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International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 6 No.

2 February 2018




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This paper discussed the concept of visual impairment and its characteristics. The
issues of inclusive education programmes of the visual impaired and the various
strategies for teaching them are also presented. Furthermore, the educational
provisions and support services needed for appropriate instructional delivery to
person with visual impairment in inclusive settings are highlighted. In addition, some
unique problems of inclusive education programme are discussed. The paper
concludes with suggestions to classroom teacher for effective and appropriate
teaching/learning process in an inclusive classroom setting.
Key word: Inclusive education, inclusive classroom and visual impairment.

Life without sight is hard to imagine and is one of the most feared of human
conditions (Hallahan and Kaufmann, 2000). Over half the information we receive
about our world is through vision (Winzer, 1999). Visual impairment can interfere
with the development of learning, mobility, social growth and adjustment. For this
reason, persons living with visual impairment present unique educational needs
which are best addressed early in life. These educational needs include concepts
development, improving listening skills, and developing study and research skills.
Skills in daily living, socialisation and recreation also need to be taught. Training to
use any residual vision to the fullest extent is very important. They may also need to
be taught alternative ways to read and write (Winzer, 1999). Visual impairment as a
generic term is a wide range of visual problems. It is a concept that includes
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categories such as total blindness as well as mild and serves cases. Educational
definition of visual impairment emphasizes the functional visual efficiency because
visual efficiency is unique to each learner. The way the learner uses the residual
vision is the main concern of the educator. Visual impairment occurs when the
peripheral field of vision is reduced (Leonard Cheshire Disability, 2011).
Vision plays a critical role in an educational setting. Visual impairment which
is severe enough to interfere with progress in normal educational programmes is
considered a visual handicap. Students must be able to see clearly, focus on objects
far and near, be able to co-ordinate hand and eye, discriminate small differences and
remember what they see. Difficulty in any of these areas may pose problems in the
classroom. To summarise, an educational description of visual impairment may
include the following:
.Totally blind which means the individual receives no useful information through the
sense of vision and must use tactile and auditory senses for learning (severe
.Functionally blind which means learners learn mostly through other senses but may
be able to use vision to supplement information receive from the other senses. They
would need to use Braille to learn to read. Functional vision cannot be measured
using visual field and visual activity tests.
.Low vision learners primarily use vision as a means of learning and with
magnifying devices. They may learn to use print (Mild to moderate impairment)
.Visual efficiency refers to how well a person uses whatever vision present. This
includes the ability to control eye movements to discriminate objects from their
background, and to pay attention to impairment details (Beatrice and Janet 2003, Yao
and Prosper 2011).
Inclusive education has been internationally recognised as a philosophy for
attaining equality, justice and quality education for all children, especially those who
have been traditionally excluded from mainstream education for reasons of disability
and other characteristics. Inclusion education came as a rescue mission in the
actualisation of educational and psycho-social services for person with visual
impairment. Ajuwom (2008) identifies the following principles of full inclusion to
include: placement in the neighbourhood schools, zero rejection philosophy, no
special classes or school, co-operative teaching, and special education support given
to regular education. For children or students with visual impairment to maximally
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 6 No. 2 February 2018

benefit from inclusive education programmes, there is need for a formal and clinical
assessment of vision. In our society, most of the communities used the Snellen “E”
and “N” charts as assessment tool. The purpose of it is to determine the nature (type
and degree) of disability inherent in each individual with visual impairment. This will
enable the class teacher and the specialist make provisions for them in terms of
materials and support services (Beatrice and Janet, 2003).


Characteristics of children with visual impairment are usually defined by degree of
visual impairment, age onset, cognitive development, language development, motor
and mobility development social and emotional development (Beatrice and Janet
2003). However,, there are educational characteristics of persons with visual
impairment. These characteristics depend on the extent of visual efficiency of an
individual learner. Learners with visual impairments demonstrate the following
 Intellectual abilities are similar to those of sighted peers
 They are unable to use sight to assist them in the development of concepts
 Their concepts development depends on their tactile experience
 They are unable to use visual imagery
 They may display repetitive, stereotyped movement for example, rocking or
rubbing of eyes.
 They are withdrawn, dependent and are unable to use non-verbal cues
 They have difficulty using spatial information and visual imagery and
imagery problems with functional implications
 They have unusual facial behaviours such as a squinting, blinking or
frowning while reading or doing close work.
 They are unable to locate or pick up small objects
 Physical indicators may include red eyes, swollen eyelids watery eyes or
discharge eyes that do not appear straight, uneven seized eyes, eyes with
drooping eyelids and crusts on lids between the eye lashes.
 They may have poor eye-hand coordination

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 Usually have problems in distinguishing similar shaped letters, numbers or

words for example b and d
 They have difficulty in writing or are not able to write within the lines
 They have difficulty in reading books within the normal range thus bringing
the book/object closer to the eyes.
 Some students may be sensitive to bright light and may shut their eyes or
 They may have difficulty to seeing in dim light or have inability to see in
the dark (UNESCO, 2001, Yao and Prosper, 2011 ).


Inclusive education is essentially a programme that enables all learners
with or without disability to participate fully in the life and work of
mainstreamed settings to meet his or her learning needs. It gives equal
opportunity for all learners to jointly undertake learning situations without
discrimination and any learner considered to have a deviation as a result of a
lost or damage in physical and mental development is given the right to belong
to the mainstreamed setting. The understanding is that students with disabilities
do not only have the right to education, they also have the right to be part of the
mainstream education system (Iheaneho and Osuorji, 2008). For this reason,
individuals living with visual impairment have it as a right to be in an inclusive
classroom setting for teaching/learning process.
The practice of inclusive education is part of the universal rights to
education which is extended to all children, the youth and adults with visual
impairment inclusive. These rights are enshrined in the rights of the child,
addressed in the international declarations like Education For All (1990),
Equalisation of Educational Opportunities for person with disabilities (1993)
and the Salamanca Framework for Action (2000). To achieve education for all,
inclusive education emphasizes the placement of children in the regular class.
That is why the Salamanca declaration stated that, schools should
accommodate all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, sensory
emotional, social, linguistic and other conditions. To achieve this, public

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 6 No. 2 February 2018

schools in Cameroon are integrating persons with visual impairment to provide

appropriate educational programmes.


As earlier mentioned, visually impaired person have the same range of
intellectual ability as other students they typically have had fewer opportunities
to acquired information usually learned visually(Pogrund and Fazzi, 2002). For
example, students generally learnt maps by looking at them. Although students
who are visually impaired can learn by feeling a raised map, this method is not
as efficient as seeing it. The same problem can occur with academics. Students
with visual impairment often experience learning difficulties simply because
they cannot easily use vision to process information. With this, it is necessary
to consider their curriculum within the classroom setting in order to meet up
with the teaching/learning processes (Sacks & Silberman, 2000)
As is true for all individuals, students with visual impairment vary in
their social and emotional development. Some students encounter little
difficulties making friends, interacting appropriately with peers and adults, and
developing a positive self-concept. Other students need support in these areas
(Sacks & Silberman, 2000). The class teacher needs to adjust, to teach social
norms that are valuable and necessary within the classroom setting.
An appropriate inclusive school environment for children with visual
impairment should provide infrastructure that are disability friendly, teaching
facilities(materials and equipments), human resources and other related
services needed for the well being of the students within school milieu (Jatau,
Uzo & lere, 2002 )


The key element for decision making/ teaching adaptation is on the
selection of medium of instruction and teaching strategy which enables the
learners with visual impairment to be most proficient in learning and in life
achievement. UNESCO (2001), Leonard Cheshire Disability (2011), state

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some of the strategies for handling learners with visual impairment in the
classroom. The strategies include:
 Using large writing on the chalk board or visual aids. The use of coloured
chalks is recommended. Let the children come close to the board or
teaching aids so that they can see more easily.
 Read aloud what is written on the chalkboard
 Prepare teaching aids that learners can read more easily such as large print
materials. Other learners in the class could help prepare these or they can be
produced by enlarging font sizes on computer printout. This can also help
learners who have difficulties in reading.
 Learners may have difficulties seeing the lines on writing papers. They can
be given papers with thicker lines drawn on it.
 Some learners will benefit from using magnifying aids. Two types are
available. Ones that enlarge the whole page or line magnifiers, which are a
useful aid to reading
 Encourage the learners to use a pointer or their finger when reading. Cover
the rest of the page with paper except for the paragraph they are reading.
Use a bookstand to avoid reflection.
 Children with poor vision need to learn through touch as well as through
hearing. They should be given a chance to handle objects.
 Pair the pupil or student with a seeing classmate who can assist him/her to
organise their work. The partner can help find the correct page, repeat your
instructions and so on.
 Use verbal praise or touch to give the children encouragement
 Use the name of the pupil’s or students during class discussions so that the
individual knows who is talking.
 Computers offer particular support to learners with visual impairment. They
can print out a large print copy, read text on the screen using the text on a
voice synthesizer or convert it in to Braille.
 When teaching maths, the teacher should make use of abacus, tactile
geometrical shapes, talking calculator and Braille ruler.
 Lessons can be taped using a cassette recorder for later playback at home or
as revision. Learners who experience difficulties in writing can also provide

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 6 No. 2 February 2018

information on audiotape. Taped versions of books are sometimes available

in libraries and resource rooms.


There are sensitive educational gadgets and services that are needed by visually
impaired for successful inclusion. These range from equipments/facilities to
educational arrangement and provision of services which include:
 Orientation and mobility (Cane skill)
 Portable note taker
 Larger format books
 Slate and stylus
 Magnifying glasses
 Specialised computer software(Jaws, Zoomtext etc)
 Electronic Braille writer
 Perkins Brailler (Nsagha, 2012)
Classroom instruction for the visually impaired will require orientation and
mobility, that is, the sense of where they are in relation to other objects and people in
the environment and ability to move about within a space. They need to know where
furniture, doorways, bookshelves and the teacher’s desk are in the classroom, in
relation to their own location. In addition, they need to be able to move from the
classroom to the auditorium to the cafeteria and out of the bus in a timely manner.
The task of the class teacher is to make sure that the classroom is specious enough,
well arranged and furniture place for proper learning opportunities for the visually
impaired (UNESCO, 2001; Mawutor & Selete, 2004).
Teaching learning process would need to be modified to accommodate students
with visual impairment. For example, you might need to identify the text books you
plan to use in class prior to the start of the school year so they can be ordered in
Braille, large-print, or audiotape format. For visual clarity, you might need to use a
whiteboard with a black felt tipped marker instead of a traditional chalkboard, or to
provide the student with paper that has heavy black line instead of traditional light
blue ones.

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The visually impaired can excel in academic as every normal human being but there
are unique problems they faced in classroom which include;
- Constraints of knowing and reading Braille. Braille reading and writing as
beneficial as it is to the visual impaired has some problems or difficulties in
learning it. These problems vary with individuals that is, the onset of the visual
problem and age of the individual. For instance, when one is visually impaired
from childhood, the problem is reduced as the sense of touch on the finger tips
are easily developed unlike adult age and not to talk of teacher who need to
know Braille in order to teach better (Nsagha, 2012).
- Difficulty in using assistive technology. The teaching/learning process offers
the visually impaired unique needs, facilities and equipments. Many of these
face difficulty learning how to use them. For example using the slate and stylus
is writing from left to right as if you are writing Arabic. Problems of using
Perkins brailler, all computer software and its accessory due to lack of training
and even non-availability of those equipments (Nsagha, 2012)

It can be concluded that maximum learning outcome expected of the
children with visual impairment in an inclusive educational setting can be
achieve if the classroom teacher should observe the following:
 Master the use of assistive technology devices necessary for classroom
teaching/learning processes
 Ensure adequate classroom organisation to ensure easily movement and
classroom interaction
 Adopt effective use of chalkboard by ensuring that essential information are
written bully on the chalkboard for the partially sighted to see and
 The teacher should use appropriate tactile diagrams or models (instructional
materials) while teaching in order to concretise concepts being taught.

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 6 No. 2 February 2018

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