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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

The Ontology of “Political Violence”: Action

and Identity in Civil Wars
By Stathis N. Kalyvas

I discuss several conceptual problems raised by current understandings of political violence, especially as they pertain to actions,
motivations, and identities in civil wars. Actions “on the ground” often turn out to be related to local and private conflicts rather
than the war’s driving (or “master”) cleavage. The disjunction between dynamics at the top and at the bottom undermines pre-
vailing assumptions about civil wars, which are informed by two competing interpretive frames, most recently described as
“greed and grievance.” Rather than posit a dichotomy between greed and grievance, I point to the interaction between political
and private identities and actions. Civil wars are not binary conflicts, but complex and ambiguous processes that foster the “joint”
action of local and supralocal actors, civilians, and armies, whose alliance results in violence that aggregates yet still reflects their
diverse goals. It is the convergence of local motives and supralocal imperatives that endows civil wars with their particular and
often puzzling character, straddling the divide between the political and the private, the collective and the individual.

t least 15 people died in Afghanistan when gunmen back to Thucydides, civil wars encourage the privatization of vio-

A attacked an isolated police post near the country’s capital,

Kabul, in August 2002. The identity of the attackers could
not be ascertained. The chief of police there said that the men
lence, bringing to the fore, in a virtually random fashion, all sorts
of motivations in what is a “war of all against all.”3 This thesis
informs current understandings of ethnic civil wars4 and so-called
were Taliban and supporters of the terrorist organization al- “new wars” allegedly motivated by greed and loot.5 The other
Qaeda. “Other local sources,” however, suggested that the men frame, which we may call Schmittian, entails an ontology of civil
were thieves and looters looking to control the road for revenue.1 wars based on abstract group loyalties and beliefs, whereby the
This story illustrates the poor quality of information in civil wars; political enemy becomes a private adversary only by virtue of a
it also suggests that claims about identity and action may be self- prior collective and impersonal enmity. The impersonal and
serving and information may be instrumentally manipulated by abstract enmity that Carl Schmitt thought was the essential fea-
various actors. Less obviously, it hints at a perception informed by ture of politics6 echoes Rousseau’s perception of war, not as “man
rigid, binary categories linked to mutually exclusive motivations: to man” but as “state to state.” Individuals, claimed Rousseau,
that the attackers could have been either Taliban or thieves, and were only enemies by accident, and then only as soldiers.7 In con-
their motivations could have been either “political” (if they were trast to the Hobbesian thesis, which prioritizes the private sphere
Taliban) or “private” (if they were thieves). But the gunmen could at the exclusion of the political, the Schmittian one stresses the
have been both thieves and Taliban—simultaneously or sequen- fundamentally political nature of civil wars and their attendant
tially, depending on the context. Likewise, their violence could processes; it informs interpretations of traditional “ideological” or
have been both politically and privately driven. “revolutionary” civil wars,8 as well as arguments about ethnic civil
This story epitomizes some of the problems with our current wars and “intercommunal violence” that stress strong beliefs,
understanding of civil wars, particularly our interpretation of the group enmity, and cultural antipathy.9
identities and actions of the actors, along with their allegiances Rather than posit a dichotomy of greed and grievance, I point
and motivations, and our take on the war’s violence. Prevailing to the interaction between political and private identities and
perceptions are informed by two competing interpretive frames, actions. I begin by highlighting a simple, though consequential,
typically juxtaposed dichotomously—most recently as “greed and observation that appears to be as common as it is theoretically
grievance.”2 The first is Hobbesian in inspiration, stressing an marginalized: civil wars are not binary conflicts but complex and
ontology of civil wars characterized by the breakdown of author- ambiguous processes that foster an apparently massive, though
ity and subsequent anarchy. In this view, which can be traced variable, mix of identities and actions—to such a degree as to be
defined by that mix. Put otherwise, the widely observed ambigu-
ity is fundamental rather than incidental to civil wars, a matter of
Stathis N. Kalyvas is professor of political science at Yale University structure rather than noise. I trace the theoretical source of this
([email protected]). He is currently completing a manu- observation to the disjunction between identities and actions at
script entitled The Logic of Violence in Civil War. The author the central or elite level, on the one hand, and the local or mass
thanks Matt Kocher and Harris Mylonas, as well as Jennifer level, on the other. This disjunction takes two forms: first, actions
Hochschild and three anonymous reviewers, for their comments. “on the ground” often seem more related to local or private issues
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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

than to the war’s driving (or “master”) cleavage; second, individ- and Tories as the occasion served, were laying waste the country
ual and local actors take advantage of the war to settle local or almost as much as those who were fighting for the one side or
private conflicts often bearing little or no relation to the causes of the other.”11 Years later, Abraham Lincoln described the Civil
the war or the goals of the belligerents. This disjunction chal- War in the American West as a situation in which “murders for
lenges prevailing assumptions about the locus of agency in civil old grudges, and murders for pelf, proceed under any cloak that
wars and raises a series of questions: What is the explanatory will best cover for the occasion.”12 The Chinese Civil War was
leverage of interpretations focusing exclusively on the master often fought by diverse and shifting coalitions of bandits and
cleavage? What do labels and identities really mean on the local militias;13 for a long time, the Communists were for the
ground? Is it reasonable to infer the distribution of individual bandits “only one of several possible allies or temporary
and local allegiances directly from the master cleavage? Is it cor- patrons.”14 In Manchuria, for instance, it was extremely difficult
rect to describe and analyze all violence in civil wars as “political to differentiate between members of the Anti-Japanese
violence”? Resistance and bandits because moving from one to another was
These questions force us to rethink the role of cleavages in civil very common: it is estimated that 140,000 of a total 300,000
wars and challenge the neat split between political and private resistance members had a bandit background. Common crimi-
violence. In this article, I point to several implications and out- nals were also used extensively during the Cultural Revolution.15
line an alternative microfoundation of cleavage based on the The determinants of violence in the province of Antioquia dur-
interaction of identities and actions at the center and at the ing the Colombian Violencia were “far more complex than any
periphery. Actors seeking power at the center use resources and innate, unavoidable differences between monolithic groups of
symbols to ally with peripheral actors fighting local conflicts, thus Liberals and Conservatives—the traditional explanation for la
making for the “joint production” of action. This microfounda- Violencia—might suggest”; in fact, “the point of la Violencia,
tion is fully consistent with the observed disjunction between even in supposed areas of ‘traditional settlement’ where partisan
center and periphery, which can now be reconceptualized as an objectives were the guiding force behind armed insurrection, is
interaction between various central and local actors with distinct that it was multifaceted and ambiguous, that politics and eco-
identities, motivations, and interests. nomic considerations can never be considered as discrete
This understanding of civil wars in part complements existing forces.”16
ones and in part subverts them: while civil wars exhibit both pure In short, ambiguity is endemic to civil wars;17 this turns their
partisan and anomic behavior, they also contain actions that are characterization into a quest for an ever-deeper “real” nature,
simultaneously both; moreover, the empirical basis of Schmittian presumably hidden underneath misleading facades—an exercise
and Hobbesian interpretations may often be an artifact of biased akin to uncovering Russian dolls. Thus, it is often argued that
and incomplete data, as well as overaggregation. I emphasize the religious wars are really about class, or class wars are really about
pitfalls of overlooking important evidence just because it is not ethnicity, or ethnic wars are only about greed and looting, and
easily systematized. In certain research fields, the collection of so on.18 The difficulty of characterizing civil wars is a conceptu-
reliable and systematic data at the mass level is extremely difficult, al problem rather than one of measurement. If anything, the
if not impossible; civil wars are among the most obvious cases in more detailed the facts, the bigger the difficulty in establishing
point. The requisite analytical and empirical disaggregation10 is the “true” motives and issues on the ground, as Paul Brass has
impossible without the use of typically unsystematized fine- nicely shown in the case of ethnic riots in India.19 An alternative
grained data. Ultimately, the specification of concepts, models, is to recognize, instead, that the motives underlying action in
and causal mechanisms based on insights derived from this civil war are inherently complex and ambiguous. At the same
empirical evidence will improve the theoretical analysis of civil time, just to state this point is as unsatisfactory as to ignore it. It
wars and permit innovative tests that will also assess this empiri- is necessary, instead, to theorize this more complex understand-
cal basis. ing of civil wars so as to incorporate it into systematic research.
Doing so requires, first, the identification of the source of ambi-
Complexity and Ambiguity guity, which turns out to be located in the interaction between
Civil wars are typically described as binary conflicts, classified and center and periphery.
understood on the basis of what is perceived to be their overar-
ching issue dimension or cleavage: we thus speak of ideological, The Disjunction between Center and
ethnic, religious, or class wars. Likewise, we label political actors Periphery
in ethnic civil wars as ethnic actors, the violence of ethnic wars as Like in many other places, the occupation of the Philippines by
ethnic violence, and so on. Yet such characterization turns out to the Japanese during the Second World War generated both a
be trickier than anticipated, because civil wars usually entail a resistance movement and a civil war, as some Filipinos sided with
perplexing combination of identities and actions. the Japanese. In his research on the Western Visayas, Alfred
Consider the following description of the American War of McCoy found that although the country underwent successive
Independence in South Carolina: “There came with the true radical political changes between 1941 and 1946 (including a
patriots a host of false friends and plunderers. And this was true U.S. Commonwealth democracy, a Japanese Military
of both sides in this terrible struggle. The outlaw Whig and the Administration, and national independence), provincial and
outlaw Tory, or rather the outlaws who were pretended Whigs municipal political leaders kept fighting the same parochial fac-

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DOONESBURY ©2001 G. B. Trudeau. Reprinted with permission of UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. All rights reserved.

tional struggles with their local rivals. The region’s competing out in the previous election, as the winners were drafted into
factions, McCoy points out, were not insensitive to the larger serving the Japanese:
events emanating from Manila and beyond; in fact, they adapt-
Neither side necessarily acted on principle. It was the old case of
ed quickly to each successive regime in an effort to use its
tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee—naked rivalry for the spoils of local
resources to their own advantage and to the detriment of rivals. office. Between factions in some municipalities, a long enmity had
Costume and casting directors changed constantly, but actors existed. It was only to be expected that if the faction in office found
and dialogue remained the same. While the context shifted and itself ranged on the side of collaboration, the faction out of office would
factions and their alliances split and realigned, peer rivals loudly condemn its adversary and proclaim its devotion to resistance.21
remained in constant diametric opposition and, in so doing,
defined increasingly nominal party labels or categories such as One may dismiss the Philippines as an isolated case. Consider,
“guerrilla” or “collaborator.” The violence overall was directly however, the way in which a major and classic ideological con-
related to these conflicts. McCoy’s detailed investigation of the flict, the French Revolution, played out in the French provinces.
1942 assassinations of eight prominent men in Iloilo uncovered It turns out that divisions in the provinces were often highly local
that all had their origins in prewar electoral conflicts among rival and bore little relation to the Revolution’s central issues. For
municipal factions for control of mayoral and council posts. In example, a town that had been denied its request to be the capi-
most cases, leaders of opposing factions had been involved in an tal of the new administrative districts created by Paris was likely
intensely personal competition with peer rivals—usually their to feel unsympathetic to the Republic and turn against it. Richard
neighbors on the town plaza—for a decade or more and thus Cobb provides the following account of the way in which provin-
took advantage of the new situation to settle local political cial allegiances were shaped:
accounts. McCoy concludes that wartime factional disputes were It was a question of chance, of local power groups, of where one stood
not imposed on Iloilo from above, but sprang spontaneously in the queue, of at what stage ambitions had been satisfied, of how to
from the lowest level of the provincial political system.20 A study leap-frog over those in front. This is where external events could be
of the Filipino island of Leyte during the same period confirms easily exploited; the Paris political labels, when stuck on provincial
McCoy’s findings. Elmer Lear found that the guerrillas recruited backs, could mean something quite different. . . . The labels might
their supporters from the political faction that had failed to win not even come from Paris; they could be of more local origin. In the
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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

Loire, “federalism” was brought in from the outside, by groups of they “had long genealogies, and were deeply institutionalised at
armed men riding in from Lyon. But the experience of “federalism,” the local level. . . . [They] emerged from the contingent intersec-
and the subsequent repression directed against those who had collab- tion of ethnic, village-level, regional, and national-level political
orated with it, enabled one power group—of almost exactly the same struggles. . . . [T]he violence expressed many ongoing struggles
social standing and wealth—to oust another in those towns that had within Segovian society, a micro-universe of conflict-ridden rela-
been most affected by the crisis [emphasis mine].22
tions, developed over time, among and between families, house-
Cobb is echoed by David Stoll, writing about a very different holds, parties, communities, patrons and clients, and various lay-
time and place, contemporary Guatemala: ers of the state. In this light, perhaps the most striking thing
about this violence is its utterly homegrown, local character.”31
When outsiders look at Ixil country, they tend to see it in terms of a Similar dynamics emerged later on, during the Sandinista and
titanic political struggle between Left and Right. But for most Contra civil wars. Policemen in Quilalí, Nicaragua, were basical-
Nebajeños, these are categories imposed by external forces on a situa- ly the “armed following of the Talavera clan, whose turf this was,”
tion they perceive rather differently. Class and ethnic divisions that Paul Berman reports, adding that clan politics was “an embodi-
seem obvious to outsiders are, for Nebajeños, crosscut by family and ment of every rural Nicaraguan event that never did get ade-
community ties. Because of their wealth of local knowledge, quately reported to the outside world in the years following the
Nebajeños are intimately aware of the opacity and confusion of local
Sandinista revolution.”32
politics, far more so than interpreters from afar. . . . What seem clear
consequences of national and international developments to cosmo-
A study of a northern Spanish town found that the main cleav-
politan observers are, for local people, wrapped in all the ambiguity of age in its central neighborhood began in the early 1930s as a dis-
local life.23 pute between two doctors competing for the title of official town
doctor, which entailed a lucrative state-guaranteed practice. Many
The recent journalistic discovery that Afghanistan is “a world families became engaged on the side of one doctor or the other:
where local rivalries and global aims seem to feed off each other” “Simultaneously, the political turmoil of the end of the Republic
and where “politics are intensely local, with many warlords swap- added a wider political dimension to what was in essence a dis-
ping sides in alliances of convenience that have shifted with the pute based on local issues. The tug-of-war is often described today
changing fortunes of the 22 years of war that began with the in terms of the liberal-conservative issues of the time, but most
Soviet invasion in 1979,”24 is but the latest instance of a recurring informants agree that the basic issues were local and personal.”33
pattern. Consider the following anecdotal evidence from a wide Clan rivalries in Chinese villages shaped peasant decisions about
variety of civil wars. whether to side with or against the Communists during the civil
Roger Howell stresses “the persistence of local structures and war there. Peter Seybolt’s analysis of the Chinese Civil War during
rivalries” during the English Civil War, “even in the face of the Japanese occupation uncovers a similar disjunction between
intense pressures from outside, a persistence that is frequently dis- center and periphery: “Many of the battles fought among Chinese
guised at first glance because of the patterns by which the labels had little to do with collaboration or resistance. They were strug-
of the ‘national’ struggle—royalist versus parliamentarian, pres- gles for power and economic spoils that pit central authorities
byterian versus independent—were taken up by the participants against local authorities; local authorities against each other, ban-
themselves and super-imposed on the ‘local’ struggle.”25 A dits against merchants and landlords, secret societies against ban-
detailed study of Bergen County, New Jersey, during the dits, Guomindang members against Communists, and so on.”34
American Revolution shows “that the local and bloody battles During the Colombian Violencia, the “elimination of members of
between rebel and Loyal militia were related to prewar animosi- the opposition from particular hamlets . . . appears to have obeyed
ties between ethnic groups, political rivals, churches, and even the logic of personal feuds, partisan differences, and intermunici-
neighbors.”26 The “ferocious” civil war waged in North Carolina pal rivalries.” A report by the envoy of the Conservative Governor
during the American Revolution “involved complexities often of Antioquia in the town of Cañasgordas revealed “a sordid, cor-
distant from the struggle between Great Britain and the court- rupt, divided, and violent society riven by factionalism, family
house and statehouse Revolutionaries.”27 The same was true, later feuds, local animosities, personal jealousies, vindictiveness, greed,
on, in the context of the American Civil War. In May 1862, conflicts between haves and have-nots, and struggles over
Major General John M. Schofield argued that “the bitter feeling power.”35 The mass killings that took place in Indonesia in
existing between the border people” was “the result of old feuds, 1965–1966 were ostensibly articulated around the commu-
and involves very little, if at all, the question of Union or dis- nism/anticommunism cleavage, yet a sustained examination of
union.”28 Roger Gould shows that much of the conflict that took regional massacres unearthed all kinds of local conflicts. For
place in Paris between 1848 and 1872 was related to turf battles instance, in the southern Sumatra province of Lampung, the vio-
between neighborhoods rather than being a reflection of the class lence was caused by a conflict between local Muslims and Javanese
struggle that is used to describe French politics during this peri- transmigrant settlers. In some areas of Timor, the victims were
od.29 Local conflicts often trumped ideological ones, writes H. R. Protestants, while in others they were followers of local cults; in
Kedward in his study of the civil war in occupied France, during Lombok they were Balinese and Chinese. The killings in Central
the Second World War.30 In his reconstruction of the violent and East Java were caused by hostility between local Muslim
political battles waged in the region of western Segovia, in cultural-religious groups known as abangan; in Bali they were asso-
Nicaragua, during the late 1920s, Michael Schroeder found that ciated with long-standing rivalries between patronage groups.36 On

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a visit to the Lebanese countryside, the travel writer William greater conflict, particularly through violence. As Colin Lucas
Dalrymple was surprised to discover that a bloody raid by Samir notes about the counterrevolution in southern France, the revo-
Geagea’s (Christian) Phalangist militia against the headquarters of lutionary struggle provided a language for other conflicts of a
the (likewise Christian) Marada militia led by Tony Franjieh was social, communal, or personal nature.48
only ostensibly a struggle about political issues (the Phalangists An understanding of civil war dynamics as substantially shaped
preferring Lebanon’s partition and the Franjiehs wishing to keep by local cleavages is also fully consistent with recurring suggestions
it whole): “In fact [it] had its true roots in something more prim- that master cleavages often fail to account for the nature of the
itive still: a century-old blood feud between Bsharre, Geagea’s conflict and its violence49 and that violence is either unrelated or
home town, and Ehden and Zgharta, the Franjieh strongholds incompletely related to the dominant discourse of the war;50 that
forty miles to the west.” Dalrymple reaches the conclusion that civil wars are imperfect and fluid aggregations of multiple, more
“the story of the raid was remarkable, and revealed more clearly or less overlapping, smaller, diverse, and localized civil wars,51
than anything the medieval feudal reality behind the civilized entailing Byzantine complexity52 and splintering authority into
twentieth-century veneer of Lebanese politics.”37 When told by “thousands of fragments and micro-powers of local character.”53
the army to make an example of the local “subversives,” the mili- This evidence jibes with the anthropological insight that local
tia leader in the Guatemalan hamlet of Emol Central chose his politics is not just (or primarily) the local reflection of national
victims from Kotoh, “Emol Central’s traditional rivals.”38 The politics. In his analysis of local politics in Sri Lanka, Jonathan
1983 massacre of journalists by the inhabitants of Uchuraccay, Spencer shows that “villagers did not simply have politics thrust
Peru, led to an extensive investigation that eventually traced the upon them; rather they appropriated politics and used them for
massacre to the animosity between highlanders and lowlanders; their own purposes.” He adds that “people were not necessarily
the lowlands were easier for Sendero Luminoso rebels to penetrate enemies because they were in different parties; more often they
because they were geographically more accessible. Once, however, had ended up in different parties because they were enemies.”
Sendero became associated with the lowland communities, it Hence, he points out, “at least part of the apparent ideological
sparked the enmity of the highland ones—an enmity that anthro- and sociological incoherence of political party allegiance” can be
pologists had already traced to a long tradition of rivalry between traced to the fact that politics provides a means of expressing local
highland and lowland communities.39 The Liberian civil war dur- conflicts:
ing the 1990s triggered tens of local cleavages:
It is possible to see a great part of village politics as little more than
It is said that in some areas the war in the south-east reopened old the dressing up of domestic disputes in the trappings of party politi-
feuds dating back to the 1930s. Certainly it militarized the factional cal competition, exploiting the public expectation of trouble which
disputes which had previously been the stuff of local politics, and accompanies party politics in order to settle private scores in the
which linked local struggles to national interests. As the war itself gave idiom of public affairs. Party politics are established so firmly in Sri
rise to local vendettas, or as older antagonisms were settled by force at Lanka, in part because of their elective affinity with those divided or
a time of war, there emerged a micro-politics of war in which certain dividing communities which otherwise lack an everyday idiom in
territories suffered more than others at particular moments. The areas which to characterize their own disunity: politics provide just such an
worst affected were those which were devastated repeatedly as local idiom.54
rivals launched see-saw raids and counter-attacks against one another.40
While local cleavages are by no means the only mechanism
The reason that Toposa tribesmen accepted weapons from the producing allegiance and violence, they appear to have substan-
Sudanese government to fight against their former Dinka insur- tial impact on the distribution of allegiances as well as the con-
gent comrades in southern Sudan is to be found in old disputes tent, direction, and intensity of violence. This evidence lends sup-
and cattle thieving among the two groups.41 Most recently in port to the view that both the distribution of allegiances across
Congo, “analysts distinguish between the big war, the main con- the population and the violence that takes place are often (though
flict between the Congolese government and the rebel armies try- not always) a function of preexisting local rivalries whose con-
ing to topple it, and the many smaller wars being waged deep nection to the cleavage that informs the civil war is tenuous and
inside Congo’s jungles.” As one analyst put it: “The national level loose—even when conflicts are framed in the discursive termi-
and the local level are two different things in Congo.”42 nology of the master cleavage. Of course, evidence can only be
All in all, the salience of local cleavages is ubiquitous in anecdotal since, for obvious reasons, we lack systematic studies of
ground-level descriptions of civil war and holds for societies that the dynamics of civil wars at the local level, as well as measures of
are sharply polarized in terms of class,43 religion,44 and ethnici- local cleavages.55 Leaving aside the often questionable quality of
ty.45 It would not be an exaggeration to say that references to the aggregate (macro) data on civil wars, it is worth noting that the
disjunction between center and periphery are present in almost available evidence is particularly striking and deserves attention
every descriptive account.46 since macro-level studies have consistently overlooked and misin-
This disjunction is consistent with the observation that civil terpreted these dynamics. Although it is impossible to ascertain at
wars are “welters of complex struggles”47 rather than simple bina- this point the relative weight of local cleavages within and across
ry conflicts neatly arrayed along a single issue dimension. In this wars, it is necessary to acknowledge the significance of this phe-
sense, civil wars can be understood as processes that provide a nomenon; this should spark a research program leading to a rig-
medium for a variety of grievances to be realized within the orous empirical statement about its prevalence. One obvious path
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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

is to incorporate these insights explicitly into deductive models cleavage of Liberals and Conservatives spawned residential segre-
whose predictions can then be independently and systematically gation and intermarriage patterns.63
tested with fine-grained data.56 Often, local cleavages are preexisting without being grafted
Although ubiquitous in the descriptive literature, these onto the master cleavage—which increases their visibility. Thus,
dynamics have been overlooked by macro-level studies of civil the conflict between Royalists and Parliamentarians in
wars, both descriptive and theoretical—with very few excep- Leicestershire during the English Civil War was also a conflict
tions.57 Instead, most accounts infer local and individual identi- between the Hastings and the Grey families that “went back to
ties and actions directly from the war’s master cleavage. Local personal feuds of far longer standing than the Civil War, in fact to
cleavages are neglected for a number of reasons. First is a division their rivalry for the control of the country since the mid-sixteenth
of labor separating the tasks of collecting evidence at the micro century. For these two families, the Rebellion was, at one level,
level and interpreting macro-dynamics; second is an epistemic simply a further stage in the long drawn-out battle for local
preference for the universal over the particular, and the easily dominion.”64 The Protestant-Catholic violence that erupted in
codable over messy evidence; third is the ambiguity of local-level southeastern France during the French Revolution was not simply
dynamics, which in some ways parallels the distinction between religious; it pitted against each other particular families with a
“objective” structures and “subjective” actions;58 fourth is the track record of past feuding: the Lanteiris against the Labastine in
fact that local cleavages are typically articulated in the language Chamborigaud, the Bossier against the Roux in Vauvert, and the
of the war’s master cleavage, often instrumentally. To give a Roussel against the Devaulx in Bagnols.65 Likewise, “family and
recent example, local factions in Afghanistan accused one anoth- faction dictated the course of the IRA split in units all over
er of being Taliban or al-Qaeda so as to have rivals bombed by Ireland” during the civil war. “Once again, it was the Brennans
the U.S. Air Force.59 As a result, naïve observers and partici- against the Barretts in Clare, the Hanniganites against the
pants, including the principals, tend to miscode local cleav- Manahanites in east Limerick, and the Sweeneys versus the
ages.60 Overall, academic studies often share with “official” O’Donnells in Donegal as all the old feuds were reignited.”66 The
historiographies the tendency to erase troubling internal divi- Liberal-Conservative clash in Colombia “frequently grew out of
sions—“class fissures, acts of treachery, or peasant initiatives that long-standing family feuds. Liberal Urregos, for instance, joined
were independent of elite control”—and to smooth over “the Franco, while their long-time enemies, the Cossios and Montoya
past’s jagged edges.”61 Montoyas from Caicedo, made up the ranks of the police and
At the same time, researchers who are attuned to the grass roots Conservative contrachusma [bands] in nearby towns.”67
(anthropologists, journalists, micro-oriented historians) report Journalists often encounter similar patterns: the war between the
these dynamics but fail to theorize them. A starting point in the pro-Iraqi Kurd jash militia and Kurdish rebels was also a conflict
direction of theorizing is to sketch a few broad distinctions. Local between the Sourchi and the Barzani families;68 on the other side
cleavages may be preexisting or war induced; they may align neat- of the border, in eastern Turkey, the war between ethnic Kurds and
ly with central cleavages or subvert them; and they may be con- the Turkish state in the village of Ugrak was also between the
sistent over time or more fluid and random. Guclu and the Tanguner and Tekin families, both Kurdish.69
With preexisting local cleavages, war activates the fault lines. War may generate new local cleavages because power shifts at
When prewar local cleavages have already been politicized and the local level upset delicate arrangements. After Shining Path
grafted onto the national structure of cleavages, their autonomy rebels appointed new village leaders, “the guerrilla column would
and visibility qua local cleavages is diminished; even then, how- leave, without realizing that it had left behind a hornet’s nest of
ever, the master cleavage may not erase them. To understand vio- contradictions that could not be resolved. Even if in these cases
lence, one has to take into account local cleavages, as suggested by no overt rebellion took place, the imposition of the new authori-
the following description of East Tennessee during the American ties generated initial resentments and the first peasant allies of the
Civil War: armed forces, ‘informers’ (soplones) in the senderista terminolo-
gy.”70 In the central Peruvian valley of Canipaco, the population
The policy of granting extensive powers to native Unionists and mak- enjoyed a “kind of honeymoon” with Shining Path until a dispute
ing them partners in the occupation of East Tennessee aimed at restor- erupted between two communities over the distribution of lands
ing a loyal government as quickly as possible. But that policy, com-
previously usurped by haciendas:
bined with increasingly harsh Federal policies, carried serious risks. It
provided further opportunities for Unionists to take revenge on seces- The participation of armed Shining Path cadres on the side of one of
sionists, and it encouraged, rather than constrained, partisan violence the communities in a massive confrontation against a confederation
and disorder. Unionists had their own agenda, an agenda that did not of rival communities provoked a rupture with the latter, who decided
always mesh with Federal aims, and this difference frequently created to turn over two senderista cadres they had captured in the scuffle to
complications for the Union command.62 the authorities in Huancayo. This action provoked Shining Path
reprisals, which culminated in the execution of thirteen peasant lead-
In the most extreme cases, local cleavages may lose all autonomy ers. The victims were kidnapped from their communities and assassi-
and turn into mere local manifestations of the central cleavage. nated in the central plaza of Chongos Alto.71
Conversely, a central cleavage may branch out into local cleavages
that remain active even after the central cleavage has died. This One of the most potent cleavages produced by civil wars is gen-
seems to have been the case in Colombia, where the ideological erational: rebels (but also incumbents) often recruit young people

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who then proceed to repress their village’s elders. The war may motivations cannot be derived from identities at the top. The
also lower the cost of opportunistic behavior, triggering tens of interchangeability of individuals that underlies the concept of
local cleavages. group conflict and violence is variable rather than constant. The
When local cleavages subvert central ones, factional conflicts locus of agency is as likely to be at the bottom as at the top, so
emerge within supposedly unified political camps. McCoy civilians cannot be treated as passive, manipulated, or invisible
describes how two factions in Western Visayas, Philippines, actors; indeed, they often manipulate central actors to settle their
became split rather evenly between the resistance and collabora- own conflicts.
tion regimes during the Japanese occupation. However, during The analytical primacy presently enjoyed by master cleavages
the war, members of the same political faction on opposite sides implies that local dynamics are perceived as a mere (and rather
cooperated closely with each other, while members of opposite irrelevant) local manifestation of the central cleavage—automatic
factions, within the resistance and the Japanese-sponsored gov- and unproblematic aftereffects of actions and decisions located at
ernment, respectively, fought bitterly against each other.72 higher levels. In this perspective, local actors can only be replicas
Similarly, Carlos Rafael Cabarrús shows that in some of the rural of central actors, and their study is justified solely on grounds of
communities he studied in El Salvador, kin-based conflicts caused local history or antiquarian interest. It follows that it is unprob-
important divisions within political factions.73 lematic to generalize directly from the center to the local level; in
An exclusive focus on cleavages (both local and nonlocal) other words, actors (e.g., Serbs) are unitary, and motives (e.g.,
would fail to account for variation in levels of victimization. Local ethnic domination) hold for all individual members and actions,
cleavages may be compatible both with an escalation of violence, including violence. Thus, we speak of actors such as Shias,
as competing factions try to gain advantage, and with modera- Albanians, or workers following descriptions of civil wars along
tion, as they have the means to strike local deals, may anticipate the “modular” themes of religion, ethnicity, or class. These labels
future cooperation, and can resort to effective in-group policing are not neutral; they typically imply a theory of causation. Civil
in order to prevent decentralized escalation.74 Accounting for vio- wars (and their violence) are assumed to be directly caused by
lence requires that local dynamics be embedded in an analysis of religious, ethnic, or class cleavages.
war dynamics, especially the logic of territorial control.75 However, the disjunction between central and local cleavages
In sum, examining local cleavages opens up fascinating empir- challenges the validity of such labels. Although master cleavages
ical possibilities for exploring the various paths, trajectories, inform and motivate local dynamics to a varying degree, the
modalities, and combinations of central and local cleavages, as observed disjunction between the two raises critical questions
well as their consequences. Research on clientelism,76 networks,77 about the dynamics of civil war and its violence. Likewise, the
and local factionalism78 constitutes an obvious resource in this pronounced tendency to infer motivations directly from identi-
respect. ties at the center is undermined. Violence in an ethnic or class
war may not be ethnic or class violence. For instance, Stoll shows
Theoretical Implications how the first Ixil Indians who collaborated with the rebels in
It may be possible to overlook dynamics at the micro level if the Guatemala “were not impoverished seasonal plantation laborers,
goal is to attain a historical interpretation of the conflict at the as [rebel] strategists seem to have expected. Instead, they were
macro level and the longue durée. The fact that much violence in prominent men from San Juan Cotzal, relatively well-situated
Missouri during the American Civil War was related to local con- merchants and labor contractors, who wished to enlist the guer-
flicts rather than the issue of slavery79 undercuts the broad lines rillas in the bitter political feuds of their town.” Conversely, their
of standard macro-level interpretations of the American Civil local enemies “who had disgraced themselves in office and were
War only in part—while also causing a loss of descriptive accura- being defeated in elections could now denounce their opponents
cy. However, analysis of the dynamics of civil war (how and why to the army.”83
people join or defect, how violence takes place, et cetera) is The concept of group conflict or group violence (and, hence,
impossible in the absence of close attention to local dynamics. ethnic conflict and ethnic violence, and so on) entails the total
Such attention is also necessary for achieving a closer fit between interchangeability of individuals, either as participants and per-
macro- and micro-level theory80 and interpreting cross-national petrators or as targets. “Group conflict” makes sense only if group
findings about key variables, such as the onset, duration, and ter- members are fully substitutable for each other.84 If targets of vio-
mination of civil wars. For instance, one of the most robust pre- lence are selected along lines that go beyond group attributes,
dictors of civil war onset, per capita gross domestic product, may then the violence cannot be described as simply ethnic, class-
capture in part the effect of local cleavages;81 poor, nonmodern- based, et cetera. One indication that this may be the case is the
ized states have failed to penetrate their periphery effectively, highly intimate nature of interaction, particularly as expressed in
which would have reduced the salience of local cleavages82 and violence:
thus created opportunities for rebels to tap into them. The East Tyrone Brigade [of the IRA] were not an army but a band,
Several theoretical implications follow from an understanding a company of latter-day woodkernes, of ordinary farmworkers,
of civil wars informed by the dynamics of local cleavages. Identity mechanics, tractor drivers, the unemployed, the odd school-teacher,
labels should be handled with caution: actors in civil war cannot inheritors of the dispossession, who gathered together to kill particu-
be treated as if they were unitary. Labels coined at the center may lar known enemies like Edward Gibson, Thomas Jameson and Harry
be misleading when generalized down to the local level; hence, Henry. The IRA were not waging a war but a sporadic assassination
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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

campaign in the tiny rural communities of Tyrone to attack the After the Kosovo war ended, a journalist reported that “Captain
enemy in their midst [emphasis mine].85 Kevin Lambert told me of an Albanian woman who accused a
Serb of kidnapping her during the war. Captain Lambert’s troops
Though class informed politics in revolutionary America, there is
arrested the man, but upon investigating, they discovered that the
a consensus among historians that class tensions cannot explain
woman’s family had been trying to coerce him to sell them his
the extensive variations in levels of internecine violence in
apartment. Was this a case of falsely accusing the Serb to get his
Virginia and the Carolinas.86 The same appears to have been true
home? With no proof, the U.S. Army decided it was.”93 Jan
in Nicaragua: “There were poor peasants who ran to tell the
Gross’s observation about the violence that erupted in western
Guard when they saw the Sandinistas, and there were members of
Poland during the Soviet occupation of 1939 captures this
wealthy urban families who deserted the guerrillas and told the
private-grudge aspect particularly well:
authorities everything they knew about their former comrades.”87
In some areas of predominantly Croatian rural Herzegovina, Yet, much as the violence represented an explosion of combined eth-
much violence during the 1990s was an outgrowth of local nic, religious, and nationalist conflict, I am nevertheless struck by its
vendettas.88 The violence between the neighboring villages of intimacy. More often than not, victims and executioners knew each
Coagh and Ardboe, in Northern Ireland, which cost the lives of other personally. Even after several years, survivors could still name
30 men in the space of three years in the late 1980s and early names. Definitively, people took this opportunity to get even for per-
1990s (for a combined population of just over a thousand peo- sonal injuries of the past [emphasis mine].94
ple), was not simply violence between the Catholic Irish
Because of the prevailing emphasis on the top at the expense of
Republican Army and the Protestant Ulster Volunteer Force, but
the bottom, there is a pronounced tendency to locate the agency
also a “bitter vendetta” and the “freshest cycle of a blood feud”
of violence in the former; hence the propensity to portray the vio-
that pitted these particular two villages against each other. In
lence of civil wars as being externally imposed on unsuspecting
other words, the nature of the violence in this area cannot be
and, therefore, innocent civilians.95 In this view, civilians are
understood by simple reference to the religious cleavage in
objects rather than subjects of the violence. Guatemalan peasants
Northern Ireland but requires knowledge about the local cleavage
tend to describe the civil war as “something rural communities
between Coagh and Ardboe.89
were caught in but not of their making.”96 Referring to the expe-
Likewise for individuals. Often, the master cleavage establishes
rience of a Greek village during Greece’s civil war, an anthropol-
a baseline that determines what the relevant groups are. However,
ogist points out: “The villagers were, as always, the victims of
the assumption of noninterchangeability of individuals is violated
struggles of others rather than the active element of the struggle
with the introduction of a secondary selection criterion based on
itself.”97 This perspective is succinctly expressed in various sayings
individual characteristics unrelated to group identity. Motives
about the proverbial ants caught between fighting elephants or
vary, but grudge and loot appear to prevail. Intergroup victimiza-
buffalo. Indeed, much of the contemporary human-rights dis-
tion spurred by looting among neighbors is common.90 Because
course entails this assumption, which is also echoed in instru-
the class cleavage defined the relevant group identities in
mentalist theories of ethnic conflict, where individuals are manip-
Republican Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, concierges,
ulated by politicians in pursuit of political power. When not seen
maids, and other domestic personnel in well-to-do neighbor-
as victims, individuals simply vanish. They are aggregated into
hoods could victimize the upper- and middle-class families resid-
groups (“the Serbs,” “the people”) whose actions are other-
ing in the buildings where they worked.91 Yet, as a resident of
directed. The term puppet, used to describe the collaborator army
Barcelona told me, concierges often handpicked their individual
during the Japanese occupation of China and similar situations
victims based on their own grudges that went beyond class.
elsewhere,98 indicates the prevalence of an “instigator” theory of
Individualized selection may take place even under the extreme
violent conflict. This theory is not necessarily inaccurate, espe-
circumstances of ethnic cleansing and genocide. A former prisoner
cially when the focus is just on the visible portion of violence;
of the notorious Omarska camp in Bosnia describes violence
however, it underplays or downright denies that there are also
inflicted by Serb guards on Muslim inmates. One day, a Serb guard
“instigatees,” whose participation is essential to transform ani-
came in at night and insulted a prisoner who, as a judge, had fined
mosity into violence.99
him for a traffic offense in the late 1970s! In another instance,
Many detailed descriptions of violence suggest the presence of
Sakib Pervanic, a thirty-two-year-old from my village, “disappeared” considerable local input and initiative in the production of vio-
because of an old grudge against his father. Sakib’s father, Mustafa, lence. Rather than being imposed upon communities by out-
had had business deals with Rade Gruban—but over the years they siders, this evidence suggests, violence often (but not always)
had failed to settle some business debts. Rade owned a couple of small grows from within communities even when it is executed by out-
grocery shops also selling home appliances. One of the shops was in
siders; it is, in other words, often intimate. The following analy-
my village. The business was going well and he decided to expand it
through bulk sales of cement, but he did not have the necessary stor-
sis by a Sinn Féin councilor in Coalisland, Northern Ireland, sug-
age space. Mustafa let him use a part of his basement for this purpose, gests that the “religious” cleavage in this area, though activated
but they could not agree on the amount of the rent. As a result, along the lines of the conflict’s master cleavage, overlapped with
Mustafa refused to pay Rade for some appliances he had purchased on a (local) conflict between two subsets of people in Coagh and
credit. Rade now wanted revenge—but Mustafa was in the Trnopolje Coalisland—distinct from other local conflicts between
camp. It saved him, but not his son.92 Protestant and Catholic groups across Northern Ireland:

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The UDR [Ulster Defense Regiment] from Coagh came into suffered at the hands of the nationalists during the Spanish Civil
Coalisland, which is a ninety-nine per cent nationalist town, and War, summarizes it best: “It wasn’t Franco who harmed us, but
patrolled around the town. They would stop schoolchildren on their people from here—the village.”109
way to school, get them to turn out their school bags, or stop cars. . . . Local participation is compatible with all sorts of motives,
They would search and read anything, letters, private documents
ranging from the most ideological to the most opportunistic.
from your solicitor, even if it was obvious that there was no security
Evidence suggests that a key motive is settling private scores unre-
force connection. The UDR man could read every one of those doc-
uments, he could even count the money in your pocket, even though lated to the war’s master cleavage. Many acts of violence that on
he was your next-door neighbour. The only qualification he needed was the surface (and to outsiders) appear to be generated by exclu-
that he was a member of the UDR. It led to great tension. . . . It made sively political motivations often turn out, on closer examination,
people feel low and it engendered total hostility towards the Loyalist to be “caused not by politics but by personal hatreds, vendettas,
community and gave the impression that this is a Catholic versus and envy.”110 Thucydides argues that personally motivated crime
Protestant war. But it had nothing to do with religion; it was the simple masked by political pretext is one of the essential features of civil
arming of one section of the community against the other whilst you war,111 while Machiavelli describes a situation where politically
deprive that other section of any means of defending themselves [empha- motivated riots offer a pretext for private violence.112 Tocqueville
sis mine].100 makes a similar observation when he argues that “private interest,
Descriptions of police, army, or guerrilla sweeps, arrests, or assas- which always plays the greatest part in political passions, is . . .
sinations reveal that violence in civil wars often entails the partic- skillfully concealed beneath the veil of public interest.”113 In her
ipation of community members, who either act as suppliers of study of Guatemala, Kay Warren finds a “deeper message” hidden
information or (less often) participate in more direct ways. The in the local and private underpinnings of a murder that seems
reliance of political actors on local information is typically con- political and impersonal.114 The anthropologist who asserts that
veyed by the widespread use of blacklists, as suggested by the fol- Greek villagers were “always the victims of struggles of others
lowing report from Colombia: rather than the active element of the struggle itself ” lists, a few
pages later in her book, a host of private motives behind the vio-
At least eight peasants were killed in the northern village of San Roque lence of the Greek Civil War; for example, “one man joined the
in what the police said they suspected was a right-wing paramilitary Communists with the express intention of killing a rival inheritor
attack. Gunmen killed four members of a family at a gas station, then of his father’s.”115
stormed into the homes of four farm workers and opened fire after
The stories of Aristogiton and Harmodius on the one hand,
checking their identities against a list they carried, the police said. The
area is also a frequent stage for leftist rebel attacks.101
and Pavlik Morozov on the other, are particularly suggestive in
this respect. Thucydides tells the story of Aristogiton and
In his postwar trial, Lieutenant General Takeo Ito, a Japanese Harmodius, two Athenians celebrated for having killed the dic-
commander in Papua New Guinea, told the judges that “the lists tator Hipparchus: “In fact the bold action undertaken by
for executions were compiled in this way. Information would be Aristogiton and Harmodius was due to a love affair. I shall deal
given to a Japanese soldier by a native that some person was a spy with this in some detail, and show that Athenians themselves are
and had contacted Australian soldiers.”102 When Federal forces no better than other people at producing accurate information
invaded central Arkansas in 1863, a delegation of Unionists from about their own dictators and the facts of their own history.” It
Pine Bluff went to meet them and escort them to their town. On turns out that Hipparchus, without success, approached
arriving in Pine Bluff, the troops proceeded to ransack the homes Harmodius, “a most beautiful young man in the flower of his
of Rebel sympathizers; as one resident noted, “They knew every youth [who] was loved and possessed by Aristogiton.”
ones name & where they lived.”103 After the Whites captured a Harmodius rebuked Hipparchus’s advances and told Aristogiton,
city during the Russian Civil War, “it was enough for someone to “who, being in love as he was, was greatly upset and was afraid
point a finger” for a person to die.104 The list of victims in the that Hipparchus, with all his power, might take Harmodius by
Colombian town of Buriticá was routinely submitted in advance force. He therefore began at once, so far as he could in his posi-
to the parish priest for approval.105 After he was denounced and tion, to plot to overthrow the dictatorship.” Eventually, after a
arrested, during the Biafran Civil War, a man recalled: “I should complicated sequence of events, Harmodius and Aristogiton
not return to Uyo, for my people were after my blood.”106 Almost assassinated Hipparchus. As Thucydides concludes: “In this way
every case of apparently indiscriminate violence in Guatemala the conspiracy of Harmodius and Aristogiton originated in the
described in detail by Robert Carmack and his associates turns wounded feeling of a lover.”116 Pavlik Morozov was the Soviet
out to have entailed some measure of local input: name lists used boy who informed on his kulak father and was killed by his
in army massacres were composed with information from local uncles in revenge in September 1932. Pavlik became famous
people, “orders to kill . . . had a local origin,” and people were when the Soviet regime promoted him as the upstanding young
killed after the intervention of old enemies.107 Local Serbs partic- Pioneer who, in a situation of conflicting family and state loyal-
ipated in the massacre of about 40 ethnic Albanians in the village ties, nobly put the interests of the state first. The writer Maxim
of Slovinje in Kosovo (April 15 and 16, 1999); according to a wit- Gorky cited Pavlik Morozov as an example of Soviet heroism,
ness, “When the army came, our own Serbs put on masks and and for decades Pavlik was treated as the patron saint of the
joined in the butchery. They knew who to single out. They knew Pioneers and eulogized in public monuments, meetings, and
who had money.”108 A Basque peasant woman, whose family inspirational children’s books. Anticommunists, however, cited
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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

his case as indicative of the moral decay of totalitarianism, well as conflicts about local political power, led to violence
whereby ideological control undermined and destroyed even because “they tried to resolve them using their political
family bonds. But a careful investigation uncovered a different groups.”121 In a Guatemalan town, “as guerrillas entered local
motivation behind Pavlik’s action: his father, the chairman of the social relations, neighbors who felt they had been wronged in the
local rural soviet, had abandoned his wife and children and distribution of land were presented with new ways to settle
moved in with a younger woman from the same village. Pavlik scores.”122 Sometimes, the process entails more complicated
either denounced his father out of personal resentment (as the chains of principals and agents, as in the following description
eldest child, at 13 or 14, he had to take care of his family) or was from Punjab, India:
prompted by his mother out of revenge, or by a cousin who Undoubtedly factional and family animosities within the villages are
wanted to become chairman of the rural soviet.117 exploited by the state as a way of hindering the development of new
For all its manifest importance, this aspect of violence remains loyalties. In its fight against terrorism police interfered in marital dis-
hidden to most observers, who, when not dismissing all violence putes and land disputes in the villages, supporting, and hence com-
as “criminal,” tend to code it automatically as “political” (ethnic, promising, one party. False complaints would be registered by one
religious, partisan, et cetera). Indeed, the violence of civil wars is party to a dispute, supported by the state, to the effect that the oppo-
described and classified as “political violence.” Most macro nent had links with terrorists. The individual nature of the many
studies disregard the private content of “political violence” and quarrels over land between and within families . . . [was] eclipsed by
miscode individual cases. However, identifying the locus of the widespread use of such quarrels by the police. Disputes spiraled
out of control as the police, as instruments of state, used all such con-
agency is highly consequential from a theoretical point of view.
flicts to advance their mission against terrorism. Incidents were
The interstices of political and private violence provide consid-
processed and converted into a terrorist framework. Police officers
erable space for manipulation—a fact noted by participants and would then claim the resulting rewards. In this they were given pro-
observers alike. For example, the French troops sent by Napoleon tection by superior officers and rarely held accountable. In the midst
to suppress the rebellion in Calabria noticed in 1807 that the local of situations such as these, innocents with no connections to militan-
people were hijacking their war. The local volunteers who joined cy found themselves in desperate trouble.123
the Civic Guards had a “tendency to pursue local vendettas quite
apart from the war effort. There is much evidence that the desire The realization that agents often manipulate their principals pro-
to settle a long-standing feud with a local rival family was a strong duces paradoxical statements, as when Ralph Thaxton reports
impetus for joining the Civic Guards. On several occasions local that in occupied China “Yang’s puppet regime exerted its own
town dwellers asked the French to allow them to execute interest over that of its Japanese masters.”124
Calabrian prisoners who happened to be members of a rival fam- The interaction of the political and the private points to a cru-
ily or from a rival town.”118 This certainly echoes recent develop- cial puzzle that can be succinctly expressed in Lenin’s famous for-
ments in contemporary Afghanistan and Iraq. mulation: Kto kovo? Who is taking whom in hand? Who manip-
Although in some instances political actors willingly under- ulates whom? Are central actors using local ones, or is it the other
write local factions in every respect, in other instances they are way around? In a book about his mother’s execution during the
manipulated by such factions and led to act in ways they would Greek Civil War, Nicholas Gage sets up this puzzle as his main
have otherwise preferred to avoid. Local actors sometimes suc- theme:
ceed in getting central actors to direct their violence against pri- As I drove toward the central square, I kept hearing over the sound of
vate enemies by describing them in the idiom of the master cleav- the car’s engine a phrase that my sister and my father had repeated a
age. Sheila Fitzpatrick and Robert Gellately’s comparative hundred times: “Tin fagane i horiani”—“It was the villagers who
overview of denunciation in modern European dictatorships devoured her.” To my family, the Communist guerrillas like Katis
emphasizes exactly this point: were an impersonal act of God, unleashed on our village by war, like
a plague. It was our neighbors whom they held responsible for my
Because of the totalitarian state’s exceptional willingness to receive mother’s death; the villagers who whispered secrets to the security
denunciations from its citizens and to act upon them, that state’s for- police and testified against her at the trial. This was something I had
midable powers were in effect put at the disposal of individual citi- to resolve: perhaps the villagers really were more culpable for her
zens. If you have a private enemy, why not denounce him to the police death than the men who passed the sentence and fired the bullets. I
as a Jew or Trotskyite? Then the Gestapo or the NKVD would take wondered if something about my mother incited the people of Lia to
him away to a concentration camp, and your problem would be offer her up like a sacrificial lamb. Or perhaps the villagers had only
solved. . . . This kind of manipulative denunciation was extremely been manipulated by the guerrillas, who exploited their moral weak-
common in both societies. Class enemies were denounced in Stalin’s nesses, petty jealousies and fears, because the guerrillas wanted my
Soviet Union by neighbors who coveted their apartments; Jews were mother killed for some political purpose. What was the real reason she
denounced by neighbors in Nazi Germany for the same purpose, and was executed?125
with similar success.119
Both during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines and dur- Interaction
ing the Huk rebellion, local authorities took advantage of the Both the relative strength of central vis-à-vis local dynamics and
situation “to settle old quarrels from prewar days by accusing ene- the locus of agency are perennially puzzling. The question is nicely
mies of being antigovernment without showing any proof.”120 In formulated by Howell: “What one needs to know is the manner
El Salvador, water and land disputes among peasant families, as in which the local issues, local perceptions, and local problems

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shaped and informed the national perspective . . . and conversely needed no outside energy to continue, though it was of course
how that sense of generality, which is so integral a part of the exploited by outside agents.”135 The process of interaction is cap-
national perspective, was transferred and perhaps translated back tured at the individual level by the practice of denunciation.
into the framework and language of local politics.”126 Fitzpatrick observes that while it “can be seen in ‘top down’ terms
I have already discussed the propensity of macro-level accounts as a state control mechanism and a means of monitoring public
to completely overlook local dynamics; this paper makes clear that opinion . . . there is also a possible ‘bottom up’ interpretation of
it would be equally misguided to deprive the local and private the function of denunciation: if the state used this practice to
sphere of agency. Indeed, the evidence adduced so far would appear control its citizens, individual citizens could also use it for the
to undermine the Schmittian thesis in favor of the Hobbesian one, purpose of manipulating the state.”136 This is also nicely con-
supporting a view of civil war as a process so utterly decentralized veyed in a letter from occupied Greece, in 1944: “Jason, son of
and uncontrolled as to be almost anomic, pointless, and random. P.,” this letter goes, served the Italians on his island so well that
Are we then to reduce civil wars into simple aggregations of private they “carried out all his desires.”137 Cobb also captures this inter-
feuds and local conflicts—much as Homer did in describing war as action when he describes instances of violence during the French
an aggregation of duels?127 Are civil wars nothing but “feuds writ Revolution as situations “where there was no frontier between
large?”128 To paraphrase a well-known dictum, are all civil war private vengeance and collective vengeance,” which was exercised
politics local? The answer is negative. by people who put their “private violence to public use.”138
Among the researchers who stress the importance of private Violence in Congo-Brazzaville is portrayed as a situation where
and local conflicts, some strike a correct cautionary note by argu- “there was no distinction made between a private sphere and a
ing that while these conflicts involve local individuals and com- public sphere,”139 a point echoed by a study of Nicaragua, where
munities, their origins are external. Benjamin Paul and William the motives of violence “were apparently personal as well as polit-
Demarest’s detailed description of the operation of a death squad ical.”140 The murder of Afonso Gonçalves in September 1999 in
in a small town of Guatemala shows how a group of individuals East Timor was “as personal as it was political”; Gonçalves was
was vested by the army with exceptional power, which they used killed not only for the pro-independence views he held, but also
in pursuit of vengeance, local power, “money, liquor, and sex.” for a family feud related to a niece who eloped, against family
They conclude: resistance, with a pro-Indonesia militiaman. A year later, during
the terror that engulfed East Timor in the wake of the referen-
It may be tempting to blame the outbreak of violence in San Pedro on dum, members of the militiaman’s family came to Gonçalves’s
social divisiveness and the settling of old scores, but the temptation house and killed him.141 In Civil War Tennessee, participants did
should be resisted. Religious competition and vigorous political not always separate violence motivated by political ends and vio-
infighting were features of San Pedro life for decades before 1980
lence originating in personal grievances.142
without producing violence. The same can be said for interpersonal
antagonisms. They arose in the past and were settled by means short
Paradoxically, the extreme politicization of life under totalitar-
of murder. What disrupted the peace in San Pedro was not the pres- ian regimes leads to the extreme privatization of politics. By
ence of differences and divisions, but the army’s recruitment of agents wanting to turn all that is personal into the political, totalitarians
and spies that had the effect of exploiting these cleavages.129 get the exact opposite result: they turn the political into the pri-
vate. Jan Gross argues that the essence of totalitarianism was “the
It is right then to say that the decentralized and localized nature institutionalization of resentment.”143 In his study of the Soviet
of the Republican violence during the Spanish Civil War does not occupation of western Ukraine and western Belorussia in 1939,
imply that it was an instance of spontaneous and anarchical vio- he finds that the new power apparatus was “motivated by partic-
lence by uncontrolled actors, as is usually assumed by histori- ular interests, like avenging personal wrongs, assuaging hunger,
ans,130 or that violence in civil war is double-edged.131 These points or satisfying greed” in a pattern akin to the “privatization of the
are well taken as warnings against an interpretation of private and state.” He describes the violence there as a situation where “the
local conflicts that overlooks the political context in which they state was franchised, as it were, to local individuals, who used
occur. In most places, local conflicts and private grudges are pres- their power to pursue their private interests and settle scores; the
ent without erupting into violence. State sanctions and mecha- pursuit of private interests became the principal method of car-
nisms of social control prevent translation into violence and pro- rying out official duties and establishing authority.” He adds that
vide ways of managing social tension.132 Even in the context of “Soviet authorities conducted searches and arrests . . . directly in
civil war, such conflicts do not always result in violence.133 response to denunciations by neighbors who had personal
It would seem obvious that both central and local dynamics accounts to square. . . . [A]ccusations, denunciations, and per-
matter. As Howell writes about the English Civil War: “At various sonal animosities could lead to arrest at any moment. People were
points throughout the century local and national politics had officially encouraged to bring accusations and denunciations. . . .
intersected in ways that intensified the nature of political debate. [W]hoever had a grudge against somebody else, an old feud, who
Local grievances became the medium through which many had another as a grain of salt in the eye—he had a stage to show
national concerns were perceived, while the issues and labels of his skills, there was a cocked ear, willing to listen.”144 Jung Chang
national debate were used to clothe the continuing local political locates the source of much violence perpetrated during the
struggles.”134 Stanley Aschenbrenner describes the Greek Civil Cultural Revolution in Mao’s mobilization of envy and
War, in a Greek village, as “a sequence of action and reaction that resentment. In her family history, she eloquently shows how the
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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

politicization of private life ultimately leads to the privatization conflicts explode into sustained violence neither because civil war
of politics: “The Communists had embarked on a radical reor- is an instance of Hobbesian anarchy nor as a result of the designs
ganization not just of institutions, but of people’s lives, especial- and manipulations of supralocal actors. What matters, instead, is
ly the lives of those who had ‘joined the revolution.’ The idea was the interaction between the two.
that everything personal was political; in fact, henceforth noth- The relevance of this conceptualization is twofold. First, it
ing was supposed to be regarded as ‘personal’ or private. Pettiness allows for a theoretical understanding of civil war that incorpo-
was validated by being labeled ‘political,’ and meetings became rates the puzzle of the disjunction between center and periphery
the forum by which the Communists channeled all sorts of per- and the related extensive ambiguity. Second, it turns the center-
sonal animosities.” Chang provides the following personal exam- periphery interface into a central issue and forces us to think
ple: “My mother was also horrified to hear that my grandmother more precisely about the modalities linking distinct actors and
had been denounced—by her own sister-in-law, Yu-lin’s wife. She motivations. This interpretation has the added advantage of sub-
had long felt put-upon by my grandmother, as she had to do the suming both strategic actions by political actors and opportunis-
hard work around the house, while my grandmother ran it as its tic actions by local individuals.
mistress. The Communists had urged everyone to speak up about We may, then, want to think of cleavage as a symbolic forma-
‘oppression and exploitation,’ so Mrs. Yu-lin’s grudges were given tion that simplifies, streamlines, and incorporates a bewildering
a political framework.”145 variety of local conflicts—a view compatible with the way outside
This evidence suggests that the intimate character that “political observers, like historians, rely on a “master narrative” as a means
violence” often displays is not necessarily the reflection of imper- of “emplotment,” to tell a straight compelling story out of many
sonal or abstract ideological or identity-based polarization and complex ones.154 Similarly, alliance allows us to see civil wars as
hatred; it is also the surprising result of the interaction between the concatenations of multiple and often disparate local cleavages,
political and private spheres. more or less loosely arrayed around the master cleavage. This is
consistent with insights and interpretations from a number of
Cleavage and Alliance researchers. For example, Olivier Roy interprets the Islamist/con-
To summarize, the interaction between supralocal and local servative cleavage of the 1992 civil war in Tajikistan in terms of
actors, and the private and public spheres, is hinted at by various what he describes as the essential feature of Tajik politics, name-
works, but is left untheorized. Below, I outline the missing theo- ly mahalgera’y, or localism. He disaggregates that civil war’s mas-
retical account. ter cleavage (religion) into a number of disparate conflicts along
Actors at the center are assumed to be linked with action on multiple dimensions, such as region, profession, position within
the ground via the well-known mechanism of cleavage. This the state apparatus, and ethnicity.155 Predictably, it is easier to dis-
implies various underlying microfoundations, most notably cen- cern these dynamics in recent civil wars, which lack the sort of
tralized organization,146 common preferences,147 fear,148 or coor- modular discourses provided by the Cold War. But the available
dination around focal points.149 This paper introduces another evidence suggests the commonality of these dynamics; perceived
microfoundation linking center and periphery: alliance. The the- differences between post–Cold War conflicts and previous civil
oretical advantage of alliance is that it allows for multiple rather wars may be attributable more to the demise of readily available
than unitary actors, agency located in both center and periphery conceptual categories caused by the end of the Cold War than to
rather than only in either one, and a variety of preferences and the fundamentally different nature of pre–Cold War civil wars.156
identities as opposed to a common and overarching one. Alliance Likewise, the fact that ethnic or religious local cleavages are gen-
entails a transaction between supralocal and local actors, whereby erally easier to discern by outside observers than are factional
the former supply the latter with external muscle, thus allowing ones may also cause a bias in reporting, coding, and interpreting
them to win decisive local advantage; in exchange the former rely evidence.
on local conflicts to recruit and motivate supporters and obtain Thucydides hints at the mechanism of alliance when he argues,
local control, resources, and information150—even when their in his analysis of the civil war in Corcyra, that “in peacetime there
ideological agenda is opposed to localism.151 From this perspec- would have been no excuse and no desire for the calling of [exter-
tive, the selective benefit that produces collective action and sup- nal allies] in, but in time of war, when each party could always
port is violence, which operates here not as an instrument of coer- count upon an alliance which would do harm to its opponents
cion but as a resource leading to mobilization.152 and at the same time strengthen its own position, it became a nat-
Alliance is for local actors a means rather than a goal, as con- ural thing for anyone who wanted a change in government to call
firmed by anthropological evidence.153 A great deal of action in in help from outside.”157 At the same time, external intervention
civil war is, therefore, simultaneously decentralized and linked to is possible only when local factions and individuals are willing
the wider conflict; this includes violence, which can be both and able to call in outsiders. Determining when this is the case,
political and private at the same time. Agency resides in both the and who allies with whom, calls for a fine-grained analysis that
private and the political spheres. Civil war may thus be under- takes into account both intracommunity dynamics and the
stood as transforming into a joint process the collective actors’ dynamics of the civil war. For instance, a recurring pattern is that
quest for power and the local actors’ quest for local advantage. losers in local conflicts are more likely to move first and, hence,
This view is an alternative to the conventional dichotomy be the first ones to call in outside forces. Local authorities who
between the Schmittian and Hobbesian frames. Local and private had been marginalized by the government were highly likely to

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join the Renamo insurgency in Mozambique; and in Sierra master cleavage, and framing civil wars in binary terms is mis-
Leone, “losers in a local land or chieftaincy dispute might some- leading; instead, local cleavages and intracommunity dynamics
times side with the insurgents to secure revenge. The beheading must be incorporated into theories of civil war. Second, and
of a Paramount Chief, Gboney Fyle, in Bonthe District is counter to Hobbes, civil war cannot be reduced to a mere mech-
thought to be one such case.”158 In this sense, civil war is the ideal anism that opens up the floodgates to random and anarchical
revanche opportunity for losers in local power conflicts as well as private violence. Private violence is generally constrained by the
individuals who feel slighted and envious. It is hard to convey this modalities of alliance, which must be explored systematically.
better than a man who, after the Union Army entered Madison Civil war fosters interaction among actors with distinct identi-
County in Alabama, announced his intention to kill his local rival ties and interests. It is the convergence of local motives and
and then “get some of the Union soldiers and take everything out supralocal imperatives that endows civil war with its particular
of [his rival’s] house and burn the whole place up. . . . He has character and leads to joint violence that straddles the divide
been a big fellow for a long time, but now is my time to bring between the political and the private, the collective and the
him down.”159 individual.
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Tocqueville, Alexis de. 1969. Democracy in America, ed. J. P. 6 Schmitt 1976.

Mayer, trans. George Lawrence. New York: Harper and Row. 7 De Lupis 1987.
Tone, John Lawrence. 1994. The Fatal Knot: The Guerrilla 8 Ranzato 1994; Bobbio 1992; Payne 1987.
War in Navarre and the Defeat of Napoleon in Spain. 9 Varshney 2003; Horowitz 1985.
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 10 Brubaker and Laitin 1998.
Toolis, Kevin. 1997. Rebel Hearts: Journeys within the IRA’s 11 McCrady 1969, 139.
Soul. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin. 12 Fellman 1989, 85.
U.S. forces fire at second Afghan wedding. 2002. The Finan- 13 Wou 1994.
cial Times, 25–6 May, 3. 14 Hobsbawm 2001, 18.
U.S. is set to help the Afghan opposition, Rumsfeld says. 15 Mitter 2000; Chang 1992.
2001. The New York Times, 19 October, B2. 16 Roldán 2002, 132, 276.
Vargas Llosa, Mario. 1998. Un barbare chez les civilisés. Paris: 17 Ibid., 230; Crainz 1995; Martin 1995.
Gallimard. 18 For example, under the veneer of religion, the Algerian
Varshney, Ashutosh. 2001. Ethnic conflict and civil society: civil war was really about “secular and political” issues.
India and beyond. World Politics 53:3, 362–98. See Freeman 1994, 14. The clashes among Dayaks,
. 2003. Nationalism, ethnic conflict, and rationality. Malays, and Madurese in West Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Perspectives on Politics 1:1, 85–99. were not about religion either; see Davidson (forthcom-
Vick, Karl. 2002. In Kurdish Turkey, a new enemy: Village ing). A recent popular argument is that many civil wars
guards, empowered during war, turn guns on returnees. are about little more than looting—see Kaldor 1999,
The Washington Post, 31 October, A18. Enzensberger 1994, and (for a critique) Kalyvas 2001.
Waldman, Amy. 2002. A nation challenged: The commander; 19 Brass 1997.
Afghan warlord’s rivals link him to U.S. attacks. The New 20 McCoy 1980.
York Times, 3 January, A15. 21 Lear 1961, 234.
Warren, Kay B. 1998. Indigenous Movements and Their Crit- 22 Cobb 1972, 123.
ics: Pan-Maya Activism in Guatemala. Princeton: Princeton 23 Stoll 1993, 259.
University Press. 24 Waldman 2002, A15, and U.S. is set to help 2001, B2.
Watanabe, John M. 1992. Maya Saints and Souls in a 25 Howell 1997, 315.
Changing World. Austin: University of Texas Press. 26 Quoted in Shy 1976, 206.
Werth, Nicolas. 1998. Un état contre son peuple: Violences, 27 Crow 1985, 162.
répressions, terreurs en Union Soviétique. In Le livre noir 28 Fellman 1989, 90.
du communisme: Crimes, terreur, répression, eds. Stéphane 29 Gould 1995.
Courtois et al. Paris: Robert Laffont. 30 Kedward 1993.
White, Lynn T. III. 1989. Policies of Chaos: The Organiza- 31 Schroeder 1996, 424, 431.
tional Causes of Violence in China’s Cultural Revolution. 32 Berman 1996, 65.
Princeton: Princeton University Press. 33 Freeman 1979, 164.
Wiesner, Louis A. 1988. Victims and Survivors: Displaced Per- 34 Seybolt 2001, 202.
sons and Other War Victims in Viet-Nam, 1954–1975. New 35 Roldán 2002, 251, 212.
York: Greenwood Publishing Group. 36 Cribb 1990.
Wou, Odoric Y. K. 1994. Mobilizing the Masses: Building 37 Dalrymple 1997, 253.
Revolution in Henan. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 38 Zur 1998, 114.
Yoon, Taek-lim. 1992. Koreans’ Stories about Themselves: An 39 Vargas Llosa 1998.
Ethnographic History of Hermit Pond Village in South 40 Ellis 1999, 128–9.
Korea. Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota. 41 Peterson 2000.
Zimmerman, Matilde. 2000. Sandinista. Durham, N.C.: 42 Lacey 2003, A4.
Duke University Press. 43 Stoll 1993; Gould 1995.
Zulaika, Joseba. 1988. Basque Violence: Metaphor and Sacra- 44 Dean 2000; Fawaz 1994.
ment. Reno: University of Nevada Press. 45 Richards 1996; Hamoumou 1993; Gross 1988.
Zur, Judith N. 1998. Violent Memories: Mayan War Widows 46 For similar evidence, see Chung Kunsik (in Yoon 2002);
in Guatemala. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. Johnson 2001; Schoppa 2001; Cahen 2000; Bax 2000;
Pettigrew 2000; Romero 2000; Schroeder 2000; Bazen-
Notes guissa-Ganga 1999b; Hart 1997 and 1998; Horton
1 Gunfight 2002. 1998; McKenna 1998; Starn 1998; Besteman 1996;
2 Collier and Hoeffler 2002; Berdal and Malone 2000. Figes 1996; Tambiah 1996; Berlow 1998; Brovkin 1994;
3 Price 2001, 29. Stoll 1993; Kriger 1992; Lipman 1990; Groth 1995;
4 Mueller 2000; Posen 1993. Linn 1989; Jones 1989; White 1989; Collier 1987; Perry
5 Kaldor 1999; Keen 1998. 1980 and 1984; Calder 1984; Hinton 1984; Marks

492 from
Downloaded 2003 Vol. 1/No. 3 of Sheffield Library, on 28 Feb 2019 at 11:11:07, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
1984; Cabarrús 1983; McCoy 1980; Fiennes 1975. 77 E.g., Gould 1995.
47 Harding 1984, 59. 78 E.g., Aschenbrenner 1987.
48 Lucas 1983. 79 Fellman 1989.
49 E.g., Roldán 2002; Dean 2000; Duyvesteyn 2000. 80 Sambanis 2002.
50 E.g., Varshney 2001; O’Leary and McGarry 1993. 81 Fearon and Laitin 2003; Collier and Hoeffler 2002.
51 Roldán 2002; Beevor 2001; Loyd 2001; Hoare 2001; 82 Lipset and Rokkan 1967.
Dale 1997; Pécaut 1996; Fawaz 1994; Schmitt 1992. 83 Stoll 1993, 68, 76.
52 Johnson 2001. 84 Kelly 2000; Loizos 1988.
53 Ledesma Vera 2001, 258. 85 According to Toolis 1997, 81–2.
54 Spencer 1990, 12, 80, 184. 86 Escott and Crow 1986.
55 The Ethnolinguistic Fractionalization (ELF) Index obvi- 87 Zimmerman 2000, 97.
ously does not capture local cleavages. 88 Bax 2000.
56 Kalyvas 2003. 89 Toolis 1997, 35.
57 E.g., Martin 1994 and 2002; Ranzato 1994. 90 E.g., Toolis 1997; Dale 1997.
58 It is possible to think of a person’s envy as an individual 91 De Foxà 1993.
manifestation of class struggle (e.g., Harding 1984), 92 Pervanić 1999, 120; 156–7.
or—the other way around—of a person’s participation in 93 Perkins 1999. Similar examples can be found in Rwanda.
abstract class struggle as an individual alibi for the ex- Des Forges 1999, 15, reports a case where a Hutu family
pression of his or her subjective individual envy. Cribb was killed after being denounced as being Tutsi by
1990, 28, makes a somewhat similar claim about the vi- neighbors “who coveted their wealth.” Prunier 1995,
olence that took place in Indonesia in 1965–1966, 184, 203, reports that Hutu militiamen used their power
when he argues that killings motivated by private in order to “settle private quarrels”; “old private accounts
grudges are political since they take place in a charged were settled in blood.” After the genocide, Prunier 1995,
atmosphere where “very little was non-political in one 358, points out, innocent Hutu villagers “were targeted
sense or other, and grudges fell into that broader pattern by jealous neighbours wanting their property.”
of social polarization.” Still, it is both valuable and pos- 94 Gross 1988, 42.
sible to analytically disentangle the two. 95 E.g., Roldán 2002.
59 The governor of the province of Khost, in southern 96 Warren 1998, 93.
Afghanistan, “said he was convinced that much of re- 97 Du Boulay 1974, 237.
ported al-Qaeda activity was, in fact, tribal problems. 98 E.g., Thaxton 1997; Wou 1994; Henriksen 1983.
One tribe will try to eliminate its rivals by calling them 99 Kakar 1996.
al-Qaeda and getting the coalition to bomb them.” U.S. 100 Quoted in Toolis 1997, 42.
forces 2002, 3. 101 Moore 1999, A10. Name lists are common in civil wars.
60 Parisian revolutionaries failed to grasp the complex dy- They have been used, among other places, during the
namics of a civil war that erupted in the French South, Guerrilla war in Navarre (Tone 1994), the American Civil
in 1790–1791, between the towns of Avignon and War (Ash 1995; Fellman 1989), the Russian Civil War
Carpentras; this was a clash less about ideas and pro- (Werth 1998), the Spanish Civil War (Ledesma Vera 2001),
grams than about settling local and personal accounts. Malaya (Kheng 1980), Italy (Fenoglio 1973), the Colom-
Yet Robespierre framed the conflict along the lines of bian Violencia (Roldán 2002), Algeria (Faivre 1994), Viet-
the national cleavage. See Martin 1998; Skinner 1995. nam (Herrington 1997; Wiesner 1988), Angola (Maier
61 Swedenburg 1995, 21; Kedward 1993, 160. 1995), Liberia (Outram 1997; Ellis 1995), Guatemala
62 Fisher 1997, 143. (Carmack 1988; Stoll 1993; Paul and Demarest 1988),
63 Henderson 1985. Punjab (Gossman 2000), the Philippines (Berlow 1998),
64 Everitt 1997, 24. Bosnia (Pervanić 1999), Colombia (Rosenberg 1991; Arn-
65 Lewis 1978. son and Kirk 1993), Sierra Leone (Richards 1996), Congo-
66 Hart 1998, 265–6. Brazzaville (Bazenguissa-Ganga 1999a). Rumors that name
67 Roldán 2002, 243. lists have been compiled are also prevalent (Kaufman 2001).
68 Chivers 2003. 102 Quoted in Nelson 1980, 253.
69 Vick 2002. 103 Ash 1995, 127.
70 Degregori 1998, 135. 104 Brovkin 1994, 226.
71 Manrique 1998, 994, 7. 105 Roldán 2002.
72 McCoy 1980. 106 Essien 1987, 116.
73 Cabarrús 1983, 189. 107 Quoted in Carmack 1988, 54; Annis 1988.
74 Fearon and Laitin 1996. 108 Bearak 1999, A1.
75 Kalyvas 2003. 109 Zulaika 1988, 21.
76 E.g., Piattoni 2001. 110 Harding 1984, 75.
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Articles The Ontology of “Political Violence”

111 Thucydides 1972. 135 Aschenbrenner 1987, 116.

112 “And many citizens, to avenge private injuries, led them 136 Fitzpatrick 1994, 255.
to the houses of their enemies; for it was enough that a 137 Quoted in Mazower 1993, xv.
single voice shout out in the midst of the multitude, ‘to 138 Cobb 1972, 56, 90.
so-and-so’s house,’ or that he who held the standard in 139 Bazenguissa-Ganga 1999a, 48–9.
his hands turn toward it.” Machiavelli 1988, book 3, 140 Horton 1998, 290.
paragraph 15. 141 Mydans 1999, A6.
113 Tocqueville 1969, 17. 142 Fisher 1997.
114 Warren 1998, 98. 143 Gross 2001, 4.
115 Du Boulay 1974, 237. 144 Gross 1988, 117–20.
116 Thucydides 1972, book 6, paragraph 54–9. 145 Chang 1992, 134, 173.
117 Fitzpatrick 1994. 146 Bartolini 2000; Kalyvas 1996.
118 Finley 1994, 73. 147 Horowitz 1985; Lipset and Rokkan 1967.
119 Fitzpatrick and Gellately 1997, 11. 148 Posen 1993.
120 Kerkvliet 1977, 66–7. 149 Chwe 2001; Hardin 1995.
121 Cabarrús 1983, 189. 150 A stylized example: suppose that village x is composed of
122 Stoll 1993, 116. two factions, a and b. The rebels (usually the first movers)
123 Pettigrew 2000, 210–1. show up (usually via local brokers) and mobilize a; this
124 Thaxton 1997, 275. faction then extracts resources from b, by relying on rebel
125 Gage 1984, 19. might. Later on, the army shows up and chases the rebels;
126 Howell 1997, 309. b joins the army and denounces the leaders of a.
127 Bernand 1999. 151 The Vietnamese and Chinese Communists constitute a
128 Loizos 1988, 648. clear example in this respect (Elliott 2003; Hua and
129 Paul and Demarest 1988, 153. Roldán 2002, 286, writes Thireau 1996).
about Colombia that “in many instances, mid-twentieth- 152 Local factions enforce internal discipline through norms
century violence was not the spontaneous result of in- and effective in-group policing.
herent local partisan conflict but was rather consciously 153 Clastres 1999.
spearheaded by selective sectors of the regional state or 154 Ricoeur 1984.
tacitly encouraged by local bosses to advance interests 155 Roy 1999. The “Islamo-democratic faction” included re-
that had little or nothing to do with ideological differ- gional, professional, and ethnic groups such as the
ences.” The South African Truth and Reconciliation Gharmi (from the Karategin area), the Pamiris (from the
Commission made a similar point when it argued that Gorno-Badakhshan area), and intellectuals from the
the apartheid state pursued a policy “to manipulate so- Pendjikent area, whereas the “conservative faction” was
cial, ethnic and other divisions with the intention of composed of Leninabadis from the Leninabad area,
mobilising one group against another” (quoted in Pigou Koulabis from Koulab, Hissaris from Hissar, and ethnic
2001, 226). In Sri Lanka, Spencer 1990, 184, observes, Ouzbeks. Salibi 1988 provides a similar analysis of the
“if politics provide a necessary medium for the working Lebanese Civil War.
out of local disputes and grievances, they do so by ap- 156 Kalyvas 2001.
peal to forces and powers outside the local community.” 157 Thucydides 1972, book 3, paragraph 82.
130 Ledesma Vera 2001. 158 Geffray 1990; Richards 1996, 8.
131 Warren 1998. See also Seybolt 2001, 202. “Just as the 159 Quoted in Ash 1995, 128.
Japanese were using Chinese to pursue their imperialist 160 Kalyvas 2003.
interests during the war, many Chinese were using the 161 Despite the nonethnic motives behind many acts of vio-
Japanese to pursue their domestic interests.” lence (including pervasive robbery and the takeover of
132 Hua and Thireau 1996. neighbors’ apartments), ethnicity became “the primary
133 Watanabe 1992, ix-x, found that in the small category with which people on the ground narrate and
Guatemalan town he studied (Santiago Chimaltenango), comprehend the war’s violence” (Dale 1997, 91). Religion
personal and local disputes and animosities abounded has been used opportunistically in Sudan, as a means of
but failed to produce violence: “Even during the worst justifying actions or assigning blame (Dean 2000); as
months of the Guatemalan army’s counterinsurgency such, observes Peterson 2000, 174–5, it “may be window
campaign in 1982–1983, the town refused to succumb dressing—a means of mobilizing troops and cash for both
to the self-serving recriminations, power-mongering, and sides,” but the war has caused a deepening of religious
murder that infected all its neighbors.” sense “for the populations hammered by this conflict.”
134 Howell 1997, 324. 162 Tilly 1992.

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