PRIME HRM Action Plan Template

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Annex 6-B: Action Plan Template (Agency Guide)

PRIME-HRM Assist Form No. 4-B

Action Plan Template

(Agency Guide)


For PRIME-HRM Target Maturity Level

Step 1: Stating the Goal (GOAL)

Purpose of the Agency Action Plan
What is the purpose of this Action Plan?

Step 2: Determining the Current State (Reality)

What is your current Maturity Level based on the Assessment Results?

Plug answers here.

What Maturity Level do you want to target for?

Plug answers here.

Current State Review & Target HR System

Identify your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Plug answers here for current state review.

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Annex 6-B: Action Plan Template (Agency Guide)
PRIME-HRM Assist Form No. 4-B

For HR systems we need to improve on, which one/s do you now want to prioritize taking into
consideration your Agency Mandate? Why?

Plug answers here for priority HR system.

Of the target HR system, which areas (systems, practices and/ or competencies) do you want to
focus on? Why?

Plug answers here for target area (systems, practices, competencies)

Step 3: MAPPING OUT THE ACTION STEPS (Options & Way Forward)

Recommended Detailed Activities Responsibilities Timeline Success Indicators

Action Steps based
on Assessment Tool What Will Be Done? Who Will Do It? By When? (How will you know that you
Results & Report & (Day/Month) are making progress? What are
as determined by your benchmarks? How will
Agency you determine that your goal
Stakeholders has been reached? What are
your measures?)

Action Step 1: Activity 1:

Activity 2:

Activity 3:

Resources: Identify the following:

 Resources Available
 Resources Needed (financial, human, political & other)

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Annex 6-B: Action Plan Template (Agency Guide)
PRIME-HRM Assist Form No. 4-B

Potential Barriers
 What individuals or organizations might resist your plan of action?
 How?

Communications Plan

 Who is involved?
 What methods?
 How often?


Date of Next Process Consulting Session:

Agenda for Next Process Consulting Session:

Tasks to be achieved prior to next Process Consulting Session & Person/s


Name Signature Date

Prepared By:

Assisted By:
Approved By:

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