Speakout Grammar Extra Upper Intermediate Unit 1

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UPPER INTERMEDIATE UNIT 1 1.2 present perfect

1.1 direct and indirect questions

1 Choose the correct answer, a), b) or c).
1 He six jobs but can’t find one he enjoys.
1 Match the question halves. a) ’s had already
1 Can you please tell me whether b) ’s already had
2 Would you mind telling me whose c) ’s already have
3 We were wondering how 2 She in the bank for years and is very
4 Have you got any idea when
a) works
5 I’d be interested to know what
b) ’s worked
6 Do you mind me asking where
c) worked
a) the film starts? 3 Have sailed on the Atlantic Ocean?
b) car is parked in my parking space? a) you ever
c) I’ve got the job? b) you usually
d) you’re planning to move to? c) you yet
e) it all started. 4 I you for ages! How are you?
f) the restaurant was like. a) not see
b) haven’t seen
2 Cross out the incorrect alternative in questions 1–8.
c) didn’t see
Then complete the second sentence so it has a
5 They in the same house since I first met
similar meaning to the first.
1 How long have you been/gone here?
a) lived
Could you tell me                 ?
b) live
2 Which film are you/you are seeing tonight?
c) ’ve lived
I was wondering                 .
6 We the good news. Well done!
3 What did/do the mugger look like?
a) haven’t heard
They’d like to know                 .
b) ’ve just heard
4 Who am I speaking of/to, please?
c) heard
To                  ?
7 Our holiday fantastic so far.
5 Could you tell him/to him the news about the job
a) was
b) ’s been
Do you mind me asking                ?
c) is
6 Is there/There is a cashpoint near here?
8 He any of his exams.
Do you know                  ?
a) fails
7 Where you got/did you get that lovely necklace?
b) always failed
Can I ask you                 ?
c) ’s never failed
8 Can you to teach/teach me how to make pizza?
Would you mind                 ? 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple or
present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Notice the time phrases.
1 I (see) him twice earlier today.
2 We (be) on the beach this time last week.
3 They aren’t home yet. They (go) to see the
new James Bond film this afternoon.
4 I (read) two of his books last week. There
are only eight more to go!
5 My new job (be) very enjoyable up to now.
6 He (take) part in karate competitions when
he was younger.
7 He (play) tennis for his school until he
was eighteen.
8 So far, I (manage) to hand all my homework
in on time.

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1.3 polite enquiries Consolidation

1 Put the phone conversation in the correct order. 1 Choose the correct answer, a), b) or c).
a) A: Good morning, Smith and Sons. Can I help Fred: Sara, I’m sorry, this is a bit awkward, but
you? 1 1
if you could throw away your old food
b) A: I’m very sorry, Mr Bell. I’m afraid Ms Parker’s in a from the fridge in future? Sorry to be difficult,
meeting at the moment. but it makes a terrible smell. 2 the
c) B: I’m sorry, it’s Martin Bell. fridge for the third time since you 3 in.
d) B: Yes, hello. I wonder if you could put me through Sara: Oh Fred, I’m so embarrassed! I’ve been so busy
to Ms Jane Parker in accounts, please. at work recently 4 cook or even check
e) A: Who shall I say is calling? what I’ve put in the fridge. 5 next time.
f) B: Could you tell Ms Parker that I need to Fred: Right. There are just a couple more things.
reschedule our meeting this Friday? 6
when you came home last night?
g) A: Yes, of course. Thank you for calling, Mr Bell. Sara: Um, no. Did I wake you up?
Goodbye. Fred: Well, 7 ! It was 2.30 in the morning.
h) B: Yes, of course. What is it? Sara: Sorry, 8 .
i) A: Thank you, Mr Bell. Let me check if Ms Parker
Fred: Well, 9
if you could keep the noise down
is available. Do you mind holding for a
in future.
j) B: Not at all. Thank you. Sara: Yes, of course. Anything else?
k) B: Oh, right. Would there be any chance of leaving Fred: Well, I was wondering 10 pay the rent?
her a message? Sara: Oh no! I forgot all about it. I’m so sorry!
l) B: Bye. 12 1 a) are you mind me asking
2 Put the words in the correct order to make polite
b) do you mind me asking
c) could you mind me asking
2 a) I’ve just cleaned
1 what / could / me / film / starts / you / tell /
time / the? b) I just cleaned
              c) I haven’t cleaned
2 you / could / me / wonder / help / I / if? 3 a) ’ve move
              b) ’re moving
3 information / you / flight, / give / my / about / c) moved
me / please / can / some? 4 a) I haven’t had time to
              b) I didn’t have time to
4 talk / someone / to / I’d / three / classes / about / c) I don’t
like / a week / taking / to 5 a) I’d really appreciate it if you could say me
              b) I’d really appreciate it if you could tell me
5 I / someone / it / today / could / would / it / if / c) I really appreciate it if you can tell me
repair / appreciate 6 a) Do you have an idea what the time is
              b) Have you any idea what time was it
6 to / your / calling / job / I’m / enquire / about / c) Have you any idea what time it was
recent / advertisement 7 a) your TV did
              b) your TV has done
7 order / if / check / I / it / would / appreciate / c) your TV does
you / my / could 8 a) I think I’ve been very quiet
              b) I thought I was very quiet
8 mind / coat / me / showing / would / where / c) I thought I’ve been very quiet
leave / my / you / I / can? 9 a) I was grateful
              b) I’m grateful
c) I’d be grateful
10 a) if there’s any chance you could
b) if there be any chance you could
c) if you have a chance to

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