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Legal sources of firearms

(Poliquit, NB & Go,RD, 1998, page 218)

1. Firearms may be procured/purchased from any of the following sources:

a. License Firearm from dealer, through purchase; or
b. Licensed Firearm from holder through transfer or sale.
2. The firearms should be delivered by the transferor/vendor to the transferee/buyer only after the
previous has secured the corresponding firearm license and transport permit.
3. The importation or purchase of firearms and ammunition abroad by individuals has been
suspended by order of the president (SOP No. 13 dated 19 September 1991).

Kinds of firearms licenses

(Poliquit, NB & Go,RD, 1998, page 218-219)

1. Regular license (RL) – is issued to private individuals for their personal firearm and to security
agencies/company guard forces for firearms to be used by their security guards;
2. Special permit (SP) – issued to government officials and employees for privately owned
3. Long regular license (LRL) – issued to private firms, establishment, or corporations for
firearms to be used and being used by their employees, excluding security guards;
4. Short regular License (SRL) – issued to private employee who was issued by his employer a
firearm covered by LRL.
5. Long certificate of registration (LCR) – issued to government agencies or offices and
government owned and controlled corporations for firearms to be used by their officials and
employees, excluding security guards; and
6. Short certificate of registration (SCR) – issued to government official or employee who was
issued by his employer a firearm covered by LCR.

Note: Firearm Licenses are valid for 2 years. Notify the PNPFED of any change on names,
addresses. Make sure that you have the necessary transport permit for your firearm if you are
moving domicile.

Carry and transport of firearms

(PSBRC module II. police tactical responses)

1. Transport permit (TP) – a written authority granted to licensees or their authorized

representatives to move firearms from sources to residence, firing ranges and other authorized
2. Transport permits for gun club members – a written authority issued to PNPFED accredited
gun club members for the purpose of transporting unloaded firearms and ammunition from
residence to firing ranges and vice-versa. A maximum duration of 90 days is granted to gun club
3. License to possess firearm and ammunition – a written authority for a person to possess in
his residence a licensed firearm and an authorized quantity of ammunition.
4. Permit to carry firearm outside residence (PTCFOR) – a written authority issued to any
person by the Chief of Philippine National Police (PNP) that entitles a person to carry his licensed
or lawfully issued firearm outside residence for the duration and purpose specified therein.
Residence refers to the place where the firearm and ammunition are being permanently kept. It
includes the office or house where it is kept and the premises of the house enclosed by walls and
gate separating said premises from adjacent properties. For firearms covered by a Regular
License or Special Permit, their residence must be specified in the license or permit; and those
covered by a Certificate of Registration or a Memorandum Receipt, their residence in the
office/station to which the grantee belongs. Any vehicle is not an extension of a residence.
5. Hunting permit (HP) – a written authority issued to individuals for the purpose of transporting
unloaded firearms and ammunition to hunt in legal hunting grounds. These individuals are
required to coordinate with the local PNP unit or barangay of their activity prior to issuance of
such permit.
6. Duty detail order (DDO) – a written order or schedule issued by a superior officer to his
subordinate/s assigning to the latter the performance of a specific task/s within or outside his
official station which is a part of his regular duties, usually requiring completion within 24-hour
period. In security service, this document contains the names of guards assigned in a particular
post, with the specific firearms and serial number they are authorize to handle.
7. Mission order (MO) – a written directive or order issued by a competent authority to persons
who are under his supervision and control for a definite purpose or objective during a specified
period and place as therein mentioned.
Note. No Mission Order shall be issued to civilian agent authorizing the same to carry
firearm outside residence unless he is included in the regular plantilla of the government agency
involved in the law enforcement agency. Further, the civilian agent must be included in a specific
law enforcement, police, intelligence project or special project which specifically requires the use
of firearm/s to ensure its accomplishment and that the project is duly approved by the PNP
Regional Command or its equivalent and major services of the AFP and NBI or higher command.

Manner of carrying firearms

(PSBRC module II. police tactical responses)

1. The sidearm carried by a person in uniform shall be placed in a holster securely attached to the
belt. The exceptions: 1) The military pilots in flying uniform and the crew of the armored vehicle
who may carry their firearm in shoulder holster.
2. The personnel in uniform but without holster and those in civilian clothes who are authorized to
carry firearm outside residence shall ensure that their firearm is concealed unless in actual use for
a legitimate purpose.
3. The practice of flagrantly displaying a firearm of tucking it at the waist while in uniform or civilian
clothes is prohibited.
4. Only the firearm specifically described in the permit shall be carried by the person named therein.

Limitations and restrictions

(PSBRC module II. police tactical responses)

1. Those authorized to carry firearms shall not bring the said firearm inside public drinking places,
cabarets, public dance halls, public amusement places, or while attending civil, political or
religious rallies and meetings.
2. Carrying of long firearms is prohibited in Metro Manila, chartered cities, provincial capitals and
other populated areas or during fiestas or other large gathering except when called for in the
performance of duty or accomplishment of mission.
3. Restrictions on carrying firearms for the agents of the NBI, Prison Guard members of the Bureau
of Corrections (BuCor) Police, Philippine Port Authority Security Force (PPAF), Home Defense
Forces (HDF), etc are enumerated in the implementing rules and regulations.
Requisites of self-defense
Self-defense is one of the justifying circumstances and deemed not to have transgressed the law
and is free from criminal liability. There are 3 requisites of a valid self-defense as enumerated
under Art. 11, Par 1 of the Revised Penal Code, to wit:
1. Unlawful aggression;
2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it; and
3. Lack of provocation on the part of the person defending himself.

The PNP Firearms and Explosive Division (PNP-FED)

The PNP-FED is located at Camp Rafael Crame, Quezon City and has the following mission,
objectives and functions.

1. To administer, enforce and implement the Firearms and Explosive Laws, Rules and Regulations;
2. All others as the Chief of the PNP may direct.

1. To enforce and implement the firearms and explosive laws, rules and regulations, directives and
2. All others as the Chief of the PNP may direct.

1. To supervise and control issuance of firearms and ammunition to individual licensees, public and
private corporations, firearm and ammunition manufacturers and dealers , security agencies,
police force, gun clubs and hunting clubs;
2. To supervise and control explosive manufacturers and dealers, monitor the sale, transfer and
delivery of explosives used in economic activities like mining, road construction, agriculture, food
preparations and manufacture of pesticides;
3. To issue license for the possession of firearms and ex[plosives in accordance with the laws;
4. To conduct operations against illegal possession of firearms and explosives and support the PNP
units engaged in similar police operations; and
5. To grant the following permits to group or individuals:
a. License to possess firearms and ammunitions;
b. Permit to carry firearms outside of residence (PTCFOR); and
c. Transport Permit.

Important provisions of RA 10591

-Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act

-Approved on May 29, 2013

I. Who is gun collector?

-a person who possess at least 16 firearms

II. allowable ammunition to possess

A. Individual- not to exceed 50 rounds per firearm

B. Sports Shooter- maybe allowed 50 rounds but not more than 1,000

III. Standards and requisites for issuance of obtaining a license and posses firearm

1. A Filipino Citizen

2. At least 21 years old

3. has gainful work, occupation, or business or has filed an income tax return for the preceding year
as proof of income, etc.

4. Any individual who is physically challenged maybe allowed to own and posses firearms provided
that he/she can safely efficient and effectively operate and use the fire arm

III. Gun club

-refers to an organization with at least 15 licensed citizens as members

IV. Firearm registration

-Must be renewed every fours years within 6 months before its expiration

-Failure to comply, means revocation

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