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Department of Education

Region III
City of San Fernando


Gatiawin, Arayat
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: Date:
Grade and Section:
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the letter
that corresponds to your answer on your answer sheet.
I. Listening/Speaking. Listen to the selection to be read by the teacher twice. After the second
reading, answer the questions that follow.
1. In his Nobel Prize speech, to whom did Mandela give credit for ending the apartheid in South Africa?
a. to himself
b. to the Africans
c. to the governments and organizations that fought against South Africa as a country and its people
d. to the governments and organizations that opposed the inhuman system and sue to end crime
against humanity
2. What was Mandela’s stand on the apartheid system?
a. He did not care about the issue on the apartheid system
b. He opposed the apartheid system.
c. He was an advocate of the apartheid system.
d. His stand on the apartheid system was not clear.
3. Who is the speaker?
a. Nelson Mandela b. Nelson Mendel c. Nelsons Mandela d. None of the above
II. Oral Language and Fluency
4. Before doing an interview, the interviewer should know a good deal of knowledge about the topic of
the interview. In order to formulate sensible questions, what skills can help the interviewer gather or
synthesize information?
a. comprehension b. linguistic c. locational d. psychomotor
5. You interviewed a Korean about the ways of coping with the challenges of modernity. The Korean
answered all of your questions with a degree of certainty. How do you somehow preserve all the
Korean’s answers so that you can use these answers in the making of a feature article for your school
a. Just remember everything so that you will not disturb or distract the interviewee.
b. Let the interviewee stop from time to time so that you can write down everything in a notebook.
c. Record the entire interview through a video or voice recorder (with the interviewee’s permission).
d. Take down important details and make sure that you can write very fast.
6. What are the necessary things that you need to bring if you will conduct an interview?
a. A list of good questions b. pencil and notebook c. recording device d. all of the above
For items 7-8 Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.
By Roland Tombekai Dempster
I am not you --but you will not give me a chance, will not let me be.
“If I were you”--But you know,
I am not you, yet you will not let me be me.
You meddle, interfere in my affairs as if they were yours and you were me.
You are unfair, unwise, foolish to think that I can be you, talk, act and think like you.
God made me He made you, you For God’s sake
Let me be.
7. What African quality do the lines in the poem generally express?
a. bravery
b. courage
c. kindness
d. persistence
8. What values are asserted by the poet in the poem?
a. bravery and respect
c. indecisiveness and courtesy
b. gentleness and resourcefulness
d. love and respect
Story: "My Friend Peter"
My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is married and has two
children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston, in the United States. Her family is still in
Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in Milan. They speak English, Dutch, German, and
Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go to school with other children from all
over the world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from France, Switzerland, Austria, and Sweden. Hans,
their son, goes to school with students from South Africa, Portugal, Spain, and Canada. Of course,
there are many children from Italy. Imagine, French, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, South African,
American, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Canadian children all learning together in Italy!
9. Where are they now?
a. Boston
b. Madrid
c. Milan
d. Sweden
10. Where is her family?
a. England
b. Holland
c. Italy
d. United States
11. How many languages does the family speak?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
12. What are the children's names?
a. Anna and Frank
b. Flora and Hans
c. Greta and Peter
d. Susan and John
13. The school is:
a. big
b. difficult
c. international
d. small

III. Grammar Awareness and Structure.

14.Take an umbrella. It ___ rain later.
A. Has to B. Might C. Need
15. You look tired. You ___ go to bed.
A. Are to B. Ought C. Should
16. __________ you help me?
a. May b. Shall c. Will
17. You __________ go into that room. It's forbidden!
a. don't have to b. might not c. mustn't
18. I __________ come to your party. I have to work.
a.can't b. must not c. shouldn't
19. I was using my pencil a minute ago. It ______be here somewhere!
a. can b. could c. must d. would
20. I really ______ try to get fit.
a. may b. must c. would d. none of the above
21. ______ I go to the bathroom, please?
a. May b. Must c. Would d. none of the above
22. Which is not an example of modal?
a. can’t b. go c. ought to d. should
23. A ______ is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability, possibility, permission
or obligation.

a. modal b. mode c. model d. none of the above

IV. Vocabulary Development: Propaganda Devices
24. What type of propaganda makes you want to jump in and follow everyone else?
A. Bandwagon B. Follower C. Misuse of statistics D. Testimonial
25. What type of propaganda uses negative words or feelings against an idea, product or person?
A. Flavor B. Name-calling C. Testimonial D. Transfer
26. A famous person used to endorse product or a candidate is known as?
A. Emotional words B. Feel good advertising C. Testimonial D. Transfer
27. An idea, product or person associated with everyday people and activities is known as?
A. Name calling B. Plain-folks Appeal C. Snob Appeal D. Transfer
28. Buy Coca-Cola now in the new KING size bottle!!!!!
A. Testimonial B. Loaded words C. Transfer D. Name Calling
29. Ladies wear, "Love to Know" Women's Fashions. You'll look and feel like a million dollars.
A. Snob appeal B. Misuse of Statistics C. Loaded Words D. Transfer
30. Propaganda is _______________________.
A. Telling only one side of the story
B. very seldom used to influence public opinion
C. Almost always appeals to the emotions rather than intellect
D. techniques used to influence opinions, emotions, attitudes or behavior
31. In an advertisement during a senatorial campaign, Loren Legarda talked with the Manobo
tribesmen and joined the farmers in Cagayan Valley in planting rice.
a. card stacking b. name calling c. plain folks d. soft soap
32. __________ are quotations or endorsements which connect a famous or respectable person with a
product or item
a. Testimonial b. Plain folks c. Misuse of Statistics d. None of the above
33. 9 out of 10 dentists recommend Colgate toothpaste
a. Testimonial b. Plain folks c. Misuse of Statistics d. None of the above

V. Literature
34. Why is literature a good source of knowing Koreans?
a. Literature gives all the updates about all the important events in a country.
b. Literature is a work of art that describes citizens with breeding and refinement.
c. Literature mirrors the psyche, temperament, culture and traditions of the people.
d. Literature provides a descriptive picture of how the people dress and speak like.
35. In this last two lines of the poem titled On A Rainy Autumn Night by Ch’oeCh’iwŏn, how do you
define the highlighted phrase? Choose the best analysis.
At third watch, it rains outside.
By the lamp my heart flies myriad miles away.
a. “Does the heart fly? Of course, not! But the heart is a symbol of love, and because love flies, love is
certainly gone.”
b. “If the heart flies, then it must have wings on its own; therefore, this heart must have been borrowed
by somebody else.”
c. “Perhaps, the heart is too weak to handle the situation so it finds a way to fly and just be in any place
that it wants, like miles away.”
d. “The heart literary flies. The heart must be taken away from the persona’s body because it is weak. It
is not fit to stay in that body.”
36. Your Korean classmate has been a student here in the Philippines for two years. In studying a
formal essay, you are given by your teacher to react on the first paragraph of Carlos Romulo’s I Am a
Filipino. The first paragraph goes like this:
I am a Filipino, inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future. As such I must prove equal
to a twofold task – the task of meeting my responsibility to the past and the task of performing my
obligation to the future.
You cannot help but discuss pertinent characteristics about you, being a Filipino and your classmate,
being a Korean and the challenges of modernity that somehow affected you both as Asians.
What would be the best lesson of the paragraph that you can present to your teacher and classmates
that somehow will be true to you both as Asians?
a. We have to acknowledge that as Asians we exist because of our past and because society is
constantly evolving, we must keep up and see the positive things brought about by these changes.
b. We have to respond to the challenges of so many tasks so that we will be more prepared in facing
the future.
c. We need to recognize where we really came from and that we should also prepare ourselves for the
uncertainty that the future will bring.
d. We should accept that whatever we will become in the future, it will always be the product of what we
decide for our present.
Vision by Feraya
A country of great beauty
People so gentle and kind
There is also ugliness
And cruelty
Fleeing and hiding
And foraging for food
To survive
Our people are in pain
Suffering like no hell on earth
Darkness and despair
Surround them
And freedom is out of reach
Beaten and battered by life
Death and diseases
Of the mind and spirit
Swallowed up by gloominess
And bitterness
How can they carry on?
Each of us has a role to play
To help our countrymen
Not by hatred and blame
Not by giving false hope
Or ideas
Or concepts
But to see the big vision
A vision that’s not small or limited
A vision that’s vast and spacious
So that Burma’s people may rise up
Like a beautiful lotus
From a muddy pond.

37. What is the meaning of vision

a. the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. could develop in the future and to plan for
b. an idea or mental image of something
c. the ability to see
d. all of the above
38. “Fleeing and hiding and foraging for food to survive” Foraging means
a. to search b. to play c. to eat d. none of the above
39. What does the author see?
a. The author sees the sufferings and pain of the people of Burma.
b. The author has seen how this country have been affected by diseases and deaths.
c. A and B
d. None of the above
40. What does the author think?
a. He is the creator.
b. He thinks that they will die.
c. He thinks that they need to give up.
d. He thinks that everyone has a role to play to help Burma rise from their hell like lives.
41. What is the main religion in Burma (Myanmar)
a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Taoism d. None of the above
VI. Reading and Comprehension.
Fact or opinion
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
The South African activist and former president Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) helped bring an end to
apartheid and has been a global advocate for human rights. A member of the African National
Congress party beginning in the 1940s, he was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed
resistance against the white minority’s oppressive regime in a racially divided South Africa. His actions
landed him in prison for nearly three decades and made him the face of the antiapartheid movement
both within his country and internationally. Released in 1990, he participated in the eradication of
apartheid and in 1994 became the first black president of South Africa, forming a multiethnic
government to oversee the country’s transition. After retiring from politics in 1999, he remained a
devoted champion for peace and social justice in his own nation and around the world until his death in
2013 at the age of 95.
42. Which of the following is NOT a fact as stated in the paragraph?
a. Nelson Mandela remained a devoted champion for peace and social justice after retiring.
b. Nelson Mandela was a South African activist and a former president.
c. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for nearly three decades.
d. Nelson Mandela was the best president the world has ever had.
43. Which of the following is an opinion as stated in the paragraph?
a. Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa.
b. Nelson Mandela died at age 95.
c. Nelson Mandela died in 2013.
d. Nelson Mandela’s death shocked the whole world.
44. Which of the following is a fact?
a. Wild cats are the most beautiful animals in the world.
b. A cheetah is the world's fastest animal.
c. A jaguar is cute.
d. The lion is truly the king of the beasts.
45. Terms that indicate opinions are called opinion signal words/expressions. The examples of these
are below except
a. It seems to me that…
c. Personally, I think …
b. My personal view is that…
d. This proves that…
Choices: 46-50
a. Fact b. Opinion
46.Cigarettes cause lung cancer.
47.According to the latest survey, families are purchasing more household items on credit.
48.The research team has discovered a new method for conducting this chemical analysis
49.I think she can dance.
50.Purple is the best color.

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