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This project is a fork of jbzdarkid's puzzle randomizer at His discoveries about how puzzle
data is encoded in The Witness were invaluable to this project, so a huge thank you
to jbzdarkid for his contributions.

How to use the Witness Random Puzzle Generator:

1. Launch The Witness

2. Start a New Game
3. Launch WitnessRPG.exe (from any location)
4. Choose difficulty and seed (leave seed blank for random)
5. Click "Randomize" and wait for the process to complete
6. Enjoy your randomly created puzzles! Puzzles will revert to normal after closing
the game.

To resume where you left off after closing and relaunching the game:

1. Load the save you were previously playing on, if it is not already loaded
2. Launch WitnessRPG.exe (from any location)
3. Click "Randomize" and wait for the process to complete. You don't have to enter
the seed or difficulty again. This is because the seed and difficulty were stored
in your save file when you randomized initially, so they will be automatically
restored and used.

If you get stuck on a puzzle, the solver provided in the "Solver" folder
(WitnessPuzzle.exe) might be able to help you. However I can't guarantee it will
always work correctly, and there are some mechanics it doesn't handle at the
moment. Another option if you get stuck is to exit and reopen the game, solve the
puzzle the normal way, then run the randomizer again.

Please visit to report any issues or

to see information and hints about puzzles.

Thanks for playing this mod, and good luck!

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