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Wrap ‘n Roll
[email protected]



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Environmental Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Business Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Organizational Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Production Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Operational Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Marketing Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Financial Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Description of the Business

Our business is about providing the people with the best quality of food that is very

affordable and less hassle in buying because of the speedy service. We offer different kinds

of tasty food wrapped inside the lumpia wrapper such as: sweet potato, banana, and


Location of the Business

The location of Wrap ‘n Roll is in Leyte National High School for this location can

give us a high probability for a business growth and our product will be expose in a wide

array of customers since there are lots of students and teachers inside who are hungry and

always looking for a food to eat.

Funding Requirement and Source of Funds

The fund that the business will be needing is provided by the owners with the initial

cost of Php600 for the ingredients and other materials that is needed for our business.



“Maintaining good relationships with the costumers to continue serving them with

the best quality and tasty food that will meet their standards.”


“To provide our costumers the best taste of food that will satisfy their cravings

with the most affordable price and great service”

Goals and Objectives

-To provide costumers a healthy and affordable food.

-Ensure that we meet the costumers standard and satisfaction.

-To improve costumers service.

-To make Wrap and Roll one of the best snack choice of the people.

-Maintain a good relationship with the costumers.

Business Model

Partner Key Activities Offer Costumer Customer

Relationship Segment
Network -Singing while -Satisfy cravings
-Advertising inside -Students
selling the campus
-Night Market -Healthy and affordable
-Giving great -Teachers
-Marketing food customer service
-Save More Grocery
-People around
-Pay as you order -Fast serving the campus

Key Resources Distribution

equipment -Selling inside our
-Man power
-Roaming around
the campus

Cost Structure Revenue Statements

-Double the principal of our business
-Ingredients and equipments use

Business Product Position

Wrap and Roll will positioned as a unique snack joint where students and other

people can’t only enjoy of having snack but also have themselves a healthy food to eat.

Friendly customer service and speedy transactions will differentiate it from incumbent


Wealth Improvement Approaches

Our wealth improvement approach is based on a commitment with the costumers

to continue serving them with the best quality and tasty food that is safe for the costumers

to come back and buy again. Our business is dedicated to the following:

Provide- To provide a product that will satisfy the cravings of our costumers.

Providing a product that is not only based for a profit but also for the needs of the people

to have a healthy food with a good quality.

Trust- Assurance for a reliable brand that will build a good relationship.

Keeping a good relationship with our customers in keeping their interests firsts will catch

their hearts and build a trusted relationship with us.

Parties Supporting Business

The consumers for our small business will be the students, teachers, the staff, and

the people around Leyte National High School.

The creditors will be the owner of the business since they will take the full

responsibility in running it.

The supplies needed will be taken from Save More Grocery and Night Market.

The employees will be Emelyn Ligutan, Jelian Amac, Lizette Belo, Mary Rose

Benitez, Mariel Garcia, Camille Centino, and Sam Balasta.

ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS (more or less 20 pages)/16-18 pages

Trend in the Industry

Costumer Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Market Forecast

Market Share

Market Position

Market Strategy


Product Description
The product that we produce and sell is named as "Wrap'N Roll." This product is

made up of lumpia that has different variety of mouthwatering fillings that would really

help you to be contented. First filling is banana, since the filling is banana our lumpia that

is filled with banana will be called as toron, because of its sweetness your bitterness would

be overcome by it. Second filling is sweet potato, well our lumpia that is filled with sweet

potato will be called as Lumpiang Camote, and because of its warm softness taste your iced

heart would be melted. Last but not the least type of filling is vegetables, since our lumpia

is filled with vegetables it will be called as lumpia vegetables, because of its delicious taste

you will start to crave for vegetables and your finicky attitude about foods will be blown

away. The prices of our products are affordable but unforgettable. The price of toron,

lumpia vegetable and lumpiang camote is Php 5.00.

We offer satisfying cravings, healthy and affordable food, and fast service.

Nature of the Business:

Merchandising is the nature of our business. Because our business is sold by retail.

Form of the Business:

Corporation is the form of our business. Since all of the members of the group are the one

who help each other to make the business and are the ones who will work and lead on it,

act of single entity would be present, so corporation is really the form of business that we


Equipment/Material Needed:

Since it is lumpia, the material or equipment that is needed for making our products are

Heavy Deep Pot, Skimmer, and Rack and sheet pan, those are the materials that is needed

for frying. Pot holder, hairnet, and apron, these are for the safety of the product and the

cooker. Heavy deep pot, it is where the lumpia is deep fried. Skimmer, it is used to

remove the cooked lumpia. Rack and sheet pan, it is where the cooked lumpia is placed

so that the oil will be drained. Pot holder is used for the safety of the cooker from getting

touched by the hot pot, hairnet is used for the hair of the cooker so that the product will

not be flawed, apron is used for the safety of the cooker.

Size of the Business

In identifying the size of the business you must identify the number of employees

or the amount of money you make, but it could be both. Since our business is just a startup

we would just identify the number of our employees and describe their roles. We have our

manager which is only one individual, the processor of the product consist of two

employees, treasure is only one individual as well as the market strategist, sellers are three

individuals, in charge of purchasing raw materials consists of two individuals and also the

packaging committee consists of two individuals, all in all the employees in the business

consists of twelve individuals.

Manager is the person that controls the whole part of a company or organization, the

market strategist analyze the data to figure out the best way to promote a product or gain

customers, the processor of the product are the ones who make the desired product of the

company or organization, treasurer is an officer entrusted with the receipt, care, and

disbursement of funds, sellers are the ones who sold the products in the market, in charge

of purchasing raw materials are the ones who bought the equipment and ingredients needed

for a specific product, and packaging committee are the ones who packages the products.

Personnel Requirements:

• Employees position (where they have worked and for whom?)

• Date of Birth and I.D.

• Accomplishments in the past

• Skills, Abilities and Knowledge they have acquired

• Educational Background


Form of Business Organization

Wrap n’ Roll is a partnership form of business organization. It is so because our

group decided to share the revenues, liabilities, and the capital.

Liability of the Owner

The liability of the owners is limited. Due to the fact that we do not borrow

resources from other entities to support our business, all liabilities are limited to the

owners and no outside-creditors can go after said owners.

Organizational Structure
 Manager: Jeff Andrian Pariente

 Processor of the product: Marielle Xandra Claire Garcia

Jelian Amac

Emelyn Ligutan

 Treasurer: Fruen Consus

 Seller: Camille Rose Centino

Lizette Belo

 In-charge of purchasing Raw Materials: Galrichber Manadong

Mary Rose Benitez

 Packaging Committee: Mary Joy Sabejo

Sam Balasta

 Market Strategist: Neil Vincent Lacandazo

Role of the Owner
Jeff Andrian Pariente- owner; as the manager, he oversees and supervises the work of the

other members.

Camille Rose Centino- owner; as one of the seller, she is tasked to make sure that the

products are sold.

Galrichber Manadong- owner; as one of the members who are in-charge of purchasing the

raw materials, his task is to buy the best quality of materials/

ingredients needed at the lowest price possible.

Fruen Consus- owner; as the cashier, he is tasked to record and compute the revenues,

liabilities, and capital correctly, and also he is tasked to be at the store and

be in-charge of accepting the payment and giving changes in situations that

needs them.

Lizette Belo- owner; as one of the seller, she is tasked to make sure that the products are


Marielle Xandra Claire Garcia- owner; as one of the processors of the product, she is tasked

to prepare the product, ensuring the safety of the said

product at the right amount of time.

Neil Vincent Lacandazo- owner; as the market strategist, he is tasked to research and come

up with the best way to sell the product to the market.

Jelian Amac- owner; as one of the processors of the product, she is tasked to prepare the

product, ensuring the safety of the said product at the right amount of time.

Mary Rose Benitez- owner; as one of the members who are in-charge of purchasing the

raw materials, his task is to buy the best quality of materials/

ingredients needed at the lowest price possible.

Emelyn Ligutan- owner; as one of the processors of the product, she is tasked to prepare

the product, ensuring the safety of the said product at the right amount of


Sam Balasta- owner; as one of the members of the packaging committee, she is in-charge

of packaging the product in the most presentable way.

Mary Joy Sabejo- owner; as one of the members of the packaging committee, she is in-

charge of packaging the product in the most presentable way.

Proposed Salary
The proposed salary for all involved in the business depends on the profit of the


Production Schedule

The Production of our product will be the day before our marketing inside the

school. We will start at 8:30 in the morning preparing the ingredients and the equipment

to start cooking and will end at 12 noon. The remaining time of the day is for us to do the

packaging, preparing our store, and other things that must be done.

Production Process

 Ingredients Required: Cooking oil, Lumpia Wrapper, Mixed Vegetables,

Sweet Potato, Condensed Milk, Sugar, Banana,


 Procedure:


1. Peel banana and cut into halves

2. Heat the pan

3. Pour oil

4. Fry the banana

5. Put two slices on one lumpia wrapper, then fold

6. In a different pan, caramelize the sugar

7. Fry the wrapped banana in the caramelized sugar


1. Prepare the vegetables

2. Mix it with the seasonings

3. Put one spoonful of mixed vegetables into one lumpia wrapper, then fold

4. Pour cooking oil in a pan and heat

5. Fry the lumpia


1. Prepare the sweet potato and the lumpia wrapper

2. Smash the sweet potato and mix it with condensed milk

3. Grab one of the lumpia wrappers and put smashed potato on it.

4. Pour cooking oil in the pan and heat it for 5 minutes.

5. Fry about 3 to 4 rolls at a time for about one or two minutes.

 Expected time to process the product: 4 hours

Equipment Required

The equipment needed in making the products are chopping boards, knives,

peelers or cutters, frying pan, tongs, strainer, plates, and measuring cups.

Sources of Materials

Since our business is small, we will not be buying equipment or materials in

producing our product instead we will be the one who will provide it. In terms of the

ingredients, we will be purchasing it from Save More grocery and also at the night

Estimated Production Cost

Total cost in making Lumpia

 Sweet Potato Php100

 Cooking Oil Php50

 Condensed Milk Php35

 Lumpia Wrapper Php150

 Sugar Php 60

 Banana Php 80

 Mixed Vegetables Php 60

 Seasonings Php 20


Our product is called Wrap n’ Roll. A different variety of lumpia, turon, and

camoteron (camote).

Inside of Leyte National High School (LNHS) campus.

Not less than ₱5.00 nor more than ₱15.00 where the costumers could afford the
product without difficulty and would satisfy them.



Our product, Wrap n’ Roll, is wrapped in a lumpia wrapper and when it is cooked

we placed our product inside of a big Tupperware. Positioning: Our product is made for as

a snack which our costumer will be satisfied because of its unique texture and because it is

also full vitamins because of the vegetables and fruit.



In order for a business to start its operation successfully, it is needed to know,

assess, quantify and to measure the needed resources so that it can help in making its

operation financially capable. The main goal of this chapter is to have revenue that will

provide the daily cost in order for it to exist prior to its duration while bringing the monetary

benefits. The financial plan analyzes expected daily revenue as it suffices the daily cost of


The amount of the start up money must cover all the expenses in the first

operations and it is needed to have a sufficient profit. The day to day sale must reach the

capital with a profit in order to have a financial gain. Thus the reached daily capital will be

used to finance all the operation in order for the business to work at its duration. The daily

profit will be separated to the expected daily capital in order to have a financial gain.

Revenue Sources

The day to day expected capital collection will be the source of the day to

day revenue in order for the business to be financially capable. It provides only food

services with the different flavors of lumpia hence its revenue sources will generate from

its sales.

Financial Projections

This part contains all the monetary inputs or flows in every part of the

business. It also forecast the cash flows of the business and the business sales. This also

plans and budget the monetary usage of the business and will serve as the foundation of

every operations that the business will do. Therefore, it can be a basis if the business is

financially gaining or not.

Use of Funds

Source of funds



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