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SCHOOL YEAR 2018-2019
By: Atty. Henedino M. Rrondial



A Meaning; Classes of Jurisdiction

- jurisdiction according to its nature: original, appellate
- jurisdiction according to its object; corresponding principles
i. over the subject matter
ii. over the persons of the parties
iii. over the "res"
iv. over the issues
v. over the territory
B. Element" of Jurisdiction
C. Jurisdiction of Regular Courts
1. Supreme Court
2. Courts of Appeals
3. Regional Trial Court
A. !ntellecmal Property Com-is
4. Family Courts
5. Metropolitan Trial Courts
Municipal Trial Courts in cities
MW1icipal Trial Courts and
Municipal Circuit Courts
6. Sandiganbayan
7. Court of Tax-Appeals
8. Quasi-Courts
9. Sharia'h Courts: appellate, district, circuit

D. Other kinds of jurisdiction ·

1. Delegated jurisdiction
2. Special jurisdiction
3. Residual jurisdiction (residual prerogatives)
4. Primary jurisdiction
5. Expanded jurisdiction
6. Split-jurisdiction·
7. Epistolary jurisdiction
8. Equity jurisdiction

1. Judiciary Reorg~ization Act of 1980
2. B.P. Big. 129
3. RA 7691
4. RA 8369 (Family Courts Act)
5. SC-AO No. 113-95- Intellectual Property Courts
6. RA 9282 (CTA)
7. RA 7975; 8249; 10660 (Sandiganbayan)
8. RA 9054 (Sharia'h courts)
1. Duero vs CA - 373 SCRA 11
2. Donato vs. Court of Appeals - 417 SCRA 216
3. Gonzaga vs CA - 394 SCRA 472
4. Escobal vs Garchitorena-422 SCRA. 45
5. Agan, Jr. vs Phil International Air Terminal, Co. Inc.- 420 SCRA 575
6. Liga Ng Mga Barangay National vs Atienza, Jr. 420 SCRA 562
7. Manila Bankers Like Insurance Corp. vs. Ng Kok Wei-418 SCRA 454
8. Office of the Court Administrator vs. Sardi1lo - 401 SCRA 583
9. Katon vs. Palanca - 437 SCRA 565
10. Figueroa.v~_. People, 558 SCRA 63
11. Hannah Serana vs. Sandiganbayan, 653 SCRA (7/6/11)
12. Pat-og Sr. vs. Civil Service Commission, 697 SCRA 567 (June, 2013)
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14. People vs. Henry T. Go, March 25, 2014

15. City of Manila vs. Judge Cuerdo, February 4, 2014
16. St. Mary Crusade Foundation, Inc. vs. Riel, 745 SCRA 73
17. Duncano vs. Sandiganbayan, 762 SCRA 663
18. CE Casecnan Water and Energy Co. Inc.
Vs. Prov. OF Nueva Ecija, 759 SCRA 180
19. Lomondot vs. Balindong, 762 SCRA 494
· (read together with Municipality ofTangkal, 814 SCJ½, 1/11/17)
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21. Regulus Dev. Inc. vs. De la Cruz, 781 SCRA.·60? (l/25/'2016f ':•-·.:·

II. RULES 1 to 5

A. Actions: Commencement (Sections 3 and 5, R-1)

1. Alday vs. FGU Insurance, 350 SCRA
2. Korea Technologies vs. Lerma, 542 SCRA
3. Mercado vs. CA, 569 SCRA
4. Proton Pilipinas vs. Banque Nationale de Paris, 460 SCRA
5. Ruby Shelter Builders vs. Formaran, 578 SCRA 283
6. St. Louis University vs. Cobarrubias, 626 SCRA 649
7. Gipa vs. Southern Luzon Institute, 726 SCRA, 6/18/2014 ' '
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More on docket fees:
1. 785 SCRA I
2. 805 SCRA 436
3. 807 SCRA 204

B.. One suit for one action (Sec. 3, R-2) ·

Splitting a single cause of action (Sec. 4, R-2)
Joinder of Causes of action (S-5. R-2)
1. Dynamic Builders vs. Prisbitero, 755 SCRA 90 (2015)
- No i1tjunction against national govt projects

C. Parties to Civil Actions (S-1 , R-3)

Joinder of Parties (S-6, 7, R-3)
lnd_ispensable and Necessary Parties (S-7,8, R-3)
Class Suit (S-12, R-3)
Death or Separation of a Party (S-16, 17,18, R-3)
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Contractual Money Claims (S. 20, R-3)

Cases on Parties:
1. Relucio vs. Lopez- 373 SCRA 578
2. De Castro vs CA 386 SCRA 301
3. Orquiola vs CA-389 SCRA 461
4. China Banking Corp., vs Oliver - 390 SCRA 263
5. Lotte Phils. Co. Inc. vs. De la Cruz-464 SCRA 591
6. Carab.eo vs. Dingco, 647 SCRA 200
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8. Navarro vs. Escobido, 606 SCRA 1

9. Land Bank vs. Cacayuran, 757 SCRA 160 (2015)
10. Divinagracia vs. Parilla, 753 SCRA 87 (2015)

D. Venue of Actions: real actions, personal actions

Distinction between Jurisdiction and Venue

1. Pacific Consultants International Asia vs. Schonfeld,

2. Biaco vs. Countryside Rural Bank - 515 SCRA 106

3. BPI Savings Bank vs. Sps. Yujuico, 763 SCRA 486
4. Planters Dev. Bank vs. Ramos, 840 SCRA 453

E. Summary Procedure vs. Smali Claims suit; their basic characteristics

Ill. RULES 6 - 9

A. Kinds of Pleadings (R-6)

Complaint and Answer (S-3,4, R-6)
Defenses: Negative and Affmnative (S-5, R-6)
Counterclaims: Compulsory and Permissive (S-6, R-6)
Reply (S-10, R-6) .
1. •Alba vs. Malapajo, 780 SCRA 534 (1/13/2016)
2. Lim Teck Chuan vs. Uy, 752 SCRA 268
3. Metrobank vs. CPR Promotions, 760 SCRA 59
4. Valdez vs. Dabon, 775 SCRA 1
5. Republic vs. Sandiganbayan, 406 SCRA 190
6. Caneland Sugar Corp. vs. Alon, 533 SCRA 28
B. Parts of a Pleading (R-7)
Verification and Certification (S-4,5, R-7)
l . Alma Jose vs. Javellana, 664 SCRA 11
2. Medado vs. Heirs of Antonio Consuing', 665 SCRA 534
3. COA vs. Paler, 614 SCRA
4. Basan vs. Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., 749 SCRA 541
5. Uy vs. CA, 770 SCRA 513
6. Bandillon vs. LFUC, 770 SCRA 624
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C. Allegations in Pleadings (R-8)

Actionable docwnents (S-6,7, R-8)
Specific denial (S-10, R-8)
1. Femando Medical Enterprises Inc. vs. Wesleyan
Univer$ity,- 781 SCRA 508, 1/20/2016
2. Go Tong Electrical Supply vs. BPI Family Savings
Bank, 760 SCRA 486
3. Benquet Exploration Inc. vs CA- 351 SCRA
4.. Asian Const & Dev. Corp. vs. C.t.. - 458 SCRA

D. Effect of Failure to Plead (R-9)

Waiver of defenses and objections (S-1, R-9)
Default (S-3, R-9)
1. Salvador vs. Rabaja, 749 SCRA 654
2. BOO vs. Tansipek, 593 SCRA 456 .
3. Bitte vs. Jonas, 777 SCRA 489

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A Amended and Supplemental Pleadings (R-10)

Kinds of Amendments (S-2,3,4,5, R-10)
Supplemental Pleadings (S-6, R-10)
B. Time/Period for Filing Responsive Pleadings (R-11)
Answer (S-1,2,3,4,5, R,-11)
Reply (S-6, R-11)
C. Bill of Particulars (R-12)
D. Filing and Service of P and other papers (R-13)
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Filing: Manner, completeness, Proof (S-3, 12, R-13)
Service: Mode, Completeness, Proof (S-5,6, 7,8, 10, 13, R-13)
Priorities in Modes of Service (S-11, R-13)
1. Yujuico vs. United Resources Asset Mgt Corp.; 760 SCRA
2. Lisam Enterprises vs. Banco de Oro - 670 SCRA 310
3.. Tiij vs. Phil Bank of Communications, 596 SCRA 432
4. Remington Industrial Sales Corp. vs CA, 382 SCRA 499
5. Palileo vs. Planters Dev. Bank, 738 SCRA
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V. RULE 14 (Summons )

A. What is Summons (S-2,5)

B. Who issues (S-1)
C. Who serves (S-3,4)
D. Kinds of Summons
a. Service in person (S-6)
b. Substituted (S-7 )
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E. On whom served
a. On Corporations
1. public (S-13)
2. private
(a) domestic (S-11)
(b) foreign (S-12)
b. On natural persons
1. prisoners (S-9)

3. unknown identity and whereabouts (S-14)

4. temporarily abroad (S-16)
c. On entities without judicial personality (S-8, R-14)

F. Proofs of Se1·vice (S-18,19)

1. Valmonte vs CA- 252 SCRA

2. Mill enium Ind. & Com. Corp., vs Tan- 326 SCRA
3. E.B. Villarosa vs. Benito - 312 SCRA
4. Mason vs. CA, 413 SCRA
5. Jose vs. Boyon, 414 SCRA
6. tvfanotoc vs. CA-499 SCRA 21
7. Dole Phil. Vs. Quilala- 557 SCRA 433
8. Santos vs. PNOC, 566 SCRA 272
9. Fo,rtune Life Insurance Co. vs. COA, 748 SCRA 2_86
9. Ong vs. Co, 752 SCRA42 (2/25/15)
10. Nation Petroleum Gas, Inc. Vs. R.CBC, 766 SCRA 653
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Corp., 761 SCRA 528

12. Guy vs. Gacott, 780 SCRA 579 (Jan. 13, 2016)
13 . G.V. Florida Transport Inc. vs. Tiarn Commercial Corp.
842 SCRA. 576. October 18., 2017 ;

G. Voluntary Appearance (S-20)

I . Sunrise Garden Corp. vs. CA- 771 SCRA 616
2:. Tujan-Militante vs. Nustad, 872 SCRA 390 (2017)
VI. RULES 15-19

A. Motions (R-15)
Definition (S-1,2,3)
Requirements (S-4,5,6)
Omnibus Motion (S-8)
B. Motion to Dismiss (R-16)
Grounds (S-1)
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1. Jurisdiction over the person from ovo~r the subject matter

2. Notice of Lis Pendens (S-14, R-13) from Litis Pendentia
3. Lack of cause of action from failure to state a cause of action
4. Bar by prior judgment from ~onclusi veness of judgment
5. Pre~cription from laches ·
Effect of Dismissal (S-5)

C. Dismissal of Actions (R-17)

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Dismissal Upon Motion (S-2)

Lim Tech Chuan case - 752 SCRA268
Failure to Prosecute (S-3)
D. Pre-Trial (R-18)
- A.M. No. 03-1-09 Supreme Court etlective August 16, 2004
(Guidelines to be observed by trial courts judges and clerks of
court in the conduct of pre-trial and us:e of deposition-discovery
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- Pre-Trial Brief (S-6)

E. Intervention (R-19)
Who may intervene (S-1)
When to intervene (S-2)

1. Acarnpado vs. Cosmilla, 771 SCRA 535
: 2. Laude vs. Gines-Jabalde, 775 SCRA.408
3. De Guzman Jr. vs. Ochoa, 648 SCRA 677
4. ·office of the Ombudsman vs. Sison, 612 SCRA
Compare with Ombudsman versus Chavez, 700 SCRA
5. Anonuevo vs. Intestate Estate of Jalandoni, 636 SCRA
6. -Fernandez vs. CA, 691 SCRA 167
7. Rodriguez vs. CA, 698 SCRA 352
8. People vs. Perez, 397 SCRA
9. Ching vs. Cheng, 737 SCRA
IO.Yao vs. Perello, 414 SCRA
11.Pinlac vs. CA,.410 SCRA
12.Chipongian vs. Benitez-Lirio, 768 SCRA 204
Vll. RULES 23 to 32

A. Modes o_f .Discovery (R-23 to 29)

I .Depos1t1ons Pending Action (R-23) ,
a. Use of depositions (S-4)
b. Office~s. to take depositions (S-1 O, 11 , 12)
c. Depos~t1.on upon written examination (S-15)
d. De?os1t10~ upon written interrogatories (S-25)
c, Effects of errors and irregularitiM
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2. Depositions before Actions or Pending Appeal (R-24)
3. interrogatories to Parties (R-25)
a. Effect of failure to serve written interrogatories (S-6)
4. Admission hy Adverse Party (R-26) ·
a. Etlect to failure to tile and serve request for admission (S-25)
5. Production or Inspection of Documents or Things (R-27)
6. Physical and Mental Examination (R-28)
- Refusal to Comply with Modes of Discovery (R.29)

B. Trial (R-30)
Notice (S-1)
Adjournments and Postponement (S-2,3,4)
Order of Trial (S-5)
C. Consoiidation or Severance (K-3 l)
Consolidation (S-1)
Severance (S-2)
D . Trial By Commissioner (R-23)
Distingi~ish from trial 'Nith Assessors

I. Dasmarinas Garments, Inc. vs. Reyes, 225 SCRA 622 (1993)
2. Go vs. People, 677 SCRA 213
3. Vda. De Manguerra vs. Risos, 563 SCRA 499
4. Allied Agri-Business Development Co. lnc. vs. CA, 299 SCRA 680
5. People vs. Webb, 312 SCRA 573
6. Afulugencia vs. Metro Bank, 715 SCRA 399, February 5, 2014
7. Disini vs. Sandiganbayan, 623 SCRA
8. People vs. Bustamante, 697 SCRA 41 l
9. Metrobank vs. ~andoval! 69-1 SCRA 92 .
l 0. Republic vs. Heirs of Enrique Oribello, 692 SCRA 645
. - kinds of consolidation: quasi-consolidation, actual consolidation
and consolidation for trial
11. Marano vs. Pryce Gases Inc., 755 SCRA 56
12. Phil. Health Ins. Corp..vs.Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, 774 SCRA

A. Demurrer to Evidence (R-33)

- Distinguish between civil and criminal actions
1. Republic vs. Gimenez, 778 SCRA 261 , Jan. 11 , 2016
2. Bernardo vs. CA, 278 SCRA 782
3. Radiowealth Finance Co. vs. Del Rosario, 335 SCRA 288
4. Cabador vs. People, 602 SCRA 760
5. C!aud .·o ''IS
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6. Felipe vs. MGM Motor Trading Corporation, 771 SCRA 360
B. Judgment on the Pleadings (R-34)
I . Adolfo vs. Adolfo, 753 SCRA 580
C. Summary Judgment (R-35)
I. Repubiic vs. Shell Petroleum Corp., 777 SCRA 393
2. Comglas Corp. vs. Santos Car Check Center, 754 SCRA 481
3.. Phil Bank of Communications vs. Go, 642 SCRA
D. Entry of Judgments and Final Orders (R-36)

- Separate judgments (S-5)

- Judgments against entities without personality (S-6)


- New.Trial or Reconsideration (R-37)
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- Grounds for Reconsideration (S-1)

- Effects of a Grant or Denial (S-6, 7,8)
1. Mendezona vs Ozamis-376 SCRA 482
2. Chua vs. People, 762 SCRA 523
3. Padilla-Rumbaua vs. Rumbaua, 596 SCRA 15
4. Senit vs. People, 778 SCRA 425 (1/11/2016)
5. People vs. Li Ka Kim, 429 SCRA 169 ·

A. Appeal from MTC to RTC (R-40)

Perfection of Appeal (S-4)
Docket Fees (S-5)
. Appeals from order of dismissal (S-8)
B. Appeal from RTC to CA (R-41)
Modes of Appeal (S-2)
Notice of Appeal vs Record on Appeal (S-5,6)
Perfection of Appeal (S-9)
C. Petition for Revi;w from RTC to CA (R-42)
How appeal taken (S-1)
Failure to comply with requirements (S-3)
Perfection of Appeal (S-8)

D. Appeals from CTA & QJA to CA (R-4J)

Contents of Petition (S-6)
Action on Petition (S-8)
Effect of Appeal (S-12)
E. Ordinary Appealed Cases to the CA (R-44)
Appellants Brief (S-7).
Appellees Brief (S-8)
F. Appeal by Certiorari (R-45)
Contents of Petition (S,-4)
Requirements (S-7)

1. Heirs of Arturo Garcia vs. Mun. of fha~ 763 SCRA 349

2. .Estinozo vs. CA - 544 SCRA 422
3. Heirs ofSps. Reterta vs. Sps. Mores, 655 SCRA 580
4. Manaloto vs. Veloso Ill, 632 SCRA
. 5. Latorre vs. Latorre, 617 SCRA
6. .AJfredo vs. Borras, 404 SCP..i\ 145
7. People vs. Corpuz,412 SCRA 479
8. PAL vs. CA, 417 SCRA 196
9. Augusto vs. Rios, 417 SCRA 408.
10.Escueta vs. Lim-512 SCRA 411
1I.Springfield Dev. Corp. vs. RTC Judge of Mis. 0cc. - 514 SCRA
326 .
12.Yuk Li.kOng vs. Co, 752 SCRA 42
13.De Vera vs. Santiago, 759 SCRA 431
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15.Maravilla vs. Rios, 767 SCRA 522


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- Petition for Relief from Denial of Appeal (S-2)
- Time for filing Petition (S-3)
- Preliminary Injunction (S-5)
1. The Prov. Govt of Aurora vs. Marco, 757 SCRA 222
2. Thomasites Center for International Studies vs.
Rodriguez, 782 SCRA 391 (Jan. 27, 2016)

- Annulmen~ of Judgment
- Coverage. Grounds, Period (S-1,2,3)
- Contents (S-4)
- Effect (S-7) ·
1. Diona vs. Balanque, 688 SCRA 22
2. Santos vs. Santos, 737 SCRA 63?
3. Lasala vs. National Food Authonty, 767 SCRA 43 o
4. Manguba vs. Morga-Seva, 775 SCRA 312
5. Sibal vs. Buquel, 778 SCRA517 (1/11/16)


A. Kinds of Execution
1. Matter of right, ministerial (S-1)
2. D1screttonary (S-2)
a. stay of discretionary execution (S-3)
'b. Judgments not stayed by appeal (S-4)

B. 1'.1ode of Execution
1. By motion (S-6)
2. By independent action (S-6)

C. Manner of Execution
1. when party is dead (S-7)
2. when judgment is for mone·y (S-9)
3. when judgment is for specific act (S-10)
4. when it is a special judgmen;t (S-11)

D. Properties exempt from execution ($-13) .

E. Third Party Claim (S-16)
F. Execution Sale (S-17 to 26)
G. Redemption:
1. 1he right of redemption vs equity of redemption
2. Who may redeem (S-27)
3. Effects of redemption (S-29) .

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1. Examination of judgment obligor (S-36)

2. Examination of obligor of judgme-nt-obligor (S-37)
3. Appointment of receiver (S-41)
4. Sale of ascertainable interest (S-4,.)

I. Judgment: principal vs surety (S-46)

J. Effect of Judgment (S-47)

1. in rem
2. in personam
3. res judicata

K. Effect of foreign judgment (S-48)

1. Bafles vs Bafles - 374 SCRA 340
2. Fajardo vs. Quitalig, 400 SCRA 25
3. Santos vs. Commission on Elections, 399 SC.RA 611
4. RCHC vs. Magwm Marketmg Corp, 402 SCAA 5Y2
5. City of Iligan vs. Principal Mngmt Gr., 407 SCRA 554
6. Villaruel vs. Fernando, 412 SCRA 54
7. Morta vs. Bagagnan, 415 SCRA 624
8. Serrano vs. CA, 4 !7 SCRA 4 I5
9. D'Annoured Sec. Agency vs. Orpia - 461 SCRA 312
IO.Perez vs. CA-464 SCRA 87
11.FEBTC vs. Toh Sr. - 404 SCRA 590
12.Panotes vs. Townhouse Dev. Corp. -512 SCRA 269
13.Stronghold Insurance vs. Felix- 508 SC'RA 357
1'4. Fujiki vs. Marinay, 700 SCRA 69
15. RCBC vs. Serra, 701 SCRA 124
16. City of Cebu vs. Dedamo, 689 SCRA 547
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-What is terceria?

XIV. RULES 48-56

Dismissal of Appeal (R-50)
Grounds (S-1 ); "Material data" rule


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