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Submitted BY:-
Vishal Babani,2018BCS-063
Yatharth vashisth,2018BCS-065
Priyanshu sah,2018bcs-035

Submitted To:-
DR.Santosh singh rathore

Blood bank management system (BBMS) is a system that is designed to store,

process, retrieve and analyze information concerned with the administrative and
inventory management with a blood bank. This project is aims at maintaining all the
information pertaining to blood donors, different blood groups available in each
blood bank and help them manage in a better way. Aim is to prove transparency in
this field, make the process of obtaining blood from blood bank hassle free and
corruption free.

The main objective of this project is to automate the complete operation of the
blood bank. They need to maintain hundreds of thousands of records. This project is
built in such a way that it should suits for all type of blood bank in a future.

The project is based on OOPS concept and structure of class diagram is used
to build this project.


The population of the world is multiplying with each coming year and so are
the diseases and health issues. With an increase in the population there is an increase
in the need of blood. The growing population of the world results in a lot of potential
blood donors. But in spite of this not more than 10% of the total world population
participates in blood donation. With the growing population and the advancement in
medical science the demand for blood has also increased. Due to the lack of
communication between the blood donors and the blood recipients, most of the
patients in need of blood do not get blood on time and hence lose their lives. There
is a dire need of synchronization between the blood donors and hospitals and the
blood banks. This improper management of blood leads to wastage of the available
blood inventory. Improper communication and synchronization between the blood
banks and hospitals leads to wastage of the blood available. These problems can be
dealt with by automating the existing manual blood bank management system. A
high-end, efficient, highly available and scalable system has to be developed to
bridge the gap between the donors and the recipients and to reduce the efforts
required to search for blood donors.


Problem definition deals with observation, site visits and discussions to

identify analyze and document project requirements and carry out feasibility studies
and technical assessments to determine the best approaches for full system
Addition of new features is very difficult and creates more overheads. In
existing system, data are not maintained properly which leads the followed-ups slow
and lack of reports. The changes in one module or any part of the system is widely
affected in other part or section.
Keeping the problem definition in mind the proposed system evolves which
is the user friendly, easy to update with the new in features, data is maintained and
reports generated will be more useful for management to take quick business and so

In order to elicit the requirements and to identify the elements, input, output,
subsystems and the procedures the existing had to be examined and analyzed in

The constituted the system study. Record slips, procedures, rules etc. were
examined thoroughly. The existing system was studied involving a complete co-
operation from the employees who run the system at present.


 So much time consuming this application also one machine and one by one
record stored.
 Single blood bank information also no inquiry for direct blood bank.
 It leads to error prone results.
 It consumes lot of manpower to better results.
 It lacks of data security.
 Retrieval data take lot of time.
 Percentage of accuracy is less.
 Reports take time to produce.

The existing system is manually operated. The main drawbacks of the

existing system is it take a lot of time to record various data and keeping is
also difficult procedure because it take large number of space to store details
and difficult to create reports on basis of various condition and also the
searching is difficult because of medium storage like files. So it take a lot of
manual effort and time. To overcome this drawback we implement the
proposed system.

When I get the study I knew that the existing manual system contains a lot of
drawbacks like it take more manual effort and also it is very time consuming etc. So
in the proposed system all the drawbacks of the system is get overcome and the work
that is going over there is changed to computerized and this make the work more
easy like the consent giving details and also stored the minimum requirements etc.
can be stored in the data base and the checking is automatically done by the software
itself and the details of the consent get filled. This increase the total productivity.
The use of paper file is avoided and all the data are efficiently manipulated by the
system. The new system facilitates more automation of the various processes in the
organization. It is easy to generate the report to know the status and which is difficult
in the existing system we can reduce error which is difficult in the existing system.
So by using this proposed system we can reduce the error which is occurred
manually so that is why we introduce this proposed system.


 User view all blood bank information is location wise.

 Donor easily donate blood near blood bank location.
 Patient easily request for blood near blood bank location.
 In this system also supported inquiry for user.

One of the main meanings of the feasibility is possibility. Checking of the
different criteria for success is included in feasibility study section. These criteria’s
are cost, time, efficiency etc….all these factors play an important role in achieving
objective of the system. That means the system should be such it gives optimum
performance at minimum cost, time, requirements. The system contributes to the
overall objectives of the organization. The system be implemented using current
technology and within given cost and schedule constrains. The system is integrated
with systems which are already in place.

Feasibility is conducted to identify the best system that meets all
requirements. It is both necessary and important to evaluate the feasibility of a
project at the earliest possible time. Feasibility study includes an identification
description, an evaluation of proposed system and feasibility study of the proposed
system is to be carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden
to the shop. The feasibility study should be relatively cheap and quick. The results
should inform the decision of whether to go ahead with a more detailed analysis for
feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major requirements for the system is
essential. Four key consideration involved in the feasibility analysis are


Economical feasibility is the most frequently used method for
evaluating the effectiveness of the candidate system. It is very essential because the
main goal of the proposed system is to have economically better result along with
increased efficiency. A cost evaluation is weighed against the ultimate income or
product. Economic justification is generally the bottom-line consideration that
includes cost benefit analysis, long term corporate income strategies, and cost of
resources needed for development and potential market growth. When compared to
the advantage obtained from implemented the system its cost is affordable. This
organization. The amount of fund that company can pour into the research and
development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus the
developed system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of
the technologies used are freely available
Installation of new system will reduce administrative and operational cost.
The newly developed software that doesn’t require any existing manual paper works
and files. So cost also can reduced by removing these types of materials. Proposed
system was developed with available resources. Since cost input for the software is
almost nil the output of the software is always a profit. Hence software is
economically feasible.


The study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the technical
requirements of the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand on
the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands on the available
technical resources. The developed system must have a modest requirement, as only
minimal or null changes are required for implementing this system. This is related
to the technicality of the project. This evaluation determines whether the technology
needed for the proposed system is available or not. It deals with hardware as well as
software requirements. That is, type of hardware, software and the methods required
for running the system are analyzed. A study of function, performance and
constraints may improve the ability to create an acceptable system, technical
feasibility is frequently the most difficult area to achieve at the stage of product
engineering process. The scope was whether the work for the project is done with
the current equipment and the existing system technology has to be examined in the
feasibility study. The result was found to be true. This feasibility is carried out to
check the technical requirements of the system

This system is implemented by using oops. So it can be used in any windows

OS computer. This system requires very low system resources and it will work in
almost all configurations. In the existing system all functions are doing manually.
So if they get this designed software, the problems can be avoided and thus the
system will run smoothly. In the proposed system, data can be easily stored and
managed using database management system software. The reports and results for
various queries can be generated easily. Our proposed system is technically feasible
to use by any user.

The purpose of the operational feasibility is to determine whether the new

system will be used if it is developed and implemented and whether there will be
resistance from user that will undermine the possible application benefits. The aspect
of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user. This includes
the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must not feel
threatened by the system, instead must accept it as a necessity. The level of
acceptance by the user solely depends on the methods that are employed to educate
the user about the system and to make him familiar with it. His level of confidence
must be raised so that he is also able to make some constructive. The proposed
system is an upgrade version of the current system new fields have been
implemented according to the user need, hence it ensure a user friendly environment
in such a way that it ensures all the aspects. The proposed system is very much user
friendly and the system is easily understood by simple training and it is operationally
feasible to use by any users.

This project is developed to manage the blood stock in the “BLOOD BANK”
and the blood prices are maintained in the database. New blood details are entered
in to the project to manage blood details. Blood donor details are entered and
maintained in the database. Blood sales and blood purchases are entered maintained
in this project. Blood stock reports, sales reports and blood purchases reports are
managed in this project.

The blood bank management system has been created with a purpose of
replacing of the paperwork done at the blood bank. All aspect of blood banking, be
it donors record management, blood stock details management, acceptor record
management, blood issues, all is completely managed by the software. The system
boasts in variety and number of reports made available for analysis, legal
documentation and insight.

The specification builds on the experience of users of IT technology in blood
transfusion that is currently available and informs both Connecting for Health
(CFH) and commercial companies producing both hardware and software. The
main objective of this specification is to support the automated tracking of blood
products from the initial ordering of blood transfusion for and subsequent updates
to care records.

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