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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
Our 80th
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 80 No. 48 January 30, 2020 25 cents

Tommy Jones Caps Fairytale Week with Historic Championship Match Win in PBA Hall of Fame Classic
In first tournament of the season, Jones beats Darren Tang 300-237 in title match for 20th career Go Bowling PBA Tour title
By Jerry Schneider tour win came in the 2019 PBA Classic.
ARLINGTON, Texas – After his induction into the “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to top this.
Professional Bowlers Association Hall of Fame, Tommy “When I got the strike in the ninth frame, it actually took
Jones of Simpsonville, South Carolina, didn’t need any fur- some pressure off for the 10th frame because I had already
ther validation of his place in bowling history, but the 41- won the match,” he added. “At that point I felt like I was in
year-old right-hander effectively put an exclamation point good shape to take a victory lap.”
on that honor with a historic title match win in the PBA Hall Jones also joined three other PBA greats who made a tour
of Fame Classic at the International Training and Research telecast in the same week that they were inducted into the
Center. Hall of Fame: Earl Anthony in 1981, Mike Durbin, who
As the No. 2 seed for the stepladder finals televised live won his third PBA Tournament of Champions in 1984, and
on FS1, Jones won the first tournament of the 2020 Go Mark Roth in 1987.
Bowling PBA Tour season for his 20th career PBA Tour For everyone, including Jones, his 300 game was certain-
PBA photo
title by beating top seed Darren Tang of Las Vegas, 300- Champion Tommy Jones ly unexpected after grinding out a 190-169 semifinal match
237, in the championship match. win against No. 5 seed fellow Hall of Famer Chris Barnes
It was the 27th televised perfect game bowled in PBA the 1988 PBA Quaker State Open and Aulby beat David of nearby Double Oak, Texas, who also was trying for his
Tour history and only the third in a title match. Bob Benoit Ozio 300-279 to win the 1993 PBA Wichita Open. 20th career win.
and Mike Aulby were the others to bowl 300 games in a tel- “I don’t even know what to think right now – it’s been a
evised title match. Benoit beat Mark Roth 300-225 to win crazy week and an even crazier day,” said Jones, whose last See Jones page 2
PBA Star Tommy Jones, Former Ownership Partners Mike Slade, Rob Glaser
Inducted Into PBA Hall of Fame
By Jerry Schneider “Even though it’s been a couple of
ARLINGTON, Texas – Nineteen- months since I received the news
time Professional Bowlers that I was elected I knew it was
Association title winner Tommy going to be very emotional to
Jones of Simpsonville, South receive this honor here,” Jones said,
Carolina, and former PBA owner- “It’s still going to take some time for
ship partners Mike Slade and Rob it to sink in.
Glaser were inducted into the PBA “Getting paid to throw a bowling
Hall of Fame during ceremonies at ball was my dream and I have to
the Arlington Hilton as part of the thank everyone who has supported
PBA Hall of Fame Classic tourna- me during my career that made it
ment week. possible for me to be here today,” he
Jones was unanimously elected for added. “I consider myself to be very
superior performance by an elite fortunate to be a Hall of Famer and
panel of veteran bowling writers and still be competitive but I have a job
PBA Hall of Famers. Slade and to do. I want to get 25 titles.”
PBA photo
Glaser were elected for meritorious The 41-year-old power player
PBA Hall of Fame Inductees Rob Glaser, Mike Slade and Tommy Jones
service by the PBA Hall of Fame hopes to add to his list of career
Board. the top five in 47 of the 326 PBA Tour tournaments he milestones when he tries for his 20th
Jones is one of five PBA players to win both PBA Rookie entered, cashing in a remarkable 80.3 percent of those career tour win as the No. 2 seed for the PBA Hall of Fame
(2001-02) and Player of the Year (2005-06) honors. During events. Classic finals. Jones counted his major titles and selection
his 20-year career, Jones won 17 standard PBA Tour titles Jones also has been on winning teams in PBA League to the top 50 players in PBA history as defining moments in
plus two majors: the 2006 U.S. Open and 2007 PBA Elias Cup competition three times and was the recipient of his career.
Tournament of Champions. He has finished in the top 10 in the PBA League Mark Roth Most Valuable Player Award in
annual PBA Tour earnings nine times and has finished in 2017. See Hall of Fame Page 4
2 SPORTS REPORTER January 30, 2020

Jones Continued from Page 1 USBC Board of Directors Extends Chad Murphy
“We both had trouble with the (lane condition) transition and it was Contract as Executive Director
just a matter of who could get to the finish line first,” said Jones. “If you
would have told me that I could have bowled 225 after that, it would By Matt Cannizzaro
have been a stretch. ARLINGTON, Texas -
“I used the same ball on the left lane but with a little more surface and Chad Murphy has agreed to
changed to a ball that would hook earlier on the right lane,” Jones added. a contract extension to con-
“I felt very comfortable with that change but still never could have pre- tinue as Executive Director
dicted a 300.” of the United States
All competition during the tournament was conducted on a dual lane Bowling Congress (USBC).
condition – PBA’s 45-foot Dick Weber condition on the left lane and 39- The agreement extends
foot Mike Aulby condition on the right lane. Murphy's tenure as execu-
For the 26-year-old Tang, a three-time All-American at San Jose State tive director through the end
in his fourth season on tour, it was his third runner-up finish. of 2024. He first was named
In the opening stepladder match Barnes, who was also trying for his executive director in June of
20th career title, defeated 2019 Hall of Fame Classic runner-up seven- 2014.
time tour winner Jakob Butturff of Tempe, Arizona, 258-223. "Through Chad Murphy's USBC photo

In the second match Barnes beat five-time PBA Tour winner two-han- leadership, USBC has con- USBC Director Chad Murphy
der Osku Palermaa of Finland, who was trying for his first tour win in tinued to deliver more new initiatives and Association to have the USBC Masters and U.S.
almost five years, 254-249, to advance to the semifinal against Jones. greater value for our members," USBC President Open included with the PBA Tour's FOX Sports
Karl Kielich said. "I am especially proud of the package through 2022.
PBA HALL OF FAME CLASSIC stronger relationships developed between USBC * A 17-event CBS Sports Network package
(a 2020 Go Bowling PBA Tour event) and our association leaders, as well as the bowl- * Launch of the video streaming
International Training and Research Center, Arlington, Texas. ing industry. The USBC Board of Directors has platform
great confidence in the staff, and this extension * Technology advancements, including a cus-
Final Standings shows our desire to continue this positive trajec- tom registration system for USBC tournaments
1, Tommy Jones, Simpsonville, S.C., $30,000 tory for years to come." * USBC Association Leadership Academy,
2, Darren Tang, Las Vegas, $15,000 Reporting to the USBC Board of Directors, the which provides education opportunities to
3, Chris Barnes, Double Oak, Texas, $9,000 USBC Executive Director serves as an officer of USBC associations
4, Osku Palermaa, Finland, $7,000 the corporation and has overall operational * Merger of USBC state and local associations
5, Jakob Butturff, Tempe, Ariz., $5,000 responsibility for staff, programs, finance and * Forward looking changes to bowling ball
Jones also earned a $10,000 bonus for bowling a televised perfect game. execution of the strategic plan. specification and lane inspection standards
During Murphy's tenure, USBC has delivered * Gold medals for Team USA in the World
major new initiatives including: Championships, Pan American Games and
* Record participation in Junior Gold and QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup.
USBC Collegiate programs Murphy first joined the International Bowling
* USA Bowling Youth Championships Campus (IBC) in 2010 as Director of Youth for
* A successful structure change and growth for the Bowling Proprietors' Association of America
the USBC Open Championships (BPAA). He became IBC Director of Youth
* New host cities for the USBC Championship Development in 2011, at which time he also
Tournaments, including Chicago and Cincinnati assumed management of USBC's youth programs.
for the Women's Championships and Houston He is a former member of Team USA, and his
for the Open Championships playing honors include a silver medal at the 1998
* Growth across elite level USBC World Tenpin Team Cup in Amsterdam. He also
Championship tournaments was part of the Ebonite Nitro/R's team that won
* Relaunch of the Professional Women's two Grand Championships in the Brunswick
Bowling Association Tour and introduction of World Team Challenge Series in 1994 and 1996.
the PWBA regional program For more information about USBC, visit
* Partnership with the Professional Bowlers

Mike DeFrancesco Blasts an 803 at Parkway Lanes

by Joe Donnarumma
ELMWOOD PARK, NJ – Mike DeFrancesco topped the scoring in the Wednesday, Teterboro Bowling
League, at Parkway Lanes slamming a 257-267-279 for a season high 803 series.
Mike Semancik posted a 267 in his 722, and Norman Sees hit a 278 and his 699 round out the list of
high scorers for the night.
January 30, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 3

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4 SPORTS REPORTER January 30, 2020

TO PBA TOUR COMPETITION “The U.S. Open title was big and being selected No. 30 among the top 50
players in PBA history (in 2009) as the youngest one (age 30) also was pretty
cool for me,” Jones said. “The U.S. Open was defining because I bowled so bad
the previous year. The Tournament of Champions also was a great win because
that’s the one title every PBA member wants to win.”
Slade and Glaser joined their original PBA ownership partner, Chris Peters,
in the PBA Hall of Fame. All three were former Microsoft executives who com-
bined resources to purchase the PBA in 2000, pulling the organization back
from the brink of bankruptcy, and providing the organization with leadership
from their board of directors positions and the financial support necessary to
remain viable until its recent sale to Bowlero Corp.
Slade's creativity and contacts at ESPN and with leaders in sports media were
key assets in advancing the PBA brand and opening doors with new partners
including FOX Sports.
Slade began his career at Microsoft in 1983 and spent seven years there in a
variety of product marketing roles. In 1993 he was hired as CEO of Starwave,
Paul Allen's trailblazing venture into the Internet and multimedia where he
By Bill Vint launched,,,, and
Boston Red Sox star Mookie Betts, in his first appearance in PBA Tour competition since the the network. He retired as Chairman and CEO of Starwave following
2017 PBA World Series of Bowling, continued to impress his fellow competitors with his prom- its sale to the Walt Disney Corp. in 1998.
ise as a bowling talent.
After later serving as strategic advisor for Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs,
A feature story by Fort Worth Star-Telegram writer Jeff Wilson (
and as a strategic consultant for ESPN,,, Starbucks, Real includes high praise for Betts’ bowling skills
Networks, Disney, and various Paul Allen companies, Slade co-founded the
while competing at the highest level of the sport in the PBA Hall of Fame Classic in Arlington,
Texas. The first tournament of the 2020 Go Bowling PBA Tour season gave Betts a chance to
venture capital firm Second Avenue Partners in 2000 and became a co-owner
bowl at an elite level before reporting to spring training with the Red Sox. and board member of the PBA.
Bowling on a PBA Commissioner’s Exemption, Betts had no expectation of winning the tour- “When you’re around people who are the best it’s really inspiring,” Slade said
nament against a field of 55 PBA members, 40 of whom are PBA Tour champions. during his acceptance speech. “It’s an honor to be around the best as we cele-
“The No. 1 thing is don’t come in last,” Betts said. “After that, it’s still competition and mak- brate excellence here tonight and I’m so grateful and humbled by this honor.
ing sure you enjoy yourself. Obviously, I’ll do a lot of learning, so when I go back home I can “Some things we did went well and others didn’t,” Slade continued. “We
take these things and apply them.” learned a lot and had good people helping us get it done. When you’re an
Bowling on a challenging scoring environment involving different lane conditions applied to underdog you have to be scrappy and try things and that’s what we did.”
the right and left lanes across the bowling center, Betts hoped to finish “even,” which is bowl- Glaser, a New York City native, was the PBA's principle investor financially,
ing parlance means a 200 average for his 12 qualifying games. He just missed, averaging largely funding the early 2000's efforts to boost prize funds, regulate TV expo-
198.58, but he accomplished goal No. 1, finishing in 48th place in the field of 56 – outscoring sure and further explore arena settings. After a 10-year career in a variety of
six PBA title winners. positions with Microsoft, Glaser founded RealNetworks in 1994, a company
that produces RealAudio, RealVideo, RealPlayer, and Helix, among other prod-
AT PARKWAY AT MONTVALE ucts and services. A Yale graduate with degrees in Computer Science and
Economics, Glaser has also been a major donor supporting a wide range of
Jay Floyd 279 Craig Slawinski 288 humanitarian causes throughout his career.
ELMWOOD PARK NY - In the Art Polzer MONTVALE, NJ - Craig “I believe the most rewarding part of our involvement with PBA was getting
II League Jay Floyd fired 279, Larry Slawinski fired a high game of 288 it to a point where it could stand on its own, build on the success we were able
Norris 265, and Walt William Jr 259. int the Friday Night 4Man League. to achieve and then pass it on to a new generation,” Glaser said. “Twenty years
Ron Vrandenburg hit 279, and after we started it is stunning to me that I’m here to receive this honor.
Elvio Tavares 258 Rich Naclero and Anthony “My good friend Chris Peters got me involved in what he called an effort to
ELMWOOD PARK, NJ - Elvio Tavares Mirabelli 259. save the PBA,” Glaser added. “I got involved in bowling at a young age,
rolled 258, Lenny Marrero 256, Anibal became a lifelong bowler and the love of bowling never left me so I was happy
Villanueva, Fernando Dastano and Ramon Jun Dollopac 285 to get involved.”
Rodriguez 244 in the CDC League. MONTVALE, NJ - Jun Dollopac Also recognized during the ceremonies were 2019 award winners including
topped the scoring in the Monday Australia’s Jason Belmonte, who earned his fifth Chris Schenkel PBA Player of
Benny Perez 290 Night Mixed League blasting a the Year award; Harry Golden Rookie of the Year Mykel Holliman of
ELMWOOD PARK, NJ - Benny Perez high game of 285 and a high series Collierville, Tennessee; Steve Nagy Sportsmanship Award winner Martin
fired a high game of 290 in the Thursday of 747. Larsen of Sweden, who became the first international player to win the award
Night 4Man Parkway League. Donald Barba hit 269, Albert twice, and Tony Reyes Community Service Award winner Chuck Gardner of
Gabe Tineo hit 288, and Robert Boehm Bisel 259, and Jacquery Breitenbac Charlotte, North Carolina.
279. 203.
January 30, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 5

Michael Bower 790 Chris Schenck 773 Don Anione 728
HOPELAWN, NJ - Michael Bower topped the scoring in HOPELAWN, NJ - Chris Schenck topped the scoring in the HOPELAWN, NJ - Don Anione led the scoring in the
the Premiere Pro Shop Sunday Trios League blasting games Strike Nation League blasting games of 226-289-258 for a Friday Night Mixed League rolling games of 257-246-225
of 268-255-267 for a high series of 790. high series of 773. for a high series of 728.
William Bailey III rolled 263-248-278-789, John Havel Wright III rolled 267-213-276-756, Chris L Schenck Salvatore Angotti shot 265-214-223-702, Dave Rezes
Fylypczuk 249-268-269-786, Chris Aponte 279-265-207- Jr 256-242-229-727, Al-Wadir Samuel 288-243-706, 243-220-645, Michael Kelly 216-204-224-644, Douglas
751, Pablo Ramirez 258-267-222-747, Salvatore Antrone Clemons 257, and Jordan A Marangelli 248-255. Jewell 267, and Edward Patri 244.
Ciaravalloti 249-257-234-740, Andrew Polidura 256-278- In the Iselin AA League JJ Corley rolled 234, Tommy Richard Galasso 721
728, Brandon Micewicz 205-266-256-727, Kevin Bitler Cohen 224 and Rolando Vazquez 218. HOPELAWN, NJ - Richard Galasso led the scoring in the
236-267-213-716, and Alex Luyando 267-265-714. Monday Night Mixed League firing games of 223-249-
249 for a high sereis of 721.
Dave Henderson rolled 217-216-241-674, John
Baginsky, Jr 221-246-653, and Andrew Sova 244.

Brian Pawelek 680

HOPELAWN, NJ - Brain Pawelek led the scoring in the
JEMMS Family League rolling games of 237-227-216 for
a high series of 680.
Steven Columbus rolled 225-236-655, Lisa Columbus
and Kyle O'Connell 203, and Logan Miller 200.
In the Avenel Youth League Joshua Fylypczuk rolled
246, Collin McBride 226, and Logan Miller 211.
In another session Isabella Fabozzi shot 237, and Logan
Miller and Savannah Gomez 213.

Rich Rowley 672

HOPELAWN, NJ - Rich Rowley rolled 245-236-672,
Fernando Chea 212, and Jerry Petti 181 in the Winter
Senior Citizens League.
In the Winter Senior Citizens League Fernando Chea
rolled 235-205, and Jeanne Ortiz 187-172-159.

Frank Jordan 651

HOPELAWN, NJ - Frank Jordan paced the scoring in the
Jerzey Pikers League rolling games of 222-220-209 for a
high series of 651
Joe Sheedy hit 235, Ed Kurlyo 234, Matt Rondeau 225,
and Penny Smith 208.

Al Tadeo 649
HOPELAWN, NJ - Al Tadeo paced the scoring in the ICC
& Friends League rolling a high game of 280 and a high
series of 649.
Doug Jewell rolled 228, Bill Walsh 223, and Mike Ramer
and Sharon Ramer 211.
In the Wednesday Earlybirds League Charlene Martino
rolled 191-201, Sue Ragas 186, and Carolyn Esposito

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Sports Reporter
6 SPORTS REPORTER January 30, 2020


SCHOOL BOWLING REPORT Dennis Reardon 299 Salvatore Dimino 266 Stephan Diaczun, Jr 248
PAST IDLE NORTH ARLINGTON INTO SECOND PLACE; Reardon fired a high game of 299 Wednesday Party League Diaczun ,Jr rolled 248, Lea
in the Thursday Businessmens Salvatore Dimino rolled 266, Gravino 191, and Ryan Fina 183
League. Gregory Rapena 2671 Brian in the Sunday Adult/Junior
Todd Siegel rolled 276, Gary Siemers 259, Eric Vazquez 256, League.
by Vince Albrecht
NORTH ARLINGTON, NJ– Over at the Bowl-O-Drome, in the last Marrell and Gary Dean 258, and and Lloyd Hasluck 255. Dale Alberino 248
scheduled matches before the Christmas Break, Wallington established Dave Scherr 247. Irwin Tarlow rolled 225, Joe FARMINGDALE, NY - Dale
its place as a bona fide contender for this season’s division title by tak- Nicholas Ng 757 Salvato 222, Tom Gomez 204, Alberino rolled 248-246 Paul
ing two of three games from defending champion Lyndhurst, 2011- and Murt Brown 201 in the Rourke 246 and Aneillo Strocchia
1897. Thursday Green Men League. and Jo Cucinella 245 in the
Ng topped the scoring in the
After splitting the first two face-offs, the Panthers caught fire in the Tom Gomez 247 Thursday Goodtimers League.
Friday Late Mixed League firing
finale, storming past the Golden Bears, 775-611 behind deuces from In the Sunday Adult/Junior
Michael Restuccia 219, Daniel Jeetan 212 and James Ockenhaus 201. games of 279-262 for a high series FARMINGDALE, NY - Tom
of 757 Gomez rolled 247 Steve Flapan League Joseph Costanzo rolled
Talented freshman Daniel Jeetan’s 557 set was Wallington’s best while 232, Louis Gravino 198-162,
leaders for Lyndhurst were seniors’ Troy Villani 567 and Joe Cutola 551. Joe Benus rolled 266 Bob 246 Rick Gray 236-228, and Tom
Newman and Toni Kaufman 264 Altamura 235 in the Saturday Chris Holden 195, and Stephanie
When play resumes on January 6th, Lyndhurst has a bye and will watch
Terry Thompson, Jr 259-256, Nite Friends League. Jimerez 173-158.
with interest how Wallington fares against a strong North Arlington
squad; a Panthers’ win would springboard them into first place. Ernie Diaz 257, and Wingo Hom In the Friday Sunshine Kids Keith Squires 245
In other matches on December 19th, Wood-Ridge and Hasbrouck and Michael Bukovsky 256. League Joe Livolsi rolled 201, FARMINGDALE, NY - Keith
Heights, who meet upon return to league play, moved into fourth and Chris Paroly 290 Fai Livolsi 190-170, Marvin Squires rolled 245, Jeff Berman
fifth place respectively with decisive victories over Secaucus and FARMINGDALE, NY - Chris Slifkin 186-179, and John Shedel 243, and Mike Walsh 235 in the
Becton. High scorers in those contests were Wood-Ridge junior Nick Paroly fired a high game of 290 in 167. Sunday Vacation League.
Azzolino 184-173, sophomore Dylan Clark 179, senior Joe Rose 178, the Epic/Maple Foursome League. Richard DeLorenzo rolled 191- Jon Petchonka rolled 201, Gaby
Secaucus senior Sydney Weinowitz 191, junior Simon Salinas 166-167, 1788, Jeanette Sorrentino 183, Matos 200, Dan Sheean 184, and
Alex Cavagnaro rolled 288,
Hasbrouck Heights’ freshman Jake Rozsa 212-182 and sophomore Sean and Gloria Cohen 165 in the William Moldovan 181-173 in the
Shawn Green 279, Steve
Reyes 212; St Mary, spurred by junior Brett Pietrowicz’ 199-180 and Monday Seniors League.
Buckman and Robert Saunders, Jr One Nite 2nd Saturday League.
sophomore Michael Hernandez’ 193, held onto sixth place with a
278 Tarrick Moore 277, Andrew
shutout of Weehawken.
Meadowlands Division Standings: Lyndhurst [42-7], Wallington [38- Warren 270, and TJ Gregg, Robert
4], North Arlington [35-7], Wood-Ridge [24-18], Hasbrouck Heights Meehan, Todd Klarikaitis and
[20-29], St Mary [18-24], Secaucus [12-30], Weehawken [7-35] and Scott Kempf 268.
Becton [0-42]. Roger Herrscher 278
In Parkway Lanes’ encounters, Hawthorne took three games from FARMINGDALE, NY - Roger
Garfield and Mary Help two of three from Rutherford in the Colonial Herrscher led the scoring in the
Division. In the Patriot Division where Park Ridge had a bye, second Tuesday Nite Owls League rolling
place Butler stopped Harrison, 5-2, while Hawthorne Christian and New a high game of 278.
Milford both took five of seven points from Palisades Park and Bogota Micael Berardino hit 259
respectively. Nathaniel Fuller 258, John Caputo
Colonial Division Leaders: Hawthorne [45-4], Glen Rock [39-3], 256, and Gregory Rapena and
Pompton Lakes [38-11], Eastern Christian [30-12], Mary Help [17-25],
Jonnae Greaves 254.
Saddle River Day [14-28] and Paterson Charter [14-28].
In the Tuesday Ladies League
Patriot Division Leaders: Park Ridge [47-2], Butler [37-5], Bergen
Vickie Rich rolled 178, Suzanne
Arts [31-4], Leonia [26-9], Harrison [19-30] and Hawthorne Christian
Katz 174, and Paula Caiazzo 163.
Tom Prendergast 267
John Krieriemn Smashed a 279 Prendergast rolled 267, Jim
Tortorice, Jr 265, Ronnie Simon
At Coram Country Lanes 256, Dominick Steed 255, John
CORAM, NY - John Krieriemn found the line and rolled a 279 game Petrizzi 254, and Joe Rossomando
followed by Danny Camaho pitching a 258, Mike Amy 257, Mike 251 in the Monday Night Fourplay
Sisti 246, and Dan Haug collected a 244 game while competing in the League.
Empire Softball League at Coram Country Lanes.
January 30, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 7


by John Jennings Justis Campbell 289
THURSDAY NIGHT TRIOS Stephen Amarosa 793
FLUSHING, NY - Stephen ROCKAWAY, NJ - Justis Campbell fired a high game of 289 in the
John Morano fired a 290-707 to take top honor scores in the Thursday
Amaros led the scoring in the Ball Rockaway Foursome League.
Night Trios. The only other 700 was thrown by Eric Kirstein 268-246-
and Chain League firing games of Romeo Lerro rolled 279, Michael Holdnak 264, Ernie Stone 246, and
701 for SDPF. Tino Polce subbed for Court Jesters bowling 679 with a
245-279-269 for a high series of Paige Piobmino 235.
246 game. Michelle Hess 215-596 and Janine Smith 201. Team Nine 68
points, SDPF 64 points. Court Jester 60 points were 5-2 over Rival Sons 793. Morris Horowitz 280
53 ½ points. Games two and three were decided by less than ten pins. Hector Camacho rolled 236-205- ROCKAWAY, NJ - Morris Horowitz led the scoring in the Fox Hills
GUYS AND DOLLS 290-731, James Cianelli, Jr 299- Seniors League firing a high game of 280.
Alexander Marx high average jetted to a 737 series including a 279 215-214-728, Michael Todd 247- Jorge Caban rolled 268, and Steve Rainer 235
game. Rocco Mayo 666 including a 258 game. Second high series to 249-225-721, Mike Mooney 221- In the Morris Hills Mixed League Bill Hamilton rolled 202, Barry
consistent Larry Gitlitz 680 followed by Tom Russo 670 and Doug Reed 247-238-706, and Brian Walters Webb 181, and Sal Antoniello 180.
667. Russo and Eugene Chan with a 652 were both 91 POA. Mary 235-266-690. Michael Holdnak 279
Folgore 580-214, Brittany Marcucci 578-207, Sharon Orcutt 233-561 Bryan Hock 297 ROCKAWAY, NJ - Michael Holdnak fired a high game of 279 in the
for the women’s high scores. Robin Gitlitz shot a 534 (90 POA) and a FLUSHING, NY - Bryan Hock Monday Nite Mixed League.
200 game (52 POA). Here 4 Beer grabs first 67 points (7-0), Trebotica led the scoring in the Pro Shop 2 x John Scott rolled 267, Ryan Scholz 257, and Tina Richardson 203.
Real Estate 62 points (2-5 against The Breakfast Club in the Match of 3 Doubles League firing games of In the Greenbriar Seniors League Walter Przywozny rolled 219, John
the Week). Team Thirteen 62 points (7-0). F.B.I. swept to go to 58 points 211-297-256 for a high series of Uffer 210, and Neal Blum 179
and Dizzie Lizzies 57 points (2-5). 764.
Ken Yokobosky 279
Robert Kuch rolled 277, Tony
Mike Fogarty of Rita’s Ices, iced the pins to a 711 series including a ROCKAWAY, NJ - Ken Yokobosky fired a high game of 279 in the
Kemp 254, and Gio Iara 247.
250 game. Both Will VaFides and Jim Tamai bowled 667 series.Most Rockaway Trios League.
over average was Vinny Budhram throwing a 660 resulting in 99 POA,
Mel Chandler 734 David Nash rolled 277, William Day and John Finno 269, Randy
His first game 245 was 58 POA. Caitlyn Tamai 477 and Allison Tremer FLUSHING, NY - Mel Chandler Edwards 265, Allen Apgar 257, and Lies'l Apgar 244.
462. Rita’s Ice 12-2, W=MC2, TamaiX3, Team Sixteen, and two more led the scoring in the Friends and Tammy Baldwin rolled 195, Gay Raab 184, and Pat Daley 182 in the
teams are 10-4. Family League rolling games of Rockaway Womens League.
278-265 for a high series of 734 Andy Boyd 258
Tony Taylor rolled 227-276-236-
ROCKAWAY, NJ - Andy Boyd rolled 258, Shawn Casey 253, Jim Testa
739, Terrance Taylor 233-247-
249, Nick Westergaard 248, Curtis Frazier III 247, Steven Hanveld 246,
237-717, and Fred Wande 226-
and Lynne Coleman 245 in the Rockaway Mixed League.
In the Junior Bowlers League Gavin Mattes shot 201, Gavin Mattes
Patrick Tucker 245 201, and Liam Reale 179.
FLUSHING, NY - Patrick Tucker Charles Wilfong 248
rolled 245, Irvin Smith 225, Rev
ROCKAWAY, NJ - Charles Wilfong rolled 248, Richard McColligan
Jebucitwa 216, Charles Barber
246, Julio Soto 241, John Scott 238, and John Kinney and Regina
215, and Ulysses Parker 207 in the
Nataluk 235 in the County Tuesday Nite Mixed League.
Crown Jewels League.
Ryan Willis led the Bumper Bowlers with 105, followed by Eli
Zimmerman 87, and Korey Zimmerman 73.

Carl Clory 299 Gene Perez, Sr 258
LINDEN, NJ Carl Clory led the scoring in the Old LINDEN, NJ - Gene Perez, Sr rolled 258, Sean
Timers 1 League firing a high game of 299 and a high Williams 255, and ErwinLuna 242 in the Latinos
series of 741. Unidos League.
Tim Mack and Lenny Farmer each rolled 279. In the Hawthorne Avenue League Rebecca Porter
shot 248, Chris Jones 236, Sahib Peterson and Dave
Joe Bross Jr 289 Zeigler 233, and Theresa McKnight 224.
LINDEN, NJ - Joe Bross led the scoring in the
UnionCounty Mixed League firing a high gameof James Middleton 256
289. LINDEN, NJ - James Middleton rolled 256, Xavier
Lorenzo Chapotin rolled 277, John Miller 258, and Torres 244, and Allen Potta 237 in the UC HS
Rodney Godfrey 247. Watchung League.

Luis Torres 268 Do not regret growing older.

LINDEN, NJ - Luis Torres rolled 268, Elija Boone
254, and Hector Rose 232 in the UC Mountain It is a privilege denied to many.
Conference League.
8 SPORTS REPORTER January 30, 2020

Charlie Harris 732

Pete Morreale 258 Ta k e
Yo u r
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Charlie Harris led the scoring in the ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - In the Wednesday Early Mens League
Wednesday Night Mixed League firing games of 267-257 for a high Pete Morreale rolled 258, Stan Lane 249, Carmelo Ciulla 246, and Ed
series of 732. Boremski and Corey Mahoney 245.
Pat Zenker rolled 265, Jason Grima 258, Willie Fesserl 256, and TJ Roxanne Ryan rolled 187, Carole Ann Razza 180, and Nancy Johnston
Lucente 255.
George Michaelowski 706
177 in the Tuesday Long Beach Catholics League.
Carl Carinci 246 Fa m i l y
B ow l i n g
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - George Michaelowski paced the scoring ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Carl Carinci rolled 246, Anthony
in the Sunday HMA Memorial League rolling games of 248-225-233 for Capellup 213, Phil Ruggiero 185-172, and John Schmidt 184 in the St
a high series of 706. Raymond's Holy Bowlers League.
Juan Garcia shot 227-224, Javed Shallow 225, Kenneth Dinkins 212, In the Monday Ladies Classic League Cherilyn DePalma rolled 179,
and Tabitha Cooke 211. Jayne Zimmerman 177-160, Mindy Myers 175-153, and Lisa Norris
James Steele 279 167-158.
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - James Steele fired a high game of 279 in
the Custom Thumbz Doubles League.
John Maglio rolled 277, Alby Pezzella 268-268, Chris Savarino 247,
and Bill Salvatore and Nadine Williams-Clory 246.
Jackie LaBau 279
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Jackie LaBau topped the scoring in the
Wednesday Night Mixed League blasting a high game of 279.
Matt Dubler rolled 236, John Labau, Sr 227, and Vinny Giacomazza
Joe Mazza, Chris Friedman 279
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Joe Mazza and Chris Friedman each
fired a high game of 279 in the Tuesday Late Mens League.
Jim Constandinides rolled 259, Zachary Blumenthal 249, and James
Carey 248.
Patrick Zenker 279
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Patrick Zenker fired a high game of 279
in the Oceanside Knights of Columbus League.
Robert Schiavone hit 258, Al Fabiano 248, and Mark Gralto 246.
In the Rockvilles League Patrice Nolan rolled 237, Erica Gershkowitz
222, and Kathy Andrews 220.
Jerry George 279
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Jerry George fired 279, Brandon
Warthen 267, George Fields 257, and Thomas Romanelli 235 in the
Thursday Senior Birds League.
Joe LaSpina 270
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Joe LaSpina led the scoring in the
Sunday Adult/Child League rolling a high game of 270.
Donald Jones hit 268, Timothy Thom 255, and Anthony Durand 248.
Robert Burling, John LaBau 268
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Robert Burling and John LaBau each
fired a high game of 268 in the Friday Night Mixed League.
Thomas Romanelli hit 258-255, Doug Gondek and Bird McCormick
257, and Dave Ciofalo 247.
Frank Krulish 267
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Frank Krulish rolled 267, Kyle O'Connor
266, Jennifer Yerkes 258, and Randy Catania 155 in the Thursday Mixed
Patrice Guido rolled 209, Adrienne Lupo 192, and Laurie Bettineschi
172-161 in the Tuesday Koffee Kats League.

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