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The Clintons, Laura Silsby, Haiti, Amber Alerts &

Human Tra cking
Tim Brown • January 13, 2020  8 minutes read

   
j s f b
There is no doubt that Bill and Hillary Clinton are at the center of a major human trafficking
ring, including sex trafficking.  But how many remember a woman by the name of Laura 
Silsby?  Silsby, now known as Laura Silsby-Gayler was jailed for the kidnapping of
33 children in Haiti and eventually wound up working for the company that put out
Amber Alerts, which were said to be notifications to warn of children who were missing or
kidnapped.  However, she was provided assistance by none other than Bill and Hillary

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Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Richard Branson – Part II

Shipwrecked On Ten Islands With The Clintons & Richard Branson: Part III

Clintons Shipwrecked on Ten Islands Part IV: EXPOSED

For some background on Silsby-Gayler, William Craddick at Disobedient

Media documents not only what Silsby-Gayler did, but how the Clintons were involved and
how the media was used to cover it up.

Craddick writes:

Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by
some as “Pizzagate” did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the
Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language
discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and
Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting
in a reduced sentence for child trafficking.

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Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of
Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an
intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsby’s arrest, her originally
retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international
smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America
   
and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November was either ignored by the
Western media or attacked by Clinton controlled publications.

I. Hillary Clinton Intervened Politically on Behalf of Laura Silsby 

Laura Silsby is the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge. Emails from
her organization can be found in Wikileaks’ Hillary Clinton Email
Archive discussing the NGO before her arrest. Silsby’s organization also appears
in Clinton’s emails, soliciting donations for their “ministry.” The Refuge was
founded by Silsby and Charisa Coulter, both attendees of the Central Valley Baptist
Church in Meridian, Idaho. Silsby was reported to have a history of bad debts and
unpaid wages.

Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic,
but a State Department diplomatic cable revealed that authorities in the country
said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to

On January 29, 2010, Silsby was arrested with nine other American nationals

attempting to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even
orphans and had families according to some reports. CNN reported on February 9,
2010 that this was not the first time Silsby had attempted to traffic children out of
Haiti. Haitian police acting on a tip had intercepted Silsby in an earlier, separate
attempt to remove 40 children out of the country. She was turned back at the
Haitian border. For a brief period, Haitian authorities were considering adding
a new kidnapping charge based on this evidence.

Hillary and Bill Clinton took an extraordinary interest in Silsby’s case from the
moment she was arrested and almost immediately stepped in on her behalf.
The Harvard Human Rights Journal stated that one of Bill Clinton’s first acts as
special envoy for the United Nations in Haiti “was to put out the fire of a
child abduction scandal involving American citizens.” On February 7th, 2010, The
Sunday Times reported that Bill Clinton had intervened to strike a deal with the
Haitian government, securing the release of all co-conspirators except for
Silsby. Prosecutors ultimately sought a six-month sentence in Silsby’s case,
reducing charges for conspiracy and child abduction to mere “arranging irregular
travel.” A shockingly light penalty given the circumstances of her arrest, which
would likely not have been possible but for the intervention of the Clintons in
Silsby’s case.

   
On February 9th, 2010 Hillary Clinton consulted with Counselor Cheryl Mills and
other attorneys in an email discussing the U.S. Government’s “options” regarding
the arrested Americans. The heavily redacted memo attached to that email does
not reveal what these “options” consisted of. However, the State Department’s 

American Citizens Services is only authorized to offer lists of local, English

speaking attorneys to Americans arrested or detained abroad. To go beyond that
authorization is a severe violation of protocol and is illegal. Additional
emails reveal that the State Department was involved with making statements on
the Silsby scandal and preparing to assist Silsby’s co-conspirators with their return
to the United States, although this is consistent with State Department protocol in
these situations.

II. Silsby’s Lawyer and His Wife Were Both Arrested For Involvement in Human
Sex Trafficking of Minors and Women

On February 11th, the New York Times reported that Silsby’s original lawyer, Jorge

Puello, was suspected of leading an international human trafficking ring involving
women and minors. According the the Harvard Human Rights Journal, Puello was
ultimately arrested in an investigation being lead by U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in
connection with the ring. He was wanted in the United States, El Salvador and
Costa Rica for his involvement with a network trafficking Central Americans and

At the time of his arrest, his wife was already imprisoned in El Salvador and “faced
charges of presumed sexual exploitation of minors and women.” Puello was
ultimately sentenced to three years in federal prison for “alien smuggling.” Another
surprisingly light sentence given the original charges he was sought for. It it not
known at this time whether or not Laura Silsby was associated with Puello’s
criminal enterprise.

III. The Daily Beast Engaged in an Illicit Cover Up Operation of the Above

On November 3rd, 2016, this author made a post to Reddit containing preliminary

research and information on the above story. The post was made to the pro-Trump
subreddit r/the_donald due to the forum’s reputation as the only outlet on Reddit
where news was not being censored during the U.S. Presidential Election. The
same day, Wikileaks tweeted a link to the Reddit post labeling it as a “significant, if
partisan, find.”
   
On November 4th, 2016 The Daily Beast wrote a non-factual and intentionally
misleading article covering the Clinton-Silsby scandal. They accused Wikileaks of
publicizing a “Reddit conspiracy theory” which was “riddled with incorrect
information.” The author, Ben Collins neglected to do basic research on the totality 

of the links presented in the post as evidence. Mr. Collins attacked the policies of
r/the_donald towards freedom of speech and accused the forum of being racist
without citing extensive or definitive proof. At no point did The Daily Beast
provide proof that the allegations were not true, and did not disprove any of the
evidence submitted. A link to an extensive study of the case by the Harvard
Human Rights Journal which clearly linked Bill Clinton to the scandal was totally
ignored. They similarly failed to acknowledge or address emails published by
Wikileaks between Hillary Clinton and her legal counsel which may potentially
indicate that she violated State Department policy for the treatment of U.S.
citizens arrested or detained abroad.

The Daily Beast is a holding of American media conglomerate InterActiveCorp.

Chelsea Clinton, Vice President of the Clinton Foundation and daughter of Hillary
and Bill Clinton, sits on InterActiveCorp’s Board of Directors. The proximity of the
Clinton family to the organization responsible for oversight and direction of The
Daily Beast raises questions about the publication’s journalistic independence and
their commitment to factual and ethical reporting on current events and topics of
public interest. Given their slanderous and incorrect reporting on the Clinton-Silsby
scandal, it seems clear that they do not hold these values in high regard.

Since her release from detention in Haiti, Laura Silsby has returned to Idaho. In
2015, she married and took the last name Gayler. Silsby is currently employed by
software company AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing.
AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert
& Warning System (IPAWS). One of IPAWS functions is to issue
Amber Alerts during kidnapping events.

Update: It appears that since the time of publication, Laura Silsby-Gayler is no

longer listed as a member of Alert Sense’s Leadership Team.

   

   

While not a part now, it is disturbing that a woman tied to the Clintons and human trafficking
would be given a position in a company that puts out Amber alerts, don’t you think?  In fact, it
makes any thinking person question, in light of the corrupt in Child Protective Services (CPS)
being reported by Jim White at Northwest Liberty News, the validity of the Amber Alert
system in the first place.  What I mean is, is it really about missing kids and kidnapping or
more about parents trying to flee the system from a tyrannical, oppressive system that is
seeking to steal their children?

Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?

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A link to an extensive study of the case by the Harvard Human Rights Journal which clearly
linked Bill Clinton to the scandal was totally ignored. They similarly failed to acknowledge or
address emails published by Wikileaks between Hillary Clinton and her legal counsel which
   
may potentially indicate that she violated State Department policy for the treatment of U.S.
citizens arrested or detained abroad.

Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame… by Tim Brown on Scribd 

Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame:

How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme
Embodies the Western Disregard for
the Integrity of Poor Families

Shani M. King*


In January 2010, an earthquake in Haiti left hundreds of thousands of 

people dead, injured, and displaced, and over a million homeless.1  Three
weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested a group of Idaho
missionaries for attempting to cross the border into the Dominican Repub-
lic with 33 children, without papers or proper authorization.2 The mission-
aries claimed they had the good intentions to set up an orphanage, 3  but
investigations showed that none of the children were orphans and that the
missionaries may have been attempting to smuggle the children out of Ha-
ii b d di i ll 4 D i id f i i i h hild
1 of 48     

Of course, all of this was in the Clinton emails.  As a researcher on Steemit points

Laura Silsby’s connection to Hillary Clinton inside the Huma Abedin #Wikileaks,

uncovered by PleadingtheYiff on reddit show Clinton help for Silsby:

Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till
at least

2001 have been found

in her archives discussing

Laura’s NGO. Laura had

claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but
authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose.
They instead located to Haiti.Sources:



Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman’s

organization: of the first
things the Clintons did when they took over the scene in Haiti was to have Bill get
Laura off the hook:

And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted
as a sex trafficker:
legal-adviser-to-u-s-haiti-missionaries.htmlEven more disturbing, we uncovered
an email in Wikileaks where they are literally pricing how much it costs to
transport children:

Again, this was the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to
Traffic kids.

They’re in the Clinton Emails;

Pitch for funding or some shit, super sketchy.

emails/emailid/3465This looks like Mills & co are drafting statements following

With that said, one wonders about the extent of the Clinton involvement and if this was the
reason that Jeffrey Epstein mysteriously and allegedly committed “suicide”… or did he?  Was
he elaborately whisked away never to be heard from again, or taken into protective custody
to sing like a bird against those he was involved with in human trafficking?  Time will tell.

One thing is for certain, the Clintons are surrounded by people they have aided in human
trafficking.  When is justice going to come knocking on their door?

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Courtesy of The Washington Standard

   
Tim Brown is an author and Editor
at,, and He is
husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of
liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out 

on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit
Originally Published 9-20-19. Republished 1-13-20.

j s f b

Tim Brown

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