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Name : Mrs, Sayma mansuri

Subject : Child Health Nursing


Date : 22 /02/19

Time : 10:30AM

Venue : Nootan College of Nursing ( 3st Classroom)

Method of teaching : Lecture cum Discussion

A.V aids : power point

Evaluator name : Mrs, Mahalaxmi. B.

After completion of this teaching practice students will be able to understand about NICU set - up.

After completion of this teaching practice students will be able to:
 Introduce about NICU.
 Detail about the physicl facility, size, lightening, spce, floor, location,laboratory facility of NICU.
01 2min Introduction ORGANIZATION OF NEONATAL UNIT Lecture Cum power point What is
about the Discussion introduction the
The organization of a good quality special care neonatal unit is
essential for reducing the neonatal mortality and improving the quality
of life among the survivors. The paediatrician and nurses, incharge of
neonatal services should be taken into confidence during the planning
stage so that the special care neonatal unit is based on their opinions
for meeting the special needs of these units.
Steps in Organization of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Lecture Cum power point Which is
Discussion provide for
Physical Facilities
physical facility
The neonatologist and the nurse incharge must be involved while in NICU?
planning the unit.
02 1min Detail about
the NICU set- Size
1. Normally in a hospital it is recommended that a paediatric unit
should have 10 percentage of total bed strength,
2. An NICU is recommended to have 10 percent of bed strength of
total paediatric unit bed strength.
3. Generally less than 6 bed are not recommended for NICU.
03 1min power point
location Lecture Cum
Discussion Which located
1. The neonatal unit should be located as close as possible to the
for NICU?
labor rooms and obstetric operation theatre, to facilitate prompt
transfer of sick and high risk infants.
2. For case of controlling the environmental temperature, the NICU
should not be located on the top floor, but there must be adequate
04 sunlight for illumination. power point
3. The unit must have a fair degree of ventilation of fresh air.
1. The size of the unit is related to the expected population intended
What is the
to be serve. Lecture Cum space between
Discussion NICU room?
2. NICU designer should allow 500-600 gross square feet per bed.
3. This space included patient care area, storage area, space for
doctors, Nurses, other staff, office area, seminar room area,
laboratory area, and space for families.
4. Each baby should be provided with a minimum area of 100 sq.ft.
5. There should be tap of about 6 feet between two incubators for
adequate circulation and keeping the essential life saving
05 equipment. power point
6. The entry of visitors to this area should be restricted and it should
be kept adequately warm.
1. The unit facility should preferably be in a square space so that
abundant open unencumbered space is available.
Lecture Cum
2. The wall should be made of washable glazed tiles and windows Discussion
should have two layers of glass panes to ensure some measure of
heat and sound insulation.
3. Adequate number of deep wash basins with elbow or foot operated
taps having constant round the clock water supply should be
1min provided .
power point
4. The doors should be provided with automatic door closers.
1. Effective air ventilation of nursery is essential to reduce
Lecture Cum
07 nosocomial infection. Discussion
2. The central air conditioning with fresh air exchanges is mandatory
requirements for better environmental control of the unit.
power point
1. The whole unit must be well illuminated and painted white or
slightly off white to permit prompt and early detection of jaundice
and cyanosis. Lecture Cum
2. The lighting arrangement should provided uniform shadow free,
illumination of 100 foot candles at the baby's level.
3. Multilevel lighting scheme is an alternative lighting arrangement,
where the light is about 20 foot candles at the patient bed and power point
about 100 foot candles at other places.
Environmental temperature and humidity
1. The temperature inside the unit should be maintained at 28°C.
Lecture Cum
while the humidity must be above 50%. Discussion
2. Portable radiant heater, infrared lamp can be used to provide
power point
additional source of heat to an individual infant.
Acoustic characteristics
1. The ventilation system, incubators, air-compressors, suction
Lecture Cum
pumps and other devices used in the nursery produce noise. Discussion
2. Sound intensity in the unit should not be exceeding 75 decibels to
protect hearing of nursery personnel and infants.
3. Telephone rings and equipment alarms should be replaced by
power point
blinking lights.
Communication system
The unit should also have an intercom and a direct outside telephone
line so the parents of the infant can have an easy access to the unit.
Lecture Cum
Electrical outlets Discussion
1. Each patient station should have 12 to 16 central voltage stabilized
electrical outlets sufficient to handle all pieces of equipment that
might be needed at the station, two oxygen outlets, one
compressed air outlet and two suction outlets.
2. An additional power plug point would be required for the portable
power point Which staff
X-ray and ultra sound machines close to the patient care area. should be
provided in the
3. There should be 24 hrs power back up.
1. A full time neonatologist with special qualification and trained in
neonatal medicine should have in the unit. Lecture Cum
2. He or she should be responsible for maintenance of standards of
patient care. development of the operative budget equipment
evaluation, purchases, planning and development of educational
programmes and evaluation of effectiveness of parental care in the
3. He should devote time to patient care services, research and
teaching as well as coordinate with the level I and II hospitals in
the areas.
4. One neonatal physician is required for every 6-10 patients in the
continuing care, intermediate care and intensive care areas.
10 How many ratio
2min 5. He or she should be available on a 24 hrs bases for consultation. shoule be staff
power point nurse in NICU?
6. One resident doctor should be present in the unit round the clock.
7. An anesthetist capable of administering anesthesia to neonates.
8. A paediatric surgeon.
9. A paediatric pathologist.
1. A nurse patient ratio of 1:1 maintained thoughout day and night is
Lecture Cum
absolutely essential for babies on multisystem support including
ventilator therapy.
2. For special care neonatal unit and intermediate care, nurse to
patient ratio of 1:3 is ideal but 1:5 per shift is manageable.
3. In addition, 30 % provision should be made for day off, leaves and
other emergencies.
4. There should be additional head nurse who is the overall incharge.
5. The staff nurse need to be trained in handling equipment, use of power point
ventilators and initiation of life support like use of bag and mask
resuscitation, endotracheal incubations, arterial sampling and so
Other staff
11 Which
1. A respiratory therapist.
2min equipment
2. A laboratory technician. Lecture Cum should be use
Discussion power point for NICU?
3. A public health worker or social worker.
4. A biomedical engineer who is conversant with various
5. A ward aide or a clerk can help in keeping track of the stores.
1. Equipments and supplies should including all that is necessary for
resuscitation and intermediate care areas. Lecture Cum
2. Supplies should be kept close to the patient station so that nurses
do not have to go away from the neonate unnecessarily.
3. There should be servo-controlled incubators and open care
systems for providing adequate warmth.
Item No.
12 1. Resuscitation set 6
5min 2. Incubators 12
3. Infusion pumps 12-18 power point
4. Positive pressure ventilators 6
5. Oxygen hoods, oxygen analyzers 6
6. Phototherapy unit 6
7. Resuscitation set 6

Laboratory facilities
1. A microchemistry laboratory attached to the unit and providing
round the clock service is ideal. Lecture Cum
2. Laboratory should be well equipped to provide quick and
reliable hematocrit, blood glucose and total serum bilirubin, C-
reactive protein, total leukocyte count and microscopic
examination of peripheral blood films for evidence of power point
infection, serum osmolality, specific gravity of urine and other
fluids, blood gas analyzer


I (at village) 75% Home Mother Basis care
Lecture Cum
for low risk sub- Trained birth Discussion
mother and centre attendant
neonate PHC Multipurpose
worker or
II (at sub- 20% Upgraded Trained First referral
district) for PHC nurses units
higher risk Sub- Resident Special neonatal
mothers and district doctors care
neonates District Trained in
hospitals, obstetrics
Nursing Neonatology
homes, and
Medical anesthesia
III (in 5% Large Specialists Sophisticated
metropolitan hospitals, care given by
centres for Medical trained nurses,
still higher colleges, Resident doctors,
risk mothers hospitals Obstetrician
and infants) and neonatologist,
institutes Paediatric
and well quipped

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