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Read the viniyoga at first, this is a general description of the mantra.

ॐ अस्य श्रीसुमुखी महामन्त्रस्य मातङ्ग ऋषिः अनुष्टु प्छन्दः श्री उछिष्टचाण्डालिनी सुमुखी देवता
ऐं बीजं ह्रीं शक्तिः क्लीं कीलकं श्री उछिष्टचाण्डालिनी सुमुखी देवी प्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ।

oṃ asya śrīsumukhī mahāmantrasya mataṅga ṛṣiḥ anuṣṭupchandaḥ

śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālinī sumukhī devatā aiṃ bījaṃ hrīṃ śaktiḥ klīṃ kīlakaṃ
śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālinī sumukhī devī prītyarthe jape viniyogaḥ ।

Of this Sumukhi Mula-mantra (Chandalini Matangi Maha-mantra); the Rishi is the Matanga (the

Seer of the Tribal Hunters of the Chandals); Anushtup is the meter; Uchishta Chandalini Sumukhi is
the Deity; Aim is the seed; Hrim is the power; Klim is the pivot and key; I recite this mantra to
please Uchishta Chandalini Sumukhi Devi and receive the blessings of Shri Sumukhi Goddess.

Next you should make nyasas.

Nyasa - न्यास [nyāsa] is meaning ‘placing’. In nyasa you are empowering the hands and body
with energy of mantra, Devi and the appropriate beejas (seed mantras) at the apropriate places
indicated. The governing concept here is that only the Divine can worship the Divine. You are in
effect making yourself the Divine by performing nyasa.

Rishi nyasa.

This is called so because it begins with the worship of the Seer (Rishi) of mantra on the crown of
the head; then we honour verse size (meter) of mantra, Deity of mantra, and (if there are) seed,
power, pivot/key of mantra. Put together the pads of the thumb and ring finger. Touch tip with
this fingers the indicated places by reciting the following mantras.

श्री मातङ्ग ऋषये नमः ।

śrī mātaṅga ṛṣaye namaḥ ।

My worship for Matanga Rishi (Seer) of the mantra.


While saying this, touch your crown of the head.

अनुष्टु प् छन्दसे नमः ।
anuṣṭupchandase namaḥ ।
Meaning My worship for the meter of the mantra.
While saying this, touch your lips/mouth.

श्री उच्छिष्टचाण्डालिनी सुमुखी देवतायै नमः ।

śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālini sumukhī devatāyai namaḥ ।
Meaning My worship for Sumukhi Devi, the Deity of the mantra
While saying this, touch your chest in the heart area.

ऐं बिजाये नमः ।
aiṃ bījāya namaḥ ।
Meaning My worship for the beeja Aiṃ, the seed of the mantra.
While saying this, touch your perineum.

ह्रीं शक्तये नमः ।

hrīṃ śaktaye namaḥ ।
Meaning My worship for the beeja Hrīṃ, the power of the mantra.
While saying this, touch your feet.

क्लीं कीलकाय नमः ।

klīṃ kīlakāya namaḥ ।
Meaning My worship for the beeja Klīṃ, the pivot and key of the mantra.
While saying this, touch your navel.

श्री उछिष्टचाण्डालिनी सुमुखी देवी प्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगाय नमः ।

śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālinu sumukhī devī prītyarthe jape viniyogāya namaḥ ।
Meaning My worship for japa of this mantra and all its components.
While saying this, run the palms of both hands from feet to the crown of the your head.

Kara nyasa or Hand Empowerment

Kara (कर) meaning is ‘hand’. Please note that the finger movements indicated below are
performed with both hands simultaneously, unless otherwise specified. Visualise fingers and
hands to be permeated with this bIjas.

ऐं क्लं अङ्गु ष्टाभ्यां नमः ।

aiṃ klaṃ aṅguṣṭābhyāṃ namaḥ ।

Meaning I place the beejas Aiṃ Klaṃ on my thumb.

While saying this, rub the thumb from its root upward with the tip of the index finger.

ऐं क्लीं तर्जनीभ्यां नमः ।

aiṃ klīṃ tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ ।

Meaning I place the beejas Aiṃ Klīṃ on my index finger.

While saying this, rub the index finger from its root upward with the tip of the thumb.

ऐं क्लूं मध्यमाभ्यां नमः ।

aiṃ klūṃ madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ ।

Meaning I place the beejas Aiṃ Klūṃ on my middle finger.

While saying this, rub the middle finger from its root upward with the tip of the thumb.

ऐं क्लैं अनामिकाभ्यां नमः ।

aiṃ klaiṃ anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ ।

Meaning I place the beejas Aiṃ Klaiṃ on my ring finger.

While saying this, rub the ring finger from its root upward with the tip of the thumb.

ऐं क्लौं कनिष्टिकाभ्यां नमः ।

aiṃ klauṃ kaniṣṭikābhyāṃ namaḥ ।
Meaning I place the beejas Aiṃ Klauṃ on my little finger.
While saying this, rub the little finger from its root upward with the tip of the thumb.

ऐं क्लः करतलकरपृष्टाभ्यां नमः ।
aiṃ klaḥ karatalakarapṛṣṭabhyāṃ namaḥ ।
Meaning I cover my arms with the beejas Aiṃ Klaḥ.
Saying this, rub from shoulder to fingertips of the hand with the other hand. Repeat on both hands.

Anganyasa or Body Empowerment

Now that the hand is energized, with that energized hand you are going to energize the whole

ऐं क्लं हृदयाय नमः ।

aiṃ klaṃ hṛdayāya namaḥ ।
Meaning I place the beejas Aiṃ Klaṃ in the heart region.
While saying this, place your right fist on your chest in the heart region, the inner side to the body.

ऐं क्लीं शिरसे स्वाहा

aiṃ klīṃ śirase svāhā ।
Meaning I place the beejas Aiṃ Klīṃ at the crown of the head.
While saying this, place the tip of the three fingers (thumb, index and middle joined together) at the
crown of your head.

ऐं क्लूं शिखायै वषट् ।

aiṃ klūṃ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ ।
Meaning I place beejas Aiṃ Klūṃ at the place where one has his tuft of hair.
While saying this, place the fist of your right hand, thumb extended and touch the back of the head.
This is the point where the tuft of hair, is kept.

ऐं क्लैं कवचाय हुं ।

aiṃ klaiṃ kavacāya huṃ ।
Meaning I create the armour with Aiṃ Klaiṃ.
While saying this, cross your hands across the chest, left hand over right. 1

1 Here is the worship of the Female Divine, so we place our left hand on top of the right hand.

ऐं क्लौं नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् ।
aiṃ klauṃ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ ।
Meaning I place beejas Aiṃ Klauṃ on the three eyes.
While saying this, place your right hand over your eyes as follows: forefinger on your right eye,
middle finger at the place of the third eye and ring finger on your left eye.2

ऐं क्लः अस्त्राय फट् ।

aiṃ klaḥ astrāya phaṭ ।
Meaning With beejas Aiṃ Klaḥ I destroy all blocks to the sadhana.
Saying this, open left palm facing upward and strike with the forefinger and middle finger of the
right hand, so that the sound of an arrow’s release is created.

Shadanga or Six Parts Empowerment

Here and below is the same visualization filling of the body with the energy of the mantra.

ऐं क्लीं हृदयाय नमः ।

aiṃ klīṃ hṛdayāya namaḥ ।
(Place your right fist on your chest in the heart region, the inner side to the body.)

उच्छिष्ट चान्डालिनि शिरसे स्वाहा ।

ucchiṣṭa cānḍālini śirase svāhā ।
(Place the tip of the three fingers (thumb, index and middle joined together) at the crown
of your head.)

सुमुखी देवी शिखायै वषट् ।

sumukhī devī śikhāyai vaṣaṭ ।
(Place the fist of your right hand, thumb extended and touch the back of the head. This is the point
where the tuft of hair, is kept.)

2 Note here that humans have only two eyes. Three eyes are for the Maha Vidyas only. This shows we visualize
ourselves as divine.

महापिशाचिनि कवचाय हुं ।
mahāpiśācini kavacāya huṃ ।
(Cross your hands across the chest, left hand over right.)

ह्रीं ठः ठः ठः नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् ।

hrīṃ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ
(Place your right hand over your eyes as follows: forefinger on your right eye, middle finger at the
place of the third eye and ring finger on your left eye.)

स्वाहा अस्त्राय फट् ।

svāhā astrāya phaṭ ।
(Open left palm facing upward and strike with the forefinger and middle finger of the right hand,
so that the sound of an arrow’s release is created.)

Trishakti Nyasa or Empowerment of Three Powers

Put together the pads (tips) of the thumb and ring finger and touch the indicated places by
reciting the following mantras.

ऐं रतिमातङ्गिन्यै नमः ।
aiṃ ratimātaṅginyai namaḥ
(Touch the region of the muladhara chakra.)

क्लीं धृतिमातङ्गिन्यै नमः ।

klīṃ dhṛtimātaṅginyai namaḥ ।
(Touch the heart region on your chest.)

ह्रीं प्रीतिमातङ्गिन्यै नमः ।

hrīṃ prītimātaṅginyai namaḥ ।
(Touch the place between the eyebrows, the place of the third eye.)

Pada Nyasa or Parts of Mantra Empowerment

Put together the pads (tips) of the thumb and ring finger and touch the indicated places by
reciting the following mantras.

ऐं नमः ।
aiṃ namaḥ ।
(Touch your crown of the head.)

क्लीं नमः ।
klīṃ namaḥ ।
(Touch your mouth/lips.)

उच्छिष्टचाण्डालिनि नमः ।
ucchiṣṭacānḍālini namaḥ ।
(Touch your heart region on the chest.)

सुमुखी देवी नमः ।

sumukhī devī namaḥ ।
(Touch your navel.)

महापिशाचिनि नमः ।
mahāpiśācini namaḥ ।
(Touch your perineum.)

ह्रीं नमः ।
hrīṃ namaḥ ।
(Touch your feet.)

ठः ठः ठः नमः ।
ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ namaḥ ।
(Run the palms of both hands from feet to the crown of the head.)

स्वाहा नमः ।
svāhā namaḥ ।
(Touch your crown of the head.)

भूर्भुवस्सुवरोमिति दिग्बन्धः॥
bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhaḥ ॥
Meaning I protect my body and the place of sadhana with the biIja

Bhūrbhuvassuvarom and no negativity can penetrate this wall of blocks.

Saying this, snap your fingers around your head as protection.

So that the body becomes Divine

and hence authorized to recite Shri Sumukhi Devi Maha-mantra.

Now focus on Matangi Ma as Sumukhi Devi and tell Her about it,
recite dhyana (mantra-meditation).

वालां षोडशवार्षिकीं शवगतां माध्वी रसाघूर्णितां श्यामाङ्गी मरुणा ।
वरां पृथकु चां गुञ्जावली शोभिताम् ।
हस्ताभ्यां दधतीं कपालममलं तीक्ष्णां तथा कर्तृकां ।
ध्यायमान सपंकजे भगवतीमुछिष्टचण्डालिनीम् ।

vālāṃ ṣoḍaśavārṣikīṃ śavagatāṃ mādhvī
rasāghūrṇitāṃ śyāmāṅgī maruṇā |
varāṃ pṛthakucāṃ guṃjāvalī śobhitām |
hastābhyāṃ dadhatīṃ kapālamamalaṃ tīkṣṇāṃ tathā kartṛkāṃ |
dhyāyamāna sapaṃkaje bhagavatīmuchiṣṭacaṇḍālinīm |

Young and intoxicated, with dark body, whose beautiful breasts are decorated with a

garland of seeds of guja, holding skull and the sharp axe in Her hands, sitting on a
corpse, I reflect on You, oh, Mellow Goddess Uchhishta Chandalini!

After reciting the Dhyana, take the rosary in your hands and recite the prayer to the rosary.

ॐ मां माले महामाये सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपिणि।

चतुर्वर्ग स्त्वयिन्यस्त स्तस्मान्ये सिद्धिदा भव॥

oṃ māṃ māle mahāmāye sarvamantra svarūpiṇi।

caturvarga stvayinyasta stasmānye siddhidā bhava॥

Meaning Om, oh rosary, Great Maya, you are the repository of all forces! You contain all
four goals of human life. Become for me the source of all siddhis (perfections)!

Bow to the rosary and begin the recitation the mantra, at least 1 mala (108 times).

श्री सुमुखी देवी मूलमन्त्र

꠱ ऐं क्लीं उच्छिष्टचाण्डालिनि सुमुखी देवी महापिशाचिनि ह्रीं ठः ठः ठः स्वाहा ꠱

śrī sumukhī devī mūla-mantra

꠱ aiṃ klīṃ ucchiṣṭa cānḍālini sumukhī devī mahāpiśācini hrīṃ

ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ svāhā ꠱

After japa, take the rosaries in your hands and offer Sumukhi Devi the fruits of japa.

गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्त्री त्वं गृहाणास्मात्कृ तं जपम्।
सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देव त्वत्प्रसादान्मयि सुरेश्वरि॥

guhyātiguhyagoptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam।
siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sureśvari ॥

Meaning O Keeper of the secrets of all secrets! O Goddess, grant me siddhi! And accept

the fruits of my japa, O Sureshwari (Sovereign of the Gods)!

While saying this prayer, mentally offer Sumukhi Devi fruits of japa as a donation.

Then you can recite Sumukhi Matangi Kavacham and pray in your own words.


Shri Sumukhi Devi Mula-mantra


oṃ asya śrīsumukhī mahāmantrasya mataṅga ṛṣiḥ anuṣṭupchandaḥ

śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālinī sumukhī devatā aiṃ bījaṃ hrīṃ śaktiḥ klīṃ kīlakaṃ

śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālinī sumukhī devī prītyarthe jape viniyogaḥ ।

ṛṣyadi nyāsa

1. śrī mātaṅga ṛṣaye namaḥ coronilla,

2. anuṣṭupchandase namaḥ boca,
3. śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālini sumukhī devatāyai namaḥ corazón,
4. aiṃ bījāya namaḥ perineo,
5. hrīṃ śaktaye namaḥ pies,
6 . klīṃ kīlakāya namaḥ ombligo,
7. śrī uchiṣṭacāṇḍālinu sumukhī devī prītyarthe jape viniyogāya namaḥ
cuerpo entero (recorre tus palmas desde los pies hasta la corona).

aṅga nyāsa
1. aiṃ klaṃ aṅguṣṭābhyāṃ namaḥ pulgares,
2. aiṃ klīṃ tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ dedos índice,
3. aiṃ klūṃ madhyamābhyāṃ namaḥ dedos medios,
4. aiṃ klaiṃ anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ dedos anulares,
5. aiṃ klauṃ kaniṣṭikābhyāṃ namaḥ meñiques,
6. aiṃ klaḥ karatalakarapṛṣṭabhyāṃ namaḥ manos completamente.

ṣaḍaṅga nyāsa
1. aiṃ klaṃ hṛdayāya namaḥ corazón,
2. aiṃ klīṃ śirase svāhā coronilla,
3. aiṃ klūṃ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ shikha,
4. aiṃ klaiṃ kavacāya huṃ coraza (cruza los brazos),

5. aiṃ klauṃ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ tres ojos,
6. aiṃklaḥ astrāya phaṭ destruyendo obstáculos
(golpea los dedos de la mano derecha en la palma de la mano izquierda).

ṣaḍaṅga nyāsa
1. aiṃ klīṃ hṛdayāya namaḥ corazón,
2. ucchiṣṭa cānḍālini śirase svāhā coronilla,
3. sumukhī devī śikhāyai vaṣaṭ shikha,
4. mahāpiśācini kavacāya huṃ protección (cruza los brazos),
5. hrīṃ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ tres ojos,
6. svāhā astrāya phaṭ destruyendo obstáculos
(golpea los dedos de la mano derecha en la palma de la mano izquierda).

triśaktī nyāsa
1. aiṃ ratimātaṅginyai namaḥ muladhara,
2. klīṃ dhṛtimātaṅginyai namaḥ corazón,
3. hrīṃ prītimātaṅginyai namaḥ entrecejo.

pāda nyāsa
1. aiṃ namaḥ coronilla,
2. klīṃ namaḥ boca/labio,
3. ucchiṣṭacānḍālini namaḥ corazón,
4. sumukhī devī namaḥ ombligo,
5. mahāpiśācini namaḥ perineo,
6. hrīṃ namaḥ pies,
7.ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ namaḥ cuerpo entero
(recorre tus palmas desde los pies hasta la corona),
9. svāhā namaḥ coronilla.

bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhaḥ |
Chasquear tus dedos, creando protección.

vālāṃ ṣoḍaśavārṣikīṃ śavagatāṃ mādhvī
rasāghūrṇitāṃ śyāmāṅgī maruṇā |
varāṃ pṛthakucāṃ guṃjāvalī śobhitām |
hastābhyāṃ dadhatīṃ kapālamamalaṃ tīkṣṇāṃ tathā kartṛkāṃ |
dhyāyamāna sapaṃkaje bhagavatīmuchiṣṭacaṇḍālinīm |


oṃ māṃ māle mahāmāye sarvamantra svarūpiṇi।

caturvarga stvayinyasta stasmānye siddhidā bhava॥

śrī sumukhī devī mūla-mantra

꠱ aiṃ klīṃ ucchiṣṭa cānḍālini sumukhī devī mahāpiśācini hrīṃ

ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ ṭhaḥ svāhā ꠱

guhyātiguhyagoptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmat-kṛtaṁ japam।
siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sureśvari ॥

om matanginyai namo namah!



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