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Official Report – January 22, 2020

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report

Fiscal Year 2019
July 1, 2018–June 30, 2019

State House Room 230  Boston, MA 02133  [email protected] 

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Table of Contents


ABOUT THE BUREAU OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS ................................................................................................ 1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 2
BSI YEAR IN REVIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 7
FISCAL YEAR 2019 SUMMARY BY UNIT ................................................................................................................ 10
NOTABLE BSI ACTIVITY......................................................................................................................................... 17
Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
About BSI


As part of the Office of the State Auditor, the Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI) is charged with
investigating allegations of public assistance fraud throughout the Commonwealth. The diligent work of
BSI examiners ensures that taxpayer dollars, which fund Massachusetts’s public benefits programs, are
used effectively so that those benefits are available to residents who truly need them.

Under state law, BSI’s investigative authority extends to any assistance program administered by the
Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), the Department of Children and Families (DCF),1 and the
Division of Medical Assistance (which administers MassHealth, the state’s Medicaid program). Although
the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) is not included in the BSI statute, BSI works with EEC
through a memorandum of understanding. As a result of BSI’s investigations, public assistance fraud
cases are referred to agencies for administrative action, fraudulent overpayments are recovered
through civil agreements, individuals are disqualified from programs for specified periods of time, and
cases are prosecuted in state district or superior courts and the United States District Court for the
District of Massachusetts. BSI recommends cases for prosecution based on the severity of the fraud, the
intent of the perpetrator, and the possibility for the case to serve as a deterrent to future fraud.

Working under Section 17 of Chapter 11 of the Massachusetts General Laws, BSI examiners operate
from five offices across the Commonwealth. BSI consists of three separate investigative units: the
Central Processing Unit (CPU), the MassHealth Unit/DTA Unit, and the Data Analytics Unit (DAU). Each
unit is headed by an assistant director who reports directly to the director of BSI. While each unit has its
own specific concentration, all of the BSI units collaborate with one another, as investigations often
involve more than one benefit program activity. BSI participates in joint investigations and task forces
that focus on combating fraudulent activities with other state and federal agencies across the

This report, as statutorily required, summarizes BSI’s work in fiscal year 2019.

1 DCF does not administer public assistance funding and therefore does not fall within the scope of BSI’s investigative work.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Executive Summary


The fiscal year 2019 (FY19) Annual Report of the Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI) summarizes BSI’s
work and initiatives to execute the Office of the State Auditor’s mission to make government work
better. This is done through BSI’s statutory charge to investigate fraud, abuse, and illegal acts involving
public assistance benefits throughout the Commonwealth. During FY19, BSI continued to investigate and
identify fraud in order to maintain program integrity and uphold the Commonwealth’s residents’ faith in
public assistance programs. BSI’s efforts ensure that public assistance programs operate with
transparency so that benefits are available to residents who truly need them.

In FY19, BSI opened 5,369 new investigations and completed 5,787

total investigations. This report includes a comprehensive In FY19, BSI identified
breakdown of the fraud identified within each program BSI $11,961,323.31
investigates. Of the 1,077 completed cases with identified fraud, in fraud.
the average amount of fraud was $11,106.15.

Public assistance programs administered by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), the
Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), and MassHealth provide vital social services for the
Commonwealth’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged residents—children, persons with disabilities, low-
income individuals and families, and seniors. Statistical data on BSI cases from FY19 demonstrates that
the cases BSI investigated most frequently involved allegations of undisclosed employment, a personal
care attendant (PCA), or an unreported non-custodial parent in the home. By contrast, BSI investigated
cases with allegations of undisclosed unemployment compensation or assets over the permissible limits
the least. Looking at the cases BSI investigated during FY19 from a different perspective, the
geographical statistical data shows that Suffolk, Hampden, and Bristol Counties generated the most
allegations overall. Dukes, Franklin, and Hampshire Counties generated the least number of allegations.

Previewing the new capabilities of the DAU’s analytical support services, the following maps illustrate
FY19’s total fraud allegations by county.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Executive Summary

Figure 1. FY19 Total Fraud Allegations by County

Note: The total number of allegations is higher than the total completed case count because there are
often multiple allegations per BSI case number. The grand total as reflected does not filter out duplicate
BSI case numbers; the count only includes the unique number of allegations.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Executive Summary

Fiscal Year 2019 Itemized Fraud Allegations By County

Figure 2. Employment Fraud Allegations

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Executive Summary

Figure 3. Personal Care Attendant Fraud Allegations

Figure 4. Non-Custodial Parent Fraud Allegations

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Executive Summary

Figure 5. Subject Living Above Means Fraud Allegations

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
BSI Year in Review


Figure 6. FY19 Fraud Dollars Identified, by Public Benefit Program

Total Fraud Identified: $11,961,323.31

BSI By the Numbers

 2,370: BSI cases at the start of FY19

 5,369: New investigations
 5,787: Total completed investigations
 1,077: Completed investigations with identified fraud
 1,952: BSI cases at the start of FY20

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
BSI Year in Review

Table 1. FY19 Caseload by Referral Source

Data Department
Analytics of Transitional Task
Caseload EEC Unit MassHealth Assistance Hotline Force Other Total
Beginning Balance 37 225 224 1,702 148 28 6 2,370
New Investigations 14 78 1,218 3,444 571 38 6 5,369
Total Completed
Investigations 39 253 1,176 3,828 462 26 3 5,787
Completed with No
Fraud 9 22 1,063 2,321 389 2 1 3,807
Completed with
Identified Fraud 30 231 113 628 49 24 2 1,077
Completed as
Potential Intentional
Program Violation 0 0 0 879 24 0 0 903

Identified Fraud Cases by Disposition

Figure 7. Summary of Cases with Identified Fraud for FY19

Total Cases with Identified Fraud:


When BSI investigations are completed, BSI fraud examiners have to make determinations regarding the
final resolutions of the cases. BSI uses different disposition codes to categorize completed
investigations: closed, intentional program violation (IPV), returned to Department of Transitional

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
BSI Year in Review

Assistance (DTA) as potential IPV, referred for further action, referred for prosecution, civil recovery,
and warrant issued.

 Closed cases include all investigations that were completed and closed by BSI, with or without
identified fraud. In some instances, cases are closed not because there was no fraud present,
but because BSI cannot obtain the necessary documentation to substantiate the fraud, or
because the individual was not receiving public assistance benefits during the period of
allegation. Closed cases have been adjudicated completely, and BSI will not pursue any further

 IPVs are cases that are returned to the DTA, MassHealth, or the Department of Early Education
and Care (EEC) to be handled administratively by those agencies.

 Cases returned to DTA as potential IPVs are cases that are completed by the Central Processing
Unit and determined to have potential overpayments but do not merit the deployment of BSI

 Cases referred for further action are completed cases with identified fraud that require
management discussions to determine appropriate resolutions. BSI will either pursue civil
recovery, refer the case for prosecution, or return it to the appropriate agency for its
administrative process, at which time the BSI status changes to Completed and Closed.

 Civil recovery cases are resolved through an agreement in which the subject agrees to pay back
part or all of the fraudulently obtained benefits to the Commonwealth. Repayment terms must
follow the originating agency’s rules and regulations.

 Cases referred for prosecution are cases in which BSI files criminal complaints against the
subjects or refers the cases to a District Attorney’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office, or the
US Attorney’s Office.

 Warrants are issued when BSI takes out criminal complaints against subjects and the subjects
fail to show up for a court hearing.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2019 Summary By Unit


Central Processing Unit

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) received 5,369 new referrals for investigation in fiscal year 2019
(FY19) from the following sources.

Table 2. FY19 CPU Referral Sources

Source Number of Referrals Percentage of Total

Department of Transitional
Assistance 3,444 64.1%
MassHealth 1,218 22.7%
Hotline 571 10.6%
Data Analytics Unit 78 1.5%
Task Force 38 0.7%
Department of Early
Education and Care 14 0.3%
Other 6 0.1%

The following is a breakdown of the public assistance programs involved in the 5,369 new referrals.

Table 3. FY19 CPU Caseload by Public Assistance Program

Type Number of Cases Percentage of Total*

Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program 2,240 44.2%
MassHealth 1,562 24.8%
Transitional Aid to Families with
Dependent Children 1,051 17.1%
Emergency Aid to the Elderly,
Disabled and Children 469 13.2%
Other 29 0.5%
Classification to Be Determined 18 0.1%

*Percentages do not total 100 due to rounding.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2019 Summary By Unit

In FY19, CPU processed, analyzed, and reviewed 5,181 referrals. CPU team members identified 791
referrals as potential intentional program violation (IPV) cases, where BSI determined that a fraud claim
had merit but returned the case to the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) for further action
based on the evidence. Typical agency actions include civil recovery, disqualification, and recalculation
of benefits. Additionally, CPU closed 3,188 referrals administratively with no fraud determined after
completing a preliminary investigation. CPU designated 1,202 referrals for case assignment. CPU team
members continued to carry a small caseload in FY19. The unit completed 279 DTA cases, identifying
fraud in 248 cases.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2019 Summary By Unit

Department of Transitional Assistance Unit

The DTA Unit was assigned 517 new cases in FY19, completed 637 cases, and identified fraud totaling
$5,950,080.24 in 423 cases. The DTA Unit’s breakdown of identified fraud by public benefit program was
as follows: $3,893,806.05 for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) investigations (33%);
$1,223,408.12 for Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) investigations (10%);
and $395,525.24 for Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC) investigations (3%).

In FY19, the DTA Unit filed criminal charges in 18 cases in various courts throughout the Commonwealth.
One case resulted in an indictment in US District Court, while 17 cases were charged in district courts.

Figure 8. FY19 DTA Caseload

Note: BSI’s DTA caseload for FY19 included SNAP, TAFDC, and EAEDC cases.

In addition, the DTA Unit received 14 referrals from the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC)
and identified $1,401,578.69 in fraud from these referrals. As part of BSI’s continued working
relationship with EEC, EEC’s designated financial assistance worker liaison with BSI is able to efficiently
track and assist with BSI’s EEC caseload and provide much-needed documentation and information in an
expedited manner for speedier investigations.

Because individuals suspected of defrauding EEC often also receive other forms of public assistance, BSI
routinely checks EEC subjects’ other public assistance benefits and, in particular, their reporting of
household income and composition to other agencies. These supplemental investigations have led to
the discovery of additional fraud in DTA and MassHealth public benefit programs.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2019 Summary By Unit

Figure 9. FY19 EEC Caseload

DTA also conducted 54 civil recoveries in FY19. In those cases, subjects had the opportunity to enter into
repayment agreements with DTA and/or EEC. In FY19, BSI initiated repayment agreements and
disqualification consent agreements (DCAs) totaling $1,459,347.84. DCAs are agreements subjects sign
to disqualify themselves from receiving further DTA and/or EEC benefits because of their IPVs. When
pursuing civil recovery for DTA and EEC cases, BSI requires DCAs rather than administrative hearings.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2019 Summary By Unit

MassHealth Unit

During FY19, the MassHealth Unit was assigned 419 new cases, completed 631 cases, and identified
fraud totaling $2,796,003.28 in 400 cases. In addition, the MassHealth Unit assisted the DTA Unit by
completing 37 DTA/EEC cases with identified fraud totaling $754,031.16.

During FY19, the MassHealth Unit had four of its court cases resolved—three in district court and
another in superior court. Two of the district court cases were in Quincy. In the first, a MassHealth
recipient who resided out of state had her case continued without a finding for one (1) year and
received an order to perform 100 hours of community service. In the second case, a MassHealth
recipient received a guilty verdict on the charge of larceny under $250 and a sentence of 18 months’
probation for submitting falsified timesheets for personal care attendant (PCA) services after his PCA
stopped working for him in 2015. The third district court case, in Pittsfield, resulted in another
continuance without a finding. Unlike the prior two cases, however, the defendant in Pittsfield is
required to repay full restitution—$14,946.47—within 18 months.

In FY19, the MassHealth Unit resumed its participation in the PCA Task Force in collaboration with the
Attorney General’s Office and federal Inspector General’s Office of Investigations. Two BSI supervising
fraud examiners and a senior fraud examiner are currently representing BSI on the task force. During
FY19, 426 cases included PCA-related fraud allegations and 297 of those cases had identified fraud,
totaling $866,172.81.

Figure 10. FY19 MassHealth Caseload

In FY19, the MassHealth Unit conducted 31 civil recoveries, in which subjects entered into repayment
agreements with MassHealth, totaling $468,144.67.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2019 Summary By Unit

Data Analytics Unit

The growth of BSI’s DAU, its increasing technical capabilities, and its continued collaboration with
partners led to 71 referrals to CPU. The majority of the CPU referrals alleged that PCAs falsely submitted
timesheets for services to MassHealth members in long-term care facilities and PCAs were not reporting
income earned as PCAs to DTA as required while receiving public assistance benefits.

BSI examiners completed 215 DAU-generated referrals that carried into FY19. These referrals also
related to the improper submission of timesheets by PCAs, and 208 referrals were completed with
identified fraud. DAU also continued to field referrals from BSI’s Public Assistance Fraud Hotline. DAU
received and analyzed 10 referrals made through the hotline alleging provider fraud, five (5) of which
remain ongoing.

In addition, using advanced data analysis, DAU was able to identify MassHealth providers with a high
potential for fraud. DAU identified and referred eight (8) MassHealth providers, which consisted of 16
total healthcare entities. The analysis of these referrals focused on improper billing associated with a
variety of healthcare providers and services, including, but not limited to, home health care, adult foster
care, dermatological services, evaluation and management services, and the use of certain claim
modifiers. DAU referred these findings to the Office of the State Auditor’s Medicaid Audit Unit.

DAU continues to support multiple state and federal partners through joint investigative work in
addition to accepting referrals for investigation and creating and sending referrals to the appropriate
entities. For example, DAU is collaborating with federal partners, including the federal Office of the
Inspector General’s Office of Investigations and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, on
four (4) ongoing investigations related to services provided within both the Medicaid and Medicare

During FY19, DAU assisted with the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) between
Audit Operations’ DAU, BSI’s DAU, and the Office of the State Auditor’s (OSA’s) Medicaid Audit Unit. The
SOP facilitates cross-unit collaboration and ensures that the OSA is using its resources as efficiently and
effectively as possible.

Lastly, DAU initiated the rollout of its analytical support services at the close of FY19. DAU will formally
introduce these services in early FY20, when all services will be fully available. The goal is to aid BSI

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2019 Summary By Unit

examiners in their investigations by outsourcing data analysis tasks to DAU. Support services will include
the creation of charts, maps, timelines, or graphs needed for visual presentation; optical character
recognition (OCR) services; social network analysis; general data analysis; and technical training.

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Notable BSI Activity


Tewksbury Woman Sentenced for Submitting False Timesheets

On December 13, 2018, a Tewksbury woman was sentenced in Middlesex Superior Court to one year of
incarceration in the house of corrections, with three years suspended, after she pleaded guilty to one
count of Medicaid false claims and one count of larceny over $250. The defendant, who submitted false
timesheets claiming that she provided PCA services to her aunt after the aunt’s hospitalization and
death, received a prohibition from providing any service that is directly billed to MassHealth, and she
must pay $12,360.00 in restitution. Based on BSI’s investigative efforts and collaboration with the
Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Division in this case, a Middlesex County grand jury indicted the
defendant for allegedly stealing more than $10,000 in MassHealth benefits from September 2016
through April 2017. (

Boston Resident to Pay Restitution for Public Assistance Fraud

On February 20, 2019, BSI sought to file charges in the Boston Municipal Court, alleging that a Boston
woman intentionally withheld her marital status and her spouse’s income from EEC. The defendant
collected over $22,000 in childcare benefits during the nearly three-year period of alleged fraud. The
woman agreed to a pre-arraignment deal of two years of probation with $1,500 ordered in restitution.

Medford Woman Sentenced for Theft of Government Benefits

On February 26, 2019, US District Court Judge William C. Young sentenced a Medford woman to one
year and one day in prison, three years of supervised release, and restitution totaling $108,288. On
November 26, 2018, the woman pleaded guilty to three counts of theft of public funds, two counts of
making false statements, and one count of falsely representing a Social Security number.

In September 2015, the woman, whose scheme of fraud spanned from October 2007 through May 2017,
falsely informed DTA that she did not have income other than her Social Security benefits when, in fact,
she was receiving income as a result of her work as a PCA. In March 2016, while the woman continued
to work as a PCA, she told Social Security that she did not take care of any other individual. She also
falsely represented her Social Security number on a timesheet submitted in connection with her work as
a PCA. The subject failed to report her income as a PCA, which resulted in the fraudulent payments of

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Notable BSI Activity

government benefits, which she would not have been eligible for had she truthfully disclosed her
income. (

Norwell Dentist Pleads Guilty to Medicaid Fraud and Larceny in Norfolk

Superior Court

In August 2018, through the investigative efforts of BSI’s DAU and the Massachusetts Attorney General’s
Office (AGO), a Norwell dentist and the corporation she owned were indicted in Norfolk Superior Court
on two counts of filing Medicaid false claims and two counts of larceny over $1,200. The dentist’s
corporation had been excluded from the MassHealth provider program in a prior court case with the
AGO that was resolved through a civil agreement. When applying to open a second location for her
corporation, however, the dentist failed to disclose her exclusion from the MassHealth provider

On June 21, 2019, the dentist and her corporation pleaded guilty to Medicaid false claims and larceny.
The plea agreement includes a sentence of three (3) years of probation, $173,000 in restitution to
MassHealth, an $84,000 fine against the corporation payable to the Commonwealth, and a five (5) year
exclusion from all Medicare and Medicaid programs; the dentist paid the restitution and fine in full.

BSI Participation in Document and Benefit Fraud Task Force Continues

As an active member of the U.S. Attorney’s Public Assistance Fraud Task Force, BSI received 32 referrals
in FY19. BSI also continued to serve on the Homeland Security Investigation’s Document and Benefit
Fraud Task Force (DBFTF), which is comprised of various local, state and federal agencies with expertise
in detecting, deterring, and disrupting organizations and individuals involved in various type of
document, identity, and benefit fraud schemes.

During an investigation dubbed “Double Trouble,” the DBFTF investigated suspected aliens,
predominately from the Dominican Republic, who allegedly obtained stolen identities of United States
citizens living in Puerto Rico and then used those identities to obtain documents and public benefits that
they would not otherwise be eligible to receive. Most frequently, these benefits included Registry of
Motor Vehicles identity documents, Social Security numbers, Medicaid, unemployment compensation,
and public housing subsidies. Among other things, a comparison of public benefits records revealed the

Bureau of Special Investigations Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2019
Notable BSI Activity

identities of numerous individuals who received public benefits in both Puerto Rico and Massachusetts
on or around the same date. (

On July 26, 2018, following a federal sweep targeting offenders of document and benefit fraud, various
charges were brought against 25 individuals in federal court in Boston. Many of the defendants had
prior criminal histories, including a convicted murderer who escaped from prison in Puerto Rico in 1994
while serving a 40-year sentence. Only four (4) of the 25 alleged defendants were lawfully present in the
United States. On August 16, 2018, 12 of the 25 defendants were indicted with various charges of
aggravated identity theft and false representation of a Social Security number.

While the bulk of cases BSI investigates are referred from state agencies and law enforcement,
the general public also plays a vital role in reporting fraud. The State Auditor’s Office has an online
form to report public assistance fraud:
online. Citizens can also use BSI’s fraud reporting hotline: (617) 727-6771. All complaints are kept


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