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17. National Federation of Labor (NFL) v.

Eisma whether or not respondent Judge had jurisdiction, and answered in the negative.
G.R. No. L-61236 January 31, 1984 He concluded that "the instant petition has merit and should be given due course.
Topic: General principles; maximum aid and protection to labor
Issue: Which tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction over an action filed by an employee
against his employer for recovery of unpaid salaries, separation benefits and
damages. The court of general jurisdiction or the Labor Arbiter of the National
Labor Relations Commission?
Ponente: Fernando, C.J. Ruling:
The first and fundamental duty of courts is to apply the law. Construction and interpretation
Petitioner National Federation of Labor, on March 5, 1982, filed with the Ministry of come only after it has been demonstrated that application is impossible or inadequate
Labor and Employment, Labor Relations Division, Zamboanga City, a petition for without them.
direct certification as the sole exclusive collective bargaining representative of the
monthly paid employees of the respondent Zamboanga Wood Products Inc. at its
manufacturing plant in Lumayao, Zamboanga City. Such employees, on April 17, Jurisdiction over the subject matter in a judicial proceeding is conferred by the sovereign
1982 charged respondent firm before the same office of the Ministry of Labor for authority which organizes the court; and it is given only by law. Jurisdiction is never
underpayment of monthly living allowances. presumed; it must be conferred by law in words that do not admit of doubt.

On May 3, 1982, from petitioner union, a notice of strike against private

respondent, alleging illegal termination of Dionisio Estioca, president of the said Since the jurisdiction of courts and judicial tribunals is derived exclusively from the statutes
local union; unfair labor practice nonpayment of living allowances and employment of the forum, the issue should be resolved on the basis of the law or statute in force.
of oppressive alien management personnel without proper permit. Therefore, since (1) the original wording of Article 217 vested the labor arbiters with
jurisdiction; since (2) Presidential Decree 1691 reverted the jurisdiction with respect to
On July 9, 1982, private respondent Zambowood filed a complaint with respondent
Judge against the officers and members of petitioners union, for "damages for... money claims of workers or claims for damages arising from employer-employee relations
obstruction of private property with prayer for preliminary injunction and/or to the labor arbiters after Presidential Decree 1367 transferred such jurisdiction to the
restraining order It was alleged that defendants, now petitioners, blockaded the ordinary courts, and since (3) Batas Pambansa 130 made no change with respect to the
road leading to its manufacturing division, thus preventing customers and suppliers
free ingress to or egress from such premises. It was contended that the acts original and exclusive jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters with respect to money claims of
complained of were incidents of picketing by defendants then on strike against workers or claims for damages arising from employer-employee relations; Article 217 is to
private respondent, and that therefore the exclusive jurisdiction belongs to the be applied the way it is worded.
Labor Arbiter pursuant to Batas Pambansa Blg. 227, not to a court of first instance
The exclusive original jurisdiction of a labor arbiter is therein provided for explicitly. It
In the exercise of the right to peaceful picketing, petitioner unions must abide
strictly with Batas Pambansa Blg. 227, specifically Section 6 thereof, amending means, it can only mean, that a court of first instance judge then, a regional trial court judge
Article 265 of the Labor Code, which now reads: '(e) No person engaged in now, certainly acts beyond the scope of the authority conferred on him by law when he
picketing shall commit any act of violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct
entertained the suit for damages, arising from picketing that accompanied a strike.
the free ingress to or egress from the employer's premises for lawful purposes,
or obstruct public thoroughfares.
The Supreme Court, thus, granted the writ of certiorari, and nullified and set aside the 20 July
On August 13, 1982, the answer of private respondent was filed sustaining the 1982 order issued by the court a quo. It granted the writ of prohibition, and enjoined the
original jurisdiction of respondent Judge and maintaining that the order complained Judge of said court, or whoever acts in his behalf in the RTC to which this case is assigned,
of was not in excess of such jurisdiction, or issued with grave abuse of discretion.
Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza, on the other hand, instead of filing an from taking any further action on the civil case (Civil Case 716 2751), except for the purpose
answer, submitted a Manifestation in lieu thereof. He met squarely the issue of of dismissing it. It also made permanent the restraining order issued on 5 August 1982.
WHEREFORE, the writ of certiorari is granted and the order of July 20, 1982, issued by
respondent Judge, is nullified and set aside. The writ of prohibition is likewise granted and
respondent Judge, or whoever acts in his behalf in the Regional Trial Court to which this
case is assigned, is enjoin from taking any further action on Civil Case No. 716 (2751),
except for the purpose of dismissing it. The temporary restraining order of August 5, 1982
is hereby made permanent.

Doctrine: It was contended that the acts complained of were incidents of picketing by
defendants then on strike against private respondent, and that therefore the exclusive
jurisdiction belongs to the Labor Arbiter pursuant to Batas Pambansa Blg. 227, not to a court
of first instance. The first and fundamental duty of courts, in our judgment, is to apply the
law. Construction and interpretation come only after it has been demonstrated that
application is impossible or inadequate without them.

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