51 we ruled that domicile of origin is not easily
lost. To successfully effect a change of domicile , one must demonstrate an actual removal
or an actual change of domicile; a bona de intention of abandoning the former place of
residence and establishing a new one; and acts which correspond with purpose. 52 This
change of domicile is effected by a Filipino who becomes an "immigrant" or a "permanent
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resident" of a foreign country. Thus, we held in Caasi v. Court of Appeals, 53 viz:
Miguel's application for immigrant status and permanent residence in the
U.S. and his possession of a green card attesting to such status are conclusive
proof that he is a permanent resident of the U.S. despite his occasional visits to
the Philippines. The waiver of such immigrant status should be as indubitable as
his application for it. Absent clear evidence that he made an irrevocable waiver of
that status or that he surrendered his green card to the appropriate U.S.
authorities before he ran for mayor . . . 54

The doctrine in Caasi is by no means new. Our election laws have continuously
regarded "immigrants" or "permanent residents" of a foreign country to have lost their
domiciles in the Philippines and hence are not quali ed to run for public o ce. 55 There is
no reason not to apply the Caasi ruling in disputes involving the quali cation of voters. In
essence, both cases concern fulfillment of the residence requirements.
Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 itself reinforces the applicability of the Caasi
doctrine. As observed by the majority, Rep. Act No. 9189 disquali es an immigrant or a
permanent resident who is recognized as such in another country "because immigration or
permanent residence in another country implies renunciation of one's residence in his
country of origin." 56
We now slide to the legal significance of the affidavit to be executed by "immigrants"
or "permanent residents" to remove them from the class of disqualified voters. EaISDC

3. Whether the execution by an immigrant or a permanent resident of

the a davit under Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189 is su cient
proof of non-abandonment of residence in the Philippines.

Again, with due respect, I submit that the majority ruling on the nature of the affidavit
to be executed by an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident" is inconsistent. On one hand, it
theorizes that the act "serves as an explicit expression that he had not in fact abandoned
his domicile of origin." 57 This concedes that while an "immigrant" or a "permanent
resident" has acquired a new domicile in a foreign country by virtue of his status as such,
Rep. Act No. 9189 would consider him not to have abandoned his domicile in the
Philippines. On the other hand, the majority also theorizes that the a davit constitutes an
"express waiver of his status as an immigrant or permanent resident," and upon ful llment
of the requirements of registration, "he may still be considered as a 'quali ed citizen of the
Philippines abroad' for purposes of exercising his right of suffrage." 58 This presupposes
that the "immigrant" or "permanent resident" abandoned his domicile in the Philippines, but
seeks to reacquire this domicile by the execution of the affidavit.
The rst theory is untenable. Its inevitable result would be the establishment of two
domiciles, i.e., domicile in the Philippines and domicile in a foreign country where he is
considered an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident." This ruling will contravene the
principle in private international law that a person can be domiciled only in one place at a
given time. 59
The second theory is equally untenable. A person who has abandoned his domicile
of origin by establishing a domicile of choice cannot just revert back to his domicile of
origin. 60 He must satisfy the same requisites for acquiring a new domicile, i.e., an actual
removal or an actual change of domicile; a bona de intention of abandoning the former
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place of residence and establishing a new one; and acts which correspond with the
purpose. An existing domicile cannot be lost by abandonment alone, even if there is an
intent to acquire a new one; the existing domicile continues until a new one is in fact
gained. To abandon domicile, a person must choose a new domicile, actually reside in the
place chosen, and intend that it be the principal and permanent residence. That is, there
can be no change of domicile without the concurrence of act and intent. 61
The doctrine established in England that the domicile of origin is revived upon the
abandonment of a domicile of choice has long been rejected in the United States. 62 Even
in England, "the mobility of modern society has fostered both criticism of the rule and
recommendation for its change." 63 Thus, the prevailing view at present is that if a domicile
of choice is abandoned without acquiring a new domicile of choice, "the domicil[e] of origin
is not thereby revived, but the last domicil[e] of choice continues to be the domicil[e]." 64
In his Separate Opinion, our esteemed colleague, Mr. Justice Azcuna, opines that the
execution of the a davit is the operative act that revives the domicile of origin, and "the
requirement of resuming actual physical presence within three (3) years is only a test of
such intention." He further opines that "if the a ant does not resume the residence
physically within said period, then the intent expressed in the a davit is defective and the
law will deem it inoperative."
With due respect, I submit that the a davit merely proves the intent to return but
not the other requisites for reacquiring the domicile of origin. Intent, which is not coupled
with actual physical transfer, is not su cient either to abandon the former domicile or to
establish a new domicile. 65 Thus, the view that domicile could be established as soon as
the old is abandoned even though the person has not yet arrived at the new domicile, has
not been accepted. In his latest work on the subject, Scoles, an acknowledged expert in
Conflict of Laws stated as follows:
The element of physical presence is essential to con rm the requisite
attitude of mind contemplated by the concept of domicile. As a consequence, a
person who is to acquire a domicile of choice at a place must actually be present
at that place during the time in which the intention to make it his home exists. For
most people, intention is con rmed by the physical presence of considerable
duration looking toward an inde nite period of time. However, in light of the
function that domicile serves, i.e., to identify a settled relationship with a place for
a particular legal purpose, it is sometimes necessary to make a determination
when the physical presence has been very brief. Consequently, no particular
length of time is necessary in order to satisfy the requirement of physical
presence if that stay at a place verifies the intention to make it a home.

xxx xxx xxx

In the case of the individual who has clearly manifested an intention to
change a new home and center of social activities, the question sometimes arises
why that person's domicile should not change as soon as the old is abandoned
even though the individual has not yet arrived at the new. Although this has
sometimes been suggested as a possibility, it is contrary to the clear weight of
authority, probably because physical presence is ordinarily the principal
confirming evidence of the intention of the person. 66 (italics ours)
Beale, another acknowledged expert on the subject, shares the same view, viz:
One or two authorities under special circumstances have held that a
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domicil[e] might be acquired in a certain place while the person is on his way
toward the place with an intent to live there and during his journey toward that
place, although he had not yet actually reached that place. In two taxation cases
in Massachusetts, where upon the taxing day the person in question was actually
on his journey from a former residence in the state to an intended second
residence, whether in the same state or in another state, he was held to be taxable
in the second residence in the ground that under those peculiar circumstances his
domicil[e] would shift at the moment of abandoning the rst residence. These,
however, were disapproved and overruled. In one other case, a similar intimation
has been made. In Matter of Grant, it appeared that a decedent had left a United
States reservation in the State of New York with intention to go to the District of
Columbia, and there establish his residence, but he had died en route. Fowler,
Surrogate, intimated that he was already domiciled in the District of Columbia. It
is not too much to say, however, that there is absolutely no good authority for the
opinion thus expressed, and that is legally impossible for a man to acquire a
domicil[e] before he is present at the place where the domicil[e] is established. 67
(italics ours)

Beale also states that with the rejection of the English "automatic reversion"
doctrine, physical presence is required before the person can reacquire his domicile of
origin, viz:
The doctrine in England is that the domicil[e] of origin revives upon the
abandonment of a domicil[e] of choice. . . Inspite of a few English cases to the
contrary, this has become thoroughly established as the doctrine of the English
courts, the court being especially emphatic in cases where a person has left his
domicil[e] of choice without intent to return and has started to return to his
domicil[e] of origin. Here, evidence must of course be introduced to show a
de nitive abandonment of domicil[e] of choice by actually leaving the country
without intent to return. The English doctrine has been approved in this country in
several cases, in most of which the approval was a mere dictum, but in the United
States, generally, the opposite view is held, and upon the abandonment of a
domicil[e] of choice there is no change of domicil[e] until a new domicil[e] is
obtained. . .
On the other hand, a few American cases follow the English decision in so
far as to declare that a domicil[e] of origin revives when a person having
abandoned a domicil[e] of choice is on his way to make a home at his domicil[e]
of origin, but the better opinion in this country does not allow the reacquisition of
the domicil[e] of origin until the fact of presence at the place of domicil[e] of origin
exists, as well as the intent to return there. 68 (italics ours)
To stress, the burden of establishing a change in domicile is upon the party who
asserts it. 69 A person's declarations as to what he considers his home, residence, or
domicile are generally admissible "as evidence of his attitude of mind." 70 However,
whatever the context, "their accuracy is suspect because of their self-serving nature,
particularly when they are made to achieve some legal objective." 71
In the case at bar, the burden rests on an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident" to
prove that he has abandoned his domicile in the foreign country and reestablished his
domicile in the Philippines. A self-serving a davit will not su ce, especially when what is
at stake is a very important privilege as the right of suffrage. I respectfully submit that
what makes the intent expressed in the a davit effective and operative is the ful llment of
the promise to return to the Philippines. Physical presence is not a mere test of intent but
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the "principal con rming evidence of the intention of the person." 72 Until such promise is
ful lled, he continues to be a domiciliary of another country. Until then, he does not
possess the necessary requisites and therefore, cannot be considered a qualified voter.
(4) Whether counting the votes of immigrants or permanent residents
who fail to return to the Philippines will dilute the valid votes of our
fully qualified electors.
The only consequence imposed by Rep. Act No. 9189 to an "immigrant" or a
"permanent resident" who does not ful ll his promise to return to the Philippines is the
removal of his name from the National Registry of Absentee Voters and his permanent
disquali cation to vote in absentia. But his vote would be counted and accorded the same
weight as that cast by bona de quali ed Filipino voters. I respectfully submit that this
scheme diminishes the value of the right of suffrage as it dilutes the right of quali ed
voters to the proportionate value of their votes. The one person, one vote principle is
sacrosanct in a republican form of government. The challenged provision which allows the
value of the valid votes of quali ed voters to be diminished by the invalid votes of
disquali ed voters violates the sovereignty of our people. The validation by the majority of
this unconstitutional provision may result in the anomaly where the highest public o cials
of our land will owe their election to "immigrants" or "permanent residents" who failed to
fulfill their promise to return to our country or who repudiated their domicile here.

The majority downplays the effect of the challenged provision on those who are
already quali ed prior to the enactment of Rep. Act No. 9189. It is opined that the removal
of an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident" from the list of the National Registry of
Absentee Voters and his permanent disquali cation "would su ce to serve as deterrence
to non-compliance with his/her undertaking under the a davit." The majority misses the
point. Without Section 5(d) of Rep. Act No. 9189, an "immigrant" or a "permanent resident"
has no right to vote. Thus, even assuming that he becomes quali ed after executing the
a davit, he does not stand to lose anything when he is subsequently disquali ed for his
failure to comply with his undertaking under the a davit. He will just return to his original
Is Section 18.5 of Rep. Act No. 9189 in relation to Section 4 of the same Act in
contravention of Section 4, Article VII of the Constitution?
Petitioner contends that Section 18.5 in relation to Section 4 of Rep. Act No. 9189
violates Section 4, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution giving Congress the power to
canvass the votes and proclaim the winning candidates for President and Vice-President,
xxx xxx xxx
The returns of every election for President and Vice-President, duly certi ed
by the board of canvassers of each province or city, shall be transmitted to the
Congress, directed to the President of the Senate. Upon receipt of the certi cates
of canvass, the President of the Senate shall, not later than thirty days after the
day of the election, open all certi cates in the presence of the Senate and the
House of Representatives in joint public session, and the Congress, upon
determination of the authenticity and due execution thereof in the manner
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provided by law, canvass the votes.
The person having the highest number of votes shall be proclaimed
elected, but in case two or more shall have an equal and highest number of votes,
one of them shall forthwith be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the
Members of both Congress, voting separately.

The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the canvassing of the
xxx xxx xxx

Section 4 of Rep. Act No. 9189 allows all quali ed Filipinos overseas to vote for
President, Vice-President, Senators and party-list representatives while Section 18.5
thereof empowers the COMELEC to order the proclamation of winning candidates, viz:
SEC. 18. On-Site Counting and Canvassing. —
xxx xxx xxx
18.5 The canvass of votes shall not cause the delay of the proclamation of
a winning candidate if the outcome of the election will not be affected by the
results thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commission is empowered to
order the proclamation of winning candidates despite the fact the scheduled
election has not taken place in a particular country or countries, if the holding of
elections therein has been rendered impossible by events, factors and
circumstances peculiar to such country or countries, in which events, factors and
circumstances are beyond the control or influence of the Commission.

On its face, Section 18.5 of Rep. Act No. 9189 appears to be repugnant to Section 4,
Article VII of the 1987 Constitution. It gives the impression that Congress abdicated to
COMELEC its constitutional duty to canvass and proclaim the winning candidates for
President and Vice-President. I agree with the majority that the impugned provision should
be given a reasonable interpretation that would save it from a constitutional in rmity. To
be sure, Congress could have not allowed the COMELEC to exercise a power exclusively
bestowed upon it by the Constitution. Thus, Section 18.5 of Rep. Act No. 9189
empowering the COMELEC to proclaim the winning candidates should be construed as
limited to the positions of Senators and party-list representatives. In like manner, I agree
with the majority that Section 18.4 of Rep. Act No. 9189 which provides:
18.4. . . . Immediately upon the completion of the canvass, the chairman of
the Special Board of Canvassers shall transmit via facsimile, electronic mail, or
any other means of transmission equally safe and reliable the Certi cates of
Canvass and the Statements of Votes to the Commission, . . . (italics supplied)

should be construed in harmony with Section 4, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution.
Hence, with respect to the position of the President and the Vice-President, the
Certi cates of Canvass and the Statements of Votes must be submitted to Congress
and directed to the Senate President.
Does Congress, through the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee created in
Section 25 of Rep. Act No. 9189, have the power to review, revise, amend and approve the
Implementing Rules and Regulations that the Commission on Elections shall promulgate
without violating the independence of the COMELEC under Section 1, Article IX-A of the
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Both the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) and the O ce of the Solicitor
General (OSG) agree with the petitioner that Sections 19 and 25 of Rep. Act No. 9189 are
unconstitutional on the ground that they violate the independence of the COMELEC. 73 The
impugned provisions require the public respondent COMELEC to submit its Implementing
Rules and Regulations to the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee for review, revision,
amendment, or approval, viz:
Sec. 19. Authority of the Commission to Promulgate Rules. — The
Commission shall issue the necessary rules and regulations to effectively
implement the provisions of this Act within sixty (60) days from effectivity of this
Act. The Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be submitted to the Joint
Oversight Committee created by virtue of this Act for prior approval.
In the formulation of the rules and regulations, the Commission shall
coordinate with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Labor and
Employment, Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, Overseas Workers'
Welfare Administration and the Commission on Filipino Overseas. Non-
government organizations and accredited Filipino organizations or associations
abroad shall be consulted.

xxx xxx xxx

Sec. 25. Joint Congressional Oversight Committee. — A joint Congressional
Oversight Committee is hereby created, composed of the Chairman of the Senate
Committee on Constitutional Amendments, Revision of Codes and Laws, and
seven (7) other Senators designated by the Senate President, and the Chairman of
the House Committee on Suffrage and Electoral Reforms, and seven (7) other
members of the House of Representatives designated by the Speaker of the
House of Representatives: Provided, That, of the seven (7) members to be
designated by each House of Congress, four (4) should come from the majority
and the remaining three (3) from the minority.

The Joint Congressional Oversight Committee shall have the power to

monitor and evaluate the implementation of this Act. It shall review, revise, amend
and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated by the
Commission. (italics supplied)
Public respondents aver that as an independent constitutional body, the COMELEC
is not under the control of the executive or the legislative 74 in the performance of its
constitutional function to "enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the
conduct of an election." 75 Public respondent COMELEC asserts that its right to formulate
rules and regulations ows from its power to enforce and administer election laws and
regulations. 76 This power is exclusive and its exercise is not subject to the review,
revision, or approval of Congress. 77 The Solicitor General shares the same view that the
role of the legislature ends with the finished task of legislation. 78 He opines that nothing in
Article VI of the 1987 Constitution suggests that Congress is empowered to enforce and
administer election laws concurrent with the COMELEC. 79
Along the same lines, public respondent COMELEC assails Section 17.1 of Rep. Act
No. 9189 subjecting the implementation of voting by mail to prior review and approval of
the Joint Oversight Committee. It maintains that the development of a system for voting
by mail involves the "administration of election laws" and falls squarely within its exclusive
functions. 80 Section 17.1 of Rep. Act No. 9189 reads:
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Sec. 17. Voting by mail. —
17.1. For the May, 2004 elections, the Commission shall authorize voting
by mail in not more than three (3) countries, subject to the approval of the
Congressional Oversight Committee. Voting by mail may be allowed in countries
that satisfy the following conditions:
(a) Where the mailing system is fairly well-developed and secure to
prevent occasion of fraud;
(b) Where there exists a technically established identi cation system
that would preclude multiple or proxy voting; and
(c) Where the system of reception and custody of mailed ballots in the
embassies, consulates and other foreign service establishments
concerned are adequate and well-secured.
Thereafter, voting by mail in any country shall be allowed only upon review
and approval of the Joint Oversight Committee. (italics supplied)
The majority sustains the petitioner as it holds that "[b]y vesting itself with the
powers to approve, review, amend and revise the IRR for The Overseas Voting Act of 2003 ,
Congress went beyond the scope of its constitutional authority. Congress trampled upon
the constitutional mandate of independence of the COMELEC."
I agree with the majority but wish to add my humble thoughts on this all important
constitutional issue — the extent of the exercise by Congress of its oversight powers in the
implementation of Rep. Act No. 9189. The resolution of the issue entails a two-tiered
discussion of the following: (1) whether Congress has oversight functions over
constitutional bodies like the COMELEC; and (2) assuming that it has, whether Congress
exceeded the permissible exercise of its oversight functions.
Before proceeding, we must focus on the exact place of the power of congressional
oversight in our constitutional canvass. This will involve an exposition of two principles
basic to our constitutional democracy: separation of powers and checks and balances.
Separation of powers and checks and balances
The principle of separation of powers prevents the concentration of legislative,
executive, and judicial powers to a single branch of government by deftly allocating their
exercise to the three branches of government. This principle dates back from the time of
Aristotle 81 but the "modern" concept owes its origin in the seventeenth and eighteenth
century writings of political philosophers including Locke and Montesquieu. Their writings
were mainly reactions to the ruinous struggle for power by the monarchs and the
parliaments in Western Europe. 82
In his Second Treatise of Civil Government , 83 John Locke advocated the proper
division of the legislative, executive and federative powers of the commonwealth. He
de ned legislative power as "that which has a right to direct how the force of the
commonwealth shall be employed for preserving the community and the members of it."
84 He viewed executive power as involving "the execution of the municipal laws of the
society within its self, [and] upon all that are parts of it" 85 and federative power as
concerned with "the management of the security and interest of the public without"
including "the power of war and peace, leagues and alliances, and all the transactions, with
all persons and communities without the commonwealth." 86
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Locke expostulated that executive powers should not be placed in one person or
group of persons exercising legislative power because "it may be too great a temptation
to human frailty, apt to grasp at power, for the same persons, who have the power to
execute them, whereby they may exempt themselves from obedience to the laws they
make, and suit the law, both in its making, and execution, to their own private advantage,
and thereby come to have a distinct interest from the rest of the community, contrary to
the end of society and government." 8 7 But while the executive and the federative are two
distinct powers, Locke conceded that they are intricately related and thus may be
exercised by the same persons. 88
Locke mothered the modern idea of division of power but it was Montesquieu who
re ned the concept. In his famed treatise, The Spirit of the Laws, 89 Montesquieu
authoritatively analyzed the nature of executive, legislative and judicial powers and with a
formidable foresight counselled that any combination of these powers would create a
system with an inherent tendency towards tyrannical actions, thus:
In every government there are three sorts of power: the legislative; the
executive in respect to things dependent on the law of nations; and the executive
in regard to matters that depend on the civil law. By virtue of the legislative power,
the prince or magistrate enacts temporary or perpetual laws, and amends or
abrogates those that have been already enacted. By the second, he makes peace
or war, sends or receives embassies, establishes the public security, and provides
against invasions. By the third, he punishes criminals, or determines the disputes
that arise between individuals. The latter we shall call the judiciary power, and the
other, simply the executive power of the state.
The political liberty of the subject is a tranquility of mind arising from the
opinion each person has of his safety. In order to have this liberty, it is requisite
the government be so constituted as one man need not be afraid of another.
When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person,
or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because
apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact
tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.
Again, there is no liberty, if the judiciary power be not separated from the
legislative and the executive. Were it joined with the legislative, the life and liberty
of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control; for the judge would be then
the legislator. Were it joined to the executive power, the judge might behave with
violence and oppression.
There would be an end of everything, were the same man or the same
body, whether of the nobles or of the people, to exercise those three powers, that
of enacting laws, that of executing the public resolutions, and that of trying the
causes of individuals." 90

At the time of the American Revolution, the more in uential political leaders in the
new states subscribed to Montesquieu's concept of separation of powers. 91 Some
constitutions of the early state governments even referred to the principle. But the concept
espoused at that particular time was a lot different. As then understood, separation of
powers requires a watertight compartmentalization of the executive, judicial, and
legislative functions and permits no sharing of government powers between and among
the three branches of government. The Massachusetts Constitution of 1780, for instance,
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In the government of this commonwealth, the legislative department shall
never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or either of them; the executive
shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them; the
judicial shall never exercise the legislative and executive powers, or either of them:
to the end that it may be a government of laws and not of men. 92

The 1787 U.S. Constitution did not contain a similar provision like that found in the
Massachusetts Constitution or any principle proclaiming the adherence of the Framers to
the principle of separation of powers. But legal scholars are of the view that the Framers
essentially followed Montesquieu's recommendation for the division of powers, noting
that the U.S. Constitution vests "all legislative powers" in the Congress of the United States,
93 the "executive power" in the President, 9 4 and the "judicial power" in one Supreme Court
and in such inferior courts as Congress may provide. 95
These legal scholars also note that the U.S. Constitution allows the "sharing" of the
three great powers between and among the three branches. The President, for instance,
shares in the exercise of legislative power through his veto power, and the courts through
their power to make rules of judicial procedure and especially through their right to
interpret laws and invalidate them as unconstitutional. Congress shares in the exercise of
executive power through its con rmation of appointments and assent to treaties, and in
the judicial power through its power to create inferior courts and regulate the number and
pay of judges. 96 Thus, they postulate that the Framers established a government guided
not by strict separation of powers but one of checks and balances to prevent the separate
branches from "running wild" and to avert deadlocks and breakdowns, viz:
The Framers expected the branches to battle each other to acquire and
defend power. To prevent the supremacy of one branch over any other in these
battles, powers were mixed; each branch was granted important power over the
same area of activity. The British and Conference experience has led the Framers
to avoid regarding controversy between the branches as a con ict between good
and evil or right or wrong, requiring de nitive, institutionally permanent resolution,
Rather, they viewed such con ict as an expression of the aggressive and perverse
part of human nature that demanded outlet but has to be kept from nding
lasting resolution so that liberty could be reserved. 97

Even then, some legal luminaries were of the view that the concept of checks and
balances is diametrically opposed to the principle of separation of powers. James
Madison, however, explained that Montesquieu's concept of separation of powers did not
require a strict division of functions among the three branches of government. Madison
defended the Constitution as having su cient division of functions among the three
branches of government to avoid the consolidation of power in any one branch and also
stressed that a rigid segregation of the three branches would undermine the purpose of
the separation doctrine. 98 He noted that unless the three branches "be so far connected
and blended as to give to each a constitutional control over the others, the degree of
separation which the maxim requires as essential to a free government, can never in
practice be duly maintained." 99 Madison's view has since then been the accepted
interpretation of the concept of separation of powers under the Constitution. Thus, in
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer , 100 the U.S. Supreme Court held that "[I]n
designing the structure of our Government and dividing and allocating the sovereign power
among the three co-equal branches, the Framers of the Constitution sought to provide a
comprehensive system but the separate powers were not intended to operate with
absolute independence." In Buckley v. Valeo, 101 the Court ruled that the Constitution by no
means contemplates total separation of each of these essential branches of government
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and the framers viewed the principle of separation of powers as a vital check against
tyranny. It likewise warned that the "hermetic sealing off of the three branches of
Government from one another would preclude the establishment of a Nation capable of
governing itself effectively." 102 Thus, in Nixon v. Administrator of General Services , 103 the
Court rejected the "archaic view of separation of powers as requiring three airtight
departments of government." In determining whether an act disrupts the proper balance
between the coordinate branches, the Court suggested that the proper inquiry should
focus on the extent to which it prevents the other branch from accomplishing its
constitutionally assigned functions. 104
In this jurisdiction, our adherence to the principle of separation powers was
succinctly discussed by Justice Laurel in Angara v. Electoral Commission 105 decided in
1936, less than a year after the effectivity of the 1935 Constitution. Justice Laurel
emphasized that "[T]he separation of powers is a fundamental principle in our system of
government. It obtains not through express provision but by actual division in our
Constitution." 106 Thus:
Each department of the government has exclusive cognizance of the
matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own sphere. But it does
not follow from the fact that the three powers are to be kept separate and distinct
that the Constitution intended them to be absolutely unrestrained and
independent of each other. The Constitution has provided for an elaborate system
of checks and balances to secure coordination in the workings of the various
departments of the government. For example, the Chief Executive under our
Constitution is so far made a check on the legislative power that this assent is
required in the enactment of laws. This, however, is subject to the further check
that a bill may become a law notwithstanding the refusal of the President to
approve it, by a vote of two-thirds or three-fourths, as the case may be, of the
National Assembly. The President has also the right to convene the Assembly in
special session whenever he chooses. On the other hand, the National Assembly
operates as a check on the Executive in the sense that its consent though its
Commission on Appointments is necessary in the appointment of certain o cers;
and the concurrence of a majority of all its members is essential to the conclusion
of treaties. Furthermore, in its power to determine what courts other than the
Supreme Court shall be established, to de ne their jurisdiction and to appropriate
funds for their support, the National Assembly controls the judicial department to
a certain extent. The Assembly also exercises the judicial power of trying
impeachments. And the judiciary in turn, with the Supreme Court as the nal
arbiter, effectively checks the other departments in the exercise of its power to
determine the law, and hence to declare executive and legislative acts void if
violative of the Constitution. 107

I n Planas v. Gil, 108 Justice Laurel further discussed the intricate interplay of the
principle of separation of powers and checks and balances, viz:
The classical separation of governmental powers, whether viewed in the
light of political philosophy of Aristotle, Locke or Montesquieu, or to the
postulations of Mabini, Madison, or Jefferson, is a relative theory of government.
There is more truism and actuality in interdependence than in independence and
separation of powers, for as observed by Justice Holmes in a case of Philippine
origin, we cannot lay down "with mathematical precision and divide the branches
in watertight compartments" not only because "the ordinances of the Constitution
do not establish and divide elds of black and white" but also because "even
more speci c to them are found to terminate in a penumbra shading gradually
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from one extreme to the other." 109

It is now beyond debate that the principle of separation of powers (1) allows the
"blending" of some of the executive, legislative, or judicial powers in one body; (2) does not
prevent one branch of government from inquiring into the affairs of the other branches to
maintain the balance of power; (3) but ensures that there is no encroachment on matters
within the exclusive jurisdiction of the other branches.
For its part, this Court checks the exercise of power of the other branches of
government through judicial review. It is the nal arbiter of disputes involving the proper
allocation and exercise of the different powers under the Constitution. Thus:
The Constitution is a de nition of the powers of government. Who is to
determine the nature, scope and extent of such powers? The Constitution itself
has provided for the instrumentality of the judiciary as the rational way. And when
the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional boundaries, it does not assert any
superiority over the other departments; it does not in reality nullify or invalidate an
act of the legislature, but only asserts the solemn and sacred obligation assigned
to it by the Constitution to determine con icting claims of authority under the
Constitution and to establish for the parties in an actual controversy the rights
which that instrument secures and guarantees to them. This is in truth all that is
involved in what is termed "judicial supremacy" which properly is the power of
judicial review under the Constitution. 110

The power of judicial review is, however, limited to "actual cases and controversies
to be exercised after full opportunity of argument by the parties, and limited further to the
constitutional question raised or the very lis mota presented," for "any attempt at
abstraction could only lead to dialectics and barren legal questions and to sterile
conclusions of wisdom, justice or expediency of legislation." 111 Courts are also enjoined
to accord the presumption of constitutionality to legislative enactments, "not only because
the legislature is presumed to abide by the Constitution but also because the judiciary in
the determination of actual cases and controversies must re ect the wisdom and justice
of the people as expressed through their representatives in the executive and legislative
departments of the government." 1 1 2
The role of the judiciary in mapping the metes and bounds of powers of the different
branches of government was rede ned in the 1987 Constitution which expanded the
jurisdiction of this Court to include the determination of "grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of
the Government." 113 The expansion was made because of the dissatisfaction with the
practice of this Court in frequently invoking the "political question" 114 doctrine during the
period of martial law to dodge its duty. 115 Be that as it may, the expanded power
"definitely does not do away with the political question doctrine itself." 116
Thus, in Marcos v. Manglapus, 117 the Court held:
Under the Constitution, judicial power includes the duty to determine
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
Government. [Art. VIII, Sec. 1.] Given this wording, we cannot agree with the
Solicitor General that the issue constitutes a political question which is beyond
the jurisdiction of the Court to decide.
The present Constitution limits resort to the political question doctrine and
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broadens the scope of judicial inquiry into areas which the Court, under previous
constitutions, would have normally left to the political departments to decide. But
nonetheless there remain issues beyond the Court's jurisdiction the determination
of which is exclusively for the President, for Congress or for the people
themselves through a plebiscite or referendum. We cannot, for example, question
the President's recognition of a foreign government, no matter how premature or
improvident such action may appear. We cannot set aside a presidential pardon
though it may appear to us that the bene ciary is totally undeserving of the grant.
Nor can we amend the Constitution under the guise of resolving a dispute brought
before us because the power is reserved to the people. 118

Since then, the Court has used its expanded power to check acts of the House of
Representatives, 119 the President, 120 and even of independent bodies such as the
Electoral Tribunal, 121 the Commission on Elections 122 and the Civil Service Commission.

Congress checks the other branches of government primarily through its law
making powers. Congress can create administrative agencies, de ne their powers and
duties, x the terms of o cers and their compensation. 124 It can also create courts,
de ne their jurisdiction and reorganize the judiciary so long as it does not undermine the
security of tenure of its members. 125 The power of Congress does not end with the
nished task of legislation. Concomitant with its principal power to legislate is the auxiliary
power to ensure that the laws it enacts are faithfully executed. As well stressed by one
scholar, the legislature " xes the main lines of substantive policy and is entitled to see that
administrative policy is in harmony with it; it establishes the volume and purpose of public
expenditures and ensures their legality and propriety; it must be satis ed that internal
administrative controls are operating to secure economy and e ciency; and it informs
itself of the conditions of administration of remedial measure." 126
Concept and bases of congressional oversight
Broadly de ned, the power of oversight embraces all activities undertaken by
Congress to enhance its understanding of and in uence over the implementation of
legislation it has enacted. 127 Clearly, oversight concerns post-enactment measures
undertaken by Congress: (a) to monitor bureaucratic compliance with program objectives,
(b) to determine whether agencies are properly administered, (c) to eliminate executive
waste and dishonesty, (d) to prevent executive usurpation of legislative authority, and (d)
to assess executive conformity with the congressional perception of public interest. 128
The power of oversight has been held to be intrinsic in the grant of legislative power
itself and integral to the checks and balances inherent in a democratic system of
government. 129 Among the most quoted justi cations for this power are the writings of
John Stuart Mill and Woodrow Wilson. In his Consideration of Representative Government,
130 Mill wrote that the duty of the legislature is "to watch and control the government; to
throw the light of publicity on its acts; to compel a full exposition and justi cation of all of
them which any one considers objectionable; and to censure them if found condemnable."
131 Wilson went one step farther and opined that the legislature's informing function
should be preferred to its legislative function. He emphasized that "[E]ven more important
than legislation is the instruction and guidance in political affairs which the people might
receive from a body which kept all national concerns suffused in a broad daylight of
discussion." 132
Over the years, Congress has invoked its oversight power with increased frequency
to check the perceived "exponential accumulation of power" by the executive branch. 1 3 3
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By the beginning of the 20th century, Congress has delegated an enormous amount of
legislative authority to the executive branch and the administrative agencies. Congress,
thus, uses its oversight power to make sure that the administrative agencies perform their
functions within the authority delegated to them. 134
The oversight power has also been used to ensure the accountability of regulatory
commissions like the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Reserve
Board, often referred to as representing a "headless fourth branch of government." 135
Unlike other ordinary administrative agencies, these bodies are independent from the
executive branch and are outside the executive department in the discharge of their
functions. 136
Categories of congressional oversight functions
The acts done by Congress purportedly in the exercise of its oversight powers may
be divided into three categories, namely: scrutiny, investigation and supervision. 137
a. Scrutiny
Congressional scrutiny implies a lesser intensity and continuity of attention to
administrative operations. 138 Its primary purpose is to determine economy and e ciency
of the operation of government activities. In the exercise of legislative scrutiny, Congress
may request information and report from the other branches of government. It can give
recommendations or pass resolutions for consideration of the agency involved.
Legislative scrutiny is based primarily on the power of appropriation of Congress.
Under the Constitution, the "power of the purse" belongs to Congress. 139 The President
may propose the budget, but still, Congress has the nal say on appropriations.
Consequently, administrative o cials appear every year before the appropriation
committees of Congress to report and submit a budget estimate and a program of
administration for the succeeding scal year. During budget hearings, administrative
officials defend their budget proposals.
The power of appropriation carries with it the power to specify the project or activity
to be funded. 140 Hence, the holding of budget hearing has been the usual means of
reviewing policy and of auditing the use of previous appropriation to ascertain whether
they have been disbursed for purposes authorized in an appropriation act. The
consideration of the budget is also an opportunity for the lawmakers to express their
con dence in the performance of a Cabinet Secretary or to manifest their disgust or
disfavor of the continuance in o ce of a bureaucrat. 141 Congress can even curtail the
activities of the administrative agencies by denial of funds. 142 In the United States, for
instance, Congress brought to end the existence of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the
National Youth Administration and the National Resources Planning Board, simply by
denying them any appropriation. 143
But legislative scrutiny does not end in budget hearings. Congress can ask the
heads of departments to appear before and be heard by either House of Congress on any
matter pertaining to their departments. Section 22, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution
The heads of departments may, upon their own initiative, with the consent
of the President, or upon the request of either House, as the rules of each House
shall provide, appear before and be heard by such House on any matter pertaining
to their departments. Written questions shall be submitted to the President of the
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Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives at least three days before
their scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not be limited to written
questions, but may cover matters related thereto. When the security of the State or
the public interest so requires and the President so states in writing, the
appearance shall be conducted in executive session.

This provision originated from the Administrative Code 144 and was later elevated to
the level of a constitutional provision due to its "great value in the work of the legislature."
1 4 5 In drafting the 1935 Constitution, some delegates opposed the provision arguing that
it is a feature of a parliamentary system and its adoption would make our government a
"hybrid system." 146 But mainly attacked was the provision authorizing the department
secretaries on their own initiative to appear before the legislature, with the right to be
heard on any matter pertaining to their departments. It was pointed out that this would
"give a chance to the department secretaries to lobby for items in the appropriation bill or
for provisions of other bills in which they had special interest, permitting them to bear
in uence and pressure upon Members of the law-making body, in violation of the principle
of separation of powers underlying the Constitution." 1 4 7 Despite the objections, the
provision was adopted to "prevent the raising of any question with respect to the
constitutionality of the practice" and "to make open and public the relations between the
legislative and the executive departments." 1 4 8 As incorporated in the 1935 Constitution,
the provision reads:
The heads of departments upon their own initiative or upon the request of
the National Assembly on any matter pertaining to their departments unless the
public interest shall require otherwise and the President shall state so in writing.

The whole tenor of the provision was permissive: the department heads could
appear but the legislative was not obliged to entertain them; reciprocally, the legislature
could request their appearance but could not oblige them especially if the President
objected. 150 The rule radically changed, however, with the adoption of the 1973
Constitution, establishing a parliamentary system of government. In a parliamentary
system, the administration is responsible to the Parliament and hence, the Prime Minister
and the Cabinet Members may be "required to appear and answer questions and
interpellations" to give an account of their stewardship during a "question hour," viz:
Sec. 12 (1) There shall be a question hour at least once a month or as
often as the Rules of the Batasang Pambansa may provide, which shall be
included in its agenda, during which the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister
or any Minister may be required to appear and answer questions and
interpellations by Members of the Batasang Pambansa. Written questions shall
be submitted to the Speaker at least three days before a scheduled question hour.
Interpellations shall not be limited to the written questions, but may cover matters
related thereto. The agenda shall specify the subjects of the question hour. When
the security of the State so requires and the President so states in writing, the
question hour shall be conducted in executive session.

The "question hour" was retained despite the reversion to the presidential system in
1981. During the deliberations of the 1987 Constitution, the report of the legislative
'committee called for the adoption of the "question hour" or the following reasons:
. . . Its purposes are to elicit concrete information from the administration,
to request its intervention, and when necessary, to expose abuses and seek
redress. The procedure provides the opposition with a means of discovering the
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government's weak points and because of the publicity it generates, it has a
salutary in uence on the administration. On the whole, because of the detailed
facts elicited during the interpellation or in the written answers, it will help
members to understand the complicated subject matter of bills and statutory
measures laid before the Assembly. It may be added that the popularity of this
procedure can be attributed to the fact that in making use of his right to ask
questions, the member is a completely free agent of the people. The only limits on
his actions are the rules governing the admissibility of questions concerned with
matters of form and not with the merits of the issue at hand. The fact that we
also impose a time limit means that the government is obliged to furnish the
information asked for and this obligation is what gives the procedure its real
strength. . . . 151

This proposal was vigorously opposed on the ground of separation of powers.

CONCOM Delegate Christian Monsod pointed out that the provision was historically
intended to apply to members of the legislature who are in the executive branch typical in a
parliamentary form of government. In ne, the "question hour" was conducted on a peer
basis. But since the delegates decided to adopt a presidential form of government,
cabinet members are purely alter egos of the President and are no longer members of the
legislature. To require them to appear before the legislators and account for their actions
"puts them on unequal terms with the legislators" and "would violate the separation of
powers of the executive and the legislative branches." 152 Delegate Monsod, however,
recognized that a mechanism should be adopted where Cabinet members may be
summoned and may, even on their own initiative, appear before the legislature. This, he
said, would promote coordination without subordinating one body to another. He thus
suggested that the original tenor of the provision in the 1935 Constitution be retained. 1 5 3
After much deliberation, delegate Monsod's suggestion prevailed. Thus, the
President may or may not consent to the appearance of the heads of departments; and
even if he does, he may require that the appearance be in executive session. Reciprocally,
Congress may refuse the initiative taken by a department secretary.
Likewise, Congress exercises legislative scrutiny thru its power of con rmation.
Section 18, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution provides for the organization of a
Commission on Appointments consisting of the President of the Senate as ex o cio
Chairman, twelve Senators and twelve members of the House of Representatives, elected
by each House on the basis of proportional representation from the political parties or
organizations registered under the party-list system. Consent of the Commission on
Appointments is needed for the nominees of the President for the following positions: (a)
heads of executive departments, (b) ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, (c)
o cers of the armed forces from the rank of colonel or naval captain, and (d) other
officers whose appointments are vested with the President under the Constitution. 154
Through the power of con rmation, Congress shares in the appointing power of the
executive. Theoretically, it is intended to lessen political considerations in the appointment
of o cials in sensitive positions in the government. It also provides Congress an
opportunity to nd out whether the nominee possesses the necessary quali cations,
integrity and probity required of all public servants.
In the United States, apart from the appropriation and con rmation powers of the
U.S. Congress, legislative scrutiny nds expression in the Legislative Reorganization Act of
1946 charging all House and Senate Standing Committees with continuous vigilance over
the execution of any and all laws falling within their respective jurisdictions "with a view to
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determining its economy and e ciency." 155 Pursuant to this law, each committee was
authorized to hire a certain number of staff employees. All Senate committees were
likewise given the power to subpoena witnesses and documents. 1 5 6
b. Congressional investigation
While congressional scrutiny is regarded as a passive process of looking at the
facts that are readily available, congressional investigation involves a more intense digging
of facts. 1 5 7 The power of Congress to conduct investigation is recognized by the 1987
Constitution under Section 21, Article VI, viz:
The Senate or the House of Representatives or any of its respective
committee may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly
published rules of procedure. The rights of persons appearing in or affected by
such inquiries shall be respected.

But even in the absence of an express provision in the Constitution, congressional

investigation has been held to be an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative
function. In the United States, the lack of a constitutional provision speci cally authorizing
the conduct of legislative investigations did not deter its Congresses from holding
investigation on suspected corruption, mismanagement, or ine ciencies of government
o cials. Exercised rst in the failed St. Clair expedition in 1792, the power to conduct
investigation has since been invoked in the Teapot Dome, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and
Whitewater controversies. 158 Subsequently, in a series of decisions, the Court recognized
"the danger to effective and honest conduct of the Government if the legislative power to
probe corruption in the Executive branch were unduly unhampered." 159
I n Eastland v. United States Servicemen's Fund, 160 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled
that the scope of the congressional power of inquiry "is penetrating and far-reaching as the
potential power to enact and appropriate under the Constitution." 161 It encompasses
everything that concerns the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or
possibly needed statutes. 162 In the exercise of this power, congressional inquiries can
reach all sources of information and in the absence of countervailing constitutional
privilege or self-imposed restrictions upon its authority, Congress and its committees,
have virtually, plenary power to compel information needed to discharge its legislative
functions from executive agencies, private persons and organizations. Within certain
constraints, the information so obtained may be made public. 163 In McGrain v. Daugherty ,
164 it held that "a legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of
information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to effect change."
165 But while the congressional power of inquiry is broad, it is not unlimited. No inquiry is
an end in itself; it must be related to, and in furtherance of, a legitimate task of Congress."
166 Moreover, an investigating committee has only the power to inquire into matters within
the scope of the authority delegated to it by its parent body. 167 But once its jurisdiction
and authority, and the pertinence of the matter under inquiry to its area of authority are
established, a committee's investigative purview is substantial and wide-ranging. 168
American jurisprudence upholding the inherent power of Congress to conduct
investigation has been adopted in our jurisdiction in Arnault v. Nazareno, 169 decided in
1950, when no provision yet existed granting Congress the power to conduct
investigation. In the said case, the Senate passed Resolution No. 8 creating a special
committee to investigate the Buenavista and the Tambobong Estates Deal wherein the
government was allegedly defrauded P5,000,000.00. The special committee examined
various witnesses, among whom was Jean L. Arnault. Due to the refusal of Arnault to
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answer a question which he claimed to be "self-incriminatory," 170 the Senate passed a
resolution citing Arnault in contempt. The Senate committed him to the custody of the
Sergeant-at-Arms and ordered his imprisonment until he shall have answered the question.
Arnault led a petition before this Court contending that (a) the Senate has no power to
punish him for contempt; (b) the information sought to be obtained by the Senate is
immaterial and will not serve any intended or purported legislation; and (c) the answer
required of him will incriminate him.
Upholding the power of the Senate to punish Arnault for contempt, the Court ruled
as follows:
Although there is no provision in the Constitution expressly investing either
House of Congress with power to make investigations and exact testimony to the
end that it may exercise its legislative functions advisedly and effectively, such
power is so far incidental to the legislative function as to be implied. In other
words, the power of inquiry — with process to enforce it — is an essential and
appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function. A legislative body cannot legislate
wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions
which legislation is intended to affect or change; and where the legislative body
does not itself possess the requisite information — which is not frequently true —
recourse must be had to others who do possess it. Experience has shown that
mere requests for such information are often unavailing, and also that
information which is volunteered is not always accurate or complete; so some
means of compulsion is essential to obtain what is needed. . . The fact that the
Constitution expressly gives the Congress the power to punish its Members for
disorderly behaviour, does not by necessary implication exclude the power to
punish for contempt any other person. 171

The Court further ruled that the power of the Senate to punish a witness for
contempt does not terminate upon the adjournment of the session. 172 It held that the
investigation was within the power of the Senate since the "transaction involved a
questionable and allegedly unnecessary and irregular expenditure of no less than
P5,000,000.00 of public funds, of which the Congress is the constitutional guardian." 173
The investigation was also found to be "in aid of legislation." As result of the yet un nished
investigation, the Court noted that the investigating committee has recommended, and the
Senate has approved three bills. 1 7 4
The Court further held that once an inquiry is admitted or established to be within
the jurisdiction of a legislative body to make, the investigating committee has the power to
require a witness to answer any question pertinent to that inquiry, subject to his
constitutional right against self-incrimination. The inquiry must be material or necessary to
the exercise of a power in it vested by the Constitution. Hence, a witness can not be
coerced to answer a question that obviously has no relation to the subject of the inquiry.
But the Court explained that "the materiality of the question must be determined by its
direct relation to the subject of the inquiry and not by its indirect relation to any proposed
or possible legislation." The reason is that the necessity or lack of necessity for legislative
action and the form and character of the action itself are determined by the sum total of
the information to be gathered as a result of the investigation, and not by a fraction of such
information elicited from a single question. 175
Finally, the Court ruled that the ground on which Arnault invoked the right against
self-incrimination "is too shaky, in rm, and slippery to afford him safety." 176 It noted that
since Arnault himself said that the transaction was legal, and that he gave the P440,000.00
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to a representative of Burt in compliance with the latter's verbal instruction, there is
therefore no basis upon which to sustain his claim that to reveal the name of that person
would incriminate him. 177 It held that it is not enough for the witness to say that the
answer will incriminate him for he is not the sole judge of his liability, thus:
. . . [T]he danger of self-incrimination must appear reasonable and real to
the court, from all the circumstances and from the whole case, as well as from his
general conception of the relations of the witness . . . The fact that the testimony
of the witness may tend to show that he has violated the law is not su cient to
entitle him to claim the protection of the constitutional provision against self-
incrimination, unless he is at the same time liable to prosecution and punishment
for such violation. The witness cannot assert his privilege by reason of some
fanciful excuse, for protection against an imaginary danger, or to secure
immunity to a third person. 178

As now contained in the 1987 Constitution, the power of Congress to investigate is

circumscribed by three limitations, namely: (a) it must be in aid of its legislative functions,
(b) it must be conducted in accordance with duly published rules of procedure, and (c) the
persons appearing therein are afforded their constitutional rights.
In Bengzon, Jr. v. Senate Blue Ribbon Committee , 179 this Court held that the senate
committee exceeded the permissible exercise of legislative investigation. The case started
with a speech by Senator Enrile suggesting the need to determine possible violation of law
in the alleged transfer of some properties of former Ambassador Benjamin "Kokoy"
Romualdez to the Lopa Group of Companies. The Senate Blue Ribbon Committee decided
to investigate the transaction purportedly in aid of legislation. When the Blue Ribbon
Committee summoned the petitioners to appear, they asked this Court for a restraining
order on the ground, among others, that the investigation was not in aid of legislation and
that their appearance before the investigating body could prejudice their case before the
Sandiganbayan. Ruling in favor of the petitioner, we held as follows:
Verily, the speech of Senator Enrile contained no suggestion of
contemplated legislation; he merely called upon the Senate to look into a possible
violation of Sec. 5 of RA No. 3019, otherwise known as "The Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act." In other words, the purpose of the inquiry to be conducted
by respondent Blue Ribbon Committee was to nd out whether or not the relatives
of President Aquino, particularly, Mr. Ricardo Lopa, had violated the law in
connection with the alleged sale of the 36 or 39 corporations belonging to
Benjamin "Kokoy" Romualdez to the Lopa Group. There appears to be, therefore,
no intended legislation involved.

The conduct of legislative investigation is also subject to the rules of each House. In
the House of Representatives, 180 an inquiry may be initiated or conducted by a committee
motu proprio on any matter within its jurisdiction upon a majority vote of all its Members
181 or upon order of the House of Representatives 182 through:

(1) the referral of a privilege speech containing or conveying a request

or demand for the conduct of an inquiry, to the appropriate
committee, upon motion of the Majority Leader or his deputies; or
(2) the adoption of a resolution directing a committee to conduct an
inquiry reported out by the Committee on Rules after making a
determination on the necessity and propriety of the conduct of an
inquiry by such committee: Provided, That all resolutions directing any
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committee to conduct an inquiry shall be referred to the Committee
on Rules; or
(3) the referral by the Committee on Rules to the appropriate
committee, after making a determination on the necessity and
propriety of the conduct of inquiry by such committee, of a petition
led or information given by a Member of the House requesting such
inquiry and endorsed by the Speaker: Provided, That such petition or
information shall be given under oath, stating the facts upon which it
is based, and accompanied by supporting affidavits. 183
The committee to which a privilege speech, resolution, petition or information
requesting an inquiry is referred may constitute and appoint sub-committees composed
of at least one-third (1/3) of the committee for the purpose of performing any and all acts
which the committee as a whole is authorized to perform, except to punish for contempt.
In case a privilege speech is referred to two or more committees, a joint inquiry by the said
committees shall be conducted. The inquiries are to be held in public except when the
committee or sub-committee deems that the examination of a witness in a public hearing
may endanger national security. In which case, it shall conduct the hearing in an executive
session. 184
The Rules further provide that "the ling or pendency of a case before any court,
tribunal or quasi-judicial or administrative bodies shall not stop or abate any inquiry
conducted to carry out a speci c legislative purpose." 185 In exercise of congressional
inquiry, the committee has the power "to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to a
witness in any part of the country, signed by the chairperson or acting chairperson and the
Speaker or acting Speaker." 186 Furthermore, the committee may, by a vote of two-thirds
(2/3) of all its members constituting a quorum, punish for contempt any person who: (a)
refuses, after being duly summoned, to obey such summons without legal excuse; (b)
refuses to be sworn or placed under a rmation; (c) refuses to answer any relevant inquiry;
(d) refuses to produce any books, papers, documents or records that are relevant to the
inquiry and are in his/her possession; (e) acts in a disrespectful manner towards any
member of the Committee or commits misbehavior in the presence of the committee; or
(f) unduly interferes in the conduct of proceedings during meetings. 187
Nevertheless, any person called to be a witness may be represented by a counsel
188 and is entitled to all rights including the right against self-incrimination. 189
c. Legislative supervision
The third and most encompassing form by which Congress exercises its oversight
power is thru legislative supervision. "Supervision" connotes a continuing and informed
awareness on the part of a congressional committee regarding executive operations in a
given administrative area. 190 While both congressional scrutiny and investigation involve
inquiry into past executive branch actions in order to in uence future executive branch
performance, congressional supervision allows Congress to scrutinize the exercise of
delegated law-making authority, and permits Congress to retain part of that delegated
Congress exercises supervision over the executive agencies through its veto power.
It typically utilizes veto provisions when granting the President or an executive agency the
power to promulgate regulations with the force of law. These provisions require the
President or an agency to present the proposed regulations to Congress, which retains a
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"right" to approve or disapprove any regulation before it takes effect. Such legislative veto
provisions usually provide that a proposed regulation will become a law after the
expiration of a certain period of time, only if Congress does not a rmatively disapprove of
the regulation in the meantime. Less frequently, the statute provides that a proposed
regulation will become law if Congress affirmatively approves it. 191
T h e legislative vetowas developed initially in response to the problems of
reorganizing the U.S. Government structure during the Great Depression in early 20th
century. When U.S. President Hoover requested authority to reorganize the government in
1929, he coupled his request with a proposal for legislative review. He proposed that the
Executive "should act upon approval of a joint Committee of Congress or with the
reservation of power of revision by Congress within some limited period adequate for its
consideration." 192 Congress followed President Hoover's suggestion and authorized
reorganization subject to legislative review. 193 Although the reorganization authority
reenacted in 1933 did not contain a legislative veto provision, the provision returned during
the Roosevelt administration and has since been renewed several times. 194 Over the
years, the provision was used extensively. Various American Presidents submitted to
Congress some 115 Reorganization Plans, 23 of which were disapproved pursuant to
legislative veto provisions. 195
During World War II, Congress and the President applied the legislative veto
procedure to resolve the delegation problem involving national security and foreign affairs.
The legislative veto offered the means by which Congress could confer additional authority
to the President while preserving its own constitutional role. During this period, Congress
enacted over 30 statutes conferring powers on the Executive with legislative veto
provisions. 196
After World War II, legislative veto provisions have been inserted in laws delegating
authority in new areas of governmental involvement including the space program,
international agreements on nuclear energy, tariff arrangements, and adjustment of federal
pay rates. 197 It has also gured prominently in resolving a series of major constitutional
disputes between the President and Congress over claims of the President to broad
impoundment, war and national emergency powers. 198 Overall, 295 congressional veto-
type procedures have been inserted in 196 different statutes since 1932 when the rst
veto provision was enacted into law. 199
Supporters of legislative veto stress that it is necessary to maintain the balance of
power between the legislative and the executive branches of government as it offers
lawmakers a way to delegate vast power to the executive branch or to independent
agencies while retaining the option to cancel particular exercise of such power without
having to pass new legislation or to repeal existing law. 200 They contend that this
arrangement promotes democratic accountability as it provides legislative check on the
activities of unelected administrative agencies. 2 0 1 One proponent thus explains:
It is too late to debate the merits of this delegation policy: the policy is too
deeply embedded in our law and practice. It su ces to say that the complexities
of modern government have often led Congress — whether by actual or perceived
necessity — to legislate by declaring broad policy goals and general statutory
standards, leaving the choice of policy options to the discretion of an executive
o cer. Congress articulates legislative aims, but leaves their implementation to
the judgment of parties who may or may not have participated in or agreed with
the development of those aims. Consequently, absent safeguards, in many
instances the reverse of our constitutional scheme could be effected: Congress
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proposes, the Executive disposes. One safeguard, of course, is the legislative
power to enact new legislation or to change existing law. But without some
means of overseeing post enactment activities of the executive branch, Congress
would be unable to determine whether its policies have been implemented in
accordance with legislative intent and thus whether legislative intervention is
appropriate. 202

Its opponents, however, criticize the legislative veto as undue encroachment upon
the executive prerogatives. They urge that any post-enactment measures undertaken by
the legislative branch should be limited to scrutiny and investigation; any measure beyond
that would undermine the separation of powers guaranteed by the Constitution. 203 They
contend that legislative veto constitutes an impermissible evasion of the President's veto
authority and intrusion into the powers vested in the executive or judicial branches of
government. 204 Proponents counter that legislative veto enhances separation of powers
as it prevents the executive branch and independent agencies from accumulating too
much power. 205 They submit that reporting requirements and congressional committee
investigations allow Congress to scrutinize only the exercise of delegated law-making
authority. They do not allow Congress to review executive proposals before they take
effect and they do not afford the opportunity for ongoing and binding expressions of
congressional intent. 206 In contrast, legislative veto permits Congress to participate
prospectively in the approval or disapproval of "subordinate law" or those enacted by the
executive branch pursuant to a delegation of authority by Congress. They further argue
that legislative veto "is a necessary response by Congress to the accretion of policy
control by forces outside its chambers." In an era of delegated authority, they point out
that legislative veto "is the most e cient means Congress has yet devised to retain
control over the evolution and implementation of its policy as declared by statute." 2 0 7
I n Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha , 208 the U.S. Supreme Court
resolved the validity of legislative veto provisions. The case arose from the order of the
immigration judge suspending the deportation of Chadha pursuant to § 244(c)(1) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act. The United States House of Representatives passed a
resolution vetoing the suspension pursuant to § 244(c)(2) authorizing either House of
Congress, by resolution, to invalidate the decision of the executive branch to allow a
particular deportable alien to remain in the United States. The immigration judge reopened
the deportation proceedings to implement the House order and the alien was ordered
deported. The Board of Immigration Appeals dismissed the alien's appeal, holding that it
had no power to declare unconstitutional an act of Congress. The United States Court of
Appeals for Ninth Circuit held that the House was without constitutional authority to order
the alien's deportation and that § 244(c)(2) violated the constitutional doctrine on
separation of powers.
On appeal, the U.S. Supreme Court declared § 244(c)(2) unconstitutional. But the
Court shied away from the issue of separation of powers and instead held that the
provision violates the presentment clause and bicameralism. It held that the one-house
veto was essentially legislative in purpose and effect. As such, it is subject to the
procedures set out in Article I of the Constitution requiring the passage by a majority of
both Houses and presentment to the President. Thus:
Examination of the action taken here by one House pursuant to § 244(c)(2)
reveals that it was essentially legislative in purpose and effect. In purporting to
exercise power de ned in Art I, § 8, cl 4, to "establish a uniform Rule of
Naturalization," the House took action that had the purpose and effect of altering
the legal rights, duties, and relations of persons, including the Attorney General,
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Executive Branch o cials and Chadha, all outside the Legislative Branch. Section
244(c)(2) purports to authorize one House Congress to require the Attorney
General to deport an individual alien whose deportation otherwise would be
canceled under § 244. The one-House veto operated in these cases to overrule the
Attorney General and mandate Chadha's deportation; absent the House action,
Chadha would remain in the United States. Congress has acted and its action
altered Chadha's status.
The legislative character of the one-House veto in these cases is con rmed
by the character of the congressional action it supplants. Neither the House of
Representatives nor the Senate contends that, absent the veto provision in §
244(c)(2), either of them, or both of them acting together, could effectively require
the Attorney General, in exercise of legislatively delegated authority, had
determined the alien should remain in the United States. Without the challenged
provision in § 244(c)(2), this could have been achieved, if at all, only by legislation
requiring deportation. Similarly, a veto by one House of Congress under § 244(c)
(2) cannot be justi ed as an attempt at amending the standards set out in §
244(a)(1), or as a repeal of § 244 as applied to Chadha. Amendment and repeal
of statutes, no less than enactment, must conform with Art I.
The nature of the decision implemented by one-House veto in these cases
further manifests its legislative character. After long experience with the clumsy,
time-consuming private bill procedure, Congress made a deliberate choice to
delegate to the Executive Branch, and speci cally to the Attorney General, the
authority to allow deportable aliens to remain in this country in certain speci ed
circumstances. It is not disputed that this choice to delegate authority is precisely
the kind of decision that can be implemented only in accordance with the
procedures set out in Art I. Disagreement with the Attorney General's decision on
Chadha's deportation — that is, Congress' decision to deport Chadha — no less
than Congress' original choice to delegate to the Attorney General the authority to
make decision, involves determinations of policy that Congress can implement in
only one way; bicameral passage followed by presentment to the President.
Congress must abide by its delegation of authority until that delegation is
legislatively altered or revoked. 209

Two weeks after the Chadha decision, the Court upheld, in memorandum
decision, two lower court decisions invalidating the legislative veto provisions in the
Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 210 and the Federal Trade Commission Improvement
Act of 1980. 211 Following this precedence, lower courts invalidated statutes
containing legislative veto provisions although some of these provisions required the
approval of both Houses of Congress and thus met the bicameralism requirement of
Article I. Indeed, some of these veto provisions were not even exercised. 212
Given the concept and con guration of the power of congressional oversight, the
next level of inquiry is whether congress exceeded its permissible exercise in the case at
bar. But before proceeding, a discussion of the nature and powers of the Commission on
Elections as provided in the 1987 Constitution is decisive to the issue.
Congressional Oversight and COMELEC
The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) is a constitutional body exclusively
charged with the enforcement and administration of "all laws and regulations relative to
the conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall," 213 and is invested
with the power to decide all questions affecting elections save those involving the right to
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vote. 214
Given its important role in preserving the sanctity of the right of suffrage, 215 the
COMELEC was purposely constituted as a body separate from the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches of government. 216 Originally, the power to enforce our election laws
was vested with the President and exercised through the Department of the Interior.
According to Dean Sinco, 217 however, the view ultimately emerged that an independent
body could better protect the right of suffrage of our people. Hence, the enforcement of
our election laws, while an executive power, was transferred to the COMELEC.
T h e shift to a modi ed parliamentary system with the adoption of the 1973
Constitution did not alter the character of COMELEC as an independent body. 218 Indeed, a
"de nite tendency to enhance and invigorate the role of the Commission on Elections as
the independent constitutional body charged with the safeguarding of free, peaceful and
honest elections" has been observed. 219 The 1973 Constitution broadened the power of
the COMELEC by making it the sole judge of all election contests relating to the election,
returns and quali cations of members of the national legislature and elective provincial
and city o cials. 220 Thus, the COMELEC was given judicial power aside from its
traditional administrative and executive functions.
The trend towards strengthening the COMELEC continued with the 1987
Constitution. Today, the COMELEC enforces and administers all laws and regulations
relative to the conduct of elections, plebiscites, initiatives, referenda and recalls. Election
contests involving regional, provincial and city elective o cials are under its exclusive
original jurisdiction while all contests involving elective municipal and barangay o cials
are under its appellate jurisdiction. 221
Several safeguards have been put in place to protect the independence of the
COMELEC from unwarranted encroachment by the other branches of government. While
the President appoints the Commissioners with the concurrence of the Commission on
Appointments, the Commissioners are not accountable to the President in the discharge
of their functions. They have a fixed tenure and are removable only by impeachment. 222 To
ensure that not all Commissioners are appointed by the same President at any one time, a
staggered system of appointment was devised. Thus, of the Commissioners rst
appointed, three shall hold o ce for seven years, three for ve years, and the last three for
three years. 223 Reappointment and temporary designation or appointment is prohibited.
2 2 4 In case of vacancy, the appointee shall only serve the unexpired term of the
predecessor. 2 2 5 The COMELEC is likewise granted the power to promulgate its own rules
of procedure, 226 and to appoint its own o cials and employees in accordance with Civil
Service laws. 227
The COMELEC exercises quasi-judicial powers but it is not part of the judiciary. This
Court has no general power of supervision over the Commission on Elections except those
speci cally granted by the Constitution. 228 As such, the Rules of Court are not applicable
to the Commission on Elections. 229 In addition, the decisions of the COMELEC are
reviewable only by petition for certiorari on grounds of grave abuse of discretion, 230 viz:
Conceived by the charter as the effective instrument to preserve the
sanctity of popular suffrage, endowed with independence and all the needed
concomitant powers, it is but proper that the Court should accord the greatest
measure of presumption of regularity to its course of action and choice of means
in performing its duties, to the end that it may achieve its designed place in the
democratic fabric of our government. Ideally, its members should be free from all
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suspicions of partisan inclinations, but the fact that actually some of them have
had stints in the arena of politics should not, unless the contrary is shown, serve
as basis for denying to its actuations the respect and consideration that the
Constitution contemplates should be accorded to it, in the same manner that the
Supreme Court itself which from time to time may have members drawn from the
political ranks or even from the military is at all times deemed insulated from
every degree or form of external pressure and in uence as well as improper
internal motivations that could arise from such background or orientation.
We hold, therefore, that under the existing constitutional and statutory
provisions, the certiorari jurisdiction of the Court over orders, rulings and decisions
of the Comelec is not as broad as it used to be and should be con ned to
instances of grave abuse of discretion amounting to patent and substantial
denial of due process. 231

The COMELEC is, however, subject to congressional scrutiny especially during

budget hearings. But Congress cannot abolish the COMELEC as it can in case of other
agencies under the executive branch. The reason is obvious. The COMELEC is not a mere
creature of the legislature; it owes its origin from the Constitution. Furthermore, the salary
of the Chairman and the Commissioners cannot be decreased during their tenure. 232
Enjoying scal autonomy, the COMELEC has a wider discretion in the disbursement and
allocation of approved appropriations. To safeguard the COMELEC from undue legislative
interference, the 1987 Constitution provides that its approved annual appropriations are to
be automatically and regularly released. 233 Also, Congress has no power to call the
commissioners of the COMELEC to a question hour. The Constitution provides that the
question hour is limited to heads of departments under the Executive branch, and the
deliberations during the drafting of the 1987 Constitution clearly re ect this sentiment. Be
that as it may, the COMELEC is mandated to "submit to the President and the Congress a
comprehensive report on the conduct of each election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum
and recall." 234 This provision allows Congress to review and assess the effectivity of
election laws and if necessary, enact new laws or amend existing statutes.
Be that as it may, I respectfully submit that the legislative veto power or
congressional oversight power over the authority of COMELEC to issue rules and
regulations in order to enforce election laws is unconstitutional.
As aforediscussed, the Constitution divided the powers of our government into
three categories, legislative, executive, and judicial. Although not "hermetically sealed" from
one another, the powers of the three branches are functionally identi able. In this respect,
legislative power is generally exercised in the enactment of the law; executive power, in its
execution; and judicial power, in its interpretation. In the absence of speci c provision in
the Constitution, it is fundamental under the principle of separation of powers that one
branch cannot exercise or share the power of the other.
In addition, our Constitution created other o ces aside from the executive, the
legislative and the judiciary and de ned their powers and prerogatives. Among these
bodies especially created by the Constitution itself is the COMELEC.
The COMELEC occupies a distinct place in our scheme of government. As the
constitutional body charged with the administration of our election laws, it is endowed
with independence in the exercise of some of its powers and the discharge of its
responsibilities. The power to promulgate rules and regulations in order to administer our
election laws belongs to this category of powers as this has been vested exclusively by the
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1987 Constitution to the COMELEC. It cannot be trenched upon by Congress in the
exercise of its oversight powers.
In Gallardo v. Tabamo, Jr. , 235 this Court traced the origin of COMELEC's power to
promulgate rules and regulations. It was initially a statutory grant. Both the 1935 and the
1973 Constitutions did not explicitly grant the COMELEC the power to promulgate rules
and regulations. The power was vested by Congress to the COMELEC in the Omnibus
Election Code, 236 viz:
Sec. 52. Powers and functions of the Commission on Elections. — In
addition to the powers and functions conferred upon it by the Constitution, the
Commission shall have the exclusive charge of the enforcement and
administration of all laws relative to the conduct of elections for the purpose of
ensuring free, orderly and honest elections, and shall:
xxx xxx xxx
(c) Promulgate rules and regulations implementing the provisions of
this Code or other laws which the Commission is required to enforce and
xxx xxx xxx

This statutory power was elevated to a constitutional status with the insertion of the
word "regulations" in Section 2(1) of Article IX-C of the 1987 Constitution, viz:
While under the 1935 Constitution it had "exclusive charge of the
enforcement and administration of all laws relative to the conduct of elections,"
exercised "all other functions . . . conferred upon it by law" and had the power to
deputize all law enforcement agencies and instrumentalities of the Government
for the purpose of insuring free, orderly and honest elections, and under the 1973
Constitution it had, inter alia, the power to (a) "[E]nforce and administer all laws
relative to the conduct of elections" (b) "[D]eputize, with the consent or at the
instance of the Prime Minister, law enforcement agencies and instrumentalities of
the Government, including the Armed Forces of the Philippines, for the purpose of
ensuring free, orderly, and honest elections," and (c) "[P]erform such other
functions as may be provided by law," it was not expressly vested with the power
to promulgate regulations relative to the conduct of an election. That power could
only originate from a special law enacted by Congress; this is the necessary
implication of the above constitutional provision authorizing the Commission to "
[P]erform such other functions as may be provided by law."
The present Constitution, however, implicitly grants the Commission the
power to promulgate such rules and regulations. The pertinent portion of Section
2 of Article IX-C thereof reads as follows:
"SEC. 2. The Commission on Elections shall exercise the following powers
and functions:

(1) Enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the
conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall." ( italics
xxx xxx xxx
The word regulations is not found in either the 1935 or 1973 Constitutions.
It is thus clear that its incorporation into the present Constitution took into
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account the Commission's power under the Omnibus Election Code (Batas
Pambansa Blg. 881), which was already in force when the said Constitution was
drafted and ratified, to:
xxx xxx xxx
"Promulgate rules and regulations implementing the provisions of this
Code or other laws which the Commission is required to enforce and administer. .
. ."
Hence, the present Constitution upgraded to a constitutional status the
aforesaid statutory authority to grant the Commission broader and more exible
powers to effectively perform its duties and to insulate it further from legislative
intrusions. Doubtless, if its rule-making power is made to depend on statutes,
Congress may withdraw the same at any time. Indeed, the present Constitution
envisions a truly independent Commission on Elections committed to ensure free,
orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections, and to serve as the guardian of
the people's sacred right of suffrage — the citizenry's vital weapon in effecting a
peaceful change of government and in achieving and promoting political stability.

The elevation of the COMELEC's power to promulgate rules and regulations in the
1987 Constitution is suffused with signi cance. Heretofore, it was Congress that granted
COMELEC the power to promulgate rules and regulations, and hence, Congress can
withdraw or restrict it by the exercise of its veto or oversight power. Under the 1987
Constitution, the power to promulgate rules and regulations has been directly granted by
the Constitution and no longer by Congress. Undoubtedly, the power was granted to
COMELEC to strengthen its independence, hence, its exercise is beyond invasion by
Congress. Under any lens, Sections 19 and 25 of Rep. Act No. 9189 constitute undue
restrictions on the constitutional power of the COMELEC to promulgate rules and
regulations for such rules are made subject to the prior review and approval of Congress.
The impugned provisions can result in the denial of this constitutionally conferred power
because Congress can veto the rules and regulations the COMELEC has promulgated.
Thus, I respectfully submit that Sections 19 and 25 of Rep. Act No. 9189 granting
Congress the power to review, revise, amend and approve the implementing rules and
regulations of the COMELEC, otherwise known as subordinate legislations in other
countries, are unconstitutional.
I now come to Section 17.1 of Rep. Act No. 9189 which provides:
Sec. 17. Voting by mail. —
17.1. For the May, 2004 elections, the Commission shall authorize voting
by mail in not more than three (3) countries, subject to the approval of the
Congressional Oversight Committee. Voting by mail may be allowed in countries
that satisfy the following conditions:
(d) Where the mailing system is fairly well-developed and secure to
prevent occasion of fraud;
(e) Where there exists a technically established identi cation system
that would preclude multiple or proxy voting; and
(f) Where the system of reception and custody of mailed ballots in the
embassies, consulates and other foreign service establishments
concerned are adequate and well-secured.
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Thereafter, voting by mail in any country shall be allowed only upon review
and approval of the Joint Oversight Committee. (italics supplied)
From the law itself, it is clear that Congress has already set the necessary standards
to guide the COMELEC in identifying the countries where voting by mail may be allowed,
viz: (1) the countries must have a mailing system which is fairly developed and secure to
prevent occasion of fraud; (2) there exists a technically established identi cation that
would preclude multiple or proxy voting; and (3) where the system of reception and
custody of mailed ballots in the embassies, consulates and other foreign service
establishments concerned are adequate and well-secured.
Since the legislative standards have been de ned, all that remains is their
enforcement. Our Constitution has speci cally given the COMELEC the power to enforce
and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election. The power is
exclusive and it ought to be self-evident that it cannot be subject to review and revision or
veto by Congress in the exercise of its oversight power. Again, the reason for the
exclusivity is to insulate COMELEC from the virus of partisan politics. In the exercise of this
exclusive power, the Commission must be accorded considerable latitude. Unless the
means and methods adopted by COMELEC are clearly illegal or constitute grave abuse of
discretion, they should not be interfered with. 238 Thus:
There are no ready-made formulas for solving public problems. Time and
experience are necessary to evolve patterns that will serve the ends of good
government. In the matter of the administration of the laws relative to the conduct
of elections, as well as in the appointment of election inspectors, we must not by
any excessive zeal take away from the Commission on Elections the initiative
which by constitutional and legal mandates properly belongs to it. Due regard to
the independent character of the Commission, as ordained in the Constitution,
requires that the power of this court to review the acts of that body should, as a
general proposition, be used sparingly, but rmly in appropriate cases. We are not
satisfied that the present suit is one of such cases. 2 3 9

I join the majority in holding that Section 17.1 of Rep. Act No. 9189 is
unconstitutional for it allows Congress to negate the exclusive power of the COMELEC to
administer and enforce election laws and regulations granted by the Constitution itself.
This is not to maintain that the Implementing Rules and Regulations promulgated by
the COMELEC, or the system it devised to implement voting by mail cannot be challenged.
If they are illegal or constitute grave abuse of discretion, the courts can strike them down
in an appropriate case. This power is vested to the courts under Section 1, Article VIII of
the Constitution de ning the scope of judicial power, and more speci cally under Section
5, Article VIII empowering this Court to review, revise, reverse, modify or a rm on appeal
or certiorari, "all cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or
executive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance,
or regulation is in question." Again, this power is exclusive and is not meant to be shared by
any other branch or agency of the government.
In sum, it is my humble view that in the case at bar, Congress exceeded the
permissible exercise of its oversight powers for the following reasons: (1) it restricts the
COMELEC's constitutional grant of power to promulgate rules and regulations; and (2) it
invades COMELEC's exclusive constitutional domain to enforce and administer all laws
and regulations relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and
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I wish to stress, however, that granting the petition will not invalidate the entire Rep.
Act No. 9189. It does not also mean that all overseas Filipinos cannot vote. The law affects
two classes of overseas Filipinos: (1) those who remain a domiciliary of the Philippines but
were absent at the time of the elections either brie y or for a long time; and (2) those who
are now considered domiciled in foreign countries. To the rst class of overseas Filipinos
belong the contract workers, students, members of the diplomatic corps and their
families, businessmen, and the like. To the second class belong Filipinos who are
considered immigrants or permanent residents of foreign countries. The constitutional
challenge in the case at bar appertains only to the inclusion of the second category of
overseas Filipinos in the coverage of Rep. Act No. 9189. Likewise, the challenge on the
exercise of Congressional oversight power over the COMELEC does not taint the core of
the law. It merely affects the procedure in adopting the mechanisms to implement the law.
It cannot void the whole law.
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, I dissent from the majority's ruling upholding the
constitutionality of Section 5 (d) of Rep. Act No. 9189, which allows an immigrant or a
permanent resident of a foreign country to vote for President, Vice-President, Senators
and Party-List Representatives after executing the required a davit. I concur, however,
with the majority's ruling upholding the constitutionality of Section 18.5 of Rep. Act No.
9189 with respect to the authority given to the COMELEC to proclaim the winning
candidates for Senators and Party-List Representatives but not as to the power to canvass
the votes and proclaim the winning candidates for President and Vice-President. I also
concur with the majority with respect to the unconstitutionality of Sections 17.1, 19 and 25
of Rep. Act No. 9189 subjecting the implementation of voting by mail, and the
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Rep. Act No. 9189 to be promulgated by
COMELEC, to prior review and approval by Congress.
I so vote.

YNARES-SANTIAGO , J.: concurring and dissenting

R.A. 9189, otherwise known as the Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003, has
spurred quite a debate among various sectors of Philippine society, both locally and
abroad. Scholarly arguments on the ne legal points of the issues presented by this
disputed law have been presented by sides both for and against it, saddled, unfortunately,
with a heavy dose of bitter emotion.
The paramount consideration in any legal debate over this contentious piece of
legislation is its constitutional validity. Signi cantly, the short article on suffrage in the
Constitution concentrates on who may exercise the right to vote. 1 The Constitution
underscores three categories on the quali cations required of voters — citizenship, age
and residence. 2 Congress is authorized to limit the number of citizens who may exercise
the right to vote by prescribing reasonable disquali cations. It is elementary, however, that
Congress cannot expand the right of suffrage by including those who do not possess the
constitutional requirements. To do so would defeat the very purpose why quali cations
are singled out for constitutional attention. The sovereign will has determined that only
those with the requisite citizenship, age, and residence may vote. Congress cannot water
down or change the constitutional requirements.
The controversial issue in this case revolves around the constitutional provision on
absentee voting which states:
Sec. 2. The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy and
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sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by quali ed
Filipinos abroad. 3

I am constrained to dissent from the majority opinion because R.A. 9189 grants the
right of suffrage to a category of voters who do not possess the constitutional
requirement of residence. These are men and women who are still Filipino citizens but who
have voluntarily and unambiguously chosen actual, physical, and permanent residence in a
foreign country. In other words, the questioned law allows non-residents to vote.
As phrased, Section 5 (d) of R.A. 9189 grants to Filipinos who are immigrants or
permanent residents of another country, and who are considered as such by their host
country, the option to exercise their right of suffrage. This would be accomplished by the
mere expedient of:
1. Registering as voters.
2. Execution of an affidavit declaring that:
a. She shall resume actual physical permanent residence in the
Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval of her
b. She has not applied for citizenship in another country.
Proponents of R.A. 9189 are trying to construe Section 2 of Article V of the
Constitution as a proviso which expands and enlarges the scope of the preceding section.
They overlook the fact that while Section 2 provides a system for absentee voting, any
absentee who votes must rst meet the quali cations found in Section 1 of the same
As stated by the petitioner, 4 if the framers of the Constitution intended to make
Section 2 of Article V a proviso or exception to its rst section, they should have added it
to the latter.
Section 1 would have incorporated as its last clause the following proviso:
Provided, the Congress shall provide a system for absentee voting by
Filipino citizens who are residing abroad.

The Constitution does not make the absentee voting provision a mere proviso of the
rst section on residence quali cations. Together with the system which secures the
secrecy and sanctity of the ballot, the provision on absentee voting is an entirely distinct
and separate section which allows only those quali ed under Section 1 to take advantage
of the privilege under Section 2.
The o ce of a proviso is to limit the application of a section or provision or to
qualify or restrain its generality. 5 However, a proviso may also enlarge what otherwise is a
phrase of limited import had there been no proviso qualifying it. 6
Since the provision on absentee voting in R.A. 9189 neither limits nor enlarges a
provision of which it is a part, the phrase "quali ed Filipinos abroad" can be interpreted
only to mean that those who are quali ed to vote under the preceding section may
become absentee voters. They must possess on election day the constitutional
requirements as to citizenship, age and residence.
Proponents of R.A. 9189 try to go around the statute's constitutional in rmity by
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giving the word "resident" or "resided" a labored and far-fetched meaning. They use the
fanciful interpretation that immigrants who have moved lock, stock, and barrel to
permanently live in another country are still domiciled in the Philippines.
The tens, if not hundreds of millions of overseas Chinese who have migrated to
other lands may be cited as examples. Even after living in their countries of choice for two
or three generations, they maintain their Chinese identities through clannishness and
language. They take pride in the slow emergence of the old country into a democratic and
powerful economic force in world affairs. By no stretch of legal ction, however, can they
be deemed residents of mainland China. They have chosen to live in adopted homelands,
have become integral and, many times, leading members of their communities, and will be
buried there when the time comes. Unless the Chinese basic law allows non-residents to
vote in China, they cannot vote there. A similar diaspora caused by economic, population,
and other pressures has led millions of Filipinos to move to other countries. Considering
the constitutional provision on who may vote in Philippine elections, a distinction has to be
made between those temporarily living and working abroad and those who have opted to
permanently reside there. This Court must hew to reality. It should not engage in fanciful or
strained interpretations to try to pass off as Philippine residents the more than 2,000,000
immigrants who have chosen to permanently reside in other countries. Only a
constitutional amendment, not an enactment of Congress, can lift the consequences of the
It is well-settled that in election law, the terms "residence" and "domicile" are used
interchangeably. 7 Having in mind the meaning of these terms as they are understood in
jurisprudence, we can close our eyes and easily conclude that the exercise of the right of
suffrage by Filipinos who are immigrants and permanent residents abroad is warranted
and that the process provided for in R.A. 9189 is sound. Unfortunately, such a conclusion
would be erroneous.
"Domicile" denotes a xed permanent residence to which when absent for business
or pleasure, or for like reasons, one intends to return. 8 On the other hand, we have held
that the residence of a person must be his personal, actual or physical habitation or his
actual residence or abode. It does not mean xed permanent residence to which when
absent, one has the intention of returning. 9 This last, of course, refers to the animus
revertendi which is determinative of domicile.
We must de ne another term: immigrant. According to Caasi v. CA , 10 an immigrant
is a person who removes into a country for the purpose of permanent residence. 11 This is
why it was held therein that, having taken up such permanent residence in a country other
than the Philippines, the immigrant abandons his domicile and residence in the Philippines.
In its common usage "immigrant" is one who comes to settle in a country which is
not one's own. "Immigration" is entrance into a country for the purpose of settling there.
"Migrate" means to move from one place of abode to another; to leave one's country to
settle in another. 12
There is always the concept of permanent movement inherent in the word
"immigration." From as early as 1572 to the present, the meaning of "settle" has been to x
or establish permanently one's abode, residence, etc. 13
Taking these de nitions into account, we must now turn to the rst tool we have to
aid us in our quest to understand this vague provision of our fundamental law; the
proceedings and debates of the 1986 Constitutional Commission. It can be seen from the
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records thereof that only Filipino citizens temporarily residing abroad can avail of the
option to vote as absentee voters.
With all due respect, it is not accurate to conclude that the debates, interpellations,
and opinions on absentee voting expressed in the records of the Constitutional
Commission easily and unequivocally show that Congress is empowered to enact a law
allowing immigrants to continue to vote in Philippine elections. Much less is there any
room for interpretation that an immigrant who makes the facile promise to return and
permanently reside in the Philippines not later than three years from voting, may be
deemed a permanent resident or domiciled both in this country and in the city or
municipality where he will vote.
During the deliberations on the subject provision, Commissioner Blas Ople had this
to say:
In a previous hearing of the Committee on Constitutional Commissions
and Agencies, the Chairman of the Commission on Elections, Ramon Felipe, said
that there was no insuperable obstacle to making effective the right of suffrage
for Filipinos overseas. Those who have adhered to their Filipino citizenship
notwithstanding strong temptations are exposed to embrace a more convenient
foreign citizenship. And those who on their own or under pressure of economic
necessity here, nd that they have to detach themselves from their families to
work in other countries with de nite tenures of employment. Many of them are on
contract employment for one, two or three years. They have no intention of
changing their residence on a permanent basis, but are technically disquali ed
from exercising the right of suffrage in their countries of destination by the
residential requirement in Section 1 . . . (Italics supplied) 14

In response to an interpellation by Commissioner Ople, Commissioner Joaquin

Bernas, S.J., made the following remarks:
In other words, "residency" in this provision refers to two residence
quali cations: "residence" in the Philippines and "residence" in the place where he
will vote. As far as residence in the Philippines is concerned, the word "residence"
means domicile, but as far as residence in the place where he will actually cast
his ballot is concerned, the meaning seems to be different. He could have
domicile somewhere else and yet he is a resident of a place for six months and he
is allowed to vote there. So that there may be serious constitutional obstacles to
absentee voting, unless the vote of the person who is absent is a vote which will
be considered as cast in the place of his domicile. (Italics supplied) 15

When Commissioner Christian Monsod and several others proposed amendments,

Commissioner Bernas made a clari cation as to whom the term "Filipinos" referred to in
the draft provision on absentee voting, applies:
FR. BERNAS: In other words, these Filipinos must at least be domiciled in
the Philippines.
FR. BERNAS: That is why we do not use the word "ABROAD" because they
must be domiciled in the Philippines. 16

When the term "absentee voting" was introduced into the provision, Commissioner
Florenz Regalado made sure that the provision's intended meaning was not lost:
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MR. REGALADO: When Commissioner Bengzon asked me to read my
proposed amendment, I speci cally stated that the National Assembly shall
prescribe a system which will enable quali ed citizens, temporarily absent from
the Philippines, to vote. According to Commissioner Monsod, the use of the
phrase "absentee voting" already took that into account as its meaning. That is
referring to qualified Filipino citizens temporarily abroad.
MR. MONSOD: Yes, we accepted that. I would like to say that with respect
to registration we will leave it up to the legislative assembly, for example, to
require where the registration is. If it is, say, members of the diplomatic corps who
may be continuously abroad for a long time, perhaps, there can be a system of
registration in the embassies. However, we do not like to preempt the legislative
assembly. (Italics supplied) 17

Ultimately, the Commissioners' deliberations and debates left little doubt as to who
will be allowed to exercise the option to vote as an absentee voter. We can glean as much
from the following exchange:
MR. REGALADO: I just want to make a note on the statement of
Commissioner Suarez that this envisions Filipinos residing abroad. The
understanding in the amendment is that the Filipino is temporarily abroad. He
may not be actually residing abroad; he may just be there on a business trip. It
just so happens that the day before the elections he has to y to the United
States, so he could not cast his vote. He is temporarily abroad, but not residing
there. He stays in a hotel for two days and comes back. This is not limited only to
Filipinos temporarily residing abroad. But as long as he is temporarily abroad on
the date of the elections, then he can fall within the prescription of Congress in
that situation.
MR. SUAREZ: I thank the Commissioner for his further clari cation on
MR. MONSOD: Madam President, to clarify what we mean by temporarily
abroad on a treaty traders visa. Therefore, when we talk about registration, it is
possible that his residence is in Angeles and he would be able to vote for the
candidates in Angeles, but Congress or the Assembly may provide the procedure
for registration, like listing one's name, in a registry list in the embassy abroad.
That is still possible under this system. (Italics supplied) 18

To my mind, the Constitutional Commission envisioned two different groups of

people as the beneficiaries of this provision:
1. Quali ed Filipinos temporarily residing abroad — citizens who belong
to this category reside abroad for extended periods of time without
intending to make their host countries their permanent residence.
This would include Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW's) with xed
periods of employment, students studying abroad, holders of treaty
trader's visas, or seamen away from the Philippines for extended
periods. The Department of Foreign Affairs has tabulated the majority
of the 5,488,167 Filipinos living abroad as falling under this category.

2. Quali ed Filipinos temporarily abroad, but not residing therein — this

contemplates a situation wherein the temporary absence from the
Philippines is not coupled with any temporary residence in a foreign
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country at all. This would include Filipinos, who just so happen to be
absent from the Philippines for brief periods of time, but including
election day itself, usually because they have own to foreign
countries for short trips.
It is submitted that a valid and very real distinction exists between either of these
two groups of Filipinos, on the one hand, and those Filipinos who are permanent residents
or immigrants in their host countries, on the other. The key difference lies in the change of
permanent residence or lack thereof, for the framers of our Constitution clearly intended
that Filipinos who had taken up permanent residence in their host countries would be
excluded from the bene ts of absentee voting. No other interpretation can be supported
by the records at hand.
It is clear that the Constitutional Commission did not intend to make absentee
voters an exception to the general rule on residence in the exercise of the right of suffrage.
We do not agree with the majority's belief that the position of Article V, Section 2 of the
Constitution is indicative of an intent to make it appear to be an exception to the residence
requirement provided for in the section immediately preceding it. As earlier stated, Section
2 is not a proviso of Section 1. The following discussions are enlightening:
MR. SUAREZ: May I just be recognized for a clari cation. There are certain
quali cations for the exercise of the right of suffrage like having resided in the
Philippines for at least one year and in the place where they propose to vote for at
least six months preceding the election. What is the effect of these mandatory
requirements on the matter of the exercise on the right of suffrage by the
absentee voters like Filipinos abroad?
THE PRESIDENT: Would Commissioner Monsod care to answer?
MR. MONSOD: I believe the answer was already given by Commissioner
Bernas, that the domicile requirements as well as the quali cations and
disqualifications would be the same.
xxx xxx xxx
THE PRESIDENT: Just to clarify, Commissioner Monsod's amendment is
only to provide a system.
THE PRESIDENT: The Commissioner is not stating here that he wants
new qualifications for these absentee voters.
MR. MONSOD: That is right. They must have the quali cations and none
of the disqualifications. 20

It is patent from the foregoing excerpts that the Commissioners took pains to
ensure that the reasoning behind Article V, Section 2 of the Constitution would not be
misunderstood. They never intended to accord a special status nor give special
consideration to Filipinos who have become permanent residents of their host countries.
These necessarily include immigrants.
Juxtaposing these de nitions found in our jurisprudence with the evident intent of
the framers of our Constitution, it is plain to see that Section 5 (d) of R.A. 9189, in its
current form is unconstitutional. It seeks to grant the bene ts of absentee voting to those
for whom it was never intended: Filipinos who are permanent residents, necessarily
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including immigrants, of countries other than their own.
The majority claims that striking down Section 5 (d) of R.A. 9189 would deprive
Filipinos abroad of a very important choice. On the one hand, they can waive their right to
vote and continue to enjoy their status as immigrants or permanent residents of their host
country. On the other, they can manifest their intent to return to the Philippines in a sworn
statement within 3 years from the approval of their registration as absentee voters. This is,
of course, a super uous exercise. What needs to be decided? "These immigrants and
permanent resident of their host countries have already made their choice. They decided
to move on to "greener pastures" rather than to cast their lot here with their countrymen.
The long lines of applicants patiently and meekly waiting for months or years to be
granted immigrant visas by foreign embassies is strongly indicative of their determination
to permanently reside abroad. Granted, they had very good reasons, even downright
pressing or urgent ones, to leave their homes for cold, far-off lands. However, they made
their choices willingly and, undoubtedly, with full knowledge that they sacri ce some of
their rights and privileges as citizens and residents of our republic.
We know all too well the sacri ces our overseas brothers and sisters have endured
to make better lives for themselves and their families, and if they are happy where they are,
then we are genuinely happy for them. The sincerity of their concern for the motherland, as
well as the nobility of their sentiments, have never been in question. However, if they feel
they have to manifest such concern for the welfare of their country by casting their votes in
our country's elections, then they should do what the Constitution commands. They should
come home.
I also take issue with the majority's claim that the threat of disenfranchisement will
be a su cient deterrent against the possibility of any absentee voter reneging on his
promise to return to the Philippines within 3 years from registration as an absentee voter.
However, as I mentioned above, is it not conceivable that these immigrants or permanent
residents of their host countries knew fully well that they would never again be able to
exercise the right of suffrage when they sought permanent residence abroad? If they were
willing to sacri ce the exercise of this right then, what is to stop them from doing so in the
future? Not much, for if they register as absentee voters and participate in our electoral
process, they have nothing to lose. They can decide to hold true to their oath and come
home to permanently reside here within three years of their registration as absentee
voters. Alternatively, they can vote during the elections and never set foot on Philippine soil
ever again. What will they lose by exercising this second option? They risk losing the right
to vote in Philippine elections; a right which they forfeited a long time ago.
It is unfortunate that R.A. 9189, in its present form, is saddled with so many
in rmities. Sadder still is the fact these problems could have been avoided at the drafting
stage. Evidently, these issues were brought to the attention of the Senate by Senator Joker
Arroyo, as far back as the period for committee amendments. Although the eminent
Senator's remarks were originally in response to the proposal to provide for voter
registration by mail, his parting words on the subject for his colleagues in the Senate
capture the true intent behind the Constitutional provision on absentee voting. Fortunately,
the Record of Senate has chronicled them for posterity, thus:
Now my concern here is this; that while we would like absentee voting, we
do not want the process to be used by some enterprising people to alter the vote.
What am I trying to say? All our compatriots abroad, well, they cannot be bought.
They will vote honestly. The question is, just like here, after casting their votes, will
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the results be honest and re ective of the honest vote made by the absentee
voters? That is really the question.
xxx xxx xxx
In our over-eagerness to follow the Constitutional provision, we nd gaps
in the process. So I agree with Senator Angara when I say that the registration
must be here, they must first register, and it is not really that difficult because they
come home every now and then. These are Filipinos who come every now and
then. But for Filipinos, for instance, who have lived 20 years abroad, is that
difficult to figure out?
Must we really solicit and ask them to vote when they have lived there
already for 20 years? We have dual citizenship. While we grant them the dual
citizenship, ne. But for a person who has been there for 20 years and has not
even come back here, that is too much.
It is like that. How can we grant the right to vote to those who do not care
to come home and visit? Come home and visit, then they get the right to vote. But
if they do not even visit and then they will say they will le their application to
vote, having grown up all these years in the United States, how is that? I mean,
these are the things that we have to consider because I, for one, cannot go
against the Constitutional command because that is what the Constitution says
— we must provide for absentee voting.
So, the proposition that I have offered is that when they come home, it is
very easy. They just go up to the election registrar; they register there. They do not
even have to ask so many questions. But at least, they are thumbmarked, their
signatures are there, then the details are there.
These are the things. Because, Mr. President, if some of our overseas
brothers commit election crimes abroad, they cannot be prosecuted in the
Philippines. Let us face that. Why? Because all they have to do is not come home.
Then we will have another Mark Jimenez, perhaps, I do not know. But when they
come here and register, there is a certain attachment to us, and it is not too
Look at our overseas workers, for instance, in the Middle East. Everyday,
we go to the airport and we see their groups of overseas workers coming home.
So, all we are telling them is: "All right, you go to your respective towns.
When you go there, just spend 15 minutes."
Mr. President, if these overseas workers or compatriots of ours do not want
to go there and spend 15 minutes, how can we give them the right to vote? I
mean, there must also be some external manifestation on the part of our overseas
friends that they do want to vote. And they do so because they take time, they
take pains to register. If they do not want to take time and pains to register, they
just say: "Oh, no. We give you money there, so you better give us the ballots." I
mean, it is not fair.
What we want is to fashion a bill that would also show that the overseas
voter has some attachment to the Philippines. (Italics supplied). 21

Jurisprudence has developed the concepts of "residence" and "domicile" in

situations where the two are in different places but both are within the Philippines. 22 A
young man leaves his hometown to study in the city. He sets up a residence for education
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purposes. When he gets married and raises a family, he may build his residence in another
place. His work may take him to different places and he establishes a new residence each
time he and his family move. He may have cast his vote in any of the various places where
he has resided. However, in later life he decides to run for public o ce in his hometown
where he has not resided for forty (40) years. His hometown is still deemed to be his
domicile or permanent residence. The key element in determining one's domicile or
permanent residence is the declared and provable or easily proved intent to make it one's
fixed and permanent place of abode or home. 2 3
For immigrants, the manifest intent is the will, animus, volition, plan, and intendment
to establish permanent residence in another country. The process a man goes through
before he is given immigrant status is so arduous and formidable that there can be no
doubt as to his animus. The fact that he is leaving the Philippines, with all the emotional
connotations of departure, to settle in another country proves intent. Far from returning to
the Philippines, his more likely and provable intent is a desire to eventually get citizenship
papers in his adopted country.
Conversely, the cases where Filipinos may have resided in foreign countries but
whose domicile was still somewhere in the Philippines clearly show not only the intent to
return home, but the likelihood or inevitably of having to come home and not stay
permanently in any adopted country.
The decisions in Philip G. Romualdez v. Regional Trial Court, et al. 24 and Imelda
Romualdez-Marcos v. Commission on Elections, et al. 25 illustrate the distinction between
temporary residence in a foreign country and domicile in one's homeland.
The petitioners in the Romualdez cases never chose to be residents in the United
States. They were forced to ee because of the political upheaval known as EDSA 1. Philip
Romualdez tried to return around one year after his forced ight abroad. He had already
booked a ight but it was aborted because he was not welcome at that time in the
Philippines. On September 25, 1991, he received a letter from the U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service that he must leave that country on or before August 23, 1992 or be
deported. The concepts of residence, domicile and animus manendi coupled with animus
non revertendi are discussed in these cases, but there can be no mistaking the facts of the
cases as entirely different from those of immigrants.
Mrs. Marcos and her family were also forced to ee. Throughout their residence
abroad, they strove to return to the Philippines. They led a case against the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs, the Executive Secretary and other top o cials to compel the issuance of
new passports and permission to come home. 26
The rulings on domicile and residence in the above and similar cases cannot be used
to justify the validity of R.A. 9189. They do not refer to immigrants.
I also disagree with the majority view that perhaps it is time to reconsider the
doctrine in Caasi v. Court of Appeals 27 and reverse it. It is sound doctrine and should be
strengthened instead of being overturned.
I beg to differ from the conclusion in the majority opinion which states that an
absentee remains attached to his residence in the Philippines because "residence" is
synonymous with "domicile."
"Absentee" has to be quali ed. It refers only to those people residing abroad whose
intent to return home and forsake the foreign country is clear. It cannot refer to
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immigrants. A mere promise to return home within three years from voting is no proof of
intent to return to a permanent residence. The sanction for its enforcement is so feeble
that the promise will be an empty one. As earlier stated, an immigrant gives up many
things, including the right or opportunity of voting in the Philippines, when he moves with
his family abroad. A sanction of future disenfranchisement would not bother him in the
least bit. In the meantime, the immigrant vote in closely contested cases may have elected
the President, a Senator or a Congressman. Unquali ed voters will have swung the
elections. In the same way that a counterfeit coin drives away or results in the hoarding of
genuine or good coins, 28 the votes of non-quali ed persons will not only weaken or nullify
the value of the good votes but may make an election itself sham and meaningless.
The majority opinion cites the case of Romualdez-Marcos v. COMELEC 2 9 as an
example of an absentee abroad whose permanent residence is her hometown in Leyte.
Mrs. Marcos never chose to live abroad. She was compelled by over-powering
circumstances to ee to Hawaii. She and her family showed clearly the intent to return
home. Her case would be the weakest precedent for allowing immigrants to vote in the
Philippines. She was not an immigrant.
With all due respect, the argument voiced in Congress that the a davit-promise to
return home within three years gives the immigrant that choice without Congress making
the decision for him is deceptive and unsound. As earlier stated, the immigrant has already
made his choice to change domicile when he migrated abroad. If he later returns to the
Philippines, the choice is an entirely new one. It assumes force and effect only when the
immigrant actually comes back home, tears up his green card and sets up domicile anew
in the Philippines.
However, I agree with the majority opinion that certain provisions of R.A. 9189 are
unconstitutional, to wit:
1. Section 17.1 of R.A. 9189, insofar as it provides that voting by mail shall be
subject to the review and approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee.
2. Section 18.5 of R.A. 9189, insofar as it empowers COMELEC to order the
proclamation of the winning candidates for President and Vice-President where delays in
the canvass of overseas votes will not affect the results of the election, considering that
only Congress can proclaim the winning President and Vice-President. 30
3 . Sections 19 and 25 of R.A. 9189, insofar as they provide that the
Implementing Rules and Regulations to be issued by the COMELEC are subject to the
review, revision, amendment and approval of the Joint Congressional Oversight
I have discussed at length the invalidity of the provision which converts a
disquali ed immigrant into a quali ed overseas voter by the simple expedient of executing
an a davit promising to return to the Philippines within three years from voting. It is
beyond comprehension how a mere promise of a future act, which is more likely to be
violated than obeyed, transforms a disqualification into a qualification.
Ascertaining, after three years, who complied with the promise and who violated it
presents an administrative nightmare. I submit that the valid system is to allow overseas
voting only for those Filipinos who have to return home or most probably return home
because of the nature of their work abroad.
In the debates over speci c provisions of R.A. 9189, we tend to overlook that the
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entire law has been hurriedly drafted in a form which violates the principal mandate of the
Constitution on suffrage. The sovereign people have ordered Congress to provide a
system which secures the sanctity and secrecy of the ballot. 31 Instead of securing the
sanctity and secrecy of the ballot, R.A. 9189 does the opposite.
The unconstitutional sections of the law have been discussed at length. The majority
opinion calls for a "holistic" view of the law.
Careful observers of R.A. 9189 indicate that such a "holistic" view strengthens the
invalid and highly unrealistic aspects of the entire statute. 32 It does not make sense and it
is highly improbable that permanent residents abroad will visit our embassies to execute
a davits promising to return here simply to exercise the right to vote in absentia in
Philippine elections.
How will our embassies and consulates in the one hundred seventy eight (178)
countries, island nations, and city states in the DFA list comply with their election duties
within the impossibly short period provided by the law. 33
How will the identities of millions of overseas Filipinos be ascertained, the
temporary separated from permanent residents, their passports be examined, and their
a davits of promise to return be veri ed and transmitted to the thousands of precincts
where the sanctions on violated promises have to be enforced. How can embassies and
consulates publicize the requirements for registration at least six months before October
31, 2003 in the one hundred seventy eight (178) countries, island nations, and city states
where overseas Filipinos are found? 34 How can they conduct exclusion and inclusion
Despite all-out efforts of COMELEC, it has not solved the serious problem of dagdag
bawas within the Philippines. Under the loose provisions of R.A. 9189, dagdag bawas is
encouraged without fear of discovery, correction, and punishment of guilty parties residing
A new and entirely e cient system for ferreting out and punishing election offenses
must go with the law. Only a few obvious offenses have to be cited. Among them are
padded registration lists, accreditation of unquali ed voters, vote-buying and vote-selling,
bribery, wagering on the results of elections, double registration and multiple voting by one
person, appreciation of torn, defaced, or invalid ballots, solicitation of votes and unlawful
electioneering, rigging or tampering with the canvass and transmission of results, and a
long list of other violations of election laws.
As observed by Professor Belinda A. Aquino, 35 "to rush this experiment simply to
keep up with the May 2003 elections, with some political calculations of its advantages to
certain candidates would be creating a disservice to the Filipino overseas communities
which the Voting Act has empowered to become full participants in the electoral process."
In closing, I invite attention to the exchange between Senator Joker Arroyo and
Senator Edgardo Angara on the Senate Floor, where Senator Arroyo asked: Who could
possibly take advantage of the expeditious handling of Senate Bill No. 2104, what we
now know as R.A. 9189? Evidently, the two senators agreed that it was the
administration that stood to gain the most. 3 6 It is hoped that this perceived bene t
was not the reason behind the hasty enactment of the law in its current, constitutionally
in rm state. However, one cannot help but wonder if the concerns and aspirations of
millions of our brothers and sisters abroad were truly served by the passage of the
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Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003. The entirety of R.A. 9189 has to be re-
examined. For purposes of this petition, however, I limit my opinion to the ve sections
of the law outlined above.
WHEREFORE, I view of the foregoing, I DISSENT from the majority opinion insofar
as it upholds the constitutionality of Section 5 (d) of Republic Act No. 9189, and I vote
that said Section 5(d) be declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL. However, I CONCUR with the
majority opinion insofar as it declares UNCONSTITUTIONAL the portion of Section 17.1
which empowers the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee to review and approve
voting by mail; and the portions of Sections 19 and 25 which empower the Joint
Congressional Oversight Committee to review, revise, amend and approve the
Implementing Rules and Regulations to be promulgated by the Commission on
Elections. I also CONCUR with the majority opinion that Section 18.5, insofar as it
empowers the Commission on Elections to proclaim the winning candidates for
President and Vice-President, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Indeed, the mandate of the Constitution is explicit — one must be a resident in
order to vote in the country's elections. 1 But, equally compelling is its other provision
that directs Congress to adopt a system that would allow absentee voting by quali ed
Filipinos abroad. 2 The deliberations by members of the Constitutional Commission on
the subject are instructive. 3
May I just be recognized for a clarification. There are certain qualifications
for the exercise of the right of suffrage like having resided in the
Philippines for at least one year and in the place where they propose to
vote for at least six months preceding the elections. What is the effect of
these mandatory requirements on the matter of the exercise of the right of
suffrage by the absentee voters like Filipinos abroad?
Would Commissioner Monsod care to answer?
I believe the answer was already given by Commissioner Bernas, that the
domicile requirements as well as the qualifications and disqualifications
would be the same.
Are we leaving it to the legislature to devise the system?
I think there is a very legitimate problem raised there.
I believe Commissioner Suarez is clarified.
But I think it should be further clarified with regard to the residence
requirement or the place where they vote in practice, the understanding is
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that it is flexible. For instance, one might be a resident of Naga or
domiciled therein, but he satisfies the requirement of residence in Manila,
so he is able to vote in Manila.
Madam President, may I suggest to the Committee to change the word
Committee wants QUALIFIED VOTERS LIVING ABROAD, would that not
satisfy the requirement?
What does Commissioner Monsod say?
Madam President, I think I would accept the phrase 'QUALIFIED FILIPINOS
ABROAD' because 'QUALIFIED' would assume that he has the
qualifications and none of the disqualifications to vote.
That is right. So does the Committee accept?
Does the Committee accept the amendment?
Madam President.
Commissioner Regalado is recognized.
When Commissioner Bengzon asked me to read my proposed amendment, I
specifically stated that the National Assembly shall prescribe a system
which will enable qualified citizens, temporarily absent from the
Philippines, to vote. According to Commissioner Monsod, the use of the
phrase "absentee voting" already took into account as its meaning. That is
referring to qualified Filipino citizens temporarily abroad.
Yes, we accepted that. I would like to say that with respect to registration we
will leave it up to the legislative assembly, for example, to require where the
registration is. If it is, say, members of the diplomatic corps who may be
continuously abroad for a long time, perhaps, there can be a system of
registration in the embassies. However, we do not like to preempt the
legislative assembly.
Just to clarify, Commissioner Monsod's amendment is only to provide a

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The Commissioner is not stating here that he wants new qualifications for
these absentee voters.
That is right. They must have the qualifications and none of the
It is just to devise a system by which they can vote.
That is right, Madam President." (emphasis supplied)
In election cases, the Court, more than once, has treated residence and domicile as
being synonymous terms. In Romualdez vs. Regional Trial Court of Tacloban , 4 this
Court has said:
"The term 'residence' as used in the election law is synonymous with
'domicile,' which imports not only an intention to reside in a xed place but also
personal presence in that place, coupled with conduct indicative of such
intention. 'Domicile' denotes a xed permanent residence to which when absent
for business or pleasure, or for like reasons, one intends to return. . . . .
Residence thus acquired, however, may be lost by adopting another choice of
domicile. In order, in turn, to acquire a new domicile by choice, there must
concur (1) residence or bodily presence in the new locality, (2) an intention to
remain there, and (3) an intention to abandon the old domicile. In other words,
there must basically be animus manendi coupled with animus non revertendi.
The purpose to remain in or at the domicile of choice must be for an inde nite
period of time; the change of residence must be voluntary; and the residence at
the place chosen for the new domicile must be actual."
The instant controversy primarily revolves on the issue of whether or not an
immigrant or a permanent resident in another country should be considered to have
lost his status as a Philippine resident and must thus be barred from participating in
the national elections. It is well to recall that, in acquiring a new domicile, there must be
a concurrence of animus manendi and animus non revertendi. Intention is always
crucial. Thus, the Court, in Romualdez vs. Regional Trial Court of Tacloban 5 and
Romualdez-Marcos vs. Commission on Elections (COMELEC), 6 has delved in detail into
the intention of the parties to determine the question of domicile.
It is to be conceded that for quite sometime now, economic crises have forced
millions of Filipinos to leave their homes to work and live in foreign shores. To most, it
has not been a decision to uproot themselves, let alone completely sever their ties,
from the country of birth. It is not at all farfetched for emigrating countrymen, when
conditions warrant, to get right back home. I am not prepared to say that their
immigrant status abroad is necessarily proof of an intention to discard and to abandon
the domicile of origin.
Caasi vs. Court of Appeals, 7 disqualifying a "green card holder" (an immigrant of
the United States) from running for a local public o ce, was predicated on Section 68
of the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines. This law disallows any person who is a
permanent resident of, or an immigrant to, a foreign country to run for an elective public
o ce, unless he shall have "waived his status as permanent resident or immigrant of a
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foreign country in accordance with the residence requirement provided for in the
election laws." No such express disquali cation, however, exists for the exercise of the
right to vote. The reason for the disquali cation with respect to elective o cials, I take
it, proceeds from an assumption that "resident aliens of a foreign country are incapable
of such entire devotion to the interest and welfare of their homeland for, with one eye
on their public duties here, they must keep another eye on their duties under the laws of
the foreign country of their choice in order to preserve their status as permanent
residents thereof". 8 The danger does not hold true with respect to immigrants abroad
who would simply be discharging their right and duty to cast a vote for their candidate
of choice.
The law must have recognized that animus manendi and animus non revertendi,
being processes of the mind and incapable of a de nitive determination, could only be
discerned from perceivable circumstances. So also, Republic Act No. 9189 or the
"Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003," disquali es an "immigrant or a permanent
resident who is recognized as such in the host country" to vote under the Act 9 on the
premise that such a circumstance can be a cogent indication of the holder's intention to
abandon his old domicile and establish a new one. But, in much the same vein, the law
acknowledges that the immigrant or permanent resident may still be quali ed to vote,
provided "he executes, upon registration, an a davit prepared for the purpose by the
Commission on Elections declaring that he shall resume actual physical permanent
residence in the Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval of his
registration under (the) Act." The a davit shall additionally con rm that he has not
applied for citizenship in another country." 1 0 I am convinced that these indicators used
by the legislature are reasonable gauges to establish the intention of the immigrant not
to abandon his Philippine domicile. The fact that he has not relinquished his Philippine
citizenship should help remove any lingering doubt on his preferred status. After all, the
right of suffrage, now widely considered to be an innate right of every national, is a
basic and perhaps the most outstanding mark of citizenship.
Section 4 of the Act allows all quali ed Filipinos abroad to vote for President,
Vice-President, Senators and party-list representatives. In relation to this, Section 18.5
empowers the Commission on Election to order the proclamation of winning
candidates. 1 1 Since it is Congress which has been granted by the Constitution 1 2 the
authority and duty to canvass the votes and proclaim the winning candidates for
president and vice-president, I echo the sentiment of my colleagues that the power
given to COMELEC by Section 18.5 of R.A. 9189 should be understood to be limited
only to the proclamation of winning candidates for the positions of senators and party-
list representatives. The election returns for the positions of president and vice-
president should then be certi ed by the Board of Canvassers to Congress and not to
COMELEC as provided for in Section 18.4 of the Act. 1 3
R.A. 9189 creates a Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (JCOC)
composed of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, empowered to
"review, revise, amend and approve the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)
promulgated by the COMELEC," 1 4 and to approve the voting by mail in not more than
three (3) countries for the May 2004 elections and in any country determined by
COMELEC. 1 5 The Court here nds unanimity in holding that Congress, by vesting itself
with the aforesaid powers, has gone beyond the scope of its constitutional authority. It
is a pronouncement that, in my view, can hardly be susceptible to challenge. The
Constitution ordains that constitutional commissions such as the COMELEC shall be
independent. 1 6 The COMELEC has the constitutional authority to "enforce and
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administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an election" 1 7 and to
promulgate its rules of procedure. 1 8 The role therefore of the JCOC must be
understood as being limited only to the monitoring and evaluation of the
implementation of the Act 1 9 pursuant to the power of Congress to conduct inquiries in
aid of legislation. 2 0
In view whereof, I vote to uphold the constitutionality of Republic Act No. 9189
allowing absentee voting in the manner expressed therein, but that, as regards Sections
17.1, 19 and 25, I share the unanimous conclusion reached by my colleagues declaring
portions thereof as being unconstitutional.
"Constitutions are designed to meet not only the vagaries of
contemporary events. They should be interpreted to cover even future and
unknown circumstances. It is to the credit of its drafters that a Constitution can
withstand the assaults of bigots and in dels, but at the same time bend with
the refreshing winds of change necessitated by unfolding events." 1
The deliberations on this case have been blessed with extensive and exhaustive
discussions by the Justices. The ponencia itself as well as the separate, the concurring
and the dissenting opinions ably written by my esteemed colleagues scrutinized its
many aspects and rami cations. Their thoroughness and scholarship helped distill the
issues and enabled the Court to arrive at an informed judgment.
It is quite clear that there is unanimity of opinion in declaring unconstitutional
those portions of RA 9189 (1) granting Congress oversight powers over the Comelec
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR); and (2) giving Comelec authority to proclaim
presidential and vice-presidential winners — a power expressly lodged in Congress by
the Constitution.
Obviously, however, there is diversity of opinion on the question of whether
Filipinos, who have become permanent foreign residents, may be allowed to vote after
executing an a davit showing an intent to reside in the Philippines within three years
I will no longer belabor the penetrating legal pros and contras discussed by the
justices in connection with this important issue. Let me just add one more point in favor
of the constitutionality of the aforementioned provision in Section 5(d) of RA 9189. 2 It
is a point that is borne, not of strict legalese, but of practical common sense that even
lay persons will understand. 3 The Information Age has shrunk the world, enabled
Filipinos abroad to keep abreast with current events in our country, and thus
empowered them to be able to vote wisely for our national leaders.
Qualifications of Voters
Let me start my explanation of my position by recalling that our Constitution 4
requires voters to possess, on the day of the election, a minimum of three qualities or
attributes relating to (1) citizenship, (2) age and (3) residence. In addition, our
fundamental law says that the citizen must "not otherwise be disquali ed by law" from
On the rst , only those who owe allegiance to a country have the right to select
its leaders and determine its destiny. This is a worldwide phenomenon. Thus, only
Filipinos may vote in the Philippines; aliens cannot. By the same token, only Americans
may vote in America, 5 and only Indians may vote in India. 6

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The second quali cation, age, assures that only those who have reached the
natural mental maturity are enfranchised to choose independently and sensibly. Hence,
only those who have reached 18, the age of majority, are allowed to vote; only those
capacitated by the law to enter into binding obligations and contracts 7 are allowed to
elect the persons who would make and execute the law.
On the third, residence of at least one year in the Philippines — of which six
months must be in the place where the ballot is cast — is required of voters. In our case
today, this residence requirement is the crux or centerpoint. I respectfully submit that
to understand how to interpret this quali cation in relation to the Overseas Absentee
Voting Law, it is necessary to inquire into the reason for requiring it as a condition for
suffrage. Why does the Constitution insist on residence as a prerequisite to voting?
Reason for Residence Requirement
I believe that, traditionally, the law requires residence 8 because presence in a
certain locality enables a person to know the needs and the problems of that area.
Equally important, it also makes one become acquainted with the candidates — their
qualifications, suitability for a particular office and platform of government.
Thus, the fundamental law requires, not just that there be a minimum of one-year
residence in the country, but also that six months of that period be spent in the place
where the ballot is to be cast. Such detailed requirement will hopefully give the voters
su cient knowledge about a speci c town as to help them choose its local o cials
wisely, quite apart from understanding enough of the entire country so as to prepare to
vote sagaciously for national leaders.
The Supreme Court had occasions to discuss this common-sense reason for the
residence requirement, in this wise:
"We stress that the residence requirement is rooted in the desire that
o cials of districts or localities be acquainted not only with the metes and
bounds of their constituencies but, more important, with the constituents
themselves — their needs, di culties, aspirations, potentials for growth and
development, and all matters vital to their common welfare. The requisite period
would give candidates the opportunity to be familiar with their desired
constituencies, and likewise for the electorate to evaluate the former's
qualifications and fitness for the offices they seek." 9
"[T]he purpose of the residency requirement [is] to ensure that the person
elected is familiar with the needs and problems of his constituency[.]" 1 0
Although the foregoing discussions were used to justify the residence
requirement vis-à-vis candidates for elective public o ces, I believe that their rationale
can easily and analogically fit the needs of voters as well.
The Essence of My Opinion
The de ning essence of my position is this: in the midst of the now available e-
age communications facilities, actual presence in the Philippines is no longer
indispensable to make discerning Filipinos know the problems of their country and to
decide who among candidates for national positions deserve their mandate.
Indeed, the Information Age has given overseas Filipinos convenient means to
inform themselves of our country's needs, as well as of the suitability of candidates for
national o ces. After all, many of them live abroad, not because they want to abandon
their land of birth, but because they have been constrained to do so by economic,
professional, livelihood and other pressing pursuits. Indubitably, they remit their hard-
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earned money to help their relatives here and their country as a whole.
Verily, their easy access to Philippine mass media keep them constantly aware of
happenings in their native country. National dailies and other periodicals are sold
regularly in Filipino enclaves in foreign shores. Several local and community
publications in these areas cater mainly to Filipino expatriates, publishing news and
opinions not only about their alien neighborhoods, but also quite extensively about their
homeland. 1 1
So, too, Philippine news and magazine-type broadcasts are available to overseas
Filipinos on a daily basis over cable television, giving them the feeling and the and
intellectual status of being home. Interactive TV talk shows are now routinely
participated in via long distance phones and cell phone text messages by people
everywhere. Even more convincingly available are the websites of major dailies.
Whatever news and views they print locally are instantly accessible everywhere on earth
via the Internet.
Truly, the e-age has opened windows to the Philippines in a pervasive and
thorough manner, such that actual presence in the country is no longer needed to make
an intelligent assessment of whom to vote for as our national leaders.
I make this emphasis on national o cials, because the Absentee Voting Law
allows overseas voting only for President, Vice President, senators and party-list
representatives. 1 2 This distinction is important, because the information available
through websites and other modern media outlets is addressed mainly to national
To insist that only those who can demonstrate actual physical residence in the
country for one year — or only those who complied with the more di cult-to-
understand concept of domicile —- would be entitled to vote would be to cling
adamantly and unreasonably to a literal interpretation of the Constitution without
regard for its more liberating spirit or rationale. Such insistence would result in
rendering inutile any meaningful effort to accord suffrage to Filipinos abroad. 1 3 Such
proposition would make the constitutional interpretation anachronous in the face of the
refreshing and pulsating realities of the world. In my view, it would be thoroughly
unreasonable to expect foreign-based Filipinos to come back here for one year every
three years and abandon their jobs just to be able to comply literally with the residential
requirement of suffrage.
On the other hand, the advances of science and technology — especially in the
elds of computerization, miniaturization, digitization, satellite communications and
ber optics — has so expanded the capabilities of our brothers and sisters abroad as
to enable them to understand our national needs, without having to sit back and stay
here for one continuous year. They are now able to help us bridge those needs, not only
by remitting their hard-earned currency, but also by assisting locally based Filipinos to
choose national leaders who will steer the country in the perilous new paths of
development and peace.
In sum, I respectfully submit that physical presence in the country is no longer
indispensable to arm Filipinos abroad with su cient information to enable them to
vote intelligently. The advent of the Information Age and the globalization of knowledge
have empowered them to know enough about the Philippines to enable them to choose
our national o cials prudently and, in the process, to have a signi cant voice in the
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governance of the country they love and cherish.
I maintain that the constitutional provision on voter residence — like every other
law — must be interpreted "not by the letter that killeth but by the spirit that giveth life."
As heralded by the quotation from Tañada v. Angara cited at the opening of this
Opinion, our Constitution should be construed so it may "bend with the refreshing winds
of change necessitated by unfolding events."
Finally, may I stress that when the reason for the law is accomplished, then the
law itself is ful lled. Since the law requiring residence is accomplished by the
globalization of information, then the law itself is ful lled. It is time to empower our
overseas brothers and sisters to participate more actively in nation building by allowing
them to help elect our national leaders.
WHEREFORE, I vote to uphold the constitutionality of Section 5 (d) of RA 9189. I
also vote to declare as unconstitutional portions of Section 18.5 thereof insofar as they
authorize Comelec to proclaim presidential and vice-presidential winners; and of
Sections 17.1, 19 and 25 insofar as they subject to congressional oversight, review and
approval the implementation of voting by mail and the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Comelec.
1. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo approved the law on 13 February 2003. It was
published in the 16 February 2003 of Today and Daily Tribune.
2. PHILCONSA vs. Mathay, 124 Phil. 890 (1966); 18 SCRA 300, 306.
3. Id., citing PHILCONSA vs. Gimenez, 122 Phil. 894 (1965).
4. Sanidad vs. COMELEC, L-44640, 12 October 1976, 73 SCRA 333, 358-359 citing Pascual
vs. Secretary of Public Works, 110 Phil. 331 (1960).
5. G.R. No. 81311, 30 June 1988, 163 SCRA 371, 378.
6. Id., p. 378 cited in Tatad vs. The Secretary of the Department of Energy, 346 Phil. 321,
359 (1997).
7. 338 Phil. 546, 574 (1997).
8. Separate Opinion of Kapunan, J. in Cruz vs. Secretary of Environment and Natural
Resources, G.R. No. 135385, 6 December 2000, 347 SCRA 128, 256.
9. Luz Farms vs. Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform, G.R. No. 86889, 4
December 1990, 192 SCRA 51, 58–59.
10. See: Gonzales vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 27833, 18 April 1969, 27 SCRA 835.
11. Kilosbayan, Inc. vs. Guingona, Jr., 232 SCRA 110 (1994) and Basco vs. Phil.
Amusements and Gaming Corporation, 197 SCRA 52 (1991).
12. G.R. No. 88831, 8 November 1990, 191 SCRA 229.
13. Petition, p. 7.
14. Id., p. 9.
15. Per Comment and Memorandum filed by Atty. Jose P. Balbuena, Director IV, Law
Department, COMELEC.
16. 199 SCRA 692, 713 (1991).
17. Comment, p. 9 citing Joaquin G. Bernas, Today , 5 February 2003.
18. 318 Phil. 329 (1995); 248 SCRA 300.
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19. 96 Phil. 294 (1954).
20. Comment, pp. 11–12.
21. Caasi Case, supra.
22. Comment, p. 13.
23. Manila Prince Hotel vs. GSIS , 335 Phil. 82, 101 (1997).
24. L-47771, 11 March 1978, 82 SCRA 30, 55 citing People vs. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, 95 (1937).
25. Salas vs. Hon. Jarencio, 150-B Phil. 670, 690 (1972) citing Morfe vs. Mutuc, G.R. No. L-
20387, 31 January 1968, 22 SCRA 424.
26. 82 Phil. 771, 775 (1949).
27. Separate opinion of Vitug, J. in Romualdez-Marcos vs. COMELEC, supra, p. 387, citing
Marcelino vs. Cruz, Jr., L-42428, 18 March 1983, 121 SCRA 51.
28. Luz Farms vs. Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform, supra, p. 56.
29. 29 C.J.S. 575–577.
30. 1 WORDS AND PHRASES 264 citing Savant vs. Mercadal, 66 So. 961, 962, 136 La. 248.
31. 318 Phil. 329 (1995); 248 SCRA 300.
32. Id., pp. 323–324.
34. Id., p. 33.
35. Id., pp. 34–35.
36. Id., pp. 35–36.
37. Marcelino vs. Cruz, 121 SCRA 51, 56.
38. TRANSCRIPTS OF SENATE PROCEEDINGS (1 October 2002), pp. 10–12.
39. Transcripts of Senate Proceedings (6 August 2002), pp. 30–31.
40. 146 SCRA 446, 454 (1986) cited in Garcia vs. Corona, 321 SCRA 218 (1999) and
Pagpalain Haulers, Inc. vs. Trajano, 310 SCRA 354 (1999).
41. Comment, p. 15.
42. G.R. No. 104848, 29 January 1993, 218 SCRA 253.
43. SEC. 2. The Commission on Elections shall exercise the following powers and
(1) Enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an
election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall.
xxx xxx xxx
44. Nacionalista Party vs. Bautista, 85 Phil. 101, 107 (1949).
45. Sumulong vs. Commission on Elections, 73 Phil. 288, 294–295 (1941), cited in Espino
vs. Zaldivar, 129 Phil. 451, 474 (1967).
46. Nacionalista Party vs. De Vera, 85 Phil. 126, 129 (1949).
47. In Grego vs. COMELEC (340 Phil. 591, 606 [1997]), the Court said: "The COMELEC as an
administrative agency and a specialized constitutional body charged with the
enforcement and administration of all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an
election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall, has more than enough expertise in
its field that its findings or conclusions are generally respected and even given finality."
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48. SEC. 17. Voting by Mail. —
17.1 . . . Voting by mail may be allowed in countries that satisfy the following
a) Where the mailing system is fairly well-developed and secure to prevent occasion
for fraud;
b) Where there exists a technically established identification system that would
preclude multiple or proxy voting; and,
c) Where the system of reception and custody of mailed ballots in the embassies,
consulates and other foreign service establishments concerned are adequate and well-
1. "An Act Providing for A System of Overseas Absentee Voting by Qualified Citizens of the
Philippines Abroad, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes." Rep. Act No.
9189 was signed into law by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on February 13, 2003,
and was published on February 16, 2003 at Daily Tribune and Today .
2. "Sec. 2. The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the
ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad.
The Congress shall also design a procedure for the disabled and the illiterates to vote
without the assistance of other persons. Until then, they shall be allowed to vote under
existing laws and such rules as the Commission on Elections may promulgate to protect
the secrecy of the ballot."
3. Sec. 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise
disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in
the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at
least six months immediately preceding the election. No literacy, property, or other
substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage."
4. 191 SCRA 229 (1990).
5. Petition, pp. 7–9.
6. Decision, p. 22.
7. Id.
8. Id. at 26.
9. Supra note 4.
10. Decision, p. 26.
11. Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A Commentary 582
12. "Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them."
13. Brent & Levinson, Process of Constitutional Democracy: Cases and Materials 1053
14. McCrary on Elections 10 (1897).
15. 2 Ld. Raymond, 938 (1 Smith's Leading Cases, p. 472), cited in McCrary, id. at 9.
16. Id. at 10.
17. Lieberman, The Evolving Constitution 563.
18. Id.
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19. The last survival of religious test appears in the Constitution of South Carolina (Article
XIII), in force from 1778 to 1790, limiting suffrage "to every free white man who
acknowledges the being of a God, and believes in a future state of rewards and
punishments." See McCrary on Elections, supra note 14, f.n. 7 at 5 (1897).
20. Id. at 3.
21. Lieberman, supra note 17.
22. United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542.
23. Id.
24. The exclusion of women originated in the common-law idea of the merger of a married
woman's existence in that of her husband, and her unfitness by nature for the
occupation of civil life. See Cooley on Const. Limitation at 38.
25. 62 Phil. 945 (1936).
26. Id. at 948, citations omitted.
27. I Aruego, The Framing of the Philippine Constitution 217 (1936).
28. Id. at 216.
29. Id. at 217.
30. Id. at 218–219.
31. Id. at 225.
32. Id. at 225–226.
33. 15 SCRA 7 (1965).
34. Id. at 9.
35. Laurel, Philippine Law on Elections 2 (1940).
36. Id. at 16.
37. Gallego v. Vera, 73 Phil. 453, 459 (1941).
38. Supra note 13 at 1066–1067.
39. Romualdez-Marcos v. Commission on Elections, 248 SCRA 300, 323 (1995).
40. See Nuval v. Guray , 52 Phil. 645 (1928).
41. Ong v. Republic, 19 SCRA 966, 969 (1967).
42. Supra note 39.
43. Id. at 325.
44. II Bernas, Constitutional Rights and Demands: Notes and Cases, 558 (1991).
45. II Records at 34–35.
46. Id. at 11–12.
47. II RECORDS at 35–36.
48. 25 Am Jur 2d, Domicil § 11 at 13.
49. Id. at § 12.
50. Id. at § 13.
51. Supra note 39.
52. Id. at 331.
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53. Supra note 4.
54. Id. at 237.
55. See for instance, Rep. Act No. 7160, section 40 (f); B.P. Blg. 52, sec. 4; B.P. Blg. 881, sec.
56. Decision, p. 25.
57. Id. at 26.
58. Id. at 28.
59. I Restatement of Law (Conflict of Laws) 2d, p. 47 (1971).
60. I Beale, A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws 183 (1935).
61. 25 Am Jur 2d, Section 15 at 16.
62. Scoles, et al., Conflict of Laws, 3rd ed., p. 268 (2000).
63. Id. at 269. See Graveson, Reform of the Law of Domicile, 70 L.Q. Rev. 492 (1954); Atkin,
The Domicile Act of 1976, 7 N.Z.U. L. Rev. 286 (1977); Rafferty, Domicile, The Need for
Reform, Man. L.J. 203 (1977).
64. Supra note 59 at 78.
65. Id. at 62–65.
66. Scoles, et al., supra note 62 at 248–249.
67. I Beale, supra note 60 at 182.
68. Id. at 183–184.
69. Supra note 59 at 81.
70. Id. at 82.
71. Id.
72. Scoles, et al., supra note 62 at 249.
73. Memorandum of Public Respondent COMELEC, p. 7.
74. Citing Lucman v. Dimaporo, G.R. No. 31558, May 29, 1970; Ticzon v. COMELEC, G.R.
No. 52451, March 31, 1981; Pangarungan v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 107435, December 11,
75. 1987 Constitution, Article IX-C, section 2.
76. Citing Gallardo v. Tabamo, Jr., 218 SCRA 253 (1993).
77. Ibid.
78. OSG Memorandum, p. 18.
79. Id. at 17.
80. Memorandum of Public Respondent COMELEC, p. 5.
81. Ogg & Ray, Introduction to American Government, 10th ed., p. 28 (1951).
82. Nowak, et al., Constitutional Law, 3rd ed., p. 121 (1986).
83. J. Locke, Second Treatise of Government (Machperson, ed. 1980).
84. § 143, Id. at 75.
85. § 145, Id. at 76.
86. § 146, Id.
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87. § 143, Id. at 75–76.
88. § 148, Id. at 77. "Though, as I said, the executive and federative powers of every
community be really distinct in themselves, yet they are hardly to be separated, and
placed at the same time, in the hands of distinct persons: for both of them requiring the
force of the society for their exercise, it is almost impracticable to place the force of the
commonwealth in distinct, and not subordinate hands; or that the executive and
federative power should be placed in persons, that might act separately, whereby the
force of the public would be under different commands: which would be apt some time
or other to cause disorder and ruin."
89. Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws (trans. by Thomas Nugent, 1949).
90. Id. at 151–152.
91. Nowak, et al., supra note 82.
92. Article XXX of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1780). See
Jaffe, Administrative Law: Cases and Materials, p. 31 (1976).
93. Article I, section 1. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress
of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."
94. Article II, section 1. "The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United
States of America. . ."
95. Article III, sec. 1. "The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme
Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from to time ordain and establish
. . ."
96. Supra note 81 at 28–29.
97. A. Sofaer, War, Foreign Affairs, and Constitutional Power: The Origins 60 (1976).
98. J. Madison, The Federalist No. 47 at 302–303 (new American Library Ed. 1961).
99. J. Madison, The Federalist No. 48 at 343 (B. Wright Ed. 1961).
100. 343 US 579, 635 (1952).
101. 424 US 1 (1976).
102. Id. at 121.
103. 433 US 425, 433 (1977).
104. Id.
105. 63 Phil. 139 (1936).
106. Id. at 156.
107. Id. at 156–157.
108. 67 Phil. 62 (1939).
109. Id. at 73–74.
110. Angara v. Electoral Commission, supra note 33.
111. Id.
112. Id.
113. 1987 Const., Article VIII, sec. 1. In Sinon v. Civil Service Commission, 215 SCRA 410
(1992), the Court defined grave abuse of discretion as "such capricious and whimsical
exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. The abuse of discretion
must be patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of positive duty or a virtual refusal
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to perform a duty enjoined by law, or to act at all in contemplation of law, as where the
power is exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of passion or hostility."
114. The accepted meaning of "political question" is that "where the matter involved is left
to a decision by the people acting in their sovereign capacity or to the sole determination
by either or both the legislative or executive branch of the government, it is beyond
judicial cognizance. Thus it was that in suits where the party proceeded against was
either the President or Congress, or any of its branches for that matter, the courts refused
to act." See Aquino v. Ponce Enrile, 59 SCRA 183, 196 (1974).
115. I RECORDS at 434.
116. I RECORDS at 443. Pertinent part of the deliberation of the delegates of the
Constitutional Commission are hereto quoted, viz:
FR. BERNAS. . . . On another point, is it the intention of Section 1 to do away with the
political question doctrine?
FR. BERNAS. It is not.
MR. CONCEPCION. No because whenever there is an abuse of discretion, amounting to
lack of jurisdiction. . .
FR. BERNAS. So, I am satisfied with the answer that it is not intended to do away with the
political question doctrine.
MR. CONCEPCION. No certainly not.
When this provision was originally drafted, it sought to define what is judicial power. But
the Gentleman will notice it says, "judicial power includes" and the reason being that the
definition that we might make may not cover all possible areas.
FR. BERNAS. So it is not an attempt to solve the problems arising from political question
MR. CONCEPCION. It definitely does not eliminate the fact that truly political questions are
beyond the pale of judicial power.
117. 177 SCRA 668 (1989).
118. Id. at 695–696.
119. Bondoc v. Pineda, 201 SCRA 792 (1991).
120. Supra note 39.
121. Lerias v. HRET, 202 SCRA 808 (1991).
122. Mogueis, Jr. v. COMELEC, 104 SCRA 576 (1981).
123. Dario v. Mison, 176 SCRA 84 (1989).
124. Rivera, Law of Public Administration 175 (1956).
125. 1987 Const., Art. VIII.
"Sec. 2. The Congress shall have the power to define, prescribe, and apportion the
jurisdiction of the various courts but may not deprive the Supreme Court of its
jurisdiction over cases in Section 5 thereof.
No law shall be passed reorganizing the judiciary when it undermines the security of
tenure of its members."
126. White, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration 592 (1948).
127. Javits & Klein, Congressional Oversight and The Legislative Veto: A Constitutional
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
Analysis, 52 NYU Law Rev. 455, 460 (1977).
128. Id. at 461.
129. Hearings of the Subcommittee on Rules & Organizations of the House Committee on
Rules, June 15, 1999 <>
130. Mill, Considerations on Representative Democracy (1947).
131. Id.
132. Wilson, "Committee or Cabinet Government?," III Overland Monthly 275 (1884), quoted
in Gross, The Legislative Struggle: A Study in Social Combat 137 (1953).
133 Javits & Klein, supra note 127 at 459–460.
134. Id. at 460.
135. Strauss, The Place of Agencies in Government: Separation of Powers and the Fourth
Branch, 84 Columbia Law Rev. 573, 583 (1984).
136. Martin, The Legislative Veto and the Responsible Exercise of Congressional Power, 68
Va. L. Rev. 253, 264 (1982).
137. Gross, supra note 132.
138. Ibid.
139. Philippine Constitution Association v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506 (1994).
140. Id. at 522.
141. Rivera, supra note 124 at 177–178.
142. Supra note 81 at 304.
143. Ibid.
144. "The Secretaries may be called, and shall be entitled to be heard, by either of the two
Houses of the Legislature, for the purpose of reporting on matters pertaining to their
Departments, unless the public interest shall require otherwise and the Governor-General
shall so state in writing." See I Aruego, supra note 27 at 448.
145. Id.
146. Id. at 448–449.
147. Id.
148 Id. at 449.
149. 1935 Const., Art. VI, sec. 10.
150. Bernas, supra note 11 at 682.
151. II RECORD 46.
152. Id. at 133.
153. Id.
154. 1987 Const., Art. VII, sec. 16.
155. Gross, supra note 132 at 138.
156. Id.
157. Id.
158. Investigative Oversight: An Introduction to the Law, Practice and Procedure of
Congressional Inquiry, CRS Report for Congress, April 7, 1995
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<> last accessed on May 24, 2003.
159. Watkins v. United States, 354 U.S. 178, 194–195 (1957).
160. 421 U.S. 491 (1975).
161. Id. at 504.
162. Supra note 159 at 187.
163. Supra note 158.
164. 272 U.S. 135 (1927).
165. Id.
166. Kilbourn v. Thomson, 103 U.S. 168, 204 (1880).
167. United States v. Rumely, 345 U.S. 41 (1953).
168. Wilkinson v. United States, 365 U.S. 408–409 (1961).
169. 87 Phil. 29 (1950).
170. Id. at 42. The question involved the identity of the person to whom Arnault allegedly
gave the amount of P440,000.00.
171. Id. at 45.
172. Id. at 63. The Court opined: "By refusing to answer the question, the witness has
obstructed the performance by the Senate of its legislative function, and the Senate has
the power to remove the obstruction by compelling the witness to answer the questions
thru restraint of his liberty until he shall have answered them. That power subsists as
long as the Senate, which is a continuing body, persists in performing the particular
legislative function involved. To hold that it may punish the witness for contempt only
during the session in which the investigation was begun, would be to recognize the right
of the Senate to perform its function but at the same time to deny it an essential and
appropriate means for its performance. Aside from this, if we should hold that the power
to punish for contempt terminates upon the adjournment of the session, the Senate
would have to resume the investigation at the next and succeeding sessions and repeat
the contempt proceedings against the witness until the investigation is completed — an
absurd, unnecessary, and vexatious procedure, which should be avoided."
173. Id. at 46–47. One bill prohibits the Secretary of Justice or any other department head
from discharging functions and exercising powers other than those attached to his
office, without previous congressional authorization. Another prohibits brothers and near
relatives of any President of the Philippines from intervening directly or indirectly and in
whatever capacity in transactions in which the Government is a party, more particularly
where the decision lies in the hands of the executive or administrative officers who are
appointees of the President. Finally, one bill provides that purchases of the Rural
Progress Administration of big landed estates at the price of P100,000.00 or more, and
loans guaranteed by the Government involving P100,000.00 or more, shall not become
effective without previous congressional confirmation.
174. Id.
175. Id. at 48.
176. Id. at 64.
177. Id. at 65.
178. Id. at 66.
179. 203 SCRA 767 (1991).
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180. House Rules and Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of Legislation, adopted on
August 28, 2001.
181. Id. at section 1 (a).
182. Id. at section 1 (b).
183. Id. at section 1(b.1) to (b.4).
184. Id. at section 3.
185. Id. at section 1.
186. Id. at section 7.
187. Id. at section 9.
188. Id. at section 6.
189. Id. at section 7.
190. Gross, supra note 132 at 137.
191. Nowak, et al., supra note 82 at 256.
192. Public Papers of the Public Papers of the Presidents, Herbert Hoover, 1929, p. 432
193. Act of June 30, 1932, § 407, 47 Stat 414.
194. See 462 US 919, 969 (1983), 77 L Ed 2d 317, 356. (White, J., dissenting).
195. Id.
196. Id.
197. Id. at 970; Id. at 357.
198. Id.; Id.
199. From 1932 to 1939, five statutes were effected; from 1940–1949, nineteen (19)
statutes; between 1950–1959, thirty-four (34) statutes; from 1960–1969, forty-nine (49);
and from 1970–1975, at least one hundred sixty-three (163) such provisions were
included in eighty-nine (89) laws. See Abourezk, The Congressional Veto: A
Contemporary Response to Executive Encroachment on Legislative Prerogatives, 52 Ind
L Rev 323, 324 (1977).
200. Tribe, I American Constitutional Law 142 (2000).
201. Id.
202. Javits and Klein, supra note 127 at 460.
203. Bruff & Gellhorn, Congressional Control of Administrative Regulation: A Study of
Legislative Vetoes, 90 Harv L Rev 1369, 1373 (1977).
204. Id. See also Stewart, Constitutionality of Legislative Veto, 13 Harv L J. Legis 593
205. Abourezk, supra note 199 at 327.
206. Javits & Klein, supra note 127 at 461–462.
207. Id.
208. 462 US 919 (1983), 77 L Ed 2d 317.
209. Id. at 952–955.
210. Consumer Energy v. Federal Energy Regulation Commission, 673 F.2d 425 (D.C.Cir.
1982), affirmed sub nom., Process Gas Consumers Group v. Consumers Energy Council
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
of America, 463 U.S. 1216, 103 S.Ct. 3556, 77 L.Ed.2d 1402 (1983), rehearing denied 463
U.S. 1250, 104 S.Ct. 40, 77 L.Ed.2d 1457 (1983).
211. Consumers Union of the United States, Inc. v. Federal Trade Commission, 691 F.2d
575 (D.C.Cir. 1982), affirmed sub nom., Process Gas Consumers Group v. Consumers
Energy Council of America, 463 U.S. 1216, 103 S.Ct. 3556, 77 L.Ed.2d 1402.
212. Equal Opportunity Commission v. Allstate Insurance Company, 57 F.Supp. 1224, 104
S.Ct. 3499, 82 L.Ed.2d 810 (1984), case remanded 740 F.2d 966 (5th Cir. 1984), Equal
Opportunity Commission v. The Hernando Bank, Inc., 724 F.2d 1188 (5th Cir. 1984).
213. 1987 Constitution, Article IX-C, sec. 2 (1).
214. Id. at sec. 2 (3).
215. Sumulong v. COMELEC, 73 Phil. 288, 294 (1941).
216. Nacionalista Party v. Bautista, 85 Phil. 101, 106–107 (1949).
217. Philippine Political Law 383–386 (1962).
218. 1973 Constitution, Article XII-C.
219. Aratuc v. COMELEC, 88 SCRA 251, 270 (1979).
220. 1973 Const., Art. XII-C, sec. 2.
221. 1987 Const., Art. IX-C, sec. 2.
222. Id. at Art. XI-A, sec. 2.
223. Id. at Art. IX-C, sec. 1 (2).
224. Ibid.
225. Ibid.
226. 1987 Const., Art. IX-A, sec. 6.
227. Id. at Art. IX, sec. 8.
228. Nacionalista Party v. De Vera, 85 Phil. 126 (1949).
229. Id. at 130.
230. 1987 Const., Art. IX-A, sec. 7.
231. Aratuc v. COMELEC, 88 SCRA 251, 271–272 (1979).
232. 1987 Const., Art. IX, sec. 3.
233. Id. at Art. IX, sec. 5.
234. Id. at Art. IX-C, sec. 2 (9).
235. 218 SCRA 253 (1993).
236. B.P. Blg. 881, section 52 (c).
237. Gallardo v. Tabamo, Jr., supra note 235 at 263–264.
238. Maruhom v. COMELEC, 473 SCRA 331 (2000).
239. Sumulong v. COMELEC, 73 Phil. 288, 296 (1941).
1. RA 9189, An Act Providing for a System of Overseas Absentee Voting by Qualified
Citizens of the Philippines Abroad, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other
2. Romualdez v. RTC-Br. 7, Tacloban City, G.R. No. 104960, 14 September 1993, 226 SCRA
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
3. Domino v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 134015, 19 July 1999, 310 SCRA 546, 568.
4. Id., at p. 569.
5. 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(31).
6. 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(33).
7. 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(15).
1. STORY, CONFLICT OF LAWS, Secs. 47, 48.
3. Annot., 5 ALR 300 (1920).
1. CONSTITUTION, Article V, Section 1.
2. Ong vs. Republic, 19 SCRA 966 [1967].
3. Black's Law Dictionary, 7th Edition.
4. CONSTITUTION, Article V, Section 2.
5. 25 Am Jur 2d, Domicil § 13.
6. 28 C.J.S. 30.
7. Romualdez vs. RTC, Br. 7, Tacloban City, 226 SCRA 408 [1993].
8. 28 C.J.S. 31.
1. Article 25, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
2. In 2002, overseas Filipino workers officially remitted US$7.17 billion to the Philippines
( At P53 to US$1, this is equivalent to P380
billion, almost 50 percent of the 2002 national budget of P780.8 billion (RA No. 9162).
3. Rep. Loretta Ann P. Rosales, Empowering Seven Million Migrant Filipinos for the Next
Millennium, 10 May 1999,
4. All the major newspapers in the Philippines are posted daily in the Internet.
5. Record of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. II, pp. 11–12 (19 July 1986).
6. Record of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. II, p. 33 (19 July 1986).
7. An Act Providing for the Repatriation of Filipino Women Who Have Lost their Philippine
Citizenship by Marriage to Aliens and of Natural-Born Filipinos.
8. FAQs on Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act,
9. A Guide to Absentee Voting in Maine,;
Absentee Voting in Florida,; Voting Absentee in North
Dakota,; No Excuse Absentee Voting in North
10. Record of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. 1, No. 32, 17 July 1986; Vol. 2, No. 43, 30
July 1986; Vol. 3, No. 66, 26 August 1986; Vol. 3, No. 67, 27 August 1986; Vol. 4, No. 68,
28 August 1986; Vol. 4, No. 69, 29 August 1986.
11. Petition Letter of Overseas Filipinos to the Philippine Government on the Right to Vote,
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2019
12. In the 2004 U.S. Presidential elections, there will be voting through the Internet under the
initiative called SERVE (Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment). This will
allow an eligible U.S. citizen to vote from any Windows-based computer with Internet
access, anywhere in the world.
1. Constitution, Art. V, Secs. 1 and 2. In addition to qualifications, Article V also calls for a
system which insures the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot.
2. Constitution, Art. V, Sec. 1 provides: "Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the
Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and
who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein
they propose to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election. No
literacy, property, or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of
3. Constitution, Art V, Sec. 2, first paragraph.
4. Memorandum for Petitioner, p. 6.
5. U.S. v. Sto. Niño, 13 Phil. 141 (1909); Arenas v. City of San Carlos, G.R. No. L-34024, 5
April 1978, 82 SCRA 318.
6. U.S. v. Sto. Niño, supra; Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Filipinas Compania de
Seguros, 107 Phil. 1055 (1960).
7. Romualdez-Marcos v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 119976, 18 September 1995, 248 SCRA 300.
8. Romualdez v. Regional Trial Court, G.R. No. 104960, 14 September 1993, 226 SCRA 408,
cited in Papandayan v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 147909, 16 April 2002.
9. Baritua v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 100748, 3 February 1997, 267 SCRA 331.
10. G. R. No. 88831, 8 November 1990, 191 SCRA 229.
11. Citing 3 C.J.S. § 76.
12. Oxford Universal Dictionary, Vol. I, pp. 961 and 1249.
13. Id., at p. 1855, Vol. II.
15. Id.
16. Id., at 34.
17. Id., at 35.
18. Id.; emphasis supplied.
19. Estimated Number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWS) and Overseas Filipinos,
Memorandum for the Petitioner, Annex "B".
pp. 34–35.
21. S. No. 2104 on Second Reading, October 9, 2002, Records of the Senate, pp. 90–92.
22. Faypon v. Quirino, 96 Phil. 294 (1954); Nuval v. Guray, 52 Phil. 645 (1928); Koh v. Court
of Appeals, G.R. No. L-40428, 17 December 1975, 70 SCRA 305; Caraballo v. Republic,
114 Phil. 991 (1962); Fule v. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. L-40502 & 42670, 29 November
1976, 74 SCRA 199.
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23. Id.
24. Supra, note 8.
25. Supra, note 7.
26. Marcos, et al. v. Hon. Raul Manglapus et al., G.R. No. 88211, 15 September 1989, 177
SCRA 668.
27. Supra, note 10.
28. Greshams Law, Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, p. 367.
29. Supra.
30. Constitution, Art. VII, Sec. 4 (4).
31. Constitution, Art. V, Sec. 2.
32. Belinda A. Aquino, Professor of Political Science and Asian Studies at the University of
Hawaii and Director of its Center for Philippine Studies has published her observations in
the Philippine Inquirer, June 8, 2003 issue, page "A-9".
33. Memorandum for Petitioner, Annex "B".
34. Id.
35. Supra, note 32.
36. Supra, note 21.
1. Section 1, Article V of the 1987 Constitution provides:
Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by
law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in the Philippines
for at least one year and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at least six months
immediately preceding the election. No literacy, property, or other substantive
requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage.
2. Section 2, Article V, of the 1987 Constitution.
3. II Record of the Constitutional Commission, pp. 34–35.
4. G.R. No. 104960, 14 September 1993, 226 SCRA 408.
5. Supra.
6. 318 Phil. 329.
7. G.R. No. 88831, 8 November 1990, 191 SCRA 229.
8. Caasi v. Court of Appeals, supra, p. 236.
9. Section 5 (d), RA No. 9189.
10. Id.
11. Section 18. On-Site Counting and Canvassing —
xxx xxx xxx
18.5 The canvass of votes shall not cause delay of the proclamation of a winning
candidate if the outcome of the election will not be affected by the results thereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commission is empowered to order the proclamation
of winning candidates despite the fact that the scheduled election has not taken place in
a particular country or countries, if the holding of elections therein has been rendered
impossible by events, factors and circumstances peculiar to such country or countries,
and which events, factors and circumstances are beyond the control or influence of the
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12. Section 4, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution.
13. Section 18.4 . . . . Immediately upon the completion of the canvass, the chairman of the
Special Board of Canvassers shall transmit via facsimile, electronic mail, or any other
means of transmission equally safe and reliable the Certificates of Canvass and the
Statements of Votes to the Commission . . . .
14. Sections 19 and 25, R.A. 9189.
15. Section 17.1, R.A. 9189.
16. Section 1, Article 1X-A of the 1987 Constitution.
17. Section 2 (1), Article IX-C of the 1987 Constitution.
18. Section 3, Article IX-C of the 1987 Constitution.
19. Section 25, R.A. 9189
xxx xxx xxx
The Joint Congressional Oversight Committee shall have the power to monitor and
evaluate the implementation of this Act. . . . .
20. Section 21, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution.
1. Tañada v. Angara, 272 SCRA 18, May 2, 1997, per Panganiban, J.
2. §5(d) of RA 9189 states:
"The following shall be disqualified from voting under this Act:
xxx xxx xxx
d) An immigrant or a permanent resident who is recognized as such in the host
country, unless he/she executes, upon registration, an affidavit prepared for the purpose
by the Commission declaring that he/she shall resume actual physical permanent
residence in the Philippines not later than three (3) years from approval of his/her
registration under this Act. Such affidavit shall also state that he/she has not applied for
citizenship in another country. Failure to return shall be cause for the removal of the
name of the immigrant or permanent resident from the National Registry of Absentee
Voters and his/her permanent disqualification to vote in absentia."
3. I have always believed that the Constitution should, as much as possible, be interpreted
in the sense understood by ordinary citizens. Thus, in my first opinion as a member of
the Court, I wrote in my Dissent in Marcos v. Comelec, 255 SCRA xi, xv, October 25, 1995,
the following:
"The Constitution is the most basic law of the land. It enshrines the most cherished
aspirations and ideals of the population at large. It is not a document reserved only for
scholarly disquisitions by the most eminent legal minds of the land. The Constitution is
not intended for lawyers to quibble over [or] to define legal niceties and articulate
nuances about, in the ascertainment of its import. Its contents and words should be
interpreted in the sense understood by the ordinary men and women who place their
lives on the line in its defense, and who pin their hopes for a better life on its fulfillment."
See also J.M. Tuazon & Co., Inc. v. Land Tenure Administration, 31 SCRA 413, 423,
February 18, 1970, per Fernando, J., in which the Court declared that "the Constitution is
not primarily a lawyer's document, it being essential for the rule of law to obtain that it
should ever be present in the people's consciousness, its language as much as possible
should be understood in the sense they have in common use."
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4. § 1 of Art. V of the Constitution provides:
"SECTION 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise
disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in
the Philippines for al least one year and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at
least six months immediately preceding the election. No literacy, property, or other
substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage."
7. The Family Code of the Philippines as amended by RA 6809 states:
"ART 234. Emancipation takes place by the attainment of majority. Unless otherwise
provided, majority commences at the age of eighteen years.
"ART 236. Emancipation shall terminate parental authority over the person and property of
the child who shall then be qualified and responsible for all acts of civil life, save the
exceptions established by existing laws in special cases."
8. I will no longer take up the question of whether residence should be equated with
domicile, or the impact of this equation, as these matters are already adequately
discussed in the Opinions of my colleagues.
9. Torayno Sr. v. Commission on Elections, 337 SCRA 574, 587, August 9, 2000, per
Panganiban, J.
10. Perez v. Commission on Elections, 375 Phil. 1106, 1119, October 28, 1999, per
Mendoza, J. See also Aquino v. Commission on Elections, 248 SCRA 400, September 18,
11. For instance, the Filipino Reporter, published in the East Coast of the US, has
successfully done this service for over 30 years now.
12. The Absentee Voting Law (RA 9189) states:
"SEC. 4. Coverage. — All citizens of the Philippines abroad, who are not otherwise
disqualified by law, at least eighteen (18) years of age on the day of elections, may vote
for president, vice-president, senators and party-list representatives."
13. Overseas voting is mandated by §2 of Art. V of the Constitution as follows:
"SEC. 2. The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the
ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad."

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