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What do you do on your weekend?

Level: seventh grade
Students: from 13 to 15 years old
Topics: Daily activities and weekend activities
Length: two hours week (two sessions)
Students’s profile: these students are teenagers with a begginer’s level of English.

The students will be able to express what they don’t usually do on weekends

Linguistic: the students will be able to recognize the grammar structure of the negative sentences in the
present simple tense and the use of preposition of time

Sociolinguistic: the students will be able to communicate their everyday activities

Pragmatic: the students will be able to interact with other students about their own daily activities

1. The teacher will start by showing to the students some flashcards then, asking some yes – no questions
about the students’ everyday activities. (Downloadable material from

I. Warm up
Yes – no questions (Orally)

1. Do you brush your teeth every day? (Does he/she brush his/her )
2. Do you have breakfast in the afternoon? (Does he/she…?)
3. Do you go to school on Sundays?
4. Do you drink juice in the morning?
5. Do you study eight hours a day?
6. Do you watch TV at night?
7. Do you go to the park on weekdays?
8. Do you go to parties on Mondays?

II. The students listen, read and repeat with the teacher the dialog about Tomas and Ana, and then they take
turns acting out the conversation.

III. Students read the conversation again and answer the questions at the end of it.

1. Read the dialog:

Do you want to go out?
Tomas: -Hey, Ana, how are you? Do you want to go out with me?
ANA: - Let me think. When do you want to go out and where?
Tomas:- what about at 8.00 p.m on Saturday, I want to go out to play basketball with you in the park.
ANA: On Saturday night; I ´m sorry. I have to work on my science homework.
Tomas: -Do you study every Saturday?
ANA : - No, I don´t, but this Saturday, I have to.
Tomas: - What about on Sunday?
ANA: - I go with you but in the afternoon.
Tomas: Is it okay at 5:OO o´clock?.
ANA: Ok. It sounds good.

2. Read again the conversation and answer these questions

1. What does Tomas ask Ana?
2. Does Tomas invite Ana to the restaurant?
3. Where does he invite her?
4. Does Ana accept Tomas’s invitation the first time?
5. Where do they go on Sunday?
6. What does Ana have to do on Saturday night?
7. What time do they meet on Sunday?

2.1 Reading Comprehension

Pay attention to the highlighted Words.
James’ weekend

James is a very active person, he gets up very early in the morning, and goes to work, he does not have
breakfast in his house, but in his job.
He works eight hours a day in an office, he has to write reports, sign papers and attend to meetings every
At noon he has lunch and continues his activities, at the end of the day, he gets tired and he gets home at
8:00 p.m.
Finally, he goes to bed at 9:00 p.m., he does not go out on weekdays, and he does not watch TV or listen to
On weekends he does different activities, he wakes up late in the morning and prepares his breakfast, and
then he watches TV and does exercise.
He does not have to go to his office; he does not have to attend to meetings or sign papers. He meets his
friends in the afternoon and play sports with them.

Every two weeks, he goes to visit his parents, and every holiday he goes to the beach with them.

2.2 Reading comprehension.

Answer these questions with true ( T ) or false ( F )

1. James is a lazy person. ( )

2. He usually gets up early. ( )
3. The first thing he does in the morning is to brush his teeth. ( )
4. James does exercise. ( )
5. James drinks apple juice. ( )
6. James finishes work at 5:00 ( )
7. He usually goes to sleep at 10 p.m. ( )

1. Arrange these words in the correct form.
a. Maria/speak/French/does/well/not ______________________________________________
b. not/Peter/exercise/day/does/every_____________________________________________
c. on/not/do/study/We/Saturdays_____________________________________________
d. to/the/on/weekends/My/does/not/go/sister/park___________________________________
e. Sunday/mother/does/on/not/her/cook ___________________________________________

2. Answer these questions with yes/no based on your own (follow the example)

Example: DO YOU WAKE UP EARLY IN THE MORNING? Yes I wake up early in the morning
Or… No, I don’t wake up early in the morning

a. Does your father work on Sundays? _____________________________________________

b. Does your sister play basketball? _____________________________________________
c. Do you do homework every day? _____________________________________________
d. Do you brush your teeth three times a day? _______________________________________
e. Do you comb your hair? _____________________________________________

3. Fill in the gaps with don’t/doesn’t

a. The students _______ study at school on Sundays.

b. My teacher ________ speak Spanish in English ´ s class.
c. My sister and I _______ play together
d. My mother _________ go to the gym
e. I ______ like to do homework

4. Complete the gaps with the correct preposition: in – at – on – every (take a look at the activity 2.1)
a. I usually go dancing _______ Saturdays.
b. James finishes work ______ 5:00 o´clock.
c. He wakes up early ______ the morning.
d. I brush my teeth ________ day.
e. Maria does exercises ______ Tuesdays and Fridays.
f. I usually wake up _______ 7: 00 o´clock _____ the morning.

Class activity: write three things you take to your school and three you don’t.


Work in pairs.
Write your friend’s daily routine and the things he/she does not do on weekends, remember to include time
prepositions like at/in/on and every.

We can see the process of learning of the students as they participate and talk about the activities they do or
do not do.
The idea at the end of the unit is to provide the students with an appropriate input for them to express
For more listening practice, Students can go to
For more grammar explanation, you can go to or google it as present simple

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