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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)


Anschluss is a Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s doctrine of German political union with
Austria, which effectively enabled Germany to annex that nation in March 1938.
Perestroika means restructuring
The Rio Treaty was an agreement binding the republics of the Western Hemisphere
together in a mutual defense system. Also called the Rio Pact or the Inter-American
Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, the treaty became effective on December 3, 1948,
when two-thirds of the member states had ratified it.
Which theory contributed to the rise of totalitarian state in the present century?
Ethical Theory
Who said: “good citizens make a good state and bad citizens make a bad state”?
The fall of the Feudal States and rise of Nation States took place in? The sixteenth
What is the name of the book written by Miss Follett? The New State
In the past state used to perform? Police functions
“State promotes exploitation of poor by the rich” who said this? Karl Marx
Most important responsibility of a welfare state is? To check exploitation
In ancient India most important function of the state was? To promote dharma
In a secular state the religion? Has nothing to do with politics
According to monistic theory about the functions of the state? Individual and state
must exist for each other
Who wrote a book that identified capitalism and democracy? Carnegie
Who said ‘democracy is what the crowd wants’? Holmes
Aristotle regarded the best form of government as a mixed polity
According to Locke the sovereign was a party to the contract
Term perestroika used by Mikhail Gorbachev to describe his plans to reform,
modernize and partly decentralize the Soviet economy
Glasnost means openness
The flexible response plan was developed by Defense and State Department officials in
the Kennedy administration who felt that Eisenhower’s “massive retaliation” doctrine
restricted the president’s options too much.

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)


For a classical Marxist, on what grounds do the workers demand relief from
starvation? Need, and entitlement to a return on their productive labour
Kimiya-i-sa’adat was written by? Ghazali
What does Cohen primarily mean by the phrase the ‘personal is political’? People’s
actions, even when not legally required, are a matter of justice
What is Cohen’s main objection to John Rawls’s difference principle? The personal
behaviour of the ‘talented’ is not itself answerable to the difference principle
What does Cohen mean by an ‘ethos’? A structure of response lodged in the
motivations which inform everyday life
Democracy means majority rule
In Crick’s view, democracy can be totalitarian
Democracy, according to Crick, can be in tension with liberty
Who was concerned with the problems of democracy? J.S. Mill
When was the last time in Britain that according to Crick, the term ‘democracy’ had a
precise meaning? 1913
The main function of the sovereign, according to Locke was? To interpret the laws
Locke’s sovereign was? Bound by the existing laws
Locke drew a clear distinction between state and government
According to Locke the government was created for the purpose of? Protection of
natural rights
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was a legal agreement between many
countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or
eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas. GATT was signed by 23 nations in
Geneva on 30 October 1947, and took effect on 1 January 1948.
Locke concedes to the people? Change the government if it fails to perform its part of
The Social Contract Theory of Rousseau is? Combines the points of theories of both
Hobbes and Locke
Rousseau advocated his theory of Social Contract in the book? Social Contract
Rousseau hailed from France
The Principle of ‘public good’ was borrowed by Rousseau from? Locke


Defect of the Social Contract theory is: It is historically wrong
One of the major contributions of the Social Contract theory is that? It gave a death
blow to the ‘Divine Origin theory’ and paved the way for democracy

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)

The Social Contract theory paved the way for? Democracy

According to Rousseau the two instincts, which governed the action of man in the state
of nature, were? Self-preservation and sympathy towards others
The state of nature, according to Rousseau, was a period of peace and happiness
The two important factors, which according to Rousseau compelled the people to leave
the state of nature and create the state were? Growth of population and property
The contract envisaged by Rousseau was the social contract
Under Rousseau’s contract? Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community
Rousseau was an advocate of? Popular Sovereignty
Which thinker is connected with the concept of General Will? Rousseau
The General Will means? Will of the community viewed as a living and rational political
The General Will is sovereign
General Will cannot be represented through Parliamentary institutions
The General Will according to Rousseau is always right
The General Will, is Permanent
Which is the most acceptable theory regarding the origin of the state? Historical
The earliest territorial State was? Oriental Empire
The early Oriental Empires rested on? Despotism of King
The early Oriental Empires were mostly located? In the fertile valleys


Tribal State means a political organization which existed before the creation of the
The City-states which made their appearance before the birth of Christ are generally
associated with Greece
The City-states Granted freedom only to the citizens
The Roman Empire was characterized by a Highly centralized administration
One of the outstanding contributions of the Roman Empire was Universal code of law
The most outstanding contributions of the Roman Empire were? Unity, uniformity of
law, sovereign organization and world peace
Under the Feudal State offices were distributed on the basis of principle of heredity
In the Feudal State authority rested with Landed classes
The feudal state promoted unity
The most important factor in the development of the modern state was Growth of
national consciousness
Which factor prompted countries like Britain, France etc, to carve out the colonial
empire? To make use of the resources of colonies for mother country

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)

The various stages through which the modern state evolved itself were? Tribal state,
Greek-city state, Roman Empire, Feudal state and Modern state
In modern times the Force theory of the origin of state found a strong advocate in?
Which thinkers did criticize the theory of social contract? Wright, Vaughan & T.H.
The area test contribution of Hobbes to Political theory was? Monarchical Theory
According to Hobbes the primitive people were encouraged to conclude social contract
on account of? Anarchy
The main profounder of the evolutionary theory were? Burgess and Leacock
Who said that man’s life in the state of nature was ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and
short’? Hobbes
“The state is neither the handiwork of God, nor the result of superior physical force,
nor the creation of a resolution or convention nor a mere expansion of the family” who
said this? Laski
The modern state is described as a welfare state


Which theory regarding the origin of state was very popular during the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries? Social Contract Theory
Which theory regarded the origin of state evoked maximum controversy? Social
Contract Theory
Who was a staunch supporter of the ‘Divine Origin Theory’? James II of England
Who was the first to offer a systematic theory of the social contract? Hobbes
Hobbes put forth theory of Social Contract with a view to? Defend the absolute powers
of the monarchy
Which method was adopted by Hobbes? Scientific Method
“He breathes the bitterest hatred not only of individualism, but even of those
elementary rights, which none but the most backward nations now deny to the
individual, yet this preposterous system, consciously or unconsciously represents an
extreme form of individualism” The quotation given above applies to Hobbes
According to Locke people left the state of nature for the sake of preservation of their
natural rights
Which social Contractualists was born at Geneva? Rousseau
The Malta Conference was held from January 30 to February 3, 1945 between
President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill of the United Kingdom on the island of Malta. The purpose of the conference
was to plan the final campaign against the Germans
Rousseau’s contributed to? The French Revolution

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)

Who said “So long as the General will is Sovereign, it does not matter what form of
government it may be? Rousseau
Rousseau championed the cause of? Direct Democracy
According to Prof. Jones the most original, the most interesting and historically the
most important contribution of Rousseau to Political Theory was the concept of?
General Will
The early Oriental Empires were ruled by? Hereditary monarchs
The Greek city-states are regarded as the best specimens of? Direct democracy
The two most outstanding city-states of ancient Greece were? Athens and Sparta
The nation state came into existence after? The decline of the imperial states of orient
The evolutionary theory regarding the origin of states on? Evolutionary principle
Who wrote the term of the social contract? “I authorize and give up my right of
governing myself to this man, or to this assembly of men, on this condition that thou
give up thy right to him, and authorize all his actions in the like manner”? Rousseau


The historical theory of the origin of the state asserts that the state is? an outcome of
gradual and continuous development of human society out of an imperfect beginning
towards a more perfect organization
Rousseau borrowed the concept of absolute sovereignty from? Hobbes
Rousseau’s Social Contract theory exercised immense influence on? The French
Revolution of 1779
The view that the state arose not as the creator of law but the interpreter and enforcer
of customs was expressed by? Locke
Who made out a case for absolute monarchy? Hobbes
The Social Contract theory replaced? Divine Origin theory
Who said that “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains”? Rousseau
Which is accepted as the true theory of the origin of state? Evolutionary theory
Historical and evolutionary theories are the same
The theory of origin of state which holds that the state is the result of slow process of
growth is known as evolutionary Theory
The Evolutionary theory holds that state is the result of slow process of growth
The four factors which helped in the evolution of the state were Kinship, Religion,
Force and Political Consciousness
Kinship, which according to the Evolutionary theory was one of the major contributory
factors for the origin of state, means? Belief in common blood relationship
Religion helped in the evolution of state by cultivating two qualities? Reverence and
The state is a product of society at a certain stage of development when it has split

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)

into irreconcilable antagonisms, which it is powerless to dispel. To which theory of the

origin of the state does this statement belong? Marxists
In Ancient city-state citizenship was available to all persons except the slaves and
Church occupied an important position in? The Holy Roman Empire
Absence of unity was a characteristic of? The ancient city state
Feudalism was a dominant feature of? The Holy Roman Empire


The position of the Kings during the Holy Roman Empire was rendered weak due to?
Rise of feudal lords and Popes
The ownership of land under feudalism rested with? The feudal lords
One of the major factor which contributed to the decline of the Holy Roman Empire
was? Challenge of bourgeoisie class
Who asserted, “the state would ultimately wither away”? Marx
Who said: “a man who lives outside the polis is either a beast or a God”? Aristotle
The statement “State is an ethical institution which is indispensable for the full moral
development of man” is associated with the? Idealist
The modern state is also is also known as? A nation state
The view that “State is an executive committee of the exploiting class” is associated
with? The Marxists
Who believed that the state should protect and restrain and not foster and promote?
The Monistic
Who believes that individual independent in his own way dependent on others? The
Who said that the state is individual magnified? Plato
Who said that individual is an instinct part of the state? Aristotle
Who believed that head of the state is comparable to the spirit of human body? Cicero
Who said that state is image of human organism? Bluntschli
Whose name is primarily associated with organic theory of the state? Herbert Spencer
Organic theory of the state gave set back to? Theory of Social Contract
The problem with the German state in Marx’s time was that it was Christian
Germany in Marx’s time had no Citizens
For Marx, emancipation is inadequate when it is merely political


Who saw the mature state as divorced from all particular religions? Burke

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)

When the state is ‘perfected’, society is Civil

As a member of the state, the individual has a sovereignty that is fictitious
The citizen in the state is, according to Marx? Sophistical
Religion in the USA is a matter of celebration
The democratic state, in Marx’s eyes, is rooted in dualism
Civil rights, in Marx’s view, are political
The ‘rights of man’ are based upon private property
The free person in the political state is, according to Marx? A monad
Marx sees ‘political man’ as abstract
H.G. Wells saw Lenin’s Russia as rule by? Party oligarchy
In Crick’s view, the classical Marxist critique ignores nationalism
The Fabians are British
The Future of Socialism was written by Crosland
Ralph Miliband wrote a book called Parliamentary Socialism
Cultural revolution in China was led by Mao-Zedong
‘The dignity of work’ was a particular concern of William Morris
Socialists believe in greater equality
‘Let sleeping dogs lie’. This is an adage of autocracy
Who considered that democracy was only workable with mass education? J.S. Mill
Marxism, in Crick’s eyes, lacks a clear doctrine of ethics


Who claimed to be ‘blown off course’ by international economic events? Harold Wilson
Democratic socialists support Liberty
Which socialist spoke of ‘oppressive tolerance’? Marcuse
Equality must be sharply differentiated from? Sameness
Who wrote an important report on World Poverty? Brandt
Who said ‘Property is theft’? Proudhon
Which anarchist took part in the First International? Bakunin
What differentiates an anarchist from a nihilist? Belief in morality
Who wrote a book entitled Political Justice? Proudhon
The Yalta Conference, also known as the Crimea Conference and code-named the
Argonaut Conference, held from 4 to 11 February 1945, was the World War II meeting
of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet
Union for the purpose of discussing Germany and Europe’s postwar reorganization.
What is the distinguishing feature of an anarcho-syndicalist? Support for revolutionary
trade unions
Which anarchist embraced pacifism? Tolstoy
What French thinker is responsible for ‘Cogito, ergo sum’? Rene Descartes

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)

Which thinker said “’I think, therefore I am’? Rene Descartes

Which thinker said these words ‘the only thing I can be certain of is my own
existence’? Rene Descartes
What American philosopher wrote ‘A Theory of Justice’? John Rawls
What thinker is associated with the ‘categorical imperative’? Immanuel Kant
What school of thought ascribes to the notion that there exist as many competing
realities as there are individuals, thus absolutes cannot exist? Postmodernism
Who wrote the ‘Second Treatise on Civil Government’? John Locke
Locke was an elitist — famous for condemning the poor as those less ‘rational and
industrious’ than the successful.


The Clouds is not a Platonic Dialogue. The Clouds was the work of Aristophanes.
Who is most correctly referred to as the father of utilitarianism? Jeremy Bentham
J.S. Mill was raised in the utilitarian tradition by his father, John Mill, and his father’s
close friend, Jeremy Bentham.
Who wrote ‘Being and Nothingness’? Jean-Paul Sartre
What dramatist wrote the ‘Philosophy of Existentialism’? Gabriel Marcel
What communitarian wrote Democracy’s Discontents? Michael Sandel
What name was given to those allied with Alexander Hamilton in support of a strong
national government with weak states? Federalists
What is the rule of the wealthy known as? Plutocracy
Who wrote an Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding? David Hume
Locke wrote the ‘Essay concerning Human Understanding.’
‘Tis better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both’ — is in a great, and
completely readable, work by whom? Nicolo Machiavelli
Who is known as the founder of the deconstructionalist school of thought? Jacques
What philosopher fond of aphorisms suffered from syphilis and is often wrongly
associated with the tenets of Nazi party? Frederich Nietzsche
Which is the distinguishing characteristic of State, as compared with other
associations? Sovereignty
Which are the four characteristics of state? Population, territory, government and
The term state has often been confused with? Sovereignty
The State is concrete while the Government is abstract
According to Plato, the population of the State should be about? 5040
Changes in the State do not come frequently whereas in the Government these are

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200 Most Wanted Political Science MCQs (One Liner)

Who said that ‘state is a community permanently established for a political end’? Hall

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