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People vs Pajares

G.R. No. 96444 June 23, 1992



On or about the 11th day of October, 1985, at night time, purposely sought to insure and better
accomplish his criminal design, in the City of Manila. Philippines, the said accused, conspiring and
confederating together with five (5) others whose true names, real Identities, and present
whereabouts are still unknown and helping one another, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously, with intent to kill, evident premeditation, and treachery, attack, assault. and use personal
violence upon one DIOSDADO VIOJAN Y SABAYAN, by then and there mauling him and hitting him
with a baseball bat at the back of the head, a vital part of the body, thereby inflicting upon the said
DIOSDADO VIOJAN Y SABAYAN a club wound on the head which was the direct and immediate
cause of his death. He was likewise charged in a separate case filed with the crime of Frustrated
Homicide upon one RENATO PEREZ Y RUIDERA.

The Trial Court rendered decision finding the accused guilty of Murder against Diosdado Viojan with
the penalty of reclusion perpetua and guilty of Slight Physical Injuries against Renato Perez.

Appellant Pajares asserts that the trial court gravely erred in imposing the penalty of reclusion
perpetua upon him. He avers that such a penalty is tantamount to a cruel, degrading or inhuman
punishment which is prohibited by the Constitution. Appellant points out that hours before the
clubbing incident, Roberto Pajares, appellant's younger brother, was mauled by the group of
Diosdado Viojan as cited by the lower court referring to the entry in the Police Blotter and the
sworn statement of Roberto Pajares. The mauling of the latter is a big insult and truly offending
to the appellant and his family. Hence, the clubbing of Diosdado Viojan by herein appellant was
a vindication of the grave offense committed against his family.


Whether or not the Trial Court erred in its decision imposing penalty of reclusion perpetua.


No, in convicting herein appellant of the crime of murder, qualified by treachery, the trial court
relied heavily on the testimony of prosecution witness Renato Perez which it found to be
credible. Appellant was Positively identified by Renato Perez as the perpetrator of the crime.

It is doctrinally entrenched that the evaluation of the testimony of witnesses by the trial court is
received on appeal with the highest respect because it is the trial court that has the opportunity
to observe them on the stand and detect if they are telling the truth or lying in their teeth (People
v. Santito, Jr., G.R. No. 91628, August 22, 1991)

The accused statements are pure alibi which is one of the weakest testimony an accused can
provide in a court proceeding.
The next question is whether or not the mitigating circumstance of immediate vindication of a
grave offense can be appreciated in his favor. While it may be true that appellant's brother
Roberto Pajares was mauled by the companions of the deceased at about 11:30 a.m. of
October 11, 1985 as show in the entry in the Police Blotter and by appellant's brother himself, it
must be emphasized that there is a lapse of about ten (10) hours between said incident and
the killing of Diosdado Viojan. Such interval of time was more than sufficient to enable appellant
to recover his serenity (People v. Benito, G.R. No. L-32042, December 17, 1976)

Hence, the mitigating circumstance of immediate vindication of a grave offense cannot be

appreciated in his favor.

by ebvilla

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