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I.Write the letter of the correct answer.

1.The most predominant forms of Buddhism in ____ are Zen Buddhism and Jodo Buddhism.
a.Japan b.India c.China d.Tibet
2.Followers of ____ can be reborn into a Western paradise before attaining true Nirvana.
a.Tantric Buddhism b.Vajrayana Buddhism c.Pure Land Buddhism d.Theravada Buddhism
3.Right effort, right speech, and right action are all:
a.steps towards the extinction of the self b.steps towards a moderate life
c.steps that lead to the Noble Truths d.steps to become a Buddhism monk
4.Which is the most strict and orthodox branch of Buddhism?
a.Tantric b.Theravada c.Mahayana d.Vajrayana
5.Which of the following is true about Buddhism today?
a.It is one of China’s most predominant religions b.It is the state religion in China
c.It is more popular in India than in any other Asian country d.It has more followers in Tibet than in China
6.Who unified the teachings of Islam into one definitive Qu’ran?
a.TheUmayyadsb.Ali c.TheAbassads d.Umar
7.Which of the following families was considered to be immoral by Islamic religious standards?
a.The Ottomans b.TheUmayyads c.TheAbassads d.The Parthians
8.Which of the following statements about the split between the Shia and the Sunni is true?
a.All of the answers are correct b.It originated due to a disagreement in the interpretation of the Qu’ran
c.It began a long time before the death of Prophet Mohammed
d.It happened when Abu Bakr was elected caliph instead of Ali, Mohammed’s son-in-law
9.Whose rule was marked by military victories such as the conquering of Damascus and Jerusalem?
a.Ali b.Umar c.Uthman d.AbuBakr
10.When did the Islamic Golden Age take place?
a.During Abu Bakr’s rule b.DuringUthman’s rule
c.During the rule of the Abbasid Dynasty d.During the Second Caliphate
11.What influenced the success of the Protestant Reformation?
a.All of these are correct
b.The German translation of the Bible increased people’s knowledge of the Bible and allowed them to have more
authority over their religion
c.The prevalence of the 95 Theses enlightened many people
d.People were becoming more aware of the greed in the Catholic Church
12.The belief in a Messiah unites which two religions?
a.Hinduism and Islam b.Judaism and Christianity
c.Christianity and Islam d.Hinduism and Christianity
13.Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the Diet of Worms?
a.It was a conference held to confront and judge Martin Luther in light of his 95 Theses
b.It resulted in Martin Luther being condemned and hidden in Wartburg Castle where he would translate the Bible into
c.At the Diet of Worms, Luther was asked to recant his heresy but he refused, believing that appeasing the papacy had no
influence on his salvation
d.It was a conference held to condemn Martin Luther and sentence him to public execution
14.According to Martin Luther, how was salvation achieved?
a.Works-based theology b.Complete adherence and surrender to the Pope’s leadership
c.Faithfulness to Christ and his teachings d.Through the purchase of indulgences
15.Charlemagne’s empire consisted of which of the following areas?
a.Austria, Jerusalem, and Saudi Arabia b.Germany, France, and Italy
c.The United Kingdom, France, and Germany d.Germany, Israel, and Italy

II.Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
____16.The term ‘Shinto’ came from two Indian words.
____17.The Hindu god of fire is Agni.
____18.Judaism has 48 prophets and seven prophetesses.
____19.The concept of filial piety is integral in Islam.
____20.The Arabian Peninsula consists of countries that are predominantly Buddhist in character.
____21.God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac at Mount Hira.
____22.The Analects and Dao De Jing are sacred texts in Chinese religions
____23.The Ganga is the holiest river for the Muslims.
____24.Saudi Arabia experienced a bloody civil war from 1975 to 1990 between Christians and Muslims.
____25.The Hindus believe in the trimurti or the three forms of their god.
____26.Bodhisattvas have gained spiritual enlightenment but opted to postpone their entry to nirvana to assist other being
in their path to salvation.
____27.The holy mountains in Japan are Mount Fuji, Mount Tate, and Mount Moriah.
____28.Meritocracy became the basis of government officials during the time of Confucius.
____29.The Dome of the Rock is located in Mount Ararat.
____30.The teachings of Confucius became the state religion during the Han Dynasty.

III.Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blanks provided.
____31. A belief in the existence of one God viewed as the a.theology
creative source of the human race and the world
____32. Relating or affecting the human spirit or soul that is one’s b.agnosticism
personal integrative view on
____33. The belief that there is only one God who could have designed c.polytheism
and created the universe
____34. The belief in many principal gods among whom no one is d.theism
____35. The belief that there is no genuine distinction between God and e.worldview
the universe
____36. Denial of the existence of God f.monism
____37. The belief that God’s existence is unknown and unknowable g.monotheism
____38. An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to h.atheism
worship a god or a group of gods
____39. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by i.religion
____40. The systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine j.spirituality

IV.Which effect of religion is referred to in the following sentences? Write the letter of the correct answer:
a.Religion promotes discrimination. b.Religion promotes social solidarity.
c.Religion affirms hierarchy. d.Religion sets positive goals in life.
e.Religion obstructs scientific success and development.
f.Religion reduces fear of the unknown. g.Religion obstructs the use of reason.
h.Religion gives people a sense of belonging. i.Religion makes people fight each other.
j.Religion provides moral values.
____41.Religion integrates and stabilizes cultures as well as nations.
____42.Religion should be susceptible to progress.
____43.Religion sets notions of right and wrong.
____44.Religion promotes obscurantism.
____45.Religion gives a sense of origin and destination.
____46.Religion is a source of discrimination.
____47.Religion gives a sense of purpose in life.
____48.Religion makes good people do evil things.
____49.Religion provides personal identity to individuals as part of a group with similar worl views, beliefs, values,
practices and lifestyles.
____50.Religion perpetuates notions of class or gender discrimination and oppression.



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