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Commitment to
PRiME: The role of
the Code of Ethics

Dr. Benito L. Teehankee

Management and Organization Department
Growth and progress …

… in the midst of distress

and poverty!
Institutional Directions
DLSU Vision-Mission:
“A leading learner-
centered research
university, bridging
faith and scholarship
in the service of
society, especially
the poor.”

RVRCOB Revised Vision-
Mission Statement
To be the exemplary and innovative business
school in Southeast Asia

We aim to bridge faith and business practice in
the service of society, especially the poor.
ELGAs: The Expected Lasallian
Graduate Attributes
Critical and Creative - Generates sustainable value for business and society at large
Thinker - Explores business and organizational ideas critically
- Analyzes problems and comes up with decisions based on
sound reasoning
- Constructively challenges the status quo and comes up with
innovative alternatives in approaching problems or
Effective Communicator - Communicates effectively change initiatives and plans in an
organizational and systems context
- Expresses business and organizational ideas clearly and
persuasively to aid in management decisions, organizational
improvement, systems development and various
stakeholders' interests
- Relates effectively with people of different backgrounds
- Listens and obtains feedback from stakeholders
Reflective Lifelong - Searches continuously for higher purpose and deeper meaning
Learner of work and promotes these to others
- Engages in conceptual and empirical research that advances
understanding of roles, dynamics and impact of
corporations in the creation of sustainable social,
environmental and economic value
ELGAs: The Expected Lasallian
Graduate Attributes
Service-Driven, Ethical, - Can partner with managers and entrepreneurs to meet
and Socially Responsible social and environmental challenges and explore
Citizen effective and morally sound approaches to meet these
- Works for inclusive and sustainable organizations and
Technically Competent - Is a competent business leader, professional and
Professionals and entrepreneur for the local and global markets that will
Leaders help build robust business organizations that could
serve as engines of economic growth and
- Inspires and builds high-performance teams and
DLSU was the first Philippine
University Business School that
is a UN-PRME signatory in 2009. COB committed in 2013.
Catholic Social Principles
Source: The Vocation of the Business Leader
Lasallian Guiding Principles Social Issues in the Country
and Globally

DLSU Vision-Mission UN Principles for

RVR COB Vision Mission Responsible Management

Catholic Social Principles

(Vocation of the Business
ELGAs Leader)

RVR COB Code of Ethics

Approved in COC 2nd Term 13-14
RVR COB Code of Ethics
As a business leader I recognize my
role in society.
• My purpose is to lead people and manage
resources to promote human development
and the common good and to create value
that no single individual can create alone.
• My decisions affect the well-being of
individuals inside and outside my enterprise,
today and tomorrow.
RVR COB Code of Ethics
Therefore, I promise that:
• I will manage with loyalty and care, and will
not advance my personal interests at the
expense of my enterprise or society.
• I will promote socially useful products and
services which serve human development,
keeping in mind reasonable access for the
poor and underprivileged.
RVR COB Code of Ethics
• I will understand and uphold, in letter and
spirit, the laws and contracts governing my
conduct and that of my enterprise.
• I will refrain from corruption,
unfair competition, or business
practices harmful to society.
• I will respect the human rights and dignity of
all people affected by my enterprise, and I will
oppose discrimination and exploitation.
RVR COB Code of Ethics
• I will promote a humane and enabling work
community within my organization.
• I will promote the just allocation of resources
for all stakeholders of the
• I will respect the right of
future generations to
advance their standard of
living and enjoy a healthy
RVR COB Code of Ethics
• I will report the performance and risks
of my enterprise accurately and
• I will invest in developing myself and
others, helping the management profession continue
to advance and create sustainable and inclusive
• In exercising my professional duties according to these
principles, I recognize that my behavior must set an
example of integrity, eliciting trust and esteem from
those I serve. I will remain accountable to my peers
and to society for my actions and for upholding these

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