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BioStar 2.7.

Version 1.00

Getting Started ....................................................................................... 3

System Requirements ............................................................................. 3
BioStar 2 Video Extension ..............................................................................................................................3
BioStar 2 API Server .......................................................................................................................................3

Installing BioStar 2 ................................................................................. 4

Login ...................................................................................................... 9
Changing port of BioStar 2 ..........................................................................................................................10
Changing with BioStar Setting (HTTPS port) ..................................................................................................................10
Changing database of BioStar 2 ..................................................................................................................11
Getting Started

Getting Started
Before using BioStar 2 to implement an access control system, the BioStar 2 server must be installed on the administrator PC.
The BioStar 2 server receives event logs, user information, etc. from connected devices and stores them.

BioStar 2 can be installed easily. Before installation, please check the System Requirements.
The BioStar 2 installation file can be found on the Suprema's home page(

System Requirements
Item Small Medium Enterprise
Environment Total Devices 1 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 1,000
• Windows 7 Home Basic • Windows Server 2008 R2 • Windows Server 2008 R2
64bit SP1 or later Standard 64bit SP2 or later Standard 64bit SP2 or later
• Windows 7 Home Basic • Windows 7 SP1 Home • Windows 7 SP1 Home
32bit SP1 or later Premium 64bit SP1 or later Premium 64bit SP1 or later
System MariaDB 10.1.10, MS SQL Server 2012, MS SQL Server 2014 SP2, MS SQL Server 2014
requirement SP2 Express, MS SQL Server 2016 SP1
(Server) CPU 2 GHz Dual Core 4 GHz Quad Core 4 GHz Quad Core
RAM 6 GB 10 GB 16 GB
HDD 500 GB 1 TB 4 TB
Others Java 1.8.0_221
System CPU 1 GHz 1 GHz 1 GHz
requirement RAM 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB
(Client) Web Browser Google Chrome 49 or later

BioStar 2 Video Extension

Item Minimum Recommended
CPU 4 GHz Quad Core 4 GHz Quad Core
RAM 8 GB 16 GB

BioStar 2 API Server

Item Minimum Recommended
CPU 4 GHz Quad Core 4 GHz Quad Core
RAM 8 GB 16 GB

• For the best performance, use only the 64-bit operating system.
• BioStar 2 is optimized for Google Chrome.
• To use the Video menu, use MariaDB for the database and 64-bit operating system for the operating system.
• If you are using Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2, install the KB2919355 update by referring to the following web page.
• If you are using MS SQL 2014 Express, install the Service Pack 2 by referring to the following web page.
• If MS SQL Server and BioStar 2 are installed on different PCs, you should install the Native Client on a PC with BioStar 2 installed.
• Oracle Database is no longer supported. For details, please contact the Suprema Technical Support.

Installing BioStar 2

Installing BioStar 2
BioStar 2 supports a 32-bit operating system and a 64-bit operating system. Check the system type of your PC where BioStar 2
is to be installed and carry out its installation accordingly.

• Do not install BioStar 2 on a PC where BioStar 1 is installed. This may cause performance problems.
• If BioStar 2.3.0 is installed on top of a BioStar 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 installation, all information stored in the SQLite database is migrated to
a new MariaDB database.
• To upgrade BioStar 2.5.0 or less versions of BioStar 2 to the latest version, you must install all versions of BioStar 2.5.0 or less. For
example, to upgrade from BioStar 2.3.0 to BioStar 2.7.10, you need to install the all of BioStar 2.5.0 or less version. BioStar 2.5.0 or
later can upgrade to the latest version immediately.If you are using Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2, install the KB2919355
update by referring to the following web page.
• If you are using MS SQL 2014 Express, install the Service Pack 2 by referring to the following web page.
• If MS SQL Server and BioStar 2 are installed on different PCs, you should install the Native Client on a PC with BioStar 2 installed.
• When backing up a database from an older version of BioStar 2, disable all services and procedures. Furthermore, if you do not
backup and restore the AC database and the TA database together, you will not be able to use the TA database.
• If you want to back up the database of BioStar 2.7.10, be sure to also back up the enckey in the \Program Files\BioStar 2 (x64)\util
folder. Otherwise, the database will be unavailable.

If you use a database configured by the user directly, check the following items before installing BioStar 2.


• Open the my.cnf file and then change some configurations under [mysqld] as shown below.
max_connections = 600

• Open the my.cnf file and then add some configurations under [mysqld] as shown below.
log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
group_concat_max_len = 102400

• Access MariaDB with the root permission and execute the following command.
> GRANT SUPER ON . TO user_id@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY "password";
> GRANT SUPER ON . TO user_id@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "password";

MS SQL Server

Setting the port

a) Run SQL Server Configuration Manager and set TCP/IP Protocol for Protocols for SQLEXPRESS to the desired port number.
b) Restart SQL Server Services to apply the settings.

Creating the user and database

a) Log in to the sa account using SQL Server Authentication in SQL Server Management Studio.
b) Right-click on Security and click New Login.
c) Enter the desired name in the Login Name field and select SQL Server Authentication.
d) Enter the desired password in the Password and Confirm password field, and then uncheck the Enforce password policy.
e) Click OK to save the settings.
f) Right-click on Database and click New Database.
g) Enter the desired name in the Database Name field.
h) Enter the login name in the Owner field. Use the login name set in step c).
i) In the Database Files section, we recommend that set the Initial Size (MB) to 3000 and set the Autogrowth/Maxsize to By 10 MB,

Installing BioStar 2

1 Double-click the downloaded setup program. (ex. 'BioStar 2')

2 Select a language and click OK.

3 To continue the installation, select I accept the agreement and click Next.

4 Enter the password for admin account and click Next.

The password set in this step will be used when you log in to BioStar 2.

Installing BioStar 2

5 Install the database to be used in BioStar 2. You can install a new MariaDB or connect it to the already-installed MariaDB.
Installing BioStar 2 for the first time, please select Express Installation and click Next.

6 If Express Installation has been selected from Database Installation Type, enter the database manager’s account password
and click Next. If Custom Installation has been selected from Database Installation Type, enter the detailed information on
the already-configured database and click Next.

• BioStar 2.7.10 supports the following databases.
- MariaDB 10.1.10
- MS SQL Server 2012
- MS SQL Server 2014 SP2
- MS SQL Server 2014 SP2 Express
- MS SQL Server 2016 SP1
• If the database table creation fails when MS SQL Server is set as the Database Type, you can create the table by executing the
script in C:\Program Files\BioStar 2 (x64)\dbscript\mssql folder.

Installing BioStar 2

7 Click Next after setting a path for BioStar 2 to be installed.

8 Enter the port number and click Next.

• When you install BioStar 2 on a PC where BioStar 1 is installed, the device port (51212) is not available. In this case, we recommend
that uninstall BioStar 1.

9 Select a component of BioStar 2 and click Next. If you select USB Device Agent, a USB-Agent and a driver for using BioMini,
BioMini Plus 2, and DUALi DE-620 will be installed together.

Installing BioStar 2

10 If ready to install, click Install.

11 Select whether to install additional program and click Finish. Follow on screen instructions to complete.

• The USB Device Agent Certificate provided can be applied to a local network only.
• When another program uses port 443, BioStar-Setting program will be launched automatically and then you can change the port
number. For more information, see Changing port of BioStar 2.
• For more information on Database setting changes, see BioStar 2 Database Change.


BioStar 2 is a web-based system which can be accessed from anywhere as long as you remember your login ID and password.

1 Run your web browser.

• We recommend that you use Google Chrome 49 or later.

2 Run BioStar 2.
• If running from the PC installed with BioStar 2, enter '' in the address input field of the web browser.
• If BioStar 2 is installed on another PC, enter ' 2 server IP address' in the address input field of the web
• Do not use the ‘Localhost’ to access the BioStar 2.

• BioStar 2 uses port 443. If port 443 is used by a program, quit the program and try again. If the program cannot be closed, run
‘BioStar Setting’ to change the port number. For more information, see Changing port of BioStar 2.
• BioStar 2 uses Java version 1.8.0_221. If BioStar 2 does not run correctly, re-install Java version 1.8.0_221.

3 Log in with the administrator account. The administrator account ID is ‘admin’ and when you log in for the first time, Not
secure warning will be displayed in the address bar.

4 To use HTTPS properly, register the IP address of the PC where BioStar 2 is installed. Click Download https certification
install program.

5 Unzip the downloaded file and run cert-register.exe file. Enrollment Certification window will appears.

6 Enter the IP address of the PC where BioStar 2 is installed and click Enrollment.

7 Check the security warning message and click Yes.

8 When you restart the web browser and enter the registered IP address, Secure will appear on the address bar of the web


Changing port of BioStar 2

You can change the port used by BioStar 2.

• If you use MS SQL as a database, when changes the port in BioStar 2, you must also change the port manually in the database.
Otherwise, BioStar 2 may be disconnected from the database and may not work properly.

Changing with BioStar Setting (HTTPS port)

1 Click Start > All Programs > BioStar 2 > BioStar Setting.

2 Click Stop button of Core Web Server.

3 Enter the port number in HTTPS port field.

4 Click Start button of Core Web Server.

5 Run BioStar 2. If using port 450, enter 'IP address:450'.


Changing database of BioStar 2

You can change the database of BioStar 2.

1 Click Start > All Programs > BioStar 2 > BioStar Setting.

2 Click Stop button of all BioStar 2 services. Database Server Configuration will be enabled.

3 Edit the necessary fields. If you are not sure about the each information, contact your system administrator.

4 Click Test Connection to check if the database has been set properly.

5 Click Save to save the settings.

Suprema Inc.
17F Parkview Tower, 248, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang- gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13554, Rep. of KOREA
Tel: +82 31 783 4502 I Fax: +82 31 783 4503 I Inquiry: [email protected]
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