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Developing Your Network Marketing Game Plan.

by Dr. Joe Rubino

There is nothing like a clear, detailed and concise game plan to guide your
success in network marketing. The following is a summary of some of the
key elements to developing such a successful game plan.

Based on your overall vision for what your networking business will
ultimately provide for you, what are your income expectations and your time
frame for achieving them? Start with a six-month schedule. Although your
vision will require a more general plan, focus first on your immediate

You'll want to work with your upline leaders to find answers to the following

1. What is the next highest position in your compensation plan, and when
will you achieve it?
2. How much earned income do you expect per month, and when do you
expect it?
3. How much monthly volume will you need to create in your group to earn
that income?
4. How many distributors will you need to partner with to bring this about?
5. What position will you attain by month six, and how much income will it
6. What resources will you need to accomplish that?
a. Time to invest per week.
b. Supplies to order, including product and support materials.
c. Educational and training materials you'll need.
7. Who will work with you to support you?
8. How will you develop your list of prospects? Will you advertise? When
and where?
9. What training and personal development seminars will you attend?
10. Will you build using three-way calling with your upline?
11. Will you build locally and in person, or long distance by fax, phone or the
12. What support structure does your company have for you to use?
13. What will go into your sorting packages?
14. How will you duplicate yourself?
15. What other resources will you need?

Determine a Single Daily Action to Support Your Goals

A single daily action is something you will do consistently and continuously
to bring about your success. At minimum, it will include:

X number of prospecting conversations

X number of follow-up conversations
X number of packages you'll mail or hand out
X number of hours you'll spend on training and coaching your downline
Any other action needed, daily, to ensure your success

How Much Is Enough?

To determine how many people you will initially need to prospect, work
backwards, starting with your goals. Use input from your upline to ground
what it will take to reach your target in reality.
Here's an example: IF you generally enroll one out of 20 prospects ..., and IF
one out of three builds a business ..., and IF your goal is to find two business-
builders each month ..., THEN you will need to prospect 120 people per
month to find your two business-builders. IF you work five days per week,
THEN you will need to prospect six people each day to reach your objective
each month.

Where Will You Get Your Prospects?

If you need 120 prospects each month (continuing the previous example),
will you get them from ...

 your warm market of family, friends, and acquaintances?

 ads?
 business or trade shows?
 radio or TV commercials?
 co-op ad programs?
 other sources?

It's essential that you have enough people to prospect to remain on track
toward your goals and to maintain a powerful, productive posture.

What Area of Your Character Will You Develop as You Prospect?

Network marketing is a numbers game only if you don't speak to enough
people! Leverage your success by developing yourself. Possible target areas
for your development will include:

 Your Listening
 Your Belief
 Your Courage
 Your Persistence
 Your Energy
 Your Communication Skills
 Organization Skills
 Powerful Speaking
 Developing Rapport
 Developing Vision
 Guiding a Conversation
 Not Dumping Information
 Listening for what' s important or missing in your prospect' s life
 Listening for an opportunity to contribute
 Elements that would make you more attractive as a business partner

Create a Debriefing System

I can not stress enough the necessity for an effective debriefing system. How
can you develop yourself if you're not getting any feedback? You begin by
establishing a system for getting and using this vital information.

1. Keep a journal
Record the highlights of every conversation you have with each
prospect. Record the developmental area you plan to concentrate
upon. What worked? What was missing? How could you be more
effective? How could you listen and communicate more powerfully?
Keep track of your chosen development areas as you prospect. Make
at least 100 to 500 calls and rate yourself after each and every one.
You'll see tremendous improvement in your effectiveness, and you
will be able to put to use everything you learn.
2. Record your calls
Ask one of your mentors to listen to you as you make calls and give
you feedback. Also, listen to yourself to hear how you sound to others
and make any adjustments necessary.
3. Make three-way calls
Listen in on prospecting calls made by your upline. Then have your
upline listen in on calls you make. Record their feedback, and pay
particular attention to those mentors whose skills and techniques
consistently get results.
4. Ask your prospects for feedback
That's right! Whether they are interested or not, they are still your
audience. You might ask something like, " I'm working on being a
more effective communicator. Would you be willing to give me
feedback on ... (add your developmental areas)?"
5. Create your own debriefing structure
One that works well for me is to make up a sign that speaks to
whatever area I'm working on. I place it by the phone as a continual
reminder to smile, shut up, ask questions, etc.

Constantly Reassess Your Actions

What's working? What's missing? Are you on track?
If not, what do you need to realign with your development, your goals, your
values or vision? It's critical to always make sure that the actions you take are
in line with your intended results. If your results are not what you expected,
look to ground your action plan in reality to better achieve your goals.

Duplicate It!
Network marketing is always about duplication. Find something that works
for you and then go out and teach others how to do it. Keep this in mind as
you develop your game plan. If it's not duplicable, it will be of little use to
those who follow your leadership.

About the author:

Dr. Joe Rubino is a top distributor and a member of the advisory board of a well known
international network marketing company. He is an internationally acclaimed speaker,
author and success coach. His book (from which this article was taken), "Secrets Of
Building A Million-Dollar Network-Marketing Organization From A Guy Who's Been There
Done That And Shows You How To Do It, Too" has been called the best book available on
how to build a successful MLM business. To order Dr. Joe's book call the Leaders Club
Order Department at 1-800-783-6561. You may contact Dr. Joe by calling 1-800-999-9551
Ext. 870 or E-mail to: [email protected]

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