Relationships Not Caring by Ed Latimore

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Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power


Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Men are simple. What's complicated is accepting

how simple they really are.

Both men and women are complicated. The difference

between men and women is the transparency of our
basic motivations. Men’s desires are easily quanti iable
and tangible. Men are motivated by how much they can
control and in luence their reality. A man out of control
is a man in discord with the world. Whether he is
wealthy or of average means, the larger his degree of
control, the better he will feel.

To make a man happy in a relationship, all that is

needed is support and physical beauty. She doesn’t need
to be the most beautiful woman in the world, but she
needs to be the most beautiful version of herself. This is
easier than all the advice on how to attract a man might
suggest. Men don’t care about make-up or exceptional
style. They care if you maintain good hygiene and are
physically it. It’s very simple.
Men want a girl that is supportive and inspiring. There
are many ways to be this way. If a man has an attractive
partner that brightens his day, he will be inspired to
move a mountain to wage a thousand wars. A
supportive woman that maintains her appearance is a
simple and accurate list of the demands most men have.

Actionable Advice

For men, understand that these two things determine

your long term happiness and level of attraction to a
woman. Therefore, it is important that you screen for
them from the start. You may not know how a
relationship will turn out, but if you begin with the end

relationship will turn out, but if you begin with the end
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

in mind then it’s more likely that things will go well.

Only approach women that you ind attractive. During

the conversation, discover her general demeanor and
outlook on the world. Positive, almost naively
optimistic, is better than pessimistic and sarcastic.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

You learn more about a couple watching them argue

for 5 minutes than seeing them happy for 5 years.

Even the worst paired couple looks like a match made in

heaven when things are going well. Their true
compatibility is only revealed during times of
disagreement. As human beings, we will always have
something to disagree about. It’s unreasonable to think
this will ever change, yet we still manage to (mostly) co-

This means that agreements and disagreements

between two people are temporary conditions. As such,
any judgments rendered about a couple while they are
happy are at best, incomplete, and at worst, inaccurate.
A complete and accurate portrait of a couple is only
formed when you watch them settle a con lict.

The true test of a relationship is how ights are handled.

The goal, above all others, is to strike an agreement
bene icial to both sides. The bene it doesn’t have to be
maximal nor must it be what both sides originally
intended. All that matters is that there is an
improvement over the original situation and both
people feel that they’ve gained something.

Couples focused on solving the problem approach

arguments as negotiations. Couples that focus on sel ish
gain approach arguments like war. The victory they
achieve will only be pyrrhic in nature. No couple can
survive ighting in a relationship if the goal is to destroy
the other person.

Actionable Advice

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Adopt the negotiator’s mindset. At the very least, when

you have interrelationship con lict you must think
about how you can make both sides win. When you
think like this, it automatically keeps you focused on
and more likely to achieve the main idea: to get
something for both parties. By adhering to this mindset,
you are more likely to emerge victoriously.
If you are only focused on defeating the other person,
then your chances of victory decrease. Most
disagreements aren’t worth disrupting your peace of
mind over. The ones where there is a position or item at
stake, approach the argument with the following idea in
mind: “it is better to win a little than lose it all”. When in
doubt, let this guide your words and actions.

When changing your manner of thinking, it is natural to

go too far in the other direction. You don’t want to give
up your entire position. Your goal is to negotiate and
compromise—not to become a doormat that gets
nothing in return. There is no hard rule for what you
should and shouldn’t give up so you’ll have to navigate
this yourself. But just as your goal isn’t to completely
dominate the other person, it’s also not to completely
subjugate yourself.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Good women make you fall for them. Great women

inspire you to become a man that keeps them falling
for you.

A good woman does not add any stress to the life of her
lover. She is pleasant and they almost never disagree.
When disagreements occur, the path to resolution is
peaceful and swift. While not spectacular in any way,
she is not a detriment to his life or well-being.

There are many women like this in the world. There are
also many bad women in the world. A man could (and
usually does) do a lot worse than a good-woman.
Aiming to be a good woman is not a bad goal. Most men
spend their lives looking for a good woman.

On the other hand, a great woman has one thing that the
good woman does not. There are many physical, mental
and emotional traits that allow her to have this one
thing, but it is what separates her from the women that
are just good. A great woman inspires those around her.
A great woman, more than anything, inspires her man.

Many men get into a relationship and consider it the

inish line. Outside of doing what they need to do to
excel in their chosen profession, they cease almost all
behaviors that make them attractive. They coast at the
level they entered the relationship at.

However, nothing in the universe is neutral so they

regress until they become an unattractive shell of their
former selves. The power of a great woman is that she
inspires the man in her life to keep improving. In this
inspiration, she also inspires him to ind new and
exciting ways to be attractive to her.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

This is what separates the goods from the greats. The

goods are relatively rare and will make a man fall for
them. Sometimes they do this based on nothing more
than being a better alternative to the other options. A
great woman, on the other hand, makes a man want to
be better every single moment. Great women attract a
higher quality of man, but the man they ind never
regress. She is part of the reason why.

Actionable Advice

Adopt the belief that no matter what, you must always

be improving. This will ensure that when you get into a
relationship that you won’t ever let yourself stagnate,
for stagnation is death. As long as you are in the process
of continual improvement, this is the standard you will
judge any woman by who enters your life.

If you are improving and she is not improving, then

you’ll be in a better position to recognize this and thus
move on to a relationship that is better suited for you.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

"I’m focusing on my career, health, or some

nonsense instead of trying to meet someone" is the
worst excuse ever by lonely people.

There is never a right time to start a new relationship

but there are a few bad times. You probably shouldn’t
start a new relationship if you’re currently in one. Or if
you’re headed to prison. Outside of these situations, you
can always start a new relationship.

The conditions may not be ideal, but they will never be

ideal. This is because solving problems is part of what
de ines life. If you wait until your life is perfect to fall in
love, then you will wait for an eternity.

It also implies that somehow the relationship will not

add any problems to your life. This is a falsehood that
many single people subconsciously believe. When you
get into a relationship then you get a new person to
experience a new set of problems with. While you
should not neglect your problems to pursue a romantic
relationship, a romantic relationship—being part of life
—also presents an opportunity for new problems to

The time spent building a potentially meaningful

relationship does not detract from time spent
developing a career or improving your health. These
things often work in tandem and give you motivation.
Using your problems as an excuse to stay single will
ensure that you remain that way long after you solve

Actionable Advice

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

No matter what, you are always the problem. It is not

other things in your life. And if somehow the other
conditions are detracting but you are interested in
improving your romantic life, you’ll make the necessary
modi ications. But you have to be honest with yourself
that this is what you really want.

If you aren’t interested in pursuing romantic options,

own that decision. If you are interested, do what you
must to make it happen. But you are longer allowed to
attribute anything in your life to an outside force—
romantic or otherwise.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

You learn just as much from being in a serious

relationship as you do from playing the ield.
Likewise, you aren’t complete until you do both.

Despite the fact that being single and playing the ield
require two different approaches, they both demand
you understand fundamental ideas about the way men
and women interact. They are different sides of the
same coin. Lessons learned from your relationships as
well as lings eventually make you a capable general in
whichever life you chose to lead.

You may choose to have a wife and a family or you may

choose to spend your days in eternal bachelorhood.
Either way, you’ll be equipped to handle the ups and
downs that the women in your life bring. This ensures
you’ll be happy so that everyone around you will also be

Actionable Advice

For a man to be completely happy, he must feel as if he

can survive. This is not only limited to his resources. He
must have con idence in his psychological abilities as
well. The only way to get this con idence is through

If you are not having the experiences you want with

women, learn from men more experienced. You can do
this in direct conversation or through their writing.
Most importantly, learn from your own interactions—
whether they be short or long.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Within 3 months of a new relationship, you already

know what’s going to break you up. If you stick
around, you have no one to blame but yourself.

One of the challenges you face when starting a new

relationship is learning about what makes the other
person tick. When you meet someone new, your
perspective is tainted by strong emotions. This has the
ability to color your judgment about the true nature of
the new romantic interest. This may cause you to
subdue the feelings you get when when they do
something contrary to our values.

In a new relationship, you know what's going to break

you up. When the new emotions stabilize, the once
ignorable habits become intolerable. Rarely do people
change in relationships. Rarely does your tolerance
change in relationships. What changes is your ability to
ignore the offense.

Actionable Advice

The only way to guard yourself against the persuasive

powers of a new partner’s charm is to ruthlessly adhere
to standards. There is a danger of becoming dogmatic
with this approach and mistake slight mishaps for large
grievances. The way to inoculate yourself against this is
to be strict about where you draw the line, but lenient in
all the things.

Having your tolerances clearly de ined ahead of time

will allow you to lose yourself in the pool of love
because you have a lifeline to bring you back if things do
not go according to plan. By letting everything else go
that does not affect your standards, you can enjoy new

that does not affect your standards, you can enjoy new
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

love without worry. This is a win-win situation.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Unless you're from a city with +1 million people,

expect to have a hard time dating and making new
friends as you improve.

The further away you move from average, the smaller

the number of people there will be that you connect
with. If we look at this as a statistics problem and
assume that the de ining traits of a population are
normally distributed, then once you are 2 standard
deviations away from the mean, only 5% of the
population is on your level. Once you get to 3, you ind
you have almost nothing in common with 99% of the

Let’s assume that you make it two levels above the

normal. This means you enjoy deep and meaningful
conversations, staying in shape, live with a goal or
mission, and would rather solve problems with like-
minded people rather than argue over things that have
nothing to do with your life. In a city of 250,000 people,
there are just 12,500 people you mesh with. This might
seem like a lot, but you have to remember a few things.
Many will be too young (not yet developed) or too old
(not mobile or fully able) and thus not exposed to the
general population. Some will be extremely busy (as
people of this caliber tend to be) or occupied raising
families (people of this caliber don’t have a problem
mating). Although there will be some venues that
attract a higher portion of them, it’s safe to assume that
they’ll be scattered amongst the city. As you improve in
a city this size, you’ll have fewer people that you are
capable of connecting with.

In a city of at least 1 million, the numbers look a lot

In a city of at least 1 million, the numbers look a lot
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

better. Now you have 50,000 people to choose from.

Even with all the conditions above, you still have a
sizable portion of people you are likely to connect with.
Because there are more like-minded people, there is a
great chance there is a structure of support. This means
more places they are likely to meet and a bigger
network to introduce you to others. Self-improvement is
often a lonely pursuit, but it doesn’t have to be if you
live in a place with enough like-minded individuals.

Actionable Advice

Not everyone has the means to move to a bigger city. To

get an idea of how many people there are in the world
that share your mindset, ind online communities that
share your perspective or interest. You may already do
this, but take special note of their locations around the
world. They will likely be scattered around the world.
Though the point of this exercise is to learn to use the
internet to ind communities of like-minded people, also
take note of how few and far in between these people

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

The most underrated skill in seduction is the ability

to screen women. You will get old and ugly one day.
Don’t waste time with soul suckers.

When men learn how to meet and seduce women, they

become enamored with their new ability. Going from
romantic invisibility to having options with attractive
women is one of the best things to happen to a man. It is
also extremely intoxicating. It is incredibly easy to go
overboard with these new found abilities.

What guys discover is that an increase in quantity does

not guarantee an increase in quality. Due to an increase
in the number of encounters combined with
detrimental societal forces at play, you end up meeting a
higher percentage of low-quality women than you
would have without improved game.

Sadly, guys never learn how to screen for women that

will form wasteful relationships. Guys are generally
good at detecting the red lags of craziness, but are
terrible at not getting involved with these types of

For all of the dedication and discipline that goes into

learning to be an attractive man, surprisingly little of it
is expended on learning how to control urges that land
men with highly questionable women. The most
underrated skill in seduction is not just the ability to
screen for red lags, but also the discipline to avoid the
women with them.

Actionable Advice

Good judgment comes from experience. Getting lots of

Good judgment comes from experience. Getting lots of
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

experience requires bad judgment. Think about all of

the romantic encounters you’ve had. If your list of lings
and relationships is running low, add in girls that you
know well enough to make an assessment of their

It doesn’t matter if they’re single or not. Group the

people into three categories: “marriage potential”,
“dating potential”, and “run the hell away from”
potential. Base this only on their personality traits.

Once you have the people grouped, take a look at the

people in the “run the hell away from”. They will have
commonalities. You will see these commonalities in
every aspect of their personality and appearance.

Mark these down for your future encounters. People are

remarkably predictable. Take note of how their
behavior corresponds to the lags you track. The
consistency you see will go a long way in your ability to
screen potential mates.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

The best part of being alive now is that we can ind

other people who are woke. The old days must have
been lonely.

Even if you live in the middle of nowhere, the internet

makes it possible for you to exchange ideas and meet
interesting people from anywhere. You can learn
anything you want from any place you want to. You can
meet anyone you want to and learn from their
experiences irst hand. While it can be argued that
technology has made people interact less in person, it
has also allowed people to form relationships that
would have otherwise never occurred.

Nearly everyone today can form their own tribe, even if

it’s virtual. From there it’s only a matter of time before
you have friends that you are meeting in person.
Though one of the greatest criticism of the internet is
that it leads people to antisocial behavior, it has
incredible potential to form new relationships of all

Actionable Advice

You likely already belong to some type of internet

community centered around your interest. If you don’t,
your goal is to ind one. Once you do, your goal is to take
on more of a leadership role in the topics you discuss
and the ideas put forth. Nurture and grow your
community, as it is as much a part of you as you are of it.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Find someone that's perfect for you--Even if they

aren't. Especially if you aren't.

This is a poetic way of expressing an empirical fact.

People are happiest when they match up with someone
within a point of their own level of attractiveness. It
assumes that men do most of their assessing (on the 10-
point scale) by looks and that women do most of their
assessing by personality, status, and income. The
happiest couples are those where the woman is as
beautiful as the man is successful. You want to ind
people with your level of imperfection in these metrics
to assure maximal stability.

This pairing goes even deeper. Ideally, you want to ind

people that are at about the same place you are in life,
moving the same direction at about the same speed.
There are exceptions, but this is the general formula for
two people matching well and having timing on their
side. What’s great about this is that you can always ind
someone who is where you are in life, trying to get
where you are going and will learn with you.

In the end, building a relationship is about inding the

best match for you. Not the match with the highest
ranking. You want to ind someone where you are or is
willing to be patient while you catch up.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

People can tell a lot about you if they meet your

girlfriend irst. Your standards speak volumes about
your character and self-esteem.

Dating is a marketplace. In this sexual marketplace, each

person has a value. The value takes into consideration
all of the factors one sex inds attractive in the other.
The greater the value one brings to the table, the
greater the value of the person they are able to attract.
Therefore, one can make a fairly accurate assessment of
the quality of a person if they meet their lover irst.

The longer the exposure to a partner, the better the

guess you can make about the quality of the person’s
mate. Who you are with speaks volumes about who you
are to other people before anything you do or say
reveals your character.
Actionable Advice

It is often said that you are the average of the 5 people

you spend the most time around. This is correct but it’s
also just a mathematical convenience. You are also
heavily in luenced by who you spend the most time
around. This not only applies to the person you are
committed to but also to the caliber of people that you
date. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity for you
to learn about yourself.

Observe the quality of the people you date or the person

you are with. Assess their attractiveness. It doesn’t
matter what the attractiveness of a person once was.
What matters is what it is at the moment. This will
reveal more about yourself than perhaps you are
prepared to confront, but it is a soft way to confront

prepared to confront, but it is a soft way to confront
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

uncomfortable truths about yourself. The quality of the

person we are with tells us a great deal about our level
as well.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

A great number of relationships have been ruined

by confusing blunt honesty with unsolicited

People believe that their opinion is the truth. They treat

this truth as if it’s a gospel that needs to be delivered,
regardless of the circumstance. Truth should never be
concealed, but the mistake these people make is
confusing opinion with fact. An opinion is merely your
perspective on things. It may be based on facts, but the
facts will speak for themselves. The opinion you form
based on the facts is nothing more than an
interpretation. Because it’s not a fact, it can neither be
right or wrong.

A fact is simply a fact. It is provable by a third party, can

be independently replicated and leads to predictions
precise enough to be tested. Statements regarding fact
can be either true or false. Facts are falsi iable. Opinions
are not. Some facts need to be shared. Others are shared
for wanton cruelty. There is nothing to gain by the
deployment of such facts and truths. But nonetheless,
they are facts and as such people have a right to make a
decision based on them.

Problems arise when a person shares an opinion and

justi ies the discomfort caused by claiming to be “telling
the truth”. This is not only incorrect but unnecessary. By
mistakenly referring to an opinion as truth, it’s given a
false sense of gravity with real potential to do damage.
People know their opinions are limsy—all opinions are
limsy. But when looking to express an unpopular or
derisive opinion, doing it under the guise of “just being
honest” attempts to bestow upon it a legitimacy that it
would otherwise lack.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Actionable Advice

We can improve our ability to communicate by learning

to be ef icient and accurate. There is a piece of wisdom
that says “If you propose to speak, ask yourself if it’s
true, if it’s necessary and if it’s kind”. Try to make it
through one day speaking by this standard and take
note of how you feel.

Many of us default to sarcasm in our daily

communication. This is nothing more than a defense
mechanism. Speaking only true, necessary and kind
words will cause you to see just how much of your
speech is not designed to contribute, but rather to
defend or ridicule.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

The Prisoner's Dilemma is a quantitative way to test

the loyalty of your friends.

The prisoner’s dilemma is a problem that addresses

incentives and relationships. There are many versions
of it, but the basic idea goes like this: A pair of friends
rob a bank, get caught, and are put into separate rooms.
They do not know what the other is being told but they
are given the option of staying silent or telling the police
it was their friend who robbed the bank and they had
nothing to do with it. They won’t know what the other
has chosen until they have made their choice.

If the friends betray each other, they each get two years
in jail.
If one betrays the other but the other stays silent, the
traitor goes free and the betrayed does 3 years.
If they both remain silent, they only do 1 year in prison.

The original purpose of this experiment was to

demonstrate why two people won’t cooperate when it
might be in their best interest to do so. It certainly
accomplishes this, but it also is a test of loyalty. True
loyalty is tested only when it is a person’s best interest
to go against you but they remain by your side. Keep
these individuals close, for they will go to hell with you.
In doing so, they can make hell seem a little shorter. You
end up doing 1 year in prison with a pal instead of 3
years alone.

Actionable Advice

Loyalty is valuable because we know that people make

mistakes. If we only followed those who never do
wrong, we would descend into anarchy. If you have no

wrong, we would descend into anarchy. If you have no
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

one loyal to you, then start by being loyal to someone

else. While you can't excuse every mistake that a person
makes, it’s not dif icult to be inspired by someone for
the good they do. This will help you understand the
value of loyalty.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

For a relationship to work two people have to be

going in the same direction, at the same speed at
the same time.

The following claim isn’t scienti ic. It’s merely

observation combined with analytics and intuition. The
people most likely to remain together in a long-term
romantic relationship are people who have the same
level and type of ambition about advancing their life. If
two people aren’t at the same point or improving at
approximately the same rate, then one of three things
The most optimistic scenario is that the lagging party
speeds up or the advanced party slows down. This
works for some, but many aren’t willing to take this
approach. This means someone either has sti led goals
or experiences overwhelming pressure. These are
courses of action that lead to feelings of contempt.
Contempt is the most poisonous emotion there is in any

What most often happens is that the partner moving at

a faster pace or that’s at a different place will get bored
and view the other as complacent. The partner that’s
lagging will get bored and view the other as unavailable.
This doesn’t mean that the people need to have the
same goals, but they do need to be moving towards
something that improves their life along metrics that
the both members ind valuable. This is the secret to
long-term happiness in a relationship.

Actionable Advice

This is yet another reason to work at being the best

This is yet another reason to work at being the best
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

version of yourself. This is done so that you always have

the option of being the patient one in a relationship.
This position gives you options and allows you to make
decisions in the relationship about the direction you
want it to go.

Ideally, you want to be at the same place, at the same

time, moving at the same speed. Unfortunately, this is
not always possible. The next best thing is to always
strive to towards being the most ambitious person you
can be. This way you will exercise much greater control
over your romantic destiny.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Unconditional love makes you complacent. You

should have to earn and maintain the bonds of
another person.

Unconditional love is a very dangerous idea. It makes

people believe that they don’t have to earn the greatest
devotion of time a person can make. The only people in
this world entitled to unconditional love are a person’s
children. This is because children are such a huge
investment of time and resources. Not only that, but a
child is incapable of appreciating the sacri ice of time
and resources.
Because an adult can appreciate the amount of time and
energy that goes into building a loving relationship,
they do not get the bene it of being in a relationship
de ined by unconditional love. They must do what it
takes to remain lovable. Each person must decide what
is a violation of love and have the emotional discipline
to extinguish a relationship if these violations occur.

Actionable Advice

Decide what your deal breakers are in a relationship.

Many people have only a rough idea, but you must take
the time sketch out what actions or behaviors you deem
intolerable for a person you are involved with. Take the
list seriously. This is not your wish list of traits in a
partner. This is the list that decides what makes you
leave someone after you’ve formed a partnership. This
list determines what you’re worth in a relationship by
clearly stating what behavior and actions you will not
accept if they wish to receive your time.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

All dating advice reduces to 1) Ruthlessly enforce

standards2) Increase value to attract quality people.
The rest are minor details.

To increase the quality and quantity of people that you

attract, you have to be more attractive. This means that
you must increase how valuable you are to the people
that you want to ind you attractive. Assuming that you
desire a high caliber of person, you’ll have to increase
what you bring to the table. People understand this
part, for it is painfully obvious.

The part that is more elusive is what happens after you

improve your value. Once your value is improved, then
you will have a problem managing all of the people that
you now attract. If you aren’t careful, these situations
will inundate you with undesired attention. Once that
happens, you will miss out on quality individuals
because you are exhausted and annoyed.

To improve the quality of people that you date, you have

to screen out individuals that do not meet your
standards. As you raise your value, you’ll have more
people that are interested in you so this skill becomes
even more important. Don’t just focus on increasing
value. Also, focus on how to sort the best from the

Actionable Advice

There is a simple way to screen people. All you have to

do is eliminate anyone that is in a worse position than
you on any metric. This means don’t date anyone in
worse shape than you, less intelligent than you, less
ambitious, less involved in the world, less family

ambitious, less involved in the world, less family
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

oriented, less whatever.

Your only goal is here to skim down the crowd of suitors

that ultimately comes with being a high-quality person.
This method of screening isn’t shallow, as it means that
you’ll only be paired with people who are similar to you
and thus better able to connect with.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

People love novelty. Routine bores them. You’ve got

a better chance of getting what you want being
different. At least you'll be remembered.

There is so much stimulus in the world today. Between

social media, mainstream media, alternative media, the
people you work with and the people you care about,
there is hardly any attention left for new things.
However, the brain has evolved to believe that new
things are good. As a result, most people have the power
to be distracted rather easily. This is good if you want to
gain the attention of the masses.

For people with developed discipline, getting their

attention presents a different problem but the solution
is the same. People that are good at shutting out the
daily noise are able to do so because they know there is
nothing special about it. Getting the attention of these
people requires you to be different and unique. After all,
they are used to the average person and event. You must
be more than that in anything you put effort into.
Actionable Advice

Never downplay what makes you different. Uniqueness
is attractive and powerful. People crave familiarity but
are seduced by novelty. If you have a hobby, talent or
interest that is unique, embrace it fully. Whatever is
different about you—be your athletic ability, music
talent, interest in the world, or even style of dress, do
not conform to the actions of the masses. You will
disappear in the noise of them all. Rather, stay true to
yourself and what makes you a unique individual. This
is how you become a novelty in the world of routines.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Intense emotional commitment devours your life

force. Beware of someone claiming to have been in
serious love more than four times under age 30.

An intense emotional relationship requires a great

commitment of energy and time. This is true on both
the large scale and within the individual. Because of the
huge investment in time and energy, each relationship
makes it harder to bond in the next one. Human energy
is inite. There may be exceptions, but human beings
don’t seem to be designed for multiple, deep and
intense pair bonds.

People who have a large portion of their energy

removed (through a few long term intense bonds or
several short-term bonds) have a dif icult time getting
close to anyone. Actually, it becomes impossible to bond
not only because of the fundamental changes that
happen in the brain but also because they exist in a
constant comparison mode. Having many relationships
greatly increases the risk of being in a perpetual “grass
is greener on the other side” syndrome.

You must also consider the bad judgments and actions

that must constantly occur to be in a state of serial
relationships or heavy hook up culture. This is not to
say that one should stay in their irst relationship
forever or never have a ling, but if a person isn’t
learning and becoming a better person from each
encounter, then they are becoming worse. This is a
simple law of the universe. There is no neutrality—
either you are advancing or regressing.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

Sober game: If you can meet girls without drinking

you are so far ahead in the game of life that other
dudes might as well not play.

If you need alcohol to talk to women, the places you can

talk to women is mostly limited to happy hour, loud
clubs and smoky bars. Your time to meet girls is also
extremely limited. Unfortunately, this requires the
sacri ice of productive time or time used to recover
from other types of hard work.

Since you are drinking, your interactions are going to be

ineffective and inef icient. Perhaps the greatest negative
is that to avoid involuntary celibacy, you have to carve
out chunks of your productive hours to meet women.
This makes the interaction worth more than it needs to
be, forcing you to focus on the outcome rather than the

When you talk to women sober, you have more

opportunities. You can still talk to a girl that’s drinking
because you retain your wit and charm. However, trying
to talk to sober women while intoxicated doesn’t
usually go well.

When you learn to talk to women without alcohol, you

see how abundant your selection of women is. The
quality of the women you meet will increase because
there are some interesting girls that are simply too busy
to be bothered with a bar.

You will have almost no competition because 98% of

men will not hit on women sober during the day. The
ones that try will say something awkward or
inappropriate out of nervousness. This means that by

inappropriate out of nervousness. This means that by
Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Super Power

being a normal guy that is courageous enough to lirt

with a girl, sober during the day, you will be in the 1%.
It’s only lonely at the top because there isn’t any
competition. This is a very good thing.

Actionable Advice

Start conversations with girls during daylight hours,
sober, and as part of your normal routine. You are not
allowed to meet a new girl in a bar either. While you
don’t have to be anti-social, you are no longer in the
business of pursuing romantic opportunities in this
environment. Every day, talk to a girl in a sober
environment, with the intention of getting a date.

This continues until you are no longer single. We are

building a fundamental habit that will improve your life
in all areas. You will not only meet more girls, but you
will also save a lot of time and energy that would have
otherwise been used meeting women at night along
with the activities that typically accompany it.


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