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Joint Air Estimate

Planning Handbook

Joint Air Operations

Planning Course


College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education
625 Chennault Circle
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

Version 5
3 January 2005

Today every other man (and still more so during war-time) is an amateur strategist and
tactician; the House of Commons is full of such folk. No politician would be considered
sane if he told a chemist or an astronomer what to do, but he considers it his right to tell
the soldier, sailor, and airman what to do, and even how to do it; and if his words are not
based on a true understanding of war they are based on a false understanding, for there
can be no middle course.
--J.F.C. Fuller

War is not an affair of chance. A great deal of knowledge, study, and meditation is
necessary to conduct it well.
--Frederick the Great

“What are joint air operations plans? Why are they important? How do I develop a Joint
Air Operations Plan (JAOP)?” The Joint Air Operations Planning (JAOP) Course, Joint
Air Estimate Planning Handbook will help you find answers to these questions. This
handbook focuses on planning air warfare at the operational level of war and stresses
Planning for Joint Air Operations. This handbook does not, however, prescribe tactics,
techniques, and procedures for executing air attacks. Neither does it teach the JAOP
Course student to write Air Tasking Orders (ATOs) or Master Air Attack Plans
(MAAPs). Similarly, although joint air operations include other planning considerations
such as Air Mobility concepts, the Joint Air Operations Targeting Cycle and the Joint Air
Tasking Cycle, neither this handbook nor the JAOP Course addresses these issues since
they fall outside the objectives of the course. Rather, this book’s purpose is to educate
you in a planning process—the Joint Air Estimate Process (JAEP) according to Joint Pub
3-30 - so you can use it effectively in planning Joint air operations.

With this in mind, the JAOP provides the link that ensures tactical operations will
achieve the desired strategic objectives. This handbook presents a way to focus on issues
at the operational level of war that make execution meaningful in achieving the theater
and national-level goals. Joint Pub 1-02, The Department of Defense Dictionary of
Military and Associated Terms, defines a campaign plan as “a plan for a series of related
military operations aimed at accomplishing a strategic or operational objective within a
given time and space.” Due to the nature of modern warfare, campaigns planned and
executed by the US military will most likely be joint endeavors. They will be based on
our past experiences as reflected in our doctrine and values proven to be the foundation
for success on the battlefield.

The value of joint air operations planning may not be so obvious. These plans are
practical guidance for the employment of forces at the operational level of war. In a
major war, a campaign may be one of a series of campaigns needed to support a strategy
that accomplishes the national objectives. Campaigns tie national strategy and objectives
to battles and engagements. Battles and engagements “generally provide the campaign

its shape. At the same time the campaign gives them meaning.”1 Just as a conductor
directs the timing, tempo and synchronization of an orchestra, so too the campaign plan
directs the conduct of tactical operations to achieve strategic and operational objectives.

This handbook describes the six-phase Joint Air Estimate Process and expands the
method prescribed in Joint Publication 3-30: Command and Control for Joint Air
Operations. This handbook embodies historical analysis, theory and doctrine in order to
better teach the art of joint air operations planning. Section I is a detailed overview of the
Joint Air Estimate Process taught at the JAOP Course. Section II is a planning tool called
Country X as a Candidate for Air Attack. Section III provides the Joint Air Operations
Plan format extracted from AFOTTP 2-1.1 and JP 3-30 while Section IV includes a list of
terms and definitions useful in the development of the JAOP, abbreviations and acronyms
and a selected bibliography.


This handbook primarily references two source documents. The first primary document
is Joint Pub 3-30, Command and Control for Joint Air Operations. The second is
AFOTTP 2-1.1 (Air Force Operational Tactics, Techniques and Procedures 2-1.1) Air
and Space Strategy. Although other documents, to include previous work accomplished
by JAOP Course faculty, were used to write this handbook, the two previously mentioned
documents remain the backbone of this manual.

Finally, remember that planning is an art. Every JAOP is unique and it would be
impossible to develop exhaustive guidelines relevant to every contingency. This
handbook is intended only to provide a conceptual framework for those developing their
ability to employ the JAOP planner’s art.

Please address any comments or proposed changes to:

625 Chennault Circle
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112
Phone: (334) 953-7899 (DSN 493-7899)
Fax: (334) 953-4336 (DSN 493-4336)

Fleet Marine Force Manual (FMFM) 1-1, Campaigning, 25 Jan 90, 25.


PREFACE ..................................................................................................................... 1

LIST OF FIGURES AND ILLUSTRATIONS ........................................................................ 4


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5
PHASE I: MISSION ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 9
PHASE III: COA ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 44
PHASE IV: COA COMPARISON ....................................................................... 48
PHASE V: COA SELECTION ............................................................................ 54
PHASE VI: JOINT AIR OPERATIONS PLAN DEVELOPMENT............................... 56

SECTION II: COUNTRY X AS A CANDIDATE FOR AIR ATTACK ................................... 66


JAOP FORMAT................................................................................................ 76


TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................ 82

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................. 92
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 94


Figure Intro-1: Joint Air Estimate Process: A Synopsis ............................................ 6

Figure Intro-2: Planning Sources ............................................................................... 6
Figure Intro-3: Planning Specialties .......................................................................... 7
Figure I-1: Mission Analysis Tasks ...........................................................................9
Figure I-2: IPB Consideration Factors .......................................................................10
Figure I-3: Facts and Assumptions ............................................................................10
Figure I-4: Point Blank Directive ..............................................................................12-13
Figure I-5: The Korean War and Changing Objectives .............................................14-15
Figure I-6: Sample JFACC Mission Statement .........................................................18
Figure I-7: Sample JFACC Intent ..............................................................................19
Figure II-1: Situation and COA Development Tasks ................................................20
Figure II-2: Adversary IPB Topic Areas ...................................................................22
Figure II-3: The Strategic Ring Model ......................................................................27
Figure II-4: CV Analysis in CBO ..............................................................................29
Figure II-5: CG-CC-CR-CV Analysis of Al Qaeda ...................................................30
Figure II-6: Objectives Through Tactical Air Tasks Model ......................................32
Figure II-7: Combat Support Considerations .............................................................35
Figure II-8: Desired Effects Considerations ..............................................................36
Figure II-9: Levels and Categories of Effects ............................................................37
Figure II-10: Linking Strategy to Task ......................................................................38
Figure II-11: Risk Analysis: Combat Support Factors ..............................................39
Figure II-12: Risk Analysis: Operational Factors ......................................................40
Figure II-13: Definitions for COA Development ......................................................41-42
Figure II-14: Objectives, Tasks and MOEs ...............................................................43
Figure III-1: Wargaming Process...............................................................................44
Figure III-2: Wargaming Rules ..................................................................................46
Figure III-3: Things to Record - Wargaming Results ................................................46
Figure IV-1: COA Comparison .................................................................................48
Figure IV-2: COA Comparison Issues .......................................................................49
Figure IV-3: Decision Matrix ....................................................................................50
Figure IV-4: Advantages/Disadvantages Matrix .......................................................51
Figure IV-5: Objective Risk Timeline Examples ......................................................52
Figure V-1: COA Selection Process ..........................................................................54
Figure VI-1: Phases of a Campaign Plan ...................................................................64
Figure VI-2: Phasing, Sequencing and Synchronization ...........................................64-65


Adherence to dogma has destroyed more armies and cost more battles
than anything in war.
--J. F. C. Fuller

The Joint Air Estimate Process: An Overall View

The Joint Air Estimate Process is a six-phase process that culminates with the production
of the Joint Air Operations Plan (JAOP) and is similar to other joint estimate models.
The Joint Air Estimate Process may be used during deliberate planning, producing a
JAOP that supports an operation plan (OPLAN) or operation plan in concept format
(CONPLAN). It can also be used during crisis action planning in concert with other
theater operations planning. The phases are sequenced and integrated with the products
of each phase checked and verified for coherence.2 Figure Intro-1 illustrates the six-phase
Joint Air Estimate Process.

The Joint Air Estimate Process3 begins when you receive your tasking. Normally the
JAOP will be developed concurrently with the associated ground, naval and special
operations plans. All functional planning is an integral part of, and designed to support,
the theater campaign plan. It is important to remember that point. Every effort must be
made to coordinate ongoing air planning efforts with planners at the JFC and component

The six phases of the Joint Air Estimate Process are: Mission Analysis, Situation and
Course of Action (COA) Development, COA Analysis, COA Comparison, COA
Selection and Joint Air Operations Plan Development. The phases help the planner take
an objectives-, output- or effects-based approach to planning. That is, planning in which
the effects achieved on targets flow from the commander’s intent and desired objectives.
Traditionally, air planners have focused on the inputs to the battle: the number of aircraft,
sorties or ordnance delivered. Often, these inputs have been used to drive strategy. This
“input-based” planning method was generally tactically focused, answering questions
about how and how many assets should be used in a given campaign. This type of
planning is still necessary, but should always be guided by more important answers to
questions like, “what effect must we achieve to meet the commander’s objectives?”

JP 3-30, p. III-4
May be referred to hereafter as “the process” or the JAEP.

PHASE I: MISSION ANALYSIS Conduct initial Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB).
Phase I focuses on analyzing the joint force commander’s mission
and guidance to produce a joint air component mission statement
and commander’s intent.
PHASE II: SITUATION AND COURSE OF ACTION (COA) IPB is refined to include adversary COAs. Analyze adversary and
DEVELOPMENT friendly centers of gravity (COG). Develop multiple air COAs or
one air COA with significant branches and sequels.
PHASE III: COA ANALYSIS Friendly COAs are wargamed against adversary COAs.
PHASE IV: COA COMPARISON Wargaming results are used to compare COAs against
predetermined criteria.
PHASE V: COA SELECTION Decision brief to joint force air component commander (JFACC)
with COA recommendation. JFACC selects COA.
PHASE VI: JOINT AIR OPERATIONS PLAN Selected COA is developed into a joint air operations plan.
Figure Intro-1

Figure Intro-1 shows both the parallel and sequential nature of the planning process,
illustrating that the order may not necessarily be fixed. Although certain tasks must be
completed before others can begin, in many areas it is advantageous to work tasks in
parallel. The six phases are presented in an order that is intended to optimize the process
in a less than ideal planning environment: very limited information and time available in
an undeveloped theater. It cannot be overemphasized, however, that the process is
iterative. New information will often force re-evaluation of the products of earlier
phases. Re-evaluate the assumptions made in the first five phases, if you have the time.


Assemble and review the available planning documents and guidance. For example, refer
to the items listed in Figure Intro-2.

- Theater Campaign Plan (if available) - Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP)
- Task Organization - AF and Joint Publications
- Command Relationships - Standing OPLAN/CONPLAN
- Intelligence and Logistics Estimates - Other components’ plans
Figure Intro-2


The Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC), once appointed, has the
responsibility of unifying joint and combined air operations for the Joint Force
Commander (JFC).4 The extent of the JFACC’s authority over theater air forces is
determined by the JFC. The process’ final product, a Joint Air Operation Plan
(JAOP), forms the aerospace portion of the JFC’s theater campaign plan and must
fully support it. The JAOP is the vehicle the JFACC uses to document the plan for

For simplicity’s sake, references to combined forces may be omitted from further discussion. The same
principles set forth in the text apply to combined as well as joint operations.

unifying joint and combined air and space operations. Because the JAOP encompasses
operations utilizing all aerospace weapons and supporting systems, the team developing
the plan should represent all the supporting commanders providing resources to the air
operation. Team members may be drawn from other Air Force commands and agencies,
theater component commands (land, naval or special operations forces [SOF]), other
unified or specified commands and allied nations, as appropriate.


Normally, the JFC designates a JFACC and therefore the JFACC will be ultimately
responsible for development of the JAOP.5 The JAOP should be developed by airmen.
The JFACC plans and fights through a joint air operations center (joint AOC or
JAOC), which is organized into functional warfighting divisions (usually strategy;
combat plans; combat operations; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR);
and air mobility), not along traditional “J-staff” lines. The strategy division within the
JAOC will normally be responsible for developing the JAOP. This division pulls
together personnel from many specialties and Services to develop, refine, disseminate,
and assess the progress of the JFACC’s air and space strategy. When assembling or
augmenting a strategy team, consider at least the following specialties as a broad guide:6

Specific weapon systems Space Operations
Targeteering/Weaponeering Information Warfare (i.e.)
Logistics plans -- Deception
Intelligence collection and analysis -- Psychological Operations
Counterintelligence -- Public Affairs (PA)
Munitions (effects and disposal) Political-military Affairs
Doctrine and strategy Weather
Air refueling Judge Advocate General (JAG)
Airlift (intra- and inter-theater) Administrative support
Modeling/operations research
Figure Intro-3

Where does the staff that builds the JAOP come from? The answer to this question is
simple: “It depends.” Each combatant command does things somewhat differently, as do
the Services, commands, and staffs that provide them with forces. All Air Force
capabilities (including the AOC) are presented to a combatant or joint force commander
by a Commander of Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) through an Air and Space
Expeditionary Task Force (AETF). The size and nature of the contingency and the AETF
have a lot to do with who the COMAFFOR is, but in major conflicts, this officer will
usually be a numbered air force (NAF) commander and the “A-staff” he or she provides
will generally come from the NAF’s staff. In theory, this A-staff provides the nucleus of

JP 3-30, Command and Control for Joint Air Operations, II-2
Refer to AFI 13-1AOC Volume 3, Operational Procedures, Air and Space Operations Center, for further
guidance on the composition of and personnel qualifications for an Air Force AOC. Refer to Air Force
Operational Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (AFOTTP) 2-3.2, The Air and Space Operations Center,
for specific guidance on AOC procedures.

the JFACC’s staff if the JFC designates the COMAFFOR as the JFACC (which is most
often the case).

Unfortunately, reality is more complicated. The JFACC and the COMAFFOR perform
distinct functions. Generally, the COMAFFOR works force presentation issues (“beds,
beans, and bullets”) and the JFACC works force employment issues (fighting the war),
even if these two functions are vested in the same commander. As a campaign planning
staff is assembled or augmented, most A-staff in the A-1 (personnel), A-4 (logistics), and
A-6 (command/control/communications) specialties will remain under the COMAFFOR.
Most A-staff in A-2 (intelligence), A-3 (operations), and A-5 (plans) will work for the
JFACC, forming the backbone of the JAOC. This relationship is not definite and
personnel from each specialty are needed on both the A-staff and the JFACC’s staff.
Remember, although the AOC almost always fights jointly, it is an Air Force organic
capability. Other Services have only very limited capability to command and control

Some theaters facing long-anticipated contingencies (e.g., Korea) may have a standing
joint (or combined) force headquarters, a C/JFACC already designated and a C/JAOC
and its staff already in place. These theaters usually have separate standing A-staffs as
well. These standing staffs will most likely do initial contingency planning, but many of
the details of JAOP development may be done by personnel who augment the staffs in
wartime. Air Force augmentees generally come from pre-designated NAF staffs. An
important thing to keep in mind, however, is that even on a standing staff, many members
may not be fully trained and/or may only be supplementing the staff on rotational TDYs
(and thus will disappear in 90 to 180 days).


Planning for joint air operations entails much more than the Joint Air Estimate Process
taught at the JAOP Course. Once again, using Joint Pub 3-30, Command and Control for
Joint Air Operations, as our source document, Chapter 3 explains the following necessary
aspects of the planning process.

- Air Mobility Considerations

- Data Link, Interface and Interoperability Considerations
- Joint Air Operations Targeting
- The Joint Air Tasking Cycle
- C4 and ISR Considerations

Since some of these aspects of the planning process remain outside the scope of the
JAOP Course and as such are not necessarily taught, they remain integral to the overall
accomplishment of the planning process. We recommend a thorough review of these
concepts as you proceed through the course.

The following sections begin a detailed look at the six-phase Joint Air Estimate Process.

The six-phase joint air estimate process begins with Mission Analysis. This phase can be
broken down into four individual tasks as illustrated in Figure I-1.


- Conduct Initial Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB)
- Write the JFACC Mission Statement
- Present the mission analysis and proposed mission statement to the JFACC
- Develop the JFACC’s Intent, which includes both end state and purpose
Figure I-1


IPB is an iterative process that is developed, expanded and augmented throughout the
planning process, as well as throughout the conflict. IPB in Phase I is not an all inclusive
look at the theater but an initial investigation whose goal is to gain sufficient background
for the JFACC Mission Statement to be fully and accurately written. IPB will be refined
and expanded in Phase II, Situation and COA Development.

Initial IPB is intended to be a quick spin-up on the developing situation and the likely
participants, both friendly and enemy. During Phase I, IPB focuses on broad aspects of
capabilities, intentions and the environment in which the conflict will occur.

In initial IPB, we want to identify anything that may impact either our in-place or
augmentation forces. It is imperative to determine command relationships so all parties
know who is working for whom. Also look carefully at possible threats and consider
how to provide adequate force protection (security). Research the rules of engagement
and any law of armed conflict (LOAC) issues in international agreements, treaties and
other international laws to discover any restrictions or limitations. Basing and overflight
rights are also of concern early in the planning process. Finally, since logistics normally
sets the operational limits of any campaign, planners need to fully understand logistic
issues, how they will be resolved and how any may actually become operational
LIMFACs. (See definitions and terms in Section IV)

Enemy Friendly
- Forces and Capabilities - Forces and Capabilities
- Intentions - Command Relationships
- Threat - Treaties and Agreements
- Logistics - Base Availability and Overflight Rights
- COG Analysis - Logistics
- Force Protection
- ROE and LOAC
- COG Analysis
Figure I-2

In addition to the information listed in figure I-2 above, check for any deliberate plans,
including Operation Plans (OPLAN), Concept Plans (CONPLAN), etc. These may be a
good source of previously developed information. The initial IPB analyzes multiple
levels of war (strategic through tactical) and is not limited to the designated theater of
operations or joint operations area. Since you are working on the JFACC staff, you will
want to concentrate your efforts on operational and strategic analysis. This reflects the
broad perspective of JFACC planning and operations.

The staff begins gathering two categories of information during mission analysis – facts
and assumptions. Facts are statements of known data concerning the situation while
assumptions are suppositions made in the absence of facts. Assumptions should be both
valid and necessary. A valid assumption is likely to be true, while a necessary
assumption is required to proceed with planning. Pertinent higher headquarters
assumptions should be included during this process. Staffs should replace assumptions
with facts as soon as possible.7


Facts: Statements of known data concerning the From Notional Contingency Target List
situation - XX Airbase has 25 Hardened Aircraft Shelters
- XY Airbase has 2 Concrete Runways and 5
Asphalt Taxiways
Valid Assumptions: Likely to be true From Notional Theater Campaign Plan
- Other Arab nations will not intervene with direct
military force in support of Country X
- Due to limited night vision capabilities, Country X
will not begin attacks at night
- Military operations will be non-nuclear
- There will be 5 days of strategic warning before an
invasion begins
Necessary Assumptions: Required to proceed with Info gathered from planner’s experience
planning - Local civilian populace will support US forces
- Country Y will not permit overflight of their
airspace for strikes into Country X
Figure I-3

AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.25


Upon completing analysis of higher headquarters missions and guidance, the job of the
JFACC staff is now to prepare the JFACC’s Mission Statement. This focuses on
determining specified, implied and essential tasks the JFACC will carry out.

As mentioned earlier, the JFACC’s Mission Statement includes specific information.

The elements required for a statement are: Who, What, When, Where, and Why? These
elements can be further identified and defined as:

– Who: The JFACC (or other specific entity)

– What: The Objective
– When: Specific Timing
– Where: Location
– Why: The Reason

To better understand the construct of the JFACC’s Mission Statement, we’ll need a
deeper understanding its required elements. Realizing that the JFACC will normally
satisfy the “Who” in this equation, let’s take a look at the remaining four elements of the
JFACC Mission Statement.


“You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land
and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us;
to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark,
lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what
is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs,
victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may
be; for without victory, there is no survival. . . Come then, let us go
forward together with our united strength.”8
Winston Churchill, 13 May 1940
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat speech

What are objectives? In joint air operations planning we are concerned specifically with
military objectives. They constitute the aim of military operations and are necessarily
linked to political objectives. JP 1-02 defines an objective as “the clearly defined and
attainable goals towards which every military operation should be directed.” We simply
define objectives as “what” we want to accomplish.

Theater objectives should be obtained from the Joint Force Commander (JFC).
Objectives must be clear, concise, measurable, attainable and directly support the
national-level objectives. If the objectives you receive do not meet these criteria, ask for
more guidance. Likewise, if the air objectives you derive do not meet these criteria,

Robert Rhodes James, MP. Churchill Speaks 1897-1963: Collected Speeches in Peace and War. 1998.
Barnes and Noble Books. New York. P.705

readdress and redefine your objectives. Do not stop planning while you wait for
guidance. Make your best guess as to the commander’s intent, make assumptions where
necessary and press on. The following guidelines may help in developing air objectives:

a. The sources of higher-level objectives (national and theater) are usually J3 and J5.
Additional guidance may often be found in the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP),
JCS crisis action alert/planning/ warning/execution orders (if available) and the JFC’s
theater campaign planning guidance.

b. Develop clearly defined air objectives that achieve or support the theater objectives
through the use of air and space power.

c. Air objectives should logically flow from theater and national objectives. If you
cannot tie an air objective to theater and national objectives, do not commit
resources to it unless you believe an objective has been overlooked. In that case, work
up the chain of command to gain additional guidance and approval to add the objective.

d. Some intermediate air objectives may not appear to be directly related to the theater
objectives. However, they may enable accomplishment of other objectives and are
appropriate air objectives that should be included in the plan. For example, some level of
air and space control gained through counterair and counterspace operations (i.e. air
superiority) will probably be a necessary prerequisite for a primary objective dealing with
strategic paralysis.

e. Figure I-4 is a historical example of well-defined and clearly articulated objectives.

This example shows how an integrated plan may consist of primary objectives, secondary
objectives, as well as intermediate objectives. All three objectives can be successfully
woven into an overall operations plan or operational directive.

The Combined Bomber Offensive from the

United Kingdom (Pointblank) as approved by the
Combined Chiefs of Staff, 14th May 1943
(Partial Reproduction)

(a) The mission of the United States and British bomber forces, as prescribed by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at Casablanca, is as follows:
To conduct a joint United States-British air offensive to accomplish the progressive destruction and dislocation of the German military,
industrial and economic system, and the undermining of the morale of the German people to a point where their capacity for armed resistance is
fatally weakened. This is construed as meaning so weakened as to permit initiation of final combined operations on the Continent.


(a) A thorough study of those elements of the German military, industrial and economic system, which appeared to be profitable as bombing
objectives, was made by a group of Operations Analysts consisting of eminent United States experts. The report of the Operations Analysts
concludes that:

The destruction and continued neutralization of some sixty (60) targets would gravely impair and might paralyze the western Axis war effort.
There are several combinations of targets from among the industries studied which might achieve this result.

(b) Examination of this report shows complete agreement by United States and British experts. From the systems proposed by the Operations
Analysts, six systems, comprising seventy-six (76) precision targets, have been selected. These targets are located within the tactical radius of
action of the two air forces, and their destruction is directed against the three major elements of the German military machine: its submarine fleet,
its air force, and its ground forces, and certain industries vital to their support.

(c) The six systems are:

Submarine construction yards and bases.

German aircraft industry.
Ball bearings.
Synthetic rubber and tires.
Military transport vehicles.

3. INTERMEDIATE OBJECTIVE (Bolded for effect)

(a) The Germans, recognizing the vulnerability of their vital industries, are rapidly increasing the strength of their fighter defenses. The German
fighter strength in Western Europe is being augmented. If the growth of the German fighter strength is not arrested quickly, it may become literally
impossible to carry out the destruction planned and thus to create the conditions necessary for ultimate decisive action by our combined forces on
the Continent.
(b) Hence the successful prosecution of the air offensive against the principal objectives is dependent upon a prior (or simultaneous) offensive
against the German fighter strength.
(c) To carry out the Eighth Air Force’s part of this combined bomber offensive it will be necessary to attack precision targets deep in German
territory in daylight. The principal obstacle to this is the growing strength of the German air force. The growth of this fighter force has become so
pronounced as to warrant a brief review of this development.

(d) . . . If the German fighters are materially increased in number it is quite conceivable that they could make our daylight bombing unprofitable,
and perhaps our night bombing, too. On the other hand, if the German fighter force is partially neutralized our effectiveness will be vastly
(e) For this reason German fighter strength must be considered as an Intermediate objective second to none in priority.

* Paragraphs 4 through 7 intentionally omitted.

(a) Recapitulation of United States bomber forces required (List of required bombers)
(b) If the forces required as set forth above are made available on the dates indicated, it will be possible to carry out the mission prescribed in the
Casablanca Conference. If those forces are not made available, then that mission is not attainable by mid-1944. (the end of Pointblank)
(c) Depletion of the German fighter strength must be accomplished first. Failure to neutralize that force will jeopardize the prosecution of the war
toward a favorable decision in this theater.
(d) The following bombing objectives should be destroyed under the provisions of the general directive issued at the Casablanca Conference:
(1) Intermediate objectives:
German fighter strength.
(2) Primary objectives:
German Submarine yards and bases.
The remainder of the German aircraft industry.
Ball bearings.*
Oil. (Contingent upon attacks against Ploesti from the Mediterranean.)*
(3) Secondary objectives in order of priority:
Synthetic rubber and tires.
Military motor transport vehicles.
(e) The following statement of principle, expressed by the Operations Analysts, is concurred in:

In view of the ability of adequate and properly utilized air power to impair the industrial source of the enemy’s military strength, only the most vital
considerations should be permitted to delay or divert the application of an adequate air striking force to this task.
*A successful initial attack on the key element of either of those systems would demand the immediate concentration of effort on the remaining
elements of that system to exploit the initial success.

Webster, Sir Charles and Noble Frankland. History of the Second World War: United Kingdom Military Series: The Strategic Air Offensive
Against Germany 1939-1945: Vol. IV. (London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1961) 282-3.

Figure I-4

f. Objectives may change over time. You may actually see a change in operational level
objectives that still support strategic or national level objectives. You may even see
changes in strategic objectives that of course will affect both operational and tactical
level objectives. The JAEP, however, allows for evaluation, re-evaluation and concept
validation to continue throughout the planning process. Figure I-5 is an example of how
objectives can change throughout a conflict due to operational necessity and strategic

Figure 2
Korea: Changing Fronts, Changing





The Korean War—A case of changing political and national objectives while engaged in combat.
The Korean War clearly demonstrates the linkage between the political and military
objectives. The political objectives changed three times during the conflict, mandating
major revisions of and limitations to the campaign plans.

OBJECTIVE: Free the Republic of Korea

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea invaded the Republic of Korea on 24 June 1950. President
Harry S Truman heeded the request of the United Nations Security Council that all members “furnish
such assistance to the Republic of Korea as may be necessary to repel armed attack and restore
international peace and security in the area.”1 This translated into guidance to United Nations Command
Far East Command, then commanded by Gen Douglas MacArthur, “to drive forward to the 38th parallel,
thus clearing the Republic of Korea of invasion forces.”2 MacArthur accomplished this by first heavily
reinforcing the remaining pocket of South Korean resistance around Pusan with United States military
forces. Using these forces he pushed northward and executed the highly successful amphibious landing
of two divisions behind enemy lines at Inchon. Airpower was used to wage a comprehensive interdiction
campaign against the enemy's overextended supply routes. United Nations forces achieved the original
objective by October 1950.

OBJECTIVE, CHANGE 1: Free All of Korea

In view of the success at lnchon and the rapid progress of United Nations forces northward, the original
objective was expanded. “We regarded,” said Secretary of Defense Marshall, “that there was no . . .
legal prohibition against passing the 38th parallel.”3 The feeling was that the safety of the Republic of
Korea would remain in jeopardy as long as remnants of the North Korean Army survived in North
Korea.4 This was expressed in a UN resolution on 7 October 1950 requiring “all necessary steps be
taken to ensure conditions of stability throughout Korea.” 5 MacArthur then extended the
counteroffensive into North Korea. However, the enemy's logistic tail extended northward into the
People’s Republic of China. Because the United Nations and United States did not want to draw China
into the war, targets in China were off-limits. For this reason, use of airpower was limited largely to
close air support. United Nations forces advanced to near the Chinese border. The second objective was
achieved, temporarily at least, by November 1950.

OBJECTIVE, CHANGE 2: Seek Cease-Fire, Resolve by Negotiation
On 26 November 1950, the Chinese Communists launched a massive counterattack that shattered
the United Nations forces, forcing a retreat from North Korea. MacArthur realized he was in a no-win
situation and requested permission to attack targets in China. The Joint Chiefs of Staff’s (JCS) guidance
was neither to win nor to quit; they could only order him to hold. They vaguely explained that, if
necessary, he should defend himself in successive lines and that successful resistance at some point in
Korea would be “highly desirable,” but that Asia was “not the place to fight a major war.” 6
On 14 December, at the request of the United States, the United Nations adopted a resolution
proposing immediate steps be taken to end the fighting in Korea and to settle existing issues by peaceful
means. “On 9 January 1951, the Joint Chiefs of Staff informed MacArthur that while the war would be
limited to Korea, he should inflict as much damage upon the enemy as possible.” 7 Limiting the conflict
to Korea negated our ability to use naval and airpower to strategically strike enemy centers of gravity
located within China. On 11 April 1951, Truman explained the military objective of Korea was to “repel
attack. . . to restore peace. . . to avoid the spread of the conflict.” 6 The political objectives and the
military reality placed MacArthur in a difficult situation. MacArthur proved unwilling to accept these
limited objectives and was openly critical of the Truman administration. Truman relieved him of
The massive Chinese attacks mounted in January and April of 1951 failed because of poor logistical
support. United Nations forces sought to exact heavy casualties upon the enemy rather than to defend
specific geographical objectives. As the Chinese and North Koreans pressed forward, their lines of
communication were extended and came under heavy air interdiction attack. By May 1951, United
Nations forces had driven forward on all fronts. With communist forces becoming exhausted,
negotiations for a cease-fire began on 10 July 1951. The quest for the third objective finally ended on 27
July 1953 with implementation of a cease-fire that is still in force.

1. Robert Frank Futrell, Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine, vol. 1 (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press,
1989), 293.
2. Ibid., 297.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. William Manchester, American Caesar (New York: Dell Publishing, 1983), 617.
7. Futrell, 302.
8. Ibid.
Figure I-5

g. End States. The politicians and commanders who direct the use of military force must
define the conditions desired for successful resolution of the conflict as well as what they
want the area of operations to be like after the conflict. Joint Pub 1-02 defines the end
state as “the set of required conditions that defines achievement of the commander’s
objectives.” It is important to understand that the end state is not a phase in the JAOP but
rather is a condition or state that indicates that objectives have been met and conditions
exist for post hostility operations to commence.

To develop valid objectives for air and space power, we need to keep the end state in
sight. A clear vision of how we want the theater to be when we’re done can help us build
effective objectives, marking the path to that end state. If we want certain conditions to
exist at the end of the conflict, we may have to adjust the way we wage the war. For
example, if we want the enemy’s population to be well disposed toward us, we will
probably want to craft our plan so as to minimize damage to civilian infrastructure.

“The joint campaign plan is based on the commander’s concept. The formulation of

the commanders concept is the intellectual core of the JAOP, which presents a broad
vision of the required aim or end state (the commander’s intent) and how operations
will be sequenced and synchronized to achieve conflict termination objectives
(including required post-conflict measures).”9

If the end state is vague or unclear, go back to the commander and seek additional
guidance. Also realize that there are distinct military and political end states and the
former feeds the latter. In other words, military end states must support the political end.
For example, the guidance should be more than just “win the war.” Clausewitz warned
us not to take the first step in war without also considering the last. Important end state
questions must be asked. What should the environment look like after the war is over?
What constitutes success? Ill-defined measures of performance such as body count,
buildings destroyed, miles covered or airplanes shot down do not adequately define
desired effects. Does the end state specify a stable region? Will it involve peacekeepers,
no-fly zones or other MOOTW activities? These questions help define the desired end
state and the goal towards which all objectives should be directed. It also helps prevent
defining success solely in terms of tactical victories but rather in the achievement of
operational and strategic effects. From the envisioned end state, we can develop the
operational objectives.

h. Restraints and Constraints. The development of suitable military objectives, and

the military strategy to achieve those objectives, is often restrained or constrained by
external considerations. These limits on the application of force may be imposed by
political authorities, legal considerations (law of armed conflict), rules of engagement or
moral beliefs. All must be accounted for within the scope of the JAOP.

Restraints prohibit or restrict certain military actions, such as the prohibition

imposed on MacArthur in Korea against bombing targets north of the Yalu River
in 1950. Restraints may be as constant as the laws of armed conflict, or they may
be temporary or situational, as in rules of engagement (ROE).

Constraints, on the other hand, obligate the commander to certain military

courses of action. During Desert Storm for example, Saddam Hussein hoped to
pull Israel into the conflict by attacking it with SCUD missiles. He assumed that
our coalition would disintegrate if Israel responded. General Horner, the JFACC,
was directed (constrained) to find and destroy the Iraqi missiles and launchers.
Thousands of sorties were flown to fulfill this directive. Apparently no SCUDs or
launchers were hit but Israel felt everything that could reasonably be done to
protect it was being done and remained out of the conflict—the coalition
remained intact and accomplished its goals.

Keep in mind that restraints and constraints may change at any time during planning or
execution. Such changes are more common during execution due to operational
necessities and considerations (success or failure on the battlefield), unanticipated
occurrences (the political effectiveness of SCUDs during DESERT STORM, for
example) or less tangible factors such as excessive combat casualties (either friend or

Joint Pub 1,p.V-5

foe). After the 8th Air Force incurred 19% losses during the second Schweinfurt Raid on
14 October 1943 for example, deep bomber penetrations into Germany were halted until
suitable long-range fighter escorts were available. DESERT STORM, ENDURING
FREEDOM, AND IRAQI FREEDOM on the other hand, were highly successful
campaigns that experienced extremely low friendly casualty rates. These operations may
have created expectations that may impose operational restraints in future conflicts.

i. For air forces to be effective in war, they must produce decisive effects through
offensive operations, including both independent efforts and attacks supporting a surface
scheme of maneuver. Air power can impact all three levels of war (strategic, operational
and tactical) and can perform independent, sequential or parallel and supporting
operations. Airpower’s versatility is derived from this unique ability. Independent and
supporting operations can be conducted without complete control of the air or space
environments, but the expected gains must outweigh the risks.

j. Air objectives at the strategic and operational levels should be clearly spelled out and
should directly support achieving the JFC’s objectives. Objectives for air operations in
support of another component are best identified in conjunction with the supported
component’s requirements. The JAOP should clearly show the link between air
objectives at the theater and national levels.

k. During Phase VI, JAOP Development, operational air objectives are further subdivided
into tactical air objectives and tactical tasks.


Within the mission statement, identify when actions are to be performed or the objectives
accomplished. Some typical timing inputs are specific days, or perhaps “not later than” a
specific day or event. Other times a specific date may not be available so something like
“upon completion of,” “not earlier than,” “on order,” or “when directed” may be given.
Obviously, the more specific the timing the better planning can be accomplished.


Specify the location for the action(s). Sometimes the location will be large like the Joint
Operations Area. Other times it will specify a place prior to which an action must be
accomplished. For example, “Halt enemy forces prior to phase line Tennessee.” A
similar location might be referenced to a specific landmark like “West of the coastal
highway.” It may also be referenced to longitude or latitude lines or a point location like
the juncture of two roads, a road and a river or other things that intersect.


Here we state why the action is necessary. The reason may be to make it possible for us
or other components to achieve other objectives. For example, achieving air superiority
is not to simply say we have air superiority. As an enabler, air superiority gives us
freedom of movement and freedom from attack through the air by an adversary. So this

is “why” we have an objective of achieving air superiority. It is important to remember
that we carry out tasks to impose effects that achieve objectives. Accomplishment of
these objectives leads to the end state envisioned by the JFC.


- When directed, JFACC will deter aggression within the JOA to protect friendly territorial

- Should deterrence fail, JFACC will, on order, gain air, space and information superiority in
order to enable coalition military operations within the JOA. Concurrently, JFACC will conduct
integrated operations with the JFLCC in order to defeat enemy fielded forces.

- On order, JFACC will shape the battlespace for a joint counteroffensive, support JFMCC for
maritime superiority and JFLCC for ground offensive operations, will degrade conventional
military power and destroy WMD long/medium delivery capability in order to restore the
territorial integrity, ensure the establishment of a legitimate government and restore regional
Figure I-6

Realize that the JFACC’s Mission Statement may actually contain more than one
statement in order to fully explain his objectives. When analyzing the sample statements
in Figure I-6, look for all five elements that define a correctly worded and well-thought
out Mission Statement.


The mission analysis phase includes a mission analysis briefing. Developed by the staff
and presented to the JFACC, this briefing presents an overview of the process undertaken
thus far. The briefing concludes by proposing a mission statement to the commander.
The JFACC either approves the recommended statement or provides guidance clarifying
his mission.

Even when one commander is serving as both the COMAFFOR and JFACC, some
complex joint and/or coalition operations may warrant the articulation of separate
COMAFFOR and JFACC mission statements. In this way, the specific duties and
responsibilities of each command position are clearly delineated to subordinate staffs and
forces. Other contingencies with the Air Force providing the preponderance of force and
little coalition participation may be best served by only one mission statement. A
commander dual-hatted as the COMAFFOR/JFACC needs to work with his staff/JAOC
to determine the best approach for the given situation.


After the mission analysis brief, the JFACC will provide the planning staff with the
Commander’s Intent. The commander’s statement of intent articulates the purpose and
end state of the operation. It may also address what the commander may deem
“acceptable risk.” The Commander’s Intent will guide the rest of the planning effort.

The Commander’s Intent itself can be broken down into two or three component parts. It
generally consists of the “what” plus the “why” (from your Mission Statement) which
determines the overall PURPOSE. Next, purpose and the end state combined gives us the
Commander’s Intent. According to the example from JP 3-30, the Commander’s Intent
may also include the proposed method of accomplishing the objectives. Since a detailed
COA has not yet been developed, the method included in the Commander’s Intent should
remain broad enough to give a wide-ranging look at how objectives may be
accomplished. Figure I-7 gives a sample of the JFACC Intent. Notice the broad
guidance listed under the method.


Purpose. The purpose of the joint air operations is to deter aggression. Should deterrence fail, I
will gain and maintain air superiority, conduct joint offensive air operations and support the
JFLCC counteroffensive in order to restore the territorial integrity and ensure the establishment of
a legitimate government in a stable region.

Method. Gaining air superiority in the JOA will permit effective close air support and
interdiction operations. While defending coalition surface forces, joint air forces will conduct
precise counteroffensive efforts throughout the AOR.

End state. At the end of this operation:

- Adversary military forces will be capable of limited defensive operations, have ceased
combat operations and complied with coalition war termination conditions.
- Adversary will retain no weapons of mass destruction capability.
- Allied territorial integrity will be restored.
- JFACC will pass air traffic control to local authorities.

Figure I-710

Once the JFACC’s Intent has been published, Phase I is concluded. This leads us into

JP 3-30, p.III-6

You will usually find that the enemy has three courses open to him, and of these
he will adopt the fourth.
--Von Moltke, the Elder

One falls into a feeling of security by mental laziness and through lack of
calculation concerning the intentions of the enemy. To proceed properly it is
necessary to put oneself in his place and say: What would I do if I were the
enemy? What project would I form? Make as many as possible of these projects,
examine them all, and above all reflect on the means to avert them. But do not let
these calculations make you timid. Circumspection is good only up to a certain
--Frederick the Great

Phase II, Situation and COA Development involves four distinct elements. It begins by
expanding and refining the initial IPB completed in Phase I and analyzing centers of
gravity (COGs). The next task is the development of friendly courses of action. Once
completed, the final step is a risk analysis on the developed courses of action.


1: Refined Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace
2: Center of Gravity Analysis
3: Courses of Action Development
4: Courses of Action Risk Analysis
Figure II-1



Although initial IPB was conducted in Phase I, its purpose was to establish general
guidance and a broad outline of intent for the campaign as a whole. Phase II requires an
expanded IPB effort in order to gain a more comprehensive picture of the entire theater.

The purpose of IPB in this phase is to gain a thorough understanding of the theater,
enemy and friendly forces and the environment in which the conflict will take place. The
type of information we are looking to acquire is that which will likely have an impact on
the deployment or employment of forces. We are also looking for information that will
shape the conflict and/or allow for exploitation of enemy weaknesses or vulnerabilities.
In other words, you are looking for information that may have an operational impact on
your plan. Although the IPB process itself is not a Center of Gravity analysis, the
information gathered in this process will undoubtedly be used for that purpose later in
this phase.

At this point in Phase II, you attempt to gather relevant information on the theater of war
(the “operational environment” or “battlespace”). The goal of this stage is to understand

the theater, enemy forces and friendly forces as thoroughly as possible. This stage is
normally supported by the intelligence, logistics and planning functions. Intelligence
inputs should begin with theater and national-level Intelligence Estimates of the Situation
and Air Intelligence Estimates of the Situation, if available. Use these estimates as
references to help sift through the tremendous amounts of information already collected.
You can find additional sources in the Register of Intelligence Publications (a catalog of
finished intelligence products) or on Intellink. In all cases, search open sources in print,
broadcast media, and the Internet. Important clues to the way an adversary thinks or acts
may be found in open literature, history and other cultural products. Be somewhat
skeptical of open source information since the data may not only be inaccurate but also
intentionally misleading. At the same time, however, do not automatically consider these
sources unreliable. Also seek the help of country experts and analysts located at national
agencies that may have already conducted much of the IPB you are looking for. They
can also help sort through much of the open source information you have acquired.

J3 and J5 usually contribute friendly elements of information. This should include

information on available forces, command relationships (US and multi-national), rules of
engagement (ROE), applicable treaties and agreements, base-use and over-flight rights
and similar matters. Force lists should be available in the JSCP, crisis action messages,
service planning documents (e.g., the Air Force War and Mobilization Plan [WMP]),
related operations plans (OPLANS) and in the theater campaign plan if available. Under
the regional planning concept, all forces apportioned to your theater are available for
planning purposes. If the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) apportionment does not meet your
requirements, ask for what you need. Treaties and agreements can usually be identified
through the theater/unified command Judge Advocate General.

AFOTTP 2-1.1 and JP 3-30 list specific items that should help in analyzing the theater.
Figure II-2 illustrates the areas of interest from JP 3-30.

-Laws -Critical Vulnerabilities
-Resources -Alliances and Coalitions
-Geography -Conflict Length and/or Effect
-Leadership (Civilian and Military) -Air
-Military Doctrine -Space
-WMD/CBRNE -Information
-Adversary capabilities -Ground
WEATHER -Special Operations

Figure II-211

Within these areas of interest, AFOTTP 2-1.1 further details practical information useful
for IPB. As a reference, the following may help guide you in your quest for pertinent

ENEMY FACTORS.12 As the focal point of effort, analyzing the enemy and preparing to
determine its COGs is critical. Investigating government organizational structures and
decision maker characteristics reveals areas vulnerable to attack. By directly targeting
what the leadership values, or their sources of power, air strategists can contribute to the
joint force’s objectives. For example, counterrevolutionary campaigns focus on popular
support that is potentially vulnerable to positive air and space efforts including
information and humanitarian support operations. When formulating air and space
strategy, planners must consider the enemy’s national decision-making characteristics
and potential internal control conflicts.

- Culture. Investigating the enemy society offers insights into cultural

characteristics such as the intentions, values, attitudes, commitment to the conflict
and beliefs of the people. Likewise, it may offer possible methods of indirect
strategies that may help coerce or deter them. Hostile internal factors enable
revolution or coup possibilities. Coupled with leadership studies, cultural factors
help determine the enemy’s national vital interests.
- History. A region’s history may reveal critical insights favorable to effective
operations. Planners should investigate historic ties to specific geographic areas

JP 3-30, III-8
All Information pertaining to enemy, international and domestic factors were derived from AFOTTP 2-
1.1, p.27-28

or cultural ties between communities. This helps define national values and
sources of strength. For example, during DESERT STORM, the West viewed
Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait as an invasion of a sovereign nation. Iraq
claimed, however, Kuwait legitimately belonged to it and taking over land that
was “already theirs” constituted no wrong doing on their part.
- Infrastructure. Enemy industry may provide vulnerable areas for targeting.
Oftentimes, national economies center on a few key industries, providing critical
nodes for both political and economic power. Developing nations are susceptible
to positive efforts with air-delivered logistical support possibly producing
coercive effects.
- Military Capabilities. Planners must know the characteristics of the enemy
military forces prior to forming any course of action. The force structure,
deployment stature and troop morale reveal strengths and potential vulnerabilities
critical to COA formulation. Command structures that enable decentralized
execution reduce the effect of decapitation by permitting subordinate-level
autonomous operations.
- Doctrine. Understanding an adversary’s doctrine is essential to understanding
their military capabilities. Understanding how an enemy plans to fight enables
effective counter-strategy planning. Defeating an enemy’s strategy is central to
defeating the enemy. Likewise, denial-based strategies are predicated upon
defeating the enemy’s military strategies.
- CBRNE. (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield
Explosives) CBRNE weapons and their delivery means introduce critical
considerations for effective air and space strategy. Enemy CBRNE requires
further evaluation of the forces used for both military and political reasons. These
weapons may degrade many airpower advantages. If the enemy has CBRNE
weapons, the JFACC’s air and space strategy must consider the risks associated
with their employment. In some instances, challenging the survival of a unitary
leader or national way of life may justify unlimited applications of force by the
adversary regardless of implications. The enemy may also view CBRNE
weapons as a weapon of choice rather than a weapon of last resort.
- Environment. Theater geography provides strategists with essential information.
The terrain dynamics offer insight into airpower employment options and
targeting ability. Critical lines of communication offer potential target nodes,
isolation, vulnerability and exploitation. Weather should also factor into
operations due to its effect on air and space operations.

INTERNATIONAL FACTORS. The international environment critically defines the wartime

situation. Defensive reactions are usually clear in the international arena, but offensive
campaigns usually demand extensive international support for legitimacy. Operating in a
coalition often generates international legitimacy and contributes towards isolating the
enemy. However, this could complicate the operation as enemy counter-coercive
strategies may target coalition bonds while cultural conflicts may strain security
arrangements and coalitions. The expected conflict length also influences international
economic considerations. National reserves, raw materials and national industries
become vulnerable as conflict length grows.

DOMESTIC FACTORS. As a democracy, any US use of force requires public support of
clear objectives. Furthermore, domestic considerations continue throughout the conflict
as the public and civilian decision-makers react to operational successes, failures and
casualties on both sides. Several domestic considerations have significant impact:
personnel and industrial mobilization, casualty considerations and the effect(s) of media
reports on the operation and public support. This list is in no way intended to be all-
inclusive and many other factors can positively or negatively impact domestic opinion
and/or resolve.

LOGISTICS. “Logistics sets the campaign’s operational limits.”13 Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel learned the truth of this statement when his forces outran their supply lines in
North Africa. Logistics experts contribute an examination of friendly and enemy logistic
capabilities and contribute significantly to the selection of beddown locations for forces.
Friendly logistics information is available from J4 in the Logistics Estimate of the
Situation. Information on the enemy logistics will come from J2 or national-level
agencies (whom J2 can help you contact).

Complete analysis of friendly and enemy logistics is essential for effective synergy
between operations and support. This analysis should provide a model for planning the
expansion of friendly logistics infrastructure, while highlighting the enemy’s critical
logistic nodes for future targeting. Factors to consider include in-place peacetime assets,
war reserve stocks, host-nation support capabilities, air base conditions and capabilities,
air and seaport capabilities, existing logistics infrastructure and its ability to expand.

ETHNOCENTRISM. The usual definition of ethnocentrism is “thinking one’s own group’s

ways are superior to others” or “judging other groups as inferior to one’s own.”
Ethnocentrism can be further defined as, “making false assumptions about others’ ways
based on our own limited experience.”14 Remember, people DO NOT necessarily think
the same around the world. It is a fact of life that must be taken into account. In order to
best understand potential enemy actions and reactions, it is imperative to appreciate the
differences in ideologies, cultures, religions and heritage. Do not underestimate your
enemy or out of hand discount his capabilities.

In Vietnam, the US was guilty of an attitude of, “Hey, how can a rag-tag bunch of guys in
black pajamas possibly stand up to US military power?” Likewise, during the German
invasion of Russia during Operation Barbarossa, the German view of “Untermensch,”
that Russians were somehow subhuman, prevented them from using human resources that
could have yielded a significant number of soldiers willing to fight with them against the
oppressive regime of Joseph Stalin. The Germans’ attitude of superiority led them to
believe there was very little these people could have done to help the German cause.

MIRROR-IMAGING. Likewise, do not “mirror-image” the enemy’s strategy or doctrine by

thinking strictly in your own terms, but rather try to evaluate enemy intentions by placing
yourself in the enemy’s position and viewing the world through their eyes. There are
three aspects of mirror imaging to consider.

Joint Pub 1, Joint Warfare of the US Armed Forces, 11 Nov 91, 46.
Barger. What is Ethnocentrism?

is not necessarily viewed the same and may not yield equal results against different
opponents. Given an equal amount of force, you would not expect WW II German SS
Panzer Grenadiers to react the same as Iraqi Republican Guards. Mirror-imaging
becomes dangerous when we attempt to “fight the last war” by assuming our actions will
net similar results against a different opponent. For example, it was fallacious for us to
assume the strategic bombing of North Vietnam would yield identical results as the
strategic bombing of Japan in WW II. Two different wars, two different cultures with
two completely different operational paradigms understandably yielded different military
and political results.


imaging is assuming an opponent will act the same as we would given an equal amount
of pressure or in a similar situation. Evaluate enemy courses of action as you believe the
enemy would react, not in terms of how we would react in a similar situation. Finally, be
aware of the biases and premises that guide friendly and enemy decision-making.

imaging assumes an opponent will react in a certain manner because he did so previously.
For example, it would have been a mistake for US/Coalition forces to assume the Iraqi
military would react a certain way in “OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM” because they fought
in a certain manner during “DESERT STORM.” This once again goes back to the error of
trying to “fight the last war.” As with all three types of mirror-imaging, a well thought-
out and detailed IPB should minimize the potential for this mistake.

LEVEL OF CONFLICT. We must determine the importance of the conflict from the
perspective of each of the participants. A conflict that is limited in nature to us—in
which US national existence is not threatened for example—may be viewed as total war
by the enemy or even by an ally (asymmetrical political objectives). For instance, an ally
may place greater importance on resolution of the conflict than on protection of US
national interests. Consider, for example, the spectrum of US interests in the Balkans,
Korea or the Middle East. The possibility of conflict in these regions may cause greater
national anxiety to some of our allies in those areas than to the US. If the survival of the
US as a nation is not at stake, but the survival of other nations is imperiled, our resolve
may naturally be less than that of either our ally or an opponent who views the conflict as
a war of survival. The comparative level of conflict must be addressed from national,
allied/coalition and enemy perspectives.


Center of Gravity: Those characteristics, capabilities, or sources of power from

which a military force derives its freedom of action, physical strength or will to
--Joint Pub 1-02

Within the framework of the six-phase process, refined IPB leads to a more detailed, in-
depth center of gravity (COG) analysis. This analysis should provide you with as clear a
picture as possible of how an adversary functions; of his strengths and of his possible
vulnerabilities to dislocation and exploitation by air power. At the same time, your
analysis should also point out your own vital strengths and the critical vulnerabilities
likely to be targeted by your enemy.

Clausewitz was the first person to apply the term “center of gravity” to warfare. He
described a center of gravity as, “the hub of all power and movement, on which
everything depends.”15 Clausewitz clarifies this description by stating that “the ultimate
substance of enemy strength must be traced back to the fewest possible sources, and
ideally to one alone.”16 Joint Pub 1-02 defines a center of gravity as, “Those
characteristics, capabilities or sources of power from which a military force derives its
freedom of action, physical strength or will to fight.”

Other writers and military strategists, historians and combat commanders like Antoine
Henri Jomini, Giulio Douhet, Curtis Le May, Billy Mitchell, J.F.C. Fuller and Liddell
Hart have used terms such as “vital centers,” “key nodes,” “decisive points,” “Achilles
Heel,” “nerve centers,” “vital targets” or “critical vulnerabilities” to approach the same
concept. The “hub of power and movement” itself is the “center of gravity.” That “hub
of power and movement” contains certain characteristics, among them critical
vulnerabilities.17 During a correct COG analysis, the vulnerabilities that have been
identified will naturally lead to target sets. From these target sets, individual targets can
then be identified, targeted and attacked. Given proper analysis, successfully attacking
those targets will decisively affect the center of gravity, which in turn should support a
specific objective. If you cannot tie a target to an objective, then it is a target that is both
a waste of time and assets.

Centers of gravity exist at all three levels of war and can take many forms. A COG can
be a specific target like the leader of a country, a target system such as a command and
control network or an abstract concept such as the will of the people. In the Pacific
Theater during World War II, for example, the entire Japanese national self-concept was
bound up in the person of the Emperor. The Japanese endured unbelievable sacrifices to
keep him in power and only surrendered when the Emperor himself became convinced—
through the impact of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings and Russian
advances from the North—that his people had sacrificed enough. In this case, the COG
was an individual, the Emperor himself, although he was not necessarily a target of direct

During Vietnam, the will of American leadership to continue the war was a strategic
center of gravity made vulnerable through manipulation of public opinion by the North
Vietnamese and opponents of the war at home. During DESERT STORM and IRAQI
FREEDOM, a component of Iraqi fielded forces—the Republican Guard—was both a

Clausewitz, On War, p 595-6.
Ibid. p 617.
Remember that a center of gravity is a source of power; it is not a weakness. However, this does not
preclude it, or certain portions or characteristics of it, from being vulnerable to attack.

strategic and an operational COG. This force provided Saddam Hussein with his most
potent regional strike force in the theater (operational level) and kept him in power back
home (strategic level).

As defined in this course, it is important to keep in mind that a COG IS NOT a weakness.
Although other writers have defined COGs as such, for the purposes of our analysis, and
as defined by JP 1-02, we will consider them as strengths. They may, however, be
imbued with certain characteristics that are either vulnerable by nature or can be made
vulnerable through selective targeting.



Colonel (Ret.) John Warden’s Strategic

Ring Model is one conceptual analysis POPULATION
tool. In Warden’s concept, each of the INFRASTRUCTURE

five rings represents distinct functions SYSTEM ESSENTIALS

present in every complex, organic system LEADERSHIP

and as such, all five rings are always

present. Although present, these rings
may have differing degrees of importance
depending on the system. The five rings
are not sacrosanct; that is you can use THE STRATGIC RING MODEL

more or fewer rings to suit your particular SOURCE: John Warden, Brief: Planning to Win, Venturist Inc., 1998

situation. Not every enemy or country will have a robust, fully exploitable set of rings.
COG analysis, in addition to the expanded IPB, determines which strategic ring(s) apply
to a particular system. However, organizing all possible centers of gravity within an
enemy system into categories can be a valuable planning aid. In analyzing a country, the
centers of gravity within these rings can be further classified using similar methodology.
For example, offensive air capability (within the fielded military forces ring) might be
further classified--using a ring-type method--to identify types of airfields and their
associated critical elements such as command/control, maintenance, logistics, POL at the
airfields, etc. Using the model in this manner, it is possible to analyze potential target
systems in some detail. Perhaps the greatest value of the Strategic Ring Model is that it
can provide a starting place for identifying potential strategic-level COGs within a
country. From there, it is possible to further analyze the COG using another model such
as the CG-CC-CR-CV construct.


AFOTTP 2-1.1 discusses several limitations of the Warden Strategic Ring Model. One is
the lack of a weighting scheme between COG and/or target systems. Be aware, however,
that application of a “weighting scheme” in no way ensures objectivity. As we will
discuss in Phase IV, COA Comparison, it will become apparent why subjective values
placed within any analysis tool may only lead to an impression of objectivity while

remaining completely subjective in nature. Another limitation of the Strategic Ring
model is the lack of an explicit connection between a COG, its derived target systems and
national political and military leadership. A final limitation is the lack of connection to
external systems--Warden’s model considers system behavior in isolation. System
behavior is often determined by its interaction with other systems. The interaction of
complex systems is not accounted for in Warden’s model.


Another powerful COG analysis tool is the CG-CC-CR-CV model. This model defines a
center of gravity (CG) as “a primary source of moral or physical strength, power and
resistance.”18 CGs have inherent abilities that enable them to function as sources of
strength or power. These functions are labeled as “critical capabilities” (CC). They are
defined as “primary abilities which merits a Center of Gravity to be identified as such in
the context of a given scenario, situation, or mission.”19 Disabling a Critical Capability
will alter the nature of the CG in such a powerful manner that the CG is crippled and
ceases to be a primary source of strength.

Critical Requirements (CR) are “essential conditions, resources and means for a Critical
Capability to be fully operative.”20 A thorough systems analysis of each CG’s Critical
Capabilities will reveal many requirements that the CC needs in order to function. These
requirements must be evaluated to determine if they are critical to the CC. Only those
requirements that, if removed, result in disabling the CC can be labeled as Critical

Dissecting these Critical Requirements will reveal some CRs or elements of them that are
“deficient or vulnerable to neutralization, interdiction or attack (moral/physical harm) in a
manner achieving decisive results—the smaller the resources and effort applied and the
smaller the risk and cost, the better.”21 These are defined as “Critical Vulnerabilities”
(CV). Because these vulnerabilities are critical, successful neutralization will result in
disabling the source of strength or power. Thus, CVs translate into the target sets that
should be pursued in order to affect an enemy center of gravity.22

Strange, Centers of Gravity and Critical Vulnerabilities. p.43
Ibid. p. 43.
Ibid. p. 43.
AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.53
AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.54

“. . . Based on hindsight, the Strategic
Bombing Survey discovered that aircraft
engine and propeller production rather than
airframe assembly would have made a
better bombing target. Notwithstanding
Albert Speer’s postwar contention that a
relentless campaign against the ball bearing
industry could have shortened the war by a
year, ball bearings probably should never
have been targeted. Ball bearing
production facilities proved difficult to
destroy, bearings could be imported and
German industry showed great flexibility in overcoming shortages of these devices. The
synthetic oil industry, on which Germany depended for fuel, chemicals, explosives and rubber,
should have been struck much earlier and harder. Participants in the air war and experts alike are
in almost unanimous agreement here.
“In retrospect, the most significant missed opportunity was the failure to launch concerted attacks
on Germany’s four tetraethyl lead and ethylene dibromide production plants and its electric
power plants. Destruction of the lead-additive facilities would have grounded the Luftwaffe
immediately. Without these knock-reducing agents, high-performance World War II aircraft
engines would have lost 40 percent of their power. Likewise, the destruction of forty-five electric
generator plants would have reduced the capacity of Germany’s already understrength power
network by 40 percent. However, Ira Eaker’s postwar conclusion probably has some validity that
if the AAF had concentrated exclusively on one target system, its bomber losses would have been
unacceptably high.”
Figure II-423

McFarland, Stephen L. and Wesley Phillips Newton. Case Studies in Strategic Bombing. “The
American Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany in WW II.” Air Force History and Museums Program,
1998, p. 238-239.

Possible CG-CC-CR-CV Analysis of Al Qaeda24

CG (NOUN) Osama Bin Laden

CC (VERB) Organize operation, communicate, influence, stay informed, finance,
direct, govern, lead, inspire, travel, train, infiltrate
CR (NOUN) Poverty and ignorance (malleable audience: source of willing
manpower), suicide bombers, funding, financial institutions (means of
moving money), bio-terrorism expertise, internet, legitimacy as leader
in perceived struggle against western influence, C3 network,
media/propaganda, Muslim opinion, host-nation passivity, Taliban
protection, openness of US society, Afghan drug trade,
geography/isolation of Afghanistan, training camps, Fatwah
CV (NOUN) Financial institutions, Taliban infrastructure, exploitable
communications, Muslim opinion, personal legitimacy
Figure II-5

Other Models. The Strategic Ring Model and CG-CC-CR-CV model are only two of
many analytical models available for evaluating enemy strengths and vulnerabilities.
They are just among the simplest to use (and easiest to present). Other models such as
Country X as a Candidate for Air Attack (SECTION II), Jason Barlow’s National
Elements of Value (NEV) and Nodal Analysis exist but are outside the context of this

Staff or national-level intelligence experts can help you find and use more sophisticated
and detailed tools. Whatever tools you use, they should help you produce a structured
picture of all enemy and friendly centers of gravity. Using the air objectives from Phase I
and perhaps a broad indication of strategy from the JFC as a filter, select those centers of
gravity that can be exploited with air and space power to accomplish objectives and
derive appropriate target sets from them. At this stage you are not selecting individual
targets, but broad categories or sets of targets that represent critical vulnerabilities
within your chosen COGs. Leave the details of individual target selection and


Remember that this is a dynamic and iterative process compelling you to constantly re-
validate your center of gravity analysis. “Intelligence should be timely, objective,
responsive, complete, accurate and relevant.”25 Intelligence analysis remains crucial
throughout the process to extract useful information for defeating the enemy. New
information, ROEs, restraints or constraints may force you to change which center of
gravity or target set you will effect. An independent, thorough and objective COG
analysis is ideal if you have a lot of time and information resources at your disposal. It is
also important to remember that center of gravity analysis is not crisis-dependent; it can
be performed at any time and should yield substantially the same results. The enemy’s
COGs are independent of friendly strategic and operational objectives and strategies.
AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.54
Joint Pub 2-0, Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations, 5 may 95, III-2.

Friendly Centers of Gravity. Do in-depth COG analysis for your own side, but from
the enemy's perspective. This will tell you what to defend and may affect decisions
about what to attack. Your analysis of enemy capabilities should tell you what friendly
assets and capabilities the enemy can successfully attack and help you identify what types
of defense are necessary. Often, the best defense is a good offense. Strike his capability
to strike you before he uses it, but remember that each attack may be stealing resources
you could otherwise use to attack his COGs. Of course, if the enemy cannot attack a
friendly center of gravity, don't waste resources defending it, but don't underestimate the
enemy either! Remember the principle of the offensive: defense may keep you from
losing, but offense is needed to win.

In summary, centers of gravity are those things from which an adversary in a conflict
derives his power or freedom of action. We analyze them in order to determine critical
vulnerabilities that will yield the most effective use of air and space weapons in achieving
a JAOP’s operational and strategic objectives.



The first step in COA development is to refine the air objectives that will accomplish the
JFACC’s mission in support of the JFC’s overall campaign objectives. Although the
initial objective determination from Phase I should have netted clear, concise, measurable
and attainable objectives that support higher level guidance, there may be a need to
readdress and refine them in this phase. This refinement of objectives is necessary to
produce useful COAs. The framework of operational objectives, tactical objectives and
tactical tasks provides a clear linkage of overall strategy to task (see Figure II-10).

While the JFC normally provides (written or verbal) operational objectives to the JFACC,
they may also emerge through mission analysis or COA development. JFACC efforts to
support other components should also be expressed as operational objectives. The
resulting objectives can then be prioritized with others in accordance with the JFC’s
concept of operations (CONOPS). Supporting objectives should describe what aspect of
the adversary’s capability the JFC or component wants affected.

As you’ll recall, objectives begin at the national level. The JFC’s objectives are derived
from the national objectives and the operational level air objectives are derived from the
JFC objectives. Refining the air objectives includes breaking operational air objectives
into tactical air objectives. In turn, tactical air tasks are derived from the tactical air
objectives. If done properly, there should be a thread of clear and unmistakable
continuity extending from the national objectives down through tactical tasks.

National Objectives Defeat Enemy Invasion

JFC Objectives Establish Air Superiority

Operational Air Objectives Gain air superiority

Tactical Air Objectives Degrade enemy IADS

Tactical Air Tasks Destroy SA-5 sites

Figure II-6

Here’s an example: If a national objective was to defeat an enemy invasion of Country X,

one of the JFC objectives will likely be the establishment of air superiority. One of the
related operational air objectives could be to gain air superiority and one of the tactical
air objectives could be to degrade the enemy IADS to some predetermined level.
Logically then, one of the tactical tasks could be to destroy SA-5 sites. Every tactical task
should be linked up the chain so that it contributes to the achievement of the national
objective. This is what some have called strategy-to-task. (It might more correctly be
called objective-to-task.)

Often, there will be several operational level air objectives for each JFC objective and
several tactical air objectives for each operational air objective. Likewise there will
probably be a number of tactical tasks for each tactical air objective. However, you
shouldn’t have any tactical tasks that don’t link up through the chain to a JFC objective
and by extension to a national objective.

In developing your COAs, you’ll also want to keep these concepts —ends, ways, means
and risks—in mind.



- Ends are objectives and are often defined within the component’s mission
statement. Ends are the goals of the operation as identified by the operational
- It is vital that the objectives be clearly stated and understood and that tasks and
desired effects are linked to them. This linkage allows the prioritization of
efforts, permitting the employment of air and space assets against the most critical
objectives and their associated tasks and targets. Each target selected should be
traceable back to the supported tactical tasks, tactical objectives and operational
objectives. Clear linkage of tasks to objectives is also vital to analyze the weight
of effort and other operational calculations, while realizing that some targets will
trace back to more than one task, some tasks to more than one objective and so
- Early integration with the combatant commander/JFC planning group is essential
to help shape the campaign plan and formulate effective air and space operational
objectives. Once the air component is assigned a mission by the combatant
commander/JFC, air and space planners detail the specified objectives and
develop the implied operational objectives. Planners then develop the tactical
objectives and tasks that support both the assigned (specified) and implied
operational objectives.


- Ways define “how” air and space forces achieve mission success by detailing the
priority of effects or sequence of actions that will produce the desired effect
(ends). For the air component, ways are rarely terrain-oriented. The preferred
method of defining ways is to identify effects, which are mechanisms that will
generate the desired results (i.e. achieve objectives). Effects are mechanisms that
link strategy to task and objective. Assessment throughout the employment and
planning processes is vital to ensure the strategy and mechanisms selected are
- As will be discussed later concerning COA analysis, ways should be evaluated
based on suitability, feasibility and acceptability. With adequate time, modeling
and simulation may provide qualitative and quantitative analysis. These tools

AFOTTP 2-1.1, pp.32-35

offer the best measurement of how well each way may achieve the designated
ends. Agencies such as the Joint Warfare Analysis Center, Checkmate and the
Air Force Studies and Analysis Agency can be used to help in this area.
However, the conclusions drawn must be balanced against modeling limitations
and assumptions given the specific situation at hand.


- Means define the resources available for planning and required for execution.
They consider both deployment and combat support factors. Plans for the
mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment and redeployment of military
forces are usually prepared using a set of known or assumed threats or
circumstances. Some theaters will have pre-positioned forces and resources
available. For combat operations, these regions may require additional forces and
resources. Other contingencies will require an Air and Space Expeditionary Task
Force (AETF) to deploy into theater. Regardless of the situation, all
contingencies will likely require some amount of theater deployment. Planning
for such operations normally results in a Time-Phased Force Deployment Data
(TPFDD). Once in theater, the planned air and space operation must be
- The relationship between resources and strategy is twofold. The preferred method
is a strategy-to-force construct where the desired strategy not only determines the
priority of force deployment, but more importantly, is not hampered by logistical
or employment shortfalls. Unfortunately, these shortfalls, if present, may lead to a
force-to-strategy construct where resources dictate or even limit the desired
strategy. These possibilities must be accounted for in the planning process.
- Reality will demand a compromise between these two approaches. Competing
requirements for limited lift, especially airlift, will often result in deployment
orders less than ideal for all components, but optimal for the joint force at large.
The JFC must ensure the TPFDD reflects his priorities. Although planners must
ensure the developed COA considers deployment factors, they must still plan for
an overall strategy-to-force concept.
- Deployment factors may be an initial consideration, but the feasibility of a COA
is critical for mission success. Mission success based on unlimited resources will
rarely be achieved. Operational art balances strategy and operational assumptions
with combat support realities. Figure II-7 illustrates Combat Support

- Deployable space forces - Armaments/PGM availability
- Basing/pre-positioned assets - Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) planning
- POL availability - Reachback
- Air Mobility - Out of theater staging
- Information infrastructure (C2) - Long-range assets
- Force Protection - Communications network
- After Action Report Planning
Figure II-727


- Operational risk is the commander’s conceptual balance between danger and

opportunity; it considers the resources available, the component’s mission and the
operational environment. The rewards of meeting the desired objectives or effects
must outweigh the potential costs associated with mission accomplishment. The
senior airman must make these choices and decisions, for he or she alone bears
the responsibility of command. While the commander must ultimately make the
decisions regarding what risks the strategy and forces will assume, the staff’s role
is to identify critical decision and risk points, provide supporting information and
ensure the commander’s risk decisions are considered throughout operational
planning and execution.
- The commander expresses guidance regarding risk in several ways. The
commander’s risk estimate is based on the mission, his or her experience, higher
headquarters’ guidance and staff estimates. With these considerations, the
commander formulates initial staff guidance, followed by an intent statement
during the mission analysis phase. The commander expresses an estimate of risk
every time he or she provides guidance. Some risk factors permit quantitative
analysis while others will be wholly qualitative. Probability and statistics support
risk analysis, but the commander will have to address operational risk subjectively
when supporting information is unavailable.

As you continue your COA development, certain concepts and definitions may prove
invaluable. As your COA development progresses, keep in mind the definitions for COA
Development that can be found at the end of this section.


With the previously mentioned concepts in mind, the staff has the task of developing a
COA. The task itself is not easy and should incorporate as much information as possible
in order to develop the most accurate and robust COA(s).

JP 3-30, p.III-12/ AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.34

Success indicators (SIs) support operational objectives, providing broad, qualitative
guidance for operational assessment. Clearly defined objectives prevent confusion over
what the force is trying to accomplish and reduce the risk of mission failure. Objectives
ensure the JFACC knows when the desired end or the desired effect has been achieved.
As the COA is developed and refined, we should remember that we are trying to create
and identify a certain set of desired effects.

Effects-based operations (EBO) focuses on desired effects more than on merely attacking
targets or simply dealing with objectives. EBO applies across the range of military
operations, is not domain specific, and applies to lethal or nonlethal, kinetic or non-
kinetic applications of force.28 EBO complements rather than replaces target-based or
objectives-based approaches. It is very amenable to strategy options that do not
emphasize attrition-based approaches. EBO applies across the entire range of military
missions from humanitarian relief operations, peace making or enforcement operations,
or conventional war.29

Figure II-8 illustrates the type of questions designed to assist us in thinking through the
achievement of those desired effects. Figure II-9 on the other hand, is designed to help
identify desired effects at all three levels of war while identifying the different categories
of operational effects.


- What are the desired effects?
- What target set will produce the desired effects?
- What actions against these targets will best produce the desired effects?
- How will we know when we’ve created the desired effect?
- Do we have the resources to achieve the desired effect? (Capabilities and TPFDD issues)
- Is there a better way to achieve the effect?
- Is this effect and the target worth the risk (indirect/higher order effects)?
- Can we achieve the desired effects while limiting collateral damage?
- What unintended effects may result from planned operations?
Figure II-8

Dr. Maris "Buster" McCrabb, Concept of Operations for Effects Based Operations, p.2
Ibid., p.3

LEVELS OF Describes the type of effect associated with a particular level of war.
STRATEGIC Disruption of the enemy’s strategy, ability or will to wage war or carry out
aggressive activity, tied to objectives of the JFC, SecDef and President. Usually
results of actions against enemy’s strategic centers of gravity (COG). May also
result from the accumulation of operational effects.
OPERATIONAL Link between tactical results and strategy, typically the cumulative outcome of
missions, engagements and battles. Can also result from the disruption of systems
or areas of operational value.
TACTICAL Result of actions at the individual unit, mission or engagement level. May be either
direct or indirect and typically acts in concert with other tactical effects to produce
results at higher levels of war.
CATEGORIES OF Broadly describes the type of effect and its conceptual location within the
EFFECT causal chain.
DIRECT Result of actions with no intervening effect or mechanism between act and outcome.
Direct effects are immediate and easily recognizable.
INDIRECT Result created through an intermediate effect or mechanism to produce an outcome,
which may be physical or psychological in nature. Indirect effects tend to be
delayed and may be difficult to recognize. Also called 2nd, 3rd, nth or higher order
SEQUENTIAL A series of effects planned to occur in order
SIMULTANEOUS A series of effects planned to occur at or near the same time.
SYSTEMIC The total effect identifiable on any given entity such as a target, target set, target
system or COG. The result of direct and indirect effects intended and unintended.
CUMULATIVE Result of the aggregate of many direct or indirect effects. Usually flows from lower
to higher levels of war.
CASCADING Indirect effects that ripple through an enemy system, often influencing other systems
as well (typically the result of influencing nodes that are critical to multiple systems;
usually flows from higher to lower levels of war).
Figure II-930

Operational objectives are supported by tactical objectives that are in turn supported by
tactical tasks. Tactical objectives define the desired tactical effects that once achieved
will in aggregate produce the desired operational effect.31 An operational objective is
normally supported by more than one tactical objective. Success Indicators measure the
progress toward achieving operational level objectives. Each tactical objective should
include a Measure of Effectiveness (MOE), which measures the effect joint air operations
are having on the adversary’s capability, allowing the JFACC to gauge success towards
achieving the JFACC’s objectives. Analysis of critical vulnerabilities must determine the
level of degradation to which the adversary’s capabilities are affected. MOEs should be

AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.20
AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.45

based on the adversary’s reaction to joint air operations and not just on the success of
individual air missions.32

Tactical tasks are actions undertaken against specified target types, using lethal and non-
lethal weapons, to produce the desired tactical, operational and/or strategic effects. They
are normally written with a clearly defined action verb (destroy, divert, etc.) and the tasks
include the specific types of a targets set that are feasible, acceptable, and most likely to
produce the desired effects (e.g., SA-10 sites, division command centers, etc.). As such,
adversary COGs must be determined in conjunction with this effort. When articulated in
this manner, tactical tasks should not require a measure of performance (MOP) to clarify
the task statement. This prevents planners from focusing too heavily on achieving the
tactical task, when it is the objective that is most important. MOEs also help focus
component operational assessment efforts and identify ISR requirements. Figure II-10
illustrates an example.


JFC Mission

JFACC Mission
Operational Objective 1: Gain Air Superiority Over Sector

MeasurementsofofEffectiveness: Air Defense
Merit: Air Defense Fighter
Fighter sortiessorties
reducedreduced by 40 percent
by 40 percent and -
and surface
to-air missile missile units operating
units operating in autonomous
in autonomous mode mode

Tactical Task 1: Destroy 480%

Tactical Task 2: Destroy 70%
6 of IADS
Tactical Task 3: Destroy 70% of SA -20 sites

Figure II-1033

Once planners define the objectives and supporting tasks, they further refine potential air
COAs based on the objective priority, sequence, phasing, weight of effort, and matched
resources. This is one method to differentiate COAs. Other methods include varying by
time available, anticipated enemy activities, friendly forces available, and higher-level

JP 3-30, p.III-10
JP 3-30, p.III-11

guidance. For air planning, a single COA may be developed with several branches and
sequels that react to possible enemy activities.34

Each COA developed must prove valid. Planners determine the validity of each COA
based on suitability, feasibility, acceptability, completeness and the ability to distinguish
it from another. A COA is suitable if it accomplishes the mission; feasible if it may be
accomplished with resources available; acceptable if it is within given policy and
guidance and worth the risks; complete if it answers who, what, where, when, why and
how and distinguishable if it is significantly different from other COAs.35


During COA development the JFACC staff helps the commander identify risk areas that
require his attention. These will vary based on the specific mission and situation, and may
be divided into two broad areas: combat support and operational assumptions. Combat
support includes Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD) planning that will
critically affect the joint force air component strategy and execution. Also considered
with the TPFDD are basing, access, logistical support available and defenses required
(see Figure II-11). However, since TPFDD execution and combat support are in the JFC
and Service components’ domain, the JFACC’s planning effort needs to focus on the
limitations and constraints they impose.36 These areas may still be within the JFACC’s
responsibilities if dual-hatted as the COMAFFOR.

The relationship between resources and COA development is critical. COA development
must take into account resource constraints of the joint force at large. The JFC must
ensure the TPFDD reflects his priorities. Planners must ensure the COAs developed
adhere to deployment considerations across the force and do not assume away potential
mobility pitfalls.


- TPFDD - Reachback Operations
- Basing - Just in Time Logistic Considerations
- Regional Access - Bandwidth
- Logistic Support - Climate
- Airbase Defense Requirements - Host-Nation Support
- Communications Network
Figure II-11

Decisions related to operational assumptions will drive a change in how the joint air
component operates. These changes may range from JAOC process changes to
weaponeering and targeting methods. One of the first considerations for the JFACC will
be air superiority. Requisite superiority broadly encompasses the varying degrees of air
superiority detailed in current doctrine; it also addresses a scalable requirement for

JP 3-30, p.III-11
JP 3-30, p.III-10
JP 3-30, p.III-13
JP 3-30, p.III-13

planners to address the level of commitment required to achieve it. The JFACC is
responsible for considering the risk related to air defense planning unless a separate
AADC is designated. The commander’s operational assumptions will determine the
resources committed, force posture and structure of the Area Air Defense Plan (AADP).
For a list of operational factors to consider during risk analysis see figure II-12.

Minimizing collateral damage and fratricide are important operational risk

considerations. The commander must balance guidance on the potential for collateral
damage or fratricide with force protection and mission success. When efforts to reduce
the likelihood of excessive collateral damage or fratricide unreasonably increase the risks
to mission accomplishment or to aircrew survival, the commander should direct a change
in operational employment.38


- Combatant Commander/Joint Task Force - Force Protection
Campaign Assumptions - Information Assurance
- Fratricide - Coalition Considerations
- Attrition - Collateral Damage
Figure II-12

COA Presentation

Once developed, air COAs may be presented in several ways. They may be presented in
text and discuss the priority and sequencing of objectives. Air COAs may also be graphic
— displaying weights of efforts, phase points, decision points and risk. Any quantitative
estimates presented should clearly indicate the limitations of the presentation style. For
example, a sortie is not a constant value for analysis — one F/A-18 sortie does not equate
to one B-2 sortie. Ultimately, the JFACC will direct the appropriate style and content of
the COA.

The result of COA development is a minimum of two valid COAs. If multiple COAs are
developed, they usually represent appropriate branches or sequels based on the inherent
flexibility of air operations.

JP 3-30, p.III-12
JP 3-30, p.III-12

OPERATIONAL AIR OBJECTIVES Desired operational effects of air and space employment, derived
from JFC (or higher authority) tasks to the air component.
Operational air objectives should be clear, decisive, and attainable.
When developing objectives for a course of action, success
indicators should be provided to determine when the objective is
being met. The success indicators will help with operational
assessment during execution.
TACTICAL AIR OBJECTIVES Desired tactical effects that will lead to achievement of operational
objectives. Tactical objectives specify the desired effects achieved
at the tactical level that, in aggregate, produce the desired
operational, and perhaps even strategic level effects. Tactical
objectives should be accompanied by measures of merit or (MOEs).
MOEs are designed to determine whether the desired effect on
enemy capabilities is being realized. MOEs will not normally be
tied to a single sortie but to the combined result of the joint air
operation. Because they help us know what we need to look for,
MOEs are a guide in developing ISR requirements and collection
TACTICAL TASKS Tactical tasks are the use of lethal or non-lethal weapons against
specific target sets to achieve the desired effects at the tactical level,
and by extension, at the operational level. Tactical tasks will
include an action verb, like destroy and divert, and a specific target

OPERATIONAL LEVEL EFFECTS: Enable: make possible

Used primarily for component- Compel: drive or urge forcefully, cause to do or occur by
level intents, mission statements overwhelming pressure
and operational objectives. Deter: turn an enemy aside, discourage, or prevent him from acting
Depending on context may also be Isolate: seal off from sources of support, deny freedom of
appropriate for describing tactical movement, prevent units from having contact with each other,
level effects. They help define the remove leadership’s ability to communicate with forces
purpose (in order to) of the Degrade: render ineffective or unusable by impairing some or all of
commander’s intent, and the why a capability with or without physical damage
of the component mission Protect: shield from exposure, damage, or destruction
statement and operational
TACTICAL EFFECTS: Used to Destroy: physically render combat ineffective
express tactical objectives and Disrupt: break enemy’s formation & tempo, interrupt timetable,
tasks. temporarily impair capability, cause premature commitment of
forces or piecemealing attack
Neutralize: render ineffective or unusable normally for a specified
Deny: temporarily eliminate a capability

AFOTTP 2-1.1, p. 45-46, 55

Decapitate: isolate commanders or leadership to paralyze forces
Divert: change the route taken, change the purpose or use of forces
Dislocate: Shock into inaction or relative ineffectiveness
Delay: prevent from reaching a specified area earlier than a
specified time or event
Deceive: mislead or hide the truth deliberately
Defend: prevent an attacker from attaining objectives
Detect: become aware of actions, capabilities, and intentions
Identify: correctly determine the specific platform or actions taking
place, and whether the originator is friend or foe
Track: continuously monitor the platform or action’s location/
progress for awareness, warning, or possible engagement
SUCCESS INDICATORS (SI) Independent subjective measures tied to specific operational
objectives to help determine if they are being met.
MEASURES OF EFFECTIVENESS Quantitative measurement identifying the accomplishment of
(MOE) operational/tactical objectives.
MEASURES OF PERFORMANCE Objective or quantitative ways of defining whether tactical tasks
(MOP) have been accomplished.



Operational Objective Tactical Objective Tactical Task

Air superiority throughout the JOA (over friendly and/or enemy territory and or/or forces)
SI: No prohibitive losses to friendly forces from enemy air or missile operations
SI: Friendly operations not significantly hindered by enemy air and missile activity
Enemy fixed and rotary wing attack capability neutralized
MOE: Friendly surface operations not significantly hindered by enemy air attacks
Defend friendly assets from attack by fixed and rotary-wing aircraft using
Surface –to-Air Missiles (SAM) & Anti Aircraft Artillery (AAA)
Delay/divert/dislocate enemy aircraft access to, or transit of, designated
MOP: Less than 5% of enemy air attacks reach their intended target areas
Defend via timely warning of attack to friendly forces (passive defense)
Defend forces and facilities through physical action (berms, sand bags,
camouflage and concealment, etc.)
Defend forces and facilities through direct attack against enemy aviation
POL in order to immobilize their forces
Defend forces and facilities through deception (decoys, remote antennas,
Enemy IADS disrupted (neutralized)
MOE: Planned friendly offensive air operations unhindered by enemy IADS
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) IADS command centers
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) supporting IADS command, control,
communications and computer (C4) systems
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) primary electrical power to IADS
MOP: Key enemy IADS C2 nodes forced to backup power
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) backup electrical power to IADS
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants (POL)
stores supporting IADS
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) POL pumping stations supporting IADS
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) Electronic warfare (EW)/Ground Control
Intercept (GCI) radars within XX Km of the border
MOP: All identified EW/GCI radars destroyed/not functioning
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) EW/GCI radars in critical areas
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) tracking and engagement radars
MOP: Less than X% of radar guided SAM engagements successful
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) enemy command and control (C2) /
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft
Destroy (Neutralize) AAA sites in critical areas
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) tactical SAMs
MOP: No successful tactical SAM engagements
Enemy surface-to-surface missile capability neutralized (destroyed)
MOE: Friendly ground operations not adversely affected by SSM attacks
MOE: Friendly TPFDD (force flow) not affected by SSM attacks
Conduct defense against SSMs of critical assets using friendly SAMs or
related systems
MOP: Less than X% of SSMs launched reach intended target
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) TELs in the field
MOP: 90% of TELs destroyed within XX hours of identification
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) TEL reload capability
Destroy fixed TBM launch pads
MOP: 100% of launch pads destroyed within 24 hours of identification
Neutralize (Destroy) ships able to launch cruise missiles
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) command centers for TBM and cruise
missile operations
Disrupt (Neutralize) (Destroy) Communications links supporting missile
Figure II-14
AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.56-57


“If I always appear prepared, it is because before entering on an

undertaking, I have meditated for long and have foreseen what may occur.
It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly and secretly what I should do
in circumstances unexpected by others; it is thought and preparation.”

Wargaming is a valuable step in the estimate process designed to stimulate ideas and
provide insights that might not otherwise be discovered. Although wargaming is often
associated with computer models, COA analysis can simply be a recorded “what if”
session of actions and reactions designed to visualize the flow of the battle and evaluate
each friendly COA. Although actual wargaming usually involves tactical level
considerations, the challenge in the Joint Air Estimate Process is to wargame strategic
and operational level courses of action.

1. Assemble the necessary tools and information
2. Establish specific analysis rules to follow
3. Wargame the COAs
4. Record vital wargaming activities
5. Identify advantages/ disadvantages
6. Refine each COA based on wargaming results
Figure III-1


COA analysis consists of “wargaming” your COAs, not against one another, but against
the adversary’s most likely and most dangerous COAs. Wargaming, as accomplished in
this phase, provides an initial analysis of your planning efforts by determining the
strengths and weaknesses of each COA. As a result of this process, the wargaming of
COAs may actually alter a COA or even create a new COA based on unforeseen critical
events, tasks or problems identified. This is the desired benefit of this type of analysis.
Since the enemy is a living, breathing, reacting entity, wargaming allows us to foresee
not only our actions but enemy reactions and our counteraction(s).

Wargaming is often a sequential process with steps or turns completed one after another.
One group makes a move and then the other group responds. In COA analysis, planning
groups must adjust their wargaming style based on the JFACC’s guidance, time available,
the overall situation and staff dynamics. Wargaming begins by assembling all the tools
and information planners require and then establishing the general rules to follow.
Recording the activity is vital and directly contributes to identifying the advantages and
disadvantages of each COA. The activities and solutions recorded then provide sufficient
detail for future JAOP development.

In order to successfully accomplish the wargaming process, planners must take several
factors into account. Time permitting; the staff should consider all facts and assumptions
of the estimate and their likely effects. This should be a required part of planning.
Remember, facts are statements of known data concerning the situation while
assumptions are suppositions made in the absence of facts. The assumptions you use in
planning should be both valid and necessary. Consider what will happen if the facts and
assumptions you’ve built your plan upon turn out to be wrong. Refer back to Figure I-3
for examples of planning facts and assumptions. Likewise, don’t ignore conflict
termination issues. What activities will you be involved with after the national objectives
have been met?

COA analysis concludes when planners have refined each plan in detail, and identified
the advantages and disadvantages of each COA. Automation in the planning process and
joint analysis centers such as the Air Force Studies and Analysis Agency (AFSAA) or
Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC) may provide additional modeling support to
wargaming, thus increasing the speed of COA analysis.42 Additionally, AFOTTP 2-1.1
contains an excellent Annex that provides guidelines for performing a detailed COA

Analysis of the proposed COAs through wargaming provides the staff with key decision
points, possible task organization adjustments, data for use in a synchronization matrix or
other decision making tools to be used in Phase IV, COA Comparison. Analysis also
helps identification of branches and sequels, identification of high value targets and
recommendations for the Commander’s Critical Information Requirement (CCIR) list.

Joint Pub 5-00.2 (Joint Task Force Planning Guidance & Procedures) lists rules to
consider while wargaming your COAs. They are summarized in Figure III-2. First, keep
an open mind; remain objective. If you are biased toward one COA or the other, you’ll
likely miss important issues that may lead to some faulty assumptions. Don’t enter the
wargaming arena with the idea that one COA is inherently superior to another. Analyze
and then decide. Second, chronicle all of the advantages and disadvantages as you
identify them and record them accurately so you have them during COA comparison.
Third, keep in mind that in this phase, what you are most interested in is the feasibility of
the COA. Can it be accomplished and does it meet the stated objectives? Fourth, don’t
draw premature conclusions or gather “facts” which may be nothing more than bad
assumptions used to support your conclusions. This goes back to the first rule of
remaining objective and unbiased. Fifth, avoid comparing friendly COAs since you’ll
accomplish that in the next phase. The intent of Phase III is to compare friendly and
enemy COAs. Sixth, stay at the operational level and don’t bog yourself down with
tactical discussions, even though they may sometimes be necessary to determine
feasibility. Finally, a good COA comparison should identify probable branches and
sequels, often emerging as a result of good wargaming. Although identified in this phase,
further development of these variations occurs later in the JAOP process.

AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.54

Wargaming Rules
1. Remain unbiased
2. Accurately record advantages and disadvantages as they
become evident
3. Continually assess feasibility
4. Avoid drawing premature conclusions
5. Avoid comparing COAs
6. Stay at the operational level
7. Identify but don’t pursue branches and sequels
Figure III-2

As you progress through the wargaming process, there are several areas of interest that
you will need to record and save for further analysis in Phase IV. These items can be
found in Figure III-3.


- Refinements or modifications to COA - Branches and sequels
- Refinement to tactical tasks and objectives - Critical events and decision points
- Estimate of duration of critical events and - Critical information required to
operation as a whole support decision points
- Projected degree of enemy defeat or - COA strengths and weaknesses
destruction - Areas of interest for reconnaissance
- Support from outside the air component and surveillance
- Additional critical events - Priorities and other commanders’
- Requirements for logistical support guidance
- Opportunities for surprise and deception - TPFDD requirements
- Clear picture of command relationships - Requirements for ROE modifications

Figure III-343

The list of recorded items in Figure III-3 is not intended to be either all-inclusive or
mandatory in nature. You may discover areas of concern outside of this list as well as
realizing that not all of these items are pertinent to the current conflict or situation. It is a
guide that will give you ideas to consider as you focus on your COA analysis. As you go
through this process, keep these definitions in mind.

- DECISION POINT – The point in space and time where the commander or staff
anticipates making a decision concerning a specific friendly course of action. A
decision point is usually associated with a specific target area of interest and is
located in time and space to permit the commander sufficient lead-time to engage
the adversary in the target area of interest. Decision points may also be associated
with the friendly force and the status of ongoing operations. (JP 1-02)
comprehensive list of information requirements identified by the commander as
being critical in facilitating timely information management and the decision

AFOTTP 2-1.1, pp.66-67

making process that affect successful mission accomplishment. The two key
subcomponents are critical friendly force information and priority intelligence
requirements. (JP 1-02)
- BRANCHES – “What if?” The contingency options built into the basic plan. A
branch is used for changing the mission, orientation or direction of movement of a
force to aid disruptions caused by enemy actions and reactions. (JP 1-02)
- SEQUELS – “What now?” A major operation that follows the current major
operation. Plans for a sequel are based on the possible outcomes (success,
stalemate or defeat) associated with the current operation. (JP 1-02)
- RISK – Probability and severity of loss linked to hazards. (JP 1-02)

Once you have completed your wargaming of the COAs developed in Phase II, the COA
analysis phase is complete. Now is the time to move into Phase IV, COA Comparison.

During COA comparison, courses of action are not initially compared to each other, but
rather they are individually evaluated against a predetermined set of criteria established
by the staff. Only then are the differing COAs compared to one another. COA
comparison provides an analytical method to identify the best plan for the air component.
It begins with the JFACC staff developing the comparison criteria and then comparing
the proposed COAs against the criteria to identify the strengths, weaknesses, advantages
and disadvantages of each.44 After the COAs are compared against the pre-determined
criteria, the best option becomes the COA eventually recommended to the JFACC during
Phase V. Figure IV-1 illustrates the four-step process.

COA Comparison
1. Determine evaluation criteria
2. Develop a construct for making comparison
3. Perform COA comparison
4. Decide on COA and prepare to recommend it to the JFACC
Figure IV-1


In the first step of COA comparison, you need to ask, “In this situation, what are the
critical issues and what will it take to achieve the desired end state?” There will certainly
be many factors guiding your assessment and comparison of the courses of action. For
example, world opinion may or may not be an important issue but you will certainly need
to address force protection. The question is, how big is the issue? Could the potential
enemy employment of WMD be an issue in this situation? What about the location of the
battle? Is it in open terrain? Urban areas? It might be imperative that your COA stresses
the importance of dictating the location of battle yourself instead of letting your opponent
decide it for you. Another factor you may want to consider is the importance of coalition
unity and preventing the enemy from applying counter-coercive strategies designed to
break up your coalition. A list of potential COA comparison issues is shown in Figure
IV-2. Whatever the critical issues are in your situation, they should direct the selection of
the criteria you use in evaluation of the COAs.

AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.37

- Time to begin operations - Coalition unity
- Speed to achieve end state - End state
- World opinion - Logistical supportability
- Force protection - Principles of War
- Enemy use of WMD - Risk Analysis
- Location of conflict (urban/ open - Likelihood of friendly/ civilian
terrain/ etc.) casualties
Figure IV-2


There are several different constructs you can use in order to facilitate COA comparison.
Although cloaked in the guise of objective analysis, you must recognize the extreme
subjectivity in each of the proposed methods. Your job will be to interject as much
objectivity as possible in order to accomplish the most accurate comparison possible.
Either method used will likely yield both strengths and weaknesses. In order to get the
most out of each construct, try to understand the limitations of each. Although there are
several analysis constructs available to the planner, two of these models are:

- Decision matrix
- Advantages and disadvantages matrix


The Decision Matrix technique identifies and weights the criteria for comparison. In
Figure IV-3, the weighted scale is from 1 to 5 with 5 being the most important. Each
COA is then rated against these criteria. If a COA is evaluated very highly in a particular
quality, it might receive a 5 for that criterion. After all the COAs are scored for each of
the criteria, the scores are multiplied by the weights and the totals are added to produce a
weighted total for each COA. If the process is done properly, the COA with the highest
score will likely be the one recommended to the JFACC.

A major drawback to this technique is that it, once again, gives the impression that the
result of the evaluation is objective. In actuality, the criteria selected are subjective, the
weights assigned to the criteria are subjective and the scores given to the COAs are
subjective; all determined by the staff based on the JFACC’s intent, experience and/ or
operational art. Rather than any real objectivity, however, we may actually have
subjectivity to the third power. Likewise, staffs must guard against pre-selecting a COA
and adjusting either the weights or ratings in favor of it.

Likewise, the Decision Matrix may suppress or discourage operational art by subjectively
ignoring a need to accomplish a particular mission even though it may achieve a lower
overall score in the analysis. For example, during the US daylight raids over Germany
throughout 1943 and early 1944, with the Germans having air superiority, it was expected
that American losses would be high and bordering prohibitive. Regardless, our

objectives forced us to put less emphasis on American “attrition” because of operational
necessity. Using a model like the decision matrix may have caused us to ignore
operational necessity and mission success due to subjective values placed upon the
operation. With the objective of gaining air superiority prior to the Normandy invasion,
we had no choice but to “slug it out” with the Luftwaffe to reduce their ability to hamper
our invasion. Although this plan would have undoubtedly scored low under the criterion
for attrition, history bears out that it nevertheless remained the best plan suited to achieve
the operational objective. If the table in Figure IV-3 had been used as a template for the
objective of wresting air superiority from the Luftwaffe, the plan would also likely have
scored high in flexibility, simplicity and initiative but arguably low in infrastructure
damage. As a result, an overall score may have been lower than a plan that may have
stressed a switch to nighttime bombing or even delaying the bombing offensive several
months until a greater number of long range P-51s arrived in theater.

Part of operational art requires the planners to decide which issues are more important. If
attrition is of utmost importance, then perhaps another plan would be best. If attrition is a
concern, but not a determining factor, the plan that accepts high, but not prohibitive
losses, might be the best choice.

Flexibility 5 3 15 5 25
Infrastructure Damage 2 5 10 3 6
Attrition 3 5 15 4 12
Simplicity 1 5 5 4 4
Initiative 4 3 12 5 20

Figure IV-345


Another technique is the Advantages and Disadvantages Matrix in Figure IV-4. Here you
simply list all the advantages and disadvantages of the COAs. Then, based on your air
sense, choose the one in which you believe the advantages most decisively outweigh the
disadvantages. There certainly is no pretense of objectivity here. Rather, it’s just a way
to get the issues in front of you so you can make as objective a judgment as possible,
based on subjective criteria. By recognizing and confronting the model’s subjectivity,
you can avoid the trap of believing you have accomplished thoroughly objective analysis.

JP 3-30, p.III-14

Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5.
6. 6. 6. 6.
7. 7. 7. 7.
8. 8. 8. 8.
9. 9. 9. 9.
10. 10. 10. 10.
Figure IV-4


Another technique for COA comparison involves developing an Objective-Risk

Timeline. In this model, operational objectives and/or significant events are plotted
against a notional timeline that identifies when certain objectives or actions will occur.
Risk for each COA is identified and forms the basis for the staff’s recommendation and
presentation to the JFACC. The idea is to compare when various phases of the campaign
JAOP will likely occur and how that will impact the inherent risks.

In the example shown in Figure IV-5, COA 1 deploys a quick reaction force within 45
days of the crisis. According to this example, it then takes two weeks to prepare the
battlespace and then finally, a 75-day offensive operations phase completes the

Course of Action 2 requires a much larger force with a deployment requiring 70 days.
With this larger force in theater, however, it will only take 10 days to prepare the
battlespace and another 55 days to conduct offensive operations. The larger force will
shave 20 days off the offensive operation.

For COA 3, although overwhelming force is deployed, it takes a full 90 days to bring all
assets into theater. With such a large force, however, it takes only one week to prepare
the battlespace and only 35 days to complete all offensive operations, in effect reducing
offensive combat operations by 40 days.

COA 1 Deploy Quick Reaction Force Prep
45 days Offensive Ops
14 days
75 days

COA 2 Deploy Large Force

70 days Offensive Ops
10 days
55 days

COA 3 Deploy Massive Force

Offensive Ops
90 days 7 days
35 days

Figure IV-5: Objective-Risk Timeline Examples

In COA 1, the objective is to rapidly halt the enemy in order to protect the ally’s
territorial integrity. The resulting risk is that the small force will require longer combat
phases and have a higher risk of attrition. The result of COA 1 analysis is that the shorter
deployment period will result in a faster response to the enemy’s aggression and reduce
the risk of a loss of friendly territory. This will, however, likely lead to higher casualty
rates because of the longer combat phases and reduced combat power at your disposal.

COA 2’s objective is to shorten the conflict periods by using a larger force structure. The
risk, however, is that the longer deployment period will result in loss of friendly territory
and/or initiative should the enemy attack before your preparations have been completed.
At the same time, the longer buildup results in a larger force and a desired reduction in
combat phase length that in turn reduces the risk of friendly casualties.

Finally, the objective for COA 3 is to respond decisively to the ally’s call for help but,
more importantly, to protect US forces by deploying overwhelming force. The risk here
is that our response may be too slow to prevent a significant loss of allied territory. The
result, however, is that the 90 day deployment gives us the overwhelming force we desire
and phases that are roughly half as long as COA 1. We can anticipate fewer casualties
but remember that the enemy will most certainly capture and hold friendly territory.

If, after analyzing these three courses of action, we decide that more US interests are met
by protecting the ally’s territory, then we would lean toward recommending COA 1. The
more concern there is for protecting US lives, on the other hand, the more we would be
led to recommend COA 3.


Once you have decided on the construct to use, accomplish the COA comparison. If time
permits, you may even decide to run your comparison through 2 or more different models
before deciding on the COA. Remember the subjective nature of the models while
comparing them.


The final step in the COA comparison process is deciding on the COA you will
eventually recommend to the JFACC. This should be a relatively easy process. When
making your decision, think about the COA that best achieves your objectives. Use your
operational art, experience and any higher guidance you have to help in your decision.
With the decision matrix, once again, keep in mind that a higher aggregate score may or
may not really determine the best course of action. Once this step is completed, you will
then move into Phase V, COA Selection.

COA selection begins with a staff briefing of the COAs developed and ends with a
JFACC approved COA and any further guidance the JFACC may offer. The staff will
present their COAs in the form of a briefing, which includes a summary of the estimate
process that led to the recommended COA. Based on the amount of JFACC involvement
throughout the planning process and the degree of parallel planning the commander
accomplishes, COA selection will vary from choosing among alternatives to direct
approval of the staff recommended COA.46


1. Present COAs to the JFACC
2. Identify the COA your staff recommends along with rationale
3. JFACC accepts/denies staff’s recommendation, providing further guidance if
Figure V-1


In order for the staff to prepare a complete and thorough briefing to the JFACC there are
certain elements that should be included in the JFACC’s briefing.
- Assumptions – Gathered from Phase III, COA Analysis, all applicable
assumptions, which are both valid and necessary should be briefed to the JFACC.
These assumptions, along with the facts determined in this phase, will lay the
foundation for decisions made during COA selection.
- JFACC Mission Statement and JFACC Intent – As part of the COA selection
briefing, the staff should reiterate these two items that were accomplished back in
Phase I. Presenting this information to the JFACC at this stage will allow him to
take a final look at his objectives, purpose and end-state in relation to the COAs
being presented in the briefing.
- For the COAs presented, the staff should brief the following information.
- COA Statement
- COA risk factors
- Information and Space Operations concerns
- Notional phasing over time
- Beddown/POL/Munitions Considerations
- COA Advantages and Disadvantages – At this stage of the briefing, the staff
should go through each COA and brief their advantages and disadvantages, taking
into considerations all of the previous factors.
- Finally, after the staff discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each COA,
the staff should present its recommendation to the JFACC. The JFACC will
either accept the recommendation as is, accept the recommendation with revisions
to be made, choose an alternate COA or a combination of them, or reject the
recommendation expecting his staff to develop other COAs.

JP 3-30, p. III-16

Once the JFACC has selected a course of action, it will be forwarded to the JFC for
approval. After approval, the JFACC and his staff will be responsible for producing the
Joint Air Operations Plan based on the selected COA. This process is accomplished in
Phase VI.

The art of war requires the intuitive ability to grasp the essence of a unique battlefield
situation, the creative ability to devise a practical solution, and the strength of purpose to
execute the act.
--Marine Corps Doctrinal Pamphlet (MCDP) 1-1, Warfighting

JAOP development details how joint air forces will support the JFC’s campaign plan.
Since the JAOP spans multiple levels of war, the JFACC must establish appropriate
boundaries for his strategy’s expression. The JAOP should also specify the C2
relationships of assigned, attached, transient and available forces. This includes forces
employing from outside the theater.47 In theory, the JAOP should articulate the theater
air and space strategy in a manner that provides flexibility in tactical application. At the
same time, the supporting staff estimates must demonstrate the feasibility of the selected
strategy.48 Section III of this handbook contains a suggested JAOP format.

During this stage of the process you should apply some basic planning philosophies.

- First, plan for the most likely scenario using the Commander’s Estimate of the
Situation and the JFC’s guidance.
- Second, do not plan on the margin. The fog and friction of war will quickly
overwhelm you if you don’t consider reserves, surge capabilities and other options.
Excess sortie generation capability over and above planned rates is usually the
airman’s “reserves.” The bigger the margin your plan provides, the longer you can
maintain your planned course before you are forced to change it.

a. The Joint Air and Space Operations Plan harmonizes the various air and space
power functions. It integrates the efforts of the other services, nations and
components that apply airpower. To be an effective air and space planner, you must
gain a thorough understanding of service, joint and coalition airpower doctrine, as
well as limitations and capabilities. The goal is to creatively integrate the available
capabilities to achieve theater objectives in circumstances that present themselves.

b. The plan identifies desired effects, target sets, success indicators and measures
of effectiveness (MOEs) in as much detail as time and available intelligence allow.
Target selection should always be based upon the effects you wish to achieve on
enemy centers of gravity (or critical vulnerabilities within them). In turn, these
should be based upon your overall objectives for the conflict. Remember,
although physical destruction of a target is often possible, it may not be the best way
to achieve theater-level objectives. Non-destructive disruption or neutralization may
achieve the desired effects while simultaneously supporting the overall theater end
state. You should also develop SIs and MOEs that tell you when you’ve achieved
your objectives and to help simplify re-attack decisions. Selecting desired effects, the
means to achieve them and determining the SIs and MOEs is an integral process
AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.38
AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.38

called effects-based targeting. In effects-based targeting, the actual targets struck
and the means to strike them are less important than the underlying contribution
striking them makes toward achieving your objectives.

The alternative method of targeting (“input-based”), “focuses on inputs to the

battle; it concentrates mechanically on the number of sorties and ordnance
delivered. The [effects-based] approach is based upon outputs. . . . Given a
desired system wide failure, what component will provide the necessary
failure when destroyed? The process is analogous to determining what will
cause a bridge to collapse, for example, rather than asking about the effects
of destroying a single supporting pier.” [Emphasis in original]49

You should start the target selection process by knowing the COG you want to affect,
the effect you want to have on that COG and the objective(s) that the effect supports.
Analysis of the COG should have yielded a set of potential targets that are vulnerable
to some form of air, space or information attack. From this set, you can now compare
your capabilities against the list of targets to select a match that has the best chance of
achieving the desired effect. For every target you thus decide on, determine the “3
D’s” of effects-based targeting: the level of Disruption, the Distribution and the
Duration of the effect. These criteria will help guide your measures of merit for that
target. The level of disruption can be expressed quantitatively (e.g. “70%
degradation”) or functionally (“no emissions from system X,” “units operating
autonomously”). The distribution expresses how widely you want to affect the target.
This can be expressed geographically or functionally. Duration, of course, is how
long you want to affect the target. In all cases, the “3 Ds” should support your
desired effect. Some questions to ask during the target selection process include:

• Will affecting this target or target set help satisfy an objective?

• How will we know when we’ve had the desired effect?
• Can this target be attacked by air or space power?
• Can we afford to attack this target? What is the risk? [Balance]
• What will be the impact on US public opinion? World opinion? Allies?
• Can we attack this target set with minimal collateral damage?
• Have we considered the Principles of War and the Tenets of Air and Space

c. In concert with target set selection, the plan must identify combat assessment
criteria (CA), including the Measures of Effectiveness50 (MOEs) [which consist of
Success Indicators] and the Essential Elements of Information (EEIs); those things
that Intelligence should collect in order to support these MOEs. Measures of
Effectiveness are used to define success. Generally, a MOE should answer the
question, “how do I know when I have achieved the objective?” MOEs can take

Maj Stephen M. Rinaldi, Beyond the Industrial Web: Economic Synergies and Targeting Methodologies,
Air University Press, Maxwell AFB AL, Apr 95, p 34.
“Effectiveness” refers to the measure of both the immediate, physical, or direct effects of a mission, as
well as the operational-strategic purposes, that the mission actually achieved.

many forms. They can reflect levels of destruction, such as “destroy unit X” or
“reduce the Republican Guards Divisions to 50% combat potential.” They can also
convey functional effects, such as “sector X of the enemy air defense system rendered
unable to effectively impede friendly air operations for X days.” However, to be
useful as a gauge of combat effectiveness, a measure of effectiveness must be
meaningful, reliable and observable. To be meaningful, the MOE must be tied to
achievement of the JAOP’s operational and strategic objectives. To be reliable, it
must accurately express the intended effect. In other words, what does a “50%
reduction in combat potential” mean in terms of the conflict’s objectives? If you are
going to use quantitative measures, they must reliably convey the effect you wish to
achieve. If a MOE cannot be observed by intelligence collection methods, it probably
cannot be used as an effective measure of success or failure on the battlefield. It is
extremely important to have a plan for intelligence collection that supports your
MOEs. What must your intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) assets
observe and analyze? What assessment limitations will you likely have? For
instance, will you be able to measure if combat vehicles have been destroyed,
hardened shelters have been rendered useless or a unit has been made combat-
ineffective? You must document the criteria associated with the MOE analysis of
each target set.

d. The plan prioritizes target sets, providing guidance on which targets are most
important to the JAOP. Keep in mind, though, that priority does not necessarily
dictate the order in which you attack targets. Theater objectives, available forces,
doctrine and the immediate situation may dictate the order in which attacks occur.
Some targets are “perishable” (See time-sensitive targets in appendix) and must be
attacked within a limited time window to be fully exploited. Other targets must be
struck first to enable attacks on other parts of an enemy system. Some targets should
be struck in parallel with other targets in order to have the maximum system-wide
impact. There is no magic formula for dealing with this tension between priority and
time-sensitivity. This is one more reason “operational art” is called an art.

e. The plan should identify the level of effort to be used against targets. This is not
the same thing as priority. Here you must decide if a given target is important enough
to delay attacking other targets, or even delay the start of another phase, until you’ve
achieved the desired effects. In some cases, limited resources may force you to move
on when the allocated level of effort has been expended against less important targets,
regardless of the effects achieved.

f. The plan should clearly and thoroughly spell out command/control relationships
for air and space capabilities. These relationships quickly become complicated and
difficult, even in comparatively small conflicts. The right capability for the right
effect might come from an asset bedded down in the theater (like an F-16) or from
one bedded down half a world away, but flying its mission in the theater (like a B-2).
A piece of vital intelligence or assessment might come from an NCO in your JAOC’s
ISR division or from a space-based asset that requires Presidential approval to re-
direct. Your task as a planner is to think through how you will obtain use of the
assets you need and how those assets will be directed and controlled to support the
JFC’s objectives. Who do you talk to approve use of a B-2? How (and under whose

authority) will you re-direct it if you want its targets to change once it has launched?
Who will have operational control of tanker assets flying sorties in support of your
JFC’s operations, but bedded down in another theater? These are the kinds of
questions you must answer. Here are a few broad principles to consider:

(1) There are four command relationships relevant to the JFACC. Tactical control
(TACON), the lowest level, is detailed and usually localized direction of
movement or maneuvers to accomplish assigned missions. TACON is inherent in
operational control (OPCON), which is authoritative direction over all aspects of
military operations, organization, and training necessary to accomplish assigned
missions, but which does not necessarily include authoritative direction of
logistics or administration. The latter is included in administrative control
(ADCON), which covers all aspects of support not included in OPCON. If there
is a dispute between commanders separately holding OPCON and ADCON,
OPCON “wins.” (This happens more than you might realize.) The fourth
relationship is “support:” authority to aid, assist, protect, or sustain another
organization. Forces that will remain under control of a commander outside your
theater will often act in support of your JFC and/or JFACC.

(2) TACON is usually sufficient for accomplishment of the JFACC’s mission.

OPCON should be considered when the preponderance of an asset’s effort over
time will be dedicated to your JFC’s mission and TACON doesn’t allow sufficient
control. This is rare. ADCON should be given to the commander with the ability
to best support the troops. OPCON of forces is usually held by the Service they
came from (by the COMAFFOR in the case of Air Force forces), or chops to the
regional combatant commander “owning” the conflict, who usually delegates it to
his Service (not functional) components. Confused? Don’t worry—this is good
news for the JFACC. The JFACC wants to be able to use the capabilities a carrier
brings to the fight, but doesn’t want to have to worry about the carrier’s non-
combat training schedule, or how to steam it to get the best launch and recovery
window. He lets the Naval Forces Commander (NAVFOR) who has OPCON
worry about that. Space and inter-theater mobility assets will almost always
remain under control of their respective functional commands, which support
your JFC and JFACC. Their use is coordinated through representatives in the

(3) “One base, one boss” is a good rule for assets based in your theater. Several
infamous examples in recent conflicts have taught that this is best, even if the
boss isn’t an airman.

(4) C2 relationships should be as simple and clear as possible. People should

know whom they work for and should work for one boss to the max extent
possible (even if it often isn’t). Sit down with your commander(s) and
consciously plan C2. Try to identify the “rat’s nests” and “Inside Baseball
diagrams” and sort them out before forces begin to flow or the fighting starts.

(5) Get it in writing! Think through the specific elements of command and
control the JFACC and other commanders need to be able to do their jobs and

specify these in written form. Verbal agreements often devolve into “bubbaCon.”
Message traffic is a better medium than email, because it cannot be modified.

(6) C2 relationships should be spelled out in Section 5 of the JAOP.

g. The JAOP should clearly spell out the control measures needed to manage
theater airspace. The JFACC is normally the Airspace Control Authority (ACA)
and so has responsibility for airspace structure and its control system. The problem is
often not as simple as shutting down the airspace above the war zone. In one recent
conflict, for example, airspace had to be interweaved so that combat operations could
be conducted simultaneously with medium-altitude commercial traffic that friendly
governments relied upon as a source of revenue. This led to bombers dropping their
loads through airways while commercial traffic was airborne. This worked, but
required significant coordination. Other issues might include: is the country you’re
fighting over so primitive that you need to create an air traffic control system just to
manage the airspace? If so, how will you do this, given that most JFACCs don’t have
access to the resources needed? How will you manage the proliferation of unmanned
aerial vehicles controlled by the other components? Will they endanger or impede
your operations, even while providing needed intelligence? Such issues warrant
planners’ attention.

h. The plan must identify phasing and synchronization. A phase is a period during
which large portions of your forces are involved in similar or mutually supporting
activities. They are usually defined by the accomplishment of one or more related
goals or objectives. Transition from one phase to another indicates a shift in
emphasis for the JAOP. For airmen, this will often—but not always—involve a shift
in apportionment. All phase objectives, missions and tasks must accord with and help
achieve the combatant or joint force commander’s objectives. Air and space missions
must be phased and synchronized within the JAOP. The JAOP itself must also be
integrated and synchronized with the plans of the other components to ensure smooth
coordination of air, space, and surface operations. The JFC may or may not provide
guidance on phasing, but if he does, this must also be incorporated in your planning

(1) Early phases normally have air and space control as high priorities.
Depending on the enemy threat, you should consider the need for defensive
counterair to protect friendly centers of gravity and deploying forces as soon as you
enter the theater. This is usually fairly easy to plan for. Planning for offensive
counterair operations will require much more in-depth analysis of your enemy as a
system. You must determine the numbers and types of platforms, sorties, and
munitions needed to strike enemy air and space assets and suppress enemy air
defenses. Similarly, you must define the level of theater or local air and space control
required to achieve your theater objectives. Remember, air and space control are not
usually ends unto themselves, but they enable you to do other things.

(2) Another early priority for air and space planners is determining how to
dislocate and exploit the enemy system as quickly as possible across the full spectrum
of its operations. The airman’s most valuable tool in this effort is strategic attack.
Strategic attack (SA) consists of those operations designed to have war-wide effects

by striking directly at the enemy’s centers of gravity, without first having to engage
their fielded forces. SA usually represents the most efficient use of airpower,
since it is designed to have the most far-reaching impact with the least
expenditure of resources. Planning for strategic attack, however, requires the most
intricate analysis of enemy systems and centers of gravity. You must determine why,
when, how, and for how long you intend to affect your targets. Likewise, SA can be
planned in both denial and coercion campaigns. Strategic attack can play a
significant part in denying the enemy the resources, command capability, and/or
strategic choices he needs to continue the fight. The CBO and Pacific bombing
campaigns that targeted German and Japanese industrial resources and the coalition
strategic air effort against the Iraqi regime during DESERT STORM and OIF are
examples of strategic denial. Coercion on the other hand, generally involves more
subtle applications or implications of military force and is usually more difficult to
accomplish than denial. The Cold War’s successful nuclear deterrence is an example
of a coercive operation involving the implied use of strategic attack.

Planning for SA usually involves the toughest decision making, too. You must weigh
such factors as legality, political and moral constraints, the prospect of collateral
damage, and potential use of SA resources for pressing battlefield needs against the
potential benefits of attack.

(3) Counterland missions are often driven by ground force operations, but can be
conducted as independent air operations, or with surface operations acting in support
of air (as in the Battle of Khafji during DESERT STORM, for example). Air
Interdiction (AI), from an airman’s point of view, is more efficient in preparing and
shaping the battlespace than is close air support (CAS). Interdiction may be used
deep within enemy territory to achieve decisive operational or strategic effects
without friendly troops having to come in contact with the enemy. Indeed, an
enemy’s fielded forces (or some part thereof) are often an operational-level center of
gravity and so affecting them can have decisive strategic consequences. (Whether the
sorties intended to impose these effects fall into the “SA” or “counterland”
apportionment categories is largely irrelevant.) Interdiction and strategic attack
operations, by design, will have longer-lasting effects than will CAS operations.
During a specific period of time, however, CAS may be your most important mission
due to operational requirements. And if CAS is the combatant or joint force
commander’s number one priority, then it is also your number one priority. The
needs of those supported drive the level of effort and the phasing of these supporting
operations. Even though these are supporting operations, air and surface forces
acting as a team usually have a profound synergistic effect against enemy surface
forces. Likewise, while aerial interdiction may halt (or even destroy) an enemy
surface force by itself, the effects are multiplied exponentially if the enemy is also
forced to maneuver against friendly forces. By maneuvering, the enemy consumes
resources which increases the effect of interdicting those resources. A maneuvering
enemy may also be easier to find and exploit than an enemy that is well entrenched.

(4) When conducting counterland operations, keep in mind the importance of the
psychological effects of airpower upon enemy surface forces. The JFACC should
consider making the destruction of enemy morale an objective of those phases

involving direct action against enemy surface forces. Some things to consider when
planning to affect enemy morale include,

(a) Plan to keep enemy forces under air attack (or threat of attack) around
the clock for a protracted period. [Persistence] Even if your air forces are just
transiting the battlespace over enemy troops, there is a psychological
advantage to be gained from enemy troops just seeing or hearing them
overhead. For this reason, also resist planning cease-fires or other temporary
halts in air operations unless resource or other constraints mandate them.

(b) Deny food and water to enemy forces by attacking depots, interdicting
LOCs and destroying “soft” supply vehicles. Experience has shown that
round-the-clock armed reconnaissance/strike sorties along enemy supply
routes can prove so intimidating to enemy drivers that they will refuse to drive
resupply missions.

(c) Consider using area effects, such as heavy bombers provide, to impose
shock effect against stationary enemy troops. In Vietnam and DESERT STORM,
the B-52 was the aircraft most feared by enemy troops, even if its strikes did
relatively little physical damage to troop concentrations.

(d) Make the enemy believe his air defenses are impotent. Experience
shows that forces are demoralized when aircraft are perceived to be able to
strike them with relative impunity.

(e) Condition enemy troops not to operate their weapons and other
equipment. Attempt to convince the enemy through PSYOP and military
action that if he flies, fires, communicates, radiates, moves with his vehicles
or remains with his weapons, he will die.51 “Learn or Burn.”

(5) Once the war fighting phases have accomplished the theater commander’s
objectives, there will be some sort of transition or draw-down to an end state. Recent
history has proven that end state operations are much more involved than simply
“packing your bags and going home.” “Operation Iraqi Freedom” is the most recent
case in point. Air forces have had to perform each of the airpower functions during
this phase. You should be mindful of this and plan accordingly.

(6) A last, but important, note on phasing. If you have thought through the JAOP
properly, your phases will be sequential, at least in the planning stages. By
sequential, we mean that each discrete phase will accomplish clear, attainable and
measurable objectives that support the JFACC’s and the theater commander’s overall
objectives for the campaign. In the past, planners made the mistake of confusing
airpower functions, like “air superiority” (counterair) or “interdiction,” with phase
objectives. This led to confusion, as phases necessarily overlapped once the battle
was underway. Parallel warfare, properly practiced, teaches that there are advantages
to pursuing several objectives simultaneously. In the critical first few hours or days

This section paraphrases Hosmer, Psychological Effects of U.S. Air Operations

of a major conflict, you will probably have several major tasks to accomplish at once.
For example, following a surprise ground attack by an enemy with weapons of mass
destruction (WMD) capability, you will likely need to stop his advance, gain some
degree of air/space control and begin to neutralize his WMD capability. At the same
time, you will probably also want to isolate the enemy government and disrupt
command and control to facilitate the other objectives you are trying to accomplish.
These then would become your objectives for that phase of your JAOP. If you broke
phase objectives out by function, you would have three or four phases running
simultaneously. How then would you broker target priority or apportionment
between them? In practice, of course, some objectives will be accomplished sooner
than planned, some later. You may be able to use assets freed from already
completed tasks to pursue objectives originally intended for later phases. Over the
short time, however, fog and friction may blur the breaks between your phases.

j. Finally, the JAOP indicates force requirements necessary to achieve the

objectives. As you determine what effects you want to achieve and what level of
effort you need in order to accomplish those objectives, you must turn those decisions
into types and numbers of platforms, sorties and/or munitions. These numbers will
then drive the types and numbers of supporting assets you will need to prosecute the
JAOP. Once you have identified the total force required, J4 and J5 functions should
“reality check” your planning against force availability, deployment timing, beddown,
and sustainment requirements. Be aware that existing OPLANs or CONPLANs may
dictate forces available to you. Be sure to examine any existing plans and TPFDDs
that may pertain to your operations.

k. The discussion above gives you the “what” of joint air and space operations plan
development. The “how” is best described in the JAOP format found in Section III of
this handbook. This format is based on AFDD 2-1 AND JP 5-00.1.

l. The specific situation and commander guidance will dictate the appropriate style
and format of the JAOP. JAOPs should be presented as a formal five-paragraph order
and may be supported by a graphic presentation. Once the JAOP is approved, it
becomes the overarching guidance for theater air and space operations. Within the
daily JAOC battle rhythm, the Strategy Division references the JAOP when
developing the JFACC’s daily Air Operations Directive (AOD). This begins the
translation of the overall plan into a daily execution order, normally expressed by the
ATO. Again, the challenge is to find effective balance between strategy articulation,
application and sufficient guidance to ensure feasibility and clarity.52

AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.38





Figure VI-1. Phases of a Campaign: Eisenhower, 1944–45

Source: Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe (Garden City, N.Y., 1948)


The Campaign for Europe 1944–1945

On 12 February 1944 Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower received the directive for planning and
executing a forced entry onto the continent of Europe, with the goal of defeating Germany. The
directive framed the scope of the undertaking. It provided the task, designated command
relationships, assigned logistics responsibilities, and defined the relationship to Allied forces in
other areas. At the same time, the directive specified the re-establishment of governments in
liberated countries.1 Clearly one military operation could not accomplish all of the tasks. Such an
undertaking would require several linked operations designed to achieve the task; in other words,
a campaign. The operations comprising a campaign normally cannot be accomplished all at
once; they are phased.

Phasing is the method of dividing a campaign into manageable parts. Each phase has objectives
designed to accomplish the overall campaign objectives. Phases constitute the building blocks of
the campaign. A classic example was the Allied plan for invasion of Europe in June 1944. This
campaign plan was laid down at staff meetings prior to D-Day and “never abandoned, not even
for a moment.”2

The phases for the plan were as follows (illustrated in Figure VI-1):

1. Build up combat and support forces in Great Britain.

2. Secure lodgment on the coast of France.
3. Build resources for a breakout.
4. Drive to German Border/Rhine River, destroying German forces west of the Rhine.
5. Build resources for operations in Germany.
6. Launch a two-pronged envelopment of the Ruhr; destroy German resistance.
7. Force unconditional German surrender.

Eisenhower’s plan demonstrated an important characteristic of phasing. If planned properly,

phases will break out sequentially into blocks of tasks, accomplished during a given period of
time, aimed at achieving a common goal or set of goals, and all designed to support the
campaign’s ultimate end state. A phase’s goals are necessary preparatory steps for the following
phases. During Eisenhower’s campaign, for example, Allied leaders Bradley and Montgomery
expanded the Allied bridgehead immediately after D-Day and built up forces (Phase 3). This had
to happen before General Patton could lead his tanks out of the bocage country at the beginning
of Phase 4 (Operation Cobra). Each phase built upon the phases before it and each intermediate
step was necessary in order to achieve the final end state: Germany’s unconditional surrender.

Of course, friction and the “fog of war” inevitably take their toll, so some tasks or goals designed
to be achieved concurrently are delayed or accelerated, changing the entire campaign’s timeline.
Following the Normandy breakout, Montgomery’s progress up the Belgian coast toward the
Rhine was slow and deliberate—slower than Eisenhower would have liked. Patton’s progress, on
the other hand, was so fast that his fighting units outran their logistical support. The delays
involved in re-aligning the various armies’ efforts and sorting out logistics gave the Germans the
opportunity to launch their Ardennes counter-offensive (the “Battle of the Bulge”) in December

Sequencing and synchronization of operations are important elements of phasing. Sequencing, or

arranging parallel operations in discrete blocks of time, aligns phases to support the broad scheme
of the campaign. Synchronization aligns the component forces used in a given phase with the
common goal or goals within each. For example, “In the spring of 1944 all Allied air power in
Britain was placed temporarily under the direction of General Eisenhower, and he instructed it to
isolate the proposed invasion beaches... [from interior lines of communication] by ruining the
transportation systems.”3 The immediate need to support the D-Day campaign’s lodgment and
was deemed temporarily more important than pursuing the (related but separate) objectives of the
Combined Bomber Offensive.

In the overall phasing of the campaign plan for Germany, consider how each major offensive
phase was preceded by a logistics buildup: first in Britain, then on the Normandy beaches for
breakout, and finally along the western German border. This sequencing was essential to ensure
adequate support for the thrusts across the Rhine. As Patton’s run to Rhine proved, logistics often
sets the tempo of a campaign, as well as its limits.

1. Directive to Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force, 12 February 1944.
2. Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948), 229.
3. Russell F. Weigley, The American Way of War (New York: Macmillan, 1973), 343–344.
Figure VI-2


This format, based on a historical example, can be used for the systematic study of a
country as a candidate for potential air attack. This format is a tool that may aid your
Center of Gravity analysis. The format is based on a research paper written by Capt
Thomas D. White for the Air Corps Tactical Schools academic year 1937-38. The paper,
Japan as an Objective for Air Attack, is on file with the Air Force Historical Research
Agency, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Its “national structure” categories may have served as
the basis for Warden’s Strategic Rings. These categories have been modified in our
version to reflect their current nomenclature. Many “antiquated” notions about the
strategic employment of airpower have also been “cleaned up” in our version. The
applicability of this format to analysis of pre-industrial nations remains somewhat


This study format is designed to analyze the economic, political, and military structure of
X as a candidate for air attack. All sections will not apply in all cases.

Determine the scope of your study based on the available guidance. For example: This
investigation is made with the point of view cited from within X. No speculation is
included as to possible locations of forward bases. Likewise the specific strength of the
required air force has not been considered.

The national structure of a country may be divided into five general classifications:

a. Fielded military forces.

b. Population.

c. Infrastructure.

d. System essentials.

e. Leadership.

Each of the above elements, as they exist in X, will be considered in the following
sections as a possible candidate for air attack.

4. MAPS.

(X) maps have been appended.



a. The socioeconomic structure of modern nations is highly integrated. The rapid

parallel destruction of selected critical vulnerabilities associated with a nation’s
centers of gravity may bring a succession of collapses in related areas until the entire
system’s structure collapses or the concerted pressure persuades the enemy’s
leadership to end the conflict.

b. A vital objective of air forces is affecting such centers of gravity. Air and space
forces so employed exploit to the maximum their outstanding capability to reach and
affect distant surface targets of whatever character; aerospace power accomplishes the
objectives of strategy by assuming the strategic offensive.

c. Since aerospace forces can fly over natural obstacles and fielded military forces,
they can reach and affect any center of gravity known to exist within the enemy
national territory. Affecting such centers of gravity may be constrained by the
number of individual targets needed to achieve the desired effects, by limitations in
friendly capabilities, by political or moral considerations, and by the opposition of air

It is axiomatic that air defenses can reduce the efficiency of, but not prevent, air attack.


From the above it follows that the ideal objective for aerospace attack are undefended
centers of gravity of the enemy national structure, consisting of a number of individual


a. The political and economic history of this country indicates that in a war, the US
national objective would be to force political acquiescence on the part of our

b. Achievement of political acquiescence involves the acceptance and observation by

an enemy of certain expressed policies and limitations of action and does not
necessarily require the occupation of enemy territory. If acceptance of terms can be
forced without such physical occupation and with equal effectiveness and greater
economy, then such occupation is unnecessary.


Succeeding sections of this study will endeavor to prove:

a. That X is a highly structured, modern nation, integrated into the world economy,
and therefore, in general, vulnerable to air attack.

b. That within X there are centers of gravity consisting of a finite number of targets
or target systems.

c. Affecting such centers of gravity with air and space forces can accomplish, or
make a decisive contribution to, the probable national objectives in a war between the
United States and X.


Description of the key physical characteristics of the country being studied, to include
location, size, climate, regional significance, and topography.

Most recent population figures available, giving significant ethnic and socioeconomic


Description of the culture, religion, political systems, and recent history of the country.

Description of the key elements of the economy of the subject country. Including, as a
minimum, the economic system, government economic policy, international trade, and
domestic economic base.


Leadership personality and training, government structure, national defense organization,
and international relations.

Briefly summarize the preceding information directly relating to the suitability of the
subject country as a candidate for air attack.



Statement of the expressed and de facto national military policy of X derived from
official statements, military actions, and all-source intelligence. Include at a minimum:

a. Doctrine.

b. Influence of geographic and economic factors.

c. Perceived greatest threat.

d. Other planning factors.


Describe the organization of the armed forces and relative importance of each service in
their national strategy.


Examine the mechanisms or systems the various branches of the military use to control
their operations. Determine their control philosophies (highly centralized control?
Aufstragstaktik?) and the relative importance of these in their doctrine and operations.
Also examine the ability of X’s military to gather and interpret intelligence information,
as well as its ISR assets (indigenous and external).


Examine the nature, numbers, and force organization of WMD assets, if organized as a
military force.

20. SPACE.
Provide capabilities, numbers, organization, mission, and employment concepts of X’s
military or military-capable space forces and extra-theater ballistic weapons.

21. AIR.
Provide capabilities and total numbers of aircraft and theater ballistic weapons by
mission, organizational structure, key elements, and employment concepts. (Provide map
of air bases as appendix if required.) If separate naval or land air arms exist, describe
them here.

22. LAND.
Provide the overall capabilities and size of the land forces (including trained reserves and
internal security organizations with land combat capabilities), organizational structure,
missions, and employment concepts. If separate air or naval land or amphibious forces
exist, describe them here.

23. SEA.
Provide capabilities and numbers of naval forces, manpower, organizational structure,
missions, and employment concepts. (Provide map of naval bases as appendix if


Examine the nature, capabilities, number, organization, and employment concepts of X’s
special operations, unconventional warfare, irregular, and terrorist forces.

Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the armed forces. Should address
comparative advantages/disadvantages with other regional powers or potential
adversaries. Answer the question, “Can the armed forces perform their mission?”


Are the armed forces a national strategic center of gravity that should be attacked to
achieve US national objectives? (Justify.) Also look for operational centers of gravity
within the armed forces.


Assessment of the ability of the armed forces of X to oppose an air campaign should
include potential enemy offensive counterair capability and geographic influences in
addition to air defense capability.

Examine the structure and connections of the food industry in country X. Examine
external trade, the distribution system, dietary requirements, etc. Address the
vulnerability of the food supply and distribution system.

Examine the structure, importance, and vulnerability of the textile and garment industry.

Examine the vulnerability of the populace to deprivation of shelter through attacks on
housing structures. Seasonal weather conditions will be a factor.


Examine the vulnerability of the populace to disruption or deprivation of the health care
system. While most of the items studied in this category will not be moral or legal
targets, it is important to understand their “connectivity” to other elements of X’s

a. Hospitals/direct health care. Assess the importance of the direct health care
system in maintenance of the population’s health and morale.

b. Sanitation/water supply. Assess the effect of attacks on the water supply and
sanitation systems.

c. Public Utilities. Assess the vulnerability of the population’s health to indirect or

tangential attacks on supporting utilities, like electricity, communications, and


Direct attack of the agricultural activities of any nation is almost always impractical.
However, indirect attack on food processing capability and disruption of lines of
communication should be considered as an additional impact when assessing


Analyze the concentration of basic industries geographically and economically, with
emphasis on potential population vulnerabilities.

Analyze the importance of cultural, political, and economic information flow on the well-
being and morale of the populace. Is the population potentially vulnerable to
manipulation of opinion or information? If so, where and how?

Attacks on population targets must be carefully examined for potential public perception
problems as well as such factors as time lags for attacks to show effect, resources
required, cost effectiveness, etc. In many cases, the results of this part of the analysis can
be used to rule out targets or decide which elements of X’s systems not to attack.


Assess the extent to which X depends upon its communication systems.

a. Telecommunications. Assess the degree of dependence on conventional

telephone, cellular phone, fiber optic and microwave networks. Assess the system for
vulnerabilities and the impact on other industries/systems of disruption in all or part
of the telecommunication system.

b. Broadcast Media. Assess the dependence on and vulnerability of radio, broadcast

television, cable, and other broadcast networks to potential air attack. Assess the
impact on other industries/systems of disruption in all or part of the broadcasting

c. Information flow. Analyze the systems with which X’s leadership, population,
and economy share information and determine potential vulnerabilities within those
systems. Assess how important the connectivity of such systems as computer
networks are to the functioning of the leadership, economy, etc.


Determine the extent to which the leadership, population, and industry depend on
electrical power. Examine the power production and distribution networks for
dispersal/concentration of generating capacity, interconnections, and possible choke

38. ROADS.

Assess the relative importance of the road system compared to other modes of
transportation. Should include an analysis of ability to utilize excess capacity during
emergencies and reconstitution potential.

Assess the relative importance of railways in comparison to other modes of
transportation. Include number of potential choke points, availability of rolling stock,
and reconstitution potential at a minimum.

Assess the relative importance of merchant shipping, both international and internal, in
comparison to other modes of transportation. Include size of the merchant marine,
availability of port facilities, and reconstitution potential at a minimum.


Assess the relative importance of air transportation for essential services in comparison to
other modes of transportation. Numbers and capabilities of civil aviation assets available,
major domestic and international airports, and reconstitution potential at a minimum.

Summarize the potential effect of attacks on infrastructure, emphasizing the synergistic
effects in combination with attacks on other target sets.



Determine the primary source of POL, whether domestically produced or imported, and
the extent of stockpiles. Assess the demand, both civil and military. Examine potential
vulnerabilities of the production and distribution systems.


Search the available data to determine if there is a single commodity, or small group, of
such vital importance that destruction/disruption of production or reserves would
constitute a decisive factor in the collapse of Xs national structure or will to fight.


Determine the source of military equipment, whether imported or indigenously produced.
Analyze the potential vulnerability to determine whether or not any of its elements should
be effectively attacked.

46. WMD.
Examine the sources of raw materials and the production system for X’s weapons of mass
destruction program, if one exists. Determine potential vulnerabilities or bottlenecks. Be
sure to examine sources and production capabilities external to X along with indigenous

Briefly indicate the likelihood of achieving campaign objectives by striking key target
sets identified by your analysis of enemy system essentials.


Identify the leadership of the country by name and position, if possible, and assess
relative influence. Examine potential vulnerability to attack. Examine possibilities for
indirect attack if direct attack is not feasible or legal.


Identify and analyze the systems, organizations, and individuals responsible for
maintaining the leadership’s control of the military and the general population. Examine
for potential vulnerabilities.

Identify and analyze patterns of opposition to X’s ruling regime. Examine each group’s
importance, popularity, degree of hostility, extent of control, physical resources, and any
other relevant factors. Examine legal, quasi-legal, and underground groups. If an
opposition group controls large portions of X, consider conducting a full leadership
analysis (i.e., run through each portion of this section), if not a complete, independent
Country X study for each such group.

Identify the key communications systems used by the leadership to exercise control.
Examine for potential vulnerabilities.


Identify and analyze those systems, capabilities, or organizations that give the leadership
unique prestige, power projection, or coercion/intimidation capabilities, both at home and
abroad. These will vary greatly from country to country, but understanding them is vital
to fully appreciating (and affecting) the country’s leadership. This section may (and
probably will) include things examined in other sections, but they should be examined
here for the unique advantages they give the leadership. This may include such things as
elite military organizations (especially if used to keep the leadership in power), weapons
of mass destruction programs, long-range aircraft and missiles, unique economic
strengths or market niches; the list is almost endless. One or more of these, however, will
almost always be a center of gravity. Examine for potential vulnerabilities.


Identify and analyze the country’s role in its region and the world, as well as its
relationships with other individual nations. Identify any traditional antagonisms,
historical or cultural connections, systems of alliances, etc. If the leadership’s
perspective on these relationships differs from that of the populace or significant groups
within it, identify the differences and their importance. Examine these relationships for
potential vulnerabilities or exploitable aspects.

From the above analysis, identify key leadership targets and determine the feasibility and
effectiveness of attacking them.

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(REF AFDD 2-1 AND JP 3-30)53

Copy No.
Issuing Headquarters
Place of Issue
Date/Time Group of Signature
JOINT AIR OPERATIONS PLAN: (Number or code name)

REFERENCES: Maps, charts and other relevant documents.

1. Situation: Briefly describe the situation that the plan addresses (see JFC’s estimate).
The related CONPLAN or OPLAN should be identified as appropriate.

a. General: Provide a summary of directives, letters of instructions, memoranda,

treaties and strategic plans, including any campaign/operations plans received from
higher authority, that apply to the campaign.

1) Relate the strategic direction of the JFC’s requirements.

2) List strategic objectives and tasks assigned to the command

a) Desired end state

3) Restraints/constraints/Limitations – list actions that are prohibited or required

by higher authority (ROE and others as appropriate).

b. Area of concern:

1) Joint Operations Area. Describe features pertinent to component planning.

c. Risk:

d. Adversary Forces: Provide a summary of pertinent intelligence data including

information on the following

1) Operational Centers(s) of Gravity.

2) Adversary operational critical vulnerabilities (especially to air, space and

information operations).

This sample JAOP has been reproduced in its entirety from AFOTTP 2-1.1, p.69-74

3) Adversary courses of action (relative to friendly air, space and information


a) General

b) Adversary’s desired end state

c) Major objectives (strategic and operational).

d) Strategic concept (if known), should include adversary’s perception of

friendly vulnerabilities and adversary’s intentions regarding those

4) Adversary logistics and sustainment

5) Other adversary forces/capabilities.

a) Composition, location, disposition, movements and strengths of major

adversary forces that can influence action in the AOR/JOA.

b) Adversary commander’s idiosyncrasies and doctrinal patterns.

6) Adversary reserve air mobilization.

e. Friendly Forces:

1) Centers of gravity.

2) Multinational forces.

3) Supporting commands and agencies. State here information on friendly forces

not assigned that may directly affect the command, including specific tasks of
commands or organizations directly supporting execution of the JAOP.

a) Intent of higher, adjacent and supporting US commands (e.g.,


b) Intent of higher, adjacent and supporting allied or other coalition forces

(e.g. NATO, Spain, Italy, Egypt, etc.)

f. Assumptions: State here assumptions applicable to the plan as a whole. Include

both specified and implied assumptions.

1) Threat warning/timeline.

2) Pre-positioning and regional access.

a) International support and assistance.

3) In-place forces.

4) Legal considerations.

a) International law.

b) US domestic law.

c) Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)

2. Mission: State the joint air and space task(s), their purpose(s) and corresponding
relationship to achieving the JFC’s objective(s).

3. Air and Space Operations:

a. Strategic or Operational Concept: State the broad concept for the deployment,
employment and sustainment of major air and space capable joint forces including
deception and psychological operations during the operation or campaign as a whole.
(This section is a summary of details found in the annexes).

1) Joint air and space force organization.

2) Joint force air and space objectives.

3) Beddown overview.

4) Operational missions.

5) Phases of joint aerospace operations in relation to JFC operation or campaign


6) Timing and duration of phases. (Air and space operations normally do not
lend themselves to linear, sequential phasing. However, the concept of phases,
even those conducted simultaneously or in parallel, might provide a useful
framework for thinking about the attainment of intermediate objectives).

b. Phase 1: Provide a phase directive for each phase

1) Operational concept. Include operational objectives, plan of attack and


2) General missions and guidance to subordinates and components’ supporting

and supported requirements. Ensure that missions are complementary.

3) Capabilities/forces required by role or capability. Should consider land, sea,

air, space, special operations and multi-national.

4) Tasks of subordinate commands and components.

5) Reserve Forces. Location and composition. State “be prepared” missions.

Include guidance on surge sorties if used as reserve capability.

6) Mobility. Consider transportation, ports, lines of communication, transit and

overflight rights, reinforcement, reception and onward movement and host-nation
support arrangements.

7) Deception.

8) Psychological Operations. Ensure joint air and space operations will support
established psychological operations.

c. Phases II to XX (last): Cite information (as stated in subparagraph 3b.) for each
subsequent phase, to include whether or not it will be conducted simultaneously with
other phases. Provide a separate phase for each step in the operation at the end of
which a major reorganization of forces may be required and another significant
operation initiated.

d. Coordinating Instructions: If desired, instructions applicable to two or more

phases or multiple events of the command may be placed here.

4. Logistics: Brief, broad statement of the sustainment concept for the joint air and
space operations with information and instructions applicable by phase. Logistics
phases must be consistent with operational phases. This information may be listed
separately and referenced here. Include:

a. Assumptions.

b. Supply aspects.

c. Maintenance and modifications.

d. Medical Service.

e. Transportation.

f. Base development.

g. Personnel.

h. Foreign military assistance.

i. Administrative management.

j. Line(s) of communication.

k. Reconstitution of forces.

l. Joint and multinational responsibilities.

m. Sustainment priorities and resources.

n. Inter-service responsibilities.

o. Host-nation considerations.

5. Command, Control and Communications:

a. Command:

1) Command Relationships: Briefly describe the command organization

(composition and relationships) for the JFC’s campaign and the air and space
operations envisaged. Detailed information may be included in the command
relationships annex. Cover component commanders, Area Air Defense
Commander (AADC) and Airspace Control Authority (ACA) identities and others
as required.

a) State generally the command relationships for the entire joint air and space
operations or portions thereof. Indicate any transfer of forces contemplated
during the joint air and space operation, indicating the time of the expected
transfer. These changes should be consistent with the operational phasing in
paragraph 3. Give location of commander, JAOC and command posts.

2) Delegation of Authority/Succession to Command.

b. Communication:

1) Communications. Plans of communications. (May refer to a standing plan or

contained in an annex.) Include time zone to be used; rendezvous, recognition
and identification instruction; code; liaison instruction; and axis of signal
communications as appropriate.

2) Electronics. Plans of electronics systems. (May refer to standard plan or may

be contained in an annex.) Include electronic policy and other such information
as may be appropriate.

3) Combat Camera. Plans for combat camera. (May refer to standard plan or
may be contained in an annex.) Include digital still photo and motion video
imager transmission to the Pentagon’s Joint Combat Camera Center.

4) Armament Delivery Recording (ADR) (bomb and gun camera imagery). Plan
for ADR. (May refer to a standard plan or may be contained in a combat camera

annex.) Include imagery transmission to the Pentagon’s Joint Combat Camera

5) Communications and Information Requirements: Determine, resource and

integrate supporting communication and information systems, personnel and
necessary bandwidth to meet joint air and space operational requirements.

(Signed) (Commander)

ANNEXES: As required.

The following section includes terms you are likely to encounter while developing an air
operations plan. Most definitions were extracted from Joint Pub 1-02, Department of
Defense Dictionary of Military, and Associated Terms, AFDD-1 and AFOTTP 2-1.1.
These definitions are for academic use only. Refer to the current JP 1-02 for any updates.

Air defense. All defensive measures that provides the details of the approved
designed to destroy attacking enemy requests for airspace control measures.
aircraft or missiles in the Earth’s It is published either as part of the air
envelope of atmosphere, or to nullify or tasking order or as a separate
reduce the effectiveness of such attack. document. Also called ACO. (Joint Pub
(Joint Pub 1-02) 1-02)

Air interdiction. Air operations Airspace control plan. The document

conducted to destroy, neutralize or delay approved by the joint force commander
the enemy’s military potential before it that provides specific planning guidance
can be brought to bear effectively and procedures for the airspace control
against friendly forces at such distance system for the joint force area of
from friendly forces that detailed responsibility and/or joint operations
integration of each air mission with the area. Also called ACP. (Joint Pub 1-02)
fire and movement of friendly forces is
not required. (Joint Pub 1-02) Air superiority. That degree of
dominance in the air battle of one force
Air operations center. The principal over another which permits the conduct
air operations installation from which of operations by the former and its
aircraft and air warning functions of related land, sea and air forces at a given
combat air operations are directed, time and place without prohibitive
controlled and executed. It is the senior interference by the opposing force.
agency of the Air Force Component (Joint Pub 1-02)
Commander from which command and
control of air operations are coordinated Air support request. A means to
with other components and Services. request pre-planned and immediate close
Also called AOC. (Joint Pub 1-02) air support, air interdiction, air
reconnaissance, surveillance, escort,
Airspace control authority. The helicopter airlift and other aircraft
commander designated to assume overall missions. Also called AIRSUPREQ.
responsibility for the operation of the (Joint Pub 1-02)
airspace control system in the airspace
control area. Also called ACA. (Joint Air tasking order. A method used to
Pub 1-02) task and disseminate to components,
subordinate units and command and
Airspace control order. An order control agencies those projected
implementing the airspace control plan sorties/capabilities and/or forces to

targets and specific missions. Normally assignment of tactical air forces between
provides specific instructions to include subordinate commands. The authority to
call signs, targets, controlling agencies, allot is vested in the commander having
etc., as well as general instructions. combatant command (command
Also called ATO. (Joint Pub 1-02) authority). (Joint Pub 1-02)

Air tasking order/confirmation. A Apportionment (air). The

message used to task joint force determination and assignment of the
components; to inform the requesting total expected effort to be devoted to the
command and the tasking authority of various air operations for a given period
the action being taken; and/or to provide of time. The methodology the JFACC
additional information about the uses to make the recommendation may
mission. The message is used only for include priority or percentage of effort
pre-planned missions and is transmitted against assigned mission-type orders
on a daily basis, normally 12 hours prior and/or categories significant for the
to the start of the air tasking day or in campaign or operation such as the JFC’s
accordance with established operation or JFACC’s objectives. The JFC is the
plans for the theater of operations. Also approval authority for the air
called ATOCONF. (Joint Pub 1-02) apportionment recommendation.
(Joint Pub 3-30)
Allocation. In a general sense,
distribution of limited resources among Area Air Defense Commander.
competing requirements for Within a unified command, subordinate
employment. Specific allocations (e.g., unified command or joint task force, the
air sorties, nuclear weapons, forces and commander will assign overall
transportation) are described as responsibility for air defense to a single
allocation of air sorties, nuclear commander. Normally, this will be the
weapons, etc. (Joint Pub 1-02) component commander with the
preponderance of air defense capability
Allocation (air). The translation of the and the command, control and
apportionment into total numbers of communications capability to plan and
sorties by aircraft type available for each execute integrated air defense
operation or task. (Joint Pub 1-02) operations. Representation from the
other components involved will be
Allocation request. A message used to provided, as appropriate, to the area air
provide an estimate of the total air effort, defense commander’s headquarters. Also
to identify any excess and joint force called AADC. (Joint Pub 1-02)
general support aircraft sorties and to
identify unfilled air requirements. This Battlespace. The environment, factors,
message is used only for pre-planned and conditions that must be understood
missions and is transmitted on a daily to successfully apply combat power,
basis, normally 24 hours prior to the start protect the force, or complete the
of the next air tasking day. Also called mission. This includes the air, land, sea,
ALLOREQ. (Joint Pub 1-02) space, and the included enemy and
friendly forces; facilities; weather;
Allotment. The temporary change of terrain; the electromagnetic spectrum;

and the information environment within Combat assessment. The determination
the operational areas and areas of of the overall effectiveness of force
interest. See also electromagnetic employment during military operations.
spectrum, information environment, Combat assessment is composed of three
joint intelligence preparation of the major components: (a) battle damage
battlespace. (Joint Pub 1-02) assessment, (b) munitions effectiveness
assessment, and (c) reattack
Branches. The contingency options recommendation. Also called CA. (Joint
built into the basic plan. A branch is Pub 1-02)
used for changing the mission,
orientation or direction of movement of Commander’s Critical Information
a force to aid disruptions caused by Requirements (CCIR). A
enemy actions and reactions. (JP 1-02) comprehensive list of information
requirements identified by the
Campaign plan. A plan for a series of commander as being critical in
related military operations aimed at facilitating timely information
accomplishing a strategic or operational management and the decision making
objective within a given time and space. process that affect successful mission
(Joint Pub 1-02) accomplishment. The two key
subcomponents are critical friendly force
Centers of gravity. Those information and priority intelligence
characteristics, capabilities, or sources of requirements. (Joint Pub 1-02)
power from which a military force
derives its freedom of action, physical Decision Point. The point in space and
strength, or will to fight. Also called time where the commander or staff
COGs. See also decisive point(s). (Joint anticipates making a decision concerning
Pub 1-02) a specific friendly course of action. A
decision point is usually associated with
Close air support. Air action by fixed a specific target area of interest, and is
and rotary-wing aircraft against hostile located in time and space to permit the
targets that are in close proximity to commander sufficient lead-time to
friendly forces and that require detailed engage the adversary in the target area of
integration of each air mission with the interest. Decision points may also be
fire and movement of those forces. Also associated with the friendly force and the
called CAS. (Joint Pub 1-02) status of ongoing operations. See also
course of actions, decision support
Close support. That action of the template and target area of interest.
supporting force against targets or
objectives which are sufficiently near the Effects. The desired outcome of the
supported force as to require detailed application of combat power.
integration or coordination of the
supporting action with fire, movement or Levels of Effect
other actions of the supported force.
(Joint Pub 1-02) - Strategic – Disruption of the
enemy’s strategy, ability or will
to wage war or carry out

aggressive activity, tied to - Systemic – The total effect
objectives of the JFC, SecDef identifiable on any given entity
and President. Usually results of such as a target, target set, target
actions against enemy’s strategic system or COG. The result of
centers of gravity (COG). May direct and indirect effects
also result from the accumulation intended and unintended.
of operational effects. - Cumulative – Result of the
- Operational – Link between aggregate of many direct or
tactical results and strategy, indirect effects. Usually flows
typically the cumulative outcome from lower to higher levels of
of missions, engagements and war.
battles. Can also result from the - Cascading – Indirect effects that
disruption of systems or areas of ripple through an enemy system,
operational value. often influencing other systems
- Tactical – Result of actions at as well (typically the result of
the individual unit, mission or influencing nodes that are critical
engagement level. May be either to multiple systems; usually
direct or indirect and typically flows from higher to lower levels
acts in concert with other tactical of war).
effects to produce results at
higher levels of war.
End state. The set of required
Categories: broadly describes the conditions that defines achievement of
type of effect and its conceptual the commander's objectives. (Joint Pub
location within the causal chain. 1-02)

- Direct – Result of actions with Ethnocentrism. Thinking one’s own

no intervening effect or group’s ways are superior to others,
mechanism between act and judging other groups as inferior to one’s
outcome. Direct effects are own or making false assumptions about
immediate and easily other’s ways based on limited
recognizable. experiences. (Barger)
- Indirect – Result created through
an intermediate effect or Immediate air support. Air support to
mechanism to produce an meet specific requests which arise
outcome, which may be physical during the course of a battle and which
or psychological in nature. by their nature cannot be planned in
Indirect effects tend to be advance. See also air support. (Joint Pub
delayed and may be difficult to 1-02)
- Sequential – A series of effects Immediate mission request. A request
planned to occur in order. for an air strike on a target that, by its
- Simultaneous (Parallel) – A nature, could not be identified
series of effects planned to occur sufficiently in advance to permit detailed
at or near the same time. mission coordination and planning. See

also preplanned mission request. (Joint commander. Also called JFACC. (Joint
Pub 1-02) Pub 1-02)

Interdiction. An action to divert, Joint integrated prioritized target list.

disrupt, delay or destroy the enemy’s A prioritized list of targets and
surface military potential before it can be associated data approved by a joint force
used effectively against friendly forces. commander or designated representative
(Joint Pub 1-02) and maintained by a joint force. Targets
and priorities are derived from the
Joint air operations. Air operations recommendations of components in
performed with air capabilities/forces conjunction with their proposed
made available by components in operations supporting the joint force
support of the joint force commander’s commander’s objectives and guidance.
operation or campaign objectives, or in Also called JIPTL. (Joint Pub 1-02)
support of other component’s of the joint
force. (Joint Pub 1-02) Joint special operations air component
commander. The commander within
Joint air operations center. A jointly the joint force special operations
staffed facility established for planning, command responsible for planning and
directing and executing joint air executing joint special air operations and
operations in support of the joint force for coordinating and deconflicting such
commander’s operation or campaign operations with conventional non-special
objectives. Also called JAOC. (Joint operations air activities. The joint
Pub 1-02) special operations air component
commander normally will be the
Joint air operations plan. A plan for a commander with the preponderance of
connected series of joint air operations to assets and/or greatest ability to plan,
achieve the joint force commander’s coordinate, allocate, task, control and
objectives within a given time and support the assigned joint special
theater of operations. (Joint Pub 1-02) operations aviation assets. The joint
special operations air component
Joint force air component commander may be directly subordinate
commander. The commander within a to the joint force special operations
unified command, subordinate unified component commander or to any non-
command, or joint task force responsible special operations component or joint
to the establishing commander for force commander as directed. Also
making recommendations on the proper called JSOACC. (Joint Pub 1-02)
employment of assigned, attached,
and/or made available for tasking air Joint targeting coordination board. A
forces; planning and coordinating air group formed by the joint force
operations; or accomplishing such commander to accomplish broad
operational missions as may be assigned. targeting oversight functions that may
The joint force air component include but are not limited to
commander is given the authority coordinating targeting information,
necessary to accomplish missions and providing targeting guidance and
tasks assigned by the establishing priorities and preparing and/or refining

joint target lists. The board is normally information from target lists, aircraft
comprised of representatives from the allocation, etc. Also called MAAP.
joint force staff, all components and, if (Joint Pub 1-02)
required, component subordinate units.
Also called JTCB. (Joint Pub 1-02) Measures of effectiveness. Category
that encompasses both Success
Joint target list. A consolidated list of Indicators and Measures of Performance.
selected targets considered to have (AFOTTP 2-1.1)
military significance in the combatant
commander's area of responsibility. Also Measures of performance. Objective
called JTL. (Joint Pub 1-02) or quantitative ways of defining whether
Law of war. That part of international accomplished. (AFOTTP 2-1.1)
law that regulates the conduct of armed
hostilities. Also called the law of armed Mission. 1. The task, together with the
conflict. (Joint Pub 1-02) purpose, that clearly indicates the action
to be taken and the reason therefore. 2.
Limiting factor. A factor or condition In common usage, especially when
that, either temporarily or permanently, applied to lower military units, a duty
impedes mission accomplishment. assigned to an individual or unit; a task.
Illustrative examples are transportation 3. The dispatching of one or more
network deficiencies, lack of in-place aircraft to accomplish one particular
facilities, malpositioned forces or task. (Joint Pub 1-02)
materiel, extreme climatic conditions,
distance, transit or overflight rights, Operational air objectives. Desired
political conditions, etc. Also called a operational effects of air and space
LIMFAC. (Joint Pub 1-02) employment, derived from JFC (or
higher authority) tasks to the air
List of targets. A tabulation of component. (AFOTTP 2-1.1)
confirmed or suspect targets maintained
by any echelon for informational and fire Operational-level effects. Used
support planning purposes. (Joint Pub 1- primarily for component-level intents,
02) mission statements and operational
objectives. May also be appropriate for
Master air attack plan. A plan that describing tactical level effects. Used to
contains key information that forms the define the purpose of a commander’s
foundation of the joint air tasking order. intent and the why of the component
Sometimes referred to as the air mission statement and operational
employment plan or joint air tasking objectives. (AFOTTP 2-1.1)
order shell. Information that may be
found in the plan includes joint force - Enable – To make possible.
commander guidance, joint force air - Compel – To drive or urge
component commander guidance, forcefully, to cause to do or
support plans, component requests, occur by overwhelming pressure,
target update requests, availability of maybe before or after enemy
capabilities and forces, target actions.

- Deter – To turn an enemy aside, - Maneuver – The placement of
discourage or prevent him form the enemy in a position of
acting before action is initiated. disadvantage through the flexible
- Isolate – To seal off (physically application of combat power.
and/or psychologically) an - Economy of Force – The
enemy form his sources of rational use of force by selecting
support, to deny an enemy the best mix of combat power,
freedom of movement, to prevent ensuring that overwhelming
an enemy unit from having force is available while minimal
contact with other enemy forces, combat power is devoted to
to remove the enemy leadership’s secondary objectives.
ability to communicate with his - Security – Requires that friendly
forces. forces and their operations be
- Degrade – To render ineffective protected from enemy action that
or unusable by impairing some or could provide the enemy with
all of an enemy’s capability, with unexpected advantage.
or without physical damage. - Surprise – Attacking at a time,
- Protect – To shield from place or in a manner for which
exposure, damage or destruction the enemy is not prepared.
. - Simplicity – Avoids unnecessary
Preplanned mission request. A request complexity in organizing,
for an air strike on a target that can be preparing, planning and
anticipated sufficiently in advance to conducting military operations.
permit detailed mission coordination and
planning. (Joint Pub 1-02) Risk. Probability and severity of loss
linked to hazards. (JP 1-02)
Principles of War. Generally accepted
“truths” which have proven to be Rules of engagement. (ROE)
effective throughout history. (AFDD-1) Directives issued by competent military
- Unity of Command – authority that delineate the
emphasizes that all efforts should circumstances and limitations under
be directed and coordinated which United States forces will initiate
toward a common objective. and/or continue combat engagement
- Objective – Military operations with other forces encountered. (Joint
should be directed toward Pub 1-02)
defined and attainable goals that
contribute to strategic, Sequels. A major operation that follows
operational or tactical aims. the current major operation. Plans for a
- Offensive – Offensive action, or sequel are based on the possible
initiative, provides the means for outcomes (success, stalemate or defeat)
joint forces to dictate the time, associated with the current operation.
place purpose, scope, intensity (JP 1-02)
and pace of combat operations.
- Mass – Concentration of combat Sortie. In air operations, an operational
power at a decisive time and flight by one aircraft. ( Joint Pub 1-02)

Sortie allotment message. The means Tactical control is inherent in
by which the joint force commander operational control. Tactical control may
allots excess sorties to meet be delegated to, and exercised at any
requirements of his subordinate level at or below the level of combatant
commanders that are expressed in their command. When forces are transferred
air employment and/or allocation plan. between combatant commands, the
Also called SORTIEALOT. (Joint Pub command relationship the gaining
1-02) commander will exercise (and the losing
commander will relinquish) over these
Strategic mission. A mission directed forces must be specified by the Secretary
against one or more of a selected series of Defense. Tactical control provides
of enemy targets with the purpose of sufficient authority for controlling and
progressive destruction and directing the application of force or
disintegration of the enemy’s war- tactical use of combat support assets
making capacity and will to make war. within the assigned mission or task. Also
Targets include key manufacturing called TACON. (Joint Pub 1-02)
systems, sources of raw material, critical
material, stockpiles, power systems, Tactical-level effects. Used to express
transportation systems, communication tactical objectives and tasks.
facilities and other such target systems.
As opposed to tactical operations, - Destroy – To physically render
strategic operations are designed to have the target combat ineffective
a long-range, rather than immediate unless it is reconstituted.
effect on the enemy and its military - Disrupt – To break apart an
forces. (Joint Pub 1-02) enemy’s formation and tempo,
interrupt the enemy’s timetable,
Success Indicators. (SI) Independent temporarily impair an enemy
subjective measures tied to specific capability (usually without
objectives (operational or tactical) to physical damage), or cause
help determine if they are being met. premature commitment of forces
(AFOTTP 2-1.1) or piecemealing of his attack.
- Neutralize - To render
Synchronization. The arrangement of ineffective or unusable, usually
military actions in time, space, and has an associated time criteria.
purpose to produce maximum relative - Deny – To eliminate temporarily
combat power at a decisive place and an enemy capability, usually
time. (Joint Pub 1-02) without physical damage.
- Decapitate – To isolate enemy
Tactical control. Command authority commanders or leadership in
over assigned or attached forces or order to create paralysis of his
commands, or military capability or forces.
forces made available for tasking, that is - Divert – To change the route or
limited to the detailed direction and path taken by the enemy, to
control of movements or maneuvers change the enemy’s purpose or
within the operational area necessary to use of forces from what it was
accomplish missions or tasks assigned. previously.

- Dislocate – Shock into inaction
or relative ineffectiveness. Target analysis. An examination of
- Delay – To prevent enemy forces potential targets to determine military
from reaching a specified area importance, priority of attack and
earlier than the specified time or weapons required to obtain a desired
event. level of damage or casualties. (Joint Pub
- Deceive – To mislead the enemy 1-02)
or hide the truth deliberately.
- Defend – To prevent an attacker Targeting. The process of selecting and
from attaining its objectives prioritizing targets and matching the
against friendly assets. It appropriate response to them, taking
employs all methods to include account of operational requirements and
preventing, neutralizing or capabilities. (Joint Pub 1-02)
destroying an enemy attack.
- Detect – To become aware of an Target list. The listing of targets
adversary’s actions, capabilities maintained and promulgated by the
and intentions. senior echelon of command; it contains
- Identify – To correctly those targets that are to be engaged by
determine the specific platform supporting arms, as distinguished from a
or action taking place and “list of targets” that may be maintained
whether the originator is friend by any echelon as confirmed, suspected
of foe. or possible targets for informational and
- Track – To continuously planning purposes. (Joint Pub 1-02)
monitor the platform or action’s
location/progress for awareness, Target system. 1. All the targets
warning or possible engagement situated in a particular geographic area
. and functionally related. 2. A group of
Tactical objectives. Desired tactical targets that are so related that their
effects that will lead to achievement of destruction would produce some
operational objectives. Tactical particular effect desired by the attacker.
objectives specify the desired effects (Joint Pub 1-02)
achieved at the tactical level, which, in
aggregate, produce the desired Tenets of airpower. The fundamental
operational effect. Tactical objectives guiding truths of air and space power
should be accompanied by measures of employment, which in addition to the
merit (MOMs). (AFOTTP 2-1.1) principles of war, should be understood
by every airman.
Tactical tasks. Tactical tasks are the - Centralized Control,
use of lethal or non-lethal weapons decentralized execution
against specific target sets to achieve the - Flexibility and versatility
desired effects at the tactical level, and - Synergistic Effects
by extension, at the operational level. - Persistence
When properly written, tactical tasks - Concentration of Purpose
don’t require a measure of effectiveness - Prioritization
to clarify the task statement. (AFOTTP - Balance

Time-phased force and deployment
data (TPFDD). The Joint Operation
Planning and Execution System database
portion of an operation plan; it contains
time-phased force data, non-unit-related
cargo and personnel data, and movement
data for the operation plan, including the
following: a. In-place units; b. Units to
be deployed to support the operation
plan with a priority indicating the
desired sequence for their arrival at the
port of debarkation; c. Routing of forces
to be deployed; d. Movement data
associated with deploying forces; e.
Estimates of non-unit-related cargo and
personnel movements to be conducted
concurrently with the deployment of
forces; and f. Estimate of transportation
requirements that must be fulfilled by
common-user lift resources as well as
those requirements that can be fulfilled
by assigned or attached transportation
resources. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Time-sensitive targets. Those targets

requiring immediate response because
they pose (or will soon pose) a danger to
friendly forces or are highly lucrative,
fleeting targets of opportunity.
Also called TSTs. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Weight of Effort. Weight of effort for

any aspect of joint targeting, may be
expressed in terms of percentage of total
available resources; by assigning
priorities for resources used with respect
to the other aspects of the theater
campaign or operation; or as otherwise
determined by the JFC. (Joint Doctrine


ACC Air Combat Command

AF Air Force
AFDD Air Force Doctrine Document
AFOTTP Air Force Operational Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
AI Air interdiction
AOC Air Operations Center
ATACM Army tactical missile
ATO Air Tasking Order
C2 Command and Control
CA Counterair
CA Combat Assessment
CADRE College of Aerospace Doctrine Research and Education
CAOC Combined Air Operations Center
CAS Close Air Support
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield Explosives
CJCS Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
CL Counterland
COA Course of Action
COG Center of Gravity
COMAFFOR Commander, Air Force Forces
CONOPS Concept of Operations
DCA Defensive Counterair
DEAD Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses
DOD Department of Defense
EEI Essential Element of Information
ETO European Theater of Operations (World War II)
FMFM Fleet Marine Force Manual
IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace
ISR Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
JAG Judge Advocate General
JAOC Joint Air Operations Center
JAOP Joint Air Operations Plan
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JAOP-C Joint Air Operations Planning Course
JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander
JFC Joint Force Commander
JFLCC Joint Force Land Component Commander
JFMCC Joint Force Maritime Component Commander
JFSOCC Joint Force Special Operations Component Commander
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
LIMFAC Limiting Factor
LOAC Law of Armed Conflict
MAAP Master Air Attack Plan
MOE Measure of Effectiveness

MOM Measure of Merit
MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War
NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
OCA Offensive Counterair
OER Operational Environment Research
OODA Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
OPLAN Operations Plan
OPR Office of Primary Responsibility
PA Public Affairs
POL Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
PTO Pacific Theater of Operations (World War II)
Pres/Sec Def President and Secretary of Defense (Formerly NCA)
ROE Rules of Engagement
RAF Royal Air Force
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile
SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
SI Success Indicator
SOF Special Operations Forces
Strat. Strategy/Strategies/Strategic
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
TPFDD Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data
UT University of Tennessee
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction
WMP War and Mobilization Plan



Air Campaign Planning (WWII-Korea-Vietnam)

Air Campaign Planning (Gulf War-1991)

Air Campaign Planning (General)

Compiled by Melrose M. Bryant (AU Library)

the Joint Doctrine Air Campaign Course Faculty

September 2004



Clodfelter, Mark. The Limits of Airpower: The American Bombing of North Vietnam.
New York: MacMillan, Inc., 1989.
Condensed Analysis of the Ninth Air Force in the European Theater of Operations: An
Analytical Study of the Operating Organization of Tactical Air Power as Developed
by the Ninth Air Force in the War of Western Europe. Reprint prepared and edited by
Col William B. Reed et al. Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History, 1984.
Book call no.: 940.544 U58c 1984
Chapter II. A Critical Review of Ninth Air Force Operations, 7-48.
Chapter V. Conclusions and Recommendations: Internal, 105-43.
Copp, DeWitt S. Forged in Fire: Strategy and Decisions in the Air War Over Europe
1940-45. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1982. The Air Force Historical Foundation.
Crane, Conrad C. Bombs, Cities, and Civilians--American Airpower Strategy in World
War II. Lawrence, Kans.: University Press of Kansas, 1993. Modern War Studies,
Book call no.: 940.544973 C891b
Davis, Richard G. On Target: Organizing and Executing the Strategic Air Campaign
Against Iraq. Air Force History and Museums Program, United States Air Force,
Washington, 2002.
Fabyanic, Thomas A., Lt Col, USAF. Strategic Air Attack in the United States Air
Force: A Case Study. Manhattan, Kans.: Military Affairs/Aerospace Historian,
Kansas State University, 1976. Also published as Air War College Research Report,
(AU Document call no. M-U 32983 F136s.)
Book call no.: 358.42 F136s
Chapter III. World War II: The European Test, 46-96.
Notes, 186-92.
Fredette, Raymond H. The Sky on Fire: The First Battle of Britain, 1917-1918.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1976.
Futrell, Robert F. Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine: Basic Thinking in the United States Air
Force, 19071960; 1961-1984. Revised edition. Vols. 1 and 2. Maxwell AFB, Ala.:
Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education; Air University Press, 1989.
Book call no.: 358.0973 A298i 1989
AWPD-1: Air Planning for War, Vol. 1, 10814.
Volume 1, Chapter 4. Air Force Thinking and World War II, 127-89.
Notes, 180-89.
Volume 2, Chapter 4. Insurgency and War in Southeast Asia, 255-331. Notes,
_________________. The United States Air Force in Korea, 1950-1953. Revised edition.
Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History, 1983.
Book call no.: R 951.9 F996u 1983
References to air campaign planning found throughout text.
Bibliography, 713-17.
Notes, 719-71.
Hall, R. Cargill. Case Studies in Strategic Bombing. Air Force History and Museums
Program, United States Air Force, Washington, 1998.

Hansell, Haywood S., Jr., Maj Gen, USAF, Retired. The Air Plan that Defeated Hitler.
Atlanta, Ga.: Higgins-McArthur/Longino & Porter, Inc., 1972.
Book call no.: 940.5442 H249a
1975 edition includes bibliographical references and index.
Hansell, Haywood S., Jr., Maj Gen, USAF, Retired. The Strategic Air War Against
Germany and Japan: A Memoir. Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History, 1986.
Book call no.: 940.544973 H249sa
Chapter I. Integrating Strategy, Air Doctrine, and War Plans, 1-41.
Chapter II. Planning the Strategic Air War for Europe, 43-82.
Chapter IV. Planning the Strategic Air War Against Japan, 135-74.
Appendix: The German Electric Power Complex as a Target System, 275-86.
_________________. Strategic Air War Against Japan. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air
University, Airpower Research Institute, 1980.
Book call no.: 940.544973 H249s
Part I, Chapter 2. Strategic Purposes, Plans and Preparations for the Air
Offensive Against Japan, 915.
Part II, Chapter 3. Pacific Strategy, 1724.
Appendix A. Organizational Charts.
Appendix B. The B-29 Test Specifications.
Appendix C. Extracts from USSBS.
Appendix D. Twentieth Air Force Staff Meeting Minutes.
Appendix E. Report by Joint Staff Planners.
Appendix F. Details of Campaign Against Japan.
Appendix G. Graphs Showing Probable Hits.
Appendix H. Correspondence.
Appendix I. Maps of the Pacific.
Jackson, W. G. F. The Battle for Italy. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
Book call no.: 940.542 J14b
Preface, 11-16.
Chapter 12.Resetting the Stage, 219-29 (The Air Plan, 225).
See index under subjects: British Joint Planners; DIADEM Plan; Strangle Plan.
Lavalle, A. J. C., (Ed.), et al. Tale of Two Bridges and the Battle for the Skies over North
Vietnam. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1976.
Book call no.: 959 A2981u vol. 1 no. 12
References to the planning of air campaigns found throughout the text; see index,
McFarland, Stephen L. America’s Pursuit of Precision Bombing, 1910-1945.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1995.
Mets, David R. Master of Airpower, General Carl A. Spaatz. Novato CA: Presidio
Press, 1988.
“Going to War” 105-37
Momyer, William W., Gen, USAF, Retired. Airpower in Three Wars. Edited by Lt Col
A. J. C. Lavalle and Maj James C. Gaston. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Air
Force, 1978.
Book call no.: 358.4 M733a
Index, 341-58.
Perret, Geoffrey. Winged Victory: The Army Air Forces in World War II. New York,
Random House, 1993.

Report by the Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean, Field-Marshal the Viscount
Alexander of Tunis to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the Italian Campaign, 12th
December 1944 to 2nd May 1945. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1951.
Book call no.: 940.542 A4361r
Tactical Dispositions and Role Air Force (12 December 1944), 13-16.
A New Plan Adopted, 24-25.
Air Operations—January-March, 1945.
Planning the Spring Offensive--Ground Forces (with support from the air), 32-37.
Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the Operations in
Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force, 6 June 1944 to 8 May 1945. Washington,
D.C.: Government Printing Office (GPO), July 1945.
Book call no.: 940.542 A436r
Planning and Preparation: The COSSAC Plan, 1-2.
Development of Plan OVERLORD, 3-11.
Plans for the 1945 Campaign, 81-86.
Tilford, Earl H., Jr., Maj, USAF, Retired. Crosswinds: The Air Force’s Setup in
Vietnam. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1993.
Book call no.: 959.704348 T572c
Strategic Bombing and the Persian Gulf War, 199-201.
US Air Force. Office of Air Force History. The Army Air Forces in World War II. Edited
by Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate. Vols. 17. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 19481958.
Book call no.: 940.544973 A741
Volume1.Plans and Early Operations, January 1939 to August 1942.
Volume2. Europe: TORCH to POINTBLANK, August 1942 to December 1943.
Volume3. Europe: Argument to V-E Day, January 1944 to May 1945.
Volume4. The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, August 1942 to July 1944.
Volume5. The Pacific: Matterhorn to Nagasaki, June 1944 to August 1945.
Volume6. Men and Planes.
Volume7. Services Around the World.
US Military Academy, West Point, Department of Military Art and Engineering.
Summaries of Selected Military Campaigns. West Point, N.Y.: The Academy, 1953.
Book call no.: 355.48 U58s
World War II, 109-69.
Operations in Korea, 19501951, 17375.
US Strategic Bombing Survey, Military Analysis Division. Air Campaigns of the Pacific
War. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1947.
Book call no.: 940.53 U58rp no. 71a
_________________, Naval Analysis Division. The Campaigns of the Pacific War.
Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.
Book call no.: 940.53 U58rp no. 73
_________________, Naval Analysis Division. The Offensive Mine Laying Campaign
Against Japan. Washington, D.C.: GPO, November 1946.
Book call no.: 940.53 U58rp no. 78
Part IV. War Lessons and Comments: I. Planning, 17-18.
_________________, Office of the Chairman. Over-All Report (European War).
Washington, D.C.: GPO, September 1945.
Book call no.: 940.53 U58re no. 2

_________________. Office of the Chairman. Summary Report (Pacific War).
Washington, D.C.: GPO, July 1946.
Book call no.: 940.53 U58rp no. l
Warden, John A., III, Col, USAF. The Air Campaign: Planning for Combat.
Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1988.
Book call no.: 358.414 W265a
Bibliography, 183-86.
Index, 187-92.
Webster, Sir Charles and Noble Frankland. History of the Second World War: United
Kingdom Military Series: The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany 1939-1945:
Volumes I-IV. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1961.
Weigley, Russell F. The American Way of War: A History of United States Military
Strategy and Policy. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1973.
Book call no.: 355.0973 W418a
Part 3, Chapter 11. A Strategy of Air Power: Billy Mitchell, 223-41.
Part 4, Chapter 14. The Strategic Tradition of US Grant: Strategists of the
European War, 31259 (AWPD-1, 337-38, 343, and 354).
Part 5, Chapters 1518. American Strategy in Perplexity, 1945, 363-552.
Notes, 479-552.
Select Bibliography on American Writings on Military Strategy, Theoretical and
Historical, 553-61.


Davis, Charles N., Jr., Maj, USAF. “A Decision Support Process for Planning Air
Operations.” Paper. Newport, R.I.: Naval War College, February 1991.
Doc. call no.: M-U 41662 D2611d
Fabyanic, Thomas A., Col, USAF. “A Critique of United States Air War Planning, 1941-
1944.” PhD Dissertation. St. Louis, Mo.: St. Louis University, 1973.
Doc. call no.: M-U 43567-18
ChapterI. Background of High Altitude, Daylight, Precision Bombing.
ChapterII. Air War Plans Division-1.
ChapterIII. AWPD-4 and AWPD-42.
ChapterIV. The Plan for the Combined Bomber Offensive.
ChapterV. Conclusions.
Select Bibliography, 211-16.
Felker, Edward J., Maj, USAF. “Does the Air Force Practice Its Doctrine? A Limited
and Focused Air Campaign Concept.” Thesis. Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: US Army
Command and General Staff College, June 1991.
Doc. call no.: M-U 42022 F316d
This study explores the US Army and Air Force doctrinal base for building a
focused and limited air campaign. The concept presented focuses on operational
art and directly achieving the joint force commander’s objectives versus
generating air sorties to service targets.
Harrell, William, Jr., Lt Col, USAF. “Air Campaign Central Europe: Comparative
Analysis Between World War II and the Present.” Defense Analytical Study.
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College, Air University, May 1989.
Doc. call no.: M-U 43117 H296a

Bibliography, 58-60.
Jordan, Daniel W., Maj, USAF. “Tactical Airpower at the Operational Level of War.”
Thesis. Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: US Army Command and General Staff College,
June 1990.
Doc. call no.: M-U 42022 J821t
Appendix IV. Air Operations, 179-96.
The Air Superiority Campaign:
Offensive Counter Air.
Defensive Counter Air.
Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD).
McSwain, Donald L., Col, USAF. “Air Campaign Planning for Contingency
Operations.” Defense Analytical Study. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College, Air
University, May 1989.
Doc. call no.: M-U 43117 M175a
RAND Corporation. “Allied Air Forces Central Europe Air Campaign Study (U).”
Edited by R. J. Hillestad et al. R-3897-AF. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, January
Doc. call no.: M-S 30352-1 no. 3897
_________________. “The Challenge of Future Nonstandard Contingencies:
Implications for Strategy, Planning, Crisis Management, and Forces.” Edited by
James A. Winnefeld and David A. Shlapak. Two vols. (N-3098/ 1-DAG). Santa
Monica, Calif.: RAND, October 1990.
Doc. call no.: M-U 30352-53 no. 3098
Volume 1, Section VI. Force Development Planning: Needed Mission
Capabilities, 33-45.
Volume 1, Section VII. Force Employment Planning and Command
Arrangements, 46-53.
RAND Corporation. “Lessons from an Aerial Mining Campaign (Operation Starvation].”
Edited by Frederick M. Sallagar. R-1322-PR. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, April
Doc. call no.: M-U 30352-1 no. 1322
Section III. Genesis of the B-29 Mining Campaign, 15-30.
References, 79-80.
_________________. “NATO Tactical Aircraft Capabilities for Supporting Land
Warfare in Central Europe in the Early 1990s: Attacks Against Divisions and Brigades
(U).” Edited by T. M. Parker. R-3743/6-AF. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, August
Doc. call no.: M-S 30352-1 no. 3743/6
Implications for Air Campaign Planning (U), 24-31.
Air Campaign Planning (U), 71-76.
_________________. Operation Strangle (Italy, Spring 1944): A Case Study of Tactical
Air Interdiction. Edited by Frederick M. Sallagar. R-851-PR. Santa Monica, Calif.:
RAND, February 1972.
Doc. call no.: M-U 30352-1 no. 851
Section 3. The Planning, 1636.
Appendix B. Bibliography, 9395.
Royal Australian Air Force, Airpower Study Centre. “The Air Power Manual.” RAAF
Base, Fairbairn, Australia, August 1990.

Doc. call no.: M-U 36760-54 no. 1000
Air Power:
The Air Campaigns, 3234.
Campaign Priorities, 9798.
Air Bombardment Campaign, 129.
Skattum, Mark H., Maj, USAF. “Air Campaigns: Fact or Fantasy?” Fort Leavenworth,
Kans.: US Army Command and General Staff College, May 1989. Monograph.
School of Advanced Military Studies.
Doc. call no.: M-U 42022-2 S626a
US Air Force. Assistant Chief of Staff, Studies and Analysis. “The Uncertainty of
Predicting Results of an Interdiction Campaign.” Saber Measures (Alpha).
Washington, D.C., December 1969.
Doc. call no.: M-U 42210-43
The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how to evaluate the
effectiveness of an air interdiction campaign by analyzing the historical records
relating to Operation STRANGLE in Italy, which was conducted from 15 March
1944 to 11 May 1944.
_________________. Office of Air Force History. “Air Campaign Planning.”
Washington, D.C., February 1990.
Doc. call no.: M-U 42229-76
A study of air campaign planning, consisting of ten air campaigns from World
War I to the war in Southeast Asia and the several Israeli air campaigns.
US Defense Nuclear Agency. “Task 3: Nuclear Targeting Policy Issues for the 90s:
Volume VI--Lessons of History: Strategic Air Warfare, World War II.” Technical
Report. DNA-TR-90-161-Vol. 6. Washington, D.C., April 1991.
Doc. call no.: M-U 37762-34 no. 90-161 Vol. 6


Bogardus, Anneke-Jans, Maj, USA. “Prelude to Operation Overlord: The Air

Campaign.” Military Review 74: 64-66, March 1994.
Canan, James W. “Back to the Future: As Senior Air Force Leaders Describe It, Global
Reach, Global Power Is a Forward-Looking Mix of Tradition and Change.” Air Force
Magazine 73: 32-37, October 1990.
Cioletti, Craig, Capt, USAF, and Lee Smith, Capt, USAF. “Bright Star 82.” USAF
Fighter Weapons Review, 24, Summer 1982. “Preparation,” 23.
Copp, DeWitt S. “The Pioneer Plan for Air War.” Air Force Magazine 65: 74-78,
October 1982.
George, Bob, Maj, USAF, and Lonnie Goodson, Maj, USAF. “Planning, Leading &
Executing a Large Force Package: The Gorilla Lives.” USAF Fighter Weapons
Review, 58, Summer 1985.
Kirtland, Michael A., Lt Col, USAF. “Planning Air Operations: Lessons from Operation
Strangle in the Korean War.” Airpower Journal 6: 37-46, Summer 1992.
McPeak, Merrill A., Gen, USAF. “For the Composite Wing.” Airpower Journal 4: 412,
Fall 1990.
“Manufacturing a Gorilla,” 58.
Meacham, James A., Cmdr, USN. “Four Mining Campaigns: An Historical Analysis of
the Decisions of the Commanders.” Naval War College Review 19: 75129, June 1967.
Ogan, Andrew J., Maj, USAF. “Thinking about Air Power.” Airpower Journal 3: 4349,
Spring 1989.
“Employment of Air Power: Mission Development; Example of Mission
Development; Key Elements,” 48-49.
Parker, Steven A., Cadet First Class, USAF Academy. “AWPD-1: Targeting for Victory-
-the Rationale Behind Strategic Bombing Objectives in Americas First Air War Plan.”
Airpower Journal 3: 5870, Summer 1989.
Swan, Guy C., III, Maj, USA. “Theater Campaign Planning for NATO’s Northern
Region.” Parameters 20: 4863, March 1990.
Walker, John R., AVM, RAF. “Air Defence in the Central Region.” Hawk, 69-84, May
Air Combat, 7577.
Attrition, 7779.
The Air Campaign, 7984.
Westenhoff, Charles M., Maj, USAF. “Aggressive Vision.” Airpower Journal 3: 3439,
Fall 1989.
More than most campaigns of World War II, New Guinea was won using current
military concepts and organizations. From the start, operations were combined
(multinational) and joint (multi-service).
Weyland, Otto P., Gen, USAF. “The Air Campaign in Korea.” Air University Quarterly
Review 6: 3-28, Fall 1953.

Gulf War-1991


Atkinson, Rick. Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War. Boston, Mass.:
Houghton Mifflin, 1993.
Washington D.C., 56-65.
Cohen, Elliot and Thomas F. Keaney, et al. Gulf War Air Power Survey: Summary.
Washington, D.C., March 1993.
What Was Planned?, 2149.
Coyne, James P. Airpower in the Gulf. Arlington, Va.: Aerospace Education
Foundation, 1992. Air Force Association book.
Book call no.: 956.70442 C881a
The Internal Look Rehearsal, 16.
Chapter 4. Plan of Attack, 4347.
Adjusting the War Plan, 6164.
Planning in the Wings, 6465.
Freedman, Lawrence, and Efraim Karsh. The Gulf Conflict 1990-1991: Diplomacy and
War in the New World Order. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1993.
Book call no.: 956.70442 F853g
Chapter 23. The Strategic Air Campaign, 31230.
Friedman, Norman. Desert Victory: The War for Kuwait. Annapolis, Md.: Naval
Institute Press, 1991.
Book call no.: 956.7043 F911d
Chapter 9. The Air Campaign, 169-96.
Gordon, Michael R. and Bernard E. Trainor, General USMC (Ret.) The General’s War.
The Inside Story of the Conflict in the Gulf. Boston MA, Little Brown & Co., 1995.
Book Call No. 956.7044’2-dc20.
Pimlott, John and Stephen Badsey, et al. The Gulf War Assessed. Department of War
Studies, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1992.
Book call no.: 956.70442 G9711
Chapter 5. The Air War, by Ray Sibbald, 105-24.
Planning the Air War, 109-11.
Air Tasking, 111-13.
Hallion, Richard P. Storm Over Iraq--Air Power and the Gulf War. Washington, D.C.:
Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992. (Smithsonian History of Aviation Series)
Invigorating Military Thought and Doctrine: Summers, Warden, Lehman, Rice,
Orchestrating the Air War: Checkmate and Black Hole Write the Music, 141-46.
The Air Plan that Defeated Saddam Hussein, 150-56.
Head, William and Earl H. Tilford, Jr. (eds.) The Eagle in the Desert: Looking Back on
U.S. Involvement in the Persian Gulf War. Westport CT: Praeger Publishers, 1996.
Kinzey, Bert. The Fury of Desert Storm. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1991.
Book call no.: 358.41830973 K56f
Concept of the Air Campaign, 12.
Mann, Edward C., III, Col, USAF. Thunder and Lightning: Desert Storm and the
Airpower Debates. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: AU Press, 1995. Vol. 2 of a 2-Vol. Series.
(See Reynolds, Heart of the Storm.)

Pagonis, William G. Moving Mountains: Lessons in Leaderships and Logistics from the
Gulf War. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1992.
Book call no.: 956.70442 P139m

RAND Corporation. A League of Airmen: US Air Power in the Gulf War. James A.
Winnefeld, Preston Niblack and Dana J. Johnson, eds. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND,
Book call no.: 956.7044248 W434L
Chapter 4. Planning the Air Campaign, 5587.
_________________. Operation Desert Storm Master Attack Plan (U). Donald E.
Emerson, Fred L. Frostic, T. M. Parker, and Phillip Propper, eds. Santa Monica,
Calif.: RAND, November 1993.
Reynolds, Richard T., Col, USAF. Heart of the Storm: The Genesis of the Air Campaign
Against Iraq. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: AU Press, 1995. Vol. 1 of a 2-Vol. Series. (See
Mann, Thunder and Lightning.)
Summers, Harry G., Jr., Col, USA, Retired. On Strategy II: A Critical Analysis of the
Gulf War. New York: Dell Publishing, 1992.
Book call no.: 956.7043 S955o
The Strategic Offensive, 194-201.
United States Air Force. Reaching Globally, Reaching Powerfully: The United States Air
Force in the Gulf War: A Report. Washington, D.C., September 1991.
Book call no.: 956.7043 R281
Crafting a Plan, 1114.
US Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Operation Desert Shield/Desert
Storm. Hearings, 102d Congress, 1st session. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1991.
Book call no.: 956.7043 U58oa
Original Theater Campaign, 234.
Air Campaign Plan & Targets, 237.
US Department of Defense. Conduct of the Persian Gulf War. Final Report to Congress.
Three volumes. Washington, D.C., April 1992.
Book call no.: 956.70442 C746
Volume 1, Chapter VI. The Air Campaign, 117247.
_________________. Conduct of the Persian Gulf Conflict. An Interim Report to
Congress. One volume. Washington, D.C., July 1991.
Book call no.: 956.70442 C7461
Operation Desert Storm: Air Campaign Overview; Phase I - The Strategic Air
Campaign; Phase II - Air Superiority in the KTO; Phase III - Battlefield
Preparation; Phase IV - The Ground Campaign, 4-2/4-10.
US News & World Report. Triumph Without Victory: The Unreported History of the
Persian Gulf War. New York: Times Books, 1992.
Book call no.: 956.7043 T839
Air campaign planning for the Gulf War, Chapter 12, 191; Chapter 14, 22223;
Chapter 15, 259-60; Chapter 16, 26567.


Martin, Jerome V., Lt Col, USAF. “Victory from Above: Air Power Theory and the
Conduct of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.” AU-ARI Command-

Sponsored Research Report no. AU-ARI-92-8. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University
Press, June 1994.
Chapter 4. Planning the Storm, 45-61.
Notes, 58-61.
US Air Force. Tactical Air Command. Deputy Commander, Tactics and Test, 57th
Fighter Weapons Wing. “Tactical Analysis Bulletin (U).” One volume. Nellis AFB,
Nev., July 1991.
Doc. call no.: M-S 42339, July 1991
(U) During the period 2123 May 1991, fighter pilots from around the world
gathered at Nellis AFB, Nevada, to attend the Tactical Air Forces Desert Storm
Tactics Conference. The purpose of this conference was to capture those lessons
learned during Operation DESERT STORM.
US Department of Defense. “Conduct of the Persian Gulf Conflict (U).” One volume.
Washington, D.C., July 1991.
Doc. call no.: M-S 42214-112a
Theater Campaign Plan, 2-6.
Air Campaign Plan, 2-6/2-7.
Ground Campaign Plan, 2-7/2-8.
Operation Desert Storm: Air Campaign Overview, 4-2; The Strategic Air
Campaign, 4-2/4-4; Phase II--Air Superiority in the KTO, 4-4/4-5; Phase III--
Battlefield Preparation, 4-5/4-6.


Clodfelter, Mark, Maj, USAF. “Of Demons, Storms, and Thunder: A Preliminary Look
at Vietnam’s Impact on the Persian Gulf Air Campaign.” Airpower Journal 5: 1732,
Winter 1991.
Air campaign planning for the Persian Gulf, 28.
Cook, Nick. “Air War Doctrine Affirmed--How the RAF Now Measures Its Success.”
Janes Defence Weekly 15: 738+, 4 May 1991.
Coyne, James P. “Plan of Attack--Off-the-Shelf Plans Did Not Suffice for the Air
Campaign that General Schwarzkopf Envisioned in the Gulf.” Air Force Magazine
75: 40-46, April 1992.
Downer, Lee A., Brig Gen, USAF. “The Composite Wing in Combat.” Airpower
Journal 5: 415, Winter 1991.
Eshel, Tamir. “The Most Successful Air Campaign Ever?” Military Technology 15, no.
4: 3638+, April 1991.
Planning the Attack, 3738.
Fulghum, David A. “Allies Divide Air Strike Targets into Grid of Killing Boxes.”
Aviation Week & Space Technology 134: 62, 18 February 1991.
Glosson, Buster C., Maj Gen, USAF. “War Planner: Civilians Didn’t Change Target
List: Interview by Casey Anderson.” Air Force Times 51: 27, 8 July 1991.
Grossman, Larry. “Col John A. Warden III: Air Force Veteran Battles for New World
Order.” Government Executive 24: 46, February 1992.
Over the six-month build up to Desert Storm, the details of the full air tasking
order were painstakingly nailed down in Saudi Arabia by Lt Gen Charles Horner,
the coalitions air component commander, and his chief targeteer, Brig Gen Buster
Glosson. The particulars were Horners and Glossons work, says a senior Air

Force planner, but the heart and soul of the air campaign was vintage John
Gunselman, John H., Jr., Lt Col, USAF. “Documentary on Desert Shield/Storm Supply
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