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Global Food and
Drink Trends 2030
Editors’ Note: Contents
Mintel’s 2030 Global Food behaviour—are: wellbeing,
and Drink Trends identify surroundings, technology,
three key opportunities
for the global food, drink,
rights, value, identity, and
experiences. Much like
and foodservice industries
to act upon in the next 10
today, consumers in 2030
will require their food,
Incorporated PAGE 4
years. The future-looking drink, and foodservice
Jenny Zegler Sam Moore
trends are designed to experiences to deliver Successful companies will be
Associate Director, Global Food and
help companies prepare on satisfying taste and those that improve the health of
Mintel Food & Drink Drink Analyst
for, participate in, and affordable prices. Thus, the planet and its population.
prosper from the evolution these predictions assume
in consumer behaviours two things will never
and attitudes over the change: people will always
next decade. seek enjoyment from food

and price will always be
The rapid pace of change a top purchase factor.

as we enter a new decade
Alex Beckett Regina Maiseviciute
inspired us to carefully
consider the likely shifts in
The future-focused insights
were informed by debate
Associate Director, Haydon
consumer needs, product among Mintel’s worldwide
Mintel Food & Drink Global Food and
innovation, corporate network of analysts who Technology will enable consumers to
Drink Analyst
actions, and society over work across categories construct hyper-individualised approaches
the next 10 years. The and industries. Our analysts to physical and mental health.
following predictions carefully considered the
propose optimistic, yet potential transformations of
pragmatic actions intended the world, life, and our diets
to help businesses adapt to over the next 10 years.
the transformations ahead.
While extensive, what High-tech
David Faulkner
The concepts here are far- you’ll read here isn’t
Associate Director,
Mintel Food & Drink
reaching but rooted by the exhaustive. For full and in- PAGE 30
Mintel Trends Drivers. The depth insight and analysis,
Drivers—constant, universal please visit
Consumer trust in food science and
motivations for consumer and get in touch.
technology will strengthen as these become
vital tools to save our food supply.

Successful companies will be those that improve
the health of the planet and its population.

Start planning now for 2030


Consumers will turn to companies to

be the leading forces for change on
important societal issues. To meet
consumer expectations, food, drink, and
foodservice companies must establish
results-oriented activist approaches.



Conscious consumption habits

will inspire more people to
consider the environmental
and ethical impacts of their
FACILITATE CONSCIOUS CONSUMPTION diets. Consumers will further
prioritise plants in their diets,
Consumers will become more mindful now with the planet’s health
about their purchases and behaviours. in mind as much as their
They will take pride in their personal own. Consumption of animal
efforts and support companies that make products will be occasional
them feel more judicious in their use of and focus on ethically raised
packaging and precious resources. dairy and animal protein.

Identify the opportunities

Companies will Form alliances to extend
take the lead the reach and speed of
Consumers are hungry for leadership
corporate activism
and demonstrable change on
environmental issues, ethical business More food, drink, and foodservice
practices, public health, and other companies will work together and/
important causes. In 2025, brands or join forces with philanthropic
will prioritise people and the planet organisations and governments to help
over profitability. Consumers will advance vital concerns. For example,
increasingly reward the companies Nestlé, Arla Foods, and Unilever are
that make a difference with their among the 22 companies and retailers
loyalty in the next 10 years. that have committed to the Sustainable
Dairy Partnership, which aims to improve
animal care, working conditions, and
limit greenhouse gas emissions.
Consistency and
collaboration will
be key to change The Coop Italy
2019 advertising
campaign highlights
‘the good practices
Consumers will want to know how that it has been
companies make a difference. For realising for the
environment for
example, Italian supermarket Coop’s many years.’
2019 TV ad used a globetrotting Source: Coop Italian
Food via YouTube
shopping trolley as a symbol of
its efforts to confront ethical and
environmental issues, such as plastic
waste and animal welfare.

Take inspiration from

what’s happening now

People are Food waste has led the way

demanding action for sustainable consumption
and innovation
The world has seen a rising sense of
urgency from people who are frustrated In the past few years, food waste has been
by a perceived lack of action and activity a particular sustainable action point for
on many important local and global issues. consumers and companies. Companies
The environment is one of the more pivotal are finding new ways to reuse food waste.
issues today as shown by the increasing The Kellogg Company worked with UK-
size of the crowds at the recurring global based Seven Bro7hers Brewery in 2019
climate strikes organised by Swedish to create beer made from non-standard
activist Greta Thunberg and her fellow cereal pieces. Meadow Mushrooms in New
members of Generation Z. Zealand has created a container that
16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg has become a symbol for proactive climate change measures.
is made from the organic waste from its Source:
mushroom stalks.

67% 34%
of adults in the Republic of of Brazilian Generation Z
Ireland agree climate change/ members aged 16-20 agree Kellogg’s teamed
pollution will be a greater their generation is more active in up with UK brewery
Seven Bro7hers to
health issue when they are older. social and environmental causes convert its rejected
than previous generations. Corn Flakes, Rice
Krispies, and Coco
Source: Mintel Reports Pops breakfast
cereals into beer.
Source: Illustrated
by Mintel

Big companies are The world is witnessing a

making commitments rising sense of urgency
from consumers who
In France, Danone committed to solely
using ingredients from regenerative
are frustrated by a
agriculture by 2025. Unilever has a perceived lack of action
Sustainable Living Plan with three
wide-reaching corporate social
on important local and
responsibility goals. Danone, Nestlė, global issues, including
Firmenich, International Flavors &
Fragrances, and Sodexo are among
the environment.
more than 80 companies that are
part of the We Mean Business climate
change coalition. Ecommerce giant
Amazon has founded its own Climate
Pledge that commits to meeting the
goals of the Paris Agreement by 2040.
Danone is working to develop and promote
regenerative models of agriculture that protect soil,
empower farmers, and promote animal welfare.
Source: Danone
Amazon’s Climate Pledge commits to net zero carbon
emissions by 2040 and 100% renewable energy by 2030.
Source: Amazon

We Mean Business is a global non-profit coalition

working with some of the world’s most influential
businesses to take action on climate change.

From the expert

In the next decade, consumers

will be hungry for leadership
and demonstrable change on
environmental issues, ethical
business practices, public health,
and other important causes.
Jenny Zegler Consumers will reward companies
Associate Director, that take action and improve
Mintel Food & Drink important societal issues. The
companies that will win in the next
10 years will be those that fuel the
new era of conscious consumption.
Tomorrow’s conscious consumers
will be looking for eco-friendly
packaging and products while
also seeking guidance on how to
make their diets more sustainable.

Smart Diets
Technology will enable consumers to
construct hyper-individualised approaches
to physical and mental health.

Start planning now for 2030

Consumers will share their
Through 2030, more personal data with a multitude
consumers will understand of Internet of Things-enabled
what makes them and their devices. Consumers will want the
biological needs unique convenience of recommended
through more widespread shopping lists, recipes, and meals
access to tests and data- that are customised to their flavour,
collecting technology. taste, and texture preferences.
Consumers will look to
companies to help them act
on their data and to offer
custom food and drink.

People will use the results

of data collection and
biological tests to modify
their diets and lifestyles to
improve their brain health,
states of mind, and moods.

Identify the opportunities

Consumer choice
will be powered by
personal data
In the next 10 years, consumers will
be able to use easily accessible and
affordable customised biological
tests, data collection, and analysis to
learn what makes their bodies one of
a kind. The results will help consumers
better understand how to address
every aspect of their health, including
brain and emotional health. While
respecting consumer privacy, food,
drink, and foodservice companies
will have opportunities to develop
personalised recipes, custom diet
plans, and individualised products.

More consumers will

understand what makes
them and their biological
needs unique through
more widespread access
to tests and data-
collecting technology.
London-based conveyor belt sushi restaurant
YO! Sushi collaborated with DNAfit to help
diners choose dishes based on their DNA.

Companies will serve as facilitators Data will unlock a better

on the journey to a healthy lifestyle understanding of consumers
Food and drink brands will nutrition assistant. In addition, busy Companies will have to services. Data will also be used
recognise the opportunity to consumers will opt to share their develop more flexible, agile to identify natural predispositions
help consumers understand their data as they seek personalised production systems including that could lead to personal health
data and facilitate purchases. meal kits, nutrition drinks, 3D printing to meet the issues. In the UK, Vita Mojo was
This will lead to more innovations supplements, and other efficient demands of personalisation and the first foodservice chain to give
like Nestlé China’s XiaoAI smart products to help them effortlessly provide consumers with hyper- customers nutritional guidance
speaker that serves as a family achieve their optimal nutrition. individualised products and based on their genetics.

Nestlé XiaoAI, an AI family nutrition assistant, is a smart speaker equipped with nutrition and
health knowledge that can answer questions from users on custom recipes, music, and nutrition. London restaurant Vita Mojo gives customers nutritional guidance based on their genetics.
Source: Source: Vita Mojo

Take inspiration from Consumers are learning

what’s happening now more about the synergy
of biology
Consumers are learning more about
Consumers see the benefit the natural connections in their bodies
of data collection as more research discovers how the
systems in our bodies work together. In
Collection of personal statistics via smart 88% particular, improved understanding of the
devices or apps has allowed consumers to research into the microbiome has taught
learn what sets them apart and identify the more consumers about the importance
health consequences of their habits. of Chinese consumers have of maintaining a healthy gut/brain axis,
not measured their calorie or the connection that links the brain,
intake but would be interested digestive system, and emotions.
in keeping track of calories.

More consumers are Functional food and drink

considering mental claim to help with mood
health alongside diet and 49%
exercise in their personal More consumers are considering mental
health alongside diet and exercise in
health management. of UK consumers agree that their personal health management. This
tracking elements of health, holistic health and wellness approach has
such as diet or exercise, is inspired consumers to seek products that
important to keep motivated. can improve mood and boost brain health,
as well as those with emerging functional
ingredients. Marley Mellow Mood Peach
Raspberry Relaxation Tea from the US
features mood-enhancing botanicals
22% such as valerian root, chamomile flower,
Marley Mellow Mood Peach Raspberry
lemon balm and passionflower, which— Relaxation Tea from the US features
according to the manufacturer—calm the mood-enhancing botanicals, which are
said to calm the soul and ease the mind.
of Canadians use technology, soul and ease the mind. Source: Illustrated by Mintel
such as apps or wearable fitness
devices, to monitor their health.

Source: Mintel Reports


From the expert

In the next decade, more

consumers will be able to gain
an in-depth knowledge of their
biology through personal health
testing kits that will empower
them to personalise their diet and
Sam Moore health regimes. Analysis of these
Global Food and tools will inform consumers of the
Drink Analyst steps they need to take to address
every aspect of their health,
including brain and emotional
health. As a result, brands will
need to offer more personalised
product offerings, smart home
solutions, and explore how to help
consumers address mood and
brain health.
Join the conversation!
Mintel’s new podcast series ‘Little
Conversation’ brings you fresh
ideas and new perspectives on
how we eat, drink, shop, groom,
and think. From the key issues rate, and review
impacting society to trends in
food, beauty, tech, and retail,
we’re discussing what consumers
want and why.

Mintel Little Conversation is

a podcast about innovation
brought to you by the experts
who know consumers better
than anyone else.

A brand new podcast from Mintel. Find out more:

Consumer trust in food science and
technology will strengthen as these become
vital tools to save our food supply.

Start planning now for 2030


In the next 10 years, Consumers will take a more vested

consumers will become interest in agriculture and have more of
more accepting of an opportunity to experience and enjoy
and trusting in the its benefits as alternative agriculture
essential roles science approaches are invented and replicated
and technology have in around the world.
guaranteeing access to
affordable, safe, and
nutritious food and drink.


With increased adoption of synthetic

and lab-created ingredients, food,
drink, and foodservice companies
must introduce high-tech solutions with
clear explanations of the technology
and its advantages to produce food
and drink more sustainably.

Identify the opportunities

Science and technology
will be essential to the
food supply
Scientific research and technological
innovations will identify ways to
grow essential ingredients in water-
insecure areas and make plants
more resilient to extreme weather
patterns. The United Nations New
Climate Economy report notes that
a new era of economic growth can
come from investing in agriculture
and forests. Through 2030, more
food, drink, and foodservice
companies will take innovative
approaches to the supply chain that
are sustainable and trustworthy.

Consumers will become

more accepting of
and trusting in the
essential roles science
and technology have in
guaranteeing access to
affordable, safe, and
nutritious food and drink.

A new agricultural
revolution is beginning
By 2030, vertical farms, indoor hydroponic
systems, robotic-harvested farms, and
other high-tech agricultural innovations
will increase the supply of fresh local fruits,
vegetables, grains, and herbs. Premium
grocery retailers will open branded indoor
farms to offer consumers just-picked
freshness. Food, drink, and foodservice
companies and retailers will see the
synergy offered by these new agricultural
models and incorporate them into their
supply chains.

More areas will host

agricultural innovations
through 2030
Between 2025 and 2030, new growing
regions, such as those in Africa and
India, and agricultural innovations, such
as floating farms, will emerge to tackle
global food security crises. Meanwhile,
we’ll see ingredients grown in alternative
places such as underground, underwater, Floating Farm is a dairy farm in Rotterdam,
and even in space. Companies and brands Netherlands, that showcases how food production
can become less vulnerable to climate change.
can look to these innovative farms as new Source:
ingredient sources and create products
that promote the use of ingredients grown
in intriguing places such as the desert, on
the ocean, or underground.

Take inspiration from

what’s happening now

Consumers are wary of

of Spanish consumers
technology in food and drink
disagree that lab/
66% cultured/synthetic
Scientific and technological innovations
that offer fresh, trustworthy food will
meat is appealing.
serve as ambassadors to start to sway
consumer opinion away from fear. Today's
priorities for clean label have caused
many consumers to be wary of ‘processed’
food, drink, and foodservice items. Facing
of US consumers backlash, some brands will have to
agree non-GMO
47% foods are healthier
pivot their messaging to other inherent
advantages of engineered food and drink
than GMO foods. products, especially sustainability. Indoor farming has potential
Indoor farms are currently limited both in
scope and in crop variety. For example,
Bowery Parsley is grown in indoor vertical
of Chinese parents farms in New York City, NY, and sold to local
of children aged 0-3 stores. Over the next decade, both ingenuity
42% would be interested
in non-GMO baby
and necessity will lead more indoor farms to
be established and to expand the range of
nutrition products. plants that they produce.

Source: Mintel Reports

Bowery Parsley is grown in

indoor automated vertical
farms in New York City, NY.
Source: Illustrated by Mintel

Modern Meadow in
New Jersey grows
animal-free leather
in their labs.

Food can learn from other

industries that highlight the
advantages of lab-grown Scientific and
Outside of the food and drink industry, technological
lab-grown has been positioned as more
ethical, cost-effective, and efficient than
innovations that offer
naturally sourced options. For example, fresh, trustworthy
Couple is the first company to exclusively
sell lab-grown diamond rings as an ethical,
food will serve as
ambassadors to start to
New York City-
based Couple is more affordable alternative to mined

sway consumer opinion

the first company
to exclusively
diamonds. Modern Meadow is a New
sell lab-grown Jersey-based biotech start-up that grows
diamond rings
as an ethical animal-free leather in a lab. away from fear.
Source: Couple
via Instagram

From the expert

Science will interlace with the food

supply chain to boost yields and
combat climate change. Celebrating
the sustainable, health, and cost
benefits of lab-grown food will be
crucial in educating consumers about
Alex Beckett such nature-identical alternatives.
Associate Director, But the industry will be compelled to
Mintel Food & Drink elevate the role of nature, and humans,
in the storytelling of these new, modern
solutions. Transparency of information
is essential to building trust in a future
where scientists play as integral a role
as farmers. And championing the
people behind the food—whether it
is grown in a laboratory or a field—will
remain a timeless way of building trust
with consumers.
What will
consumers As the experts in what consumers want and why

want in 2030?
Mintel is best suited to accurately predict the
future of consumer behaviour and what that means
for companies and brands in the food, drink, and
foodservice industries.

While thorough, the research and expertise shared

here are not exhaustive. If you’re curious about
what consumers will want over the next decade
and how your business should plan for the future,
we have the answers.

If you’re a Mintel client, log in to your account for

the full insight and analysis on our 2030 Global
Food and Drink Trends, including what brands must
consider when thinking strategically over the next
10 years.

If you’re not a Mintel client, please visit

and get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.
© 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Mintel is the expert in what
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As the world’s leading
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our analysis of consumers,
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